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Name: 20060907_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 7, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I don't know how I'm going to cover all of this news today.
This is going to be a massive broadcast, extremely important.
It is Thursday, the 7th day of December.
I'm thinking of December 7th, 1941.
It is September 7th, 2006, ladies and gentlemen, and a very important broadcast lined up for you today.
We have an Austin pastor who's gone public in the last year on 9-11 being an inside job.
He's also written a book on the subject of the police state and the New World Order, America, Fascism, and God, sermons from a heretical preacher.
And so he is coming up later in the next hour.
We also have one of our fine affiliate owners coming on who is doing a screening of Terror Storm.
And so we'll have that guest on coming up in about 30 minutes and we'll give you more details on both those guests after this first break.
In the meantime, here's the type of news I have in front of me.
Anderson Cooper's CIA secret!
Here's another story out of the Chicago Tribune.
Sterile victims stand up, decry legacy of eugenics.
Chicago Tribune.
President Bush, of course, yesterday, and we've got a clip of this we're going to play later, has come out and defended the secret CIA
torture centers, but he says it isn't torture, we're just quote, getting rough on them.
You're not with Al Qaeda, are you?
And he's also saying that conspiracy theorists are aiding the terrorists, and that the terrorists are using conspiracy theories considering and concerning what really happened on 9-11.
So we'll go through those reports as well.
Here's a report out of Iran Focus.
Iran says U.S.
Israel ordered September 11th attacks.
The Supreme Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard accused the Bush Administration and Israel Security Services of ordering the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and D.C.
Of course, you know the news that Ahmadinejad has challenged Bush to a debate in the General Assembly.
That will never happen.
Yesterday we really had a bombshell report here.
28-year career CIA official says that 9-11 clearly an inside job.
Highlights missing Pentagon trillions as potential motive.
We'll be getting into that report for you after the break and a lot more.
I also want to talk about a radio interview I did yesterday on KTSA 550.
And the host, I guess Chris Duhl, was friendly when I was on the phone with him, but then I had a chance to listen after I was off air as I drove in my car to the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar Movie Theater to give a speech and show my new film.
And so I sat there in the parking lot and listened to 15 minutes of it, and Mr. Duhl and another host from the station
I had an interesting way of going after me and I want to comment on the psychology that was manifest and you know really how individuals like Mr. Doole and Mr. Ware who were on the show just don't have all the pieces of the puzzle and I think they're genuinely starting to take serious what I have to say and that's happening with more and more big mainstream radio hosts but they still just can't come to grips with it so I wanted to briefly
Talk about that little interview I did yesterday because it's an illustration of how people in the establishment out there who mean well just don't have their paradigm tuned into reality.
So perhaps we can try to shift that for them.
So I wanted to go through some of the misconceptions of people out there who are still in semi-denial.
And there's so much more.
I just, I mean, I look at all the news here in front of me today.
I'm going to attempt to cover it all in rapid succession.
So, stay with us.
Huge, important broadcast lined up for you today.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here live and of course back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
You can also listen to my radio show.
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I think so.
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So again, thank you for all of your support.
Okay, we've got Bush saying, we get rough with people and we pressure them, but it's not torture, and you better be glad we're doing this or the terrorists would have basically, you know, cut your head off and sucked all your blood.
Just more propaganda, and they claim they foiled all these terror attacks, which is chilling!
You remember back on the 10th of last month, or was it the 12th of last month, when I launched Operation Expose the Government Terrorist Part 2, the first time I launched that operation was two months before 9-11, and I said there was a lot of information, a lot of different indicators coming together showing us a prime
We're good to go.
And we had a former top CIA analyst who ran an entire department of the CIA on yesterday, Bill Christensen.
And he, of course, I talked to him during a break and hadn't even read my analysis on that subject.
And I said, when do you see a prime window for attacks?
And he said,
in the next few months.
And the other experts I've talked to, people who are currently in government, by the way, that I've talked to off the record, see the same window.
I mean, when you've been studying this for a long time, it's not really that hard to do.
Their program to start World War III is stalling.
There are a bunch of scandals threatening to bring down the current crime syndicate that's in control in Washington.
They have midterm elections coming up and are in danger of having a lot of incumbents, both Democrat and Republican, being swept out.
The establishment wouldn't care if it was just a Republican defeat, and they kept their establishment Democrats in.
No, no, no, no.
It is 80-plus percent in major polls of the American people distrusting government at an all-time record high.
The jig's up, boys!
We know you're criminals, okay?
And the majority of Americans now know you're murdering terrorists.
You understand you're not going to stop us.
And if you detonate a bomb in Chicago or Dallas or other prime targets, the CFR has mentioned.
They love to brag.
That's what psychopaths do.
They like to, oh, this will probably get hit.
And when it does, they go, see how smart we were.
That's what these criminals are doing.
So we can also, that's one of the other big indices, indicator areas that we look at.
So it is, I predicted that you would hear them right before the major attack, if they were going to go with a major attack.
Telling you about how they foiled a bunch of other terror attacks.
You see a whole raft of terror attacks they claim that they have foiled in the past and then if there's a conjunction with current bust which we've seen in England and now if we see a few more of these that is definitely the balloon going up and we go from 95 percent chance they're going to stage a terror attack to 99 percent.
Okay, so we're seeing the key indicators now being laid out
And we're seeing the same preparatory phase in the media, hyping, we're going to get hit, give up all your rights, martial law is good, anybody that criticizes the government is a terrorist, people that say 9-11 is an inside job are terrorists.
We're seeing all of those key statements, key propaganda, preparatory actions being made.
It doesn't look good.
But at the same time, my prediction of government-sponsored terror, unless we get involved, that's the key addendum or caveat,
Has been put out there.
It's even been picked up by national television.
It's been picked up by national newsprint.
It has, thanks to you out there, really had a big effect.
And so we may be able to stop them from nuking a city.
That's their favorite, or releasing a bioweapon, which is in their own Pentagon documents, if they want to do that, to bring in martial law and capture us as an engine of global domination and hegemon.
If we're able to expose the government-sponsored terror attack paradigm in the West, which we have a chance of doing right now, though it doesn't look good.
It looks like they're just going ahead with it.
We may be able to back them off, though.
I want to be clear about that.
Please expend all your energy.
Take action.
Inform everybody.
Scream bloody murder now.
Point out who the real criminals are.
Because if we yell loud enough at them, it may scare them off.
They may scurry off to another target, and that will be a massive terror attack in Israel,
That will be a massive terror attack on a ship, or a group of ships, or an attack in even some place like Central Europe, Eastern Europe, or Western Europe, and it may be a low-intensity attack, a blowing up of a bus, or something along those lines, and then a connection to Iran, though that may not be a big enough provocation to kick off World War III.
Also, Israel's building up for a massive military offensive and announcing they may go into Lebanon and take over the entire country.
Israel, of course, the last two weeks has announced they're getting ready to strike Iran.
That could be the provocation.
Just go ahead, right in front of everybody, attack Iran, and then drag the U.S.
into it, and the general public switches back into mindless, animal, tribal groupthink again.
And then Iran really could carry out some attacks.
And as soon as that happens, as soon as there's an attack on Iran, conservatively you're going to see a doubling in oil prices.
And that will devastate the economy.
So that's what we're facing right there.
Bush is out hyping how they saved us from all these countless terror attacks and now detailing them.
Uh, they are issuing, of course, more fake tower alerts.
And the reason they need to do that before they stage another attack is so they can say, look, we saved you from all these other attacks.
We can't stop every goal.
We can't, you know, throw a no-hitter every time.
We tried.
You didn't give us the tools we needed.
You blocked Patriot Act total expansion.
And now it's your fault this happened.
And I've heard the neocons on radio now reading off the script, most of them CIA, putting out
This type of propaganda.
And let's be honest, most of those quote aren't CIA, they're just on government payroll.
Let's be clear.
They're not actually officers or agents.
Or operatives.
Boy, I tell ya, we're already 16 minutes in and I don't know how I'm going to get to all of it.
Here's a report.
Anderson Cooper, CIA secret.
CNN confirms the CIA passed.
This is always an important subject because 400,000 plus women were sterilized in this country.
If you made under a B plus and were from a single parent family, they would take you in for a quote medical exam.
A lot of times they'd just knock you out without even letting you know that you were being put under.
And well, here it is.
It's out of the Chicago Tribune.
And for some reason this has come back into the press.
And the reason these type of stories are important is it shows the ruthlessness of the government and how these sterilizations were kept secret for 60 years.
Now let's be clear, this was going on until the mid-1980s, but it went back into the 20s.
And they kept it secret for 60 years, from the 20s until the 80s.
60 plus years and so I don't want to hear that you can't keep 9-11 secret.
They kept the Manhattan Project secret.
They kept black men even being given syphilis and allowed to spread it.
Secret with Tuskegee.
I can go through the drill.
There's hundreds of examples.
I'll do a whole show sometime where I dig up hundreds of examples and just go over them.
I mean, they look at us like lunch meat on the shelf, folks, like a box of Cracker Jacks.
We are literally a human resource.
And when you start figuring out that the elite see us as absolute cattle and stop being naive, we can set about saving this country.
Let me just briefly tell you about what happened on the radio yesterday.
You know, I do interviews almost every day, some days multiple times, and I got a call, they wanted me on KTSA 550, and back when I was anti-Bill Clinton, exposing Oklahoma City as an inside job, and back when I was exposing Waco as an inside job, and back when I was doing all that, they'd have me on their shows on KTSA, which is the biggest, if not the second largest, WAI and KTSA together are about the same size in the ratings.
Point is, millions of people listen to it.
And over the years, I was their darling.
Now, they don't know what to do because I'm exposing 9-11 as an inside job, but Chris Duhl, one of their talk show hosts, looked into my claims.
Off air, they tell me, oh yeah, we're big fans like what you're doing, but obviously on air, they have to, quote, be neutral.
And so they've got me on there, and here comes one of the were-pairs.
It's a dad and son who do a show on there, but the son comes on, been on for like 30 years.
After I went off, he came on and he said, well, you know, we know Alex has done some good work in the past, but I just can't believe this is true.
You know, his soul for eternity is in a lot of trouble that he's made these accusations and it isn't true.
It's quite an accusation to make that our government would do this.
And besides, these same people say Rumsfeld's inept and Bush is inept and they've done a bad job in Iraq, well then how could they carry out an attack on 9-11 and do it with such precision?
Well, of course I couldn't respond.
I wasn't on the air then.
No, our government is doing an excellent job in Iraq according to their true declassified stated goals.
In documents through the 90's right back to the early 80's.
And that's to wreck Iraq like they wrecked Vietnam.
So when we get back I'm going to explain what I gave in a speech last night at the Alamo Draft House, what the wreckers are.
The wreckers.
There's a historical context to all of this, so this is an important piece of information, so I will document the records for you on the other side.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Davidson Lohr will be joining us in the next hour in studio.
He's a Vietnam veteran, pastor, and he's exposing 9-11 as an inside job and got attacked big time in a local paper and even nationally as well.
A lot of courage.
He'll be joining us coming up in the next hour.
We have another great guest that we'll introduce for you in the next segment.
So, I'm on this radio show and then after I go off, they then spend the next 30 minutes
I don't know.
They said, you know, if Bush and them can't control Iraq and can't do a good job over there, how can they carry out 9-11?
Well, how can 19 hijackers carry it out controlled from McKay?
I mean, that's a stupid thing to say, but that's one of the most popular things they say.
And to break this down, last night I gave a speech right after I'd done the interview at the Elmwood Draft House, and I talked about a historical phenomenon that goes back thousands of years in Asia, on the coastlines of China,
and even Japan and of course in the Red Sea and in the Persian Gulf and really the folks that perfected it were the British and they were even licensed to do it in my off time which is rare.
I like to read history books and I really like naval
And I'm reading and finishing an excellent book titled The Pirate Hunters about Captain William Kidd, who was not really a pirate.
He's known as a pirate.
He was truly an American privateer, colonial privateer, who then got blamed for some piracy.
But it's an excellent history book by Mr. Zacks, who's an award-winning, it was a Time Magazine Book of the Year.
New York Times bestseller.
Point is, it's a good book, y'all, read it.
And in there, they talk about a phenomenon that I'd read about before, so I went and did some research online about it, and that's wreckers.
And when you understand that the New World Order even admits that a lot of their policies and ideas are based in privateering and pirating, and what these towns would do in England was they would build fake lighthouses, lighthouses that they would only turn on during fog or storms, off the English Channel.
There on the east side of England, the southeasterly area, there were a bunch of towns that did this, and they had governmental wink-wink authorization to do it, and they were called wreckers.
You say, what does this have to do with 9-11?
Well, they would build these fake lighthouses, and they would guide ships in to the reefs and to the rocks, right off the coast, just a few hundred yards, and then they would wreck them, and then they would go out, because most people couldn't swim back then, so most of them would drown.
And then the townspeople, the men, the children, they would row out or sail out and steal the cargoes off of the semi-submerged ships.
They're called wreckers.
And there were quite a few English towns that were known as wrecking towns.
And that's what the globalists do.
We think they're failing in Iraq.
No, no, no.
Their own documents say they want to break it in three parts and have endless sectarian warfare.
And division.
And I've been saying this since before we invented IRAC, that that was the plan.
And now even mainstream magazines and newspapers and analysts are saying, hey, did you know they planned to do this?
So when people say, well, they can't do a good job in IRAC, that they screwed up there, that they're too inept to carry out 9-11, no, no, no, no, no.
We could have won the Vietnam War in six weeks with a full military bombardment and landing in the North.
That was well-known.
The assessments had been done.
It was never allowed.
It was a 15-year war from 1960 declared in 1964.
It was never an officially declared war, but they announced it was full-scale in 1964 with the staged Gulf of Tonkin incident, as you know.
And so, they then kept the war going for 15 years at over $100 billion a year on average.
Some years were $180 billion, but the average was about $105 billion a year.
Again, do defense contractors make more money if they're in Iraq a year, or if they're there 10 years, 20 years, 30 years?
This is what wreckers are all about.
This is what order out of chaos is all about.
Create a crisis, create this vortex of destruction, and then the globalists manage it and get total power and control out of it.
It's the same thing with the drug war.
We've got more drugs than we've ever had on our streets.
Again, triple the heroin, double the cocaine that we had 12 years ago.
We have a quadrupling of the prison population that we had just 10 years ago.
And we've tracked back the big money laundering banks that then own the majority of the shares of the private shares in the big five prison industries.
And your children or young people use it.
And they put you in prisons where you work for 20 cents an hour working for the drug cartels.
They're wreckers!
They hired Gloria Steinem and others to create the phony feminist movement.
To break down the family.
That's now declassified.
They're home wreckers.
They're wreckers.
They wreck everything and then they come in and pick up the pieces for pennies on the dollar.
So, they're not screwing up in Iraq or following their plans.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
In just one moment, we're going to be talking to Jack Ambersack.
I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly.
I've never talked to this wonderful individual.
And I know that he's the owner of WCER and carries the broadcast.
And I want everybody to come out to a great event that the radio station is going to be hosting.
My new film, Terror Storm, is going to be showing for free at the Lyons-Lincoln Theater.
That's right, WCER is making the showing free for everyone.
Invite your friends to come with you on Tuesday, September 12th and Tuesday, September 19th at 7pm.
That's my new film, Terror Storm, at the Lyons-Lincoln Theater.
And we are so honored to be joined by Jack Ambrosic.
Is that correct, sir?
I apologize.
I'm brain-dead, Commander.
It's no problem at all.
And Jack Amborzik joins us.
Number one, I've never had a chance to talk to you.
I wish I had time to talk to all the great station owners and managers that carry us.
Tell us about WCER, sir.
Well, the difference between WCER and other religious radio stations is a balanced program and diversity.
No matter what your religious background, you'll find that programs such as we carry four NFL football games, for example.
We also have the American League and National League baseball games going to the World Series.
We have Dave Ramsey's show, which is totally money makeover, and Dr. Lars Schlesinger.
Dobson's on with Focus and the Family.
And our mission statement declares that today people are more uptight and full of anxiety about what is going to happen than at any other point in our lifetime.
And it's our commission by God to warn its listeners about the ongoing threat and
Threats to our faith, our families, and our freedoms.
And this is where you come in, Alex.
I think that God has risen people such as yourself and myself at these times to defend what we know to be the freedoms, the liberties that are now trying to be taken away from us.
And He can count on us because we're going to stay in a gap no matter what it cost us in our personal lives, our careers,
That we're going to be there until the bitter end, no matter what it means to us individually.
Well, Mr. Ambrosek, I really appreciate you picking up the show, and I know that you've gotten a lot of support.
You've also, of course, had people criticize it, and even sent in a few letters to the editor.
What made you decide to pick up the broadcast?
Well, it was almost like hand-in-glove situation, Alex.
We heard your show on the way down to Columbus, Ohio, one time.
And people were calling saying, you know, everything that you're doing on the air, you should have Alex Jones.
And when we started to air your show, we said, this is too good to bury somewhere.
We want to put you early in the morning.
So we start at 5 a.m.
with your show and we continue to 8.30.
So you are prime with us.
You're our anchor.
And yes, we do play you at other times during the week and on the weekends.
But the people now have learned to wake up to you and to wake up to the situations that are going on.
So you're really the base that we're operating from.
And then of course we have other people like Derry Brownfield, which I know you've had on your show.
Derry's doing a great job with bringing the attention to the farmers and the cattlemen and things like that of what's going on.
And we have a Patriot Act group that comes on, or funny as heck, out of Arizona, and they're out to sell some gold and silver, but they're also talking about their backyard and what's happening with the Mexicans and how it's affecting their life in Arizona.
Well, Jack, I mean, even Lou Dobbs has said it.
America is ending.
This is the end of the country.
That is his quote.
They have officially signed the American Union.
And I remember people 5, 6, 7 years ago would laugh at me when I said that because it was so unbelievable.
Now people are being forced to face reality because it's actually happening.
It's unfolding.
We have more and more prominent people going public on 9-11.
And it's going to be people like you, Jack, who are going to save this country.
It's people like you that have the bold courage to put my broadcast on.
We're getting a lot of new affiliates, and we're really excited about your station that's been carrying us for a while and now expanding the broadcast.
Tell people about the listening area, the different cities and towns where they can tune in to hear the show.
Give us the frequency and all the info.
Well, we're a Clear Channel radio station, not the company Clear Channel, but we get out about 70-75 miles in radius.
You can pick us up in Cleveland, in Youngstown, Warren, Ohio.
We get out to Sharon, Pennsylvania.
In fact, sometimes I ride the turnpike all the way down into Pittsburgh, and you can hear us.
We get down to about 20 miles north of Columbus, into Mansfield, and then up towards Sandusky, and of course Akron and Canton.
So, we have approximately 2,800,000 people in our listening audience that we can be reaching with your show.
Now, if everybody, of course, would have to be listening to 900 AM, but that's the influence that we have, and that we're, as you're saying, trying to be a light in the darkness, and hopefully this light's going to shine through.
And hopefully people that are listening to this program right now will inspire more radio stations to pick up the gauntlet and to carry this banner of liberty that we are trying to do ourselves, you and I and Darian and some of the other people across the country.
Well, Jack, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I want to take this time out to thank all of our affiliates from Southern California to Kansas City to upstate New York to Florida to right here in Austin, Texas.
I want to thank all of the stations that pick up this broadcast.
And if you're listening on an AM or FM station, that is so important that you tell everyone.
And I routinely here in Austin, when my program is rebroadcasting or when other good shows are on, I will pull up at red lights and I'll roll down my window
And I'll tell them, tune in to KLBJ 590, tune in to 100.1 FM, tune in to these frequencies here locally.
I do it in grocery store lines.
All the time, fans of the broadcast who are listening off other radio stations or the internet or watching the TV show walk up to me at the mall or at a movie theater or at the grocery store
And they're not even aware, after all these years, the stations I'm on, Monday through Friday, here in Austin.
So folks, don't hide your light under the bushel.
Tell everybody about News Talk WCER 900 and all the towns and cities that are able to pick it up.
And it's the same for every other affiliate we've got.
Tyranny is going to take this country over unless we stand in the gap.
Unless we take action now.
And Jack, you're doing something super exciting.
You are having two free screenings of my new film, which is my best work folks, Terror Storm.
Please invite folks to that.
Yes, and the response so far, I think we're going to have a sellout crowd so that if you're going to be there, be there at 6 o'clock so that we can accommodate as many people as possible.
That's why we're having it two times, both a 12th and a 19th at 7 p.m.
We're looking at between 500 and 650 people.
We had 800 in Dallas.
We had over 1200 in LA.
We can sell out as many as 9 showings in a row here in Austin.
I think you are going to have an overflow crowd, especially because
It is free.
I want to tell everybody, get out there to this event and we just shipped out a bunch of Terror Storm to the event.
In fact, now that you tell me the crowds are going to be that big, I think we're going to ship out some more to you today, sir, so you have enough to get it out to all the people that want to get it when they're there.
Well, Alex, I really appreciate your help on this matter, but keep up the good work because your Terror Storm, I've reviewed the
The screening myself, and it is an excellent, excellent documentary.
People just watch it.
I mean, it's quality through and through.
It's just like a production right out of the Hollywood.
Jack, I'm curious about your mindset, your psychology, your journey.
Obviously, you're a Christian, Christian broadcaster, a popular radio station that you've owned for many years.
I mean, were you aware of the New World Order five years ago, ten years ago, or when did you...?
Actually, I did some financial transactions in Europe, and I was involved with the Arabs, as well as
We're good to go.
And that's when I first became interested in, we don't control our destiny anymore, that this whole thing has been set up from way back, from the Rothschilds.
So you've known for a long time?
Oh, yes.
But it wasn't until actually, as we said, I got the move from God to say, hey, I will do something about this thing.
So I'm 71 now.
I wanted to retire a few years ago.
But I was never able to be in the service.
I would have enjoyed serving my country.
But being born in 1935, I skipped all that kind of stuff because of children, etc, etc.
But now I have an opportunity of being a patriot and doing something.
And I said to God and to my country that as far as I'm concerned, the rest of my life is going to be dedicated to exposing, or I should say unmasking,
All these things that are going on.
Absolutely, Mr. Ambrosic.
Specifically, tell people where the theater is located, how they get there.
Okay, well, it's in Massillon, Ohio.
It's right downtown on Lincoln Way East.
It's one of the older palace theaters that they had when movies were movies.
I love those!
Yeah, I do.
And we have commandeered it for two showings.
At the time, it's all we could afford because, not on that, but insurance.
So we took on the two nights, hoping that if this is successful, we'll do it more times.
It has to be, of course, needed and wanted.
I think once the people see what you have, your movies all about, they'll request having it more.
But the nice thing with what you're doing, Alex, yes, we are bringing in some of these books and we're going to be selling them there for you.
But you have given them the authorization to make copies of it and to spread it to different functions, different churches, to different
Places of opportunity that would want to see this, the history of the government-sponsored terrorism.
So that, I believe, is where we're all collectively getting together.
We're doing right now, Alex, I don't know whether you are understanding this or not, but we're doing a whole seminar over the air on the Constitution.
We're taking it back to going back to high school where they should have been teaching all about the Bill of Rights and the
I don't know.
And he's won 85% of the cases that he has sued the government.
I was familiar with his work.
Yes, and he is cooperating with me and putting this together.
We're then going to take on the Federal Reserve and expose all that nonsense.
And after that, of all things, we're going to take on Christianity and unmask what's going on in Christianity, especially
I think you are aware that on May 2nd, I believe it was, George Bush signed a document saying that all the 50C3 entities now have to report
To the Homeland Act people.
Oh yes sir, 13,000 plus counties.
They've recruited preachers.
We got internal documents and public documents and they got hopping mad what four months ago when this first broke.
They have recruited them.
They're telling the preachers, tell your people to turn in their guns and we say.
Tell the people to go to these emergency camps.
Tell them to take inoculations.
Tell them Romans 13.
That is exactly what Hitler did.
Folks, this isn't a joke.
I mean, if we don't stop these people, America is going to be like Nazi Germany.
We are trying to short-circuit the New World Order takeover right now because it's going to turn into all-out war and a shooting war.
Look, this isn't a joke.
This isn't a game.
This is the takedown of the United States.
I cannot stress that enough.
Everything the government's doing is straight out of Hitler or Stalin's playbook.
We had just a case here recently
One of our own employees had his daughter taken away while she was at her violin lessons because he had custody of her and without being served papers, two policemen came and abducted her.
Actually, abducted her.
Took her away from him and said that you are not allowed to see her for a week or two.
In fact, we're going to court right this afternoon to see what this is all about.
But, uh, he wasn't even served due process of the law.
I have been at the hospital fighting for young families where they admit they've done nothing, they're poor, and I have seen police actually grab a woman by the neck and say, sign the paper.
I mean, that's how evil it's gotten.
That's exactly right there, Alex.
So, uh, I just, uh, that's about where we're at.
Uh, we're taking on the, uh,
You know, it's like taking on the people by the throat and saying, you're either going to choke on it or you're going to swallow it one way or the other, but it's going to be there for you to see.
Well, Mr. Ambrosic, let me just put this out here on record.
The good news is
Hundreds of mainstream hosts that didn't believe me just two or three years ago, who would interview me and attack me, are now having to at least say that this needs to be looked at, 9-11 needs to be looked at.
Everywhere I see that people are finally starting to have the lightbulb go on.
I think God's Spirit is moving across this land, giving us one last chance for a reprieve, like none of us got.
We're being given one last chance to stand up and to tell the truth and to stop World War III and to get more time to save more souls and to reach out to more people and to turn against all this evil that has taken over our country.
And if we do not listen to that call, if we do not all
Take action now.
We are going to be judged, and this country is going to be hell on earth very, very soon.
Folks, you're going to lose your houses.
You're going to lose your children.
Many of us are going to be put in labor camps.
They are really trying to set this up.
You know, Ellis, if we wish to continue to claim the freedoms our forefathers and our foremothers gave their lives for to create for us this freedom that we have,
We're going to have to keep doing something, and of course I have the radio station, you have the listening audience that you have out there, and I think we are putting a dent into things.
We are.
Even though we're being chastised for it today, tomorrow the integrity of what we're doing will be noticed.
Well, more and more prominent peoples.
You hear that former CIA sub-director over a whole division of the CIA going public, saying it's got to be an inside job?
Oh, it has to be.
Everything that we...it points to that.
But it also points to the New World Order and the New World Takeover, and we're really dealing with two governments.
I think you had on Pat Buchanan the other day.
And Pat's been here a few times with us as our guest.
We're just looking at why the system is working this way.
Why is our government turning on us?
And what's their agenda?
And he told us very well that most of these politicians are going to be the new lobbyists.
So the lobbyists are running the country.
Mr. Ambrosek, do one more little segment with us on the other side.
We'll be right back with the owner of WCER 900.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
Jack Ambrosic is our guest.
He is the owner of WCER 900 AM, one of our great affiliates.
He's having two huge showings coming up, September 12th and September 19th.
And you can of course tune into the station to get all the details of that.
It's in Moslyn at the Lions Lincoln Theater.
It holds about 600 people and they're already looking at overflow crowds.
So that is extremely exciting.
It would be a great place to organize, get together in the fight against the New World Order crime syndicate.
Jack, in closing, again, to you and to every other station owner and manager that carries this show, we don't do this enough so I wanted to do it today.
I salute your courage.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart what you're doing.
We are standing in the gap in history.
We are attempting to stop another Hitlerian takeover.
So again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and God bless you, Jack.
And likewise too, Alex, because, you know, our role is to reveal the frauds and the deceptions that have been perpetrated against us by those we have trusted, elected, and in public office.
So, you give up doing the good work, and we'll give up doing our end.
Absolutely, sir.
Maybe someday I can get up there to have some type of event in your neck of the woods.
We're going to, in the next year or so, be doing more travel and visiting with more people because it's so important to get together and just share information.
The spirit of action and resistance that comes out of that is so exciting.
Is there a radio station website or any other contact info you'd like to give out?
Well, we're at WCER.
Incidentally, we are streaming so you can hear your program everywhere in the world.
But we're on WCER radio, which is one word, two R's, at neo.rr.
And I'm going to get a huge link to that up on InfoWars.com right now if it isn't already up there.
Again, sir, thank you for coming on and God bless you.
Okay, thank you, Alex.
Take care, Jack.
Okay, there goes Jack Ambrosic, the owner of WCER 900 AM.
And that thank you goes out to all the owners and station managers that carry this broadcast.
There is so much news.
So much information.
Bush is now saying, hey, you know, of course we're getting rough with prisoners in secret camps, but it's not torture.
Next hour I want to go over a little bit of the reprobate wickedness, how they're trying to get us.
Dictators always do that.
They try to announce their evil incrementally and get us to join in with them and get us to morally accept what they're doing.
And once they get the door open,
Once they get that tacit approval and permission, all hell starts breaking loose.
So we'll be talking about that in the next hour, the upcoming war with Iran they're trying to cook up with an amazing individual, Davidson Lohr, who I even have family, father-in-law and mother-in-law, that go to his fine church, and he made national headlines when he went public.
concerning 9-11 being an inside job.
We appreciate his amazing courage.
He's a very intelligent individual.
Maybe he'll even tell us about his combat photography when he was in Vietnam and a lot more coming up in the next hour.
And yes, there's another showing tonight of Terror Storm at the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar.
And Mr. Lohr told me that he is tentatively going to be coming to that event as well.
Maybe I can drag him up there and make him talk for five minutes.
But that is coming up tonight, 7 p.m., Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
The last two showings, Tuesday and Wednesday night, sold out.
So if you want to get tickets, you better get them now.
They are selling out quick.
They always try to keep 20 at the door.
But you better be the first 20 if you're trying to get it at the door.
Because at 630 they start selling those final 20 tickets.
But there's a few left on the internet.
So go to Infowars.com.
And yes, please go to Infowars.com and order my new film, Terror Storm.
Make as many copies as you can of it.
It is my best film.
I'm so proud of it.
Please take action.
Please get Terror Storm.
Some of the other news we'll be getting into later as well.
I already said this and knew about this from CNN sources I have.
I'm not going to say any more.
I've talked to a bunch of their producers.
Anderson Cooper, CIA asset.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, CIA.
Most of these people are either on the payroll of one federal agency or another, or they're actual CIA.
It's like Porter Goss.
Oh, they just made him director for two years.
It turned out he'd been secretly CIA even while in Congress, which is illegal.
So we'll get into that.
Iran's gone public saying our government carried out 9-11.
So much more.
Stay with us.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Later in this hour, the Supreme Commander of Iranian military forces has gone public saying 9-11 is clearly an inside job.
We had a former
A CIA sub-director over an entire division of the CIA going public saying clearly it is an inside job.
And that's Bill Christensen.
More and more people every day go public.
Entertainers, doctors, scientists, pastors.
And speaking of pastors and ministers and spiritual leaders,
That is so important.
This country was founded by pastors, the Black Brigades, that led us against King George and his oppression.
And we have also an author, not just a pastor here with us.
The book is America, Fascism and God, sermons from a heretical preacher, and it's Davidson Lore.
My friends, my father-in-law and mother-in-law, actually go to his church.
They have a lot of different political events, diverse political ideas and views, which is what we need.
A true, open, fair discussion.
So, Mr. Lohr, I want to thank you for coming in the studio.
Thank you.
It's good to be here.
You bet.
Just in a nutshell, this is a short segment.
We're going to come back.
Tell us about yourself.
Tell us about growing up in Vietnam, the life experiences.
I think all of that feeds into your credibility and going public on 9-11 being an inside job.
Well, I pretty much bought everything I was told by my country growing up.
I went to Vietnam.
I was a combat photographer and press officer.
I put in for the transfer to the field because I wanted to be involved in the war in some way.
I believed everything we were told.
I bought the domino theory.
I bought every bit of it at the time.
Came back and took 15 years before I understood that we had no business being there.
We had no idea what we were doing there and we didn't do it right once we were there.
So I've felt that I was patriotic and serving the country however I could serve it and that's made it hardest to come to the realization that a lot of Americans have come to and that most are going to have to come to that
Our government did 9-11.
They orchestrated it.
They planned it.
Whether it was done with agents of Mossad, I don't know.
That seems intriguing with the story of the dancing Israelis and this sort of stuff.
There are a lot of connections to at least a support role.
Yeah, at least a support role.
So I'm doing this not as a troublemaker and sometimes I feel out of step both with
The right and the left.
I'm out of step with the left because I'm saying things like 9-11 was an inside job that the left doesn't want to talk about very much.
That's because it's controlled like the right.
That's whatever it is.
But it feels like what I'm serving is the kind of truth that can set us free as Americans and as individuals.
I don't see much conflict between what I'm trying to do as an American and what I'm trying to do as a pastor.
You got some heat, what was it, earlier this year when you finally went public on 9-11.
Can you tell us a little bit about that process and what happened?
Some of this was my fault.
It was February 12th.
I did a sermon
called Habits of the Heart, and when I was seeing the patterns of some of this, I was talking about John Perkins' book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, and I was seeing some of the patterns of what he was describing and the way that we take over countries and so on, and I was working on the sermon draft Friday night and thinking, the patterns can't stop at our borders.
These are patterns that have to go on everywhere.
And then realized that 9-11 fit into this perfectly.
So I threw 9-11 in at the end of the sermon as an illustration, which is not a smart thing to do with something as powerful as 9-11.
And I threw out some websites that I'd copied from David Griffin, and I hadn't checked them, and I don't think David had either.
And websites that also had Holocaust denial and stuff like that, that makes it very easy just to trash them and trash everything coming with them.
So I caught heat, I think, partly for that.
But we had over 500 people there that Sunday.
About a third at one of the two services gave a standing ovation.
And around three to five people all together walked out.
We're going to break and we come back.
We're going to get more into this.
And when I say you got heat, the paper attacked you.
The people supported you.
We'll be right back.
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It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police forgery, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Davidson Lohr is our guest.
And he was a combat photographer in Vietnam.
He's been a pastor for many years.
He's also an author.
We have a link to it up on Infowars.com.
America, fascism, and God.
Sermons from a heretical preacher.
And I would like you to kind of recap and go back through a YouTube video clip I saw posted from a few months ago, or I guess just a few weeks ago, after you premiered my film, Martial Law, there at the church, which I appreciate you doing, to a packed house.
You have to.
I think cowardice is a sin.
In the pulpit.
And I think dishonesty is a sin in the pulpit.
You have to.
You have to tell what you think the truth is and why you think it's the truth.
And you may be wrong, and that's fine.
But you have to do that.
I think that politics, religion, a lot of institutions like this are places where we trust that people will try to serve something transcendent rather than just caving in and selling out.
You have to do it.
Well, I wish we were wrong about September 11, but we're not.
It's an orgy of evidence, is how I've described it.
It's really ridiculous.
It's true.
It's sad and it's ridiculous.
And the motive, I think, is the most important question.
I want to get into that, but first, you got standing ovations when you went public on 9-11.
You got a standing ovation when you gave a speech after airing one of my 9-11 films, or segments of it, Martial Law.
I mean, that's a key here, that your
Yes, and it's kind of a vicious circle.
The mainstream media doesn't want to touch it because the mainstream media hasn't touched it and so it isn't fit to touch.
And other people don't trust 9-11 truth stuff because the mainstream media haven't covered it.
So it's quite a circle that seems to be turning now.
The story seems to be creeping into mainstream media in a lot of different places.
And isn't a lot of that that Bush has been caught, and his controllers have been caught, lying about WNDs, and it came out they premeditatedly lied, we already knew that, but now we've got the documents, White House, Downing Street Memo,
That they lied about so many other things, that they were involved in Enron, and the trillions missing from the Pentagon, and people are now learning about more and more crimes, and they're seeing this ominous police state being set up, and I just think instinctively at people's cores, not just the information, instinctively people know, well there is a threat, but the government tells me it's Al Qaeda, but I get the feeling the threat's really this government.
Yeah, I think all this points to a deeper sense of distrust.
No, the Greeks had a motto that character is destiny, and I think that people are beginning to see the character of the people in the administration.
And when people start saying, all right, wait a minute, would people who torture prisoners, who hide them illegally, who arrest people without warrants, who suspend habeas corpus, who lie about WMD, who steal two elections in a row,
Who transfer wealth to the top half or tenth of a percent of the people hidden on page 26 because the 9-11 stuff has covered it.
Would people like this actually lie to us?
Would people like this be willing to kill 3,000 Americans in order to mobilize the country?
And once you ask that question the answer is
Yes, they would.
They would more than anyone I can think of.
Yeah, I mean if you could repeat in a nutshell that speech, the last speech you gave that I saw to the members of your flock there.
Can you go over that?
Because I love the way you laid it out and really you were there describing it first person as the process that you mentally went through.
On motive?
Yes, motive.
I think it's important you know it's a rule in debate that before you can argue against something you need to be able to make the argument for it in ways that people who believe in it would agree with and that was that was hard for me but I think I do understand why they did it and I think that the logic is absolutely compelling I think it's evil but I think it's compelling and I think it's this after the fall of communism people began realizing we're the only bully in the world no one can stop us
Someone is going to write the rules for the way the world runs.
Why shouldn't we write them?
Now, depending on how you finish this sentence, it may either be a noble thing or not a noble thing.
If you finish the sentence by saying, we want to write the rules of the world so that they serve the majority of the people, so that they help everyone reach their full humanity, so on and so forth, then that's one case.
That's not the way the sentence was finished.
The way the New World Order finishes the sentence is, we want to rewrite the rules of the world so that the people who own the world get to run the world.
And no one else has the power to stop them from doing it.
It's a plutocracy, it's an imperialism, it's a rewarding the rich, it's eliminating the middle class, and that's where it turns evil.
They compared themselves to, I guess, FDR in Pearl Harbor when they prayed since Brzezinski in 97 was praying for a new Pearl Harbor and the Project for a New American Century prayed for a new Pearl Harbor.
They knew it would take something like that to mobilize and numb the American people enough to do this.
And they were so arrogant they said that!
And they set it right out and are quite proud of it.
And I think that's what I mean by the power of the logic.
They really believe history has offered us a chance to rewrite the rules of the world, and if we don't take it, we're not only stupid, we're cowards.
There's a lot of power to that argument.
And if what they were trying to do was rewrite the rules absolutely to empower people, to empower humanity, so on and so forth, then I think we'd have the whole world behind us.
But it's not what they're trying to do, and that's why the whole world is turning against us.
And now they've been somewhat honest too on neocon fake conservative radio because the listeners call and go, yeah we want the oil and you know we know best and it's America and it's going to be good for my pocketbook.
But when you read the Globalist Stone documents, you know we're going to pay for all this.
We're going to be enslaved here too.
We're not, as the American people, you know part of this and part of this great glory.
This new world order means the end of the United States as well in a very dark
Worldwide Empire.
So you read those PNAC documents and other documents.
Now we've got Gulliver's Travails, an Air Force document from 97 as well, where they say we need a huge terror attack to mobilize and dominate the planet.
And when they say dominate the planet, they mean a new dark age of consolidation and control.
Yeah, they do.
Loss of life isn't what's important to them.
Loss of money is what's important to them.
And you saw that on 9-11 with Larry Silverstein's buildings.
The loss of life didn't matter, but not only did he not lose a cent, he made a lot of money on his buildings.
And that's conservative.
The evidence shows it's about $185 million, but I'll round it up.
He already owns seven, but he didn't own the other towers.
Two and a half months before, he buys them for a very small investment of a couple hundred million dollars, or he leases them on a 100-year lease, and then he takes out a double policies of $3.5 billion apiece and has collected on those.
So, we're looking at a seven plus billion dollar profit.
Yeah, you have to follow the money.
To understand why and who were involved in 9-11.
I think money was a big thing.
And I don't know how to tie in some of the other things.
The gold beneath the towers.
There's a lot of money there.
I don't know how to tie any of that in.
The insider trading.
Yeah, whatever the New World Order does, they do a cost-benefit analysis.
Hey, we get to grab oil.
We get to grab the opium.
We get to have a domestic police state.
We get to service the economy and give contracts to all our buddies to move the military industrial complex not just into overseas, but now in orchestrating and Lockheed even running the red light cameras, the face scanners, servicing the databases, NSA systems.
And then, oh by the way, where do we pick a target?
Well, we've got one of our operatives, well known to be involved in trafficking of certain things, Larry Silverstein.
He's this deep cover agent.
And so it's a perfect place.
Hey, we'll do it there.
We'll also take out a big insurance policy.
Hey, there's a bunch of gold in there.
We'll grab that while we're at it.
I mean, they just go right down the line.
And there's another dimension to it that's surrealistic.
These people were bright enough to have put together a very slick story.
This thing was planned far in advance, but they didn't do that.
And there's something in the story that they passed off
That is a mockery, that is a kind of slapping at anyone who's dumb enough to believe it.
Buildings that fall straight down as only controlled demolition makes them happen, that Dan Rather, that all the news reports on 9-11 observed.
It shows a drunken hubris.
It shows a drunken hubris and it shows a cocky hubris that enjoys putting off a really stupid story on people and getting them to buy it.
You know, just as a layman, I've read a lot of criminology.
And the people that have these sociopathic, psychopathic mindsets, I mean, as you know, Pastor, that's how they are.
They always want to get caught.
They always do it arrogant.
They always leave clues.
You know, the psychopath goes to the cops and says, I know something about this murder.
Maybe I can help you.
You know, I mean, this is what they do.
That's right.
That's right.
I have a friend who was an attorney for the state who talked about how brilliant some of the criminals that they prosecuted were.
And if they just applied the brilliance in another way, they could have been successful, but it wouldn't have had the challenge, wouldn't have had the smugness that they get, I think.
And I think part of what's poisonous about that cockiness
Is the cynicism that then it's easy to feel that the dupes that you can dupe, us, that you can dupe, really deserve what they're getting.
They really don't deserve better if they're that sick.
Well, that's the whole social Darwinism of, hey, these idiots can't figure this out, and so this is what they deserve.
That's right.
That's right.
And that's right.
And it is frightening.
When we get back, I want to talk about, Pastor, where you see this going in the future.
And you talk about this wake-up happening, and for every action there's an equal reaction, as we know.
I mean, that's just the laws of science.
So there is this reaction now, as their power grows, our power grows, but ours is fractured and organic, which has strengths and weaknesses.
Theirs is so centralized,
We're also seeing fishers in the elite.
Some people are going, hey, this is dangerous.
You guys have upset the whole apple cart.
Some of the European elite we know are saying, hey, gradual power, soft power.
Let's go seduce countries and get them to go along with us.
You're going to get us actually, our butts kicked if you keep being aggressive about all this.
I want to get your view on that because I really respect your view.
You know, that speech you gave where you talked about how, you know, well they've done this, this and that, all these other bad things.
Why wouldn't they do this?
You know, I think that was key.
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Davidson Lohr is our guest continuing with our discussion that we were having.
Where do you see all of this going?
I mean, the 9-11 Truth Movement, every six months, we look at the numbers, it's roughly doubling the number of people that visit the sites that are awakening.
It's exponential, and I think the imperial hubris, in a way, was a weakness of the establishment.
I see a lot of the arrogance now evaporating.
Number one, do you agree with that?
Number two, how do you think they're going to respond now that they're starting to take us serious?
They're starting to act cornered.
They're starting to act more desperate.
The business of attacking anyone in the 9-11 Truth Movement as either aiding the terrorists or being anti-Semitic or the rest of this stuff.
This kind of name-calling seems to be cornered people.
Where do I think it's going?
Part of me wonders can they get away with it and thinks
Boy, they control everything.
They control almost everything.
They control the story.
They've gotten away with it for five years.
I never would have imagined this could happen.
You know, we knew more about the falseness of the Iraq claims before we went into Iraq than we knew about Vietnam, even in 1970.
And I thought, when you have this many people who know this much this early, this isn't going to succeed.
But it did.
It's gone on for years.
But I think
That we may be coming toward the hundredth monkey, toward the tipping point, where there are enough people who are willing to say the really hard thing to say, which is that, my God, our government did this.
I understand why they did it, I understand the logic, and maybe if I were that ambitious, I would have done the same thing.
But it's evil, and it isn't the best of America.
This kind of thing, this focusing on the nationalism of America,
Instead of on the high values that made America great is the same kind of thing that's happened to the Christianity in America.
The churches that are supporting this fascism are teaching a religion about Jesus that Jesus would have detested.
The religion of Jesus is very simple and very hard.
The quality of your faith is judged by how you treat those who are least among you.
There isn't a harder rule anywhere than that, or a more honest one.
There's no arrogance in that.
There's no nationalism in that.
But I wish these arrogant people, these evil people, realized the intense
Pleasure of being humble and of serving others and of guarding the little ones in the weak.
I've had a lot of great experiences in my life.
I've been a lot more arrogant and aggressive in the past and I was not happy then.
As I get more and more humble and as I get more and more of a servant attitude, it's wonderful.
I feel so sorry for evil people or just decadent people who never experience that.
Yeah, there's a Buddhist story saying that the oceans are so great and powerful because they're lower than the rivers and their humility gives them the strength.
And I think that's right.
What do you see happening in the next few months?
I mean, I see a prime chance for them to stage another terror attack, a similar prediction I made before 9-11, with the caveat that if we speak up now and exert ourselves, we could back them off and stop them.
I've only made two predictions, and I've made this second one, and give me your gut-level analysis.
I think they could do it, and I think that the public response
Has helped stop some of it.
I think the public response is effective.
I think as people find their voices, it's getting effective.
I can't predict the future.
You know, I think if they get scared enough, they'll pull off a really big terror attack.
But at least we forced that, and it's not on their clock, it's not on their agenda, and I think if they do that out of arrogance or out of fear, I think it's going to backfire even bigger.
The problem is, with this system falling, it's going to be painful.
Yeah, and everything's at stake for them.
I think they have to pull out all the stops.
Getting Bush into the White House under the Cheney administration was what they needed to be able to bring their plan into effect.
You know, they'd written President Clinton about it in, what, 97 or 98.
Yeah, they said, please do this.
Yeah, please do this.
So they've been very above board about it.
Now they have the chance to do it.
If they get uncovered and unseated, it could undo this chance for decades.
So everything is at stake for them.
I don't think there's anything they would not do.
Well, I agree with you and the other analysts I talked to agree.
They have overextended themselves so far in this Ponzi scheme that they need to pump it up to the next level to kind of smokescreen the past.
That's how scams work.
You've got to get them bigger or they're going to fall apart.
The problem is they have failed in Lebanon.
They're failing in Iran.
They're failing so many places that I just know we're in a really interesting time right now.
You said something a while ago that brought up another, what I think is a really important idea.
You're talking about how the powerful are acting arrogantly and so on and so forth.
And I was at a meeting a couple years ago with a very good speaker, and someone talked to her about speaking truth to power, and she scoffed.
And she said, that's a waste of time.
She said, power knows the truth.
Power thinks that power trumps truth.
She said our job is to speak truth to the powerless in the hope that they will use it as a basis for action.
That's incredible.
Remember the Karl Rove New York Times quote where he said, we're history's actors, none of you even matter.
We'll change reality day to day.
That's right.
That's right.
So it does no good to speak truth to them.
They know what the truth is.
They think power trumps it.
The key is get out to the people.
We'll be right back, Pastor.
We've got a long segment coming up.
Plenty of time to talk and take calls.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Johnny in Hawaii, Fred in Pennsylvania, Rick in Texas, Richard in Oklahoma, Dennis in North Carolina, and others.
Your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
He is the author of America, Fascism, and God.
Sermons from a heretical preacher, Davidson Lord.
Thank you.
Don't speak truth to power because, and I'm talking about real power, really evil people, obviously speak truth to county commissioners and congressmen and women, but we're talking about really evil people like Rumsfeld or Bush or Cheney or their controllers.
I mean, these guys know the truth.
They know we're naive.
They know we're simple-minded.
They know they can get away with doing just these horrible things because society could never come to grips with facing the full horror.
But I think the survival mechanism has kicked in and people instinctively know
We better face this truth or things are going to get just worse and worse.
Listen, this is only the beginning.
We have Bush coming out in a speech yesterday saying, well, we don't torture people, we just get rough with them and pressure them.
Well, that's the Alberto Gonzalez memos when he was White House Counsel.
He said, well, we won't call it torture, we'll call it pressure, and if they die under pressure, that's legal, and we didn't mean to kill them.
And then John Yoo writes a memo about crushing children's genitalia.
And I hate to mention that a lot, but I mean, folks, he wrote this.
He's at a CFR meeting in Chicago.
CFR members, these are elitists.
They're going, what is wrong with you writing this?
Do you agree with this?
And John Yoo said, yeah, all power flows out of the presidency.
We can do this.
So the Army's own report, just from Abu Ghraib, one of 30-something camps in Iraq.
Then they've got dozens all over Central Asia and the Middle East and Egypt and Jordan and places in Eastern Europe.
And they admittedly, folks, are taking little kids in there and they are hiring former federal jail guards that have been fired for sexual abuse.
That's come out in the news.
They're hiring them.
They're flying them over there.
They're actually hiring people who they have files on who are pedophiles.
I mean, this is hell on earth.
Maximum type wickedness, that even though they admit it, when I say it, I feel like I'm a liar because my mind can't even, to myself, as much as I know about these people, I can't fully fathom that.
I mean, we know governments have done things like this before, but I've never known of a government, in modern history, the Nazis hid what they were doing.
I mean, this government is in hiding, and they know psychologically that if they can just announce and throw down the gauntlet,
The nature of evil is primarily selfishness.
It's primarily exalting what you want and what serves you at the expense of everyone else.
Means to your end that turns them into things that you can do whatever you like with as long as it gets you your end.
And if you get in that mindset it's very easy to feel it and to feel nothing about it.
And I think that's what's taken over now in our country.
And some of it is the desperation.
They think history has offered them this one chance to rule the world and everything is at stake for them.
I can understand that missionaries zeal, I just think it's evil.
Well, there's a bizarre rationale to it.
They claim we've got to guard the truth, a bodyguard of lies.
We've got to be more evil than the most evil, you know, to continue the future of our freedom.
And they tell this to their mid-level and even high-level minions.
But in truth, they're attacking everything good and righteous.
They're attacking everything that's a bedrock of family, society, sovereignty, while they claim nationalism.
It's a plastic, made in China, fake, you know, plastic flag nationalism.
It's really destroying our sovereignty.
I mean, just everything is a counterfeit.
It is.
This dream, though, of an American style of fascism, which is different from the Nazi style of fascism.
Pax Americana.
Pax Americana.
And it is, as Vice President Wallace said over 60 years ago, more concerned with controlling the information and the stories.
It's a softer kind of approach to this at first, though apparently we have prison camps being built in the country and all this kind of stuff.
Houston Chronicle.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Yeah, but they spin it, they go, it's for illegal aliens and political dissidents.
Right, right.
I mean, to have them, that's the thing, why do you think they're just going totally public with it?
You know, I'm of two minds.
One is just that it's arrogance, and the other that it's desperation.
And that they're caught, and they're saying things that
If they just wake up.
I think of the Falwell and Robertson thing on television when they blame 9-11 on the ACLU and women and so on and so forth.
I thought, here are two guys who are so media savvy.
How stupid.
To say that on the air, they certainly both knew better than this, because the hate list they came out with then was precisely the same hate list that the Fundamentalists of Islam had come out with, that Khomeini had come out with in 79.
They hate ovidy people, they hate liberated women, they hate gays.
It's the same kind of hate list.
And I thought then, what surprises me is that these guys are so media savvy, they knew better than to say that with the mics on.
Well, but at the same time, it's a scapegoat.
I mean, they themselves, it's well known the White House, most of the White House taste is not what it was in the past, the high class female hookers.
They like the guys with the military haircuts and they're bringing in so many male prostitutes and basically the carport's full.
So at the same time, they're always attacking and have these football issues, you know, to try to divide people, but they're really into it.
Well, and I think any psychologist would say that makes perfect sense.
If you're going to act out at one extreme that isn't honest, something in the background is kind of like the portrait of Dorian Gray.
If you're going to wear your pretty face to hide all your evil, the evil is going to grow and grow and grow inside of you.
So that makes sense.
And I think it is evil, and I think
I'm not saying evil in the sense that we're all good and they're all bad and we ought to go kill them.
I'm saying this is a waste, not only of America and of lives in Iraq and around the world, this is a waste of human potential everywhere.
No, exactly, and instead of being the beacon of truth and being respected and loved despite our problems, we really now, they've taken us from the most loved to the most hated in just a few years and it's, it's, and they're on overdrive.
I mean, these people are totally disconnected
There's a lot of delusion going on and once again it comes back to the two images an image of wholeness and of humanity kind of brought to its fullest
You have this maybe in the Marshall Plan after World War II, where here was a power that, for the first time in history that I know of, actually helped the people it had just defeated.
Yes, there were some selfish interests involved, we wanted trading partners, we wanted the rest of it, but we didn't have to do it that way.
We could have vanquished them the way we did after World War I at Versailles, and we didn't.
We did something very noble with the Marshall Plan.
Well, they learned from Versailles, that grew Hitler.
That's right, and that grew Hitler, and now we're going back
I'm learning everything that we've learned.
Well, that's another thing.
You couldn't make up a Hollywood script like this.
It would be too bizarre, too unbelievable, that Prescott Bush was the chief Nazi agent.
That's right.
That's admitted, folks.
He was even taken into custody briefly.
He was even fined.
He got some charges dropped.
He started the USO to try to say, well, I'm all patriotic.
You can't have a guy who's a Nazi running this.
But it's admitted that they're nuts.
Yeah, yeah, it was.
And to come to this Bush, I think that he was a brilliant choice for the neocons for president.
And the reason is, and this is more psychology than anything,
But if you look just at George W. Bush's history, he has failed at everything he's done as an adult.
He's been bailed out by his daddy's rich friends in every single business venture, and the Saudi Arabian family.
Well, he really was flunking out of Yale like Cheney did twice, but they basically went in with some endowments, so he got it.
That's right.
And he was put into the White House among other reasons, though I think we have a confluence of several things going on now.
I think?
abroad, the plutocracy at home, the transfer of wealth to the rich, the removal of rights so that people can't protest that in any way.
And then the use, as Hitler did too, the use of a very degraded form of religion as kind of a German Christian church, is what they called it in the Nazi times.
But when you have, what's his name, Hege?
Pastor Hege.
I heard him on the air this morning calling for World War III.
That's right.
You have stuff like this and you think, wait a minute,
Try reading any of the teachings of Jesus and reconciling them with any of this.
This may be Christianity now.
Perhaps this is what they brought Christianity to.
Perhaps they own the symbols of Christianity so that those who follow Jesus won't be able to reclaim the symbols and Christianity will die the way it died in Germany after World War II, the way it died in Spain.
After Franco had brought the church into power with him.
Maybe they'll do that to Christianity.
And that's what happens afterwards.
Once the state takes over a religion, once that current government falls, then churches that were filled before are dead because people know that's a dead institution.
And it's a deep dissatisfaction.
Once people find that the churches will and do sell out so easily for money and power, I don't think they'll ever trust them again.
And if you can't trust the church to stand against stuff like this, who needs it?
Well, that's why the churches in the past in this country were so full of people.
These were revolutionary churches.
These were where there were passions and the preachers said what they wanted.
It was diverse ideas, but people knew this is where the community comes together and gets involved politically.
And so the government knows with a faith-based initiative to come buy off the churches and all the things that are happening.
This is bone-chilling.
It is bone-chilling.
The IRS thing with the Episcopal Church in California trying to remove its sex-exempt status from speaking out.
As far as I know, they haven't ever pressed anything against any of the megachurches or Reverend Hagee or any of the rest of these people.
Because they're government mouthpieces.
Because they are government mouthpieces.
So again, it isn't that they're trying to separate church and state.
I like church and state separated too.
I just think churches have to speak up on high ideals and values.
And to be clear, the government isn't to be involved in the churches, and you're not going to have a government state-controlled church.
So in the name of separation of church and state, they're saying the government's going to come in and regulate churches.
That's the opposite of the First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Yes, and the law, and I like the law, the law is that churches can't
I don't think so.
I want to take some calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Johnny in Hawaii.
Johnny, you're on the air.
Hey, thanks a lot.
It's been a long time since I had a chance to talk to you.
One thing you haven't really mentioned about maybe the reason that these people are accepting a lot of the things they see in the media is because of the illiteracy rate in the U.S.
I work at a medical facility and the doctors are taught to talk to patients
At a much lower education level and use words they understand because
These government statistics... Well, it's more than that.
I mean, I've had former, you know, number two heads of the Department of Education on.
There was a concerted effort to dumb the population down, to standardize, to make people basically mindless automatons.
The government and the media are also attacking the language.
They're changing the meanings, the semantical meanings of words, and then also reducing words.
The language is being reduced, which is right out of 1984.
That's right.
The government's own figures is 50% of the U.S.
population is literate.
I think it's like 6% read books and I think we're only talking about... I forget the number.
It's higher than that but still quite low that are literate.
And then others are functionally literate.
And that's why the Illuminati can put all these different things right in your face and the people that watch your show or listen to you
Yeah, I think so.
About 1984, look at all the cameras and how you think they should put cameras and microphones in the houses.
And that's 1984.
And the other reporter said to him, well yeah, but Winston was the bad guy in that book and the government was actually trying to help the people.
And most people liked Big Brother.
And so that shows the brainwashing that even quote educated people read a horrifying book like 1984 and because they see it now in the real world they make an instant decision to double think or crime stop and rationalize and then accept it.
Now that is called willful denial.
Thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
Yeah, one other dimension of this, in the dumbing down of America, you go back to some of the Lincoln-Douglas debates from 150 years ago, some of these lasted four hours, and had audiences of hundreds of people listening to four hour debates on political issues with tremendous detail, and even big words.
And now we're really in an oral culture.
Where it's dumbed down, not to four hour arguments, but to sound bites and bumper stickers and bumper sticker theology.
Yes, give the people more beer and burritos!
Kill them brown people!
They've got national surveys where the vast majority can't find Iraq on a map.
College graduates.
But they've got their opinion about Iraq.
And what was it, a third of them don't know what century World War II happened in now.
Eighty plus percent of high school graduates don't know who the Vice President is.
But they'll give you, but these very same people will walk up and go, Alex, I think we should go into Iran.
Them Iraners really want to get us.
And I go, OK, what's the history of Iran?
You know, I've probably read 10 books on the subject, and I don't claim to even be a novice.
You know, history's so big.
And they just have no idea.
So the dumbing down makes it easier to pull this off.
I still think that the American people, even if they're asleep, are a sleeping beast.
And if they wake up, they have a lot of power.
And they may be waking up.
Well, I would add to that that you do have a mash.
I think?
I think so.
Well, truth is power if we'll act on it.
Otherwise it's just entertainment.
Truth really is a weapon.
I mean, it is powerful.
Only if we act on it.
And I think that we may be at a turning point.
And some of it is just overcoming the feeling that there's something shameful and wrong about accusing your government of this.
That's right!
We put ourselves in a cage!
Yes, and once you get past that and are able to say, wait a minute, they did the experiments at Tuskegee, the CIA did bring drugs into L.A.
You can make a long list of the things that they've done and say, yes, we've done it in the past.
I've got Chicago Tribune, hundreds of thousands sterilized, girls that would make under a B+, single-parent homes, white, black, didn't matter.
They just would take them and have medical students cut their... I don't want to get into it, but the point is, I mean, how'd they keep that secret for 60 years?
That's right.
And this is America, too.
And once we see this, we can stand on truth and gain power.
Fred, Rick, Richard, Dennis, and many others, we're going to move quickly to your calls on the other side.
We're good to go.
I don't know.
I think.
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TerrorStorm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
TerrorStorm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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Coming up tonight...
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They try to keep 20 seats that they sell just at the door 30 minutes before.
But the tickets that are available are about to sell out.
So get your tickets now at Infowars.com.
I want to go...
Back to your calls now.
And Pastor, you said you're going to come to the event tonight?
Well, I look forward to seeing you.
We'll have you a seat reserved.
Let's go ahead.
Fred in Pennsylvania, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
I want to talk about the misuse of the Security Council for basically the framing the country of Iran.
The way I see it, it seems to me that we're going to
Have a strategy of hold them and hit them.
In other words, the first thing that will go into play will be sanctions, according to Rice and these other people.
And then they'll claim that they didn't follow those, and then they have their reason to attack.
Yeah, there's going to be no air service, a ban on parts or vital equipment, you know, even things like water filters.
Let me interrupt, just for a second.
Think about Iraq.
They have been under siege for 15 years now.
They have been bombed into oblivion.
They have less power now than they had before.
I mean, so yes, they're now starting the siege against Iran.
Go ahead.
There will be a ban on things, even things like utility parts, things to do with telecommunications, things to do with water utilities in Iran.
They're going to restrict training and education.
Of people coming out of Iran.
There's going to be a ban on international programs.
Yeah, it's called siege.
Right, and no negotiation by anyone including, let's say, Finland or Sweden or anybody else will be able to talk to Iran because the UN Security Council has the power to change international relations according to their resolutions.
Fred, you're absolutely right.
Do you have a comment or question for our guest?
Well, I think people should be aware that they're using these structures of peace for war.
But war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is... Yeah, I'd say, we've talked about Karl Rove saying publicly that
They create the reality as they go along, and the spin that they give to the public is never intended to be true.
The spin they give to the public is intended to be the best tactic to sell the agenda that they want to sell.
So, if calling black white is what does it, they'll call black white, and they feel justified in doing this because they think they're on a sacred mission.
Well, that's really it.
And think of how arrogantly and how stupid they think we are that their own memos get released where they're going, we're going to lie to him and claim he's got WMDs and we ought to stage some war provocation and we want to do this and we need to crack down on dissidence domestically.
I mean, that's all available to people, but it's so scary a lot of people who are smart willfully decide to just disregard it.
That's why the big lie works.
Thanks for the call, Fred.
We're going to come back and talk to Rick, Richard,
Dennis and others with our guest.
He's Davidson Lohr.
His book is America, Fascism, and God, Sermons from a Heretical Preacher.
I've had a chance to scan through the book.
I haven't read it entirely yet, but it's a good book.
It's a quick read, too.
You need to get it, and you can link through at Infowars.com, the place to buy it.
We'll be right back with a third hour.
Stay with us.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Davidson Lord is our guest.
He is a
Prominent pastor of a large church here in Austin, Texas and he is of course a former combat photojournalist in Vietnam.
And he has gone public on 9-11 being an inside job.
He has faced that horror.
He has done the research.
And he's taken a hit to do it.
But overall, the people are even more supportive of him today than they were in the past.
And we're honored to have him here with us today.
He'll be with us another 20 minutes or so.
And then we're going to get into a whole bunch of other world news coming up as well.
Right now, we're going to your calls.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231 on this live Thursday edition.
I want to move quickly now.
Rick in Texas, you're on the air, welcome.
Hi, Saturday is 911 days from 3-11.
3-11 was 911 days from 9-11, the original.
And it took place on 3-11, 9-11.
And these psychopaths, psychopaths are normally into weird numbers and weird signatures if you read criminology.
And yeah, that's why the New York lottery came up 9-11 on the one year anniversary.
The Chicago Mercantile came up 9-11 point with five zeros behind it.
It was like one out of 14 billion something.
Totally impossible.
That's what I'm saying.
That's what I'm saying.
And Saturday's 9-9-6.
I don't know.
I mean, these guys are over the top.
Their handlers are letting them go over the top because America's got to be taken down.
That's the whole point of this.
And the reason why I think everybody does know this, but half the people work for some form of government.
And even if you work for something like a construction company, if you make roads, you're working for the government.
If you work for a defense contractor,
You're basically working for the government.
Well, I want to be clear here.
When we talk about the government carrying out the attack, we mean very small black ops squads and tiny agencies or tiny sectors of agencies interlocking with other foreign intelligence agencies being supported by defense contractors.
So, when we say the government, but it's good that people are in the governmental system because they can leak information, they can be whistleblowers.
In fact, would you like to comment on that, Pastor?
Well, I think that's right.
Most of the people in the government are good.
I did a sermon several years ago where I, I don't even remember the subject, but I made the statement about how the government is doing this and it's bad.
And I probably had five people in the church come up to me afterward who all work for the government here in Austin and said they were hurt by that, that the reason that they went into that job was to do good, not to do harm.
And it was sobering for me to realize, let's give most of the people in the government credit.
They're really good people who really want to do the right thing.
Well, it's a cross-section of society.
Most police are good, but the training they're given, the systems they're taught, are fraud and is oppressive.
I understand, but what I'm saying is, they don't want to, I mean, think of it, their whole livelihood is tied up into it.
It's just a deal like a denial.
I mean, it's like if you found out, you know, say if you're married and you found out your wife's cheating on you, first you're going to have denial.
I mean, if someone tells you that.
And this is even more because, you know, these guys, the cost-benefit analysis like you talk about, they saw how much of, you know, the economy and how much of this country, or the government, different agencies actually control.
So they said, well, even if we do get caught,
What are these people going to do?
Because they're beholden to our money.
Oh, I agree with you.
And let me just add this.
People who work for the government have the misconception that then if elements of the government do wrong and they expose it, somehow that reflects on them.
Or they think because they're good people, then the rest of the government couldn't be bad.
Which is extreme naivete.
Well, you know, I just think these guys are such... I mean, did you read Bush's speech?
He's talking about America like the American homeland.
He changes tenses in the middle of sentences.
I think the guy is... He's like... I think he's completely handled.
I mean... Well, there's no doubting that, sir.
It's well known he has a transmitter in his ear.
He's been caught red-handed doing that.
I mean, it was like a science fiction movie.
I watched part of that speech this morning on the web, and I mean, it's like Homeland.
We are roughing these guys up.
We do have secret prisons, and if we don't do this, they're going to hit us.
We'll be right back and take more calls with our guests in the final segment.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in about 20 minutes, I'm going to shift gears into a big news blitz.
Also, Jason Bermas of Loose Change 2nd Edition is going to be joining us about the big demonstrations that are going to be happening in New York over the weekend.
And on Monday, I'll be there in the Big Apple up against the dictator so they don't get up there to have a chance to stand up there and grandstand off the deaths and murders they committed.
28-year career CIA official, says 9-11 an inside job, highlights missing Pentagon trillions as potential motive.
We'll get into that.
Also, Anderson Cooper, CIA past, Bush, secret CIA prisons, a vital tool.
We'll also get into the story out of Reuters.
New Yorkers need to be ready to, quote, evacuate, experts say.
These drills are all part of terrorizing the public and creating the illusion that there really is a terrorist threat from the outside.
It is all coming up here in this third and final hour.
We're in our final segment right now with the author of America, Fascism, and God, Sermons from a Heretical Preacher, Davidson Lohr, is our guest, Austin Pastor.
And again, we are so honored to have him on with us today.
Pastor, for folks that would like to go to your church or people who would like to be able to attend some of the meetings and discussions that you guys have, tell us about where the church is located or any phone numbers, any websites you'd like to give out before we go to some calls.
The website is www.austinuu.org.
You can probably find out everything that you need there.
If you're in Austin, we're located at 4700 Grover Avenue between Burnett and Lamar.
And I've been there years ago for other political events.
You have conservatives, liberals in, very diverse discussions.
It's a real place where the exchange of ideas is going on.
And that's what we need in this country, not this monopoly of media propaganda.
Yeah, we're not trying to exalt a position, whether it's religious or political.
We're trying to preserve the process where a wide variety of passionate opinions can be heard safely.
And that's rare, too rare.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Richard in Oklahoma.
You're on the air with Davidson Lohr.
Hi, Alex.
Can you guys hear me okay?
Yes, I can.
Go ahead.
I've been listening for a couple of weeks, so I'm a little bit new to this, so I'm trying to get my arms around it, and I've got three questions, and they're kind of fundamental.
Fire away!
What is a neocon, exactly?
Okay, well give me the three questions and then we'll go through them.
Okay, what is a neocon?
And who are these evil people that hold the power over everything?
And could possibly the bombings in Oklahoma City, would that be a prelude to anything?
Sure, let me answer your question.
Do you want to hold on until after we answer the question?
I just want to try to cram in all the calls and give the pastor a chance to have some closing comments.
In fact, I'll just let you listen off air.
Thank you for the call.
You can call back another day and we can have a longer discussion.
I'm just pressed for time here.
Okay, who are the neocons?
What is a neocon?
Who are the neocons?
Do you want to take that, pastor?
Well, it just means neoconservatives.
Some people are starting to call them neofascists, and that feels more accurate, more descriptive.
It's not quite strong enough, but yeah, it's good.
Because the reason for calling them neofascists is that what they want is the marriage of
Government serving the agenda of large corporations and big money.
That's pretty close to a definition of fascism.
And it's not a free market.
They're going to use government to criminally consolidate.
It's nothing free about it at all.
It's more like piracy.
It's a freedom to plunder for those with the power to plunder.
Yeah, when you hear security, security, they carried out the attacks, didn't quote bring in their security, which is really a chaining you down so they can have their way with you.
So I think that's a nutshell definition of neocon.
I think you could probably add a lot more to it.
And what were the other questions?
He was wanting to know, who are they?
And you have to understand, the neocons are a client management group that was able to shell elites, the oil companies and others, though some of the old elites are going, you guys have really endangered things, but the neocons are in control.
The neocons are
Elliott Abrams, Wormser, Crystal, Bush, Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney.
There's 25 of them that are part of the Project for a New American Century, but then they have a whole nest of them controlling the dominant positions on the Council on Foreign Relations, and they openly hearken back to philosophers and political scientists like Strauss, who were fascist and who believe in a fascist model.
You want to elaborate more on that?
Yeah, and Machiavelli.
I mean, that's one of Roe's heroes, the Machiavelli thing, and they're doing it very well.
These are people who, I think when we look at the power of the government, it's misleading to look at who's president.
We need to be looking at who's been there in Washington all this time.
And these people have been there for 30 years.
They've been there their whole adult life.
We have to know the elite does plan, if things go bad, which they are, to then blame the neocons, which are kind of like a birdcage liner.
They then remove them.
It's a larger part of the system and the elite that are there that will allow this to happen.
I like the birdcage liner picture.
That's it.
They'll just stick a Hillary in or somebody else and then it'll take us four or five years to figure out she's bad.
But I think that in the past, in polls, the population would be mad against one party or the other.
Now, in polls, 80 plus percent distrust and hate the entire system.
And I think that's encouraging.
It is encouraging.
It's frightening, but it's encouraging.
Well, it lets the establishment know that the jig is up.
The left-right paradigm has been shattered because conservatives are figuring out that conservative leaders aren't conservative and don't represent us.
Liberals are figuring out that liberal leaders have been bought off and don't represent us.
And so, you know, the fight is on.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Dennis in North Carolina.
Dennis, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi, Alex.
This is Dennis.
I'm actually in Charlottesville, Virginia.
I was told North Carolina.
He may have heard Charlotte and then picked up North Carolina.
I just want to touch on a couple things real quick and I'll get off the air here.
I want you to know that the 9-11 Truth Movement is gaining some ground here in Charlottesville.
I've been handing out your DVDs and your videos to people to let them watch.
We also have what they call a Freedom of Speech Monument on our pedestrian mall.
It's a granite wall.
It's about 8 foot high, about 20 feet long, and people go down there and they write stuff on it with chalk.
And I happened to pass by there the other day and someone had written Infowars.com across it.
Also, I was watching TV last night, the NewsHour on PBS, and they were interviewing a construction worker who was a volunteer at Ground Zero and some of the ill health effects that he had suffered as a result.
Oh, that's another thing.
The EPA said they breathed all that asbestos.
They had to have treatment.
$96 million to treat them.
And Bush has said no, scrapped those reports, and now people denied they were hurt.
Now the media has to admit they lied.
Again, why would the government, who can just print money out of nothing, not want to even treat the firemen and police?
It shows a callous hatred.
In fact, can you comment on that?
Well, we're back to the idea that loss of life isn't what's important to them, it's loss of money that's important to them.
So those who can make the money are the real players and the rest aren't the real players.
And so while Bush will stand on the rubble and pat him on the head, it means nothing.
It's a horrible insult.
It's great arrogance.
It hurts to see it.
What is it like for you knowing they carried out the attacks and watching them grandstand as our saviors?
The first word is disheartening.
It is disheartening to see how easy
It was for them to pull it off and for disheartening to see how long they've been able to pull it off.
I'm hoping the tide is turning.
Oh, it definitely is turning and it's coming towards a collision.
To answer the earlier caller's third question, Oklahoma City, clearly an inside job.
That is a no-brainer.
If you look at the evidence, it's just, and I see you nodding your head, Pastor.
Sure, the bombs that they found inside of the buildings, the fact that they said these were not fertilizer bombs that made this happen,
Even a cruciary reading of history brings out the fact that
Religion is behind practically, say, 90% of the wars down through history.
People come using religion, sir.
It's true, yes, of course.
But they're stupid enough to believe it.
Like 25 million here listen to this baloney about the kings of the east and the kingdoms of the north are all going to come together in a great clash and this is going to be it and we're going to be wasted away.
They believe that.
Well, you wouldn't have all those red states and red there.
They wouldn't...
Bush and company would have no base!
Well let's be clear, the Bible is color and I'm out of time, I gotta let you go.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
We hurried to as many as we could.
I'll take more calls later, but let me just say on this subject, please don't blame Christianity for people that are misappropriating it and using it.
I just want to close with that.
We've got about a minute and a half left.
I want to thank you for being here.
Closing comments, Pastor?
Well, just on his comment that the great religious teachers, and just to take Jesus, since he's talking about Christianity in America, always say that the right path is very, very narrow and few choose it, and the broad path is the one that most follows.
And it leads to destruction.
It absolutely leads to destruction and war and the Crusades and all the rest that we've seen.
I would like to see the religion of Buddha, of Jesus, of the great Hindu teachers,
of Muhammad at his best rather than the religions about them that have been subverted to serve nationalistic and greedy and murderous schemes come to the fore.
Well, I myself am a Christian, and I have a personal relationship, and I know it's real.
And then I can just look at these phony Christian leaders on television, and they're a bunch of pimps.
They're dressed up like pimps, and they act like pimps, and they've got pinky rings on, and they're up there just... I mean, how can people look at that, and that's not Christian?
It is a carnival.
They're like carnival barkers.
And it is a carnival.
I keep seeing Pat Robertson in an orange and green plaid sport coat standing on the corner trying to sell you used
Hot dog.
Well, Pastor Lore, we've got to get you back in.
America, Fascism, and God is the Book.
And we appreciate your courage in exposing 9-11.
And I hope in the next few months that we're still here and not in World War III to have you on, my friend.
Thank you.
It's great spending time with you.
Alright, we're going to come right back with Jason Bermas of Loose Change 2nd Edition to talk about the big rallies coming up in New York this weekend and on Monday.
And then a big news blitz coming up.
More of your calls after that.
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That's 1-800-686-2237.
I'm not going to keep him long.
He's a very busy man.
Jason Burmiss.
Really my favorite, I think, of the trio.
They're all three great guys.
Corey Rowe and of course Dylan Avery.
The makers of Loose Change 2, 2nd edition.
They've got the big 3rd edition coming out in a few months.
And they're going to be a big part of the vigils and the visibility of 9-11 Truth in New York and I'm honored to be
To be joining them coming up throughout the weekend and on Monday.
Jason, thank you for joining us.
Well, we're honored to have you, Alex, and I just want to thank you again for everything you've done for this movement.
You had an excellent cast on before.
Well, thank you.
Oh, you were tuned in, my friend?
Sorry we got our wires crossed and got you on late.
Tell us about what's coming up this weekend and the key, what's coming up on Monday.
Well, we have a lot coming up this weekend.
Beginning Friday night, us and New York 9-11 Truth are going to be holding events all weekend long.
And on Sunday, we're actually going to have Immortal Technique.
I believe you're speaking on Sunday.
Just a lot going on before 9-11.
And we have something like 1,100 t-shirts to hand out to everybody.
I think we have something like 250 signs that are all plastic because there's certain regulations of what you can and can't bring down there, but we made sure we got the right stuff.
And we're really ready to become very visible this 9-11.
Tell us about it.
Tell us about the itinerary.
Oh, wow.
We just have so many people speaking.
I believe Howie Hawkins is speaking.
He's running under the Green Party for Senate.
He's a 9-11 Truth candidate.
Luke is going to be speaking.
He really helped put all this together.
Les Jamison is going to be there.
Corey Rowe is going to be there.
Of course, you, Alex, are going to be there.
We're going to be there.
We're going to be screening a new presentation of some of the stuff coming up in Loose Change Final Cut.
Highlight a lot of the stuff that we did down in D.C.
And something we just found out, which I found very exciting, is that Dylan is actually going to be in studio Monday morning at 8 a.m.
in Democracy Now!
to debate Davin Coburn of Popular Mechanics.
Oh my gosh, I'm salivating!
I can't wait, Alex.
We are psyched up.
Well, you need to hit them on the fact about how they claim that no planes ever got intercepted, but the very same major who made that claim is in Reuters talking about hundreds of intercepts.
Boy, I wish I could debate them.
I hear you.
We are putting together a package, and we're bringing a DVD player, and apparently Glenn Beck is going to have us in studio later in the day after we're done with the Ground Zero vigil.
And we're going to hit them with the facts, too.
These neocons and these left gatekeepers think they can keep the lid on this.
They can't.
You know, the people are waking up, and it's time that we got out there and did something about it.
I agree with you, and I know Dylan's smart, but they're going to try to lie, they're going to try to make false claims.
He's just got to stay on point, ignore what they're saying, and just put bullet points out.
That is my advice.
Oh, absolutely, and we're actually going to bring a DVD player in.
And say, hey, why is there an explosion on the 8th floor of World Trade Center Building 7?
This is a high-ranking government official claiming this, that while he was being escorted out by a fireman.
Can you explain why there were bombs in Building 7?
Because, you know, now NIST is coming out with their new report that it possibly could have been bombs in the building.
But who knows how they're going to say that?
Yeah, this is what I'd say in that debate.
I'd go, listen, let's not talk about the straw man fake arguments, okay?
We have hundreds of firemen and police saying they saw bombs going off.
Building 7 wasn't hit by a plane.
FEMA and NIST have given five different reasons for why it collapsed.
Now they say those are all wrong.
It could be bombs.
First, Bush claimed he never heard of a plan to fly hijacked planes into buildings.
Now, that's been proven to be a lie.
I guess you're going to tell me they found WMDs, too.
You guys can spin, you can run, but you can't hide.
You know, they probably will try to say that they found WMDs.
You see some of these bloggers actually trying to claim that, and it is incredible to me.
And then you see Bush.
I mean, yesterday saying, hey, we have these secret prisons, we're going to do what we have to.
Like you said, it's not torture, we're just applying pressure.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
And to have him have the nerve
to come down to ground zero this year and grandstand like you said and really try to play the hero's role it's so revolting and disgusting to me that I really hope that that encourages even more people to come out to ground zero because if you're close and you're going to let this monster just sit there and just reiterate the lie I mean you're just as guilty you know silence is betrayal that's that's the bottom line
What time are we meeting up?
What, it's 9 a.m.
there right in front of the Millennium Hilton there at Ground Zero?
I believe so.
I think we're going to be there at 8.
We're going to try to get there early so, you know, if people, you know, need to come in and get DVDs from us so they can hand them out to other people and signs, we're going to be prepared.
So, you know, we're going to try to be there as early as possible.
It's exciting and it's another example of what three highly motivated people can do.
And you guys are a testament to everyone else as models of this fight.
The website is loosechange911.com.
We have links to it up on InfoWars.com.
I'm getting in.
Late Friday night at about 11 or 12, but I do want to try to hook up with you that evening or find out where you're going to be at.
And it is going to be a marathon.
I've got like four TV networks trying to interview me the night and morning I get there.
But somehow we're going to have to... I'm trying to make a film while I'm there too.
I know you guys are going to be ultra busy.
I want to, you know, stick together as much as we can so we can... I just can't wait to see what happens Monday.
Yeah, I am so excited.
Like I said, we have international media covering us Monday.
We have Spiegel TV coming down, we have the CBC with cameras on us, and CNN, who was up at our house, I believe, a week ago for the Paula Zahn Show, they say they're going to send down a crew, too, to cover us.
Stay there, stay there.
A few more minutes on the other side.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
These poor guys, I'm sitting here like their mother during the break giving Jason advice.
And what I would do out of the gates going up against Popular Mechanics is I would say, you guys are the ones that put out the singing of the main story.
You are in the encyclopedia, Hearst Publishing, Popular Mechanics, in the debate they're going to have with them.
You're in the encyclopedia as the fathers of yellow journalism.
You lied and said that your chief editor over this project, Benjamin Chertoff, wasn't related to Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security Director.
Turns out they're close family friends.
He's a first cousin and they dine together.
Why'd you lie about that?
Why'd you build Straw Men?
I think.
And always, the producer goes, yeah, we're setting you up for the debate.
And it's always canceled.
And I've had a bunch of producers say, well, they just think they can't handle you.
They think Dylan isn't going to do a good job.
Dylan is going to do a good job.
But you've got to war game him.
You've got to just stay on script.
Because that's what they're going to do.
Jason, I'm sorry I'm preaching.
That's all right, man.
I mean, I totally hear you.
And it's interesting that Amy Goodman, of all people, is the one to set this up.
A few months back, we went to a Code Pink rally with Cindy Sheehan and just some Iraqi women who had just lost everything.
It was so sad.
And at the end of it, she was in the audience, and she came up and gave this really hypocritical speech that if the media wasn't reporting the truth, they should have their licenses revoked.
So I'm thinking to myself, this lady won't even touch 9-11 truth.
So, you know, me and Dylan, we set up the camera, and I personally confronted her, handed her a DVD, and I mean, she's come out against our movie so many times, saying it's ridiculous,
I can't wait to see what she has to say.
In fact, I just FedExed her a copy of the latest edition.
Let me tell you what's going to happen.
Out of the gates, you need to say, there's two of you against me.
This is Dylan.
Up front, there's two of you against me.
I demand equal time.
But say it on air, then they'll be embarrassed in letting you talk.
If not, they're going to double team you.
Get ready.
Yeah, I believe it, Alex.
And like I said, it's going to be interesting, but not nearly as interesting as the impact of all these people down at Ground Zero.
The mainstream media is not going to be able to ignore us for much longer.
I mean, we have hip pieces in Time Magazine right now, U.S.
News and World Report, I mean, Newsweek, everybody is trying to attack the 9-11 Truth Movement.
But I think it's positive because now they're publicly having to acknowledge us.
And how long is it going to be until someone's in the, you know, White House press conference room asking that question to the President?
Well, it's already happened and he sits there and freezes up.
Oh yeah, the Howard Dean comment?
Yeah, I remember that one.
This is an absurd sinuation.
Absurd sinuation.
And he also addressed it, I believe, with the United Nations, not to believe these outrageous conspiracy theories.
And now he's given a new speech saying that the terrorists are using conspiracy theories.
Oh, of course.
I mean, you look at how they targeted the latest bombers as guys who had 9-11 truth videos or conspiracy videos.
And you know, that's what they're really going to try to do.
But, you know, slowly but surely, Alex, we are becoming the media.
And that's what I'm telling people.
Bring your camcorder.
Bring your camera.
If somebody starts acting out of line out there, put it on them and say, no, you're not going to do this today.
Because there will be provocateurs.
There will be crazies out there.
But the more and more citizen media we have and watchdogs, the less and less they can get away with it.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, just my crew alone, we're going to have a porcupine of five cameras.
Oh, yeah.
We're going to have wrestling with cameras, you know.
And it needs to be that way, because these guys are not straight up with us.
And, you know, they'll do anything in their means to try to squelch our movement and silence our cause.
But they've been discredited.
See, the mainstream doesn't get it yet.
They're just starting to realize it.
Everybody knows they're a pack of twisting liars.
It's true.
And, you know, I talk to people and they're like, yeah, our viewership is down.
All these mainstream media heads that come down, they're like, our magazine sales are down.
And we're like, of course they are, because people are sick of being, you know, shoveled lies.
And that's what they're doing.
And that's why PrisonPlanet.com is so big.
That's why our site's gotten 1.5 million hits in the last month and a half.
I mean, people want to know the truth.
And everybody asks me, you know, why is this so successful?
What's so great about this movie?
I'm like, well, it's the most real thing people have seen about 9-11 so far.
And we as a people, you know, clamor for the truth.
Well, we're coming on like a hurricane.
We're not backing off.
And Jason Burmiss, I just really appreciate you joining us.
We have the itinerary for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and Monday posted on InfoWars.com.
And I can't wait to see you guys there in New York.
This is going to be historical as the man who wants to play hero, the man who fronts for the people that carried out the attacks, is going to be
In two sites in New York, grandstanding and in D.C.
and there are going to be people there in D.C.
as well.
9-11 crews are going to be there as well.
We definitely have the empire on the run right now.
I believe it Alex and these guys are going to pay for their crimes.
I have made it my sole mission in life and others need to do the same.
We'll see you, Jason Burmiss, there on the ground this weekend and Monday in the Big Apple.
God bless you.
Go with God.
God bless you, too, Alex.
We'll see you down there.
Take care.
How exciting.
All right, I've got a bunch of news I want to hit.
I'll take a few more of your calls.
But before we do that, Debbie Morrow, New Millennium Concepts, the Made in America, Big Berkeys,
And you get a huge discount.
You get basically what distributors get.
You get about $100 off on these high quality made in America water filtration systems.
And I hope you'll take advantage of this right now.
Debbie, thanks for holding.
Good to have you on with us.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you very much for having me on.
How are you doing?
Well, I am in the thick of the fight as we enter the vortex in through and beyond.
I know.
I heard that.
I was wondering if you could repeat that guy's website because I didn't get it.
And it was very interesting what he was talking about.
I'd like to look it up.
It's loosechange911.com.
Thank you.
Well, we have lots of exciting things going on here at New Millennium with the Berkey water filters.
We are still offering second day air to customers who are, you know, wanting to get that.
So that they can be in any coastal areas or things like that.
Although, thank God... And that's like a 30-something discount.
For normal UPS ground price, you get second day air.
That's right.
That's right.
For the normal UPS ground, we're doing second day air.
And also, we want to encourage people to get their Berkeys now and use them every day.
I've had lots of customers call me.
Recently and say how much better their health is because they're drinking Berkey water and getting away from the, you know, tap water.
That's the key.
I mean, if a hurricane will spur you into getting a Berkey, great.
But that's not the reason to get them.
The water, even the well water in many areas, but the municipal water is a poisonous cocktail.
Stop drinking it.
That's right.
That's right.
And we also have a post filter that reduces the fluoride out of the water.
So for those people who unfortunately have fluoride added to the water, we can go ahead and target that too.
So if they'll give me a call at toll-free 1-888-803-4438, and I'll repeat it, it's 1-888-803-4438.
I will take their orders or I'll send out literature.
We've got beautiful brand new literature that we can now send out to the customers.
You know, give me a call and we'll get that literature out and it'll have pictures and descriptions of the Berkeys.
And be sure to say you're an Alex Jones listener so that we help support your international shortwave airtime.
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This is the system that I bought years before you guys were even sponsors.
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Give Debbie a call at 888-803-4438 or go to Berkeywater.com.
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Tell them what free gift you want in the comment sections and at the same time you can also go to Infowars.com and order via our safe secure online shopping cart.
God bless you Debbie.
Thanks for coming on.
Thank you and God bless you and all your listeners.
Thank you.
Take care.
I've got a big call list here, but I'm confused about who's up first.
I'm going to take a few calls.
James in Indiana, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to talk about, there's two government documents, I don't know if you're aware of them, that in their own words show that according to them, a plane hitting the building at World Trade Center would not cause the collapse.
One of them is a reference on the NIST that typically asks questions.
It was sent in by John Dragonetti.
John Dragonetti worked on the project.
He sent them
A three-page memo with 11 points on it that's written by the Port Authority.
The World Trade Center is a government building, okay?
No, I understand they were leased by Silverstein.
Also, Building 7 wasn't hit by an aircraft.
NISC doesn't know why it collapsed.
Well, we do.
If you could get your hands on these documents, Alex, you would have in your hands the government's own words saying planes do not cause a collapse if they hit the building.
No, I've been on the NISC site and I believe I've read over those and seen those.
Plus, we had
Namuru Yamasaki, the designer, the architect, and then we also had, I forget his name, he's an Italian gentleman who was the Chief Construction Engineer, who died on 9-11, a year before the attacks on PBS, talking about how the buildings were meant to be designed to be hit by two 707s apiece.
Okay, but if the footnotes said that John Dragonetti sent them in that three-page memo, according to the book, Sitting in the Sky of the Rise and the Fall of the World Trade Center,
That memo is called, it's a white paper, called selling at points with regard to the structural design of the World Trade Center towers.
Well, that's in their own files, so why did he have to send that in to them?
Listen, I appreciate your call.
It's an interesting point.
I appreciate it.
Let's talk to Richard in Alabama.
Richard, you're on the air.
I learned from local radio news
But they're going to put a mark on all the Alabama driver's licenses to identify you as a pedophile.
And it's going to be obvious so everybody at the bank can know that you're a pedophile, etc.
And that's only the beginning.
They're now talking about marks on the license if you've been a drunk driver, marks if you've got a criminal record.
And the problem is that the government actually releases violent pedophiles, real pedophiles, and then imprisons 18-year-old men who have sex with their 17-year-old girlfriends in high school.
Most of the quote sex crimes now are you know 20-year-old guy goes out with a 17-year-old sweetheart he's been dating since you know she was 14 and he was he was 16 I mean just there's tens of thousands of these cases a year and it's it's incredible and and so that's who we're talking about being in these databases.
And there's more.
They intend to not let anybody out of jail or prison until they apply for
A driver's license or a non-driver's license?
Yeah, you've got to have the ID card, which is the beginning of compulsory ID cards.
Let me give you more on this.
Homeland Security Director Ridge four years ago on C-SPAN said that if you've got bad credit, it's going to be in the database that your card connects to and that you won't have a green rating.
So just like there are trusted traveler programs to get on aircraft, it's going to be nationwide, sir.
You're going to have to have that card and everything is going to be put on your card.
Any reason to then say, well, you don't have your rights because you violated this or that.
There's an echo on my telephone.
Do you hear it?
No, I don't, Richard.
What's on your mind?
Do you have any other points you'd like to make?
No, I guess not.
Now listen, I really appreciate your call.
Take care, my friend.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Esther in Missouri.
You're on the air.
I just wanted to tell you what we're doing here in Kansas City to support your
Uh, weekend in New York.
We're having our own film marathon here, which will include Loose Chains and, uh, Terror Storm.
Uh, Sunday from noon to, uh, noon to nine.
No, noon to eight.
And then Monday from five to nine.
It'll be at the Uptown Theater.
At 37th and Broadway.
Good, good.
And also then on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 we're having a public demonstration out on the plaza, 47th and J.C.
Nichols Parkway at what is commonly called the Horse Fountain.
And the good news is, all over the country, in small towns and big cities alike, men and women, black and white, old and young, are going out there with their 9-11 truth signs, 9-11 is an inside job, you are exposing these murderers, you are exposing these criminals, and I salute you.
Well, I have 200 9-11 was an inside job signs to distribute.
Good, I hope somebody burns a couple hundred copies of Terror Storm to give them out to everyone, that is so important.
Well, we have people who are doing those things all the time, but this is at this Uptown Theater.
Both Sunday afternoon and Monday evening.
Good, thank you.
I appreciate the call.
That is exciting.
Sorry I'm moving quick here.
I want to get everybody on air.
All of you are great callers.
Chris in Kentucky, go ahead.
Hey Alex, great news.
We have a gentleman named Ed Parker running for Congress to fight the New World Order.
And he has a website, www.parkerforcongress.com?
Yeah, there are thousands of 9-11 truth and thousands of anti-New World Order candidates, and they're using their candidacies, some of which are winning, by the way, to stump on TV and in newsprint and at these physical events with all these people there.
This is how we're defeating the New World Order.
This is great news because if he doesn't know about your documentary films I've got extra copies and I'm going to give that to people there as well as his supporters because I'm not going to stop this.
This new World War tyranny we're getting into.
Another thing I wanted to bring up, did you hear about the new retina scanners to clock in at jobs?
That is getting to be everywhere now.
Yeah, tanning salons, gyms, grocery stores, many jobs, public schools, no cash allowed, you've got a thumb scan to buy your food, libraries.
This is the new national ID card system integrated with identifiers on your driver's license.
This is going in, this is happening.
Yeah, it really is, and it's just the database roundup, too, because it's all going into databases, and I try to tell people that, and it's just some moments now.
Some of them have waken up, but you've got to realize what's coming.
Yeah, a lot of people...
Hey Alex, how are you doing today?
Three quick things because I know you're short on time.
Georgia Ports got big flashing lights up there, Osama Bin Laden meets with the charities.
I don't know if you've heard that or seen that yet.
It's just every day there's more fake news.
It feels like they're pulling out all the stops because they're really, really getting it.
Also, I remember you about a month ago mentioning something about putting some printable flyers up on your website.
I know you're busy all the time, but I don't know if you did that yet.
Yes, we have a bunch of flyers to exposing 9-11 and for events.
They're just, you have to look around the site for them.
Okay, so it is up on the site.
Also, I've noticed another site that's out there.
It's nworeport.com.
It has a bunch of banners up there to your site and stuff.
Not familiar with it, but sounds good.
Keep up the great work, Alex.
Thank you.
I appreciate your call.
We'll come back in the final segment.
I'll hit two or three news items.
We're done with calls, sorry.
But we are just flat out of time on that front.
Coming up tonight, an event.
Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
Seven o'clock.
I'm going to speak.
And then we'll take questions after the event.
It's great.
This is the last event this week.
And we've got two more next Wednesday and Thursday.
Alamo Draft House, Salt Lamar, at 7 p.m.
Get your tickets for tonight or next Wednesday or Thursday.
Don't wait until it sells out.
It's almost sold out.
Today's event is almost sold out.
It is assuredly going to sell out.
A few tickets left on the web.
And then we'll have like 20 tickets available at the door.
So get your tickets now for the show and goodnight at 7 p.m.
at InfoWars.com.
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About a month ago, the Neocon Radio talk show host began saying that I'm probably with Al-Qaeda, Al-Qaeda has infiltrated our media, we're putting out the story that 9-11 is an inside job for Bin Laden, we're under his command, which is just so ridiculous.
Go ahead and do that.
If people didn't know you were the terrorist before, now they really know you are.
Play your hand, you arrogant pieces of filth.
You are not history's actors.
We are.
We're exposing you murderers.
We're not cowards like you!
And of course, Bush has given two speeches.
Everybody's freaking out over it.
Yesterday and today, saying that Al-Qaeda has infiltrated our media, and is manipulating not just the 9-11 conspiracy theorists, but the anti-war movement.
And they tried to put this out a few years ago.
I remember the Attorney General of California came out and said, we're going to ban anti-war protests, this was on the eve of the Gulf War, Gulf War II, because the war is to fight terrorists, and so if you protest the war,
You're aiding terrorists.
But see, that didn't work.
So they could announce that it's illegal to protest.
They could announce that you cannot talk about the New World Order.
They could make all... Just go ahead!
Make the announcements, terrorists!
We are going to expose you.
And we are not going to back off.
We are not going to stop.
We are going to fight the New World Order.
And we know the cost.
We know
What we're facing, and we understand that if we leave the field, you're going to win.
And the police and people in the government and everybody listening.
This government is not our government.
It is totally criminal.
It is dissolving our borders, North American Union.
It is taking our freedoms.
It has looted the Treasury.
Trillions missing from the Pentagon.
You work for criminals.
I want you to understand.
You need to stand with the people and not follow criminal orders.
You need to follow the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
You need to read it and find out what the real rule book is.
Not what these would-be dictators are saying.
Not what they're pushing.
So again, I am begging all of you to stand with us in courage now.
I mean, Bush comes out and says it isn't torture, we just rough people up.
No, they torture children.
And you have to ask yourselves, whose side are you on?
Are you on the side of a criminal government that's been hijacked, that openly admits they torture children?
A government that openly is destroying our country?
A government that is openly setting up a control grid?
Or are you with the people?
Which side are you on?
Who are you with?
Who do you stand with?
Listen, the New World Order wanted to ignore 9-11 truth.
They're being forced to report on it now.
They're being forced to respond on it now.
They are in panic mode.
Their back's against the wall.
And a lot of us have hit the bar bar for you.
A lot of us have already hit the machine gun nest, figuratively.
We've already climbed the mountain.
We've already taken on the enemy installations.
Now we need you to climb up over our backs, and in some cases over our dead bodies, to beat these people.
We are going to swarm them.
We are going to stop them.
We are going to bring the New World Order down.
This is their big gamble, their big move.
Don't listen to the phony churches saying we can't affect change, that we shouldn't get involved, that we shouldn't be out there speaking out, that you're a devil if you don't worship Bush.
They are the devils, my friends.
I live this.
I study this.
This is what I do.
And I can tell you right now, they are scared to death of us.
They're scared of our will, our love, our honor, our capacity to sacrifice.
And we are engaging the enemy at point-blank range.
We are in the thick of it.
You have to be ready to win.
You have to be ready to effect change.
What will probably happen, and this continues, is the elite will pause their operations, buy a bunch of stuff on Bush for other crimes, remove them, and then kind of keep the ball rolling.
That's a victory though!
Because it means we're stalling their operations.
This is a war.
And I'm so sick of the naysayers that say we can't win, but I'm hearing less and less of them.
We don't have a choice.
Do you understand?
I know I don't.
I'm at the point of no return a long time ago.
This is the real deal.
You only live once, so do the right thing.
Do what you should.
Stand in the gap against tyranny.
Join us in history in the fight against the most evil elite we've ever seen in human history.
Get out there and take on the New World Order.
Please get my new film, Terror Storm.
Please make copies of it.
It is my testament against these wicked people.
I love you all.
God bless you all.
Take care.
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