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Name: 20060901_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 1, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, thank you so much for joining us on this live Friday edition of the first day of September, so it's 9-1-2006.
We'll be here live for the next three hours.
Well, I got up today and looked on the Drugs Report.
We're posting this on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Disney's finger scan upgrade raises privacy concerns.
And the biometric companies and the companies that adopt these systems have a PR piece that they always push, and that's that their thumb scans, hand scans, face scans aren't
images of your body they say oh we just create zeros and ones and it's a number so don't worry we can't give this in it to anybody we won't share this information with anybody and of course a digital photo you take with your little digital Canon or digital Sony camera is just zeros and ones but it is a photo of your face or a photo of a
train or a photo of whatever you're taking it up and with these numbers they can then re-scan your thumb anywhere they wish and connect that to a database but no they get up on TV they get up in the newspaper and they say that this is not a fingerprint we are quote not taking your fingerprints when they thumb scan you in many states when you get your driver's license under the new Real ID Act they will also tell you oh no this is not a fingerprint this is not a thumb scan
Though that's exactly what it is.
Just like they say, we're not getting ready for a draft, we're getting ready for national service.
Or, we're not creating an American Union, we're creating a North American Union.
Or, on and on and on and on.
It's just unbelievable.
So we're going to play a Local 6 news piece out of Florida where they discuss this and it's almost identical
To a piece, what now, three and a half years ago here in Austin, when HEB food stores were about to put thumb scanners into all of their stores in the self-checkout lanes, our protests stopped it in most stores.
There are some in Houston and College Station now that are doing it, some HEB food stores.
But we protested it and they backed off here locally.
But they got on the news and Biometric Access, based in Round Rock, said the exact same thing, the company.
They said, oh no, it's just numbers.
It's not your thumbprint, we promise!
I mean, if you want to buy these types of just flagrant lies, then fine, but that's what they do.
They scan your finger, they do the measurements, they create a number, and then they reconfigure that number, and they have your exact biometric identifier, which is quote, better than a classical fingerprint.
So, it's even worse!
And yes, with these biometric scans, they can then create fake fingerprints and plant them at the scene.
Once the government has all of our biometric face scans and hand scans and thumb scans, and now walk scans, they claim they can tell who you are by the way you walk biometrically, they can then claim you were at the scene of a crime when you weren't.
The government of this country, state governments, local governments, have been caught framing people coast to coast
And so you cannot trust any of these crime labs or any of these systems.
We'll get more into that later.
We have the independent gubernatorial candidate, a well-known author, Kinky Friedman joining us in studio.
He's running number two in the polls.
There's Strayhorn running, there's Kinky Friedman running, there's, of course, the incumbent, Rick, big government, gun-grabbing Perry.
NAFTA, End of America Perry, Bush-stooge Perry, Bush-puppet Perry.
So we'll be talking to Kiki Friedman in studio, coming up in the next hour.
I'll have open phones all day long.
And the really big news, when we get back after this break, the military is putting out its maps of the new Middle East.
Military-Industrial Complex Kingpin's call for genocide to kick-start World War III.
We'll tell you all about it.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, important broadcast lined up for you today.
Kiki Friedman, independent gubernatorial candidate here in the great state of Texas will be in studio with us and we're going to have open phones as well throughout the entire broadcast.
We're going to jump straight into the news right now, but we will be talking about the North American Union, the Trans-Texas Corridor.
It's a very important central issue, the open borders, with one of the frontrunners in the gubernatorial race here in Texas, Kinky Friedman, in the second hour today.
There's some interesting headlines that dovetail with that from World Net Daily.
Well, Walnut Daily is saying they're breaking this news.
Well, I'm glad they're finally reporting on something serious, but they're not breaking this news.
We've been telling you about it for years.
And they also say that they start building the highway next year.
They have been building the highway for at least three years.
The interchanges, the connections, again, even the people that supposedly are on the cutting edge of covering this don't know how far along we've already
Gotten in this system.
Here's another example.
World Net Daily.
Mexican truckers to hit U.S.
roadways next year.
Transportation Secretary vows to release one-year NAFTA pilot plan by December.
See, the government always tells you they're going to implement something after it's already implemented.
For four years there have been Mexican trucks driving from Texas all the way to New York and into Canada.
It's been on our local news.
I've been on airplanes with executives that run these companies and they've told me already, the one guy I talked to, that over 25 percent, a few months ago when I flew to Chicago, I sat next to the guy,
That about 25% of their truckers are Mexican from Mexico and that they are Mexican trucks that they're moving this one company I talked to their main operation south of the Texas border to drive the trucks in because there's less regulations and they won't be under the same rules on the highways.
But the media is announcing that it's going to start
Next year.
No, it's not going to start next year.
The report actually says late this year in December.
It's already going on, my friends.
And the state police harass the living daylights.
All over the country, of the truck drivers looking at their logs, giving them fines.
I've got a lot of friends that are truck drivers.
Of course they can call in, just the truck drivers out there, period.
The stuff our truck drivers go through.
But the Mexican truck drivers, they are literally above the law, just like illegal aliens get to march into a bank and get
Bank accounts without jumping through the hoops that citizens do, just like they get preferential treatment for housing loans.
That's been in the mainstream news.
Just like in California and many other places like Utah, they get more tuition than even in-state and out-of-state American citizens and state citizens.
This has been all over the news.
Most of you, of course, have read about it independently, but it's so unbelievable.
Of course,
The Urban Legend website says it's an urban legend that we're going into an American Union.
They also say, last time I checked, that it's an urban legend that there are tax programs where foreigners, immigrants, get tax exemption for seven to ten years, depending on what plan they're part of.
But I've read the actual plans, it's been going on for over a decade, and I've talked to foreigners that own grocery stores and mini-marts, and they'll tell you that it's a tax exemption.
It is unbelievable that this type of stuff is going on.
It's designed to bring the foreigners in as an incentive.
We pay the taxes to pay for the welfare.
Most of the welfare, of course, in the state of California and a majority of the welfare in other southwestern states is going to the illegal aliens.
They get to come in, immediately get full pregnancies paid for, full birth paid for, everything paid for.
Citizens don't even get that, my friends, but the illegal aliens do.
And this is part of the incentive package that the New World Order gives third world populations to bring them to this country and to supplement them because they're paid such low wages
They couldn't pay for their health care, so don't worry, we as American citizens do.
With incredibly high taxes and of course with incredibly high insurance rates, they hit us from two different angles.
So we'll be discussing that with Kinky Friedman as well, a gubernatorial candidate, independent here in the state of Texas.
Okay, the big news!
This is up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com and JonesReport.com right now.
You can link through to the big armed services publications and read about this map.
Israel published these maps in the early 80s.
The Pentagon has drawn up similar maps since the late 1990s.
We've covered these maps and linked to them in the past, but now it is in major military publications and they show what they are going to do to the Mideast.
They are going to break Syria up into parts.
They are going to break Iraq up into three parts.
They are going to break up Iran into three parts.
I know this is old news for the listeners of this show, but this is new news for those out there in the United States.
And I have the map here in front of me.
In fact, Kevin, do me a favor.
The printer cut the map in half and I'm having trouble.
So you go and get the map.
It's on PrisonPlanet.com from the Army publication because it's cut in half here and I'm having trouble being accurate here with people.
Of course, old news here.
We told you right before the war in 2003, and I'm not tooting our horns, we told you, we told you, we told you, we told you.
It's just
My sister goes to her first day of college, and she's 14 years younger than me.
She goes to her first day of college, what, a couple days ago.
And the first thing she's taught is how basically evil I am with big screen TVs playing YouTube video clips of how I'm delusional and I just believe whatever I want and I see in reality what I choose to see and I make all this up.
Yeah, I guess I do go to the Army Times, I guess I do go to Armed Forces publications, I guess I do read official SPP.gov, I guess I really do actually read legislation and actually read the Patriot Act 1 and 2, and I actually know what I'm talking about, so therefore I am delusional.
So that's why I always go back and say, again, we told you all about this, the official plan, the official plan is to break up
All of those nations, including Saudi Arabia.
That is the official and admitted plan that is out there in your face.
That's what their different chieftains at the Army War College, the Naval War College, that's what their theoreticians have put out.
That's what Israel has said is the plan.
And surprise, surprise, in this new map that I have here in front of me, of course, there is a greater Israel.
Jordan is a good little buddy, so they get to have a greater Jordan.
It just goes on and on.
Again, Iraq will be broken into
Three parts.
Iran will be broken into three parts.
I've seen maps where they're broken into five parts.
Saudi Arabia will be broken into four parts.
Four more parts.
And of course it was the British who drew all these lines to begin with.
Turkey, our ally, might be interested to learn that they're going to lose tens of thousands of square miles of their land.
I'm sure they're very excited to hear.
I'm looking at this and doing a dead reckoning.
According to these maps that the military has put out, we will, when I say we will, the globalists that control this country will take about 15% of Turkey.
So I'm sure that that ally is very, very excited to be hearing all of this.
And then the Arabs, when they read these maps, and they see these maps going back 20 years, 23 years now, they will panic and freak out and say, we'll fight you, we'll destroy you, we'll battle back!
And then it's taken out of context, and look, the Arabs for no reason, the Persians for no reason, say they're going to
Kill all of us and destroy us and for no reason they're just doing this.
They're absolute scum.
Let's just turn it all into a glass parking lot.
So let me now read over this great article that Paul Watson has written on this subject.
Military-industrial complex kingpins call for genocide to kick-start World War III bogus hype threats used to justify Holocaust-style genocide, redrawing of borders in the Middle East.
The military-industrial complex is gearing up to ethnically cleanse the entire Middle East in a genocidal purge that will be a curtain-raiser, in Bush's words, for World War III as
Preparations for nuclear airstrike on Iran remain on standby, but absent only the monolithic stage terror attack or false flag provocation that will justify them.
Armed Forces Journal, a mouthpiece for the military-industrial complex, recently carried a strategy plan for completely redrawing the borders of the Middle East, written by retired Major Ralph Peters.
Peters lambast the neocons for not having stamped enough influence
or chaos on the Middle East and calls for the use of genocide in realizing the neo-fascist dream of a completely reinvented Middle East run by the same cabal currently responsible for untold war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon.
Oh, and one other dirty little secret from 5,000 years of history, writes Peters, ethnic cleansing works.
You see,
Knock on wood, we've never been sued, folks, you see, because we just go off their own words and their own documents.
So we have a headline saying he's calling for ethnic cleansing?
He says right here, ethnic cleansing works.
Dick Cheney wrote in the PNAC document in September 2000 that they're preparing race-specific bio-weapons to, quote, kill the Arabs.
And they're advocating the use of these race-specific race weapons
And can you imagine why the Arabs are freaking out?
Can you imagine why they're upset?
Because that's on their TV.
That's in their newspapers.
That's on their radio, you see.
You see, the Arabs aren't saying they plan to kill all of us.
No, no, that's a media lie.
You see, this is so sick.
His twisted justification is that major crises around the globe are converging and that a massive economic crash is set to occur in 2008.
Two of these converging disasters are listed as global warming and peak oil.
So now they buy into that fraud of global warming and peak oil to manifest frauds.
Which, as we have exhaustively documented, are monumental con jobs manufactured out of thin air to justify increased control over personal lives of Westerners, feudalism, and expansion of empire.
The article goes on for four more jam-packed pages.
We'll try to read the rest of it when we get back and take your calls on this subject.
But the military's put out these official maps.
This guy's just echoing them.
And this is what they're doing.
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I think so.
Well I won't back down, no I won't back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down.
Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around.
Imagine if the United States had been occupied and dominated in the 1915's or 1920's and if our country had been already broken up once and that now the very same foreign powers were openly drawing up maps and openly discussing how they were going to use different pretexts to come in
and engage in ethnic cleansing, openly saying that, openly saying that they were going to come and kill us and break up our country and give it to themselves, what would you say and what would you do?
Well, Americans hear about doing this to the Arabs and the Central Asians and the Persians, and the average American, at least a large minority, says, Good!
I want their oil!
Let's kill all them people!
We've all heard them on talk radio.
We've read about them in the newspaper.
We've seen Michael Savage and others say it.
Michael Weiner.
The big beatnik of the 60's.
These people are monsters.
And they pose as conservatives while supporting the very government that's taking all of our freedoms.
Do you think you'll be safe?
Do you think you'll be prosperous?
Do you think you're going to have liberties when you have a government that will go in and openly talk about genocide and openly talk about taking other people's countries and breaking them up?
Do you think you'll be safe living in the middle of that empire?
No, you're going to be used.
You're going to be abused.
You are cannon fodder in all of this.
Paul's written an excellent article here.
I hope you get it out to everybody.
It's at presentplanet.com right now.
Continuing, an economic collapse doesn't worry the families that own the Federal Reserve in America because they will be the only ones to benefit from it.
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Financial collapse are routinely
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So the graven necessity in which mass genocide is sold to us is inherently flawed as a justification for its implementation is our gargantuan deception.
Peters goes on to illustrate how our lives will be mired in a never-ending cycle of war, terror, and fear as he lays out the manifesto for World War III.
Quote, there will be no peace at any given moment for the rest of our lifetimes.
There will be multiple conflicts in multiple forms around the globe.
This is what PNAC says.
And this is what the Naval War College says, violent conflict will dominate the headlines, but cultural and economic struggles will be steadier and ultimately more decisive.
The de facto role of the U.S.
Armed Forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy to open to our cultural assault.
Again, for our economy and open to our cultural assault.
That means propagandizing, taking over the countries.
To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing.
He's already said genocide.
And again, this is a craven article arrogantly announcing this.
This is all P2OG.
This is meant to inflame the Arabs.
Arabs are meant to read this.
They are meant to clutch their children in fear.
They are meant to buy AK-47s and prepare for war.
Again, this is beating the beehive.
And this is what they publish in the Armed Forces Journal.
This is what our military reads, ladies and gentlemen.
How the Middle East will look after it is ethnically cleansed by the liberating neo-fascist assault, click here to enlarge.
You can click and look at the enlarged map.
The endless drumbeat of propaganda tells us that it is Iran's Mohammed Ahmadinejad who advocates genocide.
Yet, scratched beneath the surface,
And the real protagonist of a vampiric holocaust to ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Arabs and the U.S.
and Israel neo-fascist crime syndicates that have hijacked our governments.
Let me read that again.
The endless drumbeat of propaganda tells us that it is Iran's Ahmadinejad who advocates genocide.
Yet scratched beneath the surface and the real protagonist of a vampiric holocaust to ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Arabs are the U.S.
and Israeli neo-fascist crime syndicates that have hijacked our governments.
And the article continues, the megalomaniacs that control Israel
"...wish to live in a world largely devoid of Muslims or Persians, and they have embarked on a hundred-year-plus mission," they've announced that, "...of ethnic cleansing to wipe them from the globe.
The Blitzkrieg of Lebanon is part of this process.
Race-specific bioweapons have already been developed for this purpose."
When we get back, we'll get into that from the mainstream news.
Can you imagine being the Arabs and the Persians?
Leading official documents written by the Vice President saying,
We are developing and legitimizing the use of race-specific bioweapons.
We're going to ethnically cleanse you.
We're going to take your countries.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, getting into race-specific bioweapons and I'm going to get into the control grid these very same maniacs are putting in here in the U.S.
to control us.
Going back to the article that Paul Watson put together from official government documents and military publications like Armed Forces Journal.
This is Wired News reporting on race-specific bioweapons that he quoted for the story.
Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs.
It actually will kill them.
While leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London's Sunday Times, the report citing Israel's military and Western intelligence sources, says the scientist
...are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus.
And Dick Cheney said they're developing it in the PNAC document.
The Etho or Ethnobomb program is based at Israel's Nestezione Research Facility.
I know I mispronounced that.
Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attacking only those cells bearing Arabic genes.
Of course, all the major treaties say this stuff is completely illegal, and can you imagine if the Arabs were trying to develop this?
But hey, it's A-OK if Israel is.
Imagine if plans were unearthed detailing a program on behalf of Kim Jong-il or Mohammed Ahmedinejad to create an ethno-bomb to wipe out Jews or Caucasians.
How would Israel and the United States react?
Only Israel is allowed to be nuclear-armed, violate dozens of UN treaties, use chemical weapons on civilians, and construct horrific
Policies of ethnic cleansing.
Israel and Israelis have made a pact to carry out this agenda in league with the neocons, and above them the globalists, whose desire is also world population reduction and complete full spectrum domination and control over all countries and near-Earth space itself.
All these facts are openly discussed by the elite in their own public documents.
Quote, advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from a realm of terror to a possibility of a politically useful tool, Chaney wrote.
Who wrote these words?
In their own strategy document?
The Nazis?
The regime of Pol Pot?
This particular quote was from Paul Wolfowitz, William Crystal, and the rest of the neo-fascist collaborators that formed the project for New American Century, the ideological framework of the Bush administration.
When we witness future atrocities that inflict death, misery, and suffering on large numbers of the population, will we recall who bragged about metering out such terror in the first place?
As manufactured terror alerts, magnified turmoil in the Middle East, and dire proclamations that doomsday is approaching, all coverage at the end of the summer of 2006, this twist in the story is likely to be a massive stage terror attack that will smother any remaining voices of dissent and once again leave America transfixed in an orgy of militarism, paranoia, and fear.
We have the government openly talking about genocide, openly talking about race-specific bioweapons.
Oh, but they wouldn't carry out 9-11.
They wouldn't kill American citizens.
They wouldn't take our freedoms.
The Israeli bombardment of Lebanon is the next escalation of a conflict that is being orchestrated according to a set-up roadmap that leads directly to World War III.
Israel, the United States, and Great Britain have been caught red-handed on numerous occasions staging terror attacks and false flag provocations in the Middle East over the last 50 years.
The next big provocation is intended to prod Iran into launching what will be presented by the world's media as a preemptive action unjustified by any U.S.
or Israel intervention and used as a war propaganda
to mandate nuclear airstrikes to oust Ahmadinejad's regime.
Some see Ahmadinejad himself as just a cameo player in a rigged game.
Greg Pallis has suggested he could be reading off a script that has been in the pocket of the neo-fascists all along.
Ahmadinejad and Bush are very close cousins in the context that they both believe that their own ego and drive
I don't know.
Ahmadinejad never militarily threatened to wipe Israel off the map.
This is partially a gross misrepresentation and is also taken completely out of context.
Called for the future end of the political system of Zionism, not to ethnically cleanse an entire country.
In addition, earlier this week Ahmadinejad said on the record that Iran was no threat to Israel or any nation, but you won't hear Fox News repeating or reporting that particular quote every five minutes because it doesn't correlate with the Mad Mahmud
image that the neo-fascists are trying to construct to justify their next act of bloodletting.
And it goes on.
If there is some kind of staged attack in the United States, as always, we will look at who has the capability, the capacity, and the motive to pull it off, especially in light of the fact that Dick Cheney's USS
TRATCOM contingency plan calls for attacking Iran in the immediate aftermath of the second 9-11, no matter who was behind it, close quote, which of course is going to be the cabal Dick Cheney fronts for itself and the same pack of murderers that are actively seeking to initiate global ethnic cleansing and genocide to bring about World War III.
Alright, I babbled through that.
I'm not a news reader.
But go read it and look at all the hyperlinks for yourself up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Let me shift gears for a few minutes on this important subject, then we'll go right to your phone calls Justin, Mike, Jason, Bob, Mark, Marty, and others.
This is from News 6 out of Florida.
Disney's finger scan upgrade raises privacy concerns.
An upgrade on Disney's finger scanning technology implemented to prevent ticket fraud or resale is raising concern from privacy advocates according to Local 6 News.
Now, for about, what, four years, when you go to SeaWorld, you go to Disney World, you go to any of these big theme parks, they scan the entire hand biometrically
We're good.
Then they have the nerve to tell you if you complain, oh no, this isn't a fingerprint, oh no, this isn't biometrics, when it's biometrics.
We have local newscasts here in Austin where they get up and announce, don't worry, the grocery stores are putting them in, but it isn't a fingerprint, it's for your safety.
It's to make sure what your identity is.
This is being unified under the REAL ID Act onto all of your driver's licenses, which are national ID cards.
It's being merged publicly into the North American Union ID card.
Read about it at spp.gov.
All of this is happening, and people are starting to figure this out and complain, so there's little propaganda pieces like the one you're about to hear.
Let's roll this piece, then I'll briefly comment on it.
This is all part of the control grid.
We'll start in a moment.
This is all part of the control grid, because when you read Army War College documents, even MIT Magazine last year had a big report about it.
They say they're going to put the same thumb scanning system in where you have to have an ID card.
They started it in Baghdad and Fallujah to have a job.
You've got to have this card and even an RFID bracelet or an RFID in the card.
And they bragged and said, well the system we're going to put in Iraq that they called a surveillance and control system over the population.
You ought to go read that.
That's a quote.
They said they're going to put in the very system they've already put in the U.S.
in occupied countries.
You see, we now have NORTHCOM over us, shut up four and a half years ago, covertly shut up before that.
I have Bill Clinton calling in Homeland Security and NORTHCOM in speeches in 1994.
But they officially rolled it out after 9-11, and we now, you know, before there was CENTCOM and all these different sectors of the world, now we are considered a military operations zone.
Notice they've introduced the nomenclature, the definitions.
Mayors now call citizens civilians.
They call themselves authorities.
The police call you civilians.
This is martial law being implemented incrementally.
This is deadly serious.
So, this is going in the grocery stores, the tanning salons, the gyms, even the bookstores, the libraries.
Thousands of school districts and schools we've looked at have put these in to get your school lunches.
No cash allowed.
Training everyone to do this.
It's happening in England, Germany, Canada, France, Australia, New Zealand, all over the Western world.
And now countries that are occupied by the globalists.
You see, the point is, we are occupied.
This is a control grid for prisoners so we can move in and about basically the mass gulag.
Let's go ahead and roll the piece.
Tonight at 11, we are following another developing story.
We have learned Disney is now using a new finger scan that is raising privacy concerns.
Yeah, the scan will be given to anyone who enters the parks.
Disney says it's only new technology making the process they already use much faster.
But tonight, only on 6, we're founding out some not-so-sure.
Just good to know Frio is live in Lake Buena Vista.
Bob, privacy advocates worry that Walt Disney World is gathering too much of your personal information.
And they're particularly concerned about where that information goes after it's scanned.
For years, Walt Disney World has been using the shape of visitors' fingers to prevent ticket fraud or resale.
Now comes the controversial technology upgrade that will be completed by the end of September.
These new machines can now scan your fingerprint information.
The system takes an image,
It identifies points on that image, measures the distance between those points, and immediately creates numerical value on the blink of an eye.
And it's numerical value that is stored in our system and recalled when a guest reenters our turnstiles using their Magic Your Way ticket.
Privacy advocates find the new system alarming.
Everything that chips away at personal rights, anything that chips away at the right to privacy, I'll always be concerned about.
Disney spokespeople stress they do not store the entire fingerprint image and scanned information is purged in 30 days.
We are not collecting fingerprints.
We are not collecting personal information.
The sole purpose is to create a numerical value that links our guests with their Magic Airway ticket.
They're taking fingerprints.
They're taking fingerprints.
They can call it whatever they want.
They're taking fingerprints.
The Central Florida ACLU notes Disney isn't doing anything illegal, but say people should know what they're submitting to before they enter the park.
If Uncle Sam decides to hit Walt Disney with a subpoena because they want those records, what's Walt Disney going to do?
They're going to provide the records, right?
Disney spokespeople say visitors who object to the readers can use their photo IDs instead.
However, that option is not advertised at any of the theme parks.
For now, we're live at Walt Disney World.
Jessica D'Onofrio, Local 6.
Okay, now you just heard massive, massive deception.
They said we're not taking any personal information.
You go up, because I've been to SeaWorld, and I've talked to people that have been to Disney World,
SeaWorld in San Antonio.
You walk up.
They ask for your photo ID.
They take your credit card.
They swipe it.
Even if you try to pay cash, they ask for your ID to attach your name to it.
Then you're given a ticket with a barcode that's connected to the database that has your name and your driver's license number or your credit card number that then goes back to the government and other private corporate databases.
You walk up to the line.
They scan the ticket.
Now it attaches your name in the database to the biometric hand scan.
So now when you go to Disney World, they're taking a hand scan and a index finger scan and it's very deceptive.
The original system was biometric too.
They're just now claiming that this is somehow new because they've added a second layer.
Also they claim it's to stop fraud.
All they did in the past, and they pricked these up off of cheap little printers instantly, was a digital photo of you when you got a ticket or a pass, and then you were given that season pass.
But let's say you get a daily ticket.
The daily ticket has your barcode on it, and you go and scan it, and it's only good for that day.
There is no reason to have this.
I was up in Minnesota a few years ago, and they have Mall of the Americas, and on a Saturday afternoon I was visiting the network up there,
I walked over and went into the Mall of America and I saw them giving children RFID bracelets to pay for the rides.
No longer do you pay the money and get the tickets or get a pass.
You put a bracelet on with an RFID and then that is scanned.
And notice, about four years ago, I guess it wasn't four years ago, my son was about one then, about three years ago I went to SeaWorld
And they tried to refuse.
They said, no, you've got to do this.
And I said, no, I'm not.
And she said, OK, go on through.
And I said, what percentage refused?
She said, about half.
And I said, you just claimed I had to.
And she goes, look, sir.
And security started coming over.
And we got all that on video.
It's on the website.
You can go watch the SeaWorld video.
We went back to SeaWorld this year, and I said, I'm not doing it.
They said, fine, absolutely.
And most people were just showing their cards.
It was a mass revolt.
So this is really good news.
But I've talked to people that have gone to Disneyland or Disney World.
They say almost everyone is complying, because this isn't like just driving to SeaWorld for an hour and a half down the highway.
People get tickets.
They get hotel rooms.
This costs thousands of dollars.
They fly in from New York, from Texas,
From Oklahoma.
From Ohio.
They fly in from Canada.
You fly in with your children to go to Disney World.
They're at Epcot Center.
And when you show up, you're not even allowed in unless you do this.
And they don't tell you.
They don't give you the option.
If you complain, they go, OK, show me an ID.
And guaranteed, they're going to try to phase that out.
In fact, SeaWorld has told me that they're going to try to make it mandatory very soon.
Also, part of this trend, and I mean, you see this everywhere.
You see this at drugstores.
You see this at gas stations.
75-year-old women, 65-year-old men, I mean, bald-headed men with tufts of gray hair, you know, on their temples.
And I mean, I'll be in the store paying for gas or paying for something.
People are buying beer, they're buying cigarettes.
And they say, ID card please, ID card please, ID card please, ID card please.
And guess what they do?
Most of the places, they don't just look at the card.
They take it and swipe it.
And the police have told them, again, the federal government, the insurance companies, all of them just set the policies.
It's not a law.
Well, we'll just be... Here's an example.
I was in Dallas for the event that we had last weekend, Friday night.
The event was Saturday night, but I was there Friday night.
Right by the La Quinta we were staying in was a restaurant called Old Monk or Laughing Monk.
I forget.
Something Monk.
And it's a big restaurant.
But there's also an outside bar.
And we go get in line because it's right behind the place we were staying.
And we get in line.
And we're walking up to it.
And I see like 45-year-old bald-headed men being carded.
And I get up there and the obnoxious guy at the door says, ID!
The reason I got mad was the older, you know, middle-aged gentleman tried to show him a business card, joking, and the guy took it and threw it on the ground and said, I want your ID!
So I got up to the person, I'll tell you what happened when we get back, and then we'll get to some calls, we've got Kinky Friedman coming up.
But this is the type of stuff that we deal with, that we face.
This is Nazi Germany, America.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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So we went around Dallas, got some shots of the city.
We were tired, had a long day.
About 10 o'clock at night we decided to go to the place that advertised they had steaks and hamburgers and food.
So we go walking up to the family place and there's an obnoxious person at the front door.
And this 45 year old, might have even been an older man with gray hair with his wife.
They say, I.D.
Didn't say please, I.D.
So he pulls out a business card and he goes, here it is young man.
The guy takes it and throws it on the ground.
And says, I need to see your I.D.
So the guy shows it.
And I get up there and I said, you know I'm from Texas, not from Nazi Germany.
Well first I walked up to him and he said, I.D.
And I said, well I'm from Texas, not Nazi Germany.
And I said, obviously, sir, you don't think I'm under 21, do you?
And I said, besides, this is a restaurant.
You know, bars are in most restaurants in Texas.
I said, this isn't even really a bar, is it?
And he just said, he started getting in my face, so I just said, that's it.
We're not going here.
We turned around and walked across the street to some other place that was better to eat dinner.
But this is being done from a corporate level.
They're telling everyone to do this, carding 75-year-old women.
I mean, I witness it every week when I'm in stores.
I witness it at grocery stores when there'll be an old man or old woman in front of me, you know, with a big bottle of wine.
And I just laugh at it, but at the same time I want to cry.
And make no mistake, they've officially said, with the new national ID cards, that will all have your state stamp on them, Real ID Act,
When you have the new sales tax, you're going to be swiping these and showing your IDs every purchase you make.
And it's all going to go in a database.
Now, this is officially what is happening.
This is not a joke.
This is not a game.
This is not a drill.
This is the reality.
When they put them in your schools and say no cash allowed, you got a thumb scan?
Say no.
When they say you gotta have these to check out library books from the school or even the public library, they're going in those too.
Say no.
If you're dumb enough to go to a tanning salon and you go in there and they say you've got a thumb scan, say no.
Most of them now put these in.
When you go into a gym and they say you gotta do this, you say I'm gonna work out somewhere else.
Because if you don't fight and boycott and say no to this now, it's going in everywhere.
Now the good news I'm here to give you
The wonderful news, ladies and gentlemen, is that I asked the lady at SeaWorld, and she said about half the people are refusing, and they're now having to let people in with just their IDs at Disney World and Disneyland.
The people are saying no, and this is a military
Army War College designed grid of control.
It has been in MIT Magazine and other major publications.
They do not hide it.
They call it Total Battlefield Surveillance.
That's what the cameras, the face scanning, the license plate scanning cameras are.
That's what the IDs are.
That's what the biometrics are.
This is a military stockade grid.
Now I'm going to ask you folks, are you going to let this happen?
Are you going to put up with this?
And notice the illegal aliens are all exempt from this.
Remember a story about four years ago on the Statesman about how Texas citizens have to all thumb scan and face scan to get driver's license, but the illegal aliens are exempt from that.
Oh yes!
That was in the local paper!
You see?
Because you can't stop the flow of the illegal aliens because the government wants them here illegally where they can work for lower wages and drive down wages and do a lot of other horrible things.
Before we end this hour and come back and take some calls, Kinky Friedman's coming up later.
He's arriving right now with a news crew.
I'm told he's down the street, about to arrive.
But we will take some calls.
Before we do that, next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I'm going to be showing my new film, Terror Storm, the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar.
The first night showing, Tuesday night, is very close to selling out.
I checked it this morning.
Wednesday is about half sold, so they're all going to sell out again.
Get your tickets at InfoWars.com.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right.
Texas Gubernatorial candidate is scheduled later this hour to be in studio with us.
King Freeman talking about the North American Union and a lot more.
We talked about official
I'm currently a freshman at Nichols College in Nassau.
I'm taking an elective called 9-11 Terrorism and Al Qaeda.
I went to one class so far, and basically the first hour, it was basically a lecture basically saying how bad everybody in the Middle East is, how Osama is evil.
I brought up the fact, after listening to this, I put up with it for about an hour, I brought up the fact that, you know, the FBI just recently said, I don't know how recently, maybe the last couple months, that they had no hard evidence.
And then you started
Talking to me about how, oh yeah, he confessed, he confessed, and that's hard evidence, and I was like, no, actually, if you look at the confession tape, you know... It's the Fat Bin Laden tape, they've done a voice print, it's not him.
Oh yeah, it's obvious, and you can just tell by looking at it, anybody with a common sense can realize that it's obviously a fraud.
But they've done a voice print, it's not him.
Oh yeah, yeah, um, they found it in a house, I mean, I don't know what's more believable, but, um, basically, then I spent about 20 minutes
In the class, just talking to him about why he believes what he does, why he believes what he believes, considering there's no documented fact really backing up anything he said.
So basically, I have a class.
I have a class in about an hour, and I plan on talking to him about maybe watching maybe one of your documentaries, maybe Parastorm, Loose Change.
I was going to burn a copy and bring it to class.
And another interesting thing, here's the kicker, is that he asked me, and I, are you majoring in criminal justice?
I said, no, I'm just concerned for my country, and I think you should too, and look at these so-called alternate theories, and realize that they're actually fact.
And what did he say to you?
Well, I plan on saying that today.
I think he'll be very receptive, because he told me that
I thought he'd ripped my head off because he's a former FBI agent in New York.
And I figured he'd ripped my head off for mentioning it.
But I looked at other kids in the class and they all looked confused.
I think they were just placed in that class just because they didn't have any other choice.
They don't really understand what's going on and how really important it is to wake up to the facts.
Well, Justin, give them a copy of Terror Storm.
You've done a great job.
Good to hear from you.
Mike in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air, Mike.
Go ahead.
Alex, how are you?
Good, sir.
I was doing some research the other day and was reading the Nixon Memoirs.
I was just wondering if you had ever seen the section in there where he talks about the Bohemian Grove.
Yes, and how it's a huge homosexual orgy?
We actually have the audio tape of that.
It was a Harper's Magazine interview.
We have it on PrisonPlanet.com for free.
You can go listen to it.
Did you ever read the section where he talks about
Just the different speeches or anything like that.
Where he talks about the Lakeside Chats?
Yeah, I've seen that.
I also wanted to bring up, I was at an event last week, George Bush came to Pennsylvania.
In the event, the Soiree, and when he started talking about 9-11, I had to bite my tongue and keep from
Yelling 9-11 was an inside job.
Well, I wish you wouldn't have hurt your tongue.
I know.
I don't know.
Sometimes I just feel guilty if I get to an event like that and don't let my voice be heard.
I just don't ever know what the consequences would be.
Well, the consequences could be dire, but the consequences are much worse if we don't stand up and speak out.
But I appreciate your call, Mike.
Jason, Bob, and many others, your calls are coming up.
We're going to have our guest in studio coming up here in just a few minutes.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Don't forget my new film Terror Storm is out, is released on DVD now with 66 minutes of extras available at InfoWars.com or at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we got a real
Texan with us, a real character, Kinky Friedman.
Richard S. Kinky Friedman.
He's an American singer, songwriter, novelist, politician, and former columnist for Texas Monthly.
He is one of two independent candidates for the 2006 election for the office of Governor of Texas.
If successful, Friedman would be the first
We'll be the first independent candidate elected to the post since Sam Houston in 1859, as well as the first Jewish governor of Texas.
As of August 3rd, 2006, the polls are showing that Friedman has about 18%, 18 points behind Republican incumbent Rick Perry with 35%, and tied with independent Carol Keaton Strayhorn and Democrat Chris Bell.
And of course, this is from the encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Looks like it's pretty accurate to me, but we'll just get Kinky to tell us about himself.
It's always better to get it directly from the horse's mouth.
A little update on that, Alex.
The latest Zogby, 48 hours old, from the Wall Street Journal.
Perry's dropped to 34.
We're up to 23.
Tied with Bell at 23.
Wow, you're moving forward.
And Grandma's at 9.
Has dropped to 9.
What's her name today?
Has she gotten remarried this week?
Stop picking on Grandma now.
Come on.
Don't pick on Grandma.
But this again is the likely voter poll that we're talking about.
These are hardcore Republicans, hardcore Democrats.
If you're an Independent, you ain't in this poll.
These are not my people.
And we're getting 23% of them.
And at this time, in Jesse Ventura's race, he was at 7 points in the likely voter poll.
And he won with 37 points.
Well, anybody is better than Rick Perry.
He is an establishment monster.
He has done things in Texas that are unspeakable.
The Trans-Texas Corridor.
The open borders.
He wants to put transponders on all the inspection stickers.
The taxes down the road.
Where does Kinky Friedman sit on those positions?
Well, we just can't afford...
Any more full-time professional politicians running the state.
We can't afford it.
As far as the... Are you talking about webcams now on the border?
That idea?
Well, no.
Perry talks about being tough on the border, but in reality... He's not tough on the border.
I visited El Paso last week and I talked to the border patrol officers, the head of the border patrol, the customs people.
They haven't seen Rick Perry in five and a half years.
He hasn't met with them.
Not only has he not been down there, he's never been to the White House, to my knowledge.
Which I have any number of times, and if you're going to be trying to get federal funds, and I don't think the Cavalry's coming to save us, by the way.
I think we're going to have to do it ourselves.
Well, Kingy Freeman, let's go through the issues, because I want to... I mean, what's your platform?
What's the first thing you're going to do if you get into office as governor of Texas?
Prayer in school, politicians out of politics, and put the prisoners to work.
Those are three ideas.
What are you going to do about the Trans-Texas Corridor and the toll roads?
I'm going to end the drought and I'm going to stop the big road.
The Trans-Texas Corridor is a terrible idea.
Texas can build its own roads.
We can pay for our own situation.
We're the richest state in the country.
We don't need to be giving all this money to foreign corporations and raping old little small towns and churches and farms with eminent domain, which is exactly what's going to happen.
It's a really bad idea.
I want to get rid of every toll road in Texas, Alex.
I want the toll road to go the way of the pay toilet.
I like it, that's why we like it.
The problem here is, if you were running head up, by yourself, because the Democrat is a dead duck, I mean the guy has the personality of a marsupial, but I mean to get serious here, you know, possum, to get serious here,
How does that hurt you to have all these other candidates running?
I mean, here you are in second place right now, and we've got Rick Perry with 97% of Texans in major polls saying they're against the toll roads, but then I guess he's doing a decent job of keeping it secret that he's the King Daddy of all of these.
How do we ensure that Kinky Friedman wins?
Because I don't think I really trust Strayhorn, and I don't think I trust Mr. Bell.
The easy way...
Is vote.
The voter turnout is the big decider here.
Lieberman's race in Connecticut and the race in Alaska, from both sides of the country, each of those races got 50% more people voting than they'd anticipated, Alex.
50% more than last time.
What's normal, given the total turnout?
Texas, last turnout, 29%.
Perry and Sanchez spent $100 million to drive 71% of us away from the polls.
Now, I believe that November 7th, this is going to be the biggest modern turnout in Texas history.
If it is, I am the governor.
If it's a small turnout, Perry's still going to be the governor.
He's going to have a 10-year run.
Are you worried about these special voting machines that keep going for incumbents and that have been documented to have major engineered problems?
It won't help them stem a landslide.
No, it won't.
I agree, because only about 30% of the state, the national average 35%, has these questionable machines in them.
But seriously, isn't this just a battle of getting the message out?
Because if we get the message out that this is the toll road king, Perry will lose.
He's not just the toll road king, he's the insurance king, and the home builder king, and the power plant king.
I was talking to a guy the other day who's worked with the legislature, and he says,
That the lobbyists, the insurance lobbyists, write the legislation, they give it to the paid, the bought and paid for legislators, like marching papers, and the legislators themselves refer to the gallery, where the insurance lobbyists are, as the owner's box.
Well, here's another example.
The legislature and committee chairman demanded to see the Central Texas Department of Transportation agreement on giving 8,000 miles of our roads to private companies to put tolls on them, existing roads, and Perry and the other executives said, we're not going to let you see that.
It's secret because it's a private agreement.
Nothing should be secret that is involved in the public trust.
Political knowledge
uh... can be used how people ask me to have a political knowledge to run the state political knowledge can be used as a hammer to hurt people that's what it's been that when they tell this is a secret we're not going to tell you whether it comes to your old family's farm or not
That's using it as a hammer to hurt people.
I say knowledge should be used as a key to open up this bureaucracy.
Yeah, we don't need all of these lawyers and these career politicians.
That is a check, a mark against them.
They've somehow sold people that that's a mark for them.
I don't want some pretty guy in a $4,000 suit with a pink tie prancing around like Rick Perry.
I'm tired of establishment types.
Well, the fact is that Perry, Strayhorn, and Bell, between the three of them, they have 89 years of politics.
They've been in politics for 89 years.
Now this, folks, is simply just not what the Founding Fathers wanted America to be.
That's all there is to it.
Well, the people are hopping mad.
They've had dozens and dozens, I don't know, like 50-something toll road meetings around the country, and I've been to some of them and I've had cameras at others.
In one case up in Temple, 1,800-plus people.
That's right.
And when they said, raise your hand, who's for it?
11 people raised their hand.
No, there's not a real Texan alive who supports the trans-Texas corridor.
I've never met one.
Likewise, I've never met one Hispanic who's a U.S.
Who thinks that we should ease the border restrictions on illegals.
Every one of them is to the right of me.
You know, they all agree with the man many years ago who said that illegals are going to destroy the lives of legitimate Hispanic citizens of the U.S., ruin their unions, ruin their livelihood.
That man was Cesar Chavez.
Well, it is true that we've got over 100 million new births every 18 months in the world.
Everybody wants to come here.
Look how crowded it is with 300 million people.
We just cannot have another 15, 20, 30 million illegal aliens in this country.
It's already bankrupting the social services safety net.
Ah, yes, but who would Jesus deport?
What is your stance on all the illegal aliens running around?
I would say, number one, before we even address that problem,
We have just got to look at Colonel Travis drawing the line in the sand.
Remember the Alamo should be our policy.
Those men crossed the line knowing they would die.
That's when Texas was born.
Why even bother to call ourselves Texas if we don't respect our own border?
This is a joke.
I've talked to law enforcement at the Fort Worth Sheriff's Convention.
I addressed those guys.
I talked to them all individually.
They tell me
And I ask them, you know, are things tightening up now finally?
Are things getting better?
Things are getting worse.
Trafficking people, drugs, and weapons is getting worse and worse and worse inside Texas.
It's crime syndicates.
It's sophisticated as hell.
You see these 20 car caravans with
Spotter cars and everything, with no regard for human life whatsoever.
Well, I mean, look at Nuevo Laredo and Laredo.
The State Department has put out travel advisories saying it's as dangerous as some areas of the West Bank of Israel.
Yeah, it's absolutely.
And maybe we need to take a page from the Israelis, because my personal opinion, not as a Jew, but as a Texan, is that Israel and Texas has kind of a kindred spirit.
The people have kind of a Davy Crockett, John Wayne spirit, and it's a certain kind of resolve
That I think America could sometimes learn something from.
You talking about building a wall on the border?
You know, there's worse ideas than that.
I just think the Mexican government is so corrupt and so hypocritical.
Uh, and they're the ones that are really making out of this thing.
They're doing very well.
It's their second biggest industry.
Yeah, they're using us as a steam valve.
And then they're also, at the same time, uh, what is it, thirty-something million a year gets sent back, uh, to Mexico from the United States.
I mean, this is, this is incredible.
And, uh, if they would step up to the plate and, uh, pay their fair share of what are the health costs here.
Just the health cost, in fact.
But we know that's not going to happen.
corporations... Well, if it's not going to happen, then let's take a hard line on the border, and let's stop being political.
That's my main... I mean, I can't understand, for the life of me, why Perry in six years hasn't picked up a telephone and said, Hello, Bill Richardson.
Hello, Janet Napolitano.
Well, I'm sure you've seen the video of the illegal aliens running around with the Mexican flags.
Do you... I mean, does Kinky Friedman like seeing that?
Um... Kinky Friedman feels that, uh... I just...
I just say what I think is right for the people of Texas.
I'm not concerned about, if you ain't Texan, I ain't got time for you.
If you're legal, if you're a U.S.
citizen, if you're a Texan, then I've got time for you.
And basically, I'm not afraid to offend anybody.
And right now, the biggest problem I see is that Rick Perry and George W., and I like George W. I've described him as a good man trapped in a Republican's body, but he's a friend.
But I will tell you that most of these politicians are afraid of offending Hispanics.
And believe me, that is offending Hispanics.
Well, most Hispanics I know are against open borders.
Many of them have been in the military.
It's a direct threat to them to be swarmed with illegals.
When I was down... We've got to take a break.
We'll talk about that when we get back.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, you heard it in the latest Cogbee Poll is out.
He is gaining ground on Rick Perry, the big government phony conservative.
And our guest is Kinky Friedman.
He, of course, is a native Texan, singer-songwriter, novelist, politician now, and former columnist for Texas Monthly.
I know my parents are big fans of his writings.
I'm not a politician.
That's very important to point out.
I know, but I'm just going off the encyclopedia here.
I'm a dreamer who never sleeps.
I'm a compassionate redneck, but I'm not a politician.
Now, you brought up something.
I want to get back into toll roads, the open border, the imploding sovereignty of this state.
But you brought it up.
You love George Bush.
Now, let's get something clear here.
I'm a true conservative, okay?
Bush has spent more money than all presidents before him combined.
He's got us in all these foreign wars and entanglements.
He is roughly doubled, it's now more than doubled, the size of the federal government.
So, I mean, what are you saying, Kinky, that, I mean, I know he's a friend, you've met him.
That's all it is, Alex, that he's a friend, and I'm mostly a friend of Laura's, and I got to meet George through Laura, and became close to George, and I think as governor, I think he can help us, and he hasn't so far, I don't think
I don't think Perry has any rapport with him.
But now you're running against his minion, Perry.
Well, I think, we heard this last week, that Karl Rove predicts that Kiki Friedman will beat Rick Perry in Texas, and that the White House will not be terribly unhappy about it either.
Well, Kiki, that's not good if the White House is happy with you.
We gotta worry about it.
We gotta distance ourselves a little bit, okay?
Distance ourselves from the White House.
I'm friends with Clinton, too.
But just because I'm the only man who has slept under two presidents at the White House, don't hold it against me.
Basically, all we need is what George Washington said, Alex.
Common sense and common honesty, both of which are lacking from our elected leaders today.
There are.
Let's get back to the border and the toll roads.
I mean, obviously, there's a crisis on our southern border.
What would you do, I mean, specifics, to deal with that problem with the drugs and the coyotes, the smuggling, that wide-open border?
As the Border Patrol's told you, it is worse than it was before.
What would you do as governor?
Well, I've suggested that George 41, 41 invited me to Texas A&M a couple months ago to hear John McCain speak.
And afterwards, I was telling George
That my plan, the Five Mexican Generals Plan, which is given to me by Joaquin Jackson, retired Texas Ranger, one of my border advisors, to divide the border into five jurisdictions and to appoint a Mexican General in charge of each.
And we give each man two million bucks, which we hold for him, and every time we catch an illegal coming through his section, we withdraw $10,000.
Now, this would shut off illegal immigration into Texas for a paltry ten million bucks.
Because their generals are so corrupt, they'd want to keep that money.
Let me tell you something.
George 41 was laughing about this plan, and McCain says, he was standing there, and McCain says, you know that five Mexican generals plan is better than anything we've got going right now.
And he's right.
It's exactly what Microsoft does to stop hackers, Alex.
They don't hire law enforcement people to find the hackers.
They find the baddest hackers they can find and hire them.
Now this is the kind of thing we're going to have to do.
We're going to have to do whatever it takes.
To shut off this border.
What's happening now is absolutely ridiculous.
What about just getting more funding for the state guard?
Sure, you do everything you can.
Now what Perry's been doing?
Sweeping under the rug because he doesn't want to offend Hispanics.
His people have told him, don't rock the boat.
The Hispanics are starting to vote Republican.
You've seen those big marches in Dallas and L.A.
Don't make a big deal of this.
That's exactly what he's doing.
I didn't even hear a peep about the border for five and a half years.
Well, Kinky, did you know Rob Allen and Co.
up in Dallas actually ran and funded and started up all those demonstrations?
That was the White House running that whole thing.
Listen, when I was down in the Valley recently, the Hispanics that I met down there told me, what are we going to do about all these Mexicans coming over here?
Now if I were in Austin talking about that, which I am now, people would say, Kinky's a racist.
What are we going to do with all these Mexicans?
Well, what are they going to do with all these Mexicans coming over here?
They're threatening Hispanics who are Texas citizens, who are American citizens.
Cesar Chavez was right.
Well, the vast majority of the illegal aliens are from Latin America, but we've got record numbers from Eastern Europe, record numbers from the Middle East.
I mean, you're not a country if you do not have a border.
And I'm sure you know about the North American Union.
Bush signed on to it, SPP.gov, just last year with the Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin, at the time.
And he also signed on to it with Vicente Fox.
And they're already giving Texas business owners North American business ID numbers.
Well, the fact is, I don't have the answer to a problem this complex.
Nobody else does either.
I know one thing.
I love the Minutemen, and here's why.
Because when the Minutemen left Arizona, as you'll recall when they went away for a while, the people that were the most relieved and happiest within a thousand miles, the subgroup, were politicians.
The politicians do not want the border on the evening news every night.
They don't want anybody to shine a light and make the cockroaches scurry.
I want to shine a light right on the border until we get it right.
Good, Kinky Fragment, we're going to come back.
Calls for Kinky Fragment, 1-800-259-9231.
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Come on, Bill.
Two weeks ago you were riding a bicycle, and today you're showing up in your new car and telling me you're buying a house?
What did you do, rob Bill Gates?
No, John, I didn't rob Bill Gates.
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What was that website again?
It's www.DidYouRobBillGates.com.
Now write this down, John.
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Thanks, Bill.
I'm going there right now.
Check, please!
Uh, you got this one, right, Bill?
Sure, John.
Don't forget, it's www.DidYouRobBillGates.com.
Next time, you'll be buying me lunch.
We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
Well, I tell ya, Kinky's laid back.
He's in here in studio with us.
He's got his cowboy hat off so he can put his headphones on and take your calls.
And he's eating a, uh... Kinky, what kind of cookie is that you're eating?
I hope it's not organic.
I don't know.
It's a cookie that Little Juford gave me.
Little Juford is, uh... kind of, uh, the trail boss.
He's a Jew and he drives a Ford.
Little Juford.
That's really funny, isn't it, Alex?
Kinky, you're just something else, man.
Well, you know, these people, at least they've stopped asking me, am I serious?
A lot of folks were asking me that.
Now they're saying, can my daughter get a job with you?
Well, let's get serious here.
We're going to win this thing.
That's what I think is going to happen.
We had a whole plethora of callers they were holding from some previous issues.
Folks, the phones are wide open right now, specifically about the Trans-Texas Corridor, North American Union, the open borders, any type of gubernatorial issue, because this affects the whole country.
Texas is the battleground for all of this.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
We'll get you up and on the air with Kinky Friedman.
Getting serious.
Specific policies.
You're saying, yeah, that's a good idea.
Guard troops on the border.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
You know, to do this or that.
Lay out really what your policies are across the board on property taxes, on everything.
Break it down for us.
I mean, here's an example.
The legislature's almost passed a bill to put transponders
Get rid of it.
More and more ways of taxing us is what they're coming up with.
The worst being the tax on small business.
Never vote for a Republican who raises your taxes.
Never do that.
When you've got an 8.4 billion dollar surplus, you've got to tax small business?
No, the answer is, legalize casino gambling to create a permanent revenue stream of six to eight billion bucks.
That'll pay for education.
Then the property taxes will come tumbling down.
And then we can get rid of this small business tax.
Now, I'm not a big fan of gambling, but I do think it's a free country.
But, you know, we see these billboards about how eight billion bucks has been raised for education.
Those are lies.
It's not true.
No, I didn't know that.
And not one teacher has had a raise because of the Texas Lottery.
Well, it's had a lot of... I don't know what the hell they're doing.
They're buying computers?
I think they're lining their pockets with it.
Lobbyists and politicians.
Well, I know the lottery here has had a lot of corruption problems.
Yes, it has.
Right from the beginning.
And this was not what Ann Richards wanted.
You know, when she had the Texas Lottery, when she came up with a thing, the hope was that this would help education.
It hasn't.
And we've got to, as far as illegalized casino gambling is concerned, we've got to constitutionally dedicate that money to get to education.
And to do that, you need to appoint people who don't like the Crips or the Bloods.
People who are honest, and boy, that's tough to find in politics today.
So you don't care if the lobbyists come to you and say, hey, don't control the border.
Kinky, you're going to say no.
No, I'm not going to say no, because I'm not going to meet a lobbyist.
I'm going to do just what Jesse Ventura did, refuse to meet a lobbyist for the whole time I'm governor.
That'll be the first Texas governor who's done that since Sam Houston.
You just brought up a key point.
Ventura, on the
The Tonight Show nationally on television came out and said that the official story on 9-11 is a complete fraud and a lie and he jumped up out of his chair and he said, I killed people in Vietnam based on a lie.
I lost a lot of friends over there.
That's basically the quote.
What do you think about the official story of 9-11, Kinky?
Well, I would have to disagree with Jesse about that.
I've come to really respect and admire him, though.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
I mean, you say the words JFK and he'll talk for four hours on the subject.
Like 90% of Americans believe it was an inside job.
You know, I'll tell you something, Alex.
Let me take back what I said.
Noticing what happens with the guy, my friend, who bought the horny toad license plate, thinking, being told,
As he bought it, this goes to state parks and goes to helping wildlife and preserving the horny toad, and now finding out that it goes into a general fund to help balance the budget.
I don't trust these guys anymore.
After the lottery, I don't trust them.
So anything's possible.
Yeah, it is possible.
You're saying the official story of 9-11 could be a fraud?
Could be.
Yeah, could be.
Have you seen the evidence towards it being a fraud?
No, I have not.
Have you looked into that?
No, it's done.
It's just something that wouldn't blow me away to find out that there was some truth to it.
But basically, at the moment I trust the train.
I just think the train of Texas is in the ditch.
And I think that you can't count on these people that have been in politics for 89 years to put the train back on track.
It's got to come from the outside.
It's got to be the people of Texas, not the legislators.
What do you think about these calls to get rid of posse comitatus, the 1878 law, and start using federal troops in law enforcement in the U.S.?
Never heard of it.
I've heard of posse comitatus.
I don't know what it is.
What does it do?
Well, I'm sure you've heard that in Latin America or in Russia they have troops on the streets, but here in the U.S.
we're not supposed to have the military involved in law enforcement, and the federal government's been trying to basically turn America into a police state.
Yeah, obviously I'm against that.
I don't think it's a bad idea.
I'm against most of the things that happen in Washington.
And let me tell you, I don't think you need to worry about it.
Because Washington does stuff like, what's the bill?
They solved all this immigration crap 20 years ago.
They just don't implement anything.
So you can have a great idea.
You know, and it'll never happen, because these guys will rob us blind.
The money changers are in the temple right now, right here in Texas, and we've got to get them out of the temple before we're going to see any results.
That's all there is to it.
Kinky, you're a real character, as people know.
That's an understatement.
Tell us a little bit about how you grew up, what you did, where you're from here in Texas.
Kerrville, Texas, is where I live now.
I grew up in Houston and Austin.
I'm the oldest living Jew in Texas who doesn't own any real estate.
And let's see, I was in the Peace Corps for a while, and that has given me the idea of the Texas Peace Corps, which is to bring retired folks back to the public schools who have the most love, and wisdom, and knowledge to give, and let them teach art, and shop, and vocation, and music, and life experiences.
All the things that have been stripped out of the public schools of Texas, bring them back.
Let's take some calls.
You can put that headset on, Commander.
Do me a favor.
Stay a little bit over this way so we can get you a nice pretty mug there on TV, Commander.
That's my best profile.
We've also got Dallas TV here, WFAA, the big TV station.
Channel 8's here covering what's happening.
Is that it?
Is that it?
Alton and Newton!
So do you do any deer hunting?
I did.
I stopped when I was about 14.
I haven't in a long, long time.
You got tired of having to skin them and gut them?
Yeah, right.
I'm not a hunter, but I believe hunting is necessary and good game management is a good idea.
You believe in the Second Amendment?
Yeah, I do.
You believe there shouldn't be infringements?
No, I mean, I don't.
I mean, I do believe there should not be infringements.
I just personally, I don't carry a weapon myself, so if somebody's going to shoot me, they better remember to bring their own gun.
Absolutely, but it doesn't concern you, though, that this is an unusual radio station.
Right over here in this safe behind me, we've got the big guns to protect ourselves.
You like that, don't you?
It feels good, yeah.
It does feel good.
It does.
Because the free human's armed, aren't they?
I'm with you.
Amen, brother.
All right, let's talk to Lil, calling from Fredericksburg, Texas.
Lil, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thank you, thank you, thank you a thousand fold for having Kinky on.
I'm just so happy that you had him on.
And Kinky, I am just so happy to hear you and hear you saying all the rational things you say.
He's having trouble.
Yeah, that's right.
We get Kinky in here and somebody unplugs the wire, so we'll get him in here.
Hold on.
It's a Republican dirty trick.
It is.
Call Roe.
Liberal Democrat dirty trick.
Hold on just a second.
Hey guys, get in here and plug this in!
There we go.
They're trying to torpedo my campaign with the cheapest...
This is Lil from Fredericksburg.
Yes, here is the operative.
The Republican operative that unplugged that headset is now underneath the table fixing it.
I could have been a Democrat.
We caught him.
It's an operative.
I'm sorry.
Hey Lil, how are you?
Oh, I'm just great talking to you.
It makes me feel so good.
I've had your bumper sticker on my car for well over a year.
Oh, you're a great Texan.
I appreciate it.
We're not going to let you down.
Oh, I know you're not, because I've been telling people you're going to be the governor for over a year, haven't I, Alex?
I don't know how you brought her out of the sticks here, but this is actually my aunt.
And I think she called in the show about ten years ago.
It's a very good sign.
Well, I'm telling you, this is going to be great.
First of all, it's going to be more entertaining.
I mean, Rick Perry's guilty of the sin of being boring.
Well, I just kind of get embarrassed, you know, and I love you so much and I just can't tell you how much I am pleased that you have the real, only rational candidate on today.
Telling everybody the truth about what's happening in Texas politics.
Well, he's definitely something else.
All the others are these well-heeled, oiled-up perfume with their hairdos and their $3,000 suits.
It's pretty disgusting.
They've all had humor bypasses, you know.
They're just afraid to make a joke about anything.
You know, Rick Perry's been on this show.
And he just called me a big fat hog when he was on.
I'm serious.
Aunt Lil, did you hear that?
I did, and I don't like him.
You know, Lil, I was showing a friend of mine around Austin last week, and he's from out of town, and he told me, boy, that's a beautiful statue of Rick Perry you all put up there.
And I told him, that is Rick Perry.
All right, Aunt Lil, anything else?
I just want to know if Kinky has any thoughts about the Republic of Texas status.
No, but I think my advisor when I'm governor will be Alex.
Oh, great!
He'll help me on that.
Good, good.
All right, see you, Aunt Lil.
Pasa comatose.
That's right.
Let's talk to Caleb in Texas.
Caleb, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Caleb.
Hello, gentlemen.
Hey, Kinky.
I know you fashion yourself as a funny guy
We're good to go.
And it's a rather obvious fact that 9-11 is an inside job.
Well, you just heard him.
I said, what do you think about 9-11?
He said, well... Well, wait a minute, Caleb.
I'm running for governor, not God here, you know?
I mean, what does it matter whether the governor of Idaho or something believes something?
I mean, this is really federal stuff, isn't it?
Well, it is.
We've got no control over Washington.
But you're also an American, Kinky, and... I am, and it bothers me, Caleb.
It does.
But, I mean, I can't do anything about Iraq, either, as governor of Texas.
Oh, yeah.
What do you think about the Iraq War?
Well, when we talk about Iraq, I always... I don't know, Caleb, this might bore you into a coma here.
Well, I'll give you... Since Alex has superimposed the question of Iraq here, I had an argument with Willie Nelson about Iraq just before it happened, before the invasion.
And we were on the bus, Willie's bus, and Willie was against the invasion, of course.
He thought it was a bad idea.
Good man!
I thought it was a good idea back then.
I thought that knocking off a dictator here might have the others looking over their shoulders.
So you bought Bush's loss?
Yeah, I did.
And so I was for it.
So I'm arguing with Willie, and he is smoking a joint the size of a large kosher salami at this time.
And I'm not getting through to the guy.
So I became very frustrated.
So finally, I say to Willie, look, Willie, Willie, the guy is a tyrannical bully, and we've got to take him out.
And Willie says, no, he's our president, and we've got to stand by him.
I'm sorry.
No, but listen.
Rick Perry's horrible.
Bell's horrible.
Some people I know like Strayhorn.
I don't trust her.
I'm going to stop picking on Grandma.
I'll pick on her if I want to.
She's not going to get away with it.
I mean, she's even come to our toll road meetings and spoken.
But the point is, is that I've done an analysis of this, and what she's going to end up doing is taking all the independence and ensuring Rick Perry wins.
Her son was the White House Press Secretary.
I interviewed her ex-husband, Bart McClellan, who came on and talked about how LBJ told him he killed Kennedy.
And I've interviewed LBJ's former mistress, so you wouldn't make jokes kinky about about JFK assassination.
I mean, you really believe bullets can shoot through two people?
You didn't ask about the JFK assassination.
You asked me about 9-11, right?
JFK is much likelier to be something really there.
Well, you just said the 9-11 could be something.
That's harder, Alex.
That's hard.
I mean, you know, you really believe that... That's a tough one.
Well, you know, I am the father of the 9-11 truth movement.
You're looking at the source of it.
I am!
Oh my God.
In fact, you're in the room with Moses.
Would you like to kneel?
This could be a mental hospital as well.
How do I know that?
You're coming to some outreach center, you know.
But the JFK thing... No, no.
And that shows that... I mean, this guy Oliver Stone, I mean, I don't believe it by any of his BS, but... Oh, he's wonderful.
No, he's terrible.
I've heard about him last night.
But did you see Brokeback Mountain, by the way?
No, I don't waste my time on such issues.
There's some pretty good looking sheep, come on.
Alright, now look.
Matt, stop right now.
Okay, call her.
Caleb, anything else?
He's gone.
Okay, Bob in Utah, let's go a little further afield here.
Bob in Utah, you're on the air with a guy who literally smokes down a cigar in about five minutes.
I want to ask Bob,
Can I ask you a question?
I understood that Utah got rid of the test that we, like we have a tax test for kids in public schools, that Utah got rid of it.
Is that true?
I'm not certain about that.
Okay, I'd heard that.
Yes, I'm a first-time caller, Alex, and I just wanted to thank you for the show and all the great work that you've done.
I'm a long-time follower of these matters.
I listen to William Cooper, who I honor at this moment.
Sure, yeah.
A predecessor and a patriot such as yourself.
Yeah, Trailblazer, yeah.
And I was wanting to address the issue of drug
Uh, running on the borders.
We really shouldn't be surprised as Americans that this is occurring when we consider the history of Bush and Kerry and Skull and Bones, which has its history in the Russell Trust.
Which made its money off of opium importation.
Yeah, the war on drugs, Kinky.
We've got triple the heroin, double the cocaine on our streets.
More than triple in the last ten years.
People in prison from less than a million up to over four million behind bars.
Seven million in the system.
Put the prisoners to work!
No, I'm for drug decriminalization.
It's really worked in Europe and driven down drug use.
Where do you stand on that?
I think you're right.
I think you're right.
And I also think
That we have lost the war on drugs.
There's no question about it.
You can get the drugs easier.
So you're for drug decriminalization, but you want to make violent offenders work.
Yeah, that's basically it.
67% of our prisoners are non-violent.
Let's get them out and have plenty of room for the bad people.
But that's common sense, Alex.
The fact that we've got more prisoners than the entire population of Alaska, or Vermont, or the District of Columbia, and that Woody Guthrie said, the more laws you make, the more criminals you're going to have.
You didn't know Texas was number 4 in the world against countries?
It goes the U.S., then it goes China, and then one other country, and then Texas is fourth in the world by itself for prisoners.
This is a great workforce.
Put them to work, the way Nevada does, the way Arizona's exploring.
Yeah, but not competing with other industries.
It's going to be like rock busting.
How about having them fix the state parks?
How about that?
Yeah, because, exactly, because right now we've got prison laborers, but they work competing with the private sector.
We can't compete against 20 cents an hour.
I need to be your advisor, Kinky.
You are my advisor, Alex.
I don't know how kosher it is for me to be offering you a job on the air like this.
We'll be working for the people of Texas after November, pal.
We'll be right back with Kinky Friedman and more calls.
Stay with us.
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Alright, I can't get away with this until about 20 minutes into the next hour.
And I'm literally in here deluge with the cigar smoke right now.
We got the guns, we got the cigar smoke.
It feels almost like, uh, what?
Like Texas.
Like, like Texas.
We got cigar smoke and armaments.
And we got people talking the truth.
That's always nice to hear.
It is nice to hear.
No, I've actually analyzed Strayhorn.
I've actually analyzed the other candidates, Kinky.
Strayhorn, she's just been there too long.
36 years.
That's too long to be in politics, Alex.
She's a black widow, too.
Well, well, well.
Stop picking on Grandma!
She's a fat little black widow.
Don't pick on Grandma!
See, you've got to play good cop, bad cop, so I can sit here and... But listen, when you get elected governor,
You know people are going to go absolutely ape.
Now, Alex, I hope you're... If you don't shut down that border and you don't shut down... No, we're going to.
We're going to.
You're going to kick Centra back to Spain.
I've already... I've only made two campaign promises.
End the drought and stop the big road.
Those are easy to do.
How are you going to end the drought?
The same way Ronnie Reagan brought sunshine wherever he went, you know?
I'm going to bring rain here, okay?
I mean, I've lived in the hill country now.
Well, in reality, 50-year rice farmers are stealing all the water out of Travis.
I know they paid to build Travis, but that thing is empty now.
I've never seen the lake so low.
No, no.
The drought is a bad situation.
That's the kind of thing I can do because I believe in spiritual lifting.
And by that I mean using the bully pulpit the way it should be used.
Look at JFK.
You're going to do a rain dance?
How did JFK get a man on the moon?
Did he twist a bunch of arms in the legislature like LBJ?
No, he got people to have a love affair with him.
No, he got people inspired around the idea of putting a man on the moon.
And they did.
And in the same way, I'm telling you,
This governor has been obsessed with minutiae.
Little things like the T.A.B.C.
arresting drunks in bars.
I mean, if you're a drunk, it's a perfect place for you to be.
It's where you belong.
Let's be clear.
In Dallas and Austin, they arrested people in one case at a major hotel.
A businessman flew in, had three beers in an hour, and when he got the third beer, they arrested him.
That's considered public intoxication.
In a bar at a hotel he was staying in on a business trip, three beers, watching a baseball
This is Russification of the worst kind.
This is what Texas should not be doing.
Another thing, there's a bicycle lane they're building all through the Texas hill country, which is, you know, that's the end of the hill country as we know it.
I mean, it's a big, huge mistake.
Oh, you got the Alamo around your neck, so you wear Alamo jewelry.
Yeah, I got this out in Alpine, and I'll tell you, what I love about the Alamo is, as we know, it's so small,
If you stand out in front of it, you see tourists coming up and saying, it's so small!
Look how little it is!
It's so small, I thought it would be bigger!
And the fact is, it's really what Texas has most to be proud of.
What about Willie Nelson?
You're saying he's going to be a member of your cabinet?
Well, you know, you've got to use people for what they're good at.
Uh, Willie is a, I'd call him a radical probably, he's far to the left of me, but he is the hillbilly Dalai Lama.
When it comes to renewable fuels, Alex, he is the man who can get the farmers of Texas
With biodiesel co-ops and ethanol co-ops all over this state, and you people that don't believe that musicians can better run this state than politicians are going to get the shock of your life when you see the oil prices at the pump dropping in Texas because of simple supply and demand.
All right, we're going to break in a moment.
You'll be with us for two more segments.
We're going to talk to Marie, Joe, Chris, Eric, and many others.
Questions specifically for Kinky Friedman.
We're talking about the North American Union and the rest of it.
What do you think of the attempt by Bush and others to bring in an American Union and get rid of our sovereignty?
Yeah, I think that's all a mistake.
I basically think that Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, and Pat Buchanan had a lot of good ideas.
And, uh, Perot, you can just, two of them right off the bat, a balanced budget, and the great sucking sound that we would hear, which we have, the manufacturing jobs going overseas.
Why do the Crips and Bloods try to keep them off the ballot?
Why do they spend millions to destroy these guys?
And by Crips and Bloods, you mean Republicans, Democrats?
Yeah, you got it.
The Gambinos and the Genoveses?
Pretty much, pretty much, I'm afraid.
Oh, there's gonna be a new sheriff in town?
There is going to be a new sheriff in town.
It's going to be a new day for Texas.
Alright, we'll be right back in 70 seconds.
Thank you very much.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Kinky Friedman there in the break.
He brought up JFK without a prompt.
I want to get you on record.
What do you think happened with JFK?
I think something happened there.
There's no question that
Some kind of conspiracies at work.
If you believe in conspiracies at all, that's the place for it.
It's a JFK deal.
I will try to bring Jesse Ventura here to the studio, if you want, because he has a clinical recall on JFK.
I mean, he's like an idiot savant on it.
He knows more about that than anybody I've ever met, present company excluded, of course.
And if we can bring Jesse in here, and he'll be here in about three weeks.
Oh, he's coming down to support you?
He's coming down to help campaign.
Jimmy Buffett's doing a big show in Austin on the 19th of September.
Tell us about some of your music and songwriting.
Well, you know, as Willie says, Kinky thinks he's a guitar player, but he's not really a guitar player.
I had a band, Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jew Boys, and I wrote songs like, They Ain't Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore, and Get Your Biscuits in the Oven and Your Buns in the Bed, and things like that.
And I'm proud to be an a-hole from El Paso.
And that's why I'm not afraid to offend people.
And that's exactly what we need as governor right now, as someone who's not afraid to offend people.
Alright, well you're definitely... Look, I just want to get rid of these toll roads and I want to control our borders.
And you know what?
The toll roads are gone.
They are gone.
You promise?
Yeah, I promise toll roads in Texas are gone.
Look into my eyes.
I'm renaming the four major highways after Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Bob Wills, and Buddy Holly, and there will be no toll roads in Texas.
Is Bob Wills still the king?
When I'm governor, Bob Wills is still the king.
Put the cigar down for a minute, and let me shake hands with you right now.
You promised me that you will do everything in your power to defeat the toll roads.
Yeah, I'll not only defeat them, but will inspire the people of Texas as they've inspired me.
Uh, around the important things.
You know, not around, not around flag burning, gay marriage, arresting drunks in bars.
Uh, these are all issues you can argue about all day long, but toll roads affect all of us.
Are you saying they're distractionary issues?
Uh, yeah.
I'm saying they're easy.
They're real easy.
Let's take a call real fast here.
Let's talk to Marie in Kansas City, then Joe in Texas, Eric in Texas, and others.
Marie, you're on the air.
Yes, I just wanted to know if you've read the Amnesty Immigration Bill that's going to require U.S.
citizens to board illegal aliens in their private homes?
Where is this?
It's in the Amnesty Immigration Bill number F.2611.
It was signed in the U.S.
Senate as of May 26.
It was introduced by Ted Kennedy.
No, I know about that bill for total blanket amnesty.
I didn't read the section which is about to board the illegal aliens.
Excuse me?
What section is that?
I'm about to go to totally A. Oh, okay.
I don't have that exact section.
Look, I find it hard to believe, but nothing shocks me anymore.
No, no.
That sounds just like the Katrina situation in Houston.
As you know, 18% of the murders in Houston are committed by Katrina evacuees, and where the governor invited all these people over to somebody else's house and he didn't pick up the tab.
And so, that's not surprising.
The good news is they probably won't be able to do anything because they're just inept.
Well, I hope so.
I just wanted to know if you'd read it, and I wanted to email you this.
I don't have any email or internet.
I don't believe in it.
I think it's the work of Satan.
Thanks Marie.
You don't have a website Kinky.
I have a website but I can't access it.
I don't use the internet.
I don't know how.
I don't want to.
I do without it.
Kinkyfreedman.com is the website.
You have pimps and minions that are running it.
That's correct.
You as the head, and well stated.
I'm just joking around here, folks.
Kinky Freedman brings out the giggly stuff.
We have a lot of serious issues coming up.
Final segment with Kinky Freedman on the other side of this.
Quick break.
Joe and Eric and many others.
We'll get you up on air.
And we'll talk about how the neocons are trying to engineer World War III after Kinky leaves us and continue with Open Phones on this Live Friday edition.
The first day of September 2006.
We're here with the conspiracy theorist Kinky Friedman.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're back live with Kinky Friedman and he is the second runner up to the ensconced incumbent.
And if it wasn't for all the other ringers they've got in the race, he'd be guaranteed to win.
But we are looking at an unusually high turnout this November, and he's going to have Jesse Ventura down here campaigning for him.
Well, he's talked about the JFK assassination being an inside job for him, and said 9-11 is suspicious, so that's pretty darn good.
You're not going to get Strayhorn to say that, or Bell to say that, that's a guarantee.
You're not going to get them to say anything.
They're just so careful that it's pathetic.
If you're a politically correct person, you should vote for one of the other three candidates because they are politically correct.
It's America.
Pick your choice, you know.
All I offer is common sense and common honesty.
Well, I just want to get rid of the toll roads and I want to shut down the border.
They're gone, I told you.
The toll roads will go the way of the pay toilet when I'm governor.
The border is a tough one, but just protecting the border is not that tough.
That just takes somebody who's ready to call the entire Polish Army if he has to, to protect that border.
Alright, let's talk to Joe in Texas.
You're on the air with Kinky Friedman.
Go ahead.
Hey, Joe.
How are you doing today, sir?
Good, how are you?
Got two questions for you.
You're on a national syndicated show.
How can we help?
Yeah, go ahead.
And the second question is,
Will Ringo Starr be helping you as he did on Lasso in El Paso?
Well, the way you can help is to send money.
Kinkyfreedman.com is the way to do it.
Either buy some merchandise or send some money because that's really, you know, Perry has a fortune and so does Grandma.
But money doesn't vote.
Why not call her Black Widow instead of Grandma?
Well, we're taking the high road, Alex, because we can't afford the low road, that's why.
I have been too mean to her.
I'm sure she's not a ringer for Perry.
I'm sure she really cares and we can forget all her past activities.
Stop picking on Grandma.
She can't help herself and you know it's really something.
Yeah, but don't you probably have the state auditing.
No, I mean, look at this.
Is she auditing you yet?
No, but I don't know how I would ever know.
The only Jew who doesn't know a thing about money whatsoever.
I don't know anything.
I can't balance a checkbook.
But I can appoint good, honest people who will do it for Texas.
See, there's the difference.
Grandma and Perry are both getting paid salaries going around just picking on each other.
A guy like me, I'm out of a job.
I need work.
So, yeah, the best thing you can do is check KinkyFreedman.com and that'll tell you how you can help us, especially if you're in Texas.
All right.
Anything else, Joe?
He hit the swearing in, sir.
Yeah, Joe.
Joe, you're in Texas, right?
Oh, great.
And the yard signs are available.
They're beautiful.
They're just out.
So, the website will tell you how to get hold of them, too.
All right.
Let's talk to Eric in Texas.
Eric, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Alex, thank you.
Yeah, Eric, how are you?
Oh, pretty good.
It's good to have two of my favorite Texans together in one room.
How am I holding up against Alex so far?
You're on your own.
He's quite a moral authority here.
I've got a question for you about one of your platform items.
I know your Five Generals plan has been something that you've talked about pretty much ever since you announced your candidacy.
I wonder if you thought through the implications of this.
I mean, given the level of corruption in Mexican government, which rivals our own,
It's certainly not beyond the realm of possibility that they might institute a lethal force policy.
And I'm wondering how you think the press might spin this, and whether they might come out and say the state of Texas is paying Mexican generals to kill their citizens.
Well, they're dying anyway.
They're dying in the desert as it is.
We're finding them in the back of cargo containers and trucks right now.
Yeah, 20 dead at a pop.
I mean, whose fault is that?
I'd lay that at the feet
Of course.
Yeah, I mean, I'm for all of that, all that I'm saying.
I'd welcome that.
I'll tell you something else.
Governor Perry is dancing as fast as he can.
He is running scared.
He called a conference you saw in Dallas.
He finally got Bill Richardson and Janet Napolitano together, or Arnold Schwarzenegger, you know?
I mean, that was totally staged.
Oh, totally.
It's a photo op, and everybody knows it.
And the same thing he did with that firestorm in the Panhandle, which, by the way, was one of the worst natural disasters to hit Texas.
That, he should have really helped, but he turned his back on those folks to deal with the Katrina thing.
And now, the only good thing that's come out of the Katrina evacuees in Houston is that you can now get Boudin at Circle K. Alright, thank you for the call there, Eric.
Let's talk to, who's up next here?
Lisa in New Jersey, you're on the air with Kinky Friedman, go ahead.
Hey Lisa!
Hi, how are you?
Good, how are you doing?
I just had a question.
I mean, I'm not from Texas, but I do support in closing the borders and stopping illegal immigration.
However, I just think that your wording is a little off when you say things like shining the light on cockroaches.
And I also would ask you to explain your statement that Texas is a tainted spirit with Israel, because that seems kind of odd to me.
Uh, that comes from many, many years ago when I was a kid.
I think he means Frontier.
There was a, there was a, uh, no, I mean what I say.
We're kindred spirits.
You know, you can be pro-Palestinian, you can be pro-Israel, you can be whatever you want to be.
But there is something about these two peoples that I think is an unseen thing.
It's kind of undefinable, but it's guts, really.
It is a kind of John Wayne thing.
And this congressman, who was very conservative, came back from the Holy Land when I was a kid in Houston.
And at the airport, I remember him saying, hell, them people ain't Jews, they're Texans!
And since that time I've been thinking about it and there's an awful lot of truth to that.
I just think people are people no matter what.
Yes they are.
And politicians are politicians.
My whole point is that America could take a lesson in a little bit of resolve
America is loved in many places.
I mean, the people of Iran genuinely love America.
Every teenager in Iran wants to be an American when he grows up.
Let me be specific about this, though, because I didn't remember hearing the cockroach quote.
Oh, the cockroach quote?
Let's shine a light on the border and let the cockroaches scurry.
And by cockroaches, you... I'm not talking about Mexicans.
You were talking... Hold on, ma'am.
Now I remember.
You were talking about the smugglers and the drug dealers.
I was talking about Alex Jones at that point in the discussion.
I'm talking about the Coyotes, the drug dealer.
And by the way, all I'm saying, Lisa, is we can't do things conventionally anymore.
It ain't working.
If we have to hire undercover, kind of special ops, you know, like Jesse Ventura was.
Those kind of guys to handle the border and to work against the coyotes and to make their lives as dangerous as theirs.
Look, all you gotta do is build a fence with a road down the middle of it and put a few dozen troops for every 20 miles.
Look, I'm telling you what the border guys told me when we met the whole leadership of the Border Patrol.
They told me that this webcam idea of Perry's on the border is so weak that now we can see on our internet illegals coming in.
We can't do anything about it.
But the bad guys are watching the same internet, and they're very smart.
And they'll use that for surveillance.
That's what's happening.
But look, it's all gimmicks.
I mean, Bush said he put $6,000 on the border.
No, don't wait for him.
I mean, he's not... He put $1,000 on it.
It was a joke.
The cavalry is not coming to save us.
I've said that before.
We've got to do it.
Whatever we do, Texas has got to do it.
Well, look, it's easy.
Offense is cheap.
And, uh, we just need state funding for the border.
Yeah, but there's lots of ways of doing it.
You know how the Texas Rangers were founded for border security?
We need to, you know, expand the Texas Rangers a hundred-fold.
That'd be very inexpensive and put 10,000 Texas Rangers down there.
That's a good idea.
Let me just say this.
Why do you think we dropped 50th in education?
Because the governor didn't really care about the public schools.
Listen, did you know this?
That the Army Rangers are modeled after Texas Rangers?
Our whole special ops is modeled after Texas Rangers, which was modeled off of border security.
Did you know that, Yankee?
No, I didn't.
Well, now you do.
See, that's why I'm hiring you.
You know, I think it's illegal to hire, to offer someone a job in a future administration on the air like this.
You're joking around.
We all know that.
No, no, no.
Alex, you know you're a man of conviction.
You don't like the Crips or the Bloods.
And you're honest.
And that's what I want.
Well, I appreciate that, Kinky.
I just want to get rid of these toll roads and control the border.
Thank you so much, Lisa.
Chris in Florida, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Chris.
Mr. Friedman, will you call for a boycott of the major meat producers because they encourage and enable
There are many illegal alien employees to protest in order to invite in more illegals.
Yeah, they get a paid vacation to go protest.
And what will you do about corporations that have hundreds of illegal aliens working for them?
Like Hormel, Cargill, Tyson, Seaboard, Swift, Georges, Peterson, Simmons.
By giving them a holiday seemingly spontaneously whenever they announce that they'll protest instead of diligently working.
Yeah, what about U.S.
corporations hiring illegals should they be punished?
Of course they should be punished, and we should be ready to go to a hotel and have somebody hand you your sheets and your towels and say, make your bed.
You know, I mean, that's what's going to happen.
There's a lot of illegals in the system here.
No, actually, they ought to pay people $2 more an hour, and they'll hire Americans.
Well, plus they sponsor the Real ID Act.
Plus, you know, they're disgustingly unsafe food practices, putting arsenic in chicken and feeding
Animals to other animals, I mean, those are other reasons.
Oh yeah, what about the animal ID act where they want to make everybody put chips in their animals?
That's a loser.
I'mma get it all the way.
Well, Texas passed that.
We're the leader in this now.
So you would push the legislature to repeal that?
That's just one other bad thing we're leading in.
We're leading in executions, toll roads, dropouts, property taxes, and IDing animals.
And we're last in care for the elderly, you know, and last in education.
In fact, we're last in children's issues, too.
These are things that the richest state in the country ought to be taking care of.
All right.
Anything else, Schroeder?
No, that's it.
Thank you very much.
I think he's got a good point, and that's part of the whole board.
Listen, this is a big issue, and if I told you I've got my plan, here it is, here it is, that would be BS.
That would be the kind of thing you might hear from Grandma.
Kinky Freeman, we appreciate you coming in to the studio.
Tell us your website again.
KinkyFreedman.com, and folks, never re-elect anybody.
Okay, as the campaign develops, can we get you back in here?
We're down the street from your headquarters.
Yeah, Alex, may the God of your choice bless you, by the way, brother.
Alright, thanks for coming in, Kinky Freedman.
We appreciate you spending time with us.
That was wild.
I'll come back, take more of your calls, and get into all the news.
We've got 40 minutes left on this Live Friday edition, so be sure and stay with us.
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I don't have any illusions about Kinky Friedman not being perfect and certainly pretty wild and out of control.
But we've got to beat Rick Perry here.
We've got to beat the North American Union.
And I've looked into Friedman's history.
He really will do what he says he's going to do.
But we'll see what happens.
This North American Union, the front lines are right here in Texas.
We're facing a very, very serious problem and it affects the entire country.
I figured it would be interesting to have one of the front runners for the gubernatorial race here in Texas on.
This campaign is being run by Jesse Ventura's people.
He's got Ventura's former head campaign manager and he did talk about JFK being the evidence showing it's an inside job and said that
He did a double take.
He said, the more I think about it, 9-11 could be.
Could be.
He said that about an hour ago.
Pretty interesting stuff here on the radio.
We're going to have open phones for the rest of the broadcast.
There are some other news items I haven't gotten to yet.
For those that just joined us, big government publications, army publications, private media publications are coming out with the old published maps of breaking up the Middle East, every country into multiple pieces.
Well, most of the countries, others get expanded, like Jordan.
And it's really scary to see this happening.
And they talk about how they're going to commit genocide against the Muslims and the Arabs and pretty wild stuff, so we should talk about that too.
Steve in Colorado, thanks for holding your on the air, Steve.
Yeah, hey there, Alex.
Yeah, I was wondering, what was the title of that article talking about ethnic cleansing in the Mideast that you started the program off with?
Yeah, we wrote an article about it
And it was a, our article was Military Industrial Complex Kingpins Call for Genocide to Kickstart World War III, and then in the article there are, let me count them up here for you, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
References to it in mainstream news.
The one that started this whole discussion again was an article out of the Armed Forces Journal.
And let me find the headline here for you.
I have the article, but for some reason the main page didn't print.
And it was titled, Blood Borders.
So the article was called Blood Borders.
Okay, but your article was actually called Military-Industrial Complex, the one by what, Paul Watson?
Yeah, it's up on prisonplanet.com and Paul Warson.
It was Military-Industrial Complex Kingpins?
Okay, next question is, who was this guy that you were talking about earlier also, Paul Allen, that is in the White House evidently?
Was he, I think he said he was helping to organize some of the Mexican protests?
No, no, the name of the company, one of the biggest PR companies in the U.S., Public Relations, Rob Allen and Company.
Okay, and they're in Dallas and they ran Bush's and Vicente Fox's gubernatorial runs and Bush's first presidential run.
And yes, the Dallas Morning News reported three months before it happened that they were going to stage massive illegal alien demonstrations all over the country to try to get Bush's amnesty plan passed.
Oh jeez, what a deal.
And then the next question is, this is kind of a weird question, I happen to catch
The tail end of a MedVed, Michael MedVed program, and he said that you were saying that, you know, because we know the Bohemian Grove stuff.
But he said that you had actually said that they were sacrificing babies.
At Bohemia.
No, I've never said that.
I've said they kill a child in effigy.
They have a small dummy of a person and they admit that that's what it is.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
I shot video of it.
It's been on national TV.
Michael Medved builds straw men on me.
He attacks me routinely and I just want him to continue it.
Just get my name spelled correctly and tell him about Infowars.com.
I knew that you would mention that they've done that stuff in effigy and everything, but Medved tends to be delusional.
But I just, like I said, I just happened to catch the tail end of his program.
Well, he's not delusional.
He's very cunning.
I was at the RNC, and I walked over to him politely to interview him, and I said, Hello, Mr. Medved.
I've heard you say that I need to be arrested.
And he began yelling.
I never put it in martial law, but we have the tape.
He began yelling
Let me think back to... So you're saying the President killed all those people?
President killed!
He started looking around, he knew what he was doing, and there were secret services swarming, and I said, okay, fine, we won't interview you.
So, I mean, he's all about twisting and deception.
I see, okay, but yeah, he mentioned, like I said, I cut the tail end of it, and I heard your name mentioned, and it's like, so I perked my ears up right quick, but he said,
Yeah, Alex Jones actually believes that they're sacrificing babies at Bohemian Grove, and I thought, no, that's not what Alex said.
Well, that's what they do.
You see, they can't deal with our facts.
So, you know, the more primitive type of straw man is, Alex Jones believes flying saucers is a UFO night!
Of course, we never really talk about that, but it doesn't matter, they'll just mix us in with all that.
Okay, and then the next question is, I remember hearing a story, or somebody mentioned years ago,
About Khomeini over there in Iran, that after the 79 revolution... I'm going to give you 30 seconds on the other side to finish your final question and we've got to move on.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back.
We'll take some more calls here.
Got about 27 minutes left and then we'll also get into some of the other news.
I've already done two hours and 30 minutes of broadcast and haven't really properly plugged my new film, Terror Storm.
It's out on DVD.
I'm holding it here in my hand right now.
Terror Storm, a history of government-sponsored terrorism.
And I'm extremely proud of this documentary.
Dylan Avery said TerrorStorm sets a new standard in documentary filmmaking.
Alex Jones knocks it out of the park yet again.
Another quote by syndicated online columnist Kurt Nemo is that TerrorStorm is the DVD of the resistance.
And on the back it reads, the terrorists aren't who you think they are.
Throughout history, criminal elements inside governments have carried out terror attacks.
Against their own population as a pretext to enslave them, Terror Storm reveals how in the last hundred years, Western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors.
In Terror Storm, you will discover that September 11th,
The attacks of 7-7 in London and many other terrorist events were self-invoked at wounds.
You will witness British Special Forces groups caught in the act of staging terror attacks in Iraq and see official U.S.
government documents laying out plans to hijack passenger planes by remote control.
You will learn how the Rajdag fire, the Gulf of Tonkin, and the U.S.-backed Iranian coup of 53 are all interconnected false flag terror events.
This powerful documentary explores the mindset of the average brainwashed Westerner and delves deeply into the systems of control which have been scientifically crafted to imprison their minds and keep their eyes closed to the realities of the world around them.
Special features include, with world-renowned experts, over an hour of the most powerful moments from the historic 9-11 and Neocon Agenda Symposium in Los Angeles,
In California, featuring speeches and commentary by world-renowned experts who expose 9-11 as an inside job.
And some past 9-11 film trailers I've done.
Those are also added in the extras.
Over three hours on one DVD.
Available at INFOWARS.com
Or you can simply call toll-free to get Terror Storm by dialing 1-888-253-3139.
We've got a lot of big discounts when you order multiple copies of any of the documentaries I've produced.
I've produced 15 now.
This is my 15th film in the last, what, I've been making films now for 10 years.
I guess more than 10 years.
No, 97, maybe 10 years.
So again, my friends, please get TerrorStorm and get it out to everyone you know.
Make copies of it.
I talk about this all the time, but words really can't describe how effective it is when you get videos, documentary films, and make copies of them and get them out to people.
These are changing lives.
They're exposing who the real terrorists are, and it could save lives by switching people's paradigms into full gear, where they can actually see how terror is being used by governments to bring in tyrannical police states.
So again, I-N-F-O-W-A-R-S dot com.
Or 888-253-3139.
You can also go to PrisonPlanet.tv, PrisonPlanet.tv, my weekly TV reports, all the special video interviews we're doing.
We've done three this week now in studio.
Those will all be up in the next few weeks or even sooner on PrisonPlanet.tv for members.
All my films, my book, Paul Watson's book, a bunch of other films, we've been authorized to post.
There's over a thousand pieces of media up there, all our best audio interviews, all in one place, 15 cents a day, $5.95 a month.
You get a yearly membership instead of a monthly trial membership, and you get a yearly at three months free.
But seriously, we need to make TerrorStorm big, we need to make sure it breaks out into the public consciousness.
That is now happening.
It is trending to have as big effect as loose change second edition has.
It is trending in that direction and that is so exciting!
It is so exciting, because that is my goal, is to make films that break out there into the public consciousness.
Many of my other films have had a huge effect, thanks to you getting them and making copies, but it looks like Terror Storm is going to go to a whole new level.
So keep it up, keep aggressively burning copies, keep aggressively getting them out to people, and this can bring the New World Order to its knees, and I'm serious when I say that.
Let's go back to the caller, and I forget what his last question was.
I'll let you finish up, Steve.
Steve, what was it?
Yeah, okay.
Well, first of all, thank you, Alex, and all your staff for all the good work that you do, first off.
But anyway, it was a story that I heard just after the Iranian revolution back in 79.
Someone had mentioned that the Khomeini that was in there
was not the original one, that it was like a CIA plant, and back then I didn't pay much attention to it, because I didn't understand how corrupt the CIA was.
Do you know anything about that?
About the Khomeini that's in there?
The Ayatollah Khomeini actually being a CIA type?
Let me give... Yes, I read that, I heard that, that was seriously discussed in the media.
Many Iranians believe that.
Let me try to break that down for you, and I appreciate your call.
The British government went in there over a hundred years ago and took over Iran.
Then in 1951, right near the switch over to 1951, it doesn't matter, 50-51, Mohamed Mozadek, Dr. Mohamed Mozadek, trained in the West, got elected.
He was pro-West, but he said, look, we're going to keep some of the oil for ourselves.
And BP got mad, and they sent in Kermit Roosevelt, and they overthrew it by staging terror attacks to blame on the government, and that's declassified.
Admit it, we talk about it, it's in Terror Storm.
We talked about it at nauseam.
It's very important.
Kicked off a train reaction.
The government decided then that staging terror attacks and blaming it on your enemies really works.
Or staging attacks on yourself and using it for a police state really works.
And we have the documents.
They're public.
They're admitted.
The government does not deny this now.
It's an inconvenient truth for them though.
They don't like the fact that it's out there and now available.
So they put the Shaw in, the princeling,
And they set up Sivak and 200 plus thousand people went missing and in 1979 there was a revolution.
A real grassroots revolution against the Shah.
And magically, the Ayatollah Khomeini, who had been made to leave decades before, magically he supposedly allowed to leave Paris
And fly there, and then we know from that point, we don't know if he's CIA.
But it really fits.
Because the Globals wanted to maintain control, that there had been a revolution.
So suddenly, and they had it all waiting and ready, they knew there could be an overthrow, they'd done all the analysis, you know, they understood Savak could barely keep control.
The secret police that Israel and the US trained, the British trained.
And so, the Ayatollah Khomeini is sent back in there,
And all of a sudden, they go and they grab a bunch of hostages.
And oh, look how bad Jimmy Carter is.
Oh, look how evil he is.
He can't stop the Iranians.
He tries to send the Delta Force in.
There's a lot of evidence that they sent them in when there was a storm.
We knew that happened.
But they let the Iranians know they were coming.
They got blasted and a bunch of them got killed.
Everybody knows the story about the sandstorm and the rest of it.
And so, that gets dropped.
Meanwhile, we've learned that the CIA was indeed, through George Herbert Walker Bush, while still in the former CIA directorate just a few years before, with the Reagan campaign, did give them a whole bunch of money and missiles and other weapons to the Ayatollah Khomeini if he would keep the hostages and wouldn't let them go.
And a lot of evidence shows that they actually sent in Khomeini to go grab the hostages to create that crisis.
I mean, this is cloak and dagger, folks.
They staged these things.
And I do believe it is Ahmadinejad in those photos.
It's a spitting image.
You know, who's there with the hostages with the guns to their heads.
But wait, there's more.
There's not just the CIA giving them weapons to keep them and not release them and then release them as soon as Reagan gets elected and as soon as he gets sworn in.
And boy, the Iranians were scared.
Look how fast they released the hostages.
They knew Reagan would do something.
No, we know that was staged.
We know there was a CIA deal with Ayatollah Khomeini.
That is, admit it!
Then fast forward to the Iraq-Iran war, then the CIA turns on him, gives Saddam 33 billion dollars, has him attacked, kills over a million Iranians,
Globalists are always stabbing each other in the back.
They're always double-dealing and flip-flopping and sides are switching.
It's called black world scenarios.
This is all backstabbing.
It's like Hitler and Stalin being buddies and splitting Poland and then suddenly Hitler attacking and then suddenly the U.S.
and Britain are buddies with Stalin who was pro-Hitler and we're told on our news we've never been at war with Stalin.
He's now our friend.
Remember all of this?
Well, it's the same thing there.
But you've got a public, again, that doesn't know how many continents there are, that doesn't know about the history of Persia, that can't even find Persia, Iran on a map, but they've got all their opinions.
Oh, that's ridiculous!
This is admitted history.
Then, in 1999, there's many other examples of collusion between our government and the Iranian government.
Starting in the late 90s, and it got declassified in 99, $45 million was sent from Bill Clinton
to the Iranian government and Osama Bin Laden was then funded and led the funding in northern Albania for attacks on the Serbs in their southern province of Kosovo.
Predominantly the attacks centering in and around Pristina, the capital.
And they'd attack schools and bomb them and sniper them and blow up school buses.
CIA favorite.
And then Slobodan Milošević, whether you love him or hate him, he was sovereign.
They'd been our allies in World War II.
Before that, uh, they were being attacked by the Croats and the Muslims.
Before that...
They send forces in, they start fighting back, they're called terrorists, the media hypes a bunch of lies, fake concentration camp video which is admitted to be fake now, that was the UN barbed wire fences, they did it in the early 90's and again in 99, 98, over and over again, and so we know the Iranians are off and on working with our government, we know there's a relationship, we know there's deals, and it's just so dastardly.
And yeah, Ahmadinejad, it's all very suspect.
But see, people can't understand it.
They can't understand that the Palestinian leadership's controlling the Bilderberg Group, and that so is Israel.
They can't understand, I think it's either or.
They don't understand that all of this is being orchestrated.
That's how history works.
As Roosevelt said, if something happens in politics, you can bet it was planned that way, because nothing happens in politics by accident.
That's a paraphrase.
This stuff's really going on.
Let's go ahead and talk to Danny in Tennessee.
Danny, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Danny dropped right when we went to him.
Okay, who's up next?
Barney in Maryland.
You're on the air.
Yeah, how you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
Last I heard on Gary Brownfield's show, the law is that anybody hiring an illegal is to get five years in jail.
Anybody conspiring to bring illegals into the country, ten years in jail.
All we have to do is enforce the law and make every able-bodied person on welfare work.
Well, that's the thing.
Next time you get pulled over and you've had three beers and they're going to take you to jail, just go, well, you don't have to enforce this law.
If you pull over illegal aliens drinking, you don't arrest them, do you, officer?
And the officer, if they're honest, most of the time will tell you that most of the time they don't.
And say, well, wait a minute.
You know, you pull them over all the time without license and insurance, you don't arrest them.
But you'd arrest me.
Come on, officer.
Give a citizen a chance.
You know, if you're not going to enforce it on them, don't enforce it on us.
And yeah, there are laws.
They were talking about passing a law to have felonies if you do all this, but adding amnesty to it.
That's all smoke and mirrors.
They don't need new laws.
They've already got the laws.
That's right.
We don't even need the border guard if we stop all this horror of the illegals.
That's right.
We need, domestically, the only place you should see federal police is arresting illegal aliens.
It's one of the only powers they've got, and they should be in Illinois, they should be in Maryland, they should be in Texas, they should be in California, they should be in all 50 states, and if you're a white European illegal alien, if you're a Latin American illegal alien, if you're a Chinese illegal alien, you need to be arrested!
Put in a holding tank and you need to be flown back at taxpayer expense or you can let them, you know, sit in jail at $67,000 a year.
The average illegal pulls about $15,000 in welfare a year.
Or we can pay for that.
You know, give them a $500,000 ticket and you have government planes.
And you just fly them right back to their country and you just shove them off.
You just shove them out.
Just get out of here.
Well, we've elected, we arrested the men
Well, that's a good way to do it, but then we also have to deport them.
When people say, well, they had busts and they arrested thousands last year.
Yeah, they have a few busts a year where they'll arrest a thousand one day, a thousand another.
If you have 15 million illegals, it's more like 30 million, but let's just say 15 million illegals, and you arrest them, we did the math on this, 365 days a year, a thousand illegals,
That wouldn't even, you've got three million new a year, that wouldn't even be a million in a year.
It'd be three hundred and sixty-five thousand.
So you're not even talking about, what, two-tenths of the numbers that are already coming in, much less those that are here.
We'd have to deport something like a half a million a week to even do anything.
So it is, it is, we are hemorrhaging.
And they're bringing in these foreigners to pull the lever for gun control, to pull the lever for open borders, so the government has this group they can propagandize and get out on the streets to burn down cities whenever they want.
The government can snap its fingers and do that.
It's one more terrorist bloc, and that's what it is, that's been brought into our country so the government can punch one button and have Al-Qaeda blow up buildings, Al-Cieda.
Punch one button and have the illegals burn down the cities.
Give them the order.
And it's our government openly running the PR firms that command these people.
Good to hear from you, Barney.
It's been a long time.
Let's talk to Ron in New York and we'll go to Al and others.
Ron, you're on the air.
Brilliant, Alex.
You know, we live in a popular culture and the icons are the music stars, Hollywood TV personalities, all the sports figures, especially professional football.
I think it's a great idea if you can get Terror Storm in the hands of these people,
And have a giant, massive march on Washington with literally these people in the forefront.
And that's the way to get the American people inspired and to follow, because that's who they'll follow.
Well, you're right.
We'd have to have rock stars and movie stars in the head or the media would ignore it.
But really, did you know that they already do?
Did you know movie stars?
Mark should demonstrate every day, not just on the classic liberal issues, but on other issues, and that the media just ignores it.
But I do think all of that is important.
How you get headlines is having these people go public with controversial statements like Muse, the lead singer.
They're in the top five in England right now, top ten in the US, and they're a top rock band on BBC last weekend wearing a shirt that said Terror Storm.
The media said, what's Terror Storm?
I know people do messages like that.
They said, go to Google Video, type in Terror Storm, you'll get a real treat.
And then he gave an interview to the newspaper and said government-sponsored terror.
We're still trying to get in touch with them.
Yeah, a lot of them do.
You just saw Kinky Friedman earlier when I brought up 9-11 being an inside job.
And he gauged me, he thought maybe I wasn't into that, so I don't know.
Then I kind of looked at him, and he goes, oh, it might be an inside job.
Everybody in their gut knows the truth.
A few final calls, a final news article, stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
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I want to thank the local stations and local micros for promoting that.
I think all the great work.
I'm going to get Mike Jones in here in studio next week to do a whole hour on Micro FM, if I can get him in here.
Maybe even Stewart Nelson doing a great job.
I know we've got a lot of phone lines here at the end of the show and I want to try to
You know, get you on air with us.
Let's just try it real fast here to get at least Al, Fred, and Greg on real fast.
Al, in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
I just wanted to say something about Kinky Friedman.
That said, you talk about, you look at, he seems honest, but he doesn't seem like very awake as far as the absolute corruption in the government.
You want to talk about the best wake-up call in the world, and that's getting elected to public office.
Look what happened to Jesse Ventura.
And we could always use another influential person waking up and especially being in a position where they could... Yeah, Ventura's gone public on 9-11.
And now I have a contact to him.
Kinky gave me his personal cell phone and I talked to him.
I'm going to try to get Ventura on.
He's going to be down here in three weeks.
We might get Ventura in studio.
That'd be a good thing, but it would wake that guy right up to get elected a governor just like... Well, Ventura got tears in his eyes and just said, you know what?
9-11, the story we've been told is a lie.
Everything we're told is a lie.
And he jumped up out of his chair and said, I'm serious.
We ought to find that clip again.
We put it years ago.
He said, I'm serious.
I killed a lot of people in Special Ops over there.
All of my friends died.
And it was a lie, too.
Gulf of Tonkin.
Yeah, I think the same thing will happen to Kinky Friedman if he gets elected.
What a wake-up call to be put right in the middle of it.
It will be, Al.
Al, thank you for the call.
Fred, where are you calling us from?
In Philadelphia.
Welcome, go ahead.
Can you give me an ostensible reason why there are foreign troops on U.S.
territory or U.S.
actually the United States?
Yeah, they claim that the Germans and the Dutch and the Mexicans and all of them are here for cross-training, but they've been given whole bases in some cases.
That doesn't make any sense because to train a smaller ally, you want to train them on their territory, having to do with the problems of their landscape, not ours.
Well, it's all part of globalism.
We've got troops over there, so they say, hey, we can have troops over here.
And with the Germans, you can understand it, because they don't have wide-open areas to go, you know, Mach 3 and to break the sound barrier, so they are out west in Alamogordo and other places, but still it is a problem.
And the other thing is, with a foreign army, by definition, an army is armed.
An army is a dangerous thing.
So, when the spokesmen say that
Well, they're here, but they're disarmed.
That obviously couldn't be the case.
I hear you.
Thank you for the call.
Let's talk to Greg in Texas.
Final caller.
Go ahead, Greg.
Yes, you just mentioned the Iran hostage setup.
Yes, sir.
Is there any place or book or anything that has all that information?
Oh yeah, there's probably been 20, 30, I don't know how many books written about it.
It's been TV specials even on Frontline.
I was watching a Frontline special while in the hotel room Friday night in Dallas and they were admitting Nixon wanted to stage terror attacks on people and blame it on them.
I mean, here in the U.S.
I couldn't believe that.
I knew about it, but there it was on PBS.
You know, this stuff's all public.
Okay, and you said front line?
I'll look on their website and see if they have that.
It's all over the place.
Yeah, thank you for the call, sir.
I appreciate it.
Sorry we're out of time to all the other callers.
A lot of news and information we didn't have a chance to cover today up on InfoWars.com, JonesReport.com, InfoWars.net.
Be sure and check out those sites.
A lot of news on JonesReport.com and InfoWars.net that is not on InfoWars or Prison Planet.
So make sure those are on your list of places to visit.
Also, I'll be on the radio Sunday.
We're syndicating the show soon.
4 to 6 p.m.
on News Radio 590 KLBJ.
This Sunday, 4 to 6.
You can listen on the internet at InfoWars.com.
Have a great weekend and a great holiday.
God bless you all!
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.