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Name: 20060920_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 20, 2006
2231 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have an amazing lighting.
Joining us coming up later in the broadcast on this live September 20th 2006 edition she has produced 911 Mysteries Demolitions part one of a three-part series and it hit Google Video a few days ago and has already caused a firestorm on the web.
I had a chance a few weeks ago to see the film and we now have here in the office 500 copies of it
In fact, we are one of the very first sites, news websites, to have the new film.
And again, it's one thing to watch it on Google Video.
That is a shadow of actually having the high-quality DVD.
9-11 Mysteries available right now at InfoWars.com.
And she will be joining us coming up a little bit later in the broadcast.
We also have the Village Voice reporter who did one of the more fair pieces on the 9-11 truth movement.
Titled Fakes on a Plane.
He is scheduled to be joining us in studio today to talk 9-11.
We will have open phones as well.
I've got some comments on the coup d'etat over the putsch over in Thailand.
Also, the warning to the world, heated as leaders expose state terror, Chavez, Ahmadinejad, cite 9-11 in an attempt to counter fake war provocations.
We'll be getting into that also.
Colorado State Professor, one of the top global experts on climatology, disputes global warming is human-caused.
Now he believes in global warming, but he believes the mathematical evidence in the models show
It's being caused by the sun, ladies and gentlemen.
Exactly what I've been saying.
Not that it's hard to figure that out.
And I don't believe you can call this from the evidence I've seen true global warming.
It's global climate change is what we're
Really facing here.
Also, a really scary trio of reports here.
This first one's out of Jerusalem Post.
Expert tactical nukes needed to blast Iranian defenses.
So we'll cover that.
That meshes with retired colonel.
We are conducting military operations inside Iran right now.
The evidence is overwhelming.
We have a little CNN clip of him saying it on Wolf Blitzer, but it's probably just better to just read the transcript itself.
Another report here out of the Christian Science Monitor.
Study calls Iran the biggest beneficiary of U.S.
war on terror.
And then, speaking of national sovereignty, everyone is freaking out in Houston right now.
Over the fact that the school admits that they had a pledge of allegiance to the Mexican flag.
This is being done all over the United States.
And I'm glad that people in their little cocoon down in Houston figured this out.
And now people are going absolutely nuts.
Again, there are 10 towns, I kept saying 7, I looked it up, there are now 10 towns that fly the Mexican flag in Texas.
No American flag allowed.
No English allowed in court.
And all over the country they take the American flag down, they stomp on it in huge rallies at federal buildings, at state buildings, and the police sit there like total cowards and let them do it.
This is only the beginning.
Wait until every U.S.
city is burned down.
And I am predicting that in the next decade you're going to see illegal aliens, probably sooner, rioting and burning major cities to the ground.
And the government will not stop them.
But they will send troops and police out to shoot you if you defend your home against these hordes.
This has been the plan all along, and I'll cover that as well.
So there's a big freak-out going on over this.
Hey, get ready to pledge allegiance to the RAG.
The white, red, and green flag of one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
It's of the New World Order's own heart.
And it's being given the United States.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
We have the maker of the new 9-11 film, 9-11 Mysteries Demolitions, really impressive, joining us coming up in the next hour, then in the third hour in studio, Ed Halter.
He is an author and of course he also writes for the Village Voice, did one of the more fair pieces we've seen in the mainstream news on 9-11 and the 9-11 truth movement, so that is coming up.
In the meantime, my friends, I do want to have open phones and I do want to cover a lot of the different news reports that are out there.
But right now, let me just get into this report first.
This is by Paul Joseph Watson.
It says, a warning to the world heated as leaders expose state terror.
Chavez, Ahmed, Dinejad cite 9-11 an attempt to counter fake
War provocations, fearing that they are the next targets of the US-led Imperial New World Order, leaders of foreign nations are beginning to understand that by drawing attention to the use of staged provocations and staged terror, that they may be able to move one step ahead of the world of public opinion and avoid the wrath of the neo-fascists.
In July of 2005, we released an article entitled, A Warning to the World, which called for all governments who still operate outside the control of the globalists to come forward and join humanity in unveiling the real terrorists who are attempting to deform the world into a prison planet.
This was a plea for all credible whistleblowers, and especially those within government, to shine a spotlight on the true face of terrorism.
We are calling on all whistleblowers to reveal themselves now and stand with us in the corner of truth and the future of the species.
These bastards are indiscriminate killers and our withholding information only paints a bigger target on your forehead.
Your words need to be heard, we wrote.
On a governmental level, the challenge is here before you.
Either scream from the rooftops about government-orchestrated terrorism, or sit back and watch your country become a victim of it as it is wrestled away from your hands and placed in the domain of a black and cancerous global dictatorship.
And within months, Iranian leadership went public.
Many other leaders in the world went public.
We're not claiming credit with the article we wrote at PrisonPlanet.com, though it was reposted in many foreign newspapers and major news websites, including in Iran.
Certainly, they did begin to respond.
That challenge is now being answered, not simply because of our article, but due to increased exposure of 9-11 and a clearer understanding of how governments create crises in order to justify wars.
The crescendo of credible individuals blowing the whistle on government-sponsored terror has increased exponentially.
That's a typo there, Paul.
The crescendo of credible individuals blowing the whistle on government-sponsored terror has increased exponentially.
Not only did we witness a coming together of academics, scientists, and former government officials with the birth of the 9-11 Scholars for Truth, but a number of world leaders used their platform to warn the world of Western state-sponsored terror.
In May of this year, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Addressed 9-11 complicity in a letter to the U.S.
September 11th was not a simple operation, he wrote.
Could it be planned and executed without coordination with intelligence and security services or without their extensive infiltration?
Of course, this is just an educated guess, he concluded to Bush.
Why have the various aspects of the attacks been kept secret?
Why are we not told who botched their responsibilities and why aren't those responsible and the guilty parties identified and put on trial?
All governments have a duty to provide security and peace of mind for their citizens.
Ahmed Dinejad knows his leadership has been targeted for decapitation
And only by shining a bright light on the omnipresent possibility of a staged war provocation on the part of the neocons, such as the Bush-Blair fake Saddam-UN plane shoot-down memo, can he offset a likely entry to the airstrike on Iran.
And now, of course, we also have President
Hugo Chavez, like Ahmedinejad, President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, is rightly obsessed with the intentions of the Bush regime to overthrow his government, having already been the subject of a CIA kidnapping on a previous occasion.
Six months before, Chavez gave a speech in which he lent credence to the notion that 9-11 was the self-inflicted wound.
This website reported on 9-11 activists holding private meetings with Chavez and his cabinet in anticipation of a political and potential Venezuelan government investigation into 9-11.
Through the formation of this inquiry is still an open question.
Chavez's public questioning of 9-11 earlier this month left no doubt as to who he thinks was behind the attack.
You can click and watch the video of him talking about it and calling for an investigation.
Hugo Chavez, quote, the hypothesis that is gaining strength
Which was said on television last night, and which could soon blow up, was that it was the same U.S.
imperial power that planned and carried out the terrible terrorist attack, or act, against its own people and against citizens of the world.
To justify the aggression that was immediately unleashed on Afghanistan, on Iraq, and the threats against us all, against Venezuela too.
Since our plea for
Influential power brokers worldwide to blow the whistle on state-sponsored terror.
The threshold, the level of understanding about 9-11 has been given a new lease on life.
Well, I don't think it ever didn't have a lease on life.
It's just been exponentially growing ever since then.
The grounds of consciousness are fertile and now is the most opportune time for whistleblowers, government officials, and any individual of credible standing to add their voice to the chorus of truth and rise up in unison against this global crime syndicate.
And so I did babble through that article because I think it's extremely important.
Okay, I'll get into global warming a little bit later here.
He says, we don't need a tax on our wages.
Al Gore is calling.
We need a global tax on pollution, i.e., the energy tax.
But they have no intention of getting rid of the income tax.
They're just going to add new taxes.
And by the way, this new energy tax will be international.
It will be global.
It is the dream of world government.
It is the true mechanism that will take world government from already being quite robust, but in its current form, its current form will be seen as fledgling compared to what it will grow into overnight.
And the new powers of taxation.
So we'll get into that and how it ties into global warming.
Right now, this is out of the Jerusalem Post.
Tactical nukes need to blast Iranian defenses.
This is by Ryan Nadal, the Jerusalem Post.
Tactical nuclear weapons would be required to penetrate the defenses Iran has constructed around its nuclear facilities, according to Colonel Shalom
Mo Vaz, an international consultant on terrorism and intelligence, and a research fellow at the Institute of Counterterrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzlina.
The Colonel argued that any preemptive action, not necessarily launched by Israel against Iran's nuclear facilities, would need to employ tactical nuclear weapons.
The Iranians have invested a lot of money to hide their weapons and infrastructure underground.
The most sensitive items are below the surface, he said.
Well, that's not really true.
Studies have been done on this.
They might have to drop 10, 15, 20 conventional bunker busters on each of the sites
But they know where all the exhaust ports are, they know where the different entrances are, the different maintenance shafts are, and they can absolutely pound all the entrances and all of the side shafts and entryways into huge piles of rubble and totally damage the facilities if not destroy them.
And we have President Bush a few months ago
We have newspapers here talking about how they've developed all these mini-nukes, these baby nukes, and we know they've delivered the jackets, they've delivered, that is, the payload delivery systems, the missiles themselves, to Israel, hundreds and hundreds of them, and we know that our own government and the Bush administration have floated the idea of a preemptive nuclear strike on Iran.
This is genocidal,
This is psychopathic.
This is totally criminal.
This is war crime at every level.
But you've got an average bestial American out there who just likes the idea of dropping nukes on people.
And they are in love with this idea.
You hear it.
It's like a religious sacrament.
Turn them into a parking lot.
Instead of saying Hare Krishna like a Hare Krishna cult member, basically on talk radio, they just drone nuclear parking lot, nuclear parking lot, glass parking lot.
I mean, it's literally a, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
And of course, none of them can find Iran on the map, but that doesn't matter to them.
So we'll get into this and what this will do if they nuke Iran.
Some of the different scenarios.
They run bad to worse.
The best scenarios are absolutely horrible and will savage your pocketbooks.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back, my friends.
Why do the globalists want war with Iran?
Well, right off the bat, it will more than double oil prices for at least six months.
That is the average conservative estimate being put out by the big financial publications that study the effect of war in the Middle East on energy prices.
And it will create a big political smoke screen for all the domestic scandals in England, Europe, and here in the United States.
It will mean hundreds of billions on top of the current hundreds of billions in weapons contracts and by the hardware manufacturers in the ongoing conflict in Iraq that will then expand into western Iran.
Special Forces troops for at least two years
I have been all over Iran.
They have been lazing targets, preparing targets, picking targets, surveilling these remote nuclear sites, these enrichment sites, missile development sites, other military sites, and at the bare minimum, if there's an attack on Iran, and they're talking about hitting anywhere
Between 13 and 214 sites, depending on what federal announcement or what army document we look at.
We've got a whole spectrum of them out there.
They're looking at, in fact, Heratz is reporting 13 to 16 sites right now that Israel may go ahead and just hit.
Those are the absolute bare minimum they'll hit.
And if Iran is attacked, the question is, if they do nothing and just lay there,
You will still see massive increases in fuel prices.
Oh, by the way, let me just respond to this now.
People are going, man, look at oil prices fall.
Oil back down to $60 a barrel.
It was $30-something a barrel two and a half years ago.
I mean, just a few years ago it was $1.30, $1.40 a gallon.
Now it's $2.50 a gallon and people are thinking this is some super deal.
Oh, it's not $3.00, $3.15, $3.40 a gallon.
Oh, man!
See how they train you?
During the summer, every summer, they jack it up higher and higher each time.
And then in the fall and winter it drops back down, $.30, $.40, $.50.
And people go, oh, what a great deal.
And they jack it up even more the next year.
Oh man, I'm getting a deal!
It's only $2.60 a gallon!
But anyways, I'm digressing.
Iran has said that they are going to attack the Persian Gulf.
And they've got all those platforms out there.
They've got all those weapon systems out there.
They have got special forces pre-deployed, ready to attack, civilian shipping.
And of course, they'll be called terrorists if they fight back.
Fighting back is called terrorism.
Okay, let's call it terrorism.
If they're attacked with nuclear weapons, as Israel and the U.S.
are saying they may do, then Iran, how dare them, will actually fight back.
So next time you're being mugged, do not fight back.
Or imagine, I guess the police will come and arrest you.
In fact, that actually now happens in the U.S., so I shouldn't joke about it.
You're not supposed to defend yourself, I forgot.
And Iran could roll out some really horrible secret weapons.
We know they got a bunch of chemical weapons.
There's a lot of talk of Iran will just conventionally pour across the border into Iraq and they will be joined by their allies who are the majority in Iraq and then you'll have a huge guerrilla ground war going there that makes the Tet Offensive look very small in comparison
That's kind of the middle of the road.
Of course, the really bad scenario that I think will probably happen is our government will touch off a nuke or a bioweapon here in the U.S.
or England, blame it on Iran, go ahead and just hit all their major cities with nukes, go ahead and invade places like Syria, go ahead and hit Damascus with a nuke,
Have total martial law clamped down.
They'll actually probably roll a throne out.
Bush will start ruling from a throne.
And by the way, I'm not joking.
We weren't joking about anything in the past.
This is the plan.
And it will be the end of the country and they'll grab your bank accounts.
They will deep six the economy.
Of course, it will all be blamed on Iran.
Your neighbors will go serve the government, do whatever the government says in the promise that the cheeseburgers and beer will continue to flow.
And we will enter the new dark age, and one world government will be here, and they will totally get rid of the borders, will be the North American Union, and they will then manipulate the U.S.
like they manipulate Iraq, by breaking it into several parts, and the Southwest will be a greater Mexico, and they're really doing it!
So that's what the New World Order has in store for us.
And, uh, don't think for a minute they won't attack Iran.
Don't think for a minute.
By the way, I have two more articles on this subject.
You know, I went over the, uh, Jerusalem Post here saying that Iran needs to be nuked.
I got two others.
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The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Sophia Sofquat joins us.
She has produced a new incredible documentary film, 9-11 Mysteries Demolitions.
It's going to be a three-part series.
I can't wait to see the second two they're producing now.
We carry it.
We have it.
One of the first to actually get it in DVD form.
It is amazing.
You need to get it.
It's available right now via the Safe, Secure Online shopping cart at infowars.com.
You can order via the Safe, Secure Online video and bookstore at infowars.com.
That's our pledge to you to try to have the best videos and books available on the global government, on the crime syndicate, on government-sponsored terror, not just the films I've produced, not just the books I've written or I've printed,
Published by other great works.
Well, we have 9-11 Mysteries available right now on DVD via the safe secure online shopping cart at InfoWars.com
Or you can simply write to me, it's 1995, to Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
9-11 Mysteries just focuses in on the controlled demolitions.
Full-length feature just on the controlled demolitions alone.
It's got never-before-seen footage of the bombs going off.
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I mean, I was amazed.
George Humphrey had seen a rough cut of it about a month ago, and he said, wait until you see this.
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Well, we got it.
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And it's got 66 minutes of extras just from the LA conference and some other extras as well.
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So please get Terror Storm today available via infowars.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139.
And when you get the videos, that also makes this broadcast possible.
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So please visit infowars.com and get Jim Maher's new excellent 9-11 Terror Conspiracy book.
Get my new film, Terror Storm.
Get Sophia's new great film, 9-11 Mysteries.
And so you don't just support us, you support other great researchers like these folks as well.
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You are authorized for educational purposes to make copies of my films.
I want you to get Terror Storm.
I beg you to make copies of it.
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Toll free number again 888-253-3139 or you can simply go to Infowars.com and order via the Safe Secure online shopping cart.
If you become a PrisonPlanet.tv member you can download TerraStorm in a super high quality version if you've got a high quality cable modem or T1 but it's four different versions depending on your connection rate.
All 15 of my films, my book, Paul Watson's book, my weekly TV reports, all the 9-11 Neocon Agenda Symposium, both days are up there.
My speech from Dallas, Jim Maher's speech from Dallas, a bunch of the stuff's already up there from New York for members of PrisonPlanet.tv.
We have several people just dedicated to that, making it the best
We're good to go.
The folks running the show are so accustomed to me not taking calls in the first hour, they didn't hear that cue, so they haven't been going to the phones and getting your calls.
But here is the number again for you.
And it's always great to have first time callers, but regular callers are welcome as well.
First time callers do go to the head of the line.
Only trumped by someone who disagrees with me.
You go directly to the head of the line.
But before we do go back to your calls, I want to get into the news a little bit more.
So, we have Israel, the United States, the White House.
And the White House leaked to major publications a few months ago.
It's being echoed again by a big Israeli strategist.
That there is an open desire to hit Iran preemptively with a bald fist with mini-hydrogen bombs.
I guess that's thermonuclear.
And of course there's no such thing as a mini-nuke.
This will turn the mountains that these bases are built into the sides of, it will turn large parts, large sections of the mountains
into slag heaps.
The weapon will of course penetrate upwards of 50 feet before detonating and will blow out the entire side of the hillside or mountain and cave in the secret bases beneath and of course eject large amounts of radioactive particles into the atmosphere.
They don't just detonate
Nuclear warheads a half mile, a mile, two miles, 3,000 feet, 10,000 feet.
There's many different airbursts, but what's the average?
About 3,000 feet?
They don't just detonate these up high to get maximum destructive yield from the warhead, but that's one of the main reasons.
You detonate it above ground because then you get the full radiated impact of the blast
Not dissipating into the ground, but blasting out in a blast wave, frying whole cities, leveling whole cities, and then radiating surrounding areas instantly.
Yes, the government is openly talking about bombing hundreds of sites with nukes in Iran, in just open, naked, savage, bloodthirsty, mass-murdering,
Polluting aggression.
And this is meant to terrorize the few rogue nations, that is, countries that are still sovereign, whether they're good, bad, or indifferent.
This is about global dictatorship.
We are playing the part of the bad cop for global government, out-enforcing, threatening to nuke everybody.
When I say we, I mean the criminals that have hijacked our government.
And they are publicly, they are calmly talking about nuking between 13 and 214
sites in Iran and when a weapon detonates at zero sea level or when it detonates below earth, it then creates all these different isotopes, all these different configurations, all these different types of fallout with the different metals that it combines with.
There's naturally occurring cobalt that creates particularly nasty
Very poisonous and extremely radioactive isotopes that very low level exposure to kills you.
And that's in the extreme, but very common.
But even in the lesser extreme, quick cell growth, diebacks, your gums, your teeth falling out, your intestines liquefying, things like that.
It's just all sorts of problems when it binds with steel, when it binds with lead, when it binds with iron, when it binds with all the different things that it's going to come in contact with when at point blank range a warhead detonates inside a facility.
Not to mention if they hit a uranium enrichment facility it is going to cause a huge Chernobyl type cloud and the government admits that when it bombs these nuclear facilities
That it will cause a huge poison cloud of radiation, much larger than Chernobyl, to drift around haphazardly.
But again, the globalists don't care, folks.
In the past, they would tell the tribes, don't breathe DU, now they just say it's good for you.
They just don't issue the field manuals.
The field manuals, they didn't even change those.
It still says it's deadly and kills the tribes, but now they just don't issue the manuals.
And it won't just be the troops, it'll be your children huffing the radiation clouds from this.
By the way, there are major winds, major jet streams that stream right across from east to west.
Right across the Midwest, right through the Carolinas, right through Texas, right through Ohio, right through Indiana, right through Illinois, right through California, just right through the entire United States.
I know, I know, Bush says radiation is good, it is, and you can go out and maybe they'll start selling uranium pills as nutritious at the store.
They already say mercury is good for you.
Open discussion of nuking Iran.
And then every time Iran says, well, if you nuke us, we'll fight back, they take it out of context and say, Ahmadinejad threatens to strike U.S.
And the average dumbed-down neocon follower out there hears that and says, well, see, we need to hit them.
Ahmadinejad just threatened us again.
So, more calls for that.
Here's a little CNN clip.
Retired Colonel, we are conducting military operations inside Iran right now.
Evidence is overwhelming.
And let's go ahead and just play a short section of this clip.
Military strike against Iran, and would it lead to all out war?
Joining us now is retired U.S.
Air Force Colonel Sam Gardner.
He's taught strategy and military operations at the National War College, the Air War College, and the Naval War College.
Colonel, thanks very much for coming in.
You've just prepared a paper for the Century Foundation entitled, Considering the U.S.
Military Option for Iran.
You speak to a lot of people, plugged in.
What is your bottom line?
How close, in your opinion, is the U.S., the Bush administration, to giving that go-ahead order?
It's been given.
In fact, we've probably been executing military operations inside Iran for at least 18 months.
The evidence is overwhelming.
When you say it's been given, the President says he wants diplomacy to work to convince the Iranian government to stop enriching uranium, to not go forward.
I would tell the Iranian people that we have no desire for conflict.
He told David Ignatius of the Washington Post the other day.
So what does that mean the order has been given?
We are conducting military operations inside Iran right now.
The evidence is overwhelming, from both the Iranians, Americans, and from congressional forces.
What does military operation define that?
They probably have had two objectives going back 18 months.
The first was to gather intelligence.
Where is the Iranian nuclear program?
The second has been to prepare dissident groups
For phase two, which will be the strike, which will come as the next phase, I think.
Preparing intelligence, that's understandable, using all sorts of means.
They want to know what the Iranians are up to in terms of their nuclear program.
But are you suggesting that U.S.
military forces, special operations forces, or others are on the ground right now in Iran?
Absolutely clear.
The evidence is overwhelming from lots of sources.
And again, most of them you can read public.
You'll see Mahersh has done good work on it, and there are lots of other people who have done it.
I've talked to Iranians.
Okay, we're going to go to Issa and... Getting a really bad echo there, guys.
We're going to go to Issa and Charles and Sean and others coming up here in just a few minutes.
Let me just go back to what Wolf Blitzer, Mr. CIA, as they're saying, along with him and the rest of the CIA crew at CNN.
And I'm not saying everyone in every division of CNN is CIA, but Anderson Cooper and the key news gatherers are, folks.
We told you that years ago, now it's public.
But side issue.
It's the same story.
Oh, Bush wants diplomacy with Saddam.
Bush is giving him an ultimatum.
Bush just wants him to work.
Bush is giving him his last chance.
We told you that was balderdash long before they actually launched the attack on Iraq.
And now all the news articles and the memos
And the eyewitnesses have come forward that there was never an intention to not attack Iraq.
They just have to go through the motions, and for two years, I keep saying two years, it's like two and a half, almost three now.
Cy Hirsch reported on it, what, a year ago, and he said they'd already been there a year and a half.
And yeah, there's special forces all over the country.
Every few weeks some dam gets blown up or a bunch of people get shot.
Our criminal government's in there funding a bunch of revolutionaries to go around and shoot police and other stuff.
I mean, it's the same thing our government's been doing to Iran for 53 years.
No wonder the Iranians hate us so much.
But again, the average American doesn't even know what a covert operation is.
They can't find Iran on a map, but they've got their opinion about Iran.
Let me just explain something again to the neocon listeners out there.
You are seen in the same vein as Ahmadinejad by this government.
You understand?
You're seen as cattle.
You're seen as property.
You're seen as a slave.
You're seen as someone to be kept in the dark, to be used, to be fed on, to be thrown to the side.
You understand that?
Stop being naive.
The people in control of our government are dismantling the country right now.
What does it take to get you to realize that?
You're being laughed at.
Okay, I'm talking to you straight.
You got slick PR firms who package lies and feed it to you.
And it's time that you realize there's nothing more pathetic than somebody who's being conned and manipulated.
And even when you sit there and you tell them, hey, this is a scam, you're being scammed, they still laugh at you and they go back and get scammed again and again and again and again and again.
Look, I know it's tribal.
I know it's fun to hate people overseas.
I know it.
But if you want to get tribal, why don't you hate all these illegal aliens who do hate this country and say they're going to overthrow it?
I mean, I've got the Houston Papers here in front of me.
People are finally freaking out over the fact that they pledge allegiance to the Mexican flag in Houston and some of these schools.
Well, of course they do!
It's the end of the country!
Do you understand large sections of Texas are openly called Mexico and the Mexican flag flies over government buildings?
Do you understand Mexican radio right here in Austin says that they are taking over Texas and that whites are going to be killed?
I mean, do you understand, folks?
This is not a joke!
University of Texas, head of Chicano Studies, Arlington.
In fact, I've played clips of them.
I ought to dig those out again and play them again.
Says that they are... He's changed his view.
Before, it was all white males had to die.
Now, all whites have to die.
You go, man, that's racist!
Yeah, but it's in the government's plan.
We're never going to let them do it.
Don't worry.
They're going to, you know, totally set them up.
But, in that setup, they're going to break down the Southwest and make it an international area.
Alright, we'll come back, take some calls.
Stay with us.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Let's take a few calls right now.
I don't have the numbers in front of me but cancer worldwide every decade goes up exponentially.
All these new forms of cancers
And then normally occurring cancers, things we've seen in the past are radically increasing as well.
Much of it is not just linked to more carcinogenic material, but genetically engineered foods with enzymes and amino acids and genetic structures our bodies have never encountered.
Also, the cancer viruses that are in so many of the vaccines have been directly linked to a lot of the new cancers that are sprouting up.
Childhood cancer is off the charts.
It's unbelievable.
Yeah, that's why, because I have two family members.
My wife, her sister just died just two weeks ago of cancer, you know, over in Morocco.
And my aunt, she has cancer.
She has stage 4 cancer.
You know, I tried to tell her about alternative therapy, but you know, she's not listening, but that's why I was... It just seemed kind of fishy, you know?
It just seemed like, you know, everyone knows someone who has cancer now, it just... Well, Isa, I'll tell you why the Globalists are in control.
In the 1920s, the Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Foundation,
Went out and bought up most of the big research hospitals.
And they studied cancer.
And they studied how to splice out the tissues, how to find viruses that caused it, and then they simultaneously got into vaccine manufacture.
And it is in mainstream history books that the Rockefellers are linked to cancer.
So today, here they are, their foundations,
Owning many of the hospitals, owning the big drug companies, and the evidence is clear that they have been intimately involved in spreading cancer.
I mean, these are some cold-blooded people, folks.
When you die of cancer, they're going to take most of the money you made in your life and give it to themselves.
Anything else, Esau?
No, that's it.
I've just been kind of fishing.
It's going to get worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Thomas in Germany.
First time caller.
Welcome, Thomas.
Yes, sir.
Hi, what's on your mind?
I got a few questions about what's going on.
I work over here in Germany on a military post.
There's a couple cities around here that I visit occasionally.
Like this one city, it's called Erlangen.
And I went to my friend showed me this video place where you can self rent videos.
It's like a video automat type place.
In order to get this video, you have to submit an electronic fingerprint.
And when I was... I haven't had a chance to actually question them as to why you need a fingerprint.
And I traveled up, I went to Budapest last month and like every street corner you go to there's like cameras that point every five directions.
And the more I look around the city I live in, which is Amberg, the more I start noticing all this big brother watching you everywhere you go.
Let me ask you a question and I'll hold you over from Deutschland.
Don't, don't hang up Thomas.
But how long have you been listening to the show?
I've been listening to this show.
My friend, he was from the states and he came over here to work with me and he introduced me to you.
And it took me a long time to get my eyes to open.
Well, just stay there.
We're going to break and come back and I'll tell you.
See, everything's going to be self-serve.
You're going to have the thumbprint.
We'll be right back.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have the maker of the new incredible 9-11 film, 9-11 Mysteries Demolitions.
Joining us, we'll have open phones on 9-11, the New World Order, any issue you wish to discuss throughout this hour, and a lot of other news we haven't even hit on yet.
Like Gore says, tax pollution, not payrolls.
This is your Global Tax, boys and girls.
We'll be getting into it.
But right now, let's go back to Thomas in Germany.
He said that, you know, when you try to go out
It's one of the big video rental places.
It's self-serve.
They're all up there, you know, kind of in a big window.
You go into the shop.
This is the wave of the future.
And everything's kind of like in these little terminals that then, according to genre, and then you type in the number you want and you pay it, but it isn't enough to just rent it and turn it back in.
You have to thumbprint to do it.
And biometrically, it isn't enough to have you even swipe your ID, they've got your ID, they want this biometrics.
And of course they claim that's to have a key identifier to know it was you directly.
But notice that in Germany, England, the US, I remember seeing a story seven years ago out of Australia, it was out of The Australian, one of their big papers, that they'd already done a deal with the UN to unify a world ID card.
And so ID cards in England and ID cards in the US and ID cards in Australia
They have the same number of numbers in their identifying.
It's standardized.
So we hear about how, oh, they've standardized our state licenses federally under a national ID card.
No, no, no.
That's for global ID card.
And in the future, you're going to have a global sales tax that's shared federally and locally.
And you will thumb scan and face scan
Anywhere and everywhere you go for any purchase.
This is all beneficially announced, by the way.
And people said, well, how will they implement it?
And we told you, because I read the minutes of the big symposiums and conferences that have been put on by the biometric industry, and the Pentagon's always there.
And they openly say they're going to, at first, take out some of the service lanes and then put in all self-service, and then force you to biometrically scan, then they're going to bring in the national sales tax, which phony conservatives are out pushing as the fair tax.
It's a beautiful system.
They will, of course, keep the income tax and then have all these other new taxes too.
On top of it.
And so, that's why you go to the tanning salon, or you go to the Home Depot, or you go to the grocery store, or you go to the gym, or you go to clock in at work now, or you go to get a school lunch, or you go to get a library book, they're now wanting to thumb scan you.
They're just putting it in!
And it is a diabolical, one-world government, slave-tracking system.
The Pentagon designed it, and there have been articles where the Pentagon brags that it is a system to control occupied countries.
We are occupied under NORTHCOM.
We are going into slavery, and it's soft slavery now because they haven't fully completed the prison grid.
When it's done, just remember, I warned you, I hope you enjoy it.
Thomas, anything else from Germany, sir?
It's just, I just want to point out that it's not just in our own country that we're losing all of our rights.
It's even over here in the national ID card.
I think, I want to say it's starting with the military because we have somewhat, sort of the same idea.
I'm not in the military, but I'm civilian.
We all get those ID cards that have your complete history about you and who you are and everything that you, if somebody were to take these little cards from you, they can become you.
More or less, that's how much information is on these little chips that are on these things.
All the best studies show that national ID cards and these systems have increased identity fraud.
And they have now reported top experts from across the spectrum that RFID is going to increase fraud.
But that's good!
The government wants that and they get even more control.
Thank you for listening from Germany.
Thank you for your important contribution to the broadcast.
We'll be back with our guest and more of your calls.
Stand by.
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It's here!
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Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
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That's We Can Together dot com.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're going to have open phones in this hour.
You're welcome to bring up the attempt by the globalists to start World War III with Iran.
The open discussion by Israel of how they need to nuke Iran preemptively.
I mean, psychopathic mass murder openly being discussed, and in quote, we're the good guys.
Give me a break.
At the same time, we can get into 9-11.
The dam is breaking on the cover-up of 9-11.
The hoax is imploding, is falling apart.
I know that we've got Sean and Charles and many others that are patiently holding the toll-free number to join us on air as 1-800-259-9231.
About a month ago, my good friend George Humphries was in studio.
And George said, man, you have got to see this new film.
I've seen a rough cut of it.
It's 9-11 Mysteries Part 1 Demolitions.
And I said, well give me a copy.
I'll look at it.
He goes, I don't have one.
Well, I got a copy from Sophia, who was involved in the production of this film and in the making of it.
And I saw it a couple weeks ago.
Just an amazing documentary.
And we just got the DVDs in.
We're carrying it.
It just focuses on the controlled demolitions, a lot of new video, a lot of new interviews, stuff you haven't seen.
This is going to be very effective because it doesn't get off into the New World Order, it doesn't get off into the big picture, which I think is important.
My films do that.
But I think it's good to have a tool like this.
That just hits one area and hits it strong.
So I hope you will visit InfoWars.com while you're getting a copy of Terror Storm.
You'll get a copy of 9-11 Mysteries.
Sophia, thank you for coming on with us.
Thank you Alex for inviting me.
Tell us why you decided to get into this type of filmmaking and tell us the process of making
This 9-11 Mysteries Demolitions documentary and tell listeners out there who get the DVD what they'll be seeing.
Well to start with you've asked me lots of questions.
I got into this because last summer my friend Brad and I did a show on stage in Hollywood.
Now this was not a dramatic play.
It was simply a presentation of video evidence and the highlights
From movies like your 9-11 Martial Law.
I remember you guys contacted me and you wanted permission to use clips and I said, of course, so sure.
And we wanted to show audiences where they could go for the bigger picture of 9-11.
And Brad covered the demolition aspect of how the buildings came down and I covered hijackers and planes and then a section called War Games and another called Who Benefits.
And this ran only for about six weeks in L.A.
at the Met Theater, and then we were invited to go on tour.
People said, you must go around the country, and of course that's quite a hellish thing to do.
You have to rent a bus and whatnot, and I said no way, and Brad said no way, and so we decided to make a DVD.
It's much better to just make a film.
Yes, although you're biting off an iceberg.
Bigger than the one that supposedly sunk the Titanic.
When you do that, and I had never made a movie before, the project fell in my lap, and having been a person who wrote novels and screenplays, it wasn't tough to write the script.
But you had done graphic plays where video clips were used, so, I mean, in a way, you had done film before, but not in a classical sense.
Right, exactly.
I had done compilation before.
So I had this enormous amount of information that suddenly came in from all these wonderful people all over the country who wanted to give me their research and their favorite movies.
A lot of people sent me movies that the official guys had done, you know, CBS, CNN, things like America Rebuilds, We Will Never Forget, America Remembers, that kind of stuff.
And I was urged to watch it, and I did.
And all this material contained
Um, support and evidence and commentary by experts that really did not do anything except express, um, the reality that these buildings had come down by controlled demolition.
And, um, so I decided to incorporate the myths that had been created for us and settled to us in the movie and put them right next to the science.
So the movie travels from myths through analysis and eventually to
Players and motivation.
And that is just part one.
There was so much information that I realized, short of making a six-hour movie, I was not going to be able to create this effectively without reducing the first segment into its own full movie.
So that's why we have part one, demolition, to be followed by part two, hijackers and planes, and then part three, who benefits.
The next two are not ready yet, so your people will have to be content with Part 1 demolitions for now, which is 90 minutes.
That's right, it's 90 minutes, extremely powerful, and I just love it that newer and better 9-11 films are coming out all the time.
You know, there's so many out there that are okay, but really aren't effective or aren't accurate.
Yours is so effective, so accurate,
And it's going to devastate the New World Order.
You've got to have a sense of accomplishment, though, to have spent the blood, sweat, and tears, the time, making this baby.
And it's got to feel good.
Give us your take on how you're feeling right now.
Well, I'm getting so many emails from people, and what's becoming clear is that watching this movie is an emotional experience.
Even for hardcore demolition, you know,
I think so.
Without setting out to do this, I had made an emotional experience, and that's what I think is going to make this effective in reaching the mainstream.
We needed a movie that was civilized, that was rationalized, rational rather, reasoned, calm, and even the female element, the female narrator, I've been told, was desperately needed in this picture that was dominated by males.
So, I mean, your style is
I could never do that gravelly voice and that wonderful quick wit and all the knowledge that you have, but we need something calm as well, because a lot of people get frightened.
Oh, no, I agree.
We need all sorts of different angles to be hit.
That's how we get everybody.
And I think this is going to be extremely effective.
In fact, we've seen it now becoming extremely effective out there.
Of course, I'm sure you know it's now out on Google Video.
Yes, and it gets many, many downloads every day.
It's on David Icke's site.
It's on Jeff Wentz.
I'm extremely honored that I didn't have to do anything at all really to promote it except put it out there.
Oh yeah, we were the first to find it about a week ago and post it up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
We've got it up there right now, but I'm challenging everybody to get the DVD because this way you actually support
The work of Sophia, the cost of making this, you know, we just bought 500 of these from them, and then you also support us when you purchase it from us, and you have the high-quality DVD and the hard case, and it is, now Sophia, I don't want to put you on the spot, are you game for people, for non-profit, educational purposes, to not make copies and sell it, but to make copies and get it out to people?
Well, of course I want it to get out to people, and I do not
I would love to have some return sales coming to me, because 911mysteries.com sells the video as well.
Sure, I understand.
You've got to somehow have money come back to you.
I did hawk everything to make this movie.
It was extraordinarily expensive, but I felt that in the end it would be worth it.
And I have a fantastic video editor.
He was a mainstreamer, Alex, and that too was important, because as this picture was unfolding for him,
We started at the beginning and we worked through to the end and we just crossed our fingers that the script would work.
Who's the fella that's at the front?
Oh, that is my friend Brad from the Hollywood Show.
Brad is a geek.
I mean, you have to just look at him and you know that he loves computers, he stays indoors, he's always, you know, fiddling around with websites and he writes software, but he's also a conservative Republican and proud of it.
And when we did our theater show, Brad and I were direct opposites.
People would comment on the fact that I seemed such a liberal and Brad such a conservative.
And they liked that.
They liked that the material presented to them was coming from two completely different ends of the spectrum.
So I urged Brad to be at the beginning of the movie and tell his story.
And it's true.
Every word in that little intro is what happened.
He was
He was able to download Painful Deceptions.
He had no idea what he was going to watch.
And he could not believe it.
He was incensed that anyone would try to say this.
He tried to disprove it.
He did!
And he was a demolition hobbyist.
He's watched live demolitions whenever he can.
And he could only keep coming back to the conclusion that Eric Hofschmid, that
All the people who pointed out that this was a controlled demolition were just right.
Plain old right.
It had to be that way.
Well, you have a lot of architects and scientists and experts in your film, too, talking about the controlled demolition in the film.
It's got a lot of angles and things that I haven't seen in other documentaries.
Folks, we are carrying the film at InfoWars.com via the safe, secure online shopping cart.
And I hope that you will go there and get this Part 1 of 9-11 Mysteries.
And as Part 2 and Part 3 come out, we're sure those will be excellent as well.
We'll be sure and carry those.
Let me ask you a question, Sophia.
How long until Part 2 and Part 3 are out, do you think?
Well, the basic scripts are written because, as I said, I was going to do the whole movie together.
And then I thought, why should I finish two hours of Part 1 and leave it sitting around?
I might as well sell it.
And generate money to make Part 2 and 3.
So Part 2 is written, but as you know, there's been an awful lot coming out about hijackers, planes, NORAD.
So I need to just dive in, as I did with the first, and start it.
So it'll be maybe six months or so.
Cross your fingers.
Sure, well I'm excited to see that.
Stay there, Sophia.
Let's come back and talk more about it.
More about the 9-11 Truth Movement itself.
Stay with us.
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Charles, Sean, and many others that have been holding patiently, we'll get to you.
Our guest is Sophia, came up with the idea to have a play about 9-11, and I'm proud that they used some of my work in it.
I was happy to authorize them to do that, and then they decided to make a film, which I think is really a better use of your time, because so many people can see documentaries online, so many people can burn copies and give them to people, so many people can
Well, the 9-11 awareness movement is my preferred word.
I think it's growing by leaps and bounds.
I walked into, you know,
My print shop the other day, and people there knew about it.
They had seen a couple of things on the Internet.
What I think is very noticeable, though, is people's fear of talking about it.
And a customer of mine said to me a couple of months ago, we need to tell people, don't stand in the corner and whisper about this.
Talk out loud!
Be free about it.
Nobody's going to come and get you for talking about it to somebody else.
And if everybody talks about it, they cannot come and get anyone, you know?
But people are towering.
The information is so unbelievable.
Well, coal miners, so they can know if there's a gas leak,
Can bring a canary with them and frankly I'm a big fat canary here in a little cage down in the mine.
So people need to stop.
People should be afraid of not fighting these murderers because they're going to pull off another attack if we don't expose them.
People, you should be afraid of not bringing these criminals to justice.
I mean, real live monsters are out stalking the countryside and I personally don't want to hide my house and wait for them to come get me.
I'm out looking for them.
Okay folks, I'm out looking for them.
Sorry, go ahead.
No, that's right.
I agree.
We're out looking for them because, as I said to you once before, learning about this is enlightening.
Hard to believe, but it's fascinating, and when you get fascinated, your curiosity draws you, and you discover more, and you share more, and it's actually inspiring to me.
There's always something you can do.
The famous jazz singer Gil Scott Heron said, nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something.
And most people out there, even if they feel helpless,
I think so.
And that's an easy concept to relay to an average Joe.
Well, you can see them blowing Tower 1 and 2 up from the top down.
You can see the huge ejection squibs seconds before it begins imploding.
I mean, then you watch 7, you can see the blast squibs clearly as well.
I mean, and your new film really illustrates this in a way I haven't seen it done before.
So you've really knocked it out of the park on this one.
I actually studied blasting and found that there was tremendous correlation between the different kinds of explosions reported at the World Trade Center and the method, the sequence of bringing a building down by controlled demolition.
And one of the criticisms or objections we got from audiences
audiences at the live shows was, there's too much about explosions.
We just hear too many different kinds of explosions.
Alright, just tell us about one or two kinds of explosions.
That's enough.
We get it.
And I said to Brad, you have to cut the demolition section.
They're complaining there's too much variegated explosion material.
And he said, no, it's all important.
It's all, I can't cut any of it out.
They're all different kinds of explosions.
People are like, there's too much evidence.
It's ridiculous.
Then Alex,
Brad suggested, why don't you group the explosions together in the movie?
Group the sub-basement.
Group the ground level.
Group the interior blast.
And I did this.
And I started to compare it with what I was learning about blasting.
And then I called him and I said, guess what?
This matches up with how they bring a building down.
They do it in these stages.
And they're all done so fast.
It's the orchestration, the choreography of demoing a building.
It matches all the different kinds of explosions.
They reported in the towers.
So that created my six-stage demolition theory, which is the centerpiece of the movie.
And from that we move into the strange recollections of Scott Forbes and Willie Rodriguez about people thumping and bumping in the building.
Nobody knowing what those noises were about.
The dust on the windowsills.
And we get into the real
You know, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, mystery sense of this.
I mean, I was there at Ground Zero just a week and a half ago and there were emergency workers, there were people who, you know, are famous for being survivors going, oh yeah, they were clearing the buildings out, they had weird workers in there drilling stuff.
I mean, there were the bomb crews right in front of everybody in the months before.
It's just so arrogant.
We're going to come back and take calls on 9-11, you name it.
Stay with us on the new film, 9-11 Mysteries Demolitions.
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Next time, you'll be buying me lunch.
9-11 Mysteries Part 1 Demolitions won't be seen unless you take action!
Go to InfoWars.com They just got to us hot off the presses and while you're ordering a copy of my new film Terror Storm, the history of government sponsored terror,
You can go from the wide view down to the microscopic view up close on 9-11 just looking at one aspect, one of the most important aspects, the controlled demolitions.
So please get the new film.
We're very proud of it.
We're very excited to be carrying it.
We appreciate the fine work of Sophia and her crew.
Again, that's I-N-F-O-W-A-R-S dot com to get the new film or any of the other books and videos that we carry that expose the crimes of this government.
I mean, if you feel like I feel, to use a quote from V from Vendetta, that the crimes of this government need to be answered, then please join us in this fight.
This is how we bring them down.
Take my film, Terror Storm.
I want you to make copies of it.
I want you to get it, I want you to aggressively slam it in the DVD copier, or the VHS copier, and I want you to aggressively make copies, knowing that you're going to hurt the murderers that carried out 9-11.
Every time you give somebody a copy, another person
On average, wakes up.
Every time you take action, we are one step closer on this mission of bringing these criminals to justice.
I mean taking them to prison, folks.
I mean trying them.
I mean, you know, rolling them out there in the public square where everybody can spit on them.
I mean, you've got to, number one, have the belief that you can do this, and you can.
The enemy tells you you don't have power, and that's because they're scared to death of you.
Okay, they're just now starting to figure out we're not listening to their propaganda anymore.
We know they're a bunch of killers.
They think we're a bunch of naive sheep who couldn't face the horror of this.
Let's take action together!
Come on!
Yeah, it's dangerous, but it's a lot more dangerous to not take action.
So please, don't count on others to fight.
Every single man, woman, and child you are needed right now.
Even if you've never seen yourself as a leader, you've never seen yourself as being public, you've never seen yourself as taking action, you've got to do it and do it now.
Go to Infowars.com and get a copy of Jim Maher's new book, The Terror Conspiracy.
Get my new film, Terror Storm.
Get the new film.
Demolitions, 9-11 mysteries.
Go to Infowars.com and peruse the Safe, Secure Online Video and Bookstore and take action today or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
You can write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Let's go ahead and take some calls for our illustrious guest, Sophia, the producer and director of the new film, 9-11 Mysteries Demolitions Part 1.
Let's go ahead and we'll talk to Jeanette and Jeanine in a minute, but let's go to Charles and Shawn right now.
Charles in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Hello, yeah, I'm listening over the internet here.
Welcome, sir.
Yeah, I just woke up about three months ago, and about five months ago,
I don't know.
So hold on a minute, I mean your life felt empty, you were unhappy, you were just kind of drifting around checking out Chubacabras, and thanks to that show, and it has since so many people here, and we're very thankful to George Norrie for his courage in doing that, now you feel empowered and like you have something to live for.
I mean, I was so far in a depression, man, but back to the point here.
Are you not depressed now?
Are you angry?
I'm angry.
You know, I've been slamming DVDs.
I've copied over a hundred CDs myself here.
Hatefully make copies!
I'm sorry to have to use that word, but I mean, I hate the evil of this New World Order.
I do what I do because of love, but I mean just aggressively.
Every time I finish a film or I do a, you know, write a new article or I do an interview, I just slam the phone down after some interview at 2 a.m.
and I'm all exhausted, but I go, I just crushed New World Order.
And we've got to have that attitude.
We're going to take over the enemy.
We've got the initiative.
We're never going to stop.
Let me hear your war growl.
Yeah, we're coming for you!
I'm sorry.
Sophia, we're kind of having a male bonding moment here.
I can see.
I'm so glad I'm not like that.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I was originally calling about... I was lucky enough to see Freedom to Fascism.
One of the few hundred, I'm afraid, on Google Video.
That's right.
Somebody put it up there and then somebody got it jerked down.
And I tell you, whoever did it, that's the wrong way to go about it.
I keep telling him, I've got to get Russo back on.
He's been calling me and I haven't called him back because I've been so busy.
He's a great guy.
I need to get Russo on.
And go, Russo, they're never going to let it be huge in theaters, okay?
You need to put it out on DVD now.
The point is, get the information out.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
But really, the bankers behind everything.
I mean, this 9-11 is a big branch, but at the base, man, it's the bankers.
And who do they... You're right.
It's hard to capture the public's imagination on that.
I mean, this is a violent murder.
9-11 is a violent murder.
And so that's why I think it's the most effective thing to cover.
Yeah, but you've got to watch out for Prince Charles, because he's...
Basically, the King Mason.
But he is pretty powerful, I agree.
No, we talk about the Federal Reserve all the time, and I support freedom to fascism.
I think it's a great film.
By the way, Sophia, have you seen Freedom to Fascism?
I have a copy here, and I actually have been communicating with Aaron Russo.
So, I have been swamped in the last month trying to get this out and line everything up, the website, the film.
I know how it is, yeah.
But I really want to see Freedom to Fascism.
And in the Who Benefits section of the movie, Part 3,
You see, the theme of the first one is myth.
They gave us a myth about why the building fell and everybody believed it.
You're right.
It's the power of myth.
They came out with their big fairy tale within 25-24 minutes.
They said it was Bin Laden, and it's just not true.
And they said it was jet fuel.
And the second movie, the theme will be illusion.
So I'll have myth for the first one, illusion for the second one, and then secrecy for the third one.
And that's where you have to go into things like Federal Reserve, secret societies.
The top of the pyramid is shrouded.
No one can really see it.
And right now, we just need to build awareness about reality and fact.
Well, I'm not tooting my horn, Sophia, but I can see it crystal clear.
Do you know how I can see the very top of the pyramid?
Because all of their secrets are revealed by their actions.
And so you can tell what the most secret operation is after you've watched it manifest.
You can see the chain they build on each event.
And once you've done that, you do start to get a very clear picture of their overall operation.
Well, you've been at this longer than I have, and your productions have, I assume, built up to that.
But I just started, and so I'm tackling this on the level that I became... Well, I agree with you that for the general public, and it's even hard to articulate what's at the top of the pyramid, it's so complex.
And it's dark majesty.
But, I mean, so I agree with what you said.
I'm not, but it's just that we know what their overall world government goal is.
We know what their program is.
Go ahead.
Well, Alex, I really admire you for everything you do, and as I watched waves breaking at the ocean yesterday, I realized that there's all kinds of water under a wave.
There's the part of the wave that crests, which is your high-level action.
And then there's all this enormous, all these gallons of water beneath the wave, supporting the wave.
And I see that as the public out there, and they become aware
They don't have to all rise into action and fight and scream.
But they have to stand behind the people who are willing to take the front line of fire, you know?
We are all part of this.
We can all do something together in our own way.
The people with the quiet voices and the people with the loud voices.
Good to hear from you.
I agree.
And don't you ever think about suicide, Charles.
You promise me?
Yeah, I plan.
You never give the New World Order what they want.
You live a good life.
There's a lot of bad stuff in the world, but you look at God's beautiful creation out there.
You go out there and do good.
You go out there and help homeless people.
You go out there... You know, people ask how we defeat the New World Order.
We live good lives.
We love each other.
We stand up against bullies.
If we just have the right type of attitude, the right type of people, we have become dominated by this evil force because we became decadent.
We became self-centered, folks.
And these yuppies think you care about yourself, you get ahead.
That is not how the world works.
You start caring about others, then you get ahead.
It's incredible.
Let's talk to Sean in Texas.
Sean, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
First-time caller.
I was wondering if you saw the CNN report on President Chavez.
What, his speech he gave this morning?
Uh, the latest one, it was just live.
Yeah, I know he just gave a speech like an hour ago.
No, I bet I was on the air.
What'd he say?
He said that, uh, President of the United States was a devil and at the podium at the U.N.
Smelled like sulfur.
Yeah, I've got the transcript.
Yep, I just wanted to let you know.
What else?
Tell us more.
You saw it.
Tell us about it.
Oh, he just basically talked about New World Order, uh,
His versions of democracy across the world are a vague, hard reality that nobody can really grasp.
It's just so horrible that he can't go through this.
It's just horrible.
He kept ranting about everything, about how 30 years ago, the United States, the CIA,
Helped out a bomber, bring down an airplane in Cuba.
Yeah, that's in my film, Terror Storm, yeah?
Yeah, he went on about that, said we're harboring the fugitive who... Luis Posada Correlius.
Yeah, and much more.
They said the CIA went... So he talked about government sponsored terror.
Did he talk about 9-11 like he did last week?
He said something about the CIA
Uh, involved in terrorism in the United States.
You know, uh, about the buildings.
But he didn't say 9-11.
He said the CIA involved in the U.S.
with the terrorism with the buildings.
Well, that's 9-11.
That's pretty darn clear.
Good to hear from you.
Uh, in fact, I got Paul Watson and Steve Watson.
I know both of you are listening.
My, my little devil dogs.
I want you to get over there and get that transcript and write a big article on it right now.
Thank you.
That's a good question for our guest.
Sophia, how exciting is that to you to see Ahmed Dinejad and his top general and now Hugo Chavez going public on 9-11?
Iran has said it's an inside job.
Chavez has said that you can't ignore it and the evidence shows that the buildings were blown up and that he believes it could be an inside job.
Your take on that?
Well, I think it's remarkable that world leaders and the public in so many foreign countries is waking up so fast to 9-11 and willing to discuss it.
I mean, it's easier perhaps for them because they're not in America or Americans, but I think this is a great
Beginning for us.
If they start, then we should wake up.
We should follow.
It's going to be natural.
I mean, think of the hubris of the globalists above Bush that carried out 9-11.
Because let's be honest, Bush is a puppet.
But chaining it up, I'm definitely involved.
I mean, they thought they could just blow up buildings in front of us and claim 19 guys with box cutters did it.
They thought they could just do this sloppy job in front of us with Northwood still being public.
It's just, we are going to expose you.
Sophia, I think they're just now starting to figure that out.
I mean, are you seeing the same thing I'm seeing, that some of their arrogance is draining their faces?
Well, I don't think they're stupid, whoever did this, and they have to know that they're dealing with a very scripted public.
People in America especially are... apparently the human being, Alex, is easier to train than the dog.
Yeah, we like scripting.
People like scripting.
Yes, and it's very easy to follow the convention in this culture to get up in the morning, go to your job, and then worry about little side things and make those the big issues of your day and not have awareness.
It's not natural for people in
Milwaukee to be aware of people in Iraq because they can't see them.
When the world was populated by a few thousand people scattered in different continents who didn't even know about each other did they ever think about each other?
So we're not hardwired to have global awareness and that's why I think it's so difficult to get people to care about this stuff and I've had friends tell me I don't want to hear about 9-11
That was five years ago.
Tell me about what's happening now.
And I go, don't you get it?
It's all connected.
And they don't want to get it.
Well, let me tell them to get it right now.
Listen to me.
Listen to me.
For those of you out there that haven't figured this out yet, we are not safe.
Very bad killers, cold-blooded murderers are in control.
Okay, they're in control of our military.
They're in control of our government.
They're in control of our culture.
They openly say they want to set up a high-tech police state.
They openly say they want one-child policies.
They openly say they want to take your private property.
They openly say they want to sterilize you.
They openly say they want to have controlled plagues.
Dick Cheney openly wrote he wants race-specific bioweapons to kill certain races.
These people think we're so dumb, they write this stuff down.
And none of us are safe.
You better get concerned about this.
You better get involved, because they're about to start World War III with Iran.
Yes, I'm here.
I'm learning, Alex.
What do you think about Iran?
I was going to make a bumper sticker.
It would have to feature George Bush's face in order to be, you know, absorbed.
But it's not George Bush, of course, and I was going to put on it
Iraq is what I did before I ran.
Oh man, I ought to steal that.
You can steal it.
I haven't made it yet.
Be my guest.
Oh boy.
Yes, Iraq, as it's mispronounced, is what I did before I ran.
That's amazing.
Let's take a quick call here.
First time caller, Jeanette in Texas, then others.
Go ahead, Jeanette.
Afternoon, Alex.
And, Sophia, I just saw your film last night.
It's fabulous.
Oh, thank you!
Anyway, Alex, I had called on a different subject, if that's acceptable.
Sure, go ahead.
Touching on this professor at UT Arlington.
When I first heard about it, I about had a stroke, because, you know, basically this guy's doing this on my dime.
And he does it every day.
Well, anyway, are you aware
But he is currently in violation of the U.N.
Genocide Convention, which was adopted by the General Assembly in December of 1948.
Yes, but that's all selectively enforced.
Look, if a black guy or a white guy got up and said all blacks or all Mexicans should be killed, they'd be fired so quick it'd make their heads spin.
But, professors all over the country in Chicano Studies, including the UT head of Chicano Studies, Arlington,
Folks, I've got him on tape, I've played him here, saying all whites need to die now, and it's just crazy.
Well, I've been in touch with, first of all, the university.
I gave them a chance to react.
They didn't naturally, they ignored me.
And then I contacted my U.S.
Representative, Joe Barton, and he let him know about this.
And I've been in touch with the U.N.
And now I'm going to be getting in touch with the
Texas Attorney General about this guy.
It's under his jurisdiction.
Well, people can find all the mainstream news articles and clips of him all over online saying it.
I mean... I have a rather long web address.
I could give it to your call screener.
Yeah, just stay there.
I'll talk to you during the break.
We'll be right back with our guest and more phone calls.
We just talked to... Well, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, we're not going to talk much more about Professor Gutierrez today, but I should talk about him more in the future.
It's pretty wild stuff that he says, but it's part of the course.
Janine, you're on the air.
Where are you calling us from today, Janine?
North Carolina.
What's on your mind?
Well, I first got to say, Alex and Techie Crew, respect, for real.
Question is, what was NORAD's role during the crisis hours of 9-11
Well, their role was running drills of planes being flown to the exact same buildings at the exact same time, and NORAD stood down.
And we know that the default position was to shoot fighters down before 9-11, but months before 9-11, Dick Cheney took the authority away from the generals and reversed it only to himself or to designates who he gave orders to.
And so again, it's just at every point we see them opening the door for this to happen.
Alright, one more question.
What's one thing we can do to show our government we're not afraid of them?
I think the biggest thing you can do is go to places like Google Video and get my film Terror Storm that I put out for free and email it out to everybody you know.
Believe me, that shows them.
Go online and send 9-11 mysteries to everybody you know.
That shows them that you're not backing down, that you know the truth.
I think going online to different government message boards and websites and talking about 9-11 being an inside job.
Just being aggressive about the truth, because we know we've got murderers in control of this country who think they're going to get away with carrying out more murders and starting World War III, and we've got to let them know that we're not going to put up with it.
Let me talk to Sophia.
Sophia, what's your take on that?
What can we do to stand up and get involved?
Think simply to open our mouths and talk!
That's all!
Discuss it!
Discuss it!
Ask people, how do you think the buildings came down?
How do you think there were no intercepts?
How do you think hijackers being controlled by a madman in a cave could have done this?
If people ask the questions, if you think for yourself, you own your own consciousness, and they don't want you to own your consciousness.
They want you to parrot what you see on TV, which is just sound bites.
So, owning your consciousness immediately frees you.
You will not be controlled by them if you control yourself.
It's that simple, Alex, and it's in every individual's hands.
You can control yourself.
All you have to do is use your brain and your mouth.
Well, I agree with you.
So many people let the government and the controlled media become the map makers of their minds.
I think
We're good to go.
9-11 Mysteries Part 1 Demolition and I'm really glad to be carrying it on our Secure Online Video and Bookstore Shopping Cart.
We'll talk to you in the future as things develop and as Part 2 and 3 come out.
Take care.
I salute you.
Thank you, Alex, so much.
And great success with everything you're doing.
No, no.
It's all to you.
I mean, together, all of us having success in this fight against the globalists is how we're going to win.
Take care.
Thank you.
You bet.
All right.
We're going to come back.
With the third hour with continual open phones.
And I also want to get a little bit later into Al Gore's global tax he's proposing.
And there's a bunch of other news on the war front with Iran.
We've got a special guest in studio, so stay with us.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I remember a few weeks ago being pleasantly surprised by an article
That was in the Village Voice.
It was titled, Fakes on a Plane, back on August 7th.
Conspiracy buffs craft their own online WTC movies.
And he then chronicles the author, Ed Halter, who's here in town for the Big Book Festival.
He then chronicles quite a few of the successful films that have come out concerning 9-11 and talks about how some of these, like Loose Change 2nd Edition, really are some of the first underground internet, what you could call, blockbusters.
And this totally shifts the paradigm where Hollywood spends, in some cases, hundreds of millions of dollars just to get 10-15 million people
Globally to come see a movie, and when a couple of 23-year-old young men get together, they can get 20 million downloads.
That's about what it is now for Loose Change 2nd Edition.
Already, Terror Storm has been downloaded several million times.
I went around earlier this week to some of the places where you could see how many times it had been downloaded.
Dozens and dozens and dozens of sites where it had been downloaded over 150,000, 200,000 times.
Added together, it was well over
2 million and I just spent a few hours looking up the numbers.
So, it's really getting exciting, and this is challenging the dominant controlled press.
But, one mainline media outlet that has always been very courageous, in my opinion, is the Village Voice.
I remember, two weeks after 9-11, they were reporting about the EPA dust cover-up, and now that's mainstream news.
So, Ed Halter, it's good to have you in the studio with us.
It's great to be here, Alex.
You bet, sir.
I really appreciate you spending time with us.
We're going to break here in just about a minute or so.
We'll come back and recap everything, but in a nutshell, tell us about Ed Halter and why you wrote one of the fairest pieces.
The other one I saw on Vanity Fair was very fair, and I found out why.
She's a 9-11 truther.
Her husband is Frank Morales, a big 9-11 New York activist and a pissable
Preacher, by the way, helps the homeless, so no wonder.
That was the fairest I ever saw, but yours was the next fairest.
Tell us about yourself.
Well, I primarily write about film, but I also write about video games and other kinds of technology.
And what I was interested in is, obviously, this thing came out when Oliver Stone's movie was about to come out.
So this kind of, in our paper, tied in with that as a news story.
But I started doing some research.
I heard about Dylan Avery's piece by reading the Vanity Fair piece.
And I started doing some research on my own and I thought, yeah, I didn't know anything about this and this is a huge world.
This is a huge community of filmmakers that are making this stuff, getting it out there to millions of people.
And I've always been interested in the way in which technology changes the way filmmaking works and what it can do.
I had written another piece for The Voice when Fahrenheit 9-11 came out, and I was fascinated at that time the way in which political activism was becoming melded with movie marketing, alright?
That looks like peanuts compared to this.
I mean, because while in that model, with Fahrenheit 9-11, they were trying to have political impact through the marketing of a commercial film,
Yeah, obviously, in retrospect, they're inhibited by the fact they're still trying to make money with the movie, you know?
In this case, when you're trying to get out your documentaries, when Dylan Avery's trying to get out his documentaries, it's no-holds-barred.
You just want to get the work out there, and that's driving you, and it's driving the technology and the filmmaking forward, and that's what's interesting to me.
Well, it's an excellent piece.
I mean, most of these 9-11 pieces are so boring, I don't even finish reading them.
But, I mean, a lot of good insight and an excellent article.
I want to kind of walk through some of the story when we get back, if you'd humor me.
And then I want to talk about this book that you've written, From Sun Tzu to Xbox, War and Video Games.
I haven't read the book yet, but I read the synopsis of it and I really agree with what you're saying.
I want to kind of get into how video games are being used to basically mind control the public with this instinctive shooting and the rest of it with our guest who is here for the Texas Book Festival.
You can come out and see him and get a copy of his book and shake his hand coming up this weekend.
We'll talk about that as well and have open phones, so stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Paula, Steve, Clinton, David,
Rick and many others.
We will go to your phone calls coming up here later in this segment.
A great article by Ed Halter.
He writes for the Village Voice, one of the better mainstream publications in the country.
And he wrote a great story called Fakes on a Plane.
Just type Fakes on a Plane into Google and you shouldn't have any problem finding it.
We have links to it up on Infowars.com right now.
The sub-headline is Conspiracy Buffs Craft Their Own Online WTC Movies.
Ed, why don't you just kind of recap and expand on what you were just talking about concerning the emergence of the internet blockbuster political movie.
Of course, that centers around 9-11 and a real drive out there of people who are hungry for this.
I don't want to even call it a market.
This really is, I think, bigger than the Gutenberg Press.
Well, we know it is and the number of people it's reaching.
But I think internet movies, not just internet text reports and blogs, is going to have a greater political effect overall in a quicker time frame than what we saw with the Gutenberg Press.
So first off, do you agree with that?
And secondarily, will you expand on your view on this?
Sure, I do agree with that.
But I think what happens with the internet is you get some interesting effects in the way in which it distributes information.
I did another piece kind of related to this in my mind on the Mormon independent film industry.
Most people don't realize that the Mormons are building their own independent film industry to make films that are about them, for them, they have their own distribution things and everything.
What I'm interested in is the way in which technology allows these pockets of people to communicate with one another in ways they weren't able to before.
So, for example, the people that follow your show, before you were able to get this on the internet, you might have had a local, I don't know the history, but you might have had a local following in Austin, there may have been people in pockets around the country that couldn't hear you.
Now, it's this, you know, this huge network.
That's fascinating to me because I think that that kind of means that more and more political beliefs that might have been on the fringe before are able to pick up more steam because they can pick up more people kind of in the network.
And that seems to be what's happening with these movies.
But the mainstream media, they've still got the dominant market share, but they're losing their credibility, and I think that's because they're lying, twisting, spinning, having to tell the line for corporate owners, whereas the, quote, pockets are fringe, we're really telling the truth all along, and I think it's now a battle of ideas.
There's a lot of other fringe stuff out there, but it doesn't become popular because it's not based in reality.
Yeah, no, I mean, that's the other thing, is that the mainstream media is definitely losing eyeballs.
I mean, even something like The Voice, which most people wouldn't think of as mainstream, still is afraid sometimes of how it's going to get onto the internet versus being a print publication, you know?
So, you know, you look at, for example, with video games and the Internet, you look at demographics with young men, you know, up to age 30.
A huge proportion of them now don't even watch television.
They play video games, they go online, you know?
So that gives you... I don't watch television, unless I'm like sick or something.
Yeah, but I mean, or your own show, of course.
I don't even watch that, it's horrible.
Anyways, but anyways, it gives you a whole different perspective on what kind of information and it really involves now kind of seeking out the information you want and that's what's interesting to me.
But on the other hand, the downside of it is that, you know, you can miss it.
Like, for example, I honestly never heard of this stuff before I picked up that story about Dylan Avery and it's huge and I kind of stumbled onto it and I thought, my God, how did I miss this before?
It's enormous.
So that's the downside of this kind of internet communication.
That's what CNN said a few months ago.
They said, my gosh, we used to all drink out of the same cultural fountain.
We were cut from the same cloth.
Whether we were black or white, we saw the same movies.
But now, it's just everything's niches and fractures of fractures.
But I think that actually brings more freedom and more choice than the old thing of three or four flavors of the same thing.
And it is hurting the establishment more than it's hurting the alternative media.
Yeah, the trick is, though, is how to know what those choices are.
That seems to me to be the trick.
I mean, obviously, what you believe in here, you're really working hard to get that out there in as many ways as possible, which I think is one strategy for sure, where you have, you know, websites and movies and all that kind of stuff.
That definitely is one way to do it, is to kind of go multi-platform.
But you see this happening with all types of groups.
I mean, groups that we wouldn't like as well.
I mean, if you follow hate groups online, some of the ways in which they're structuring their strategies, like neo-Nazi groups and so on, is not dissimilar to what you're doing.
It's because the technology, you know, allows that.
If you look at people on the, you know, far-right Republicans, pro-choice people, any kind of driven group is... See, I won't even use that establishment term, because they can call them hate.
Yeah, which is really too weak of a term, and then the media can then use the word hate on somebody like me.
I'm a hater.
I'm saying the government had done 11.
I mean, when you talk about the toothless, you know, neo-Nazi groups and people are online, I actually go look at their numbers, and yeah, they're reaching more than they ever reached before, but they're still very small on the internet.
I mean, the ADL likes to hype it all up like they're real big for fundraising drives, but
Believe me, I mean it is not as big as the media likes to hype at this army of blood-drinking skinheads that are gonna kill us all any minute.
But certainly they are reaching more people now because of the internet.
I just don't want the media and the government to use that as an excuse to try to stifle speech on the web in the name of stopping, you know, Johnny Klansman.
No, I totally agree with you on that.
And, you know, I'm not really necessarily even talking numbers, I'm more talking strategies.
No, I understand you're talking about the paradigm and the way they're using it.
What do you think the mainstream media is going to do?
I know in their board meetings, I know in their public strategy papers they put out, where the company is going in the next year, they're all saying we've got to go mainstream.
You know, internet, we've got to try to break down into different niche markets to try to serve everybody.
We've got to try to get this look, but you cannot get that look.
People know what's real and organic, and they know what's fake.
No, I mean, the entertainment industry especially is pretty much freaking out about it because they don't really know what the revenue model is going to be for them in the next ten years, especially the film industry.
It's not going to be good, I can tell you that.
Well, the music industry is trying to adapt through selling individual songs, for example, right now, and that seems to be working for some people now.
But again, it gets you back to the same question of how do you know what your choices are?
How do you find out about those choices?
And some of the ways you find out about it ends up being grassroots things like what you're doing.
I mean, not exactly what you're doing, because you're not selling music, but I mean, the parallel of what you're doing in, say, the music community, you know?
Well, I remember being interviewed by newspaper reporters 10, 12 years ago, and some of them were nice, like yourself.
Others were very arrogant.
But imagine the arrogance of a newspaper reporter who's got this monopoly and nobody else has a voice.
Imagine the arrogance of Hollywood producers and TV producers.
Now a lot of their hubris is evaporating and now they are horrified because they realize that there is just a total shift
Yeah, they don't know how to... It's like they're waiting for the dam to break with some of this stuff.
Especially when more and more people... I mean, as personal computers become more and more powerful, become more and more easily to transfer files, to save...
We're good to go.
So I go ahead and upload my new video to Google Video because I don't care, but I had the money to make that film because I had sold videos in the past.
And pretty soon, by the time I sell one copy of a film, someone can get it and upload it and it's going to be so crystal clear on the web that then no one will even need to buy the DVD from me.
And I thought about that.
The answer will be is we'll take pre-orders for two months.
There will be the initial sale.
They'll all be collector's items and $100 apiece on the bubble chip or whatever it is.
And then that's it.
You know, $500 are sold and that's the end of it.
And they're $500 apiece or whatever.
And then I guess people then are endowers of the film.
Or maybe people come and fund you with filmmakers.
They all come give you their endowment of 500 bucks, maybe 500 people, and then they all get their name in the credits.
I mean, why you're able to do that is because you are here with a mission, and your mission is before making money.
You make money to spread the mission.
That's what I get off on.
Whereas in Hollywood, that's not what they're... I mean, they're there to make the money.
The money is the mission.
So, for them, you know, it's... they're looking... They're terrified.
They don't know what... they're totally confused.
As to what's going to happen next.
But I'm saying even, this is even going to affect me being able to do my mission.
It's already, in the music industry, it's already affecting small labels.
Like, that used to be able to make money off of selling CDs to a certain point, you know, they're feeling it as well.
So the parallels that are happening in the music industry will be affecting the film industry next.
Well, I think the answer is education of the public.
Even if you can get something for free, if you respect the artist or the researcher or the filmmaker or the writer, you need to pay for it at least once, folks.
And that's what I do.
I mean, I can go out and find music for my MP3 player for my iPod, but I still go buy it.
And, you know, sometimes I lose an iPod or it breaks or, you know, I just go buy it again.
I mean, it's cheap and if you do not support, especially if it's small labels.
I mean, obviously, if you like something like Aerosmith, they made plenty of money, folks, don't worry about it.
But, I mean, if it's some label that's out there struggling, you're not going to hear music from them anymore if you don't support them.
And a lot of people think this way, and the very fact that we even think like this is an effect of what's happening.
35 years ago, who would even think about the ethics of what they bought in that sense?
But now, so many people think that, like, I want to shop at a small bookstore instead of Barnes & Noble.
I want to go to a small movie theater versus a chain.
I mean, we all make these decisions now because of what's happening, you know?
Well, that's exciting, too, because take, like, Alamo Drafthouse, really successful chain spreader up in Texas, and I know, you know, another guy that started it, and they just wanted to have a mom-and-pop show and art house films, and they're making money hand over fist, and the other theaters are going out of business.
Now, one of the problems, though, is that with, I mean, to get back to the fakes and the plain article, one of the issues with the kind of freedom of being able to put everything out there... You can put a lot of crap out.
We'll talk about that when we get back, and then we'll go to your calls.
We're going to talk about that after the break, and we will go to Paula, Steve, Clinton, David, and the many, many others that are patiently holding 1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
And we will come back and talk about some of the disinfo that is out there.
Please stay with us.
Our guest is Ed Halter.
He writes for The Village Voice, and we're going to talk about his new book, too.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
Your calls are coming up.
Ed Halter is our guest.
Okay, Ed.
Yeah, your article did get into kind of the infighting, too, of people saying, this person's got to be disinfo, or this film's ridiculous, or people who made films where the title has a misspelling in it, and some say this has got to be a setup to discredit other work, and certainly some of that's out there, but I think some of the other stuff is just shoddy research, but give us your take on that.
Yeah, I think we were talking before that one of the downsides of this freedom that you have with the internet video is that anything can go out there, right?
So you've got stuff that is just, you know, some of it's ridiculous.
I mean, there was this one video that was called 9-11, what was it called?
Stranger Than Fiction, and they spelled the title wrong, T-H-E-N.
And this one was, you know, a really, really bare bones, low budget video.
It was just text.
Screwless change.
Oh yeah, it was called Not In Plain Sight.
So basically someone went through, there's another video called In Plain Sight that is an analysis of 9-11 footage, and someone made something called Not In Plain Sight, analyzing the analysis and saying, this guy is so wrong that maybe this is disinfo, you know?
So I thought that was fascinating, there's this dialogue going on between movies, right?
And then you also mentioned there's another one that attempts to debunk loose change called Screw Loose Change.
Which is total bull!
I mean, these debunking films attempt to... I mean, I like your article because it is truly fair and you're just showing how, number one, it's a huge phenomenon, number two, here's all the different strata and the different dynamics in all of this.
Yeah, because there's been other articles written about, you know, debating the points and everything.
I wasn't interested in that.
As a film critic, I'm more interested in the phenomenon of what's happening with this filmmaking community.
That's more fascinating to me than debating who's wrong, who's right, who's disinfo, who's not.
Because honestly, I mean, I feel like, my personal feeling is that this is like another 60s where 30 years from now we might find out what really happened and what was, you know, what kind of coincidence.
I was just about to ask you, what are you, well, I mean, sure, find out what happened in the 9-11 truth movement, but bigger, put you on the spot here, Village Voice writer, Ed Halter.
Ed, who do you think was involved in 9-11?
Do you believe the official story?
Um, well, look, I'm not a political writer, and I have to say that my, my
You know, where I fall on the spectrum is that I would not be surprised if there was foreknowledge the attack was going to happen and they let it happen, maybe not even knowing how big it was going to be.
I can't go all the way into necessarily thinking that, but let me put it this way.
If more evidence showed up, I wouldn't be shocked.
It wouldn't be like a unicorn walked into my room.
Wouldn't be like a unicorn, it would be like a tooth fairy.
If I was in New York for 9-11, I don't think anything would shock me that I found out about this afterwards.
But right now, I have to say, my jury's still out, and I don't necessarily think about it as much.
Well, you know, the dominant mainstream media, and I know Village Voice isn't really mainstream media, but it's kind of like old line alternative media,
Thank you.
Just about 9-11, I really think the worms turned.
I think we're winning the fight for the hearts and minds of the people of this country and the world.
Hugo Chavez is now going public saying, you know, those buildings came down, looked like an demolition.
You know, the government could have done this for its police state, had its war all ready to go.
Do you think it's starting to freak out the Bush administration and others who thought they could just ignore us, that it is gaining so much momentum?
Well, you can see the way in which Republican candidates are trying to distance themselves from Bush.
I mean, when has that ever happened where
A candidate doesn't want to be associated with the President and his own party.
That's pretty severe.
But I have a question for you, because I saw that you believe that both parties are controlled, right?
But would you get behind, say, getting behind the Democrats for this election?
No, I'm on record saying they need to be elected.
I mean, if you had a Democrat in control of the legislative, the executive,
And the judicial, I would be for a Republican sweep.
I see.
I mean, that's what the founding fathers of this country called for.
It's what common sense called for.
You don't want one party in control of everything.
And even if it on the surface looked like it was a good group of politicians, it's still dangerous.
We know we've got people trying to set up a dictatorship, trying to really set up a real live police state.
Houston Chronicle, you know, talking about FEMA camps for dissidents.
So, yes, I don't care how bad the Democrat is.
I don't have any anti, any third party, anybody who isn't... In fact, I'm not just saying get Republicans out.
I'm saying get incumbents out.
I'm saying get the Senators who are pro-war out.
Get the people like Lieberman who supported Bush out.
Just get these pro-war people out.
Who do you think should be in office?
Well, I mean, I'd like to see some ballots to the government right now.
We've been so out of whack for so long.
Yeah, that's my view.
You know?
And I really love... I mean, I'm holding out the hope that we could... maybe the Democrats could take more of the House and the... Well, yeah, but the Republicans have raced to put their die-bold ES&S and harder-than-the-civics garbage.
We'll be right back with our guest to talk about his new book.
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Ed Holtz is our guest.
We are going to your phone calls here momentarily.
I want to move quickly through them.
But tell me about, from Sun Tzu to Xbox, war and video games, Ed.
Tell me about your book.
Hold on, there we are.
Yeah, so this is a book I just came out this summer.
It's about the history of the relationships between war, specifically the American military, and the development of video games.
And what's interesting to me about it and why I wrote the book is that they actually have a long and convoluted history with one another.
Most people don't know this.
In fact, some people, in kind of like urban legend,
Yeah, I think so.
I don't know.
to develop games to put people in these big TV screen type simulators with the cop shoot-em-ups and so a lot of that seed money throughout helped roll this out and even today the army pays to put out complex video games.
We were out killing Ben Wadden and this uses a marketing tool to sell the youth and when you play video games for a long period of time you actually go into a state that is lower than deep sleep and you're actually in a mesmerized
I mean, that is part of the book, for sure.
What I'm interested in... I'm not showing off.
I want to see how it's accurate.
No, no, no.
What I go into is the actual technical details of how these... Well, tell us about it.
For example, in 1997, there was a conference held by this guy, Michael Zida.
Who was with the Naval Postgraduate Research Institute.
And what they were interested in is this, is that, you know, for a long time, as you said, the military had invested money in creating what they call simulation technology, which most people would just call computer graphics, okay?
But in the 80s, the military was ahead of everybody in terms of this technology, okay?
But the 90s, when video games took off and personal commuting took off, the private sector started getting more advanced in terms of their graphic capabilities.
And so this guy said, you know, we have to find a way to bring these
We're good to go.
Uh, they got together, and it turns out they felt, uh, they came out of that conference feeling that they could work together on a lot of... Oh, I bet.
The Pentagon's got so much money anyways.
Well, exactly.
And the Hollywood people... Oh, I can work with you!
And the Hollywood people said, yeah, you know, this would be great.
So, the, one of the fruits of that, well, there were a couple big things that came out of that.
First is a game called America's Army, which you, have you heard of this, this game?
I have, yeah.
Tell us about it.
So America's Army is a game that was released, it was produced by the Army, and it was one of the kind of fruits of this conference.
Oh yeah!
It's a patriotic first shooter game that is free, okay?
And it came out in 2002, on July 4th, 2002.
There you go.
Uh, and anyone around the world can download it for free.
And when it came out, it was actually on the cutting edge of the technology.
It won all sorts of design awards.
They really put a lot of, they put like seven million dollars into the development of this game.
Um, and it's still very, very popular.
It's got millions of people playing it around the world.
And what this game purports to be is a, what they call a realistic view of military life.
So, you get to play an American soldier, go through boot camp, basic training,
And then go on missions, some of which are modeled on real things that have happened.
And just recently, just this last week, they announced that in the new version of America's Army, they're going to have characters in the game that are based on real soldiers who are in Afghanistan and Iraq right now.
Maybe you can be an army intelligence officer and have Pat Tillman killed for propaganda reasons, and then try to spin it successfully where no one figures it out.
Well, that mission has not been written yet.
This is the thing though, what you're bringing up is exactly the point.
They always want to stress that this is a realistic depiction of military life.
But really what they mean is this is a positive depiction.
Because this game is created for recruiting purposes.
It's meant for a 14 year old sitting there eating his Cheerios and drinking his Jolk Cola.
Barriers that the military feels it has right now is the fact that you have a lot of recruitment age guys nowadays whose parents are baby boomers who remember Vietnam and they don't want their kids to go to war.
And one of the interesting things about this video game is of course because of the technological generation gap, it gets around the parents.
The parents don't even know necessarily the kids are playing it.
They don't know what it is.
They see them playing a game, and it could be any game, but it's actually a game created by the Army to help enhance their recruitment efforts.
And it's admitted that it's for brainwashing and for recruiting, but then you even try to tell the baby boomers that.
They go, the government doesn't recruit or brainwash.
No, we can trust them.
It's just mindlessness.
But as virtual reality gets more and more real, as, you know, in the next wave people go to these parlors where you get into these three-dimensional hologram fights or whatever, and then the wireheads, you know, well, if you want this job, you've got to have the implant, and then, well, sure, the old-timers, like, we'll be like the Amish because we won't take it.
I mean, that's really where all this is going.
Uh, yeah.
I mean, actually, I worked with these filmmakers who did a film called WWV, that if you go to my blog, which is warandvideogames.com, I have a trailer for it, and it's all about this.
It's about how virtual reality is really where a lot of the research in the military wanted to go.
Well, notice how James Cameron has just, like, disappeared.
He doesn't make things anymore.
I mean, he makes like three or four billion dollars and then he just disappears.
Well, in Hollywood, he has this giant facility.
All he's working on is hologram movies.
They see that as the, you know, kind of like before you had silent movies, then it was talkies, and the talkies have been here now, you know, from the 30s right through to now.
Well, then once it goes hologram, baby, once you've been in a hologram movie, you're not going to want anything else.
And all these other theaters are going to be shutting down.
Well, that brings up another point.
Another thing that came out of this conference was a place called the Institute for Creative Technologies.
This is a center funded, I think, initially with $20 million by the Army, and it's on the USC campus.
And what it is, is it's kind of a think tank, where they have people there who are from Hollywood, special effects people, they have people from the gaming industry, video game industry, and they have military people.
And they're there to develop virtual reality technologies.
And that's what's going to force it.
If the old movies are going to be displaced by the internet movie, and by everybody being able to make a film when they want to, and that decentralizing it, Hollywood's going to have to go to some new, super expensive, complex platform, where almost like a movie is like a theme park, so they can dominate market share again.
No, I think that's actually very perceptive.
I think that is part of the idea that if they create something that's even more expensive, that only an outlay of a huge amount of money can produce, that way they can compete with the kind of rise of this independently produced... I'll go to hologram movies.
Yeah, sure.
Wouldn't you?
So USC, so this Institute for Creative Technologies put out a game, they produced a game with a company called Pandemic Studios, which is a commercial gaming company, called Full Spectrum Warrior.
And this game was produced for console systems, Xboxes, okay?
The theory within the army being, we want a training device that is on
But that's also recruiting.
They claim no, but I mean, you'd have to be, they're not, they're no idiots.
I mean, it's also kind of like, you know, you probably know this as well, the military has a longstanding pattern of, a longstanding pattern of interaction with Hollywood studios, you know?
We're good to go.
And if that script, by their account, has, quote, an accurate portrayal of military life, then they will sometimes allow them on there and you get to use the stuff for free.
It cuts down the budgets by millions and millions of dollars.
And this is a pretty common practice.
That's only one way they do it.
The military now comes to productions and says, oh, we want some ads, a product placement, which I call propaganda placement.
Let's take some calls.
Let's talk to Steve in Florida.
Steve, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Steve.
Hi, Alex.
Can you hear me fine?
Yes, sir.
First off, I've called many times.
I just want you to know, first off, that my family prays for you constantly, and we will continue to do so for your protection and your wisdom.
Thank you, Steve.
Hadn't heard from you in about a year.
Good to hear from you.
I sent you a letter.
You should be getting it soon.
Hope you get it.
I got in front of me Dr. Morgan Reynolds' article on the trade center collapse.
You're familiar with that.
I sent that to Ingrid Schleter and Vic Eliason at Crosstalk Radio up in VCY, up in Wisconsin.
And I've gotten on the radio with them, tried to discuss it, but they disconnected me when I was going through some of the cogent aspects of this article.
I've got their website, their emails.
I wish some of your audience could email them, because I've asked them over the past year three times to discuss this issue, as well as depleted uranium and Gulf War syndrome, and they won't even do it.
Ingrid Schleter, the producer, may I give her her email?
Sure, but if one talk show blocks you, you can just move on to the next.
Well, they didn't block it.
They just dropped me and he started giving his conspiracy theory that the government puts out about the falling of the trade centers.
They've read this article.
They know about news change.
I've mentioned InfoWars.com several times over the years.
And you want people to call them and tell them to cover 9-11?
I would like somebody to email them to Ingrid Schleter and tell her
Why aren't you discussing this?
You've got 80 crosstalk radio stations across the nation.
Okay, it's a syndicated show.
Okay, sure, go ahead.
It's Ingrid at vcyamerica.org.
She's the producer.
Vick at V-C-Y-A-M-E-R-I-C-A dot O-R-G.
Or better yet, folks can just go there, find the show, tune in, and everybody should just get together and pick a day and all call in and take over.
Tell them you're calling in to talk about whatever mindlessness they're talking about and cover the real issues.
What else is on your mind, Steve?
Well, that station comes on at ten, about twelve minutes here in Pensacola.
It's 89.5 FM for your Pensacola listeners.
And I just wanted to thank you for the guests you've been having on for the
Yeah, I didn't miss part of the guest you had in earlier, the lady about the World Trade Centers, but what I heard was very good.
This article with Dr. Reynolds, I've stamped all over at myinfoawards.com and made dozens of copies and put loose change on it and just trying to put the word out down here and hopefully people will wake up.
That's why we're having an effect.
Well, your hopes are coming true.
Good to hear from you, Steve.
Let's talk to David in Michigan.
David, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How are you doing?
I just, let's see, first off I wanted to quickly, as far as what you guys were talking about with video games, I want to disagree with you guys on that.
I mean, you're kind of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Obviously there's propaganda movies for the KKK, you know, and Birth of a Nation, and propaganda movies for Nazis, and Triumph of the Will.
That doesn't mean movies are all bad.
Right, right.
I mean, I'm not saying that video games in and of themselves are bad.
In fact, I would imagine that our guest, if he writes about video games, is probably a video game fan.
No, yeah, I love it.
Yeah, I don't doubt that.
You know, obviously you can also, if you're in that state of deep, deep concentration or whatever, you can also obviously learn good things.
But, I mean, I'm big on video games, so I just wanted to quickly say that.
No, I agree with you on that.
There's actually a lot of people who are trying to do research into doing things like peace games.
They call it, like, the serious games movement.
And they're trying to harness the kind of, you know, engagement you have with games and see, okay, maybe we can teach other things besides just, you know, teaching someone how to shoot a gun.
Right, and there's just, like, social skills.
Like, if you look at the massive multiplayer online role-playing games and stuff, they're incredibly dynamic.
Before I get cut off here, I want to talk about the main thing, which is
I'm in Michigan, so I can't see this, but Alex, you periodically talk about, you know, the cultural degradation, and have you heard of this movie, this new Mike Judge movie, Idiocracy, and the story behind that?
It's excellent.
Okay, did you hear, like, Fox cut the funding and Robert Rodriguez had to finish the effects?
Yes, the film, it's a good film.
I've talked to high-level movie producers, I'm not going to say any names.
The film probably would have had a medium-sized release, you know, 200 screens.
It ended up on about 500.
That would have been, it's due.
Everything Judge has done has been turned to pure gold.
They killed it because they didn't like the image of a dumbed-down public.
They didn't like how it made fun of Gatorade.
I know.
They didn't like how it made fun of, you know, toilets built into the easy chairs.
And they even tried to claim it was racist showing the future being brown, which it didn't really show the future being brown.
So, I think it's a very good film.
I just want to like, I haven't seen it, I don't know when I'll ever see it.
I'm reading about like, they say like, when you go to Costco in this, you know, idiotic future, they say like, welcome to Costco.
I love you.
And then like the most popular station on the TV is the masturbation station, where guys just like, keep talking about
You know, I'm in New York and it's not playing there so I actually wanted to see it while I was in Austin.
Well it is admitted, and of course he's heard about it in Michigan, it's been in the news, but inside it's true.
They killed that movie.
Well, I heard they partially, I heard one of the reasons they felt they couldn't afford the possible lawsuits from all the product placement.
Have you heard that as well?
Yeah, but I mean, they're totally protected in product placement, and it's satire.
They don't even call it Gatorade, it's called Brondo.
And you see, the crops are all dying in the movie, and they don't know why.
We'll see Brondo bought up, like a hundred years before, because this was set 500 years in the future, set in 2005.
And Morondo bought up the EPA so they make you water the plants and the water is Gatorade.
And so it just shows that extreme.
And the cops, it's total police state.
Yeah, it's... Yeah, well I'm hoping to catch it while I'm here because I can't see it in New York.
Alamo Draft House, right up the road.
You can go right up the road here on South Lamar.
You can eat while you watch it.
Oh, I've been there.
I love the Alamo.
I should also mention while we're talking about movies that I'm also here this week for a festival called Cinema Texas.
That's right, Cinema Texas 11.
It is the 11th and I was a guest artistic director this year.
And there's one thing that I thought your listeners would really be into.
It's happening this Sunday and it's part of a series that I actually didn't program myself that's done separately called Parallax, which is about... Oh, so you're involved in running
Oh yeah, yeah.
You're a big commander.
And this Parallax, though, is programmed by somebody else, and it is called The Political Economy of Images.
And one of the things I thought your listeners would want to know is that they're bringing in the authors of this new book called Torture Taxi on the Trail of CIA's Rendition Flights.
They are AC Thompson and Trevor Paglen, and they're going to be here on Sunday at the Victory Grill.
You can find out the information at cinematexas.org.
Oh, the Victory Grill!
Yeah, and this is a book about how the CIA used civilian planes, unmarked planes, to bring suspected terrorists to countries where they can be tortured, legally.
But we don't call it torture, we call it pressure now.
Right, exactly, pressure.
George Bush now, he runs the
The encyclopedia and the dictionary.
He decides what words mean.
Tell us more about Cinema Texas 11.
It looks really exciting.
I've heard of it.
It's here.
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Well, I really appreciate our guest joining us, and he's the artistic director of this year's International Short Film Festival, Cinema Texas 11.
And this is a really popular festival, I've heard of it, and it's incredible.
Just the program's a beautiful little bound-style book here.
How many different things are going to be at this event and how do people go to it?
Well, you check the website, which is cinematexas.org.
There's a number of different venues.
The Victory Grill is going to be hosting the Parallax sidebar, which is all the political speakers come and some political documentaries.
There's also people who are into art films, experimental films.
We are showing a lot of stuff there at the Carver Center, which is in East Austin.
Sure, that's a nice place.
Yeah, it's a really beautiful theater, and that's the main venue.
But they can find all the information on cinematexas.org.
If anyone's into music, we have a concert tonight at... I can't remember the name of the place now.
You can find out at the website.
There's a very disturbing development which is the co-opting
And the arresting of the 9-11 Truth Movement from the movement by Bush and his backers, and folks like your guests who are still on the fence, or who are still willfully ignorant, or just stupid, or who refuse to face the truth out of fear or terror or whatever it is.
Whichever pasture has the best cut, the tastiest cut of effectiveness in
Well, I don't know about that.
What do you mean Bush has started to take it over?
He came out recently, there's some audio available on the net, in which Bush says that controlled demolitions may have been the cause of the collapses of the towers.
No, I know, we, oh sure, sure, yeah, we played that yesterday, we put the article out last week, he made that bizarre statement in his pro-torture speech of last Friday, and yeah, that's them trying to put back doors in now, like, yeah, there could have been bombs, the Al-Qaeda planted them.
Because even NIST, the federal government, is having to say now it could be bombs.
I mean, look, they're in a lot of trouble.
Oh, now I understand what you're saying.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
Well, thank you.
I appreciate it.
Let's talk to Joe in California.
Joe, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
Great to talk to you again.
I haven't spoken to you in a while.
We're almost out of time.
What's on your mind?
Yeah, really quick.
I'm really upset about this, what President Bush is trying to do with that Tax-Free Implies World Trade Center Control Demolition article.
And the clip.
If you can put that actual clip on your website, that'll be great.
We did.
We have two people on a row bringing this stuff.
That's interesting.
On video?
No, I didn't see the video.
I just saw the audio, but not the video one.
Well, he gave the press conferences at C-SPAN.org, and I don't know why Paul just put the audio up there, but okay.
But that would be great, because that shows... Tell you what, go find it for us.
Clip it out for us.
Email it to us.
We'll post it.
And also, too, I bought the Terror Storm.
I've made probably about 50 copies.
I'm making more every day.
It's an awesome movie.
Uh, one last thing.
Can you, can you make, I, when I ordered a service when I got to, uh, 9-11 was an inside job, uh, bumper sticker, can you make shirts that say that?
That's another good idea.
Well, that's an awesome thing if you can make shirts out of your own time.
I've actually told my people to do that before.
We haven't gotten around to that, but it is an idea that's bounced around in our little brains.
Get it done, Alex.
You'll see, I tell you, it'll be your number one selling t-shirt.
Alright, I'm gonna do it.
That's it.
Okay, sir.
I appreciate your call.
I really do.
And I want to thank Ed Halter for joining us.
The book from Sun Tzu to Xbox War and Video Games.
Have a great weekend.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
I know it's Wednesday, but still the weekend's coming up.
The big event's this weekend.
It starts tonight, yeah.
That's right.
It kicks off tonight with music.
Well, we appreciate your fair piece in the Village Voice.
We hope to see more in the future.
Folks, get Terror Storm and get the new 9-11 Mysteries video we're carrying at InfoWars.com.
God bless you.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.