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Name: 20060914_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 14, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, ladies and gentlemen... Well, it's nothing new to say that the president of Venezuela is no friend of the United States, particularly the Bush administration.
Hugo Chavez leading a crusade against U.S.
dominance of Latin America for the past several years, but just after the fifth anniversary of the September 11th attacks, well, he's added a bit of fuel to the fire.
The hypothesis that is gaining strength, which was said on television last night and which could soon blow up, is that it was the same U.S.
imperial power that planned and carried out this terrible terrorist attack, or act, against its own people and against citizens from all over the world.
To justify the aggression that was immediately unleashed on Afghanistan, on Iraq,
Well, we're having a great morning here, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me tell you, we're off to a fabulous start.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours, and we have, of course, several guests coming up later in the broadcast.
I feel like I've been run over by a Mack truck.
One of my staff is out with a 103 degree fever, and I think I'm starting to come down with some wonderful bug picked up in the mega city of New York.
But we're going to be here live for the next three hours, my friends, and come hell or high water, Lord willing, I will be, of course, at the Alamo Draft House South Lamar tonight from 7 to around 1030.
I will give a speech.
We will play the film, and of course, we'll take your questions and comments.
Also, we're going to have elements of the Golden Arm Trio that did the music for Terror Storm there at the beginning of the film.
As you're entering the theater, they'll play for about 20 minutes, I'm told, some of the music they composed, Graham Reynolds composed, for the documentary Terror Storm.
Great crowd, sellout, overflow crowd last night at the Alamo Draft House, and I really enjoyed seeing everybody.
Just always so many great people, so thank you
for coming out.
Well, we mentioned this yesterday, that is, a crawler did, and I, lo and behold, noticed that we'd already had it up on InfoWars.com, but here it is.
This is out of the Associated Press.
Air Force Chief, test weapons on testy U.S.
Non-lethal weapons, such as high-powered microwave devices, should be used on American citizens in crowd control situations before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force Secretary said two days ago.
The object is basically public relations.
Domestic use would make it easier to avoid questions from others about possible safety considerations, said Secretary Michael Wayne.
If we're not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in wartime situations," said Wayne.
And this is the practice that is in effect right now all over the country at different events.
They roll out the acoustic sound weapons that will bring you to your knees and shatter your eardrums.
Well, this is nothing compared to the Humvees with huge microwave dishes on them that cause your skin to actually burn and they can focus the beam down narrowly and actually fry you.
On a wide beam, it's just painful.
You can go read the specs on it.
The company is quite proud of it.
Four years ago we learned that these have been deployed in every major U.S.
At armories around the country, in large cities there are dozens and dozens of these waiting.
In smaller cities, like Austin, we know there's two of these units ready to roll out and fire at you and your family when you're begging for food or when FEMA shut down the city and you're starving to death, they'll just microwave the cockroaches.
We'll cover this and a lot more.
Stay with us.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're going to have wide open telephones today.
I want to take calls for the entire three hours.
Any news issue, any item, you question me, you disagree with me, you go to the head of the line.
I'd love to hear from first-time callers, but we're not restricting who can call.
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Before I get into Air Force Chief says test weapons on testing U.S.
mobs with microwave guns, just to name a few, I thought I would get into the SADD report.
That Texas Governor Ann Richards, former Texas Governor, unseated back in the 90s by President Bush, has died.
Ann Richards, ex-Governor of Texas, dies at 73.
She had esophageal cancer.
We were all wondering how long she'd hang on.
A nice lady.
I didn't agree with a lot of her policies.
She even did a little promo ad for the Alamo Draftowl Cinema here in Austin where they have these little joke pieces where basically they say that the theater is going to kill you if you talk or talk on your cell phone during the movie and she did one of them.
They asked me to do one last year and I did it.
It's a little joke piece but then they asked Ann Richards to do it and she did it with pretty high production quality.
Sad she's dead now.
Ann W. Richards
The silver-haired Texas activist who galvanized the 1988 Democratic National Convention with her T.A.R.T.
keynote speech, and was the state's 45th governor until upset in 1994 by an underestimated challenger named George W. Bush, died Wednesday at her home in Austin.
She was 73.
Died yesterday.
Richards died surrounded by her four children,
of complications from the esophageal cancer the Associated Press reported.
Richards is one of the most recent and one of the most effective in a long line of Lone Star state progressives who vied for control of Texas in the days when it was largely a one-party democratic enclave, a champion of civil rights, feminism.
Her defeat by the future president was one of the chief makers of the end of generations of democratic dominance in Texas.
So cemented was her celebrity on the national stage, however, that she appeared in national advertising campaigns, including one for Snack Chips, said Bob Dole, and was a lawyer and lobbyist for public strategies, Werner Lippert Bernard, and it goes on.
Poor George, he can't help it, Ms.
Richards said at the Democratic Convention in 98, speaking about the current President's father, former President George Bush.
He was born with a silver boot.
Foot in his mouth.
Kind of brain dead folks.
After you don't sleep for three or four days and you finally get some sleep.
A little bit punchy here.
Burning the candle at three or four ends.
So we're done talking about Ann Richards.
She's dead.
Like everybody else is going to die.
And just understand life is transient.
Death is 100%.
So live life to the fullest.
Live it with passion.
Live it with love.
And do the right thing, because before you know it, you too will be punching out of this plane of existence.
Air Force Chief tests weapons on testy U.S.
And I meant to get up early this morning and do some research on this story that I saw yesterday.
And I did do that research.
And I then left the house for some reason and left about 30 articles I'd printed sitting there on the counter.
Busy talking to a plumber.
I got distracted paying a plumber, actually.
But, so I'm very upset with myself right now because I intended to type up, pull up US Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1520A, Paragraph B.
I just remembered looking at the story, I printed it when I got into the office, that I didn't have time to get U.S.
Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, Paragraph B. And the reason that is so important is you can go to the Library of Congress, you can go to Cornell Law, you can go to some of the better online law codexes, lexicons, encyclopedias, law libraries, whatever you want to call them.
And you can read U.S.
Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1520A, Paragraph B. And believe me, the criminals running our government wouldn't have passed this into the U.S.
Code back in the mid-eighties if they didn't intend to use it.
I want you to know that the government can pull you over on the side of the road and make you and your children and your wife drink cyanide and you can flop around for 30 seconds like dying fish out of water
And that police officer cannot go to jail.
I want you to know that they could stick us up on poles like Vlad the Impaler.
George Bush could have White House swimming pools filled with blood and have White House parties.
They could roast human beings on spits.
They, according to the law they got passed, literally, literally,
serve up longham or humans at the congressional office buildings.
Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1520A, Paragraph B. If you read it, it says the government isn't allowed to use chemical, radiological, biological weapons on you.
Unless it's for research purposes, and then they can even use lethal chemical, biological, radiological agents on you for any reason if it's under the auspices of research.
And see, there's all these little key terms they use.
And when you go read subsection B, paragraph B, when you go read it, you will see openly the government saying that they are allowed to kill you.
And the reason they got this passed in the 80s, mid-80s, or was it 85, was because Project Shad had just come out.
That they would march Americans, British troops into chambers and kill them.
Just our government murdering troops.
And it was coming out that they'd forcibly sterilized 400,000 women.
And it was coming out that they had put all sorts of poisons and toxins and radiation particulates into people in the hospitals.
And they had military personnel posing as dentists.
Well, they were dentists, but posing as regular dentists at city clinics, injecting radiation into people's jaws.
I mean, they've been doing it all.
I mean, there's so many
Well, they declassified a raft of it, 3,000 plus cases of just aerial spraying in 77.
That's 3,200 and something.
They declassified a few thousand other whole programs.
Let's be clear, each program has untold numbers, and most of it's classified.
It'll just say, you know, we released biologicals, deaths resulted, details are classified.
And then you look at the press report.
say from 68 when they released it on the subway and it reports that over 50 people died in the next three days of the unknown biological pathogen in New York hospitals.
And the army was there with their pre-placed doctors to look at the effects.
So when you see an article like this new one that came out today, Air Force Chief Test Weapons on Testi... excuse me...
Air Force Chief tests weapons on testy U.S.
This means so much.
It's just like I always tell you about how all crime is terrorism, but not even quote crime.
All infrastructure protection, copyright infringement, photographing a police officer,
These aren't laws now, they're just guidelines that are then tied into law.
And so Greg Pallas of the BBC goes to a huge FEMA camp, where the people are basically, it's like a minimum security prison, and it's right up against a huge chemical plant, and he videotapes the chemical plant, the public chemical plant, and they've got arrest warrants under terrorism charges for Greg Pallas and his cameraman.
His cameraman, by the way, is signed from ABC News.
In a pooling agreement.
And again, what did Pallis write in his article about this now?
And he's literally on the run.
He wrote in his article up at gregpallis.com that the Homeland Security officer, and he has his name there, I told him over the phone, that he is wanted for violations of infrastructure security and infrastructure protection.
And they're going to charge him as a terrorist under a terror provision.
That's why I had National Guard troops right outside Madison Square Garden run over and scream and cuss at me and tell me, turn the camera off.
What they do is they run up and stick their faces in the cameras and then scream, turn them off.
And at that point, I didn't care anymore if they arrested me.
And I just don't care.
I mean, just mindless gang member type troops.
It's the same type of people we got on video when they find a family in Iraq with three sticks of wood in the back.
This is a month after the occupation.
People are starving to death.
And they just shoot the car up and laugh at them and then run over it with an Abrams tank twice and say, that'll teach you not to loot.
It's the exact same people.
And I am not going to live on my knees licking your boots.
I am not your slave.
So when we get back, Air Force Chief tests weapons on
Testing mobs.
By the way, these weapons aren't even approved, you see, in use in warfare, so we'll use them on our dumb public.
Home of the cowards, land of the slaves, they'll take anything.
Let's do it here first.
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Well, I won't back down.
No, I won't back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down.
Gonna stand my ground.
I won't be turned around.
Alright, Ruben, Joe, John, John, many others, we're gonna get to your calls coming up in the next segment.
It took me about three minutes during the break to find U.S.
Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1520A, Paragraph B, titled, Restrictions on Human Testing.
And then you read the Restrictions on Human Testing and it says, The government can kill us anytime they wish, for any reason.
Why do you think Bush says we can torture anybody we want and just not call it torture?
Why do you think they write in public memos that they can torture children in front of their parents?
And I'm sorry, I'll never get over that.
They'll never condition me to accept that.
I'm going to talk about it every day.
Because it's in U.S.
So for any police, any lawyers, any people in the system who doubt how criminal this government is.
And remember, some of you out there will say, well if it's the law, it's okay to do.
Said it was the law that he could arrest whole families and kill them.
So, no, it is not okay.
What is wrong with you?
It was the law that black people were slaves and didn't have any rights and their owners could kill them.
Now, I'm sure you think because it was the law that it's okay, some of you out there.
No, it is not okay.
It is not okay in the least.
So, let me now get back into this
Report out of the Associated Press, Air Force Chief, test weapons on testy U.S.
Now, these big microwave dish guns, the specs, the company that's produced them, there's a whole line of these, but the big company the government bought most of these systems from, there's different variants is my point.
Report that the unfocused beam, the wide-angle beam, burns your skin.
High-powered will fry you.
And they've already been put in every major U.S.
city four years ago.
They're waiting for you and your family.
When they bankrupt the country or pull whatever scam they're going to do, when you're trying to escape out of Chicago or Dallas or wherever, when the globalists have set off a mini-nuke, and just like New Orleans, you're trying to come over the overpasses, they'll just fry you and your family.
And they'll tell the troops, you know, U.S.
Code, Title 50.
Subsection, or Section 32, Subsection 1520A, Paragraph B.
I know I keep repeating that because I want you to go look it up for yourself.
In fact, Kevin just walked in.
I hit print when the break ended, and then he just came in with Title 50.
I've got it here.
It's Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, and that's just what you type in.
And it says, how current is this?
And it goes in.
It says prohibited activities the Secretary of Defense may not conduct directly or by contract.
Any test or experiment involving the use of chemical agent, biological agent on a civilian population or any other testing of chemical agent, biological agent on human subjects, exceptions, that's section B, subject to subsection C, D, and E of this section, the prohibition, and subsection A of this section, does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes.
Any peaceful purpose that is related to medical, therapeutic, pharmacological, agricultural, industrial, or research activity.
Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.
Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control.
Lethal weapons, boys and girls.
By the way, this has been added.
I hadn't looked at this in a few years.
Informed consent.
And then it goes on to say that there isn't informed consent needed if it's part of, again, a test for everyone's safety.
This is incredible.
And it just goes on for page after page.
I suggest that you go read this for yourself.
Death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant,
Other living organism?
Deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, and materials of any kind?
It just goes on and on.
So, here's the CNN report.
Air Force Chief tests weapons on testy U.S.
Non-legal weapons, such as high-powered microwave devices, should be used on American citizens in crowd control situations before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force Secretary said Tuesday.
The object is basically public relations.
Domestic use would make it easier to avoid questions from others about possible safety considerations, said Secretary Michael, I guess it's Ween or Winn.
If we're not willing to use it here against our own fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation, said the piece of trash.
I'll finish up with this and go to your calls on the other side of this break.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We've had four sell-out shows at the Alamo Drafthouse.
They're on South Lamar, a great stadium seating movie theater.
And the last one I'm going to do for a while, I don't have many events maybe, I looked it up, it's about on average every nine months I have Austin events.
At a theater.
This will be the last one for quite a while.
I'm going to be showing Terror Storm tonight.
This will be a special showing because the man that scored the music for the film, the original music for the film, Graham Reynolds, who's done music for several other films, including The Scanner Darkly, he's going to be there.
And he said, how many people do you want me to bring?
I mean, he could have ten people, he could have two people, he could have four.
I don't know how many people in his group.
Because he's got a whole symphony he does, a whole group that he works with.
But he didn't do a symphony for my films.
It was ten people in some of the bigger pieces, ten different instruments.
Well, ten different people, some of them doing as many as two instruments, so I guess that would be... It doesn't matter.
The point is, I don't know what's going to be there tonight.
I know Graham's coming with some folks, and so he'll probably start about...
645 or so and go to about 710 or so with the music and then I'll give a speech and then we'll show Terror Storm and then take questions at the end.
It was a great event last night.
It's always wonderful to shake your hand and get a chance to see you and I really enjoyed seeing friends that only come around maybe once a year when I have these events.
People who have been coming for years.
I always enjoy saying hi to you and shaking your hand.
So I do hope to see you out there tonight.
There are some tickets left, not many.
And what always happens is these events sell out.
It sold out several hours before last night.
But still the front row is empty because when people buy tickets online, there's always a few people that end up not coming.
So if you're really hot to go, you can probably just show up.
And we're kind of letting you in on a secret here, and there'll be a few seats right at 7, and some of those seats are open for people that didn't show up.
Maximum maybe 10 people will be able to get in once it sells out.
And they have a tendency to put out a few folding chairs, too.
We start turning away 20, 30, 40 people.
They'll try to put out some folding chairs for you.
So try to come to the event tonight, Alamo Draft House, on South Lamar.
Get your tickets right now at InfoWars.com before they do.
Sell out.
And I did say we'd have open phones today.
We're going to do that.
I've gotten a few emails going, Alex, what's up with the voice?
It's even deeper now.
This is why.
There's these guys I've seen at Ground Zero over and over again who have this big red banner that says, 9-11 was an inside job orchestrated by the Bush administration.
And they're there year after year, and they all sound just like me.
Or I sound just like them.
And why is that?
Because talking a lot, screaming a lot does this.
They don't let you have sound devices without special permits.
And so for two hours of three days of marching and demonstrating, we did have a bullhorn.
And boy, was it effective and powerful.
The rest of the time, I had to cut my hands around my mouth.
When Bush was, say, walking into the church about 100 yards away from me, this is what he heard.
9-11's an inside job!
But about 30 times louder.
And I've really got to quit doing it.
I'm not going to have a voice anymore if I don't, because my larynx is so torn up right now I can barely talk without coughing.
I'm only saying that so if you hear me rattling on air you will understand.
It is not good.
This is not why you tuned in to hear this, but I'm just letting you know.
Why have I sounded old and crusty before?
I sound now like I'm as old as the hills.
Because I'm wearing out my voice.
But it shall rise again here in a few days, hopefully.
I almost didn't do a show today, but I am here because I do want to take your calls.
I really do hope.
I went to Google Video last night when I came stumbling into the house at around midnight, and I wanted to see, there's something like 30 versions of Terror Storm that have been uploaded.
For free to the web.
One of them uploaded by us.
One other one was uploaded by somebody else and is really even in higher quality.
I don't know how they encoded it so well.
Because you can upload it great and Google still downgrades it a bit.
But I was excited to be clicking on, you know, now Google shows how many viewers each has had.
You know, one says 130,000 people have watched it.
Another says 110,000 have watched it.
Another says 80,000 have watched it.
Another says 45,000 have watched it.
Another one said 10,000 have watched it.
Another's got 180,000 that have watched it.
I didn't have time to add it all up, but it looked like several million, conservatively, have just watched it on Google Video alone now.
And I'm excited because it took Loose Change Second Edition about eight months, six, eight months, which is very exciting.
These guys have done a fabulous job.
And I now, you know, they say that I'm a hero to them and they see me as a model and an example.
Well, let's reverse those roles.
I see them.
You know, military, you know, great fighters, great patriots who have the courage to then come back and say the war was wrong like Cory Rowe.
You know, 23-year-old, now 24-year-old Dylan and Jason Bermas.
Jason's just such a great guy.
You know, the media keeps using a number from three months ago of 10 million downloads.
Well, if you go to the different versions and add them up, and I did this before I left New York, it's more like 20 million downloads for Liz Change, second edition.
But, TerrorStorm on the web for about a month and a half has over 2 million.
It's several million.
I was counting them up.
It's more than that.
I had to quit counting is the point I'm making.
And it's on track.
It's on track with numbers like that to be 10 million if it keeps, because it's geometrically exponentially growing, to be 10 million in just a month or so.
That feels so good.
I put so much blood, sweat, and tears into that film.
And the next one's going to be even better, folks.
God willing, we guarantee it.
That is, if I have anything to do with it, it's going to happen.
But, yeah, several million people, and by the way, it's all over the other Usenets, and it's all over the other BitTorrents, and it's all over the archive.org, it's all over the web.
So, I don't have the numbers for all the other downloads and the file sharing networks, but we know in the aggregate together, they are much bigger.
than even Google Video, so if we've had two million plus download TerrorStorm, view TerrorStorm on Google Video, then I wonder how many it is on the others.
I would say, conservatively, another two million.
So let's say, conservatively, four million downloads now of TerrorStorm.
That has got to be scaring the New World Order, because its growth curve
is much greater than Loose Change Second Edition.
So, we just knocked it out of the park.
Grand Slam big time!
And if you go to InfoWars.com, there's a big fat link on the main page, in case you didn't hear, to one of the better quality downloads of TerrorStorm at Google Video.
You know, I always promised you that if we could get videos out for free,
We would do it.
People say, yeah, right, sure.
We gotta go to prisonplanet.tv and pay 15 cents.
You need to give it out for free.
If I gave my films out for free with the servers that I'm already paying for internet, I have it added up.
Let me see.
For all of my internet and the services and the people doing it, I'm paying about... I don't even want to tell you how much I'm paying.
But let's just say it's about half the money we make.
And it's a catch-22, because I want to give everything away for free, but I don't have the Ford Foundation or the Rockefeller Foundation or the Annenberg CPB funding us.
We don't get a red nickel from the New World Order.
And so it is a catch-22.
As soon as I announced that I was giving TerrorStorm away for free, sales dropped to the floor.
But I did the math and had the accountant look at it, and we're able to pay the bills barely right now, so I just don't care, folks.
I really don't care.
You see, we could never give you all the videos for free because we had to pay for the bandwidth.
And I've gotten eight, nine thousand dollar bandwidth bills in a month for a single video I tried to put out for free.
But Google and YouTube have got the money, they got the bandwidth, they got the backbone, and so I'd be a liar if we didn't put it up there for free and tell you about it.
That's our goal, period, and the proof's in the pudding.
So, since it's there, I suggest you use it.
I suggest you go to Infowars.com.
Rents.com is a link to the good source too.
What frustrates me is 180,000, 130,000 have watched the cruddy ones.
There's a whole bunch of those.
Dozens and dozens of the cruddy ones.
And then you see the really super high premium ones and 60,000 have watched them.
So help us drive the good versions to the top.
Because some of the versions that people uploaded, I don't know what type of encoder they were using, it just looks like crap.
Excuse my mild French there.
But no insult to the French folks.
It's a saying.
I'm going to go to your calls.
The point is, this is really exciting.
This is the good news.
Not only were the majority of the firemen and the police on our side in New York, but now Terror Storm, a month and a half into being on the web,
is is is is left orbit and is going into deep space and it just it's turned on its nuclear engines and it's it's it's going to Valhalla baby I mean it is it is going all the way we can see that now thanks to you but let's accelerate it even faster you see that's gold that's diamonds to me I don't want real gold I don't want real diamonds I could care less about fancy clothes or fancy automobiles or big houses
I care about waking people up.
I literally, I don't like using the word, but it's the only word that comes to mind, I crave, I lust, I have a love affair, I have just unbelievable passion for the truth and waking people up and bringing murdering criminals to justice.
And it's going to happen, folks.
There are going to be even better films produced than mine.
There are going to be even better films produced from Loose Change.
You know, just as I was an example with the first Patriot videos of high quality, just as I was the trailblazer in 1997, and again, many people come to me, other filmmakers, and they tell me that, you know.
Just as my films woke up other young men that made other films that woke up ten times as many people as I'd ever woken up in a single strike, now Terror Storm will leapfrog past that.
I'm sure the next Loose Change film will leapfrog past me.
Someone else will leapfrog past us all, and I love it!
I revel in it!
This is unbelievable!
People told us we couldn't fight the New World Order!
I told us we couldn't have an effect!
Major Hollywood films, just a few million people see them.
We're making films and they're as big as major Hollywood films in a month and a half!
We're having a huge effect here!
All the glory goes to Jesus Christ!
Thank you, God!
Thank you!
Thank you for giving us the tools!
Thank you for giving us the chance!
Thank you for promising us that if we took action, and if we stood and had faith, and then put works into that faith, that you would aid us!
I am so sick of the phony churches, and all the people that tell us we can't win, and tell us we can't get a reprieve like Nineveh, that tell us that we can't affect change.
I am sick of you, and you're a bunch of devils, and go back to hell where you came from!
Get behind me!
I mean it!
That's what that means in the Bible, folks.
Get behind me, Satan!
Get out of my way!
I'm coming!
Do you understand?
I'm way past the point of no return.
My life already means something.
I've already done a lifetime's worth of work.
Long after I'm gone, I know this information will go on fighting the enemy.
And that's why I work so hard, so many nights, until 2, 3, 4 in the morning, with bloodshot eyes, looking like a raccoon with black circles.
Because I know I got one life to live, and I'm eleven and a hundred and ten percent, and I ask you to join me, and I know many of you have joined me.
I know many of you were right beside me in this war for this republic.
We're gonna expose the White House that writes memos saying they can torture little children.
Listen, these people are evil, and they need to be met, and they are being met, and we've just begun!
And I believe they've just now begun to figure out what a force we are.
And they've done the calculations.
They want to kill us so bad it hurts, but they know if they do that, our popularity will explode that much bigger.
If they wipe me out, if they strike me down, if they strike down the loose change men, if they strike down the patriots, they've learned that just bigger crops come out of that blood, that fertilizer.
As Thomas Jefferson said, the tree of liberty needs to be nourished by the blood of patriots.
We come first.
And then tyrants.
I love life.
I don't want to die.
But if they strike me down, that's God's will.
That's part of God's plan.
And I go willingly.
I go willingly into the enemy striking me down.
People ask why I don't carry a gun with a concealed permit.
People ask me why I don't care.
Why I don't worry.
Because I believe in God and I walk in faith!
And I've got somebody on my side that's a lot bigger than the God of this world!
And if I die, God killed me.
If I'm struck down, it was God's will.
And I want God's will to be done.
Whether that means I'm going to live to be 95 years old, or whether that means I'm going to be killed next week.
That is God's will, and I am confirmed in that, and I feel the strength of that.
I have stepped into time.
I have become an actor in history through God's will.
I have prayed a thousand times to be a vessel, and I am a vessel, and I am blessed!
And you need to pray not what you want or not what you need.
You need to pray that God's will be done in your life.
That's the prayer.
That's the prayer I want to hear out of your lips.
And it doesn't mean we're perfect.
And it doesn't mean we're spotless.
And it doesn't mean we're some kind of little, you know, robots.
It just simply means that we're on the side of good.
And that we have thrown in our lot with good.
And that we are in the game.
Not lukewarm, ladies and gentlemen.
I want you to get on one side or the other.
Because in the middle of the road is the most dangerous place to be.
It's an open hand.
Join us.
Join us.
Come over.
Don't be part of the evil.
Join us.
You hear the call.
You know it's there.
You know it's real.
Join us.
Join us.
Join He Who Loves You.
And I don't mean to be a preacher, folks.
People have always told me I should be a preacher.
It just comes out of me.
And I just, I am so honored to be here, and I am so thankful for everything, and I am so excited.
You know, as the evil intensifies, as the insanity gets worse and worse, why do you think they come out openly and say they torture children?
Why do you think they come out openly and say we're going to test microwave weapons on the U.S.
because they're too hardcore to use on the enemy?
Why do you think they come out and say we're going to make you take chips?
It's to condition you.
It's to sear your conscience.
It's to get you so conditioned to hearing wild things you get acclimated.
Don't let them acclimate you to this.
These are desperate psychological attempts to sell you on slavery.
These are psychological attempts to condition you.
They did tests going back 30, 40 years ago.
Many different universities and scientific firms have done it because humans behave much like rats do in our social interactions.
Very close physiologically to the rodent, even more so than the dog or the pig with the porcine.
If they just constantly keep the rats under pressure and constantly keep shocking them and constantly keep bombarding them, they finally just roll over into a catatonic state.
Be aware of the enemy's operations.
Be aware of what they're doing.
And go online right now.
And you get the link to TerrorStorm.
And you blast the internet with it.
And you keep blasting the internet with it.
And you keep blasting them and blasting them and blasting them and throw yourself against them.
Destroy them!
Destroy these murderers!
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police forgery, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Every day, photos pouring from around the country.
Here's a gigantic, about 50 foot long, spray painted on a highway wall.
911 was an inside job.
Infowars.com, Infowars.com, Infowars.com.
Yeah, if you're going to do stuff like this, and you're going to tag, you might as well tag with serious issues.
And, uh, I don't think we should tag people's private property, but this government is a criminal occupational system.
And so I say, I'm not holding you back.
Wink wink, good job.
Sorry folks, we're in a war.
And so that's just, I do support it and I'm not going to lie to you.
Let's talk to Rasheed in New York, then Joe, John, John, Leo, and others.
I apologize, I haven't gone to your calls yet.
Now I will start doing it.
Rasheed, welcome.
Hey, how you doing Mr. Jones?
Good sir.
It was good seeing you out here on Sunday, man.
It was great at Cooper Union.
It was awesome, wasn't it?
Oh, terrific.
Well, listen, I just have one point to make.
It's actually about the Popular Mechanics debate with Loose Change guys.
Alright, the sniveling little weasel on Popular Mechanics, he was also on the Charles Golett Show, I believe?
And I remember him talking about being able to see photos of the World Trade 7 debris, I guess, that hit the building from the First Trade Center.
Yeah, he just totally lied.
And he went on the show, said he had seen photos that they weren't able to release to the public.
Which is a total disgrace to the whole public.
The reason we know it's a lie is we have video and photos 365 degrees around it.
I've spent entire days just googling WTC7 photos.
I've seen video.
I've seen all the films.
And it's a total lie.
Listen, he's going with FEMA's third reason.
First they said fuel oil tank.
Then they said bad steel.
Then they said the North Tower fell into it, knocking out the central column.
Folks, only a few windows got knocked out.
Only some debris bounced into it.
It's like saying that Toucan Sam is real and is our president.
It has no bearing on reality.
It is a total lie.
Well, thanks a lot, man.
Keep doing what you're doing, and God bless you.
God bless you.
What did you think of the events, if you were there?
Oh, man, they were great.
I wish I could've... I wish I would've taken off September 11th and 12th so I could've been out there protesting in front of the CFR building.
That was historical.
It's got to freak the crooks out.
I don't know of anyone ever protesting in CFR.
I haven't seen any reports ever since it was created back in the 50s.
Well, they were extremely, extremely upset.
I'll keep doing it.
The people are going to wake up.
A lot of people here in New York are behind you.
They know what's going on.
Everybody out there that's listening, just keep doing it, man.
We got them on the run.
That's right.
Good to hear from you.
Joe, you're on the air.
Where are you calling us from?
Hey Alex, did I get that Air Force Chief right that he just designated us all enemy combatants?
Yeah, we need to use any excuse we can to test military weapons on the American people with the military.
Okay, I actually had two points, but this will be the first one.
So if we have lethal results on the American population, it's okay because it doesn't violate war conventions, because hey, we tested on this first.
So I can just see that being handy during a draft ride or something.
Um, that WorldNet Daily lawyer, the one who slandered and libeled Stephen Jones, he isn't going to take this Air Force Chief to task?
Aw, jeez.
Anyway, um, Stalin and Mao were just testing on their population, huh?
Anyway, that's right, you know, the U.S.
Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, Paragraph B, they say for any law enforcement reason, unauthorized, they can use lethal chemical, biologicals, it used to say radiological, that's not in this particular copy of the Code, it's changed, but, uh, you know, it's freedom, sir, that's what freedom is!
Okay, anyone want to touch on Silver if I can be over the break?
You want to touch on what?
The market is just whacked.
Alright, stay there.
I'll give you a minute on the other side.
Then we'll go to John and everybody else that's patiently holding on now.
Start taking your calls.
I've gotten Preacher Boy out of the way.
We can now commence with full transmission.
Masses of vital news as well.
This is the battle for the Republic.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Blasting into hour number two, as we separate from the first stage of our Titan Rocket.
Again, thank you for joining us.
We're open phones.
I want to get more into Hugo Chavez coming out saying that 9-11 may be an inside job.
I want to play the clip of him talking.
I've got several other clips.
And there's this bizarre new international push for luxury designer clothing where there's all these beautiful women with troops in black Darth Vader uniforms putting their boots on their necks and shoving them around and making them strip.
I mean, this is just how sick the propaganda is getting.
Now they're going to glorify it that way.
I mean, this is total mind control.
Let's go ahead and go back to Joe in Wisconsin.
We'll go to Leo, Bill, Ed, Walter.
And others.
Go ahead, you're on the air, Joe.
Finish up the point you wanted to make.
Yeah, silver market, it's been really manipulated very heavily.
I mean, if you take a look during the past year, it's been pretty relatively stable.
It keeps going up, keeps going up.
But in the last week, this last week, I've got it linked, but it's dropped $2 an ounce.
And it's clearly manipulated like crazy.
Just wait until after the election.
Shoot straight through the roof, the dollar's going to drop, and if you wanted to invest, invest now, for God's sakes.
Well, silver went from $8 an ounce up to $13 or $14 or something?
Yep, it sure did.
That was in March.
Well, there have been lawsuits over gold and silver, but mainly on gold, where the big central banks buy gold from each other at reduced rates and never even leaves the vaults to artificially drive down gold prices.
Well, could you have Robert Chapman on?
Because I know he's got his pulse on that definitely.
That's a good idea.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Leo in Mass.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
Hello, sir.
I'm calling from Boston, and I just had a question.
I've heard that they're putting DU in all
of the military ammo and stuff.
Is that true about like 308 rounds too?
Not all of it.
Let me break this down.
When they first used depleted uranium in 1991 in Iraq and since in Belgrade and all over Serbia and all over Kosovo, the southern region.
They've also used it in 10 proving grounds in the US, proving grounds in England and other proving grounds in Europe.
It was first only served up in certain sabot rounds in the Abrams tanks and in the Vulcan cannons mounted in the ATN Warthog tank killing fixed-wing aircraft.
Since then, it's been served and developed into the tips of cruise missiles, the tips of bunker busters, into .50 caliber sniper ammo.
It has been served into the Bradley fighting vehicles, battle cannons, and served into the Warriors cannons into that caliber.
And last time we had Dr. Rocky on, he had a report out on it.
It's in over 100 U.S.
munitions currently.
Okay, so as far as you know, the .308 rounds will be clean then?
Well, believe me, you're not going to be able to buy those at the store unless it's a big mistake, but I do believe that some special forces are now using depleted uranium tipped .308 rounds and also 9mm rounds in their MP5s.
Yes, there are special forces, I have read, and some limited cases have been served, armor-piercing small arms.
It goes right through body armor like butter.
Yeah, I know my local gun dealer does have like what they call battle packs, 240 round packs of 308 rounds.
It'll say depleted uranium on it.
A lot of the quote armor piercing just has hardened carbide steel little giblets inside, I don't know what the term is, little nails, little solid cores that are in those and those work pretty good too, but nothing like depleted uranium.
Okay, so you think this is like NATO surplus rounds that I've been buying and stuff?
Probably clean then, huh?
Yeah, I mean, it's very limited, the small arms it's being served up to.
But widespread with the Barrett's.
All the Barrett's in Iraq have been served.
The armories have served them the delicious and nutritious DU rounds.
We'll be right back.
Thank you, Alex.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation.
Engaging the New World Order at point-blank range as we carpet bomb their propaganda with truth bombs, as we blast their capital ships, as we take over their fortresses, as we gain ground on them.
We're on the march!
The Empire is imploding!
That doesn't mean this war to come isn't going to be bloody and painful and horrible.
The enemy will strike us, and as they strike out, that is their dying, flailing, desperate clutching at the reins of power.
I'm in somewhat of a dark mood today, I have to say.
Let's now go to... I'm sorry, I was told that Walter and Jesse are actually first-time callers, so you guys go to the other line.
Thank you, Alex.
It was great seeing you down there in New York.
I was down there for four days.
You did a great job.
I didn't show up Tuesday.
I went to the CFR building on Monday afternoon.
And there was security all over there Monday afternoon.
I guess you guys postponed it.
Yeah, we kind of ran out of juice.
We've been protesting since 8 in the morning and screaming.
And it was about 4.30 we were at the Hall of Justice or whatever it's called.
The big police base.
And the CFR was on the other end of town during rush hour.
It would have taken an hour by train, maybe an hour and a half by taxi.
No, that's not right.
An hour by taxi, 45 minutes by train.
And our permit for a bullhorn was gone, so we just decided to energize and do it the next day, and we did.
I was the last speaker on the panel at Cooper Union Sunday afternoon.
I don't know whether you heard me or not.
I didn't.
What's your name?
Walter Reddy.
Tell us about yourself.
Tell us who you are.
Well, I'm the state coordinator for We the People in Connecticut.
And I also was involved in the New York 9-11 Truth Organization there.
But I was speaking on the Council on Foreign Relations and all the connections with how every single anchor, news reporter, all the heads of the media are all CFR members and international banking cartel.
You know, how they took over this country almost a hundred years ago now.
And I, well, I mean that's basically what I was talking about.
Did you happen to hear me that afternoon?
No, I did not.
I'd gone back to ground zero.
I gave a speech and went back to ground zero and then came back and gave a speech that night.
Well, I just wanted... Sir?
No, no, go ahead, sir.
No, I just wanted to thank you for coming to New York.
It was great.
It was a great weekend.
Well, God bless you, my friend.
I appreciate your call and you joining us.
Let's go ahead and take another call now.
Let's talk to Jesse in Texas.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, sir.
I apologize.
I'm on a cell phone.
I hope my connection isn't too bad.
First and foremost, I know that you don't
necessarily get off, so to say, on appreciation, but let me just give you my appreciation for what you do.
Let me tell you why I really don't like it.
Because I know how flawed I am.
I know about all the problems I have.
I know how I don't, you know, I'm not perfect.
And it just keeps, it makes me think about the higher standard I'm at.
And it just is a responsibility.
They say with great power comes great responsibility.
And I just, I mean, literally in New York, I could hardly do, it was great, but I couldn't hardly do anything because it was just thousands of people.
Including firemen and police constantly everywhere I went.
You know, by the time I walked out of my hotel room in the morning, eating breakfast, get down on the diner, to walking down the street, to being on the subway, to going to the rallies.
You know, it's just, I see, and the other reason I don't like it, and I'm telling people for the first time why, I've never really thought about it until this weekend, is because I see you as leaders.
And I see it, frankly, as almost unhealthy.
I don't think so.
I am a naturally born leader, but the point is that I don't want to be the leader because that is not the paradigm.
I don't believe in pyramidal structures of centralized control.
I don't want people to wait for orders from headquarters, go to the sound of the guns, and if we just gorilla the enemy out of a playbook, out of a constitution, out of a manifesto, out of an idea that is bulletproof, we're unstoppable, sir.
And then I've got a couple of questions here for you.
This is my first time to call in.
I've been listening for years and years and I've been a part of this recruitment for the Truth Movement.
I get ready to fly into D.C.
on a work-related issue and I don't carry a driver's license.
I have paper documents, birth certificates, court orders.
Um, that I carry with me in the event that I do get pulled over by an officer.
They let illegal aliens in, and they let Amish fly, and they let others do that, but they will probably try to stop you.
You'll probably be there about five hours early, because they're going to try to keep you.
Maybe, I think they're about actually seven hours early, but you'll probably be able to fly.
Okay, okay, with my paper documents?
By law, they're supposed to.
Also, a family Bible is a document.
A family Bible, okay.
And could you also repeat for me the Title 50, Section 32, Subsection 1050 what?
Yeah, it's Title 50.
Title 50.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 32.
And you don't have to type in subsection, just Title 50, Chapter 32, 1520a and you will find it.
Well, I'm actually a student of the law and I'm getting ready to go to a law library right now and I thought that might be a little fun excursion for me because I love looking up the stuff that you quote.
Right, right.
And it's, you know, you're spot on.
I mean, everything that I've ever looked up or referenced that you cite or reference is, you're spot on.
I mean, you're awesome.
And then I have another quick question for you and maybe a quick plug if that's okay.
I would like to get your opinion on the Frost Bank building in downtown Austin and its resemblance to the Moloch Algod.
Well, that's esoteric.
That's like saying, why did the New York Lottery come up 9-11 on 9-11 the year after?
Why did that same day the Chicago Mercantile come up 9-11?
Why did Lone Gunman's Fox TV show have an episode where the government secretly hijacks a jet to fly to the World Trade Centers to get martial law and attack foreign countries?
And in the movie, in the TV show,
The criminal group in the Pentagon that's hijacking the jet by remote control to blame it on terrorists uses war games simultaneously to confuse NORAD, and five months later that exact thing happened on 9-11.
It's criminology, and people that are into black magic and witchcraft at the higher levels, they believe they have to do the ritual out in the open, and that somehow it gets all esoteric, they get more power from it.
And so... Hidden in plain sight.
Yeah, that's why when they had the feds out sniping people and they grabbed the two mind control victims, they kept saying, Bushmaster, 3-2-2.
And that's why they kept, you know, and the death said card was left there and the people kept seeing guys with, white guys with crew cuts, you know, plumes of smoke out the backs of van windows and then...
You know, it's the same, just like Northwood says, he'll stage sniper attacks in DC, how to frame Patrick.
I was getting ready to say, that mirrored Northwood like so many other... Everything, yeah.
And so, you study criminology, you know that it's the same, it's a sociopathic, psychopathic type.
They do the same stuff, and they're always the same.
It's always weird rituals, always weird tells, always trying to get caught.
It's just an individual lone wolf psycho.
He likes to call the cops, likes to taunt them, likes to send them letters, likes to give them clues.
And it's the same thing with these people.
And I can give, for police listening, do not doubt me or laugh, I can give you hundreds of examples of tells.
of things that uh... the globalist bush's controllers and clinton's controllers do and I frankly it insults my intelligence and insults us all and that's what the owl is with the two big owl eyes and the horned owl it's got the crest on its breastplate and two of our people went to an event when they opened it and the architect was there and they asked him about it and he got real mad and ran off from them and said to one of them how do you know that because we're not idiots sir you don't you know uh... we sleep they live you know you put the sunglasses on it's all right there and and and they believe those are totems of power
It's getting harder and harder to believe in coincidence.
Well, have you seen the Chronicles of Riddick?
I have not.
I've heard about it, but I have not seen it.
Yeah, well that's, you know, that's all stylized science fiction, serialized archetypal.
When they take over a planet, a big city, you know, they put a big obelisk, a big, you know, totem.
Up in the middle of it.
Listen, architecture is masonic by its very nature because it was secret construction guilds and so their temples are the buildings they built.
So they always build them with occultic dimensions and most of your top architects are deep occultists.
And they worship mathematics, which they believe is the great architect Lucifer's language.
And they are trying to overtake Lucifer.
They want to become greater than Lucifer.
And be illuminated.
Well, yes, and so that's the whole mission.
You know, first Lucifer seethes in their hearts and in their hands, then later they wish to become greater than Lucifer.
And this is all crazy and esoteric, but it is the criminology of the psychopathic New World Order minion.
That makes sense.
That makes sense.
And, you know, I've had people tell me that it's all coincidental.
Well, nothing's coincidental, especially when it's an architecturalized building that was designed and studied from every angle, every possible view.
Well, guess how many stories it is?
I have no idea.
Go figure!
Listen, thanks for the call.
Last year I had this big top professor on, it was in two big newspapers in Canada, that they went and researched who built that very dark, very satanic, I've never seen a satanic building of that magnitude, that we saw in Ottawa.
Demons, devils, I mean every two feet, all sorts of demonic runes, I mean the thing is a temple.
And they went and studied it, and they went and found out that it was a secretive Masonic group funded it's building.
And the rooms are according to 666 diagrams.
They have an altar in there in plain view.
And it was mainstream admitted that the whole thing is a black magic temple.
You ought to go see it, man.
I mean, it looks scarier than anything in some Transylvanian horror movie.
I mean, this thing's like, you know, Satan's palace.
It is, and I gotta tell you, it's beautiful.
I mean, it's a magnificent building, but when you get up close to it, it's horrifying.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, I'm going to continue with your calls, but when we get back, I'm going to get into Hugo Chavez, play that clip of where he's there addressing a huge crowd, talking about the possibility that 9-11 is a self-inflicted wound.
And I've got a big stack of news here we'll run through as well.
I'm about to go to Bill in New York, but he just hung up.
Let's go to Ed in Texas.
Ed, you're on the air.
Hey, how you doing today, Alex?
Good, sir.
Hey, I'm proud of you guys.
I've been recording all your shows.
I'm sorry, I've got an echo going here.
I've been recording all your shows since you've been up in New York and handing them out to my family every day.
And, uh, they've really been sucking it up.
And what I wanted to tell you is that I share your intuition that the polarity has shifted and these monsters are scared to death right now.
Uh, anybody can feel it that's listening.
And, and it's just, it's over with.
It's over with.
And everybody needs to take to the streets when they pull something this time.
I'll say this, we've got the initiative and the battle is joined.
And if we fight hard, we've got a chance of really wiping these globalists out.
I believe that.
And I also share in your feelings that, hey, kill me.
I am tired of this.
They're not going to gut my home.
This is my home.
And that's the way everybody out there listening to you ought to feel.
Just lose your fear.
Because we're all going to die of something.
That's it.
I mean, I hate to steal the Braveheart line, but it's true.
Lying in your bed many years from now, you're going to look back when it's all ending, when you're dying of cancer, or heart attack, or whatever it is, or you die in an automobile accident tomorrow.
I mean, that you didn't... I mean, the bobbins... I wouldn't be willing to go back and trade all these days for that and do nothing.
Wouldn't you just want to stand up and tell them they can take our lives, but never take our freedom?
Absolutely, brother.
Well, to make that young man that called about the ammo feel a little better, he'll never get the EU in a store.
And if somebody does try to deliver it to him, he better run, because he's fixing to get busted.
They used to sell black tip that was tungsten core, and they did away with that.
And the SS-109 that he's talking about is just a little rice-sized grain of carbide steel.
It's a semi-penetrator.
I was lucky enough to get to introduce you to my family a couple of years ago down here in Houston when you were down here.
I haven't got to see you since, but I just want to say I'm proud of you, Alex, and hang in there, brother.
I will, my friend.
God bless you.
I appreciate the support.
Let's go ahead and talk to Laura in Florida.
Hi, Alex.
I just want to say God bless you for the blood, sweat, and tears that you've shed over the years.
Um, in order to turn sheeple into informed American citizens.
Um, I'm a 43-year-old mother of a 4-year-old, and a week or so ago I caught wind of something you briefed through regarding the reinstatement of the draft.
You had said, um, something to the effect that, um, kind of sounded pathetic, like them sending 45-year-old grandmothers to war.
No, no, no.
64-year-old people have been forcibly sent.
You're kidding, really?
No, listen, your phone is so bad I'm going to let you go and answer your questions.
There have been now for almost four years, three and a half years, two different bills introduced by Republicans and Democrats in each legislative session of Congress.
And one of the names is the Universal Service Act.
There's the National Service Act.
That's two different names of bills.
Going from memory, but you can get them with that.
But, I think the whole office is getting a cold now.
Good old New York.
Nothing like being in the middle of 15 million people or whatever it is.
But, yes.
Gary Hart and others, and there have been a bunch of big mainstream articles the last two weeks admitting they're getting ready for a draft.
They say, I don't think we're going to need a draft, but we need national compulsory service.
That's how dumb they think we are now.
It's like saying, I'm not going to seize your house, I'm going to confiscate it.
Oh good, you're not going to confiscate my home.
Or, or, or, or, I'm kind of brain dead.
Oh good, you're not going to seize my house, you're just going to confiscate it.
Well, it's the same thing.
Seizing and confiscating are the same thing.
So they say, we're not going to probably have a draft, but we need compulsory national service.
And then you read the bill, and it says this is not a draft, this is national service, and 18 to 42, 18 to 44, 18 to 49, depending on which bill it is,
We'll be forced to serve either overseas or domestically and it's a new Nazi slash East German slash Soviet slash Communist Chinese draft where literally it says warrant service, fugitive apprehension, checkpoints, aiding the police.
We'll wear these little gray uniforms.
We were learning of that in 98.
Bill Clinton gave a speech about Homeland Security in 1993.
They've been setting all this up for a long time.
It doesn't matter who's in office at the federal level.
The fight is here at the state level.
So they're getting ready for the draft.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We don't need no education
My new film, Terror Storm, has gone supernova on the internet.
Go to Infowars.com.
He has a big link to it.
It just says Alex Jones Terror Storm.
And the reason I say that is you can go to Google Video and type in Terror Storm.
But, and I'm not knocking those that did it.
They were just trying to help, but they uploaded.
I mean, there's got to be over 30 versions on there.
Horrible, cruddy versions.
And so we uploaded a super high-quality version, somebody else did, now there's a couple other high-quality versions.
Look for them that say high-quality, deluxe, or just click on it and if you can read the text with Alexander Shultz and Nietzsche saying that all war serves to oppress the domestic population, that's a paraphrase, if you can read that, it's crisp, then you're watching the high-bandwidth copy.
And yes folks, I spent
Most of the capital that we had saved for filmmaking on this, and I don't even care if we replenish our coffers, but we do need to.
So, if you want a super high quality DVD with a nice color cover and the affixed artwork on the disc, they're $19.95.
You can get big discounts when you get a whole bunch of them.
And they are available at www.infowars.com.
That's www.infowars.com.
Be of the safe, secure, online video and bookstore.
Shopping Cart.
Or you can simply call toll free to get Terror Storm, Order of Death, Martial Law, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or you can write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001.
South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And yes, you can get TerrorStorm for free online, but why do you want to become a member of PrisonPlanet.tv?
Because all 15 of my films are there in high-quality bandwidth, even higher than Google.
Because you can upload it to Google in the highest quality, they still downgrade it some for bandwidth.
They still compress it.
But it still looks pretty good.
There are crystal clear copies.
I mean, it's almost as good as TV.
For people that have good cable modems or T1s if you're a PrisonPlanet.TV member.
And then it's all the way down to dial-up.
There's like four different versions of TerrorStorm for PrisonPlanet.TV members.
And you can download and burn copies of them to just regular CDs and give them to people.
So TerrorStorm is there and it's a great activist tool.
My weekly TV reports, all of the 9-11 Neocon Symposium
The 9-11 Neocon Agenda Symposium from L.A., that's up there.
My book, Paul Watson's book, a whole bunch of other films we've been authorized to post, and it also supports us and makes this broadcast possible.
So, PrisonPlanet.tv, PrisonPlanet.tv, but I charted the growth of Loose Change 2nd Edition, which I'm so proud of, and I want a billion people to see.
But I'm very excited to tell you right now, Terror Storm is trending.
Over 2 million people have watched it just on Google Video alone.
I quit counting when we hit 2 million.
You have to go and look at all the different versions and count them up.
And then I would guesstimate that with all the other downloads and BitTorrents and the rest of it, there have been millions of downloads there.
But let's just say conservatively 2 million.
The growth curve with that, it shows it's left the atmosphere.
And it's going all the way.
So just get it, spread it, give it to everybody.
It's really exciting to know we're having an effect against the New World Order.
So please, even if you've already seen Terror Storm, or even if you've got the DVD, make copies of that DVD.
Get it out to everybody.
Really effective.
And the DVD quality is light years ahead of the web.
And at the same time, go out there and reach out to everybody you can.
Tell them where they can go to, you know, send them hyperlinks to where they can watch Terror Storm.
And the big, one of the big reasons I'm pushing this so hard is I want the high quality versions, let's say deluxe or high quality, to be pushed to the top of Google.
Because people type Terror Storm in, you know, Rockstar, a ton of people have gotten up in stadiums and said, go to Google, type in Terror Storm, you know, on live BBC television all over the world, but then people go there and, you know, what they see is the cruddy ones on top.
We need to displace the cruddy ones, and we need to push the good ones to the top.
Alright, I'm done belaboring that.
This is just very exciting.
We know that all of our hard work to reach the people is having an effect.
Again, that is my payment.
Reaching the people.
That is what thrills me.
I love it.
This is so exciting.
By the way, it got uploaded about a month and a half ago.
I didn't start promoting it until about three weeks ago that it was on the web.
I just wasn't thinking about it.
Of the 2 million viewers that have seen it, I didn't do the math, but the majority of the 2 million, I'd have to say 90% or so, because it shows you when the downloads have been and when it's gotten most of its growth, plus I've been looking at it on the web.
And around 90% of the vast majority of the 2 million people that have seen it on Google Video have done it in the last week.
So if you track that growth curve compared to other viral videos, it has now gone viral.
That's a good thing on the web.
It's everywhere.
For those that don't know what that means.
Supernova is my term.
They like to use the term viral.
I like supernova personally.
I like explosive things.
I like having an effect.
I like energy.
So it's there.
Please use it.
It's very effective.
Get it out to everybody you know.
I'm going to shut up about it.
Let's go to the news.
Let me cover a little bit of news.
I know we've got first-time callers.
We have Mike in Arizona who's a first-time caller and he disagrees.
That's like a royal flush.
So, because if you disagree with me, you go to the head of the line.
And if you're a first-time caller, you go to the head of the line.
So we'll go to Mike first.
Then we'll go to Lynn.
She's another, or he's another first-time caller.
And then we'll go to Bill, Al, Brian, and others.
Now there's a bit of bumbling today.
I literally slept three hours fitfully on Friday.
Three hours, that's not true, about four hours on Saturday.
About three hours
On Sunday and about four hours on Monday because I was on Coast to Coast AM in the middle of the night, 3.30 AM Eastern Time and then I had to get up at 8 in the morning.
And then I was late over and didn't get home until 3 in the morning and got up at 3 hours sleep.
And last night I finally had about 7 hours sleep.
But it's just, that's how it is when you really push yourself hard.
You're okay while you're doing it and when you kind of go down, I am like a drug addict or something that's come off, you know, heroin.
I'm just like, ugh.
But what I've come off of is adrenaline.
So I realize I'm butchering every other sentence.
I'll be back by tomorrow.
Don't worry.
And I will be there tonight, by the way.
At the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar, and I hope all of you come out to it.
The tickets have sold out the last four showings.
There are a few tickets left.
If you go to Infowars.com, they hold like 20 tickets at the door.
You know, they sell to a certain point, and they hold 20 for the hour before the event.
So, if you're there in line, you'll probably get tickets too at the door.
I hope to see you there.
Graham Reynolds is going to be there and a lot more.
But I said I'd do Hugo Chavez first, then we'll go to your calls.
This is the audio clip.
This is off national television.
You can watch the video clip up on InfoWars.com right now.
But here's President Hugo Chavez two days ago.
We reported on this yesterday.
Uh, talking about how it could be an inside job, here it is.
Alright, turning now to Latin America.
Well, it's nothing new to say that the President of Venezuela is no friend of the United States, particularly the Bush Administration.
Hugo Chavez, leading a crusade against U.S.
dominance of Latin America for the past several years.
But just after the fifth anniversary of the September 11th attacks, well, he's added a bit of fuel to the fire.
The hypothesis that is gaining strength, which was said on television last night, and which could soon blow up, is that it was the same U.S.
imperial power that planned and carried out this terrible terrorist attack, or act, against its own people, and against citizens from all over the world.
To justify the aggression that was immediately unleashed on Afghanistan, on Iraq, and the threats against all of us, against Venezuela too.
And that's Chavez addressing a large body of people on television.
And that's all our media is giving us.
I haven't seen it.
I talked to one of my trusted news sources who speaks Spanish and said that he found the entire clip online.
In Spanish there's even more of it.
We have not translated it yet.
We need to get on that.
There's just too much.
We can't keep track of it all anymore.
But you notice the media control, that's exactly what AP posted, those exact words, and that's exactly what CNN carried, as well as Fox.
Why aren't they showing us more?
What else did Hugo Chavez say?
And yeah, I've talked to William Rodriguez, who's been in the Vice President's
We're good to go.
I had it published in hundreds of newspapers there.
We've heard Palace talk about it here on the show.
That interview that I transcribed that got put on the newspapers in Venezuela and Latin America about the IMF World Bank documents consume Argentina.
That was the headline.
It was about Venezuela as well.
I know Chavez in a speech covered my report.
So we know he's aware of our work.
We've been wondering, you know, could he be an asset?
Could he be controlled?
We know he's played Footsie before at the Globals.
Anybody in power has, but it looks like with these statements he is definitely, definitely not controlled.
You do not see Fidel Castro saying that, do you?
Alright, let's go ahead.
We've seen Iranian generals say it, but then they're told to shut up by Ahmadinejad, which he's a very suspicious individual.
I need to go into why he's suspicious later.
That's one news item.
I'll get to all the others here in a minute.
Let's go to some calls first.
Mike in Arizona with the Royal Flush.
He disagrees and he's a first-time caller.
What's up, Mike?
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Listen, before... Don't go off on a tirade now on me, buddy, because I want to tell you, I am a first-time caller.
You are my mentor.
I've said this before, but I've never talked to you on air.
I'm the guy that you met in Arizona with a Scottish wife, and you and Jim Fetcher are the reason why I now have a radio show.
But yes, I do disagree with you, and I wanted some clarification, because I inherit a lot of what you say on my own show.
However, going to 1520A, Alex,
You glossed over Section C, and I want you to clarify this for me.
It says that the Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment described as... Yeah, yeah.
If he gets informed consent, but if you then go to the section beneath it and then go read the informed consent documents in the root of it, this is how law works, sir, you will learn that if it's for any law enforcement purposes, including any purpose related to riot control, that consent is not needed.
Okay, I'm looking at riot control.
Now, you're saying go to the subsections.
The only subsection under that, Alex, and by the way, the reason I'm asking you this is because I'm going to put this on my show, but I want to be clear here, okay?
On section E, alright, I really don't see anything that bypasses section C. Let me ask you a question, sir.
Let's just get this out of the way now.
Let me be clear.
I covered this and first discovered this
I'm not saying I first discovered this, I'm saying I myself discovered it about 10 years ago.
And if you listen to the show, if you listen to the broadcast, if you go back and listen to the tape,
I said, I printed this at home and I didn't bring it with me to the office.
And then I said, Kevin ran in and printed it off.
We went during the break and got it.
He printed it off, brought it to me, and I was reading it on air and I said, some of this has changed.
Did you hear that part?
And then I read it, let me just finish, but then during breaks I read through more of it and saw that all that's been taken out is a comment about radiological and I don't know why.
But everything else is the same and I did do the research and I had legal scholars on, I forget all the big groups, I mean I think I really got hot on this about eight years ago, no, yeah it was about eight years ago when I first got on Genesis, I remember.
And I had a bunch of lawyers and experts, and a big deal has been made out of this.
So let me tell you, if you go to the U.S.
Code sections on informed consent, and then you go to the U.S.
Code sections on law enforcement purposes, including any purpose related to riot control, and here's Associated Press yesterday, Air Force Chief, test weapons on testee U.S.
mobs, microwave weapons, you see?
Now it says right up here that they need to get informed consent
But do you think they're going to go to the big crowd of people and say, come sign forms now that we're going to teach you what a radiation gun is?
So I'm telling you without having the other U.S.
codes in front of me, I did the research 10 years ago and did show after show on this and really haven't talked about it in years until lately.
And so I'm telling you, I did this research and in my memory banks, I know that there are subsections related to this because what they do is they mention other code.
This is what happened.
I wrote my analysis of Patriot Act 2, which won the Project Censored Award second place of 25 places.
They had lawyers, they had historians, they then had over 50 students vet every claim I made in that Patriot Act.
And people would read it and would say, secret arrest, secret execution.
I would say in there, gun confiscation.
I would say in there all these things, and it wouldn't say it in the section.
You'd have to go to the other section it referred to.
That's how law works.
That's how codes work.
And then you see now all of that has come out and become mainstream news, and finally the AP wrote an article like a year after I did, which had to be plagiarized, but fine, which listed the ten big things it did, and now everything I said in that Patriot Act II analysis is, you know, household.
So, I'm not tooting my horn here, I'm telling you I know how to read code, okay?
I'm weird enough and boring enough to sit around for hours reading this, and I'm telling you we've had the experts on about this, and I'm telling you this authorizes them to just indiscriminately use chemical, biological, and radiological, well now that isn't in there, I don't know why that's been removed, chemical and biological weapons on us.
You have to forgive me, Alex, because you've kind of woke me up.
I've only been listening to you for about nine months, okay?
I want to thank you, sir.
I don't expect people to... And this is how my brain works.
While I was reading this, I thought, you know what, I'm going to get the same thing I got eight, nine years ago.
I'm going to hear, well, it says informed consent.
And I thought, well, I'll just get to that later.
And I didn't.
So I was already waiting for this.
Okay, well listen, I appreciate it.
I thank you so much, buddy.
99.5% of what you say, I've researched, and it's spot on.
Well, I wish this was wrong, but I'm going to ask you, sir.
This says they need informed consent, but then it says any law enforcement purposes, including any purpose related to riot control.
What does that mean to you, sir?
What does it mean to me?
Knowing what I know about what I've seen just since you woke me up, I know that even if it said what I said it said without any justification, like what you said, they're still going to step all over it.
Something else has changed here.
I haven't had a chance to read the whole section, but I don't see the word lethal in here anymore.
I think all the heat we put on it, but I don't even know which, I just typed it in at the first link, I don't even know which law library this is.
I gotta find out.
Okay, well listen, I just want to thank you so much, Alex.
You're a great guy.
I appreciate it.
Alright, thanks a lot.
I appreciate it.
Alright, we'll come back, take more of your calls, cover more news.
We've got a whole other hour coming up after this segment.
Keep it locked in.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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Huge new development during the break.
One of the emergency workers, one of the heroes, Major Mike McCormick, who's been at the White House.
Bush tried to give him the Freedom Medal.
He's the man who found the American flag under the rubble.
Major Mike McCormick.
Wasn't even on duty that day, got suited up, went down there.
Worked in the rubble, got the concrete and the rest of it in his lungs.
He spoke at an event at a church with other vets, military people that were there coughing up blood on breathing machines about what happened to him.
And guess what just happened to Mike McCormick?
He just called us.
All freaked out.
The police showed up at his home.
We're trying to get him on right now.
He called the office and they didn't get his cell phone.
We're calling back at his home number.
They came to Mike McCormick, according to Kevin who just talked to him, and they said, oh, we're looking for a tenant in your building.
Will you just sign off on this form?
The cops were acting real nice.
He said, sure, because they didn't have a warrant.
As soon as they did, SWAT teams rushed in, put guns to his head, tore everything apart.
And that is because Mike McCormick, Major Mike McCormick, one of the heroes, you saw him up there with George Bush, folks.
He's going public saying he doesn't buy the official 9-11 story.
They are scared to death right now.
And I remember him.
Two guys walked up to me and said threatening things to me at that church.
How dare you?
How long do you think you can continue putting these lies out, Jones?
I mean, they were cold.
They were steely.
They had murder in their eyes towards me.
And later, McCormick wasn't around then.
Later, I'm up on stage with McCormick and he goes, you see those guys back there?
They're feds.
I know them.
And those two people separately come up to me, just real coldly, real angry, but not in an angry way though, just controlled like, how long do you think you can keep putting out all these lies and all these conspiracies, Jones?
How long do you think you can keep lying?
They were just looking at me like, we can't wait to kill you!
Hey man, go ahead, you work for a government that writes memos saying they can torture children, okay?
Chris, you're probably into that, that's probably why you like it.
You know, you work for a government that puts its own soldiers in chambers and nerve gasses them and doesn't give firemen and police treatment.
I'm not scared of you!
You're disgusting maggots!
And you go to Mike McCormick's house and you slam him around and you put a gun to his head because he isn't putting up with the bull anymore.
Let me tell you something, you can't get them all.
Most of the police and most of the firemen were saying, good job, keep it up, we know it's an inside job.
Some of them had so much courage, they were saying it with our news cameras in their face.
So you're a bunch of murderers.
And anybody that aids these murderers is guilty as accessories after the fact.
So I want you to think about what you're a part of.
Are we able to get McCormick?
Because anytime a call with somebody in an emergency comes in like that, I don't want to set them up for tomorrow.
He may not even be around tomorrow.
You got his cell phone, you're getting him on.
God, he's such a good man.
He's one of the heroes, folks.
They're in it while, you know, right after collapse, and they're saving people, breathing all that.
He's one of the top... He was in the memorial ceremony on Monday.
He invited me to be his guest.
He had presidential city passes, and I just said, no, no, man.
I'm not going to go into...
I'm not going to go into the hole with you, you know, and he goes, but it's free country, they gave me a bunch of these passes, and I said, Mike, no.
Such a good guy, tough guy too, and um, it's sick.
Hey, mind if we search?
Yeah, sure, come on in.
Get out on the ground, get on it, as soon as he signed it.
They tell those stu... The dumbest cops are those SWAT cops.
They just find the guys that want to exert authority.
The guys that got beat up in high school.
You know, who now just want to go around stomping on real patriots.
Help you feel good when you put guns and slam Major McCormick around you pieces of trash.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
He's the man who found the American flag and he thought it was a woman in a red dress trapped under rubble.
He was there day one, breathed the gas, the fumes, the asbestos.
He has asbestosis as many of the firefighters and policemen do.
He was a major U.S.
He went down to Ground Zero and was there for much of the cleanup.
But he was there day one and he's the guy, I remember when I saw this guy on stage,
I was at the church with all these emergency workers, men, women, air force officers, firefighters, you name it.
When I saw him up on stage, I said, I've seen that guy over and over again, all over national TV, with Bush literally patting him on the head.
Well, Greg Pallast has an arrest warrant, BBC reporter, for showing a FEMA camp and an Exxon facility down in Louisiana.
And this is Nazi Germany, folks, this isn't a joke.
Excuse me, I have a sore throat.
And Mr. McCormick is just a great patriot.
He got up, he spoke about the dust they breathe, how mysterious it is, that it could be an inside job, that the equivalent of 40 floors turned into dust.
And Mike, I know you're hot, I know they humiliated you, I know they set you up, I know there were agents there that night when you pointed them out in the crowd.
I said, those are the guys that threatened me earlier.
And these were hardcore killers, folks.
They're shadowing Mike and others that are there.
But we appreciate your courage, the same courage you had on 9-11.
Mike McCormick, Major Mike McCormick, without... I know you're mad.
Earlier you were hot on the phone, Kevin told me.
But please, without any language, calmly tell us what happened to you, and we're praying for you.
How you doing, Alex?
And hello to the rest of the world.
When Alex tells you this is Nazi Germany, you best believe it.
Myself, just this past Sunday, I was fortunate enough to meet Alex in New York and tell him exactly my insight to 9-11, being one of the participants that was there three hours after the buildings came down.
For my efforts from ground zero, I'm now permanently ill.
And it's just a matter of when it's my time to lay down and take the dirt nap.
There's many people that are guilty.
One that I brought out into the public light was an executive order to Christy Todd Whitman stating to lie about the air quality, which basically
Yeah, I forgot.
You're one of the heroes that got the documents out to the people.
I think now you can probably go public, Mike, and tell folks who you even currently work for.
Or do you, at this time, not want to mention that?
The point is, you're high level, folks, okay?
And tell us, we're about to break and it sounds like you're on a train, I don't want to lose your cell.
Tell us what happened to you.
Tell us who raided your house.
What had happened was, you know, September the next morning, September 11th, I was down at Ground Zero and I was part of the opening ceremony when the flag was brought out with the Honor Guard.
I met every politician and I had the handshakes and photo ops with them.
And I had come down, after seeing you on Saturday, I had gone home Sunday
To see the family in Pennsylvania and I came back very late Sunday night and what had happened after going to Ground Zero that Monday, Tuesday morning I had a half a dozen detectives knock on the door and my tenant had opened the door and he was outside speaking to them and
I was approached by one of the detectives and they said, to a comment, don't worry about anything.
Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, we've got to break.
It's national radio.
These are hard breaks with satellites.
We'll be back in three minutes.
If your cell phone cuts out, we'll call you right back when you get to another cell.
I can hear you're on a train.
It goes in a tunnel.
We're losing.
We'll be back.
Hold your breath, folks.
Hope this phone doesn't cut out.
Mike, stay there.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spies,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Major Mike McCormick is one of the most highly decorated men to be decorated for his actions.
Within hours, the buildings collapsed.
He was there on Ground Zero.
As soon as he saw them collapse, he raced to the scene.
He went in.
He helped save citizens buried in the rubble, firemen, policemen.
He is one of their big heroes.
They've pushed and shown all over national television.
He was there on Monday at Ground Zero with Bush.
He was there to honor the dead.
But he went public on the weekend.
Talking about how many of the firemen and police and military believe there were bombs.
They know the building was aerosolized.
How they weren't treated.
He helped.
And that's been in the news.
We're going to set him up this week for the show.
Leak the information about Christina Todd Whitman ordering the cover-up.
So cops, firemen, military, he took one for you folks.
So you get treatment, which they're about to get now, five years too late.
And here he is, and he just got raided.
So there's detectives out front.
They want to, quote, search the building for a tenant, but they don't have a warrant, so they want you to sign off on it.
We've gotten to that point, Mike.
Please continue.
Alright, well, you know, always being helpful with the police, because the police are our armed forces to protect us in this country.
So one would want to think in a perfect world
But unfortunately, I signed that paper with the purest of intentions to assist them, and I was under the impression they would come in the house and be over and done deal because there's actually nothing to hide.
And three minutes later, as I'm walking out of my office with one of the detectives, I have a federal SWAT team that comes in to do breaches
Kevlar Helmets, Men in Black, and all of a sudden I have 9mm handguns and MP5 machine guns aimed at my head.
I'm hustled out of the building and all of a sudden these guys are told to go through my house like a cyclone.
Now Kevin told me that you told him when you called that, and thank God we got your call, somebody come in, that they put guns to your head and threatened to kill you?
No, they didn't threaten to kill me.
But, you know, if you have an MP5 machine gun aimed at your head, and you're told, don't move, don't move, don't move, I mean, I have high blood pressure.
If I would have just dropped from the excitement, I could have got a round right in the head.
I mean, what did they say to you then?
Well, a lot of colorful four-letter adjectives that, you know, human beings don't speak.
So they, so the classic SWAT team swarm.
Don't you bleep into anything or we'll blah blah blah?
Well, I tell you what happened.
They group them.
They said that there was a, somebody had complained about the odor of chemicals in the house.
And... Oh, it was a terror search.
Basically something like that.
And, uh, I mean, these guys came in not only with the combat gear, but they were wearing Scott Airpaks, and, you know, it was like a Darth Vader convention for losers.
And it wound up... Now, Saturday after meeting you, I had gone home to Pennsylvania to my other residence.
And in Pennsylvania, I have a legitimate full-time carry permit
for a concealed weapon and I had taken my mom out to dinner on Sunday night and subsequently what I did was when I took her out to dinner I wasn't comfortable in a restaurant carrying a weapon so I locked it in the trunk of the car and I unloaded it and kept the ammo in my pocket.
When I got home I changed clothes and
I knew I had to get down to New York for Ground Zero on Monday, and not thinking that the weapon was still in the trunk, I subsequently went home to New York, and when I took my clothes and other things from the trip out of the car, I seen the weapon.
Now, going down to Ground Zero, A, I don't want to carry a weapon down there, and I figured the best and safest place to put it is in the house.
Now, normally, if people are traveling out of state for a weapon competition or anything NRA-related, there's a 48-hour window to go through the state, and I wasn't thinking it was... Let me guess, so now they went in your house, quote, looking for chemicals, and oh great, we found the major, the military man, the man involved in security, oh my gosh, he has a gun in his house, are they charging you with something?
You're not charging me with...
Possession of a weapon, a misdemeanor in the fourth degree.
So this is how it works.
This is how it works.
This is why I'm against these permits, folks.
They selectively enforce.
They use things against you.
They trick their way into the house, which is why I would never say yes when they don't have a warrant.
They get in there without a warrant.
They put guns to his head.
They find his gun, unloaded gun, and now they're charging you.
That won't hold up in court.
Why do you think they're so angry at you?
Well, I think the possibility of the anger is because I'm tired of seeing military people die.
You met Dave on Saturday night.
This is a National Guardsman that spent time in the Gulf and down at Ground Zero.
David Miller, he's been given three more months to live, his teeth are all falling out, he coughs up blood when he talks.
That's correct.
And this is a guy that I look at as... As Tom Hanks portrayed in World War II, this is the new band of brothers.
And I am not as sick right now as a lot of guys are.
And what I've been doing in my time is advocating, taking these guys to doctor's appointments because they're too sick.
It doesn't matter.
I have guys and friends that are federal officers, New York City police officers, state troopers, firemen, construction workers, EMS personnel.
All works a lot.
I'm non-denominational and I take care of any 9-11 victim to the best of my ability.
Do you think they raided you because they're mad that you helped get the documents out that are exposing Christina Todd Whitman?
I believe so because I had gone to the precinct and I was processed and out in an hour and a half.
Did any of the police, not the feds, but did any of the New York cops apologize to you?
They all know who you are.
The detective that arrested me told me he actually seen my photo in New York Newsday just that past Wednesday.
He knew that I was a ground zero hero, and the bottom line is, finding that weapon unloaded, running the numbers, knowing the gun was legal, if he was a decent human being, what he could have done was said, give me $25,
I'm going to mail it to your house in Pennsylvania, where it's legal.
You have your permit.
You have your bill of sale.
You own the weapon.
Yeah, and see, they claim with these things, oh, you've got 48 hours.
The gun was a free extra to a friend of mine that's a gun dealer that lives 20 minutes... Mike, Mike, Mike, let me just say this.
This is how all this works.
In Texas, you can't even drive to a shooting range with your gun.
They claim it's up to their discretion.
You see, we're not in a free country anymore, and this is how they get good people.
They make normal things illegal.
Did you hear Greg Pallas, BBC reporter, has a terrorism charge against him and he's on the run right now because he ran videotaped a FEMA camp and a power plant?
Well, I tell you, unfortunately in Great Britain, Great Britain,
I myself, being Irish-American, I really... Well, this is happening out here, though, sir!
Greg Powell was here!
Yeah, I understand that, but in Great... I'm just saying, for instance, on a parody, in Great Britain, the Terrorism Act, you can be held...
Without any notification to anybody and they can extradite you anyway.
This is like part of this new world order.
Did you ever say shame on you to any of these police?
I said shame on all of them.
I said, you know something?
Yesterday I was recognized as a national hero.
And what you did, knowing I have a legitimate handgun and it was brought home by accident,
I should have been able to use the 48-hour window to bring it back home that day, but they chose to humiliate me, and in my neighborhood, everybody looks at me crooked when I go out of the house now.
They used to have an elementary school bus stop in front of my house.
That has since moved, and basically, I'm probably on the 10 Most Wanted list and, uh,
I like to use colorful four-letter adjectives, but they basically flushed my life down the toilet for no reason whatsoever.
Well, I mean, this is the pressure.
They were hoping to find something else.
How long were they ransacking your home?
I would say a good two, three hours, because I had been taken to the precinct, but those guys were still there.
I mean, for all intent purposes,
They could have planted other stuff there, and they could be coming back for a return trip.
You better tear that place apart.
I mean, for all intents and purposes, my phone and computer has traps on them.
I mean, they had all the time in the world to do what they wanted to do.
Now, I want to break and do one more segment with you, and I want to know how we can help you.
You pointed out some agents at the back, and I went, oh my gosh, those are the same people that walked up to me and threatened me.
Who were those feds that were in the audience?
I don't know what agency that they're from, however, I've seen them get out of their Ford Crown Victoria, which is not the best car for Ford operations.
And, uh, putting the jacket on,
You know, you can't tell, but seeing the little tiny gold badge, so, you know, I kind of got a dirty look when I went up on the stage, but, you know, the only way to protect yourself, coming out and becoming public,
That's right.
Stay there.
Stay there, Mr. McCormick.
Stay there.
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Major Mike McCormick, one of the first responders there at Ground Zero, now going public about him breathing all the poisons and toxins and not being treated, and his concern that 9-11 could be an inside job, and stating that most firemen and police now know that.
When we witnessed that on the streets, he gave some speeches or some spooks in the crowd.
A few days later, after he'd even been at Ground Zero during the memorial service,
I'd say a good dozen, possibly fifteen.
Now, there's another story to this.
There's more to this.
When we interviewed you, and it's been on the news, that you've been to Fort Detrick, Maryland, in chemical, biological response, that, you know, that's what you do in the military, that's what you do, you know, in your homeland security roles.
They were even trying to, you told me during the break, pull something on you for your diploma and your gas mask and things like that that you teach in school to police.
You know, it just gets more bizarre as it goes, Alex.
What were they saying to you?
Tell us.
For one, I started emergency services, and I'm doing it for 30 years.
Down at Ground Zero, I was a captain with the Civil Air Patrol, and subsequently I went to another agency, became a major with the United States Disaster Relief Command,
Of which I had sent them in this morning a letter of resignation of my commission because I'm disgusted with the way I was treated.
And what happened when these SWAT guys went in the house, they came out and they were harassing me.
What are you doing with the gas mask?
What are you doing with mop gear?
Mop gear is biochemical response protective gear.
Meanwhile, within eye's view, hanging on the wall, is a diploma from Fort Detrick and Aberdeen Proving Ground, where I took a course teaching medical management of biological and chemical casualties.
Those who I teach have been federal agents, regular cops, EMS providers,
Basically anybody with a Homeland Security background... The point is, they came into your house looking for anything and everything.
Now, they said they were looking, quote, because of a chemical smell, of course made up.
They didn't even have a warrant, got you to sign off on it, and then acted like that.
Break it down for us.
Did any of them ask you if you were a terrorist?
Did any of them bring that up?
They didn't bring that up.
They made it sound like
Not exact as to what kind of chemicals they were looking for and my tenant gave them a hard time, might have gave them a hard time, and he was taken to Federal Jail and nobody's heard from him since.
I mean this guy, I notified this guy's family because
Regardless of what these guys said he did or might have did, the bottom line is I have no knowledge of it.
Therefore, I'm not going to condemn or condone anything that might or might not have happened.
But with everything that's gone on so far, I find it very easy for the government to manipulate anything that they want.
To get the end result that they want.
Yeah, they've probably got him right now, leaning on him to say some lie about you, Mike.
Well, as I said, Alex, my life's an open book.
I mean, you know, September 14th, I seen the President come down to Ground Zero, and before
Firemen started telling me and dozens of firemen were telling me that they've heard numerous secondary explosions all over the building.
These guys are seasoned firefighting professionals.
A lot of them have military backgrounds and they're not stupid.
So if these guys are telling me that they're secondaries, I have to believe it.
And the thing is, I believe it beyond a shadow of a doubt, with the document of Christy Todd Whitman being ordered to lie about the air quality.
Now, the main reason to lie about air quality was so the Taliban and whoever else would do the United States harm would not know the extent of the damage at Ground Zero.
Try that!
A totally ridiculous use of a secret
Because every single television station in the world was playing the loop of the buildings coming down.
Everybody on the planet knew that the World Trade Center was not only hit, it was totally wiped out.
Let's do a few more minutes on the other side, Major Mike McCormick.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, Major Mike McCormick doesn't want to talk about what his main role is right now, not in the military, but with the federal government.
But Mike, if people go research your name online, they can find out who you are.
Why at this time are you not wanting people to know what agency you're with?
Well, other ramifications, as it is, I'm sure my chances for future federal employment are
And at this point, I am concerned about what I say for my own personal safety and the safety of my family.
No, no, that makes sense.
That's why they're so scared of you, though, is the position you're in, and I just can't say any more about it.
We'll just write the report, Emergency Worker, and what happened.
Mike, there was one other thing you wanted to add.
Go ahead.
You would think that the federal agencies that are out to protect you are, and they're not.
Because, I'll just go for instance, Detective Zadroga, from New York City, who passed away.
This is a guy who just took a baby bottle out to feed his child, died from respiratory problems.
Now, in New York, we are amongst
It's the most sophisticated hub of medical facilities in the world.
And the only thing that we didn't have is a country that cared and politicians that cared.
And the deceit of the federal government, the victims of droga, one of his duty assignments was the Fresh Kills landfill.
And I've heard many cops say this.
The federal officers had more than super adequate protection.
That tells me that they knew what the threat was.
And when New York City police officers had inadequate protection, they allowed to let these New York City police officers get sick
And are subsequently allowing them to die.
So, in no short terms, these guys basically assisted in their murders.
These guys are nothing but accomplices.
How can you work besides a police officer knowing that the protection that he has will not protect him?
I mean, that's unconscionable.
Major Mike McCormick, let me ask you a question.
Talking to firemen, police, military people, rescue workers like yourself, what percentage believe there's a 9-11 cover-up and what percentage, a dead reckoning estimation, believe it's an inside job?
I would say 75 or better with another 10 really sitting on the fence because they just don't want to believe
That the government could be so diabolical.
But, you know, the one thing that the Patriot Act doesn't do is take care of its patriots.
You know, we learned at a very young age the Minutemen from 1776.
These were the guys that came to the country's aid in a moment's notice.
The ground zero responders were just that in 19...
1979, 1998, 1993, and subsequently 2001.
These are the guys that came at a moment's notice, went into harm's way for the American people and their country.
They've been abandoned.
They're sick.
They're abandoned.
They can't work.
They're abandoned.
They have no form of income.
They're losing their homes.
They're losing every sense of dignity that they have.
And... They're just... The government, I believe, is just hoping that these people will just die and go away, because they don't want to flip the bill.
Meanwhile, the country is always the most generous in the world, giving out hundreds of million dollars at a click.
It's billions.
Ten times a year, you hear this.
You know, we'll give Israel
All their military stores.
They'll go fight Hezbollah, and at the very end, who has to pay for the mop-up in Lebanon?
We're paying for it.
So, we pay for the weapons to shoot at Lebanon.
Well, the government, as you know, prints the money out of nothing.
They could have given you the money.
It was a fund to help the emergency workers, and they just didn't care.
But you watch a lot of the poli... But that's a key thing you just said.
You're saying 75% of the firefighters and police, and that's about the number I got being there, believe it is an inside job, or believe that there's a cover-up?
Well, there's a lot of guys that believe that, and within our own circles, we'll discuss it.
There's been numerous threats to most of the guys in most of the agencies that if they open their mouth their pensions are at risk or whatever health benefits they have left are at risk.
I mean, this is really Nazi Germany.
So you would say 75% believe there's a cover-up or inside job, and then another 10% are on the fence, and so that leaves, I guess, about 15% that will believe the official story?
You know, there's a lot of florist gumps in the world that just can't comprehend it.
And, you know, it's not their fault that they're not analytical enough to see the pieces of the puzzle coming together in a rapid succession.
I mean, the picture can't be any brighter.
It's pretty darn clear, isn't it?
You know, I don't... It's like one of those Bugs Bunny cartoons with the roadrunner.
You don't have to get shot with an Acme rocket to know it's coming at you.
It's amazing.
Well, how can we help you, Major Mike McCormick?
I mean, how do we help you fight these charges?
How do we help you... I mean, number one, they tricked them... Why did you... They didn't have a warrant.
Why did you sign it?
I signed it?
I mean, I'm not criticizing you.
I know you're trusting, but... I mean, if they don't have a warrant, why did you let... Why did you sign it?
Because if they'd have forced their way in there, you know, finding your handgun would have been inadmissible.
Well, let me tell you Alex, for one, I didn't even think of it.
And even if I did think of it, I mean, I came out and told them that it was there.
One thing, the Suffolk County New York Police, they have the finest integrity that I know, and the local law enforcement treated me like a gentleman, and I was in and out of the precinct process
In less than an hour and a half.
Well, who was it that took you there then?
No, the local police took me there because it was determined that it was a local charge.
However, I think that they were basically conned into going along with it.
And, uh... Do you think they even knew?
Because the mere fact that the SWAT team showed up 15 minutes after you signed the letter letting them in,
Let me just finish this.
Did the local police act like they were shocked to see the SWAT team?
No, they weren't.
But, you know, in general, I mean, the local police could be told what to do.
I mean, local police out in fresh kills were allowed to inhale poisonous fumes for God knows how long and to die.
So, I look at the way the feds work
As that local law enforcement is expendable.
Well it certainly is.
Yeah, those huge landfills with police guarding them with all the heavy moving equipment out there huffing it right out there in your area.
And I guess they'll probably just snort big lines of it and thank the feds and watch the feds drag their kids off to FEMA camps probably.
There's probably no end to how gullible and pathetic we've gotten.
You know, it's funny you bring up FEMA camps because a friend of mine
This happens to be in construction.
That's right.
You mentioned that.
I never got that in the interview with you.
Tell us about the FEMA camps.
My friend actually built one in Washington, D.C.
in the basement of the D.C.
Metro Police Department.
And one or two more in the greater New York City area.
And it was amazing that they'll take a vacant factory building
Turn it into a prison.
Are you talking about Pier 57?
I'm sorry?
Pier 57.
The giant bus terminal they've turned into a camp.
I'm unaware of the exact locations.
I know where one is in Brooklyn.
Also Coney Island.
But the other ones I'm not privy to.
And the thing is I don't want to be privy to because for all intents and purposes I don't want to be a resident.
Well, did you hear?
I mean, this goes back to it.
Greg Palast went and covered a FEMA camp, and he went and covered the power plant right next to it, and they've got arrest warrants out for terrorism for a BBC reporter in the U.S.
covering things that anybody can drive by and look at.
I mean, folks, that's how bad it's getting in this country.
They're arresting people for suing the government now, and giving them five years in prison, calling it paper terrorism.
I mean,
God, this is not Land of the Free, Home of the Brave anymore.
This is Land of the Nazis.
We just lost his phone.
We were connected for 44 minutes.
Call him back so we can say bye to him.
That's a pretty good cell.
My crummy cell phone won't stay connected more than 10.
Oh, man.
It's just... Every day.
Oh, we've got... Folks, it's no secret who Mike McCormick is.
I don't know why he doesn't want to tell you exactly what he does for the military, but it's been on the news who he is and what he does for the military.
But I guess he just doesn't want to bring it up here.
And again, that's how ridiculous this is.
When he's not on duty, he can't even have a gun.
And he's got one in Pennsylvania at his other house, but you're allowed to have it for 48 hours in New York, but they selectively enforce and don't care, and they've charged him, but all that's a side issue.
They tricked him into letting them in, and he did the right thing and said, oh, I've got my gun, and the gun's unloaded, and it doesn't matter.
See, this is land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
Land of no Second Amendment.
And they have got these mindless guys that are on power trips.
Their whole life is putting on a black mask and feeling tough.
And they've got devil tattoos all over them, most of them.
Most of them are military wash-ups to begin with.
And they just go join these teams and raid houses with old ladies that sleep in the middle of the night and gun them down.
I hear about it every two days.
And I've got some family.
It's pretty distant, but not too distant in Houston.
Went in the house, wrong house.
There was a disturbance in the building, gunned a lady down.
You know, it's just incredible.
Mike, this is your cell cut out.
Well listen, you're a good guy and I appreciate your patriotism and your courage going public on 9-11 and your courage to go public about the documents from Christina Todd Whitman and now you're paying for it, but you're going to get a lot of men and women medical treatment.
You're a hero and you know, heroes who hit the wire first always take a lot of heat.
But we're here suffering with you, my friend, and the reward is much greater down the road.
Like you said, you're already pretty sick.
A lot of your buddies are taking dirt naps now.
We're all going to take a dirt nap someday.
I hope to see you in heaven, my friend.
We're here to support you.
We want to have you back on as this develops.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Well, for one, if there's any attorneys listening in New York, I can definitely use legal help.
As you know, resources are very slim.
And for one, the one saving grace is allowing cameras in the courtroom.
And at my court date, I would invite somebody from your agency to come up there and show the United States court system in operation.
I mean, there's no better accolade to prove it for what's going on than seeing it first hand.
Do you want to give out your home phone number?
Do you want to give out an address?
We have a lot of listeners in New York who can support you.
Sure, my home number is 631-886-1622 and I thank you for your time and I want everybody in the listening audience to know
One thing, Edmund Burke had said years ago that the only way evil can triumph is for good people to do nothing.
Let us all make sure this country remains land of the free and home of the brave.
Give us your phone number two more times, please.
My home number is 631-886.
Alright, Mr. McCormick, God bless you, Godspeed, stay in touch.
You've got my cell phone number.
Do you have it or I give it to you during this break?
Yeah, I have your number.
You just got to clear your phone call if I try getting you.
I know, I've got like 30 of them on there I've got to listen to.
I apologize.
I lost the charger while I was in New York and I got back in the middle of the night yesterday and I was exhausted.
Heroes are popular guys.
Well, listen, I'm not a hero.
I'm still in my job just like you, but you are a hero, my friend.
So, your best guess is you got rated because you're an outspoken critic of the toxic dust that everybody breathes and what the Bush administration and others are doing?
I believe so.
I mean, if they were actually looking for my tenant, he was already outside, could have been handcuffed, end of story.
And when they asked to go in and look at the house, I had no qualm about it.
No sooner did I suddenly okay, three minutes later I had a complete SWAT breach team come into my home and aim automatic weapons at my head.
Oh, it's three minutes later.
Well, uh, I mean, did you ever tell the SWAT team guys?
I mean, what's wrong with you people?
Yeah, of course I did.
They came out acting like, uh, good cop, bad cop, but it was a very poor rendition because it was just bad cop, bad cop.
And they're saying, what are you doing with gas masks?
What are you doing with this?
What are you doing with that?
And I said, what are you, a moron?
And then they said, are you making chemicals out in your backyard?
And I said, why would I be doing that?
Or how would I be doing that?
And they planted up my barbecue.
Let everybody know, you can be locked up for criminal possession of a barbecue grill.
Hey, I've seen them SWAT team somebody on videotape, my film director, for having jumper cables, and they held it up on news and said, look, pipe bombs!
And the general public probably bought it.
Mike McCormick, we'll all pray for you, we salute you, we'll talk to you real soon.
Okay, Alex, you take care.
God bless.
What a great guy, what a great guy.
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Alright folks, we're back live.
This is the day of computer eras.
But I do want to thank all of you for joining us today.
I will, of course, be back this evening from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
And back tomorrow from 11 to 2.
I hope to see all of you coming up
And that is going to be this evening, 7 p.m.
at the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar.
The doors will open at about 6 p.m.
They have little pre-shows they play, usually have some ridiculous stuff.
But starting about 6.40 or so, Graham Reynolds will start playing with a few members of his group some of the original score of Terror Storm.
Then around 7.15 I'll give a 20-minute speech.
I will then show Terror Storm, almost two hours long.
Then we'll take questions at the end.
They have food, they have drinks, they have ice cream, you name it.
It's a really nice movie theater stadium seating.
And there are some tickets left at InfoWars.com right now.
And I hope you will visit InfoWars.com.
And I hope that you will
Go to the site and link through the Alamo Draft House and get the tickets for this evening.
They'll hold back about 20 for, you know, they're in the last hour.
So at about, I think it told me at 6 p.m., you can start buying the 20 tickets they hold back.
Don't ask me why they do that.
They do that.
So it's very close to selling out right now.
The tickets you can buy online.
You can still buy them at the door.
And then you can buy them, the 20 they hold back, at 6 p.m.
So I hope to see everybody out there.
Bring your friends and family.
Educate them.
It's my best film yet.
If you want to get a hard copy of it on DVD, visit Infowars.com.
And you can get a DVD of Terror Storm with the 66 minutes of extras from the 9-11 Neocon Agenda Symposium out in Los Angeles, California.
I didn't really get into the Montreal shooting.
It's just another one of these little devil worshipers.
Just like the kid up in Minnesota, just like Columbine.
And that was an inside job, by the way.
A lot of evidence it was an inside job in Minnesota.
I don't know about this yet.
But Columbine's conclusive.
And then it looks like there's some inside job connections in Minnesota.
Though it looks like it also just as likely could be a copycat.
This may be a copycat.
Same thing, black trench coat, mohawk, Heil Hitler, let's shoot some people.
And this is just the same thing that happens over and over again.
And I just wondered in Columbine why they're yelling Heil Hitler and they're Jewish.
Of course they reported all these other guys in black masks running around.
The SWAT team stayed outside for four hours and fifteen minutes.
But we didn't have a lot of time to get into that today.
I just want you to know we are starting to have an effect.
We are winning this fight.
That's the reason they have an arrest warrant out for BBC reporter, London Guardian reporter, journalist Greg Pallas for videotaping a FEMA camp in an adjacent Exxon Mobil facility.
Just in America, pull up and interview people and shoot shots of the smokestacks over the FEMA camp.
And they've got a terrorism charge against him for videotaping.
This isn't a game.
And Major Mike McCormick,
He works high level in the federal government.
He decided to go public.
He'd been criticizing the dust the last few months.
Then he went public about 9-11.
He knows a lot more than he even said in that speech.
Gosh, the stuff he saw, the things he knows.
That's why they're scared of him.
He's the type of person they might kill.
They like to kill their own people.
Because they care so much about you.
I mean, hell, they'll take a young army man and put him in a chamber and nerve gas him for fun.
Project Shad, then what will they do?
They love how naive we are, how they abuse us, how we'll put up with all of it.
They can always find a new crop of idiots to dress up in black and go abuse patriots, and then later those guys in black will be abused too.
It's like Hitler going after the SA with his SS.
People don't know history, so they are doomed and bound to repeat it, but history shows that highly motivated minorities can take countries back.
A highly motivated minority of evil people have taken over this country.
And we are now trying to take it back from them.
Alright, I hear the music!
So I will go ahead and punch you out of here.
I love you all.
I appreciate you all.
God bless you.
Get out there and take on the New World Order.
Get out there and resist tyranny.
Get out there and let these thugs know they can't get us all.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.