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Name: 20061114_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 14, 2006
2280 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In the second hour today, we're going to have some of the victims of British government terror bombings.
It's all public now that the British government stages the majority, over 70% of the terror attacks in Northern Ireland and in England-London.
It's all done to keep military control in the region.
It was all done as a pretext to silence peaceful political dissent.
It's real simple.
It looks bad if empires go into countries and crack heads and shoot people and steal private property if there are peaceful populations standing up who are well-spoken, saying that they're sovereign, independent individuals.
But if you can hire provocateurs to punch a cop, break out a window, or blow up a school bus, there's a whole scale of violence there, then you can have your goons look like the good guys, go out and oppress the population.
And this is what they do.
The FBI and the ADL have their agents going out having fake Nazi rallies.
I covered that last night on the TV show.
In Africa, they'll fund one black tribe against another.
It's really just divide and conquer.
Problem, reaction, solution.
And I personally am sick of the tried and tested operation of the New World Order to do this.
We're seeing it in Iraq.
150 people kidnapped from a university yesterday.
Now they've shut down all the universities in the area.
They were wearing official government uniforms, whether they were government or not.
The globalists have created the climate that has allowed this to happen.
And it's really unspeakable what has developed over there.
So we'll be talking about that.
Also more news coming out.
DU left behind the surge in cancer rates in Iraq.
I want to go over some of the new numbers that have come out on this.
Also how it's affecting our troops.
Those that have plastic American flags festooning their cars, made in China by slaves, you'll want to turn the show off during that period because you actually are in the religion of not caring about the troops.
It's a religion of just toadying up to the government and feeling like you support the troops, not actually supporting them.
Also, Bush is out saying, again, that detainees have no rights under H.R.
This does affect U.S.
citizens, but now we're openly seeing the fruits of the legislation in the media.
I obviously haven't talked enough about the Military Defense Authorization Act, the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007, signed by Bush October 17th, because I heard two different Patriot Talk shows yesterday, one on this network, one on another, who weren't aware of the fact that the bill had passed and didn't know the bill number, and were debating with callers whether they'd abolish Posse Comitatus and the governors.
Yes, that really did happen, and that's a whole separate bill
Not to be confused with H.R.
6166, the Military Commissions Act.
Also, I've got a bunch of other news concerning China shadowing aircraft carriers, stalking our aircraft carriers, but that's okay.
You know, they threaten to nuke us on a monthly basis and have nukes aimed at 200 plus U.S.
cities and have threatened to kill us.
That's not a problem.
Iran's the threat and we've got to strike them any minute.
But then there's the schizophrenic statement by the new White House managers, who are really the same White House managers, just being more public now, the Contra slash Iran-Contra cleaners, as it was pointed out yesterday.
They're actually asking Iran for, quote, help in Iraq.
Of course, that was really the plan always, was to split the country up in three geographical areas along ethnic and religious
So we'll break that down, too, coming up.
And we did a pretty good job taking a lot of calls yesterday.
I'll be getting your calls early in this hour at 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are JonesReport.com, InfoWars.net, MartialLaw911.info, and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Please stay tuned to the following public announcement.
The government and private banks are liquidating houses now.
These houses have been foreclosed, confiscated, or repossessed, and will be sold.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back!
There is another big scientific study out and the American Dental Association has told their dentist and the American Medical Association has told their doctors not to recommend that children drink fluoridated water.
Until they're one year of age.
Of course, if you go to Baby's R Us, or one of the big stores, or even a grocery store, it will say, special fluoridated water for kids!
That the water is fortified with fluoride and other additives your child needs.
How delicious!
Of course, fluoride and its different variants causes serious neurological disorders, it causes bone fractures, it causes all sorts of accelerated cancers, particularly in the bones in males and females, but the studies from all over the planet, these are major accredited medical institution studies, show massive increases in the forms of
Well, before, very rare bone cancers connected to areas that fluoridate have very high levels of it, areas that don't, it's non-existent, totally unheard of, never happens.
In fact, it's new cancers.
And so I have this report here in front of me that we'll be getting into a little bit later.
But again, don't listen to all the scientific reports, and don't even ask yourself why when you go to the grocery store and you're in the bottled water aisle that it says fluoridated for kids, a whole bunch of different brands, and has the fluoride your child needs.
Kind of like the Feds put out a report, parroted by the media nationwide two years ago, that mercury, contrary to false beliefs earlier, is not bad.
Mercury is actually good for your child's brain, and so is fluoride.
Actually, I wouldn't recommend eating any mercury in high enough dosages it will kill you, and so will fluoride, but hey, you know, don't listen to us.
We're American Al Qaeda, according to Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity.
Sean's on!
Let's see what he has to say.
Let's see how he pacifies the conservatives.
That's in my film,
Marshall Laub, we're talking to the guys at the RNC, and he goes, my kid comes in and says, Dad, Sean's going, I just love him!
You love Judas Iscariot?
So, uh, we'll be talking more about that, uh, a little bit, uh, later.
This is out of Heratz today.
It's 1938, and Iran is Germany.
Ahmed Denejad is preparing another Holocaust.
Drawing a direct analogy between Iran and Nazi Germany, Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu asserted Monday that the Albanian nuclear program posed a threat not only to Israel but to the entire Western world.
There was still time, however, to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons, he said.
It's 1938 and Iran is Germany and Iran is racing to arm itself with atomic bombs, Netanyahu told delegates.
to the annual United Jewish Committee's General Assembly, repeating the line several times like a chorus during his address.
Believe him and stop him, the opposition leader said of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
This is why we must do it.
Everything else pales before this.
While the Iranian President denies the Holocaust, Netanyahu said he is preparing another Holocaust for the Jewish State.
Speaking on Army Radio on Tuesday, Netanyahu hinted that Israel possesses the military capabilities necessary for curbing, by itself, the Iranian nuclear threat.
He declined to specify what this entails.
Well, everybody knows you've got 400-plus high-tech hydrogen bombs.
And it goes on.
The Likud chairman said, I don't want to analyze the capability required to eliminate the Iranian threat, but this capability exists.
When told by host Razi Barkay, the Israeli lacks the ability to eliminate Tehran's nuclear program by military means.
He said, the capability is eroded over time and if we wait years then obviously this capability would not exist anymore but right now I disagree with the claim that nothing can be done against Iran.
He added,
When asked if Bush could afford embarking on another military adventure after Iraq, Netanyahu acted on the Iranian nuclear program would not be adventurous, but necessary.
Israel would certainly be the first stop on Iran's tour of destruction, but at the planned production rate of 25 nuclear bombs a year, the arsenal will be directed against the MiG Satan, the U.S.
And the moderate Satan Europe Netanyahu said, Iran is developing ballistic missiles that could reach America and now they prepare missiles with an adequate range to cover the whole of Europe, he added.
So I'm going to comment on this report in a moment, but first let's go to this next report out of the Associated Press.
Iran says nuclear program is near complete.
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today Iran would soon celebrate completion of its controversial nuclear program, which will allow them to enrich uranium to 8%, not the 90-plus percent needed for weapons, by the way.
And the CIA is on assessment 9-plus years they were left alone to develop A-bombs, and they wouldn't have delivery systems.
They don't have that.
With the wisdom and resistance of the nation, today our position is stabilized.
I'm very hopeful that we will be able to hold the big celebration of Iran's full nuclearization in the current year.
The hardline president said referring to the country's nuclear program.
So that's what Ahmadinejad is saying.
Notice the article is very ambiguous until you read deeper that it's non-weaponized.
Then there's this story out of The Independent today.
Our new friends in the Middle East, Iran and Syria, were demonized to justify the invasion of Iraq.
Now Britain and the U.S.
want their help sorting out the mess.
President George Bush's State of the Union Address refers to the acts of evil.
Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.
The implication is that Iraq is the first to be dealt with in the war on terror.
Iraq is the first, but Iran aids the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, keeping the lid on Shia unrest.
Tehran is dismayed as international jihadists and Sunni insurgents target the Shia majority in the hope of triggering a civil war.
Mr. Bush reacts with an overture from Iran under pro-reform President Mohammed
Khamenei to refer the relationship frozen since the U.S.
Embassy hostage taking of 1979.
Instead, the U.S.
accuses Iran of sponsoring terror and seeking nuclear weapons.
The crisis deepens after Iran admits it has a uranium enrichment facility.
Iran fears the U.S.
wants regime change.
But now, in 2006, they're seen as the peace brokers.
Robert Gates, the new U.S.
Defense Secretary, is an advocate with dialogue with Tehran to enlist their help in extricating allied forces from Iraq.
Tony Blair wants Iran to stop cross-border attacks on U.K.
troops, backing this.
Setting the scene for the demise of the Bush's neoconservative policy.
But British colonels and generals are on record saying there's no Iranian cross-border sorties or weapons or anyone on that desert and mountain border.
They've got troops strung along the entire thing.
There's no one crossing it.
And they're on record saying that, but that doesn't seem to get in the way.
The facts don't seem to get in the way.
So, we look at these three articles and then we dovetail that with this report.
Navy confirms Chinese sub spotted near carrier.
Navy Times, the Kitty Hawk carrier group was shadowed by one of China's most high-tech submarines, a Song-class submarine, last month during
maneuvers that the Kitty Hawk Carrier Strike Group was doing in the East China Sea.
The Navy said yesterday, confirming a report by Bill Gertz from the Washington Times, that the sub was in an attack attitude, snuck up, got right behind the carrier, and then flanked it in what would be a torpedo launch attitude, and then surfaced, I guess, to
We're good to go.
A report saying that defense on subs to be reviewed.
Navy officials confirmed yesterday that an aircraft carrier battle group failed to detect a Chinese submarine that surfaced within weapons range of U.S.
Kitty Hawk anti-submarine defenses for the carrier battle group will be reviewed as a result because they didn't see the sub until it surfaced.
And it's probably because there's a bunch of crackhead high school dropouts in there running the equipment.
And I'm sorry to have to say that, but they've
The last five years they've taken all standards off and the military has just degenerated.
It was not detected, said one Navy official, on the condition of anonymity, and I have no idea why I just added that.
I looked at encounter and came up with that.
Quote, it was not detected, said one Navy official, of the encounter with a Chinese diesel-powered attack submarine, and we're concerned about that, obviously.
The Chinese Song-class attacked submarine surface near the carrier in deep waters off Okinawa on October 26th.
It was armed with wake-homing torpedoes and anti-ship cruise missiles.
The official said it was unusual for the submarine to be operating in deep ocean waters, but the incident was not like the 2001 collision with a US EP-3 surveillance aircraft and a Chinese F-8 jet that
Ruptured military ties.
It didn't rupture anything.
We're going to go to your calls coming up at the bottom of the hour in about 12 minutes.
But before we do that, I want to come back.
Now that I've laid out what China's doing, now that I've laid out what's happening with Iran and the United States and England and Israel, let's talk about what's really going on in Iran.
It's clearer than ever.
It's hidden in plain view.
You know, we never want to admit to ourselves
Just how staged everything is.
But we'll break down what the facts are on the other side.
And where we're going militarily on the world stage.
And then we'll get into depleted uranium.
We'll get more into the election.
We'll take your calls and a lot more.
I'm Alex Jones.
M4Wars.com is the website.
Stay with us.
This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's talk facts here.
North Korea clearly does have atomic weapons.
They first tried to claim it was a dud, then they did pick up the radiation.
The US and Japan did confirm that
It may not have fully had its reaction, but at least part of the uranium ammunition did detonate.
They're threatening Anucus on a routine basis.
They have Type 1, Dong 2, Generation 2.
I know that sounds confusing.
It's the second generation of Taipan Dong Tube that can hit, basically draw a line from just south of Illinois right across the country.
Northern United States, Washington State, New York, Maine, places like that.
And that's conservative.
We have China that can hit any place in the United States, and last year, and they've had other press conferences since, the head of their military had a press conference with over 100 top reporters, Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, they were all there, and he showed a big computer screen projection that showed 214 U.S.
cities targeted by intercontinental ballistic missiles.
And said, we will kill more than half your population if you get involved in any, this is a quote, in any Chinese national interest.
That means in our ports, that means in Panama Canal, and he lifted it all.
He said, not just Taiwan.
He said, do you understand?
I mean, you can go read his quotes.
Let's put out the official Chinese dailies.
He said it in English, too.
He said, we are ready to kill you.
They have submarines constantly off our coast, constantly shadowing the aircraft carriers.
Our military is completely degraded.
That is, the ground-level forces are, and this is the business, you know, there's even Fox TV specials about this, most of them are gang members.
The country is completely unraveling.
The economy is completely unraveling.
We have countries threatening to attack us.
And what happened?
Back in 1971-72, total diplomatic relations were open with Red China.
Of course, it turns out now, and it's been declassified, the old-timers told us this, but it's now admitted, that in 1949, the CIA actually worked a deal, and Marshall worked a deal, to make sure that the Nationalist
We're kicked out and that they were not given working weapons and hundreds of millions of dollars were given to Mao Zedong and that he operated under allied agreements which were there before when our government worked with the communist forces in the mountains back when they weren't openly fighting with the nationalists.
We worked with both sides as the globalists did.
And they put them into power, and it's even mented on the History Channel, that China was totally in bed.
But they couldn't tell the American people that Waikames were bad.
They were killing millions.
And so then, in the 70s, 22 years later, the deal was made to go public and to start shipping all of our manufacturing to China.
And over 80% of our manufacturing is overseas now, and most of that in China.
In fact, it's hard to find anything that isn't made in China.
It's rare to find something made in Paraguay or Mexico.
Every once in a while you'll see something made in India.
I haven't looked at the numbers lately, but I've noticed from looking at the products, I really never see anything that's not made in China, including the boxes it comes in.
And I'm already digressing, I want to boil all this down succinctly, but China gets all the big U.N.
awards, they get the support, they get the U.N.
They are the model.
Forced abortion, forced infanticide, one-child policy, killing political dissidents for organs, Internet 2, no Internet freedom, cracking everyone, just total control.
That's the model.
And it's really a fascist corporate state run by a tiny elite, the Lee family, that's been in control of China for hundreds of years and made deals with the British when they broke the country up into nine pieces.
It's run by a mafia, which is actually intermarried with the British.
Again, that's mainstream news if you know where to look.
And they run the place, and the military, you know, the generals all get to sit over their own companies and live in giant palaces, and it's sick!
It's sick!
And, uh, the elite like the fact that they've got us all played off against each other, and that if they ever want to, NORAD will stand down again.
And we, under PDD-60, we will absorb a total nuclear strike.
And if they order China to take a strike, they'll take it.
This is something that no one controls, things.
I want to break down the nature of it and talk about how Iran fits into all of this when we get back.
And we'll go to your calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
So, we have China publicly having press conferences with big schematics up, showing 200 plus cities targeted by intercontinental ballistic missiles right now, saying if we get involved in any of their affairs, we will be killed.
And then that was the quote, we will kill more than half your population.
The quote was like, as you can see, half your population will be instantly killed.
I mean, it's disgusting.
You ought to go read the transcript of it.
And then the report is, oh, how gracious of you!
But oh, China's our friend, and Mexico's our friend, saying the Southwest belongs to them, and they're going to take the country over.
See how every real threat is left alone?
Every real threat is covered up?
Meanwhile, we have our aircraft carriers being shadowed by diesel subs that are so noisy, I mean, it's just ridiculous.
Bill Clinton, before he left office, signed Presidential Decision Directive 60.
You can go read the declassified version.
It says, this country will first absorb a nuclear attack, before then deciding what to do.
You see, until PDD 60, top generals, top admirals, in the chain of command, if there was a decapitation strike by suitcase nukes, which we know are in this country and have been brought in by the New World Order boys and girls, not by the Russkies as you've been told,
That if there is a decapitation strike, then the military can respond, and that's called MAD, or Mutually Assured Destruction, meaning that if we are hit, the deterrent against that is, you cannot decapitate the civilian and military government, and that with the biggest arsenal, we will strike back.
No, not after 1999.
Well, we signed it in 98, we learned of it in 99.
PDD 60!
We'll write an article about that.
I wrote one a few years ago, but that's a big news story for everybody.
Something that goes under reported.
PDD 60.
Presidential Decision Directive 60.
Something similar, of course, was done June 3rd, 2005.
Excuse me, 2001.
And in two months before 9-11, the power of the Generals and the Admirals and their sub-officers to shoot down errant hijacked aircraft that were being used as missiles, because that was on the books in 1957, they were worried about that when ORAB was formed, that power again was taken from the Generals and the Admirals and others, and given to the Vice President and the Defense Secretary and no one else.
And you can go read that press release and that order on the Pentagon's own website.
We have copies of it, a screenshot of it, in the film, Martial Law.
And if you have trouble finding it online, just, when you see the screenshot, type in the name of the document and it'll come up for you.
It was up for about two years on the Pentagon website.
It's, I believe, actually the last time I looked for it, it's been taken off.
But it's been mirrored everywhere, including a bunch of other different quasi-governmental and archive websites that do shave it.
And the order is admitted.
I've given you some background on that.
I said I'd go to Carl's.
We'll go to him in a moment.
Then we look at Iran.
Well, let's go back to China for a minute.
So in the early 70s, Bush Sr.
is sent, and he and Barbara, for a year and a half, live in Beijing.
Lots of photos of them posing with a picture of Mao.
And the CIA officer, who they told was never CIA, but admitted now he was CIA, with Henry Kissinger, they open up trade and make this big deal.
Now they'd already had a deal going back to World War II, and the deal to put Mao in in 1949, and he killed 60 million, and just a great guy.
But they publicly opened it up, because only a conservative like Nixon could do that, why Americans would never let a liberal do it, because he was a conservative.
It was okay, just like Bush is getting rid of the borders, the North American Union, but he's a conservative, so it's okay.
And then Bush Hinger comes back and has made CIA director, and he's already since recruited Bill Clinton, who they got ready to run for governor.
And see, again, they line up all their ducks, kind of like every major sheriff, every major police chief in all these big cities is former CIA or FBI.
I mean, they got their crooks everywhere.
They got their mafia soldiers and capos in every town, shipping in the narcotics, running the prostitution, running the murder for hire.
Oh yeah, that's how it works here in America.
I'm sorry, I'm digressing.
It's just that people are everywhere.
This is a mafia system.
Now, am I saying China and the U.S.
are totally in bed together?
Well, it's kind of like...
Again, in the Godfather, a true story, where they have the big commission meeting once a year and they're all around the big marble table, or the oak table.
They're in the marble hall with the fine food being delivered to them for days meeting, you know, hashing things out.
They occasionally kill each other, have wars, but they keep the dumb public in the dark and keep their whole agenda and their rackets expanding.
And that's all this is, if you have trouble understanding it.
It's just basic criminology, basic criminology of the criminal system.
It's criminality.
Very sophisticated in how it operates.
And so China... I mean, why do the globalists give them the Panama Canal?
Carter signed the deal that in 2000 would be handed over, but a Republican Congress voted almost unanimously, it was a huge majority vote,
Uh, for it!
Oh, they shot their mouths off about Clinton the commie giving it up, but just like Clinton the commie for Republican companies gave them the missile secrets, but really, they're all just peas in a pod.
When the lights turn off and the cameras turn off, they go have dinner together, they go to the fine whorehouses together, they bring in the male prostitutes together, they go to the pedophile parties together, they snort the cocaine together,
They go to golf retreats together in Scotland and Miami and everywhere else.
It's just one big criminal group laughing and cackling at us.
There's a few congressmen and women that aren't part of it, but they never get the juicy committee chairmanships.
They get passed over for it.
Like Ron Paul does.
And it's just a big criminal group.
They hire fancy PR firms to spin everything for them.
But now let's move to Iran.
Okay, China's ruthless and evil, so they're being trusted in the deal.
The agreements were made in this allied system between the New World Order, the Anglo-American establishment, run out of Britain, and China, just like the Anglo-American establishment, carved up and created all the countries in the Middle East.
They're all set up.
Turkey, of course, wasn't, but Turkey's not in the Middle East, ladies and gentlemen.
It's part of Eastern Europe, really.
I don't think so.
And so, from that point on, I'm pretty much convinced now that Ahmadinejad has always been in the stable of the New World Order, and this is all completely staged.
And it would take hours to go over all the evidences of that, but here you have Israel threatening to nuke them.
Here you have Israel running around freaking out.
Here you have England running around.
Meanwhile, they're making deals with them.
They have envoys with them.
The last president, Khamenei, came over here and was big buddies with everybody, but he got slapped in the face and that was staged.
He goes back and Ahmadinejad gets elected.
And now they're, quote, making deals with them to break up part of Iraq and run that.
And when you understand that in the 80s, the neocons made deals with them, made deals to grab the hostages and then to hold them and then not to release them until after.
I mean, all of this is just cloak and dagger staged events.
And it's just the same thing continues to repeat over and over.
And look, the globalists may even make a deal with Tehran.
To blast the nuclear power plant!
And then to run around and have some little limited war, which will actually strengthen the mullahs over there, ensure there's not a real revolution.
That's what all of this is really about, is ensuring that that revolution continue to pop up so they can lop off the heads of the young revolutionaries that want freedom.
It's to make sure Iran doesn't become first world.
This is sophisticated stuff and there's hundreds of proofs to this.
You have the Senate report in 1999 admitting that 40 plus million was given to the Mulas to then give it to Bin Laden to attack the Serbs.
The Serbs then defend themselves and then they're called Nazis and they have staged photo ops with
Uh, same thing they did in the early 90's with food, uh, pantries surrounded by barbed wire.
They shoot video of people trying to get in to get the food.
Then they claim they were in camps when in truth they were trying to get into the food pantry.
Hillary goes down and does the same thing.
They go in and blow up, uh, Belgrade and blow up their entire industry and salt the earth would do you.
Go in and take it over.
Now, fiefdom of the New World Order.
They used Iranians that time out of Albania and they used Al Qaeda to at least take the blame for 9-11 and these other events as a pretext to have a domestic police state crackdown here, to go into Iraq where an out of control U.S.
agent Saddam had tried to build up his country and pay off his debts and be first world and have all these college graduates and more women than men graduating.
You know the drill.
That's not the case anymore.
They want weakness, they want dependency, they want all these countries carefully played off against each other.
That's globalization, that's neo-mercantilism, where then the reigns are held in control by these big financial cartels in an endless juggling act.
And the real target is the family, is the individual, is the second amendment, is private property, and both parties wage war against that.
And in England, the government, and both the big parties wage war.
And in China, the one party wages war on that.
It's the state against the people.
And the state is nothing but the instrument, the mechanism to dominate the population.
And that's what's happening with all of this.
And they play us all off against each other, whether you're German, or Chinese, or Jewish, or black, or Mexican, Latin American.
We have to, whatever the new world order policies are, we need to be the opposite.
Bush and the Democrats?
One open border, North American Union?
You should be smart enough to get out of your pride they put into you that you're reconquisting, that you're reconquering the Southwest, if you're an illegal alien listening, and realize that they're just the same scam to keep you peons like they've always done.
If you want to break out of the peon behavior, you should realize that Mexico, the U.S.
is being used as a steam valve to stop revolution in Mexico.
And that you should support revolution in your own country.
And you should realize you're being used.
Americans should realize that.
The left should realize that they've been given sacraments of being leftist, being anti-gun, anti-family.
Those are just anti-human, anti-liberty programs, rotes, you've been given that you just run for no reason.
Why don't you think about the programs, the little psychological orthodoxies you follow?
We have to come together.
And whatever the government wants, we want the opposite.
And you'll find whatever the government wants, the opposite's good.
They're against organic foods.
They're against homeschooling.
You understand?
We're for organic foods.
We're for homeschooling.
They're for vaccinations.
We're against vaccinations.
There are four toll roads on existing roads to fund the North American Union.
We're against it.
See, it's real easy.
Just be the opposite of whatever they want.
Unless it's a briar patch argument.
I don't know.
I was probably eight years old when my dad read me the parable of the last time he read me the parable of Br'er Rabbit.
I don't remember the whole thing.
I just remember there's a rabbit who tricks the farmer
He finally catches Briar Rabbit, and he's going to kill him.
And he says, uh, please don't throw me in the briar patch.
And he goes, oh yeah, I'll show you, and throws him in the briar patch where he lives, where he can escape.
Rabbits like the briar patch, because predators can't get in to get them.
So, occasionally there's a briar patch.
And they're pretty rare.
You know, here's a briar patch.
I told you about this yesterday.
They send in Newt Gingrich to neutralize the Republican Revolution, which was real, in 94.
That was before the machines were all fraudulent and the big scam, but the fix was in.
And that was a real freshman Congress.
They were going to repeal all gun laws, get rid of the farm subsidies.
Just hundreds of things.
Get us out of the U.N.
Gingrich comes in, but so the people would trust him, so conservatives would buy into him, the media then attacked him and called him this big arts conservative and this big leader and the Grinch who stole Christmas and all the rest of it, and so conservatives all rallied around him.
While he did everything he could to destroy that revolution.
And there's many other Briar Patch examples of where they clearly do this.
You know, oh no, we hate Newt Gingrich.
Oh, well, then we embrace him.
And they do this over and over again.
But 95% of the time, just, it's real simple, the opposite of what the government wants.
Because the government's run by psychopathic, Nazi-creating, and they're bigger than the Nazis, creatures who want to exterminate 90% of us and publicly say it everywhere, in every venue they can, in every publication that's scholarly they can, and who are moving forward to do just that.
Okay, I said I'd go to calls early, and I didn't, because this is important news, isn't it?
Isn't this important information?
Let's go to Thomas in England, then Dwayne, Joe, Zed, and others.
Go ahead, Thomas.
Hi Alex.
It's interesting what you say about Armageddon, because he does say conveniently extreme things.
At convenient sort of times.
Yeah, I was going to say, it sort of does remind me a bit of the Bin Laden tapes and their timing.
Which has never been admitted to be fake, sorry.
Yeah, so what I was actually calling about was Building 7.
Just something I was going to run by you about, about Building 7.
I only actually found out about it about a year and a half ago, because it hadn't been on most of the media and everything else.
Then I found out it was a government building, a CIA Secret Service and whoever else.
And it reminded me of an article I read in the Sunday Times almost 15 years ago now.
It was about the new MI6 building that was being built at the time.
It wasn't called the MI6 building in the article.
Yeah, it's called the Intelligence Services Building, yeah.
I think at that time they called it Vauxhall Bridge.
They didn't even say it was the new SIS building.
They just said it was a government building.
Looks like an Aztec pyramid.
Yeah, but what they were saying about it, apart from a lot of other things about how, you know, environmentally friendly the world, blah, blah, blah.
They also said that in the event of a complete takeover by a hostile force, it could be completely destroyed.
But it didn't actually go into any detail, you know, about how it would be destroyed.
Yeah, that's a key point.
They do, and I've read about this as a key point I never followed up on.
We need to do this, researchers.
Again, I'm so busy I forget about stuff.
I write notes every day and they don't follow up.
It's just impossible that a lot of government buildings, intelligence buildings, are wired to explode or destroy or for acid vats to pour over all the computers.
That is really a key point.
Was Building 7, which was a huge command base for the government, uh, was it pre-wired?
Do you want to comment after the break on that?
Uh, yeah, sure.
Stay there.
I want you to continue with what you have to say.
This is why we take your calls.
You bring up such important points.
Stay with us.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
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It said four to six weeks.
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They were really in stock all last week and my distributor said he'd never seen anything like it where they admitted they had 3,000 of them that they'd just gotten in, but they were still just going to say they didn't have it.
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Okay, so Amazon gets it from us at 60% off, by the way.
So I'm making about 50 cents apiece.
It isn't about the money.
Okay, that's why we put it out for free on Google Video.
It's about getting the information out about who carried out 9-11, who carried out 7-7, Terror Storm.
Now, please, it's back in stock.
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Okay, let's go back to Thomas.
You've got about a minute and a half.
Great point you bring up.
I've been sending emails about that.
I've been sending news articles about it.
People mentioning the fact that they said it was wired to self-destruct, but they didn't give details.
Go ahead and finish up your comments.
Yeah, sure.
I mean, if you look at how Building 7 collapsed and when it happened on the day, the fact that it wasn't part of the main show,
You know, of the Twin Towers.
I mean, it makes a lot more sense.
All the, you know, the incongruities of what was said about it and how it was obviously, so obviously controlled demolition makes a lot more sense.
If, you know, if it was at the time of building, why to be demolished?
Like a lot of government buildings possibly have been, I don't know.
Well, remember when the Chinese brought down the AWAC and, you know, the troops didn't self-destruct it like they were supposed to, remember?
And they have these acid tanks they turn on.
Well, listen, Thomas, I appreciate you calling and I appreciate your insights.
Thank you, sir.
We'll come back, talk to Dennis, Joe, Zed, and others.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to get into a chapter of government-sponsored terror that is one of the most well-documented, coming up in the next segment.
We'll have open phones throughout the broadcast today.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dwayne in Iowa.
Dwayne, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
I dealt with Child Protection Service here in Iowa and I started an organization with women here in Cincinnati, Iowa.
We had up to 200 women going against the Department of Human Services and Child Protection Service.
I know all their games, I know all about their contracts, how they waive their rights to a jury trial or two trials, their private courts, their
Yeah, they're criminals.
By the way, we had that scumbag call in yesterday, and then an enlister called in and pointed it out, and I was also emailed, in Ohio, a huge scandal where the CPS workers and the foster parents were killing a bunch of kids, beating them to death.
I mean, they're the most, they're sickos, they're the most abusive people on average, and if you want to find the perverts and the abusers, you find it in that industry.
Well, just like he's talking about they don't do that with the doctors and all that.
That's law.
That's Ivoco law.
I've got the Ivoco law here to show to everyone if everyone wants to see it.
It's evolved for him to do what he wants.
Basically, it's a child kidnapping ring with either brainwashed mentally ill people who were abused, who think they're getting back at their parents, and all parents are abusers.
That's one group.
The others are pedophiles.
The others just like to beat children.
Another group just likes to warehouse them and make money while they smoke dope and use drugs.
And I've done investigations on this on foster parents.
And then there's another group who really mean well, who think it sounds like a good job, who are bleeding hearts, and they quit.
And that's half of them.
On average, nationally, half of CPS workers, it's right at 50%, quit every year.
Highest turnover of any industry.
Oh yeah, it's one of the biggest industries.
Because if they got us sold, they quit.
And half of them do.
The rest are perverts, mental patients, or just want to make money.
And a lot, most of them, a lot of them chain up the kids at night.
It's just hell on earth.
The kids start freaking out because they're away from their parents.
So they cram a bunch of Ritalin and Prozac down their throats.
They shine them over in contracts to medical facilities for experiments.
It's all mainstream news.
It's giant government kidnapping rings operating in plain view.
It's just like DynCorp runs giant child kidnapping rings and it's in the Chicago Tribune and nothing's done.
I mean, they openly grab them and put them on planes, you know, 747s to Saudi Arabia.
I mean, it's just, you know, just right out in the open with just a little emotional salve of, oh, we're stopping abusers.
It had nothing to do with that.
It's just an industry.
It's just like ships pulling up in Africa and grabbing blacks.
Same thing.
Look, everything's the same, folks.
But they don't go after the big mean bulls like myself.
They don't go after the big lions out in the field.
They don't go after the hyenas.
They go after little bug-eyed gazelles, little kip-kips, and you know, little bitty creatures like that.
Nick-nicks, ding-dings, whatever they're called, little bitty deer.
Now that's the general public.
Little bug-eyed, sweet little stupid creatures, powdering their noses, have no idea how hellish this country or this world is.
Well, just like I said, we had three people disappear on the effort to fight these people.
I have friends disappear.
These are Nazis.
These are horrible, evil people.
Oh, I know.
And I had people disappear.
The organization finally broke up due to the fact that the Department of Human Services and whatever these people are,
I told these women that we were turning them in and all that, and we finally broke up.
They just like to fix it where these women are fighting each other to get them to tell on each other.
It's horrible.
It's called tyranny, Bubba.
It always happens.
It's happening here.
And all the fancy PR and all the propaganda isn't going to help you.
Most of you are going to be going to prison if we win this thing.
I hope they're listening.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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About a month ago, I interviewed Martin Ingram, which is a
His pen name, his real name is known, but we don't like to use it.
He's been all over the British papers.
He and one of his operatives, who were with British Intelligence, they're assigned to Northern Ireland, said that over 70% of the bombings in Northern Ireland, in England, in London, were commanded and orchestrated that the IRA was run by British Intelligence.
And this fits the M.O.
in every other pattern we see around the world.
Israel's been caught creating fake Al-Qaeda groups to attack themselves.
The same things happened over here, where the Feds, through their provocateurs and agents, bombed Oklahoma City.
And they have different ways of manipulating their police, their military, getting them into it, terrorizing each other, killing their own officers.
And, think about it, the British couldn't stay, and the British people are good people, they wouldn't be for staying in Northern Ireland if they weren't getting bombed, if there weren't bombs going off in London, if there weren't bombings going on between the Orange and the Catholics, the Protestants and the Catholics, keeping them stirred up against each other.
And so British intelligence, for decades, manipulating both sides as an excuse to keep a military force there, as a pretext to continue to occupy and set up a police state in England.
And I'm trying to just spell it out, because we could talk for 10 hours about this and not cover all the facts.
Since then, and I've interviewed some of these other men who have a lot of courage to go public, and some of them have been murdered, by the way, others in prison.
Like, of course, people on the outside who just saw documents internally, MI5 agent David Shaler, Annie Michon,
One of the men we interviewed about a month ago here on air is now in prison.
They arrested him and a lot of it was frankly because of this radio interview and some press interviews he did.
So I mean people are going to jail, people are dying, people are getting their heads blown off.
Do you understand?
Okay, because Her Majesty's Terrorist Service does not want us exposing this.
So this is dangerous what we're doing.
But justice must be done and will be done.
And so Martin Ingram, who is Agent Steakknife, and books have been written on the subject, joins us.
But before we go to Mr. Ingram, and before we go to Mr. Michael Gallagher, who has a lot of courage, that is his real name, he's chairman of the OMA Support and Self Group, and self-help group.
That is one of the family groups who have family members that died and were injured in the horrible bombing.
August 17, 1995 in Oma County, Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
And they're there fighting mad about what's happened.
It's in the major British papers, so we know what's developed and happened.
And they're trying to whitewash it, but it's not going to work.
But Kevin Smith has really been studying this lately.
He works here in this office, produces for the radio show, getting the guest.
And so I wanted to, Kevin, before we go to these guests, because it's important to crystallize, boil down the big picture in Northern Ireland and England, and then boil it down to, you know, the micro here, just locally, with the individuals we're talking to, and the individual, the agent who followed orders in the military, and who is now in prison, right now.
Well, the agent we're going to talk about, his pseudonym is Kevin Fulton, and he was actually one of the bomb makers for the IRA, British Intel, the force research unit that Martin Ingram was part of also.
And I think the key here is, as they will say, a high percentage of these bombings were actually carried out by British Intelligence.
So, we also have a clip lined up for V for Vedetta, you know, which is a fiction movie, but it will explain some of these things.
We just have to look now.
These guys, if there was still this big ongoing tension right now in Northern Ireland, these guys would still be operating.
But as they're now trying to have a little bit more peaceful process, these guys are a liability.
Well, also the tops are blowing off of this so there's a British Intel had to back off.
Please continue.
Well, that's exactly right.
These guys right now, if they hadn't gotten the exposure that they've had so far, they would be dead.
And they can go over the list of people that have been dead.
And we've got links to the websites where you can see the dead British officers.
I mean, they're killing these people.
They are.
And Donaldson, that was the head of Sinn Féin, that was a British agent for 20 plus years, murdered recently last year.
And I think right now the danger is that they pulled Fulton in to interrogate him some more, and now they're going to release him back out into public, and that's where the danger is now.
I think, you know, when our people that we've talked to said, I'm never testifying in closed session, I want everything open and public, and that's the danger right now, that they're putting these people back on the street, having said what they've said.
It's like Barry Seal in New Orleans.
They release him, tell him to go to the halfway house, and they machine gun him in the parking lot.
That's what I think we're looking at right now.
So we have to tell Kevin Fulton's story, and the story of these bombing victims, and Mr. Gallagher will do that in great detail since he is a victim of family.
Okay, let's, and Kevin stay with us because I don't want you to pop in with any questions or comments.
Let's go ahead and go to Martin Ingram.
Again, just recap who you are, the bottom line of what's happening, Mr. Ingram, and then let's go to Michael Gallagher, who I appreciate holding there while we give folks the backstory.
Thanks for coming on again, Mr. Ingram.
How are you doing?
I'm fine, thank you Alex and Kevin, and good afternoon to Michael as well.
Well, just to give you a quick appraisal of where I'm coming from, I'm an ex-agent handler.
I used to handle people like Kevin Fulton.
And as you know, I was invited on to give you an up-to-date appraisal of where we are with Kevin Fulton.
Break it down, what's happening to Kevin Fulton right now, then we'll go look at one of these actual bombings, the OMA bombing.
Okay, well, Kevin Fulton came on this show approximately a month ago, and as you quite rightly outlined, he gave you quite an interesting insight into the activities of both the IRA
And the intelligence community.
He didn't go as far as to accept his part in criminality, but he did... Exactly, he just stated that there were meetings where the head guy and the underlings, they're all British Intel, it's run by British Intel, British Intel's carrying out over 70% of the events.
Well, subsequent to that, the defense case in the Sean Hoey case,
I contacted Kevin and requested that he give evidence in the forthcoming case.
Now Kevin is well aware of the sensitivities and he declined.
And the defence, as is their right, they went to the court and got a court order.
Now when that court order was issued,
Immediately the police set about arresting Kevin Fulton the following week and they kept him in custody, interrogating him sometimes for 12 hours a day and got extensions to the length of time that they could interview him.
And now we're at a point where Kevin Fulton cannot give evidence to either the Sean Hoey case, or indeed into the Orma case.
Whether that be the Sean Hoey case, or the civil action... Exactly, they don't want him to testify in court about government involvement, that's why he's been scooped up.
Yeah, to put it into a nutshell, that is exactly what has happened.
And the police made it very clear in those interviews
That the activities of Kevin Fulton and myself were not welcomed by the state.
That's in major British newspapers too.
They're openly saying, keep your mouth shut.
But you're having to speak out or they're going to... I mean, if you're not on record, they're going to kill you.
Well, Alex, I wouldn't subscribe to that myself.
I don't think that they would kill me personally.
But you've gone public now.
Would your life be in danger if you hadn't gone public?
My own appraisal of that is no.
I wouldn't go that far.
But I do think Kevin Fulton's life is in peril.
They arrested him and released information to the press which pinpointed his location in the United Kingdom and made it relatively simple for any would-be assassin to track down Kevin Fulton.
And they leave him with next to no security arrangements.
I guess they're really proud of themselves.
Let's now go to Mr. Michael Gallagher.
He's the Chairman of the Omaha Support and Self-Help Group.
We appreciate him coming on.
Tell us how you've been brought into this case, Mr. Gallagher.
Good evening, Alex.
Thanks for coming on.
Thank you very much for allowing me to come on and share my experience with you.
And good evening also there to Martin.
My involvement really in this world of mystique and, you know, sort of clandestine activity.
Cloak and dagger.
Cloak and dagger, to put it shortly, really began with our only son, Aidan, who was 21,
And he along with 30 other people died in the Oma bombing on the 15th of August 1998.
That was the worst single terrorist atrocity in the history of Northern Ireland.
And at the beginning of that process I believed that either the British government or the Irish government didn't owe the families anything.
It was the terrorists who planted that bomb.
Two and a half years, or almost two and a half years on, when we realized that things weren't what they should have been, that the whole world, including journalists from America, were phoning me up and saying, everyone knows who's responsible for this bombing, yet they're not being brought to court.
And it was around this time that the word Kevin Fulton came into my life, and Kevin Fulton
contacted a Sunday newspaper and shared some information that he had in relation to the OMA bombing and this was in relation to intelligence that he was aware of prior to the OMA bombing.
In fact, I'm trying to remember that headline.
It was something like, they hired me, told me to build bombs, and then tried to kill me.
Yeah, and as a result of that, I then first became involved with Kevin
I've found Kevin to be very truthful and honest.
In fact, we owe him a great gratitude of debt because we wouldn't be as knowledgeable today about the facts had it not been for people like Kevin Fulton stepping out of the shadow.
And as Martin has said,
He has suffered enormously for that.
We're going to break, sir.
We're going to come right back in just a few minutes.
Break down from your view in losing your son exactly who's behind the terror, why the British government was involved in it, why they were involved in all these different operations and what you'd like to see happen now.
We'll be right back with both of our guests.
Stay with us.
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People sleeping in their shoes.
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Welcome back!
We're about to go back to Mr. Mike Gallagher and of course Martin Ingram.
Michael Gallagher lost his son, his only son, in the attack at the Elma bombing in the late 1990s.
Kevin, I want you to read some of the transcript there from some of the news articles now that you've got about how the police were directing people towards the bomb and then in a nutshell I want to hear exactly what happened, what we now know with this bombing.
Well, Alex, you know, as we often see, there were warnings.
Certain people knew about these.
So, apparently, warnings were coming in.
There'll be a bomb going off in 30 minutes to the local constabulatory groups.
I don't know, you know, police in England are a little different.
15 minutes, and then we have a statement from police omnibusman
Nula Olón, she strongly criticized the Royal Ulster Constabulary over their handling of the investigation.
She stated that the RUC officers had ignored previous warnings about the bomb and had failed to act on crucial intelligence.
And she goes on to say that they were uncooperative and defensive during the inquiry and that they were actually seen moving people toward the bomb.
They claim that's because they had the warnings of the courthouse, but
Like we saw on 9-11, stay in your seat, go back to work, don't move.
So we actually have law enforcement shepherding people toward the explosion before it happened.
Okay, let's go to Mr. Gallagher.
Mr. Gallagher again, who lost his son, we appreciate him joining us.
Can you break down exactly how, you know, the government was involved, how Kevin Fulton was involved, what really happened from the research you've now done with this bombing?
We, the families, have
We have very, very serious concerns about how, both as you've just heard, how the actual police investigation, well first of all, even further, about the intelligence that was available prior to the bomb, how that intelligence was handled.
We have the gravest of concerns because the same code word was used in the Oma bombing as had been used in a number of bombings in the early part of that year.
So it wasn't like
It was a mystery to them.
They were familiar with this code word.
They knew these people were serious.
Each bomb they planted, they got more serious.
Our bomb, the bomb that happened in Oma was on the 15th of August.
There was a bomb in a town a few miles away on the 1st of August and people narrowly escaped death.
So they knew that they were dealing with a very lethal situation.
Yet we believe that they did not respond with the adequate resources that was available to them at that time to deal with that threat.
Then the clearance operation, we believed that they did not have any real procedure in place that was going to be effective in clearing a town centre.
And then also, as you've just heard, in the follow-up investigation that happened, there was many, many leads that were not followed.
There were procedures that were not followed.
There were witnesses.
I know and have been told by an attorney that he had a client who went three times to make a statement that they had actually seen the person driving the bomb car.
And on three of these occasions, the statements that that individual had made had went amiss.
And that's quite incredible.
To the point where this guy got scared of it going back.
He says, I'm not going back again.
And then Kevin Fulton, who's involved, according to the press reports, in the kidnapping, grabbing the person to make him drive the car, he's on record saying that he'd be at these meetings and later found out that almost everybody in the cell was British intelligence assigned from the Army or other areas.
Exactly, just for a moment, going back to Martin Ingram,
From being inside all of this and witnessing this, not being involved in the criminality yourself, but witnessing it, exactly what happened with Omaha Bombing?
Well, just to put one thing into perspective, Kevin Fulton wasn't involved in the Omaha Bombing, but he did have some dealings with an individual called Patrick Joseph Mooch Blair, who was involved.
Well, how did he know about the kidnapping, or how did he know about the guys involved in it?
Well, I'll explain that one, Alex.
And just to put into perspective, that individual was named in 2002 by the British MP Geoffrey Donaldson as being involved as security sources did corroborate Kevin Fulton's version that he was indeed involved.
And that man's telephone telephoned one of the bombers
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We're good to go.
Welcome back.
I know we have a lot of folks that have been holding from the last hour.
Total open phone from the third hour.
Masses of important global news.
The war on terror, the police state here, domestically, what's happening with Iran, China, the economy.
And I really appreciate Martin Ingram, who was an agent handler in the whole
I guess IRA British wars over there for a decade and then of course also we're talking to Mr. Michael Gallagher who lost his son in the OMA bombing there in the late 1990s that was just devastating and killed 30 people.
Going back to Martin Ingram, you know the press is alleging
That Mr. Fulton was actually involved with kidnapping.
By involved we mean in his capacity as a bomb maker.
He knew some of these people.
And then try to boil down, I mean from both of you, exactly why British intelligence is doing this, what the big picture is, and some of the other examples of government-sponsored terror.
Go ahead, please, Mr. Ingram.
Yeah, I'm glad you just, you know, nailed that point down.
But Kevin was involved on a day-to-day basis with some of the key figures that constructed and planted the bomb.
One of those figures was P.J.
And his telephone, just to give you an insight, telephoned one of the bombers who parked the vehicle on the main street.
That rang for 59 seconds.
Now, that man who lives
In the North has never been questioned about the Oma bombing or any of the associated events surrounding it.
Now that's absolutely astounding and I'm certain that Michael
We'll have grave reservations as to why the police have never arrested or indeed questioned that individual.
He was named in the British House of Commons by the MP, Geoffrey Gunnelson, and it was reported correctly that security sources told him that this was the Obama, or the leader, and yet, just to go back,
He has never, ever been questioned about that.
That is an absolutely amazing situation.
And the reason is, is because he is a state agent.
A state agent.
Going back to Michael Gallagher, whose family are victims of this heinous attack, why are they protecting this individual?
This is what I believe is part of the problem Alex is that the government or the intelligence services take a particular view that once the bombing has happened that there's nothing they can do to prevent it and it's better to keep their asset in place to try and prevent the next bombing but as I told one of the junior ministers in the Home Office in London that policy has left
Almost 4,000 people in their grave.
Would it not be better to use your assets to stop such attacks rather than just gain intellectual knowledge about them?
Now, but let's be clear.
Now that British intelligence has been caught being behind almost every major bombing, they're spinning it that, oh, we run the groups so we can stop the next attack.
And the evidence, talking to yourself, Mr. Ingram and Mr. Fulton, is that indeed the British state is doing this as a pretext to ratchet up the police state, to get intelligence funding, to keep a force in Northern Ireland.
Can either one of you elaborate on the statement I just made?
Sorry Michael, I was just going to make the point that the Alma bombing really killed republicanism off.
Dissident republicanism finished
The day that the Alma bombing occurred.
So, in some ways, that was the bomb to end all bombs.
And this is how it works.
You can't have the Irish out in suits and ties with their families, dressed up in their Sunday clothes, out saying, leave our country, let us have sovereignty.
You've got to go stir up a fight, you've got to carry out events, you've got to provocateur events, so that you don't look like a bully when you come into control.
Yeah, could I just say this?
Oh, yes sir.
Alex, I think it's important to say this.
That certainly we as families know how important it is to have an effective police force, to have an effective intelligence service.
What we're talking about here is intelligence services that are not being used the way they should be used, you know, for the best and the best interest of all of the people out there.
That's where our problem is with the service.
It's not delivering what it should deliver.
In fact, you know, it begs the question, would these terrorist organizations, let them be IRA or UDA, Protestant or Catholic, would they be as strong if they didn't have the support and influence of intelligence services?
I mean, I agree.
I mean, every terror group we turn over
He isn't infiltrated.
It's run by British, Israeli, or U.S.
or Russian intelligence.
And it always helps build the power of the state.
Over and over again, I'm somewhat of a history buff on British naval history.
They're constantly staging attacks.
For 500 years, false flagging, blaming it on people.
Hitler did it.
Our government does it.
I mean, the British and U.S.
government in 1953 carried out a string of attacks in Iran.
It's all declassified.
I have the 10 Downing Street documents, after-action reports, the White House documents, Eisenhower signed them.
That he'd concurred with it, and that it was a good plan.
Staging terror attacks in Iran to blame it on the elected government.
I mean, it's the oldest trick in the book, if you don't want to have a real political discourse and freedom to go stage events.
It's the only way to deal with somebody like Mahatma Gandhi, who's peaceful, and makes the empire look bad to be beaten over the head with a stick, and so they go carry out terror attacks and then blame it on those type of groups.
And I, frankly, am sick of it.
Look, here's an example.
I should make a whole film about this.
Because the average American doesn't know, much less an Irishman or a Brit.
We had the American Nazi Party out at the Capitol.
Kevin was there this weekend.
I didn't go.
I've bullhorned them before.
I just can't be around them.
And it was just all a bunch of cops and ADL people.
You could just look at them.
And it's come out over and over again since the 50s that these Nazi groups
Turns out their FBI run, or ADL run, the American Hitler for 20 years was this big Hitler, turned out he was Jewish, it was all staged to, quote, bring attention to the evil of Nazis.
No, it's to get everybody fighting with each other.
It's to create the illusion that America somehow is Nazi, when actually, you know, this country went and fought Hitler.
I'm tired of it.
Divide and rule.
Pardon me, sir?
Divide and rule.
Yes, divide and rule.
Comment on that, please.
Well, it is a common tactic, but what I would say
To bring the conversation into some perspective, is perhaps there have been some good which has come out of ORMA.
And I mean that, and Michael knows that I'm being sensitive here, and I mean this in the nicest way, that hopefully, and I say that hopefully, it has finished republicanism, distant republicanism, and there won't be any more bombs, any more ORMAs.
But the problem is,
...is those innocent victims, like Michael, deserve to be told the truth.
Not a version of it, but the truth.
And we, as the state and as a society, need to accept what our government did in our name, and we must acknowledge the wrongs of the past.
Okay, as an intelligence handler, as an operative, what did the government do?
From what you know, was it provocateured, or was it purely carried out?
It basically had an agenda.
It had a design.
It was strategic.
You know, things like Locke Galle, things like the human bombs, things like OMA, aren't done by accident.
They are done by design.
There are agents that have infiltrated it.
I mean, Michael has been good enough not to mention Paddy Dixon.
Who was an agent for Angardashir Corner, the Irish police state, who had pre-emptive intelligence on the Oma bombing and the vehicles that were used in it.
They also supplied intelligence from an ex-Angardashir Corner officer, John White, and this all murky world can only really be forensically examined by a means of a real
So, bottom line, it served the British police state, the Irish police state, which always wants to grow and get a bigger blood supply and uses these attacks to do it.
But regardless, it was fully infiltrated, so at the bare minimum they allowed it to take place.
Yeah, bare minimum.
It's the same thing with 7-7, same thing with 9-11.
I mean, any way you look at these events, okay, you can say either they let it happen or they did it, then you look at motive.
And I just...
I mean, listen, I couldn't have gone out there to confront them.
Kevin, I want you to just briefly comment on the Nazis, because I brought this subject up.
Next hour, I should have you back in.
I mean, there were Black Panthers there going, of course they're feds.
You tell them they were feds, they'd laugh and say, yeah, so what?
I've been around them.
They don't even deny it.
It's like we're in on the joke, just by a bit.
And then the news media showed the Nazis and then connected it to the Minutemen that had nothing to do with it.
And then meanwhile, they create Klan groups so they get to carry out bombings or try to.
I mean, they've been caught a bunch.
I'm tired of it!
I'm tired of the government doing this!
And so many times, they're not infiltrating groups.
They go and literally create them!
Yeah, with the Nazi rally this weekend, they were the Minnesota Nazis, and they came down to support the Minutemen.
Their sign said, you know, stop illegal immigration, seal the border.
So now, people that want the border sealed, apparently now, are with the Nazi Party.
And they weren't that impressed.
And K.I.
News said that.
They ought to be sued.
They just, out of the blue, connected to the Minutemen, they were black, Hispanic, white.
Exactly, and the Nazis just weren't that frightening to tell you the truth, and neither were the little anarchist socialists.
What was impressive was the police force, was that riot cop group coming out of the door of the Capitol.
And that's what this little fake fight was all about, is legitimizing that.
Now going back to Michael Gallagher and getting back to Ireland,
These inquiries, these trials, tell us about those and why the establishment doesn't want Mr. Fulton testifying.
Alex, the first thing I would say is this is a live, ongoing trial and in fairness to the person that's being tried and everybody in the process, I'd prefer not to comment directly on the trial, but what I will say is that the families
The families really feel that the only way forward is to get a full cross-border public inquiry and Martin has touched on the fact that not only have the British government and the intelligence services within the British establishment questions to answer here there is very real and serious questions to be answered by the Irish authorities because as he quite rightly said there is a guarded detective sergeant who was
And if I can just put this into context, he was the real James Bond.
This guy actually actively stopped car bombings taking place.
But because he came out and spoke about it, just in the same way as Kevin and Martin and others have done, the whistleblower will always have to pay the price.
And we have tremendous problems with the Dublin government.
And we feel that the only way forward is a full cross-border public inquiry so that people like Kevin is allowed to come without fear of being prosecuted or prejudiced because of what he has to say because it hurts certain individuals.
Now why would they prosecute a good agent who was stopping events because what he was reporting on how he stopped it exposed British intel connections?
Let me get a comment from Martin Ingram on that.
Well just before I comment on that, just one thing I'd like to add to Michael's working assumption is that I would like to see an international judiciary dimension to it.
I don't trust the judiciary either in the United Kingdom or indeed Ireland.
So I would like to see a person like Judge Corey, the Canadian, the eminent Judge Corey to be appointed to oversee any inquiry.
Do I think that will happen?
Not in your lifetime or my lifetime, because there is too much of a vested interest in these matters.
Now, as regards Kevin Fulton, I don't think there is a cat in hell's chance of Kevin Fulton giving evidence to the OMA case.
One way or another, he will be silenced.
That's very unfortunate, because it's people like Kevin that know the truth and have the courage to stand up and tell the truth.
And, you know, if there's a cost to be paid for that, Kevin has already paid an enormous price.
He's given up his privacy, the fact that he can't go back into his own community.
And he'd done that for the best possible motive.
And here now, he's under fear of his life, not just from the people who were the so-called bad guys here, but also from the good guys.
Very true, Michael.
Very true.
Kevin, you wanted to add something?
Yeah, going back to something that was said earlier, there was the idea that, well, maybe they let it happen.
And we have that argument constantly going on here in America about 9-11.
Well, letting it happen is necessary.
Well, if your job is to stop things from like that happening, and you let it happen, then you made it happen.
You know, I mean, there's just no...
There's no difference.
If it's your job to stop it and you let it go, then you're accessory.
But worse than that, I mean, they had British agents who were the bomb-builders.
I mean, we had Fulton on a month ago.
I mean, his commanders, he learned, the head guy was British intel.
It isn't just like the government's infiltrated groups.
They're robustly in control, ordering attacks.
Why is that, Ingram?
I mean, Mr. Ingram, why would the British government want attacks?
Well, because they want to control the situation.
The leadership of the Republican movement and Loyalism was 100% corrupt in its strategic aims.
And that is the leadership were taking them along a set path which had been mapped out not weeks and months but years in advance.
And these are
Blips which occur along the way.
And just to put into context what Kevin said then about letting things happen, you know, and this is where I take responsibility as a young lad, I was involved in an operation in Derry about dropping diaries onto the street, which would have led Republicans to believe that a certain individual was an agent of the state, which may I add he wasn't.
So that's something else as Coen Delbrow does info.
Absolutely, but that's only on a minor scale in as much as... but that could have been fatal for that individual, you know, because it brings a certain amount of...
Suspicion upon him, which in those days could end, you know, you could result in you being six foot under.
But the whole issue here is that the government, both the Irish and the British, have a lot to answer for.
And this is the problem that any party, Michael's party or indeed the Finucane family, are going to absolutely face an uphill struggle in trying to get justice.
Both parties deserve justice.
All victims deserve justice.
I don't believe it will happen.
Michael Gallagher, have you gone through any pressure, calling for public inquiries, exposing the lies?
Have you had any problems?
Well, to say the least, you're extremely unpopular.
And you know, there is always risk.
Once you raise your profile in a community where people think very little of life, once you raise your profile,
You're putting your life and your family's life at risk.
Every morning when I go out, I check under my car to make sure that there's not a mercury tilt switch on a booby-trapped device.
I certainly wouldn't meet people down a dark alley.
I don't open the door unless I know who's on the other side of it at night.
So there are certain common sense precautions that you have to take and you can just
You could almost fade the resentment in certain quarters.
We'll be right back.
Yeah, the resist... The resentment because you're standing up for your son.
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Viva la revolucion.
That is not funny, Gordon.
Yeah, I know.
I'm useless without a studio audience.
I've seen people go to jail.
There is something wrong with this country.
I want to ask a question, Dominic.
I don't care if you answer me or not.
I just want to say this aloud.
But I need to know that this question will not leave this office.
Yeah, of course, Inspector.
Because of the terrorist?
What is it, Chief?
What's going on?
The question I want to ask is about St.
And three waters.
A question that's kept me up for the last 24 hours.
A question I have to ask is... What if the worst and most horrifying biological attack in this country's history was not the work of religious extremists?
Well, I don't understand.
We know it was.
They were caught.
They confessed.
And they were executed, I know.
And maybe that's really what happened.
But I see this chain of events.
These coincidences.
And I have to ask, what if that isn't what happened?
What if someone else unleashed that virus?
What if someone else killed all those people?
Would you really want to know who it was?
Even if it was someone working for this government?
That's my question.
If our own government was responsible for what happened at St.
Mary's and Three Waters... If our own government was responsible for the deaths of almost 100,000 people...
We're back live here, my friends, and we're almost out of time with Martin Ingram and Mr. Michael Gallagher.
Michael, first off, I'm so sorry you lost your son.
As a father, I just can't even imagine that.
I don't know... I just don't know how you keep on, but does it make it better that you're fighting for justice and the truth to come out?
I mean, what is it like for you to know the truth now about the bombing?
I just can't imagine how people could get mad at you for seeking the truth.
I think you're right Alex that there may be a certain amount of therapy in what we're doing but we do believe that the truth would be easier to live with than the lies and the untruths that we hear.
And that's why we continue to do what we do.
How do we help you?
How do we help you and how do we help Mr. Ingram and Mr. Fulton?
We have links to your organizations, websites, groups, the documents, the photos.
How do we support you here in the US?
We also have a lot of listeners in the UK.
We have our own website and archive.
Please ask your listeners to check out our website and if possible leave a comment.
It's simply omabomb.com.
Very simply, omabomb.com.
And that is the OMA Sport and Self-Help Group.
And please let us know and, you know, share with us your thoughts on what you've heard this morning.
And OMA is spelled O-M-A-G-H.
We have links to that on InfoWars.com.
How can we help you, Mr. Ingram?
Well, you could ask your listeners to keep abreast of the situation, and may I suggest you also visit my blogspot, which is martiningram.blogspot.com, and to those members who also blog on the UpTheRaw forum, I wish them the best, and let's just keep the information flowing,
And eventually, hopefully, people like Michael will obtain the truth.
I'm just... And we need to watch his case carefully and make sure nothing happens to him.
Keeping attention and sunlight on this may keep him alive.
Gentlemen, Godspeed.
Thanks for spending time.
Take care.
We'll be right back.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Y'all love that Martin V. Vendetta?
When they're meeting with V, and he says, well, why did you wait?
And he says, I was waiting for you, Inspector.
I was waiting for you.
It takes good people inside to stand up.
That is happening.
We just exposed British government-sponsored terror.
In the last hour, one of the chief controllers and operatives and one of the victim's father, who lost his son just out there in the square, blown up by what was clearly a British op.
And we're going to go to Lewis, Tim, Bob, and others.
I promise the next segment, open phones throughout the third hour.
But I wanted Kevin Smithbill to finish up some thoughts.
We, talking to Kevin Fulton, the bomb maker, a month ago, he told you about that they're not really using cell phones like we've been told.
It's really that they're using infrared switches, which is being sold to them by Halliburton.
And then you're on the airplane back from New York when you were on Fox News a few weeks ago, I dispatched you.
You did a good job.
Tell folks about that conversation on the way back.
You just bring it up to a bomb disposal guy from the military and he says, oh yeah.
Yeah, if you go to the website right now, you can see some of the older articles with Kevin Fulton, Atlantic Monthly, and describing his trips over to America to buy bomb-making parts.
In conversations with him, he also detailed to me that as the chief bomb-maker for the IRA, he was also dispatched to teach Muslim groups how to use this technology and make bombs.
So, recently we've seen some TV reports and news reports
Of these kind of like rat patrol British commandos out in the desert between Iraq and Iran trying to stop the weapons and the bomb making components coming in from Iran.
And they've said there's zero.
They said there aren't any.
And now they're in the newspaper saying that.
On TV also, so there aren't any.
So when I was coming back from New York I spoke to a sergeant major, bomb disposal's been in for 22 years and we start talking about it and he goes, oh yeah exactly, they're not done with cell phones, it's done with inferred light triggers.
And we went into this conversation.
I mentioned what I'd known.
And he said, exactly.
We have these different countermeasures that can stop these bombs from happening.
But he goes, you know where those parts are?
And I said, well, they're not coming in from Iran.
He goes, you know where they're getting them?
I said, tell me.
I said, how's that?
He goes, they're the light motion triggers that are on urinals and commodes now.
When you walk away, they automatically flush.
That's what I said.
So they're stealing them out of bathrooms?
And he said, not bad.
And they're being sold to them.
You know, no problem.
These guys are privateers.
Why wouldn't they sell these parts?
There's all these different multi-layers, these stories that all intersect, and sure enough, a 22-year veteran sergeant major confirmed exactly the same thing about the triggers that are being used.
Thanks for being in the studio with us, Kevin.
I appreciate it.
We've got a surprise guest.
I promised you we'd have a surprise guest popping in with us.
We've got him on the line.
We're going to go to break and come back and talk to him.
He's George Norrie of Coast to Coast AM.
He'll be with us for about a half hour and then later we'll see if we can keep him longer.
He's a very busy man.
And then later we'll continue with your phone calls.
But yes, in the last hour,
This is now the BBC, London Guardian, you name it, we had one of the chief operatives, a spy chief, over IRA operations, who was British intelligence, telling you the British government is behind the lion's share of the terror attacks in England.
Again, eyewitness there!
And the gentleman we interviewed a month ago, who was one of the chief bomb makers, Kevin Fulton, has now been arrested, it's in the news, for speaking out about it.
And we of course interviewed the father
Michael Gallagher, who lost his 20-year-old son in the OMA bombing that was carried out at the behest of British intelligence.
On the record, in your face, government-sponsored terror, no debating it, admitted.
And you just heard them earlier talking about how they were also funding and training, and Kevin was talking about that, the Muslim, quote, terrorist.
So, there's different types of terror.
There's real terror that's very rare, normally low intensity, asymmetrical, very small, woman stabbing people on a bus, a suicide bomber, and then you move up the chain to provocateured by government operatives, and then pure government attacks on the order of 9-11.
We'll be right back with George Norrie, really honored to have him joining us to talk about his new book.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
It's here!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, I have made a study of the media.
And Rush Limbaugh has the biggest media audience in North America.
It dwarfs the nightly news.
It dwarfs all of the top-rated cable news shows combined.
And the person with the second biggest radio show in the world, and the second biggest media event in the country, the rest of the media is totally fractured, is George Norrie.
And he has many times the listeners every single evening that Bill O'Reilly's top-rated show with only three million on his best nights has on Fox television.
Tens of millions of people tune in each week.
And I tell you, I never thought I would be on Coast to Coast AM.
I never thought in a million years
That folks over there would have the courage to do that.
And then I started listening to George Norrie, I guess four or five years ago, and I thought, this guy's having a lot of hardcore guests on.
He's having people on.
This guy is just totally out there going where no international media sensation star, he is a star, has gone.
He must have brass cajones the size of the Titanic.
I'm sorry to be vulgar there, but really it's the only way to describe it.
He's let me come on many times.
I've been in studio and co-hosted with him once as a guest for three hours when he was here in Austin.
It was so incredible and they've never told me what I can or can't talk about.
Zero censorship and that's really the only place I know of in national media where that happens.
CNN, they interrogate you for an hour before you go live.
Good morning America.
Same thing.
Other national radio shows.
Not George Norrie.
And I've been trying to get him on the last few weeks.
We're honored to have him today.
Surprise guest.
The new book is Worker in the Light.
And it's moving up the best seller list there.
You can get it at Amazon.com.
You can go to Coast2CoastAM.com.
We're going to get a big fat link up there.
I think it's already up there on InfoWars.com over to get the book.
George Norrie, thank you so much for really introducing me to the country and taking me to a whole other level in fighting the New World Order, and thank you for coming on the broadcast today.
Well, you're gutsy Alex, and I remember when I started getting initial emails from people, and also one guy called in on open lines one day and said,
And we're talking about years ago, and he said, you've got to get Alex Jones on the air.
And I said, well, who is he?
And he said, well, he's a talk show host.
The minute he said that, a little red flag went up in my head.
And I went, now why am I going to put another talk show host on the air?
So without even thinking, without researching you, I said, I'm not going to put another talk show host on the air.
Thanks for calling.
I appreciate it.
You know the way I am on the phone.
I don't hang up on anybody.
And then I got another email, and then I started getting emails from people that said, George, you're missing the boat here.
And they saw the direction, Alex, that I was moving coast to coast in, which was away from 100% supernatural and paranormal, into more of a mysteries of the mind show, conspiracies, paranormal, just a mix of a lot of things that affect us all the time.
Oh, I love the direction, yes.
And so I started doing my Alex Jones research and I'm going, this guy's pretty gutsy.
This would be great radio.
And that was our introduction to you and our very first show we talked about the Bohemian Grove.
It was a great program.
I had tremendous response.
And so you and I have developed a relationship that I never anticipated.
It's a great one.
It's almost three years now.
I've been coming on for almost three years.
And it's worked well for both of us.
I mean, I remember you coming on the show and the next day C-SPAN was quoting Alex Jones.
Well, they did an hour-plus talk with a professor about the show and about the interview and about Bohemian Grove instantly, and Brian Lamb, the head of C-SPAN, the founder, said, oh yes, I listen to Coast to Coast AM, it's one of the biggest shows in the country, and they had this Alex Jones on, so I've got this professor on.
I mean, he was on it that day!
You and I are different, yet we're after the same message.
We want the truth, and no matter where it takes us,
And, you know, a lot of things you say are so unconventional that most people who listen to mainstream media would sit back and go, oh my god, how could he be saying this?
But, you know what?
You do a lot of investigating, much more than most reporters do, and you come up with information that is obviously startling to people, and they're beginning to take note.
And I think one of the things
That happened.
It was our most recent election.
Clearly proves that people are beginning to wake up.
Well, I agree, George.
I was listening to Beyond the Beltway, national syndicated show for those who don't know, out of Chicago, and they had the Democrat and Republican strategist on saying, well, the new move in America is a third force.
It's anti-New World Order.
Almost fell out of my chair.
Americans don't want globalism.
They don't want the North American Union.
This is a new issue.
And they even mentioned the poll that came out a month ago.
The Angus and Reed poll for the New York Times and ABC News commissioned it.
84% now don't believe the official 9-11 story.
Up from 61 just two months ago when you last interviewed me.
What do you think about that type of shift in opinion?
I think it's dramatic, and I think a lot of the reason for it is programs like yours, the small type of shows that we do in this arena, and people are beginning to get fed up.
I can see it, I can feel it every day, and they're not finished yet.
They're going to continue now, and I'm talking about people.
They're going to continue pushing until they get Big Brother off their back.
And it's going to be a battle, because Big Brother still wants to chip people.
They want control.
They want to put people in concentration camps one day.
They want the whole ball of wax.
But I think Americans are waking up.
And I think that they're going to make their move in the election room, assuming we can control those voting boxes and not have those things tampered with.
But I think people are going to fight back, Alex, and they're starting to now.
It's still a battle.
But, you know, I love America.
I spent nine years in the Navy.
I want to see this country brought back to the heyday where we were respected around this planet, not questioned because of greed, not questioned because of motive.
I want people to hear the name United States and get down on their knees and cry and say, we love this country.
They saved us during World War II.
And that's the direction this country needs to go in.
Well, I totally agree with you.
I want to talk about the new book.
George, you're pretty humble not bringing it up, but I want to discuss it.
But getting back to the power of Coast to Coast to him, because I'll go on a national show like Lars Larson, no real response.
I'll go on
Good morning America.
Almost no response.
You go on Coast to Coast AM, the first time I went on, you can go to Alexa.com, it's still on the graph from almost three years ago.
Look at that spike in our traffic.
We normally have a few million readers a week.
We had over 20 million visitors in the next two and a half days.
We've never had that much traffic since.
Talk about the zeitgeist.
That is just incredible and it's kind of like the line from the first Spider-Man.
With great power comes great responsibility.
Having the second biggest media event and platform in the country, over half of the AM radio audience at night, I mean you don't see those type of shares anywhere in TV or anywhere else really in radio.
What is it like every night getting up to that microphone, George, and talking to tens of millions of people?
Well, you don't think of it that way, Alex.
I broadcast to one person every night, and that is it.
And the fact that millions of people happen to be tuning in on the conversation, that's the strength of Coast to Coast.
You know, when Art Bell handed the reins over to me years ago, he said, George, just make it your own program.
You can't duplicate what I do, and just be you.
And that's what I've done, Alex.
Even since my days in St.
Louis, when I was the Nighthawk there on
I think?
In Buffalo, 30% of the audience.
25% in Cleveland, 25% in Albuquerque.
And you're not just talking about AM radio, you're talking about total audiences then, radio period.
Total audience of radio listeners.
When a three or four share is considered successful in this business, we do it times ten.
And it's because, I think, people just want the truth.
They want answers to questions.
Whether it's
You know, is my grandmother really on the other side?
Are we being visited by extraterrestrials?
Is government screwing us and trying to take advantage of us?
That's what they want.
What did you think of the former Minister of Defense two days ago saying aliens may attack any minute?
That was in England.
That was mainstream news.
That was incredible.
Nick Pope, who's been on the program before,
Basically said, look, we could be attacked at any time.
I mean, this was a former Minister of Defense for the UFO Division.
I didn't even know they had one.
You know, in England, in London, in the United Kingdom.
And for a top government official to come forward like that, you know, he's either very strange or very accurate.
And I tend to believe he's very accurate.
Well, it certainly makes the UFO issue something that has to be looked at.
What percentage of the UFO phenomenon do you think is secret government operations?
Oh, jeez, I think there's no question that there's an area there devoted to these very strange phenomenon that are occurring on this planet.
I believe we've been visited by extraterrestrials.
I will take it even farther than that, that I believe in the theories that
We were seeded.
I think those people who lived in antiquity days, they have stories of visitations.
They may be confused with the god-like figures, but I think that's what happened here.
I think this planet was ripe for visitation.
We were visited.
We were altered.
We were changed.
And that's just the fact of life.
The fact that so many religions have come from that.
It's also part of that.
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We're good to go.
I've got to say this, too, and I don't say this about anybody.
I think I said it about Charlie Sheen, who's a good personal friend of mine.
There are certain people who are just classy.
George Norrie is classy.
I'm sitting here hayseeding his ear off during the break, and he's just such a gentleman.
And he's going to stay with us a little bit into the next segment, and he says he wants to take your calls.
I know the phone's been loaded the whole show.
I haven't really gone to them.
I will.
But your calls are coming up in the next segment at 1-800-259-9231.
George, let's get into your new book.
That's why I invited you on.
I want you to plug it.
I want people to get the book.
I intend to run out and buy it today.
I keep meaning to get it.
I hear it's pretty powerful stuff.
It's called Worker in the Light, which is what your last name, Nori, means.
And I tell you what, if you do pick it up, Alex, I'll be in Austin in January.
I'll sign it for you.
How about that?
I will have my copy there.
Well, this is a book about part of my life in the paranormal and the unusual that occurred when I was a little boy.
And it is what really has pushed me in the direction that I'm in now.
And I have been a staunch believer
That people who are successful and happy, and I don't mean success in terms of finance, but just successful and happy, have had an incredible ability to tap into the wireless internet that's out there in the universe.
You know, every day we wake up in the morning and we question, who are we?
Why are we here?
What's our role?
What's the big picture?
I hope that through Worker in the Light, I give some people answers
To those questions, because they're questions that I've been trying to answer myself all my life.
And we go through a series of meditation programs and exercises which really allow you to just better your own life.
We're human beings, Alex.
We're going to have ups and downs.
We're going to have good relationships and bad relationships.
We're going to get sick.
We're going to be crabby one day.
I want people to be able to understand that, you know what?
It's a better life than to be in that kind of a situation.
Pull yourself out of it.
It's helping a lot of people.
I got an email last week from a woman down in Wichita who said, You know what?
Prior to reading your book, I was full of anger.
I was full of negativity.
I didn't care about anything.
She says, My God!
You have opened up my eyes.
You have shown me the light.
It's changing me.
I'm friendly.
I'm bubbly.
And he says, yeah, I have my bad days, but I get out of it quicker than I used to.
And that's the message that I want to pass on in Worker in the Light.
And that is, you know, as a human being, we have a role here.
We have a mission to take care of each other.
We're all in this together.
And I give you a few little techniques on how to do that.
Worker in the Light.
And how long is the book?
The book is one of those 390 plus type books, co-written with my co-author Bill Burns, who had been a guest of mine back in my St.
Louis days.
He's a New York Times bestseller.
So he took all my written paragraphs and my pages and my scripts and he started going through it and he said, well, let's change this.
Let's do that.
And not only is he a friend, he turned out to be a great editor.
And it was a fun book.
I had a great time doing it, Alex.
The first chapter about Ouija boards is incredible.
And I'm also giving away part of the proceeds to needy coast-to-coast listeners.
It's very unusual, and I've already written some checks out to people, even though the proceeds haven't rolled in yet.
Because I just feel as if we've got our audience supporting the things that we do,
I want to give them back a little bit.
You've done shows on that.
You think those are really evil.
I've never played with one, but I've just heard nothing but horrible stories.
Oh my God.
Everything that is wrong about a Ouija board is wrong.
I mean, things have hit me all the time.
In the first chapter, without revealing everything in it, it was a disaster.
And I'll never touch them again.
And again, I've heard you do shows on this, and I've heard about it personally in my own life.
The history of these, where did they come from?
I mean, what is it about it?
So obviously the book then gets into the dark side of stuff, too, then.
Oh, absolutely.
It also gets into my dabbling of negativity.
I did an experiment years ago, and I'll never do it again.
When you think negatively, when you try to project negative thoughts
I don't know.
It was an experiment that I'll never do again.
Well, I've found in my own life that if I do things because I love my family and my country, I may sound angry, but I'm doing it for a positive reason.
Things are good, but I have gotten really hateful before, and I just can't stay in that place because it just, it more... I mean, growing up, my dad would always walk into a store, smiling, people all liked him.
I said, Dad, why do they like you so much, but some don't like me?
He said, Well, you don't have a good attitude.
So a lot of it's just attitude.
Absolutely, Alex.
But let me tell you, I love your attitude.
You're a good American.
You're looking for the truth.
That's the important thing.
Well, I hope to live up to the name you've given me, the Bulldog.
By the way, that has stuck now.
My wife calls me that.
We'll be right back with George Norrie and your phone calls.
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Day after day Alone on a hill The man with the foolish grin Is keeping perfectly still But nobody wants to know him They can see that he's just a fool And he never gives an answer But the fool on the hill Sees the sun going down
And the eyes in his head
I've got to act stupid and corny here a little bit, folks.
I'm so honored to have him.
I really respect him.
Again, he is a gentleman, he's classy, and he exposed my broadcast that was already reaching millions of people, the websites, the information, to tens of millions more, and he's really helped us in the fight against the New World Order.
He's had amazing courage, and we probably won't get into all that on air here today.
He's with us for another 15 minutes or so, and we're going to let him go.
The phone lines are loaded up here after we take a call if you want to get on board.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
George, before we start going to calls, anything else you want to add about Worker in the Light and how folks get it?
Well, let me just say that if every Alex Jones listener bought the book, we would have a huge New York Times bestseller.
You have probably one of the largest unchecked and rated audiences in the world.
I don't know if you knew that or not, but it is growing and growing and growing, and because you're not on
All commercial radio stations, they obviously don't rate you.
No, we're on a handful.
Fifty or so sounds big, but it's really not, yeah.
Well, you have carved out something that is absolutely... and you've done it all by yourself, Alex.
I mean, that is amazing!
Well, we're in a fight against the globalists who defend the republic, and when I was still in college and started radio, I started with a mission to, you know, take down the globalists, and I think it's another example
You talk about so much the power of human potential with God's help when we put one foot in front of the other, but thank you, George.
In the book of course, Amazon.com.
They also sell the audio version.
And then the big bookstores, all the big ones carry the book.
Oh, now that's what I'm into, because I go on road trips, I drive a lot, I love CDs.
Can I get the book on tape or on CD at Barnes & Noble?
No, you have to go to Amazon.com for that.
Well, that's it.
That's what I'm going to order, because there's so many books I want to read.
I've been wanting to read your book, and I haven't had time to go to the bookstore.
And I'm going to do it, folks.
I'm going to order the book on CD, Worker in the Light, today, and then I'll listen to it in my car.
How many CDs is that, like eight or nine?
Four of them.
Four of them.
It's the abridged version of the book, but you get the meat of it.
Oh, great.
So it's an easy listen.
Well, fantastic.
Who voiced it?
Let me tell you, it's almost like you're in radio.
It's harder than doing my radio show.
It was incredible.
I had a producer in there that any word that I mispronounced, and I do a lot of that, man, she just ripped into me, and I had to redo it over and over again.
You know, when you start looking at a script,
After three or four hours, you start making up words that aren't there.
And, you know, I'd throw in a word here or there, and she'd say, where'd that come from?
I'd say, well, that's right.
And I couldn't find it anymore.
I mean, it's intense.
And we didn't mention that you're also a multi-time Emmy Award winner for news TV.
A three-time Emmy Award winner.
I was very fortunate to have some great staff people working with me in Detroit and in St.
Louis, where I was a television producer and news director.
And the Emmys were for story coverage and also for production.
And they're little Emmys.
They're called Regionals, but they're Emmys.
And I've got them, and I'm proud of them.
Let's go to Lewis in New Jersey.
Lewis, you're on the air with George Norrie.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Most welcome.
Thank you for having me again, Alex.
I just wanted to mention just a couple things concerning the previous guest you had, Martin and Michael.
I just wanted to say that those of us who are aware of what's going on and who are fighting the good fight are grateful to people like them and like Mr. Fulton for going public and that actions like Mr. Fulton's give us inside knowledge on
No doubt, definitely.
I just wanted to also say that anyone who has such an effect on Alex
Because I'm quite impressed by Alex and the way he goes about things.
He's definitely quite an individual.
I just wanted to let Alex know I managed to buy the one and only available copy of Terror Storm from the Princeton Barnes & Noble here in New Jersey.
I played that for some family members already.
It has had an effect on them.
I'll be coming at them consistently until I know one way or another where they fall.
I'll be making copies and distributing that.
Also got an idea for a MySpace page that I'll be implementing.
I wanted to start putting up what they call Gorilla Billboards, which are just basically large black plastic bags that you cut open.
Spray paint, if you will.
Messages on them.
I'll be putting things like 9-11 was an inside job and InfoWars.com.
By the way, I had family in California who was driving on the highway and saw a huge InfoWars banner hang.
And then I got a bunch of calls about it happening in like Australia, Europe.
So it's crazy.
Thank you so much.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, that's just a great testament there to what you can do.
Let's talk to Tim in Missouri.
Tim, you're on the air with George Norrie.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
I want to give a shout-out to KCXL at 11.40 a.m.
here in Kansas City for carrying GCN programming.
It was actually a surprise sitting here for an hour and I ended up talking to George Norrie.
George, it's the first time I ever talk to you, listen to you on coast-to-coast.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, Tim.
One thing I wanted to bring up is I was watching the Daily Show a couple days after the election last week whenever they had the interview with Howard Dean on it.
Well, it was really interesting getting in plain view all the symbolism that Tex Mars and other people like that, Tasharn and all them talk about.
If you will notice it in the thing, in the frame, it has Howard Dean.
To one side it says, America, a new direction.
The other side, a perfectly well hung upside down star.
And as it moved up the flag, which is what the star was for in the back of me.
Well, I have to point this out.
I have to point this out.
On businesses, on the Republican elephant, everything, six years ago, almost every major corporation flipped their stars.
Starbucks has them upside down.
Weird goddess and Illuminati eyes everywhere when I go in there.
And, yeah, suddenly the stars everywhere got flipped.
George, have you noticed that?
You know, it's weird, Alex, because there's part of me that says, okay,
This is strange, but what does it mean?
Why are they doing this?
And then there's this other part of me that is beginning to think, and talking with Jordan Maxwell, whom I'm sure you know, I mean, Jordan is into symbolism and messages and codes, and he is convinced that there's something going on here.
I gotta tell you, years ago, it would have gone right under me, and I wouldn't have seen it.
Now, I'm more aware of it,
What I can't understand is what are they doing?
What is it for?
It's a whole language.
It's like gang sign, but it's more, well, Horton and Jordan and others, they believe that by putting their symbol everywhere, it resonates the power.
Yeah, maybe it does.
That may be absolutely the case.
Yeah, I get into it with my wife all the time.
She thinks I'm nuts because I see fish.
I see it everywhere.
Well, I mean, why did the elephants six years ago have the stars upside right?
That's a word.
And the right way.
Now they're backwards.
It's very bizarre.
Thank you, Tim.
Let's talk to Jay in Minnesota.
Jay, you're on the air with George Norrie.
Go ahead.
It's a pleasure to talk to both of you gentlemen.
Thank you very much.
Um, George, you might remember me.
I started calling myself Eggplant IQ when Art Bell said that people who believed the government was involved with 9-1-1 had the IQ of an eggplant.
Right, I remember that.
And should stop listening to Coast to Coast.
So I just wanted to know.
I took him up on that and we emailed and you were very friendly and I appreciated your messages, but I have left Coast to Coast on my Streamlink subscription.
Well, you need to come back.
I have a couple questions for you.
First of all, do you believe that 9-1-1 was an inside job?
Let me give you the definition of an inside job based on my perspective.
I believe 9-11 was concocted by a much larger group in conjunction with the Al-Qaeda group.
There is no doubt in my mind that some of the players out there have profited on what is going on.
And so when you say inside job, I don't think the rank-and-file government worker had any idea what was going on.
And I agree with that.
I agree.
Small criminal elements, black ops squads, public and private, in multi-governments, that's what the New World Order is.
I don't even think George Bush was aware of what was going on.
If you remember the look on his face when he was down in Florida with those kids, I mean, that guy was as shocked as anybody I've ever seen.
I think there are, as Alex always says, you know, the puppets and the puppeteers.
There is a bigger picture here.
Uh, that is controlling things for their own destiny.
And so when you say insight job, that's my definition of an insight job.
Working in conjunction with these real crazed militants
Doing what they need to do to disrupt everything on this planet.
Mr. Eggplant, did you want to add anything?
Oh, I'm sorry, George, I thought you were done.
No, that's all right.
Mr. Eggplant, did you want to say something else?
Yes, please.
I agree with you on your assessment, although I don't understand why George Bush twice said he watched the first plane fly into the World Trade Center tower.
One more quick question.
Why does he say some of the things he says in the first place?
Good question.
And then one other question on a different topic.
Have you George been approached by someone who wanted to like buy your opinion or ask you to sell out with a specific message?
I'm 56.
I started in this business when I was 19.
Never at any point has anybody ever tried to distort, change, manipulate anything I have ever said.
The closest that ever comes is we may get a call from an advertiser on a very good book or story and they say, look, you know what?
We're going to be buying some advertising time.
Do you think George would consider our author?
And my sales department comes back to me and says, you decide on the merits of this author, whether his book on UFOs or whatever is worthy of a guest appearance on your program.
And I think that's separate, because that happens here, too.
I think that's separate from what the callers are saying, like the guys in the Smoky Room saying, coin the New World Order and we'll give you $10 million.
Again, I've been approached many times by people saying, listen, I'll pay you to come on the show.
And I go, you know what?
That's not how I do the show.
Send me what you've got.
And if it's good, I'll just have you on anyways.
And then if it's really good, I'll end up carrying it in my bookstore.
And then, of course, we'll have you on.
Yeah, that's two separate things.
And never, never approach.
All the guests on Coast to Coast are non-paid.
As you know, Alex, you guys donate your time to come on as a guest.
Exactly, and of course we do get all the great exposure, which I am extremely thankful for.
You have helped us reach five, ten times the number that we were reaching just three years ago.
It's so amazing.
Okay, thank you so much.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeff in Alabama.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Hey, thanks, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I just had one question for George.
Do you think 19 hijackers and Osama bin Laden
Pulled off 9-11.
No, as I said before, I think it was a bigger picture, Jeff.
I think 19 hijackers, Osama Bin Laden, and a huge group that is manipulating so many things on this planet pulled off 9-11.
Did what happened on those planes occur?
I think some guys that got in with box cutters pushed their way into the cockpit
Did what they did.
Ran those planes into the buildings.
Some of those hijackers, I'm convinced, weren't who we think they were.
And some of those hijackers who were on the plane, I don't think thought this was a suicide mission.
You know, that may have been done only with the pilots, for example.
Let me comment on that.
Look, George Norris had myself and probably 20, 30 other 9-11 truthers on.
I mean, he's had four or five on us on in one night before.
And he's the only national talk show host where that type of audience has had the courage to do it.
And so I don't even expect George to have some orthodoxy and follow exactly what we're saying, because none of us totally agree.
What we're saying is the official story
is a lie and George was saying that three, four, five years ago before it was wildly popular.
So I have to give a serious nod to that courage, but if we disagree a little bit about exactly how it was done, none of us totally agree because it's so cloak and dagger.
Do you see what I'm saying, Jeff?
It sounds like he's listening on his radio now, or his computer.
Yeah, I think he's run off to do that.
No, I'm not.
I'm listening.
Oh, there you are.
Okay, there he is.
Well, back in July, George said that we're all kooks, if we believe anything.
Oh, you got the wrong guy, friend.
No, I don't.
Yes, you do.
I've never used the word kooks.
Yes, you do.
George, back in July... Hey, hold on just a minute.
Stop, stop for a second.
Alex, why don't you refresh his memory?
Yeah, let's put Jeff on hold for a minute, is what I was going to say.
And then you can finish, Jeff.
Again, I do have some listeners that want George to just cover one issue and do one thing.
George bore good fruit, he's done a good job, and he's basically doubled the audience of Coast to Coast AM in many areas, and that's evidence of it.
If you're not putting the truth out and giving different views, you're not going to have that type of audience.
So, number one, that's what I'm saying.
So I'm not here to beat George up, but I'm not here to censor you either, Jeff.
But I listen routinely to George, because they re-air it from 10 to midnight, so most nights I'm able to tune in while I'm doing work around the office, and sometimes I stay up late and listen, you know, to the live show.
More often than not, though, I listen to the rebroadcasters on a bunch of stations here in Central Texas, 1200, KLBJ, 590, and George does not say that.
I mean, regardless of what he says, you know, I've had people call me on the air and they say, hi so-and-so, and I said, no, I'm not him.
I mean, they listen to the radio, and they hear a different name.
I have never used the word kook on the radio in my complete broadcasting career.
He's got the wrong person.
And we're not trying to be mean to you here, Jeff.
I'm just telling you that there isn't some orthodoxy to all this, and I genuinely appreciate what George Norrie's done.
But you know, George, I get accused.
People say I say there weren't bombs in the buildings when I'm the guy that first came out with that.
So, Jeff, go ahead and finish up what you were going to say.
Well, I know what he said, and it was back in July, the first week when all the other Mockingbirds, you know, started attacking the Truth Movement.
Jeff, you got the wrong guy!
I do not have the wrong guy!
No, I'm just saying that...
No, it may have been a guest on the show, but it was not me.
Because he does have both sides on, which he needs to do because that is extremely credible with his affiliates out there.
That's how he's allowed to bring in our view.
That's how he's able to basically stay non-partisan in this.
Listen, George Norrie, it was great having you on.
Worker in the Light is the new book and I hope everybody goes and gets it.
Always a pleasure, Alex, and we'll look forward to you on Coast to Coast AM in the not-too-distant future.
Let me just talk to you real quick during the break, and I'll finally let you get out of here.
I kept you over.
We really appreciate it.
We'll be right back with the final segment.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
After a long day.
We're out of time for calls.
It was great having George Norrie on with us.
He was supposed to call in.
At the start of the hour, he did call in, and I'd kind of forgotten about it.
Oh, George Norrie's here!
So, it was great having him on with us for about 40 minutes of airtime, or 50 minutes, really, of airtime with us today.
I've got some top news, really important news that just came in.
This really looks suspicious.
It doesn't look like good news.
Who knows with all this cloak and dagger, cat and mouse fiasco slash
I'll tell you about it in just a minute.
This is a big development.
But first, I didn't plug it in the second hour.
This is my big launch today, and I didn't plug it.
We are pushing one more time.
We were unable to do it last week because they were sold out, and so people saw the four to six weeks for delivery they weren't ordering.
They now have it in stock, and they have thousands in stock, and you can get it right now.
You can go to Amazon.com by linking through at InfoWars.com for $11.19 Terror Storm, the two-hour film with 68 minutes of extras from a 9-11 neoconagentist symposium in L.A.
It's an amazing film, the best film out there on government-sponsored terrorism.
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It is such an important film.
You need to have it.
$11.19 at Amazon.com.
And there's some deal on there to get free shipping, too.
You cannot beat that deal.
And we want to drive it to number one so I can just use it with the stores to say, hey, we were number one.
I didn't know it would go to number eight.
It went to number eight, then it sold out, then nobody would buy it because it was said sold out.
Well, it's now in stock.
We want to drive it to numero uno.
Numero uno.
And it'll reach so many more people that way.
So many more of the stores will even restock it and super stock it.
It is the New York Times bestseller list of videos.
We went to number 8.
If they wouldn't have sold out, guaranteed number 1.
And then once you hit that spot, it has a tendency to stay there for a while.
Let's drive it out of the hundreds back to number 1, folks.
Back into the top 10.
Please, I'm asking you to do this.
It has nothing to do with the lavish 50 cents I get per sale.
That goes right back into the business.
You know that.
It is about having an effect.
That's why I put it on Google Video for free.
Get the high quality digital DVD.
Have it in your library.
Available right now at Amazon.com via Infowars.com.
Or if you want to get America Freedom from Fascism, you can just get it here.
It's not on Amazon.
$19.95 and get Terror Storm when you get it for $9.95 with it.
The two films for $29.95 at Infowars.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139.
Or write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And we've got a deal to get five months free of PrisonPlanet.tv.
Go check out that deal at PrisonPlanet.tv.
All my films, my weekly TV reports, everything.
PrisonPlanet.tv, the Christmas special now going.
Plutonium found in Iran's waste facility AP.
This just came out in the last hour.
International atomic energy experts have found unexplained plutonium and highly enriched uranium traces in a nuclear waste facility in Iran and have asked Tehran for an explanation.
The report prepared for next week's meeting of the 35-nation IAEA also faulted Tehran for not cooperating with the agency's attempts to investigate suspicious aspects of Iran's nuclear program that have led to fears it might be interested in developing nuclear arms.
So they found a little bit of uranium, which they're allowed to have.
The question is, is it enriched to a higher level?
We'll be studying this, looking at it.
Look for a report out on this as we analyze it later today at PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll post this right now at JonesReport.com.
And I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order.
God bless you all!
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.