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Name: 20061012_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 12, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
We tend to forget that around two weeks ago
The House and Senate passed legislation completely overturning the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
The press had reported that Bush had signed it, but now I have heard it reported that Bush actually hasn't signed it yet.
In fact, you heard us yesterday play that clip from two nights ago with Keith Olbermann talking about the fact that Bush has not yet signed it.
I guess he likes having Congress's authorization, but then he likes to be able to declare via his own executive authority that he can do all of this.
Of course, the Bill of Rights and Constitution are still in force, are still alive and well in our hearts and minds, and are the true law.
They could have passed a law that they could execute children for no reason, or basically
Take all your private property without just compensation, which I guess they've actually ruled that, but it doesn't make it the case.
It's still crime.
You still know it's wrong.
You still know the organic law is against it.
The common law, God's law.
And we also tend to forget
that uh... with the airplane crashing into the apartment complex uh... high-rise yesterday in New York that North Korea has threatened to nuke the United States and Japan and that is hardly even in our newspapers it is buried in a few national newspapers a few local papers I've been able to find very few a handful
A handful of articles, because the media that's owned by the military industrial complex that once warred with Iran, they don't want the people hearing about North Korea threatening to blow up U.S.
cities, destroy and kill millions of Americans, or kill millions of Japanese, or millions of Europeans.
Oh, no!
Oh, absolutely not!
They want you to hear about Iran, who's done nothing but lick our boots!
And after licking the boots on the bottom and the top and all around, they finally said, OK, fine, if you attack us, we'll fight back.
And that's twisted into, they threatened out of the blue to attack us.
It's absolutely amazing.
Michael Savage called for Madeleine Albright to be hung by the neck until dead.
And I never shoot my mouth off like that.
I mean, I do believe she's a traitor, a piece of trash, an absolute criminal.
But I don't think it's any place for Michael Savage to be shooting his mouth off like that and he wouldn't be able to get away with it if he wasn't a big, oily, dirty beatnik from the sixties, a top beatnik who wrote books that we can't even mention here on the air.
I just don't know why wrote books so disgusting we can't talk about it here on air.
I guess we could.
I don't even know why I'm starting the show with this.
I just look at how
They're a bunch of dirtballs!
I mean, they're slick, folks.
They couldn't pose as conservatives and get past patriots.
But they can pose as conservatives and get past the general public.
And that's what the dirty liberals did.
The dirtiest of them all.
The nastiest of them all.
They posed as conservatives and they brought this country basically down.
The Bushes, the William Crystals, the dirtball savages.
All of them.
Of course, I reject the liberal-conservative term, but if you want to use that term and use the presets that define a liberal, then George Bush, Michael Savage, they are the bottom-of-the-pit liberal.
And that's a fact.
But again, this is mind control, this is brainwashing, this is public relations, this is spin control.
There are millions and millions of people who really think they're conservatives, who follow an America-destroying ideology, and they don't even know it.
They won't even know that they've been responsible, by their apathy and acquiescence, for the death of this republic.
They, quite honestly, are just shameful, stupid creatures.
We'll be back with the news.
It's very important.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, this is what's coming up in the news.
I will break down the aftermath of the Yankees relief pitcher in an out-of-control aircraft flying into a 55-story apartment high-rise in New York.
And just looking at it from a sociological perspective, the fear that struck into the population, the plunging stock market.
Yesterday, the great leader launching NORAD fighters to protect us, conjuring
The images of five years ago of 9-11 back into our consciousness.
It's all very interesting, isn't it?
Also, North Korea warns Japan against sanctions, so they threatened to nuke the U.S.
and Japan yesterday, and by the time our news reports on it here, they're calling it a warning.
If you read deeper, it's an open threat to blow us off the map.
Can you imagine if Iran had nukes, and had missiles to hit us, and was saying that they would blow us off the map, what would happen?
They're going to attack them soon, no matter what they do.
It just doesn't matter.
What do you want to bet?
As soon as the election is over, gas prices start climbing.
Just a side issue.
France is saying they're not sure now if the test succeeded.
Going along with Bill Gertz and the neocons.
Who knows what the truth is.
Study links extinction cycles to changes in Earth's orbit and tilt.
And other major studies link it to, of course, the sun's brightness and the different cycles it goes through.
And I'm really concerned that NASA and other, the European Space Agency, the Japanese observatories have registered this as well.
It's a major point of discussion in scientific circles.
There have been a few press releases by NASA.
But other than that, it's been kept somewhat quiet.
Outside of scientific journals, that the sun is doing some very frightening things right now.
But again, you're not going to hear a lot about it because we have zero, zero, zero, zero control over it, and there's no world tax or any type of regulation that I guess they can foist on us in the name of saving us from the sun.
So I thought I'd go over this article.
Again, your cars do absolutely nothing.
Your sewage does nothing to the environment compared to tidal forces of the universe that are in flux every second.
But if they can hype you into fear that there's not going to be any food, any water, why peak oil?
Publicly, we have the documents.
BBC got them.
Dutch Rochelle wrote it all up ten years ago and sold it and finances the info agents.
It's absolutely admitted.
We have the oil company documents they got in 2001 via lawsuits.
AP reported that we have the documents on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
That they bought up all the private refineries to create an artificial bottleneck.
Their own documents say there's too much oil.
But let's just ignore those and believe the little trendy liberals that tell us they're the head of 9-11 Truth and who demonize me every millisecond and who are about as trustworthy as a $3 bill.
Coming up, of course, there's the big report that 600 plus thousand Iraqis have died since the loving occupation of three and a half years ago.
We just reached the three and a half plus year point.
Last month was three and a half years.
We're now into three and a half plus years.
And the numbers I have that are totally documented are 250 plus thousand.
And those numbers are about six months old.
These new numbers say 650,000 dead and they've been done by physicians and John Hobson's University who's done a lot of really scientific award-winning studies in the past and this looks like it's conservative.
It's much worse than we originally thought.
CNN tries to spin it and play it down but Idi Amin, who supposedly is the worst butcher in African history,
He killed 300,000 of his own people in 9 years.
And much of what you heard about him was hype.
He was pretty darn bad though.
Darn bad as they say in East Texas.
But, then of course you have the, that's by an African leader.
You have the UN orchestrated attack on the Tutsi minority that have the most land by the Hutus.
And of course, the Animist, killing Christians is normal, as usual, as is their default position.
And 800,000 conservatively, 1.3 million tops.
And we're not sure, 800,000 were counted dead.
And the rivers were literally almost stopping up with them.
Dams of rotten human flesh were piling up at choke points, kind of like a log jam.
You ever seen the footage of that?
I have.
Didn't put a lot on U.S.
television, but I've obtained it from African television and British television.
Never put it in a film, though.
It's pretty grisly.
What's the point?
We did show U.N.
troops holding children over fires, roasting them.
But I'm not going to get off into the child snuff films and the rest of it.
I'm already digressing, so we'll get into that.
Great article by Steve Watson up on Infowars.net.
Kim Jong-Hoo, North Korea what?
Neoconglobalist, play down imminent threat whilst hyping a 10-year one, which isn't even a real threat in 10 years.
Russian liberal leader fears for safety after Paula Kavtosky's murder.
Now I could pronounce that this morning when I read it.
And I could pronounce it two days ago when they killed her.
I get, it's like on air, I get nervous and suddenly can't pronounce names.
It's Paula Katofskaya's.
There you go.
Paula Katofskaya's.
I got it almost right.
Murdered this wonderful lady who'd exposed the fact that the Beslan Massacre was government staged, that Putin's torturing people en masse, that they're bombing buildings to blame it on foreign enemies, on Chechens.
Well, they double tapped her in the head in the elevator on Putin's birthday.
A lot of folks get killed on his birthday.
It wasn't the only murder.
It's an old-fashioned thing they like to do.
They like to either kill you on your birthday or kill you on the dear leader's birthday.
It's like a little message.
Some are saying it's a triple cross where the mafia, one group of mafia that doesn't like Putin, killed her to embarrass Putin.
There's no embarrassing Putin.
The guy's having people killed left and right.
Everything points towards Putin having her killed, okay?
And no doubt Putin's people put out the report that it's a way to double back on him and set up a false flag on Putin.
It's all cloak and dagger, boys and girls, but if you know the motive and the history and the MO, you got them.
Great article by Douglas Herman at Rents.com.
Why debunkers help the 9-11 truth movement.
We have time, we'll go over that.
Roll call.
Congress members furious at FBI for blackout of 2001 anthrax attacks probe.
This was the White House launched the attacks.
And I got a bunch of other news we'll be going over.
We also have the gentleman Stan Jones.
Joining us, coming up in the second hour, he's running for the U.S.
Senate for the people of Montana.
We have a fine affiliate up in Montana, very thankful for that station up there.
I would ask that station and all our stations to pick up, if they can, the Sunday show from 4 to 6 p.m.
If you have a football game or something on, just please tape it and rebroadcast it Sunday nights if you're able to.
Just another plea to all our stations.
I think we've had, I checked two days ago, five stations have agreed just for the first week of syndication coming up this Sunday, five of our affiliates to pick it up without really any affiliate relations work being done on it yet.
So I'm just kind of thinking about some of our other red affiliates and asking them to pick it up.
Alright, I'm already digressing.
All of you can always listen via the internet at InfoWars.com or GCNlive.com or over at the KLBJ website as well.
South Park episode equates 9-11 truth with anti-semitism, numerology, and Cartman's behavior.
Also lies.
It's been widely reported, heralded, that over one-third believe it's a total inside job.
68% on average in major polls believe there's a cover-up, maybe inside job.
They lie on South Park and kept repeating.
It had to be 15 times.
I mean, I didn't count.
It was just over and over and probably more.
Actually, I was here watching it with Aaron.
He did mark it down, so we may know the exact number.
But as you said over and over, Aaron Dykes wrote a great article for JonesReport.com on this.
It's up until two in the morning doing it, and we hope everybody will go read it.
We hope you'll get it out there to everybody, because it's popular culture and illustrates manipulation, deception.
And this piece is a hit piece, and it covers
It covers a template we're seeing being used against us and so that's why we know that it's an operation.
90% chance it's an operation.
10% chance they just went and read the template and saw the template.
But they're mockingbirds, regurgitating what other operatives for Rolling Stone, at Popular Mechanics, in the media, in the government, Scripps Howard News Service, writing big hit pieces on myself, having to retract it a few months ago.
It's the same straw man Fox News has been using, and they did that last night.
So we're going to be playing some clips.
We're going to do this.
We'll do this after the break.
We're going to hear four of these clips in succession before Mr. Jones joins us in the next hour.
South Park episode equates 9-11 Truth with anti-semitism, numerology, and Cartman.
And I've looked at this.
I'd say about 10% of the 9-11 Truth movement believes Israel carried out the attacks.
Israel couldn't carry out the attacks.
They couldn't make NORAD stand down.
They couldn't control the different agencies.
I believe elements of Israeli intelligence were in support roles and were involved.
So was British.
Those three groups are basically like triple Siamese twins.
It would be like if you had triplets that were all merged.
It's indistinguishable from the other.
These are the delicacies and the subtleties of looking at this.
And we know the government wants, continually, to put out the angle to give attention to those that say that Jews did it.
That way, number one, it's false and gets you off the trail of who really did it.
And then, secondarily, it then demonizes the movement so the general public won't awaken to it.
And last night, that's what this show did.
Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew.
They want it to be all about Jews.
And it actually heightens anti-Semitism and makes Jews the target, which is what Zionists always do.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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We've got North Korea threatening to nuke the United States, Japan and other targets.
South Korea, the capital, Seoul.
We have a huge pervert, pedophile scandal on the Capitol Hill.
We have an election we're hurtling towards.
And I'm about to talk about South Park.
But the reason I do this is to illustrate manipulation, and when you read the hit pieces in Against Myself and Vanity Fair, the hit pieces in American Legion, the hit pieces in Popular Mechanics, The Washington Post, Scripps Howard News Service, and these are just attacks I've been under.
It's always, they just can't deal with the loss of control, the fear, that it was 19 lone hijackers.
It's too terrifying.
And so they want to believe it's their government.
That brings order back to things.
It's a thousand times more scary that it's the government that controls the police and the military and the water supply and the food supply.
It's much more scary that the government, criminal elements of it, did it.
I would love to think, believe me, that it was 19 nuts commanded from a cave.
That it was somebody on dialysis in Central Asia.
Again, that doesn't pass the smell test.
It doesn't pass common sense.
It doesn't pass logic.
And then they put the spin out that, well, maybe the government wants you to believe that.
Maybe they're using it for fear.
Because they want you to think they're all-powerful.
Well, it's true they want you to think they're all-powerful.
And they're not all-powerful.
But the spin that they want us to, no.
I believe that's true to a certain extent, though the propaganda gets sophisticated here.
Because they do like the fact that those of us in the know are horrified by their dark majesty and how wicked they are.
Although the general public is further dumbed down.
There's a lot of other just base tactics here.
The Cartman who's always making fun of Jews and dressing up like Hitler is a distasteful creature.
The bad guy on the show believes it's all Jews and accuses an innocent Jewish boy on the show who then even buys into the propaganda and is convinced that he carried out the attack.
There's a 9-11 truther who's really a U.S.
government agent.
That one's kind of an interesting little
A little twist there.
And it turns out that Bush is really controlling 9-11 Truth to again scare everybody.
And they find out that Bush hasn't really blown one of the 9-11 Truthers heads off in the Oval Office, but that it was all a staged event.
I'll just read through Aaron's article.
I mean, I think he crystallized a lot of the points, but there are a lot here in the article he didn't get to because there's just so much.
In fact, Aaron, go back over your notes and maybe beef this article up at Jones Report.
It's an excellent report, but it's already six pages long, and you can go watch these clips.
You can watch the entire episode up there on the site, but you can go watch these clips you're about to hear.
In fact, well, it's already too late to do it in this segment.
We'll come into the next segment and just play the clips.
The first one is Bush blowing the head off, which this thing has multi-levels.
This is a Psy-Op, which is a threat to 9-11 truth.
It's a threat to all of us.
At one level, we're going to blow your heads off if you keep doing this.
Then they turn it around and twist it later.
So we'll go over all of it when we get back from this break.
Let me go ahead and start with the article.
South Park episode.
This is a wildly popular TV show for those that aren't tuned into this stuff.
South Park episode equates 9-11 truth with anti-semitism, numerology, and Cartman.
Cartoon jabs at retarded public.
Charlie Sheen citing Bush incompetence.
A popular cartoon, South Park, launched a 9-11 hit piece claiming that the one-fourth of Americans who believe the attacks were an inside job are retards.
That was a mantra and they keep saying one-fourth.
Again, it was really over one-third.
The episode equates the 9-11 truth movement with anti-semitism, a pointless and insignificant investigation into the misuse of bathroom numerology, and the selfish, racist, spoiled, and more or less evil show character Cartman, who frequently attacks the character Kyle for transgressions he blames on Jews.
And there is a big segment of the public that vehemently hates Jews, and the media feeds off this, and actually feeds it, and so they like Cartman.
By the end, though, the 9-11 conspiracy that the government perpetrated 9-11 is itself a government conspiracy.
In the episode, Bush and his administration want people to believe that the government is all-powerful and could achieve absolutely anything.
But how much more crazy is it that
19 guys from a cave could do that.
It's impossible.
You see, the official story we know is a lie.
You can start from the position of the official story is a complete fraud and changes every day like the weather.
Like the wind.
And they just say at the end, Bush is too incompetent.
He couldn't do anything.
Dick Cheney shoots a crossbow at one of the kids.
It misses.
You know, they can escape out of the White House.
The White House are a bunch of morons.
No, the White House can shoot cruise missiles through windows.
The White House can land space probes on Mars.
The White House has the NSA listening to you.
The White House can steal votes nationwide in thousands of counties.
The White House is doing... The White House said they were going to break down Iraq into three regions and have civil war.
They haven't failed in Iraq.
Again, they always try that incompetence theory, and I'm sick of it.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm really proud of the report at JonesReport.com.
It's also posted on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
Aaron stayed up here until about 2am.
I said, listen, I'm not asking you to do this.
I'm not asking you to stay up here and tape this and upload the video.
And in Clemson South Park, I'm not asking you to, you know, take these notes we've written together and write this article.
You can write it tomorrow.
He said, no, I don't want to do it.
It's because he wanted to get the truth out.
And he unanimously believed it was a hit piece.
I believed it was a hit piece.
And by unanimously, you know, some people around the office were saying, well, they're trying to get out what truth they can, and they're, you know, they have to go ahead and attack it.
But then, no, no, no, no, that's not what happened here.
There was a New York Times article that was written.
We call it kind of rolling over or putting on a staged fight with us.
We do see a lot of articles that you can clearly tell the reporter tried to fool their editors and kind of fell down in the first sentence.
Attacks us in a petty way and then gives all the websites and really makes us look credible.
I've seen the New York Times do that.
I've seen a few other newspapers do that.
That is not what happened here.
I don't know what you'd call that term.
It's kind of like covert resistance.
You can spot one of those, and I'm surprised those stupid editors can't.
They're trying to block out the truth, but we commend the reporters that try to slip out what they can.
And by the way, I've talked to a lot of reporters who are fans of Freedom and this broadcast, and do know the truth, who work for major publications.
We just talked to one yesterday.
Major publications.
And they go, well this is how I'm allowed to cover this, and then I'm going to slip it in this way, okay?
But don't tell anybody.
So it's not just like I'm guessing that reporters do this.
I'm not saying the New York Times did that.
They didn't tell me.
I can just recognize it.
We get these calls every few weeks from big publications going, I'm going to get away with what I can, okay?
A writer for one of the biggest magazines in the country told me that.
I know it's all true.
And then they start telling you, what about this?
What about that?
Oh yeah, you ought to see it.
You ought to see our editor.
He used to be CIA, but he didn't.
Oh yeah, Anderson Cooper is CIA too.
Oh yeah, they're all
I mean, I've talked to people at CNN and they're like, oh yeah, there's spooks all over the place around here.
We're trying to get out what we can.
I think people at Fox News do that.
And they're not putting me on.
This is real, folks.
Believe me, folks inside the system know what's going on.
Before I get into this South Park story and go through this hit piece and all the other news, Terror Storm, 9-11 Mysteries, The Order of Death, Loose Change 2nd Edition, American Dictators, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
These are some of the films I've made, some of the films I carry, some of the films we have on DVD, all available right now at InfoWars.com via the secure, safe online shopping cart.
Please go to InfoWars.com today and get Terror Storm.
It's over three hours, right above three hours.
Almost a two hour film and 68 minutes of extras from the 9-11 Neocon Agenda Symposium out in LA a few months ago.
This is my best documentary.
This is my crowning achievement.
I'm so proud of this film.
We put a lot of work, blood, sweat, and tears into this.
The history of government-sponsored terror.
9-11, 7-7 Madrid, all of these attacks.
How we were lied into war in Iraq, the NSA spying, the torture, the fake media, the propaganda.
The film ends with propaganda, how they're using propaganda.
It is such an important documentary.
Everybody needs to see it.
Please get a DVD today from InfoWars.com.
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9-11 Mysteries Demolitions Part 1.
Excellent 90-minute film you need to have exclusively on the demolitions.
When you get for 1995, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, the 2005 remastered edition, we took the original film, added new information, cut out old information, and then made a whole new 46-minute film, The Order of Death, with the latest video inside the grove shot by an employee in 2005.
The rituals, how it ties into Skull and Bones, how it ties into the Illuminati.
This is the best deal we've got.
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Two incredible films on one DVD.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove and the Order of Death on one DVD.
We've changed 2nd edition.
Again, soon the 3rd edition is coming out.
The 2nd edition won't be available anymore.
American Dictators, about how they stage elections and electronic voting fraud.
A very important film.
9-11 and the Road to Tyranny, the first big 9-11 film, and still a lot of people say the best.
And all the other documentaries that I've made and I carry, please get them at InfoWars.com or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
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So again, 888-253-3139.
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Folks want to donate.
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You can also write to us again at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And you can also support the truth and getting the word out by supporting our local AM and FM affiliates, whether it be in Austin, Texas, whether it be KLBJ 590 or 100.1 and the Radio Free Austin crowd, or whether you support the Sunshine Network in upstate New York, or whether you support
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So again, I commend everybody for their work.
Let me, you know what, I don't like to keep things inside, keep things off my chest.
I like to get things off my chest.
And so before I get into the South Park thing, I'm just going to say something here on the radio that needs to be said.
Because if someone is a snake and someone hates me because they're inoperative or because they're very dark and hateful and willful.
There's some just nasty hateful people that like to hurt good people, that like to see others in trouble, who like to do mean things.
I don't care when they attack me.
In fact, when the national media attacks me and really evil people attack me, I like it because it means we're being effective, it means we're hurting them, it means that I'm hitting the target.
The old cliche from World War II, that when you're over the target, you're going to be getting flak.
That's how you indicate, even in cloudy weather, that you're over the factories, you're over the enemy bases.
And that's how I visualized this in the Info War.
And so there's people who moved into Austin who are here who've sniped at me and done horrible things and worked against me.
For whatever reason, whether they're good, bad, or indifferent, I ignore that.
And there are people around the country who attack me and lie about me and tell horrible stories about me and do bad things to me.
And it means nothing to me and I don't care.
I really don't care.
And the people are stupid enough to believe that, so be it.
A lot of people that buy into propaganda about me later find out it's not true.
Countless others say, well, he woke me up, but he's bad.
I always see that.
That's like a byword.
Well, he woke me up, but he's still bad.
Yeah, don't judge a tree by its fruits, fools.
But I do address this because, you know, it's irritating to me.
It's very irritating.
It's just like a few days ago when I confronted Ashcroft, and I got a few emails, and it was the vast minority.
I got a few emails, and I got a few
Well, I saw a few posts on message boards that I do visit for news and information that I hadn't done a good job confronting Ashcroft.
And it wasn't so much that, again, it was people I cared about.
It was people whose posts I'd seen before that were valuable.
On 9-11 Blogger was, you know, a few of the places I went and looked, and a few of the posts were saying, yeah, he didn't do a very good job, he should have asked this, or
You should have called out Mancow for, you know, whatever.
And it irritated me because you guys and gals need to spend your time fighting the New World Order.
You need to spend your time getting the word out.
You need to spend your time focused on real issues.
I mean, I was half-awake when I went on there.
I think I did a pretty good job, actually, with the questions I asked.
You can go listen to it at PrisonBlinded.com, there on the right-hand, or left-hand side, or it is the right-hand side.
You know, it says Jones confronts Ashcroft or Ashcroft is questioned about 9-11 cover-up.
Something like that.
And it's the same thing here locally.
You know, I'm a hard-working fella.
And I'm dedicated to fighting the New World Order.
And I'm here late at night most nights working hard.
And I frankly get sick of people I've been nothing but nice to
Telling me what I need to do and telling me I haven't done enough.
And I think subconsciously a lot of it is a jealousy, an envy, or a frustration.
Again, it's all three of those things.
And I think separately with different individuals.
Some people are so mad at the New World Order.
It's like a dog that's so mad at somebody that's taunting it over the fence that its master walks up to it and it bites them.
Because it's so angry and in such a red rage.
And that's a lot of it.
We're frustrated.
We can't really get to the New World Order.
So we're going to nitpick each other.
And we're going to criticize each other.
And we're going to do all that.
And then there's others who are subconsciously jealous and envious of what I don't know.
Jealous of the fact that I'm exhausted.
Jealous of the fact that I'm obsessed.
Jealous of the fact that I spend my life fighting the New World Order.
What am I getting at?
Because I've got to get to South Park.
About eight years ago, seven and a half years ago, at Waco, dedicating the new memorial church that volunteers built for those that died at Waco, I said a big answer to fight the New World Order, because we weren't going to get on a bunch of AM and FM commercial stations, was to put up micro-FMs all over the country.
Well, what the general public know as is pirates.
Then I say pirate and I go, we don't like you saying the word pirate.
Well, the general public doesn't know what a micro is.
So I have to then show them the verbal semantic symbol they know, pirate radio, and then I have to teach them the proper name for it, micro.
See, you know it all, don't you?
No, you don't know it all.
You just sit there in the peanut gallery nitpicking.
So they get irritated by that, some of them.
Then, it's like all in the background for years that Alex doesn't promote the micros.
Alex doesn't come out and say enough about them.
Alex doesn't support them enough.
Meanwhile, there's this info claiming I really run them all.
When I have nothing to do with it.
And for years, I don't even know it's this big issue that I won't promote them.
So I said, hey, the people that are doing it, come on in here and promote it.
No, we're not going to do that.
You've got to do it our way when we say.
Well, let me just tell you something.
I don't need your stations, okay?
And I'm not like other people that with reverse psychology say, take me off of them.
I don't do that.
And because you think you hold something over my head, and because you think you're going to control me, I want off of 100.1 and 96.3 and all of them.
I want Mike Jones, who is completely out of control, and sent me arrogant, hateful emails to take me off.
I don't need to be on your stations.
If you don't know, I'm the best at fighting the New World Order, who's up here at bat, and that doesn't mean I'm that good either.
Boy, we're in trouble, aren't we?
I'm the best there is.
If you don't know that, and you want to put on all the trash you put on, and the stuff I've already been ashamed of for years, that I'm associated with, because of the other networks you put on there, then fine!
Take me off!
Do you understand you hold nothing over my head?
All of you!
Your little gaggle, your little court that follows you around, it means nothing to me!
And you know why I'm doing this?
Because I liked you and saw you as a friend and knew you for years.
And you've hurt my feelings.
So you want to go around talking trash about me?
I'll do it right here, on the air, about you.
Do you understand me?
You're in the wrong.
You should repent.
You and your minions.
So I want off of these stations.
I don't want to be associated with it.
Of course, you won't do what I ask.
You'll just keep me on there.
I don't like being associated with the money-grubbing that's on the other stations.
I don't like being associated with, uh, because people don't know.
People in this office who are smart have trouble differentiating the other networks you put on there with the Genesis Network.
Radio station owners, people in commercial.
Radio will understand what I'm going through here.
And I don't like airing this stuff, but you know what?
It's important to have courage and it's important to tell people what you really think.
So shame on you, shame on you for saying I'm bad, shame on you for trying to tell me what to do.
And again, they didn't want to just, when I was all friendly, oh sure, come right on and promote.
They wanted to twist it into something that I didn't want to and I was bad.
They wanted to say I was bad, regardless of what I did.
You think I care if I'm on your stations, your pirate radio stations?
You think I care?
I care about getting the truth out to the people, but whatever God's will is will happen.
You think I care?
I was offered millions of dollars to sell out seven years ago.
I've had people threaten to kill me and my family on a monthly basis.
I've been physically attacked.
I have been taken up to the high places and been offered great power.
And I haven't taken it.
And so I will not sit here and be told what to do.
I take your power trip and I break it in front of your eyes.
Okay, I'm done talking about it.
When we get back, we will air the South Park clips.
Then we got Stan Jones taking action, running for Senate in Montana.
Did a great job on C-SPAN, that's coming up.
But as soon as we get back, we'll play the clip of Bush blowing off the 9-11 truther's head, a threat to everyone.
And all the other sophisticated multi-level.
There was so much propaganda hitting people at at least five different levels.
Those guys are real propagandists over there at South Park.
But look at their Team America.
Michael Moore is a terrorist and blows up bases.
You know, he's a suicide bomber.
Alec Baldwin's a terrorist.
I mean, if anything, Michael Moore does a whitewash for Bush.
You see, I mean, and all these South Park fans are, please don't attack South Park!
Please don't attack South Park!
Folks, they make it look like Saddam's a real threat, Bin Laden's a real threat, all these boogeymen.
Bush is just this idiot fighting evil.
And so that idol needs to be thrown down too.
And it has been thrown down.
Throw them all down.
Throw myself down.
We are a flawed, sinning society.
We are corrupt.
And if we work as hard as we can to be upright, we may stand upright and be a little bit better.
But we should never think that, you know, anything is basically good out there.
We have got so much evil going on, it's mind-boggling.
And I salute the listeners, affiliates, stations.
I salute all the great micro... the folks that put these micro-FMs in their houses and that take these risks.
I do salute them.
None of what I said earlier was for them.
Alright, we'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones, defending liberty, resisting tyranny!
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Welcome back.
Okay, here's the first clip I want to play.
This is where they're brought in, two of the South Park kids are brought in with one of the local 9-11 truthers and George Bush blows his head off and says he's carried out 9-11.
Go ahead and roll it.
Excuse me, there's been a misunderstanding.
Come on in, Mr. President.
Uh, Mr. President, my name is- SHUT UP!
You think we don't know your name?
We know everything.
We control everything.
We've all worked very hard to keep our involvement in 9-11 a secret.
But you just had to keep digging.
You won't get away with it!
People know!
You mean sheeple?
We have the majority of them kept in blissful ignorance.
Just one more leak to fix.
What are you doing?
You've been a thorn in our side for too long, I'm afraid.
You can't do this!
I'll stop!
I'll take down the website!
Too late.
He died like a pig.
Some pigs never learn.
No way!
He was right!
You did cause 9-11!
Quite simple to pull off, really.
All I had to do was have explosives planted in the base of the towers.
Then on 9-11 we pretended like four planes were being hijacked when really we just rerouted them to Pennsylvania, then flew two military jets into the World Trade Center filled with more explosives and shot down all the witnesses in Flight 93 with an F-15 after blowing up the Pentagon with a cruise missile.
It was only the world's most intricate and flawlessly executed plan ever, ever.
Oldest reason in the world.
The towers fell and the American sheeple all waved their flags.
Finally we can invade Iraq and get the oil which made us all even richer than before.
Beautiful money!
Is the whole government in on this?
We are all-knowing and all-powerful.
Goodbye, boys.
Dang it!
I missed again!
For Christ's sake, Cainey!
Kyle, run!
So, there's the first clip, and then later they admit that Bush wants everyone to think he carried out 9-11, so it seems like he's all-powerful.
Again, NORAD did stand down.
There were bombs in the buildings.
It was not flawlessly executed.
Flight 93 was meant to go into the capital, and it was shot down because the General refused to follow orders and had the happy hooligans out of North Dakota, based in Virginia for a drill, fire two A-9 Sidewinder missiles into the aircraft over an eight and a half mile debris field.
Oh no!
The Arabs just launched the most perfectly coordinated plan in history!
Can you imagine on planes with over, what, 30 people on each one?
Can you imagine four guys pulling out box cutters and people groveling?
I mean, if there were four guys with box cutters and I was by myself and they were going to kill me, I'd take them on.
Now, I forget how sheep-like American people are, but there'd be some real men, some real women.
There's old ladies beating people to death on umbrellas and somebody just choked a guy who was trying to kill her in her house.
He was a hitman, the woman.
A 57-year-old woman who was a nurse, though.
She knew what she was doing.
She killed him.
We've got three more clips of this coming up.
I'll air one more in the next segment, then we'll get Stan Jones on.
And then, I guess later at the end of the show, we'll just play them all in rapid succession and recap what's happening with it.
Stan Jones running for the Senate in Montana.
We'll try to get him elected as we continue to fight as hard as we possibly can.
I know it's not good enough for some!
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll-free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into this second hour of worldwide broadcast as we blast out on the AM and FM dials, simulcast from WWCR shortwave and the internet at infowarriors.com.
You can always listen to us via the internet, even if you move away from where you have a local station or the local station changes formats.
You can always listen at InfoWars.com.
You can also subscribe for free at InfoWars.com to our daily podcast.
At the end of the show each day, the three hours, free, will be sent to your iPod or MP3 player device.
And you can also listen to me if you live here locally in Central Texas Sundays on NewsRadio 590 KLBJ.
And now that show has been syndicated.
So that's how you can listen to us locally.
590 AM.
All right.
Let's go ahead and continue with the South Park discussion, and we've got the fellow running for Senate out of Montana, Stan Jones, joining us in the next segment, who gave that incredible speech on C-SPAN yesterday, that will re-air before he joins us in the next segment.
Right now, let's, considering the one world government system, this is from South Park, where Bush, at the end, let's go to the Bush clip.
I know I told you the conspiracy theorist clip, but let's go to the Bush clip at the end where they admit that the government didn't carry out 9-11.
They just want you to think they did so you think they're powerful.
I mean, what an incredible conspiracy theory South Park comes up with to try to discredit us.
Here it is.
Don't believe what he says, boys.
We caused 9-11.
It's all right here in these secret documents.
But you'll never get them.
Then Bush drops them behind him.
I knew it!
You didn't plan 9-11 and you didn't really shoot that guy!
Boys, you don't understand.
People need to think we are all powerful.
That we control the world.
If they know we weren't in charge of 9-11, then we appear to control nothing.
Why don't you just tell people the truth?
We do that too.
And most people believe the truth.
But one-fourth of the population is retarded.
If they want to believe we control everything with intricate plans, why not let them?
Just one thing, Mr. President.
How the devil did you know we were all here?
How come you couldn't just go home, dude?
That's all we had to do!
What the f**k?
It was all planned out!
You knew this whole time?
Because it was me.
I'm the one who took a dump in the urinal.
The stalls were full and I didn't want to miss recess!
I didn't think it would turn into such a big deal!
So you blame the government?
And the government was more than willing to take the blame, so long as it made them look responsible for 9-11.
Oh man, now everyone's gonna know.
Why do the stupid Harley boys have to be so good at solving mysteries?
So wait, wait.
Stan took the dump in the urinal and he contacted the conspiracy website, but the conspiracy site was run by the government?
Okay, so they also equate it with the person that makes up 9-11 goes around using the restroom on the floor, and he's an anti-Semite,
And he's insane.
And again, it is a total sickening attack piece.
Then, that's hitting the base level.
The mindless idiots that watch the show.
The more sophisticated shows, again, hit you at multiple levels.
It's got about five different levels.
Google Video's got the whole show up there.
We've got a link to it after the broadcast today if you want to go watch it.
The reason we've spent this much time on it
I will spend more time later is because this is the template.
This is how they attack us.
This is how they go after us.
This is the type of disinfo they put out.
We had to beep out a lot.
We had to clip out a lot.
Sorry about some of the mild juvenile humor there, but this is what's on television.
We're again, as a documentary radio show, documenting this, that's our format, and showing you what they're doing.
It's just incredible.
They're now using the biggest guns in popular culture.
Huge ratings for South Park.
In key demographics of, say, 12 to 30.
And they are just hitting us really hard right now, but it's not going to work.
People are going to go research it, they're going to go look at it, and they're going to find out that indeed it is an inside job.
Alright, we've got an amazing guest coming on to join us.
I'm really excited about it.
Stan Jones, Libertarian for U.S.
The people of Montana.
Got a link to his website up on InfoWars.com.
We'll also play the C-SPAN clip where he laid out the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the North American Union, the secret organizations that are destroying the sovereignty of this country right now.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spies,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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We're going to have open phones in the shower.
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I was busy talking to Stan Jones during the break.
I was running for U.S.
Senate out of the great state of Montana, and I forgot to tell the folks running the show, hey, producer, will you get that clip of Stan Jones from yesterday ready?
Oh, you already had it.
You read my mind.
Let's play that first.
I think this is better than any introduction I'll do.
This is Stan Jones on local PBS.
He hails from Bozeman.
And this aired nationally.
It was rebroadcast on C-SPAN.
And here he is.
And he's talking to the incumbent who's voted for all this New World Order garbage.
And listen to his little sniveling comment at the end.
We'll air this three-minute clip and we'll go to our guest.
Here it is.
I wish to thank the sponsors for inviting me.
I don't often get invited.
This was an important debate.
I had planned another closing message, but I feel compelled to say what I'm about to say.
Now I risk sounding like a conspiracy theorist, but it's no longer a theory.
What I'm about to say is fact.
The secret organizations of the world power elite are no longer secret.
They have planned and are now leading us into a one world communist government.
The combining of national government started with the European Union.
That union started with trade agreements, then a common currency, the Euro, and now a European Parliament that is feverishly passing laws that override the laws of the member nations.
A constitution was drafted but rejected by a few of those nations, but never mind.
They implemented it anyway.
Now it's North America's turn.
Building on the North American Free Trade Agreement, the NAFTA section of the Commerce Department is busy drafting laws and regulations for a North American Union.
A union of Canada, America, and Mexico.
The President has attended secret meetings and signed at least two agreements under the Security and Prosperity Partnership Program.
Information leaked out about the meetings and now it is all in the open.
No treaty has been signed, so Congress has not become involved.
However, money from our Treasury is now being spent for this effort.
We will have a new currency, the Amaro, and a new Constitution.
Modeled on the Soviet Union's Constitution, our rights will not be inalienable, but they will be granted by government who can also take them away.
One sign that this is our future is the plans for the superhighways from southern Mexico through America and into Canada.
These plans are not secret any longer.
Huge amounts of property will be taken in the name of free trade, peace, and security.
You will have a national ID card with a radio frequency chip in it.
That's already law in America and will be implemented by May 2000.
This man voted for it.
You will not be able to move about freely.
This is terrorism of the most worst kind.
Brought on you by our own government.
The strongest, freest nation in the history of mankind
We'll be averaged into world communism.
Is that what you want?
Are we the people still in control of this nation?
We must begin to act like we are.
Stan Jones.
Conrad Burns.
Three minutes.
Sure glad you got such a rosy outlook on our future for our kids.
Yeah, haha hawk, and then there's Conrad Burns.
I'm sure glad you got such a rosy outlook for our children's future.
If you care about your children, you look at the facts and you stand against things that will destroy their future.
Our open borders, the North American Union, the dollar being devalued.
It is official that our government is being folded into an international world system.
The international bankers actually just control communism as one of their vehicles.
And joining us is the individual that said those words on C-SPAN, and he's got my full support, and I hope that all of our Montana listeners, not just on shortwave and the internet and satellite, but listening on K-G-E-Z-600-A-M, and that's out of Kalispell, Montana.
It's also known as Z-600-A-M, heard in quite a few towns and cities.
I hope you'll get out there and support Stan Jones, Libertarian for U.S.
Thank you for coming on with us, my friend.
Thank you very much for inviting me.
Out of the gate, tell us a little bit about yourself, how you got into this, and what your chances are of winning, and then let's talk about your journey, your awakening, finding out about the full depths of this New World Order.
I'm a native of Montana, and I was born and raised here.
I went to college right here in Bozeman, where I'm from, and joined the Air Force, spent a career in the Air Force, and retired and came back home.
I've been involved in politics since the sixties and I've been running for office for the last eight years.
I'm very concerned about what's happening and you don't find out what's happening with the local television or your local newspaper.
You find out about what's happening by listening to guys like you and by constantly visiting the internet.
And so I've been quite alarmed and one way that I want to fight it is to run for office and put out the message like the message I put out
Monday night.
Exactly, even if you don't win, but you've got a good chance.
The polls show the majority of people are really mad at the incumbents of both parties, and both parties themselves, the entire false political left-right system.
But regardless, you get to get on TV, you get to go to hundreds of meetings and speak in front of tens of thousands of people, you get to really be the salt of the earth.
I wish all that were true, but you forget I'm a libertarian.
Like I said on that little clip you played, I don't get invited
To all of the big debates, all of the televised debates.
This one was very important to me because it was televised statewide and
Well, that's how they do it.
B. Lowe, who owns the Dallas Morning News, has been launching the most savage attacks on Kinky Friedman and the other third-party candidates, literally gave double time to the mainline candidates, and then every question was mean they put to the real third-party candidate, Kinky Friedman.
They're scared to death of independence.
And yeah, it's wrong that you've been frozen out of some of the other debates.
This is how they keep the monopoly going.
That's true.
That's exactly right.
Please continue, sir.
Yeah, we have to change that.
I will pay my money to register and run for office.
I've been doing that.
I've run for governor twice and this is the second time I've run for Senate.
I don't have a hope of winning because the fix is in.
But I do get the opportunity to travel around the state and even small debates, I put the message out.
That's why I do it and why I'll continue to do it.
Well, you really need to be commended.
I'm sure there's people who'll tell you you're not doing enough.
Have you ever seen this phenomenon of those that do nothing or not as much as we do telling us we need to do this, we need to do that?
That's kind of one of my pet peeves.
I agree with that.
One of mine too.
Now, let's get a little bit into this North American Union because I always like getting other perspectives.
I've been studying it for more than a decade, a true voice in the wilderness, but there were many before me who were... I mean, I have New York Times articles, original newspapers,
Uh, that were written, one was in 1937, a full cover page story.
I've got to dig that out of storage, because I'm making a film about that right now.
I forgot about that too.
Uh, in fact, if somebody's got a copy of that, I've been having trouble finding it.
I was begging Mr. Jones to send me a better copy of his debate.
I'm making this film right now, I'm kind of in that gathering mode of information.
Fast and furious, but there was the New York Times, 1937, whole front cover page, I got this about 8 years ago, with the 10 regions of America, no mentioning FEMA, saying we were going to be merged with Canada and Mexico and then a North American Union.
This is nothing new.
They wanted to do this back in 1918 with the League of Nations, Mr. Jones.
Oh yes.
Give us your take on it, your view of the North American Union and your research and your view.
Well, the North American Union is, well first of all, it's treasonous.
The preamble to our Constitution starts out, we the people, and it finishes, do ordain and establish this Constitution.
The Constitution is our law that governs the government.
And the government cannot summarily cast our Constitution aside.
And that's the thing that's really upsetting me.
The founders were very intelligent the way they set up our Constitution.
And if I had to change the Constitution, the one thing, the most important thing I would do is put on a provision that anybody that did not comply with their oath of office would be tried, and if convicted would not be able to run for office again nor ever be employed in the government in any way whatever.
And that, I think, would put a stop to a lot of the problems that we have.
Our founders couldn't believe that America would put people in their government that were not honorable.
That's the problem that we have nowadays.
We just don't have honorable people in our government.
Well, back then, people read the newspaper for entertainment.
They were into politics.
They liked to be informed.
There wasn't as much going on.
A lot of it, things got complex.
Things got fast-moving.
The world got so big, basically, with so many things in it, and so many diversions.
And we had it good so long, because of the liberty, we got pretty darn decadent.
And so now we're going back into bondage.
When did you first learn of the American Union actually being officiated?
Oh, golly, I couldn't pinpoint a time, but I've been reading about it for, oh, probably three or four years, about it coming together, but recently they've accelerated their plan.
And, of course, the Council on Foreign Relations is America's
organization front front organization i might say that uh... does all the planning and they put together the plan and if it's available
Oh, that's right, that's right.
We've read much of the plan towards the North American Union here on air, and they create the plan, the government signs on to it, and now what, three and a half weeks ago they had a secret meeting in Canada, Mr. Jones, where they even had Fortune 500 companies there having a governmental meeting.
But the public, oh, it was secret.
Can't let people know about our secret meeting between the three governments and our corporate owners.
We'll be right back with Stan Jones, running for Senate in Montana, talk a lot more about the North American Union, open up the phone calls as well.
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I think so.
I think so.
I'm here to tell you it takes a lot of courage to get up on national television and lay out facts that our government's been hijacked by criminals, both Democratic and Republican, and that they're carrying out terror against the American people.
But that's what it is.
They're terrorizing us, they're taking our freedom, they're eating out our substance.
Go read the Declaration of Independence.
Stan Jones, running for the Senate in Montana, joins us.
I know we've got loaded phone lines, callers all over the map.
I'll go to your calls on whatever topic they're on, but you'll go to the head of the line if your question or comment is for Stan Jones.
And coming up in a few minutes, DJ in Illinois, Mike, Michael, Paula, John, we're going to get to all of you, but DJ first because the question is directly for Mr. Jones.
But in this short segment, Mr. Jones, I wanted to specifically get into how we help you win, or how we help you at least get the word out to more people.
And how folks volunteer for your campaign there in Montana.
I know it's getting up to the wire but this is the key time.
And then I want to talk about the response.
Give us some intel.
The response you've gotten in your area when you go out with this hardcore message of liberty.
Well, the response is in two different camps.
I just had a reporter for a local newspaper call me and I had to tell him to get off the line so that I could
Be sure that I could be on with you.
But he started asking questions about how I feel about being such a nut.
And that's typical of most of the newspapers.
Why don't you give me his name and his email address and I'll have 10,000 emails with the SPP documents, their website.
I'll send him the video clips of Lou Dobbs, quote, America as we know it is now gone.
In fact, will you cue up that old Lou Dobbs clip, Scott?
There's like five of them, and they're talking about North American Union.
It's the first one.
I want to play that later.
Why don't you send these clips, Mr. Jones, to him of CNN admitting it, or of major magazines and newspapers admitting it, or Canadian headlines, secret North American government meeting.
I mean, what's wrong with this idiot?
He's not paying attention.
Oh, he probably knows.
He's probably for it.
What newspaper is it?
Is it the Bozeman?
Bozeman Daily Chronicle.
Bozeman Daily Chronicle.
And he said to you, how does it feel to be such a nut?
Well, he didn't use those exact words, but that's basically what he was saying.
Can you give us word for word?
I want him to understand the mindset of a slug.
Well, let's see.
I'll have to try to recall it.
He says, uh, how do you feel about, uh, having people, uh, react to you the way they do?
Oh, yeah, so he says, oh, they say you're a nut.
But I tell ya, uh, they've had national polls, the majority of Americans now know about it and are very upset.
Well, the newspapers don't know about it.
Oh, I agree, they're usually the least informed.
I mean, but what does the average person say, not some, you know, in their own world newspaper reporter?
Well, since the broadcast of the debate, I've had a number of people call me or email me, and one guy said, gosh, I would support you for president.
And so there are a lot of people out there who are smart enough to know what's going on.
One guy sent me an email and said, I thought what you said about the Amaro was a little bit crazy until I went to the web and investigated.
And he said, man,
It's really quite surprising.
Oh, they're officially announcing it.
I would also send them the co-sponsored bill by twelve congressmen right now, written by Ron Paul and Goode, Congressman Goode of Virginia, that pulls us out of the North American Union and calls for an investigation.
I mean, it was signed last March, we're in it!
I call for the impeachment of President Bush
Because of his actions here.
They're quite outside of his authority in the Constitution.
Well, you know, Ron Paul did that here, and now his Democratic competitor is using the audio of this show, and it was in two newspapers, to try to go after Paul, and his office has been a little concerned about it, but I told them, hey, it's the truth that will make you more popular, which it is, but I'm glad that you've had the courage to just stick to your guns with that.
Yeah, I think the man has to be impeached.
But imagine the Democrats are using that against a Republican Congressman, Ron Paul, right now.
The Democrats are defending the President.
Well, they'll use anything to gain more popularity.
But 60-something percent in polls want Bush impeached.
I mean, what does that idiot Democrat think he's doing?
Well, maybe he works for the newspaper and doesn't know what he's talking about.
Actually, he's a former high-powered lobbyist, so they work for the real bosses of this country, the foreign interest.
We don't need to get behind Ron Paul and support him and support you.
Ron Paul, though, is still like 66 in the polls.
He'll win by a huge landslide.
We're going to be right back, sir.
We're going to take calls.
Any other issues you want to discuss, we'll tell folks about your campaign website, which we have links to on InfoWars.com and a lot more.
He got up there and he hit them hard!
Terrorism against the American people is Stan Jones from Bozeman, Montana, running for U.S.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Do you have that Sundown on the Union?
I think that's apropos.
We played that again yesterday with Bob Dylan.
Before we go back to our guests and the calls, here's one of Bob Dylan's songs.
I think this is a few years old.
Sundown on the Union, talking about all the third world slave goods and how the country is breaking apart and being flooded with illegal aliens.
Do you have that Sundown on the Union there?
Here it is.
Well, my shoes, they come from Singapore.
My flesh, that's from Taiwan.
My people come from Malaysia.
My silk circles from the Amazon.
You know, this shirt I wear comes from the Philippines.
And the colors I'm in is Chevrolet.
Sundown on the Union.
Good old Bob Dylan.
He's got so many songs that are really hard hitting.
It was interesting to hear from a little bird that Bob Dylan knows all about the New World Order, or that he's starting to learn about the New World Order.
But I won't tell you anymore what I heard from that little bird.
But everybody, I guess, who's got any brain cells knows this country's in deep trouble.
And if you love this country, you see my patriotism, Mr. Jones' patriotism,
Stan Jones we're talking to, your patriotism as listeners, is more than skin deep.
It's deeper than a faded little plastic bumper sticker made by slaves in China.
In fact, the criminals in the government, they say it's patriotic to butcher the Bill of Rights and Constitution, to get rid of our borders.
You know, there is such a thing as denial, though, Mr. Jones, and it is hard for me to even believe, when I have the documents, the official announcements, mainstream news stories, I've known about it for decades, over a decade, it's still hard to believe they're really getting rid of the country right now.
They're really bringing us in to a North American Union.
They're really getting rid of our freedoms.
They really passed 6166 that overturned the entire Bill of Rights and habeas corpus.
Comments, sir?
Yeah, I agree with that.
Some of the legislation that's being produced nowadays is unbelievable.
How can anyone with any intelligence whatsoever sign their name to that, vote yes for that?
And I think the reason is that they get so much pressure from the President and others who are members of the Council on Foreign Relations that being politicians that they are,
They get all this pressure and they can't vote no because of the ramifications for their career.
So they're looking at their own self-interest as opposed to the interest of the nation.
Well, I totally agree with you.
You're absolutely right.
What's your path out of this?
Is it, let me guess, educating?
Ring the alarm bell?
Let the people know that this is really happening?
Well, that's part of it, but my way out is... I believe that going to the national government is a waste of time.
I agree.
I always say local.
That's where we can still have an effect.
That's right.
I have a plan to go around the state of Montana and conduct meetings and try to get the population of Montana organized.
At least, you know, a few people.
It doesn't matter how many.
Just get a few
And start showing them good videos about what's happening, and start getting them educated about what's going on.
And then, I've already drafted about, oh, 20, 25 constitutional amendments for the Montana State Constitution.
And in 2008, we'll be introducing all of those to amend the Constitution to get our local governments, and especially the local sheriff,
Because he is the chief law enforcement officer.
That's right.
And he reports directly to the people because they elected him.
He's a bulwark, a last ditch defense against the federal encroachment, the control, the feds can't come into that county unless he authorizes it, and they have been neutered, they have been emasculated, they have been turned into little sock puppets of the central government.
Well, what we want to do is provide them with guidance as to what their duties are, and if they don't perform, then they can be recalled.
And the whole idea is that those sheriffs, the local county sheriff, will be responsible for protecting our rights from anybody.
Feds, state-level agents, whoever.
But the local sheriff is the guy that's got to do it.
And he's the guy that's got to
Uh, to be supported by the people.
And if necessary, he can deputize a number of people in his community.
Yeah, that's right.
The answer on the border is the states funding the sheriffs, the sheriffs taking action, hiring more deputies, deputizing citizens, there'd be endless volunteers.
That's the answer.
It is not the feds.
The feds have totally been bought off by international interest.
It's all gone, folks, and again, 60% turnout in the presidential elections, 8% nationally, on average it's 8 point something, I forget the exact number, and we need to get 60% locally.
If the good people turned out and believed we could affect change again, and were informed, and got constitutionalists, libertarians, truth-tellers, freedom-lovers, whatever you want, paleo-conservatives, I would imagine you identify with all those terms, Mr. Jones.
Yeah, it's got to happen at the local level.
It's got to happen at grassroots level.
And even at the state level, it's difficult.
Montana has a population just under a million.
And we're the fourth largest state in area.
So we have a lot of highways.
Massive resources.
Yep, and we have a budget of seven billion dollars.
But guess what?
3.5, one half, 3.5 billion comes from the federal government.
That's right.
People say, oh that's free money.
No, they take a dollar, send an average of 32 cents back with control and strings and social engineering mechanisms attached.
We need to break that.
We need to remove that.
We need to keep our money and have that locally and get that control out of our lives.
Because the string goes from the internationalists and the banks
In the Washington.
So it's not even federal money now.
It's not even federal control.
It's private global crime syndicate control.
The CFR itself interfaces with the Bilderberg Group who's scared to death people even know about their existence.
They love you to hate Bush or hate Clinton or hate Hillary or whatever.
They're all just puppets.
They don't want us talking about who really runs things.
Mr. Jones?
That's true.
You just reminded me of a great documentary.
I don't know if you've heard about it.
America from Freedom to Fascism?
Yes, we promoted that here and had Aaron Russo on.
We're going to carry it as soon as it comes out on DVD in the next few months.
And, you know, I knew about all the things that that film presented, but when I saw that, I walked out of that theater with a stunned realization of how much
The federal government is taking away from us.
Yeah, it's a great film.
Aaron's done wonderful work.
We're going to be again promoting that DVD as soon as it comes out.
That's when it's really going to have a big effect.
Let's go ahead and take some calls, sir.
You game for that?
You bet.
Before we do it, your website, it's got a lengthy address.
We've got links to it up on Infowars.com.
Are there any other addresses other than the ntlp.org forward slash Jones forward slash home dot htm?
Uh, no.
If they get to M-T-L-P, then they'll be able to get to my site.
And that's the Montana Libertarian Party?
That's right.
M-T-L-P dot O-R-G.
You go there, you can find it real easy.
Get behind him, folks.
He's the type of Libertarian we need.
Sounds like a Ron Paul Libertarian with even more courage.
Let's go ahead and take a call.
Let's talk to DJ in Illinois.
DJ, thanks for holding.
Can you hear me?
Loud and clear.
Usually I don't talk too loud.
Couple statements and a couple questions, please.
Number one, thank you for running.
It sounds like you're a statesman and not a polytech.
Thank you!
A polytech we define as many and then blood-sucking parasites.
And Alex, thank you for having him on.
I don't know whether you realize it, but there is a Rockford AM station WLUV out of 1520 that does carry your broadcast.
And when we get close to Rockford, that's one place we can point people.
And that's out of Rockford, Rockford what?
Rockford, Illinois.
Oh yeah, I know about that station.
The land of the Chicago machine.
Yeah, yeah, there's so many great stations that pick us up and I need to, I should start asking all the listeners, how are you listening?
That way I can always thank the stations.
But yeah, we've got so many wonderful affiliates and we thank them all.
We aren't close enough to get it.
I'm on the internet.
Sure, I understand.
But anyway, we can point people there.
When we get in that area to do business.
We salute all of our affiliates' courage and commitment to this republic.
What's on your mind?
Okay, a question for Mr. Jones.
What do you think we should be doing nationwide to wake up our police and military to keep them from being used, the Military Commissions Act, from being used to blackball the police and military into obeying the horrendous unlawful orders to come?
Yeah, she's talking about, of course, the unconstitutional 6166.
Again, I use this because it's the best example I've got.
The government, and you said Mr. Jones, so I know that means me, I'm joking.
Oh, I'm sorry, that's right.
No, I know you meant Stan.
Well, no, seriously, which Jones is it for?
Um, Stan.
Okay, Stan, go ahead and you take it.
Both of you.
Oh, okay.
Well, what we have to do is what I was just talking about before you came on, and that's to get the local sheriff involved.
Now, you know, the police departments will always
Take the orders from the City Council and from other people and they won't necessarily comply with their oath to uphold the Constitution.
So we've got to give the Sheriff's Department as much power as we possibly can.
And of course they're doing the opposite now, from Maryland to you name it, to California, to Illinois, they're erasing sheriff's departments and the incorporated nothing police department with no real constitutional authority.
It derives right out of the county and state charter.
Tell the sheriffs what to do, just like these district attorneys tell grand juries what to do, that is backwards.
Well, I've written an amendment to the Montana State Constitution which quite clearly says that the sheriff is independent and will not take any direction from any other office.
And his duties are to uphold the Constitution and support the rights of the people.
And for any state that has an initiative process, boy, I sure hope that you jump on something like that, get that initiative going, and of course the
The world powers are trying to eliminate
The sheriffs, or at least the election of sheriffs, and make them appointed office.
And again, that's why they hate it, because the first incorporated police was in 1870-something in New York, and they literally just hired the street gangs and put them in blue uniforms, before it was the sheriff.
The people weren't dumb.
If you're going to have somebody with weapons and men, they're going to report to you!
That's why they're getting rid of them, because these police departments, they report to the International Crime Syndicate.
So we've got to preserve the elected sheriff position.
Someone that reports to the people.
God forbid, that sounds like Al Qaeda.
Oh no, I think it sounds good.
I'm being sarcastic.
I know you are.
Stan, I'm sure you've seen those training mails where they say, gun groups, land rights groups, constitutionalists, we're all terrorists.
Yeah, you mean the pamphlets that the FBI put out?
Yeah, and now they're in Texas, New Mexico, North Carolina, Virginia, not just the original one out of Phoenix.
Yeah, that's pretty sad.
Oh no, that's freedom!
Yeah, DJ, go ahead.
Do you have time for another question?
Yeah, go ahead.
There are two people running against a Chicago machine.
For Governor of Illinois, one Constitutional and one Libertarian.
Can I give out the info?
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, the Constitution, it's Randy Stoffelbeam.
The website is www.runrandyrun.com.
And I think you'd love his Second Amendment position.
I have not been able to find out the positions on the Libertarian one.
That is Mark McCoy.
The only thing I've got for contact on him would be the www.lpillinois, spelled out.
Yeah, listen, I appreciate your call, but let me just say this to everybody out there.
I think it's fine to give out email and addresses and websites for other political parties just randomly on air.
That's why we have Stan Jones on right now.
And I'm glad she did that.
But frankly, everybody should be finding out who the third party candidates are.
Everyone should have to hear it.
You should be looking it up.
If you don't have a computer, you should be at the library typing in third party candidates.
For the state of Texas, third-party candidates for the state of Ohio.
Comments on that, Mr. Jones?
Yeah, I think it's important.
We're making more progress at the local level with third-party candidates.
Yeah, thousands of them are getting elected now at county commissioners, city council, state senate.
That's the way to do it.
If I were to become popular in the state of Montana running for a national office or for governor,
You can't imagine how much money they would be pouring into this state to beat me.
So that's why I say the fix is in.
There's hardly any way that a third party is going to get elected to a national office or to the governor's office.
But I think I see your stratagem.
You are getting well known by running on a national level, and then you can use that as capital for the city or county level.
That's true.
And then you can shoot under radar.
Once you get in there good though, they'll stack up against you next time, but by then you'll be in a power position and can raise money yourself.
Yep, that would help a lot.
You bet.
So that is your strategy?
Well, I probably will never run for a local office.
I'm just too pumped on the national issues.
So, by doing that, you're being honest that this is a bully pulpit?
I think the fix is kind of in.
I had fewer invitations for televised debates this time than I had the last three times that I ran.
So, I think the news media and the others, they're all just saying, hey, he doesn't have a chance.
We're not going to include him in the debates.
I think I got included in this debate because it was sponsored by the university and two years ago when I ran for governor they didn't include me and I sued them.
So I think they wanted to avoid the suit this time and so they invited me.
Well that's another thing, they tell us all to be nice.
They tell you to be nice, to sit down and shut up.
They tell you being nice gets you ahead.
Hey, when people are abusing you, taking your liberties, taking your freedoms, don't be nice!
No, you can't be.
You can't be.
With the South Park attack on 9-11 Truth, which is important because it shows the template they're using.
North Korea threatening to nuke us, but they're not the threat.
Let's attack Iran.
It's unbelievable.
All this and a lot more straight ahead.
Final segment with Stan Jones running for Senate in Montana when we get back.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
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Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right.
Don't worry.
It's documented.
The truth always comes out.
The media is going to lie about SPP, North American Union, and it's all going to come out.
People are going to learn.
They're going to lie about 9-11.
They're going to lie about the war.
They're going to lie about the border.
They're going to lie about it all, and it's going to come out.
They're going to lie about how they're Christian conservatives, and it's going to come out, what they're really into up on Capitol Hill.
A bunch of perverts.
They're a bunch of criminals, and criminals are into weird stuff.
Normal people, though, seem to be naive and not involved, and so we get taken over every time in history.
Then things get bad, and we stand up and kick some hind in.
And Stan Jones is doing that.
Go to Infowars.com, link through to his website, and give him some financial support, or get out there and knock on doors for him in Montana.
And we'll let him plug that in a moment.
We'll go to Mike here in a second.
If you believe in what we're doing here on the air,
Go to Google Video, click Video, and get a link to TerrorStorm, my new film, for free, and give it to your email address, post it on message boards, help us.
They've been censoring it, they've been deleting our views to keep us out of the top 100, where tens of millions will watch it.
We've had well over 4.5 million views now, with them still deleting and freezing our numbers.
If we can stay in the top 100, near the top 30 plus million will see it like loose change.
Help us make sure that happens.
Go to Google Video.
Get the link to TerrorStorm.
Give it to everyone.
Do not stop.
I want to thank those that have been taking action.
And yeah, we need some capital around here.
Go to Infowars.com.
And, uh, please order Terror Storm, my new film.
Please get Martial Law.
Please get Road to Tyranny.
Please get the other books and videos by other authors and researchers we carry at InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or you can write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Please support us.
But that's a side issue.
The key here is getting the films to make copies of the DVDs.
Oh, that's really effective.
A lot better than passing around foggy internet videos.
Going back to Mr. Jones, Stan Jones, running for Senate in Montana.
Briefly, I want to take a call from Mike here.
How do folks financially support you?
Well, you know, I want financial support, but not for my campaign.
I want financial support for the plan that I described before, where I go around the state and
Get people organized into groups in every community and inform them and show them what they can do.
Get signatures for initiatives.
Get out and civil disobedience for certain laws, whatever it takes.
Yeah, we gotta get aggressive.
Give folks your contact info.
Okay, good.
Stan Jones, P.O.
Box 6202.
Bozeman, B-O-Z-E-M-A-N, Montana, M-T-5-9-7-7-1.
Or you can go to the website, and I believe I have my email there.
If not, my email is StanJonesAtMontana.com.
Oh good, StanJonesAtMontana.com.
And again, we have a lot of listeners in Montana.
We have a shortwave internet and a commercial AM station, 600 there.
And so people also need to go out and help you and meet with you.
Maybe they can go out too and organize.
I mean, don't wait for orders from headquarters, folks.
Take action.
Stan Jones, thank you so much for spending time with us today.
And I hope to talk to you again in the future as your operations expand there in the information war.
Thank you very much for having me on, Alex.
I appreciate it, and God bless you.
Hey, I appreciate you telling me you're going to take that this weekend when the debate re-airs and send me a good copy of it.
You bet I will.
God bless you, sir.
Take care.
Alright, there goes Mr. Jones.
Hope you do support him.
He's a real gem.
He's got a lot of courage to put his money where his mouth is on C-SPAN and call this government terrorist, because it is.
It's illegitimate.
It's terrorist.
He's a real patriot.
Alright, Mike, you disagree with me on something.
We'll go to you.
We'll go to Michelle, John, Paula.
Take a bunch of calls, then I'll get more into the South Park audio clips.
The huge 9-11 hit piece.
More on North Korea threatening the nucleus.
A bunch of domestic news.
Third hour is going to be totally jammed.
Stay with us.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're a platform to support people like Stan Jones, Ron Paul, you out there listening.
We do the best job we can.
We work as hard as we can.
And we appreciate all of your support.
I know we got a lot of phone lines.
I have two people that disagree with me, two in a row.
We've got Nathan in Iowa disagreeing with my analysis of saying South Park was a hit piece against the 9-11 Truth Movement.
Well, we also have Mike in Pennsylvania who disagrees with something, so they go to the head of the line, then we'll go to Michelle, John, Paula, and others.
Mike in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
I'm a first-time caller, a big fan, convinced 9-11 is an inside job.
Actually, I've recently shown Terrasaur at my college.
Good job, good job.
But it's not so much a disagreement, but just clearing up of evidence.
Recently, Peter Power, who said all the drills that were going on at all the exact locations, recently has kind of backed off what he said and said that most of those drills were on paper.
I just wanted to know what you thought of that.
Well, yeah.
No, no.
I mean, a week after we broke our story, he went on BBC 5 radio.
He went on ITN national television and said almost, in fact, there's only one word that's different.
He read from a script.
The former spokesman for Scotland Yard, the head of visor consultants, running a drill.
He went on television and radio
And Sid, we were running a drill at the exact same places at the exact same time.
Those are quotes, exact same words.
And on 7-7, again for those who just joined us, that's done.
I'm not saying he was involved.
He was hired.
We later learned it was the tube.
It was the transportation organization that's quasi-governmental that hired him.
And then we later learned there were government drills going on in conjunction with that.
And it's the same every time to create a smoke screen.
And we know Netanyahu got the warning and the rest of it.
He then put out a press release and clarified and said it was a tabletop.
We weren't there physically.
It only involved, you know, a small number, but I won't say who or where.
So he covered up.
The point is, he put out statements, then he backtracked on them.
Okay, so we're going with his statements that were exactly the same.
Those were written statements, and I don't know why they said it or why they did it, but then we talked to locals.
We talked to locals that work for the bus company.
While I was in England, on the phone, here, on email, who will not come on the show, they said they saw the drills.
Sir, we got so much evidence, we can't put it all in a film.
That was my next question, if you have witnesses that saw them, because that's irrefutable, and that's the clincher.
Yeah, I even met with some of the people and talked to them, and they're too afraid to go public.
I have another little follow-up, unrelated too, I wonder if you've thought of another guy who's been fighting for the, against Volvo, it's Mike Rupert, I wonder what you think of him defecting to South America and getting his computer smashed?
I know Mike Rupert has said things about me that aren't true.
Right, and I don't know... Over and over again, over and over again.
And strawman-ed me, you know that's when you create something someone didn't say and then claim they did.
And they're still doing it, and I just turn the other cheek and say,
For a guy whose family was CIA and NSA and who was a cop, I say, c'est la vie, down to Venezuela, if you're really even there.
I have nothing to say about him.
I just turn the other cheek and I don't believe in peak oil.
Yeah, no, I have... Greg Powless does in the BBC.
Dutch Royal Shell, ten years ago, created that as a scam for artificial scarcity.
Doesn't mean I think petrochemicals are good, don't get me wrong, but yeah, I just don't follow that religious belief.
And I don't have anything else to say about him.
Thank you, though.
I appreciate you, sir, showing Terror Storm at your university.
Yeah, we have the oil company documents that Petrol Shell created the scam of Peak Oil because there's too much oil.
They're finding too much and the price is going to go down too low.
We also have their documents where they bought up all the private refineries in the U.S.
because there was too much oil coming in to artificially create a bottleneck on the refined petrol.
So, gasoline.
So, that's what's happening there.
We have the facts.
They have the religious belief.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, these are some clips from South Park, and then I'm gonna go to Nathan, who disagrees with me about my analysis of the incredible hit piece that they aired last night, one of the most popular, most highly viewed television programs, not just on cable, but television.
I mean, it even beats out most of the ratings for broadcast TV.
Tens of millions of people watch this.
It has a life of its own on the web.
It gets re-aired for years.
So conservatively, 50 million people, I looked up the numbers, 50 plus million will end up seeing this in the next year.
And I knew it was going to be a hit piece.
I mean, I went and saw Team America with the puppets that they made, and it was pretty funny.
Kim Jong-Il, how's it, bitch, buddy?
Come on in, bitch.
But it was vulgar, not good for the country, but that's not why it was really bad.
I mean, that was bad enough.
Michael Moore is a terrorist who suicide bombs U.S.
Alec Baldwin's a terrorist.
And again, they're liberals.
They're in the controlled paradigm.
What Michael Moore did was make Bush look like he's just an idiot.
Michael Moore did what this South Park episode does.
It makes it look like they're just a bunch of buffoons that don't know what they're doing, and it's really the conspiracy theorists that are the equivalent of dogs going to the bathroom on the ground at inopportune, improper places, and that we're all anti-semitic, and that, I mean, it's just so many layers to this.
Aaron Dykes has written a detailed article at JonesReport.com.
It's also posted on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
This will wake up a lot of young people.
People in their thirties watch this, and as young as twelve watch it.
That's its key demographics, about twelve to thirty-three.
So please get it out to everybody.
We have the key video clips, so you don't have to watch the whole atrocity up on the website right now if you want to go see them.
But I aired this clip earlier, then we'll play the other clips we haven't aired yet, then I'll go to this guy that disagrees with me, then I'm going to get into a bunch of other news.
And I should not get into the master plan of the globalists and what the world will look like yesterday.
I didn't do it.
I'm going to try to do that at the bottom of the hour.
Really what the plan is, what the real threats are that our society faces, not peak oil and stuff like that.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to the one where Bush blows the head off of a 9-11 truther.
And, uh, wearing a 911truth.org t-shirt.
And, uh, takes credit for 9-11.
But then later you learn it was all a big lie, and they want you to think they did to scare you, but they're really a bunch of idiots who can't get anything right.
Again, their own official plans, say they planned to break down Iraq into three parts, have sectarian war, to destroy it so it wouldn't be a first world country.
Then they tell you openly, oh we wanted to make it all happy and free, but then they break it in three parts to have endless sectarian war, and the troops there forever.
Exact precision execution!
They say the drug war is a failure.
Triple the heroin, double the cocaine.
From 1.3 million in the prison system to over 7 million in the system, 4.5 million behind bars.
Total success!
They ship in the narcotics and turn it into a police state and corrupt police with asset forfeiture seizure while they're at it, under federal control.
The feds have the law written where the states can't give the cops the asset forfeiture seizure, so they have to get it from the feds, thus making them toadies.
Hundreds and hundreds of similar things done with total precision!
The bureaucracy is meant to be a big quicksand jungle we can't get through, but at the higher realms of intelligence, these operations, it's the best and brightest, but they are evil.
So I'm so sick every time I'm on a talk show, well Bush can't carry out Iraq, he sure couldn't do this.
You know, it's just ridiculous.
Their own documents say exactly what they do, and they did it.
People go, it's incredible, Alex Jones is psychic, he has crystal balls, he knows all this stuff.
I just read the Israeli 83 plan.
I just read the Pentagon 2001 plan.
I mean, these are in academia.
These are out there for you.
It's just never going to be in your newspaper.
That's how I can tell you exactly what would happen.
Because they're following their plan!
And they're so arrogant, they publish it!
Let's go to Bush blowing the guy's head off.
Here it is.
Excuse me, there's been a misunderstanding.
Come on in, Mr. President.
Uh, Mr. President, my name is- SHUT UP!
You think we don't know your name?
We know everything.
We control everything.
We've all worked very hard to keep our involvement in 9-11 a secret.
But you just had to keep digging.
You won't get away with it!
People know!
You mean sheeple?
We have the majority of them kept in blissful ignorance.
Just one more leak to fix.
What are you doing?
You've been a thorn in our side for too long, I'm afraid.
You can't do this!
I'll stop!
I'll take down the website!
Too late.
He died like a pig.
Some pigs never learn.
No way!
He was right!
You did cause 9-11!
Quite simple to pull off, really.
All I had to do was have explosives planted in the base of the towers.
Then on 9-11, we pretended like four planes were being hijacked when really we just rerouted them to Pennsylvania, then flew two military jets into the World Trade Center filled with more explosives and shot down all the witnesses in Flight 93 with an F-15 after blowing up the Pentagon with a cruise missile.
It was only the world's most intricate and flawlessly executed plan ever, ever.
Oldest reason in the world.
The towers fell and the American sheeple all waved their flags.
Finally we can invade Iraq and get the oil which made us all even richer than before.
Beautiful money!
Is the whole government in on this?
We are all-knowing and all-powerful.
Goodbye, boys.
Dang it!
I missed again!
For Christ's sake, Katie!
Okay, before it gets off into too much more of the blasphemous behavior.
Alright, now let's go to the next clip.
I'm not going to play the one where Bush admits he didn't do it and wants us to think he's powerful and he's really just an idiot.
Let's play the one
Uh, where they're at the home of the 9-11 truther who Bush later blows his head off.
But it turns out that guy really works for Bush and it was just a blood pack on the back of his head and it was all staged.
Uh, let's go to where they're at the home and it connects the 9-11 truther to anthrax attacks.
And then the SWAT team SWAT teams them.
Again, it's all to scare you.
You get your head blown off.
The SWAT team comes and gets you.
You're involved in anthrax.
It has this subconscious level delivery.
Then it has the potty humor delivery for the general public.
Then it has more sophisticated levels.
Uh, and again, it's the template of everything they've been using to try to discredit us.
Go ahead and roll the one where they're at the 9-11 truth or zone.
Hi, we were hoping you could help us.
My friend is being blamed for 9-11.
Oh, jeez.
Come on in, kids.
It doesn't surprise me.
More and more people are being blamed for 9-11 every day.
They are?
Yeah, it's a way of keeping people from seeing the real evidence.
I know it seems crazy, but 9-11 was pulled off by our own government.
So they could gain support for attacking the Middle East.
No, no, no.
I know it's hard to believe.
Dude, why would the government attack its own buildings?
It's called the false flag policy.
Make it look like the enemy has attacked you.
Get all your citizens riled up and waving American flags.
Then you're free to invade any country you want.
That's retarded!
Look into the evidence of 9-11 and you'll see there are a lot of holes in their story.
There's a lot of holes in the theory of evolution, too.
It doesn't mean it's wrong.
You don't understand!
The government controls everything.
The media, the corporations.
They have the power to do anything they want.
Here, look!
Read the labels on these.
Go on, read them.
Code 234.
We think they came from a government office.
What is it?
It's anthrax.
Anthrax?! !
Someday we'll use it as evidence against them.
Stan, we can't be seen with this net job!
Alright, let's go ahead and go to somebody who disagrees with me.
Let's talk to Nathaniel in Iowa.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey Alex, I'm a first-time caller and I just got to disagree with you on your announcement that South Park hit peace.
I know you're not a fan of the show,
But I'm just here to give South Park a little bit more credit.
I mean, the producers, because I think they did what they could, considering Comedy Central's censorship and content control policies.
I mean, this is a network that Dave Chappelle walked away from a $50 million contract because of content control.
And if you were a fan of the show, you could see that, compared to the severity of... Sure, obviously, in a certain area of my brain, I'm a fan of the show.
I mean, I like certain levels of the comedy.
I just can't hear about, you know, poop every 30 seconds.
It's just stupid.
I mean, obviously, listen, you've seen Team America, I would imagine.
Fighting for your freedom, America!
Don't say the rest.
The point is, darka-darka-darka-darka, it applies that it's Arab terrorists doing it, Saddam's evil, then Laden's real, you know, the devil's boyfriend is Saddam, it just continues to reaffirm the official myth at every level.
And what if it was some idiot who accidentally, you know, is just out there getting the evil guys?
At least to their credit, they did go over real issues like the temperature, fire, the Silverstein, the bombs at the base.
They could have said it was all the crab people, and the fact that they gave up a 911truth.org.
They didn't have to do that.
They could have given a fake website, they could have made up fake issues to really discredit us.
But I think the fact that they brought out real issues when they had no reason to, I mean, it could have been a lot worse compared to when they attacked Scientology, or the Mormons, or Mel Gibson.
That's when they made them look really bad.
But considering they did go after real issues, and they gave out that website, which I bet is going to get tons of hits, like you said, 50 million people seeing the t-shirt in black and white saying 911truth.org.
That's a real website people can go to to find out the truth themselves.
So I'm thinking that this is more them working through the grid, that these guys might be good guys,
That's right.
Obviously they're not going to be able to get away with a pro 9-11 truth episode, so they did what they could.
Well, I agree.
I mean, obviously it could have been worse, but then if the propaganda is that over the top, it's not convincing.
Good propaganda shows a little bit of truth.
Even a lot of truth and mixes in lies.
I mean, it's not right what they did in there, you know, focusing on the Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew parts we haven't played yet, because, you know, that will actually get people who've never even thought about Jews being involved to think about it.
I mean, certainly Israel was involved in support roles and very corrupt, but I just think it's very dangerous.
Israel couldn't carry out the attacks.
It's too sophisticated.
It's too big.
They're not in control of our government to that extent.
Just like the Arabs couldn't carry it out.
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I've got a stack of news articles that are all
Again, you could spend an hour on each one.
The mob boss mayor of Chicago, the criminals, want to make sure you, their cattle, stay in line.
Here's the headline.
Daily, cameras on almost every block.
He's announced that they're going to spend millions of dollars to put cameras everywhere watching everyone.
This is out of the City Hall Reporter of the Metro and State section of the Chicago Tribune.
Here is another one.
More than 50 illegal immigrants found in one home.
More than 50 immigrants.
Not illegal aliens, see.
They're immigrants.
And now the government started calling them undocumented citizens.
They're now changing, see.
And we'll all adopt that.
Oh, the government says it.
More than 50 immigrants were taken into custody Wednesday after a raid on a Westside home.
Police were called to the home of Census Street after they received a tip about stolen cars.
It's the only reason they were taken.
It's because of the stealing.
When they arrived, they saw four people running from the house.
They looked inside the stash house and found 51 illegal immigrants, 38 men, 12 women, a teenage girl, all crammed into three bedrooms.
And it just goes on.
That's San Antonio.
There'll be lawsuits, folks.
Every time police stop illegal aliens and try to deport them, they go, You're not allowed to do that!
These are gods!
And I've heard it tell you, most of the car theft... I've lived in Dallas.
I've had a car stolen there.
Had them broke into here.
And every time I've talked to police, they finally bust one of these rings, it's illegal aliens.
Because they're above the law, it's very hard to bust them.
Even when they go to prison, they don't have documents, they just tell them, my name is, you know, say, Sanchez Ramirez.
And you never know!
And they let them out.
I mean, it's like all these serial killers.
Basically, the criminals of Mexico have come up here.
A lot of them aren't criminals, but statistically, it's a higher level of violent criminals.
Of course, the military is now recruiting violent felons.
Aggravated felons, excuse me.
That was in the Washington Times and Associated Press a few years ago to join the military.
Just like Stalin wanted hardcore criminals out of the jails to rule the sheeple.
South Park will probably have a special making fun of nuts that believe there's a North American Union as the official government at secret meetings.
The new government is meeting us.
We're not allowed in, though.
It's freedom.
That's the kind of news I have stacks of here.
Let's move quickly through calls because I want to get into some of the Globalist Master Plan.
Let's go ahead and talk to Michelle in Texas.
Michelle, welcome.
Hi, Alex.
I know you have a lot of things to get to, so I'm just going to make it as quick as possible.
You've been holding.
Take your time.
First off, I just want to say thank you so much.
We were with you in New York at Ground Zero this year, and it was the most
It's the real moment and the proudest moment of my entire life, and I encourage everybody I meet.
I'm 26 years old.
I encourage everybody, especially my generation, to get up off of your desks and do something about what is going on.
Yesterday, I had to listen to our president say, you know, one day they're going to look back and they're going to say, what happened in 2006 and why couldn't they see the problem and fix it in the United States?
That's crazy.
Why couldn't we?
Why couldn't we wake up and figure out that our government is lying to us?
And that we have been led through this for five years, and it is time.
It is time.
And I am with you.
I am totally done.
I'm tired of people talking and talking and talking about doing something, but not standing up to it and not following through with action.
And, you know, I listen to Dave and Joyce in the morning, and we carpool to work, so it's me and my boyfriend, and we listen to you while we're at work, and we listen to John in the afternoon, and you'll all say the same thing, you know.
And I so want somebody to stand up and say, we're with you and we're going to organize and we're going to do something and nobody ever does.
So I'm telling you, I'm with you and I'm going to organize.
I'm the only one that does it.
And I'm going to see this through with you to the end.
And another thing, and I'm really tired of the fact that there's not, you know, a whole generation of my people, young people and women alike.
Women need to wake up, you know, I mean, get out there, fight for your rights and not just for your rights, but the rights of
Your children, your husbands, your future husbands, you know, the draft is just around the corner.
It's time now.
We have no time to waste.
Well, you're right.
It's going to be women, too, that are going to be drafted in the new universal service.
But, oh, it's not a draft.
It's universal service.
And I hear the concern in your voice.
Things will be a lot worse.
If it wasn't for people like you out there, Michelle, that are taking action, that are involved, the problem is, from the time that most of us were about a year old, and my parents weren't that bad about it, and we haven't done it with our children, we were set in front of the television, we were taught it was our mommy, our daddy, we were mesmerized, and most people have literally
been hypnotized into a false reality that's been pulled up over their eyes to block reality from them ever since they were a year old and so people just have been in a cocoon that's really a straitjacket and we're just starting to realize what's happening most people are and so the establishment is trying to clamp down they know people are waking up that's why they're putting the police state in they wouldn't have done this if they thought they could have just controlled us with the propaganda
Their move for tyranny is an autoimmune response by the parasite to fend off our attacks.
Do you get what I'm saying?
I agree completely.
I agree.
And that's what I'm saying.
We need to wake up and be unafraid and take back our country and take back our lives.
Well, I get buoyed by hearing your spirit.
So I appreciate you calling in.
Take care.
All right.
We'll come back and I'm going to take calls from Paula and DJ and Levi.
And then that's it because I've got a rant coming up for you.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Friends, we're back live.
Thank you for joining us.
We've got Debbie Maher on for about three minutes with us.
Then I'm going to race through three or four calls, and I want to get into really what this is all about, what the globalists really want, what their mindset is.
And I keep meaning to do a whole show on this.
I need to write up a bunch of notes and get a bunch of documents together and really do a big presentation.
I want to write a book on the subject.
I want to do a whole radio show on it.
I'm trying to do a film on it, but it's just so much involved in it.
But Debbie, our loving elite are poisoning our water supply and we have a high quality made in America water filters that is made by New Millennium Concepts.
If you want the British made, they've got those too.
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And the water is full of herbicide, pesticide, and you're completely insane if you drink the tap water in a city or town.
And even a lot of well water has a lot of stuff seeping into it.
You should purify that.
And it's made in America and it supports this broadcast and people are crazy if they don't call you and get at least a free brochure.
How are you doing Debbie?
Great Alex and I look forward to making that video that you're talking about a second ago.
Well we're trying to do it here.
Some people say we're not doing enough though but we're definitely working as hard as we can here on the subjects we think are most important.
We've been told we're evil and we'll not get local support for it by certain parties.
But let me just now digress here.
I am digressing.
Let's get into the big Berkeys.
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Why should people get them?
Berkey water filter systems are a gravity-fed water purification system.
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The black Berkey purification elements that come in our American-made Berkeys set a new standard in the water filter industry because they actually take the contaminants out to a non-detectable level instead of just filtering them.
You've got black elements in the stainless steel casings.
You've also got British stainless steel casings and British filters.
People want those, but the American again sets a new standard.
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You also get a free sports Berkey water filter that just makes the water safe to drink, pond, lake water, or it's good to clean out a lot of the stuff of tap water at the gym or work.
We're good to go.
It's being done by design.
A lot of it is.
Some of it is just in the environment because of normal pollution.
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That's 888-803-4438.
Debbie, folks need to get these.
If people already have them, they need to give them as a gift because don't you care about your friends and family?
Folks, I've given
Now it's what, like nine of these over the past four or five years as gifts, Debbie?
Yes, that's right.
And Christmas is around the corner and people want to buy a gift for their loved ones.
What a better gift could you give and it will last them years and years.
And, you know, get it for people before Thanksgiving so when you get together as a family and you're celebrating together, you'll have good water, you know, and y'all can talk about it.
Give you something to talk about around the table.
We need to do that.
Give her a call.
I don't sell the magic machines that will heal you.
I don't sell the magic creams.
I don't get into things that may be real, may be not.
I don't know.
I just know the water is full of poison.
These are high quality purification systems.
It's what I use.
And we got it right here in the office.
And I give this as a gift to people I love.
So please give her a call.
Debbie, good to hear from you.
Thank you very much for having me, Alex.
And you take care of yourself.
Yes, it's been a while since you came on.
Let's get you back on soon.
Oh, absolutely.
Take care, Debbie.
Alright, um, I really want to get into the world slave grid, the world dehumanization grid, and I just can't do justice to it, but I promised, I said I would, so we will, but let's, I also said I'd take calls, so very quickly, I love hearing from you, I hate the time constraints, I hate pressing you for time, but let's go to your calls.
Paula in Florida, then John, Levi, and Brian.
That'll be it.
Paula, go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
I just want to let you know that I just ordered treason charges from Judiciary and Ethics, and I just called the reps in Washington and told them I just ordered it.
You just ordered it?
What does that mean?
Okay, they said, oh, they passed it on.
I said, no, my family wrote the Constitution.
I said, I'm a presidential family, and I said it's going to be done.
Paula, Paula, I really appreciate your call.
She's a nice lady.
She calls in with some nice things from time to time for us, some info, but I just can't handle it.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's take a call here from John in Tennessee.
John, how are you doing?
I'm doing fine, Alex.
This is my first time calling this year, and a lot of stuff has been happening here in Tennessee.
I won't have time to cover it all exactly.
Well, tell us about some of it.
Well, of course, I saw you guys covered the license plates with the barcode that we have now.
I did some research on it.
I found that they have admitted that this is for future law enforcement, although that's not what they're putting in the main media on some smaller papers.
And that's for a certain system they've been selling to the states with federal funds.
They've already got... See, that was designed ten years ago.
Now they're just using the license plate reading, scanners, because the technology of a year ago is already obsolete a year later.
So nationwide, they're already tracking it all in a hell pit.
And our governor here is a complete criminal.
He's been tied in... There's a Highway Patrol scandal.
If you do a Google on Tennessee Highway Patrol scandal, some of our Highway Patrol men have been shown to be convicted felons.
And the ones who have been getting the promotions have been the ones that have contributed to the governor's campaign.
But it's all being blown over.
Hey, we need convicted felons to control these cattle.
They know how to get rough with people.
Get rough with your family if you don't learn about Alex Jones!
The other thing I thought you might be interested to know is that your good buddy John Yu was on an NPR call-in show this morning.
Oh, the person that says...
Torturing children is good.
Right, and I tried to call in, but of course they screened my call out.
You have to deceive them, it's war.
I tried, I gave up the most inoffensive
Question I thought I could but they kept me on hold and they said oh your phone the phone line has technical difficulties and blah blah blah.
But that show is on point and you can actually they have a broadcast on the web that you can download it.
Was his torture brought up or was he just out telling us how good the police state is?
It was both and you know he was saying oh this is a different kind of war now and that in wartime you know in wartime
Different things are acceptable.
In wartime we do what Jeffrey Dahmer does with children.
Right, but nobody ever did bring up the extent like the torturing, sexually torturing children.
That's what I wanted to bring up.
I didn't tell them to that when I was being asked my question was, but they definitely screamed me out.
They screamed me out.
I've gotten through there only one time.
Well, he would have said probably on air, yeah.
That's what he said in front of other people.
One last thing.
Last year, in the final season of Star Trek Enterprise, they had a couple of episodes that were kind of a 9-11 truth type with a spin on the end of it.
The episodes were The Forge and The Awakening.
In The Forge, the plot was that the Vulcans had blown up one of their own buildings and blamed it on their enemies.
They were going after some other people over some weapons of mass destruction that actually didn't exist.
And then in the other episode, the good guys find what's going to be the solution.
But the solution to the problem is they find this pyramid.
And when they find the pyramid, it's supposed to put the
The volt comes back from the past, and the pyramid has light emanating from the top of it, just like the image on the dollar bill.
So the Illuminati will save us?
Yeah, the government blew up the buildings, but the Illuminati will save you.
You could probably find that video on the web, or I could try to... Yeah, please!
I don't ever hardly watch television, but I could probably download it.
If somebody sends it to me, I'll definitely write a story about it.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Great caller, John.
Don't wait a year to call again.
Let's go ahead and talk to Levi in Colorado.
Go ahead, Levi.
Hey, Alex.
First off, I appreciate everything you do and all of that.
I appreciate you, bro.
What's up?
I think you might be overreacting just a little bit about the South Park thing.
I don't think it's that big of a deal.
It is a hit piece.
Oh, please.
Kevin's swole up like a turnip around here when you guys call in and disagree with me, going, see, I told you.
South Park is saving us.
That South Park thing was a hit piece up one side and down the other.
I know, I know.
I just don't think it's that big of a deal.
They've got such mind control over their fans that... I'm sorry, go ahead.
I just don't think it's that big of a deal and normally I'm, I mean, I like defend you all over the place on message boards and everything but I just think maybe don't give this one so much attention because I don't think it's that big of a deal.
Remember the part when Cartman points out the jet fuel and about the hole in the Pentagon?
And then they had that website on that guy's t-shirt the whole time and
I mean, South Park is just a goofy, it's just a goofy show.
Well, no, that's the argument, is they try to be fair and show every conspiracy, every angle, and you can say that.
No, it's just a bunch of goofy junk.
I think maybe Trey Parker and Matt Stone just aren't woken up, and to them, they're just making fun of stuff.
I don't know, man.
Team America, Michael Moore's Italian.
I saw that.
It was pretty terrible, but I think they're just... You know what it does?
Listen, I appreciate your call, and I appreciate your point of view.
It reaffirms over and over and over again that the terrorists are real, the attacks are real.
Look at Team America.
Look at all their other shows.
I've watched it.
I've watched some of it.
Saddam's real and doing all the stuff that needs to be taken out.
He has a love affair with Satan.
Bin Laden's real and attacking us.
I mean, I've seen Team America and this is how they seduce you folks with entertainment.
Please don't go there.
Leave them alone.
Don't say that about them.
Many more extra... I was going to drop it, but not now.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
There's going to be a deep investigation of South Park now.
For Turnip and everybody else, I'm not going to be stopped, okay?
I'm right.
And when I'm wrong, I'll admit it, but I'm right about this, okay?
And by the way, Aaron and everybody else around here who saw it, and Rob Jacobson, they saw it and they said, absolute hit piece, of course.
And they're South Park fans, by the way.
Okay, let's go ahead and... But others are under their mind control.
Certain parties around here.
I mean, they're actually upset around here.
One person is.
Shaking their head, trying to argue with me.
I mean, this is incredible.
Alright, final call.
Brian, where are you calling us from?
Go ahead.
Calling from Louisville, Kentucky.
It's a pleasure to speak with you, Alex.
Hi, how are you doing?
Alright, sir.
I just wanted to let you know, here in Louisville, Kentucky, they announced today in the newspaper that
Starting today, the city officials have set up a special hotline so that civilians can phone in and report other citizens who are seen littering.
Yeah, I told you folks, it wasn't going to be, first it's terror, then child molesters, and then soon it's spitting on the sidewalk.
Malaysia, we were going to have the guy in the studio, he got cold feet and got scared.
I can tell you about Malaysia and what he told me, but I already knew about some of it, but this was eyewitness stuff.
I can tell you about this, but the point is, it's a total control grid.
Life is going to be a living hell.
It's awful.
They've already announced that in the... And now we need the new Freedom Initiative because of the shootings.
We just so happened to pass the law a year ago.
How convenient.
It's all scripted.
Isn't that awful?
Take care, Alex.
I love the show.
Hey, I appreciate you taking care.
They write scripts.
They have a program.
That's just as General Partin told you.
They follow the script of the program.
If they mess up, they get back on script, or they write something into the script.
It's all scripted.
Alright, now let me spend the last ten minutes of air time we've got left, roughly.
A total of thirteen and a half actual transmission time, counting the ads.
To get into this,
Elites throughout history have believed they have a right to rule.
They have a right to grab slaves to put them on galleys.
They have a right to have slaves to haul their bricks, to build their buildings.
They have a right to kill whoever they want in order to first born kill.
Something the Aztecs did, something the Mayans did, something the Babylonians did, something the Egyptians would do, something the Romans would do.
It's a right of kings!
They execute it.
They exercise it.
Pressing on the nerve of power.
And if you know history, you're not doomed to repeat it, because you've got a chance to not repeat it.
Because you know, once you've seen history, humans are the same.
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
They just keep acting the same.
They keep doing the same thing.
It's the programming.
It's the genetics.
It's the stamp.
It's what we are.
That's why you told a founding father, or just an average American, 230 years ago that government was corrupt and sneaky and stealing and couldn't be trusted.
They'd go, absolutely, of course!
Because they were informed.
Not today!
They've been taught government loves you, it helps you, tens of billions a year.
It's like a hundred billion or something state, federal, and local in PR and public service announcements.
It's all brainwashing.
It's all how they're here to help us, and how to love us, and they care about us.
And it's all compartmentalized.
So you have the right of kings thinking they're God.
And a normal person couldn't do the bad things, and abusive things, and callous things, and removed things they do unless they didn't care, unless they were sociopathic.
And then you interbreed people who are sociopathic and have sociopathic traits.
You know, 50-50, nature-nurture, but that nature is such a key part of it.
And then they're raised by psychopaths and sociopaths and control freaks, and so the nature part is strong, but so is the nurture.
And they're taught that we're bugs, we're cattle, we're nothing.
But in the past, when their delusional behavior got too out of control, they would fall.
And then every time there was a philosopher king and a rare good leader and a rare good elite,
At least to a certain extent, those civilizations would take over.
They would create incredible art and science and technology.
And then soon, corrupt people would make deals, stab people in the back, murder, commit assassinations to seize that power, and then within a very short period of time, these glistening empires would fall into rack and ruin.
And the United States was that.
Never perfect, never totally free, 4% of the population, half the world's wealth, 90 plus percent, like 95% or something of the patents and the developments and the inventions.
A dynamo, milk and honey just bursting at the seams.
And so we were the target of criminal cabals, the target of organized crime, the target of entrenched elites overseas, who openly wrote books saying, if we allow their freedom to continue, they'll break our world monopoly, we must take them over!
So they tried to kill our presidents, they tried to pay them off, they did kill some.
They took over our banking system.
With that, they took over the media and the research facilities.
And now we're 90 plus years after
Occupation by the Federal Reserve and the Central Banks and they have the incredible high-tech systems doubling every year.
They're already authorizing nanotech food.
They've already authorized viruses to be sprayed on our food.
They're already poisoning our water and our air.
They're already putting drugs in the food supply.
Already manipulating us.
Already setting up their FEMA camps.
Gearing up their world government.
And I'll try to calmly, in five minutes, lay out what they're doing in a nutshell.
I mean, I've just got to do a whole show on this.
I don't know why I don't.
It's like a mental block.
It's like it's so important that I do this right.
I haven't ever done it on air.
I need to lay out the whole plan.
Because, I mean, I've read their documents.
I've seen what they're doing.
I understand their operation.
And so, when we get back, I'll break down what's happening.
It's horrible.
It's hard to deal with, but it's true.
And the bottom line is this.
They're going to build a huge prison grid, turning our everyday life into a surveilled control system.
They are brainwashing and training key cadres of psychopaths, armies of them.
They're going to release controlled bio-weapons, one-child policies, you name it, and they're going to kill most of us.
Get ready for it.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran.
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I think so.
I think so.
Humans have been super predators.
We have dominated every other species on the globe.
We are the maskers of this planet.
I don't mean of Mother Nature, but of the animals of the planet.
There's nothing we can't kill.
A grizzly bear is no match for our fighter bombers.
A killer whale, we can harpoon it.
But those same instincts are still there, and then they over-express in these sick individuals who literally see us as their prey.
And so, there is a criminal guild of world elite who were experts thousands of years ago at managing populations, and those technologies have been passed on and made more sophisticated.
And the technology we see in front of us today is ancient.
I mean, in the scale of technology's development, 30, 40, 50 years old.
Much of it is being hidden.
It's being given to select corporations.
They've used our best and brightest minds to get this monopoly over technology and they're building these type of technological spires that are outside of the even conscious understanding or people even being aware of them.
We're being kept kind of down in a frozen state, technologically speaking, compared to the growth of the technologies.
Just as the CFR and Bilderberg Group and Club of Rome, their documents, a lot of them are public where they say this, that they're going to
Basically, they're going to put us back to an agrarian society.
They're going to put us in little areas where we can't move.
Those that live in the big mega-cities are going to be compacted in and controlled.
Everything's going to be surveilled.
Children are going to be drugged from birth.
One-child policies.
Controlled bioweapons releases.
This is all admitted.
See, that's what freaks me out.
And then they're putting it all in place so they can do it.
And technology now that we know of is doubling every two years.
Wild, total surveillance, and calling us civilians, and they're the authorities, and all these military terminologies.
All this military terminology, there's so many facets to it.
You're not going to have property rights in the future unless you're a favored family.
You're going to have lots of, and it's different phases, you're going to have lots of servant families that serve the system and get power from it, then they'll be removed, greater and greater consolidations, more and more.
I mean, imagine having an elite that is consciously trying to dumb the population down.
Consciously doing everything they can to make you petty, to distract you, to poison you, to put mercury into your body, to put cancer viruses and DNA viruses into your manufactured
Microplasms into your body.
Think of the will to let black men die of syphilis and give it to other people and give them syphilis.
Think of the will to radiate 110,000 children as our government in Israel did.
Think of the will to know that it was going to kill the soldiers and have them march through the atomic blast.
Think of the will to use DU and know it's going to kill our soldiers.
Think of the will to give them experimental shots.
Think of the will
Because they think of us as cattle.
And once you understand that, everything else becomes clear.
You and your life and everything mean nothing to them.
They're doing everything they can just to mesmerize you, and inebriate you with the food and drink entertainment, just long enough to get this grid in place, which is almost in place.
And by the way, within another five years, they're going to have over half the Air Force drone, and then within 15, 2015, which I guess is 10 years, 9 years, this is official,
Most of the ground forces will be drone.
Then the elite won't even need troops to carry out their orders.
Just other drone factories to work on it, and then key technicians to oversee that.
And this is the official report.
So you think the globalists were bad on 9-11 with remote control planes?
Think about them with whole armies that are remote controlled.
And you see, the future isn't 500 years in the future, 100 years, 50 years.
Man, it's now.
The future's tomorrow.
This stuff is exploding, and listen, the elite, top scientists, the owner of Sun Microsystems, many others, say in publications nationally that they've been to meetings where the elite plan to kill us!
I mean, this is public for those that are informed!
We're in an emergency, ladies and gentlemen!
God bless you all!
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.