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Name: 20061019_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 19, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In testimony before the Senate, the Deputy Attorney General said that President Bush is infallible, that President Bush literally speaks, I guess as the Catholics believe the Pope speaks, ex cathedra, or with the words of God, the President is never wrong and is infallible.
Literal God Emperor.
There's only a few countries where they call people dear leader and say they're infallible, and they're places like North Korea.
I guess North Korea basically is it.
I guess under Idi Amin it was similar.
They're in Africa.
They're in Central Africa.
But we have that clip.
It's coming up.
Also, Keith Oberman makes more and more historical speeches every night.
I don't know why I haven't been taping them.
I had to play here with better quality.
I've been counting on folks to just grab it and put it on the web, but lately they've been so fuzzy and jumpy that we've been scouring the web for good versions of the amazing speech.
Ten minute speech that Oberman gave last night.
This is powerful stuff.
He's telling it like it is.
It's amazing.
It's as if we're on national television or something.
But the audio is so bad, I don't know if I'm going to air it here.
It's pretty darn bad, but we do have it.
We may air parts of it.
But if your listeners out there have been T-voting it or recording it, we're just a blind spot here, please dump those in the mail and send those to us.
We'll be very, very thankful.
Maybe we'll put a compilation together and throw it out onto Google Video or something for everybody.
Because this makes the
Some of the other famous reporters that have stood up against tyranny.
It just pales in significance for a national figure.
Anything we've seen in the past.
And again, you know I don't just grovel and lavish praise on mainstream media.
Oberman is on fire.
So that is coming up.
There's a few problems with what he's saying though.
It's much worse than what he's saying.
And he keeps playing along that the terror threat is real.
But other than that, he's spot on.
You know, I don't know what to say about this.
I mean, I do know what to say about it, but I've got so much to say about it, and after the break we will go straight into it.
And that is, namely, that we have seen massive fake news reporting in the past.
The White House has been caught and has had to admit that they issue fake terror alerts for political reasons
And that they did this before the 2004 election, they're doing it now with the 2006 off-year election.
And a lot of times they issue the fake terror alerts themselves, sometimes they pick up on other fraudulent terror reports from overseas, and other times they literally just go to neocon websites and regurgitate what they're saying.
And we've heard it.
Oh, they're carrying nukes across the Southwest.
Oh, they're going to nuke Dallas.
They're going to nuke New York.
It's going to happen this week.
They're going to nuke Houston.
And you've got operatives out there pushing this, saying this, putting it out there, and then other mockingbirds go and tweet it and quack it.
Back out.
So we'll go over this.
Just, oh my gosh, you know, seven stadiums are going to be hit.
Give all your rights up.
And Fox News issues it for two days like it's real.
Then it turns out it's just some nothing website with someone speculatively flapping their lips.
But, they're flapping their lips about past threats the White House has put out.
So, we're going to break this down.
What's really going on with it after the break.
Top US General in Iraq is saying the situation is imploding.
Top British General saying that as well.
Another report here, everyone's a terrorist or working for the government on Fox.
It's out of Reuters.
North Korean General says war is inevitable.
We're going to cover all the serious news on the other side.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up, we're going to play, up to date, one of the most powerful Keith Oberman
speeches, diatribes, rants that we've seen so far.
He continues to top himself each and every evening standing up for this Republic.
And he's doing things the neocons hate.
He's actually going through the subsections on some of these broadcasts, some of these transmissions.
He's actually documenting every claim he makes, which makes them shriek in anger and hatred.
They just would rather be able to lie to the public.
By the way, I was on Lars Larson last night for a whole hour.
He has a nationally syndicated radio program that's on here in Austin and Dallas.
I've heard it before.
And I'm tempted to play clips of some of the things he said because I would make the claim that Operation Northwoods was a U.S.
government plan to stage terror attacks.
He'd say, it's not true, you have no proof, you're a shyster, you're just making this up.
He would then say, you talk too fast.
Then he'd say, oh no, the H.R.
6166 Military Commissions Act doesn't affect U.S.
citizens, doesn't strip them of their citizenship.
I'd read it in the subsection.
He'd say, no, that's not what it means.
And of course, he tried calling me a liberal.
So out of the gates, I pointed out that they are the fake conservatives.
And this is what they do.
I mean, watching fake conservatives.
Who are there to neutralize real conservatives, populists, libertarians, freedom lovers, classical liberals, whatever term you want to use, it's all mumbo-jumbo.
It's either you're for freedom or you're against it.
You're either for centralized authoritarian despotisms or you're for liberty.
And they confuse us with the whole left-right system and then play those two sides off against each other, but I've beaten that to the ground and you all know that better than I.
But just to watch their tricks.
Oh, the liberals!
They won't let us have the oil out of ANWR!
Oh, the liberal senator wants to block oil sales out of Alaska so that the American people can quote, have cheaper oil.
Sounds good, but it's really a liberal lie.
They don't want us to make money.
85% of that oil goes to China and goes to Japan.
And it's used to run the factories and run the cars and run the industrial system that's being used to destroy our jobs.
It's not free market.
It's a cartel.
It's a cartel.
And again, I'm already digressing all over the map here.
I was listening to like these little factoids that Lars Larson would play during the breaks.
It would be like a commercial and then him ranting about something.
And it was just, on every case, it was actually something that was for the elites, against the people, had nothing to do with conservatism.
It was all about the New World Order, but everything was couched in, oh, it's conservative, or oh, it's liberal.
So again, they tell conservatives that things are conservative that actually destroy America, so conservatives are fooled like a fish biting a, you know, minnow that has a hook through it.
It's just so sick.
I mean, just everything is false information.
Literally, it's like they spew a matrix of multi-layered propaganda.
And I think a lot of these hosts even believe the stuff they spew.
It's like a shtick.
They all sound the same.
They all say the same things.
They all just make jokes about the stupid liberals, and giggle and snicker all day, and everything's funny, and occasionally they'll talk about some real issue, but then not tell you who's behind it.
Oh, they'll talk about the open borders, and even the North American Union, but then act like Bush is fighting it, and Bush is good.
I mean, the level of just lying is incredible!
It really is something else.
It really does boggle the mind sometimes to see how they operate.
But I'm already digressing and burning up the clock.
Let's just see if I can actually get into the news.
Later I have a newscast clip on this as well that the network's grabbing for me right now.
FBI questions someone in NFL threat.
The FBI interviewed a Milwaukee resident Thursday who officials believe was involved in posting internet threats about dirty bomb attacks on NFL football stadiums this weekend.
The threats apparently are phony.
The person, described only as a young adult, did not appear to have any ties to terrorist groups.
According to the Washington law enforcement, the official was spoken on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing.
In Milwaukee, FBI spokesman Richard K. Ruminski said the individual had come forward and provided information about the posting of the threat against the NFL stadiums.
The U.S.
government still believes the threat is non-credible.
And this is some snot-nosed young person who went and posted on a blog that there would probably be a dirty bomb attack on seven stadiums in the country carried out by Al-Qaeda.
It's all right here what was on the site, the quotes.
And that Al-Qaeda had sworn to hit us as soon as Ramadan ended.
In the next week,
And that Al-Qaeda and the Islamic fascists are going to get us.
I mean, he's a neo-con, brain-dead, brainwashed individual from the statements.
And you have to ask yourself, where did this person get these ideas?
Two years ago, the White House and the FBI and Homeland Security
Issued threats on the eve of the 2004 election, and they did it the year before that as well, that there were plans for Al-Qaeda to attack football stadiums, NFL and college football stadiums, during the beginning of autumn, running through into the winter.
And by the way, we're going to write an article on this.
Paul Watson's writing one right now.
And again, we confer.
We actually write the articles here live on air.
I brainstorm, bring up all the articles that I remember.
He goes and does Google searches.
We codify it, put it together.
But I remember it all.
Don't you remember it?
In fact, we've now pulled some of them up here, have them in front of me.
And so it was the government, it was Homeland Security, and then quietly after football season they said, well actually it was an unspecified, uncredible threat, but we still put it out.
And when they put it out, they said it was a credible threat from sources.
So it was the federal government and the criminals that control it and Homeland Security that during the last election terrorized the public and said Al-Qaeda was planning to hit
NFL and college football games with dirty bombs, with nukes, with conventional truck bombs.
And so all this quote young person does
He goes and regurgitates, guaranteed!
The young person may not even exist, this could be a total psyop, but it's probably a real 18-year-old who listens to the neocons and watches Glenn Beck on TV.
Who, by the way, you talk about issuing non-credible threats.
I mean, every week they're going to sneak a nuke across the border.
Every week they're going to hit us with dirty bombs.
They're going to hit sports stadiums.
He's been saying in the last two weeks!
So you've got young people watching the current fear-mongering!
The Council on Foreign Relations said three years ago they'd probably hit sports stadiums, then a year later they said it again.
They said Dallas, Denver, Cleveland, and what was it, one other town, Chicago, would be hit.
In fact, Paul, who's listening, go pull the U.S.
News and World Report from 2004.
Right around this time, it was about a month before the election,
And the headline was, D.C.
will be hit by terrorists.
And an unnamed high-level White House source says, we will be hit by terrorists by the election, and it may be nuclear.
Remember that?
Again, I mean, I don't think that was paraphrasing.
I basically just quoted it from memory because I read it like 20 times on air.
Going, look at them, terrorizing us!
You know, that was back in the day when they took us up to Orange and they said, oh, it's a credible threat.
We're going to be hit for sure.
Remember, oh, they're going to blow up the sports stadium.
So they take the state guard and send them to high school football games and they search the three-year-old's bags.
And they, in Alabama and other areas, look, we have photos and video.
We've written articles about it.
And they just search everyone.
It has nothing to do with anything.
As if it was real CIA, excuse me, I mean Freudian slip.
I just know it's the government.
There was real Al-Qaeda that wasn't Al-C-I-A-D-A, who actually ran up and detonated a dirty bomb.
A big crowd of people bunched up in the turnstiles would be the perfect place!
Your security does nothing!
You can't stop people that want to attack!
That's why we're in so much trouble!
The government's run by terrorists who are attacking us, and it's really hard to stop them!
Though there have been police around the country who have foiled several federal attacks that were in play, including one in Houston against a chemical plant.
And we've got the government constantly trying to provocateur groups to launch attacks.
So, the government issued the original threats against football stadiums, college and NFL professional league, and it even trickled down to the high schools with lots of
You know, searches.
In fact, the NFL saying, don't worry, we're going to search everyone.
Don't worry, we're going to have the military out.
Don't worry.
Again, and now it's all a big ritual on being a slave.
And all these Super Bowls where they have troops and helicopters flying around and retina scanning going, retina scanning keeps you safe.
And they introduce the players by retina scanning them.
Remember that?
That's in Road to Tyranny.
That was in the Super Bowl after 9-11.
At first Super Bowl.
Everything is a ritual.
Everything is a training op.
Bringing you into slavery.
Bringing you into shackles.
Bringing you into bondage.
Conditioning you to line up, show your paper, show your retina scan, and submit to the nice goons in black Darth Vader outfits walking around with Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine guns.
And so I have this all here in front of me.
I think I'm going to cover this more when we get back.
We have clips of this coming up.
Well, I want to get your take on it today.
We'll go to your calls at the bottom of the hour.
So now the feds have been caught so many times putting out false threats that they lost all credibility.
And the public and polls, you know, knows they're doing it.
So now they just use rumors generated by their past rumor mongering.
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We did find a good audio version of Keith Upperman's incredible diatribe, the speech he gave last night.
These get more and more historical by the day, to the point now we're going to start recording it right off the television.
We'll be airing that at the bottom of the next hour, that little nine and a half minute piece.
To analyze it, he did make a few mistakes, but again, who can fault him when he's got this much courage?
We will have open phones throughout the day.
You'll notice that we're not having any guests right now, because there is so much news and information, and I want to give you all a chance to respond and get involved on air.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Ari Fleischer, the White House Press Secretary, three years ago, before he left and Scott McClellan came to power for a while, now it's Tony Snow, who was always a government operative, from Fox News Channel, is now the White House Press Secretary, but... Ari Fleischer came out and openly said, yeah, we're issuing these terror alerts for political reasons.
And White House memos have gone public.
And Republican strategy memos have been made public in the news that they issue terror alerts for political gain.
And it's always the same story.
We have a specific credible threat from Pakistan that they may dirty bomb the stadiums in the next two weeks.
And then quietly a week later they say actually that was a false threat, the person lied, they don't even give the name, but we're still going to have increased security and that's back of the paper.
Or Dick Cheney tells U.S.
News and World Report, we will be hit by terrorists!
We are going to be hit!
Well, they've been caught doing this so many times, and it began to backfire on them in the press.
I mean, for several years we were telling you it was fake news reports, and that it was fake alerts.
Now they had to admit it, and the news started going.
Oberman pointed out, you know, it took him an...
A couple years to go public, but remember that was one of his first reports when he got hardcore.
It was about a year ago about how he showed the graph and how they issued the terror alerts every time a scandal came out, or every time they were in trouble in the polls, or every time something embarrassing happened.
Again, it goes to Oberman.
It's turning into an Oberman Worship Fest here.
We'll give credit where it's due.
We've got to talk about how he's allowed to do what he's doing.
I have a view on that.
I think he's a good guy.
I think he's being used, and we'll break it down.
In fact, let me write a note there.
Bring down Oberman later.
I'll do that after I play the clip at the bottom of the next hour.
But coming up we have this other clip off CBS News where they're talking about the new threat of the dirty bomb.
And again, the dirty bomb would kill 100,000.
And the dirty bomb would kill, it says, everyone in the stadium instantly with its radiation.
That's not how dirty bombs work.
Even some of the nastiest dirty bombs, you could really aerosolize and disperse it.
If people got medical attention, and took potassium iodate, and did a few other things, most of them wouldn't die.
The truth of the matter is, dirty bombs aren't that dangerous.
We're good to go.
You know, the radiation emitters they use for x-ray machines, they can just tie them up with some plastic explosives, detonate it, have somebody with a Geiger counter out there and shut down a few city blocks and have a big hysteria over it and really not even damage any of their real estate.
The way they keep bringing dirty bomb back tells me that
Well, that'll be good.
I mean, it'll be bad if they dirty bomb us, but it's better than the Feds nuking a city or releasing smallpox.
I mean, if they just set off a dirty bomb and radiate a few hundred people and they all get treatment, maybe one of them has a heart attack or something, it'll be terrible, but much better than Bush, you know, nuking half of Chicago, and which I believe is one of their main targets, the Golden Gate Bridge as well there in San Francisco.
And again, I just watch them so long.
It's like somebody who's got their favorite football team and knows the coach.
You just watch them long enough.
You figure out what play they're probably going to go with next.
It's just... These people are sick.
But now they've been caught issuing all these fake terror alerts, which is yelling, fire in a theater.
Well, now the feds and the media just run into the theater and say, somebody says there might be a fire in the theater.
Or they run in and say, he says there's a fire in the theater.
No different than a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, four years ago, five years ago, where they were yelling, fire in the theater.
Now they just add, he says there's a fire in the theater!
Or, he says, fire in the theater!
He says, fire in the theater!
Nobody hears him say, he says, and then they, fire in the theater!
And everybody, oh, get some, oh, fire in the theater!
There's a, there's a threat, Al Qaeda!
Glenn Beck, all these neocons.
I see Glenn Beck because I've seen video clips of him doing it on TV and I've listened to it and I hear of the national host and Savage and Limbaugh and Hannity and every time I tune in, dirty bombs, nukes, biologicals.
Savage literally beat Nick that he is.
I mean seriously folks, every time I mention him, I don't know why, I ought to do a whole expose.
The guy wrote books about love novels.
I'm not even going to get into it.
I mean, it's giving me a break.
I just can't handle it anymore.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Dave in Canada, Dave in Michigan, Dave in Ohio, Tom in Texas, Joe in Michigan, many others.
Your calls are coming up here in a few minutes.
I need to get into a few of the other important news stories that are coming up in the broadcast.
Just give you a brief synopsis and then detail it more later.
Before I get back into the fake terror alerts and the rumor mongering,
By the terrorists.
That's what terrorists do.
They scare you.
They try to terrorize you.
They try to make you think that they're everywhere and omnipresent.
What's our government media do?
Hype the terrorists.
Hype the fear, because they work for the real terrorists who carried out the terror attacks to take control of this country.
But I want to encourage all the listeners to get the new DVD, 9-11, The Myth and the Reality.
Dr. David Ray Griffin is author of four books about 9-11.
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Please give it as Christmas presents, birthday presents.
Give it as early Christmas presents.
Say, hey everybody, I bought 10 copies.
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And, you know, go wake up.
We can't wait.
Here it is.
You know, HR 6166.
All this stuff's coming down.
All this stuff's happening.
You need to get it out to people now.
By the way, for those that do get the films and the books that we carry, I want to thank you for making this show possible.
For those that have, because it really is donating to the cause, and that's how you support us, and for those that have supported us and have donated, I want to thank you.
And I'm talking to all of you.
Just, we are busy, we are so busy fighting, I wish I could call and thank each and every one of you that have supported us.
I get emails every day from folks saying, hey man, I've been emailing you for a month, you haven't emailed back, I'm upset.
Station owners try to call me, and I have trouble getting back with them, and then some of them get bummed out.
Folks, I literally was up here until 1 a.m.
last night.
You know, I tried to spend an hour with my children this morning, and then I went to work, and then I'm going to work all day today.
I just, I don't even have a life, okay?
I mean, I just, so again, to all of you that have supported us, I just need to mention, I guess every other show, that I'm sorry that I can't thank you all properly.
I'm sorry that I can't
We've just got to get more management here, or expand what we're doing, but then that takes funds, and it's just, because it is crazy.
But please get TerrorStorm, please get 9-11 Mysteries, please get the new film with David Ray Griffin, 9-11, the myth and the reality, all available at InfoWars.com, or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139.
Again, that's 888-253-3139.
And we've been authorized to post 9-11 mysteries to myth and reality for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
Dozens of films up there, all 15 of my films, weekly TV reports, and we have them in super high quality versions.
We have TerrorStorm up there where it looks as good as television, and you can go there and download copies of TerrorStorm and then burn it to disk.
It's a huge activist center.
So please get PrisonPlanet.tv memberships, 15 cents a day, $5.95 a month.
You know what, let's just go to your calls and then I'm going to get back into just... I mean, what's worse?
The government openly issuing fake terror alerts at Shang's Stadium two years ago and three years ago they did it at the Super Bowl and for the big games all year long.
In 2004.
I did it in 2003.
The government put the threats out.
Some teenager regurgitates threats.
You can go find word for word what this quote young person, unidentified, said with past alerts.
And now the FBI is questioning them.
The government loves it.
They can find any rumor they want on the web, and then they promote it, they push it.
Is this the October Surprise?
All this fear-mongering?
Do they even have to carry out a terror attack?
Does the military-industrial complex even have to carry one out?
Or can they just hype it, and then it creates the perception of a real attack, like all these thousands of anti-terror drills do?
What do you think those are?
By the way, I got an email the other day saying... Why do they use that term, fire in a theater?
Yelling fire in the theater.
There aren't fires in theaters.
Where does that term come from?
And that's what the government does.
Going back just 50, 60 years ago, if you've ever been up in a big theater built in the 20s or 30s, the big Art Deco theaters, if you've ever been in the projectionist booth up in the upper floor, you will notice there's a big iron door, like an oven going into it.
And that's because the old cellulose of the film
Of the film reels, and the chemicals they used in it was basically like dried gasoline.
And explosive, almost.
I mean, it would just, it would explode.
Nothing about almost.
Extremely flammable.
And they would run it across a hot light bulb.
And those old bulbs, you know, weren't the cool burner.
I mean, you think light bulbs are hot today?
They were red hot.
And constantly were burning out.
And so there were hundreds of cases all over Europe and the U.S.
of huge fires that killed projectionists.
Sometimes they burned out whole theaters and killed people inside.
Similar to what you saw with the Great White up in Rhode Island a few years ago with the pyrotechnics.
How many people died?
A mass of them.
So that's why you hear fire in a theater.
Because man, if you went in and yelled fire in a theater 60, 70 years ago, people got out of there in a hurry.
Because that room full of hundreds of films would start exploding once the first reel caught on fire.
I don't know why I get off into history and digress, but now you know what fire in a theater means.
I got this email.
You always say fire in a theater.
It wouldn't be scary.
People, you know, what's that mean?
It's like the Rolling Stones in 1970 when the Hell's Angels stabbed the black man up there at the front of the stage because he supposedly had a gun and everybody went crazy and stampeded over a bunch of other people and killed them.
It's the same thing.
That's why you don't do that.
By the way, there's a bunch of federal and state laws against issuing fake threats.
It is a felony in many states.
But the White House does it, and they do it all they want.
Okay, let's go to calls.
Dave in Canada, who I'm told disagrees.
He goes to the head of the line.
Welcome, Dave.
Hi there, Alex.
I'm a big fan, and I just want to say to you that after my comments, I have two pieces of information for you.
Okay, well I hear you disagree.
Go ahead, sir.
Basically, I disagree with the way you handle callers that call in and disagree, because
Lots of times, you know, you get really dumb callers, right?
I understand that.
But sometimes, you know, people call and they have genuine disagreements that they don't really understand.
And sometimes, you just wig on them, man.
Like, I remember last week, when two guys were in queue to be lined up for disagreeing, and you said, you know, Michael and, you know, Bill, like, sarcastically, even before they got on the air, you know.
And I just kind of wish that, you know, sometimes you'd calm down and give them a bit more chance to speak.
No, I hear you.
I hear you.
You know what I wish, though?
I wish you'd turn your radio off.
Oh, actually, I'm in a parkade.
I'm sorry.
I don't know why it's so echoing or something.
Listen, sir, I agree with you.
I've got lots of problems.
And I am a fallen person, like everybody else.
And it comes off sometimes as arrogance.
It's not.
I have to hype myself up to do this show, and I get upset when I do the show, and I have to... Oh, I know.
It's hard.
And I turn my brain on when I do the show, and then when I start focusing on this stuff, I get mad.
And so it spills over.
Yeah, I know.
Also, remember that last week of that plane crash into that building?
You were saying how it's impossible to sign off.
Well, you know, if you add up the building number and the speed address of that building, it comes to 9-11.
Well, not exactly.
If you take the date and flip it, it comes up to 90... Well, the building number comes to 11, and the street number added up comes to 9.
So it's reversed, but it's still 9-11.
It's kind of interesting there.
Yeah, but it isn't the full date is what I'm saying.
No, not the date.
The building address.
Okay, thank you for the call.
I appreciate it, sir.
Yeah, I should be nicer to people that disagree, but it's like Sunday on the Sunday show I'm doing on NewsRadio 590 KLBJ, that a lot of our affiliates have picked up or are in the process of picking up.
And I'll just tell our affiliates, if you want to pick it up and you already have an affiliate relations agreement with us, just go ahead and pick it up.
No need to call affiliate relations, no need to do any of that stuff, just pick up the Sunday show, we're asking stations to do it, and just let us know that, you know, drop me a line.
You can call me here at the office if you want to talk to somebody or want to leave a voicemail at 512-291-5750 and punch up the media extension and let us know if the station is picking up the broadcast.
We're really, really excited about that.
In fact, I'm going to set up my own affiliate relations here at my office so you can talk to a person and get service.
In fact, we're already in the process of doing that.
Because I want to grow, I want to get more affiliates.
We do get more stations, like I guess about one every month or so.
But that's not fast enough, my friends.
The country's in too much trouble.
But, you know, that lady called into the Sunday Show and she said, well, first off, you use neocon, which is a well-known anti-Semitic term.
You know, I mean, I'm ready for him to say, if you say DU is bad, that DU is code for anti-Semitism, no.
DU is an abbreviation for depleted uranium.
Or if I say I don't like inflation, and I criticize the Federal Reserve, oh, that's code.
And basically, they do do that.
If you criticize the banking system, they go, oh, that's code for anti-Semitism.
I'm trying to joke here, but really I'm telling a joke, and actually that's what they already do.
I'm trying to think of an asinine thing.
You know, if you criticize banking, you're anti-Semitic.
I'm like, oh, wait a minute.
I've been attacked many times by national newspapers.
If you talk about the Federal Reserve and banking, they do claim.
In fact, ADL says that's code.
So see, the wildest joke you can just make up they're doing, you see.
Again, it'd be like if I said, you know, the government's so evil, they openly admit they kidnap children for sex slavery.
And people go, well that's just ridiculous, they'd all be brought down.
No, it's in again the Chicago Tribune and BBC and in German newspapers that DynCorp and Halliburton run giant slave camps and kidnap children for sex slavery.
And it's mainstream news that they have lobbyists in DC to lobby that the law not be enforced.
I mean, we're in hell!
And you know what, I said that in the third hour yesterday and I don't care.
I ought to just sit here and repeat the fact that that's going on.
You know, through the grapevine, I was told to shut up about it or I was going to be in deep trouble.
Well, I just don't care.
Somebody's got to stand up to you bastards and I'm going to do it.
And you're criminals.
You're shameful trash.
Just absolutely criminal.
None of us are safe all these times.
I mean, they're openly doing it.
No one in history, I guess since back to Roman or Aztec times, has just openly done this type of stuff.
They just openly do it.
A pack of cynical crooks.
They're slick criminals and they're arrogant.
And criminals always think they're invincible.
And I'll tell you, their arrogance is what's going to be the deciding factor that's going to bring them down.
And so that lady calls in and says, first off, you're an anti-Semite.
And first off, you must be with the Muslim extremists who want to cut the women's heads off.
So I said, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Let me counter both of those.
He's like, no, no, no.
Let me say some more slander.
Some more libel.
Some more defamation.
Because that's what these sick little people do.
They're not here to save this country.
They don't care about this country.
They care about feeling good, and lying to themselves, and telling themselves everything's okay.
Well, it isn't okay, lady!
David, Michigan.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Well, first off, you know what you should have said to that lady, uh, when she said, uh, you said, uh, neocon, so that means you're anti-Jewish.
You should have said, no, if you hear the word neocon and all you can think about is Jews being evil, maybe you're the one who's anti-Semitic?
It's like there's a, again I don't want to get you off topic, but there's a popular band called Coldplay.
They make really great music, but there's this stupid thing that says Coldplay, if you listen to Coldplay you're gay.
So that's what I said to guys.
It was making fun of me for listening to it.
I said, if you hear all this music, and all you can think about is two guys spooning, maybe, like, you're the ones who are gay.
But, uh, anyway, um... No, no, I agree with you.
And notice how the media, they're the ones that bring up anti-Semitism.
All the shows.
They're the ones that inject it.
They're the ones trying to tie it to 9-11.
It's the media that pushes it.
And so, you know, you play into that.
I mean, it's just name-calling.
So it immediately puts you on the defensive.
But, uh,
You know, again, just to point out, like, no, I didn't say anything about Jewish people, so that apparently means that you're the one, you know, apparently you're the one that's thinking about how much you hate Jews, or black people, or whatever the case may be.
But, um, I wanted to correct you earlier, you said that the blogger who said about the NFL's dirty bomb threat is a young man, and no, Alex, young men don't watch Fox News.
I don't know, I think it was Judge that linked to it.
You know who watches Fox News?
Old women.
Fox News
No, I know, yeah.
They just want to be reassured.
They don't care if America goes down.
Just reassure them that everything's okay and make little jokes all day.
Look, it's obvious.
He's probably a psyop.
They won't say who the quote young man is.
But, I mean, they probably did grab some little blurb off some message board.
The point is, the blurb on the message board was a repeat of what the Feds have been issuing.
This is an exact repeat of the fake terror alerts they issued before.
But now they've lost so much credibility, they've just got to regurgitate some message board that itself is regurgitating what they said.
It's a feedback loop.
We have what they call incestuous amplification.
The other thing about old women watching Fox News is, of course, old women vote.
They're like 60% of the voting audience.
Voting is like 60% female.
Can I quickly plug a blog?
I just wrote a blog.
I know you don't touch on social issues too much.
Just tell me the blog.
It's jamescameron.blogspot.com.
I'm a big fan of the filmmaker.
I found a lot of subtext about abortion in the movies.
Okay, James Cameron and blogspot.com.
Not probably.
All right, thanks a lot.
Hey, you bet, man.
I appreciate your call.
All right, we'll come back and talk to another David, then Tom and Joe, then many others.
Wide open phones today!
And North Korea says that we're in a state of war.
There's all this other news.
It's just, it's ultra massive.
A bunch of audio clips coming up.
Stay with me.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, we are steadily climbing up the top 100 at Google Video.
And why is that important for those that just joined us with my new film, Terror Storm?
Because when it gets up into the top 20 or 30, tens of millions of people are able to watch the film in just a matter of days.
A mighty harvest is upon us here in waking up people in the fight against the New World Order.
It is absolutely key we wake up as many people because any day now, or it could be five years from now, or it could be never if we cause a revelation, a renaissance of understanding of who is really behind terror, how black ops squads working for criminal global corporations have seized our government and how they're carrying out terror.
If we cause an awakening to that, we neutralize this tool
In their arsenal, their chief weapon of state-sponsored terror.
We're trying to save lives.
We're risking our lives in this fight.
Join us, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm walking point.
I'm going in, through, and beyond.
We are fighting them like no one has ever fought them before, because you, the American people, are rising.
So please go to PrisonPlanet.com.
Go to every message board, MySpace, every blog.
Go out there, post it, email your email list, tell everybody, call into radio talk shows, call into the neocons, and tell them, Google Terror Storm!
Go watch the film for free!
Lars Larson was so shocked, you're giving it up for free?
That proves you're a liberal!
And I'm like, quit trying to neutralize, quit trying to put us in that box.
We're trying to save this country, you twit.
I'm going to get that guy on, by the way.
I'm going to get Lars Larson on the show, so we can have a debate.
Let's go ahead and talk to David in Ohio.
David, go ahead.
Hi, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Okay, yes, sir.
First, I just want to say that I'm a big fan of yours, and I think you rock.
Well, thank you, my friend.
I'm a fan of folks that want to fight tyranny.
What's on your mind?
I'm your fan.
What's up?
Well, sir, I just wanted to ask you, first, I wanted to know if there were radio station affiliates here in Ohio?
There are.
We have a couple of affiliates in Ohio, and I don't have that list in front of me because it's changing.
In fact, right now we're trying to codify the list and get it down properly, and we're calling all the affiliates.
I'm doing that right out of my office right here.
Right on, right on.
And I had another question for you.
Yes, sir.
I wanted to know what you thought the probability of another incident would be before the election.
Well, I mean, I put out a big alert two months ago that saying we were in a prime zone for an attack.
I remember.
Between now and the end of October, and they're so arrogant, it could even be on the day before election, and now even Reuters.
In fact, I said I'd cover it yesterday, and I didn't cover it yesterday.
I've got to dig that out of my stack, and I will cover that next hour.
Well, Reuters said, you know, will there be some big deciding October surprise?
Rove is promising the Republicans are going to win, promising there's about to be a big surprise.
Again, that's in the Washington Times, very chilling.
I don't know, but I think that we have lessened
The 98% chance that I predicted.
And again, my prediction was the proviso, unless we take action and get involved, and look what's happened.
Nationwide demonstrations, nationwide marches, from Austin to New York to Chicago to LA to Portland, you name it.
I mean, it's happening everywhere we're on the march.
The Empire is on the run, my friend.
I understand, sir.
So, is there a way I can get a list of those affiliates?
Yeah, I was just telling you, sir, I don't have a list in front of me.
There's no, like, maybe a web document?
Well, what happened is, uh, we had organizations, when we used to post the list, the network did, going and getting all the stations and trying to call them and lobbying for them to take us off the air.
And so, to do the stations a favor, we just, the network stopped releasing that, and then over time, the network just quit keeping proper track of it, so I'm now collating and codifying that, but I'll find out where we're on for Ohio and announce it, because that's what you need to know.
Thank you for the call.
You bet.
We'll be right back with the second hour.
Stay with us.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, we have the caller.
They're asking about affiliates in Ohio.
And I did actually know about this affiliate.
I just can't keep track of it all in my mind.
I had the owner on the show.
There's one other in Ohio.
We're digging that out.
WCER 900 AM.
And that covers much of the state and part of several other states.
It's got a very big coverage area.
900 AM, sir.
You can go to radio-locator.com.
Type in WCER and see if you're able to pick it up.
Okay, so you're asking for an affiliate.
A lot of stations just now joined us.
They're like, what on earth is Alex Jones talking about?
The last caller was asking about stations in Ohio.
So I was trying to answer his question.
To recap, before we go back into your calls, coming up in 30 minutes I'm going to air a nine plus minute incredible speech, they just get better every day, by Keith Oberman on Countdown last night.
And we'll analyze his statement and bring up the two points that are inaccurate in what he's saying, but the rest of it's pure gold.
We're also going to get more into the fake terror alerts.
The exact terror alert we're hearing that some young person put on a blog that caused nationwide fear, Land of the Cowards, Home of the Slaves.
That's what we've turned into.
Just a bunch of shrinking violets that are afraid of their own shadow here.
The exact same thing that this teenager is saying in some blog that's caused national paralysis, basically, is
What the government put out, word for word, three years ago and two years ago, on the eve of the 2004 election, and the year before that, to fearmonger.
So it's just a regurgitation of past fake government terror alerts.
And it's been admitted they issue fake terror alerts, so now they've had to back off, and then just kind of recycle, you know, finding someone on the web, of billions of people on the web, that recycled what they'd said, and then they turn it as, how dare this young man do this, it caused days of total fear.
Meanwhile, fake conservative neocon and liberal controllers all over radio and TV are hyping nukes have been brought across the border.
Al-Qaeda is going to hit us any minute.
Give up all your freedoms.
Oh my gosh!
That's the kind of stuff we have here in front of us.
And then continuing
We have North Korean General.
War is inevitable.
Bush says U.S.
will stop North Korean nuke moves.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says we can easily brush aside the North Koreans.
We can go ahead and go to war with them.
But don't worry, they won't.
They're going to attack Iran instead because they're not threatening to nuke us.
Loeb foresees GOP victory.
Very chilling statements here out of the Washington Times we'll cover.
And that dovetails with a New York Times piece today, New Laws and Machines May Spell Voting Woes.
The feds with the Help America Vote Act and the voter assistance moves in those states really are to put in the government-controlled, no record, no paper-trailed systems, and now those are put in to save us from all the problems that they staged in 2000 and 2004, and now they're saying it'll cause bigger problems than ever.
So, we will also go over that in this hour, I promise.
And I still didn't have time during my break to dig out the Reuters article from yesterday that was discussing an October surprise.
It is a huge issue.
I mentioned it yesterday but didn't detail it.
I will detail it today.
Will there be an October surprise?
Rove promises.
And I pray it's not a terror attack.
We'll see what happens.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Tom in Texas, Joe in Michigan, Levi in Colorado, Dave in Texas.
Today is the Day of Davids.
We will take all your calls after this break and then I will plunge directly into the news that I've aforementioned and the Keith Oberman clip that is coming up again before this segment ends.
Terror Storm, my new film, is in the top 100 of Google.
Why is that important?
Millions of people go do their television watching every day off of that area.
Being in that top 100, we're able to reach millions of people.
Keep emailing it out to everybody.
Keep promoting it.
Keep going to PrisonPlanet.com at the top of the page.
That's the link that needs to be gotten out to folks.
Not the scores of other Terror Storm versions on Google Video.
We need to focus on one version to drive it to the top so tens of millions of lemmings can be woken up and reborn into free human beings that are aware of the government-sponsored terror paradigm.
Stand by!
We'll be right back!
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I have the Reuters report here in front of me where they openly talk about an October surprise and will there be one?
Well, we've got about 11 days to find out.
And we're just about two weeks
Now, away from the election, so we will certainly see, won't we?
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Tom in Texas.
Tom, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Or maybe not thanks for holding, huh?
He's not there?
Okay, let's go to Joe in Michigan.
Joe, you're on the air.
Alex, the local radio station tomorrow morning is going to do an hour show on whether George Bush should be impeached or not.
And I wonder if you could give me some salient points.
Well, I would point out that HR 6166 clearly, and it's not just me saying this, it's all the legal scholars, all the constitutional scholars, it states that non-allegiance to Bush is an act of terrorism.
You can be secretly arrested, secretly tried by a kangaroo court, and secretly executed.
And I would also bring up the fact that trillions are missing from the Pentagon.
I would also bring up the fact that he has declared he's above the law.
I would bring up the fact that he is extremely dangerous, but that he's also a puppet, but that we need to punish the executive and show that the people and the Congress are still boss.
They told me that alien was in... that they had to be an alien to be declared an enemy combatant.
Uh, who told you that?
That was Norm Jones told me that.
Who's Norm Jones?
A congressman?
No, he's a local radio host.
I think there's a congressman named Norm Jones, too.
Okay, let me just tell you this.
Okay, uh... You know, the more traction... The more traction... Do you want me to give you the information?
I'm listening.
No, no, no.
Go ahead, sir.
Go ahead.
I'm not going to interrupt you.
Go ahead and make your point.
The more traction Bush loses, the less likely an attack.
Is that a good point?
Well, we don't know that.
It's a catch-22.
You're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't.
I'm sure you've heard that saying.
So, I mean, either we lay down and buy the tyranny and they stage more attacks and they win, or we force them out into the open and prove they're the terrorists, and that'll probably force them to launch an even bigger attack, but that's just the way it goes, and then we defeat them by forcing them to overplay their hand.
So it's better to fight them on our terms, from the high ground, than letting them have the high ground.
And not exposing them and letting them stage more attacks to get more power is not the way to do it.
It's letting them have the high ground.
We want to fight them on our terms, sir.
Number one rule of the art of war.
But let me just comment on what they're saying.
Okay, your talk show host obviously hasn't read HR 6166.
I doubt that maybe 1 in 10,000 people maybe have read it.
Okay, I have read it.
The Congress admits that most of them didn't even have time to read the final version.
They were given just a few hours.
Well, I did read it that Thursday night, three weeks ago, when the Senate passed it, and then it went to the House, and then it went back to the conference, and they passed it that Friday night, and Bush signed it two days ago, two and a half weeks later.
So, I've read the bill and I've gone on air over the subsections and I wrote articles for PrisonPlanet.com that list the subsections and then list also, because then these neocons will then read that and claim it doesn't say that, so we listed conservative and liberal constitutional scholars from Yale, from Princeton, from Harvard,
Judge Advocate Officers, former Judge Advocates saying it affects U.S.
We will play Keith Oberman saying it affects U.S.
They have made U.S.
citizens enemy combatants in the past.
What they do is, they say you were fighting with a foreign power and so they arbitrarily, without a court, withdraw your citizenship, okay?
So it's a play on words, sir.
Does that answer your question, Tom?
Or Joe?
Well, that gives me a lot of information, but, um, you know, there's a big Republican stronghold up here that just does not want to see the light.
I can't understand why we would risk this country on one man.
With all the impropriety and stuff we see, I just wonder about it.
Secrecy, especially, Alex.
Oh yeah, where there's smoke, there's fire, but we pierce the secrecy.
We have their memos, we have their documents, we have their statements.
We know they're declaring that they are dictators.
Thank you for the call, I appreciate that, sir.
Yeah, I mean, I can tell that the listener, Joe, is daunted a bit.
And it is daunting.
It is sobering to go on these neocon talk shows like Lars Larson and read the subsection.
In fact, it's here in my stack.
I announced on air that HR 6166 affects U.S.
citizens and he said, no it doesn't.
You're a liar.
You have no proof.
And he said, where is it?
Tell me.
It's a little trick they do.
They go, show it to me.
Oh, you can't.
You can't.
And I said, Lars, don't try that lawyer tactic.
I said, it's in HR 6166.
I said, it's been all over the news.
It affects U.S.
I said, Lars, you know, they said the Patriot Act wouldn't be used against citizens.
Now, you know, headline, thousands charged with Patriot Act, due process, write script.
He goes, well that's true, but they never said they wouldn't use it against citizens in non-terror related cases.
And I said, I got Bush and Ashcroft on tape, in films, like Police State 3 Total Enslavement saying it does.
He goes, no, no it doesn't.
And he goes, and it doesn't say that in the bill.
So I said, Lars, during the break I'll get it.
My guys were in the studio and I said, listen, go print the articles I wrote with Paul Watson because they quote the subsections.
Go pull the first articles we wrote the day it passed, that Friday.
I said go pull and also reprint HR 6166 for me.
They ran out, we went to break, and five minutes later on the show I came back, he didn't want me to read it, I did read it, and I read where it said,
If you don't show total allegiance to the U.S.
government, and if you are in any way... I want to just find the actual section.
It doesn't even say traitorous.
It's a lower bar.
It says if you don't show complete allegiance, that's it, to the government, you are a terrorist.
And in all the nomenclature, you're a terrorist first.
You're guilty until proven innocent.
Not innocent until proven guilty.
And he just said it's not true.
That isn't what that means.
Yes, that's what that means.
And that's what all the constitutional scholars say it means.
And anyone who's got half a brain can read that.
It says if you don't have total allegiance to the government.
If you engage in anything treacherous against the government.
And then it's in other... it's like four separate times.
I spent days... I read that bill at least four times!
You know how boring it is to read 81 pages four times?
We wrote about five articles in the week after it passed on it.
And I gotta go on these shows... I'm already getting... I need to settle down, folks.
I've been really mad... I'm mad about what's happened to the country.
Because they're not there to have a real discussion.
They're not there to have a real debate with you, okay?
They're there to have an emotional sab, make a joke about liberals, put everybody else to sleep.
When in truth, the conservatives and the liberals work together, they're owned by the very same multinational corporations, and they're playing good cop, bad cop on us.
That's why most Air America shows you listen to
It's all nuclear, and Bush is an idiot, and ha ha ha, he's so stupid, and he's inept.
He's not inept!
He's as smart as a cobra, a king cobra!
And he's got a bunch of other king cobras working with him.
They're cunning!
Just because he, you know, bumbles when he's up there lying, and isn't good at remembering his lines, and isn't good at reading the teleprompter, and gets nervous, and it doesn't mean he doesn't work for some... They're in control, folks!
He's the president!
They work for a powerful global elite!
They're bringing down the U.S.
They signed the North American Union.
They're putting in their toll roads.
They carried out the attacks.
They've attacked two countries and invaded them.
They've armed Pakistan and North Korea to bring in a world crisis.
They're not... They've gone from a million people in prison to over four times that.
I mean, they're running the game.
I mean, it's a shutout.
They got about 75 on the scoreboard and we're at zip.
But if we ever figured out there was a game going on here and we ever figured out who the enemy was and who the other team was, we'd start winning real quick!
The American people are the equivalent of 5,000 pound linebackers and 10,000 pound linemen and 4,000 pound quarterbacks and 4,000 pound tight ends and we're fighting a bunch of chicken-necked, pot-bellied neocons
But again, they've got the high ground.
They've convinced us with slick propaganda behind the curtain to lay down.
I mean, literally, if you saw how pathetic the enemy was, if you ever rose, if you ever took action and realized your power, you'd realize you were literally an 8 million pound gorilla fighting a little chicken neck.
A little crooked beak, little chicken neck.
People ask me, what's a chicken neck?
I mean, they got necks like chickens, folks.
They're little pathetic, scrawny, little twits.
Their souls are pathetic.
They're weak!
But they are cunning.
I'm just... We've got to break and come back and go to Joe and Levi and David and many others that are patiently holding.
But to have them deny
This is how it always works.
It's like Patriot Act.
They said it doesn't affect non-terror related crimes.
It won't affect citizens.
We promise.
We promise.
Phantoms have lost liberty.
It's conspiracies.
It's lies.
Ashcroft said that we're aiding terrorists by lying about Patriot Act.
And then Lars Larsenau printed up, while we were on air, about, what is it, four or five different articles, mainstream news, where, you know, it says, increasingly Patriot Act using non-terror.
Patriot Act used.
Federal Court rules.
It can be used.
And there's no due process.
There's no Bill of Rights.
And Lars Larson to that said, yeah, it's true.
Yeah, but you know what?
We need to get rid of due process to fight crime.
Because there's no real terrorist on the street.
The police are never going to run into a real terrorist.
All of this anti-terror training is about serious goon squad, Soviet slash Nazi style textbook oppression.
So see, since there's no classically defined terrorism, they're now redefining all crime as terror.
Oh, first they were going to use the drones to fight terror.
Now the drones are going to fly over our cities to fight anti-social behavior.
From L.A.
to London.
I mean, you've got crooks that run the government and run the country, and they know that we're waking up to them, so they're putting in a police state to suppress us, like Idi Amin did.
Like every other thug has done.
And they're just laughing at us.
Oh man, this is a great harvest for them.
You smile up at them with your beady little piggy eyes.
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Coming up, I'm going to play Oberman from last night.
Historical stuff.
And I'm going to analyze it, break it down.
Then could an October surprise shape the midterm election?
This is from Reuters.
North Korea saying war with the U.S.
is inevitable.
Things are certainly getting chaotic in the world, as if someone flipped a switch.
But it was actually all carefully crafted and nurtured and prepared.
Everything you're seeing right now, but it's not going according to plan.
Are any of the listeners outraged that the government is issuing fake terror alerts again, this time by hyping, passing on things they got off of blogs, which themselves were regurgitated repeats of what the Fed said two and three years ago?
I mean, don't you remember?
We pulled the articles, I have them right here, when the government said there's a threat of dirty bombs against stadiums?
It's Homeland Security terrorists that put this out to terrorize the people.
Okay, Tom was there, away from his phone.
We're going to drop Tom again.
Tom in Texas and Levi and others.
Go ahead, Tom.
Yeah, Alex, I'd just like to point out that the Military Commission Act is not actually law.
The statute to create a law is, if Congress is adjourned, the President has to sign the law within 10 days or it becomes a pocket veto.
He signed it in
What, 17, 18 days?
I am not aware of that parliamentary procedure, but you know, four or five months ago he signed a bill, a spending bill, a 2.3 billion dollar package, that hadn't even passed Congress, so he was already claiming imperial power above the law, you know, rulership, total despotism,
And every other term you can use to describe it before this even happened.
But, look, this thing isn't law to begin with.
It's totally unconstitutional.
It's against God's law.
It's against common law.
It's against common sense.
Bush is not above the law.
They can't torture children.
He's not God.
And he can't redefine waterboarding as not being torture.
Well, my point is, we've actually got a chance.
If we get this out in mainstream media and call and write, technically Congress has to readdress this bill and re-pass it.
So if we can get this out, that it's a pocket veto, they're going to have to do it again.
Will you email me the Parliamentary subsection off of Rules of the... Is that Rules of the House or Rules of the Senate or is that an intermural Parliamentary... I mean, from where does that sprout?
Where does that procedure derive from?
I got the information off of Congress.gov under a link called How a Law Becomes Law.
Okay, okay.
I know that section of the site.
So just go to the congressional website, How a Bill Becomes a Bill, How a Bill Becomes a Law, and you're saying that if it's... I was unaware of that.
I knew it was a prescribed period of time.
that the president has to sign it and that is a big deal we will get on that in fact will you write up your findings and I always like to give it credit that it's a listener that points it out and zip that off to Aaron at InfoWars.com.
Is that E-R-I-N?
No, it's A-A.
Alright, essentially the statute is if Congress is in session
And he doesn't sign it within 10 days, it automatically becomes law.
But if Congress is adjourned, it's a pocket veto and does not become law.
But Congress WAS adjourned.
So you're saying if they adjourn before he signs, it's automatically no good?
If they're adjourned, and he doesn't sign it within 10 days, it's a pocket veto.
And even if they're in session, it is a pocket veto.
No, the opposite isn't true if they're in session.
It automatically becomes law if he doesn't sign it in 10 days.
If they're adjourned...
The pocket veto.
See, this is why we're kicking their hind end, because you, the listeners, are so much more informed than I am on many issues, and all together, we really have quite a high IQ, several thousand percentage points.
We will look into what you've said, I believe it.
I remember some vague memory of this, back in the hinterland, the niederwald of my brain, but I will certainly pull that up, and we will put out an article on it.
Thank you so much, sir.
Anything else?
No, that's it.
I'd just like to thank you for all your tireless and hard work.
You're a great patriot.
Well, thank you, my friend.
So are you, checking into that.
It was smart to go check it.
Again, there's just too much to keep track of one person.
You guys and gals out there are making it all happen.
Okay, Levi, David, John, Scott, Keebler, everyone, we're going to get to your calls.
But I promised that I would get into this Reuters situation, this story with the October Surprise.
I want to get into North Korea and a few other little important tidbits.
There's nothing little about it.
This is huge.
And then we'll take more of your calls.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The ideology powering the Democrats and Republicans is not liberalism or conservatism, but globalism.
I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
So it's not just this broadcast and patriots in America talking about October surprises.
In fact, for people who wonder where this story originally arose from, it's Karl Rove in the Washington Times today
Saying that he promises there's going to be an October surprise.
He promises that they're going to maintain control of the House and the Senate.
Here is Roe v.
4C's GOP victory.
Washington Times today.
White House political strategist Karl Rove yesterday confidently predicted that the Republican Party would hold the House and the Senate in the next month's elections, dismissing fallout from the sex scandal involving former Representative Mark Foley.
Yes, because Michael Savage will keep it quiet, won't he?
At a luncheon with editors and reporters,
But the Washington Times, Mr. Rove, who is widely credited as the architect of the party's historic 2002 midterm election gains, said Republicans are beginning to make significant headway in defining their party's differences from Congressional Democrats, especially on national security.
And two weeks ago, he promised that there would also be a, quote, October surprise.
Cryptically, no one seems to know exactly what that means.
I'm confident we're going to keep the Senate.
I'm confident we're going to keep the House.
The Foley matter has impacted some limited districts, but the research we have shows that people are differentiating between a vote for their congressional and a member from Florida.
There's a problem.
All the polling data.
You don't just go off one or two or three polls.
You go off the spectrum of polls.
This is what they do in the focus groups and the studies and what the consultants do.
The political strategists and kingmakers like Karl Rove, which are really just errand boys for the elite, who are credited with the alchemy of modern politics, when really the elite just get behind who they're for, fund them, and put them in.
Now, 30-plus percent of the country has had the CIA-controlled three companies put in their machines under federal payment, leveraging it into the states, and Rove is confident they can steal another election as they did Ohio and New Mexico in the last one.
Now, in that case, they also had a ringer.
You can't just steal the election.
You've got to have the person you're running against take a dive as well.
You can't have them contested, as happened in Mexico.
That gets a little too messy.
A real candidate there, so he contested it.
There were riots and national demonstrations and threats of the troops being called out.
But not here, no.
So, why is he so confident?
Why has Cheney laughed and said, no problem?
As he said in 2000, as he said in 2004, because they're stealing elections.
And again, I was neutral in 2000.
I was not neutral in 2006.
I said there wasn't a real election.
It was completely staged.
And it didn't matter whether it was Kerry or Bush, they're both skull and bones.
Cousins related to each other.
Here is Reuters.
A last minute October surprise.
A dramatic news event that shakes up the U.S.
Could be a big wild card in the final three weeks of the fight for control of Congress.
And again, the headline was, could an October surprise shape the midterm election?
With Democrats threatening to sweep Republicans out of power in Congress in November 7th elections, a date, late-breaking, foreign crisis, terrorist attack, or a new scandal could change
...the debate and shape the ultimate outcome.
The possibilities are numerous as President George W. Bush juggles multiple foreign threats like North Korea's nuclear test, Iran's nuclear ambitions, and civil war in Iraq, along with the mushrooming Republican scandals at home.
There is a huge potential for some sort of October surprise that changes the dynamic, something that reminds everyone just how unstable the world is, pollster John Zogby said.
The October Surprise has a long history in U.S.
political campaigns from the collapse of hostage negotiations with Iran, which was staged by the CIA with George Bush Sr.
and Anatoly Khamenei, before Jimmy Carter's 1980 loss to Ronald Reagan to the airing of an Osama Bin Laden video before President George W. Bush's re-election in 2004.
Oh yeah, remember that?
And then it came out a few weeks later, it was re-edits of old videos.
That is admitted!
But again, always back of the paper.
I mean, the general mind-numbed, brainwashed public doesn't even really pay attention to huge events.
Even the big announcements, it's kind of like, yeah, I saw Bin Laden on TV.
They can't even remember where or why they heard it or even what he said exactly.
And then it doesn't matter if it comes out two weeks, a month later, six months later in some cases, that it was old, edited, re-edited.
Bin Laden videos doesn't matter.
It's a hoax the media takes part in.
The media in five minutes could do what we do, when we go, wait a minute, that's the same video!
Like the hijackers of Muhammad Ata and his number two, a month ago, it's released on a Friday, it's proof!
Total proof!
He's admitting he carried out the attacks!
People tune in to hear the admission, and they go, well, there's no audio, because they'd have voice print and prove it was fake, and then, oh, it came from a made-for-TV movie, where they CG'd in their faces, oh, it's fake!
And yeah, I mean, we get 4 or 5 million people.
Last time I checked, go read the article we put together.
But that's about it.
That sounds like a lot.
And so there's a bunch of us who are awake, but that's nothing compared to 20, you know, 290 something million that don't know.
Who don't know?
I mean, you, you... I was on Lars Larsson yesterday, big national show, and I mentioned that that tape's admittedly fake.
He thought I was talking like a, like a four-headed green alien from Mars.
I mean, he just... And I'm like, no, it's admitted, Lars.
What about the Bin Laden tape?
He admits to it!
That's admitted to be fake!
But again, they don't know.
Neocons, like him, still think WMDs were found.
They have all these newsletters and articles about, look, here's the mobile weapons trucks.
It was admitted weeks after!
It was for bumping up balloons!
Patented with the British seals on it!
With a company that sold it to them!
Again, this is the type of baloney that we deal with.
I'll get more into the North Korea threat here in a moment, go back to your calls.
Here is this historic, I mean every night it just gets more and more powerful.
We've got to start recording it though, because the folks that are grabbing these off the web are not putting them up there in the best quality, so we're going to start recording them ourselves.
That's why you need to support us and buy my documentaries and films so we have the money to have staff around here doing all this.
But that's secondary.
The films are powerful.
Get Terror Storm today.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com.
Here's Keith Uberman last night.
He lays it out, but he's wrong on two points.
The terrorist threat is fake and staged, but he knows that obviously.
He just can't say it.
And there's one other issue after his speech I'll tell you about.
Here's Keith Uberman.
We have lived as if in a trance.
We have lived as people in fear.
And now, our rights and our freedoms in peril, we slowly awaken to learn that we have been afraid of the wrong thing.
Therefore, tonight, have we truly become the inheritors of our American legacy.
For on this first full day that the Military Commissions Act is in force, we now face what our ancestors faced at other times of exaggerated crisis and melodramatic fear-mongering.
A government more dangerous to our liberty than is the enemy it claims to protect us from.
We have been here before, and we have been here before led here by men better and wiser and nobler than George W. Bush.
We have been here when President John Adams insisted that the Alien and Sedition Acts were necessary to save American lives, only to watch him use those acts to jail newspaper editors, American newspaper editors, in American jails for things they wrote about America.
We have been here when President Woodrow Wilson insisted that the Espionage Act was necessary to save American lives, only to watch him use that act to prosecute 2,000 Americans, especially those he disparaged as hyphenated Americans, most of whom were guilty only of advocating peace in a time of war.
American public speakers in American jails for things they said about America.
And we have been here when President Franklin D. Roosevelt insisted that Executive Order 9066 was necessary to save American lives, only to watch him use that order to imprison and pauperize 110,000 Americans.
While his man in charge, General DeWitt, told Congress, it makes no difference whether he is an American citizen, he is still a Japanese.
American citizens in American camps were something they neither wrote nor said nor did, but for the choices they or their ancestors had made about coming to America.
Each of these actions was undertaken for the most vital, the most urgent, the most inescapable of reasons.
And each was a betrayal of that for which the president who advocated them claimed to be fighting.
Adams and his party were swept from office and the Alien and Sedition Act erased.
Many of the very people Wilson silenced survived him and one of them even ran to succeed him and got 900,000 votes.
Though his presidential campaign was conducted entirely from his jail cell.
And Roosevelt's internment of the Japanese was not merely the worst blight on his record, but four decades later it would necessitate a formal apology from the government of the United States to the citizens of the United States whose lives it ruined.
The most vital, the most urgent, the most inescapable of reasons.
In times of fright, we have been only human.
We have let Roosevelt's fear of fear itself overtake us.
We have listened to the little voice inside that has said, the wolf is at the door, this will be temporary, this will be precise, this too shall pass.
We have accepted that the only way to stop the terrorists is to let the government become just a little bit like the terrorists.
Just the way we once accepted that the only way to stop the Soviets was to let the government become just a little bit like the Soviets.
Or substitute the Japanese, or the Germans, or the Socialists, or the Anarchists, or the Immigrants, or the British, or the Aliens.
The most vital, the most urgent, the most inescapable of reasons.
And always, always wrong.
With the distance of history, the questions will be narrowed and few.
Did this generation of Americans take the threat seriously, and did we do what it takes to defeat that threat?
Wise words.
And ironic ones, Mr. Bush.
Your own, of course, yesterday, in signing the Military Commissions Act.
You spoke so much more than you know, sir.
Sadly, of course, the distance of history will recognize that the threat this generation of Americans needed to take seriously was you.
We have a long and painful history of ignoring the prophecy attributed to Benjamin Franklin that those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
But even within this history, we have never before codified the poisoning of habeas corpus, that wellspring of protection from which all essential liberties flow.
You, sir, have now befouled that spring.
You, sir, have now given us chaos and called it order.
You, sir, have now imposed subjugation and called it freedom, for the most vital, the most urgent, the most inescapable of reasons.
And again, Mr. Bush, all of them wrong.
We have handed a blank check, drawn against our own freedom, to a man who has said it is unacceptable to compare anything this country has ever done to anything the terrorists have ever done.
We have handed a blank check, drawn against our own freedom, to a man who has insisted again that the United States does not torture.
It's against our laws and it's against our values.
And who has said that with a straight face, while the pictures from Abu Ghraib prison and the stories of waterboarding figuratively fade in and out around him.
We have handed a blank check, drawn against our own freedom, to a man who may now, if he so decides, declare not merely any non-American citizens unlawful enemy combatants and ship them somewhere, anywhere, but may now, if he so decides, declare you an unlawful enemy combatant and ship you somewhere, anywhere.
And if you think this hyperbole or hysteria
Ask the newspaper editors when John Adams was president.
Or the pacifists when Woodrow Wilson was president.
Or the Japanese at Manzanar when Franklin Roosevelt was president.
And if you somehow think habeas corpus has not been suspended for American citizens, but only for everybody else, ask yourself this.
If you are pulled off the street tomorrow and they call you an alien, or an undocumented immigrant, or an unlawful enemy combatant, exactly how are you going to convince them to give you a court hearing to prove you are not?
Do you think this attorney general is going to help you?
This president now has his blank check.
He lied to get it.
He lied as he received it.
Is there any reason to even hope that he has not lied about how he intends to use it, nor who he intends to use it against?
These military commissions will provide a fair trial, you told us yesterday, Mr. Bush, in which the accused are presumed innocent, have access to an attorney, and can hear all the evidence against them.
Presumed innocent, Mr. Bush.
The very piece of paper you signed as you said that allows for detainees to be abused up to the point just before they sustain serious mental and physical trauma in the hope of getting them to incriminate themselves.
And they may no longer even invoke the Geneva Conventions in their own defense.
Access to an attorney, Mr. Bush?
Lieutenant Commander Charles Swift said on this program, sir, and to the Supreme Court,
That he was only granted access to his detainee defendant on the promise that the detainee would plead guilty.
Hearing all the evidence, Mr. Bush, the Military Commissions Act specifically permits the introduction of classified evidence not made available to the defense.
Your words are lies, sir.
They are lies that imperil us all.
One of the terrorists believed to have planned the 9-11 attacks, you told us yesterday, said he hoped the attacks would be the beginning of the end of America.
That terrorist, sir, could only hope.
Not his actions, nor the actions of the ceaseless line of terrorists, real or imagined, could measure up to what you have wrought.
Habeas Corpus, gone.
The Geneva Convention's optional.
The moral force we shined outwards to the world as an eternal beacon and inwards at ourselves as an eternal protection snuffed out.
These things you have done, Mr. Bush, they would constitute the beginning of the end of America.
And did it ever occur to you once, sir, somewhere in amidst your eight separate, gruesome, intentional, terroristic invocations yesterday of the horrors of 9-11, that with only a little further shift in this world we now know, just a touch more repudiation of all of that for which our patriots have died, did it ever occur to you once that in just 27 months and two days from now, when you leave office,
Some irresponsible future president and a confident tribunal of his lackeys would be entitled by the actions of your own hand to declare the status of unlawful enemy combatant for, and convene a military commission to try, not John Walker Lynd, but George Walker Bush for the most vital, the most urgent, the most inescapable of reasons.
And doubtless, sir,
All of them, as always, wrong.
All right.
Extremely powerful.
You can watch that video clip up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
And Bush did lie.
You know, that's the really scary part about it.
It's one thing if they just abolish the Bill of Rights.
Then they get up on television and they lie and say it doesn't affect U.S.
And I actually pulled out the subsections here during that nine minute clip.
Subsection 4B26 of Section 950V of H.R.
Crimes triable by military commissions including the following definition.
Any person subject to this chapter who in breach of an allegiance or duty to the United States.
You hear that?
That's a citizen.
Knowingly and intentionally aids an enemy of the United States or one of the co-belligerents of the enemy.
Shall be punished as a military commission under this chapter may direct.
And there's three other sections that clearly state US citizen.
But again, they then strip you.
And it says you're not allowed to face your accusers.
They're allowed to use torture as evidence against you.
It's in a secret trial.
You're not allowed to have lawyers.
It's all lies!
It's all lies!
It's just like they said, we'll never use the Patriot Act in non-terror related cases.
I have the headlines right here.
Thousands of cases.
It's been used thousands of times in Texas in the last five years.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I wrote some notes here concerning what Oberman said and what Bush really did that I want to comment on here in just a moment.
But before we do that, I want to invite everybody out on Halloween afternoon, 5 p.m.
to 6.30 p.m., I'll be speaking at about 6, from 6 to 6.30, and it's going to be outside, I'm told, unless it's raining, but Waterloo
Records and Video is a huge, nice place right across the street from Whole Foods.
It's in 6th and Lamar.
And that's going to be Halloween.
That's the national date they launched Terror Storm.
I got a national distributor, well known, the folks that distributed Outfoxed and a bunch of other films.
Jim Marr's book Terror Conspiracy that we actually carry.
Great folks.
They're putting it in most of the stores.
It won't be in Walmart and
Places like that, they're neocons.
They won't carry anything that's anti-Bush.
They've openly said it.
But it's going to be in Barnes & Noble's on end caps.
That's exciting.
This is going to be everywhere.
And it's important that you go in and buy these.
And it's going to be a little bit different version, too.
A little bit different cover, a little bit different info.
And it's going to have all the extras on it.
It's a really nice DVD that they manufactured, that they made.
So please, that's coming up, I guess in about a week and a half.
That'll be October 31st on a Tuesday, 5pm to 6.30pm at 6th and Lamar.
And I know the great folks over at TLBJ590 are going to let me promote it and tell folks to come out to it.
The local micro folks, I don't even know if the people running the micros know this, the little FM, for some reason said I'm banned from promoting
Any of my events, even though I always promote all the other local events and I've always been a bulwark, really the founder, if you want to get down to it, of the Patriot Movement in Central Texas.
I, for some reason, it's like Google Video censoring us.
It's an important policy for some reason.
So we need folks to promote this and call into the other shows and make sure this information gets out because, again, we have the great local micros, the great people that run them and operate them.
The folks that somehow run all that, I'm not sure how the whole thing operates, they've told me, they've said you're not allowed to come on there and promote any of your events or anything you're doing that has anything to do with any of your videos or anything.
So that's fine, that's fine.
I wonder if I'm allowed to say it's for free at Google Video, but I just thought I'd mention that.
I've been holding back a lot of stuff.
You know what, it doesn't matter.
We've got a lot of important news to cover and we'll do that coming up in the next hour.
But Waterloo Records, that's coming up on Halloween.
Hope to see you out there.
Hope to see everybody out there at that event.
Before I also end this hour, I hope that you will go to InfoWars.com and get TerrorStorm.
I hope that you will make copies of the DVD aggressively.
It's over three hours long, two hour, right under two hour film and sixteen minutes of extras.
It's about three hours and two minutes.
And it's actually, you need to have TerrorStorm, please get it, please make copies.
Or get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
You can order hard copies off InfoWars.com.
Or you can get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership for fifteen cents a day and get all my films and TV reports and M-Studio interviews and special reports.
You can burn those on the disk.
It's an incredible activist tool.
Just amazing activist tool.
I want to thank all of you out there that aren't members of PrisonPlanet.TV.
And of course you can always call toll free 888-253-3139.
Alright, to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
I have the Undersecretary of, uh, well, for the Attorney General.
Well, just, I'll tell you about it.
We're out of time.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll-free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're now into hour number three already.
Time has exploded past us.
And, well, the big news is the Feds have put out a new fake terror alert, but because they've been caught so many times openly themselves being the sources of the reports that they always a few weeks, a few months later, or even sometimes a few days later have to admit is fake, now they're just using Internet rumors.
Of course, they don't
You know, tell us exactly where it came from, some young person.
But you read what this website said, it was a regurgitation, word for word, of what the Fed said about simultaneous dirty bomb attacks on sports stadiums.
They said it in 2003 and 2004 during the religious services of the National Football League, during the National Religion.
And so, I mean, this is so ridiculous, what they do, how they operate.
I'm sure by the time they're done with it, Limbaugh will probably say, I'm the one that issued it or something, you know.
They're the ones on TV saying, we'll use the plane crashing in for the election of the LIDL, and it'll reconjure 9-11.
And then we report on that, and Limbaugh turns it around and says, we said it, when the headline says Fox News said it.
So, I shouldn't joke around.
I'll give the neocon operatives
I'll give them too much of an idea.
Who's up first here, Cole Weiss?
Levi in Colorado.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Hello, sir.
A while back, you mentioned something on your show about making graffiti stencils.
I thought that was a pretty good idea, except for I didn't want to get in trouble, basically.
So what I've been doing... Well, no.
I mean, you can graffiti stencil your own shirt.
You can graffiti stencil your own... That's actually what I've been doing.
I've been doing it on t-shirts.
I just go to Kmart and buy those packs of like white t-shirts.
Oh, were you the guy yesterday that posted on the MySpace?
Yeah, yeah.
You saw those of you stenciling?
Yeah, and I'm going to do another one that's going to be a two-layer one of you with a bullhorn that's going to say InfoWars underneath that, and I'm going to send you a few of those.
Well, you're awesome!
Yeah, I kind of wanted to ask your permission formally here, like I'm just, I'm giving out the free stuff.
Man, you don't have to ask my permission for anything.
We're in a war of survival here.
Don't wait for orders from headquarters.
Go to the sound of the guns.
And by the way, the spray painting on the t-shirts with the stencil gives it a great guerrilla look.
It does.
People do like it.
And actually I've tried washing them a couple times and it stays on there as long as you use flat black paint and you don't overdo it.
It stays on there really good.
Everything so and I'm just giving them out for free.
Well, I don't care if you sell them.
Well, it's easier to get rid of them when I give them out for free.
No, I understand.
If you do that forever, which I've done before, you'll exhaust their resources.
It spends a lot of money, yeah.
But, I don't know, I have fun doing it.
I'm a stay-at-home dad and I have time to do it.
My son thinks it's neat.
So, I've just been having fun with it and I thought I would put the idea out there.
Anybody else wants to
He wants to bite off me.
I won't be mad.
Well, again, there's a million things I'd like to do.
My instant messenger was crashing last night, and it was like 1.30, so I just went home and went to bed.
But I was looking at your post, trying to send it to my webmasters, so in the morning they could grab your pictures and put your barb on the website.
It never happened, because I never did it.
But, no, I appreciate what you did.
Thank you.
No problem.
And you have my permission to do whatever you want with any pictures I put on your site.
Well, thank you, sir.
No problem.
And keep up the good work.
Thank you for holding to tell us that, Levi.
We're going to come back and jam a few more calls in.
Then I want to air this chilling clip, and it's Senator Patrick Leahy, the Judiciary Committee Ranking Member, and he's talking to the number two at the Department of Justice, Senator Alberto Gonzalez, and the Deputy Attorney General says Bush is never wrong.
He is the law.
And it just shows the pure, precept, unitary executive.
It is the antithesis.
It is the anti-US.
It is the 180 degree polar opposite of our country.
It is a bottomless pit of maggots.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hi Alex, I just wanted to point out some things to the public out there, how the New World Order has given us hints.
Remember when they did the show, The Lone Gunman, where they showed the first episode with the Trey Towers?
Yes, where the government hijacks a jet by remote control, while claiming terrorists are on board, to fly it to the World Trade Center, so they can launch martial law on the U.S.
and attack Afghanistan, and the government's running drills to confuse NORAD, so NORAD will stand down.
You mean the exact same thing that happened, being on the show, months before, and then the star of the show, Dean Hagwin, shows up, literally calls at Ableport and says, I'm coming to meet you, and he comes on air and says the CIA planted those stories on them.
Oh yeah, I know all about it.
Well, I have two other shows that I think are doing the same exact thing.
Jericho, about where the entire United States is hit by atomic bombs and this one small town survives.
And they're about to go into a martial law and the military's coming in next week, next week's episode.
And in the show Heroes on another channel, there's these
Everyday average normal people that somehow come together like we are and they fight to stop something drastic that happens in New York, which is an atomic explosion, which is five weeks in the future.
So I think that, and also the right at your door about the dirty bombs, these are all clues right there in front of us, just like... Well yeah, but I mean it's more than that.
The two new Fox shows, and they've already got three others going, in fact it was in Reuters, where's the headline?
Everyone's a terrorist are working for the government on Fox.
And it says Fox has ordered a pilot for a drama called Suspicion, which centers on a woman who has become a reluctant heroine when she discovers her boyfriend is a terrorist.
The script comes from Emily Whitesell, a writer for ABC's new drama Brothers and Sisters.
This is the second project about an ordinary person who becomes involved in matters of national security that Fox has picked up this week.
The network is also developing an NSA Innocent, a drama about an everyday man
...who reluctantly finds himself caught up in a world of espionage.
See, it's the illusion that spies and terrorists are everywhere.
There aren't real terrorists outside of the government anywhere.
And so then they change the definition to all crime, speaking out, anti-war, which Chertoff is now saying.
Last Friday, we have confirmed it.
We got the text.
We can't find the video.
Jim Fetzer is joining us in the last 30 minutes today to talk about it.
He saw it.
After O'Reilly said that Fetzer might need to be arrested, the night after that happened, Hannity went on and said, with his guest, and I quote, I've got it here on the stack, this is a paraphrase, that we are materially aiding Al Qaeda by saying 9-11 is an inside job and we should be arrested as terrorists.
And that's because we're beating their hind ends.
Well, also another suggestion would be that everybody email the Keith Oberlin video to everybody that never believed in us.
I think that should be mass email to the world so that people see that it is mainstream.
It isn't just quote-unquote us kooks, you know, because we do know what's going on.
I appreciate your call.
Thank you for calling in, David.
Let's go ahead and talk to Scott N.
Nebraska, Scott, you're on the air.
Well, hello.
First off, thank you very much, Alex, for giving so to all of us.
I personally feel like you're helping me, and your words I repeat to my kids, my neighbors, and my friends the best I can.
I'm just a parent, but I try to pass it on.
Well, no, sir.
I mean, I'm flattered, but please don't believe me.
Just check it out for yourself.
Well, I'm calling you because I have very limited investigative abilities and I'd heard a political ad that was run partially on shortwave and it was a guy running for the Green Party in Vermont.
I don't know his name.
Yeah, we've had him on the show and I spoke with him in New York on the dais and he plays the clip in the ad of Bush a month and three days ago in the Rose Garden
Trying to then claim that terrorists wanted to plant bombs in high buildings to trap the people.
Is that what you're calling about?
Yeah, that was it.
And plus too, he said that the Twin Towers, the people in charge of security there, was the cousin and the brother of George Bush.
Yeah, well it wasn't the president, it was Neil Bush.
Oh, okay.
But still, how exciting.
Excuse me, excuse me, Marvin Bush, sorry, go ahead.
Okay, well I'm no good with names, you are.
No, I was the one, I said it wrong, I was correcting myself.
No, no, I know that you were correcting yourself, but I guess the thing that got me the most was that they're screaming about all the different types of people that they want to call terrorists.
But yet, in the very house that got blown up, they were in charge of security.
And they were in charge of security at Boston Logan.
The Bush's are, I mean, they own oil companies, they own shipping companies, triple hull tankers, I mean, ships that cost, you know, 80, 100, you know, just masses, I forget how much those ships cost, some of them are like 800 million and stuff, I know it's just some ridiculous amount, one of them I looked up, they own one that's worth like 400 and something million, I know a big cruise ship, even a medium sized one is worth like, you know, hundreds of millions.
They own everything.
They own private prisons.
It's just incredible.
Real wealth is hidden.
They own large parts of Latin American countries.
They own part of Spain.
They own huge Swiss bank accounts that have been reported on.
BCCI, international banks that deal in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons systems.
I mean, they're just absolute hardcore gangsters.
I know it's dangerous to fight them, but it's more dangerous not to fight them.
And they just, God help us.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Yeah, we played that clip a month ago when we first got it.
We aired it again, was it Monday?
And, yeah.
Let's go ahead and talk to Coyote in Colorado.
What's up, Alex?
Doing a national radio show, my friend.
What's up with you?
Well, I have a little information for you.
It's on, the fellow about a half an hour ago called
And said that the possibility exists that HR 6166 is a pocket veto bill and it is not law.
And I want to give you the, well, chapter and verse that says if everything he said is correct, it is not law.
And that can be found in the U.S.
Constitution at Article 1, Section 7, Clause 2.
Let me write that down.
Article 1, Section 7, Clause 2.
Clause 2.
And let me read it to you.
It's very short.
If any bill shall not be returned by the President within 10 days, Sundays accepted, after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevents its return
In which case, it shall not be law.
Well, I'm going to get Paul Watson on this right now.
Article 1, Section 7, Clause 2.
And whatever you do, don't lose the passion, my friend.
You are waking up people.
Well, I'm trying my best, but this is really exciting news.
I've read the Constitution, I've read the Bill of Rights many, many times, but I knew that there was a time limit.
I didn't know.
But again, remember about five months ago, Bush signed a spending bill that didn't pass?
So we're going to make a big deal out of this.
You know, the interesting thing, Alex, is that if this is the case, the fact that he signed it, even after it had run its time limit,
I think a lot of it has to do with whether or not Congress adjourned before the 10 days
And I'm not really sure.
I haven't been following that.
Yeah, they did adjourn the Friday they finally passed it.
And it was two weeks and one, two, three, four, four days.
So that's 14, 18 days as the caller said there, right?
But, you know, he probably did it for the precedent.
It's like he signed a bill that didn't pass to just say, I'm God Emperor.
He signed this, I guess, and he'll watch it enforced to set this precedent.
Thank you for the call.
All right, man.
You bet.
Thank you.
Great point.
Please call back again, Coyote.
I wanted to get him off because I wanted to play this clip.
This is the Deputy Attorney General saying Bush is God-Emperor.
Here it is.
Obviously, the court's decision does not call into question our ability to hold detainees.
Not my question.
The President said very specifically, and he said it to our European allies, he's waiting for the Supreme Court decision, and they had to tell him whether he was supposed to close Guantanamo or not after he said
Uh, in a powerless position on Guantanamo, in effect, it actually said neither.
Uh, where did he get that impression?
As a present style lawyer, you are the Justice Department advisor.
Did you give him such a cockamamie idea, or what?
Well, I try not to give anybody cockamamie ideas.
Well, where'd you get the idea?
Obviously, the Hamden decision, Senator, does
Implicitly recognize that we're in a war, that the President's war powers were triggered by the attacks on the country, and that law of war paradigm applies.
That's what the whole case was about.
I remember the President was talking about the nuances of the law of war paradigm.
He was saying this was going to tell him whether he could
Keep Guantanamo open or not, after what he said, it said he could.
Was the President right or was he wrong?
It's under the law of war.
Was the President right or was he wrong?
The President is always right.
You may have even heard some Republicans and Democrats say that there have been a few mistakes made here.
One of the things we tend to forget is that 9-11 did happen on this administration's watch.
And a lot of the mistakes that were made before are still being made.
So there you have it, the number two Department of Justice, the psychopathic Attorney General writing memos saying that children can be tortured, and then his designate saying we can crush them, crush the little children's body parts.
And here they are, little simpering criminals.
They're hardcore crooks, do you understand?
Hardcore criminals have hijacked the government, they're in control,
They're openly giggling and laughing at us.
They've got our police and our government brainwashed.
A lot of them are starting to wake up.
But I want to see you on the streets.
I want to hear you speaking out.
And the big thing holding us back is the phony churches telling everybody to lay down.
They're not Christian.
And the phony neocons on radio who just make it all a big joke.
It is not a joke.
These neocons won't deny the open borders.
They won't deny North American Union.
They won't deny Bush's anti-gun.
They'll just say it's good.
They'll say, so what?
All they want to do is... What, like 15 top neocon talk show hosts went to the White House and openly got marching orders?
I mean, it's just... They're a pack of criminals.
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I don't think so.
Thank you.
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I think so.
I think so.
How does a bizarre impersonation of Cookie Monster make it on air here, ladies and gentlemen?
I was making fun of the funny new ads that Jim Shepard, my good friend, produced for Berky Water, because the one guy cutting the ads at the end sounds like the Cookie Monster.
I mean, no, I even know him.
He's a good guy.
Looks like Berkey Water Filter.
It's like one step away from being Cookie Monster.
And so Scott running the show is basically betting me I wouldn't go on air and act like Cookie Monster.
You know, somebody bets me to go run and jump off a cliff, I guess I will.
No, I'm joking.
My check's in the mail now?
In fact, I will now, you know, I've done an imitation of a New World Order spider.
I could do, uh, I could do this interview for the next three or four minutes with Debbie Morrow before Professor Jim Fetzer joins us.
I've been wanting to get him on all week concerning how they called for him to be basically tracked and followed by the FBI and arrested.
But let's just do the interview in Cookie Monster mode now.
Debbie Morrow, why should I drink filtered water from Berkey?
Why not tap water, hmm?
Cookie, hmm?
Mmm, me love cookie!
Me love cookie!
Me love cookie with Berkey water, Alex!
Oh man, we've descended into insanity.
You know what, we gotta have some fun here with all the bad stuff that's happening.
Oh, you are a perfect cookie monster!
B is for Berkey, is good enough for me!
B is for Berkey, is good enough for B!
B is for Berkey, is good enough for me!
Cause B, B starts with Berkey!
Alright, I'm going to stop while I'm way behind.
Debbie, tell us about the filters, please.
Well, Perky, water filters are the best that you can get, especially in any situation, so give me a call.
And they go great with cookies, they go great with spaghetti, beef stew... A cookie?
Is it a cookie?
Seriously, Made in America, discounted price, support the broadcast.
Your phone should blow off the wall.
People should give them as gifts so they love their loved ones.
I'm telling you folks that you need to have it.
We're only a few weeks from Thanksgiving and you definitely want to have Berkey water before you have your families over for your big Thanksgiving meal.
So call me at 1-888-BERKEY-WATER.
I'm not going to do the number in Cookie Monster's voice.
You go ahead and do it again.
Okay, it's 1-888-803-4438 or go to Berkeywater.com which is spelled B-E-R-K-E-Y-W-A-T-E-R dot com.
And I have a great cookie recipe that will go right along with your Berkey.
Give me a call and I'll give you the recipe.
And Debbie, this was not a set up.
You know, you were coming on the show today and I just had this little cookie monster idea during the break.
Well, because I'm a few cards short of a full deck here, I went ahead and did it.
Well, I'm glad you did it.
It was a pleasant surprise, Alex.
Well, Debbie, thank you for saying I'm not completely nuts.
On a serious note, this is high quality made in America.
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You can also order via Infowars.com.
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Debbie, always good to talk to you.
Alex, it's always great to talk to you, and I look forward to hearing from your listeners.
Have a great day.
Watch out, Cookie Monster may call you.
Well, I hope Mr. Snuffleupagus calls me.
How does he talk?
I love Mr. Snuffleupagus.
Oh, hi, Debbie.
How you doing?
Yeah, that's how he is, and I just love him because nobody can see him.
Yeah, kind of like the Bill of Rights, nobody can see it anymore, it's very elusive.
That's it!
Alright, well I really do, or Bin Laden, Bin Laden's hiding with Mr. Cephalophagus.
That's right, he's hiding with Mr. Cephalophagus somewhere.
Alright, take care.
Alright, love you, bye.
You know what I think, I think Cookie's Al Qaeda, Cookie Monster.
Now I don't let my children watch much TV, but maybe once a week we'll let them watch one of those Sesame Streets.
They like it when I do the Cookie Monster imitation, okay?
And, uh, they really like it when I actually get a cookie or something and act like I'm Cookie Monster.
Because I kind of look like Cookie Monster.
Except I don't have blue fur all over me, but... Alright, now we've really, really done it.
Let's just... Hey, why stop?
You know, why stop?
I will come back and do the rest of the broadcast.
In the, uh, personage, in the...
Full mantle of Cookie Monster.
Top Al Qaeda operative.
I mean, he's as real as Bin Laden is, so why not?
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome, my friends.
We've got two segments left.
We'll try to jam a few calls in here in the final segment after this one.
I've been wanting to get him on the last few days.
He is Jim Fetzer.
He's one of the founders and the head honcho over at ScholarsFor911Truth.org.
And Jim, of course, the former Marine Corps officer, he has edited and published a score of books, an expert on black ops squads, secret government, Kennedy assassination, and he's really been doing a great job exposing 9-11 as a self-inflicted wound carried out by criminal elements of the military-industrial complex.
Rush Limbaugh last Thursday, before he attacked me by name, said that this new evil liberal press are traitors and need to be arrested.
And that was actually picked up by some of the media matters and other people.
Then he went into my shelf and others and for the rest of the hour listed all the different evil groups.
Of course, I'm not liberal.
I don't believe in the left-right system.
I believe in liberty versus tyranny.
I'm a populist constitutionalist.
You can use whatever term you want.
A libertarian Christian, whatever.
I just want freedom.
I want due process.
I want to fight oppression.
I don't like the global crime syndicates that own both parties.
And, uh, I have had a lot of people call for my arrest.
Laura Ingraham has said I need to be arrested and I work for Al-Qaeda.
A lot of slanderous, libelous stuff, but I don't care.
I mean, I'm not worrying about attacks on myself, because the information is bulletproof.
I'm not bulletproof.
I'm flesh and blood, and flesh and blood needs flesh and blood, as Johnny Cash said.
So, I'm laying it on the line, just because I hate these scumbag bullies, and I know I'm gonna be a lot safer, my family's gonna be a lot better on down the road, and your family,
If we do stand up against this, and there can be no doubt now, that we are entering hardcore, real tyranny.
The real thing.
And we just played the Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General saying, Bush, everything he says is true, he's never wrong, he's above the law, he is the emperor.
Bush lied in his signing statement saying, give people fair trials, there is no torture.
No, it changes the definition of torture.
Up until, you know, serious organ failure and death, and if they die by accident, it's okay.
Says, if you don't have total allegiance to this criminal government, you're a terrorist.
If you damage property, you're a terrorist.
I mean, go read it.
I've read the bill.
I've written the analysis.
And it's so bad, I can't believe it.
Keith Olbermann's covered it.
Nine of the ten Bill of Rights gone.
And I disagree with Olbermann.
It attacks the First Amendment as well.
It's worse than he's saying.
Much worse.
The only thing I disagree with Obermann on is saying that it's Bush doing it all.
Bush is a puppet for these international crime interests, these global corporations, the oil companies, the defense contractors, and they love it if Bush goes down, they can just blame it all on him and keep going.
It's system-wide.
But Jim Fetzer was then on with O'Reilly.
We've got the clip.
We'll play it later.
And O'Reilly bragged about how he had an innocent professor arrested, who later was found totally not guilty.
He'd given money to a charity that gave money to a charity that gave money to the Palestinians.
And that's in this new bill, by the way.
They've been declaring this before they even got the bill passed, this new power.
And O'Reilly bragged.
It was O'Reilly on national TV that said, I think you should be arrested.
I think you're probably a terrorist.
The FBI, you know, following the orders of a high-level operative, and there's no doubt O'Reilly is an actual operative,
With all the fake news and the rest of what we've read about him, and he fits like a hand in glove, said that, well, I put the FBI on this other professor, and I think they ought to follow you and that nut, and you ought to be looked at as traitors.
No, you're the traitor, you piece of trash, O'Reilly.
You pervert, who they leverage and no doubt blackmail.
You're the un-American piece of filth that when callers disagree with you, you do have caller ID, and you have Fox Security call them up and threaten them.
That's racketeering!
And I challenge that cowardly piece of trash to ever have me on because I won't sit there and take it.
I'll clean his clock.
He doesn't intimidate me.
But Fetzer has a lot of nerve repeatedly to go on and have it dished out on him just to be able to give out his website.
Professor Fetzer, thanks for coming on with us.
Hey, thanks Alex.
You're doing a great job.
On Keith, you and he agree that the First Amendment has been vitiated.
It's the third, he said, the only one that remains, which is the right not to have soldiers
Lodged in your home.
But we already have it where the government taxes us for it, so it's the same thing.
That was a form of taxation.
A quartering of troops was a form of taxation.
So we really do have it.
If you view it that way, Alex, there are none of the amendments that remain standing.
A lot of constitutional scholars look at it as still having the chance of a draft, having the economic draft, having the stop-loss program, having the fact of the direct taxes to have to pay for the military, which we didn't do before then.
That is really a quartering.
According to O'Reilly, Alex, we hate this country because we place a higher loyalty on the Constitution
And the United States than we do on the President and Vice President who happen to occupy those offices temporarily.
And you pointed out that you were a Marine Corps officer and didn't appreciate him calling you an American hating traitor.
He just said, oh, you disgraced the Marine Corps.
No, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff using our troops like toilet paper is a disgrace to the Marine Corps.
What has stunned me most recently, Alex, is that yesterday in the New York Times, the author said
It also strips the federal courts of jurisdiction to hear petitions from non-citizens for writs of habeas corpus.
She doesn't seem to understand that this applies to all American citizens, and even worse, in an editorial in the New York Times today, it says, in the next to last paragraph, the law does not apply to American citizens.
But that's ridiculous!
As you well know, in the very first definition in the very first paragraph, it defines unlawful enemy combatant as meaning
Number one, a person who is engaged in hostilities, or who has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States or its co-belligerents, who is not a lawful enemy combatant, including a person who is part of the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, or Associated Forces.
I got the understanding of where they were going Friday night, when after O'Reilly reiterated his criticisms of me and Kevin Barrett, and implicitly you and everyone else who's standing up for 9-11 truth, on Hannity and Combs,
Where a slick young guy, whose name I think is Jeff Lowry, had a conversation with a so-called terrorist expert.
And Lowry was saying, aren't these 9-11 critics offering support to Al-Qaeda?
And the terrorist said, yes, that they were serving as recruitment instruments for the terrorists, and that they were providing them with material support.
I knew then, Alex, where they were going and how it fit into the context of this law.
Yeah, good luck, good luck.
Go ahead and try to kill us, go ahead and try to arrest us, and watch everybody turn against you, you terrorist.
And let me add this.
If you go to subsection 4B of 26 of section 950V, it says that if you don't have total allegiance, and it's clearly talking about a U.S.
citizen here, to the government, you can be secretly grabbed and disappeared.
All the scholars have looked at this, constitutional scholars, LA Times, New York Times, Associated Press, Yale Law scholars, they've all said it affects U.S.
In past papers written by the President, they've said they can strip citizens of their citizenship simply by an order of the President, Secretary of Defense, or their designate.
And so at first they were admitting it was for citizens, now they're worried about repeal.
Now they're worried because people are upset about this, so just like the Patriot Act, they're going, no, no, it doesn't affect non-terror, it doesn't affect citizens, and then once we forget about it, they'll announce that it does, just like they did with the Patriot Act.
Oh, you're absolutely right, Alex.
It's a bait-and-switch, just as a propaganda technique, because right there, the law reads very clearly.
Have you heard the new news?
And I'm checking this in the Constitution and it is indeed true.
Article 1, Section 7, Clause 2, signed that within 10 days of Congress adjourning.
HR 6166, that it's not law and it's a pocket veto.
This is not even law, but 5 months ago he signed a $2.3 billion spending package that hadn't even passed.
So I guess he's setting a precedent there too.
Alex, is that right?
That he didn't sign within 10 days of Congress adjourning?
That would be fascinating.
That's the intel we're getting right now.
Because my understanding has always been that these laws, you know, if he doesn't sign them, became effective automatically, even without a signature.
That's if Congress is in session.
That's interesting as all hell.
Well, we haven't confirmed, but a listener pointed it out, the Constitution does indeed say this, I've checked it during a break, but Congress claimed they adjourned two and a half weeks ago on that Friday, but maybe they really didn't.
I've got to find out.
You know, Alex, I think we may have, these latest poll results, which I'm sure you've been discussing, may indicate that we've actually won the info war on 9-11.
Yeah, why don't you tell folks about that?
Well, here we have polls from the New York Times and CBS, very reliable, responding to the question, do you think members of the Bush administration are telling the truth, or mostly telling the truth, but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?
28% said mostly lying.
Hiding something, 53%.
Telling the truth, 16%.
That's a pretty miserable small number, Alex, for those who actually think the government's 9-11 commission report is true.
Well, I have another one here.
In fact, I have that in my stack.
Where is that?
That 16% believe Congress is doing a good job.
I guess it's 16% that believe the moon is made out of cheese.
They'll buy anything.
I think these are stunning numbers, Alex.
I think they really mean we've turned the corner.
Let me mention something, by the way, that I think is terribly important, which has to do with voting.
We know the problem of these electronic voting machines, and there's a big story in the papers these days saying how chaos is being created because these machines are turning up late, how they've changed the law.
Everything's a jumble.
Nobody knows how it's going to work.
In every state where there is no paper trail, it's very important for the residents of districts to conduct their own exit polling.
There are different ways they could do it, but they ought to get together a representative of the Democrats, the Republicans, and a minority party, maybe the Libertarians, so there are three of them who can keep a toll
A total account as voters leave to ensure whether or not there's a correspondence between the tabulated vote and the actual cast vote.
You can go right down to that precinct and show a pattern.
And we've had exit polls in 2004 showing in some cases Kerry winning by as much as 10%, but then Bush winning by 3% at those very precincts.
That's impossible.
There is fraud going on.
Hey, in many European and Eastern European nations, Alex, they use the exit poll to determine who won or lost and merely use the tabulated total as a form of verification.
Oh, but we've got to not trust the Mexican elections or the European elections, but oh, let's trust ours when they're the most fraudulent on the planet.
Listen to this.
New York Times, you just mentioned this.
New laws and machines may spell voting woes.
So Bush gets a six-plus-billion-dollar package passed to pay states and county clerks to put in these fraudulent machines where you can't look under the hood, where they're designed for fraud.
There's nine felons working high-level at Diebold, felons programming them, their own engineers going public saying they were hired to run frauds.
I mean, this is all plain view hidden, in plain view.
And it goes on, so they put these in, and now they say, oh, contrary to it being better, it's going to be much worse.
When they say it's going to be a big screw-up, they mean they're going to be stealing the election right in front of us.
And that's why Karl Rove has said, no matter what happens, they're going to still maintain control of the House and Senate.
You know, Alex, this is so consistent with the Bush family policy of OPM, they call it, other people's money.
They never invest their own money, they always invest other people's money, and then cream off the profits for themselves.
Here, they're using the American taxpayers' money to purchase these electronic voting machines that are owned and controlled by companies with close ties to the Bush administration in order to steal our most precious birthright, namely our right to vote as American citizens, and have our vote counted.
Here's the good news.
Three, four years ago, you talked about election fraud.
People would look at you like you were nuts.
Now, in major polls, 90 plus percent
Believe there's a scam.
Believe they're having their votes stolen.
Don't like these machines.
But the government just says, you know what?
You can go to Hades.
We don't care.
It stays in.
Oh, it's a form of electronic tyranny.
It's unbelievable.
And of course, you know, even with this law passed, Alex, he still reserves that right to impose his own signing statements as to what it means.
So even if it had
Exempted American citizens.
He could rewrite it in his signing statement that covers American citizens.
I was writing an article a few days ago and I looked up the latest number.
Do you know, as of last week, how many signing statements he's put on bills?
It's got to be close to a thousand.
It is over 900 as of today.
That's just stunning.
I mean, he's presuming unto himself the functions of the legislature, the judiciary, and the executive.
I mean, this is creating
An American dictatorship before our very eyes.
And folks, what do you think from somebody who will carry out 9-11?
They're not going to stop!
You know, I expect them to pull something any day now, or it could be next year, it could be before the next election.
Who knows?
But I don't think we've seen the end of them staging terror.
Well, it's also the case, Alex, that a huge naval flotilla is headed for the eastern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf and will arrive on the 21st of October.
And there's a lot of speculation that they may use an anti-ship missile, feigned to be Iranian, to attack one of them.
We have our oldest nuclear carrier, the Enterprise, there.
And the suggestion has been made that just as the Twin Towers were white elephants and far outdated, so too the Enterprise might be sacrificed for the sake of initiating another war against Iran.
Yeah, that would be so obvious, but that is their favorite, to blow up the Lusitania, or blow up the Maine, or blow up the Liberty, or claim that destroyers were attacked for Tonkin.
You know, Alex, you say it's obvious, but it's only obvious to the Americans who think things through.
Most of those who only read the headlines never get past the first paragraph, and they are easily taken in, and this administration has done it over and over and over again.
Well, I agree with you.
Let me shift gears for a moment, and we'll come back and take a final call or two, Professor Fetzer, and I want to get your take on what you think is going to happen in the future.
I interviewed Jesse Ventura.
Did you ever see that interview?
I never did, though I heard a bit about it.
Yeah, well, if you just type Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones interview into Google, you'll get it.
And at the end, we bring up Kurt Weldon.
They're now setting him up for able danger.
We brought up what happened to Minnesota's Senator and the book that you helped publish on that.
Yeah, Wellstone.
And man, he was real nice about 9-11 and Northwoods and inside job.
He said he knew you.
He got mad and started a little bit of profanity whenever we said that it was clear that he was killed.
I wonder, I mean, you know Ventura.
Why do you think he got so upset?
Well, it's very strange, Alex, because when he was governor, he came up to Duluth and he had me on his Friday radio show for 45 minutes talking about my work on JFK.
When he was on MSNBC, his TV show, he had me on his TV show talking about JFK.
When he was a fellow at the Kennedy School back at Harvard, he had me back to give a lecture on JFK.
So, Jesse's generally been very supportive.
I don't know unless he feels as though he had a responsibility to investigate it and doesn't want to admit
Well, I think we have established far beyond a reasonable... Oh yeah, oh yeah.
He acted really upset and acted really... I mean, you could tell it was like, me thinks you protest too much when it was just mentioned.
And no, that's a really good take on it.
And you know, he told me, he said he's given up.
America's now a fascist state.
He's also said that in the press.
And he said he's left, he's left probably for good to Mexico.
Well, it may be.
His appearance is certainly borderline bizarre, but, you know, I've always liked Jesse and held him in high esteem.
This is, to me, a singularly disappointing event.
No, I think he's scared.
I really do.
Hard to believe it, Alex, because the guy is so strong and is so much his own man, but it may be true.
Well, I saw fear in his eyes when I brought up 9-11 and when I brought up Wellstone.
Very disturbing.
I wonder how people give in to fear.
It's so horrible to be gripped by it.
Why not just say we don't care and just live?
Folks, people think it's courage.
I don't even think courage is a real word.
Not being afraid is the only way to go.
Who cares?
Shakespeare put it, a coward dies a thousand deaths.
A brave man only pays for death but once.
I just don't understand it.
Fear is a horrible feeling.
Shake it off, folks.
I mean, people think it's some great attribute to not be afraid.
It's easier to not be afraid.
It's easier just to get it on.
Yeah, we got terrorists running the country.
Yeah, they might kill some of us.
They might arrest Fetzer and torture the living daylights out of him and torture me and have us on TV saying we're Al Qaeda.
But so what?
We'll be right back.
Final segment.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
ST911.org is the website.
I've got a link to it up on Infowars.com.
He's got a big link up there on his site to TerrorStorm.
Please go to the top of PrisonPlanet.com.
We are in the top 100 and steadily climbing.
They've deleted our stats at least twice to keep us out of the top 100.
We're going to make them do it with everybody watching this time if they try it again.
Why is it important?
Millions of people a day look at the Google Top 100.
And this is a way to reach millions of people a day with Terror Storm.
This is military, folks.
This is an info war.
We're fighting for the Republic.
It's on her knees.
She is on her knees.
This is serious.
So please go get TerrorStorm for free on Google Video.
Check the link off the top of PrisonPlanet.com.
It's the highest res.
It's the one that's in the top 100.
Give it to everybody.
Don't stop.
I want to take a final call or two with Jim Fetzer.
But Jim, I mean seriously, do we have words to describe how critical a juncture in history we're at right now?
Oh, Alex, in my lifetime I've never seen a more important election than right now.
I mean, this one-party rule has proven to be a disaster.
The Democrats have turned out to be spineless wimps.
The Republicans represent massive corruptions, more wars, more tax cuts for the rich.
It's completely disgusting and it should be very clear and obvious to every American.
As long as we can get the votes counted, Alex, I'm confident there's going to be a revolutionary change.
We're going to reconstitute Congress and get this country back on the right track.
Absolutely, and the good thing is when I go to events now, you know, people will go, yay Hillary or something, and all the Democrats at World Can't Wait go, boo!
You know, now the left has woken up that the left is controlled as well, and so for the first time we're seeing paradigm shift where it's getting back to basic constitutional issues.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think that's right.
I mean, this guy, this administration has gone so far as subverting the Constitution, but you know,
Keith Olbermann's concerns, like your concerns, are that not enough Americans have figured out what's going on, Alex.
We've got to keep hammering them over the head with it.
Two final calls.
Ralph in New York.
You're on the air worldwide.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
What's happening, man?
Nothing much.
What's on your mind?
I just want to ask you a question.
You just mentioned topics on habeas corpus and mentioned
Uh, due process and all that.
I mean, I live in public housing, man.
You understand?
I live here in New York, man, and... There's no due process, is there?
Yeah, well, I've got to be honest with you, man.
I mean, I'm an African-American person.
I'm a black person, so I live in public housing every day.
I mean, it's like a concentration camp, and the prisoners are living in my public housing.
You know, people don't see that because, you know, we experience it every day by cops, racial profiling us, knocking on our doors, searching our apartments.
You know what I'm saying?
And they do this every day, you know, where we live at, you know what I'm saying?
So it's nothing new what you're saying.
And the courts have ruled they can't do that, but I have Clinton's quote from 1994.
You know what I'm saying?
Because it's happening in our communities, because they don't see that, because they only focus on what's going on among white, among rural America.
But look at the inner cities where people of my descent are living in.
You know what I'm saying?
I respect what you're doing, and I got your video, Terrence Storm, and you make a lot of topics with what you're saying.
And I respect what you're doing.
No, sir, sir, I understand.
Sir, sir, we talk all the time about how the rights have been gone for a while.
Now they're just being open about it.
I really appreciate your call.
Call me back tomorrow.
We'll talk more about it.
I mean, yeah, Professor Fetzer, I mean, this tyranny's been growing for a while.
It's just come into a big, scrofulous head right now.
These people have been looting the national treasury, our national resources, our national parks.
Across the board, Alex, they're trying to wring all the money out of us they possibly can and turn us into this non-United States entity called the North American Union.
That's it, let's take a call from Tom.
You're right, Tom in California, 40 seconds.
Hey, I've got two things.
One, I want to ask you if you'd still stand by your
Predictions that there will be a 90% chance of bone-shattering attacks?
Yes, if we didn't get the word out.
If we didn't get the word out, okay.
Yes, if we didn't get the word out.
I wrote up my prediction over and over and I said they would launch terror attacks.
I saw the same signals I saw before 9-11.
If we didn't get the word out.
We have gotten the word out to a great extent.
84% don't believe the story.
We're winning.
Hey, Professor Fetzer, thank you.
Oh Alex, thanks so much.
Keep up the great work.
God bless, folks.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.