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Name: 20060913_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 13, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
9-11 was an inside job!
That we're there that all need to be commended for the great job they did.
My paid crew, Scott and Aaron and Rob and then of course Matt who flew up there on his own and did some video work for us.
We're going to be trying to get as much of it as we can up for you in the next few days on
PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com and also a lot of other footage.
I may just put it up there unedited for PrisonPlanet.tv members because we don't have the staff to sit there and edit it all together and get it to you quickly.
Thank you for joining us.
I really do appreciate all of you for joining us today.
It, of course, is September 13, 2006.
I have been screaming and yelling and marching
For the last four days.
And now we're back.
We're going to have wide open phones.
I'm a little bit shot.
You can probably hear that in my voice.
So I'll be leaning on you today.
I was delayed in Newark, flying out of New York from Newark Liberty until about, I don't know, 11 midnight, something like that.
Got home about 3 yesterday, or about 2.30 yesterday.
And I am up and at them, up and at them for you here.
Busy little beaver.
Masses of news and information.
Huge broadcasts lined up for you.
Chavez says U.S.
may have orchestrated 9-11 attacks.
That's the Associated Press.
The first report was Syrians fight off attack on U.S.
Embassy now out of Jerusalem.
This is from World Net Daily.
Syria blames U.S.
for embassy attack.
Claims Washington orchestrated it to get
Concessions from Damascus makes perfect sense, par for the course.
Another report here out of the Guardian.
Students beware, the draft is real.
The draft is real.
And the draft certainly is real.
Radio poll, 85% of Canadians believe 9-11 is an inside job.
Association of Professors Defending BYU's Professor Steven Jones.
That's out of the AP.
And our protest, our demonstrations made it into, it's got to be 50 plus newspapers.
I was trying to scan over it last night when I got home and this morning.
Just my bullhorning made it into, looks like 10 different publications.
But I was scanning through, it was dozens and dozens and dozens of reports.
National television, though, engaged in almost total blackout.
They normally show all of Ground Zero and the surrounding areas, but they would only show the pit and bush down in it briefly because they couldn't zoom out and show around 2,000 people in black t-shirts on both sides of the streets all around Ground Zero.
It was amazing.
There were black t-shirts saying Investigate 9-11 all over the city and thousands and thousands of people converging.
Shirts saying Inside Job.
Banners saying Inside Job.
9-11 was a U.S.
Black Op.
It was amazing and it buoyed my soul.
We only had a two-hour permit to have a bullhorn out there so the rest of the three days I was screaming.
And folks, I can scream pretty loud.
Probably going to end up losing my voice permanently if I keep doing this but
I've got a natural bullhorn.
We'll go over all of it and cover the news today and have open phones, so please stay with us.
It's here!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That's right.
9-11 was an inside job, is an inside job.
We will never surrender.
We will never stop.
We're going to bring down the New World Order, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, I traveled to New York last Friday, and I was there, of course, on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.
Yesterday we via cell phone called in live while a smaller crowd of only about 40 people went and protested the Council on Foreign Relations.
We had a march that the media estimated to be over a thousand people all wearing black t-shirts saying investigate 9-11, a silent vigil.
At the exact same time, five years later, when the second tower collapsed, we had a silent march and vigil on Ground Zero.
We started off about, I don't know, three or four blocks away, marching about three by three.
And we marched down past Ground Zero, rounded the street, came back to the little park where the march began, and basically ate our own tail, ran into the end of the march.
That's how many people we had.
Meanwhile, across the street, right in front of the big train station that's there on the
East side of Ground Zero, there were hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other 9-11 truthers.
We were just all over the city.
Some of the local TV stations estimated it at 5,000 9-11 truthers.
I've got to say that at any one time, because it wasn't very organized, which is good, that's how we planned it, so they couldn't control us or pin us or arrest us.
No more than 1,100 or 1,200 people together at any one time.
But you'd go anywhere in the city and you'd see the 9-11 truthers with their 9-11s and inside job shirts.
And I'd have to say 1,100 across the street, another 300 or 400 on the other side of the street, and then hundreds everywhere else.
Probably about 1,500 or 1,600 at any one time down there.
And I did see some aerial shots from local TV, and you would just see seas of black t-shirts.
But national television that I know of, and we've been monitoring television, never picked up on it.
They would try to focus in on one or two people yelling and screaming about 9-11 being a self-inflicted wound, and then kind of show them by themselves.
That's what the Associated Press did.
They now, of course, have their own little TV network, and they showed a clip of myself
They're protesting, and they showed a shot where there was no one behind me.
So there's this attempt to minimize this.
Those from the local press said 5,000, which is actually hyping, inflating the true numbers.
But to come to New York, people from Kansas and California and Canada and Texas, it was so wonderful.
And the really good news for everybody out there that's just now tuning in,
I talked to hundreds of firefighters on the streets, and they all either believed that there was a cover-up, or that 9-11 was an inside job.
All of them thanked us.
All of them said, please investigate.
And I would have to say, 60-70% of the policemen would wink at us, smile at us, say, keep it up, thank you.
When they'd see you turn the camera off, they'd say, keep it up.
Or they'd say, yeah, we know about Operation Northwood.
Some of them, on videotape, would say, good job.
I didn't count it.
It was probably 60, 70 different police would say, Hey Alex, keep it up.
Hey Alex, keep it up.
As I walked past them, they knew who I was.
This is an indicator.
They tell the loose change boys to thank you for what they've done.
We were with them there at Ground Zero.
And there was one fireman who was a New Jersey fireman.
He walked by and flipped us off and cussed at us.
uh... but every other firefighter and we actually it became a problem as a farmer were wearing their in their dress uniforms uh... there for the several days of of memorial services and they were just stop us and tell us more yeah we know bin laden cia a white alex talk to us let me get a picture with you uh... and you want to talk to the firemen but but it's just you know you've got to get back to the demonstrations you gotta get back to interviewing people you gotta get back on the street uh... but
This is the big news.
Two years ago when I was there, just days before the third anniversary, days before, it was in early September, the RNC was there on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th, I would have to say about half the police were bugging their eyes at us, cussing at us under their breath, looking at us violently, threatening to arrest us every 10 seconds, trying to violate our freedoms,
It was really shameful.
The other half were saying, good job, yeah, we know the truth.
Now, again, I'd say 65-70% were on our side.
Another 20% or so were ambivalent.
And 10% of the cops would still cuss at you under their breath, or bug their eyes out at you, or shake their heads, or laugh at you.
And one fireman, so I'd say out of hundreds we talked to, one fireman flipped us off.
There were lots of neocons driving by in their little parade vehicles with huge plastic American flags made by slaves in China.
They were flipping us off, driving by going, F you Alex Jones!
You know, you're going to get it!
You need to leave this country!
You need to go to a camp!
There were some of them, but they were still the vast minority.
The vast, vast minority, and the Feds had a few provocateurs down there, and there were also a few.
We did have homeless people.
That was the main problem.
I had one homeless guy come up and grab my biceps and squeeze them real hard, drunk, breathing in my face, talking about how he'd kicked my hind end.
And I had several other street people who, I'm not joking when I say it, had been probably released from mental institutions.
It tended to freak them out.
I would say most the heat we got came from lawyer, you know, middle-class neocon types out there with their cars all painted up.
I mean, I saw a bunch of cars with huge George Bushes painted on them, with a tear coming out of his eye.
I mean, it was like cult-like George Bush worship everywhere.
It was pretty sick.
But that's really about it.
The majority of New Yorkers, because a lot of days we're wearing 9-11 truth shirts out there, we're saying, good job, we appreciate it.
You know, cabbies saying, oh, I'm going to give you some money off on your fare.
Oh, hey, you can, you know, let me buy you lunch.
And one of the big issues is, it was all over New York papers while we were there, and it had been out in the weeks before, but we've been talking about four or five years.
Day one, we knew that the buildings were built out of asbestos, and all the mercury and the lead and the rest of it.
And 40 floors, the government admits, aerosolized, turned into powder.
Not 40 continuous floors.
If you average out the 220 stories, the two buildings made up together,
The government has admitted that around 40 stories, 20 stories of each building, vaporized.
Remember the 2,000 foot white plumes rising into the atmosphere, covering the entire city of Manhattan, going into New Jersey, going across into the Bronx, just blowing around everywhere?
Remember the satellite photos of it?
Buildings don't do that.
They don't collapse from fire, but if they were to collapse magically, they would just smoke out and leave a small residue of dust, comparatively.
Why do they aerosolize?
Well, the policemen, the firemen, the troops, the emergency workers, they breathe all of that.
They huffed all of that.
They sucked it into their lungs, and the EPA showed up in full hazmat gear, full body suits, but told them, it's safe, don't worry.
And we then learned that four days after 9-11, the EPA had already tested the air, said it was filled with asbestos.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The just asbestos alone near ground zero was 1.2% of what you were breathing was asbestos.
And then of course there were over 120 other deadly chemicals
And so it took them almost a week to just get a plastic or paper breathing apparatchik out there.
And they opened the schools up a week later.
They opened up the Wall Street just a few days later.
They told everybody it was safe.
Just go in there and breathe it.
And then, as if that wasn't bad enough, Christina Todd Whitman recommended $96 million.
I said $98 last week.
I looked it up.
It's $96 million.
to treat firemen, policemen, and emergency workers, and Bush blocked it.
That was reported weeks after 9-11.
That has now been resurfaced and admitted.
The documents have been released by the city, because they were in consultation, because the White House was saying, look, we'll have to admit that it was toxic and deadly and that we opened it up, and we give them treatment, so no treatment.
So police are going, and firemen are going, and the military are going, wait a minute, you won't even give us treatment.
I mean, that's only, you know, maybe, what, ninety-six million dollars.
Ten, fifteen cruise missiles?
I mean, we're talking about, we're talking about, you know, a few fighter jets?
We're talking about just a few miles of highway?
I mean, the government's got plenty of money.
They print it out of nothing.
They just don't care about you!
That's why I gave speeches at Ground Zero about thousands of black men being given syphilis and allowed to die of it, thousands of GIs, nerve gassed and radiated, 110,000 Jewish children with a U.S.
and Israeli government collusion, a radiating children and radiation test, all this is declassified, hundreds of examples of it, they see us as nothing!
Of course they killed 2,800 and something people on 9-11!
Of course they did!
That's a drop in the bucket to what they're routinely killing!
Again, U.S.
Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, Paragraph B. They're fully authorized.
It's totally criminal, but it's not a real... I don't respect or accept or acknowledge the law, but it is federal law.
They can kill you for any reason, any time they wish.
Now, I don't want police to roll their eyes.
Get your piece of paper right now!
In your squad cars, in Austin, Texas, Kansas City, wherever you're listening, San Diego, wherever, you write this down.
Code, write it down!
Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1520A, Paragraph B. We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here live, my friends.
And, of course, back from 9 to midnight.
We're going to have open phones coming up in the next segment at 1-800-259-9231.
I'd like to hear from folks that were in New York.
Some of our great patriots out there that were exposing the murderous terrorists that carried out the attacks.
Let me jump into the news right now.
Chavez says U.S.
may have orchestrated 9-11.
Those towers could have been dynamited, says Venezuela's President.
The Associated Press reports.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said yesterday that it's plausible that the U.S.
government was involved in September 11th attacks.
Chavez did not specifically accuse the U.S.
government of having a hand in 9-11.
But rather it suggested that theories of U.S.
involvement bear examination.
The Venezuelan leader, an outspoken critic of the U.S.
President George W. Bush, was reacting to a television report investigating a theory that Twin Towers were brought down with explosives after hijacked planes crashed into them in 2001.
This hypothesis is not absurd.
That those towers could have been dynamited, Chavez said in a speech to supporters, a building never collapses like that unless it's with an implosion.
Yeah, especially seven.
And by the way, I've been looking at some Venezuelan papers, it looks like he went on to say seven, but our media clipped that out.
The hypothesis that is gaining strength is that it was the same U.S.
imperial power that planned and carried out the terrible terrorist attacks or acts against its own people and against citizens all over the world, Chavez said.
To justify the aggressions that immediately were unleashed on Afghanistan and on Iraq.
Chavez has said the U.S.
launched those wars to ensure its political and economic power.
Well, the Pentagon's own documents and PNAC say that.
The U.S.
government says Al Qaeda's chief, Osama bin Laden, masterminded the attacks.
But I would add, at the end of the article, that it doesn't tell you that he's not on the 10-wanted list.
on the wanted list period for the 9-11 attacks and they have not indicted him in absentia, which is the normal procedure, the default position.
And the FBI reported two months ago from questions from the Times of London when they asked him, they said they did not have enough evidence to indict him for 9-11.
But the rest of the media keeps saying Bin Laden is guilty of it.
Bin Laden is only guilty of being a CIA terrorist who helped attack Serbia and helped start up the war with the Russians.
And he is only guilty of taking the fall and some of the blame, and staging some of the videos before he died of kidney failure, right before 9-11, which are now being re-cut, re-edited, and released to the public by Al Jazeera, that the media, the mainstream media here, attacks, but only to give it false credibility.
They attack it, claiming it's Muslim extremism, when it's nothing compared to other channels, so it has some type of credibility when it then releases these fake CIA videos, like the famous Fat Bin Laden tape, which has had voice print analysis done on it, and it's not Bin Laden.
By the way,
Voice print is 100%.
You take, you know, just like when you have voice activated to get in your house or to get in your car or to, you know, you call up to get your voicemail on some phone systems and it says, please state your name.
It recognizes your voice.
They create a digital algorithm out of the different subtleties of your voice.
It's just like a fingerprint.
Every voice is different.
And it recognizes it and puts it through.
They did that with real Bin Laden tapes from the past and the fat Bin Laden tape.
It's not the same person.
And then, of course, linguists studied it and it isn't even the same dialect.
So, two different.
And that came out in Canadian papers, by the way.
Universities in France and Canada did voice print on it.
It is not Osama Bin Laden.
And I'm so sick of it.
And all these new videos, oh, here's Bin Laden with the hijackers!
Then it turns out some of the hijackers they're showing, or hijackers BBC reported, are still alive.
I mean, they can't even get their story straight.
How many times they kill Kemal Ali?
Three times.
Now they say he's still alive.
How many times they kill the Saddam sons?
Then they say these are wax figurines of their bodies.
And people go, look there's their dead bodies and they have on CNN under it wax figurines.
Comes out Anderson Cooper.
I was stuck in the hotel, excuse me, in the airport for three hours last night.
While waiting on our delayed flight with CNN like Big Brother from 1984 being pumped in and having to watch it and listen to it.
And it's Anderson Cooper, the CIA agent, right out of college at Yale, the main recruiting ground, working at CIA.
That's now confirmed.
Of course it is.
He's an Astor, by the way.
He's a New World Order robber baron.
They all are.
So is that other twit, Tucker Carlson.
It's just literally, folks.
Almost every one of these anchors is some Astor or Rockefeller twit.
And to make a long story short, I'm watching him, and he's in
Tora Bora!
And this is where Bin Laden was five years ago, and... Bin Laden's gonna get us!
Shut up, you C.I.H.
We're sick of ya!
By the way, it did come out a month after the Big Katrina disaster that when Tucker Carlson blew up and said, I'm sick of this, I'm sick of the media, I'm sick of the government, they're covering up what's happening, that the memos were released.
It was all staged to try to get credibility.
Do you understand?
It isn't liberal or conservative.
It's government propaganda.
Do you understand?
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones, and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we're back live here.
We're going to be taking your phone calls now and then I'm going to be getting back into some of the other news.
This is a report here.
Syria blames U.S.
for embassy attack.
Claims Washington orchestrated it to get concessions from Damascus.
Also a big report.
Out of the Guardian, students beware, the draft is real.
Big radio poll out, 85% of Canadians believe 9-11 is an inside job.
Another AP article, Association of Professors defending BYU visit professor Jones has been suspended.
And there are a whole bunch of big mainstream news articles that came out and reported
Not just on what I was doing out there, but what you were doing out there at Ground Zero.
Can you picture thousands of people exposing 9-11, screaming at the tops of their lungs to the point where national TV cameras couldn't even shoot the crowds.
And if they did, it showed a sea of black t-shirts.
It was historical.
It was amazing.
It was a beautiful thing.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to your calls.
But before I do that, before I go to Douglas and Ron and Johnny and
Devin and Charles and everybody else that's patiently holding, here's the toll-free number 1-800-259-9231.
And also, all three showings last week of Terror Storm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night sold out at the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar.
All three of the showings sold out.
There are still tickets left for tonight.
You should go to InfoWars.com via the safe, secure online shopping cart that the Elmo Draft House website has.
Link through from InfoWars.com or go to DraftHouse.com and get your tickets for tonight's show or drive by there today between now and 7 o'clock and get your tickets.
Now, the last showing just sold out.
They had to turn away like five people, they told me.
The first two showings they had to turn away like 50 people and then like 20 at another.
But each day there were about 30 or 40 tickets left a few hours before and then it would sell out.
Today there's like 60 tickets left for today's showing and 60 something left for tomorrow's showing but it will probably still sell out.
Both showings of my new film Terror Storm.
I'll also give a speech at the beginning and take a question and answer at the end.
That's tonight and tomorrow night and I'm not going to have any more showings.
This is it.
I love to see you.
I love to shake your hand.
We'll have all the documentary films and videos and books up there at the front, too, at the table.
I'll be more than happy to sign it.
Folks are always asking if I'll do that.
I love to.
It's great.
And we're going to have something different at the final showing tomorrow night, Thursday night.
Graham Reynolds, who did the music with his own little symphony group,
I mean, he had as many as 10 instruments, depending on what part, I guess that's a band, of what part of the music he scored for Terror Storm.
He's going to be out there, I think tomorrow night by himself, maybe with one other member of his group, playing some of the music from the film for about 20 minutes before we show it, and then I'll give a speech at the end and take questions.
So that's a special showing tomorrow night, Alamo Draft House on South Lamar.
And if you want to get Terror Storm, a high-quality DVD of it, DVD 9, it's got over three hours on one DVD, 66 minutes of extras from the 9-11 Neocon Agenda Symposium in June, and a bunch of other video before it, you know, the film itself, almost two hours long, the history of terror, 9-11, Madrid, 7-7, the lies that took us to war in Iraq.
It's such an important film.
That's info-wars.com.
You can order via the Safe, Secure Online Shopping Cart or call toll free 1-888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
And your purchase of the videos also makes this broadcast possible.
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Uh, who's up first here?
Yeah, Douglas in California.
You're on the air.
Uh, Alex.
Oh, man.
I've so been trying to get a hold of you for the longest time.
I've called Kevin, Mike.
I've met just about all your staff.
Um, wow.
I just want to say it's an honor to talk to you.
Well, it's great to talk to you.
That's fine.
You can dispense with that.
I appreciate it.
What's on your mind?
Oh, um, I've been tripping recently because I recently got out of the internet.
...connection established again at the house, and I go to Google, I click on News, and I type in, long story short, New World Order, and it's funny that all the reports that you hear about New World Order are coming from other countries, and their news is saying that the United States people have basically been conned by the New World Order into fighting a mysterious enemy called a terrorist, in quotations, like they don't know what it is, and they
Basically, you're telling everyone you're moving bail on.
America is the most unawake country in the world to 9-11, but the good news is 68% believe it's a cover-up, 42% believe it's an inside job, 36% in the Scripps Howard News Service.
Overseas, from England to France to Russia to African countries, Nigeria, you name it, Japan, the vast majority, it's like 90-something percent in Arab countries.
The Iranians have gone public,
Hugo Chavez has gone public.
The 9-11 fraud is imploding.
The New World Order is... Listen!
The majority of the cops at Ground Zero agreed with us.
I mean, how exciting is that?
That's awesome.
That's awesome.
I watched that whole thing yesterday on the news, and then when I seen you on the news, I was like, Alex is there, then I know there's protesters all over the place, and I didn't really see none.
What's going on?
Where did you see me on the news?
You were standing in front of something, but there was like two people behind you.
Yeah, what, what, what, uh, were you watching on TV or newscast online?
I was watching on TV.
No, that's what they did.
And that's the reports we've gotten.
I've seen some of the clips.
I was on, you know, several national TV programs.
I'm told ABC Nightly News and others.
But they would always... Notice, AP's the same thing.
You can watch the AP clip with AP News.
It's always, they would catch me.
They'd run over and say, will you please turn this way?
And I'd say, come on, you don't want the crowd, do you?
But I knew that if I didn't do it, it wouldn't get on there to begin with.
So I said, okay, I'll turn where there's nobody behind me.
Because if I don't, they're not going to put it on the news.
So just so I could get Inside Job out, I would turn to where there was no crowd for them.
I mean, I know how they work, because he would have hit the cutting room floor if I didn't do that.
I just think that's crazy.
I've seen it before.
I remember when the Enron thing went down, and the guy, right before they could take his funds and prove him guilty, he was supposed to go to court.
He dies from a mysterious heart ailment.
And on Fox News, they were interviewing one of the guys that had been working there for 13 years, something like.
And he said, he said, it's kind of weird, you know, the perfect picture of health one day and the next day he dies of a heart attack and then the guy cut him off that was interviewing him and totally changed the subject and I knew it was a cover-up.
I hear you, I appreciate your call.
There's no coincidence that right when the US and Israeli attack on Lebanon failed, suddenly that car creature
The creepiest man I've ever seen in my life, but obviously not guilty, you could tell.
I mean, there was no evidence of it.
Obviously a pervert.
And the government, it turned out, he tried to confess three years ago, four years ago.
He tried to turn himself in.
They ignored it then.
They had a whole list of crazies, hundreds.
I mean, any time there's a big murder or a big story, people show up in mass claiming they did it.
And the police know, and the criminologists went public and said, this guy didn't do it.
He's probably guilty of something.
You know, classic pervert, but he wants to be known as a pervert.
But, you know, he clearly didn't do this, so they had to drop it.
But for two weeks, you know, is he guilty?
Is he guilty?
And suddenly, no news of Lebanon, no news of the police state, no news of anything substantive or real.
Ron in New York, thanks for holding your on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Why not do that?
He was a great diversion from the war in the Middle East, right?
Yeah, he was.
Just like Michael Jackson and all the rest of it.
In today's New York Post, on page 6, there's a big story in there.
About, well, these little, I don't know, errands or adventures always go on here locally in New York City.
Um, you know, they did a report about and a testimony by a certain, I guess, executive level people from NYPD, so-called anti-terrorist individuals, who went down to Congress to testify about how easily they obtained fertilizer two years ago.
I mean, it was such an imminent danger that it took them two years to get around to talking about it.
Well, listen, I sat there, as I said, for three hours, stuck in Newark, and they had CNN on, and literally, we were timing it.
Every 30 seconds, we had watches out.
They were saying, Al-Qaeda terror attack, and I probably watched four or five newscasts within that three hours.
I don't know, let me see.
I got to the airport at 7 and sat down.
The plane was supposed to take off at 8.
The plane didn't take off till almost midnight, so I don't know, almost four hours then, excuse me.
Oh wait, what's 7 to 145 or so?
I don't remember.
Either way.
I mean the point is, literally,
And in 1984, they pumped in audio.
Big Brother's done this.
Big Brother's fighting the terrorists.
Big Brother produced more.
Big Brother made the economy better.
Big Brother's going to keep you safe.
And the audio was jacked up loud where you couldn't even go to sleep.
And there's all these big flat screen TVs hanging down.
I mean, one every 15 feet or so, blaring this propaganda.
There's CIA Anderson Cooper.
Guaranteed, folks.
Paula Zahn.
It's just all up there.
And I'm just thinking, imagine how bad Fox News is right now.
And it was imminent attack.
New Bin Laden tapes!
I mean, they're pulling out all the stops, Ron, because they're desperate.
Ron, you called in for years.
You're a retired New York City police officer.
I'm not kidding.
This news is so good, I can't believe it.
The majority of the police told us they agreed with us.
Some even on camera.
I mean, guys that were captains
We name cameras, we go, hey, what do you think of this?
They go, keep up the investigation.
Thank you.
Most of the police were smiling at us.
Almost all the firemen.
Sorry, go ahead.
Alex, my point is this regarding what I was talking about just a moment ago.
How do you reconcile this city's so-called concern for terrorism?
This city is not really a city unto itself.
I think it is pretty much one of the capitals of what you would call in the world order.
Well, how do you reconcile that with the fact that on the other hand, that this city is a sanctuary city for illegal aliens?
Which we probably have close to a million of.
Yeah, that's the point I make all day.
People go, the Islamofascists, they're gonna get us, they're gonna kill us!
But I still love George Bush!
You'll hear these talk show hosts say that.
Well then, why is England, why is the US, why is France, why is Belgium, why is Germany pumping in the quote, Islamofascists, as fast as they can?
It's pure baloney!
Of course it is.
You can't reconcile those two facts.
Do you know, in the city of New York now, you're not even allowed to ask somebody on that license application for a business
What his status is in this country?
No, I know.
There are 870-something sanctuary cities, New York the biggest, where... Listen, it's come out in the news.
I told people this and now it's finally in the news.
Illegal aliens get preferential treatment on housing loans, school loans.
They get preferential treatment at the hospital.
Folks, I've been there.
I've seen it.
This is how you make an incentive to pay the way to bring the illegals here.
Well, then you... It cannot then...
We cannot reconcile that with a war on terror.
You cannot really have a fear of terror and then at the same time induce large swaths of power.
No, I know, I know, but see that's the mindless Orwellian double thing.
I'm asking you, Ron, as a retired New York police officer who's called in over the years, what do you think of my report that upwards of 70% of the police really appreciated us and agreed with us and I'd have to say 99% of the firemen?
Well, I have observed now with the passage of time in this so-called war, or let me call it, I don't know, sham on terror, that what's happening is their lower level minions, if you will, or those that are the pawns on the front lines, are getting exhausted from this.
And what's happening is they're losing heart, and gradually now I see the worm is turning, they're starting to become demoralized, and naturally in the human psyche when that starts to happen,
They start to question.
How legitimate is this?
I'm being driven at full throttle now for 2, 3, 5 years.
And this is what I think is starting to happen with that.
And that's why I think you're getting that result.
They're literally just getting worn out.
I mean, let's face it.
We're kept in a state of constant psychological tension and exhaustion since 2001.
Just the way human psyches are composed, whether they're police officers or candlestick makers, they're going to die.
I couldn't believe it when a police captain in his dress uniform
With the salad dressing all over his chest, and all the medals, and I'm sitting there all smiling at me, looking at me nicely, and I'm sitting there at Ground Zero, going from having machine guns pointed at me, and being cussed at, to all these police smiling and nodding their heads, and I'm going, do you guys believe me?
Do you get it?
They go, yeah, keep investigating, thank you, we agree.
And I'm like, what?
I mean, this was incredible!
Well, that's the thing that the New World Oligarchy Award doesn't count on.
They just don't factor that in, that there's a human factor that you could only keep doing this so long and eventually people get exhausted from it.
And when they start to get mentally exhausted from it, then they start to question its validity.
Which I have another question about Syria.
Now, of course, the U.S.
government goes on about Syria as a terrorist state.
How do you reconcile that with the fact that we take terrorist suspects, the United States government, and send them to Syria under extraordinary conditions?
I'm going to let you go and I'm going to comment on that because I've got to move on.
I was going to talk about that next.
Syria literally sucks our boots.
They lick the bottom of the shoe.
They allow the U.S.
to run secret torture prisons in Syria.
This is mainstream news.
Syria has done everything.
They were told to get out of Lebanon.
They pulled out.
They have done everything they've been told to do.
If Syria wanted to attack a U.S.
embassy, which is the last thing they would want to bring down all this wrath.
They know they're about to get attacked.
Why would Syria not drive up with tanks or fire missiles into the thing?
No, no, no.
A couple guys run up with machine guns, we're told.
And now Syria's saying, we didn't do this, the U.S.
government staged this.
And the motive's there, the history's there, the common sense is there.
And yes, Syria is a horrible police state.
Syria has been licking boots.
Syria knows they're a paper tiger.
They do not want to be invaded.
Assad does not want to lose control.
And it's just like Iran.
They bent over backwards.
They did everything they were told.
They had all the inspectors in.
And then that didn't work, so the moderate gets kicked out and Ahmadinejad gets put in.
You're absolutely right, Ron, but again, you're engaging in critical thinking and common sense.
Let's talk to Johnny in Vancouver, Canada.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
I'd like to make a couple points.
The 9-11 Truth Rally in Vancouver went off as expected.
It was great.
We had a lot of support from people passing by.
I probably gave out about 200 DVDs, to which of those were some firefighters, and I've now gotten response from them.
They want to be in on some of the events in the future.
And I'd also like to plug my blog so I can unite a lot of the people that are listening to this radio program because I feel that we don't have enough.
Sure, go ahead and plug it.
It's info-warriors.com and there's no www, just info-warriors.com and hopefully we can unite a few more people to some of the rallies that we're going to be having.
We're going to be going to each media outlet and passing out DVDs to the media.
Although, they'll probably just chuck them in the garbage, but it's worth a try.
And my hope is to coordinate some stuff with some of the firefighters here in Vancouver and spread the message to all the fire halls.
Because I know that they got the DVDs and the flyer and they went and they watched it and that's why I got a response.
So, it's happening in Vancouver.
Well, I want you to keep it up, my friend.
Give us that website.
It's info-warriors.com.
All right.
Take care.
Good to hear from you.
We'll talk to many others on the other side.
The Village Voice did a pretty fair report on what we did.
I've got so much news here.
It's just massive.
We're going to be covering it all today.
I'd like to hear from folks that were in New York that were demonstrating and part of the vigils with us.
We'll be right back on the other side.
PrisonPlanet.tv is the website.
Be sure and check it out.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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None of us like what's happened.
None of us
I don't want to be forced to face it.
I just want to go enjoy my life.
I want to travel.
I want to see the world.
I'm the type of person that would go run a little fishing lodge by some beautiful lake and just raise a family.
I don't like having to do this, but you know what?
The stakes are too high.
We've got to face the truth that criminals control our government, and criminals carried out 9-11.
And once you realize that thousands of times they killed thousands of Americans in chemical, biological, and radiological tests,
Once you find that out, once you find out that they look at you as absolutely worthless, once you realize it's in the U.S.
Code, they claim the authorization to kill you whenever they wish, for any reason, and keep it secret, once you realize that, you'll realize you're in a matrix, my friends.
I mean, it just, what you think of as reality is so different from what the truth is.
And all of us have to face just how horrific it is.
And these arrogant creatures at Stage 9-11 need to know that we're never going to stop.
We're never going to surrender.
We're never going to back off.
Also, I want to take time out to thank Bob Daisy for sitting in for the last two days.
I said that everybody could call in and so he'd give you analysis and I heard that he did a great job.
We're going to go to Dwayne, Charles, Mike, Cindy, and many others.
Before we do that, again, tonight, Alamo Draft House, South Lamar, 7 p.m.
I'll give a speech.
We'll show my new film, Terror Storm.
Then we'll take questions at the end.
Only two more events, tonight at 7 o'clock on South Lamar and tomorrow at 7 o'clock.
Tomorrow's special, Graham Reynolds will be there with several people from his band.
I just talked to him.
They're going to be playing some of the music, some of the original music from the score that they produced for Terror Storm.
Then I'll also give a speech.
I can't do justice to all the news that's coming up the next hour, but I'm going to suck it up and do a big news blitz.
I am totally exhausted.
I'm not bragging, I just want you to know that I'm a little dingy.
This happens occasionally.
I slept an average of about 3 hours a night, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and then I got about 5 last night, got in about 3, and the kids ran in at 6.30 and woke me up, but I went back into a coma like sleep until about 9.30.
Didn't do much preparation today, I couldn't.
And I've got masses of articles here where we got attention, where we had an effect.
All these clips, all these things happening.
I just want to thank all of you out there for your support in making this broadcast possible.
Let's talk to DeWayne in New York.
Thank you for holding, DeWayne.
Thank you, Alex.
How are you doing today, sir?
Good, my friend.
I have two interesting pieces of news here, and I'll try to go through them as quickly as possible for you, sir, and the rest of the people listening.
Sure, go ahead.
In the Capital Region in upstate New York here, a Capital Nine news report, mainstream news, with a picture and a video with this news report of local heading that says, quote, Stewart's Shops adds terror number to milk cartons that says also on the milk cartons to report possible terrorism activity with a phone tip line number on it.
And it also goes on to say, and there's a report that Stewart Shops will be doing their part for Homeland Security.
The company is placing the number for New York's terror tip line on milk cartons.
Yeah, what they do is...
To make us think terror is real and to take our freedoms, they are terrorizing us with endless newscasts, endless milk carton numbers, endless tattletale squads.
I was sitting in the Austin airport and we joked that it was like the beginning of a dystopic novel.
We got there about an hour early, let's eat at the Salt Lake BBQ, we're all sitting down to eat, and there's TSA guys everywhere sitting down eating themselves, and it's this black and white covered book and it says, How Someone Becomes a Terrorist.
And I'm going to get Aaron in here later to talk about it.
Stand there, I'll let you finish up on the other side.
Dwayne, sure.
And he's sitting there reading it all serious.
And I said, let me guess, in a minute he's going to look up over his book and look left and right.
Sure enough, he looks up, he looks left and right.
See, he's a big secret agent.
He's a big... Oh, there's a terrorist everywhere.
See, it's part of this mass paranoia, this big Jim Jones cult that our country's turning into, and he's looking around.
I'll tell you more about it when we get back.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Continual coverage of the ongoing fight against the New World Order crime syndicate.
I have just returned today
From New York, where we had a breakthrough moment, a breakthrough in the movement.
It's just exponential steps up towards exposing the criminals and blowing the entire conspiracy wide open.
Every month now, we are definitely going to win this thing, thanks to the grace of God.
We just continue down this path, in through and beyond.
Hugo Chavez is saying, U.S.
Marine Corps was shot at 9-11.
I have massive news reports here, coverage of the events that we had in New York City.
We'll be talking more about that.
I love this Village Voice caption below a picture of myself and a big crowd bullhorning, and it says, Radio host Alex Jones, the Rush Limbaugh, the conspiracy left, photographed by Sarah Ferguson.
I mean, come on, that is the biggest joke I've ever heard in my life.
They gotta put you under those labels.
The Rush Limbaugh.
Rush Limbaugh never comes out of his cave, never comes out of his drug-induced stupor, or if he does, it's only on the golf course.
The guy's not a conservative.
I'm not a liberal.
I'm a freedom lover.
I'm a truth teller.
I'm a constitutionalist.
I'm a patriot.
Yes sir, and also I wanted to report that also from this news article
That New York State Office of Homeland Security Director James McMahon talked about live and recorded alongside state troopers standing beside him in the store in the video news talking about Operation Safeguard, which you can type into Google and it'll come up for you whenever you get a chance, which asks businesses around the New York State to look out for suspicious activity.
In other words, Mr. Jones, as you and I know, under the Patriot Act, that all crime is considered terrorism.
While training the public to report on their neighbors or tattletale squads, reporting on anything suspicious at all, creating the illusion that anybody doing anything suspicious could be, maybe a terrorist right on the spot, will be reported to local authorities or the New York State tip line for Homeland Security.
So everything is becoming suspicious to the people.
They're training us
You're domesticating us to become slaves to tattle on anything suspicious or anybody all around us.
No, that's right, and when we get back from break, and I appreciate your call, Dwayne.
Thank you, sir.
You bet.
When we get back, I'm going to tell you what happened with the Army Guard, with the troops.
I mean, we had a run-in that was unbelievable.
We had a military run-in that was crazy.
And we've got it all on video.
You're not going to believe what the troops did to us.
Again, I'm just thinking about all the things I want to cover today.
I've never gotten footage like this.
This entire four days was insane.
I mean, I have troops.
You want to see the future.
Oh yeah, Aaron, I know I was telling you to get my bullhorning and the protest and the march up and ready for the web put out for everybody, but get the troops.
That's the really important part.
And then let's go ahead and get that guy that ran up and grabbed the shirt off the family and was stomping on it and screaming.
I want to show that too.
We will get that up, maybe even by the end of the show, if not tomorrow.
We will find that tape.
We will grab that audio.
We've got to beep it though, there's so much cussing.
Wait until, wait until you see this, wait until you hear this.
Things happened while we were in New York that, as soon as you think it can't get any more Orwellian, more Twilight Zone, more Outer Limits, more bizarre, it does.
And I have seen
The future of this country and it is not good.
We've got to turn this around.
Stay with us.
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It's here!
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
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Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Continual coverage of the 5th anniversary of 9-11.
I am back in the cockpit, back in the saddle, here in my beloved home of Austin, Texas.
I'm so glad to be back with you.
It was buoying to my soul, though.
To be around all those wonderful New Yorkers and people around the country, there are thousands of them exposing how this false flag attack was orchestrated by criminal elements of our own government.
I'm going to continue with your calls and a bunch of news.
There's so much of it, I'm going to get to it.
Before we do that though, I have never been on a mission.
That's what we call these.
These are missions.
Missions of truth.
Missions to fight the globalists.
Missions to expose them.
And because the globalists are evil, and because what they're doing is bad, and is being done with bad intentions, it always manifests itself.
First off, I'll go ahead and tell this story.
We had two run-ins, that's not true, three run-ins, wait, four run-ins!
Okay, see, so much happened.
And I've had a few hours to leave, I'm dazed here.
So much happened while we were there.
Now, year-round in New York City, they have regular army, special forces, and National Guard, and occasionally active duty or Marine Corps Reserve stomping around with M-16s.
And they're loaded now, by the way.
Can't be loaded on the border.
Can't be loaded on the border.
But you can have loaded weapons
On the subways, on the street corners, all over the city.
And so, it was... I'm going to tell the worst case first.
We had a run-in with NorthCom guys, a Special Forces colonel.
We got footage of that, but I'll get into that later.
And by the way, I know my crews listen to me.
I don't want the Special Forces people in the restaurant.
That's not the clip I'm seeing.
I want the gang member type trips that we're running around in the streets, bombing at the mouth, screaming and cussing.
And we're going to try to find this, upload it the next hour.
The only thing that will stop us from playing it is, I can put it up with all the cussing on the internet, because it's real, it's document, you know, it's document.
But I can't.
There's so much cussing, it'll take the network a while to cut this out.
I think you're going to have to cut like four or five F-bombs and S-bombs.
Maybe it was... something like nine or ten of them.
It's a whole bunch of them.
Just screaming, cussing troops, but... We're going to try to get that ready for you.
So, it's about 1145 on September 11th, right across the street from our hotel.
And I'm inside of this restaurant slash bar, and I'm with Corey Rowe and with Jason Burmiss' brothers there, and they've got their, you know, there's a few of the other Loose Change guy there, they've got an expanded crew, a bunch of cameras, and we're in there in the restaurant slash bar, and all of a sudden I look out the window, and I see about
I don't know, about ten U.S.
Army soldiers in the new uniforms running around wildly in the street!
And I say, get the cameras!
And so, my guys are leaning up against the wall, totally exhausted.
We've been up since, you know, seven that morning running around the streets.
We all smell like, I would imagine, huge hogs, because it was pretty hot out there.
And we go running out the door.
And we're there right by Times Square, and I'm not kidding.
There are people in black t-shirts that say, New World Order, because there was a wrestling match that just ended across the street.
The troops are all huge fans, but we later learn the next day they're on duty there at Times Square.
This is the same unit.
They're there, running around like idiots, screaming and shouting at people,
They're driving their van up the wrong way, parking it, big blue van, just acting like complete freaks on duty, and so they don't want us to get them on video.
So we run out, the cameras aren't even that close to them, we're standing on the sidewalk videotaping police running around with crowds that are running around the streets with limos driving out with ridiculous professional wrestlers, the people that have those little stage fake fights, it's so ridiculous.
And the troops see that we have cameras.
Well, obviously they're on duty, and they're not supposed to be running around doing all of this, grandstanding in their uniforms.
So they freak out and run over and start cussing at the cameras, telling us that, you know, get the camera out of their face, we're not allowed to film.
Of course, they're running up to the cameras, putting their faces in the cameras.
And then they start wildly driving all over the side of the sidewalk with their van.
They all pile into it.
They're screaming and yelling.
They were late at night.
Now it's midnight.
Swamp about 10 minutes.
Now it's September 12th.
There's this big truck at a big drugstore offloading stuff.
Doesn't matter.
The troops run up.
This is a free country.
Scream for it to move.
All because they don't want us to videotape them.
This is what our country has turned into, okay?
There are no real terrorists.
There is no real threat.
The threat comes out of Pennsylvania Avenue and the bowels of the intelligence agencies.
And this is what it's turned into.
Literal gang member type troops running around flashing weird juvenile wrestler slogans, which is really just gang member stuff itself.
I don't think so.
On the other side of that equation, all this is for is so we're prepared and acclimated to the image of troops walking around telling us what to do, giving us orders with M16s.
I mean, they have little police boxes in the subways and on the streets, these little police towers that they crank up from the backs of big trucks.
And there it is, troops with machine guns with a New York Police Department with machine guns staring at you.
And it's there to simply train you, with big screen TVs all over downtown New York, with Fox News reporting blaring audio that the Al-Qaeda is going to get us, and hyping the fear constantly.
We are in 1984.
By the way, I forgot about this.
We were told that Greg Pallast
was arrested for going to a concentration camp and I forgot to print that.
Will you guys go to gregpalast.com, confirm if that's true.
I was told this last night by people who were good sources that said they saw it.
I forgot to look at it this morning.
Will you guys go to that and find out about it?
They said he was violating infrastructure protection by reporting on this facility.
I gotta confirm that.
Man, I'm tired.
So this is the type of country that we have degenerated into.
But again, words cannot describe the wild-eyedness and the stupidity of these troops.
And then on the other side of the coin, we go walking into a nice deli about a block from ground zero.
Two blocks from ground zero.
And we walk in and the manager is a fan.
And he goes, listen, NorthCon has meetings here several times a week.
It's FEMA troops.
They're back there in the back.
You can talk to them, but don't be too aggressive since I told you about them.
So we go sit down right next to them.
There's four of them.
One of them's a special forces colonel.
Two of the others are military as well.
And then there's a woman from FEMA.
But they're all with FEMA.
One's got a special forces patch.
He's a colonel.
The others are regular Army.
They're all in there.
They have this meeting a few days a week about Homeland Security.
So I walk over, but the cameras aren't on yet, because I wanted to sneak up with them.
Well, that's not true.
The cameras were on from their seats, and I had a wireless microphone on my lapel.
So I walk over, and I told my guys to come over 30 seconds after I started talking.
Because they clamored immediately, they saw the cameras.
And I go,
What's the military doing down here?
Are you part of the memorial?
And they go, no, we're here to assist and support FEMA.
And I said, oh, NORTHCOM.
The guy went, NORTHCOM?
The colonel did.
And I said, yeah, NORTHCOM.
He goes, you know about NORTHCOM?
And I went, yeah, yeah, the new military command over the U.S.
I was like, what about Posse Comitatus?
They all start getting up real quick to leave.
They're getting real mad, because they're secret police, basically.
They're suddenly freaked out.
You know, they've got one they can see.
We sleep, they live.
They all start jumping up, and I say, what about the majority of American people being aware of government-sponsored terrorism?
Being aware of the fact that 9-11 is an inside job.
Oh, that head guy was totally freaked out then.
His eyes just raged with anger.
The others had gotten up.
He bolted up.
I followed him out the door.
We know about Operation Ajax, Operation Gladio.
We know about Gulf of Tonkin.
We know about Northwoods.
We know about it all.
And so they just went scurrying away from us down the street.
And there were other cases of troops.
Imagine when you go on the subway, there are just troops walking around with M-16s, bulging their eyes out at people, walking over, demanding to search bags just totally randomly.
We were late to catch a train, but I saw troops around some good-looking women searching their bags.
I mean, this is what it's like to be in bondage.
Good-looking women, you're in a lot of trouble.
You're going to be shook down by every buck-toothed thug out there.
So I witnessed that.
But then, yesterday we're leaving and we're late.
We're not sure which train to get on in New Jersey.
That's where we flew into.
Cheaper airline tickets.
And into Liberty International.
They're in... They're in... What's the big town there in New Jersey that's right across the water?
There we go.
And we only go a few days without sleep.
Before you start degrading with your quality of memory recall.
But we walk up and we say, hello men!
How you doing?
Is this the right area of Penn Station to get on the Newark line to the airport?
And they said, who are you?
What are you doing?
We didn't have cameras on them at that time.
They were all obsessing us, all paranoidly looking at us.
And they do this to everybody.
They've been totally brainwashed.
They think they're like secret agents in this delusional world.
And then all of a sudden they got real nice and the one little fella who could hardly talk led us into the facility.
Yeah, it's true.
Rick Pallas has been arrested.
We'll tell you about that when we get back.
David J. Smith for Newswatch Magazine.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday, 11 to 2, back from 9 to midnight.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us.
Okay, I had a bunch of people that I know run up to me and tell me that Greg Powell has been arrested, and that it was for filming infrastructure, and that clicked.
I knew it was credible when I heard that.
Number one, because one of them was a reporter known to me,
And number two, because that's what they arrest you for.
Infrastructure protection.
Remember when they went to Poplar Valley Toys in St.
Helens three years ago?
Tiny town next to Mount St.
Helens in Oregon.
Right there on the border.
And they went there in St.
Helens and they told her, you're going to be arrested as a terrorist for selling knockoff Rubik's Cubes, Magic Cubes.
Remember we interviewed her, but it was in the AP.
And she said, well, wait a minute.
And she called the manufacturer and they said, no, don't call the manufacturer.
You're not allowed to tell anyone we've been here.
This is Homeland Security.
She said, wait a minute.
These are everywhere.
The patent's up on Rubik's Cube.
I'm just a tiny toy store.
Why are you here?
These are sold at Toys R Us everywhere else.
This is a knockoff Rubik's Cube.
It's like the generic Rubik's Cube.
And they said, listen, we can arrest you right now.
Tell anyone we're going to arrest you.
So she
She's not a coward and so she goes ahead and calls the media and calls the company that makes it and goes public.
But they told her we'll arrest you.
They said infrastructure protection is terror, is our main job.
And anything that hurts infrastructure, anything in business, anything, is punishable by many years in prison.
And they threatened her.
They made her take the ten Rubik's Cubes she had off the shelf.
By the way, if you just tuned in, this isn't satire, this isn't a joke, okay?
This is really happening.
And homeless people sleeping on park benches have been charged with terrorism, pot dealers, topless bars.
You've heard the drill.
It's literally every day I see it.
Where state legislatures are saying they're going to use the Patriot Act, and where district attorneys are using it.
Everything is terror.
Greg Pallis, ladies and gentlemen, is being charged with terrorism.
BBC reporter, London Guardian writer, best-selling author.
He wrote this on 9-11.
Pallis charged with journalism in the first degree.
It's true, it's weird, it's nuts.
The Department of Homeland Security, after a five-year hunt for Osama, has finally brought charges against Greg Pallis.
I kid you not, send your cakes with files
To the Air America Wing at Guantanamo.
Though not just yet, Fatherland Security has informed me and they're now searching.
We just talked to their office.
They're trying to arrest him right now.
So that's the part that's wrong.
They didn't get him yet.
They're trying to find him.
They're visiting his home and looking for him.
Greg Powell is on the run, folks.
We're trying to get him on the air right now.
We just talked to his office.
It's freedom!
Guess what he went and videotaped?
A camp!
Ha ha!
You guys are going to lose, by the way.
When you start trying to arrest reporters for showing your camps, it's over for you.
Just a little bit of information for you.
Though not just yet, Fatherland Securities informed me that television producer Matt Pasquerilla and I have been charged with unauthorized filming of a critical national security structure in Louisiana.
That's right.
Where did we tell you the camps are?
Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas.
On August 22nd, for Link TV and Democracy Now!, I was just on that Link TV show yesterday.
Great folks.
We videotaped the thousands of Katrina evacuees still held behind a barbed wire in a trailer park in Campman, 100 miles from New Orleans.
And they are prisoners, by the way, in these facilities.
You have to get permission to leave and go.
It's been a year since the hurricane and 73,000 POWs, prisoners of war, are still in the aluminum ghetto in the middle of nowhere.
Our president, one resident, Pamela Lewis, said it's a prison setup except there are no home furloughs for these inmates because they no longer have homes.
And when we get back, I'll tell you more about this.
He is being charged with a subsection of the Patriot Act as a terrorist, has been charged, and is now basically on the run for videotaping the facility in the United States.
That's America.
To give a sense of the full flavor and the smell of the place, we wanted to show that the human parking lot with kids and elderly is nearly adjacent to the Exxon Oil Refinery, the nation's second largest, a chemical belching behemoth.
So we filmed it!
Without Big Brother's authorization.
Apparently the broadcast of these stinking smokestacks tipped off Osama, that if the assassins pose as poor black folk, they can get a cramped airstrip right next to the critical infrastructure absent.
So now Matt and I have a criminal complaint lodged against us with the feds.
And we'll tell you more about it.
And by the way, this FEMA is setting these up as camps.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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And then the man steps right up to the microphone.
And says at last, just as the time bell rings.
Good night!
Now it's time to go home.
Then he makes his bed with one more thing.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me hit some news, and I will go to Charles, Mike, Cindy, Tom, Andrew, and everybody in just a few minutes.
Greg Pallast has now talked to Detective Frank Panepinto of Homeland Security, and he told us, quote, this is a critical infrastructure
And quote, they got nervous about unauthorized filming of their property.
Unauthorized filming with this huge FEMA camp right next door to the Exxon Mobil facility.
So now,
Don't videotape anything like that.
The government's going to put cameras on you and your family and track everything you buy and what you sell and what you do and use the microphones on your computer to listen to you, all mainstream news.
But you don't videotape this because you're a BBC reporter and you may be with a terrorist.
And here it is.
They said that Pallas has been told that it is critical infrastructure and that he is going to be arrested.
He is going to be arrested under a provision of the USA Patriot Act as soon as they can.
What also makes me nervous, Pallas writes, is that the Bush Terror Terriers have kindly indicated on the internet that this unprotected critical infrastructure can be targeted, I mean located at 30 degrees 90 11th north latitude 90 degrees 1139 west longitude.
After I asserted
And assured Detective Panepinto, that's his name, I can swear to you that I am not part of Al-Qaeda.
He confirmed that Louisiana is still part of the United States, subject to the First Amendment, and he was therefore required to divulge my accuser.
Not surprisingly, it was Exxon Corporation, one of the handful of companies not in love with my investigations.
And I want to go to Luke, who's an amazing individual who helped head up the demonstrations, the vigils, the protests, the speeches, the meetings.
Immortal Technique was there, everybody.
Luke, you did such an incredible job, my friend.
I salute you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
All the honors.
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate it.
Luke, I'm going to go to the calls here in a few minutes, but I wanted to get you and the Loose Change men on a little bit later in the next hour for a few minutes just to give everybody a report
On what happened and to give us a snapshot view on what you took away from this weekend and Monday and Tuesday from Ground Zero to the Council on Foreign Relations at Pratt House, the real shadow government, and also out of the gates wanted to get your take on Greg Pallas.
Now there's an arrest warrant out for him for videotaping the FEMA camp and the ExxonMobil facility in Louisiana.
That's amazing.
Uh, you want me to start on the weekend?
Yeah, just run down.
I mean, whatever you think is important.
I think, uh, Monday.
Monday, the 5th anniversary of 9-11 was definitely a big, huge, pivotal moment.
Big, huge, pivotal day.
I remember as soon as I showed up on the scene, the cops already identified me as the leader.
And surprisingly enough, the cops were down on our side.
The cops knew what was going on.
And the cop, the main captain, kind of took me to the side, and he told me himself,
I know.
And I'm on your side.
And this gentleman really helped us out during this whole, I don't want to say rally, but this whole gathering at Ground Zero.
And it was amazing to see a thousand, two thousand people wearing these shirts.
And it was really a pivotal, amazing day for the alignment truth movement.
And I think, you know, even though the media didn't cover all this, soon the media, soon it's going to come on the internet and soon people will see how big this day really was.
Well, Luke, obviously national television had a 95% blackout on it, but I couldn't count them all.
It's got to be more than 50 newspapers from Australia to the Village Voice in New York to Associated Press did cover what we were doing and did cover it.
But you're right, it should have been top TV news.
It wasn't.
Yeah, because literally we took over the streets.
I mean, we had people everywhere.
We took over the streets, especially at 2 o'clock, when we started bullhorning at Ground Zero.
That was amazing.
And, uh, the captain, the captain that was helping us throughout the day, told me himself to hire us.
We're chewing, you know, chewing his butt out.
The higher-ups are getting on him for helping us out.
And the higher-ups really were the ones who got the guys with M16s out there, the guys with the plastic handcuffs, the guys that are snipers on the roof.
Yeah, that's right.
We were out there for two hours in front of Ground Zero.
The police are nodding, smiling.
A few troublemakers tried to come over.
They would grab them instantly and get them out of the way so they couldn't disrupt our demonstration.
Total difference from two years ago.
And then all of a sudden, an hour in,
Here come the New York riot police with MP5s, MP5 machine guns, pointing them in our direction.
Here come a bunch of cops with plastic handcuffs.
And it was just, it was sick.
Yes, that's the hurt police team, the guys with the M16s, those military personnel.
They're really, they're militarized police.
I personally looked up on the roof and saw the spotters and binoculars and of course we had a lot of former military personnel, a lot of loose change guys, the newer team that's with them are all former veterans.
One of them was a sniper and he said, look at that.
I looked through the camera and zoomed in and they had that 308 train right on my head.
Yes, they certainly did on all of us there.
And the higher-ups were really responsible for it, because the lower-ranking police officers, the lower captains, the regular lieutenants, they were all smiling, happy, and they took me, took me on the side, and said, we're going to help you.
We're on your side.
We know exactly what's going on.
We know this was an inside job.
Listen, Luke, I would say 65 to 70 percent, as I was trying to count, were coming over saying, thank you, keep it up, keep investigating.
It was genuine.
20% or so were neutral, and then about 10% were laughing and giggling or cussing us.
There were some very few negative reactions we got, but the crowd of 2,000 people luckily remained calm and we never even reacted to them, and they kind of looked stupid on their part.
But the cops were really nice again, and there were a few Asian provocateurs, but the police were kind enough to let me deal with them before they did.
And we clearly made a message.
We're not with the guys who are screaming.
We're not with the psychos.
We're not with all the crazies.
And the day went off perfectly.
I can't wait until the video comes out on the internet.
It was amazing, my friend.
Luke is 20 years old.
Luke, tell us a little bit about yourself.
Well, I'm just a Brooklyn College student here in New York City.
I've been a part of New York 9-1-1 Truth for two years, ever since I was beat up by the police.
And ever since that happened, I started really getting involved and concerning myself with, uh, you know, such events as 9-11, police brutality, uh, you know, big government.
Ever since then, you know, it took that negative incident to wake me up to what's really going on.
Yeah, tell folks how you woke up.
That's an interesting story.
I woke up when, uh, on September 13th, 2004, I was beat up by NYPD police officers in broad daylight in Brooklyn, in New York City.
And ever since then, I've tried to find justice for it, but I had no video recording footage.
Lawyers didn't want to help me out.
I went to the Community Review Board.
They supposedly did a case, and the case found nothing relevant, and no one was able to help me out, and I really felt helpless.
So instead of feeling helpless, continuing to do that, I started researching it, and it led me to find you, and when I found you, I started looking at the bigger picture of things, and it made me want to be involved, made me want to do something that's right for what's right, and do the right thing instead of doing stupid stuff.
That's right.
To all the young people, you want to rebel.
Be straight and strong.
Be a straight arrow.
Don't let them get you in their system.
That's what we've got to do.
It was so incredible, the big rally we had with about 800 people the night before on Sunday night with Immortal Technique there.
I gave a speech.
Many others gave speeches.
It was just amazing.
It was historic.
It was really historic bringing you, Immortal Technique together, the Loose Change guys.
It really put a new face on the movement.
The movement is not, you know, no more Zionist haters.
There's no more playing hard to get.
It's really the youth and the truth.
And this is coming out.
I'm at the college right now and, you know, slowly I'm seeing, you know, more and more people are starting to think rebellion is cool, starting to get active, starting to care.
And, you know, more people, it's really waking up.
People are really waking up.
It's just sad because I'm also having a little problems at college right now.
They're trying to kind of kick me out because I'm having a problem paying my bills.
But other than that, everything is looking great.
It's looking really great.
Luke, we can check out more of your information at New York 9-11 Truth and I salute you.
It was great to go bullhorn Elliot Spitzer's office too, wasn't it?
Yeah, Elliot Spitzer was amazing, but I think the icing on the cake was the CFR Tuesday.
The CFR Tuesday, we spoke right truth to power.
We didn't go after the puppets.
We went after the real power structure in America.
And that's the CFR.
And it was amazing speaking truth to power.
Because that's the real power.
Not just the regular puppets.
Luke, Godspeed.
Thank you.
And I want to get you up for a full hour in the near future.
Take care.
No, thank you.
You bet.
We got Greg Pallis briefly in the next hour.
We also got some of the loose change guys coming on that really help organize a lot of this with Luke.
Joining us, and we are the grassroots.
We're taking this country back.
We're not going to stop.
And it was really exciting to see how many Iraq war vets were there.
And they'd pull their shirts off and show me their new meat tags, by the way.
They're now forcing them.
They tell them, it's not a law, but you better go and get this tattoo.
And they tattoo them right there in the barracks with their social security number, their name, their info, right on their rib under their arm.
It was amazing.
And then to be there with these veterans and to be standing there peacefully and to have snipers, federal snipers, all over the roofs.
Imagine zooming in with a video camera with a hundred zoom and you zoom up on a building and the gun is aimed right at you.
You zoom in and there's the scope aimed right at you.
It's like in the movies where you look through your binoculars and you see the guy looking at you with binoculars.
And of course that's meant to scare most people so we won't come out and protest and demonstrate.
I wasn't scared at all.
It was invigorating to see them march out cops with MP5s and kind of swing them around in our direction.
It was invigorating to see them aiming guns at me.
I loved it.
I loved it.
I mean, I love life, but if one of them would have accidentally squeezed the trigger and blown my brains all over the pavement, that would probably help us win the war against the New World Order.
Because the blood of patriots and tyrants waters the Tree of Liberty.
That shows how scared you are of us and how you're trying to intimidate us.
You don't intimidate us!
We're coming for you, you murder and trash!
You're not going to stop us!
Have that gun aimed at me before?
Well, about ten years ago when I protested the Klan up in Waco.
I guess that's actually... that was 99.
Seven years ago.
Eight years ago.
You know, I'm there, and Mike Hanson goes, look at that.
And I turn, there's the parking garage downtown by the county courthouse, and the cops have got the sniper rifles aimed directly at me, following me.
Because I'm there protesting the Klan.
It does not scare me, you do not scare me, and I'm not going to stop.
You understand that?
I'm not a piece of filth like you, I'm not a coward like you.
All right?
I'm going to defend this country.
We know what happened.
We know the truth.
And already the majority of the police, and I'm telling you, all the firemen are on our side and emergency workers.
Oh, that's a whole other thing.
I went and interviewed a highly decorated... You know the guy that found the flag and gave it to Bush?
The army soldier?
The sergeant?
He's like a high-level sergeant.
He's the guy that went into the rubble and they found the flag and he's been at the White House giving all these medals.
He refused the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Bush last year because he's so angry about all of this, he told us.
And he was there and there were a bunch of people on breathing apparatus, people there with the oxygen tanks.
Because of all the concrete and mercury and asbestos they breathe and weren't given treatment.
And to have them be giving speeches and they're coughing up blood while they're on stage, folks.
I mean, to see this happening.
That's what they think of you.
That's how they'll use you for reflective glory and flush you down the toilet.
Let's go ahead and talk to Charles in Rhode Island.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, greetings and salutations, fellow soldier boy in front.
I was there at the front lines there, Alex, across the street from where you were bullhoarding.
Good, thanks for being there.
Yeah, I really like the fact that they have to waste about 15-20 minutes checking your permit out before they can let you bullhorn.
That's right, we... Now, now, you have free speech zones, so there's only a Constitution, Bill of Rights, and these small little pens.
And one of the even higher-ups, we were about to go live, and then an even bigger higher-up pulls up, gets out, guys in suits get out, they try to stop us, and I point out that we had that thing totally authorized, they tried to discredit it, they called ahead, their higher-up said no, it's real, and then they held us about 15 minutes before we could bullhorn.
Exactly, and the other thing I wanted to talk about, Alex, I went over to the Spitzer office with you,
And that belongs to the gentleman that owned the Twin Towers, that building that we went to.
His name was right on the side of the building there, in the big plaque.
Silverstein Properties!
Yeah, and I couldn't remember that off the top of my head.
I'm glad you pointed that out, though.
And so, anyways, I left after that point, you know, to head back to Rhode Island, basically.
And so, when I got into my vehicle, I started
Let me go to the New York talk stations, and Alex Jones was mentioned on every talk station that I was listening to, and they were all talking about the demonstrations down there, and about the truth, and I want you to be very well aware of that.
But outside of New York, and New York City, basically, there wasn't one word of a protest anywhere in the country.
Absolutely, please continue.
Well, basically, New Yorkers, you know, were really
We're giving it to the people that were, uh, that were operating these talk shows who are, who are basically shills to, uh, defer, you know, their comments and to calm them down.
And, uh, the people that were calling into the talk shows were giving it to them, uh, bold vowels every time about what the truth really is.
And I was like, really proud.
You know, those people may not have made it to the march at all.
They may have to do their job, but they're calling the talk shows and tell them what the truth is concerning 9 11.
And so, you know, we accomplished a great deal.
It was a true mission accomplished.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
What were the talk show hosts saying in response to all these callers?
Well, you know, one of the major talk shows that I listened to was on the PBS network.
And basically, they were nice to be nice people.
You know, they don't raise their voice to anything.
And they were talking about the New World Order and about how Alex Jones is leading
You know, the revolution against this happening to us and all.
And they were like in complete shock that somebody would actually stand up against these people.
You know, when the best thing that could possibly happen to us is if they take over.
The show was... the program was acting like this was good?
It was good that we're getting taken over by the New World Order.
Good work, Alex.
Thank you.
I appreciate the call.
Alright, we're going to come back and talk to Mike, Cindy, Tom, Andrew, and many others.
Greg Palast will be joining us.
There's a ton of other news I haven't even gotten to yet.
You'll want to stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police forgery, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network.
I have an urgent message for all of our listeners.
The mass media keeps telling us that we are the richest, most powerful economy in the world.
If this is true, why can't we pay our bills?
Why is the United States the world's largest debtor nation?
The truth is that we are in the worst debt bubble in our nation's history.
When the bubble bursts, will you be able to feed your family?
When the inevitable crash occurs, will you be ready?
Call Whitehurst International at 1-888-892-6238.
That's 1-888-892-6238 for the following two free reports.
debt bubble, red alert, and real estate crash.
Call 888-8XANADU, that's 888-8XANADU, and ask for George.
Just briefly, Matt Conner went up there with us and helped us shoot video.
I've known Matt for years.
In fact, Matt's been coming out with demonstrations and stuff.
I've been doing this since he was a little bitty kid.
You wore your Investigate 9-11 shirt through the TSA checkpoints, and you were telling me during the break that they came up and told you they liked them?
Right, I went through LaGuardia and Lord Bush Intercontinental in Houston, and I had two TSA people in New York tell me they liked my T-shirt.
Then I had people at the shoe-shining stations going through LaGuardia saying, hey, nice T-shirt, I heard that's a good idea, you know, about investigating 9-11.
Uh, and also about the security, I went through the two, the one most scary airport, LaGuardia, with the cigarette lighter, and the Houston airport with the cigarette lighter.
Uh, and you were, I was hearing comments from, in the Houston airport, they come on the intercom, the pre-recorded messages, and it says, any comments or jokes about security will result in your arrest.
So it's just total control.
It's ridiculous the amount of fear being played up, you know, but it just shows how inconsistent... Well see, now it's don't take your shampoo, don't take your toothpaste, don't make jokes.
That's how they hype up that there's this terror threat and then everything turns into terror, see.
Normal things turn into terror.
Well, everything's illegal.
That's the definition of a police state.
I mean, the one thing that got me the most was the breast milk thing.
That's absolutely, completely ridiculous.
Yeah, they make women drink it.
Yeah, that's worse than I think the Nazis would have done.
It's all about humiliation and training you to do just out-of-control things.
What did you think of everything that happened in New York?
I think we had a major victory on Monday.
I don't think anything with this level of organization that was not funded by a, you know, Rob Allen & Co.
type PR firm, as with the immigration protest.
It was a complete grassroots movement.
Organized, polite, you know, respectful of the families.
I can't say the same for the people that were against us.
I was personally spit on.
One firefighter, I was filming two police officers we were talking to, and a firefighter
He did the motion across his neck with his finger and the guy that I had interviewed just right after that said that he had said that all our family's throats should be slit so at least they wouldn't have to die in a plane crash unlike the people that died on 9-11.
Yeah, so there was a minority there that didn't like us.
What percentage would you say didn't like us?
Out of the thousands of people at Ground Zero, I probably only saw maybe five people in total that got in confrontation.
But they always said they wanted to kill us.
Right, right.
There was maybe one gentleman there who had an intelligent argument, and then we were discussing the Popular Mechanics piece in the Building 7.
I saw P.J.
O'Rourke out there who was pushing the government story.
I'd seen him on Bill Maher in the Hotel in New York on HBO.
But he, basically, he's a humorist, so I don't put too much faith.
He believes that Building 7, that Giuliani took it out, but with diesel fuel, just to cover up the fact that Giuliani's corrupt.
So he believes that jet fuel, or that diesel fuel, would take out Building 7.
But Fino says that it didn't.
I said, well, didn't they retract that, among the other four reasons why the buildings came down?
And he just said, well, he just brought up that, well, you know, he brought up the argument that conspiracy theories don't work because the government's incompetent.
Yeah, we hear that all the time, but they can shoot a cruise missile through a window.
Yeah, they can get your license plate number from a satellite, but they couldn't track planes or, you know, it's completely and totally ridiculous.
Anyone with any discernment should see right through it.
Well, I appreciate you talking to us, and thanks for coming out.
It was great, my friend.
No problem.
We're going to end this hour, come back, and I'll go right to Cindy and Mike and Tom and everybody else who's patiently holding.
Before I do that, I want to see you tonight, Alamo Draft House, South Lamar, 7 p.m.
I'll be giving a speech, showing my new film, Terror Storm, and taking questions at the end.
And the final showing is tomorrow night, 7 p.m., Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
You can go to InfoWars.com and link through to DraftHouse.com and get your tickets online via their safe, secure ticketing system.
Or you can simply buy some at the door.
They hold 20 back.
They always hold 20 until the hour before at the door.
So if you want to buy them at the door, you can get them now.
But when it gets up to being sold out, which is about to happen, they'll hold 20, you can still try to get at the door.
But there's a few left right now at Infowars.com via that system.
Or you can also call and get the DVD, 888-253-3139, or order via Infowars.com.
Stay with us, third hour straight ahead.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, 11 to 2, back from 9 to midnight.
Wide open phones at this hour.
Greg Palast will briefly be joining us.
They want to arrest him for videotaping a FEMA camp.
We're not kidding.
It's infrastructure protection.
Let's go back to your calls, Mike in Ohio, then Cindy and others.
Mike, welcome.
Yeah, thanks for all the work and effort you're doing there in New York, Alex.
Thank you.
Thank you.
What's on your mind?
I was listening to an NPR broadcast last night, and they had an LA Times reporter saying that the subcontractors in Iraq are having problems rebuilding the infrastructure there.
And they want to build new hospitals and vaccination clinics for the population of children there.
Of course they do, yeah.
They want to put more virus and toxins in the vaccines there, like they do here?
Well, that's what it's about.
The globalists come in, take over countries, put in their central banks, and put in the exact same social safety health department net that is really an extermination system.
What companies are you think are part of that?
Well, we do know what companies are part of it, and they'll charge $15 million to put up a blue tent.
I mean, it's all just a no-bid contract scam.
Anything else on your mind, Mike?
Yeah, what about subcontractors who make money on that?
Well, I mean, we know it's a big scam.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Cindy in Delaware.
Cindy, go ahead.
Hi, do me a favor and turn your radio off.
It's not on.
Maybe my cell phone's up high, the speaker part.
Is that better?
The reason I'm calling is there's an AP article in today's paper.
I've got a Gannett News source for a newspaper.
Do you remember that boy, Johnny Gosch, the newspaper boy who was kidnapped?
Yes, I remember that.
A few decades ago.
Well, this is really interesting.
I mean, you know the whole story about that, that he could possibly be Jeff Gannon today?
Sure, I've been talking about it for two years.
Okay, and you know the whole thing about using the pedophile ring and taking pictures of our lawmakers and people in the military, higher up, so they could blackmail them, right?
Well, this boy's mother is in the paper today.
His mother, about two weeks ago, got photos of him soon after he was kidnapped.
They just delivered it to her doorstep.
Showing that boy and two other boys gagged and bound.
Knowing that this has to do with blackmail, I'm wondering if this isn't a way that the powers that be are trying to send a message to anyone that might talk about 9-11 or who knows what other plans they have.
Well, we can always do mental gymnastics and say anything's possible.
What article is this?
It says, photos add cruel twist in case of missing boy.
It's an Associated Press article.
Well, we know the government was involved in that case, and the mere fact that she was sent this now is pretty amazing, but you can construe anything you want out of it.
I don't know what it means, but I'll pull that up and I appreciate your call.
Yeah, a lot of evidence shows that Jeff Gannon
Guckard is Johnny Gosch.
I mean, where do you think these people come from?
What do you think the White House does?
The Republicans got busted back in the 80s doing this.
In Lincoln, Nebraska, it was in the mainstream newspapers.
And it's so horrible.
I mean, look, the White House writes memos saying they can sexually torture children by their parents.
John Yoo, Alberto Gonzalez memos.
I mean, this isn't a joke.
This isn't a game.
These people are not playing games.
That's why they're in control.
Because they're out of the black pits of hell.
And the average person just cannot deal with it.
The average person just cannot imagine or face it.
I like George W. He's a good man.
I like Bill Clinton.
They're good.
I like the government.
Everything's fine.
Let's just trust them and believe them and go to sleep.
Alright, folks.
We'll be
Ride back, stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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This is Jack Blood with the Genesis Radio Network.
I have an urgent message for all of our listeners.
The mass media keeps telling us that we are the richest, most powerful economy in the world.
If this is true, why can't we pay our bills?
Why is the United States the world's largest debtor nation?
The truth is that we are in the worst debt bubble in our nation's history.
When the bubble bursts, will you be able to feed your family?
When the inevitable crash occurs, will you be ready?
Call Whitehurst International at 1-888-892-6238.
That's 1-888-892-6238.
For the following two free reports.
Debt Bubble, Red Alert, and Real Estate Crash.
Call 888-XANADU.
That's 888-XANADU.
And ask for George.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We had Greg Pallast on the line, BBC reporter, London Guardian reporter, best-selling author.
They are being charged with infrastructure protection violation for videotaping FEMA camps and ExxonMobil.
In New Orleans, outside New Orleans, in Louisiana.
This is the new America.
This is the new freedom.
We're going to put cameras on you and have troops and machine guns at you but don't videotape us.
We had Greg on when all the phone systems went dead at the network.
And I didn't want to get into this today, but simultaneously the network streams are being attacked, which are totally separate from my internet streams.
I don't think so.
Greg, it just always happens at the strangest of moments, but I'm sure it's a coincidence.
Yes, okay, we won't mention Homeland Security again.
Fatherland Security, we'll call it.
Okay, Greg, can you get closer to your phone for us?
Okay, is this better?
Can you hear me now?
Yeah, it's waking up a bit.
Guys, are you able to hear him?
Yeah, can you hear me now?
Okay, America.
Before they measure me for my orange suit at the Alex Jones Wing at Guantanamo,
We can hear you.
Tell us what's happening to you.
You violated infrastructure.
Well, what happened is that I was filming the wonderful guest lodgings for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
It's one year later.
We have 73,000 people still living in this kind of Guantanamo on wheels in aluminum mobile homes here, cramped in.
Away from any work, away from any ability to get to their homes.
They're not allowed back in their homes.
It's like a prison camp, except that there's no furloughs because their homes are washed away.
And I wanted to show that they were being put right up in the middle of nowhere, up against an Exxon refinery, where they have old people and kids sucking soot there.
It's one of the filthiest zones in America.
It's known as Cancer Alley, for good reason.
That's where they suck these people now for a year.
And apparently,
Filming that means filming a critical infrastructure asset in, you know, in violation of, you know, the Patriot Act 19 or whatever they're up to by this point.
And so we had a charge, criminal charge, placed against myself and my producer, Matt Pasquarella.
And, you know, and by the way, it is not about protecting this critical infrastructure of either the, you know,
Oh yeah, the terrorists don't know how to find the Exxon Mobil's sprawling complex.
Not that I want to give Osama any hints, but if you go to gregpalast.com, you will see, not showing you the pictures I took, which hardly show anything, except that these poor people are stuck next to a filth generator, but what you can get, you will see on my site, is the Google Map, which has highly detailed
Pictures and the coordinates of the refinery, which you can get off of Google Maps.
Greg, I mean, why even give any credence to this?
Now, this is a wrinkle.
I want you to add your story, if you feel like it.
Puffer Belly Toys, three years ago, remember?
Helen, Oregon.
It was in the Associated Press in Oregonian.
I interviewed her.
They called the toy store owner up, tiny toy store, and they said, you're being investigated for terrorism.
For three weeks, she freaks out.
They say, you're not allowed to tell anyone, but we're investigating you.
If you tell anybody, you'll be arrested for terrorism.
Then they show up at her store and they say, take the magic cubes off your shelves.
They're knockoffs of Rubik's cubes.
She calls the manufacturer, calls everybody, finds out they're totally legal, the patent's up.
And she goes ahead and goes public, but they threatened to arrest her.
She said, but don't you fight terror?
And their quote was, infrastructure protection.
Anything that violates infrastructure is terrorism.
So, I've been talking about this for years, and now here it is in your article.
How about you?
Yeah, well, you know, look.
And a lot of this, by the way, was generated by Exxon, which has never been in love with me after my investigation of the Exxon Valdez and some of the other stories I've written about these guys.
And what they really want to do, they want to force, it's all about, remember I did this, by the way, for
The link TV, the Boxing Now Network, I usually am on BBC TV and actually ABC TV, believe it or not, New York was using some of this footage.
And you know what the networks usually do to avoid problems is that they're happy to give you and Osama
Copies of cleaned footage, so that you see the refineries and they look really nice and clean and little birds flying about and everything is nice.
That's what it's all about.
It's all about control of the images you see on TV.
So if we wanted to use stock footage, they would show us anything we want.
But if we wanted to show real footage, suddenly, you know,
It's, uh, suddenly, uh, we're, uh, you know, Al-Qaeda's free country.
Well, Greg, this is a free country, okay?
They say every dam, every bridge, every plant, everything is infrastructure protection.
I've had troops tell me on the streets of New York that I can't videotape them, but there's cameras videotaping all of us, uh, that are public that you can dial in and look.
It's just, it's a joke.
It's an excuse for thuggery.
So I guess you and your guy are going to prison now.
This is a free country.
And by the way, you have the members of the camp saying, quote,
It is a prison set up, and we know to get in and out, they get frisked, they get searched.
The crime is rampant inside of them.
I mean, this is a joke.
Well, there's nothing to do.
What happens is that... Remember, most of the people there, we think of all these poor people from New Orleans without jobs, but actually most of the people in this encampment, just about everyone there, are people who were working people.
But their homes are washed away, their jobs are washed away, and there's no way for them to even get back to the city
They're locked out of the city.
They're told they can't move back into their houses because they're supposedly dangerous.
They're basically turning into like this, you know, real estate speculators dream New Orleans right now to this kind of tourist boutique.
The Six Flags over Louisiana.
And then, you know, the other part of the story that they didn't like is that we went in and filmed George Bush's contractors who were supposed to come up with the evacuation plan for New Orleans, you know, which two years before the flood.
And their plan, these are contractors whose only qualifications for the job, as far as I can tell, were major donations to Republican candidates.
Well, Greg Pallast, we know, Greg Pallast, charged as an infrastructure protection violator now, along with his cameraman.
We know what this is about.
They've been arresting and putting reporters in jail who weren't part of the Plame leak, but reported on the leak.
Then the leakers don't get in trouble.
I mean, this is a precedent they're setting.
They may go ahead and just send you off to jail.
Well, I just got a note from one lawyer who represented, you know, nuns who were caught protesting outside of the defense plan.
They ended up in the camp.
And he says, Greg, please take this stuff seriously.
Don't keep joking about it.
Well, I am.
It is a joke.
There's no way not to laugh at this goofy stuff.
I will say that there's been tremendous public reaction the last two days that have put heat on Exxon.
Well, I want people to know, though, that folks, we're going into Nazi Germany.
They are arresting Christians for praying on the street corners.
They are arresting nuns for being outside public defense plants, okay?
Off major highways.
They are trying to arrest Greg Palish and his cameraman right now.
This is not a joke.
Well, it is a kind of joke.
It's just a very sick, weird joke.
You know, I mean, what the hell?
I look great in orange anyway, so... I mean, the way I look at it is that... I will say that now Exxon is getting nervous, trying to pull back, but, you know, they put this, the kind of suppression machinery into motion, whether, you know, they can just, they can call the dogs in and then call them off is not so clear to me.
They're very nervous now because obviously they're getting some very bad publicity.
And part of that is that I know that, and I'm lucky in one way, other reporters, if they got complaints to their networks, I mean, they would be fried, they'd be fired, they'd be doomed.
At least I have some ability and some freedom myself so that the networks aren't nervous.
Now, I have to tell you, I didn't tell ABC Network that we were being charged, because they would have pulled that film in two seconds, man.
Just wham!
Well, yeah, that's clearly the whole point of this, but this shows us, you know, Bin Laden attacked us, we're told, because he hates our freedom, but Bush and his cronies are moving to take our freedoms.
Yeah, well, you know, look, it's the great con.
It's all about info control.
I mean, it is information control.
Again, if I give the story that they want, if I do the shots that they want, the way they want, and the words that they want, they will give me a tour of the plant.
But how are they going to arrest you for being outside of a chemical plant videotaping it?
I mean, give me a break!
Yeah, well, you know, like I say, you know, you can get these pictures on the government's own website, on Exxon's own website... No, I know, but I mean, it doesn't matter!
Hell, they'll put you in prison for ten years, and all these neocons will go on radio and call you Al-Qaeda!
Yeah, well, I mean, that's... this is exactly the problem.
What it does is it puts a chill through other... How many years are you facing?
I... I... I don't take it... I gotta tell you, Alex,
I think that they are going to back down at this point.
I know, but under these charges, under these charges, how long will you spend?
You know what?
No one's given me information.
All they told me is a criminal charge and, you know, it's like, well, you know, you've dealt, you know, you know about Homeland Security.
They are not exactly forthcoming.
Well, are you aware of Puffer Belly Toys?
I think you ought to put that in your article just to point out how ridiculous it is.
I know, it's like mad.
So what I'm doing is, I, I,
I don't have enough information, but I think we're going to get this cleared out, just because there has been heat, and they don't like the fact that... Hey, Greg, here's the headline!
You know, reporters videotaping public places, Rubik's Cubes, topless bars, and homeless, you know, arrested under Homeland Security.
I mean, this is getting ridiculous.
Well, the whole thing is ridiculous, but what's frightening to me is that I know, if it was any other reporter,
That they would not be able to go public.
They'd have no defense.
Their networks would just shut them down.
Their lawyers would tell them to shut up.
And of course, our lawyers tell us to shut up, but I don't shut up very easily.
And it's not the way I do things.
So are they coming to your home to arrest you?
Are you hiding out somewhere?
Well, you know, here's the funny part.
It took them two weeks to find us.
Maybe they're going to be looking for Osama.
That's number one.
And second, I was really worried because we just had to fly into New York.
Before the September 11th commemorative, and I'm thinking, God, they're not going to let us, we have a criminal charge, Homeland Security, they're not going to let us on the plane.
And Matt was very nervous about this.
And then we got on the plane, and then we got even more nervous, because they let us on the plane.
What kind of operation is this?
You know, I mean, these are the guys who are supposed to protect us.
So, you know, while they're running around, worrying about my footage, you know,
There really are dangers out there.
Listen, I appreciate you joining us.
We'll watch this as it develops.
Will there be an update on your site with a story soon?
In fact, you can see the dangerous film.
I put it up at www.GregPalast.com.
I told the cops, I said, you want to see what I have?
Go to www.GregPalast.com.
Good job, Greg.
Good job.
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I'm going to get them to just pop in for about 5-10 minutes.
It'll either be Jason Barmas or Colin Rowe or Dylan Avery to give us their take on the incredible historical demonstrations, protests, silent vigils we had in New York.
We took over Ground Zero.
The police, the firemen were almost unanimous in agreeing with us.
It was incredible.
It was historical.
Association of Professors Defending BYU's Jones.
A national organization is coming out in support of a BYU professor placed on paid leave for his controversial theories about September 11th attacks.
The American Association of University Professors says the school should not have placed the physics professor on leave for statements made outside of the classroom.
Steven Jones has published a paper suggesting the World Trade Center towers fell because a priest said
Demolition charges, not just because they were struck by planes.
Now, a big Dutch scientist and demolition expert was shown building 7 and wasn't even told it was 9-11.
And over there, they never even heard of 7.
He said, oh, what a beautiful controlled demolition.
What a good job they did.
Dutch demolitions expert.
University of Edinburgh just did a big test.
Couldn't make buildings fall.
It's just, folks, it didn't happen.
It was bombs.
General Secretary for the AAUP Roger Bowens says academic freedom also protects statements professors make outside the classroom.
Jones says he only discusses theories in class when students ask him questions about it.
A spokesman for Brigham Young University says that Jones said in the classroom, and now carefully he was, about disclaimers and subjects in the university review.
I don't know what that means.
A spokesman for Brigham Young University says what Jones said in the classroom and how careful he was about disclaimers are subjects of the university review.
So they are, uh, now neocons, the few that were out there at Ground Zero were going, they fired that lying professor for lying!
No, they didn't fire him, they've suspended him.
And he's being reviewed.
How sick.
You people are despicable.
And the main reason the review started
Was because World Net Daily published a report claiming Jones called for the violent overthrow of the U.S.
government and they had to print a full retraction saying he never said that on C-SPAN.
It wasn't true.
It was false.
It just gets worse and worse.
It's just, I cannot believe how these individuals get away with this.
But we are going to bring them to justice.
Well, first you heard Syria fights off attack on U.S.
The Syrians fought it off.
Syrian guards foiled an attempt by suspected Al-CIA, the link militants, to blow up the U.S.
Embassy on Tuesday, exchanging fire outside the compound's walls with gunmen shouting, God is great, who tried to storm it with automatic weapons and hand grenades.
But by the time I was watching CNN and Fox last night, because they had Fox on in some of the areas, in an eatery I was in,
Basically Syria is behind this and they deserve to all die now.
But you read in the AP they admit that Syria fought it off.
And what is Syria saying in their newspapers right now?
Syria blames US for embassy attack.
Claims Washington orchestrated it to get consensus from Damascus.
Or concessions from Damascus.
Jerusalem, the attack today against the United States Embassy in Damascus was orchestrated by American intelligence to embrace the Syrian regime.
"...and extract political concessions as senior member of Syrian President Bashar Assad's Ba'ath Party claimed to WorldNetDaily."
Let me say that again.
The attack today against the United States Embassy in Damascus, now two days ago, was orchestrated by American intelligence to embarrass the Syrian regime and extract political concessions as senior member of the Syrian President Bashar Assad's Ba'ath Party claimed to WorldNetDaily.
And I'm wrong about saying two days ago.
It feels like two days ago because I was on Coast to Coast AM.
Oh my goodness.
Tuesday morning.
The days all run together when you stop sleeping.
It's like you have double days and you can't, you know.
I guess it was yesterday.
But it was early morning hours.
It feels like two days ago.
We in the government are 100% sure America was behind this attack, which is not the same as other attacks by Islamic groups, said the senior Ba'ath Party official speaking on condition of anonymity.
Only the Americans could succeed in carrying out an attack just 200 meters from President Assad's residence in the only heavily guarded section of Syria, and the most heavily guarded, the official said.
The official claimed the U.S.
first directed the attack and then ensured it was foiled to prove Syria is filled with terrorists and to put us in a weak position.
The U.S.
did not foil the attack, however.
Syrian security forces reportedly stopped the assailants after a 30-minute shootout, although there were some reports U.S.
Marine stations at the embassy took part in the firefight that killed two, captured one.
And it goes on.
And I believe it.
I mean, it just fits.
Our government, the criminals that run it, that have hijacked it, for two years have had troops in Iran staging terror attacks and preparing for targets.
And it's the same thing in Syria.
Big blow to the New World Order that the Syrians were able to gun these guys down.
Big blow.
Syria has been licking boots, and it just isn't good enough for the boys in black, is it?
The men in black.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with masses of news and that military clip.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Almost 90% of Canadians in a major poll believe 9-11 is an inside job.
This shift out will be getting to that.
There's too many news articles.
I mean, here I am in one of the biggest papers in Canada.
A huge interview with me about 9-11 being an inside job.
This is just the stuff I'm in.
Village Voice, Associated Press, The Australian.
It's got to be 10 articles here that were just interviewing me.
I quit counting at 50 plus, talking about the demonstrations and protests and vigil we had.
The Loose Change guys have been all over Amy Goodman, all over CNN.
I'm in the airport watching them on CNN last night with Paula Zahn.
Big hit piece.
They went and interviewed them for like five hours and boiled it down to about 45 seconds, then had some experts say they were all basically a bunch of idiots.
But it isn't going to work.
The truth is out.
And it's very, very exciting.
We're going to go to Andrew, we're going to go to Kevin, Alec, and
Folks that are holding from Washington to Denmark, we're going to get to everybody here in a few minutes.
I'm totally exhausted.
I cannot wait to get off the air here.
Even though I'm enjoying getting a chance to talk to you, I'm going to go take a nap and see my family before tonight, 7 p.m., Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
For the next to last showing of Terror Storm.
There are a few tickets left.
Get them at InfoWars.com.
Or try to get them at the door right now.
But they're selling out quick.
The last three showings last week did sell out.
There's one final showing tomorrow night.
And that one will be a little bit different because Graham Reynolds is going to be there with some of his crew playing some of the live music from the score for Terror Storm.
So we'll see you tonight and tomorrow night.
My good buddy, Jason Burmiss, got a chance to meet his great brother as well.
One of the trio there with Loose Change 2nd Edition.
Some of the main spearheads in orchestrating what happened there at Ground Zero on this 5th anniversary and throughout the weekend.
And it's great to have you on for a few minutes, Jason.
Wow, what an amazing weekend, Alex.
And it was just totally awesome and we really took it to the new world order this weekend.
I mean, I got to point in the face of these liars at Popular Mechanics and tell them just that.
And I really think I own those guys.
They had nothing to say but try to call me a Holocaust denier.
You know, ridiculous stuff.
And then I get down there... Yeah, that's... I mean, let me stop you right there.
You and Dylan Avery, Amy Goodman would never talk about 9-11 Truths.
She's been protested, she's been screamed at.
Her constituents, people that like her, her viewers are really upset about it.
So finally they had a big extended report where Megs was on, the 9-11 whitewasher with one of his other minions, against you and Dylan.
And you totally cleaned their clocks.
You came out of the gates about how they wrote the book on yellow journalism, the staging, you know, the main being blown up.
They've been yellow journalists all along, government insiders.
They are literally in the encyclopedia next to government cover-ups.
You totally cleaned their clocks.
And the new tactic is to say, we are racist Holocaust deniers, and I think you need to sue them for slander and libel.
Because they also say in news articles they've been writing, you have got them absolutely dead in the water.
Sorry, Jason.
No, that's alright, and it just proves how much I clean their clock by the fact that Glenn Beck was supposed to have us on, and instead, he was one of the few in the mainstream media that actually covered us at Ground Zero, said there were hundreds of us.
In actuality, there were at least 2,000 of us.
I brought down 1,100 shirts myself.
Les Jamison gave away 500, that was 1,600 there.
And we've sold over 1,000 on our website, and a lot of people came with their shirts already.
Plus, people were asking for them wherever we went.
We handed out literally 7,000 DVDs in the first half an hour of being there.
It was just so encouraging.
And you know, of course, Glenn Beck, you know, he hits us up, he tells us we're all crazy, but we need to be addressed.
And who does he have on?
He has Megs on instead of us.
And how dare he?
That's right.
Now, let me stop you.
Last time I talked to your head honcho, your main producer, Corey Rowe, the Iraq and Afghanistan veteran that is a member of your group at that restaurant before the troops went eighth out in the streets.
And then I didn't see him again.
Until the next morning.
Pissed off about how she was not able to speak her mind on CNN and also Dylan said that she was informed that the Pentagon called CNN and told them to pull the loose change shows and interviews confirmed with Dylan before press.
Is that accurate?
Well, what's accurate is they actually did call up and say that not to address the April Gallup issue that she's not being given any money and she has no job at this point because they've let her go and they're really
They're really trying to put her in a tough spot.
They did not cancel.
I don't know about the Glenn Beck thing.
We were pretty surprised because we were told that Paula Zahn was supposed to play our thing on Sunday and they moved it to Monday.
As far as we know, the Pentagon did not pull our story, but they did pull April Gauff's.
I mean, if you actually watch the segment on Paula Zahn from 9-11, she talks to her for about half a minute and you just see her face go sour when she goes to commercial.
I mean, she didn't address any issue other than the fact that she was there.
Yeah, well let's be clear about what the April Gallup piece was.
Well, again, April Gallup is going through a struggle right now to get, you know, financial compensation for what happened to her and her son.
Her son was not supposed to be there that day, and I guess the Pentagon, you know, doesn't even want to acknowledge that he was.
Yet, he literally crawled through one of the impact holes, you know, through the face of the Pentagon with her kid, you know, and saved his life.
And, you know, she wants the truth too, man.
You know, so many people out there, like you said, 65, 75 percent,
You know, we knew what was up, you know, had heard about it, seen the movie.
We're very happy that we were there.
I talked to many police officers, some on camera, about how they were happy we were there.
I mean, I can't wait until the next one or two weeks when this stuff really starts to hit the internet.
And I'm going to put out a press release later today, put it on 9-11 Blogger, hopefully on your website too.
Have everybody out there.
We need to email the mainstream media.
How dare you?
How dare you not cover us on video?
I mean, it was amazing, and the really terrible... No, that itself is a cover-up.
You had thousands of 9-11 truthers out there, and they've always shown a big shot of the entire, you know, ground zero area.
They couldn't.
They had to show close shots of Bush in there.
They couldn't show the outside of the church when he went in the church, because we were all around it.
I mean, this is the mainstream media covering up.
Yeah, absolutely.
And the way that we're going to defeat this is to show people what actually happened.
Because, like you said, it's all over print media, but they're trying to attack us and marginalize us.
Yeah, we've got a report coming out as well, a rundown of what happened, and exposing the cover-up that the press really is trying to cover up.
Now, print media didn't.
We've got a lot of prints.
Well, the print media also, but you've got to understand, they said dozens of people.
Dozens of people is a joke.
We had literally hundreds and thousands of people there, just in the same uniform alone.
And you know, I haven't seen one person even talk about 1,000.
I am very confident it was at least 2,000 people there.
I agree.
Jason, Jason, one article is saying dozens.
I want to find that.
You know what?
I typed it into Google last night and basically Googled Ground Zero, Investigate 9-11, get your listeners on it, and they should be able to send it.
Four or five of them said that.
And I was just disgusted.
Yeah, they really just gave us like a little blurred paragraph and it was part of a bigger article.
But like I said, if you Google Investigate 9-11,
And ground zero, you'll come up with dozens of articles, because that was our uniform there.
You know, I really want to commend everybody who... I'm sorry about that, Alex.
So many people are calling me, I get that little beef in there, but... No, I understand.
But yeah, commend everybody, because they did such a great job.
I mean, there were so many just small altercations, and if the right person came over, they could squash that, and usually get these people to take a DVD.
So many people were interested in what we had to say, and really, we're going to illustrate that within the coming weeks.
And this movement is on the next level, Alex.
We're finally going to get something done.
Hopefully a new independent investigation.
And these criminals are going to pay.
They are going to pay.
It was empowering, wasn't it?
All the different events we had.
The Cooper Union, where Lincoln gave one of his famous addresses right before he got the nomination.
I mean, on the very same stage.
It was unbelievable.
It was so incredible.
And yeah, it wasn't just Monday morning.
You know, we were down there in force on Saturday and Sunday, rolling through about 20 people deep in a large way.
Not only that, they shut down Broadway, and we marched down Broadway where George Washington marched, where at the end of World War II, where Eisenhower and MacArthur marched.
I mean, it's incredible.
It is incredible, and it really shows you, again, the power of one.
You know, so many people came by themselves or with one other person, and we just really got out there and we really took care of business.
We had police officers that were there.
We had first responders that were there on our side.
I mean, some of the most powerful speeches were in that community church where, you know, a rescue worker who literally, you know, helped pull people out of the rubble is under 40 and he's breathing out of a bag.
I mean, at least the media is starting to cover the EPA lies and hopefully, you know, Christine Todd Whitman is going to be indicted.
But, you know, I'm not holding my breath.
So, you know, finally the media is tackling some of the tougher issues and then they can keep attacking us
But we still, we just gain a base every day, Alex.
And, you know, the next poll that comes out, I'm not going to be surprised when it says 65% of us know what's going on.
You know, thank God for the Internet.
Well, they're in a lot of danger right now, the establishment is.
Did you hear about how they're trying to arrest Greg Powell under terrorism charges?
I've been listening and, you know, my heart goes out to Greg Powell because he is one of the few investigative journalists out there that is hard-hitting, that really wants to know what's going on.
But I mean, this is what our country, this is what they've given us, is that we need to arrest BBC News reporters because they're at FEMA camps.
Well, that's how scared they are.
I mean, that is how scared they are.
That this is going to come out and people are going to realize that they are setting up a Reich-type style society where they can just go in and arrest anybody they want.
But they're going to find out that more and more people are getting smarter, they're arming themselves with camcorders and cameras like we did at Crown Zero, and we're becoming the media.
And if we continue to become the media, what are they going to do?
They can't arrest all of us, Alex.
If one-third of your listeners decided,
Maybe once a week I'm going to go out, I'm going to film somebody, I'm going to confront somebody, I'm going to put it on the internet.
It's so easy to do.
YouTube's out there, Google Video's out there.
What are they going to do?
They're just going to continue to run scared because they won't be able to do much.
Well, I appreciate what you've done, and Godspeed, and we will talk to you very soon, Jason.
I can't wait to see you at the next big event.
Yeah, I hear you, Alex, and keep on keeping on, man.
You rock.
No, you rock, my friend.
Good seeing you.
Good talking to you.
I'm going to take some final calls here at the end.
I'm going to run through them, but here's the audio.
We rushed it out to you, the audio and the video.
This is Monday night, 9-11, 11-45.
We're in a restaurant eating.
And we hear screaming outside.
There had been professional wrestlers coming out there by Madison Square Garden.
There were troops running around, acting bizarrely, screaming and jumping around.
So we ran out to see what was happening.
And there was about 10 of them.
And this is what happened as we walked out of the restaurant.
And we're about 10 feet away from the troops.
They ran up to our cameras saying, get them out of their faces.
We've cut out the profanity.
Here it is.
I'm saying get the camera out of my face!
You're on the streets of New York!
So what does that mean?
I'm saying get that camera out of my face!
It's a free country!
It's a free country!
Get this damn camera out of my face!
Don't just sit in Nazi Germany, there's no camera in your face!
Move to Russia!
We can have cameras on the streets!
I said get it out of my face!
Your guy starts cussing at us!
I said get it out of my face!
That's all I'm saying!
It was never in your face!
Are you crazy, man?
We're just walking down the street!
Why don't you want to be seen on camera, man?
We're just out on the street.
I'll be downstairs, bro.
I'll be right downstairs.
My guy ain't fat, man.
He's good American.
That's the 5th anniversary of 9-11 and you guys are here for wrestling?
It's all part of the martial law conditioning.
We're literally in a restaurant, ladies and gentlemen, at midnight, having dinner, and this is what's happening.
We'll put the video up by the end of the day on YouTube.
It'll be posted on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com and the audio isn't as powerful as the video.
And parts left in there where somebody is calling my cameraman, Fats, so I tell him, come on out.
I'm a little out of control at that point.
I was chasing troops around.
Literally, I chased them into their vehicle and they all drove off recklessly.
Then some truck was blocking them, so they start screaming at the truck that's offloading supplies for the drugstore next door to the restaurant to get out of there.
It just... This country's gone, folks.
Andrew in Mass, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm from Boston.
A first-time caller.
Welcome, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
I was the gentleman that gave you the bottle of water at the end of the march.
Well, thank you for that water.
No problem, I hope it helped you out.
I'd like to encourage you to make your articles on InfoWars.net printer-friendly so I can disseminate them amongst my family and friends.
Yeah, InfoWars.net and PrisonPlanet.com are printer-friendly, at least in my printer formatting.
InfoWars.net isn't, and I've asked 500 million, 55 billion times, and I'm not very... I don't crack the whip enough around here.
And Jones Report is printer-friendly.
I mean, what type of printer formatting are you using?
I'm using Firefox, so I don't know if that's part of the problem.
It's absolute crud.
Listen, 85% of people use Internet Explorer, and I know it lets viruses through, so people don't like to use it.
But then we end up having all these problems, and people are using Firefox.
You need to switch over and use another browser.
Okay, thank you Alex.
But listen, I'm no Internet expert.
I just know it screws a lot of stuff up.
But you know what?
We're trying as hard as we can, sir.
I literally don't even sleep anymore.
Without the use of drugs, I end up sleeping like three hours a night, okay?
I just want you to know, you empower me.
I didn't mean that in any disrespectful way.
No, but I'm always falling down during the breaks, just so you know.
I want you to know, I want this to empower you.
I'm engaging in modern day hero worship.
You are my hero.
No, no, no, no.
I only hope that me telling you this, I know you don't like people telling you that, but I only hope it empowers you to fight the good fight.
It does.
It makes me feel bad a lot of times because I know I'm not doing the best job I could.
And I know a lot of people aren't paying attention to what I do.
And believe me, we know that.
And God bless you, my friend.
It's just... And I'm sorry we're talking about Firefox, too.
People get attached to their internet browsers.
Let's talk to Kevin and Mass.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Thanks for this opportunity, Alex.
And we are waking up up here in Boston.
And it's happening on the first time call.
It's just what I'm seeing around here.
Earlier you said you were pumped up to see their desperation when they're flashing guns in your face because they're looking so desperate and that's what I see.
Jason mentioned some demographical data and that's what my point was when I got on cue to call was that there's 300 million Americans roughly and there are approximately 135 million of those Americans are military age between 17 and 45.
There are approximately 1,420,000 military personnel.
There are
Over 10 million people have downloaded Loose Change, and per Illuminati defector Sovali, there may be 3 million involved in this project.
Remember Ceaușescu, the Romanian defector.
Either impeachment's coming, or if they pull a false flag, we're now ready.
They are going down.
You're awesome.
Call me back when I've got more time tomorrow.
A few final calls in the final segment.
Stay with us.
It's here!
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Thank you.
Another ragtag band declaring independence.
Let's go ahead and talk to Alec in New York.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding Alec.
Go ahead.
They're at like a train station or something.
Crank it up.
I want to hear what's going on at the train station.
Yeah, that's a big event or something.
Okay, that person isn't there.
I'm going to take one more call.
Who's up next?
Mike in Washington, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, Mike in Washington, avid listener, first time caller.
I've got a bone to pick with you, let me get to that in a second.
No, just do it now, the show's almost over.
Well, okay, let me get to the other one.
Have you talked about the Air Force Chief?
The AP article yesterday?
I haven't seen it.
Test weapons on testy U.S.
mobs only.
Washington AP.
Say it again?
Test weapons on testy U.S.
mobs only.
Washington AP.
Non-lethal weapons such as high-powered microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd control situations before being used on the battlefield.
The Air Force Secretary said Tuesday.
The object is basically public relations.
Domestic use would make it easier to avoid questions from others about possible safety considerations, said Secretary Michael Nguyen.
If we're not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation.
Boy, isn't that twisted logic?
I know they had sound cannons two years ago in New York aimed at us.
They weren't out this year, but the microwave weapons are very dangerous.
What's that headline again?
It's Air Force Chief
Test weapons on test the U.S.
It was on CNN.com yesterday.
It's on the AP.
Okay, I'll find it and get it.
Now, what's the beef you got?
Well, Alex, I ordered two of your Terror Storm videos when you first put it out.
I only got one.
And I've been to all the, you know, customer relations at Infowars.com and everything, and I've had no satisfaction.
I only got the one.
I'll put you on hold.
I'll get your number right now, and I'll handle it.
I could quit the business.
You know, most people get it in just a few days.
Stuff falls through the cracks, and it causes a problem.
I'm not a very good manager, sir.
I'll tell you right up front.
But I'm going to get your number right now.
I'm going to handle it.
I can't really do customer service on air, but we'll send you out even a few extra ones, okay?
I'll get them out to people.
I understand that, sir.
Most people, 98%, get exactly what they ask for, but there are occasional problems.
But you would show on this tomorrow, Alex.
I mean, this is... I'm a former military man, Army, 13 years.
We didn't test weapons on our own citizens before we deployed them.
I know.
I know.
Well, we didn't write White House memos saying they can torture children, but they do now.
Listen, get his name and info and I'll give it to the people here in just a minute.
They'll try to call you right now.
How's that?
Alright, I'm out of time.
I hope to see you tonight from 7 to around 10 o'clock at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
I'll be showing my new film, Terror Storm, giving a speech and taking questions.
Hope to see you tonight.
Some tickets are still available at InfoWars.com or you can buy them at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar or go to InfoWars.com and order the documentaries and support us.
That's how you support us.
We don't ask for donations like everybody else does.
We just ask you to get the films.
But see your purchase as a donation.
and in support of what we're doing and get my films and make copies of them and get them out to everybody you can toll free number to order 1-888-253-3139 888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.tv that's prisonplanet.tv you can go there for 15 cents a day and see all my films and download them and burn them to disk right now and you can come to the event tonight and buy directly from us
Instant gratification.
I have all my films and all the other books and videos we carry there tonight.
We'll have our guys there about an hour early from 6 on so you can buy them before the event if you'd like to.
We need your support.
We've spent a lot of capital lately.
We need to recharge our treasury.
All right.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
God bless you all.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7614.