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Name: 20060919_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 19, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones!
We're here live my friends Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
There's a big whistleblower, Lieutenant Colonel
Nigel Wilde and he'll be joining us today.
He worked inside British Intelligence and the Colonel has gone public about the fact that his government is staging fake terror alerts as a pretext to have domestic police state crackdowns and the Colonel will be joining us coming up in the next hour.
We also have some
Other guests tentatively lined up for later in the third hour that I'll tell you about as the broadcast elapses.
I mentioned this yesterday, but I haven't yet really gotten into it, so I want to play the audio clip when we get back from this first break.
Bush tacitly implies WTC controlled demolition.
Make strange explosives in US buildings reference during torture speech last Friday.
And we do have the audio clip of that.
We will play that coming up in the next segment.
Also, Canadian police error leads to man's torture.
And this is just one of hundreds of cases that they've admitted to where US or Canadian citizens
are grabbed off the streets, taken to Europe, tortured within an inch of their life and in many cases people just simply are killed and you don't hear about it but in these cases they're released and they go out and they tell the world how they were tortured.
They go out and they tell the world what's happened to them and it's just another example of our society
And the type of people that are in control of our society.
You know, we think of the United States as the land of the free and the home of the brave.
But, of course, many of you probably heard about what's happening over in Hungary, in their capital of Budapest.
Protesters storm Hungarian TV, state-owned TV, and set the building on fire.
Riots tear Budapest apart is another headline.
And why are they doing it?
Because the
The leader of the country lied to them.
In the past, if you lied to Americans, you would be ridden out on a rail.
Cities would burn.
Politicians would go to prison.
But now, when politicians lie, the average person snickers and grins and says, oh, that's just what they do.
In fact, people don't even say that anymore.
That is that mass of Americans that don't care.
You tell them, hey, trillions are missing from the Pentagon.
Hey, there's no bid contracts.
Hey, there's all sorts of corruption.
They just go, what's that?
What's corruption?
Did you hear about American Idol?
Did you hear about UT football?
And you're like, hey, listen, they're stealing from us.
It's real corrupt.
It's real dangerous right now.
And here in the land of the free, home of the brave, they just look at you like so many sheep in a feedlot and go, meh, meh.
You know, sheep don't know when they're going to the slaughterhouse.
Well, I for one am not a sheep, and I know the listeners of this broadcast are not sheep.
So I've got some audio clips I want to play of what's happening right now in Hungary.
And I want to go over this report.
Also, they've got a new poll.
It doesn't fit with all the other polls.
This is how you tell if polls are accurate.
You've got a wide range of polls saying something, you can bet it's accurate.
But when you've got a poll saying one thing, and all the other polls are saying something else,
It's very deceptive, and this is a poll saying Bush's approval rating has surged by 10 points!
10 points!
But it's USA Today Gallup, about as trustworthy as your neighborhood pickpocket.
We'll be right back.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is Tuesday, the 19th day of September 2006, and I'm going to plunge directly into the news.
Bush slipping up and talking about how they got intelligence that the terrorists wanted to plant bombs in our buildings.
I thought the terrorists flew planes into the buildings, and he was talking about Iraq and 9-11.
And we put this report out a few days ago, but I'm just now getting around to playing the audio clip.
That's coming up in a moment.
Also, riots all over Hungary because the government lied.
I guess their land of the free, home of the brave.
Here, there'd probably be a riot if someone complained about government lying.
We're cowards here!
You don't question God-government!
And I've also got CNN, good old Lou Dobbs, admitting absolute election fraud.
Good old Lou Dobbs, I tell you.
Lou Dobbs and Keith Oberman.
The two bright lights in television news.
And they're on very short leases, by the way.
I know folks at CNN, believe me.
We will also play this weird clip of the Jesus Camp.
And you really can't do justice to this without seeing it.
It's up on... It's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
And I told you that almost five years ago, just a few months after 9-11, I was driving home one night from the TV show, and I almost ran off the road, literally,
Because they were on the news, on KIXL locally, announcing that George Bush was Jesus, and that he should be worshipped.
And I never got the tape of it, I never heard it again, and it was done, I wouldn't say subtly, but it was done slickly.
Well now, they don't hide it.
And it was on ABC News, and by the way, the big Christian camp that does this,
They are involved in the production.
They are proud of it.
So they're on the ABC News piece saying, no, this is accurate.
This is what we do.
They have big cutouts of George Bush and they get down on their knees and they go, uh, uh, uh, you know, just like idol worshipers.
And they just put their hands above their heads and they lay down flat, laying their hands down in front of them and go, uh, uh, uh, and
Folks, I know it sounds crazy when I get up here and I say, John, you write memos at the White House saying they can torture children sexually in front of their parents.
It's true.
I know it sounds crazy when I tell you I've heard Christian radio say George Bush is Jesus.
I've heard it, okay?
I know it sounds... I'm just... All of this is crazy.
It's crazy we got a world government.
It's crazy they signed the North American Union last March.
It's crazy that
The government carried out 9-11.
It's just, it's all through.
It's all through.
And I'm already digressing, but before I get into the Bush and the bombs, and the buildings, his weird statement, before I do that, I do want to get this program note in here before I forget.
Very important.
I do not spend enough time thanking
All of our wonderful sponsors, and I mean the network sponsors of the Genesis Communications radio network that I'm on, that you're listening to right now, but also, just as importantly, station affiliate sponsors.
When you hear local station breaks, support those sponsors.
Go and patronize them.
Go and if you're a local business, sponsor those local stations, affiliates, whether it's in Texas or Ohio or California or Tennessee, it doesn't matter.
Go and support them.
It is so important to also support the GCN Radio Network.
Please don't confuse us with other networks that are just, it is embarrassing.
I am here locally in Austin some of the people that some of the things they do in the quote patriot movement.
This is Genesis not to be confused with others.
I'm so proud of this network and the great work it does.
I also want to take time out to thank you all the listeners that make this broadcast possible.
It's a great frustration in my life that I cannot respond to all your emails, your letters, your phone calls, the support.
All the different ways you support us.
You are just absolutely wonderful and you are as much a part of this fight as myself or anybody else in this movement to restore our constitutional republic.
So I do salute you and I commend you.
And then, I didn't know this would become an issue.
I mean, I'm busy doing about a hundred different things.
But I have been advised by some people I've known for a long time, hence now in the future to be known as the Goblin Squad, that the local micro-FM's here in Texas, a few of the people running
We're irritated that I haven't been thanking, not just the commercial AM and FM stations that carry the show, but yes, what the general public would know as pirates, and they don't like that term.
I have to use that term to communicate with people that don't know what a micro is.
Tell them it's a pirate, then explain it's real name is a micro.
They do a great job, they don't interfere with commercial stations, and they give you 24 hour a day news and information that really breaks through the Berlin Wall of info.
You know, I gave the famous speech
What, nine years ago or eight years ago about we need thousands of micros across the country and we need to put them up and we need to do this and I've been out there over the years and tried to support it and push it and quite frankly I don't know how I get criticized for not plugging these more when I've invited the micro people on repeatedly to come on here and promote what they're doing and they want to get a Dallas affiliate and
People need to go to RadioFreeAustin.com if you live in Dallas or the surrounding areas and contact them if you've got a location.
And they have not come on, so there's also a little bit of flawed logic going on there.
But there's also the weird psychology in all of it that I'm more than happy to promote it and thank them and say what a great job they're doing, but when people get bees in their bonnets and swell up like they've eaten a pound of sour grapes,
You know, with their lips together, it's like, hey, you know, why gripe about something that you could get just by asking?
So, but again, I can only commend the great people that have put up the micro-FM stations all over Texas and now in Oklahoma and all over the country.
I can only thank you for what you've done.
And I think it's really the same phenomenon
Some listeners, they get mad that I don't respond to the emails, or they get mad because I don't respond to their letters or phone calls.
I just don't.
I can't do it, folks.
I run myself ragged, you know, until my health gets in trouble.
And I just work all the time.
And I feel bad.
The commercial station owners call me up, wanting me to call them back, and I just don't get around to it because I'm so busy.
I'm so busy fighting the New World Order.
I'm so busy doing radio interviews.
I'm so busy writing news articles.
I'm so busy trying to make films.
It is a huge task.
So I think people should also give me a little bit of slack.
I also watch people who literally beat the living daylights out of the micro-FM community here locally, call you names, demonize you,
Drag you through the mud, and then claim credit for all you've done, and you guys respond by lavishing them.
Meanwhile, I'm just the good boy, you know, here being pilloried for things I haven't done.
So, by all means, by the way, to really thank the micro-FMs, I have to institute something I haven't done in years.
And we really should do this.
And we haven't done this.
If you listened to the show five years ago, then I quit doing it for some reason.
When you call into the show, we will ask, what's your first name, where are you calling from, how are you listening?
Well, that last part of how are you listening has not been asked, and I want it to be requested now.
Are you listening on an AM or FM commercial station, a micro station, shortwave, the internet, or satellite?
And now I guess you could say podcasting.
So callers do tell us how you're listening and that's a good way to thank people.
To me, I'm just so focused on the fight against the New World Order that I haven't really been focused on my friends.
Displeasure that they have not voiced to me, by the way.
So here, shout outs to everyone, just no matter who you are.
You've done a good job.
Continue fighting the enemy.
Continue fighting the New World Order.
All right, I'm done talking about that.
We really have a lot of serious news and information to cover here.
But the open invitation
For people to come on here and talk about Micro-FM has been there.
I can't get these people on the show to talk about it.
But there it is.
Now the average person tuning in in Timbuktu has no earthly consent.
Can you imagine someone in Russia or China or England tuning in right now?
They don't know what we're talking about.
Regular Patriot Radio is diseased with in-shop talk.
Laundry talk.
And that's why no one listens to it.
This is a news and information broadcast, so I should have just thanked the micro-FMs and not gone into a long diatribe on the subject.
It just... Another thing is I've gotten a few calls lately, people saying, hey Alex, I heard the calls for support
I don't think so.
Some of the other networks they carry know that people are confused about what they're listening to.
So for heaven's sakes, be sure and be clear about what network you're listening to when you're listening off some of these unlicensed stations around the country.
Boy, this is really going nowhere fast, isn't it?
But we've got to clear the decks occasionally.
We'll be right back with Bush and the Bombs.
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Alright, my friends.
We're back live.
Bush tacitly implies WTC controlled demolition.
Makes strange comment about, quote, explosives in buildings referenced during torture speech last Friday.
Go ahead and roll that clip.
This is from Bush at the Rose Garden.
The information that the Central Intelligence Agency has obtained by questioning men like Khaliq Sheikh Mohammed has provided valuable information and has helped disrupt terrorist plots, including strikes within the United States.
For example, Khaliq Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks on buildings inside the U.S.
and how operatives were directed to carry them out.
That is valuable information.
For those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people.
He told us the operatives have been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high point, a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.
He gave us information that helped uncover Al Qaeda cell's efforts to obtain biological weapons.
And it goes on from there.
So bizarre!
We've got a supposed 9-11 mastermind and it's a plan with bombs in the buildings up high so it causes as much casualties as possible.
That's one of the clips.
The next one we now move to is concerning Budapest and really in China when they try to come take the Chinese farmer's small plots of subsistence land
There is video, countless videos out there of people charging police with machine guns.
They'll have hundreds of police against thousands of farmers with picks and axes.
And the farmers kick their hind in nine times out of ten.
And I'm just saying nine times out of ten.
I haven't seen a case where the police have won.
And they never win in Europe.
They never win in Eastern Europe.
They only win here, folks, because we're the only people, except I guess Mexico, they lay down there too.
We're what you call a peon people now, a slave people.
But the politician got caught lying over there about the state of the economy and people went absolutely ape.
Well that's a big deal to lie to them and then get caught lying.
But here in Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, now, ooh, we disapprove of this.
We disapprove of the government being scared of us and going into government buildings and burning things.
That's what those evil founding fathers did.
They were bad.
Go ahead and roll that clip.
For two days, the demonstrations were peaceful.
But early Tuesday morning, that all changed.
Some Hungarians stormed the headquarters of Hungary's state television and set fire to cars outside the building.
Police fought back with a water cannon.
The protesters are demanding the resignation of Socialist Prime Minister, Ferenc Györgyni, and calling for new elections.
That's because of some surprising revelations about the last elections in April.
On Sunday, an audio tape was leaked to the local media of the Prime Minister making some candid comments at a closed-door party meeting in May, just after the elections.
It's not clear who leaked the tape, but on it, Mr. Gorshny admits he had lied about the economy, quote, in the morning, in the evening, and at night.
We don't have too many choices.
The reason is because we f***ed it up.
Not a little bit, but very much.
None of the other European countries have done such stupid things that we did.
We can explain it.
Eventually, we lied the last one and a half to two years.
It is so obvious what we told was not true.
After the tape surfaced, the Prime Minister acknowledged making the comments and said he was referring to the actions of Hungary's political elite over several years, not just to his government.
It is true that in the last eight years the political elite of this country was lying.
This is what we are talking about.
We are talking about how we can go against the big political lies that began in 1992, how we can break with it.
I could not break with it either for one and a half years.
The showdown could go on for a while.
Mr. Giorcini says he won't resign.
Some demonstrators say they will stay put until he does.
I've spoken with some of the demonstrators and many of them, the so-called hardcore, say that they will stay before the building of the TV station.
Until the government resigns.
However, we know for sure that the Prime Minister does not hand in his resignation because he stated that very clearly.
And according to the Hungarian Constitution, if the Prime Minister does not do that, then it's going to be very difficult to make him resign.
In Parliament, Socialist Party MPs are unanimously backing their leader, while the main opposition party says it will boycott Parliament on Tuesday.
Alright, when we get back, Canadian police admit they arrested an innocent man and had him tortured.
Every few days I see a report like this.
We've got a bunch of other news on Bush's approval ratings and a lot more.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network.
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Come on, Bill.
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No, John, I didn't rob Bill Gates.
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Thanks, Bill.
I'm going there right now.
Check, please!
Uh, you got this one right, Bill?
Sure, John.
Don't forget, it's www.DidYouRobBillGates.com.
Next time, you'll be buying me lunch.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, Andrew, John, Corey, Travis, Mike, everybody, we're going to get to you.
It's always good to give the toll-free number out, 1-800-259-9231.
Before I do go back to your calls, I promise to get to the news, here is another exciting, informative audio clip, and by exciting, it is exciting that CNN and Lou Dobbs are covering the North American Union, certified, meticulously militarized election fraud that's being implemented meticulously by the globalists,
He's talking about every other issue.
Here is Lou Dobbs discussing the big study, the big university study on the Diebold machines alone.
Go ahead and roll that.
The midterm elections just weeks away and new evidence tonight that the integrity of those elections cannot be guaranteed.
A new Princeton University study finds hackers can easily tamper with electronic voting machines by installing a virus to disable machines and change vote totals.
Kenny Pilgrim reports.
Princeton scientists spent the summer analyzing the Diebold AccuVote TS electronic voting machine.
The results were alarming, confirming the machine is very vulnerable to tampering.
You could infect one machine, and then before the election, when the poll workers are setting things up for the vote, they actually move memory cards from one machine to another, and they may propagate the virus.
The Princeton Group only studied one type of machine.
That model will be used in 357 counties across the country by 10% of the voters in November.
They say the vote can be easily manipulated without being detected.
The malicious software can modify all the records, audit logs, and counters kept by the voting machine, so that even careful forensic examination of these records will find nothing amiss.
Across the country, voter activists have participated in hearings and studies to point out that without a voter-verified paper trail, the results of electronic voting can be badly botched, either intentionally or unintentionally, through computer crashes or human error in running the electronic voting machine.
Some activists in Colorado are so concerned that they're suing to stop the use of electronic voting machines in November.
The state uses machines made by D-Bolt, ES&S, Sequoia, and Hart.
A suit has been filed on behalf of a group of Colorado citizens against the Colorado Secretary of State, saying testing was not adequate, and they are calling for the electronic machines to be decertified.
The Chairman of the State Democratic Party has called for the resignation of the Secretary of State and for the use of absentee ballots in the election because of the concern about the broken certification process at the Secretary of State's office.
There is a hearing next week to seek a ruling from the judge to make absentee ballots available in November.
And activists say they have just enough time to get the absentee paper ballots printed before November.
And these machines, in these counties, about 10% of the total vote this fall.
They don't have an audit trail, a paper trail.
No, they do not.
And that's the great worry, that you can lose the vote and tamper with them.
Kitty, thank you very much.
Kitty Kloger.
Okay, now, why is this such good news?
And, by the way, this weekend I saw a similar report.
Well, it wasn't half as good, but the point is it was pretty fair, even on controlled Fox television.
Now, let's go back five years ago.
Let's go back three years ago.
We were being called kooks, lunatics, nuts.
It's always the same.
It's always the same.
We tell you how bad genetically engineered, cross-species, hybridized food is.
Now, it's mainstream news.
We tell you 9-11 is an inside job.
Now, it's mainstream news.
We tell you that the North American Union is a real deal.
Now, it's mainstream news.
We have been telling you.
Listen, they've had die-bold engineers quit and go public and say, I was hired to engineer these for fraud.
That's back of the paper, if you're lucky.
By the time it gets in most papers, it's, oh, there's problems with the voting.
Oh, look, we had problems in 2000, so the feds passed Help America Vote Act and the Voter Assistance Act of 2002.
And then they fund it, and it's actually thirty-five percent of the country, not ten percent, Lou.
I guess he's talking about that particular, you know, Diebold Systems.
They are the biggest company.
And they put this in, and everywhere it happens, the incumbent wins, or whoever the establishment candidate wins.
It doesn't matter if the polls show the opposite.
Stuff that's never happened in politics before is happening where these machines are in place.
And this is complex software written to have back doors.
You understand that
Diebold, Sequoia, ES&S, Hardinger Civic, Activist, Bev Harris and many others have gone out and bought these machines.
They've bought them from the counties, you've bought them.
They buy them when the county sells them.
They go and get counties to allow them to test them.
And it's every diabolical machine they test going back decades.
It's always been in there.
It's just now it's getting even more easy to cover up the fraud.
Because before you still had a paper ballot left that was fed through the computer.
Now that doesn't exist.
You see, it's paper free.
So it makes it easier for them to steal elections.
And it doesn't matter what machine.
And they've made hundreds of different designs in the last decade.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
It's always built with the complex back door, designed to then cover its tracks after you go in.
They have wireless cards in them, and then every time some election official lets someone look under the hood, or every time somebody buys one of these at a county sale...
Daible flies in lawyers, and they go pay off the politicians openly, and state police come out and start arresting people that own the machines that are doing testing.
It's proprietary!
You can't open up that computer machine!
You opened it!
There was wireless systems!
We're arresting!
Imagine the good guys go by these, they open them up, there's the fraud, there's the fraud switches, there's the fraud plug-in with a wireless system hooked into it, and then they get in trouble.
I mean, this is incredible.
This is the type of stuff that's happening in the United States.
And I know it's hard to believe.
It's scary.
You mean they'd steal elections?
You mean they would premeditatedly, nationwide, with federal money, six billion dollars plus, would go out with the Help America Vote Act
And the Voter Assistance Act, there's two different ones, they would go out and fund this, and they would go out and do this, and they would go out and actually carry it out?
They have, they've been caught, and it's incredible.
In major polls, 90 plus percent of Americans are against these boxes.
These polls just came out.
Just like 97 percent are against transponder toll roads.
Just like 99 percent
And a CNN poll are against the new London Kelo land grabbing ruling.
But what does government say?
We don't care.
We don't care what you want.
We're going to do this.
You see, it's a new type of behavior by government.
It's because they've got militarized police, they've got FEMA camps built, they've got 35% of the country that doesn't have voting anymore and it grows every few months.
They're on track within three years to have 100% of the country with these in place?
I mean, this is happening.
And that's why you're seeing this arrogance.
That's why they signed the North American Union.
That's why all of this is unfolding right now.
The battle is joined.
And believe me, they know you're waking up.
They know you're getting angry.
They know you're upset.
And they're just hoping you're apathetic long enough for them to close the door on this country.
And then the fun starts, folks.
You think it's bad with the airline pilots and state employees losing their pensions and all the rest?
Just get ready, because they're going to steal your accounts blind.
Mine too.
I mean, they've got a lot of fun planned for us.
All right, let's go to calls and I'll get into all the other news, and there's just so much of it.
This one, Canadian police errors led to man's torture probe.
And I'm going to move quick through the callers, so be ready.
I'm going to move quickly, because I want to give you all a chance to get on board here.
Andrew in Australia, you're on the air.
Yes, Alex.
Good to talk to you again.
Thanks for the call last night.
Or last night, my time.
Yeah, when you called in again, we appreciate your second call, sir.
Oh, fantastic.
Basically, I missed a couple of points that I wanted to bring up yesterday.
One was to do with, basically in Australia, we have not just cause when it comes to search and seizure, we have just suspicion.
Which I think is an interesting legal term.
It gives the police officer basically the right to search you at any point.
Yeah, and by the way, under the Magna Carta of 1215, that is totally illegal and what's happening in Australia is wrong.
But I mean, they tried last year, remember, to pass a bill banning protest and saying it was an act of terrorism to protest, remember?
Oh, for sure, for sure.
I mean, another thing I wanted to bring up on that particular issue was we have a website over here called ZaiaGuys, G-A-I-A-Guys, G-U-Y-S, and they were sued by the OTO for defamation because they basically printed the OTO's stance on the fact that they have the right to kill anybody who
You know, it gets in their way or, you know, do what thou wilt.
So that was a very disturbing put for an Australian to see happen.
One of our truth-telling websites over here has basically been attacked and sued for $250,000.
Also, anyone who has
We're good to go.
And they murdered him.
He wouldn't turn his gun in.
Listen, I appreciate you calling.
Good to hear from you there from the land down under, my friend.
Let's talk to John in San Diego.
John, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Great to hear your voice again.
I know you're a little bit harsh, but it always inspires me just to hear your voice.
Well, thank you.
I took a little vacation.
Went up to San Francisco over the weekend.
I met an individual from Croatia.
Very informative.
His father was a low-level general in that former region.
And he knows the whole thing.
I mean, it is obvious to him as to what his father told him about the U.S.
coming in back in the late 80s and early 90s and saying either play ball or else.
And they didn't want to play ball.
So, look what happened to them.
Three divisions in that country, very similar to Iraq.
That war really was a pretext for what's happening in Iraq right now.
And it's just sad to hear this man... You know, he had no... I mean, all the information we talk about here is pretty much second-hand knowledge to him on how the world operates.
It's really just a mafia situation with the elite controlling
I know it's sad to see it, and the public is waking up, but there's still a mass of people who are willfully ignorant to know we've got a ruthless, criminal, global mafia using scientifically developed systems of population manipulation and control, and then to just watch these giggling, smiling masses of people that laugh at us as we try to warn them about what's coming down on this society.
And they're not going to be laughing much longer, I'll tell you that.
I mean, even the taxi drivers, foreign taxi drivers, I'll pick up conversations with them.
They're from different countries.
They know much more than the average population here.
I mean, I get laughed at all the time from, you know, my point of view or...
Or what I'll talk about, it's... Ah, John says the government once did something wrong, that's impossible!
Everybody knows government made the moon and the earth and the sun and the water and the birdies tweet!
He says there's elites!
He says there's corrupt elites!
He says we have freedoms!
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you.
Uh, let's talk to Cory in Ohio.
Yeah, nice to talk to you, Alex.
I am 19 years old, and a lot of my peers, well, the ones I talk to who want to join the military, they have two reasons they'd like to join the military.
Well, good!
Tell them to enjoy themselves!
Yeah, they want to get a career, and they want to fight for my rights.
And I tell them, if you want to fight for our rights, you need to fight against our government.
And you need to start looking at the facts.
They're going to be put into a global mercenary system.
They're going to be given experimental injections.
They're going to breathe depleted uranium.
They're going to be given substandard care.
And they're going to be lied to on the contracts they signed with the government.
And they're going to be automatically re-upped over and over again.
But let them find out for themselves.
Let them believe the lying recruiters.
You know, let them buy into all of it.
Let them go grow up and be big boys.
Because you know what happens?
They come over to our side, 70 plus percent of them, after a year in country.
And some of them will like it.
And they'll come back and they'll be part of the little gun confiscation squads and the rest of it.
And that's fine when they try to march out and do that.
They can have a run in with the real American people.
And so I wouldn't argue with him.
I'd say, great!
You're, you know... I'm not for the whole... Like, the whole thing will flatter my generation with what's happening right now.
And instead of being afraid, I am actually pretty excited about how fast things are moving and just what the future, even though it's already horrible and it could get a lot worse.
But we're in a revolution right now.
Things are happening right now.
Like, I'm just excited, and the fear is overwhelming, but excitement!
Like, I'm a young man, and I have the rest of my life, no matter what that may be, ahead of me.
So... I hear you, and I appreciate your call.
I mean, I may have been a little bit sarcastic earlier.
Obviously, folks, if you join the military, you're insane.
Number one, the ranks are swollen now.
I mean, a large percentage with hard-core gang member trash.
And they're now talking about making entire legions, entire divisions out of illegal aliens just from Mexico alone.
That is now the fastest growing and biggest group of new recruits.
Did you know they have billboards and TV ads all over Mexico?
They actually get people to sign up in Mexico and then they're flown here and they join the military.
So they're going to have, I guess the majority of our troops will be foreign within our own military.
By the way, people don't believe that.
Just go Google it.
It was in the mainstream news again yesterday.
And by the way, they hire aggravated felons.
That means violent felons.
This first came out pre-9-11.
That the Pentagon was hiring aggravated felons.
And it said rapists, arsonists, people who are involved in robberies, assault.
Well, that's exactly who Hitler, Stalin, Mao wants.
George Bush wants.
That's exactly who they've always wanted.
Folks, they will do bad things.
They're not just foreigners, they're felons.
And so when we hear, worship our military, have you really looked at the military?
I challenge you to watch the military in a restaurant.
I challenge you to go out to Fort Hood and look at them.
And it is a joke.
I saw our military in New York.
This is not the military of five, ten years ago.
These people are
Juvenile is the main word, and just... They're all gang member white trash scum.
I mean, I just... It's scum!
That's the best word for it.
It's here!
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Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Wilde from the British Intelligence will be joining us.
Here's a headline.
Liquid bomb terror plot is a fiction.
Underscoring police failures, according to British Army expert, quote, cast doubt on liquid explosives threat Al-Qaeda network in UK identified.
Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Wild, former senior British Army intelligence officer, has suggested the police and government story about the terror plot revealed on the 10th of August was part of a pattern of lies and deceit.
And he will be joining us coming up here in just a few minutes from the United Kingdom.
We've also got another British intelligence officer that we're getting scheduled for the show.
Pretty famous, he's been in the news a lot.
The IRA basically was led by British intelligence and this guy was the big bomb maker in there building the bombs.
You see, it's always the same.
The heads of the, quote, terrorist groups are always our governments.
The people building the bombs are our government.
The people planting them are the governments.
And it's all in plain view.
They always get caught.
It always comes out.
No one ever gets in trouble.
We always get our freedoms out to the very government that is attacking us.
Before I end this segment, I want to try to cram a call in, but I may not have time.
If you believe in what we're doing, and you do want to support this broadcast, and you want to get a tool that's vital in the fight against the globalists, then you need to get my new film, Terror Storm.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up a little bit later in the broadcast, we have former high-level Army expert, Colonel John Ash,
Exposing the fake terror alerts and how they stage these events and how the entire liquid explosives report is a fraud.
In this hour, I will get into the fact that Canadian police had an innocent man tortured.
By the way, we know that in Canada, people who went to the Bilderberg Group meeting and tried to demonstrate it were threatened to have their arms cut off.
That was confirmed.
I mean, that's how sick our countries are getting.
Has nothing to do with stopping terrorism, folks.
It is about terrorizing the people.
I guess it does have to do with terror.
It's about the government being terrorists terrorizing us.
But nothing to do with the type of terrorism they're talking about.
Also, poll finds rebound in Bush approval.
I've got a take on that.
Also, Bush's Iran.
Bush and President of Iran to face off.
Now, that's the weird AP article, but in truth, Bush refused to face off with Ahmadinejad, being a coward that the President is.
I mean, I would respect Bush a lot more if he'd go ahead.
I guarantee you, Ronald Reagan would have had a debate with this guy.
Now, also, we will get into a really scary report out of the Toronto Star.
IMF fears must be heated.
Discussion of global economic collapse.
So, we'll get into that report as well.
But right now, let's get to the callers that have been patiently holding.
Let's talk to Travis, then Mike, then Hib, Charles, James, and others.
Travis, you're on the air.
Thank you.
Great show you're having today.
Well, thank you, sir.
I only have one concern today.
I was wondering if we crack down on the border and on the immigration even more, wouldn't that create more government bureaucracy and more of a police state?
Okay, well it's simple.
The federal government is supposed to do three things and has three powers, and it doesn't do any of those three things.
It doesn't defend this country from invasion, it doesn't protect the borders, and it doesn't print the money.
So, and you can argue the Treasury does, but it does it under private orders from the private Federal Reserve Board, so it's quasi.
And that's one thing the federal government has the power to do.
It can build a, you know, a 5,000 foot wall of it once with, you know, robots flying around, okay?
And that's what, and I'm being sarcastic there, that's what it needs to do.
Okay, we don't have a country if we don't have a border.
And then Bush gets up last Friday, the little traitor, the little sniveling traitor that he is, and he says, well, where's 11 million of these people?
We can't catch them all!
Well, does that mean that we've got to, and it's really 30 million, does that mean that we'll just capitulate to the next 30 million and the next 30 million?
There's over 100 million new people every 16 to 18 months, and the numbers coming out now on the global census 2005, now it's every year, looks like it's going to be even higher,
It's always about a year and a half late when we get the numbers.
I mean, they all want to come here, folks.
And not only are these foreigners coming here and getting on welfare, they're getting here and shooting their mouths off and talking trash about this country and talking about how they're taking it down for some kind of Reconquista.
And I'm just not going to have it.
I'm not going to sit around and put up with a bunch of criminal elites using third world hordes to bring down this country.
The illegal aliens take out a lot more than they bring in.
They drive down the wages.
They suck off the welfare and the health care.
They spend tens of thousands more a year on the welfare.
But the average illegal alien is something like $22,000 in California.
Even more in New York.
Did you know New York City is 60 plus percent illegal alien?
Oh, that's the New York Times.
That's official census numbers.
They cost us more.
They are a cancer on this country.
Look, everything the globalists do is bad for this country, right?
Well, why are they pumping in these illegal aliens?
We've got to first stop the flood, and then start kicking them out of here!
I want to drag these smiley-faced people who hate this country, and if they hate it so bad, get out of here!
Get out of my country!
Take your Mexican flags,
And just flush them down the toilet!
Go back and be slaves!
Don't come to my free country trying to pull us down with ya!
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I mean, really, folks, I'm sick of wild-eyed foreigners
Running around violently waving Mexican flags, telling me how they're taking over the United States, when they can't even get control of their banana boat corrupt country where they are absolute slaves.
I mean, it really is pathetic.
And they don't know any history.
They're just like the average American, dumb as dirt.
And they'll tell me Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty and this belongs to Mexico.
Give me a break.
Mexico couldn't hold on to the Southwest.
Mexico begged Texans to come in because Mexican troops had been routed by the Indians.
So you called in Tennessee Indian and Kentucky Indian fighters to come in here and do a job you couldn't do.
There have been six flags over Texas.
It doesn't belong to the French.
It doesn't belong to the Spanish.
It doesn't belong to the Mexicans.
It doesn't belong to the Confederates.
It belongs to the people of Texas and the United States, and if anybody's got a claim on it, sure, you can say Native Americans, but the Mexican government itself, it's so mean to its native peoples, pushes that whole view too now.
Oh, we expand beyond our territorial borders as indigenous peoples.
You work for the Ford Foundation to break down this country, and I'm just sick of it!
Look, all cultures are nationalistic and tribal and racist.
Let's get down to just brass tacks.
Okay, racism is really tribalism and is a naturally occurring event.
And so you've got the domesticated, liberal, jellyfish Americans all just limp-wristed, Oh, I'm bad, I'm racist, let me give you everything I've got, I've been bad!
And then to that, the third world people say, That's right!
Now get down there and lick my boots!
Your people are dying!
And soon we'll just kill all of you!
How does that sound?
Oh, that sounds great!
Thank you!
I was on KLVJ doing a Sunday show and we got a few emails that were going, who is this UT professor?
You know, there's not a head of UT's Chicago Studies up in Arlington saying that all whites need to be killed.
We've written articles on the articles on Prison Planet.
We have audio links.
The guy's been all over the news.
He said, don't try it.
Can you imagine if a white professor was saying,
Well, I just think the answer is killing all the blacks.
I think that's really going to be the answer.
I mean, even a black professor, what, two years ago, said we need to kill all the whites.
Remember that?
And he got in all that trouble?
You see, blacks are above the whites now in America, but above the blacks is the illegal alien Mexican.
They're above the cops, they're above the firemen.
They are first class citizens.
They get preferential treatment on loans, on houses, on credit cards, on jobs.
The corporations want an incentive to bring in third world populations.
And they are doing it.
And the establishment loves the Asians and they love bringing in the Eastern Europeans to displace and drive down wages, but they don't love them like they love the Mexicans.
Because the Chinese come here and want to be Americans.
The Eastern Europeans come here and want to be Americans.
And that doesn't work too good for the globalists.
It's good to drive down the wages, and do a few things like that, and get on welfare, and to get in the system, new clients.
But that's not what they really love.
They love setting up revolution in this country.
They just love it!
And plus, they speak another language, so people don't know what's going on.
Though, they're finding out now.
So, you know, Bush says, hey, there's 11 million illegals.
We can't kick them all out.
No, it's really 30 million.
And so what Bush is saying is capitulate and give me my blanket amnesty guest worker program.
And so I ask you, American people, I know I just keep bringing this up the last few days is because it just, it makes me, it just makes my head spin to, I cannot believe that Mecha and La Raza
And Mexico and all these groups with millions of members are so Hitler-like.
I mean, Hitler didn't say kill all of the Jews or kill all of the gypsies or kill... He kept that quiet and just tried it behind closed doors.
Look at how the media tries to keep that quiet.
And then tries to imply, you're bad if you don't go, oh yeah, kill me, good, I'm bad.
Yes, kill me.
Kill me.
It isn't going to work.
And the cat is out of the bag.
And the people now know what's really going on.
And they know how corrupt the Mexican system is.
And they don't want to live under that.
We already got kickbacks and Mordido, beak dipping.
Going on here in Texas big time.
Whole counties have been taken over.
Mexican flags fly at the government buildings.
This is mainstream news.
And it is just all over South Texas news that life has ended.
The investment is leaving.
The tourism is leaving.
It's going right back to dirt, dirt squares and chickens running around the streets.
And big fat sheriffs sitting up there going hee hee hee hee hee with their slaves around them.
Hey man, that's not the American way, okay?
And I am not going to be here in dirt, dirt towns with fat sheriffs and chickens running around.
And I'm not going to get down and lick the sheriff's boots and go, Oh, Federelli, oh, I'm a peon.
Oh, let me lick your boots.
Oh, Viva Mexico.
So good.
It's a shameful, shameful culture.
I mean, how dare you try to embrace that and not embrace Americana?
It's sick!
It's a joke!
And our government loves your culture because your culture is death of freedom, death of independence, and death of the middle class.
So I rebuke your racist, corrupt kleptocracy.
And I'm not going to go along with it.
Let's talk to Mike in Texas.
Thanks for holding her on the air, Mike.
Oh, no problem, Alex.
Good to talk to you, finally.
I've been trying to get through for a while.
Good to talk to you.
Oh, yeah.
I often tell people that I live in Houston, Mexico.
That's what it seems like.
And it just gets worse and worse.
It really does.
And it'd be one thing if, you know, we'll take the leprosy and the TB and this meningitis and, you know, we'll take losing our jobs.
Just please don't rub it in, you know, and just tell us how you're going to kill us.
You've been waiting a long time to get on, but I'm just going to say this.
I'm tired of walking in restaurants.
I'm tired of walking into super stores, and you go in the bathroom and there's a pile of toilet paper folded with wipings all over it.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, because the people using those toilets have never seen toilets, and they think you go to the bathroom and you throw the poop in the corner, the wipings.
And a lot of people are seeing this and don't know what it is.
That's the new face of America, folks.
People so ignorant that they... I'm sorry, go ahead.
Oh, no, no, no, no problem.
I like listening to what you have to say.
I listen to you almost every day.
I woke up probably about a year ago because of the 9-11 road to tyranny, and I've watched all your videos since, and I've been giving them out to friends and family.
I've been encountering a lot of double-think, but when I go and show people actual documentation, much like you do, their eyes open and they just freak out.
A lot of them try to double-think their way out of it.
Well, describe that process and tell me what documentation you use.
Oh, well, okay, I'll go to InfoWars and I'll see one of your articles, and I'll click on the link at the top where it originally came from, you know, AP or ABC News, wherever it comes from.
And show it to them.
Now, like with the torture thing, I was just speaking to my girlfriend's mother.
And, you know, a lot of the things she's very receptive to, when we started talking about torture, doublethink kind of kicked in.
And she goes, well, they do it to our people.
Why don't we do it to them?
And I said, well, it's not right.
It's against the Geneva Convention.
It's against a lot of things that Americans believe in.
And she doublethinked it again and said, well, we need to get the information to get the terrorists.
And I pointed out to her, the terrorists are sitting at the top of the United States.
They're not sitting
Over in some Middle Eastern country.
And it nearly blew her mind.
And, you know, she... Did you show her how they're torturing children?
Yeah, I sent her an article and she just couldn't believe that.
She didn't want to believe that our government could do it, even though she admitted that she knows the government has done torture for years.
I'm telling you, this torture into the children is the thing that can bring them down.
And, you know, I hope that it does bring them down, Alex, and we really need to.
A lot of people are starting to wake up, you know, thanks to you and other people like you that do what you do.
And, you know, I stick mainly with your stuff because I know that you're 100% documented.
Anything that you say, I know I can go and look it up online and I'll find it from multiple sources that are legitimate sources, and it freaks people out when I do that.
And I've learned a lot of that from watching what you do and listening to what you do.
And one of the things that I need people to start doing is when they do their research, a lot of times I'll run into little roadblocks, like with SPP.gov, when I first went there, when you told me about it, I went to SPP.gov and I noticed a new link on the left-hand nav bar that said,
Uh... myths and facts.
And if you read through there, it tries to debunk everything that you say, but when you read through the documentation, you see that it's all wordplay on their behalf.
Yeah, they've got a new link where they lie, hoping you'll go believe them yet again, but if you go read... Listen, you can go read the CFR that wrote the plan.
And they say it's North American Union, total integration,
And under that we lose all our freedoms.
The people that set the plan up call it world government.
Then after the fact they can try to spin it, put perfume on it, it is still what it is.
I had to laugh because it says in the Myths and Facts that we are not trying to form an American Union, but when you read the documentation, they're not.
They're trying to form a North American Union.
It's wordplay.
That's what they do.
No, exactly.
It's like, we don't torture, we pressure.
And by the way, we changed the definition of torture to pressure.
Yeah, exactly.
You know, it's like I told my girlfriend's mom.
I was like, you know, if they change it from ripping out toenails to an advanced manicure, then people are going to accept it?
I mean, it's just, it's ridiculous some of the things they do to try to spin and try to give wordplay to everything.
Well, that's really it.
What people do is they try to engage in mental
Gymnastics to ignore and, oh, it's not as bad as they say, or, oh, that's not true, or, oh, it's just the Democrats' fault, or, oh, it's the Republicans' fault.
No, folks, we have got a corrupt regime, an entire government totally bought off by foreign interest, and it's like we're a giant casino or something.
I've never seen such looting.
I've never seen such crazed, rabid, slash and burn, strip mining of a society.
And that's because they know this country's going down.
And I appreciate your call.
When we get back, I'll get into this Toronto Star article with the IMF coming out and saying they are really concerned about our economy.
Stay with us.
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There's this report out of the Toronto Star today.
It's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
IMF's fears must be heeded.
borrowing trade deficits are unsustainable, writes columnist Dave Crane.
You can expect the International Monetary Fund to come out and say the world is headed for a global financial crash.
And it isn't saying that.
But what it is saying is, in its own careful way, is that the risk of such a calamity is increasing.
This may sound quite strange given the fact that its latest world economic outlook is forecasting for 2007, the fourth consecutive year of strong global growth.
Yeah, like 11% in China leading it.
But it is why
Raghuram Rajan, the IMF Chief Economist, told a press briefing in advance of the IMF World Bank Annual Meeting that got underway in Singapore this weekend that he was feeling a little schizophrenic.
As he put it, we are in a world with strong growth projections, but also one in which the downside risks are growing, and those risks have increased since the provisions of the IMF Economic Outlook in April.
The most difficult risk is that of disorderly adjustment of what finance officials call the global imbalances.
This is a way of saying the global economy is skewed and it cannot keep on this way.
On one side is the huge and growing build-up of U.S.
borrowings from the rest of the world to finance its unstable trade and budget deficits, and on the other side, countries such as China and Japan ringing up huge trade surpluses with the U.S.
and lending their surplus funds back in the tune of $800 billion a year, or about $2.2 billion a day.
As he argues though, this borrowing binge might end smoothly, but world financial leaders are right to be worried about a more precipitous realignment that would likely set off a massive dollar
Depreciation and possibly much worse.
Indeed, if policy makers continue to sit on their hands, it is not hard to imagine a sharp global slowdown or even a devastating financial crisis.
That's his quote.
And it goes on and it gets worse.
Let me just read that quote to you again.
Or even a devastating
Financial crisis, a sharp global slowdown, or even a devastating financial crisis.
And the global bankers, the IMF world bankers, we've got in their own documents, Cichlitz, the former chief economist at the World Banquet, published a few years ago, with a bunch of documents in 2002.
And in those documents, thousands of pages, it's all predatory.
It's all how to loan money to somebody, how to make sure they don't pay it back, how to then loan them a billion and end up, you know, the country ends up paying $15 billion by the time they're done.
It's just like they send credit cards to an 18-year-old high school graduate and jack him up on debt, but as soon as you're making money, they don't send you credit cards anymore.
It's about getting you into the system.
It's about indebting you for life.
You'll spend a few thousand on a credit card, by the time you're done, pay twenty-something thousand on it.
They love it!
Well, it's the same thing with our country.
But in this case, we don't really owe this money.
Private central banks, it's a family cartel, it's less than fifteen families, own the central banks of the world.
It was all set up with the Bank of England, the Bank of France, the Bank of Germany, and then of course we got the Bank of the U.S., which is really the private Federal Reserve in 1913.
And ever since then, they've seized this country as an engine of global economic control.
Now they're using us militarily as well.
And they create what I call black holes of debt.
They design it so that governments, societies, private interests,
Private debt.
They design the economy by manipulating the money supply and the trade deficit through neo-mercantile systems to consolidate, to wage war against the middle class, to consolidate industries and companies and service.
And their own documents are public on this.
They've done this.
They've destroyed our economy, but so that we don't economically revolt or physically revolt before their control grid is in place.
Before the shackles are on us, they have applied a type of heroin, economic heroin, to kind of deaden the pain as they break our legs, so that we are incapacitated and can't fight them.
And what is that massive dollar printing?
Just double the money supply the last six years.
Bernanke says he'll double it in the next two.
Just printing money like it's going out.
It's like the Germans in the 20s.
I mean, it's just... The printing presses are on fire.
Money is shooting out like confetti.
And... It's unbelievable.
I'll finish commenting on this when we get back.
We'll go to your calls.
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But what you gotta love...
Is the IMF.
Chief Economist coming out and going, I'm really worried about the economy.
I'm worried about this world economic system, and I tell you, China and India, they're all going to do just great, but America's going to probably crash, and it's just too bad.
We're real upset about it.
Meanwhile, these are the people that run our country.
I mean, when somebody from the IMF or World Bank or Federal Reserve comes into Congress, you watch body language.
When the President comes in, there's a little bit of pomp and fanfare.
But when Mr. Greenspan or Helicopter Bernanke comes in, it's, Sir, gracious Sir, Excellency, your committee chairman, you don't mind if I ask you a little question, do you?
I'm about to talk to you.
Sir, please, please, is it all right, Banker Ruler?
And all they are is a criminal cartel that bought off our politicians in 1913 that got control of our money supply.
I mean, how big a shot would you be after 90-something years if you had a monopoly over all of the issuance of money in this country?
Yeah, you'd be owning and running everything.
But see, it isn't enough for them to just buy up the majority of the economy and all the major companies.
They want to blow out the economy fully.
At a key point that they're choosing, so they can come in with all the wealth they've accrued, and so they can buy up all the shattered pieces for not even pennies on the dollar.
And so before they engineer that collapse, they can also be positioned to protect all of their assets.
But something's happened.
And if you read the Toronto Star, if you read what the Times of London reported three months ago, if you read what the real financial pages are saying,
Is that the IMF and the World Bank and the Ex-Im Bank and all the rest of these different groups, different heads of the same hydra, are upset, saying, are we going to, in fact he just said it here, are we going to have a gradual, controlled correction of the dollar?
Because it's going down!
America's gone!
Do you understand?
You spoiled, rotten, scum, you abortion-loving, cheeseburger-loving, full-of-yourselves, you know, there's-no-end-of-the-party people.
Do you understand?
It's gone.
Illegal aliens, don't worry.
You get to overrun us and run around waving foreign flags and, okay?
Land of the scum, home of the slave.
I'm sorry to be negative here.
America's gone, okay?
Now, the question is, how bad is our death going to be?
You see?
And so, here are the bankers saying that.
Well, is it going to be controlled, or will it be cataclysmic?
And they say, in a cataclysmic plunge, they may lose their shirts.
And they're now telling a lot of the high-level minions, who are, you know, worth hundreds of millions apiece themselves, that, oh, by the way, you're probably going to lose your shirt, too.
You see, I'm upset about the fact that we're now going into the North American Union.
I'm upset by the fact that the dollar has been devalued by 40 plus percent.
I am upset by everything that is happening, everything that is unfolding.
I am upset by the fact that my children are going to grow up in a third world fascist police state
Peopled by a completely moron population of drooling idiots who are going to love their own enslavement.
I'm trying to revive the country.
We're trying to resurrect the country.
But if we can't admit that the country, as it stands now, is already gone, then there's no hope.
And I'm not being negative here.
And so the very people that are engineering all of this are now the ones standing up there telling us it's coming and saying, gee, we sure are trying to stop it.
No, they're not.
Yeah, they're trying to stop it like a fish tries to stop living in water.
I mean, it just, it's just incredible.
I said I'd mention this so we will, then we'll go to your calls.
Liquid Bomb Terror Plot is a fiction underscoring
Police failures.
That will come up in the next hour with our guest.
It's not the article I'm looking for, my friends.
Where is it?
Here it is.
Canadian Police Errors Lead to Innocent Man's Torture.
This is out of Reuters.
Canadian police wrongfully identified an Ottawa software engineer as an Islamic extremist, prompting U.S.
agents to deport him to Syria, where he was tortured.
An official inquiry concluded yesterday.
Maher Arar, who holds a Canadian and Syrian nationality, was arrested in New York in September 2002 and accused of being an Al-Qaeda member, which is rare as a tooth fairy.
And only exist in the minds of our government.
It is a vapor that they blame their own terrorist acts on.
In fact, said the judge who led the probe, all the signs point to the fact that Arar was completely innocent.
He said he was repeatedly tortured in the year he spent in Damascus jails, and the inquiry agreed that he had been tortured.
He was freed in 2003.
And it took three years to have the inquiry come to a head.
And of course you notice here it says that he was deported to Syria to a secret U.S.
controlled prison to be tortured.
They're behind Al-Qaeda, they're going to attack us any minute.
We need to go ahead and blow them up.
We need to go ahead and nuke them.
The average neocon listener says they can't find it on the map.
Find their hind end probably, but the point is, they can't find their head from a hole in the ground is a better way to say it.
And they just, doesn't matter, just little stuff like this, they didn't blame you.
Shipped to Syria, where they follow the globalist orders so closely they torture whoever they're ordered to.
One of the places they torture children.
Not a fan of Assad.
But it just shows how staged, all staged folks.
Let's go ahead and take a call.
Point is folks, we're hearing that they're a big enemy, but they work with our government, see?
Because our government are a bunch of criminals.
Let's go ahead and who's up first here?
Hib in Texas.
Hib, welcome sir.
Thank you sir.
I've got a question for you.
Concerning the event that you're anticipating coming up that you said you think might be happening, are you familiar with the use that these people put the number 117 to when they select dates and how they pull things off?
Well, I'm not into numerology myself.
And I don't do little calculations and things like a lot of folks do.
I'm not saying you shouldn't.
I just, myself, I am aware of the criminology and the sociology of the pathology of the New World Order's criminal activities.
They are obsessed with numbers 9-1-1, 7-11, 6-6-6, 3-11, 911 days after 9-11 in Madrid.
I mean, elaborate on this number that you've raised, because I'm unfamiliar with it.
Apparently, as near as I can tell, it's been involved with their sacred worship on their part, going back hundreds of years in architecture and design, and even some things that are pretty much in your face these days.
You know, trying to run numbers and explain crunching over the air is impossible to do,
I really have come to believe that it is very important to them and that they are well likely to use that number in whatever they pull at any time.
That's why I ask and bring it up.
Well, tell me the number again and then just elaborate on just some.
Okay, well, the number 117, such as if you're looking at when the first go four kicked off.
Now, there's a lot of
In architecture, in various ways that it's been used over the centuries, but that is something that just, it's in your face.
It's right there.
That's really as much as I can explain it without visual aids.
It's pretty hard to do.
But what I wanted to find out was if you were familiar with it, and if you were interested, I do have some stuff that I could mail to you if you could turn me over to somebody to give an address.
Well, thank you, sir.
I am always interested in information and let me just give you the address over the air for yourself and everybody else.
How's that sound?
Do you have a pen and paper?
Far away.
Okay, you can write to me at 3001, that's 3001, South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Fine and dandy.
Okay, thank you, Hib.
I appreciate the call.
Let me just comment on it because you raised it.
I go where the facts are.
I go where the information is.
In my own bumbling way.
And yes, the people running our country, the people running our world, are totally obsessed
With numerology, and numbers, and the occult, and astrology, and everything else you could... tea leaves, dice, I mean, they are a bunch of lunatics.
Remember Ronald Reagan?
It is admitted, his wife admits, she's written it in her autobiography, that the exact minute, the exact second, say 845 and 14 seconds, that he would give a speech
How many words were in his speech?
What color tie he would wear to reflect the planet he was in, in the house of whatever.
I mean, you know, that's the stuff you know about him.
Hillary and the Shaman at 3 a.m., trying to resurrect Eleanor Roosevelt.
These people are completely nuts.
And Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, all of it.
The Arabs are not into numbers, and they're not into carrying out attacks on numbers.
But the Illuminati are.
And look at 9-11.
I mean, all the weird stuff with nines and ones concerning that day, and then, you know the spiel.
A year later, the New York lottery, not the Illinois lottery, not the Texas lottery, the New York lottery comes up 9-1-1 for the first and only time.
And on that same day, the Chicago mercantile comes up 9-1-1.
And that's the elite showing you that with the derivatives market, it's all staged.
You know, how they close it each day.
And they do this over and over and over again.
And they are obsessed with numbers.
Let's go ahead and talk to Charles in Wisconsin.
Welcome, Charles.
How are you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
First time caller.
I got unplugged from the propaganda matrix back in March.
Oh, welcome, sir.
What's on your mind?
Actually, I was a little curious of your intake on this Jesus camp and this sycophant fanatic Becky Fisher.
Because when I saw this, when I saw this clip from this, you know how she's training her children and brainwashing them, I was like, I couldn't believe it.
Now, I'm blessed with a child who has 140 IQ, and when I showed her
You should have seen her jaw drop.
I was just curious about how your take on this and everything else.
Have you seen this clip yet?
Yeah, it's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
It's from ABC News.
Let me put you on hold, and then I'm going to play about a minute and a half of this three-minute clip, and then we'll come back after we play the clip and talk a little bit about it.
Here it is.
Jesus Camp.
That's a new and in-your-face documentary that came out this weekend.
The movie's about a Bible camp called Kids on Fire, where the pastor says the children are being groomed to be soldiers in God's army.
This movie is raising eyebrows, raising hackles, and raising questions about evangelizing to young people.
Speaking in tongues.
Weeping for salvation.
Praying for an end to abortion.
Worshipping to a picture of President Bush.
These are some of the activities at Pastor Becky Fisher's Bible Camp in North Dakota, as shown in the provocative new documentary, Jesus Camp.
I want to see them as radically laying down their lives for the gospel, as they are over in Pakistan, and in Israel, and Palestine, and all those different places.
You know, a lot of people die for God and stuff, and they're not even afraid.
We're just kind of being trained to be warriors.
Only in a much funner way.
The film has caused a split among evangelicals.
Some say it's designed to demonize.
Others have embraced it, including Pastor Fisher, who's helping promote the film.
I've never felt at any point that we were exploited.
This camp is, by many accounts, a small and perhaps extreme slice of what some say is a growing, intensifying evangelical youth movement.
Over the past decade and a half, enrollment at Christian colleges is up 70%.
Okay, let's stop right there.
And then the left uses this, the mainstream media uses this to demonize people that are against abortion, that are against all these bad things that are happening.
Folks, I can watch the video.
These children are crazed.
They've got evil in their eyes.
It is like a Jim Jones cult.
There are huge pictures of Bush.
They are actually worshipping.
They put their hands up and fall down before him, which is totally against the Bible.
It looks like the scene that Moses saw when he came down Mount Sinai and saw him going completely ape.
And this woman preacher just looks like a pig demon to me.
Just one look at her and you can tell where she comes from.
And this is how the devil operates, folks.
This is how he demonizes Christians.
This is what they do.
And I'm telling you, I heard Kitzel here in Austin
Months after 9-11, say George Bush is Jesus.
I told you I heard it.
And I literally almost ran off the road.
I actually slowed down and was trying to get a pen to write down what program it was.
But this was a little more subtle.
It was George Bush talking and going, he's our father.
He's our leader.
He protects us.
He loves us.
And it would be Bush going, we're going to defeat him.
We're going to fight him.
We're going to come together.
He cares.
He knows.
He's our Lord.
George Bush would then talk again, then say some more, and then Bush would talk again at the end.
I'm going, this is pure blasphemy.
It goes, He's our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
And it was on local Christian radio, but it was on some national show.
And this is what it's about.
Worshipping George Bush, who himself is a Skull and Bones slash Bohemian Grove member.
Let's go back to Charles in Wisconsin.
Charles, you wanted to comment on this?
Yeah, it looks like Jim Jones brainwashing.
Go ahead.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, when I first saw that, I mean, my first reaction is I wanted to vomit.
I'm like, oh my God.
And I don't even know how to articulate it.
You know, where this starts with our children and everything else.
Like I said, I've sort of been blessed with a kid who's got really good cognitive thinking skills.
But for the rest of America, I don't know how they would view this.
Is this some, how do I put it, some cultist fascist going through our country?
Oh yeah, oh no, that's exactly it.
The government has taken over the evangelical movement, the dominant movement, and it's led by Pastor Hagee and others.
And they get up there with that fake preacher voice and said, World War III is coming!
And the Lord, he's going to lead it!
Worship George Bush!
George Bush has got the sword of the Lord!
And it's totally fake.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire.
The ring of fire.
And it burns, burns, burns,
Don't wait folks, my new film Terror Storm is out with 66 minutes of extras, amazing information added to this even more amazing documentary film, the history of government sponsored terror, what happened on 7-7 in London, Madrid, and then we lead into the latest info on 9-11, then the lies of the Iraq War, the 7-7 information is then tied in with 9-11, and we also cover the NSA spying
Get your copy of Terror Storm at InfoWars.com today or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 888-253-3139 or go to PrisonPlanet.tv, get a 15 cent a day membership and you can download all 15 of my films, hundreds of weekly TV reports,
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Listen, the government isn't supposed to be involved in any level with religion in this country.
Whether it's Hopi Indians chewing on mescaline or Baptist preachers baptizing their children out in the local river.
And it's called the First Amendment.
Anybody who hasn't read it should go read it.
Congress shall make no N.O.
law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
But like everything else they do, they go, oh, just in the fifties, you trust the government now, Americans.
You never did before, but just sign a little form.
You've got your tax exemption.
When the preachers didn't know they were waiving what the whole revolution was fought on, that they were signing a contract to be a ward of the state.
You could still go have a church outside of that.
And it's the same thing that we face on every other major issue.
Oh, there's no law you gotta have a vaccine, but we'd like you to sign this waiver.
But then they'll still send the police out to arrest you for not taking the vaccine.
Well, that's what they tell you.
No, they kick your child out because they didn't tell you about the waiver, which you didn't have to sign to begin with, but then they make your child truant, and then they come and try to prosecute you when in truth, there have been a lot of state laws passed to prosecute them when they do that because it's illegal.
But they engage in mass hoax, mass lie, against all of us every year when school starts, and we just put up with it like a bunch of dumb cattle.
And look, I know I sit here and I talk a little bit rude to people and I'm a little bit brisk or brash.
It's because I actually respect you.
You'll run into a lot of people that will sit there and pat you on the head and a lot of people that will sit there and tell you what you want to hear and introduce you to something real slow and tell you how smart you are and tell you that you've got all the answers.
And meanwhile they're raping the daylights out of you.
It's like government.
They'll tell police all day how much the government cares about you.
The government's here to protect you.
The government wants you to stick with the government.
The government will do whatever it takes.
It's the government, us together against the people.
The government won't give you health care when you need it.
The government isn't going to take care of you when you need it.
The government isn't going to do it.
Over and over again, they look at their servants even lower than they do the general cattle.
And you'll still lick the hand that changed you.
And it's just so frustrating.
This government we have bears no resemblance to the one we had 80 years ago.
Almost no resemblance to the one we had 50 years ago.
This is not my government.
This is an imposter.
It would be like if you were married.
You were married to a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman and you showed up and it was a red-haired, green-eyed woman and it wasn't your wife and she said, what do you mean?
I'm your wife!
I'm your wife!
No, it's not our wife!
It's not our government!
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have Lieutenant Colonel Retired Nigel Wilde, a former senior British Army intelligence officer, joining us coming up in the next segment to talk about some very important issues.
Right now, let's go to Deutschland and talk to Dustin in Germany, an American living in Germany.
He's watching CNN International.
I want him to call in and tell us about a coup in Thailand.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, CNN is saying right now that there's a coup going on in Thailand, and the military has surrounded the government building there, like I guess the Capitol.
And the UN's got a big thing on it.
The CNN just had their big CNN analyst from the UN.
I don't remember his name.
The funny looking guy that's always joking around about the UN.
And yeah, he was all like, you know what I'm saying?
Well, the military's taking over the government building and there's a coup.
And now they got a big breaking news flag over the TV.
Military announces martial law across country.
Well, I'm sure it's to fight Al Qaeda.
Oh yeah, probably.
Yeah, I mean generals don't want power and to rule people.
Government never wants power.
There's never conspiracies.
Nothing's ever bad.
There is no martial law.
There is no coup.
But even when there is, it's good at the same time and needs to be supported.
Just like the coups we've had here and Bush saying he wants to be a dictator and destroying the Bill of Rights is good and getting rid of our freedoms and our borders is good and it's conservative.
And now tripling the size of the BATF.
I'm sorry, it's been more than doubled now.
That's conservative, and spending more money than all presidents before him combined is good.
And I just think world government's good, and we should just go along with it.
What do you think?
No way.
We should never go along with it.
Every country needs to have their sovereignty.
You must be with Al Qaeda, sir.
I must be.
Keep that quiet.
This is an overseas call.
The NSA is listening to us.
Well, they're listening to the domestic ones, too.
No, no, no.
We know the Bill of Rights is bad.
And we apologize for our evil.
And we appreciate the fact that global corporations have taken over the U.S.
and are destroying all our freedoms.
Thank you, government.
You're our God.
And thank you for spying on us, too.
That's freedom plus good.
Alright man, have a good one.
Good to hear from you.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Let's jam another call in.
We've got a guest coming up in the next segment.
We'll take your calls later as well.
Let's talk to James in Indiana.
James, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Alex, good to hear you're getting better.
Even when your body is sick, your shoulders are great.
Well, thank you.
I'm one of these people that was totally pro-Bush.
I wanted to help them fight the terrorists, so I joined the military after 9-11.
I was all into it, so I wanted to find out how the terrorists got here.
I wanted to find out all about it.
Unfortunately, I did research, and that's when I woke up.
I realized that you guys were not crazy.
I was on the crazy side.
All it is is information.
I'm living proof that
People are waking up and it takes information.
I see the world completely different now than I did a year and a half ago.
What was it like when you started researching and you found out that the entire 9-11 story was a fraud?
It's like taking that red pill.
The whole world looks completely different.
You realize you're looking at a false, I don't know what the word is, but you were seeing things falsely.
Well, it's like a false backdrop.
It's like a false projection, a movie screen.
Yeah, I mean, you see a world that's not really true.
All it is is information.
All people need is information.
I mean, that's the key to business.
Yeah, that's it.
They just overlay some information, show us some pictures of some guys in a cave, and there's the whole proof they need to take all our freedoms, get rid of our country, launch all these wars, do all this stuff.
It's incredible.
And my whole family is pro-Bush, Republican, and I showed them what I found out, and they turned around too.
Oh really?
Stay there briefly.
Go ahead and get our guest on, but I want to let this gentleman finish up because this is what I'm seeing happening.
His testimony mirrors what I'm seeing happen on a hundred fronts.
We are winning the fight for this country.
We are going to save this republic with God's help.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
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From his Central Texas Command Center deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in just a moment, we'll be talking to Lt.
Nigel Wilde, former senior British Army intelligence officer, who worked in Northern Ireland, worked in East Germany, all over.
We could have this going for 10 hours.
We're really honored to have him.
But real fast, finishing up with the caller, James in Indiana.
You were mentioning how you joined the military after 9-11, and then you started researching what really happened on 9-11, and you found out we were telling the truth about the official story being a scam.
You had left off saying you then started waking up your family, who were big Bush supporters, and that with the evidence you were able to wake them up.
What was that process of waking up like for them?
Uh, well, they, um, even nobody that knows anything, just walking around, little things come out like the Dubai Ports deal.
People go, well, that's kind of weird.
You know, so they're already starting to, you know, think that's odd, but, you know, still, still, he's a good president, he's a good Republican, he's a Christian, all that stuff.
But you just show them, you know, news reports that you can get off your site, show them this stuff, and, you know, and the videos, your videos lose change, too.
I don't agree with everything that's in there.
I mean, there's a whole lot of information on the Internet.
You know, the war games, the insider trading,
Um, the training of the military bases are from the hijackers.
I mean, it just a whole bunch of stuff.
I mean, it's Silverstein and how we got the properties and how the the World Trade Centers were white elephants.
I mean, it just goes on and on and on.
And it just show up this stuff.
And there's a ton of it.
And so, you know, they can't argue with after a while, like, you know, they can't argue with it.
And then, you know, they'd wake up too.
And then once you wake up,
Start seeing things easy, easier.
Even things on local news like, you know, my mom was, you know, she's an elderly lady who loves, you know, she's a good Christian, thinks, she used to think Bush was a good guy.
And like the Florida, those, the kids in Florida that were supposed to be terrorists, she saw that and just laughed.
She knew what was going on.
Yeah, the blinders, the blinders are coming off.
You keep it up, sir, and God bless you, and we appreciate your service to the country.
Let's now go to our guest.
We do have on the line with us Lieutenant Colonel Retired Nigel Wilde.
Sir, you've got a literal five-page bio here, jam-packed with the incredible things you've done in your life.
We're so honored to have you.
First off, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
And some of the experiences of your life, some of the big controversies you've been involved in, and then we can move on to the big discussion, an article by Nafeez Ahmed concerning your serious questions about the terror raids of a month and a half ago.
Yes, good evening Alex from London.
Thank you sir.
It's lovely and warm here.
I hope you're enjoying similar weather over there.
We are.
It's very nice here as well, sir.
Well, I've had some 30-odd years experience in, initially, ammunition technical officer, which is the jargon term for bomb disposal and the chemistry of explosives and all of that sort of activity.
I've been a bomb disposal officer, terrorist bomb disposal officer, and
Carried that activity out in Northern Ireland, where we had a very intensive campaign.
The Queen gave me the Queen's Gallantry Medal for that.
And subsequent to that, I've been in intelligence roles of various forms, working very closely with the American Armed Forces in East Germany, where we had liaison missions, and we were
Legalized spies on the activities of the Soviet and East German forces over there.
We could interview... I'm not going to go into any more detail.
Sure, sure, I know you can.
I was going to say... No, no, I was going to say we could do a whole interview on that, but we're not.
But I bet that was amazing.
Pretty friendly fellows, the Stasi?
The Stasi were pretty nasty bastards.
Yeah, yeah.
But the Russians were, in the main, very cooperative, very helpful when we were actually having official meetings with them.
That said, my opposite number in the American mission was Major Nick Nicholson, Arthur Nicholson, to give him his full name, but we always knew him as Nick.
Nick and I trained before we went to East Germany together, and he was shot.
Back in 1985, I was killed by the Russian Guard at a place called Ludwigslist, northwest of Berlin.
So you've seen some pretty serious service?
Yes, I've seen some very unpleasant things, and I've seen some very pleasant things as well.
I've seen service from terrorist activity in Cyprus in the 60s, when I arrived
On a late night flight and we were traveling to the British Sovereign Base area from the airport.
We looked up on the hill and saw some flaming balls rolling down a hillside, 19 of them.
And that was when we discovered that these were Greek... Sorry, these were Turkish members who'd been set... Turkish members of a village who'd been killed.
Put into bales of straw and rolled down a hillside towards the village.
And this led to a very serious incident when the Turkish forces back in 1967 almost invaded the island of Cyprus.
That invasion was prevented by diplomatic means, but at a later date, of course, the Turks invaded Cyprus and occupied more than half of that island.
So, I've been involved in scene terrorism from that end right through my whole career.
Now, of course, there was the big controversy where they claimed that you were violating official secrets, something they've also jailed David Shaler for.
Can you, in a nutshell, tell us about the case you were involved in when the government came after you for something which they had to later admit was indeed no longer a secret, they were just trying to punish you?
Well, I think what happened was they weren't trying to punish me.
I happened to get swept up in something which was a side issue.
What actually happened was that I had worked officially with an author to write the official history of the missions in Eastern Germany.
He then went on to subsequently write a book on Northern Ireland.
And at the same time, in Northern Ireland, there was a former intelligence operative who uses the pseudonym Martin Ingram.
And Martin was talking to various members of the police and the press about his operations there, because there was an attempt to cover up official killings
by members of the security forces who were using proxy terrorists to do the work for them.
And these allegations have been going around for some time and they're the subject of quite an investigation here in England at the moment.
But he was writing a book and I think the whole intention of attacking the author of the book written by
Mr. Geraghty with whom I was working on his first book.
Geraghty wrote the book for us on East Germany and then he started to write his own book about Northern Ireland and they went for him on that but the whole purpose was to deter Martin Ingram from writing his book and I just got swept on because I'd been involved in the first book.
The whole saga lasted for two years before they finally dropped the case.
Sure, now you're speaking up.
I have a report here, headline liquid.
bomb terror plot is a quote fiction underscoring police failures and now i mean it's uh... tell us uh... lieutenant colonel retired and i know wild why are you have serious concerns about the official story that we were all sad about these unstoppable bionic murder teams that was just tell me i think we're going to do you have to do separate two things here the first thing is what
These individuals are going to be charged with, and in my experience, what they're actually charged with is not what the hyperbole of the official pronouncements is.
It's normally immigration.
They will probably be charged with intent, and intent is very simple to prove, you know, in the sense.
But they've also, in the past, in some of the other sweeps, they end up just getting them on things like immigration.
That's another case, yeah.
But in this case, I think they're trying to get them on intent.
Intent to do something.
However, what they were actually telling the public, and the disruption that has occurred to the traveling public and the costs that have been incurred by many airlines,
and airport authorities throughout Europe and America as a result of this activity has largely in my opinion been totally and utterly unnecessary because what you have they were saying that these guys were trying the threat was from a liquid explosive of an acetone type well and
By carrying the liquids on board, they were actually going to make an explosive on a plane.
To actually make an explosive using some sort of peroxide and acetone mixture, you require an acid as well.
There are a number of variants that you can produce, but they're very volatile chemicals and they take an awful lot of
Uh, preparation to actually mix them.
One of the things that you need is cooling.
And you need to carry their action out as cool as possible, preferably down at, um, uh, zero degrees, with lots of ice to keep the, uh, mixture cool.
The next thing you need is a long period of time for it to, um, evaporate, so that a white crystal powder forms at the end of it all.
By that time, your plane's landed and everybody's got off.
So what is actually being suggested doesn't make sense.
What I am hearing now from our officials is... Well, I'll tell you what, stay there.
We've got a break, sir.
This is so important.
But day one, and you're of course an explosives expert yourself, day one explosive experts said, what?
You're not going to mix explosives on the plane.
They just needed something new to hype and have a bunch of fear because Bush and Blair are both in so much trouble politically.
And they've got to give them some new reason to poke and prod at you at the airport.
We'll be right back with our guest.
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Remember Mike McCormick we interviewed?
A few days ago, Mike McCormick, one of the 9-11 heroes, he helped get the documents out about the asbestos and the mercury and they wouldn't give the police, firemen, and emergency workers medical treatment.
Days after I interviewed him, he got raided by a SWAT team.
And they tried to say his barbecue pit was a chemical weapons factory.
Well, see, this feeds into what we're talking about right now.
We're talking to retired Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Wilde, and he began his career in intelligence in bomb disposal.
He's an expert on that subject.
And the official government story was this chemical cocktail they were going to use to blow the plane up, they told us how they were going to do it, and then after Mr. Wilde and others went public and exposed the fact that this is impossible,
What they had said.
What's their new spin, sir?
Well, the new spin that I'm now being fed is that Al-Qaeda have been working on this for 10 years and seem to have cracked what scientists working in laboratories haven't.
I remember being taught this many years ago by the professor of chemistry of explosives and his assistant, who we shall call Igor, who was an Eastern European
Gentlemen who'd escaped after the war to England where he was living.
And it was Igor's role to provide the chemicals to the professor so he could demonstrate to us how various substances were made.
And when we were making these acetone chemical explosives, he would put it all together and Igor would produce too much concentrated acid, too much concentrated peroxide.
And he hated the professor and his attempt was to blow the professor up and the professor's role in life was to avoid being blown up by Igor and by us.
But it led to some pretty spectacular lectures and we were actually in a position to see that the scientists have not been able to produce this sort of liquid quickly and into an explosive in a confined space of such as a toilet on an airplane.
But the spin is now that that has been done.
By Al-Qaeda, but not by the scientists.
Now let's be clear, they first put out their story, people still have brains, so it's proven to be a fraud, and so then they just spin it and say, oh now it magically works!
Does it matter what the official scientists with degrees say?
No, Al-Qaeda has magical powers!
Yes, well I think that's beginning to be the sort of line.
But the question I think, Alex, that you really ought to be looking at, is
Why haven't our governments been taking action to protect people on planes by detecting acetone-based explosives?
And having almost 100% foolproof devices at airports.
They haven't gone into the development of these equipments.
Oh that's right, because the acetone doesn't get picked up by the normal swab detectors, so there is a real threat.
There is a real threat, and we want to know what action has been taken to carry out
Detection of this equipment.
Now the real reason that they've got for having to close down and restrict people's baggage is they haven't got any liquid detectors or detectors for these liquids.
And that is the basic problem.
The guys at the University of Berkeley have just produced something.
They're researching this for medical purposes and they may well be able to come up with something in the near future.
But we've had Richard Reid on board with this explosive in the past, and what has happened?
We have no formal detection equipment for this type of explosive, and that is the risk for the general public.
Well, we know who gets more power and control and its elements in the government every time there is a terror attack, and very convenient when these raids took place.
I'm sure you saw how they busted the young black kids in Miami.
Yeah, I did.
Weren't even Muslims.
They delivered fertilizer to some Muslims up in Canada.
I mean, this is getting pretty ridiculous.
It's a political stunt, according to the information I've got.
Well, that may be a lot of truth in that, I would say.
Well, we appreciate your courage in speaking out, sir, and you are an expert on the subject, as you said.
This is what you did officially in military intelligence for much of your career, all over the world, and do you think, and quite a few experts have spoken out, as you have spoken out, do you think that's hurting their official story, or will the public just buy anything?
Well, I think the public will buy anything, but I think there is beginning to be, let's face it, if you say it loud enough, dear old Goebbels, the biggest lie is the best lie, because that is the one that people will believe.
The bigger the lie,
The bigger they take up by the general public because they have no access to other forms of information.
Now, you know, there is something that would do really bad stuff on an airplane with liquids.
There's quite a few other things, but we won't get into those.
There are, indeed.
Listen, I appreciate you talking with us today, and have a great end of summer.
All the best, Alex.
God bless.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
Well, I won't back down.
No, I won't back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell.
But I won't back down.
Gonna stand my ground.
Won't be turned around.
And I'll keep this world from dragging me down Gonna stand my ground And I won't back down Hey, baby There ain't no easy way out Hey, I
Welcome back, my friends.
Thank you for joining us.
We've got about 25 minutes left here of live broadcast.
And I've got some final news items we do need to cover.
A few things I want to recap as well.
But let's go to your calls.
Always great issues or news items.
Pieces of info are brought up by you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeffrey or Jeff in Kentucky.
You're on the air.
Hey, sir.
This is my second time calling and I'd like to thank you for everything you're doing.
Thank you.
I fell asleep about 10 years ago, about when I was 15.
Well, that would be more than 10 years ago.
And I joined the Army at the age of 18.
That was a little over nine years ago.
And I've seen
I've seen some stuff on two tours of Kosovo and one tour in Iraq and that's one of the reasons why I got out of the military was Iraq.
I've seen a couple of things happen over there that shook my feelings to the core.
When I got out I joined, well I didn't join but I went to college and I'm going to university now to get my degree in nursing.
That's a good thing to get into.
There's a big shortage.
I mean you know that but I'm just telling the listeners.
Oh yeah.
One of my ethics teachers, his name's Alexander, he didn't exactly focus me towards you, but he focused me to the Project for a New American Century.
I saw when that date was, and the process they're going through, it was just like a reawakening.
Like that gentleman said earlier, it's like your blinders get taken off.
When I was in the infantry, and that's when you get indoctrinated in the military, the
Besides Special Forces, Infantry is like the biggest indoctrination program.
They force into your head what's right and what's wrong with their version.
And you're basically turned into an automaton.
But when I got out, and thanks to that college professor, and now that you're programming, it's helped me readjust and understand what happened over there.
And for people that don't believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, they did.
I had a couple of them used on me.
The problem is, the stuff that was used on us was made in the good ol' USA.
And our government gave it to them, and that's the only reason it hasn't come out, and they said, well we found them, because it says right on the side of the munitions, Made in America.
Well let me be clear, those mustard gas, sarin, VX, things like that are classified as WMDs, but when Bush said WMDs, this is where the confusion comes in.
They were talking about nuclear or super high-tech bio-weapons.
And they tried to claim the mobile trucks for pumping up balloons were bio-trucks, but that was disproven.
But it is true.
I know from the first Gulf War, and I've interviewed the people involved, we have a video of it, inside the bunkers that our government had blown up, it was all marked US, US, US.
And so, yeah, when Bush says we know he's got WMDs, he knows it because we got the receipt.
And you were talking about the second thing that got me out of the military that kind of turned me off towards the military is the standard of truth coming through basic training now.
I mean, a true soldier, a true warrior would not want to torture people because you know if you're captured by those same people, you will be tortured.
Well, more than that, more than that, history shows torture doesn't work unless you want fake intelligence, unless you want people to claim they did something they didn't do.
It works for evil governments.
It does not work for an up-front good government or good military.
And, you know, it's not just that.
In the last four or five years, the recruiting standards
I mean, it is gang members, it is scum, it is low-grade morons.
You talk about La Raza and La Mecha, there's groups of people in the United States.
I had an E-5.
I was an E-6 when I left the military.
I had an E-5 that came in and he got beat up because he was basically saying the same kind of stuff that you are about the immigration policies and the invasion of America.
You got beat up by a bunch of Mexican kids in the military.
And these are kids.
These are indoctrinated gang members joining our military now.
And you think the military is going to protect the country when it all comes down to said and done?
They're going to be protecting their interests.
And it's the nationality or the low-rasa.
Yeah, well you know this tendency of the Larry Conquista's to pile on people, that doesn't work too well when you've got the Second Amendment.
Because you know, a whole bunch of rounds will just pile out of the end of your barrel.
And so, you know, it won't work too well.
But no, we've got a big problem.
The government's brought them in here on purpose to bring the country down.
And they've got recruiting ads and billboards all over Mexico.
And our military, right now, has 75,000.
And this is official numbers.
People who were illegal aliens, who have now been instantly legalized.
And listen, if the government's saying 75,000, it's a lot more than that.
And that's another point about the military.
They tell people, hey, you come in and serve the country for eight years and we'll make you a United States citizen.
I mean, that's all fine and dandy if you want to do it the natural way, but you've got these groups coming in over the border, and that's like the amnesty program for the military.
I know, it's a serious problem.
It is a really big problem.
I appreciate your call, sir.
I mean, this immigration issue is the key.
9-11 is the key to stopping the New World Order takeover of the planet and the police state.
But the immigration is the key to saving the country.
I mean, there are 30 million illegals here who have been filled with hatred of this country and believe this is Mexico.
And the government, again, gives them welfare.
Everything is an incentive to come here.
And they are going to double their numbers very quickly.
And they're too ignorant.
They're too brainwashed to understand that they're being controlled.
And they don't care if they're being used.
It is, you know, thousands of years of being slaves.
They've never been free.
Going back to the Aztecs, and the Toltecs, and the Mayans.
And they don't care.
And, you know, they run into this politically correct, limp-wristed, chicken-neck America, and they're perfect to take this country over.
I mean, we have gone from the land of the free, home of the brave.
Everybody respected us, but were also afraid of us.
We had the best military because it was made up of the farm boys from all over this country who knew how to shoot from the time they were five years old.
Now, literally, I've seen our military in New York.
I saw them, folks.
It was like something out of a science fiction comedy.
I mean, they were stupid as dirt.
They were running around acting like little effeminate tough guys.
They waddled.
They would try to yell at us, turn our cameras off, and we'd yell back at them and they'd get fearful and run off.
They were just... I've seen it.
I mean, oh my gosh.
I mean, either you've got inner city people, white trash, or you've got illegal aliens.
And that's what our military is now.
That's the new... that's the transformation.
And then you've got all the good people that are left in it, black, white, Hispanic, it doesn't matter.
Who signed up for three years, ten years, their time's up.
They're like, hey, I've been in Iraq two, three, four tours.
What do you mean you're sending me back?
And those guys are being held in there and are supposed to command the literal criminal brigades.
I mean, that's what our military is.
I've seen them, folks.
There's bases all around Texas.
They don't look like military did five years ago.
They look nothing like military ten years ago.
They are pathetic, disheveled, stupid looking, hunched over.
I would describe them as wrestling fans.
In fact, I have described them as that before.
You know, these effeminate men who think, who don't know they're effeminate, who think they're tough.
And they're so effeminate, grown men, a grown man who's ever been in a real fight knows that wrestling is not real.
I mean, I knew it was fake when I was five years old.
All right?
And so the type of scum that watches professional wrestling is what our military is today.
And let me tell you something.
We were standing by Madison Square Garden in the New Yorker Hotel.
Well, the video is up on the web now.
It's up on infowarriors.com and prisonplanet.com and we hear screaming outside and there is a van with about 15 troops running around flashing what looked like gang signs in the streets screaming at people and we had seen the same troops that day down the street running a checkpoint by the entrance to the train station so we thought well let's go see what they're doing so we walk outside
And the military get down a hand is nothing new, but I mean just to see these guys, they were running around in the crowd, freaking out with limos coming out, and like some of these men had to be 40.
And some of the others were like 18.
These are grown black men and white men, okay?
There weren't any Hispanics.
And there are hundreds of fans out here screaming and yelling for professional wrestlers that are coming in and out and leaving.
And we're just videotaping about 10 feet away and they turn and scream and run up and start cussing and say, turn those cameras off.
And I yell at them, no, we're not going to do it.
And so they, the funny thing was, you know, again, what do you expect from these type of people?
They should have bulled up and said something.
No, no, no, no, no.
Once we showed them that we weren't going to be, you know, basically dominated, then they ran off scurrying in their car with their officers screaming at them to get in the car and get out of there.
And then folks the next day we're leaving town and I walk up to another bus station another train station and we've got a camera rolling and these guys are so stupid they don't even know we're rolling a camera two feet in front of them a pretty good-sized handheld camera in Rob Jacobson's hand and Rob's right beside me and I show you the nice nice white guy and two nice black guys are standing there with their m16s I say
Hey, is this the station to catch the New Jersey train?
We took a plane into New Jersey.
That's where we had to go to fly out.
And Newark, Newark Liberty, oh boy.
And the guy starts going, yeah, it's down there.
This is how he talked.
He went, yeah, it's down there.
This is a big guy, a big farm boy.
He goes, yeah, it is.
We've got him on video.
We ought to go get the audio and play it.
I almost don't want to, because he wasn't mean to us, and he was just, he was retarded, folks, and there was no doubting it.
And probably 80 IQ.
He was like, yeah, yeah, I'll help you.
I'll show you where it's at.
I'll give you help.
You know what I like?
I like wrestling.
I like wrestling.
Oh, you like wrestling?
Yeah, they support the troops.
They support them.
They support them.
Folks, this really happened.
I mean, they're running around with wrestlers the night before.
I'm in another part of New York the next day.
I walk up just out of the blue.
I like wrestling.
I like it.
That's who they're getting.
The recruiters go get retarded farm boys and brain dead inner city kids and they go and they get them and they hype them up and they tell them it's going to be like professional wrestling and I know they use big orange Humvees playing cop, killer, rap.
That's been in the news and they promise them they're going to get millions of dollars.
They're going to be James Bond.
But let me tell you something, we're not going to win wars with people like that.
I can guarantee you that.
Because that's not the type of farm boys they were in the past.
That type of farm boy got rejected and stayed home and his brother went and fought.
I mean, and it came out in the news a few months ago, they are hiring now mildly retarded people for the military.
And folks, that is not fair to anybody.
Not to this country, not to the people that you're putting in harm's way.
I mean, if they send that guy to Iraq, he is not going to live very long.
I like, I help you, I give you, I show you where it is.
Hey, Rob Jacobson, come here and get on the radio.
He's out there video editing.
Hey, I don't even think he's listening to the show.
Let me see.
Hey, pull that chair out.
I want you to move that box out of the way out of that chair.
Sit down.
Hey, do you remember the second group of troops we talked to?
And were you just not listening to me out in the hall?
Crap, I just spilled water all over.
Excuse me, folks.
I just spilled water everywhere.
Didn't get on the equipment though, that's good.
Rob, am I joking?
Were the troops like basically all retarded?
Uh, yeah.
It was surprising to see.
I didn't really speak much to the guy, but I did remember overhearing him.
You're not being inaccurate.
Just out of the blue?
I'm not wrestling.
Yeah, yeah.
He was like that.
Really nice guy.
He was very helpful to us.
How did he talk?
He had a bit of a speech impediment.
It wasn't a speech impediment.
Yeah, he was retarded.
He also had a look in his eye that was also a little bit, you know, it didn't seem like, you could tell when you walk up to somebody and perhaps they are maybe retarded.
Well, yeah, I mean, it's nothing against retarded people.
Yeah, totally.
It's just that the point is they're not in the military.
We actually were witnessing multiple retarded troops.
I mean, I would say if this guy went overseas or something, just like you said, I don't think he would definitely be marching right into whatever they tell him to and get blown away.
It didn't seem like he was a thinker to me.
But the point is that most of them looked like that and acted like that.
Yeah, they're just kind of grunts on the street.
Yeah, but there's always been dumb people in the military now, but these guys are just a new grade.
I mean, it is just like... Well, the night before, a bunch of us were hanging out outside the hotel.
We were right outside Madison Square Garden.
There was a wrestling event, and there was a huge amount of... Now, he doesn't need headphones, it's alright.
We're almost done, anyways.
There was a huge amount of military people out there enjoying the entertainment and getting out of there, I guess.
It was at the end of the event.
I think we got some of it on camera, I don't know.
Oh yeah, we've got a whole show.
We've talked about it for 20 minutes.
Hey, Rob, thanks for coming in and talking to us.
No problem.
And we're not trying to be mean, folks.
It is a scary phenomenon.
I mean, in all the previous years of my life, I haven't seen retarded troops.
And I'm now seeing them more and more.
And by the way, that was in the mainstream news just about, what, two months ago.
They lowered the standards to the lowest level, and 14% were given waivers to be below the lowest admissible level.
You understand the average person has 100 IQ.
When you hit 80, you're a moron.
A complete moron.
And at 70, you're a full-fledged retarded.
And I'm serious.
Assessing these cribs, I would have to say they have between 80 and 90 IQs.
The highest being 90.
Alright, I've said enough.
I've got all these callers to talk to.
We're going to blitz to your calls.
Mike, Matt, John, and Nick.
I'm going to give each one of you 60 seconds.
Stay there.
Give everybody plenty of time.
I had to... I'm not trying to be mean, folks.
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Alright, Mike, you're on air.
Where are you calling us from today, my friend?
Thank you.
Thank God for you getting the word out to everybody else, too.
I just had a basic question.
CNN, this morning and yesterday morning, had a little blurb about Russian troops moving into Canada for war games, which totally surprises me, because I never thought Canada and Russia... Yeah, I've gotten a bunch of calls on this, but I couldn't find it.
Okay, well, my question is,
You had a caller yesterday on yesterday's show from Canada who said he saw 19 divisions come in.
Now, if they're doing war games, 19 divisions is an invasion force, not a war game.
Yeah, I mean a war game should have a couple thousand troops, not 90,000.
So I was wondering if anybody had been able to get confirmation of that yet or not?
No, I have been unable to do that, but that's an important call, sir.
Thank you.
Good to hear from you, Mike.
We appreciate it.
Matt, in Mississippi.
Thanks for holding.
Never let us tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories.
Us being the 9-11 Truth Movement.
You're either with us, the 9-11 Truth Movement, or you're with the terrorists.
Well, that's true, yeah.
Hey, I'm calling from the largest sheeple breeding ground in the country here in Mississippi.
And I just wanted to, uh, thanks for the extras you guys sent me whenever I bought the bracelets from MenForWars.com.
You guys also put together a few stickers and a little booklet for the Bill of Rights.
Oh yeah, we always, we throw free stuff in every order, sir.
And you guys, listen, the listeners must go and get these bracelets.
They're great.
I mean, awesome.
On one side they say Defend Freedom, and on the other side it says Infowars.com.
By the way, we just got new ones in that say 9-11 was an inside job, Infowars.com, or PrisonPlanet.com.
Those new ones just came in, and they're great conversation pieces.
That way you meet like-minded people.
It says 9-11 was an inside job?
Yeah, we just got new ones in.
Well, I'll have to be going to Infowars.com, but hey,
I just wanted to ask you a couple questions.
Sure, go ahead.
If I could go ahead and plug my website because I'm having a tough time here in Mississippi finding like-minded people.
And you're wanting to find a like-minded froy line, aren't you?
Okay, go ahead and give your website out.
It's just MySpace.com forward slash Morrockin.
That's spelled M-O-R-E-R-O-C-K-I-N.
And one more question.
Well listen, if I miss that website, I'll never get it.
MySpace.com forward slash more M-O-R-E Rockin' R-O-C-K-I-N.
Listen, I gotta move real quick.
What else?
Okay, the governor of Louisiana is asking for military to help out in New Orleans with crime.
She's asking for basically martial law.
Did you read that article?
She's been calling for that for a month.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, it's just all a big scam.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Ohio.
Sorry to other callers, we're out of time.
John, go ahead.
Okay, ZMAG.org had an article enumerating all the things you talked about about the generation of the army troops, but one thing you didn't mention was that there's a massive campaign by neo-Nazis and white supremacists to get in there to... Oh yeah, there's that too.
In fact, there was a news report about that, yeah.
Yeah, so that they can come home and provoke a war against blacks and browns and immigrants.
I know, but the matches, they're real sweet though, right?
I don't have enough time.
Are they sweet?
I don't have enough time.
Let me talk about something I had on Coast to Coast last night.
Do you have enough time for me to get into that or not?
Yeah, go ahead!
Well, you know, I think that George Norrie, every time I turn him on, he's got somebody on scaremongering beyond any of these fake alerts that I've ever heard from Bush or anybody else.
He reaches clear off into the most scaremongering ideas that Iraq or Iran has got bombs in this country, that Al-Qaeda is real, that martial law would be understandable.
He oohs and aahs at all of these types of people he has on.
I think there's something very fishy about him, and I think you do an awful good job on exposing the police state.
John, thank you.
Listen, give me a call back tomorrow and we can talk more about it.
I'm out of time.
I love you folks.
God bless you.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.