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Name: 20060927_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 27, 2006
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
It is Wednesday, the 27th day.
of September 2006 and we're going to be live here for the next three hours coming up in 30 minutes at the bottom of this hour I'm gonna air the first half of a 20-minute interview we put together that we did with Jesse Ventura two days ago or a day and a half ago in San Antonio.
We'll air the first 10 minutes
of the interview that gets into 9-11, Gulf of Tonkin, the JFK assassination, and then at the bottom of the next hour, we will play the second half of the interview with Jesse Ventura.
There's also about 5, 6, 7 minutes more.
It's really about a 27-minute interview that we'll try to play for you tomorrow.
There's just not time to play it all today, but we'll play the first two big chunks
Coming up again in 30 minutes and then at the bottom of the second hour.
We're doing it at the bottom of the second hour because we have Dr. Paul Craig Roberts who joins us about once a month coming on.
He's written some amazing new articles and we're really excited about the information he's bringing forward.
One headline is, Why Bush Will Nuke Iran?
Another one is war criminal at bay.
Another one is the crisis is upon us.
So we'll be going over all three of those stories with Paul Craig Roberts, the former Chief Economist at the Treasury under Ronald Reagan, the father of Reaganomics, exposing the fact that neocons are anything but conservative.
That is coming up in about 57 minutes from now.
Then in the third hour, we're joined by a local activist who's now had a national effect, and she's a great lady, Vicki Karp.
The new book is Hacked!
High Tech Election Theft in America, and she'll be joining us in studio in the third hour, so definitely, definitely stay with us for that.
In the meantime, I'm going to run through the news, and I was sitting here today getting ready for the broadcast, and there's so much news.
It's all so important.
I get to the point where my head starts spinning.
I don't know what to cover first, and I can't just cover everything lightly, because that doesn't give it justice, and we don't get into enough of the meat and potatoes, the actual fascia that makes this thing up.
But stocks rise, Dow nears all-time high.
That's one report out of AP.
And of course it's a total fraud.
I'm not going to talk for three hours about this one story.
Here's another one.
declassifies small portion of controversial security report.
Bush had tried to block its release ever since April, but when he had trouble doing it, he went ahead under national security and excised large portions of it.
So you think the national assessment exposing the fact that Iraq has generated a true engine of global resistance to
The hegemon of those that control this country.
I don't like to say against the U.S.
No, no, no.
The people that have hijacked our country, that are destroying Iraq, are the same people.
So when we hear it's generated resistance to the U.S., you mean resistance to the New World Order.
And we're not part of this system, folks.
We're in the lion's belly.
We've been devoured by it.
And somehow, in the lion's gut, chewed up in little pieces, the average American still thinks that they're physically part of the empire, and they swagger around, sticking their chest out and bugging their eyes out as all their freedoms are flushed down the toilet, as their future is eviscerated.
Perez Musharraf says Iraq war makes the world more dangerous.
Meanwhile, the
Puppet leader of Iraq says U.S.
troop presence keeps neighbors from invading Iraq.
I want to parallel those two articles.
Another story here.
False rumors mark hunt for Bin Laden.
Everybody's been asking what the truth about Bin Laden is.
We'll give you our best analysis on that when we get back.
Gas prices drop to below $2 a gallon.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, I've dropped the ball.
I must have.
My wife was asking me to respond to emails on the subject.
Kevin in here producing was asking me to respond to it.
Folks on the street walked up to me yesterday and asked me about it.
So it must be a huge issue and I've dropped the ball.
French President Jean Chirac a couple weeks ago released sections of a report he'd gotten that Osama Bin Laden had died shortly after 9-11 from a disease.
And it wasn't kidney failure, it was supposedly, what, typhus.
And remember back in the 2004 election,
We weren't the only ones.
I mean, it was Walter Cronkite, it was Hillary Clinton, it was all these bigwigs in the Democratic Party going out and saying, listen, we've got intel that, it was a whole bunch of them, that Bush has Bin Laden's dead body on ice and is planning to roll him out.
That was a quote by Cronkite, that they have him quote on ice.
Well, who said that first?
I don't want to give up sources.
I can't give up sources.
And I said on air back in 2002 that it could be disinfo.
We wrote articles in 2002 about it.
So I put it out there with a large grain of salt.
But I have a source inside the White House, inside the White House at the time.
They've since left.
Hint, hint.
That doesn't narrow the field down much.
Most people have left.
That's all I'm going to say.
High level.
In the White House, and I'm not going to say how the information came to me, other than imagine people are at parties, there's a lot of people in the Bush Administration who live here in Austin, you go to a gala, a function, you're going to see them.
Back when Bush was here, the Governor, you'd see them all over.
And so a lot of his people live here in Austin, live around Austin, or have houses here, summer houses here, winter houses, whatever.
I guess they'd be winter houses, it's warm down here.
Most of them live in D.C., but then come down here during the winter and during the summer sometimes.
But to make a long story short, I was told that Bin Laden died of kidney failure shortly after September 11th, and that they have his body literally frozen as an ace in the hole to roll out whenever they need to.
And this came from, again, a high-level individual in the Bush administration.
And I'm going to just leave it right there.
I'm not going to say male or female.
Well, then I'm interviewing a CFR member on the show, and he says the same thing before I even release this info.
He says, yeah, they've got him.
He died of kidney failure right after 9-11, and they've got him frozen, and they'll roll him out.
Whenever they want, he's on ice.
Well, I go public with the source.
I go public with a report from the source.
And then, two years later, two and a half years later, in late 2004, it's all over CNN, it's all over Fox.
I mean, it's seriously being discussed.
Well, it's back in the news, again, that Karl Rove's October surprise is Osama Bin Laden's dead body.
Frankly, I don't know if it's true, I don't know if it's accurate, and I don't like to rumor monger here, but Jacques Chirac has come out and said he died, and everyone is asking me, is Bin Laden really dead?
And there's these discussions, well here's an AP article, false rumors mark hunt for Bin Laden.
He was blown up in the caves of Tora Bora.
He was on dialysis and dying of kidney disease.
He was in the hands of Pakistani intelligence about to be turned over to the United States.
Hear my cell phone folks?
Let me see who's calling.
Oh my gosh.
My good buddy Rick Linklater's calling.
He must not be listening to the show.
Anyways, I'll call him back at the end of the show.
Continuing here, false rumors mark Hunt for Bin Laden.
It's my fault.
I should turn phones off.
In fact, I'll do that right now.
I've gotten a little threadbare.
So much going on.
I've got to commend Aaron Dykes.
He has... I told him, do not pull an all-nighter.
Do not stay overnight.
Go home, don't stay too late and guess what?
I came in this morning and he was here and he'd been busy with the hours of footage we shot of Ventura and the reason it's hours is when you got three cameras on somebody for a 27 minute interview and you got stuff outside interviewing him and you got stuff of him on the
Thank you.
When the show ends today, Paul Watson is going to have a big report with interior's actual quotes where he comes out and goes public about 9-11 and questioning and brings up Northwoods and a lot of other key issues.
But we're going to be playing the audio of that coming up in 15 minutes.
We'll play the first half of it and then at the bottom of the next hour play the second half of it.
But I've already digressed.
In fact, speaking of Jesse Ventura, here's just 30 seconds or so of the interview you'll hear in about 15 minutes.
Go ahead and roll it.
In the early 60s, the Pentagon had an operation called Operation Northwoods, and it never came to reality, but it was on the table that our military would attack certain cities within the United States and make it look like Cuba did it to justify an invasion of Cuba.
It never happened, but just the simple fact that they contemplated it, and it was actually on the table in the Pentagon, I find that just very disturbing.
That they would, you know, even consider using our military to try to justify an invasion of another country.
He was blown up in the caves of Tora Bora.
He was on dialysis and dying of kidney disease.
He was in the hands of Pakistani intelligence and about to be turned over to the United States.
Remembers of Osama Bin Laden's death or capture go back years and they have always proved greatly exaggerated.
The latest came Saturday when a leaked French intelligence document citing an unusually reliable source to the Saudi Secret Service was convinced the 52-year-old Al-Qaeda terror chief had died of typhoid
Last month in Pakistan.
No, the tridiac kidney failure in late 2001, early 2002.
Officials from Riyadh to Paris to Washington rushed to insist they had nothing to substantiate the report, but not before news of it reached every corner of the globe and renewed the debate about why the world's largest dragnet has failed to get this man.
You know, they're talking about disinfo on bin Laden.
The government claimed they killed Al-Zakari over ten times.
They claimed they captured him five or six times.
They claimed they killed Chemical Ali three times.
And they're testing this.
They're seeing how stupid we are.
They're training the media to announce.
It was every two weeks or so they'd killed him.
And then they'd kill him again, and there was never a retraction of the previous kill.
And finally, what, a few months ago, they claimed they killed him for good, and now they've shut up and said he's officially dead.
Over, and over, and over, and over!
And it came out that Saddam, indeed, if you can believe that's the real Saddam, had been captured by the Kurds three weeks before, had been in custody, that has been now admitted, but again, back in the newspaper, and they went and stuck him in that hole, after he'd already been in custody and beat up and disheveled, to pull him out to show the Marines capturing him.
And on the tape is the General walking around on CNN, even slipped out going, men, now here's the official story.
Do you hear me?
This is all you say.
We found him in that hole.
Where did we find him?
In the hole.
That's right.
We found him right there just a few hours ago.
Right, sir!
It's just like Payne Stewart.
It's just like, excuse me, Pat Tillman, the NFA football player.
It's the same story over and over and over and over again.
Private Lynch, two days passed.
They knew that they were in a zone controlled by the U.S.
They knew the Republican Guard and Iraqis had pulled out.
The doctors came to the checkpoint and said, hey, we love America.
The head doctor of the hospital was trained in the U.S.
He says, we've got your private.
Come pick her up.
She's right here at the hospital, and they waited two days, got Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer, on the phone.
He scripted to CENTCOM, based in Qatar, Qatar, however you want to pronounce it.
And told them how to run the operation, how to film over sat TV.
He even told the Delta Commanders that went in how to rescue, how to make it look, how to kick doors down.
And they went and beat up and kicked down doors and scared her half to death and she climbed under and then they told her, here's the story.
Okay, you fought single-handedly and the men all fell down and died and you killed five of the Iraqis and then you fought them with your bayonet crawling.
And she said, well none of that's true.
I hid in the back of the truck.
And forget that.
You can go pull the articles.
It was a Hispanic gentleman that really did most of the fighting.
A bunch of the others did cower in fear.
It's the new America.
And he shot a whole bunch of them and got killed.
And then they shot him like four or five times.
They came up and bayoneted him.
Stabbed him.
And Lynch was just groveling and begging.
And then a bunch of members of her unit that survived started shooting their mouths off.
And so what?
Five of them in a month were all killed?
They'd get pulled over and drowned in a puddle of water.
One guy was in, what, Phoenix?
And someone in a black uniform popped up over the fence and double-tapped him to the head.
That story was really important to the Pentagon.
I mean, they were killing that whole unit.
And Lynch got smart and came out and said, before they killed her, it would have been, the hero died in a car wreck before, you know, she could blow the whistle.
She came out and said, it's all a fable!
It's a hoax!
None of it's true!
They told me a lie!
Well, it's the same thing with all of this.
And if you don't know a PsyOps being run on ya, I got a bridge I'll sell ya on the surface of the moon.
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Part 1 of the 20 plus minute interview we've got with Jesse Ventura coming up in the next segment.
We'll play the second part in the next hour.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts joins us with his monthly visit.
And we've also got Vicki Karp.
He's written a new book, Hacked!
High Tech Election Theft in America.
Joining us in studio in the third hour.
We'll also have time for open phones later.
So the false rumors, quote Mark Hunt for Bin Laden.
Why is the AP writing about government sponsored rumors?
You notice France puts out this rumor via, or really Saudi Arabia puts it out via France.
And they say, well, France put out the rumor and then a day later said, but we can't confirm it.
Well, that's what Bush does all the time.
We got really serious, specific details.
They were going to blow up all the planes with liquid chemicals.
Then it turns out they had no liquid chemicals.
They had no passports.
A few of them had shot their mouths off in
Message rooms, message boards, online, and it turned out that you can't make those type of explosives in even two or three hours in a laboratory.
You have to mix them all and then let it dry.
Several inches of liquid has to then evaporate and it takes conservatively five or six hours.
We've had bomb experts on this broadcast to discuss it.
Former top British bomb experts that taught it in the military.
And of course that's now all come out in the press, but back of the paper after the hoax has already been engaged in.
So they hoax about Bin Laden dying last month, when really my intel is he's been dead for over four and a half years.
So I'm done talking about that.
The media is back out there hyping it.
Here's the other types of news I have in front of me.
Stocks rise!
Dow nears all-time high.
Blue chip stocks rose and the Dow Jones Industrial Average neared its record high.
Closed Wednesday as investors shrugged off a lackluster durable goods report and appeared satisfied with the increase in new home sales, despite the fact that they dropped.
In mid-morning trading, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 18.41 or 0.16 at 11,687.80, just about 35 points away from its record high close of 11,722.98.
Let me just end all of this disinformation now.
This isn't hard to verify.
You can do it.
They have more than doubled the money supply since 2000.
When, what, six, eight months ago Greenspan left, he had admittedly doubled the money supply in the first six years of Bush's administration.
Bernanke, the new Fed chairman, is saying he's going to double it in the next two years, that he made the money supply number secret for the first time since the Federal Reserve took over in 1913.
That's scary.
They're saying there may be more than a double in the next two years.
So this creates, it's like when somebody's dying, going into shock, and they're going to die anyways, and they just keep pumping them full of adrenaline, pumping them full of other drugs.
I watched my friend die just a few months ago like this.
They were saying, look, we can keep giving him these drugs, jacking him up, but the doses get bigger and bigger each time.
Now his arteries and veins are collapsing, and at that point they pumped him full of drugs, it didn't matter, he still died.
Died with his eyes wide open, fully conscious.
What a way to go.
Because of the drugs.
If he would have gone naturally, he wouldn't have gone through that.
I don't blame him for trying to keep him alive.
The point is they had him all jacked up.
His eyes were wide open.
He was wide awake as he went under.
And I've already digressed now off into the analogy of death.
The point is they're printing this money.
And it's ripping all of us off.
It's destroying our savings values.
But it's giving you a short-term fix.
But it's like a drug addict.
The doses are having to get bigger and bigger and bigger.
So they've doubled the money supply.
They're online to quadruple it in the next year and a half now.
Because again, this started six months ago.
And so the stock market is really conservatively at about $6,000.
Now that's only one way they manipulate it.
It's more dollars.
Being invested at least somewhere where there's some value.
People take these near worthless Federal Reserve notes and they then invest them in the stock market.
And even though a company can go belly up like Enron or can be devalued mightily, still there's some perception of value.
That's why what's been keeping the real estate bubble going.
Sure, it's way overvalued, but at least there's some real value there.
It's not completely fiat.
It's real property or real estate.
The bigger scam is that the Dow Jones Industrial 30, they take the losers out and put winners in every month.
They're constantly changing it.
So it's not a real index or indices.
Neither is the Standard & Poor's.
Neither is the NASDAQ.
And I just don't know how these full-grown people who've got degrees and who aren't stupid, they just keep buying into it.
It's a casino!
It's a fraud!
I mean, stocks are riddled with scamming and insider trading and rigging and funds protection teams and the Federal Reserve.
But you get into derivatives, you get into pork bellies and the rest of it.
There's so much manipulation.
It just boggles the mind.
So, again, everything is a hoax, folks.
The stock market is a hoax.
So, hey, go ahead.
Don't listen to me.
Invest all your money in it.
The dollar, boy, it's good as gold, and I'm lying about everything.
Everything's fine.
Doubling the money supply in six years is just wonderful.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network.
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Good morning, honey.
Wow, the weather is beautiful, the cabin is terrific, and it's the first day of our vacation!
Honey, is there something wrong?
Yeah, I just realized we forgot to pack the travel berkey system.
I can't drink this cabin water.
And what am I going to do when I'm out on the lake?
Now the whole vacation is ruined.
Honey, cheer up.
I brought our Sport Berkey Purifiers!
Yeah, I know you're picky about not having pathogenic bacteria, organic chemicals, heavy metals or foul tastes and odors in the water, so I packed our Sport Berkey Purifiers!
You know, this is a terrific cabin!
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Travel Berkey not available in Iowa.
Come on, Bill.
Two weeks ago you were riding a bicycle, and today you're showing up in your new car and telling me you're buying a house?
What did you do, rob Bill Gates?
No, John, I didn't rob Bill Gates.
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What was that website again?
It's www.DidYouRobBillGates.com.
Now write this down, John.
You should go there and learn how this program can help you become financially independent, too.
Thanks, Bill.
I'm going there right now.
Check, please.
Uh, you got this one, right, Bill?
Sure, John.
Don't forget, it's www.DidYouRobBillGates.com.
Next time, you'll be buying me lunch.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here live, my friends, and back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time on the one and only GCN Radio Network.
Let me mention some of the other news that's going to come up.
Fox News ratings continue to slide following a year-long trend.
ESPN faked stadium cheers for Bush Sr.
They've been caught doing that, and then they insert boos from people they don't like.
This is propaganda, folks.
WorldNet Daily story, documents disclose shadow government indicate U.S.
far advanced in constructing bureaucracy united with Mexico and Canada.
More and more is coming out about the North American slave grid.
Peaceful Iraq war protest, prompt 71 arrest.
Iraq is cause celeb for extremist.
More of that news starting to come out.
That's just some of what is coming up later.
Before we air this part one of this Jesse Ventura interview I did two nights ago,
I wanted to invite all of you to visit the Secure Online Video and Bookstore Shopping Cart on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and get the new video that we're carrying.
Most folks who are going to carry this haven't even gotten this in stock yet.
We've had it for about a week.
9-1-1 Mysteries Part 1 Demolitions.
This is really an excellent film and just focuses on the bombs and the demolitions in the buildings.
It's got a lot of never-before-seen footage, a lot of insider testimony.
It really is an important documentary and I am extremely, extremely excited to be carrying this film
Tall buildings shatter in 10 seconds.
Steel beams buckle as if crushed by Superman.
A volcano of ash darkens the sky.
Can jet fuel perform such a feat?
So we will certainly hope that you get this video.
It's an excellent DVD, 9-1-1 Mysteries, available at Infowars.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
And don't forget that I have my own 9-11 film, but it covers the history of government-sponsored terror.
It's the opposite of demolitions.
It gives you the wide view.
I think it's important to focus in just on one subject.
Again, it's all a diverse way to attack this new world order and wake the people up.
Like 9-11 Mysteries is voiced by a woman, and my new film Terror Storm is voiced by myself.
It's just different.
The history of government-sponsored terror, 7-7, we go to London, expose that as an inside job.
The Madrid bombing, we cover the Iraq war, the staged intelligence that brought us to that.
The White House Memo, the Downing Street Memo, interviews with all these experts.
It is an amazing documentary film, Terror Storm.
You need to have it.
And the toll-free number to order Terror Storm again is 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001.
South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Please get 9-11 Mysteries, Part 1 Demolitions.
Please get Terror Storm.
These films won't be seen unless you get them and show them to people and take action with this information.
So again, 9-11 Mysteries, Demolitions, Part 1.
Terror Storm, Road to Tyranny, Martial Law, all my films, all the other great 9-11 films, Loose Change 2nd Edition, we have it all in the secure online video and book store at InfoWars.com.
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Your support is always appreciated and needed.
Okay, here is the first half
Yes, we're good to go.
Man, you guys are great.
You said you'd spend ten minutes with each person.
I've never seen anything like that in my life.
You do what you need to do.
We appreciate you.
Mr. Ventura, I'm just going to tell you right off the bat, I became a big supporter of you and I saw the clip online in the summer of 2003 when you were on Jay Leno.
It was heartfelt, it was energy, it was pure truth.
I saw you tell people thanks for standing up for the truth, thanks for standing up for what's right.
You were on Jay Leno, you talked about Gulf of Tonkin, since then it's been declassified, it was all stage.
You obviously knew you were inside all of that.
I would just like to get
Your view, your take on 9-11, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK, all of it.
Well, I think the most interesting thing to talk about today is if people aren't aware that due to the Freedom of Information Act, in the early 60s, the Pentagon had an operation called Operation Northwoods.
And it never came to reality, but it was on the table that
Our military would attack certain cities within the United States and make it look like Cuba did it to justify an invasion of Cuba.
It never happened, but just the simple fact that they contemplated it and it was actually on the table in the Pentagon, I find that just very disturbing.
That they would even consider using our military to try to just
To justify an invasion of another country.
They did speak on Jay Leno, according to my recollection, about how Gulf of Tonkin was staged, how you were lied to, we were lied to, you lost a lot of friends.
What was it like to learn that they had staged an event that didn't really happen to bring us into full-scale war in 64?
What was it like when you realized that and you learned that?
Well, it was very disappointing to believe in your country that they would lie to you to get into a war.
That they would perpetrate a lie and that the media would go along with it.
It's a real eye-opener.
And you realize that if they would do it in the 60s, they'll do it again.
If it works once, it'll work again.
Government very much operates that way.
I really learned about it when McNamara did his tour with film and he came to Harvard when I was teaching there.
And they pretty much had to lock me up in a room so that I wouldn't confront him.
What would you say to him if you were in a room with him?
I would ask him why we were lied to and what the purpose was for it.
The one thing I do question on 9-11 is the fact that if anyone's familiar with the Payne Stewart, the golfer, when he died,
He was flying in a private plane, and they lost contact with that private plane out of Florida, and within 30 minutes they had a fighter jet up on the wing.
And that fighter stayed with it all the way till it crashed in Nebraska, making sure that it didn't harm anyone.
And the thing I questioned on 9-11 was simply the fact, where were our planes?
When all this was going on, and planes were being hijacked an hour apart, and there were four of them to cover about a six hour space,
At no time, to my knowledge, did we have any fighter planes up in the air.
Well, the default position is to send up fighters.
Why weren't they?
In light of the fact that there was a cover-up that got us into the Vietnam War, and there was, in my opinion, a cover-up of John Kennedy's assassination, I would just say that I don't believe it's beyond reason to not at least consider that the government certainly would do things like that.
You're here, you know about
Tom, can you know about Northwoods?
Well, I know about those things from reading on Kennedy.
That's how most of them came out.
That's right, Kennedy said no to Northwoods.
Through my research of Kennedy is how I learned of most of these things.
I question it only because of the Payne-Stewart situation.
And Northwoods.
And Northwoods.
But as far as me having any knowledge that we relied to, I don't.
As far as JFK goes, well I've been studying that for 25 years, or 20 years I guess, or more now, and I don't believe for one minute the Warren Commission.
I think that it's fraudulent in the fact that if you break it down to simplistic form, if Lee Harvey Oswald is who they told us he was, this little disgruntled Marine who became a Communist and decided to kill the President,
Then why would all the information have to be locked up in national security and kept secret for 20 years?
Well, sir, you were a Navy SEAL.
Three shots in six seconds with a bolt action rifle?
You're not going to hit the side of a barn.
No, I don't believe he could make the shot.
Can you speak to that?
As far as the shots he did, three of them and the magic bullet in the head shot, I've been to Dealey Plaza and I don't think he could make the shots.
In my opinion, because it was a difficult shot with a target going away from you and dropping, and not only that, he had to shoot through a tree.
If you go up to the nest, you look and see this massive tree that's the same size today as it was back in 1963.
I don't buy the Warren Commission.
I don't buy what their results, I don't buy that they
That they deemed Oswald the killer and one of the main reasons is because in our country you're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Lee Harvey Oswald has never been offered a trial in a court of law to determine whether he was guilty or innocent or not.
He never got that.
He's been convicted by public opinion and convicted by our government.
In abstention.
And the point of the matter is that that's unfair.
That history should be documented that way when there's no definitive evidence that he did it, in my opinion.
We're told to give up liberty and we'll get security.
We give up liberty and we get security?
I think that's very clear.
Anyone that believes that is naive because I think it was made very clear in the hurricane in New Orleans.
They had two weeks to prepare for that and couldn't save anybody.
How are they going to save you from a terrorist attack that doesn't tell you when it's going to happen?
So I don't buy that we're any more safe today than we were prior to 9-11, because a hurricane in New Orleans proved that to me.
They can't and they won't help us.
In fact, they didn't come with food and water, they came to confiscate guns.
In New Orleans?
Oh yeah.
I wouldn't doubt it.
Have you seen that footage of troops taking guns?
It was also, I found very interesting, that Richard Nixon had the 82nd Airborne in there when the hurricane hit back in the 70s within 24 hours.
And yet this president didn't do a thing for eight days, you know, before he reacted and sent troops in there.
For people that say that, well, you can't blame President Bush, yes, I fully blame him for the hurricane.
And you know why?
Because it covered more than one state.
Anytime any tragedy like that encompasses more than one state, it immediately falls to federal jurisdiction.
The other reason I blame George Bush for the hurricane and what happened afterwards is because the only people in our country capable logistically of handling a tragedy like that is the U.S.
They're the only ones that logistically have the equipment to do it.
It's just the fact that there were, you know, that
The military is the only one capable of handling that type of disaster, and so they should have been called in immediately, and they weren't.
So that tells me that the country can't protect you, you have to protect yourself.
Your whole comment on how 9-11 has been used to set up, I believe it's a police state, what do you think is going to happen?
Well, I don't know if it's a police state or not, the whole war on terrorism, but I do know that anytime the government tells you they're going to protect you, be prepared because you're going to lose your freedom and your rights.
And I personally, my personal viewpoint is I'd rather deal with the terrorists than I would the loss of my freedom.
And I think that ultimately, I hate to say this, we're winning on the battlefield, but I think the terrorists are winning the war because they're changing America.
These were also the same people that told us there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
So take it with a grain of salt, they were wrong once, they could be wrong again.
You think they're wrong and they're lying premeditatedly?
I don't know.
I don't have that opinion.
No, I mean they deliver the information, it's how the information's interpreted.
You can interpret information any way you want.
You're down here.
The N can justify the means.
You're down here in Texas.
You're here supporting freedom for governor.
You obviously care about liberty and freedom, care about independence.
At least that's my opinion.
We'll back it up about a minute or so and play the rest of it.
It really gets interesting.
Coming up at the bottom, that is the middle of the next hour, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts joins us in about 14 minutes for a 30 minute
News Update, and to give us his analysis on some of the current events that are shaping the world we live in right now, let me plunge back into some of the news.
But before I do that, let me just have a program note.
Again, for those that just joined us, that was my interview two nights ago with Jesse Ventura.
Who was in San Antonio campaigning for the gubernatorial independent candidate, Kiki Friedman, who's running for governor.
And coming up later today, we will have the interview, the 20-plus minute interview, where Jesse Ventura questions the official 9-11 fable and brings up Northwoods for the first time.
This is huge.
That will be posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
In fact, it's being uploaded right now to Google and YouTube, but it usually takes a few hours for them to, quote, approve all of that and then to go ahead and get it out there on the World Wide Web so you can start watching it for free.
So stay with us for that.
But coming up in about 45 minutes, I will air the second half of the interview.
Fox News ratings continue to slide.
I mentioned this.
Let's cover it now.
Fewer Americans are watching cable news than a year ago, and Fox News is suffering the biggest desertions according to figures posted Tuesday, September 26 at MediaBistro.com.
That's one of the major news outlets that tracks the public ratings numbers.
The numbers published by Media Bistro show 27% drop in Fox News total viewership during the day and 35% primetime during the third quarter of this year.
Compared with the third quarter a year ago, the 2005 numbers probably were inflated by public interest in Hurricane Katrina.
I would add that Patriot and 9-11 sites and Truth sites, our graphs are going straight up.
Limbaugh, Hannity, Amiculture, Fox News, they're all going straight down.
And this is a two-year trend, except for the month of Katrina and then all media spikes in.
There's just more viewership, more people tuning in to news instead of entertainment.
Fox News, however, lost more viewers than did other cable networks.
The next closest were CNN, down 21% during the day, and Headline News, down 28% during prime time.
Media Bistro also reported that Fox News
Advantage over CNN and Key Age Group, 25-54 demographic group, also has shrunk based on graphs applied by CNN.
The trend of Fox News ratings begins to look like the limbo rock song, How Low Can You Go?
How Low Can You Go?
Newspaper circulation is down.
Every form of mainstream media continues.
And normally the media, mainstream media only looks at itself in the last year or two.
And so they go, oh look, we're down 20-something percent in the last year.
And then you look at the year before, they're down 20-something percent.
And you look at the year before, I mean, it is just a plunge.
They keep trying to spin all of this, it's not working.
Interesting story here out of Daily Kos, and it's been admitted to, that ESPN fakes stadium cheers for Republicans and pro-war Democrats, but puts fake boos over if it's anti-war.
And by the way, the Republicans get booed, instead of Democrats, and they will just fade down the audio and fade up fake boos, I mean fake cheers.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police forgery, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We've got a report here by Syndicated Columnist William Blum.
If it's election season, it must be time for a terror alert.
And then they've got a quote here.
By Jay Leno, quote, President Bush of the United States is still under the threat of attack.
It will continue to be right up until Election Day.
Hand-in-hand with his threat warnings, Bush keeps telling us how his war on terror has made it so much safer.
Bragging that there hasn't been a terrorist attack in the United States in the last five years since the one of September 11, 2001.
There wasn't a terrorist attack in the United States in the last five years
And there wasn't one before that day either.
And then it goes on.
But thanks to the War on Terror, practically the booming invasion, occupation, and torture of Afghanistan and Iraq, numerous new anti-American terrorists have been created since that historic day.
And it goes on.
And see, this is part of a larger, elaborate spin.
It's the White House who's putting this out.
Though they excise the National Intelligence Review.
For the really bad stuff to be cut out.
They spin it!
Oh my gosh, Al Qaeda's back, we had to go fight in Iraq, and yeah, maybe it has created more terrorists, so now the threat is real, you better give up all your freedoms.
You see, people can't imagine that neocons would fall on their swords.
Well, so did Bill Clinton.
So did Jimmy Carter.
So did Ronald Reagan.
So did Roosevelt.
They take the blame for stuff all the time to get an agenda through.
So they're in Iraq.
They're there.
They want you to think they screwed up.
They want you to think that it's civil war and that they dropped the ball on their own Pentagon documents that they don't publicize.
State that they wanted to break the country up in three parts.
State that they wanted endless civil war as a pretext to keep troops there longer and have bigger defense budgets for private defense contractors.
And it's the same thing with Katrina.
Oh, FEMA really screwed up.
Better give us double the funding.
Better give us even more draconian powers.
Better let us build FEMA camps.
Oh my gosh, we really screwed up.
No, they sabotaged the whole thing.
And I'm not talking about did they blow the levees, I don't know.
We know they jammed police communications, cut down communications towers, wouldn't let the Red Cross come in, wouldn't let the firefighters come in, the police, wouldn't let the Coast Guard in.
We know they sabotaged.
We know they blocked aid by design to then quote, fall on their sword and say it was a big screw up.
Oh, we're idiots.
Give us more funding.
See, they look bad in the public eye, but they don't care because it's their job to get that money.
It's their job to create that chaos so they can then fund its quote, rebuilding.
This is what they do.
And people just don't understand this philosophy.
They don't understand the globalist philosophy.
And so, nothing makes sense.
But once you shift gears and realize their philosophy, you understand.
This has happened the last several elections.
I went and looked up the numbers yesterday.
Even back in the 1993 election, when gas was about $1.20 a gallon, running up to the election, they dropped it about 20 cents.
Now it had gone up over $3 a gallon on average for the last two years.
Gyrating between $2.50 and $3.20 a gallon on average.
And right before the election, right on time, they dropped gas prices across the board.
Now down to what?
A national average of $2.10?
Let me pull my numbers out here.
Yeah, $2.10.
In Missouri and areas of Kansas, this is from MissouriGasPrices.com, it is as low as $1.80 in East Jackson Boulevard.
Murphy USA BP selling it for $180.
So in Missouri and Kansas it's as low as $180 a gallon.
And don't worry, after the election it'll go back up to $3.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in 30 minutes, I'm going to air the rest of the interview I did two nights ago being aired here for the first time.
With former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, where he questioned the official 9-11 story, brought up Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, and other government-staged events, and said he wouldn't put it past them.
You heard the quote earlier, that's an incredible quote.
I'm going to re-air, in fact, parts of that, and then air the part we haven't aired yet, coming up.
I'm extremely honored to always be joined by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
He was the head economist in number two at the Department of Treasury, under Ronald Reagan, credited as being one of the fathers, if not the father, of Reaganomics.
And he writes great reports multiple times weekly, and we like to carry those at InfoWars.com.
You can also read them at LewRockwell.com.
Here's a few of the headlines.
Bush the pitiful!
War criminal at bay.
Crisis is upon us.
Why Bush will nuke Iran?
I never do pre-interviews with Dr. Roberts.
I always just get him on and get his take on the latest info.
Sir, thank you for joining us.
Hello, Alex.
Always good to have you with us, Dr. Roberts.
What are a few of the issues in the next 30 minutes you think are most important that you'd like to discuss?
Oh, well, Drat, why do you put all the work on me?
It's just after lunch.
I can hardly think.
That's classy.
I mean, classic.
Look, what have we got going on?
We have all this stuff in the Congress to somehow validate torture.
American use of torture.
That's the first thing I was actually going to raise to you, so I'm glad you brought that up.
So they're codifying this in law, sure.
And they want to validate warrantless spying.
And they're doing both.
The Republicans collapsed.
And apparently they've got some kind of war plans with regard to Iran.
So, these I think are enough issues for 30 minutes.
These are a few of our favorite things.
Now, actually, we hate it, folks, but we have to discuss it.
Let's get into the weird smoke and mirrors.
I've actually read the quote changes to the bill Bush introduced that does codify secret arrest of citizens, total end of the Fourth Amendment, total spying,
Really, a lot of people are saying that he's trying to get passed through Congress so he doesn't get in trouble for the crimes he's committed, ordering torture and secret arrest and illegal spying, but I don't know if they can pass a law and then have it be retroactive, and then they spin it like it's some type of defeat for Bush with McCain, who's staging this dog and pony show because the JAG officers and lawyers have looked at it and say it actually gives Bush more than what he asked for.
Dr. Roberts?
Well, I haven't paid much attention to the final version, Alex, but I do agree that what's motivating Bush to push so hard for this is not anything to do with terrorism.
It has to do with the very bad advice he was given by his Attorney General, Portia Gonzalez.
And that has put Bush
into the war criminal category and the reason they want to pass this new bill is to give retroactive protection to Bush.
Now, under the Constitution, retroactive law hasn't any force, but you never know what Supreme Court rules these days, particularly as it gets loaded up with Bush people.
So, it's better than nothing!
So, I think that's the main motivation
The other motivation, of course, is more police power over the citizens.
I agree, Dr. Roberts.
Stay there.
We're going to be back in three minutes.
Let's get back into this subject and talk about their war plans for Iran.
Openly stating, psychopathically, they may nuke Iran preemptively.
That's a sneak attack, folks.
That's what the bad guys do.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran.
A White House program to disseminate fake news.
NSA spying.
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are winning.
We are having an effect.
I never talked about this last week.
I'm just going to briefly mention it because I was just telling Dr. Roberts about it during the break.
You go to Alexa.com and compare just PrisonPlanet.com, one of my nine websites, to it.
PrisonPlanet.com is now bigger than RushLimbaugh.com.
It's now bigger than AnnCoulter.com.
It's now bigger than SeanHannity.com.
And it's dwarfing all the phony libertarian sites.
And I just say, God bless you listeners.
And the thing doesn't make me any money, but we sure as, you know what, reach tens of millions now a week.
And all the glory goes to the Creator.
I am so excited that we're cleaning the New World Order's clock.
And it's thanks to people like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts that we're going to defeat this New World Order.
I think we're going to win.
But we are on the edge of World War III.
If you just joined us stations out there, we were talking about torture, spying.
They're trying to codify it in one piece of legislation.
I mean, even during the Civil War, they didn't put stuff this bold during Reconstruction into law.
Secret arrests, secret trials, which aren't even trials.
And I brought up the point of Dr. Roberts that they're doing this predominantly because Bush knows that he could get impeached, he could get indicted.
What he's done is illegal from the insane advice of John Yoo and Alberto Gonzalez.
But to hear the talk show host on radio, so-called conservatives, they're out there defending this all over the country, saying the end of the Fourth Amendment, the end of the Seventh, the end of the Ninth for that matter, the First Amendment, because you can't tell anybody if your family member's been arrested under the Patriot Act.
Dr. Roberts, give us your take on that, sir.
I mean, this is quite a milestone.
Well, it's a police state, no question about it.
It's a police state.
And it can be used against anyone!
And the notion that it has anything to do with terrorism is laughable.
It's got nothing to... Look, what terrorism is there?
The only terrorist event that we know of is 9-11.
And as you know, there's disagreement about who did that.
So that's the only event.
And so because of this one event that is yet to be fully explained, we're losing the U.S.
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and it's become a police state.
So it makes no sense.
You know, if, for example, terrorists were attacking every day, blowing up buildings every day, killing hundreds of people every day, and that sort of thing, then you might say, oh my goodness, security comes first.
But we're not subject to any of this.
Attack or devastation.
There's no reason for it in terms of what they give.
It's got nothing to do with terrorism.
Well then, on top of it, it's the same crowd that lies premeditatedly about WMDs that does no-bid contracts.
And you've said it.
You smell a giant stinking rat on 9-11.
Yeah, but let's just stay right on.
The real serious thing is that
All the legal protections of American citizens are disappearing before our eyes.
And as you said, the conservatives are curing it all.
So, in what sense are they conservatives?
They're not conservatives in any traditional sense.
Because no traditional conservative has thought that civil liberties were dispensable.
But that's where we are now.
We now have a police state.
We have a government
We're good to go.
It's probably as bad as any has ever existed anywhere on Earth at any time.
Well, Dr. Roberts, isn't it true that even in Stalin's Russia or Hitler's Germany...
Or China today, they've got all these rights on paper, they just sneak around and do the oppression quietly.
This is one of the first times, maybe except for under the Roman system, where they openly are trying to place it into the canons of law that they can do things like this.
I mean, have you ever seen cases of where governments put stuff like this into law?
No, I don't think so.
It's just the legitimization, the legal legitimization of a police state.
That's what it is.
And Americans are completely stupid to sit there and take this.
And it will make the United States the most dangerous place to live on Earth.
Because the power of the government over people is total.
Well I don't think listeners, even some of our listeners, realize that
Patriot Act 1 and the expansion of last year, Patriot Act 1.5, so they can get everything they wanted in 2, this new legislation will do that.
This is basically Patriot Act 2 is what we're seeing right now.
I should write a story on that, or you should, but this is full expansion.
People don't realize that they're handing out federally written manuals that say land rights activists, pro-gun groups, people that make frequent references to the U.S.
Constitution, anti-war groups, they've arrested homeless people sleeping on park benches, topless bar owners, they're going after toy store owners and they call it infrastructure protection.
They had an arrest warrant out for Greg Palast and were charging him with terrorism for videotaping a FEMA camp in Louisiana.
I don't know if you saw that last week.
We had him on.
Now they've dropped it.
But the point is, their definition of terrorism in Section 802 of the Patriot Act is any action that endangers human life that's a violation of any federal or state law.
And now, by just fiat, Homeland Security says it's more than that.
It's infrastructure protection.
Well, historically,
They always interpret any law expansively.
Just like the old RICO law, the racketeering that was only supposed to be against gangsters and ends up in divorces.
It's like the drug confiscation law where you can only take the property of the drug dealer.
Now they can take anybody's property under that law.
To say that they're doing this for terrorism, what it means is they can do it for anybody, under any... I mean, a traffic ticket, for that matter.
So, you're right.
And it's turned the United States into a police state.
Now what everybody says is, oh, they're only going to apply it to terrorists.
But that shows those people are thinking the terrorist is somebody who runs around the bomb and blows somebody up.
The terrorist is whoever the government says it is.
So, it's anybody's, it's up to them.
And as you've said, it's the first time, I think, in recorded history where police state measures are legislated as the legal basis of the legal system.
So there's no more constitutional rights, there's no more civil rights, there's no more civil liberties.
Because we're all now totally subject to the discretion of any police officer.
Well, they're not joking around.
I mean, this isn't a drill, this isn't a game.
Meanwhile, more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that the War on Terror is a fraud, because regardless of what you think about 9-11 and what really happened, the borders are more open now than they were before, and Bush is proposing blanket amnesty, where they're trying to bring us into this new North American Union trade bloc, and they try to lie about that.
Now the secret meetings have come out.
See, none of this is important if you don't have any civil liberties.
In fact, why does it matter?
And what are you defending?
If you keep out immigrants or migrants that are illegal.
I mean, if the country is gone the minute that you have a police station, so why do we care?
About what else they do.
Well, I think because they've got the people frightened because of 9-11.
Two-thirds of the people believe their story and most people are very trusting of the government and don't believe the government does bad things.
They think that they have anything to fear because they're not doing bad things.
They're not being terrorists.
You know, involved in allocator or going up buildings, so they have nothing to fear.
What do they need these protections for?
When people tell me that, I always point out, well then, why did the Founding Fathers bother to write the Constitution?
What did we need it for?
According to your logic, you only need protections if you're bad and up to no good, according to this trusting logic.
Well, let's call it what it is.
It is brain, sheep-like logic.
History, if it shows us one thing, shows that government is the most dangerous thing.
If you let it abuse you, it will abuse you to the maximum point that you allow it.
I mean, what is it like to talk to these sheep who are so mindless and naive?
Well, I don't know, but I think what we have to worry about, certainly you even more than me, is what's going to stop them from picking you up.
No, I know.
So the point is, you know, we've reached the point where I think any kind of dissent, if it shows any sign of being effective, it's just an excuse for you to disappear.
So I think that's where we are.
I don't know why they're building those concentrations
Camps or detention centers that Halliburton has contracts for.
I read all the news, but it's disappeared.
Why are they doing that?
Well, I know this.
If we all scream bloody murder, they can't get us all.
They will kill a few of us.
They will arrest a few of us.
They'll even leak how we were tortured to death to try to chill you.
But if you let them chill you, they're going to win.
Everybody should be afraid of not taking action.
Dr. Paul Greg Roberts, final segment with you on the other side.
I want to talk about their move to attack Iran.
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Just finishing up the last subject.
The end of the Republic, the end of the Bill of Rights, the end of common law.
But not just that, I mean, stating that they are absolute god emperors.
And the power of kings, I guess, yet again.
They're doing the same thing in Europe, same thing in England.
Dr. Roberts, you're speaking out.
You know you can get picked up, you can get killed, you can get set up, you can get them to throw some cocaine in your car.
You know, the police are turning into criminals, the whole society is degenerating.
We're going to be like Mexico soon, just with the mordido and kickbacks.
Why are you then doing what you're doing?
That's a good question.
I guess I don't have good sense.
Well, I think you love this country and you're tired of it.
Well, you know, we have an obligation.
They really are demon-evil!
I mean, they really are demonic evil.
Writing memos saying you can torture children is demonic.
You wrote a story, why Bush will nuke Iran.
They're actually saying again last week they may hit them with nukes.
Israel's saying they may.
You know that.
I'm just telling the audience.
They're nine years away from having a nuke if they were left alone.
There's no threat.
Pakistan's got all these nukes.
North Korea does.
But we're worried about Iran.
What do you think's going to happen?
Well, I think the problem
The problem for the neoconservatives is that their program of establishing American hegemony in the Middle East has been defeated in Iraq and in Afghanistan.
We've lost both wars.
Today, there's a report from an American official that, well, we'll be fighting in Afghanistan at least ten more years.
So we've lost the two wars.
So the whole plan to use 9-11 to establish American hegemony in the Middle East has come a cropper.
So how can they do it now?
The only way they can do it now, they think, I'm not saying it would succeed, but this is what's in the neoconservatives' mind, is to use tactical nukes.
They have permission under the new war doctrine now to use theater nuclear weapons on non-nuclear countries
In preemptive attack.
And that's permission from themselves, more of this Fuhrer precept.
Well, it's from the Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations, Joint Publication 312.
Bound coordination is 15th of March, 2005.
So that's when it was all laid out.
It's the war doctrine, you know, from the Pentagon, from the Joint Chiefs.
What's going to happen if they preempt?
Let me finish this.
What they're going to do
They think, they think, if they use tactical nukes, that it will intimidate Iran, and there will be no retaliation, they won't attack our ships or our troops in Iraq, or send this boulder into action, and it will intimidate Muslims throughout the Middle East, and make them see that if they don't lay down and accept U.S.
hegemony, they're going to be nuked.
So the notion of the neocons is,
That if we nuke Iran, it sends a message that they have no recourse but to accept our hegemony and do as we want or they face potential genocide.
So that's the reason.
It's an effort to regroup and to save
Well, I agree with you.
You're saying it's like Hitler when he's losing in North Africa in the attack on England.
He turns east with Barbarossa against the Russians.
So it's really a Ponzi scheme.
He's trying to fully, fully escalate because their other plans are failing.
The problem is that all the real strategists in government, in their own reports say, if they nuke, the gas prices will more than double, the economy will fold, the Arabs will go absolutely ape globally, and it's going to be cities burning everywhere.
This is going to be insane.
Well, I don't know what the response would be.
I suspect the neocons are wrong, and they're surmised.
What a definite response will be is that we will then be the prior nation.
We will be the nuclear terrorists.
We will be Adolf Hitler.
We will be Adolf Hitler.
It will traumatize the Japanese.
It will remind them of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
They'll lose their sycophantic relationship with us.
The Russians, the Chinese will unite in some kind of an alliance.
I think it will end our influence in Europe, Latin America.
It's a madcap scheme, but you have to keep in mind that the Neocons are fanatics.
They are mad.
They are... Dr. Roberts, I know that you are... I've got another appointment, but I just want two minutes on the other side.
I want you to be able to finish this thought.
This is so central.
This is so important.
We're going to break for just three minutes.
When we come back, finish your thought on this, and I've got one more question, and then we're going to let you go.
And don't worry, we won't keep you too long, because I've got this Jesse Ventura interview I'm sworn to play.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Just a program note, the Jesse Ventura interview is coming up here in just a few minutes.
I heard about eight minutes of it last hour.
Scott, get it queued up to the first.
I just want to re-air the whole thing.
All right?
And we'll do that here in just a few minutes.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has stayed over because I had one more question for him about the last subject.
The neocons are saying they plan to hit Iran.
Top generals are saying that they're going into more than just planning phases, but actually planning operations with an eye to strike Iran.
The neocon media and the liberal media is in overdrive, legitimizing it, saying Iran needs to be hit, hyping it, claiming they're behind Bin Laden just like they claimed Iraq was.
How do you see this unfolding, Dr. Roberts, and how do we stop it, or are these madmen just committed to do this come hell or high water?
Well, I think they're committed to do it.
According to Professor Hirsch of the University of California,
They've overcome the American military's opposition.
I don't think they can overcome the Russian or the Chinese opposition.
But I suspect they will do it anyhow and not care if they've further alienated those two countries.
And I'm not sure whether the leaders in
Europe are independent enough of the United States to oppose them.
So what will stop them?
I can't see anything.
There's no organized political opposition.
And as you said, many Americans believe their propaganda about Iran.
And they can orchestrate any kind of an incident or make any kind of announcement.
Such and such has happened.
So I don't know what
I can't stop.
I don't see what can stop.
Well, I've gotten good intel from a lot of different sources and on the ground up in Ottawa when they had the big Bilderberg conference that there are large sections of the elite who do think the neocons are dangerous and out of control and need to stop what they're doing.
And I've gotten confirmed reports they have screaming matches now for the first time at these elite high-level meetings.
So, is that a good sign that they're at least screaming at each other?
Well, that's a good sign, but who is in power?
Who's in power are the neocons.
Cheney and Bush, I think, is their controlled puppet.
So I don't know exactly... The only way I can see it to be stopped is if many of the top generals simply resigned.
If they just resigned in protest.
That would cause public attention to focus on it.
But these generals, you see, it's so valuable to leave on good terms so you can pick up the consultancies, get rich after you retire.
I just don't know how many, what the likelihood that there are any non-political generals left who would do something like that.
But if the Joint Chiefs were to resign in protest, that would certainly throw a
Well, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, at the same time I listen and talk radio, you have mindless Americans who literally can't even pronounce Iran or Iraq properly.
They can't find it on a map, but they almost get sexual pleasure in their voice on air when they talk about killing all Arabs, nuking them all, how much fun it's going to be to kill them all.
I guess we really have turned into worse than the Nazis in certain respects.
Yes, I'm afraid that's true.
The brown shirts are here.
In fact, I don't believe it's possible for anybody to be a supporter of Bush who doesn't have a brown shirt mentality.
Unless you're just completely in the dark and have the foggiest idea of what's going on and why, and you think that he's saving you from homosexuals and abortionists.
There's some of those people, but anybody.
Any awareness of what's going on, who supports this administration, has to have a brown shirt.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, thank you for the time.
God bless.
God bless you, Alex.
Take care, my friend.
Okay, here is the Ventura interview in its entirety.
We'll break, come back in the next segment, play the rest of it, go into the next hour, five minutes, finishing it up, and then we're going to have an expert on electronic voting fraud, the author of Hacked, High Tech Election Theft in America, coming up later in the next hour.
Stay with us.
Here's Jesse Ventura.
Man, you guys are great.
You said you'd spend ten minutes with each person.
I've never seen anything like that in my life.
You do what you need to do.
Hey, we appreciate you.
Mr. Prince Harry, I'm just going to tell you right off the bat, I became a big supporter of you and I saw the clip online in the summer of 2003 when you were on Jay Leno.
It was heartfelt, it was energy, it was pure truth.
I saw you tell people thanks for standing up for the truth, thanks for standing up for what's right.
You were on Jay Leno, you talked about Gulf of Tonkin, since then it's been declassified, it was all stage.
You obviously knew you were inside all of that.
I would just like to get
Your view, your take, on 9-11, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK, all of it?
Well, I think the most interesting thing to talk about today is if people aren't aware that due to the Freedom of Information Act, in the early 60s, the Pentagon had an operation called Operation Northwoods, and it never came to reality, but it was on the table that
Our military would attack certain cities within the United States and make it look like Cuba did it to justify an invasion of Cuba.
It never happened, but just the simple fact that they contemplated it and it was actually on the table in the Pentagon, I find that just very disturbing.
That they would even consider using our military to try to just
To justify an invasion of another country.
They did speak on Jay Leno according to my recollection about how Gulf of Tonkin was staged, how you were lied to, we were lied to, you lost a lot of friends.
What was it like to learn that they had staged an event that didn't really happen to bring us into full-scale war in 64?
What was it like when you realized that and you learned that?
Well, it was very disappointing to believe in your country that they would lie to you to get into a war.
That they would perpetrate a lie and that the media would go along with it.
It's a real eye-opener.
And you realize that if they would do it in the 60s, they'll do it again.
If it works once, it'll work again.
Government very much operates that way.
I really learned about it when McNamara did his tour with film when he came to Harvard when I was teaching there.
And they pretty much had to lock me up in a room so that I wouldn't confront him.
What would you say to him if you were in a room with him?
I would ask him why we were lied to and what the purpose was for it.
The one thing I do question on 9-11 is the fact that if anyone's familiar with the Payne Stewart, the golfer, when he died,
He was flying in a private plane, and they lost contact with that private plane out of Florida, and within 30 minutes they had a fighter jet up on the wing.
And that fighter stayed with it all the way till it crashed in Nebraska, making sure that it didn't harm anyone.
And the thing I questioned on 9-11 was simply the fact, where were our planes?
When all of this was going on, and planes were being hijacked an hour apart, and there were four of them to cover about a six hour space,
At no time, to my knowledge, did we have any fighter planes up in the air.
Well, the default position is to send up fighters.
Why weren't they?
In light of the fact that there was a cover-up that got us into the Vietnam War, and there was, in my opinion, a cover-up of John Kennedy's assassination, I would just say that I don't believe it's beyond reason to not at least consider that the government certainly would do things like that.
You're here, you know about
Tom, do you know about Northwoods?
I know about those things from reading on Kennedy.
That's how most of them came out.
That's right, Kennedy said no to Northwoods.
Through my research of Kennedy is how I learned of most of these things.
I question it only because of the Payne-Stewart situation.
And Northwoods.
And Northwoods.
But as far as me having any knowledge that we relied to, I don't.
As far as JFK goes, well I've been studying that for 25 years, or 20 years I guess, or more now, and I don't believe for one minute the Warren Commission.
I think that it's fraudulent in the fact that if you break it down to simplistic form, if Lee Harvey Oswald is who they told us he was, this little disgruntled Marine who became a Communist and decided to kill the President,
Then why would all the information have to be locked up in national security and kept secret for 20 years?
Well, sir, you were a Navy SEAL.
Three shots in six seconds with a bolt-action rifle?
You're not going to hit the side of a barn.
No, I don't believe he could make the shot.
Can you speak to that?
As far as the shots, he did three of them and the magic bullet in the head shot.
I've been to Dealey Plaza and I don't think he could make the shots.
In my opinion, because it was a difficult shot with a target going away from you and dropping, and not only that, he had to shoot through a tree.
If you go up to the nest, you look and see this massive tree, and it's the same size today as it was back in 1963.
I don't buy the Warren Commission.
I don't buy what their results, I don't buy that they
That they deemed Oswald the killer and one of the main reasons is because in our country you're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Lee Harvey Oswald has never been offered a trial in a court of law to determine whether he was guilty or innocent or not.
He never got that.
He's been convicted by public opinion and convicted by our government.
In abstention.
And the point of the matter is that that's unfair.
That history should be documented that way when there's no definitive evidence that he did it, in my opinion.
We're told to give up liberty and we'll get security.
We give up liberty, do we get security?
I think that's very clear.
Anyone that believes that is naive because
I think it was made very clear in the hurricane in New Orleans.
They had two weeks to prepare for that and couldn't save anybody.
How are they going to save you from a terrorist attack that doesn't tell you when it's going to happen?
So I don't buy that we're any more safe today than we were prior to 9-11 because the hurricane in New Orleans proved that to me.
They can't and they won't help us.
In fact, they didn't come with food and water.
They came to confiscate guns.
In New Orleans?
Oh yeah.
I wouldn't doubt it.
Have you seen that footage?
It was also, I found very interesting, that Richard Nixon had the 82nd Airborne in there when the hurricane hit back in the 70s within 24 hours.
And yet this president didn't do a thing for eight days, you know, before he reacted and sent troops in there.
For people that say that, well, you can't blame President Bush, yes, I fully blame him for the hurricane.
And you know why?
Because it covered more than one state.
Anytime any tragedy like that encompasses more than one state, it immediately falls to federal jurisdiction.
The other reason I blame George Bush for the hurricane and what happened afterwards
Is because the only people in our country capable logistically of handling a tragedy like that is the US military.
They're the only ones that logistically have the equipment to do it.
It's just the fact that the military is the only one capable of handling that type of disaster and so they should have been called in immediately and they weren't.
So that tells me that the country can't protect you, you have to protect
Well, I don't know if it's a police state or not, the whole war on terrorism, but I do know that anytime the government tells you they're going to protect you, be prepared because you're going to lose your freedom and your rights.
And I personally, my personal viewpoint is I'd rather deal with the terrorists than I would the loss of my freedom.
And I think that ultimately, I hate to say this, we're winning on the battlefield, but I think the terrorists are winning the war because they're changing America.
These were also the same people that told us there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
So take it with a grain of salt, they were wrong once, they could be wrong again.
You think they're wrong and they're lying premeditatedly?
I don't know.
I don't have that opinion.
No, I mean they deliver the information, it's how the information is interpreted.
You can interpret information any way you want.
The N can justify the means.
You're down here in Texas.
You're here supporting Kinky Friedman for governor.
You obviously care about liberty and freedom, care about independence.
At least that's my opinion on him.
But words in your mouth.
Why are you here?
Why are you supporting Kinky Friedman?
What do you think about the future of America?
I'm supporting Kinky because he's an independent and I don't believe in the Democratic and Republican parties.
I think that they're
What they've evolved to today is a detriment to our country.
They're destroying our election process.
They're making our elections fall victim to a system of bribery, which they've created, which in the private sector is illegal and you'll go to jail.
But in the public sector, it's the status quo.
It's what we have for a political system.
They're responsible for it.
Until we as a public demand the change from it, it's going to be business as usual.
Rather than attacking the system, I would rather take a moment and attack the United States citizens on their apathy.
Because it's their apathy that allows many of these things to happen.
It's because they simply don't get involved and they don't care beyond their own lives.
And it's too bad because it's going to affect them eventually.
We know the 9-11 Commission was appointed by Bush and they still call it independent.
We know it wasn't independent.
And that's not my opinion, that's a fact.
Do you believe there should be a new independent investigation of 9-11?
Would it make any difference?
Let me just ask you a question.
Do you think there should be an investigation?
And I'm asking you one.
Would it make any difference?
Yeah, I think if we had a state investigation with a good grand jury and the real evidence brought forth, I think an investigation would make a difference.
People demanded an investigation.
We were given a whitewash, so it must make a difference.
They must be afraid of a real investigation.
Well, and have we ever gotten a real investigation of anything?
No, but I don't want to have an attitude of just quitting and giving in.
I'm not saying that's what you're saying, but it is the point.
Sure, stuff's bad, but if people weren't fighting tyranny and weren't involved, and you weren't down here in Texas right now supporting Kinky Friedman, and we still have that fighting attitude, wouldn't we be in a worse position?
I don't know.
I think you know.
That's why you're here.
Well, why are you here then?
I'm here because they asked me to be here.
I'm here because I met Kinky a year ago and told him I'd help him.
You're keeping a promise.
He's got a damn good chance of winning.
I hope he does.
I mean, I'm not down here to waste my time, but, you know, on the other hand, I have given up.
That's why I live in Mexico.
Where do you live?
Just region of Mexico.
What are you like in Mexico?
I live in the Baja.
I heard you're doing a lot of surfing.
I'm attempting to.
Well, you look good.
You look good.
I run 12 miles a week.
And at my age it's not bad, although it's not really running like I used to.
You got that with the family?
Oh yeah.
No, not my kids.
My kids have grown up.
But I've more or less said my fight's over.
Because I've already given six years to the military, four years as a mayor, four years as a governor.
That's 14 years of my life to public service.
I think I've earned the right to enjoy my life after age 55 without committing to public service anymore.
Well, I think you've had an effect.
I mean, really, we see this burgeoning grassroots populism, and I think you were there at the start of that.
Well, people fail to realize, though, that there was an independent governor before me that served with me, just didn't happen to get all the publicity I got.
And I was Angus King of Maine.
Angus preceded me by four years up in Maine and served actually for eight years, so I may be the catalyst to a certain extent because of who I am, but I'm certainly not the first.
And hopefully not the last.
Is Alex still in with you?
You'll hear some audio, the video of Kinky and Juford, his manager, outside while we're inside.
And then Ventura comes out and we get some freeform stuff out in the back parking lot before he left.
And he got, well, we'll just wait until you hear it.
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Yeah, just commenting on what Ventura had to say, and we've got more we're going to play here in a minute.
He just, out of the blue, just says, look, I've given up, and I've done my work, and I've moved to Mexico, and he said some other stuff off camera that I'm not going to repeat.
But, basically, like he said on Jay Leno, he said, Golf of Tonkin, 9-11, we're being lied to.
He says, they know where I live, they can come get me if they want.
I guess in the last three years, he's just decided, hey,
You know, I'm giving up.
But at the same time, he's not giving up.
He's trying to help an independent here locally.
Whether you love or hate Kinky Friedman, it means better than the other candidates.
But this was an interesting interview, and we've got some more, but we'll air later in the week, because we sat down with him for about 25, 26 minutes in that interview, and you just heard about, I don't know, about 16 minutes of it.
Next, we cut to cameras outside the room, and it's Kinky Friedman and his manager,
Talking about us.
It's just interesting.
Because he talks about you.
Well, you'll hear it.
And then the next clip is we come walking outside and somebody's talking about Wellstone.
And I say, oh, you think Wellstone was killed?
You know, the evidence points towards it.
And he goes, baloney!
And they better have cut out what he actually said.
He said, BS.
And he starts yelling about it.
And then I give him a copy of Terror Storm.
And he looks at it real interested and asks why I'm there and what I'm doing.
As he drives off, we see him sitting there reading Terror Storm, so now he's educated on that.
And I knew Ventura knew me from the time I got there.
He just kept looking at me with horror, basically.
He'd agreed to do the interview, but I knew that he knew he'd be in the hot seat.
And when I was inside interviewing Kinky after I interviewed Ventura, he didn't know Kevin Smith worked for me.
And Kevin's out there in the hall, and he runs up to Juford, Kinky's manager, and goes, Man, that guy's dangerous!
That's a dangerous interviewer!
Dangerous information!
Because he knows it is dangerous.
And I guess Ventura didn't know he had cameras rolling.
I think we have that, but we're not going to put it out because it was candid.
Let's go back to the tape.
Here it is.
Thank you for talking to us, sir.
You're welcome.
So you don't necessarily trust it?
Well, I don't necessarily trust the government at all.
But, uh, you know, I have nothing that says who lied.
Why would Wellstone have not signed on for the investigation?
Oh, do you think Wellstone was whack?
Because all the evidence says he was.
And you can quote me on that.
That's bullcrap.
I don't care what Fetzer says, it's bullshit.
The day that his plane went down, I wouldn't have flown that day.
It was a god-awful day.
I know the airport up in Duluth, that was pilot air.
It's easy to do, it was foggy, it was raining, it was clouds.
All he had to do was bank that plane and screw up with the instruments is what he did, and he killed himself.
No, no, shut down.
Why don't we just ask your opinion on it?
And you got it.
I don't believe it.
No way.
Because I distinctly remember the day it happened.
It was a day I would have never flown in Minnesota that day.
The weather was awful.
Are you friends with Fetzer?
Or you like his research?
Because I like Fetzer.
Did you see him on C-SPAN on 9-11?
I like Fetzer, but I think that Jim tends to believe that everything's a conspiracy.
And everything isn't.
And everything isn't.
When we had the cameras off earlier, though, you said you don't just carte blanche trust the government.
I don't trust the government necessarily, but I don't think anyone should.
I mean, you shouldn't just take what the government says as truth, because the government is people.
It's a cross-section of society.
In the next segment, we've got Vicky Karp in-studio with our new book, Hacked High-Tech Election Theft in America.
We're going to be carrying this book, by the way,
Alright, stay with us.
The third hour is in 70 seconds.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll-free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, so now we're out at the back parking lot.
And, uh, you see the video of this is going up in the next two hours on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Big report put out by Paul Watson.
Here's the end of my discussion with Jesse Ventura.
I give him a couple copies of Terror Storm and Martial Law, and he says, well, what do you get out of all this?
You know, why are you doing this?
And I break it down to him and inform him and explain it, and he starts nodding and, you know, in agreement with me, and then he drives off closely inspecting his Terror Storm copies that he had.
So, uh, here's the conclusion.
Government is people.
So it's a cross-section of society.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, too.
Yeah, but I don't believe that Wellstone died other than pilot error.
But there have been other political assassinations via plane.
I don't know if there have or not.
You're the expert, not me.
Oh, in fact, speak of the devil.
Kevin, where are those documentaries?
I got them.
I'm gonna give you some documentaries and let you get out of here and get on to the hacienda.
You ever stayed in that famous hotel?
That's where the Rough Riders met and planned everything on San Juan Hill?
Old Teddy Roosevelt?
Stayed in Winston Churchill Suite in Havana, though.
At the Hotel Nationale.
Pretty nice?
Not particularly.
Nothing is in Havana.
It's kind of broken down.
Not what it was in 1955.
I wouldn't know.
It was poor.
Here, have those.
And here's another one I made.
Those are two different versions.
Watch that.
That's Terror Storm.
I'll put it up for free on the web too.
Go to Google Video if you want to watch him.
It's all bibliographed.
Every statement is documented.
Declassified U.S.
government documents, like Operation Ajax where they staged terror attacks in 1953 to blame it on Mohamed Mozadek.
They overthrew him.
Gulf of Tonkin documents, U.S.'
's Liberty attack.
It's all in there how they staged it all.
And then we go into 9-11 and 7-7, how British intelligence... What do you get out of this?
My country's free.
I learned about government-sponsored terror researching black ops.
It's all declassified.
CIA.gov, you name it.
So it's all declassified.
You can go to CIA.gov, you can read about them staging attacks.
Shooting kids, blowing up school buses in Italy.
Yeah, they'll kill 110 people just sitting on the street corner.
And I thought, my God, that's pretty damn dangerous.
And then I read it northwards before 9-11 happened.
And so I said, I got on air and I was like, man, have you seen this northwards?
And then 9-11 happened right afterwards.
And then since then I've interviewed all these NORAD people and all these other folks and all I've done is study it.
And then now the government's saying we're gonna get nuked.
And the Houston Chronicle reported they got FEMA camps.
And I found out about all this and I said, you know what?
I better expose government-sponsored terror.
So I made Martial Law, I made Terrorist Warrant, I made Road to Tyranny.
I don't have Road to Tyranny here.
But just, Terrorist Warrant is my newest, it's my best.
Take care, sir.
I appreciate it.
Please watch it.
I will.
Take care.
Two for good seeing you.
Can't get your run in quite an operation here.
Alex, God bless you.
Oh, you're good.
Thanks, guys.
Give me some time and I'm awake.
Hey Jesse, you're going to be on the new media tomorrow.
The new media tomorrow.
Alright folks, well we're going to break and in the next few days I'll air some more of the interview inside and some more of the stuff that happened at the end, but I think it's a total of 22 minute clip.
Going up on the web in the next hour, I'm told.
In fact, it's already encoded and uploaded to Google and YouTube.
And it's going to be added to Paul Watson's article he's writing right now.
So in the next few hours, the big report with Ventura.
I mean, obviously, we've got scientists, we've got doctors, we've got physicists, we've got engineers going public on 9-11 being an inside job.
But it helps to have movie stars.
It helps to have former governors.
It helps to have people like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, father of Reaganomics, head of the Treasury, head economist.
It just helps.
And so this is the type of story that dumbed down America will pay attention to.
We've got a new headline coming out on the Ventura story.
Help us spread it to the four winds.
It's Jesse Ventura exposes Northwood.
government plan to stage terror attacks.
Something like that.
And so, uh, that'll be up there in the next few hours to help us spread it to the poor winds.
We'll be right back with Vicki Karp.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In the next few hours, it'll be going up on Infowars.com.
We're going to carry this book.
It's excellent.
It's hacked.
High-tech elections out in America.
Eleven experts expose the truth.
Edited by
Waldman, Delosier, and Vicki Karp.
Great people.
I know both of them.
And high-tech election theft in America.
It is excellent.
You need to have it.
We're going to be telling you about it here in the next 52 minutes that we have left with Vicki Karp.
Before we do that, I'm carrying a great video that I think is one of the most powerful 9-11 films I've seen.
There are over 20 9-11 documentaries out there, and I only carry two or three other films on 9-11 that I haven't made.
I've made four films on 9-11.
Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, of course, we also then made Martial Law, and now Terror Storm.
And they all give you the wide view, because history is so huge, each one covers a different area.
Like, Road to Tyranny covers Oklahoma City for 45 minutes of the three hours.
I think so.
Then we get into the Madrid bombing, the Iraq War.
It's an important film.
It's out.
Please get Terror Storm.
It has 68 minutes of extras, and the film's almost two hours, so it's over three hours long on one DVD.
But this, 9-11 Mysteries, Part 1, Demolitions, just focuses in.
They're going to make three films.
Just focuses in, and it's nine minutes long.
Very fast moving.
On the demolitions.
And the eyewitnesses and the reports and the technology and the information and video that we hadn't seen before.
It's $19.95 and it's on the Secure Online Video and Bookstore Shopping Cart at InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139.
Or you can write to us and tell us, if you haven't gotten TerrorStorm, get it and say, I also want that 9-11 mysteries, both of them are $19.95 apiece.
And you can write to us at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
People always say, hey man, you say that too quick.
It is Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704, or order via the secure online video and bookstore at InfoWars.com.
Get hacked!
Get 9-11 Mysteries!
Get TerrorStorm!
Get them all!
Information is power!
Shifting gears yet again and going to our in-studio guest, Vicki Carpenter, who I've known now for, what, three years or so.
Vicki, you have come quite a long way from when I first met you a few years ago.
You had started investigating election fraud and you've gone down the rabbit hole.
The new book is Hacked!
High Tech Election Thefts in America.
Thanks for coming in.
Thank you, Alex, for having me on the show.
I appreciate it.
Tell us about yourself, because I think it's not just a testament to exposing election fraud, but to how an average person, I mean, you're an exceptional person, but there's all these exceptional people out there who think they're average, taking action on what you've been able to do, not just locally now, but all over the country, along with other great folks like Bev Harris.
Well, it started, as many people know that have heard me speak around the Austin area, with listening to your show in August of 2003, and I came in mid-interview, as you were talking to Bev Harris,
And as a Toastmaster always looking for a new speech topic, I was so startled at the information that she was relaying to you about these paperless electronic voting machines that had modems that had secret software that you could flip an election in a matter of minutes by hacking in a secret backdoor.
And to be honest, I think I had the reaction that a lot of people have when they first hear the information at first.
I just couldn't make myself believe it.
But I pulled over and I was listening in my car and I pulled over and I started taking notes and I thought, wow, if this is true, this is going to make one heck of a speech for the Toastmasters.
And so that's how it started.
And one speech at Toastmasters has developed into a three-year, it's just a journey with no end as far as I'm concerned and has led to this book now.
Well, I'm going to be honest with folks.
We're carrying the book, but I've only read about 70% of it.
I've been so covered up, being sick last week with stuff piling up, I haven't had a chance to read the whole thing.
I read about eight of the different chapters.
It's an easy read.
It's a good-sized book, but because it's 11 different articles, 11 different experts, you really get all the different facets.
I haven't read the last few chapters.
But tell us about Hack, because this is a book everybody needs to get.
I mean, I immediately, when I started reading it, said, we're carrying this.
And I'm almost done with it.
It's by my
You just delivered us some today so we can carry it.
But tell us about hacked high-tech elections up in America.
Tell us about some of the experts.
Well, we have three chapters from Bev Harris and actually these come straight from her book, Black Box Voting, Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century.
And Bev is, as I just mentioned, and as many people know, sort of at the forefront of this movement because she discovered the Debold software on the internet and found that it could easily be hacked and has now
Demonstrated that with her hacking team on two different types of de-built equipment.
Yeah, they actually left their server open and they had some backdoor stuff open on the web she was able to get to.
Yeah, when she reviewed that, it took her about three days to download it, but it was reviewed and considered to be a handbook on how to tamper with elections using that software.
I mean, we're catching them red-handed on their own website.
Yeah, it was just incredible.
In fact, that was right after the 2002 election when Georgia, who had just purchased 100% DEBOLT machines, there were 22,000 of them, had a couple of severe upsets for the governor candidate and the senator candidate, who by popular, or by polls that are usually reliable, were supposed to be swept away by the Democratic candidates and the Republicans won.
And one of these 40,000 files that Bet Harris found was called Rob Georgia.
We've now had engineers at these companies go public.
We've had people go public and testify at state legislatures about they were hired to engage in fraud.
I mean, really, it's like 9-11 and all these other subjects.
It's just the general public cannot believe it's actually happening.
Yeah, it's shocking and I know that
I mean, here we are, Alex, living in a country that sends election monitors out to third world countries to make sure that their elections are handled properly, and yet we here at home are living in an illusion of what is referred to as democracy.
I understand we're really in a constitutional republic here, but most people refer to it as a democracy.
But that's just an illusion.
Our elections have really been privatized by corporations and, you know, multinational corporations and the ownership ties to these companies
In fact, I always call things like this an orgy of evidence.
I stole that from the film Minority Report, when the cop busts in, there's like a whole bed just covered with proof, piles of photos and documents.
But it really is an orgy of evidence, and that's almost part of the problem, is that there's so much evidence.
It's just unbelievable.
And that's why we took Bev's chapter, our chapter two, which Bev Harris wrote, contributed,
It's an example, it has a hundred examples of screw-ups with these voting machines that go back over the last several elections and she could have gone, the whole book could have been that way.
But see, you guys are nice, you're being real careful, you're calling them screw-ups.
I mean, now the mainstream media is saying, you thought 2000 was bad?
2006 is going to be record problems with the new machines.
People you thought would win really won't.
I mean, they're already getting us ready, quote, for nationwide screw-ups that are really smoke screens for them scanning.
Well, the default people themselves finally had to admit that one of the ways that you can hack into their touchscreen machine, the TSX machine, outfitted with printers, which the black box voting hacking team of Harry Hurstie and Herbert Thompson from Florida went to.
They were invited in by Bruce Funk, a very courageous election official, in March of this year.
And Kathleen Wynne and Bev Harris went there and they videotaped this and what they found, they found so many architectural designs for hacking that there's just no way anymore to just call it a glitch or a possible cost.
Yeah, it's like somebody building a 10 story office building and saying that all the exit doors were accidents.
Well, we're good to go.
Victoria Collier and a few others, and of course the work of her father and uncle, who are dead now, that back then it was a conspiracy.
Now it's all over the news.
Okay, they're frauds.
Okay, they're scams.
Okay, it doesn't work.
Okay, Senators own their own election companies people vote for them on.
But they just go, so what?
We're federally going to put more machines in.
It's just an arrogance.
It is an arrogance and I think what we refer to or who we refer to as our elected officials are really our selected officials and probably have been for quite some time now and it's
It is kind of a frustrating catch-22.
How do you vote out people when you're using fraudulent equipment?
And I'm not sure I really have the answer to that, to be honest with you.
Well, that's the thing.
It fits in with everything else.
You look at 20 years ago, there was some election fraud, but it was localized and pretty small.
LBJ did it in the famous Box 13 to get into Congress, and that's admitted.
But it wasn't so centralized, and voter news services, and these secret facilities, and
You look now at government.
In the past, if 90% of people were against something, whether it be toll roads or open borders, it didn't happen.
Now, it doesn't matter if 99% are against something.
It doesn't matter.
They just say, we're doing it.
And they know.
What response have you gotten from politicians when you talk to them and say, hey, we know?
Not much positive so far.
We are trying to educate some people who are running for office here locally in our Vote Rescue Group, which was founded by Karen Rennick, and we're trying to tackle this here with our Secretary of State, Roger Williams.
With some actions that I'd like to get into in a few minutes.
But we've had some people, some candidates come to our meeting and give us their view on election fraud problems.
And what we find is that, and this is very common even among the election reform movement, there are a lot of people out there who think that the solution to this problem is actually adding paper trails to electronic voting machines.
And I just want to state right now that the view of... That just prints up a copy of the fraud.
Yes, it does.
And there are numerous ways to hack in anyway, even if there is a so-called paper trail.
And the point being, too, is that even if the paper was accurate, which nobody can prove that it is, then you're relying on audits and recounts.
And if you actually take the time, if anyone researches what it takes to get an audit or recount done,
If there's a recount that's going to be done in a case that's really important, such as Ohio in 2004, they simply rig the recount.
That's all there is to it.
A week down to Dubois, we caught her rigging recounts back in 98.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I want you to think about something long and hard.
Really let it sink in out there.
They're openly introducing legislation that's passed out of committee in the full Senate.
May have already passed, I haven't looked in the last day, that says that they can secretly arrest American citizens and not give you trials and secretly hold you.
And that everything is terrorism, every misdemeanor is terrorism.
They're openly saying they may preemptively nuke Iran.
They're openly saying we're going into a North American Union and have signed the documents and it's happening.
They're openly saying all the major roads are going to be toll roads with transponders in your cars.
They're openly saying that the private interest can come pay off government and take their private property.
It's just insane crime after insane crime against this country.
They're going wild, and it's because they know that they've got electronic fraud-based machines in nationwide.
Not just the 35% of the country that has the new touchscreens and hardener civics and Bible, but the older ones where you feed the ballots in and it's a Scantron, because that's all on a memory tape.
And it's incredible.
And if you don't think people who want power are out there doing this, you've got another thing coming.
Vicki Karp, who's the editor and compiler of Hacked, High Tech Election, Tough in America.
Elaborate on the book and then some of the legal things you guys are trying to do.
Well, another great contribution to our book is by Kathleen Wynne, who has been working with Bev Harris and a co-investigator and researcher.
And she does a great chapter in our book about what one citizen can do and how she started out, you know, kind of like me, just being interested in the topic and then she went on to work with Black Box Voting and Bev Harris
And she has this great story that starts out with a dumpster dive, dumpster diving for Diebold, or against Diebold, and finding some very incriminating documents that are still posted on the Black Box Voting website right now.
Kathleen has just moved to Austin, so we're really looking forward to having her contribute her great energy to Vote Rescue.
And we've got great contributions from Bob Fetrakis, who's running for Governor of Ohio right now.
He was an election protection monitor in Ohio.
I interviewed him.
He's incredible.
He's an amazing guy.
He's an attorney.
He's a PhD in political science.
He's a genius.
He's a great speaker.
Very powerful and very passionate about this.
And he does a fantastic job of documenting.
I was about to say that.
How can you shut up?
When you know they're stealing elections.
I mean, it's creepy, it's scary, it's like a horror movie.
I mean, we're living in the middle of a creep zone.
Well, sometimes to me it feels like people screaming out and that there's some sort of a muffling device to keep us from being heard.
That's what it feels like.
Because the mainstream media
Well, we're hoping to get an interview with them, maybe.
We sent them the book and they seemed interested.
I don't know.
We'll see what happens there.
So, we also have a chapter from Cynthia McKinney, and she now has lost her election probably because of the Deep Bowl machine.
Well, they've done it to her twice now.
That's right.
This is her second time.
So we helped her.
I co-wrote a chapter with her about why the current attempts at legislation to amend the Help America Vote Act are not going to work to solve this problem because the one thing they all have in common is adding printers.
And again, even people in this election reform campaign... The computer changes the vote, prints it into a box you don't even see.
It's a joke.
We need to remove these machines with wireless systems.
We need to remove Diebold completely.
They're totally untrustworthy.
We need to go back to... Well, what do we need?
We need hand-counted paper ballots with totals posted at the precinct level.
And then that's what's issued.
They count them right there, and that sucker goes out.
That's right.
And a very important point here, too.
Optical scan counters, as you were just mentioning Alex, that are used to count paper ballots, they have the same fraudulent software in them that's been proven with the D-Bolt at least.
Because that was another case where... This didn't start 5 years ago, this started like 20.
Oh, yes, quite a while back.
So these optical scan counters, which some people think, well at least if you have the paper ballots, once again they say, at least if we have them for a recount.
We already know that's not going to work.
In the case where audits are... You've got the people that stole the election who are going to refeed them through machines again and give you the same answer.
That's right.
And then in the case of mandatory audits, they're suggesting 2% audits.
Or in one case, the Rush Holtz bill said, well, it could be more if the states decide it could be more, but they're not going to do that.
I went down to the Commissioner's office in that 98 when they stole it from everybody.
I had the paper saying, double counting ballot boxes, falsifying signatures, and breaking safety seals.
And they said something, I forget, it's all on video.
It's like, that'll be $25,000 for a 2% audit.
No, I have to pay.
You've been caught in fraud, but you're running things.
Right, exactly.
In several cases now, we had a conservative Republican candidate for Texas Supreme Court Justice, Steve Smith, who lost his primary election in Texas in March.
In part because the Hart InterCivic machines, the same machines we use here in Travis County, Austin, recorded in Tarrant County 100,000 extra votes than there were voters.
So they backed those out and said this did not affect the election results.
He lost his election.
He did file a lawsuit.
It's impossible to have 100,000 more voters than registered.
Well, that's what we would mostly think, yes.
But then when he tried to get a recount done, the tab was going to be over $100,000.
So it's usually incumbent on the candidate to come up with that money, who's just run an expensive campaign.
It just doesn't happen.
And then if you put the money up, it's the very same county card that stole the election, laughing at you with a couple guys in black uniforms.
We're on the march.
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We're going to go right back to our guest, Vicki Karp.
And we may take a few calls, and specifically on election fraud, the last ten minutes or so, yeah, we'll take some.
Haven't had a lot of time for calls today, but tomorrow we can also talk about Ventura going public on 9-11, questioning the official story.
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Vicky, continuing, and again, thank you so much for being here.
You're talking about hack, high-tech election theft in America.
11 experts expose the truth, edited by Abby Waldman-Delosier and Vicky Karp.
That's you, and of course you contributed articles to it as well, and add to some of the other reports.
Tell us what the 11 different experts cover in the book and why folks should get it.
We try to cover the whole thing, Alex, for the people out there who either barely know there's a problem or don't think there's a problem at all with our voting system.
So we have everything from sort of a broad overview of why it's ridiculous to trust our votes to electronic machines by Lynn Landis, who was writing about this topic even before Bev Harris was and actually helped inspire Bev Harris to work on it.
We've got Bev's chapters, one which detail hundreds of examples of screw-ups with the machines, and then another chapter, one of her other chapters that we took from Black Box Voting with her permission, was describing the amazing conflicts of interest that we have with these voting machine vendors in terms of the ownership ties, such as Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska.
I think that's a key chapter.
Tell us about that.
Well, Senator Chuck Hagel was elected in his state of Nebraska after, I don't know, 24 years of no Republicans being selected or being voted in.
And he had, at the time of his first Senate race, a $5 million ownership interest in ES&S electronic systems and software.
Which he did not disclose after he won his race by some overwhelming margin of victory counter to usually reliable polls.
And he had this amazing sweep, I think, across the country.
This was like the biggest upset of the whole country.
And he did the same thing again when he was reelected, yet he never disclosed that he had ownership ties to election systems and software, which counted 80% of the votes in his race.
And then we, of course, have the example of Michael McCaul with the owner of Clear Channel, the chairman, Lowry Mays.
He's married to Lowry Mays' daughter.
Lowry Mays is also his biggest political contributor in what, 80% of the ballots cast in the three-county district?
Williamson, Travis, and Hayes were cast on hardener civic machines.
Right, you've got that connection with HART.
And then, of course, you have a, some people know this, but
The former CEO of the Diebold Company, Wally O'Dell, was a Bush pioneer, which is someone who was committed to raising $100,000 for the re-election campaign in 2004 for Bush.
And he wrote a memo saying, I guarantee you, I will deliver you Ohio.
That's right.
In a campaign contribution letter he put out in 2003, he committed to
Delivering the votes for the electoral votes for the state of Ohio to the president, which certainly did happen.
And that's where many of us believe the election was stolen in 2004.
Most of us that have been studying this for a while, Alex, I'm sure I know you're probably right in there with us.
I totally believe that the last two presidential elections were stolen from Bush.
And I say that personally.
I want to make sure people know I'm not a Democrat.
I'm an independent.
The point is we're guarding the vote here.
We're objectively, coldly looking at the facts.
Everybody knows I'm no Democrat.
But notice Gore, I don't think it was staged in 2000.
If they were going to steal it in 2004 though, they had to have somebody take a dive.
And so not only was the election itself staged at the local level with the machines, Terry also took a dive.
Right, and I think that's true.
He didn't contest, he didn't.
He said he was going to have, and I think maybe he did have, 40,000 attorneys on the ground all over the country to make sure that every vote that was cast was counted, and then he just throws in the towel the next morning.
He just disappeared.
Yeah, and there is so much evidence about what happened in Ohio, and that's why I think Bob Petrakis and Harvey Wasserman have done such a great job
Recounting that in books and articles that they've written about what really happened in Ohio.
It's very important information.
That's why we feel very fortunate that we got that chapter from Bob and another article by he and Harvey Wasserman about that topic.
Tell us about some of the other chapters in Hacked High Tech Election Theft in America.
Because again, there's 11 different experts in here that hit different angles of it.
That's the type of info I like.
It's multi-faceted.
It gives you a big picture.
It gives you width and breadth.
We have another chapter by a computer programmer named Jeremiah Aiken, who we're lucky enough to have also as a new resident of Austin.
He is formerly from Riverside, California, where they were implementing the use of Sequoia machines, which is another one of the top four electronic voting machine vendors.
And his dad got an invitation to come down and have a look at them testing out these Sequoia machines.
And his dad gave him his invitation because he's a high-tech guy.
So he went down there.
And watched as the election official in Riverside, California tried to sort of gloss over a lot of the problems with the software and actually asked people in the room to sign and affirm that they had seen this software being tested when in fact it had been tested out of their sight and he refused to sign that paper.
And then later on, just as Bev Harris found the DeBuild software on the internet, he found Sequoia software on the internet, on their website, and he has torn it apart.
I mean, these guys are so arrogant.
For those who don't know, a lot of internal stuff is saved on servers at companies.
It's the same servers they're using for the internet, and they will save them for intercompany use with subdomains that are supposedly private, but these fools don't know it's open to the web.
So now we have two of the top four electronic voting machine vendors whose software has been reviewed by experts.
In both cases, it's clearly designed for fraud, and yet the other two, Heart InterCivic and ES&S, they act all offended that we don't take it on faith that their software is clean.
I call that faith-based voting.
I'm not interested in that.
Again, we're going to take some calls coming up here in a few minutes at 1-800-259-9231 specifically on election fraud.
Does it make you angry?
Does it upset you?
Are you going to get involved?
What are your ideas?
As Vicki Carpenter said earlier, how do you remove people when they already have their fraudulent machines in place?
And Vicki, I want to talk some about solutions.
I have a solution for this.
And it will work if people will simply implement it and do it.
What you have to do is, you have to have a paper, a petition, done properly, say in a place like Austin, Texas, where you get hundreds of thousands, or a hundred thousand, or whatever it takes, signatures saying, we don't trust the electronic voting machines, because of all these past problems we've witnessed, and you know, kind of have a writ listing it, and so we want
To have it put on the ballot that, with this petition, that it be funded to have an election with paper ballots to see if we want to remove, say in Travis County or Austin, Texas, the touchscreen, electronic, non-verifiable, Scantron, it doesn't matter, systems.
Of course, have it all vetted and written out properly.
And then show how they're afraid of that and don't want to do that.
Because the only way you're going to be able to do it is, well, there's several ways.
We can totally discredit their systems, sue them, expose them, make them, remove them, but they're not doing that.
They've got control.
We're still educating folks.
They're starting to crumble.
People now know the truth.
Just from three years ago, they didn't.
People now, mainstream, believe there's a fraud.
But we've got to do more than that.
So we can remove the machines, remove the companies, sue the companies, sue public officials.
That's one way.
And then there's the other way of doing the recall on the machines.
Just like you recall Governor Gray Davis, let's recall the machines.
Do you have any comments on that idea?
I think it's a great idea.
And we have started a petition at Vote Rescue, which we're starting to bring to all the events and things that we're doing to get signatures that way.
Because we think that's a great idea too.
We're still not certain if we would have luck
Voting in paper ballot systems and getting ready machines, if the vote itself has to take place with the machines, it's again a catch-22 situation.
Now, one of your solutions has been to go out and show numbers.
Go out and get exit polls and then show how it doesn't match those precincts, right?
Well, we haven't really done official exit polls.
What we've been doing at Vote Rescue here locally is what we call parallel elections with paper ballots, and we will be doing that again in November.
I really see that as an exit poll, just documenting it.
It can be considered that way.
At the same time, it doesn't have the statistical reliability of an exit poll.
But we may be looking into becoming an exit polling entity soon.
But we are doing parallel elections.
We think that that's just a good watchdog activity.
And we're encouraging... Here's the fundamental bottom line on it.
Only citizens
Are going to have to get involved in this, no matter how much they'd rather, you know, kick back on the couch and watch American Idol or football.
For those people that haven't yet gotten involved in anything, they're waiting for somebody else to do it.
I know you've talked about this a lot, but really it's going to come from the citizens.
The only reason that there's the familiarity with this issue that might exist today, to whatever degree, it's because of citizens who have been trying to take action.
And on the Black Box Voting website, there's this wonderful item called the Citizens Toolkit.
Well it's simple.
We are having our
Our control over our own destiny taken away.
We are having organized, meticulously engineered election fraud, coast to coast.
And it's Republicans, it's Democrats, it's whoever controls the machines, their own little systems.
It's the Republicans and Democrats together against the American people, though the Republicans are the leaders of this movement.
And uh... I mean if we don't have a vote folks, we've got an elite so corrupt they're stealing it en masse.
None of us are safe.
And again, this isn't happening alone.
It fits into this larger pattern of hundreds of different issues.
Vicki Karp, do you want to comment on the larger, I mean this election fraud, electronic voting machine, you know, hack, scam.
It just fits into a mosaic.
It's a unified
Well, I agree.
It's a piece of the puzzle that had to be in place in order for a lot of other criminal activities by our government to be able to take place.
And they can just, as you said, just rampantly and arrogantly carry out illegal war, the Patriot Act, the Trans-Texas Corridor.
Vaccines, you know, testing, gun control, psychological testing of children and forced drugs.
I mean, so many things, everything that you report on your show, it's all tied together and there's no way any of it could happen without vote fraud.
So you are striking at the root, Vicky, and I hope people will get hacked.
We don't have it up on InfoWars.com or on the toll-free number yet, but folks, you really should go up there tonight or tomorrow and get a copy of Hacked.
Is this up on Amazon.com yet?
We're in process.
It's not there yet.
Folks, this just came out.
It's not even available on Infowars.com yet, but you will be able to get it.
What are some other ways to get it?
The other way to get it right now is through our website, which is HackedElections.com.
Oh, good.
That's HackedElections.com.
And here locally, the Brave New Books downtown is carrying it.
That's right.
Do you off the top of your head know that address?
1904 Guadalupe.
1904 Guadalupe.
I haven't been down there yet.
I hear it's great.
But again, by tonight we will have hacked High Tech Election Theft in America up on InfoWars.com for people to get.
But if folks missed your website, give it to us again.
It's HackedElections.com.
I want to get back into the positive things that are happening.
I mean, folks, I don't want to just glaze over this.
I want this to burn into our brains.
We've gone from three or four years ago, the average American knowing nothing about election fraud, laughing to ensure they're stealing elections, to the majority of Americans in polls believing there's a problem, believing there's election fraud going on, because we see the exit polls where somebody is losing, but they're an establishment candidate, so they really win.
Or we see polls where they're going to lose by 15 points, but then they win by 10 points or 12 points.
Well, what do you see happening in this collision now?
Because on, not just voting, but on so many issues there is an awakening so the government's racing with its corporate interest to try to oppress us so that can't happen.
Well, that's exactly what I'm seeing.
In fact, that leads me into something I wanted to tell the listeners and tell you, if you didn't know this yet.
The Secretary of State in each state is the person ultimately responsible for certifying voting systems.
So here we have Roger Williams in Texas
And we have these certification hearings of a panel of so-called experts who actually hear the information.
It's supposed to be a hearing on which voting systems they're going to recommend for certification.
And these hearings occur behind closed doors.
No citizen involvement.
No election officials are allowed to be there.
It's the vendors and the voting system examiners who then make a recommendation to Roger Williams.
So there was a lawsuit last year to try to open these hearings up to the public.
They succeeded in opening up one hearing and that was it.
Then they shut them down.
But now we have our Secretary of State using Help America Vote Act funds, federal funds, which really comes down to our tax dollars,
And they're executing a propaganda campaign, they're calling it Vote Texas, and they have this big bus, and they're driving it around the state with this banner saying, electronic voting is faster, safer, more secure, and they have these electronic voting systems on board.
We're paying the tab for this disinformation campaign.
But the good news is their propaganda doesn't work anymore.
You see, the establishment's taken power, they've stolen the elections, but they're being discredited as they do it.
As they win, they're losing, is my point.
Well, we're going to do our best to make sure that continues to happen.
Is there a way to block them from using voter funds for propaganda?
Not that we have found, but...
There was an incident that happened at the Bob Bullitt Museum a couple of weeks ago that I think people need to be aware of.
Oh yeah, tell us about it.
Did you hear about that?
Yeah, I did.
Well, this was a kick-off campaign where they were describing the Vote Texas bus and where it was going to go, and we got an invitation sent by some Democratic group online.
It said it seemed to be open to the public, this meeting at the Bob Bullitt Museum.
It just said that you had to RSVP.
So several of our Vote Rescue people RSVPed
They showed up and they were escorted out by police and told it was a private meeting and that it was a private building.
That's right.
State-funded building.
On record.
State official there.
Public meeting.
And they selectively say, you get out of here.
That's right.
And by the way, I talked to folks that were there just quietly walking around talking to people at a public function.
Get out of here.
We'll come back, take a few calls, let her finish the story.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
Thank you.
Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We'll briefly just finish up the story.
Bob Bullock Museum, state property, public function there, and they end up seeing you guys.
Press passes, you're there to investigate fraud.
What happened?
Well, it wasn't exactly press passes, but they had RSVP'd and everything was clear.
Well, I talked to one of the folks, they had a Jack Blood press pass.
They're like, what is that?
Get out of here!
I stand corrected then.
Well, our folks were just wandering around, just, you know, starting to, the meeting hadn't started yet, and they were just there to observe, and they were not there disrupting anything, and at the very, very beginning, police officers came and escorted them out, and it was
This was a public function, but they said this isn't public.
They said it's a public, it's a private meeting, and it's a private building.
So I'm trying to figure out since when did the Bob Bullock Museum become a private building?
Well, it's state-owned and state-run.
There's state police that run it.
Once again, you know, our tax dollars paying for something and we're being thrown out and saying, you know, being told it's private.
It's just a lie.
But it was billed as a public discussion about elections.
The invitation went out on the internet to a number of people, so we have to assume that it was open to the public.
Well, they're running scared and they should be.
Matt's in Tennessee.
You're on the air.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
Um, a felon by the name of Greg McKay with the Knox County Election Commission sent me an email offering $25 for vote training, which I find offensive, and of course the impetus was the million dollars or so that Knox County, Tennessee got with the Help America Vote Act.
We've emailed back and forth, and he's contacted me assuring me that these Hart InterCivic machines are secure.
Well, comment on that.
We know all about Hart InterCivic, Vicky.
Well, the Hard Inner Civic machines have software that's still, you know, secret, proprietary software that has not been reviewed.
However, an old version of their software is about to be reviewed by a computer programmer and we'll find out what it includes and then we have at least a case to make to them to prove to us if there are... Well, none of it should be secret.
This is our vote.
Well, none of it should be... Finish up what you were saying, Matt.
What else happened?
Well, my question was, you know, what specifically mechanically is wrong with Hart InterCivic?
But I think Vicky answered it by saying that they have secret proprietary software.
And no one's ever been allowed to review it or look under the hood.
They let private corporations come in and do this.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
Thanks, Matt.
You bet.
Thank you.
We'll do a whole other show sometime and just take calls, Vicky.
Jay in Kansas City, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hi, go ahead.
I'm about eight months new to the movement here.
I just wanted to call and say that
When I was down in Florida, there were people that were actually standing outside for the 2004 election saying, uh, let your vote count, ask for a receipt.
And there were fairly few, uh, fairly large amount of people that were actually trying to ask for a receipt, and they couldn't even get one.
There's no such thing.
There are certain voting systems in Florida that do have paper ballots being used and run through optical scan counters, which are corrupt.
But now they passed a law in Florida that makes it against the law to recount paper ballots by hand once they've been run through a machine.
Oh, so they're... Plus having a receipt, how are you going to pile them together and recount?
Thank you for the call, Jay.
I appreciate it.
John in New York, final caller.
Go ahead, John.
Yeah, go ahead.
John Collin from Long Island Society of Albany, New York.
Yeah, I actually just wanted to call about the voter fraud thing.
I've been hearing in the Capitol handing out pamphlets on how e-voting is corrupt and it won't work.
I don't know if you've heard of Lone Lantern Society in Chicago.
We're going to be handing out 5,000 DVDs of Loose Change this Sunday at the Chicago Marathon.
Good, good.
Listen, I've got to let you go, bro.
I've got to let you go.
Vicki Carver, I appreciate you joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
I really appreciate the opportunity.
I'm sorry the time went so fast.
But we'll have you back in.
My pleasure.
You bet.
The book is Hacked!
High Tech Election Theft in America.
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