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Name: 20060929_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 29, 2006
2385 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones!
I'll send an S.O.S.
Google I'll send an S.O.S.
Google I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my I hope that someone gets my message in a bottle
A year has passed since I wrote my note.
I should have known this right from the start.
Only hope can keep me together.
Love can mend your life, but love can break your heart.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Message in a bottle Message in a bottle Message in a bottle
Okay my friends it is Friday and classically this is one of the most important broadcast I will ever do so I came in here and somebody had fiddled with the equipment so I was unable to get on air I should have done an air check before I started but better late than never I almost went into a complete rage because I was so focused wanting to go on air and cover the legislation that passed
The Senate in the House yesterday, and is now headed to the President's desk.
I spent hours last night and hours this morning analyzing it, and it is so much more horrible than even I thought, that I am staggered right now.
I am grieving, I am enraged, and I couldn't sleep last night.
That's how bad it is.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
It is the 29th day of September.
2006, five years and two and a half weeks since the government-sponsored terror attacks of 9-11.
You know, we could write a headline like, The Day America Died, or The Day the Bill of Rights was Overturned, The Day Bush Became a Dictator, but a fanciful headline like that doesn't even do justice to this.
I saw a posting on a message board, one of our message boards, that said it's like the whole country's on acid.
And yeah, it's like a hallucination.
For those of us that are informed, those of us that really know what's going on, those of us that spend time being somewhat up to speed on world events, the word isn't even horrifying or nauseating.
Last night I sat there for several hours after the family had gone to bed.
My wife was with me and she was there while I was reading the bill.
She was looking over it with me on her computer right next to me.
I was reading all the different news articles.
I got up this morning again and did several hours of research on it.
I couldn't sleep last night and I got up like five times in the middle of the night and I never do this and this is rare for me to get up once in the night.
And I went in and looked at my children in bed.
I couldn't sleep.
I was, frankly, you know, having the thoughts of getting out of this country.
My instincts were saying, Get out!
Get out!
Get out!
There's nowhere to run.
You know, this was Nazi Germany 1937, and I could go to New York City.
I could get out of here if there was some place like America.
I would!
But there's nowhere to run, folks.
Not New Zealand.
Not Baja, Mexico.
Not Costa Rica.
It's so sad to see the end of the country.
And I say the end of the country because when you actually read this bill, and it took me hours to read it, the final version they passed yesterday, and to go look at all the accompanying U.S.
Code connections, there's no way to even
I could write a book about how evil this 80 plus page bill and its addendums are.
The long and short of it is they couldn't get all of Patriot Act 2 passed in quote Patriot Act reauthorization and expansion last year and now they have gotten all of Patriot Act 2 passed and then added even more onto it and it cynically, if you read it, does not block torture
And it does allow the secret arrest and torture and secret trials, kangaroo trials, of Americans, of U.S.
And it cynically then says it will punish enemy combatants if they torture.
And it will, then it defines, it says the President or any of his designates, we'll say who terrorists are, and it says anyone who influences government,
Anyone who yells at the government, it's in here, I've got it all marked.
It's basically like that bill they had three years ago in Oregon.
I forget the bill number, just type in Oregon law to put you in forced labor camps, because it's in the bill.
And it said downloading music, life in prison in a forced labor camp,
Illegal gun, life in prison in a forced labor camp.
This is Forest Labor Camp.
Senator Menace, state senator, that's not a pun, his name's really Menace, almost got it passed.
You can go read AP Headlines.
It was also in the Oregonian.
Basically, it's worse than that.
And it takes hours to read this, much less write an article about it.
Just when I think that I won't be shocked anymore, just when I think that things can't get any weirder.
Meanwhile, Bush gets up and chastises the Democrats yesterday, who by the way, the majority of the Democrats voted for this, about how they're not tough on terror and how he's delivered this big blow to the terrorists and now we're all going to be a lot safer and
And there's multi-levels to the spin.
Then there's also a spin out there that this is a big defeat for Bush.
This reaffirmed our rights, John McCain says, because John McCain's a man we can trust.
This is like saying cutting your head off and dying gives you 20 more years of life.
I mean, it's a total lie.
Or it's like saying, you know, jumping into a
Middle of a steel smelting pit is going to extend your lifespan.
It's a total lie.
And I don't know what to... I'm just too blown away by this.
Let me just read an article Paul Watson wrote.
There's another spin that we're hearing and that is that Bush did this so he can't be prosecuted for war crimes.
Because it is war crime to dunk people into water.
That's on a good day.
Usually it's something else.
Well, it's a latrine.
Until you start grounding and doing that over and over again or keeping somebody with a bag over their head where they can barely breathe inside of one of their favorite things is inside of a closet in the ground that is just big enough for the body.
And then they have doctors come in every three days to put a little bit of food and water into you and you're literally in a soup of your own feces and urine.
Then they have the good old things where they rip your fingernails out and then they also beat your wife and children and rape them in front of you with acid.
And so they're saying that
That Bush is doing this so that he won't get in trouble if the Democrats take control of the legislative branch.
And that's ridiculous.
The Democrats aren't going to prosecute Bush for this.
They're all in the same club.
I mean, I guess it's a part of it, because people finally said, no, you're not God, no, you're not the Emperor, no, you're not above the law, the Supreme Court says you can't do this, you could get in trouble for this, so I guess at a certain level it's true, but no, this is so they can go on and go ahead with it.
By the way, they just passed, the House has passed it, the Senate has passed a similar version, unlimited spying, no warrants on the American people.
And incredibly, they try to spin this to as a defeat for Bush.
I mean, if I win a $50 million lottery this weekend, will it be billed as a defeat of Alex?
I mean, this is just... It's like the war on drugs.
They say it's failed.
No, it's a great success.
The country's gone.
They say Iraq's failed.
No, it hasn't.
Breaking it into three parts.
They've been there three and a half years.
They'll be there 20 years from now.
100-plus bill a year into private defense contractors, no-bid pocket contracts.
They're doing a great job killing this country.
North American Union, open borders, everything else.
I mean, the ship is on fire with big holes in it, folks.
It's sinking.
And I'm sitting here on the deck, watching a bunch of yuppies tell me about UT football, and I just can't handle it.
Paul Watson wrote this article, and this is not a shocker headline.
This is actually what they've done.
He's really crystallized it here.
Bush given authority to sexually torture American children.
The horror of shrieking boys, that's a quote, gets a rubber stamp from the bootlicking U.S.
Congress and Senate as America officially becomes a dictatorship.
Slamming the final nail in the coffin of everything America used to stand for, the bootlicking U.S.
Senate last night gave President Bush the legal authority to abduct and sexually mutilate American citizens and American children.
That's in the memos, folks.
In the name of the war on terror, there is nothing in the detaining legislation that protects American citizens from being kidnapped by their own government and tortured, Yale law professor Bruce Ackerman states in the LA Times.
Go read it for yourself.
I can't believe what I read today and last night.
The compromise legislation, they call it a compromise, authorizes the president
Here's the compromise.
Before they were going to shoot us in the head 400 times.
Now they're going to shoot us 800 times.
That's the compromise.
Yale Law Professor Bruce Ackerman states in the LA Times, the compromise legislation authorizes the President to seize American citizens as enemy combatants even if they have never left the United States and once thrown into military prisons they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights.
Similarly, Law Professor Marty Lederman explains, this subsection, I.I., of the definition of unlawful enemy combatant means that if the Pentagon says you're an unlawful enemy combatant, using whatever criteria they wish, then as far as Congress and the U.S.
law is concerned, you are one, whether or not you have had any connection to hostilities at all.
Yeah, it states in here... Again, it has lots of flowery comments about your rights and your freedoms, and then it says
That they could designate citizens as enemy combatants.
And then it says that if you even try to influence politics or if you shout aggressively.
Let me find the actual section later.
It's here in a huge stack.
I'm going to go over all this.
It says if you yell at people.
You're gone, folks.
You're gone to a death camp.
You're going to be on a 20 hour flight to Eastern Europe.
Good Lord.
Well, I'm not gonna shut up, and I'm not gonna leave the country, and I'm gonna fight these murdering terrorists.
I mean, is there any doubt they carried out 9-11?
Look what they're doing to our country.
Look what they're doing to our border.
Look at the North American Union.
We're going into Nazi Germany.
This is it.
It's not a game.
It's not a drill.
It's not a joke.
And I have no doubt, as arrogant as they are right now, they're probably getting ready to just blow some city off the map.
Heaven help us.
There's a bunch of cowards out there that are going to go along with this.
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The arrogance!
The hubris!
The wickedness!
You see, why I'm so upset is, we know the President announced he was above the law.
We know he announced he could secretly arrest American citizens and foreigners and secretly torture them.
And then have kangaroo trials.
But to have the Senate, by a huge majority, what is it?
Sixty-something to thirty-something.
I'll dig out the actual vote here in a minute.
And to have the House already have passed this by a huge majority, when it clearly states, clearly, it rewrites the entire criminal code.
It rewrites the entire Bill of Rights and Constitution.
It says that for any reason the government wishes, anytime, they can secretly arrest you, they can torture you, and they can then have a kangaroo court secretly, and then secretly execute you.
I mean, you're never seen again.
Now here's the good news.
They're going to have to implement this now.
And it's going to show everybody exactly who they are, and they haven't gotten our guns yet.
No, they're probably going to stage terror attacks and that'll get a lot of people back in line.
But I want those folks out there to understand this.
You do not protect yourself going along with this.
You do not protect yourself joining the system.
You do not want to be part of this.
I mean, I remember reading a decade plus ago about how the New World Order was going to turn us into a police state and secret arrest and
Microchips, and North American Union, and folks, it's all happening.
You ought to see the news I've got in front of me today.
I haven't even gotten into this yet.
I am just completely... I'm grieving.
That's the word.
I am.
I'm grieving.
I'm grieving.
This is horrifying.
It's one thing to have a puppet president running around saying he's got dictator powers.
It is another thing entirely to have them pass a act rewriting whole sections of law in 100% violation on its face.
That's the thing.
I've got the New York Times, AP, Reuters, they all say, oh, the Constitution is no longer in effect.
It actually says that.
And they say like it's good.
They go, the President is now above the Constitution and he decides.
Or his designates decide.
And then they lie and get up there and go, this doesn't affect citizens!
Well, yeah, because when they snap their fingers you're no longer a citizen, you become an enemy combatant and it says it in clear black and white!
And I'd say 60-70% of the news articles lie and say it doesn't!
Still others boldly admit it and say it's good!
And then maybe 10% come out and tell the truth.
The L.A.
Times and a few other publications and they tell the truth.
This is not a joke.
Just think about how they've already used the Patriot Act.
They swore they wouldn't use it against citizens and then all the headlines.
Federal court rules it can be used in non-terror related cases.
Search that headline.
States and locales increasingly using Patriot Act in non-terror related cases.
Homeland Security visits Toy Store!
Over Rubik's Cubes.
You know, this is what we're talking about here.
And just the arrogance of government, now when they have a backfire in a car.
In D.C., they shut down every school and don't let the children out until 7 o'clock at night.
Yesterday in Florida, some scumbag shot two cops, killed one.
So they locked down all the schools, and I was reading the message boards on the big news articles on the AP and other places, and it was saying, it was saying, what happened?
Let us go, and it's 8 o'clock at night.
And there's cops on the message boards going, shut up, you're lucky, we're here protecting you!
We didn't used to do that in the past.
We're all prisoners now, but it's all for our own goods.
And Paul Watson goes on in this article.
I'm going to read his article.
It'll be a while until I take calls.
And I was going to have some guy on from Canada who called in yesterday who disagreed.
And I'm still going to have him on if he'll come on later in the next hour.
I've just got to cover this now.
Wait till I read.
I'm just going to read all these articles.
I just think it's best to hear them.
And I'm also going to play this CNN clip.
What you think is hardcore and truthful, but it doesn't even hold a candle to the blaze.
The funeral pyre of our... of our national soul.
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We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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This new legislation that has passed the House and the Senate and headed to the President's desk.
It could be as early as this evening.
Or you may sign it next week.
Basically states that if you protest a war, that then aids enemies and you're a terrorist, enemy combatant.
It's all in here.
Raising your voice is terrorist.
I'm going to go over the subsections.
It is so much worse than Patriot Act 2.
It's staggering.
And they've gotten so deceptive that they spin it.
Let me just start over with Paul's article.
I'm going to read through it.
Then I'm going to go to some mainstream articles.
Bush given authority to sexually torture American children.
The horror of the shrieking boys gets a rubber stamp from the bootlicking U.S.
Congress and Senate as America officially becomes a dictatorship.
And when Bush signs this, this will be the Congress actually giving him fewer power, which is what the German Reichstag did.
Slamming the final nail
In the coffin of everything America used to stand for, the boot-licking U.S.
Senate last night gave President Bush the legal authority to abduct and sexually mutilate American citizens and American children in the name of the War on Terror.
Because you see, folks, there is a doctrine they've written up that they were using that they claim they were above the law with.
That then got challenged by the Supreme Court, and so they went and got it passed by Congress.
Do you understand this is not a tabloid headline or a shocker headline?
This is actually what they've done, okay?
Well, there is nothing in the detainee legislation that protects American citizens from being kidnapped by their own government and tortured.
Yale Law Professor Bruce Ackerman states in the LA Times, the compromise legislation authorizes the President to seize American citizens as enemy combatants if they have ever left the United States, even if they have never left the United States, and
Once thrown them into military prison, they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights.
Similarly, law professor Marty Lederman explains, this subsection, I.I., of the definition of unlawful enemy combatant,
Means that if the Pentagon says you're an unlawful enemy combatant using whatever criteria they wish, then as far as Congress and the U.S.
law is concerned, you are one, whether or not you have any connection to hostilities at all.
These are quotes from the document.
We have established that the bill allows the President to define American citizens as enemy combatants.
Now let's take it one step further.
Turn the page.
Before this article is dismissed as another extremist hyperbolic rant, please take a few minutes out of your day to check for yourself the claim that Bush now not only has the legal authority, but the active blessings of his own advisors to torture American children.
The backdrop of the Bush administration's push to obliterate the Geneva Conventions was encapsulated by John Torture Yu, professor of law at Berkeley, co-author of the Patriot Act, author of torture memos, and White House advisor.
During a December 1st debate in Chicago with Notre Dame professor and international human rights scholar Doug Castle, who we interviewed by the way, Yu gave the green light for the scope of torture to legal
Uh, include, to legally include sexual torture of infants.
Now, again, he wrote the memo saying they could torture children with pliers, sexually.
So, Castle brings this up to him.
Castle, and by the way, Castle recorded this.
If the President deems that he's got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of a person's child, there is no law that can stop him.
No treaty.
Also, no law by Congress.
That is what you wrote in August 2002 memo.
I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that.
You can click there for the audio.
So see, in front of, what was it, 800 people or something at a huge CFR meeting,
This is Council on Foreign Relations, okay?
Professor Castle, CFR.
And he's saying, what are you doing?
You wrote this!
This is being used!
Why are you... It's a longer clip than just what we quoted there.
There's more to it.
And he's like, yeah, he's allowed to do that.
There's no treaty that stops us.
So, if the President thinks he needs to order children's... I'm not going to read this on air.
There is no law that can stop him after last night's vote.
The Senate and Congress exemplified by sicko 16-year-old boy groomer Mark Foley, Republican Florida, has graciously provided Bush its full support for kids around the world to be molested in the name of stopping terror.
Yeah, Barney Frank's allowed to have underage children in his place running a brothel, no problem.
Used comments were made before the passage of the torture legislation last night.
Up until that point, Bush had merely cited his role as Director-in-Chief as carte blanche excuse for ordering torture.
Now his regime have the audacity to openly put it in writing, going one step further than even the Nazis did.
Yeah, in arguments, in briefs to get the bill passed, they cited it.
They're proud of it.
They're openly announcing it.
Again, for those who are still deluded into thinking the extent of pressure is loud music or cold water being thrown over Johnny Jihad in Raghedistan, consider for a moment the fact that your own Congress and President, who according to the Constitution are mandated to serve you, have just legalized abducting your kids from your home and electric shocking their body parts.
Now that the criminals have declared themselves outside of the law, does this mean we'll see Bush barbecuing babies on the White House lawn?
Of course not!
But the policy of torturing children in front of their parents has already been signed off on by the Pentagon and enacted under the Copper Green Program as it happened at Abu Ghraib, and there's links to every claim we make here.
Where they admit it.
Women who were arrested with their children were forced to watch their boys being sodomized with chemical glow sticks as the cameras rolled.
Investigative journalist Seymour Hirsch in the New Yorker reported that the U.S.
government is still withholding the tapes because of the horror of the soundtrack of the shrieking boys and their mothers begging to be killed in favor of seeing their children raped and tortured.
This is official policy.
Now again, why are they doing this and letting this come out?
Why do they write memos?
They want to take you to the pit of hell.
They're taking you right to the center of hell.
You see, and see, it's meant to shock you.
It's meant to mentally traumatize you.
It's what psychopaths do when they get somebody in their clutches.
They scare them.
Sometimes they'll sit them down and show them a video of their last victim.
It's part of the pleasure.
It's the criminology.
This is what psychopathic, bloodthirsty killers do.
And it's meant to horrify and terrorize the American people and scare us.
It's meant to be scary.
It's meant, hey, we torture children.
We kill them.
Do you understand?
We're taking over.
We're the bosses.
Shut up and take it!
Cameras are watching you.
The police have been brainwashed into whatever we say.
We're getting rid of your North American system.
We're curating the North American Union.
And we're bringing in one world government.
And we're going to take everything you own, and you're going to be our slaves, and we're going to have a national draft.
Do you understand?
This is 1984.
Your government has just lobbied for Congress and has passed legislation to discard the Geneva Conventions and mandate all this.
Pedophiles nationwide should rejoice.
They can comfortably take a scroll down to the local swimming pool, grab whoever they like, drag them home, rape them and torture them, and then in their defense site, U.S.
government is an example of how one should conduct themselves.
This bill also retroactively gives Bush, the neocons, or any of their henchmen immunity from war crimes charges dating back to September 11th.
Ask yourself why they would be so careful to protect themselves from accusations of war crimes.
Could that possibly be because they are knowingly committing war crimes?
The legislation of torture itself should be a criminal act.
All laws that contradict the U.S.
Constitution are null and void,
It was once a law that black people were slaves.
Is it a real law?
Only by engaging in civil disobedience and refusing to tolerate or acknowledge the laws of a criminal regime that has greased the skids for sexually torturing kids can we ever have a hope of returning America to its past glory.
I remember talking to a national radio host and producer.
He works for Sky.
He works for Fox, folks.
Over in England.
I remember interviewing him, what, about a month ago, and he said, yeah, I was talking to another reporter, and I said, look, it's 1984, we're 1984, and she said, she said, yes, but most people liked it in 1984, and Winston was a troublemaker.
This is an educated woman.
This is somebody who's read that nightmare.
You see, you see people who are smart,
They double think.
This is scary stuff!
So go ahead, listening right now, just decide I'm the bad guy.
Decide all this is okay, and you can just rationalize it, decide you're part of the system, and just decide that you're going to go along with this.
And that's what a lot of you have done.
A lot of you have just made the decision
Or you decide, I don't have any power, aw, stuff's bad, but so what?
You know, there's a reason so many wealthy people, so many people in government, so many people who've been in government are moving to New Zealand, and Baja, Mexico, and Argentina, even though it's a hellhole, and Costa Rica, and they're even going down to Chile, they're going even to Spain,
It's because they know.
I mean, at the elite cocktail parties, folks, they're just running around bragging.
They are on massive power trips.
If you look at the style that's back in, style always mirrors.
And it's like big black trench coats and black knee-high boots.
And they're even starting to wear Nazi outfits on their off time.
We're just... It's so painful.
I love this country so much.
And I want to see these criminals brought to justice.
I want to see them
Jack, I'm beginning to think maybe I shouldn't have done these interviews yesterday, and today should I feel guilty?
You know, I don't know, Wolf, if war breaks out between Pakistan and Afghanistan, you know, you may have some guys coming by and knocking on your door asking for transcripts.
Ordinarily, we don't do a question two days in a row, but this is important enough to be an exception.
The House just passed President Bush's bill to redefine the treatment of detainees, and the Senate's expected to do the same thing tomorrow.
Buried deep inside this legislation is a provision that will pardon President Bush and all the members of his administration of any possible crimes connected with the torture and mistreatment of detainees, dated all the way back to September 11, 2001.
At least President Nixon had Gerald Ford to do his dirty work.
President Bush is trying to pardon himself.
Here's the deal.
Under the War Crimes Act, violations of the Geneva Conventions are felonies, in some cases punishable by death.
When the Supreme Court ruled that Geneva Conventions apply to Al-Qaeda and Taliban detainees, President Bush and his boys were suddenly in big trouble.
They've been working these prisoners over pretty good.
In an effort to avoid possible prosecution, they're trying to cram this bill through Congress before the end of the week, when Congress adjourns.
The reason there's such a rush to do this, if the Democrats get control of the House in November, well, this kind of legislation probably wouldn't pass.
You want to know the real disgrace of what these people are about to do, or in the process of doing?
Senator Bill Frist and Congressman Dennis Hastert and their Republican stooges apparently don't see anything wrong with this.
I really do wonder sometimes what we're becoming in this country.
The question is this.
Should Congress pass a bill giving retroactive immunity to President Bush for possible war crimes?
Email your thoughts to CaffertyFile at cnn.com or go to cnn.com slash CaffertyFile.
While that was playing, I was going through from page 66 on, trying to find the spot where it says yelling at government people, trying to influence them.
It's just everything's an act of terror.
And then there's these really sick subsections where it says it's restricting torture, and then it says it restricts torture by enemy combatants.
It says illegal.
It says alien enemy combatants over and over again.
Alien enemy combatants.
Alien enemy combatants are not allowed to torture according to the Geneva Convention.
Alien enemy combatants aren't allowed to kill people.
Alien enemy combatants aren't allowed to wear a false emblem.
You know, if you wear a police hat, you're going to go to a FEMA camp.
Alien enemy combatants aren't allowed to shout at politicians.
I mean, I'm sitting here reading this going, what?
It's incredible!
It's incredible!
And they get on the news and say, a compromise, a defeat for Bush really showed him who the boss was.
Let me read to you, start reading, this is the Associated Press, okay?
This is AP last night, Senator Ocage detainee interrogation bill.
It's a long article.
And this is the type of stuff that's in here.
Let me find the part.
Under the bill, a terrorist being held at Guantanamo could be tried by military commission.
Under the bill, a terrorist being held at Guantanamo.
And it says this repeatedly.
You are a terrorist when you're arrested, you see.
Guilty until proven innocent.
See, all the language is changing right now.
And I saw this in multiple AP and Reuters articles.
These are talking points.
This is government written.
Listen to this.
I've got the Washington Post here saying there is no more Constitution or habeas corpus.
But they report it like it's no big deal.
Now, here are some more fair headlines.
Congress gives Bush the right to torture and detain people forever, and that's exactly what it does.
Here's one by Newshounds.
Detaining people indefinitely, even after acquittal.
Oh yeah, that's in there.
After you're acquitted, even if the tribunal happens to say you're innocent, they can still hold you.
Plus a little torture A-OK with Republican Majority Leader Bill Frist because we don't want them to have everyday rights.
And of course the stupid liberals at Newshounds, I'm sorry to say that, may act like it's a Republican thing.
The majority of the Democrats voted for this too, Bubba.
Every Republican in the Senate voted for it.
And most of the Democrats.
I don't even know what to say at this point.
Listen to this.
Senate OK's Detainee Interrogation Bill.
Oh, by the way, there's this one.
I haven't even mentioned this.
Wiretap Bill sets up election year issue.
It's passed now, too.
And it says, quote, that the White House has had a victory here.
The House approved a bill Thursday that would grant legal status to President Bush's warrantless wiretapping program.
And then it goes on in this article and several others that say, well, he no longer has to follow the Constitution.
See, they're just openly announcing it.
And it's unlimited spying.
And again, the unlimited spying was already going on.
See, now they need to legalize it.
They were already criminally doing it.
And they use the illegal spying to make sure good branches of the government didn't stop 9-11.
They use the spying to make sure other cartels that aren't part of their drug ring don't get to ship their drugs in.
They use it to steal your new patent secret.
Criminals run the NSA.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
It says here that almost everything in this legislation that's about to go to the President's desk is the death penalty.
An alien or unlawful enemy combatant who intentionally in the absence of military necessity appropriates or seizes property for private or personal use without the consent of a person with the authority to permit such appropriation or seizure shall be guilty of offenses.
Oh my gosh, I mean it's like denying quarter... I'm trying to find the part I read this morning where it says yelling at politicians.
Protected property, if you do something to protected property you're a terrorist.
I just can't believe this.
It's just everything.
Everything is terrorism.
Attacking protected property.
I'm just going to have to read like 10 pages of the bill on air later just to go through all this.
And of course they mix it in with like murder, hijacking, and then next to it will be
Yelling at a protected person or yelling at a government official to influence them.
And remember, U.S.
And if you're such a terrorist, by the way, U.S.
citizens can be designated as this, and have been, then they just simply come and pick you up and you disappear.
This is also secret.
She goes, oh Alex, you won't see him no more.
It's like the Mafia.
Where's Luigi?
Oh, you won't see him no more.
Where's Carlo?
Oh, you won't see him no more.
This is just thuggery.
I mean, if you've got such proof someone's a terrorist, such proof that it's ironclad, then allow them to have a defense.
Allow them to
You're not allowed to seek habeas corpus.
You're not allowed to go to a federal court.
You're not allowed to tell anyone where you're at.
You're not allowed to contact your counsel or media.
There's no right!
You just disappear!
And see, the reason they codify torture, waterboarding, severe beating, all this other type of stuff, putting your body in horrible, painful positions for days, that's now called pressure.
And the law professors that have read this say that all it doesn't authorize now is rape and dismemberment, but I can't find that, and I read the whole thing.
So see, they have now just defined torture as pressure.
And then the media keeps saying it keeps the government from torturing people, but everything that's actually restricted is, it's a cruel little joke.
It keeps saying enemy combatants aren't allowed, alien enemy combatants aren't allowed to torture.
Alien enemy combatants, or, then it'll say unless prescribed by law.
Or unless it's medical.
Oh yeah, at Abu Ghraib they do lots of medical.
Oh, we have to do a surgery on your stomach.
We're not doctors, but we're now going to strap you down and cut you open without anesthesia, and then sew you up.
I mean, that's like...
Late night horror movies where, you know, the lady's walking past the mortuary, and the goons grab her and drag her in, and they go, Ha ha!
We'll do some surgeries!
Ha ha!
You know, it's Jeffrey Dahmer!
Oh, we'll do some for you!
Ha ha!
It's Mingala stuff!
See, those horror movies all come from real things.
That is, they're based, their legend is based on something real.
And whether it's Mingala or whether it's Jeffrey Dahmer, they like to do it.
They like to do medical things.
While you're gagged or they've got you in a deep basement, like these government facilities, they get to hear the screams.
It's so much fun to serve Satan.
Oh, to have control of a whole government.
Oh, the feast they're already having.
And the feast to come!
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're talking about the death of the United States, the death of the Republic, the birth of total dictatorship, and yeah, it's, it's, when Bush signs this, it will be an official dictatorship.
And that's actually been written as headlines by major publications, so they see it the same way.
It is, it is official, and it doesn't mean we can't get it back, doesn't mean we can't, uh,
They're trying to bully us.
They're trying to scare us right now.
They're trying to intimidate us with the full horror of this.
And unless we want to unleash these monsters, literal monsters, you know, that stuff you see at Halloween, folks, again, that comes from the legends of evil people doing bad things.
And they've always existed.
They've always been here.
The Jeffrey Dahmers, the Mingolas, the George Bushes.
And they're here.
They're here, my friends.
And we've got to chase them back into the caves.
They are out in the streets.
They are on the high places.
They are openly ruling.
It is just so wicked.
I mean, wicked isn't even the word for it.
This is just open black demons literally spreading their wings over our country right now.
This is... this is...
It would be less scary if it was a horror flick, you know, like Lord of the Rings, and there's some army of, you know, some dark army at our gates.
At least the people would see the threat and fight it.
This is people in $3,000 suits, strutting around with coiffed hair, lying and spinning, and, but it comes out, oh, we're building FEMA camps, use Chronicle for you.
Oh, yes, we can designate citizens as enemy combatants and torture children.
Yes, we're creating a North American Union.
Yes, we've tripled the size of the BATF.
Yes, well, we're going to have national service, but it's not a draft.
You know, it's just, it's all over the top right now.
I talked to Cameron yesterday in the last 60 seconds of the show, and he was somebody that disagreed.
He thinks the government's good, and he was serious.
He thinks it's bad that I'm criticizing it.
He's a nice fella, though.
And he was to come on an hour ago, 30 minutes ago, but I just can't take calls right now.
So he's been gracious enough to say he'll come on in 30 minutes.
And then we will have open phones.
I haven't even started reading the subsections of the bill yet.
Really what I should do is just write an article about it and list the subsections.
And I've got some more news articles I wanted to read and analyze just to show you the incredible propaganda
But Cameron is coming up in 30 minutes.
We'll spend a few minutes with him, give him some more time to tell us how we're wrong.
It's important to understand the mindset of people that don't understand us.
But, and we will take your calls on this subject.
They have passed.
The wiretapping, unlimited, no more Fourth Amendment, openly announced in the news, they're openly saying no more Constitution.
They actually say no more Constitution, no more Bill of Rights.
They actually say no more Fourth Amendment.
And they are openly admitting that U.S.
citizens can be arrested.
Now that they've passed it,
There was some lying earlier this week going, oh no, it doesn't affect U.S.
citizens, but then people read the subsections and it clearly says that they just simply say you're not a citizen.
And now folks are finally reading it and it says that protesting, demonstrating, yelling, everything is terrorism.
As Dr.
Paul Craig Roberts said, what was it, yesterday or the day before?
He said, this is the end of the country, this is Nazi Germany, no one has ever codified this in law.
Not the Soviets, not the Chi-Coms, not the Nazis, not the East Germans, they just did things like this.
No, not in America!
We're so stupid that they call it a reform to protect you when it is literally the
The belly of the country being slid open and our guts trailing out behind us.
Bush is busy cramming the innards of the country in his fat little mouth, smiling at us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm gonna go to your calls, and I'm gonna go through this legislation.
But I want you listeners to know that in my 13 years, coming from 13 years of studying and fighting the New World Order, I've never seen things get anywhere close to this dark.
I've never seen things move this fast.
I've never seen the lies and the twisting by the media be so thick.
But at the same time then they'll have other articles that just admit it all and say it's all good.
And I think about everything innocent and beautiful and sweet and dear and our families and private property and
And in due process of the people being in charge.
Man, that's all gone!
I love this country!
I'm really upset, okay?
We've all got to be very angry right now.
And we've all got to have courage.
And like never before, make copies of the 9-11 films.
Call into radio talk shows every day.
Write letters to the editor every day.
Start websites.
Get aggressive.
And defend yourselves too, folks.
Liberal, conservative, it doesn't matter.
Now is the time to buy guns.
Now is the time to buy ammo.
Now is the time to go to the shooting range and just train to protect yourself from criminals.
Because this is very, very, very serious.
We have a criminal, rogue, enemy, combatant government.
They are the hijacking, piratical criminals.
The power in this legislation that the claim gives them, the legal basis claim for their actions, is legal statements and memoranda adopted by the administration from John Yoo and Alberto Gonzalez, almost exclusively, and then from the use of military force, AUMF legislation passed by Congress September 14, 2001.
Which, it was just an authorization for military force, not for total dictatorship.
And his powers under Commander-in-Chief, under Article 2, Section 2 of the U.S.
Constitution, historically and with legal precedence, does not give him that power.
And again, Bush is just a puppet.
They, on purpose, are trying to go for the whole nine yards.
Really, the whole hundred yards.
They are just throwing it down, going, yeah, we torture kids, and yeah, we'll secretly arrest you, and yeah, we're spying on you, and yeah, we can take your private property whenever we want, and yeah, there's a North American Union, and yeah, the electronic voting machines are a scam.
I mean, look at it!
We're going into dictatorship!
And folks, dictatorships are so they can rob and rape you.
Now, I want to go over this AP report.
Just because it's so amazing.
They say, the terrorists held at Guantanamo.
So the terrorists don't deserve rights.
See, guilty until proven innocent.
I don't want to go over... The Washington Post saying posse comitatus is gone.
The Washington Post saying, yeah, American citizens are enemy combatants.
The Washington Post, another article saying there's no more habeas corpus.
I mean, folks, habeas corpus!
Let's go to Kurt Nemo, prolific blogger, who called in.
I'm always honored to have Kurt call in.
Kurt, what's on your mind?
Hey, Alex.
You know, earlier you were talking about this section in this bill that talks about menacing words, signs, or gestures.
Well, apparently... That's right.
You found that section then.
I read that this morning.
I was trying to find it again.
What section is that?
It's page 79 of the PDF document.
79, okay.
Yeah, and what it says, I think it's...
A reference to the military commissions themselves.
If you protest or give a sign or a gesture in its presence... No, no, you're looking at another section.
They're saying that's contempt of the judge.
No, no, that's another section.
Okay, yes, it's a pretty large bill.
It's kind of hard to ferret through it, but yeah, this is atrocious.
I can't understand.
I really can't believe that, you know, Congress put... Well, do you see the parts about moving into property that
You know, owning the wrong house that you plan to use for terrorism, that's proof now?
I mean, it's just... Well, you know, the Constitution's gone as far as I'm concerned.
These guys have totally destroyed the Constitution.
And this codifies the whole thing.
The police state is in place at this point.
Do you agree with my statement that this is the day America died?
I'm not saying it can't be resurrected, but this is the day America died, this is the day dictatorship was born.
It will be as soon as Bush signs this.
Yeah, but I think that's a good headline.
The day America died, the day dictatorship was born.
Yeah, this is an enabling act.
I mean, this is exactly what Hitler did.
It's a repeat.
Well, Bush's grandfather was a top Nazi officer in the U.S.
That's admitted.
Mainstream, you know, New York Times, you name it.
And imagine, I mean, they've always... These are cold-blooded killers, folks, to use their words.
Man, Kirk, can you believe this happened to the U.S.?
We're watching it fall right now.
Well, the people are not doing anything about it.
They're letting this happen.
They're sidetracked by their fluff media and their football games and their television sets, and they let this happen to them.
They let it happen, and we have to blame the American people for this, because they cannot stand up.
They are so domesticated that they cannot stand up to this stuff.
Well, I agree, but it's really a form of mind control.
People are mesmerized by food, by drink, by television, by their own little world.
We're all so busy just taking care of normal things, everyday bills, and groceries, and laundry, and cleaning, and yard work, and family visiting.
And this is a generation that has no concept of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
You know, it was deliberately not taught to them.
They have no concept of their rights.
But it's more than that!
I mean, it's a sixth spin!
Bush has been defeated!
There's a whole bunch of those headlines.
This bill restricts him!
We can trust him!
McCain is a total agent!
I mean, it's just... Oh, man.
You know, and people say that when the Democrats get in here during the midterm elections that all of this is going to change.
It's such nonsense.
They're totally on board with him.
Well, and then Bush gives a speech criticizing the Democrats that they're not tough on terror when the majority of them voted for it.
Yeah, exactly.
They voted for the Patriot Act and they allowed this whole thing to happen.
And as far as I'm concerned, we should blame them as well.
Well, I mean, Roger Ailes and Fox News and Rupert Murdoch every week meet with Hillary.
It's all staged.
It's all totally staged.
It's all smoke and mirrors.
And we're entering a period now where people are going to disappear from the streets.
I can see it now.
It's going to happen.
They're going to do it to try to intimidate people.
And I say, folks, do not let it intimidate you.
I still think that they're going to have big trouble when they try to implement this.
I mean, look, they're already 80 plus percent of people don't trust them.
So they've already blown their credibility.
They've already blown their left-right paradigm.
But they knew they'd have to do this, Kurt, when they moved for the big one.
You know, they're going for broke now.
They've put it all on the table.
But Ellis, what if they have another staged terrorist event that's worse?
A radiological event or something?
I've said, and here we go, see him passing all this legislation, I've said, and now in the next month we are in the prime zone for it, Kurt.
I know, listen, I'm not abandoning ship though, I know you're not abandoning ship.
Uh, this is just, we cannot let them, their fear get to us.
Listen, it's just like when a serial killer comes up to a woman in a parking lot and goes, get in the car, bleeper, or I'm gonna blow you away.
The statistics, the history, the common sense shows, you scream, you hit, you run, you zigzag.
And I'm not gonna go, okay, I'll be quiet, and I know you're not, you're calling in, I'll get in the car with you, just be nice to me.
No, I'm gonna go, ahhh!
You know, and in fact, I'm not just a woman.
I'm not going to run.
I'm going to grab that gun and just break that sucker's arm and ram those teeth up in their head.
I tell you what, I am not going to sit here and just roll over belly up to these people.
We've got to stand where Americans were not total scum!
I can't believe it!
I can't believe it!
I can't freaking believe it!
Well, people have no concept of history either.
I mean, you know, you use the example of, you know, somebody pulling up and telling you to get in their car at gunpoint.
You know, history shows that when the people get into the police state's car or the van, that that's it for them.
But they don't know that.
They don't realize that.
They have no concept of history.
That's right, folks.
It's exactly what Shultz and Eats has said.
Go look what Shultz and Eats has said you should do when they come for you in the night, folks.
Because if people start fighting, these bastards are going to run.
They're testing us right now.
And what's the alternative?
If you do go with them, you're going to be tortured, you're going to be killed, they're going to waterboard you?
I don't think people realize how much scum there is.
All the scum has joined this.
They psychologically test the troops and find that 5% that are psychopathic killers, folks.
They've got armies of Jeffrey Dahmers waiting for you.
And recruiting gangbangers.
And scum.
Oh, the majority of them are now gangbangers.
That's the point.
Oh my God.
I just can't believe, Kirk, this happened to our country.
Listen, it's one thing to have Bush announce he's a dictator and announce he has all these powers and pay for fake news.
It's another thing for them to fight to pass the Patriot Act and do all this.
But, you know, it took them years to get it done, to get the expansion done.
Now they just lie and say, oh, it's a Bush defeat!
Protect your rights!
And you go read it and it totally rewrites our federal laws.
Well, how do we address this bovine acceptance of people just rolling over and saying, well, you know, we've got to protect ourselves against Al-Qaeda and... Well, that's why it's so important to expose government-sponsored terror.
Everything they do hinges on that.
And so, I've been so upset today, I haven't even plugged my videos yet, or blogs like yours, Kurt, KurtNemo.com.
We have got to just... Folks, it's about survival now.
Get TerrorStormed, and in fact, don't make ten copies a week.
I want you to make a thousand copies.
I want you to go take a loan out if you have to.
I want you to go have them mass-produced.
I want you to run around putting them on every car windshield.
Unless we expose government-sponsored terror now, folks, they're not, don't you see, they're not stopping!
Kurt, anything else?
Well, yeah, there's a lot, Alex, but I'd like to go to other calls.
It's just that we've got to resist this any way we can.
And be, and just, no stopping.
Just push forward.
Scream and yell.
Tell everybody you know.
That's it, and if black vans start driving around with troops grabbing people, folks, you know, you gotta defend America.
Those are enemy terrorists.
They're enemy combatants.
They're the enemy combatants!
We'll be right back.
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The National Security Agency computers are gauging public opinion after each new step the enemy takes against this country, the New World Order crime syndicate,
And when they know you're willing to fight, both in the info war and physically to defend this country, it will and can back them off.
They're moving now with all this legislation, they don't care how damning it is, because I believe they're planning to launch a massive terror attack in the western hemisphere, perpetrated by these criminals.
Now listen, I'm at the tip of the spear, I'm at the end of the sword, I'm walking point, folks.
I don't
The sad part is, is after they wipe me out, if they do, they'll have all their COINTELPRO people going after me and demonizing me after the fact with lies.
But it isn't about me, folks.
It's about the future and it's about bringing criminals to justice.
We're going to defeat these people.
In the history books, they will be known as the terrorists.
They are.
There's a good chance they're going to end up going to prison.
There's a good chance that we're going to win this thing.
But I know this, it's a lot worse if we don't fight.
And I'm going to go down swinging.
Now again, they've passed in the House and Senate legislation for unlimited spying on the American people.
No more Constitution.
No more Fourth Amendment.
They have passed secret arrests of U.S.
citizens, secret trials, secret executions.
Codified it in law.
The Congress approved it.
Just like they approved that blacks were two-thirds human.
And we've had an elite that's engaged in all these past crimes, so don't think for a minute they're not going to try it now.
They're going for broke!
And I'm begging every single one of you out there who's on the fence, who hadn't taken the time out to research my claims, I'm begging you to find out I'm telling you the truth.
I'm begging you from the bottom of my heart.
This stuff's real.
This is happening.
And it's hard to face up to, it's hard to deal with, it's hard to consciously let it burn into your brain, but the consequences of not facing it are so much worse.
Let's go to John in Michigan, then Andrew, Sam, Paula, Jim, and others.
Go ahead, John.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, this is only the second time I've managed to get through to you, but I just wanted to have a dialogue with you.
I think God has definitely given you the discernment to go out and give the people this knowledge.
You're definitely, I mean, you're serving a part in the whole body of Christ.
But, um, and I haven't been listening to you that long, maybe a year, but, I mean, you know, there's other resources above and beyond.
Once you shock people with the 9-11 truth and all that kind of stuff, people gotta go read Karl Marx's Ten Planks and the Communist Manifesto, you know, where they abolish private property.
There's something out there called the Communist Rules for Revolution, you know, where they divide people into hostile groups, you know, Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal.
Yeah, Black, White, Hispanic, yeah.
People fighting amongst themselves while they take power.
But see, I talk about the Communists and the plan and all that.
Do you understand the Communists?
Are only one unit of the bankers?
That was another fake ideology they created as an engine of domination a hundred and something years ago.
It's people who say it's a communist conspiracy or wrong, because communism is only one name for this neo-empire.
Well, and in the grand scheme of things, you know what's going on too.
There's a war between God and Satan, and we're caught in the middle of it.
And basically, in a nutshell, Satan was kicked out of heaven because he wanted all the people to worship him instead of God.
So God threw him out of there, and now what's his goal?
Kill all of humanity.
Yeah, kill, steal, and destroy.
But the other thing is, too, you know what the first thing that comes is, the regime does, when they take over a country, they start teaching everybody evolution.
They start teaching, they just dethrone God.
These people think that they're God and they own the planet, and that's not true.
But the other thing is, too, I mean, yeah, fight the New World Order, get out there, get all this information, but in the end,
You know, the people get the ruler that they deserve in God's sovereignty, and America is deserving of judgment for the abortion, alcoholism, gambling, pornography, homosexuality.
I mean, truth be told, the Christian Church in America is full of sin, and Satan's biggest tool to take people to hell is false religion.
No, no, I hear you, sir, and I appreciate your call.
It is true.
Look at Rome, look at Greece, look at Babylon, look at Europe.
Every time people get really decadent and out of control, fat and happy, this stuff happens.
There's a real correlation to it.
But I don't get up and, you know, tell everybody that I've got all of the answers when it comes to the Bible.
Because I'm always reticent to steer people into these, they think, oh, I'm going to be a Christian, and they get steered into these phony churches that are pure New World Order.
People just need to read the Bible.
We'll come back and talk to Andrew, Sam, Paula, Jim, others.
And I really do have to keep the callers down to a short period or I won't be able to get to anybody.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's always hard to turn off Jimi Hendrix.
Just go ahead and crank it up.
Let him hear it.
There must be some kind of way out of here.
Say that joker to the beat.
There's too much confusion.
I can't get no relief.
Mr. Flanders, drink my wine.
Come and dig my earth.
None will level on the mine.
Nobody up in this world.
No reason to get excited for things they can't expose.
There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
But you and I, we've been through that.
The hour is getting late.
Let us stop talking falsely now.
Ah, listen to that guitar.
Best part right here.
We're good.
Oh yeah!
They're putting servants too!
The four horsemen have come.
The four horsemen are here.
For our Republic.
For our Constitution.
For our Country.
They are devouring it.
They are dismantling it.
They are annihilating it.
Crushing it.
Decimating it.
Incinerating it.
Right in front of our very eyes.
And they are so arrogant in their actions.
They are so hateful.
They are so cold-blooded.
I hope you'll join me in the fight against the criminals that have seized control of this country.
Don't let them fool you how they wrap themselves in the flag.
They hate the flag.
They hate this country.
They hate everything about it.
They're total control freaks right out of the pits of hell.
And there are a lot of yuppies out there that think that life is but a joke and they can giggle at all this.
Well, they're not going to be giggling for long.
Because a lot of us have already lived enough to know that
There is no way to get out of this stuff.
There is no way to get out of it easy.
You're going to have to go through the pain.
It's a lot better to stand up to something than to try to go along with it.
It's better to live on your feet than on your knees!
We're going to go to your calls.
I'm going to recap and go back into the incredible end of the Constitution, end of the country, birth of dictatorship that is taking place right now.
This is unbelievable!
Hitler's enabling act was not this draconian.
You understand, they're not just butchering the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
They're going further than China and Communist Russia and Nazi Germany did on paper.
They're going where no one has ever gone in modern history.
They are codifying zero rights, zero due process, guilty until proven innocent, end of the country!
Let's go to Cameron who's been really patient.
He called in the last minute of the show yesterday, the last minute and a half, and he disagreed with me.
I didn't have time to do justice, so I got his number.
We called him back today.
He's in London, Ontario, Canada, and I was trying to figure out why he disagreed with us, exactly what he was saying.
Cameron, give us your world view.
Explain to us our error.
Yes, sir.
I'm actually a Mason.
Hold on a minute.
Are you on a speakerphone?
But a minute ago I told you it didn't sound good.
I'm not right now.
Now I'm on a land phone.
You are?
Okay, well just don't talk too loud because I want people to be able to hear you.
Go ahead and tell me how everything's wonderful.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Well, I'm actually a Mason.
And I'm based out of Rosland Chapel, which is in Scotland.
And the Knights Templar were the ones who actually founded Masonry.
And our secret number is 366.
Actually, over in Yale it's 322.
Is that correct?
It's 3-2-2?
Okay, sir, you called in yesterday and said you were wrong about, that I was wrong bashing the government.
Explain, I don't care, just explain to me how we're wrong and why everything's fine, because I want to believe you.
I want to, believe me, I don't like what I see happening.
Just explain it to me.
Uh, yeah, well, okay, uh, I don't think Governor Schwarzenegger's a dictator at all.
I mean, you're going around, you're saying he's a dictator, but he's just the governor of California.
No, I have said that Arnold Schwarzenegger has said he'd like to be a dictator to multiple publications, and in multiple interviews, and in a documentary, and that he admires Hitler, and that his father was a Nazi, and that he's a foreigner, and shouldn't be seeking the presidency.
I see.
Have you ever seen Jingle All The Way?
Pardon me?
Jingle All The Way.
It's a really good movie.
Schwarzenegger is exactly what we need for the President.
I myself don't agree with George W. Bush when he talks about the President of Iraq.
Is this a joke, sir?
I'm just trying to talk.
Is this a joke?
I mean, what kind of mental patient are you?
No, I agree with the government, but there are some things that I don't agree.
I mean, I'm an American patriot.
I love America.
But when the President comes out and
So what do you think about this new legislation that just passed for secret arrest of American citizens?
So you're, exactly, that's what you guys always say.
Oh, you think I'm making all this up?
Do you think I'm making all this stuff up?
I know, but you're like Michael Moore.
I mean, Michael Moore hasn't changed his genes since he did Roger Mee in 1989.
I mean, you guys, you've got to be gentlemen.
Like David Gergen said, you go around, you make understand people, you violate people in the street.
Yeah, I've got to be gentlemanly with people that are getting rulings that there's no private property.
That's true.
Sir, you had a great opportunity to... Let me put him on hold for a second.
I can tell he's not going to shut up.
Sir, I'm going to try to be really serious with you and not play games, camera.
You said you were an American patriot.
Were our founding fathers gentlemen?
Were they friendly?
And did they kiss the hand of King George III?
Were they friendly in the face of tyranny?
What are you saying, sir?
Go ahead.
I'm saying that we are standing up.
We're liberating Iraq and Afghanistan.
We're fighting them.
But at the end of the day, it is up to the Iraqi government to take control for their own country.
So you think no-bid contracts aren't a problem?
I know what you're talking about with no-bid contracts.
No, you don't, but you guys are always the same.
You never know anything, you just know you support something.
Oh, I do know a lot of stuff.
I know that you had a rare opportunity to actually join the Bohemian Club, but instead of joining it, you went against it.
I mean, you went in there with... A rare opportunity!
I wasn't offered any opportunity to join the Bohemian Club.
Well, you snuck in back in 2000.
Yeah, and you could have joined, right?
Why not?
Number one, I wouldn't want to join that group.
Number two, there's a 15-year waiting list, and extremely elite people are chosen.
Well, you're up there.
I mean, you're a radio host, and you write for the New York Times or something like that?
No, sir.
That's another Alex Jones.
Oh, okay.
Well, you were... I'm not the billionaire Canadian Alex Jones, and I'm not the Scientologist Alex Jones.
I'm Alexander Emmerich Jones.
I'm 32 years old, and I'm sworn to defeat people like you.
You will be defeated.
You think you've got power?
You think you can talk to me with that baby talk?
You think you can do that, you demon?
I see exactly what you are, and I want you to know something.
We're coming for you and your kind.
You will not sup on our blood!
We are not your slaves!
Get behind me!
Sir, I'm not a vampire.
I don't suck people's blood.
But I'll tell you this... You suck society's dry, you little parasite!
This is what Gergen was talking about being un-gentlemanly.
You're being un-gentlemanly.
You're like Michael Moore.
No, I'm not.
Hey, I'm not gentlemanly with people like you.
Well, that's right.
I mean, you're not being gentlemanly with people like me.
You know what gentlemanliness is?
It was training for class warfare to be a slave in Imperial England.
No, I'm not.
No, I'm not gentlemanly.
Yeah, everybody, the country right now is 50-50.
Half of the people back in 2004... No, the country is not 50-50.
70% are against the war.
99% are against the land grab.
97% are against the toll roads.
89% are against the open borders.
It was 50-50 back in 2004.
It was basically half for John Kerry, half for George W. Bush.
No, no, you had about 30% of the country.
I mean, you call yourself a Texan, but George W. Bush is more of a Texan.
I've yet to see you wear a cowboy hat or anything like that.
I mean, instead of playing... This is a joke.
This is a joke.
Your radio station is all about doom and gloom.
We don't want to hear about the attacks.
Well, don't tune in then, brother.
What are you doing tuning in?
Sir, why don't you play something positive like Lindsay Lohan or Guns N' Roses or something like that?
Why don't you talk about the good things?
I mean... Okay, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Man, I tell you what.
No, I don't think it was a joke.
That's how those people are.
They're just condescending and they talk to you in baby talk.
Because they think we're all stupid.
So sick.
You're so sick.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Who's up next here?
What's up the last week with calls from Canada?
I mean, it's great, but... Andrew in Canada, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Last caller there.
He's a little bit crazy himself there.
He's got the rose colored glasses on.
It kind of hurts me though when you're talking about you think they'll come and kill you and that because like they didn't succeed with Martin Luther King.
They didn't succeed with Jesus.
The evil doesn't succeed when they kill people trying to do good.
I know but they can't help themselves.
But like what we really need is like
People like Charlie Sheen and yourself, like more of you to come out.
Where's Hollywood?
If even 10 more of them came together... They're scared to death where they are.
They can't control their fear.
And listen, I just want the New World Order to know that I've counted the cost and I want people to realize that I do realize the waters I'm in and that I've made the choice that it's more than worth it and I'm honored to be in the position
I'm in.
And this is getting really out of control.
And I want people to realize how high the stakes are.
And so that's why I bring that point up.
But they wouldn't succeed if they did that.
Well, in the past it didn't help them, but they still do it.
Look, they're arrogant.
They're hubris.
They're cold-blooded killers.
I mean, that's who they are.
That's what they are.
And they've got a bunch of jellyfish con.
I mean, it is so sad for me.
I know it's sad for you, too.
To see all these conned people buying this baloney.
I mean, I don't know.
Folks, do you have any idea how evil the new order is?
It is just so evil.
Yeah, like that bill was just passed yesterday, and the guy on the phone didn't even know what the heck you were talking about.
And he says he's informed.
They never do.
They just say, I know nothing of that.
Well then it's the lying.
The White House saying this doesn't affect U.S.
Like Bush said, the spying doesn't affect U.S.
Then he gets caught and he goes, we'll totally legalize spying on you.
You can't.
You have to go amend the Fourth Amendment.
You have to go get the majority of the states.
Two-thirds of the states.
You can't just... I just get a law passed saying...
We need someone in the public to come forward and like MUSE, people should support MUSE for coming forward.
Hey, Rick Linkletter's gone public, MUSE has gone public, Jesse Ventura talked about 9-11 being a cover-up, we just had Charlie Sheen do it, and people will criticize these guys.
A lot of them are rebels that are going public.
It's because they are rebels.
They're not people who've just stayed in the box their whole lives.
They're people who've lived and seen a few things.
And again, there's this delusion out there.
I mean, I saw a Navy SEAL website saying Jesse Ventura was never a Navy SEAL.
Next they'll say he wasn't a governor.
You know, it's just any level of delusion, because to them it's easy.
You just believe the media, you believe the propaganda, you feel good, you go quietly into the night, and then when somebody grabs them, nobody's there to help them.
Thanks for the call, sir, and I appreciate your support.
Sam in New Jersey, you're on the air, welcome.
Yeah, how are you?
Good, sir.
Yeah, I was reading in the AP about an hour ago, they reported Alberto Gonzalez was speaking before some scholars, and I guess they include Justice Clarence Thomas as a scholar, and he was talking about how federal judges should not substitute their personal views for the president's judgments in wartime.
Yeah, now they're saying, now they're going to have a special federal committee that controls the judges to make sure that they rule certain ways.
They're trying to pass laws.
Folks, I mean, this is dictatorship.
Oh yeah, definitely.
I just want to urge people to think outside the box.
And everybody's saying, you know, Democrats are going to save people.
Not one Democrat stood up and voted against the bill.
It was a hundred to nothing.
So, not one person stood up and said, you know, had a dissenting voice.
And also they,
They tell Democrats one thing, they tell Republicans one thing, and they do this to keep us fighting with each other instead of coming together for a common solution about the issue.
So, people just need to wake up.
What do you think about this legislation?
I mean, it really is the beginning of the end.
Well, the beginning of the end happened a long time ago, but I mean, this is amazing.
It almost had me in tears when I was reading.
I was like, this is really amazing, the audacity of these people to
To just put it out there in our face like this and people act as if it's nothing.
The media won't cover it.
They may talk about it for five minutes, not even that long.
They'll cover it for two minutes, have some commentary, have people arguing back and forth, and then they go to Terrell Owens and how he committed suicide or was trying to commit suicide.
They go to Lindsay Lohan, like that crazy guy that called earlier.
This is what they want to hear.
They want to feel good.
It's incredible.
I mean,
They're not passing this stuff for nothing.
They plan to use it, my friend.
Oh, well good to hear from you there in New Jersey, Sam.
God bless you.
Call us again.
We had a lady just call in two days ago wanting to meet other people in New Jersey that are like-minded.
See, there's another good person in New Jersey.
Oh my gosh.
Jim, Paula, Greg, everybody, your calls are coming up.
And I'm going to go through all this news.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
People who think that earlier caller was a fake, you know, call in to act stupid, he was good if he was.
But it's like that big national radio host I had on a few weeks ago, who, from England, was talking about one of the people that works there in the media.
We're going to go to Paula, Jim, George, Dave, Mike, and others.
A couple program notes, you know, I am working now on Sundays, because the time is short and the enemy knows that, so we're here to get the word out, 4 to 6 p.m., 4 to 6 p.m.
on News Radio 590 KLBJ, 590 AM.
Hear it from Dallas down to San Antonio on the AM dial, 590.
But you can also hear it over the internet at InfoWars.com.
You can go there and see the KLVJ icon.
You can click and listen.
And the date has been set.
Not this Sunday, but next Sunday.
It's going to be up on the Genesis Burge, syndicated.
That's going to be a test show.
And then the next weekend will be open for all the affiliates that already pick up this weekday show to pick up that Sunday show.
4 to 6 p.m.
we hope that you'll pick it up.
It's high energy, good broadcast and
I'm coming into the studio, getting out on the field to do it, so we hope you'll pick it up.
But regardless, even if you have a computer, it doesn't matter if we don't have an affiliate yet in your area, you can listen via InfoWars.com.
Now, you'll see the network streams.
That'll be my show continually replayed, but you can hear the Kelby Jay Show, 2 to 4 p.m.
or 4 to 6 p.m.
there at InfoWars.com.
And in closing for this hour,
I hope that you will, oh by the way, by Sunday I'll have a big analysis, my own analysis.
Paul's writing another analysis right now of this bill.
This nightmare.
To amend Title 10 of the United States Code to authorize trial of a military commission for violations of law, of war, for other purposes.
I've already spent about four hours studying the final version.
And I'm just starting to learn all the full scope of this thing.
By Sunday, I'll have a big analysis written up.
And Paul's got another big analysis coming up in a few hours.
So it'll be a very important show Sunday.
That's the point I'm making.
And then in closing, if you believe in what we're doing, you need to get a copy of Terror Storm on DVD.
From Infowars.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
You need to get it.
You need to make copies of it.
You need to get it out to everybody you know.
I mean, it is so important now.
We expose who the terrorists are, then people can see through the torture and the criminality.
Some of them still think they're real terrorists out there and this is all being done to keep us safe.
The foundation of all this evil are the fact that the globalists carried out 9-11.
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And if I was you, I'd start burning 20-30 a day on your computer, I'd start burning 20-30 a day on the DVD.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I don't care how good your call is, I'm gonna cut you off quick because I always say I'm gonna do this and I don't.
We don't get to all your calls.
You're getting a chance to respond to the death of the United States, the birth of the first true dictatorship.
You can call what happened after Reconstruction a dictatorship, and it was pretty bad, but it got thrown off.
It got thrown off.
To a certain extent.
This is just full board, no habeas corpus, secret arrest of U.S.
It's right there in the bill.
A bunch of the media got it right.
Mainstream media is saying secret arrest of U.S.
Others try to spin and lie.
Neocon publications are outlying.
Limbaugh is selling t-shirts saying Club Gitmo.
They're blowing off steam in Abu Ghraib.
And I've got the legislation here.
I'll go over some of the subsections and get into some of the other news.
There's a bunch of other news.
I said I'd get into North American Union news yesterday, and I've got that stacked here.
But right now, let's go back to your calls.
Let's talk to Paula in Florida.
Paula, go ahead.
Yes, hi Alex.
We got some news last night from Liberty that our economy is right now collapsing.
And they said this is going to be worse than 29.
They said it's already really bad in Florida.
They said the prices of homes have dropped to $100,000.
Well, who's Liberty?
It's a radio station that comes on, you know, same time you're on.
Okay, well thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
I don't know about housing prices dropping that far.
I know in Massachusetts, it fell in the last three months, the last four, the last quarter, by 24% in Massachusetts.
And strangely enough,
Massachusetts and Texas are seen as the two bellwethers for the overall national real estate trends because you can't look at Northern California or the Central Coast area or Southern California.
You can't look at New York, Manhattan.
You can't look at areas of Florida.
Historically, you look at Texas and Massachusetts for some reason, Boston particularly.
Because that's just been bellwethers in the past, and it's a bunch of sophisticated equations of why, but basically those are the places where the overvalue of real estate
Well, there are certain areas where people just want to live, and so no matter, even if the economy crashes, you're only going to have a 20-30% reduction in real estate prices.
But then in Texas and Massachusetts and a few other places, Texas and Massachusetts mainly, that's where you really see plunges.
And then when they plunge, the rest of the economy does.
And I think the rest of real estate is already down about 9% the last quarter, and it's accelerating at the end of the quarter, and it gets into a bunch of other indices I looked at.
I don't claim to be a real estate guru or expert, but everybody basically agrees it's vastly overvalued, and that was one of the few things still driving the economy.
Let's talk to Jim in Michigan.
Jim, welcome.
Hello, welcome, Brother Alex.
I wanted to cut it short.
Thanks again for taking the call.
About what's going on with the bills being passed and the charades that are being played, I noticed on Turner's spin machine
They had the boogeyman trying to link him with waterborne viruses just probably to see what kind of reaction response the public gets.
I don't know if they're going to play any of that with the terror that's being expected for staging within the next month or so.
Like I said, I was going to cut it short for everybody.
Well that's what they do, they just constantly, there's some new unconfirmed report the boogeyman is gonna suck our blood and then it never happens and then it turns out it's all, we know officially they stage fake terror alerts, it's admitted.
Yeah, I agree.
You know what I need to do is find some solidarity with the people that we have here fighting against tyranny.
Can I get a plug in my number in Michigan?
Well, you know, there's a reason we can't give phone numbers out, but you want to give your email address out?
I appreciate it.
It's Brother James Bogle Jr.
at MSN.com.
That's B-O-G-L-E.
B as in Victor.
J-R at MSN.com.
Alright, thanks.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going to take four or five calls right now.
Then I'm going to recap what I've covered so far on the unbelievable legislation.
Two different pieces.
One for unlimited secret spying on the American people.
No more Fourth Amendment.
But that pales in significance to the enemy combatant legislation, which says they can arrest any U.S.
citizen, secretly for any reason, secretly try you in a kangaroo court, and secretly execute you.
I spent a couple hours last night, a couple hours this morning, trying to read the bill, trying to mark it, and I just, I'm going to have to spend hours and hours today, hours and hours tomorrow,
To give you a full report, it is, again, the death of the United States, the birth of dictatorship.
The death of the United States, the birth of dictatorship.
Martial law powers rendered by Congress to the President.
I mean, that's your headline.
And I am reeling right now.
We have the LA Times,
And Associated Press reporting, Yale Law Professor Bruce Ackerman states in the LA Times, the compromise legislation authorizes the President to seize American citizens as enemy combatants even if they have never left the United States and once thrown into military prison they cannot expect a trial by their peers or other for the normal protections of the Bill of Rights.
And again, they're allowed to torture you.
It says it in here, but they call it pressure.
They're allowed to torture you to then get a confession and then that can be used in court.
Hearsay is allowed.
You do not need a unanimous decision by the military tribunal.
You have military defense lawyers appointed for you that are hand-selected by the prosecution.
You don't have to believe me.
Go read the Washington Post.
No more habeas corpus.
Due process.
It says you're guilty until proven innocent.
It actually says it!
To keep us safe from those terrorist Al-Cieda.
And I just cannot believe.
Similarly, Law Professor Marty Lederman explains, this subsection II of the definition of unlawful enemy combatant means if the Pentagon says you're an unlawful enemy combatant using whatever criteria they wish,
Then as far as Congress and U.S.
law is concerned, you are one, whether or not you have had any connection to hostilities at all.
That's in there.
You understand?
And by the way, it's the President, the Defense Secretary, or any of his designates, they choose, NORTHCOM chooses, now over the U.S., if you are.
And it's got stuff about owning private property, or fighting for private property, or squatting on land, protest, yelling at public officials.
Oh my gosh.
I've never seen anything like it.
I mean, this is worse than Patriot Act 2.
And again, they pass it in a week, man, like that.
Week and a half, to be precise.
They spin it like the President's being defeated right now!
Mmm, Congress led by McCain's, really.
Mmm, good old McCain-er.
And then it gives him more powers than he asked for.
That was the LA Times looking at the last version last Sunday.
Uh, this final version is even worse, if it's possible.
Go read the 80 pages.
80 plus pages.
Let me give you the exact number of pages.
There's addendums and then there's other sections.
That's 80 pages.
Read it!
Then you gotta go look at U.S.
It'll cite U.S.
It's all this trickery.
Alright, let's go to your calls.
Alright, let's go ahead and talk to George in Indiana, then David, Mark, Dan, and others.
Go ahead, George.
Yeah, Alex, one question before I make my comment.
Isn't it true that there's a Navy fleet headed to the Middle East right now?
Last time I checked, it's been there.
They've got three carrier groups in the Persian Gulf.
Or two in the Gulf, one in the Med, ready to attack Iran.
Okay, well, you know how these people like to play off of specific dates, and I found something that's quite unusual.
October 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty was dedicated
That next day in 1929, that's October 29th, was the stock market crash.
And I hate to see those two dates so close before this next election.
Because I think what's going to happen is if Bush thinks he's going to lose the Republican part of the House and the Senate, we're going to see something before the vote can come in.
Well, exactly, but 35% of the country has their CIA-controlled machines, so that's pretty much an ace in the hole for them.
That's why they're saying, never mind the polls showing they're going to lose, they're going to win.
It doesn't matter even if the Democrats get in.
The majority of the Democrats voted with Bush for this legislation.
Well, brother, I don't watch TV anymore, but I tune in to you every day.
Well, thanks for putting up with me.
I've got a great responsibility and I'm nobody.
I just, I do some research and I'm not perfect and I just am so sad about this country.
I mean, I'm really grieved because
It's just so horrible to see this.
But we'll burn together.
I'm not backing down.
I can't back down.
Can you?
I've got 15 grandchildren.
And I can't back down.
What do you think about the future?
Do you think these people are going to slow down?
Or is it just going to turn into their goons like a bunch of demonic monkeys running around trying to pick us up?
Well, something's got to happen closer to the White House for things to turn around.
There are people in there right now that know what's happening and don't like it, but they don't have the guts to stand up to it.
Well, also, most Americans just want to be around power and status.
I know people that work in the White House, several.
I'm not going to say any more.
And they've known me for years, and they'll sit around and laugh and giggle.
I went boating with one of them.
About a year ago, not this last summer, not this summer, but the last summer, one of my other friends said, I'll go ahead and go with this out on the boat.
I'm out there with this person that works in the White House, pretty high level.
And they're having these big arguments for like three hours.
And it's just, they're just on power trips.
I mean, I know, I'm not going to, it's just sick.
Is exactly what they wanted to do and that's to stir up these people over in the Middle East to the point to where they don't have to create terror anymore.
Well that's right, that's what P2OG says.
Is that they're going to go bomb and kill and put out the reports of torture and get the Arabs all stirred up.
Alex, there was a video, I believe it's on a website,
International something.
Anyway, what they showed on the video they were doing to those people in Abu Ghraib was horrible, man.
You can't even talk about it on the TV.
I mean, on the telephone.
What they were actually making them do.
Well, I mean, you know, they release the stuff where they make them do all those horrible things, but the Congress admits they saw the videos and Cy Hersh has talked to the officers that have seen it.
And then the Army report admits it.
When you start raping people with acid, I mean, yeah, it's Jeffrey Dahmer.
Thanks for the call.
I mean, it's just lower than the low, folks.
And the sick part is there's a White House memo telling them to do it, and then when the people get caught, they send them to prison.
Let's go ahead and talk to David in Mass.
David, you're on the air.
Alex, how are you today?
Good, sir.
Well, when you depicted what you thought the headline was today, the death of America and the birth of the dictatorship, I think was apropos.
I mean, this horrible piece of legislation.
Let me just say this.
Habeas corpus is a linchpin of the Bill of Rights.
It is.
And let me just read one little thing here.
It's very short.
Habeas corpus, you should have the body, guarantees that a person can be
Only be arrested pursuant to the law and not simply at the will of some despotic governing authority.
It is a legal procedure in the form of a writ that demands that a person be brought before a magistrate and charged under due process or else he
That's right, if somebody's such a terrorist, then bring in the proof, show it, send them to jail, bring in a real jury of peers, if it's so secret, you know, don't let it be public, or all of it be public.
No, no, no, they don't do that, they just say, we're gonna secretly arrest you, haul you off, and we know that the government's the real terrorist, exactly what the Founding Fathers said.
Statistically, it's the government that you've gotta be most afraid of.
1798, Thomas Jefferson to A.H.
Habeas Corpus secures every man here, alien or citizen, against everything which is not law, whatever shape it may assume.
That, I mean, that says it all.
That says it all.
It's been gutted by these despicable pieces of trash.
I know, I mean, I have the Washington Post here and it says, overturns habeas corpus.
I have AP, it says overturns habeas corpus.
I have Reuters, overturns habeas corpus.
It says, new law allows President unlimited spying and above Constitution.
I mean, that little bastard isn't above the... I'm sorry for my French today, folks, but I'm mad.
He is not.
He is not above the Constitution.
Nobody is.
And that's right.
You're right, Alex.
You know, I own property outside of the United States in another country, Alex, but like you said earlier, there's no escape to any of this.
Well, there's a lot of it in other legislation that if you leave and take your money, they can grab you and have your ship back.
It's New World Order, folks!
That's correct.
That's correct.
Nowhere to run to, baby!
Nowhere to hide!
That's it, the anti-money laundering provisions absolutely will put a stop to any expatriation of money.
And then meanwhile, who writes this?
The people in our government, the biggest money launderers and drug dealers there are?
It's just... Look, criminal drug dealing murderers who run death camps all over the world have got control of our country.
Enjoy yourselves, America!
I mean, there's all these fools that think they're a part of this system right now.
They're giggling, they're snickering.
I get one piece of solace.
You're gonna be dirt poor, and you're gonna wish someday you'd listen to me.
So you just keep laughing, you pieces of trash.
I know you're listening.
Thanks for the call, I appreciate it.
We'll come back and talk to Mark and Don and Dan and others.
Stay with us.
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You can tell who the Cohen Jail Pro people are out there posing in the Patriot community right now.
You can notice in unison they're saying, oh, it's not a police state.
Alex Jones exaggerates.
Well, things aren't as bad.
You know, he and others aren't the real patriots.
We are.
Let's all fight with each other.
That's always your number one sign.
No, we need to come together with ideas of information to resist the new world order.
We'll take your calls in the next segment.
I want to read some of these news articles today.
I mean, this is the Washington Post.
This is the AP.
This is what they're saying.
And the good news is the majority of Americans know there's a cover-up at 9-11.
And a majority of that majority know it's an inside job.
Again, in the past, people would be mad at one party or the other.
Now, both parties are hated and loathed.
There is an awakening, so they're trying to pass all this secret police bull thinking, thinking, and I tell them, go ahead and start arresting citizens.
Go ahead and use your terror manuals and say gun owners and land rights and property rights activists are terrorists.
Go ahead!
Just show us who you are, you trash!
Make a dictator act like a dictator.
Look, they're losing, okay?
This is not Germany.
This is not Russia.
A lot of us may be jellyfish, but a bunch of us aren't.
We got a history, folks, of really staying asleep to the last minute and getting up and absolutely kicking some hind end.
Many rights in U.S.
legal system absent in new bill.
Oh, rights in U.S.
legal system, even in Constitutional Bill of Rights.
This is Washington Post.
The Military Trials Bill approved by Congress leaves legislative support for the first time to broad rules for the detention, interrogation, prosecution, and trials of terrorism suspects far different from those in the familiar American criminal justice system.
See, it's just familiar now.
This is a new system, no big deal.
Included in the bill, passed by Republican majorities in the Senate yesterday and the House on Wednesday, are unique rules that bar terrorism suspects from challenging their detention or treatment through traditional habeas corpus petitions.
No, because it's secret.
You can see no one.
This is the Washington Post.
They allow prosecutors under certain conditions to use evidence collected through hearsay or coercion to seek criminal convictions.
Because they need that, see, to create the fake illusion of real terrorists.
Because the people running these trials are the terrorists, folks.
The bill rejects the right to a speedy trial.
Even in the kangaroo court, it's not speedy.
And it even says in the bill, by the way, that even if you're found not guilty by the tribunal, they can still hold you.
Oh, that's really nice!
The bill rejects the right to a speedy trial and limits the traditional right to self
Representation by requiring that defendants accept military defense attorneys.
That's a spin, actually.
It doesn't let you have your own private civilian lawyer.
Not just self.
Panels of military officers need not reach unanimous agreement to win convictions.
Oh, isn't that nice?
Except in death penalty cases, an appeals must go through a second military panel before reaching a federal civilian court.
And that's a secret court, by the way.
By writing into law for the first time the definition of an unlawful enemy combatant, the bill empowers the executive branch to detain indefinitely anyone it determines to have purposefully and materially supported anti-U.S.
Only foreign nationals among those detainees can be tried by military commissions.
That is not true.
I've got top legal scholars in the LA Times and another AP article and I've got the subsections.
I've read it.
We're writing a big analysis on this.
It says clearly they designate U.S.
citizens as enemy combatants and strip you of citizenship via a presidential or their designate's order.
Nowhere does it say U.S.
citizens can't be.
They are known and sentenced to decades in jail or put to death.
Did you hear that?
Only foreign nationals among those detainees can be tried by the military commissions as they are known and sentenced to decades in jail or put to death.
That is not true.
I mean, death must be in there.
Go read the PDF file.
We've got a link to it up on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Go read the PDF for the bill and there's a little search function.
Just put death into it.
It comes up like 50 times.
It's like the articles of war they used to read on admiralty ships.
If you talk back, the penalty shall be death!
If you're caught swearing and engaging in mutinous activity, the penalty shall be death!
If you're caught stealing, the penalty shall be death!
At the same time, the bill immunizes U.S.
Officials from prosecution for cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment of detainees who the military and the CIA captured before the end of last year.
It gives the President a dominant but not exclusive role in setting the rules for future interrogations of terrorism suspects.
So, it retroactively lets all the torture and the rape with acid, objects dripping with acid, go read the report, let's admit it.
That's okay.
And then in the new bill it says, by the way, we call torture pressure, so it's not torture.
Now that was AP.
I mean, that was Washington Post.
Let me read AP when we get back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
It's common sense and history is the facts of life.
Throughout history, powerful crime syndicates have gotten together, taken over governments, and enslaved populations that could care less about your daily life, your standard of living, your freedom.
In fact, they don't want you to be free, they want you in line.
Their real enjoyment, after they have all the power and control, is humiliating you, making you feel pathetic, taking your property, taking your children.
They're evil people.
They don't just don't have conscience.
They enjoy what they do.
And they enjoy you, while you're being abused by them, loving them.
That's an even bigger joke to them.
You know, to have everyone either cowardly rationalizing what's happening or mindlessly going along with it.
So just get ready.
I mean, it's already here.
But it's just all being set up.
We're going to go to Mark
And Dan, and who's up next, Dennis?
And then Greg, and Matt, and a bunch of other people here.
I've just got all this news, and I've got the subsections here.
This is the Associated Press.
Senate OK's detainee interrogation bill.
Now this is America, and this is all whitewash.
It's much worse than this, but listen.
The Senate on Thursday endorsed President Bush's plans to prosecute and interrogate terrorist suspects, all but sealing controversial approval for legislation that Republicans intend to use on the campaign trail to assert their toughness on terrorism.
The 65-34 vote means the bill could reach the President's desk by week's end.
The House passed nearly identical legislation on Wednesday and was expected to approve the Senate bill on Friday, sending it on to the White House.
The bill would create military commissions to prosecute terrorism suspects.
It also would prohibit some of the worst abuses of detainees, like mutilation and rape, but grant the President leeway to decide which other interrogation techniques are permissible.
So, and by the way, I didn't find that in there.
It says they can do whatever they want.
See, it says, we decide what torture is, and we'll say it isn't torture.
And then the President, in some of his briefs, has said, well, we won't mutilate or rape, because that's been ordered.
That's been done.
And then the President cited John Hughes' memos as the legal authorization of what they did in the past when arguing this at the Supreme Court and now at the Congress.
I mean, listen.
It also would prohibit some of the worst abuses of detainees like mutilation and rape, but grant the President leeway to decide which other interrogation techniques are permissible.
The White House and its supporters have called the measure crucial in the anti-terror fight, but some Democrats said it left the door open to abuse violating the U.S.
Constitution in the name of protecting Americans.
Twelve Democrats sided with 53 Republicans in voting for the bill.
Lincoln Chafee, Republican, Rhode Island, in a tough re-election fight, joined 32 Democrats and the Chambers, one Independent, in opposing the bill.
Senator Olympia Snow, Republican, Maine, was absent.
Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican, who helped draft the legislation during negotiations with the White House, said the measure would set up a system for treating detainees the nation could be proud of.
He said the goal is to render justice to the terrorists.
Because they're all terrorists, folks.
Even though they will not render justice to us.
Come on.
Democrats said the Republicans rushed a muscle to measure through Congress, was aimed at giving them something to tout during the election campaign.
No, it's about legalizing the criminal acts, the war crimes they've committed.
But more importantly, it's about continuing these operations.
There's no question the rush to pass the bill, which is the product of secret negotiations with the White House, is about serving a political agenda, said Kennedy.
Senate approval was the latest step in the remarkable journey that Bush has taken in shaping how the United States treats the terrorist suspects it has been holding, some for almost five years.
No charges, no nothing.
The Supreme Court nullified Bush's initial system for trying detainees in June, and earlier this month a handful of maverick GOP Senators embarrassed the President by forcing him to slightly tone down the next proposal.
And that's not true.
That was a dog and pony show, led by the agent McCain.
But they struck a deal last week, and the President and Congressional Republicans are now claiming the episode as a victory.
And it goes on.
We are not conducting a law enforcement operation against a check writing scam.
We're trying to foil a bank heist with Senator Mitch McConnell.
We are trying a war against terror and extremists who want to kill our citizens.
No, you killed our citizens.
Your criminal government did.
Just like the black men in Tuskegee and the irradiation on the children and all of it, you sick scum.
Approving the bill before lawmakers leave for the elections has been a top priority for Republicans.
GOP leaders fought off attempts by Democrats and a lone Republican to challenge the bill.
Legislation to let Bush begin prosecuting terrorists connected to the Supreme Court level of the tax justice voters headed to the polls and let Republicans use opposition by Democrats as fodder for criticizing them during the campaign.
Some want to tie the hands of our terror fighters, said Senator Christopher Bond.
And so you're going to have terror fighters on the streets.
Many of the new, tens of thousands of new grants that college students are getting are for Homeland Security.
And you see, just like you have firefighters and crime fighters, now there's terror fighters and there's no real terror.
So you read the bill, everything's terror.
Section 802 of the Patriot Act.
All misdemeanors are terror.
Just type it into Google.
Patriot Act being used in non-terror crimes, non-terror cases, thousands across the country.
We're not going to use a Patriot Act against citizens!
We're not going to use a Patriot Act against people who aren't involved in terror!
We're not spying on you without warrants, Bush said!
The habeas corpus language in the bill is a
Legally abusive of rights guaranteed in the Constitution, as the actions at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, and secret prisons that were physically abusive of detainees and Senator Carl Levin, the top Democrat.
So, there you have it.
And it goes on and on.
Under the bill, listen carefully, under the bill a terrorist being held at Guantanamo could be tried by military commission so long as he was afforded certain rights such as the ability to confront evidence given to jury and having access to defense counsel.
Oh, can't have defense counsel, can't have a jury, can't have... And notice it says, under the bill, a terrorist being held at Guantanamo.
See, you're a terrorist first!
You're guilty!
Until proven innocent.
I know we've got a lot of calls, I'm gonna go to them, but... I really should.
The problem is I marked this bill hurriedly last night and this morning, and I marked too much of it.
And I keep looking during the break for some of the key areas... Oh, I found it.
I just flipped to it and found it.
That was fortuitous.
I got that stack.
Where's my other stack?
I've got one here.
They also just passed unlimited secret wiretaps against the American people.
In a few months they go from, we swear we're not spying on any of you, yes we know it's illegal, to, okay, we're spying on you but only bin Laden calling America, and then, okay, everything's recorded at the phone companies, ha ha ha!
We're tracking everything you do, ha ha ha!
And Google's gonna use the video camera and audio and all the new computers to listen to you, ha ha ha!
You know, I mean, it's just... Here's another one.
It says the police nationwide are getting federal grants.
They're trying to try at the public schools to force every kid in America to rep the scam they claim so they get kidnapped.
They can identify them.
Here's another one.
School fingerprinting plans reviewed.
It's just a total... Folks, lockdowns of schools, retina scans, thumb scans to get lunches, searches... It's prisons!
America is a prison!
Oh my gosh!
Here it is.
Ah, I found it.
Wiretap Bill sets up election year issue.
Now listen to this first line, AP.
Lauren Kilman.
The White House approved a bill Thursday that would grant legal status to President Bush's warrantless wiretapping program.
Republicans called it a test before the election of whether Democrats want to fight or coddle terrorists.
I don't know, I think the government's coddling the terrorists.
The Democrats' irrational opposition to strong national security policies that help keep our nation secure, like leaving the border open, scum, should be our great concern to the American people, Majority Leader John Boehner, Republican Ohio said in a statement after the bill passed.
232 to 191.
To always have reasons why you just can't vote yes, I think, speaks volumes.
You see, what they're going to do when they set off a nuke or blow up a city or release smallpox, is they're going to say, the Democrats got the way of us keeping you safe!
And I've heard Savage and others, Top Beatniks and others, Little Beatniks,
Up on the radio and TV and everywhere saying, we're trying to protect you, but when the terrorists hit, we're going to ban protesting and ban people that were against the Patriot Act, because you caused it to happen.
We're going to have to arrest people that protested because it's your fault.
This is unbelievable.
Democrats shot back that the war on terrorism shouldn't be fought at the expense of civil and human rights.
The bill approved by the House, they argue, gives the President too much power.
And in the House, folks, you should vote for Democrats.
Because a large portion of the Democrats, the vast majority, did vote against it.
Now, a large portion of the Democrats in the Senate did vote for it.
And listen, it's about getting rid of that monopoly so they can just roll all this through.
If we had a Democrat doing all this, I'd say vote Republican.
Lord knows the Democrats are a bunch of gun grabbers and are bad news, but their constituents are demanding, are demanding this stuff stop.
So they're having to answer to them.
Okay, I found it.
Number one, the definition of terrorist is in the U.S.
They make you go to the U.S.
Code to find that.
I just had it, here it is.
It's in U.S.
Code, Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 113C.
But if you just type in Title 18, Subsection 2304, you will find as used in Chapter 1, and then it goes through terrorism, and it says severe mental pain or suffering means the prolonged mental harm caused by or resulting from
The intentional infliction of threatened infliction of severe physical pain or suffering.
Well, the government says give up your rights or the terrorists are going to get you.
That's terrorism.
The administration or application of threatened administration or application of mind-altering substances or other procedures calculated to directly profound the senses of the personality.
I'm trying to find that subsection.
Did I print the right one here?
Because there's one in here where it says United States means the United States
Territories, possessions, where is it?
Where's that subsection?
I must not have printed the right subsection.
I'll look at this during the break.
Let me read this part.
This is from page 69, and this goes into the definitions of what makes you an enemy combatant.
Okay, and some of these are bad things, some of these are nothing.
Let me turn back to the start here.
Cruel or inhumane treatment, an alien, unlawful enemy, combatant who commits an act intended to inflict severe physical pain or suffering or severe mental pain, including severe physical abuse, other than pain or suffering, incidental to lawful sanctions, and it goes on.
And so there's section after section, intentionally causing serious bodily injury, mutilating or maiming, murder in violation of the law of war,
So anybody who fights back in a foreign land, destruction of property in violation of the law of war, it says an alien unlawful enemy combatant who intentionally destroys property belonging to another person in violation of the law of war shall be guilty of the offense of destruction of property in violation of the law of war and shall be subject to whatever punishment and commission may direct including getting I guess life in prison.
Using treachery or profanity
Improperly using a flag of truce.
Improperly using a distinctive emblem.
Intentionally mistreating dead.
So see, we hear in the news there's all these restrictions on this.
This restricts enemy combatants from raping.
Hijacking or hazardous a vessel or aircraft.
See, a lot of things that sound reasonable.
And it gives the terrorism definition, an alien, unlawful enemy combatant subject to the title who intentionally kills or inflicts great bodily harm on one or more persons or intentionally engages in an act that envices a wanton disregard for human life in a manner calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government
or civilian population by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct, shall be guilty of the offense of terrorism and shall be suspect of whatever punishment a commission may direct, including if death result in more than one of the victims the penalty of death.
But it's so wide, it's the same as Section 802.
This is 23 on page 69 of all these definitions.
So that one's a really scary one.
Providing material support for terrorism.
You read this.
If you give money to a charity who then gives money to a group designated as a terrorist, you can be secretly arrested, secretly tried, and secretly killed.
24 is key.
Go read that.
Now, I just found it.
I'm trying to find the part.
I just had it.
Invences a wanton disregard for human life in a manner calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government or civilian population by intimidating or coercion or to retaliate against government conduct.
What is the part about yelling at politicians?
Wrongfully aiding the enemy, alien, unlawful enemy combatant who is a breach of the allegiance or the duty of the United States,
You see that?
In breach of an allegiance.
See, this is American citizens.
They say this over and over again.
When you're in breach of your allegiance to the U.S., you then become an enemy combatant by aiding, and it says, gathering news, data, anything that can help a foreign country, or any country that we're allied with.
That is, the criminals that control our government.
25 is important.
Wrongfully aiding the enemy, an alien, unlawful enemy combatant who is in breach of allegiance or duty to the United States, knowingly and intentionally aids an enemy in the United States, or who is co-belligerent, shall be guilty of the offense of wrongfully aiding the enemy and shall be subject to whatever punishment a commission may direct.
See, in breach of an allegiance to the United States.
You see that right there?
An alien and lawful enemy combatant who, in intent for reason to believe that it is to be used in the inquiry of the United States or to the advantage of a foreign power, collects or attempts to collect certain information by clandestine means.
Remember they charged Greg Pallas with terrorism two weeks ago but had to drop it for going down and showing a FEMA camp in Louisiana?
For the purpose of conveying such information to the enemy of the United States, or one of its co-belligerents, shall be guilty of the offense of spying and shall be subject to whatever punishment a commission may, including penalty of death.
Perjury and obstruction of justice.
It says it's an act of terrorism to engage in perjury.
I think that's the part.
But that's what Nemo thought I was talking about.
I've gone over the part.
I flipped it open and found the part where it said, basically, to paraphrase, yelling at an official and intimidating him is terrorism.
That's also in the Patriot Act in Section 802.
But I can't find it now.
I know we've got loaded phone lines.
We're going to come back and give you each 60 seconds.
I'm going to go directly to you.
Mark, Dan, Dennis, Greg, and Matt.
That'll be it.
Everybody stay with us.
We'll go directly to you.
And if you want to support us, get TerrorStorm, make copies of it, expose the terrorists, bring them to justice!
If you get the videos and make copies, there's no way they can stand, folks.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm not kidding.
Go to Infowars.com.
Get your copy of Terror Storm.
Make copies of it.
Get it out to everybody.
Go download copies at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Expose the terrorists.
Help us.
And don't forget, I'll be on the radio this weekend, 4 to 6 p.m.
on News Radio 590 KLBJ.
You can listen on 590 AM from Dallas, out east all the way to Fairfield, down south past San Antonio.
You can listen on the internet at Infowars.com.
Mark and Marilyn and Dan, Dennis and Matt.
Go ahead, Mark.
Hey, I'm watching the clock here so I'll get my two points over quickly.
Number one, have you heard of an agricultural magazine by the name of Range?
Okay, they just did a whole thing on the border and they just did a whole thing on the ag chips.
If you'd like, I'll send you the magazine.
Sure, it's on the Animal ID Act.
Number two,
Anybody like Naive Boy, who called up earlier, who doesn't believe that the government is capable of doing anything like this, I'm finishing up a book on the 1932 bonus army marchers.
That's right, Patton and good old MacArthur went in and killed a bunch of our own troops who were just demanding the bonus.
They've been promised a bunch of them Congressional Medal of Honor winners.
They bayoneted a small boy for running back to his burning shanty to save his pet rabbit.
I mean, so, if they're capable of doing stuff like that, then, you know, well... Well, the Storm Troopers, many years from now, when the U.S.
is conquered and bankrupted and gone, they'll remember this show and cry, but they love it right now.
Hey, thanks for the call.
They love it.
They love it.
They love killing this country.
Dan in Oklahoma, you're on the air.
Hello, sir.
Go ahead.
Okay, Alex, you got me?
Yes, I do.
My name's Dan in Oklahoma, and, uh,
I'd like to talk to you a little longer than 60 seconds, but anyway, I've got Jones in North Texas and up around Archer City or Montague County.
It may possibly be related, but that's probably a slight possibility.
Well, Jones is our prodigious.
What's on your mind?
Okay, I'm just going to say this.
I believe you're a man of God, and I want to say this.
I want to say, anybody that tries to harm you, I don't care if they're in this government or whatever.
They're going to fight God.
And I'm going to ask that anybody that tries to harm you or your family, that the curse of God will come down upon them in the name of Jesus Christ.
Because you're doing the work of a godly man, and it's obvious you're standing up against evil.
And God will respect you for that.
Well listen my friend, I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't God's will.
And I appreciate all of your prayers out there and I am frustrated that we didn't have more time.
Call me back this weekend or call me back on Monday.
Call me earlier.
I promise I'll take more calls.
And I really appreciate you sir.
God bless you.
Let's talk to Denison, Ohio.
Denison, go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
Yes sir.
Yes, this is Denison, Ohio.
I don't know if it makes that much difference.
I'm a veteran Marine.
You know once a Marine, always a Marine.
But I think this fight is going to have to take this fight to the government.
It's going to take people 45 to 60, 65 years old to take this fight on because this younger generation just does not know what's going on.
What is it like for you to swear an oath and serve this country and see them openly overturning the Bill of Rights?
I'm ready to go to war.
I'm ready to go to war.
I didn't miss Vietnam.
I was in boot camp when they announced Vietnam was officially over in Parris Island.
There's so many things that's going on.
I just had some charges put on me.
I'm trying to make this short.
Everybody's going into the system.
I'm out of time.
I apologize.
And I really apologize to Matt in Long Island.
Matt, you call me first hour on Monday.
I will get to you or tune in on the internet this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
on News Radio 590 Kelby Jet.
It's going to be syndicating through Genesis in two weeks.
All right.
God bless you.
Expose the terrorists.
Wake everybody up.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.