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Name: 20061010_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 10, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
A very important broadcast lined up for you today on this Tuesday, October 10th, 2006 edition.
Out of the gates, let me tell you, that coming up at the bottom of this hour, I will tell you about the confrontation I had this morning, just about, what, three hours ago, with the former Attorney General John Ashcroft.
That's right, I had a chance to speak with the Attorney General.
It was quite interesting and I will give you the details.
You may even have a chance during this broadcast to hear the audio of that confrontation with the snickering John Ashcroft concerning 9-11.
Details coming up in 30 minutes.
We're trying right now to get the audio of it.
So, that is coming up.
There have been new developments, of course, concerning the situation with North Korea.
The known disinfo specialist, the known phony conservative, the known psychological warfare minion, who we have confronted here on the broadcast, Bill Gertz, is out shilling today.
In fact, it came out last night in the Drugs Report.
That the North Koreans may have only detonated 200 pounds of TNT.
And that it may not have been an atomic explosion, that it may have been a dud or a staged event.
Now I don't put that past Kim Jong-il.
There's a lot of points, a lot of pieces of information, a lot of intelligence that points towards this being a lie.
Number one, the source, Bill Gertz,
Number two, the fact that our criminal government, our illegitimate occupational government, continues to play down North Korea's nuclear prowess.
Cover-up missile, a missile that's at the U.S., things of that nature.
Number two, the article itself.
The article itself.
And when we get back from break, I will get first into this Bill Gertz report.
I just noticed that my printer must have run out when I printed this.
It ran out this morning and I can't read the Washington Times.
So I'm going to have to scurry out of here during the break.
I hope they're listening.
Guys, will you go reprint that for me?
My printer must have been out of ink and I didn't notice.
Last minute that this story is illegible.
I could probably try to read it.
You know how it erases a big swath in the middle of it?
But reading it, well, we'll get into it once I have the report here in front of me.
This is Fly By The Suit Of Your Pants Radio.
There is more news on international pedophile rings in mainstream papers today.
We'll tie that into the Foley widening scandal, threatening to bring down the current crop of Republicans in Congress, both the House and the Senate.
I have a big stack
of really scary police state news.
In fact, there's so much of it that I spent hours this morning trying to read over it.
The tips.
We have this new form up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com where you can send us your tips in a form.
That way it doesn't get clogged up with spam so I'm able to read more of your email and the tips you're giving me.
The problem is taking up all my time reading this stuff
They're arresting Americans, especially children, for any reason now.
They're trying to get everyone into the criminal justice system.
The government has gone totally parasitic.
I mean, I have stacks of these.
Here's one.
Officer shows up to school because 8-year-old's overdue books.
Here's one in USA Today.
High-tech school security is on the rise.
Wait till we read this.
Here's another one.
New program tracks young drivers.
Wait till you hear about all this.
And of course our confrontation with Lord Ashcroft today.
Tell you about that as well.
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I think so.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The mainstream media is finally starting to read the legislation that passed two Fridays ago, about ten days ago.
Bush signed it last week.
New York Times CBS poll, Bush has 34% approval rating, 83% think he's hiding something, are mostly lying.
That's a New York Times CBS poll.
I was just, uh,
Mentioning the fact that mainstream news is now reporting the fact that federal legislation labels activism as terrorism.
And we also have a report here dealing with the United Kingdom.
Three days before the law went into effect, I was there in July of 2005,
Right after the 7-7 bombings, in between with the 7-21 bombing, we were there within, what, days of the second attack, second wave of staged attacks.
And the British Parliament had banned protesting for miles and miles and miles around Parliament Square, around the Parliament, around that central area of governmental power, 10 Downing Street, the Admiralty, the Ministry of Defense, all of it.
And the police were still trying to tell me to stop talking on the bullhorn, to shut up.
Many of you have seen the video on Terror Storm.
But I got some video that was shot by Indy Media there and it was also picked up by some of the newspapers just a few weeks ago in London and they announced to them that they're organized criminals and of course they're there protesting the fact peaceably sitting down on the grass in the park
Next to Parliament, sitting in the park, and the police are walking over to camera people and news people saying, why are you here?
Well, you know, you really shouldn't be here with a camera.
You really shouldn't be videotaping that.
They were telling us this, too.
This is like something out of Soviet Russia, Communist China.
Of course, in Communist China, they're proud of themselves.
They just go ahead with it all.
And speaking of the devil, we're going to play that clip later.
When I cover some of the police state news here in the US, because it's also going on in England, we have a new clip from British television.
We played the one a few weeks ago from BBC, where they openly admit that they kill people on government holidays, and they have the exact tissue type that everyone needs, and they can get you any organ you need within two or three weeks.
And this is the clinic openly admitting it comes from dead prisoners.
Well, there's a new lengthy clip
with the public executions and the mobile execution vans.
I remember about six years ago we first reported out of the Scotsman, we picked it up, the mobile execution vans.
There's 24 of them in one province and they just drive around all day grabbing anyone who's even been suspected of a crime and then you're taken to the mobile van, not to jail, not before a judge, not before a jury, and you're killed!
And even with the news articles and the photos, and the government's quite proud of it, that it's in the People's Daily, still folks in this country are in denial.
Kind of like the denial...
I'm getting a lot of denial about Google announcing that it will use the microphones and cameras built in standard on most new computers without your permission to track everything you do and record it with artificially intelligent computers going for keyword analysis and putting it into detailed psychological profile systems.
So this is just total or well times 10 maximum overdrive.
And now new companies have announced they're using the microphones to listen to you, and of course it's being sold to the government.
It's just ultra-massive.
Last week I was driving out of town to go visit family and do some work at the ranch.
Family Ranch.
Nothing more I like than getting out there with a chainsaw.
And I'm driving out of town listening to Jack Blood and he's reading a mainstream news article, a press release from YouTube saying, we're not going to get involved in the speculation and conspiracy theories about how Google supposedly is going to buy us for $1.6 billion.
This is ridiculous.
Well, last night Google announced they'd bought YouTube for $1.65 billion.
So I guess there was a few more millions in there.
I guess 50 million more.
So I guess that's why the 1.6 billion was a conspiracy theory.
So now Google Video is censoring my TerrorStorm.
And we were able to go over to YouTube and hadn't witnessed any censorship there yet, though there have been a lot of reports by other people with it.
And now it's owned by Google, hence basically the globalist.
So I guess we need to find some of the new
Free upload sites where we can just put our work up there for free for everybody.
They make money off of it with advertising.
They make money off of it and they still censor it and we make nothing.
But I don't care about the money.
I just want to fight the New World Order.
But first we're going to get into the situation with North Korea and Bill Gertz coming out and moving the ball for the neocons yesterday saying this was not an atomic blast.
This was the equivalent of 200 pounds of TNT.
200 pounds of TNT does not cause a 4.5 on the Richter scale.
That is in countries thousands of miles away.
That is so ridiculous
And such a fraud.
I'm not saying North Korea didn't stage something.
I wouldn't put anything past government, period.
But the evidence doesn't indicate that.
Again, we don't know, but our own government doesn't know.
We'll talk about it in a moment.
Before I do that, now is the time to take action.
This is a call to action.
A call to arms in the information war.
In the peaceful information war that is so effective.
Terror Storm has gone back into the top 100 of Google Videos.
Got up to 60 something and then they plunged it back down to 80.
Or maybe the list of viewers not going and watching it did.
But Google admitted yesterday, publicly, and we have their emails from the Google corporate office admitting it, that two separate times in the last three weeks they have deleted all of the rankings and it's over 20 different uploads, different versions of TerrorStorm that are on Google Video.
So we not only have it working against us in the rankings that about 20 different people, or more now, have uploaded it, but I don't care.
That makes it redundant and it's good.
Keep uploading more copies, folks.
Because you see, they just count in their counting system, in their tracking system,
We're good to go.
So what does Google Video do?
They come in and they erase every one of them.
I don't care if it's some new one with only 2,000 viewers or one that's been up there for a few weeks that's got 250,000.
They erase it!
And they erase them every time in the aggregate the videos hit two million.
When they go right above two million, I've been watching it, they erase it.
And we've caught them twice.
I'm told it was going on beforehand.
We learned of it because listeners have been emailing me and I didn't believe it and I went and saw it happen for myself about three weeks ago.
So it probably happened before we weren't paying attention.
So we don't know.
But we caught them red-handed twice erasing our statistics.
Now why is that important?
Because when you go into the top 100, and you go into the higher reaches of the top 100, you tend to stay there for months, and then you get tens of millions of views.
That's what made Luce Chang, 2nd edition, go supernova, in my words.
And those guys keep saying 10 million times.
That was the press 3 months ago said 10 million.
I've been watching it myself.
It's over 30 million.
That is exciting.
I love it.
Terror Storm was on track to do the exact same thing.
In fact, I went and looked at the growth trend numbers for Loose Change, which was uploaded, I don't know, 9 or 10 months ago to Google, 2nd edition, and it took it 6 months or so to hit 3 or 4 million views, and then it exploded to 10 million and then 30 million.
See, it grows exponentially.
Terror Storm in less time
Because in the first month it was up there, it only had a few hundred thousand views.
Then it went to two million, then they erased it, then to two million in just a week, then they erased that again.
See, our growth curve is even much quicker, much more robust and powerful, which is extremely exciting.
I want hundreds of millions to see Terror Storm.
That's why I spend all the long hours.
That's why we do what we do.
That's why we risk our lives, is to have an effect and to kick these terrorists in the hind end and get this country back.
So I want every single one of you, I'm asking you personally, to not let them get away with what they've done.
Go get the YouTube version, it's broken up in 11 parts.
Go get, but it's all linked together.
Go get the highest quality TerrorStorm copy, it says high quality, that's how you know the link, off of Google Video, with a search of TerrorStorm.
Or go to Rents.com, he's got a big link to it.
Infowars.com, he's got a link somewhere on the main page.
Just get it, and email it out to everybody you know.
Do not stop!
Every day, post it all over MySpace, post it all over the message boards, letters to the editor, on your own radio shows.
Please call in to all the other shows on Genesis, all the other shows on the other Patriot Networks, all of the shows locally in your area.
Tell folks, Terror Storm, for free, an extremely powerful government-sponsored terror film.
I'm not going to say it's the best 9-11 film.
It's the best film covering the history of government-sponsored terror, the Iraq War 7-7, and it does an excellent job on 9-11, though that's only about 30 minutes of the almost two-hour film.
You need to have Terror Storm.
Frankly, I could care less if you buy the DVD from us.
When I do this and tell everybody it's free, we don't sell any.
So it might be nice.
I say that.
If you go to InfoWars.com and buy the high quality DVD with the 68 minutes of extras on it, very well produced, from the LA 9-11 Neocon Agenda Symposium.
It's over 3 hours, $19.95.
You can get them as low as $9.95 when you buy a bunch of them.
Please buy a bunch of the high quality DVDs.
That's your Christmas shopping.
You don't have to go kill yourself at the mall this year.
Just handle it now.
Buy 20 copies.
We're good to go.
I did confront the former Attorney General John Ashcroft today.
That audio is coming up as well.
Stay with us.
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Remember about three weeks ago we aired that BBC news clip where they snuck into the hospital, the official government hospital posing as someone who wanted to buy organs for his father and they point-blank say that, ah yes, you know, we can have you any organ you need within three weeks, they'll like tissue type everybody, they have the political dissonance in there and it's just all admitted.
Well, guess what?
We went back in the archives to find that clip to play it again.
YouTube had erased it.
And because they don't want regional news.
That's meant for the British to see and nobody else.
It's not meant for U.S.
It's not meant for the Chinese to be able to see it.
It's meant to be regionally seen in England alone, and the Internet breaks that.
And I meant to tell them three weeks ago, my people, to grab that off the web and dump it to tape so we'd have an archive of it, and I just forgot.
And now it's gone.
Now we can't get it.
It's like the Lou Dobbs clip.
Where he comes out and says that America, as we know, is now dead.
We are now in the North American Union.
Boy, they erased that quick.
Luckily, folks are now recording these and putting them on YouTube.
Keep a copy back and then just keep re-uploading it.
But now Google owns it all, so we're in trouble.
But we did record the audio of the original Oregon story, and John, were you able to find that?
He did find it from about three weeks ago.
So we're going to air you the audio later coming up, the new report from Sky Television in the UK about the mobile execution vans.
Okay, this is back in the news after six years, five and a half years.
Originally it was in the Scotsman.
And then on top of it, we're going to air you the short two and a half minute clip of them admitting that the organs were being sold to the prisoners.
So, it's all coming up.
Just to illustrate the type of barbarism we're dealing with, China's the model.
Places like Singapore are the model.
Total police state.
You know, Singapore has cameras in every bathroom.
If you don't wash your hands, you're arrested.
You're caned.
You're executed for many reasons.
Total police state.
They test drugs in the water supply on the population.
It's a huge laboratory.
By the way, we're able to get him.
I have a top computer programmer, someone who's been high-level in the Republican Party, someone who's been involved with the Telecommunications Commission here in Texas, and I don't know if he's even going to use his name on air.
He said he'd come on with his name, but he didn't give out as much info, but might not.
If he came on without giving his name, I've known him for about 12 years, he would go even further.
The stuff he told me about last night,
And this guy's impeccable source.
When he was in... I can't tell you too much.
I'm going to wait until... He's trying to come in studio Thursday before he goes to some big Republican event in California.
He's a big Republican.
I'm probably not going to let you know his name.
But he'll probably go ahead and just say it, knowing him.
I'll just... The stuff he witnessed in the Orient, in Asia,
And the most horrifying stuff was there in Singapore, the entire island nation is a huge British corporation owned laboratory and they're testing race specific psychotropics on the population through the water, the air, and it's openly, openly discussed by the top scientist he was meeting with there.
And the guy's totally freaked out now and he goes, well I used to buy into a lot of what you said.
I know him back from when I was a Republican.
He goes, Alex, I used to buy into some of it, but by God, it's all true, and I just can't believe it.
Folks, it's happening here, too.
It's in the water.
It's in the air.
Why do you think people act so dumb and so docile?
We were never like this.
Americans were vicious, and smart, and aggressive, and just greedily running around starting businesses, and sparkly-eyed.
We were the best of the best.
We're a bunch of scum.
And it's because they're poisoning us!
Some of us, I guess, just naturally have more resistance to it than others.
But it is... I can feel it.
It's everywhere!
I'm sick of it!
But he witnessed a lot of this, and I don't know how far he can go.
If he comes on the air, it's going to blow you away.
I don't know if he'll say as much.
I mean, the names of the scientists, the facilities, everything that he was telling me.
And it's just, we're in so much trouble, folks.
We're in a lot of trouble.
I know I keep saying that, but I mean, what else am I going to do?
It's like I'm going to watch from the wall going, Enemy!
There's an enemy inside!
They've lowered the drawbridge!
Get it closed!
Rouse the guard!
Wake up!
Oh my gosh!
They're pouring in!
It's almost too late!
Wake up!
Wake up!
And our own guard are going, The king told us to aim our spears at you!
You're the bad one!
Those nice people running through with torches, through the main gate are our friends!
Stabs the guard!
That's friendly what he just did!
You know, I mean, it's just willful mindlessness.
Well, you know, as this stuff gets more and more evil, more and more... See, they're not even hiding it now.
They're not even hiding it.
It's like Dick Cheney in the PNAC document saying, Oh, race-specific bioweapons need to be used on certain races.
It's very good.
Alright, I'm a little bit behind as usual.
I will get to North Korea as soon as we get back, and then I'll get into
My little confrontation with John Ashcroft today.
Oh yeah!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, I won't back down.
No, I won't
We've got a MSNBC pundit clip coming up later when Wayne Madsen joins us from Wayne Madsen Report in D.C.
and the pundit's on national television saying, listen, basically half the Republicans are criminals and the other half are pedophiles.
And I'd have to say that's an exaggeration.
It's a gross exaggeration.
I'd say about 30% are hardcore criminals, arms dealers, money launderers, drug dealers, and about 30% are pedophiles, and then about another 30% are gay, and about 10% are like Ron Paul.
And when I give you that, that's a real dead reckoning guesstimation.
So it's wrong to say they're all criminals.
Only 90% are.
I guess with those numbers I gave you, about 60 are in the closet fakes and 10% are pretty good folks.
Like Congressman Paul, Congressman Good, Chena when she was in there, folks like that.
We do have the China clip with the mobile execution vans.
Coming up, Wayne Madsen has been breaking.
He broke the story about the Republican congressman who went to Foley in 2000 and said, stop it.
And the Washington Post picked up on his report.
So he's a very good source.
And I'm going to have to rein him in, though.
This is somewhat of a family show.
I'm not going to get into the deviances with Hastert.
We're just going to keep it down to the basics.
And how Hastert lives with one of his top staff members.
It's very Christian and very conservative.
In fact, literally folks, most of the top Republicans are living with men openly.
There's one of the big Christian groups, the Brotherhood, and a bunch of them live together.
It's Christian, basically.
I'm being sarcastic.
I shouldn't even joke around about things like that.
It's just everything you've been told is such a lie.
And again, we've been telling you for years about the Republicans and the gay porn stars and the
And all that stuff.
And again, that would bring them down right there.
But it's a bunch of underage people.
And then that pales in significance to the torturing and the snuffing.
No wonder the White House Chief Counsel writes memos saying they can torture children.
Alright, let's get into North Korea.
Then we'll get into John Ashcroft.
This morning, I got a call at 810.
And I had slept late this morning, so I was just in the shower at 810.
I lavished myself last night.
I got in bed about ten and read a science fiction book for about two hours.
What was it?
Vacuum Diagrams.
It's an excellent book by Baxter.
I forget his first name.
And I'm reading the novel that got the 2000 Philip K. Dick Award.
Anyway, side issue.
So I kind of lavished myself last night and read for two hours.
Which I rarely do.
And then I got up this morning a little late.
I was in the shower and my wife comes running in and she says, they want you on against Ashcroft right now!
And so literally dripping with a towel around me, I stumbled down the stairs into my office and began to have at Ashcroft.
And I'm going to paraphrase and tell you what happened and tell you the story.
When we start the next hour in full detail.
We do not have the audio yet.
If any of you heard it, you can call in and second what you heard, or if any of you happened to have taped it, it is a national syndicated radio show on Talk Radio Network out of Chicago.
It's the Man Cal Show.
And I can say I've been on when William Shatner's on, and I've been on with Vander Holyfield, and I've been on with the guys from Ghostbusters.
I mean, that show's always got the biggest guests.
But today I was on with John Ashcroft, but I wasn't on for like an hour like I am a lot of times, or 30 minutes.
I was on for, I got about a minute and a half with Lord Ashcroft, of time I got to talk.
He responded for several minutes in between.
We're trying to get the audio.
His producer said, okay, we'll see about getting you the exchange and emailing it to you.
We are waiting for that now to come to us.
If not, they upload the archives tonight.
We'll have it for you tomorrow.
But his producer said he'd try to have it to me by the second hour of the show today.
So we're waiting for that hungrily right now.
All right, let me dispense with the pleasantries and get into the news.
But the exchange was on 9-11, so stay with us for that.
Where's my Bill Gertz story?
Here it is.
Oh, and now the New York Times is following suit.
We'll get to that one too.
It is, as of last night, the neocon front, Matt Drudge, and Bill Gertz, who if anybody's on government payroll, I'm not saying he is, I don't know he is, but he fits the M.O.
And we know there's 1.6 billion of them just in the last, what, 2004, 2005, on illegal 1.6 billion payroll, fake news, fake reporters.
Armstrong Williams, just, you know, one small piece of that whole puzzle that you, most people didn't hear about that, but not the full extent.
Gertz, if he isn't an operative, sure should be.
He's not a real conservative in my opinion.
I've debated him here on air.
He puts out a lot of disinfo, a lot of hype on WMDs in Iraq.
He comes out, and now it's being parroted, with the talking point, and again, this may be true.
I'm not saying this isn't true, I don't.
The preponderance of the evidence points towards it not being true, and what is that I'm saying looks like it's not true.
And again, they're couching it carefully, which is one reason it's probably not true.
Oh, some experts think it may not have been an atomic weapon,
on the order of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, the smaller blast of the two, and they think that they think that it was probably a dud at around 200 pounds of TNT.
When they blow up a 20 story building, they use more than 200 pounds of TNT.
And it barely registers on the Richter scale.
It barely registers on the Richter.
It doesn't even show up a few miles away as a 1.0.
You can go look up the past blast.
Bill Gertz is claiming that seismographs in China, Russia,
And thousands of miles away, and in South Korea, hundreds of miles away, picked up a 4.4 and a 4.5, depending on which Richter scale, which seismograph picked up the readings.
It was different in different areas.
It always is.
I mean, that's a pretty darn big earthquake.
That's a pretty darn big seismic event.
That is not caused by 200 pounds of TNT, a meager explosion inside some tunnel they dug in a mountain.
Even the containment of the blast, which would cause a larger seismic reading, still does not account for this.
And so the basic science doesn't fit in to what Bill Gertz is saying.
So Bill Gertz is not a trusted and is not a source that you can even hold your nose and believe.
You have to automatically distrust Bill Gertz from his past activities and past misbehavior.
And past twisting and spinning and propagandizing for whatever reason he does it.
Then we know our government has been lying about the extent of North Korea's nuclear prowess while all the time giving them reactors, missile secrets, MIRV technology, enabling systems, the fissile materials, all of it, the whole nine yards.
The Kit Kat and Kaboodle.
The kitchen sink.
So we know that there's something going on there.
We know that they covered up the missile test that hit Alaska in 2000.
That was all over the South Korean and Japanese papers.
They fired a missile.
North Korea hit the United States with a test missile.
I need to flash back that article at PrisonPlanet.com, some of those stories.
People don't forget about it.
Because they want to... Again, you have the motive.
They want to play down the fact that we have a psychopath running a country
With a large arsenal of atomic warheads and medium-range missiles that can hit areas of the northern United States, Chicago, Seattle, New York, Boston, places like that.
Maine, Toronto, and Canada.
That's admitted, they shoot the missiles right over the pole.
They don't want you thinking about that when they've got three carrier groups stacked up, two already there, one about to be there.
It's in the middle of the Pacific right now, left last week from Seattle.
They don't want you knowing about that.
They don't want you knowing what North Korea is, and that if we're talking about real threats, they're a lot bigger than Iran.
Israel and the rest of the neocons are trying to spin the fact that, oh my gosh, Iran's going to get a nuke now from North Korea, let's go ahead and hit them.
I mean, just rabbit out of a hat, made up stuff right now.
Lusting after Armageddon in World War III.
Stumbling towards Armageddon.
A pell-mell, over-the-cliff, limbing, mad rush.
And so again, let's run through those points.
You cannot trust Bill Gertz.
This has all the indicators of disinfo.
200 pounds of TNT doesn't show up as even a 1 on the Richter scale, much less a 4.4, 4.5.
Picked up thousands of miles away.
This hurts the neocons and their rush to attack Iran because it shows North Korea is a much greater threat, even in their false political propaganda paradigm.
And there's many other points to all of this.
The Russians are saying it's higher than a 4.5.
But again, you can't really trust them.
I don't put it past North Korea for testing a bomb and it not going off.
It takes a lot of science to machine those explosive charges into a big
It took a big Lego set, a spherical package of super highly explosive plastic explosives, jacketing the plutonium, or depending on the bomb, the uranium.
But I have no doubt that North Korea wouldn't just try a primitive type A bomb,
And fire a bullet of plutonium into a ball of uranium.
You see, it's hard to build a hydrogen bomb, but it's not that hard if you've got the fissile material to build an A-bomb.
And the seismic readings show it was something like a 5 megaton A-bomb, similar to what was dropped on Hiroshima, that detonated.
And they admit they've got the fissile material, they've got the scientists, they've got missiles.
I mean, they've got missiles that can hit the U.S., folks.
That's a lot more complex than building a primitive A-bomb.
Now, can they get that A-bomb in a missile?
In a MIRV package?
Or even in a single warhead delivery system?
That is to be discovered.
We don't know.
You know, it's like claiming Iran's going to kill us in three months.
Even if they had an A-bomb, it'd be something you fit in an 18-wheeler.
I mean, remember how little boy and fat boy, how big they were?
They were big!
So, it's all pretty serious.
Our government armed Russia.
Our government armed China.
Our government armed the Israelis.
Our government helped arm the South Africans.
Israel mainly did.
Our criminal government helped armed North Korea.
They've handed out the nukes.
They don't care about nukes.
They blocked the FBI and CIA from stopping AQ Khan Laboratories in Pakistan.
It's now the main engine of proliferation and the arms race between Pakistan and India, with our criminal government selling weapons to both sides.
I mean, that's just the facts!
So I don't want to hear about how I've got to give my liberties up because we're in a war on terror, and how we've got to attack Iran because they might get an A-bomb someday, while this criminal group of gangsters is running around with their tongue hanging out about five feet, dragging the ground wildly, like a mad dog arming anybody and everybody that wants nukes, while pointing their finger at Muslim nations that don't have any capacity.
And it's exactly because they don't have nukes that they are being cornered and bullied and genocided.
Wait till I tell you the propaganda being spewed by Ashcroft and Mankow.
I'm going to get Mueller on this show.
I've had him on before and I'm just going to let him have it.
He's a big boy.
He can handle it.
Oh my gosh.
Shifting gears, again, the second half of the show coming up in 45 minutes.
We're going to have Wayne Madsen on for an hour and a half getting into the pedophile scandal on Capitol Hill and how deep the rabbit hole really gets from a guy on the Capitol Hill with good intel, a good track record of accurate info.
Wayne Madsen will be joining us coming up.
We'll have open phones for the first 30 minutes of the next hour at 1-800-259-9231.
I wanted to get into
This is the kind of news I have in front of me, okay?
Speed through the checkout with just a wave of your arm.
London Times.
Every day they announce how good it is, how it's normal.
People start to go, well, I guess it's okay.
Because, see, we're being conditioned.
We're being domesticated.
It's like a wild horse sees you in the pen every day.
And then you sack them out.
You touch them on the back.
You put the sack on their back.
You put it on their head.
Then you ride them.
It's just we're being trained, getting us used to seeing the troops, the urban warfare drills, the kids getting arrested for not bringing their library books back, got to show an ID card, get scanned to get to school, get searched, National Guardsmen just shot somebody in New Orleans, troops out confiscating guns, just getting you, oh, foreign Mexican and Dutch and German troops here helping us, put out the forest fires, help with New Orleans, oh hey, yeah, it's the North American Union, we're going to give the Mexican government major port facilities inside the U.S., they call them port facilities,
Oh, they're going to have the rail lines.
Oh, it's world government.
Hey, the Mexican Attorney General is making them take chips.
Hey, you know, this police chief comes on Alex's show from Bergen County, New Jersey and says everybody needs a chip and he'll make us take them.
Oh, it's normal.
They're the normal ones.
Oh, Google's going to listen to you with the microphones in your computer.
Speed through the checkout with just a wave of your arm.
Officer shows up at school because of eight-year-old's overdue books.
That's here in Texas.
USA Today shows a picture of a camera in the Houston school.
This is over a thousand cameras in one school alone.
They search you.
You've got to show ID cards.
You've got to swipe your ID to buy drinks from the vending machines.
That's getting rid of the national sales tax.
It's just all in this article.
It's good.
I mean, more surveillance than a maximum security prison.
They don't show IDs to get food in a prison.
Here's another one.
New program.
Contract young drivers.
This has been going on in Oregon and Texas.
Now it's going on in Michigan.
You put a sticker in the back of the car asking the cops to pull your children over.
People go, well that's good.
Oh, you don't trust your children enough.
You let them go, but then you want the police stopping them.
God forbid your child's done something wrong.
God forbid there's some marijuana.
Their life's over, you idiot.
Family comes first above everything else in this world.
Okay, and the government is criminal, but see a bunch of well-meaning people, I'll put a sign in my car asking them to pull my child over.
Which shows you have no trust for your children, and you have no idea how predatory a large percentage, though it's a minority, of police or sociopathic criminals.
Look, I'm not against police, but I'm against the system.
I'm against what's being done.
I'm against the criminal laws that are being passed.
I'm against warrantless checkpoints shacking me in, training me how to be a domesticated hog.
I'm not your hog!
I'm not your cow!
I'm not your horse!
I'm not your dog!
I'm not your gerbil!
I'm not your parakeet!
I'm a free human being!
I've got dignity!
And you work for criminals!
The government is criminal!
Now, the press has reported on scores of cases where people who just say one thing to Cheney or Bush are arrested and charged with assault, criminally.
You're criminally charged, and that itself is criminal, for just saying this war is reprehensible and walking off in a public place.
When we get back, we're going to go to England, where they announce protesting is organized crime.
By the way, they got that from the U.S.
That's now in the U.S.
We'll be right back.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Alright, we're going to cram some crawls in in the next hour.
Early in the next hour, then Wayne Madsen joins us.
I've got two different clips about mobile execution vans.
You haven't heard this first clip yet.
Then I've got a clip, mainstream news, about of course the organ stealing from political dissidents.
When Wayne Madsen joins us, we have a mainstream news clip where they're openly talking about half the Republicans being criminals and the other half being pedophiles.
Regular criminals, the other half being pedophiles.
And again, I think it's only about 60% of the leadership from what I've seen.
It is the majority, though.
People shouldn't exaggerate about a serious issue like this.
I think 60% is bad enough, don't you?
So that is coming up.
It's openly being discussed now.
It's going to come out.
Well, America will probably just keep going down the same evil path, but God's giving us a chance to really see what we've become.
That's the way it always works.
We'll see what the people do.
Before I play this clip, though, from England, where they're banning free speech, let me first remind you that my new film, Terror Storm, is out on DVD.
The just-under-two-hour film has 68 minutes of extras from the 9-11 Neocon Agenda Symposium in L.A.
Four cameras shoot.
It is an incredible DVD.
So really, I mean, it's worth $19.95 just for that 68 minutes from the symposium.
But you get the film and the 68-minute symposium on one DVD.
It is $19.95 and your purchase makes this broadcast possible.
And even if you've already bought Terror Storm, buy a couple more copies.
Give it as a gift.
Give it as a Christmas present.
Give it as an early gift.
You can also go to PrisonPlanet.tv and get a 15-cent-a-day membership and download it in super high quality.
If you've got a D1 or a high bitrate connection,
Cable modem.
There's four different quality versions depending on your connection rate for members, but we've got it in a rate that looks almost as good as regular TV.
It looks, I guess, kind of like a VHS recording.
I mean, it's that good.
It just, it's really good if you've got that connection rate.
It's a big download.
I guess if you even had dial-up, you could download it maybe in 10 hours or something.
And then once you have that super high quality version, burn that sucker to disk!
Just start burning!
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You can call toll free to get the films as well.
That's 888-253-3139.
Now listen to this clip.
It's a longer clip.
This is just a minute or so of it.
The police walk up and they bump into people.
And they've done this to me.
It's a tactic.
They teach them this.
This is even in England, though.
Same thing in the U.S.
They bump into you and they say, please give me space.
And they go, keep backing up, keep backing up.
It's how they... It's corralling.
It's hurting.
It's like they're a cattle dog and you're a cow.
That's how they're trained.
That's what you are, basically.
And it's all disingenuous.
It's all a little psychological trick.
It's not that they're in your space.
It's that you're in their space and they keep getting in your face.
So you hear that.
Letty talks about how it's fascism.
And then, you hear these big paddy wagons pull up.
Not allowed to protest in London in these areas now.
They're at this park.
The paddy wagons pull up and say that it's organized crime to protest.
You see, they don't just pass a law saying you can't protest in front of Parliament with a sign, with a button.
There's video of them arresting people for little buttons that say no.
It's just like Seattle.
Remember my film, Police Take You to the Takeover?
They go, no more protesting, no more buttons, no more signs.
See, it's the same thing there.
And they're announcing on the loudspeakers that they're organized criminals.
And it's families, and you can tell it's middle-class people, out there protesting the loss of free speech.
When we get back, we'll play this clip.
Stay with us.
I don't think I've ever had a show that's gonna be so jam-packed.
We'll tell you about John Ashcroft, too.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, before the break, I was talking about a clip, and I know some stations, most of our stations carry this segment, but some don't.
I'm going to re-air it again, it's a short clip, in the next segment too, because it's happening here in the United States as well.
Three days before the law went into effect, I was out front of the Parliament, and the law had already been passed a few weeks before it was going into effect, no protesting, an entire section of London, and there's other areas of the country as well.
I mean, you can't wear a pin saying you're against the government or what it's doing or against the policy.
You can't have a sign.
And they would come over and say, turn your cameras off.
You can't bullhorn.
And they did it all over the city, by the way.
You can't have a camera on.
I mean, it's like Russia.
But I was told by folks that even in the 80s, you could have a camera walking down around to Russia.
They didn't mess with you.
And the police, even on this clip, it's a long clip, but we're going to put part of it, come up and say, what do you got a camera for?
What are you here for?
You're not allowed to be here to protest.
Well, I'm here to just videotape the protest.
I'm the press.
Ah, I think you're part of the protest.
Come with me.
This is how they do it.
And then they have these loudspeakers, listen to it carefully, saying, you are involved in organized crime in this unauthorized protest.
This is supposedly the birthplace of the Magna Carta, of free speech, England.
And at the Parliament, at a park across the street, people are peaceably sitting.
They're being drug off by their hair, they're being choked, it's all on video.
Bunch of arrogant scum.
You're not police, you're not bobbies.
You are errand boys for the worldwide crime syndicate, destroying our freedom, destroying our heritage.
You are a curse upon us.
Go ahead and play the clip.
It's not democracy!
It's fascism!
Stand by.
I will turn the feed to Terry.
You are detained as I believe that your continued presence in this area without being detained would lead to an imminent breach of the peace.
I also have reasonable grounds to believe that you have committed an offence under section 132 of the Serious and Organised Crime and Police Act of 2005 by taking part in an unauthorised demonstration.
Back it up just to that part with the announcement on the loudspeaker.
Now that's not Russia, that's not China, that's not downtown Havana, Cuba.
That is the United Kingdom at the Parliament, where all those famous parliamentarians cried out for free speech.
That is the birthplace of the ideas that we then codified in 1776.
You know, 40 plus percent of the Parliament, it was almost 50-50, voted against the war against the states.
Against the colonies.
They voted against the war.
They agreed with the founding fathers.
But the king came and addressed the parliament and called for the war and it happened.
The degenerate, mentally ill, psychopath, King George III.
For those that just think I just said that, it's on record.
You ever heard the madness of King George?
Total degenerate scumbag.
Total lunatic.
So that's what they did.
And it's dead there.
And, folks, they're doing it all over the United States.
You walk up to Lord Cheney and you say, this war is reprehensible.
Charged with assault.
And they call it assault to talk to him.
They call it... Oh, that's... I mean, what do you think this is?
A free country or something?
Ha ha!
You talk to the king!
You talk to the vice king!
She's that man immediately!
Well, it's a new, uh, climate, a new atmosphere.
Al-Qaeda hit us and, uh,
Maybe with Al Qaeda to say the war is reprehensible.
That's what the Deputy Attorney General, Calhoun, said in 2001, late 2001, he said that any anti-war protest, that was 2002, excuse me, were acts of terror because they aided the terrorists.
The war was fighting terrorists, so it aided terrorists.
So, it's just, it's incredible.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're running out of time here.
I've got about 20 minutes, 22 minutes until our guest joins us, Wayne Madsen.
We will have open phones.
We'll be focusing on the Foley slash pedophile scandal on Capitol Hill.
The behavior going all the way up to Hastert.
We will go over all of it.
Robert, John, Jim and others, your calls are coming up here in a second.
Again, this clip is from outside Parliament at the park across the street where I've been before the law was even enacted banning free speech in London and other parts of the country.
It's this organized crime act, not just the other act specifically banning protest around that area of the old city of London.
And it's happening here.
Oh, you've got to be in the free speech zone.
It's two miles away in a baseball field.
Or, oh, you've got to have a permit to protest now.
A permit is an authorization to do something that's illegal.
Demonstrating, I guess, is illegal.
Or, oh, you said the war is reprehensible to Dick Cheney as you walk through a park passing, you know, in an outside park by a mall in Colorado.
We're charging you with assault.
And they go tell the police department, charge him.
This is assault to say that someone
that the war is reprehensible, that is an assault.
So it's incredible.
Here is the clip where they're announcing over loudspeakers.
Arrogant, aggressive bobbies are jabbing and prodding people, grabbing them.
They're out there protesting the ban on free speech and then they tell them that under the section they're organized crime and that they're going to be arrested.
And the people are all peaceful on the video.
It's the police being aggressive.
They're the people disturbing the peace.
They're the people killing the freedom that England once had.
Here it is.
Lieutenant Peter Terry, you are detained as I believe that your continued presence in this area without being detained would lead to an imminent breach of the peace.
I also have reasonable grounds to believe that you have committed an offence under Section 132 of the Serious and Organised Crime and Police Act of 2005 by taking part in an unauthorised demonstration.
Okay, so, again, you didn't hear that in China, or Russia, or Cuba, or in Argentina, or someplace.
You heard that in England, right by the Parliament, saying you are involved in organized crime.
They weren't blocking the street.
They weren't blocking a sidewalk.
Go watch the video.
They're sitting on grass.
It's up on JonesReport.com.
They're sitting on the grass.
Now, Singapore, China, places like this are the New World Order model.
England owns.
A British East India Company subsidiary under an Indonesian name owns.
Singapore, you are arrested.
There are cameras in the bathroom stalls.
We don't flush the toilet.
You are arrested.
This has been on national TV here.
They're very proud of it.
You are arrested if you drop a bubble gum wrapper by accident.
You are caned.
You are fined.
You are executed for many other offenses.
The government openly is running biological chemical testing on the populations.
Everyone is divided into their racial group in different areas of the cities.
The two cities there on the island.
It is, of course, in the Straits there, where all the major traffic, 90% of Pacific trade travels.
China is the model.
Our government, the U.N., gives them all the awards.
They love what they're doing, the one-child policy.
They are the model of the Malthusian, neo-social, Darwinistic, eugenics crowd, the Peter Singers, the Piankas, and they're taking over.
And so I wanted to play this clip.
People still deny the mobile execution vans, even though it's been in mainstream news.
So here's a new report from Sky Television about the mobile execution vans in China.
Then I will get into my confrontation this morning with former Attorney General John Ashcroft.
And we're trying to get the audio of it right now to play.
Let's go ahead and roll it.
A mother talks to her dead son, making a Buddhist offering at his graveside.
A weekly ritual for Zhang Huan Zhe, since her son was executed.
Nie Shubin was only 20 years old when he was wrongly accused of rape and murder by the Chinese police.
His mother and sister told me how he was held in jail for three years without being allowed to see his family once.
They never let me see him after his arrest.
That continued till the end.
They never saw him again before he was executed.
And nobody told us that he had been executed.
Mir was accused of attacking a woman in this field near his home.
Only after his execution did another man confess to the attack, describing the crime scene in detail.
But Nir's family have never been compensated.
His father has attempted suicide.
His family say he's lost his mind in his grief.
His mother burns with rage about what happened to her son.
I just had one son.
All my hopes rested on him.
He destroyed my future.
He was my hope for the rest of my life.
Without my son, my family and I can't go on.
The authorities refused to clear her son's name and help end her torment.
In another province we found another victim of Chinese justice who was held in this prison and framed for crimes he didn't commit.
Qin Yanghong was a steel worker and family man, till the state branded him a rapist and murderer.
He was sentenced to death in a trial that lasted just half a day, the only evidence of false confession extracted by torture.
They took turns to beat me.
They don't let you sleep for days.
They torment you.
I still don't like to think about it.
They beat me for days and tied me to the chair with my arms behind my back.
It was very painful.
Chin narrowly avoided being executed.
He was only released to his family when a serial killer confessed to his alleged crimes.
Very few escaped China's death row and survived to share its secrets.
Torture to extract confessions is commonplace in Chinese jails, though rarely filmed.
China's penal system is surrounded by a wall of secrecy.
But a hidden mass slaughter is being carried out.
Somewhere between three and a half and ten thousand people put to death every year.
So many that China is inventing new ways of killing, mobilizing its execution system.
This brochure acquired by Sky News reveals details of new execution buses now operating across China.
Fitted with lethal injection equipment, they can deliver on-the-spot executions.
But there may be another reason for them.
They make it easier to remove the organs of executed prisoners.
In an exclusive report earlier this year, Sky News gathered evidence linking China's execution system and its booming organ transplant industry.
Filming secretly, we posed as relatives of a man needing a new liver.
Doctors said they could provide the transplant with just a few weeks' notice.
One reason organs are acquired so quickly, they said, is they're taken from executed prisoners.
Amnesty International says the demand for transplant organs may be driving the high number of executions in China.
This is the China its government wants the world to see.
In two years time it hopes the Olympics will announce China's arrival as a modern nation on the world stage.
China was given the Olympics on the understanding it would improve its human rights record.
But it's continuing to execute thousands of people in a legal system that uses unfair trials and torture.
Within China, few are brave enough to confront the tyranny of its justice system.
Gao Zhisheng is a lawyer with a heart and a lot of courage.
He used to defend prisoners facing the death penalty before authorities banned him from practicing.
It's painful being a lawyer in China, he told me, at times struggling with his emotions as he spoke of the people he's seen go to their death.
In China, defending the condemned is a futile occupation.
99.99% of those who are accused of a crime and face the death penalty are found guilty and executed.
Lawyers are no use at all.
In every death penalty case that I defended, all of my clients were executed.
Tips off that police were on the way, we cut short our interview.
Authorities had put Gao under surveillance with teams of undercover officers keeping watch outside his home.
Uniformed police were waiting for us and we were detained, but not for long.
The man we've been to visit hasn't been so lucky.
Weeks after our interview, Gao Zhisheng was arrested without a warrant.
No one, including his wife and children, have heard from him since.
Even by official figures, more people are executed every year in China than the rest of the world put together.
The ranks of the condemned continue to grow, while calls for reform are being silenced.
Dominic Waghorn, Sky News.
Alright, I want Dominique Waghorn on.
I know he's based in Asia, but I don't care.
Do whatever we have to.
Twist arms.
Do whatever.
Get me Dominique Waghorn.
That guy is awesome.
Now, uh, we're here to tell you folks, it gets even worse than that.
And it shows video of the public executions.
It's a big fun there.
It's at the football sports over here.
And, uh, you heard them talk about torture, secret arrest.
But even over there, they at least have a show trial.
And you heard that lawyer.
He had the nerve to talk to them and boy, they've had him for a couple weeks.
By now he's probably already confessed under two weeks of torture.
They've probably already blown his head off or lethal injected him.
Probably already his organs are probably already in some fat cat New Yorker.
Or some Tokyo-ing right now.
You want to live in Territory America?
You want to learn to lick boots?
You're going to get to.
Neocons are already talking about taking prisoners organs here in the U.S.
We'll probably be out stripping them pretty soon.
Got more people in regular presence than anybody else.
You notice they call them the authorities in China.
No, they're the criminals.
Put into power by a criminal government in 1949 publicly.
They admitted our government put in Mao Zedong.
And that piece of trash killed over 60 million people.
Oh, but the globalists put somebody in that killed 60 million.
But the globalists wouldn't carry out 9-11.
No, our government's good.
Yeah, and maybe the Chinese deserve it.
Maybe that lawyer deserves to be arrested without a warrant and disappear.
After all, waterboarding and torture is good over here now.
Maybe his organs need to be taken.
We'll all be much safer if we have no freedom, and the government has total power.
Of course, that's not true, but so what?
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I've pushed Wayne Madsen back to about 40 after in the shower.
He'll be with us for the entire third hour getting into the
Hi Alex.
It's good to be a first time caller.
I've been a listener for a while now.
Thank you for calling in.
I've been a proponent for watching out for the New World Order now since about 1979, ever since I joined the military.
We've been surveilling the United States and other countries for many years.
When I was in Nisawa, Japan, there was a big ol' antenna array.
No, the government never does!
It's all lies!
It's Al Qaeda lies!
It's freedom.
Yeah, and I was also able to go see Alex Russo's film, America, Freedom, and Fascism, last Friday in Beverly Hills.
Yeah, Aaron Russo's a pretty good guy.
Yeah, and nothing shocked me there because I all know it was coming.
I've read, you know, Griffith's book, Creature, and also other proponents.
I don't know if you ever heard of Adrian Krieg or not, who did Satori and the New Mandarins.
No, I haven't.
Yeah, he wrote about what happened in Kansas City, and also, he even wrote that even when Bush had no new taxes, Bush's father, they made promises for his son to get in, and I think the book was published in 1998.
So, I mean, he was going to get in whether, you know, somebody else had more votes or not.
By hook or by crook.
That's right.
I just wanted to call in and thank you.
I've been telling people about your show.
I've been telling them about this for years.
I get, like everybody else, I get about three or four different reactions.
One is some of the intelligent people, which I think they're intelligent, get this immediate, oh no, you've got to be kidding or you're insane.
This is a bunch of bull.
I just try to lead them towards the evidence and tell them to look for themselves.
We're also lazy creatures.
Well, those smart people who, out of fear, decide to just deny it all.
Oh, you're saying government should be watched and does bad things and tyranny?
How funny!
Oh, it never happened before!
I appreciate your call.
Good to have you on board, my friend.
And please, everybody, help us get TerrorStorm out to everybody.
It's free on Google Video.
It's gone into the top 100.
They keep deleting our stats.
They admit they delete them to keep us out of the top 100.
Let's make sure this film gets out to everybody.
Tell everybody about TerrorStorm.
For free, Google Video, just type in TerrorStorm.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in San Diego.
Another California call.
Welcome, John.
Yeah, Alex.
What is Ray McGovern up to?
I haven't heard him.
I was at the conference in L.A.
and then he didn't show.
What's going on?
Do you know?
I need to get Ray on.
He's been on the show probably ten times over the years.
Like two days before the conference, he called and said, I've got a family emergency.
I can't come.
And I called him up and said, this isn't about the conference.
He goes, no.
Something big came up.
I can't come.
And he was upset he couldn't come.
And I just haven't thought to have him on or talk to him since then.
Of course, for those who don't know, he's a CIA analyst who's gone public about government-sponsored terror.
Another question or statement.
Tonight on Coast to Coast, George Norrie has
Jeffrey Epstein.
He's part of the America's Truth Forum.
Oh, yes.
He's got nukes and he's going to hit us any minute.
Yeah, that's great stuff.
Yeah, I don't know if you recently... He has an affidavit out on the internet from Palm Beach Police Department.
He has a fetish for 14, 16 year old girls coming into his house, giving him massages and having fun time.
I don't know anything about that, sir.
Why don't you send me some information.
You can send it to Aaron at Infowars.com or Kevin at Infowars.com.
We all read it.
We all share each other's email addresses, but thank you for the call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jim in Texas.
Jim, welcome!
Okay, we'll let Jim go.
Thank you, Jim.
Johnny in Hawaii, Zach in Ithaca, New York.
We'll hit both of you on the other side, and that'll be it for calls for this hour.
Then the next hour, we'll let you call in, and we'd love to hear from you, speaking with Wayne Madsen, with the Wayne Madsen Report, formerly with the National Security Agency and Defense Intelligence.
Joining us to go over, the Republicans and the bizarre good ol' boy club they're in.
The initiations are
Pretty sick.
So, that's coming up.
But after we take those two calls from Johnny and Zack, I'm going to tell you about my confrontation with the Attorney General this morning.
The former Attorney General, John Ashcroft.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, we're going to take a few of your calls in just a moment.
Then we've got Wayne Madsen joining us.
I've got an MSNBC clip, too, where the Democratic strategist Cliff Schachter talks about how half the Republicans are criminals and the other half pedophiles.
Again, that's an exaggeration.
Only about 60% are.
And I'm being serious when I say that at the high levels.
But I do want to say this again.
I'm pushing hard.
I think you've noticed.
I mean, I'm not just doing the radio interviews now that come to me.
I'm actually seeking out radio interviews because I put a lot of trouble into making Terror Storm.
Well, I think it's the best film exposing government-sponsored terrorism, period.
The History of Terror, 7-7, 9-11, the Iraq War stage, the torture, the spying, the fake news, it's all in there.
How they propagandize it is hard-hitting, professionally produced, with an official Hollywood score.
I mean, I paid to have, you know, folks that do music for big mainstream movies to do the music for it, just for this film.
I'm very proud of this documentary.
And it's for free on Google Video.
If you go to Google and click video and type in TerrorStorm, that's one word or two, it doesn't matter.
You'll see dozens and dozens of different versions of it.
It's twenty-something last time I counted.
So I guess that's a dozen plus.
And you just look around for ones that say high quality, deluxe.
You can tell right away if it's higher quality.
I don't want you to watch the, you know, some people upload them pretty bad quality.
Uh, and of course those are the ones that millions have watched.
We want the high quality ones to be seen.
Get it out to people!
Your message boards, post it, letters to the editor, call into all the Patriot shows, call into the mainstream shows, help me!
I mean, I rarely ask you guys for help, you gals for help.
Look, listen, Google Video is scared of it.
They admit now they censored it and knocked it out of the top 100, knocked it out of the ratings, that they deleted our views twice.
Twice we've caught them.
They claim it's an accident, but it's not happening to anybody else.
The other videos, the other 9-11 videos, this is not being done to them.
It's being done to Terror Storm.
They're afraid of it because it's so powerful, so compelling, so convincing.
And do something even better.
You know, we can't just go, it's free, it's free, it's free!
Also, if you believe in what we're doing and you wanted a high-quality digital copy for your library,
We want a high-quality digital copy to give to friends and family.
Please go to www.infowars.com or www.prisonplanet.com.
Click on the shopping cart, go to our secure online video and book store, and get Terror Storm, get Martial Law, get Road to Tyranny, get Masters of Terror, get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, and get my new film, Free the Order of Death, on the same DVD!
And by the way, when you get Terror Storm on DVD, you get the 68 minutes of extras from the 9-11 Neocon Agenda historic two-day meeting.
We had all the highlights condensed into 68 minutes.
It is hard-hitting.
You need to have it!
Terror Storm!
Get it!
And forget running to the mall, going into debt, buying junk no one wants, fruitcakes and ties and doing all that.
Just buy everybody you know Terror Storm!
Or while you're at it, go buy 9-11 Mysteries Demolition off InfoWars.com.
Support us, support them.
Get a powerful film.
Get Luce Shane's 2nd Edition before the 3rd comes out.
The 2nd Edition is powerful.
You won't be able to get it anymore.
Oh yeah.
Get the official from them.
You know, in the color cover case.
Beautiful film with the extras.
It's all on InfoWars.com.
Give those as gifts.
InfoWars.com or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
We're going to prisonplanet.tv membership and for 15 cents a day, $5.95 a month, the cost of three cups of Starbucks coffee.
Get a yearly membership, get three months free on top of that.
It's even less, like less than 15 cents a day.
And go down, well we have a super high quality bandwidth where it looks like regular TV.
We have a version up there of Terror Storm, we're now doing it for everything, where it's so good it's ridiculous.
Four different versions of it, from low bandwidth up to super high bandwidth.
Get it, burn it to disk, go nuts.
I mean, you want to hurt the terrorists, you want to bring them down, just start making copies, folks.
I'm telling you, it's powerful!
Please help us!
I get excited just thinking about it.
We're already hurting them bad.
Hey, let's, you know, it's like when you're in a fistfight and you're bleeding and you're hurt, but you just keep pounding.
You know, you're not thinking about losing, you're not thinking about winning, you're just thinking about smashing the enemy upside the head.
You're just thinking about driving them back, knocking their head in the concrete.
Well, that's what we're doing in the Info War.
Just don't think about victory, just think about attacking.
Just start jamming the CDs, jamming the DVDs.
Take it!
Take it!
Oh yeah, you like that?
We're going to expose you murderers, and we're never going to stop!
Stage all the terror attacks you want, run your propaganda, put out fake Al Qaeda videos, put out your baloney, crash the stock market, whatever you're going to pull, attack Iran, we're not going to stop exposing you!
And we're going to make you act like the dictators you are.
We're going to make you act like what you really are.
Banning free speech, restricting, censoring, doing everything you do.
Just show everybody what you are, crooks!
Show everybody we're right!
We're getting this country back!
You mess with the American people, we're not all a bunch of jellyfish!
Okay, when Madison's coming home, I want to take two calls from her home before we do that.
Just... Just get Terrence Thorne.
And just get it out to everybody.
And yeah, we do need support.
All right.
Ah, man.
Johnny in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Hey, thanks Alex.
You're on fire today.
I am a member of Prison Planet TV.
I've been since you started the program.
We couldn't operate without you, sir.
Oh yeah.
I really appreciate it.
I have seen Terror Storm.
Your high-quality version looks like HDTV.
It really does.
But the information I wanted to get from you, if I could, I've seen a few news articles
About this food poisoning that's been going on, E. coli in the spinach.
Yeah, totally, totally bull.
You know, last night, make your comment, I'll shut up.
Well, it was the E. coli in the lettuce, and then the E. coli in beef.
And it's because the stuff came from Mexico!
I just wondered if it was something that's, I mean, it all seemed like it couldn't be a coincidence there's so much of it going on right now together.
Could it be someone actually attacking the food supply, or what do you think?
I wouldn't put it past Big Agra.
Do you want me to comment on this with you on the line?
Go ahead.
Go ahead and add any other points you want to make before I comment on what you said.
The basis of the call is I was wondering, you had all these articles together and it seemed to me like somebody is actually putting E. coli and
I agree with you.
It looks like an attempt by big industry who always pushes for more regulations to shut down their competition because in the last five years over 30% of the market has been lost by Big Agra.
Two independent producers.
They're panicking.
Thanks for the call.
Let me comment.
We know they've pulled stuff like this before.
We know there's been industrial sabotage by companies against companies hundreds of times worldwide, scores of times in this country that we know of.
I know that there are routinely cases of E. coli which will kill sometimes like 50 plus people.
I mean, just type it into Google.
There's been a bunch of cases.
And it's kept quiet.
Oh, a bunch of people died in Michigan.
A bunch of people died in Texas.
A bunch of people got sick from E. coli eating at this cafeteria.
It's kept kind of quiet.
Two people die from spinach, a hundred and something get sick, now they're saying it's on lettuce.
Thousands of school children got Hepatitis C in 1996, and it was just a few news articles.
It was a school lunch program, bought a bunch of raspberries and other types of berries from Mexico, where they take the human sewage and spray it on the crops.
And that's where this stuff's coming from now.
They keep acting like they don't know where it's coming from.
Also, the workers defecate in the fields.
And then they pick it.
They don't wipe themselves properly.
And that's where it's coming from.
That's where it all... And, Zach, I was about to go to you.
You just hung up from Ithaca, New York.
So, will... Do we have our guest now?
We'll get him on in a second.
Zach, I was holding our guest off just for you.
But other callers, be patient.
We'll get to you in the next hour.
There is no doubting
That the two deaths from the spinach, if you can even believe that, and now they're saying it may be on lettuce, has been hyped conservatively a couple hundred percentage points more than when it's on beef and poultry.
And that's why they now irradiate the beef and poultry, that's why they now splash it with detergents trying to kill that stuff.
That's why they're trying to now put the, quote, bacteria-eating viruses, got FDA approval two months ago, to base the meat, because it's so rotten.
And yes, folks, just wash your vegetables very well.
It's a million times cleaner.
Try to support local farms.
Try to find out brands.
Do a little research.
You don't want to eat produce from Mexico, period.
Unless it's a fruit.
Vegetables from Mexico are very dangerous.
And that's just a fact.
In the next hour, we'll open the phones up so you can talk to Wayne Madsen.
I wanted to get Wayne Madsen on.
I spoke at a press conference and an event after he spoke at the famous Cooper Union where Lincoln gave one of his famous speeches that finally got him a nomination.
I was so honored to be in this famous, beautiful, gilded hall.
And when Wayne Madsen got up, he said 9-11 looks like it's an inside job, a lot of evidence, did they let it happen?
He just came right out and said it's a total inside job, orchestrated by the neocons, laid out his evidence, new evidence he's gotten.
I just appreciate his courage.
He, of course, worked with the National Security Agency and Intelligence.
He lives in DC.
And I meant to get him on about that subject, but we've been playing phone tag.
Later in the next hour, I want to spend maybe 10 minutes on 9-11 and take calls, but right now, I want to get Wayne Madsen's take on research.
And he did break the story before the Washington Post picked up on it about this Republican congressman, openly gay, from Arizona, going up to Foley in 2010, saying, you've got to quit going after underage pages.
He broke that, Washington Post then stole it, basically.
The point is, he keeps giving us accurate info.
I've watched people for years.
And then I see if their info is accurate.
And I don't nitpick on them, though.
You see people out there saying, Alex Jones says the CIA was running drills on 9-11.
He's a liar!
It was the Pentagon Protective Service, and it was the Defense Department, and it was the... Well, I guess CIA did help with the drill.
Well, yeah, the CIA with the Pentagon was running the drills.
And it was a CIA agent who blew the whistle at a symposium in 2002, when we already knew about it, and said, yeah, I was running drills.
So see, they can nitpick.
So when I say he's turned out to be nothing but accurate, we don't nitpick on people.
The basis, the baseline of what he's given us, time and time again, has proved to be extremely accurate.
And so I already had heard this about Hatcher from good sources in D.C., because I'm in Austin.
It's like a bedroom community of the neocons.
But nothing like living in D.C.
And I already have told you on air that the Republicans are a homosexual cult.
But that's unfair to just the homosexuals.
It's a pedophile cult.
And they recruit people because they can be compromised because of it.
And a large percentage of them, it could even be a majority, I think it's a large minority, are gay.
And then another large minority are underage.
And then some of it gets into really brutal stuff.
And so he's got detailed reports at WayneMadisonReport.com.
We've got links to it up on InfoWars.com.
He's been kind enough to let us repost a lot of his stories.
And I wish his findings weren't true, but for those that don't know, in the 80s there was a Dolly Madison's
Platters being stolen.
You know, the First Lady's stuff worth millions of dollars being grabbed, literally.
Underage cowboys.
Front page of major newspapers.
We've reposted on JonesReport.com.
It's being posted right now.
Not just Washington Times, but other major newspapers reporting on this.
The credit card receipts of the male madams.
You know about Jeff Gannon, the male whore, and the male escort and madam.
Well, I'm going to shut up now and go to Wayne Madsen.
Wayne, we are so honored to have you and again, kudos for your reportage, sir.
Well, good to be with you again, Alex, and good to see you up in New York.
Yeah, it was great.
And I want to get into your 9-11 boldness a little bit later and why you decided to just throw the gauntlet and go totally public that it's an inside job instead of just, well, there's a cover-up and it could be.
But right now, why are you so informed on this?
I mean, I know you're in D.C., you cover D.C.
politics, but tell us about some of your sources and then tell us about Hastert and his live-in aide, similar to Jagger, Hoover.
Break it down for us.
Well, basically, you know, I've lived here in D.C.
since 1982.
Now, I've not always been a journalist here.
I had spent time working for some government agencies, and I was in the military here.
But when you live here for a while, you learn how to wade through, you know, the reality from the spin.
And I'll tell you, the one great source for information here is the
Gay community, which is valid.
They're not worried about blackmail.
They're not worried about people finding out.
They live their lives as normal as anyone else.
And when they see these hypocrites in the Republican Party...
Who have been trying to pass anti-gay marriage amendments, and they're against all these other quote-unquote social issues for, you know, basically echoing the religious right.
The openly gay community here will talk, and they do know these things because these individuals frequent the same restaurants, bars,
And social events, as do the openly gay community.
So they've been very helpful in cluing me in on what's been going on on the Hill.
And in addition to the gay community here, law enforcement and intelligence have just about had it.
Now we know foreign powers have been blackmailing the Republicans
Not just on the gayness, but also on the pedophilia.
But I want to get into that later in the interview.
Right now, from your intel sources in intelligence, in law enforcement, and in the communities there in D.C.
and Maryland, what percentage of the Republicans are homosexual?
Well, I'll just quote what Barney Frank, who's an openly gay
Democratic Congressman from Massachusetts.
What he said when this issue came up in the late 80s, he said, look, you guys censure me, I'm going to start naming names.
And he was talking then about 30% of the Republicans now.
That's the number I said from Frank in my, yeah, 30%.
I would say that it's probably still around that number, maybe a little bit more, because some of the people he was talking about,
Some of them have gone, but many of them are still there.
And they also bring their buddies in.
That's right, because a lot of these people used to be staff members for the gay congressman he was talking about in the late 80s.
So the way it works is the chiefs of staff and whatnot usually are eyeing that seat.
When the incumbent retires, they're of course looking at taking over, and many of them have.
This could bring down the GOP, and I hope it does.
I mean, of course, they'll never let the fact that some of them, you know, like to do things to small children, but if it comes out that they have a taste for 14, 15, 16-year-old boys, it's over for them.
You think Bush might start World War III even more now to smokescreen this?
Well, I don't know what military he's going to use or what intelligence agency he's going to rely on, because I think what happened is, how many more national intelligence estimates does it take
To be released, to get the American people to wake up.
How many more generals does it take?
It wasn't working.
They had to go, they had to go on this issue.
They had to go after where it could really hurt the Republicans.
This secret... Well, stay there.
Let's talk about why this came out in your intel, which has proven to be extremely accurate.
On the other side with Wayne Madsen.
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Like I said in the first hour of the show, later we've got this MSNBC piece
With a Democratic pundit saying, half the Republicans are criminal, the other half are pedophiles.
And I said, don't exaggerate.
The intel we've got is about 30% are gay, about 30% are pedophiles, and then about 30% are criminals, you know, run-of-the-mill drug dealers, money launderers, and then about 10% are like Ron Paul and Congressman Good and others.
I mean, we're in a lot of trouble, folks, because you've got trillions missing from the Pentagon.
You've got
Open, no-bid contracts going on.
You've got Channing who likes to get rough with the girls, and we've confirmed that.
I mean, I was learning this stuff ten, twelve years ago.
I mean, here in Austin, these people are all over the place.
And I mean, I've seen them in restaurants.
I know people that, you know, are in business with them.
I know two people inside the White House right now.
I'm going to leave it there.
And of course, Wayne Madsen is right there in the middle of it, formally doing work with the NSA.
You mentioned the fact that this situation with Foley is coming out of disgruntled channels.
You also broke the report that, and you were confirmed later to be correct, that a Republican congressman had approached him and told him to stop it in 2000.
Specifically, without giving us too many details to expose your source,
Was it a combination, a cocktail, or was it just FBI agents, or was it they already knew about the report and brought it out?
What's going on?
I mean, tell us why they're going public.
Well, I think they're going public because, you know, we know that the CIA has leaked a lot of classified information to show that this administration is nothing but a bunch of liars about the war.
That they continue to lie.
That there have been cover-ups of major criminal activity.
You know, the money, the billions missing from the Pentagon.
The issue is how many, you know, you're there as a CIA agent, you're looking, we've leaked the NIEs, it's not catching on.
You've got generals coming out talking to Woodward and mentioning all these things about how they're not listened to.
How many more generals?
It wasn't working.
They had to go somewhere where they knew it was going to be controversial.
It might have blowback on them.
Because, you know, they've been involved in some of this stuff themselves in the past, especially CIA.
But they said, we've got to go here because this is where these Bush people and these GOP guys are most vulnerable.
And they leaked this stuff about... And they knew that it wasn't going to be just Foley.
That when they leaked it, they were going to get bigger fish.
And right now they've got bigger fish.
Hastert gave a news conference
This morning where he keeps denying that he knew about this beforehand but what he's not saying is that his Chief of Staff Scott Palmer is about 56 years old.
Covered this up according to some other gay Republican staffers who've come out and said, look, like Kirk Fordham who worked for Foley and... Well, it's admitted that congressmen trade pages and send them over for candlelight dinners.
Well, that's right.
Even Foley is on record as saying that he was auctioning off a dinner date between him and one of the underage pages at one of the steakhouses downtown.
I noticed that Limbaugh and Drudge were trying to defend this at first, but now they've pulled back.
I think they realize that they've been on the wrong horse.
Well, not only that, but let's look at where Foley's district was, Palm Beach.
Let's look at Charlie Crist, who was Foley's roommate when they were both members of the party.
Let's look at Matt Drudge, who major reporters have come out and have said,
Hey, I love Rush Limbaugh, what his own roommate said about him in college, and, you know, this Dominican Republic visit with the Viagra.
I mean, he comes back from the Dominican Republic, says, well, he wanted to protect his privacy, that's why it wasn't in his name, but, look, the Dominican Republic is a well-known destination for people looking for sex with underage kids.
I'm not saying he did it, but, you know, it's funny how he came to Foley's defense, and I think Foley's his congressman, if I'm not mistaken.
Now, now, now.
Rush is a great American.
Alright, we'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, but this gets into the truck stuff in Belgium and the mess stuff.
These people, it's a lot deeper, ladies and gentlemen.
They get tired of 14-year-olds and 16-year-olds.
It gets into hostile type stuff.
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I ought to find a broadcast where I said it.
I said it several times, actually.
That we never know what will come out of left field, that the criminology, the psychology, and it's 101.
I don't claim to be some expert.
We've interviewed many experts, top experts on sociopaths, psychopaths, people on power trips, megalomania.
And this happens in every case, you know, not just Nero and Caligula or Hitler or Stalin or Mao.
It just happens over and over again.
They go nuts.
They want to be caught.
Psychopaths, you know, don't get caught their first 20-30 murders and finally they just start driving around drunk with a dead body in the front seat or they got dead bodies in, you know, their bathtub and their freezers and they're inviting people in and, you know, the cops come and smell the stench but leave.
It's right out in plain view.
And Washington's gotten so corrupt with trillions missing, no good contracts, drunk driving everywhere, people falling around drunk, hookers of all configurations.
We've got CIA chief, you know, at the Pleasure Palace at the Watergate, you know, one floor's got the hookers, the next has got liquor and drugs, gambling, you know, $100,000 pots on poker.
It's just leaking, and they can't help themselves.
It's the arrogance.
And so I've been saying, folks, what could stop World War III, what could stop all this, would be something big coming out.
Some have said, and I've leaned towards it, that maybe this was being brought out, you know, to leverage Bush into attacking Iran.
That, okay, he didn't follow orders, so now Israel or somebody's blackmailing.
But I don't tend to see that now because this thing's blown up so big.
Getting into Dennis Hastert, tell us about how he lives with his Chief of Staff, Wayne Madsen.
Well, Hastert lives with his Chief of Staff, Scott Palmer.
He's lived with him for a number of years in an apartment, a townhouse here on Capitol Hill.
And apparently the Deputy Chief of Staff also lives there, a guy named Mike Stocke.
So here you've got a very strange relationship where Mrs. Hastert lives in their
We're good to go.
He's a
Uh, Livingston, from Louisiana, who was only speaker for like a day or two, he resigned during a speech where they were talking about the impeachment of Clinton, and he admitted he had an extramarital affair.
And he resigned his speaker right there on the spot.
You've gone through two speakers and who's next in line, but good old, you know, they settle on Denny Hastert because they didn't want delay.
Delay was too radioactive.
So they said, oh, well, Hastert over there, we don't know much about him.
That should have been a clue right there.
When they said, we don't know much about him, we can agree on that guy because if he had gone through the normal vetting procedure, the information about how he left the school district in Yorkville would have probably become known.
It was rumored that Hastert decided to leave being a social studies teacher and a wrestling coach because there were rumors about inappropriate behavior towards kids on the wrestling team.
And again, we're not saying wrestling coaches are all pedophiles, but statistically, CPS workers, truancy officers, wrestling coaches, statistically it goes off the chart.
It's like the pervert Foley, and we'll talk about this when we get back, key law enforcement data he got is the chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children Caucus, and he pushed for all these draconian laws that have nothing to do with stopping sex offenders.
Well that's right, and remember that was in a day when we knew,
Nobody talked about the pedophile priests or the teachers in those days.
We're talking 1964 to 1980.
All that was hush-hush back then.
Yeah, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, after this quick break with our guest.
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In a few minutes, I'm going to play this little three-minute clip of a Democratic strategist on national television just throwing down the gauntlet with what we're dealing with with these Republicans.
And against the Democrats, too.
But the Republicans, it's just unbelievably corrupt.
And out of control, because they're the good Christian conservatives that we can trust.
Yeah, spending more money than all presidents before him combined.
Crippling the size, I kept saying doubling, I checked it's now been tripled.
The size of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
Total North American Union signed in secret, now publicly announced.
Abolishing the United States.
In the words of Lou Dobbs, the United States is now officially dead.
Okay, I mean, it's the bold chutzpah of this administration.
And Wayne Madsen, who did work for the National Security Agency, now reporting there in D.C., breaking a lot of news on this.
We have links to it on InfoWars.com.
We're so honored to have him.
Before he leaves us in about 50 minutes, I wanted to talk about his bold analysis of 9-11 being an inside job, going further than he's ever gone before, and really putting the pieces together.
And I promised to talk about my confrontation with the Attorney General, the former Attorney General John Ashcroft, that I had this morning.
And, uh, it happened unexpected.
I've mentioned some of it in the first hour.
I'm not on, you know, purposefully not getting to it to make you stay tuned.
I just, I got behind.
We haven't yet.
I promise I'll spend about four minutes on it at the bottom of the hour while Wayne patiently, graciously sits on hold, and I'll tell you what happened this morning in my confrontation with the Attorney General.
It happened on 9-11, and I'm trying to get the audio of it.
Desperately right now.
That isn't here by the end of the show.
It'll be here tomorrow.
And that's guaranteed.
So stay with us for that.
Okay, let's set the table again for people.
Wayne Madsen, you're in D.C.
You've broken major stories now.
National stories on this Foley case.
You've been credited with that.
Very accurate reports.
That's why we have you on.
I want to make that clear.
We don't engage in rumor mongering here.
Also, we don't normally get into O.J.
Simpson or get into the missing girl in Aruba.
This is not a distraction because this threatens to topple the entire neocon agenda.
This also corners them like rats.
I want to walk through this now, Wayne Madsen.
Set the table for us.
What are we facing?
Who's involved?
How deep does it go?
What are the neocons going to do in response to this?
I ask, will they stage a terror attack?
Will they launch a war?
You said, you know, using what apparatus?
Well, it looks more like a terror attack then.
That's a smaller group.
So walk us through what we're looking at and what the breaks could be, sir.
Well, I mean, you're talking about with the current scandal or the 9-11... Let's get into the current scandal and how you see this being played out, you know, the basics of it, any facets you haven't gotten into, how the Republican spin machine is trying to deal with this.
Well, look, I mean, you know, every time Bush is in severe trouble, they spring something.
That certainly was the case with 9-11, but now I think they may have
They may not have many more aces up their sleeves.
Certainly they've sent the Eisenhower Task Force over to Iranian waters.
Let me ask you, what do you think of Bill Gertz's spin that it's 200 pounds of TNT and staged?
200 pounds won't show up as a 1 on the Richter scale from 1000 miles away.
We got a 4 point plus and they're claiming it was staged.
Well, what I understand from sources is that it was a little over a one kiloton blast.
And these are people who have actually talked to North Koreans that have told me that.
So that would be 1,000 tons of TNT.
Why then would Gertz get even bad info?
He's going to make up a story.
Why did he say paltry 200 pounds?
Well, remember who Gertz works for.
Gertz works for the Washington Times, which is owned by Sung Myung Moon, who has been in the payroll of the South Korean intelligence service for a number of years.
And we know the neocons want to play down the threat of North Korea, because it looks bad if they attack Iran while the psychopath is threatening us.
That's right.
I'm more concerned about the timing of the North Korean
Nothing to do with Bush, but everything to do with the guy who was yesterday selected by the Security Council to be the next Secretary General replacing Kofi Annan.
Who's a South Korean?
Ban Ki-moon, a South Korean Foreign Minister, who lists his religion as non-denominational Christian.
Anyone who's familiar with the religious situation in South Korea knows that it's very common that the Unification Church members sometimes call themselves non-denominational Christians.
Sung Myung Moon himself has
Significant financial interest in North Korea.
He owns the best hotel in Pyongyang, and he's co-owner of a Fiat car plant with the North Korean government.
So, you know, the timing of that, that champagne, nuclear champagne cork, I found was very interesting because it forestalled any potential permanent membership.
Now, I want to be clear on this.
The owner of the Washington Times poses as conservative.
With Bill Gertz, with all his innocent foe, he's always spewing.
Mr. Moon, ladies and gentlemen, tied in with the butchers up there in the capital of North Korea.
Again, most conservatives don't know that, Wayne.
That's right, and the other thing is, of course, Bush, old man Bush, has taken huge speaking fees from Moon.
George W. Bush has cut videotapes for when
Moon was celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Washington Times, which I might add, has never made a penny.
It is in the red for $1 billion.
Now, how does a newspaper like that survive in Washington?
Well, it's being subsidized by Moon, and he makes his money from all kinds of questionable... Well, this is the guy that used to have the cult members out everywhere, starving to death, begging for money on the street corners.
Oh, that's right.
And, you know, now he owns a lot of the sushi restaurants around the world.
He's in the Pachinko gambling in Japan.
He's in all kinds of gambling casinos in Macau.
This guy, this guy of course, is with the Federal Reserve Bank.
He sounds like Mr. Bennett, Mr. Virtue, who's running that million dollar a day gambling bill.
Or it sounds like Pat Robertson saying abortion is good in China and owning race horses and diamond mines.
Plus, he says he's a messiah, which he's actually converted Jesus, Moses, Buddha, and all these other people to his side.
Well, maybe he is a messiah!
I mean, he's going to have the Secretary General ship, as you just said.
Well, and he's going on record saying he wants to turn the United Nations into a religious organization, which he will control to bring about his idea of his reign over the planet.
This guy's a kook from North Korea.
He was born in North Korea.
He was put in jail by the North Koreans because he was accused of having sex with an underage girl in his congregation.
Sound familiar?
Fifteen years old, he was put away.
And he said it was because he wasn't a communist.
That's why they arrested him.
Well, it never ends.
Again, it is a guild of nutcases.
Only mentally ill people can do all these evil things.
You have to understand that.
And people go, why are they all into every weirdness you can imagine?
It's because we're in so much trouble, Wayne.
Recapping then, what do you think the neocons are going to pull?
Well, I'm not sure they have any.
My issue was, is Karl Rove going to try to engineer another one of these election engineering things through the Diebold machines?
Now, he said to a conference call, I believe it was yesterday, that the Foley matter has certainly changed the situation and made it more difficult for the election.
My hope is
That any attempt to throw the machines, especially where machines are located in these megachurches around the country, in these other religious buildings like in Ohio and elsewhere, that maybe, maybe the people who control those churches, if they see anything this time, they won't look the other way, but they'll inform the election officials that something's going on.
That's my hope, that because now these people realize that these evangelicals have been duped by this administration,
Maybe they'll rally around fair elections.
That's my hope.
But I have a sense that some of these people out there in the fundamentalist community are as crooked as the people here in Washington.
Oh, you got that part of the problem.
Certainly could not.
But I'm hoping that someone might be part of the solution because hopefully they realize they've been duped by this crowd in Washington.
Absolutely, I hear you.
Are the Republicans now running scared in Congress?
Are these guys losing sleep?
Oh, it's amazing.
I mean, they are.
And here's the beauty of it.
They're all back in their districts campaigning right now.
They're all desperate.
Tom Reynolds, who's the head of the National Republican Campaign Committee, who has dropped, I don't know, he's dropped so many percentage points.
The guy who's running against him, the Democrat, Jack Davis, used to be a Republican.
The reason he decided to run against Reynolds was that Davis was in a reception line up there with Dick Cheney and he wanted to tell Cheney something and he basically got the cold shoulder and got the bum's rush out of the reception.
He said, well I'll be darned, I'm contributing money to these guys, I'm going to run against them.
And now it looks like he's going to be the next congressman from the Buffalo area replacing the head of the Republican campaign committee.
But Reynolds is like a lot of the others.
They're back in their districts.
They're cut off from Washington.
They're there with their press aides.
There's no one there to defend.
Did you see the big Gallup poll showing that the Democrats are going to want even more of the House than previously?
So if they don't win, we know it's a die-bold election.
Right now I'm predicting something similar to what happened with the Republican sweep in 1994.
I'm predicting 60 seats, a very comfortable margin.
And right now I'm predicting the Democrats will take the Senate with a margin of one or two seats.
But again, Wayne, I wouldn't expect them to do the right thing, though.
They are the Democrats.
Well, that's right.
They do have this nasty habit of being able to clutch defeat from the jaws of victory.
But this was handed to them on a silver platter.
Somebody said on one of the talking head shows that if the Democrats can't win this one, they ought to go the way of the Whig Party, and I certainly agree.
Are we going to hear that the Democrats are raping porcupines, you think, in the next week?
Well, I don't, you know, obviously the Democrats are, many members are more, you know, like Barney Frank, he's out of the closet.
I don't think there's too many people in the Democratic Party that are worried.
There may be one or two that are closeted.
But look, if anything happens, they come from districts where their constituents will probably know.
But certainly, these are not members of Congress that vote for these social conservative issues.
So they're pretty comfortable with their voting record.
I don't think the Democrats have much to worry about.
Hopefully, there may be one or two that I'm hearing about, but I don't think it'll have much of an impact.
When we get back, I want to talk about Cheney.
He arrogantly said they would win in 0-4.
He was right.
He says they will win this time, which shows the arrogance of fraud.
I want to... I've got a few other key questions about this whole scandal with Wayne Madison.
On the other side, you can read the reports.
A lot of stuff too filthy to get into here on air.
The link's over.
We'll open the phones up as well.
I'll also tell you about the Attorney General and the competition I have with him today.
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Hey, John.
Open phones for Wayne Madsen in this segment and the next.
We have gotten the entire interview that Ashcroft did on Mad Cow's Morning Madhouse, a nationally syndicated show.
I'm in the shower about 8, 10.
My wife runs in and says, you can confront Ashcroft.
Mad Cow Morning Madhouse is called.
I'm a routine guest on the show.
So I literally run down with a towel wrapped around me and get on the air and I got to ask him three questions and it's about a, I don't know, three minute interchange and I could talk about it all day, the propaganda they were spewing.
If we are able to isolate it, we're trying to in a three hour, four hour show, trying to find it, we'll air it in the last five minutes, but again we're so honored to have Wayne Madsen here with us.
Jack in New York, you're on with Wayne Madsen and Wayne Madsen's report, go ahead.
Well, hello.
My sister works at a major hospital in the Columbus area.
She's an administrator and three times now she's sat through long meetings with the Centers for Disease Control where, you know, she explained to us at dinner that it's not a question of if but when bird flu hits and with all this talk about, you know, how there's a glut of flu vaccine around and I also heard a story that said if you got your vaccine you have a higher chance of survival if you get it.
That would seem like an avenue for... The vaccines that they make every year for the last four years in a row isn't even the right flu shot for the current year.
It's full of mercury.
If you've had more than four shots when you're above 60, it more than quadruples your chances of Alzheimer's.
These are all official numbers.
It's a huge scam.
And yes, I don't put it past the Bush administration to launch bird flu or something along those lines.
Wayne Madsen?
Well, we've definitely seen the Murdoch empire and their
And the pack, the media pack that runs behind them, like a bunch of dogs chasing bone.
You know, we had the spinach scare with the E. coli, now it's lettuce.
Some clown sent Keith Olbermann some white powder, which takes us back to the anthrax, which was deadly because people died from the anthrax.
Which clearly was the White House.
I mean, that stuff's out of Fort Detrick.
For the FBI not long ago to come out and say it was foreign... Why do you think Ari Fleischer in a press conference said, yeah, we were all on Cipro, you know, three weeks before it showed up?
Is that just hubris?
You know, I've talked to the people who worked at the Brentwood Post Office here, you know, when they were worried about Congress.
And the White House, nobody was worried about the poor postal workers.
Two died right away, but well over a dozen died from complications from either the anthrax or the Cipro later on.
So, these are primarily African American people.
Nobody cared about them.
So you've got to wonder, you know, it's typical for this White House, as we saw with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, not to worry about the poorest who are affected by these things.
And in the case of the anthrax, I still say that was not foreign.
All fingers point at Fort Detrick, where this stuff came from, and people in certain
Anything else, Zach?
A very bald allegory about Iraq, in my opinion, and it was a fantastic episode.
Well, I never watch TV, but when I say that, it's an exaggeration.
On the treadmill, at the gym, my wife bought me a video pod about a year ago, and I did get the first two seasons.
You know, you can buy them for like a dollar a piece, and I thought it was a great TV show.
I guess the third season is now available, and I need to ask her, because I'm too stupid to do it, to go download that for me again so I can
Go watch it when I do make it into the gym.
But it sounds interesting.
Thanks for the call.
I myself, I don't watch cable TV.
I refuse to contribute my money to the networks that pay the likes of Hannity and Ann Culture and the rest of those clowns.
I'm able to say I'm cable-less and I'm proud of it.
Well, I hear you.
I've got cable, but the TV's literally locked up in a cabinet and we probably watch TV.
Maybe we watch a movie once every two weeks now.
I find myself, the only thing I watch is usually NPR, and even they're getting bad because of the political... Oh, National Petroleum Radio?
I mean, one of the guys, the guy who of course was heading the Corporation for Public Broadcasting... Top Neocon.
Oh, Top, Top, Ken Tomlinson, Top Neocon, a long time guy supporting all the usual suspects, the Bill Crystals and the rest of that gang.
By the way, we confronted him last week here in town, and he said, oh, P-Nac's a small, big tank.
And we made one comment about a new Pro Harbor.
It's been taken out of context and blown up.
Yeah, and they also wrote, kill certain races with bioweapons.
And they also wrote about this empire in Pax America.
So shut up, Crystal.
I want to come back, and I'll tell folks about the Ashcroft thing briefly.
Then I want to get into 9-11 and take more calls.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Okay, I'm going to ask Wayne Madsen to take a five-minute break.
He's so gracious to join us.
We really appreciate his great patriotic work at Wayne Madsen Report.
We do have the Ashcroft clip.
This is from the nationally syndicated radio program.
It's on in New York.
It's on in Chicago.
It's on in L.A.
It's all over the country with Mr. Muller.
Mancow Muller as he's known.
Got a huge response when I go on the broadcast.
I know Mancow a little bit behind the scenes.
He's a good guy.
He gets away with what he can.
And later in the interview that I've had a chance to hear some more of now, he did ask some tough questions of Ashcroft, but he lets me go on sometimes for a full hour, I've been in studio, and just lay out 9-11 and then he'll add his little jokes and then say he agrees with most of it but not all of it.
Then he'll come back and say he thinks the Muslims all want to basically suck our blood out and they're still a threat.
He doesn't understand that most of it is manufactured or provocateured.
But I appreciate the fact
Normally I'm up at about 6.30-7.
Sometimes even earlier, but again, last night I got to bed late, I'm in the shower, my wife runs in, get out of the shower, John Ashcroft's on, man-cow, right now you've got to go on.
So I literally throw on some shorts, put the towel around me, I run downstairs, I run into my office, and they go, are you ready?
Go on.
I'm on the air with John Ashcroft and the reason I just told you that part of the story before we play this three minute clip is because I would have had a lot better questions
If I had literally more than 60 seconds.
I mean, I'm literally jumping out of the shower, grabbing a towel, mopping myself as fast as possible, throwing on shorts, running down the stairs, my children grabbing on me saying, Daddy, Daddy, they always want to see me in the morning, getting past the dogs, getting in there, and then I go, OK, I'm here.
OK, you're on.
And man, they took me right on with him.
And this is what I had to say to John Ashcroft.
Here it is.
I just heard a roar.
Okay, let's go to Alex.
Alex, you're on with John Ashcroft.
His book is Never Again.
It's out now, folks.
Well, yes.
It's good to be here.
I just have three questions for John Ashcroft.
Well, okay.
I don't know if we have that kind of time, sir, but let's get to them.
Sure, man.
Let me just throw them out.
Number one, John Ashcroft, in July, before the attacks, quit flying commercial because of the, quote, security threat.
The day before 9-11, not the White House called, Mayor Willie Brown told him not to fly to New York that day.
That's the first question.
Why did he do that?
Then number two, they claim they never heard of a plan to fly hijacked planes into buildings.
We know now that that was false.
We know that was a lie.
Rice and others lied about that.
And number three, what about Operation Northwoods?
The official U.S.
government plan to carry out 9-11 style attacks.
And then, my comment,
You know, I did not cease flying on commercial aircraft.
I flew back from Missouri with my wife.
Have you heard this before?
Oh yeah, and it was on CBS.
I think Dan Rather was the person popularizing this.
I used government jets on government business, but in my private life, I was flying commercial aircraft right up through and beyond 9-11.
I have never abandoned... Did you fly here commercially?
I flew commercially yesterday, and I flew a private plane from Nashville here last night.
I fly commercially all the time.
I was in Europe last week.
I flew commercially over.
And I flew commercially back.
But what about... So this is flat fault.
But you fly commercially now.
But what about 9-11?
Around 9-11, did you stop because you knew something?
Absolutely not.
As I said, my wife and I... And what else did he ask?
I've forgotten.
Do you know?
About the attacks that they knew about the 9-11.
Your plan, the government's plan for 9-11... Wasn't there a government plan to blow up planes?
Not to my knowledge.
That's astounding.
Sir, is there anything else?
He also asked... Sir?
Did he hang up?
Go ahead, sir.
Well, no, it's just that, bottom line, we know that the PNAC boys wrote their own documents.
They needed a new Pearl Harbor attack.
We know governments stage events.
Operation Northwood has been on ABC News, Baltimore Sun,
government plan to stage terror attacks.
He didn't answer the question about Mayor Willie Brown getting the call from the White House not to fly the night before.
That was in the San Francisco Chronicle.
That was in the Associated Press.
John, your comments on that.
Were certain people in the government told not to?
Not to fly?
I have no awareness that anybody was ever told not to fly, and if they were told not to fly, I don't know about it.
Yeah, I certainly have never called Mayor Willie Brown.
Former Attorney General John Ashcroft is here.
John, man, I'm telling you, this is a growing thing.
It's a scary thing to me that people believe our government, and it goes to such weird extremes that our government caused 9-11.
Do you believe the terrorist threat has been overplayed?
No, I think the danger exists in underplaying it, because as soon as you believe there isn't a risk, that automatically elevates the risk.
I think there is a risk, but are we amping up the fear?
Is it being used politically, or maybe not left-right, not Republican-Democrat, but is it being used to get more money for certain programs?
I don't think so.
I don't think there's anything quite as valuable politically as to be able to say that we won this.
Do I seem like a fairly sensible guy?
You're not conventional, but you're sensible.
Look, I'm not conventional.
I'm fine with that.
But, you know, you saw me on the Fox News show and stuff.
I've been doing this for a little while.
Just watching.
Just watching TV.
And you tell me.
It did seem, Kerry was talking about this on TV, and I didn't vote for John Kerry.
But it did seem like there were a lot of terrorist problems during the election that disappeared after Bush got re-elected.
Just as a casual observer, every week there was another terror alert.
We have had, I think, one since the election.
Were they using those?
Could that have been done?
Could they have amped it up?
I think it's possible you could create terror alerts
that weren't based on intelligence.
I know of none.
There were... well, I'm not at liberty to reveal intelligence, but there... I don't know of terror... Okay, that's basically it.
And again, Mankow had me faded down his wing, sir, sir, and that's why I was unable to speak.
And they kept me on hold the whole time so I could listen to 10 more minutes of that and then let me go.
And Mankow was acting like I was just a caller.
That's the way he gets at Ashcroft.
And I guess he's allowed to still have a TV show on Fox and still have a nationally syndicated radio show.
Now we talk radio network, he's left Emmes.
So it's serious.
Let me just run through the points.
We'll go to Wayne Madsen.
I appreciate listening to that.
I want to get his take on it and then we'll take some calls here.
Number one, he was trying to say that he'd never heard of anybody being warned not to fly.
The memo is public.
It is admitted that he did stop flying commercial because of the security warning on July 6th.
AP, CBS News, it's admitted.
Then he tried to change the subject and say that he flies all the time.
Why, he flew to Chicago for the interview.
Why, he just flew to Europe.
And Mankell goes, but back before 9-11, and he just, I flew both ways!
Then the Mayor Willie Brown thing, big scandal, that was even been admitted, now that it's come out that Rice made the warning.
Some members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Newsweek Magazine, were warned not to fly.
We need to go point by point and show how he's a big fat liar, totally ignorant.
This is the same guy who said that the Patriot Act didn't affect U.S.
We have video clips of him in Police State 3, Total Enslavement, saying it's just a wild conspiracy theory, phantoms of lost liberty.
It doesn't affect U.S.
Now it's admitted, you know, the New York Times, Associated Press, that headline, Patriot Act used against homeless.
Patriot Act increasingly used by local governments in non-terror-related cases.
Oh, but it's a phantom!
Kind of like they said it was a conspiracy theory last Friday, a conspiracy theory that Google was going to buy YouTube.
And now they have, for the exact amount.
Just everything!
Hitler existing was a conspiracy theory.
Jesus Christ existing was a conspiracy theory.
George Washington being our founding father, our first president, and a Continental Army leader, and beating them at Trenton, you know, the Germans.
It's all lies!
None of it ever happened!
And the stock market isn't overinflated, and they're not printing money like it's going out of style.
Alright, I'm going to shut up and go back to Wayne Madison.
Let me just run through these final points.
The White House terror alerts.
Republican memos have surfaced.
Ari Fleischer, again in another press conference when he was White House Press Secretary, had to admit that it was for political reasons.
The White House told U.S.
News & World Report during the 2004 election, one month before, that we would be nuked.
They're doing it again for this election with their surrogates.
We're going to be nuked.
Al Qaeda took a bomb across the border.
Blah, blah, blah.
We know that was for political reasons.
He says that there's no way the war on terror is being used to make money.
Oh, and if they want to win the war, that'd be real good politically.
No it wouldn't.
They couldn't keep taking all of our liberties.
Like the war on drugs, war on poverty, war on all this stuff.
It's a business.
Every time they have a war on something, it gets worse.
And he laughed about Northwoods, he laughed about everything.
Oh, it's ridiculous.
And the way he acted, I'll let you know, he's as guilty as sin.
Let's go ahead, and we know the Justice Department, he helped order FBI and others and threatened the CIA with criminal prosecution under W1999 if they went after Al-Qaeda doubles and Al-Qaeda decoys.
Wayne Madsen, do you want to comment on the Attorney General?
Well, let's look at what he's done since 9-11.
After he left the Attorney General's job, he's now the head of the Ashcroft Group.
He's making hundreds of millions of dollars on Homeland Security contracts.
Israel Aircraft Industries, General Dynamics, Boeing, Choice Point, the company that's accused of being involved in throwing the elections, Oracle that's getting a lot of contracts on creating a national ID card and surveillance system, Dulles Research Corporation involved in counter-terrorism and homeland security,
I mean, it goes on and on and on with this guy.
Lockheed Martin with the license plate scanning cameras, millions of them going up.
Oh yeah, that's where Ashcroft's making his money.
LTU Technologies represents them, a French company that's involved in classification of images and videos.
So here we go.
9-11 was very, very good for John Ashcroft.
The military industrial complex is in the conquest of the U.S.
right now as a prison surveillance group.
That's right.
And look, the old John Ashcroft is right in the middle of all of it.
He's benefited handsomely from this.
I'm not surprised.
He's just like all the rest of the people, like the peanut guys.
He was part and parcel of that old gang.
Uh, and he's, uh, he's there, you know, uh, defending all these people.
And remember, uh, one of his, uh, campaign advisors on one of his Senate runs was none other than good old...
I don't know.
That was common knowledge.
It was also part of the Brotherhood, which is an all-male deal that loves Nietzsche and doesn't care about abortion, quote, in interviews with the press.
Oh yeah, this guy's a whack job, and always has been, going back to when he was the Attorney General of the state of
We're good to go.
Well, what did you think about his statement about it's ridiculous that anyone is making money off Homeland Security?
You just commented on that, but what about the other statement, exactly, he is personally, what about the other thing, laughing about Northwoods, laughing about him not flying commercial?
Oh, well, you know, these guys, that's it, he's one of the guys that will, you know, short-toll and say, oh, that's a bunch of outrageous conspiracy theories.
The biggest conspiracy of them all was the involvement of these characters in pulling off the event that drastically altered our constitution and our form of government and eventually wound up trashing
The Magna Carta, which has been in force ever since the 1200s in Great Britain.
You're right, 1215.
Now let's be specific, because you're a scholar, your research has always panned out with me.
I really respect you, Wayne.
And I don't say that to most our guests.
People know, I mean, I'm eligible to know that I really do trust your research.
And you were careful.
I mean, I interviewed you four or five months ago.
You wouldn't say inside job.
You said they're clearly involved somehow, whether that was letting them do it or whatever.
When I saw you give a speech
Back on September 10th, you came right out and said it was carried out by criminal elements of the government.
You laid out the key evidence.
Will you please do that now?
Well, you know, I've written a book called Jada Task about the crimes of the Bush family.
And just, you know, finishing up that book and looking at, you know, what Prescott was involved with, what H.W.
was involved with, what W. has been involved with, what all the criminal brothers of W. have been involved with, and all the criminal uncles and cousins and the rest of this gang.
I just came to the conclusion that they lied about going to war in Iraq.
Almost as many U.S.
service people have died in Iraq as were killed at the World Trade Center on 9-11.
So when people say 3,000 died, how could you say that the Bush people and their friends could have pulled off an attack that killed 3,000?
No, no!
It's 6,000!
Because if you add the people that died on 9-11
Our service people that died in Iraq, you know, it's 6,000 mostly Americans who died.
But then you also mentioned the supposed hijackers training at bases, I think that's key.
You mentioned quite a bit.
Oh, well, you know, it's just, as I said, the biggest conspiracy of them all is the official 9-11 report, which is now being trashed because now we know from a lot of revelations that the 9-11 Commission wasn't told anything.
They've complained.
Well, they were first going to have Henry Kissinger as the head of it, who advised Bush, and now we learn running everything.
Well, look, Hastert wanted to have Louis Freeh investigate the pages over this latest scandal.
They want to get the perps in there to investigate the perps.
I mean, this is what these people do, and it's outrageous, and I just came to the conclusion, finally, after seeing what they've done to our country, this was no breakdown in security.
What about other former NSA people and your other colleagues in D.C.?
You say they're sick of them, they're leaking the stuff now.
What percentage know it's an inside job and are too scared to go public?
Right, I mean, a lot of them...
A lot of them are being forced out of these various agencies because they're not a team player.
Sure, but dead reckon for me.
I mean, if 68% believe there's a cover-up in the country, 42% believe inside job.
What percentage in D.C.
of intelligent former analysts, current analysts, that you talk to believe it's inside job?
Well, the ones that haven't been purged yet is probably about 50%.
The other 50% are pretty comfortable with the paychecks they're getting.
But I had somebody who was on duty at NSA that morning tell me that the plane over Pennsylvania, United 93, was shot down.
And when I was in New York, I went over to Weehawken and I found out that the guys that hijacked that plane the night before, they were at a strip club in Wayne, New Jersey.
I don't
Video tape, because it tends to show that the official story is a lie.
They were U.S.
government intelligence assets who believed they were taking part in drills to test security like Navy SEALs or BATF practice doing things like that.
I don't think they intended to die the next day because I don't think they would have been getting lap dances at late if they had ever gone into a mosque in their lives.
I think they would have been actually praying for real and not getting lap dances.
Well, we know that we're trained at every base you can imagine.
We'll be right back and we'll jam in Richard, Scott, Dexter, Chris.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we got four and a half minutes.
We got four callers.
You can get a comment or question in.
I want to get Wayne's, you know, one-line responses to you.
Just briefly, you can get his new book, Jaded Task, at WayneMadisonReport.com.
Get my new film, Terror Storm, at InfoWars.com, and help spread the word that it's on Google Video for free, but get the high-quality DVD at InfoWars.com, and please call into all the talk shows and tell folks about Terror Storm and the fact that it is available for free at Google Video.
You can really push this thing over the edge and stop the Google censorship.
We've been into the top 100 several times, and they keep deleting our stats on purpose, admittedly now.
Let's talk to Richard in Texas.
You're on the air with Wayne Madsen.
Go ahead.
Hi there.
What I wanted to make a comment on was about the 30% of Washington, D.C.
hypocrite Republicans.
Well, this kind of goes on right there in your own back door.
During the Republican Convention in Austin, prior to the Internet, all the gay people used to go out to the parks.
And right across the street from the Capitol is even a gay bar.
And I used to congregate in these areas, and basically while the Republican Convention was occurring, an extraordinary amount of these people would go out to these parks and bars, and that's where I would meet these people.
They were administrators, doctors, CEOs.
I ever met a president of an oil company down in Beaumont, Texas, and it was an extraordinary amount of rampant hidden
Homosexual behavior that was going on.
Were they mainly Republicans or was it a mishmash?
It was definitely a mishmash of people.
I didn't understand the political arena.
Sure, do us a favor, call us back later in the week because I want to hear more about this.
I appreciate your call.
Wayne comments?
Well, I'm surprised he didn't run across a certain current governor of Texas and a former White House press secretary there in the park.
Alrighty, yeah.
Let's talk to Scott in Texas.
Scott, go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for having Wayne on.
Just a real quick question and before you laugh, just hear me out.
Um, my question is, is how close do you think that this Page-Gate and the Foley scandal can get to, uh, Georgia W?
Because we've seen him openly display what could be taken as homosexuality.
Rubbing his cheek up against the male madam.
Kissing him on the head.
And neocons watch this and they go, well he's just being friendly.
That's what people do from Texas.
No, men don't kiss each other on the top of the head and rub our cheeks together in Texas.
Kiss Joe Lieberman on the lips.
Very intimate with the Saudi officials.
Yeah, let me get a comment from Wayne on that.
Well, I have a story up on my website today from Dennis Hastert's pack called Compact.
There's a quote.
It's by one member of Congress.
He said, George Bush really loves Dennis Hastert.
Thank you.
Thank you, Scott.
Dexter in Washington.
Go ahead, Dexter.
Yes, two things I want to ask.
One of them is about your DVD, Terror Storm.
Hey, I'm trying to make discs on it, but it's three hours.
Where do you get a good disc?
For like $55, you can buy the actual machine that burns them, or you can just buy the disc.
They'll have them.
It's just a larger DVD, a DVD recordable, nine.
I forget the exact technical name.
Just ask them at the store, any electronic store.
You're charging seven bucks, is that right?
No, no.
That's not right.
You need to get a special burner that compresses it.
It's like 50-something bucks.
I know.
Make it shorter.
You can also then just cut it in half and then burn it that way.
But I'm out of time.
Thank you, Dexter.
Chris in New Jersey.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
Hit us.
Hit us hard.
Allentown, PA.
City Council is voting on legislation to make Allentown, PA a sanctuary for illegal immigrants.
Oh, I forgot!
The illegal aliens are going to the UN to get rid of our border, and they will under the North American Union.
That was Associated Press.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
I knew there was a bunch of stuff I was forgetting about.
That's up on the websites.
Wayne Madsen, I want to thank you for joining us, sir.
Good to be with you, Alex.
In closing, in ten seconds, when do you see this erupting, or will it erupt?
It's going to be a Chinese water torture up until election day.
Alright, thank you Wayne Manchin.
God bless you all!
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