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Name: 20060912_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 12, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
No, once again, it's not Alex Jones.
This is Bob Dacey, the host of the Austin Cable Access Show, Simple Truth, sitting in for the second day for Alex.
who is still up in New York once again he's fighting the New World Order at the where the current battle is up in New York because of the fifth anniversary of September 11th so I'm going to be holding down the fort here for the next three hours a little later on we're going to start taking calls in regard to our continuation of what we did yesterday yesterday we were talking about the everyone's favorite smoking guns of 9-1-1
I make no mistake about it.
The criminal elements within the United States government carried out 9-1-1.
They didn't just let it happen on purpose.
They made it happen on purpose.
And the evidence for it is overwhelming.
Another thing that's overwhelming, and I am literally, literally exploding with being overwhelmed by this, is the amount of
Bovine material that is being spewed out by the Bush administration and the mainstream press in regard to this anniversary.
For example, I'm looking at a newspaper clipping from our local paper, the Austin American-Statesman, dated yesterday, and it shows Mr. Bush and his wife putting a wreath down at a reflecting pool at the Twin Towers.
And I'm looking at this and I'm saying, your masters caused September 11th
And here you are having a nice photo op to fake the American people out into thinking you give a rat's behind about all the people you killed.
I don't know how to respond to this.
Bush pledged to make the anniversary a day of renewing resolve to remember the lessons of the September 11th terror attacks.
Now we're going to remember those lessons, Mr. Bush, because they're a little bit different lessons than what you're talking about.
Here's a quote.
I vowed that I'm never going to forget the lessons of that day.
There is still an enemy out there who would like to inflict the same kind of damage again.
Yeah, that's true.
But who is the enemy?
Another quote.
This was from Dick Cheney from out of this article.
There has not been another attack on the United States and that's not an accident.
Yes, sir.
That's not an accident.
You were sitting there in the White House basement running the whole thing and there hadn't been an attack since then.
I guess that's pretty strong.
I mean, when Norman Mineta was listening to you and watching the plane come into the Pentagon and the junior officer was saying, sir, the plane is 50 miles out.
Did the order still stand?
Sir, the plane is ten miles out.
Do the orders still stand?
And Mr. Cheney whirled on him and said, Of course the orders still stand.
Have you heard anything different?
And then of course the plane smacks into the Pentagon.
So, you know, I... Then you have Tony Snow, I call him Tony Snow Job, a presidential spokesman, says he rejected suggestions that the administration's hunt for Osama Bin Laden had bogged down.
He says, we've never stopped looking for him.
That's what Snow told reporters aboard Air Force One.
Yeah, and OJ has never stopped looking for the killers of Nicole.
He's been searching every golf course in America for years.
It's just patently ridiculous.
And again, certain words you can't say on the radio.
You can say bovine material, I think.
I think you can say fecal matter.
There are certain things that you can't say, and I'm not going to say.
But I have a bovine materialometer, or a fecal materialometer, and it is broken.
And what I'm going to do for the first segment of the show
After we get back from the break, I'm going to go through some of the speech that our imperious leader made last night and see if I can rip it to shreds.
So this is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones.
We'll be back in a few minutes and we're going to take on the President.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we're back again.
This is Bob Dacey substituting for Alex Jones, and we're talking about 9-1-1 again.
And I was discussing the fact that my BS-ometer broke last night.
I was watching an ABC special event called The Path to 9-1-1.
Which was a pure load of horse manure.
Total propaganda from one end to the other.
Just lie after lie after lie after omission after omission after omission.
And I was watching it and lo and behold our imperious leader interrupts the show.
This is all just so staged.
Our imperious leader interrupts the show to give his speech.
The calling of our generation.
So I got to watch our president, the puppet in chief, feed some more material to the American people.
And I'm going to read a few excerpts from this speech because I was coming out of my chair last night and you know, I'm lucky here.
I get this, I don't know how many million people are listening right now, but I get this opportunity to vent.
And so I'm going to vent right now.
So here we go.
This is the President last night.
Nineteen men attacked us with a barbarity unequaled in our history.
They murdered people of all colors, creeds, and nationalities.
They made war upon the entire free world.
Nineteen people, Mr. President.
Trained at U.S.
military facilities.
He forgot to mention that part.
He forgot to mention that several of them were trained at U.S.
military facilities because they were patsies working for the people who really did this.
He forgot that part.
Later on in his speech he says, For many of our citizens the wounds of that morning are still fresh.
I've met firefighters and police officers who choke up at the memory of fallen comrades.
Yeah, uh-huh.
I wonder whether he has met Louie Caccioli, the 50-some-odd-year-old firefighter who publicly stated that there were bombs in the building.
I wonder whether he talked to Louie or not, you know?
There's a magazine that Life Magazine put out, a commemorative called One Nation.
America remembers September 11, 2001 and they have Louie Caccioli in here as one of the heroes of 9-1-1 but they don't mention anything that he said of substance.
Here's a quote from Louie Caccioli, the firefighter, one of the heroes of 9-1-1.
My story was never mentioned in the final report.
Of course, he's talking about the 9-1-1 Commission report.
I felt like I was being put on trial in a courtroom.
I finally walked out.
They were trying to twist my words and make the story only fit what they wanted to hear.
All I wanted to do was tell the truth, and when they wouldn't let me do that, I walked out.
It was a disgrace to everyone.
The victims and the family members who lost loved ones.
I don't agree with the 9-1-1 Commission.
The whole experience was terrible.
Now, that's Louie Caccioli, one of the firefighters who said that bombs were going off in the building.
I wonder if Mr. Bush, you know, talked to his fallen comrades about that.
What do you think?
And of course, related to that, we have an article here out of the American Statesman.
Study 70% of Ground Zero workers are ailing.
Nearly 70% of the rescue and cleanup workers who toiled in the dust and fumes at Ground Zero
Have had trouble breathing and many will probably be sick for the rest of their lives.
Doctors said Tuesday in releasing the results of the biggest September 11th health study yet.
And then Dr. Robin Herbert, co-director of a group that did this said, is joined by lawmakers who accuse the federal government of not doing enough to protect the workers health and not spending enough to treat them.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg cast doubt on the study's claims, saying, quote, I don't believe that you can specifically, specifically a particular problem can come from this particular event.
Oh yeah, you know, it's very common for police and firefighters to breathe the toxic fumes from the collapse of the three buildings that pulverized themselves into dust.
You couldn't possibly make a connection between all those workers that spent weeks and weeks and weeks cleaning that stuff up and the fact that they got sick.
Mayor Bloomberg, what is your problem, buddy?
What is your major problem?
And of course, you know,
Christine Todd Whitman, the CFR member who is the head of the EPA, well she told them after all that the air was safe to breathe.
There's an article here from the Newark Star-Ledger by Bob Braun.
911 rescuers need our help now.
You have a doctor by the name of Robert Lajita says that the EPA issued reports indicating that the air in lower Manhattan was safe to breathe.
Well, gee, I guess, but Mr. Bush, you're sitting there remembering, I've met firefighters and police officers who choke up at the memory of fallen comrades.
I can't stand this.
I can't stand it.
It's, it's, it's, it's theater of the worst kind.
It's theater of the worst kind.
Here's one document, Sound Zero Toxins.
This is by a Marsha Kramer from WCBSTV.com.
They knew about it.
You know, that's what they think, you know, of the police.
You know, Alex was, was on the show.
He called in yesterday and he said,
That while he was down there, all the police, all the firemen were, you know, high-fiving him or whatever, saying, yeah, they know what's going on now.
Most of the police, he said, and virtually all the firemen know what happened on September 11th, and know how their comrades were murdered because of what these people did.
And they know Alex is telling the truth.
Now, you know, it's not nice to kill policemen and firefighters, President Bush.
It's not a nice thing to do.
Now, let me go on with the speech President Bush made.
Since the horror of 9-1-1, we've learned a great deal about the enemy.
We've learned that they are evil and they kill without mercy, but not without purpose.
I absolutely agree with that statement, Mr. Bush.
Absolutely agree with that one.
No question about it.
And later on he says, We are in a war that will set the course for this new century and determine the destiny of millions across the world.
Yeah, a war.
A war based on a stack of lies.
Based on lies.
And by the way, as a minor point, an unconstitutional war, Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution gives only the Congress the power to declare war, the power to put American young people in harm's way.
And of course, that didn't happen, did it?
So, yeah, we're in a war that will set the course of this new century, Mr. Bush.
An undeclared war based on lies.
Later on he says,
The regime of Saddam Hussein was a clear threat.
Oh yeah?
Yeah, uh-huh, and it was linked to Al-Qaeda, right?
You know, they were helping the terrorists.
Well, even the mainstream media now, I've got an article once again from our local paper, The Statesman, says right here, Saddam and Al-Qaeda not linked.
Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein distrusted the Al-Qaeda terrorist
What do you mean, appeared to undercut a key claim?
As long ago as October 2002, Bush asserted that, quote, Iraq and Al-Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go back a decade.
Iraq could decide on any given day to give a dangerous weapon to a terrorist group.
At that time, though, the U.S.
intelligence community had no evidence of close links between Saddam and Al-Qaeda terrorists, and analysts had noted Saddam viewed Muslim extremists as a threat, the Senate Committee reported.
So you have Saddam versus Al-Qaeda here in a little box in this article.
So he distrusted Al-Qaeda and the Al-Qaeda operative Abu Massab al-Zarqari was in Baghdad in 2002 but Saddam actually tried to capture him rather than help him.
There is no credible evidence that Iraq was involved in or had knowledge in advance of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Saddam wasn't reconstituting a nuclear weapons program and had no biological or chemical weapons stockpiles
And false information from Iraqi exiles was used to support a key U.S.
intelligence assessments on Iraq.
So, Mr. President, yeah, I'm sure that Saddam Hussein was a clear threat.
We'd already knocked the snot out of him several years earlier when he had no fly zones over his own country.
We had a stranglehold around the guy.
But he was a threat, wasn't he, Mr. President?
Yeah, he was a threat to oil company profits, so we had to shut off the supply.
Didn't we, sir?
Okay, let's see what else we have on his speech here.
He says that the challenge is to help the Iraqi people build a democracy that fulfills the dreams of the nearly 12 million Iraqis who came out to vote in the free elections last December.
Yeah, there's that standard old garbage line about democracy.
You know, two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
Democracy is a step towards oligarchy and that's just a stone cold fact.
And that's even if you believe the assertion that we are trying to build a democracy over there.
We're not trying to build a democracy over there.
What we're trying to do is screw everything up as much as we can to create chaos.
That's what we're trying to do.
You know, you can ask the big Neal Brzezinski about that in his book, The Grand Chess Board.
You've got to make sure that no one... We've got to keep the... What did he call them?
Keep the barbarians from coming together?
So, you know, I'm going to finish up with this
President Bush's speech here, when we get back, my bovine materialometer is just exploding.
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All right, we're back on the Alex Jones Show on the GCN Radio Network.
My name is Bob Dacey.
Substituting for Alex Jones today while he's up in New York.
If you want to learn about all this stuff, go to Infowars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com, go to PrisonPlanet.tv, and you can learn more than you ever want to know, believe me.
Okay, I've been trashing the Puppet-in-Chief's speech that he made last night, and I want to just finish up with that before we go on to the next segment or take calls.
He also talks about how they're really trying to help the Iraqis.
We're training Iraqi troops so they can defend their nation.
We're helping Iraq's unity government grow in strength and serve its people.
Now, you know, I have an article from the Statesman, again refuting that, from a general, an American general.
Rumsfeld refused to plan for post-war Iraq, the general says.
Long before the 2003 invasion of Iraq,
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld forbade military strategists to develop plans for securing a post-war airlander of the Army Transportation Corps said Thursday.
Rumsfeld said, quote, he would fire the next person, end quote, who talked about the need for a post-war plan.
Did you hear that?
Oh man, he would fire the next person who talked about the need for a post-war plan.
Mark Sheed says, on September 11th, life just went to hell.
Then, just as we were going barely into Afghanistan, Rumsfeld came in and told us to get ready for Iraq.
He called this something about Phase 4, the piece of the plan that included post-invasion operations such as security and reconstruction.
Sheed says, quote, he said we will not do that.
In other words, announce a Phase 4 about reconstruction.
Because the American public will not back us if they think we're going over there for a long war."
End quote.
She said, yeah, you just went over there to help those Iraqi people there, didn't you, Mr. Bush?
Yeah, you're just gonna, you're just gonna serve those people on Iraq, didn't you?
Yeah, you served them real well.
You've murdered 100,000 of them.
Okay, and then later on in his speech, he says, We've tightened security at our airports and seaports and our borders.
Now, you know, I shouldn't be falling over and laughing right now, but if I was, I couldn't get to the microphone, so I just have to sit here.
Yeah, the borders are wide open, ladies and gentlemen.
They've never been more wide open than they are right now, and that's a bunch of nonsense.
Absolute bunch of nonsense.
And here he goes with some more of this flowery language.
One of the strongest weapons in our arsenal is the power of freedom.
The terrorists are thrown into panic at the sight of an old man pulling an election
Yeah, you know, these old terrorist guys over there in the Middle East, they were just, you know, one day they just woke up and they just decided that, well, gee, we just hate those Americans, let's go kill them.
For no reason whatsoever, they just wake up and think that.
And that is the standard line we've been hearing for years, and you know it can't be true.
People on the other side of the world don't just wake up one day for no reason and say, gee, I hate those Americans, let's go kill some.
You know, that is ridiculous.
And he talks about us being in the early hours of the struggle between tyranny and freedom, and I agree with that.
We are in a struggle between tyranny and freedom, but it's not in the early hours.
It's been going on for hundreds of years.
And at the end of his speech he says, Dangerous enemies have declared their intention to destroy our way of life.
They're not the first to try, and their fate will be the same as those who tried before.
9-11 showed us why.
Yeah, that's right, Mr. President.
Why don't you go look in the mirror, you and all your buddies, and figure out who the guilty party is, and all this.
Okay, we are going to continue with what we did yesterday in regard to smoking guns of 9-1-1, because we didn't get through maybe half of them.
And we're going to put out the number.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231, but I want to tell you now, I want to tell you the smoking guns that we've already covered.
Okay, so we don't want to be going too much over the same territory.
We've already covered the neocons and all their plans for world domination.
We've talked about that.
We've pretty much covered the controlled demolition of WTC1 and WTC2, although there's a little extra on there.
We've definitely covered World Trade Center number 7.
Silverstein's little admission that he blew number seven up, we've already talked about that.
We've already talked about the NORAD drills and how come the military just sat on its tail instead of doing their normal thing when the four airliners got hijacked.
And we've talked about Cheney's stand down order where he was sitting there watching the plane or whatever it is come in to the Pentagon saying, have you heard anything different?
Yeah, the order still stands.
It's only ten miles out, right?
When we get back from the break, we're going to take calls about the smoking guns of 9-1-1.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
Alright, we're back on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Bob Dacey sitting in for Alex Jones.
And I would be remiss if I didn't remind you that if you want to really understand what's going on in this world today, you need to get a copy of Alex Jones' latest video, Terror Storm.
And you can get that by going to InfoWars.com and click on their store section and buy it right off InfoWars.com.
Gotta get Terror Storm because uh... you know if you're asleep it'll wake you up.
Okay so we're going to be talking now about more of the smoking guns of 9-1-1 and I understand our first caller up is Bill from Arizona.
Bill, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Hi Mr. Dacey.
How you doing?
Pleasure to talk to you.
Well good talking to you.
What's on your mind?
Uh... I was watching a special on Dateline last night about Flight 93 and I'm totally convinced that that plane was shot down and it wasn't
Well, I think you're probably right.
From what I have read and what I have understood, there were witnesses that saw it trailing smoke and that it left an 8-mile debris field, small debris field, you know, small parts.
And that one of the engines was found over a mile away.
All of that is completely inconsistent with a bunch of crazy Arabs fighting over the joystick with a bunch of passengers as they nosedive the thing into the ground.
So absolutely.
Do you have any more input on that?
They were using cell phones.
At first they were saying that.
Last night on the special they were specifying that they were using the air phones.
They didn't want the people, they're trying to mislead the public.
And then they were saying that they sent up jets from Langley.
I don't know where the Langley Airfield is in Pennsylvania.
And they showed one of the tapes that the jet fighter pilot said, well, he's down.
But they didn't say he shot it down, but I think he did.
Yeah, yeah, that's a big mess.
Okay, Bill, thank you very much for the call.
I appreciate it.
You know, once again, that reminds me of what Bill just said.
I was watching this propaganda piece last night on ABC and they showed a sequence where one of the planes is hijacked and the guys immediately, immediately scramble a fighter.
And I'm just rolling.
I'm just saying, okay, let me get this straight.
The facts are they did.
They sat on their tail forever.
They got them up way too late to send them in the wrong directions.
And ABC is trying to con the people into thinking that they scramble fighters immediately.
And it's just, it's just beyond disgusting.
Next up, I think we've got Harvey in Florida.
Harvey, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Oh, hiya, Bob.
I've been listening to you the last two days.
It's very good to hear your voice.
Well, I had to come down here because all the people that know what they're doing are up in New York, and I was still here, so here I am.
You have a very calm, relaxed attitude on the radio there.
Very calm.
Well, in that way, Alex Jones and I are completely incompatible, but that's just the way it is.
He's the way he is, I'm the way I am, and we're both on the same page.
There's a good one.
Yeah, that's another one.
Did he ever testify in front of the fake 9-11 Commission, you think?
Oh, I don't know.
They don't tell me everything.
9-1-1 Commission, of course, was commissioned to cover up the murders.
They weren't commissioned to find out anything.
Right, because Daddy Bush's friend was the guy in charge of the Commission, you know.
Yeah, so we're talking about, I think the company was called Securecom?
Was the company that had the contracts for the security on the World Trade Center prior to September 11th and by some strange coincidence Marvin Bush was involved in that company and that although in and of itself it's not a smoking gun I think it's a smoldering flame there.
That's something that dropped that whole story has been covered over like
Like with concrete, and I bet you all you needed to do was slip him a little dose of truth serum.
And have them testify in front of a real commission and I bet we would find out what the whole thing was all about, wouldn't you?
Wouldn't it be great if you could arrest some of these guys and in exchange for a lighter sentence they would roll over on the higher-ups?
That'd be great.
Well, I don't know about that stuff, but it would be an interesting thing to do.
Okay, Harvey from Florida.
Thank you very much for the call, sir.
I appreciate it.
And so he's talking about Marvin Bush and Securicom.
Alright, next up we've got Steve from Colorado.
Steve, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, hi there.
I'd spoken to you yesterday and I had a couple extra questions I wanted to ask you.
But first of all, the caller that mentioned about where Langley is, it's not in Pennsylvania, it's in Virginia.
It's near, it's at Hampton Roads.
There in Virginia.
So anyway,
First of all, do you know of any film footage of the first aircraft hitting the tower?
Well, yeah, there is that one, the Nadei Brothers film, where those French guys were doing a documentary about the New York Fire Department.
Do you know how they spell the last name?
I think it's N-A-U-D-E-T.
Oh, okay.
It's not real great footage, but they heard the plane coming in and they whirled the camera up and you can see a long distance shot.
It's not a very good shot.
That reminds me that our illustrious monkey-in-chief
He couldn't even get his roll correct on September 11th when he said that he saw the plane strike the first tower.
Oh, yeah.
Isn't that odd?
Because either he just couldn't quite get his roll correct, you know, maybe his earpiece wasn't working in his ear at that time or whatever, but he said that and obviously he couldn't have seen the first plane hit the first tower unless of course he was watching it on closed circuit television.
Exactly, yeah.
What else?
Did I cut you off yesterday or earlier or something like that?
You have another point to make and I didn't let you make it?
Oh, that's cool.
Yeah, I know there are a lot of callers and so I'll try and make them quick today.
Okay, do you know of any other besides them?
Not of the first hit, no.
I do not know of anything else, no.
The second question, is there really any proof that the people, the supposed hijackers, were on those aircraft?
Is there any real solid proof other than them saying that they were?
Well, how do I answer that?
I know that there's a lot of confusion on that.
I mean, like I think when they released the so-called DNA evidence from all the people that died in the Pentagon crash, there weren't any Arabs on there, on the list.
And I don't know whether they can say, well, you see, we don't include hijackers as part of the passengers.
Unless they were.
I mean, maybe when you hijack a plane,
You no longer have passenger status and therefore you don't get included on the DNA list.
I don't know.
Kind of a persona non grata, huh?
Yeah, like, well, you were a passenger until you pulled out the box cutter knife.
I mean, you know, and defeated the former military people who are sitting up there in the front of the plane.
You were.
How were they able to even come up with this list if they said that they used
Well, you know, that reminds me of another very confusing smoking gun of 9-1-1, and what that smoking gun is, is that several of the hijackers are protesting their innocence, still.
Right, yeah, that's right.
And it's like, okay, let me get this straight.
Let me see if I can find my little blurb on that here.
There were, um, I forgot about that, but back just after that had happened, um, I had copied some stuff off of the net that, uh, like seven were found alive.
Well, it's, it's interesting.
Here's one, uh, suicide hijacker, Waleed Al-Shahiri, um, and hijacked suspects alive and well.
Saudi Arabian pilot Waleed Al-Shahiri was one of the five men that the FBI said had deliberately crashed American Airlines flight 11
I'm not a real intellectual, but I believe
That if you're alive after supposedly crashing the plane into the tower, then you probably weren't on the plane.
I think that's true.
Steve in Colorado, thank you very much.
Thank you very much for the call.
Sorry about that.
I have Alex Jones on the line here.
Alex, what is going on up there in New York today?
I'm here at the Pratt House, where the terrorists that carried out 9-11 are based.
We're here at Pratt House, where the elite scum nest.
The Royal Institute of International Affairs set it up in the early 20s to overthrow the United States, and we're looking at some of the cockroaches right here that come out to look at us.
The police have put us in a little free speech pen across the street, but I'm only about 25 feet away from CFR members and others, and we're going to chant at them right now and let them know that we're aware.
The CFR are the state of 9-11!
We're here Bob, at the council.
We're here at the CFR.
Here they are.
Down with FWO!
Down with FWO!
Down with FWO!
Down with FWO!
Down with FWO!
Down with FWO!
We're here at the real seat of government, the shadow government.
We're at Pratt House right now in New York City, just a few feet away from the building.
We're 20 feet, 25 feet away from their front door.
Well, Alex, tell David Rockefeller that we said hello.
David Rockefeller admits in his own memoir that he wants to destroy the United States.
He's a traitor!
David Rockefeller is cancer to the United States.
The CFR are the very same globalists that orchestrated 9-11 and are using it to destroy our freedom.
Gary Hart went on TV three days after the attacks on 9-11 and said, there is a chance for us to turn lemons into lemonade and use this disaster to carry out what George Herbert Walker Bruce said, the New World Order.
They said that they were going to use 9-11 to carry out the New World Order.
That was on TV!
Those are their words!
Those are their exact words.
Here's a message from the Navy!
Previous murderers!
Previous murderers!
Treasonous murderers, NWO!
Treasonous murderers, NWO!
Treasonous murderers, NWO!
Jesus murderers in W.O.!
Jesus murderers in W.O.!
Jesus murderers in W.O.!
Jesus murderers in W.O.!
Jesus murderers in W.O.!
Jesus murderers in W.O.! !
Alex, have you been able to see anybody that you recognize up there, or just some of these underling members?
You see anybody, big names up there?
There's about 4,000 of those guys somewhere, but they're not all in the building at the same time.
Members of the press.
Yeah, members of the press are members of the CFR, like Diane Sawyer, for example.
I believe she was a director of the CFR at one time.
You were talking about a corrupt group of people there.
I know that Dan Rather was in the CFR.
Most, I mean, most of your top journalists are CFR members, and that's how come they spew the nonsense that they spew in the air.
This is the real mafia.
This is the good old boys club.
Of course you've got all the bankers, all the international bankers, a lot of those are guys in the CFR.
This is the global mafia!
This is the real mafia!
4,000 criminals publicly sworn to destroy U.S.
sovereignty and bring in a one-world government where we have no liberties or freedoms!
4,000 criminals colluding together staging terror attacks to try to bring the United States to its knees!
This is the real shadow government!
It's now been admitted you're a bunch of sick criminals!
We're going to be... Oh, you know, I think that's a brilliant idea because that's where the roaches nest.
That's it.
You've gone straight to the source, Alex.
You've gone straight to the source.
Yes, I'm here in New York at the true U.S.
Capitol building.
The seat of the treasonous murderers of the C.F.R.
Bob Desi.
Yeah, formed in 1921 at the behest of Edward Mandel House, who was a socialist who dreamed of socialism and was dreamed of by Karl Marx.
This is the house that the British agent Edward Mandel House built.
This is the British arm that publicly controls our country.
We beat you in 1776 and we're going to beat you again, traitors!
We're going to defeat, this is the real shadow government right here.
No North American Union!
It's here!
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Alright, we're back.
Alex Jones is up there live in New York at the Pratt House, the home of the CFR, the Council on Foreign Relations, and we're going to go straight back to Alex.
On page 400, on page 405 of David Rockefeller's book, Memoirs, published in 2003,
To paraphrase, you can pull it up, you can read it, go to the library, he says there are people who claim that me and my family are trying to destroy U.S.
sovereignty and bring in a one world government, world taxation, world regulation.
And he said if that's the charge, then I think I'm guilty!
You're guilty, you piece of filth!
You un-American traitor!
You un-American piece of filth!
We actually love the red white and blue and we're here to defend it from you robber baron parasites!
9-11's a CFR job!
9-11's a CFR job!
9-11 is a CFR job.
9-11 is a CFR job.
We're taking it right to the enemy of the American people.
We're defending the republic 110% rally.
Go to every hill and mountain in America.
Go to every church.
Go to every school.
Go to every place and warn everyone.
The new old order is upon us.
We are resisting it.
We're fighting it.
We're fighting it for America.
Join us.
We need you to come to our aid.
We are the Paul Revere's here warning you.
I don't care you throw that in our face.
Bob, this is powerful, isn't it?
Yeah, I think you were right in the middle of the hornet's nest there, Alex.
You know, Alex Jones doesn't mess around.
He just says, OK, who's doing this?
And he goes straight to their headquarters.
We're shutting the Federal Reserve down!
Your private banking cartel's going down!
Because all we've been doing with our tax money since 1913 is lining your fat pockets!
We're paying for this damn building!
I'm privatizing the Federal Reserve!
Uncapitalize the Federal Reserve!
Unfollow the Federal Reserve!
Unfollow the Council on Foreign Relations!
And arrest the criminals!
Uncapitalize the Federal Reserve!
You think we don't know who did this?
We know who did this!
You did it.
I did.
Four years ago, nobody knew it was an inside job.
Now everybody knows it's an inside job.
Four years ago, only a handful knew it was an inside job.
Now the majority of the country knows it's an inside job.
Right now, only a handful knows it's a CFR job.
Soon, the majority of the country will all know about the CFR!
You overreached!
You went too far!
You overplayed your head!
Your hubris will bring you down, terrorists!
CFR terrorists!
The New World Order is going down!
You're going down!
We will not be subjugated!
We're on the march!
I don't know what course other men may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
We're on the march!
The empire's on the run!
Down with NWO!
Yeah, Alex.
I know you're about to go to break.
I'm going to let you go.
This ends our live coverage of what's happening in New York.
I'll be coming back tonight.
I'll be back live on the air tomorrow.
I'll let you get to your third and second hour.
I really appreciate you doing a great job.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, this is Bob Dacey sitting in for Alex Jones.
And if you've been listening, you've found out that he's up in front of the Pratt House right now in New York City.
We're good to go.
And the man in the book he wrote called Philip Drew Administrator, Edward Mandelhaus wrote very plainly that his goal was to establish a government in the United States, to overthrow our government and establish a government that Karl Marx would like.
That's what he said in his book.
And if you want further confirmation of the CFR and what they're about, read the writings of their own people.
I don't know.
Yes, that came out of Cecil Rhodes and his desire to absorb the wealth of the world into the hands of a few, and that's what the CFR is supposed to do, and we love to deal with communists, anybody we want to, and we run everything, and we love it, and we control both political parties at the very top, and you cretins can elect whoever you want to elect at the top, it doesn't matter that we put them both up, so we don't care who wins.
I mean, it's all in Carol Quigley's book, Tragedy and Hope, and you know, we love to use their own stuff against them.
Um, speaking of CFR members, uh, before we go to our next call, I've got a clip I want to play.
Uh, a CFR member by the name of, um, Thomas Keene, former governor of New Jersey, uh, is the guy who, uh, chaired the 911 commission.
And I want to play a clip of me versus him on March 31st up at Georgetown in north of Austin at a press conference asking him about why he said finding the money trail of who financed September 11th is not important.
Go ahead and play that, guys.
How can you say that the question of who bankrolled the deaths of 3,000 American people on September 11th is, quote, of little practical significance?
Because it cost so little money.
That's the awful thing about it.
It cost less than $500,000.
That's why it was so hard to trace.
We were able to find pieces of the $500,000, but it came in very small pieces.
The FBI agent Robert Bryant was on the money trail of money coming from Saudi Arabia, some from the Arab countries, into this country to finance terrorist operations here in the United States.
He's trying to go public and the FBI shut him up and threatened him.
Did he testify before the commission?
I believe so.
We had over 2,000 witnesses.
We had anybody who had any information.
But there wasn't a word of what he said in your report.
Well, there may have been.
But we would not allow it.
Okay, that was that.
Go ahead and take that one down.
I continued on with my banter with Mr. C.F.R.
guy, Governor Keene, about that, and he was sitting there saying, well, you know, it's just, I mean, understand this.
People of America, okay?
Understand this.
The 9-1-1 Commission is supposed to investigate what happened on September 11th and why.
You got 3,000 people murdered, okay?
You got the scenario here, okay?
This guy, a CFR member, is appointed to find out everything, okay?
The man is saying that when you do the investigation of who bankrolled
The operation.
It's of little practical significance.
Come on.
It's on page 172 of the 9-1-1 Commission Report.
The matter of who financed September 11th is, quote, of little practical significance, unquote.
Come on.
Can you smell?
Cover up.
We'll be back after the break.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, Bob Dacey back again in the saddle for Alex Jones while he's up in New York bullhorning the Council on Foreign Relations.
You know, before the break I was talking about Governor Thomas King and his cover-up commission.
And I was saying that, you know, he said it's not important, understand this, it is not important
To investigate who financed September 11th, according to the 9-1-1 Commission on page 172.
Do the math, people.
The man said that it cost $500,000.
As an aside, I wonder how he knew that if he only found bits and pieces of it.
But he said it cost $500,000 to kill 3,000 people.
Well, do the math.
$500,000, about 3,000 people.
That's $166 a person.
So, the moral for this story, ladies and gentlemen, is if you want to hire somebody to kill somebody, if you want to hire a hitman to go out and murder somebody, get a real cheap one.
$166 tops.
Because if you only spend $166 to kill somebody, then the cops will know that it's not worth their trouble to investigate
Who paid for the hit?
You see?
That's 9-1-1 Commission logic.
And again, with the fact that Alex Jones is up there in front of the CFR, I feel compelled to remind you that Thomas Keene is a member of the CFR.
Lee Hamilton, who is the Vice Chair of the 9-1-1 Commission, is a member of the CFR.
Other members, Bob Carey, John F. Lehman, and Jamie Eskerelek, are members of the CFR.
And the Executive Director of the 9-1-1 Commission, Philip Zelikow, is a member of the CFR.
And so, Alex is up there ranting and raving about arrest the criminals and go after these crooks because they did 9-11?
And you think he's crazy?
Absolutely not.
He's right on.
He's right on the nose.
So, again, we're talking about 9-1-1 smoking guns, and I believe we have Kathy from Texas up on the Alex Jones Show.
Kathy, are you still there?
Yes, Bob, I'm one of your fans, and come by your store some, and I have a question for you.
I hope I can answer it.
I think you can.
I've been trying to convince my relatives of the truth of this information.
And I've just gotten an email from one of them and it says watch where your sources are and citing the Popular Mechanics viewpoint and all of that.
What would you suggest as things they can read?
These people are... Well, things they can read.
Let's talk about that for a second.
Things they can read.
Captain, I'm going to let you go and I'm going to answer that question.
Things they can read.
If you know nothing about the New World Order, and you think that all this is a bunch of conspiracy theory nonsense, and you just are, but you're curious, because you've got to be curious, because, you know, when you see Building 7 fall down, you go, hmm, that doesn't make any sense.
If you're curious, what you need to do, and this is my opinion, and it's my considered opinion, you need to go to jbs.org.
That's the main website of the John Birch Society.
That's JBS.org.
The John Birch Society is the oldest organization in the United States fighting the New World Order.
The John Birch Society was established in the late fifties specifically to fight the New World Order.
And a lot of people don't like the John Birch Society for whatever reason.
They say they're too tame, maybe they're too conservative or whatever.
But let me tell you something.
When you want documentation
Of the existence of the New World Order, what they're about, how long it's been going on.
The best place to go is the John Birch Society, because they have 50 years of documentation, solid, hardcore documentation of what the New World Order crowd is about, why they're doing what they're doing.
And the evidence that they have compiled is absolutely sterling.
They use the same technique that I use all the time, which is use the enemy's own stuff against them.
You know, for example, the quote that Alex was screaming at the CFR a few minutes ago out in front of the Pratt House from David Rockefeller, the Dean of the CFR, the exact quote
And I got this from the book.
I'm reading out of the John Birch Society magazine, The New American.
This is the exact quote from David Rockefeller.
For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents, such as my encounter with Fidel Castro, to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions.
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as, quote,
and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure one world if you will if that's the charge I stand guilty and I'm proud of it now how that this is the kind of stuff that is the John Birch Society has in spades so if you want to learn about the new world order you want to understand
Hardcore, what it's all about, in a historical perspective, going back to 1776.
You know, when Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati.
You'll get lost in there, because there is so much information about it, that it's not even funny.
But I'm going to tell you something.
If you want to learn about the New World Order, you better get up to speed pretty quick.
Okay, because these guys have really cranked up the volume in the last few years using September 11th as an excuse.
Okay, Kathy from Texas, thank you for that call.
Next up we have Sean from Arizona.
Sean, you are on the Alex Jones Show.
Hi, I'm a member of Scholars for 9-11 and further I would like to point for the caller in Texas, you can go to www.st911.org.
I have a paper on there.
Which is entitled, Why the NIST Fact Sheet Just Won't Do.
It takes a couple of the assumptions of the NIST report and shows just how big the fallacy is.
Tell people what the NIST report is because some people might not know what that is.
The NIST was charged with doing the official investigation of 9-11 and they are the ones that are saying
The buildings collapsed from fire alone.
The fire caused the steel to fail, and the collapse was, you know, nothing but gravity bringing it down, and they say that there are no explosives in any of the buildings, including, well, they don't say anything about the World Trade Center 7 yet, but they have supposedly said that
You know, they have found no evidence.
All the hundreds of eyewitnesses are lying.
William Rodriguez didn't feel a giant explosion under his feet when he was at sub-level one.
Yeah, exactly.
Felipe David didn't run into the room a few seconds later with his skin all burned off of his arms screaming, explosion, explosion, explosion.
And Louis Cacioli, the firefighter, the brave firefighter, didn't say that there were explosions going off in the building and there weren't any explosive squibs going up the side of Building 7.
You know, Sean, I read some of that NIST stuff and one of the things that struck me, and I'm not an engineer, I'm not a scientist, I'm not a scholar,
But, you know, I'm looking at, if I remember, one of the essences of the, one of the several versions that they put out about why, about why Building 7 collapsed, was that, well, you see what happened is, there was debris falling from the North Tower, 300 feet away, and it somehow snuck into Building 7 below the 12th floor, and just happened to damage the, the column
below the 12th floor which was holding up the whole building and then that kind of chain reaction itself all the way up to the top of the building so that's why you saw the top fall first and then it all just fell over that from there.
I mean, I read that.
Yeah, I know and that's just plain false on its face.
You look at building 5, pictures of building 5 and it has extensive fire damage but it didn't
It's steel frame still intact and it didn't collapse and it had a hundred times damage that building seven did.
Well I know now that the NIST, that stands for National Institute of Standards and Technology, right?
They are now on their FAQ page on their website, I don't know, feigning or indicating or that they may be looking into the possibility of explosive charges in building number seven.
What do you make of that?
I think it's because of simply intense public pressure.
Engineers have been, like myself, have been looking at this, looking at the reports, and actually looking at the raw data, and to say that their work is incompetent is being
Well, Sean, you are an engineer, you say?
Yes, I am.
And you are a member of Scholars for 9-113?
Yes, I am.
Well, let me ask you.
You're an engineer.
I mean, you're one of these guys that kind of knows stuff about this.
I want to know, can you think of any scenario, other than controlled demolition, which could cause a 47-story modern steel skyscraper to collapse in under seven seconds?
I know of absolutely none.
How about fairy dust?
Their explanations have to violate the laws of physics in order for them to be true.
And when scientists go and take and test the hypothesis, and the hypothesis may be way out there, but what they do is they go and they say, OK, we think X happens.
We go and we experiment, and we also verify with our known laws of physics to see if theory X is possible.
And if it is not,
Then you have to either throw out that theory or you have to adjust it.
And that is something that the NIST has not done.
Because we have shown, from many different perspectives, from an energy perspective, from a conservation of momentum perspective, and the amount of energy to pulverize all that concrete
Uh, the amount of potential energy stored in the... John, John, hold that thought.
I want to hold you over until after the break.
Hold him over.
And, uh, we got, we got a four minute break.
And, John, if you'll hang on we'll continue this discussion on the other side.
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All right, we're back on the Alex Jones Show.
Once again, I'm Bob Dacey, substituting for Alex Jones.
On the other side of the break, we were talking to Sean from Arizona, who is a member of ST911.org, and I highly recommend you go to that website.
It is extensive and it's all about intellectuals, professors, highly intelligent people trying to figure out what really happened on September 11th and their conclusions do not look favorable for the Bush administration and the globalists.
Sean, are you familiar in your organization with all the work that Professor Jones has done on the thermite issue?
Oh yes, I've read his paper thoroughly and I agree with its conclusions.
I have two questions about that for you, and hopefully you'll be able to answer them for me.
The thermite reaction that has been shown on television, where that yellow metal is pouring out of the tower, it's pretty convincing.
However, is there any other type of reaction that could create that residue that they found that some other
Harmless explanation as to how you can get these various chemical compounds in the residue that hardened up again after it melted?
Well, a thermate, actually, it's a cousin of thermite, and every explosive reaction of an explosive that is powerful enough to cut through steel leaves a signature, if you will, of its final product.
And that is
What distinguishes, how you can distinguish what explosives were used.
So you are saying that the material that Dr. Stephen Jones examined has the unique signature of thermate?
Is that what the conclusion is?
That's what I would conclude.
You have to, when thermate reacts, you get certain byproducts.
You know, you get some iron.
There's sulfur and manganese in there.
And you have to look at, OK, if these byproducts are in there, OK, in the proper proportions, you have to see, OK, well, are there alternative sources for sulfur?
And you can look at gypsum and stuff, and you can find out, well, that doesn't contain enough in order for it to be here in this
Now here's the next question, and I'm going to play devil's advocate here with you.
I have understood that Dr. Jones got his samples from 9-1-1 memorials and people that had collected stuff off of some of the rare bits of steel that were saved for 9-1-1 memorials.
I know he's not being specific about exactly where he got it and all that because he might want some more, but can he legally prove a chain of custody of that stuff?
I think he could.
However, in order to say that absolutely thermate was used as a cutting charge, you can look at Section 8 of Appendix C of the FEMA report, and it shows the metal, the steel, that has undergone hot sulfur corrosion.
Yeah, they call it sulfidation, I think.
... which is a highly unusual event for a fire and they state that right there and nowhere else is that fact dealt with and you see those steel samples.
Okay, so let's clarify this to the people listening.
The FEMA report, the early FEMA report that examined some of the steel said that they couldn't figure out how in the world the collapse and the fire could have caused sulfidation of the steel.
It was an astounding discovery to them that they never pursued.
That's correct.
In fact, FEMA recommended that somebody pursue an investigation of
The sulfidation of the steel, the severe oxidation and sulfidication of the steel.
Yeah, but I guess they didn't think Dr. Stephen Jones was going to be the one to do it, huh?
That is correct.
It seems that, you know, that information was just totally ignored.
And those pieces of steel, if you were to get your hands on them and do similar testing that Dr. Jones has done, which FEMA has done,
Already, from that Section 8 of the FEMA report, that points to a thermate reaction.
Sean, I'm going to let you go.
I really appreciate that call.
That was an excellent call.
I wonder whether we ought to give this information to the 9-1-1 Commission.
Maybe they could do an investigation and figure out what happened, huh?
We'll be back after the break and we're going to continue with our favorite smoking guns of 9-1-1.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, this is Bob Dacey, subbing for Alex Jones.
We're talking about the 9-1-1 smoking guns in the next segment, which is a long segment.
We're going to go through some callers, and I want to hear some more smoking guns.
Understand we have Don in Texas up.
Don, are you still there?
I dozed off while I was holding the phone.
Sorry about that, Don.
What do you got to add to our discussion?
Well, first of all about the smoking guns, there's a long list of things going back to, you know, the M.O.
One of them is like, there was a guy out in East Texas, he was a redneck boozer and the IRS found out he was shooting his mouth off
He hated the IRS so they gave him an assault rifle and they pretended to give him a bomb so he could go raid the IRS in Austin.
It was a sting deal.
So what does that have to do with September 11th?
It's laying the groundwork to show you the way that they went about... Are you familiar with the little islands off the coast of Australia?
We're good to go!
Okay, so what you're saying is that it relates to... Well, it does.
The people that went... What was that name?
The Julius Berg?
The guy that supposedly had his head cut off?
His head cut off, yeah.
And he was the one that provided passports.
He was part of the people that conveyed... He drove a van and some other vehicles to bring in.
Yeah, I think I remember something about that.
Don, thank you for the call.
I think Julius, the guy that got his head cut off, for some strange reason he had a connection with Zacharias Moussaoui.
What are the chances of that?
I think that's what Don was trying to say.
Okay, we have Sean in Texas up next.
Sean, are you there?
Yeah, my smoking gun is the Secret Service stand down when Bush was at his
A highly publicized event at the school in Florida that morning.
Tell us about that, Sean, because that was one of my favorites no one has brought up yet.
Go ahead and tell us about that.
Well, it was a highly publicized press conference and he knew of the first tower being hit before he went in to the school children.
He continued with the press conference.
Well, it wasn't just a press conference, it was him sitting there in a classroom reading a book about goats to a bunch of little kids, right?
Right, my pet goat.
Okay, so the question, and that is an excellent, excellent point.
Thank you for the call.
The question that Sean has raised here, and this is very important, this is very important.
They're crazy Arabs are hijacking airplanes and Lord only knows how many all over the country and they're crashing them into buildings and President Bush's appearance at this elementary school has been publicized in advance and it's four miles away from an airport and oh all pandemonium is raining and nobody knows what the heck is going on and the evil Arabs are going to get us and what is this the role of the Secret Service?
The role of the Secret Service is to protect the President.
Okay, so why, when the crazy Arabs were doing their thing, and they hit the first tower, and then they hit the second tower, why did the Secret Service do absolutely nothing to protect the President?
They let him sit there forever, reading the goat story to the little children.
Those, for all they knew, the crazy Libyans were coming in a van, like in that movie from back in the 80's.
Back to the future.
To kill him.
But for all they knew, they were flying a plane right at that school.
You know?
They didn't do anything.
And ladies and gentlemen, that's what you call the dog that didn't bark.
Because he knew the burglar who broke into the house wasn't a stranger.
That is a tremendous smoking gun of 9-1-1.
And I thank Sean from Texas for bringing that up.
Next we have George in Indiana.
George, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I've got the flu, so I hope you can understand me.
But let me tell you what is a real smoking gun to me.
If I was a detective and O.J.
Simpson told me that he knew who killed his wife because he saw it on television.
Bush could not have seen that plane hit that first building.
And he builds a big story around it.
How he was sitting outside, and obviously the TV was on.
Who makes a statement like that?
Well, you know, that could be a smoking gun.
That really could be, but you... He repeated it twice!
You're right.
He did say that twice.
But you have to factor in the idiot factor there, too.
The idiot factor.
I don't get confused when you make up a story.
Guess where I was when the first plane hit the building?
I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in.
And he can't confuse it with the second plane because we've seen the
Security come in and tell him the second plane hit, so he made up a lie.
Well, I tell you what, I think you're right there, but I believe that the problem there is the trained monkey couldn't handle his role, basically.
That's what I think.
George, thank you for the call.
I think that's a good point.
That does stink to high heaven.
Next we have Wolfgang in Kansas City.
Wolfgang, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Hi, Bob.
How you doing?
Real good.
I was listening to Alex up there in New York at the Pratt House and one of the things that struck me was him saying we should go arrest these perpetrators.
I agree.
I totally agree.
Well, how are we going to do that?
Is there a national plan for that?
You call up Alberto Gonzalez and you say, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, here's the proof.
Here's the investigation.
I want you to go arrest these people.
And what if he doesn't move?
Then what?
Well, I don't know.
Then I guess we do it at the state level.
I think they're trying to get, what's his name, Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General of the State of New York, where all the murders happened, to do something.
Are we going to need a mutiny in the military backed up by the national militia to go accomplish this task?
That's beyond my pay grade, I'll tell you what.
I don't know.
That's a good question.
I would love to have some high level member of this group find a conscience and rat out the rest of them.
I'd like to hear what the other listeners would like to say about that, a mutiny in the military.
I don't know.
I'm not advocating one.
This is hypothetical, but do you think that would work?
I don't want to comment on that one.
That's treading on ground I don't want to stomp on because I might get stomped on myself.
Wolfgang, thank you for the call.
I appreciate that.
Yeah, that is a big question.
You know, what do you do about this?
Um, what do you do about this?
When the, uh, I remember when, um, uh, what was it?
Juanita Broderick was, had accused Bill Clinton of, of raping her when he was the attorney general of Arkansas, you know, and she's like, well, who's she going to turn to, to accuse the, the chief law enforcement officer of Arkansas of rape.
What's that going to get her?
Remember that this could be a very similar scenario.
And I wish I had a real good answer for that one, but I don't.
Dennis from Maryland, you're next up here on the Alex Jones Show.
What do you have to say?
Thank you.
Thank you, Bob.
I just wanted to hit on another smoking gun that I believe goes to the core of this whole thing.
This goes back to John DeCamp and the Franklin cover-up.
It goes right through the Clinton administration.
A lot of people may not know, I live here south of Washington, D.C.
And the Clinton administration, guess who showed up in town and threatened everybody at the congressional level that they impeach Clinton, that he's going to expose them.
That was Larry Flint.
Oh yeah, I remember Larry Flint became a good guy, right?
He was up there.
With friends like that, who needs enemies?
Well exactly, but what did he have?
You know, if people will go to Google Video and download the movie, which is a British documentary,
Yes, I've seen that film and basically I think what you're saying, if I may put words in your mouth, is that a lot of the people in our government are a bunch of sick perverts and they don't want that out.
Well, unfortunately that's the case.
You know, back in the late 80s, there was two good street cops down in Florida who found these two men with these six children.
Found and traced it all the way up to what's called the Finders Club here in Washington, D.C.
The District Police secured the area, then the national feds came in, took it over for national security, and the whole investigation was stopped.
They found video equipment, pornography of children,
And I think, uh, I didn't see it, but I believe Oprah Winfrey recently had someone on as a guest that exposed that there was about a dozen pedophile houses all within so many miles of the White House.
Yeah, you're getting into an area, Dennis, which is well-researched, but how can I say this politely?
The topic is not suitable for a G-rated radio talk show because of what you're talking about.
And you know what I'm talking about, and I know what I'm talking about, and a lot of the listeners know what I'm talking about.
But basically, I think what you're saying is don't be surprised that September 11th happened because these people are a bunch of sickos.
So Dennis, thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
Guys, who do we have up next?
Okay, Ryan in New Jersey.
You're on the Alex Jones Show with the substitute host Bob Dacey.
What can we do for you today?
You got a smoking gun you want to reveal?
Yeah, I have a smoking gun that I have on my mind.
And also I was in New York yesterday behind Alex Jones and all the other 9-11 truth people.
And that was really invigorating to be able to be there with all those like-minded people standing up for the truth.
And like Alex said the other day, the police were actually escorting us down the road, letting us chant and yell as loud as we want.
It was quite exciting.
So the police weren't giving you a hassle?
And there are some bad looks and stuff like that, but overall, every step of the way they were right there with us making sure.
They even stopped some people from heckling us from time to time.
Well, so what Alex was saying yesterday, you're corroborating the idea of what Alex was reporting there.
Yeah, obviously we can't say that all the time.
The majority of the police seem to know what's going on.
I'd like to repeat that.
If there are any policemen listening anywhere in the United States or all over the world, if you look into this and you be dispassionate about it and really do the study and you realize that September 11th was an inside job, I know policemen are a very tight, tight group of people and they have a camaraderie and a brotherhood and I just wonder
What do you think if you found out that 9-1-1 was an inside job and the powers that be have murdered your comrades?
I imagine that you really wouldn't like that too much if they took the time to study it.
By the end of the day, they actually let us march right into Police Plaza in downtown Manhattan.
That's kind of basically what all the speakers were saying about how, you know, we're your brothers.
We're trying to find the people that hurt you too.
Well, I'll tell you what, that is excellent news and I appreciate your contribution to the show and we'll let you go.
Up next I have Paul from England.
All the way from England.
Paul, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Oh yeah, thanks Bob for taking my call.
You must be from England, I hear that accent.
I have called before and spoken to Alex on one occasion.
You were asking about smoking guns and one of the things that sort of recently I've remembered is when I was at school I was a kid and you can always tell when children are lying.
I know where this is going, go ahead.
Right, and one of my teachers at school
You know, she had a saying, and it was, uh, what a tangled web we weave when we start to deceive.
And recently, this saying has kind of come back to me.
And, uh, I was watching a documentary or a news program broadcast on CBC, in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and they had Lee Hamilton, who was the co-chair of the commission.
You know, he's a 31-year veteran of Congress,
has sat on many commissions including the Iran-Contra Commission and he actually said to the interviewer on CBC that the 9-11 Commission report was a first draft and that were the words that he said and I was just astounded to hear those words because really the people who lost loved ones and the people who are suffering now from diseases through inhaled dust, toxic dust
They don't really want a first draft.
They've disbanded the commission.
How can it be a first draft?
This is it.
It's astounded.
Who's working on the final draft?
This guy is actually on the record now saying, well, you know, it's a first draft and there's lots of questions that haven't been answered.
Well, I know from my own experience, when I was talking to Governor Keene a couple of months ago, when I was saying that the testimony of FBI agent Robert Wright wasn't included in his report, he said, well, it might have been.
It might have been.
And I'm thinking, well, gee, I've got the report.
It's not in mine.
So maybe there is another one, you know?
I mean, the thing is... A secret one.
Yeah, well, basically what happened was they published this report.
And a lot of the stuff that's in the report, in the commission report, they don't actually even know what's in the book they've published.
And now, you know, the most important person or one of the most important persons in this commission has said, well, it's just a first draft.
I mean, that's not really an off-the-cuff remark.
That's not really a throwaway comment to people who've lost loved ones and wars that have been conducted.
This investigation is flawed.
I mean, it's flawed if the chairman turns around and says, well, it's only a first draft.
Well, it's more than flawed.
It's a deliberate, blatant cover-up.
And you know, when you're talking about the subject of crime, um, I'm not a lawyer, but I think if you are tasked with investigating the cause of a crime, and instead you actively cover up the crime, I think you're guilty of something.
I don't know what it is.
Yeah, I mean, it's collusion.
You're guilty of something.
I'm not a lawyer.
I don't know what you're guilty of, but I bet you can serve a lot of time in jail for it.
What do you bet?
Yeah, you can serve a lot of time in jail, but the depressing thing sometimes, you know, watching all this unfold as we are, you know, it's just, you just think these people are going to get away with this.
And unless we get proof candidates, I think elected,
People like Bob Bowman, I know he's standing in Florida, but unless these guys get elected in America, I don't think this is ever going to really... anyone's going to get in trouble, anyone's going to get impeached, or anyone's going to get prosecuted.
Certainly in the UK, nothing's going to happen.
You know, the population here, I think, is just generally sleepwalking.
Obviously there's some good people here who are trying to get the truth out.
The government of the UK certainly isn't going to pressure the US.
Yeah, you guys are living in the movie V and we're not there yet.
Thank you for the call, Paul from England.
After the break we're going to finish this up.
The third segment of the show is going to be about the North American Union and we're pretty much done with 9-1-1.
I've got a clip I want to play when we get back.
This is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, I'm Bob Dacey, substituting for Alex Jones, back on the Alex Jones Show.
Again, more information you want on this, go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
And if you want to buy Terror Storm, go to the shopping cart on InfoWars.com and get the latest video by Alex Jones, Terror Storm.
We're going to close out this segment on the smoking guns of 9-1-1 by playing a clip from the movie V.
Set in future England where the terrorist V is trying to overthrow the evil despotic totalitarian government in England and he takes over the television station and he plays a message to the people of England and you want to talk about a message that fits for the people of America?
We're not there yet but if we don't fight these people we're going to be.
So we're going to play a little clip from the movie
V. Good evening, la-la-la.
Allow me first to apologize for this emergency channel.
I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of the everyday routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquility, the repentance.
I enjoy them as much as any bloke.
But in the spirit of commemoration, whereby those important events of the past
Usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful bloody struggle.
A celebration with a nice holiday.
I thought we could mark this November the 5th a day that's sadly no longer remembered by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat.
There are of course those who do not want us to speak.
Let me think, just let me think.
In fact even now orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will still be on their way.
Chancellor Fletcher.
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words are for the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.
And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You designed it, sir!
You wanted it foolproof!
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object,
We need cameras.
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
Inspector, you're almost through.
Last night I sought to end that silence.
Last night I destroyed the Old Bailey to remind this country of what it has forgotten.
More than 400 years ago, a great citizen wished to embed the 5th of November forever in our memory.
His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words.
They are perspectives.
So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest that you allow the 5th of November to pass unmarked.
But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament.
And together, we shall give them a 5th of November that shall never, ever be forgotten.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back for the third hour of the Alex Jones Show on GCN.
My name is Bob Dacey.
I'm a local radio TV talk show host in Austin.
I've known Alex for many years.
I host a show
We're good to go.
And the only way we stop them is to wake you people up.
And I know that it's getting easier and easier and easier to wake people up as the New World Order crowd gets more brazen in what they do.
This next hour we're going to shift gears completely.
We're going to get away from September 11th for a while.
And we're going to concentrate on other little nasty things that the globalists are up to as they try to destroy our country.
And the particular thing we're going to be talking about this next hour is the North American Union.
The North American Union is a smaller step to the American Union where they're trying to merge the entire western hemisphere into one big happy little socialist communist country.
If you want to get involved in this segment of our show, the number to call in is 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
If you want to weigh in on this American Union, which our CFR friends are cooking up for us right now, even as we speak.
I mean, right now, even as we speak.
The North American Union plan is coming into fruition.
And I have a caller that's just called in, a really good friend of mine, Kelly Taylor, who is an expert on the North American Union.
Kelly, are you there?
I am.
Thank you for taking my call today.
Kelly is a dear friend of mine.
She is also one of the producers of the Simple Truth TV show.
I have to be nice to her because she's the one who can yank my microphone down while I'm on TV if I get a little rowdy and out of control.
We joke about that.
I'm always telling her that I've got the conch.
But she's got the microphone for the conch, so I've got to be nice to her.
Kelly, you wrote an article recently in the New American Magazine about the NAFTA superhighway, which is a nice little road that they're going to be building.
Can you tell us about your article and how it relates to the eventual merger of Canada, the United States, and Mexico into one happy little country?
I can say a few things about that, and we might add that to your horn, Bob, that you wrote a similar article a year or so ago in the New American, and we'll also be having another one published on the same subject in an upcoming issue.
So there's no dearth of quality information out there for the listeners.
And that's all in the New American.
And by the way, before you start, Kelly, I want to announce to the people listening that
In the second half of this hour, we have scheduled to come on John McManus, the president of the John Birch Society and the publisher of the New American Magazine.
So you definitely want to stay tuned for that.
So Kelly, let's talk about your article.
What's with this road you're talking about?
Well, I don't know how much you've covered.
I haven't covered anything about it at all.
You're first up.
Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement, which the current administration entered into a year ago with Mexico and Canada, brought about the situation that is currently happening in Europe.
Kelly, let's hold you over to the break.
We'll be back in three minutes with Kelly Taylor.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, it's Bob Dacey, back
On the Alex Jones Show, he may be the T-Rex of political talk, but I'm the Velociraptor.
I was talking to Kelly Taylor here, who wrote an article for the New American about the Napa Superhighway, and before the break interrupted us, Kelly, you were going to tell us about this road.
Well, Bob, I know a lot of Alex's listeners are very educated people about all these issues, but I'm going to assume there's somebody out there who doesn't know anything and kind of gives some elementary information.
Go ahead.
The NAFTA Superhighway is actually a complex conglomeration of roads and construction projects that stretches from Mexico to Canada.
And all it's about is facilitating the merger of Canada, Mexico, and the United States into a European Union-like alliance.
You mean to tell me that Rick Perry didn't think up this?
He said he did.
Rick Perry did not think it up.
But he said he did.
I know.
Isn't that awful?
But you mean the Governor of Texas is lying to us?
Well, it looks that way, doesn't it?
He said he thought up the Trans-Texas Corridor.
I heard him.
I saw it in the paper.
Well, what do you think?
What do you know?
I guess he must be lying to us then.
It appears that way, doesn't it?
Yeah, so this is, this is, this is to merge, this is a giant, how big is this thing?
Is this like one road or what?
Well, um, no, no it's not.
Across the country there are 80, Bob, 8-0.
Corridors that are designated as high priority.
Now that intimates to me that there might be additional corridors that are not yet high priority.
Well, designated by who?
Oh, the Congress!
So, you know, and these corridors are not a simple highway.
They're, um, multimodal byways, which means that they, these highways and
Lanes that are dedicated for cargo and freight and rail lines, depots, gas and oil and water pipelines and electronic transmission cable routes all run parallel together from what it looks like to us the west coast of Mexico all the way to Canada for the purpose of facilitating a speedier transport of people and goods across the three countries.
As we are now seeing people in Europe are highly upset that the European Union has turned into what it did because they are now unhappy with it.
They were tricked into this whole European Union and it looks to me like that's exactly what is being attempted here and this highway corridor is
Well now, wait a minute.
You're talking about Europeans, and I think we have established very clearly that certain European companies are going to be involved in building this thing.
Isn't that correct?
Well, and then there's that, yes.
The Spanish company, Centra, has been
Entered into, with a consortium of American companies, Zachry being the main one we know about, so it's Zachry Centra, has been awarded the contract for constructing at least the Texas portion of this corridor.
Which happens to be the most critical one at the moment because we're on the front line.
And that is extremely key.
Because when you have an evil, disgusting, vile snake of a road that's going to run from southwestern Mexico all the way up into Canada, in order for the snake to survive, all sections of the snake must be connected.
And it just so happens that Texas is kind of in the middle there.
And for those of you who are unaware, the State Highway 130, which is being constructed right now east of Austin, is the first section of the snake that's actually under construction.
It's the toll road number 130.
And of course, they were building that without public input.
They said they didn't want any toll roads around here, but they don't care.
So what you have is sections.
You have the Toll Road 130 east of Austin, which is a chunk of the Trans-Texas Corridor, which runs through Texas.
And that is a chunk of the NAFTA Superhighway, which is going down to Mexico and up into Canada.
So what's important here is to attack the snake everywhere.
Because if you cut it up anywhere, it doesn't work, right?
Well, yeah.
You could use that analogy pretty accurately, I think.
It's my opinion, and I believe yours too, we pretty much think alike on these things that while you can't cut up any piece of it and kill the whole thing, the critical part is what is happening in Texas with the Trans-Texas Corridor section of it.
Because we believe, you know, it's the first of the sections to be
Well, you don't just have to believe it.
I mean, we have, you know, we're pretending like we're ignorant here.
We have researched this topic up one side and down the other.
And if you look at the state legislature and the chairman of the House Transportation Committee in Texas, Mike Kruse, and all the writings he's done and all the reports he's published,
He is absolutely salivating to get at this federal money to build this thing through Texas.
I mean, it's a federal program.
It always has been.
It's an international program.
It always has been.
And the tactic that they've used to con everybody into not paying attention to this is telling everybody each individual section of this thing is a local matter.
Oh, and it's clearly not.
I'm so glad you brought that up because, you know, we've struggled in Central Texas to get anybody else to pay attention to it.
When the truth is, however goes the Trans-Texas Corridor part of the monster, so goes the rest of the country.
So what happens here is important.
Exactly, because if we can stop the Trans-Texas Corridor in Texas, well then they're going to have a major problem getting it going
anywhere else and I would like to point out the the overreaching financial reason for this thing is that the communist Chinese are trying to avoid the longshoremen and the teamsters the most expensive part of the journey for the slave goods from China to come to America is once it hits American ports so the solution that they've come up with is to avoid the American ports
The Communist Chinese Company, H.P.H.
Hutchinson Port Holdings, has control of two ports in southwestern Mexico, Lazaro Cardenas and Manzanilla.
We are supposed to build that highway down to there.
And that way, the Communist Chinese can get their slave goods to Mexico, let Mexican truck drivers get a hold of them, drive it up through Mexico, through Texas, through the Trans-Texas Corridor, up to, I believe Kansas City, which is supposed to be a Mexican Customs Port.
That's right, Bob.
I mean, are we living in the Twilight Zone here, or what?
And to pour salt in the wound,
There's legislation in place to allow for U.S.
taxpayer dollars to build the road in Mexico.
Yeah, and you know that's almost funny because our own United States Senator Don Cornyn, who is not in the Council on Foreign Relations yet, I think he's applying for membership.
He is all about open borders though.
Yeah, he introduced a bill I think in June to
fund a North American Development Fund because the poor Mexicans don't have enough money to build their portion of the Communist Chinese Road.
Oh rats!
Poor thing!
Oh darn!
So, you know, we're talking about this snake here and how if the tale of the snake starts at the two ports in Mexico and the poor Mexicans can't build their portion of the Trans-Texas Corridor then our own traitorous Senator John Cornyn
He promotes a bill to make us pay for the Mexican portion of the Trans-Texas Corridor.
And I have the question, how in the world does that not affect United States sovereignty?
When you have United States Senators wanting taxpayer money to build a road in somebody else's country.
Which is a good segue for this point.
How in the world does that not affect U.S.
sovereignty is a good question.
The next point being, you know, once we've entered into this North American Union business, which to me is as serious a crime as the one everybody grieved over yesterday, but this one we have a chance to do something about.
Once we've entered into this union,
All protections given to American citizens by the Constitution will be gone.
And they'll be replaced by who knows what.
We think the U.N.
Charter, of course.
But that will be awful.
You know, we're expecting to have our cake and eat it too.
What's the matter with the U.N.
Charter, Kelly?
Oh, Bob, your favorite.
What's the matter with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
I don't want to get off on a tangent too much, but you forced me to.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was a founding document of the UN in 1948.
And they got more rights than you can say you stick at in that document.
Tell me?
Oh yeah, I forgot about Article 29.
Article 29, your favorite.
Section 3, which says that your rights and freedoms under the UN system may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
So that if you disagree with the UN, you just don't have any human rights.
Why would anybody want to be concerned about that?
Well, I'm certainly concerned, as are many.
I've been told that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the U.N.
is the next step up in human evolution over the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution.
You mean that's not true?
Well, darn.
I'm so disappointed.
Kelly, let's hold you over after this break.
And we'll be back with Kelly Taylor talking about the North American Union after we sell some stuff.
This is Bob Basie for Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, we are back once again on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Bob Dacey substituting for Alex Jones.
We've been talking with Kelly Taylor.
It was a writer for the New American.
I'm kind of jealous because she does produce a TV show and everything, but she got the cover story of the New American back on August 7th with her article coming through the NAFTA Superhighway.
I think they've got that linked on Infowars.com right now if you want to go read it.
But again, we're talking about this NAFTA Superhighway and what it means to our national sovereignty.
And Kelly, what are we going to do about this?
What do you suggest we do to derail this monster?
Well, as you know, my philosophy about any evil that our government is trying to perpetrate on us is this.
We still have a layer of protection in our Congress, if we can make them accountable, which they should be to us.
So the first order of business is to contact your Congressman.
Immediately and often.
You know, we all are doing a pretty good job of educating ourselves and others, but take the next step and make your name a household word at your congressman's office.
And especially in Texas, because as you and I both have said, however it goes here, so goes the rest of the nation.
Without this NAFTA superhighway, the North American Union will be dealt a serious blow.
Yeah, you people have to understand the radical importance of what she just said and what we're talking about.
This NAFTA superhighway is an infrastructure project which is necessary to link the three countries for now and later on the whole hemisphere into one country.
They need it.
They want it.
They've said they have to have it in order to accomplish this American Union that they're trying to get on the way to merging the whole world into one world.
And it's just because of where Texas is in the geography here, you know, we in Texas have a very, very unique opportunity by doing what Kelly says, calling your congressman, voting these bums out of office who won't listen to you.
Uh, spreading the word to other people, uh, going to your local representatives and voting them out.
I mean, we have an opportunity to destroy the North American Union because of where we're located, because we're Texans.
And anybody in any other state where this thing rears its ugly head can do the same thing.
You know, we're talking about how negative all this stuff is and how depressing it is that they're trying to do this, but let's look at a positive example.
Let's look at a positive example of what happened here recently in Travis County, where Kelly's from and where I'm from, right here in Austin.
We had a local politician who was a county commissioner, Democrat, 10-year incumbent.
Ten year incumbent Democrat in Travis County.
Now Travis County is Democrat.
They rule the place.
This woman, her name is Karen Sunlightner.
Ten year incumbent.
She went against the will of the people in her district.
They told her they didn't want any toll roads.
She was on one of these local boards voting yay or nay on the toll roads.
She totally ignored her constituency.
And here a few months ago in the Democratic primary, she was blown away by an unknown challenger.
Because she was effectively and accurately portrayed as a toll queen.
That's what I'm talking about.
That kind of grassroots activism can work.
And that sent a message all across Texas.
Well, gee, now that the Cretans are waking up to the fact that we're trying to toll them to build a North American Union, maybe it's not such a good idea to be voting for that kind of stuff.
What do you think, Kelly?
I think that's a good point, and I fully believe that many of the people who helped make that happen do not understand the big picture of this NAFTA superhighway and how the Trans-Texas Corridor is part of that.
However, it matters not
How we got her out?
It doesn't matter that she's out, until she can become educated.
And I'll add, when I was doing some research for that latest article, I called some Texas legislators to find, especially the handful who were opposed to the trans-sexes corridor, to find out why and what they knew.
To a person, none of them understood the part that the
The Texas portion played in the bigger picture.
Well, you know why that is, don't you?
It's because not enough people are watching the Simple Truth TV show.
Oh, absolutely.
We know it all, don't we, Bob?
It airs Tuesday night, tonight, by the way, at 8 o'clock on Channel 10 on Austin Time Warner Cable with the host Bob Dacey, produced by Kelly Taylor and Jeff Kantoff.
They need to do that because if they watched the show, they would know the big picture.
Well, maybe it's in order to
To not only contact your legislator, but educate him as well.
Right, exactly.
Well, Kelly, thank you very much.
I'm going to let you go.
We're going to go through the break, and after the break, John McManus with the John Berkshire Society is scheduled to be up.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're coming down to the last 30 minutes of the show today.
Again, my name is Bob Dacey.
I am substituting for Alex Jones because he's up in New York.
I think he's over there bullhorning the Council on Foreign Relations this morning.
Once again, if you want to learn more about everything that's going on, there are various websites to go to.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, JonesReport.com.
And of course, my addition to that, JBS.org.
And speaking of JBS.org, that's John Birch Society's main website.
We have a guest on with us, the president of the John Birch Society, Mr. John McManus, and we're going to be talking to him about this North American Union.
Mr. McManus, welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
Thank you very much.
Good to be with you.
I'm certainly glad we were able to get you on today.
I know you were on the Alex Jones Show back in April due in large part to the efforts of Kelly Taylor.
Was it April?
It's all a blur to me.
I think it was.
You were in town giving a presentation which was very well attended.
Yes, it was.
I was very gratified by that.
I wanted to get the take of the John Birch Society on this North American Union and what you think we can do about it.
Well, where do we start?
Have you already done a lot of preliminaries?
Well, we've done some preliminary.
People know, we've been discussing primarily, I had Kelly Taylor on just before you came on, and we were discussing this, the infrastructure part of it, the NAFTA superhighway.
Yes, this NAFTA superhighway is part of it, certainly.
Well, very briefly, the Birch Society has been combating this kind of thing for a long, long time, and we now see that President Bush and the leaders of Mexico and Canada started this Security and Prosperity
Partnership there in Waco in March of 2005 and of course security, prosperity and partnership sounds really nice, doesn't it?
All of that?
Sounds wonderful to me.
Tell me more about it.
I'm all excited already.
Tell me more.
Tell me more about this.
Well, when you find out, when you find out that its purpose is to abolish the borders and to lead us into a regional government called the North American Union, where our country's independence will be sacrificed,
Then it doesn't become as appealing as what it originally sounded to be.
Well, I recommend to anyone who doubts what Mr. McManus says is just go to SPP.gov.
If you go to SPP.gov you will find out that all they're doing is having a little confab and they're just talking about this and that.
They don't really make the admissions about what is really behind it and you can find out what's really behind it
When you find out who's behind it, you find out a man named Robert Pastor, for instance.
Okay, so we're talking about building a North American community.
Now that's where we gotta go, because these are the guys that are barking the orders, right?
That's correct.
All of this comes out of the Council on Foreign Relations, and especially out of this fellow Robert Pastor.
Well, tell us about building a North American community and Robert Pastor.
Well, Robert Pastor is an outspoken leftist.
He's been a member of the Institute for Policy Studies
He was involved in granting our Panama Canal, giving it away, and essentially giving it away to China.
He's been involved in all kinds of leftist activities all his life, and now he's behind this building of the North American Union.
I came across a speech that he gave in 2002 up in Canada, and he was speaking to the Trilateral Commission, which of course is a partner of the
Council on Foreign Relations.
And there he's talking about the promise of a North American community cannot be realized until the income gap between Mexico and its northern neighbors is reduced.
Why does that sound strangely like one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto?
That's right.
Well, you know, see these people not only want to merge our three nations, Mexico, Canada, and the United States, they want to bring Mexico into a economic level that's
Equal to what we have here in our country and in Canada.
And of course, in order to do that, you can't just build Mexico up.
You've got to tear the other two down.
And that's part of what this is all about.
Huge amounts of foreign aid are scheduled to be sent to Mexico.
Continuation of sending jobs overseas and over into Mexico.
And a lot of Mexican truck drivers, too.
Yeah, destroying the American middle class.
So, this is what this fellow is in favor of, and he said this back as far as 2002, and he's behind this North American Union presentation.
He's written a book, a booklet called Building the North American Union, published by the Council on Foreign Relations.
And don't forget, he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Oh, not only a member, he's a guru with them.
He's one of their biggies, I guess you could say.
Yeah, I'm looking at the document, Building a North American Community, which all you've got to do is Google it and you'll find it.
And they discuss having to intensify Mexican efforts to accelerate their economic development.
And part of that is to establish a North American Investment Fund for infrastructure and human capital.
And it says that this money is going to have to come from the United States and Canada.
That's taxpayers.
That's you and me and your listeners.
That's right.
Let me go into another aspect of this thing.
Go right ahead.
You've been talking about the Trans-Texas Highway, the NAFTA Superhighway, a lot of different names for it.
Part of the plan here is the tremendous amount of shipping that's coming over from Asia, mostly from China, obviously.
It goes into Los Angeles and Long Beach, California, but they're now planning
To have those ships go to Mexico's west coast ports, one of them called Lazaro Cardenas, and then have Mexican trucks and Mexican rail bring it up to the U.S.
Trucks to go through the U.S.
border, not to be even touched until they get to Kansas City, where a facility is being set up that is supposed to be
Mexican Sovereign Territory.
Yeah, and you know, the thing about that, Mr. McManus, that is, you tell people that, and they're going, you have got to be kidding.
You have got to be kidding.
And the people that say that, they are unaware, really, of what they're dealing with, with the government of Mexico.
Mexico, I have said this many times, Mexico is a crookocracy.
A crookocracy.
A crookocracy.
You don't get anything in Mexico unless you slip somebody some money.
Well, what's also interesting about Mexico is there's no middle class.
You have a very small, wealthy elite, and you have the rest of the people who are poor.
And I understand from some of the... Half of them want to come to America.
Some of the research that Jerome Corsi has done, he's a mainstream journalist who writes for Human Events, and he's written for WorldNetDaily,
Some people, they're talking about these Mexican truck drivers coming up here in these ramshackle trucks and in order to drive the long hours that they force them to drive, they're all hooked on cocaine.
Well, the whole thing, an awful lot of the people coming across the Mexican border are not simply people looking for a decent job.
There are drug smugglers, there are gang leaders, there are
The prisons are filled with these people and of course there are thousands of them that are under arrest but have fled, or supposed to be under arrest, but have fled back to Mexico and Mexico won't extradite.
The whole problem is an incredible story and as you've said, you start telling this to people and they say, no, this can't be.
We're talking with John McManus, the president of the John Birch Society, and Mr. McManus,
Why in the world?
I mean, isn't one of the few and defined powers of the federal government to protect our borders?
Well, no, it's more than a defined power.
It's a mandate.
The Constitution of the United States says in Article 4, Section 4, that
It is a responsibility of the federal government to protect the state against invasion.
Then why aren't they doing it?
They're not doing it because they don't intend to do it.
They don't want to do it.
Mr. Bush can go on and make a speech on May 15th of this year, talking about what he's going to do about protecting the borders, and he's going to put infrared sensors, and he's going to have unmanned aircraft, and all kinds of stuff, and he's going to build a new fence and everything else.
It was one of the worst lies ever to come out of a president's mouth in the history of our country.
The man is already committed to abolishing the borders, not beefing up the borders.
Yeah, but I heard that they were going to send 6,000 National Guard troops down there to hold up... No, they haven't.
They haven't sent 6,000 Guard.
They have sent some, and the 6,000 that they were supposed to send, even those, were not going to be guarding the border.
I thought they were going to be holding up signs saying, Amnesty This Way.
No, well, that's kind of a sick joke.
Even the ones that are down there, the Border Patrol is not being relieved except that these National Guard people are doing jobs that they might do
Repairing their trucks or fueling their vehicles.
Yeah, they have no power of arrest or detaining these people.
They're not on the border.
That's the point.
They're not on the border.
So it's nothing but a carnival to convince the people that they're doing something when they have no intention of doing anything.
That's right.
You know, we have a 2,000 mile border, southern border with Mexico.
And the New York City Police Department, you can just figure the amount of area that that is.
They have two-and-a-half times the number of people that are in the entire Border Patrol.
New York City Police Department is two-and-a-half times numerically larger than the United States Border Patrol that covers a border with both Mexico and Canada.
Isn't that incredible?
Yeah, do the numbers there, do the math.
You know, I am
I'm totally aware of what's going on, obviously.
Ron Paul has written an article called, The North American United Nations, where he spells all this out.
You've got to ask yourself, if you're just a regular American, how in the world can the President of the United States, who's taken an oath as a conditioned precedent to him taking office, he's got to put his hand on a Bible and swear to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
How can he then, after having sworn that oath,
Just leave our borders wide open, and then not only just leave them wide open, but actually engage in a plan to bypass the Congress, and that's a key point, bypass the Congress to merge the United States with Canada and Mexico.
What is the word that you described that describes that activity?
Well, treason has to be used.
Yeah, I mean, that's what it is.
Does that word have any meaning anymore?
Well, you know, this isn't the only thing that's
The only violation of the Constitution.
I mean, here we are in our fourth war, undeclared war.
Congress alone has authority in the Constitution to get the nation into war.
Didn't do it in Korea, didn't do it in Vietnam, didn't do it in Desert Storm, and we didn't do it again in this latest war against Iraq.
And think about the consequences of ignoring the Constitution.
Well, the consequences are we don't win the wars.
That's one consequence.
But the second consequence is that actually what's happening is our nation is being delivered to the United Nations.
The United Nations is not taking over America.
Our country is being delivered.
One day after this war in Iraq started, our ambassador to the UN at the time was John Negroponte.
He brought a letter to the Security Council and the letter said, here are the Security Council resolutions that authorized the US action of going into Iraq.
They went to the United Nations for authorization, as they did in Desert Storm,
As they did behind the scenes by going to SEATO, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, a UN regional grouping, to go to Vietnam.
And of course the UN in Korea wasn't hidden.
There were UN flags flying there.
So the UN has, we are delivering our military, we're delivering our entire country.
And as you've mentioned here, Ron Paul has pointed out that this North American Union business is eventually going to
Empower the United Nations, even more so.
You know, you sent me to, or the New Americans sent me to Waco earlier this year, or I guess it was late last year, to cover the follow-up meeting for the Security and Prosperity Partnership.
You know, it was a free trade in the Americas Conference at Baylor.
And you sent me there.
And I was sitting there having dinner at the big grand hall at Baylor University with all the, you know, the little eight people to a table, you know, servers running around all over the place, real fancy, fancy situation.
And the keynote speaker was the former head of the World Trade Organization and the current head of the United Nations Trade and Development Council, a fellow by the name of Supachai Panichpakti.
And yeah, isn't that a mouthful?
Sounds like Thailand.
Yeah, that's where he's from.
And he's a communist.
He's a devout, admitted communist.
He just plain flat is.
And he was the keynote speaker.
And I was about 20 feet away from him with my tape recorder running when he said that you have to have an infrastructure in order for a trade area to work.
And he talked about projects in Southeast Asia where they were building these giant infrastructure projects to link the various areas so that they could all trade with each other.
And you know, immediately I'm sitting here thinking you're sitting a few miles away from the Trans-Texas Corridor saying that in order to merge an area you have to have infrastructure.
And there it was right out of his mouth.
And the other telling thing that he said was they had a press conference there at Baylor
And, uh, there was nobody that attended the press conference except me.
You know, and some reporter from the Houston Chronicle.
And I asked him if the Constitution of the United States of America is going to be in the way of his free trade area of the Americas.
Uh, because of the trade aspects of it, because, you know, the Constitution says Congress regulates foreign trade.
And he looked at me and he said, no, it's not going to be in the way.
After he rambled a big long answer, he said it wasn't going to be in the way.
You know, I guess I wasn't fully aware of what he meant.
They were going to sidestep the Congress.
They're just going to ignore it.
You know, it's kind of like in Blazing Saddles, you know, we don't need no stinking Congress.
And what is that?
They ignore all aspects of the Constitution.
The Constitution's first sentence is very important.
It says, all
All legislative powers herein granted are vested in Congress.
But the American people have been persuaded that a Supreme Court decision is the law of the land.
If all legislative power is in Congress, then it can't be in the Supreme Court.
So if the Supreme Court decision is the law of the case, then you have executive orders.
You have the executive branch.
You must be a strict constructionist of the Constitution, Mr. Blackman, in order to believe that it says what it says.
I mean, come on!
I know how to read!
Don't you know that there's penumbras and mists and emanations that come out of the Constitution that you can read into, if you want to?
You know, the word penumbra is known to people who know that that was the word they used for Roe v. Wade.
How many people know that the word penumbra was used to start the social security system as well back in the 30's?
Well, it's part of the reading of the tea leaves of the Constitution.
The word penumbra is not in the Constitution by the way.
You don't want to actually follow the rule book if you want to get rid of the country.
We're talking with John McManus, President of the John Birch Society.
We're up against a break and after this break we're going to come back and we'll be back at it.
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Come on, Bill.
Two weeks ago, you were riding a bicycle.
And today, you're showing up in your new car and telling me you're buying a house.
What did you do?
Rob Bill Gates?
No, John.
I didn't rob Bill Gates.
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What was that website again?
It's www.DidYouRobBillGates.com.
Now write this down, John.
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Thanks, Bill.
I'm going there right now.
Check, please.
Uh, you got this one, right, Bill?
Sure, John.
Don't forget, it's www.DidYouRobBillGates.com.
Next time, you'll be buying me lunch.
All right, we're back on the Alex Jones Show and we are talking with our special guest, the President of the John Birch Society, Mr. John McManus.
And we're talking, I want to ask you Mr. McManus about the latest goings on at the Birch Society.
I understand that the website www.jbs.org has undergone extensive change and I'd like for you to inform us about that if you would.
It has.
It's been updated.
It's been brought into the 21st century and it is starting to attract huge numbers of people.
We're actually thrilled about it.
Just in September, the numbers are triple what they were in August, and we look forward to it growing even more than that.
What we're up to now is, what, 350,000 hits per day and growing.
So we're very happy about that.
But we'd like to go into the millions, and I'm glad to get on a radio show like yours.
To be able to invite people to start looking into JBS.org.
Every day you will see commentary on the news of the day.
You will see an issue that is discussed, a headline given, a little background about the issue, and then commentary about it.
I do some of these.
William Norman Grigg does some.
We're going to have William Jasper do some, and others.
Just yesterday, we were talking about the Marxist candidate who wants to set up a resistance government in Mexico.
He certainly is a Marxist.
Representatives of 116 non-aligned nations hold anti-US summit.
Where do you suppose they held it?
Facing possible lawsuits, CIA interrogators take out trial insurance.
Yeah, I bet they did, right?
The Marine Corps Chief of Intelligence concludes that in Iraq's Anbar Province, we haven't been defeated, we haven't won, we haven't lost, and we're not doing well.
I don't know, maybe a lot of people did see that one.
Yeah, a lot of people are familiar that listen to Alex Jones with whatreallyhappened.com, where they post news articles and comment on them, and basically that you've got the same format up there on the main page of jbs.org.
And I was really impressed with it.
Mr. McManus is right.
They've completely revamped it.
It's much more user-friendly.
It's much more modern.
It's much more visually appealing.
And of course, the information coming from the John Birch Society, of course, their reputation is for very, very careful, careful study and accuracy.
So you can pretty well take it to the bank.
Take it to the bank.
That's a good phrase.
Here's another one.
Al Gore takes a slapping from an Australian politician.
He went down there to publicize his incredibly stupid movie about global warming.
I say incredibly stupid because that's exactly what it is.
You know, there's a book that goes along with it.
I've looked at the book and I just can't believe what I'm reading.
This fellow down in Australia, an ex-vice president,
No, no.
Gore is the ex-Vice President.
Anyhow, a fella named McFarlane, and he just went after him.
He said, three places I do not go for advice on climate change.
The first is you.
I want to thank you very much for coming on the Alex Jones Show.
I've been substituting for him for a while now and he's going to be back tomorrow.
Once again, this is Bob Dacey for Alex Jones.
The websites are www.infowars.com and www.prisonerplanet.com.
And don't forget, go to www.jbs.org and check it out.
It will be very important.
Alex Jones will be back
Tomorrow in the Central Texas Command Center.
This is Bob Dacey, over and out.
Take care.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.