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Name: 20060830_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 30, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
Thank you for joining us today on this Wednesday edition.
It is August 30, 2006.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
George Humphreys, former Austin City Council member, 9-11 truth activist, researcher, author, documentary filmmaker, will be joining us in studio in the second hour.
We will have wide open phones yet again today on any news item, any issue, any story, any question, any comment you wish to discuss.
We don't screen your calls.
We just ask that you be somewhat polite, and I'll attempt to be polite, though we can't always keep those game rules, even myself.
The toll free number to join us here on air is 1-800-259-9231.
And we'll get you up and on the air.
Israel rejects U.N.
blockade appeal.
Russia rejects sanctions against Iran tit for tat.
Haratz is reporting that a top general has now been named for possible war with Iran.
That is their headline.
Joel Skousen, World Affairs Briefs, got a good report out here.
Target Iran.
Here we go again.
Meanwhile, Israel buys German nuclear-capable submarines.
Iran tests fires long-range missiles.
Interesting other reports here on the police state front.
It's all coming up after the first break we're going to have here in just a few minutes.
And again, you can talk about whatever subject you wish to discuss, but I think that it would really be a waste of time if we got into the car individual.
Now the police saying he lied about killing JonBenet Ramsey.
And right on time, they've now busted the
Polygamous leader in Las Vegas.
They have a new sex scandal story for us.
Probably knew where he was the last three months as they hyped it up.
They've got a new diversion.
The hurricane that, or Nesto, that ran into the Florida Keys dissipated and didn't cause a lot of damage or deaths, thank God.
So good news on
that uh... front as well but i really think that we should skip all of the distractions and of the diversions and talk about world war three
It doesn't matter if Iran is nine years and a couple months away, according to the CIA's own official assessment last year, from having nuclear weapons or even a system to deliver them long-range.
It doesn't matter if the world doesn't want war.
It doesn't matter if Iran is no threat compared to China and North Korea and Pakistan.
That doesn't matter.
The establishment wants a war to usher in their one world government and distract populations domestically from the economy and the police state control grid that is being set up.
So I want to talk to you, the listeners, predominantly about World War III and whether you think we're going to see it or not.
Because if they go into Iran, that is a major regional war.
Iran has already said they will
Block the Straits of Hormuz.
They have already said that they will attack shipping in the shipping lanes surrounding their nation.
And they're talking about, mainstream news is talking about, oil at $300 a barrel, conservatively.
Some are talking about even higher, some are talking about lower, but the average is $300 a barrel, what the analysts are predicting.
If you think oil prices are high right now, it's $75 a barrel.
Can you imagine what they would be at $300, and what that would do to our economy?
Our economy is growing at about 3.5%.
China's at over 10%, as the trade deficit continues to widen.
We'll plunge into all of the news and analysis on the other side of this quick break.
Infowars.com's the website.
I'm Alex Jones.
It's here.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
This is from Haraj, one of the major papers in Israel, and the headline, Defense Chief Names Officer to Prepare for Possible War with Iran.
In an effort to upgrade Israel's preparedness for a possible confrontation with Iran, Israel's Defense Force Chief of Staff, Dan Halutz, has appointed Israeli Air Force Commander Major General Shaqidi as the IDF's campaign manager against countries that do not border on Israel, primarily Iran.
The appointment was made
Before the war in Lebanon, as part of his new responsibilities, Shaheedi, if I'm pronouncing that correctly, will act as the GOC Iran command.
He will oversee battle plans and manage the forces if war breaks out, according to a security source.
Shaheedi will be the, quote,
Orchestra coordinator, that's their quote, coordinating the operational activity of Mossad and military intelligence with the IDF's various operational branches.
The security sources noted that during the 91 Gulf War the IDF did not basically advertise their campaign manager for Iraq, instead the
AF, the intelligence agencies and the ground forces each operated within their own areas of responsibility and authority.
So they did not advertise the name of their campaign or how they were running it or what they were going to do or how they would respond.
This is one of the first times since Israel's birth in the late 1940s that they have had an actual named war leader and have actually named an enemy that they're discussing going to war with or attacking.
This is very, very serious.
I was babbling a bit through that because for some reason the browser that gets used in this office, Firefox, Mozilla, cuts stuff off.
That's why even though
Internet Explorer is used by 85% of the population still and lets viruses through.
We should still use Internet Explorer because when we print these articles, it chops them up.
But Sela V. Why am I talking about that on the air?
It's just becoming more and more annoying.
Another report here.
Israel rejects U.N.
blockade appeal.
Israel rejected a call from UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on Wednesday to lift its air and sea blockade of Lebanon, saying it would only end the seven-week-old siege once all elements of a ceasefire were in place.
During an hour of talks with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Annan said he pressed for a lifting of the embargo
Imposed after the start of the war against Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrilla group on July 12th, mainly on economic grounds.
At a news conference after the meeting, Olmert rebuffed Anand, saying any relaxation of pressure on Lebanon's ports and airspace depended on the full implementation of UN Resolution 1701, which governs the ceasefire with Hezbollah.
The resolution is a fixed
Buffet, and everything will be implemented, including the lifting of the blockade as part of the entire implementation of the different articles he said, which includes a 5,000-man UN-backed peacekeepers on the ground as far north as the border with Syria, so basically the takeover of that country.
The establishment does not like it when a country becomes sovereign and democratic and starts having more terrorism than Israel in many of its cities, and so good old Hezbollah, as usual, stirring things up, gives Israel the excuse to come in and level large sections of the major cities, including their capital city of Beirut.
Russia has rejected sanctions against Iran.
Russia on Friday rejected any talk for now of sanctions against Iran.
And France warned against conflict with Tehran, raising doubt whether it will face swift penalties for not halting nuclear work by an August 31st deadline, that is tomorrow.
Responding to an offer of economic incentives to stop enriching uranium, Iran hinted that
Six world powers on Tuesday, it could curb its program as a result of talks to implement the package, but not as a precondition as they demanded.
They reply, seemed designed to crack the ramshackle United Front of four
Western powers and Russia and China behind the UN Security Council deadline.
The West sees Iran's nuclear work as a looming threat to peace.
Russia and China do not.
And the average Westerner, the average American, we've talked a lot about this, does not know the history of Iran.
They do not even know that
Three years ago, Iran agreed to total inspections, total occupation by United Nations investigators, all of their major industries being thoroughly surveilled with live cameras and live personnel, and the UN hailed them.
The US had to hail their previous leader, who was seen as a moderate
And who was openly supporting the existence of Israel, openly being friendly towards the West, and the West then told him, their last leader, well if you'll just totally stop even your peaceful nuclear program for a few months, we'll make a deal with you and let you have a peaceful program.
And they said, okay, we'll go ahead and voluntarily cease even our peaceful program that even in treaties is completely authorized and agreements.
And then a year went by and the West said, no, you're not allowed to now.
You made an agreement.
You're making nuclear weapons.
And Iran went, wait a minute, you've got your inspectors everywhere, you know this is peaceful, you said that if we just waited a few months you'd give us an agreement, you lied to us, and so that caused their previous more moderate leader to be ejected, and for Ahmadinejad, a more hard-line character, to be put into power.
Now the average American doesn't even know Ahmadinejad's name.
They don't even know where Iran is in major national studies and polls.
They can't even find it on a map.
They just know it's some Arab over there we gotta kill.
Of course they're not Arabs or Arabbers or whatever new name they're given by the illiterate population of dumbed down serfs in this country.
But I mean imagine being Iran.
Having the British come in at the turn of the 19th century, going into the 20th century, and maintaining control and grabbing control of your entire oil supply through British Petroleum, and then there is an elected leader that comes to power in 1950, Mohammed Mosaddegh.
He drives the Communists out of the north of his country,
He is educated in the West, pro-United States, this is all on record, Time Magazine Man of the Year, and he just simply told British Petroleum, listen, you're going to have to give us 25 to 30 percent of the oil revenue.
Previously, they were paying the oil field workers slave wages, and that is the only money that Iran got to keep of their own oil.
And when BP said, we're not going to even debate you, we're not even going to come to the negotiation table with you.
We own all of your oil, because they previously had controlled it through a semi-colonial system.
And Mohammad Mosaddegh said, you know what?
My people deserve schools.
My people deserve support.
And he said, I'm nationalizing the fields.
We will still pay you a percentage of it.
And so MI6 approached Kermit Roosevelt, the CIA.
I talk a lot about this, because this is what started everything.
This is what started so many tracks in modern history in our society.
And Kermit Roosevelt went in there with a small, less than 12-man team.
They went in there with millions of dollars, tens of millions of dollars.
They brag all about it in after-action reports.
And for a couple months, they hired every criminal group, every radical Muslim group,
And they went out and blew up mosques, shot people in the streets, bombed populations, printed up tens of thousands of handbills, reading that Mozadek had done it, as if it was a pro-Mozadek handbill, and the radical Muslims, as usual,
We're used by the CIA to then storm with the Army, which our government had subsequently paid off, which they'd already had a lot of British connection beforehand, just like Pakistan, and they went in and grabbed all of his ministers and cut their heads off in a public square.
They took Mosaddegh and imprisoned him for the rest of his life.
And the Iranians all know about this.
See, they know where the U.S.
is on a map, and they know where England is on a map, and they know about Mohammed Mossadegh, and they know about staged terror, and they understand what happened.
And then our government put in the Shah, and over 200,000 people were abducted and tortured to death.
This is publicly admitted.
200,000 people
Uh, from 1953 until 1979... Disappeared!
And people got real angry!
But still they lick our boots and let the UN run everything and make agreements, and the UN breaks them, and then they put a radical in who says, if you want to roll, let's roll, and the neocons go, good, just like we wanted, let's have World War III, and now our sons and daughters can die over there in what's coming up!
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Well, I won't back down.
No, I won't back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down.
Gonna stand my ground.
Won't be turned around.
And I'll keep this world from dragging me down.
Gonna stand my ground.
And I won't back down.
Hey, baby.
There ain't no easy way out.
Welcome back.
We're going to your calls right now.
I just had a chance to see a new online video of an incident that happened just a few days ago again.
This is happening every couple days in Arizona, in Texas, but predominantly in Los Angeles.
You see the mainstream news articles where hordes of illegal alien Mexicans and their supporters and other foreigners go to even government buildings
And take down American flags and stomp on them and burn them.
Now, you'll see blurbs in the newspapers reporting on it like it's a good thing or no big deal or they're neutral.
But never before have I seen the video of it.
I mean, I see examples of this every week at least.
But I've never seen video of it.
We now have video in L.A.
where the majority legal alien city is chomping at the bit so bad to bring this country down, brought in by our government, to create the American Union.
It's happening right now.
They go in, they pull down the American flag, they hoist the Mexican flag, and the police, who normally will arrest American citizens, this has happened in Arizona, who go and hoist the American flag back up,
The police in L.A.
do the right thing, and they actually hoist down the Mexican flag.
But this is what we face, and the enemies of this country are out there with their Mexican flags.
I mean, what do you expect Americans to do?
Do you expect us just to love this?
This is pathetic!
I'm getting sick of it!
Why do you think we're so mad?
Linda in Rhode Island.
Linda, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I have a sister-in-law in L.A.
And I'm really worried about her.
As far as that goes, I think they're going to be stormed and looted.
As far as World War III, yes, it's coming.
I have two boys, 27 and 25, and I know they're going.
I see it coming, and they're going to remove all of our healthy children and men from 18 to 42 out of this country.
That's how you destroy a country.
And then the people to the left here,
Children, the old women, the old people, they're coming after us with a vengeance.
There are some very evil people that are controlling all this.
I read, read, read.
I listen to you, and this is scary.
What do we do about it?
What are solutions?
I'm trying to wake everybody up right now as I speak.
I am burning DVDs, but I'm just getting crucified in this town.
People are hating on me.
They're calling me unpatriotic.
I ought to be shot.
They're ready to call the local mental hospital.
I mean, this is the reaction that I'm getting.
Where are you going?
What individuals?
I mean, give us the average type of person that's saying you need to be shot because that's a threat whenever someone threatens you.
Well, I did go to the police with that because I had him on video, but they said that
Because he didn't say, I'm going to shoot you.
It's okay to say you ought to be shot.
Where were you when this happened?
I was, um, actually he left a message on my cell phone because I've been putting little messages in the local newspaper here trying to warn people of things.
And I've been told that some of the things that I'm putting in, I have to put my phone number, so I do.
And one person called me, and I know who he is.
He lives right up the road.
Well, the paper can't make you put your phone number in there.
That's ridiculous.
Well, they have told me to, because some of the things that are... Well, this is how tyranny works, is people who aren't even in the government try to enforce the system on the people, and you need some support.
Where are you in Rhode Island?
As far northwest as you can get.
And as a matter of fact, I'm right up against Douglas State Forest in Massachusetts.
What town are you in?
What town are you in?
Well, since your number is already in the paper, would you like to give us your name and your phone number so people in Rhode Island, we have a big listenership there, can call you and support you?
Okay, give people your number.
My name is Linda and my number is 401-323-2988.
And I could sure use some support.
We need to get everybody together.
You know, it's sad that it has to be our women out there fighting for this country.
You know, I would have been 16, but I wish you were one of my boys.
Give us your number again for those that missed it.
Alright, I hope people there in Rhode Island will come to your assistance and then you can go out together and give out the DVDs and put the information in the paper.
You keep it up.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Every week I get little clippings from letters to the editor, both pro and con, covering the work we do here.
National radio hosts, newspapers, publications say that I'm probably with Al-Qaeda, I'm probably a terrorist, how dare I criticize the government,
Criticizing the government is not patriotic.
Of course that's the exact opposite of what patriotism is.
Our founding fathers warned us over and over again that government is an evil master and must be must be chained, must be controlled by the people.
The government should not be trusted and look at all the legions of crimes that have been committed.
But for the average lazy person out there it's easier just to say the government's perfect, none of us should be involved in politics, just go to sleep, don't be informed, don't be involved,
If you criticize hordes of illegal aliens all over the country, hatefully pulling down American flags, and stomping on them, and urinating on them in public, and burning them, you are a racist if you try to put the American flag back up.
I mean, that's really happening.
If you're against the American Union, the North American Union, and getting rid of our borders, and blanket total amnesty, you're evil.
If you're against gun control, you're evil.
If you are against the Iraq War, now going into three and a half years plus, you're evil!
The only good American is a stupid cheeseburger-eating, television-watching person who has no idea what's even going on.
You're supposed to affix a plastic flag made in China by sweatshop laborers or slaves to your car and just mindlessly feel good and then send threatening emails or letters or phone calls to women who are out trying to warn the public.
That's what this country has turned into.
And for all those people that defend this system, for all the people that think they're part of the system and think that everything's okay, all of the basic tenets and canons and pillars of our society and our supposedly free civilization are being destroyed, are being decimated, are being removed, are being laid waste right now!
Our future is extremely dire!
Let's talk to Dave in Pennsylvania.
Dave, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I've been making a lot of copies of your films.
I've been passing them around to a lot of people.
Plus, I've got one of your shirts, and I get a lot of strange looks from people.
It's the Mass Murderers t-shirt.
And there's a few points I was going to bring up.
Did you happen to catch the advertisement on ABC about this new movie that they're going to be presenting on September the 10th called The Path to 9-11 based upon the 9-11 Commission's report?
I call it the False Path to 9-11 myself.
Yeah, there's a major propaganda putsch going on everywhere to reaffirm the official story, and I have read about it and read the synopsis of that program and others that are going to be airing in the next week and a half.
And also, last night on Coast to Coast, George Norrie had an interesting gentleman on there, a young guy, 20 years old.
His name is Sean Morrow.
He has a website, WorldPrets.com, and he takes the position like, oh, the government is innocent in any of this stuff that's happened.
He takes a very opposite approach as far as the way how he analyzes and looks at things, and I think he'd be a very interesting guest for your show sometime in the future.
Yeah, but it sounds like a fairytale.
Why would I want to interview somebody putting on a fairytale?
But the thing I couldn't understand was the way how George was just going along with this guy.
Normally, George would take a different stand when it comes to some of these things that this guy was doling out.
Keeping the Bin Laden myth alive.
Saying, oh, he's still alive.
We all know that.
He's apparently out of this picture altogether.
Well, I mean, the government doesn't have him on the wanted list.
He hasn't been indicted.
The CIA number three man says they don't want to catch him.
But I guess, according to this guy, he's going to get us any minute unless we give all our freedoms up.
And this gentleman also apparently hasn't read the PNAC documents, nor Operation Northwood, nor the Grand Chess Board by Zygmunt Brzezinski in as far as
Yeah, I haven't been on Coast to Coast AM in about three months.
I need to get back on that show.
I don't call them up and beg to go on, but I should be getting a phone call here pretty soon.
I got contacted a few weeks ago and they said they'd probably be having me on soon.
We'll see if that happens.
I need to get on there and really with this anniversary of 9-11 coming up, put out the truth on that very important national broadcast.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ken in New York.
Ken, you're on the air.
Good morning, Alex.
You know, your monologue, you're talking about the Mideast and the Near East and the warmongers and the Bush administration.
They want us to fight over there eventually.
I just read an article in today's Daily News where Rumsfeld again is making the comparison that anyone who was against the Iraq occupation and our continued presence over there and all the other plans that they're building up to is just like appeasing Hitler.
They keep on using the Hitler analogy.
And the real war is right here on our soil with the illegal immigration issue and the North American Union and all this stuff.
And listening to your interview with Buchanan a couple of days ago, you said one of the things that we can do, like that woman you spoke to in Rhode Island, the first caller, is to take action, whatever action we can take.
So, the elections are coming up in November, and I made a quick list here of the Senators who voted for the treason bill, which I like to call Senate Bill 2611, to grant amnesty to the illegal aliens.
Four of the Republicans
that voted for Senate Bill 2611 are up for re-election in November.
Richard Lugar from Indiana, Michael DeWine from Ohio, Olympia Snowe from Maine, and Lincoln Chafee from Rhode Island.
So, like Buchanan said in your interview with him, that regardless of how good anybody is on any issue, although none of the ones I see listed here are that good anyway, but don't even think about voting for any one of those Republicans.
That's right.
If you're going to be free, it isn't going to be free.
And that means you're going to have to learn how these traitors are voting.
And here are the 10 Democrats that voted for 2611.
Akaka from Hawaii.
Bingaman from New Mexico.
Cantwell from Washington.
Carper from Delaware.
Clinton from New York.
Conrad from North Dakota.
Einstein from California, Kennedy from Massachusetts, Cole from Wisconsin, and Lieberman from Connecticut, who's already been somewhat defeated.
And three Democrats that voted against 26-11 are up for re-election.
Nelson from Nebraska, Byrd from West Virginia, and Stabenow from Michigan.
So, you know, it's interesting, the woman from Rhode Island called, and Lincoln Chafee is one of the Senators up for re-election.
He's being challenged
In a primary by a conservative.
And the National Republican Senatorial Committee has already come down on the side of Lincoln Chafee.
Well, they've always, I mean, they've come out against Tom Tancredo.
They've tried to get Ron Paul defeated.
And it's because the conservative constituents are dumb as dirt, and they don't understand that Bush is a Republican in name only, known as a rhino.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you, Alex.
You bet.
Good to hear from you, Ken.
Let's go ahead and talk to Charles in California.
Hi, yes.
First, I'd like to make two statements in support of the movement, and then I have one issue I'd like to plead over with you, and then I'd like to make a comment on Skull & Bones.
But first, I'd like to say Linda is a patriotic
She is a proud and strong woman and we should all salute her.
For those that just joined us, she's been in Rhode Island the last few months giving out DVDs, writing letters to the editors.
She's got people calling her up threatening that she should be shot at her home and the police won't help her.
Because they want to let the brown shirts have their way because this is how the intimidation works.
Okay, um, the first statement.
People can use the Windows program DVD shrink to fit DVD nines onto single layer DVD recordables.
It is freeware and available with an online search.
Also, I suggest using DVD-R as opposed to DVD-R as it has compatibility issues with older players.
This can be used, for example, on Terror Storm.
Secondly, I urge all members of the Truth Movement to actively visit Google Video and YouTube so that we can collectively, as a whole, rank up pertinent materials
Well, ranking down materials that do not rank true.
Yeah, let's be clear.
Somebody running around drunk, falling into a mop bucket, shouldn't have 20 million viewers.
Things like TerrorStorm should.
And when you visit these videos online, it drives them up to the top of the list where the hundreds of millions, and it was hundreds of millions of people, have now gone to YouTube and even more going to Google Video.
We need to drive it up to the top.
That's correct, because it gets awareness as a whole up for everyone.
Then the issue I'd like to plead with you about is perhaps re-encoding the PrisonPlanet.TV files to a higher codec, a higher quality codec such as DivX or Xvid as this makes it easier for first-time viewers to see visual artifacts like the squibs on the WTC buildings.
What is that, DivX and what?
DivX and Xvid, they use more CPU time to get a
You know, we can always use everybody's tips.
Just send those to Ryan at InfoWars.com or Aaron at InfoWars.com.
I've got to move on.
Thank you, sir, for the call.
Some good strategies, some good ideas.
The web is now, media-wise, bigger than the mainstream media, but it's fractured into a million-plus pieces.
But Patriot truth-telling information is now one of the biggest sectors in that arena, and we are rising quickly.
So, all of you out there that are emailing your friends and family, that are going on to message boards, that are going on to MySpace,
Continue it.
Continue lobbying for liberty and freedom.
Every mind we free is one step closer to defeating the global crime syndicate.
Let's talk to Anthony in Arizona.
Anthony, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi Alex.
I wanted to know what you think Bush's role in the New World Order really is.
Like, is he just a blackmailed puppet, or is he, like, higher up?
Well, they don't need to blackmail Bush, but they always have compromising material on anybody they let get into the higher realms of power, and they're at the very highest levels of New World Order management.
There is then one more level above them of the actual think tank experts and those that
Oh, I see.
And I wanted to thank you for waking me up and stuff.
Uh... that's about it.
Well, I appreciate it.
Let me just recap the top story.
One of the largest Israeli papers, second largest, Haratz, is reporting off official press releases that the Israeli military has appointed a war chief
Okay, Nathan, where are you calling us from today?
Welcome, sir.
Thank you.
Alex, I have two questions.
One, about the National ID Card.
Is this thing something that's already unstoppable?
And if it is, what should people do about it?
Number one, nothing is ever unstoppable.
Number two, it is being implemented right now.
Would you like to stay on hold or would you like me to let you go and give you your answer or do you have any other questions?
One other question is,
I watched Terror Storm recently with a friend of mine and he was very skeptical about the whole New World Order theory and he just doesn't, like a lot of people, he doesn't understand how such a big thing can be hidden.
Well, it's not a theory.
Well, I mean, again, finish your question, sorry.
I'm sorry, but like a lot of people, he just can't accept that something so big can be going on and not be widely known, even though it is widely known.
You know, how can you further approach those people to help them wake up?
Sure, I appreciate your call.
Let me answer the second question first.
It's a really central question.
It's seminal that when you're talking to somebody that you explain to them... First, you're not trying to make them feel like they're dumb, but you need to ask them basic geography questions.
You need to ask them, how many continents are there?
And in national studies, the vast majority of Americans do not know how many continents there are.
And they'll say, what are you trying to make me look like I'm dumb?
And you go, no!
The point is, you don't even know how many continents there are.
No one had to hide that from you.
You never sought that out.
And through the educational system, they deliberately didn't teach you that.
You know, they'll spend maybe 20 minutes on the continents in one lesson in 7th grade, and then they'll spend hundreds of hours on how we all have to be guilty, and how America's bad, and how, you know, all this multicultural stuff.
They don't teach them basic facts anymore.
People say education is broken.
It's not broken.
It's designed to dumb you down.
It's designed to create mindless idiots.
It's designed to create people who don't have any grasp on the world.
And it's designed to never give you a love of information, to never give you an idea of how exciting real political analysis is, and how exciting geography is, and how exciting history is, and how exciting oceanography is, or how exciting
All the sciences are.
This is incredible stuff!
I mean, if I wasn't fighting the New World Order, that's all I'd be doing was studying science and information and history.
It's amazing.
It's better than any fiction.
But I'm already digressing.
Let me attempt to answer the questions in the two minutes we've got left in this segment.
First off, they say, how would you keep something like this secret?
And then you answer them, well, how many continents are there?
When they don't know, you go, I'm not trying to make you feel like you're dumb, you're just uninformed.
You don't even know the makeup of our planet that you live on.
But you then say, how could you keep this secret?
Okay, well just as you don't know where Iraq is on a map, or how many continents there are, or who the second president was, or what the third amendment, or the fifth amendment, or the ninth amendment, or the tenth amendment, much less the first amendment is, you just don't know about the real world, because it was never presented to you on television, or you were never taught it.
You were taught all about the Hollywood stars, and what they like to eat for dinner.
You know all about that, or what kind of cars they drive, you just have been diverted and distracted.
So if someone doesn't believe there's a world elite, it's because they don't know basic history.
They don't know there's always elites scheming and engaged in conspiracies to dominate and consolidate and expand their control.
Then you can go online and pull out David Rockefeller's own quotes, where he says, we're creating a one world government, we're going to take your freedoms, and then if they don't believe the printout, you can say, come with me, and you march them into a major library, and you pull up David Rockefeller's autobiography, written three years ago, and you open it to the page, and you go, READ IT!
And they go, okay, maybe that's true, but other stuff isn't.
And then you just start walking them through it.
And if they don't want to spend the time with you to find out it's true, then you move on.
Let the dead bury the dead.
Dust off your feet.
You know, just as Christ said, do not waste your time throwing pearls.
That's what the information is.
It's more valuable than diamonds and pearls and rubies.
Do not throw precious jewels in front of pig people.
Do not waste your time.
You're lovingly trying to warn them.
If they don't want it, move on to people that want help.
So, I'll try to answer this other question when we get back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
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More John Brees will be in the studio with us coming up in the next segment, and of course we'll take that video interview and put it up on PrisonPlanet.tv for all the members, and put it on local Austin television as we try to attack the New World Order from different angles.
I want to finish up with the first question that that gentleman was talking about, the national ID card.
Is it a done deal?
Can we stop it?
This is how the globalists do everything, they camouflage it.
In the legislation it states it's a national ID card.
It says there will be internal checkpoints where they're going to check these.
Life will be like it is in the airports.
I've got Governor Ridge on tape back when he was Homeland Security Director saying that.
It's called the Real ID Act and it was passed over a year ago.
We're good to go.
And it's biometric, face scan, thumb scan, now they're going to add an RFID to it.
And when you read it on the SPP.gov website with the North American Union it states that it's being unified with Mexico and Canada in the same international database.
And this is the American, North American Union ID card.
It's not just a national ID card, it's a North American ID card.
It will also serve to be swiped whenever you make a purchase, because we're now going to have a national sales tax that's going to be graduated depending on how much money you make.
And their claim is, they're already saying this officially in strategy papers the feds have put out, that they've got to stop
uh... wealthy people the people that are in the fifteen twenty twenty five percent sales bracket from going and getting quote poor people to go make purchases for them who will be in the zero sales tax percentage bracket so hence you must swipe your card then they must check how much you're buying according to your income to make sure this isn't going on this is a Neal Bortz and other people's quote solution to the income tax which they're going to keep and rename as the social security tax
They're going to bust it down to about 10% and jack it up from there.
You'll actually have now two horrible new taxes.
They're going to have federal regulators involved in all websites, all shopping carts, hot dog stands, restaurants, clothiers.
It doesn't matter.
Everything will have this.
This is the official plan.
They have big summits about ID cards in Chicago and London.
It's in the official minutes of it.
It's the total official plan.
Just like I told you in 96.
When I saw an official industry plans that AT&T and others all the major phone companies have gotten nine billion dollars
that by October 1st 2001 it was a law that was passed but the government gave nine billion dollars to implement putting in NSA hubs into all telecommunications and then you finally heard about it earlier this year with quote AT&T has whole floors and all their major offices that are NSA run that was because one employee blew the whistle then they declared national security and told the employee they'd be arrested if they talked anymore and the media acts like it's some big breaking news story
Every telecommunications hub is NSA run.
It isn't the NSA's listening.
It is the NSA.
You understand?
It is the NSA.
They have whole floors locked off with NSA officers and private contractors.
Everything going through the grids.
So that's what's happening there.
We're going to end this hour.
Come back with George Humphreys.
And on the other side we'll also be taking your calls getting into the Iran war coming up.
How can we hopefully stop it and a lot more.
Before I end this hour, don't forget, coming up next week on the 5th, 6th, and 7th, I'm going to be showing my new film, Terror Storm, at the Alamo Draft House.
Also giving a speech, 7pm each night.
Then I go to New York, I come back on the 12th.
Then on the 13th and 14th, we'll also show at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
If you're listening all over the country and want to get a copy of Terror Storm, the official Terror Storm is out, with 66 minutes of extras on it as well.
Over 3 hours long total.
Most powerful film I've ever produced.
And you can call toll free to get it 1-888-253-3139 888-253-3139 or order via the safe secure online video and bookstore shopping cart at InfoWars.com or you can simply watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv for 15 cents a day.
It's a great activist tool.
Go up there and download all my films.
Burn them to disk.
And start the Info War going to a new level.
We can crush the enemy.
We're going to crush the enemy.
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When you believe you're unstoppable, you are unstoppable.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Who knows, if I can twist his arm, we might just keep him for the next two hours to ride shotgun with us.
I remember back in 1996, I was more of a, you know, super right-wing conservative.
I remember delivering Pat Buchanan signs around town.
And I remember pulling up to the house, and the first time I met him, it was, you know, a city council member, just then former city council member, George Humphreys.
Delivering Pat Buchanan signs to his yard and the Buchananite I was with said, yeah, this guy's a big liberal, but he's for Buchanan.
Yeah, back then people still couldn't get the shift in political paradigms.
And of course, he's a successful businessman, author, documentary filmmaker, and a good friend of mine.
And he knew about the New World Order back then when I was anti-Federal Reserve, anti-UN, but I hadn't really gotten the full paradigm yet.
And so George, I guess, had woken up a few years before that.
And so George is going to be here today talking about what's coming up with Iran, what's happening with the banking system, how it really works.
What's happening with the police state?
Just a host of issues and coming up in 20 minutes we will open the phones up and take your calls 1-800-259-9231 800-259-9231.
George, thank you so much for being here with us my friend.
Alex, it's always a pleasure man.
I've known you now for almost 10 years and the growth that you have had and your presence and your knowledge and what you've done.
For those of you who don't know, a lot of you hear Alex Jones, he kind of blusters and yells.
This guy is a sweetheart.
He's lots and lots of fun.
He's got the sweetest smile there is.
And the reason he's doing it, because he's got the heart the size of Texas.
Oh, please.
No, it's really, really true.
And this guy is, besides that, he's a warrior.
And I love that.
And there's not many warriors left.
And that's what he is doing, what I am doing, what others are doing.
Trying to, doing our best to instill the truth, the message of what is really going on in this country of ours, in this world of ours, in the massive, massive, massive corruption.
And unless each and every person who is listening
Really wakes up to their own power into the Alex Jones energy within inside of them.
We're cooked, but we're going to do it because his energy, my energy, your energy, it's contagious.
We're telling the truth.
We love this country.
We believe in the Constitution.
We believe in the Republic and we believe in the goodness of people.
And that's why we're here.
What are some of the things you... I mean, I mentioned some of the things I'd like you to talk to us today about, George, but what are some of the issues you want to cover?
Well, dadgum Alex, I'm just like you.
I could close my eyes and press a button and talk for ten hours on almost any of these issues, but quite clearly the five-year anniversary of 9-11 is coming.
And 9-11 was a momentous and evil and horrible, horrible, horrible event.
And at the other end of the spectrum, it is the segue, it is the power elite, whatever you want to call these, the political Zionists, the Illuminati, whatever you want to call these rascals, they went too far.
It's so easy to bust them on this one!
I mean, every month there's more and more and more information coming out.
And I can tell the listeners,
That on the day of 9-11 Alex was at Austin Community Television saying this is a scam.
I was down there three days later saying this is a scam.
I had my book Uncommon Sense come out three months later saying this is a scam.
Alex was out there.
He was on the forefront
Saying, what is the truth here?
Let's really look at the issues.
And at the time, that took a lot of courage.
I had a lot of very, very, very dear friends who are good people who got in my face and who got so mad at me.
I remember even people that ran, some of the folks that ran your show got upset and yelled at me in the hallway the day of 9-11 and said, how dare you say this?
Right, exactly.
And thank God is that
Most of these people have come around and now understand.
And we are turning the tide.
Friends who are listening out there, Alex has gone over the information ad nauseam.
But we're going to keep doing it because this is the break in the dam.
If we can get people to understand... They gamble and they're going to lose.
We'll be right back, George.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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All of times have come.
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Come on, baby.
Don't feel the reverse.
Baby, take my hand.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Welcome back, my friends, on this August 30, 2006 edition.
We've got George Humphreys, economist by training, a degree in economics, also a former Austin City Council member, documentary filmmaker, author, and a good friend of mine.
He was fighting the New World Order before anybody even knew what it was here in Austin, Texas, and we're so honored to have him here today with us.
I want to get into Israel and Harat's reporting that
They have appointed a wartime general.
They're saying they are preparing to go to war against Iran.
They are really doing it.
The propaganda is at maximum burn right now.
I want to go into why the globalists, why the New World Order wants war, what war is really all about.
I want to talk about 9-11, the five-year anniversary coming up.
We're also going to open the phones up.
But George, a few weeks ago you were in and I gave you a copy of Terror Storm, my new film I just released, and I do want to get your take on it and your honest analysis of the film.
You've seen all my films.
What do you think of Terror Storm?
Alex, I've said this probably 30 times on my television show, is that you make my job so much easier.
And I'll tell you what, Alex is really, he's the icebreaker, and I love all the information, and his new movie, Terror Storm, is not, I had 15 people over at my house the other night, and we all watched it.
And some of them were Alex fans, some of them weren't.
And at the end of the movie, every single person clapped and they all said it was the very finest job you've ever done.
And not only the best you've ever done, but very, very informative and very entertaining and just a number one.
Good job, Alex.
Well, I just hope that people will see the film.
I hope they'll get the high quality DVD that we've produced.
I hope they'll make copies of it aggressively.
But we've also uploaded it for free to Google Video.
There's a lot of bad copies of it on Google Video.
You need to find the one that says deluxe or high quality.
And we have links to that on Infowars.com.
Rents.com's got a big link to it.
You can also link to it over at JonesReport.com.
Now, if you go to PrisonPlanet.tv, get a membership and get an even higher quality version, because Google downloads it a bit, but I am a little bit upset that the bad quality versions that people uploaded wrong are all over the web.
That's what millions of people are now watching.
Help us get the high quality version out to people that is much more watchable online.
Let me interrupt you there.
I've got a nice new flat screen.
It's a big flat screen.
It's worth the money to buy a DVD from Alex at Infowars.com and to watch it and have your friends come on over.
Now Alex, you are wonderful that you are having people download this for free.
And if you get the copy from you, it is so well done, it's so professional, and then you can possibly burn it from there.
But have your friends come on over.
Have 5, 10, 15 of your friends come over and have some popcorn or whatever and watch it.
And it's a very interesting, well done, professional movie.
Well, we did it in the modern format, fast-moving, a lot of graphics, a lot of information, because we know the general public has lost their attention span.
And, you know, we did put it together so that the general public would like it.
Yeah, it's just super.
Your movie and along with other documentaries and books that have come out and are coming out are absolutely blowing the lid off of any defense that anybody has for the fairy tale that's called the 9-11 Commission Report or the government story.
George, we know we're in a race.
We know we're in a race to wake people up to 9-11.
Why are we in a race?
Well, for a lot of reasons, but it's very, very clear to anybody who studied that, that the next Hegelian event, which is thesis, antithesis, synthesis, or in English, problem, reaction, solution, is coming up.
We've got an election coming up in November, and I wouldn't put it past these rascals to have something in the next two, you know,
Two to six weeks.
Everybody's seeing that in the tea leaves.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, now, if it doesn't happen, we need to say a special prayer and say, thank God.
But clearly, clearly, clearly, from Randy Weaver to Oklahoma and Waco to the TWA flight to this and to what happened in England, it's just getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
And the power elite, whatever you want to call these folks, I call them the rascals sometimes,
They're getting desperate.
They know that the number of people waking up and so their only defense is fear.
Their only defense is fear.
And we have to go forward boldly and with confidence with the facts, with the objective facts.
We don't have to improvise.
We don't have to make the things bigger than they are.
We can understate everything.
But it is so obvious and provable
That not only 9-11 but dozens and dozens and dozens of other events in the last five years have all been set up by rogue elements within the American government or the world government to push us toward slavery, a one-world economy, a one-world currency, and the control of all of the petrochemicals around the world.
It is amazing folks and what we're dealing with is so big
The Matrix is so subtle that every, I study this every day, and almost once a week, my shift, something comes up and I go, oh my goodness, I can't believe it's that big right now.
And Alex is talking about, I'm talking about my television show, there's Radio Free Austin, there's Genesis, there's Republic Broadcasting, there's all these great new books, and
I want to say a little plug for my book.
It's 9-11 The Great Illusion.
That's just coming out in a new updated version.
As a matter of fact, I'm picking it up today.
We'll be carrying it here.
We carry all your stuff.
And we'll go into that in a little bit.
Alex has said this over and over and over again.
It is not going to be a battle of guns or lead at this moment, and hopefully never.
It's going to be about information, and the information is out there.
And for any of those thickheads who don't want to hear about it, as Jesus said, don't cast pearls before swine.
Go to the people who are at least somewhat open-minded.
And if you have Alex's books or tapes, or my books or tapes, you can give this to them, and you can absolutely prove beyond a doubt
That 9-11 was a masquerade, was an illusion, was part of the gambit to create the fear element throughout this planet.
And they're doing an incredible job.
But the dam is breaking right now.
And it's not up to Alex or me now.
We're doing our job.
Every single one of you.
Now, the ball is in the people's court.
You talk about them overreaching, and they certainly did overreach because they've gotten away with so many other incredible hoaxes, but I wonder why they miscalculated, because clearly they've miscalculated, and they're pretty freaked out now that the majority of Americans believe 9-11 is an inside job.
Well, clearly within the Illuminati, there's always polarities within the Illuminati and the neocons.
We're good to go.
And friends, at first this was very, very, it still is very scary to me, but as Alex and I were saying, it is a great and wonderful time to be alive right now.
We were talking during the break, it's just, I mean, we're at a major crossroads.
We're living in some of the most important historical developments ever.
Yeah, and it's fun to be embodied right now, so that, you know, and if you do believe in truth and justice, and if you believe in God, and if you believe in the Republic, and you believe in goodness to other people,
It is a wonderful time to be alive, to share the truth, to get out there and not be afraid, and not be hateful, or to be angry, but not to be hateful, but to carry this information saying, look, we as human beings, not just as Texans, not just as Americans, but as human beings, we have some very significant choices in front of us.
We do.
I mean, look, the New World Order is using 9-11, as I say, as their big foundation event, and they're openly telling us what they're going to do.
Get rid of our country entirely.
Flood us with unlimited foreigners to turn us into a third world cesspool.
CPS is increasing the number of children they grab every week.
They're now trying to force more and more deadly vaccines on the public.
All of this, they want to baste all the meat and viruses.
They want to put more and more mercury in them.
I mean, there are thousands of things they're doing.
They want the police state so they can force more and more of these horrors on us.
I mean, we don't have a choice here, folks.
There's no easy way out, as I won't back down states.
Yeah, and I think it was Johnny Cash who was saying, I won't back down.
Yes, it was.
And I'll tell you what, that song by Tom Petty, I love rock and roll and he's one of my very favorites, but I'll tell you what, we don't need to back down.
Our numbers are growing, but we have to at this moment, right now, if every single one of you can commit to connecting with at least two people a day for the
Every day between now and September 11th, I figure that about 2.5% of the population of this country kind of gets it about 9-11.
But until we get to about 5% of the population where we have a critical mass, no matter how much information we know,
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All right, I promise to go to your calls in this segment.
When we come back, I want to specifically get into how the neocons are trying to engineer World War III right now.
George Humphries is our guest.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brandon in Ohio.
Brandon, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
Hey, I just want to say, first off, I was
Six years in the Air Force, and it makes me sad to hear when people terrorize this woman up in Connecticut, you know, to think that, you know, I thought I was doing something good for my country, and here we got people back here saying, oh, support the war, support the war, but yet they're going to attack this woman.
That's one of our... Yeah, they're attacking the basic tenets.
They're saying there is no free speech, you shouldn't have free speech, America is all about no freedom.
No, America's about freedom!
You people are the traitors, the people that intimidate folks that are trying to tell the truth.
Exactly, and I especially want to thank you and her, Alex.
I mean, you're doing a great job.
I've been hooked since around, you know, springtime, so.
I just had two things I wanted to say.
First was, I wondered if you heard the radio interview with Davin Coburn on the Charles Goyette Show?
A lot of people have been bringing up that interview where they had the Popular Mechanics people on?
And where they were, where the Popular Mechanics hit piece with Hearst Publishing, they were bumbling all around?
And David Coburn, he said that they knew the hijackers, you know, it was then because they had DNA evidence.
Which is totally made up.
And then they also claim that they had photos of Building 7 being hit by the North Tower, but they can't show them to us.
We have photos all the way around the building.
It wasn't hit by the North Tower.
Well, as I say, I wonder, I mean, if they do have the DNA evidence, I mean, what terrorist just walked in and said, hey, I've got to do a terrorist attack next week.
Here's my DNA so you can identify me later.
Sure, I mean, the government claimed that passports fell out of the fire and then it turned out the names were fakes.
They said, oh, just forget that story.
There's clear evidence of them planting the passports.
George, you want to comment?
Yeah, the amazing thing is that for the last four and a half years on my television show and my radio shows,
I have put out an offer that I would debate any newscaster, any politician, anybody who supports the story of 9-11.
And I know that Alex has done the same thing.
Popular Mechanics has said they will not come on the show.
And not one, and I've sent my book out to over a thousand elected representatives saying we can discuss the details, we won't argue, we'll have a very, very gentlemanly conversation and we will talk about the facts.
Not one single newscaster, not one single politician has even responded.
I have one other thing, Alex, that I wanted to talk about real quick.
As far as the Popular Mechanics goes, I saw a thing in the claim that WTC7 was brought down by fire.
In the Popular Mechanics article, there was a Shaheed Samad or something from the NIST or whatever that they highlighted and he quoted that there was no firefighting in WTC7.
But Larry Silverstein said we had firefighters in there and we said to pull them or whatever instead of the whole we brought the building down dealy.
So there's just another, like, conflict of stories, you know?
And this says there was no firefighting.
That's right, that's right.
I appreciate your call, Brandon.
Good to have you on board with us here in the fight for humanity.
It's simple.
In the PBS documentary, Rebuilding America's Defenses from 2000, okay?
They clearly state in there that, that afternoon, we had such a loss of life, the building was on fire, we made the decision to pull it, then they gave that order, and we watched the building go down.
The next scene in the film, or about two scenes later, it shows them going, getting ready to pull building six, months after when they're demolishing the wreckage of the other buildings that burned for days but didn't collapse.
So, it's a known definition of pull it.
Silberstein said it.
Firefighters and others said they were told to get back that day they were going to pull it.
And Silberstein, two years after we broke this story, said, okay, all I'm going to say is we meant we pulled the firefighters out.
Okay, there were never firefighters in there.
They never fought the fire.
So, yes, it's a total and complete lie.
Yeah, and it's just a fact, and I have a cousin who is working for J.P.
Morgan, who is on the top floor
Building number seven at the time and he saw not one but both of the planes hit the buildings and he was one of the last people to get out of the building.
The firefighters were pulled out of the building at approximately 1225.
There were no firefighters there.
What Larry Silverstein has said is an absolute fabrication of the truth and if you have the owner of the building saying on tape
That they're going to bring down the building.
What more evidence?
You said we made the decision to bring down the building.
We got the club, we played it like 50 times, we can play it again.
And then you have the firemen out in front saying the building is going to come down.
They knew what was going to happen.
It's absolutely provable.
And the 9-11 Commission Report absolutely ignored this.
Well, they also have given five different reasons 7 collapsed.
Now they've withdrawn the fifth a few months ago.
They just said, we don't know why.
Right, right.
And in your movie, where you show where it's crimping, you've probably done the best job of anybody explaining how building number 7 came down.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
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We're going to go back to your phone calls here in just a few minutes.
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My websites are www.infowars.com and www.infowars.net as well as www.prisonplanet.tv and now www.jonesreport.com.
Before we do that, I want to get into Iran.
Why do globalists need war?
Why do they want war?
It's another case of problem, reaction, solution.
I also want to remind you that we carry all of George Humphrey's books and videos and books on tape at the online
Yes, we are.
We're good to go.
FearOrLove.com and my good friend Leah Lewis is in charge there and she is a lovely, lovely person and she will take care of you and will get you good information.
So either buy it through Infowars.com or FearOrLove.com and you'll get great information at a low cost and you can use this to convince your friends of the truth.
Absolutely and you also authorize folks, or Leah Lewis does, to make copies of the videos?
And the prices are basically so low that you won't need to.
But if you want to, absolutely.
Because we're not doing this for the money.
I can guarantee you that.
We're not doing it for the money.
Well, I know you're not, George.
Well, I know you're not either.
I know with the energy you've got, you could be making a lot more bucks someplace else.
But the point is that a lot of good patriots around the country are working their tails off to get this information out.
And if you can just avail yourself of buying Terror Storm from Alex or buying 9-1-1, The Great Illusion from Alex.
And I'll tell you what, my documentary was one of the first ones out with Alex's and Eric Huffschmid's.
And I look back on the things that Eric and myself and Alex did three years ago, and they're still just cutting edge.
If you show this movie to anybody, you're going to hook them.
Well, I had the emergency release of Road to Tyranny out three weeks after 9-11, and then in February I had the official Road to Tyranny out, then of course we made Masters of Terror, Road to Tyranny, and all of these films are really still more cutting edge than a lot of the new films that are coming out.
Okay, we're going to go back to the calls here in a moment, but we have Herat's here,
Today, the big Israeli newspaper, where the government, the defense minister, has appointed a general to, quote, run the war with Iran that they say may be any day now.
Why does Israel want to attack Iran?
I mean, obviously, they're not a threat compared to all the other countries in the area, like Pakistan, North Korea, China, Russia.
Israel has 400 to 600 nukes, fifth biggest military in the world.
Why are they so hyping this?
Why do they want this war so bad?
And what will it mean if they're able to get us into this
Well, because of fear and ignorance.
You know, the thing about it is, the majority of the Israeli people are waking up to the truth.
They realize that their government... That's right!
This war is about suppressing them!
Yeah, absolutely.
They are getting... Getting them into a primitive war where the people will serve the government.
Same thing here.
And absolutely, Israel cannot win this thing.
I mean, they just cannot win this thing.
And Bush has said, we'll go along with it.
And I know a lot of good Israeli people who are fighting this, and there needs to be a lot more good Americans, and especially Jewish Americans, who wake up and say, enough is enough, because the leaders of the ADL, the leaders of these groups, of the neocons, they are out of their minds.
They are either drunk with power, or they are so scared, or something is going on with these people.
Well, we know it's a real split.
The split started four years ago on the eve of the Gulf War in Bilderberg.
Now it's expanded, and this leaked out in mainstream news.
There were screaming matches between the European contingent and the US-English-Israeli contingent.
And the majority of the Bilderberg Group, they want world government, they want population reduction, they're evil.
They're just more calculated and cold-blooded.
And they're telling the neocons, you guys are really upsetting the whole apple cart here.
And again, why are the neocons so out of control?
Well, the EU, as you say, is the old school.
They realize that incrementally, they're getting exactly what they want.
And the neocons are the new kids on the block.
They want all the power now.
They want the power now, and they're pushing it.
And I'll tell you what,
There is so much...
To consider about what is going on in the Middle East, and especially between the Israelis and the Arabs slash the Palestinians.
A lot of things people don't realize is that Gaza, Gaza is still in darkness.
There are 1.4 million people in Gaza right now.
Well, Iraq is in darkness.
Baghdad gets like two hours of light a day, but the green zone is bowling alleys and hair salons and topless bars.
People have no concept
of the misery and of the fear and the degradation that's going on in Gaza and southern Lebanon and central and central Iraq right now and all this stuff is coming back and it's going to be happening to the Israelis
And it's going to be coming back right here to Kalamazoo, Michigan, or to Fort Stockton, Texas, or wherever you are.
We can't run from this stuff.
And the only way we're going to stop it is if each and every one of us, that means the people listening to this, if we speak up and work for justice.
Well, the reasons for war, as Pat Buchanan said a few days ago on this broadcast on Monday, is the health of the state.
This is the way the system consolidates power.
Even people who know about the New World Order right now, if we're getting hit by nukes, obviously detonated by the New World Order, not by Iran, a lot of people will just primitively switch into groupthink, you know, the group mind, and go ahead and serve this system.
So I think a large contingent of the New World Order, we know, a large contingent of the Global Crime Syndicate, wants this earth-shattering chain of events
Yeah, exactly.
And they truly believe, going way back to May 1st, 1776, when Adam Weishaupt
Power out of chaos.
Power out of chaos.
Create the chaos, and then we take the power.
And the eye of the storm, from their point of view, which is the economic, political, media, the cultural institutions that are controlled by these rascals, is that they are getting more power, at least from their point of view.
It's like a hurricane!
And it creates more and more and more power.
And so, the more they get, the more they want.
Well, it's also based on good people being gullible by their propaganda and adding power into their system.
Either we live in a Republic, and we have a Constitution, and we have a Bill of Rights, and that 10th Bill in the Bill of Rights is limited government.
Now, can the people of Austin, Texas take care of themselves?
Of course they can.
Can the people of Ann Arbor, Michigan take care of themselves?
Of course they can.
People all around this country and all around the world can take care of themselves.
And look what government does.
Everything it does with the educational system, the media, everything, is to make us feel dependent, dumb us down, not give us the tools.
Education is a great success in this country.
It was designed, we have the official handbooks, to dumb you down.
The drug war is a great success.
More drugs, more people in prison, more control, more money in the banks.
Bing Lauder.
In 1990, I believe there were 157,000 people in federal prisons in the United States, and today there are over 2 million people in prisons in this country.
And that's old numbers.
It's actually 7 million in the system, 5 million behind bars, and you're right, over 2 million in prison.
In federal.
Is there ten times as much crime?
No, there's not.
Is that the absolute control by Wackenhut in these private prisons?
Which are financed by big banks that we know are laundering drug money.
Again, the drug dealers bring the drugs in, and then your kids use it, and they put you in private prisons owned by the drug dealers.
And 67% of the people in prisons right now are non-violent offenders.
We're spending $64,000 a year per person to take care of these people.
This is insanity, folks.
They have $5 billion, billion dollars, not million, billion dollars a year just for federal people going to these private prisons, and then they're using these people as slave labor.
This is just the facts.
Well, all the studies, all the statistics show they take the 67% that are non-violent, and I'm told that number just grew to 69 this year.
We're getting now 2005 numbers a year late.
That you take them and statistically though a larger portion then comes out violent because it's like you're going to college.
We caught you with some marijuana, you're going to go spend a year in the pen and you're going to come back with AIDS or Hepatitis C and you're going to come out with tats all over you and you're going to come out and you're going to learn how to rob.
Well fortunately I haven't had many friends who've ever spent any time in the big house.
I've known a few people and a couple people just got out a couple years ago.
Listen, we've had four prisons within 30 miles of Austin.
Shut down, and you'll see one little blurb in the paper that the guards were making porno videos and raping the women.
And it's just, you know, boom!
It's just in the paper once, and so this prison system's losing their contract and someone new's coming in.
These are hell pits.
Yeah, and it is the destruction of our
of our race, of our culture, if we treat people like animals, they're going to act like animals.
It's something like 10 times the number of people we have in prison 20 years ago.
I remember a state police officer, one time I was talking to him, and I said, you know, we're doubling the amount of people in prison every five years.
And he said, good, more people need to be in there.
And I said, but wait a minute, countries where they don't have as many people in prison have lower crime rates.
I mean, again, the prisons create more crime.
And I used to help run the Austin Police Department, and I am
You know, you all don't know me, most of you, but I am pro-cop.
At least I used to be pro-cop.
I'd be down in the cop shop, you know, two or three nights a week.
I'd ride with the police.
I helped them out.
And we used to have peace officers.
And if you look at Alex, and a lot of people say, oh Alex is soft, liberal, he ain't any bit.
He believes in justice, he believes in the police department when they're doing their job.
He is not soft on crime, I guarantee you.
And the point is, is that we are pointing out factual information that is not good for our country.
This is not because we have soft
Well, look at it, it doesn't matter.
The more funding you get for education, the dumber we get.
The bigger the war on terror gets, the more liberties we lose, the more terror.
The bigger the war on drugs gets, the more drugs we have.
What, last numbers I saw was triple the heroin, double the cocaine.
Yeah, you know, for example, an article today in the American Statesman, SAT scores dropped the most significantly in the last 31 years.
Since 1965, SAT scores have gone down
98% of the time.
The United States was number one in test scores, in the amount of money people were making, at every level, at every indicator, every indices, we were number one.
Folks, we are 20, 30, 50, in every case we're behind.
Every industrialized country and behind a bunch of third world countries.
This was done scientifically.
And Project 2000 is coming in to teach the median, not to raise the bar.
Just like Alex has raised the bar with Terror Storm, is that we need to be raising the bar for our children and teaching the basics, getting them to be able to think, to learn values, to have ethics, to go back to the basics.
And instead, since the government stepped in, this is just a fact,
Quality of education that can be proven has gone down year after year after year.
Folks, this is your money, this is our children, this is our country.
We have to say no.
And for example, one of the biggest problems
In the school board elections around the country, the average percentage of registered voters who vote in school board elections is 6%.
That's right.
Local elections average is 8%.
That's where it really matters, but you get 55-60% in a staged presidential election because the media tells you that's what's important.
And we have to, number one, we have to take care of ourselves physically and emotionally.
Number two is that we have to get objective information about what's going on.
We don't have to exaggerate or anything like that.
Number three, we have to increase our numbers and number four... Oh yeah, I disagree with you earlier when you said two and a half, five percent are awake.
We have Gannett News Service polls, we have Zogby polls, where between 36 and 40 plus percent believe it's an inside job, 68 percent believe in there's a cover-up, George,
I agree with you.
What we're talking about is where we set the level.
You mean 5% that are ready to take action?
People are ready to take action.
As you've heard before, when the American Revolution started, there was only about 5% of the colonists who were ready to rock and roll and to work for freedom.
And during the whole war, there were always more Tories than there were colonists who were working for independence.
We don't have to have a majority.
What we have to do is be right and be full in our hearts and do what is right for this country.
People were really tough back then.
They knew life was short and they were pretty rough.
I wish we had people like that today.
Yeah, they worked out in the fields and they saw the seasons and they were outside and they said their prayers.
And, you know, our country and our culture has become so soft, I am really saddened by what my tribe has done.
I mean, we have the greatest, wealthiest country in the whole world, and what have we done?
You know, there's an old saying, to those who have been given much, much is to be expected.
And all of us... With great power comes great responsibility.
And all of us have been given so much just to be born in this country with these opportunities.
Yeah, and we are not saying, Alex and I are not saying that we're better than anybody else.
What we're saying is that we should take care of ourselves, of our community, of our states, and of our country, and then our world.
We're not in a
A race with others.
We're here to make our lives, our country, a better place.
Well, the New World Order is using third world populations to break down our sovereignty and destroy this country for the North American Union.
And they're doing a darn good job of it.
And when the illegals get here, they fill them full of hate of this country.
To the point of, all over the nation, the illegal aliens are pulling down American flags and putting up Mexican flags at city halls, and the government sits there and cheers them on.
Yeah, this is just the most amazing thing in the world.
We have U.S.
troops stationed in minimally 115 countries.
We have spent more on our military than all the other countries combined.
And we have 4,000 miles of open borders and we have at the minimum of 15 million undocumented workers in this country right now.
This is insanity.
And they're running around screaming, we're taking over, we're going to kill you.
And when I say that, folks, the UT head of Chicano Studies in Arlington says all whites must be killed.
And I want to say is that most of the undocumented I know
They're good people.
But the people, the government funds, and the leaders are, you know.
And so we have to be very careful to separate and give love to these people, but stand up for our own country.
Well, exactly.
No, I mean, that's what we're saying.
The government goes and finds the worst, and puts them in, tries to put them in command,
And you know, we're sitting here going, you're saying you're going to kill us.
Look, it's going to elicit a response.
I mean, you know.
I mean, I'm sorry.
You come for me and my family, you're going to unleash the beast, and you're not going to like what happens.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
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Right now, let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Let's talk to Steve in Illinois.
Steve, you're on the air.
Hello, gentlemen.
I worked at the Buchanan office in Chicago on Michigan Avenue in 1992.
So I guess that was really 92.
That was 92 when I met George.
It wasn't 96.
That's right.
I get all this mixed up.
Go ahead.
So I've known you for how many years?
14 years.
14 years.
Well, gentlemen, are you familiar with the Chicago Tribune article 816, ad pitch for Israel aimed at Christians, subtitled, Evangelicals provide deep well of support.
Well, yeah, what's happened is, is the government's come in, and now with faith-based initiative, they haven't just licensed the churches, which is against the First Amendment, now they are telling them what they can and can't say, and Israel is really paying off many of the evangelical Christians who now are making it a religious tenet to support Israel when Christian proselytizing is illegal in Israel.
And again, I'm not against Israel, folks.
As George said, a lot of the folks over there don't like what's happening.
The point is, this is out of control, George.
Well, yeah, I have several.
Most of us have friends who are born-again Christians, and I have some very, very dear family members who live right in the shadow of Chicago over in Michigan, who are born again.
And I'll tell you what, the stuff that they come up with, they are more pro-Israel than they are pro-America.
It's just amazing.
And they get this
Garbage from their church.
And I'm going, what are you thinking?
But it's not even really pro-Israel.
It's pro the crooks that run Israel.
It's pro what I call political Zionists.
And it is against every facet of what Jesus taught.
It's against what good Jewish people believe in.
It's anti-American.
And I'm going, where do you get this?
Well, it's really just neo-colonialism or imperialism.
It's very aggressive.
Yeah, and the point is that this stuff wouldn't be happening if the Born Again movement wasn't so strongly mind-controlled by the New World Order.
Oh, if they were really born again, they'd have discernment.
Thank you for the call, Steve.
Brian in Kansas City, thanks for holding your ear on the air.
Yes, sir.
I'm 24, and while I was in high school, I had a high school history teacher who actually woke me up.
He teaches in his class about the New World Order, teaches about false flag terrorism, and actually every year we take, even I do this today, take a group of high school kids down to Dallas to research the JFK.
I was just there over the weekend.
Well, with Jim Mars comes a bunch of witnesses who was there that day and teach the high school kids.
And you know, I just thought that was really interesting.
I still partner with him.
We're trying to get something together in December with Jim Mars in something in Kansas City.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Shawn in Arizona.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
This is Shawn Glazier.
I am going to be on Non-Random Thoughts with James Spencer tomorrow for his second hour from 12 to 1.
That's great.
I appreciate your call.
Listen, this is not a forum for just plugging and then, you know, plugging.
I mean, I support Fetzer and all the things he does, but you really can't expect me to sit there and pretty obnoxious try to plug radio shows that are on at the same time as mine.
So I appreciate your call.
We're going to break and come back with the
Next hour, and I'd like to give first-time callers a chance to get on board.
I'm not saying you can't call if you routinely call, but if you haven't called in a while and never had a chance to get on board, we're going to have a huge blitz of your phone calls coming up at 1-800-259-9231.
The websites are InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, JonesReport.com, and then we have Georgia's site, which is FearOrLove.com.
It's all coming up after this quick break.
The third hour, a ton of news as well.
Stay with us.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, George Humphries is our guest, economist, former city council member, anti-New World Order crusader, documentary filmmaker, author.
Open phones in this hour.
I want to get into some of the police state systems that are developing and get George's take on that.
Also more on Israel and the U.S.
and England wanting to go ahead and attack
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
I think?
Right now, let's go to Joe in Wisconsin.
Joe, you're on the air.
Hi guys.
I just wanted to preface this because I think the school, the UW system, and Milwaukee here, I just want everybody to know this is my opinion, but I have talked to many administrators and private professors and they pretty much agree that the campus has been reduced to an indoctrination center, a
A dating service and a job placement service.
And Bill Gates is spending millions of dollars to ensure that all schools, public schools, and secondary schools are, is basically placement centers for your minimum wage job.
Well, the thing I wanted to touch on is I've been getting a lot of heat lately.
And I know you don't like talking about it, and I didn't feel right talking about it either, but it's coming to the breaking point.
I'm not saying that there isn't... You don't like talking about what, sir?
I don't know what you're talking about.
They've used color of law to give me four letters of restriction.
I'm basically banned from four public buildings, from using public terminals for public internet.
What do you mean I don't like talking about it?
I talk about restrictions on free speech constantly.
I don't understand.
No, no, no.
Personally, I mean, you don't like talking about yourself being restricted.
I don't like talking about it myself because it takes away from important issues.
Well, let me give you an example.
If you visit InfoWars.com at Dell Computer during your lunch hour, you're allowed to visit any site you want as long as it's not hate, hacking, porn, or gambling, and I'm considered hate,
And I know eight people who have been fired for it.
Most of the libraries around the country, you can't get to my website, it's the filtering software.
We bought a new computer that came installed with, quote, safety filtering software and couldn't visit all my sites, or a bunch of them, until we removed it.
So yes, this is going on all over the place.
George Humphrey?
Yeah, and you may... Winston Churchill once said, if you're not liberal when you're 18, you have no heart.
Not conservative when you're 35, you have no brains.
And I'll tell you what, I used to spend a lot of time up at the University of Wisconsin in Madison back in the sixties and seventies, and it was a great school back then.
And they had constant demonstrations about what was going on against the war and pro-environmentalism.
And now you go to the old hot spots, Berkeley, Madison, University of Michigan, University of Texas, and there are
Well, they've got free speech zones, they won't let you leaflet, it's just all these... It's a bunch of dumbed down, scared, apathetic, detached kids.
And I'll tell you what, if our young people are not demonstrating in the streets about what is going on right now, something is very wrong.
In fact, when we get back, I want to talk about the draft.
I talked about this yesterday, but this is central.
They're really getting ready for it right now, and we've got to then push back and make sure they don't try to implement it after the next terror attack.
Briefly in 30 seconds, what else are they doing to you?
I mean, they're saying, what are they saying you can't do?
Well, they're saying that my presence constitutes an intimidation and aggressive act, so therefore I am banished.
But if I were a currently enrolled student, well personally I have better things to do with my money right now during this crisis.
Last month, two major federal lawsuits were lost.
One in Arkansas, for them not letting a preacher come on and preach in the squares.
So you need to sue them, sir.
You've got a case.
You're going to win a bunch of money.
Get the same lawyer.
Just Google University of Arkansas loses case to preacher.
Uh, for free speech.
Get that same lawyer.
Sue them immediately.
And, uh, punish them.
You've got to enforce this against them.
Thanks for the call.
They cannot do that.
And if they try to do it to me, I'll sue.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
1-800-2599-231 is the total free number to join us.
We've now got about 51 minutes left in this live Wednesday, the 30th day of August, 2006 edition.
We're going to get back into some of the new developments on 9-11 and the big 5th anniversary coming up in New York and demonstrations and exposés taking place in almost every major city in the country.
Good job 9-11.
Truth out there.
We're at the tip of the spear here.
More on the upcoming attempted war with Iran.
Israel saying they're getting ready for war, appointing their top general.
I just wanted to let you know that waking up is a slow process and a different process for all of us and we have to take these digestible chunks of information and I know people like Mike Rupert were being used as a tool for the peak oil scam
Which is just another tool of fear to scare us into running around.
And I didn't realize that that's what it was.
Did you know that Rupert has fled the country to Venezuela?
Yeah, I knew that.
Did you read his goodbye letter?
I did read it, yes.
It's a big diversion.
I don't even really care.
It's a diversion, but remember he's a tool because he says the same things you do and everybody else is that the New World Order is after us and they are trying to, you know, restructure our country and take us as slaves.
Well, you know, he may believe the Malthusian stuff he put out, he may believe the PECOIL fraud, but we know from Dutch Rochelle's own documents, eleven years ago, they created the movement to create artificial scarcity.
And let me get a comment on PECOIL from George Humphreys.
Well, this is an incredibly important discussion.
There are three different points of view.
There are those who believe in PECOIL, and we could talk about that for an hour.
There are those who believe that there is an excess amount of oil and gas out there for the next 200 years, and then there are those who believe that oil is actually abiotic and it is not a fossil fuel, and that is being put forward by Nexus Magazine, which is an incredible point of view too, which believes that oil is actually a creation of the earth from inside instead of fossil fuels.
Well, George, I'm interested in your view on the subject.
My point of view is that I've just read the Austin Environmental Manual right here, and I think that the real issue is, is whether if we soil good,
Yeah, is whether we should stay on a fossil fuel economy.
Which is what he's globalist all about.
Yeah, and if we stay on a fossil fuel economy, we're dead.
We are slaves.
It is more addicting than heroin or cigarettes or alcohol or sex.
And until we break free and move toward renewable and become self-sufficient, which we have the technology to do today,
Which we can do right now, that we are going to continue to be slaves on the slave plantation.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate that, Dino.
Before we go back to other calls, let me just briefly comment on this.
I've done the research.
I've looked at it.
So, before I give you my view on peak oil in a nutshell, in the analysis, let me first state that fossil fuels are dirty.
They are causing problems.
They are hurting the environment, but the reason we need to get away from them, the number one reason, is because the big oil companies are using it as the world reserve currency as they devalue the dollar, and so by keeping us on this system, they are artificially jacking up the prices to consolidate the wealth and to control our mobility and our industries.
I'm always for decentralization and there really are amazing solar and wind turbine systems.
We have these.
They are being artificially suppressed because that would break up this oligopoly, this cartel, this monopoly that we know as OPEC.
Why do we have the phony left out pushing peak oil?
You know, Webster Tarpley will tell you it's a fraud.
Greg Powell will tell you it's a fraud.
BBC, they get attacked for telling you it's a fraud.
Why do they tell you it's a fraud?
Because they're telling you the truth.
Now, I'm going to tell you something here on air right now.
I don't get a dime from oil money, but my family does.
And let me just say, George Bush's actions and the New World Order's actions have made my family a lot of money.
Okay, so I'm going to tell you right now that I'm putting out information that if you acted on it would cost my family a lot of money.
Because of the doubling in oil prices, they are drilling like mad in East Texas and they are striking gigantic gas wells, oil wells, you name it.
In the past those wells were capped out there.
And the big Alaskan oil is still capped.
Okay, so
They know the people are becoming aware of this.
They have found record oil reserves in Russia.
They have found record oil reserves all over Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, all the other stands.
They're finding oil all over the Gulf.
They have laid it off limits.
There is enough oil to run this country for several hundred years in Alaska alone.
This is artificial scarcity, just like they do with the diamonds, with the beers, and the Oppenheimers.
It's the same system.
Peak oil is a scam.
In 1990, the main reason the globalists were mad at their stooge, Saddam Hussein, who attacked Iran to their orders, and they told, go ahead and invade Kuwait,
Was because he was overproducing, attempting to pay off a $34 billion debt.
He was trying to pay his debts to the different banks and the different cartels that had financed his war machine like BCCI.
And OPEC was very mad that he was overproducing and had driven oil down to 90 cents a gallon.
So we know, people say, well if it's about oil, why are they underproducing now in Iraq?
Because by not producing oil, by cutting it down by 80%, that jacks up the price, which has now happened.
So this, when BP turns off their pipelines in Alaska, they make more money.
It's something like 20 million extra a day or something just off that pipeline they're making.
I mean, add that up.
So that's what's going on.
Peak Oil is a fraud.
I've looked at it.
I've studied it.
And if you want to believe in it, fine, go ahead.
And I've got a bunch of cousins and uncles and people that are going to make a bunch of money.
And I mean, fine if they make it.
If you want to believe the fraud, go ahead.
George, you want to comment on my statements?
Well, I, you know, this discussion is an incredible
That's a great question.
The environment of this planet is going to continue to deteriorate.
Yeah, that's why the left has embraced this, the grassroots left, because they know there's better energies.
So if we can just say all the oil's going away, maybe we can move away from the oil cartels.
But what I'm saying, George, is have you seen the 95-96 released in 2001 through lawsuits, hundreds of pages of ExxonMobil?
Shell and BP and Chevron documents, where they say, we've got to buy these 214 private refineries, there's too much oil, we've got to create an artificial scarcity.
I mean, we have the documents!
Yeah, and so, first of all, I really applaud you for having this discussion, because you're going against the politically correct, even for the patriotic movement, the point of view.
I don't have a horse in this race like you.
I've made money from oil.
I've invested in oil stocks and made some money from it.
That was money in my pocket.
But the point is, what is best for our country?
What's best for our world?
Until we use our brains, our sentient divine beings, to realize that there is a better way right now.
It's not a technology in 20 or 50 years from now.
It's technologies that we have right now that will free us from these multinational corporations.
Yeah, so that's where it stands folks.
I'm seriously looking at trying to get a smaller house somewhere outside Austin and literally having a little house built, solar, well, everything.
And we see them moving with Animal ID Act to block that, trying to meter wells, trying to block new wells, trying to claim you can't use the water on your own land to have a garden.
I mean that's what I'd like to do.
I'm not into possessions folks.
I mean, I'm into self-sufficiency.
I love being on the land.
And they're doing everything they can to block that.
But, regardless of that, it's exploding.
The alternative energy movement, the self-sufficiency, true sustainability, not the byword of the globalists for neo-feudalism.
See, they always counterfeit everything, don't they, George?
Yeah, and to Alex's credit, just before we went into this, Alex has got the high-efficiency light bulbs in his office.
He's very aware of this.
He's doing his part.
George, don't tell people that.
You see them in the sockets.
Yeah, well, no, but it's... No, I'm a commie.
A commie?
I'm joking.
But I'll tell you, it is so important, is that fighting the New World Order is more than just getting mad.
It's about taking care of our families, becoming more efficient, self-sufficient, by using less, by going to the mall less, by saving more money, by investing in gold and silver.
Getting out of debt.
Yes, getting out of debt, staying out of debt, and by staying healthy.
Let's jam one more call in right now.
Let's talk to Chris in Florida.
You're on the air, Chris.
Chris just hung up.
Mark in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Marla, go ahead.
Hi, Jim.
Yes, my question is about the economy, the New World Order, and the slave wages that Americans are being forced to put up with.
It's only going to get worse with the illegal aliens, but go ahead.
Yes, I just saw a document on PBS, and I've always heard about how Americans are working harder than ever
Not taking vacations, not spending time with their families, and they don't have anything to show for it.
And I was wondering how the New World Order ties into all this.
That's the official New World Order plan!
Well, when I first got into politics, the first thing I learned was, if you want to figure out where the, you know, you always follow the money.
Follow the money.
In the Wizard of Oz, the yellow brick road was the money trail.
And having a degree in economics, and if you really go
Further than what they teach you in college is that fractional reserve banking is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme to transfer the wealth from the productive middle class, not to the rich, but to the ultra-rich.
And by following the money and realizing that our money is being siphoned off little by little each day until it becomes a tidal wave.
Now they're debasing the currency.
Does that answer your question?
Thank you for the call.
We'll come back and we'll talk to Douglas and many others.
Allen, 1-800-259-9231.
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There must be some kind of way out of here Said a joker to the beat
I can't get no relief.
Keep rolling it.
There are many among us who think that life is but a joke.
You know, when you study this, George, and you know how serious it is, you realize how sad it is that so many people never even really live, they never even break out of the matrix.
And they have no idea what life is really about.
They think it's a joke.
So many yuppies and people will just giggle and snicker and laugh.
I don't see that a lot anymore, but when the BBC was here over the weekend following me around, they would just giggle and laugh about everything.
I was bringing up very serious issues, documented things.
They would just deny it to me and just laugh.
Yeah, it's amazing that very, very educated people, and we all have people like this in our lives,
In our families, I have some family members who are PhDs and MDs and very educated and work for top flight corporations and you bring up this information and the wall just goes right over their eyes and they won't even discuss it.
I'll say, well look, you know, if you have a different point of view that's fine, but will you just listen to me for five minutes?
You won't even discuss this.
And it's amazing.
But the point is, we all have people like this, and we shouldn't waste our time with them.
We love them.
Yeah, there are many here among us that watch and put a joke.
And as Jesus said, don't cast pearls before a swine.
We've got work to do, and our work is to be the Johnny Appleseeds, to be
Bringing this information to the people who will awaken.
And as Alex said before, more and more and more and more people are waking up.
Everybody knows that something is wrong.
Even the hardcore neocons know that something's wrong.
And eventually, all of us woke up.
I believe the old paradigm at one time.
And I've come through.
Alex did.
Many of you have.
And our friends and our relatives can do that.
We're going to talk more about Paradigm Shift coming up.
Let's talk to Douglas.
Douglas is calling us from Europe.
Douglas, thanks for holding.
Where are you calling from?
I live around 30 kilometers south of Amsterdam.
So you're calling us from the Netherlands or from Holland?
I'm in the middle of the tulip fields and I work at the Amsterdam airport.
Well, good to have you on board with us.
What's on your mind?
You always talk too much, but I hope I can ask four questions.
The first one is, how do you think World War III will be rolled out?
Which countries will be involved and in what order?
Let me write that down because we'll probably have to break and then come back and get it.
How will World War III be rolled out?
What's the second question?
No, and which countries will be involved and in what order.
It's one question that I have.
The other question that I have is the insurance companies that pay the 9-11 bill.
Is there anything known about their research regarding 9-11?
Okay, I can answer that question.
That's a good question.
What's the answer?
Do you think that the neocons would go as far as to sacrifice George Bush in a new false flag event?
Would they sacrifice Bush?
Okay, that's a good question.
These are all excellent, sir.
What's the fourth?
Is there a mainstream movie script about the real 9-11 on the shelves?
Because you have your friends in Hollywood.
Are they busy with a script?
Well, I can't comment on that one.
But those are all excellent questions.
Any other comments or questions you've got?
We're going to go to break and we'll come back and both of us will answer those excellent four questions.
How will World War III roll out?
What countries will be involved?
And then insurance companies, are they investigating 9-11?
And then the next question...
Would they sacrifice Bush in some type of staged event?
And then the Hollywood script question, which I've already kind of answered.
Anything else?
No, that's it for now.
Well, good to have you on board.
Call us back again.
I forgot we had a foreign caller.
I would have gone to you earlier.
Thank you so much for the call, sir.
Okay, let me try to comment on the first one.
We'll come back and let George comment on it.
How will World War III be rolled out?
Well, we see how they're setting the stage for it.
They claim Iran hasn't complied with total U.N.
And when we get back, we'll briefly get into how that'll happen and try to answer the other ones.
Excellent questions.
And we'll take more calls in the broadcast getting into where George thinks things are going with the 9-11 Truth Movement and how we can get involved.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hey Bill, I'm buying lunch today.
And check this out, I bought a new car.
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And ask for George.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let me just try to go through these points.
We see how they're rolling it out, just like they rolled out the Iraq attack.
They hype it up, they blame 9-11 on them, they claim they have WMDs, the White House Memo Show, how they were planning to lie to the public and how they did lie to the public.
They now hype it up and claim that Iran isn't following U.N.
orders, which is following world government orders.
They did comply with that, which I don't think they should have.
And now they're being told, okay, we'll comply to this, this, and that, and they're saying no.
And so Israel is openly chastising the U.S.
for not attacking them and saying they're going to go ahead and probably attack them here in the next few months to the next year.
It could be any time in that frame.
It could be tomorrow.
It could be next month.
And they'll go into Iran.
They're saying they'll bomb over 200 sites with huge bunker-busting missiles.
Then I believe the globalists will stage terror attacks in the West to blame it on Iran.
Or they could even stage the terror attacks before that, which is very probable.
We've been talking about that.
And then go into Iran.
And Iran will then strike back.
They said they're going to mine harbors and attack ships with surface-to-surface missiles.
And it's extremely serious, and the globalists will make unbelievable profits as oil prices go up to, this is no exaggeration, conservatively $300 a barrel.
We're talking about an implosion of the economy, which will then all be blamed on Iran.
They'll have a domestic draft, but they'll say it's not a draft, they'll call it a universal service, which they're now saying they're going to do.
And then they'll probably at the same time start bombarding
Syria and then claim that they need to secure the western area of Iran that just so happens to have almost all of their oil reserves and China may during that period move against Taiwan.
They've said that they may do that.
The globalists will allow them to do that during that whole process and things could easily spiral out of control from that point
And there'll be 60 other countries that are on the neocon hit list from the PNAC documents from September 2000 that they plan on invading.
Show false flag terror before or after the attack.
Iran may even launch some real attacks, which you really couldn't expect otherwise.
They will be decried for defending themselves and that's really what I see happening on the first question.
Well, Alex, you have outlined a very, very possible scenario.
First of all, everything is driven by money and power.
We have an election coming up.
In two months from now.
Clearly the Republicans, the neocons, I think Bush's approval ratings are what, 32%?
It's the lowest approval rating, and it's the highest negatives that any president has had for 50, 60, 70 years.
They clearly, clearly, clearly, there's going to be something that will happen in the next couple months.
Now how far they will go?
Now a lot of people believe that what happened in southern Lebanon, which took place
Well, we don't believe.
Si Hirsch got the document, served the British.
Bush considered it a curtain raiser to start the war, but that was a trial by one.
Go ahead.
And it just happened that Bush was meeting with Putin right at the time that this happened.
And from what I understand, he went to Putin and he said, look, if you support us in the invasion of Iran, you get access in the World Trade Organization.
And if this is true, Putin, to his credit, said, you know, go take a hike.
Now, what they want, Russia is still the wild card out there.
Putin has always been torn by the Rothschild organization.
It's the Joker.
And the Nationalists.
But as the proof of that, they arrested the head of Yukos Oil two years ago and it came out in the Times of London.
That, oh, you still don't own it, Lord Rothschild, the head of Yukos was just his front.
But it appears as though the Nationalists have some dominance right now in Russia, and they're saying, hey, whoa, we are not going to play this game.
Now, whether in fact this is the truth or not, but apparently the Nationalists in Russia do not want to be playing with the Rothschild New World Order crowd.
And so they're saying no to this invasion of Iran.
And so clearly right now between... and I go to Asia all the time.
People have no idea of the ascendancy of what's going on in India and China right now.
And India and China and Russia and Iran are doing this dance about what are they going to do.
Now clearly they are not the answer.
They're not the good guys.
Yeah, they're at the New World Order table.
But in the end game, when you finally get to world government, everybody's always known there's going to be a fight over who sits on top of the pyramid.
And the point is that the neocons right now are the new tough kids on the block.
They've been taking too many steroids.
And if they push this too far, there are multiple scenarios, and what you've just talked about is a very, very real scenario.
Well, that's the scenario they're saying they plan to carry out, but you're right, just a moderate escalation could do that and get them what they want in the election and continue their agenda.
The insurance companies, I know the big German insurer,
Of building 7, because he took out a bunch of different insurance policies, and policies that big, it's kind of an index or a grouping of different companies that fund the $6.5 billion of insurance that Silverstein's gotten was based on.
They did hear testimony from people on building 7, but the insurance companies are the banks, are the military industrial complex.
And so they know which side of the bread it's buttered on.
So they're obviously part of the system.
So don't look for the insurance companies.
Well, you're an expert on insurance companies.
Tell us about it, George.
The amazing thing is Larry Silverstein got the lease for the World Trade Centers months before 9-11.
He put $15 million dollars down of a supposed $100 million dollars down to have a 99-year lease.
He then changed the insurance policies to include terror strikes,
And then he has gotten not one but a double dose.
He was supposed to get 3.5 billion dollars.
He got 7.1 billion dollars.
From what I understand he's gotten 7.1 billion dollars.
He has invested between fifteen to a hundred billion dollars.
Now, we don't know what, let's say it's fifty million dollars.
The return on his investment, plus the fact that now he is doing urban renewal for the whole part of southern Manhattan.
This guy is unbelievable.
He also just leashed the Sears Coward.
Yes, and we have his hand, not his hand, but his whole arm in the cookie jar.
He has admitted that he is the one who took down World Trade Center number 7.
Now folks, it can't be more obvious.
It's hidden in plain view.
You know, key bono, who benefited?
Now, the other question is, would the globalists take out Bush in some stage?
I don't see that happening, but they'll do anything, and we certainly hope nothing happens to the puppet, because they'll get a lot of gas mileage out of that.
We certainly don't want Cheney there, but remember what his nickname is at the Bilderberg.
They changed it to temporary.
And I'll tell you what, there are some other Bushes down the line.
Jeb, who's a heck of a lot smarter, and he's also in the line for ascendancy.
Yeah, he's one of the neocons writing up the PNAC document.
He's actually got a brain up there.
Why do you think they put George in?
I know that when he was governor he wasn't that stupid and bumbling like he's got, you know, like he's retarded and got Parkinson's now.
I mean, what's happened to Bush?
Because he's getting worse and worse and more just embarrassing.
I just think that this
Well, first of all, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, and I have a lot of dear friends who are very, very close friends with him.
I've been to Laura's house.
I know people who know him.
He's a nice, at least on one level, he used to be a pretty nice guy on a personal level, but clearly he is in water so much deeper than he understands.
Yeah, you've met and been at events with Laura Bush.
So have I. What's he like as a person?
On a personal level, he's a good old boy.
He's not somebody you'd want to do business with if you had to really invest your money.
He's kind of a good old boy, not very bright, and he's very ambitious.
I remember when he used to own Texas Rangers, and that was before he was even running for governor.
People would come up to him, and before they'd even introduce himself, he'd pull out a picture of himself and start signing it.
He's kind of a frat boy.
You know, remember, he had a low C average at Yale.
He was a cheerleader.
He was a drunk.
I mean, he was just a drunk.
He's been pulled over for DUI on at least one and probably three or four occasions.
He was AWOL from the Army.
He never served.
I know well-known rock bands, I'm not going to get into it, who back in the 70s were at parties where Bush was doing more than drinking.
Oh, I know a lot of people in Midland, Texas who say that they've been with him who say that he was doing a heck of a lot more than drinking.
I wonder if they know how dangerous it is to be shooting their mouths off.
Well, I mean, this is fairly common knowledge.
This is old information, but the point is that he was a useful idiot.
You know, he is the person that could go to the churches and say that he was a good Christian, and people in the Midwest believe that.
He's been very... That's Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, that's very Christian.
What about the spiritual nature of all this?
Then we're going to take some calls.
Well, clearly is that George Bush and his band of pirates represent the most materialistic, secular, atheistic vibration on this planet.
They're like vampires and they don't believe in the consciousness of man, of the eternal spirit.
And I believe that there's infinite energy and love for all human beings.
Yeah, I think so.
It's whoever has the power instead of whoever has the love and the integrity.
And the point is that this man is the most amazing paradox.
But everybody knows that he is only the puppet.
It is the people behind him who are pulling the strings.
So I don't think that we should get too fixated on George W. Bush himself.
There's your question, sir.
We've got to move quick here now.
Who's up next in Ontario?
Andrew, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
It's a great honor.
Honor to talk to you.
What's on your mind?
It's really interesting what George has been talking about with the paradigm shift.
I had a recent experience where I was talking to somebody who actually goes to BYU and he was, you know, calling me names and saying that everyone in the hearing, he was there and heard all the, you know, the professors and everybody calling the guy basically a moron, 99% of people, and everybody knows he's, you know, totally incompetent and, you know,
You're talking about Stephen Jones.
Yeah, he was talking about Stephen Jones and how about everybody there and he's actually studying engineering there and how he's a complete moron and you know I basically I didn't react I basically my idea is kind of like if I just if I'm positive raise my vibration that you know I can I can actually I've got through to people one guy he's well known in Hollywood and he's making fun of loose change and I was like well did you go look at Operation Northwood and yeah I got him to watch Terror Storm I kept harping on him and he's like wow
You know, he really said, pull it, and he's totally had this paradigm shift.
And, you know, so if you just keep on harping on some of these people, and just say, no, did you actually read the documents?
And, you know, not kind of do that kind of classic thing where they expect you to run, and they expect you to, you know, back down when they bring up their cold hard facts, and I can't, I won't be able to handle them.
Well, you know, I'm the guy, go look on CIA.gov Operation Ajax, and, you know, they're just kind of, whoa, you know, you can actually like, I'm in Canada,
And I tell people, you know, like, hey, if they do this martial law, blow up martial law, and they blow up a nuke, and it's martial law in the United States, it could be martial law in Canada, too.
I don't know.
Are you there?
Yes, sir.
We're listening to you.
Oh, yeah.
And that's what I tell people, and then they might go, oh, my God, like, you know, and not sound like, you know, like, oh, you know, you just told somebody the government's behind 9-11.
Oh yeah, you wacko, you know, you know.
Well good, listen, one soul at a time, one mind at a time, one intellect at a time.
Keep it up, anything else?
Um, yeah, I just want to talk about, what do you think more, like, I'm into kind of this law of attraction, you get what you think in life, you know, and I hear when I talk to some of those crowd about this New World Order stuff, they go,
Well, if you don't want to create more of that by just focusing on all the negativity... Well, no, we're not focusing on negativity.
We're exposing the bad and telling people there's a problem.
I appreciate... I'm sorry, go ahead.
I'm sorry, I was agreeing with you.
That's exactly what I was going to do.
Well, listen, thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
Damon in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Damon.
Hey, buddy.
I wanted to start by saying I met you in Dallas.
Oh, thanks for coming out to the event.
I was at the top of the stairs talking about Bohemian Garb just to put a reference on it.
I just wanted to start by saying, how are we going to get this older generation and people like my dad to wake up?
Well, you've got a lot of people that judge the world through their own eyes and their own minds, so if your dad's a good guy, he can't imagine there's corrupt people in the government.
They're naive.
It's like women who get in the car with serial killers.
They can't believe it's actually happening to them.
George Humphries, you want to comment on how you reach out to the older generation?
Well, the last fellow talked about the power of attraction, and what we have to do is that the first thing is that we have to change our own hearts and minds.
First get the information, the objective information, but we also... First you have to have the facts.
A lot of people are insecure when they go up to somebody, and that resonates.
No, you're here, you've got a mission, you're doing them a favor.
Have that attitude.
Sorry, George.
And if you've got the facts, that will resonate.
And if you can look somebody in the eye and say, why was a hole in the Pentagon 18 feet by 21?
A boring 757 is 155 feet.
I think so.
By factual information and by changing with love is what's important.
Caller, are you there?
Do you have your radio up?
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, I just wanted to, my office phone is ringing, but I just wanted to, one thing that keeps me going is I keep repeating, fear not the path of truth or the people walking on it, and we're all human and we're all freedom fighters.
Keep up the good work.
Hey, good to hear from you.
George, did you finish up what you were saying?
Yeah, and the bottom line is, this thing is so, so much bigger than the Federal Reserve or TWA Flight 800.
It's about evil people that think they have a right to feed on whoever they want and are greedy and hateful of us even having good lives.
They don't even want us to be free or happy.
They hate that.
Yeah, and they are living in the old paradigm, and if we truly believe in the Creator, the Creator is love, and so we have to break through and not judge them, but not put up with their BS either.
We have to be bold and strong.
Yeah, that's right.
I mean, George is really able to sell people on the truth.
I'm able because we're confident, and we have the facts.
You're confident because you have the facts.
You're confident because you're doing good work.
Right, George?
We're doing our best.
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Florida.
Chris, go ahead.
Well, you're right.
Their greatest strategy is to separate us from love and separate us from God.
I just wanted to go through some strategies that I've used to call on some talk show hosts.
It's easy to get through a lot of these talk shows because their ratings really stink.
Usually you can get through the first caller even when you tell them exactly what you're going to talk about.
They're sometimes all too willing to take your call.
Because I think some of them are also really alarmed about what's going on, that they want to hear from the other side.
Some talk show hosts try to give an excuse for not having you on, saying that you're extremists or you just like to sell documentaries, in which case those hosts need to be told that they can go to Google Video or YouTube.
Well, why is it okay for
David Rockefeller to sell a book, and then George or I can.
Number one, that argument's a fraud.
I can make an official video about how the government's telling us the truth.
They have it on every TV show, and I'd sell 10 million copies.
We're making sacrifices to do this, but yeah.
Stay there.
I'll let you finish up with some of your strategies.
Then we'll talk to Shane, and that'll be it.
This show is going to be over.
Stay with us.
Final segment coming up.
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George Humphries, before we run out of time, I want to thank you for being here, my friend.
I really appreciate it.
We've got about three minutes left.
Any final comments or statements you want to make?
Five year anniversary of 9-11 is coming up right now.
It is the segue for all patriots, all awake human beings to pound and pound and pound on the truth.
Why was there such a small hole at the Pentagon?
Why was there no wreckage at Shanksville?
How did the buildings...
WTC come down in 8.4 seconds.
How did the foundation melt?
Why were public officials warned not to fly?
CIA insider trading.
Dozens and dozens of factual, objective, provable pieces of information.
I am asking each and every person to listen to this is to get Alex's movie Terror Storm through Infowars.com or to get my film
Thank you.
9-11 doesn't just sit back there in the past and it's something we move on from.
They keep using it for the police state and all the bad things that are happening, the North American Union, everything.
Now is the time.
They're going to a whole other level here very soon.
We can see them getting ready to jump.
They jump.
We're at jump points now.
We've got to exert all our efforts.
By the way, George, you're going to be involved.
Here locally coming up in a few weeks with a new 9-11 film.
Yeah, there's an incredible new film coming out called 9-11 Mysteries that I think Alex is going to be carrying.
And it's going to be incredible.
This movie is going to blow the socks off of Loose Change.
And Loose Change is a great movie.
I'm not putting Loose Change down.
This thing, this thing will, is over the top excellent.
I know, I believe Alex will be carrying it.
We're going to be showing it at the Dobie Theater on September 11th.
At seven o'clock, the person who's made this is going to be coming out.
Leah Lewis is organizing this.
While Alex is out of time, we wish you were here, because we love you.
Go and see Alex's movie at the Alamo, and then come down on September 11th and see this.
There's a new bookstore in town that's going to be carrying some of Alex's stuff and my stuff.
No, that's Brave New World.
Brave New World, which is right on Guadalupe.
I haven't had the pleasure of meeting these people yet.
We're going to have him in this week.
Don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid.
Get this information.
People should be afraid of not fighting, of not getting involved, of not standing up.
George, again, I want to thank you for coming in.
Hey, buddy, I really appreciate it.
You bet.
God bless you.
We are out of time here, ladies and gentlemen, and that was a great fast two hours.
That was a fast two hours, wasn't it, George?
It's always fast here.
It's like we're in a little time distortion, time warp here.
And yes, you did mention my film, if you're in Central Texas or anywhere in Texas, folks always come in from, I'm always amazed, from sometimes foreign countries, coming up next week.
On the 5th, 6th, and 7th at the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar.
Then I go to New York.
Then I come back on the 13th and 14th.
Two more showings.
So next week, 5th, 6th, and 7th, and then the 13th and 14th.
Five showings only of Terror Storm.
I'll be there.
I'll give speeches.
Get your tickets now at InfoWars.com and tell everybody you know about it.
In closing, go to Infowars.com, get TerrorStorm on DVD with the 66 minutes of extras from the 9-11 Neocon Symposium in L.A.
Get it, make copies.
If you take action, nothing can stop us.
TerrorStorm available at Infowars.com or download it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv or call toll free 888-253-3139 or write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Street 100 Austin, TX 78704.
I'll be back tonight 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Back tomorrow 11 to 2.
Understand we're at the crossroads right now.
We're at a key point.
All of you get on the message boards.
Get online.
Talk to your neighbors.
Get the truth about 9-11 out to everybody.
Never stop.
Never surrender.
Never back down.
Know we're telling the truth.
Know your facts.
Know the information.
And we can prevail with God's help.
All right.
Again, God bless you all.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll-free 877-300-7645.