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Name: 20061013_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 13, 2006
2640 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Mr. Jones, this is George Bush, the President of the United States.
I've heard many things that you have been saying on the internet and other various mediums that are out there.
I understand you have problems with the government and you believe in many conspiracies, but I believe that we can work this out.
Take my phone call.
We can speak about this stuff.
We will work this out.
It's diplomacy.
Diplomatic diplomacy is the way to go.
If the two of us can work this out, and I think we can, we will definitely have it worked out then.
Alright, well we will try it back.
If you need to keep doing what you're doing, do it.
But, uh, okay.
I've studied the inflections of that phone call I received at my unlisted home number.
And it is extremely close to George Bush.
In fact, I went and pulled some of the video clips of some of the better comedians, and it's better than what they're doing.
It is over a phone call.
It's not from different speeches because the inflection, the sound quality, the tonal quality, the audio is the same.
It sounds like an original tape or someone actually sang it live via the telephone.
With all I know about audio, and we got that call yesterday, and I heard it this morning,
It is somebody either with the IBM type technology where you can purchase it and if you get a recording of someone's voice, you can then mimic it and it will fool a voice print analysis.
The problem is it will not fool a, I guess they call it a cadence analysis.
There's another scientific, technical term they use, but it's the basic rhythm biometrically.
That rhythm is George Bush!
I mean, whoever did that has created quite a fake, quite a masterpiece.
I do not, for a minute, think it's George W. Bush.
But it sounds like George Bush.
I don't think I'm Bob Woodward.
Bob Woodward has gotten in the last few weeks calls from Cheney personally in the middle of the night, unannounced, threatening him and cussing at him.
And others have gotten calls from Bush doing this.
I wouldn't imagine for a minute George Bush would actually call me.
Of course, they wouldn't do that.
It isn't George Bush.
Or, quote, it could be George Bush, and they've done an editing job from the same speech.
Because, again, different speeches have different audio, different sounds, different background noise.
That is somebody imitating George Bush over a telephone line.
We'll play it again in the next hour if you missed it, if you're just now joining us.
We've got Bill O'Reilly.
Really, the guy is a joke.
Attacking Jim Fetzer.
It's a really bad clip off of a Microsoft video.
Microsoft style video.
Microsoft program, whatever you call it.
It's always pretty cruddy.
And Microsoft RealPlayer, whatever it is.
And we're going to be playing that and kind of deciphering it and breaking it down.
I hope Paul Watson or Steve Watson or Aaron Dykes or Ryan Slick Eisen or myself has the time to do a piece on this.
Just to analyze the tactics and the propaganda of a hit piece.
It's important to do that.
That's why we talked about South Park yesterday.
And the mechanics of a hit piece.
This was a shoddy hit piece.
South Park was a masterfully done one.
And there's a bunch of news.
Big guest in studio.
Just stay with us.
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Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us today on this Friday edition.
It of course is the 13th day, Friday the 13th of October 2006.
Ken Jenkins of 9-11 Truth will be joining us in studio.
And he is, of course, been a speaker at the San Francisco and Toronto 9-11 Truth Inquiries, and has produced numerous 9-11 DVDs, including David Ray Griffin's new film.
He is an award-winning video and media producer with an education in engineering and psychology.
He brings a multi-faceted and balanced approach to the 9-11 investigation.
And we're going to be carrying his new DVD, which I had a chance to watch last night.
It is excellent.
He's going to be in studio with us coming up here in the next hour.
And we're going to get into 9-11 and talk about where the movement's going, some of the newest evidence of government involvement that's beginning to come out, and what he thinks about the upcoming, well, the attack they want to stage against Iran, what's happening with the neocons right now in Foligate.
He's a very interesting and informed individual.
We look forward to having him again in studio with us.
This is the type of news I have on my desk.
The New York Times reports that the new nanotech frankenfoods are ten times scarier than genetically engineered foods.
A Harvard study comes out and says strong link, that's their words, between fluoridated water and massively increased rates of bone cancer in boys.
Oh my gosh.
Here's another one.
Prominent researcher apologizes for pushing fluoride.
Not only has the former head of the Dental Health Service in Canada, who helped get fluoridation put in 15 years ago, not only has he now gone public in the last two years saying it's deadly poison, he's now apologizing and saying we've got to get it out of the water.
We're going to try to get him on the broadcast.
This was out of the Tribune newspaper out of Mesa, Arizona.
And he gets into the fact that this doctor does, top dentist in Canada, that he didn't know that it wasn't calcium fluoride.
He always just assumed when the big fluoridation lobby came to him and asked him to be their spokesman, he always assumed it was calcium fluoride.
Which is actually good for your teeth and in small levels is needed in the metabolic activities of the body.
Just like you need small amounts of cyanide.
You need small amounts of all of these different trace metals and minerals.
You need small amounts of arsenic.
You need small amounts of lead.
You don't need small amounts of mercury.
Certain things are just totally destructive and are not needed.
But we are designed to be at optimum health to have small amounts of all of these things.
And it's actually, you know, you need a very small amount of cyanide in your body.
I don't know.
Reduced cognitive ability, and there's thousands of studies.
UT back in 1932, at the end of a five-year study, University of Texas, one of their top scientists in his entire research firm, recommended it as a new sedative.
Then they found it was very toxic.
Then the Nazis picked up on University of Texas at Austin research, this is all official by the way,
And used it in their forced labor camps as an additive to the water to make their slaves docile.
That data was picked up at the end of World War II.
Edward Bernays, doctor of psychiatry and psychology, an expert on mind control, the father of modern PR.
Undisputed, he's in the encyclopedia.
With the committee to fluoridate, had it put in the water, and we went from the land of the free, home of the brave, to the land of the stupid, the home of the coward and the slave.
Look at us today.
That's because even if you try to escape fluoride, it's sprayed on the food, it's in the air now, it's almost impossible to get rid of, it's everywhere.
And very low amounts of it, and we're talking one part per million, are devastating to your
But the head of the Canadian Health Service on their dental board, he actually then listened to the critics and tried to debunk them and he said, oh my gosh, I didn't know it's not just stannous or sodium fluoride cocktails.
They actually take the raw toxic waste from aluminum purification and manufacture and the toxic waste from fertilizer manufacturing and they put it raw with over 400
And I'm reading his quotes.
There are over 400 different toxins, and so it's not, when you hear fluoride, folks, it's not even fluoride.
It's every heavy metal, it's every, what do they call them, Grignard reagents, just every toxin you could have.
It's good!
Don't listen to us.
Don't listen to all the doctors.
Don't read the 1930s UT studies.
Don't read all the Chinese or British or Irish or German or American studies.
Just gulp it down!
Enjoy it!
Enjoy your cancer!
Enjoy your green skin!
Your flaky yellow skin!
Enjoy it if you're black to have all this pale looking purple skin!
Just enjoy it!
Enjoy it!
Enjoy it!
Don't listen to me!
I'm... I'm the bad!
The government didn't carry out 9-11.
They didn't let the black men die of syphilis and give them syphilis.
They didn't radiate 110,000 children.
There weren't atomic soldiers.
They didn't sterilize 400 plus thousand forcibly.
They didn't fund Hitler.
They didn't protect the Nazis.
They... The government's good!
They've got new nanotech.
They're not just going to radiate the food and baste it in live viruses and cross-species genetic engineer between plant and animal, between fish and reptile, between mammal and every other configuration you can imagine.
No, spider, goats, everything else.
That's all nutritious too.
No, now they're already approved nanotech and it's now nanotech food additives.
Enjoy every known disease.
Enjoy every known carcinogen exploding off the charts.
Just enjoy it!
I'm serious.
Don't listen to me.
Everything's fine.
Go to McDonald's.
Eat three cheeseburgers in a row.
Okay, smoke cigarettes, drink whiskey every day, because that's a lot better for you than, I guess, you know, all the new stuff that's coming out.
And just go to your medical doctors and they'll cut and burn and radiate you, and it's all good.
Okay, I'm going to shut up and get into the news here.
I mean, this is the type of stuff I have in front of me.
All passengers could be tagged.
They're telling us all the passports and all the IDs will now have chips in them.
And now they're going to make you take a chip when you walk through.
And there's articles every day saying we're all going to be made to take chips soon.
And they just calmly report it.
Oh, soon we'll all have chips.
I have a stack of those today.
There was a stack on Monday.
Okay, not a stack.
Three articles on Monday.
Two articles on Tuesday.
Couple articles on Wednesday.
Articles on Thursday.
News stories today.
I've got several.
One, two, three, four news stories today.
All the same as if the same person read them.
Just, oh, chips are good.
They'll keep you safe from terrorists.
Boy, we ought to just take chips.
Oh, chips are so wonderful.
Oh, we all need chips.
Or at least RFID bracelets to prove we're good.
Just like they make you do in Fallujah.
They'll make you do it here.
Because we're slaves.
But it's good.
Marine Sergeant comes forward to report abuse of Guantanamo Bay prisoners, i.e.
Liberated Iraq, the most absurd of all the Iraq war excuses.
A bunch of news reports here.
Just, just, I mean, it's an overload.
I don't even know what to do anymore.
I have this bizarre phone call, this mystery phone call to my home by someone sounding exactly with the same cadence, the same colloquialisms, the same... I mean, this is, this is, this is George Bush.
But I don't for a minute think George Bush actually called my house.
I am wondering what this joke is, what the prank is, what the beef is.
Maybe you can listen to it and give me your take later.
I'll air it again at the bottom of this hour and then I'll air it again once more in the next hour.
And we'll post it on the web.
Again, it's recorded right off my answering machine.
It's got a little more quality.
A little more tonal quality listening to it right over your telephone.
But it's not from multiple cuts of different speeches.
You can tell.
It's got the exact same audio wavelength.
I can just hear it.
Again, but I don't for a minute think it's George Bush.
It's got the same cadence.
What do you think?
We'll play that later.
We also have the head of the British military, head of the British Army, saying that they need to pull out, that it's all imploding.
And we've got O'Reilly engaged in just shameful, mindless attack on 9-11 Truth Movement.
Utterly mindless.
Utterly pig-headed.
Just totally shoddy, but for a dumbed-down, fluoride-poisoned mass of Americans who want to be lied to and just want to be totally enslaved, it makes a lot of sense.
I mean, that's why Nancy Grace, who talks to her audience at a third-grade level, is popular.
It's why O'Reilly's popular.
He has a show for low-grade morons.
Not conservatives, not true Americans, just he poses up there, and I mean, literally, literally, if they put me on against O'Reilly, I mean, he sits there and tells people to shut up.
He sits there and tells people, he doesn't let them talk.
Worst thing I've ever seen.
He doesn't even say anything substantive when he counters them.
It's the same thing I saw with that time with Sean Hannity when he had Bob Bills, former Chief of Staff on.
Stanley Hilton.
But literally let him say NOTHING!
Had him on about six minutes and Hilton probably got three lines out.
We show that in Terror Storm.
Not in Terror Storm, in Masters of Terror.
Excellent film he made.
Alright, I'm just overloaded here.
This is going to be a massive broadcast today.
We will... I'm going to get into this UK Army Chief about Iraq.
When we get back.
And then we'll get into O'Reilly.
Get into all the other world news.
Got a big guest coming up.
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I think it's better to just play the comments of Britain's Army Chief who set off a political firestorm by calling for troops to be withdrawn soon from Iraq, in part because their presence made the situation worse.
He said Friday he meant to phrase the withdrawal over two or three years.
So now they're trying to spin it, but here's the original clip.
The head of the British Army has unleashed an astonishing attack on the government, demanding that troops are pulled out of Iraq.
Sir Richard Dannett has told the Daily Mail that the presence of British soldiers was making security problems in the country worse, not better, and we should get out sometime soon.
He also warned that the aim of creating a liberal democracy there was naive, and that initial planning for the post-war period had been poor.
However, in interviews today, he's denied a rift with the government and argues there's nothing new in his comments.
Of course it's important that we do leave sometime soon.
But what's implicit in that, and we've all been saying it for some time, is when the job is done.
Three and a half years ago we had 20, 30 odd thousand soldiers in Iraq.
We're down to 7,000 now.
In southern Iraq we look after four provinces.
Two have already been handed over to Iraqi control and we're well on the way to the third being handed over to Iraqi control.
So there is a campaign plan and we're working our way through it.
And we've got to get on with it.
Our soldiers are doing a really good job in Iraq and Afghanistan, but there's a finite amount of work we can ask them to do.
He also attempted to explain his stance that UK troops were adding to the problems there.
That comment needs to be just put in context.
There are certain places where we are, but we are attacked because we are there.
Now there are other places in Basra, an operation that's going on at the present moment, called Operation Salamanca, where we're deliberately going into districts to make things better for people.
We're doing reconstruction tasks and development tasks.
And they appreciate that.
But in other places, because we are there, we constitute a target and we are attacked.
And it's in that sense that our presence exacerbates the problem.
While Sir Richard plays down the significance of his words, analysts say it's extraordinary for a man of his position to make such views known.
Former RAF navigator John Nicol.
In all of my time in the military and outside it, I have never heard such comments by a serving
Such a senior officer.
I think it's unprecedented.
I think that the troops on the ground will be singing his praises to the rafters today.
Because it's well known that retired senior officers have always criticised government policy.
They've always said in retrospect what should or should not have been done.
And what is absolutely wonderful today is that a serving officer is saying to the government, you're getting it wrong.
There are currently more than 7,000 British soldiers in Iraq, based largely in Basra in the south of the country.
Downing Street has insisted that UK troops were in Iraq at the express wish of the democratically elected Iraqi government.
Let me read what he actually said two days ago.
The military campaign we fought in 2003 effectively kicked in the door.
Whatever consent we may have had in the first place may have turned to tolerance and has largely turned to intolerance.
That is a fact.
I don't say the difficulties we are experiencing around the world are caused by our presence in Iraq, but undoubtedly our presence in Iraq exacerbates them.
Well, General Sir Richard Janet, you'll probably never get to be a lord now shooting your mouth off like this.
Why don't you just play ball?
Why don't you just go along with special air services being caught dressed up like Arabs staging terror attacks so that different sects will fight with themselves, the Shiites and the Sunni, the Kurds and the Sunni.
It's the same thing over and over again that we see in P2OG, that we see in the Israeli battle plans.
Again, a year before the war, I told you they'd break Iraq in three pieces.
I told you that a year ago.
I told you that six months ago.
And I told you they would announce it like it was some new big plan, a way to save the crisis, after they finally announced the whole thing was a quagmire.
And sure enough, Times of London, Newsweek, NPR, you're all going to hear them, and they're now starting to say, the last few months, well, it's a new plan by an expert professor who believes that Bush is really screwed up, and the answer is to build permanent bases to oversee three autonomous regions, which of course won't be autonomous, and that it would then be heralded as a Bush defeat, and they would start breaking it into three pieces, when it's exactly what they wanted.
It's just like Bush has been defeated with H.R.
Wow, it really put him in his place, and McCain really did it!
The whole thing staged gives Bush everything he wants, totally abolishes the Bill of Rights.
They spin it as a defeat.
Just like they spin it as a screw-up in New Orleans.
Oh no!
By making the disaster as bad as possible by exacerbating and cutting communications lines and blocking aid and the police having to come in with guns to defend the communication systems from FEMA.
By making it worse, they get now double the funding in FEMA expansion of power.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, I'm gonna play this weird George Bush impersonator phone call I got yesterday on my unlisted telephone number at home.
And maybe the pranker who did this unbelievable imitation
I mean, I hope the pranker knows that there are like one or two people on national television who can't even do as good a job as you're about to hear.
And these people get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to go on all these national TV shows and comedy programs.
I mean, these are some high-paid comedians that have done incredible training to be able to pick up the cadence and the voice tones of George W. Bush, the President.
The unlawful occupier of the White House, he's not really our president.
Just like he's not really a conservative, just like he's not really a Texan, he's a phony $3 bill.
But this weird clip, and some would say, well maybe it's different speeches snipped together.
If you do that, if you snip it from different speeches, it would sound different.
Different background noise.
Because I've seen a lot of Bush joke videos that are clipped together from different speeches or different audio.
You can tell.
It sounds like somebody over a telephone.
It has those tonal qualities.
It has Bush's cadence.
It sounds like it comes from the same piece of audio.
It sounds like telephone audio.
It sounds like George Bush.
It's... It's incredible!
I mean, it is a real mystery.
And no, it is not George Bush really calling my house.
Maybe it is some other phone interview the President did where he said Mr. Jones in it and where he talked about 9-11 and what we're saying and then somebody snipped it together.
But again, it doesn't sound snipped.
I mean, I know what that sounds like.
I work with audio and video every day.
It's a real mystery.
Is this some kind of veiled threat?
You know, somebody else imitating Bush?
Listen, I don't know what it is.
With one of those Saturday Night Live comedians, there's one or two that really can't even do this good of a job.
They do great jobs though.
Maybe they were at Charlie Sheen's house and called me up as a joke and left a message.
You know, Charlie calls me here and there and I bet he doesn't really joke around ever.
Who knows what this is?
And I'm making a big deal out of it because it's interesting.
It's a mystery.
I want to know.
That's coming up in a few minutes.
And I'm going to play this O'Reilly factor clip last night.
Not just because it's national TV or it's O'Reilly.
The pervert.
They're all a bunch of perverts.
No, it's because I want to basically break down the mindset of how they run these hit pieces, just like we covered South Park yesterday.
But we're not going to go to that clip yet.
You can take that out of cue.
When he puts those in cues, I can hear them.
It's weird.
I can tell when I've got the audio clip in cue.
It keeps a little buzz in my ear.
We'll go to that in a few minutes.
But before I do all of that, and then there's a bunch of other news here and information, before we have a guest in studio, and then open phones for the rest of the broadcast, we'll have open phones next hour or two, I want to invite you to not procrastinate, to not wait, to not dawdle, to not sit idle, to not keep yourself in purgatory, and to get out of the middle of the road and to choose sides.
A lot of you know the truth about the New World Order.
A lot of you understand that this is real that we're discussing.
This worldwide crime syndicate taking our freedoms, abolishing our institutions, replacing them with mechanisms of despotism and oppression.
But you have not gotten into the fight.
You've not gotten into the field.
You've not taken action.
You've not put yourself into gear.
And I'm asking you to join us in this fight against the New World Order.
I'm asking you to stand with us at this historical time, at this key Genesis point, at this crossroads, at this apex, at this vortex, at this flashpoint, at this jump point, whatever term you want to use.
I ask you to be part of this fight, this renaissance of humanity, this revelation of understanding.
And to get my new film, Terror Storm, or to purchase the new film, 9-11 Mysteries Demolitions, Part 1.
We have a whole bunch of powerful 9-11 films, New World Order films, World Government films, occult run World Government films, Secret Mysteries, Order of Death, available at InfoWars.com.
All 15 of the films I've produced, all the videos and books that others have made that I carry,
You need to get them.
It supports us.
It supports those that have made these films as well.
But more importantly, it gets you a documentary, a book, a film in your hand that can inform you to a higher level and inform those around you.
Please get Terror Storm.
Please make copies of Terror Storm.
It covers 9-11, 7-7, the British government attacks over there on the underground on the bus.
It gets into the Madrid bombings.
It gets into the lies that took us to war in Iraq.
British SAS carrying out terror attacks in Iraq.
Propaganda, how they brainwash us, Bush buying fake media, buying off reporters, 1.6 billion.
It is such an important film.
Terror Storm.
That's Terror Storm.
You need to have it.
Please get the DVD.
Almost two hours long, the official film is, what, 114 minutes, and then 68 minutes of extras.
Over three hours on one DVD, the extras are, is a film in and of itself.
Highly produced, you know, four camera shoot of the best highlights and information factoid bundles all together, encyclopedically laid out in the film from a 9-11 neoconagentist symposium in Los Angeles in June.
Terror Storm deserves and needs to be seen.
And it's up to you.
We can't do it all.
I mean, I'm like Atlas trying to hold up the world and I can't do it.
I'm little.
But together we can with God's help.
So I'm exerting myself really to the point of breaking.
Help us in this fight.
You don't have to do as much as we're doing.
Just get Terrence Coleman on DVD.
Have public viewings at your library, at your church, at your school, at your college, with your neighbors.
Have a block party.
And say, hey, free barbecue, free whatever, you know, come down here, I want you to see a controversial film, it's going to be fun.
You're like, that's weird to knock on my neighbor's doors, to email my friends, to get my circle of friends over on a Saturday night, or a Saturday afternoon, or a Sunday night, or a Tuesday night, or a Wednesday night.
No, that's not weird, that's what free people do!
That's normal!
Your friends aren't the show friends on TV, or all about Raymond, or, you know, even stuff like Two and a Half Men.
Those are facsimiles of your friends.
Those are entertainers.
Notice there's always a family setting, friends setting.
Instead of really doing that at your neighbor's house, instead of really joking around in the kitchen and talking and cooking, you watch people joke around and talk and cook.
You see, I drive through the neighborhoods now and I see glowing blue at night in all the windows.
Glowing blue.
The blue glow of the television set.
The white glow, the blue glow, shit flashing in there.
People are interfacing with that.
Well, use that tool to get people there in a setting to watch the film.
It's not like my other film's three hours long where it's hard for that guy to set it.
It's under two hours to watch the official film and then to talk about it.
You know, while the food's on, have it on, everybody sit down, watch the first thirty minutes, then start cooking, maybe pause it and eat, then watch the next hour and a half after you eat.
That's how we're going to save this country.
This is serious business.
So again, please get Terror Storm today.
Get 9-11 Mysteries.
You know, have one party with Terror Storm and have another with 9-11 Mysteries and have another with Loose Change 2nd Edition.
But Terror Storm needs to be seen.
TerrorStorm has reached over 4 million people on Google Video, millions on other download systems.
We don't even know how to track those numbers, but I guarantee it's millions.
We know 4 plus million in the last month and a half online, since it really got noticed.
That's not enough, folks.
It needs to go supernova.
Tell folks about the free download at Google Video.
But get the high quality DVD at InfoWars.com.
You know, charter us, fund us, endow us, help us.
Foundation our operation.
Give us what we need to continue building our foundation and we will make the films and we will put them out for free on the web.
And we will sell the DVDs to seed money, fund our operation, and authorize you, beseech thee, to make copies of them.
It's a lot more convincing to watch a crystal clear DVD than the web, though the web's getting to be better and better.
And one day we'll reach the catch-22 of why should anybody even buy it when it's on the web so crystal clear.
And we'll face that bridge when we come to it.
But again, it's all about the information.
You know, rarely do you see a... I don't want to call it a pyramid scheme because it's a pay-it-forward.
Ever seen that movie?
It's a good movie.
Where, you know, people do selfless things and it's passed on.
And the old African parables bore out, you know, no good deed goes unpunished, I guess, for the originator of any pay-it-forward system.
But here, when you get Terrorist Order, you get it out to people for free.
You know, I make it.
I put it out for free.
You spend a little bit of energy and time emailing it, giving it to friends, telling them to give it to friends.
If you just do that, it's unstoppable.
And again, it takes that selflessness of what I'm doing, of what you're doing, but you get something much greater out of it.
You get a free country.
You get to get tyrants out of office.
You get to short-circuit government-sponsored terror.
We get to sleep better at night.
We get to bring these pieces of arrogant filth to justice!
So please get TerrorStorm, and get it now!
I want you who procrastinated to blow the phone off the wall.
Or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And I want you to
Write to us, and I want you to order a bunch of the videos and books.
I want you to call our office and buy them in bulk.
We get huge discounts.
Just call us and find out.
Extension is at 51 or 54.
Both of them are good extensions.
Just call both of them.
Again, I'm talking about activism here.
Mr. Jones, this is George Bush, the President of the United States.
I've heard many things that you have been saying on the internet.
And other various, uh, you know, mediums that are out there.
I understand you have, uh, problems with, uh, you know, the government and, uh, you believe in, uh, many, uh, conspiracies.
But I believe that, uh, we can work this out.
If you will, uh, if you will, uh, you know, take my phone call, we can, uh, we can speak about this stuff.
We will, uh, we will work this out, you know?
It's diplomacy, you know?
Diplomatic diplomacy is the way to go.
And, uh... If the, uh... If the two of us can, uh... Can work this out, and I mean... And I think we can!
We will, uh... We'll definitely have it... Have it worked out then.
Alright, well, we will, uh... We'll try it back.
Uh... You know, if you need to keep doing what you're doing, do it.
But, uh... Okay.
I mean, that is good.
That guy, I went and pulled some video clips up, and that guy, whoever's doing that is better than the couple of top comedians.
And Kevin, who works up here, he's a fan of Comedy Central, he's seen the different, there's one or two comedians that can do a pretty good job.
They can't do one that good.
And see, I keep listening for it to sound like clips from some other speech, because it sounds like George Bush.
I mean, it is George Bush.
That would probably pass a voice print.
And it really is a mystery because we would expect it, if it really is George Bush, to be clips from another speech.
You could hear the clips.
You could hear the difference.
It'd be different speeches.
It'd be hard to get all the words they needed from one speech.
You know, Mr. Jones and all of that.
It's weird.
It's definitely weird.
I don't, for a minute, think it's really George Bush calling me.
Let me be clear about that.
But stranger things have happened.
I have had quite a few White House officials call me up, but was Bush drunk in the middle of the night?
That was the thing around the office.
I don't think so.
Again, I don't think it's Bush.
My instincts tell me it's not Bush, but who would think Charlie Sheen and people a lot bigger than Charlie Sheen would call me up?
It's not President Bush.
He wouldn't call me.
But it doesn't fit with other fake impersonators or audio clips of a real Bush.
I can't help it.
John, you think I ought to play that again for folks?
We'll just play it later.
We'll play it later.
But I do want to open the phones up later to get your take on it, listeners, and tell me what you think of that clip.
I've already done it now.
I've gone and done a bad thing.
I've been babbling, and I haven't played the O'Reilly clip yet.
This is so bad.
And I meant to write notes on this with Fetzer.
He won't let him talk at all.
He just keeps calling him an American hater.
Fetzer, who's a pretty aggressive guy, kind of takes it.
Because he knows he won't be allowed back on if he doesn't sit there and take it.
I mean, listen, I've had Fox set me up about six times the last few months and they always cancel.
Because they're afraid.
I will go on there and clean their clocks.
I am not intimidated by Bill O'Reilly.
The guy's a punk.
He's a punk.
And he's a fake.
And he's a joke.
Let's go ahead and play a little bit of this and then we'll go to break and I'll write notes.
I'm going to come back and make a comment on the clip you hear.
We'll come back and play the rest of it.
Here is Bill O'Reilly attacking Fetzer on Fox.
What was it last night?
As we told you last night, University of Wisconsin instructor Kevin Barrett has called President Bush a murderer, saying he orchestrated 9-11 without providing a shred of evidence of that charge.
Despite that defamation, Barrett teaching a course on Islam this semester at the University of Wisconsin.
The only sanction against him is an order to stop making public statements.
Joining us now from Madison is James Fetzer, a recent retired professor from the University of Minnesota Duluth who supports Barrett.
Now, I'm getting a little tired of Barrett and Ward Churchill and other college professors who hate their country and who bring this hatred onto a campus full of impressionable students.
Am I wrong to be offended and angry about that, sir?
Well, you are wrong, Bill, because you haven't studied the case.
Created an organization consisting of experts and scholars, pilots, aeronautical engineers, mechanical engineers, structural engineers, civil engineers, physicists.
We've been examining what the government's been telling us, and frankly, Bill, it's a fantasy.
None of the major claims made by the government can be sustained.
We've been looking at this from every point of view.
The government has a story it wants to sell us.
We're not buying it.
Okay, you don't have to buy anything.
You're American.
You want to be a nut, you can be a nut.
And you are a nut.
Because in order for any conspiracy of this magnitude to take place, thousands of Americans would have to buy into it, would have to know about it, and would have to keep their mouth shut about it.
That's never going to happen.
You're like the guys who think that the space aliens kidnapped Elvis or something like that.
That's where you are, in my opinion.
So your opinion is that Bush murdered everybody on 9-11 to seize control and
Make him the dictator of America, whatever the crazy thing is.
And my opinion is, you're nuts.
We're both entitled to our opinion, okay?
You're entitled and I'm entitled.
And we'll let the folks decide.
Hold it, hold it.
But now you have a guy, Barrett, who's in a classroom, and we had the students on last night, and believe me, the students don't know very much.
And here's Barrett, and here's Ward Churchill, and they're bringing their crazy theories in, explaining this, that, and the other thing.
Eight different points in the first two minutes of Bill Pervert Sexual Harasser Riley.
When we get back, I'm going to go over those first eight.
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We all need no education
Ken Jenkins coming up in the second segment of the next hour.
It'll be about 8 after.
We will have open phones during that interview as well.
Maybe even keep them a little bit into the third hour.
Again, it is Friday.
Alright, I'm going to air the rest of the O'Reilly clip in a minute.
He basically doesn't let Fetzer talk after that first three sentences he allowed him to say.
And let's go through it, okay?
And this is eight points that I just scribbled down earlier.
There were a lot more.
He states, you're a nut, no facts, over and over again.
And that's an ad hominem, that's just name-calling.
He says, space aliens abducting Elvis, combining two of the archetypal kook ideas that really the media has popularized as a joke.
He then talks about Ward Churchill, who said the people, he did say something despicable.
He said the people that died in those towers were a bunch of Nazis.
They worked for the Nazis.
And so Al-Qaeda was this great, wonderful thing, striking the evil American empire.
That is classic military-industrial-complex-controlled, fake liberal trash.
And Ward Churchill, I've been around him personally.
I know people that have interviewed him.
He's rude and mean offset.
He is a hate-filled bigot.
Okay, so he's the extreme.
But I still think he has the right to go spew his Ford Foundation stuff.
Kevin Barrett is an intelligent, dynamic, informed person who they're saying has no facts.
But he wouldn't let them give any of the facts.
Kevin Barrett brings up nothing but facts.
And so they're trying to kill academic freedom in this country and they limited what Fetzer could say.
So you had all of that attempt to mix him in with Churchill.
What Kevin Barrett and others are saying is the facts, that Al Qaeda is really CIA, is a front, is a creation.
We have the evidence.
We have Zbigniew Brzezinski bragging about Operation Cyclone, the admissions, starting the war with the Russians.
The Russians didn't just come in and attack the Afghans, the Afghans attacked them, then the Russians came in.
We have him saying, show me one mainstream
Newspaper, the New York Times, this, this and that.
They all hate Bush.
They would all print this if they could.
It's the New York Times that's all CIA infiltrated going back to the church hearings in the 70's.
They're the folks that put out the aluminum tubes, the yellow cake.
They pose as liberals.
They are gatekeepers.
They're there to control liberals in this country who they're afraid of.
They're there as Judas goes to corral you.
It's basic psychology, basic manipulation here.
Good cop, bad cop.
And he says they would report on it.
Well, they've been forced to report many of the facts of the truth movement.
They've been forced to come out and write hit pieces on us.
In fact, many of the publications he mentioned have written hit pieces on myself personally.
Saying the Bilderberg Group doesn't exist.
I'm crazy.
Five years ago in the New York Times.
The Washington Post has attacked me saying that we're all a bunch of kooks, but never giving any information.
They attacked me two weeks after 9-11, or a week and a half after.
And then they say thousands of Americans would have to be involved to cover this up.
Well, thousands knew that tens of thousands of black men weren't just allowed to have syphilis for 40 plus years, but were allowed to spread it, and in some cases were given it.
With Tuskegee, 110,000 Jewish children irradiated under U.S.
government funding in Israel, kept secret until a few years ago, now front page in Israel.
The fact that over 10,000 Nazis were brought here to run almost every federal program.
From rocketry, to torture, to surveillance, to COINTELPRO.
10 plus thousand of them.
My grandpa was an oil hand and a lease hound out in Midland.
There were Nazis everywhere out there.
This is the reality of what's going on.
So he says thousands couldn't do this.
Oh yeah, over 100,000 involved in the Manhattan Project.
Secret for three and a half years.
Of course they kept it secret.
It only took about 200 people with all the different analysts and people who have studied this, people who have been in black ops.
To plant the bombs, run the attacks, everything!
And if you don't think this government doesn't have 200 people that will kill 3,000 Americans for total power and control, you've got another thing coming.
Folks, they kill millions of us every year with the drug company drugs, with the malpractice, with the stuff in our food, with the stuff in our water.
They could care less about you.
They dump pure nerve gas off the coast of North Carolina.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm continuing for this little five-minute segment with my analysis of Bill O'Reilly.
And then coming up, we're going to have Ken Jenkins of 9-11 Truth in the studio, a great filmmaker.
And we're really excited to have him joining us.
He's going to be here in Austin tonight.
He is here in Austin today showing his new film.
We'll tell you all about that coming up.
And get into 9-11 and take your phone calls.
We talk a lot about 9-11 every week here because it is a foundation event.
Something that they've used as a pretext for their entire geopolitical and domestic policy.
But let's play the second half of O'Reilly who, number one, won't let Jim Fetzer talk.
The founder, one of the heads of 9-11 Truth, who hits every buzzword that he believes in space aliens, and Elvis is kidnapped, and he's a nut, and he has no facts, and no newspapers will print what he's saying.
And the newspapers he links are the worst CIA fronts.
Fake news, $1.6 billion that Bush paid for, admittedly.
That was in the news last year.
Fake reporters everywhere.
Hit pieces everywhere.
This just doesn't work anymore, O'Reilly, telling us how, oh, the liberal media would love to attack Bush.
It's not liberal media.
It's not conservative media.
It's military industrial complex media.
And there have been a few fair ones.
The new one in Vanity Fair was fair.
There have been a few fair here and there and people, I talk to reporters all the time, they go, oh we know the truth.
My editor won't let me get it out, but I'll try to at least let you get a few of your quotes in on your website.
Okay, and I'll show the other side, but try not to make you look too bad.
Okay, I know all about it and I'm sorry, I'm controlled, I'm pathetic.
I mean, I've talked to scores of my...
I don't want to get into names here, but I mean it's just when they admit to you they know, but that they can't.
I've talked to CNN people for some of the biggest shows and they go, oh no it's CIA, we know it's all controlled up here.
You know on their cell phone after hours and they say call them back and they go, yeah we had you on and then Chairman King got real mad at CNN and so he refused to come on and now you're not going to come on and we've cancelled Ed Asner.
You know, oh yeah we got pressure from the government.
And then there have been reporters lately come out and go, oh we got pressure from the government.
I mean how do you think this works?
Here's the rest of O'Reilly.
You got that O'Reilly clip ready, bro?
In my opinion.
So your opinion is that Bush murdered everybody on 9-11 to seize control and make him the dictator of America, whatever the crazy thing is.
And my opinion is you are nuts.
We're both entitled to our opinion, okay?
So you're entitled and I'm entitled.
And we'll let the folks decide.
Hold it.
Hold it.
But now you have a guy, Barrett, who's in a classroom, and we had the students on last night, and believe me, the students don't know very much.
And here's Barrett, and here's Ward Churchill, and they're bringing their crazy theories in, explaining this, that, and the other thing, and whatever conclusions you guys have reached.
And the students are there, absorbing this.
And I'm saying this is grossly irresponsible, because it's based on nothing.
If you had the evidence, sir, you would be on the front page of the New York Times in a heartbeat.
There's nothing that the hatebush media would like more than to get a hold of anything you have.
And you don't have anything.
You can't get in the San Francisco Chronicle or the National Enquirer or anywhere.
Because you don't have anything other than a harebrained theory.
And you know it.
We have hundreds of studies, we have documents, we have records.
Well, why can't you get on the front page of the New York Times?
Anyone, Bill, who has even looked at the collapse of Building 7 understands it came down to a controlled demolition.
It wasn't hit by a nuclear bomb.
I had guys in here who said, you're full of... You know what?
Why can't you get this on the front page of the Boston Globe?
Or the Atlanta Journal-Constitution?
Or the Minneapolis Star-Tribune?
Papers that despise the Bush administration.
Why can't you get it on the front page of those papers?
The press and the media are too much dominated by the federal government and federal regulations, Bill.
You know that.
The New York Times is dominated and afraid of the federal government when every single day they rip Bush's throat out.
Come on, that doesn't make any sense.
In 1977, Carl Bernstein published an article in the Rolling Stone in which he explained that he'd been told by officials of the CIA that their greatest successes have been with CBS, with Time Life, and with the New York Times bill.
The situation today is much worse.
Anyone who wants to know the truth should go to st911.org, our website.
Scholars for 9-11 Truth, and they'll find it in spades, Bill.
I recommend you go to it.
Alright, we'll be right back.
We'll finish up the little tale into that later in this hour and get Ken Jenkins' take on it.
We'll get him a headset so we can hear it.
Stay with us, folks.
We'll be right back.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, last hour and the end of this hour and the last segment, I was playing clips of Bill O'Reilly attacking Jim Fetzer of 9-11 Truth, a scholar for 9-11 Truth, and he doesn't hit him on any of the facts.
He just keeps saying, you're a nut, you have no facts, you believe in space aliens, you're a kook, you hate America, you and Ward Churchill's theories.
Ward Churchill doesn't have theories.
Okay, he was there in Colorado and lost his professorship last time I checked, because he said the people in the towers were Nazis and basically deserved to die.
I mean, his quotes were incredible.
And so notice that Al Qaeda's good striking the evil Americans.
The government would love the left to have that view.
No one I know has that view, conservative, liberal, any political affiliation or term.
But notice O'Reilly said it like five times.
You and Ward Churchill and your group, you're with Ward Churchill and these theories.
Ward Churchill thinks Al-Qaeda hit America.
He believes what you believe, O'Reilly.
He isn't a quote, theorist.
He isn't a researcher.
He just basically hates white people.
He's a self-hater.
I'm not into anybody who hates any race or any group.
Or all the human race.
And so stop trying to equate the 9-11 Truth Movement with Ward Churchill.
He does it continually.
I watch the clips of him online every time he does that.
Because people hate Ward Churchill and they rightfully should disagree with him, in my opinion.
But again, straw man, guilt by association.
It's like going, you and Jeffrey Dahmer, well, you and Jeffrey Dahmer have these theories.
So it's a very disingenuous attack.
He won't let him talk.
He says they don't have a shred of evidence that won't let him talk.
He then says the media would cover this.
They have been forced to.
They'll show some of our facts and then say, well, we don't know what to say.
We've proven the official story a lie.
But like a lawyer, O'Reilly keeps repeating it.
Oh, why isn't it in one?
Oh, why isn't it in one?
Oh, why can't you get it in one?
Why can't you?
Again, it's that prosecutor tactic.
And to a low common denominator, the mind-numbed Hitlerian worshippers, that's what they are, who believe... I mean, folks, sometimes I watch Fox News as comedy.
I've laid in bed before, and I'm like, this is a joke!
It is like a comic book!
Paul Watson, you've heard my rant.
You've heard the points I've made.
Please go get the points.
Have whatever points you'd like.
I want to report about O'Reilly on this.
About O'Reilly's dishonesty in attacking the 9-11 Truth Movement.
His juvenile tactics.
He hits every single propaganda point you can imagine.
That is in the lower drawer of propaganda.
He hits every point you can hit.
From a mindless perspective.
And he's a smart guy.
He is playing to his idiot audience.
He's playing to his idiot audience.
Now, there's going to be an event here tonight in Austin, Texas.
And it's really exciting.
9-11, The Myth and the Reality.
9-11 Truth.
An exclusive Austin premiere of the new film, 9-11, The Myth and the Reality.
By author... I'm losing my mind.
They're going to show... No, I know that, but I was saying by David Ray Griffin.
This is really by you.
So I was thinking, am I reading David Ray Griffin when this is really Ken Jenkins?
But I guess it's a compilation of his speeches, so it is by David Ray Griffin.
Ken Jenkins, tell us all about it.
Well the film is actually a compilation of two different talks by David Ray Griffin that were given with a couple days apart in the San Francisco Bay Area and we got there filmed with six cameras and I enhanced the video with lots of clips of video and graphics so it's not just a talking head.
But it's David's best and latest, and I'm real happy to be working with him.
And by the way, in the next few hours, it's going to be up on InfoWars.com.
We're going to sell this video.
I went and watched it last night.
I'm extremely impressed.
I've seen a lot of your other work, but I tell you, I think you really knocked it out of the park with this one.
Thank you.
I'm very happy with it.
Tell us about the film.
Tell us what folks will see in this film.
I mean, it really is a documentary.
I mean, I would say it's kind of narrated by David Ray Griffin because you do put documents and clips and news over his speech.
Well, it's basically David's speech, and it's the one I kind of asked him to do.
We've worked together on a number of other films over the last couple of years, and each of his talks, all of them are good, but they all had a particular angle or spin in terms of the audience or in terms of the content.
And what I suggested is we need just the basic information, just the basic facts, so we have the best beginner film.
So when people ask, well, which one should I get, it would be a clear choice.
And that's what we got.
And he framed it beautifully.
He used the idea of the myth and explained how it is a myth that the official story is a myth.
It is a religion.
It's been framed as a sacred myth, and he uses those pictures of Bush giving the original speech, framing 9-11 as a sacred thing, and in a church.
Well, the whole thing is, too.
You've got the devil, who's bin Laden, and you've got, you know, it's this smoky spiritual thing you can't ever catch, but it's under the, you know, under the bed.
You've got to give up all your rights to this dear leader to keep you safe, and it's these tenants.
You know, the official story itself is a myth.
Totally disprovable.
And it's basically a PSYOP.
It's a psychological operation.
Its intention is to
To scare the American people and the world, really, into supporting this endless war on terror and keep us under control.
And unfortunately it's been somewhat effective, but I think that's starting to dissipate rapidly.
Exactly, and now within days of a Madrid bombing or a 7-7 bombing, clearly inside jobs, the people are demonstrating, saying, we know you did it.
So it seems like they overplayed their hand, as tyrants do throughout history.
I think the hubris has gotten the best of them.
I totally agree.
I really feel that in the long run this is going to take them down because they went too far this time.
As you say, they overplayed their hand.
I don't think it's going to play out in the long run.
I think we've got a few more years of getting the truth out.
Sooner or later, people are really going to wake up.
Well, I mean, they're going to be found guilty in just a court of public opinion.
And you may not see them go to prison.
I pray for that and hope for that.
But you certainly will see them lose all credibility and people turn against them universally.
That's already happening.
Because not just 9-11, they've been caught trying to plant WMDs, which they did physically try to do, claiming mobile weapons trucks were anthrax trucks.
They've been caught with the White House memo, 10,000 times more powerful than the Downing Street memo, which the media then ignores.
They've been caught buying fake news.
They've been caught on every front show.
I mean, their goose is cooked.
Yeah, endless stream of scandals.
It's unbelievable.
Any one of those scandals would have brought Clinton or another president down, but somehow they keep surviving.
It's remarkable.
But the 9-11 one, to me it's unique amongst all the different issues in terms of the power to create change, and that's why I'm putting my primary energy into this issue.
Well, I agree.
It's such a seminal event, and William Crystal said that a few weeks ago.
He said, this is different than all other events.
This changes our whole course.
They told us that within minutes of the attack, when the second plane hit.
We now know it was Bin Laden.
Here he is.
And this changes the world forever.
It's a post-9-11 world.
All the neocons from Kissinger to Dan Quayle went on TV.
Gary Harton said, your world is over, your freedoms are gone.
Gary Hart at the CFR a few days later said, we're going to use this for a new world order, use this attack.
Yeah, it's like it was all scripted, which of course we know it was.
They had their talking points, they had their lines.
And it was within hours that Bin Laden was blamed, and within two days they had all 19 hijackers.
It was within 42 minutes of the first plane hitting, and just, what was it, 15-20 minutes after the second.
In fact, people timelined that.
They were already on TV saying, this is who we think we did it, Bin Laden, Bin Laden, and life has changed.
Yeah, it just, it was immediately, we were told what to believe immediately.
There was no time to question or doubt.
And that's the way these PsyOps are done.
They're scripted so that there's no time to think about it or wonder.
The answers are given and it's like, okay, it's handled.
Tell us about the guy behind making this powerful new film that's going to be showing tonight at the Derby.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, your training, because you're a pretty impressive guy.
I've gotten to know you at a few events over the years.
Well, my education is actually in engineering, electrical engineering from Carnegie Mellon.
I've done a lot of postgraduate work in psychology, so a lot of the work I've been doing in the 9-11 movement is talking about the
The psychological resistance, how people don't want to believe these kinds of things.
Cognitive dissidence?
That's part of it, absolutely.
The way I would sum it up is simply that people don't want to believe it, because the implications of believing it are very scary.
It's like when they catch a father with a basement full of dead kids, and the wife says, I don't believe it.
There may be videos of him butchering them, but still, I don't believe it.
The denial thing, it's been documented many times in many studies, particularly with children that are abused.
They will defend the abuser.
Because that's their source of safety.
That's their reality.
And so we're seeing this sort of abused kid syndrome here where people are defending Bush and defending these people.
It's like women who were beat up or raped.
So it's a thing where people just don't want to believe it for a whole list of reasons.
I've given an hour lecture just on the various reasons.
But you'd asked about David Ray Griffin.
He's the star of the film and I'm honored to be working with him.
Of course, he wrote The New Pearl Harbor and the rebuttal to the Commission report.
9-11 omissions and distortions, the 400-something page lie.
Right, where he outlined over 100 specific problems with the Commission report.
And anyway, he's got now four books out, and they're all very good.
But in terms of videos, I've had the honor and privilege of videotaping and releasing most of the talks he's given.
You've been his main documentarian or videographer.
And prior to that, I've been doing some other videos and I've also been doing others on the side.
Originally, I came out with one called Perspective on 9-11 and you were the final speaker in that one for a moment.
I'm extremely honored.
Give us some websites because you don't just have this new film that we're offering.
Folks can get it at the shopping cart at InfoWars.com right now.
The new film is showing tonight.
Tell us about the other films.
You just came out with a documentary, a compilation of the Chicago Conference.
I work with my friend, Hamouk, who together we document and edit and release a number of things.
Give us some of the websites where we can find your larger catalog.
Well, the main website I've been distributing through is 911ShareTheTruth and that one carries all sorts of videos.
911ShareTheTruth.org or .com?
And they carry all sorts of stuff, including, of course, your stuff.
It's a great place to get everything.
So I just send people there.
We're going to break for a couple of minutes here.
We're going to come back.
And I want to get into where you hit the 9-11 Truth Members going.
I want to then take calls at the bottom of the hour.
And if we can, Ken, because I got you started a little bit late, by ranting, I want to keep you about 15 minutes to the next hour if we can.
We're really honored to have you.
And there's a bunch of other news, too, we will cover in the third hour, so stay with us.
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I think so.
I'm good.
You can talk about any subject you'd like to.
Any point.
It's Open Line Friday.
We've got Ken Jenkins here in studio with us.
Degreed in engineering and also worked in a lot of psychology.
And he's made a lot of great films and compilations.
And I am carrying 9-11, the myth and the reality, with the 9-11 authority, David Ray Griffin.
He does a great job.
He's very effective, not just for the younger audience, but also the middle-aged and older audience, because he's very convincing, and he has his facts together, and he goes over it in a congruent, but also at the same time, captivating way.
And so that's why we're carrying this.
We haven't carried any other films of Deborah Griffin.
I've seen a few.
This one is more documentary style and has a lot of documents and stuff over him when he's talking.
And it's available at InfoWars.com.
I'm told it's going up there right now.
So by this afternoon, later this afternoon, you'll be able to get it from InfoWars.com.
And coming up tonight, unfortunately I'll be unable to make it this evening to the premiere.
I might try to.
I was trying to get a babysitter so we could go, but I imagine I'll show up and it's going to be overrun anyways.
What time is it at the Derby?
That's 7 p.m.?
I believe so, yes.
Yeah, 7 p.m., and that's this Friday the 13th down there.
I'd say it's Friday the 13th for the New World Order, isn't it, Kent?
It's my lucky day.
Do you know why there's Friday the 13th?
Is it just seen as unlucky?
No, I actually don't.
Well, so many people believe it's a bad luck day.
I figure there's lots of good luck left over.
I don't believe in all that stuff to begin with.
I don't believe in it to begin with.
It's a joke.
I know it is.
I agree with you, actually.
I wanted people to know that I don't believe that.
But still, a lot of crazies do out there.
9-11 Truth, I mean, really, it just exponentially keeps growing.
The establishment, Ken, is trying to attack us.
But it seems like the more they attack us, it just makes us that much stronger.
Well, you know, there's the old thing, there's no such thing as bad publicity.
And that's certainly something we're looking at now with the publicity we're getting, which is very mixed.
There's certainly a lot of ridicule mixed in with it.
But the point is,
We're on the radar.
We've made a huge turning point this year with getting in the mainstream media.
And as much as they ridicule and do the kinds of hit piece interviews like the O'Reilly one you were just talking about, we get our information out there.
And that's what we're after.
And so in that sense, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
And we're now in people's awareness like we never have been before.
Every time they try to attack us, though, they build straw men, or they pick groups that have put out kooky stuff, and then people go research it, and they find all the real evidence, and it just... I mean, is the establishment dumb, or they cannot just help themselves?
They tried to ignore us the first two or three years.
Then there were some hit pieces, and that didn't work, so now they're going all out.
Well, I guess they have to.
It's like, we're on the radar now.
I mean, geez, we're in Time Magazine, right?
And so, it's like they have to deal with it, and so they ridicule as much as they can,
But, you know, obviously we have the truth on our side, and it's ultimately to our favor.
I think they're just sort of floundering, trying to figure out how to handle it, and doing the best they can, and ultimately working in our favor.
I think you're right.
They're floundering, they're panicked, they're gyrating, they're hopping up and down, but again, that hubris up there, I hope they keep that hubris longer.
I think they're just starting to lose a little bit of it, but still, it's so hard to get out of an arrogant position.
Well, they're playing that they don't have the hubris.
They're acting better these days, but it's still there and ultimately it's taking them down.
I want to make sure we don't get hubris, though, and think, oh, we're winning.
I mean, we are seeing positive signs, but they've still got the weapons.
They've still got 30% of the public totally brainwashed.
They can still attack Iran next month as a diversion or this month.
Bush or his controllers can detonate a nuke in this country.
I put nothing past these cold-blooded killers.
Well, I think you're right and I think I remain a long-term optimist but a short-term pessimist.
I think we're in for some more rough times before we get clear of this.
It's sort of like going both ways at once.
We're making progress and things in some ways are still getting worse.
As you point out, Iran's a real possibility and we can't discount that they would do some kind of a false flag to justify it.
And then Iran itself is a giant escalation in the scam.
I mean, you will get the initial rallying around the flag.
Iran will probably strike back.
Any defense they launch will be called terrorism.
And then, guaranteed, our government, the elements of it, will stage some type of event.
I see really rocky times ahead.
But with this Foley thing and North Korea testing a weapon, that kind of makes it look pretty stupid to attack Iran when somebody else has got weapons and threatening us.
Well, but they're not opposed to doing stupid things.
We've seen that before.
No, you're right.
We're going to come back.
Long segment coming up.
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Mr. Jones, this is George Bush, the President of the United States, and I've heard many things that you have been saying on the internet and other various mediums that are out there.
I understand you have
Problems with, uh, you know, the government and, uh, you believe in, uh, many, uh, conspiracies.
But I believe that, uh, we can work this out.
If you will, uh, if you will, uh...
Take my phone call.
We can speak about this stuff.
We will work this out.
Alright, Bush.
It's diplomacy, you know?
Yeah, quiet down.
We know about your diplomacy.
There's the weird mystery call I got at my house yesterday, and we're trying to figure out exactly what it is.
We're not saying it's really Bush, but Ken Jenkins here works with audio and video, too, and he was agreeing during the break that if it doesn't sound like clips from another speech, it's some really good impersonator.
I mean, high-grade.
Ken, what do you think?
I think it's a good comedian.
I got a lot of laughs out of it.
The inflections just made it sound like he was playing up Bush's various characteristics.
That's it.
A few of them are a little overdone.
But still, that's as good as the guy on Saturday Night Live or better.
That's probably him.
I mean, that is good.
It's excellent.
Just play that first little clip one more time for just a second.
Just play the first ten seconds.
It's George Bush, the President of the United States, and I've heard many things that you have been saying on the internet.
That's enough.
Yeah, it's certainly skilled.
Ken, I want to go to calls now, and of course, I'll be all over the map.
Chris, Sean, Ian, Eric, Steve, and many others at 1-800-259-9231.
But I want to remind the listeners, coming up tonight, Dobie Theatre, downtown, 7 p.m.
That's this Friday the 13th.
You'll be able to see 9-11, the myth and the reality, a compilation of speeches and information from David Ray Griffin with video and documents put over it.
It is a great new documentary film that we are carrying here at InfoWars.com.
It's on the shopping cart right now.
It will be later today.
Get a copy of this.
I watched it last night.
I was very, very impressed with this and it's going to be very, very effective in the fight against the globalists, in the fight
Well, I always start with Building 7.
To me, it's the most definitive piece of evidence in the collection that we have, which is rather large.
It just so clearly makes the point that something's wrong with the official story.
Demolition, it shows, it's a proven demolition in a dozen different ways.
And the card just points out some of the major ones.
The fact that the building fell at free fall speed.
The only way it's possible for a building to fall at free fall speed is if it's a demolition.
There's no other option or alternative.
To fall straight down is to fall in the course of maximum resistance.
Things fall in the direction of least resistance.
And so forth.
By the way, you went to a prestigious engineering university.
Carnegie Mellon.
Although my degree is in electrical engineering, we get lots of mechanical engineering and physics and chemistry.
And so, all three buildings were demolitions, but with Building 7, it's a classic demolition.
In fact, in the film, I run a demolition clip of an actual demolition side-by-side with Building 7, and what you see is the buildings fall at the precisely same speed, which is free-fall speed.
So Building 7 is always a good way to sort of break the ice and get people's attention because of course many people don't even know about Building 7 even though in 33 states it would have been the tallest building in the state and therefore to have it fall would have been front page news.
And instead, most people have never even heard of it.
Yeah, a small two-person plane flying into a 50-something story high-rise apartment complex is huge news.
Huge news, absolutely.
Just yesterday and the day before, and now with the fall of this huge building, and not even mentioned in the 9-11 commission report, probably the most blatant oversight.
So demolitions are good for people that understand physical evidence.
For me, the other, of course, major clue is the stand down.
I mean, normally when planes are off course for any reason, if their transponders go off, if they go off intercoms, any of that stuff happens.
Fighters are routinely scrambled within 10 minutes.
I mean, that's happened hundreds of times per year for decades.
And yet on 9-11, there's planes flying around for an hour and 40 minutes with virtually no fighter response.
It just, it makes no sense.
And it doesn't even make sense in terms of how they designed the operation of 9-11.
One of the things I talked about at the Chicago conference was why there's so much evidence and why, particularly with the stand down, the time was so long.
And my short answer to that long question is,
That things went wrong on 9-11 that didn't go totally according to plan and that particularly the second two planes were delayed in various ways and according to my calculations... And now we're learning there were other planes that were delayed that never took off.
So they had some big op going and there were problems.
Well they were backup planes.
I think an operation like 9-11 is always done with contingency plans and I think they were into contingencies with the second two planes and
And that's one of the reasons that there was such a long stand down.
They had to keep delaying and delaying because planes hadn't hit their targets yet.
Please continue with your points.
And of course also the possibility that Building 7 was intended to be hit with a plane and that would have better justified the demolition.
But, well of course there's the classic Bush in the classroom scene.
You know, what was he doing there?
Why didn't the Secret Service whiz come out?
That's their job.
They had to defy their standard operating procedures to allow him to stay in there.
The put options, the warnings, the whole PNAC connection.
I hit on these points in just a couple sentences on this card, but in my talks and videos, we talk about it at great length.
By the way, I've seen these around Austin.
I mean, these cards are everywhere.
Apparently, there's been 6,000 of them distributed, I'm happy to say.
Originally designed it to go inside the video, but of course, they have a great handout.
We're good to go.
He gave me feedback, and the card is very much a joint effort, very much a co-creation, and I think it's greatly improved because of that.
Well, let me say something ten times here.
I rarely make big mistakes on air, but it's been kind of crazy today up here.
And last night they had a premiere at the Dobie Theater.
And I'm in here, cockeyed, just looking at this sheet on tonight.
It can hold as many people as want to come, because I think that church holds like 300-400 people.
And it's at the Unitarian Universalist, where they're going to be showing Terror Storm in a few weeks, by the way, so I feel like a fool.
I know the pastor.
I've had him on the show here in the studio about a month ago.
He came to one of our TerrorStorm events.
And so I am a big ding-dong here.
Kevin kept coming to the window.
There's a window here in the studio looking out in the office going, pointing at the paper.
And I'm like, I know!
I'm plugging it!
I'm plugging it!
And somehow I got it in my head that there's too many premieres now.
We had Burger's film here last night, which I didn't go see.
I have seen a cut of it, though.
It's good.
So I apologize.
But it's being announced on the local radio station, so people will know.
It is the First Universalist Church at 4700 Grover, 78756.
And I know how I did that.
I had two promotionals, and I had one of them laying here, and I was looking at something from last night that said Dobie, and I just looked down and saw Dobie, and I said, hmm, Dobie.
Because there's not normally two premieres back-to-back.
So again, it is the First Universalist Church, Plenty of Parking, Big Church, 4700 Grover, 78756, and you can just type it into
MapQuest or Google Maps or whatever you find it, but it's in North Central Austin.
Nice area of Austin.
Who knows, I might go tonight.
I was thinking, oh, the Dolby, a hundred seats, there's no way this thing will be overflowed.
No, no, no, no.
I had to come to it.
Folks, it's going to be exciting.
You were trying to finish something up when I interrupted you with Kevin banging on the window.
Well, one of the main points I think it's helpful for people understand when they're trying to talk to people about the 9-11 truth issue is that, you know, there was a 9-11 commission report issued and people think that, you know, somehow answered questions.
And in fact, it not only didn't answer questions, but the widows who are the ones that demanded that the investigation even happen,
Had a long list of questions, several hundred as I recall, and 70% of them were never addressed.
70% of the questions that the widows put forth were never addressed by this commission.
And I think that's an outrage.
I think that they had to go to great effort to even make that commission happen, which of course in itself is what's called guilty demeanor when there's not a proper investigation, when normally investigations happen within a week, and with 9-11 it took 441 days.
One of the other talking points the neocons and their liberal followers use on radio and TV in their shoddy debunking operations against us is
The families are mad at you.
They never have the families on to say that.
How dare you?
You're scum.
You're evil.
I remember being in a Minnesota hotel room four years ago and seeing victims' families march around the White House with signs saying, Bush knew Bush knew it.
Bush did it.
I remember seeing it two years ago in New York.
I've interviewed Bill Doyle, the head of the biggest 9-11 victim's families group, over 7,000 members, saying he now believes it's an inside job.
I have them call me and commend me all the time.
We've talked to the Jersey Girls.
They believe there's a cover-up and the government could be involved.
So, again, the government and the media are lying, Ken.
The truth is the victim's families are on our side predominantly.
I mean, the investigation itself happened only because the victim's family is demanding it.
So look at all the deceptive tactics being used by the media, and the absconding, and the cover-ups, and the media, and the report not mentioning Building 7, and just all of this, folks.
It's the entire atmosphere, and then all the other lying of this administration.
Just look at the whole backdrop.
6166 abolishing the Bill of Rights.
I mean, it's just, we're in danger here.
Let's take some calls.
Let's talk to Chris in New York.
Thanks for holding your own with Ken Jenkins.
Hi, Alex.
I think that Bush soundbite is your opening to your next film.
But still, you guys are doing things right.
Roderick has attacked the 9-11 scholars for truth in his morning snippet that the local AM plays.
You know, he calls them all kooks doing the regular Riley thing.
So, if you get a hold of that clip, it'll probably mirror Riley point for point.
Listen, a lot of them actually get government talking points.
Again, we knew this for years.
It came out in 77 hearings in the Senate, but then it came out three years ago that Bush had spent a billion plus.
Then it was 1.6 billion the next two years.
Back in 2003, they caught him.
And they said, you have to stop.
The Congressional Budget Office, the General Accounting Office, both have investigative arms, they're non-partisan.
They said, this is patently illegal every time it's a felony.
It's illegal from all these different angles.
I mean, we're not talking about just buying fake newscasts and, you know, and cutting in applause and all that and buying it as infomercial.
They're not telling you.
They did that too.
A lot of the money was buying Armstrong Williams and buying all these reporters.
Armstrong Williams and people you heard about were the tip of the iceberg.
Let me just finish this.
But then the locals, they don't get a payoff.
They just get the patronage if they get to have that job, because they already have that mindset.
And then they all regurgitate what the big guys and gals say, because that's what winners do.
That's why the CIA called it Operation Mockingbird.
And I forgot Jack Blood's there.
We'll go to you in a second, Jack.
Sorry, I just forgot you were there.
Jack just called in.
That's why it's called Mockingbird.
They have a few of their people quack it.
Their mouthpieces put it out.
This is psychology, Ken.
I'm sure you agree with this, or you can elaborate.
They quack out what they're saying, and then other people copycat and mimic.
It's like a snowball.
You want to comment on that, Ken, before we go to Jack Blood?
Well, definitely Operation Mockingbird.
If you don't know about it, Google it.
The information's there.
This is an operation from the 50s, right?
It started, I think, even in the late 40s, where it was based.
It started right after World War II and the first big, I mean, they mentioned it in Operation Ajax.
It's been referred to as a spectacular success of basically taking over our media.
And it's been going on ever since, and of course it's gotten worse with the corporate takeover of the media.
Well, that's been going on for a long time, too.
And people ask why I get so excited every day.
It's always fresh.
It's always new.
I'm always upset.
Because, I mean, fake media?
That's not America.
Fake letters to the editor?
They were spending millions last year on fake letters from fake troops or using real names.
Thousands of them to letters to the editor.
I mean, folks, that is scary!
That is proof of a psyops!
I mean, that is unprecedented!
And so, again, why is it called Mockingbird?
Well, Mockingbird copies the tractor, copies the car, copies you.
They say it, then we all parrot it.
That's the real power of Mockingbird.
Well, thank you for the call, Chris.
Let's go to Jack Blood.
Hey, Jack, what's on your mind?
Hey Alex, I wanted to say a few things.
First of all, I want to congratulate Ken Jenkins on a great film.
We actually have David Ray Griffin on our program today, so we'll be promoting this as well.
I had called in to give you the address for the film because I think I was a little confused as well, but I am going to be there tonight at the First Unitarian Universal Church.
Also, Ken, I guess you're speaking tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at Brave New Books here in Austin.
Absolutely, yeah.
I'll be giving a presentation actually centered around this card, 11 Remarkable Facts.
And these guys down at Brave New Books are doing a great job.
Really pumped a lot of new energy down here in Austin, which we needed.
You know, Alex, I just wanted to say something real quick.
I watch Bill O'Reilly myself, so I assume there are a lot of people out there that watch this and watch Jim Fetzer and others.
on this program who aren't brain-dead sheeple who logically will see O'Reilly obfuscating and trying to skirt the truth and protect us from knowing the truth and I think it's still good publicity to have Fetzer on that show and I think a lot of people know.
Oh yeah, every time Fetzer tried to talk though, he'd talk over him.
I wonder, though, one thing... He's like, what's your proof?
And he goes, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, and you just talk over him.
I wonder, you know, we've been playing a lot of Oberman clips.
He's been doing a good job.
I wonder why he doesn't have these 9-11 truthers on, like Fetzer, Jones, or Barrett, or yourself.
I think he has to be careful.
He can actually, when Bush abolished the Bill of Rights two weeks ago, he can come on and say, here's how he abolished it.
It's pure proof.
He can read the section and show how it was done.
He can talk about how Bush is issuing fake terror alerts.
He can talk about how they're torturing people.
He can talk about how they armed North Korea.
He knows that it's just too controversial, and I think he's doing the right thing, frankly.
I think it's our job to all go public and others shouldn't, but I mean, we would lose him the minute he did that.
Side-by-side, looking at what we do, what the media does offer, he's way ahead of the pack.
Sure, sure.
I'm sorry for interrupting.
There's no doubt, though, he knows.
That guy's totally dialed in.
Yeah, I mean, we are going the way of Russia.
We see where they're shooting reporters over there, and they have state-controlled media.
Same thing with Italy, and of course China, and other people who have state-run media.
I mean, it's just an illusion that our media is really run by corporate ownership.
I mean, corporate ownership, we know, does own America, and they want access to the politicians, so they play this little game.
Well, again, I want to comment and really thank Ken Jenkins for putting this film out.
We need more information than we can really get.
We need as much information as we can get.
Alex, if I could, real quick, just say, we've started a new 9-11, People's 9-11 site.
It works kind of like MySpace.
It's called
I really hope everybody goes there and signs up, puts up a profile.
You can have a free profile, a free blog.
You can do some chatting.
It's a new website.
It's an umbrella to be all-inclusive for everybody.
It's called, again,
People for 911justice.com.
Thanks, guys, for doing a great job.
Alex, I'll see you on my show on Monday.
That's right, and you're on 2 to 4 Central right after this broadcast, Jack.
And I'll have you on soon to talk about your MySpace thing.
In fact, we've been planning something similar, like everybody else is.
And we'll be launching something as well.
Maybe we can team up and work together, as we always do.
Take care, Jack Blood.
Thanks, Jack.
All right, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with more of your calls.
And Ken Jenkins, stay with us.
It's here!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
Ken Jenkins is riding shotgun with us before I end this hour.
We're going to go right back to your calls.
9-11, the myth and the reality.
I told my webmaster to put it on the shopping cart about an hour ago.
I forgot this morning.
I was going to watch it last night and tell him if I wanted to carry it.
Then I watched it and decided I wanted to carry it.
Then all of a sudden, Ken shows up at the studio.
I go, oh, I got you on today.
Oh, we haven't put it on the shopping cart yet.
This film just came out.
I've decided to carry it.
I've just put an order in for them, so they'll be here.
How long will it take to get them?
Like a week or something, Ken?
Well, I'm going to order a couple hundred of these babies, so please go ahead and put your orders in now.
These just came out.
They just got the DVDs.
Please go to Infowars.com and order a copy of 9-11, The Myth and the Reality with David Ray Griffin.
It is a documentary.
It's got video and clips over his different talks they've got together and these big six-camera shoots.
It's really professionally done.
We also have 9-11
Mystery Part One Demolitions which is excellent in stock.
We also of course have my film Terror Storm with the 68 minutes of extra from the 9-11 Neoconagenda Symposium out in LA available.
And so when you get these videos you support the folks that made 9-11 Mysteries.
You support Kim Jenkins.
You support myself.
You allow us to continue doing what we're doing.
Of course, my film Terror Storm is available for free on Google Video.
Please pass that around to everyone.
We're trying to get the word out here.
We're trying to expose the terrorists, but also support us by getting the original high-quality DVDs.
It's also good to have that in your library, and it's good to make copies from those films.
Putting you on the spot, I didn't ask you this on air, but I bet I know the type of guy you are.
Is it alright if folks make copies of the film for non-profit reasons to get out to folks?
Yep, that's the name of the game here, get the word out.
Because we're not going to have a country in survival if we don't.
But then I know it's hard financially at the same time, because then you don't shell as many.
I'm going to catch 22, folks.
I'm actually needing funds right now, but I'm just like, get it free!
Take it!
I don't care!
We all have that same dichotomy going.
I just encourage people that can't afford to buy it to go ahead and support the movement and support
Alex and everybody that's doing all this great work.
But if that doesn't work for you, then copy it and get it out there.
In fact, I'm just so excited about what's happening.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sean in Arizona.
Sean, thanks for holding.
Hi, Sean.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
Thank you.
I'm also an electrical engineer and part of the 9-11 Scholars.
I think we are turning the tide.
This week I was in my concealed carry class and was talking with people, and there was only one person that believed the official line.
And they all got a copy of your film, Terror Storm.
Well, see, and I'm interrupting, but I'll hold you over if we need to in the next hour if you can, Culler.
This is what I've experienced.
I think so.
I do radio interviews where they scream at me, they call me traitor, they call me scum, and I mean, I'll be on two hours sometimes and the host freaks out and says, I'm not having you on, we're cutting the interview short, you know, an hour and a half in, because they've taken thirty callers and maybe one of them, and it's usually, you're a traitor and need to be killed.
It's always the same type person, same mentality.
I mean, and I hear others go, nobody's waking up in my area.
Maybe there are certain pockets of people, and one of my friends said,
He said, and he's actually a psychologist, he said, well, what it is is Americans are so easily influenced, they hear you lay out all these facts, they instantly then agree with you on the air, but then later they hear Bush or somebody and then agree with that.
Americans now have gotten kind of brainwashed where they can switch on and off and kind of have double think and multi-beliefs.
So that's, I don't want us to get hubris here and say we're the majority, but there are thinking people coming around.
Ken, you want to comment on that?
Then I'm going to hold Sean over.
Well, the strange irony of our time is that the worse things get, the easier it gets for us to do our job.
I mean, the horrors in Iraq and the long series of scandals, everything that keeps going bad, the tragedy in
in New Orleans makes people realize that this government is not supporting us, it's not supporting the people, and people are waking up around those issues, and as they wake up around those issues, they're more open to our truth.
That's right, because they've been caught in so much already.
Stay there, Sean, we'll finish up, then Ian, Eric, Steve, and others.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Already in the third and final hour of this live Friday edition,
Wide open phones in this third hour.
I have several other audio clips I want to play.
And one more time, because of a request, we'll play the bizarre George Bush phone call I got.
The other day, it was on Monday, it was John Ashcroft, who I really did get a chance to confront on the radio.
You never know, but this is obviously one of the top comedians in the country.
This is better than the guy they have on Saturday Night Live.
See, a few of the inflections are slightly overdone, but I've also heard Bush sometimes when he's overdoing it.
So I'm like, man, that sounds just like George Bush.
A really weird phone call.
I'd like whoever did it to step forward.
I mean, I'd like to... I mean, you're incredible.
That's all I've got to say.
And if you didn't know it, you could be making big money.
So that's coming up.
A bunch of other news.
I'm going to have Kim on this for another 20 minutes.
He's going to be showing his new film that features David Ray Griffin in video clips and documents.
It is a documentary.
I would just call it a presentation.
Tonight, 9-11, the myth and the reality.
9-11 Truth, join us for an exclusive awesome premiere of the new film, 9-11, The Myth and the Reality by author, theologian, 9-11 author, David Ray Griffin.
I read that earlier and I thought David Ray Griffin was going to be there.
No, it's going to be Ken Jenkins, the filmmaker.
The film will be followed by the producer, 9-11 filmmaker, Ken Jenkins, who will give a short PowerPoint presentation about the events of 9-11 and host a question and answer session.
And who knows, I might wrangle a babysitter and come to that tonight, bring my wifey poo.
When we present the facts,
The only response that these people can come back at us is character attacks.
You're stupid, you're a liar, you hate America!
Yeah, exactly, and it's a psychological operation, and I wish when we get to appear on some of these shows that we can get a word in edgewise.
How do you think we can go about getting more of those facts out?
I have been on national television since I went on AXS TV.
I mean, immediately when I went on AXS TV, almost 13 years ago, three or four times a year I'd be on Extra, Hard Copy, Good Morning America.
I've heard stories I was doing.
So I've been on quite a few of these.
And now my name's gotten out there and they won't have me on.
Producers from CNN call, producers from Fox call, I mean a bunch this year.
Yes, we are.
I will not let them run over me.
I mean, I won't let guests in the studio do that.
I'm obnoxious.
It's a good thing when I'm on with them because I will just hit bullet points.
I will put out the facts.
I'll pull out a card with a website on it.
There's tactics.
And if you learn to, I guess, go along with them and let them just beat you up like a meat puppet, which I guess is okay.
I mean, you can still get a few words out and say a website.
Fetcher did that.
He said, well, just let me say the website now, which does do something.
And kind of in their arrogance, in their hubris, they'll still have you on just to beat you up.
And in the end it really kind of makes them look bad.
So I'm not criticizing those who go on and fight with them.
And you know, those that go on with them and get shut down.
But when you do go on, also you can guilt them into letting you talk.
Oh, I notice you won't let me talk because you're afraid of the truth.
Oh, you're not letting me speak.
Oh, you're afraid.
And a lot of them are so arrogant.
Okay, go ahead.
You've got one minute.
And then they'll actually give you 30 seconds.
I've seen people do that with them.
I've even seen Kevin Barrett do that when he was on one of the shows.
Oh, you're not going to let me talk, are you?
And so they let him talk for maybe 30 seconds.
So, I mean, that's my opinion on tactics.
But if you go on those shows and clean their clocks once or twice, you will never be on the shows again.
I've now been officially in that last CNN thing where I just totally took over on two segments.
I mean, that's it.
Alex Jones, you don't hear from him no more.
That doesn't matter, though.
We've got more listeners to this radio show than most of those joke cable shows.
All right, we'll be right back with more calls.
Stay with us.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to go to Ian, Eric, Steve, Jeff, Roger, and others.
In fact, let's go to Roger right now.
He's at the end of the line, but he goes to the head of it because he's calling on his own dime from Norway.
Roger in Norway, good to have you on board.
Thank you very much.
Do you hear me clearly?
Yes, I hear you clearly.
What's on your mind?
What's your comment?
My name is Roger Erickson, I'm 20 years old and I'm an Educator Network Administrator from Norway.
I got a prison plan with a TV membership for several months and I watched all your movies.
Well thank you, sir.
Thank you.
I have a project about distributes... Now go ahead, sir.
Dark secrets inside Bohemian Grove and the Order of Death by France and sending them to political journalists in the biggest newspapers in Norway.
Oh good, so you're sending...
Yes, I'm sending the DVD copies to the journalists.
Good, good, thank you.
The terror storm and the movie about the Bilderberg Conference in Canada this year has been a great success in the awakening process for my friends and you're a great person and I commend you for your strength and will and the great tools you have given me so I can join you in the fight against New World Order.
And I only have a
Comment about the George Bush calling.
Yeah, what did you think of the George Bush audio?
It was too real.
And it just acted too much out.
It feels like you just had the usual George Bush stuff.
It just acted out, but it really
It really sounds like him.
No, that's the thing.
I mean that's either one of the top impersonators in the country or it was some speech or something they cut out but it sounded tonally like a phone interview and like the same audio.
So it's weird.
I don't think it's George Bush.
Some people are calling and somebody in the office thinks it might be.
It is not George Bush.
Though I know George Bush.
I met him a few times.
My sister went to the same school.
I went to public school.
She got to go to private school.
His daughter is here in Austin, similar age.
He had me arrested, of course, when I asked him a question when he was governor later.
It was in the paper, too.
He turned to somebody and said, That's Alex Jones!
That's the guy who... And that was in 98.
And the paper said they didn't know what he was.
But I don't think it was George Bush calling me up.
I do know I have friends that work in the administration.
I know people who work in the administration.
Because, again, it's because Austin is like a bedroom community of D.C.
I mean, they really do.
This is kind of like their vacation area.
Karl Rove's from here.
That's where he lived before that.
They're all sneaking around here locally.
I don't think it was George Bush.
Well, listen, Roger, keep it up from Norway, my friend.
Thank you very much.
God bless you.
You want to comment on that?
I mean, we get calls from McMurtle, Antarctic Station, from China, from Africa, from Canada, from Mexico, from Germany, from England, every day.
Thanks to all of you listening in, supporting this work.
It's an international effort.
We all have a part in this.
Absolutely, Ken.
And again, your selfless dedication to this.
Let me ask you, when did you wake up the 9-11?
Because I saw you in 2003 at the Project
Since your awards, was it 2004?
I mean, you've been out there for a while.
When did you first get involved?
When did you wake up?
Was it gradual?
Was it an epiphany?
Was it that morning?
What were you doing before?
Well, actually, you helped, Alex.
I bought the official story for a few weeks because I thought it was blowback.
I knew a lot about our horrible foreign policy and just thought, well, finally, you know, somebody's doing something about it.
But I started getting emails from various websites, including yours,
And I knew a lot about the Kennedy assassination.
I knew a lot about the phony moron drugs and a lot of other things like that.
And I started thinking, God, this looks a lot like the Kennedy assassination.
So I just kept reading and researching and reading.
And still, it took me a number of weeks before I finally came to thinking, yeah, this looks like it's an inside job.
But what slowed me down was the scale of it.
The big lie aspect that we now know is one of the reasons that people have trouble believing these things is when something happens on this scale, the big lie it's called, it's hard to believe.
And so I was in the high 90% certain for a number of weeks until I learned what I didn't know about the Pearl Harbor.
and uh... how that was uh... the warner all these warnings are totally provocative and uh... later learned it was also provoked and so then and so could so that was on a similar scale and that was the final thing that made made me feel a hundred percent certain and by the way the straw man uh... you know the folks like to build strongman against us they always claim that we're saying the japanese didn't attack popular mechanics o'reilly
They're all doing this now, and we're not saying that.
We have the official, ten-part, declassified plan to attack the... and we're not defending the Imperial Japanese either.
Government gets pretty evil.
Both sides are bad here.
There was a ten-part plan.
The private Flying Tigers were attacking the Japanese.
We had planes attacking them, private corporations.
We cut off their oil.
And then, weeks before...
They withdraw their ambassadors.
We have the purple and the blue code.
We know the exact day of the attack.
The Honolulu Advertiser, a week before in its Sunday edition, I have the headlines, said we're going to be attacked on this day.
It had leaked.
Everybody knew.
The troops had all heard.
They didn't want to go on leave.
They said, go on leave, have fun.
They were ordered to tie the planes up in neat rows, tie the old ships up, send the carriers out.
It was all staged.
Then Japanese submarines malfunctioned, midget subs, and I knew this before.
Not because I'm smart.
I see things, and I put two and two together.
The Pacific Museum, the Pacific War Museum out at Fredericksburg, I remember going there as a kid, and they had the Japanese midget sub, and it said in the morning, they saw this one ran up on the bank, they got out, our troops captured him, and it was like an hour before the attack, and I went, this is on the main island.
And then another one goes into the harbor, and they depth charge it, and they tell everybody, stay off alert, because there are
Was it four or five?
And it later came out on CNN, by the way, in 2002.
And I was already covering it and people thought I was nuts.
Yeah, it was five.
Five midget subs were trying to attack.
Okay, they got there about two hours early, started wrecking an hour before, depth charged an hour before, and they told everybody, stay off alert.
Submarines are trying to attack, but to make sure it's devastating.
Not that we shot off an attack.
They told them to stand down.
Now folks, that's the layer.
And Ken, I see you with wide eyes.
You didn't know about that?
I didn't know about the midget subs.
Actually, I learned a number of things in the last few seconds here.
But the main thing I think is that there were warnings.
He said they broke the purple code.
We knew this stuff was coming.
And so again, the pattern, the similarity with 9-11 is quite remarkable.
And the scale of it, and what I've learned since then, and again, thanks to you and other people, is that this is how virtually all wars are started.
They're all based on lies.
The Spanish-American War.
They did nothing.
They were an aging empire.
The ship blows up.
Hirsch Publishing, that wrote the book on yellow journalism, now attacking us again.
It's just the same people.
And to me, this is the meta-message of our 9-11 Truth Movement, is that all wars are based on lies.
Anytime anybody tries to say that we need to go to war for any reason, red flags.
Societies really don't want to go to war.
It's always the governments and the elites.
The people never want to see their son.
And there's nothing macho or cool about it, folks.
I'm so sick of, you're not a man, or you can't speak until you've gone off in some war.
Hey, if somebody attacks my country, I'm going to go fight them.
If people invade my country, I'm going to speak out against them.
It's happening.
Bush is behind it.
I'm speaking out.
We're here to defend this country, and yeah, War is, it's Medley Butler, Congressional Medal of Honor winner, they wanted to make him the head of the coup, and he said no, and he went, and it was the same people that supported Prescott Bush, tried to coup this country in the 30's!
And he's the one that said, War is a racket, and that's, that's
You know, that's from a military man who was involved.
He said he was their hired errand boy and henchman.
He was sent, and he finally just woke up to it.
And wrote books about it and read them.
Check out Smudley Butler.
His work is important to understand the bigger pattern.
It goes back to Roman days and before.
This is an old, old story that we need to wake up because we can't just keep fighting wars this way.
We're going to destroy the entire planet.
Well, yeah, we talk about the environment.
Do you?
I want to see Nature Conservancy and Sierra Club talk about that instead of grabbing ranches and farms.
I mean, this stuff is blowing all over the planet.
It's got off half-life of $4.5 billion.
Let's take a call here.
Let's go ahead and talk to... I'm going to have to hold you over now to the next segment.
We've got to finish this slate of calls if you can.
Let's talk to Ian in New York.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
I was wondering what you two thought about the documentary 9-11 Eyewitness.
Those are nice fellas, and I had them out to speak at my 9-11 Neoconagena Symposium in L.A.
I don't agree with some of the new directions they've taken, to put it lightly, but that's what I'll say.
It wasn't that bad because they brought up a lot of good points and stuff.
Yeah, that's because you're already awake and aware, okay?
The people who care about 9-11 are, quote, retarded.
Over and over again, that was grilled.
We fish feces out of things and go to the bathroom in bad places.
We're anti-semitic, and we're horrible, and we accuse innocent people.
People told me Team America had a good mission.
No, it didn't.
It had Michael Moore as a terrorist, blowing himself up.
It had anybody who questioned the war being a terrorist.
And it had the Muslims really attacking us, which is a fiction.
Durka, durka, durka.
It was very racist and xenophobic.
Do you want to get down to brass tacks, Ken?
I just wanted to comment briefly on the Eyewitness film.
I mean, I applaud people that are working to get the truth out, and they are, but there is some misinformation in there, and they're even going to this really crazy theory about no planes hit the buildings, and you know, that kind of idea can be used to discredit our movement and discredit the truth that we're trying to be putting out.
It's very, and I think they're good guys, but I just, come on folks,
Just, you know, holograms don't work like that, okay?
CG'd in... I have family, okay?
I have friends who saw the first plane, okay?
It was not CG'd in.
Well, I work in special effects.
I have for decades, and that was one of my first reasons that I stepped in to try to speak out against this no planes idea.
It's like, that can't be done that way with special effects.
It just can't.
And so, the planes hit the buildings.
Come on, we don't know which planes for sure, but these really...
Fringe theories can be counterproductive and we need to be careful and put out only the best information.
Yeah, and the folks that put out the Eyewitness film, it's a good film.
It's just, I'm saying now, I think there's a new version or something.
Thank you, sir.
Let's do one more so we can talk to three more callers.
Alright, Kim?
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Welcome back, my friends.
You're only alive once.
Why not tell the truth?
Why not be involved?
That bumper sticker that says the man who dies with the most toys wins?
That's the loser.
And I don't think things themselves are bad.
It's that when it's your idol, your god, all you care about.
No, no, it's about relationships and what you create and what you do and the ideas.
That's what you're designed to do.
You're going to be happy when you do that.
And you're being lied to by this consumer society.
You're being defrauded.
And I just want you to know that some people are afraid of losing something to get involved.
They're afraid that if I get involved, they'll get me.
You're already living in tyranny.
Let's take some final calls for our guest.
I'll continue with calls in the next segment and get into a bunch of news and recap some other stories we haven't gotten to yet and play that Bush clip one more time.
You'll probably never hear it again.
Let's go ahead and talk to Steve in Texas.
Steve, go ahead.
Yeah, good afternoon, Alex.
First of all, I wanted to say my first exposure to you and, well, you know, what you've been doing was on TaxMars video, Night Stalkers Over America.
And I really, really appreciated what you had to say there.
And since then, I have bookmarked you onto my page, you know, my webpage.
I have gotten the five-pack of the videos that you have, the DVDs.
The terror storm, I'll tell you, that is dynamite.
I just wanted to share real quickly some personal experiences I've had recently, because I am on board.
I equate you with the modern-day Paul Revere, you know, riding through the midnight, shining the light of truth and trying to warn people that the tyrannists are coming.
And people, you know, need to wake up.
And then if you have time, I have a poem that I wrote called Watch Out for the New World Order, and I'll send you a copy of this, but if I have time, I'd like to share it.
Sure, how long is the poem?
It's not very long at all.
Sure, you can go ahead and read it.
I would just say, I see us all as Paul Revere's.
Every man, woman, and child, black, white, old, young, because they can kill one of us.
They cannot kill an idea.
Ideas, as V said, are bulletproof.
But go ahead and tell us your poem.
We'd be honored to hear it.
Okay, it's called, I actually wrote this in 2000 and I've expanded it.
It's called, Watch Out for the New World Order.
Watch out for the new world order they say does not exist.
Conspiracies of fallacy, the loonies must persist.
But that is all part of the game to cover up their tracks.
Speaking peace while all along preparing to attack.
Watch out for the New World Order, their plans to integrate.
To make the world a global village, one big brother state.
The world is getting smaller, they'd have us to believe.
Come together now, the theme by which they do deceive.
Watch out for the New World Order.
The environment's a mess.
The Earth's your mother.
Treat her kind.
It's through her we're all blessed.
It's time we did clean up our act and green consolidation.
They seek to end the sovereignty of rich polluter nations.
Watch out for the New World Order where family is a crime.
Control the population cause we're running out of time.
We've got to save the planet from this people overkill.
And so they've made abortion law to do the devil's will.
Watch out for the New World Order saying they will assist.
We're doing it for the children.
Put the parents on our list.
Christian, married, homeschool teaching, all dangerous to the state.
We know better.
Give us your kids.
We'll save them from their fate.
Watch out for the New World Order where hate crimes do abound.
These Bible bigot homophobes, we'll run them out of town.
Or better still, let's round them up and send them off to camp for treatment and re-education under the Psycho Stamp.
Watch out for the New World Order.
They say we'll set things right by enlightening the ignorant masses with illuminating light.
Ordo ab cao and ventures of crisis so chaos will abound.
Then call in the troops under martial law, insurrection we must put down.
Watch out for the New World Order, their talk of 9-11.
Pointing the way to what they'd have us believe is global heaven.
The evil elite would have us believe, your saviors we will be, but security's cost will be your loss of God-given liberty.
Watch out for the New World Order, they play both sides my friend.
The global elite will use anyone to accomplish their evil end.
Well listen, that's not really a short poem, it's very nice though.
If you want I'll put you on hold and we can finish.
I gotta say,
Well, to me, I mentioned earlier the meta message of 9-11.
I've been in opposing wars most of my life.
And it just seems to keep happening.
And with 9-11, I think we have an unprecedented opportunity to create really profound change in this world and to wake people up.
The message of 9-11 is that all wars are based on fraud and that we can end war by breaking the pattern of the deceptions that are used to lead us into war.
And coming up tonight, folks, you can go see it.
The new film, and that's going to be at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin, 7400.
That's 4700 Grover.
And you can just type in Austin Universalist Church or something like that and you'll find no problem.
That's coming up tonight.
It's going to be great.
He has a PowerPoint coming up after that.
Ken, thanks for spending time with us.
My pleasure.
Thanks for having me on.
Thank you, sir.
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Welcome back, my friends.
Continuing with your phone calls and some other key news before we end this Friday transmission.
Ken Jenkins is really a great guy.
He actually has some DVDs with him, so we just got some.
I just put in an order for 200 more.
He's going to ship to us as soon as he gets back to the West Coast.
But the new film is 9-11, The Myth and the Reality.
And my webmaster is putting it up there in the next few hours on the shopping cart at InfoWars.com and so if you want the new film it's $19.95 you can write to us as well or you can order via the toll free number or by visiting InfoWars.com.
9-1-1 the myth and the reality and it is two different six camera shoots
We're good to go.
It is excellent.
Ken came by yesterday and said, hey, I want to carry this.
Show me some stuff.
And I said, let me go watch these.
And I went and watched his new film.
And I said, that's it.
I've got to have this.
So it's going up there on the shopping cart.
It's not already up there.
It should be up there by the end of the show.
But if not, get it over the weekend at InfoWars.com.
9-1-1, the myth and the reality.
Another great 9-11 film that we offer at InfoWars.com that just came out last month.
That's 9-11.
9, 11, Mysteries, Part 1, Demolitions.
Part 2 and 3 are not out yet, obviously.
They'll be out in the next six months to a year.
Part 2 in the next six months until Part 3 in about a year.
But it's an excellent film, just centering in on demolitions.
David Ray Griffin centers in on the lies of the Commission, the evidence, the PENAC.
Very important new film.
Just came out 9-11 the myth and the reality available by writing to us at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100 Austin Texas 78704 or again at InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139
And even if you already have Terror Storm, get another copy.
It supports us.
Give it as a gift.
Give it as an early Christmas present in this holiday season.
You know, don't give a fruitcake or a tie.
No one will eat or no one will wear or some sweater that they won't like and they have to return.
Give them a Terror Storm.
Over three hours, 1995, one DVD, the film's two hours, 68 minutes of extras on it from the 9-11 Neoconagena Symposium.
Really, two films in one for 1995.
Get my new film Order of Death and the original Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove updated on the same DVD for 1995.
Support us!
Again, that's Infowars.com or simply call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or you can simply write to me.
I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And then of course there is PrisonPlanet.tv.
All 15 of my films.
My book, Paul Watson's book.
My weekly TV reports, video reports in studio every week, sometimes
Multiple times.
In fact, in the last month we looked it up.
We put a new piece of media up every day.
That's not true.
We average it every working day.
Five new videos a week.
New audio every day if you count those.
Over a thousand plus pieces of media at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Alright, let's go ahead and go to your calls and I'll recap some of the top stories and play this bizarre George Bush phone call.
If it's George Bush.
But before we do that, also one program note here.
I will be live on the radio this Sunday.
This Sunday.
This Sunday.
And that will be
Of course, from 4 to 6 p.m.
on News Radio 590 KLBJ.
And I know that stations all over the country have called me and emailed me because I've said on air, hey, are you going to pick us up?
Will you carry the new Sunday show?
I have not been told by Genesis Affiliate Relations, as I requested on Tuesday, of what those stations are that have signed on.
But it doesn't matter.
The stations have called me.
And it looks like five stations have contacted us that they were either already carrying it, one in Ohio was carrying it last week, one in Illinois was carrying it last week, that they were either already carrying the new syndicated show or they were going to this weekend.
Thank you!
In fact, folks, let's not wait for orders from headquarters.
Let's go to the sound of the guns here.
If you're already an affiliate, you've already got an affiliate relations agreement.
You don't need to get a new one to carry the show.
Just go ahead and pick it up if you want off the Star Guide feed that's listed at the GCNlive.com website.
And then later you can tell them you're picking it up and they can tell you the clock.
I just want the information out there.
I want this new Sunday show to be a big success.
EMS is talking about, and they've said they are, going to put it on one of their biggest stations in St.
Illinois, Norfolk, Virginia, Florida.
So, they're stepping up to the plate, folks.
I want to see the Genesis affiliates out there step up, please.
The Sunday Show, 4 to 6 p.m.
And again...
If you can't pick it up 4 to 6 p.m., re-air it 6 to 8 or 8 to 10 or 10 to midnight or midnight to 2.
That way you've got Sunday information, weekend news.
We're doing this to cover that gap.
So much happens over the weekend.
And of course, if you live as far north as southern Oklahoma to Houston past San Antonio, the main footprint of the broadcast goes north.
All the way.
I've listened to Kelby J into Oklahoma.
You can listen to it great in Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston, Austin.
I was listening to them out in East Texas near our family property near Buffalo and Fairfield in Palestine.
So it is just incredible.
So all over Texas folks, 590 AM, one of the top stations in the country.
We're really excited because by them stepping up and saying we want Alex Jones, we didn't solicit them.
I mean that shows so many not just great mom and pops and small stations and middle sized stations.
We've got quite a few big ones too.
But this is a blue chip station and we're going to be expanding it soon to three hours.
So again,
I want to know how many stations are picking it up.
Maybe stations that have agreed to pick it up.
You know what?
Call Kevin Smith and just tell him here at the office.
We'll just step up and do the work.
Give Kevin a call at 512-291-5750.
And then hit extension 4 for media and then extension 1.
And if you have an answer just tell us if you're picking it up.
And your station call letters and number and frequency.
Because I want to plug you guys.
I want to thank you on Sunday for picking it up.
Whether it's a Montana or Wyoming or Tennessee station.
Whether it's a California station.
Whatever it is.
Alright, that's done.
I'm done talking about it.
4 to 6 p.m.
this Sunday.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeff, or I said I'd let Steve finish up.
See, that's a long poem.
It's a nice poem, but it's really, really long.
Go ahead and finish your poem up.
Okay, I'm sorry.
I was just about done.
No, be sorry!
I just had a guest in here and I had to... Go ahead.
Watch out for the New World Order.
They play both sides, my friend.
The global elite will use anyone to accomplish their evil ends.
Conservative Republican or Liberal Democrat.
The political label matters not.
It's where their heart is at.
Watch out for the New World Order.
Nimrod's dream fulfilled.
Old Babel's towering monument for the new age we must build.
Your children, your money, your land, your rights.
They'll take all they can get.
The bottom line is power and thus they spread their evil net.
Watch out for the New World Order.
How will it all end?
God will let them get so far.
But hearken now, my friend.
If you are saved by Jesus Christ, you need not fear their scheme.
When he comes back, he'll smash the beast, and then he'll reign supreme.
Watch out for the New World Order demanding all fall down.
I say, I'd rather burn than bow.
I won't be Satan's clown.
Yes, you may kill my body, but my soul belongs to Christ.
At his return, you're gonna burn, thou wicked antichrist.
All right, my friend.
You ought to go post that on the MySpace account or email that to us.
I appreciate it.
Good job.
Good to hear from you.
Let's talk to Jeff in Texas.
Jeff, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to mention quickly a new piece of technology developed right here in Austin.
You might be interested for new media purposes.
What is it?
It's called MarketMetric.com, and they have an extremely lightweight media player that runs off of Shockwave, and it has almost zero load time.
And I thought it might be something you could look into for one of your many websites, because a visitor to your website would have, like, almost no wait time to see an important video clip.
Well, that's great.
So it's a program?
Yeah, it's a little piece of technology.
It's basically a media player that they would have you, as the owner of a website, hyperlink to.
The company's brand new, so they don't have their business model fully worked out yet, but I have a friend who works for the company.
And if you go to marketmetric.com, you can see a quick demo and some case studies.
Well, that sounds neat.
Yeah, we're real cutting edge on a lot of things.
And we've got ancient HTML websites, which people seem to like.
And we could have gone to blogs, but we haven't.
But sure, thank you so much for the info.
Anything else?
Just a quick comment.
You mentioned South Park and the fact that some people are putting the straw man argument up of a hologram 9-11 event crashing into the buildings.
I was there.
I was at the Cosmopolitan Hotel, 95 West Broadway, and Flight 11 flew right over my head while I was shaving the morning of 9-11.
And I'm a former aviation logistics officer in the U.S.
Marine Corps, and I know the difference in the sound of the engines between a large civilian airliner and a fighter jet.
And this one flew right over my head, and I heard it impact the first tower.
No, I had a distant cousin who saw it, and then I had a good family friend, Jimmy Wright, who saw it, who worked in the World Financial Center, literally 200 yards, okay?
Or less than, it's like right across, maybe 100 yards, not even that, it's like right across the street from the South Tower.
Let me think about that.
50 yards, 50 yards.
Yeah, the sound of the impact was unmistakable.
Yeah, and then they get real aggressive and demand
That we agree that no plane said it, or we're all agents.
Well, you've got to watch who talks like that.
You know, me thinks you protest too much.
I mean, who is the accuser?
It's just crazy.
It's just craziness.
Some of them are nuts.
Others have got to be operatives.
And it's really shameful and really sad.
And then I've even tried to look at, you know, trying to debate the people that they're so vicious.
I didn't know that one of the progenitors of this had said all these horrible things about me.
I was even about to try to talk to him and I luckily did some research and was like, oh my God, you know, this is horrible.
But again, they need that type of wild, disprovable stuff out there so folks don't look at the real meat and potatoes.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Al, and Al's calling us from California, IA.
Welcome, sir.
Yeah, good afternoon to you, and thanks for taking my call, Alex.
My wife and I just really appreciate everything you're doing, and we're spreading the word out here to wake everybody up here in California, and talking about the terror storm and so forth, and a comment on that piece, George Bush.
It sounds like him.
I think you're working his conscience.
I think so.
I don't think so.
It's about tyranny, and I think... We've got so much great music here, I need to... We're all trying to listen to it, and I appreciate your call.
Okay, good to hear from you.
I saw, it was on my MySpace account yesterday, and some guy said, Alex doesn't read this, he has his flunkies read it!
I try to read my MySpace, I try to read the thousands of emails,
But when I say on air, we read it, one of us reads your emails and maybe every once in a while we miss one or something.
That's why if you don't get a response, send it again.
You may never even get a response, but no, we're trying.
We're trying to read all the mail.
I try to read it.
You know, it's not like, he's too high and mighty to read it.
You ought to try reading it.
I've had so many callers and so many listeners get mad.
I sent you a letter three times.
I sent you this twice.
Why haven't you responded?
Folks, can you imagine?
But then I don't want to discourage you from sending it because we are going through it.
You do help us.
The documents, the videos, the photos, all you do.
Listen, don't wait for orders from headquarters.
Go to the sound of the guns.
Danny in Tennessee.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex.
How you doing man?
I got to speak with you the other day.
I was down in Florida on vacation with my family.
I remember and you talked about I didn't thumbscan.
Yeah, I wanted to further add to that.
I was walking around in the parks with that shirt, you know, the gun rights shirt.
And I had a lot of people looking at that, you know, I could tell, you know, certain people.
They were probably so stupid that they didn't know it was anti-Hitler.
You know, it says mass murderers agree gun control works, Mao, Hitler, and Stalin, and India.
Yeah, see, you know, a lot of people were looking at it and nobody really said nothing until later on in the day.
I was walking through the park and I was on the phone
And I got a tap on the shoulder from somebody.
I don't know who it was.
It's some guy and he tapped me on the shoulder and he's like, yeah man, thumbs up.
You know, that's a good shirt.
So somebody who had a brain.
He was, I guess he could have been, you know, someone who listens or something.
It's like, he was glad to see that out there, you know?
I mean, I'm walking around with the shirt.
You're at, you know, your, your website on there or something, you know, people might be reading it.
You know, I could tell, you can see in the reactions that people are looking at that and saying, maybe I'll check out that site, you know?
That's how we win the fight!
Word of mouth, brother, and you're a walking billboard for the truth when you do that.
Yeah, that works out really well.
I mean, I walk around with loose change and, you know, I get a lot of people looking at that.
I've gotten my hair cut and people will say, what's that shirt all about?
You know, I end up talking to them for, you know, a long time.
That's how you do it.
What else is on your mind?
I've got to jump quick.
Also, further listening to the show today, I wanted to mention that I think that, you know, the government made a lot of mistakes on 9-11.
And they were intended to do a lot more damage, and I think the planes hit, you know, the bombs are supposed to go off at the same time, really fast, so nobody would notice, and there wasn't supposed to be anybody.
Available to talk about bombs.
I agree.
Good to hear from you.
Gotta jump on and take a final call.
I want to play this prison clip.
It's a 50-minute program on PrisonPlanet.com from the BBC.
It's one of those British outfits, but I want to play that in the final segment, so we gotta go quick.
Chris in Kentucky, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I just wanted to bring up on the school shooting news.
Now the news media are saying, not school shooters, but now everybody's being labeled as the terrorist.
Oh, I know, I now notice it's terrorist shootings.
See, all crime is terror.
And a kid brings a fake gun to school as a joke, he's charged as a terrorist.
Terror, terror, terror.
Yeah, and now they're going to be thinking about pushing the thumb scanners in all the public schools now.
And federal control, and psychological testing, exactly.
Yeah, and if you guys don't know what I'm talking about, look at the film Police Day 2, The Takeover.
That is some information about the takeovers.
Oh, it's cutting edge today.
People need to get Takeover, Masters of Terror, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed, Police Day 2000.
Yeah, exactly, all those classics.
Thank you so much, sir.
We're out of time.
Okay, and I promised that I was going to air this clip.
It's like the first five minutes, and you did cut the cussing out, right, John?
This is police beating and admits raping people right here in Texas.
So, the point I've made, you think Abu Ghraib is something new.
Abu Ghraib is nothing.
This is going on here in America.
It's a 50-minute program.
It's so horrible.
Watch it this weekend.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com for free.
You can just go up there.
We have a link to it.
And please get Terror Storm, order the DVD, get it out to everybody, and tell folks it's for free on Google Video.
Help us this weekend!
Tell everybody!
Don't let Google censor it!
Alright, God bless y'all.
Final segment coming up.
Stay with us.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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I think so.
Long day.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
If I forget, remind me.
I'll air more of the British clip next week.
We're airing about three minutes of it right now.
It's 15 minutes.
But I promised to re-air the Bush phone call I got yesterday.
And I finally listened to it this morning, watched some clips.
This is either the best comedian ever, or I don't know where they got the audio to stuff it together.
It sounds so real.
I'm not saying it's Bush, but here's the call I got.
Roll it.
Mr. Jones, this is George Bush, the President of the United States, and I've heard many things that you have been saying on the internet and other various mediums that are
They're out there.
I understand you have problems with the government and you believe in many conspiracies.
But I believe that we can work this out.
If you will take my phone call, we can speak about this stuff.
We will work this out.
It's diplomacy.
Diplomatic diplomacy is the way to go.
If the two of us can work this out, and I think we can, we'll definitely have it worked out then.
Alright, well we'll try it back.
If you need to keep doing what you're doing, do it.
Okay, that's either Man Cow, one of the famous comedians in studio, or that is one of Charlie Sheen's friends or something, or it's George Bush, which I doubt.
Here's part of the documentary, it's pretty scary stuff, right here in Texas.
In northern Florida is the well-named town of Stark, population five and a half thousand.
The local economy depends on the five state prisons around the town.
Most families have someone working inside them.
Prisoners also clean and maintain the town.
But out of sight, in the two high security prisons, most men are held in solitary confinement.
You're greeted with screaming.
Just an unbelievable din of noise.
It's extremely hot.
It smells like a mixture of sewage and urine.
You're in a nine by seven cell that's painted white.
I've counted the bricks.
Okay, I've counted the sink, which wasn't hard.
There's only one sink and one toilet.
Mitch Scott spent nearly 30 years inside for armed robbery and rape, including several years in solitary.
You have a lot of time, too.
Okay, folks, I gave him too much to do today with too little info.
I told them to fast forward into the tape three minutes so I could find out what the intro to the show was, how long it was.
I meant to play the last three minutes, where in Texas they admit the guards were raping the men, beating them up, it shows them killing them in these restraint chairs, it shows them shocking them for pleasure with electroshocks, and then the show starts telling the individual stories from Florida, you name it, so... C'est la vie, as they say!
I wanted you to hear this, though, on air.
This is what tyranny is.
It's criminals that are able... I'm sure there are real criminals in prison.
We're not defending them either.
Government, though, always becomes a place for criminals to become invincible, basically.
Or close to invincible.
It's simple.
Societies get cancer just like people do.
You may live to be 105, folks, but if you live long enough, you're gonna get cancer.
Nations never survive more than 200 years.
We've outlived 33 years past any other empire or nation.
And we got cancer.
Now it's a modern age.
Maybe we can remove the cancer.
But we gotta first admit that we've got the cancer.
And this country is the source of worldwide cancer.
There's quite a few other areas that are also large sources of it, but we're the big fat tumor
Quirting out the little cancer cells all over the place, and it's a problem.
All right, I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, back on Monday, 11 to 2, and I'll see you Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
from the studios of NewsRadio 590.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.