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Name: 20061023_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 23, 2006
2451 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I tell you folks,
This office really is a war room.
I was kind of looking at myself.
I just sat back and looked at my office and what we do here just a few minutes ago, we were running around like army ants in the fight against the New World Order.
We are literally expending our full energy in this fight because we realize how serious and how much trouble this country is in.
It is Monday, and I'm so glad that you have joined us as we blast out on the growing list of wonderful AM and FM affiliates, simulcast via global shortwave WWCR, 11 to 2 central, back from 9 to midnight central, and of course on the internet at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, as well as JonesReport.com, InfoWars.net.
And all of our webmasters and writers do such a fabulous job, and I'm so honored to be working with all of them.
Well, guess who we've got coming up later on in the second hour.
He's scheduled for a full hour with us.
He's Gore Vidal, one of the foremost literary minds in the world today.
And he, of course, has spoken out against the official narrative, the official fable of September 11th.
And I have been over the weekend, and so has my research staff, since last week, been reading over transcripts of some of the interviews he's done on radio and TV, and the media always cuts him off when he tries to get into September 11th.
Well, we're going to let Gore Vidal say whatever he'd like to about September 11th here on the broadcast today.
And I've also got Aaron Russo joining us coming up in the third hour.
We'll have open phones with Mr. Vidal and with Russo.
And of course, in this first hour, any news item, any issue, any story you'd like to discuss, we will go to your calls.
Just please have your question and comment ready so we can move on to the next person so everybody gets a chance to get on air in between my lengthy babbling.
That's always important to do.
We also have a very sickening video clip from 60 Minutes last night.
Extremely sickening.
It's up on JonesReport.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
And that's Nancy Pelosi who's probably going to be the next speaker of the House and the Trader.
Says they will not move with impeachment hearings against George Bush.
There you have it.
The Democrats make me sick.
And you watch, when there's a Democrat president, if Bush doesn't stay in office and become like Kim Jong-il, which is a real possibility, they're going to be just as bad, probably even worse!
And suddenly all you Democrats who love this broadcast and who think I do a good job and who appreciate what we do here, you're going to be calling me a fascist again.
And then I guess if we're still around four or eight years after that, it'll be a Republican back in and you'll suddenly love me.
Don't forget, I don't like Bill Clinton.
He was a drug-dealing terrorist who carried out the Oklahoma City bombing, and who carried out Waco, and who butchered the Bill of Rights and Constitution to a great extent, and he's on the payroll of the Bushes, and he vacations with them, and he's a surrogate son of them!
And I'm sick of the two parties, they're one party!
This makes my blood boil.
You know, Ron Paul had the courage a few months ago on this broadcast, what, three months ago, last time he was with us, to say that he does believe Bush should be impeached and that we should have a separation of powers and that controlling three branches of government, that we're in a lot of danger.
But we're in the same danger from the Democrats.
It isn't the lesser of two evils.
It's one evil that we face.
One wicked force that we face.
And there's also neocon spin
In overdrive right now.
Telling us that the Military Commissions Act, H.R.
6166, doesn't affect U.S.
I'm going to blow that fraud apart when we get back.
Massive broadcast.
Strap yourselves in for the next two hours and 55 minutes, 20 seconds.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back my friends thank you we're now into the second segment on this live Monday edition 23rd day of October 2006 program note before I launch into the news and your phone calls coming up October 31st that's next Tuesday from 5 to 6 30 p.m.
I'll be giving a
About a 30 minute speech and taking questions and comments for another 30 minutes or so and signing my new film, Terror Storm, that will be launching nationwide in thousands of stores.
Hastings and Waterloo and Virgin, Barnes and Nobles.
In fact, I'm getting a whole list from my distributor.
It's going to be in stores all over the country.
Why is that important?
Because mainstream people who've never watched a film online, never seen an underground DVD or film, who don't even know what the New World Order is, are going to be wandering around in Barnes & Nobles and Hastings and Virgin Atlantic Records, and they're going to be coming across Terror Storm in the documentary sections.
And by the way, my distributor is actually paying money
Uh, to get in caps placed, uh, because they want to get this message out in all of the Barnes and Noble stores.
So please, if you want to buy with anonymity and you also want to support having even more of the films kept in the stores, be sure, starting, uh, October 31st, uh, to go into, uh, you know, to call your local bookstores, your local video stores and ask them.
Most of them will have it.
Do you have Terror Storm?
By Alex Jones.
But again, I'm not going to be traveling around the country doing a bunch of signings.
I may do a few.
I may go to New York or Chicago or L.A.
I've been invited to.
I'm not sure right now, but I know I will be October 31st.
That's next Tuesday at Lamar and Six at the huge
What video slash music store Waterloo Records right next to Waterloo Ice House Restaurant and I will be inside there for an hour and a half giving a speech taking your questions and signing Terror Storms and I hope to see many Austinites and Central Texans there on Halloween night Halloween afternoon also I put Terror Storm out for free on Google Video and it went as high as thirty
3738 on the top Google 100.
That is just one of the 20 plus versions that are out there.
A bunch of people have uploaded it.
Which has actually worked against us because
You get a couple hundred thousand watching this one, a couple hundred thousand watching that one, three hundred thousand watching this one, and then you add them all up together, it'd be at the very top of Google 100, but just one version of it, one upload of it, has gotten as high as the high 30s, and it plunged back down to 80, and then 89, and then out of the top 100 over the weekend.
Why do we care about having it in the top 100?
Millions of people every day go to the Google Top 100 for their TV viewing.
That's where people go to select.
There's so many millions of videos on there that most of them never get noticed or seen by wide numbers of people.
So we do want to drive it back up into the Top 100.
And I know a lot of you have been really working hard to do that.
I've seen you out there.
I know what you've been doing on the message boards and MySpace and the Google message boards.
Thank you.
I know you've been working your tails off and you've reached a lot of people because of it.
So again, I commend you.
Thank you.
There is a catch to all of this.
Quite frankly, when I really promote and hype the fact that my video is free, I don't sell any of them.
And if I'm going to be able to make the new film on the Bilderberg Group and the New World Order Pan-American Union slash Population Reduction Program, and that's my new film I'm working on right now on top of everything else,
On top of the interviews, my own show.
I mean, we are now in... I've never been working this hard.
I am in full attack mode right now.
We won't have the funds to make that film unless people go to InfoWars.com and order a copy on DVD to have the high-quality digital of Terror Storm.
Plus it has 68 minutes of extras for the 9-11 Neoconagentist Symposium that we had in Los Angeles in June.
The highlights of a two-day summit
Thank you.
at Infowars.com right now or call toll free 1-888-253-3139 888-253-3139 or you can simply write to me I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100 Austin Texas 78704
Now the ball is in your court.
We are risking our lives.
We're taking action like frankly no one else.
We are working harder than anybody else.
And all we ask is for your support.
And we know you have supported us.
It was a test to see.
I mean my stuff's been out there for free for a long time.
But we tested to see what happened.
And we did nothing but promote the free stuff.
And it's not a pretty picture.
But that's all right, ladies and gentlemen, because the main mission is getting the info out.
So please support us.
And yeah, a lot of people call and say, well, I'll just donate to you.
Donate if you've got the capital by buying 100 TerraStorm.
That way you know it's going to good.
That way you get something in your hand you can give to people that will wake them up like nothing else.
Or go buy the books and videos of other authors that we care.
Then you support us and you support them and you get the info.
So that's how you donate to us.
You go to InfoWars.com and you order the books, the videos, the books on tape, the t-shirts, the bumper stickers, the citizen rule books, a lot of it at cost.
Things like the bumper stickers and citizen rule books and things are at cost and we put free ones in every order.
So again, the goal here is information.
We traffic in ideas.
Ideas are wealth to me.
Knowledge is power and wealth to me.
And by the way, that's what it is to the elite, too.
They've trained you to fall down and worship baubles, to fall down and worship trinkets, to fall down and worship the emperor's new clothes.
The things the world tells you have value really have little or no value, my friends.
It's information.
That is truly power.
So take a big dive into the power, ladies and gentlemen.
The power of information and get to Airstorm.
Loose Change 2nd Edition.
9-11 Mysteries Demolitions.
The new video that we carry, of course, by David Ray Griffin.
An amazing documentary.
And it's 100 minutes long.
9-11, The Myth and the Reality.
All available at m4wars.com.
And please do your holiday shopping, your Christmas shopping.
AllInfoWars.com and on our local AM and FM affiliates.
You're listening to the great stations out there.
Support their sponsors.
The enemy controls the central banks.
They print the money.
But we can vote with our dollars by not supporting allied crime syndicate companies.
And by supporting the good companies that do support liberty out there.
Okay, that said, the toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231 will get you up and on the air.
Gore Vidal is joining us.
Eugene Luther Gore Vidal, born in 1925, is a prolific, versatile American writer of novels, stage plays, screenplays, and essays.
For nearly 60 years, he has been a public, often controversial figure in both the American literary and political scenes.
He is probably the number two living political literary mind.
Kurt Vonnegut is numero uno.
And we know Kurt likes the films and has sent me, out of the blue, I really am flattered by it, one of his hand-done drawings.
And he says he unappreciated Terror Storm and he won't come on the show.
In fact, he said about a year ago that he's never doing any more speeches or interviews.
I guess he's a man of his word.
He says he is now out of public life.
He went on Politically Incorrect.
Well, it's not what it's called now.
It's that Bill Maher show on HBO.
And talked about 9-11 being a cover-up and a bunch of other issues and fascism and a police state.
And then he did a, I think in Ohio, he went to a university and gave a speech.
And then said, goodbye!
It's kind of sad when those great minds do that.
That's what great actor is now said that
He is not going to be doing any more movies.
And here I am drawing a blank.
What's his name?
He's in the famous Cool Hand Luke.
He's in a bunch of films.
He was in that one with Tom Hanks where he plays the mobster a few years ago.
I just can't believe that all of you are out there going, we know his name!
We know his name!
Well, I don't.
I got too much information on legislation.
Global Treaties in my little pea brain.
It'll pop in my head as soon as I go to break.
But, uh... Paul Newman!
You know how I remember it?
I thought of the salad dressing and the cookies.
They make those little cookies that are chocolate chip.
I don't usually like sweets, but I like the little chocolate chip orange flavored ones.
And this is the last thing I hear around the house.
My wife bought a bag of them.
I basically inhaled them.
I like the Cookie Monster.
All right, I'm already digressing.
Gore Vidal joins us in the next hour, and then Aaron Russo joins us coming up in the third hour, talking about American freedom from fascism.
Very excited about his work and what that film's doing.
And we will have open phones, as I said, at 1-800-259-9231.
In fact, I want first-time callers, tell us if you're a first-time caller to go to the head of the line.
I'm not going to restrict long-time callers, but I want first-time callers and callers who also disagree, you, Trump, are long-time callers.
Not that we don't love our long-time callers, we just want to give people a chance you never can get on air.
So that's coming up.
After the break, I want to first get into Nancy Pelosi.
They're saying she's going to be the next Speaker if the Democrats get 15 seats in the House.
They've only got to get 6 in the Senate.
Or is it 7?
And they're going to do that easily, even with the electronic voting machines, because they're not in everywhere, the CIA-controlled systems.
But it won't matter, because the Democrats are the pit of evil.
They're not, you know, some evil doppelganger of the Republicans.
They are part of the same entity, part of the same organism, part of this thing,
It takes whatever form it wishes, but its actions are all the same.
Destroy liberty, debase the middle class, get rid of our sovereignty, go after our guns.
They're now hyping this Democrat for president.
I looked up his record, and he is a total gun grabber.
And you watch, they're going to bring out a little bit of 9-11 truth.
Oh yeah, Bush knew and let it happen.
Ah, ah, ah, don't try it, Democrats.
Bush was involved.
That is, the people that own Bush
As their little front man, they did it.
They did the attacks.
By the way, Mr. Steele, the former Marine Corps high-level, number two in Marine Corps intelligence, and high-level CIA officer, he's joining us this week.
He's now gone public on 9-11.
That'll be his first big radio interview on this subject.
We have him joining us Thursday.
Anyways, I'll get into the Democrats' traitorous activities.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns.
Yeah, the truth hurts, but it's better to know it.
Alright, so for all the Democrats out there that thought the Democrats were going to save you,
For those that don't realize that both parties are almost completely bought and paid for, and whatever party is out of power poses as if it's against the tyranny, and as soon as it gets in, it begins stabbing the Constitution in the throat immediately.
Now that wasn't always the case, but in the age of lobbyists and the New World Order, it is.
Here's the darling Nancy Pelosi on 60 Minutes last night saying there's not going to be any impeachment on her watch.
Here it is.
She has pledged that as Speaker, she would give the Republicans rights they've denied the Democrats, like allowing them to introduce amendments to bills.
But she may have trouble reigning in the Democrats' appetite for revenge.
There's already been talk of multiple investigations and impeachment of the President.
No, impeachment is off the table.
And that's a pledge?
Well, it's a pledge.
Yes, it's a pledge.
Of course it is.
It is a waste of time.
So that's completely off the table.
Wouldn't they just love it if we came in and our record as Democrats coming forth in 12 years is to talk about George Bush and Dick Cheney.
This election is about them.
This is a referendum on them.
Making them lame ducks is good enough for me.
Oh yeah, let's not bring the criminals to justice that lied us into war.
Let's not bring the criminals to justice that have spent more money than all previous presidents before combined.
Let's not go after the people getting rid of our borders and our sovereignty and signing onto the UN agenda.
Let's not go after the individuals that have been involved in so much incredible corruption like no-bid contracts and trillions missing from the Pentagon.
And I'll tell you why you won't because it's the Democratic leadership up to their eyeballs involved in all of this corruption.
That's why the Republicans didn't go after Bill Clinton on missile secrets or cocaine dealers in the White House or Chinese generals in the Commerce Department because the Democrats were all involved in it too.
You're connected at the hip
You're involved in all the same activities, the same dirt, the same pedophilia, the same payoffs, all of it!
We have to recognize that both parties are corrupt and owned by the International Crime Syndicate.
That's their overlords.
And you know what?
I shouldn't be chastising the public.
You do get it.
You do know it.
In fact, a lot of you are smarter than I am and you do get it.
And how do I know that?
I didn't count them up, but a guesstimation, just going back in memory, it's got to be about ten different scientific polls.
I mean, it's more than that.
The last two months, we've covered them all here on air, the last one was last Thursday, remember?
It was a New York Times, ABC News, scientifically conducted poll.
Eighty-four percent do not like either party in Congress.
16% approve of Congress.
The exact same number we got in a Angus Reid CBS New York Times poll.
And let me just correct myself.
The 9-11 poll with 84% believing that there is a cover-up.
Let me just stop there.
Let me stop and get the numbers all right here.
I'm so fired up today, I'm getting my info scrambled.
We have seen a score of polls reporting that over 80% do not agree with the entire government and both parties are out of favor.
We have the 9-11 poll two weeks ago that showed 84% believe that we're being lied to on 9-11, 16% think that we're not, and that poll was New York Times-CBS sponsored Angus Reid.
The poll of last Wednesday that we covered on Thursday was Wall Street Journal ABC.
There we go.
And that was scientific and showed that 84% disapprove strongly of everything the Congress is doing.
16% approve of the Congress.
So again, we're getting that exact number from separate scientific polling companies over and over again, and it is making the establishment very, very upset.
And you notice that these polls are scientific, and it proves they're scientific, that the media isn't hyping it.
If the polls showed that the majority agreed, or at least a large minority agreed with the government, you'd be hearing about it.
But no, you're not hearing about all these scientific polls.
They come out in the news, in a paper or two, maybe one nightly report, but that's it.
Because when you start getting 80 plus percent disagreeing, they start panicking.
Now, when you're talking about 36 percent in a Scripps Howard News Service, Ohio University poll, they hype that up, like, ooh, look how many!
36 percent!
Because, really, it has a psychological effect of making you think it's a minority.
But when it's 84%, 16% agreeing with the government, they are very quiet about it.
You can hear a pin drop.
Alright, we'll come right back, get into the Military Commissions Act, does affect U.S.
Stay with us.
We'll counter the lies.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Literary legend, one of the only living legends, almost up there with Kurt Vonnegut.
Garvidal will be joining us.
He's scheduled, as they say, in the next hour, for the full hour, talking about 9-11 and a host of other issues dealing with the fall of the Republic, the birth of the New World Order, how do we counter-strike.
As counter-revolutionaries, how do we get our country and our world back?
That's coming up.
I know we have loaded phones with first-time callers, Steve, Jimmy, Mike, Jack, Dave, and many, many others that are patiently holding right now.
We will go to your calls here in just a few minutes.
Yesterday on my new Sunday syndicated show, Affiliates, and I'd like it if you'd pick it up live or rebroadcast it.
Quite a few of you have.
4 to 6 p.m.
I read almost all of Pat Tillman's brother, Kevin Tillman's, letter that he put out to the media.
We're working on getting him on, by the way.
Very powerful.
I want to read this in its entirety sometime today if I have time.
If not, go up to PrisonPlanet.com and JonesReport.com and read it for yourself.
He really spells out a lot of the things that we have been saying here.
In fact, let me just read a few things he says.
Somehow faking character, virtue, and strength is tolerated.
Somehow profiting from tragedy and horror is tolerated.
Somehow the death of tens if not hundreds of thousands of people is tolerated.
Somehow subversion of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution is tolerated.
Somehow suspension of habeas corpus is supposed to keep this country safe.
Somehow torture is tolerated.
Somehow lying is tolerated.
Somehow reason is being discarded for faith, dogma, and nonsense.
Somehow American leadership managed to create a more dangerous world.
Somehow a narrative is more important than reality.
Somehow America has become a country that projects everything that it is not and condemns everything that it is.
He goes on to say that President Bush is a criminal.
He goes on to say that they are opposing and using the heroism of the troops and expropriating it as if it is their own.
He says it in stronger words.
It's a three-page article, three-page letter.
By Kevin Tillman.
Get me Kevin Tillman!
We've been working on it for a while.
But you know he's besieged by media.
But we're going to weasel it.
If anybody knows Kevin Tillman, help us.
We've got one contact who's trying to get in touch with him.
We knew him years ago.
In the Army Rangers.
So we are trying through that contact.
All right, let me get into one of the biggest news stories, one of the most important things, and we'll go right to your calls.
Military Commissions Act does affect U.S.
And we have seen the neocons, we have seen the liberals, we have seen the minions, we've seen all the liberal websites going, it's a horrible bill, H.R.
It means that legal immigrants can have their liberties stripped and their freedoms.
The left, always running defense for the neocons, the establishment left.
If you read the bill, it clearly says four separate places, citizens, and the federal rulings in the previous memos and policy papers put out by the president and his designates states that the trick they play is, it's so simple, is they strip you without a procedure, without a court, the president, the defense secretary, any designate strips you
of your citizenship the moment you're arrested as an enemy combatant.
And I have the federal court rulings quoted and linked to them in this article that Paul Watson and I wrote yesterday morning for you.
I got so mad yesterday morning because I was going around the web and looking at news articles and for the first three weeks it was It Affects Citizens, It Affects Citizens, all the law scholars, all the experts, all the people that know what they're talking about, everybody that read it, the congressman, Ron Paul, everybody.
And then suddenly the media, none of them changed their tune because it is what it is.
Suddenly all these people come out of the woodwork telling us, no, no, it doesn't affect citizens, no, no.
Because early in the bill it says it doesn't affect citizens.
But then it plays a little lawyer trick later of saying when they arrest you as an enemy combatant, you are no longer a citizen.
Again, guilty until proven innocent.
And so let me just read the three page article and then we'll go to your calls.
Military Commissions Act does affect U.S.
Please go to PrisonPlanet.com.
It's still in the General News section.
And get this and email it out to everybody, okay?
Because I'm really getting mad.
And you should be mad, too.
Because why do they want to do this?
If they're able to convince people it doesn't affect them, then everybody will go to sleep, we won't have a repeal of this, or we won't have America get angry over this.
Either way, we win.
People won't recognize the tyranny, and we're going to be in a lot of trouble.
In fact, editor and publisher is saying the same thing today.
In fact, here it is.
This came out today.
How to make a power grab mundane.
The Washington Post story today, Bush signs terrorism measure, looks like another routine report on the approval of a piece of legislation.
Accompanied by the usual he said and she said quotes, a typical reader might shrug at this point and shift to the sports section to read the latest autopsy on the Redskins.
Will we know when a dictatorship has arrived?
Not from reading the Washington Post.
By the way, editor and publisher is highly respected.
The Post story today, Bush Signs Terrorism Measure, looks like just another routine report.
Approval of the piece of legislation accompanied by the usual he says, she said.
So that said, let me get into this article that we wrote now.
They did the same thing with the Patriot Act.
One of the articles says all that.
I always do that.
When I write an article,
I tend to tell you what I wrote first and then read it.
How about I just read it?
Military Commissions Act does affect U.S.
Recent application of terror legislation proves American citizens not exempt from intent of bill.
By Paul Watson and Alejandro Jones.
Neocon government mouthpieces and others are claiming that the Military Commission's Act of 2006, which heralded the official end of the Great Experiment of the American Democratic Republic, does not affect U.S.
citizens, only illegal aliens and foreign terrorists.
Recent history of how terror legislation was used to target American citizens clearly indicates the legislation will be used domestically and has been.
A coordinated effort to downplay the implications of the fact that the bill affects American citizens
In the face of extensive coverage on the part of Keith Olbermann is underway in an attempt to offset the possible repeal of Booster Coney legislation.
The most recent example of a U.S.
citizen being targeted using terror legislation involved BBC investigative journalist Greg Pallast, who is an American.
Who was working for ABC at the time.
Who was pursued by Homeland Security and charged with unauthorized filming of a critical national security structure.
An Exxon Oil refinery that was readily available to anyone with an internet connection to Google Maps.
Under Patriot Act legislation, the charge was later dropped after an activist outcry.
The recent historical precedent for U.S.
citizens being charged under legislation originally passed in the name of combating non-U.S.
terrorists only provides clear motivation for the Military Commissions Act to be used in the same way.
Since 9-11, the Patriot Act has been used in numerous cases involving American citizens, including the homeless, strip club owners, toy store proprietors, and we have links to all of this, owners of websites, writers, activists, photographers, and common criminals.
Section 802 of the Patriot Act is specifically aimed at U.S.
citizens and announces any crime as domestic terrorism, or the attempted crime is, I would add.
Citizens can be held without trial as enemy combatants.
The fourth U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals, we have a link to the ruling by the way.
Good try those that were lying about this.
The 4th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in January 2002 that U.S.
citizens can be stripped of their citizenship and held as enemy combatants.
Therefore, any legislation passed by Bush automatically applies to American citizens because, as the Washington Post reported, after 9-11, Bush announced his parallel legal system in which he could declare any individual on the planet an enemy combatant and order their summary execution.
The Bush Administration is developing a parallel legal system in which terrorism suspects, U.S.
citizens and non-citizens alike, may be investigated, jailed, interrogated and tried, and punished without legal protections guaranteed by the ordinary system lawyers inside and outside the government say.
It's the Washington Post.
The trick being played on the American people is falsely assuring them that they are not the target is simple to decode.
The Act states that it only applies to enemy combatants, yet the President and his legal advisors, like Alberto Gonzalez, have routinely announced that the President has the power to strip Americans of citizenship and declare them to be enemy combatants.
See, it's a cheap parlor room trick, folks.
It's a projection.
The enemy combatant designation has ascribed to U.S.
citizen Jose Padilla, who was interned in a Navy brig for three years with no charges against him.
Top legal experts and scholars are nearly unanimous that the Military Commissions Act does affect American citizens.
Yale law professor Bruce Ackerman states in the L.A.
Times, the compromise legislation authorizes the President to seize American citizens as enemy combatants, even if they have never left the United States.
And I want you to watch very closely
That it's not just liberals and phony conservatives and neocons that are out saying this bill doesn't affect citizens.
It's other people.
And I'm taking notes.
And I want you to take notes.
People out there telling us we're not in a police state.
People telling us this doesn't affect citizens.
People who poo-poo what we say.
You need to watch them and take note of that.
Because at key points, the enemy reveals themselves.
They reveal themselves.
Oh, that makes me sick.
I'm Professor Jonathan Turley.
You know how many professors?
We did a search for this story and found over 20 top professors, liberal and conservative, who've read the bill, who all cite the exact sections.
But again, they tell you it doesn't affect you.
Just like they did with the Patriot Act.
And then, remember Ashcroft said, oh, there's phantoms of lost liberties.
These people telling these lies that it's being used in non-terror related cases.
They're helping Al-Qaeda.
Remember, that's in Police State 3, talking about Slademan.
I want to go get that clip.
He says, we are helping Al-Qaeda!
It's double speaking what he says.
He says, it doesn't affect U.S.
citizens and it doesn't affect non-terror related cases.
But then he says, if you say it does, you're helping terrorists, when it clearly does.
And now, after everybody forgot about it, thousands of cases.
They're using it at the local level.
See how these people work?
Professor Jonathan Hurley, who teaches constitutional law at George Washington University, agrees that the bill contains no provision in which American citizens are exempt from the intended legislation, and outlined this during a recent appearance with Keith Oberman's MSNBC, and we have the quotes of that in the article ends.
Okay, go get it!
And cram it down the throat of anybody that comes to you going, it's not true!
What Alex and Keith Oberman and all these law professors say isn't true!
It doesn't affect us!
Everything's alright!
They're not building FEMA camps!
Bush is an anti-gun!
There's no North American Union!
They're not putting mercury in the vaccines!
They're not putting AIDS virus in the vaccines!
They're not putting cancer viruses in the vaccines!
Radiated beef sprayed with live viruses is nutritious!
Just tell them to shut up!
It's this type of willful denial that is gonna kill us!
And I mean kill us!
You see, people, I realize this is life and death, okay?
Let's rampage through your calls.
I gotta move quicker because I got Gore Vidal coming up with a bunch of other stuff.
And please don't send me an email telling me I shouldn't get upset.
The death of this country should make all of us literally have our temples pumping right now.
Steve in Utah, welcome.
Hit me, Steve, are you there?
Hello, sir.
How are we doing today?
Well, I'm not doing too bad, really, but go ahead.
Thank you, we appreciate you out here.
I'd like to point some news out.
I was watching the news last night and
The local station said some guy was flying in from Canada to Salt Lake City and then out to Hawaii and he was a scientist and he didn't, he checked in in Canada but he didn't make it to Salt Lake City.
His luggage was checked in, he was checked in but he didn't make it and I'm just concerned whether this guy's getting tortured somewhere or being held against his will.
I don't have much more... That's, I mean, secret flights and secret grabbing off the street is freedom.
I mean, when you're out walking your dog and somebody jumps out and throws a bag over your head and drags you away never to be seen again, that's freedom!
That's what George Washington fought for!
Hey, listen America, I don't want to be held against my will.
I don't want to be tortured.
Torture's good!
I don't want this.
You don't want this.
We don't want this.
You guys need to get up and do something.
And take responsibility or something because we're all going to be in a heap of hell here pretty soon.
I appreciate your call.
And again, why do they want tyranny?
It's so they can abuse the general public, fools.
And I'm talking to those that they're in denial.
Tyranny is so they can literally financially rape you.
It's so they can humiliate you.
It's what control freaks want.
It's the ether in which they swim.
They're just trying to turn our political system into an atmosphere that they can thrive in.
Jimmy in Canada, welcome.
I wanted to address a couple of issues.
You've got Gore Vidal coming on.
He used to know Jack Kerouac and all those beatniks.
I used to be a big fan of Jack Kerouac.
In his later years, Kerouac kind of disavowed the whole New Age movement and the hippies and everything.
I was wondering if you could ask Gore Vidal what he would
I think that Jack Kerouac would say about all this national security fake terrorism and all, you know, if he was still around and kicking.
Okay, anything else?
One other thing, you kind of wondered about this Ahmadinejad from Iran.
Ahmadinejad, yeah.
Right when everything was settled... Where he was coming from.
Yeah, right when... I'm sure he's an agent now.
In fact, I had a note to talk about that.
And of course, to mention something like that sounds ridiculous to people that haven't researched it, and I could do an hour on it just trying to show you the basic proves.
But... But, I mean, you know about Hoxhaki.
I mean, they're basically Iranian Masons.
They were set up by the Shah.
to persecute Baha'is in Iran, and they opposed the Iranian revolution on the grounds that, you know, injustice and tyranny would bring on the 12th Mahdi.
And it's also, exactly, and it's also well known that two years ago, right before the election, Iran openly, and Dinesh, I was already in, openly endorsed George Bush.
Just type in, Iran endorses Bush for President.
It was a serious, state-sponsored media, and I appreciate your call.
You know, he brings up a key issue, let me just give you a thumbnail sketch.
They used the Wahhabis to overthrow Mosaddegh by staging terror attacks in 1953.
That's declassified.
Then when the Shah came in, the CIA flew Ayatollah Khomeini out to France.
Then they helped fly him back in and made a deal with him to grab the hostages and to not release them in exchange for money and missiles.
That is admitted, by the way.
And then they always attack, and always shoot their mouths off, and do all of this, and then we get into this propaganda of, oh, let's not attack Iran, and I even get sucked into that, and we don't know what to believe, and we know in 1999 that they hired the Iranians through Bin Laden.
The money went to the Iranians, and that went to Bin Laden.
Senate report, Alfonso Amado, Republican report, Clinton made the deal to attack the Serbs, and the Serbs fought back against Al-Qaeda, Al-Qaeda, then we went in and attacked them.
But the globalists are always stabbing each other in the back.
It's like Saddam was CIA, 18 years of age, 1954, recruited, trained in Egypt for two years, sent back in, put in his head of battle security in 69, overthrew the regime in 79, given 30 plus billion dollars by the US to attack Iran, then they stabbed him in the back, so they may be stabbing Iran in the back now, I don't know anymore.
I just know that yes, the Wahhabis and the Muslim Brotherhood, at least the core of it, that were with Hitler, are with our government now,
We'll be right back after this quick break, my friends.
It's clock and dagger.
It's sophisticated information.
But when you study it, you see the incredible architecture of the enemy operation.
They're not inept.
They're not buffoons.
They're in control for a reason.
They're cunning.
They have the genius of evil.
We'll be right back.
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You know, I really can't do justice to documenting how Muslim extremism is run by our government.
But I have really documented in my research, and others have, that it is controlled 100% by our government.
And little does a young Muslim know when they suicide bomb themselves on the occasion, about 40% of the time it's actually a real person and not just a bomb and they claim it's a suicide.
They believe they're fighting for their Jihad and they're not.
I've got to write a book about that.
I've got to make a film about that.
I've got to like detail it because you can prove it!
And I kind of at the end there just spurted out Nazis in the bushes and the Nazis had the biggest intelligence network in Europe and the most professional.
The Gestapo.
The Gestapo was the intelligence arm of the SS.
Formed out of the Secret State Police, formerly from Bavaria.
Or was it Prussia?
My memory fails.
Side issue!
It doesn't matter.
And they went into the Middle East, they went into Central Asia, and they made deals.
Well, you know they were in North Africa, you know they were in Tripoli, you know they were in
Well, where Qaddafi stomps around today, Libya.
You know, they were in Egypt.
They also had emissaries in Iran.
What is Iraq today?
They made a lot of deals.
And all those connections, all those networks got picked up.
by the CIA, and they used him in 1953 to overthrow the good leader, Mohammed Mosaddegh, the poet, the pro-America.
The guy wore a suit and tie, the guy was pro-U.S.
Not going to happen!
We don't want that!
They want scum!
They want war!
They want death!
And they funded Muslim extremists all over the region to kill every good leader, just like they did in Egypt with Anwar Sadat.
And this is just history.
And they use them to attack the Serbs.
They use them to attack us.
They use the Arabs to blow up the Oklahoma City building.
That is Arab to be seen out front in case they got busted.
They were going to fall back and claim it was Arabs.
They're really U.S.
government agents and we have mainstream news.
We know their names.
We know the state police.
We've interviewed the detectives.
It's admitted.
It's in my film Road to Tyranny.
We spent 44 minutes of that three-hour film just in Oklahoma City.
And they've got 5,000 Iraqi terrorists in every town and major city of this country right now.
With plastic explosives, with machine guns.
Do you know what 5,000 special forces troops can do?
Do you know what they can do in about 20 minutes?
5,000 special forces troops with plastic explosives, rocket launchers, and machine guns can bring this country to its knees.
Pre-placed special forces can bring any country to its knees in a matter of hours.
Now the government could respond and repulse the attack, but the stock market would crash, there'd be panic, hysteria.
Hundreds of thousands would die from the panic alone.
Not to mention the hundreds of thousands the terrorists would kill.
And those Iraqi terror teams are in place right now.
And you say, well, they're Iraqi.
No, Iraq was our ally in the 80s.
They were trained as commandos.
Here, they were taken out at the end of the Gulf War by Bush Sr.
and then another group of 2,000 by Bill Clinton.
A total of a little bit above 5,000.
We're talking L.A.
Times, Washington Post here.
Oh, yeah.
That's what we're talking about.
It's in Road to Tyranny.
And they are hardcore.
So when the government says the Muslims may hit us any minute, oh, they're not joking.
But they're not Muslims.
They got million dollar bank accounts, every one of them.
They live in palatial homes.
They drive around in sports cars.
They got tattoos all over them.
They got high dollar hookers living with them.
And all they gotta do is the day they get that phone call, they'll blow up a few buildings and shoot a bunch of cops.
We'll be right back.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I have the Wikipedia bio here.
I also have several other bios, literary bios of Gore Vidal.
I tried to cover all of this.
It would take several hours.
But he is one of the only living literary legends right up there with the great folks like Kurt Vonnegut who is on board with what we do here.
And we are so honored to have Gore Vidal with us.
I spent a lot of time last week and this weekend and showed him my crew.
Well, very happy to be there.
And looking forward to actually being in Austin.
Fairly soon, for the first time.
That's right.
Well, we're on all over the country, but our home base is Austin, and I certainly look forward to coming out and maybe getting a 10-minute interview with you for my local TV show, but tell us why you're going to be in Austin and what your latest work is.
Well, I was invited.
There's some sort of a festival going on, I think.
Oh, yeah.
In Austin, and I have a new book of essays, of memoirs,
Oh, point-to-point navigation.
Covers the last 4,000 years of my life.
Or maybe it's just 40 years.
Seems like 4,000.
And I will be chatting about whatever people want to chat about.
And I'm very curious.
There's a wonderful writer that I knew quite well from Austin.
Lived in Austin, anyway.
Bill Brammer.
He still remembered?
Yes, he is.
He wrote a book called The Gay Place, which was about
It's about the state legislature, the guys in it, and their problems.
The governor of the state is very close to Lyndon B. Johnson's character.
It's wildly funny.
It's one of the best political novels ever written.
It should be better known to Americans wherever they are.
Well, in fact, I don't have the printout in front of me, but I'll get it during the break.
It's the big Texas Book Festival.
It's huge, and you're going to be there, so we'll tell folks about that coming up after this break.
These days, I just want to get a gauge of where you're at, sir.
What are you thinking about most these days, Gore Vidal?
Well, I'm thinking most about the coup d'etat post 9-11, in which we lost the Republic, and I find that disturbing.
So the only way that I could
do something about it.
I've been stumping all over the state of California for Democratic candidates for Congress and I've gone further afield around the country and pointing out some of the dangers and some of the contradictions of the junta that currently rules us and beginning to feel that a tide is changing
The first twinge of optimism that I've had in some time.
That is what I'm doing.
Well, you're right.
The tide is turning.
The problem is people like Nancy Pelosi are going to try to co-opt it and ensure that revolution doesn't have teeth.
She was on 60 Minutes last night promising she's going to shield George Bush from impeachment.
That's a mistake, of course.
And she can't stop it.
Once it starts, once the
The Democrats have organized the House.
Even though she may be the Speaker of the House, she could be overruled.
The Judiciary Committee has got good people on it, like John Conyers.
And if the Senate also goes, then you'll have Lay and really good people on the other side.
Gore Vidal, stay there, sir.
We've got a long segment coming up.
Plenty of time to talk.
The death of the Republic.
It's happened.
It's on the gurney.
And we can try to get out the defibrillators and try to shock the heart back into motion.
Will we do that?
We'll be right back with Gord Vidal.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Looking at my call board here, I know we have calls from as far away as Australia, Canada, and we're going to take calls the last 15-20 minutes or so in this interview with Gore Vidal, but specifically it needs to be a question for Gore Vidal.
Again, we don't screen calls here, but I ask the listeners when we have a special guest.
I don't think so.
Yes, we are.
And it's not just Gore Vidal saying that now.
He's been saying that for five years.
Now it's Keith Uberman.
Now it's Lou Dobbs.
Now it's almost every constitutional law scholar.
They're putting into law things that Hitler didn't even get put on paper.
He just did it.
And we're going to be talking to Gore Vidal about that today.
Gore Vidal, again, thank you so much for joining us, sir.
Speaking about the death of the Republic, from your unique perspective, historically, why do you say the Republic is dead?
Well, you know, I lived through... This is California sinus that you hear.
I lived through most of the 20th century.
I was brought up in Washington, D.C., in my grandfather's house, and he was a blind man, but he put together something called the State of Oklahoma.
And was elected their first senator in 1907 and served till 37.
And the Constitution and our Republic was very much on his mind.
He used to say to me, just as a kid growing up, he knew I was going to be political in some way.
He always said, remember that the only phrase that matters in all of our great public papers is due process of law.
I mean, that was tattooed on my brain, and it's still there.
And when we lost habeas corpus in a recent paper by Mr. Gonzalez and his masters, I thought, wow!
I didn't think I would live so long to see that one go, because that's Magna Carta.
That takes us back to the 10th or 11th century.
1215, yeah.
Indeed it does.
Spirit of Runnymede runs no longer in our Republic and a number of things were very disturbing.
One was the two stolen elections of the year 2000 and 2004.
There's some disagreements on to what extent and who did it and so on, but electronic balloting machinery seems to have been responsible for a great deal of the theft.
That took place, first in Florida in 2000, then in Ohio in 2004.
Now, when I really took alarm, I've always hated the New York Times for many, many good reasons.
Because it covers up so much that it ought to be... But then poses as if it's, you know, the trusted name.
I would call it fake liberal.
Fake liberal, whatever it is, it's fake.
And the paper of record, I mean, it's no such thing.
And, you know, this really was an alarm bell in my head.
Apropos of the election of 2004, a first-rate congressman called John Conyers, who is the ranking Democrat of the Judiciary Committee in the House and will be head of the committee should the Democrats come back,
He went up with a pretty big crew of investigators to Ohio to investigate the Secretary of State there, who was up to all sorts of mischief, a man called Blackwell, who's now running for governor.
And there was a lot of work done on who had stolen what election, who had made it impossible for certain minorities to vote by saying that they had the same names as felons and so forth, all the usual negative nonsense.
So, Conyers came out with a report on it, which was a small book.
To be helpful, I said I would write a preface to it.
He had a publisher in Chicago, where it was duly published.
Now here it is, all, there it is right in front of you.
Who was where, when, at what polling booth, and how the vote was reversed, how many Diebold machines were used, how many Sequoia, and so forth.
Thank you.
From a distinguished member of Congress, from the Judiciary Committee.
And let's be clear, and again we're talking to Gore Vidal, the famous author and researcher, they didn't just review it and try to poke holes in it, which they knew they couldn't, they just refused to review it.
They refused ever to mention it.
As did the Washington Post.
As did, I think, the Wall Street Journal.
The only paper any of us has ever heard of that reviewed it was the Boston Globe.
And I thought, really, if the principal newspapers of the country refuse to take notice of the fact that a presidential election has been twice stolen, and an imposter is pretending to be president, and guiding us straight into wars, which benefit his cronies and companies like Halliburton, then we've had it.
There is no republic.
And we have no redress.
The judiciary has been corrupted.
The Congress has been pretty hopeless for some time.
And what horrifies me most is that there's never any indication of, okay, 90% bad, 10% good is still happening.
It's every signpost as we're going into authoritarian, despotic fascism.
Every signpost screams, Stalinistic, Hitlerian, Maoist.
Every signpost shows hyper-tyranny.
Do you agree with that analysis?
Well, it's not an analysis, but it's a statement.
Yes, I do, pretty much.
We have.
You said earlier in the program that Hitler never got down to actually writing up his proclamations and so on, but just did anyway.
These people are now trying to give a gloss of legality to Mr. Gonzales, who is, to me, every time I see him, he's a reincarnation of Truman Capote, and he's not only talking about how quaint Geneva Accords are,
They have no idea of cause and effect.
If we don't sign them, this is how you treat your prisoners that you take in a war.
And we reserve the right to put them in terrible prisons, torture them to death sometimes.
It never occurs to these fools that that will be done to American soldiers.
I spent three years in World War II, and many terrible things went on in the Pacific.
Some for which Americans were responsible and some for which Japanese were responsible.
But everybody was trying to hold the fort on legalized torture, which certainly was not on offer.
It was certainly never certified from the highest levels.
Where do you see it going in the future?
Because Bush is a cornered rat, though he is a titan of a rat.
He's extremely powerful still, but I see him being cornered now.
We're in a catch-22.
If we don't fight these fascists, then they will expand their power.
If we do corner them, then they will still launch us into even bigger crises to try to cover their tracks.
What do you see happening in the future?
Our greatest difficulty at the moment is that the media is totally corrupted.
Starting with the New York Times, the media belongs to our rulers.
So in the old days, when something ghastly would go wrong, you could count on journalists writing about it.
TV, when TV was invented, radio.
There's nothing there.
There are no voices expressing
Much less say, every time you say, I'm wartime president, I'm wartime president, just say, well, you're not a wartime president.
You have to have a country for a war, and you cannot have a war unless declared by Congress, which they will not do, as subservient as they are.
So, why he isn't shut up on that issue, I don't know.
What do you see in your crystal ball from your 40 plus years of research and watching politics?
What does Gore Vidal see in the next two years?
I see the bankruptcy of the United States of America.
Follow the money.
The amount of money that they have siphoned off of our treasury for overruns and for mismanagement by Halliburton and friends.
We don't have that much money.
We are getting more and more broke.
I don't know if you noticed that two weeks ago, the army was asking for a little more money to buy some, I suppose, to buy bullets.
They were running out.
All the money has gone to big companies for high-tech stuff.
Which we don't need for the 22nd century, maybe.
It all goes into white elephants that aren't even for the real war-making capacity.
It's all gone to $15 million blue tarps that Halliburton calls permanent structures.
Indeed, yes.
And what do we need a permanent structure for in Iraq unless we're going to make a colony out of it?
And the Iraqis have already proved that they don't really enjoy our presence.
Well, you hit on something key, uh, integral, and that's that, uh, the last Fed chairman doubled the money supply in six years.
Bernanke says he's gonna double it in the next two.
I see it spiraling into hyperinflation.
Well, it's already begun.
I just read a story that, uh, in the L.A.
Times, that, um, the $40 entree is now here per restaurant.
Well, people who go to a first-rate restaurant know they're gonna pay a lot of money, but
These were for what they thought of as run-of-the-mill, ordinary restaurants.
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Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, blasting out worldwide on the M&M dial, shortwave, satellite, and InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Gore Vidal, I mean, again, his bio is so lengthy and everything he's been involved in, the things he's witnessed, the books he's written, the awards he's gotten.
If you don't know who Gore Vidal is, or only heard the name in passing, go to Infowars.com, read his bio.
Right now, I don't want to burn our time up doing that though, so spend some time and check out the new book he's got out as well.
Gore Vidal Foundations, you know, Hitler used crises he created as a pretext to gain control.
We know that the Roman Emperors loved to do this, problem-reaction solution, the Hegelian dialectic
We know that there is false flag terror.
Our government admits it staged terror attacks in 1953 to overthrow Iran.
They claimed our ships were attacked to expand the Vietnam War in 1964.
That's now been totally declassified.
There are countless examples of this.
9-11, and I've got a lot of the interviews you've done here, I've got some of the quotes and things you've said, and I've noticed a lot of these transcripts that you get steered out of it.
You've got the floor, sir.
9-11 is a foundational event.
The questions you've got, obviously I clearly know it's an inside
Okay, but let's get the sound level right.
How's my voice?
I'm bugging back.
First of all, I don't go along with those people who think that the Bushites did it.
And demonstrably they didn't because 9-11 was a brilliantly executed act of terrorism and they are not capable of anything brilliant.
So they couldn't have done it.
But they were ready to take advantage of it.
And all the information that was coming in... Putin in Russia warned us.
Mubarak in Egypt warned us.
Assad warned us.
All kinds of people were warning us that we were going to have
unpleasant visitors who are guys.
Did they pay any attention?
No, they did not.
They now pretend, oh, we didn't know about it.
Oh, we didn't know.
Oh, well, that wasn't accurate.
Well, they go, they all go on dithering, but they knew something was going to happen.
And they were ready.
Which means that they knew it would be expensive, whatever it was.
Do they know that buildings in New York are going to be blown up?
No, I don't suppose they do.
You bring up the fact that the head of Pakistani intelligence wired $100,000 to the supposed lead hijacker.
Well, Pakistan's known to be basically an MI6-CIA front.
You talk about how we had U.S.
troops mass there around Afghanistan in the months before.
Bush had a launch order on his desk to attack.
I mean, how do they have all that specifically ready?
I mean, in the quotes I've seen here from you, it looks like you're pointing towards, I mean, I guess, let it happen on purpose instead of made it happen on purpose?
Or what are you saying?
I think let it happen on purpose.
There is no proof of this.
There are moments when you go by opinions and moments when you go by the facts.
It is quite true that the head of the Pakistani Secret Service, he was in Washington meeting with Mr. Tenet, whatever his name was, the head of the CIA, at an ordinary bureaucratic meeting.
And while they were there, suddenly the head of the IS something-or-other, they call it, the Pakistani... Mahmood Ahmad ISI.
That's it.
He cables one of his people in Islamabad, where their headquarters is, to send $100,000, wire it, to Mohammed Atta, who is somewhere in the Midwest, and who is the principal, who is the chief,
of the gang that bombed New York and Pentagon and so on.
That has never been followed up on.
I found that in the Times of India, which is generally a pretty reliable paper, the Wall Street Journal even repeated the story about the time right after 9-11 saying that a warning had come.
And the 9-11 Commission said they're not interested in the money.
But I mean, how could he, the week before the attacks, wire this money when he's meeting at the White House, he's meeting at the House and Senate's Intelligence Committee Chairman, on the morning of 9-11 meeting with Goss and Senator Graham, Bob Graham of Florida.
They're all meeting there, and there's this $100,000 payment, you know, right before this happens.
Quick break, we're going to come back and talk.
More about this with our guest, Gore Vidal.
Sorry about all these breaks, sir.
This is the last big one.
About 15-minute segment coming up right after this with our guest.
We'll get into several other issues with Gore Vidal right here on the GCN Radio Network.
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And ask for George.
Gore Vidal is our guest.
Check out his incredible bio.
Literary legend joining us right now.
A great historian.
And Mr. Vidal, I've got to be honest with you.
Going from the transcripts of what I've read of what you've said on other radio shows and in print interviews and even overseas,
You have, what you basically said earlier, let it happen on purpose.
Then I look at Al-Qaeda, the fact that Brzezinski brags that in 1979 he founded it, they used him to attack the Serbs.
In 1999, Senate report, Alfonso Amado chairman, we know that these groups get financed, we know they build up these enemies.
When you look at the fact that they're abolishing the Bill of Rights, it has nothing to do with terrorism.
When we look at the fact that they're setting up this police state.
Bush has said it's a hundred year war.
Cheney said it's going to last two generations.
I guess that's the conservative estimate.
I mean, so you think that they're so inept though that they would just let it happen instead of make it happen?
I think they certainly took advantage of it.
They were ready.
And if you remember, at the time of Timothy McVeigh and what happened in Oklahoma City, immediately the Justice Department came up with a very draconian set of laws for us to live by.
The Omnibus Crime Bill.
Yes, the Omnibus Crime Bill.
And that was, alas, on Clinton's watch.
They never got a chance to put it through because the McVeigh thing didn't turn into a great national
Uh, revulsion.
And you corresponded, you corresponded more than anyone else, uh, in the press, according to the press reports I've seen, or is that accurate, Whit McVeigh?
Yes, I did.
And he was somebody deeply concerned, I'm not saying that I approve of what he did in blowing up a building, and killing a lot of innocent people, but simultaneously he was a hero in the Gulf War, he got the Bronze Star, Army was eager to get him back in,
And he's somebody who cared about the Constitution.
He was a rather learned young man.
And he wrote a number of pieces that were printed in newspapers at the time of his arrest.
There was a conspiracy back at him, and he was not going to sell out his fellow conspirators.
So suddenly he's condemned to death, and he decides, and he wrote this to me, he said, I have a choice now, he said, between
Or, uh, spending my life in a cement box.
Or, best of all, federally-assisted suicide.
And he said, I'm taking suicide.
Did you ever talk to Jollian West, his doctor?
What'd he say?
Oh, just Jollian West was one of the psychiatrists assigned to McVeigh.
Well, I've read his report on McVeigh, which is, you know, he's perfectly sane and very intelligent.
Gore Vidal, let me ask you a question here.
Corresponding with McVeigh, now he was videotaped.
The FBI admits they've seen the tapes.
I've talked to police that have seen it.
What about John Doe No.
Did he ever say anything about that Iraqi gentleman?
No, I've read about him.
He keeps popping up, you know, in all the material on this event.
And there were a couple of other Iraqis in town.
Oklahoma City is seeming a strange place for them to foregather.
Yeah, they got taken into custody later and they were ordered to be released by the Justice Department.
Were you aware of that?
I wonder why that would happen?
Well, it was, uh... It certainly was a good rehearsal for what was coming, and my point I was about to make was that, uh, once this, uh, omnibus crime thing existed in the Justice Department, now we have
A new Attorney General and so on.
It was put into effect.
It is the U.S.A.
Patriot Act.
It is the child of Clinton's immediate, hysterical, I think, response to what had happened in Oklahoma City.
And if H.R.
3162 is the son of the omnibus crime bill, what is H.R.
6133, the Military Commissions Act?
That's the invasion of Poland.
Oh, I agree with you there.
In fact, that's how my new film, Terror Storm, opens, is with Hitler.
You know, Hitler staged that attack on his own military base outside Blywoods to kick off the war.
That's now conclusively admitted to from the Nazi documents.
I mean, if Hitler could stage attacks on himself, why couldn't George Bush?
Because he had to finish reading My Pet Goat.
This is very difficult for him to read.
Well, you know, folks say that George Bush can't fight his way out of a paper bag, and that Rove and his handlers are buffoons, but I read an Israeli plan from 1983, and I read a 2002 Pentagon plan, which I could send to you if you haven't seen them.
I know you're very informed yourself, where they said they wanted to break the country in three parts, have it in a sectarian war.
Now, I think they were planning to cook a turkey.
They may have overcooked it, where it's imploding.
They went too far, but I think the strategy of tension and chaos was their plan.
I see that as genius.
I see Bush as an aspiring dictator showing great acumen, but you don't agree with that?
Oh yeah, but I don't think the brain is his.
I think it's Karl Rove.
I listened to him yesterday on television.
He's up in Buffalo, I think.
It's very, very clever and very mischievous.
I mean, this is a thoroughly bad man.
And quite interesting.
He was exciting the fears of everybody in the audience about everything.
They've got a mantra now, which is totally incredible.
If we don't fight them over there, we'll have to fight them over here.
Well, how the hell are they going to get here?
And to what end?
I mean, these are questions that you could shut these people up if there was any media to attack, or if there was a Congress which was capable of oversight.
Well, the Army's own report in the National Intelligence Assessment, unanimously, if you believe in the real terrorism paradigm, shows that this has increased the threat of terrorism two-fold.
I should think even more than that.
I mean, we've turned... There are one billion Muslims on Earth, and there are 300 million of us.
We are outnumbered.
And the money is also on their side, too.
We don't have it anymore.
But, sir, Gore Vidal, that's the neocon plan, is to P-2-O-G, the Pentagon Plan 2003, to, quote, stir up and elicit terror attacks, again creating the tension as a pretext to widen the war.
Well, I don't disagree with that.
I have no evidence of it, but it's certainly... That is what is happening, let us put it this way.
So if it is happening, it must have a parent of some kind.
Well, I agree.
Back to 9-11, sir.
Again, you're gracious to join us in a moment.
I'm going to plug the... In fact, I'll just do that right now.
Coming up is going to be the Texas Book Festival.
We have a link to this up on InfoWars.com.
Gore Vidal is the top featured speaker after Barack Obama.
Obama, The Audacity of Hope, and Gore Vidal will be the featured author of the Literary Gala at the 2006 festival.
He will be in conversation with Maureen Dowd on Sunday, October 29th from 2 to 3 p.m.
at the Paramount Theater, free to the public.
Texas Monthly editor Evan Smith will also moderate, and I hope to get 10 minutes with Mr. Vidal for the local television show.
He'd be gracious enough to do that.
I respect your research of history.
I respect
What you're saying, I mean, you're spot on about the tyranny, you were spot on day one about 9-11.
Let me bring you back to this.
Do you remember a few weeks after 9-11 you were on CNN?
I guess it was a few months.
I tried to find the clip, but I saw it, one of my staff saw it.
One of my crew witnessed it.
And you're on there and you said, I just want to thank CNN.
This has been the first time in months I've been allowed to go on a TV show without military intelligence stomping around in the background.
Was that a joke, tongue-in-cheek, or did that really happen?
That really happens.
Happens quite often.
Oh, please, tell us about it, sir.
Well, I was on with... What is that guy?
Charles something.
He's got a morning show on CBS.
I have blanked out his name.
Well, it's fine.
It'll pop in your head in a minute.
You were on a CBS morning show.
Go ahead.
And it was at the time of Timothy McVeigh's event in Oklahoma City.
And I was in Italy and they sent a crew over.
The crew came down from London for TV to be on the morning show and so on.
And Mr. Gibson, I think he's called, Charles something.
And I start to go into the background of why Timothy McVeigh did what he did.
He had declared war on the federal government because of what had happened at Waco.
And they had
Gone out of their way to destroy a bunch of religious nuts who were all living in a compound with Mr. Koresh.
They killed men, women, and children.
And they could have grabbed him any day, jogging to town.
Oh, they could have done it.
So many things.
And also, they did the totally illegal, they used the U.S.
Army and its weaponry to incinerate these innocent people.
And that's, you know,
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1875 says you may not use the American Army against the American people, no matter how much order you think you should be keeping.
And they did that, which broke the law.
McVeigh, who was momentarily out of the Army, where he had been much decorated in the Gulf War, became absolutely furious.
He saw that everything he cared about, and he knew about the Constitution,
This was not just another dumb kid with a penis on him.
He was a very bright man.
And suddenly, he just went ape.
And he said, okay, if you're going to do that to these innocent people, he didn't know any of them.
But out of a sense of justice, which few Americans have, he decided, okay, I'll get back at them.
And I'll blow up the federal building.
But you're on this TV show, you're saying this, what happens?
I'm saying this, but I'm giving you what I'm saying.
Now, in the middle of saying it,
The sound man, a guy from England, said they'd pull the plug on you.
I said, no, something's gone wrong with the machinery.
He said, no, and I've been talking, Mr. Gibson was trying, had contradicted me about Waco.
The government had done nothing wrong at Waco.
Well, everybody knew that they had.
And I said, well, everybody knows.
You can find out about it here, you can find out about it there.
In the middle of that,
The sound, the audio was unplugged and I am talking into air.
Now I know how these things are done.
I've been on television for 50 years now.
I know how programs work and I also know how censorship works.
I can't point a finger at who the spook was or from what department he came.
I know that voices that they don't want to hear, instead of saying, as you suggest, you know, or using my favorite word on CNN, briefly, says Wolf, uh, Mr. Vidal, what is the meaning of life?
Oh, I'm sorry, we're out of time!
Well, we'll get back to that after the break.
Which they do on purpose.
You can see somebody come on for 30 seconds, a minute.
This happened to me.
You said the wrong thing.
Okay, now we're going to this film clip of something else.
And they hit the ejection button.
Oh yeah.
We are heavily censored, let us put it simply in one sentence.
But how is the elite, you talk about our overlords, how are they going to deal with the fact that alternative websites telling the truth can pop up and be bigger than the Dallas Morning News website in a matter of months?
Yes, folks, it took us eight years to get bigger than the Dallas Morning News at PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
Now, 25-year-olds can start a website in three months.
Be ush!
Because they've got what people want to hear.
How is the establishment going to deal with that?
They'll find a way of wrecking it.
I don't know what the FCC is up to at the moment.
Well, you're right, sir.
That's what they're saying.
That's what they're now doing.
They're saying they're going to tax it, regulate it, shut it down.
Yes, of course.
They cannot have free speech in the United States.
Because free speech, ultimately, will define them, name them, and describe their crime.
And the decent opinion of mankind, as Thomas Jefferson would put it, will go into effect.
I have enough of an optimist to think that's true.
What about government-sponsored terror itself?
You're a historian.
I mean, I would imagine you certainly agree that governments do stage terror attacks against themselves to mobilize their population.
You know, waving the bloody shirt or agent provocateur.
There's different ways of doing it.
Can you comment on government-sponsored terror itself?
Well, we know quite a bit about it thanks to Herman Goering, who did all that sort of thing for Hitler.
And at Nuremberg, he was being interviewed by a rather bright journalist.
They just got down and started to really chat.
The journalist said, how on earth this most civilized country in Europe was Germany before the Nazis took over?
How could you get those people to fight these terrible wars and do terrible things in concentration camps?
Goering said, well, it's very easy.
Obviously, no sane man is going to join an army and get himself killed, even for loot.
People are not like that.
But he said, if you frighten them sufficiently, the Red Bolsheviks are coming, the Russian hordes are coming, they're going to sweep the Germans into the sea, they're going to destroy us.
Unless we fight them now.
Well, if we don't fight them over there, we have to fight them over here.
Even that mantra has been learned by the little man in the White House.
So, Goering put it very neatly.
You frighten people.
The fight keeps going.
We'll see before the election on the coming Tuesday.
We'll suddenly see that we've gone from orange to red.
We're in terrible danger.
All sorts of things are up there in the sky, and they're going to take out every American city.
And Albania has now developed hydrogen weapons.
The lies just go on and on, and there are no truth squads.
Programs like this, stuff on the internet, can squeak through.
But the press itself is absolutely captive.
Because they're owned.
I mean, not the press, but television, I mean everything.
All information.
50 years ago you had over 200 companies, now there's 5 and they're all merging.
Indeed, yes.
I mean, it's locked up.
And money did it all.
Now, how do these individuals get so much money?
Well, they are tithed by, let's say, the Republican Party.
Okay, we gave you a huge tax break, we saved
Jones, uh, twenty million dollars a year for you.
So, we need a million or two for the coming election.
And Mr. Jones coughs up.
So instead of paying taxes, which would benefit everybody in the country, uh, he only gives the money to the Republican Party so they can keep on playing the game.
Would you put it past Bush or his controllers to stage a terror attack as a way of smokescreening all their scandals?
Well, how desperate will they be before they do that?
Secondly, could they do that?
What Bush has done, I don't think he understands yet what he's done.
Well, stay there.
Let's get the final answer on the other side with Gore Vidal.
We'll also take a few phone calls.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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I think so.
Thank you.
Jeremy has never been in studio before he works here at the office, but he said he saw Gore Vidal on CNN years ago, right after 9-11, days after, really, and Gore Vidal said something and he wanted, and I didn't want to pass it on, you know, what he said he'd seen.
I wanted to have him ask Gore Vidal the question.
We're going to take a few calls.
He's going to stay a little bit with us into the next hour.
Gracious to do that.
And we have links up on Infowars.com to his new book, Point to Point.
It's his memoir.
But finishing up that question that we ran into the break, Mr. Vidal, I mean, with all the other crimes of this administration and their overlords, do you believe that it is in their soul, do you believe that they are capable of staging some type of war provocation, some type of terror attack, blowing up a ship, something like that?
Well, they certainly know how to cry wolf.
Wolf, wolf.
And I don't mean just blitzer.
I think what is going to happen pretty soon, let's say it was on their mind to stage an event, I don't know how they can do it.
Luckily for us, we the people who are the sovereigns, as they tell us, luckily for us they've antagonized the entire military.
I don't think the military would let them.
This happened when Richard Nixon was going crazy, and he was ordering out the troops, and he was ordering this and that.
And Israel was in danger, and Kissinger was sending all sorts of aid to them.
And something might have happened then, but the military wasn't going to let it happen.
And remember, I was born in the cadet hospital at West Point.
My father was the first instructor in aviation there.
I know these military people.
I've grown up with them all my life.
And there is a point that they really do believe in duty, honor, country.
They have to wait a time before they get to the point, but it's in them.
Well, let me just say this.
I agree that in major polls, 80 plus percent do not trust either party right now.
It's never been that high in modern polling, modern scientific polling.
And so it is a catch-22.
They've got the power, they've got the control, but more and more, you know, the brain gives the orders and the hands won't follow.
But I see him, again, having to do something or the system's going to fall in on him.
Jeremy, you wanted to state something that you saw Mr. Vidal say years ago, just weeks after the attack of 9-11.
Can you repeat what you... because I wanted to get his take on this.
Hi, Mr. Vidal.
I thought I'd seen you on a CNN news program
Mr. Vidal, do you remember that?
I'm just trying to get at this.
No, I don't.
What made no sense is that CNN wouldn't follow up on why the fighter planes had not been scrambled and gone up to stop the hijackers.
That's the law of the land.
You don't need the president to order you, you don't need a general.
Those are your instructions.
I know, my father wrote them.
Yeah, Jeremy's not...
No, you're right.
Jeremy's nodding.
He's saying that's exactly what he saw, so now we understand.
Well, I mean, that is important, because the default position is for fighters to be launched.
The default... Did you know, sir, that for the first time since 57, when NORAB was set up, that Cheney took the powers two months before away from the generals to shoot down aircraft?
Did you know that?
No, I didn't.
We have the actual Pentagon order.
It's incredible.
What do you think of that?
Why has it not been published?
It's on the Pentagon website.
You know what?
I've got to send you some of my films during the break if it's okay.
Well, actually, I think I have your address.
I'll send you some of my documentaries.
Jeremy, thanks for bringing up that because that brought up some key info for Mr. Vidal.
Final segment with Gore Vidal on the other side.
We'll take a few calls.
Everybody have your questions and comments ready.
This has just been an amazing interview.
It's conclusion when we return.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The Director of Freedom to Fascism, Aaron Russo, also made Eddie Murphy's Trading Places and
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
I've got two quick questions.
One for you, one for Mr. Vidal.
Just skip the one for me.
I'll put you on hold.
Give the question to Gore Vidal.
Okay, Mr. Vidal, how are you, sir?
Pretty good, how are you?
Great, thanks.
I'm sure you recall doing an interview with Sasha Cohen on the HBO comedy show, The Ali G Show, a few years back, where he came out dressed as a British rapper.
I was just wondering if you've seen that interview, and if at any point you realize that the interview is merely a comedy show where he purposely will ask outrageous kind of questions.
Did you know that Ali G was satire?
I picked that up in about two minutes.
And it sort of dampened the show a bit.
Because I played Sapphire Back.
Right, right.
I noticed that.
Well, I'm a big fan of that interview, a big fan of yours.
Have you seen the show at all, sir?
Please come see my film.
If not successful, I will be executed.
Right, right.
He's very, very funny.
Especially when he goes to white supremacist houses and runs around.
Oh, it's incredible.
Okay, caller, I appreciate your call.
You heard his answer.
Yes, it's very funny.
Mark in Canada.
You're on the air with Gore Vidal.
Hi, how are you?
My question actually was about the NORAD's stand-down and Cheney's involvement in the Pentagon.
Yeah, any more on that, Gore Vidal?
We kind of cut you short there last segment.
Well, you hear excuses now.
I know that the Commission in Congress went on record, by and large they were pretty cowardly, they went on record immediately after all the questioning that they didn't believe a word that NORAD was saying.
As NORAD tried to explain what was going on and why the fighters had not been scrambled.
Do you think there should be a new independent investigation?
Of course there should.
And it would be a wonderful time to do it at the impeachment of Bush.
Do you think we might find more than just let it happen?
I think you might find everything.
We ought to know, but do not know.
Mark, anything else?
Yeah, like you, I can understand extending the benefit of the doubt to Bush and Rumsfeld saying that they couldn't have orchestrated it.
Would you extend that same benefit of the doubt to Cheney and his circle of oil barons?
There's no proof that Cheney is popular at the Pentagon.
I think he's regarded, as Rumsfeld is, as a civilian nuisance who should go back to running a pharmaceutical company and stay out of military affairs where he knows nothing.
If we had had an active legislative branch of the government, which we haven't, we have a bunch of political hacks who pretend to be the Republican majority.
Well, they are the Republican majority, but they do nothing.
They questioned us.
Alright, thank you so much for the call.
Very quickly, who's up next here in order?
Ed in Florida, you've got 30 seconds.
Mr. Vidal, I would ask you, I would beg you to please watch 9-11 Part 1 Mysteries Demolitions.
I'm hoping it'll change your mind about 9-11.
Yeah, I'm gonna send him a bunch of films.
Okay, great.
Look, given that Kerry gave up so quickly in Ohio and seemed to take a dive, and that Pelosi is the third wealthiest member of the House and an obvious member of the elitist establishment, do you see any change in the Military Commissions Act or policy when they take over the House?
Thank you.
More importantly... Go ahead, Caller.
There better be a change, or the Democrats will be told to go home.
All right.
Thank you.
Caller, thank you so much.
And I'm sorry to the other callers.
We're out of time.
I've already squeezed more time out of Mr. Vidal.
Mr. Vidal, I look forward to interviewing you for the TV show when you arrive in Austin in the next few weeks.
And thank you for your time.
Thank you.
Take care.
We'll be right back with Aaron Russo.
America, Freedom to Fascism.
We now have the DVD.
It's available at InfoWars.com.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran.
A White House program to disseminate fake news.
NSA spying.
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I think so.
I think so.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, my friends, we're now eight minutes into this third and final hour.
Open phones in the second half.
Tons of vital news and information.
I'm going to be thrilling.
And Aaron Russo getting his take on.
He's been in the fight against the New World Order publicly for now over a decade.
There's a lot of courage.
You know, he had a string of big Hollywood hits.
He brought one of the biggest rock bands in U.S.
history to the United States.
And of course, that's Led Zeppelin.
But all of that, I think, great accomplishments, pales in significance to the courage that he has brought forward in the fight against the New World Order, in the battle for our republic, America, freedom to fascism.
I had the honor of introducing him here locally.
It was only in theaters here in Austin for a week to sold out, overflowing, bursting crowds, and he pulled the film himself because he wanted to get a better, I guess, film of it, a better print.
And he's actually made the film even more powerful, and it was excellent then, and there is a new, even more powerful, polished version that is available on DVD.
Today is the launch date, and months ago I talked to
Aaron Russo about how he wanted to carry it, and I have secured thousands of copies of America, Freedom to Fascism.
That way you support his work and our work and what we're all doing here, and it is available right now at I-N-F-O-W-A-R-S dot com.
Today is the day, the first day it is available.
It is now available at Infowars dot com.
America, Freedom to Fascism, and it is an incredible
It is so informative and it strikes at the root, the central banking system, the Federal Reserve System.
It exposes their taxing mechanism, the IRS, and then it gets into the microchips and the whole New World Order larger plan.
It is such an important documentary.
It is so well-produced.
It is riveting.
And the newest version, because you had that version you put out first, this one's even better from what you might have seen on the Internet somewhere or what you might have seen at the theaters.
This is extremely powerful.
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at Infowars.com or again, 888-253-3139 or you can write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704 and secure your copy.
There are other films made about the Federal Reserve, 3, 4, 6 hours long.
They're good, but the average person is not going to, the average American, the MTV culture, is not going to watch it.
They will be riveted by the fast-moving
And in powerful information in Freedom to Fascism, get it now.
And I am belaboring that because I believe in this film and I want you to see it.
Aaron Russo, thank you so much for joining us today.
Thank you for having me on, Al.
It's an honor to be with you.
It really is.
It's an honor to be with you.
We just had Gore Vidal on talking about government-sponsored terror and total fascist takeover, the death of the Republic.
I mean, it's just getting more and more obvious that we're in hot water.
Well, you know, that's why I made the movie.
I'm very glad to have Gore Vidal on the show.
He has a lot of smart things to say, even though I don't give him about everything.
But I think what's happening, and what has to continue happening, is that the country has to stop being polarized
Between the left and the right.
We all have to come together and go against the real enemy.
And the real enemy we face in this country today is the banking system and the Federal Reserve System.
They're the ones who control, you know, and when you watch The Wizard of Oz, and they pull back the curtain and you see The Wizard controlling everything, well that's what's happening in America today.
The Wizard is the Federal Reserve System.
It's a tool of the international bankers to control the government, to control the people,
And they must be brought down.
Shutting down the Federal Reserve System is the most important component of anything we can do in this country today.
Whether you're out there fighting for gun control or the environment, whatever issues you believe in, okay?
Put them aside for a minute.
As important as they are, they're not as important as shutting down the Federal Reserve System, and the focus of the movie, and everything I'm doing, and what everybody's focus in this country should be today, to win this battle, to save this country.
To stop the New World Order, to stop the North American Union, to stop SPP, is to shut down the Federal Reserve System.
That's what has to happen.
Well, that is the place from which this dark spring of poison flows, and I look at it as a twin star orbiting each other like a quasar.
Because what we're witnessing here is the two central issues.
The heart is the central banking system from which all their power flows, and then the key that they use to keep people in line to submit to them, and the police state is government-sponsored terror, and those two come together as a nexus.
So I agree, the central issue is the Federal Reserve Central Banking Cartel, and for those that don't know, the film covers it, get into, we have a lot of new listeners every millisecond,
Break down what the Federal Reserve is and why it is central.
Well, the movie first of all deals with the IRS in the first instance.
Everybody knows the IRS.
Everybody can relate to the IRS.
So when I made the movie, I dealt with the IRS first because everybody can relate to it.
And when we prove the fraud of the income tax, I have a scene in the movie where I interview the former IRS commissioner.
I don't think it's ever been on tape before, that they've had an IRS commissioner... And he says in Yiddish, nothing will help you, basically, you know, you're dead.
Garnished health, he says, nothing will help you.
Because, he recently said that, he was so frustrated, because I got him to say on film, he said to me that the 16th Amendment is what allows the federal government to tax the labor of the people.
And I said, well, that was in 1913.
What about all the Supreme Court decisions between 1916 and 1923 that said you can't do that?
And he was trapped.
And he said, uh, Supreme Court decisions do not apply to the IRS.
And that's when he ended up saying, garnish my health, meaning nothing will help him because he was so frustrated, he didn't know where to go anymore.
But he admitted on tape that the Supreme Court has said that, and that they're doing it anyway.
You see?
And so, uh, the way I made the movie is when the public sees that, because to me it was so important that this movie not just be
For the Freedom Movement, or the Patriot Movement, call it whatever you will, for the people who believe in freedom.
But for the people who are Americans, who don't really understand what's going on, this movie had a plate to them.
And so when we prove that the IRS has no authority to tax the labor of the people, then we get into the Federal Reserve System, then they begin to understand the fraud of what's happening in this country.
If everybody believes the government has the right to tax you, and when they learn they don't, and they see that fraud,
Then they'll begin to see the rest of the frauds, and how the Federal Reserve System is controlling our government, giving us national ID cards, RFID chips, how they destroy the currency of this country, how they're trying to destroy the gold market and the silver market, because they can't produce those at will.
They can produce fake currency, you know, dollar bills, all they want, you know, but they can't produce gold and silver to control things.
They don't want people to think of metals as being a currency.
They want people to think you've got to have dollars.
Well, we all know the dollar's been destroyed.
I mean, my parents bought a house in 1955 for $27,000.
In 2005, it sold for like a million two.
The same house.
The value of the house didn't go up.
It was the value of the dollar went down.
They're destroying the currency of this country between what I call the three evil eyes.
Income tax, inflation, and interest rates.
People can't survive anymore.
And all those three things go to the bankers.
And it's a black hole.
The bankers admit in their own documents that the whole system is designed to bankrupt people, designed to blow out economies, designed to bring nations to their knees, so the bankers can then come in and literally repossess the entire society.
Then they put a police state in place, like they've done in Russia, like they've done in Argentina, like they do everywhere.
Well, it's designed to give the bankers power.
It's designed to put them in control of the people.
America's founded on a concept
That we the people control our own lives.
Now the institutions control us.
We no longer control our own lives any longer.
We're no longer individuals.
We're just sheep.
We're chattel to them.
And it has to stop.
And the reason I made this movie...
It's to get everybody to join together in a movement.
Right now, folks, we're carrying it.
We're going to push this film big time.
This is the biggest acquisition of anybody else's film I've ever done.
In fact, I plan to even get more of these out than I have loose change second edition.
And I'm going to be really promoting this film.
I believe you need to have it.
DVD is the key, and we have it available to you.
Well it's more than that.
And the fact is that, you know,
I received six Academy Award nominations.
I won Emmys and Tonys and all kinds of things.
I had to make the movie, you know, it took me two years of my life to make this movie.
And no one was paying me for that.
And no movie studio was willing to distribute the movie.
Even though they all saw it and thought the movie was brilliant, they said, yeah, we can't put this out.
We're afraid of being ordered by the IRS.
We can't put this out.
You know, I remember I got a telephone call.
Aaron, would I go on CNBC, you know, the news channel,
And because they heard my new movie was coming out, they said, look, you're a big famous producer, come on, tell us, talk about your new movie.
We have this show called Power Lunch.
I said, sure, I'll do it.
I'll be happy to do the show.
And I send them a copy of the film.
And the next day they called up and canceled the interview.
They won't put this on television.
They don't want anybody to see this movie.
It was my job to make sure this movie gets out, that everybody sees it, that when you buy this movie, that you have house parties, you have people over who don't know what's going on in this country, so you can finally convince them of what the truth is.
And not only is the Federal Reserve in control of our lives, it's our job, it's our responsibility as Americans... You're right, stay there!
Stay there, we gotta break!
Hey, Aaron, I hear a noise, you know who that is?
We'll be right back.
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I'm good.
Welcome back Aaron Russo, legendary Hollywood movie producer.
And much more.
He's made America Freedom to Fascism.
If you saw it in theaters, the new official final version is even more powerful.
Available on DVD right now from InfoWars.com.
You were continuing talking about starting a national movement.
I know you can't disclose what you were telling me during the break privately, but there are a lot of heavy hitters who have seen it and are totally blown away because when people realize that this is matrix level, that the whole banking system is a fraud, everything you've been told is a lie about what's happening in this country, and they're getting ready to kill the hog, the fat Christmas hog they've fattened up.
Aaron Russo, please continue.
Well, the point is that the bankers control this country.
They control George Bush, they control Bill Clinton, they control the game.
I'm going to tell you a very brief story.
I was friends with one of the Rockefeller family, okay?
And he came to my house one night and we were talking.
And he said to me, and I loved talking to him because there was so much information that I got from the horse's mouth.
And he said to me, Aaron, what do you think the Women's Liberation Movement was about?
And I said, and I had fairly conventional thinking about that issue at the time.
And I said, I think it was about women having the right to work like a man does and getting equal pay with men.
It was about equality.
And he stopped and laughed and he said, Aaron, you know what?
You're an idiot.
I said, what?
Why am I an idiot?
He said, let me tell you something, Aaron.
Let me tell you how this thing really works.
We, the Rockefeller family, were behind Women's Lib.
The Rockefeller Foundation helped finance it.
We were the ones who got in the newspapers and television.
And you want to know why?
I said, yeah, tell me why.
He said, there's two main reasons.
I said, what were they?
The first reason was, we couldn't tax half the population before women could live.
And the second reason was, now we get the kids in school at an early age, and we indoctrinate them, and we teach them how to think, and the state becomes the parent now instead of the children.
And that's one of the reasons you woke up to the New World Order, because you're there sitting with the New World Order, and they're bragging about it.
You know, I learned about that about 15 years ago, one of the things that woke me up,
I read Gloria Steinem's, one of her books, I forget the name now, she bragged that the CIA approached her, they set up Ms.
Magazine, they set up that rebellion to get women fighting with men, to get the family fighting with each other, so they could get the children, the taxes, according to the documents I've seen, were secondary, but still very important.
You're right!
And this is how cynical they are!
It's not cynical, it's evil!
This is how evil, those things on the basis of being honorable, like equality,
But it's not about that at all.
They want to own us and control us like we're chattel, like we're cattle to these people.
That's what it is.
They want everybody in this earth chipped.
They want an RFID chip in everybody.
They want to live in a castle society.
Well, all money is in your chip.
Everything is in that chip.
And if they don't like what you do, they turn off your chip, and you can't buy food, and you can't do anything.
It's absolute control.
That's what they're trying to do.
I agree.
What else does Rockefeller tell you?
What other gems did you pick up?
I just told you another gem.
So he said that too?
Oh yeah.
How long ago was this?
Uh, this was probably, let's see, maybe four years ago, four and a half years ago, something in that neighborhood, maybe five.
You know?
And, um...
To me, all this stuff is just like... I'm the kind of guy that I believe in my individuality.
To me, the most important thing that a person can do in their life... Controlling your own destiny.
Well, you have to like yourself.
If most people ask you, what's the most important thing in life?
You'll say, well, your family, or your health, or your money.
I don't say yes to any of those things.
I think the most important thing in your life is to like yourself.
Because if you don't like yourself, that means you don't respect yourself.
And you're not going to like your family.
Most people are insecure.
I agree.
They're insecure.
They hate themselves.
And so they hate everybody else around them.
And they're driven.
And no matter how many baubles they get and Cadillacs and houses, they're not going to be happy.
But when you do like yourself, you've got to have a mission and be in the proper place.
And to like yourself, you have to respect yourself.
That means you have to behave in a fashion that you admire that somebody else was doing it.
You see, and that's the key.
And the reason why I'm doing what I'm doing is because I want to like Aaron Russo.
I want to be proud of myself.
When I'm sitting on my deathbed, I don't want to have any regrets the way I've lived my life.
I believe what the founding fathers gave us.
I believe in freedom of the individual.
And I believe that's our mission on this earth, is to fulfill God-given potential.
That's what I gave you when you were born.
And you can't do that.
And I believe these bankers are evil people.
And the battle we face on this earth today is not whites against blacks, or Jews against Arabs, or Republicans against Democrats, but good versus evil.
That's the real battle we're facing.
We're facing evil personified.
And we have to stop it.
We better all join together and stop being polarized and create a movement across this country that will sweep these people out of power.
That's what has to be done.
And I'm prepared to be part of that movement.
Yes, Aaron Russo, we've got a breaking in, a long segment coming up.
We'll take calls.
Stay with us.
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And Dave, Mike, Robert, Paul and many others are going to go on your calls here in a few minutes.
Please try to keep it brief so we have a chance to get to more of your calls.
Always that Catch-22.
And I am asking you to go to InfoWars.com and get my new film, Terror Storm, with the 68 minutes of extras on top of it from our historic 9-11 symposium we had in Los Angeles to expose the government-sponsored terror, which is absolutely central because governments continue to stage terror attacks as a pretext to scare everybody into going along with their plans.
But then the root of this criminal group that's in control, that's using terror to basically cataphrod us into submission, is the banking system and its taxing mechanism
of the IRS.
The 16th Amendment was never ratified.
I've studied it.
I've looked at it.
We're not saying there aren't constitutional taxes.
This is not one of them.
And it's the heart of how they're wrecking this society.
Aaron Russo is our guest.
Please visit InfoWars.com.
Please get America, Freedom to Fascism today.
He spent over a million dollars to make this and promote it and get it out.
And he's asking for your help.
Get it.
You know, have little meetings in your area.
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Buy multiple copies.
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It just really got announced it was being released today, last night.
So it's here.
America, Freedom to Fascism.
Or you can simply call toll free to get it at 888-253-3139.
Going back to Aaron Russo, Aaron I know you don't want to talk a lot about this because you're focused on the issue.
You talk about lying in your bed someday dying and I don't think that's going to happen for a long time.
We all pray that doesn't.
But you've had to beat cancer several times in your bladder.
You were just in Germany getting treatment and how did that go?
Oh it was fabulous.
They're brilliant over there.
They don't use over here.
They're not allowed to use over here.
Here they have certain protocols the FDA lays down and doctors have to go by those protocols.
Now here, didn't they just tell you to go lie down and die but then you went over there and they said no problem?
Yeah, exactly.
Here I went to the doctor.
He said, listen Aaron, you're a hopeless case.
And I said, oh my god, really?
And I was preparing myself.
But on the other hand, I said, I don't feel like I'm ready to die.
I don't feel like my mission is over here.
So I know there's something wrong.
And I went over to Germany and we took care of the problem and I'm healthy as could be right now.
I feel fantastic.
Everything is great.
They removed the tumors.
There's no tumors left in my body.
I'm healthy as a horse and I'm ready to kick some butt.
I just find it interesting, if you don't mind, what was the particular treatment and how this, I mean because there is a lot of, this was medical doctors too, in Europe things that are available there that aren't available here.
Well, as an example, in Europe, in this particular clinic that I went to, I can't say all of Europe, but this clinic, they do, they take your blood and they send it over to Athens, Greece.
And then Athens, Greece, they can actually test your blood and tell you which particular products work against your particular cancer, which they don't do here.
The next thing that you can do there is they can actually take chemotherapy, which I've always been against, because it's poison and it spreads around your body.
What they do over there, which they do not do here.
They localize it.
They target.
In other words, what they do with me, the cancer was around my bladder.
They would actually go into my artery and deposit some chemotherapy directly onto my cancer, shut off my blood vessel, so the chemo couldn't travel throughout my body.
So there are no side effects.
I just sat on top of my cancer and started dissolving it.
And then when it weakened the cancer, they went and did the surgery and took it out.
You understand?
Yeah, that's another thing I was reading about.
Let me finish one more thought, please.
And then they take the actual tumor itself and make a vaccination out of it.
And they vaccinate you so it can't come back.
Which they don't do here.
So, there's three methods right there that I'm telling you about that they don't do in America.
And I was reading about a lot of these treatments being done in Europe.
Thank you.
And it works.
And so everybody's developing this stuff, but it gets shelved here in the U.S.
because there is a population control agenda.
Did you know that the Rockefellers, Aaron, actually in the 20s, spent tens of millions of dollars studying cancer?
And a lot of evidence shows that they were involved in the proliferation of cancer viruses through the vaccines?
Well, I didn't know that, but I do know that when I was scrumming with them, we had conversations about population control.
I'm bringing the population down in this world by a half, by a third to a half at minimum.
And I know they do things to accomplish those goals.
So you talked to one of the Rockefellers and they admitted that?
Do you want to say which Rockefeller?
Well, I don't know.
My friend was Nick Rockefeller.
I've been offered to join the CFR, to do many things.
You know, if I joined, you know, they would back a bunch of nightclubs for me, and this thing, and that.
Look, you know, here's the deal.
These guys own the banking system, and because they control the money supply, they control the government, they control the people, and just, it's like, now think about Barry Boggs, the great home run slugger.
If he had to go to bat, and he didn't have a baseball bat in his hand, okay?
Take these bankers away, take away the control of their making the money, and they lose their tool that allows them to control everything.
Take away this Federal Reserve System from these people,
And you totally cripple them.
And that's what you have to do.
You must shut down this Federal Reserve System.
That is the thing I've come away with understanding.
That is the critical agenda that we must face as a people to stop this private banking cartel from controlling the money supply in this country.
And we can shut them down.
And the Congress has the legal authority to shut it down.
And we have to amass and organize and create a movement across this country.
The slogan that I have is
Is one people, one movement, freedom for all.
That's what I believe in.
I do like people.
I love people.
I think people are basically good.
I think they've been taught to think they're not good anymore.
I think everything's been perverted.
And I think we've lost control of our own lives.
This battle's been going on for years, for centuries, for thousands of years.
And it's time that we take control of our own lives again and start putting up resistance.
In other words, what these guys try to do is they use the government to control us.
You understand?
And it's time that we resist.
It's time that we say, we are no longer going to cooperate with the government.
We are no longer going to cooperate with this.
We have to have civil disobedience.
Well, I agree.
We have to do what Martin Luther King did, we have to do what Gandhi did, we have to do what George Washington did.
We have to do and take our country back.
We have to take what's happening very, very serious.
I want to take some calls there, but I just want to add here that you also told me about a month ago when I talked to you when you were first really promoting the film in theaters, or maybe it was longer now, time just blast past us,
Uh, but, that you were going to go on big radio stations too and people were calling up the stations saying, no, don't put that on.
They've had an active campaign to suppress your film.
Uh, I'm, I'm, look, the fact of the matter is that none of the big reviewers on television would review my film.
Uh, the reviews that were written, what's so interesting is the reviews that were written in the mainstream media have mostly been all negative.
And all the reviews on the internet have been fantastic.
The people give it standing... Every show we have standing ovations.
People love the movie.
The New York Times lies about the film.
I, you know, uh, the New York Times writer, uh, he wrote a whole thing saying that I was basically full of baloney, and so I went back to the New York Times, back to 1916, when the Supreme Court decisions came out about the income tax and the 16th Amendment, and it proved everything I was saying was correct.
So back then, the New York Times told the truth.
Now they lie about it.
You understand?
Everything today is fictitious.
It's a lie.
We live in an illusionary world because we live in a world where it's all controlled.
Our media is controlled.
We're taught what to think.
And we better wake up to the facts and realize that those of us who know what the facts are better organized together, stop being polarized,
Folks, again, we're in a false reality.
Aaron Russo's right.
We're talking to the producer and director of America, Freedom from Fascism, a powerful new film that you absolutely need to get today.
Purchase it from Infowars.com right now.
I've seen it.
I'm telling you it's powerful.
And the new version, it's a little different from what was in theaters.
Can you describe for folks here in Russo how the final edition on DVD is even better than what people saw in theaters?
Well, first of all, the one that came out in the theaters originally, I was in Germany with cancer when the prints were being done.
And, uh, I wasn't there to approve it, and the prints were not nearly up to my, uh, standards.
And so when I came back, uh, and I saw the movie with the prints, and I saw the sound quality and what they were doing, I was not at all happy, and I pulled it from the theaters.
By the way, I mean, of course, I saw what you're talking about.
It's almost like work was put into screwing it up, or maybe I'm being paranoid.
Well, that's what I felt like.
I don't know if that was intentional.
I think it was negligence.
Because I wasn't there to supervise it, but it really bothered me greatly.
Yeah, but these companies know how to do that.
That's true, but I can't be accusatory without knowing the facts.
No, I know, but I mean, I've sent home movies off to have them put on the film that, you know, didn't, I mean, come on.
You know, I understand, and so I took it out, and when I stopped it, I went in and I started making new additions, talking about, you know,
The North American Union, and start putting out other things.
The movie has much more information than it does today.
And somebody took an earlier version of the film and put it up on the internet, which is so far from being a finished version.
Yeah, that's not even the film you put in theaters, what they put on the web.
That was an early promo, not for distribution, only for folks to get an early review of it.
Yeah, but what happens is that people get so excited, they think they're doing a service to everybody.
By pirating and putting it out early, and they don't realize, they're not putting all the information out, and they're jumping the gun, and they're hurting the cause instead of helping the cause.
Aaron Russo, I want to take some calls, but the final version is available right now on InfoWars.com, as I said, but your film, I know you can't say any names, you told me off record, and I appreciate that confidence, I won't tell anybody,
And in case the folks in front of the show heard anything, I don't think they did during that break, you didn't hear anything.
Only three of us know what Aaron said, even if the other guy heard it, so you didn't hear anything, or you know what happens.
It's a joke.
You will sleep with the fishes.
It's a joke, folks.
But to be serious, some big heavy hitters have seen this and are amazed.
Yeah, I mean, I got calls last week from one of the most powerful couples in Hollywood, from their representatives, saying they went crazy for the film.
And they loved it and they had to see it right away because I gave them a disc over it.
And it's happening quite a lot.
The word is spreading.
You know, the question is, are we going to allow it to be suppressed or not?
We also hear that Hollywood's a bunch of crazy liberals, and I've been there at some supposedly really liberal people's houses.
They're pro-Second Amendment.
They're against vaccines.
They know there's a population control program.
They know 9-11's an inside job.
They know the Democrats are controlled.
They know about the Federal Reserve.
I've actually found Hollywood, a lot of them know what's going on.
The problem is they're scared to death.
Yeah, they are scared to death.
A lot of them have the courage and the convictions, but I understand why.
But the fact of the matter is that it's going to be up to us to get this out and have parties, have people see this.
I tell you something, this movie will be a tool, an instrument to turn this country around.
I believe that from the bottom of my heart.
If the listeners take action right now and blow those phones off the wall, I just want you to have this information.
I have a lust for information.
I literally have a passion for exposing corruption, just like Aaron does.
We're kindred spirits on this.
I guess I have it because I've always been an individual most of my life.
I don't like being told how I should live my life.
I don't like being a slave to other people's wishes and I believe that the whole point of life
It's fulfilling your potential that you were born with.
And to be who you were meant to be.
And you can't do that.
These guys don't want you to be that.
They want you to be a robot, a hamster on a wheel.
Well, that's because they're threatened.
They're threatened by free, dynamic human beings following their own destiny.
They're scared of our potential.
It's like a male lion going into the pride and killing the baby males.
He's trying to kill what can threaten his supremacy later.
Yeah, the difference is a male lion at least has courage.
These guys are cowards.
These guys are cowards.
They hide behind what they got.
They don't have the courage of anything.
They're evil, cowardly people.
I know these people.
And I'm telling you something.
They can be defeated.
They win because they have the psychology.
Oh, you can tell they're scared now!
They have people cowed in this country.
People, oh, we can't win, we can't do this, we can't do that.
Yeah, right, right.
A lot of whimpering.
It's nonsense.
You can win.
I know these people.
I'm telling you, you can win.
They're cowards.
Well, they wouldn't spend so much time and energy trying to suppress us if they weren't scared to death of us!
Well, of course they're scared to death.
They know that what they're doing is a ploy.
They understand
That they're winning by default in the sense that people give up easily.
Well take the Bilderberg.
Take the Bilderberg group.
They are scared to death that it comes out that they're in a meeting and setting policy.
Tony Blair is now being confronted in Parliament about it.
Oh, and I forgot to tape it off C-SPAN last night with Prime Minister's questions.
I see there's so much going on.
I wanted to add that in a new film I'm making.
Somebody out there, if you taped it, send it to me, get it, whatever.
Let's take a few calls here.
Let's go ahead and talk to, who's up first here, Mike Enmesh?
Oh, Dave in California's first.
Dave in California, you're on the air, welcome.
Thank you, Alex.
This is Dave Short from Northern California, and I'm ordering America Freedom to Fascism as soon as I get off the phone, Mr. Russo.
Thank you, Dave.
You're welcome, sir.
Thank you.
I know you're going to be really happy you did.
I'm certain I will.
Let me ask you, sir, what's your policy on people making recordings of that?
That's my policy.
Look, you know, you can, but I prefer that people buy it, obviously, because I would put money into it.
If you have to make copies of it and... I just want people to see it.
I want people to see it.
I prefer they buy it, but if you have to make copies, you do what you gotta do.
Let me just say this, because I live in the very position that Aaron's in, and very few people know what this is like.
Your passion, and it's not a good word, but I use it, it is a lust, okay?
I'm greedy.
I want the truth to get out, that's like gobs of diamonds in my hands.
I want to bring these criminals to justice, that's my passion.
But at the same time, if you don't support us, folks, we're not gonna be here.
We need you to buy stuff from us.
Because if you don't, I can't, if I don't get my money back, I can't make the next movie.
You understand?
This movie wasn't made for a nickel, you know?
And if Ferry just makes copies and doesn't buy them, then I can't get the money back.
I mean, somebody said to me, here's a few million dollars, Aaron, and let us make copies.
I said, yeah, go make all the copies you want.
You know what I'm saying?
But if I don't get my money back, I can't make volume two or volume three.
So it's sort of...
You're in a rockin' hard place, catch-22.
In a sense, yeah, you are.
But if you feel the need to make copies, then go ahead and make it.
If you feel you can buy them, please buy them.
Good job, Aaron Russo.
Thank you, Caller.
Please purchase as many copies as you can of America, Freedom from the Fascism and Terrorist Storm.
We're both in the same boat.
It's nice to be able to talk to somebody who lives the same thing I do.
You're in that situation.
We are.
We'll come right back and jam in.
Mike, Robert, and Paul, and a few others.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Right now, folks, go to InfoWars.com, order America, Freedom to Fascism, the final edition.
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Buy multiple copies.
Get it out to everybody you know.
Quickly, Kyle in California, then Mike and Robert.
I'll try to cramp Paul in.
Kyle, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you very much for taking my call.
Thank you.
Um, I'm just calling, uh, for Aaron and you.
I personally have, uh, Terror Storm.
I have, um, all your movies, and I, you know, they're awesome.
And my friends make fun of me all the time about how terrorism is, you know, it's very- He wants freedom!
Kyle's weird!
And they just laugh at me, and it's annoying.
It really is annoying.
They don't sound like very good friends, because I can't beat people off of me with a stick who know the truth.
Generals and former CIA top people and folks on the streets.
It sounds like you're running with the wrong people.
You want to comment on what he's saying, Aaron?
Yeah, I think if you show them this movie, I think they're going to stop laughing at you.
Yeah, well, they don't want to.
It seems like they don't want to watch.
No, no, listen to me.
Listen, I've come across this before.
Show them this movie, they will no longer laugh at you.
I'm going to buy your movie, definitely.
I'm going to do that once I get back home.
And I'm going to buy another Terrastorm.
And, uh, I mean, I'm going to try giving it to my family and stuff like that, so... I can promise you this.
I've seen people's heads just turn right around.
I've seen people who didn't believe anything that Alex and I talk about.
And if they see the movie, they get it.
This movie brings it all together.
Yeah, Aaron interviews all the bigwigs, and they're just there being caught in their lies.
It's amazing.
Thank you, Kyle.
Gotta jump.
Let's talk to Mike at MASS.
Go ahead, Mike.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Back again here with a more appropriate political question for you.
I remember several days ago, somebody called in and stated that the Military Commissions Act shouldn't in fact be a law.
Because of the amount of time it took to go into signing.
So I'm just wondering if you guys ever... Yes, we looked into it and that was a misinterpretation.
Thank you.
It has passed into law.
Let's go ahead and talk to Robert in L.A.
Robert, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you, Aaron.
I'm Robert in California here.
I was able to see your show on October 6th in Beverly Hills, Aaron.
And thank you for speaking.
It really woke up my girlfriend, too, who
What really hit home for her was the actual chip part, but we've just got to remember that God hasn't given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and sound mind.
Okay, now let me ask you a question.
This is important.
Your girlfriend, when she saw the movie, and after she saw the movie, did it change her opinions about what was going on?
Oh yeah, it changed her opinions.
She's believing more in the power of positive thought that will change the world, as well as I think we should take action as well.
Because I want people to understand the power of this film to change people's minds and understand what's going on in the country.
It's possible to, uh, you can disassociate yourself with U.S.
government and end your contract with them.
There's a lot of patriot mythology.
The government doesn't care.
They'll still try to enforce it.
You gotta wake the public up to the matrix fraud first.
The government just uses force.
They don't care about all these technicalities.
Believe me.
The yellow finger on the flag, the UCC code, all these things.
Yeah, they're great theories.
The government doesn't care about those things.
It's called tyranny, brother!
They don't care.
You can look for the legal loopholes you want.
They don't really care.
We've got to take it back with the Infowar and defend ourselves physically if need be.
Thank you.
Go on my website, freedomsoffascism.com and volunteer to help us.
Yes, okay.
Thank you so much for the call, Paul.
Thank you, Aaron Russo.
We'll have you up again soon.
Thanks for the time and Godspeed.
You too, buddy.
God bless everybody.
Take care.
Ladies and gentlemen, you heard the man.
Get the video right now at InfoWars.com on the secure, safe online video and bookstore shopping cart.
Get America Freedom from Fascism at InfoWars.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
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