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Name: 20060908_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 8, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Friday, the 8th day of September 2006.
I traveled to New York today, be that throughout the weekend,
We'll be posting reports and analysis of what's going on with the different demonstrations and protests and vigils exposing the official 9-11 story as a fraud.
I'll also be reporting live from Ground Zero.
Monday morning or in eastern time zones at 12 noon, I'll be calling in when Bob Dacey is sitting in for us on Monday and Tuesday.
And speaking of Bob Dacey, he's going to be riding shotgun with us in the third hour.
He writes for the New American Magazine and has been fighting the New World Order now for almost a decade.
Good friend of mine, he'll be basically in the cockpit for you on Monday and Tuesday.
We have professor and researcher and author Peter Dale Scott joining us in the second hour today about his new 9-11 book that he's co-written with David Ray Griffin concerning 9-11, continual 9-11 coverage as the 5th anniversary approaches.
And a brief interview I'm going to have with some great young men coming up at the bottom of the hour in about 30 minutes.
Who are going to be holding a big protest Monday concerning 9-11, exposing the inside job operation.
And these young men will be joining us to tell us about that coming up at the bottom of this hour, as I said.
This is really old news for our listeners, but it's just one more of hundreds of stories that we reported on four, five,
Plus, years ago, that are now mainstream news, New York Post, dying nun, wants her body autopsied to prove 9-11 toxicity killed her.
Also, most 9-11 researchers at Ground Zero have breathing problems, 70%.
Another report here out of London Telegraph.
concerning what's happening and CBS News is now reporting they've gotten city memos about the cover-up not just the asbestos that jacketed building seven tower one and two that was aerosolized from the explosives and blasted across Manhattan but at the very same time there were tens of thousands of
Thermostats that were mercury switched, based with large amounts of mercury, liquid mercury, in each one of the components, not to mention all the toxicity from the computers, that was aerosolized from the massive explosions.
Again, if the buildings really collapsed, they would just smoke and crinkle and fall over.
Of course, it's scientifically impossible for that to even happen, but you wouldn't see them with huge blast points exploding, squibs, and then ejecting
Pulverize concrete, steel, and asbestos out for everyone to breathe!
I'm not tooting our horn, it's just that I got criticized at the time saying, don't give your money to the Red Cross United Way, they won't give it to the people and they'll steal it and they'll use it for gun control.
Then, of course, it came out all over national television, Fox, CNN, Associated Press, that they did do just that.
For two weeks, we told everyone to mail gas masks, or at least the paper surgical masks, to a nearby church that had their head screwed on straight that was asking for a breathing apparatus.
And I know that listeners of this show sent in thousands of gas masks and paper masks.
So, at least we tried to help the firemen and police.
The same police that when you go to Ground Zero will yell and scream at you and point machine guns at you and laugh at you and tell you there's no First Amendment.
Poor fools that they are.
Love this corrupt murdering government that pumped mercury and asbestos into their little lungies.
But now the police are waking up and realizing that we were their friends all along.
In fact, in a martial law that I shot two years ago in New York at the RNC, some cops were nodding their heads when we talked about asbestos.
Others were laughing and
I thought it was real funny.
It's not funny.
What happened to you is not funny.
I know you want to laugh about it, some of you, because you're mentally ill, but we still care about you even if you're as dumb as a fence post.
All right, we'll come back into all this news and a lot more.
Huge broadcast today.
Stay with us.
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And ask for George.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are off to New York today for this historical 5th anniversary coming up on Monday.
We'll have a live talk show host sitting in for us on Monday and Tuesday.
I will be calling in with live reports multiple times.
During each broadcast from Ground Zero as the massive vigil that's been organized for the last year by many different groups, 9-11, Truth in New York, the Loose Change Boys, myself, and many, many others.
9-11 Truth and the Wish Change young men are on the front lines of this and should be commended.
I hope to see you all in New York.
I know a lot of Austinites are getting on planes today, tomorrow, and Sunday and flying into the Big Apple where George Bush will be grandstanding as the hero, as the savior, when his criminal regime is responsible for the attacks and it is going to be nauseating.
But at the same time, we're going to be there and ensure the mainstream media has to report on 9-11 truth and the fact that we will not stop until the criminals that carried out these murders are brought to justice.
An incredible report by Jerry Mazza, and I've been aware of this for several years, but now more research has been done on it.
I want to get Jerry Mazza on next week with Online Journal.
Following Zachheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel and 9-11.
Now, I have not, you know, jumped on the bandwagon to say that Israel carried out 9-11.
I know Israel stages terror attacks.
That's been in Heratz and the Jerusalem Post.
What, four years ago, Israel got caught, quote, creating fake Al-Qaeda groups and staging bombings.
They've also caught some of the so-called right-wing settlers staging bombings to blame it on the Arabs and the Palestinians.
Then there are some real suicide bombers and suicide shooters, suicide stabbers, who are just so upset about the way they live and losing family members that they do carry out attacks.
But the really high-intensity ones are generally carried out by Mossad or Shin Bet or a client group that they've hired out.
And there were the reports of the dancing Israelis and I even have interviewed the sheriff there in Bergen County in New Jersey who witnessed them from across the water, some of his deputies did, dancing around celebrating.
So he arrested them and it turned out they were clearly Israeli intelligence assets and the White House pulled strings and got them all released.
But that doesn't mean Israel carried out the attack.
I mean, let's be clear.
Israel is a terrorist state.
Israel is involved in staging terror attacks.
Israel is a organ of the New World Order.
But so are many of the Arab states.
See, people can't get this.
It's not one group's good, one group's bad.
It's that almost all governments on Earth have wickedness in high places, and these evil people, these evil global gangsters, work together.
But we do know that
Mr. Zachheim at the Pentagon is a very creepy individual and was over the operations that resulted in trillions coming up missing.
And we know he is a known double agent of Israel.
We know he's an Israeli citizen.
And the research that Jerry Mazza has done, I have ferreted it out and found it to be, unfortunately, extremely accurate.
And this does move me a lot closer to believing that Israel may not just have been in a support role in 9-11, but may have been intimately involved.
You've got the Larry Silverstein tie-in and several other really scary, scary points.
And we know the neocons, most of them are double agents, at least the neocons of the Pentagon are double agents, known citizens, dual citizens of Israel.
Our Homeland Security Director Chertoff, his father was one of the founders of Mushad.
And his family members writing hit pieces on myself and others, with the folks that wrote the book on yellow journalism, going back to the sinking of the main, Hearst Publishing.
So, you start connecting these dots, it doesn't look good.
Obviously, Israel couldn't make NORAD stand down, Israel couldn't call the public officials and tell them not to fly, and Israel couldn't mass 44,000 US troops.
Surrounding Afghanistan the months before 9-11.
Our government were the main orchestrators of this, but who in our government was?
And clearly, Israel's got their fingers in the pie, so does British intelligence.
And so we just go where the evidence takes us.
So we'll be getting into this report by Jerry Mazza in this hour.
Following Zachheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel in 9-11.
Think of, this is part two of a previous article I wrote, my online journal article on Zachheim, former Bush appointee as Pentagon Comptroller, from May 4th, 2001 to March 10th, 2004.
At the time he was unable to explain the disappearance of one trillion
It's a lot more than a trillion dollars.
Actually, nearly three years earlier, Donald Rumsfeld announced on September 10, 2001, that the audit discovered $2.3 trillion was also missing from the Pentagon books.
This story, as I mentioned, was buried under 9-1-1 rubble.
The two sums disappeared on Zach Himes' watch.
And it goes on, yet on May 6, 2004, Zachheim took a lucrative position at Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the most prestigious strategy consulting firms in the world.
One of its clients then was the Blessed Relief, a charity said to be a front for Osama Bin Laden.
Well, of course it's going to be a CIA funding arm.
Booz Allen and Hamilton then also worked closely with DARPA, the Defense Agency Research Projects,
Which is the research arm of the Department of Defense, so the dark card was shifted to another part of the deck.
And we will go over this article a little bit later in the hour.
It's long, it's exhaustive, and it's just sick.
You heard Bill Christensen, former top CIA analyst, ran an entire division of the CIA, saying really all the evidence points towards total inside job, not just part inside job, or i.e.
the government let it happen and greased the skid and left the barn door open.
No, no, no.
All the evidence, the only evidence that fits in context,
And is it voluminous?
Its legion is total inside job.
The entire official story is a fairy tale.
Meanwhile, I remember a month after 9-11, the EPA, Christina Todd Whitman, issued a report.
There had been massive ventilation of mercury from the tens of thousands of switches in the thermostats.
There's also mercury and a lot of other toxic chemicals and metals.
Other pieces of machinery computers that was aerosolized by the buildings mysteriously turning into dust.
And that wouldn't happen in a real collapse, folks.
Remember the giant plumes of dust shooting thousands of feet in the air?
And they reported that their detectors did pick up asbestos and particulates and one of the new reports came out that was done by a university and said that it was the equivalent, the toxic mixture of dust was as caustic, or more caustic was the quote, than drain cleaner or Draino.
So it was a mixture of mercury and asbestos and other really dangerous
And then suddenly the report came out days after saying, no, that was a mistake.
EPA made a mistake.
EPA reissued a report saying that the air was normal.
That it was just normal pollution, no big deal.
I mean, if you believe those giant plumes and in some areas five feet of dust on the ground, New York City itself with like an inch, I mean, all of Manhattan had at least an inch of dust on it.
They're still finding bones and body parts across the street in 25-story buildings.
That's how explosive it was.
And big piles of dust.
It's so toxic, workers are refusing to even go into some of the big buildings like Bankers Trust and remove everything because now they know how poisonous it is.
So there's some background.
As of the time I made martial law a year and a half ago,
Well, was it 12 of the 18 rescue dogs, many of them that were just 5 or 6 years old, had all died of bizarre lung problems or nasal or esophageal cancer.
And now, last report, all of the dogs have died.
Thousands of police and firemen have now died.
I have mainstream reports now on that.
Thousands and thousands of others, including volunteer rescue workers and military people, are dying.
They have done CAT scans of their lungs.
It's totally misted with asbestos and other chemicals and compounds.
And again, I have a whole stack of news articles.
We're doing a big rundown of this and a big article that's going to be out in the next day or two on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
But here it is from CBS News today.
Feds City New of Ground Zero Toxins.
We wrote these articles years ago.
I mean, they came out and admitted it, and Bush didn't want to pay, what was it, ninety-six or ninety-eight million, it's here in the stack, ninety-plus million dollars to at least give them treatment.
They didn't want to admit all that and have lawsuits, so just, hey, go crawl in a hole and die, cops.
Let your teeth fall out, fire them in, let your, you know, vomit your lungs up, basically, and we're not even going to take care of you when you die.
We're just going to say you died of some natural cause.
Just like when the troops died to put uranium
They don't get any medical treatment, even though New Scientist and New York Daily News and others have done scans and biopsies of living and dead troops and it's just full of DU.
It just doesn't matter now, see?
They know you'll put us in camps, you'll put black masks on and run around in black uniforms and beat us up.
You'll serve your masters, you'll huff poison.
You love them!
You love serving evil!
You love being slaves!
So, you know, I'm still sad for you.
But I just don't know why you don't know who your friends are.
I mean, I had cops laugh at me two years ago at the RNC.
Just about two years ago now.
A little over two years.
And I would just point out, hey, many of your colleagues are dying.
You don't believe the government can carry out 9-11?
Well, they didn't care about you to give you medical treatment.
And, about half the cops would laugh or kind of wave their machine gun in my direction.
Heckler and Koch, MP5s, but others will get little tears in their eyes and nod and cough.
I remember that too.
Yeah, because you're not feeling too well.
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It's up on presentplanet.com right now.
No, I'm not talking about CBS News.
You mean the government covered up the fact they knew police firefighters and emergency workers and the people of New York huffed deadly poison.
They knew day one what was happening, it turns out, and they didn't decide to tell anybody to take proper precautions.
We did.
You see, we're involved in common sense.
We said, send breathing mask.
But no, people sent their money to the Red Cross and United Ways.
They give it to gun control groups, because you don't want to listen to me.
Well, this is, um...
Out of KSL Television in Salt Lake City, horrible news, BYU professor on paid leave for 9-11 theory.
They want to persecute scientists and researchers because they don't want the truth to come out.
Just like they fired Kevin Ryan, BYU engineer, excuse me, Kevin Ryan, Underwriting Laboratories engineer who did internal tests of the towers.
They underwrote them.
Then they did for a year test of the structural steel and found that the official story was impossible.
He was going to publish his findings.
He was the chief engineer on the project and he was fired.
Well, now it's the same thing here.
BYU professor on paid leave for 9-1-1 theory.
Gene Kennedy reporting.
A controversy over words at BYU this morning.
A professor is on paid leave for suggesting the government is responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Centers.
By the way, the investigation on whether to decide whether to begin canning Professor Jones started with a World Net Daily article that falsely they retracted, but not before the damage was done, that Mr. Jones called for the violent overthrow of the government.
He made no such claim.
They had him retracted.
But, boy, a certain lawyer is going to be in a lot of trouble who wrote that article if Mr. Jones loses his job.
And this is when the review began.
This is when he was called in.
The man on paid leave is Dr. Stephen Jones.
He's a physics professor involved in the so-called 9-11 Truth Movement.
So they're playing hardball now, boys and girls.
Jones believes
Unnamed government agencies orchestrated the fall of Twin Towers and says there's evidence to back it up.
Two weeks ago he published his theory in a paper called, Why, Indeed, Did the World Trade Center Buildings Collapse?
In it, the professor says the towers fell not because of planes hitting them, but rather pre-positioned demolition charges.
He cites research contained at BYU on materials from Ground Zero, asserting these materials show evidence of thermite, a compound used in military detonations.
He says terrorists could have never set those charges.
The State Department has released a rebuttal to Jones Theory in a 10,000-page report that we've scanned over.
It's a total fraud.
BYU made this statement last night.
Physics professor Stephen Jones has made numerous statements about the collapse of the World Trade Center.
BYU has repeatedly said that it does not endorse assertions made by the individual faculty.
However, we are, however, concerned about the increasingly speculative and accusatory nature of these statements by Dr. Jones.
The university added, BYU remains concerned that Dr. Jones works on the topic, has not been published in appropriate scientific venues.
He's asked them to be reviewed by large peer-reviewed journals.
He's had other professors review it, and he has published scholarly reports on it.
So here they are trying to sue the university over this.
Trying to claim it's crackerjack science.
It is rare for some in Dr. Jones' position to be under review because he has taught at BYU for more than a decade.
He began his career at the University in 1985 and has been known for his cold fusion research, which was very conservative, folks.
The government hired him to research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories.
The other professors will teach his classes while he's on paid leave.
He will be allowed to conduct research in the field, but the University is reviewing his actions.
So, uh, there you have it.
They do not like the fact that he went to memorials and got samples and tested it and found thermate residue compounds.
Not just thermate, thermite, the type used in demolition, patented.
They do not like the fact that he's got video from news choppers and cameras showing the molten steel pouring out.
They do not like the fact that, well, they fired, they fired, um, Kevin Ryan, who was
The chief engineer over the project for Underwater Laboratories, when you look at your life vest, you look at fire extinguishers, they say UL.
When you look at big buildings, it says certified by UL.
They certify all the major buildings and structures and safety devices in this country.
They did a year-long study with models and found that the official story was impossible.
Because at first they thought, well we better go study these buildings and find out why this happened.
And so their engineer, who ran the studies, came out and said this couldn't have happened.
And they said, well, don't publish that, don't tell anybody, and he did.
He just put out a letter, a public letter to his bosses saying, hey, we need to research this, we need to go public with this.
And they said, hey, you know what?
You're fired.
In New Mexico, one of the biggest mining colleges in the country, demolition expert, the head of the college went public.
They threatened to jerk all his funding.
He did a 360 real fast.
Scientific persecution!
I guess if we start saying the world is round, maybe professors will get fired, or get removed, or get put on leave for that.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You talk about a war room atmosphere.
Sorry I'm back a minute late.
You had to listen to music.
I was talking to Professor Steven Jones on the phone for the last three minutes.
Talking about multitasking and I scribbled down a few basic statements from him and it's just that quote, and again this is chicken scratch here.
We're going to put it, you know, codify it a little bit better and post it on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com in a few minutes.
Above the Desert Rain News article that just came out concerning how he's been put on administrative paid leave for his 9-11 theories.
And it's just this, that at this time, this early on, he feels like he better not say anything until he knows more.
And then I just questioned him.
I said, well, the paper spins it like the university is saying that you don't have
You know, that this hasn't been peer-reviewed, and he responded saying, it has been triple-reviewed by other scientists and researchers with degrees.
And I said, so you're saying you then disagree with the statement that it wasn't peer-reviewed?
And he said, well, read that carefully.
The paper attempts to say that, but says it with some legalese, and that's really not what the university
But the persecution of academics, we have Kevin Barrett,
Up in Wisconsin, the legislature is calling for him to be fired, a tenured professor.
We have other professors.
We had a professor, what, in New Hampshire a few weeks ago, or last week we had him on, who's questioning the official story and they're calling again to fire him.
This is how they respond.
If you don't believe the official fairy tale that Building 7 wasn't, you know, hit by a plane but it just magically fell and that
The fires weren't hot enough to burn people standing in the holes in the buildings, but the buildings still collapsed.
And if you don't believe the fairy tale, if you don't believe the world is flat, you're fired!
Or we're going to put you on leave, or we're going to try to fire you.
Now I want to get more into CBS News reporting documents feds, Citi, knew of Ground Zero toxins.
I remember like four or five days into it, it was radio talk show hosts like myself and others who said, hey, they better have some breathing apparatus.
They better have something to shield their lungs.
I was saying that day one, those firemen and policemen running around in that rubble.
And of course FEMA and others, they didn't run out and clear out all the Home Depots and all the Lowe's and they didn't have helicopter flights in with all the gas masks out of the military bases.
In fact, I've got photos and video of two days after, four days after, a week after, two weeks after, three weeks after, a month after, still all that dust blowing around, that haze.
I mean, photos a month later, there's still this gray haze out there.
The bulldozers all stirring it up, the backhoes, the cranes, and they don't even have masks on then!
Those buildings were built and jacketed with
I forget the exact number.
It was tens of thousands of tons of asbestos, because the walls were made out of pressed asbestos.
The fire retardant on the pillars was jacketed with asbestos, which is a great fire retardant, by the way.
Nobody ever talks about that.
Jet fuel burns at 1200 to 1600, but it's supposedly going to melt steel within a week until 20-something hundred degrees, but it just goes on and on.
But it's all jacketed in that, and I can pull up the number.
I mean, it was just massive amounts of asbestos used in those buildings.
In that whole complex.
Built back in the 60s, when they were still using asbestos.
Oh boy.
Professor Jones sounded so sad.
He's such a nice person.
Such a sweetheart.
A good person.
And it makes my blood boil to see people persecuted.
But we're going to be persecuted for doing the right thing.
We're dealing with murderers.
We're dealing with killers.
In fact, I want the numbers for BYU University.
I want the number for the Dean.
Guys can bring that in to me.
I want the number for the Chancellor.
And I am sick and tired of it.
We've got the neocons lobbying for Jones to be fired.
That Mosley character who wrote The Lawyer, who's tied in with a big neocon publishing firm, he wrote up a hit piece where he said, Jones called for the violent overthrow of the U.S.
And immediately, excuse me, I'll take a drink of water here.
I thought, man, that's a weird, weird thing to say in the third paragraph.
I said, I believe that's a misprint, but we want to check it.
So, Paul Watson went and watched the entire C-SPAN piece.
World Dutch Daily accredited that it was on the live C-SPAN television show, or the footage of that live event we did, unedited.
So, Paul watched it.
I watched it.
Aaron Dykes watched it.
Three of us sat there and watched it.
We didn't remember Jones saying that.
We thought, well, maybe he saw something on the web.
So, we went and watched Jones' speech.
And we watched all the questioners.
Jones said nothing even near it.
No one on the panel did.
No one did.
And so we challenged WorldNetDaily.
We said, listen, you better go watch the video footage of that.
It's online for free.
And you better find out that Jones didn't say that because he could get in trouble for this at his university.
Well, sure enough, they didn't listen to us the first couple days.
And then Professor Jones got called in, and got called on the carpet, and I know some of the behind-the-scenes stuff that happened, it was bad.
But I'm not going to say any more than that.
I mean, he was very close to... If it would have been true, he'd have been in big trouble.
And of course, World Net Daily then got contacted by the head BYU lawyer, the Chancellor's lawyer, and World Net Daily ran with their tail between their legs, and printed a retraction at the top.
Just saying that the sentence referring to Steven Jones' speech is incorrect.
That isn't enough.
You were still asked, WorldNetDaily, to specifically remove it, or specifically state that he never said that.
But you didn't do that.
And Jones didn't want to talk about it when I just talked to him on the phone, but I'm not going to tell you what he told me, but you can put two and two together.
Thanks a lot, WorldNetDaily.
I guess you got what you wanted.
But you know what?
You're going to have a major lawsuit on your hands.
And I've always told Vanity Fair, and the New York Times, and the Washington Post, and the ADL, and all of them who've lied about me in Popular Mechanics.
You told lies about me!
But see, I run my own operation.
But if I ever am damaged, I'm not a litigious person, but I've sued people for a libel before, and I've won.
Most people can't say that.
Liable slander.
Okay, I have.
I don't get into the air on that.
But if you libel me and you hurt me, I am going to sue you and I'm going to win.
Now the ADL's garbage hasn't hurt me.
The New York Times garbage hasn't hurt me.
But these neocons on National Talk Radio that say I'm Al Qaeda, if some fruit loop happens to do something to me, you're going to get sued and you're going to lose.
And I'm saying this on record so people will remember this later if it happens.
You people are despicable, despicable trash.
And you try to run around with political terrorism to terrorize people and lie about them.
And your days of being able to propagandize and get away with it aren't numbered.
The alternative media is exploding.
Your bosses are moving to try to shut down the free web.
That's going to blow up in your face politically.
Your COINTELPRO officers out there on the web trying to snipe at real patriots.
People see right through that now.
And the people are waking up, and I just want the listeners of this broadcast to get my DVDs, to get Terror Storm, and I want you to aggressively, and for the love of your families, but also for the hate of the New World Order, to get CD burners, and I want you to religiously make copies every single day, and I want you to give Terror Storm to everyone.
I want you to get the other good 9-11 films that are out there and make copies of them and get them out to everybody.
And we're going to defeat these people.
They are so scared of you right now.
We are cresting right now.
We can go to the next level.
I want you to aggressively pamphleteer and put up big printouts saying 9-11 is an inside job with websites with a big bucket of glue all over your downtown cities.
I'm not going to tell you in this war to climb up with spray paint and spray paint billboards and spray paint overpasses and do banner hangs.
You can do banner hangs, but the
Spray painting government stuff.
Well, we can't say do that, can we?
Because we're in a war against terrorist murdering killers.
And we're going to expose them.
Speaking of people that are taking action, two great young men here in Austin, Texas, and I'm going to get more into the asbestos and the mercury.
They all totally admit it.
I know, police and firemen, you're still going to serve the government.
Firemen are great folks, I don't want to knock you.
Most cops are too, but you still
are pathetic.
You will do whatever the government says.
If they told you to stick your hand in a blender, you'd do it.
I think if they told cops to drown their own children, they'd probably do it.
If they told cops to blow their three-year-old's head off, they'd probably do it.
If they told them to smear their brains all over their face, they'd probably do it.
I mean, really, you guys would do almost anything, wouldn't you?
You make me sick.
And I had cops laugh at me down there two years ago, and I tried to warn you.
What's wrong with you people?
Don't you have any self-preservation in you?
Have you just been turned into such cowards that you'll do whatever you're told?
By a bunch of murderers?
And listen, I won't sit there and pat you on the head on a pile of rubble at Ground Zero and get on a bullhorn and talk about how great you are, meanwhile letting you die of everything you were breathing.
See, I'll just tell it like it is.
You're like somebody whose house is on fire, and I come in and say, get out of your bed, your house is on fire, the roof's about to collapse, there's flames shooting in the room, and you look at me and laugh at me.
It's like I'm a fireman coming into your house, and I'm saying, get out of your bed, and you're going, there's no fire, there's no fire.
And frankly, after I get done dragging you out, by your hair, I'm probably going to slap you around a little bit, figuratively.
I mean, I care about you, but you're just, you're just idiots.
Why won't you get out of the bed?
Why won't you get out of the house?
Why do you deny what's happening?
Because you're cowards deep down, and you know deep down this is all true, and you don't want to face it.
So because you don't want to face it, we're going to have a North American Union.
They're going to force us to take more and more vaccines full of poisons and cancer viruses and mercury.
They're going to take more and more children with CPS, a million and a half a year now.
All the horrors I have to look at and know about and see.
I'm just in sick of watching all this happen.
They're going to genetically engineer all our food.
They're going to keep putting poisons in the atmosphere.
I mean, it's got to be the devil.
Folks, this is something only the devil would do.
The people running things have got a death wish themselves.
The things they're doing are just so out of control.
Speaking of political action, I appreciate these young men doing a great job.
John Roberts and Matt Dayton, I believe we have both of them with us, UT Student Group, Project for a New American Citizen, and it's PNAC, P-N-A-C, Citizens, P-N-A-C, and the C serves for PNAC and Citizens, one C, P-N-A-C, Citizens, at Hotmail.com, and they're leafleting aggressively all over town,
At our events, they've been putting big old handbills up on the walls everywhere.
They're running around foaming at the mouth like I do.
That's good.
Because you should be running around foaming at the mouth figuratively over this.
We've got murdering killers that must be exposed.
And they've got to try to organize a big march coming up September 11th, a big demonstration here.
If you're not there, you're scum.
If you're not there, you're part of the problem.
You're accessories to the fact if you don't go to this event.
Okay boys, how you doing today?
All right, Alex.
Thanks for having us on.
Pretty good.
Thank you very much for having us.
You bet.
I would have had you on longer, but Jones is getting in a lot of trouble right now at BYU, and we got a lot of irons in the fire.
But tell us about the event.
Do you want to go ahead and do it?
Yeah, sure.
Well, we're going to have two protests on campus at UT.
So the first one will be from 12 p.m.
to 2 p.m.
noon at the West Mall.
So that's right to the west of the main tower.
The second protest will be from 6 p.m.
to 7 p.m.
at the Main Mall, so that's just going to be right in front of the tower.
From there, we're going to walk over to Burdine 216 and screen the premiere of 9-11 Press for Truth.
So, yeah, that's basically it.
We just want anyone who's not going to New York, anyone who's, you know, in Austin or the surrounding areas to
Just try and make it out.
We want to make this as big as possible to let the UT campus as well as the general public know that we are here and we want to do something.
Well, good job.
Tell people again the two dates of the protest and where those demonstrations are going to be located.
Yeah, one more time.
It'll be on September 11th.
That'll be this Monday at 12 p.m.
to 2 p.m.
On the West Mall, which is right next to the main tower.
So just go to the main tower and you'll see our event.
The second event will be the same day.
It'll be from 6 p.m.
to 7 p.m.
and that'll be also at the main tower.
Alright, and I've asked my webmaster, Ryan Schlickheisen, to compile a page with all the big 9-11 demonstrations he can find, either in L.A., Chicago, Kansas City,
Just all over the place there's demonstrations and so we need to get all those posted for people that aren't going to New York so the people see us out in the streets so the media is forced to report on the truth of 9-11 and I commend both you young men for taking action.
What's the feel you're getting from UT students?
Are they starting to wake up to 9-11?
Yeah, actually they're being extremely receptive as far as like student tabling.
We were getting a lot of people to stop and really like look at everything.
So it's, I would say, a very good reaction.
I mean, we're getting a decent reaction, but I think still for the most part, there's a lot of waking up that needs to be done.
We need frothing, we need foaming.
We've had people murder our people, they're turning our country into a police state, they're getting rid of our country.
Listen, killers are on the loose, they run our country!
None of us are safe!
Get out there from every hill and mountain, from every church table, from every hilltop, scream, yell!
We're under attack!
Be there next Monday.
Tell them again.
Yes, Monday at 12 p.m.
to 2 p.m.
in the West Mall, 6 p.m.
to 7 p.m.
the Main Mall, followed by a screening at 7.30 of 9-11 Press for Truth in Burdine 216.
All right, gentlemen.
Keep it up.
Thanks for all you're doing.
Stay there.
I want to come back and give out your phone number for anybody that wants to help you.
Let's get 50 people to call you and help you print out more flyers.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
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Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
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I think so.
So, the towers blew into little pits and aerosolized concrete and asbestos and mercury and hundreds of other compounds.
The emergency workers, the police, the firemen, the citizens that volunteered, people all over lower Manhattan, and beyond, breathed this garbage, and the detectors all picked it up, and it was issued, the report came out, we have all those old reports, mainstream news, and the government just said, never mind that, the air is normal.
They said it's normal.
And so the police breathed deeply and trusted their lords.
New of Ground Zero.
CBS News.
Stunning proof has been uncovered.
That the government knowingly put New Yorkers in harm's way after 9-11.
No, what's happened is a bunch of cops and police and nuns and fire emergency people and EMS are all dying right now.
They're dying every day in New York.
And they're doing autopsies and it's all coming out.
I got those reports right here.
So you're now having to admit it.
CBS2 News has obtained documents revealing that Lower Manhattan was reopened a few weeks following the attack, even though the air was not safe.
The two devastating memos written by the U.S.
and local government show they knew.
They knew the toxic soup created at Ground Zero was a deadly health hazard, yet they sent workers into the pit and people back into their homes without the proper equipment.
One of the memos from the New York City Health Department dated October 6th noted the mayor's office is under pressure from building owners in the red zone to open more of the city.
Folks, that's not what it is.
See, they're still spinning it.
Less than a month in, the EPA said they needed a 90 plus million dollar fund for just the firemen and police.
They knew they were going to die or be debilitated full, at the bare minimum, that they needed and deserved.
to go on full disability and they didn't get it.
The money was blocked.
That's the story here.
The money was blocked.
Again, the government doesn't care about you in New Orleans.
They don't care about you on 9-11.
They don't care about the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
These are cold-blooded killers.
If they'll kill 2,800 people, they're not going to care about you, and they're not going to give you the money you need for treatment.
Or to at least have your medical bills paid for when you die, and maybe your widow get a little bit of money.
This is how they operate!
But you laughed at me two years ago at Ground Zero!
So stupid!
So stupid!
Because Bush told you it was safe.
The White House came out and said it was a conspiracy.
And it was political.
Remember those reports?
And the Democrats were just doing it to be mean.
So fine!
All your dogs are dead now.
All of them.
The cops are dying.
The police are dying.
The firemen are dying.
The EMS people are dying!
And it's a conspiracy theory!
Here's the New York Post.
Dying nun wants her body autopsied to prove 9-1-1 toxicity killed her.
Here's another one.
Most 9-1-1 rescuers at Ground Zero have breathing problems.
Nearly 70% of the rescue workers are toiled in the dust and fumes at Ground Zero over 9-11.
Terrorist attacks over breathing problems set a study by the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan.
And it goes on for page after page.
Just 40,000 plus people affected.
Thousands dying.
It's all right here.
Their lives are over.
They could have had gas masks in there in hours.
They could have had thousands of gas masks in there, but they would have had to admit it was toxic.
And so they made announcements saying, oh, it's safe.
Don't worry about it.
It's just concrete dust.
And the firemen and police went, okay.
My government don't lie to me.
My government good.
My government not.
My government trust.
I like to trust them.
I like to trust them.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Author, researcher, professor.
He's gonna be joining us coming up.
In the next segment, Peter Dale Scott, 9-11, written new book with David Ray Griffin.
Right now, I got so upset in the last segment talking about CBS News and New York Post admitting that thousands are already dead, hundreds dying every few months, they're testing their lungs, it's full of asbestos and mercury.
The Feds even blocked funding and disability payments to the police and firemen.
I know I'm bad because I want the police and firemen to be taken care of.
I understand.
And you guys would machine gun my head in a second if the murderers that attacked us on 9-11 told you to.
I just, I can't understand it.
It's like some black slave licking the boots of their master.
You know, there was reports of the house slaves that would go out and beat the other blacks out in the field.
You cops are the same way.
You make me sick.
I mean, there's no other way to even try to
I'm about to go completely ape.
I'm not going to blow up, folks.
I don't have the energy to do it these days.
Going back to John Roberts and Matt Dayton.
They're going to have a protest down on UT campus this weekend.
And on Monday, excuse me.
And tell us those times again, gentlemen, and then tell us your number or contact info for folks that want to help you flyer this weekend.
Or I guess there's something to it.
There's a UT game.
Go, go tailgate and get drunk.
And just wait for the government to blow up a Chicago with a nuke and then you can have your kids drafted and they can come back in body bags.
Don't go help these young men.
Go suck your thumbs at a UT football game.
Don't be in a real war.
Go to a simulated war.
Go to a gladiatorial mind control operation.
I know I'm bad because I don't... I'm telling you to go to a protest.
I'm telling you to flyer this weekend instead of sucking your thumbs as the ship goes down.
Alright, John Roberts, Matt Dayton, fighting hard on the front lines.
How do folks get in contact with you now and help you flyer?
Well, I guess, first of all, my phone number is 210-875-0614.
Say it again slowly.
You want to give out the other number too?
Okay, yeah, my number is 210-273-5170.
I'll say it again, it's 210-273-5170.
And I'll say the times again for the protest are at 12pm to 2pm on the West Mall, which is right next to the main tower at UT.
Monday, yeah, September 11th.
And then the second protest will be at 6 p.m.
to 7 p.m.
also at the main tower, followed by a screening at 730 of 9-11 Press for Truth in Verdine 216.
Alright, thank you gentlemen.
Thank you very much.
Anyone who wants to help, anyone in Austin, please come join us.
We need all the help we can get.
Absolutely, and we need to just continue.
I would hope that once you get your mass of people, you'd march to the Capitol.
Have you thought about doing that?
Well, potentially, yeah.
If we get enough people for the first protest, yeah, that's a very good idea.
Yeah, definitely.
Well, you better get enough people.
People better get out there and help you fly her.
That would be absolutely great.
Yeah, we've done a lot, you know, just the two of us, but we've gotten a pretty good, like, following as far as our group, and we've had a lot of help from people, but we still
Any more help is great.
You don't need people to get copies of your flyers.
They need to go make copies.
It's not even an organization.
It's just attacking the enemy.
Take care.
You too.
Thank you for having us on.
Thank you for coming on.
I told those poor guys to come down to the studio today.
I was going to have them in the studio and it just got so much bad stuff happening.
Professor Jones getting put on administrative leave.
All this other news about them admitting the asbestos and the people breathing in it, I just cancelled the main interview.
But we've got Peter Dale Scott coming on.
We're going to get some professors on to comment on what happened to Jones, coming up in the third hour.
We're going to have Kevin Ryan on, Underwriting Laboratories, who got canned himself for doing the internal report of the towers.
The official story was a fraud, so that's coming up too.
Powerful broadcast lined up, stay with us.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The Salt Lake City newspaper, TV station, others are reporting that Professor Stephen Jones last night, and I talked to him just about 30 minutes ago during a break, has been put on administrative paid leave.
He's still able to conduct research, but can't teach his classes.
This is a political pressure.
Later in the hour I'm going to give out the number to the Dean and the number to the Chancellor at BYU.
This is outrageous of a highly respected, tenured professor who has had his findings of controlled demolition peer-reviewed.
Even NIST, the federal body that studies this, has given five different reasons the towers collapsed.
Now they're backing off saying they don't know why and bombs could have been in the buildings.
So they're running scared.
Kevin Ryan of Underwriting Laboratories, of course, did an internal test of The Tower's Falling, and said the official story was basically impossible.
He was told not to publish his findings, even though he was doing that job for the company.
They canned him.
He's going to be popping in, Kevin Ryan at the end of this hour, to comment on what's happening.
And just so much more is going on.
So a man who knows a lot about academic freedom is Peter Dale Scott, but he's here to also talk about his new book on 9-11.
Mr. Scott, thank you for coming on with us.
This is really sad to see this happening.
These Nazis are really attempting to silence one of the key bastions of free speech that's left in this country.
I guess the colleges will be free speech zones now, huh?
Or won't be allowed to in the colleges.
Well, it's a very distressing situation.
I think it's harder for, you know, people in the sciences and engineering and so on,
His colleagues get government contracts and so on.
I think some of the pressure has come from his peers who are frightened they won't get government business.
Well, we've got legislatures in New Hampshire and in Wisconsin as well as federally and in D.C.
openly calling for cutting massive funding to universities that even allow the mention of an alternative story on 9-11.
Yes, and I think that, you know, some places it's more... I feel fairly secure in California, but, you know, we have this book that's just come out, edited by David Ray Griffin and myself, 9-11 and American Empire Intellectuals Speak Out.
Well, one of the items in there is Morgan Reynolds talking about the pressure that is being put on.
He's a professor.
He's also interesting because he's a Republican who
You know, he was a hero for the Reagan people at one time, but he's been put under great pressure at Texas A&M, and he talks about that in his chapter.
And Kevin Ryan, who you just mentioned, his story, he has a chapter in our book as well.
And also, Mr. Barrett is under heat.
They're calling to fire him.
At the same time, we have the former father of, well, the father of Reaganomics, Dr. Morgan Reynolds, has gone public as well.
And Stephen Jones's article, which has caused all the fuss, is a chapter in our book, although he also had it on a website.
It is.
It's still going to be available, but it was on the BYU website, Brigham Young University, where he teaches.
Have they pulled that?
Well, they've told him to move it.
I think there will be a hotlink where it was that's still being negotiated, but yes, it's going off the BYU website.
He sounded devastated when I talked to him 30 minutes ago.
Well, this is the man's career, you know, and I understand that they don't have tenure at BYU the way they do in most universities.
So, he has definitely risked his whole future, and this is a man who's doing serious research.
His other research is also controversial, but it's real.
He's working very hard at it.
Well, and he and his wife are just lovely, soft-spoken, kind-hearted people I've had a chance to meet and speak with and eat dinner with.
Yes, well there is a lot of wild stuff going around.
He's a very decent man and he's
He's tried to be very flexible with the university.
We were concerned in the book because his chapter makes much better reading if you can actually see the videos and things that he refers to.
And if you go to his article on the web, then it's all hot-linked, so you can actually see World Trade Center going down.
You just see how unlikely it was that it was destroyed either by fire or by debris hitting it on one side because you can see it going straight vertically down at almost three-fold time.
You know, Peter Del Scott, let's start off here with who you are and the work you've done and some of the research you've done.
First off, tell us about Peter Del Scott.
Well, I was for many years a professor at the University of California.
I had been a Canadian diplomat before that and I knew just enough about the situation in French Indochina to be very concerned that America should not make the mistake that France did.
I started as early as 1963 saying this would tear America apart if it got involved and eventually I started speaking
I didn't want to be a speaker because I'm a Canadian and I felt Americans should speak out about the war, but you know back in 1963 a lot of Americans didn't know where Vietnam was.
It was a strange word to them.
So I started speaking and I started writing and my first book about Vietnam raised the question about the timing of the death of President Kennedy just at a time when he was
beginning to talk about getting troops out of Indochina, out of Vietnam by the end of 65.
So that got me into writing about the Kennedy assassination and my main book on that, The Politics and the Death of JFK, is still in print after, what is it now, 13 years.
And so I have been very open, my eyes have been open to the possibility of
Or the frequency with which the American government has lied to its own people.
Well, let me bring this up before we get into 9-11.
Within weeks, right at about three and a half weeks, Christina Todd Whitman and the EPA reported massive poisons, massive toxins, asbestos, mercury in the air.
Then Bush had that removed.
They said it was a mistake.
Now the massive deaths and injuries, debilitating illnesses that have been caused by this.
Now city memos have been released.
CBS News today in New York is admitting there was a massive cover-up.
We already knew that.
Now here's another example of the cold-bloodedness.
They just didn't want to pay for the medical care of all these people, so they just said there's no problem.
Can you give us your take on this now, breaking?
Well, it's certainly not the first time this sort of thing has happened.
I mean, I think the use of depleted uranium, DU,
in weaponry in both the first Iraq war and the current Iraq war.
It's a terrible scandal and you know you had a huge number of returning veterans from the first Gulf War and the Navy refused to deal with them.
I've talked to the brother of one of these people and the Navy lost his medical records.
Finally they put him on a hundred percent disability but it took about eight years for that to happen.
And the DU is still being used in Afghanistan and in Iraq today, and also on the web you can see the babies being born with terrible deformities in the Iraq hospitals.
This is not recognized in any degree at all.
If you look up depleted uranium on Google, you'll get an awful lot of hits, but you won't get any from the US government.
What does this say about the mindset of the individuals that are willing to use weapons like this and then just tell the troops it's not bad for them?
I think there's a terrible separation in this country and it tends to happen as countries become powerful and turn from republics into empires that you get a greater and greater separation
between public opinion and the thinking that's going on in areas where there is no public review of the programs at all.
Well you're right, on issue after issue you'll have 75, 85, 99 percent of people against North American Union, against the Kelo, New London, Connecticut ruling on property, and now government suddenly, I didn't see this in the past,
Just says, we don't care, we're going to do it!
And it does show an imperial hubris that I think should terrify anyone who wants to live in a free country.
Well, I'm in a special situation here because I'm a Canadian and I came by choice to this country in 1961.
And I came because I respected America as an example for the rest of the world.
I mean, let's not forget some of the achievements of this country.
I think the Civil Rights Movement,
You know, all over the world, racial relations can be difficult, but America has worked through its race relations to an extent which in Europe, for example, they're just beginning to deal with the resentments of the Muslims living in France or England, for example.
I think they're behind America in that respect.
But what distresses me is the change that I've seen in America.
You know, I came to the University of California.
It was a free university.
Now you pay $20,000 a year or something to go.
It's become a class privilege, whereas it used to be for everybody.
The standard of living for a great many Americans is going down at the same time that the remuneration for the top 0.01%
Are getting most of the increment in GNP in the form of income.
So we're getting great disparity between the rich and the poor and that's always a sign of a country on the way down.
It's a very, very... Yeah, it's a sign of a country going into centralization.
I want to get into your bottom line on 9-11.
And I want to... You've had a lot of good projections and predictions.
What you see happening with Iran, what you see happening with this 5th anniversary of 9-11, where you see the Bush administration, what you think their next move is going to be, a great political mind, a great patriot for freedom, Peter Dale Scott is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
The websites are m4wars.com, jonesreport.com, and m4wars.net.
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I think so.
The new book's out.
A compilation of some of the best minds out there today exposing 9-11.
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Edited by David Rake-Riven and Peter Dale Scott.
Going back to our guest, this is a short segment.
We'll have a long segment coming up.
Plenty of time to get into more details and hopefully have time to take some of your phone calls.
Mr. Scott, 9-11, I mean, we know why it was carried out.
A pretext for global domination.
The evidence is
Well I think that Iran should be very much on our minds because
I'm doing another book that will be out next year called The Road to 9-11 and I have a whole chapter dedicated to this group, The Project for a New American Century.
These are a group of neocons who wanted very much for America to play a much bigger role in Central Asia.
Well, they've got their wish in the form of Iraq and I hope they're happy.
There are two big camps now, I think, in Washington.
There is the neocon camp, who have wanted an attack on Iran from the very beginning, and also Syria, for that matter.
Two of them were calling for this back in the Clinton era, back as early as 1996.
But I think they would like to destroy OPEC
And see oil completely controlled by the United States, and to be sold cheaply, break the OPEC cartel.
But there's also the oil companies in Washington, and whereas they agreed with the PNAC people, the neocons, on the importance of getting into Iraq, because they want America to have a secure base where it can control
Where the oil goes to throughout the world, and Saudi Arabia is no longer that base.
Everybody agrees on that.
Yeah, Iraq is the real crossroads.
Yes, but the oil companies are not interested in destroying OPEC, because OPEC keeps prices high, and that of course means record profits for the oil companies.
Some of the neocons have left the government.
Wolfowitz is now at the World Bank.
And a very important firing, I think, was this man Douglas, I don't know how to pronounce his name, Faiter, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-A-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-I-T-E-R, F-E-
Oh yes, they're still there.
And Cheney, I think, is the most important one of them all.
We've never had, in the history of the United States, a situation where the office of the Vice President seemed to be more powerful in determining policy than the National Security Council of the President.
Well, Bush takes two and a half hour naps and exercises upwards of three hours a day.
I mean, he doesn't even read his notes, he just goes out and bumbles around.
We know Bush is running absolutely nothing.
Well, just to come back to Iran, I have a piece about this on my website that I put up three years ago.
My website is www.peterdalescott.net.
We have a big link to that on Infowars.com, by the way.
Good, thank you.
Well, anyway, I said that this was just before the invasion of Iraq, and I said it would happen because
America is not that we need the oil from Iraq for ourselves, most of it goes to Europe, but we need to control oil and we also were very concerned in those days to preserve the dollar by making sure that
OPEC countries didn't start taking Euros for oil instead of dollars.
That's what makes countries all over the world... The real world reserve currency is the oil and the dollar is the currency for buying barrels of oil.
And our listeners are immersed in that.
And Saddam was challenging that.
He was starting to accept Euros and in the beginning of this year
Iran said that they would create an oil bourse and that they too would, because they fell to Europe, so their position is Europe should pay... Why does Iran seem to be trying to goad the military-industrial complex into striking them?
Ahmed Dinejad's statements?
Well, I think that they may feel that they're better... It's so complicated, because, you know, Iran actually helped America in Afghanistan.
And just at the beginning of the Iraq invasion, there was the senior Shia cleric in Iraq.
Let's get into the deep politics, Mr. Scott, when we get back.
Give us your analysis.
We're honored to have it.
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From his Central Texas Command Center deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, I was out of the studio during the break and forgot to bring the phone numbers in here.
Will you guys please bring me the phone numbers so we can give those out in a few minutes to the BYU University President's phone number.
I'm also going to give you an email address.
We need to call them.
Be polite, but tell them this is outrageous.
We need more academic freedom in this country, not less.
The neocons have been calling for firing professors for the last year.
They haven't gotten their wish.
They haven't fired Jones yet.
They've got him on administrative paid leave.
And so we're going to give you the phone number for Cecil O. Samuelson, the president of Brigham Young University.
We'll give you his information.
Kevin Ryan joins us here in about 10 minutes.
One of the engineers at Underwriting Laboratories.
Who did the internal analysis and said the numbers didn't mesh with the official story of why the Towers and Seven collapsed.
He was told to shut up and when he spoke out he got fired.
Peter Dell Scott joins us and by the way in his new book that's coming out that he and Edward Griffin have edited, it has an analysis by Kevin Ryan in there.
So it will be great to have these two men together.
What is going on with Iran?
We know they made deals with Reagan for weapons to go ahead and hold the hostages and not release them.
We know they made all sorts of weird deals in Iran-Contra.
We know that they did help attack the Serbs, fund the Albanians to attack the Serbs as a pretext for the U.S.
and NATO and the U.N.
to go in there in the late 90s.
That's in Senate reports.
That's admitted.
So, yeah, from your analysis, you're a former diplomat, you've studied these black ops systems.
What's really going on in Iran?
You said it's a complex situation.
I agree with you.
Give us your take, sir.
Well, this is absolutely central to understanding 9-11, which is that the American government, the CIA, have been using Muslim fundamentalists for 30 years.
Going back in time, when they thought the big danger was that the Soviet Union would move into Asia, they backed the fundamentalists against them.
When Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 was threatening to, well, threatening he did it, he would nationalize the Anglo-Iranian oil company, the CIA and British intelligence worked with, actually I think the people around Ayatollah Khomeini, they worked with them then to get rid of a democratic, progressive, socialist, it wasn't even socialist, it was nationalizing one foreign firm.
To get rid of Mossadegh.
It's just one example of collaboration coming down into the 90s with Al-Qaeda elements in Azerbaijan where American oil companies were moving in.
The British were working with them in Libya because they wanted to get rid of Gaddafi.
All the secular leaders were being attacked from the right by Al-Qaeda elements, and that was with the approval of the CIA.
So, in the case of Iran, it's true.
You had the Republicans in 1980, they wanted to defeat Carter, so they
We're meeting with Iranian fundamentalists in Paris to delay the return of the hostages.
It meant that these American hostages in the Iranian embassies stayed on months longer because of the deal between fundamentalists and the Republicans to elect Ronald Reagan.
Yes, sir.
I'm here.
I had my wireless headset on.
I wasn't getting some material.
I stepped away.
I was listening to you.
Go ahead.
I was frightened.
I apologize.
I just got to get stuff done.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
So, you have a situation where the Americans... I'm sure, for example, that the CIA had people inside Al-Qaeda.
They admit they had one al-Qaeda.
He defected, and then there was this man, Ali Mohammed, that I write about in my chapter in 9-11 and the American Empire.
He was very high up in Al-Qaeda.
He actually did, but took the photographs of the American Embassy in Kenya and gave them personally to Bin Laden.
But he was only able to do that because he had been picked up a few weeks earlier in Canada by the RCMP because they mistrusted him because of his connections to some terrorists in Canada.
And this man, Ali Mohammed, gave them a number to phone in Washington in the FBI headquarters to an FBI agent called Descent.
And the FBI told the Canadians to release him, which they did.
Well, it's the same thing with U.S.
Embassy chiefs.
They'd have known Al Qaeda members going to summits, coming back into the U.S., trying to get visas overseas, and they'd say, you're a terrorist, and they'd get a call from the higher, opposite State Department saying, let them in, this terror designation is a cover for anti-terror training.
Well, there was one embassy in particular, Saudi Arabia, with two consulates, and virtually all of these hijackers and their bosses, the higher level people, like the blind sheikh, Abdul Rahman, they came into America on special visas that were issued by this office, whereas they should have been, and some of them actually were,
On the terror list of people not to be given visas.
And then back of course in 93 the FBI cooked the bomb, trained the driver, gave them the detonators, let it all go forward, found a couple low-grade morons to do it.
I mean it's the same story over and over again.
I've been observing those people for three years before then and when one of them killed Meir Kahan and was picked up and this was a Muslim whose home was raided
And it was filled with terror training manuals that Ali Mohammed himself, who was doubling as a trainer for the special forces at Fort Bragg, this man's name was Nasser, his home was full of these manuals.
And the FBI came out and said there was nothing found in his home with any interest.
Now let's be clear though.
I want to bring something else into this.
I want to give a number out in a moment to call BYU to support Professor Stephen Jones, who is being reviewed right now and has been basically suspended and put on leave.
This is a horrible attack on free speech and scientific research in this country.
But that's why George Bush Sr.
brought 3,000 Iraqis in.
Clinton brought in another 2,000.
These are Republican guard.
We're good to go.
I tell you, it is so sick, and we are in so much danger.
Peter Del Scott, do you have any comments on the 5,000 Iraqis?
Well, I'm an agnostic on that, and I should say, in general, my position on 9-11, some people are very sure they know what happened.
My position is I'm very sure there's been a massive cover-up, and that the cover-up extends to things that happened in the White House on that day.
And that we need to know more clearly what happened, why it is that the phone records are suddenly, there's like an 18 minute gap, just like Watergate when it comes to the crucial phone calls that authorize the shoot down of planes.
And then more and more importantly, something that a lot of Americans are not aware of, this thing called COG.
Which is supposed to be continuity of government, but which is actually a kind of suspension of the Constitution.
So shadow government, it went into full effect that day.
It was invoked on September the 11th, and most people are unaware of this.
And we've really been operating under it ever since with Homeland Security, NORTHCOM being activated, which makes us a military jurisdiction.
That's what I write about in my own book, yes.
That's what you write about, well excellent.
Before we go any further, let me just give out the phone number
Thank you.
to him and uh... that the that the people of the united states support professor steven jones who's been uh... put on leave basically suspended for now and they're looking at him and all this started with fake hit pieces remind them of this in world net daily claiming that he had said things he didn't say here's the number eight oh one four two two seven excuse me eight oh one four four two two five two one again that's eight oh one
422-2521 the president of Brigham Young University and you can also email your support to Stephen Jones at physics underscore
If people want to know what Stephen Jones did that's so terrible to have caused this hullabaloo and to get him suspended,
It's the article which is in our book and which is, I think, the sanest, most reasonable chapter that's been written by anybody on why it is that the towers fell, and particularly World Trade Center number 7, the building that was not hit by an airplane, but also collapsed.
He did a public service by assembling the scientific evidence for what really happened here,
And because of doing his public service, he may be losing his job.
One of the other individuals who contributed material to the new book that you guys have put out is Kevin Ryan.
He's a former site manager for Environmental Health Laboratories, a division of Underwriter Laboratories, the major underwriting firm in the United States and North America.
And he put out just a letter to them.
Well, here he is in a nutshell to tell us what happened to him, and then to go through his take on what's happening to Professor Stephen Jones right now.
Kevin Ryan, it's great to have you on the air with us, and it's great to have Mr. Scott on at the same time.
Just please, in a nutshell, tell us about yourself, your story, and then give us your take on Stephen Jones.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Thanks for having me.
Can you hear me okay?
Yes, I can, sir.
Okay, great.
Yeah, I was previously the top manager at one of UL's divisions and I was the manager of the water testing division.
And the reason I got involved in all this is because I was given information both verbally and in writing from UL's top managers that UL had been involved in testing the steel used to build the World Trade Center building.
So, having this information, I was interested in the progress of the NIST investigation, of which UL played a part.
I followed it pretty closely.
Mainly, I was busy with my own job as well, but in 2003, it was clear that our government was lying to us about a number of things that could be seen as worse crimes than the crimes of 9-11 themselves.
And, you know, in seeing this and learning more about the events of 9-11, like the destruction of the steel evidence, I was interested in hearing more from our Chief Executive Officer who had made the first claim that we had tested the steel used to build the World Trade Center building.
So I started asking questions about it.
You know, I sent him formal written questions about
Our involvement.
I really felt it was UL's responsibility as the public safety guardian.
And just boiling it down, what was their public statements versus what their real testing showed?
Yeah, well, there's two parts to that.
There's 40 years ago where they tested the steel components used to build the buildings originally.
And then there's August of 2004 where they did floor model testing.
They claimed, and I believe they never did test the floor assemblies 40 years ago, but they did test the steel components, the columns and so forth, that were used to build the buildings.
So, what they said is that they tested the steel, so then they continued in the investigation, and the investigation showed that the floors wouldn't collapse, and they showed that the temperatures in the buildings were nowhere near
Hot enough to soften or weaken any of the steel.
And so, you know, having all this information and having asked numerous times the managers at UL without getting any satisfactory answers, I went ahead and wrote the NIST scientists, and that's what got me fired.
I wrote a letter.
I thought it was respectful and professional, and I just came right out and asked them, look, your test results show
That the steel's not going to soften or even significantly weaken, you know?
That's just not going to happen at the temperatures you've provided.
And that letter is, of course, on the web.
They responded, of course, by firing you.
Now, how does this tie in?
I mean, you've experienced this.
Now, what's happening to Professor Jones?
Well, it's interesting.
Hopefully, it's not going to be the same outcome.
But, you know, Stephen Jones is a really good man focusing on seeking the truth.
So, you know, he's...
Just because you have a PhD doesn't mean you seek the truth, above all else.
But in Steve Jones' case, we certainly have a person like that.
He's being reviewed.
I would say that BYU has withstood the pressure for quite some time.
Some of the universities that have experienced this have jumped immediately to reviewing the professors involved.
And so to commend BYU, they have at least hung in there for some time.
You can imagine they're under a lot of political pressure.
I'm sure Underwriters Laboratories was as well when my letter came out.
I'd like to get a response now to what you've been saying from Peter Dell Scott.
Yeah, well I think that Kevin Ryan just put his finger on it.
It's obviously UL is a business, but universities also are in business.
They live on government contracts.
The biggest universities are biggest because they get an enormous part of their funding from government contracts.
Is the old Eisenhower speech about military industrial complex undue influence?
You know, a lot of people think, well, the academy is safe from all that sort of thing, but it's not.
And we've just seen an example of it at BYU, and probably the people who are doing it may feel that they're not in a position of freedom because they have to protect the university and so on.
I just want to say one more thing.
Stephen Jones has been so reasonable.
He was saying he would take it off his
His article off his site and put it up somewhere else.
It is going up somewhere else.
I'm sorry I don't have the URL.
But he, it's not like he was taunting them or being militant or anything like that.
He's a very reasonable man.
Alright, both of you please stay there.
We've got Kevin Ryan on the line with us and Peter Dale Scott.
The one year anniversary is Monday.
Bush will be up there playing the hero, playing the savior.
And we'll be there making sure the media is forced to report on the truth.
Stay with us.
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Kevin Ryan, formerly of Underwriting Laboratories, and of course, Peter Del Scott, former diplomat and professor and best-selling author.
They both join us.
Right now today, and we're going to be talking about 9-11, we are talking about 9-11, but there's this move nationwide, and congressmen and senators have openly called for cutting off funding to universities that allow their professors to have academic freedom.
This is a very dangerous, chilling effect.
This is not what you're supposed to see in a free society, but it goes part and parcel with the free speech zones.
It's all part of this larger picture.
Going back briefly to Kevin Ryan, and we're going to let him go.
I know he's a very busy man, and we'll give him up sometime in the future for a full hour.
Kevin Ryan, can you just, again, in kind of a synopsis, thumbnail sketch, for people that don't know, describe what happened.
You said, listen, you guys did your own internal studies and showed the towers shouldn't have fallen.
You did the test before and after.
Please go public.
Meanwhile, they were telling the public something completely different.
Who was putting, or did you ever find out who was putting the pressure on them not to release those reports?
That's a good question.
I've always wondered, was NIST, was the Bush administration involved in my termination?
I can't prove that, but I wouldn't doubt it.
And you're exactly right.
My letter included not only things that had been largely reported publicly, other than UL's involvement in testing the steel components, all of it had been reported publicly.
Now, all of it is quite well known.
So at the time it was considered outrageous, right?
This was only two years ago, almost.
And, you know, the thing is, UL turned around right away and said there's no evidence that anyone tested the steel.
They didn't say they didn't test the steel.
They said there's no evidence that they didn't test the steel.
Now, this shouldn't be a secret, right?
I think we can all agree that if Underwriters Laboratories
Is a tax-exempt organization working for all of us, supposedly for safety purposes.
And they shouldn't be holding secrets back from us on what they've done, especially when it's so important.
You know, and this is very important.
I think we can all agree.
Well, that's a question I've got for both of you.
First, Peter Del Scott, where is this going to go if we see an explosion of 9-11 truth, the people now realizing there's a cover-up, and basic laws of science have been suspended by the Bush administration and both 9-11 whitewash commissions.
Peter Del Scott, what do you see happening in the future?
I mean, I see hit pieces, probably 30 or 40 of them a day against 9-11 truth in the media, but that doesn't seem to be working.
What are they going to do?
Well, first of all, it attests to, as Kevin just said, the importance of this matter.
I mean, if it's important enough to suspend Kevin Jones, it's important enough to fire Kevin Ryan, it's because they're very scared, and it's ultimately the people that will determine who comes out on top in this.
If the American people get involved in this matter and do a little basic research for themselves,
Anyone with a computer can go to Google and become more knowledgeable about 9-11 than the poor members of the 9-11 Commission were, who were not able to look at the truth.
It's a very important matter.
Particularly if we get a change in the House in November, that it could lead to the impeachment of Vice President Cheney.
Yeah, but the question is, what will they do to stop this?
What will they do to block us taking our country back?
Kevin Ryan?
I don't think they can do much at this point.
Frankly, Alex, I think that the people are waking up, and I think that's why we're seeing all this activity here late.
In a year, I know there's a big anniversary coming up, but frankly, what I see is that they seem to be very worried.
Now, I haven't even talked about this latest fake Bin Laden video.
The other fat Bin Laden video has been proven a fake.
They've proven that the new things they've released have been recuts.
Let me do five more minutes with both of you gentlemen after this 60 second break, or 70 seconds to be precise.
And I've got a few final questions for you.
Then we're going to have Bob Dacey in the studio and we're going to talk about 9-11.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-376-45.
Big Brother
Former diplomat, professor, author, Peter L. Scott is our guest.
Also, Kevin Ryan, kind enough to come on today to give us his take on the
Review the suspension right now of Professor Steven Jones at BYU University coming up.
The rest of the show, we're going to have open phones.
Bob Dacey is going to be in studio where this will be sitting on on Monday and Tuesday when I'm in New York.
Bin Laden tape betrays phony hijacker contradiction.
Target is U.S.
audience, as was fake al-Zaqqari propaganda campaign to reinforce 9-11 myth as 5th anniversary nears.
We'll be covering that.
In closing, with Peter Dale Scott and of course Kevin Ryan of Underwriting Laboratories fired for going public and asking questions,
I agree with you.
I think the worm has turned.
I think these people are like cornered rats now.
I think they overreach with 9-11.
What do you think they may try, Kevin Ryan or Peter Dale Scott, to try to save themselves?
Well, certainly one possibility is an invasion of Iran so that people forget about Iraq and think about something different, you know, in the short term.
People rally around the flag when there's an invasion.
I'm not certain that's going to happen.
As I say, I think that there are forces that have built up in Washington against it, but that is one of the things that traditionally a government in this situation will turn to.
Kevin Ryan?
Well, I don't know what they're going to do next, those people who are trying to prop up this false story and this war on terrorism, but I think
That whatever it is, when it happens, all of us are going to need to be ready to stop and think and say, you know, we're going to go along with whatever it is they have in mind next, because I think that there's not much chance of turning back once another terrorist, large terrorist event occurs.
We have to instantly hit the streets like they did in Madrid, Spain with that false flag event.
Instantly, and point the finger at the main perpetrators who have done it in the past.
Point the finger at the people who have the motive.
We have to instantly call into all talk radio.
We have to go completely ape if they stage another terror attack.
I do hope Professor Steven Jones survives this at his university.
We all need to call and support him.
Gentlemen, in closing, any other ideas of ways to help Professor Steven Jones?
I don't have anything at the moment.
How about you, Dr. Scott?
Well, there is something called the AAUP, the American Association of University Professors.
I think that's a national organization.
They should be mobilized in support of Stephen Jones, which ironically, see, will force them, in a sense, to take a position on 9-11, because at least on the right to be able to speak and write about 9-11.
Yeah, I would say the only thing I would say is we can't have science become, you know, this matter of popularity, like it is with popular mechanics.
You know, the only journal so far, not even a legitimate journal, has come out to take one stand or the other, and we can't have political influence.
Yeah, are they going to start locking people up for saying the Earth isn't the center of the universe?
You're thinking the wrong way, so no, your job is at risk?
That makes no sense at all.
Absolutely, well... It's not what you associate with America in the past.
You know, if we go into this new era here, like a new dark ages where you're not allowed to think, it's the end of everything.
Well, have you heard Bush associating how the terrorists are into conspiracy theorists and the liquid bombers watch conspiracy 9-11 videos?
I mean, come on, this is getting Bush's don't tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories.
It's getting pretty obvious.
They have an outrageous conspiracy theory themselves as to what happened.
They do.
Gentlemen, Peter Dale Scott and Kevin Ryan, both of you, I want to thank you for joining us.
And Mr. Ryan, I'd like to get you up in the near future for a full hour if we can.
I'm honored that you joined us.
Both of you, Kevin, are there any websites you'd like to give out?
Peter's giving out his.
Yeah, the Journal of 9-11 Studies, which is www.journalof911studies.com.
It's the website that Stephen Jones and I edit, co-edit.
It's a scientific journal devoted to 9-11 studies.
So, that's a good one.
Okay, thank you.
You gentlemen have a great weekend and God bless.
Thank you, Alex.
Take care.
We'll be back with Bob Dacey, a ton of news, your phone calls, and a lot more.
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The 9-11 anniversary is coming up.
The 5th anniversary in New York City, Monday.
I'm going to be there calling in live for the report about 10 minutes into the broadcast.
The man that's going to be riding shotgun with me is Bob Daisy.
He's sitting here across from me right now.
We haven't opened the phones up yet today because, well, we've had so much news to cover.
But I want to give you that number now so you can join us on air.
It's 1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
Later in this hour, at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to get into, well, the new video released of Bin Laden, and he's going to get us our headline, great analysis by Paul Watson, Bin Laden Tape Betrays Phony Hijacker Contradiction.
Target is U.S.
home audience, as with fake Al Zawahiri propaganda campaign to reinforce 9-11 myth as 5th anniversary nears.
They're pulling out all the stops.
A new tape showing Osama bin Laden meeting with September 11th hijackers days before the attack has served to boost the Bush administration's war on terror agenda as a 5th anniversary of 9-11 nears.
I mean, how staged is this?
They've already released all these other fake videos.
Then they release real, pre-9-11 videos of bin Laden, but re-edited, always saying they're new.
Then it comes out in the back of the paper they're staged.
Do you understand we've proven this?
How obvious is it?
Days before they invaded Iraq, the Secretary of State, Colin Powell, is testifying before Congress and he says, well there's a new tape on Al Jazeera where Bin Laden says he works with Saddam, which is the opposite of what was really happening.
And everybody ran out of the room and said, that's not on TV.
He said, oh it'll be on in a few hours.
They even get their time zones screwed up when they testify, when they stage all this.
So again, yet one of the hijackers who appears in the tape is reported elsewhere as still alive and completely unconnected to the terror plot.
So now we even see the supposed CIA assets that the FBI was ordered to back off of and were trained at U.S.
military bases and U.S.
military facilities on both coasts and embassy heads were ordered to let them into the country.
Oh, but now there's a tape of them with bin Laden.
Kind of like, I guess they have videotapes of Steve McQueen selling the new, the new retro Mustang.
Of course he's been dead since 81, but hey, you know.
Forrest Gump shaking hands with Kennedy.
It's all real, folks.
While you've all seen The Running Man, you all know Mad Dog Ben Richards really did attack the food riot in progress.
The tape reports to show Bin Laden meeting with alleged 9-11 hijackers Waleed Al-Shairi, if I pronounced that right, and Hamaz Al-Hamadi days before the attack in Afghanistan.
Yes, I think.
Complained to their embassies, yet the same mug shots still are being used to this day and the FBI has made no effort to reverse the list.
We'll talk more about this later after we take some calls at 800-259-9231.
Bob Daisy, first off, on short notice, I appreciate you agreeing to come in and host the show.
Alex, I don't really have much choice.
You know, you asked me to do it, and I've never hosted a radio show before, but you know, it's kind of like you take the kid down to the pond and you throw him in and say, hey buddy, take a swim.
And it's not like practice.
The pond is deep, but I'm going to do it, buddy, because I don't have any choice.
Well, Bob, you've been in the studio many times, going back what, eight years?
Yeah, I've been at this for about eight years.
But you've been sitting in with me on the radio for eight years, so you have done this before, and you just won't be in the little, you know, into the pool.
I've got to push a couple of buttons or something, you know, and once I get in the pool, once the water's fine, I'll be great.
It's just like a space capsule.
They run it all up in Minnesota, just a few little bells and whistles over here.
Also, you've been hosting your own TV show for what, five or six years?
Seven years.
Seven years of Simple Truth in Austin, Texas.
So live TV is a lot scarier than live radio?
Oh no, the TV camera is much less frightening than this microphone.
Now you are talking to two million people, conservatively, over three hours.
Go ahead and make me nervous, Alex.
Go ahead.
Two thousand versus two million.
Okay, I can do the math.
You're going to do a great job, Bob.
I'm sure I will.
No, you know, listen, I enlisted in this Info War, and all the generals are going to be up in New York, and the private's going to come in here and do his thing, and that's just the way it's going to be.
But you're not a private.
Oh, maybe a lieutenant then, or whatever.
I'm going to tell you something.
I'm looking forward to this.
You know, when you first asked me, I thought, oh, you've got to be kidding.
And then as I started to think about it, because I'm kind of slow on the uptake, I thought, wait, Alex Jones is giving me the opportunity to sit in here for six hours and talk.
How could I turn that down?
Well, you're really nice to do it, Bob.
I wanted to have Jack Blood do it, but you know, Jack's going to be up there with us in New York, but I think you're going to do it.
Listen, you're good on the radio.
Yeah, well, I'm good on television.
I don't know about radio.
We're going to find out, aren't we?
We are going to find out, and you're going to be covering 9-11 exclusively on Monday and any other breaking news.
Then on Tuesday, you're going to be spending some time with the North American Union.
Yeah, that's my other favorite subject, the North American Union.
Well, Haiti, going after the U.N.
is one of my favorite subjects, too, but we're going to go after the North American Union.
Well, it's all the same thing.
It's all the same thing.
Two sides of the same ugly sow.
I mean, what's the difference?
Now, again, we're going to go to callers after we've got a break.
We're going to come back and get into that, but all the things that are happening, the 9-11 Truth Movement exploding, people really starting to wake up.
What do you see the neocons doing to try to pull a rabbit out of a hat?
You know, Alex, apparently they're stuck on repeat like an old phonograph record.
They keep doing the same thing.
You know, every time something goes wrong, they dig out Osama.
Every time they get in trouble, something happens, they want to boost their opinion ratings in the polls.
I mean, it worries me, because I was at the barbecue place just before I came over here eating, and I'm watching television, and I think it was NBC.
It's a constant stream of fear!
Well, I promised to do this in the first hour and I got sidetracked when I walked in.
At the 20 minute break, and told me that Professor Stephen Jones, who was in the newspaper, had been put on leave pending an investigation of what he's been claiming about bombs in the buildings.
And I said I'd get into this report about this Israeli agent being the comptroller of the Pentagon when trillions came up missing.
And this guy's also tied it intimately into 9-11, so we will cover this, too, before the hour ends.
Okay, so who's the comptroller?
Doug Zachheim?
Wasn't he on the 9-1-1 Commission?
I think he was.
Well, he was involved in advising and he was also involved with the company that does remote control aircraft, but it's a long report by Jerry Mazza.
We're going to be going over this, but this is really, this is out of control.
I mean, listen, folks, and you know this, I'm nothing against Israel, but all these governments are corrupt.
When you've got someone whose father was one of the founders of Mossad, being the head of Homeland Security, a dual citizen, like Benjamin Chertoff, and you've got Doug Zachheim, a rabbi, who's an Israeli citizen, running the Pentagon, and trillions are missing, and we're not supposed to ask questions about it?
And folks, the AP admits the trillions are missing.
The trillions are missing, but we're not supposed to talk about it.
I guess we're going to find out what tenure really means, huh?
I mean, Stephen Jones, Professor Jones, has come out with some really solid scientific evidence.
This thermate
I mean, why in the world would someone who's discussing this, trying to bring this to the forefront, be attacked academically for doing scholarly work?
Obviously, it's just part of the attempt to shut him up.
And why do they want to shut him up?
I mean, hey, what's the matter with the truth?
What is the matter with the truth?
The guy's trying to say, hey, we have thermite residue here on World Trade Center columns.
Hey, 9-1-1 Commission, how come you didn't want to look into that?
I mean, and again, the 9-1-1 Commission itself.
A pack of liars.
An absolute pack of liars.
I called them the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil monkeys.
Well they first tried to have Kissinger be the quote independent head.
Remember Bush appointed this.
He doesn't have the right kind of accent.
And the media, exactly, resent that.
But the media had the nerve to continue to call it independent.
What do you see these corner rats, the neocons, doing Bob?
I really don't want to say, Alex, because I'm afraid that they might pull something again, because that's what they do every time they get back in the corner.
I know you've made your prediction about what may happen here sometime before October or during October.
But just like the first prediction in 2001, two months before, I'm saying we can stop it.
Yeah, exactly.
And I think that the more we talk about this, the more people wake up, the more information is spread, the more likely it is that they're going to think, well, maybe we won't get away with it this time, and maybe it'll backfire.
And I certainly hope they think that and just back off because unfortunately when these people get mad or they get desperate, innocent people die.
You know?
And we just can't have that.
It's amazing.
The whole thing with Iran, the neocons want to go in there.
Do you think they're going to have the will to do it?
Well, you know, the deal with Iraq is they've got the whole country completely screwed up on purpose.
You know, we don't, apparently we don't have the military on the ground, foot soldiers on the ground ability to go into Iran that way.
They're just probably going to bomb the place from the air all over the place and screw them up that-a-way.
But would they do that?
Why not?
I mean, you know... Well, Israel's saying they're getting ready to.
Well, you know, the thing about Israel, I wonder about this nuclear thing.
I believe very strongly that if Iran really had
a nuclear program which was capable of making weapons which is a totally different class of program than a civilian program if they really had it
The Israelis would have made it go by a long time ago.
Well, that's the thing.
They admit that they're enriching it about 8%, which is used for reactors.
It's 90 plus percent for bombs.
Well, the Israelis did it to the Iraqis back in the 80s.
I mean, you know, the Iraqis had this... 1981.
1981, and they went in there, and they didn't care what anybody said.
They thought, okay, Saddam actually may be capable of making a nuclear weapon back in 81.
So they just took him out.
And since, whether you like the Israelis or not, just set that aside for a second.
Whether you like them or not, when it comes to what they consider to be their national security, they don't mess around.
Because with them it's not theoretical, whether you like them or not.
If the powers that be in Israel really think that the Iranians are fixing to shoot a nuke at them, they're going to take it out.
And that hasn't happened, has it?
No, they need to go into Iran for political purposes.
We've got a break.
We'll come back.
Take your calls.
Ride your shotgun with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Let's take some of your phone calls.
Let's talk to Ron in Nevada.
You're on the air worldwide, Ron.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, Alex, you're getting close to why the Twin Towers had to be condemned.
There's a video they put out, Nightline, they did that way back right after 9-11.
And the video shows the towers swaying back and forth so bad
I think?
I've seen clips of it on the web.
Talking about how the buildings had the asbestos in them.
But clearly, you know, it wasn't the structural problem that caused them to fall, it was explosives.
Just look at building 7.
Well, I don't think it was explosives.
I believe it was pancaking.
That's why they used planes with extra jet fuel.
Which one of those planes hit 7?
No, I'm not talking about 7.
Oh, really?
What made 7 fall?
Well, no, that's part of the whole deal.
No, we do have to go back to the Twin Towers and see why they... Sir, oh, it was slang too.
Building 7, underwriting laboratories who underwrote it, the Steele before and after, said that the official story was impossible, but that they never released the report, sir.
Okay, underwriting laboratories found pancaking could not have done it.
Well, pancaking is what, like a diesel engine, that's what caused the jet fuel to explode.
Excuse me?
Pancaking is, they claim, floor after floor fell, causing such a confluence of weight that it split the buttresses in the building unzipped, and that's not what happened.
No, the pancaking would explode the jet fuel.
They had to use extra jet fuel.
The pancaking would have exploded the jet fuel?
Sure, they claim pancaking happened when the buildings collapsed, you know, many minutes later.
Bob, just jump in, go ahead.
Yeah, I want to know how the crazy Arabs in the cave in Afghanistan were able to supply extra jet fuel to the planes.
I was wondering how they managed to do that.
They didn't do that.
Well, who did?
Well, now you're getting to the point.
Now, who's behind this?
What did they do with the original passenger planes?
Did they take the passengers out and put fuel in them?
Extra jet fuel.
So you're doing the bubble plane theory?
Is that what you think?
Well, I don't know about a bubble plane.
It could be a military refueling transport.
It could be a regular commercial transporting plane that has no windows, no light.
Did you see all the photographs of the wreckage of one of those planes with the windows on it on top of one of the buildings near the World Trade Center?
Or did they fake that?
Well, I did see, I do have video where they did that at the dump.
They had just a small section of windows.
Sir, listen, I appreciate your call.
Take care.
Sean, where are you calling us from today?
Hi, Alex.
I'm in Arizona and you can look at the ST911.org and there are several papers written there in answer to the NIST.
I'm an engineer and there's no amount of jet fuel.
That would have caused...
And if it's almost a thousand degrees lower than what it takes to even start weakening the steel, I mean, if that was the case, the metal that you put your logs on, you know, the steel bars, the grate, the cradle you put your logs on in your fireplace, those would melt.
It's just ridiculous.
Alex, I've got one better than that.
For many years in my hardware store, I've sold kerosene heaters, and they burn kerosene very efficiently, and I haven't had one melt down yet.
Not a single one.
Also, too, Alex, the NIST did their own metallurgical analysis and they found that none of the steel got above 250 degrees centigrade, which is about, you know, reproducible in your kitchen oven.
But they did find sulfonation, which is the byproduct of fermite.
Absolutely, and the sulfidation has to take place at over a thousand degrees.
Hey, what are they going to do when all their Cointelpro fakes can't put out, you know, we're putting out ridiculous 9-11 stories to make us all look stupid?
The people are figuring that out.
The people know the government's lying.
What are they going to do, Sean, as science takes effect and people learn the truth?
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that the NIST is lying on its face.
I wrote an article about that.
What they're going to have to do, and I don't think an invasion of Iran is going to fly with people.
Stay there, I'll let you brief us on the other side, and we'll talk to many others, and we'll get into several big news reports we haven't even hit yet.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Yeah, I'm going to get on that big aeroplane and fly right into New York City, site of the military-industrial complex, mass murder.
We're reporting live from Ground Zero on Monday and Tuesday.
And Bob Daisy riding shotgun with me right now.
We'll be there.
I'm going to take five more calls.
I'm going to get into the Dobbs-Zackheim story.
Before I do that, I haven't really done a plug in the last two and a half hours because we have just had so many guests and so much information on.
If you believe in this broadcast, if you believe in what we're doing,
Then you need to get my documentary films.
That means Road to Tyranny, Martial Law, Masters of Terror, my newest film, Terror Storm, my best work yet, exposing 9-11, the 7-7 bombings, the Iraq War, the police state, the brainwashing, the surveillance grid, the NSA.
It is such an important film.
By the way, Bob, I haven't asked you this yet.
Have you seen Terror Storm yet?
Yes sir, I have seen Terror Storm, and I have played sections of it on my TV show, The Simple Truth, here in Austin.
I'm just curious, I haven't asked you, we're doing this right now on air, what did you think of it?
Do you think it's the best film, or not the best film, or what do you think?
Well, you know, technically speaking, it is like somebody in Hollywood spent a couple of million bucks on it.
I mean, you've got it down pat.
I mean, when you were a little kid, you know, when I first met you,
You know, your editing wasn't so good, you know, and you didn't have the expertise that you've got right now.
And every time you've made one, it's gotten better and better and better and better.
And it is the best work you've done.
I mean, it's as good as it gets.
What do you think about it stacked up against the other 9-11 films?
Previously, my favorite of all your films was 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny.
Oh, it's a good film.
That has always been my favorite, and I don't really know why.
I guess it's because
Uh, I was embarrassed for you, uh, on July the 25th, 2001.
I was watching your TV show when you predicted September 11th.
And I was sitting there going, come on, Alex, you're really sticking your neck out on this one, buddy.
And then exactly what you predicted happened.
And I thought, OK, this guy knows a lot more than even I thought he knew.
And so when you came out with 9-1-1 Road to Tyranny, to me it was like, yeah, let's go get him, boy.
Come on, let's get him.
And you really stepped up to the plate on that one.
I mean, everything technically, everything, it was slick and it was much more professional than anything you'd ever done.
But Terror Storm tops it.
Well, I just want people to get Terror Storm and make copies of it.
In fact, you've got your hardware store slash book store slash gun store in North Austin at Spicewood Springs Road 183.
Folks can pop in there and get it or they can go to Brave New Books downtown and get Terror Storm.
And all over the country, I know the Kansas City radio station KCXL that carries
This broadcast carries my film, so get in there and get it.
But once you get it, make copies.
Get them out to everyone.
It is so important because this is bringing them down right now.
They're more dangerous than ever.
Please get TerrorStorm.
Please make copies of it available by calling 888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or you can write us a check or money order or Federal Reserve notes, that's dollars, to 3001.
South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And I never really ask for donations.
I tell you to support us by getting the films.
But I have spent a lot of money making Terror Storm.
I am taking three people to New York with myself.
A lot's happening.
And frankly, I was looking at the bank account yesterday.
We do need your support right now.
A lot of unforeseen expenses.
A lot of things.
We try to upgrade the websites and the server sizes and hire more people.
I do need funds right now, folks.
We did put the film out for free on Google Video.
It's not super high quality, but, you know, it gets the word out.
We're here just trying to put it out for free, but it'd be nice if you would, you know, if you want to support us, call up and buy five or six of our videos, or if you can afford it, a hundred of them, and give them to people, or sell them at your store, or whatever.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or you can write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001.
Hi there.
I think because they're so desperate they have to pull off another fake terrorist attack that comes in from left field somewhere, maybe North Korea or something like that.
I think you're absolutely right in warning the American people that this administration is desperate.
They are desperate.
And again, if we scream bloody murder, they may not carry out the big attack or the military provocation and people will misinterpret my prediction and say, oh look, he was wrong, finally.
Look, I want to be wrong.
Of course, I'm not going to be wrong.
If we get the word out, we stop them.
I know they're going to pull it if we don't.
And we've gotten more attention than I thought we would.
I think we have a chance of stopping them.
But I don't even want to say that because it sounds like I'm hedging my bet.
It also sounds like, you know, hey, things aren't that bad, so stop warning people.
You see my point Bob?
You know one of the points that I'd like to make in regard to that is people are always telling you what a great job you're doing and people are in a local level here in Austin always tell me what a great job I'm doing and the thing I'd like to ask everybody that's listening right now is what are you doing?
You know, do you listen to this show, hang up and go about your business and call one of your friends and say, hey boy, Alex was really on today?
Or do you do something?
Do you actually take action?
Do you make phone calls?
Do you call congressmen?
A lot of our listeners do, but some people out there don't because they don't believe we can affect change.
Folks, we don't have a choice.
Stuff's going to get really bad if we don't beat these people.
Yeah, but I'm saying, I'm asking your listeners out there, be proactive.
Don't just pat Alex on the back and say, boy, you're doing a great job.
Keep it up.
We need what an organization I'm a member of calls rowers at the oars.
We need people that are active doing things.
And, you know, Alex has a whole laundry list of things you can do.
And, you know, one of my favorite things is to
Call people, wake people up, give out, give them Alex Jones videos.
Or other good videos.
Other good videos, anybody's videos.
In my opinion, one of the best places to learn about any of this stuff is go to JBS.org.
That's the John Birch Society's main website, which has been totally and completely revamped, all brand new, got new management in there.
Yeah, they've kicked out the bad guys.
They're back.
Yeah, they kicked out the guys that were holding them down, and they are back, and they are up and running.
Yeah, McManus even said that Building 7 looks bad and it could be an inside job.
Yeah, that's John McManus right here on the Alex Jones Show a few months ago, said they were going to be looking into Building 7.
And he talked about how they've been infiltrated.
People have noticed that, but they've done a lot of good work, and a lot of the foundation we have now is because of the John Birch Society and its great members.
Who's up next here?
Daniel in Florida, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, how you doing?
Okay, I want to make this short.
You're running out of time.
Remember back when they were talking about doing a drill of exploding a nuke somewhere in South America?
Like a Navy drill?
They do those drills all the time.
They do it off North Carolina, Hawaii, you know.
Well, a couple years ago, a year and a half or so, like just after that happened, it got called off saying that there was a leak or something.
They were all pissed that that happened.
Dick Cheney came on TV briefly
And some people will think we just walked in the door and the TV was on and Dick Cheney was on there saying, it's all you trying to find out the truth of what really happened on 9-11.
If you don't back off, you will be hit with a nuclear strike.
And then he just cut off and went back to... No, no, no.
You're getting the show wrong.
No, he was on Meet the Press.
And he said that if you keep frustrating us with the 9-11 investigation, it's going to cause us to divert our energies and then we're going to be hit by a nuke, which basically was an open threat, but it wasn't quite stated that way, Bob.
Yeah, again, you're talking about taking a factual situation and tweaking it a little bit and making it
Not factual, and then people hear that and they think you're just not playing with a full deck.
You've got to keep your facts straight.
There's so much conspiracy stuff out there, which is not provable, that's out there in left field, that you've got to get your facts straight when you're talking about this stuff, because you're saying a direct threat from Cheney, it was a gigantic veiled threat, and there's a big difference.
Yeah, and then somehow it got mixed into nuke drills, which they might have.
I guess on the news before that, what you saw, because they did re-air his clip all over the news.
So I could see how it would be confusing.
It's in the Houston Chronicle, they're building FEMA camps for illegal aliens and bad citizens, but then everybody I always hear who talks about concentration camps never wants to talk about facts or army manuals.
It's always, my cousin saw a railway car.
And one of the things that Alex is famous for, and I admire him so much for, is he stays away from all the stuff that's really not concrete.
He stays away from stuff he can't prove, because there's a lot of stuff out there which is garbage.
But people still can't believe it when I get on air and go, look, Google's going to use the microphones in your computers to listen to you.
And that's exactly why you should be listening to Alex Jones, because he stays away from all the weird stuff, and when he tells you something weird, you better believe it.
Even though, after all these years, Alex,
Still, when you come up with something I haven't checked out, I say, OK, I've got to check this out, because just in case Alex is wrong, I'm not going to go with this until I verify it.
But the problem is every time I check it out.
You're telling the truth.
Hey Alex,
Again, my name is Jim Dillon, but he's using Dillon and that's okay.
Okay, well that's fine.
Yeah, that's fine with me.
You know what, I think Bob will do fine also, even though he's got some shoes to fill, I think he'll do well.
Jim, I'm not going to be filling any shoes here, I'm just going to be writing.
He's going to be filling this sheet, doing a great job Monday and Tuesday.
That's right.
Well, all he has to do is tell the simple truth, which happens to be the name of this TV show anyway, so he's got good practice at that.
I wish you luck up there in New York, Alex, and we'll be listening to Bob and checking it out.
I'd like to know from your guest today who he's supporting, and not that he has to reveal that.
Who are you supporting for Texas Governor?
Are you supporting Jim Dillon?
Thank you, Jim, for your daily call.
I like Jim, but he only gets two calls a week, I've told him.
Go ahead.
Are you asking me if I'm supporting you for governor, Jim?
I just think he wants to know who you're supporting for governor.
I haven't made up my mind yet.
I'm studying the issues and I'm trying to interview governor people and I'm trying to figure out what I think.
So right now I'm going to have to...
Rylander Strayhorn is not trustworthy.
Well, are any of them trustworthy?
Who knows?
Kiki Friedman, we have him here in the studio.
That is a character.
You know what, Alex?
You know what I would like to do?
I would like to get Strayhorn on this show sometime and discuss her plans to destroy the Trans-Texas Corridor in detail.
Not in sound bites, but in detail.
We've asked her to and she won't do it.
She's as crooked as a barrel of snakes, folks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jason in Kansas City, and that's it for calls.
I've got some news I want to hit.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Jason.
Howdy, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Good, good.
I just wanted to talk about two things here.
Do you think that when the Iranian president comes to speak at the U.N., that the U.S., maybe like Black Ops, Secret Service, whatnot, try to pull anything with him?
I mean, you just heard a former diplomat, expert on the New World Order, who's done so much incredible work, Peter Dale Scott, saying Iran may actually work for the New World Order, sir.
That's how staged and how high up this is.
See, we're saying Iran's evil, Israel's evil, Russia's evil, China's evil, the U.S.
government's evil.
Just like the Bible tells you, governments are going to be evil.
A good government's very rare.
And normally people get assassinated if they are good.
And there's a lot of evidence that Iran is involved in all this and it's staged.
Well, you know, that is the one question that I've wondered about over the last several months as I watch the news media constantly tell us that the Iranians are going to nuke us tomorrow if we don't nuke them first.
You know, it's in the Bible.
It says, do unto others before they do unto you.
What I do wonder about is why this Ahmadinejad
continues to make these pronouncements which are actually benefiting the people who don't want to attack him.
Well, but it's admitted that it was the Ak-Tila Khamenei people that the CIA used to overthrow Mohammad Mossadegh, who wasn't a Muslim extremist in 1953 and staged terror attacks to do it.
Then they flew in the Ak-Tila Khamenei when the regime had, quote,
Fallen of the Shah to then get control of the Islamic Revolution.
Then they used them to, you know, buy arms and weapons and deals to keep the prisoners and blame it on Carter.
We know then they were used to attack the Serbs and go in and get the Serbs.
I mean, I'm really starting... I think it's staged.
Unfortunately, if it's staged or not staged, if they attack the Iranians, you're going to have untold thousands of people getting killed who don't deserve it.
But the average American out there who just sucks their thumb and worships George Bush or Bill Clinton, they don't care about that.
They're going to care about their gas prices being six bucks a gallon.
That's true.
And then that means your food will double in prices.
Everything is based on the price of oil.
Yeah, the plastic cups you buy, just everything.
I mean, and conservatively when they attack, for five to six months, it will go, just if it's an aerial bombardment, the price of fuel will go up to an unbelievable six dollars a gallon of gas.
We're talking about 150, 200 dollar a barrel oil.
But don't worry, when it's all over, they will have used your taxpayer money to bomb the snot out of Iran, and then once it's all broken up and busted up and they install a new government, they'll use your taxpayer money to fix what they broke with your taxpayer money, and the bankers will get richer.
The good old bankers, who by the way, they control the neocons.
The neocons are their throwaway gun, basically.
Throwaway gun, you know, crooks and corrupt police carry them.
It's an untraceable gun.
It's just something they can do a job with and then not get caught.
I tell ya, Jerry Mazza's done a great report over at Online Journal.
We've got links to it on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Following Zachheim and Pentagon trillions, I want to read part of this and get your take on it when we get back, Bob Dacey.
Think of this as part two of a previous article that he wrote for Online Journal about Dov Zachheim, former Bush appointee
As Pentagon Comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004.
At that time, he was unable to explain the disappearance of over $1 trillion.
Actually, there were three years earlier, Donald Rumsfeld announced on September 10, 2001, that an audit discovered $2.3 trillion was also missing from the Pentagon books.
By the way, if you disagree with this, just type in trillions missing from Pentagon, you'll get AP going back to five days before 9-11.
Now, we know they had it in the works, but they sprung it early, the evidence shows, to kind of smokescreen that.
I mean, folks, trillions is missing.
Okay, this is official.
The story, as I mentioned, was buried under 9-1-1 rubble.
The two sums disappeared on Zach Himes' watch.
Yet on May 6, 2004, Zakheim took a lucrative position at Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the most prestigious strategy consulting firms in the world.
One of its clients then was Blessed Relief, a charity said to be a front for Osama Bin Laden.
Again, it's all CIA folks.
Booz Allen and Hamilton then also worked closely with DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is the research arm of the Department of Defense.
So the dark card was shifted to yet another part of the deck.
Judicial Inc's bio of Dobb tells us that Zachheim was, is, a dual Israeli-American citizen and an ordained rabbi and had been tracking the halls of U.S.
government for 25 years, casting defense policy and influence on President Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Bush Sr.
He is, as I described him earlier, and it goes on, a bionic Zionist.
And this guy's not even a double agent.
I mean, he's an open Israeli agent,
Trillions missing, and I guess we're not allowed to talk about it because it's connected to Israel.
So there goes trillions!
I mean, it's more than a whole year's federal budget is gone, and we're not allowed to discuss it, and just hail the government, and asbestos is good for the firefighters at Ground Zero.
It's here!
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Great for us while we're in New York.
I pray that God open the eyes of the American people on 9-11, which is happening.
I think our prayers and actions are having an effect.
And I hope to see a lot of you there in New York.
There will be demonstrations in Austin, Texas and all over the country.
Be sure and get out to those and find out if those are going on in your area.
9-11 Truth sites have a complete list of that and I'm told we're getting that up on Infowars.com for you as well.
Bob Dacey, the trillions missing from the Pentagon.
I've aired congressional reports, testimony where Rumsfeld says, we don't know where it is, we're not going to tell you.
And then every year it's brought back up to them and they'll never discuss it.
Any member of Congress that brings it up, they then target in their re-election campaign and overthrow them.
This is pretty serious.
Yeah, when Cynthia McKinney asked Rumsfeld that question a while back, they got rid of her real quick after that, didn't they?
I mean, you know, come on, trillions of dollars, and what are our taxes every year?
Trillions of dollars divided by how many taxpayers?
I mean, how much is this hitting you in your pocketbook?
And nobody seems to care.
I think people are kind of financially retarded.
Once you get past millions, they can't figure it out anyway.
But we've gone past millions into billions into trillions.
And nobody can grasp it.
They can't grasp the amount of money.
And I don't know why they're getting away with it.
I mean, if someone came into your house and just took all your stuff and left, I think you'd be a little irritated.
But what's going on here at our house up in Washington, D.C.?
Well, that's the thing.
People will get violently mad if a clerk gives them back a dollar less change or if their dogs...
If their neighbor's dog does something in their yard, they'll get mad, but the government is just looting and stealing.
This is why they want world government.
These international corporations aren't just setting up world government, they're removing national authority and liberties and freedoms from the people.
The new institutions are abolishing liberty.
Yeah, I do not understand how it can possibly be that people don't understand the financial.
I mean, trillions of dollars, nobody cares.
I mean, think about it.
You've done this stuff on the comprehensive annual financial report with all the money that they've got coming out their ears that they don't want us to know about, and yet they tax us more and more and more because everybody knows that the solution to our problems is to raise our taxes.
That's the only solution that there ever is.
When are the people going to wake up and realize, hey, you've got a pickpocket
In your back pocket, in your front pocket, in your back pocket.
Oh, no, the pickpocket's keeping me safe from terrorists.
And we go, but wait a minute, that terrorist has known CIA and it's clearly a fraud.
Oh, shut up, I want to get my freedom up.
Yeah, and no one seems to want to talk about World Trade Center building number seven and how it fell down all by itself.
I think it must have fainted, Alex.
I think that's what it was.
No plane hit it, and I think it fainted.
That earlier caller was bringing up the official story of why Tower 1 and 2 fell, and I said, what about 7?
They go, oh, let's move back to the Towers.
Yeah, he was clueless.
The poor guy was clueless.
And that's a tough thing.
You've got a bunch of clueless people out there that when you confront them with something that's hardcore solid,
They changed the subject.
And I think... Well, it's like the North American Union.
I mean, we've been telling people for decades about this.
Now Bush has signed it.
We're going into it.
We're in it.
Even Lou Dobbs says it's the end of the U.S.
And these people still can't figure it out.
Well, and again, I think most people, ABC, CBS, NBC, still haven't talked about it.
So, you know, they're doing the old feed them the garbage and keep them in the dark scenario, as far as most Americans are concerned.
I mean, CNN, Lou Dobbs is about the only one, Jerome Corsi is the only writer that's doing anything about it.
Of course, we're doing something about it here locally, and you're doing something about it, but in terms of mainstream, there's not that much activity on the North American Union.
Unfortunately, that's why we've got to force it out there and make it a major issue, as we've done with 9-11.
Let them deny it all day.
The people will then find out the truth.
We told them the truth, and they'll get even more angry.
And people aren't listening more than ever, but it's just, it's always amazing to see these dumbbells.
Bob, folks can tune in and hear you sitting in for me on Monday and Tuesday.
I'll be in New York calling with live reports each day as things develop.
The big demonstration will be going full tilt boogie on Monday when you start the show, and I'll be calling in then, and I appreciate you coming in and sitting in with us.
Hey, I got no choice, Alex.
We're in a fight, and we gotta win it.
Alright, there goes Bob Dacey.
You'll hear him on Monday.
We'll continue to cover what's happening with Professor Stephen Jones being suspended there at his university.
And a lot more.
Be sure and watch the websites Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com over the weekend and on Monday and Tuesday.
God bless you all.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.