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Name: 20061030_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 30, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
It is the 30th day of October 2006.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and we're going to be live here for the next three hours.
I've got Gary Badley, who owns and runs a large alternative book and video distribution company.
The company is Disinformation, and it's called Disinformation so that people then will pay closer attention to the information.
It's a tongue-in-cheek joke.
Just like the media, Fox News tells you fair and balanced, they are predominantly disinformation.
Well, disinformation strives to counter disinformation.
Their full name is disinformation.
Everything you know is false.
The folks that put out Outfoxed and many other documentary films, documentary films exposing Walmart and its scams, Jim Marr's new book on 9-11, The Terror Conspiracy,
Gary Badley will be joining us from New York coming up in the second hour to talk about the alternative media, the election, what's happening in the world today while I have open phones, and the fact that he's making a big move with TerrorStorm to be in thousands of stores around the country including Barnes & Noble, Borders Books, Virgin Atlantic, you name it.
And that starts tomorrow.
It's a big deal.
It's very important because if you go into the stores and buy them off the shelves, then they will stock more and the general public, the generally ignorant public, will have a chance to buy the film, see the film, come across the film.
And if they sell out with their first orders, which is just a few videos per store, they will then increase their order next time and it's a cascading effect.
And this information has been able to get it placed on some end caps in some major stores.
Basically, Disinfo does that by giving them the DVDs for free.
In fact, you can now buy TerrorStorm at Amazon.com.
And I make, I think, about 40 cents off each DVD that gets sold.
Again, I could care less.
I struck a deal.
I had them lower the price to the lowest possible price that Gary Badly's company could sell them at.
The lowest possible price we could get them to, to put them in stores, to put them on Amazon.com.
So it's available right now.
Terror Storm is available for like 12 bucks on Amazon.com.
Now, when you buy it from us, for $19.95, obviously it's like a donation.
You allow us to continue and operate.
We've got to get some capital in here.
But, you know, we put it out for free on Google Video.
I mean, it's just we're here to get the information out.
Alright, I'm done talking about that.
That's coming up in the next hour.
Rest control of Mexican City!
Machine-gunning the press!
Killing an American journalist with a precision shot to the heart!
And our media has been pretty much quiet about it, and then you think, well, the police just dealt with a problem.
Yeah, the thugs in their little Darth Vader outfits, meant to intimidate and oppress the poor slaves of Mexico.
So we'll talk about that.
Also, U.S.
national IDs by May 2008.
More on that report.
Also, school safety drill upset some parents.
Associated Press.
I'm glad there's some normal parents.
I mean, they go into elementary, middle schools, high schools.
But, I mean, I got video of them doing it to 8-year-olds.
And they point machine guns at their face and they scream at them.
And those kids are traumatized for life.
It's like your child being with you when a bank's robbed.
I mean, it's the same thing as a bank robbery.
They're traumatized and terrorized.
And the cops are dumb.
They don't know why they're being told to do this.
They follow orders like the general public.
They think it's there to get people ready for a terrorist attack or a mass shooter.
It has nothing to do with that.
It's conditioning.
We'll cover it.
Also, Google defiant over censorship in China.
This is London Guardian.
Well, they're doing it right here.
Of course they're defiant.
Also, U.S.
investigates voting machines.
I'm sure they do.
And we'll also get into... It's just there's so much today.
Huge broadcast.
JonesReport.com are the websites.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I think so.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Did you know that Mexico is, by all the major human rights watch groups around the world, in the top ten of the most abusive
Most tyrannical, most oligarchial systems.
It is massively corrupt, massively oppressive.
If you try to organize or demonstrate, they'll drive by with the police and throw a hand grenade in your house.
They'll shoot you dead on the street.
In fact, I remember, what was it, eight years ago that the skies were red at high noon here in Texas.
The sunsets were spectacular and all the dust, because the winds happened to be blowing this direction and our news said it was agricultural fires.
No, the Mexican military, over three Mexican states, burnt almost every cornfield, every plot of land that wasn't owned by big agribusiness as a way of having scorched earth against the indigenous populations and the Zapatista rebels that were resisting.
It was in the BBC.
It was in the London Guardian.
It was in the Latin American papers.
I remember an incredible lady, Patricia Moore, who, by the way, moved to Guatemala.
I haven't seen her since then.
She was deaf.
But she had incredible courage.
She would go with a video camera.
She now works for a TV station in Guatemala.
I remember being at the TV station here locally and seeing her with raw footage of Mexican troops grabbing people out of huts.
Her hiding in a hut while troops jump out of a black armored vehicle in black uniforms and are dragging families into it.
I mean, this is life-risking type stuff.
They kill Western journalists all the time.
Mexico City is rated as the most dangerous city in the world for journalists.
Go look at the different press rating organizations that rate the Safety for Journalists, the Committee for Journalism, and there's a bunch of different groups.
Go look at it for yourself and
An American journalist with a radio show in New York and a documentary filmmaker was down there and the police came up to the barricades where the peaceful citizens there in Mexico were protesting the staged election of a few months ago and they opened fire with precision!
I guess earlier I said machine guns.
They had machine guns, but they actually used sniper rifles to start popping the reporters, they know who to hit, in the chest, and they shot an American reporter in the chest.
You can go to PrisonPlanet.com and click on the story, and then if you go over to the Fox News website, they have photos of him there with a bullet hole in his chest, dying on the ground.
They shot other Mexican and Latin American reporters as well.
And the media just plays the whole thing down.
Well, you know, the Mexican police had to
Had to restore order.
They stole the election right in front of everybody.
Greg Pallas came on the show and documented it for us.
He was in Mexico for the election.
Witnessed it.
Neocons and Choice Point and Rob Allen and Co.
and all the big Neocon PR firms were down there.
Same people running dirty tricks here in the United States right now.
They don't play games, my friends.
They don't play games.
So many police listen to this show and they think that I'm against them because I'm angry at the police state.
I'm angry at what you've turned into.
I'm angry at how you've been trained.
I'm angry at how you've been... It's like taking a German Shepherd that could be trained to be a good guard dog and a good family guard dog and a loved member of the society and turning him into vicious psychotic attack dogs trained to eat children.
And that's what's happened.
You know, they have a special unit in Mexico they founded over 50 years ago called the Foxes.
You know what the Foxes, and that's the guys that did this by the way, you know what the Foxes are?
They're paramilitary, they wear the black helmets, the black masks, the black armored pads.
Mexico really pioneered the little Darth Vader outfits long before the 1977 hit Star Wars.
You see, George Lucas admits he did his research on scary, oppressive, tyrannical figures and
took a cue from the Mexican foxes and the old inquisitors and the executioners of old.
They wear black, they wear black masks, and they wreak havoc upon the population.
Imagine to force the entire indigenous population, which they've done to a great extent, out of, I say, three states.
That's where the main burning took place in Chiapas and two other states.
They forced them up into Mexico City that was
Just 10 million people a few decades ago.
25 million people just a few years ago.
Now 33 million plus and growing as a staging ground for the United States.
Half the population lives in cardboard boxes.
There is no running water in many of the areas.
The rivers are giant sludge sewers.
I've seen the documentary footage you'll never see on U.S.
It's the biggest city in the world.
It dwarfs any nightmare in Calcutta or Bombay in India.
And it is a staging ground.
They are forcing all the indigenous peoples off their ancient lands.
They steal the land under UN biospheres.
I remember being about 12 years old in Cancun with my parents on a vacation and we drove into the interior there in Yucatan and there were all these UN signs saying biosphere where they had taken the indigenous peoples land.
Now you can go buy homes there.
They allow Westerners, and the Italians, and the Germans, and the British, and the U.S.
For some reason, it's mainly Italians who have moved in and bought it up.
Same thing they do here in Austin.
They stole 15,000 acres from different people and said it was going to be a biosphere, and then took the restrictions off and are building luxury homes there.
It was on the cover of the Chronicle paper two weeks ago, but they were telling us how wonderful it is.
So it's all just feudalism.
And it's totally brutal, it's totally evil, and our government finances Mexico and finances the textbooks that say that this is really Mexico, the southwest from Texas to California.
As far north as Oregon and Colorado is declared Aslan.
And our government's busy getting rid of the border.
I have the actual bill that Bush signed a few weeks ago.
It does not build a border fence.
It authorizes a small portion to be spent on fence upkeep, current fences.
Does it matter?
The Republicans are running edge everywhere, lying, saying they're the party of getting tough on the borders.
No, both parties are in collusion together to erase our borders, and we have this narco-terrorist state that's attacked the U.S.
Consulate in Nuevo Laredo, that has attacked and kidnapped U.S.
citizens, that has killed sheriffs, deputies, and police, and FBI, but it's all kept very, very quiet.
Oaxaca, Mexico.
Police arrest control of Mexican City.
Federal forces stormed.
The city had pushed protesters and striking teachers out of the city center.
They had occupied for five months leaving the colonial city resembling a battleground with riot police and burned vehicles lining the streets.
Police controlled the main square but leftist supporters were on the streets with sticks and gasoline bombs.
Protesters determined to keep up the fight to oust the state governor.
Ulysses Ruiz announced plans for new marches today.
Graffiti-smeared storefronts, cafes, and hotels shuddered in what was once a favorite for tourists.
At least one demonstrator was killed in clashes Sunday as federal police, backed by armored vehicles and water cannons, tore down barricades on their way into the city.
Protesters said late Sunday afternoon that the second had died.
Authorities did not confirm that.
There was still uncertainty over the 1.3 million school children would return to classes Monday.
Teachers had agreed to end the strike to close schools across the southern state.
But it was unclear if the police presence would undermine that deal.
The protest began in May as a teacher strike in the southern Mexican city of roughly 275,000, but the demonstrators quickly spiraled into chaos as anarchist students and Indian groups seized the Central Plaza and barricaded streets throughout the city to demand Ruiz's ouster.
After the deaths of video and documentary maker Bradley Ronald, Will, 36, of New York, and two local residents in a
There was no shooting by their side, by the way.
We have the video of it.
During a Friday protest, Fox sent in thousands of federal police to launch the first major offensive Sunday to end the unrest.
Do you understand the people of Mexico are in open rebellion?
All of the independent polls in southern Mexico and in these different regions showed 90 plus percent of the people against all the incumbent candidates.
It didn't matter.
All the establishment candidates, all of them won!
And we're going to see this year in the US, when 97% are against the toll roads, they still do it.
When 99% are against private interest being able to land grab, they still do it.
When 90% are against the open borders, they still do it.
And amnesty, they still do it.
When 70 plus percent are against the war, they will expand it.
Again, why are you suddenly seeing government move at every level?
Because they know they've put in enough of their fraudulent voting machines to steal elections.
And it doesn't matter now, just like Mexico.
And the government's own documents, the Rand Corporation's own documents say they're going to have revolts and riots and shootouts in America.
They know the policies they're going to force on the American people are going to cause what you're seeing in Mexico and China and Pakistan and around the world.
That's why they're building emergency FEMA centers.
That's why they're militarizing the police against us.
I had Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stichlitz on Friday.
The report's going up right now on PrisonPlanet.com.
We were going to put the story up yesterday, but we had server problems.
So I'm sorry I announced that yesterday that it would be up, and it wasn't.
But it is going up right now to PrisonPlanet.com.
We interviewed him.
He said that at best, a worldwide huge recession.
At worst, total depression and implosion.
And he said that the World Bank and IMF are following policies that will cause a worldwide depression.
And if there's a depression in this country, you won't have well-behaved people like we did from 1929 to 1940.
You will have foaming at the mouth.
You will have rioting.
You will have freak-outs.
You will have huge third-world populations going absolutely ape.
And it's all planned.
It's called the IMF World Bank Riot that Joseph Stiklitz exposed in 2002, Nobel Prize winner, Chief Economist, World Bank, where they cause conditions that cause breakdowns
On purpose as an excuse to then crack down even more.
So go ahead cops, when you're out there feeling powerful in your black uniform shooting American citizens and beating us over the head like you've already done in a lot of demonstrations and riots, remember it's your pension fund that's going bye-bye.
It's your children's future.
It's the country dying.
So go ahead.
Go ahead.
Whatever you do against the Republic now, you do against your own family.
So go ahead and feel good about yourselves.
Go ahead and go along with this system.
Go ahead and serve it.
But just remember, when you lose everything you've got, that you helped it all along.
We've got tons of other news coming up.
Stay with us.
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We don't need no education
I'm not trying to be negative about what's happening in our world.
Our country is being openly dismantled.
The North American Union is in place.
It's not coming.
It's here.
Our governments openly meet.
They've openly set it up.
Our freedoms are being dismantled at every level, because the globalists have set up a world financial system designed to implode economies, designed to consolidate, designed to erase and obliterate middle classes, because a middle class has independence, it raises its own children, it isn't a slave of the system.
Elites throughout history have always sought
To have a tiny overlord class and a massive underclass totally brain-dead, totally dumbed down with no chance of climbing up out of the murk.
And that's what's happened.
At least one demonstrator was killed.
The alternative press is reporting dozens dead.
At least one demonstrator was killed in clashes Sunday as federal police, backed by armored vehicles and water cannons, tore down barricades on their way into the city.
Protesters said late Sunday that a second man had died.
Authorities did not confirm that.
And that's what's happening in Oaxaca right now.
Clearly the election was stolen.
Clearly the people are sick of being slaves.
And the Mexican government is an absolute travesty.
Continuing with the news, this is what's happening here in the U.S.
In my film, Road to Tyranny, we just spent a few minutes showing local news footage from around the country as elementary school students have police in the same Darth Vader outfits pointing machine guns at them and yelling at them and the children are crying and screaming.
Imagine a drill where the police come in in masks and start yelling and screaming at the children.
Remember the case up in Minnesota a few years ago?
Where they didn't even tell the school teacher they were going to do a drill and they came into the portable buildings in the art class there in the seventh grade and the children were actually wetting themselves as some of the police played the part of hostage takers putting guns to the teacher's head and she collapsed and neighbors across the street saw it and called the police thinking there was some type of attack
Again, why do the feds, coast to coast, pay to have these drills done?
It is a conditioning mechanism.
It creates fear.
It creates anti-gun fear.
It trains everyone to go into a prison-type shakedown scenario.
This is re-education center brainwashing.
Well, parents are finally getting mad about it.
This is in the AP today.
School safety drill upset some parents.
A school safety drill that included police officers in riot gear with weapons has caused concern among some parents who say it was too realistic and frightened some students.
Well, remember what happened in 2000?
Cop of the Year got his head blown off in a drill in Fort Worth.
He happened to be Cop of the Year and one of the police, MP5, wasn't unloaded.
And they came into the room and blew the cop of the year's head off.
And then that same year, and there's so many cases, I'm just using ones I put in the film.
These are all in Road to Tarrant.
Remember in Detroit, they had another drill and the cop shot himself in the leg in front of the children.
The children were crying and he said, this was in the Detroit Free Press, he said, don't worry, it's not loaded, and shot it at his foot, blowing some of his toes off.
I mean, this is what they do.
I have video of it.
Here's AP today.
Wyoming, Michigan.
A school safety drill that included police officers in riot gear with weapons has caused concern among some parents who say it was too realistic and frightened some students.
Police in the western Michigan community of Wyoming entered two classrooms at Lee Middle High School on Thursday and announced there was a threat to the school.
They don't even tell you!
The Grand Rapids Press reported.
Students who were unaware police were conducting a drill.
It's always the same.
How dumb are our local police to take federal funds, and it's not just a drill, they don't even tell them!
Students who were unaware of police conducting a drill were taken from the classroom into the halls, patted down by officers, and asked what they had in their pockets, the newspaper said.
Again, a drill, a shakedown, just like they had in Goose Creek, where the dogs started biting the children.
And the video of them screaming, Oh, please, no!
Full-grown men, I mean, this is America!
By the way, I have an article with it happening in England.
You see, it's happening everywhere.
It's a handbook.
And the cops don't know.
They go, well, we saw what happened at Columbine.
This is for safety.
Students who weren't aware police were conducting a drill were taken from the classroom into the halls, patted down by officers, and asked what they had in their pockets.
The newspaper said, some of the kids were so scared they just about wet their pants.
They actually soiled themselves, in some cases, we're aware of.
Said Marge Bradshaw, parent of four children in Godfrey Lee schools.
I think it's pure wrong that the students and the parents were not informed of this.
Well, we have the AP article out of Michigan, three years ago, where they threw buckets of fake blood on them and pointed guns at their heads saying, we're homeschoolers, we're here to kill you.
I mean, you can't make this type of stuff up.
There are cops listening around now going, well, that's what the officers do, it's good.
I support it.
It's getting safe!
No, it's not.
It's conditioning.
We'll be back with more news in your calls.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
Welcome back.
We're going to go to your calls here in a moment.
We'll run through some of the other news items I have in front of me.
I hope that everybody will join me in Central Texas tomorrow night from 5 to 6 30 p.m.
at the corner of Lamar and 6th Street at Waterloo Records and Music for the national rollout of my new film Terror Storm that will be in Barnes & Noble, Borders Books, Virgin,
Everywhere but like Walmart and Best Buy.
Most of your major video and bookstores around the country will be stocking TerrorStorm starting tomorrow.
Please get out there and buy up all the copies because then they'll make them be that much more prominently displayed if stores across the country have a big response in the next week or two.
Please take action.
I hope to see you down there tomorrow night here locally in Austin.
I'll be giving a little speech, taking questions and comments, and signing TerrorStorms.
And at the very same time, I hope you'll visit Infowars.com and get America, Freedom to Fascism, which we're carrying.
Aaron Russo's incredible new film, 1995.
When you get Terror Storm for $9.95, you can get Terror Storm for $9.95 when you get it with America, Freedom to Fascism only at Infowars.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
America Freedom to Fascism for $19.95 and for only $9.95 more, you can get Terror Storm over three hours on one DVD.
So for $29.95, you get two films over five hours for $29.95 at InfoWars.com.
That's the America Freedom to Fascism and Terror Storm combo InfoBomb pack.
Again, available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
You can also write to me.
I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
You can also get TerrorStorm by itself or America Freedom to Fascism by itself at InfoWars.com.
Alright, getting back into the news.
I'm not done talking about school safety drills upset some parents.
I'm asking you as a parent
And I'm letting you know that we get these reports every week, okay?
Normally, though, it's in a local paper, and the local paper makes excuses.
Well, the children did cry.
Well, the children were on lockdown and had to use trash cans to use the bathroom in in front of the other children.
Well, the officers did practice putting the children in handcuffs.
They did cry, but it's for your own good.
And I've been sent video by listeners across the country.
It's federal grants.
The worst case of this was in Michigan as well, not just the new case we have today, where I've talked a lot about this and had guests on about it, where they had the fifth graders all get out of the school parking lot.
They had two school buses out there.
This happened statewide, but this was one case that was videotaped.
They had them get out there, and they just told them, sit on the buses.
The police drove up,
They threw out smoke bombs.
The children began crying and screaming.
They drug them out onto the parking lot and ran up spraying fake blood on them.
Fake arms, fake intestines.
By the way, I have video of a similar drill, but this was with middle school students in Belton.
This was just south of Temple and Waco back in 2000.
And I put that in Police State.
Three total enslavement.
I put that in Road to Tyranny.
Excuse me, Road to Tyranny.
You know, has the video of this, and the U.S.
Army doing it, marching over, telling us to turn our cameras over, backed up by Marines.
Of course, we told them to... We told them we weren't going to do it, to put it lightly.
So, I mean, you can see the video.
Hey, a lot of splatter blood and fake arms.
Fake arms, fake contestants.
On the children.
This is America.
But at least there it was the middle school drama students who knew what it was.
That's one thing.
And they blew up two cars, set them on fire, fire shooting out by the city hall.
That is nothing compared to Michigan.
Again, this is re-education camp.
This is what they do.
And the children didn't know what was happening.
They ran up with guns, screaming, we are homeschoolers against public education.
We're here to kill you.
And the children began soiling themselves.
Well, I just read the AP.
This is AP today.
School safety drill upset some parents in Wyoming, Michigan.
Students were unaware police were conducting a drill, were taken from the classroom into the halls, patted down by officers, and asked what they had in their pockets.
We've got video coast-to-coast.
What they do is scream and yell and point MP5s at their heads.
A lot of times dogs are there grabbing on the bags.
Don't believe me?
Just type in Goose Creek Drill.
Some of these kids were so scared they just about wet their pants, said Marge Bradshaw, a parent of four children in Godfrey Lee School.
We're going to try to get her on.
I think it's pure wrong that the students and parents were not informed of this.
Officers wore protective gear, including vests and helmets, and carried rifles, which were loaded and marked with colored tape to indicate they were not live weapons.
Children don't know that, the newspaper said.
And it says, Diana Sylvia, a parent of the 8th grade students, said the drill went too far.
My child was with his face to the wall in a hallway at a high school, Sylvia said.
I certainly don't want anything like this happening to my child.
Hey lady, your child's being trained how to be a prisoner.
This is federal conditioning money.
This money's paid to brainwash the children.
So when it really happens, when they really pull up in army vehicles to take you to a FEMA camp, your child will be acclimated to go through the drill.
The government admits that's why they've had Delta Force and Army Ranger and Night Stalker out of Fort Campbell, Kentucky drills in every major city in the country.
I've interviewed police chiefs.
It's on record.
It is done to condition the local cities for military takeover.
They practice taking over the city halls.
I made Police State 2000 about it, and I made Police State 2 the takeover about it.
This is not a drill.
This is not a joke.
This is not a game.
This is the real deal.
This is a massive conditioning program.
Principal David...
Britain said students were told ahead of time to make the drill as realistic as possible.
Teachers were informed moments before it took place, he said.
That is not true.
Again, they always say this afterwards.
Notice the AP says they were not informed, but now the principal, David Britton, is saying, oh no, we told them moments before.
Just like Delta Force, when they hit Kingsville, claims they told locals, but we went to the nursing home, went to all local houses.
No one got a warning.
No one got a visit.
And I went to the police station where they admitted they didn't warn anybody.
We can't let the citizens know about our operational capacity.
Got them on tape.
Yeah, we're running an op here.
We can't let the locals know.
And right across the street, 200 feet, there were heart attacks at Costa Ricarta Nursing Home.
Can you imagine eight helicopters, over a hundred troops, one day after the police moved out of the police station, so they quietly moved out to their new center, down the street, and then they blew up the old police station.
Blew it up!
I have video of them blowing it up!
Imagine, they just swoop in, blow up the old police station, there's a nursing home 200 feet away, Casa Ricardo, we interviewed one of the ladies there.
That's America!
Buildings blowing up!
Children with guns in their faces!
This is martial law, folks.
In case cities and counties and states say no, like they're doing in southern Mexico right now.
They got the photos and the video on the news, we ought to be taping this, of huge jetliners landing, that's a rapid Mexican troop reaction force, with police in black uniforms, storming, imperial stormtroopers, storming off the aircraft.
Same thing's been craned here.
Principal David Britton, who should be fired, said students were told ahead of time to make the drill as realistic as possible.
Teachers were informed moments before it took place, he said.
I think that it's the best way to do it, Britton said.
We're not looking to scare anyone, but we want a sense of urgency.
But Wyoming Police Chief James Carmody said the officers were not aware students and parents were not told.
He said the department will mandate that parents be notified ahead of time in the future.
He needs to be fired.
The purpose was to show how we will evaluate the classroom, not to assault the classroom.
Yeah, you're a liar.
If you don't think the video we got of the fake blood and the little children... I mean, pure terror!
I ought to go find that clip and play it.
I mean, children get scared!
I mean, you know, if my son's doing something that isn't safe and I yell at him not to do it, he might cry.
I'm watching scientific brainwashing, scientific conditioning.
I'm watching every candidate of our free society being dismantled.
I'm so angry about it.
I'm so hurt.
It's so horrible.
And these police, most of them mean well.
They're just so brainwashed, folks.
Oh, it's because of 9-11.
Oh, it's because of Columbine.
Both government ops.
And you just can't figure out how you've been brainwashed.
All of our innocents.
Schools nationwide have your children line up.
They're frisked by police.
Police dogs come in.
They search the lockers.
They get lockdowns.
There are prisons.
And the Department of Education documents say they're going to train your children to be prisoners in the schools.
They thumb-scan in those schools to get school lunches now.
The tanning salons.
The new exercise gyms.
The grocery stores.
The tracking grids going in everywhere.
The national ID cards going in.
The forced psychological testings going in.
The face scanning cameras and license plate reading cameras are going in.
Your cell phones track you.
Google uses the audio card and microphone built into all new computers and video is built into most of the new ones to track everything you're doing.
They openly announce they're listening to you, recording everything you do in your home for quote, data collection.
I mean, it's just total martial law.
And it's going to, I mean, I'm here risking my life on the front lines, being the big target to warn you.
And it's as bad as I say it is.
It's really bad, folks.
It's really, really bad right now.
Contact your schools.
You let them know you're going to sue them immediately if any fake guns or real guns get pointed at your children.
You know, they charge a child who brings a toy gun with terrorism just for bringing a toy gun and showing it to their friends, claiming it terrorized people.
But cops come in and aim guns at crying children.
And police dogs grab their bags and rip them off their back.
Imagine just, oh, it's a drill, line up, now here come the police dogs.
I mean, this is America!
This is what our country has turned into.
Hey, look in the computer.
Find Sundown on the Republic.
Or Republic Sundown.
I'm going to play that.
Coming up.
Google defiant over censorship in China.
Internet giant steps into realm of politics with debate of freedom of speech.
They openly announced they're going to be censoring and say they don't care.
They're already doing it here.
I had former top level CIA officer, Marine Corps intelligence officer at the highest levels, big Republican on last week saying, yeah, Google's in bed with the CIA and 9-11.
All the evidence shows inside job.
investigates voting machines.
That's such a joke.
The way the police treat us verges on the criminal.
I want to read this London Observer article because it's not just here in the U.S.
that this is happening.
It's the entire Western world.
Listen to this.
The way the police treat us verges on the criminal.
Guilty until proven innocent now seems to be the watchword for a government that increasingly treats its law-abiding citizens with absolute contempt.
Yeah, that's what... You're right, Henry Porter.
Who wrote this article?
A father and his eight-year-old son got off a train at Blackpool on Friday evening, two weeks ago, to be confronted by a number of police officers moving passengers towards a scanner.
There was a mildly threatening manner about them as it was clear that they expected everybody to pass through the scanner, which they said was being used to search for knives.
Those same scanners have been purchased here in the U.S.
They're going in every major city.
The man, whose name is Danny, quietly told the police that unless they had a very good reason, he would not be searched.
One of the two passengers hesitated, then joined him in refusing to go through the scanner.
The police were clearly disgruntled, but couldn't do anything because Danny was right.
They had to have reasonable grounds for suspecting he was carrying a knife in order to search him.
I am not some rabid left-winger or civil libertarian, he told the email to me.
It just seems we are allowing the police state to be developed without any argument.
On the phone, he seemed to
Modified by saying that the police behavior had been oppressive.
Well, yeah, I was in England.
I'd be peacefully just talking to someone on the street corner.
Cops would walk over and go, it's on video.
Turn your cameras off.
You're not allowed to be out here taping.
And I'm like, but, where are you staying?
Give me your info.
And I thought it was because I was Alex Jones.
No, it turns out that even mainstream reporters now, they're just exercising authority.
And there's no law.
This is called tyranny, folks.
It's just, line up, we're going to search you.
Turn that camera off!
This is all being done for your safety while Blair signed a deal to bring in unlimited foreigners.
Same thing, you know, we got all these illegals running around with no insurance, wrecking everywhere, stealing, robbing, borders open.
They just leave them alone.
Oh, but your children have to be searched and have fake blood splattered on them while they say, the homeschoolers are going to kill you!
They actually said that to them.
Again, turning them against homeschoolers, traumatizing them, bunch of lawsuits got filed, the kids are all having nightmares.
And folks, that's real.
I mean, it's scary when you're a full-grown adult and you're out there and see a hundred cops lined up in Darth Vader outfits, beating their batons on their breastplates, like the Roman Centurions did, for intimidation!
The government is trying to intimidate the people!
Trillions are missing from the Treasury!
DynCorp is in the Chicago Tribune running white slavery rings!
Total criminals have seized control of the government.
They've brainwashed the police and turned them into attack dogs.
The North American Union has been shut up.
We're going down worldwide!
I mean this.
I'm serious.
For the whole world, mayday!
They're now starting to censor our communications!
They're killing and arresting more and more patriots!
The United States has been seized by the New World Order!
Everybody, you've been mesmerized and conditioned incrementally to accept it!
Wake up to what's happened!
Crafted psychological warfare programs are working in unison to deliver us into total tyranny!
We're preparing for a worldwide depression to consolidate all the wealth and totally enslave us and launch World War III and endless wars!
They own both parties!
The New York Post!
Rupert Murdoch just endorsed Hillary for Senator!
He's been having secret fundraisers for!
Bill Clinton and Hillary worked for the CIA and Bush Sr.
was their case officer when they were first recruited!
Foreign countries have grabbed 8,000 miles of Texas roads and are now putting in the toll roads.
The former chief economist of the World Bank, Nobel Prize winner, said it's part of going in the global receiver ship.
We're already going into bankruptcy!
I mean, we've got to take this serious!
I'm here going down with the ship!
We're under attack!
The entire Western world's been seized by criminals that are using scientifically developed techniques to brainwash and condition us to lay down!
You've got to break your conditioning!
Police, military, people in the government, please listen to me!
The government staged terror attacks against us!
They're killing our people!
Don't deny it!
You know about the Atomic Soldiers Project, Shad, Tuskegee, the forced sterilizations, how they brought 10,000 Nazis over here?
They have the troops breathing depleted uranium.
The cancer rate has more than quadrupled now.
More than tripling.
It had previously tripled.
Birth defects have more than tripled.
The sperm counts down by over 80%.
There's toxins and poisons in the water.
They're putting poison in the water to condition us.
It's a toxic sedative.
Sodium and stannous fluoride both.
Major studies going back to the 30's, 40's, 50's, and even today.
All different forms of brain tumors are up several thousand percent.
Hundreds of major scientific studies show it's causing huge brain tumors with the radiation emitted by cell phones.
We're under attack, ladies and gentlemen!
They're pointing machine guns and screaming at our children!
You understand they're conditioning us!
They're building FEMA camps!
They've abolished the Bill of Rights!
I've sacrificed everything I am, everybody I'll ever be, to fight this thing and I'm telling you it's even more horrible than I thought.
It's moving quickly!
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spies,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Chemical attacks, dirty bombs, fallout, biological attack, anthrax, and to top it all off, duct tape and plastic!
Alarming words for our time!
But how do you protect your family during such a crisis?
The video sheltering in place surviving acts of terrorism from biological, chemical, and radioactive fallout was developed by Wayne LeBaron, a health physicist who has served as a specialist in environmental health, communicable diseases, and has worked as a nuclear specialist for the U.S.
Anyone can follow the simple instructions.
It's presented by a housewife as they walk you step-by-step through the process of preparing your home as a shelter.
If you're not the type who waits till it's too late, then you need the video Sheltering in Place.
Get the critical information you need now for only $29 plus shipping by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
And tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's 888-803-4438.
Or order on the web at murkywater.com.
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Let's go to calls.
That's how I really feel.
That's really how bad our strengths are right now.
That's the kind of positions
We're all in.
I hope you know that.
Later I'll get into more of what Joseph Stiglitz said about worldwide depression.
We'll get into all the news we've broken here in the last week.
It's just incredible.
This makes me so mad thinking of the police brainwashed themselves, terrorizing a bunch of crying children, pointing guns at them, training them how to be slaves, not even warning them.
Teachers have literally soiled themselves, passed out before.
Imagine men running and acting like they're the kidnappers.
The hostage takers.
See, if they can do that, they can get away with anything.
I was on a big radio show in New England this morning.
And I'd bring up all the facts, and most of the callers called in agreeing, but one guy called and said, I just can't believe you.
You ought to leave the country.
You're just lying.
You're just making all this up.
Brother, I wish I was making every bit of it up.
Believe me, I like my life.
I won't want to be doing this.
I wish I wasn't having to fight for this republic tooth and nail.
I wish I wasn't watching this country being torn limb from limb.
But let me tell you something, just because you're ignorant of something doesn't make it false.
Just because you deny something doesn't mean it isn't true.
And let me tell you something, it's so bad I can't even tell you how bad it is.
Michael in Florida, then Eric, Yvette, Jimmy, Bill and others.
Go ahead, Mike.
Hi, Alex.
I'd like to make you aware of a tragic story, an example of Child Protective Services.
There's a story about this child named Ricky, who went into the welfare system in 2000, when his mother was homeless and jobless, and asked Child Protective Services to take care of her three-year-old son.
And let me guess, they tested pharmacologicals on him?
Basically, they put him on psychotropic drugs, and they put him in with his foster parents, who, I'll just read the story, it says, a CPS investigator interviewed Ricky,
And he's outside the presence of foster parents.
When he asked how he hurt his wrist, Ricky said that he was playing a game with mom and dad.
According to a report, he said that he doesn't like the game, but they keep playing it.
Ricky reported that his mom and dad tied up his hands and his feet in the bedroom while on his bed.
He reported that they tied his arms and handcuffed his feet.
And he said because he's a junior policeman.
And he reported that it happens every night.
Basically, Ricky ran away from home, and DHS and CPS took the parents' rights away because she was still jobless.
And Ricky was murdered while he ran away.
Well, sir, I just wanted the police listening to roll their little eyes, because they're part of the great wickedness now, because they can't admit they've been part of this evil gang and have gotten into all this behavior.
That when they take a child from their parents, the people they're giving them to are five times more likely to abuse them.
And CPS does not investigate their own foster parents or their own system.
But that's nothing.
I mean, they take children in New York State, New York City, and test pesticides on them.
Been in the news, nothing happens, and they take them, they eject them, and make them drink pesticide until they die.
Don't believe me?
Just type in New York Test Pesticides on Foster Children.
That story and other stories are on www.thought-criminal.org.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you so much, sir.
Yeah, it rips my guts out.
I couldn't hurt some little innocent thing for the life of me.
I mean, I'm a big teddy bear.
I love children.
I love puppy dogs.
I love
I just love everything good and sweet.
Let me tell you, it's all in danger.
I've gone and done the cases.
I've gone and covered the stories where poor families' fathers got a job.
They're living in a little apartment.
They threaten them to sign the children over, no abuse.
And they take those kids and they hop them up on drugs and they get them to abusers.
I've been there when the mother's begging, please don't take my child.
That was hard.
Some cold-blooded people just take them away and they smile when they do it.
Well, I want you to know something.
You're going to hell!
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The murdering Mexican troops that are the attack dogs of the corrupt narco-terrorist state to our south have gone into Oaxaca and into the city and slaughtered people in mass, armored vehicles grinding over
The protesters shooting and killing in the chest with precision, an American reporter.
They're doing drills all over the country where armed police go in and terrorize the school children, conditioning them for the new prison state.
Electronic voting machine frauds are being reported coast-to-coast as they steal a third election with the new vote-rigging systems they federally put in.
The war in Iraq is spiraling out of control.
A huge war fleet with two carriers and other task force group are in the Gulf, threatening attacks on Iran.
Google's admitting open censorship of the net in the U.S.
We've entered the ninth circle of hell, my friends.
I had Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, former chief economist, number two at the World Bank, saying openly that the central banks are engineering a worldwide depression.
That the major toll roads that private corporations in foreign countries are taking over in the U.S.
as part of the U.S.
going into receivership.
In England, they're setting up scanners on the side of the street and forcing everyone walking down the street to go through them.
Hell on Earth is now beginning, and you want to live in Nazi Germany, you're going to get a chance to fight that.
There are valiant people like Gary Badly,
Uh, who runs a great distribution company that puts up some of the best films and books fighting the New World Order.
He's gonna ride shotgun with us in this hour and I will get to Yvette, Jimmy, and Bill in the next segment.
Be patient.
Toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
I wanted Gary, I've had a chance to meet and have lunch with and who I've talked to many times over the phone, but I got to see him in New York during 9-11.
Uh, he's, he's, he's involved.
He went to a lot of the demonstrations himself with his family.
And we're really honored to have him on with us and we're really glad
That he's made a big investment to mass-produce Terror Storm and to put it in stores nationwide, which is a very expensive prospect.
And we're honored to have him on with us.
Thank you for coming on.
Alex, thanks very much.
It's a pleasure to join you on the show.
You bet.
In the two minutes we've got left in this segment, just tell the listeners about Gary Baddeley and your company and the tongue-in-cheek name it has, and then we'll come back and go through the Terror Storm release and get into the news.
Well, the formal name of the company is the Disinformation Company Limited, but most everybody just knows it as Disinformation.
The company started with a website about 10 years ago, almost exactly 10 years ago, in September of 1996, called Disinfo.com or Disinformation.com.
And we went on to develop as a company, we produced a TV series called Disinformation, which was
A sort of alternative 60 Minutes type show, covering the kind of news you're not going to see on 60 Minutes, because we have a go at big corporations and governments and so forth.
And that led into other things, including putting our films and TV series on DVD.
And in fact, the reason that we got into that is because we sold our TV series to Syfy Channel.
They paid for it and then refused to air it.
Somebody got to them.
We don't know who.
We've gone on to release films by great directors like Robert Greenwald.
He's got a new one out right now called Iraq for Sale, The War Profiteers.
By the people from GNN, they've got one out called American Blackout, which is all about black voter disenfranchisement and the stealing of the last couple of elections.
Which is happening again right now.
It is happening again right now, and we're doing our best to get people aware of this, but the hardest part is that people
Say that it's terrible, but then do nothing.
And that's what we're trying to do.
We're trying to get people motivated to actually go out and do something and vote for a change.
But it's not easy, as you know, Alex.
That's right.
You guys put out OutFoxed, which was a huge sensation last year, the last two years.
Now you're making a major move, putting TerrorStorm in thousands of outlets around the country, including Barnes & Noble, Borders, Virgin.
You name it, and it's so important that everybody get out there and buy it off the store shelves, because then they'll even order more, and we'll take up more shelving space and reach more people who've never heard or seen the truth.
We'll be back with Gary Badley.
It's coming out tomorrow, Alex.
Yes, coming out tomorrow.
Stay there.
Gary Badley, the head and founder of Disinfo.
Stay with us.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spies,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
Chemical attacks, dirty bombs, fallout, biological attack, anthrax, and to top it all off, duct tape and plastic!
Alarming words for our time!
But how do you protect your family during such a crisis?
The video sheltering in place surviving acts of terrorism from biological, chemical, and radioactive fallout was developed by Wayne LeBaron, a health physicist who has served as a specialist in environmental health, communicable diseases, and has worked as a nuclear specialist for the U.S.
Anyone can follow the simple instructions.
It's presented by a housewife as they walk you step-by-step through the process of preparing your home as a shelter.
If you're not the type who waits till it's too late, then you need the video, Sheltering in Place.
Get the critical information you need now for only $29 plus shipping by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
And tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's 888-803-4438.
Or order on the web at murkywater.com.
This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network.
Let's ask the question that the Bush regime hopes you will never ask.
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Our creditors are becoming increasingly concerned that the debt can never be repaid.
Japan and China, two of the largest holders of U.S.
debt, are looking to greatly reduce their exposure to dollars.
In fact, China has privately hinted that a U.S.
attack on Iran could result in China's dumping massive amounts of U.S.
Treasury bonds.
To find out more about this, call for a free report on the coming dollar collapse.
Call Whitehurst International at 1-888-892-6238.
That's 1-8888-XANADU or 1-8888-XANADU and ask for George.
Later in this hour, I'm going to bring up a report that we just posted at PrisonPlanet.com, a text version of the interview I did last Friday, just three days ago, with Joseph Stiklitz, Nobel Prize winner, former chief economist for the World Bank.
It was a wide-ranging interview covering the North American Union and how the
Private countries taking over, that is private corporations controlled by countries like Spain, Centra, taking over most of the major roads in Texas and to go nationwide as part of the U.S.
going into receivership.
He talked about how the IMF and World Bank engineer collapses to consolidate how they're now doing it to the Western world.
England, the U.S.
were all targeted by this neo-mercantilism robber baron system.
Forbes is reporting a 17 plus percent drop in home sale prices in the last quarter.
It is a plunge at that rate.
Despite the fact that the new Fed Chairman reported that the last Fed Chairman in the last six years doubled the money supply, then when he became the new Fed Chairman ten months ago, Edward Bernanke announced he would double the money supply in the next 24 months and then promptly made the M3 money supply figure secret.
This has got me losing sleep, because we know it's a fiat banking system.
We know the Federal Reserve is private, run out of London.
We know it has private shareholders.
That's admitted.
And I don't like the fiat system, but nevertheless, I live in it.
We are all dependent on it.
And they are now deciding to, well, in the hills of stickless words, slowly inflate it, which will cause a worldwide recession and allow the elite to position their wealth and not lose it.
But he's saying they may lose control.
He says this is the most probable
scenario and we will have a worldwide depressionary implosion, dwarfing 1929 crash.
And when it happens, the very same players that created globalism, that caused this to happen, who are using it to consolidate, will pose as the saviors and give you all the quote solutions, which is greater control, Halliburton type private industries being given government contracts, work brigades, it's all being set up
It is frightening.
It won't be like 1929.
And I'm not trying to scare people here.
Everybody's been saying we're going to have a crash for a decade because of the inflated currency.
Now they have all the inflation of the last 50 years has been dwarfed in the last six.
And they're now going to dwarf that in the next two.
And just out of the gates very badly.
One of the biggest, if not the biggest distributor of alternative videos and books in the country.
Had the national TV show in England.
Tried to air it here in the U.S., Disinfo.
And of course, their name has been tongue-in-cheek.
They are exposing Disinfo.
They are fighting lies.
But the Disinfo tells you it's fair and balanced.
Disinfo up front gets you to look carefully at what they're saying by saying, hey, it's Disinfo.
Everything you know is a lie.
And national distribution of terror storm.
It is essential that people learn the true paradigm.
That state-sponsored terror is the norm.
That our government and other governments are staging terror, provocateuring terror, to carry this out.
And we are honored to have Gary Badley on with us.
By the way, Gary Badley gave me the number.
To a big CIA agent whose book is based on, his book is what Siriana is based on.
I need to get that number from you during the break by the way.
I lost that card and I don't know where it is.
I need to get him.
You were telling me there at lunch that he even knows about it being an inside job and then I found out he's actually giving an interview saying something along those lines.
But let's tell that story later.
But I'm going to shut up.
Before we get into a terror storm and go to these calls, Gary Badley, I mean, what I was just talking about with the economy, you're a lawyer, you're a business owner, you were very successful before you got into what you're doing now.
What do you think about the dollar devaluation and what's happening?
Well, it reminds me of the old maxim of what goes up must come down.
You just can't keep writing checks and borrowing from foreign lenders, which is essentially what we're doing, without eventually having to pay the bill.
We're going to skip a lot of those foreign creditors, but that's going to cause its own problems.
So I'm not an economist, but it's inevitable that there's going to be some negative outcome.
The question is how negative and in what form it's going to take.
And I think that people like Joseph Stiglitz are much better able to answer those questions.
I think my job and your job is to get the information to people so that people know about guys like Stiglitz and what they're trying to say.
He's an outcast now from the establishment.
He was part of the establishment.
He's gone out and he's opened his mouth and he's spoken some truth.
And of course, he's been disowned.
So now it's up to the Alex Jones Show.
It's up to disinformation and others like us, and there's not that many of us, to give them access to the media and give them an audience to speak to.
And that's what we're really trying to do.
How did you come up with the name Desenfo?
I have to give credit to my founding partner in the company, Richard Metzger.
It was his idea for
A TV series, which of course we ended up making, but on the way to making it, we did the website first.
We got a lot of money from a company called TCI, Telecommunications Inc.
A guy called John Malone was behind that.
It was the biggest cable company at the time.
It's now part of Comcast, still the biggest cable company.
When they found out what they had spent their money on, they quickly closed it down within three weeks, and we got the rights back and have been independent since then.
Let's talk about Terror Storm and then go to some calls.
We got several big reviews.
They're very positive.
I haven't even sent those to you.
I've been so busy, but one of them was, well, I'm going to dig into the stack and cover some of it later.
What do you think of the film Terror Storm?
Well, you know, Alex, of course, I've seen several of your previous films, and I felt that there was a quantum leap in quality of this film, and it's not too
Be negative about your previous films.
They had tremendous information in them, but the production quality, the graphics, the presentation of this film are fantastic.
They're as good as anybody else's film being made today.
And I thought that was the difference.
That's why I thought it was ready for commercial distribution, to be in the Virgin's, in the Borders, in the Hastings, and so forth, in all those mainstream stores.
And that's what I think
We need to do.
We need to present stuff in a way that these kind of stores don't feel that they can ghettoize us.
You know, we need to be as well-polished and as well-packaged as everybody else.
It's the Fox News Channel example.
You know, they're so good at presenting their information that people are prepared to consume that information.
Well, that's what we need to do, too, and I think you've done an excellent job with Terror Storm.
It's really a great film, well-produced, and with
Well, I'm really glad that you guys contacted us because I really respect your company and wanted to distribute it.
You're making a major move.
We decided to price it very low, as low as we could, to get it to as many people as possible.
It's available at Amazon.com now.
Well, we can never guarantee that every store has every DVD, because very often they'll bring a couple in for a smaller store.
They'll sell them, and then it takes them a couple of weeks to get it back on the shelf.
So if you really want to know for sure before you go down to the store, give them a call and check.
It should be in every store tomorrow, starting, you know, when the stores open.
They're very good about that.
Every Tuesday is when new DVDs go on sale.
And if they don't have it, please ask for it.
It's something that they can get in very quickly.
We've got warehouses all over the country that they can order from.
The stores know how to order.
You don't need to tell them.
All you need to know is that if you ask for the DVD, they'll get it for you, if they don't already have it.
And it's very important to call all the stores, because some may not have it, and then the more interest they see, the more they'll stock them.
And this way we hit, you know, John Q. Public, the average people going into these mainline stores, Virgin, you name it, it's very important that they sell out quickly and that they restock, because if they start selling out quickly, they'll order more, won't they?
That's right.
And I am going to pick on one chain just because they're the biggest.
Blockbuster has not ordered Terrastorm.
They are very conservative in what they stock in their stores.
There is a way to get around it.
If they get requests from the grassroots up, at the local store level, they're getting requests for this DVD.
They can and will change their minds.
So please, if you normally go and get DVDs from Blockbuster, ask for it.
Tell them they should be stocking it.
Netflix is going to have it too.
Netflix does have it.
You can order from Netflix.
You can put it in your queue and they will send it to you.
We don't have the same problem with Netflix.
They're very open to progressive or alternative documentary films.
Not so at some of the bigger competitors.
So they need to hear about it from us, and we've done it before.
We've got them to order when they initially declined.
That's what you did without Fox, and it ended up being seen by millions of people.
Folks, if you want to reach the general public, inside the thousands of blockbuster chains, I mean, how many do they have?
How many stores?
I know it's in the thousands.
You know, I don't have that statistic off the top of my head, but it's in the thousands as opposed to the hundreds.
What about Hollywood Video?
Hollywood Video, same story.
Extremely conservative company.
They were merged last year with Movie Gallery, which is another big chain.
They're the three big ones, really.
Hollywood, Movie Gallery, and Blockbuster.
They're all extremely conservative.
They don't stock a lot of documentaries.
And they really only stock the ones that they're getting a demand for.
This is like demanding organic food at your grocery store.
Five years ago, you couldn't find it.
Now, everywhere you go, you can.
Folks, again, I literally make nothing.
I mean, what is that?
I might make like 40 cents or something off this.
You're hardly making anything.
We price this to have an effect.
That's why I put it out for free on Google Video.
Gary was really excited to hear we've done that.
He wants it to be seen.
You know, we are zealots.
We believe in what we're doing.
We want to expose these terrorists.
We have families.
Help us get this word out.
Now, it's going to be in Blockbuster.
I mean, not in Blockbuster.
You need to call to make sure it's in Blockbuster, to make sure it's in Hollywood Video, whether you live in Austin or Dallas or New York or Kansas City or L.A.
right now.
Wherever you're listening, call them.
Call three or four branches in your area and tell them, hey, I want Terror Storm by Alex Jones.
Will you order that for me?
Will you get that for me so I can come rent it?
And then hundreds of people will rent each movie.
We need to make sure they have a documentary section at these places.
Documentaries have been some of the hottest films the last few years in theaters.
Why aren't they still carrying them?
Gary Badley is our guest.
I promise we'll go right to Yvette, Jimmy, Aaron, Dino, Paula, and many others on the other side of this break.
Terror Storm!
In Barnes & Nobles, in Borders, in Hastings, in Virgin, starting tomorrow.
We'll be right back with Gary Badley.
He's the head honcho with our distributor.
We're honored to have him.
Bunch of news coming up.
I'll throw out there to get your take on it as well.
Stay with us.
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Yeah, let this roll for a minute.
Sundown on the unit.
That's right.
This world is ruled by violence.
But I guess that's better left unsaid.
I can see a day coming when your home garden is going to be illegal.
By the way, several counties in the U.S.
are trying to restrict and tax you for having a home garden now.
Everything is about control.
Stop being naive.
Realize how you're being lied to, my friends.
Gary Badley is our guest, riding shotgun with us in the shower.
Terror Storm hits thousands of outlets all over the country, from Barnes & Noble to Virgin, to Borders, to Hastings, to Waterloo, and we need to get it into big chains like Hollywood Video and Blockbuster.
They have said no way.
Gary Badley has been able to get some of his other big films into those stores once they get enough phone calls.
Like out Fox.
Do you want to see Terror Storm?
Call them right now.
In fact, I'll dig up the Austin number and give it out.
But folks, you can do it online right now.
Help us out here.
You know, I made this film.
It cost me a lot of money.
Gary's put out a lot of money to distribute it all over the country.
And our goal is just to have the people see it and get our money back for doing it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Yvette in New Jersey.
We've been patiently holding.
Yvette, welcome.
Oh, thank you for taking my call.
You bet.
I want to say thank you so much for Terror Storm.
I saw it on Google Video a number of times.
I've been watching it consistently to get your ratings up.
And also, I ordered it from InfoWars.com, that along with Russo's film.
And I'm looking forward to coming out in Barnes & Noble, because I'm going to be at the head of the line to get it.
Well, we just got Rousseau's film in, and it should start shipping out right now.
It just came out in the middle of last week.
We just got it.
And people have been going crazy over America, Freedom to Fascism.
Whenever you get America, Freedom to Fascism, at InfoWars.com, you can also get a discount on TerrorStorm.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to getting that.
I wanted to find out from you, how do I make copies?
I have a number of your DVDs and videos.
I don't know how to copy them for family and friends who think we're crazy.
You buy a DVD burner at Fry's or a big electronic store that burns DVD nines.
They have them.
The problem is my films are always too long.
This one's under two hours, but there's 68 minutes of extras.
So to burn copies, you need to get a, uh, either you can put it on your computer and shrink it,
That's not very technical.
It sounds harder than it is.
Or, you can simply get a DVD-9 burner at the store.
And also... Can I just pipe up one second?
Sure, Gary.
Go ahead.
I just want to add that the DVD is very, very cheap in the store.
So, really, you're not spending a lot more by the time you bought a DVD burner and blank DVD-9s, which are not cheap.
It's only $11 on Amazon.com.
It's discounted in a lot of the stores too, so you can buy multiple copies and it's really not going to cost you much more than burning them yourself and it's a whole lot easier.
So I would suggest maybe going into the store and just buying a few extra copies.
And also, I wanted to share with everyone, I found out about another political party, one that's pro-national sovereignty and Bill of Rights.
It's called the Constitution Party.
Great folks!
In fact, I was for the Constitution Party in the last presidential election we had their candidate on.
Oh, okay.
I just wanted to share with everyone that could, you know, find out about candidates and their state by going to constitutionparty.com.
You're awesome.
Anything else on your mind?
And, uh, the telephone number for them is 1-800-283-8647.
And I'm not sure about other states across the country, but in New Jersey, you could find for absentee ballots regardless of what your reason is.
You could check off other.
Okay, I appreciate your call.
Thank you.
You bet.
There's a misnomer, though, going around that voting absentee stops election fraud.
It actually increases it.
Because then you've got people who get their hands on your ballot, who are able to then feed it into a machine, and all they do is hand enter it into the same electronic base, no record fraud system.
Gary, it's hard to believe they're stealing elections, but we've caught them red-handed.
We sure have.
I mean, you know, there's no doubt.
I mean, there's a man called Greg Pallast, who you and I both know.
Greg made a tremendous film a couple years ago called Bush Family Fortunes.
...tied in with his book, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.
Greg did a tremendous investigation for the BBC, which was the basis of that film.
Are we still on?
Yes, we are.
Okay, I heard music in the background.
And, you know, Greg has extensively gone and documented that the election in 2000 was stolen.
Now he's helped the guys from GNN who made American Blackout.
Stay there.
Tell us about it.
Now we do have to break.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
More calls.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We got a great review by digitallyobsessed.com.
It's a huge review.
They gave us an A+.
And we also got picked up in the news today in the Daily Express.
And one other newspaper over in England, getting a lot of coverage over there, Mews Frontman has said more about Terror Storm in the press now.
And he explained the reason he believes Terror Storm is because his uncle was killed by the IRA, which was under British intelligence control.
And going back just a few weeks ago, remember I had the former Section Chief
for MI6 over Northern Ireland and then one of his underlings on, and it's been in the mainstream news over there, admitting that 70 plus percent of all terror attacks in Northern Ireland and London in the last 30 years were carried out by British intelligence.
We put out a news report on that.
They were on air saying that the IRA was run by British intelligence, not they had moles in it, they were actually knee-tapping and shooting IRA members who refused to go out and bomb people.
So, hey, that was pretty exciting when the rock band Muse on National British TV plugged Terror Storm, wasn't it Gary?
Or did you even know about that?
You know, I've got to say I didn't know about it.
I'm sure your listeners can tell I'm British, but I've been in New York now for 20 years, so I know a lot of people over there, but I don't see the media over there, as most people here won't.
You know, I missed an email.
I mean, I think I did email it to you, but I mean, like me, you're so busy, you probably missed it.
Right now, I'm going to have my producer send you, I mean, it was in the BBC, it was in two other major papers, now it's in two more today, what he said, what's the big national music festival, the biggest in the country?
Glastonbury would be the big one in the UK.
Yeah, I think that's the one, and then one other he did it on too, where he got up on stage and said, go see Terror Storm.
Well, I mean, for those of you who've seen Terror Storm, you know that Alex goes into the 7-7 attacks in London in great detail.
He spends a good deal of the film in London.
And it's, you know, I mean, this is a global conspiracy with the New World Order.
You know, it's not, this isn't just about the Bush administration or even any particular American administration.
It's been going on for a long time and it's global.
And the Brits are very much part of it.
And we got some great people over in the UK who are helping to get the word out about Terror Storm.
And other whistleblowers, like Alex.
Absolutely, and the frontman from MUSE was talking about his uncle getting killed, so this stuff is striking home with people.
What's the best way when somebody calls Blockbuster to ask them to carry it, or calls Hollywood Video to ask the person there at the desk to carry it?
Do you ask them to fill out a form requesting they carry it, or what do you say when you call?
What's the most effective thing for our listeners to do?
The best thing to do is to be very polite and say,
I'm disappointed that you don't have TerraStorm in your store.
I would rent it from you if you stopped it.
Please would you ask your manager or your regional supervisor to request it from your corporate office?
I would rent it, and I know a lot of my friends would rent it, in your store.
And ask for a manager.
And ask for a manager.
If it's some 18-year-old who's listening to an iPod, sitting there, you know, checking people out, they'll go, uh-huh, uh-huh, sure.
Ask for a manager, tell them, hey, I want you to carry TerrorStorm.
Exactly right.
You can also go on to Blockbuster.com and fill out a form requesting it there, and they do read them.
It doesn't just disappear and they never see it again.
Believe me, we have experience.
We did it without Fox.
They weren't going to take it.
They saw the demand and they ended up taking it.
It's also important once you climb up the Amazon charts.
We just went on Amazon today.
It's way down there as any new video would be.
It's very important for it to climb up the Amazon charts because most people do their shopping in those top 100, those top 200.
If we're able to break into that, it can grow exponentially.
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If people perceive it to be an important and
Successful film.
They want to check it out.
People are curious about what the bestsellers are.
And Terror Storm will be a bestseller.
It's already a bestseller on the underground.
It's ranking extremely high at Google Video.
And that's where I first saw it.
I thought it was tremendous.
I watched it on Google Video, but I wanted to see it at higher resolution.
And I couldn't believe how much better it was when I saw it on DVD.
And that's what I think a lot of people are going to find out.
Okay, even if you've seen it on Google Video or otherwise on the Internet, it looks so much better on DVD.
And if you want to organize a screening for your friends, if you want to invite people around to see it, it's a lot easier on your TV than on your laptop.
I mean, the film is okay on the Internet, but it's a shadow.
of itself when you get a chance to actually see it on DVD.
Plus there's the 68 minutes of extras, the highlights from the big 9-11 Neocon Agenda Symposium that we held out in Los Angeles back in June.
I mean, you know, we boiled down the most important highlights of a two-day conference with Dr. Bob Bowman and Webster Tarpley and Professor Jim Fetzer and myself and Charlie Sheen and everybody.
This is such an important film.
Over three hours
We're good to go.
Yeah, I did not come from the media underground, so to speak.
I was really part of the music industry.
I was a music lawyer.
I was really in, you know, in the thick of it, in mainstream music, the music business.
And I really have decided that I need to do something that's a bit more important than that, or really a lot more important than that.
And that's why we're trying to get people
To see these very important films and very important books, because we also publish books.
I know you've had some of our authors on your show, like Jim Mars.
Oh yeah, I sell his Terror Conspiracy book.
Absolutely, you can go to Infowars.com and buy the Terror Conspiracy by Jim Mars.
We just reordered, by the way.
I know you did, and we sent them to you.
And it's a tremendous book.
And it's books like that, and films like Terror Storm.
The names being similar are just a coincidence, by the way.
That we think are very important and we need to get out there.
So what we've done for the last 10 years is spend a lot of time, effort and money on setting up a distribution system so that we're in the same stores and the same libraries and the same schools as a lot of the mainstream media and a lot of what I'm going to provocatively call mainstream media propaganda because it really
It deserves to be labeled as something more than what it is, and we label our stuff disinformation to disarm people, to let them know, be critical, think about what you are reading, seeing, watching.
So, if there's one thing I really would like to encourage people to do is to support this stuff, and you've said it over and over again, Alex, if people perceive a demand, if the stores perceive a demand, they're not usually political.
They just want to make money.
So if they see Alex Jones' TerraStorms selling in droves at their store,
They're going to reorder.
They're going to reorder big.
They'll put it on display.
And it causes a chain reaction.
The next time that Alex has a video or that Jim writes a book or somebody else that we think is very important needs to get out there, we can go back to the store.
We can say, look what we did with Terror Storm.
Look what we did with Terror Conspiracy.
You need to support this film or this book as well.
And that's what we do all the time.
We've mentioned out Fox a few times on the show today.
That's because it was an extremely successful campaign.
It came out of nowhere and blindsided
Well, it blindsided Fox and Rupert Murdoch, of course, but it blindsided the media and the mainstream in general.
And by the way, highly respected mainstream analysts have said that that film coming out two years ago and really hitting its apex about a year ago is one of the reasons Fox has lost now, what, about 35% plus of its viewership?
People now know it's a propaganda hive of liars.
Absolutely right.
We did the same thing with another film by Robert Greenwald called Wal-Mart, The High Cost of Low Price, where we really called out Wal-Mart on some of their poor business practices, their poor employment practices.
Hey, in college I worked for them right when I got out of high school for about six months, and the guy would say, okay, now work an extra hour off the clock.
And I'd said no and finally quit.
So when you guys make films about them doing this now, I experience that.
And there's so many people that have been mistreated by Walmart in this country and abroad, but in particular in this country, their employees really are so poorly treated when you compare them even to competitors like Costco, who do so much better in terms of benefits and average wages than Walmart does.
And that's why these films are important.
The campaign to persuade Walmart to change is working.
It's working gradually.
But it is working, and we've seen a lot of little things change in Walmart's practices over the last year.
Well, more than just that, I mean, you guys are credited with torpedoing Fox.
It's got to feel good to know that you really exposed those liars.
Well, I've got to say, I don't want to take credit personally.
I credit Robert Greenwald, the director.
No, I know, but I'm saying you're a big part of that, and the grassroots out there that had the house parties, that bought the film, that got it out to people.
That's absolutely right.
We do provide a very important component to the distribution model.
It's changed.
We no longer have the monolithic grip of the studio system of distribution, where it comes out in a theater first, then waits a few months and goes to DVD, then some more time it goes to TV.
It's been collapsed.
You can usually buy it on DVD first now.
You can see it at house parties, at screenings.
And there are many, many ways.
You can have Google Video, YouTube, etc.
Many ways to see these films now.
And that's what we've done.
We've really bust the
Bust through the gates that were being closed on independent filmmakers, independent authors, who were trying to say things that some people would prefer they don't.
You need to go to Blockbuster Video's website and fill out the form requesting Terror Storm distributed by Disinfo to ask that that be placed in all their stores and do the same thing with Hollywood Video.
It's paramount.
Let's go back to the call.
Thank you for holding.
Let's talk to Jimmy in California.
Hello there.
I just want to say that I've seen all your movies and you give me a lot of strength in this.
This movement I have, like, pictured in my mind of all the people, you know, standing up against all this corrupt, you know, like, government we have.
And, um, you know, I thought it was really funny when you were talking about, um, the event at the school, when they were saying that, uh, homeschoolers would do that, and I'm a homeschooler, and I have no desire to do that.
No, no, yeah, the feds pay for drills nationwide.
Where the police go in to scream and aim guns at children's heads and they've shot themselves.
They have, in one case, shot a child.
In another case, blew a cop of the year's head off.
And I have it again in AP today.
Those who just joined us, let me read this again.
School safety drill upset some parents, Associated Press.
Wyoming, Michigan, a school safety drill that included police officers in riot gear with weapons has caused concern among some parents who say it was too realistic and frightening for students.
Police in Western Michigan community of Wyoming entered two classrooms at Lee Middle School on Thursday of last week and announced there was a threat to the school.
The Grand Rapids Press reported students were unaware police were conducting a drill, were taken from the classrooms and the halls, patted down by officers and asked what they had in their pockets.
The teachers go on, parents go on to talk about children basically wetting themselves.
But I have video in Road to Tyranny where they're crying and screaming, and elementary students are having MP5s shoved in their face.
This is federally paid for, and in some cases they throw buckets of fake blood on them and scream, I'm a homeschooler here to kill you!
That was in the AP two years ago in Michigan, again.
But they do those same drills right here in Texas.
Gary Badly, just out of the blue, I want to get your take on it.
I mean, you're a lawyer, but that is pure mind control, pure conditioning.
That is the equivalent of a Soviet re-education camp.
I'm shocked at what people get away with and how it's reported as being benign and sometimes beneficial.
In the media, people are not critical enough and I'm delighted that you've got callers calling in asking questions because it's not right.
What would you do if your child was at school and they came in for a drill and shoved a machine gun in their face and yelled at them?
I think I'd move back to England to be perfectly honest with you.
I'm not sure it's going to be any better there for much longer.
Well that's the problem, they've now started it there.
You know, I mean, it's very scary.
What do you do?
Where do you go?
We don't want to head for the hills.
We want to change things.
But clearly, you see what that is.
That is mass conditioning.
I mean, the cops doing it don't know.
They're just given a federal grant to do it, but it's happening everywhere.
That's absolutely right, and it's only through people calling it what it is, and that's why I'm very grateful to your caller for calling in and bringing it up, and to you, Alex, for discussing it, and discussing it not just once, but on a regular basis.
That we can persuade people, not just to accept what's happening.
These things are not inevitable.
We can change them, but we're not going to change them unless we call it what it is.
I agree.
Have you heard the new thing in England and the U.S.?
They set up portable scanners.
When you get off a train or a bus, they just randomly make you walk through the scanners.
But in England, people are refusing.
And so they should.
I mean, there's a very, you know, there's a very stubborn independence streak amongst British people.
And I'm glad that they're exercising it.
God knows, it's the surveillance society over there.
It's the country with the most surveillance cameras per capita in the world.
And there's now a backlash.
There's a huge amount of vandalism towards surveillance cameras and equipment in England.
I mean, there's one guy who was so upset that he actually got thermite, the stuff that may or may not have been used to blow up the Twin Towers.
Obviously, there's a camp that thinks that it was.
He went out, he's an engineer, he went out and used thermite and he actually blew up one of these surveillance cameras.
And there's sort of a surveillance resistance underground going on.
Would I be able to ask you something?
Sure, go ahead.
Have you noticed a rise in the graffiti propaganda everywhere around the world?
I believe it's resulting from all the anxiety and depression from people just being tired of all this.
Yeah, I think it's great though, but I wish it wasn't MacDaddy's the G. I mean, I wish it was.
Well, actually, I don't wish.
Please don't spray Infowars.com all over government buildings.
9-11 was an inside job.
I love that picture on your website.
Yeah, people are... I'm totally against any type of graffiti on private property, but government... That's really... That's the way it should be, if it should be unlike...
It should be on the property of the people you're trying to affect.
It's a freedom crime, you know?
It is.
No, I think it's very effective.
You know, the Founding Fathers did that.
Graffiti was a big part of bringing down the evil redcoats like Gary Badly.
And I'm joking, Gary.
I always joke.
My British guys that work with me call me the Texas Hick and I call them the Redcoat Lords.
Alright, well listen, I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you, Jimmy.
Omar in Canada, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Omar.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
Yeah, while I was online, I just emailed Blockbuster Canada and told them to get Terror Storm in.
Excellent, thank you.
And I just wanted to say, you know, I've been trying to tell people about the CFR and the Federal Reserve up here in Canada for probably 20 years, but with Alex's films, you know, you have a talent and a way of getting your point across and just smashing the false paradigm like nobody else, Alex.
It's just, it's incredible, really.
If you can get Tara Storm into mainstream films.
I'll tell you a quick story.
I've got a friend of mine.
I've got him watching Prison Planet with me.
I'm a member.
He was at a computer seminar.
The woman said, just type in a name.
John Smith.
She goes, say Alex Jones.
My friend looks at her and she kind of gave him a look.
You know, you are making your mark.
And so he ended up getting to have a hot date that evening.
I don't know.
Somebody called me on the TV show.
I'll hold you over if you want to finish, but hold on a minute.
Somebody called me on my TV show and they said, well, I get arrested.
No one will like me.
And I said, well, if you're single, you'll get lots of dates.
I mean, you wear one of my t-shirts around.
Literally, it sounds ridiculous.
It's actually true.
You will meet like-minded people.
And he will meet the coolest women.
See, I'm married, so I don't do that, but I'm telling you out there.
Stay there, Gary Badley.
Stay there, Omar, Dino, Paula, others.
Straight ahead, Gary Badley's our guest.
Terror Storm going in bookstores and movie stores nationwide tomorrow.
Greedily grab it off the shelves.
We'll be right back with more of The Info War.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I want to keep Gary Bradley five minutes to the next hour if we can because I want to get a chance to talk to all the callers that called in for him.
And that's Greg and Roman and Joe and Omar.
Joe's calling in from England, full of red coat.
We're just having fun.
We love you guys.
I've just got to tease Gary.
Omar, finish up what you were saying before the break cuts you off.
In Canada, Omar, go ahead.
Yeah, I'm in Toronto and I think it really is important if you can get these films out, because with the visuals and with all the facts and knowledge that you've got, it really, really does help.
It really does sink in with a lot of people.
I think it's so total, like I'll give you an example.
There's two slogans.
One was from my high school.
It was called, when I remember leaving the, I looked up and it said, enter to learn, go forth to serve.
The other one is, work shall set you free, and that was over the entrance to Auschwitz.
And, you know, all this does go back to the oligarchy.
That's my feeling.
I've studied history, too, a little bit.
You know, a bit of an amateur historian.
And it's always a difficult story.
But we interviewed Joseph Stiklitz again, not just on radio, but for video yesterday, when he was at the Capitol, and he said the IMF World Bank engineers it to implode economies so they can take over.
I appreciate your call.
But Gary, that's exciting that his friends at a computer training deal, and the lady says, hmm, so you do a search for Alex Jones.
I mean, it's happening everywhere, and I'm just one small part, you're just one small part of this resistance, but can't you feel it rising?
Yeah, absolutely.
And the truth of the matter is that we wouldn't be getting the kind of distribution that you get on GCN, that I get in the stores and so forth, if there weren't people who are interested in what we're doing, who are prepared to spend their time and their money on listening to your show, on buying our DVDs, buying our books, going to our websites, and so forth.
And the truth of the matter is that
There is an audience for this stuff.
They know how to find us now, and there are filmmakers and authors who now know that there's a place they can go to get their great investigations across and to the public.
Let me ask you another question.
Newspaper readership, TV viewership, TV news viewership is going down exponentially, while alternative media is exploding and rising.
They're panicking now, trying to regulate the web, doing a bunch of other stuff, but I think it's too little too late.
What do you see happening in the media shake-up?
It's really a democratization of the media, and hopefully none of these efforts to rein it back in will work, or at least to any great extent.
Really the key to
What's going on with people making fantastic documentaries such as yourself is that they now can find a place to get them out.
So most people probably saw Terror Storm first on Google Video or elsewhere on the internet.
You should see the message boards that lit up on various different sites when it was first posted.
You know this, Alex.
There was tremendous excitement that, you know, this film was just released.
Great, we can see it now.
That could never happen before, because there were gatekeepers stopping it.
Yeah, let's take a call.
I agree.
It's exciting.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in England.
Joe, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I've been off to the Red Coat Jive.
You know, the Red Coat Jive you had before.
It's a joke.
I'm a hillbilly.
What's on your mind?
Yeah, I've only just caught a bit of the show earlier.
Is there going to be a UK distributor for Terrastorm?
Because I know a few people that could help you promote that over here basically.
Gary, what about UK distribution?
Yes, it's going to be out in the UK.
It's not out yet.
We're setting up the details now.
But it is going to be distributed in the UK by our partners at ADA.
That's very mainstream because that's part of the
Warner Music Group Conglomerate.
That's not Time Warner, they sold it off, but it's a big company.
So it will be out in the UK and we'll make sure that you know when it's coming out.
Any ballpark next few months?
It's probably going to be January.
Alright, does that answer your question?
Yeah, it certainly does, yeah.
Anything else, Joe?
Oh yeah, David and Annie want to know if you're going to come back to England.
Well, I don't know.
I don't know if they'll let me.
We'll be right back.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Terry Badley, who for a decade has been distributing alternative books and films, exposing the New World Order and much more, joins us.
National distribution of Terror Storm in Borders books, Barnes & Noble, Virgin, you name it.
Starting tomorrow, we're lobbying to get it into Blockbuster and Hollywood Video.
Please help us do that.
Going right back to your calls, who's up next here?
Gary in Tennessee, you're on the air, thanks for holding, go ahead.
Hi Alex, how you doing?
Good sir, thanks for calling.
Sorry, bear with me, I got a little cold going on.
I wanted to say, first off, that anybody that wants a copy of Terror Storm, Loose Change, or Outfoxed, and can't afford it, to go to myspace.com and I'll send you a copy for free on DVD.
And also, I wanted to ask you, what do you say to people who say you have Zionist handlers?
Well, I mean, it's not true.
People can say I'm a 14-foot-tall, blood-drinking reptoid, but it's not true.
I don't blame any one group for evil.
I do expose what Israel's doing as wrong, and I've gotten a lot of criticism for it, and I think a lot of the people saying that are actually dis-info agents, in the real sense of the term, out there trying to get us to infight with each other.
I'm credited with waking up more people in the New World Order than anybody else in this country.
And I frankly don't like that credit, because I don't like being at the tip of the spear.
It's a very dangerous place to be.
And, you know, I don't screen your calls like most shows do.
You're here on air right now.
And when people do call in with this almost every day, it's just, what do you say about those that say you're handled by Zionists?
Well, number one, it's not true, but number two, I do have Jewish friends, which people do grab and use, and I think that's really anti-Semitism.
A lot of the people that are against what Israel's doing, that's one thing, but a lot of them just frankly have connections to white supremacists, and they just hate Jews, period.
And so no, I don't hate Jews, and if that makes me a Zionist-handled creature, then guilty as charged.
Yeah, they kind of crack me up every day I read your blogs and stuff on MySpace, and
There'll be at least three or four people on each one that say, you're a liar, you've got a Zionist handler.
And they sit there accusing me of being a censor while I leave them unmolested on the site.
Now a few of them know how to hack.
A few of them go in and block and take over the page.
We've had to delete a few of those guys because they're being piggish so no one else can post.
But no, we don't censor.
Did anybody ask what you were calling about?
No, not at all.
Okay, well, hold on, the Zionists are beating me with a cane about the head for not... Gary Badley, you want to comment on this?
Yeah, I mean, there's no need to, you know, have internal infighting amongst the alternative.
I was very disappointed at the 9-11 truth events in New York during the 5th anniversary.
That there were rivalries in certain groups, accusing others of spreading disinformation, being controlled by the CIA, etc.
I mean, you know, we got enough big, bad guys to go fight without having, sort of, infighting amongst us.
Well, that's what the CIA does, is they actually do go in and try to stir up groups against each other, and something we don't do, which is an absolute indicator that we're not an operation.
Folks, if this was a government operation, all you would hear was infighting.
That's how COINTELPRO works!
So, I mean, here I have responded to it again, it's just people say I censor this radio show, they say I censor my websites, none of it is true.
It's all lies.
Well, the thing that gets me about it is that a lot of the people that are talking about Zionists and everything, and a lot of the people that are talking about the 9-11 Truth Movement, are actually talking about the same people.
They're all talking about George Bush, they're talking about Israel, they're talking about
Iran, they're talking about all of this going on.
That's why they're mad.
Listen, the government has disinfo agents out there who pose as anti-Semites and other things, who then go out accusing everyone of, quote, not being hardcore enough to give the movement a bad name.
We've caught rabbis, you know, running the Aryan nations up in Idaho, you know, funding groups to go out and howl Hitler.
Okay, I mean, we are not going to be racist.
We are not going to fall to that level.
We're not going to do what they want.
They want to try to bully us into doing things that discredit our movement.
Gary Badley, let's do a few more minutes on the other side.
I want to finish up plugging your website and let you get back to work today.
We'll continue with calls throughout this hour and a ton of news I haven't even gotten to yet.
But there, I answered your question yet again.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spies,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, final segment with Gary Badland, and I'm gonna go through all the international and national news we have not gotten to.
We're eight days, really seven and a half days, away from the big election.
Next week, tomorrow, nationwide in most video and bookstores in the country, like Barnes and Nobles and Borders and Virgin, you'll be able to buy my new film, Terror Storm, and this isn't going to happen.
This isn't going to have the effect.
A few of them will be put in stores, those will be sold, and then you'll never hear about it again.
Unless you go out and buy them all off the store shelves.
Then they'll move them to more prominent areas.
Then they'll put in end caps.
Then they'll put in whole shelves of them.
Then we can really have a huge effect.
The ball is in your court.
We're selling it at an incredibly low price like $11 something in the stores.
Basically giving them away.
I guess then the company distributing it gets like $4 or something.
I get like $0.50 or something.
I don't even care.
I just want to get the information out to the people.
Please help me.
The big video rental stores have refused to carry it.
They have carried other stuff distributed by Gary Badley and Disinfo, their big distribution company.
Again, the term Disinfo is in your face, saying, hey, don't believe us, check out our facts.
Whereas Fox says we're fair and balanced, they say, hey, we're Disinfo.
Which is the opposite.
They put out out Fox, they put out the films against Walmart, they put out books on 9-11, other videos on 9-11.
You can go to their website Disinfo.com and find out a lot more.
Not just TerrorStorm.
Please get TerrorStorm.
Tomorrow, go out to your Barnes and Nobles, go out to your Borders, go out to your Virgin, and get it.
Gary, we were talking during the break about how important it is for this film to be seen.
It proves government-sponsored terror.
It proves 7-7.
It proves 9-11 as inside jobs.
How important is it to do that?
It's incredibly important, and picking up on what you just said, if people don't go out and buy it and tell their friends about it, buy one for their dad who doesn't believe any of it, etc., then we're going to fail.
You know, we can make these great films, but if people don't go out there and support them and spread them around,
They won't have the effect that they're intended to, and the fact that the election is eight days away is not unrelated to the release date of the DVD of Terror Storm, which is coming out tomorrow.
We want it to have an effect.
We want people to be questioning what their government's been up to.
And that was the closest Tuesday, because that's when DVDs, new DVDs go on store shelves on Tuesdays.
It's how it's set up.
It's the closest day towards November 1st.
That's the real official date, but it will be in stores all over the country tomorrow.
We have a list of the stores it's in up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Yeah, exactly right.
So anyway, please do check out the DVD.
If you like it, please do tell everyone to go and buy it too, or ask for it if they don't have it at their local store.
And I should mention, by the way, that we've been talking exclusively about the chains, really, on this broadcast, but your independent video stores are usually much more supportive of this type of film.
There's a huge long list of independents all around the country.
It's important that we support those stores so they stay in business, so they can stock more of these films.
Alex mentioned Waterloo in Austin, but there's plenty of other great stores like Scarecrow in Seattle, like Kim's in New York, like Amoeba in San Francisco and Los Angeles.
They're tremendous stores.
Please support them too, as well as asking for the Terror Storm DVD at the chains.
Yeah, the corporates would love for you to only get the big releases by the old Hollywood system, but that system is in disarray and falling apart to the glee of a lot of my Hollywood friends.
They're sick of it.
And so it's important that, again, like if you want organic produce in the stores, when you see it, buy it.
It's the same thing with this.
I mean, is that a good analogy, a good parallel?
I think it's a good analogy because
You know, the organic movement was very fringe, and the mainstream food distribution network basically were able to laugh at them, ignore them, and belittle them, and it's been the same being in the media business over the last several decades, but it's changed.
We can now laugh at them for being dinosaurs.
They can't even release these kind of films anymore.
They don't know how to do it.
There's a movie out that I won't name, but one of the so-called
Independent film companies, there's really a Hollywood company that's released an Iraq-related film recently.
They're trying to do it the independent way, the way that we would do it.
They can't figure it out.
It's not working for them.
So it's very important to support companies like ours and like Alex's, the Infowars and Disinfos of the world, so that we can keep doing more of it and the stores that support our films
Your local independent video and bookstores, so I would really encourage people to go there first.
Is Vulcan in Austin going to have it?
You know, I don't actually know that, Alex, but many of the independent stores buy from what are called one-stops.
They're wholesalers that carry all the studios' different products.
Sometimes they're too small to buy from every studio directly, so they'll buy from a wholesaler.
So there's big clearing houses?
That's exactly right, and there's a number of them around the country.
I don't know.
away from them.
They've used it as a tool of propaganda and lies.
It's integral.
It's central.
It's essential.
It's absolutely vital that you diligently and vigilantly take action and get out there and aggressively get these films.
Look, I put TerrorStorm out day one for free on Google Video.
My one desire is for you to see it.
But that's still more of a fringe thing.
In the stores is where you hit the doctors and the lawyers and your neighbors or your mother or your cousin or the judges.
And if it's a winner there, like out Fox was, they knocked it out of the park with 300,000 copies or something.
If we're able to do that with Terror Storm, ladies and gentlemen, it is going to have a gigantic
Seismic effect and will knock the door open even wider for all the other alternative films.
We are rushing the enemy barbed wire.
We have had many victories.
I mean, when PrisonPlanet.com is as big as the Dallas Morning News, when InfoWars.com is rated as big as the Washington Times website, one person runs InfoWars.
Three people run Prison Planet.
One person runs Jones Report.
You know?
Again, we are having an effect and it's because of you, but it won't happen.
It won't go to the next level unless you take action.
So this is a call to action.
Go to InfoWars.com right now.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Get that big list of stories that are carrying it.
Go into those stores, support them, email this list of stories to all your friends and family, your whole email list.
Tell them to support alternative film in this country.
I'm frankly putting my life on the line to make films like this.
It's frankly dangerous.
Gary Baddeley is putting it on the line to do this, and so please support us in this venture and what we're doing.
Gary Baddeley, I want to thank you for coming on with us, and I want to thank you for being supportive of Terror Storm.
I think it can be big, but it's not going to be big unless your core audience, the people who are listening to this broadcast right now,
Go out and get it rolling.
And that's what's very important.
You have a very small window in which to make an impact at retail.
There are new DVDs coming out every Tuesday, as we discussed, and if we don't get rid of that initial order, if they don't sell those initial orders in the first two, three, four weeks, they return all the unsold videos and they restock with something else.
If we don't get the ball rolling with our core audience, you guys who are listening right now,
Then we're not ever going to reach the people who are the skeptics, the non-believers, who we really need to reach the most.
And then you also lose your hind end.
That's right, but that's not my biggest concern.
I take that risk every day, every week that we put out our films.
Take Barnes & Noble.
You told me that you're actually making a big move to get them an end caps.
How'd that go?
Well, that will do, and that's something we pay for.
It's a bit like when you go to the supermarket and you see all the different products on display.
The Weedy display, yeah.
Yeah, that's been paid for.
Those have been paid for by the Corn Flakes companies or whoever it is.
And it's the same when you go into the chain bookstores and the chain video stores.
The stuff that's up front on the wall or on an end cap has been paid placement almost always.
It's not the same at the independent stores, but at the chain stores it's almost always paid placement.
And yes, they will take our money.
When you see it on display in the chain, it's probably because we paid for it to be there.
Yeah, that's my point is that we're all taking a risk here.
So we gave it to you for free on Google Video, folks.
Now go get the quality at the stores, because we're putting it all on the line.
I mean, Gary, again, you were making a lot more money back when you were just doing music stuff, but why did you finally decide to do this?
Because they tried to censor you or what?
I decided to do it because nobody else was doing it satisfactorily.
I felt very keenly that
The so-called alternative media or underground media was alternative underground for a reason, which was it wasn't being properly produced and presented, marketed and distributed.
And so what we've tried to do is to go out and package stuff as professionally as any major studio or major publishing house.
We've tried to invest the same kind of marketing plans and marketing dollars to get it out there in front of people, on the end caps, on the walls, etc.
And to make this stuff available easily to people who are not the core audience.
Well, Gary, in closing, I appreciate you stepping up to the plate and helping me get in the game at this level.
And so I'm going to do the best job I can to promote this and to make this a success.
And I know my great listeners will do this as well.
Thanks for spending an hour and 18 minutes with us.
And go with God, my friend, and keep up the good work.
Alex, thanks so much for a great film and for all your great work.
Thank you.
There goes Gary Badley.
Alright, now we were able to get the mother who's complaining in the Associated Press about the police coming in with machine guns, yelling at the children, having them line up like criminals, not even quote telling them it was a drill.
We've got her at the bottom of the hour.
I'm going to try to jam in Roman, Margaret, Steve, and Cal quickly on the other side, but we'll continue with calls after this quick break.
And in closing with the Terror Storm promotion here, I don't usually spend a lot of time on issues like this, but it's so central in the fight.
I'll be at Waterloo Records and Music, Music and Video tomorrow, 5 to 6.30pm at the corner of Lamar and 6th Street for a video signing and a speech.
Hope to see you there.
We'll be right back on the other side with your calls.
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Back in the saddle, fighting the new old order.
Roman, Margaret, Steve, Cal, we'll get to everybody.
Ron Leapfrogs all of you though, because he says he disagrees.
Ron in Arizona, you're on the air, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Hold on, I guess I have to switch.
Yeah, I think that the best thing to do is to give everyone in the country a chip with GPS, a transponder in it, and also video and audio technology to where the government can know everything that everyone sees, hears,
Yeah, but what has to happen is when this comes down, when they start mandating laws that everyone has to be chipped,
We have to go out in the streets, we have to get on the radio shows, and we have to say, we won't mind doing this if the men in DC and the men in the state capitals who want this
Do it first, and make it available.
No, I heard that.
I heard it at the Aaron Russell interview, and it was excellent.
But we have to demand in a public forum that if they're going to do this, they have to do it first.
We have to say, you first, or no.
Okay, I get your point.
You don't really disagree, though.
It was a way to... No.
It's a way to jump to the headline.
Thank you for the call.
Roman in California.
Roman, go ahead.
Yes, Roman.
Thank you for holding.
Yes, I'd like to say that the only reason this is happening in America is because stupid people keep electing the Freemasons into our government!
We need to stop electing the Freemasons!
Well, Freemasons are a big part of the problem, but most Freemasons don't know that, because they're compartmentalized porchmasons, and don't know that... Yes, I know the whole Masonic... Well, I know you know, sir!
We're having a radio show, we're not having a private conversation, so I don't want to let their propaganda... Let me stop you.
I don't want to let their propaganda work against us.
They know most masons are good people, most masons don't know what they're part of, how it's compartmentalized, like an intelligence operation, and so they hear us bash all masons and they think we're liars.
No, most masons are low-level and don't know what they're part of.
They're puppets.
They fucking, they... Listen, I appreciate your call, sir.
You need to get off the, you know, the liquor or whatever, getting drunk, calling into the show, okay?
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Margaret in Illinois.
Margaret, thanks for holding.
Yes, Alex, I don't know if you heard about Amtrak lately.
Canada owns part of Amtrak around Carbondale, Illinois, in this area, Chicago, and they're trying to get an Amtrak train, and they may have to go to court to do this.
They are trying to work it out.
And Congressman Durbin, surprisingly a liberal, has really gone to bat for this.
And just the fact is that some other country can come in and tell us what we can't do.
And we need trains bad going from Carbondale University up to Chicago and this kind of thing.
And then I also have one more thing.
The poem you had on the 13th
I wish that you would read it again or have it available.
I've tried to call someone to try to get a copy.
What poem was that?
On the New World Order.
You had a caller read this.
It was on the 13th.
Yeah, I asked him to email it for us to post it, but are you on speakerphone?
Are you on speakerphone?
I'm getting a horrible echo.
No, I'm just on a regular phone.
It's probably on our end then.
No, I turned the speaker off.
Okay, I'm sure it's us, but go ahead.
So, is there any way that you could put it on your website or read it again?
Yeah, there's a lot of stuff people send us that I meant to post and we meant to get done.
We just don't have the staff or the funds and we miss a lot of stuff.
This is such a big thing.
Okay, well I don't have it in text.
Can somebody send it to me?
I don't know.
Callers call in all the time.
You don't know the author's name.
You don't recall.
I don't even remember what poem it was.
Well, it was Beware of the New World Order or something, but it was terrific.
Oh, I think that was somebody calling from, uh, from Missouri, wasn't it?
Uh, yeah, I believe that's right, yeah.
I remember it now, okay.
Yeah, I'm sorry, I don't have that, but maybe they'll send it to us.
Thank you so much.
We got a guest coming up, folks.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Going to our guest, listen folks, you know one of my pet peeves is what happens in these schools.
And in Michigan, two years ago, AP reported that under federal grants, it's happened coast to coast, literally thousands of school districts.
They practice blowing up school buses.
They tell elementary, middle school, high school students, but mainly it's elementary and middle school, that terrorists are attacking.
They normally say the terrorists are homeschoolers.
I'm not kidding.
Just type it into Google.
You'll pull up mainstream articles.
The children cry, they scream.
I have video of it in my film Road to Tyranny where the children are crying and screaming.
Elementary students, eight-year-olds, nine-year-olds crying with guns in their faces.
An officer blew another officer's head off in Fort Worth at one of these drills.
An officer shot himself in the foot in Michigan.
For some reason Detroit's really bad.
I mean there's so many cases of this and it is conditioning.
Goose Creek
Uh, up in North Carolina with the attack dogs biting the children.
This is, quote, a drill.
They don't warn them, they come in, they terrorize them.
And they cry, they scream.
And joining us, uh, this is in the AP today, school safety drills.
Students who are unaware police were conducting a drill were taken from the classroom into the halls.
Patted down by officers and asked what they had in their pockets, the newspaper said.
It says that they were carrying MP5 machine guns.
And it goes on here, and we are joined by Marge Bradshaw, whose son, Wayne, was witness to this.
Thank you for coming on, Mrs. Bradshaw.
You're welcome.
Please tell us about your town, what you witnessed, what you learned, why you're so outraged.
Well, basically how I see it, what happened to the children's rights and the parents' rights.
You know, it all stems back with Republicans and Democrats.
How I see that these kids and even the parents don't deserve this.
You know, we have enough lunatics out in the world.
Why add more on?
If they would have gotten a hold of the parents and let us decide if we want our kids to be scared or any trauma,
You know, that's our choice.
But like, Channel 17, they had called me and they wanted my opinion.
I said, all nationwide.
You know, if the parents aren't going to stand up for our own rights and for our children, then what's the sense of voting?
The school, personally, I'm not a... I don't work in the school, but I see enough kids and I've babysat over 23 kids through my life.
And the school, they don't really give a damn about the parents or the kids.
The trauma, it's gotta quit, and it's gotta quit now.
If they're gonna do any trauma, why not just put in metal detectors?
That would quit a lot of it.
Well, they're already turning them into prisons.
Don't worry, that's what this is all about.
Now, please describe how you learned of this, what really went on, because we know it's always worse than even what the paper says, if that's even possible.
Basically, I was walking to work,
And after I got done babysitting, my son asked me, Mom, did you hear about what had happened?
I said, no, what had happened?
And so he says, well, Mom, I don't have time to talk to you, but go ask the clerk that works over at the store.
So I asked her, and she says, well, didn't you hear?
I said, well, no, I didn't hear nothing.
Some of the 8th graders, they were in the classroom.
They did not even forewarn the teachers or the students that they were going to do this bomb, do this red coat, that's what they call it.
And they came running with guns and all that stuff, patting down these kids, asking these kids, what do you have in your pocket?
Now let's be specific, the AP reported they took them out, lined them up like they were criminals, and started frisking them.
And right there, excuse my English, but it just pissed the hell out of me because these kids, and same thing with us parents,
You know, we didn't do nothing wrong, you know, and... Yeah, it's guilty until proven innocent, treating you like terrorists, training you to be slaves.
Please continue with what happened.
So anyway, so then it came to this one kid, and the officer said, well, what do you have in your pocket?
And the kid only had a razor phone.
And in the meantime, they got guns against these kids' heads.
And some students, from what I've been told, they had literally what the pants,
They stood in the hallway.
So they did wet their pants, and let's be clear, guns to the head.
I found out that they had no bullets in the guns, but I don't, excuse my English, but I don't give a damn.
Hold on, ma'am, I understand you're mad, but please, we can't do that on radio, so I understand you're totally outraged, and I'm glad you're standing up here.
Okay, so guns to your children's, you know, guns to the children's head in the 8th grade, people wetting, now you're saying you were told by witnesses there was wetting.
They literally had wet their pants.
Now right there is embarrassment and the students' behavior.
The government is terrorizing children until they wet their pants, which we've seen in report after report.
Now, did you know that in Detroit an officer shot himself in one of these drills?
And, you know, I personally think that us, the people, need to stand up and do something about this because
The Governor, the President, they're not doing nothing about this.
They have to consider... Well, actually, ma'am, they are doing something.
They funded it.
This is all federal funding.
Well, no, I'm talking about to put the clamps on this.
No, I understand, but they're behind it, so... Well, there you go.
Now, are you interested to know why they're doing it?
Is it to condition your children to be prisoners?
Did you know they've been doing it coast-to-coast?
In some areas, they have police dogs actually biting and grabbing and ripping open... We, actually, we do have
I don't think so.
Personally, I disagree.
You understand why they're putting guns to their heads, okay.
No, I don't understand that behalf.
I do understand why they had the bombing drills, you know, but... But it wasn't a bombing drill.
They're in there putting guns to their heads, letting them wet themselves because they can get away with terrorizing.
Why do you think the feds are funding them putting guns to kids' heads nationwide?
It's to train your children how to be prisoners and to give up when the men in the black uniforms show up.
Thank you.
This is terrorism to condition your children.
These are government camps and everybody needs to get their children out of these public schools.
Did you know they killed an officer in one of these drills in Fort Worth?
I did hear something about that.
Blew his head, oh there's so many cases.
Blew his head clean off.
Okay, they had a lot of times they had loaded guns.
Did you hear about what happened in Minneapolis where they didn't tell the teacher and had guys practicing taking them hostage and the people pooped themselves and the teacher passed out and you need to file suit on these terrorists
That's what terrorists do!
They put guns to children's heads!
That's what bank robbers do!
I want them all to go to prison!
Yep, and you know, Chuck Lee, it's a shame that our country's going down that way.
Because, you know, I believed in, you know, you do right, rightness will come back to you, you know?
And I just think, um, Chuck Lee, they overstepped the boundaries.
And my one neighbor had, well, in fact, how all this came about was, I talked to my neighbor and I babysat her child and she goes,
Let's call Channel 17.
No, I just wanted your feedback.
This happened at Lee Middle School and Lee High School.
This happened in the town of Wyoming, Michigan.
Now was this the city or the county SWAT team or a gaggle of goons?
This was the county and the goons.
So the county and who else?
Basically, it was basically both of them.
Yeah, it was MJTF.
Okay, that's what I thought.
Yeah, the feds always fund these as MJTF ops.
And with the gun thing, they were saying that there was no bullets and it's like...
Look, they're training our children to thumb scan to get school lunches.
They're training them to be crisp.
And that's not enough.
If they can train parents to accept the children on their knees with MP5s to their heads, crying!
I have video of 8 and 9 year old children begging and crying!
It is terrorizing our children!
This is a pure scum!
And Techland, there's nothing that we can do about it.
Now, this horrible principal is making excuses over this.
He needs to be fired.
I agree.
A hundred percent on that.
The kids said, why don't you be a principal?
I said, no.
I'd hate to go back the old way.
Police Chief James Carmody, he needs to be fired.
Are you going to sue these people?
I'd like to.
I mean, I'm not into the suing because I don't think you get... You have to.
You have to sue them.
People need to lose their jobs because then the cities and counties will refuse the federal funding to go put guns in little children's... Imagine little children, imagine middle schoolers sitting there wetting themselves with a bunch of brainwashed attack dogs.
Now, remind you, for 40 minutes, standing against the law for 40 minutes.
And then I talk about, that's not good enough.
They don't let us parents know.
Well, they did.
They sent the note home the same day that they did this.
Yeah, they send you a note afterwards.
Yeah, and then on top of that, us parents don't know what's going on.
And then our kids are coming home 20 minutes early.
So school lets out at 2.30.
Kids are getting out at about anywhere about 15 after 2.
And then if you don't pick your children up on time, they CPS ya.
Thank you!
Let me guess, I bet the CPS is grabbing a whole bunch of kids in your town.
I bet ya they are.
That's another pack of criminals.
Yeah, there's just no excuse for any of this.
No, they're terrorists.
Folks, this is what terrorists do.
Terrorists terrorize to train you that they're in command.
This is nothing but a re-education camp, training and traumatizing your children coast to coast.
I bet a lot of parents listening right now, if you ask your children if this ever happened, I bet they're scared to death and I bet a lot of your kids tell you this has happened to them.
I bet there's people listening right now that this has happened.
Did you hear about Michigan where they told them it was homeschoolers and that they were going to kill them?
I did hear something about that.
Oh yeah, imagine guns to their head, throwing fake blood on them, and this was elementary students, saying, we're going to kill you, we're the homeschoolers against public education.
And what does that do?
It demonizes Second Amendment to the kids, they'll be traumatized for life, and it demonizes homeschooling, when homeschoolers have never done anything wrong.
You know what's really interesting of some of these principals, they are so ignorant, okay?
They'd rather have a child be tormented in this way than, and him and them, wetting their pants, and whatever they had done, okay, that I don't know about, than if something like this had really had happened.
And some of the bad had happened, and I thought to myself...
Weren't told ahead of time.
The principal admits, weren't told ahead of time to make the drill as realistic as possible.
Terrorizing children with big men, in black uniforms and masks, pointing guns to their little heads.
That's America!
Giant re-education camp!
I know most parents don't make enough money to get them out of the schools, but are you thinking about getting your children out of the camp?
Uh, pretty much, put it this way, several years back I was not that, um, I don't care for that school, period.
If it was up to me, I'd go for a lawsuit, but, you know, it's just my choice.
You know what those schools are designed to do to get your child into the system?
Take all over the country to have a federal grant that if your child's late to class three times, they count it as an absence, claim it's truancy when the truancy law doesn't even say what absence is truancy, and then they put them into the criminal system, rough them into signing on to probation.
Everything's about getting you into the criminal system.
You know, this is what I'm kind of wondering.
It's like, what had happened from 1970 up?
You know, since we've had that bombing, you know, I think that's really affected a lot of people.
You know, they figure, okay, we've got to do this, torture the kids.
And so on and so on.
But leave the borders wide open and have drug dealers and criminals everywhere.
Oh, but we've got to torture the children.
You know, they're not looking at emotionally or mentally down the years.
No, no, no, no.
This is to train them to be slaves, to train them to have terror of the police, to train them to submit.
Well, ma'am, they've had urban warfare drills where the U.S.
Army and the Marines practice taking over every city in the U.S., and I have Marines on tape admitting they're training us to take our guns, and they did it in New Orleans.
This is all to condition us that when they really do it... Did you know the Washington Post reported a year after I broke the story that when there's a major terror attack, they're going to lock down the schools and take our children away from us?
I did not hear about that one.
Oh yes, oh yes.
This is a diabolical... Man, I'm telling you, I've studied it.
It's worse than you know.
It's a diabolical plan.
And those police engaging in that terrorism, they believe that, oh, well, we get a federal grant, oh, it's to help the kids, this stuff's real serious, we gotta do this, and they warp their minds.
It's about brainwashing the cops, brainwashing the teachers, brainwashing the parents, and traumatizing, trauma-based, trauma-based mind control of our children.
Are you outraged?
I'm very outraged.
I don't see no sense of any of this, you know, what happened to justice.
You know, I... No, hey, in America, imagine the forefathers could look in a crystal ball from 200 years ago and see our kids lined up crying with men in black uniforms putting guns to their heads for no reason.
Yeah, it kind of makes you sick, doesn't it?
I mean, what you believed in 20 years back, you know, what had happened, you know?
And it doesn't make it safer, by the way.
Well, listen, do you want to give anybody your email or contact info?
I guarantee you, we've got lawyers listening that would like to sue the pants off these people.
Basically, my address is 2015 Galewood, Southwest, Wyoming.
Michigan, 49509.
And, you know, have a good day, and I hope somebody will be able to stand up to the plate and protect their kids, because
I can't do what, you know, we're gonna have to have, I don't know, half of Americans to stand up and say, hey, enough is enough.
You know, and that's why we got more lunatics going back in prison, because they think those cops are right.
Those police need to be fired immediately.
That chief needs to be fired immediately.
That principal needs to be fired immediately.
There needs to be a Education Board investigation, and those federal grants need to be terminated immediately.
Oh, I agree 100%.
And the American people need to learn this is happening in every city and every town in America.
Well, you know, my main question I ask myself is, what is it going to have to take?
What's going to break that camel back?
Well, what is this arrogant... I mean, what was the local news doodling?
Well, it's okay.
It's for their safety.
Well, personally, I don't think it's for anybody's safety.
What's the call letters of Channel 17?
Pardon me?
What's the call letters of Channel 17?
I don't know what the call numbers are.
Is that out of your town?
I just want to find the video on it.
Yeah, that's out of Grand Rapids.
Alright, it's channel 17 out of Grand Rapids.
Hold on, I'll ask my niece just a minute.
Stephanie, what's channel 17?
It's facts.
Thank you so much for coming on the show.
Yes, you have a good day.
We'll stay in contact with you.
I salute you.
Folks, God bless you.
Alright, we'll be right back.
Take a few final calls and wrap up this transmission.
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Everybody else sent little kids out of the house and put guns in their head and yelled at them.
It'd be called terrorism of the worst type.
But when the government does it, it's good.
See, they're teaching you.
They're setting precedents.
Let's rampage through your calls.
Steve in Texas, welcome.
Hello, Steve.
Oh, yeah.
Thank you.
I was just wondering if you had any advice for an atheist that keeps from going postal.
For an atheist?
Well, I'd say start believing in God, my friend.
You know, the whole atheist idea is belief in science and technology.
I believe in all that, too, but I also believe in God, and I believe in doing the right thing, so... Pretty heavy question.
I don't know what to say to you.
Don't go postal.
That'll only help the New World Order.
Well, I know that, but... Hey, Alex, can I ask you, have you ever heard of that interview with Cade Griggs?
Yes, I have.
What do you think about that?
I don't know.
It's hearsay.
I don't know.
Have a good one.
Love what you're doing.
Thank you so much.
I appreciate your call.
Uh, let's go ahead and talk to Pete in Texas.
Pete, welcome.
Yeah, hey, uh, Alex?
Yes, sir.
This is Steve.
Yeah, in, uh, Texas.
Hey, I had a couple questions for you.
Um, I just, uh, I was going out of, um, out of town, so I didn't get to hear, uh, apparently I provoked Pat Gray enough with KPRC in Houston.
We finally got you on a show.
And we have been going back and forth, and of course he was accusing me and you of being psychos and needing lithium and all that stuff, but two questions.
First of all, I wanted to ask you, what was your impression of, you know, being on his show and how do you feel about it?
Man, I've been on thousands of shows, just another little sniveling neocon, trying to desperately keep conservatives from learning that the party's controlled by the New World Order, desperately trying to keep the New World Order in control, desperately trying to bring down this country.
Yeah, I got the impression that he wasn't willing to, you know, hear anything you were saying that was factual.
The other thing I wanted to ask is... Yeah, he just kept changing the subject.
He'd say, oh, show me proof, and I'd try to show it, and he wouldn't let me talk.
Right, and the other thing I wanted to ask is, and you had alluded to this on the interview with him last week, I keep hearing this stuff about 300 engineers in this interview in Popular Mechanics.
Now, they're owned by Hearst?
Well, there's no 300 engineers in Popular Mechanics.
Okay, popular science, I forget, but I have people, I believe Pat Gray brought this up to me in an email.
Yeah, it's all hit, it's a hit piece, it's straw men, it's not real issues.
They don't debunk anything.
Okay, because they keep trying to say that it's encountering Stephen Jones.
You know, he got dismissed from BYU.
Oh, really?
Well, what does that mean?
Underwriting laboratories?
I mean, Galileo got house arrest for saying the world was round.
You know, the underwriting laboratories did a test and showed that fire couldn't have done it in any of the buildings.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, I've answered that a million times.
I mean, it's just more baloney.
Let's go ahead and talk to... I guess the calls are scrambled, because I go to one caller and it's another caller.
Fred, then, wherever you're calling from.
Go ahead, Fred.
On the issue of mandatory requirements on the individual, you have the mandatory vaccines that people are going to have to struggle against if they don't want that to happen.
You have the NAIF.
You just have a whole list of things.
I don't know if... They're going to force us to use toll roads on all the major roads.
They're going to try to force us to take vaccines.
They're going to try to conscript us with a draft.
It's all about slavery.
Right, and I think that that list is growing.
They're going to force you to let your children wet themselves as they drool on them with MP5s in their head.
It's all about training us to be slaves.
Right, and you are not exaggerating when you bring that issue up.
It's a trend.
That people have to be aware of and fight all the way.
Letting these dogs literally savage our children, literally maul them.
And if parents can be trained to let their children be mauled by stinking SWAT team members who yell at them, then we'll put up with anything.
You have a land of the pig people.
Alright, let's talk to David in Texas.
You're our last caller.
Hit us!
Come on, David!
Come on down, David!
Yes, come on!
I have something to report, some election fraud to report in Austin.
It appears that the Republican Party has organized a session of judges, local area judges, to be trained on polling techniques and so forth.
Of course they are!
They're a bunch of criminals!
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.