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Name: 20061011_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 11, 2006
2573 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The pace of everything is intensifying, but Grumby is now
Moving so quickly in its rhythm that you can barely separate the different blows on the drumhead as we hurdle towards one world government, as we accelerate into total micromanagement with a high-tech dehumanization slave extermination grid being lowered over us.
And some of us see the net, some of us read the enemy publications, the enemy public transmissions of what they plan to do to us, and we warn the people.
Many don't listen, but many are beginning to listen.
I'm Alex Jones, broadcasting worldwide on the Internet, shortwave, AM and FM stations.
This is a defense of the human species against our own species.
A predator clash in the human species that has always arisen in civilization in the last 6,000 years since civilization developed.
Has now gotten high-tech tools to expand their level of micromanagement, control, and enslavement.
They're openly announcing plans to exterminate 90% of the population.
They're building a worldwide police state to strap us down so we cannot resist as they exterminate us.
They have mind-controlled much of the public.
Again, their statements are public, but the public doesn't go and read government documents or think tank documents.
Their programs are moving ahead, but more resistance is mounting.
We are resisting.
We are defending.
We are standing up for humanity.
The United States is imploding.
As Lou Dobbs said, the United States is now officially dead.
We are going into one world government.
Private property is being seized everywhere.
The police are being militarized against the people.
The criminal elements of the government are shipping in record levels of narcotics.
They're involved in child kidnapping, child rape, child murder.
It is a feast of psychopaths ruling over us, feeding on us, again an aberrant predator class of human who have combined together in groups
As packs of venomous wolves, rending and savaging their own species.
Humans are super predators.
We have been the most powerful species on the planet, and now that humans have dominated every other species, we are now engaging in intermural warfare, and a tiny elite who wishes to remain hidden
He's now being exposed.
So as their crimes become greater, as the abuse against you becomes greater, many of you who are laughing now, I want you to remember when it gets really bad, who your enemies are and who carried out these attacks upon you.
Maybe then we'll have a chance of defeating these parasites.
The parasites are threatening to destroy the entire host.
This is the type of news we have in front of us.
North Korea threatens to nuke the United States.
This is all over the foreign press and all over U.S.
news wires, but not to be heard or heard of in our news.
I have AP.
I have
The USA Today, I have the Daily Mail, all announcing in unison that masses of the population are preparing to take implantable microchips for discounts on buying and selling.
Headline, young shoppers want to pay with chip in the skin.
Of course, no one is saying they want this.
It's just being announced that everyone wants it.
Again, you are living in the twilight zone.
Countries threatening to nuke us.
Big, huge newspapers in unison saying everyone wants chips.
Again, we're entering this vortex where everything is accelerating technologically.
Every two years the technology doubles.
That's the known technology, not the hidden technology forty years ahead that has been exponentially dividing and exponentially growing.
Again, this is where much of the arrogance and humor comes from in the elite.
We cannot even imagine the untold technologies they've been suppressing.
We are in just major crisis mode as a species and this broadcast is only one small part of the organic response of the human species against an aberrant carcinogenic subspecies of super predator Homo sapiens sapien now tending Homo sapien as cattle and now preparing mass culls.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we had guests lined up today, yet again, but I just had them cancelled, as I did on Monday, because I want to have time to take your calls, I want to have time to go over the news and information, all of the earth
Rattling developments that are taking place on our planet with our species.
But I got a call from Jason Burmas with the Loose Change crew, reporting and I said, wait, wait, before you report what they're now doing to Loose Change online, before you report that to me, let me guess, they're not erasing Loose Change's numbers, now that they've been caught doing a terror storm,
They're freezing the numbers.
And he said, yes, they're freezing the numbers to knock us out of the top 100.
Now, Google Video, and if you're sick of hearing about this, I'm sick of it happening, but there are new developments.
If you get into the top 100 of Google, there's something like 100 million people every week that go and watch videos on there.
That's what I read in the press a few months ago, and it's growing exponentially.
And when you're in the top 100, many of those 100 million go and peruse that, and once you get in the top 100, it's kind of hard to get out of the top 100.
And we first discovered it three weeks ago, now there's evidence that it was going on before, but Google, two separate times, admits that they erased the viewer statistics for Terror Storm, my new film,
And hence knocking it out of the top 100 as it was rising on its way to being number one.
And we noticed that other 9-11 films, other films, period, because after I first caught them, I began to monitor the others.
They hadn't been erased.
When they erased mine again about a week ago, it hadn't been erased.
And then Google had to put out a larger press release that thousands of people got, it's been sent to me thousands of times, saying, yes, we did it again, but it's all an accident.
Then they lied and said, but we're only, you know, we're doing it to other people, not just, not just TerrorStorm.
That's not true.
And now they have frozen the Patriot videos.
All of them.
Again, every night I spend about 30 minutes tracking this because it's so interesting, plus it's so important.
And I didn't want to announce it yet.
I've been tracking it for three or four days since I noticed it.
And I was saying, well maybe, maybe it's just the new numbers aren't coming up.
So I started watching other mainstream films, other mainstream videos.
Their counters are, live time, going up every few hours.
I noticed Terror Storm wasn't going up for several days, many of the versions.
But I said, I'm going to wait and see.
Maybe in a few days it'll just bump up dramatically.
Then I said, let me go over and look at Loose Change.
This is about three days ago.
And I noticed they had been frozen.
You know, one would be 3 million, one would be 2 million, one would be 1 million, because they uploaded new versions a few weeks ago, so they started back over again.
And I thought, you know, I also noticed, well that's funny, they've got millions of views, but they're not in the top
100 anymore, but stuff with just a few hundred thousand views is.
And I noticed they'd frozen their hit counter to knock them out, to cheat them out.
So I guess by pointing out that they hadn't censored them, why were they just censoring TerrorStorm has now caused a system-wide, I guess they're listening and figured out their mistakes, and now it's a bunch of other Patriot videos, 9-11 videos, the same thing.
So the phone rings, Kevin's in there about 30 minutes ago, and he says, hey, I know you said no guests today, but
Jason Burns is on the line.
Do you want to have him on?
Jason wasn't asking to come on.
He was just calling to tell us.
He said, hey, they're doing something to lose change.
And I said, let me guess.
Stop right there.
I said, don't tell me.
Because I want to confer and show you I'm doing research on this.
I said, your hit counters have been frozen for at least three days.
And that's when I noticed and started looking.
Actually, I started noticing.
Time flies.
It's actually last Friday.
So I keep saying, that would be one, two, three, four, six days.
Excuse me.
You know how it is.
You start thinking about something and it's three days away.
It's really six days.
Time gets away from you.
So there's no debating it.
There's no ifs, ands, or buts.
Google has admittedly been caught censoring the entire Chinese web.
They've now been caught censoring the Indian web.
They've now been caught censoring the Middle Eastern web.
They've announced they're censoring.
They put it on their website they're censoring.
YouTube told the New York Times yesterday they're going to censor any hate
Or basically anything that gets complained on or anything that's uh... well basically anything that criticizes the New World Order.
That was in the New York Times.
Yesterday we posted it on PrisonPlanet.com.
They of course were bought two days ago by Google and have now made this announcement.
And it's because we're cleaning their clocks.
They don't like it that I can make a film, and in a month and a half of being on the web, it gets four million viewers.
And again, it's like when you're accelerating, you know, towards light speed.
The faster you go, you just exponentially go quicker.
You know, it took my month and a half to get to 2 million, and then it took a week to get to 4 million, and then it was going to take a few days to get to 8 million, and then another week to get to 20 million, and then another week to get to 30 million, and another, oh yes, we're crushing the New World Order!
We've got our hands around their throats!
So I don't blame them.
They've got to knock it, cut it, get it, stop!
It'll be too obvious if we remove these videos.
Just keep them out of the top 100.
You know, their algorithm studies have shown that that will keep them from reaching a mass audience and going viral, as they call it.
I coined the term supernova.
I don't like the term viral because information is a connotation of good, in my opinion, if it's truthful or objective or from another angle.
But I guess supernova really is more destructive than viruses, so... Whatever!
I'm now digressing.
The point is, this is becoming a major scandal.
And so Jason will be joining us in the last 30 minutes of the broadcast for a segment to discuss this, and I'll get Paul Watson, Steve Watson, Ryan Slickhizen, Aaron Dykes, whoever out here wants to engage the enemy with me, and get a report out on this.
Okay, let me give you a rundown of what we're going to cover.
North Korea has threatened to blow up U.S.
They have missiles that can hit U.S.
They have
Well, we don't know how many they have.
We know they get out on the tarmac upwards of 50 missiles.
We know they'll test three or four at a time.
We know they've shot missiles that go out in the middle of the Pacific.
They've fired missiles that go over Japan.
We know the Taipan Dong-2s are based on a Chinese slash U.S.
design, though it's primitive and early 60s type technology.
It can hit Chicago, Seattle, New York, Boston, Toronto, places like that.
They shoot over the North Pole.
I mean, most of their missile tests, they shoot out towards the Pacific because there's less land mass and I guess they don't want to start World War III, though in 2000 they did, according to the mainstream press reports in Japan and South Korea, hit the U.S.
with a test missile.
Again, without a warhead.
Without a payload.
And North Korea, think of it, North Korea has missiles, has atomic weapons,
That our government through AQ Khan in Pakistan and through ABB and the Swiss and their chairman, their vice chairman, Donald Rumsfeld, they are armed, threatening to nuke us if we put sanctions on them.
Japan has slapped total sanctions on them.
All their ships are barred from their waters, barred from their ports, barred from trade, no more aid.
Japan gives them heating oil, rice, money, just you name it.
It's billions every year.
The South Koreans are talking about cutting off aid.
Of course, the U.S.
is literally groveling, saying, we're not going to invade, we're not going to attack.
China's saying, we're going to do nothing.
Meanwhile, Iran had inspectors all over their country, peaceful systems, literally licking boots, a moderate president in, and the neocons said, that's not enough, and so they put in a hardliner, Ahmadinejad.
Who knows whose side he's really on, with Iran's CIA past and history.
But let's just look at it at face value.
And they've done nothing to us, and there's a carrier group about to arrive, another carrier in the Med, and another one cruising around, what, there south of Africa, last time I checked, looking like it could be there in three or four days, up there in the Persian Gulf area.
So there's three carriers in the area, one of them in the middle of going to the Persian Gulf,
And the neocons are openly saying they have special forces there, preparing targets inside Iran, carrying out operations.
Generals on scene in a minute.
Sy Hersh has got the documents.
Openly threatening to hit them with nuclear weapons.
Imagine Iran.
You're being threatened with a nuclear attack.
Your government's been overthrown by the U.S.
crime syndicate that controls the U.S.
in 53.
Death camps and torture centers were set up.
There are special forces of the foreign country inside your country.
The foreign country's threatening to nuke you.
North Korea's running around threatening to nuke the U.S.
and, oh, that's probably not a real nuke!
Oh, they're not a threat!
Oh, they're not a problem!
Never mind North Korea!
Get Iran!
Get them!
Get them!
Get them!
So we're going to go over this report first when we get back.
Then I have an amazing clip from Stan Jones, Libertarian for U.S.
Senate on C-SPAN last night at the end of a debate he had with the sniveling Republicans and Democrats.
And he gets into the New World Order, world government, SPP, all of it.
And we're going to get Stan Jones on.
We salute him.
Hey, the rest of you guys are going to keep up with the Joneses in the fight against the New World Order.
I can't help it, folks.
I had to say it.
But, you know, the king of stupid puns, the king of cliché, that's me.
Stan Jones, Libertarian for U.S.
To the people of Montana!
We're going to put a link up on our website to Mr. Jones' Senate stuff.
We're going to get him on.
Again, we're trying right now.
In fact, if we could, we'd even have him on today, but I'll probably have him on tomorrow for a longer period of time.
But we're very proud and very excited about what he said.
We're going to play that clip.
We're putting it up on... This thing hadn't even really been seen by any yet.
When we saw it on YouTube, it had 200 views.
We're going to be posting it with a video up on Jones Report as a headline.
That's the great part about Jones Report.
Aaron is updating that from 8.30 in the morning until 9 o'clock at night.
I can't get him out of the office.
I love him.
He just wants to fight the New World Order.
So he's constantly updating Jones Report throughout the day.
Something on Prison Planet gets updated three times a day.
InfoWars about twice a day.
Infowars.net once a day, but it has a lot of original content, so it's excellent.
But Jones Report is really our least visited mainline website.
We've got a few others that are specialty sites, you know, one subject like Arnold Exposed or Marshalllaw911.info.
But Jones Report deserves your traffic.
So we're going to be posting the Stan Jones Libertarian for US Senate clip up there.
We're going to play it at the bottom of this hour.
And for those of you that didn't get a chance to hear my conversation with John Ashcroft yesterday, we're going to play that again too.
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So coming up in about ten minutes, I'm going to air this Stan Jones Libertarian for U.S.
Senate from C-SPAN.
Just going public about one world government.
More and more of us going public.
It's hidden in plain view.
And again, yesterday morning, I was in the shower, my wife runs in, National Radio Show, ManCow's Morning Madhouse had called.
They had Attorney General John Ashcroft in studio.
And they said, we want you to go on against Ashcroft.
And then ManCow acted like I was just a caller and put me on with him.
And I prefaced it with, I was half awake.
And I told listeners that.
Sure enough, the message boards, the emails, it was a minority of them, but still.
You screwed up!
You should have asked Ashcroft this.
You screwed up!
You know, you didn't do a good job with Ashcroft.
Folks, number one, I'm not a morning person, and if I've been awake roughly five minutes, I got out of bed, went and got in the shower, my wife ran in,
And said, they want you on against Ashcroft right now.
I threw on shorts, toweled off, toweled off, threw on shorts.
Ran down and was literally, because you know, I like lean in the shower.
I'm like, frankly, I'm like asleep with my head up against the wall in there.
I'm like halfway asleep for about 30 minutes.
And you can hear me when I'm on air with Ashcroft.
I'm like, well, yeah, this is Mr. I hadn't really talked yet.
See, I ran down the stairs, got on the phone in the office, and they're like, are you ready?
I'm like, yeah, I'm ready.
That's about the only words I'd say because I don't talk when I first wake up for about 30 minutes usually.
I'm one of these people that is, literally, I sleep through tornadoes going by, ripping up trees.
That's happened before when I lived out in the country.
I mean, I'll sleep through alarms going off.
I'll sleep through people banging on pots and pans.
I'm this, you know, I wake up slowly and I... So, you know, excuse me, but I am sick of it, getting in the arena, getting on the field, time and time again.
And being criticized for it.
We shouldn't have this attitude in the Truth Movement, in the Patriot community.
We shouldn't be such a bunch of armchair quarterbacks, a bunch of critics of our own movement.
We should be taking action against the New World Order.
With the government, COINTELPRO operatives taught us how to act like a barrel of snakes.
I'm not saying everybody out there sniping 24-7 is inoperative.
No, most of them are mockingbirds.
Most of them are quackers.
Most of them repeat like parrots.
Polly, you want a cracker?
Polly, you want a cracker?
Over and over again, they repeat what they hear.
And again, I prefaced the clip we played yesterday with the fact that I was literally right out of bed, basically, when I went up against Ashcroft.
But later I thought about questions.
What was I supposed to say?
What was I supposed to do?
I would have just said, 9-11 is an inside job.
You were involved, traitor!
Which I would have done at a public function where they couldn't hang up on me.
If I'd have been at a public function, I did confront Janet Reno in person.
I did, you know, come out and say she was basically a... had blood on her hands and that it was mass murder at Waco and that the Delta Force did it under her command.
Because Janet Reno couldn't run off the stage.
Janet Reno couldn't get away.
I was at the microphone down there at the LBJ Presidential Library and Museum.
But, uh, when you're on the phone with somebody, if I would have just said 9-11's an inside job and you were involved, he would have just laughed at me and they would have just, you know, Mancow probably would have let me go.
But I brought up serious questions trying to trip him up, and we did trip him up and put a big article out yesterday that's at the top of Infowars.com right now.
Please get it out to everybody.
And again, I'm not here whining on air because a few people sent me emails, and I went and looked at a few of the blogs.
You know, I do that just to see what people are saying about our reports.
I was over on 911blogger.com, and I thought, oh, let me see what the comments are.
And about half of them were, ah, look at Jones.
Being too easy on Ashcroft or Jones, man, drop the ball.
He should have asked tougher questions.
Well, what are those tougher questions?
I mean, imagine, this is my weird life.
I'm in the shower and they go, come confront Ashcroft.
And they said, right now.
And it was a good thing I got down there quick because then they went to break and that was it.
Just a few minutes later, but I'm already digressing.
The point is,
I'm trying the best I can, and I want everybody to know, I know that I'm not the best at what I do.
I know that I'm a failed, flawed person.
We all are.
But we all, at the same time, are successes.
We fail, we succeed.
But I think I did a pretty good job.
I got in the arena with John Ashcroft.
I threw hard questions at him.
And I just don't think people out there
Again, I'm worried about you.
I'm not worried about the fact that you criticize me.
Personally, I don't care.
I got a very thick skin.
In fact, I tend to like being attacked.
It just makes me laugh.
It's kind of sick, I think.
But what I don't like is the fact that you're so screwed up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll have open phones in the second and third hour, and we're going to take a lot of your calls today.
First-time callers are always welcomed.
If you disagree with me, here's how the rules work with calls.
We don't screen your calls.
Other than, if you disagree with something I'm saying, you go to the front of the line.
See, unlike other mainstream talk radio shows, who try to censor and control, and believe me, I've witnessed it first hand, they try to find only stupid callers who disagree with them.
And that's the secret to sneak past them.
Call in and go, I like Bill Clinton!
I don't like that right-winger Bush!
You're on!
I mean, just bam!
And then you get on and say, Bush is actually not a little conservative at all.
He's destroying the borders, bringing in world government, expanding the size of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
And literally, I've done that before, driving around on road trips.
I've called in and gone, I've called in even testing it, and I've, you know, on some long eight-hour road trip, I'll call in and go,
I'm now digressing, but it's an important story.
I've called in and said, yes, I disagree with the fact that you're claiming this war is good and the court liberals are against it.
The Democrats are actually voting for the war in the majority, and they've actually been warmongers in the past.
I don't think this is a partisan issue.
This is an issue of the defense contractors lobbying and wanting more war.
Well, thank you.
We don't need that opinion right now.
Thank you.
Call back some other time.
You know the drill.
It's how they train them.
I've been in radio 12 years, folks, and believe me, I know how this works.
I've been in studios enough watching them screen calls during breaks when I'm a guest, where they're lining up people who disagree with me and hanging up on all those that do agree.
And see, they have to cheat.
They can't fight on a level playing field.
They have to create the illusion.
And if it's fake left or fake right, they allow that false-contained, limited, false paradigm discussion.
It's a facsimile.
It's limited.
It's not real.
But I've called right back in a minute later.
I've even done this in front of my wife on a road trip.
She started laughing.
And I just call in and go,
Uh, I just don't like the President, and I just think what he's doing is despicable, and he's, uh, he's, uh, he's just doing a terrible job, and I, well, sir, hold on, please don't hang up, we're gonna go right to you, okay, and then you're on, they skip you right past the other people, Houston, San Antonio Radio, uh, and some of the local stuff I've called into, and then I, and then I get on the air, and I say, uh, yes, uh, and the call, and the host will hang up on you in ten seconds and go, you know, you lied to our call screener.
No, I didn't lie.
I just acted stupid.
Because you want stupid people to disagree with you.
Because you can't have a real debate.
You've got to cheat.
We don't do that here.
If you disagree with me... If you disagree with me...
You go to the head of the line, and we're on all these AM and FM stations, from California to upstate New York, to Texas, to Illinois, to Indiana, Florida, and there are people out there listening, and I know some of you disagree, it's a minority, but you send me emails, I need to be killed, I need to be put in a prison camp, I'm a traitor, I'm a communist, on and on and on.
Okay, call into the show.
And I've gotten better about not screaming at you or laughing at you.
Don't expect me to be nice to you, though.
Come on!
What do I have to do to entice you to call in?
I was on Kelby Jay last weekend, and every week I get about, on average, maybe two callers.
Most shows it's one, but I've had some shows with three or four call in.
And I can take twenty calls, and maybe one of them disagrees.
And it's always just, you're a liar, there's no Operation Northwoods, there's no world government, we're not openly spraying viruses on the meat at these slaughterhouses, there is no, you know, FEMA camps.
I'm Chicken Little, I'm a liar, on and on and on.
And so,
Here I am.
I remember the folks at KLBJ 590, which is a marquee station, one of the top five talk stations in the country, wins national awards routinely.
And then this year it was in the top five of the best talk stations in the country.
And that big national award thing they had up at the big radio convention they just had in Dallas a few weeks ago.
They got, what, fifth place?
Or was it fourth place?
I forget.
But they said, well, we think you're going to get a lot of people disagreeing.
And I said, no, I'm not.
But I said, we'll put them in the front of the line, but I'm not going to get it.
And it hasn't happened.
And I don't know why.
I mean, ten years ago, it was great.
I could have half the lines disagreeing with me, but I really do, I guess, know the reason why.
We've convinced most people.
Most people have already heard the things I tell them.
Most people have already learned what I'm telling them.
Most people already know instinctively, and you're not stupid, you're smart.
You're real smart.
You have just lied to yourselves and been in denial, and so I don't teach you anything.
I simply get you to look in the mirror, to look inside yourself, to look inside your brain, inside your consciousness, inside your soul, inside your intellect, and go, you know what?
This is true.
That's all.
That's all I'm saying.
That's all I'm doing.
And I don't put a pretty picture on it.
I don't spin it.
In fact, I don't even expand on it.
I don't downgrade what I'm saying.
I don't upgrade what I'm saying.
But if you really had to look at it at the end of the day, I probably do downgrade it a bit, just because I don't have words to describe how bad it is.
It's as bad as you can imagine and then some, okay?
You've heard that saying, it's true.
Whatever you can think of that's feasible, they're doing it, okay?
I've learned that.
I have spent 14 years studying this, probably about 14 hours a day, on average.
The last few years, 16 hours a day, but I'm averaging that out in my mind, giving you a dead reckoning estimate.
Because, you know, 14 years ago I studied about 3 or 4 hours a day.
12 years ago I studied about 6 hours a day and fought it 6 hours a day.
10 years ago I fought it about 10 hours a day.
5 years ago I fought it about 14 hours a day.
And now I fight it about 16 hours a day.
Though lately I've kind of backed off a bit.
And again, I'm not here talking about myself.
It's just a microcosm of the world and what I've studied and what I've learned.
So if you disagree with me, you go to the head of the line.
The only thing that can trump somebody who disagrees is someone who disagrees and is calling from a foreign country on their own dime.
And the only thing that can trump that, is someone pulled over by the police at the time, having them bust in their car, or having their children snatched at the time, we've had that many times, or having their ranch taken at the time, or having their farm taken at the time they're on the line.
That goes, and that's rare, every few, maybe twice a year, that is like a royal flush.
You go directly to the head of the line, you go directly on air.
And behind all of that is first-time callers, and behind all of that is regular callers.
So we want to give first-time callers, and people who disagree, a chance today.
And I really should preface that.
By first-time caller, I mean people who are first-time callers, or folks that call every few months, or people who can never get through.
Alright, let me
Let me do this right now, and then we'll get into North Korea.
Then we've got two incredible Keith Olbermann clips.
This guy just gets more and more amazing by the day.
He had a piece a few nights ago titled, Why Habeas Corpus Hates America.
He had another one, Rumsfeld armed North Korea with nukes.
And oh, the liberal media is, oh, it was discovered by Keith Olbermann that they gave them nukes.
That was discovered by the Swiss papers, the British papers, the U.S.
It's all old news.
We've been beating, I mean, it's in Paul Watson's book, Water Out of Chaos, out for almost four years.
It's old news.
I didn't break it.
Oberman didn't break it.
It doesn't matter.
It's public in plain view.
The reactors, the missile secrets, the MIRV technology, the fissile material, all of it, our government or its surrogates,
But they're not a problem, threatening to nuke us again, openly saying they will destroy U.S.
No sanctions, nothing by this criminal government!
But the task forces are mashing to blow Iran off the map, and the good old boys are all going to go to the liquor store,
Go get him a big bucket of fried chicken.
Again, I talked to a friend who owns a liquor store, and he said, I said, let me guess, when are your record sales?
I already could just intuitively know.
It's just common sense.
I said, when do you sell the most alcohol?
This was about six months after the war started in 2003, so it was still fresh in his mind.
If you ask him today, he probably won't remember, you know, on average.
I asked another liquor store owner, who I didn't know.
I just walked in and asked him.
They said, on the eve of the war, in the first few days of the war, and I talked to somebody I know who runs a pizza place, I talked to somebody I know who's a manager at a chicken place, and they said it's just, it's just people stumbling around with buckets of chicken, you know, people running in grabbing huge tankards of Jack Daniels, it's just manliness, just rolling around in their homes, getting falling down drunk,
And I gotta tell you folks, I have actually sat with family I visited, while they drink whiskey, while they drink whiskey, watching the war.
I mean, it is religious.
Guzzling whiskey, watching the military channel.
I have visited family, and you walk in the front door, and they're trying to give you big glasses of whiskey on ice, and you sit there for three hours with them, and you eat dinner at their table with a big screen TV on, just talking about how we need to turn on the glass parking lot.
And these aren't stupid people.
This is what America has turned into.
I'm digressing again.
Here is Stan Jones, Libertarian for U.S.
Senate out of Montana.
We're going to get him on the show.
We need to support him.
He shouldn't have prefaced it with, this sounds like a conspiracy theorist.
He should have just said, the elite have told us it's a conspiracy theory, and they do that to neutralize us, but this is the facts, this is reality.
And he also keeps calling it communism.
Communism is only one manifestation, and one cloaking device of this crime syndicate.
They have to have a false bipolar world, so they'll control two sides, and play off the two sides against each other, but really the fight is against the indigenous populations, it's against the people.
As Orwell told you, as Machiavelli told you, as the Roman historians told you, as common sense in history dictates.
This war is against the people drinking the whiskey, watching the military channel.
You're under attack, okay?
There are people with 180 IQs, literally, inside Hive computer systems with advanced modeling, AI technologies, figuring out how to brainwash you.
You're the target, Bubba.
How to sell the public on eugenics.
How to sell them on sterilization.
How to sell them on the Hemlock Society on killing you.
On you being killed when you go to the hospital when you're sick.
On getting rid of you after you've served your usefulness.
You're the target!
Don't you understand?
You've been brainwashed!
This is not our government!
It's been totally taken over since 1947 with the National Security Act.
That is when they got their foothold, and then they totally took over completely in 63.
That is the government.
Now they're totally taking over the entire society, the whole system.
Here is Staten Jones on C-SPAN, nationally, last night.
This is on JonesReport.com right now.
You can watch the video of it.
Here it is.
I wish to thank the sponsors for inviting me.
I don't often get invited.
This was an important debate.
I had planned another closing message, but I feel compelled to say what I'm about to say.
Now, I risk sounding like a conspiracy theorist, but it's no longer a theory.
What I'm about to say is fact.
The secret organizations of the world power elite are no longer secret.
They have planned and are now leading us into a one-world communist government.
The combining of national government started with the European Union, that union started with trade agreements, then a common currency, the Euro, and now a European Parliament that is feverishly passing laws that override the laws of the member nations.
A constitution was drafted but rejected by a few of those nations, but never mind.
They implemented it anyway.
Now it's North America's turn.
Building on the North American Free Trade Agreement, the NAFTA section of the Commerce Department is busy drafting laws and regulations for a North American Union.
A union of Canada, America, and Mexico.
The President has attended secret meetings and signed at least two agreements under the Security and Prosperity Partnership Program.
Information leaked out about the meetings and now it is all in the open.
No treaty has been signed, so Congress has not become involved.
However, money from our Treasury is now being spent for this effort.
We will have a new currency, the Emeril, and a new Constitution, modeled on the Soviet Union's Constitution.
Our rights will not be inalienable, but they will be granted by government, who can also take them away.
One sign that this is our future is the plans for the superhighways from southern Mexico through America and into Canada.
These plans are not secret any longer.
Huge amounts of property will be taken in the name of free trade, peace, and security.
You will have a national ID card with a radio frequency chip in it.
That's already law in America and will be implemented by May 2000.
This man voted for it.
You will not be able to move about freely.
This is terrorism of the most worst kind.
Brought on you by our own government.
The strongest, freest nation in the history of mankind will be averaged into world communism.
Is that what you want?
Are we the people still in control of this nation?
We must begin to act like we are!
I forget if that's a Republican or a Democrat he was debating.
Oh, you see, his answer is, I'm glad you got such a rosy eye to look.
See how he talks?
It's all happening, it's done.
But what's his answer?
These minions decide to decide it doesn't exist.
They make a conscious decision to just say, you got a negative outlook, don't you boy?
The country's dying, scum!
And all people want to do is go get big bottles of whiskey and go watch the military channel.
I support the troops breathing new air, taking deadly vaccines.
That's how you're a patriot.
I'm gonna stick a plastic flag made by slaves on my car.
And I'm sick of it!
If you're a real American, a real Montanan, a real Texan, a real New Yorker, you'll join us in fighting this scum!
And if you think I'm weird for getting mad over my country dying, there's something wrong with you and I wanna punch you upside the head!
I wanna knock your teeth out!
You wanna know what I think of you?
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I think so.
I think so.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption, crashing lives and disinformation.
Your call is coming up in the next hour at 1-800-259-9231.
We'll also, early in the next hour, re-air my little confrontation with John Ashcroft yesterday.
Because I know we aired it at the end of the show, because we hadn't even gotten it yet until the end of the show, and a lot of you weren't able to listen to the full three hours to catch it.
So we'll play that coming up in the next hour.
Also, two incredible Keith Auberman
Clips, little talks, little monologues he's given this week so far.
The man is on fire.
It is incredible.
And we will, of course, be taking your phone calls and getting into North Korea, threatening to nuke us, the massing ships outside Iran, the Foley scandal, all of it.
And I almost wrote some notes.
Again, I was in bed last night just thinking about the world, thinking about the world system, thinking about how to fight it.
I had all these ideas.
But I didn't write them down and then I get on the air and I'm like, there's all these things I want to say and I don't have the notes.
I'm writing notes during the break just about the true nature of the New World Order, about their true plan, about what life will be like, about how fast technology is accelerating.
This is not my opinion.
This is their plan.
This is what's being done.
And I always say I'm going to get into this and I never do properly because I spend 30 minutes on it.
I want to write a book about it.
I want to make a film about it.
But how do you get into all of the little minutiae of it?
But that's coming up.
And listen, I do get mad.
I'm sick of fakes who have their cars painted up like American flags, who scrut around with George W. stickers everywhere, who will argue with me, who will get in my face, who will send me emails, who will flip us off at events.
They're the most dangerous type of people.
Because they mean well, folks.
And they just, they don't know!
They don't know!
They're stupid!
And the liberals, they mean well.
But they don't know how they've been conditioned or brainwashed.
I mean, the liberals are big on the eugenics and the social Darwinism and the master plan.
And they're going to be getting into office now.
It doesn't matter.
It's like we're being thrown from one latrine to the next.
We're in so much trouble.
I'm working on getting that guest tomorrow who was inside Singapore and saw a lot of secretive stuff.
You want to know what life's going to be like in just five or six years here?
It's already going on there.
Heaven help us.
Before we end this hour, if you believe in what we're doing, if you believe in this fight, then you need to join us in that fight.
You need to step up to the plate and you need to get my new film Terror Storm and you need to make copies of it.
You need to give it to people.
If you can afford it, you need to buy a whole bunch of the original, high quality, original DVDs from us.
Give them as gifts.
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Give them to folks.
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InfoWars.com or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
Or go to PrisonPlanet.tv, get a 15 cent a day membership and download them all in super high quality and burn them to disk and use it as an activist tool and smash these terrorists!
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Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm just an average Texan.
An American who already knew a lot about history and in college learned they were setting up a world government openly.
They're openly announcing it in scholarly publications, governmental documents, U.S.
government, Russian government, U.N.
government, British government, French government, and then I'd watch, sing it in, they'd say there's no world government, dangerous, crazy, talk about it.
And I went, wait a minute, they're teaching us world government, it's in all these documents,
But then, when the common folk talk about it, the media says they're probably connected to terrorists, and probably connected to the OKC bomber, and connected to Waco.
And I said, you know, I better investigate this a little bit.
So I've been taking action since right after the Oklahoma City bombing.
I was already aware of the New World Order then, but really took action right after it, in late 95.
And here I am,
All those years later after fighting the New World Order.
And it's all coming down on us and a lot of people have woken up because everything we talked about has come true.
And North Korea again threatened to nuke us yesterday.
We're going to cover that.
Meanwhile, the neocons don't care about that.
They say, no problem.
We need to go into Iran and now.
And the carrier task forces are massing.
Everyone's focusing on the Eisenhower.
There are two other carriers in strike distance right now.
Meanwhile, you've got Foleygate spinning out of control with all the perverts in Congress.
We've got all this news today we're going to be covering.
Bizarre police state news as things get crazier and crazier as the schools, the businesses, the streets, the malls of America are turned into many prisons.
The entire Bill of Rights is disappearing, overthrown.
The borders are dissolving.
It's upon us.
The New World Order is upon us.
It isn't coming.
It isn't over the hill and down the dale.
It's here.
We're in it right now.
We have penetrated enemy lines.
We are now inside the New World Order.
We have been overrun.
And I say good.
We're surrounded.
Don't let any of them escape.
Engage them at point-blank range in the info war.
And by that I mean just go nuts.
Just get the word out.
Be aggressive.
Be arrogant.
Start shooting your mouth off in grocery store lines.
Roll your window down and tell them, you know, tune in to a Montana or Wyoming station we're on or a Kansas or Missouri station or a New York station or an Austin station.
Whether it's 100.1 or 590 AM, just aggressively get out there
And get her done!
Oh, thank you, Alex, for your fight against the New World Order.
Oh, thank you, thank you.
Hey, listen, I don't want you, while I'm in the trenches, firing at the enemy, and they're coming over the trenches, into the trenches, and I'm busy bayonetting the enemy, I don't want you, frankly, coming over and hugging me, telling me what a great job.
Just please, please, we're being overrun!
Listen, keep your eye on the enemy!
And I frankly don't need the latest gossip on what's going on inside the Patriot or Truth community with the Cohen Telepro people trying to get us to infight.
I frankly just need to stay on target.
That's what, stay on target.
Coming up after this break, I'm going to play the Ashcroft clip, briefly comment on it.
It aired at the end of the show yesterday when we first got it.
I confronted him in the early morning, but Man Cow's radio show didn't get us the clip until
The radio show Ashcroft was on when I was on.
Didn't get it to us until about 20 minutes at the end of the show.
So a lot of you didn't hear it.
A lot of you have been requesting it.
We're going to play that clip coming up here in the next segment.
It's just three minutes long.
Then we'll go to Andrew in Australia, David in North Carolina, Danny in Florida, Leo in Illinois, Joe in Canada, and many others.
We've got two incredible Oberlin clips from the last two days coming up from MSNBC.
Really proud of him.
He is on fire.
We'll cover North Korea's threats to NUCUS.
You can't let yourself get desensitized by the monthly threat.
This illustrates something essential.
Paramount to understand the geopolitical structure.
So it's all coming up.
Wide open phones for the next two hours.
I canceled guests again because I want to have a chance to let you get involved on air.
We always enjoy your informative input.
Strap yourselves in.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, the Ashcroft clip is coming up one more time here in just a moment.
Let's talk sociology, let's talk psychology, let's talk mob psychology.
That energy, that drive, that growl in your soul that was engineered into humanity through time and space, when you go to a UT football game and they make the touchdown in the last three seconds of the game and when Vince Young does it and you feel exhilarated, you feel like your life means something, you feel like your life is worth something,
Do you know what that worthless, ritualized combat is manipulating?
Do you know what it's triggering?
It is triggering the instinct of when the Viking ship pulls up,
And 50 guys pile off and come into your village to rape and kill your women and take your sons.
That exhilaration is the ancient instinct of grabbing your axe or your sword and going berserk and killing five of them and driving them off.
That exhilaration is there so when they chop your arm off you keep going because if you don't they're gonna kill your two-year-old.
It has nothing to do with some idiot running across a finish line!
It has zero!
And so when you hear me get all hyped up and ooh man that's scary that guy shouldn't get so excited baloney!
This is where it's supposed to be!
Do you understand that?
And I get mad about this stuff, folks, and frankly, I feel very violent.
But I understand the information war is where the power is today, so I focus my violence with the sword of truth against the New World Order buckets of garbage.
And it's that simple, and again,
Again, let me be clear.
I am not against somebody like Vince Young.
I'm not even against UT winning the national championship.
The point is to see men turned into shadows of themselves and to see men wearing their tribal burnt orange, to see men basically being, it would be like a man marrying a blow-up doll.
Your manliness being your fan worship of football is like someone being sad that their son never grew up and married a woman and gave him grandchildren, that their son was proud and worshipped their blow-up doll.
That's basically my disgust.
It'd be like if you were a father and a mother, and you had a couple sons, and you were proud of the other two who went off and had children for you and got married and were successful, and you're 70 years old, and you've got this 35-year-old son who just doesn't have his fake wife in the closet that nobody knows about.
He takes her to the restaurant.
He takes her to the country club.
He worships her.
He's proud of a blow-up doll.
Now I'm sorry, it's the only analogy that fits.
I guess in ranching it's like they have fake cows for bulls.
For stud bulls that you want to then artificially inseminate your cows.
And that's one way is to have the bulls, you know, go mount the fake cow.
That's not how it's done normally.
There's another procedure I won't get into of how you extract that genetic material from a bull.
Because I've worked in that industry for a couple summers.
But to make a long story short, it's pathetic when you watch the bull up there on the fake cow.
And I see these men, these men with their blow-up dolls walking around smiling, proud of themselves, and I just frankly want to break down and cry.
And if you don't get what I'm saying, we're really getting down here to the way my brain works.
Because I get into sociology, I get into mom psychology, I get into what we are.
I don't need to go read a textbook.
Long before I read those textbooks, which I've now read in the last few years, I knew what would be in them.
Because it is the truth, folks.
They don't lie when it comes to this science because they use it to manipulate us.
I instinctively know what I feel and what I am because I've gotten in touch with what it is to be a real live human being.
Nothing special, folks!
I'm basically a caveman!
And I am almost immune to their engineering and programming and propaganda.
And you can get there, too.
A lot of you have already gone way past where I'm at.
And so, basically, this ritualized combat, this ritualized warfare where two football teams or two hockey teams or two basketball teams or two baseball teams come together
And they wage war against each other.
And these men and these women get all excited and they don't understand all that excitement is because this is a fraud, this is an illusion, this is a hologram of something real.
You are meant to paint yourself up blue
To get yourself hyped up, and you know, to put a painstaking face on you, to get yourself hyped up, to get in the mood to go out and KILL PEOPLE!
To go out and be killed!
To go out and have people drive spears through you!
To go out and fight cave bears!
To go out and defend, ladies and gentlemen,
You're meant to have this aggressive instinct so you'll get on a sailing ship and circumnavigate the planet like Magellan.
That takes aggression and courage and that drive to survive.
Why do we always search and quest?
It's a survival mechanism of the species.
And to see your vital instincts misdirected into mindless idiocy that is only a facsimile, a prosthesis,
It's not even a prosthesis.
A prosthesis actually does a job.
That's an improper term.
Into, again, it is like marrying a blow-up doll.
And I just, it's so pathetic!
Men don't talk about how the border's being erased.
Men don't talk about, most of them, some are real men and do, about how there's cancer viruses in the vaccines or how the school is taking their children away from them piecemeal or how they're physically doing it.
They don't talk about how we're being treated like slaves.
Real men would.
That's what real men a thousand years ago talked about.
Two thousand years ago, three thousand years ago, two hundred and thirty years ago, men all got around every week, you know, there at the pub or down by the big tree and they talked about it.
And if they didn't talk about it, their women and children were enslaved.
Because if you don't have the instinct to fight, if you've got the instinct to fight, you're going to probably be enslaved most of the time.
It's just you've got a fighting chance to not be a slave.
If you're a jellyfish, it's over.
And so I get mad because everything about being a man today is sports.
The heroes aren't scientists, aren't navigators, aren't explorers, aren't people that do bold, dangerous things for humanity, which is what you're supposed to do.
No, the heroes are pathetic, effeminate coaches like Mack Brown, with his squeaky little whiny voice, prancing around being worshipped by everyone.
And the arrogant, puffed up football players that as soon as their knees are blown out, no one will care about, and their weird little worship society cultures, and they're always busy raping women, and drug dealing, and gang banging, and your children are taught that that is manhood!
Your children are taught that that is strength!
I said I'd go to your calls, and we're going to go to them.
So, I'm just telling you, you can still go to a ball game.
You can still do all these things, but your main anger, that feeling of tribal warfare you have, is there for a reason.
It's meant for defense.
It's meant to explore.
It is not meant to be squandered at a stadium, paying exorbitant prices with a bunch of idiots.
You've been robbed of real life.
You've been robbed of a real woman.
So if you're going to be into the blow-up doll, just don't bring it out in public and don't show it to me because it makes me sick.
That's basically what your sports are.
You're playing at being a warrior and you're not even on the field.
You're basically like, you know, the women back at the cave, hoping the men are fighting off the tribe from over the next valley.
And so, it's the same exuberance of when your men come in, half of them come back and they're all bleeding.
You know, the survivors, and they come back and they've beaten off the, you know, the psycho tribe from over the hill, and you have this big celebration, my God, your children aren't going to be enslaved, you're not going to be raped and taken into captivity, your men aren't going to be killed, your men fought for you, oh, you tend their wounds, you love them, you appreciate them!
No, now the men are basically the cave women going and ninnying in the sand.
Oh, you make me sick!
Oh, you make me sick!
You've had all your manhood taken away from you!
All of it!
And you tell me I've got a problem because I'm angry!
Because there's an elite openly poisoning us, openly hurting us, openly running one-child policies in China against one-fifth of our population of humanity, openly putting dictators in, openly killing 200 plus million last century, openly saying they're going to do it even bigger this century, putting in a prison grid
I mean, even a cow, who isn't a predator animal, when they start seeing other ones go to the slaughterhouse, they start kicking and bucking and trying to get out.
Even prey animals kick and buck and try to escape.
At the bare minimum, I'm just kicking and bucking here going...
Trying to... and then there's a bunch of just mindless lobotomized cows.
Just going, huh?
What'd he say?
He's bad!
He's making a noise!
My master that brings me grain says that if you make a noise, you're bad.
I'm a well-trained slave!
I'm gonna go in the squeeze chute so they can slit my throat.
I'll show him!
I'm part of the system!
I'm a house slave!
We'll play the Ashcroft clip and I promise we'll go right to your calls.
I just... I'm in a preaching mood today, folks.
Look out!
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Alright, John Ashcroft, yesterday morning, I'm in the shower, I get the call, and I preface that because, you know, my questions were decent.
Could have, I guess, maybe had better ones, but I was half asleep.
Run down, get on the phone, National Radio Show wants me to go up against Ashcroft.
To act like I'm just a caller, a regular caller.
Go ahead, sir.
And I ask him some questions and he basically twists and lies and spins the whole thing.
Here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
I just heard... Oh, boy.
Let's go to Alex.
Alex, you're on with John Ashcroft.
His book is Never Again.
It's out now, folks.
Well, yes.
It's good to be here.
I just have three questions for John Ashcroft.
Well, okay.
I don't know if we have that kind of time, sir, but let's get to them.
Sure, man.
Let me just throw them out.
Number one, John Ashcroft in July before the attacks quit flying commercial because of the quote security threat the day before 9-11.
The White House called Mayor Willie Brown to not fly to New York that day.
That's the first question.
Why did he do that?
Then number two, they claim they never heard of a plan to fly hijacked planes into buildings.
We know now that that was false.
We know that was a lie.
Rice and others lied about that.
And number three, what about Operation Northwoods?
The official U.S.
government plan to carry out 9-11 style attacks.
And then, my comment, the bottom line... Well, wait, wait, wait.
Do you want him to answer?
Go ahead.
Sure, go ahead.
I'll shut up.
Yeah, the first three questions.
Go ahead.
You know, I did not cease flying on commercial aircraft.
I flew back from Missouri with my wife.
Have you heard this before?
Oh yeah, and it was on CBS.
I think Dan Rather was the person popularizing this.
I used government jets on government business, but in my private life, I was flying commercial aircraft right up through and beyond 9-11.
I have never abandoned... Did you fly here commercially?
I flew commercially yesterday and I flew a private plane from Nashville here last night.
I fly commercially all the time.
I was in Europe last week.
I flew commercially over.
And I flew commercially back.
But what about... So this is flat false.
You fly commercially now, but what about round 9-11?
Did you stop because you knew something?
Absolutely not.
As I said, my wife and I... And what else did he ask?
I've forgotten.
Do you know?
He talked about the attacks that they knew about the 9-11.
Your plan, the government's plan for 9-11... Wasn't there a government plan to blow up planes?
Not to my knowledge.
That's astounding.
Sir, is there anything else?
Did he hang up?
But we know that the PNAC boys wrote their own documents.
They needed a new Pearl Harbor attack.
We know governments stage events.
Operation Northwoods has been on ABC News, Baltimore Sun, U.S.
Government Plan.
To stage terror attacks.
And he didn't answer the question about Mayor Willie Brown getting the call from the White House not to fly the night before.
That was in the San Francisco Chronicle.
That was in the Associated Press.
John, your comments on that.
Were certain people in the government told not to
Not to fly?
I have no awareness that anybody was ever told not to fly, and if they were told not to fly, I don't know about it.
I certainly have never called Mayor Willie Brown.
Former Attorney General John Ashcroft is here.
John, man, I'm telling you, this is a growing thing.
It's a scary thing to me that people believe our government
And it goes to such weird extremes that our government caused 9-11.
And then Mankow goes on to say, but it does look like to me like you guys are staging fake terror alerts, which by the way is admitted.
Notice Ashcroft didn't touch the fact that Rice and he and many others all said, we never heard of a plan, we never heard of a plan to fly hijacked planes into buildings.
Running grills that day, running grills two weeks before, running grills a year before, Project Mojenga, all of it, total lies, now proven to be lies, we told you it was lies five years ago.
And, uh, he lied about the Stopping Flying commercial.
That's an FBI memo.
That's admitted.
And he's got to be lying about not knowing about Northwoods, and clearly people like Ashcroft are involved in at least the cover-up of 9-11.
It is the Defense Department and private contractors that are involved in carrying out the attacks themselves.
But immediately, the majority thanked me for confronting him, but I got a few emails and looked at a few message boards that said, Jones dropped the ball, he should ask this question, that question.
Hey, I'll call you some morning.
When you've been awake about 10 minutes, you're in the shower, and I'll say, you've got a minute and a half to get to the phone to ask John Ashcroft questions.
And then I'll just, while your hair is dripping, I'll let you then talk to the Attorney General and see if you don't stutter and, you know, bumble about.
And again, it isn't about me getting criticized for not doing the best job of confronting Ashcroft.
It's about the mindset.
Instead of, hey, good job, Alex!
Hey, you should've asked him this, you know, maybe your next time ask him this.
No, it's like, man, you dropped the ball, you're an idiot.
Should've asked the trader about insider trading, CIA.
Should've asked him about where's Bin Laden.
Should've... Okay, whatever.
I got on the field.
I took action.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, your calls from Australia to Canada, from North Carolina to Florida are coming up.
But for just a moment, I can't help myself.
Let me hear Jimmy.
There must be some kind of way out of here.
Said a joker to the beat.
There's too much confusion.
I can't get no relief.
We're good to go.
No reason to get excited, but we've become exposed.
There are many here among us who feel they're lifeless but are chosen.
But you and I, we've been through that.
Welcome back, my friends.
Let's go right to your calls.
Thank you for holding Andrew in the land down under.
Australia, welcome, sir.
Yes, Alex.
Good day, mate.
Hello, sir.
Good to hear.
Good to talk to you again.
Um, interesting.
Love Jimi Hendrix and my favorite songs all on the Watchtower and I urge you to hear the XTC version of that song.
But on what I called, Synchronicity is with me tonight.
You're talking about sports fans being a big problem and we've had a... Have you heard about the alternate or original 7-7 plan for sarongassing the Australian and British cricketers?
Yes, I did see that government hype.
Well that was, totally, it was typed so hard in Australia that our media ownership laws which were changed and passed in our lower house was completely pushed to the back of the news on the back of this sports related fiasco.
Well, again, I don't know if my analogy made sense, but it's literally a facsimile of combat.
That's why people get so excited about it, but it's not real.
We should be engaging in the information war against those that are really attacking us.
This is where men expend their, quote, male energy.
I don't think it's people who actually play sports.
I think that's great.
You actually want to go have ritualized combat with people playing the sport, but to watch it.
You make that your God is sick.
That's why the Romans had gladiatorial games.
And the more corrupt they got, the more evil the government got, the more games they had.
It was a diversion.
Well, Alex, as you may remember, I work in the entertainment industry.
I did the Superman stuff for you.
And I got your message out for Martial Law 9-11 on the set there.
And I worked on our grand final here for the equivalent of your NFL.
And it's literally turned into just a, what would you call it, The Simpsons or any commercial TV show.
Just total mindlessness?
There's nothing to do now about the sportsmanship.
I grew up with Rugby League here in Australia.
I played all sorts of sports myself.
I'm not even knocking going to a game.
This is their lives.
This is why they're men.
It's because they wear a stupid shirt.
The colours are almost gang-like.
It's almost occult-like.
Oh, it is.
Again, I'm angry about it because it robs people of what those instincts are really designed for.
Well, it hasn't got me, Alex.
I'm out there still distributing.
I've got another half a dozen out tonight of Terrastorm and Martial Law.
One thing for your listeners, I've found if you take the time to just burn and print an actual copy and do a cover,
Uh, for the DVD, and I thanked you last time I called for the cover art on your website, The Terror Storm.
That's why we do that, yeah.
Anybody, anybody to print it off and give a good copy, and people read the back of the DVD.
We need to re-upload the covers, too, because the first printing had a little typo.
The new printing we're doing right now doesn't have a little typo.
It says, an inside job instead of, you know, is an inside job.
But thank you, sir, and keep it up.
What do you think about North Korea?
You're definitely in strike zone.
They threatened to attack Japan, Australia, but they're not a problem.
We've got to go ahead and attack Iran.
Of course, no, no, no.
Was it Singapore, Alex?
Was it Singapore that attacked us, or perhaps Japan?
Exactly, let's go up for Singapore or Japan.
It's kind of like Afghanistan supposedly attacks us, even if you believe the official story, but we attack Iraq.
Indeed, indeed.
I mean, we're so far, we're such a small community here in Australia, and odd with another thing being the media laws here, nothing to worry about.
We've only got three commercial stations free to air in Australia, but now we can have two of them owned by the same person.
Well, that's wonderful.
That's just absolutely fabulous.
I appreciate your call.
Now, what is Australia?
25 million people?
Show my ignorance.
I should have kept him on and asked him.
I think it's like 25 million.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Dave in North Carolina, a little closer to field.
Go ahead.
Northern California, brother.
Okay, well, they told me NC, so... Okay, that's cool, man.
About $29 million in 1996.
I was down there.
Okay, good.
So it's almost $30 million now.
There you go.
So I wanted to fact check myself on Luis Posada Correos and Orlando Bosch.
Weren't those the guys that bombed the Cuban jet?
Well, yeah, and four other guys got convicted too, but yeah.
Okay, well anyway, so I got that wrong on my rant about George Herbert Walker Bush the other day.
I wanted to straighten that out, because I know you're a stickler for facts, and you can keep more facts in your head than anybody I've ever heard.
That's one of the reasons I like you.
Well, I make mistakes, though.
Check out what I do.
Well, we all do, of course.
You're dealing with so much information, and there's no way not to, and things change.
Anyway, so I've got two more things real fast about the censorship of YouTube and that.
Stephen Colbert, I followed a link to him to watch his routine on the Republican Man-Boy Love Association.
And it was blocked.
It said you can't access this.
There's a property issue or something.
I don't remember the exact quote.
Yeah, C-SPAN asked that the Colbert press dinner be removed.
Oh, okay.
Well, anyway, so you can't even get it on YouTube.
At least I couldn't on that link.
Maybe there's other ones.
And also, I must have missed this.
On October 4th, President Bush signed a bill giving $33.8 billion to Homeland Security.
Is that true?
My God!
That money will be used to be paid to the military industrial complex to run domestic operations against the new occupied slave population of the United States of slaves.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate your call Dave.
Good to hear from you.
Let's talk to Danny in Florida.
Go ahead, Danny.
Yes, sir.
Hey Alex, I just want to let you know you're doing a great job.
Don't listen to all that criticism out there, you know.
No, I don't.
I'm more concerned about why they themselves are criticizing.
See, it isn't about that I got criticized for not confronting Ashcroft correctly.
It's that instead of those guys taking action, or confronting other people themselves, or finding out what shows he's going to be on and getting on themselves, it's that I didn't do it properly.
It's just a mindset.
Exactly, man.
That's the way I feel.
I see a lot of people, they listen to you, they're listening to the show.
And they just listen, but they don't take any action themselves, and they want to turn around and criticize.
You know, there's a lot of things people can do that I think that they, you know, they're not really realizing the simple things that they can do to help the movement.
You know, walk around with the t-shirts.
You know, I got a couple of the shirts from you, like the gun rights shirt.
And you meet a lot of like-minded people doing that, don't you?
Exactly, that's what happened.
I mean, I'm on, right now I'm in Florida.
I'm on vacation with my family.
I live in Tennessee.
I listen to you every day.
I'm Truth Radio, and I went to Florida on vacation, and we went to, we happened to go to Islands of Adventure, Universal Studios and all that.
I knew they were going to have the thumb scanning in place.
So I'm there with my family, alright, my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, and they're very aware of, you know, what's going on in the world.
You know, they're very receptive, like you say, to the truth.
They're from Colombia.
So they know a lot more things.
I mean, they pay attention to a lot of different media sources.
Oh yeah, you tell somebody from a place where they've been slaves that stuff's going on, they're like, oh yeah, we know.
But you tell the decadent, stupid Americans who can't hold a candle to our forefathers' stuff, and some of them, that's ridiculous.
But sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, that's exactly what I feel.
And I'm in line with my father-in-law and my mother-in-law, you know, my wife, my little girl, and my sister.
I'm watching everybody in the line.
And everybody's scanning their dominoes.
So I start speaking up in the line.
I say, you know, this is ridiculous.
What are we, a Nazi Germany?
You know?
And just things like that.
And I had some people behind me, you know, starting to talk about, like, yeah, you know, what is this with the thumbs down?
Let me guess.
A manager comes over and says, it's fine.
You don't have to.
Please quiet down.
No, he didn't say nothing to me.
I just kept going through the line and when I got up there, he told me, scan your thumb, and I said no.
I refused to do that.
I told him 9-11 was an inside job.
I told him that and he just says, it's ok sir, it's alright, don't worry, I understand totally.
He says, but they're not going to record no information, you know, they're not going to do nothing with that.
Which is the exact same, did you hear me air that newscast where they go, we take your fingerprints but there's no data saved?
Total lie!
It's all turned into zeros and ones.
What do you think a digital photo is?
What do you think everything is?
It's zeros and ones.
But they tell the moron public, we don't take your digital face scan at zeros and ones.
We don't take your thumbprint at zeros and ones.
Exactly, that's what he was saying.
There's one talking point written up in 19... what was it?
It was in 2001 at the big Chicago conference.
We have the minutes.
They had a vote and wrote up the talking points.
Publicly had a lie to us and they said
Our internal data shows that 78% are violently opposed to this, but we've also found that they're passive and will submit.
They use the word submit.
You gotta submit!
Yeah, that's what it looks like in the line, man.
You got a lot of people just doing it, they go along with it.
And I just think more people need to make a scene in these kind of situations.
So what did he say?
It's okay, sir, you don't have to.
Right, he told me to go ahead, you know, it's okay, don't worry, we understand.
And then I turned around, I waited for my family, and they're like, you know, because my mother-in-law, she don't speak English.
And, you know, I seen him telling her to do the same thing, to scan her thumb.
I said, no, they're all with me.
You know, they're all not going to scan.
You know, so everybody just kept going through the line.
And, you know, we all made it through, and I told them, good, congratulations.
You know, everybody helped defeat the New World Order today, you know?
The problem is, they say that at first they're not going to make you, but then they're going to have it where it's all computerized, and you won't have a choice, and all that will be there is security guards in the future that will run up with submachine guns, because it's going to be terror groups.
They're going to be Christian groups that are against the chip, against the biometrics, who are going to blow up the buildings and poison water supplies.
Of course, it'll be the government
And the government is going to associate all of that, and literally folks, you're going to have cop shows in 3D in your living room, where the car is running somewhere in Iowa or somewhere in Montana, and it's going to be the police jet coppers have got the terrorists in their line, and they're trying to escape, and they'll be chasing them, and they refuse to take the ship.
They were involved in the terror attack.
Watch as our troops fire missiles.
Folks, just laugh at me like everything else.
You will see it.
And the car is going to blow up with the family in it.
And the people at home are going to go, Yay!
Terrorist defeated!
Thanks for the call, sir.
We're stupid!
Because the Feds see the first face is the Muslims.
Oh, they're going to get us.
They're everywhere.
They're going to nuke us.
They're going to attack us.
They're going to kill us.
Build the camps for them.
But the Feds, all the training manuals, all the real information is about their cult members who won't take the biometrics.
There's cult members who won't take the chips.
They're going to be involved in terrorism.
And of course, really, Christians are just going to try to stay on farms and ranches and be left alone and be in their own communities and the armored vehicles are going to roll in and you know the families will fight back and it will be on the news.
Look at the terrorists fighting!
Look at them fighting our brave forces!
Why, they're probably molesting children in there!
We need to kill them!
I mean, it's just 1, 2, 3.
What comes next?
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
I mean, that's all I'm doing is counting.
Just following the road map.
They've said what they're going to do.
We had the Bergen County Police Chief on.
He said he will make us take chips.
He will enforce it.
He believes we all need them.
I've had nightclub owners on.
Everyone must have a chip.
I've had head marketing people for Applied Digital.
Yes, everyone will have to take the chip.
The big top university professors, the post-humanists say they're going to make everyone take chips and it's just coming soon.
Ha ha ha!
And you will be a terrorist if you don't.
And Andy Rooney, take a chip and prove you're a good person.
Everyone must have it to prove you're good.
Exact quote.
You see?
You see, we're not the weirdos.
We're the normal people going, they're on TV all the same.
I've got USA Today.
I've got, uh, which one is it?
Daily Mail out of England.
And I've got another article here in the stack, all mainstream the last two days, with the same similar headlines.
Young shoppers want to pay with a chip in the skin.
There aren't young shoppers.
I mean, you might have, like, that Jacobs kid who just died in a motorcycle accident, who, four years ago, turned out
Covertly worked for Applied Digital.
It's right there in Boca Raton.
The whole family worked for them.
Oh, we're just a family and our young genius son came up with the idea to have it.
I mean, they got a few titular head fakes like him, but there aren't children and young people running around.
But what did I say?
What did I say six years ago?
What did I say?
I said they're gonna pitch it if the youth want it, and it's the new trendy thing, and that the adults are squares.
Oh man, I've got 12 chips.
My mom doesn't know.
Look, I can activate.
I can get into the theme park cheaper.
Oh, the police trust me more now.
I'm really cool!
Wasn't hard to see.
That's how they pushed every other program, is through fake rebellion, fake counterculture,
I said they were using the body modification movement and hyping it on television and the internet to push it and then the Washington Post wrote that industry officials were indeed funding it for preparation for implantation.
That was Wash Tech, Washington Post computer page.
We had the writer on.
Then it came out that the Army Pentagon document got released in September, excuse me, in January 1st, 2000, a year after I had announced all this from other programs I'd seen, and they said, we're going to use security as a way to make people take it, and we're also going to push it as stylish and cool with the young people.
Pentagon programs!
And now you see USA Today, all the big magazines.
Time magazine for kids and three different issues in the last two years in the public schools.
Tens of millions reading that, oh the chips so much fun and cool, you're going to be getting them soon.
You see, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo.
You see, it's all happening.
It's all going on.
It's all unfolding.
And they're going to start the terrorist attacks.
This is 5, 6, 7 years down the road.
It could be even quicker.
If a nuke goes off, that could accelerate things.
Kind of a quickening effect.
Everything's a quickening.
And they'll just be setting off the nukes.
And oh my gosh, the Christian cultists did it.
They did it.
They're the ones.
They don't want the chip.
Oh, we've got to put them in camps.
Oh my gosh.
They killed so many people that crazy Christian bioweapon scientist released it.
Kill those people!
If they won't take it, kill them!
Just protect me!
Kill them!
Kill them!
Kill them!
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We've been looking for a while and millions of us together, I guarantee you can find it.
I know YouTube took it down a couple times.
It was put back up there.
Does somebody have that?
And we're trying to get the actual video, high quality video of that Montana Senate debate for a documentary we're going to be working with and we can't seem to get a copy of it.
Does somebody TiVo that?
Does somebody tape that?
We need your help.
Speaking of needing your help, Google Video has now frozen the counters
On Terror Storm.
Twice that they admit to, they've erased our numbers to get us out of the top rankings so we're not in the top 100 with tens of millions would then watch the film.
It's over 4 million now, adding together all the views we've had before they erase them, which would keep us in the very top of the top 100 to get 4 million views in just a few weeks.
So please, tell everyone you know that Terror Storm is free at Google Video.
Just go to Google, click Video, right there at the top and type in Terror Storm.
Terror Storm into your search engine.
And you can find free downloads of it there at YouTube as well, which is now Google as well.
It's all available.
I made the film.
It's free.
I travel all over the place.
Spent all my money making it.
Will you at least help us get it out and not let the censors keep erasing it or deleting it, because people need to see this.
The history of government-sponsored terror, 7-7, 9-11, the lies that took us to war in Iraq, the propaganda, the fake news, the torture, the secret police, the brainwashing, it's all in TerrorStorm, very fast-moving, very professionally produced, with 68 minutes of extras on the DVD.
Get it at InfoWars.com.
Support us.
Or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
Again, it's $19.95.
You can get them as low as $9.95 when you buy multiple copies of the DVD from Infowars.com.
Get that.
Make high-quality copies.
Give it to people.
Give it as a Christmas present, a birthday present.
Don't wait.
Get them now.
And your purchase also makes this broadcast possible.
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That's how you donate is by buying a parcel, by buying a whole gaggle of our videos and books, nfoawards.com, or by writing to us at 3001.
Alright, I know that we have Leo and Joe and Joseph and Isaac and Michelle and others.
Let's go to Joseph in England right now.
Joseph, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi Alex, here in sunny England.
Yeah, right, I wish.
Yeah, we've got a lot of 9-11 truth activism here in the UK and last month alone we had like three events that I attended that went down brilliantly.
We had a film showing in Leeds with David Shayla that came to it and we thought, you know, if we had 40 or 50 people that would be good.
Well, we had like 210, you know.
I'm just basically trying to get people in my area mobilised.
I know that there's a lot of people that listen to your show over the internet, you know, in the Yorkshire area.
So we basically wanted to say that we've got two events coming up next week with David Shaler who's going to be coming to do a bit of a talk and we're going to have a bit of a film showing.
And if anybody wants to learn about this they can go to cremationofcare.com.
That's a great website, great folks over there, cremationofcare.com.
You can also go to like 9-11 blogger, they list all the big events.
And I did see that Shaler's showing that new film about MI5, MI6 terrorism and he speaks on 9-11.
I haven't seen that, what's the name of it again?
Short-changed, I think you mean, and there's another one called Mind the Gap.
I can send you a copy if you want, Alex.
I would love that.
Thank you so much for the call from the United Kingdom, center of the New World Order, and one of the centers of resistance as well.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, welcome, welcome now into the third and final hour of this live Wednesday, October 11, 2006 edition.
Coming up for about a 10-minute report will be Jason Burmas of the Loose Change crew.
They are now having their video censored and it's been confirmed.
In fact, when he called and said, well, it's happening to us, I said, let me guess, they're not erasing your numbers, they're freezing them.
That's the new trick Google's pulling and they've admitted to censorship and it's a big deal because on a level playing field, we'll clean the New World Order's clocks.
But they gotta cheat, don't they?
Well, we just gotta fight that much harder.
So help us get the word out about TerrorStorm, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got wide open phones in this hour.
I do have two little, one's four minutes, one's about five minutes of Keith Olbermann on fire Monday and Tuesday.
I've never seen such courage on mainstream television.
I don't know how he's getting away with it.
We're going to play those.
And I've had a lot of requests for those that missed it in the first hour.
We will re-air the three-hour clip of the Libertarian for Senate out of Montana, Stan Jones on C-SPAN.
It happened live Monday, but it re-aired last night.
Just incredible footage.
Yes, this is Lewis from Chicago calling, first time caller.
I'm a great follower, big fan.
I know you're not into the cult personality thing.
If you look at the thing with Katie Couric, how it's such a big deal that she's becoming a news anchor.
That's all hype.
Her ratings aren't even that high.
She's a joke.
It's all hype, but it's all about the messenger, not the message.
It's all about how her dress looks instead of the information.
I wanted to make a comment about the Ashcroft thing.
Something you could have brought up was what he's doing now, how he's profiting off of this police state security system.
Well, I mean, we did bring that up.
Mancau brought that up and Ashcroft denied and said no one's made money off this and it's not for money and that they want to end the war.
They want to keep the war on terror going for a hundred years.
Bush has said it.
So, I mean, that's something we could have brought up.
I wanted to ask you and get your comment about the North American Union and the Pennlane Superhighway.
Yeah, openly signed, openly happening.
Our governments are meeting sacredly in official government meetings.
Mostly I hear about how this is for free trade to bring these goods in from China, but when you think about the history of the interstate system in this country, Eisenhower instituted that program to mobilize... It was originally designed to be a military transport and landing field system to defend against Russian bombardment and invasion, and so they claim they're still on it today.
Well, I'm thinking that this 10-lane superhighway, because the plan is obviously to implode our economy, you know, enslave the people, kill them off.
I'm thinking that this 10-lane superhighway is more along the lines of a way of, you know, the same
It's romantic to think we're going to be invaded by troops like Red Dawn, but it's already happening with 30 million illegals caught by our government through funding to Mexico.
This is Mexico.
We're already being invaded by the third world.
We're already being invaded economically.
We're already falling apart.
We're already being bought up and subdivided and merged.
So I see, and they've signed agreements, foreign troops physically ruling over us in our neighborhoods, but they won't have to march in, it'll just be here they are.
Right, well and they could use that family and superhighway, easily.
Sure, that's for economic military attack, to further de-industrialize and to tax you exorbitantly with international taxes to use it.
It is a new blood supply
Circulation system which they own and control.
It's a hijacking of what's left of the economy.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police forgery, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Already into the final hour of this transmission, two Keith Ullman clips coming up.
No, we'll re-air one more time.
We've got a lot of requests for it.
The Stan Jones Libertarian for You is centered at a Montana clip at the end of his closing comments at a televised debate by Montana PBS picked up by C-SPAN.
We called C-SPAN to get it, but they said they don't have it because it was actually them just taking the feed off of PBS.
So if somebody's got that, please get it to us in high quality.
I want that for my North American Union film I'm making.
Probably just get one from Stan Jones.
I'm getting in contact with him.
I'll get him on the show.
I would imagine he has a copy.
So that's what's coming up later in the broadcast.
We'll be playing that clip again.
And we've got, just briefly, to give us an update on censorship, Jason Burmess, Loose Change 2nd Edition, is now being censored as well, as Google widens its Chinese-style surveillance and censorship here in the United States and the Western world.
In fact, let's just go ahead and go to one of the Keith Olbermann's now, so we don't run out of time.
Joe and Isaac and Michelle and others that are patiently holding.
Let's play the habeas corpus clip first.
I forget, how long is this clip, Scott?
How long is the habeas corpus?
Okay, we can't play the whole thing then.
It's longer than I thought.
How long is the other one on
On Rumsfeld giving the nukes to North Korea.
I mean, I can't believe this guy's going public on all this stuff.
Here he is, Oberman, talking about two nights ago, why does President Bush need to keep us safe from that evil Magna Carta?
Keep us safe from that evil Habeas Corpus?
Why does Habeas Corpus hate America?
Because it was overturned two Fridays ago, publicly.
So here it is.
Holy Story began to break on the night of September 28th, exploding the following day.
Many people may not have noticed a bill passed by the Senate that night.
Our third story on the countdown tonight, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, and what it does to something called habeas corpus.
And before we reduce the very term habeas corpus to something vaguely recalled as sounding kinda like the Cornerstone of Freedom, or maybe kinda like a character from Harry Potter,
We thought a countdown special investigation was in order.
Congress passed the Military Commissions Act to give Mr. Bush the power to deal effectively with America's enemies, those who seek to harm the country.
He has been very clear about who he thinks that is.
For people to leak that program and for a newspaper to publish it does great harm to the United States of America.
The fact that we're discussing this program is helping the enemy.
So the President said it was urgent that Congress send him this bill as quickly as possible.
Not for the politics of next month's elections, but for America.
The need for this legislation is urgent.
We need to ensure that those questioning terrorists can continue to do everything within the limits of the law to get information that can save American lives.
My administration will continue to work with the Congress to get this legislation enacted.
But time is of the essence.
Congress is in session just for a few more weeks, and passing this legislation ought to be the top priority.
The families of those murdered that day have waited patiently for justice.
Some of the families are with us today.
They should have to wait no longer.
Because time was of the essence, and to ensure that the 9-11 families would wait no longer, as soon as he got the bill, the President whipped out his pen and immediately signed
A statement saying he looks forward to signing the actual law eventually.
He has not signed it yet, almost two weeks later, because of course he has been swamped by a series of campaign swings at which he has made up quotes from unnamed Democratic leaders, and because when he is actually at work, he's been signing so many other important bills, such as the Credit Rating Agency Reform Act, the Third Higher Education Extension Act, ratification requests for extradition treaties with Malta, Estonia, and Latvia, his proclamation of German-American Day, the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act, and his proclamation of Leif Erikson Day.
Still, getting the Military Commissions Act to the President so he could immediately mull it over for two weeks was so important, some members of Congress did not even read the bill before voting on it.
Thus has some of its minutiae escaped scrutiny.
One bit of trivia that caught our eye was the elimination of habeas corpus, which apparently used to be the right of anyone who's tossed in prison to appear in court and say, Hey, why am I in prison?
Why does habeas corpus hate America?
And how is it so bad for us?
Mr. Bush says it gets in the way of him doing his job.
This legislation passed in the House yesterday is a part of making sure that we do have the capacity to protect you.
Our most solemn job.
It's the security of this country.
It may be solemn, but is that really his job?
In this rarely seen footage, Mr. Bush seems to be describing a different job.
I will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
CapTown has obtained a copy of this Constitution of the United States and sources tell us it was originally sneaked through the Constitutional Convention and state ratification in order to establish America's fundamental legal principles.
But this so-called Constitution is frustratingly vague about the right to trial.
In fact, there's only one reference to habeas corpus at all.
Quoting, The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.
But even Democrats who voted against the Military Commissions Act concede that it doesn't actually suspend habeas corpus.
The bill before us would not merely suspend the great writ, the great writ, the writ of habeas corpus.
It just eliminates it permanently.
And there is considerable debate whether the conditions for suspending habeas corpus, rebellion or invasion, have even been met.
Conditions for suspending habeas corpus have not been met.
We do not have a rebellion or an invasion.
Well, we're not in a rebellion.
Nor are we being invaded.
Okay, maybe the debate wasn't that considerable.
Nevertheless, Countdown has learned that habeas corpus actually predates the Constitution, meaning it's not just pre-September 11th thinking, it's also pre-July 4th thinking.
In those days, no one could have imagined that enemy combatants might one day attack Americans on native soil.
In fact, Countdown has obtained a partially redacted copy of a colonial declaration indicating that back then, depriving us of trial by jury was actually considered sufficient cause to start a war of independence based on the then-fashionable idea that, quote, liberty, unquote, was an unalienable right.
But today, thanks to modern post 9-11 thinking, those rights are now fully alienable.
For your protection.
The reality is, without habeas corpus, a lot of other rights lose their meaning.
But if you look at the actual Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to that pesky Constitution, you'll see just how many remain for your protection.
Well, okay, number one's gone.
I mean, if you're detained without trial, you lose your freedom of religion and speech, press, assembly, all the rest of that.
So you don't need that one anymore.
And, you know, you can't petition the government for anything.
Number two?
Well, while you're in prison, your right to keep and bear arms just might be infringed upon, even if you're in the NRA, so that's gone.
Well, okay.
No forced sleepovers at your house by soldiers.
Three's alright.
You're definitely not secure against searches and seizures, as it says here, with or without probable cause.
And in prison, that's not even limited to just the guards.
So forget the fourth.
Grand juries and due process?
Obviously out.
So forget five.
And the little trailer up here.
Well, trials are gone, too, let alone the right to counsel.
Speedy trials?
You want it when?
Well, this is about... I thought we just covered trials and juries earlier, so forget the seventh.
Well, bail's kind of a moot point, isn't it?
And nine.
Other rights retained by the people.
Well, you know, if you can name them during your waterboarding, we'll consider them.
Power is not delegated to the United States federal government.
Well, they seem to have ended up there anyway.
So as you can see, even without habeas corpus, at least one-tenth of the Bill of Rights
I guess that's the bill of right now.
Remains virtually intact.
Number three is still safe.
We can rest easy knowing that we will never ever have to quarter soldiers in our homes as long as the third amendment still stands strong.
The President can just take care of that with a signing statement.
All right.
Again, it's a cruddy internet clip.
We apologize, but it's important to play that.
We've got one more clip where he gets into thumbs-rolled arming the North Koreans with the nukes.
That's publicly admitted for anybody that wants to search that out.
And as I told you, the legislation that passed last week not only gets rid of the rhinohabeus corpus that is the linchpin of the entire Bill of Rights.
If you get rid of that, I mean, the whole thing's moot.
In New Orleans, they did quarter troops in homes, they did confiscate guns, a National Guardsman shot and killed somebody who didn't even have a gun, just got out of his car and argued.
Now it turns out he had a flashlight in his hands.
They blew him away.
So actually you do have to quarter troops.
And that was also really seen as a tax to pay for the troops' housing.
So it was not just keeping them in your house.
So there is no third either.
And of course that's only one area of HR 6166.
If you look at some of the other subsections on enemy combatant designation and punishments, it says damaging private property, going on to government property,
Basically demonstrating not having total allegiance to the government and everything it says and does.
Judges are traitors if they ever question any of it.
So it's much worse than what Oberman is saying.
This is not piecemeal, this is martial law enabling acts.
Now the question is, will they try to implement this?
They already are for years, long before George Bush.
You know, the cops want to search your car without a warrant, checkpoints, stuff like that's total treason.
But our policy says we will.
It's to keep you safe from the rugs that the government allied crime syndicate ships in.
I mean, give me a break.
I'm sick of it.
In other news, Army is saying, telling the Washington Post, that troops to stay in Iraq until 2010, that's old news, they'll be there in 30 years, folks.
A study, 655,000 Iraqis dead during war, Associated Press,
uh... the study of nearly sixty five six hundred fifty five thousand iraqis have died because of the war suggesting a far higher death toll than other estimates the timing of the survey released just weeks before the U.S.
congressional elections uh... and it goes on to say the study researchers attempted to calculate how many more iraqis have died since March of three than one would expect without the war and uh... it's conservatively two hundred thou but it might be six hundred thou it's freedom folks, it's freedom but again iraq deserves it
We've got to kill them.
But North Korea threatening to nuke us and being able to, that's good.
We're going to leave them alone.
It's Iran that's the problem.
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Okay, let's go back to your calls.
We've got another Oberman clip coming up later concerning Rumsfeld Arming.
Arming the good old boys.
They're in North Korea.
Old news to you, the audience, but new news from us, NBC, and we appreciate the courage of Overman to cover it.
Right now, let's go ahead and talk to Joe in Canada.
Welcome, Joe.
Hello, Alex.
Yeah, I wanted to go over about five points and then a question.
Okay, go ahead.
And, okay, I did a little bit of studying on the Kennedy assassination, and I came to the conclusion that Greer did it, that he covered up until he died in 85, which is like a 22-year cover-up.
And George Herbert Walker Bush has been covering up for 43 years in hopes to take it to the grave with him.
And he's been doing this stuff for five decades.
And my next point is, Nextel, do you recall the 9-11 movie, the documentary, the Naughty Brothers?
Yeah, I noticed some clips were missing from that movie.
Did you notice that?
I don't really know what you're talking about.
Yeah, do you remember the firemen in the firehouse discussing what it seemed like to be a controlled demolition?
Oh, you're saying they've re-released it and removed that?
That's one of the clips.
Another one of the clips was, uh, uh, one of the firemen was outside the building and his face was all bloody and he said he heard explosions.
Yeah, I've gotten emails.
They had some 5th anniversary one that aired in England and the U.S.
and that it cut out all the key stuff.
Isn't that suspicious?
Very weird.
And if it's just, you know, an anomaly, leave the firemen in, saying bombs.
Yeah, but, oh, take it out.
Yeah, why?
Okay, and then, uh, I was reading, looking forward,
And I got a quote from George Herbert again.
Quote, the violence and terrorism, the warfare between Christians and Muslims would soon come to an end.
I thought that was pretty suspicious, being that what's happening with the Muslims over there and trying to put the blame on the Christians.
And then another quote from this one from his son there, 930 in the morning on September 11th.
Quote, we have had a national tragedy.
Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country.
Thus begins the conditioning of the masses.
My little statement at the end there.
And in the same book, which is actually, uh, they tell you that not to, uh, print anything without their permission, but I just went ahead with it anyways.
That at 520, WTC7 collapses and nearby buildings remain ablaze, but don't collapse like WTC7.
All right.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and take another call from Isaac in Texas.
Hey, Alex.
I just want to talk to you about the situation in North Korea with the apparent dud that went off, the 200 pounds of TNT.
Yes, the trusted source, Bill Gurds, I mean that sarcastically, saying it's a dud.
The New York Times saying it may be, and the government saying they don't know.
200 pounds
Or 200 tons, either way wouldn't create a four point something on the Richter scale, thousands of miles away.
Exactly, exactly.
The point I want to make is back when we dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, we didn't even actually test that design on that bomb.
The gun type that we dropped on Hiroshima, we just dropped it.
It wasn't even tested.
Like, and the fact that somebody 60 years after we dropped that bomb, they can't get it right, you know?
That doesn't make sense to me.
Well, there's some people running around saying no one has nukes but the U.S.
and it's not true.
Also, this actually leads into something else I want to bring up.
When that happened, and now since everybody's going to be like, oh, since North Korea has nukes, you're going to give them to Iran, so we've got to invade Iran, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And already the United States Army and Navy and Air Force are having trouble recruiting people, so the only way I see in a few years is a draft coming about.
Well no, they've set up a draft, you're right, they've set up a draft boards, they have openly, they're calling it now National Compulsory Service.
They go, no, no, no, it's National Compulsory Service, it's not a draft because they've changed the name.
You see, that's how they treat us, like little children.
It's not a shot, it's an inoculation.
It was the final blow to me to convince myself to go get myself a passport because as much as I love America, I don't love Bush, I don't love Cheney, and I don't love Halliburton.
Well you should go to Iraq and Iran.
You should breathe DU, take deadly injections, be ripped off when your legs are blown off, have your family have to pay to fly you back.
That's patriotism.
You can wrap yourself in a big plastic flag made by slaves.
How's that sound?
I don't know if I actually would get flown back.
My parents would see me.
I've heard that that doesn't happen.
What do you mean flown back?
I don't understand.
What's that?
You've heard what doesn't happen?
That when a soldier is killed in Iraq, that the parents are not allowed to see the body.
I've heard it.
It's really vague in my mind.
That's not what I said.
I said when your legs get blown off, you have to a lot of times pay for your own flight back.
They discharge you at the base.
They're so cheap.
They discharge, you know, they'll pay billions for each bomber, but they're so cheap that they will make you pay for your own flight back and four dollars a day for your own meals when your legs are blown off.
Thanks for the call.
That was the point I was making.
And that's a fact, by the way.
That's been in a score of mainstream papers.
That is admitted.
And when you tell that to a Bush guy, they go, well, that's just the way it is.
George Bush knows best.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
We'll be going to Jason Bermas with just a quick little update in a moment.
Of course, with the three guys from the Loose Change crew, Loose Change 2nd Edition.
They're now being censored by Google.
Very important.
And I'm asking all of you that are tuning in right now, who have computers, to aggressively, this is a war, this is a fight, to email your whole email list, to go on message boards, to tell people at work, to do banner hangs, you know, Google TerrorStorm.
Watch TerrorStorm.
I mean, get aggressive!
They're afraid of TerrorStorm, that's why they started censoring about three weeks ago.
They've admitted twice they've done it.
They go in and delete
The 20 plus uploads of it that are up there, they go and delete them all.
Over four million people have watched it as of the numbers we were able to count.
Then I noticed last Friday they were freezing our numbers for two or three days at a time.
Then they would just go back to what they'd previously been.
I was about to announce that.
I was about to tell Paul Watson to write an article about it today.
And the phone rang.
Or I don't know.
Kevin Smith was on the phone with him.
I don't know who called who.
I never asked.
And it was Jason Burmiss.
We're good to go.
That unlike previously just erasing my stats, not erasing their stats and other people's stats, they were now freezing a bunch of the 9-11 Truth and Patriot videos, period, and freezing some of my other videos.
So now they've been caught deleting stats, well now they're just freezing stats.
And why is that important?
Because when your video's in the top 100, more people see it.
And when it's at the top of the 100, you get tens of millions of viewers every few weeks.
It's huge.
And we want to reach people.
That's the goal.
That's why, you know, I make an expensive film.
I didn't spend $6,000 to do it on Loose Change 2.
I wish I would have.
I spent close to $100,000 and I made it and I put it out for free.
Don't let them get away with it.
It's on YouTube, which they've now bought.
Go get our YouTube version of it.
Go get our Google version of it.
They haven't taken them down yet.
That might be coming next.
Upload more copies of it.
Just get aggressive.
And tell everybody you know, hey, they're censoring this, and go out to the four corners of the internet and, I mean, ABC News Blog, go to their comment sections, go everywhere.
Tell people what's happening.
Give them the link to TerrorStorm.
Help us!
Because TerrorStorm hadn't been downloaded 30 million times like Loose Change 2nd Edition.
I want it to be seen.
I want Loose Change to be seen another 30 million times.
But it isn't going to be on Google Video, the main source, if they continue this chicanery.
Google has complied with China on total censorship.
They're complying with Europe now.
They openly admit they're censoring here.
I've got an article here out of Mainstream News.
We're registered today.
Yahoo, IBM blocking YouTube URLs.
They're all blocking each other.
This is the end of net neutrality.
There's all sorts of stuff going on.
So while we can still use the web, get the truth out.
Terror Storm!
Tell everybody.
Call into every Patriot Show.
I want to hear you folks.
I want to hear you call into the other networks.
I want to hear you call into other mainstream shows.
Help me.
I can't do it all.
I usually don't look for interviews.
I usually just do them when they come in.
When they started censoring me, I said, call every show we've been on, book me.
Call all the Patriot shows, book me.
You're going to hear me calling into shows.
You're going to hear me everywhere.
When somebody tries to suppress me and suppress my information, I always expand.
When they hack a website, we start another one.
That's our rule.
You cut off one arm, we grow two.
You cut off our head, we grow three.
And we teach them that way, that every time they hit us, we come back that much harder!
So, and I want you to do this right now.
I want you to go to InfoWars.com.
We need your financial support.
We need you to make films like this and get high quality DVDs of Terror Storm.
We got big discounts on them and you get multiple copies.
You want to be a mass distributor and help us get them out?
I want you to call my office right now, extension 51, 512-291-5750.
512-291-5750, extension 51.
If they don't answer, leave your name and number.
I want you to get 100 copies from us.
I want you to get a thousand copies if you can afford it.
Or I want you to go tell the Four Winds about it.
I want you to go get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership and get it in a lot better internet quality than you'll get at Google.
Fifteen cents a day.
You've got a good connection.
You can download it in super high quality.
Burn it to disk.
Give it to people that way.
Use that PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll give all this stuff out for free and try to do it, but we do need some support.
Get a membership.
Also, you can go to InfoWars.com to order all my DVDs, the other films we carry, Loose Change 2nd Edition on DVD.
You support us, you support the Loose Change guys.
It's just so important.
All right, Jason, you've been holding while I've been ranting, but I want folks to call 512-291-5750, extension 51, and become mass warfare specialists with these weapons, these info bombs.
I want everybody to call the toll-free number and get the videos, 1-888-253-3139.
We will not be stopped.
All right, going back to Jason.
Jason, good to talk to you again, my friend.
Good to talk to you, too, Alex.
Starting when I learned three weeks ago obviously that they were deleting my numbers and not you guys and not others.
And then I guess now they started some new thing and it's not.
It's only Patriot Truth 9-11 videos.
Now you've caught them and you've sent us the screenshots to Paul Watson.
We're going to do an article on this.
Now they are freezing your numbers.
What do you think is going on?
Well, you know, I noticed a couple days ago we were knocked out of the top 100 and I thought that was kind of bizarre because we were really, you know, riding high.
Usually not out of the top 10 too much.
You know, we were riding
Three versions of us.
And then all of a sudden, you know, I go over and I say, all right, we're out of there.
Let me check out my stats.
And I'm seeing my last seven day stats to 131,000 views.
And I'm like, all right, that makes sense.
So let me see how many I got for yesterday.
And it was zero.
Zero page views.
When I had 131,000 apparently the six days before.
And I just couldn't understand why.
And I did it again this morning.
And it came up with zero views.
So it really does look like they're trying to keep us out of the top 100 because that's where we've been so successful.
I've been seeing Conspiracy of Silence in the top 100, which really exposes the Franklin cover-up.
Which is very encouraging given the recent events of Foley and others.
I almost don't like to mention this because I think they're stupid.
We know they listen.
And I like Oberman.
It's like he's getting talking points.
You know, Oberman's good, by the way, where he comes out and says, you know, this Foley thing's covering up 6166.
So we know the media listens.
They admit they listen.
I've talked to CNN.
They all listen to this show.
But I hate to almost mention the Franklin cover-up video.
They'll probably have that out of there next week.
It's very upsetting, but yeah, that's possible to happen.
But we have to keep telling people to aggressively put this stuff out there.
One of the things that you didn't plug, that you really should have, is American dictators.
Because again, we have an election coming up, these machines are still out there, and that's the best documentary on the subject.
I mean, you called this out two or three years ago, and we have the same problem.
And we really have to do something before the next stage presidential election.
I mean, Kerry says he's going to run again, for God's sakes.
Yeah, they're going to stage it again because you can't just steal the machines.
You've got to have a ringer who takes a dive.
Again, I hope you guys get the report we put out and spread it to the Four Winds listeners.
That goes for the Loose Change crew as well.
It's frustrating to make something, to put it out for free, and to just want to be on a level playing field and have those cheats.
Yeah, and of course, I don't know if you've seen their press release, Jason.
They admit they accidentally delete our viewers, but it's an accident, Jason.
Yeah, well, I've had the same thing happen to me.
You know, Loose Change has been a race before.
I had something like 2 million hits on the thing.
I check it the next week, it's down to 100,000.
I'm thinking, how can this happen?
But, you know, you know what kind of business we're in, Alex.
And you know they're going to keep opposing us.
And it's unfortunate, because Google just bought off YouTube.
You know, YouTube is going to start getting censored more, and we have to be aware of that.
Like you said, if they cut off one of our heads, we have to have 50 other people out there.
And I think that's why you and your crew are so successful, because people like Aaron Dykes are getting out there, Kevin Smith are getting out there, and they're confronting monsters like Crystal and Keane, and it's just becoming so successful because of the viral internet nature of it.
Just a program note, it's not extension 51 to Bioman Mass, it's 54.
Whose extension is 51, Mike?
Video production.
It doesn't matter.
Call whatever you want.
We're going to check them all.
I'll be able to call and counter Google and the rest of them by buying a bunch of loose change second edition and a bunch of Terror Storm DVDs from us today.
But I tell you, it lets you, and folks, I was hoping it was an accident.
They're not doing it to other videos.
They're not doing it to, you know, it's happening to our videos.
Yeah, absolutely.
And they'll continue to.
And they've got trolls on the comment board to, you know, bash us and say that we're
Wacky conspiracy theories when anybody can take... By the way, you know how they're staged?
I can go to 20-something versions of Terror Storm, and it's the same trolls posting in the same order at the exact same time, showing it's automated, and then our regular people are there with diverse posts.
So yeah, they're trolling everywhere.
And it still has four and a half stars.
They also pose as Muslims going, yes these infidels work for us, letting you think it's your government, we can't wait to slit your women's throats, hail Allah.
I mean, come on folks.
I totally agree, and they are scared of Terror Storm because it has such a broad spectrum.
And really that first 35-45 minute hits you so hard you almost want to hit stop on the DVD player and start it again.
Because it's that rapid fire, and it's that documented, and that's what they're really afraid of, because it's not just our government.
That's just such a small spectrum.
It's governments throughout history, you know, staging these type of events.
We just happen to be top dog militarily right now.
You know, it's happening in Europe, and you go over that so well in your movie.
And, you know, people need to go out there and get a copy of this movie and hold a screening.
Have 20 people at your home.
Get a church.
Have 100 people there.
I mean, I've seen so many people do it with our film and others now that it's just like second nature.
Anybody can be a leader, Alex.
And, you know, you've been saying that for years.
Well, that's my whole point.
That's what we're all doing.
We're waging war against the criminals.
And we're not ever going to stop.
And we're starting to hurt them bad.
And if the rest of you out there listening who've been on the bench would just come out of the closet.
If you'd just get on the field.
If you'd stop hiding under your bed.
If you'd start at least making a few copies.
And people have this hero image that they've got to do it all themselves.
They've got to be perfect.
They've got to Schwarzenegger and, you know, defeat the running man all by themselves.
It's all of us together, with initiative, taking action.
We're going to wake this country up and we're at least going to give the new order a run for their money.
So listen.
Don't let them get away with it.
Right now.
People know I've been hammering this the last two weeks because I'm mad.
I mean, I saw us having victory.
Four million views in just about three weeks.
And then they started deleting us.
Every time we get up to about two million in the aggregate, they delete us.
And that makes me really mad.
Because I know we'd be number one or number two or number five or whatever right now, but they have cheated us in our chance to use this venue to crush the New World Order.
Now, I don't want 30 million views.
I want 60 million.
And I don't want it over the next six months.
I want it now!
What about you, Jason?
Every single one of your listeners can go into their email box right now, and I guarantee they have at least 10 to 20 people that they know, that they talk to on a regular basis, that have not seen this movie, that are not aware of it.
All they have to do is put a link down on it, and say, hey, give it 10 minutes of a watch.
If they find it compelling, keep watching it.
And people are going to keep watching it, because it has that type of effect.
People get sucked into this information, because they're aware now.
Hey, they're deleting everything, Jason.
What do you think the real numbers are?
Oh, man.
Well, you know what?
You know, Google Video and YouTube are still such a small, you know, niche of the piracy networks out there.
There's Kazaa, Morpheus, BitTorrent... Exactly!
I want everyone to go insane on those networks!
Put it on your own machine!
Serve it out on your own site!
Go nuts!
That's right!
And you know, that's what's so great about this Internet and why we have to fight Internet, too.
Because we need, you know, more and more people distributing this information guerrilla style.
Because there's going to come a point in time when the radio shows aren't going to have us on anymore.
You know, it's pretty surprising to me how much press we have been getting recently, but it's died out a little bit.
Well, you got attacked by the Rolling Stone!
Yeah, well, I've been in contact with him.
I can't wait to release those emails.
If he chickens out on the debate, he's promising me.
So we'll see what happens.
But, you know, I'll face any of these guys.
If they want to come up with their garbage, one of his questions to me, via email,
What did the Bush administration have to do with the controlled demolitions of the World Trade Center?
And I state to him, you know, we never say the Bush administration had anything to do with it, just the fact that the controlled demolitions happened in every government report.
And they covered it up, and they stripped it clean, and the CIA, and everybody else was based in the building, and Marvin Bush's company was running security, and they ordered NORAD to stand down, and they made money.
But this is how they nitpick.
I'll tell you how they nitpick.
They go, Alex Jones says in a video that the CIA ran drills.
Yes, the CIA with the Naval Reconnaissance Office, the Department of Pentagon Defense, and with the Defense Department, they all together did it.
It was the CIA officer that first released it to the AP.
John Fulton!
So like the little shills and the fake liberal shills, you know, the types we're talking about, the fake 9-11 movement, people that claim to be the leaders, they go, look at Alex, he's the CIA!
Well, John Fulton, CIA, said he was there running the drill!
Yeah, and you're absolutely correct, the CIA, I don't know who's holding it, 8-30 in the morning, is running that drill.
They build straw men, folks!
They claim we're wrong when we're not!
And then you don't check it out!
That's right.
And you're right.
NORAD is running those drills.
NEEDS is coming out with all those drills.
The FAA is admitting the drills.
I mean, it's all out there, and you've had people out there claiming, oh, there were no drills on the morning of 9-11.
Are you kidding me?
Cynthia McKinney, in a 2005 Defense Department budget hearing, had Rumsfeld and Myers confirm it, and she has the paperwork.
I know.
Jason, we've got to get you up for a full hour in the near future.
We love your work, and say hi to Dylan and Corey for me, and all the rest of the auxiliary crew.
God bless you.
We'll talk to you soon.
All right.
Later on, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
God bless you.
All right.
Get loose change 2 out there.
Get Terror Storm out there.
And everybody else, help us.
I mean the other host, all of it.
Get egos aside.
Help us.
This is the real fight.
This is where we're reaching the most people.
I told people it was micro-FMs seven, eight years ago.
Well, I'm telling you now, this is the most successful way.
So I'm challenging you out there, the micro-crowd and the rest of the people.
I know what I'm talking about.
I'm the one fighting stuff the longest here in Austin, Texas.
Now I've got people telling me what to do, and telling me how to think, and telling me how to operate, and telling me what I should say, and telling me I'm not doing enough!
You're not doing enough!
I demand you get on the ball, all of our M&FM stations, micros, shortwave, everybody.
I want you to help us get TerrorStorm out!
If you want some straight shooting, that's it!
All right?
And I don't claim to have all the answers, but I don't need other people telling me they know more than I know.
I'm sick of it!
I want to play part of Sundown on the Union by good old Bob Dylan.
I'm really fired up right now.
Sundown on the Union.
We'll come back and play this clip as I promised to of the guy running for Senate.
Here it is.
Go out with Bob Dylan.
Man, my shoes, they come from Singapore.
My flesh, that's from Taiwan.
Man, people talk from Malaysia.
My filth, that is from the Amazon.
You know, this shirt I wear comes from the Philippines.
And the color I drive is in Japanese.
It was put together down in Argentina by a guy named Consuelo Sensity.
Well, it's a long reunion.
I was made in the U.S.A.
Well, it's a dress that's from Hong Kong And it's pearls are from Japan And a dog collar from India And a flower pot from Pakistan All the furniture, it's made in Brazil Well, a woman, she's made in Brazil
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I think so.
Thank you.
One day in the U.S.A.
sure was a good idea till we got in the way.
Well, it's a test-case from Hong Kong and it pulls out from Japan.
Alright, folks.
I apologize, we don't have time to go to these loaded phones.
Call me back tomorrow, I'll get you on.
We've got Steve Jones coming on later next week.
This was an important debate.
I had planned another closing message, but I feel compelled to say what I'm about to say.
Now I risk sounding like a conspiracy theorist, but it's no longer a theory.
What I'm about to say is fact.
The secret organizations of the world power elite are no longer secret.
They have planned and are now leading us into a one world communist government.
The combining of national governments started with the European Union, that union started with trade agreements, then a common currency, the Euro, and now a European Parliament that is feverishly passing laws that override the laws of the member nations.
A constitution was drafted but rejected by a few of those nations, but never mind.
They implemented it anyway.
Now it's North America's turn.
Building on the North American Free Trade Agreement, the NAFTA section of the Commerce Department is busy drafting laws and regulations for a North American Union.
A union of Canada, America, and Mexico.
The President has attended secret meetings and signed at least two agreements under the Security and Prosperity Partnership Program.
Information leaked out about the meetings and now it is all in the open.
No treaty has been signed, so Congress has not become involved.
However, money from our Treasury is now being spent for this effort.
We will have a new currency, the Emeril, and a new Constitution, modeled on the Soviet Union's Constitution.
Our rights will not be inalienable, but they will be granted by government, who can also take them away.
One sign that this is our future is the plans for the superhighways from southern Mexico through America and into Canada.
These plans are not secret any longer.
Huge amounts of property will be taken in the name of free trade, peace, and security.
You will have a national ID card with a radio frequency chip in it.
That's already law in America and will be implemented by May 2000.
This man voted for it.
You will not be able to move about freely.
This is terrorism of the most worst kind.
Brought on you by our own government.
The strongest, freest nation in the history of mankind will be averaged into world communism.
Is that what you want?
Are we the people still in control of this nation?
We must begin to act like we are!
It's Ben Jones.
On that, Conrad Burns.
Three minutes.
Sure glad you got such a rosy outlook on our future for our kids.
So the traitor who voted for all this in Congress looks at the Libertarian candidate and laughs at him and just says, so glad you got a thing for our kids' future.
Incredible treason.
God bless you all.
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