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Name: 20061008_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 8, 2006
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Prepare yourself for a talk radio that compares your experience like no other.
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Now, live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
Absolutely, my friends, I am excited to be here, the first official syndicated broadcast from the historical
KLBJ 590 AM studios in Austin, Texas blasting out across the country hooked up with the GCN radio network and I'm told already being picked up by some great Aminem affiliates across the country.
Later I want to give a shout out to some of those stations but I really want to thank Emmis and Mark Caesar and the great folks at Genesis and John up there in Minnesota and the great folks that are here at KLBJ for making all of this possible.
It is great to be here on this Sunday.
Well, Texas won
That makes a lot of Texans happy.
It didn't make me happy, though, having to fight back through the traffic from East Texas.
I was there visiting family.
I'll tell you, how does a football game turn a state upside down?
I left Friday afternoon to go visit family in Northeast Texas.
It took three and a half hours, took about six hours.
Then getting back today, it took three and a half hours, took about five hours.
In fact, one of the people down here today got caught up in the traffic.
But we're glad somebody's here filling in for him while they drive like maniacs to get here.
No, seriously.
Don't speed.
Everything's alright.
We want you to drive safe.
Number one cause of death in this country is automobiles.
But you don't hear about a war on the automobile, and I don't think there should be one.
You hear about a war on terror, because the war on terror is being used to take your liberties, to take your freedoms.
Alright, let's get serious.
Let's dispense with the pleasantries and get down to brass tacks.
First off, two weeks ago on this broadcast I mentioned the fact that Google is going to use the standard audio cards and microphones and video cards and small video cameras that are embedded in most new PCs to listen to you and track and trace everything you do in your home with artificially intelligent software logging everything you say and they're going to sell that to marketers!
Can you imagine if somebody came to your door and knocked on the door and said
I'm going to pay you to put a microphone or camera in your house.
Unless it was a lot of money, or unless you were a freak, I'd say 99% of you would say no, hell no, and kick you out of their house.
Kick you out of their front door.
Not anymore, folks.
You don't have a choice.
They're doing this, and I got an email saying I'm a liar.
Because I was mentioning a story that we reported on a few months ago, two weeks ago I was just mentioning it, and somebody thought I was lying, a listener, so I thought I'd go pull the reports,
For you today, so later I'll be getting into this.
Yes, they're going to use the microphones and cameras hooked up to your computer without your permission to watch you and track and trace you.
This is a press release by Google by the way.
So that's coming up later in the second hour.
Right now, I'm not worried about IRAM, my friends.
I'm worried about North Korea.
They crossed the DMZ, the Demilitarized Zone, that has been in that position since the late 1950s.
And there were shots fired today, and they're talking about testing a nuke today or tomorrow.
And they're running around foaming at the mouth with the demon Kim Jong-il out of their capital.
We're good to go.
Meanwhile the media plays all that down and then hypes up things that Iran has never said or done
They totally lie to you.
They claim they make Jews wear yellow stars.
Total fabrication right out of the bowels of the CIA.
We're going to go over this today, but I am worried about North Korea.
That's why nobody's going to be attacking them.
Any real threat to this country is left completely alone.
Anybody with oil, who's got a pushover military like Iraq or Iran, compared to places like China and Russia,
North Korea will be picked on, will be bombed, and everyone will of course jump around loving it.
Well, I shouldn't say everyone.
Only 30% of the people in this country now are for these ridiculous wars that are all about profits and domestic diversions here in the United States.
And then the big news we're going to be covering.
I don't want to say we broke this news because everything was there in plain view, but we really did.
PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.net, well actually my webmaster and writer, one of my writers for InfoWars.net, Steve Watson, broke this, but it's gone supernova on PrisonPlanet.com.
That's why we've surged past the Dallas Morning News, over 1,000 place points.
It's kind of getting scary when my
Just one of my websites is 2,000 places bigger than the Washington Times.
You can go look at the web rating services like Alexa.com.
I'm not tooting our horn.
I feel like this huge weight on me, folks.
I've got millions of people now every day listening to what we have to say.
But it's all you, the listeners.
We were sent a bunch of tips.
Steve was reading them.
That's why I've got like 10 different employees.
And no matter what you do in my office, whether it's an office in London,
We have a small office there, or the office here in Austin, or our office in Louisiana, where I've got people.
Everybody shares and reads the email, because no one can read the 10,000 emails a day that it's gotten up to on your own.
Yes, 10,000 emails.
We all scan them together.
And we got a bunch of emails from people pointing out how the latest 9-11 hijacker confession video was a fake.
What, nine days ago?
Not this Friday, but last Friday?
We see Mohammed Adda and one of the other supposed 9-11 hijackers on this tape with no sound saying, well they said the lip readers couldn't say what they were saying, but the government announced it and said it was total proof that they had carried out 9-11.
Well, there was a problem.
This is how stupid the government, that is the criminal elements, not our whole government, criminal elements of our government think we are.
This was in a docudrama for U.S.
television a year ago.
It aired in the U.S.
about 13 months ago, in England about 11 months ago, and it's called The Road to Guantanamo.
You've seen it on PBS and all over the place.
And this is footage released
by an unnamed government source uh... it goes back four years ago the media has never aired it and and and now it's coming out that yes it is some type of fake and they admit that it was computer enhanced on the TV show and they added hijackers faces via CGI do you realize what you're hearing right now nationwide ladies and gentlemen from the studios of NewsRadio 590KLBJ do you realize what I just said it is admitted
That there was a documentary that aired worldwide titled The Road to Guantanamo, where they took previous CIA surveillance footage, then they CGI'd in different, quote, hijackers into the footage and used it on television.
And now the government a year later thinks we're so dumb.
First they announced Al-Qaeda released the tape.
Now it's been admitted that our government leaked the tape.
Now lie number one, we already knew that day one.
Every time they're in trouble politically, new Al-Qaeda tapes are released.
We already proved four years ago, remember the fat bin Laden, his nose had grown an inch, he gained a hundred pounds.
They did voice print in Canada and the US universities in France.
We're good to go.
We have them 100% dead to rights, caught red-handed, and I'm glad.
Sometimes we put a story together and it's really important, I think it's important, and it only gets maybe a couple hundred thousand readers.
This baby, on our own sites alone, has gotten millions and millions and millions.
I haven't done the collation yet or checked it, but I can go look at the ratings and tell that it's just exploded.
I haven't collated it yet.
But this is exciting.
And not to mention everybody that copies our stories all over the web.
So again, it feels good to be exposing these liars.
A lot of the mainstream pundits will ignore this, but it doesn't matter.
It's a huge international incident right now.
All over the world, people are going and watching the video clip that we have, Every Claim We Make We Show, right off of the documentary, The Road to Guantanamo.
And everyone's saying that this new video was A, released by our government, and they lied and said Al Qaeda did it.
And B, it's CGI fake.
It's like the Running Man, where they show Mad Dog Ben Richards really attacking the people with a helicopter, but he didn't do it.
You understand, they can show Forrest Gump shaking hands with Kennedy.
They can show Steve McQueen, 20-something years after he's dead, he died in 81.
Last year, pitching the new Mustang, which by the way, I like.
I'm not knocking the new retro Mustang.
I'm just telling you, he's dead, folks!
It wasn't really Steve McQueen!
Alright, when we get back,
I'm going to mention some of the other big stories we've got, then we'll take calls, then we'll go through all these articles.
In fact, there's a lot of stuff on the Foley scandal you won't hear anywhere else.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Agree or disagree?
Alex wants to hear from you right now at 877-590-5525.
Now, here's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, my friends.
I'm glad that you've decided to join us on this October 8, 2006 transmission against tyranny.
Your calls are coming up later.
In fact, in this segment, the toll-free number across the country is 877-590-5525.
Is that George Bush in the background doing a Bohemian Grove or Skull & Bones chant?
Alright, I tell ya, they got some weird music around here.
877-590-5525 or locally all over Central Texas, 836-0590 or pound 590 for singular wireless.
Folks, alright, let me get serious because this is serious.
This happened again yesterday.
It's escalating today.
Shots fired across tense Korean border.
AP reports a midday incursion Saturday by North Korean troops into the southern side of the no-man's land separating North and South Korea only stoked the unease.
South Korean soldiers rattled off 40 warning shots at the five communist troops who crossed the center line of the demilitarized zone, the inter-Korean buffer or DMZ.
It was unclear whether the North Korean advance was intended as a provocation.
Oh, gee, I wonder.
They've just been caught digging huge tunnels under it, constantly seizing, constantly shooting at South Korean troops.
I mean, this is a real problem, okay?
But the media will not demonize North Korea because the establishment in this country does not want to go to war with them because they've got over 20 weapons.
They had 20 weapons four or five years ago.
And who helped give them the reactors in 1996?
The head of ABB, the Swiss company, and guess who that was?
Donald Rumsfeld.
Bill Clinton was evil for allowing the transfer.
Of the reactors, and the conservatives all got mad at him, but I went and did more research and found out who was behind it.
Clinton just always signed off on what the neocons wanted to happen.
That's why they're even worse.
But I understand, reactors are good if it's a conservative giving it to North Korea, it's only bad if it's Bill Clinton.
Just like I was saying it was bad when Democrats were, you know, Barney Frank was running the underage
Callboy ring out of his house.
That was admitted eight years ago, nine years ago.
And of course, Democrats were mad at me then for exposing it.
But now, stuff like this is going on in Washington and it's Republicans, and it's just, you're an evil commie if you talk about it and it's all a big Democratic lie.
No, Washington is very corrupt and decadent.
Basically, most of them are paid off or compromised or they wouldn't be to that level of power.
The establishment picks people now for positions of power who are compromised.
And we're going to get into that later.
I'm kind of jumping back and forth.
But it's all interconnected.
We have a decadent Congress, a decadent executive, a decadent government in the judicial as well.
And things are not going in a good direction.
Japan and China tell North Korea that a test is unacceptable, and Japan is saying they may scrap their constitution that MacArthur got rammed through, when he was, of course, the Governor General of Japan, where they're not allowed to have an offensive military.
And Japan's saying, hey, we take the preemptive strike policy at Bush, we're going to develop nukes!
And again, that's back of the newspaper that Japan, and my sources tell me, have already been developing.
I think what they can build today with computers and cars and cameras and everything else, and they bought, what was it, back in 1997, the biggest shipment of uranium and plutonium ever from the European Union.
It was enough to run thousands of reactors for hundreds of years.
I remember the report.
It was just some
Ridiculous amount.
Clearly not just for nuclear power.
Though they're big into nuclear power there, that is certainly true.
So it's a massive escalation, a massive arms race, a huge escalation of tensions in the entire region, in the entire area.
And it's extremely serious, so you're welcome to call in on that subject as well.
Also, later in the broadcast, I'm going to go to calls right now, and then we'll go to break and come back and get into the fake video.
They released fake video last Friday.
Not this Friday, but last Friday.
Nine days ago, remember?
Fake video of Mohammed Adda and one of his cohorts.
That is not real, and we're going to tell you why and how it's been admitted.
Again, they just release these fake videos.
It's a big national headline for two or three days, and then always it gets retracted a week, a month, six months later.
And I want to go over some past cases of this.
Again, this is huge hoax in front of you.
You're being lied to, ladies and gentlemen.
You realize the magnitude of that.
Sometimes something this big kind of escapes people.
This is some of the other stuff I wanted to cover.
People say we're not living in a police state.
Man arrested for criticizing Cheney files lawsuit.
I interviewed this gentleman Friday on my big weekday syndicated show.
This, I guess, is now syndicated too, so this is not the only syndicated show, the weekday show.
Now I can call this the syndicated show.
This is now the weekend show, as it should have been named the entire time by me.
All he walked by and said, the war is reprehensible!
Seize that man!
And now the press has gone back and found dozens and dozens and dozens of cases of this.
Where you get arrested if you just say anything to the Lord.
And I heard neocons during the week when this story was big saying, that's good!
How dare you be disrespectful!
How dare you talk bad to Lord Cheney or Lord Bush!
Again, you need to leave America, folks.
You're not conservatives.
You don't care about this country.
You are cancer to this country.
Even if you don't agree with some person who's anti-war, walking in Colorado through
An outdoor mall and being five feet from Cheney and saying, and this is admitted, your war is reprehensible.
Or no, this war is reprehensible.
The Secret Service arrested him.
Took him in, and told the police there at the county, the Sheriff's Department, they said, he said, this war is reprehensible, that is assault, charge him, and later the county dropped the charges, and the Secret Service is very upset.
No, no, you must be charged for talking to God!
What do you think, this is America, where you can talk to a God?
A God?
What do you think, you're living in the U.S.?
No, man, we're living in Russia!
Oh wait, we are living in America.
So, uh, do I have time to go to calls before break?
I don't, do I?
You know what?
We're going to continue ranting, and then as soon as I come back, I'll go to Troy in Duluth, Minnesota.
Man, that is a beautiful town.
When you go up over the hill, and there's that big lake, and you're up there, it's all... I want to go fishing up there with some more walleye and... What's the big ones that look like gar, but they're not?
I forget.
I caught a bunch of them up there.
And then there's... I'm talking to folks through the glass window.
Talk shows do that.
You think we're talking to ourselves, we're talking to the in-studio audience.
Three people in there, that's a huge audience.
Alright, and then Jeff in Denver, Colorado, and we'll talk to some locals too at 836-059.
If you just joined us, we tested it last week, it did great.
This week, this is officially syndicated, Star Guide ABC, up on the big fancy bird.
And I am really excited about this, and we've got a lot of stations that I'm told this week already signed on.
I think they're tuned in today, picking us up.
But if not, they'll be tuned in next week, which is the first official broadcast of the new syndicated Sunday show.
Sundays from 4 to 6 p.m.
from the beautiful and historic studios
We're good to go!
Up and on the air.
So let me just set the table again for you of what we're going to be covering later in the broadcast.
I have some new interesting, uh, wouldn't call them tidbits, because it's disgusting.
Tidbit kind of notes something delicious and tasty, like, you know, maybe some beer nuts or something, but, uh...
More of the pervert activities of the Republicans and Democrats.
Oh yes, both sides are involved.
This is really one side, the establishment criminals.
And we'll get into the fake hijacker videos they've been releasing.
We'll get into how Google is going to use the microphones and cameras in your computer to watch and listen to you.
And a lot more on the other side, so stay with us.
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This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Alex Jones is deep in the heart of Texas and he wants to talk to you.
Toll free 877-590-5525.
That's right my friends, or locally, 836-0590 coming to you from the heart of Texas, News Radio 590, KLPJ Studios.
First week syndicating the show, we're excited.
Okay, so the big news really is that North Korea sent troops across the DMZ.
They got shot at by the South Koreans and backed off.
All of this while North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il threatens to test
We're good to go!
Toy gun to school?
He's been charged with terrorism.
That's right, under Patriot Act, all misdemeanors are terrorism.
You have no rights.
Go read Section 802 for yourself.
Also, I'm not kidding when I say this.
This is serious, I don't do potty humor.
This is BBC headline and a NOVA headline.
This was in major British news.
Police hunting farting dissident.
He was disrespectful of a dear leader in Poland.
There was a national manhunt for the man that was disrespectful of the president.
We'll tell you about that a little bit later.
Really serious report here that was in the Israeli and U.S.
battle plans going back to 83, even when Saddam was our big ally, our government swore to later invade the country and break it in three parts.
Since 2002, I've been telling you, when I learned of the plans and read them,
They would break the country in three parts and claim it was their new strategy.
I know that's been the strategy all along.
Here's the Times of London today.
America ponders.
Cutting Iraq in three pieces.
There's also been a horrible stabbing death, as you know.
And I say, thank God.
It's horrible what happened, but thank God the guy didn't use a gun.
There's already enough calls to control the Second Amendment.
Now, what are we going to do?
Ban knives?
Well, in England, they're actually discussing it.
This is also the anniversary of the huge Pakistan earthquake.
And we're getting into the anniversary time of the anthrax attacks of 2001 that were a government operation.
I'll get into that as well.
And also, we have illegal immigrants suing Wendy's.
Because Wendy's found out they were illegal and let them go.
So now the illegal aliens are suing Wendy's.
Those dear, wonderful 30 million legal aliens running around saying that this is their country.
We will then, of course, get back into the really huge story that we broke at PrisonPlanet.com with the great work of Steve Watson.
Thanks to tips from listeners.
In plain view, hidden in plain view, it is admitted that the hijacker video that you saw is a fraud.
Remember two weeks ago, the two hijackers, Mohammed Adda and his deputy, laughing and taking credit?
Turns out that is a fake and the media isn't going to be retracting it anytime soon.
We'll tell you exactly how it's fake right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Troy in Duluth, Minnesota.
It's good to have you on board with us, Troy, here on our maiden voyage.
Welcome, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Yes, sir, go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
I've been following you for quite a while now, and I came across a bulletin today on MySpace that you were live right now on the radio station out here in Texas.
I figured I'd just go ahead and call in.
Well, good.
Good to have you on board.
What's on your mind?
The main reason why I'm calling is because, just like any other American, I'm concerned about where this country is headed.
We've got over 800 prison camps in the United States.
We've got FEMA there that are going to take over once martial law is declared.
Now there's all this talk, I mean there's enough distractions to be able to get the Americans to not see exactly what Congress is doing, what the government is doing to us, whatever.
The stuff with North Korea, they're talking about that there's going to be some testing going on and the President and the government is making some pretty stiff
Well, let me give you my take on that as you put it.
And everything you said is important.
The reason I brought up North Korea is this.
We're being told that the Iranians are literally Satan's children.
We're being told that they're going to kill all of us any minute if we don't invade them.
We're being told they've got nuclear weapons, A-bombs, missiles to hit us.
It's all lies.
We've been told the same stuff like they throw babies out of incubators like Saddam did.
That was a New York PR firm that submitted fraud.
Same thing that Clinton made Jews wear yellow stars.
Turned out that was totally made up out of the bowels of our own government.
A total psyop.
My whole point is the Iranians aren't perfect.
But they are no threat to this country when you compare them to places like North Korea or China.
Just type in, Chinese military threatens to nuke U.S.
Just type it in.
You'll get hundreds of articles over the years.
Just a few months ago, their top general called a press conference, the Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine was there, Forbes was there, AP was there, Reuters was there, and they said, where are your 214 cities targeted?
We will kill over half your population if you get involved in Taiwan and we take it in the next two years.
I mean, they had press conferences saying, we're targeting you, we're going to attack you if you get involved, not just in Taiwan, they said in any of our interests, including the Panama Canal, which our government just gave to them.
And don't blame it on Jimmy Carter, he was part of it, but in 2000 the Republican Congress let it go through.
We're being totally encircled, totally and completely sold out.
So I don't want to hear about Iran by all these phony, gutless,
Chicken hawk fake conservatives that call into these talk shows, and you're the people killing my country.
The New World Order loves North Korea, they love China, they love all these places where people are slaves, and they sell political dissidents organs, people have no rights.
They hate the United States, and they're bringing this country down every way they can, with open borders, with NAFTA, with GATT.
With the North American Union, with all of this, the Republicans and Democrats are teamed up together attacking this country.
They've got the left, they've got the right, they control both political parties.
We've got to wake up to this if we're going to get this country and this nation back.
Now you're saying
You know, what's going to happen with North Korea?
I don't know.
The guy's a complete psychopath.
He's like a 4'9 Napoleon Complex spoiled brat.
His father gave him power when he died.
I mean, the guy literally hijacks aircraft, has his troops hijack aircraft because he wants Asian film stars, and then when he gets mad at them,
He kills them!
I mean, he kidnaps, he grabs... I mean, think of a Hollywood movie where there's an evil dictator in some third world country living in some mountain armored base and he has troops hijacking jets and kidnapping women and then he takes them back and rapes them and kills them.
Okay, I mean, this is like Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy running a country with nuclear weapons, okay?
He's just as bad as the New World Order that runs our country.
Again, North Korean people are good people.
People of America are good people.
People of Iran are good people.
Governments throughout history are corrupt and wicked.
A very wicked group has gotten control of our government.
And a very wicked group has gotten control of North Korea.
And I'm here to tell you folks that it's serious.
I don't know what's going to happen with it.
But it's escalating the entire region.
Let's take another call.
Let's talk to Jeff in Denver, Colorado.
Jeff, welcome.
Yes, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, it's great to talk to you, Alex.
Great show, great films, great info, great job.
Thank you, sir.
I appreciate you.
Go ahead.
Listen, I just wanted to kind of ask you your thoughts on something.
Something that was brought to my attention.
I haven't heard it anywhere, read it anywhere.
Can't think of any better place to kind of check the validity of this.
Something that I had heard regarding Marvin Bush, brother of George Bush.
Being a director of a security company that's a Kuwaiti-American owned security company.
Yes, that ran security on the World Trade Centers.
And the last day of their three-year contract was September 11, 2001.
That was the final day.
Their contract actually ended the day before.
And he was in the subway system when it collapsed.
We learned this from his mother who wrote the biography, Reflections.
Then two East Coast papers picked up and did report that they were running security on the towers
And of course, Jeb Bush declared martial law, that's the AP headline, on September 9th, three days before the first time in Florida history he declared martial law, three days before.
Yep, so it sounds pretty valid.
That's because Flight 93 was going to the Capitol.
It was going to decapitate the legislative branch.
We were going to have official martial law then, but the happy hooligans out of North Dakota, Basin, Virginia, for drills refused to follow orders and fired two AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles into the aircraft.
Then they stopped Central Intelligence Agency attempted decapitation of the United States government.
Well, bless those folks.
Absolutely, and they create the fake let's roll story, tell the state police to shut up, you didn't see missiles blow that plane up.
Oh, planes normally have an eight and a half mile debris fill and an engine eight and a half miles.
I was just going to say that.
Wasn't there debris that was for miles upon miles?
Yeah, the biggest crash site of a large plane was less than a mile long, okay?
I mean, they've had planes crash many times.
There have been a few, now that's a normal crash.
They've had some
Uh, where it's, you know, say in the Himalayas or in the Andes where it's spread over two, you know, two, three miles.
Thanks for the call.
We'll come right back and take more calls.
We'll get into a fake video.
Our government, criminal elements of our government have released a fake hijacker
Confession video of a week and a half ago.
Stay with us as we transmit from the studios of News Radio.
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Okay, let me just try to hit a few of these stories and get some of the details out of the way of some stories I've mentioned.
Then we'll go right back to your calls.
I'd like to get your take on these.
We know that there are criminal elements of our government that really work for global corporations that use the U.S.
as its muscle to go around dominating the planet.
And the American people pay for this, but it's not the American people that are, quote, you know, getting anything out of this.
So many good old boys who mean well, you know, they're not bad individuals, think that we're over there getting some oil.
I mean, I've heard them on talk radio, all right, so what?
We're getting our oil.
We need it!
The oil company's own memos, and this has been in the AP, Associated Press, report that they want to go into Iraq and shut off the oil to then jack up the prices.
There's too much oil!
Oil company documents came out in 2001 that they were going to buy up all the refineries in the US
We're good to go.
That's how I'm able to predict what they're going to do.
That's how I know what their operations are.
Not because I'm even that smart, folks.
I learned that these guys write it all down.
They just think you're not looking at it.
Now in this internet age, they're starting to have some problems.
So what is your take?
On the fake video, and how is it fake?
Last Friday, not this Friday, but last Friday, they announced, oh, here's Mohammed Adda and the number two hijacker, number one, number two, and this is them in 2000 in a cave somewhere, and here's some shots of Bin Laden, and they suddenly cut to close shots of them, and this has never before been seen.
Al Qaeda just released this to program sleeper cells to start blowing America up.
They're going to hit us.
It's all over.
You better vote for Republicans.
I mean, you've heard it.
You've seen it on TV.
You've heard it on the radio.
You know they said that.
And then it came out earlier in the week that the Times of London had released it and said, well actually it didn't come from Al-Qaeda, it's a government source.
And then we had listeners' emails that go, you know, I've seen this video.
This very video was on a documentary there in the US and England called The Road to Guantanamo.
I've even seen parts of it on television.
And lo and behold, you went online, there was the video, we went and watched it, there was the exact same video in a docudrama, and they said that the government had created this video and spliced in a different supposed terrorist with footage they'd shot at Bin Laden training camps.
Our government, how they have footage of this, and then they show it to terrorize and trick people into incriminating themselves at Guantanamo Bay.
So it's CGI'd.
It's spliced, fake, mixed video with real footage being shown to us, and the government lied and said it was new, and this was Al-Qaeda triggering sleeping cells.
Now that's yelling fire in a theater.
That is terrorizing people.
You understand that.
We've written five reports on this at InfoWars.net and PrisonPlanet.com.
Two of the reports at PrisonPlanet.com, two of the more detailed, long, like ten page reports, well four and ten, the two reports are quite lengthy, full of hyperlinks.
Every claim we make is documented.
And then we found out where a lot of these videos first get posted within minutes or even before it's released on the news.
This company called Defense, it's called Intel Center, and it's connected into some other groups, and the head of it is the former deputy of Donald Rumsfeld, Jim Milnick, and he served 16 years in U.S.
Army Defense Intelligence and worked in psychological operations overseas in Russia and the Middle East, and that's where the videos are coming from.
I mean, this is getting really, really rich, my friends.
And that's just a few lines from the four reports.
The rabbit hole goes quite deep.
Or you can just choose to think, well, having the White House buy $1.6 billion last year in fake news.
Don't believe me?
Just type into Google.
$1.6 billion in fake news bought.
You'll get AP Reuters, ABC News, Fox News.
No, the Congress says it's illegal to buy fake reporters and have reporters on your payroll, but the White House says they're going to continue the practice because they're above the law.
You see, in an age where they openly admit they're buying fake news, planting fake news, they have Army and Defense Intelligence and Pentagon PSYOPs, psychological warfare, engaging in psychological brainwashing!
I don't call that a war effort, folks.
I call that brainwashing.
It's illegal and it should stop.
And if you think having the military planning fake stories and paying off reporters in our country and writing fake letters to the editor is freedom, get out of my country!
I'm sorry.
Now, what do you think about this story?
I want to come back in the next hour.
We've still got a ways to break.
And I want to hear your comments on this at 836-0590 or toll free 877-595-5525.
I want your... We've got a liner that we'll have next week, it's not ready yet, where I say that if you disagree with us, you go to the head of the line.
I want to hear people... Some guy called in last week and said Operation Northwoods, the official U.S.
government plan for stage 9-11 style attacks and blaming on foreign enemies.
He called in and said that was a lie.
I got an email a week ago that I forgot to cover on the show from two weeks ago where a listener heard me say that Google has announced they're going to use the microphones and video cameras on your computers without your permission to watch you.
It's in their own press release!
And I've got the article right here that we wrote about it.
Look, I know this stuff sounds crazy.
I know this stuff's off the chart.
I'm not the one making all this happen.
I'm just a reporter here reporting you the news and information, and I happen to be an angry reporter.
I'm trying to get you moving to wake up.
That's my goal, basically.
That's what I'm attempting to do.
Now, speak of the devil.
Let me just go ahead and get into this report briefly, then we'll take a call, we'll go to break, start the next hour, and get into the Foley, the new revelations with Mark Foley, the pervert by any stretch of the imagination, a middle-aged congressman trying to drunk, trying to get into the boy's dorm.
I mean, you know, come on folks.
But we'll talk about how he's being defended by some people and how they're trying to spin
And then we'll cover just the police state in this country, people being arrested.
In fact, do you think that you should be arrested if the vice president's walking around in an outdoor mall in Colorado, you walk by with your eight-year-old son, and you say from five feet away, this is all admitted, this war is reprehensible, and you're arrested and charged with assaulting the vice president?
Because that's what they've done coast to coast.
Finally, the reporters out there for the Rocky Mountain News and other big papers went and found out this had happened to a bunch of people.
We were aware of this.
We were noticing it.
But the mainstream news has never gotten all these cases together.
Folks, if you have a bumper sticker on your car... Oh, that's another thing.
They don't just buy fake news.
They have fake town hall meetings.
Where on television they say, oh, Dick Cheney or President Bush is here for a town hall meeting.
He's here in our town, Arizona.
Or he's here in Norfolk, Virginia.
Or he's here in Miami, Florida for a town hall meeting.
They make you sign a form swearing you agree with the President, swearing you won't have a disturbance, and then they go out in the parking lot after you've written your name and driver's license number, and the FBI and Secret Service scan all the license plates, put them into a computer.
They have little cameras hooked on the computers that just scan them.
You can just walk by, and they scan the license plates.
Just type in plate scanning software.
It's been put in on most of the cameras on the street corners, but they have this.
And then they go in and find out where you're at and arrest you if you've got a Democrat or no war sticker claiming it's a violation of what you swore to do.
Meanwhile, people at home watching the town hall think everyone agrees with the President.
Everyone agrees with the Vice President.
It's a public, open town hall.
I mean, is that America?
Signing forms swearing you won't disagree, signing forms that you agree, and then lying on television and saying it's a town hall?
I mean, it just goes on and on.
But here's Google.
Government industry to use computer microphones to spy on 150 million Americans.
And that's the headline Paul gave it.
I wrote part of the article.
It's article by Paul Watson and Alex Jones.
Invasive surveillance and advertising obliterates even Minority Report style technology.
And people are saying, well this is PrisonPlanet.com, this is your report.
Go to the article and click on it and it's all hyperlinks.
You can go to the report and click through to Google's own website and they're bragging in a press release.
That's how we learned of this, listener cynicism.
And they said, oh don't worry, the microphones that are now standard on most computers and some have cameras, it will just listen to your television,
To you and your wife, to your wife and your husband, to everything that's said, the radio, and we'll judge your taste with this algorithm, psychological profiling software, and then we'll sell that data to the government and private industries and take your name out of it.
Well, how are they going to do that and sell the data?
The point is, they didn't ask you, and they claim, well, the computer digitizes just the keywords and isn't really recording everything you say.
It's just getting the keywords.
It's the same thing!
And this is out of the gates, they're telling us.
They didn't ask us.
They're just going to have a microphone running in your house.
They're going to have the camera running in your house.
You can... I want to get your take on this when we start the next hour as well.
So Rick in Belton, Texas, when we get back in the second hour, we'll go straight to you and others.
And again, we've got the government issuing Al-Qaeda videos and then saying Al-Qaeda released them and being caught in that being a lie.
Now it's admittedly fake from some docudrama TV show.
We've got cameras watching everybody.
We've got all these microphones.
People being arrested for questioning the Vice President.
I want to hear what you think about America turning into a police state when we get back!
Stay with us!
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Now, live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
That's right.
We just officially syndicated the broadcast today.
We've been working on it the last few weeks.
This is the second hour.
We're here Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
from the studios of NewsRadio 590 KLBJ.
We're going to add some more 1800 lines.
I know those lines have been filled up as soon as we hang up on one that they fill up.
But I'd also like to get local listeners here in Central Texas at 836-0590.
Let me just recap some of the news we've been covering, some of the stuff that's coming up in this hour.
We'll go right back to your call, Rick, and others that are patiently
Patiently holding out there.
I mentioned a few weeks ago on air that it had been reported by Google and also the Register in England, major newspaper, that they're going to use the microphone and the cameras that come standard on many PCs now to have software already on your computer where they dial in and the computer via its connection
To Google networks, and the government's already doing this, folks.
Google's now announcing they're going to do it.
We'll record everything that goes on in your house.
What you're listening to on the radio, TV, what you're saying, and use it to then profile you psychologically for marketing.
I mean, this is what the Register had to say about it.
The idea is to use the existing PC microphone to listen to whatever is heard in the background, be it music, your phone going off, or the TV turned down, the PC then identifies it using fingerprinting, and then shows you relevant content, whether that's adverts or search results, or a chat room on the subject reports the register.
This is in real time, and they say, oh, because it's the computer doing it, the AI software, it's okay, it's not a person.
Total violation of your privacy.
So, people say, oh, you know, 1984, where there's cameras in your house, and cameras on the streets, it'll never happen.
Now it's happening, and they report it dryly, and people, the news just reported on it like it was no big deal, and people then buy into it.
By the way,
About two months ago, the Houston Police Chief called for making people put cameras in their houses in high-crime neighborhoods.
In Chicago and in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the last two weeks, I have the articles here today in my stack, came out and said we're going to make
Businesses take cameras and the government's going to be hooked into it.
This is Big Brother.
Did you know that most of the cameras the feds have put in, dual use, are being used for traffic, but also for surveilling you.
They have license plate scanning and reading technology.
They have face scanning technology.
That's why four horse towns are
One Horse Towns at four-way stops.
It's One Horse Towns, but four-way stops at One Horse Towns.
I'm now doing ebonics here on air.
That's why there's cameras there.
This is a... MIT Magazine reported the Pentagon designed it.
It is a military control grid under NORTHCOM's control, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
We are in a control prison system.
It is a grid of surveillance.
Alright, I'm gonna...
I'm going to go to your calls right now, but I want to get your take on this.
I want to get your take on the video that was released last Friday, nine days ago, of Muhammad Adam, one of the other hijackers.
Turns out it was CG, fake video.
This is admitted!
It was aired a year ago in the road to Guantanamo, and the government released this to the filmmakers.
It's fake!
They think we're so dumb, a video they've already brought out in a docudrama,
They release it again and claim Al-Qaeda released it and terrorize people for a week saying that Al-Qaeda released this to activate their sleeper cells.
And again, you won't now hear about this on the mainstream media.
You may see a few reports on it.
We've broken this, but it's totally admitted.
It's in the Road to Guantanamo documentary from a year ago.
Okay, the lines are loaded up here.
Let's go to Rick in Belton, Texas.
Welcome, sir.
Thank you for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
Great show.
Thank you.
I just wanted to tell you that I listen to Rush Limbaugh for 30 minutes every weekday when I'm at lunch, and you're right about the assault on children by these monsters, because on Bill O'Reilly's show, they played a clip on Rush's show where one of the CIA people said that one of the terrorists, one of the top guys,
They were waterboarding him and he lasted longer than anybody and they finally had him weeping like a schoolgirl because they threatened his children who were captured in the same raid that he was captured in.
So we know that what you were talking about is true even if you don't have a computer and you don't have access to the internet.
They're openly putting it on the radio.
Hey, but that's what the good guys do.
The good guys, by the way, they don't threaten to torture children.
The Army's own report says they kill them.
They kill children.
They blow their heads off.
They torture them to death.
They rape them with acid.
We're taking a page from the Orientals, evidently.
Well, I mean, you go read Togumbo's report.
They take underage people.
That's what they call them in the report.
And I can't say what else they do with the acid, but they, uh, they, they, well, just, can you imagine?
It's Jeffrey Dahmer stuff, sir.
May I have a snail mail address for you, please?
Sure, let me give it to you.
And this is not my office, okay?
It's a place I've used for years.
I cannot give out my actual office.
I have a drop box in there.
If I gave out my office, I'd be besieged.
It's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And I've been using it for almost 13 years.
It's my dad's dental office.
And you guys go in there and bug him every day.
And there's a drop box in there.
Please don't accost him when you go in there.
But, yes, it's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
I also have a P.O.
Box on Infowars.com.
I don't have time to... Yeah, I've got time for one more call before we go to break here.
And then we'll come back and continue with your calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Let's talk to Susan in Hollywood, Florida.
Susan, you're blasting out worldwide from the studios of NewsRadio 590K LBJ.
Hi, how are you, Alex?
Well, I'm doing alright, Susan.
We've got the North Koreans running across the DMZ and machine guns firing and threats of nuclear tests.
So I guess, you know, I could be doing better.
I bet you could be too, but... Yes, I'm very worried too.
Um, I have been researching a lot of things that you said, and I found a couple of things that, um, I haven't found anywhere else.
Searching the, um, NWO.
Okay, what is that?
Order of Malta.
It's some kind of religion that they're using that is connected with the EUC.
Well, ma'am, I, you know, the Order of Malta is a Catholic
Fraternal order.
I'm not a Catholic, but I know Catholics.
There are people who say that the Catholics are running everything.
I don't believe that.
People who say the Jews are running everything.
I don't believe that.
People who say the Germans are running everything.
I don't believe that.
Or the Chinese, or the Japanese, or the Arabs.
It's evil people tend to be in power over most major organizations and groups.
And Ratzinger, Pope Benedict, has called for a one world government.
In a lot of Catholic groups are upset about that, but specifically the Order of Malta, I don't really see them involved in a lot of the machinations of the globalists.
Liz says that they have the Grand Priory of Bohemia.
That's referring to a province outside Czechoslovakia, I believe.
When you hear about the same name, Bohemia, that's a region.
And then because of a group of artists in Bohemia, then you get the more modern, last 200 years, current Bohemian.
So when the people on the West Coast set up kind of a branch of Skull and Bones, it's known as the Bohemian Grove.
That's the name of the grove.
So you don't think this religion has nothing to do with it?
I just haven't seen that on my radar screen, because I don't think it's a religion in and of itself, and I appreciate your call.
What it is, is a fraternal order of Catholics.
But again, I don't claim to be an expert on that.
I can't be an expert on everything.
A lot of talk show hosts will say, I know everything about that!
I don't know that much about that particular subject.
Once we know what the solutions are to all these problems, we'll go to break and come back and talk to him first.
Then Leo in Dallas.
War games are going to be starting the 23rd in the Persian Gulf.
Global Lightning 07.
Will that be used as a cover for the strike on Iran?
Very important issue.
We'll talk to him.
Also Mike in Rockfield, Maryland.
He wants to talk about what's been happening.
With the Amish up there.
We'll be all over the map, ladies and gentlemen.
I'll be glad to answer your questions on the other side.
We'll get into some of the latest Foley revelations, too, I promise.
And Police State USA getting arrested for just telling Cheney you think the war is reprehensible.
We'll be right back from deep in the heart of Texas, from the studios of News Radio 590, KOBJ.
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That's 1-800-845-3841.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
You're experiencing Alex Jones, live from deep in the heart of Texas.
Call Alex Toll Free at 1-877-590-5525.
That's right, they're going to add more 1-800 lines.
I'm really flattered by all the hoops
KLBJ and MS have been jumping through to get this show up and syndicated.
I appreciate it.
Through the Genesis Communications Radio Network, they've done a great job as well.
And next week, I'm told, we'll have more 1-800 lines.
Those have been jammed completely, and then the local lines are all jammed up.
I think there was one open now.
If you're outside Texas or outside Central Texas, you can put a 512 in front of that.
Pound 590 for singular wireless customers.
Or toll-free 877-590.
Okay, let's go straight back to your calls.
Doug in Austin, a little closer to home.
He wants to know what we should do about all of these problems.
Doug, let fly havoc and release the dogs on me.
What should I do?
What should you do?
I'm one of those guys that used to just look at you on television and didn't know what the heck to think.
And after Bush stopped the election the first time around,
I began to realize maybe something you were saying had some merit.
9-11, all those things really made me start to look.
Now, I've seen your latest DVD, the one you're talking about on the radio.
I mean, I'm afraid.
Well, join the club, brother.
That's why I'm freaking out here on air.
I'm not working on Sunday for nothing.
I don't need to.
I'm just here because I want to warn people.
I cannot stop wanting to warn people.
I have this desire.
You know, you ask what solutions are.
It's still warning the people.
It's still because the average police officer is good.
The average person in federal service is good.
The average American is a good person.
We're naive.
We don't know history.
We don't know that corruption and evil is the norm and that liberty is incredibly rare.
People don't know there's almost four trillion missing from the Pentagon even though it was in the
What Associated Press and UPI.
The average person doesn't know that it was in the Houston Chronicle.
They have built concentration camps for the American people.
The average person doesn't know they're putting cancer viruses in a lot of the vaccines and mercury.
The average person doesn't know that they took over 10,000 Nazis in this country after World War II to run almost every federal agency and actually set up the modern federal government.
The average person doesn't know.
So we still, people say, okay, what's the solution?
Get rid of the electronic, no paper ballot voting machines.
Seal our borders.
Put a fence along the 2,000 miles.
Deport anybody that doesn't swear allegiance to this country.
Indict the individuals who are involved in stealing the trillions at the Pentagon that nobody wants to talk about.
Go after crime.
Get involved.
Listen, we have 60%, 55% turnouts in national elections, my friend.
And then what do we have in
What is it, 8% in Austin?
And that's the national average.
It's like 8.6 or something.
I forget the... It's 8 point something.
The point is, go look it up for yourself.
That's where the real power is.
That's where one person can have an effect.
Listen, we've had gun control bills 10 years ago, 5 years ago, about to pass.
The Texas Legislature that would ban Junior Olympics and not let someone under 18 touch a gun, even with their grandfather.
It wouldn't let a grandfather give his grandson a .22 like mine did.
You know what I did?
I marched down to the Capitol, and I demonstrated, and I protested, and we had thousands of people at different rallies, and I went in there and happened to catch some bribery going on, and that was front page of the Statesman, and a bunch of people got in trouble, and the House Ethics Committee, they were paying off witnesses to testify!
Every time you get on the field, you're going to make plays.
It's just like sports.
And so everybody's like, what are we going to do?
What are we going to do?
You're not taking my Second Amendment.
They were two votes away from passing transponders in all of the inspection stickers.
And one of my, again, listeners, and a guy who's been involved in my TV show, called me and said, I was reading the new transportation bill.
They're going to put a tracker chip in all the inspection stickers.
Go to your email, Alex.
So I went and looked in my email, and sure enough, there was the transponders.
We went absolutely ape.
People didn't believe us.
They went and checked it.
It made it in a few papers.
We defeated it.
One phone call to me, the people at Central Texas taking action, we beat it.
Federally, we've beaten a lot of legislation.
So if you'll just get up off your hind ends and take action, we can beat this thing.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dave in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Then we'll go to Leo, Mike, and others.
Dave, thank you for holding Year on the Air worldwide, sir.
Go ahead, sir.
Okay, Dave, we're going to have to let Dave in Cincinnati, Ohio, go.
I sure wanted to hear his question.
He was asking, how are they using our webcams?
Can they turn them on at will?
Let me be specific.
Dave, you need to go to Google, the very culprits doing this, and type in our headline.
Why type in our headline?
Because when you go to my articles, every line or every paragraph, usually every line, is a hyperlink to every claim we make.
You'll have the register.
I think there's a link in Reuters in here.
You'll have a link, most importantly, to Google, where you can read their big research division and their public findings and their announcements.
Google is announcing this, okay?
And just type into Google, government industry to use computer microphones to spy on 150 million Americans.
By the way, I think Google has a great product.
I use them, I plug them.
I'm very upset about them doing this.
So here it is, invasive surveillance and advertising.
Obliterates even Minority Report style technology.
It's much worse than that.
And every claim we make is in there.
It's mainstream news.
And it talks about how TiVo tracks everything you watch.
It talks about how the scientific Atlantic cable boxes do it with Lynx.
It has the Register talking about it.
And so what it does is this.
They're saying, how does the NSA work?
Back ten years ago I told you about it.
People laughed at me.
Oh, the NSA can't listen to you.
Oh, they don't have computers that listen to keywords.
It had already been declassified.
Randomly, the computers dial into phones, they scan faxes, the computers can read words, look for keywords, they have optical systems, everything basically is being sampled.
Everything isn't being recorded, everything is being routinely sampled.
And believe me, most of the NSA isn't looking for Allah Akbar, Durka Durka Durka.
You know, baloney.
It's listing for new patent systems.
It's listing for new technologies.
It's surveilling U.S.
companies, foreign companies, giving it to select defense contractors.
It's about creating monopoly, destroying free market, and protecting real terrorist networks that work for elements of our government.
That came out.
They really used NSA to protect Al-Qaeda on 9-11 and to block FBI investigations.
Don't believe me?
Go look it up for yourself.
And so now Google with the same technology, and they've teamed up with the government, is going to be using keyword with the microphone built into most new computers, listening to everything you say, your radio, your TV, getting your taste, getting a true psychological algorithm assessment, these are the terms they use, of exactly who you are.
You may lie on some psych tests and try to fool it, folks, but you can't lie to what you're really doing.
This makes cookies in your computer tracking what you do, you know, totally obsolete.
So we're going to break here in just a... Oh, no, I've got a minute.
This new clock, folks, has got me flustered.
I've got a minute or two.
And this is how... Understand, if somebody came to your door and went,
Knock, knock, knock, this is Billy Bob from Google, and we'd like to pay you to put a microphone in your house to record everything you're saying, with computers analyzing it, putting it in your file, to sell it to the government and private industry.
We're going to offer you a hundred bucks a week.
You'd say, get out of here!
Unless you're some freak who likes to display yourself, an exhibitionist.
Now, Nielsen comes to you and says, we want to put a machine on your computer, or a machine on your TV, and pay you, and watch your listing habits, you say, sure.
Or, you know, Arbitron says, hey, would you like to fill out this book about what you listen to?
You know, things like that.
We're not talking about this.
We're talking about, without asking you, it's already happening.
Microphones and cameras that are hooked up to your computer are recording what you're doing with NSA-style systems, okay?
Let me just announce it.
It's huge.
It should be a huge story.
The only place it's huge is at PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be right back from the studios of NewsRadio 590.
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Agree or disagree?
Alex wants to hear from you right now at 877-590-5525.
Now, here's Alex Jones.
Alright, I love it!
It's great to be here.
I'm glad you're spending a Sunday afternoon with us.
It is so beautiful here in Central Texas.
I would imagine it's quite lovely in your part of the world, but these
These October days, the light starts getting at an angle.
I'm looking out the window here.
It's beautiful out there.
Not as beautiful as that music, George Bush's favorite.
Again, that's George Bush recorded live from Skull and Bones.
This is the President.
Yes, sir, we know you're Christian.
Oh, is that Jeff Gannon, the male prostitute running by?
Excuse me.
No, I mean, let's get serious.
George Bush does engage in satanic rituals.
And you can say that he's just having fun doing it.
But I assure you, I've interviewed employees of the Bohemian Grove, people who've infiltrated Skull and Bones.
I remember Peter Jennings, before he died, he played a clip.
They got Skull and Bones.
They're going, ah, Satan, die!
And doing the mock stabbings.
He said, they're just having fun.
Yeah, but as old men, they go to Bohemian Grove and do all of this.
And I've been there and witnessed it.
And the President,
Was, of course, in attendance that year.
It was later on CNN.
I didn't run up to him and say, would you please take the red hood off, sir?
You know, I mean, you didn't see the actor do that in the fictitious film Eyes Wide Shut.
Tom Cruise didn't, you know, go and say that either.
But, yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have been inside the real Eyes Wide Shut, and that's in my film, The Order of Death.
By the way, my footage has aired worldwide, even here on national U.S.
It is real.
So when I make that little joke about devil worship, I am deathly serious.
Let's go ahead and talk to Leo, then Mike, then John, and many others.
John, you stay there.
I'm going to call it in order.
I want to hear this about your college classes, your teaching of the Patriot Movement.
He is a domestic terror.
Actually, I have their own training manuals.
What you said is absolutely true, but I want to hear it directly from your mouth.
Let's talk to Leo in Dallas.
Welcome, sir.
Hey Alex, what's up?
I'm doing a national radio show and I'm very excited.
I'm glad for you.
I'm really glad.
I've been listening to you about six months now and I feel like I've been missing out all along but I've caught up pretty quickly and I feel we're in an imminent sense of danger right now through this month and at this point we have
The Enterprise there in the Arabian Sea, you have the Eisenhower... Left the West Coast.
Yeah, right.
You have the Eisenhowers left, and then you have Expeditionary Strike Force 5, also going to be there for some ground troops.
We've got... And they've beefed, and they've beefed.
Man, you're right on, as always.
And the main thing is, we have this global, this is a Stratcom drill, and Stratcom, you know, this all comes out of the Office of Special Plans, they brought us our lovely Iraq War, and this is very scary, because on the 22nd, you have a full moon, I mean a new moon, no moon,
That's going to be the prime time.
Yeah, that's perfect because the helicopters and warplanes go in with their infrared and a moon blocks out a lot of their vision.
You're right on.
I would look for the possible false flag here in America.
Tell folks what a false flag is.
A false flag attack is an attack such as any attack that happens where
The actual country that's doing the attack is usually its own country.
It's more of a self-inflicted wound, much like 9-11.
It's perpetrated to look at an outside threat or some other threat, a made-up threat, a puppet threat.
And then to actually, you know, induce fear... Sure, I mean a false flag is somebody burning down their own store.
Oh, those never happen.
That's where cops always look.
Real criminologists always look at the person first, okay?
Because statistically, that's normally who does it.
And boy, with terrorism it certainly is.
Yes sir, if they don't attack them by late October...
They are not going to attack until next year.
Just like they were going to attack in March of 2002, but then we got word it was going to be March of 2003 and told everybody and that did indeed happen.
We were in very critical times and just like Stalin took part of Western Europe and Eastern Europe and then our government took the other half,
If we get bogged down in a war with Iran, which will be much more serious, they've got 65 million, not 23 million, they've got more sophisticated weapons, they're not Arabs, they're Persians, they will fight.
If we get bogged down, the oil prices will double, serious economic problems, bare minimum, and China's openly talking about going into Taiwan,
Grabbing Taiwan during that.
North Korea is talking about attacking the South, escalating us into World War III, which will make the defense contractors a lot of money, and they'll be able to have a domestic police state crackdown here domestically, and you won't mind if you have your pension funds taken if we're at war with the evil enemies, will you?
The real target in any war is the U.S.
Wars are really waged by governments against their own populations.
Did you know that?
Again, they may be attacking some foreign country, but the main focus is the domestic homeland.
Let's take another call.
Let's go ahead and... Who's up next here?
Where is... Oh, there it is.
I want to talk to John in Greensboro, North Carolina.
John, welcome.
You're going out worldwide.
Thank you for joining us.
Thank you, Alex, for taking my call.
How are you doing today?
Good, sir.
Okay, I just wanted to call and tell you that in a college class taught at my college called Terrorism in America,
It specifically makes reference to the Patriot Movement as political terrorists.
Uh-huh, sure.
So I just wanted to say that... Because we are the most popular on every issue!
We're not establishment Democrat or Republican hacks working for the elite.
We're against open borders, against the North American Union, against gun control.
We're against high taxes and regulation.
We're against all the issues.
We have Democrats and Republicans loving us.
Because we're just good old-fashioned Patriots.
That's why we're called Patriots.
And we were the weirdos ten years ago who flew American flags.
Now we don't fly them because it's been expropriated by the neocons to mean that we support the killing of this country.
Sir, have you seen Terror Storm?
I have the Texas federally written manual.
I have the North Carolina federally written manual.
I have the Arizona federally written manual.
Then I have the Root federal manual with the FBI's phone numbers where they say, people who make references to the Constitution.
Frequent references are terrorists.
Gun groups are terrorists.
Land rights groups activists are terrorists.
People who wear Levi's and talk on cellular phones and have women and children are terrorists.
You think I'm joking, folks?
You can call Homeland Security right here in Austin and ask them for the dirty manual.
They'll give you the dirty manual.
You can go to Google Video and type in Terror Storm and you'll get dozens and dozens of versions of my film that's been uploaded.
My film that almost cost me a hundred grand to make.
It was like ninety-something grand.
Go watch my film for free and see all the actual manuals.
We zoom in on the words that say, Land Rights Activists.
Because the government's the terrorist.
It's been hijacked by criminals.
And so they say if we even speak out against them, we're terrorists.
Tell me what these slugs at your college teach you.
No, I know.
I just, you know what, I was going to take the course just as a survey.
Just tell me what the slugs say.
Tell me the name of the particular school.
Tell me the name of the course.
Because I bet you can put the... In fact, I didn't have a pen in here.
Pull the syllabus.
Tell me the school.
I bet I can pull the syllabus right now.
Tell me.
Sure, sure.
It's Guilford College in Greensboro.
Hold on, hold on.
Guilford... Of course, they all teach this, by the way, folks.
UT teaches it.
They have a Homeland Security office there.
A&M, massive facility.
Guilford College, where?
In Greensboro, North Carolina, sir.
Okay, what's the name of this Soviet school?
I mean, this Soviet class?
The actual course title is P-S-C-I-3-6-5.
Say it slowly.
P what?
C as in candy.
I as in India.
And who's the creature that teaches it?
You're going to love this, Alex.
Robert Duncan, PhD.
He's a CIA veteran of two decades.
Yeah, it always is.
They've got them all over the country.
I've gotten these syllabuses.
It's the same thing.
It'll say land rights, environmentalists, all the conservatives, all the liberals, gun rights activists.
It's all listed.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, I want to send you the syllabus.
That's why I went in, because I knew what this was all about, and I just needed to get my hands on it.
Well, listen, folks who don't believe me, just type in
FBI, Phoenix, Flyer, Constitutionalist or Terrorist.
Type it into Google, you'll get that one.
Folks, just go read them, and then, oh, you'll think it's fake, so call the number, FBI.
Uh, yes, I have to have a constitution, I don't believe in it.
Yes, well, are you calling?
Well, we have this manual here.
Thank you, sir, I appreciate your call.
Final segment, we enter the vortex.
Go the distance with us, my friends.
Stay the course.
When we get back, I'll tell you about the Herbos up in Congress, and a lot more.
We'll be right back.
This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network.
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Thank you for listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Alex Jones is deep in the heart of Texas, and he wants to talk to you.
Call 3-877-590-5525.
Alright, final segment while these two hours just explode past 4 to 6 p.m.
Coming to you from the historic and beautiful studios of NewsRadio 590, KOBJ now syndicated nationwide.
Alright, uh,
We've got a caller who disagrees, so Burton in North Austin will go ahead of Mike and others that are holding, but I promise to get to this news, so let me just briefly get to it.
Let me just calmly tell you that if you think Foley chasing a bunch of underage pages around, drunkenly,
For years and years, six-term congressman, folks, that is literally not even one molecule off the type of the iceberg.
Prostitutes of every age and configuration are as ubiquitous in Washington as water fountains, or as napkins in the bathroom.
I mean, it's everywhere, it's totally corrupt, it's out of control, and you don't get into these super-hot positions in most cases
I don't think so.
Just type in pedophile scandal White House.
You'll get Washington Times, AP, you'll get the big front page headlines.
They've all been scammed.
They're on the web.
We've been covering this for years.
You know, underage callboys.
We're talking 14, 15 years old.
About a dozen in the White House.
And they stole some of Dolly Madison's, you know, the First Lady, some of her silverware.
I mean, it was a huge scandal.
So just go read it.
And it's such a rat hole.
Once you go down this rat hole, I'm not even going to talk about it on air.
I want you to go read it all for yourself.
Jeff Gannon, the gay madams and the porn stars, that was two years ago.
I've been to Bohemian Grove.
It was in mainstream news in the 80s.
It was in the news last year.
They'd bus in the top porn stars to service them.
This is Christian conservative Republicans at Bohemian Grove, ladies and gentlemen.
This stuff is so bad that it's hard to even be able to deal with.
And it's just the truth.
I mean, listen, I can't get away with what I'm doing if I wasn't telling the truth.
I got sources for everything I say, in triplicate.
And then there's this, and we'll go to some final calls.
A man arrested for criticizing Cheney files a lawsuit.
I told you about this.
I interviewed him.
He walked by.
And he simply said, with his 8-year-old son, he said, I think the war is reprehensible from about 5 feet away.
This is all admitted.
The Secret Service demanded he be charged with assault, calling it verbal assault.
And finally it got dropped.
Here's one.
These are all over the country.
The latest is October 3rd.
Lafayette student arrested for allegedly bringing guns to school.
Then you read it, it says it was a plastic toy gun.
He was charged with terrorism for the crime of terrorizing.
He didn't point at anybody.
He had a toy gun to show it to friends.
Plastic gun.
He'd buy it at Walgreens or wherever.
A little plastic gun.
And that's it, folks.
He's a terrorist.
Everything is terrorism.
And then, I'm not going to spend long on this.
I'm not into potty humor.
This is the Innova headline.
The BBC said the same thing.
Police hunt farting dissidents.
And it says that police in Poland have launched a nationwide hunt for a man who passed gas loudly when asked what he thought of the president.
And it says Hubert Hoffman, 45, was charged with contempt for the office of the head of the state.
See, we don't want that to happen here now.
And under the new bill they passed a week and a half ago, they can do this.
He said that he complained that President Lich Kaczynski and his twin brother, the country is returning to a communist style dictatorship
It said he was at a routine checkpoint.
That's like we have here now.
And he didn't show up for courts.
It was a nationwide manhunt for treason.
We don't want to turn into that.
Let's go to Burton in North Austin.
He disagrees.
You are a chicken little.
The sky is not falling, he says.
I never said the sky was falling, sir.
I covered real news.
What have I said that isn't true?
Is Google not announcing they're going to listen to you over microphones without telling you at your house?
Did North Korea send troops across?
Are they talking about going into Iran?
Are we losing our freedoms?
What am I saying that isn't true?
Go ahead, sir.
You're on the air, Burton.
Hey, there you go.
I, uh... I, uh... Excuse me, my man.
Get the buttons right.
You got a real thing going.
No, I went to the buttons.
Go ahead.
That's a nice little trick.
Go ahead.
All right.
Hey, you know, you do sound like Chicken Little a lot of the time.
Okay, great.
Yeah, I'll just stick my head in the sand.
I guess the founding fathers did, too, saying we were losing our liberties and our freedoms.
You think cameras going up in your neighborhoods are freedom?
Hey, I'm not looking for cameras going up in my neighborhood.
But I'm not looking for a lot of false things.
I'm not looking for a lot of... Oh, it's false.
Cameras aren't going up.
I see.
Uh, man, you keep talking and talking.
Come on, let me hear some facts, okay?
Let me hear some facts.
What have I said that isn't true?
What have you said that isn't true?
Yeah, let's hear it, buddy.
I haven't picked out anything you said that wasn't true.
Well, then you're calling in to disagree with me because I'm telling you we're losing our liberties and our freedom.
Did you know the North American Union, the end of this country, and under that system we won't have due process for private property.
Did you know we're losing our country right now?
It's officially been signed.
They're already having secret trilateral meetings with the heads of state.
All I called in to say was you're screaming like Chicken Little, man.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling.
You don't seem to be able to accept the constructive criticism.
No, I am ready to get it.
I want to hear what I'm saying.
Chicken Little was wrong.
The sky wasn't falling.
Okay, number one, I'm not saying the sky is falling.
Number two, I'm not saying things that are false.
You tell me what I'm saying that isn't true.
No, you just sound like Matt Drudge who rages on and on and on.
Oh, give me a break!
Point Across, because he's so angry and PO'd
I'm glad you're listening to 590 here in Austin.
Yeah, I'm kind of busy, my friend, but I do listen to NewsRadio 590.
But you are very illustrious.
The next time you call in, we will kneel before you and say, Burton is calling.
In fact, we can get some trumpets.
And then we can have someone herald you.
Ladies and gentlemen!
What's his name again?
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Lord Burton of Grimshaw Shire, Archduke of Quimberley, the Defender of the Crown, Guarder of the Sacred Tooth Fairy, and Leader of the... Snoopys!
What am I supposed to... Alright, hey, nice try!
None of you neocons can call in and tell me Bush hasn't... I kept saying doubled, it was pointed out it's now been tripled.
Triple the funding of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
I know, gun control's conservative, just shut up.
Go ahead and try to call me next week.
If you don't, you're afraid.
I'm just having fun here, folks.
I'm telling the truth and I'm knocking them dead.
Mike in Rockfield, Maryland.
You're on the air, sir.
Thank you for taking my call.
You bet.
Thank you.
Thank you, LBJ, for having you on the air.
I really appreciate it.
Well, you know, who would have thought that insulting the President of Poland would cause such a big stink?
Firing cannons!
Good pun!
Double pun!
Okay, listen, before I ask the question, I want to plug our 9-11 Truth Movement here in the D.C.
Yes, sir, do it.
We showed your film, Terror Storm, at the Luna Café, DuPont Circle in the D.C.
You had about 50, 60 people there.
Well done!
Well done, Lord Vader!
Okay, and we're trying to spread the word.
And, uh, you know, I want to encourage people to come out of the shadows.
Don't be afraid.
And, um, so it's really great to, you know, it's liberating to tell the truth.
Like on the subway at War Mine, I don't live in truth.
We have a t-shirt.
I had people asking me questions, you know?
Yeah, well, Terror Storm has made it back into the top 100 Google videos, that is, of all videos.
They deleted our ratings again, we're back in the top 100 again.
Even cheating me, we've gotten 4 million views, and we're not going to stop, so Terror Storm, tell everybody about it, and thank you for showing Terror Storm up there.
I salute you.
What do you think of all the things that are happening?
Why is North Korea, with that psycho running and asking for it, coming across the DMZ today and threatening to test nukes?
I don't know.
There are several ways this could play out.
The globalist agenda.
They have probably several irons in the fire.
It's extremely difficult to second-guess them, you know?
I agree with you, and I appreciate your call.
You keep it up.
And let me just say something to the caller earlier, as Lordship had called in.
I'm Chicken Little.
Hey man, Google has announced, and a bunch of other companies have admitted they're doing it, to use the microphone standard on most PCs, and digital cable boxes, they've announced, by the way, that you listen to the audio and record with computer programs everything you're doing.
It's normal to freak out over the fact that microphones in your house are going to be used to listen to you.
If you came home today and pulled a book out of the bookshelf and there was a microphone there...
He pulled it out and it was a wire, and it went to a transmitter.
You'd go, good lord, honey, look at this!
A microphone!
I'm calling the police!
But I get up here on the air and go, hey, I've got links to mainstream news that are listening to you right now.
Oh, that guy's a chicken little!
He's freaking out!
Hey, I have all these major foreign papers, Mexican papers and U.S.
papers, saying the North American Union's been set up.
They're getting rid of our sovereignty.
Texas business owners have been given North American business codes.
Hey, listen, it's going to affect your... Shut up, you commie!
You know, just shut up!
Turn my guns in!
Turn your guns in, you liberal!
Prove you're a conservative!
Turn them all in!
I like it!
I like open borders!
I like Bush.
Right of tongue?
Ha ha ha!
Got a little fired up there at the end.
God bless you.
See you back next week.
Tell all your friends.
More stations signing on.
I love it!
God bless you!
Stay tuned.
Ted Anderson here.
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