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Name: 20061015_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 15, 2006
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Prepare yourself for a talk radio experience like no other.
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He stands for truth.
Defending our borders.
He stands for justice.
Fighting the American Union.
He stands for what's right.
This is explosive talk radio.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Call Alex now, toll free at 877-590-5525.
Now, live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Sunday edition.
We're here every Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
That's 5 to 7 p.m.
Eastern, 2 to 4 Pacific.
I'm not going to have any guests today.
We've got a ton of important news here domestically in the United States and globally with North Korea, Iraq, really in a state of civil war right now.
The midterm elections hurtling toward us early next month.
This is the second, well, syndicated
Broadcast that we've done here from the studios of NewsRadio 590 KLVJ in Austin, Texas.
And I wanted time to thank some of the stations that are already picking up the show or have said they'll be picking it up in the next week.
And that is WCER Radio 900 AM out of Canton, Ohio.
And it goes into four states.
Very excited about that.
We also have KGEZ The Edge Z600 out of Kalispell, Montana.
WLUV 1520.
These are all existing affiliates that pick up my syndicated show during the week.
And that goes into Chicago.
It's out of Loves Park, Illinois.
And then there's KCCT 1150 AM that picks me up weekdays and re-airs it at night.
That's an Air America radio station, but it's a privately owned station.
It's been carrying
Some Air America with some local programming.
And I'm not on Air America.
Imagine me in the middle of an Air America format.
But they're going to be picking up the show, or have picked it up, we've been told.
Maybe picking it up now, but for sure next week.
And that is 11.50 a.m.
down in Corpus Christi, Texas.
So another Texas station there.
And quite a few more.
I've got a big list of stations that say they're going to pick it up as soon as football is over in the next two months.
Where to start?
I mean, I am totally overwhelmed here with news that I want to cover and go over.
Normally the broadcast is not about Alex Jones.
It's about news and information and taking your calls.
But when we make news and when that news that we've made can educate people and help people understand how the propaganda works and how the media works, we will certainly talk about ourselves on air, though that is not our main thrust.
There's been quite a bit of that this week.
We've made a lot of news.
I confronted John Ashcroft on Monday on national radio.
We'll be playing just a few minutes of that later towards the end of this hour.
Also, I interviewed Stan Jones, who's running for Senate in Montana.
And he was on C-SPAN and made national headlines with a speech he gave.
We're going to air just a few minutes of, coming up later in the second hour, where he broke down the treason, the terrorism committed by our government, and how the United States is being dissolved into the North American Union, how the borders are being dissolved, and how that is treason.
So we'll be playing a clip from C-SPAN of Stan Jones giving this historic speech.
And I got a bizarre phone call Thursday that sounded just like George Bush.
It obviously wasn't clips from other George Bush speeches that had been edited together.
It sounded like it had been done over the telephone.
It sounds just like George Bush.
And I said, there's only one or two top comedians that are this good.
It sounds literally 99.9% George Bush.
On a normal day, it sounds like the person was overdoing it a little bit, like a couple of these comedians do.
But Bush someday overdoes his voice inflections.
And my wife's like, this is George Bush.
But I do a lot of audio stuff, a lot of video stuff.
I work with a lot of audio.
And I said, you know, it's a real person calling us over a telephone.
It's not edited from real George Bush clips.
But it's probably a top comedian.
Well, the mystery was solved this morning.
And I'm going to be getting the individual on the radio show.
Later in the second hour, we will play the phone call to my unlisted telephone number.
Of what could probably pass a voice print of George Bush.
Is it George Bush?
We will let you know.
Now, let's be clear.
I did confront Ashcroft this week.
And I did.
I got talked about by Rush Limbaugh this week.
So those two stories coming up are real.
Limbaugh has mentioned me once before.
But only in passing.
This time he went on for quite a while and came back to it an hour later.
And, you know, I grew up in high school.
I'm only 32 years old.
I grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh right when he went syndicated.
That's like 18 years.
And I remember just admiring Rush Limbaugh and respecting him.
And, you know, he did so much to teach me to question the, quote, liberal controlled press.
But there's a problem.
I then went deeper down the rabbit hole and discovered both parties were totally controlled.
I'm not here knocking Russell in the ball.
He can savage me as Savage does and as Neil Bortz does.
Some of us are just more conservative and I understand that he's jealous.
I mean, I seriously understand that.
And I understand that they're threatened by the fact that I don't like Bush being for total amnesty, and total open borders, and North American Union, and spending more money than all presidents of the forum combined, and tripling the size of the BATF, and signing on to all these U.N.
treaties like UNESCO to regulate our country.
I understand.
I understand.
But listen, I'm the new wave here, okay?
I'm actually for the guns.
I'm actually for the border.
I'm actually for this country.
And I am not a Republican.
I am a Constitutionalist.
I am a Patriot.
A fire-breathing Patriot!
And so we're going to be playing that later in the show.
Just a few minute clip and we'll analyze it and unspin the spin.
I think maybe he was confused and so we'll try to help unconfuse his lordship, the undisputed king of all media.
Somebody else claims that, but really, Limbaugh has more listeners than ABC Nightly News.
The Nightly News was of course in the past the biggest thing around.
It's imploded down to less than half of what it had just five years ago.
Cable News is imploding.
Websites like PrisonPlanet.com, Infowars.com.
In fact, today we'll talk to them about the dying old media and the exploding new media.
Hanging on, and even growing, are, in the quote, old media, George Norey, Rush Limbaugh, and a few other national talk show hosts.
They're the only people that still have mega, massive, old-size audiences.
Everything else has been fractured.
Everything else is being wrecked, right now, by people like me.
And CNN, a month and a half ago, had a great article
But moaning, admitting that they've been shredded, admitting the mainstream media is being decimated, and now they've just realized their hubris is evaporating, that they are plunging like an aircraft from 30,000 feet down towards the ground, and at about 2,000 feet they've realized it's over for them.
There's really not much they can do every year, mainstream media, other than talk radio.
And I'm talking about Fox, too.
It's a brand of alternative.
We're going to go through all of that.
And they're just now starting to realize that their monopoly is broken.
And they're fighting back.
They're lobbying to restrict the web and not have net neutrality and not let you get the websites and do a lot of horrible things.
But the people are going to demand it.
It's a type of information migration.
And you cannot stop it.
The people have tasted freedom.
They have tasted the truth.
And I'm here to herald the death of the mainstream media and the birth of a thousand million flavors.
And I'm very confident that in a truly diverse place, where you truly have choice, that I'm going to clean their clocks.
And I am cleaning their clocks.
And that's not hubris.
That's just the information.
It is a great weight on my shoulders.
It's very daunting.
It freaks me out to realize that just one of my websites now has several million visitors a day.
Exponentially growing.
But that is the reality.
So we're going to be taking your calls about the new media.
We're going to be taking your calls about the death or the implosion of the old line media.
We're going to be talking about all the new 9-11 information.
Now let me give you the big news of the day and then we'll go to break and come back and get into all of it.
Oh yes, there's going to be news.
First off, North Korea is saying they may conduct another nuke test, but some are saying that it may not have been a real test, it may have been a dud, but now other branches of the federal government are saying, no, we picked up radiation, certain types of gases, radioactive gases, there in the Strait of Japan, and that it looks like they did test, it probably fizzled and didn't get a full yield, but some of the uranium reacted in the A-bomb and detonated.
So, we'll talk about what the psychopath over there is doing.
And how Bush and his cronies armed him.
I'm hoping you don't find out about that.
Along with the Democrats, the traitors.
And we'll get into it.
Lord Limbaugh attacks Democratic kook Alex Jones on plane crash theory.
If I'm a Democrat, Bubba, you're Bill Clinton.
And O'Reilly equates 9-11 scholars with terrorists, said they should be arrested.
And we'll get into this local pervert who's been convicted for planting bugs under old girlfriends' houses.
It's all coming up.
Ultramassive broadcast.
Stay with us.
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I don't know.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
You're experiencing Alex Jones, live from deep in the heart of Texas.
Call Alex toll free at 877-590-5525.
My gosh, I've got to live up to that liner.
It's like experiencing a fine wine.
More like Jack Daniels, ladies and gentlemen.
Alright, thank you so much for joining us.
Look at these calls, they're all over the map.
toll-free number to join us 877-590-KLBJ or 877-590-5525 locally 8360-590 or toll-free call on your wireless at pound 590.
Look at this!
It's Richard and Circle C. That's right here in Texas.
Smoke detector question.
I guess that's from earlier or something.
It says, Clay, it says North Korea World War III.
He wants to talk about that.
Ground zero on the anniversary.
Dan's calling us from New York.
Says he was there with us.
Paul is calling from Austin.
He wants to talk about the earthquake in Hawaii.
We will take your call on that subject, though all I can say is that if you live on a volcanic island, an island where two major plates are colliding with each other in the ring of fire, the heart of the ring of fire, out in the middle of the Pacific blue, you're going to have earthquakes.
What was it?
It destroyed a road.
Some houses collapsed.
Hawaii's beautiful, it's a wonderful place, and they rarely have earthquakes, and people rarely get hurt by them, and I say that, you know, thank God nobody got hurt, but really, it's no big deal.
It wouldn't stop me from going to Hawaii, or living in Hawaii.
But what might stop me, though, is the fact that I'm told people that live there are friends and family.
There's all kinds of bugs, stinging bugs, some sneaking in your house at night.
But I guess you can just call an exterminator for that.
Alright, well, I'm now burned.
Precious time, mindlessly babbling.
I do it, I can't help it.
I kind of just get on here and flip a switch and never think and just start moving forward with the little lexicon in my brain.
Folks, this is huge news.
When I saw this yesterday morning, Saturday morning, I literally began jumping up and down.
Well, let me be clear.
I first analyzed the actual pole.
I actually, by Angus and Reed, which is just as respected as the top three in the world, firms that study and do focus groups and polling, and they were hired to do this poll I'm about to tell you about by the New York Times and CBS News.
And, but I took about 20 minutes to read the actual polls, read all, well, the one or two articles that were about it.
Really, it's kind of a news blackout on something this big.
And then when I realized that this was scientific, and this was accurate, and it matched with past polls that we'd seen, I literally began jumping up and down and yelling like I'd just won the Super Bowl and I was the star quarterback, okay, and was going to get a $2 million bonus.
My wife ran into the office and said, what's going on?
And I said, look at this!
Ha ha!
And what is this, my friends?
Scientific Poll 84%!
Ladies and gentlemen, my point about all of these theatrics, and these are heartfelt.
I don't have to manufacture them in my heart, in my mind right now.
This is why I actually want to start screaming and laughing and acting like Woody Woodpecker.
I mean, this is exciting here.
Because this is my fight.
My family's future, your family's future, everything hinges on this, even if you don't know it.
Scientific poll 84% reject official 9-11 story.
Let me say that again.
Scientific poll 84% reject official 9-11 story.
Only 16% now believe official fable.
According to New York Times CBS News Poll, Truth Movement has the huge majority of opinion.
How will the Bush Cabal react?
And this is an article by Steve Watson and Alex Jones.
We wrote this yesterday afternoon together.
And you can go read the English and read the actual poll.
And then thousands of respondents scientifically here in the United States.
If you go research polling agencies, which I do, Scripps Tower News Service is very respected, Zogby is very respected, this polling agency is very respected.
They're in the top three.
And this is unbelievable.
But you see, it mirrors the quote, unscientific polls.
There have been several on CNN.
90% believe there's a cover-up.
When I was on CNN, they had a poll with a record 45,000 respondents on headline news.
You can only vote once though, so it was somewhat scientific, but they claim anybody can go vote.
So it's not exactly, it's not randomly selected.
It's whoever was seeing that show.
But it's still somewhat scientific, but not totally. 84%.
When I was involved in the whole Charlie Sheen thing on Public on 9-11, I believed there was a cover-up and could be government involvement.
And be patient.
We're going to go break in a minute.
We'll come back from break and go to your calls about everything.
But to make a long story short here, then we have other scientific polls
Going back with Zogby, two years ago, 68% believing there's a cover-up, 42% believing there could be involvement.
Then they had another Zogby poll a few months ago.
Again, 40-plus percent believing government was involved, that his elements were involved.
68% again.
We're getting the same numbers, folks.
Okay, with these national polls.
They had one in New York City, found even higher numbers.
They had one in New York State, even higher numbers.
There have been a bunch of polls.
Scripps Howard News Service was the only one that ever got big media attention.
I mean, hundreds of papers, all over the nightly news.
Remember two months ago, 36% believed the government carried out the attacks.
Again, that number.
68% believe there's a cover-up.
Well, you see, when you study polls and history and trends in societies, which I've done,
It's simple.
I just go to the experts and check out their analysis.
You learned that it took 35 years, roughly, for half of the American people to believe that criminal elements of the government killed JFK.
Now, five years later, on the 40th anniversary, three years ago,
The average poll was 92%.
I averaged 12 polls together, which I had studied polling groups and found that they like to average scientific polls.
Really, that's what Bush and Clinton and Karl Rove do.
They get a bunch of polls.
They don't just trust one, they average them together.
And so what I did is they said 85% believe they killed Kennedy, 90-something percent.
I averaged them together and got 92% who wrote a big article about it, believe the government killed Kennedy.
Well, it's the same thing here.
Now, we see an exponential growth, whereas it took 40-something years to get 80-plus percent believing the government killed Kennedy.
Now, in less than five years, we had 60-plus percent believing there's a cover-up, and then two months later, it jumps to 84 percent.
When you get numbers growing that fast, it's exponential.
And I would suggest it will be down in major polls to 10% who you probably never will wake up.
I mean, Bush could come out on TV and say, I ordered the attacks and here's how we did it, and they wouldn't believe it.
I mean, it's denial.
It's like when that lady that was married to John Wayne Gacy, who had 30-something young boys buried in the bottom of his basement, and she just thought the stink was dead animals down there, and she just still couldn't believe it.
I can't believe he's killing them!
It didn't matter how many photos and trophies of skulls there were down there.
Okay, so 10% of you are not going to listen ever.
But here it is, Scientific Poll.
In two months, we've gone from 68% believing there's a cover-up to 84%.
And here, let me imitate and emulate someone I learned so much from.
I have the article right here, my friends.
Okay, go to PrisonPlanet.com if you want to read this, if you want to see this, if you want to find out the truth and the reality.
If you'd like to join us on air and talk about this, toll free 877-590-5525.
That's 877-590-KLBJ or 836-0590 here in Central Tejas.
This is amazing!
Do you hear what we're telling you?
Do you hear what was just reported?
Later when we get back, just briefly, and then we'll go to your calls, I will actually read to you what the poll question was exactly.
In case you don't have internet or aren't going to have the time to go look this up.
And then again later, towards the end of the show in the second hour, just teasing you now, Rush Limbaugh attacks Democratic cook Alex Jones on 9-11.
Oh yeah!
So that's coming up.
I also did confront John Ashcroft, former Attorney General, earlier this week on 9-11.
We'll play that.
And we're going to... Well, there's just so much coming up.
It is a true information overload.
We're talking blood pumping, nuclear powered, enlightenment.
Stay with us.
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Again, I want to welcome all of our new affiliates that turned us on this week.
And to tell them we're going to even have more liners and fancy bells and whistles for you next week.
WLUV 1520, and that's down in Love Park, Illinois, covering much of Chicago.
Great folks.
WCER radio out of Canton, Ohio, covering part of four states and a lot of major cities.
Huge station.
It's down in Corpus Christi.
Also, KGEZ Z600 AM in Kalispell, Montana, and a lot of other stations that are going to be turning us on, but this is really our first official syndicated show.
We did the public test run last week by the first syndicated program out of the studios of NewsRadio 590, KLBJ.
We're very thankful for all the affiliates, especially KLBJ for the open door and all the hospitality that Mark Caesar and everybody else has shown us here.
All right.
I know we've got pretty much loaded phone lines.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-590-5525 or 877-590-KLBJ, locally, 836-0590.
Let me just recap and cover a little bit more of our top story for you today, then I'll mention a few others and go to your calls.
A scientific poll, 84% reject official 9-11 story, only 16% now believe official fable.
According to the New York Times CBS News Poll, Truth Movement has the huge majority of opinion.
How will the Bush Cabal react?
By Steve Watson and Alex Jones.
This was picked up, of course, by the New York Times and CBS News, but they seem to bury it on the newscast and in the Times.
This is big news, folks.
Now here was the question.
Do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth, but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?
16% said telling the truth.
53% said hiding something.
Mostly lying said 28%.
Not sure said 3%.
84% do not abide the official story.
And it's only going to get worse.
Now, a few months ago, you notice this is sliding quickly.
This is exponential.
This is geometric.
Just a few months ago, it was 36% believe criminal elements of the government orchestrated the attack.
That was the question.
68% believe they're covering up and could be involved.
Your goose is cooked, okay?
You can sit up there and call us kooks and make fun of us.
We've got former Air Force generals and former CIA section chiefs and Reagan administration officials and German defense ministers and number three in Blair's government and official U.S.
government documents calling for carrying out the attacks.
Vanity Fair, South Park, The Washington Post, Lord Limbaugh, the liberals, the conservatives, they're all attacking us.
Because we know the facts, we know the evidence, and we're informed about government-sponsored terrorism.
We know Al-Qaeda is CIA.
That's mainstream.
I mean, there's a best-selling book out, a new one out, by Brzezinski calling it Operation Cyclone.
They created the whole thing!
And by the way, they never turned loose of it.
The Republicans' own Senate report from 1999 admits that Bill Clinton's State Department hired bin Laden to attack the Serbs and blow up Serb schools and school buses, and when the Serbs fought back, we went in there and blew them to bits and used DU on them, depleted uranium, and took over their country.
Now, in that case, they really used Al-Qaeda.
Not in the case of 9-11.
Al-Qaeda operatives, who were double U.S.
agents, believed they were taking part in drills on those aircraft, were nerve-gassed.
The planes were then flown by remote control in the buildings.
And then we have an official U.S.
government document, Northwoods, that breaks down how they would do things like that.
ABC News, Baltimore Sun have reported on it.
It is not denied.
Again, hidden in plain view.
This is huge, ladies and gentlemen.
And again, I'd like to get your response directly on this.
I see calls about North Korea.
I see calls about Ground Zero.
I see calls about One World Government.
I see calls about Iraq.
And we'll talk about whatever you want.
I don't screen your calls.
But I would like to hear from people on this subject, because I'm excited about it.
Later, I'll get into North Korea.
They conducted another nuclear test.
There's questions on whether this test was truly atomic.
Also, the Bush has now changed the reason that we went to war in Iraq for the fourth time.
AP even has pointed this out.
We'll get into the Associated Press, which is not normally critical, but they're just reporting the facts.
And the White House says they're upbeat about GOP prospects.
All the polls show they're going to lose 30 plus seats in the House, 5 to 7 seats in the Senate, but they don't have to worry because they have the special Diebold machines.
That's why.
I've been caught red-handed stealing elections coast-to-coast, so we'll cover that later too.
Also, they're saying 9-11 freethers should be arrested now.
Bill O'Reilly is out saying that.
Wow, that's freedom!
86% of us need to be arrested for asking questions?
Sounds about right.
So that's coming up too.
Let's go ahead and take a couple calls.
Let's talk to Clay in Southern California.
Clay, thank you for joining us.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Good, sir.
I wanted to talk about North Korea and Iran.
Sure, go ahead, hit me.
I wanted to ask you if you thought, since North Korea did the nuclear test, if they would just
Go ahead and attack both North Korea and Iran.
Well, the neocons, and it's even in the AP article I mentioned, are spinning it like, this proves we need to be in Iraq, because North Korea tested a nuke and is threatening to nuke us.
By the way, the day after they tested it, last Sunday, as we were here on air, they were basically testing it right around that time, they then came out the next day and said, if you have sanctions on us, we are targeting the northern United States, because they'll shoot the Taepung Dong-2 missiles over the ice cap.
And our government's response is, oh, we'll grovel, we love you, oh!
And then they spun it and said, this shows it's good that we're in Iraq.
Iraq's done nothing, had no weapons, they knew it.
Their own White House memo says they knew they didn't have it, would never get it.
Now they want to go into Iran, that their own national intelligence assessment by 14 federal intelligence agencies, excuse me, 15, says that they won't have it for nine plus years.
And they don't care.
No, we've got to go into Iran.
Eisenhower's steaming there.
There's other aircraft carriers.
They want to attack them anytime.
Oh, but, oh no, North Korea's not a threat.
I mean, how can they say we've got to attack Iran, but North Korea's threatening to nuke us and just tested a nuke.
China threatens to nuke us, so we give them all of our factories, because they're not going into those countries because they're not pushovers.
They want to go into Iran because compared to North Korea and China, they are pushovers, and it's totally disgusting.
Your take on it.
I mean, you pretty much got it.
I'm just kind of curious, you know, when are they going to attack Iran?
Either they're going to attack them late this month, or they'll attack them in the next year, or they may be forced to back off of it.
But the prime, new moon, no moon, perfect for night vision, perfect for stealth bombers, perfect to attack, would be in late October.
So we'll find out real soon.
You know, I don't have my new clock in front of me.
I should have brought it in here.
It's a new show.
Two and a half.
Let's try to get one more in here.
Dan, calling from New York.
He says he was at Ground Zero with me.
Dan, good to have you on board with us.
Thank you, Alex.
Yes, I was down there on 9-11.
It was probably the most significant thing that I've ever done in my life.
It was amazing to be down there alongside you.
And just for anyone who is listening in the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut area, we do go back down there every Saturday from one to four.
There's usually about 15 to 25 of us and um...
To reiterate properly, the poll results, that is exactly the reaction that I get from anyone who I speak to.
Yeah, yeah, let's be clear, let's be clear.
2,000 of us down there, over those two days, literally, I would say 70% of the police, and we have this on video by the way, a new film I'm making, and what, 99% of the firefighters, I mean, I have like police captains going, hey, do you know about Northwoods and Inside John?
They're going, yes, thank you, keep it up, we know!
And I'm like going, my God, cops on video are seeing this?
I mean, Austin cops may not be awake, but let me tell you, New York cops are.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, I'm from Long Island, actually, and on the way home from the city, I sat and talked to a fellow police, um, fireman.
We're good to go.
You know, and be responsible, technically, for the death of... No, I hear you.
Hey, be sure and say hi to Luke for me when you're out there at those demonstrations.
Absolutely, man.
I see him every weekend.
Alright, God bless you.
Good to have you on board with us.
More calls on the other side.
Tons of news.
Uh, let me just give you a little tidbit here.
I didn't mention that it was Donald Rumsfeld and Butch Sr.
and James Baker that armed North Korea with the nuke materials, the reactors, the missile secrets.
Oh, by the way, that's APBBC.
It's all over the news now.
They've armed them, they're threatening to nuke us, but that's not the threat, and our president's good.
Let's attack Iran!
Give me a break, we'll be back!
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Agree or disagree?
Alex wants to hear from you right now at 877-590-5525.
Now, here's Alex Jones.
What is this site?
It's an article here by Alex Jones.
Now, I'm told, I don't know this for certain,
I'm told that Alex Jones is one of the leaders of the 9-11 was a government conspiracy campaign.
One of the leaders of the movement trying to prove that 9-11 was not what it was, the Bush administration was behind it for whatever nefarious purpose.
Let me just read this to you.
All right.
We're going to play the rest of this coming up near the end of the second hour, in the next hour, so stay with us for that.
And then I'll actually go over what our article said
That Rush Limbaugh was reading from.
And what his concern is, and we're just here trying to help El Rushbo, trying to help him deal with his liberalness.
I'm just having fun, folks.
None of these terms mean anything to me.
I want freedom, I want sovereignty, I want the Bill of Rights, and you just get into this partisan stuff, but Rush does help us expose the liberals.
They are very dangerous.
The problem is the Republican leadership is also very dangerous.
Power is dangerous, as our founding fathers told us.
So we're watching both sides of the fence here for you, ladies and gentlemen.
We are not wedded to the party system.
Let me just mention a few of the other things that are coming up in the next hour.
I am going to play an incredible clip from C-SPAN.
I had a chance to interview
Stan Jones, a libertarian, former Air Force officer, who's running for the Senate and has a good chance of winning there in Montana.
We have a lot of great listeners listening right now.
And he got up on C-SPAN and PBS there in Montana and really broke down this North American Union, this end of the country, who the real terrorists are in our government.
So that's coming up in the next hour.
And again, I just keep leaving everything for the next hour.
You've got to stay with us for it.
I got a bizarre phone call at my home, unlisted number.
Is it George Bush or isn't it?
We have discovered the mystery since I got this call last Thursday and played it on my syndicated show, the weekday syndicated show.
We're going to be playing that clip of Bush as well.
You know, the more I think about it, why don't we just air this clip of Bush right now?
And then I'll tell people in the next hour, and we'll play it again because it's short, this call to my home answering machine, we'll tell people who made the phone call.
Was it Bush?
Was it one of the top comedians in the country?
Or was it somebody editing clips of Bush together?
It turned out that I was right about what this was.
Most of my listeners were seeming to think it was really George Bush.
Well, we'll just leave that for next hour, but go ahead and roll George Bush.
This is George Bush, the President of the United States, and I've heard many things that you have been saying on the internet and other various mediums that are out there.
I understand you have problems with the government and you believe in many conspiracies.
But I believe that we can work this out.
If you will take my phone call, we can speak about this stuff.
We will work this out.
It's diplomacy.
Diplomatic diplomacy is the way to go.
If the two of us can work this out, and I think we can, we'll definitely have it worked out then.
We'll try it back.
Uh, you know, if you need to keep doing what you're doing, do it.
But, uh... Okay.
Richard Jones, this is the... Alright, alright.
He started over again.
Now, my wife was freaked out by this.
She goes, that's George Bush.
Um, you will find out, ladies and gentlemen, at the bottom of the next hour, I'll, uh... I'll, uh...
Let you know who it really was.
And then at the end of the broadcast, we'll play the Limbaugh clip and analyze it.
Right now, let's go to your calls.
Let's go ahead and take your calls.
Oh, by the way, it wasn't just Rumsfeld and Bush-controlled companies that gave the reactors, and this is all getting confirmed, and the missile secrets and the computer secrets and everything else to the Chinese.
Remember when I was screaming at Clinton ten years ago for doing all this?
Yeah, I was kind of young and dumb back then.
I'm still young and dumb.
I'm learning every day.
But that's why I get smarter, because I know I don't know it all.
I was blaming Bill Clinton.
I didn't know Bill Clinton just signed off on it.
Well, sure, Bush.
I had a vacation with you already when we were in the CIA together.
You brought me up when you were director.
No, it's all staged, folks.
But I didn't know that it was ABB and Rumsfeld and Bush transferring it all to the North Koreans.
But I did learn back in 2000 when I saw it on the BBC.
And it was Rumsfeld with the nerve gas, the botulism, the anthrax to Saddam.
All that got destroyed and the UN took it over.
We're good to go!
I guess that would be line 3 in good old Carl in Liberty Hill.
One world government.
When do I think it will arrive?
It is here.
It's kind of like when you're dropping down a well to the bottom and you're 50 foot down and it's a 100 foot well.
You ask, when are you going to be dropping in the well?
You're falling right now.
You'll just break both your legs here in about two seconds.
Let's go ahead and talk to Carl.
Carl, you're blasting out worldwide from the studios of KLBJ.
Go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I'm so happy that you're not just... I know you've been... your other program is nationwide, but I'm glad that KLBJ, which is the biggest news station here in Austin and Central Texas, is syndicating you nationwide and around the world on the Internet.
So keep doing what you're doing.
Well, we're doing that with my regular syndicator, Genesis Emes.
Kelby J., we're very excited.
And we have four stations.
Well, counting Kelby J., five.
Five right now.
Pretty darn good.
We're going to get more.
I think it's absolutely necessary and wonderful, and I have faith that most people, when they hear the truth, will respond to the truth.
Now, you were right earlier.
Some people just don't want to hear the truth, whether it's a Kennedy assassination or September 11th or anything.
They want to believe their government's good.
That government's good.
Anybody that says it isn't good is a terrorist, or Riley said.
Well, the problem is George Washington said that.
Well, yeah, and wasn't it Eisenhower who warned us about the military-industrial complex before Kennedy was assassinated, before Kennedy was... But he's evil, too.
He should be arrested.
And so I just wanted to ask you, I've heard for years that when the New World Order is fully instituted or enforced, or the police state, that they'll be able to
Yeah, they passed the National ID Card last year.
It's already in effect in 47 states, but it's a federal law.
It has to be in place by 2008.
Everything you buy, sell, and trade will be tracked.
They're going to have a new sales tax.
They're going to keep the income tax, though, but they're going to scan your card with a graduated sales tax.
We've got a lot of well-meaning fools pushing that, but it's going to be devastating.
As we got more high-tech, people started talking about inserting a computer.
I've heard this many times.
Time and USA Today and a bunch of other papers this week said we should all take it.
It's wonderful.
And Newsweek for Kids and two different issues says we all should take it.
This is wonderful.
Andy Rooney says we should be forced to take it to prove we're good.
The Mexican Attorney General has made 167 of his employees take it.
And I had the Bergen County Sheriff on from New Jersey with 2 million people in his county.
He said he will make people take the chip and he's taken it.
Right, and then they'd say, and I've heard this, that when it gets powerful enough, and like a police state, if you don't have the chip you can't buy or sell, you can't bank, you're basically... But that's Christian, sir!
That's Christian.
You should be all for it.
A world leader in forced chips is the Lord's way.
We should submit.
Of course, I'm being sarcastic now.
The New World Order, the North American Union, has been set up.
We're already merging our police, our military, our regulations.
Now they're announcing it.
They had a secret meeting three weeks ago.
This is now Associated Press, Toronto Star, with our three governments, official government, Congress.
A trilateral Congress.
It's effective.
It's official.
They just announced the Asian Union two days ago.
It's been in place for a decade as well.
They're now announcing it to us, the slaves.
The European Union started as a steel deal in 51.
And then by 57 it was a trade deal, the European Economic Community.
And then now the Europeans have vetoed over their sovereignty, they've lost their currencies.
They all hate it in major polls, 75-95% depending on the country.
But finally they had referendums and had EU rejection of total expansion in France and several other countries.
So EU total super-state dominance imploded, but the bureaucracies are still enforcing it regardless.
You know what, we're going to start the second hour and go directly to Ryan, Iraq vet in Illinois, and then we'll go to Tony in Maine, who wants to talk about the new poll where 84% of Americans don't believe the official story, but they're being lied to.
Rick in Belton, Texas, he wants to talk about reenacting the acts from World War I. That's a brain teaser.
I don't know what that's going to be, so I'm going to definitely go to him.
It's always good to hear from the females.
We've had the ladies call this show, but my weekday show has even more female callers, and we haven't had one yet.
Ladies, would you like to chime in on all this cornucopia, this buffet we've laid bare before you here?
877-590-KOBJ, we always like a woman's touch.
877-590-5525 for the ladies to call in.
Or locally, 836-0590.
And all the little neocon thumbsuckers out there that love gun control and open borders.
You're fake conservatives.
You're trash.
You go to the headline when you call in trash.
836-0590, scum.
We're told free 877-590-KLBJ, so us real conservatives can clean your clots.
Get in the ring, boy!
If you think you can handle it, we'll be right back.
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Now, live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
Oh, I love it.
Now into our number two.
Loaded up phones here.
If you want to try to get crammed in, it's 877-590-KLBJ or 877-590-5525 or locally 8360-590 from the studios of NewsRadio 590-KLBJ.
Blasting out all over the country.
I want to thank the four affiliates that have signed on this week.
Some of them were already picking us up last week, like WCER Radio 900 AM out of Canton, Ohio, going into four states and
I'm told he's in Cincinnati and a bunch of other places.
That is a great station.
Picks us up during the week.
We get a big response.
Information overload.
That is really what's happening here.
In the last hour, we talked about the fact that in a huge scientific New York Times CBS poll,
Put out by Angus and Reed, 84% of Americans reject the official 9-11 story and believe they're being lied to or misled, that the White House is being deceptive.
That is massive.
But I guess 16% of you, you're the same people.
You believe that babies come from under cabbage patch leaves and you believe in
You know, Captain Kangaroo is really your friend, and everything's nice, and you believe they found those WMDs.
During the news, Trey, who's in there running the board, he said, hey, why don't you explain to people what neocons are, because some of my friends don't know what it is.
A neocon is a fake conservative.
They want your guns, they want to get rid of the border, and they just go around patting you on the head, laughing at you.
It's a Karl Rove, it's a William Crystal.
That's what a neocon is, okay?
And they're a joke, they're a fraud, they're a scam.
And they were founded, this is admitted, if you don't believe me, this sounds so crazy, just type it into Google, you'll get mainstream news articles, just type in Neocon Trotskyites.
The Communist Fourth International came over to Mexico,
In the fifties, and it was run by Trotsky, and he basically infiltrated the conservative movement, and they've taken over, and I'm not saying communists have gotten this, it was just thugs trying to run the commies, and they just want power, and then it was thugs trying to run the conservatives, and they have, and we're basically doomed, and that's just how it is.
Coming up later, I did confront John Ashcroft, in fact after the next segment we'll play that,
In the next segment, this week I got a chance to confront him on national radio, the former Attorney General on 9-11 cover-ups.
It fits into the theme of our show, 9-11 fraud imploding and collapsing and falling apart today.
And then we'll get into Rush Limbaugh has a comment about my reportage and what we're doing.
We'll do that at the end of the show.
I got this weird call that sounds like George Bush to my home that freaked out my wife, and I had a prediction about what it would be.
It turned out, well, you'll find out if I was right.
Did George Bush call me?
Well, that is coming up.
No, no, Limbaugh really did talk about us.
I really did confront Ashcroft.
I really did get an interview with Jesse Ventura.
You know, all of that's really going on, but was this really George Bush?
We didn't know until today, and now we know.
But right now, let's take a call.
I've got to move quicker to get to everybody.
Let's talk to Tony in Maine, and we'll go to Ryan, Rick, Peter, and others.
Tony, you're blasting out worldwide, my friend.
Thank you for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
You are a patriot of the fullest extent, and I'm so glad to be on your talk show.
And much obliged to all the other affiliates, you know, people that take you, you know, on other airwaves.
So, what my question was, you know, you've answered a lot of my questions regardless of the people that called you.
You know, what my question is, is that I saw some C-SPAN video on Google, which was the C-SPAN video of the Bush lookalike along with Colbert deliberately insulting himself, you know, deliberately insulting himself.
When Colbert went up there, and I'm trying to figure out whether what he was trying to gain from that, like, is he trying to be nice and, like, take all these insults to his face?
Or, what is he trying, you know, what's he trying to prove?
Like, everybody's happy and... Who?
Bush or the look-alike?
Oh, oh, no, no.
Bush in general.
He's just, like, he... Well, actually, he turned red and could barely contain himself and got real mad after that was in the news.
He didn't know that the roasting was going to be that bad.
So basically, you know, these people have to go to these roasts, because presidents have always done it.
And this was a pretty bad, you know, roasting.
I think Colbert said something like, hey, they're saying we're going down like the Titanic.
That's ridiculous!
Yeah, yeah.
We're burning up like the Hindenburg!
Yeah, on something different, yeah.
But I'm just kind of... Sure, but you had a comment about the new pole, it says here.
What's that?
Oh, yeah, the new pole is definitely, like, mind-blowing.
Like, it's totally, you know, it's a snowball effect.
It's growing, and it's growing, and it's growing.
Like, people are waking up.
We're all waking up.
That's right.
It's exponential.
I appreciate your call, Tony.
Let's talk to Ryan in Illinois.
Welcome, Ryan.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hello, sir.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I'd just like to personally thank you.
You're my hero.
I totally appreciate it.
Oh, come on.
I don't want to start having to copy Limbaugh and say dittos, but thank you, sir.
Hey, folks like you are my hero.
I mean, I support the troops.
You guys have been put in a bad position, and we support you.
That's why we're trying to get you out of that fraud with Bush's former business partner, Saddam, and that whole thing over there.
But go ahead and make your point, sir.
You know, I realized when I was over there while I was pointing guns in children's faces that I was a part of the problem and not a part of the solution.
I discovered your website online.
I just opened my eyes.
I guess my question is, I hear you say a lot that the Republicans and the Democrats are both controlled.
What organization is controlling both of them?
Okay, it's simple.
And if you go read the writings or the biography written by a great UT professor of
One of our greatest presidents, Andrew Jackson, he was shot at.
He was shot.
They tried to kill him, openly.
The British banks did, because he wouldn't let them shut up a central bank here, run by private bankers, to issue script or pay for money.
Well, they finally took over in 1913.
Private banks, the Federal Reserve is private.
They control, imagine being able to print the money.
They bought up almost everything with it.
They had total power.
They controlled most of the dominant media.
I don't know.
They own big pharma, big banks, but it's all out of the fractional reserve banking fraud.
That's really the root of this.
And so with that monopoly of money creation, again, in the past money was gold and silver, and then people had real goods, they traded for that real wealth in a precious metal.
Now that's all fraud in a private group.
There's only about 14 shareholding families.
It's mainly British Royalty and Rockefeller and Rothschild owned.
And that's in Financial Times of London and stuff.
That's in real serious financial publications.
We are totally dominated and owned by foreign powers.
We are used as an engine of global domination for them.
America takes the blame for all the empire and the bullying.
They give us domestic propaganda to make us think we're the good guys and everything's okay.
Overseas, the banks own the press and actually demonize us.
The very banks that own our media over here, that is control most of the dominant media, overseas, take Rupert Murdoch, he even demonizes America in his papers over there.
This is so sophisticated.
We go build the New World Order for them, this is official documents, then we're meant to be imploded.
And then take the blame as kind of the old Soviet Union or the old Hitler.
And then the EU will rise as the good cop.
We are being used up.
We are a birdcage liner.
And they've got all these fake conservative Judas Goats in there.
Just making sure the conservatives stay under control.
That's what they're most worried about.
They've got Judas Goat fake liberals.
Keeping the liberals in control.
Just making sure.
Keep them under control.
Play it off left right with the open borders.
Play it off left, right with 30 million.
The very same banks, Ford Foundation and others, funded tens of millions of comic books in Mexico, going back 40 years saying that this is Mexico or Reconquista, come take America over.
Just like the Washington Post reported tens of millions a year, going back to 1946, funding radical Muslims.
Our government shipping them the children's books, the textbooks, paying for the radical madrasas and the hadiths and the Taliban, which means school.
They literally, let me say this for you, literally funded the Aztec La Reconquista.
They literally funded the Muslim extremists, which are real to some extent, but again, controlled.
Now you see the full picture.
Then they bring these crises against us and then they organize it and use the crises to get us to go along with their plans.
Oh, it's so sick.
The Republic has already fallen, as Lou Dobbs has told you, as many other historians have told you.
As the father of Reaganomics, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, has said, it's already gone.
The question is, will we revive her?
We'll be right back with more of your calls, the Ashcroft Conversation, and a lot more.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones is deep in the heart of Texas, and he wants to talk to you.
Call free 877-590-5525.
Literally in the heart of Texas, coming to you from Austin, Texas, from the studios of KLBJ 590.
Blasting out four affiliates on our first real syndicated show.
Very excited now, five stations carrying the broadcast, not to mention the internet, at InfoWars.com.
Okay, I'm up against the gun, that's why I want this show to go to three hours.
We should try to.
I think we should be doing that soon.
I'm told they're going to work on it because it really puts me under the gun with all this news I've got and all these calls I want to take and all these clips I want to play.
And I got the idea.
We don't really screen your calls, but it's important that you let us know if you disagree with me because then you go to the head of the line.
And I think, Trey, you were saying it sounds like Cynthia disagrees.
She does.
Let's go ahead.
He thinks she does.
He said she was going to be a little bit sarcastic.
I hope she does.
We really love it.
If you do disagree, 877-590-5525 or 836-0590.
Cynthia, you're on.
Kelby J., welcome.
Hi, Alex.
I'm just curious what role you think the Muslim fascists and their oil-tick financiers did have in 9-11 and what role Karl Rove and the neocons, which is a
pejorative word for Jew, last time I checked, what role they have in the beheadings of schoolgirls in Malaysia, and nuns over in Thailand, and all of that.
And don't forget throwing babies out of incubators, which was proven to be totally, uh, a huge fraud.
Oh, so are the... Throw that one?
No, no, I mean, I mean, my point is, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, most of it is a lie.
Now, now, let me just respond... The beheadings, a lie, I want to know.
Okay, okay, I'm going to go back for just a second.
We just sent my team down, and the video is up on InfoWars.com.
I should play a clip of that, maybe next week I will.
Just last week he confronted his Lordship, William Crystal, who was here in town, and he wrote a book, he coined the term Neocons.
So, they call themselves Neocons,
And they got upset then that people read their books and read their statements about the end of this country and the Straussians from the School of Economics there in Chicago.
And they got very upset that real conservatives discovered them.
And so Pat Buchanan and many other top Republicans have decried the neocons.
So, out of the gate, you're claiming I'm anti-Semitic.
Go ahead and just say it publicly.
Go ahead, I'm not allowed to call them the name they call themselves.
That's right, you're trying to neutralize my free speech.
I'm a real conservative, and I know that Muslim fascists are cutting people's ears off.
Sure they are.
Hey, ma'am, let me just stop you.
Nick Byrd, that was all staged.
He was killed in combat operations for the Central Intelligence Agency.
So they cut his head off and added a soundtrack to it.
Is there anything about this that you disagree with?
You don't want any facts, do you, ma'am?
You just want baloney, huh?
No, no, I'm just curious if you're on the side of the Muslim fascists like that guy who's calling up... No, this is all you guys can ever say.
This is all you guys can ever do.
Okay, this is... Oh, now you're saying that guy that clearly had an American accent as a Muslim waiting to slit our throats?
No, I'm talking about the guy with the Middle Eastern accent who is kissing your butt.
Yeah, my producer in there just said there was no Middle Eastern accent.
I bet the Muslims hide under your bed, don't they?
Are you hearing their voices right now?
Maybe in your fillings?
Alex, you know what?
I know they cut people's heads off, and they've been doing that.
Yeah, I know.
Cut heads off, cut heads off.
If we don't give all our rights up and get rid of our borders, Al Qaeda will get us.
I'm going to stop you right now, and I'll answer your questions, but I want you to answer my questions.
Has Bush tripled the size of the BATF?
Has he pushed an amnesty plan for total legalization of the illegal aliens?
Has he signed on to UNESCO?
Did he sign the North American Union Agreement?
Has he spent more money than all presidents before him combined?
Has he done that?
I agree he has, but that doesn't mean... But he's in a fight against the Muslims!
That's good, Alex, and that's where you're confused.
Why is Lord Bush pumping in more Muslims than any other president?
Well, I mean, that's wrong.
Oh, I love him, he's so good!
Our enemy, which is Islam and Muslim fascists.
Ma'am, I'm telling you that
The biggest threat is the New World Order syndicate that controls our government and much of our media.
That's what I'm telling you, and I appreciate your call because we're just out of time.
You're welcome to try to call me next week, earlier in the show.
We'll try to give you more time.
I should have gotten her number.
I should have had her on my weekday show for like a full hour or something.
In fact, call back, ma'am.
Give me your number, and I'll have you on my syndicated show for 30, 40 minutes.
There's so much news I could name you on for a whole hour.
Because I want to... She means well.
This is a nice lady.
I guarantee it.
It'd be great to go over to her house, have dinner with her, go play golf.
I mean, she's a nice person.
But she didn't!
Listen to me!
Listen to me!
You are meddling with the tidal forces of nature, Cynthia, and you will atone!
Alright, that's a line from Network.
Uh, Cynthia, you're not listening to me.
Al-Qaeda was hired for 45 million dollars to attack the Sherbs.
That is a Republican Senate report chaired by Alphonse D'Amato, 1999.
Cicero, 1999.
What am I supposed to do for you?
Al-Qaeda, the Russians didn't just attack Afghanistan.
It's now declassified Operation Cyclone, our government, who had been breeding and training in Madrasas from Central Asia into the Middle East.
From Lebanon.
Okay, across the Euphrates, in Iraq, to as far east as Pakistan, had been training and funding only the most radical Muslims.
And they would send them in with bombs and machine guns to take over all those countries.
Do you understand that?
So they've got three different types of terrorism.
Real terrorism and total state-sponsored, where there are no Muslims involved.
Spectacular events like 9-11 are pure state-sponsored.
You understand me?
Other events are provocateur.
Even with a lot of suicide bombers, they don't know the money coming to them came from MI6, CIA, or Mossad.
By the way, that's been in Arash, Jerusalem Post, UPI.
You just don't know, do you?
You don't understand that.
You don't understand they make a hundred billion plus a year out of Iraq alone in extra hardware purchases.
So they go and they create terrorist groups.
And if they can't get a group to do it, they go do it themselves.
Just like Gulf of Tonkin was staged.
Just like the USS Liberty was staged.
Just like the Maine was staged.
Just like Hitler staged terror attacks to launch World War II against Poland!
The Sudetenland!
I don't sit around... We've got to get a break here in just a moment.
I don't sit around, my friends, wasting my time reading a lot of fiction.
I read history books, the admissions, what is public.
And have you ever read a real history book?
Go read Gibbons' Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire.
Go read the Shires' Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
Heinz Hobel's Order of the Deathshead.
Go read the declassified British Intelligence Report of the Mind of Adolf Hitler.
Go read it and learn how governments operate.
And stop being childlike and naive.
I've put my life on the line.
I've dedicated myself to long, grueling hours because I love liberty.
And in the spirit of 1776, I know what's going on.
We're dealing with three-dimensional chess.
That's what the geopolitical system is, not these simple slogans and hand puppets like Bin Laden, Codename, and Central Intelligence Agency, Tim Osman.
They're used to strike us, so you go begging for police and black ski masks to retina scan you, and take your children to the CPS centers!
America and the Republic are dying before your eyes!
Wake up!
John Ashcroft, Rush Limbaugh, and the Bush Info!
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Alright, I'm going to continue with your calls.
I've got to get rolling here, though, with these clips.
We'll never cover them.
But I promise to answer Cynthia's questions.
And I'll just briefly finish up with some of the areas I didn't cover.
And by the way, Cynthia, you haven't called back with your telephone number.
I mean, I'd like to have you on as a guest tomorrow.
How about 1 p.m.?
I mean, I'd like people to hear your information about how you're implying anti-Semitism, which is never even discussed on the show.
Then you bring up that, you know, I want to know, have you ever been with a Communist Party?
Or have you ever been with the Muslims chopping off heads?
They want to chop our people's heads off!
Well, yeah, just like our government lethal injects people and chopping people's heads off just a few decades ago, or electric chairs.
There's a lot of wild stuff goes on in some of those countries over there, and usually it's our government helping put in the radical Muslims.
But again, you don't know history.
You just feel good and the media tells you that the bad man is going to come get you.
Nick Berg was staged.
Did you know that Nick Berg, it was admitted in the Associated Press, had his laptop with some of the 9-11 hijackers?
He was a young man, disappeared out of college into weird government training, and then popped up with a bag of electronics all over the world, helping the disadvantaged.
And then you go through all the evidence, he was CIA, folks.
And the poor guy got killed in some type of combat op, and so they
From all the intel we've got, and it's been proven now, I probably wrote 20 articles on this, they just decided to saw his head off and add a scream to it.
Top doctors in the U.S.
and Canada were in the newspaper saying that body was already dead.
It was Westerners.
The guy they claim was Al-Zarqawi was supposedly one-legged.
He wasn't one-legged.
By the way, we told you two years ago that Daniel Pearl was killed by MI6.
I'm sorry, that was in the BBC two weeks ago.
You see how that works?
I covered it last week.
We tell you years before it's in the news, you see, because we know how things work.
Just like I told people a year and a half before it was in the news that the CIA was running drills of flying hijacked jets into the World Trade Center and Pentagon on the morning of 9-11, and that's why NORAD stood down.
And it came out in the news later.
Boy, that sure shot our credibility up.
You see, folks, we have sources and we know what's going on.
We're not fake conservatives here.
We're not fake liberals.
We're constitutionalists defending the Republic.
I'm going to just blast through your calls.
And I don't even know if I can take other calls after that.
I've got the Limbaugh clip attacking me I wanted to comment on.
I've got my confrontation with John Ashcroft this week.
I've got the Bush thing I said I'd give you the answer to.
In fact, we'll just Rick, Peter, Rudy and others stay there.
I've got to do these clips now or we'll never have time.
Let's go ahead and answer the question everybody was wondering whether that Bush call was really George Bush.
Play that again, Trey, for just a
Just play part of the clip again.
I'll tell you when to stop.
This is a call I got Thursday.
We didn't know who it was from.
It's kind of fun, these clips.
I made a prediction, and it turns out my prediction was right on this, on the Radio Friday.
We learned who this was this morning.
Go ahead and roll it.
Mr. Jones, this is George Bush, the President of the United States.
I've heard many things that you have been saying on the internet.
I know there are various mediums that are out there.
I understand you have problems with the government and you believe in many conspiracies.
But I believe that we can work this out.
Take my phone call.
We can speak about this stuff.
We'll work this out.
It's diplomacy.
I played in its entirety last hour.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com if you want to listen to it.
I know audio.
I make documentary films.
I've been in radio for 12 years.
Listening to it, I said, that's not clips of other speeches, and it sounds just like Bush, and it sounds like somebody on a phone.
Sounds like, you know, the tonal quality of a phone.
Sounds just like Bush, maybe a little bit overdone.
I said, that's a famous comedian.
It's either the guy on Saturday Night Live or the guy on Comedy Central.
And he was either at Joe Rogan's house, who I know, or he was at Charlie Sheen's house, who, you know, I'm friends with.
Or he was on Man Cow Show, who I'm friends with.
Or he was at somebody else's house in Hollywood, I know, who I won't mention.
I've got a lot of friends I don't mention, because I don't want to go public.
And that's exactly what it turned out to be.
And it turned out that it indeed was Frank Caliendo, who does one of the best Bush imitations,
And we did go contacting via the web, as some of my listeners did, and he wrote back and said, yeah, that was him that did it.
You know, just as a joke.
Somebody asked him to call my house and do it as a joke.
Somebody I know.
So that was that.
And boy, my wife was like, that sounds like George Bush!
My office was like, it may be him!
You know, you get calls from Charlton Heston back before he retired.
You get weird calls from Charlie Sheen.
I've gotten calls from White House officials before giving me intel.
I know a couple people in the White House, but in there right now, of course, a lot of them are from Austin.
You probably know them.
My sister went to school, though, with the Bush daughters.
Back when he was governor, I've been to barbecues and sat across the table from him.
Pretty friendly guy.
Of course, they said Hitler was pretty friendly, too.
You don't know the devil.
It's the devil when he's got his hand on your shoulder.
But that was a saying about Albert Speer, the Interior Minister, who was
Big buddies with Hitler, the architect.
He said, hey, afterwards, you don't know it's the devil when he's got his hand on your shoulder.
But let's go ahead and go to the Ashcroft clip, and we'll come back and take calls and put a Limbaugh clip.
Now, speaking of Mancow, big national syndicated radio show.
Used to be with MS, he just switched over to talk radio networks.
But I'm on there all the time.
And I've been on there with William Shatner.
I've been on there with Vander Holyfield.
I mean, he's really nice to have me.
I'm a huge guest.
But I stayed up a little bit late working that night, so I was in the shower at 8-10.
My wife runs in.
Get out of the shower, man cows!
He's only got Ashcroft for five more minutes.
He wants you to go up against him.
Right now!
And so I go, okay, okay, and I literally wrap a towel around me.
I'm not even dry.
I run past, you know, some house help comes once a week, as we're all working together.
I run past the maid, and I'm stumbling down the stairs, and I go running in there with this towel on, and I'm dripping.
And I get on the phone.
Well, yes.
It's good to be here.
I just have three questions.
John Ashcroft.
Well, okay.
I don't know if we have that kind of time, sir, but let's get to them.
Sure, man.
Let me just throw them out.
Number one.
John Ashcroft, in July, before the attacks, quit flying commercial because of the, quote, security threat.
The day before 9-11, the White House called Mayor Willie Brown not to fly to New York that day.
That's the first question.
Why did he do that?
Then number two, they claim they never heard of a plan to fly hijacked planes into buildings.
We know now that that was false.
We know that that was a lie.
Rice and others lied about that.
And number three, what about Operation Northwoods?
The official U.S.
government plan to carry out 9-11 style attacks.
And then, my comment, the bottom line... Well, wait, wait, wait.
Do you want him to answer?
Go ahead.
Sure, go ahead.
I'll shut up.
Yeah, the first three questions.
Go ahead.
You know, I did not cease flying on commercial aircraft.
I flew back from Missouri with my wife.
Have you heard this before?
Oh yeah, and I was on CBS.
I think Dan Rather was the person popularizing this.
I used government jets on government business, but in my private life, I was flying commercial aircraft right up through and beyond 9-11.
I have never abandoned... Did you fly here commercially?
For this interview?
I flew commercially yesterday, and I flew a private plane from Nashville here last night.
You know, I'll tell you what, hit pause right there, and then back in a few seconds.
We're going to play the rest of it in the next minute and a half when we get back from break.
Then we'll take your calls, we'll play the Limbaugh clip, and I'll analyze that at the close.
What a jam-packed two hours.
Notice that he asked, did you not stop flying commercial then?
And he says, oh no, I flew here.
I just flew to Europe last week.
And Mankoff comes back and goes, yeah, but he's talking about then.
It wasn't just in CBS.
It was in Reuters.
It was all over.
The FBI went public and even contradicted him after and said, no, we told him not to.
OK, so he's lying right there.
And then he absconds and avoids the issues.
On some other questions.
So the conclusion of my confrontation with John Ashcroft.
Coming up on the other side, then Lord Limbaugh had some loving comments about me.
We'll play that and comment on it.
And I promise we'll go to Rick, Peter, Rudy, and maybe one or two others.
We'll be right back.
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We've got 11 minutes and I'll be back with you next week.
And I'm going to at least get to these three callers that have been holding the longest, Rick, Peter, and Rudy.
But I've got to move fast now.
Here's the rest of that clip with Ashcroft.
Then we'll get to the Limbaugh clip.
Here it is.
You know, I did not cease flying on commercial aircraft.
I flew back from Missouri with my wife.
Have you heard this before?
Oh yeah, and I was on CBS.
I think Dan Rather was the person popularizing this.
I used government jets on government business, but in my private life, I was flying commercial aircraft right up through and beyond 9-11.
I have never abandoned... Did you fly here commercially?
I flew commercially yesterday and I flew a private plane from Nashville here last night.
So a combination.
I fly commercially all the time.
I was in Europe
Last week, I flew commercially over, and I flew commercially back.
But what about, you know, okay, so this is a flat fault.
But you fly commercially now, but what about 9-11?
Around 9-11, did you stop because you knew something?
Absolutely not.
As I said, my wife and I... And what else did he ask?
I've forgotten.
Do you know?
About the attacks that they knew about the 9-11.
Your plan, the government's plan for 9-11.
Was there a government plan to blow up planes?
Well, no, it's just that, bottom line,
We know that the PNAC boys wrote their own documents.
They needed a new Pearl Harbor attack.
We know governments stage events.
Operation Northwoods has been on ABC News, Baltimore Sun, U.S.
Government Plan to stage terror attacks.
And he didn't answer the question about Mayor Willie Brown getting the call from the White House not to fly the night before.
That was in the San Francisco Chronicle.
That was in the Associated Press.
John, your comments on that.
Were certain people in the government told not to
Not to fly?
I have no awareness that anybody was ever told not to fly, and if they were told not to fly, I don't know about it.
I certainly have never called Mayor Willie Brown.
Former Attorney General John Ashcroft is here.
John, man, I'm telling you, this is a growing thing.
It's a scary thing to me that people believe our government, and it goes to such weird extremes that our government caused 9-11.
Do you believe the terrorist threat has been overplayed?
And there's more at PrisonPlanet.com.
It's on the right-hand side.
You can go click on it and listen to all of it.
And then he goes on to basically say the government isn't trying to make any money off 9-11.
No defense contractors are making money.
He wouldn't answer any of the questions.
He said none of them had ever heard of a threat.
We have all the memos.
They've all been proven to be liars now.
That's been, you know, all over the front page of the New York Post, which is a neocon publication, says Bush knew
It's a lot more than that.
When I say Bush did it, I don't mean Bush himself.
Bush represents the global crime syndicate that carried out the attacks.
Now on to Rush Limbaugh.
Rush Limbaugh, again, I'm not here to attack Rush Limbaugh.
He's on this station.
He's on other stations that carry my show.
And I'm not here to attack him.
But he did attack me.
And maybe he didn't understand.
He was confused.
But he misrepresented what was said.
Even what he reads proves that.
He talks about how the day that the Yankees pitcher, relief pitcher, flew into that fifty-something story building, apartment complex, last week, he said that we said it was a PSYOP and being used by the Republicans.
No, no, no.
Our article's headline was that Fox was saying that the White House could use it and was using it to conjure visions of 9-11 as the statesman reported that day.
I mean, we just pointed this out!
Then he spun it and claimed that we said it was being used for political aim and a psyop.
I mean, whoa!
That is a brain twister there.
That's amazing.
Here is Lord Limbaugh.
Go ahead.
Ladies and gentlemen, during the break, a friend of mine sent me an email.
I don't visit the Democrat kook websites much anymore, but a friend does.
It's just funny.
What is this site?
It's an article here by Alex Jones.
Now I'm told, I don't know this for certain, I'm told that Alex Jones is one of the leaders of the 9-11 was a government conspiracy campaign.
One of the leaders of the movement trying to prove that 9-11 was not what it was, that the Bush administration was behind it for whatever nefarious purpose.
Let me just read this to you.
Headline, Fox News spins plane accident, says it could affect election.
The FBI and Homeland Security are now labeling a small aircraft hitting an apartment building in Manhattan as a probable accident.
Is this a government psy-op?
Intended to invoke memories of 9-11 as the midterm elections approach?
On Fox News, your world with Neil Cavuto.
Cavuto suggested during a conversation with Congressman Peter King that the event would possibly affect the upcoming midterm election by reminding Americans of the horror of 9-11.
It has now been reported that pilot, one of the occupants of the plane, was Corey Lytle.
The fact that the accident... Now listen to this.
The fact that the accident involves a celebrity means the networks can justifiably talk about it for another three weeks, and in that sense, invoking memories of 9-11, it could impact the election.
Reports that Lytle's passport was found on the street, also seen as suspicious by some 9-11 truthers, because it would seemingly prop up the inconceivable notion that Mohammed Atta and other hijackers' passports survived and were discovered.
However, in the case of Lytle, this could easily be explained by eyewitness reports that most of the plane debris did not enter the building and ended up on the street below.
They believe that this is a psychological ops operation designed to make you think of 9-11 to impact negatively the Democrats in the upcoming election.
I have noticed also...
Okay, and then he goes over more attacks, and earlier talks about how the liberal media should be arrested, which is a new mantra, a new talking point now that they've got out, because on Thursday night, O'Reilly Factor, with the big liberal opposing as a conservative O'Reilly, he attacked the head of 9-11's College for Truth, Jim Fetzer, who's a former Marine Corps officer and been a guest on the show.
He attacked him, saying he's going to put the FBI on him and brags that he got another professor arrested, who later turned out was not guilty, but
I mean, he's literally like some grand inquisitor.
You will be seized!
Because you think the government did it!
I'm reporting you!
You can go read our articles about this!
And I guess they're getting scared because everybody's waking up, but I mean, listen, I appreciate the plug from Rush, and I really respect him, his great radio talent and everything, and I'm sorry some of us are so conservative that we're against, you know, the fake conservatives that people are out there defending, but we're going to defend this country.
And that's what people are going to listen to this show, because we're real conservatives.
We're real constitutionalists.
Before I take a few final calls, here, let me just say that we put out our report about the plane an hour and a half.
We posted that.
Paul Watson and I collaborated and wrote that article.
We both have our points.
We put them together.
We matched the article.
We posted.
About an hour and a half after, and then the New York Times, Fox News, The Statesman, they all said the same thing we said the next day.
You go read our article, we point out that are they going to use this?
Will this be used?
And we pointed out that Fox that night was already doing it, or that afternoon, and we were reporting on them as the psyop of using the plane to equate 9-11.
That's what we're saying as a psyop.
And so we're being blamed for what Fox News, and by the way what Limbaugh did in his first hour, we have the clips of that, where he's saying what we said, but then it's bad when we say it because we're kook liberals when we're not liberals.
When we're right of the Attila the Hun, if you buy into that false left-right paradigm.
Folks, listen, you've been fed false info, and a lot of us just need to get out of this left-right paradigm.
I've got to move quick now.
Rick in Belton, Texas.
Got to go fast.
Rick, welcome.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you.
Not thank me.
Anyway, Alex.
Got to give you like 30 seconds, sir.
We're almost out of time.
The thinking of reenacting the Sedition Act.
Yeah, I've heard conservatives talk about... No, no, no.
They passed it, sir.
It's 6-1-6-6.
It is the Sedition Act.
And then they play clips of Ted Turner talking against President Bush.
So that's scary to me.
And thank you for your show.
Thank you, and I'm sorry you held so long.
If you guys call me back next week, I'll go to the head of the line.
Let's talk to Peter in Colorado.
Peter, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Um, how's it going?
Um, just a quick question.
As a college student, I'm inundated with the importance of voting, um, but like your show points out and whatnot, um, that there's a high chance of controlled outcomes in the election, so why should I, uh, even be voting?
The CIA-controlled voting machines
I don't think so.
And it's a complex issue.
In fact, as the election approaches, I'll do a whole hour in the next few weeks on electronic voting machines.
That's on the agenda, also on toll roads.
I think we're going to have Kinky Friedman in studio.
Rooney, you're our tail gunner.
You've got 30 seconds.
Alex, with so many news programs on television, do you think we're being set up for the next 9-11 as a pretext to go to war with Iran?
Yes, they're totally brainwashing us.
They'd love to launch another terror attack.
The bowels of the Black Ops squads would love to do it.
God bless you, Rudy.
You call me back next week.
I apologize.
I've got to get to all those clips.
I need more time.
Alright, see you back next Sunday.
Take care.
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