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Name: 20061018_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 18, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Weeks late, the American people are beginning to realize that the Bill of Rights, at least nine of the ten amendments, has been publicly overturned by the executive and the larcenous, traitorous, treacherous,
Scrofulous Congress with H.R.
6166 signed by His Lordship yesterday.
We're going to have wide open phones in the broadcast today.
You're welcome to call in at 1-800-259-9231.
Representative Kurt Weldon has been going public about 9-11 cover-ups saying, quote, there is a clear unequivocal cover-up by the White House of what really happened on 9-11, so
He gets an FBI raid, and they're now trying to claim he might have been bribed.
And who knows?
You know, we've got a bunch of Republicans pleading guilty to bribery, and one of them stole $800-plus million.
That was kept kind of quiet, but this reeks of politics here, what's happening.
This is now the second Democrat they've raided in the last few months, and one Democrat's house down in Louisiana, they did find the freezer full of cash.
But a freezer full of cash.
That's pretty darn bad.
It's most of them up there, my friends.
It's really bad.
They're running our country.
They're criminals.
FBI raids home of Weldon's daughter, believing some of the goodies, some of the cash.
May have been hidden there and so today I want to play some of the clips of what Weldon has said at press conferences and in the Able Danger hearings in the House so we can get an idea why he's been targeted.
We know they went after Cynthia McKinney for exposing the fact that trillions were missing from the Pentagon Treasury from their pension funds, that DynCorp publicly was kidnapping small children and women
And Rumsfeld didn't deny it, that there were 9-11 war games, drills of hijacked jets being flown to the World Trade Center and Pentagon, by the Pentagon, the CIA, and others.
And so once they went after her and defeated her, then she got back into Congress, and they pulled out every stop demonizing her nationwide, setting her up with her security detail, and getting her out of office.
Yet again, trying to punish people, just as the Bush Administration, as Roll Call and Human Events have reported, have targeted Tom Tancredo to remove him from office, and have targeted, of course, Congressman Ron Paul.
They also targeted Senator Bob Smith, a true conservative.
That's what they do!
By the way, I heard San Antonio Radio today.
I'm not even going to give the show any attention.
They were going through SPP and the Security Prosperity Partnership, the North American Union.
They were claiming that Bob Cornyn, they were going through Bush and all these congressmen and senators and people who had introduced legislation in the Senate that would actually pass SPP into law and then when Cornyn got caught doing it,
They claimed that, oh, it was an accident and now he's not going to vote for his own bill that he introduced, but he's still going to leave the bill there to be voted on.
And the host was getting into Hal Cornyn and Bush.
They just made a mistake with SPP.
They don't mean the North American Union.
They're good.
So they report what's happening and then deliberately ensure that we can't stop it.
Deliberately pacify their audience.
What they are is fooling their audience.
They have to talk about it or their audience would get very angry because their audience is learning about it on the web.
Shows like this.
So they talk about it but then say, but George Bush didn't know.
Cornyn didn't know.
Alright, tons of news.
There's so much news.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I've been meaning to get to this for weeks.
Several issues, and I've just mentioned it in passing.
I'm going to cover it in this first hour.
And that is the social
Services, straitjacket, the micro-managing, control freak system that is going to run every facet of our lives, and it's already happening, in the public schools, which the government openly trumpets in their own internal policy reports, but again, openly in the government it's discussed, and it's not secret,
That the laboratories to literally socially condition our youth are the schools and they are training them how to be basically little government controlled Ritalin slash Prozac heads and that they prep most of them to prepare to enter into the criminal justice system and the prison system.
It's a prepping for the brave new world.
And every time I talk about this, it's been about a year since I talked about this, I certainly know it was a while back, I get emails denying it, saying it can't be true.
No, it's true and it's real.
Attleboro School bans tag other recess games.
Coast to coast, there are a small minority of schools that still allow tag.
Dodgeball is banned, according to reports I've seen, in every school district in the country.
Now running is being banned.
It is seen as aggressive.
I have mainstream news articles here.
In fact, when I saw this story today out of CBS News 4, I went ahead and did a Google search and found scores of articles just in the last few months where running is being banned.
You see, and they criminalize more and more.
Oh, it's criminal.
Oh yeah, criminal.
So that the school cops have a reason to get you, get you in the system, get you on Ritalin, get you on Prozac, get you in CPS hands, where you're five times more likely, it's the same number in juvenile, it's the same number in the jail, it's the same number in protective services,
Five times!
No one is more dangerous for children, no one is more abusive, no one is worse than these guards and these prison guards and these police, statistically!
And these are hard government statistics going back for decades.
These are known all over the world.
This has been vetted
But you cannot deny that they are banning running now.
Not just dodgeball, not just tag.
And yeah, we got North Korea saying they're going to do another nuke test now.
First they said they'd do it again yesterday, then they said they wouldn't, now they're saying they are.
That psychopath Kim Jong-il had like a million people out dancing around with his fire torches.
The energy it took to have all those torches manufactured and to have all those goons and slaves out there would have fed the millions that starve to death each year.
It just shows you what government is again.
The most abusive, rancid, pathetic thing you can imagine.
And our government put the malice in control publicly.
Again, this is all admitted in China in 1949.
They did all of this.
They put Lenin in, they put Hitler in, and folks, they're all setting up to do that here in the U.S.
I'm already digressing.
We're not talking about that right now, though, are we?
We're not talking about John Cornyn.
No wonder I said Bob Cornyn earlier, I caught myself.
The Senator, and I'm listening to radio here out of San Antonio in Austin this morning, driving into work, and they're going, well, John Cornyn actually introduced a bill to pass the North American Union into law, but when we discovered it, we had some
Well-meaning conservative, he's either an idiot or an operative, I don't know, on the show with him, and he's going, but Cornyn didn't mean it.
He was real upset to find out that his aides had written the bill and he didn't know, but he didn't remove the bill.
It's still about to be voted on, but he said he won't vote for it.
He could withdraw it, and Bush didn't know either what he signed last year.
The host, yeah, Bush doesn't know, Bush.
I mean, is there nothing that these people cannot be made to believe?
I mean, and again you ask, well then why were they even talking about the North American Union on the big San Antonio talk station?
Because their listeners are emailing them, I guarantee you hundreds of emails a week, they're getting calls on air because I've heard them, people are demanding it be discussed so they go get some phony little conservative
To go on and talk about the threat of the North American Union, and the guy was shelling subscriptions to his newsletter, like, you need some newsletter to know about this, and then, oh, this is going on, but don't worry, Bush and Cornyn are against it, even though Bush and Cornyn are the ones pushing it.
It's sick!
They're doing that to stay relevant,
To stay in the game, try to keep their listeners that are starting to get spooked by them and going, wait a minute, they're controlled!
They're bringing just enough of the truth in to try to desperately keep their jobs and try to pacify the public while this country sinks below the waves.
Now obviously the host themselves doesn't like America dying.
The little neocon on even admitting that we're going under, that it's sunset on the union.
Doesn't like what's happening.
But they still can't talk bad about their God, George Bush and John Cornyn.
Alright, I'm already digressing.
I'm going to get into the dodgeball and the running and the redlining and the rest of it and banning trans fats.
It all goes together in a minute.
And I want Steve Watson or somebody to do a story on this.
One of my people.
Maybe I'll do it.
The Lindy Crash Conspiracy front page magazine that's gone from getting millions of visitors a week down to the size of a small website.
I love it.
All the neocon sites, all the phony conservative sites are imploding.
Liberal sites, by the way, I've been watching the big mainline liberal sites, they're imploding.
Do you know what isn't
True information.
The 9-11 Truth Movement.
Those that are exposing the North American Union.
Hey guys, you're running Ted Anderson ads in my headset.
Will you turn those off?
I want to just identify the ad so you know I'm not hearing things there.
Because usually I'll hear stuff and it's kind of like, no you don't!
No, I'm just teasing.
Yeah, I don't hear any more things.
Stuff like this happens.
We are a busy little beehive here, and they're doing a great job, by the way.
Alright, the late Lindy Lindell, who died last week, it's turned into quite a big conspiracy theory by the neocons.
Front page of a magazine, another one of the little dwindling shadows of its former self, and if you look at their trend, they're going straight down into total oblivion.
No one will visit them, literally, and they will have no readers
If they continue on the path they're on right now.
You can go to Alexa.com and look at their trends.
Go to some of the other big web traffic systems.
It doesn't matter whether it's Rush Limbaugh.
It doesn't matter whether it's Sean Hannity.
It doesn't matter whether it's Front Page Magazine.
It doesn't matter whether it's Ann Coulter.
It doesn't matter who it is of these Judas Goat phony conservatives.
They're all going down the toilet into the sewer line where they deserve to be.
And you know why they're going down the sewer line?
Because a hit piece is like the one they just wrote on myself.
And please, folks, don't even visit their trashy site.
Or, I guess, go visit it.
It won't matter.
They'll get a momentary spike, but they'll still go into the dustbin of history where they deserve.
And you know what?
I've even debated this guy before, this John Sanders.
I want to go through the anatomy of a hit piece, and I want to go back and talk about the Limbaugh thing.
Plus, people wanted me to re-air that when Limbaugh attacked me last week.
I've only aired it one time last Friday, and folks said it was at the end of the show, so they didn't get a chance to hear it.
I'll air that later, because it is important.
I mean, just to illustrate how they do it, and why people have seen through them, and why these little brain-dead minions of the New World Order
Aren't even relevant and aren't even in the game now.
And they're just now starting to lose their little smirks.
See, they're real Americans that are going to defend this republic.
And see, right through the psyops, buddy.
But there's a really scary article out of Reuters.
I mean, again, I don't even know where to start today.
It's as if I wrote this article by
John Whitesides.
Could an October surprise shape the election?
This is a chilling article and we will cover this later in the hour.
And again, you're welcome to call in about any of the issues, but this is what I have here in front of me.
None of this is being done by design.
This has happened nationwide.
But it reminded me today, and we have the newscast, we're going to play a few minutes of it here after the break.
Attleboro School Bans Tag Other Recess Games.
And then they say on the piece that no schools have banned it, too.
Here's another one that ties in.
Denmark, an example after trans fat ban.
It's a AP article about how wonderful the ban on trans fats were and how you go to prison if you serve them.
Quote, even prison terms.
And the article says it's wonderful and it's so good.
See, it sounds good, but we're going to illustrate what it's really going to do.
I said I'd do this yesterday, I didn't.
I will today.
Disney's banning trans fat?
But don't worry, they've got Ritalin and Prozac for the two-year-olds.
Don't worry, they've got mercury-filled shots.
We're going to break down what's really behind this.
After this break,
Then I'll get into North Korea, I'll get into the neocons, everything.
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Welcome back, my friends.
We have interviewed many times high-level officials from the Department of Education.
Number two in the Department of Education, the Deputy Head of the Department of Education, the Deputy Secretary, Charlotte Isserby, whose father, of course, was Skull and Bones of Bohemian Grove.
In his own right, really one of the reasons she got the job, she'll even admit here on air, but also very intelligent,
The lady had been in the Foreign Service before she did that.
And she published a big book called Deliberate Dumbing Down, the size of the, I'd say, Houston phone book.
I don't know, it's about three inches thick and the size of a phone book in a big city.
Of just all the official documents where the government says they're going to brainwash and drug the public.
Well, just as old as Huxley.
His brother Julian Huxley ran the United Nations program
That UNESCO said that, listen, his book was just what they plan to do by the year 2000.
And they are behind a little bit, but they've been getting a lot of it done.
By the way, there's a BBC News article today where everything I'm about to say, they're saying, but it's all for your own good.
They said there's going to be two species of human, the elite and then us, the worker servants.
It actually
Actually says it in BBC today.
I mean, so what I'm talking about is becoming a bit past.
Saying now they're actually think the public so brainwashed and on so much Ritalin and Prozac and mercury and lead and of course good old herbicides and pesticides and other goodies that it doesn't really matter anymore.
They can just openly laugh at you and call you a subspecies.
But Attleboro School bans tag other recess games.
Now, in prison, you're allowed out an hour a day.
In fact, in maximum security, you are allowed out one hour a day, 23 hours a day, you are in your own private cell.
In medium security,
You, of course, are allowed out on average about two hours a day.
If you're a trustee, a little bit longer, three or four hours.
At a different prison industry, sometimes eight hours or longer if you're one of the better minions.
And then you're in a jail cell with one other person, and then you have another level of security, I guess intermediate below that, where you're in a cell with four people generally, and you're only in your jail cell about nine, ten hours a day.
And then you have minimum security, which basically, you know, you're just working in prison industries and wandering around and having to be locked down at night inside of your cell.
And that's their favorite type, because that's where all the non-violent people are, working in the compact honeycomb factories that are all over the country.
Two and a half million people working in prison industries.
Of the four, plus a million behind bars.
Of the seven million in the system, seven plus million now in the system itself.
Those are official numbers from 2005, though I'm sure it's much worse now.
By the time you get numbers in 2005, that was 2004 numbers.
We haven't gotten 2006, which will be 2005 yet.
Or at least I haven't seen them.
Maybe they're out.
Again, I'm digressing.
The point is that you're a prisoner.
Everything is about training you to be a prisoner.
Life in a prison system.
And they say this.
They have dogs that search you and smell you and random walker searches.
Cameras now even in the bathroom.
Some looking into the stalls.
Cameras look into the police department.
Cameras look into state police and then the feds.
By a logical extension of the FEMA command centers.
You know them as emergency management centers.
And you are drug tested.
Now, at first it was just the football players, and now it's all the sports, and then anybody who's in band, or anybody who has a car, or anybody who leaves during lunch, and now, oh, just everyone.
And they give you little tattletale cards, and you get prizes to tattle on people in and out of school.
And you've got 15% of the kids on Ritalin, another 10% on Prozac-type drugs, and it's just hell on earth.
BATF Coast to Coast and most major school districts in 7th and 8th grade has a semester class where a BATF deputized deputy is there training you in anti-gun nomenclature.
This is all actually happening.
I hope you know it.
These are radically intensive re-education centers.
And listen, I don't say that like, oh, it's an indoctrination center, ha ha ha, I'm putting a verbal flourish on it.
I mean, these are slick.
Fancy, well-executed re-education centers, and they're so well done, the teachers are sent for in-teacher service, which is intense focus group sensitivity training.
So the teachers are even more brainwashed than the students, and most of them don't even know it.
A lot of them finally wake up and leave.
And again, I've had the number two Department of Education on and many others.
I mean, this is, admit it, okay?
These are re-education centers.
The old Soviet models, like you see in the movie Red Dom, where you're behind the barbed wire at the sports stadium with the movie screen, going, Thomas Jefferson was a pig!
I mean, that's low-grade stuff, folks.
Real re-education.
We're going to go through the re-education camps, where they will literally, according to the Department of Education, have shaved heads, wear uniforms, they will all walk in single file, and they're getting very close.
Very close.
We'll lay out how they planned it.
We'll tell you about it.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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And ask for George.
Alright, Andrew, Matt, Charles, many others, your calls are coming up.
Wide open phones today throughout the whole broadcast.
1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231, a couple program notes here.
You did it, listeners!
Google Video, two times we caught them, we believe three times.
Erased our millions of views stats on the Google video page for Terror Storm, my new film that we produced and put up there for free.
Why is that important?
Because, I know most of you have already heard this, but some people didn't hear it and sent me emails saying, why do you care if you're in the top 100?
I mean, what do you want, like the glory of it?
No, I could care less about stuff like that, okay?
I don't want medals or little fancy hats or trophies.
The reason it's important is because when you're in the top 100, it's like being put in the TV Guide.
It's like being put on national cable.
In fact, Google Video's top 100 page has more viewers every day than big cable news channels, okay, that just, you know, have four or five million people that tune in.
Google Video has tens of millions every day that tune into it, and a large portion of those
Well, basically, they can't go look at all the thousands of videos and go through it.
People go to the top 100.
Again, that's been in the news.
Google's reported on it.
That's how we know about it.
Once you're in that top 100, and once you're in the top 20 or 30, you tend to stay in it, and then tens of millions see it.
That's what caused loose change.
One of the major contributing factors, the dominant factor, there were others, people going crazy making copies of them and doing all that other great stuff with the DVDs.
Which, again, at point-blank range is more effective because it looks even better than something online.
And it's something that they can then make copies of and pass on very easily.
Do that with Terror Storm Police, folks, and all the other 9-11 films that authorize that.
Some don't, to their shame.
I mean, this is a war for survival.
But we need to stay in that top 100.
First, we showed up as 89.
And then we went up to 63, I think, today.
And we need to drive it all the way up the rest of the way.
I mean, you folks, you went crazy.
You were all over the big message boards.
You were all over the big sites.
You were all over MySpace.
Redouble your efforts.
Because the good news is, is there were dozens and dozens, I don't know, twenty-something the last time I counted them up, different versions of TerrorStorm that folks had uploaded.
And some of them are very poor.
Very bad, low-res quality, a copy of a copy of a copy online, or some bad download they got.
A high-res copy that we uploaded, that looks almost as good as television, that is up on Google Video's Top 100 right now.
It's great!
So you know, to my chagrin, the lower-res quality ones had been in the Top 100 the previous times.
Now the high-res copy is in the Top 100.
It is up to you to go to PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com, find the Hi-Rez link, get it out to everybody.
Again, I want to commend you.
Keep it up.
I also want to commend Paul Watson, Steve Watson.
I want to commend Ryan Slickheisen, Kevin Smith, everybody who's here at the office.
Some, I guess, want to go unnamed.
I haven't asked if they want to go named, so I'm not going to name them.
I need to ask them that.
But I tell you, Aaron Dykes has done a really good job.
He wrote a big article about
Congressman Weldon getting raided by the FBI in an election stunt.
How Weldon's been exposing 9-11 prior knowledge and possible involvement very boldly.
So we've got an election stunt right now and we'll play some clips of some of his speeches later concerning 9-11.
Just Aaron's written an article for Jones Report, put a lot of trouble into it.
It's a lengthy story.
So please go get that article at Jones Report.
Let me finish up with the brainwashing of our youth and the entire country being turned into a micromanaged police state in the name of keeping you safe.
Kind of a soft tyranny overlay, but a very, very iron-fisted, bloody tyranny.
Here's the local newscast CBS4.
Mind you, this is off the web, so the audio isn't the best.
But we bring you, again, we unregionalize the news.
We break the regional monopoly on news and bring it to you nationwide, worldwide.
But this is going on in Europe, in Australia, in England.
It's happening here.
We have the same social architects.
The same plan being put in place.
This is part of a wider plan.
Here it is.
Tag, you're it!
Three simple words you won't be hearing during recess on the playground at the Willett Elementary School in Attleboro.
I was surprised.
Colleen Bishop read about the playground policy banning chasing games like tag and dodgeball while she waited in pick-up lines.
I think they should be allowed to.
I mean, I used to run and chase and play kickball and dodgeball and...
All that.
But the Willett School principal says the so-called tag rule is nothing new.
It's been on the books for more than five years.
Part of a broader playground policy that bans everything from kicking and punching to disrespectful touching.
The recess rules reflect a growing trend across the country to limit contact sports on school playgrounds.
Critics of the policy say it's just another way to micromanage children.
Daily occurrence.
But some parents say they welcome anything that protects children from getting hurt.
There is only a blacktop up there.
They don't have the grass to run on.
The policy isn't district-wide in Attleboro.
School principals ultimately have the power to tag out certain chase games during free play at recess.
Katie Coffman, CBS 4 News.
20 minute recess each day.
I looked it up.
Recess was 45 minutes on average nationwide just 10 years ago.
It's now down to an average of 18 minutes of recess.
Think about that.
Again, prisoners get one hour a day.
Your children in school, who need it, get 20 minutes.
And if they haven't burnt off their energy inside the school, and they're jumping around in their chair, why, the school just makes the parents put their child on Ritalin, then they start having heart palpitations, and they don't die or have some kind of liver problem.
And they put them on more drugs, and they get depressed, and they put them on Prozac.
And of course, your child is four times more likely to end up in drug abuse, crime, or to commit suicide if they've been on psychotropic drugs for more than one year, or Ritalin more than one year.
Those are official government studies and reports, by the way.
And of course, you increase your drug risk because you put them on the equivalent of methamphetamine, they're going to get a taste for it.
This is how they operate.
And it's all part of taking normal behavior
And criminalizing it.
I see reports every week where 10 year olds, 11 year olds, 12 year olds are arrested because they're caught kissing a girl.
Or they're caught hugging.
Now if you get a couple puppies, they're going to roll around on each other, they're going to bite each other, they're going to play, they're going to kick, they're going to bound.
All mammal species do this.
You watch a couple baby chimpanzees from different mothers.
They play with each other.
They hit each other.
They run around.
The mother doesn't swoop in and jump on them and send one of them to a juvenile hall where they can then get beat up by bigger monkeys, bigger apes, bigger primates.
No, the social engineers have looked at normal mammalian behavior and they have outlawed it.
See, first they banned dodgeball.
Oh, it's hateful, it's aggressive, it's bad.
The weak get beat up.
I played it.
Everybody loved it.
It taught people to take action, to be strong, to not be afraid.
I mean, I remember.
It was a favorite game.
We would all cheer and convulse with glee in first grade when it was dodgeball and Miss Webb.
Then later I had her husband in high school football, Coach Webb.
Miss Webb would be in there and she knew how much we loved it.
So almost every day, oh yeah, back then we had P.E.
every day in elementary.
Now it's once a week, even that.
She'd let us have ten minutes most days and we were good at dodgeball, a couple rounds of it.
Oh, everybody loved it.
The girls, the boys, the black kids, the white kids, the Hispanics, it didn't matter.
Oh, we loved it.
It's hateful, and then, oh, no tag, and now, oh, no running, and now, no touching.
Folks, I remember, I remember being in third grade and going down to the library, and while they were busy reading books to us, I remember putting my hand over and putting my hand under the girls, you know, the back of her shirt, and just rubbing her on the back.
It wasn't even sexual.
It was just like two puppies.
I was obviously attracted to the girl, but it was a puppy love thing.
Oh, she's pretty.
I like how girls look.
They have twinkly eyes and pretty long hair and they're cute.
I mean, I have those memories.
And then the girl certainly liked it.
Remember, what was her name?
And then she leaned over and gave me a kiss.
And the teacher saw it and said, you guys stopped that and smiled at us.
Not now, boy.
A lot of teachers are still normal, haven't been brainwashed yet, but they're taught in in-teacher service, and there's cameras watching.
You're fired if you don't report that.
Okay, I've got to take you to the principal.
Officers come in.
Alright, who touched who first?
Every week I see it in the news, and I'm not even looking for these articles.
There must be a lot more.
I'm in handcuffs.
I'm in juvenile.
Traumatizing the youth.
Imagine crying on the way to the station.
The parents come and they say, and the judge calls them in the next day, they let them check them out that night, we got this on video, local news, let the video cameras even go in.
We reposted this a few weeks ago and Judge Gene Mear, there's no due process, they don't tell you any rights, they don't tell you family court rights, they just say,
You will sign right here your child that's going under protective custody and viewing and will be on such and such probation or I will take him right now in the parent's tower and sign the form.
That's how it works in America.
It is.
If you put your children in a public school, you are insane.
I had an article yesterday, didn't even cover it.
Where all over the country, from New York to California, when they have lockdowns, I mean, there's a bank robbery in that area of the city, they lock every school down.
The children have to urinate and defecate in buckets in front of the other children.
Department of Education, by the way, wrote that up.
It's about humiliation.
It's about a camp prison type mentality.
Because if they can make you do something humiliating, they can do it all.
Why do you think Bush has memos written by his White House staff counsel saying they can torture children sexually?
And then they put it out in the news!
Because they know if they can get away with that and saying it, hey man, the sky's the limit.
Here's another one, okay?
Denmark, an example, after trans fat ban.
Two years ago Denmark declared war on killer fat, making it illegal for any food to have more than 2% trans fats.
Offenders now face hefty fines or even prison terms.
The result today, hardly anyone notices the difference.
So, the argument is, well, we're socialized, well, we've got to pay for the money for all the heart attacks, so we should ban this.
Plus, it's bad!
Plus, you should need it, and you shouldn't, folks!
But it isn't going to stop there, see?
Now, when I looked it up, I knew what I'd see.
Now they're wanting to ban regular fetch.
Natural fetch.
You see?
You see how that works?
And now there's the federal police who go in and test, and you have to pay for the test, and regulate to make sure you're not serving food that's bad.
You see, it's total micro-management.
We're all children.
I thought we were supposed to grow up and be adults and live our own lives, and if we don't kill somebody or rip somebody off or knock over a liquor store or, you know, beat our wife with a tire iron, we're going to be alright.
In fact, we didn't have all this micromanagement.
We had hundreds and hundreds of percentile points lower crime.
And your doors were open at night.
And everybody had guns.
And your kids could play at the park across the street.
Because we weren't a warped group of sickos yet.
But under their management, we are.
The french fries are still crispy.
The pastries are still scrumptious.
And the fried chicken is still tasty.
It's a positive article.
It's glowing by Marcia Chang.
Denmark's experience offers a hopeful example for places like Canada, the United States, New York.
She can't even write.
Listen to this.
This is AP.
Denmark's experiences offer a hopeful example to places like Canada and the U.S.
state of New York.
Doesn't matter if you can't write.
They're lower in standards anyways in the schools.
We get the point.
We're considering setting limits on the dangerous artery clogging fats.
And what it is, is inspection forces, taxation, control.
And they're not getting rid of it here.
It's just like the government takes over gambling.
They take over prostitution.
They take over everything.
They take over the fat food now.
And I remember the Department of Agriculture, Department of Labor, Department of Health and Human Services
Starting about a decade ago, I heard them reading their own policy reports where they said, we're going to swipe a national ID card that will be a state-issued driver's license, it's standardized, and it will keep on record everything we eat and what we do and that will go into our insurance rates because it's only fair.
And if you buy too much beer or buy too much ice cream or buy too much steak, you're going to get a social services visit.
And of course, how are they going to sell conservatives on accepting the ID card?
Well, first they pass it and don't tell the public about it.
Then they standardize, which has now happened.
Almost every state has it.
I keep hearing, the national ID card's coming in 2008!
47 states have already implemented it.
It's just federal law.
It has to be put in by 2008.
And then you read the SPP documents.
The Guest Worker Program is a U.S.
national ID card that is a North American ID card and makes them instant citizens with it.
North American ID card.
And how do they sell conservatives on it?
They're telling them, oh, we're going to have a national sales tax.
And Neal Bortz, that's all he talks about.
It's totally boring.
And he sits up there giving all these fake arguments for a national sales tax.
Sure, a national sales tax would be okay if it wasn't electronically checked and tracked.
And it'd be okay if they really got rid of the income tax.
But they're not going to, Neal!
You slime lawyer.
You fake conservative.
They're never going to get rid of it.
And I remember learning a decade ago that the feds were already pushing this national sales tax because you see it's going to be graduated and so people making under 15 to 12 grand a year will pay zero tax.
So that's going to get all the liberals for it.
But to make sure you're not cheating because you know somebody with money can pay somebody who's poor to go buy.
We've got a track of your buying outside your means.
It'll also show if you're involved in a black market.
Would you like to swipe that card?
Well, wait, you mowed a bunch of lawns for extra money.
You didn't pay taxes, because if you paid the tax, the tax you were supposed to pay, you couldn't put shoes on your children's feet, and you wouldn't have food, and you wouldn't be able to pay for your house.
That way, you can't break your back.
Oh, and by the way, they're now saying you won't be able to work more than two jobs, because people will be overworking, and once you work over about 50 hours a week, they're going to make you take a welfare check if you can't pay for your family.
Oh, yeah, that's all been announced.
And by the way, everything these bastards have said they'll do, they've done.
You're going to have social workers running your life like they're running the schools right now.
In New York, and Austin, and Chicago, big cities all over this country are announcing they're getting ready to ban fats.
But when you really read the fine print, it's tax them and regulate.
You want some monkey who never worked in their life?
Some little stupid bureaucrat running your life?
Don't worry!
You're gonna get all treated like a bunch of little children!
Enjoy yourselves!
We'll come back and take your calls.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
Yeah, we can't let the children run.
By the way, on that CBS piece out of New York, when they show the school and say, well, it's a blacktop up there, it isn't blacktop, it's grass.
Again, they're going to save us from ourselves by putting us basically in government straitjackets.
But, oh, Riddle and Prozac that caused all these suicides and heart attacks and deaths
In Europe, they've had to put warnings and skulls and crossbones on them.
And by the way, that's supposed to start here.
But it doesn't matter.
More and more are going to go on it.
And they have newscasts telling us mercury is good for our children's brains.
Oh, give your children mercury.
Oh, it isn't 33 shots we try to make you take now.
It's 45.
And we announce they're mandatory even when they're not.
Because we're your government.
Oh, don't want the children hurt.
Now, if the children hug each other, the police arrest them.
If the children kiss each other, we arrest them.
If they act like normal creatures... This is so sick.
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls.
Who's up first here?
Andrew in Australia, then Matt, Charles, Paul, Jeff and others.
Go ahead, Andrew.
Yes, good day Alex, how are you going?
Fine sir, what's on your mind?
Mate, a few things.
It was good to hear that so many Australians are calling in.
I've been listening to a few of them over the last few days.
I just heard your refeed over here.
The other thing is I'm working, I've spoken to you many times before, and I'm working
Comedy duo at the moment who are also national radio broadcasters, so I'll be giving them Martial Law and Terror Storm.
Oh, thank you!
That's how it all happens.
Yep, exactly.
So we've got to get there and be activists.
Now, the other thing was, I heard one of the Australian callers call in and relating to UFO and that sort of genre.
And you quite rightly said that that's not what your program's about.
Now, I have contacted the Gaia Guys here in Australia and I've had another Australian caller plug the Gaia Guys site and it's sort of the only truth site we have here in Australia.
However, they do plug some UFO sites.
Now, they're claiming that you're sort of censoring their links, and I found their site through Infowars.com, however I can't find their links anymore, and I just wanted you to comment on that.
Well, number one, I don't even know who you're talking about.
Number two, we don't have time to go around censoring things.
We simply post things on the site, so I don't know even who they are or what they're talking about.
Sure, well look, they're a middle-aged couple from Queensland who are fighting pedophilia here quite strongly in Australia and they've been persecuted quite heavily by... Sir, you've called like three or four times and you've brought this subject up a few times, we didn't censor you!
No, no, no, my point is, Alex, that I am bringing up this subject due to the fact that they've claimed
I disagree.
In fact, in an email to them I have actually said that I would say that if
At all, their links were removed from your website.
It would be due to the content of their website not being in direct relationship to the cause that we're trying to fight here, which is reality.
Listen, I hear you.
I gotta jump, man.
We got North Korea running around threatening to nuke people.
We've got
A big election coming up, we got all these things happening, and a lot of people email me or they... We don't contact them right back and they think we're against them or something.
I mean, have I ever responded to everybody that's attacking us?
There's six plus billion people.
I mean, I just... I have no idea even what you're talking about.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back now into hour number two.
I hope to be a good boy today and really get to a lot of your calls.
We're doing that right now at 1-800-259-9231.
Then we'll get into the news scandal.
Well-timed scandal implicating the individual that was exposing 9-11 and able danger and government prior knowledge and involvement and whistleblower Weldon, the congressman now being basically raided, his daughter's house being raided.
FBI raids home of Weldon's daughter and we've got some clips of Weldon and some of the speeches he's given.
Then we'll get into some of these other reports here.
You know, I was talking last hour, predominantly, about banning dodgeball, then tag, then running, then touching, because the schools are re-education camp prisons.
We certainly would like to hear from listeners on that subject.
Another report here.
Troops will be in Afghanistan for the next 20 years, says Commander.
Exit habeas corpus, enter night and fog.
I want to read some of Kurt Nima's great new report about HR 6166 being passed yesterday.
The judge allows a 9-1-1 lawsuit to go forward for the asbestos and toxic chemical and metal inhalation by the firemen, police, and emergency workers who were blocked
Being given aid.
Meanwhile, the lady who works for the city, who's blocked any money of any type to police, firemen, and others, herself makes 350 plus grand a year.
The lawyers have all been paid 40 plus million of the firemen, police, and emergency workers money.
You see, it's all for them, none for you.
But don't worry, they'll pat you on the head at ceremonies.
They'll give you that and tell you you're good.
I'll tell you, you're a bunch of idiots who need to stop worshipping this government and join us in the fight against the New World Order.
I don't mean all of you, but a bunch of you serve this system that doesn't give a rat's behind about you.
Judge allows 9-11 lawsuits to go forward.
That's good news.
And I saw this a few days ago.
And it broke in the New York Times yesterday.
It's big news!
Talk radio government mouthpiece whores received their orders.
New York Times headline, as talk radio waivers, Bush moves in to firm U.S.
And why is Gallagher and Hannity and Limbaugh and Savage and all these people that went to the White House to meet with, and Laura Ingraham, why are they there to meet with Bush?
Because their audiences are absolutely disappearing.
Go look at their web traffic.
Go look at their ratings.
I'm in radio.
I follow it.
I mean, just no one is listening to them.
Of course they're not.
They're not conservatives.
They're anti-American traitors.
They're to pacify the American people, and they're to manipulate and neutralize conservative action.
So you go get your walking orders, Bush having to bolster them.
Because if they attack Bush, their numbers are going to go up.
If they don't, they're going to wither on the vine.
But don't worry, just go down with the ship, you and Front Page Magazine.
Just keep doing it!
Keep doing what you're doing!
Just be extreme, out in the open, boot lickers.
Just call us liars on every issue.
People will find out you're the ones absconding with the truth, whether you're idiots or on the other side.
There's a big Front Page Magazine hit piece against me I'm going to get into in this hour.
I mean, it's just, it's pathetic.
Russian news agency, Artar Tass, executive killed in Moscow.
I got a big list here, and last week they're killing everybody under the sun over there.
And CPS, they grabbed somebody's child and they're bringing it to them for a visitation.
The family beat the CPS worker to death.
I mean, this family may be white trash scum.
I mean, there is some of that out there, but you send more
You send more white trash to, uh, to take the child, and I'm not saying the woman they kill is white trash, but on average, well, you're five times more likely to be abused.
There's no one more abusive and more trashy than CPS.
So, they're not fit to clean toilet bowls, much less take people's children.
It should be a criminal matter.
If somebody hurts a child, criminal matter!
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've thrown out a lot of issues.
A lot of things that are happening today.
Now we're taking your phone calls to get your
Your response, your take on it.
Let's talk to Matt in New York.
Matt, welcome.
Hi, how are you?
Good, sir.
Yeah, I just wanted to respond on the drugs, the Prozac and the Ritalin.
I'm definitely a victim of that.
In the first grade, when I went into the public school system, I was put on Ritalin.
And then the next grade, I was on Ritalin and Klonopin.
Then the next, it was on Risperidol, and that really messed me up.
And then from first grade till
I would say 9th grade, I was on about 26 different pharmaceuticals.
Regular discipline, you know, getting in trouble, getting your ear twisted, getting taken to the principal, getting some pops.
Back when we were well-behaved and a happy society, they knew that they removed discipline in the home, removed it in the schools.
I have one here.
Now in England they're saying if parents tell their child they're bad, they're going to take their child.
See, don't spank them, and don't tell them they're bad, and don't yell at them.
But in basic dog training, you train a child like you train a dog, folks.
It's the exact same thing.
And the psychologists, Pavlov knew that.
The psychologists don't know that.
They train you not to train your child like a puppy.
And then what do they do?
They're older now and it doesn't just take a newspaper to get them in line.
The state hits them with a jackhammer of hardcore drugs and abuse and being restrained in the system.
And it's all so your child gets into trouble, all so they jump out of their seat so they can drug them.
It's so cold-blooded and it works like a charm.
Oh, they're destroying us.
It's so wonderful for them.
So you're on 26 different medications.
Sounds like they were really, really taking care of you.
Tell us more.
Yeah, all of them were very different.
I'm currently still on Concerta, which is methylphenidate, which is Ritalin, the same chemical, and Prozac, but at one point I was on about eight different pharmaceuticals every day.
The average
A child in this country who is in foster care, over two-thirds are on eight drugs.
Some were on as many as 18 drugs at a time.
And there were San Antonio doctors in a WAI-TV report we played a few years ago that admitted they saw healthy, happy children that just jumped up in class a few times die.
They take them and put them on so many drugs they start having seizures.
Then they put them on seizure meds and then they die.
And they take them and they bury them.
Ah, the government's good.
But hey, if you don't believe me, again, New York State has admittedly been caught along with New York City taking small children and testing pesticides on them.
Murdering them with pesticides and no one gets in trouble.
No one is going to get in trouble.
It's good.
But don't play tag.
Don't touch each other.
Or you'll be arrested!
Yeah, I was so scared to go to school.
And then, uh... Then they sent CPS, and CPS would come to my... knocking on the door over and over again.
And they didn't... they didn't really do this when I was, uh, older and could really defend myself.
They did it when I was very young and, uh, very... very, uh, suggestive.
But they're good people!
Tell me what they did.
Did they... were they good to you?
Well, they, uh, I never let them in.
They would be knocking at the door and they would knock hard.
They would, they would walk around the, uh, I rent, I rent, so I live, there's more families in the house, thank God.
They would be walking around the premises of the house and this happened over and over again.
And these guys were scary looking.
They would, it was always the same thing.
They'd be wearing the suit.
They looked, they had the, they had the bald heads.
They'd be knocking on the door.
They, they were big, you know, these were, these were guys that could just, I mean, they were,
They look like they could beat up a grown man.
Oh yeah, they always have a few of those thugs hanging around the place who lack a little something on the side, so they're in that business.
Wilson, I appreciate your call, but I mean, let's get serious about what this is.
This is the imprisonment of our society.
This is the destruction of our society.
And in the past, I mean, if somebody really hurt their child, or somebody really did something criminal, the police came.
You see, it should all be criminal.
If there's child abuse, it should be criminal, which means you have the criminal rules.
You have to have witnesses.
You have to have probable cause.
You have to have evidence.
You have to have a belief a crime has been committed.
But see, they create new courts.
They create new systems.
Just as they announced the North American Union, under that system you have no liberties, no due process, no private property.
They just announce it and have men with guns that enforce it and fancy badges.
It's the same thing with family courts.
They just set them up.
It's all done through these administrative law systems.
It's all color of law.
They trick you into agreeing.
There's no due process.
It's not real.
It's not real, ladies and gentlemen.
I'll tell you a story.
I never got in much trouble when I was young.
But a few times I did get arrested because somebody would physically assault me in front of witnesses.
It was always at parties or events.
And they'd start pounding on me and I'd, I guess one good description would be I'd go caveman.
And I'd, just every time, I'd punch somebody five or six times.
I'd throw them back into the ground.
I was just instant.
The police usually arrest somebody.
Somebody's got blood coming out their ears and goes into a coma.
So I got arrested twice.
And I'm not saying I'm a tough guy.
It was always big guys too.
Some really big guy, 250 pound, muscle bound type starts pounding on me.
I got up, folks.
I mean, I hurt him bad.
Anyway, so I'd be taken to jail.
Well, I think I've told this story, but I haven't told the whole story.
So my first time, I was only there twice, and they took me to Terrell, outside Rockwall.
They take you to Terrell, up to this big jail.
The Juvenile Justice Center is on the top of the jail.
Now, mind you, I already knew the sheriff, Jack McWhorter, dealt all the cocaine and marijuana in Rockwall, Texas.
So I already wasn't a dumb youth.
Our new system was corrupt.
Everybody knew the sheriff was a drug dealer.
He later went to prison for it.
But I mean, I still thought cops weren't that corrupt.
Okay, they take me in there, and they put me in jail on a Thursday.
I couldn't get a trial until Monday or another trial or hearing.
And so I'm inside the jail, and about two days later, I noticed they'd been letting everybody out, and they hadn't let me out.
And I was, I think I was about 15 or 14 then.
And they hadn't let me out.
Maybe they'd read my sheet and were afraid to let me out or something.
I didn't have any record, but I guess they'd read what I'd done to this, you know, 18-year-old.
And so, there was like this big, fat, shaved head guy.
And I, I just nicely, because, you know, I was brought up nice.
I was polite.
I said, sir, may I?
I was just curious.
Do I ever get to take a shower?
I don't care if I don't get to be let out like everybody else does for an hour out there to, you know, watch TV and have a little table.
He goes, yeah, I got an idea.
He goes, come with me.
He starts shoving me down the hall and he shoves me in the shower and he says, take my clothes off and you know, do I like sex with men?
And I just told him, I said, this isn't a joke, you can try whatever you want.
I said, I guarantee you, I don't want to tell the whole story because you get in trouble for saying stuff like that nowadays, but I let him know that there was a guarantee, no matter what he did to me, that he was going to be pushing daisies.
And he knew it, too.
The way I said it.
I mean, people aren't used to a 14-year-old going, let me just tell you something.
That's how I've been my whole life.
So he said, OK, fine, just get back in your cell.
You don't get a shower.
Well, here I am on that Monday.
They drive me into the courthouse.
And they take me in there.
And they take me in the judge's chamber.
And the judge goes, this is how it is.
You're just going to sign this.
And you've done this.
The lawyer just says, no we're not, we have witnesses that he was attacked, blah blah blah, and they all got involved.
No one ever says no to us, you have to sign this, and the cops are like, we're gonna get you when we're leaving the courthouse.
Then later they try to claim I'm involved in some other crime.
The cops call me down to the
The office, and I hadn't been late to school, I hadn't missed school, I was wondering why I was, this is, you know, again in Dallas, a suburb, I'm called down to the office, and I'm thinking, I haven't missed school, why, you know, why don't I, and there's the cop, the cop who we later found out was involved in all sorts of drug traffic and other stuff, later went to jail himself, just a bunch of, just, just gangsters, and I don't know why they dislike me, I guess they weren't real men, so it upset them to know that a 14-year-old was more a man than they were, which is very upsetting to them, and, uh, or maybe I was 15, I don't remember,
About 14, I think.
And he says, I know you've been in Happy Country Homes, which I think I've been in about twice in my life.
It was a big trailer park outside town, like 15 miles from where I live, and I didn't even know anybody there.
I said, you know I've been there?
He goes, yeah, stealing radios out of cars.
He was just laughing at me, and I said, I've never stolen anything, which wasn't true.
Once or twice, we had taken beer out of golf carts, because it was a golf course where I live.
And the golfers would get drunk and park them.
By the time I was 14, we liked beer.
Maybe twice.
Usually we had big brothers or neighbors that would go get us beer.
We didn't drink a lot.
We'd get maybe beer once a month.
I said, I've never stolen anything!
By that, I'd never actually gone out and stole something out of somebody's house or car or whatever.
You know, no real theft.
I guess the equivalent of stealing watermelons, which I think everybody's done if you live in the country.
I've heard about stealing watermelons.
I've never done that.
It's more of a joke type thing.
And he just goes, well let me tell you something.
You're going to go to prison and we're going to get you and we're going to rape you in prison.
So this is why I know the government's criminal.
You're criminals!
And you've got this idiot public that doesn't know you're a bunch of criminals.
And he says you're going to get raped and you're going to get AIDS in prison.
And I just looked at this guy, and I couldn't believe it.
And then they tried to trump that up.
Well, I'll tell you the rest when we get back, and then I'll go to your calls.
I'll tell you one of the final little visits I had with them after that.
But I mean, imagine, in the school, in the office, and the cops saying, we're going to put you in prison, and you're going to be raped, and we're going to give you AIDS.
For nothing.
I didn't know why they didn't like me.
A couple reasons.
I was a badass, and I was good looking, and it upset.
Drug dealers like him.
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I already digressed.
I was trying to talk about how they just ignore due process and call you into these courts and then just say, sign here.
So then they call my dad up at work a few weeks later and say, yeah, we've got the evidence.
He's stolen all of this equipment.
And my dad comes home and says, is this true?
And he knows what I'm telling truth.
And I said, this is crazy.
This is totally made up.
There's no truth in it.
He goes, let's go down there, which nowadays would not be a good idea, but he wanted to go down there and confront them.
So we go in there, they have a thing set up with a probation officer, not even a court.
My dad walks in and he goes, don't you want to do the right thing?
My son's right here.
He had nothing to do with this.
This officer said all these horrible things to him.
I'll never forget that probation guy, who later we found out was a drug addict.
This was in the newspaper and lost his job.
Just a bunch of criminals.
You're sitting there laughing and smiling, going, sure he's not.
See, because they're criminals.
They think we're all criminals, or something, or easy marks.
I'm not kidding, folks.
All of them ended up going to jail or losing their jobs.
Doesn't matter if some new pack of crooks were put in, I'm told.
That's just how bad towns go.
And he's sitting there going, listen, we're going to end up taking your child from you, Dr. Jones, if you don't sign here.
And my dad looked at it, threw it down and said, how dare you?
I'll see you in court.
How dare you try to come in here?
I thought this was a serious meeting.
You were here to try to get him to sign on to probation.
It wasn't even a court.
They get you to sign on.
And let me tell you who works in these things, especially with the youth.
Pedophiles, drug addicts, abusers.
They're not fit to clean toilets.
They're not fit to do the work of a mule.
The founding fathers told us this.
They said government will go bad.
It's always bad.
Bad people will always get it and use it and abuse it.
And then we got some idea after World War II that government was God.
Government was pure as the snow.
Government couldn't do wrong.
Let's let government run our lives.
And it's a pack of criminals.
Now there are people in government who aren't.
Firemen and women are great, dedicated heroes who are there to serve and do a great job.
They're great people.
There are a lot of beat cops.
They're in the military.
What are they going to be?
They'll be a cop they'll serve.
They mean well.
A lot of them get in and don't like it, but they keep doing it.
Most of them aren't bad, and they mean well.
But when you get into detectives and internal affairs and child custody people, I mean, look out, folks.
Look out.
Because they're crooks.
They're pedophiles.
They're trash.
Just like the missing and exploited children had, you know, is Foley.
I mean, that is nothing!
Chicago Tribune reports Dinecore and Halliburton run slave camps and kidnap children.
Mainstream news, and that they have lobbyists on Capitol Hill, this is from the Chicago Tribune!
Lobbyists on Capitol Hill, blocking the Pentagon from enforcing laws against them on base where they're doing this.
Oh, but we've got to take your child because we forced our way in, we tricked our way into your house, and you've got dirty dishes and some dog fur on the floor.
So we're going to take you to a government facility now where you're going to spend six months before we place you so the weird drugged out guards can't have their way with you.
I mean, this is why I'm mad.
This is why I'm angry.
I mean, folks, I haven't just heard about it.
Everyone I ran into in government
In Rockwall, Texas was a criminal.
And it's the richest county in Texas.
And the elites that used it as a bedroom community were into the occult.
But the occult was as commonplace as running water.
So see, I grew up and saw just a glimpse of the real world and then saw the general public going about their business not seeing any of it.
So it was no surprise to me to learn the CIA ships in most of the drugs, or they certify the cartels that ship the men who launder their money through certain selected banks.
They tell the cartels where to put their money, at what percentage, because the money launderers have to pay them 10, 20, 30 percent.
And if they don't like it, special forces come down who are compartmentalized and believe that they're eradicating cocoa plantations when it's only the ones they're told to attack.
See how compartmentalization works?
You've got our troops risking their lives, and dying all the time by the way, and covert ops in Latin America to eradicate cocaine, marijuana, they even grow some opium down their fields.
And I've talked to the troops who come back and who are older and wise up, you know, when they're 30-something years old, they go, yeah, we'd have it all on GPS out of the helicopters and planes, the spray planes and copters, and we'd fly right over all the government stuff and all over the right wing stuff and we're only there to hit certain areas.
Again, competition.
The war on drugs is the government running it with the private corporations, attacking the cartels that aren't in business with them, attacking their crops, then grabbing your kids that use it, putting them in the prisons, where they then displace American workers working in the slave camps.
Okay, I'm done.
I'm done.
I'm done.
I just wanted to get all that off my chest and talk about it.
So, again, I'll say it.
Do not trust the government.
Do not like the government.
Of course we should hate the government.
And love our country.
The government, by the way, is killing the country.
We'll come back.
Go straight to your calls.
Charles and others.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, I'm going to get more into the Asian Union.
They just totally announced it publicly.
It was already in place.
Now they've unveiled it.
I've been attacked by the neocons and a huge hit piece by a front page neocon.
I feel trapped.
I feel threatened.
I'm upset.
I want to beat these people.
I do hate them.
But I do what I do because I love my family and this country and it's just so ridiculous.
And again, I'll say it.
How am I supposed to behave when Dyncor and Halliburton are in the Chicago Tribune openly running child kidnapping rings?
I mean, just publicly!
It's in a... It's so corrupt.
It's scary.
And I just... You know, we have fight and flight and I just get into fight mode.
I need to remember it's an information war and not tear the microphone off its hinges.
Let's talk to Charles in Louisiana, holding like a trooper.
Charles, welcome.
How you doing, Mr. Jones?
Good, sir.
Good to hear from you.
It's kind of hard to get in sometimes, but I want to say something on what you've been saying about when you were arrested as a juvenile.
This is true.
But here's what they do.
They arrest you now, and they have nothing against you.
And they say, well, if you don't sign this, we're going to arrest your wife, uh, accessory before and after the fact.
And it's trickery to get you to sign these papers, which they tricked me many, you know, a few times in prison and out of, before I went to prison, but it's trickery.
Usually when they threaten you and say, we'll arrest your wife, that means they have nothing on you.
So the people, it's hard to be strong in front of a policeman.
I understand that, but people's going to have to put fear in them.
You know?
And stand up and say, well, just do what you gotta do.
It's hard for the average person to do that.
You know?
But it's just trickery and they want everything you know to get everybody on a database.
But the police are losing.
They are losing the war.
They really are.
They can't control things right now.
Everything's out of hand to them, too.
I know, you've called before, you've handed out 6,000 copies of my film.
7,400 now, Charles, and you've even made the news down there doing it.
And again, a lot of the cops are good and do appreciate you.
Yes, they are.
I was talking about these corps of criminals, though, that seem to be in control.
Yes, they are, but a good cop won't go against a bad cop, remember that.
Which makes him a bad cop.
Which makes him a bad cop.
You see, because he sees you being whipped and putting bags over your head, and if you don't report that,
He's just as guilty as them.
That's right, all this waterboarding, putting a bag over your head is the exact same thing.
And that's standard, folks.
Yes, it happened to me.
They put a bag over my head three times.
I started signing stuff.
I don't know what I signed today, Mr. Jones, so help me God!
Well, let me just tell you, they had the yogurt shop murders where four girls got butchered, and we know government was involved.
This is before I even knew about the New World Order.
I mean, this is when I was in high school, when I first moved down here.
Because we moved down here to get away from all that stuff in Dallas.
I mean, I'd lived here a few months, and those girls got murdered just about a mile from where we were living, or about two miles away.
And right away, I was hearing at the gym and other places that it was government officials and a satanic ritual, and they weren't supposed to talk about it, and they stuffed their bodies with rosary beads, and this all later came out.
Then they grabbed four kids,
Uh, and it even came out on the news.
They put guns to their heads, and threatened to blow their heads off if they didn't confess, and they put it on the news, and said that's okay, and then years later they had to let them out of prison, because it turned out they got DNA and it wasn't them.
And, uh, you know, I mean, it's just scary.
Yes, well it usually sometimes lets you think one bullet's in there and they keep spinning the cylinder.
But anyway, here's what I wanted to talk about.
You know, I'm getting so sick of the people that don't think anymore or don't do nothing.
But I'd like to ask this again, and I don't know what people think about me.
That's their business.
But I'm asking everybody to get in their neighborhood, to get some tapes, a couple of tapes, and start letting their neighbors look at these tapes.
Have them over for dinner.
Do something!
We must do something now!
All these people listening and not doing nothing ain't helping this country.
I think we lost this country, Mr. Jones.
There might be a slim chance to get it back.
But if the people that just listen and don't do nothing, it's like they shouldn't listen at all.
Am I right or wrong?
We all have to do our part.
No, I think you're right, Charles.
You know, your story, you've told it before.
I know all government is innocent, all citizens are guilty, but it's turning out that about half the people in prison did not commit the crimes they were supposedly committed.
And then the real criminals seem to get out.
The pedophiles will let them out first.
The pedophiles go out first.
I don't know why, but it looks like they want confusion.
Right now we got so much murder up here, and since New Orleans come up here, people can't, they got to sleep with a shotgun in their bed.
I'm serious.
No, I know I see it in the news, but you told the story about how they just claimed you shot somebody outside a bar, no evidence, and they tortured you into a confession?
Because somebody was shot in a bar, and I happened to come in the bar, and I ran across the street, I was out of breath.
And they come in, you know, I was fighting the traffic, you know, getting across the street.
I was kind of out of breath, and he said, about seven, eight minutes ago, somebody was shot, and you was out of breath, I heard, the boy said, you just come in.
I said, yeah.
He said, uh, well, we want to talk to you.
They went home and got a .357 Magnum at my house, which in seven minutes, I couldn't have brought the gun home.
It was like 12 miles away, and then he hit, it was a .357, and the bullet went through the victim, and they said it was the gun that was used.
Well, here's the thing.
It didn't make no difference because when they put the bag over me, I signed a statement.
My trial lasted one hour and thirty-five minutes.
I had a life sentence in one hour and thirty-five minutes.
Can you believe that?
How many times they put the bag over your head?
Three times.
Which is waterboarding, folks.
It's the same thing.
It's suffocation.
Well, they put a little hole in the front where you just get enough air, but it's got to be a clear bag.
They don't want to take it off.
They don't want to take it off when your face starts distorting.
And boy, after the first time, it's terrible.
The second time, the third time, I just lost it.
And when I was signing these papers, Mr. Jones, I don't remember signing, I remember signing, but I was sort of, you know, I was dazed.
I was... No, no, yeah, that's what you're doing.
My pockets needed oxygen, you know?
Well, talking good!
Well, but what about these people?
You got these tapes.
Why don't they support the network?
I just can't afford it.
I used to put out three to four hundred tapes a month.
When the hurricane hit, Charles, you've done enough.
God bless you.
People are out there making copies.
84% don't believe the official 9-11 story.
People are starting to wake up to what's happening.
It's just they're afraid and don't have the courage you have to go public.
But if they realized what the stakes were, they'd be afraid not to take action.
That's my point.
God helped this country.
God bless you, my friend.
I bet though, Charles, if you go look up those cops that tortured you, I bet you're living a better life today, all these years later.
I bet they have broken families.
I bet their kids died in car wrecks.
God curses people.
There's such a thing as you reap what you sow.
And I want all this scum to know, I've looked at their lives.
People that do evil have bad lives.
The people that are good
More often than not, lead really great lives.
And I just want them to know that.
I still have nightmares.
17 years, over 17 years.
I still have nightmares, you know?
I still have nightmares.
But, it's alright.
God gave me a purpose when I started hearing you.
I got a purpose to live now, you understand?
And I'm gonna keep fighting.
But I want these people to get the tapes, support the radio show, and wake up their neighbors and family.
I don't know what they're scared of.
Well, they better be scared of what's coming if they don't.
I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you, Charles.
Yeah, I haven't plugged it yet today, and it's really my fault because I get so ramped up with the news and the stories I tell on the calls that I don't get to it.
I've made 15 films.
Terror Storm's the newest.
The film's right under two hours long and has 68 minutes of extras on it, making it more than three hours long.
$19.95, and your purchase makes this broadcast possible.
Please get Terror Storm.
Please get the new film that Ken Jenkins made.
It's powerful, 9-1-1, the myth and the reality.
With David Ray Griffin and then he laid video and documents over his two different speeches they put together so it's powerful.
Get 9-11 Mysteries Demolitions.
Get Loose Change 2nd Edition DVD.
Have these in your library.
Make copies of them.
Get them out to people.
1-888-253-3139 is the number to order.
Or you can write to me.
I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
It's like that famous movie about a true story and when the pilots got shot down in northern Vietnam, they had them on North Vietnamese TV going, America's evil, we're bad, we're wrong, you know, we target civilians on purpose, which wasn't true about the bombing.
It was the opposite.
They wouldn't let them hit the real targets to do damage to win the war because it was so profitable.
And, you know, they blinked torture.
You know, the eyes of Morse code.
That's a true story.
But see, the Vietnamese, they were bad for torture, but it's good when we do.
But we're really good.
We don't just torture the men.
Oh, no.
We do what the Christians, I guess, are supposed to do.
That's torture children.
And they put it in White House memos for the military.
I mean, that's inexcusable.
I mean, land of the enslaved, micromanaged wimps.
Is what we've turned into.
That's what we are.
And I'm angry about it.
Let's talk to Jeff in Texas.
Jeff, welcome.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
Good, sir.
I wanted to talk to you about something that actually ties into a couple of things you've been talking about.
That's government-controlled food supply and the neocon talk show host.
I heard this weekend Glenn Beck was a horrible person.
You will believe it, but most people won't believe this.
Talking about the unfortunate thing that happened with the E. coli in the spinach.
And what he said is that, you know, right now everything points to, you know, this is just an accident.
It happened with natural causes.
But until we have, we have to assume that it was terrorism, until we have absolute proof that it was not.
Well, it was grown in Mexico and Southern California, and in Central California, and the illegal aliens defecate in the fields.
Right, right, and you know, and that's just, it's not terrorism, it's just
But the news can't talk about where it really came from.
The different farming journals are already reporting it.
Can't talk about the gods that are here to drive down the wages and break down the country.
Oh no!
I mean, look, Glenn Beck, you know, we're going to investigate the scourge of porn.
Here, let's show you lots of porn.
And he actually, he'll talk about a few, criticize the government every once in a while.
Then Nixon, oh, we're going to get nukes.
They're taking nukes across the border.
And look, good for him, man.
He's got his 20 pieces of silver.
Good for Rat Boy.
Let me tell you what he said, Alex.
He brought this expert on.
And I wasn't paying close enough attention to determine exactly who this guy was.
But what he said was that there's a solution to this, but we can't talk about it on the radio.
I can tell you this, it's not the consumer end.
You know, what that says to me, Alex, is that this is just one more thing to control the means of production of food.
Oh, it is, sir.
Listen, Greg Pallis goes down to a camp with 40,000 people in it, in Louisiana, that is, shares a fence with an Exxon Mobil chemical plant, belching chemicals on them.
He just shows the chemical plant, and everybody knows where it is, you know, the thing's hundreds of feet tall.
You know, hundreds of acres.
Right next to it, he puts it on ABC News, he was working for ABC at the time, and they indict him for terrorism and were coming to arrest him until ABC complained, saying infrastructure was violated.
Now I've learned, I have the transcript, I haven't found video of it, Fetzer pointed it out to me yesterday, Jim Fetzer.
Sean Hannity had a guest Friday on Fox saying 9-11 truth is Al-Qaeda and is aiding Al-Qaeda and is giving them material support and that we need, that the arrests need to start.
We're exposing the terrorists so bad right now and so under infrastructure protection it's all going to be secret.
Irradiation of the food, basting the food in viruses that quote, eat the bad bacteria and that way they can
Treat it with whatever they want?
Yeah, no, it's everything going secret, sir.
It's literally... I mean, you think Idi Amin was bad.
It's high-tech soldiers in black uniforms with submachine guns on every corner, one-child policy, CPS going wild, grabbing bank accounts, grabbing private property, just the age of total rape.
And all these idiots who just get, you know, let's get the Arabs!
We've got to stop the Arabs!
It has nothing to do with the Arabs!
Any real Arab terrorism was financed by our government!
And Alex, as you know, you were saying that, you know, they're now saying that the people in the 9-11 Truth Movement are terrorists.
Well, up until a couple of weeks ago, we had the protection of the Constitution.
But we don't anymore.
There's no more hate or...
Basically, the Constitution is gone.
I hear you and I appreciate your call, but let me briefly comment on that.
I was going to write an article today titled, The Constitution, or something like, The Bill of Rights Still Lives.
And I know I beat this to death, but it's a true example.
The Supreme Court ruled that black people were two-thirds human.
States ruled they weren't even human.
States ruled that Indians weren't human.
Okay, Native Americans are human, blacks are human, and you're not allowed to go grab a black guy today.
You've got to first hope he's dumb enough to use drugs you shipped in or set some trap for him so you can get him in the system.
They do, they just can't do it as openly.
You can't just walk up to a black guy and conk him on the head and throw him on a ship and take him into your plantation or into your factory and have him dragging a ball and chain around.
I mean, I don't care what law you pass, if somebody tries to come grab me to go put me in a slave camp, I have a right to fight them lethally.
But see, they have to make excuses then.
Oh, you didn't pay your taxes.
Oh, you were abusive.
Oh, you said hateful things.
Oh, you were disrespectful to the cops, so they beat you up on video camera, and then call that an assault.
Oh yeah, that's the thing.
They don't just break your back, or break your jaw, or beat you up now, break your cheekbones, or your collarbones.
I mean, I've been sending hundreds of these videos.
It's been on the news, but they beat you up.
Maybe you flail while they're beating you, and your hand brushes their knee.
Oh, that's charges!
You fought back!
I mean, it's a high-tech slavery.
It's all around us.
It's going around right in front of your faces.
So just because they claim we don't have liberty, and just because they claim we're not free, and just because, you know, right now the legislation says there's no Bill of Rights,
It says that you don't have any habeas corpus, but they're still lying in the press saying it's for foreign terrorists.
So see, now we're going to have the fight when they start trying it on citizens.
And notice the neocons, as soon as they pass this, are going, arrest people, arrest.
Limbaugh said it about us.
Hannity's saying it about others.
Arrest, arrest, arrest.
We need to start arresting.
We need to start arresting.
You see, they're trying to get their constituents, because they know the neocon listener is ready for that.
They know the general public isn't.
So they're kind of getting their little shock troops politically ready, but then trying to float it to the general public and, oh yeah, this kid brought a plastic gun to school.
It scared people.
We're charging him with terrorism.
You see, they're slowly, they're having training seminars for the police right now, telling them this is all normal.
Brainwashing them.
Most of them are just brainwashed.
They're just idiots like the general public.
Not even idiots, they're mesmerized.
They're hypnotized.
Hey, this is an exciting time.
We are actually alive during the birth of world government, and when America's being put down the garbage disposal.
I mean, you're getting to witness history.
Pretty exciting in a sick way!
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Hey, I'm not trying to be negative, it's the truth.
The North American Union has been officially signed last year.
They're having official government meetings, drawing up all the regulations to run our lives.
No due process, no freedom, no private property.
The lobbyists are literally writing all the regulations for the North American government, that again, you're not even allowed to attend or even know about.
Actual secret meetings for the government.
And it comes out in the mainstream papers, one or two here in the U.S., all over Canadian and Mexican news.
It's big news.
We're so controlled here that it's just the average American has no idea it's even happening.
This is real.
This is real.
We were the biggest, strongest country in the world, the most wealthy.
We were taken over by global private interests, by global crime syndicates, by organized crime.
They used our wealth and our treasure and our ingenuity and our military to dominate the planet.
Now they're hollowing us out, getting ready to implode us because the middle class and the people of America were a threat to their global domination.
Any private wealth, any independence is a threat to them.
So they're training your children, they can't run, they can't jog, they can't play tag, they get arrested if they hug each other, they've got to take Ritalin and Prozac.
I mean, it's literal, just prisons.
I mean, zombie world.
We are literally in a high-tech nightmare.
It's going on all around us.
I just don't have words to describe the hell we're in.
But again, there's this back view, this backdrop of the beautiful sky, and the trees, and the lake, and the mall, and the cell phones, and the giggling, and the TV.
But all this horrible stuff's going on right behind the surface.
Right beneath the surface.
And see, it sounds ridiculous to an adult.
Now they've banned dodgeball, and then chase, and then tag, and now touching, and now any strenuous play.
All over the country, and they don't have any P.E., or they have one hour a week now, and they wonder why the kids are jumping up and down, they feed them all this sugar, and they take kids to jail now in their little mini-prisons.
It's hard to believe, but this is how they want us!
And the whole world, again, Rupert Murdoch owns Australian and British and European papers.
He demonizes us.
All the New World Order stuff comes out, but it's all America's fault.
And then he owns Fox News, where he's done it all the time!
I mean, he talks to his editorial staff.
He runs it all.
What he's once said is said.
I ought to write an article about this and just show it.
So meanwhile, he's demonizing America, blaming America for everything, while they use us to get the job done.
Then they'll just implode us down.
You see, and then we take the blame for everything, and the EU are the good guys.
They're slick, folks, and they own Limbaugh, and they own... they own the, uh... Sean Hannity's and the O'Reilly's.
And they know exactly what they're doing.
They gotta neutralize and fool conservatives just long enough until they get the total police state in place.
They gotta fool the cops if they're really defending the country and doing a good job and aren't building a one-world government.
They gotta fool...
Fool the bureaucrats and then have enough lawyers and payoff artists and lobbyists to grease the skins everywhere to get it through.
And the evidence of that is 97% against the toll roads.
And they're announcing, I mean you ought to hear it on local news, oh it's wonderful, everyone loves it.
They have like three people on the news, oh I love the new toll road, I'll get to home so much faster.
They don't say, they've added five miles extension.
Which then, they claim, allows them to get over the state law of allowing them to then turn the entire, you know, road, hundreds of miles of it, into a toll road.
They're slick, man.
The transponders are going in.
Get your transponder discounted!
And it all goes in to foreign coffers, the money that goes to a private corporation, and the rest of the money goes to the North American Union Fund.
The money, admittedly... When I use these toll roads that are going in everywhere right now,
I will be paying for the destruction of America.
Meanwhile, buckets of weakness and evil, like Sean Hannity, are saying people like me need to be arrested.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-376-45.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yeah, I really pity the Sean Hannity's and
Rush Limbaugh's.
It's in the New York Times that their audiences are leaving them in droves.
And I don't just believe the New York Times.
Their actual web numbers and ratings are publicly available.
So their audiences are leaving them in huge exodus.
And they're also leaving the liberals.
You understand, 85% of the country in major polls, there have been a couple of them in the high 80s, even higher, hate both parties and trust no one in government.
By the way, that's never happened in the last modern century.
You can go pull those reports up, and it's panicking them, and it should panic you.
And so now they went to have a meeting last week with Bush to try to reaffirm strategies because, quote, they were leaving him.
Because see, if they don't at least criticize him a little now, like Savage does, the beatnik
Man who formerly wrote gay love novels.
The hardcore conservative.
You gotta be a hateful person to want to pose as a conservative and put out a lot of good stuff and then secretly be stabbing the republic in the back.
I mean, it's so sick.
So they all go to the White House to kneel before their lord.
But he won't give them audiences.
He's not going to give them audiences because the conservatives have woken up.
You can have all the stations, your stations just aren't going to have listeners.
They're not going to have listeners.
Because they're weak.
Imagine being weak like Sean Hannity, a weak, soft little man who just crafts everything to neutralize conservatives, who works around the clock to make sure conservatives don't defend the republic, to make sure conservatives don't wake up.
I've been attacked by Limbaugh and others.
I want to go over a new neocon attack against me later.
Let's go to some more calls.
Karen in Texas, then Rick, Jim, Dylan, and then Jim in New York.
Go ahead, Karen.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, how are you doing?
Fine, thank you.
First of all, I want to thank you for waking me up to what's really happening.
It's really scary.
It is scary!
But I do have a story.
It happened in Kokomo, Indiana just probably about a week ago or so regarding a lockdown drill just at one school, at Kokomo Middle School.
And they called it a lockdown drill.
They didn't alert the teachers until that morning.
And what they did... Yeah, a lot of these, they don't let the kids have food for eight hours and they say, with what's coming in the future, you have to know.
And again, that's part of the trauma-based mind control.
Sorry, go ahead.
They had to lock whatever room they were in, they had to stay in there and lock the doors and don't come out until, you know, the drill was over.
The principal and the superintendent went around to all the rooms and when they found a door open, they took their little squirt guns
And squirted it to everybody and took them to the cafeteria and told them that they were casualties.
Yeah, this is part of terrorism, and that's nothing, ma'am.
They come in and splatter fake guts all over them, fake red jelly, and scream, I'm homeschoolers, I'm blowing your head off.
We have video of ten-year-olds crying in total confusion and panic.
This is done federally all over the country.
They have them outside, they throw fake smoke bombs at them, the children are terrorized, full-grown men scream at them, and it is more high-tech than Soviet re-education centers.
So spraying with a water gun saying you're dead is nothing.
And again, the teachers think they're helping.
The brainwashed principal thinks this is how you help.
No, no, no, no, no.
That's just the beginning in Kokomo, ma'am.
By the time they're done, they'll be dumping red fake blood.
The children will be having nightmares.
And they'll be learning how being prisoners keeps them safe.
This is the destruction of our country.
It's happening in every school in the nation.
But I'm going to shut up.
I'm going to hold you over.
Tell me more about it.
Well, I don't know much more.
I know that a half an hour or less than a half an hour after that, they did have a fire drill.
But even the people working in the cafeteria, the cooks, they were locked themselves in there.
And then after the drill was over, they said how many casualties they had and thought that they were doing a
A good thing.
And the kids go home and say, 25 of us got killed by the gun.
We need to ban guns, mommy.
It's also part of the anti-gun.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iraq, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're going back to Karen, and then we're gonna go to Troy, but he hung up, so we'll go to Rick and Jim and Jim and many others.
I will get into the new neocon attack on myself and a bunch of other key news here in this third hour.
We're so honored that you're joining us.
We're Americans, we're human beings that are sick of being treated like slaves, that are sick of watching our country being shut down, dismantled, that recognize the social engineering for what it is.
And again, I need to write an article about this.
It was in AP a couple years ago, one of the worst cases, where all over Michigan,
They would go splatter fake blood on them and point guns at them and say, we're homeschoolers here to kill you.
I mean, that was in the news.
And then local papers had even more.
The AP had the thing about how it was homeschoolers against public education and how they scream, we're homeschoolers, we're here to kill you.
And they put the kids in the bus and drive them down the street and have the cops attack it with smoke bombs.
And this was elementary students.
I think they were in the third grade.
And then we have video of them pointing guns at kids, and the kids are left on the road to tyranny.
They're crying.
Little 10-year-old kids going, no, no!
I mean, they're really freaked out.
And big guys are going, get over there!
Get over there!
And the excuse is, well, it's tough on them, but you never know if Al-Qaeda's gonna hit.
Yeah, sure, the chances of Al-Qaeda, even if it existed, hitting your school are better to be struck by lightning twice than to see Elvis reincarnated as an Easter Bunny.
I'm just so sick of it.
I can't handle it anymore.
It's so obvious, but the cops don't know.
The teachers don't know.
Again, it's written by the feds.
It's a federal grant.
They do it in every major school district.
I've been to these events.
I've got video in Road to Tyranny where they got fake blood, fake arms, fake guts hanging off of them.
And the cops burn a car up in front of the city hall.
I mean, this is the kind of stuff they do.
Helicopters flying around.
Special Forces troops march up and say, turn your camera off.
You're not allowed to videotape me.
I mean, this is a joke.
You might as well just put us in sports stadiums with big screen TVs going, you know, George Washington is a pig.
Give up your freedom.
See, that's old-fashioned re-education camps.
The new camps are parents showing their IDs to get in, swiping them biometrically.
Uh, inside the kids being searched, being put on drugs, not allowed to run at recess, arrested if you carry a plastic knife in your lunch box, even if you're valedictorian.
You know, whatever!
It's about total control!
And keeping that control!
Uh, so, so recap the story you were telling.
You were, uh, Karen, you were up in, uh,
Kokomo, Indiana.
And how did you hear about this with the lockdown drill?
Where there were major casualties.
The kids got killed.
I guess the kids were home and talked about how they were killed by a gun and how guns are bad.
It's also anti-gun brainwashing.
Go ahead.
A friend of mine was in the school when it happened.
And he said that it was just unbelievable.
It was like he was in a science fiction movie.
He couldn't believe it.
Exactly what I said.
It's going to get worse.
They're going to lock down cities.
They're going to do it to adults.
We're all going to learn.
And I'm wondering, were they, was this school paid to... Guaranteed, yes.
Listen, I've seen it.
Well, let's be honest.
I don't always read the article.
Five hundred and something times.
I mean, hundreds of times a year.
I read the documents.
I interview the people.
I've been to the schools.
It's federal grants, and let me tell you, that's nothing, okay?
About half the time, they spill fake blood all over them.
They come in and throw buckets of fake blood on kids.
The kids are screaming in pain.
The SWAT teams have got fake guns to their heads.
In Michigan and Dallas, cops got their own heads blown off, going, look, the gun's safe, and blowing their own heads off.
I mean, it's just, I don't have words.
If I had small children, I would homeschool them, but I think that's their next step.
They'll probably outlaw homeschooling.
Oops, sorry, in Illinois, in California, they're actually trying to prosecute homeschoolers.
They're trying to declare it illegal.
They're sending letters claiming it's illegal.
They're claiming you have to have a teacher's certificate to homeschool.
I mean, they're doing everything they can.
They want you in their re-education.
Listen, they say, like 90% of people go to the public schools.
They're federally standardizing the private ones now with the quote, voucher money.
That's really to buy everybody off.
Vouchers are horrible, folks.
It's a backroom scam to get federal control over the private schools.
They're doing everything they can to get in those schools and to federalize them.
And they're doing everything they can to shut down homeschools.
Take Heartland up in Missouri, run by a guy worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
Great record of getting kids that nobody else could help back on track.
No abuse, no nothing.
A lot of people have been fired now.
Others are about to go to jail over that because he had millions to go after him.
Because CPS didn't like it.
You see, and so they just showed up with armed police and big buses to grab all the kids.
They don't want you doing well!
And I don't mean the idiot teachers or the idiot police.
They're like the idiot public.
They don't understand the compartmentalization.
They don't understand that it is to train our children to be prisoners.
Doesn't that make you mad?
That's why I'm saying it.
Very mad.
Very mad.
Right after I was told this story last week, the day that it happened, I emailed you and told you about it.
I was so upset about this.
Well, listen, you think that's bad.
I appreciate your call.
I'm glad you're upset.
I never played that.
I get busy.
This is from last Friday, I think, or is it Monday?
This is a newscast where they did mock anthrax attack on the school.
And this also creates the illusion that there's this looming terror attack.
You see thousands of drills everywhere, getting no one ready for anything.
It's all about federal control, getting everybody to have the perception of terror being real.
It's like Jim Jones drilling them to drink Kool-Aid.
Do you have that Anthrax clip at the school?
John got it Friday or Monday.
It'll be on the computer under Anthrax Drill at School.
I think that's it.
Go ahead and roll it.
Here it is.
There's so much more than just going in and getting the people out.
Emily Christian is part of a test.
Along with nearly 100 other volunteers, she plays an important role in a high-stakes simulation.
The victims of an office building anthrax attack.
First, you get evaluated by a fireman or a police officer.
Then you go through water or like, you know, a spray hose and it decontaminates you.
Then you get wrapped in a nice warm blanket and you get escorted into an ambulance.
Luckily, today it was just a drill.
But law enforcement officials say it is vital to prepare like it's the real thing.
If something does happen here of that nature, how can we respond?
Are we ready?
Are we prepared?
We don't want to transport people that have been exposed to something and then expose a hospital to danger.
Hundreds of emergency responders took part in the test Saturday morning from fire and police to local hospitals.
Responders working out plans now
They hope will save lives later.
What we try to do is identify gaps either in our planning or how our plans work together and try to fill those gaps so that in a real-life situation they don't happen again.
It's critical we have a plan of attack and that our men and women of our departments understand through this simulation what they have to do and how dangerous it is.
Jennings says this drill has been the work since July.
He said as the capital of New York it can't afford not to be prepared.
In Albany, Curtis Schick, Capital News 9.
Yeah, New York, the same place where they don't let children run at recess, but it's nationwide.
Again, it starts with dodgeball, then tag, then running, then touching, and then it's all zero tolerance.
These aren't even laws the children are breaking, but police come and arrest them, then trick the parents into signing forms, waiving rights to go into the juvenile justice system.
It's like the reports where they go, oh, you didn't finish your homework, you've got to stay at school now till, you know, 7-15.
And if your parents aren't there within the 15 minutes, these are middle schoolers.
I mean, how many times did I wait for my parents?
Sometimes my dad, you know, would get in traffic.
I'd sit there 45 minutes.
I'd do my homework on the steps.
I'd go play touch football in the park, right by the school.
Oh, not anymore!
CPS takes you into custody and begins an investigation of neglect.
You see how that works?
That's the official document.
That was in Indiana, too.
But it's nationwide.
All federally written, all designed to get you in the system, period.
Rick in Florida, you're on the air.
Greetings, Patriot Jones.
Hello, Patriot Jones.
I'm a critical thinker.
One of the things that I went to Merriam-Webster and looked up was naïve.
Naïve is defined as deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgment.
In the last couple of weeks, I was naïve.
I've done my own research and I've looked at InfoWars, 9-11 Blogger.
I've gone to the website and looked at the evidence and the information on my own.
I wanted to test it against the general public, and I went this past weekend to four friends of mine, who I trust, and I tested this theory against what I thought were intelligent people.
Why did we go to a war with Iraq?
66% of folks over 45 don't know what year 9-11 happened.
Sorry, go ahead.
And, you know, why did we go to a war with Iraq?
Well, it was weapons of mass destruction.
None were found.
Well, it was Al-Qaeda.
There were no links between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda.
In fact, they were bitter enemies.
Well, it was 9-11.
Well, none of the hijackers were Iraqi.
Well, it was genocide.
That was decades ago from weapons that we gave Iraq.
Well, one of the people I said was oil.
Somebody said oil.
Well, I said yes it was.
I believe a big, big part of it, other than just raw imperialism, was oil.
So, you know, I introduced them to InfoWars.com, told them, you know, go check it out.
And, you know, I'll follow up with them.
You know, basically, one of the things that I've come to a conclusion was, you know, it's been stated that Iran is 10 years away from creating the bomb, whereby North Korea has tested a bomb.
But Condoleezza Rice, Bush Administration, is saying, no, no, no, we are not going to invade North Korea.
And they're threatening to nuke us.
Last weekend, this week, in their official publication, saying, we will nuke you, we will kill you.
Oh, but they're not a problem, let's go into Iran.
What did your associates say when you told them that?
Well, I said, you know, I talked about PNAC, and PNAC, never heard of it.
I had never heard of PNAC up until just a couple weeks ago, and I guarantee
that a catastrophic or cataclysmic event will happen to justify war with Iran, because right now the American public will not, you know, is not ready for Iran.
But we need a pretext, like we did with everything else.
I honestly believe this from the heart of hearts, and I was hoping that maybe you could talk a little bit about something I saw on one of your sites about an Article 5 Convention.
Yeah, we can talk about that.
Stay there.
And when we get back, we'll elaborate.
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I believe you said in the last few months.
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They get to wake up!
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Okay, finishing up with Rick in Florida, then Jim, Seth, and others, Tom.
We'll have to hold off on calls in the next segment for a while because I need to get into this Neocon hit piece.
And a little bit more I want to say on the Asian Union they just announced.
But right now, Rick in Florida, you're bringing up an Article 5.
What type of Article 5 are you talking about?
I was watching one of your videos, I think it was the Scholars for 9-11 Truth Symposium,
At the end there, they had some commentary and a lady had stood up and said something about an Article 5 convention and how Congress showed pure contempt for the Constitution and did not convene an Article 5 convention.
In fact, it's sitting before the United States Supreme Court, whereby they had all 50 states' applications.
I'm really ignorant when it comes to this, first to admit it.
You know, I was wondering if anybody else knows about this, whereby, again, Congress did not convene when, you know, under Article 5, they shall convene a convention when applications are received, and I don't know about it.
I've heard that it was for... Now, let me just tell you something, and I appreciate your call.
Con-cons and constitutional conventions in the yoke are very, very dangerous.
The New World Order is the only type of group that has enough muscle and power politically and financially to manipulate the outcome of a convention.
And I think what happened is you kind of got two things crossed.
One lady was talking about citizens grand juries and real grand juries going after the president or the neocons politically, criminally.
And somebody else got up who thinks that the answer is constitutional conventions and
That same crowd doesn't like the Electoral College.
We've been taught by the media to hate it.
You see, in 1913, they didn't just give us the Federal Reserve and the income tax, they also gave us the 16th Amendment.
They did a whole bunch of stuff, and they took the power of the states, basically, away, much of it, before senators were appointed.
And they argue, how dare them!
You should be able to elect your senators.
Well, you did elect your state reps.
And then they would vote and appoint the senator, and the senator was then a creature of the state.
Now you've made them these godlike Roman senators instead.
And so that major check and balance against centralized unitary executive and unitary federalism has been removed.
And so then they want to get rid of the last link of state's control if they ever really wanted to try to use it.
They don't use it.
They go with the popular vote.
The popular vote is honored.
The mainstream media, when they stole the election from Gore, and Gore did win.
Whether you like him or hate him, it doesn't matter.
He did win.
There was a theft that went on.
The Supreme Court did appoint Bush President.
He did steal the election again.
But then his competitor took a dive in 2004.
And the media somehow blamed the Electoral College like it was their fault.
They never came into play!
I mean, I guess you could argue the Supreme Court said, well look, Bush has more electorals, but they also claim that he won Florida, which he didn't.
The Electoral College was back when the states, when the people controlled their senators through their local state reps.
And so it's a good thing, and constitutional conventions, every time we've had them, have been bad for this country.
In fact, what gave us the income tax, and what gave us the 16th Amendment, and what gave us the amendment that got rid of our senators and made them federal creatures, that was financed and pushed by the bankers.
The states didn't really even ratify the income tax and a bunch of other things.
They didn't care.
The central government runs it, and they just told you what the outcome was.
But I'm glad you asked that question.
It was important.
Okay, Jim Dillon.
Jim, you disagree with me, but it's not really a real disagreement.
I found out, obviously, what it was.
You are running for governor against Rick Perry, and I told you you could come on the show, and you're now saying you disagree because I haven't had you on.
What does that mean, Jim?
Well, that means a vote is a terrible thing to waste, Alex.
The elections are in a couple of weeks from now.
What are you waiting for?
Well, Jim, I told the folks when you called that we'd have you on 30 minutes someday as a guest.
You said, no, an hour.
So I said, take a hike, man.
No, I'm not taking a hike.
I'm running for governor.
I'm not taking a hike.
No, I know, but I mean, I just said...
I mean, Jim, you're something else.
You come to my events, I let you in private property, hand out your flyers, do whatever you want.
I've had you call in a whole bunch of times.
I think you're a nice fella.
But I'm not going to be pushed around.
I mean, I kind of got the instinct of being someone of a donkey.
What Bible uses that I can use?
I'm a jackass, Dylan.
You're not going to make me do something.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, let's go back to Jim Dillon running for governor here in Texas.
Jim, I don't know what you want, a pint of my blood here.
I've already told your lordship that you can have 30 minutes on the show sometime before the election, and I was told that wasn't good enough for you.
You know what?
A vote is a terrible thing to waste, and so is a mind a terrible thing to waste.
And if you waste your vote in Texas in November on a candidate on the ballot who's totally unacceptable, like the kinky freedman that you had on as a guest for an hour, you not only won't be able to look in the mirror the next morning, but it'll also be what's called a wasted vote.
And it's very people-minded of you to do that, Alex, because there's one option this year ought to vote for as Governor of Texas.
That's me.
Lord Dillon of Canterbury.
I need you to do everything in your power to promote this industry.
That's what I need from you.
Well, Jim, have you ever thought about running for City Council or something?
Alex, Alex, you know the gravity of the situation we face.
I'm not running for dog catcher when our country's falling apart.
What good would that do?
Well, I told you, Jim, you can come on the show.
You haven't conferred.
You're on right now.
You're just basically upset with me.
No, I've never been upset with you.
I'm possibly upset with Kevin because he won't call me and set up a time when I can be on your show.
I don't know why that is.
Well, Jim, listen, so much is going on, so much is happening, I told you.
That's right, an election is happening, and we need to make a showing this time.
We need to muster some votes for the Patriot cause.
Now, I know the odds are against any type of victory, although I do believe in miracles, but we need to make a showing here, and I need the full support of yourself.
You know, I've been ignored more so by
Patriot Radio and, you know, John Stapp Miller, Jack Blood and the others.
Listen, Jim, I appreciate your call.
I appreciate your call.
But see, that's what I mean.
You just criticize us.
You're upset.
You're angry.
You don't know who your friends are.
I'll just tell you that.
And again, I mean, I'm like, hey, come on for 30 minutes and see, it's not good, I'm still bad.
So I've just kind of got you at arm's length.
But we've got all this news and all this stuff to deal with, folks.
I'm going to ask Seth and Tom and a few others to hold because I want to get to this clip first.
This is, I've got a bunch of clips, we'll just play one where he is in testimony on C-SPAN, Congressman Kurt Weldon.
Criticizing Able Danger, and this is where Defense Intelligence was ordered, and we've had a Defense Intelligence Colonel go public, to back off of Al Qaeda.
The hijackers.
Now, we know that FBI agents from Phoenix to Chicago to Dallas, Texas were told, real FBI agents, back off, Bush signed W1999, ordering them, that's been in AP and BBC,
To back off because they were really U.S.
government agents taking part in drills.
That's what the head of the U.S.
Embassy was told.
You understand it's on the record that the hijackers were spies?
And now they're spinning it.
We were triple crossed then.
They weren't double agents.
They were triple agents.
Oh yeah.
Well, did they fly the planes into the buildings?
We know they're U.S.
government agents.
We know they got on those planes.
We know the NORAD stood down.
We know there was CIA insider trading.
We know it was inside job.
And from our inside sources, we know they nerve-gassed those on board the aircraft, took control of them by remote control.
But Weldon really is hard-charging and saying there's a cover-up, talking about 9-11 truth on Amy Goodman.
He's gone further than anybody in Congress, and they have burned him bad.
FBI raids home of Weldon's daughter yesterday.
Three weeks before election day, an FBI corruption probe involving Republican Representative Kurt Weldon intensified.
I keep calling him a Democrat.
I just think of him as a Democrat fighting Bush, but no, it's a Republican.
But notice it's Republicans that aren't toeing the line, and other Democrats.
Intensified as agents raided the homes of his daughter and close friend.
The FBI swept in Monday and searched six sites in the Philadelphia area and Jacksonville, Florida, including Karen Weldon's lobbying firm and one of his clients, a Russian energy company.
FBI spokesman Debbie Werman said the Congressman's home and offices were not searched, she said, because they think he's hiding them somewhere else.
I have not done anything wrong and my daughter hasn't either.
Weldon said at a news conference late Monday afternoon, I would absolutely never use my position to help anyone in an unusual way.
Federal investigators are looking into whether Weldon's use of an influence to help Solutions North America secure lobbying contracts worth $1 million from foreign clients.
So now he's in trouble, supposedly, for trying to help lobbyists get clients.
And I didn't know that was illegal, but see, they'll nitpick a crooked toenail on Kurt Weldon or any other Republican or any other Democrat, but then defend Foley, the pervert.
And there's no doubt that it's because he's going absolutely ape over able danger.
Here's a clip.
Last weekend, in Florida, the Defense Intelligence Agency had its annual meeting of defense attachés.
So all of DIA's attachés from around the world were there.
A senior leader of the Defense Intelligence Agency told the assembled DIA employees
That one of their top priorities this year was to kill the Able Danger story.
That's a direct quote from people who were in the meeting at the Defense Intelligence Agency workshop that took place a week ago in Tampa, Florida, I believe it was.
Is that right, Russ?
And they were told their number one priority is not the intelligence for our security, it's to get rid of the Able Danger story.
And that were the exact words they used in front of a number of people.
It's only a matter of time this story is going to come out.
And I'm going to continue to provide the information for these people to let you all help in this investigation.
I can't believe the mainstream media turns its head and does nothing to investigate this.
Yet they worry about whatever her name is, Plume or something.
Does it take a member of Congress to have to write a book to get the attention of the intelligence community?
I guess so.
But that's what I'm here for.
I'm not here to go sip the cocktails.
And go along to get along.
If you're not here to do the job of oversight, then we shouldn't be here.
I don't care what happens.
Some say, well, it costs you the chairmanship of the Homeland Security Committee.
So be it.
Life goes on.
Is that what this is about?
Is it about me worrying about what somebody's going to think about me?
Now I'm out there throwing the spirits, but that's okay.
I don't mind that.
I've got 3,000 emails logged into my computer from all over the country.
From a network that's absolutely, and that doesn't include phone calls and letters, probably 5,000 people that are part of an army that's going to demand that we get answers.
You know, I can't understand why the mainstream media just doesn't get it.
I mean, again, this is not the cover-up of a burglary.
It's a cover-up of the biggest story in the country's history.
Who knows?
Maybe what was stolen by What's-His-Face in the archives was a part of this material.
The amazing thing is he only had a security clearance revoked for three years.
What's his name?
Forget it.
Sandy Berger.
Here they've destroyed Tony Schafer, taking his security clearance away forever, and Sandy Berger gets a slap on the wrist.
I know you'll get your security clearance back in three years.
And he admitted to stealing documents from the National Archives relative to information about 9-11.
And that's because Bill Clinton in 1997 issued W1999 and George Bush reauthorized it.
George Bush's father hired Clinton in college as CIA when he was going to the Rhodes Scholar program in England at Oxford.
It's the same thing over and over again.
It's a club.
And for whatever reason, Kurt Weldon, Republican,
From Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional District, has been talking about Abel Danger.
By the way, if you think he's getting the FBI raids for, you know, something other than political reasons, the Colonel, forget his name was in the news, who blew the whistle on Abel Danger, the Colonel of the perfect record, the Defense Intelligence Colonel, that is high level.
Guess what happened to him?
Last time I was reading in the paper, I don't know what happened with it, he was criminally charged.
You know what he was criminally charged for?
Sixty, was it sixty-six or sixty-eight, I don't remember, sixty-something dollars of cell phone calls on his government cell phone to his wife after hours.
Folks, they give them all cell phones.
I mean, low-level officers.
You're allowed to call whoever you want.
It's all business to call your wife.
And he said, I called late.
I was working late.
It's $68 worth.
It was over a whole year.
Phone calls to his wife.
They're saying, well, you're not supposed to work after hours.
This is a spy chief.
Intelligence chief.
A colonel.
I ought to pull his name up and pull that story up.
See where he is.
Oh, and I forgot.
Stealing office supplies, too.
They claim he took a ream of paper home and some pens.
Oh, boy.
Which is what I do all the time around here in my office.
Thankfully, it's my office.
We don't have paper at home.
I take a ream home.
I grab a few pens.
We've all done it when you're working.
But no, no.
No, he blows the whistle so criminally charged
Oh my gosh, you stole 60-something dollars worth of phone time.
And it's not even true, of course.
And so now there's a raid on Kurt Weldon.
Hey Kurt, that'll teach ya.
You don't stick your nose into able danger, okay buddy?
That'll get old Kurt boy back in line.
Now that takes me to the hit piece, and I meant to spend more time on this.
I'm going to get this guy on.
I've had him on before.
And I just want to point out that, again, I showed this three times today, but not in enough detail.
We are winning.
By the way, get that Limbaugh clip ready, please, where he attacked me last week.
We're winning.
Because you go look at the stats at Alexa.com and other web rating systems.
It's all the same chart.
The phony anti-war sites like AntiWar.com or whatever it is, I don't want to say they're phony, they do some good work, but it's pretty, you know, it's watered down mumbo-jumbo, it's false political paradigm stuff.
They have gone from being gigantic to not being very big at all.
I mean, they're down like 9,000% or something.
Same thing with Front Page Magazine, same thing with Limbaugh, all the neocons, all the fake liberals, all of them!
You're a joke!
I mean, you know what good news that is?
People don't buy what you do anymore.
No matter how polished it is, in all the buzzwords, we're sick of it, okay?
We want our borders closed, we want our Second Amendment, we want out of Iraq, it isn't liberal or conservative, we want freedom and we're gonna get it.
So go ahead and rattle on, Front Page Magazine.
I mean, I could spend an hour on this.
We're almost out of time.
I want to take a few crawls.
The Lindy Crash Conspiracy.
The Lindell Crash Conspiracy.
Keep thinking of Lucky Lindy, the other pilot.
Who was, I guess, lucky compared to this guy.
You know, we don't change articles we write once they're written in totality.
What we did is that day, a step developed, I was on air saying, when I went on with Jack Blood after the show when that plane crashed, I said, we're updating it as it happens on one page.
We were posting the articles, posting blurbs about what they were saying.
They say it's not a fixed wing, they say it's a helicopter.
Now they're saying it's a fixed wing.
Now Neil Cavuto's saying they're going to use this for political gain.
I mean, it was a live time thing we were adding to it.
Well, he goes in there, this John Sanders, and first says we're anti-semitic.
Not true.
And that I believe, you know, Israel's behind it, which I've said I don't believe.
So, he basically attacks a professor who just died.
Professor Christensen died a few months ago with cancer.
He slaps her around a bit.
He's already misrepresented her.
And then he goes into claiming he caught us.
Oh, luckily he knew we would do it, so he screenshot it and had us where we were saying it wasn't a Psy-Op, but that we were stupid and left it in the article that it was a Psy-Op, left the original headline in there and he caught us.
No Dumbo, it's called a Roundup article.
And everything we ever wrote stayed in it and moved down the page.
That's how you caught us in the big thing.
And again, these guys aren't very original.
This is what Limbaugh tried to do last Thursday.
And this guy just wrote this over the weekend.
Limbaugh, the guy that says put everybody in prison that uses drugs, but he's a total drug addict.
Limbaugh, the fake conservative, gets up there and says that we said
Think about this.
Limbaugh gets up there and says that we said that Fox News and the Republicans were going to use this as a Psy-Op for the election.
And yeah, we did ask the question, are they going to use this as a Psy-Op in the election?
And sure enough, Cavuto comes out, the front page of the Statesman says, will it affect the election?
All these papers, and it was, our call was proven to be correct!
You know, we said, is this a PSYOP?
And we know the government carried out 9-11.
We said, could this be?
We said, we don't know.
Probably an accident.
Then we said, will they use it as a PSYOP?
Will they say it conjures 9-11?
Sure enough, they do.
They take us being right, and they take the things we said,
And they scramble it, and he's got in here, I'm a paranoid, I think he's CIA.
I don't know if this guy's CIA, probably isn't.
Most of them aren't.
Most of them just parrot and regurgitate.
Mockingbird, whatever they hear.
I remember back in the interview, I'm going from memory, I said something to him like, he's probably got it and cherishes it and kisses it, the interview, because he quotes the interview, but it isn't in quotes, that it's real sneakily done.
He won't say I said he was CIA.
He says, Jones says people are CIA.
I think I remember in the interview I said, well you're probably not, but there are some that are.
Sir, the Defense Department admits they're writing fake letters to the editor.
They have shit-com on the blogs engaging us, posing as citizens.
1.6 billion in fake news ruled illegal.
Fake hired reporters.
Again, we're conspiracy theorists because we know the government, Department of Education, Department of Labor, Department of Agriculture, CIA, Defense Intelligence, Pentagon, Republican Party, they've all got hundreds of millions of dollars.
That was just the White House with 1.6 billion in fake news purchases.
They're out there doing it, and I'm a delusional fruit ball because I believe that there's a lot of fake news.
There's no doubt in my mind that if Bill Gertz isn't on the payroll, he sure should be because he fits off the M.O.
We know a lot of them are.
I mean, you want me to name names of people that already haven't been exposed, then okay, Bill Gertz.
I'm not saying he's a Fed, but I mean, he fits the bill.
Very closely.
And he needs to answer for that.
And I've had him on and accused him of that on air.
I've said, are you a, you know, a shill?
I mean, that's how they really operate.
I mean, Rush Limbaugh, he's paid more than a shill makes.
What's that?
No doubt, Hannity.
I mean, Hannity goes to the White House to get marching orders.
They admit it.
And they're panicking because their listenership is imploding right now.
They're panicking, and you should panic!
No one... We're sick of you, okay?
We're tired of your bull!
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We have reached flashpoint right now.
Everything's now happening.
They're announcing the North American Union.
They're announcing the Asian Union.
They're announcing the police state.
They're doing it all.
They're announcing they want to make everyone take more and more vaccines.
They're announcing they're pushing a national draft.
They're doing it all.
This is out of the Korean Times.
It says, international leaders, and I wasn't going to take calls.
We're just out of time.
I forgot to do this.
I apologize to those that held.
Call me back tomorrow.
International leaders prepare Asia Union.
Asia's political leaders on Sunday proposed creating a community called Asia Union.
In a concluding statement of the 4th General Assembly of the International Conference for Asian Political Parties, ICAPP, which has always been their union.
They already built the union, then they announced it when it's too late.
400 representatives of the 90 political parties in 36 Asian countries adopted the Seoul Declaration from the three-day conference, which included not only the establishment of the Asian Union, but also a joint campaign to fight terrorism, that means people's freedom, poverty, that means increased poverty, and weapons of mass destruction.
Also in the declaration were calls to ease tensions in the Korean Peninsula.
So, see, under the new system, if they had any freedoms in Asia, those are all gone.
See, when they build a new system, that's so there's no freedoms built into it.
That's why they're so keen on, quote, new systems.
Speaking of Limbaugh, I said I'd air this again, so I will, but here he is misrepresenting what we said about the plane story.
They're the ones saying that they wanted to use it for political gain.
Cavuto's saying that, but then he's saying we're the ones saying that they're going to use it as a PSYOP, so we're crazy when he's admitting that they're using it.
And he said that earlier in the hour before this clip.
Here it is.
During the break, a friend of mine sent me an email.
I don't visit the Democrat kook websites much anymore, but a friend does.
It's just funny.
What is this site?
It's an article here by Alex Jones.
Now, I'm told, I don't know this for certain,
I'm told that Alex Jones is one of the leaders of the 9-11 was a government conspiracy campaign.
One of the leaders of the movement trying to prove that 9-11 was not what it was a pivot the Bush administration behind it for whatever nefarious purpose.
Let me just read this to you.
Headline Fox News spins plane accident says it could affect election.
The FBI and Homeland Security are now labeling a small aircraft hitting an apartment building in Manhattan as a probable accident.
Is this a government psyop intended to invoke memories of 9-11 as the midterm elections approach?
On Fox News, your world with Neil Cavuto.
Cavuto suggested during a conversation with Congressman Peter King that the event would possibly affect the upcoming midterm election by reminding Americans of the horror of 9-11.
It has now been reported the pilot of one of the occupants of the plane was Corey Lytle.
The fact that the accident... Now listen to this.
The fact that the accident involves a celebrity means the networks can justifiably talk about it for another three weeks, and in that sense, invoking memories of 9-11, it could impact the election.
Reports that Lytle's passport was found on the street, also seen as suspicious by some 9-11 truthers, because it would seemingly prop up the inconceivable notion that Mohammed Atta and other hijackers' passports survived and were discovered.
However, in the case of Lytle, this could easily be explained by eyewitness reports that most of the plane debris did not enter the building and ended up on the street below.
They believe it.
They believe that this is a psychological ops operation designed to make you think of 9-11.
And so think about it.
The military admits they're lying to us, planning fake letters to the editor, planning fake news.
The government's doing it.
But we're evil for thinking there could be psyops and that they could use this plane crash for political hay.
We're bad.
And we're democratic kooks, too.
Hey, nice try, Liberal.
Nice try, Limbaugh.
God bless you all.
Get Terror Stormed!
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.