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Name: 20060905_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 5, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
It feels like Monday, but it's really Tuesday, September 5th, 2006.
And I'm your host.
We'll be here live for the next three hours.
We have our monthly visit with Michael Rivera of WhatReallyHappened.com coming up in the second hour.
And we also have a candidate from political office who's also exposed electronic voting machine fraud and 9-11 as an inside job.
In the third hour, we will have open phones throughout the broadcast today.
Any news issue, any story, you disagree, you agree with me,
questions comments we will get you up and on the air toll-free number to join us 1-800-259-9231 plunging straight into the news today
Agency wants FAA executives disciplined over 9-11.
This from Reuters.
We see rats leaving the sinking ship concerning their, quote, lies that were told to the 9-11 whitewash commission and to the congressional commission before that.
Education college data shifted and sifted for terrorists.
Everything being tracked and looked at supposedly looking for terrorists.
If the government wants to find the terrorists, they can look at Pennsylvania Avenue.
Also, a report from 9-1-1 blogger, how could they plant bombs in the World Trade Center?
Speaking of a recent New York Times article on 9-11 implies that controlled demolition of the Twin Towers would have been impossible because no one could have snuck into all of the explosives in the buildings.
Well, of course, New York Times, only the government could do that.
That's our whole point.
So now they're trying to spin it, saying, well, it's impossible that bombs could be in there because
Al Qaeda couldn't sneak them in.
Now the federal investigative body NIST is saying bombs could have been in the building.
Also Iran's ex-president believes U.S.
attack on Iran unlikely.
That is certainly good news if you can believe that.
Views on NSA surveillance shift in the United States.
More Americans think the government should be able to spy on us without warrants and that's thanks to some of the propaganda we witnessed.
So if you're so happy about that
out there.
We will get into this article out of the register.
Google developing eavesdropping software.
Wait till you hear the details of this.
It's everything we've already warned you about and told you about here.
Your OnStar listens to you with NSA Systems, listening for keywords.
Already your digital cable listens to you.
And so, when we hear about Google openly saying that they're going to go ahead and launch this system, this is really just par for the course.
Every new digital DVR or cable box in the country, and I've taken them apart, I've talked to cable technicians here in Austin, I've seen the manuals, for at least six years have microphones listening to you.
And so we're going to get to this after the break.
This is out of a major newspaper out of the UK, The Register.
Wow, breaking a big, important report for us here.
The only thing new about this is that your computer microphone, and they're now coming with them built into them, so you don't have a choice, you see.
Did you ever ask why?
Well, we told you why.
But here it is, in the newspaper.
Of course, it's all to stop Al Qaeda, of course.
We must watch and listen to all of you.
Just amazing, amazing stuff.
So we'll be getting into all of that after this quick break that is coming up.
In fact, I will first get into the NSA spying and how it ties into your televisions and computers and your OnStar tracking and tracing everything and every word you say and everything you do.
By the way, your cell phones do it as well, even when they're turned off.
And it's incredible that I've been talking about this all these years and people laughed at me, even when I had the documents, and here it is in a major newspaper!
Reporting on it like it's no big deal!
Of course!
Being watched, being listened to, 24 hours a day is wonderful!
We'll be right back!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, there have been huge new developments in the ongoing fight
to expose the inside job attacks of September 11th almost five years ago.
I will be in New York over the weekend and on Monday and Tuesday I'll be reporting live on this broadcast on other Genesis broadcasts from Ground Zero and other events that I'm going to be attending.
Bob Dacey, expert on the New World Order, also writes for the New American Magazine and hosts a local TV show as well here in Austin.
He's going to be sitting in on Monday and Tuesday with live broadcast for you.
Jack Blood can't do it.
He'll be in New York with me and others.
So, New York with I. But let me just jump straight into the news right now before I get into September 11th.
Let me first talk about NSA spying, and this has an interesting twist to say the least.
The media and the government are now announcing, are now admitting, what I have been telling you for at least five years.
And I can't tell you how many mean emails I've gotten, how many people laughed at me,
I've gotten calls here at the office going, I used to love you but you're a liar.
I'm not going to listen anymore.
I work for Time Warner Cable and what you said isn't true.
Hey, we don't make anything up on this broadcast and that doesn't mean we're perfect.
That doesn't mean that we don't make mistakes occasionally and we try to correct those openly on air.
But when it comes to the fact that digital cable
Antivo and every DVR out there that is hooked into a cable system is tracking everything you do and yes every brand I've seen even when it's not listed on the manual has a microphone inside of it and I first learned of this it was about
Well, I learned of it about a decade ago.
I heard there were plans.
They'd opened up cable boxes in Australia.
They'd found microphones in them.
I even rolled my eyes a decade ago.
Then about six years ago, I guess it was, maybe it was in 99, time's just flying.
I can't believe it's already halfway through 2006 right now.
So I guess almost seven years ago, I had Time Warner Digital Cable.
I was just getting it put in at the time.
It would just become available.
And the technician was at my house.
And he said, hey Alex, look at this training manual.
Look at this owner's manual and technician manual for the Scientific Atlantic box.
He goes, do you see that hole in the front?
He goes, because I'm a listener on your show, your radio show.
And I said, yeah, I see the hole.
He goes, what do you think that is?
I said, a microphone?
He goes, yeah.
Watch this.
He had the tool.
He opened it up.
He showed me.
And I said, no, no way.
And he said, yeah, look right here.
He opens the manual up, and it shows there's a microphone in there.
And I said, what's that for?
And he goes, well, they claim that these are going to be two-way internet boxes, but they're not going to be offering that, they're saying, for several years.
They're not even telling people that these are in here, but some of the other higher level engineers, he said, I'm just a technician, but some of the engineers here locally say that this is going to be for marketing and that they're going to have keyword computers listening for keywords and that they're going to basically build a psychological profile on you and sell that data.
Well I did some research then on the web and found out that indeed industry conventions had taken place even years before 99 and this had been openly discussed.
I then learned from an FBI source that I had that they had been using OnStar to tune in live time to what you were saying or doing in your car because OnStar is a two-way cell phone system hooked into GPS coordinates.
I, of course, had learned in 96 that all cell phones, October 1st, 2001, they passed the legislation, signed on the six billion, it was later nine plus billion they paid.
I want to be precise, nine billion, three hundred plus million.
To put in NSA offices at every major phone switch hub in the country.
Now all of that, of course, is broken in the news.
But that was in industry publications.
And it's all in industry publications.
Because this is where the actual engineers, the technicians, the sales people, the folks that are actually in these companies are living and breathing.
They have to really know what's going on.
And it's always put out like it's no big deal.
Like it's a happy thing.
They talk about the most horrible Big Brother developments I could possibly imagine, or you could possibly imagine, like they're discussing the cost of pork bellies on the Chicago Mercantile.
Or, you know, the cost of soybeans.
I mean, it's just, it's calmly reported.
And so I would go on air and warn people about this, and then people quit laughing, stopped laughing two and a half years ago at the Super Bowl, when Janet Jackson bore her breast, and TiVo announced, hey, we have 2.2 million rewinds and replays in the hour after that, TiVo's great.
And then the Chicago Tribune went, wait a minute, how do you know how many times people rewound and replay?
And TiVo went, because we track all that and sell that data.
They build psychological algorithms.
When you're getting a job as a government agent, whether it's a nuclear power plant or even an accounting, they will give you, and many private corporations do this too, they will give you a 630 something question test.
I forget the exact name, but that's to catch you in little minute psychological lies.
It's to get the personality type you are.
The tracking of your purchases, the tracking of what you watch on TV, the tracking of what you look at on the internet, is actually hundreds of thousands of choices a month, millions of choices a year, and with those calculations, and each show, each TV show, each commercial, has a score on it.
When you tuned in, when you tuned out, what you liked, what you didn't like.
So with 630 questions they can get a very good idea of your psychology.
Imagine with millions of questions being truthfully answered.
And of course the media wanted to demonize the internet going back about five years ago.
So they would publicize that with cookies and other tracking systems that your habits on the internet were being tracked and psychological makeups and psychological profiles were being
Accrued and developed on you and your family.
Because they wanted to demonize and scare you about the web.
But wait a minute!
On the web you can have a virtual browser.
That's what I use.
That blocks almost all of that.
You always have to have the new updated version or it won't block that.
And then they still find the index of who's using the virtual browser and then just assign that virtual browser's history to the IP address or the particular terminal address of who is using that computer.
But all of this gets off into technical mumbo-jumbo.
The point is, when the President gets up there and says, don't worry, the Patriot Act doesn't spy on you and we've still got to have warrants,
Then they get caught with the NSA spying on the American people, and they try to spin it and say, oh, well, we're just listening to Bin Laden or his deputies when they call America and they say, hey, you know, the Constitution isn't a suicide pack, and if your wife's having a baby and is going into labor, you don't call the judge and ask permission to rush to the hospital, you just rush, and we need to be able to listen to Al-Qaeda!
All that exercise in breaking the NSA news and going public was done to shell you on being spied on, to equate being spied on with keeping you safe from Al Qaeda, so as soon as they get you to accept NSA spying, then, oh hey, by the way, everything you do.
Your college exams, your high school exams, your high school numbers, what you buy with your credit cards, what you surf on the web, what you watch on the TV.
Hey, the government with your tax money is buying all that data in real time from all the major cable companies, all the major internet companies.
Even if your little provider doesn't sell the data, it still goes through a major hub and they're selling it right there.
So let's just be honest about the type of surveillance we're under.
Let's be honest about the fact that in 1984 it was just cameras in your house watching you and microphones on the street corners and in the parks and in dark alleyways where they thought people might want to whisper their innermost feelings or microphones listening to you while you're asleep at night and picking up in your dreams that you don't like Big Brother and you shout out in your dreams, I hate Big Brother down with Big Brother and they arrest you the next morning.
You see, we're actually thousands of times past that.
Now the government through the media is announcing it and always putting the spin on it that Big Brother's watching for your safety.
And so we now come to this latest article.
In fact, where is my article?
I just... Here it is.
I found it.
This is out of Angus Reid Consultants, who do major polls and research.
And this is being done, of course, for the government.
Views on NSA surveillance.
Oh, by the way, the White House hires major focus groups and firms, and they have focus groups about would another terror attack help Bush, and they openly do those tasks right in front of you.
More Americans think their federal administration should be able
Notice how this is all spun to make it sound like it's ours.
More Americans think their federal... It's like my cancer.
People say my cancer.
More Americans think their federal administration should be able to use wiretaps to listen to telephone calls and read emails between suspected terrorists in other countries and people in the United States without a court order according to a poll by Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
51% of respondents agree with surveillance program up 9 points since March.
Last December, U.S.
President George Bush defended a secret domestic surveillance program that includes the wiretapping of telephone calls and emails of Americans suspected of having terrorist ties.
The President's remarks came in response to media reports that since 2002, Bush has authorized the National Security Agency to operate this program without any judicial oversight.
So notice, they're having a big national debate about, should we be able to listen to a call from Al Qaeda to the U.S.? ?
Now, in plain view, there's articles every day about how they're spying on everything else, but we're not going to have a debate about that.
They're going to first sell the people on this limited spying, then they'll sell you on the rest of it that's already ongoing.
This is all brainwashing.
Here it is out of AP.
Education college data sifted for terrorists.
Every college student in the country is sent through NSA computers and the Total Information Awareness Network.
And it goes on.
We'll get to that later.
When we get back, first, Google developing eavesdropping software.
Out in the open, the microphone on your computer will be listening to you with NSA-type shifting systems.
We'll be right back.
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So let me be clear about this.
The federal government has converted almost all of the highway cameras that they're now putting up in neighborhoods.
They've converted them and hooked them into systems that scan your license plates in real time and track everywhere you're going and what you're doing.
Multiple states are moving under federal grants and funding to put transponders and all inspection stickers to tax and trace and track everywhere you go.
Turning the roads into toll roads as well.
Your computers, your digital televisions, that's what televisions are now that are hooked into cable, they are computers, are tracking everything you do and as if that isn't enough, they are going to physically listen off of the microphones and webcams that are coming standard on most PCs and laptops.
And you tell the average American this, they can't even believe the NSA is spying on them.
I mean, I remember a year ago, people still debated and said, the NSA doesn't spy!
There's no such thing as Echelon!
The cell phones don't track everywhere you go and what you do!
And they sure can't listen to you!
It was all officially announced ten years ago!
That the phones were going to do all of this by October 1st, 2001.
Now along comes Google, that's moved in its headquarters with NASA, that's clearly been given proprietary NSA systems.
Google is NSA technology of 15 years ago.
That's what the keyword searches are, that's what's happening, that's what the government uses, but they put all your phone calls, your faxes, your email, your data through these index systems that then track it all and put it into these larger databases that is accessible not just by the government, but by private industry.
Do you understand me?
Now, of course, if the general public ever learned of this, if Rush Limbaugh ever talked about this, if this was ever a big issue on the nightly news, the people would revolt and they'd have to remove it.
But instead, they're breaking the ice with you going, we're just listening to phone calls from Al-Qaeda.
Here it is, out of the register, and Paul Watson's going to write a big article on this, so is Ryan Sluckeisen, I'm told.
Google developing eavesdropping software, the register.
And we put a little comment here.
The first thing that came out of our mouths when we heard that Google is working on the system that listens to what's on your TV playing in the background and then serves you relevant adverts was, that's cool, but dangerous.
So that's actually the comment.
I'm used to us saying comment at the top of an article.
That's actually the registrar's comment.
The idea appeared in Technology Review, citing Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google, who says these ideas will show up eventually in real Google products sooner rather than later.
Now remember, they always announce it's coming when it's already in place.
The idea is to use the existing PC microphone to listen to whatever is heard in the background, be it music, your phone going off, or the TV turned down.
Notice they don't see you.
It's a great spin.
The PC then identifies it using fingerprinting that recognizes TV, radio, phones, your voice, and then shows you relevant content whenever that advert or search results or a chat room on the subject.
It's like when you visit... I'll be visiting mainstream websites and it pops up, hey, find a date in your area.
In Austin, Alex Jones.
And it seems, and I even brag about this, that the little computer pop-ups even know what type of women.
I guess just over the years all the things I've seen or done or said, I mean this is incredible, it even knows what you want.
I mean here they're saying it!
Continuing, and of course we wouldn't put it past Google to store that information anyway, along with the search terms it keeps that you've used and the web pages you have visited to help create a personalized profile that feeds you just the right kind of advertisement and content.
And given that it is trying to develop alternative approaches to TV advertising, it could go the extra step and help send content relevant advertising to your TV as well.
That's where TV is going.
The last wave was product placement in the TV shows and movies because people don't watch ads anymore because of the remote control developed in the 70s.
popularized in the seventies, developed in the fifties really, now they're going to move directly to pre-packaged special ad systems, nodules that play during the TV commercials.
We suspect that such a world would be rather eerie with a constant feeling of deja vu every time anyone watched TV.
Technology Review said Google talked about the software in Europe last June and that it breaks
Sound into five second snippets to pick out radio, audio from TV, reducing the snippet to a digital fingerprint which matches on the internet server.
So then their spin is like Disney World, oh we thumb scan you but it's not your fingerprint, it's numbers.
But they reconstitute it as a fingerprint.
Given the furor caused by AOL releasing searches on the internet, there might be more than a few civil
Liberties, activists, less than happy for Google to put the idea into practice.
When we get back, I'll go over how it's already in practice.
And how this ties in to radio, frequency, identification, devices.
Oh yes!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Got a bunch of important 9-11 news, big developments with the whole gear up for war with Iran.
It's all coming up.
We have several guests as well scheduled today, but I'll be taking your calls here in a few minutes.
So here's an article out of the register reporting how Google is openly at big trade shows talking about how they're going to implement a system where the microphone on your computer, they didn't ask you, they didn't tell you, is going to start, and that means it's already begun, we already know it has, we've seen reports of it, listening to everything you say and do and breaking it down into text
Real-time and then putting it through the NSA style computers.
That's what Google uses.
That's what Google basically is.
The article continues, given the furor caused when AOL released searches on the internet, selling the data, there might be more than a few civil liberties activists less than happy for Google to put this idea into practice.
Also, given that Google provides the software link between its search software and the microphone, it's a small step to making the same link to any webcams attached to the PC.
Pretty soon the security industry is going to find a way to hijack the Google feed.
Oh, I'm sure Google would not be part of that.
And use it for full of espionage.
Whatever that means.
And hijack the Google feed and use it for full
of espionage.
Google says that it's fingerprinting technology makes it impossible for the company or anyone else to eavesdrop on your sounds in the room such as personal conversations because the conversation is a fingerprint is made of the PC and a fingerprint can't be reversed and it's only an identity.
So it's the exact same spin they used when biometric access started putting thumb scanners in HEB food stores around the state
I'll go grab that clip of Police State 3 Total Enslavement and play that clip and then play the clip from last week where the TV station out of Orlando has Disney officials going, well, we do biometrically scan your hand and your finger to get in, but don't worry, we create a set of numbers.
It's not your fingerprint.
Yes, it's the numbers that are the calculation of the measurement between the 14 to 20 different, depending on the system, key point identifiers, the measurements between the bands on your fingerprints.
It's a fingerprint!
But they say, this is not a fingerprint.
Now here they say, oh, it's a fingerprint, not your voice.
We just break down your words.
Your spoken word into keywords and into text, and then your PC is used according to your name.
It's only a username, which of course is attached to your name.
And then we will tailor advertising packets to be sold to the cable networks and the TV networks to then stream it down the cable feed to you real-time and overlay personalized advertisements for you.
Which is already what happens.
You're into guns?
When you go to people's websites that take Google Ads, you'll see ads for guns on there.
And they also, then also know it's certain types of sites.
Who visits those sites?
You'll also see ads tailored to that.
This is being announced.
Do you understand?
It isn't coming.
It's here.
And the microphones that are in the digital cable boxes and the TiVos and the other DVRs
are not just tracking everything you watch and see in your choices and when you change the channel and what ad you'll actually sit through and watch.
They also have the capability to physically dial in with artificially intelligent keyword listening programs and pick up the music in the room, your conversations,
If you have pets, is the dog barking?
Do you have a bird chirping?
They even have the computer set to recognize that it's a parrot, or a dog, or a man, or a woman, and they have children, what your children are saying.
And again, what, three years after I told you that OnStar was listening to you in real time?
It just feeds through the satellites?
They have NSA snooping, real-time listening?
And when a keyword gets flagged, then there's files and graphs and algorithms laid out.
And the FBI, years after I told you, it was in San Francisco Chronicle and several other publications, how the FBI was trying to use OnStar audio where they were tapping into a suspect's car without a warrant, using their OnStar for physical agents to be listening, not just computers.
Now if the American people could know what I just laid out roughly in the last 30 minutes, would they be in a major poll saying we agree with Bush's spying because it's limited to listening to Al Qaeda phone calls to the U.S.?
Again, they are breaking the ice.
They are conditioning you.
They are getting you to accept it.
They are selling you that the surveillance is to keep you safe.
The main use of the National Security Agency and the CIA, all these private corporations, the main thing they do with snooping systems is identify grassroots trends and try to package propaganda and have propaganda systems ready
Before that trend even goes big time and hits a level where it becomes popularized.
They know in the past the establishment could set the trends.
Now because of the fractured media and the culture they are identifying the trends and trying to hijack them.
And this is what they're doing.
They're using it to spy on their competitors.
It's well-known, and it's come out in lawsuits in Europe against the US, that every time a company over there, or even private companies here, that aren't part of the insiders, develop some new technology, some new widget, it doesn't matter, the government is all over it, but in those cases it's not, the keyword software picks it up, then it's given to key analysts inside the NSA, who then hand it off to private corporations that then mete out and shell or transfer that data to key New World Order allied companies.
So it's about economic espionage.
It's about knowing who gun owners are.
It's about knowing how many of you really don't like the government.
And now they're making the NSA announcement to scare those of you that are awake and active because they've looked at the trends.
I can organically analyze it and look at hundreds of different indicators myself and tell you without a shadow of a doubt, we're winning the fight right now.
They know it.
And so they're desperately pulling out all the stops they can to try to short circuit our movement, our truth movement.
They've looked at the trends right now.
They know they're in a lot of trouble.
That's why they're unleashing COINTELPRO experts, disinformation experts, to get everybody fighting with each other, to get a bunch of dissension going, to then get a snowball, a parrot, a mockingbird effect of then getting others quacking the same thing.
That's the power of government propaganda, getting you to repeat it.
They're having disinfo officers come out.
I've cracked it.
It's got to be over a hundred people they've hired.
It's the same script they're following.
They go all over the web just in this one little operation and try to push that no planes at the World Trade Centers.
They try to discredit us because they've also done internal analysis of the population that the public does not buy no planes hitting Tower 1 or 2.
It's ridiculous.
So they know they can make that a dominant feature of the 9-11 Truth Movement.
They can then discredit us.
They're also trying to ensure that the Truth Movement be anti-semitic, because they've done internal analysis of the population knowing the public won't buy the Truth Movement if that's being said and pushed.
And so you'll see their agents and their officers and their mockingbird copycats out there quacking that.
That's the problem.
I just can't even articulate my analysis of this.
I see the enemy program, but I told you I'd get into RFID chips and we'll go to your calls.
And have your questions and comments ready because I'm going quick.
The globalists have a problem though.
They can face scan you as you walk down the street and know your location.
They can track you with your cell phone down to three feet and audibly listen to everything you're doing with keyword software or have an officer or agent listen.
They have cameras everywhere and now they're doing deals in Chicago and London and other areas where they pay shopkeepers money to wire their cameras with audio into the city, which is then hooked into the federal and the international grids.
So they're already tracking almost everywhere we go, everything we do.
Big national parks that are putting in millions of dollars of cameras and microphones per park.
That's been announced for five years.
So almost everything is tracked, but still they have trouble tracking commerce.
An AI camera, hooked into AI software, to be technical, a camera hooked into an AI system, can't really tell what you're handing off to somebody, what you're delivering in a truck, in a box.
The computer still have trouble reading what's on the box, or collating that, or it could be the wrong thing in that box.
And so they've openly announced with radio frequency identification devices, developed by MIT, the Naval War College, and Sony, as well as Hitachi,
These things are down to about two cents a piece.
They're the size of a grain of sand, not a grain of rice.
That's why they've openly announced they want them in every soup Campbell's can, on every pair of sunglasses, every razor, every tire.
These RFID devices are gridded with the shell towers that send out the radiation bursts, the scrambled, let's be technical, microwaves that then bounce
off and then are fed in to the cell towers and off of other radio frequency identification device readers going in everywhere.
Even private companies that are quote having RFID put in their products like Prada when you walk in the store it flashes your name and says we've got your size.
They'll also then bootleg and sell that material to the government.
With the RFID tracker chips it doesn't have like Yahoo or Google where every
piece of cyberspace world is attached with a number being tracked and traced.
That universe is already under total surveillance.
Now in the real physical three-dimensional world, outside of numbers, outside of cyberspace, with the RFID, every real object in the world, including every door you buy from Home Depot,
Every sprinkler system you purchase have hardened RFIDs meant to operate even in bad climate conditions for up to four years, and that's just this generation.
That way off radio frequency devices, everything in the real world will have an identifying number attached to your master file integrated into the root directory for all the relationships that you have in the real world and interconnecting
Human-Societal Interactions.
So now the real world will be under total surveillance.
And the entire history of every gun you purchase, every bullet you purchase, the foods you eat, how much beer you drink.
Already, they just announced three years ago, oh, every prescription you get, whether it be a prosthesis or prescription ibuprofen,
It doesn't matter.
That's all, quote, instantly uploaded to the federal government.
Don't believe me?
Go pull it up.
It's all over CNN, how good it is.
You see, there was no warrant there.
Nothing to do with Al-Qaeda.
They just announced, hey, executive order.
Everything you, every prescription you get is instantly uploaded.
The government wants omnipotent power with omnipotent technology and omnipotent data to literally be able to war game out and have a hundred percent predictability of human societal movements and developments and the key to that is to be used by special allied crime syndicate corporations to use that data to criminally consolidate, militarily consolidate and then
Be able to physically oppress you in the real three-dimensional world using that predictability system and that real-time tracking system to totally enslave us similar to the
idea of Isaac Asimov who invented the term robot in his foundation series the government did a similar thing that was written back in the fifties and now that's exactly what they're doing with this mathematical prediction system of human societies and their movements and interactions.
And this is what's happening, this is what's being done, and so you can't vote your way out of it, they're moving in with CIA-controlled electronic voting machines, so that you can't physically fight it, they're militarizing the police and brainwashing them against the people, so that you can't culturally fight it, they're flooding the nations of the Western world, the last stand against the globalists, from which their power derives, with third world populations to break up the cultures,
And to be able to threaten the middle class with the imported mercenary force?
Economic, cultural mercenary force?
That's why they're so arrogant, folks.
They have people with 180 IQs, tens of thousands of them, working against us 24-7.
And they tell these scientists and professors, oh, you're the best mind.
Oh, you're so great.
Oh, you're so smart.
That's why we put you in this position of power.
And they only give them a small compartmentalized piece of the larger agenda.
But occasionally, somebody like Bill Joy, co-owner of Sun Microsystems, last time I checked, worth about $6 billion, said he went to an elite meeting with over 200 people where it was openly discussed how they're going to put in a scientific control grid and then start killing us.
Exactly as Dr. Pianka says, and Dr. Peter Singer says.
Exactly as Prince Philip, and exactly as Prince Charles say.
Exactly as the Malthusians say.
Exactly as the Bella Melinda Gates Foundation is pushing.
Exactly what the elite are into, and they're building the execution grid.
And I look at us like a bunch of cows, or a bunch of sheep, going into the slaughter pen, and I am screaming my head off.
I am kicking up against the gate.
I am like a bull, ramming myself up against the fence.
As hard as I can.
And the Patriot Movement, all of us who are in it, have the enemy with their cattle prods jabbing us and attacking us.
And get back!
Get back!
And they're starting to panic.
They see the other cows behind us starting to get restless and starting to kick.
So just start kicking!
And start kicking and just go wild!
Go wild!
Just bash into the gates!
Don't stop!
Just start ramming your heads into them!
And screaming bloody murder and going wild!
Break out!
Come on, let's break out of here!
You hear that, folks?
That's my primitive self.
I use my intellect, I use the cerebral cortex God gave me, and I tie it right into the animal nature, folks.
The will to survive, and I know how desperate it is.
They can't stop our instincts.
All their sophisticated programming and lies cannot stop us.
They have miscalculated.
They're just now bringing online systems that are trying to adjust for what we're doing, but they're not going to be able to stop us!
They miscalculated too early on!
I have looked at the equations, and I know that we can defeat them!
We are going to resist this Antichrist beast system.
We are going to warn the world.
We are going to resist.
And even if we don't have a snowball's chance in Hades of stopping this, we have got to resist it and wake up as many people as we can so they won't go along with it.
I am not going quietly into the night.
Can you imagine, folks, the incredible dark majesty of what we face?
It is massive.
It is bloodthirsty.
It is scientific.
It is sleek.
Its black curves glisten in the night as the juggernaut, with teeth of razor blades, rolls over societies.
Iraq is a huge extermination camp for the Iraqis.
Don't you know they're gonna do that here?
Don't you know they've got hell planned for us?
But we're able to predict the enemy operation.
Many of you won't listen.
But when it unfolds, you will.
And there lies our victory!
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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We're good to go.
I hope you realize that what I talked about in the last segment is not my opinion.
It is the facts.
You live in a country, in a world, thousands of times more surveilled than George Orwell's 1984.
After they put the grid in, now they're introducing it to you like you break a horse.
They're sacking us out right now.
They're getting us used to just having a blanket put on our backs.
Oh, it's just for Al Qaeda.
It's just for firing phone calls.
Doesn't that seem reasonable?
Never mind.
Everything you're doing is being watched.
The microphones are in your house listening to you.
They announced in this article that, oh, Google's going to use the video cameras that are now coming mounted on many new PCs to watch you.
But don't worry.
Being watched is freedom.
I mean, how are we supposed to behave when we know this is going on?
Alright, I'm going to go to Kathy and Joe and Stan and Bill.
We'll get our next guest coming on, Michael Rivero, here, but I'm going to go through your calls first.
But let me just say this.
I've got a big showing of Terror Storm tonight at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
And they always hold about 20 tickets for the door.
But the online tickets, there are about 10 left for tonight's show for online.
And then if you were the first 20 people to go physically buy tickets tonight, then you can go to the showing.
Tomorrow night is shaping up to sell out, so you better get your tickets.
It's tonight, tomorrow night, and the next night.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
There's still a lot of tickets left for next Wednesday and next Thursday.
But in three or four days, those will sell out too.
So if you want to go to the showing here in Central Texas of Terror Storm, you better get your tickets now.
I'll be there.
I'll give a speech.
Can't wait to see you.
And we can fight the New World Order.
You need to get my new film, Terror Storm, from Infowars.com.
Exposing government-sponsored terror.
The London bombings.
The Madrid bombing.
The fake war data.
It's a great film.
Best film I've ever made.
Please get a high-quality DVD from Infowars.com.
There is, of course, on the DVD, 66 minutes of extras from the 9-11 Neocon Symposium in late June.
That was incredible.
So there's the almost two-hour film and then 66 minutes of extras.
It comes out to a little over three hours because there's a few other minutes of some separate extras, too.
And your support makes this operation possible.
So please go to InfoWars.com and get TerrorStorm today.
That's InfoWars.com.
Or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139.
Or see all my films online right now for 15 cents a day at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Read my book, Paul Watson's book, my weekly TV report, so much more at PrisonPlanet.tv.
But I do hope to see everybody out there tonight, tomorrow night, and the next night.
But get your tickets quick.
I mean, I'm sure that I've said it, but tonight's will sell out in the next 10 minutes or so.
And then tomorrow is getting pretty close.
So you better get your tickets now for tomorrow night.
Though they will hold 20.
They always hold 20 at the door.
But, you know, for right at show time.
So you can always try to get in line and get those.
I don't want to discourage you.
Just get your tickets now.
We're going to break when we come back.
I promise we'll go to your calls.
Kathy and everybody else is patiently holding.
I know I said I'd go to your calls this last hour, but
I start getting into the analysis of the surveillance grid and the problem is to mention just one facet of it.
I could talk an hour just about cell phones.
You understand they physically track your location.
They physically listen to you with the NSA tied in using it as a microphone.
Your computers, your digital cable boxes, your TiVos all do it.
And it's finally showing up in the newspaper.
And now Google is saying they're going to, you can bet that means it's already happening, use the microphone built into your computer.
See notice they started building them into them.
And, uh, you know, you better just have a computer technician come by and literally solder that out of your computer if you don't want them listening to you.
I remember ten years ago telling people about this and you'd laugh at me.
I'd just, you know, don't laugh, folks.
They're building the FEMA camps.
It's in the Houston Chronicle.
They've got the bills set up for the national draft.
They've signed the American Union.
I've got the mainstream news article here.
Mexico's now taking over the Kansas City port.
I mean, this isn't a joke.
It's just all happening.
They're gonna take your pension funds.
They're gonna take everything you got.
This isn't a joke!
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming on like a battering ram against the New World Order.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Defending free humanity from the forces of the New World Order crime syndicate, the Dehumanizers.
We've got Michael Rivero joining us in a few minutes right now.
Who's up first?
Catherine in Texas, you're on the air, welcome.
Hi Alex, for people who are job hunting at this time, are there types of businesses that are more stable or less effective than others, or on the other side, are there some that are the worst and stay away from?
Well, I mean, the computer industries, even the
Customer service industries, the trade industries, have been dominated by the illegal alien hordes by design.
The big thing is the trade.
If you're a carpenter, you still get some jobs, or a dentist, or a nurse.
Those are places that are in high demand.
Plumbers are still in high demand.
People that service the economy that haven't been totally taken over by illegal aliens yet.
There's still some sectors there.
The big thing is living in smaller houses, living in rural areas if you can.
Not buying all the junk and the trinkets.
The big thing is changing how you live.
Not eating out three nights a week.
Well, more lawyers graduated in the last six years than there were in practice
And that number is online to be eclipsed even again and so I would say actually in this litigious society you might be able to get some work as a paralegal or I wouldn't advise, I mean just do whatever you want.
I'm not a full on expert on all the job fields but take it for what it's worth.
Thank you.
Thank you for the call.
John in Texas, you're on the air John.
Hello Alex.
I want to make a couple, I want to make a couple comments and
The first comment I want to make is that when I see the President speak and I watch the news coverage about terrorism, I see very little effort to discuss why these terrorists hate us so much and what is the core reason that they seek to do us harm.
I don't see the major media explaining this very much and then there's absolutely no efforts to try to negotiate with the terrorists or to try to stop them.
Sir, that's even if you believe the official story that most terrorism is really organic and truly happening from, you know, some cave.
Most terrorism is government engineered.
All spectacular terrorism is state-sponsored against itself.
Okay, that was my first comment, and I'll make a quick second comment.
Back in the early 90s, the Reverend Pat Robertson wrote a book called The New World Order, and he outlined these groups that seek to dominate and control the world, and he dropped bombshell after bombshell about everything from the Russian coup to Saddam Hussein.
And then they tried to take his TV network, so he flipped, and now he says thumb scanning and microchips are good.
Right, I just wondered why he's never spoken out about 9-11, and he's been very quiet and a very vocal supporter of Bush and Israel, and it's like... That's because they started talking about all his racehorses, they started talking about his diamond mines and gold mines, slave run in Africa, and they almost took his TV network away from him under tax exemption, so he rolled over very nicely.
Alright, that was my two comments I wanted the public to hear.
Anything else, sir?
I just want to say I'm a new subscriber to PrisonPlanet.com and thanks for the good work.
What did you think of the news of how the microphones in your computers are listening to you?
Well, I wasn't aware of that so it's really new to me so I guess I'm still absorbing that information and I haven't really digested it all yet.
Yeah, it's real and it's a big deal and I would hope that we'd all start really thinking about it consciously.
Thanks for the call.
And examining your cable boxes, do they have a little hole in the front of them?
Call up the cable company, go online, look up that cable box number, manufacturing number, model number, and then go online.
I'll bet you my bottom dollar you can find the manual for it, and you can read about the microphone that's listening to you.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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We're good to go.
I think so.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
For the next hour, Michael Rivero is our guest.
We're extremely honored to have him with us.
I want to get into the latest 9-11 information that's coming out.
I want to talk about the situation with Iran.
The former president of Iran saying he doesn't think the U.S.
and Israel and England will attack.
I don't know if that's the case.
Certainly that's good news.
We can always hope.
We're talking about the probability of a government-staged terror attack.
I've said I've seen a confluence of events telling me this is the prime time for this to happen.
Up until now, until late October.
By getting the word out, though, we may be able to back them off.
So hope, pray, but most importantly, take action.
God helps those that help themselves.
But out of the gate, because I know he's a computer guy himself, I wanted to get Michael Rivero's take on a Register article we have up on PrisonPlanet.com.
He, of course, is the
Head honcho, writer, webmaster for the great site WhatReallyHappened.com, one of the premier sites, been out there really the longest of the muckraking sites we know of, back during the Vince Foster days, cutting their teeth on that.
Michael Rivero, we know TiVo tracks what we watch and creates digital algorithms and psychological profiles, we know digital cable boxes do, we know the internet does.
We already knew they were putting a lot of microphones standard on new PCs and laptops.
Now Google admits they're moving to use that to quote listen to what you do but breaking it into keywords and they say so don't worry it doesn't violate your privacy.
Amazing spin to just openly announce they're going to start listening to us and even using the cameras to watch us picking up what we watch on TV.
Uh, what we say in our homes, uh, to then, quote, tailor advertising.
That's one side of the sword.
And then the other, of course, this is bugging of your home.
The other is, of course, sale of data to the government.
We know Google has moved in with NASA at one of their bases for, quote, research.
Michael Rivera, I want to talk high-tech surveillance and how they're trying to break us or sack us in like you break a horse with, oh, it's just Al-Qaeda calls to the U.S.
New poll out, the American people saying, okay, 51%, we're for that then if it's just Al-Qaeda calls.
They don't know we're being introduced to warrantless surveillance because they want to openly use this grid they've put in.
I want to get your take on it.
Well, obviously, if they're saying we're only going to listen to Al-Qaeda, how do they know it's Al-Qaeda unless they're listening first?
So it's one of those slippery slopes.
Well, you know, we're going to have to listen to everybody to make sure they're not Al-Qaeda will be the next thing that we're told.
As far as the microphones in the computers, that is not a recent thing.
There have been microphones installed on motherboards as a matter of course, going back for quite some years now.
When you plug in an external microphone, those are disconnected.
And yes, it's possible to reach into a computer remotely and turn on the microphone and read back
What is there if the appropriate spyware or hooks in the operating system are already in existence?
And Google now, it says, is the main seller and owner and provider of the software, and that's what they're saying.
They're building these doors into it.
Yeah, absolutely, and there was a thing about a year ago where there were certain ways to construct a Google search Boolean so that you could find active webcams and just log in and see what was on them.
I don't think so.
It's certainly there and... Still, Michael, even if you believe the official story that obviously they're going to make the Big Brother profitable off of the market research, still, would you allow a marketing thing to come by your house for free and stick a microphone in your house?
You'd freak out and call the police!
Absolutely not.
The privacy issues definitely need to be paying attention to.
I take steps with my computer.
I don't have a webcam.
uh... and uh... i have the microphone uh... you know explicitly disconnected uh... uh... just because i don't want somebody you know uh... uh... listening into my conversations with my business clients for example and that's an aspect that really uh... not enough attention is paid to it isn't just the looking for we are you know through your window so to speak at night uh... they're not mostly mostly mostly is for stealing market data to give the allied crime companies
Yeah, very much so.
There was a scandal in Seattle a few years ago involving the Asia-Pacific Economic Summit, or Economic Conference rather, where U.S.
intelligence agencies were bugging conference attendees not to fight crime or anything, but they were stealing business secrets.
They were carrying out corporate espionage and taking the information and giving it to politically favored crony companies to give them an advantage in various negotiations.
So this kind of thing goes on all the time.
And the more that corporations can get inside your computer, the more they can find out what your business is up to, and they make money off of your work and your products.
Yeah, well, it came out six years ago that with the Microsoft operating system, it was sending back all these messages, billions a day, and when Microsoft got asked, they said, oh, that's just a malfunction.
We don't know where all your personal data is going.
Pure bull.
Yeah, absolutely.
There was the scandal about the NSA key that was found when Microsoft accidentally released a version of the operating system that still had the debugging tools still in it.
And it was found out that in the encryption infrastructure inside the operating system, there was a specific key labeled NSA key, which basically was thought that the NSA had arranged with Microsoft, possibly in exchange for backing down off the antitrust lawsuit,
to have these little back doors put into every computer.
Well we have a Telecommunications Act of 96 where they publicly said all cell phones would track you down to three feet and be able to audibly tune in and listen to you with keyword software and everybody denied it even though it was in industry publications and then October 1st 2001 they went ahead and announced it.
Yeah they did and the other thing to keep in mind is the encryption key that is on the cell phone is deliberately weakened
So that a brute force search with the appropriate equipment can quickly find the encryption key and allow your phone conversations to be heard.
And there's nothing new in this.
Going back to World War II, at the end of World War II, the US and British governments were making presence of captured German Enigma machines to all of our allies without telling them that we had figured out how to read the message traffic from it.
And more recently, there was a scandal in Europe with a company called Crypto AG, which was manufacturing a modern version of the Enigma, and there was a scandal when it was found out that the NSA had bribed the owner of the company with quite a huge amount of money to deliberately install on the machines a backdoor so that the NSA could read traffic encoded on these systems.
And folks, this is so bad, this is so bad that when you're in France, my dad got a tour
of their famous underground systems.
It's the areas he was allowed to see a few years ago.
The French government does all of its real communications by the air tubes, just like when you're at the bank, when you send that little air canister through, because they know, through InfoPol 9 and Echelon, everything's being scanned and listened to.
But what does the U.S.
government do?
Ninety-something percent of all of the government's phone traffic and security, and all, it's like 90 plus percent of Americans
Phone ID, caller ID systems are run by an Israeli company that's known as Moshad.
You want to talk about that, Mike?
Yeah, that's a real major threat to our information security as a nation.
We have, in fact, two of the companies, Converse Infosys and Amdocs, were at the heart of the Israeli spy scandal, which was just starting to explode when 9-11 happened.
And it began when various police agencies
We're carrying out investigations of Israeli drug dealing and the investigations kept getting blown and what they found out was that the drug criminals were getting the message traffic, text messages, phone traffic information between the police officers and their undercover informants and that they were getting this information out of these Israeli companies that were tracking all the phone billing data, that's Amdocs, and then there's Converse InfoSys
Which is contracted by the U.S.
government to install the phone tapping equipment that you were mentioning earlier that automates the process of listening in on any phone call in the U.S.
Yeah, they put the hubs with the $9 billion spent by the Feds and all the phone companies.
Absolutely, and of course this company for quote-unquote maintenance reasons still has access to all of these systems which means they can log in and use it to do their own eavesdropping
And there are some people who believe that this was the means by which Israel was able to make tape recordings of Bill Clinton's phone sex with Monica Lewinsky that was used as a means to pressure him to get the FBI to call off the hunt for Israel's top agent in the White House.
In fact, it's even detailed in Kenneth Starr's report that the phone sex with Monica Lewinsky had been taped and that it was in play as a means of pressuring Bill Clinton.
Now let's put all this into context.
Pete Bush says he needs the NSA to spy on us to keep us safe from Al-Qaeda.
But we know that the NSA did flag the chatter of the government decoys out creating this history, this ledger, and that every time the NSA tried to direct Army Intelligence, Defense Intelligence, FBI, or CIA
Yeah, that's the problem.
When you're creating a legend for a black op like this, the legend is going to get picked up and you have to have key players in place that will fend off any response to the legend being created.
There was also a scandal within the FBI
Where agents had detected this activity going on and they submitted requests for investigation for warrants and so forth.
Their superiors rewrote them so that the warrants would be denied and basically ended the investigation at that point.
So yeah, this was very obviously whoever was behind 9-11.
Definitely we're enjoying the protection of the U.S.
government, and I think what illustrates that most of all was in Carl Cameron's four-part news story on the Israeli spy ring that we were just talking about.
They mentioned that there was a link from these arrested Israeli spies to 9-11, but that the evidence for it had been classified by the United States government.
So here you have supposedly the worst act of terror ever committed on the U.S.
You've got evidence that directly links
Intelligence agents of a foreign government to it, and this evidence is being classified by the U.S.
government at the same time they're waving 19 Arab names all over the TV set.
And now to manage all of this from blowing sky high, they put a known Mossad agent, Benjamin Chertoff, a double nationality, in control of the new American Gestapo.
Yeah, absolutely, and it is alarming how many of these very heavily pro-Israeli, Israel-influenced individuals are now in these key positions to try and keep the lid on it.
And you know, the good news is, it's not working, because as of the last Scripps-Howard poll, and the last Zogby poll, we have more than one-third, almost one-half of Americans are now convinced that the U.S.
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Came out a month ago, the top air marshals blew the whistle to federal authorities that they're ordered to put innocent families on terror list.
They're ordered to basically have quotas.
And that if you have a digital camera on a plane, if you get up too much to go to the bathroom, anything, you were put on the list and for the rest of your life you're in a terrorist database.
They search you on the side of the highway.
It's always because we're in a post 9-11 world.
And then Israel, openly, is in control of the NSA snooping hubs that were put in.
They're hooked in right into the NSA control systems.
Michael Rivero, you were saying there was some good news before we got cut off by that hard break.
Go ahead.
Well, there have been a lot of polls over the last couple of years showing a continuing erosion of public faith in the government's version of what happened on 9-11.
And I think for the most part the government has tended to dismiss the polls because most of them were online polls or from lesser-known polling organizations.
But in the last couple of months there were two polls, one by Scripps Howard,
And one by the Zogby polling organization.
Now, these are highly respected names in the polling industry.
And both of them showed that there has been a major increase in the number of people who no longer trust the government's version of what happened on 9-11.
Scripps Howard came out with, I think, slightly more than one-third of Americans.
I believe the U.S.
government had some hand in the events of 9-11.
Yeah, it was 36% and then Zogby 42%, but then the other questions in the Zogby as high as 68% believe there's a cover-up.
The questions aren't now just cover-up.
The questions are, is there an inside job?
36% believing inside job in the Scripps Howard News Service Ohio poll.
42% in the Zogby poll, then as high as 68% believing there's a cover-up.
Yeah, and these two polls have really rattled the cage, so to speak, of the people in Washington, D.C., and that's why we're seeing, as we approach this fifth anniversary of 9-11, we're seeing a massive build-up of pro-government version TV specials.
Full court brush!
And I would not be at all surprised if we were to, in the very near future, literally see laws passed making 9-11 doubt a crime.
By the way, that has been called for by five top neocons on radio and in print in the last two weeks, saying it is the same as Holocaust denial and should be banned.
Yeah, absolutely.
And I'm not surprised that we're seeing that because they're very, very scared.
They are losing the war for the minds of America.
Radio shows like yours.
Websites like ours.
We are winning.
We are getting the truth out there.
We are getting people to ask the questions the government cannot answer.
And we are seeing this continued erosion of faith in the government.
And it's not only a case of getting the truth out about 9-11, but as you were saying, about deterring another staged terror attack and possibly deterring an invasion of Iran.
Because I'm sure that... 9-11 truth is spiking their entire operation.
Sorry, go ahead.
No, that's absolutely correct, because I'm sure they're sitting around the table saying, well, should we set off a nuclear bomb in Chicago and blame the Arabs for it?
And there's going to be other voices at the table saying, wait a minute, you know, half of America, you know, knows we were behind New York.
We can't try that again.
You know, we're raising on a busted flush here.
And the same thing with an invasion of Iran.
All America knows that Bush lied about nuclear weapons in Iraq.
Bush himself has now admitted Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11.
So what's he going to get traction on for a war in Iran?
Nobody's going to back or support that.
Well, you know, a game that's very popular among government types is called Hearts, and there's a tactic in there called Shoot the Moon, where if you're sort of down, you go for a gamble of trying to get all of the... I think it's the spades.
I haven't played the game in a while.
It's a gamble, you know.
Yeah, it's an all-or-nothing gamble, and if you win, yes, you win everything.
If you blow it, it can bury you so deep that you can never recover.
So it's a game of brakesmanship.
We have to let them know, with the loudest voice ever, that we know they did it.
That could cause them to back off.
What do you see them doing after that then?
Because they've got so many scandals that are really starting to gyrate.
Well, I think ultimately, and I hate to put it this way, but I hope this is going to be the outcome because it's the bloodless one, is that we're going to see the U.S.
government collapse the way the old USSR did.
Just unable to maintain the fictions, unable to keep the faith of the people,
Uh, because government is like a religion.
It cannot survive if the people don't believe in it anymore.
Well, that's really it, though, Michael Rivero.
A lot of academics out there are saying, we know 9-11's an inside job, but we can't go public, because it'll destroy our precious government.
Our government's already been destroyed.
It's already been hijacked.
It's already been taken.
All we can do is bring this thing down.
Yeah, is the government worth preserving and protecting when it is no longer working for the interests of the people?
Sure, stay there.
We'll be right back.
We'll take your calls and continue discussing this key point.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're not just in a race to save this country, and hence the planet, because if we're fully seized, we'll be used as an engine for global domination and unbelievable pain and suffering and abuse, oppression.
We're also in a race to save lives in this nation.
And in England, the main two targets, as well as Israel, the Israeli government may blow something up there quite large.
Just don't count them out.
But know that we're actually having an effect.
We'll go back to Michael Rivero here in just a moment of WhatReallyHappened.com.
Then we'll go right to your calls here in just a few minutes.
But before we do that, tonight's showing of Terror Storm has sold out.
And tomorrow's showing is selling out quickly.
Then of course there is a Thursday night showing.
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Michael Rivero
Folks, you know I don't say this about most guests.
I mean it when I say it about Mike.
We're right on the same page.
Great political mind.
He's been doing this since the early 1990s, exposing corruption, and had his website since the mid-1990s.
One of the first out there.
We see the big polls coming out.
Scripps Howard News Service also saying that the public distrust and hates the government.
Both parties.
Normally you just see them hating one party, being fooled by the false left-right paradigm.
That tag team, the globalists, pull on us.
The people at over 80% distrust and hate the government.
Congress has a, what, 18% approval rating.
Cheney has a 14% approval rating.
Bush has a 30% approval rating.
The Democrats have an incredibly low approval rating.
For the first time in modern history, the media is even openly panicking.
CNN reported a few months ago that the mainstream media is dead, that people aren't tuning into them anymore.
They admitted in a mea culpa
That they no longer control the culture.
They admit the alternative media has wrested control away from them.
And that we are truly independent with a million different voices out there.
They are panicking.
On every front, I think they miscalculated with their hubris.
And I think it's time for patriots, truth seekers, whatever you want to call us, to realize we have a chance to win this thing.
And it's those of us, myself and Michael Rivero and countless others who were the deep invading special forces troops.
We literally parachuted into enemy lines decades ago.
We began attacking enemy lines when everyone was laughing at us and calling us names and the threats and the retribution and the things we went through physically in our businesses.
And we are still in greater danger than ever.
But we are spawning more and more people.
You are now spawning more and more leaders.
And I think, Michael Rivera, a lot of people have to get ready for us to win.
That doesn't mean all evil will be gone and there won't be corruption in government.
But for the most aggressive, virulent forms of current government tyranny, they're all out gamble failing.
How do you see this breaking down and how do we give people hope out there that we can turn this thing around?
First and foremost, I think, keep pointing to those polls.
Uh, that show more and more people are beginning to realize what's been going on.
Second of all, I always encourage everybody to talk about what they're thinking and feeling with everybody else because one of the illusions the government tries to keep over us is that anybody who doubts and asks questions is all alone, nobody would agree with them, and so everyone stays silent.
So you can have 20 people in a room who all know the government did 9-11,
But they won't speak out because they're all standing there imagining the other 19 people are all totally on board the government version of events.
But when you start talking out, when you start speaking out and talking to your friends, you're going to find out you're not alone.
That a lot of people share your doubts.
You're right.
And you're going to give other people the courage to speak out.
And that is really the most important thing.
Ultimately, and again, I said this is the way I hope it will go.
We're going to see the U.S.
government go the way of the USSR.
It'll just reach a point where it cannot sustain
Really, the final illusion is
You know, that the national media is still dominant, so people watching it still feel like they're the minority, and you're right, don't know that we are the majority.
I mean, when you've got 80 plus percent of the people not trusting the government, knowing both parties are corrupt now,
And around half the people, and I believe those poll numbers are even higher, knowing it's an inside job, we have reached critical mass.
Right now is the crossroads.
Michael, let's go ahead and do this now and then go to calls.
I want to hear your analysis.
I'm here with bated breath.
What do you think the bad scenarios are and what do you think right now the percentage of those bad scenarios playing out is?
Well, the bad scenarios would be that we would have a new civil war in this country, which, you know, obviously would very much like to avoid that.
Which they're prepared for, by the way, but I think they'll fail in that, too.
But go ahead.
Yeah, unfortunately, the federal government is clearly making preparations in the event of a popular uprising, you know, with containment camps.
There are continuing and renewed efforts to disarm the American population, or at least confine them to ineffective weapons that the government is already prepared to basically deal with.
That's definitely the worst outcome is a new civil war, and it's going to be a very bad course to follow, even though ultimately I think the federal government would lose this one.
And the reason I think that, and this is something to really consider carefully,
Our country is in a huge amount of debt.
The government is in at least $14 trillion, maybe more debt.
They're cooking the books to kind of hide it.
But the U.S.
economy is also home to trillions and trillions of dollars in foreign investment.
Now that investment is kept in the U.S.
With the implied promise that if things go bad, the U.S.
taxpayer will be made to cover the losses.
This is what happened back in the 80s.
That's why the Supreme Court has ruled.
We don't own our private property anymore.
And openly in federal court, they have admitted that this is for IMF and World Bank loans.
They're preparing.
They've said to take the pension funds, the land, everything.
Yeah, and they've been doing that actually going all the way back to the Nixon administration underneath the guise of the environmental movement.
They have been taking huge areas of U.S.
public land
That's what backs up U.S.
Yeah, absolutely.
And whereas that was a couple hundred billion, we're now talking about $14 trillion currently owed, and even the Dallas Morning News three years ago admitted that actual commitments were at $44 trillion.
At that time, new numbers coming out are at over $90 trillion.
Okay, but that's on the government side.
I'm talking about private venture capitalization investment in U.S.
They expect us to bail out these banks' investments.
That's exactly right, which we did before in the 80s.
So here's the thing.
If there is a popular uprising in the United States, it will not need to march into Washington, D.C.
to win.
All it will have to do is be seen to survive for long enough to bankrupt the global economy.
Yeah, well, all these foreign companies are going to start pulling their money out of the U.S.
banking system, and the whole banking system will come down and bring the government with it.
So if there is a new civil war, I think the central government is going to lose it.
Because of the realities of our economy.
And I think they know that.
That's why they try to wear black Darth Vader outfits that the Feds have issued to all the police.
That's why they try to strut around hitting their batons on their knees.
It's a big joke.
I mean, it's literally a paper tiger.
Yeah, very much so.
It's all show and very little substance.
Ultimately, there are 280 million Americans
Versus, at most, one million uniformed thugs working for the government.
And I think push comes to shove.
A lot of the people now in uniform would probably desert the U.S.
government because they've seen the lies.
There's a huge desertion AWOL problem in Iraq right now.
There's a growing problem of soldiers in the U.S.
simply refusing to show up for service.
How do you think the empire overplayed its hand?
I think the empire overplayed its hand.
As you put it before, a lot of it was hubris.
A lot of it was a tremendous faith in their own illusions and their own myth, and I think a big part of it was is that they definitely underestimated the impact of the internet and of radio shows like yours.
They have been trying to play this game by the rules that worked for them back in the fifties at the height of the Cold War, when media was very much controlled and media was very much a one-way thing, and they've never quite got
A grip on the truly interactive nature of the Internet.
And I think that's where they got caught short.
They never really understood how to change the equation.
And now they're coming out with Internet 2 and getting rid of net neutrality, but people are so addicted to a free web that that would cause a revolution right there.
I think it would, and the bottom line is whatever they do, and now that the wires are in place, anything that they do to try to control the net, people who really want the truth are going to find their way about it.
Even if they have to go back to fax machines like the Soviet Union did in the days of the Simon's gut, the people know something has gone wrong.
Well, their experts know this, though.
Now I'm seeing, because they communicate with each other in the New York Times and the Washington Post, I'm seeing them start to panic, which I don't really like, because I wish they would have continued being arrogant.
I wish that hubris would have continued, because we were moving our forces into place that much quicker and that much better.
But, man, I tell you, we're headed into some very serious times.
Yeah, I disagree with you, though.
I think a little panic on their side is a good thing for us for two reasons.
One, it means they're not planning their actions, they're just reacting, and that means they get reckless, they make mistakes.
And more than that, there's a saying that I use at my website all the time, which is the fastest way to bring a dictator down is to force him to act like one so everybody can see it.
No, no, I agree with that, but at the same time, they were still making mistakes when they didn't figure out how much trouble they were in.
I mean, I like being able to sneak up on the enemy and snake attack them.
Well, I think they're making worse mistakes now, so you'll have plenty of fodder.
I agree, Michael Rivero.
Okay, Stan, I was about to go to you, but you just hung up.
Bill in Baltimore, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Worldwide, sir.
Hi, Alex.
I like to build all my computers from scratch, and last year I bought a laptop, because I need a laptop in case I have to go and we have an emergency.
I wanted to put a new operating system on it, and I suspected that they've been putting hidden partitions on these corporate
Computers that you buy?
It's mainstream news.
They've got microphones in them and are listening to you with NSA software.
So I went to format the computer and I looked in it and it had two partitions in.
It was a 20 megabyte partition for the operating system and the computer and a hidden 20 megabyte partition.
I guess they could say it was for backups, but if you don't know the partitions there and you can't use it, why would it be good for backing things up?
So I formatted both the partitions and I
Reinstalled the operating system.
My friend asked me to upgrade his computer.
His was a Sony.
Mine was an Acer.
Had the exact same configuration.
And it was about half of the hard drive was a hidden partition.
Yeah, for their marketing and their surveillance, but I want to make this clear.
Michael, you might want to make this clear.
We're not saying this might be happening.
This is mainstream news.
They're using cameras and microphones to listen to you with NSA keyword software that has been sold to other corporations and the government tunes in.
It's the cell phones, it's the OnStar, it's everything.
Michael Rivera?
Yeah, with regard to the computers and the hidden partitions on the disk,
That has become a very common practice, partly because Windows, for historical reasons, continues to be a very fragile operating system.
What they have done is they literally put a backup system on the disk.
That the user cannot get to, so that they know what's on that partition is always pristine.
But at the same time, of course, anything that they want to put on your computer that you might not be comfortable with is going to be in that hidden partition.
That way, when the government goes in remotely and puts something on your computer, it doesn't show up in your list of programs.
Yeah, very much so.
There are ways to prevent that stuff from showing up, even at the DOS level.
And that is by design.
And it's not just the Windows machines.
There was some noise going around a few years ago that the same thing had been done to the Macintoshes as well.
So I'm like you.
I build my computers from scratch these days.
They're all white boxes.
And more and more I'm running on open source Linux.
So you have a lot more control over what software is on your critical machines.
So while my business machines continue to be Windows, my personal equipment tends to be Linux.
Anything else, Caller?
No, I have one computer that I can swap the hard drives on and it runs on Linux, but if they wanted to add that they could put a Trojan virus in Google toolbar and it would be very small and they could turn those webcams on and do whatever they want.
Oh no, Google says that's what they're doing, sir.
They actually own the driver for the listening software.
7-Eleven, Scott, MasterCard, PayPass, RFID, Card Readers, and all their stores in Baltimore.
It's unbelievable.
Thanks for the call, sir.
I appreciate you holding.
Evan in Nevada.
You're on the air.
How's it going?
This is my first call.
I'm 17, so I'm really young.
Basically, I have a few comments, and I think the best place to put them out there
is on the air and uh... express you know my freedom of speech i'm trying to educate myself about the military industrial complex which they don't actually teach you about in school and i have a hard time understanding why people are so thick-headed when it comes to the government you know people should not be afraid of their government but people are and i feel like you know no matter what we do no one will listen even if this terrorist attack you talk about this... Sir, that's government media telling you they're not listening they are listening
The people are listening.
Well, I realize people do recognize what the government is doing, but a vast majority of American people are stupid to the idea.
Well, no, they don't have enough respect for themselves to tell their boss no, so they're afraid.
Yeah, basically there's a lot of denial going on.
Fortunately, it's becoming a minority problem.
Uh, but there are people who don't want to know what the government is doing because then they have to make a choice.
Are they going to do something about it or not?
And they don't want to admit themselves that they really don't have the courage to deal with a bad government.
They desperately cling to any propaganda that comes along and they treat anybody who questions that illusion, you know, as an enemy.
It becomes an issue of faith, not of knowledge and rationality.
That's right.
I feel the government isn't bad.
I just can't believe it.
I just... Stay there, Evan.
I'll let you finish up and we'll go to John and others.
It's simple.
The globalists thought they'd take America down.
We're giving them a run for their money.
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I just don't know if all of you out there realize what you're listening to.
This is the defense of the republic.
This is the last ditch effort
To stop an international crime syndicate.
I mean that when I say it, from taking us over.
These people are ruthless criminals.
They openly have said they're going to take your private property, your pension funds, everything.
That's what police states are about.
It's about empires, whether they're run by plutocracies, or oligarchies, or dictators, using the population as cannon fodder and domestic slaves.
I am not a slave.
The government is totally criminal.
They can't take care of you.
They won't take care of you.
They sabotage New Orleans on purpose, blocking the aid, sabotaging police communications, just so they can hand out hundreds of billions of no-bid contracts to their buddies.
There's a term called, called wreckers.
There were a lot of British and French towns, Italian towns, Spanish towns, where the town's main industry was having some rocks or a reef off the coast and putting up a fake lighthouse and trying to bring the ships in so they would, quote, wreck
They were known pirate towns, and that's what these elites are.
I've actually traced them back reading very well-known, respected historical books.
If you know the nautical history of the British, you know the whole system we're under now.
That's the template from mercantilism right through to wreckers, and you would have the local nobles authorizing the town to sit there and even try to get British shipping to wreck.
So they could then row out and steal all the cargo.
The New World Order wants to wreck America.
They want to wreck Europe.
They want to wreck Iraq.
Order out of chaos.
They wreck societies and then they come in and pick up the pieces.
They bomb countries into oblivion and then come give them loans that are impossible to pay back so they own the population in perpetuity.
A strange analogy, but I was reading about cities that were built, New York was built as a pirate city, as a wrecking city.
How many of you knew that?
You want to comment, Michael Rivero?
Yeah, it's very much a case, I mean, when Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans, and I think certainly some of the impoverished wards may have been
Deliberately allowed to be destroyed because the first thing that happened, you know, even while FEMA waited for five days to start feeding people, the military reporters were in there day one, you know, offering guys who'd lost their homes, you know, here's a job and here's money and you can keep on eating just by signing up for the military.
And of course, immediately there were all kinds of land speculators going there and buying up homes for pennies on the dollar and just acquiring whole neighborhoods.
And now the feds are saying they're going to steal whole neighborhoods by not letting it get built back up and put in casinos and hotels.
Yeah, very much.
They're going to redevelop the whole area for tourism and all of the people who used to live there, who own their homes there, are basically stuck wherever they were moved to, whether it was Utah or Texas or
Or Tennessee, and it's basically, it's like the way Nero rebuilt Rome following the fires.
Michael, can you imagine, can you imagine being in the rooms, we know they had a 9-11 as an operational plan for years before, but actually giving the order to launch the attacks, these are some cold-blooded people.
Yeah, absolutely, and you know, anytime I talk to somebody about 9-11 and they say, oh the government would never do anything like that, of course I call attention to Operation Northwoods,
Which was a plan that was vetoed at the last second by President Kennedy to stage phony terror attacks to blame on Cuba to kick up support for a new invasion.
And I also like to refer people to a book called Day of Deceit.
That's right.
Stay there.
Stay there.
Stay with us.
We'll come back and finish up your calls.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Is Evan still there?
I want him to finish up with his call.
No, he just dropped.
I figured that.
We'll just go to some of the other calls here in just a moment.
We've started the third hour here.
Michael Rivero is our guest here for a little bit longer.
And we've been talking about government-sponsored terror, staged terror attacks.
Michael Rivero, where do you see things going in the Middle East?
We have the former president of Iran saying he doesn't think the U.S.
and Israel will attack now.
Number one, do you believe that?
Number two, we know that Lebanon, the attacks of last month, were meant to be a curtain-raiser, in Dick Cheney's words.
We have moles inside those very meetings.
That didn't go too well.
Will that deter them from going ahead and having a first strike?
But Israel's also come out and said they've now appointed a general for the attack and an advisory panel for the attack on Iran and are telling Israelis to practice going to the local bomb shelters because they may launch an attack any day.
What does Michael Rivero see happening?
Well, you are right.
Lebanon was intended to be the war that was going to expand through the wider regional conflict.
And then Hezbollah managed to basically bring the Israeli advance to a complete halt, and it turned into a real disaster in terms of public relations for both Israel and the United States, which was supplying the weapons.
As far as trying to start a war in Iran, it does appear that they may just go ahead and attack and say, okay, you know, we're attacking just to attack, what are you going to do about it?
And basically dare the respective populations of Israel and the U.S.
to stand up and say, no, we will not.
Now, I want Americans to know, though, that when you're paying six bucks a gallon for gas, which is conservative if they attack Iran, for at least six months that's going to happen, maybe even longer, and that will tank the economy.
I want everybody to know that you asked for it by letting this government do this.
Go ahead.
Yeah, that's absolutely correct.
This war is going to be a disaster for the U.S.
Our country used to be held in high regard around the globe as a bastion for democracy and the way countries should be run.
And maybe that illusion was a little less deserved than we'd like to think, but certainly in the last three years, the United States has been viewed as the most rogue of rogue nations.
It stands with its assistant, Great Britain, and Israel, basically attacking Israel's enemies.
Israel says, we need to attack these people, and the U.S.
says, yes, we will attack these people.
And to my point of view, and I've got a huge list of news articles that have appeared from Israeli sources saying, we will attack this, the U.S.
will attack that, and it's very obvious who is calling the shots here.
So, I think Israel still wants to start a war on Iran that the U.S.
would get stuck in.
Certainly, Israel wants to get a war with Iran going now, before the war in Iraq collapses, because Iran, of course, is on the far side of Iraq from Israel.
So any ground war that Iran launches is going to have to fight their way through Iraq first before they even get to Israel?
Yeah, it's a Ponzi scheme.
Things are imploding in Iraq, even worse than what the PNAC boys wanted.
They wanted a civil war and an excuse to break it up in three parts, but now it's imploding so badly they've either got to get out or expand it.
Yeah, very much so, and the most recent reports from the Pentagon describe a war that is being lost.
It's a worse debacle than Vietnam was.
And it's going to shatter American credibility and effectiveness in the global geopolitical sphere for the next decade at least.
It's just an unmitigated foreign policy disaster.
There is another story, speaking of Great Britain, there is another story floating around from the Independent that Tony Blair's own cabinet is going to urge his resignation when they meet this week.
So Blair is George Bush's mine canary.
If Blair is brought down, Bush is going to know that he's in trouble.
I think we're in the prime position for a staged government terror attack, Michael.
I would agree with you.
I just hope that the people who are running this operation are going to look at how much people are doubting 9-11 now and realize that trying a second one is probably going to buy more disaster and more doubt for them.
That they're not going to get the poll bounce and the support bounce.
That the first one did.
Stay there!
Stay there, I want to do one more segment with you.
We've got another guest joining us as well and we'll take your calls.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
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The answer is at 1-800-686-2237.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to have him on the phones in this third hour at 1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
Bob Petrakis is a political science professor in social and behavioral sciences department at Columbus State University, where he won the distinguished
Teaching Award in 91.
And it just goes on and on for hours with his incredible bio and all of his letters.
He's running in Ohio as a Green Party candidate, and we'll be talking to him in just a moment.
Finishing up with Michael Rivera, and I want to have both of you together during this segment if we can.
Michael Rivera of whatreallyhappened.com.
I see a prime confluence, all the things connecting, that the globalists, the New World Order crime syndicate needs another terror attack in the next month and a half to two months if they're going to be able to keep control of the legislative branch in this country, if they're going to be able to, and not have, not that it matters the Democrats will get in, but that'll at least be a public rebuking of their policies that no one can spin, and that they need to go into Iran, as you said, to Ponzi scheme it up, because Iraq's imploding and they need to go to the next level
And I wanted to get your take on your guesstimation, your dead reckoning of whether or not we're going to see that attack.
I'm putting you on the spot.
Or will it be in the form of just something small like one of our ships gets blown up and they claim Al Qaeda did it?
We pray that doesn't happen, but we also pray that if it does, it's one of the small events like that, not small of you're killed.
Or will it be a mega event like New York, Chicago, Dallas, or Denver?
Those are some of the prime targets.
The globalists have even said they love to brag so they can then talk about how predictive their powers are.
It's like killers going to the cops and reporting they know where evidence is.
It's criminology.
These people have the same mindset as low-level killers.
They like to brag.
They like to leave little hints.
So that's why we know those big targets.
Do you think it will be a big attack, a small attack, or some new war provocation?
What do you see happening?
Michael Rivero, or will they just sit there on the ropes and basically in a catatonic state?
I think they're going to go for some kind of military provocation and the reason is if there is another 9-11 style attack inside the United States
It is going to be viewed, even by those people who accept it at face value, that it's fraud by Arabs or somebody, it's going to be seen as a complete and utter failure of all of the policies of the Bush administration for the last five years.
It means that everybody's going to be saying, well, why did I let the government look in my medical records?
Why are we letting the government grope our wives and daughters at the airport lines when it didn't change things?
It didn't make us any safer.
A new major 9-11 attack inside the United States
is going to be seen as a complete failure of all this homeland security and all this thuggery and all this spying and all this surveillance that's been going on.
Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib will all have been seen as horrendous crimes against humanity which did not really affect our safety at all.
So I think the planners of the new provocation are going to go with something military like another USS Liberty style attack where, you know, an American ship will get sunk
And they'll wave those bloody uniforms around and say, we must retaliate.
So that's the direction I think this is most likely going to take as they push for a war in Iran.
Why does Michael Rivera do what he does?
Well, I am not going to live under a government that lies to us, because if we live under a government that lies to us, we really don't know anything about the world in which we live.
Then we have no security!
Well, I don't think we have any security anyway.
We're certainly not secure from our own government.
That's the point I'm making, is that they claim it's all about security, but it's really about thuggery and control.
It's about their security, not ours.
The reason they're listening in on our computers and our phone calls and our emails is to keep themselves protected from we, the people.
And it's not about making us safer from attack, because very obviously, if you've got a government that's willing to send you off to war, they're not worried about your life.
They're trying to get more people to go off and get killed in order to build their empire.
So the only real security involved is the security of the U.S.
That's why you have Dick Cheney building a new bunker underneath the vice presidential mansion.
They're worried about their own skins.
They're not at all worried about the common people.
Again, looking back at that documentary that Spike Lee did about New Orleans, it's very obvious that the government was
They were really very uninterested in the people that lived in New Orleans as much as they were interested in the land.
Well, more than that, more than that, they actively jammed police communications, cut communications lines, police had to go aim guns at FBI and FEMA just to get control of their transmission towers.
I mean, that really happened.
They really tried to make it as bad as possible.
Yeah, they really did.
Well, it was a control.
We're in charge here.
Nobody else is allowed to do anything for anybody.
Unless it goes through us.
And, you know, the planning for disasters for New Orleans was handed to a Republican contributor, who apparently never actually came up with a disaster plan.
And that's why everybody was running around in circles.
Now maybe this was just more political corruption, where money is being given out and no product is being returned.
Or maybe it was simply a way of dead-ending any disaster preparedness.
But, you know, the bottom line is that everybody saw this as an opportunity to get rich,
Handing out contracts, grabbing huge chunks of land for redevelopment... Well, bottom line, Michael Rivero, we know they frustrated the recovery because they can fire Brownie and quote, look like they screwed up, but then they get at least double their funding.
So again, order out of chaos.
They literally wanted to wreck New Orleans as bad as possible so they could come in and declare it a disaster zone and salvage the whole thing for themselves.
Yeah, very much so.
We went through a lot of that in Los Angeles.
While I was still living in Southern California, I was very close to the center of the Northridge earthquake.
And when FEMA came in, they had tons of money to spend, but it all went for new government facilities and for a new underground command center underneath Griffith Park.
Which is used for the next phase of control.
The bottom line is they can't.
They don't want to.
They're not going to protect you.
Michael Rivero, we always appreciate your great insight and the time you spend with us.
We'll be watching your great work over at WhatReallyHappened.com, my friend.
And next time we have a big event in the US, I want to have you at it to speak.
God bless you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you and take care.
I love going back and forth with that man.
Is the professor there with us?
Again, he is Bob
Petrakis, and he's running for governor in Ohio on the Green Party ticket, and I'm honored to have him with us.
Bob, good to speak with you.
Good to be on the show.
You bet.
Just out of the gates, any key websites, phone numbers, info people need?
Freepress.org is a non-profit website that I've been publishing on for years, well over a decade, and bobforohio.com.
is my campaign website.
We have links to both the FreePress.org and Bob4Ohio up on Infowars.com.
You are exposing 9-11.
You are also exposing the electronic voting machines.
You've been active on both.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, sir, and let's get right into it.
Well, I have a Ph.D.
in political science.
I also have a J.D., but
One of the areas of my interest over the years, I actually started out as a political theorist, and on the failure of the left in America, and that's when I ran into the neocons back when they were more leftist social democrats and connected to... Trotskyites!
Yeah, Max Schachman, sure.
And that was part of it.
And then I watched their whole, you know, their trajectory over the years,
And I realize that, you know, they were hell-bent on Trotsky's permanent revolution just now on behalf of globalization, and in fact, they were going to use the U.S.
military to do these crazy preemptive strikes and violate international law.
And now they have taken our good name and drug it through a latrine.
They have butchered our economy, and they show no sign of letting up.
In fact, they're accelerating.
No, they see there's a vacuum in the world.
I mean, these people are incredibly ideologically rigid.
So, you know, they see this vacuum over the next 15 to 25 years, and they think they can use the US military to essentially rearrange the world.
I mean, I stumbled across a 1996 study, a backcasting by the United States Air Force.
One scenario was called Gulliver's Travails.
And it says, how does the United States, so looking backward from 2050, assuming different scenarios, one was the U.S.
dominates the world in peace and justice and corporate globalized capitalism range.
Within that scenario... But that's not what they're really doing.
They're setting up a worldwide police state.
I'm sure they are.
Sure they are.
Well, their view is, in order to do that, they have to become authoritarian.
But the way they get there is through a terror attack on the United States
I was not familiar, sir.
This is massive, and again, we learn stuff every day.
We know about Northwoods, all the other plans.
I've interviewed Army officers who were in Germany in the 70s, looking at future plans and looking back where they mentioned a terror attack in the 2000s.
In this decade on the World Trade Center itself, you're telling me, sir, a professor, and I've got to find a link to this, I'm going to write a huge article on it, I'm sure you have, and we just are ignorant of it, showing how much there is to learn in this world, you're telling me you discovered a Pentagon, a futurist projection map, which is also, of course, your specialty as a political theoretician.
You're telling me, sir, that you found a document?
Tell us about it!
From 1996, it was called the Backcasting Scenario.
It was done at Langley, the Air Force Base, not the CIA headquarters.
Gulliver's Travail.
Gulliver's Travail.
Is this still on the web?
I believe so, and I wrote an article about it when I came across it, much like when I got a hold of Dr. Arnold Barnes.
Is your article in Free Press?
Actually, at the time, it was on
Another newspaper which has since been bought up by a large monopoly.
Can you do me a favor?
Can you, during the break, I'll give you a back email, if you fire a copy of that to me or a place where it is, we're going to, believe me, there's so much great stuff that gets out there that never gets picked up, this is getting, oh wow, I'm going to shut up, we're about to break, I want to come back and go over this.
I think it's also in a book, I put it in a book fearing it would be scrubbed on Star Wars
Weather Mods and Full Spectrum Dominance.
I'll make sure I send you that book as well.
Well, we should have gotten you on before this.
This is incredible.
There's so many wonderful people, men and women, like you, sir, that we just don't even have the pleasure of knowing, but now we know you.
This is amazing.
We're going to break.
Come back.
Professor, let's get into this document.
Gulliver's Prevails, 1996.
A back-casting scenario where they look at different scenarios of how society can develop or evolve.
We got Brzezinski saying we need terror attacks in 97 to unify the slaves.
That's us.
Against the barbarians, we've got the PNAC boys saying it from 96 through 2000.
And all these other documents, and now this.
This is unbelievable.
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All right, wasting no time, Professor Bob Petrakis is our guest.
He's running for governor on the Green Party ticket in Ohio, and if I lived there, I would certainly vote for this man.
He comes so highly recommended, doing a great job.
Okay, so he wrote an article and wrote in a book about this particular government
war game that they were, I guess, looking backwards in time on what could help cement U.S.
global domination, and by U.S.
we mean the criminals that have seized control of this engine.
Please go over that for us.
Well, part of this, I was teaching a class which I had helped develop called American Transition.
So I spent a lot of time looking at futurist and futurist projections.
That's why the book you've talked about, The Grand
chessboard by Brzezinski.
I used to read from that in the class and have the students read from that back in 97, talking about, you know, control in the 21st century.
But Gulliver's travails I found interesting because it was the exact same scenario, that essentially the United States people are, you know, democratic with a small d, a bit isolationist, aren't likely to want to get involved in foreign entanglements,
And what it really takes to get them involved is, of course, some sort of terrorist attack on U.S.
I was also interested, really, after the Oklahoma City bombing of the Federal Building, because the initial reports came out instantly that it was people from the Middle East, and I'm thinking that's really, really quite odd.
Yeah, now we know those were U.S.
government agent clients.
And this goes back, and I'm old enough to remember, and I studied on the bombing, of course, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where they never found the John Doe No.
I was watching Frontline a few weeks ago in a hotel room in Dallas, and they were admitting that Nixon wanted to stage terror attacks and blame it on people.
I mean, this is mainstream.
There's a long history of this.
I don't think there's anybody in the world, again, that now believes that the
You know, the Navy of North Vietnam for no reason attacked the U.S.
at high seas.
Well, that's now declassified.
That was all made up.
I mean, McNamara even wrote about that in his book.
Officially they tried to call it bad sonar, but there's a long history of provoking such events, and it's not only in the United States.
You see this all over the world, and it's happened usually when you're moving towards an authoritarian government.
Let's get back to this military backtracking system.
I mean, let's talk about that.
Well, the scenario they projected was a 2002 bioterrorist attack
During the Winter Olympics.
But that would galvanize the U.S.
will as a Pearl Harbor.
And when researching that, of course, I began to look into the anthrax attack on the U.S.
because we have had a terrorist attack since 9-11 that nobody's done anything about.
And that's our stuff.
And black ops fingerprints are all over that.
Sure, and we know it's our stuff because it's a trillion spores per gram
AIDS strain, silica, impregnated, which is controlled in part by Patel, which is based here in Columbus, Ohio.
They're the ones that did Project Clear Vision and Project Jefferson.
And they even had a congressional study in 99, congressionally funded, on how to mail anthrax.
William Patrick III, who is very good friends with Ken Alabeck, formerly Ken Alabeckoff,
The number two guy in the Soviet offenses, anthrax, you know, making department there in the old Soviet Union, who had actually set up a company.
When I was talking to people in law enforcement here locally before they all shut up, they said that they were looking at that direction because Alibac had been involved in just setting up a commercial enterprise that would sell vaccines.
Well, I mean, it's like with the bird flu fear-mongering.
You know, the whole White House is basically profiteering off of that.
Same thing with the SHPRO.
Then we have the Associated Press and Ari Fleischer admitting in a press conference that they were all on SHPRO on September 10th.
I mean, this really gets ridiculous.
No, I mean, they don't hide it very well.
And it's almost like, I don't think they intend to hide it.
They want those that are smart enough to figure it out to be in fear.
They're not counting on people actually speaking out on this stuff.
Yeah, I mean, I know they miscalculated.
They meant to horrify those of us in the know, dumb down the general public.
I don't think things have gone the way they wanted to, Professor.
No, not at all.
And I think that's a great credit to the American people and people like yourself.
But think about when the peace movement went to Washington, 250,000, you know, almost a year ago in the fall.
They just happened to have the first ever tularemia scare.
On the same day.
And these are all beta tests.
I have no doubt these murderers are going to release some real bioweapon sooner rather than later and a bunch of us will die while they're on TV posing as our saviors.
It's so sick I have to watch these murderers sit up there and prepare another attack.
Hopefully we can stop them.
Professor, stay there.
I want to come back and talk about ways to stop them.
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I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It's what our country needs.
It's what the world needs is good political candidates, good people running for office.
And I hope you'll support the professor, who we'll be talking to here in just a few minutes, Bob Petrakis.
We'll tell you more about his website.
We have links to him up on InfoWars.com.
Before we go back to our guest, and then I promise to your phone calls...
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And then last but not least, the event, the showing of Terror Storm is sold out tonight at the Alamo Draft House.
Tomorrow night it's shipping up to sell out.
By tomorrow, go ahead and get your tickets at InfoWars.com or at the door, but you better get there beforehand because it'll sell out by tomorrow night.
Then we have a Thursday night showing that's selling quickly, and then two more showings next week on Wednesday and Thursday, Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
Hope to see you there!
And I will be in attendance.
I'll be giving a speech and taking questions at the end of each showing of the film.
Let's now go back to Professor Bob Petrakis.
He again is running for Governor of Ohio on the Green Party ticket.
Professor, I want you, because you've studied and you've got a degree in
The areas of study that help you engage in futurist activities.
Obviously that's what the NSA and the government spends most of its time doing.
Trying to project trends.
Trying to see where things are going.
Putting your skills together.
I mean, I know you've probably spent many hours studying and thinking about where you think things are going.
I see a prime confluence of data, of information, of political developments worldwide
that show me the globalists are having failure after failure right now.
Failures in Lebanon, failures in Iraq, failures in getting everybody hyped up to go into Iran.
I see it as a Ponzi scheme where their past criminal activities and other actions are imploding so they need to go to the next level to try to smoke screen the past.
I see a lot of evidence that we'll see a staged terror attack or military provocation
By late October.
Give me your take on that and tell us, Professor, where you see things going in the near and mid-term and long-term projections.
Well, I would be similarly looking for such an event in part because
Just like in Iraq, they basically don't have any exit strategy.
Part of what's going on here is that they're really worried about someone like John Conyers running around with a subpoena, you know, and people, the elements left in Congress, you know, Ron Paul, the former Libertarian candidate, that there's people, you know, outside the mainstream in both parties that know what's going on, on a lot of levels.
I mean, what are you going to end up doing?
And the easiest thing to do, I think they also have a feeling that they're one major event or two away from authoritarianism.
But I was listening to your last conversation, and one possibility is that I think the American people themselves
Maybe wising up to this, and we'll hold this administration responsible, you know, after the Katrina disaster.
And it should become clear to everyone that, I mean, what the Bush administration has done is, he's broken any independence within the CIA.
It's now nothing more than a data collection agency and tool, a praetorian guard.
For the Bush crime family, which, you know, I've always believed in what Kevin Phillips said, the architect of the modern Republican Party, is that the Bush family is four generations of war profiteers.
So when your war profits are about to be exposed, and your plan's going to fail, you're going to have to inevitably attempt to create chaos, and do the smoke and mirrors to remain in power.
I agree.
So, what do you see happening in the next few months, and how do we get the word out to stop them from staging some type of new attack?
My biggest fear, which I've seen repeatedly in the mainstream newspapers, is an aerial attack on Iran.
I think they're probably secretly looking at their focus groups,
I don't
It has been at this a very long time, and so has the Bush family.
Other questions, there's one that was floating around which I found interesting, was in part the question of whether you simply go into Syria, which is the path of least resistance, and find, you know, quote, hidden, but really planted, you know, weapons that will be accused of having come from Iraq, thus justifying Iraq and creating a new weaker enemy than perhaps Iran.
Those are the two scenarios that I'm looking at.
Studying, as you've done, Professor, the mindset of these elites, how do they cold-bloodedly carry on an attack and kill 2,800-plus Americans?
I think it's a standard utilitarian calculation, and that, you know, in their mind, that the Indians justify the means, is that, you know, from their perspective, they're looking back and seeing a global chess game, of which we're the pawns, you know?
They're the kings and the queens and the knights, and we're the pawns.
And that I think they just see it as, you know, Brzezinski talks about in The Grand Chessboard.
Sacrificing pawns.
We're the pawns and we're being sacrificed in, you know, what's been called for a long time, you know, the great game.
I mean, how did they justify setting up drug running, you know, out of Long Chen during the Vietnam War?
How did they justify hiring contras that brought crack
Into the United States.
I mean, one of my favorite terms and one analysis from the CIA was, you know, the inner city was, quote, an expendable asset, end quote.
Yeah, collateral damage in the overall scheme.
I mean, it really is a ruthless crew that pride themselves on being ruthless.
We can talk about black men in syphilis with Tuskegee or radiating atomic children or, you know, all of it.
There are thousands of declassified, admitted
In the long run, as the economy collapses,
And those, you know, new-built houses in the suburban sprawl, with no infrastructure to support them, you know, become sort of the McShacks of the future, is that, at that point.
But I think what the elite will concentrate on is, how then do you whip, you know, the theocratic base up into, you know, a notion of their version of a Holocaust?
Versus how to get the middle class then whipped up into a nationalist fervor against immigrants or people in other parts of the world.
Oh yeah, the establishment is definitely moving to use the illegal alien crisis they have fostered and funded and charaded.
Sure, through the North American Free Trade Agreement.
They open up the borders.
They move in and destroy the indigenous economy.
of Mexico's move their subsidiaries down there and then say, look, there's immigrants.
And then they blame it on the immigrants and on the surface claim in the Houston Chronicle that FEMA camps are for them and, oh, by the way, American citizens, but it'll be sold as we're deporting and arresting the illegals when that'll just be the surface headline.
Well, and you recall, of course, the Houston plan during the Nixon administration, you know, when they had their list of the 10,000
Yeah, they're not playing games and they want the police state because out of that then they can take any private property or any pension funds they wish and
But you know what?
As you said, they meant for the intelligentsia and the thinking man and woman to know this is an inside job.
I know that they did not intend for it to go viral, for it to supernova out into the public.
There's no putting that genie back in the bottle now.
I really, studying this deeply, Professor, I believe they've miscalculated.
Number one, do you agree with that?
Number two, how do you see that playing out in different scenarios?
Well, I think a couple things would happen.
Number one is that
There were elements of the American intelligentsia who were inoculated against this, who, you know, had studied history, probably watched the History Channel too many times, and that didn't fall into the socialization.
The other thing they really weren't counting on, I think, is the... Hold on, Professor, by socialization you mean brainwashing?
Sure, is that they're repetitive, you know,
Orwellian, you know, this is the enemy.
Sure, please continue, I interrupted, go ahead.
Right, and the other thing I think is they didn't count on the essentially relocalization and decentralization of the technology which allows people themselves to now go global, like the internet, satellite, radio.
I really don't think they understood the ability of common people and middle class people
I actually think that at times, at a certain point, the Democratic Party may actually even get a spine or a backbone.
I haven't got one yet, you know, and I say this as a former Democrat now running as an Independent endorsed by the Greens.
But, you know, I think there is so much, so much activity on the ground.
And so much dissatisfaction.
That's right.
We're not talking about 10,000 radicals out there beating the drum.
It's 50 million people or more.
I mean, 76 million in a conservative poll believe 9-11 is an inside job.
They cannot get us all.
They can try to crush a few prominent people and scare you back into the cave.
And folks, if they scare you into your holes, then they win.
One of the things, when I first started on these political machines,
It was wrong to have them privately controlled by partisan corporations, counting our vote on proprietary software.
I was called crazy.
I was called a conspiracy theorist.
But early on it was 5-10%, then it was 20%.
The last Vodbee poll shows 92% of the American people
So that's my question, Professor, and we've got to go to Carl's.
What is the elite, the Alpha Maggots, what are they going to do?
Because they clearly, I've looked at the paradigm, I've looked at the equations, I've really, as you have clearly, never talked to you before, we're on the exact same page, because we're seeing the same data.
What is this elite going to do?
Well, if they're smart, what they'll do is kind of banish the Bushes, you know, get rid of that.
Sacrificial political lamb?
And bring in some friendlier faces that have some sort of distance.
Sure, slow down.
But if they slow down, the scandals are so big it's still going to blow up.
Well, I think they'll go to attempting to negotiate agreements, and I think on the way out you'll do what...
George Herbert Walker Bush did.
What you do is you pardon a bunch of people, you shred a lot of records, and you try to get an agreement from whoever you put in place.
But they've got another problem, Professor, vectoring in on them, the economy bubble, the housing market beginning to implode, the debt at all-time highs.
They're needing terror as an emotional salve to coincide with an ultra-massive correction bordering on deep depression.
How does that wild card enter the equation?
Well, if the bubble bursts, the usual way to do that is war.
Hence, Iran.
Hence, they may not have a choice.
Hence, even if it blows up in their face here, I believe that we're probably going to see terror attacks in total World War III.
What do you say to that?
I think that is a likely scenario if the economy bursts.
I don't see any other options, really.
Oh my God.
I mean, this is so horrible.
We're standing here at the precipice of something that'll make World War II look like cupcakes, and the average neocon's out there drooling, listening to talk radio, has no idea what's even going on.
The average Democrat doesn't know what's going on.
They know we're being lied to, but they don't know the details.
Well, you know, I mean, they wanted, there was an enemy's gap, and they wanted their new endless war.
They tried to pick the fight with China.
Mr. President, we must not allow a mineshaft gap.
Let's take a call from John in Arizona.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, John.
Yeah, Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I've been paying attention to politics and, you know, world affairs for the past couple years, and just started listening to your show about six months ago.
I have a membership to yourprisonplanet.tv, and
Watch great documentaries and all that, but I have a couple questions.
You know, I recently made a webpage on MySpace about all the stuff that you address in your documentaries and in your articles, and I got my friends on there, and what they do is, you know, I get labeled a loon for bringing this to their attention, but the thing is, there's documents out there, and what I've done is, with a lot of your documentaries, gather all the information, the articles,
Well, sir, it's probably the demographic you're communicating with.
People that laugh at you don't waste time and try to convince them.
Go to people who ask serious questions who don't even agree with you, but that are willing to have a serious debate.
You've always had the mass of people supporting Hitler, supporting Stalin, supporting the British Empire, supporting slavery, but it's always the minority that proves the world is round.
Oh, I couldn't agree with you more.
Plus, how do you argue with, you know, joint vision for 2020?
For God's sakes, it's on a U.S.
government military page saying that our official policy is, in fact, full spectrum dominance of the planet.
And that means dominance of the people.
Well, you have to.
I mean, with this whole theory of a mass society.
I mean, look, these people, their heroes are Machiavelli, Strauss, and, you know, essentially Max Schachmann, who was a renegade Trotskyist.
I hope that answers your question.
We'll come back and talk to Sean, Tom, and Ed.
Stay with us.
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Well, we're going to have to have this man on for two hours in the near future.
Again, I'm always discovering.
I know many of you have probably already discovered me before I did.
Wonderful, intelligent, dynamic, patriotic people.
And I know we have an affiliate in Ohio, and an affiliate that goes into Ohio.
Listeners need to get behind this man.
I'm so honored to have him with us.
Bob Petrakis.
Bob, a few final calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sean in Arizona.
Sean, you're on the air.
Hello, Sean.
Are you there?
Okay, let him go.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tom in Ohio.
Tom, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Order out chaos.
Yeah, order out chaos.
You got it.
Mr. Petrakis, did I pronounce your name right?
Petrakis, yeah.
I've been saying Petragas is Petragas.
You're actually using the Greek pronunciations.
You're more correct than I am.
I am.
Do you speak Greek?
Oh, a little.
I just wanted to get your name right for when I vote for you.
Oh, good.
Are you running against Taft?
Uh, no, actually, Jay Kenneth Blackwell, who's a neocon... You know that Taft is a, uh, you know he's a skull and bones man, right?
Well, yeah, well, he's... Taft was the co-founder of Skull and Bones.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Blackwell's the guy that stole the election in Ohio.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, and he also was the guy who belonged to a neocon institute called the Jewish Institute for National Security, which believes in regime change.
Am I still on the air?
Yeah, caller, go ahead.
I wanted to tell you that we were discussing some masonry before, and I wanted to tell you to get your hands on some Manly P. Hall books.
There are 360 degrees in the Masonic.
There's not only 33.
The 33rd, part of the initius job is to make an original contribution to masonry.
Now that can be getting people killed in Iraq, directing on how you do it,
Every person that's killed in wars is an offering to their gods, Horus, Osiris... No, I know, I've read several books by Manly P. Hall.
One of them's masonry and all ages, yeah.
But I want you to know, Governor.
I want you to know, just to look these books up and do some studying on it.
That you wanted to know about the 33rd degree, that's part of it.
The original contribution to masonry.
That's part of the 33rd ignition.
And thank you very much.
Keep on fighting the battle.
I will, Tom.
Good to hear from you.
Wish we had more time with you.
Let's talk to Ed in Florida.
Last caller.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
My name is Edward.
I just wanted to thank you and the professor there.
Some pretty good information I've been looking up.
The alternate future is for 2025, Gulliver's Travel prevails on the internet right now and there's some stuff on there.
Um, but I just wanted to talk really quick about, um, the new Time Magazine, September 11th, 2006, what we lost, how our response to 9-11 reshaped the century.
It's got a big hit piece against loose change here.
Yeah, exactly.
That's what I was going to point out.
Plus the conspiracy myths of 9-11.
It talks about the, uh, loose change guys and, you know, of course it mentions that they're only 22 or 23 years old.
Look, it's not going to work.
They can't stop us.
It's too little, too late.
Uh, Bob?
Well, no, I think that so much stuff is out of the bottle, so to speak, that I don't know how they can go back.
I mean, I was attacked oddly by Mother Jones at the Free Press because they said there was nothing wrong with the machines.
Now I've got the GAO on my side and Carter Baker Commission.
But we ended up being right, because we're right on the facts.
And that's what we've got to remember.
That's right.
I've got to get you back on to talk about, you've been on the front lines in Ohio exposing election fraud, and that's a subject we didn't really get into.
Well, glad to do it.
Well, thank you for coming on, and thank you, Edward, in Florida, but call back tomorrow, we can give you more time.
Alright, take care, Professor.
Thank you for the time.
You bet.
God bless.
He's running for Governor in Ohio, got a link to him on InfoWars.com.
Get your tickets now for the events tomorrow, the next night, and the next week, because tonight's already sold out at the Alamo Draft House for the screening of my new film, Terror Storm.
Alright, get out there and take on the New World Order.
God bless you all.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.