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Name: 20061110_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 10, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
It is Friday.
We're going to have open phones throughout the broadcast.
I will attempt to not run on at the mouth so you get a chance to get involved on air.
I always like to hear from first-time callers, but you are all welcome to call in.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
I was driving down the road
Yesterday, listening to one of the local Democrat shows, talking about how everything was okay now, and the Democrats were in power, and it's good that they're making nice and working with Lord Bush, and that it's a common ground partnership, and I just got angry.
And I even see some of the Democrats out there saying, Alex, you shouldn't criticize Nancy Pelosi saying she's going to work with Bush.
She's just sneaking up on him!
No, Howard Dean and Nancy Pelosi, out of the gates, are saying that there is not going to be any investigation of the Iraq War lies, there's not going to be any discussion of impeachment, there's not going to be any 9-11 truth, there's not going to be any investigation of the trillions missing from the Pentagon,
Because many of the Democrats are involved in the very same shenanigans, and are bought and paid for by the very same international lobbyists from Israel, and England, and China, and right here at home!
And that's the facts!
And so I called Paul Watson up, and I said, hey, are you seeing the same thing I'm seeing?
He said, yeah.
And I said, let me dictate to you some of my comments, and you can put in your comments, and we'll write an article.
And I said, if this continues, this type of attitude where they can just bait and switch us with different factions of the same criminal group, then 9-11 Truth is dying.
Now that's just like a fire out in your, you know,
I don't think so.
It's a statement where, oh, it's a dead issue, it's not effective, we should just all drop it.
No, I'm saying it is THE issue.
It is what all other issues orbit.
Government-sponsored terror is the zeitgeist of the New World Order.
It's their ace in the hole.
A little secret that everybody's got to be brought up to speed on.
And we've caused that mass awakening, that revelation.
84% believing they're being lied to about the official story.
36% believing total inside job.
We have caused that revelation, we have victory within our grasp, but will the neocons grab victory from the jaws of their defeat by basically colluding with the Democrats who are treacherously in front of everyone
Saying that there's going to be no investigations of anything and they're going to co-rule with George Bush.
There's not going to be any repeal of Patriot Act 1 or 2, no repeal of the Military Commissions Act.
They're talking about putting more troops in Iraq.
I mean, that's what Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean are saying right now.
And I see Democrat sites and alternative sites and quote progressive sites all over lose their minds overnight and saying, hey, that's it.
We've got to basically just work with Bush now and it's sick!
It's sick!
Over 600,000 Iraqis, according to the British Medical Journal, who did an internal study, and they're very accurate in the past.
Let's say it's 200,000.
I mean, it's probably 600-plus thousand.
They say that it is.
Whether it's 200,000 or 654,000, like they're saying.
I mean, we got them dead to rights right there, lying about WMDs.
I demand impeachment of that criminal!
You Democrats make me sick!
We'll be right back.
I'm gonna go over all of it.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, yesterday afternoon Paul Watson and I wrote an article titled, 9-11 truth is dying inside the liberal and progressive movements while exploding worldwide.
Many in liberal progressive truth community pacified by sham rearranging of deck chairs, desert movement, dilute focus, as Vena Pelosi promised to protect Bush from impeachment.
And some people try to spin that like, he's saying what Mike Rupert said, that it's a dead letter and not a good issue and we should just drop it.
That is the complete opposite of what my article said in plain English.
King's English, baby!
I said that we're never going to let it drop.
We're never going to shut up about it.
Not in a thousand years!
Government-sponsored terror is the zeitgeist, is the main power cable empowering elites throughout history to enslave their populations and launch tyrannical imperial wars of enslavement.
We must bring George Bush and Karl Rove and the neocons and the big banks and private corporations and defense contractors and the oil companies that finance and pull their strings.
I mean James Baker.
I mean George Herbert Walker Bush.
I mean David Rockefeller.
I mean Lord Rothschild out of London.
I'm talking about the real people that run things.
I'm talking about the folks that attend the Bilderberg Group meetings.
That is a criminal conspiracy against man, against humanity.
Next time they have the function, you know, the constabulary should swoop in and arrest them and indict them on the spot.
They killed almost 3,000 people on 9-11 and used that lie to kill over 3,000 U.S.
troops in Iraq, almost a thousand in Afghanistan,
And don't forget the British medical journal Lancet, who's been very accurate, and has people in war-torn regions, has done their internal estimate of over 650,000 dead in the last three and a half years of the liberation.
And the Animal ID Act, and the open borders, and the torture legislation, and abolishing the first nine amendments of the Bill of Rights, conservatively, and abolishing posse comitatus, and abolishing the governors in time of sedition or rebellion.
I mean, it's all happening, and now it's as if none of that exists, Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean step into power,
And they're in there shaking hands and smiling and kissy-kissing with Bush and promising North American Union, make no mistake, the jewel in the crown of the North American Union is that Blanket Amnesty guest worker program, which is a North American, Pan-American ID card.
I mean, hell is upon us!
I mean, I gave the Democrats the benefit of the doubt.
I said, well, see what they're gonna do?
Democrats are now emailing me saying, don't go, Alex!
You're just being a right-wing hater!
In fact, I have the emails, I have the message board's comments.
Well, I thought you were good just two weeks ago, but give Nancy Pelosi a chance!
You watch, she's gonna sneak attack him!
She's gonna get him, don't worry!
What are you talking about?
Out of the gates, they're saying,
No impeachment hearings.
No investigations.
No Iraq investigations.
Oh, the independent James Baker Iraq Working Group that was also on the board of it was Robert Gates, now to be the new Defense Secretary.
A bunch of neocon masters.
These are the puppet pullers.
These are the marionette controllers that have been running everything all along.
I mean, George Bush Sr.
basically had, let me see, two with Reagan, one with his own, two with his son, really with Clinton, too.
Clinton was his front man in Puppet, that's been proven, so let me see.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7!
He'll be finishing up his seventh administration, and it'll probably be Hillary after that, then Jeb after that.
They'll probably intermarry the family 2,000 years from now on Mars Base Alpha.
The Grand Duchess Clinton Bush will be... I mean, literally, that could be the type of stuff we're dealing with here.
I mean, this is out of control!
You can go read a little message board we've got a link to in the story we wrote.
OpenPrisonPlanet.com, I'd say about a third of the posts are, well at least the Democrats, Alex, are saying they're going to do the, you know, engage in the suggestions, implement the suggestions of the 9-11 Commission that Bush has refused to implement.
Oh, please don't throw me in the briar patch.
Do you know the story of Briar Rabbit and the Tar Baby?
I forget the whole story, but basically Briar Rabbit
Tells the farmer that's captured him, you know, please don't throw me in the briar patch.
And that's exactly where the rabbit wants to be thrown.
Oh yeah, I'll throw you in the briar patch where you live.
I mean, the 9-11 Commission says total surveillance, troops on the streets, searches inside malls and on the streets with the Viper teams through the TSA now on the ground in America.
It calls for RFID, national ID cards already implemented, being put in.
I mean, it calls for a unitary executive, unlimited defense contractor control over our nation, cameras everywhere.
I mean, what are you talking about?
Again, people being fooled by this.
So yes, we wrote an article saying that inside the progressive movement, the Democrats, and don't lie to yourself.
There's a lot of Democrats out there who are good people,
Who, just because they're still on 9-11 Truth, and just because they're still redoubling their efforts, they don't know, or haven't noticed that a bunch of the big, quote, progressive blogs are now saying, now let's move on, Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean are good, and oh, Alex Jones needed to stop criticizing them.
I mean, that's what's happening right now!
Don't confuse my statement that we're seeing some of the wind just temporarily come out of the sails.
The momentum we've built up with 80 plus percent knowing that 9-11 is a cover-up, I see a lessening of the wind in our sails that was threatening to burst our sails.
And so it is a clarion call to pile on shale, to pile on wind, to pile on fuel on the fires of truth!
That no amount of oceans of mainstream media lies will ever extinguish 9-11 truth now and forever!
I eternally pledge myself to fight and expose the murderers that carried out 9-11.
I'm not here saying, oh, it's a dead letter, and we can't do anything, and just drop the issue, move on, you know, let's just reduce the population, world government will save us.
I'm not doing what others have done, okay?
Some tried to spin that, and then people read what I said, and of course
Crouched it.
I'm saying it is the center.
It is the center of the political universe.
9-11, as the globalists told us, is the seminal event they thought they would use to dominate and enslave us.
And like a judo move, we're using their own weight, their own momentum to flip them around and pile drive their heads into the bedrock of truth!
Those are flowery prose, aren't they?
I'm saying re-double, re-double, re-double, re-double, re-double, re-double, re-double.
Because it took 40 plus years to get over 80% of the American people to believe that the government killed Kennedy.
It's now over 90%.
Once you hit that level, it accelerates.
We now have 68% believing there's a total cover-up in one poll.
84% believing they're being lied to about 9-11 and another.
36% saying total inside job.
Scientific MSN polls showing 86% believing inside job.
We're winning, okay?
And so, that's why, with the electronic voting machines, they allowed the people's will to be heard at a certain level, defeating wildly popular 9-11 truth candidates, letting in establishment Democrats who will play ball.
Now they've convinced us that there is an electronic fraud going on, because they were in trouble.
All those engineers going public and saying it was a fraud, and they were hired to run frauds.
See, now the Democrat sites are saying on that, too.
Oh no, see?
Oh, I guess there isn't a problem now.
And they're now going to consolidate the wins they've gotten on the Patriot Act, Military Commissions, Defense Authorization Act of 2007.
They have abolished the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
They have made the executive an imperial dictator.
And now the House and Senate are acting as a Senate sharing power with Julius Caesar.
And they like the power.
They're there because they want the power.
And I demand
The Democrats literally run around screaming and email everyone, call everyone, call into Air America, call into every show and say, listen!
We need Nancy Pelosi to say she's going for impeachment.
There didn't even need to be an investigation.
We know from the White House memo they lied about WMDs.
They wanted to get fly U.S.
aircraft painted up like UN, low to get them shot down.
We know they lied about WMDs and uranium.
We know they got 600 plus thousand Iraqis dead, over 3,000 Americans in Iraq dead.
We know they've used DU, we know that they've engaged in no-bid contracts, we know that they've run the contracts out of the Vice President's office, and just to see this pack of seedy Democrats, I remember when they were in control before 94, just a bunch of arrogant little emperors and empresses up there just arrogantly running things and going after our guns, and they're going to now butcher the border with the North American Union with Bush,
It took people five, six years to wake up to the fact that Bush was a total criminal.
And now we can't wait five or six years to wake up again that the Democrats are criminal.
Both groups are controlled.
Yes, there is some positive things out of all this.
The world now doesn't think Americans support this empire and this mass murdering.
But they will very soon if we don't get out of Iraq and do the right thing, which isn't going to happen.
But that is a silver lining, a small window of opportunity.
And yes, if a few of these committees, and I wouldn't hold your breath, they're under huge pressure, death threats, you name it, with a few of these good committee chairmen, that, you know, there couldn't be some dirt brought out, but what does it do?
It all is deflected off of the lame, dead duck George Bush!
Who is politically dead.
It doesn't matter.
He's birdcage liner.
And then they'll put in Democrats and the whole agenda will continue and patriots and conservatives will get arrested and there'll be gun confiscation and suddenly the Democrats out there listening, well, I guess it's okay.
They're evil right-wingers.
We have to come together against the New World Order.
We have to energize 9-11.
It is the key.
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I remember, I remember when I lost my mind.
There was something so pleasant about that place.
Even your emotions had an echo in so much space.
And when you're out there, without care, yeah, I was out of touch.
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough.
Welcome back to this Live Karate Edition.
I'll be back this weekend Sundays from 4 to 6 p.m.
from the studios of LBJ 590 here in Austin, now being syndicated.
Quite a few of our affiliates out there picking it up.
We appreciate that.
If you haven't yet, please tune it in or even rebroadcast it.
Alright, I know that we've got Jack and Mike and Carlos and Tim and
Many others holding there patiently.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Just think about the Military Commissions Act, H.R.
Just think about the Military Authorization Act, the Defense Authorization Act.
Just think about the Patriot Act.
All those things that you hate.
All those things that attack the fabric of America and our Republic.
And now it's all off the table.
Hey, we're not going to repeal that.
Hey, we're in power now.
Democrats are even naively saying, oh well, the Democrats won't misuse those powers.
I'm not going to put up with it!
I don't want, in fact, impeachment as a diversion compared to repealing those abominable acts!
That's what we always warn conservatives about.
Oh, you're for Bush and the Patriot Act and all this now.
What about when it's Hillary?
Or some other Democrat?
Well, they're going to love it regardless.
They just love authority and black masks and black boots, stomping on faces.
But, I mean, I'm freaked out right now.
This is worse than I thought.
I thought Pelosi and them would at least pay lip service.
They're letting you know, out of the gates, we've got to stay in Iraq, we've got to keep going into Lebanon, we've got to do whatever Israel says, we've got to continue and stay the course.
That's the message.
And I'm telling you, 9-11 is the key.
We can't just let Bush leave office in two years.
We've got to push it over the edge.
We've got to have people on the streets.
We've got to have 9-11 truths spray-painted on every government building.
I'm not actually calling for that.
Please don't do it.
We're in a war for our lives.
Don't do something like that.
I mean... Let's go to Carlos first.
He's actually first.
Carlos in California, then Jack, Mike, and others.
Carlos, welcome.
Hey, Alex!
Nice to hear from you again.
Well, you're absolutely right.
Nothing's going to change.
And you know, we knew it.
And the proof is that in every administration, the same trends continue.
You know, this prodigious government spending.
We accrued the first trillion dollars worth of debt in 80 years since the inception of the Federal Reserve Board, but in the last 20 years or so,
Our debt has gone up 8 trillion dollars!
And that's going up exponentially with this war against terrorism.
Yeah, there's currently over 9 trillion, but that's like, that's your bills that are due today.
The actual note is almost 100 trillion now.
Yeah, so we know they're going to continue the same trends.
Our jobs are going to be sent overseas.
You know, the North American Free Trade Organization, we're going to be subordinated to it.
You know, the war in the Middle East will expand to Latin America, Africa, probably Europe, and eventually here.
So there's no change.
All these guys are controlled by those people you mentioned a while ago, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, all them people.
And I'm beginning to believe that maybe some Jesuit elements within the Catholic Church are also in power, empowering this New World Order drive.
Uh, you know, there's a lot of talk about that, about the black... No, I mean, listen, everybody in high places at that level of power globally, they're all working together for the world government.
Look, it's like a mafia, you know, in the Godfather, that's based on a true story.
Okay, you've got the big 14 heads of the families from all over the US, from San Francisco to Detroit to New York, and they're all there, and they all fight and kill each other and backstab, but they never blow the whistle on each other, and they keep their agenda moving forward.
And that's exactly what it is.
You've got the Catholic rulers, the Protestant rulers, the Jews, the Germans, the European elite, the Anglo-American establishment, the Chinese.
They're all at the table, and it's disgusting.
Well, you know, things are going to get worse, because now we're starting to hear about a potential war crisis.
The United Nations has something called the Earth Charter,
Of course, your charter is monitored by Mikhail Gorbachev, Stephen Rockefeller, and then you got that Maurice Strong guy.
And your charter is calling basically...
Oh yeah, it's a global tax in the name of helping the poor.
It's meant to kill the poor.
It's a nightmare.
It's upon us.
And they just keep passing the baton.
Good cop, bad cop.
Double teaming us.
And most of the people are waking up, but there's still some that haven't.
9-11 truth is the key.
We'll never die.
We're not going to let it.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
Welcome back, continuing with loud, open telephones throughout the broadcast today.
We have one of the main engines behind the Republican victory in 1994 joining us to talk about the betrayal of conservatives in this country for about 30 minutes to the next hour.
MSNBC polled with 31,000... No, excuse me, it's even more votes than that.
This is a massive amount. 300,000
313,738 responses.
That's how many people have voted.
313,738 responses.
Piling on, or do liberals and conservatives seek common ground defending the Constitution?
What does that mean?
Well, it's actually a good, accurate, truthful statement by MSNBC.
You know, are they piling on, or do liberals and conservatives seek common ground defending the U.S.
That's their statement that wasn't there earlier today concerning this incredible vote.
Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment?
This is an MSNBC poll.
Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war, and more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial.
87% when they impeached Bill Clinton only about 55% supported him.
Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war, and more,
There is plenty to justify putting him on trial.
4.4 percent?
Like any president, he has made a few missteps, but nothing approaching high crimes and misdemeanors.
4.4 percent?
The man has done absolutely nothing wrong.
Impeachment would just be a political lynching.
I don't know.
So if you take out the 1.8, that leaves only about...
11%, I guess 11.4% or so, that support the President and 87% that want him to be impeached.
But again, it can't stop with George Bush.
It needs to continue with Hillary, who's been supporting all of this in the lies.
We need to continue on up to their bosses, David Rockefeller, George Bush Sr.,
The Rothschilds.
These are the individuals that own and run our economy.
The Dutch Royal Family.
The British Royal Family.
These are the groups that go to Bilderberg, that pull the strings, that give the orders.
And we can't let them now, I mean they've gotten so many gains against the Constitution, so many gains against the Bill of Rights, and they just change horses, pass the baton, put a fresh horse in, and we get fooled by it long enough for them to get the next length of their track laid, to move their juggernaut on down the road towards total New World Order, total global police state, where we won't be able to resist.
This is how they do it.
And they put us into tribal units of left versus right, of cowboys versus redskins, you know, football, Coke versus Pepsi, when the same people own both varieties.
And I know you as an audience understand this probably better than I do, but a lot of mainline conservatives, a lot of mainline liberals still cannot get it.
Listen, I'd be celebrating right now if Nancy Pelosi was calling for impeachment and bringing up real issues.
I never expected that.
But now it seems to... I thought... I was listening to Jack Blood last week, maybe it was Monday before the election, and I thought, is he wrong?
Because he was saying, you know what, it might be better to just keep the Republicans in because worse is better and then people won't think that there's been a change and they'll keep fighting.
You know, if the Democrats come in, people will go back to sleep.
And I thought, well, we've got to break up the separation of powers.
We've got to get that separation of powers.
Maybe there'll be some hearings.
And that remains to be seen.
We'll see who's right.
But it does make sense what he was saying.
Here on Genesis.
I just... I really do have a headache over this.
I'm trying to be in an upbeat good mood about it, but...
Here is the good news.
The bad news is the elite owns both parties.
They're covering for each other.
They've circled the wagons against the people.
They're shaking hands because they're all afraid.
They know when Bush starts going down, he'll blow the whistle on them.
They're basically all blackmailing each other and they know that all the incumbents will be flushed and a lot of people will go to prison for sexual
Perversity and criminality, but mainly for bid rigging and no-bid contracts and bribery and millions in Swiss and Spanish and Cayman Island bank accounts in the Bahamas.
And so you can see them circling the wagons.
Okay, we're going to whitewash this.
We're going to protect each other.
Just like George Bush did day one when he got into office.
He told Dan Burton's committee, we are not gonna investigate Bill Clinton, drop an investigation of his pardoning of cocaine dealers and of Chinese generals in the White House and all the murders, you drop it.
Just like Bill Clinton blocked any investigations of George Bush Senior.
You're talking about trillions of dollars, you're talking about power, control over the biggest military in the world, bigger than all other militaries combined.
We're talking about global corporations, hundreds of years of power and families and institutions.
It's a lot bigger than Hillary and George Bush and Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean.
And if there was ever any question about that traitor, that bug-eyed piece of trash, Howard Dean, just look at him!
They've all been working against us.
They're all on the same team.
And if they aren't on the same team, their airplane blows up over Duluth, Minnesota.
Or if their high tower blows up over Dallas.
Or their head gets blown off in Dallas.
Stop being naive!
I've risked my life to fight these murderers.
And I know we can bring them down.
If we know they're the enemy, if we know our government's illegitimate, if we know it's been hijacked, if we know the voting's been compromised, if we know there's been a takeover, then we've got to fight them and fight them now.
Stop being naive.
Start being aggressive.
And don't let the phony baloney progressives out there, who aren't really progressive, tell you that drop 9-11, oh don't worry about it, oh we need to work with Bush.
Alright, I need to not get angry.
I just... It makes my brain hurt, literally.
I mean, the naive emails I get.
I printed some of them up here.
It's the message board stuff.
We're going to post them up later today in an article.
Well, Alex, I mean, you were bashing the neocons two weeks ago.
Now you're saying the Democrats are complicit.
Sounds like you're crazy.
I agree with you when you didn't like Bush, but what do you mean?
They weren't involved in 9-11.
If they know he lied about WMDs and killed 600,000 Iraqis and did all of this, that alone, if they don't go after him, they're complicit.
If you know your neighbor murdered someone and you don't tell the police, or if you see it happening and don't even try to stop them, you're called an accessory or an accessory after the fact.
Stop being so childlike.
Stop being willfully ignorant.
Hey, Bill Clinton carried out, that is the people that control him, carried out Oklahoma City.
They bombed the World Trade Center in 93.
I'm not new to this.
It's government-sponsored terror.
I didn't say it was government-sponsored terror because I was a liberal and I didn't like George Bush.
I said 9-11 was government-sponsored terror before it happened because I knew what the paradigm was and what the operation was and because I'm a constitutionalist and I stand up against anybody who tries to enslave me and my family and my country!
This is life and death.
Do you realize what the... I'm not doing that for effect, folks.
I'm actually hyperventilating.
Go to music for a minute.
Just, seriously, I'm actually getting a headache and getting dizzy here.
I'm getting so mad.
I'm a controlled... I'm in controlled rage right now.
Play, uh, Man of Peace or something.
Play that Bob Dylan song.
I'm actually going to take a break right now.
Now I'm gonna stand my ground And I won't back down I won't back down Hey, baby There ain't no easy way out I won't back down Hey, yeah I'm gonna stand my ground
Well, I know what's right I've got just one life around But I'll stand my ground And I won't back down
Your own personal Jesus.
Someone to hear your prayers.
Someone who cares.
Your own personal Jesus.
Someone to hear your prayers.
Someone who's there.
Feeling unknown and you're all alone.
Flesh and bones by the telephone.
Lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer.
Take second best, put me to the test.
Things on your chest, you need to confess.
I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver.
Reach out and touch faith.
Reach out and touch faith.
I'm not going to blow up here on air, and we knew when the Democrats went in it would be more of the same.
You just desperately, you just at a base level, even when you intellectually know it's all a fraud, you just want to see a change.
You want to see better things happen.
You know, people email me, even family tells me, don't get so upset.
I mean, I personalize 654,000 dead Iraqis in the last three and a half years.
I mean, I feel like that blood's on my hands, partially, for not doing enough.
And I know I'm not safe, and my family's not safe, and we've got a criminal elite.
They're just a bunch of weird, status-driven, evil people in fancy suits.
And you always just look at them.
They look so weak and pathetic and evil.
I just hate them.
And all those bug-eyed, sickening Democrats up there.
I just am sick of looking at them!
I'm sick of you!
And I'm sick of George Bush, that little queer.
And just all of them!
I mean, I'm tired of it!
I'm tired of it!
I'm tired of it!
My wife last night said, you know, every time I tune in, you're talking about how they blow toddlers' heads off, and kill them, and torture them, and you talk about it, and it freaks people out, and new listeners won't know what you're talking about, and it's really scary.
Well, I'm sorry!
I've already been told by the dying core locals that if I don't shut up, they're going to kill me, so when they did that, I'm going to talk about it even more!
I mean, when they got the Chicago Tribune openly talking about how they run giant white slave rings, listen, people, it freaks me out!
I mean, these people are evil.
What does it take to get it through your head?
Look at them!
Look at them!
Alright, I said I wasn't going to blow up.
I am blowing up, okay?
This is a controlled explosion here.
I just, it's so painful to watch it again.
It's so painful to see people getting fooled, and scammed, and these criminals just keep getting away with everything!
This planet is a disease, run by a disease.
And there's all these good people, but they're naive, and they have no idea what they're facing.
All I do is study the New World Order.
All I do is look at it, and study how they operate, and try to think about how to beat them.
And I have these political novices send me emails telling me it's good the Democrats won, and everything's going to be alright now.
I mean, come on!
Basically, I told Paul this stupid analogy today over the phone.
He might put it in an article.
It's basically, it's like your house is on fire, and you call the fire department, and the Democrats show up as the fire department, and your house is burning, and your children are in the house.
You're asking them to go in and get them, because, you know, you're a mainstream idiot who won't help your own family.
You call 911.
I'm already digressing.
The point is, you call the fire department, the Democrats of the fire department, they show up, and they pull out coat hangers and start roasting marshmallows and hot dogs.
You're going, hey, do something.
I called you here to do something.
You know, George Bush and the neocons, they're the front men for the people burning down the house.
And then you just see them, you know, invite the person that set the fire out and they sit there and eat hot dogs together.
And I'm not supposed to sit here and get angry about this?
And get upset about this?
I'm tired of it!
I'm tired of a bunch of pencil-necked... I'm not gonna...
I just want to use different language, and I never have this urge.
I just... A bunch of... A bunch of wimps.
They're a bunch of little... It's mean to call them effeminate, because women aren't weak.
And to use the word effeminate to denote weakness is wrong.
They are... They are just these chicken-neck, little, weak, pathetic, oiled, cloth creatures with fancy PR.
And they're a bunch of scared inbred scum, and they think evil's going to give them power, and they get more and more unhappy, so they dig the hole deeper, thinking if they just get more evil, that'll somehow quench their thirst.
And I've talked to the top criminologists and experts.
It's the same thing that a street psycho does.
They don't feel alive until they're doing something bad, and then it's just like a white light.
It's just like, you know, the extremism of it is like a stimulation for them.
And I just want to, I want to beat them.
I mean, I want to arrest them.
I want to try them.
I want to see them pay for their crimes.
And I know, and you'll see, well, there's always evil.
You're not going to beat it.
Oh, stop being a real manic.
Folks, there's always corruption and always problems, but this is just Nero-esque
You know, Caligula, Aztec type, just wanton evil right out in front of us.
The churches are bought and paid for with a weird pervert cult running most of the big ones.
The pervert... I just... I just... It's just... Reality is so horrible!
And I'm not being negative here.
I want to turn this around.
But we're not going to turn it around until we face just how bad it really is.
And so Democrats, a lot of you out there, you didn't care about the Military Commissions Act.
You didn't care about Patriot Act.
You didn't care about the dead Iraqis.
You just wanted to feel good.
Now you've got your Democrats.
You can all go back to sleep now!
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Dad, can we stop?
We need to go to the bathroom.
We just stopped two hours ago.
Honey, let's stop because I gave the kids their Spark Berkey water bottles.
Why did you do that?
Because they can't drink and talk at the same time and that way we don't have to listen to them singing, Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
for the entire trip.
Hmm, I didn't think about that.
Great idea!
Yeah, and it's cheap entertainment for the kids!
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Hey, they're not going away.
The New World Order's not going away.
Bush and the Democrats, hell, they probably wanted to get the Democrats in because he couldn't get the Republican Congress to pull what they wanted.
So now they give you a steam valve, they make you feel good, the Democrats come in, they have a commission, they keep the troops there for another five, ten years, everybody forgets about it, they give you a North American Union, blanket amnesty.
The more I look at it, I just, they just, they just, it's slick.
That's why they're in control.
Let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Let's talk to Jack in Florida.
Jack, thanks for holding.
Hello, Alex.
Alex, a video interview with the hijackers that's still alive, that the BBC interviewed and that's claimed that still is alive, would take this thing mainstream overnight.
This would turn this around immediately.
Yeah, nobody knows where those hijackers are in the Middle East, but it has been reported, and they did go to the press about five years ago, and were, you know, did talk to the press about it, and the press did report it, and then the FBI had to say, okay, we got some of the names wrong.
Okay, I'm just trying to put the suggestion out there to the people that can do the investigation to find these people and do a video interview that would prove who they are
And when the interview was done, the mainstream networks would beat your door down trying to put this on air.
Oh, actually, I don't think they would.
The BBC did supposedly do the interviews but never showed any of them.
I mean, it would demand an investigation.
Well, I don't want to say you're wrong, but we have the owner of the World Trade Center saying that he ordered the building blown up, and then we have police on tape saying, get back, the building's about to come down.
And you got Building 7 and all this other information too.
And there's two or three things that I've seen, how much money Larry Silverstein has collected.
Over 7 billion now.
We also know the hijackers were trained at U.S.
military bases and covert ops.
That's admitted.
Anybody that can do an interview needs to try to get that done, because that would take this mainstream overnight.
Well, it's been tried to contact these people in Saudi Arabia and Jordan and other areas in Egypt.
Thank you.
But it's a good idea.
We'll try again.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Michigan.
Mike, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
You bet.
You guys were just talking about 9-11.
I had a question as to why the elite who demolished World Trade Center 7 would have done it so flawlessly and made it appear innocent.
Well, I mean, they sat there and shot Kennedy from three sides right in front of everyone and then claimed that somebody could do it in six seconds shooting through a tree.
So they're really arrogant.
Like, they could have done it at night time and you wouldn't have been able to see the squib marks coming out.
But that wouldn't have... Actually, you would have seen the blast points probably even better.
Instead of the smoke, you would have seen the radiated heat in the form of orange blast points.
I see.
Another quick question.
I've been trying to research a little more about Jeff Gannon and Johnny Gosch.
And I think that's very interesting.
Yeah, I don't know if stuff like that's true.
Some of the sources that put that out are
I just don't know.
I mean, I got all this stuff I can prove.
I got Chicago Tribune saying they're running giant kidnapping rings with lobbyists on Capitol Hill for the kidnapping rings.
And I can read, you know, foreign press and AP where they're snuffing toddlers.
And, you know, that stuff's real, brother.
And so I don't need to, you know, I don't need to go to the Tom Flacco's of the world or the Kathy O'Brien's of the world.
I mean, what they're saying may be true.
I just, I just, I just can't prove it.
Look at what I've got.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I am distraught over the state of our republic.
The Democrats, while we needed more proof, we've seen it so many times in the past.
The same Democrats that voted for the war.
The same Democrats that voted for the Patriot Act and the military.
Commission's Act and the Defense Authorization Act.
The entire Bill of Rights has been overturned.
The entire posse comitatus, jurisprudence.
We're no longer a free country if they wish to try to implement these powers.
Congressman Ron Paul on air yesterday without my prompting said that they, you know, can put us in concentration camps now without any charges.
And they are building them.
And millions of Americans think everything's fine now.
And they're defending Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean saying no impeachment, no investigations, nothing.
But the good news is 87% of Americans, over 300,000 people voting.
313,738 responses, MSNBC poll, 87% say yes,
Bush should be impeached because between the secret spying, deceptions leading to war, and more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial.
But again, that even insulates the elite because George Bush is a puppet.
We're going to be talking more about the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Bilderberg Group.
I'm making a film about them.
We need to start exposing the actual people pulling the strings.
And it's a lot more dangerous than exposing little creatures like George Bush and Bill Clinton and Hillary, but we will do it here.
We are committed to this fight.
So if you want to be effective, get past left and right and get right down to the New World Order.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tim, James, Frank and others.
Tim in Ohio, you're on the air.
Alex, long time.
What's on your mind?
Note to Violet, we need to get you an O2 tank in that studio so you can take a shot of oxygen.
What would happen if our leader has a heart attack?
Oh, come on.
No, it was just, I have a real bad headache today.
It's 80-something degrees in Texas, really bad allergies, and I was about to just blow up on air, and I just, so I went to music.
Well, you just know we love you, brother.
We don't want to lose you.
And I still blew up afterwards.
A couple of things about the new movie and the election, quickly, if I may.
Is it copyright free, correct?
Well, because I went into a commercial distributorship, I can't really say it's copyright free.
You can make copies of it for non-profit educational purposes.
I have that agreement with my distributor, but I can't just say copyright free.
Do you know if I said something was copyright free, you could copyright it and claim you owned it and then remove my authority to put it out?
The next question is if cable access is okay?
Yes, it is.
Okay, very good.
We want you to.
Question about that.
In the Gulf of Tonkin section,
When you had the picture of Johnson in the cap and gown, in the background, is that a very young David Gergen?
I don't know.
We just used that photo of LBJ.
Okay, if you get a chance to go back, take a look at it.
It looks like a real young David Gergen in the background.
Of course, every time I see his face, I think of you in the 9-11 movie when he totally went berserk on you outside of the convention.
That's classic, isn't it?
Oh my God, I love it so much.
Let's see, an idea here for you about how to get us into Blockbuster.
They have a video exchange program.
I was talking to them this morning.
Anyone that has a Blockbuster card can sign up for a video exchange program.
And as long as the TerraStorm, which has a barcode on it, it can be scanned into their system, it will go on their shelves and they'll get a trade or a store credit.
So that's an easy way to get into Blockbuster.
Buy an extra copy of TerraStorm, turn it into them.
Well, I would really appreciate it.
We should also place them in libraries.
People should contact Blockbuster.
They're very close to carrying it in their stores.
And we have contact info up on InfoWars.com.
Anything else?
Oh, yeah.
Run me real quick.
Our old buddy, Mr. Aspartame.
Do you think he's a retire or a rehire?
Well, that's it.
It's a revolving door.
I mean, it's completely staged.
We'll be right back.
It's just, you know, taking that lightning rod out of the equation, a symbol of a change when there will be no change, so the Democrats can suck their thumbs and feel good.
We'll be right back.
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Dad, can we stop?
We need to go to the bathroom.
We just stopped two hours ago.
Honey, let's stop.
Because I gave the kids their Spark Berkey water bottles.
Why did you do that?
Because they can't drink and talk at the same time.
And that way we don't have to listen to them singing, Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
for the entire trip.
Hmm, I didn't think about that.
Great idea.
Yeah, and it's cheap entertainment for the kids.
Bottled water costs around 75 cents a bottle.
And using our Bertie Sport bottles, it costs us less than two and a half cents per refill.
You're terrific!
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Now can we stop?
I need to go, too.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I think so.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
In a poll of over 300,000 respondents, 87% of Americans want George Bush impeached.
Just like 97% don't want North American Union toll roads, 99% don't want the new Supreme Court ruling about grabbing private property for private interest, just like 90% don't want open borders and amnesty, and the two parties together say it isn't what you want, it's what the elite wants.
Shut up!
And I'm tired of it!
But the good news is the people are awake, and the Democrats are not going to fool people long.
In fact, within days, folks are already realizing they've been scammed.
In fact, a lot of good Republicans got removed from House seats.
People that were against giving blanket amnesty, and now Bush has got a Congress he can, quote, work with.
We're in a lot of trouble.
See, we were hoping to get the Democrats in.
They go for impeachment.
They told you day one.
You can't blame Pelosi.
I mean, she was honest with you.
She told you two weeks before on 60 Minutes.
We've got wide open phones in the shower.
I'm taking your calls.
We've got a guest in the next 1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
Let's go ahead and talk to James in New York and Frank Mayo and others, or Mayo.
Go ahead, James.
Hi, I'd like to tell you who's supporting Nancy Pelosi.
She's 100% supported by Eliza.
Yeah, you're on the air.
I'd really like to talk to you, sir.
Just go ahead.
Nancy Poulos is supported by La Raza, I think, 100%.
La Raza?
Yes, they supported her.
I think they gave like a 100% support and I guess a glowing report.
And she's also taking $23,350 from pro-Israel lobbying groups like the Women's Alliance for Israel and National PAC.
Yes, she's big time in the hip pocket of Israel.
Yes, so the only thing that gets me a bit upset about this, well except for her not wanting to impeach Bush, is that she's also supported by the people who would also support Bush.
So again, like you said, she's two sides of the same coin.
I think I agree with Jack Boyd when he said it actually is better that the Republicans were the state, not because of their policies, just because they're coming in, the Democrats, they're going to change everything right to borders, even though the Republicans aren't angels, their justice got even worse, and they're still supporting the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act of 06.
I hear you, and I appreciate your call.
No, that's really it.
And we need to intensify the exposure of 9-11 being an inside job, a false flag terror attack, a self-inflicted wound.
We need to re-energize it 110%, and then 110%, and then 110%.
Amplify, amplify.
Never stop.
Continue exposing.
I mean, shame on the Democrats that are sending me emails going, don't be mean to Nancy, she's trying, don't be mean to Howard Dean.
What are you talking about?
You know, the people put them in office because they don't want the war, they want Bush brought to justice, and what are they giving us?
The exact opposite.
You know, they say they do what the people want.
They do the exact opposite.
Let's go ahead and talk to Frank in New Jersey.
Frank, go ahead.
Thank you so much, Austin.
I'd like to quote a book by Ralph Madihi, Deadly Deceit, My 25 Years in the CIA.
It's about a half a minute quote here.
There is a little bit of fear that if you go after the intelligence community, your career,
Career is threatened.
Several CIA operatives have told me that the CIA had blackmailed Senator Burden, David Burden, head of the CIA Senate Oversight Committee, warning him in 1992 that if he would release, they would release pictures of his alleged homosexual pedophile activity if he didn't come over and decrease
His opposition to the nomination of Robert Gates as director of the CIA.
And then right underneath that, America suffered greatly from the media cover-up.
America has paid a terrible price for the media cover-ups and the disinformation related to corruption, criminal activity throughout government offices and covert operations.
And that's by a classic book that was just out one year now, Iraq Lies, Cover-Ups, and Consequences by the one and only Rodney Stitz of defraudingamerica.com
And DruggingAmerica.com.
The man's got it pretty well documented, okay?
Rodney Stits.
Yeah, I got the plug.
Yeah, I mean, this is how the game's played.
That's why we're in so much trouble.
I appreciate your call.
Mayo and Texas, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Good afternoon.
How you doing?
I'm doing okay.
First of all, I really appreciate the show and thank you for taking my call.
Let me ask you, over the phone, I'm originally from Mexico, of course.
I'm legal and everything here.
Let me ask you, how many of you are opposed to an amnesty?
When we say blanket amnesty, I can understand that.
But are you opposed to a guest program?
Am I opposed to a what program, sir?
You're opposed to a temporary program.
Well, I've read the temporary program.
Anybody who's here for six years is instantly legalized.
It allows the Fortune 500 to bring in skilled and unskilled workers at an unlimited level.
It's the end of this country.
And, sir, I have nothing against hard-working Mexican-Americans who've come to this country and gone through the process.
What I don't like is the fact that
Uh, you know, La Raza means the race.
Well, I understand.
You know, because obviously you speak Spanish.
And a lot of the Hispanics I talk to do say this is Mexico, when it belonged to Spain and the Confederates and everybody else.
And so I don't think there's a real claim here.
Sure, Native Americans you could say, but the Mesoamericans from South of here aren't the Native Central North Americans.
And there's six plus billion people trying to get in here, and if we let giant third world populations in, it's going to destroy what's left of the middle class, and not give anybody a chance to get into the middle class, and the globalists who are behind all these other bad things want open borders, want total legalization, so doesn't that obviously tell you it must be bad?
No, no, I understand that.
What I don't understand why, and I agree with you, the government, it's too bad that we don't have this program for the Spanish,
And educated people.
I understand the government's way too big, way too powerful, it's run out of control, and the people don't want to see that.
But anyway, that's why the politicians keep dancing around with this amnesty baloney, where to me, I mean, I've talked to a lot of people from Mexico, and Honduras, El Salvador, you name it, and they even, they even, against that, they're illegal.
Like me, I went through the process.
It's not fair.
For the ones that go through the process to wait ten, fifteen years, to suddenly everybody wants a quick general amnesty.
To me, you know, I mean, I thought from the very beginning that Bush would have the guts to say, let's have a clear amnesty.
And when I say clear amnesty, to me, anybody that has been here at least seven to ten years, that has got businesses, that have reclaimed income taxes,
That they got their legal business and they don't depend on the rover system.
To me, those are the ones that really deserve the amnesty.
You know what I mean?
Look, let me just say this to you.
Everything that comes out of George Bush's mouth is a lie.
And George Bush is helping prop up the new government in Mexico that clearly stole the election.
They're out there shooting people who are protesting in crowds.
The government is a narco-terrorist state, run by Chase Manhattan, Citibank, and Wall Street.
And they can sell us all day on, oh, let's just be fair.
We've got 30 million people in this country who weren't born in this country, who are illegal aliens, who... I mean, imagine being an American, okay?
And you go read the literature that the popular groups are putting out, that the big corporations fund, by the way,
Saying, this is Mexico, this is Oslon, Plana San Diego, you know, the Mexican radio stations, you know full well what they say.
My wife speaks fluent Spanish and tells me what they're saying.
And so I'm sitting here watching this happen.
It's part of the North American Union, sir.
They've already merged Mexico and Canada.
They're just getting around to telling us.
They're merging our police, our regulations.
It's all happening.
And so you think Bush had the courage to come out.
I mean, this is what the establishment wants.
And so, just because it seems reasonable to people on the ground, we have to see the bigger picture here and understand this is about destroying the United States and making us a country like Mexico.
And yes, at the same time, I talked to Mexicans.
They seem to get government corruption because they lived under it better than
Stupid yuppies in this country.
They seem to understand, they seem to want freedom at many levels, and seem to like this show, while they still disagree with me about the amnesty, because somehow they've been sold, you know, that it's a Raza thing.
I mean, listen, can you imagine if there were 30 million white people?
We moved down to Mexico, and we're calling it the race, in English, and running around saying that Mexico belonged to the U.S., and then the argument will be, well, the Southwest was Mexico.
Everybody, it was imperial.
Different people were grabbing it.
And so the, you know, Guadalupe Hidalgo and the treaty and all the rest of it.
I mean, do you see where I'm coming from?
I understand that.
I understand that.
Like I said, there again, and I also understand that that
Half of the, uh, whatever they claim, 38 to 40 million, illegal, uh, I understand, uh, I mean, 70% of them, they don't want to stay here anyway.
They only do $70 to Mexico, and, and that's why... No, I know, they own their own little, nice little farms, and are doing quite well, and are hard-working people.
Listen, and it's the Mexican government stealing their land, forcing them up to Mexico City.
I don't care about that.
Yeah, I understand that.
That's why the Mexican government is so addicted to the American dollar.
That is basically the second on income besides oil, I know that.
That's what I said, but at the same time, to me, what I say, you know what?
The ones that deserve really a clear amnesty, the ones that have been here at least seven, eight years, integrate to the system, they speak the language, they do business, they own legal houses, they got families, and then the rest of them, to me, send them back.
I mean, people who've been here legally can get citizenship and should be able to, but there's no attempt to even send back the illegal aliens.
I mean, in Austin, there's more illegal aliens probably than there are Mexicans and whites and blacks combined.
We're citizens.
No, no, I understand.
You're caring for them.
Yeah, because we don't impose the laws.
I understand that.
Thank you, sir, for your call, and have a good show.
Thank you, sir.
I appreciate your call.
More calls straight ahead.
Tons of news.
We'll be right back.
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This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network.
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To find out more about this, call for a free report on the coming dollar collapse.
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That's 1-8888-XANADU or 1-8888-XANADU and ask for George.
Continuing with Open Phones on this Friday edition, I want to get your response as Americans, not as liberals or conservatives, divided into the two management camps they control you through.
What are we going to do?
87% want impeachment.
We know it's probably even more than that.
We know the elite has circled the wagons against the people.
We're doing everything they can to neutralize an effective counter-revolution in this country.
Oh yes, we're counter-revolutionaries.
We want our Bill of Rights, our Constitutional Republic back.
The elite is doing everything they can to engage in dog and pony show, smoke screens.
It's not working.
That's the good news.
The people are seeing right through it.
But still, they've got the power.
They're still in control.
Let's go ahead and go back to your calls here.
John in Virginia, and Dylan, John, and many others.
Welcome, John.
Thank you, Alex.
I was calling about a week or so ago.
I heard you mention that you like the song John the Revelator by Depeche Mode, and so I went up, looked it up on Google, and got the lyrics of that song, and now I'm left very confused.
I don't understand why a Christian would like the lyrics to that song.
It calls John the Revelator a liar.
It says he should bow his head in shame.
It says he should be sent home on the train.
All he ever causes us is pain.
Revelation 22, 19, whoever takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the book of life.
I saw a music video twice on the internet and I knew the first line of it and it was George Bush.
It was saying George Bush was taking the Bible
And manipulating and using it, that's how I saw it.
So I know the first two lines, John the Revelator put him in an elevator, sent him up, something like that.
You need to look at the rest of the words for that song.
It's pretty much against John the Revelator and it's demeaning to the biblical revelations that he wrote.
Yeah, I believe it's talking about the way, from what I got from the music video, is it's talking about
What the neocons are doing with that.
But again, I haven't bought the CD.
I've probably watched it here at the office a few months ago, twice.
And so, you have to understand, I'm not omnipresent.
And so, if somebody calls in and says, hey, have you seen that song?
Oh yeah, I saw that music video.
Pretty cool showing Bush.
That doesn't then turn into a, you know, grand thing that I, you know, secretly am
You know, they're trying to destroy the revelation of John on the Isle of Patmos.
That's what I was afraid of, sir.
That's what I called it.
Well, you don't think that now, do you?
Uh, I don't think that as much as I do, um, since you said that you only saw the music video and had not read it.
Well, I thought it was, yeah, I thought that's what they were, it shows Bush.
Perhaps my lyrics, the copies of my lyrics are not correct, but uh... Well, no, it may be, sir.
I didn't, um...
You know how those songs are, too?
I can't even understand half of it.
It shows George Bush coming out of hell, like the devil, and he's posing as a Christian, and he's lying and then twisting the Bible is what I got from the music video.
I think if you saw the music video, certainly you went and found the lyrics and you're like, whoa, I haven't ever read the lyrics.
I hope you will, anyway.
I just didn't understand why you would like the song being a Christian.
Sure, let me ask you a question.
What do you think about what the Democrats are doing protecting the neocons?
It's very disappointing, but it's not anything that most of us didn't expect to or are informed and know what's going on with the fake left-right paradigm and so forth.
My friend, you know, she's a die-hard Democrat and she'll never wake up.
She's all happy and excited, but she doesn't really care about, you know, the Patriot Act and impeaching Bush, obviously, or else she wouldn't be such a fan of Nancy Pelosi.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dylan in Texas.
Dylan, go ahead.
Hey, how are you doing, Alex?
It's a pleasure.
I'm going to try to knock through a couple of questions here.
I'm down in Houston, of course, the most awake city in Texas, being facetious, of course.
One question I wanted to ask, which I haven't really heard anybody really address.
I don't know.
I mean, I still need to do more research, so I'm certainly not going to claim to be completely sure of this, but do you have any, like, fear of, like, maybe someone, like, taking some of the... I've been looking at some of you guys with the money in 911truth.org, and I try not to be like, everything is, you know, not what it seems.
I try to really look at facts and stuff, but, you know, are there any concerns that there could be people out there who could possibly
I don't know about 911truth.org, but I do know that there has been lots of attempts by the George Soros crowd to limit it to, oh, they just let it happen instead of made it happen.
And that's why I've told everybody to start their own 9-11 sites, be your own 9-11 truth leaders.
Don't follow me, don't follow anybody else.
I mean, they're not going to be able to hijack the movement because... And they've tried, you know, they've tried saying, oh, drop it, it's a dead issue.
No, no, it's THE issue.
And, uh, it's just not gonna work.
Anything else?
Uh, yeah, I was gonna say... Stay there!
On the other side, you can ask your other question.
We'll continue with wide open phones.
I'm doing a good job of going to your calls.
Stay with us!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Ask for George.
Look out your window, babe, and there's a scene you'll like to catch.
Man, he's playing Dixie, man, that is hand-out stiff.
Could be the viola, could be the local priest.
Well, there's some time, this time, you know he come as a man of
And I've heard this song.
I think I know all the lyrics.
I don't know if they're approved.
But I don't think these are anti-Christian.
It was my uncle, who's a pretty big Christian, pretty serious Christian, who recommended that song for the show.
You know, the earlier caller was talking about a caller called in.
I don't know, was it Monday or something?
Going, hey, have you heard that Depeche Mode song?
And have you seen the video?
And I said, oh yeah, where Bush is a fake Christian and the devil?
Yeah, I like that song.
But again, I'm not omnipresent.
I don't... I just can't keep track of everything anymore.
And I don't ever sit up here, by the way, and claim I'm a holier-than-thou, dressed in white, you know, garment shining from heaven on you either.
I don't claim to be your preacher.
I don't claim to be your anything.
I'm a mad, I guess, hayseed from Texas who studied the New World Order and wants to defeat it and wants to live in freedom.
I'm not your pastor.
And I've never made a secret of the fact that I'm a Christian.
I love God, and I count on God, and I put my faith in God, and you need to judge the tree by its fruits.
Oh, now, Pastor Haggarton, he'd tell you all about it.
He wouldn't dare say he likes some Depeche Mode song, but I guarantee you he comes as a man of peace.
But, you know, sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
Whereas I may look foul, don't I feel fair?
I mean, don't you understand you don't judge a tree by, I guess it's leaves, you judge it by it's fruits.
You don't judge a book by it's cover.
You know, I'm not here to win a popularity contest, I'm going to tell you right now.
I'm actually an exhausted person who works as hard as I can.
And just, I live in documents, I live in research.
I probably did.
I got home last night at midnight.
That's not true.
At 1250.
And I went in and did another two hours of research.
And I do that far too often.
And frankly I get burnout and irritable and crabby and sound befuddled.
Sometimes because I'm exhausted right now.
And I'm going to give a speech tonight before I show Terror Storm for free.
At the First Unitarian Church here in Austin, Texas.
I hope you'll come out to it.
We've got a link to it up on Infowars.com.
Or you can just check your phone book in Central Texas.
It's in North Austin.
And I hope to... I don't even know exactly where it's at.
I was there one other time at an event.
But it's a nice church.
Nice big building.
I'm just here.
You know, and I got real mad yesterday.
And I guess as you get older, you really shouldn't let yourself get into a controlled rage for hours on end.
It's not good for you.
We need to do what we do out of love, not out of hatred.
I just am so sick of seeing the population hoodwinked, the population scammed by the New World Order.
I'm tired of it.
I'm tired of
I'm tired of just seeing the evil win over and over again.
And I just want to clean their clock.
I mean, don't you have that same wish that I do?
Aren't we together on this?
Aren't we going in the same direction?
There's plenty of, you know, high uppity-muckity Pharisee-ing going on.
I'm not saying the caller that called was, but there's plenty of people that say their prayers in public.
I'll tell you how great they are all day.
I'll tell you right now, I'm not a very nice person, probably.
I am a very giving, loving person at certain levels.
I'm not at the other levels.
And this is not about Alex Jones.
This is about our country dying and going into a one world government.
This is about tyranny unfolding.
And we are having successes.
The people are waking up.
The people are shifting their paradigm.
They are getting the big picture.
We're having great successes.
I should be more positive.
I just... I just want to see more of you be leaders and get your head screwed on straight and be involved in real substantive issues.
But I know you are.
I just...
You know, you always have faith, you always hope.
And I wish they would say, we're going to impeach that little turkey, and we're going to pull the troops out of Iraq, and we're going to investigate the trillions missing from the Pentagon, and we're going to abolish the Military Commissions Act.
But none of that's happening.
Okay, who were we talking to?
I told somebody.
They had another question, and they wanted to finish it.
Who was I just talking to last?
Dylan in Texas, that's right.
Dylan and then John and Roman and Jack and others.
Go ahead.
All right, thank you.
I wanted to quickly just say, one, I want to tell you about a panel I got to go to with John Yoo last week here in Houston, and also I wanted to know what you have done and what I can do to try to get you on here in Houston.
Okay, tell me about John Yoo, and for those who don't know, tell us who he is.
Oh, he's a wonderful man.
Just a man of law, and he's pretty much part of the architect and this whole neocon agenda here.
I know he's complicit in the surveillance stuff that's been passed, or I should say made public, during the last couple of days.
Yeah, he was the assistant White House counsel to who is now the Attorney General, heaven help us, Alberto Gonzales, in the infamous torture memo saying they can torture children in front of their parents, which I'm never going to shut up about until they put me under the ground.
No amount of threats will stop me or deter me from any of this.
We should all have that same terrier, you know, attitude.
Terrier going after a rat.
I mean, I'm just not going to be stopped.
I know you're not going to be stopped.
And, uh, so you had a chance to go to one of his events.
Tell us about it.
Yeah, I'll be quite honest with you.
I kind of, because so much was going through my head.
I mean, this was the first time I actually saw one of these scumbags in person.
And, you know, I kind of was like, there was so much going through my head and I, you know, I was, I was being polite because this was the type of place I could just tell by the type of people.
You know, even when I was walking in, there was some guy, oh, we don't want any disturbances.
And I'm like, what?
I thought, OK, I guess I look like, you know, I guess they could tell I'm not Ford or something.
I certainly wasn't wearing a sign.
So I knew if I were to be loud or anything like that, I'd get kicked out immediately.
So I waited patiently.
And when they called me, you know, there was also this guy, Donald Goldstein, there.
And this guy looked like a bad guy from Dick Tracy or something.
I mean, he was just a real creepy guy.
And he kept making references.
Yeah, I think so.
Yeah, I have a question.
The only thing I think to say is, where is the actual justification in torturing kids in front of their parents, raping kids in front of their parents, crushing testicles?
I just don't understand.
Even if these are terrorists, even if it was the worst terrorist in the world who really did blow up some building or something, even if that was the case, I still don't see there being justification.
I think so.
I think you're skewing the truth.
Well, the thing is, it's really annoying about these guys, too.
It's really creepy seeing these guys in person.
You see them, but to be face-to-face with them... Oh, exactly.
For those that haven't, you want to go confront them, folks.
They're just arrogant mafiosos.
You can feel it.
You can sense the, I guess, evil.
Go ahead and say it, the dark power.
Yeah, and the thing is, I just couldn't believe.
They'd ask simple questions.
People would ask simple questions.
Of course, none of them were really great questions because I guess there wasn't a whole lot of, you know, being it right, I was kind of surprised I didn't hear any better questions.
But, you know, they're asking like these simple questions that should be like quick 30-second answers and every answer is like this 10-minute long answer.
Well, really, you know, what color is your hair, John?
Well, really, some would say it's black, but really, if you look at it in a certain light, you know, technically my hair is white.
And, I mean, you know what I mean?
It's just like this long, exhausted answer that it just, it's sort of like a, you know,
Yeah, they just act real authoritative and intelligent.
By the way, I forgot to do this on my Sunday syndicated show we do through Genesis.
I guess 15 minutes into the second hour, in fact, John's running the broadcast.
John, can you go 15 minutes into the second hour of the show?
John, you were running the show Sunday, weren't you?
Okay, for those who don't know, I'm talking to John off air right now.
You can't hear him.
Do you remember the caller that said he went up in Kansas and confronted Bush on 9-11?
I meant to play that Monday and just forgot.
Will you go cue that up?
Sure, I want to play that up because people like you out there, Dylan in Texas, and the fellow that did this up in Kansas,
It's hard to do with a room of 500 or 3,000 people, depending on the university hall size, and to do this.
It does shake them up.
Yeah, I think so.
I think he's a great guy.
The way that those guys were looking at me on the panel after I asked that, you should have seen the eye contact they were giving me after that.
Were they trying to scare you down, or did they look freaked out?
A mixture of the two.
They looked freaked out, but then, briefly, they'd make eye contact with me.
It was sort of like, you weren't supposed to bring that up.
I could just tell.
These people are not that smart.
They are smart, and I think a lot of people underestimate them.
But it's more of a cunning, like a weasel.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
It's all just smoke and mirrors, card tricks.
What did the crowd do when you said that?
They all sort of looked at me as I was asking the question, but about 30 seconds after I asked it, the middle guy, Donald Goldstein, which was a creepy guy too, he said something, I don't remember what, but he kept saying something that was supposed to be
You know, he was a comic relief, I guess you could say.
So every time there'd be some serious issue like that that I'd bring up, he would be like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
There was a protester standing outside, and I knew there'd be no way I could get him passed around if I got inside, so I actually gave the stack of articles to him, and sure enough, everyone else I saw coming in had the article in their hand.
Good job!
That's what these criminals need to face.
Everywhere they go, their wickedness needs to be exposed.
I salute you.
Good job.
Take care.
The only thing I would say Dylan could do differently was bring a friend who'd have a video camera and just split up and then videotape that and put it on YouTube and something like that would be viewed by tens of thousands.
And then if thousands of you do things like that, tens of millions.
You see, it's all of us doing a little something, and you did more than a little.
I just commend you.
You bully my heart, Dylan, knowing there's people like you out there.
John in Tennessee.
John, go ahead.
I want to commend the courage of the person that faced down you, John.
I think we need more of that.
A couple of quick points, and one I actually wasn't planning on calling in about, but on that Depeche Mode video, that's not an official video.
That's something that somebody made up.
I've seen an ACDC Back in Black song where they're taking clips from your movie Martial Law.
Oh, that was so professional animation.
That looked like a million dollar animation house.
I thought that was theirs.
Wasn't it professional?
That was very good.
But I do agree with the call that revelation is important, because it actually exposes these people.
Well, you've never heard me not say that.
I know you know about that with 1666.
I've heard you talk about that.
But, like, Christians need to realize when it talks about the lamb-like beast that has horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon, that's what we're facing.
People that are pretending to be Christians, but then are advocating torturing people.
That's speaking like a dragon.
And that's what's been happening.
I've been hearing that that was going to happen since I was a little child, that there would be Christians that would pretend to be Christians.
I was with my uncle this weekend who really does nothing but study the Bible, but it's common sense.
It's admitted.
You know, when the Antichrist comes, he's not going to be called, you know, hobgoblin, he's not going to be called Satan, he's not going to be called Buddha.
They're going to call him Jesus.
A few other things I want to hit really quickly.
I just found out John Conyers has now said that he's agreeing with Nancy Pelosi that impeachment is off the table.
Oh, no.
See, I knew it.
Yeah, I just did a search on it.
This is just like a couple, a few hours ago, this went up.
Oh, man.
Also, I wanted to kind of
Tell you what happened here in Tennessee election night with Harold Ford.
It was kind of like Ohio, in a way, in that when the last parts that hadn't come in yet were from Harold Ford's home district of Memphis, and they said that, oh, when this comes in, it might bump him up over the top.
And then they said the votes, he was down, like, by 51,000 votes.
And then they said that in Memphis, he was ahead by 73,000 votes.
But then he only went up like about 30,000 votes and he was still behind.
So the math just didn't make any sense.
But this is what I wish I'd recorded it because it was on the news.
And there were also some really long lines.
Like some people didn't even finish voting until after the election was called because of the electronic voting machines.
They didn't have enough in different places.
And I think that's one way to fight these electronic voting machines is to point out that they're actually less efficient than paper.
Well, they are, and they're designed to be.
I appreciate your call.
Roman, Jack, and many others, your calls are straight ahead.
More news, more information, but your calls are great.
They take us in all different directions.
Always enjoy taking them.
The websites are JonesReport.com, Infowars.net, and PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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I think.
Thank you.
Let's try to cram two calls into this segment.
Roman in California, then Jack in Texas.
Go ahead, Roman.
Yeah, Alex, I'd like to say that the solution to this is reforming the anti-Mason constitutional party.
Could you talk about that for like two minutes?
Well, wasn't that John Quincy Adams in 1800 and right around that time, right after 1800 rolled around?
I don't know.
And it's a huge, important, complex subject.
And what happens is the average Mason tunes in and thinks, well, you're calling me bad and saying I run the conspiracy.
You're all a bunch of liars.
Because they're porch Masons.
They're on the outside.
They're low level.
Most Masons think there's only 33 degrees.
They don't even know that there's degrees above that.
They're totally in the dark about how it really works and operates.
But we need to form an anti-New World Order party to abolish the Federal Reserve.
And to basically bring the criminals to justice.
And we see that for the first time really forming.
This isn't like with the Reform Party when only 5% don't like the two parties.
We have 80 plus percent now not trusting the system.
So, again, we're having some gains.
We're also having some defeats.
But, I mean, give us your take on it.
We need to reform the Anti-Mason Party because when that was formed the Free Masons got really scared and they went away.
And I think that if we form that party, and take control of the Congress and Senate, we might be able to take back this country.
Well there's a big anti-Masonic move in England because they have caught them where all the judges are Masons.
Masons can't be convicted of any crime.
It's a good old boy network.
It's big news over there.
We first have to educate people here about what's happened and you know this is a free country and so we couldn't ban people from being in those lodges.
I think the big thing is to educate the Masons which we've been doing.
What we ought to do is we ought to pass a
The president needs to pass an executive order that says if you hold an oath that goes above the constitutional oath, you can't hold office.
Well, it'd probably need to be a constitutional amendment, but I appreciate your call.
I really don't think the president has that type of power.
Jack in Texas, go ahead.
Oh, Josh in Texas.
I can't read.
Josh in Texas, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I'll just call in to let you know, I just graduated from Texas A&M, and so I got a couple stories for you there.
Robert Gates, the CIA Lord.
Yeah, and I got to confront General Sanchez on torture while I was there.
Oh good!
And then I have a short poem, short poem I wrote if you want to hear it, and then I have something coming up this weekend that we're doing.
We're all getting together in San Antonio to have a... Okay, start rolling then, let me hear it.
Alright, General Sanchez came to A&M for a, uh, it's called the Student Conference on National Affairs.
And so he gets up and he gives a speech about, uh, you know, how we're going to rename it the Long War and we're going to be fighting for generations.
And at the end of his speech he goes, uh, and I just want to make it clear that, you know, all topics are on the table.
You can ask me about anything.
So, you know, bam, I was right at the microphone, first person there.
And, uh, so I was like, uh, you know, General, thank you for coming.
I just have a couple questions.
Uh, the, the torture photos show a clear genealogy of, uh, torture.
You know, starting back in the late 50s and early 60s, the CIA spent a lot of time and money, uh, investigating this, and they came out with sensory deprivation, and so that's the hood you see on, uh, you know, on the prisoners.
And I was making the gestures with my arms as I was doing this.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We got a break.
We'll start in the third hour.
We'll go right back to you.
And we'll let you, uh, Josh, continue with what you're saying.
And again, A&M's a great university, great history.
I have a lot of family that went there, a lot of friends that went there.
I really respect it.
It's been totally taken over by the CIA now.
It's a giant brainwashing camp.
And I'm really glad to see there are people there inside of it resisting it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-300-7645.
More than s- Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is confirmed.
I have the Detroit Free Press here in front of me.
John Conyers is saying no impeachment of Bush.
There's not even going to be hearings.
Told you!
Got all these emails hatefully telling me I was wrong, that John Conyers would save you.
I told you!
I told you over and over and over again they want to share power with Bush and blackmail him with 9-11 to give them everything they want.
All right.
We've got Mr. Vigary joining us coming up in the next segment.
Richard A. Vigary, Chairman of the American Target Advertising, pioneering ideological and political direct mail.
He's one of the big chief, kind of grand-daddy old-line conservatives to give us his take on what's happening with this election.
We're not going to have him on long.
We're going to continue to have open phones.
Right now, Josh in Texas, for those who just joined us, confronted General Sanchez, the big Iraq commander.
At Texas A&M, it's been turned into a giant Homeland Security training center for the leadership of the country.
But I know there are a lot of smart folks at A&M that aren't going along with it.
So you got up, you said anything was on the table, so you brought up torture.
Please continue.
Yeah, so I just said that the photos show a clear history of how America has used torture, and I brought up how the CIA was investigating torture in the 50s and 60s, and they came out with sensory deprivation, and that's the hood you see on their heads.
And then a study of Russian torture techniques came out with stress positions.
You know, attacks on the psyche.
And they admitted that Guantanamo was a laboratory.
People kept saying, well, if it's all innocent people, many of them just goat herders picked up off the mountains of Afghanistan and Iraq, why are they spending all this money?
And then they admitted, oh, it's a laboratory.
And then I said, after that, General Miller took these manuals that they developed
And he took them to Iraq where you received a copy of them and authorized their use throughout the country.
General, did you receive a copy of these torture manuals and did you authorize their use throughout the country?
And he just stared at me for a couple seconds and then launched into, you know, they probably have pre-scripted BS answers for this kind of stuff.
America's under attack!
We're fighting Al Qaeda!
What'd he say?
Basically, to paraphrase it, he ended up saying, General Miller had skills we needed at the time in Iraq.
So he didn't even deny it?
No, he didn't.
I do want to say, A&M is a great school.
We have great engineering.
You know, business degrees, and I wouldn't trade my four years there for anything.
No, no, I mean, listen, I got a lot of family that went there.
I know they got good degrees in engineering and science.
The problem is, is that all these big grants and tuition getting paid for data mining and spying and secret policing.
They've also bought off UT.
UT's a big command base of it.
It's shameful.
And, uh, I, I did, uh, screen Loose Change two times up there.
Once was on campus, and once was, uh, appropriately at a, uh, cafe and bar called Revolutions.
You got one minute left.
Finish up.
Uh, so we screened it on campus, but there was no way we were getting in that school newspaper.
Uh, I'm pretty sure my name got across, uh, Robert Gates' desk once or twice, uh, during my stay there.
And, uh, I just want to say that tomorrow at the Silver Eagle Tap House in McQueen, Texas, it's just north of San Antonio on 35th,
We are having a Patriot Summit.
If you are in Texas or Oklahoma, you're listening to Radio Free Austin.
You've been hearing the commercials.
But what we're doing is we're gathering all the groups, either single issue or if you have multi-issue groups, bring a five to ten minute speech and we'll let you get up on stage and we're all going to pool our materials and try to develop an executive packet that we can just mass produce and hand out.
I wish I could go to that.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
I'll be here in the bunker working on a film.
Maybe spending a few hours with my family.
Staying here and having to work is torture, but it has to be done if we're going to have a free society.
Alright, we're going to come right back and try to get our guest on.
We'll continue with open phones, and I will run down some of the big election news.
John Conyers says no impeachment.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
I guess we'll get fooled again and again.
John Conyers, the precious darling of the liberals, is saying no impeachment, no investigation of lies that took us to war in Iraq, no investigation of trillions missing from the Pentagon, no investigation of 9-11 lies, no investigation of no-bid contracts, no investigation... In fact, they're going to give President Bush what the Republican Congress wouldn't, total blanket amnesty, open borders, North American Union, everything.
John Conyers saying, no, Detroit Free Press, there will not be even an investigation of impeachment because they're all involved in the criminality as well.
But the good news is 84% of Americans don't like either political party and they've lost all trust with the people and we are going to take this nation back.
But we'll see now if the left out there is really mad about the Military Commissions Act that abolished the Bill of Rights.
We'll see if you're really upset about the Defense Authorization Act abolishing posse comitatus.
We'll see if you're really upset about the Patriot Act.
Let's see ya!
Because I don't want another email telling me how John Conyers is going to save us.
They're a pack of traitors bought off by foreign lobbyists.
There's two lobbyists for every member of Congress.
It's sick.
He's joining us via cell phone.
Sounds pretty darn good from right outside CNN Center.
He's going to be on CNN later today.
And the Washington Post called him the conservative's voice of America.
The Baltimore Sun called him the architect of the new right.
And the Edmonton Sun called him the uncrowned king of the right.
The AFL-CIO News said that
The gentleman we're about to interview made it all possible for conservatives.
John F. Kennedy's junior magazine, George, called the founding of Vigore's Company one of the defining political moments of the 20th century.
So he's had a huge effect.
I could go on for hours talking about it, friends with Ronald Reagan, many others.
Richard Vigery now joins us and he's got a new book out, Conservatives Betrayed, just as Ron Paul has said, just as Pat Buchanan has said, and we're in a lot of trouble, folks.
Bush is more than happy to have these Democrats now.
They're not going to impeach him.
They're going to move to finally kill the country for the globalists.
Mr. Vigery, thank you for spending time with us today.
My pleasure, Alex.
Good to be with you.
You bet.
The new book, Conservatives Betrayed, how George W. Bush
And other big government Republicans hijack the conservative cause.
And just for those who don't know who you are, out of the gates, tell us a little bit about yourself and then why you're so angry at the Republican Party right now.
Alex, I was fortunate in 1961 to become Executive Secretary of Young Americans for Freedom.
It was a new conservative youth organization that had been formed in 1960 at the family estate of Bill Buckley.
I was there at the early days of the draft Goldwater movement, just the beginning of the national conservative movement.
After a few years I left Young Merchants of Freedom and started my own company in January 1965 because while we didn't have enough people who could write well and enough debaters and enough
Yeah, I think so.
I figured out that this was an ideal way to go around the blockage that the liberals had on the microphones of this country.
But the problem is, in fact, back at that time you weren't even allowed to give political views on radio talk shows.
There was the quote, fairness doctrine, total control.
The problem is though, over time, big money and the internationalists and the Trotskyites just took over that Republican revolution, did they not?
Yeah, exactly Alex.
We were blocked out of all the microphones of the country in the 1960s and 70s.
So starting with direct mail, which I was fortunate to pioneer,
It gave us an opportunity to go around the blockage of Walter Cronkite and the filkers out there, the gatekeepers, if you would, and get our message out.
I can make a case that Ronald Reagan would not have been elected president without direct mail, because direct mail was the base that he used.
The conservative movement out there depended on direct mail, and we wouldn't have had our voice out there without direct mail.
Then in 1987, the Republicans, under Reagan's leadership, abolished the Fairness Doctrine, and then we had an explosion of talk radio.
Then later came cable television, then the internet, and now, you know, we have four means of communication, direct mail, talk radio, cable television, the internet.
And it's just leveled the playing field, so we don't have to depend upon Main Street media gatekeepers to get our message out.
But again, do you not agree that there was an in-run and the Republican Party today, I mean, you couldn't call it conservative by any stretch of the imagination.
Oh, the Republican Party is in no way a conservative party.
Until Tuesday, there was a Republican majority in Congress, but not a conservative majority.
In my lifetime, Alex, we have taken over the Republican Party, the Conservatives, three times.
We did it first with Goldwater in 1964, then Reagan in 1980, and then in 1994 with the Republican takeover of Congress.
And now, as of Wednesday, begins the battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party for the fourth time.
And beyond that, I think it's been a serious mistake for conservatives to tie ourselves so closely to the Republican Party.
That has not worked for us at all.
And in my opinion, what conservatives should do is move forward as a third force.
Not a third party, but a third force.
Act independent of the Republicans and Democrats, independence.
Pull them our way.
And that's how you have successful causes in this country, not because you're playing your cause with Republicans and Democrats.
It's wildly popular and constitutional to pull out of the North American Union being formed, to shut down the borders, to deport the illegal aliens.
But the Republicans and Democrats are together.
Bush is about to push for total amnesty with the guest worker program.
It doesn't matter if even Democrats don't want it.
They just don't care because big money wants it.
Oh, you, you know, you're exactly right, uh, Alex.
And it's going to be tough.
Hey, I lived through 1965, 1966, when I couldn't hardly pick up the front page of the newspaper until late in the day.
News was so bad.
Watergate time was equally bad.
So here's the thought.
It's going to be tough for us, and we're going to lose some battles.
But conservatives have smartly, in my opinion, for 45 years, approached the political wars as a marathon, not
As a sprint and we have to, you know, focus on not the next crises coming up here, but let's take the long-range view and we can come to power in this country and we're going to lose some battles along the way.
The North American Treaty may be one of them.
Amnesty is bad as that is.
We may lose that.
Let me read this to you.
This is Rush Limbaugh two days ago.
He said, people have been asking me all night, all day, how do you feel Rush?
I feel liberated.
Ladies and gentlemen, because I don't have to carry the water for people that I think don't deserve to have their water carried, you know, Rush, 15 years ago you'd hear him, it was a completely different show, pro-Second Amendment, pro-property rights, the last five, six years, totally different show, and he even talked about, basically in this transcript, lying because he didn't want the Republicans to lose.
Well, you know, here's the difference.
I didn't.
Ten years ago, when I saw, even ten years ago, that the Republicans were run by a bunch of New World Orderites, I didn't.
I left it.
And I know that Pat Buchanan really won the primary in 1996.
I saw him being cheated nationwide.
And they didn't want Pat Buchanan.
And a lot of these little wannabe blue bloods all over the state of Texas, they don't want to be real conservatives.
They like being lied to.
They like people like George Bush.
They like, deep down, they probably like big government.
A lot of them are on the government payroll through corporate welfare.
So, my point is that I don't see how, when the entire Republican Party is just run through and through with a bunch of, well frankly, it's coming out and even Larry King Live, a bunch of them are something else.
I mean, I just don't see where this is going.
I know where you're going and you're very kind.
Alex, I couldn't agree with you more.
To the extent that we have not done ourselves any favors by tying ourselves so closely to the Republican Party.
And I also share your frustration, and I'm angry, quite frankly, at a lot of conservatives out there, leaders, people who have, through the silence in the recent years, are actually
Participating in the growth of big government.
Many of them saw this Washington as a cesspool.
Then when they got here, they said, hey, I was wrong.
It's not a cesspool, it's a hot tub.
And part of the reason, Alex, that things have turned out so poorly for Republicans on election day is that too many conservatives, not you and me, but others out there, were silent.
As George Bush appointed big government types, Wall Street types, and very, very, very few conservatives.
As he grew the government, 48% discretionary increase in spending in the first five years of his presidency.
And where were the conservatives?
I helped start four senior conservative organizations here in the last 15 years.
Let me ask you about this, sir.
How do we deal with Fox News now saying they're going to get behind Hillary, Murdoch giving money to Hillary, Murdoch endorsing Hillary with the New York Post?
I mean, I think that the so-called big juggernauts that have at least posed as conservative are now openly saying they're going to go worship with the Democrats.
Well, you know, I think Murdoch has covered himself by saying he just endorsed our Senate campaign.
He's not doing anything for
You know, 2008, but be that as it may, Alex, we have so many forms of communication available to us now.
Look at, you know, your own radio program here, reaching, you know, all the mass numbers that you do was unthinkable ten years ago.
And with the internet and with thousands of talk show hosts out there,
We have, in direct mail, we have the ability to get our message out that was unthinkable 10, 20 years ago.
Stay there, sir.
Stay there, Mr. Gregory.
We'll be right back.
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The ideology powering the Democrats and Republicans is not liberalism or conservatism, but globalism.
Globalists are concerned with what's good for big business and the American
We're good to go.
I think so.
Richard Vickery, a legend in the Republican Party, well actually outside the main apparatchik, but one of the big driving forces of the conservative wing of it, joins us.
He's got 27 plus indictable offenses for George Bush and the neocons.
I want to go over some of those.
In the next segment later, I'm going to blitz through a bunch of the news we haven't covered yet, give you some of the top stories, and take some calls for those that are patiently holding.
Well, that is a really short list.
I'm sure we could all add to it.
But it's outrageous.
In the book, Conservatives Betrayed.
That I think his required reading should be for anybody who wants to restart, re-energize the conservative movement, independent of the Republican or Democratic Party, not as a third party, but as a third force.
But this is a president who campaigned as a conservative, said he was a conservative,
Use conservative organizations, use conservative grassroots activists, certainly conservative donors, conservative issues, to campaign and get himself elected.
And as soon as he was elected, he abandoned those, surrounded himself with Wall Street, corporate America, one world government types, and just abandoned his supporters.
And that's been that way for six years.
And those chickens came home to roost this past Tuesday.
When he had abandoned his voters, and when he needed them, they weren't there for him.
What about the Military Commissions Act?
I mean, that does affect U.S.
I've read the bill on air.
Legal scholars on both poles of the political spectrum have looked at it.
I mean, they're butchering this entire country, and the Democrats thought that once they got their Democratic leadership in, that they would overturn that.
They're all saying, uh-uh, we're going to keep every piece of this
And boy, conservatives now that did support Bush are going to pay big time, because when it's Hillary or somebody else in there, they're going to use it, and a lot of these Democrats are going to love it.
Oh, absolutely.
As you know very well, Alex.
Uh, the, the major times, uh, major reasons that, uh, people give up freedoms and that government increases their power is, uh, when there is perceived to be a crisis, a war environment.
And this president and his supporters, as well as, uh, his father when he was president,
We're good to go.
Well, you talk about a third force.
You talk about a third force.
A lot of liberals and progressives are good people.
I've talked to them.
They listen to this talk show.
And they are upset about Nancy Pelosi and Hillary and all of them saying they're going to use this stuff and not repeal it.
They are upset about all the pro-war Democrats and all the rest of these people.
And so you talk about a third force.
I see a real populist, and I don't mean that in the catchphrase of the socialists, I mean a real populist movement against globalism, against the open borders, against the Kelo New London decision.
I mean, what about a third force, because I know it's there now, that isn't going to go along with this one world government.
What about just getting past all the labels and just having a constitutional movement?
Well, that's what we should do, Alex.
Unfortunately, the Republicans and the Democrats have colluded, they've gotten together and rigged the rules of campaigns so that it is almost impossible for a third party
They said campaign finance reform was to stop big donors and big money.
It does the opposite.
It actually restricts free speech, and Bush swore he wouldn't sign that.
He did sign it, and so now going into this, I mean, all I see is the Republicans and Democrats circling the wagons in Washington right now against a revolution in America that wants freedom.
Oh, that's right.
That's one of the 27 oracles of indictment.
That he supported silencing citizens' right to speak out in elections.
I mean, signing McCain-Feingold was an outrage.
Every word in that bill, in that law, is designed to protect incumbents and restrict the citizens' right to participate in politics.
And this is where liberals are blind.
And again, I've talked to them, I know them, they mean well.
They really believe, because Hillary and Feingold told them it was good,
That it's good.
Folks, it restricts free speech of grassroots while doubling the amount of money these big corporations can give.
That's right.
Alex, if there is any chance that there'd be a third party, it's because there is a limit, you know, $2100, $2200 that a person can contribute.
McGovern was able to
Get the Democratic nomination in 1972 because people could give $100,000 or a million dollars to his campaign.
And if there were patriots out there that wanted to support a Pat Buchanan or someone like that and give them a million or five million dollars, it's against the law.
They can't do that.
Stay there.
Final segment.
I want to talk about solutions in your new book.
Then we'll take calls and cover news.
Everybody stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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I'm Alex Jones, your host, here Monday through Friday, 11 to 2 central, back from 9 to midnight.
I'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
with a new syndicated show I'm doing out of the studios of NewsRadio 590 KLBJ, and we'll be recapping the entire week's events and taking your calls.
Richard Vickery, of course, is one of the big pioneers of the modern conservative movement, and here he is laying bare the fact, for some conservatives who are still... You know, Richard, there are still Bush followers out there who are mad at me, and they call me a liberal, because I don't embrace George Bush, and they are so delusional, and if these talk show hosts and other people wouldn't have towed the party line, we wouldn't be having all these horrible things happen right now.
On a short list of people who are responsible for this Republican debacle on Tuesday, collateral damage was a lot of good conservative candidates and causes, are conservative journalists, talk show hosts, religious leaders who drank the Republican Kool-Aid.
And they were so concerned that Karl Rove wouldn't talk to them, wouldn't return their phone call, wouldn't invite them down to the Christmas party at the White House, or that Denny Hastert or Tom DeLay wouldn't take their phone call, that they signed on board.
And they bear responsibility for what happened here.
We need a lot of things, Alex, as conservatives, but nothing as much as leadership.
The number one weakness for the conservative cause right now, and that's a role that you can help play and many of the listeners now.
I talk about it in my book, Conservatives Betrayed, my website, conservativesbetrayed.com.
We talk about how each and every one of us have a role to play in the relaunch of the conservative movement.
We've done it a number of times.
We need it now because it is horrible.
What about just the Preserve America movement?
The country's going into the North American Union.
The Bill of Rights is dying.
I mean, we're down to the 11th hour here.
We are, Alex, but then that's how you can get people's attention.
When there aren't these crises to fight here, like the North American Treaty and Amnesty, etc., the Iraq War, whatever, it's hard to get people's attention.
But when we have these opportunities, as bad as they are, as dangerous as they are, it's an opportunity to get people involved in our cause.
and relaunch this conservative movement and uh... what's it going to do to the mainline republicans i mean i'm sure you've heard uh... bill maher or did you hear about bill maher on larry king live saying a bunch of republicans are about to be outed as a closet uh...
Well, I can believe that.
You know, Republicans are not immune to that problem.
And to the extent that we have people there who are not being honest and truthful, you know, we need to know.
But we've got our work cut out for us, and you need to read Conservatives Betrayed.
Go to the website, conservativesbetrayed.com, to find out how you can be a participant and a leader in this conservative revolution.
Because a lot of our leaders have bitten the dust in the election, or they have prostituted themselves and sold themselves to the Republican Party, and there's a big void out there for leadership in this relaunch of the conservative movement.
All right, well I really appreciate you coming on with us and I hope that we are able to clean out the Republican Party and the Democratic Party as well.
I mean, I understand what you're saying about a third force.
That third force is called the American people.
It's there and it's across party lines.
It wants to defend the Republic.
It wants to get out of the New World Order.
He wants to get out of Iraq, he wants to stop being an empire, and I appreciate you coming on with us.
The new book is available in bookstores all over the country, Conservatives Betrayed, and the website is conservativesbetrayed.com?
That's it, and it spells out very clearly in the book and in the website.
What we have to do to take over the Republican Party, pull the Democratic Party to the right, and not act as if we're an appendage of one party or the other.
The most successful conservative political movement, excuse me, the most successful political movement, Alex, are those that don't tie themselves to one party or the other.
Oh, I understand.
Well, listen, I appreciate you coming on Tech Here.
My pleasure.
Thanks for having me.
You bet, and there he goes to go be on CNN.
My producer set this fellow up, and I think he means well.
And he is very well known in the Republican Party.
And that's what's really allowed the Republican Party to keep going on and doing what it's doing, is because so many people keep trying to change it from within.
And I'm not even saying that's a bad thing.
Democrats should try to change the Democratic Party from within.
It's just so shot.
It's so far gone.
By the way, CNN demanded that YouTube take down the video of the chairman of the Republican Party being outed, who then resigned the day after.
And supposedly tonight he's going to out more of them on his show, Politically Incorrect.
That's Bill Maher, who's about as crooked as a barrel of snakes as well.
But we found a better clip of this than the original one that we had.
It wasn't that very good of quality.
Did you grab that good quality clip, John?
Remember I sent it this morning?
You didn't get it?
Oh, Scott got it and then you came in.
Okay, I didn't mean to spring that on you.
I wanted to play that right now.
I just remembered that.
We sent a new clip to you this morning.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Really crisp audio.
Before, it wasn't very good quality.
But CNN has demanded the video be taken down.
It has been.
But we have the audio.
And they have also excised the transcript.
But here it is in good audio quality.
Then we'll take calls.
The people who really run the underpinnings of the Republican Party are gay.
I don't want to mention names, but I will, Friday night.
You will, Friday night?
Well, there's a couple of big people who I think everyone in Washington knows who run the Republican... You will name them?
Well, I wouldn't be the first.
I'd get sued if I was the first, but, you know... Why?
Ken Millman.
Okay, there's one I think people have talked about.
I don't think he's denied it when he's been... people have suggested he doesn't say... I never heard that.
I'm walking around in a bar.
I never... Ken Millman?
I never heard that.
But the question is... Maybe you don't go to the same bathhouse I do, Larry.
So there's the clip, and again, the point is they're the opposite of what they tell you they are.
People say, well, why would they be involved in all this underage stuff?
Why would they be involved in being in the closet?
Because you don't get into the club unless that's what you're into.
That's why they hate Judge Roy Moore and shot him down.
The Republicans did.
That's why they raided the Indianapolis Baptist Temple.
That's why they pay off the churches.
Look at Haggard, the head of the evangelical movement.
They're afraid of Christians.
They're afraid of conservatives.
They know you won't go along with open borders.
They know you won't go along with a new world order.
They know you won't go along with their key agenda, so they've just gotten control of your leaders.
And it's been going on for decades and decades.
And it's a lot worse than, you know, just even what you're hearing in the mainstream.
But I play that because I've been telling you that it is a prerequisite to be a Republican leader that they have this particular thing in your closet.
That is just the start.
That's just the beginning.
And how many years have we told you that?
And so I'm telling you the rest of the horrible things we've told you that are a million times worse are true, too.
And I don't even want to get into it on air.
I'm so sick of it.
I know I've been a little bit down today.
I mean, I sat there last night and this morning reading hundreds of emails.
And hundreds of message posts to our little message board and others.
My MySpace, you name it.
Because I mean, not because I care what people say about me, but because I'm trying to gauge if you get it.
And I'd have to say about 65-70% of you totally get it and really enlighten me.
A lot of great analysis.
But about 30% or so, maybe a little bit more, 35%, even conservatives are like, well, Bush is so bad, it's good that he lost.
That's what they're saying right now.
And even Ron Paul was saying this is kind of a good thing yesterday.
Because this will knock down the hubris, and I respectfully disagree with Ron Paul on this, and a bunch of liberals who are going, Oh Alex, John Conyers is going to impeach.
Oh don't worry, they're going to sneak attack.
You watch.
Well here's the Detroit Free Press, okay?
John Conyers, will he push for Bush impeachment hearings?
Listen, if the Democrats quit being anti-gun and quit trying to destroy the country with open borders, they are fighting North American unions, some of them, because the unions don't like it.
I would go be a Democrat.
I mean, the Republicans, I don't care what the name is.
I'm not wedded.
I know everybody knows this about me, but I'm going to say it again.
And I knew this would happen, but to see it still doesn't make it not be painful.
I mean, if you're not upset, if you're not mourning what's happening, if we don't get indictments, if people don't at least start having hearings and
If they had real hearings in the Congress, and really had a real 9-11 investigation, and just talked about the memos where Bin Laden wants to attack, or determined to attack, and why was there a CIA insider trading, and why were these hijackers trained at bases, just those questions would make them all resign, the whole North American Union would stall, the Amnesty would stall, their whole agenda would!
But the Democrats won't do it because they aren't another arm, they are part and parcel of the very same creature.
I mean, they are the heart of it.
And we could have this victory here, but it has to continue.
Now, we have to continue discrediting both parties.
They're terrorists, they're criminals, they're paid off at the very least.
There's only a handful of good people in Congress, a few good Democrats, a few good Republicans.
There's this new Democrat elected up in Missouri or is it Kansas?
Ron Paul was telling us about this woman.
Let me dig her out.
She's here in the stack.
Who's saying she wants to join the Liberty Committee.
He's getting a lot of requests now by Republicans.
So yeah, will there be a third force?
It shouldn't be some fake conservative force.
It should be a fusion of people that want freedom.
Okay, and the majority of Democrats don't want open borders.
The majority of Democrats don't want land grabbing.
The majority of Democrats now are not even anti-gun.
Major polls show 70 percent, between 70 and 65 percent, are now pro-gun.
Hell, abortion isn't even a Democratic issue now.
I mean, with the Kool-Aid drinkers it is.
But major polls now show upwards of 70% from both parties are against abortion now.
Again, they use that as a political football.
The point is, people are pretty much the same.
You know, we're the general public.
We're not perfect, but we want to be free.
The elite are totally corrupt and out of control.
They want to enslave us.
Can't we get that?
So, I just don't want this to be a steam valve, a salve, and divert and blunt our attention.
9-11 truth is the key!
You know, I never talked about it on air because I don't get into infighting.
I don't get into people that have attacked me and try to distract us.
But I talk about this now because it's educational.
You know, Mike Rupert, two and a half years ago, came out.
He tried to position himself as the head of 9-11 Truth.
It didn't work because he was watering it down.
And I used to interview the guy.
He had a lot of talent, but then he attacked me for no reason.
So I just said, I won't interview him.
You know, these weak-minded people, you know, thought that I was just being mean or something while I was being attacked.
But, you know, and then I was proven right when he came out and said, oh, 9-11's totally dead.
It's a dead letter.
It's not effective anymore.
Go back to sleep, basically.
And that made me mad, but I didn't address him directly.
I just said, no, it is the key.
It is the sun which we orbit politically.
It is the key because the problem, reaction, solution is their fulcrum.
What I'm saying is 9-11 Truth is dying inside the progressive movement, at least with the leadership of it, and the blogs that were posing as alternative are now showing their colors as Democratic Party operatives.
And so I'm saying it's exploding worldwide, exploding here.
It is the key.
It is the most powerful issue.
We must invigorate it and drive it and reaffirm it and totally rebuke and attack anyone at this point who tells us that the Democrats are good and, oh well, they've got to work with Bush and let's not have an investigation about 9-11.
And if we don't, then it will kind of wither on the vine.
It'll just still be a big issue.
It'll still be a big movement.
But not as... It has to be giant.
It has to keep expanding.
And it has been.
We're on the cusp of victory.
The majority of Americans, 80 plus percent, believe there's a cover-up.
And a majority of that majority believe total inside job.
CIA insiders going public.
Engineers going public.
Underwriting laboratories people going public.
Professors going public.
Just all these prominent people going public on a daily basis.
We have reached critical mass.
We have reached the point where we have won the hearts and minds.
Now we have to set about unrooting the criminals in Washington.
And when I said that Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean and now John Conyers are traitors, they will be accomplices after the fact if they cover up the Iraq War, the 654,000 dead, the staging of WMDs, and Yellow Cake uranium, and the White House memo.
I mean, how dare you send me emails telling me, oh, you're just attacking the Democrats, you're just a right winger.
How stupid are you?
How dumb are you?
I want justice!
I want to stop these criminals!
I want to start sending them to prison!
And guaranteed, the Democrats are saying, we're blackmailing you, you're blackmailing us, let's just keep our robbing and ruling going and feeding off us.
See, they want power and status and $3,000 suits and all that garbage that means nothing in life!
Status and signants and just all of it!
That's all these shallow people want!
And they want to fool you with left-right bull!
Tom in California and then James and others.
Go ahead, Tom.
Hi, Alex.
I feel your frustration, number one.
Well, I'm just frustrated that the liberals are just as dumb as I thought they were, some of them.
I just can't believe they're worshiping Conyers while he betrays them.
I hear ya.
Listen, I was doing some research last night on the New World Order and Freemasons, and I came across an article on Rents about William Cooper.
I personally have never heard of this man before, and I'd like you to enlighten your other listeners who might not know who he was.
Very complex individual, very intelligent, very talented.
Sounds like he said a lot of the same things that you say on your show.
Well, to be clear, William changed.
When I interviewed him, when I first got on the radio 12 years ago, he was just starting to have family problems and whatever.
He was very combative and very upset and felt surrounded.
And then by the time right before he died, he was begging for help, Sammy Harris was attacking him, I called him up to try to help him and he got combative.
Everybody knows how Bill was who knew him.
And then he let them kind of set him up and they gunned him down and murdered him in cold blood.
It happened right after 9-11.
I didn't want him around for that.
It was a real loss.
He also gave me the B. Escher Award of the Century.
He got a little jealous of me.
I'm not trying to bash Bill.
If you want me to talk about Bill and be honest with you, I'll tell you.
He did stuff like take six hours of radio I did on Y2K when ABC News reported a missile has been fired from Chechnya.
And a caller called in, and I said, oh, that's not true.
I said, go to music.
I walked out, turned ABC on, and they said, we're here at NORAD, where the Russians are visiting, and a missile has been fired.
I walked back on air, and I said, a missile has been fired?
That's all they're saying?
And five minutes later, I came back and said, okay, it was a Scud, and then he took that, and twisted that, and took it out of context, and tried to demonize me, and, you know, and I just don't know why Bill did that.
But they did kill him, and it was wrong.
So you asked me about Bill Cooper, there it is.
Well, you know, one of the things that he said was that the government would use UFOs as a threat to scare the public.
And now the former British Minister of Defense says aliens are about to attack us.
That's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
The other thing I would like you to comment on is the Freemason geometrical layout.
I don't know if you ever brought this up.
Oh yeah, the whole thing's a giant power grid.
They believe architectures were idols.
I'll briefly comment on the other side and we'll take two final calls from James and others.
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This is mainstream media, Daily Mail.
It is newsworthy.
I can't believe I'm covering it.
There's so much horrible stuff we can prove, why should I even get into it?
He says that they believe the aliens are probably about to start attacking.
And we know the government, Norman Panetta, not Norman Panetta, who was Clinton's Chief of Staff?
Was it Norman Panetta?
I always get that confused with the other guy.
They run the Sci-Fi Channel and are putting out all this stuff.
It's a weird, new-agey type thing, and I mean, who knows what's going to happen?
We're living in the twilight zone here, folks.
I mean, I'm not the one reporting this, okay?
Thank you, Tom.
James, in St.
Louis, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thank you, sir, for having me on.
Not really looking forward to the alien for truth movement, but I got an email earlier from moveon.org about a party that I was supposed to RSVP for.
You know, Democrats won, let's all celebrate, right?
And then I just wanted to basically remind viewers, listeners, that despite the news, Pelosi isn't seated yet.
And maybe just to give an encouragement for people to write.
uh... representatives uh... we need to tell every democrat call them right now and say listen if you don't call for impeachment right now i promise you uh... just let them know we'll throw them out.
This is a good message we've sent.
We will vote the republicans in or we'll vote the Easter Bunny in.
You know we will vote you out if you don't do this.
Do you understand?
Of course they don't worry now because they've got the new special machines.
I think they threw it to Democrats because it was the people's will and they could control it.
I mean what do you think of Conyers coming out and saying no impeachment now?
Well it is
Not shocking, I guess, anymore.
It's going to put another person on the list to make sure we get in trouble.
By the way, he's in total agreement.
He says it's wonderful not to impeach.
Well, I mean, it probably is for him, and that's great.
I hope everything goes well for him.
But in the meantime, he needs to be told to step down, and so does Pelosi.
Have the means to get in touch with the representatives should and just tell them, you know, don't support Pelosi, don't support Dean.
James, I got to jump.
Danny in Tennessee.
Go ahead, Danny.
Yes, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Great to talk to you again, man.
I wanted to mention, first thing I want to say is, you know, I'm, you know, this, the whole election was just a big, big scam.
And you know, nothing was gained by putting the Democrats in there.
In fact, we lost something now.
Open borders, American Union.
But you know what?
This is what conservatives get for believing Bush's lies.
Yep, and I also wanted to tell you that one thing I look for in this election, one thing I was watching personally, was what was going to happen with Arnold, the governor.
Yeah, it was a landslide.
He got back in.
I got an ARBIC one.
I'll plug my site, Frontline.
I didn't plug the videos all day today.
I've been too upset.
That's a big part of the fight.
Continue to expose 9-11.
Get Terror Storm and American Freedom from Fascism together.
You get half price on Terror Storm available at InfoWars.com.
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God bless you all.
Have a great weekend.
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