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Name: 20061031_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 31, 2006
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
It's Sam Hain, I guess, the English translation.
And it is the high holy day of many of the Satanists around the country that will be sacrificing, butchering, opening up the chest cavities of children and others they kidnap around the country.
There'll be lots of dead bodies turning up in the next week or so in Europe.
As well, it'll be kept very quiet in the newspapers, the fact that we have a ruling elite
Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, the New World Order crowd that is deeply into the occult.
But I'm not going to spend much time on that today.
But speaking of horrors, after Downing Street News site has linked to a story by editor and publisher, very respected news publication, Judge orders release of Abu Ghraib child rape photos.
Under orders, the guards, of course, raped the children and the women in front of the husbands, and this is what the good guys do today.
And, of course, for two years, members of the Senate and the House were able to go and see these videos and photos.
It's not the stuff that CBS released.
And there's a big debate about should the public be able to see them.
In New York, a federal judge ruled today that graphic pictures of detainee abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, this was
Yesterday, now, must be released over government claims that they could damage America's image.
Last year, a Republican senator concluded that the contained scenes of rape and murder, and Secretary of Defense Ronald Rumsfeld said they included acts that were blatantly sadistic.
Well, your own memos say do this, your own memos say torture children sexually, and so I think they should be seen.
We should see what the neocons on talk radio have been calling for.
We should witness, so, the fruits of their labors.
They should bar out, of course, the details, but it should be seen.
The dead bodies should be seen.
The people beaten to death should be seen.
And, yes, children as young as ten years of age being gang-raped by federal operatives of the New World Order should be witnessed.
And I know the neocons will defend.
They will go on radio and they will say
They will say it's okay.
That's what they've done in the past.
It's who they are.
And they're setting up a police state so they can put Americans in FEMA camps and do it to us here in the United States.
And we need to know who the enemy is, so if they go violent, if they go into aggression, if they move to use force, then we have to defend ourselves.
Because this is the most evil gang of serial killers the planet has ever witnessed.
And they'd like to do in America what Joseph Stalin did in Russia, what Mao did in China, what Adolf Hitler did in Germany and in Europe.
And the people that we are fighting today, their ancestors, their forefathers are the ones that engineered the past mass killings, and you have to understand it's because they're Satanists.
Only Satanists would write memos saying, torture children in front of their parents.
Only Satanists would openly be in control of a government.
It comes out in the Chicago Tribune.
They're doing all of this, and nothing even happens to them when they're listed by name.
We're all held hostage by them.
I, frankly, am in a state of controlled terror myself, and I'm moving forward against this enemy as best I can and trying to control myself and trying to not blow up.
The local fruits of these people's activity we witnessed in Wyoming, Michigan,
Late last week, where they went into the middle school and put MP5 submachine guns to children's heads and screamed at them as the children soiled themselves in an unannounced drill.
Again, trauma-based control.
It is the ether in which our enemy swims.
It feeds off of fear.
It is empowered by fear.
Fear is the wind that fills their sails of their dark ships that sail upon the oceans of humanity.
They are the dark captains of Satan.
And they are upon us now.
They dwarf any nightmare vision of Mordor captured by J.R.R.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, deep behind enemy lines in occupied Texas, occupied by a giant horde of illegal aliens, screaming for the death of the Republic, openly announcing that this belongs to Greater Oslon.
Behind enemy lines,
In captured United States by the Allied Crime Syndicate of the New World Order, who has opened the gates to bring in their third world hordes to ensure the death of the Republic.
Operating behind enemy lines in the very city, Austin, Texas, where DynCorp is based.
Again, in major newspapers running giant child kidnapping rings.
Behind enemy lines, ladies and gentlemen, living in amongst militarized, brainwashed, attack dog police.
Many of which have been given completely over to New World Order mind control.
Behind enemy lines, my friend, is our water, and as our food is adulterated and saturated and irradiated with every known poison imaginable.
Behind enemy lines is world government openly spreads its black wings.
This is the type of news I have in front of me today.
This is out of the Evening Standard, a major respected paper in the United Kingdom.
Britons could be microchipped like dogs in a decade, according to a government report.
They're moving forward.
troops fear infiltration of Iraq.
Police may delay handover for, quote, decades.
Pentagon boost media war unit, BBC, reporting on what we broke last week concerning
The fact that the Pentagon is engaging in illegal and lawful propaganda operations inside the continental United States against the people of this country.
Cheney's propagandizing, saying insurgents are very sensitive to upcoming election.
Yeah, that's right, Cheney.
They don't want an occupying force out of their country.
They want the Democrats to win.
When the Democrats are just as much for the war.
Just incredible propaganda.
military October death toll reaches 100 yesterday.
And we'll top it today if the trend continues.
New York Times editorial, Bush future tax shock will hit upper middle class but not multi-millionaires.
They're going to cheat us and come back with tax increases.
Agent murder probe nears end.
Times of London, we interviewed this gentleman a few weeks ago.
He's gone public about the fact that they were ordered to carry out murders and bombings.
And now they're trying to prosecute him for blowing the whistle.
We'll tell you about that.
Again, over 70% in their words of all terrorism in the UK and Ireland carried out by British intelligence and army intelligence and the IRA actually commanded by the British government during the worst years of its aggression against the people.
You ask why?
To gain control.
To terrorize.
And I mentioned this yesterday.
We did the interview Friday, but the article is now up.
Former World Bank Chief Economist predicts global crash.
I want to go over this.
It's very important news.
RNC accepting political contributions from gay porn king.
The reason this is important is they've been targeting several Democrats who have taken contributions from mainstream, that is, heterosexual porn magnates.
And it's all just as seedy.
But here it is.
Of course, Republicans don't like, predominantly, the top women.
The trend just continues.
But that's okay.
The neocons will talk about the heterosexual porn of the Democrats, but the homosexual porn will not be discussed.
Anti-terrorist technology scans faces on crowded train platform.
Big report about how the face scanning systems are going in everywhere.
GOP's at a loss.
Karl Rove says they will win, but all the trends show they're going to lose big time.
What if Karl Rove knows that the general GOP doesn't?
And that's those special voting machines they've got in place.
Here's an Asheville Citizen Times article, during Samhain, pagans worship the earth and their ancestors.
They do a lot more than that.
Again, low-level pagans don't know what they're part of, just like low-level masons don't know.
So they get very angry if you talk about the horned god and who they really worship, but is it not true that the Druids, is it not true that the Visigoths and the Austriagoths in Europe sacrificed
On the key solstices throughout the year, they're best and brightest.
They're children in many cases.
I mean, that's the roots of your religion.
You try to deny it and lie about it.
And so I think you just need to own up to what is the root.
I mean, it's sad that I guess some of us that study this know more about your religion than you do.
That's what Halloween is, so we just need to be conscious of it.
It creates a lot of and triggers a lot of primordial archetypal fears in your children when they are involved in it.
I don't know why you want to destroy their innocence and dump them into a vat of children dressed like goblins and demons.
Bush moves toward martial law.
Interesting article out of San Francisco Indy Media.
I want to go over that report.
Every few weeks more data comes out on this.
Newspaper circulation drops nationally, this out of editor and publisher as well.
Continual plunge.
We will get into that report.
And our story last week with Mr. Steele, the former CIA and Marine Corps intelligence officer about Google and CIA ties got picked up by Web Pro Blog.
It got picked up by a bunch of big publications.
There's five of them that I saw last night.
That's good to see it getting picked up.
And these big mainstream online services that track the internet went out and vetted our information and concluded that Google is, censoring Google is, is engaging in these activities.
So we'll be getting into that as well.
Representative Loretta Sanchez is on a no-fly list.
It's just ongoing.
That's out of the Associated Press.
That's the type of news that we have here in front of us.
Here's some of the news from the last few days that I haven't covered properly that I'd like to attempt to get to.
Jerome Corsi, by the way, Dr. Jerome Corsi just got over a thousand pages of documents through his FOIA request, Freedom of Information Act request.
This is just the stuff they released.
They withheld much of it under national security and I was trying to go through some of it late last night.
We're going to be mirroring the thousand plus documents on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com if it isn't already up there.
I told my web guys last night to post it today.
It's always good to mirror this type of info and it's basically a clear picture of the total North American government in operation right now.
Also, Rockefeller predicted event trigger war 11 months before 9-11.
Hollywood director Russo recalls remarkable forecast of coming attack.
Need to talk more about that today.
Also, Bush's border fence doesn't actually create a fence.
I had the Washington Post admitting this, reading from the bill itself.
And we'll get into a bunch of other news concerning what's happening with the stock market, what's happening with the dollar, what's happening with a lot of other key economic indicators like real estate down 17.4% in the last period.
But let me get into what I just mentioned in the last segment.
First, I saw this yesterday and for some reason didn't get to it.
Well, it's up on InfoWars.com right now.
It's from editor and publisher.
Judge orders release of Abu Ghraib child rape photos.
First broken by Cy Hirsch two years ago, then the Senate admitted that they had been allowed to see the videos and photos and that it did show the rape of children.
And the White House tries to distance itself from this and claim that
People did this, not under orders, but it's in the Gonzales memo used by the Department of Defense.
It's in the U memos, the John U memos.
It's in a group of five different memos, two by U, three by Gonzales, which they even used four weeks ago to ramrod the passage of H.R.
6166, the Military Commissions Act.
So they're now currently using
These White House documents claiming the unitary executive, authoritarian power of the Supreme Executive, they're arguing that, to do this.
And John Yoo, nine months ago, was questioned about this, and we've aired the audio here, by a Council on Foreign Relations member at the Council on Foreign Relations branch in Chicago, and John Yoo said, yes, the President does have that power.
Judge orders release of Abu Ghraib child rape photos.
A New York federal judge ruled today that graphic pictures of detainee abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison must be released over government claims that they could damage America's image.
Last year, a Republican senator concluded that they contained scenes of rape and murder, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said they include acts that were blatantly sadistic.
Which you just love, you dark magician.
District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein ordered the release of certain pictures in a 50-page decision that said that terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan have proven they do not need pretext for their barbarism.
So that's the new argument.
Well, we can't release this because it'll make everybody hate us.
They released the controlled photos through CBS to stimulate a true organic resistance movement, then to be dubbed terrorist, in Iraq, and that's in the Pentagon Plan P-2-O-G from 2002.
The ACLU has sought to release 87 photographs.
Again, the Senate reported there's thousands of photos and hundreds of videos.
The ACLU has sought to release 87 photographs and 4 videotapes taken at a prison as part of an October 2003 lawsuit demanding information on the treatment of detainees in U.S.
custody and the transfer of prisoners to countries known to use torture.
General John Abizid, commander of U.S.
Central Command, said Thursday that releasing the photos would hinder his work against terrorism.
Well, is it terrorism to rape children in front of their parents, you piece of filth?
When we continue to pick at the wound and show the pictures over and over again, it just creates the image of false imagery.
It just creates the image, a false image.
Let's double speak.
Like this is the sort of stuff that is happening anew, and it's not.
There are three lies in that one statement.
He implies there that they're showing the pictures over and over again.
No, these pictures haven't been seen by the public.
And he goes on to say that it implies this stuff is happening anew.
Well, they admit they have even more brutal camps, not just the 30-something camps in Iraq and the two camps at Camp X-Ray,
In Guantanamo Bay, there's two camps there.
One central, one inside the main camp.
Run by CIA.
Which they admit is a mind control torture laboratory.
They're torturing people for false confessions.
They've been torturing some of them for five years.
Preparing them for centralized kangaroo court trials.
So sick.
Heaven help us.
We've got to be strong.
We've got to have courage.
We've got to face this enemy head on.
Or you can decide to serve this system and still be in denial.
Say that torturing little children is okay.
Not me.
I'm willing to fight this.
I'm willing to be killed fighting this.
I don't care.
I will stand up against these murderers.
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Welcome back my friends.
We're going to have open phones coming up in the next segment at 800.
It's always nice to hear from first-time callers, give you a chance to get involved on air, but whoever wants to call in is welcome.
It's always good to hear from folks that call in on a routine basis or those that rarely call the broadcast room.
If you disagree with me, you're welcome to call in.
You know, there are neocons here in the town where I live, little followers, who claim that I'm an American Al Qaeda, who claim that I should be arrested, who claim that I'm a traitor, that I'm a liar about
Bush and the open borders, or the torture, or the world government, or that Bush is a member of Skull and Bones, I mean they just, they're in total denial, and they feel good about themselves.
They run around like little cult members talking about the Islamofascist all day, parroting the same statements repeatedly, well then you're with the Islamofascist!
You're aiding the Islamo-fascists, and I've had national talk show hosts say that about me.
We've had national TV hosts say that 9-11 truthers should be investigated.
We're aiding Al-Qaeda.
No, we're exposing the fact that the Bush's vacation with the Bin Laden's.
We're exposing the Senate reports where Al-Qaeda was hired to attack the Serbs in the late 90's.
We're exposing the fact that Islamofascism does exist.
It is a very small minority of the Islamic world, but is a wrecking ball used by the New World Order to overthrow legitimate governments in the Middle East and Central Asia, as well as Southeast Asia.
We are here exposing what the New World Order is really up to, and showing how they create crises, how they fund revolutionary groups,
How they attempt to divide us against each other.
The stakes are so high, we're not dealing, as I've said many times, with some good old boy corruption, some boss hog-ism, where they're just bid-rigging and scamming and getting some money on roads and stuff like that's bad enough because it leads, over time, sometimes quickly, sometimes over a long period, sometimes generations, to what we're witnessing now, corruption gone to seed.
A pathogen, an infection, an invading force in a free society going absolutely ape!
And every strategist, every analyst, every economist, every lawyer, every judge, every congressperson we have on who discusses this says, yes, we're at record corruption, it's gone completely wild.
And the corrupt who run our society have what I call scientifically crafted systems of manipulation and control.
They have the best and brightest psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, anthropologists, animal behaviorists, human behaviorists, studying the triggers.
How to manipulate, how to lie, how to spin, how to craft.
And I see the wrecked psyches, the brainwashed minds all around me.
And it's so upsetting.
Things are getting so dark.
Things are getting worse and worse and worse and worse.
And it's positive that we're here on air exposing it, that we're on air fighting it, that more people are listening.
There is a counter force rising for every action.
There is a equal reaction.
And that's now happening.
But we need a greater response than we're having now.
We need to consciously let it hit us right between the eyes how late it is, how bad it is to have Rumsfeld and Generals in the Senate admitting that the troops at camps all over the world and the CIA do horrible things to children and these creatures
They write about it in White House position papers and in orders to the military.
And they didn't bring food and water in New Orleans.
They blocked the aid to study it as a laboratory for crisis management to then get more funding.
They went in and confiscated the guns.
I've been all over this country and witnessed our military turned into an evil husk of what it once was, a gun confiscation army.
I witnessed eight years ago troops trying to take our firearms and now you've seen it in New Orleans and now they admit they're trying to do it in America.
Now they're told creatures in 13,000 counties hired by FEMA to tell their flocks to turn their guns in.
To tell their flocks to go to the FEMA centers.
To tell their flocks to let their children be separated from them.
Every indicator, every stepping stone, every mechanism, every part
of a highly funded, highly crafted, extremely focused, America-killing machine has been built.
And many of its vanguard engines of siege upon our Republic have been already working at the foundations and underpinnings of the society for a hundred years.
And now,
The great battering ram is being rolled forward against our gate.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The ideology powering the Democrats and Republicans is not liberalism or conservatism, but globalism.
We're good.
Thank you.
We're good to go.
And the lives they lead Far ahead
Their time without the renegades.
Lord knows where we'd be when it comes to heroes.
Everybody out there that fights tyranny are mine.
We're going to go to your calls in a moment.
Just in summation, Judge Orders release of Abu Ghraib child rape photos.
If you had mafia street soldiers say in Boston or Chicago or New York or Houston, Texas
And they were caught kneecapping individuals that didn't make their Mordido payments, say a small business owner.
And the police, in a magical world where the police weren't paid off, went and busted those capos.
And then they found the actual written orders.
Now a real mob boss wouldn't give written orders, a classical mob boss.
Written orders saying this is how you kneecap them.
This is how you take a power drill and drill their kneecap while they're chained down.
Or this is how you shoot them in the kneecap.
Then you would see those mob bosses go to prison!
But Alberto Gonzalez, as Chief White House Counsel, writes memos, and his designates write even worse memos, saying they can torture children in front of their parents, sexually,
Gonzales writes a memo saying we can beat people, drown people until they die, and we didn't mean to kill them!
It's not torture, it's just pressure.
And the specific things that they issued to the military, that the military then issued to their CIA interrogators and the other adjunct jail guards that were assisting in the interrogations... They have the nerve to... I mean, we have the orders!
We have the codified plan!
I mean, you just think in big prisons in Iraq, the troops just danced around doing all that to people, and beating them to death, and sewing them up without anesthesia, and raping them, and using acid on them.
That's in the Army Report.
That's the old stuff.
All the new stuff's literally dozens and dozens of times worse.
I mean, I don't know, raping a full-grown person with acid, how bad is that compared to children?
It's all evil.
How many times worse is that?
I don't know.
It's much worse.
But we have them on record telling them to do it!
And then when it gets too hot for them in the establishment they send a few people to prison for a couple years or some of them get probation.
So lest any of you think that it isn't going to happen here, it is happening here.
The war has already begun.
The Child Protective Services grabs close to a million and a half children a year, most of them from families that did nothing, and the very people grabbing the children again are five times more likely to abuse.
That's the Justice Department's own numbers.
They try to keep those very quiet, but they are available and even have been in a few major publications.
And that's with them reporting on themselves.
Can you imagine how much worse it really is?
That's like doctors reporting on malpractice themselves.
They don't do it.
So their numbers are five times more likely.
Lord knows what it really is.
There are all these new taxing authorities for toll roads, and taxes on food, and taxes on just everything, and taxes on property.
Another attack on society.
There are just so many things happening.
Our country's being flooded with illegal aliens to drive down the wages, and they're being propagandized to hate this country and want to bring it down, because that's what the globalists want is a merged North America.
That's what they're doing.
And I sit here and watch it.
I mean, it is just a horde of enemies
Who all are given a different piece of the puzzle, and that's how this evil works.
All the people carrying out the evil operations are then funded with our own tax money to do it.
They're all paid as mercenaries to do it.
And they've gone to work with a scientific blueprint, a program, to totally bring this country down.
To destroy every middle class pocket that's left on the planet.
Did you know that only about 8% of the world's population can be rated as lower middle class?
We already have a vast sea of very poor people.
And just a few decades ago, we had much higher levels globally of a middle class.
Upwards of 20%.
I mean, we see the middle class evaporating.
We see illegitimacy exploding.
We see the family falling apart.
I'm going to go to your calls, but here's an example of it.
I talked about this on my Sunday show I do out of the studios at 590 GLBJ here in Austin.
Heaven help us.
I remember in a Chicago paper 8-9 years ago they had an article, I forget who wrote it, it was by some conservative columnist, how he came across a Caribbean plantation owner, I think it was Jamaica, sugarcane plantation owner, Manuel.
On how to dominate black slaves when they came fresh off the boat into the Caribbean and into other areas like Brazil.
There are several of these handbooks.
I remember reading excerpts of it because the coffin ships, as they were known, would pull up.
This is how they control us today.
One facet.
It's all old technologies that have been redesigned, expanded, perfected, purified.
Purified into pure evil.
Purified into having slicker packaging.
It's not as overt.
It's covert.
And I'm... I read that.
And it talked about how when the ship would pull up, and by the way, there was a letter that accompanied the manual, this big plantation owner sent it to his friends involved in mercantile trade, in the rum trade, because they'd grow the sugar cane to make the sugar to make the rum and then ship it in to New England, and he was telling them, hey, you're having some slave revolts, they're rising up and
Killing some of you, and you know, you're having a problem.
Let me tell you what you do.
And he says, I got this out of a Roman handbook that I paid for, I think it was from some of his Spanish friends.
I'm going from memory, or you can go pull it up.
And he says, what you need to do is, what we do, is when the ship pulls up, already half of them have died.
That was the average.
Sharks would follow from Africa to the West, to the U.S., what was the colonies then?
To the other holdings of Spain and Portugal and France and the Dutch as well.
Sharks would follow the ships, literally follow them.
And I read a book years ago about a description written based on letters by a slave trader, what it was like.
So already he writes, some of the strongest are going to survive.
They're already going to have a problem with some of the toughest and hardiest.
When they get off, they're going to be mad.
They've been chained for sometimes months in the hold.
In the trip from the west coast of Africa and they're going to be really angry and so what you do is you take them in chains out to the selling block where you're going to have the sale the next few days and you pick the biggest strongest black male obviously who the leader is and you drag him to a pole and you claim
You have your interpreters there.
They always had their helper blacks who could speak the African dialects.
The house slaves.
That's what our police and military and government is.
You're house slaves.
You're slaves.
You're pathetic.
Maybe sick.
And they would chain him up.
And they'd cat or nine tell him, tell his, well you want to see a good description of it, a historical description.
Look at what they did to Jesus.
In the Passion, that's what it looks like.
The descriptions were, you'd see all the ribs, the spinal cord, a cat-or-nine-tail, nine tails, nine whips, with pieces of metal and glass in them, being swung, and deliberately to kill.
And they would beat him to death, and then they'd take a small black boy, and they'd whip him with just a few lashes, to terrorize the women.
And then they tell the women, if you don't report on anybody speaking up against us, if you don't report on anyone talking about mutiny or fighting back or running, and if you don't keep in line and do that, we're going to beat your children and men to death.
The women would instantly become the house slaves that day.
Or they weren't delivered into the house for many months, in some cases years, as they were trained and vetted and trusted as trustees.
But they became house slaves that day and in their mind.
Oh, they hated their owners at that moment, but over time they learned to love their owners and love the power they could inflict.
And the men were kept in barns with animals.
The men were taught to walk bent over.
The men were taught that if they didn't stutter and act stupid, they'd be beaten.
And so we get the big image of the big black woman, the big Oprah Winfrey type, who's got all the wisdom and tells the black men what to do, and the black men are a bunch of idiots, and the black men are lazy, and the black men are stupid, and the black men can't do anything.
Well, from that system, which is modern feminism today, we have the documents.
That's all it is today.
From that modern
The modern example we have today, blacks from the time that they got some freedom after the Civil War until the fifties and sixties had reversed their illegitimacy down to only about twenty percent.
Around twenty percent.
You can pull the numbers up.
It varied year to year.
You can go find a different number and say it was twenty-five.
I've seen different numbers.
I've studied this.
But right around twenty percent.
And within fifteen years
That is no father in the home.
Four times more likely to end up in prison or drugs.
And the culture and the media shows you the black man debasing the women so the women won't respect him.
Shows, you know, the popularized hip-hop tries to literally show black men as animals.
That's what Sumner Redstone picks up and promotes.
It's like they show all the father figures as weak, mindless idiots on all the sitcoms.
Black, white, Hispanic, it doesn't matter.
And they, in just 15 years, it went up to 80%.
And now, last time I checked, it was above 90%, low 90s.
There are less than 10% of black homes in this country are dual parent, both parent, two parent.
And now writes that we're 90 plus percent two parent homes.
Now, over 30% and growing are single parent homes.
And I'm not saying you're bad if you're a single parent.
The society was set up to do it.
Men are told by the archetypal images on television to act like fools, to not work hard, to be stupid, and that somehow they get women.
We're mammals.
We're very easy to train.
And you show people false images of success and power
and dominance.
You show them false images.
That's not what the women really want.
And the women then forsake you.
The family falls apart.
The government then gives most of the tuition and most of the funds and most of the grants to women, which is now happening.
Sixty percent of college graduates, most of the doctors, most of the... they become the ruling intelligentsia.
They do see men as weak, stupid animals, which we've now become.
And then they get together in their own little guilds and start ruling over us, and they are nothing more than house slaves.
And you're never going to find happiness, women.
No matter how many women you run out and hook up with, no matter what you do, your genetics, your stamp, everything you are, wants that strong male, wants to be with that leader.
And you've been robbed of children, you've been robbed of hearth, you've been robbed of everything it is to be a human being by these people.
And I see our families unraveling, I see the horrors our children are enduring.
I know it's only the beginning of our dehumanization as I watch our society being ripped apart.
And again, I've mentioned it before, long before I read that editorial about the Roman slave manuals translated and used and perfected by the sugar cane plantation owners in the Caribbean, exported to the United States.
I'd already read Roman histories.
I'd already read the Battle for Gaul, where some of the exact same sciences are mentioned and discussed by Julius Caesar.
That time against the Gauls,
The Ostrogoths, the Visigoths, and others.
And all you've got is an elite who simply build on the practices and the discoveries of the elite before them.
And they wage unholy war against us.
They don't want you to be independent.
They don't want you to be straight and strong.
They don't want you to have love and passion and honor.
They're afraid of what we once were.
We were never perfect, by the way, but compared to what we are now, we are a shadow.
They're afraid of strong men who have a glint in their eye.
They're afraid of informed people who know their rights and know their history.
And so, black, white, Hispanic, it doesn't matter.
You watch hard-working peasant families from Mexico and Latin America come here and they'll break their backs and they're good loving smart people and within one generation their children are gang members walking around
Walking around like monkeys with their pants hanging down.
The white kids are walking around like monkeys with their pants hanging down.
Rude to your parents.
You fools, you've picked up the enemy's propaganda.
You're working for a system that wants to imprison you.
That wants to use you as prison labor.
That wants to use you as cannon fodder in foreign wars.
You ought to love your parents.
You ought to honor your parents.
No matter how pathetic they may seem to you.
You need to understand that true resistance is being a strong person who's got courage.
And you'll be fulfilled.
And you'll truly be alive.
From the bottom of my heart, I live this fight.
From the bottom of my heart, I know I'm a flawed person.
And all of us are.
But from the depths of my soul and my intellect, I have made a great study of this.
And I see the enemy's great plan.
Their great work.
As the enemy calls it.
And it is an abomination of an abomination.
Imagine an elite that is threatened by honor and beauty and decency and fealty.
Imagine an elite inbred and stunted and hateful who doesn't like the fact that you're beautiful.
Who doesn't like the fact that you're strong.
But only seeks to stunt you and twist you
And poison you.
And rob you.
And eventually, render you.
Kill you.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iraq, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Tonight I'll be at Waterloo Music and Video at the corner of 6th and Lamar for an hour and a half from 5 to 630 giving a little speech, taking your questions and signing Terror Storm.
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In fact it's in stores all over the country right now.
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You will, if you'd like, you can get a combo deal and get TerraStorm for $9.95 for a limited time.
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In fact, it's $19.95 regularly.
It's $12 on Amazon.com.
By the way, it started at like number 7,000 on Amazon.com when they posted it.
It was now past 400 in the ranking this morning when I looked at it.
That's a big deal.
It's really hard to get into the top
Four or five hundred, I'm told, by our distributor with videos.
There's so many videos.
It's now in the top four hundred when I checked this morning.
Well, it's three hundred and something.
You can get it on Amazon.com by itself for like twelve bucks, or you can support us and buy Terrorist Worm for $19.95 from InfoWars.com.
I have a lot of overhead, and it's always nice when you support us.
You can go to InfoWars.com.
All the books and videos are up there.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to Wayne in Minnesota, then Mike, John, Jeff, Michael and others.
Go ahead, Wayne.
Hello, Alex.
I kind of try to watch stuff as close as I can, but it seems that something slipped by me here.
What's with this John Warner Defense Authorization Act?
I have seen it.
It is another horrible piece of legislation that attacks our freedoms, and I actually have it deep in the stack today.
I meant to get to it.
Sounds like we don't have to look forwards to a dictatorship anymore.
Now, why don't you talk about Warner's Defense Authorization Act while I try to dig it up?
Well, on October 17th, our Commander-in-Chief decided that he would sign Public Law 109-364
And that allows him to declare a public emergency and station troops anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard.
And NORTHCOM announced that same week that they're now operational in control of the continental United States.
Well, what, uh... I'm having trouble finding... I put it in my stack this morning.
I'm having trouble finding it here.
Give me the public login.
I'll pull it up during the next few breaks.
Okay, that's 109-364.
That's right, and that's the Defense Authorization Act of 2007.
That's right, they always do it a year early.
And the last time they did that, remember back in 2004, they put some Patriot Act provisions in there.
Yes, and he actually signed, I believe, two bills that day.
The other one being the
I believe it was the Military Commissions Act.
Yes, a lot has been made of this.
I should have written an article about it.
I actually saw it a week ago, read it, never got to it.
This weekend, read it again, had it yesterday, and just, there's so much.
And I meant to, I printed off a bunch of Army Times, three different Army Times articles bragging about it and about their new duty to run the U.S.
and fight terror and fight disaster.
We did post a big article that was written by another, I forget the exact publication, I think it was wanttoknow.com or something like that, did a great, in fact it was a headline last week on InfoWars.
Yes, and he wants to spend $385 million to guess which company?
Halliburton, that's got the spending package for the camps, yeah.
Oh, aren't they a wonderful bunch of fellas?
I suppose Blackwater's in that budget somewhere, too, aren't they?
It's real bad, brother.
Anything else?
Well, I was wondering... Stay there.
Stay there.
I got a break.
We'll come back to you.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7622.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Now into our number two, Dr. Jerome Courts is coming up to join us.
I'm going to get to your calls early in this hour, Mike and John and Jeff and Michael, everybody else.
Lane in Minnesota called in with something that all the time, it's important you call, I miss stories that are important.
Two weeks ago, well that's not accurate, about a week and a half ago, I saw an article that was incredible that we posted at the top of presentplanet.com.
The whole article
Nobody's supposed to have this back line here in my office.
I don't know why they're calling that.
Got distracted by that, sorry.
So I posted that, and in fact during the one minute break between hours I was trying to find it and I couldn't.
It was an article written by, I think the site's whatdoesitmean.com, or whatdoesitallmean, but they did great analysis.
It was out of Europe.
It's a Christian site.
And every statement they made was a hyperlink.
And they linked to the Defense Authorization Act of 2007, Senator John Warner, Chairman of the Defense Committee, Armed Services Committee, 109364.
And last week I spent about an hour and a half, late night, scanning the bill and it is martial law funding, it is martial law control, it is announcing that North Kong is in control of the U.S.
In the big article that was a top story on Prison Planet, I'm going to find that and have it reposted to the main page, because I meant to do a big show on this, I meant to tell Paul Watson and Steve Watson to write articles about it, or Ryan Slickheisen, or whoever's got the time.
But this other site did it, and they were spot on, because every statement they made was just a hyperlink, and three of them were to the Army Times.
One of the articles said they'd use Mexican troops in the U.S.
And again, I've gotten so conditioned to accept this.
I've been covering it for so long.
I saw it in the Associated Press four years ago when the agreement was first being set up.
Now they've merged it and funded it.
And it said they'd use Mexican troops for disasters and to fight American terrorists, also Canadian.
That was in there.
NORTHCOM also announced readiness in the U.S.
Army Times.
There was one other getting into it, getting into the Defense Authorization Act.
And so, yeah, and then now a bunch of articles have been written by blogs and other pretty mainstream publications saying Bush now has martial law power.
In fact, that was one of the headlines two days ago on Sunday.
And so, yes, in between everything else we're doing, I did drop the ball.
The caller called in and said that he dropped the ball.
No, we dropped the ball.
But again, under the last bill,
6166, Military Commissions Act, it's the same thing.
I mean, it's really happening.
Now, it's one thing for him to pass these laws and say the military is in control of the U.S.
It's entirely another thing for him to try it.
But you didn't see the police and military refusing to confiscate guns in New Orleans.
Actually, some of the Louisiana police did refuse, but the cops they brought in, the military they brought in said, we hate doing it, but we'll do it.
And it's here.
It's all happening.
In slow motion.
It's like Red Dawn in slow motion.
Wayne, finish up what you were saying.
Oh, okay.
I had one other question.
It's a little bit off track, but you recently made a statement about Jesse Ventura.
Was that something about him leaving and moving out of this country?
Yeah, do you have a computer?
Yes, I do, and that... Well, let me just tell you, just type in Alex Jones interviews, Jesse Ventura, you can watch what he said directly from his mouth, instead of me repeating it.
But yeah, he's left the country, and he didn't tell me this in the interview, he told it to, I think it was AP, that quote, it's now a fascist state and he's left the country.
But he told me he has left and the country's lost and it's all over.
You know, I told him he was... Did you want the webpage where I found this
Do you have anything on the Defense Authorization Act?
Sure, I have a stack of places that have reported on it, but give me this one.
Okay, this one's at smirkingchip.com forward slash thread forward slash 2411.
Yeah, that never works on air, giving the whole address out.
You need to give the headline out, sir.
That's how people find it.
What's the headline?
Okay, the headline is Bush Moves Toward Martial Law.
Yeah, I saw the story.
Thank you, I have it.
Yeah, Bush Moves Toward Martial Law.
Thank you.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I think so.
I don't know.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Mike, John, Jeff, Michael, many others, your calls are coming up.
Be patient, we'll get to you.
1-800-259-9231 is the number to join us on air on this live Tuesday edition.
It is Halloween, folks.
Yeah, this is a story that came out for Information Liberation.
It's on a bunch of other news sites, and I did, last week,
Check this out and did find it to be accurate in an original story by another publication.
Northcom did announce they will use Mexican troops in the U.S.
That was in the Army Times.
It's part of a North American deal, North American Union deal.
I'm sure this will all be interesting to Jerome Corsi.
In a stealth maneuver, President Bush has signed a law provision which according to Senator Patrick Leahy will actually encourage the President to declare federal martial law.
It does so by reversing the Insurrection Act
Revising it as a set of laws that limits the President's ability to deploy troops in the United States.
And I have Governor Ridge on videotape saying that years ago on Fox News they wanted to get rid of Posse Comitatus.
The Insurrection Act, U.S.
Code Title 10, C331-335, has historically, along with Posse Comitatus Act, U.S.
Code 18, U.S.C.
1385, helped to enforce strict prohibitions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement.
With one cloaked swipe of his pen...
Bush is seeking to undo those prohibitions.
Public Law 109-364, or the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007, H.R.
5122, which was signed by the Commander-in-Chief on October 17, 2006, in a private Oval Office ceremony allows the President to declare a public emergency and station troops anywhere in America to take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the Governors or local authorities in order to suppress public disorder.
Did you hear that?
And I did go read this.
I don't know how last week I read this.
I read this from the Army Times.
Three articles.
One said they'll use Canadian and Mexican troops as part of a North American defense pact to quote fight terrorist and financial disasters and for suppress public disorder.
That's in there.
Another one saying the North comes down on control of the U.S.
And another one getting into the bill itself.
President Bush seized his unprecedented power on the very same day that he signed the equally odious Military Commissions Act of 2006.
In a sense, the two laws complement one another.
One allows for torture and detention abroad of U.S.
citizens, I would add, while the other seeks to enforce acquiescence at home, preparing to order the military onto the streets of America.
Remember, the term for putting an area under military law enforcement control is precise.
The term is martial law.
Section 1076 of the Massive Authorization Act, which grants the Pentagon another 500 plus billion for its ill-advised adventures, is entitled, Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies.
Let's get Frank Morales, who I've had on before, he's an Episcopal pastor,
He's got a degree in political science.
Let's get him on and talk about this.
He's done a good analysis.
Section 333, Major Public Emergencies Interfaced with the State of Federal Law states that the President may employ the armed forces, including the National Guard, in federal service to restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack,
Or incident.
Incident's pretty broad, isn't it?
Or other condition in any state or possession in the United States, the President determines that the domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the state or possession are incapable or refuse or fail in maintaining public order in order to suppress in any state any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy.
And we've got a bunch of states talking about secession right now.
New Hampshire's right to revolt, Article 10, it's happening.
We've got the fact the former chief economist of the World Bank, Nobel Prize winner, said the globalists are engineering a world depression.
They'll pull a military out during that.
Meanwhile, the borders are wide open, 30 million plus illegals openly swearing to destroy this country.
They even had LULAC on Lou Dobbs last week saying this is Mexico.
It's a perfect plan.
And they can give one order and those illegal aliens of the Ford Foundation will burn down every U.S.
They're ready to do it.
They're openly calling for it.
And they'll use strips against the American people.
Just like New Orleans.
Joining us is Dr. Jerome Corsi.
Dr. Corsi, this is getting pretty scary.
Well, Alex, it's a pleasure to be back with you.
And yes, that bill does seem like it authorizes the President to call out the military whenever he wants to.
I mean, I guess if any kind of crisis occurs in the United States, he can just
Call out the military and put them in the streets.
I've got the headline now for our story.
Bush passes Rubicon.
Declares powers of Caesar.
Well, you know, you could make a good argument just reading that legislation.
I just think the Bush administration has gone off the deep end and has decided the Constitution really doesn't mean anything at all.
And they don't have to read it.
It doesn't bind them.
I continue to be shocked what's going on at SPP.gov, the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
You know, Alex, we've gotten the thousand pages that I had on the Freedom of Information Act request from SPP.gov and we've posted them now on minutemanproject.com.
And I don't think anybody can look at those and not understand that a shadow government has already been put in place.
Our administrative agencies, you know, Department of Transportation, Department of
Homeland Security, you name it, Department of Energy, they are meeting in, you know, rump agencies together with their counterparts in Mexico and in Canada.
All these agency people, so now there's in effect a North American Department of Transportation meeting in a shadow government structure
And it's rewriting the Department of Transportation's laws from the U.S.
to be North American in nature.
And again, they're going to use the roads, then, as the taxing mechanism to fund the North American Union.
Did you know I had Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize winner, on Friday?
We interviewed him for TV Sunday, and he agreed this is part of predatory globalism when they come in and pay off the politicians and literally are given the roads.
Well, that's exactly right.
I mean, what's going on in Texas, I think, is a disgrace.
This whole idea of this NAFTA superhighway, four football fields wide, and I've been writing about it for months, Alex, as you know, and been on your show about it for months, the money's going to go, coming from Spain, Cintra, C-I-N-T-R-A, and it's going to, Spain, that's Juan Carlos, that's the ruling family of Spain, that owns Cintra, and the tolls from this new road are going to go to Spain for at least 50 years, they may go for a lot longer.
The road has been sold to Spain for all practical purposes.
An eminent domain under the Supreme Court's Kelo decision is going to allow Governor Perry, lots of good people are going to vote for him, he's going to turn around and issue them Kelo decision, eminent domain notices, and steal their homes, their businesses, their farms, and their ranches.
It's absurd that it's happening, but it's reality, and it's a major issue down there in Texas in the gubernatorial election.
If Governor Perry wins, he's going to try to pull this off, to have a globalist NAFTA superhighway cut more football fields wide through the heart of Texas.
They're building the NAFTA highway just east of Austin.
They just yesterday announced that, well they've been announcing for months, but they've tentatively opened the toll roads, they officially opened tomorrow.
And they're seizing existing roads, and then with straight faces getting up on TV saying, these are not existing roads.
I mean, they talk to us like we're complete morons.
Well, that's right.
The hearings that were held in Texas this summer, I think, are a good indication of the government we can expect under the Security and Prosperity Partnership in North America.
There were hearings held all over Texas.
People came to these hearings, mad as could be, saying, we don't want any trans-Texas corridor.
And the Texas Department of Transportation proceeded not to listen to them.
Ignored them all together.
You were at some of these hearings.
Yes, they did more than that, too.
TexDOT, the Texas Department of Transportation, told the legislature and the head of the Transportation Committee, you're not allowed to see our agreement with Cintra.
That's right.
Didn't they finally publish it, or did they publish it all?
I thought they were going to put some of it on the website.
They put a redacted portion of it.
And I remember you went and filmed some of those hearings.
I've seen them on your website.
And these people, you know, citizens of Texas, who see the route, all you have to do is go to keeptexasmoving.com and search the TTC 35 tab at the top.
You'll pull down, you'll find on it the exact route the road's coming through on.
And people who had done that and saw that it was coming through their property were objecting.
And Texas DOT didn't even care.
They looked at them like, you know, so what?
It's tough luck.
We're going to come and take your property as soon as Governor Perry is re-elected.
Yeah, we're going into massive receivership, and talking to the Nobel Prize winner, former Chief Economist at World Bank, he said that what the big central banks did to the third world, they're now doing to the U.S.
and England and Europe.
We're going into receivership.
Well, I wouldn't doubt it, Alex.
I mean, you know, this whole plan, that highway, Trans-Texas Corridor, the only reason to build it the way they're building it,
is to open up these ports in Mexico, you know, Manzanilla and Lazaro Cardenas, so that these post-Panamex ships, the container ships that won't fit through the Panama Canal, they're building them to carry 12,500 containers, they can land at those Mexican ports, and being taken by Mexican trucks, Mexican trains, no U.S.
labor unions involved at all, up through Laredo,
Into the NAFTA superhighway, the Trans-Texas Corridor.
And the first port of stop is Kansas City.
Which has been voted three million dollars to build a Mexican Customs Office.
That's right, then the city takes our money, it's always our money.
That's the thing, uh, Cintra's not even really paying for our entire infrastructure.
And by the way, it's 82 major federal highways criss-crossing the country.
This is happening nationwide.
That's exactly right.
If you look across
There's going to be about five major north-south corridors.
It's not just the Trans-Texas Corridor.
They're going to have corridors up the Atlantic.
They're going to take I-69.
They're making it into a NAFTA superhighway.
That's going to come up through Michigan into Canada.
It's going to come through eight states.
They're going to have another NAFTA superhighway on both the east and the west side of the Rocky Mountains.
To go up the Pacific Coast, that'll be another NAFTA highway.
And all these containers with Chinese slave labor, or near-slave labor goods, are going to undercut our manufacturing, totally.
Now, this is global government.
They're seizing our entire infrastructure now.
In major polls, 97% of people are against it.
And that 97% has no idea how bad it even is.
And the government says that the legislature has no authority.
We have no authority.
Welcome to One World Government.
Jerome Corsi, I want to hear about these thousand pages of documents you've gotten.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In the next segment, I will go to your calls immediately.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is our guest.
He's been fighting the open borders, fighting the New World Order for a while.
And I was just talking to him during the break.
I sent him some of my documentaries.
We'll maybe get his take on those later.
Let him walk the plank with us.
But you have formed an organization with others to fight this.
But let's get first into the thousand plus pages of documents you've gotten that you guys have now uploaded to the Minuteman site.
Tell us about it.
Alex, if you go to MinutemanProject.com, there in the middle section, you're going to see top stories.
Minuteman Project exposes White House cover-up.
And if you click the Read More, it's going to take you to be able to look at the StopSPP.com section of the site where we've got these pages printed.
And you can go to all thousand pages.
You can click them and read them.
There's no charge.
You can download them, print them for yourself.
And there's some very important parts in this.
We have now some meeting agendas.
Of course, they didn't send us
The Memorandum of Understanding and the agreements that are mentioned here, they kept the substantive documents away from us.
Imagine, it's on the news, our President's signing North American Union Agreements, but we can't see them.
And then five weeks ago, they have a secret meeting in Canada.
We should talk about that, too.
We will.
And you know, what you can do on this, though, if you look at it and see the meeting agendas and the list of the people who are on these committees, we have actually listed here the
Membership Lists.
Scroll down, you'll see Membership Lists.
And if you do the SPP Canadian and Mexican Co-Chairs and the Attendance Lists, the U.S.
Lists, you're going to see the names and the phone numbers, the email addresses of the U.S.
The members like Department of Transportation, the people from there, the people from Homeland Security, Department of State, and their counterparts in the Mexican bureaucracy and the Canadian government that are
Listed as on these working groups.
You can see which working group they're on.
And these are the people who constitute the shadow government.
When you look at their emails, we have hundreds of pages up here of their emails to one another.
You'll see that a third of the people getting the emails from our government, U.S.
bureaucracy, are Mexican government people.
Another third are Canadian.
So we're not, we don't anymore have a North American
Now this is the crucible, this is the central heart of the matter, and I want to get your analysis of this statement.
When you get a centralized government under Homeland Security, it's not just about, quote, fighting terror.
It is about having that central control and a president that declares dictatorial powers.
Now the bureaucracies can simply operate as the government, just like the Texas bureaucracy tells the legislature, you don't get to see our agreement with a foreign company.
This is literally piracy.
They're just declaring the power to do this.
Well, it's just like in the European Union.
Right now there's 3,000 working groups that tell the European Parliament and all the nations what to do.
And if you want to find out who's on the working groups, you can't, because they're private working groups that operate out of Luxembourg and out of Brussels.
And they dictate all the laws and policy for the European Union.
And this is made for corruption.
I mean, the backroom deals, the good ol' boys colluding together.
And it isn't just going to be old corrupt Europe merging.
Now we're merging with Mexico, who wrote the book on corruption?
That's right.
And, you know, Alex, I'm looking at this Security and Prosperity Partnership Working Group Contacts list.
It's on the Minutemanproject.com website.
So you go to the Financial Services Working Group,
And there's the Mexican officials who are on it.
They're from the Mexican Finance Department.
The Canadian there in finance, Canada.
And the U.S., we've got Randy Quarles, who's the Assistant Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs in the U.S.
Department of Treasury.
There's his phone number and his email.
Somebody ought to call him up.
And we've got 12 pages of these.
Here's the contacts for the Food and Agricultural Working Group.
They draw from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture.
They draw from Canada's
Food Inspection Agency, and they draw from Mexico's Secretaria de Agricultura, and that means these officials who are named here, J.B.
Penn, Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, he heads the working group on food and agriculture
Together with the Canadian and Mexican heads who are listed, and this is forming North American policy.
I guarantee if you start studying those names, the conflicts of interest are going to be legion.
Well, you know, Alex, you mentioned this secret meeting.
I called the people from the State Department who attended the meeting up in Banff, Canada.
Let's talk about that.
Yeah, we'll get back.
Let's talk about that.
Talk about the new group you formed.
Take this on head-on.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
InfoWars.com and JonesReport.com are the websites.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, no matter how horrible the news, no matter how painful, we will report the truth to you here.
We will not shrink from controversy.
For over a decade I've been exposing the plan for the North American Union.
We told you what happened through trade deals and infrastructure deals.
You think giving the Arabs 21 ports is bad?
It's only the beginning.
We're going to have Mexican and Canadian customs in the U.S.
running our main infrastructure.
People from our country will be in their countries working under the control of the bureaucracies that openly are a revolving door between private global corporations and the bureaucracies, the agencies.
They are seizing 8,000 miles of Texas roads.
We told you it would cost $100 from the info we had two years ago to travel from Austin to Dallas under transponder taxes.
It was in the paper three weeks ago.
It'll be 280 plus dollars.
I forget the exact number.
It was 285, I think.
I mean, it's always worse than what we say.
You understand?
It's the boldness of what's happening.
Before we go back to Dr. Jerome Corsi and tell you how you can support his work, I hope you'll support what we're doing.
Then we're going to go to your calls.
My new film, Terror Storm, the most powerful film I've ever produced, is in stores nationwide today.
Barnes and Nobles.
They got end caps of them there.
Borders Books, Virgin Atlantic, all the Virgin stores, Hastings, Waterloo, thousands of outlets, hundreds of stores of change, and it's just amazing.
Huge, huge distributorship.
The stores have been happily stocking these.
They really want the film.
This afternoon here in Austin, I'll be at the Waterloo Music and Video, the corner of Lamar,
And 6th Street downtown from 5 to 6.30, giving a speech, taking questions, and signing copies of Terror Storm.
I hope you'll come out there.
I hope to meet you.
I hope to shake your hand.
I hope you'll come get a copy of Terror Storm.
But all over the country today, it's there.
It's important to go out, to get them off the shelves, so they restock, so more people are brought face-to-face with the truth of government-sponsored terror.
Just like Rob Allen and Co.
and the Justice Department and the Ford Foundation fund the La Reconquista in Mexico, the Muslim terrorists are funded and controlled by MI6 and by our own CIA.
It goes back to the fifties.
We document this in the film.
We show how our own governments, in some cases, are staging terror attacks.
You need to have Terror Storm.
It's such an important film.
It's $19.95 at InfoWars.com.
But when you get America Freedom to Fascism, Aaron Russo's new film about the IRS and the private Federal Reserve running this country, you can get Terror Storm for $9.95 at InfoWars.com with America Freedom to Fascism.
So $29.95, two films.
Or you can go to Amazon.com right now.
We just went up on Amazon.com yesterday.
I got a call, I was told it was up there, just posted yesterday morning, and it was like 7,000 something.
As of this morning, it was 300 and something on the Amazon list.
It's $11 on Amazon.
Right now, and listen, do your Christmas shopping now, folks.
We want to drive this up into the top 100, because when it goes up into the top 100,
Then tens of thousands of people a day are able to see it and start ordering it.
This is how you cause a chain reaction.
So, without really any promotion, already in the top 300.
And every time I check, it's rising.
So please, even if you already have TerrorStorm, go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We have a direct link to Amazon.com to buy it.
And folks, when the distributor wanted to carry it, I said, I want to sell it for as cheap as possible.
So I'm only making 40, 50 cents off each one.
I could care less about the money.
That's why I put TerrorStorm for free up on Google Video day one.
Over 6 million people have had a chance to see it with all the different uploads of it that are up there.
Even with Google Video deleting our views twice, admitting that they did it.
That way it knocks it out of the top 100 where the general public will see it.
It doesn't matter, they're not stopping us.
6 million plus views, I stopped counting a week ago.
Again, I'm doing this to save the country.
I'm losing sleep.
I'm freaking out.
I love Texas.
I love America.
Okay, our borders are wide open.
They're getting rid of the country right now.
Please, go to Amazon right now and buy as many copies as you can.
Give them as gifts and your Christmas shopping is done.
You want to fight traffic.
You want to do all this stuff coming up in the next month and a half.
You can just have it and give it to people.
I mean, you can't beat it at 11 bucks a piece, okay?
The distributor ends up making like $3 and I end up making like 50 cents.
I don't care!
I just want you to have Terror Storm!
Please get it!
How important is it, Jerome Corsi, Dr. Corsi, for people to buy your book on the Minutemen to support alternative news media?
Well, I think all of this, Alex, you know, your film, I've watched Terror Storm, it stretched my mind, it gave me new things to think about, I encourage people to get it.
The book, Minutemen, Battle to Secure America's Borders, with Jim Gilchrist, you know, if you want to learn the truth about why we're not securing the borders,
You'll see how the plan to create the North American Union, what Bush agreed to in Waco, Texas, and March 23rd, 2005 with the Security and Prosperity Partnership, that's the plan.
And we disclose the plan in the book so people can understand that Bush will never secure the border because he's agreed to erase the border.
Folks, you've got to go to Amazon.com and buy that book.
I've read it.
It's excellent.
And, you know, I think, Alex, getting out the information here, I like... I'm just about halfway through Aaron Russo's new film.
This America Freedom to Fascism.
I'm glad you're combining your film and a deal with that.
It's a great film as well.
How there is no law that compels people to pay income tax.
How the 16th Amendment never had enough states to ratify it.
It's not a legitimate constitutional amendment.
This information people need to understand to see that the Federal Reserve System is a private bank.
And this is all just a scheme that the government is perpetrating and has perpetrated since 1913.
Amen to that.
Now I want to go to calls.
Let's get in, but one more time because literally I got your book sent to me a few days before I had you on a month ago.
And I read a few chapters and I had it by my nightstand and couldn't put it down, lost sleep reading it.
I learned things I didn't know to show my ignorance.
I knew there were big gaps in the fence.
I didn't know that every mile they put a giant thing where you just got to bend your head down, you know, these four foot tall openings.
It's a joke!
That's right.
Take a look at the back of the book.
There's a picture of me and Jim Gilchrist standing in one of those gaps under the fence.
You could bring an army division through that gap.
It's a joke.
There's no
There's no barrier, even in the fence that is built.
By the way, let's talk about that.
It was even in the Washington Post that Bush's fence just authorizes the building of one.
Perry never really put police on the border.
He's got a few sheriffs who he gave a little bit of money on the radio saying he's great.
These are the guys getting rid of the border, not the people fixing it.
Well, that's right.
The secure fence bill is also a fraud.
I mean, if the Department of Homeland Security is going to build that fence, they'll never build it.
Chertoff thinks a virtual fence is the way to go.
Which Perry said six months ago he was going to put cameras up.
He never put one up.
It's all a lie.
They're all lying all together.
Bush has no intention of creating any fence or stopping any of this.
The SPP.gov documents we have posted on Minutemanproject.com show this trusted traveler and trusted trader program
That SPP.gov is going to implement in 2007.
That's the guest worker program, so even if they built a fence, there'll be nobody going across them but coyotes.
They'll just be able to sweep their biometric trusted traveler card through like a grocery store checkout machine at the border, and in they come, there'll be trusted travelers in North America.
There won't be any more.
Mexican illegal immigrants will all be trusted travelers in North America.
Folks, we're not joking.
They're grabbing the roads.
They're legalizing all the illegals.
The Republicans are running on tough border.
And I'm not saying you can vote for the Democrats because they're all openly saying get rid of the border.
They're both in cahoots in this.
Democrats think the Mexicans coming across are going to be another
You know, underclass for them to champion, and the Republicans think this is their next 21st century slave labor.
Okay, I want to go to Kohl's, but briefly, tell us about the new organization you formed.
Together with Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus and Phyllis Schlafly, who is Eagle Forum, I held a press conference with the two of them in Washington, D.C.
last week, and we've got to go to conservativeusa.org, conservativeusa.org.
You can see the
A press conference and a petition to sign.
We're supporting House Resolution 487, which is a resolution to build no NAFTA superhighways and not to have a North American Union.
It was introduced by four congressmen, Virgil Goode of Virginia, Ron Paul of Texas, Tom Tancredo of Colorado, and Walter Jones of North Carolina.
And we want to bring this resolution to the people's attention.
It's the first time we've got a group of congressmen
We need to do this, folks.
It's totally unpopular.
It's absolutely unconstitutional.
It's criminal.
This really is racketeering to have private corporations come in and lobby and then have the bureaucracies just set up a North American government and start superseding all of our laws.
It's just unbelievable!
Well, Alex, I'm calling it a coup d'etat by the executive branch of the Bush administration.
They're forming a North American union and structure.
The Security and Prosperity Partnership is going to become a North American community with a regulatory structure where all of our laws
The shadow bureaucracy is recasted to North American form, and then the next step will be just a full-fledged North American Union and an Amero as a new currency, just like happened with the European Union and the Euro in Europe.
They're doing it!
They're doing it!
Are you going to let them do it?
Let's take calls.
Let's talk to John in California, then Jeff, Michael, Tom, and Paula.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, John.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
Before I start, I've been a long listener.
Before I start, I'd like to make a couple show recommendations.
I make show recommendations, a show based about the Free Basins and that, and I also make another show recommendation about document S.3930, the document containing the Military Commissions Act, I believe.
No, that's H.R.
Oh, I don't know what document I'm looking at.
I was calling because I told myself something years ago before September 11th in a note that I didn't think nothing of.
It's about coke and later on the whole scandal about the syringes and the coke came through and I thought that was what this was about.
But this is actually about September 11th and the situation is... I'm not following you.
Crystallize it down.
What are you saying?
Basically what I'm saying is, before September 11th, a cousin of mine was standing in line behind this Taliban looking guy and he was short 19 cents and she gave him 19 cents to pay for his bill and he followed her to her car after she was done and asked her why she did that.
She told him she didn't want to have him put back anything for 19 cents and he told her
This happened way before September 11th.
He told her, uh, you helped me, I'm gonna help you.
Don't buy any coke products after September 11th.
Okay, thanks for the call, sir.
I don't... I'm a little confused.
Thank you.
Uh, Jeff in Vermont, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex?
Oh, hi.
I just want to say thank you for waking me up.
I've been listening to you for about three years now.
Uh, and I... it's kind of off topic.
I wanted to get ahold of you yesterday when you were talking about
The police drills in Michigan, I believe?
Yes, where they go in a drill and put the guns to middle school students, screaming and yelling at them until they wet themselves, terrorizing them.
This is all part of federal grants to train the children to be slaves.
Yes, absolutely, and I'm from a small town in Vermont, about population 8,000, my town is, and last week they did the same exact thing here.
They went in, it was the town next to me, Montpelier, Vermont,
Twenty-five different police officers from different organizations, the sheriff's department, state troopers, two different town cops, all went in while all the students were in class.
Guns blazed, dressed like Darth Vader, came right in.
Without announcing it to the students or the parents.
Yeah, and they aim guns at them, and they do it to elementary school students.
I have video that's in Road to Tyranny of little children, elementary students, crying, totally terrified.
And we're writing a headline, we're writing a story right now.
Armed men terrorize school, then we tell you it was police later.
And it's just a drill, and they say, we don't announce it to make it more realistic.
And the Feds are paying for this to train our children how to be basically prisoners.
It's like they've had Marine Corps and Army drills coast to coast that I've been covering for a decade.
I've been to these events where they openly admit it's for domestic gun confiscation and they're practicing taking over local cities and counties and that Bush has now signed that in the Defense Authorization Act of 2007 to openly do this.
Jerome Corsi, you want to comment?
Well, I think, you know, again Alex, it's all
Part of the same disregard of laws seems to be going on by the Bush administration, and they're encouraging it around the country.
Yeah, they're setting precedents.
Setting precedents.
And, you know, the SPP.gov, it's why I think it's so critical people go to conservativeusa.org and sign this petition.
We're going to, in the 110th Congress, we're going to work, the Eagle Forum, I'm going to train the Eagle Forum people, Phyllis Schlafly,
We're going to knock on the doors of every congressman and senator, and they're not going to be able to say they didn't hear about it or they don't know about SPP.gov, because we're going to demand that they sit down and look at it.
Yeah, that's right.
First, here in Texas, they said there's not going to be any toll roads as the open plan was public.
Then they said, oh, it doesn't affect existing roads.
And they said, well, it does, but it's good.
It's the same thing in Congress.
They keep denying that the North American Union deal was signed last March and then expanded last December by Bush.
That's right.
And if there's nothing happening,
Like President Bush wants to maintain that there's no plan to build a North American Union.
Then fine, let's have hearings on it.
Let's show it all to the American people.
Because this is exactly the way the leaders lied in Europe while they put together the European Union.
They told them it was a trade deal and now look at it.
And they did it, Alex, through working groups.
It's even the same phrase.
They're using to describe the shadow government.
Well, it came out two weeks ago that for ten years they'd had the official Asian Union with working groups.
Now they just announced it and signed the official deal two weeks ago.
That's right.
And you know, if you take a look at Minutemanproject.com, look at these documents.
Look at these emails.
Our U.S.
bureaucrats from the various departments, transportation, commerce, you name it.
They're sending out emails.
They're sending these emails to their counterparts in the Mexican and in the Canadian governments.
Where do they get constitutional authorization to share our laws and our entire administrative branch with foreign nations?
Well, they're merging and meshing with two decks of cards.
Anything else, Jeff?
Yeah, just two real quick things.
I've always thought, you know, after you woke me up, I was like, boy, am I glad I live up here in Vermont, because we're pretty independent folk up here.
It didn't seem like what was going on in the rest of the country was going on here, but that police drill happened last week, and then
Two days later, they announced in our press, our little town of 8,000 people, they want to put eight cameras up in our downtown area.
Yeah, listen, the feds come into small towns and say, here's a million bucks for cameras.
Here's $200,000 to have five drills in the next year.
And here's the handbook.
The drill must be done exactly as so.
They'll have a federal liaison there.
They must put guns... Folks, I got video.
They yell at the kids.
They put guns to their heads.
They terrorize and traumatize.
And it's all exactly the same everywhere.
It's conditioning.
It is.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, Dr. Corsi, I mean, when you look at what's happening, this is an orchestrated plan, and it's all being done with federal funds.
Yes, and you know, income, the goods from communist China, now they are made with slave labor or near-slave labor, and the Bush administration doesn't seem to care.
If we said all of our manufacturing, in another 20 years we won't manufacture anything in the United States.
We used to have international free trade agreements that had anti-dumping and anti-slavery clauses in them to prevent this kind of thing.
But no, the capitalists, I guess there's not enough billions that could be made for the billionaires at Walmart.
They want another billion on the slave labor side.
Well, they're not even free market, and as if China hasn't debased our economy enough, now we're going to finance super highways to bring their goods even in cheaper to destroy us.
And also let them be the Mexico drug highways.
I think when the Mexican trucks start coming in, it'll be the Mexico drug war all over again.
Michael, Tom, Paul, Bill, and others, your calls are straight ahead.
Dr. Jerome Corsi with the Minuteman Project is our guest.
He's fighting North American Union.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Let's go right back to your calls and move quickly.
Let's talk to Michael in Texas.
Michael, you're on the air with Jerome Corsi.
Go ahead.
This is the first time I've called.
And how I got to your site was noticing some activity in the sky over Austin a couple weeks ago.
And I was searching on the Internet to find out what it was and found an article on chemtrails.
And I was just wondering what you
No, about it.
I don't think so.
I was reading some things about population control and such and just
People think if something is being sprayed at 30,000 feet, it's for them on the ground.
It's not.
It would be hitting somebody 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 5,000 miles away.
But there have been thousands of declassified emissions of the government with helicopters and small planes at low levels spraying U.S.
cities with chemicals and biologicals and radiologicals.
That's all been declassified.
So it's really two separate issues.
And the problem is there's a lot of disinfo out there on that subject.
And I like to stick to what we can prove, but we know there is something going on and something has changed.
And I enjoy your show.
Thank you.
What do you think about what Dr. Corsi is talking about with the North American Union?
I travel to Mexico a lot and it's interesting me a lot.
It gives me a lot of food for thought.
I'm not sure.
Well, the Mexican government has brutally cracked down on its own people.
They just had a stolen election and they just shot and killed an American reporter.
Dr. Corsi, I mean, merging with a narco-terrorist state, already we're seeing more and more of the Mexican corruption right here in Texas.
You've been down at the border.
What are you hearing?
Well, the same thing.
I mean, you go to Laredo, Texas, there's more Mexican flags than American flags.
It's unbelievable.
And the drug war is spilling right across from the huevo Laredo into Laredo, Texas.
I mean, if you look across, you know, the entire border,
You see, no border security whatsoever.
We document in Minuteman, in the book, we give the names of the terrorists, Hezbollah terrorists, who are now in federal prison.
Pages 160 to 162 of the book.
They came across by bribing Mexican officials in Beirut.
Mexico is a totally drug-controlled country, and if we can have Hezbollah agents setting up in Dearborn, Michigan, by bribing Mexican officials in Beirut and getting in across our border,
You know, we've got Hezbollah cells all over the United States.
Well, it shows the War on Terror is a joke.
It's a joke.
We've got MS-13 is in 3,000 American communities.
So, Mexico's not only got the drug cartels importing drugs, they imported their drug control merchandising group, the distribution system, which is MS-13, set it up in 3,000 U.S.
They steal cars and they deal drugs in the schoolyards.
It's a tragedy.
But the Bush administration, of course, it's been bipartisan.
Clinton was doing the same.
No, it's all part of this globalist plan.
Here's the thing.
You can't turn radio or TV on without seeing a Rick Perry ad about how tough he is on the borders and a lot of conservatives are going to be fooled.
Well, it's a total joke because Rick Perry has done nothing except lie.
He's not put police or there's no National Guard at the border.
The border is wide open.
I was on the border with Texas about three weeks ago and you can walk across easily.
From the Rio Grande, I'll walk right in.
Well, whoever you vote for, whether it's Strayhorn or Kinky Friedman, I wouldn't vote for Chris Bell, and I wouldn't vote for Rick Perry.
Dr. Corsi, I really appreciate you spending time with us, and good luck with your action against the North American Union.
Always a great pleasure, Alex.
Good luck with your new turn.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to have open phones in this hour and go over all the national, local, international news.
I wanted to give Dr. Jerome Corsi a chance to say bye.
We got cut off at the last hour ending.
We're going to go to your calls here right after he leaves us.
Dr. Corsi, you were finishing up.
You were saying something about Terror Storm?
Yes, I was saying good luck with Terror Storm.
I've seen the DVD.
It's a great film.
I was just looking at Amazon.com.
You're rising the charts.
It's up to 421.
And rising as we were speaking.
So congratulations, Alex.
I think it's a great DVD and I encourage listeners to get it and watch it.
Well, thank you.
And your new book, which I read cover to cover, Minutemen, the Battle to Secure America's Borders, this is a
Just an incredible chronicle, and it's in bookstore shelves everywhere.
Thank you for coming on with us, Dr. Corsi.
Folks can read your writings at Human Events and other places all over the web.
Take care.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Great pleasure to be with you.
You bet.
Take care.
Jerome Corsi, big conservative, waking up to 9-11, by the way.
We had some discussions earlier.
You heard him just endorse TerrorStorm.
I mean, I don't waste my time with neocons.
But a neocon won't expose the open border and really do something about it.
He's not a neocon.
He's an old-line conservative who just hasn't found out how deep the rabbit hole is.
And so for those that ask why I have coursing on once a month, well, now you know.
Because we're really, you know, he'll listen.
We're educating him.
We're informing him.
And he's educating us.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tom in California.
Thanks for holding, Tom.
Hey, Alex.
My brother.
How are you doing?
Good, sir.
Let's speak a little bit about this report that I read yesterday about the military infiltrating our national wilderness areas, what they're going to be used for, and exactly where they are.
Now, what report is that?
I was on President Planet yesterday, and it was part of an article about the May 2008 National ID Card.
Okay, I didn't see that article on my website.
I know that foreign troops, it's been confirmed, do drills all over our national parks with our own troops.
They have harassed people.
That's been in the news.
I've been to, I don't know, it's probably nine, no more than that, I don't know, counting local stuff, fifteen or so.
Military drills over the years where they openly trying to take our guns, put us in camps, break our children up, away from the parents.
This is standard procedure.
It's all in Police State 2000, Police State 2, The Takeover.
I mean, video of it happening.
The troops admitting it.
And now, Bush, I want to spend more time on this.
Bush moves towards martial law.
For some reason, last week, I just mentioned this and never covered it.
Another huge piece of legislation, the Defense Authorization Act.
So we're going into martial law.
They're just openly announcing it.
It's not going out with a bang.
It's going out with a whimper.
They're just kind of in plain view, hidden in plain sight, just going, hey, world government, we're here, we're taking over, and we're taking your roads.
We're going to use troops to tell you what to do.
There are going to be foreigners totally legalized.
And we're going to take your guns if we want, and we're going to forcibly inject you, and we're the New World Order.
How you doing?
What do you think about them apples, Tom?
Oh, well, I've seen Terror Storm, and I gotta say, you know, I wish we didn't have to have a movie like that in America.
You know?
Sorry to say it.
Well, I wish to God you were right.
I mean, you are right, but I wish you were... I wish what you were saying was the case.
This is horrible.
We're normal people who know how to read documents, who see it happening around us.
The toll roads are opening all around me.
They're to pay for the North American Union.
It's all happening.
I mean, it's really happening!
Cops are really going into schools coast to coast in unannounced drills and putting guns to kids' heads.
Elementary, middle school, and cussing and screaming.
And the kids are wetting themselves.
It's mind control torture.
I mean, we're living in Twilight Zone here, brother.
What is one to do?
We're the normal people that go federal funding to go in and put guns to kids' heads to condition them for martial law is not good.
Hey, it's not good to legalize the 30 million illegals.
Hey, they're saying this is Mexico.
Hey, you're going to seize all our roads and give them over to foreign groups?
Hey, that's wrong.
I mean, I had a Nobel Prize winner on Friday, former chief economist, World Bank, saying what I'm saying.
This is the truth, people!
This isn't a joke, this isn't a game.
And I know a lot of police and people in government are good.
But are you really good?
I mean, you know the truth, but will you stand up against tyranny when it really comes down on us?
That's the question I'm asking you.
You've got to decide whose side you're on.
We're the American people.
We're the republic.
Terrorists have hijacked the government.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA science,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
You want open phones?
You got them!
And I want to get more into Bush moves towards martial law.
And again, a week ago I read, scanned the legislation.
It's huge.
I mean, the Military Authorization Act is thousands of pages.
But I scanned through the key provisions that other legal scholars had pointed out.
And it is the end of posse commentatus publicly.
That's what bars troops from
Going around, rounding you up, taking you to FEMA camps.
I mean, it's the real deal, folks.
None of this is a drill.
This is happening right now.
Terrorists are in control.
They carried out the attacks.
They used them to set up a police state and they're going for broke right now while Boston opened the border.
And this is how it feels.
I have three articles today where governments and institutions are saying there is a plan to force a blue chip us.
And I look at it and I get tired.
I look at it and I say, you know, I don't even want to cover that.
I'm tired.
It's so bad I can't even articulate.
It's just like thousands of different spearheads attacking us every angle the enemy's hitting us with.
And then I see the general public giggling and smirking and driving around like everything's fine.
I'm contemplating war.
I'm contemplating defending myself.
I'm contemplating financial crashes.
I'm contemplating how my life's been robbed.
How our futures have been robbed by these people.
You know, the last decade I told you, you know, the martial law isn't coming yet.
The martial law isn't coming yet.
The martial law isn't coming yet.
No, it's not coming yet.
No, no, no.
They're not in place yet.
Now they're getting it in place.
And then they put it all in place and do nothing for a year, two years, three years, five.
It may be next week.
It may be tomorrow.
We can wake up one day and a major city's going to be nuked, or smallpox, or bird flu's going to be released, and man, it's over.
The whole country's going to be like New Orleans.
And they don't care if the president gets called, oh he screwed up, oh he messed up, oh now he's confiscating guns, well, you know, things got bad, he had to.
I remember before New Orleans, they were telling police coast to coast, there's going to be natural disasters, and there's going to be smallpox releases, and we can't have armed people, you know, during breakdown of society, when armed citizens is what stops looting.
We've got to confiscate guns.
They've been teaching the police that coast-to-coast.
The ADL goes in with manuals saying people that talk about the Constitution, people that talk about the Founding Fathers, people that talk about land rights, people that talk about the Second Amendment, are all terrorists.
And we have the manuals, the feds then adopted, written by the ADL.
I mean, heaven help us!
I mean, we knew stuff was going to get bad when they were trying to get rid of Posse Comitatus ten years ago.
We knew it was bad when we went to Urban Warfare Drills and videotaped the troops trying to take your guns and take your children!
I said I'd go to your calls.
I just... I'm pleading with you.
I'm on my knees, America.
I'm on my knees to the police out there.
You know, I listen to my rebroadcast sometimes and I'm screaming and yelling and calling the police Nazis and the rest of it.
I'm not saying you personally are a Nazi, but because of your ignorance and because of you not knowing what you're part of, you're doing the exact same thing.
And you know, a lot of the Nazis weren't really bad people either.
Have you really studied them?
They were one of the most moral, most industrialized countries in the world, if not the most industrialized, certainly in Europe.
The Germans would give you the shirt off their back.
Germans worked 18 hours a day.
I mean, that's why they ran pharmaceuticals.
They ran all the new sciences.
They were supplanting the U.S.
for the most patents.
And man, a little wicked guy got in there and hyped them up with a bunch of tribal juice and told them, we've been attacked by terrorists, and we gotta get rough, and you know what?
The best and brightest lined up.
And by the end of it, they were blowing little kids' heads off.
And by the way, we're being shut up.
I hope the police and military know that 9-11 was meant to come out.
I hope you know that it was meant to come out with the torture of children.
I hope you know all this was meant to come out because Justice P2OG, the Pentagon plan,
Six million dollars in funding a year.
It's a huge project.
It's meant to go out and create Muslim terrorists and stimulate terror attacks, quote, kill people's families so they will militarily respond.
I mean, they're breeding resistance.
Then so they have an excuse to go in there and have weapons sales and keep troops in the area.
So you've got to get your head around the way their logic works.
It isn't our logic of we want to help people and we want to be good and we just want to have a nice life and go bass fishing and deer hunting occasionally and have children and grandchildren and go eat Mexican food and go hike up mountains and look at the stars and go see movies and go hear some live music or go see a football game.
Hey man, they're not into that!
Do you understand me?
They're into killing us!
They're into enslaving us, you idiots!
And I don't really have anything else to say to you other than that.
I don't like your high and mighty attitudes.
I don't like the way police think they're part of the system, and they're above us, and we're a bunch of idiots, and you're protecting us.
You aren't protecting us by and large.
You did do it in the past, but that role's being diminished, being removed.
You're being put into positions to dominate and enslave us.
Let me tell you something, officers.
When CPS doesn't have a warrant, doesn't have charges, doesn't have an order, doesn't have anything, and they tell you to come to a house and just grab some kid, you shouldn't do it.
And when you do something like that, you are a hardcore child kidnapper!
And let me tell you something, SWAT teams.
When they tell you to go to big city schools and little town schools and put guns to third graders' heads, and I got video of it,
I mean, I remember back in 2001, right before 9-11, I was sending a couple of videotapes off local news around the country where the little kids were crying with cops with guns to their heads and it said it was a drill.
And since then, it's been done everywhere.
And I mean, if you're so warped that you think putting a gun to a child's head as they wet themselves, quote, to train them what it's like to fight terrorists, I mean, you're sick!
It's been done diabolically, and you're being used to condition and traumatize those children.
And they're going to let 9-11 come out in the future.
It'll probably be ten years from now.
It'll be admitted that it's an inside job.
It'll be limited to the U.S.
and the U.S.
government, the big European banking families, the Rothschilds and others, and their agents like the Rockefellers that own this country.
Again, they own News Corp.
Murdoch's their front man.
That's even come out in major publications that Big Money's behind Murdoch.
And his stuff over in Europe talks about 9-11 being an inside job, lets it all come out, but says it's just Bush and Cheney.
And then domestically they put out propaganda saying, oh, we're all kooks and we're all crazy and we're all nuts.
Again, keeping us pacified, letting us play the part of the bad cop.
Letting us take the fall.
Letting us do the dirty work.
Letting us go take over all the countries and lose the troops while the European backers own and run everything.
And I do feel robbed.
I mean, I have been robbed.
You have been robbed.
Let's start where it's simple.
Easy to understand.
Money you have in the bank account.
Now, I put a little bit of money away in two bank accounts for my children.
Not a lot, but it's there for them.
That money, since I started putting it in an account for them, has been devalued by over 40%.
And that's just in what the markets are saying.
It's really been devalued a lot more than that.
They've devalued it by double, and now they're going to double it again.
That's announced by the Federal Reserve, the private owners, our owners.
You have been robbed.
Your money value has been robbed.
I mean, you know, the average American gets about a three percent, I saw, increase in pay each year.
Well, I mean, if you're getting a 10, 15, certainly more than that percent decrease in buying power, you've lost money.
Everybody knows stuff's costing more now.
Well, this is only the beginning.
They're going to take everything you've got, everything I've got,
And they're going to stand up there like our saviors while they're doing it, spinning some yarn about why it happened and why the bubble burst and how it coincided with some new terror attack.
You know the line.
You know how they operate.
And I just want police to know something, because you're where the rubber meets the road.
I want you to know that I'm tired of your haughtiness.
You're just like a black slave who was taken into the house.
And then, again, on most of the plantations, they didn't even have to have whites out there whipping and controlling the black slaves, because they had black people to do it.
And that's exactly what the police are, that's exactly what the military is, that's exactly what low-level bureaucrats are.
You're house slaves.
And I, I just, I am disgusted with you.
I think you're pathetic.
But I understand that I was once down this dirt too.
But you know what?
Until I was about 18, I woke up pretty early.
And you have no excuses, full grown men and women, to sit around and go along with what you do.
I mean, you find some teenager with some marijuana, you let him go.
You find somebody doing some little petty thing, you let them go.
It's a much greater crime to put them into this system.
I mean, I don't just say it.
It's true.
The big private prison industry companies in this country are openly owned and run by the banks that launder the money for the drug cartels.
These prisons are owned by the drug dealing families.
The government ships it in and controls who ships it in.
And then you've got the nerve to SWAT team people's houses because they're on it.
And of course it's destructive.
Of course it's bad.
Of course criminals are involved in it, because it is criminal.
It's just everything you do, it's hurting society.
It's hurting society.
I think police should give you a ticket if you're driving reckless, but you shouldn't get tickets for speeding.
If you're driving reckless, you should go to jail.
You see, all these things you do are about fleecing the cattle.
It has nothing to do
With defending the people.
And you think the police are bad today, folks.
They're being turned right now.
They're being warped.
They're being twisted.
To serve the dark system of control right now.
And I'm telling you that America is almost gone.
It's almost gone.
The police and the military refuse to go along, which is starting to happen with this system.
The New World Order will stall and will fail.
The New World Order is making a big move right now.
They're rushing.
Like they've thrown a Hail Mary.
We've got to be in the game now like never before.
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And again, for our police and military, under Project Shad in the mid-80s, hundreds of different tests.
They would take troops, put them in chambers, and murder them with nerve gas, dissect their bodies, and tell their family they died of the flu.
I want to tell the police that.
This government running things will murder you and think zero about it.
But all the big police seminars, all the stuff, the in-service training, it's all designed to make you think the system cares about you.
It's all designed to make you think you're in a brotherhood.
It's all designed to make you think the system's there for you and you're guardians of the system.
This system, in fact, I was on a black man show in Philadelphia yesterday.
I forget his first name, Mr. Watson.
And he said, how dare you say the government would do this kind of wrong?
I just can't believe it.
And I said, atomic soldiers.
I said Project Shad.
I said Black Men in Tuskegee.
And he said, well they did that, but not now, not now.
You know, just stop being so naive!
I'm sick of it!
This guy's a black man and he doesn't know!
I mean, I've just had it up to here with you people!
I'll tell you why I'm really mad at police right now.
I found out my mother was over at a friend's house and there was this UT cop there.
And maybe he was nice in the conversation.
She said he was.
But from the conversation he had about me, it just sounded all creepy and questioning and, you know, about me and all this stuff.
And I just don't like that attitude.
Like, you guys are assessing me.
Like, we're all stupid and don't see what's going on.
I mean, literally, I'm about to puke.
I'm about to puke.
I just can't handle it anymore.
I just can't handle it.
I just watched this country tore up in front of me.
Everything I told you has come true.
Everything I said has been spot on.
And it hadn't been hard.
It's all in documents.
It's all public!
If you knew where to look and if you cared!
Bill in Iowa.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Bill.
Am I?
Yes, you're on the air, Bill.
Oh, thank you.
First time caller here.
We moved here a couple years ago from Lake Charles, Louisiana, hence the slow southern accent.
Anyway, I want to make it quick for you, to give others a chance.
First, I want to make a comment on a comment that you just made a few minutes ago concerning 9-11.
You said that they will probably come out with the truth of it, maybe in ten years or so.
Brother, I honestly believe that we don't have ten years to wait for that to happen.
Anyway, today is the big day for your terror storm coming out in bookstores.
I had an experience this morning that kind of disappointed me on that.
Maybe you can help me.
Oh, for one thing, I'm with you.
I've been
I found out about your website, and I have several of your documentaries since 2004.
I've watched Terror Storm several times on the Google thing, and it's wonderful.
Okay, I'm in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Barnes & Noble's here hasn't heard of it.
I found it at Borders over in Omaha, Nebraska, which is just across the river.
And I asked them, well I shopped on the phone and I went and got it, and I asked them how many copies they had, they said one.
I said, well how many did you have?
They said one.
Well, let me explain what happens.
Okay, there are thousands of stores, hundreds of chains that are carrying it, and that's what I said.
Most of them, Barnes & Noble is supposed to have more at the big stores, probably just where you're at.
That's why it's important that one copy gets bought.
That's why it's important everybody call the stores in their area and tell them you want them to carry it.
That way the general public can buy it in the stores.
Well, that's what I did, and I was hoping they had several.
I would have bought every single one of them.
Well, in fact, it's a little bit different cover, a little bit different design, a little bit different version of how they mastered it.
I'm going to go to the store today if I have time and buy a couple copies just because I want that particular store version.
It's a little bit different than what we sell on the website.
Folks, this won't happen unless you help us get it.
I mean, it's in most of the stores, but they're only getting a couple copies at most stores.
It's important they all get bought up and that you ask them for more copies.
Thank you for doing that, by the way.
You're welcome.
And I have been spreading the word of this 9-11 thing and this North American Union.
It all just makes me want to puke.
And I'm so into this, I have to watch cartoons for an hour before I go to bed just so I can sleep at night.
That's because you're normal.
A normal person gets freaked out and cries and punches with the wall when the government openly says they're raping children.
I hear music.
I want to also comment on the guy that called you.
I was listening last week when the guy sat and waited to get on air with you just to say you're full of BS.
Stay there.
I'll let you finish quickly.
Then we'll go to Derek and others.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
I think.
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Alright, Bill, Derek, Karen, George, and others, we're going to get to you.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
I'm probably getting the calls because they're all so good, like Bill.
I don't have much more to say other than
A comment I was listening last week to the guy that sat and waited, like I did, to get on your show just to tell you that you're full of BS.
People like that need to wake up, man.
That was... I found that quite comical.
Well, I kept saying, what am I lying about?
Believe me, I wish I was lying.
I wish you were too, and I know you're not.
And that's scary.
It is scary.
I mean, what do they think we're making up?
We told people 12 years ago about the North American Union.
We told them about everything that's happening.
I mean, what do you think we're doing here?
You think we do this for fun?
You think this is fun?
Not at all.
It's terrible.
Do you feel like you've been robbed?
I mean, I've been robbed.
I don't want to be doing this.
I can't believe I have to do this.
You know something, I'm glad you're doing it.
Thanks Alex.
You bet, good to hear from you.
We'll go to Derek and others here in a minute.
Debbie hadn't been on with us yet this week and it's always good to have her with us, Debbie Morrow.
New Millennium Concepts manufactures the made in America black Berkey elements, a new standard in water purification.
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Debbie's one job with this big company, right here in the U.S., right here in Texas.
Her one job is just taking the phone calls from this and a few other radio shows where she does interviews, because they used to only sell to wholesalers.
People kept saying, hey, we want to be able to buy direct.
We save $100 roughly on their baseline unit.
You save about $130 on their fancy dancing unit.
And they've got little sports bottles that make the water safe to drink for $30.
You buy 5 of them for $20.
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And they make those too.
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It's what I've got at home.
And, uh, it's a really good system and you need it.
It takes about two minutes to put together.
Debbie, fire the number out here in the last day of the month so people will quit procrastinating and drinking all the poison so they can get this system.
Hi there, Alex.
The number to reach us is 1-888-803-4438.
That's 1-888-803-4438.
Debbie, how good are these systems?
Oh, they're really great.
I mean, I get people all the time just call and say, thank you for selling me a Berkey.
It's such a personal item, getting good drinking water.
You're really going to see a huge difference in your life if you drink good, healthy water.
And I tell you, 70% of the bodies, water.
70 in men, about 73 in women.
And it's so full of poison.
I mean, I make the point every time you're on, but it's the case.
Chlorine just kills the bacteria, boys and girls.
In most major cities, you're drinking recycled sewer water.
It's called toilet to tap.
Most of the well water's been contaminated.
And bottle of water, I mean, it's killed people.
It's always, it's just been all over the news.
Just type in bottle of water, poisons, it'll be mainstream news.
You can pull it up.
And you'll save money, and in about a couple months, the amount of money you spend on bottled water, you'll save here.
If you're going to get bottled water, get reverse osmosis or distilled, but still that can't be completely trusted, because a lot of times it's sat around a warehouse for a month, and if there was one bacteria on the cap, it'll breed to the millions inside that water.
You really need to take purified water and then purify it again.
And you know, it's hard to do.
It's just like, don't use cell phones or use a hands-free so you don't fry your brain.
I mean, this is proven stuff that we all need to do and take care of ourselves.
And even if you don't care about yourself, I tend to be the same way.
At least care about your children and only give them purified water.
Again, that number is 888.
803-4438, 888-803-4438, or Berkeywater.com.
And in the comments section of Berkeywater.com, when you order online, tell them what free gift you want, a sports bottle, filtration system, or potassium iodide to protect against radiological exposure when an event occurs, or the Sheltering in Place DVD.
Give Debbie a call, 888-803-4438.
Give her a call.
If the phone's busy, leave your name and number, she'll call you right back.
Debbie, I know you won't be celebrating Sam Haines tonight.
What are you going to be doing on All Hallows Eve?
Well, I'm not going to be dressing up, and I'm not doing any clowning tonight.
But I do have candy, so if little kiddos come to my door, I can give them candy.
I know that probably breaks the heart of a bunch of listeners.
Well, I don't want to be a hypocrite.
I don't want to be a hypocrite.
We end up getting a bag of candy just because, you know.
The new thing, in fact, I'm going to do this tonight.
I'm going to take home 100 pocket constitutions and I'm going to give them pocket constitutions.
Oh God, that is such a great idea!
I thought of that a few weeks ago and then never talked about it.
Oh golly, that is a great idea.
I wish I would have thought of something like that.
Yeah, they cost us about 55 cents a piece.
We give them away with every order.
Folks can order them for basically price for what they cost us in bulk and it's just a great thing to do.
Yeah, that really is, you know, because I've given them to all the teenagers and stuff, you know, that my son has friends and everything.
I wish I think of something like that.
What a great idea.
Well, we all think of stuff.
We're so busy we never get to carry it out.
Debbie, have a great evening.
Oh, you're very welcome, and y'all have a great evening, too, and be safe.
You bet.
God bless.
Yeah, the murder rate goes way up, drunken driving goes way up, the car wrecks go way up, the kidnappings go way up, and if you take your children around to people's houses,
And trust them with all the nuts that are out there.
And that's one reason to not be involved in Halloween.
And if you don't like it, I don't care.
I don't care what you think about me.
I'm not a Bible-thumper either.
I'm a Christian.
And I do follow Jesus and Atheris.
But I remember... I remember, you know, 15 years ago, oh, don't celebrate Halloween.
It's a cult.
And I'd be like, you're a bunch of idiots.
And I'd, you know, go maybe put on a Viking helmet and run around when I was in college.
Stumble around drinking beer downtown.
And then I actually started reading the history of it.
Bonfires, bonfires is what it comes from.
They throw babies into fires all over Europe and England.
They murder all these people.
The priest, trick or treat, if you had to give the priest an offering, they would demand an oxen, a dog, a cat, something to burn in the fire.
In certain families, they would just randomly demand your firstborn.
So that little, your child is playing out a ritual as a druidic priest demanding a child to burn.
And the burning man, all of that stuff's real.
National Geographic.
And I just, you know what?
Obviously your children are going to see all the neighbors dressed up, running around like a bunch of lunatics.
And again, I used to do it too.
I'm not knocking people to do it.
I'm just telling you, you need to know the information.
And I'm not going to, by the way, go read the law enforcement reports, the FBI reports, go take a criminology course.
I've done that, you should do it.
Record murders on Halloween.
Record arson on Halloween.
Record, record, record.
And all over the country this week, children were kidnapped to have their hearts cut out tonight.
And they'll find their little dead bodies, a lot of them won't be found.
And, uh, it's admitted.
So, tonight, where you're out saying, oh, it's just fun, small children are going to have, uh, pieces of filth killing them.
So, uh, just, uh, be aware of that.
Or maybe they're good.
I mean, you know, now the White House writes memos saying they can rape children.
I mean, maybe, maybe I'm the bad one, because I'm against that.
Maybe it's going to come to a point where, where we're the devils.
You know, the devils are the people who don't kill children.
The devils are the people that, you know, don't turn their guns in.
The devils are the people who don't take microchips.
Let's go to Derek in Tennessee.
Thanks for holding, Derek.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Pretty good.
Congratulations on your debut, your retail debut of the TerraStorm out at the stores.
I'm going to be getting mine today.
Well, thank you.
We're getting a really bad echo there.
No, I'm sure it's probably on my end.
But I certainly hope that everybody will go out to stores all over the country, Barnes & Noble, Borders, you name it.
Call, make sure they have it.
Some of them haven't gotten them in yet.
Get out there and buy them.
A couple of things I wanted to say.
If you're bringing up Halloween, you kind of added something to my list.
You're absolutely right about Halloween and Hollywood's been doing its part for the last three or four years now with this constant onslaught of horror movies and torture movies to try to make all of this stuff look normal.
And I think it's a bunch of garbage.
The main thing I did want to talk to you today about was that being a student of history, the thing is that I want to give everybody a little bit of encouragement.
When they run into people that don't want to hear, and I know that you've had several people on lately that have been trying to call you down and say that you're a liar and everything about 9-11.
I want to give some encouragement to everybody out there.
Remember that history proves
That the minority is always in the right.
It's always a righteous minority.
It's always those who love freedom, who hate tyranny.
They always are in the minority.
Our founding fathers were.
Jesus Christ and his movement started as a minority.
There was a minority in Germany that was trying to take Hitler out because they knew what he was up to.
And the thing is, I just want everybody to be encouraged that
Uh, just because the majority in this country are still asleep or, uh, willingly blind doesn't mean that our movement is not right.
Well, the good news is the majority know they're being lied to and are freaked out.
They're just not taking action.
And that's true.
We've got to, we've got to get your videos.
We've got to educate and get that information out because the information is the only thing that changes minds, but we also need to be out
In the streets, not violently, but we need to be in the public officials' faces constantly.
Vigil type of action is what we need to do these days.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
You know, we reported, the Associated Press put out a story yesterday about police going into schools and putting guns at children's heads unannounced in the 7th and 8th grade and then soiling themselves and screaming at them.
This is out of the Associated Press today.
The Police Stun Gun Kills Teen With Bible A Teenager Carrying A Bible Shouting I Want Jesus Was Shot Twice With A Police Stun Gun And Later Died At The St.
Louis Hospital Authority Set We've All Seen The People Running Around Wild You Know Filled With A Fiery Spirit They Get The Truth Out You Know Out There With Their Bibles Yelling I Mean That's Not My Style But That's My Style When It Comes To Fighting The New World Order But The Cops Thought He Was Nuts Because They Just Like They Arrest People That Pay For Stuff With Two Dollar Bills Now Claiming It's Counterfeiting I Mean The General Public Is Completely Stupid
And he was out there running around the street with a Bible, screaming, I want Jesus!
And they killed him.
In a statement obtained Tuesday by the Associated Press, police in Jerseyville, about 40 miles north of St.
Louis, said 40-year-old Roger Holyfield was not acknowledged officers.
And it goes on, who approached him and continued yelling.
Now understand this headline, it says, Police kill teen with Bible.
And then it goes on here, 17-year-old Holyfield, let me just start over, I get busy speed reading this and then I forget where I'm at in the article, I do that quite often.
Police stun gun kills teen with Bible, a teenager carrying a Bible and shouting I want Jesus was shot twice with a police stun gun and later died in a St.
Louis hospital, authorities said.
In a statement obtained Tuesday by the Associated Press, police in Jerseyville, about 40 miles north of St.
Louis, had 17-year-old Roger Holyfield
Would not acknowledge officers who approached him, and he continued yelling, I want Jesus.
By all means, you ought to take him out.
Police tried to calm the team, but Holyfield became combative, according to the statement.
Officers fired a stun, gun at him after he ignored their warnings, then fired again when he continued struggling, police said.
How many videos have I seen where somebody lays on the ground?
Four or five of them will shoot darts into them.
They'll let a police dog chew on them.
I've got a video of that in Rotaterini.
It's all part of the, well, they've been trained that we're the prey animal.
It's like a dog trained to kill rabbits and they just do it.
Holyfield was flown to St.
Louis Cardinal Glyndon Hospital after the confrontation Saturday.
He died there Sunday, police said.
An autopsy was planned for Tuesday.
The statement expressed sympathy for Holyfield's family, but said city and police officials would not discuss the matter further.
Calls Thursday to Jerseyville Police Chief Bradley Blackerby were not immediately returned.
The department had been using stun guns for about five months, according to the statement.
And there have been 156 deaths in the last year using stun guns, and they were used, police say, over 70,000 times in that year.
Yeah, a woman just barely argues with some cop at a red light until he tasers her.
They never did that in the past.
It wasn't needed.
But, again, now they're going to use microwave guns, now they're going to use surround weapons.
It's all, these are, it's just like you train an attack dog on dummies first.
These weapons are all training cops to go ahead and shoot.
Reflexive firing, as it's called.
It's just like, you know, they shoot young women in the head and blow their eyeballs out and they bleed to death.
It's happened in Miami, happened in
It's going to continue.
It's not going to stop.
So just stay away from the sporting events.
Stay away from the downtown moron events.
And just don't, don't, don't.
If cops want to go in bars and arrest you for three beers like they do in Austin, saying it's a drunkenness, just don't go to the bars.
Stop drinking.
Stop using their drugs.
And stop supporting the system.
I mean, really, that's what it comes down to.
But again, all over the country they come and they unannounced run in, put guns in children's heads, scream at them.
I mean, is that not terrorism?
Is that not armed men terrorizing schools?
Is that not terrorism?
But they're setting the pressure in it.
Basically like an alpha dog will hike its leg and urinate on another dog, they're letting us know, hey, we're the boss, we run things, you lay there and you take it.
Do you understand?
It's simple.
We're going into slavery and we're like black slaves in this country, we're being taught that when they say jump, we say, yes sir boss, how high?
And if we look at them cockeyed, we're going to get slapped upside the head real good.
We're going to learn how to lick boots.
We're going to learn how to kneel.
We're going to learn how to submit.
This is how it is.
That matter if you don't want international toll roads, it's going to happen.
Doesn't matter if you want open borders, it's going to happen.
Doesn't matter if you don't want to be in a country having a war, it's going to happen.
Doesn't matter if you don't want troops on the streets, it's going to happen.
Doesn't matter if you don't want vaccines, it's going to happen.
Doesn't matter if you don't want forced psychological testing of the entire population, it's going to happen.
Doesn't matter if you don't want a national ID card, it's going to happen.
It's going to happen.
We're going to put guns to your kids' heads and we're going to scream at them.
In a drill.
Because we feel like it.
You got it?
You got that straight?
Come back and we'll talk to Karen, George, and who's that caller in Michigan?
Andrew in Missouri, and then I'm going to call in Michigan.
I'll try to jam you all in.
Terror Storm hits stores all over the country today and a lot of them are only stocking one or two copies.
Buy those up and ask them to reorder more to make sure the general public has this great opportunity to come in contact with this.
Make Terror Storm a hit in stores.
I'm asking you for your help.
They'll be right back.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iraq, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I want to thank the local Radio Free Austin folks for promoting the event tonight from 5 to 6 30 at the video and music store.
Waterloo down at 6th and Lamar.
I'll be there from 5 to 6.30.
I also want to thank Jack Blood who comes up next.
I've heard him plug in and I appreciate that.
But all over the country, Terror Storm, my friends, in all the major shops.
But again, when a new video comes out, they don't know if it's going to be a hit.
They only order a few copies.
That's my point.
Go buy them up and then ask them for more copies.
Say, I want more.
Order me more.
And then that will trigger them.
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy right now at Amazon.com.
You can get Terror Storm for $12 bucks, like $11 something.
It's not even $12.
And yeah, it's more than, you know, I mean we sell it for more on my website because we've got to have some support.
If you want to support us, get it at InfoWars.com.
But we've discounted everything to get it out there.
America, freedom to fascism, $19.95.
Get Terror Storm for $9.95 with your order if you so choose at InfoWars.com.
Alright, let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Let's talk to Karen in Texas.
Thanks for holding, Karen.
Hi Alex.
You were talking about the video being at the bookstores and that's why I called.
I went to Barnes & Noble and Hearst and they wanted to know what it was about.
They gave me a run around and they said they'd never heard of it and they don't see it in their system.
So instead of driving around all the bookstores I called Virgin Records and Grapevine and
They said they haven't received all their shipments today, but hopefully they'll get it in later.
So I'm going to call them back later.
Yeah, that's the point.
There's a lot of neocons and people that don't want this in stores.
Yeah, when I was in Barnes & Noble, I had a real creepy feeling.
This one guy was just standing around, and as I was walking out, he walks by me.
And I just had a real creepy feeling when I walked by.
Well, that's probably paranoia.
Probably a security guard.
They think everybody's stealing.
But no, they don't have shaker police everywhere watching.
But no, again, a lot of stores aren't going to have it until tomorrow either.
That's also something I've been saying.
Oh, okay.
I wanted to get... I've seen it several times.
I know they have 150 copies at Waterloo in downtown Austin.
I'm going to be there today, but I know you're in Dallas.
Thanks for making the effort.
Tell them you want them to carry it.
It's distributed by Disinformation, and they are in Barnes and Nobles, and it is going to be there.
I guess it hasn't been stocked yet.
Call them and just say it's a political documentary.
It's Terror Storm.
And if they don't have it, say, well, you're supposed to be carrying it, and I want it.
Thank you so much for the call.
And I'm not knocking you in for paranoia.
We should be paranoid.
Stuff's crazy, but they don't have that type of force, folks.
Let's talk to George in Indiana.
Go ahead, George.
Alex, who was that on your show last week that was upper CIA that said that he knew that Building 7 had to be controlled demolition?
Yeah, James Steele.
Why in the world would he say something like that and not be able to go further and say, well, if 7 had to be controlled demolition,
One and two had to be two because how could you get into seven unless you, uh, you'd have to be FBI or CIA to do it.
Well, obviously, sir, he wrote in his public statement that we can indict Dick Cheney for 9-11.
There's enough evidence to indict him.
Okay, well I... He's looking at his investigation as being circumscript, using the hardest court.
It's like police, you know, a prosecutor in a trial.
They're using the best evidence they've got.
Well, I agree.
And that guy that called you last week, the one that, uh, called you a liar, he wallows in mediocrity.
And the people around here that do that, you'll ne- until the egg hits them right in the top of the head, they'll never realize it.
I hear ya.
Andrew, uh, in Missouri.
Last caller, go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
I was wondering if you were going to be on a radio station called Rover's Morning Glory?
I don't know.
I do a lot of interviews.
Are they saying I'm going to be on?
Yeah, they said they might set you up there.
They had Joe Rogan on and he was talking about you.
Well, I'm more than happy to do any interview I can.
In fact, I'm doing one right now on BET National Radio.
In fact, in two minutes I'll be on National BET Radio.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.