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Name: 20061025_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 25, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
It is, of course, the 25th day of October 2006.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and we're going to be live here for the next three hours.
Coming up, we have the professor who founded many years ago the Project Censored.
We'll talk about some of the top 25 censored stories right now.
And in the meantime, of course, we'll have open phones and be taking your calls.
There is so much news that needs to be covered.
The U.S.
says more GIs may be needed in Iraq.
They went down to 133,000.
They've boosted back up to around 150,000.
And now they're talking about tens of thousands more troops.
We're good to go.
And they always call it a bold new stance, and the White House caves in, and then they just sucker us for another year or two, and then say the same thing.
You know, it's coming up on four years.
Let me see.
And one, two, three, four.
In four months, in about four and a half months, it will be four years that we've been in Iraq.
The U.S.
says more G.I.s may be needed in Iraq.
Also, U.S.
enabled war games off the Iranian coastline, a provocation which could lead to war.
I mentioned the Reuters article about this yesterday, about Iran being upset about it.
Michael Chasidovsky has written a detailed report on it for Global Research, and we'll be going over that report in the next segment.
We've talked a lot about this over the years.
But now it's in a whole bunch of major U.S.
and British newspapers.
Men who use mobile phones face increased risk of infertility.
They're microwaves.
All the major studies show that it hurts you.
In fact, there are major scientific studies done by the phone companies, by the cell phone companies and cell phone makers, hardware manufacturers, where they admit that if you use an average cell phone, some are more powerful, some are less powerful, in their
Radiation dispersal that if you use it for more than five minutes your brain in that localized area heats more than one degree.
It's almost two degrees.
I forget it was one point something.
I read about that several times over the years.
No debating it.
Just type in cell phones heat brain and the
The testicles, of course, are on the outside of the body so they remain cool for the male reproductive pollen to produce, the sperm.
And when you stick a cell phone in your pocket... Have you ever tried it when a cell phone is, you know, you're not talking on it, but it's on and you're laying it next to electrical equipment?
How it makes monitors buzz and wiring buzz?
I mean, it puts out waves that strong.
Have you noticed how it makes computers that crazy?
I mean, that's how... It is a transmitter.
A microwave transmitter.
And listen!
I got one right here.
I got hands-free.
And I don't use the phone a lot.
I don't stay on the phone very long when I do do conversations.
But it's still really bad for me.
And a lot of times I'm so busy driving down the road, I don't have time to put the hands-free on.
I don't walk around like the Borg with it on.
So a lot of times I just put it up to my head.
You see, I can't even control myself.
And I'm frying.
I put it in my pocket.
I'm frying the family jewels.
Frying it all.
You see, I'm a stupid slave.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Let me just open with this report.
I was ranting about it in the last segment for stations that just joined us.
Mid-Use Mobile Phones Face Increased Risk of Infertility.
And this, of course, was out of the major newspaper in the UK, the Daily Mail.
But I did see a whole bunch of articles on this, even in the United States, yesterday, covering these studies.
And there are literally hundreds of them.
Men who use mobile phones could be risking their fertility, warn researchers.
And a study shows a worrying link between poor sperm and the number of hours a day that a man uses his mobile phone.
And they've done scientific tests where they show the corona
That is the blast zone of high-powered microwave radiation that comes off a phone and within about a foot, it's a circle, about a foot around the average phone.
Some are worse, some put out more, some put out less radiation.
It is high-powered.
Very high powered.
And then for several feet around that, it gives you a nice dose, but it doesn't actually heat tissues.
We're talking about radiation so powerful.
And by radiation, I don't mean nuclear radiation.
The sunlight is radiation.
Any particles that are being projected at the speed of light is considered radiation.
We're talking about cell phone radiation being almost identical to the wavelength of your microwave.
It causes the molecules to move in a friction pattern, thus heating water molecules.
You're 70% water.
Men are 70%.
Women are about 74%.
With proper hydrations, I guess most of the studies show, a lot of men are about 67%.
A lot of women are at 70%.
That's how we're killing ourselves.
But a side issue.
And so that microwave makes the molecules in your brain, you put them up to your ear, jiggle.
They start moving faster.
And the water molecules heat up and the average cell phone user after five minutes shooting through the brain, luckily the skull is thick and does deflect some of it, heats it over a degree.
You're actually cooking your brain.
Again, major studies.
And really, I should talk more about issues like this.
Men who use mobile phones be risking their fertility.
One research is a new study shows a worrying link between poor sperm and the number of hours a day a man uses his mobile phone.
Those who made calls on a mobile phone for more than four hours a day had the worst sperm counts and the poorest quality sperm.
According to results released at the American Society of Reproductive Medicine annual meeting in New Orleans, doctors believe the damage could be caused by the electromagnetic radiation emitted by handsets or the heat they generate.
Now again, what's causing the heat?
The electromagnetic radiation.
What is the radiation?
It is microwave.
Now, the older cell phones that you would mount the big box in the back of your car or under your seat, that was, according to people I've talked to, more of a radio wave, but still a high-powered direct radio wave, and still not too good for you.
And again, this is not debatable.
At big radio stations, and I've been out to towers, and I've been at stations as a guest where the station is at the tower, it is behind a huge metal shielded door
And when they're going to do work anywhere near the transmitter in that room, they turn the station off.
That's why engineers will go in at 3 a.m.
when there's the lowest listening period, and they will turn off a big A.M.
or F.M.
Now, sure, if you've got some little 100-watt F.M.
or 1-watt A.M., you don't really need to turn it off because you're still getting radiation from it, but it's not known to burn you.
If you get into a room with a 50,000 watt AM transmitter or a 100,000 watt FM transmitter, it will burn you.
Just standing near it will burn your skin.
You understand?
You will get a sun tan from it.
And again, that's just the transmitter itself and the power source then transmitting out the antenna.
And with AM, the entire stick is the antenna.
With FM, it's little prongs and little arrays up on the top of the tower because it's line of sight.
Huge shortwave transmitters are the same way.
You don't get near them.
If you're going to work on them, you power them down.
If you're going to get in the room, you power them down.
Now in the old days, they didn't know this, and they'd stick the radio engineers right in there with them, and those people got cancer.
I'm already digressing.
The point is,
They introduce it to us.
They introduce these technologies.
We use them.
We don't care.
We get addicted to them.
Hell, I know cigarettes will give you lung cancer and is really bad for you.
And it's just terrible.
But I've had an ongoing battle since I was 13 years old smoking cigarettes.
You know, since my friend's older brother gave us a pack of Marlboros and we went and smoked them in the woods and coughed our guts out, real soon I got addicted and I'll quit for four years and start back for two years.
I mean, I guess since I was 13, I've smoked about 10 years.
So there's been a lot of years.
There's been as many years I haven't smoked as there's been years I have smoked.
There's actually been double the years I haven't smoked compared to the ten years.
I've actually counted it up though.
I quit for four years, quit for a year, quit for two years, start back for two years, three years.
And I'm an idiot!
I mean, I got addicted, I used them, I still go to parties and places because people are drinking beer and I drink a beer and nothing goes with a beer like a cigarette.
And, you know, next I'm buying a pack of cigarettes, and next I'm buying a six-pack of beer, and I just don't have time for it.
And so I am not smoking at this time.
And I still, people say you get over cigarettes when you quit.
No, I should ban smoking here at the office.
A couple of my people that work with me on the crew smoke, and they go outside and smoke, and I walk by.
I smell it and I want to just grab their pack of cigarettes and just cram a cigarette in my mouth and start huffing the poison.
As if the nicotine isn't bad enough and all the tar and all the things that are naturally in tobacco and the carbon monoxide, you know, that stuff comes out your tailpipe.
There's the hundreds of additives which really make it addictive.
They add stuff in there to make the nicotine go quicker across the blood-brain barrier.
They add stuff, but that's one thing.
You know, at least you get a high out of it.
At least you're addicted to it.
I mean, it's the same receptors that cocaine and heroin hit.
And I'll admit it.
I mean, I don't like drugs.
Never taken, you know, illegal drugs.
Other than, I guess, a few times smoking marijuana.
Hated the way it made me feel.
You know, either giggling like a mindless idiot or getting paranoid.
But, you know, I like cigarettes.
And I like chewing tobacco.
I like cigars.
Man, if it's got nicotine in it, baby, I like
That was another thing, I played baseball, and I mean, you know, back in the day, even when you were in, you know, high school sports, it was, the coaches took a blind eye, not the cigarette sport, they'd wring your neck, but chewing the back of dip, you'd be spitting it in front of them, they didn't care.
Because a lot of them were on it.
It is Texas, ladies and gentlemen, we actually have spittoons around here.
Alright, now my mouth is literally watering.
And for someone who doesn't like nicotine, you just don't understand.
Yes, I'm a hillbilly, ladies and gentlemen.
Talk of Levi Garrett and Redman and spittoons starts making me... literally I'm salivating right now.
Because I started smoking again for a few months and I just quit.
And then I went back and smoked a few cigarettes the other day and now I'm... I've never talked about this on air.
I don't know why I'm talking about this on air right now.
The point is, is you don't even get an addiction from a cell phone.
You don't even get anything from it.
And it's much worse than cigarettes from all the studies I've seen.
Brain tumors are way up, and it's a cocktail of reasons, but cell phone microwave radiation is part of it.
And I've talked to the engineers.
I've read the studies on this.
These are high-powered radiation emitters.
And there's constantly messages between your phone and the tower going off while you are on it.
There's constant GPS communications between it.
It also is used to track you.
The NSA paid nine billion bucks
To, by law, put the hubs in with the cell towers to track you down to three feet.
The loss is 15, but it's accurate down to three feet.
And some GPS systems even closer, depending on how many towers they've got up to triangulation.
To be clear, there is not GPS in the phone.
It triangulates with the cell towers for GPS.
So, there's that horrible aspect to it.
And I ask the question, why?
If we know it's killing us, do I see my wife using the cell phone up to her head?
Why do I use it up to my head sometimes?
Not as much as I used to.
I've cut back.
Why do I see you doing it?
Why do I see my fellow patriots doing it?
If you aren't going to get a wireless set, which then is a little radio link, and supposedly, I've looked into those, it's not as bad.
Looks like it's pretty safe.
Still, you can't have this thing in between your legs.
You tend to, when you drive, you tend to stick it between your legs.
I don't know.
How we'll sit here and allow ourselves to be destroyed right in front of our eyes.
The borders are open.
Houston, Texas is basically Mexico City.
So is L.A.
So is New York.
They're openly saying they're taking over our country and laughing at us.
The government's involved, opening the gate to do it.
We're openly about to start World War III.
We're openly overturning the Bill of Rights.
But, you know, people aren't doing what they should about that, just like we aren't about cell phones.
It is not debated now that... By the way, the old cell phones, again, weren't as bad.
These new ones shoot out very high powered microwave radiation.
And the article goes on, the findings suggest millions of men may encounter difficulties in fathering a child due to the widespread use of mobile phones and offers another possible explanation for plummeting fertility levels among British males.
Sperm counts among British males, when the study was done, have fallen 29% over the last decade.
A drop which has also been blamed on increasing obesity, smoking, stress pollution, gender-bending chemicals, which disrupt the hormone system.
Notice how everything that they allow happens to reduce population.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All the major studies show dioxins in styrofoam in plastics that precipitate out, especially when you put food in the bowl, say lasagna, put it in the microwave and nuke it for a minute.
Look at me, I'm drinking orange tea right now, herbal tea, but it doesn't matter, I'm drinking it in a styrofoam cup.
Mmm, let me drink the female hormones here.
You see, this poison's all around us.
And it says it right here in the article.
The findings suggest millions of men may encounter difficulties in fathering a child through the widespread use of mobile phones and offers another possible explanation for plummeting fertility levels among British males.
Notice it says, in the last decade it's been another 29% drop.
Now if you go pull the actual numbers, British fertility is down 85%.
Notice they just used the last decade.
They've been taking sperm counts for a hundred years.
It is down 80 plus percent in the United States is down almost 80 percent because we are bathed in estrogen.
Why do you think so many men want to act like women and want men and are attracted to men?
When they say it's genetic, I don't agree with that.
It is hormonal.
You see, everything's hormone driven.
Did you know if they give male rats
Female hormones, they begin to act like females.
Again, they know exactly what they're doing.
If you've got testosterone pumping in high levels through your blood, it triggers different responses in your olfactory nerve and your brain when you smell a woman.
It is the testosterone interactions with drugs that is natural drugs released by the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland that makes you then see her as beautiful and see the traits, the classic oval face, the large eyes.
The petite chin, the large mammary glands, everything is studied for mating.
Can she take care of children?
Does she have the hips that we see for childbearing?
It's an instant analysis.
Will she have trouble having children?
A woman with small hips, statistically, is much more likely to have stillbirth or to die herself.
I mean, God really knew what he was designing and what he was doing.
Well, they pump a bunch of estrogen into the males, they pump a bunch of estrogen into the females, and that just increases their cancer risk.
That's why breast cancer is up so high.
So the dioxins give them breast cancer.
It gives men prostate cancer.
It makes men feminine and gives us that depo fat, gives us that feminine fat around our buttocks.
I've read all the studies on this.
It's so sick!
And then people finally go to the doctor and get tested and find out they've got hormone problems.
And they know they've got a drug for you.
Oh, you've got a thyroid problem.
Oh, you've got a pituitary problem.
Oh, you've got a testicular or an ovarian problem.
And it's the cocktail of stuff, not to mention the radiation from the cell phones and the radiation from the cell towers.
Oh, if you think a cell phone is bad, ha ha!
You ain't seen nothing yet compared to the Towers.
And it goes on, the latest study backs up previous research which included a link between phone use and sperm quality.
Both the largest and best designed to date.
researchers in Cleveland, New Orleans and doctors in Mubai, India looked at more than 360 men undergoing checks at a fertility clinic who are classified in three groups according to their sperm count.
Again, there have just been hundreds of these reports.
Man who used mobile phones for more than four hours a day, and there are people that do that, they live on them, had a 25% lower sperm count than men who never used a mobile phone.
And again, we get addicted to this.
I have good friends who I know are on the phone four hours a day.
I know a certain Hollywood star who is.
And you tell them, hey, I'm like a mother, please, if you're going to use it, use it quick.
Get off quick.
I mean, if I've got some phone interview that I've forgotten about and I'm going to be on a road trip, I'll pull over to a truck stop where they've got phones, you know, those little phone banks inside.
I'll just go in for an hour and I'm sorry, you know, wife and kids drive to some nearby park and go play.
Because I will not sit there on a cell phone for an hour.
In five minutes your brain heats up over one degree.
This is your brain on cell phones.
We ought to have an ad for that, showing an egg frying like that famous war on drugs ad.
This is your brain, the egg.
This is your brain on drugs.
Well, this is your brain, and this is your brain on cell phone.
And it goes on, the men with the highest usage also had greater problems with sperm quality, with the swimming ability of the sperm, their tails were non-existent, and crucial factor in conception, down by a third.
A third from previous numbers a decade ago, and they've already plunged by 60% then.
They had a 50% drop in the number of properly formed sperm, so it's deforming the DNA, with just one-fifth looking normal under a microscope.
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop using the cell phones, use a hands-free, and keep it away from your body!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All our times have come We're put down and gone Seasons don't feel the reverse No deal to win the sun or the rain Come on, baby, don't feel the reverse Baby, take my hand, don't be afraid
Welcome back.
I'm Alex Jones.
You're hearing us via the GCN Radio Network.
I'm now doing a Sunday show from 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time via MS Communications syndicated through the GCN Radio Network from the studios of KLBJ 590 AM.
And a lot of stations have shown interest.
I know five of them have signed on.
But I want to get a lot more than that.
So if you're an affiliate out there, please pick us up.
Please pick up the Sunday Show.
I know a lot of you re-air us at night.
You can't pick us up live during the day.
Why don't you pick us up live Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
or rebroadcast it.
You can call Genesis and talk to Ted Anderson at extension 101 and the phone numbers are up there on the website GCNlive.com.
Also, coming up, I mean I hope callers will talk about the cell phone issue, the issue of the hormones in the food, and it's all being done on purpose, ladies and gentlemen.
And then we'll talk to, who's up first here?
Demetra and Russell and Lewis and Dave and Don and many, many others that are patiently holding.
I mentioned this yesterday, but I didn't cover it like I should.
The U.S.
says more GIs may be needed in Iraq.
I want to go over that.
Also, U.S.
naval war games off Iranian coastline.
A provocation which could lead to war.
Not only is George Washington, the aircraft carrier there, and other aircraft carriers within striking distance, now they're doing war games there.
German ministers know about CIA torture cells.
A great article from the Center for Constitutional Rights really laying out what H.R.
6166 does, for those that still aren't aware of it.
And I keep saying I'm going to read Pat Tillman, Kevin Tillman's brother's letter.
I haven't done that yet on air.
I'm going to do that before our guests join us at the bottom of the next hour.
We've got some folks on from Project Sensor, the top 25 sensor stories of the year, coming out in their 2007 edition, now being released in stores.
So that is coming up.
One more little program note.
Well, really, there's two.
It'd be nice if some of the locals helped us promote that.
We promote everything else.
I'm going to be showing Terror Storm for free at the Unitarian Church here in Austin, Texas.
It seats about 300 people.
And that's coming up on November 10th at 7 p.m.
It'll be here before you know it.
That's in a few weeks.
And it's 4700 Grover Street.
Friday, November 10th, 7 p.m.
It's free.
Going to be there, give a speech, show the film, they asked me to, sure.
And coming up next Tuesday, Halloween, that's the day they asked us to go out there and do it, it's going to be 5 to 6.30 p.m.
at the Waterloo Ice House restaurant.
It's a huge video and music store at the corner of Lamar and 6th Street, right across the street from Whole Foods.
Plenty of parking there and there's a big parking lot nearby.
I hope to see everybody out there.
I'll be there signing TerraStorms.
And they'll have them in stores there, I mean stores nationwide.
They're going to be in, I think, what did he say, over 2,000 stores.
They're going to be in all the Virgin Atlantic record and video stores.
They're going, what a dinosaur, I said record stores, music stores.
They're going to be in all Barnes and Nobles with end caps in the video section.
End caps, folks, actual displays.
What a great way to hit the general public.
So please, if you want to buy them in stores, call your local stores and ask them right now.
Hey, are you going to be carrying TerraStorm?
Slave Mart obviously doesn't carry my distributor's information.
We've got the same distributor that put out Outfoxed.
Really good folks.
And you can't get the neocons that own Blockbuster to carry it.
You might want to call them.
But thousands of stores are going to have it.
And if they get grabbed off the shelves, even more will get stocked and we'll reach more people.
So it's a great tool, so if you want to get those as a present for friends or family this holiday season, this Christmas, or you want to give it as a birthday present, drop by your Barnes & Noble, drop by your Virgin Atlantic, drop by your Hastings, drop by your Waterloo, it would be in Tower, but Tower Nationwide just went out of business.
But again, just basically any alternative bookstore, video store, and even some of the big mainline ones, it's going to be there.
And while I'm busy plugging, we are carrying America, Freedom to Fascism.
The DVD is now out.
And it's been expanded from what you saw in theaters.
It's got North American Union info in it.
It covers the Federal Reserve, the private nature of the IRS, the police state.
It's such an important film.
America, Freedom to Fascism, Aaron Russo's film, available via the Safe, Secure Online Video and Bookstore Yahoo Shopping Cart.
That we have up on InfoWars.com.
We have a deal where you get it for $19.95.
For $9.95 you get Terror Storm for a limited time.
Terror Storm at half price when you get America, Freedom from Fascism.
So be sure to take advantage of that combo deal available again at InfoWars.com.
Or call toll free 888-253-3139.
Get America Freedom to Fascism and Terror Storm both of them for $29.95 or just get America Freedom to Fascism for $19.95 or Terror Storm for $19.95.
And we're expanding here.
I've got a huge new project I'm going to be doing in the new year.
Not just making
A new film on the total New World Order plan.
This will be my masterpiece.
I'm actually shaking thinking about making it, because I've got to.
It's just such a huge task.
And I'm so in love with the project, too.
But we're also launching something huge in the new year.
You won't hear about it for a few months, but it's a big development in web attack against the New World Order.
And I'm starting a whole new operation there.
So capital is needed.
Please support us.
And please support all of our affiliates out there.
Support their sponsors.
And please support what we're doing here on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're going to go right to your calls after we talk to my good friend, Debbie Morrow, because it's made in America.
It's the most high-quality water purification systems anywhere.
They also have the British-made system if you like it.
They're the national distributor of that.
You get a distributor wholesale price when you buy one unit because they are the manufacturer and the distributor.
You're going right to the source.
And they support patriotic pro-freedom broadcasts such as this.
Debbie, thank you for coming on.
Christmas is approaching.
The holidays are approaching.
But that's just the reasoning of people to take action.
The water is full of every toxin you can imagine.
Just go look up what the EPA allows in there.
And plus, there's dead bacteria in it.
The chlorine just kills the bacteria.
People need to filter their water if they have any brain.
There is Ritalin and Prozac in every major city water supply, the reports are.
So there's so many reasons to purify your water.
Debbie, tell folks about the big Berkey line of products.
Hi, thank you for having me Alex.
The Berkey line of products are purification systems that actually remove the pathogenic bacteria, cysts, sediment, parasites,
They extract chemicals including herbicides and pesticides, organic solvents, COCs, detergents, all kinds of, you know, bad, foul things that are in the water and that are allowed in the water.
And so we at Berkey Water Filters want to make them affordable and get one in every home so that people can be drinking good, clean, uncontaminated water.
Who wants to poison their family by turning on the tap and just drinking it right from the tap?
You can order Berkey Water Filters a couple different ways.
You can call our 800 number, which is a toll free number.
It's 1-888-803-4438.
Or they can go to our website, which is www.berkeywater.com.
And it's spelled B-E-R-K-E-Y-W-A-T-E-R.com.
Or they can go to the InfoWars or Prison Planet websites, and there's links on there.
If you order off of our website, be sure to put that you're an Alex Jones listener, because we do help in supporting your shortwave airtime, and we really are glad to be doing that so that you can get your message out.
Yeah, we have a global outreach on shortwave to the planet.
And it isn't a profit center, but we do it because we like getting letters from Africa and Asia, and we like reaching the world on the great 100,000 watt transmitters of WWCR, but it truly is a ministry and an outreach, and Millennium Concepts fits the bill for that of $9,000 a month.
So that's purely, in fact, I don't make money from the sponsorship, we just simply are getting the word out.
Thank you for your time.
Six years, but I was buying their products before they were sponsors.
Here's their number, 888-803-4438, 888-803-4438, or you can simply go to Berkeywater.com or Infowars.com and order via the Safe, Secure Shopping Cart.
It's either off my shopping cart or off their shopping cart.
And on each shopping cart, tell them what free gift you want.
A sports bottle, a filter, it's not a purifier, it just makes it safe to drink.
Their big purification systems do that.
That's a $30 value free, or potassium iodide in case of a radiological event, or the shelter-in-place DVD free.
Debbie, thank you for coming on.
Thank you very much for having me, Alex.
Keep up your good hard work.
We appreciate you.
I'll continue to try my best.
Thank you, Debbie.
Okay, I always get my call this scrambled.
Who's the second caller?
Okay, it's Russell.
I can't.
My system keeps scrambling in here.
Whenever I try to use a computer, it messes up.
Let's talk to Demetra in Florida, and then Russell and others.
Go ahead, Demetra.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
I'm fine.
What's on your mind?
Well, first, thanks for waking me up and waking a lot of other people up.
I'm trying my best.
And I've already talked to Jason Burmess.
I'm a writer.
I had the pleasure of talking to him and interviewing him.
He's a really nice fella, isn't he?
Yeah, he's something else.
What really impressed me with the Lose Change guys is that they're so young.
At that age I was practically still climbing on trees.
Yeah, I think Cory was like 26 and then Varmus was 24.
Dillon is 23, Burmess is 27, and um, Corey's 23.
Burmess is the old one then, Corey's young then.
Yeah, but still that's pretty young.
Hey, I'm not bragging, but I was doing this when I was 19.
That's what I heard, because I actually discovered you after Louis changed.
Yeah, that's why I'm an old buck, man.
I'm an old moss back here, at 32.
But you were probably wiser.
Some people are just wiser at 5 and others are at 50.
So it probably has a lot to do with karma.
I don't know if it's wisdom.
I think it's life experiences.
I saw a lot of things most people haven't seen by the time they're 90.
That's the same experience I have and at that point you have to share and you have to help others to see because
You probably had people that you looked up to that opened your eyes and there's nothing like when you discover a writer or a person or an artist or something like that who kind of you connect to and who takes you out of your small world that you know that you're used to.
Sure, what's on your mind?
Well, actually, I did email you a while ago about translating Terror Storm to Turkish, because my publishing company is in Istanbul, and I would love to write a review about the movie and have it distributed in Turkey in the mainstream theaters.
And I never got a response to that.
So I was wondering, do you have an international distribution deal?
Because you're already on Barnes & Noble and all the mainstream stores, I think.
Well, it's going in stores November 1st.
Really, you can get it Tuesday night, but it officially launches November 1st.
They are going to be distributing it in England and distributing it in the U.S.
There's such a cost outlay to distribute it in other countries, but if it's successful here,
It will be distributed globally, but I am sure that, number one, radio stations, TV stations are saying they can't get in touch with us.
What email did you email?
I emailed it to advertising or promotion.
What is it at?
Okay, well, why don't we try Kevin.
I don't know why they didn't get it.
I just don't have enough money to hire enough people to read.
I don't want to discourage emails either because we wouldn't get any if people didn't send them, but I think we had 5,000 in one day once.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
Well, this change has an international distributor, something like Media International or something.
Do you have someone like this?
Or is it still open for, for example, Turkey?
Because that's my biggest... Yes, I have.
I have a distributor, but they're doing the rollout in the United States and in England first.
So there's still a possibility that I can get it distributed in Turkey?
Yes, absolutely.
We'd love to work with you.
Why don't you contact Gary Badley at disinformation.com.
And again, that's a tongue-in-cheek thing.
Fox says fair and balanced.
You can trust us.
They are disinformation.
Disinformation right up front says the opposite.
It's a play on words they put out.
We're good to go.
Again, 300,000 in stores, so that probably won't happen with us.
Their average is about 20,000 in stores, but we'll see what happens.
Listen, I really appreciate your call.
I've got to jump here.
Thank you.
Just to try to email some of those other email addresses.
Let's go ahead.
I can't really just have business discussions on air.
It would kind of get boring.
Russell in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
I would like to talk about permanent bases around the world.
Versus bringing our troops home and how that's a contradiction?
We have permanent military bases.
I used to be in the military.
Been all over the world.
Been to Kuwait and everywhere.
There's permanent bases in 127 countries and bases, former bases, bases they've built that have other troops that are paid bivouac there and 170.
Yes sir.
What I want to know, whenever they show you on TV this scripted out movie that they play, like Invading Iraq and everything, like in my war, whenever they say that we all came home and we won against Saddam Hussein, we really didn't come home.
That was just a movie that you saw on the TV because we was all still there and we haven't ever left.
Well, that's right.
About half the troops came back immediately, and others later.
But yeah, they've always stayed there, and you're right.
We have been bombing those people since 1990.
Well, I think they deserve to be being bombed in five trillion years, sir.
Yes, sir.
I mean, we bombed them because they're evil.
They're devil people.
I heard it on Fox News.
I mean, take this.
Take this.
Four and a half billion year half-life DU all over the country.
But we've been bombing them for 15 years now, since 1991.
Early 1991 was the invasion.
Here we are in 2006, about to be 2007.
So, fully, fully 15 years.
They've gone from 25 million to 22 and a half million.
Literally, a couple million people missing.
Stay there, I'm going to let you finish up on the other side, compadre.
Come back at the final segment of this hour and we'll get to continue with your calls into the next hour.
It's disgusting.
And I'll break down what really happened in Iraq.
The truth of it when we get back on the other side.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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We're good to go.
I think so.
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Welcome back, my friends.
I'm glad that you were able to join us today.
Before I go back to the caller, let me just comment on Iraq.
This is what happened simply and succinctly.
The British went in almost 90 years ago, broke the country up,
Carved it out of what had originally been dominated by Persia.
And they then had huge revolutions and were repulsed out of the country.
And the Ba'athists came to power.
That was in the fifties.
The British lost control obviously long before World War II.
They were driven out, what, in 1920 was it?
But the point is the Ba'athists got in in the fifties.
They were building up Iraq, first world country.
It's where a lot of mathematics and language were developed.
And a very civilized, pro-west, international city, and people were traveling there.
It was Jews, Christians, all living in peace.
Globalists couldn't have that.
They'd already overthrown Iran and put the Shah in, in 1953.
And in 1954, they went in and hired a young army officer, who was only 18 years of age, from a prominent family.
out of Tikrit and he'd again gone right in and already become an officer within a year and by the time he was 19 he was recruited into the Central Intelligence Agency, this is mainstream news by the way, and brought to Egypt for two years of training demolition, intelligence, torture, signals, assassination, and the big strapping, you know, 6-5 Iraqi was sent back given total CIA and MI6 funding
A reign of terror ensued, and from, what was it, 57 until 69, he killed one president, wounded another, killed hundreds of people personally.
I mean, an incredible James Bond type.
Saddam Hussein is a total bad butt.
And so he went around as a globalist officer, did all sorts of heroic efforts for our country to destroy the freedom in Iraq.
And they told the government, okay, the reign of terror and assassinations will stop if you make Saddam Hussein the head of Baathist security.
And they actually were so afraid, they let him be the head of Baathist security.
And in 1979, ten years later, they staged a coup, and Saddam Hussein became the head of the Baath party.
They then gave him 30 plus billion dollars.
He attacked Iran, killed 1.2 million Iranians conservatively.
He was given chemical, bio, weapons, you name it.
He met with one of his good buddies he'd known from intelligence, Rumsfeld.
It's always the same.
And, you know, giving him the weapons, the video of all that, it's all admitted.
And then they told him to attack Iran.
They told him, go ahead and attack Kuwait.
They were slant drilling.
April Gillespie said, we don't get involved in inter-air affairs.
We have a defense pact with you, not with Kuwait.
This is all on video.
He said, thank you, and smiled, and attacked five days later.
Suddenly, instead of calling him Saddam Hussein, he's calling him Saddam, which means basically homosexual, or one that has sex with camels, and that's really what it translates.
It translates into bestiality slash homosexuality in Arabic, and it's a slang in that area of the world.
And, uh, he couldn't basically, you know, save face, so they attacked him, drove him out, and for 15 years have been bombing him with uranium bombs.
And over 2 million have died since then, 600 and something thousand just in the last few years.
And that's major medical institutions here doing analysis.
And good ol' boys running around with pot bellies, laughing and giggling, loving it on Fox News and the radio.
When the very same government's gonna take your freedoms too, Bubba.
We'll be right back.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, let's go back to Russell in Texas, let him finish up.
He was over in the first Cold War.
And again, it's an extermination program of the Iraqis set up a long time ago.
Saddam was a known U.S.
government asset trained by the CIA, just like bin Laden was.
And they put them into regions to destroy the regions and make sure they're not first world.
I mean, I'm not saying it's a sign of progression of a country, but if they were first world, more women, well, more rock and roll stations in the other Arab country, malls, more women graduating from college.
In fact, 60% of the new doctors were women.
They weren't wearing the headdresses.
Our government doesn't like that.
And when Muslim extremists don't run things, our government goes and puts them in.
Just like our government finances, for 50 years, the comic books and the textbooks in Mexico, our government pays for it, along with private foundations like Ford Foundation, to tell the Mexicans the Southwest belonged to them.
It's a way to break down the country and bring us into the North American Union.
Again, I was on Talk Radio in Houston this morning on one of their big stations, what is it, 950?
The Pat Green Show, and I was listening to ads during it.
They had Rick Perry going, I've got tough on the border, I'm blah, blah, blah.
It's just all lies.
And I heard a Sean Hannity ad about getting tough on the border for his show.
I mean, it's a joke!
They're not conservatives, they're a joke!
I'll talk about that later.
Russell, go ahead and finish up, then Louis, Dave, Don, and others.
Go ahead.
I'll try to make this quick.
America left its borders over a hundred years ago, and you see these big Fortune 500 companies, which are the military-industrial complex?
Yeah, we take over countries so they can move in and take over and displace our jobs.
See, in order for them to maintain their wealth and their power, they have to be able to sell their weapons.
And if America was to withdraw from the world and come home actually, then their weapons would not be in use and they wouldn't be making any money.
And that's basically like you hear about praying to the gun god.
Those big super corporations, if you do not pray to them for your weapons for your particular country, they'll go and sell their weapons to another country and use them against you.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
They won't sell them.
They'll give them with advisors.
Yes, sir.
And I would just like to say it's like wag the dog.
It's like a mission accomplished.
Just because you see people on the TV waving flags going, whoo, we all came home like in World War I, World War II, and all of that stuff, that doesn't mean that those people came home.
That's all staged.
No, I agree that it always marches a victory parade on aircraft carrier or down Broadway in New York and it's all total bull.
And I would like to say the only way to get out of it is like the Declaration of Independence.
People don't know this, but the Declaration of Independence is a legal document.
The preamble to it about assuming the just powers of the earth is a human being withdrawn from the corporation which claims to be human
And declaring that you are human and the Earth... You don't know how you got here, but you're here.
And the Earth is kind of like your mother.
Created us all, and that is the legal way.
For those that don't know, that's the heart of corporate law.
They're claiming their corporations are people, but they don't die.
They just go on.
They're mafia syndicates.
And then they claim that we are vassals of the corporate state.
They trick us into signing agreements, but we've gone so far down this parallel system that they've now removed the old common law system, the constitutional system, and we're now purely on the vassal system.
And you try to tell this to a cop or a bureaucrat or the general public,
It's like speaking Chinese to them.
We're going to have to teach them the language.
The language of the elite.
And again, for people tuning in for the first time, it's again, that's what George Orwell wrote about.
We can hardly communicate with you now, you've been so dumbed down.
We're here talking about Veritas.
That's Latin for truth.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
And folks, you better learn this language.
Even if you're just greedy and self-centered.
Knowing this language will help you get financially sound.
It'll help you make money in the stock market.
It'll help you in business.
That's how the elite does it.
See, they have the knowledge and keep it from you and use it to control you.
We have the knowledge and give it to you to free you.
You understand the difference?
Alright, we'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones, lusting after the truth.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I think so.
I don't know.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
1-800-259-9231 is the number to join us on air.
Coming up in about 22 minutes from now, we're going to have some folks on from Project Censor, the top 25 stories of the year, just briefly talk about some of that.
Then open phones yet again in the third hour.
Air America, which is on a whole bunch of stations, even though they've gone bankrupt, they're still heard by millions of people.
We're good to go.
In the first hour I got into another huge study, studies in the US, studies in England, all showing that cell phones, microwave radiation, is destroying sperm.
Destroying their tails in 30% of the cases, deforming them in 50% of the cases, general deformation and damage to DNA.
And of course that's just studying the sperm count dropping another 30% over the 50 plus percent that had already happened.
And I'm just saying, does anybody care?
Are we going to stop using these?
Are we going to wake up to how it's causing all these brain tumors?
Or does anybody care?
And then, of course, the big news, U.S.
says more G.I.s may be needed in Iraq.
enabled war games off Iranian coastline and provocation which could lead to war.
I'll cover that after I get to some more of your calls.
Lewis in New Jersey, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
How you doing Alex?
Blitzer, go ahead.
I wanted to just mention a few things.
I've always known as a child that there's something wrong with the world and ever since then I've been kind of on a quest, a spiritual quest to find something that was fulfilling and I feel that in being exposed to the information that you present, that I'm being led to the
The truth about what's wrong, and I finally feel like I'm... Well, that's right.
Nothing will set you free like the truth.
Not these little religious cults, not drugs, not women, not power.
Fighting evil and knowing how the world really works, that will set you free.
That will empower you.
Exactly, and I feel finally that I've found my purpose in life.
I just want to let you know and encourage you that good will win.
Evil must fail.
Our victory emanates from the spiritual realm.
Physical death doesn't affect our victory, and that's why we shouldn't be afraid of the enemy.
You've awakened me and many others, and because of that you're blessed.
Well, thank you, and I am blessed.
I wouldn't be here if people asked me every day.
People say, why do I mention this on air?
Because I get asked ten times a day.
I'm not kidding.
Walking the dog, at the mall, at a movie theater, at the grocery store.
Yeah, at the hardware store.
Well, hey Alex, why are you still alive?
And I was on this Houston radio show and the guy's like, why are you still alive then?
Why are you still alive then?
And it's number one because God's in control.
Number two, they don't want to make me a martyr.
It would only make more attention to be focused on what I do, but they still kill people regardless.
But I'm not afraid of he who can kill the body.
I'm afraid of being a soulless, chicken-necked yuppie who at the end of my life, my life meant nothing.
Exactly and I just want to let you know I aspire to be as influential and effective as you and I'm looking forward to being able to do that soon and as far as the mobile phones I haven't used one for months now and when I do get another one I'll definitely use that hands-free setup and encourage my family and friends to do the same and just want to say thank you for everything and
We just need to combat our tendency to be attracted to convenience as far as the mobile phones.
That's right, the beast system, it's all there.
It's fast food, it's fast communications, it's everything's easy, but there's coming a time where they're going to make us all use it.
I appreciate your call, and it was great to hear from you.
Oh, you had something else to say?
No, I just was thanking you for everything.
Well, thank you, sir.
You don't need to thank me, though.
I'm just doing my duty here.
In fact, they call it the post-humanist
And they're very influential, and they're all over the place, and they're saying, well, at first you don't have to take a microchip communications implant behind your eye, but you'll need it for communications and jobs.
And, well, you don't have to take a chip on your skin, but you'll need it for certain jobs.
Or, well, you don't have to join the military.
Well, now there's a draft you've got to.
They're openly already made special.
My cousin, who's in Iraq right now, very close to that ammo dump that blew up, but he wasn't on the list of dead.
Thank God.
Again, he'd make fun of me, I don't know, five, six years ago, and then he came to me and he said, he's a lot older than I am, been in the military like 19, 20 years, I don't know.
And he said, you know what?
They called us in at a military meeting at Fort, oh, who was the founder of Texas?
Fort San Houston.
And they called him in there, and it was a room of about a hundred officers, and they said, we'll all be getting chips within two years.
Well, now I've seen him and he won't talk about it.
He acts even weirder, he goes, I'm just not going to talk about it because he's
He's got it, folks.
And now he's so scared, but loves the system.
I guess he just decided to buy into the Matrix and he re-upped.
Oh, please send me back to Iraq.
I love it.
Because he likes to, I guess, fly around shooting people out of helicopters.
It's just such an adrenaline rush.
You know, it beats deer hunting or hog hunting.
I mean, he was there in the first Gulf War.
He was there in operations before that.
All sorts of secret operations all over the globe.
He just volunteers, volunteers.
Oh, I want to go.
Oh, I want to go.
I want to go breathe D.U.
But he had some weird pang where he was here in town doing some sneaky thing out at the airport.
Some merger with the mainline regular army with the Guard.
Some spook operation out there.
He was out here for a year.
He wanted to come over for coffee, and he seemed all concerned, but real secretive.
Yeah, they did tell us we're going to be getting chips.
Well, now we've got it confirmed.
They're getting chips.
Special Forces and other people in key areas.
Remember the Mexican Attorney General?
First it was 18, then it was 160-something.
It was in ABC News.
Anybody who could get into the restricted areas of the Attorney General's office in Mexico City had to get a sub-dermal chip.
The doors don't open unless you have it.
You see, it becomes a prerequisite.
And I've had the scientists come and they go, you're going to be forced to take it.
You know, we'll just send social services over to make you take it.
Or, okay, well you can live if you can feed yourself somewhere without it, but everybody's going to have it.
And this isn't decades away, this is a few years away.
And as we told you, the thumb scanners would go in now.
Most of the school districts are putting in thumb scanners to get school lunches.
No cash allowed.
You've got to pay cash and have it put into the data bank, and you thumb scan to do it.
You want to get into Disney World.
You want to get into the theme parks.
You want to get into the Sea World.
You've got to thumb scan, hand scan, face scan, and wear RFID bracelets.
You want to get into the Mall of America up in Minnesota to ride the rides.
You've got to take the RFID bracelet.
The grocery stores are putting it in.
Home Depot is putting it in.
The tanning salons are thumb scanning.
The new gyms are thumb scanning.
And you sit there with some ditzy, you know, gym chick behind the counter going, Sorry!
Want a membership?
It's what you do!
What's wrong with that?
Some meathead will walk over, got a problem?
That's the policy here!
It's the policy to inject all those steroids too?
Just dropped all my articles now, they're all out of order now.
I just, I mean, again, it's creeping death!
They make it so easy.
Oh, the cell phone fries your reproductive organs and fries your brain, admittedly, and it only heats your brain up.
It causes massive brain tumors, but enjoy your brain tumor!
Again, I'm going to keep doing it.
I mean, it's just a habit.
They get you in a habit.
In fact, I lost my hands free a few months ago.
See, I usually use it.
That's not even true.
It was in there on the couch in the office.
It's gone now.
It's a hassle to learn how to use.
When you use it, the phone rings quick.
You want to put it on.
Because with that, it's a tiny radio signal.
It's just picking up the microwave signal via some type of radio link.
And the power that it's generating in its reception, because any receptor also actually generates a wave, it's not bad for you.
It doesn't even pierce your skin, the studies show.
I mean, maybe 20 years of it might have some effect, but there's a lot more radiation, you know, in the sun every day.
And that's what it is.
It'd be like being in the sun four hours a day.
That's what a cell phone does.
Radio frequency and microwave frequency causes the water molecules to rub together.
That's what heats up the cup of coffee in the microwave.
I'm already digressing.
I just can't believe how we're just dying here.
It's just we're killing ourselves.
We can't stop!
We won't stop!
I haven't stopped!
Now I do keep the calls down to about one minute.
And it takes five minutes for it to heat the brain over a degree.
And I mean, they've recorded someone using a cell phone for an hour can get a two degree increase localized in the brain tissue.
So you might want to alternate two sides of your head.
Well, it's like the police.
Conclusive evidence that the radar guns fry their goods.
And it's not going to stop them.
They're going to keep sticking it down between their legs.
It's like I'm going to keep using a cell phone.
So, you know, we knock people who won't fight the open borders, who won't fight gun control, who won't fight the tyranny.
It's just there's so much of it.
We have to, like, totally recognize how it's all around us.
We get so comfortable, our cell phones are like our little friends.
I even catch myself looking at my little black Motorola Razr like it's my little friend.
Oh, my little friend has phone numbers and pictures of my family in it, and it helps me call people when I need to.
It's cute.
Flips open like the communicator, you know, that Captain Kirk had.
Oh, it's so good.
It's so wonderful.
Alright, we'll uh... I'm gonna jam... Lewis and... We're gonna talk to Lewis.
Dave and Don and others in here.
We got some guests coming up.
Oh boy.
Just get conscious.
Get conscious of what's going on around you.
Get conscious of the cameras.
Conscious of the illegals.
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You know, I always said I would go on Fox News if they invited me.
But five times the last year, they've shut me up and canceled it.
This time they called.
I just gave them other people's phone numbers.
I just said, you know what?
I'm not going to be toyed with by you people anyways.
It's basically a government operation to begin with.
And it was going to be taped.
I don't trust that.
I'll debate anybody anywhere if it's not taped.
But I don't know why I'm telling the story.
I never shrink from something.
Besides, this new film I'm making is much more important.
I gotta budget my time, folks.
You oughta see it.
I'm, like, working during the three-minute breaks here.
I'm not bragging about it either.
It's like, I'm crazy now.
It's like, all I do is work!
And when I'm at home trying to spend time with the family, all I can think about is work!
And all I can think about is how I'm living in a freak show here.
I mean, poison, food, radiation, phones.
I'm... I can't stop using phones!
Let's go ahead and take a call here.
Let's talk to Dave.
Dave, where are you calling from?
I'm in Manitoba, Alex.
Welcome, sir.
That's Canada!
That is Canada.
Sir, I... What's on your mind?
It's a definite pleasure to speak to you.
I have a couple comments.
Nice to talk to you.
What's up?
I liked your centralized hegemon comment yesterday, Mr. Baker.
It was well placed.
Very well placed.
I'm just wondering, are you familiar with Anatoly Galitskin?
Have you ever read his book, New Life for Old?
In it, he actually discusses the Bilderberg papers.
I had forgotten that.
I read New Lies for Old.
I'm going to be honest, I scanned New Lies for Old.
I can read something for enjoyment and it takes me like two weeks to read it because I read like 20 pages, you know, 30 minutes when I snatch time.
I scanned New Lies for Old and I don't remember a lot of it.
Why don't you tell me about it?
Well, in the final Soviet split, in Chapter 16, he actually discusses how the Soviets obtained the Bilderberg Papers from 1958 or 59.
I thought that might be of interest because of the movie that you're currently making.
Oh, listen, the other day people misunderstood me.
I said, I need people to help me with research, and people are calling in going, well, Alex, the North American Union's this.
I know what it is, I've been covering it for over a decade,
Yes, exactly!
I need help with all the stuff I haven't seen, or I've forgotten about, or documents that I had, or photos.
Yes, just everybody.
Send me everything on Bilderberg you've got.
Send me every article, news articles you saw.
We've got people down at the
I've never taken on interns, but we are now.
But we don't need people to hang around drinking coffee with us at the office.
It's literally a war room.
We've got some of the local, well, the guys with the New American Citizen group that are just taking action, taking the bull by the horns, rampaging around Central Texas, fighting the enemy at point-blank range, rallies every week, movies every week, showings, marches.
They're down there at the microfilm with my cameras doing it.
But yes, I need help.
I need help.
I mean, I literally
I'm literally pouring myself out to get this done because time is so short.
Okay, excellent.
I'll send that to one of your compatriots.
I've got it somewhere, but I have an entire garage full of all my personal junk, and I think it's in there.
And then I have two storage sheds full of documents, and I just... I'm not whining.
I'm just... I literally... It's just gone crazy.
It's like I'm in the trenches with enemies stabbing at me from every direction.
I'm trying to stab them, and I'm just... I need help here.
I understand, sir.
As well, I got a comment regarding your statement that people get nothing from cell phones.
Actually, I think they're addicted to the social networking aspect of cell phones.
Well, yeah, in fact, people will sit across the table, also young people, communicating with each other over text in the same room.
We're addicted to iPods, frankly, I am.
It's sick.
Yeah, they get a rush from getting an email or a call or a response to a statement.
It's a total addiction.
Well, it's some type of weird non-verbal communication and I... Exactly!
I got good friends who will not take my call, but they will... Hollywood people especially.
I get their text messages every day and they want me to sit there and text them.
It takes longer to text somebody than it takes to talk to them.
Yeah, but the people that do text, man, they're super quick.
It's because they're super used to it, right?
Exactly, and I'm not.
I'm like sitting there pecking at it, you know, one finger and I'm just...
Two more statements there, Mr. Jones.
I like the Bumper Zeppelin music.
Absolutely love it.
I think I heard Orion from Metallica yesterday on your show as well.
And just a comment about Colonel Mandel House.
I consider him the Donald Rumsfeld of the early 20th century.
From right here in Austin.
Right there in Austin?
Yeah, he's from Austin.
I never knew that.
Now the UT practices at House Field.
Now they've built a giant indoor bubble stadium for their Lordships to practice.
You're in the heart of the New World Order there, Mr. Jones.
Well, I'd say we're a big, limp note of it.
I'd say New York's the heart of the New World Order.
New York, London.
Thank you for the call.
You recognize this music?
Not at all, sir.
That's the acoustic Rebel Yell.
I appreciate your call.
We got guests coming up.
More of your calls straight ahead.
I will get into the Iran situation.
If the water don't rise at Bear Creek, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back!
Wide open phones and more news in the third hour for the next 30 minutes.
We are joined by two of the men behind Project Censored.
In fact, Peter Phillips started it and Andy Roth is one of the head honchos of it.
And they do a great job each year with the top 25 censored stories.
I mean, you want to really get an idea of what's going on.
I can't think of any one better place to get a big overview with a lot of specific details, kind of in little factoid info bundles.
It's a great read, great coffee table book, great bathroom book at the office because you can, you know, just easily read three or four pages on each of the 25 issues and really find out more than you'll find reading 20 or 30 other books and so I'm always glad to have them on with us.
We'll go to them in just a second.
Before we do that, I'm now carrying the new DVD.
It just was released Monday.
You can get it at Infowars.com.
It's America, Freedom from Fascism by the famous Hollywood director and producer Aaron Russo.
And we had Aaron on, of course, Monday.
It's available at InfoWars.com for $19.95.
And when you get it, if you'd like, for $9.95 more, you can get my new film, Terror Storm.
And Terror Storm is a two-hour-long film with 68 minutes of extras from our famous 9-11 Neoconagentist Symposium held in Los Angeles in June.
It covers the history of government-sponsored terror, all of the admissions of it,
Then we get into 7-7 in London, we get into 9-11, and we get into the fake news, the propaganda, Bush buying 1.6 billion in fake news, we get into the torture, we get into the unitary executive, and the dictatorship, and the Edward Bernays style propaganda.
We're using against us.
So be sure and get Terror Storm.
Even if you already have Terror Storm, get it.
It's such a good deal.
Get American Freedom to Fascism and then get $9.95 more.
For $29.95 you get both films, my friends.
That's what?
Over five hours of material for $29.95 and give the Terror Storm as a gift if you've already purchased it.
Again, available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139 888-253-3139 888-253-3139
Or you can simply write to me.
I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Let's go ahead and go to Andy Roth and, of course, Peter Phillips.
And gentlemen, just in a nutshell, both, instead of going through your lengthy bios, what is most important for us to know about each of you?
You first, Mr. Roth.
I'm an assistant professor in sociology here at Sonoma State University, and I'm really interested in how news stories are put together, how the practices that journalists engage in shape news content.
And you, Mr. Phillips?
Well, I'm director of Project Censored and have been for 10 years, and we are celebrating our 30th anniversary this year.
So, the Censored 2007 is the 30th list of the most important news stories
The corporate media hasn't covered.
And you can find that in bookstores.
Has it hit shelves yet?
It's all over the country and online at ProjectCensor.org is a good place to do it because that supports the students here that do the research.
You know, I scanned through this year's.
I just got it yesterday.
I always read it, again, as a coffee table book.
And, of course, I won, I guess, second place back in 2004.
I was flattered by that.
But in this one, I'm just curious, do you guys cover the fake news buying of Bush, the $1.6 billion?
Or did that get enough coverage where you didn't cover that?
It's actually, we wrote about it in the chapters.
And we're very aware of the GOA report.
We wrote about it in last year's book.
And we talk about it all the time.
I mean, 1.6 billion dollars, and that was through July of 2005.
The Clinton administration there last year, they did like 30 million.
So we're seeing a massive increase in PR firms.
And PR firms are consolidating.
Yeah, well I coined the term propaganda placement because a lot of this is more than just spinning it as PR as they've tried to do.
That's why the accounting office ruled it as illegal, each case of it very serious, because they're actually buying off reporters with this too.
I mean, everybody heard about Armstrong Williams, but he's the tip of the iceberg.
Yeah, that's really true.
We know about all the reporters down in Miami that were
Being paid to write anti-Castro stories now.
So we see, we know that the CIA had what was called Operation Paperclip that goes all the way back to the 50s, where they had key reporters in the big papers that were their contacts.
And they would plant stories with them that they wanted to get out.
You mean Mockingbird, right?
Mockingbird, yeah.
But again, you're right, those two were bundled together.
Let me just get your take on what you think the most important, I mean obviously it's an order of importance, but what do you think the most important censored stories were?
Give us a shotgun view of it, a brief synopsis of maybe the four or five top ones if you can, gentlemen.
Yeah, well, the number one story is that the future of the Internet, the debate over the future of the Internet has been largely ignored by the corporate media.
So that's a real freedom of information kind of issue.
Number two,
On the list is that Halliburton has been charged with selling nuclear technologies to Iran, and that's one of several places where Halliburton shows up in the top 25.
Let's spend time on that for a moment.
I've said it's like Rumsfeld's the devil.
Terminator genes, he's behind it.
Aspartame in the food, 9,000 plus products in the drinks, breaks down into formaldehyde, wood alcohol at 87 degrees after one hour.
He's behind arming with the reactors in North Korea in 96, 97, ABB Chairman.
I mean, literally, arming Saddam in 83, 84, literally every time I turn this over it's them, and yes, Halliburton giving the nuclear components to Iran, actually using sanctions with a loophole where only they could sell to Iran and Iraq.
Can you speak to that?
Yes, I mean, this is
The number two story is one originally reported by Jason Leopold, an excellent source here.
And he has sources at Cheney's former company, Halliburton, who are saying that as recently as January of 05, Halliburton is selling key components for a nuclear reactor to an oil development company based in Iran.
So through 04 and 05, Halliburton is working closely
With the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Oriental Oil, Kish, to develop oil projects.
They're working on natural gas.
All of these are elements that would contribute to Iran's nuclear capabilities.
How did they get away with this, Professor Phillips?
Well, Halliburton Products and Services is a subsidiary of Halliburton out of Dallas, and it's registered in the Cayman Islands.
So it's exempt under Clinton's original executive order back in 96 that said there would be no further investments in Iran.
So they've been getting away with it for a decade.
And of course, why don't the Democrats run ads with that?
That's confirmed.
That's even been in a few mainstream publications.
How do they get away with that?
It's like saying, why doesn't the New York Times cover it?
Or why doesn't the Washington Post?
The Democrats and the Republicans are both getting corporate money.
Lockheed Martin donates to both parties.
We have a corporate government in place in the United States.
There's some people in Congress that are speaking out, but not very many, and these stories aren't in the corporate media in the U.S.
I know you've covered this in the past, but did you cover that it was in Chicago Tribune, but that was it?
That Halliburton and Dyncor run white slavery rings now, and have open lobbyists in D.C.
to stop criminal enforcement of laws?
I've seen charges about Halliburton and slavery, or prostitution, particularly in Kosovo.
I think, but what you're saying is a little more than I've read.
Yeah, you might have missed that, but that's what I mean.
Talk about censored.
It was in a big paper twice, the governor talked about it, and then you never heard about it again.
What are some of the other issues that are covered?
You know, one of my favorites, Alex, is, and it's really a terrible story, it's our story number seven.
And this is about how the ACLU a year ago, and it was just a year ago actually today,
released 44 autopsy reports that they had acquired from the US military and these were autopsies done on detainees, civilian detainees who had died while in custody in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2002, 2003, and 2004.
Now of the 44 autopsy reports, 21 of them were listed as homicides.
These people were murdered while in custody.
The other 23 were listed as heart failures.
But if you read the autopsy reports themselves, you can tell, and it's clear, that these people were absolutely tortured to death.
Oh yeah, I think I've seen photos of it.
I mean, prominent people.
Electroshocks all over them, burns all over them.
That's the Abu Ghraib photos.
This is different.
These are autopsy reports.
There's no photos.
That they weren't able to acquire photos?
Well, in one case it's a photo of an Iraqi doctor who was at another camp, and I'd seen his autopsy report too, and it did include photos taken after his body was released.
Yeah, I remember that one.
But here, this is 44 reports that absolute proof that we're torturing people to death.
And AP picks it up.
So it goes out to all 1,700 dailies in the U.S., all 5,000 radio and television news stations, and only 12 in the country ran it.
So, to us, this is shocking.
It is!
I mean, hardcore evidence of a literal torture-murder-assembly line, and the Gonzales Memo says they can torture till organ failure, and it isn't torture, it's pressure, so they kill them on accident and it's not their fault.
I mean, this is insane!
Well, yes.
And then the government's response to this, um, they've just ignored it as far as, you know, coverage, but then the corporate meeting, the U.S.
has never covered it again.
So AP has never mentioned this, and all the stories about torture, Abu Ghraib, everything else, never mentioned the 44 autopsy reports.
It's like it goes down in the memory hole of forgetfulness in the corporate media in the U.S.
Then the Congress this past year passes an exemption for current military operations under the Freedom of Information Act.
So we can no longer get this information.
Also, one of the first actions of Paul Bremer when he was in there as the provisional governor was to make the statistical collection of deaths from cancer, automobile accidents, gunshot, everything.
That data ceased to be collected, so that's something very suspicious they did day one.
Well, yeah, now we know that from the last John Hopkins report, which was the second report, that in excess of 600,000
Civilians have died because of the U.S.
And this is above what was the normal death rates under Sodom saying.
Let me ask you gentlemen about this question.
I want to start off with Andy Roth on this, who is involved in this whole project.
What is it, I mean, I want to get personal with this.
You guys have been studying this for years, for decades involved, you know, scrupulous research.
I mean, late at night, do you ever just lay in bed thinking, how did America go this far?
How did this happen to us?
Do you ever get concerned for yourselves to see with HR 6166 where all this is going?
And Fox News now, every day, saying those that criticize the war, those that talk about 9-11 truth, are really helping Al-Qaeda, and we're giving material support to Al-Qaeda, and we need to be grabbed or investigated.
If you didn't know, they're now saying that.
I mean, give me your take just on the bravado of these people.
Yeah, well, I mean, I think it's easy to look at the top 25 stories this year, last year, the year before, and to feel discouraged and outraged, and those are all real and important reactions.
But the thing for me that is highly motivating is seeing that as students come into contact with this kind of information, the way it empowers them as citizens.
Of course, I think we'd all agree that an informed
An active public is essential if we're going to have democratic self-government in this country.
Yeah, we've gotten into this position because that was almost extincted.
Now I see a burgeoning regeneration of that.
So, I mean, freedom of press is core principle of democracy.
And I think one of the things that we see each year is, you know, near on 200 students who take the Sociology of Media class that Peter teaches, and who work with Project Sensitive interns, all becoming
Engaged in that process and empowered through the knowledge.
The other people I would say are the real heroes in this are of course the journalists, the independent journalists who on a shoestring and at risk to their own lives in many cases are digging out these stories so that citizens who want to be informed can find them and hold their government accountable accordingly.
Does it concern you?
I see reason both to be concerned and angry but also to be hopeful and optimistic because
We do see a next generation of students each year working through Project Censored.
Something like 1,500 students have worked with Project Censored in 30 years.
And that's just what you guys are doing.
I mean, I keep going back to press freedom.
You talk about the net.
We are cleaning their clocks now, really dominating the mainstream media, starting to erode their supremacy and primacy.
But at the same time, they're racing to shut down net neutrality, for Internet 2 to restrict.
The EU's doing it.
I mean, it's really coming.
It's not over the next hill.
It's five inches from in front of our face.
It's happening now.
You're right.
This fight is central.
Does it concern you when Greg Powell is at the BBC and American Citizen is doing work for ABC and they say we're coming to arrest you for taking video of an ExxonMobil chemical plant next door to a refugee camp there in Louisiana and then only an outcry causes them to drop the charges?
I mean we're really getting down to the point now where the Houston Chronicle is reporting about FEMA camps.
Well, we've got to report about all of this, and so, in Greg Palast's case, I mean, he can put an email out, it'll reach a million people, then it gets circulated and expanded.
They want to shut down that access, but we're not going to let them.
There's millions of us, there's one freedom of information.
Exactly, but it shows that we're not dealing with just good old boy corruption.
They really do want to have a hard tyranny.
This is a group of very powerful people who want to militarily control the world.
The neoconservative group, and we've actually identified them in the 2007 book, and their interconnectedness with the media in the US, the corporate media.
237 people, the neocons, the heads of the big military, industrial companies that have increased.
I mean, 300% increase for Lockheed Martin, Halliburton 400% increase in their stock since the 9-11 wars started.
And, you know, so we're really engaged in that.
We really recognize that there's a powerful group of people, but they're a minority.
They're a small minority in this country, and the country's moving in the opposite direction.
Half the people in the U.S.
support the impeachment of Bush and the imprisonment of the war criminals in the U.S.
We have a book out now called Impeach the President.
It's just, you know, brand new, just hitting the streets.
Dennis Liu from Cal Poly and I put it together with 22 scholars and Howard Flynn, and these are the kinds of activities that people are engaging in all over the country.
That's right.
I've got both the books here in front of me.
You know, I have faith too.
I know that we are making the dictator act like a dictator.
And I think that the collision has already taken place.
The problem is, we're winning the hearts and minds of the people.
I mean, two different polls, 84% disagree and disapprove of Congress.
Only 12% agree with Cheney.
Democrats are out of favor too.
We have 84% believing they're being lied to about 9-11.
And the scientific polls, but the problem is they've still got the power, they've still got the will to launch an even widening circle of conflict.
Well, we're worried about an invasion of Iran, or hitting Iran.
We're worried about the undermined instability of Syria.
And these were all the countries they had identified before they got in power, saying, these are the ones we have to contain.
And then, of course, there's the big one, that's China.
Let me ask you this question when we get back.
Did you ever think, both of you, professors, did you ever think
That it would get this crazy.
Andy Roth and of course Professor Peter Phillips, both of them, here with Project Center 2007 in the new book, Impeach the President, The Case Against Bush and Cheney.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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We're good to go.
Welcome back!
Somebody decided to throw some music in here.
I don't even know what it is.
Jack Blood is going to be sitting in for 20 minutes in the next hour.
I couldn't turn down going on Air America before it goes beneath the waves for 20 minutes talking about Terror Storm.
But then I'll be back and I will cover the fleet out there trying to lure Iran into doing something.
Will we see a Gulf of Tonkin event or something along those lines?
Going back to the two men, the two main men, Peter Phillips and of course his colleague
Andy Roth has come out with this great new project since 2007, in bookstores everywhere now.
I should mention, Terror Storm hits bookshelves November 1st, nationwide.
Barnes & Noble, you name it.
Going back to these gentlemen, in closing, I wanted to get a few more of the little things that are in the report, but my question to both of you, and you first, Mr. Roth, where do you see this going?
Did you ever think it would get this bad?
Yeah, I think quickly.
Yeah, you can go back, we can go back to 1961 and Eisenhower warning the country of a military-industrial complex.
So, I think one kind of answer to the question is, well, this has been a long development and we can go back and look at the neocons laying the groundwork for this decades ago.
So, if we've been paying attention, we, you know, in some ways, realistically, pragmatically, we have to say, yeah, we saw this
The signs were there to be read.
They left giant breadcrumbs the size of boulders to follow.
That said, I would say that the passage of the Detainee Act by the President last week is deeply shocking to me as an American.
And I think they went too far.
It won't close up.
But I think when we say, oh, did we ever think it would get this bad, that sounds deflating to me.
It sounds demobilizing, and what I want to, from my point of view, what we're talking about here has always been and will always be an ongoing struggle.
It's an ongoing struggle to create the kind of democratic society that we want to live in.
And so, you know, we've got to follow the breadcrumbs, as you put it, and we have to push back when the President tries to suspend habeas corpus and other fundamental pieces of rule of law.
Professor Phillips, your take on it?
Well, I think it's very similar.
We have a long history of understanding the power elite, but the narrow concentration of this neocon global dominance group within the higher circles of the U.S.
is terrifying.
And they scared the rest of the policy makers.
9-11 scared them.
And, of course, now one of our stories this year, Stephen E. Jones and Building 7, and his, as a physicist, clear understanding that that building couldn't have fallen down because of fires.
It had to have demolition in it.
And when you put that together and you start to look at this, then it gets very scary.
Yes, in closing, I want to get your agreement or disagreement with this statement.
They broke out.
A segment of the elite went wild, went for full global domination, and it finally triggered the sleeping giant to awaken.
And I think the sleeping giant has awoken, and I think we will win this thing in the end, but it's going to be a very bumpy ride.
I think that's pretty accurate.
We're going to have to stand up collectively as American people, like the labor movement in the 30s, or the civil rights movement in the 60s, or the progressive movement 100 years ago, and united, and standing up and saying no to these powerful elites with their top-down agenda.
Is the only way to change this in America.
The one thing I'd add is, you know, insofar as they went wild, as you put it, I think we want to be careful and make very plain.
This is a cold, calculated, rationally defined plan.
And so it's not kind of a haywire thing.
It's a careful plan.
Well, I understand it's a careful plan, but it's still insane.
Gentlemen, thank you both for coming on.
Thank you.
We'll be right back.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we are live from Austin, Texas, though, of course, I'm not Alex Jones.
I'm Jack Blood, sitting in for Alex Jones, just for the next 20 minutes.
Alex is off to Air America on the Tom Hartman Show and we'll be back in 20 minutes to report more news and take your phone calls.
I want to welcome all of you to the third hour of the Alex Jones Show today.
Of course, my program, Deadline Live, follows Alex's show and will be on in one hour on this very network.
I hope you can all tune in.
I have a lot of news to report and this is a little bit of a preview of what we'll be talking about on our program today.
Just listening to the Project Censored guys talk about the conflicts of interest with 9-11, the wars throughout the Middle East, the loss of liberties in this security industrial complex state we now find ourselves in,
It reminds me of what we were talking about yesterday, and that was ex-CIA chief George Tenet had joined the Carlisle Group, some type of a James Bond-style research firm, and we reported this on our program yesterday.
Former U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency director George Tenet has joined a British research firm thought to have provided the inspiration for Q, the character who creates spy gadgets for James Bond.
Tenet has been appointed an independent non-executive director for QuintiQ.
It is a company based out of Great Britain and under the auspices of the British government.
Of course, working hand-in-hand with the Carlisle Group.
And critics, of course, blame the CIA during George Tenet's reign for his shortcomings in intelligence gathered to the run-up to the war in Iraq and question whether more could have been done to predict the September 11th attacks.
We all know it could have and did not.
But QuizQ is owned by the private equity firm of the United States, the Carlisle Group, whose advisors have included U.S.
President George Bush, his father George Herbert Walker Bush, former Prime Minister of Britain John Major, of course Frank Carlucci and other criminals from Iran-Contra, as well as the Queen of England and the Bin Laden family.
We have a new development in the Carlisle Group story.
They are now going after one of the biggest newspaper chains in America.
And that is the Carlisle Group now bidding for the Tribune Company.
Now we already know that they own Lowe's Cinema, which controls a major portion of the distribution that handles the films that come out of Hollywood.
This is a key area, a key aspect of their controlling all public opinion.
Mixing the war machine, mixing manufacturing war items, whether they be robot warriors, which are now used in the streets of Dearborn, Michigan,
Affectionately titled, The Beast.
That's right, RoboCops in Michigan.
And they call it The Beast.
Those are also being used in Iraq.
And as we reported on our program yesterday, a lot of this points to these robo-soldiers now starting to take over a lot of the on-the-ground duties.
Which, of course, leads to our troops getting microchips to tell who's friendly and who's not friendly before the robo-soldier starts firing.
And then we also reported yesterday in a program, we did an entire show about microchips, and that the Carlyle Group was behind a company called Matrix Incorporated.
That's a wonderful name for somebody who makes tracker chips.
The tracker chips, of course, as has been reported in the past on InfoWars.com, look like a Nazi swastika.
Going back to the story, Carlyle Group bidding for a major newspaper chain, the Tribune Company,
buyout firms right now, Apollo Management L.P.
and the Carlyle Group are exploring separate takeover bids for the Tribune Company.
They are, by the way, the publisher of the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times, among many other newspapers across this country.
Kind of like a B-Lo, if you know who B-Lo is.
Big newspaper chain controls a lot of the public opinion in America.
People familiar with the matter said,
That this deal is going forward.
Last month, the stock went up incredibly for the Tribune Partners.
They own 25 television stations, and by the way, they own the Chicago Cubs.
Now, looking for a massive takeover by the Carlyle Group, more media acquisitions by this military industrial accomplice.
We'll come right back, talk about the Tet Offensive in Iraq that you didn't hear about in the cover-up of the dead bodies.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show, InfoWars.com.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The info war continues.
Yes, it is a war for your mind.
Alex Jones had to step out.
He's currently doing an interview on Air America to promote his great new film, Terror Storm, which, by the way, everybody should get.
I am Jack Blood, once again, filling in for Alex Jones, at least for this segment, and Alex should be right back to take your phone calls and to continue going over all the news you're not supposed to know about.
If you missed us in the last break, I know a lot of people carry the news in the first five minutes of the one hour, every hour of the broadcast.
We were talking about the Carlisle Group and how they are really running amok with multiple investments, and we've covered on the program, on our program quite a bit,
We're good to go.
Build them up.
Their stock goes up exponentially.
And in many cases, they resell the companies.
But they are heavily invested now in not only the military-industrial complex, the security-industrial complex.
Let's remember that security equals control.
So it's the control-industrial complex.
Getting vast contracts through their contacts at Homeland Security and with the various embassies and dynasties around the world.
But also now, this is very worrisome, investing heavily in the media.
In fact, we reported quite some time ago, they actually bought Dunkin' Donuts, so you're eating their donuts now as well, putting more and more money in their pocket.
That's a big venture, a big chain on the East Coast.
Many of you who don't live on the East Coast might not be familiar with it, but it's a big donut chain.
Who knows what they're putting in those donuts, but I won't go there!
The fact is now, as we just reported, the Carlisle Group looking to bid on the Tribune Company, which owns the LA Times, Chicago Tribune, a number of other newspapers.
Let's be very clear, a lot of newspapers around this country get their news off the wire.
It is a mockingbird operation.
They don't do any investigative reporting themselves.
They don't do any checking out of the facts.
They merely look at what's on the wires and reprint it.
And the Chicago Tribune is one of the main sources, like the Associated Press or UPI,
Any of these wire services, Reuters, Chicago Tribune, very much like them so acquiring the Chicago Tribune along with the LA Times will certainly not only cut down on the opposition that the Bush administration and the neocons get from some of these operations but will also give them the opportunity to be in the driver's seat to control what you think and what you hear and what the average
American hears about their news every day.
So this is a major, major acquisition.
They also own upwards to 20 to 30 TV stations and have a number of other holdings.
I believe their assets are valued at over $8 billion.
Shows you just how well the Carlyle Group has been doing.
Perfectly in position before, in 1999, before Bush took office.
They hedged all their bets.
They somehow knew that George W. Bush would be taking office.
They somehow knew that 9-11 would be happening.
And they somehow knew we'd be fighting multiple wars in multiple theaters, as the PNAC document called for.
So, please try to get the information out.
I do have that at jackblood.com.
And I'm sure you can find it at infowars.com as well.
We wanted to report on this real quick before we go off the air and Alex comes back on, and this is what we're going to lead with in our program following up here today.
Forward Base Falcon disaster.
That's Base Falcon, the Falcon Base, that was bombed horrifically in Iraq on October 10, 2006.
Apparently, according to eyewitnesses, there were over 300
KIA is killed in actions swept under the carpet by the Department of Defense in this modern-day Tet Offensive in Iraq.
Now, what is the Tet Offensive?
Of course, this was the surprise attack that took place in Vietnam.
They killed a lot of our troops, and we claim that that was a victory, that we held them back.
But as a propaganda vehicle for the North Vietnamese, it worked rather well.
Well, apparently, the powers that be aren't going to allow that to happen this time.
They are covering up multiple deaths from this very strange occurrence.
Now, let's keep in mind, a lot of people saying, because of the big mushroom clouds hovering over Base Camp Falcon in Iraq on October 10th, the night of October 10th, that potentially a low-level tactical nuke
Well, it was used on this base.
Now, I don't put that past the globalists at all.
I don't put that past intelligence.
That they could use our troops in Iraq as guinea pigs for some type of freak weapons of mass destruction test.
Well, apparently, we found the weapons of mass destruction, but that's another story.
Late on the evening of October 10, 2006, Iraqi resistance groups lobbed mortar and rocket rounds into the immense
Forward Base Falcon, the largest American military base in Iraq, located 13 kilometers south of the Green Zone in Baghdad.
In addition to accurate mortar fire, Grad and Kajuska rockets were also used.
Falcon Base was designed to house a large contingent of American troops, mostly drawn from the 4th Infantry Division, based in Fort Bliss.
Ignorance is bliss in Texas.
At the time of the attack, there were approximately 3,000 men inside the camp, which also was filled with ammunition supplies, fuel tanks, and vehicles.
Iraqi contractors had assisted in the construction of the camp, which occupied nearly a square mile and was surrounded with guard towers studded high concrete walls.
And it is now apparent that the resistance movement had been given important targets from, quote,
Sources familiar with the layout of the base.
Now, of course, we have to assume that anybody working on a military base in Iraq would have to be vetted to the utmost degree.
Everything would have to check out and their loyalty would have to be without question.
So, number one, I guess this is more incompetence on the part of the rummy regime in Iraq.
Number two, were these loyal people that worked to put camp
Falcon, together, were they told to go leak this information?
These are some of the details we don't know.
Continuing on, when the flames have been brought under control in the morning of the 11th of October, primarily because the entire camp had been gutted, nine large American military transports with prominent Red Cross markings were observed by members of the foreign media, taken off and laded with the dead and the wounded.
So here again, we have over 300 American troops, including US Army and Marines, CIA agents, and US translators being casualties.
And there were also 165 seriously injured requiring major medical attention.
39 suffering from lesser injuries.
122 members of the Iraqi Armed Forces were killed and 90 seriously injured during the evacuation.
We were told that no one died in this incident.
We were also told that the battle for Baghdad at the airport leading into Baghdad when we initially took Iraq and Baghdad was just a minor skirmish.
When later we found out a lot of people died at that airport.
We were told that Jessica Lynch was a hero.
When it turned out she was nothing of the kind and had been made a poster girl for recruitment and for the wonderful success and moral victories we're having in Iraq.
None of that turned out to be true.
All Jerry Bruckheimer style Hollywood propaganda.
We were told that Pat Tillman died with the honor of his country, killed by the enemy.
Again, made to be a poster boy for recruitment into these illegal wars.
And they are illegal.
According to Kevin Tillman, even Pat Tillman's brother, whose letter we posted up on our website.
An amazing letter, you need to read it.
Also, I know that's at Infowars.com.
Later we found out that Pat Tillman was fragged by one of his own men.
Possibly, again we can only hypothesize here, possibly because he started to catch on to what was really going on in Afghanistan.
Why else not protect your most valuable recruit?
So this is pure war propaganda made for consumption.
And in this case, to shield the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld administration right before an election.
122 members of the Iraqi Armed Services killed.
Many more could die from this event.
300 American troops allegedly already killed.
Although the official U.S.
DoD statements indicated that there were no deaths, that only a hundred men were inside the base guarding billions of dollars worth of vital military equipment, and there were only two minor injuries to personnel.
If you see this, explosions going off, you'll know that can't be true, which is why people did some digging here.
It passes belief.
It is certainly a reality.
A reality that's more painful even than propaganda.
And that is the shaming
Of the people that gave their lives guarding this camp.
Not only has the U.S.
military machine lots much of its armor and transport, its entire reserves of ammunition and special fuel, but the casualty list for only the first day is over 300.
Again, big, big cover-up in this particular instance.
So, in other words, it breaks down to be very simple.
This is likely an inside job, as we mentioned earlier.
Alleged specifics were smuggled out by Iraqis who were allegedly working in the camp.
Also, the question needs to be asked, do we not vet these Iraqis working at our bases?
I would think that would be a number one.
In fact, I'm not sure we should even allow Iraqis to be working at our bases to begin with, but again, we know what P2OG means.
Look it up if you don't.
Also, why did the Pentagon report that there were no casualties when eyewitnesses know otherwise?
I think we can answer that question in order to protect us from the truth and to maintain and catapult the propaganda.
What else are they covering up in Iraq is a good question.
This was a major wound in a war we're supposed to be winning.
And the propaganda machine has twisted the intel, shamefully belittling the deaths of more than 300 of our men and women that gave their lives at Camp Falcon.
So we certainly need to demand the truth.
We need to demand accountability now.
Now many of you will say, Jack, this is a war.
We need to fight the enemy.
We need to have an info war and a propaganda war and not boost up the enemy, not give them the
The informational ammunition that they had in said 10 offensive as a military strategy.
Well, of course, there are more than a few reasons why this wouldn't be true.
Of course, this does not endanger any more of our troops, which would be the number one protocol in protecting and changing and using propaganda to cover something like this up.
So there really is no logical reason other than the Pentagon and the Bush Administration are lying to the American people, covering up the massive deaths of which over a hundred of our troops have died this month.
Not counting these 300, that would put us up to 400, the deadliest month in the history of Iraq.
Alright folks, stay tuned.
Alex Jones will be right back after this commercial break.
Stay tuned.
My show coming up right after this.
Go to PeopleFor911Justice.com.
That is the People's 9-11 website.
Stay tuned, folks.
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Welcome back.
Your calls are coming up in the next segment.
I'm going to write to them.
Right now, let me get into this report.
naval war games off the Iranian coastline, a provocation which could lead to war.
And I appreciate Jack sitting in for 20 minutes earlier while I went on Air America.
Again, U.S.
naval war games off the Iranian coastline, a provocation which could lead to war.
Michael Chossodosky, Professor Chossodosky from Canada writes, there is a massive concentration of U.S.
naval power in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea.
Three U.S.
Naval Strike Groups off the Iranian coastline are deployed.
The USS Enterprise, the USS Eisenhower, and two USS Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Groups.
And it goes on, the Naval Strike Groups have been assigned to fighting the global war on terrorism.
That's right, they're assigned to fight the terror of any sovereign country they don't control.
Tehran considers the U.S.
war games to be conducted in the Persian Gulf off the Iranian coastline as a provocation, which is intended to trigger a potential crisis.
Of course, you know, in 1989, there was a huge attack sinking a couple big ships, cruisers, and wounding others just out of the blue attacking the Iranians.
Most folks forget that, which is intended to... I know, it's fun to watch TV and watch ships get blown up.
I know, it's fun.
It makes you feel manly.
The same people that control that military, by the way, folks, are the ones taking your private property, your guns, and your borders.
But just feel good about it.
It's okay.
You're under attack by the same people, but it's alright.
And our poor troops don't know any better.
Tehran considers the U.S.
war games to be conducted in the Persian Gulf off the Iranian coastline as a provocation.
Gee, think so?
It's late October.
They've said they want to attack.
We're in the prime zones next week.
Again, Tehran considers the U.S.
war games to be conducted in the Persian Gulf off the Iranian coastline as a provocation which is intended to trigger a potential crisis and a situation of direct confrontation between U.S.
and Iranian naval forces in the Persian Gulf.
Reports say the U.S.-led naval exercise based near Bahrain will practice intercepting and searching ships carrying weapons of mass destruction and missiles.
So they're going to be out harassing everybody as usual and hoping someone does something or
Maybe they'll pull another Tonkin.
They do it over and over again.
The Lusitania.
The Maine.
The USS Liberty.
Iran's official news agency, IRNA, quoted an unnamed foreign military official as describing the military maneuvers as dangerous and suspicious.
Reports say the U.S.-led naval exercises based near Bahrain will practice intercepting and securing ships carrying weapons of mass destruction and missiles.
Now, I'm reading all this twice because it's important.
The Iranians could do something stupid, or more likely the people out there on those ships could pull something, or special ops could, and the ships think they're attacked.
It'd be very easy for some operative of Israel, Britain, or the U.S.
to plant a bomb in one of the ships.
It doesn't matter.
They could pull anything, or they could claim a terrorist hit us, right while all the ships are massed here in the U.S., England, or Israel, and then launch the attack on Iran.
And it could happen at any time in the next few weeks.
I said look for the attacks.
Especially in late October, I said, in the next two months.
In a few days, again, my prediction will elapse.
My prediction was if we don't get the word out, they're going to have a major war provocation or terrorist attack of a bone-shattering level.
We have gotten the word out.
We are fighting like never before.
But the neocons, I just, I'm praying they don't do something.
But they're there.
Huge forces.
Two carriers, another carrier nearby.
Two other task forces.
So, it's massive.
It's massive.
They're there.
They're running around in the Gulf.
Will they accidentally shoot down another Iranian passenger liner for the second time?
Will they accidentally bomb some of the Iranian boats or cruisers?
There'll always be an accident.
And if the Iranians fight back, it'll be their evil Al-Qaeda.
And it's a stage with Iran, because you know Cheney helped give them nuke parts, and it's always the same.
They get a lot of money from our government.
Again, it's so cloak and dagger, who knows?
At this point, there's so much backstabbing and flipping and double and triple crosses and double and triple agents.
We know the elite is allowing a lot of people in big media to attack the neocons right now because some sectors of the elite are concerned.
At least they're setting the neocons up for a fall if things don't go well.
I know that.
And if there is an attack, they're reporting that jobs are down, that the sales of houses are down, the trade deficits are at record levels.
Every real economic industry is in trouble except for the stock market, which, if you have a doubling in the money supply, of course it's going to be at $12,000.
Plus, they only put winners in the top 30 Dow Industrial.
But, c'est la vie, believe what you want.
If they do attack, or there is some war that breaks out, gas is going to blow up to, oh, it could be as high as $6 a gallon, conservatively.
$200 a barrel.
Who knows what's going to happen?
We are here in the middle of it.
Uh-oh, we're risking our lives here in this fight against the New World Order, but our lives are kaput if we don't fight regardless.
So you got front row seats to what could be the kickoff of World War III.
But it could happen any time in the next year, next two years.
But right now, for this period, this is the prime zone.
They're so arrogant.
They could do it on Election Day.
You never know.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Welcome back my friends.
You want a front row seat to the battle for the republic?
As the emperor launches foreign wars as a pretext to enslave the planet and set up a police state here domestically?
It's happening right now.
Let's go to your calls.
Melissa in Florida, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi Alex.
Hello Melissa, what's on your mind?
Um, I emailed you yesterday the clip of
Bush, waterboarding, Cheney, that I wasn't able to play on the air because it didn't sound so good.
That's right, you called in and we had to cut it short.
Sure, we'll try to post that.
What else?
Do you want to describe the clip to us?
Um, well, it's Hillary comes to the door and Bush and Cheney are surprised to see her.
It's like Halloween and she talks about the new detainee bill, HR 6166, and basically they say it's not torture and she disagrees with them and so
Uh, he ties Cheney, Bush ties Cheney to a board and straps him down and starts waterboarding and dunking his head in the bathtub.
And after he lets him up, you know, after a while, Cheney admits to basically killing JFK or shooting JFK, faking the moon landing and inventing AIDS.
And later on... What program was this on?
It was on Current, a TV channel, a cable TV channel, and you can go find it if you do a search on Google for, just type in Current TV Super News.
Current TV Super News.
We'll do a search.
Which email address did you send it to?
We'll go grab it.
I sent it to all of them.
Okay, well I'm sure, who knows, it's probably posted.
I haven't looked at the website in a few hours.
Yeah, I don't think it is, but they do have a lot more political cartoons there as well.
But of course, they make Hillary good in the piece.
See, anything they do, they show the other party is good, so they'll trick you into supporting it.
Meanwhile, they control the whole system.
And can I also mention another website that has over 400 videos, like about the New World Order and your films, etc.?
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, it's called documentaries.ws.
Yeah, I've seen it.
Melissa, thank you so much for the call.
I appreciate it.
Okay, Paul in Vancouver, Canada.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I have two questions.
Sure, fire away.
Yeah, really quick.
The first one is a historical question.
We know the Rothschilds, but basically,
They're the backbone of this New World Order.
Yeah, they hijacked the entire British elite's bank accounts in 1806 with the Battle of Waterloo and have been in the primacy since then.
Okay, so what they did was pretty clever.
So they got into control.
Now, they built up, from what I've read, Marx was an employee of the Rothschilds at one point.
Yes, yes.
And it was a way to con the serfs.
Out of the Renaissance that had been running for 200 years and all the new money and the new middle class, it conned the lower worker class into thinking that the middle class was the wealthy to have the elite steal the middle class's money.
Okay, now, which leads me to my question is, did the bankers build up Hitler?
Did they build up that German, was it them?
Yes, yes.
Okay, and what was the purpose?
Did divide and conquer, order by chaos?
Well, absolutely.
The British aristocracy, the Rothschilds, and the U.S.
power axis did build up Hitler, the head of IBM, the Bushes.
All of them built them up, kind of a wind-up toy, to basically invade Europe.
Then they withdrew their support once it started.
It's like they build up North Korea, they build up China, they build up Russia, they build up to have a fake bipolar or tripolar sometimes system and then they play those systems off against each other when really the attack is against any indigenous free country or population.
And then you notice that the Zionists, this is all public, big Jewish scholars have written books about it at universities, the Zionists then helped fund Hitler because they wanted him to persecute Jews, and especially Orthodox Jews, to force them to then go to Israel.
And if someone wouldn't go to Israel, they actually didn't allow them to get to New York or London, they made anybody who was allowed to escape pay a bribe, part of it went to the Zionists, through Hitler, this is all public, to then make them go to Israel.
Okay, so we know for sure that these people are almost single-handedly, as a family, hijacked
Let's be clear, the British had statescraft and triple agents and backstabbing and controlling piracy as letter of marks, roving and they were pulling all sorts of scams and so there was a lot of elites that still had power in Europe and the Rothschilds just married into the British royal family.
So now it's a hybridized German slash Jewish group and I wouldn't even call them Germanic or Jewish, they're just evil people.
It's like a breed of dog or something.
They bred two breeds together and they've got this superbreed ruling everything.
So, whether you're a Gentile or a Jew, it doesn't matter.
We're all under attack by these people.
And the Zionists tend to target real Jews themselves.
So, thank you for clearing that up for me.
You bet.
And they also fund the neo-Nazi groups to then attack good Jews, so then good Jews will go support the Zionists.
It's incredibly sophisticated.
So, and it's all by design?
Yes, sir.
It's all by design.
Okay, my second question is, why is it that I was watching Bill O'Reilly, and he actually said some pretty serious things against Fetzer, and he started saying things like, you know, we've got to get people after you, we've got to start investigating you guys, and all that.
Yeah, he mentioned a professor that O'Reilly had arrested, like he's a queen or something, he said, I'm going to have you investigated, had an innocent professor arrested, who was then found not guilty by a jury because he's a U.S.
And yeah, no, and then Hamdi the next night had his guest on saying that we're insurgents aiding Al-Qaeda with 9-11 truth, and yeah, we're hurting them bad, we're exposing the real terrorists, and so it's a very dangerous job that I'm in, but I'm committed to it.
And it's funny how they start saying this right after the Commissions Act, I believe, was brought in.
It's just funny how they... And they've got all the COINTELPRO people attacking me and a few others right now, so people won't listen to us because we've got the zeitgeist.
We understand exactly what's going on.
Okay, so here's my question.
Why is O'Reilly so scared to have you on the show?
Why did you bring Fletcher on?
Why didn't he bring you on?
I'll go on fire!
I challenge O'Reilly, because I know he's got his little slimy agent listening to the show right now, but I challenge O'Reilly to bring Alex Jones on the Bill O'Reilly Show and debate 9-11.
And I doubt he'll do it, because he'll get owned.
I appreciate your call, sir.
I have to give other callers a chance.
But you're a good caller.
I appreciate all the questions and comments and things you raise.
Fox has set me up five times in the last year via satellite or T1.
A lot of it's not satellite now, it's T1.
And you go to a little studio, you do it, and they always cancel it.
And again, finally they're trying to do it again, and I just said, you know what?
I'm not doing it.
They didn't want me to go to New York.
They had a bunch of family stuff going on, so I'm not doing it.
Hey Alex, it's an honor to talk to you.
I've listened to you for years.
I've never called in.
Love your show.
Thank you, sir.
Thanks for what you do.
God bless you.
The reason they won't have you on is because you'd eat their lunch.
That's why they won't have you on.
You could handle all their propaganda.
They have their way of interrogating that you just cut right through it and cut to the chase.
Well, what I would do is ignore whatever they were saying.
It'll go like this.
Oh, the victims of 9-11, you disgraced their memory.
They all disagree with you.
No, actually, the majority believe it's an inside job.
We've had the heads of the groups on, Bill Doyle and others.
Then they would say, you're aiding Al-Qaeda.
Then they would say, you're a kook, you're a nut, you're crazy.
And actually, if you start talking over them, they just cut your mic off.
Well, that's right.
And the way Hannity frames all the questions and the whole way that it's all framed,
It's like begging the question in logic.
You know, they have it set up, and you'd cut right through it.
Most people don't.
Most people don't even know what's happening to them, why it's happening.
Well, that's right.
They don't fight fair.
They're going to tell... I mean, in a debate setting, they would be disqualified.
That's right.
Anyway, what I wanted to talk to you about, I've been researching something that's fascinated me for years, is TWA Flight 800.
Happened like a year before.
Clearly blown up with two missiles.
Over 800 witnesses saw it, including over 100 law enforcement personnel, state police, city police, in a bunch of different jurisdictions.
300 plus of the witnesses were Navy and Army veterans, many of them Vietnam veterans back at the time when that happened in the 90s.
And they saw two missiles go up and hit the plane.
And I don't know why they blew it up.
Well, exactly.
And I never could figure that out why that either.
I couldn't figure out why the extensive cover-up.
Well, we know there were a bunch of Egyptian intelligence officers on board, just like almost that plane that blew up over Russia was full of Egyptian intelligence and generals, basically their entire leadership.
The other one that blew up over the Mediterranean was full of Egyptian military officers.
So basically, for some reason, they're always killing the Egyptian military.
I don't know.
Anyway, my theory is this.
There are, once in a while, actual real terrorist attacks.
You know, mostly it's false flag, government ops.
So I think we actually had an event where we had a real terrorist attack.
So it begs the question, why would the government spend all those resources?
All that time, you know, they had that scientist who found the missile residue and they threw him in prison, tried him for tampering with government
Well that's right, media people snuck into the hangar where they had the plane reconstructed and got some samples and found explosive missile residue from exactly what Ben Partin said it would be, former head of Air Force Weapons Development, a continuous rod missile and uh... exactly, that's exactly what went on.
They went and grabbed the people that went and got the evidence and this is what these criminals do.
Well that's right, my contention is this.
If you had Flight 800 be a terrorist attack, a real terrorist attack, 9-11 couldn't happen.
You know what I mean?
I mean, 9-11 took years to plan.
It's in the planning stages.
And that's exactly what a real terrorist would do.
Some Mujahideen who got in Stingers in the 80s, they would go out and get in a boat two miles off the coast and stinger that plane.
Well, exactly.
And if 9-11 is your big thing coming up on the horizon, nine months or a year from then,
They pop up with an actual terrorist attack, you marshal all these resources to stop it.
Well I agree, and I'm not saying this was that because of the Egyptians, it looks more like a hit, but if it was, let me just say this, and again this is a dead reckoning, it's not scientific, but from studying the events, about 40% of terror attacks are purely government ops against themselves, or against a client government who asked for the attack, politically.
I think so.
would be a provocative event where the suicide bomber doesn't know he's being funded by Mossad, Shin Bet, MI6, GRU, or any of the other groups, FSB.
But about 10% are real, pure terrorist attacks, and they're normally low-tech, and yes, if you talk to top-level intelligence people, and I appreciate your calls, I want to comment on this and go to more calls,
When you talk to high-level intelligence sources and people I trust and the history I've seen, the government stages attacks, there are also some real attacks, the lion's share of government attacks, which they do keep secret, but then they use in law enforcement briefings with state police, FBI, CIA, and they tell them the public would panic if they knew there had been all these attacks.
We have had chemical plants.
We have had refineries blown up.
It doubles as making more money for the oil companies because then they can have an excuse to jack up prices.
We have had more than we've ever had per capita now.
It's unnatural.
They also stage these events to scare people and again to ratchet up the fear inside and create kind of a spook mentality and atmosphere inside these agencies.
Just like before the real anthrax attacks there were
Hundreds of instances you can find on the news wires from Kansas to Texas to New York to California where these packets marked anthrax.
You open the letter, there's a letter saying anthrax and it's white powder.
And clearly then some a few times the government announced, oh that was a drill we were testing.
Most of the time they don't.
It's like when they had a fake nuclear spill in 2000 on I-35 and Kyle shot down the road.
Total pandemonium one time announced.
Five hours later it was a drill.
Rex, I-35 shut down, panic.
That was a psychological test and a preparation.
All the thousands of drills where they splatter fake blood on the kids and tell them homeschoolers are coming to kill them.
That's kind of a mass re-education center to create fear and hysteria and anti-gun mentality in the children as a pretext to turn the schools into prison ground training facilities.
So everything they do has a bunch of different reasons.
They do a cost-benefit and they piggyback a bunch of different programs to move their agenda forward through that basic algorithm.
Let's go ahead and talk to Scott in New York.
Scott, you're on the air worldwide in defense of the Republic.
Hi, I'd just like to make a few comments.
Sure, go ahead.
About cell phones, I would urge you and everyone within the earshot of my voice.
I had three cell phones and started learning about what they did and how they worked and all that.
I flat out got rid of them.
I went to a regular old-fashioned phone, which I'm calling on right now, and forget about this whole sperm thing.
If you go back a few months ago and you look at the egg test that the Swedish study did where they actually cooked an egg, that should have woke everybody up.
That was Russians and that turned out to be a hoax.
It was a hoax, really.
Oh, that's unfortunate.
I thought it was... Well, that's what they do to discredit us.
Now, we have hundreds of scientific institutions.
We have universities.
We have scientists.
We have industry studies.
Oh, yeah.
I knew this for a while, but I'm saying... What we know is it's microwave radiation.
There's two big studies out in the last couple days, it's in the press, that it does heat the brain after five minutes over a degree, and it does, when you put it in your pocket, or you use it, it does fry your very delicate reproductive factory.
And as far as I know, microwave radiation, that's radiation in the classical sense.
Uh, yes, it is a... That's not like, just like, you can talk about electromagnetics... No, it's extremely, it's an extremely destructive form of radiation.
Well, that's why you can put a hot dog in the microwave and in a minute it's going to be popped and spewing and shooting, you know, grease out both ends, because it causes the electrons inside the water molecule to bounce.
It speeds up the water molecule.
And that causes a friction, and literally, folks, it is a scientific fact
That after five minutes with an average cell phone radiation, some are higher, some are lower, the brain heats.
Localized heating.
I mean, what are we doing?
Where is my cell phone?
It was in here.
For those who don't know, we earlier talked about it in the first hour.
They track you like you're a piece of cattle with those things.
We were going to a funeral a year ago, and we were in Fort Worth, and we were lost, driving around like idiots.
And my dad, I said, Dad, you know your cell phone?
That has GPS.
They all have GPS.
And he said, well, it doesn't say GPS.
I said, call the operator.
They'll tell you where you're at.
He called the operator, and they said, OK, you're at the corner of, as we're driving by the sign, it said Maine and whatever.
My dad's like, wow!
And I'm like, yeah, wow.
Yeah, I think some people just don't get it.
Like there's the addiction factor.
They're just caught up in it.
No, no, no.
We have to all commit to at least use a pantry and to keep it away.
You have to keep it at least a foot in the main corona.
The main corona, the main sphere that has the massive cooking is a foot.
If you get further away, it's not quite as bad.
Yeah, we'll be right back.
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I think so.
I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Allen in Utah will be our final caller.
Before we do that,
Listen, I'm not doing this for nothing.
I mean, this is serious, what we're doing.
And for everybody out there who thinks they're part of this government, part of this system, you mean absolutely nothing to these people.
That's their power.
Their strength is, they're cunning, they're intelligent, and they're willing to use you up while they're patting you on the head.
I mean, we're talking about, you know, stabbing you in the back while they smile at you.
And this isn't just some old run-of-the-mill tyranny.
This is scientifically focused,
This is really... I just don't have words.
And I just ask God to protect all of those that are fighting this tyranny.
I ask God to move and protect our city.
You know, I know there's good left in the city, good left in America.
We're trying our hardest to fight this system.
I just can't believe it.
I feel like my life's been robbed from me.
This is not fun.
And I'm thankful for all of our affiliates, our sponsors, you the listeners, everybody.
Before we go to Allen in Utah, we're carrying America Freedom to Fascism.
While he was close to dying of cancer, Aaron Russo made this film.
It's very well done.
It's even better than what you saw in theaters.
It's got North American Union info added to it.
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We have the DVD here available at InfoWars.com.
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Okay, well thanks Alex.
I appreciate the job you're doing, and I'm going to get Mr. Russo's film.
I had the good fortune to meet him when he was running for Governor of Nevada.
He's a good guy.
The problem I have is Mr. Blood was subbing for you.
Yeah, I didn't hear it.
I was on Air America.
Okay, he was talking about FOB Falcon, and my son was there in FOB Falcon, and a lot of things that Mr. Blood said are true.
Well, I wish you'd have told people that, because I'd love to have you on as a guest, sir.
In a nutshell, what happened if the ammo dump that blew up?
Well, my son picked up the fins from the mortars that hit the ammo dump.
They're U.S.
mortars, lot number 12, 2005, lot number 9, 2006.
Okay, what happened?
The big explosion wasn't a nuke, it was 1,200 pounds of C4 going off.
Although the dispensary was overflowing, there were no deaths.
And the fourth ID is from Fort Hood, Texas, not Fort Bliss, Oklahoma.
Okay, he was reading a press report, because I didn't hear him, but I know of the press report, and I don't believe it was a nuke, because you see it exploding, and it's only a few miles away, and that's what an ammo dump looks like going up.
But I tell you what, sir, let me get your name and number off air, and I'd like to have you on tomorrow.
Well, Jack Blood's coming up.
You ought to come on with him and tell him.
But you know what?
I'm going to put you on hold.
I'm going to get that info from you.
Because I want to talk to somebody that was there.
All right.
We'll be back tomorrow.
God bless you.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.