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Name: 20060829_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 29, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to another live edition.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be here for the next three hours.
Coming up in the third hour, William Woodward, Department of Psychology, University of New Hampshire, PhD from Yale University in Psychology.
He's gone public.
Not really for the last year, but finally got a lot of national attention, believing that 9-11 is an inside job, and as usual, there are people moving to get him removed, get him fired, get him in trouble, just like they're doing with Mr. Barrett out of Wisconsin.
It is the same story over and over again as they attempt to engage in an attack on free speech in this nation.
Professor 9-11 Theories outraged New Hampshire leaders.
We'll tell you more about this in the first hour.
He's coming up in the third hour.
I had another guest at noon, but I canceled him today because I want to give you a chance to call in.
First-time callers, tell us if you're a first-time caller.
We will go to you first, but we have wide open phones.
Everybody is welcome to call.
But I do want to give first-time callers a chance who never are able to get through to get on air.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231, whether it's the North American Union, whether it is the saber-rattling to go to war with Iran, whether it is what's happening to the housing market, the value of the dollar and our economy, whether it's the open borders and illegal immigration and what you heard Pat Buchanan talk about here on the broadcast yesterday.
Whether it's a tropical storm Ernesto, now cruising into Florida in waters, whatever you'd like to discuss, we will get you up and on the air today.
And yes, I'm going to go to your calls early in this hour.
The number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
And boy, do I have an important stack of news here in front of us today.
Tropical storm Ernesto aims for Florida.
Rain from Tropical Storm Inesco began pelting the island Tuesday morning as residents hurried, this is in Key West, to make last-minute preparations before the storm strikes the vulnerable Florida Keys and populous South Florida.
More on that after the break.
Here's one.
iPod sparks terror scare in Ottawa as the mine control hysteria intensifies.
Also, I want to go through some of the highlights of what Buchanan said yesterday.
Headline, Buchanan, Bush responsible for next terror attack if borders stay open.
Soldiers' families question Rumsfeld on deployment.
I want to get into how the troops that have already served two, three, and now even starting some of them their fourth tours are being forced into conscription.
This is the truest form of the draft.
And I want to go back over William Cohen, former Secretary of Defense's comments last week on Fox & Friends, where he said, we don't need a national draft, probably, but what we do need is national compulsory service.
Well, that's the exact same thing.
So, more Orwellian double-speak on that subject.
I was on in Salt Lake City, one of their better talk stations, KTalk, with Jack Stockwell this morning, and they were reporting on how there were
More protesters against Bush, and there were four protesters for Bush.
The mayor came out and said he was going to protest Bush, and the neocons nationally have been attacking and drumming up a huge counter-demonstration for the last few weeks, trying to bully free speech and decrying him.
For being politically active, part of their ongoing program of silencing dissent.
You knew this was coming if the police did their job.
They are saying that they're not going to indict John Mark Carb, because he obviously wasn't involved.
Just another mental patient.
Trying to get attention.
This is routine.
Though they're claiming they have some evidence of child pornography.
No kidding.
Look at this guy.
Boy, the shoe fits.
The cover of the book in this case does correspond to what's in the book.
We're going to do that as well.
Big Reuters report.
Switching off your TV.
Switch on your memory.
It's all coming up.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Get ready for three hours of the hardest-hitting talk radio out there anywhere.
If you're joining us for the first time, it's not about left or right.
It's about right and wrong.
I am here to defend the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
This is not about ego.
It's not about celebrity.
It's not about being a radio talk show host or documentary filmmaker.
It is about surviving and defending our sovereignty.
The country is going into the North American Union right now.
The nation is ending right now.
You've heard Pat Buchanan.
You've heard Lou Dobbs.
It is official CFR documents codified into executive orders.
and executive agreements with the countries of Canada and Mexico.
It is actually happening.
Do you understand?
This is not a drill.
This is not a game.
This is not a joke.
Also, long before 9-11, we were hot on the trail of black-op military squads and other private corporations in that system, staging terror attacks.
The Russians do it.
Hitler did it.
The British constantly do it.
The Cubans do it.
Our own government does it.
We have many declassified documents and admissions and whistleblowers.
We know Oklahoma City was a federal government bombing.
We know the FBI cooked the bomb and trained the drivers and gave them the detonators and set the whole thing up in the first World Trade Center attack.
We know the FBI creates Klan groups and tries to get them to blow up chemical plants in Dallas-Fort Worth area.
That's mainstream news.
We have caught them hundreds of times and so in 9-11
We're good to go.
The balloon is going up.
Unless we all get the word out about government-sponsored terror now and have a massive revelation, a renaissance, a huge hundredth monkey effect, as it's called in psychology.
If that doesn't start happening right now, it's over.
I don't want to lessen you out there getting the word out and warning people and educating people and getting the information out about false flag terror.
By giving you the good news, but I need to be honest with you, you're doing a great job and so the chances of that happening, I would say, have gone down from about 95% down to about a 75% chance.
And I've really been thinking about this, I've been researching this, I've been looking at this.
Fox News covered my alert.
of August 12th where I launched Operation Expose the Government Terrorist Part 2.
I only launched that warning one previous time on July 25th.
Only one previous warning and indeed we did have 9-11 take place and I said look for them to attack the World Trade Center and their asset Bin Laden will take the fall with the blame.
This time I am seeing the same confluence and the same pre-propaganda being put out by the media and I also see the globalists being in political trouble from Lebanon to Iraq to here domestically with the election coming up in November and so I see an attack as imminent at any time.
At any time, but because of Fox News covering my warning, because of the fact that I've probably done, I don't know, in the last
Two, three weeks, probably 45, 50 radio interviews.
I haven't counted.
I know it's more than 35 or 40.
It's a whole bunch.
Getting the word out on this subject, I know that the article we wrote with my warning was posted on thousands of websites.
I know that millions of people read our warning.
I know that millions of you out there have warned your friends and families and neighbors.
Thousands of you have called in to talk radio.
And so, right now, we are really hurting them
Frankly though, if we expose a false flag attack and expose the fact that the globalists are carrying it out and may carry out a new one, in a way it may, they may go ahead and carry it out thinking that they're in so much trouble that they need to go ahead and get so desperate that they need to do it.
But it's better to push them into it if they were going to carry it out to begin with, because then more people will be aware of it.
I just wonder how some of the Austinites out there that snipe at me and some of the people in the movement that snipe at me and try to hold me to a higher standard than anyone else are going to feel if the government comes after me or does something really bad to me, which I do see in the cards as a probability.
I just wonder how they're going to feel in hindsight later.
I'm fighting as hard as I can to get the word out right now.
I am working harder than I ever have.
I am literally beating my head against a wall in many cases.
I am doing everything I possibly can, making the sacrifices.
And I'm not going to get off into it, but some of the personalities out there and some of the things that are done just don't wash.
And they know who they are and they know what they're doing.
And it doesn't hurt me.
It only hurts the country.
And it only hurts us in our fight against the new world order.
And I just, for the life of me, well I don't like, I've done an analysis of it and I really think that subconsciously that people are doing this for the wrong reasons and I'm not going to say why.
It's embarrassing and it's a whole separate issue and people are going to wonder what I'm talking about.
It's just that attempts are being made at many levels so that my information not get out to people of Central Texas.
But the good news is
Yes, we are.
That when I have led the fight in Central Texas, and I have, and I, with your help, alt-listeners in Central Texas, we have made this the Mecca for truth and for the front lines of the fight against the New World Order.
And to have people that have no idea about the reasons, you know, that I do the things I do, to have, you know, just to put up with the types of snipes and attacks I've gotten from certain parties, and then to see totally different sectors of people who I would never expect to, you know, to be
You know, to be blocked by.
It's just sad.
And it's extremely depressing.
But I will not be bullied into acquiescing to anything when it's done in the spirit of bullying.
And of course, no one knows what I'm talking about but those individuals out there.
They even happen to be tuning in.
I do want to go to your calls.
The toll free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Again, we do have a professor in New Hampshire who they're talking about trying to fire or restrict, just like they're doing with Kevin Barrett up in Wisconsin.
He is a tenured professor with a Yale psychology degree.
He was exposing 9-11.
We've got him coming on in the third hour.
They're trying to block him from getting the truth out.
But it's not going to work.
You cannot hold back the truth.
You cannot keep the people from getting the truth.
When you do it, it just explodes with that much more force.
So that's the one guest we've got coming on today.
I want to get into the hurricane now, starting to hit the Florida Keys.
I want to get into a bunch of other issues that we're here faced with.
But let me just give you a few program notes right now.
I need Central Texans help.
In promoting five events that we have coming up starting next Tuesday, seven days from now.
On the 5th, that's the day after the holiday on Monday, I'll be at the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar.
From about 7 to 10, I will give a short introduction of the film, then give a speech afterwards for about 20 minutes and take about 10 minutes of your questions for Terror Storm at the nice stadium seating, brand new South Austin Alamo Draft House South Lamar Theater.
I will do that next Tuesday, next Wednesday, and next Thursday.
All the showings are at 7 p.m.
And again, all of the other patriots and truth groups in Austin are allowed to promote what they do.
I am not now.
I particularly, I guess because I haven't savaged and attacked local groups and done horrible things on air, because I haven't, because I have been good and true, I am now being punished.
So I need your help out there to help me promote the events coming up the 5th,
6th and 7th of next week and then I leave to go to New York to be there on the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th to come back on the 12th and I'll be doing live call-ins here on the show and then when I get back we're then going to have showings on the 13th and the 14th.
So five showings at the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar.
So, please, go to InfoWars.com and get the tickets there.
Again, I promoted Aaron Russo's event.
I promote all the other events they have here in Austin.
And by some of the very people that I have promoted, I am being blocked from promoting this through the Austin community, being censored.
And that's fine.
We have the listeners of this show alone.
And with the KLBJ Show on Sunday afternoons locally from 4 to 6 p.m.
about to be expanded from 3 to 6 p.m.
and to be syndicated with MS Communications in association with Genesis Communications to get the word out about these events that are coming up on the 5th, 6th, and 7th, and on the 13th and 14th.
And the theater holds about 240 people.
It's their biggest theater.
It's a nice, nice, nice big screen.
And they have food and drinks and all that.
So I hope to see everyone on the 5th, 6th and 7th of next week.
And then on the 13th and 14th.
On the 14th, the last showing, Graham Reynolds will play for about 30 minutes.
Before the film, playing some of the music, the original scores that he produced for the film, Terror Storm.
And we will also then in the next six months or so have more events when we finish the big Bilderberg film that I am producing.
So I certainly hope to see everyone at the events.
uh... that are coming up next week and also don't forget about the KLBJ program from four to six p.m.
and uh... that is on sunday night.
You notice that I am now working seven days a week.
I gotta get my uh... get my oxen out of the ditch here.
Our society is imploding.
Again, they are erasing the borders.
Total amnesty.
They're about to pass it through Congress.
They're openly announcing the draft boards.
They're openly calling for national conscription and saying it's not a draft.
That's like saying a hole in the head is not a hole in the head.
And so I am intensifying fighting the New World Order at every level, and I am very thankful for every affiliate, every sponsor, everyone at Genesis that makes this broadcast possible, and everyone across this country that has kept their eyes on the prize in the fight against the New World Order.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We'll go straight to your calls on the other side of this bridge.
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And then we send it out on the satellites again from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Christine, I was about to go to her first time caller.
She just hung up.
Let's go to John in Texas.
John, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi, Alex.
You know, one thing you and Pat didn't talk about yesterday about this coming Pan American Union is that to the south of us lies Mexico where guns are pretty much banned if you get caught with so much as a couple of .22 shells in your pocket.
You do 10 years in their prisons.
And to the north is Canada, where they have pretty much strict gun control up there.
I was trying to go across the border with the Niagara Falls a few years back, and I had an NRA hat on, and they held me at the border for like 20 minutes.
Well, they're total, they're total, the Canadian people are real nice and friendly, but totally mesmerized and aren't aware of what's going on.
Canada is the worst police state I've ever traveled to, and Canadians aren't even aware of it.
What I'm trying to say is, when this comes about, they're not going to leave us here in the middle with our guns.
They're going to come after us.
I mean, they've got to have uniform all the way across the board, and that means gun ban altogether.
That's what they've said.
The Supreme Court, remember it was in the New York Times, what, three of the nine members are on record in editorials, Ginsburg wrote an article saying, we follow UN and World Court rulings, they are above us.
And they said they're going to use those rulings for the Second Amendment.
People hear bits and pieces of this.
They hear, oh, we're going to pay Social Security to Mexicans in Mexico.
Oh, we got Texas State Police up training the local police in Canada about checkpoints.
Oh, Mexico's going to run a port facility in Kansas City.
They don't understand that what you just said is key.
And all the time I'm thinking about driving in the car, about what I've read, the facets of the SPP, Security, Prosperity, North American Union Partnership,
And that's a key point.
I meant to raise that with Pat.
It was in my notes.
And that's why I love taking calls, because you raised that astutely.
That Mexico has total and complete gun bans and bans on protest.
It's a total police state.
And that we are merging with them.
And that many towns now fly the Mexican flag at their city halls.
You're not allowed to speak English in court proceedings.
El Cenizo, the first city to do it, going back a decade ago.
Now it's, what, seven towns I know of doing it.
I'm sure it's more.
It's been years since I've looked into it.
And yes, that whole culture, that whole system, the Canadians, where they've got all types of things you can't say.
Now again, folks, I believe the Nazis were bad and killed a lot of people, including a bunch of Jews, but if you say that 5,999,000 Jews died,
And not six million.
You are arrested.
You will spend years in prison.
You will be deported to countries, to Austria, to Germany.
And now, an American citizen, five years ago, right before 9-11, a Nazi, who again, I didn't like, but the point is, I agree with his First Amendment, it was in the AP out of Nebraska.
And we ought to pull this article out and find that in the archives, because I remember we covered it a lot, but it didn't get any real national attention.
And this guy wrote a book saying the Holocaust didn't happen.
I forget his name.
He was an American citizen, born in America, born in the U.S.
He was arrested by the FBI and taken to Germany because his books had been sold in Germany and they claimed through treaties he was then guilty.
So you talk about, you know, the Bible says in the end times being taken into captivity in foreign lands.
Well now the neocons have said about me and others
I mean, I'm under attack right now, big time, folks, from many different sides.
The enemy's rising up against me and manipulating and pulling a lot of strings and even influencing people spiritually.
I mean, it's just all over the place.
Now, there have been calls by a lot of national talk show hosts and others that I'm a traitor.
And that I am supporting Al-Qaeda by saying 9-11 is an inside job, that I should be arrested, and that I shouldn't be allowed to say what I'm saying, and now they're beating a drum, I see every day in the news, saw it yesterday, saw it again today, that it is akin to quote,
Denying the Holocaust to say 9-11 is an inside job and that that should be illegal.
So we are Christians, two years ago in Philadelphia, it was in the news, got arrested for praying quietly in a designated free speech zone, and then also preaching, and they were trying to give them 47 years in prison apiece.
And so this is what's happening.
If I could say one more thing.
People need to go back and get the movie Triumph of the Will.
And look at the thousands of people who cheered Adolf Hitler even while he was taking their rights away and throwing them in a concentration camp.
Yeah, I have that film.
It's amazing.
And I think that we're seeing the same thing here.
Not everybody in this country is loyal Americans anymore.
They'd love to have a one world government and they're going to be fighting against us, Alex, and that's why they're coming at you.
Well, that's right.
It's a spirit of evil upon the country and a spirit of jealousy and petulance and just a lot of things that are happening.
I feel the evil rising right now.
I also feel good rising.
For every action there's an equal or greater reaction.
And I feel that you can see it everywhere.
We're at the crossroads right now.
We're at the key point.
We're facing government stage terror.
We're facing implosion of the economy.
We're facing so many central issues.
And that's all I'm thinking about is warning the people and talking to as many people as I can.
And we'll talk to more of you on the other side.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I will be in New York, right out in front of the Millennium Hilton, Ground Zero, starting on September 11th in the morning.
I'm going to be speaking at a big event Sunday.
We've got links to all the details up on Infowars.com.
Hope to see you all there.
Also, again, we need your help promoting my showings of my new film, Terror Storm.
Five showings, that's going to be it, at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar, on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of next week, and the next week on the 13th and the 14th.
If you go to InfoWars.com, you can get tickets right there online.
Link through the Alamo Draft House.
Get them online there.
Every event we've ever had is sold out.
Dallas did sell out, by the way.
It just sold out.
That was incredible.
It just exactly sold out.
I said we'd only sell 700 tickets.
That's what we sold online, but then right at about 100 people showed up at the window wanting to buy tickets and they really could go up to about 800.
So we went ahead and did that.
That was wonderful to see everybody out there in Dallas where they killed Kennedy and where the New World Order, one of their capital cities.
Really exciting.
So, sharing these great events coming up on the 5th, 6th, and 7th, and then on the 13th and the 14th here in Austin, Texas.
We've got a great flyer Ryan Slickheisen put together that's on the page.
You go to InfoWars.com, you click on the top banner that says Austin TerrorStorm Event, and right there on the page is a great black and white flyer you can print off at home or at Kinko's or on your printer.
And please, if you live in Austin or Central Texas, give those to your friends and family, leave them at coffee shops, and help us to promote these events.
It's going to be fantastic.
Alright, we're going to go to all the callers.
Jim, Hartwell, Bruce, Allen, Nick, and others.
We're going to go to Allen first.
He's a first-time caller, but before we do that,
We have this hurricane slamming into, and thank God it's not too strong of a hurricane, but the season is now really getting going.
And we have Ernesto now slamming into the Keys.
And if that will spur you to call and get a Made in America American Big Berkey, the new standard in water purification, what we use here in my office and at home, if a hurricane will spur you to take action and get these, they will rush deliver them to you.
They're getting a lot of call volume right now.
I don't think so.
It's all in it.
They've got special fluoride filters that actually knock out the fluoride, which almost no filter will do.
Even reverse osmosis fluoride is so small it even goes through that in some cases.
So this is a new standard, folks.
Really high quality.
I mean, before they were a sponsor, I was buying these units from them.
And so Debbie Morrow joins us for a few minutes.
Debbie, thanks for coming on.
I know you're busy.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you very much for having me.
We did want to let people know that we're second day airing.
Any systems that people are wanting to the Gulf areas or to any of the areas that, you know, they're concerned about the hurricanes and the weather, we will do second day air.
At no additional cost than the regular shipping charge that we normally charge.
Now what's normal ground on an average unit?
Our normal shipping cost is $18.
And isn't second day like $50?
Yes, well it could be even higher than that.
So basically people are getting like $30 discount.
Do they still get a free sports bottle as a gift?
No, but I'll give them a discount on one if they want.
If they want a sport bottle too,
We'll do a good discount on it.
And that's another water system that doesn't cut all the poisons out, but it cuts out the bacteria that will make you sick.
It reduces the toxins and poisons, but it makes it safe to drink.
600 plus refills on that.
That's right.
And those are normally like $30, but if you buy 5 of them, they're $20 a piece.
And to buy these units at a camping supply store, they're normally about $35.
And they have the biggest elements I've ever seen in one of these units.
Normally the element's about an inch thick.
Your element's like 3 1⁄2 inches thick?
That's right.
That's right.
And they'll go up to 640 refills.
Okay, so it's gone up from 620 or whatever, okay.
Well, yeah, around there.
Now, that's only 120, though, in swamp water.
Ponder Lake water takes up a lot more of the filter.
Because of the sediment issue.
And I've got these all over my house.
My wife uses it when she goes to the gym.
My children, when we go on road trips, because bottled water you can't trust.
I still drink some bottled water.
I'll forget to bring a sports perky.
I shouldn't.
But great deals.
Made in America.
Go to InfoWars.com to order off the Secure Shopping Cart or BerkeyWater.com.
And if you're getting a regular special, tell them what free gift you want or call Debbie at 888-803-4438.
That's 888-803-4438.
Debbie, how much is it to get the fluoride booster filters added?
There it is.
Additional $55.
Again, that's how deadly fluoride is and how small it is.
These filters cut out everything else, but you've got to get an added filter to knock out the fluoride.
That's right.
That's right.
And you have to change them a little more often to the fluoride filters because they do absorb that fluoride.
So, you know, we do recommend that you switch those out a little more often than the regular filters.
Well, people don't wait, because there's more hurricanes and more storms forming, and we've been reprieved so far that it's not being, thank God, as bad as last year, but it could shape up to be.
We hope not.
Give Debbie a call, 888-803-4438, or Berkeywater.com.
Got a big fat banner on their website, OnInfoWars.com, or get it off our own website as well.
We're just giving the orders each day.
Debbie, anything else you need to tell us?
I just wanted to tell you it was great to see you last weekend.
Oh, you came to the Dallas event with Mr. Morrow.
Yes, and you turned him into a believer.
He has listened to everything.
He downloaded everything now.
I mean, he said that you're a very good man.
Well, I try to be.
Some people around Austin don't seem to think so.
Debbie, again, I've met you a few times before at other events, but it was great to meet your husband.
What did you think of the event?
Oh, what did I think of it or him?
Yeah, what did you think?
I loved it!
I loved seeing all the people.
Nobody really knew who I was.
A few people who heard my voice came up and said, you're Debbie!
You know, and it was so neat seeing
All the people and just, you know, like people who are concerned about our freedoms and seeing you up there live is such a, you know, it makes it
More real, you know, than hearing it on the radio.
Sure, I almost didn't recognize you because you changed your hair.
It looks good.
You've also lost weight, Debbie.
I have, I know.
Thank you very much.
When I first saw you, I thought, now I know her, and I went, Debbie?
Yes, yes, yes, and I just had my hair a little redder this time.
You know, I never know what color is going to come out of the bottle.
Hey, thank you for joining us, Debbie.
God bless.
Bless you, too.
Take care.
She's really a sweet lady.
I've known her for years.
Give her a call, 888-803-4438.
Okay, let's go right back to your calls.
Thanks for holding.
Jim in Texas.
Jim, you're on the air.
And then we'll go to Allen.
Jim, welcome.
Hey, Alex.
Listen, I'm in Austin, and the people I know that matter down here, we do like you.
We love you.
You know why?
Because you're helping to keep our families free a little bit longer by what you do.
Well, I don't talk about the things I've been through, and I don't expect people to love me or thank me, and frankly, I don't like it.
What hurts is people that you think are your friends who get so delusional that they do horrible things to you.
It hurts, and they probably get off on that.
The more I assess the psychology, it really hurts.
Well, if you had your preference, you'd rather have people like you than dislike you.
And I can say this, at my house, you're known as Alexander the Great.
Because you're contributing... You're contributing to keeping my family free a little bit longer.
Along with what I'm doing and a lot of other people, you're, uh... That's why you're my hero!
But listen, uh... This North American Union thing has gotten out of control, Alex.
Obviously, they're going for the world government as their endgame, but they have to do it incrementally and gradually by going regional first.
North America and Central Texas or whatever little breakdown of, you know, autonomous... Well, they're doing it militarily, piece by piece.
Oh yeah, economically, militarily.
The ecumenical movement and the religions, it's one world everything.
Just combine everybody into a pot, and that's why tolerance is so important to them.
No matter what they throw in the pot, we have to accept it.
But they don't have to be tolerant.
They can say, we're going to kill you, we're going to take your land.
They can be funded by the big banks and the White House.
Here's an example.
The statesmen.
I talked to people that were there Thursday and Friday and Saturday when the governors were here for their Pan-American Union meeting.
And they had the anarchists out.
I heard grabbing and pushing on people, which has happened to me.
And then if somebody pulls out mace to protect themselves, the news snapshots a picture and says, look how mean these pro-border people are.
Now he wasn't mean, he was serious.
But you know Alex, of course I was down there Thursday, but I was a block south and a block east at the Rust Building filing for governor with my half million pennies.
And you know, you know that I had a bank of six... Alex, you there?
Yes, I'm listening to you.
I had a bank of six TV news cameras
And maybe a dozen reporters and photographers present for the historic occasion, you know, half a million pennies on the floor.
Yeah, this is Jim Dillon, activist par excellence, who got Rick Perry to come on the show one time.
But here's what I told them when they asked me what I would do if I became governor.
Of course, I hit them broadside with, you know, abortion, toll roads, all that.
But I said, before lunch, on day one,
I challenge that sly fox, dog, wolf in sheep's clothing, vicinity fox, I challenge him to meet me in the Rio Grande River, and he will have one choice, to withdraw his invasion army, if he doesn't call off his soldiers, literally, and pull them back into his own country, all 50 million, then I swear to God I'll break his neck and drown him right there in the river, and dare another one to come across, and you know Alex,
Not one TV news show would put that on.
I bet they wouldn't.
Jim, let me just back up.
I want to talk to you for a minute or two here, and then I've got to move on.
I was exhausted Thursday getting ready to go to Dallas, so I didn't go down there because I knew that if I could even get into the press conference, I'd never even get my question out.
But I probably should have in hindsight gone, but I was under the weather.
I hadn't even been on the air the day before.
I had a stomach bug of some type.
But to make a long story short,
This is how the disinformation works.
They have Code Pink out there protesting more border security, making it look like Perry and Schwarzenegger and the rest of them were actually trying to crack down on the border, when in reality, they're calling for the Guest Worker Program and packaging it as border security.
So see how that works?
They have the left come out and protest it to make it look like they're conservative, to fool conservatives, when it's really the American Union, North American Union, that they're setting up.
What did you witness down there?
Oh, it was absolute bedlam.
They even had the sissy, weak-kneed, squeaky-voiced Chris Bell down there later that day.
And, of course, I ambushed his little so-called press conference, too, while I was at it.
But, to tell you the truth, Alex... Tell the people who Chris Bell is who don't know.
That weak-kneed... He's got a weak handshake, too, Alex.
He's the Democratic nominee for governor of Texas.
And, of course,
I believe if he wins as governor, I'm going to shoot myself.
I couldn't stand to live to be even alive as a Texan if he's the governor.
Don't do that.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
I appreciate it, Jim Dillon.
What a character.
Yeah, he'll be on the ballot, folks.
Hartwell in Louisiana, you're on the air.
The one-year anniversary of Katrina right in the next day or so.
And what a disaster it is.
Hartwell, welcome.
David Vitter held a town hall meeting in Abbeville, Louisiana.
I went to it and told him that the Twin Towers were brought down with demolition charges and asked him to investigate the attack.
He told me that I dishonored the people that was killed on 9-11 by saying that the Twin Towers were brought down with demolition charges.
And then you shout back the biggest family victims group,
With Mr. Doyle heading it, believes it's an inside job and the majority of the families do.
That's how you counter that?
Well, I told him that I told him the truth and that the truth never did dishonor anyone.
That's even better.
What else happened?
Well, they had about 200 people there booing me.
Well, they like having FEMA sabotage their power lines and communications, and now evidence is coming out that they blew the levees.
And, you know, the head of emergency management there in the parish sat there for four and a half days while his mama died, while the feds told him he couldn't go save her.
So they like their mamas dying, and they like their city being a cesspit, and they like the feds coming in and buying up and selling off all the land to globalists to build hotels?
Then that's what they like, don't they?
Evidently, I've been talking to these people in Appledale, Louisiana for 12 years, and I've found out how stupid they are, which I expected them to boo me.
But whenever Senator Vitter said what he said, that shocked me.
Well, you're a man of the right, my friend, and they booed our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so they're gonna boo us.
That's what he told us.
They love the shackles, they love the end of this country, they love gun control, they love open borders, they think it's conservative.
Thank you, Alex.
You make me feel a lot better.
Now, God bless you.
Anything else?
That's all.
Thank you.
God bless you.
Take care, my friend.
Let's talk to Allen in Indiana.
Allen, thanks for holding first-time caller.
I forgot about you.
Go ahead.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
I've come to call about the immigration issue and the North American Union.
Yes, sir.
Well, thank you.
Are you aware that during the 1920s and 30s, there was a persecution of Christians
By agents of the New World Order, specifically Freemasons.
Well, fill me in on the specifics.
Well, in 1924, a President, Plutarco Elias Calles, a 33rd degree Freemason of the Scottish Reich... Oh yeah, I knew there was persecution going on all over the world.
I thought you were saying in the U.S.
Sure, yeah.
Yes, in Mexico.
Well, the Freemasons down there
They set up a bunch of anti-clerical laws against Christians, and they actually had an uprising of Christians during those brief ten years.
Now, what I was wondering is, now I agree with you on the issue of immigration.
I'm Hispanic, by the way.
You're on a cordless phone, aren't you?
Get closer to the jack.
Alright, sir?
It's cutting out.
Okay, you're saying you're Hispanic, sir?
Yes, sir.
God bless you.
Haha, thank you.
No, I mean I love Hispanic folks.
I just don't like the government funding the minority of Hispanics that say kill all the whites.
I was wondering if you were well aware of the party that that Freemason set up.
You're talking about the Party of Institutional Revolution?
Yes, the P.R.I.
That's too true, Mr. Jones.
The problem with Mexico is... Well, stay there.
I'm going to let you finish up on the other side, Allen.
Don't hang up.
Your phone's coming in fine now.
I want to talk to Allen in Indiana when we get back.
Then we'll talk to Bruce, Nick, and many others.
Wide open phones in the second hour as well.
And we'll cover a ton of news.
We'll get into the national draft, too, when we get back.
Stay with me.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Yeah, I think.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
We're back live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Let's go back to your calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Allen in Indiana, who was talking about the history of Mexico with us.
Go ahead, sir.
Now, where were we?
You said you had some more points to make about what's going on in Mexico.
The party down there has been, as I already told you, was established by the Freemason Plutarco Elias Calles.
He passed some laws which caused some Christians to lead an uprising against him, and for a while it was successful, but continuing support from Washington D.C.
eventually put down this uprising.
Now, President Woodrow Wilson sent plenty of money and weapons down there during the, I believe it was a post-World War I time period.
I was just wondering if you knew how they pulled this off without many people
Putting it in the history books.
Sure, sure.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Good to have you on board with us.
It's the same thing over and over again.
It's called covert operations, black ops, black world operations.
And most of Latin America has been overthrown multiple times.
And the Mesoamerican cultures, to begin with, were enslaved by their own corrupt, human-sacrificing, blood-drinking, just unbelievably wicked leadership that was down there.
And the Spaniards came in, and as corrupt as they were, it was really a blessing compared to it.
But still, it's always been colonial, it's always been dominated, and they've never had real elections in Mexico.
It's a fraud every time.
And when the people come out and try to protest every few years, it's quietly in our news.
You know, we've had the smoke in the Texas air, the sunsets are so red when they're burning all their fields, and tanks and helicopters are killing people.
I mean, I've seen video of this.
I mean, it's Tiananmen Square times a hundred.
And they will just mow down whole crowds.
You're not allowed to form unions.
They go after you.
They do go after churches that aren't part of the system.
And we have a aristocracy, a plutocracy, an elite group.
Mexico has tripled the resources of the United States, the lower continuous 48.
That's official numbers.
The gold, the oil, the natural gas.
I mean, it's just, it's like South Africa.
I mean, it's so wealthy.
But they are, what, the third poorest country on average in the world.
One of the most corrupt countries.
They have the biggest city in the world.
Half the public living in literal cardboard shantytowns.
30 plus million.
Last time I checked it was 30 million.
They said it was going to be 33 million in the next couple of years.
I guess it's hit 33 million.
The third world population every 18 months is over 100 million new people.
Tens of millions of those in Latin America.
And it is unspeakable.
But they know the people want revolution, they're not allowed to have it in Mexico, so they export it here and refocus all those generations of enslavement and anger.
So the Global Surmaster is refocusing legitimate anger.
And it's focused on what's left of the U.S.
And all these illegals are going to come in, and they're going to go vote for gun control and the rest of it.
So, this is it.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Here in my stack, I have former Secretary of Defense William Cohen on Fox and Friends saying, yeah, we need National Compulsory Service, but not a draft.
Well, National
Compulsory service is a draft.
This is how they're spinning, and I want to get into some of that in this hour.
We can talk about the hurricane, the American Union, any issue you'd like to discuss.
Talk about Pat Buchanan's statements yesterday that Bush will be responsible for next terror attack if borders stay open.
He says war is the health of the state.
Says best-selling author, and that they would, yes, let a terror attack happen.
Well, go one step further, Pat Buchanan.
They made it happen.
They did it.
So, that's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be covering all of it.
We're taking calls in this hour, in the next hour.
We'll have open phones, too.
We've got William Woodward, the University of New Hampshire professor, Ph.D.
from Yale University, psychologist, going public on 9-11, and the neocons are trying to shut him up right now.
So, that is coming up later as well.
Right now, let's go to Christine in Michigan, then we'll go to
We'll go to Bruce and Nick and Mike and everybody else.
Go ahead Christine.
Hi Alex, I've got two questions for you.
One is about the American Union and what was the name of that treaty that Bush signed and when did he sign it?
He signed on to the Security and Prosperity Partnership and word-for-word implemented the Council on Foreign Relations plan put out four months before and in it we're called the North American Union.
It merges our ID cards, our police, our military, gets rid of the internal borders between Canada and Mexico
Well, the U.S.
is in the middle, and puts a continental security force around the geographic borders, starting down in Guatemala.
Okay, because I've got to look that up.
Sure, it turns the major roads into toll roads, and uses that as the taxing system for the North American Union.
Oh, and the next question I had is, my brother-in-law brought over a documentary film this weekend we watched, and it was all about peak oil.
What do you know about that, and is that just
Pure propaganda?
Have you heard of the term artificial scarcity?
That's Teg De Beers with the Oppenheimer family, the world monopoly on diamonds.
They control over 90% of world diamond mining, production, cutting, and then distribution.
Diamonds are actually on a lower scale.
You have highly precious, precious, semi-precious, and non-precious.
Guess on that sliding scale, and my dad in college, part-time, was a gemologist, so he's the one that taught me all about it, but it's mainstream news.
There have been PBS documentaries about it.
Yes, on the sliding scale, where diamonds are listed?
I have no idea.
On the lower end of semi-precious, or even on the higher end of semi-precious.
They lay all over the ground in many areas of Central, Western, and especially Southern Africa.
They lay on the ground in Brazil.
They lay on the ground in, of course, Australia.
We're good to go.
The Dutch Royal Shell, ten years ago, we got the documents, BBC, Red Palace has covered it, but we already knew this, funded the peak oil myth, funded universities to put it out, to claim that we have reached the peak about two years ago of discovered
Oil reserves and that we're now in a decline, hence the increase in prices.
The True Oil Company memos from 1995-96, released in lawsuits in 2001, covered by the Associated Press, show they actually bought up 214 North American refineries, shut them down, all the independents, every single independent, to create an artificial bottleneck there.
They've also invaded Iraq, predominantly over shutting off oil supplies, to then jack up prices.
They were mad at Saddam in 1990 for overproducing and driving down prices.
So they are openly jacking up the prices, and then creating the illusion that it's due to the phony environmental groups to peak oil, claiming now we've all got to pay double and maybe even triple.
We're already paying double for petrochemicals and all their derivatives, including natural gas.
So this is a giant total fraud, creating the illusion of scarcity, similar to IMF oil bank documents released in 2002, about how they take over a country, they shut down the water, and the next week triple the prices.
Thank you for the call.
We'll be right back.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I was digging around during the break, having trouble finding it.
We posted it last Friday.
I haven't really detailed it yet.
It was a transcript of Secretary of Defense, former Secretary of Defense William Cohen on Fox.
And he says, well, you know, I don't know if we're going to need a draft, but we definitely need
National Service.
The National Service Act is what they've all been introducing and promoting, and that is a draft of men and women.
They just don't call it a draft.
It's like they don't call torture, torture.
They call it pressure.
I mean, everything is a spin.
You know, they say, we're going to secure the border, and it's a total blanket amnesty.
It's just, everything is a lie with these people, or a weird, weird, hidden-in-plain-view spin.
So I'm going to get into that.
Right now, we are continuing
With your phone calls, uh, let's, uh, who's up first here?
Bruce in New York, you're on the air, welcome.
Hey, Alex.
It's Bruce in New York calling.
Yes, sir, go ahead.
I've been, uh, listening to your show for about three months now.
Unfortunately, we can't get it on the radio here on Revere Radio Network on the computer, but I've liked your show and I'm, I've learned a lot from you, so thank you very much for the work you're doing.
Sure, what's on your mind?
Well, I've got a couple of things.
First off, I saw you recently in A Scanner Darkly, and I very much enjoyed that.
That was a great film, and it's been very helpful in learning.
I guess I have a question.
Do you ever feel like day-to-day, you're living life in a movie, like a horror film?
Like this can't be reality?
No, that's exactly what my life's like.
And it feels like that for me.
I've been taking notes for the last three months and a couple questions that come up for me is, it feels a little bit like the movie Red Dawn, but that's interesting in itself, but could it be possible that there's a plan or information or things that they know that they're not telling us in regards to DNA changing, global warming, and wanting
Yeah, there's all sorts of bizarre terraforming going on on this planet.
There's admitted huge climate manipulations going on, patented sciences, the leader in all sorts of weird fruitcake stuff.
They're into the occult, and they believe openly that 80-95% of us need to be eliminated.
They write best-selling books and give speeches on it, and they are... I mean, listen, this isn't a horror movie.
We're going to baste most of your meat in live viruses.
We're going to give you live viruses that attack your brain so you don't get addicted to drugs that lobotomize you.
I mean, that's Washington Post.
We're creating American Union.
We're going to put transponders in your cars and tax you to drive down the road.
We're going to have national conscription, but it's not a draft.
We are going to devalue the dollar.
We're surveilling everything that you do.
It's just on and on.
We're going to use DU all over the planet, including 10 now plus proving grounds.
I mentioned 10 proving grounds and I've been sent
Army documents and news reports where they're now using DU at almost every major shooting range in the country that the military uses.
I mean just crazier and crazier and crazier.
With their own manuals say it kills the people that come in contact with it and maims them.
We have a government that could have treated the firemen and police and their own detectors picked up all the asbestos and they just keep it quiet and don't give them treatment.
We have a government
Where 3,000 children plus are missing in Florida grabbed by CPS and no one even debates where they are.
We have a government that takes children and tests pesticides on them and kills them and it's in the New York Daily News.
CPS grabs kids and gives them to pharmacological testing companies and they kill children and it's in the news and no one gets in trouble.
We live just, it is, I am living in an absolute, totally insane system.
But there's movies and there's rock concerts and there's food and there's McDonald's everywhere and the women are all dolled up and the men are all strutting around and sticking their chest out and feeling good.
I mean, I'm starting to babble here.
I don't even... to try to chronicle all the crimes this criminal government admits that they've engaged in, all the lies they've been caught telling us, and that the public isn't running around freaking out in the streets.
I mean, things are so weird.
We should all be in sackcloth, beating our breasts in abject repentance.
Everyone should be totally freaked out.
I mean, this is...
Stuff is crazy enough right now to just be running around in the streets screaming.
I mean, it's, you know, go to the window, stick your head out and tell them you're mad as hell and you're not going to take it anymore, times ten.
But we've been slowly basted in this until it's gotten so bizarre.
I mean, it's admitted that sodium and stannous fluoride are totally deadly and toxic sedatives, official documents.
It's admitted it's brain damaging everyone.
It's admitted it's everywhere being sprayed now.
They're authorizing it to be sprayed on the fruits and vegetables.
It's just total insanity, total craziness, radiating most of the meat now, rotten bacteria all over them, spring viruses on it, you know, cancer viruses in the vaccines, mercury in the vaccines, the news saying mercury's nutritious.
I mean, it's all just totally nuts!
Meanwhile, there's all this beauty around us, the sun, the stars, the clouds, the mountains, the lakes, the fish, the birds, our wonderful children, our wives, our husbands, the love, the goodness, the passion.
But you've got all these good people,
Then you've got the decadent folks out there who are the majority, but we're still just not aware and not seeing what's all around us.
We're a totally passive...
Spectator population.
Every week I see articles where a cop gets hit by a car and bleeds to death in the street.
It's happened here in Austin.
Or a woman's half-beaten to death and raped naked on a Toronto sidewalk and nobody helps her for three hours.
Or people choke to death in restaurants and no one helps them.
Everybody just sits there going, Dial 9-1-1!
Dial 9-1-1!
We've just been turned into zombies, sir!
Go ahead!
Well, there is some glimmer of hope, Alex.
It's not all dire.
And there's some really good people, including yourself, out there that are making a difference.
Last week I came from Mohegan Sun in Connecticut.
The casinos there, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, had an incredible concert.
And I don't know if you've heard about their tour, but they've been touring Canada and the United States.
And their music is getting the message out.
You're getting the message out.
You know, more and more people
Well, I know that you're right, and I appreciate your call, sir.
God bless you.
They have also, though, bought off the churches, bought off the neocons,
And they've got most of the churches telling people, good, things are getting bad.
It means Jesus is coming.
Let it get worse.
Help it get worse.
Don't warn anyone.
We need to make the income.
This is the doctrine of devils.
Regardless of what you believe, we have a responsibility to as watchmen to warn the people when the enemy comes in.
We have a responsibility to help widows and orphans.
We have a responsibility to help people.
We have a responsibility to stand up for the weak.
We have a responsibility, and there's even no chance of winning, to stand up and fight.
But how many times did God give cities a 10-year reprieve, a 100-year reprieve?
It didn't all end like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Look at Nineveh.
And we need to warn people.
We need to wake people up.
That is our job.
And the biggest thing we've got working against us isn't just Fox TV and all its decadence and the media and the culture.
It's these churches.
And, you know, if you can't find a good church, you need to start one, because that's where a lot of the leadership begins.
And we've got too many people in the patriot movement, the truth movement, who are trying to be part of a popularity contest.
They are trying to dominate.
That's why they don't get listeners.
That's why they don't dominate.
Because the people see instinctively, those that are in the truth movement, they see right through it.
I mean, we've got people attacking Professor Stephen Jones.
I think it's shameful.
And we've got people behind the scenes doing that.
We've got people trying to sow dissension in our ranks.
And we've got people who can't even discern who the good patriots are.
I mean it's pretty obvious the bad ones are the ones that constantly are attacking everyone.
And of course they all get rewarded and held up and supported by scum, but not by the general public.
So I just say ignore all that.
Keep moving forward.
It's all in God's plan.
And know those that stand against us.
Know those that resist what we're doing.
Know those that are hurting the weak and the innocent.
The universe turns against them.
That's God's plan.
And it's real, folks.
People that do bad things are, number one, miserable.
They're unhappy because you're not designed to be this way.
You're not designed to be wicked.
You're not designed to be in this fallen state, and when you try to get away from it, you're a lot happier.
I mean, I'm very happy in my day-to-day life.
I'm also very sad, because I do see pretty clearly what's going on, and it's up in this system.
That's why I work so hard, because I know we can affect change.
I have had victory after victory thanks to you helping me, and thanks to myself helping you out there.
All this broadcast has ever tried to do
It should be a platform to promote people, a platform to hold up others, a platform to support those that have a good spirit, that are trying to wake up others, that have the right attitude, that are doing a good job.
So many times, though, I've been approached by so-called patriots who will bulge their eyes out at me, and they probably don't even know they're doing it, and who will demand things of me, and I will not ever give in to things like that, people demanding I do this, demanding I do that.
But again, they can't hold us back.
They're not going to be able to hold back this movement and what we're doing in this fight against the New World Order.
And I want people to know that they can lie to themselves, they can delude themselves, corrupt police, corrupt government officials, people in the system, corporations that feed off this.
You're not going to be happy until you start doing right.
You're not going to be happy until you start standing up against tyranny.
You're not going to really start living until you're ready to die.
And I love life more than anybody I know.
I live it with gusto.
I love it.
I enjoy it.
I see beauty all around me.
I love art.
I love music.
I love people.
I love beauty.
I love decency.
I love honor.
And I hate the fact that I have to focus on the evil.
I have to expose it.
But to protect the good, I've got to focus on the evil, and I've got to route it out, and I've got to stand up against it.
And I don't ever ask you for your praise.
I don't even really ask a lot of you for your support.
I don't do like the rest of a lot of people do, sitting there begging for money 24-7, and sitting there squeezing widows, and sitting there doing what other people do in the truth movement, even though I know they need funding.
I try to have a higher standard.
And many times I see that higher standard being attacked and a lot of people don't like that.
They don't like it because they don't like the wrong they're doing being pointed out.
Well, it needs to be pointed out.
You know, we're up front, folks.
I make an $85,000 film and put it out for free on Google Video.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, I will cover the draft in the next segment.
And I'd like to take your calls on the subject.
But right now, let's talk to Mike in Chicago, then Nick, Ed, and others.
Welcome, Mike.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
It's been a long time since I called.
I figured I'd give you a buzz.
From time to time,
I do some research here and there, and I was on the National Security Archives at George Washington University this morning looking for Operation Northwood.
They have pulled it.
Do they have a note why they pulled it?
No, they don't even reference it.
They reference it in other documents, but they don't remember how it had its own page, and there was just one link for it, and you could click on it and go right there.
It's gone.
It's very suspicious.
People should bombard them with emails and say, why don't you repost it?
It's an official document.
That's why I'm calling you.
Because I've got the head of the Cuban Missile Crisis Department for the National Security Archive at George Washington University's personal email address.
That I got from the woman on the phone.
The National Security Archive at George Washington University has a phone number.
Well, I guess our minds work alike.
Have you talked to them yet?
No, I have not.
I figured I'd call in and let the voice of the masses dictate their actions.
Well, there are thousands of sites that have saved it and put it up, and it's been in ABC News and the Baltimore... I've got copies of it in PDF myself because I expect things like this, just like you see important news articles disappear within hours of being posted.
Well, ABC News, after three years, took it off their site, but didn't take other news off.
By the way, it's not a retraction.
You know, the best-selling book, James Bamford, Body Secrets, they
I mean, he's got it.
It's admitted it's real.
They don't deny it.
It's just disappearing here and there so that when people go find it, they go, oh, I saw that on Infowars.com.
It ain't real.
That's why I wanted to get the message out and give people the contact information to get a hold of these guys.
They're reputable.
It's important that they keep it posted so it isn't a, well, you saw it on XYZ site and blah, I don't want to believe it.
Well, you know what happened?
In making terror storms, CIA.gov had the after-action reports and all these documents where they admitted they staged terror attacks.
And within a week of me announcing I'd found these and talking about them, they just killed most of the links.
They didn't take the main stories down.
And then now they've been taking it all down.
Now I'm getting the emails, well I went to CIA.gov and it's not there!
See, so they're busy running around pulling all this.
Okay, the contact information that I have for the National Security Archive at George Washington University is as follows.
I have a phone number of 202-994-7000.
I have an email address for the archive itself as n-s-a-r-c-h-i-v-e-t-g-w-u-dot-e-d-u, and the head of the Cuban Missile Crisis Department at the National Security Archives at George Washington University is peter, p-e-t-e-r-dot-cornblue, k-o-r-n-b-l-u-h, at gmail.com.
I wonder why Peter Cornblue or one of their people would take that down.
Gosh, I can't imagine.
Is it a dead link, or does it go somewhere else?
No, it's gone.
It doesn't even show up.
They show other documents that reference it, but they don't actually show the document itself.
It's gone.
I don't know about this particular case, but I'm sure you've read, it's been in the mainstream news, that Bush is trying to reclassify millions of documents.
Yes, I heard that.
Yeah, two years ago they started classifying public documents, and now claiming you have classified stuff if it was already public.
The other thing that I wanted to say and then I'll let you go because I know it gets kind of windy and people don't get a chance to get on.
Part of the reason why most Americans aren't getting worked up about the North American Union and it really left me perplexed when I was in school.
Is we got mock UN.
We didn't get mock US.
We didn't follow our own governmental systems.
We didn't learn how our own society functions.
That's right.
Model UN.
We learned the New World Order version.
Yeah, let me just add something to that.
All the best schools, public schools and private now, you don't get in a US history or mock Constitution, mock Congress.
It's model United Nations.
And that's what they're ingraining our kids with.
That's why people aren't getting worked up about this.
Ask your kids.
Everybody who's out there right now that has kids in high school.
Ask them about Mock UN.
They'll know exactly what you're talking about.
They don't get any background.
On how or why or what methods it took to get to where we are as a nation, we talk about where we're going into the future, and not really why.
And America's the past and world government's the future, and then you'll say, well we need world government.
Okay, let's say we do, which I don't agree with, but our point is, if you look at the world government they're building, it's totally tyrannical!
So there's no debating it!
Every morning I wake up and a little bit of me dies, and at some point in time I'm going to wake up and realize that
The lie that I'm living on my own by saying that everything's going to be fine again tomorrow, once I get to the point that I'm willing to accept that I'm going to be microchipped, my kids will be microchipped, if I don't stand up and say something, if we all don't stand up and say something, that's what we're facing.
And everybody has to accept that.
They're openly discussing it.
It's not a theory.
We've got congressmen talking to Supreme Court justices.
This isn't theory, folks.
This is reality.
This is the army saying they are going to forcibly put one in our brain.
Thank you.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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And ask for George.
I don't think.
And then the man steps right up to the microphone.
And says at last, just as the time bell rings.
Good night!
Now it's time to go home.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
Open the phones for the rest of this hour.
We've got a great professor exposing 9-11 with great courage, very valiant.
He's under massive attack coming up.
In the third hour, and we'll also open phones then as well.
Alright, let me get into the draft and then I will go to Ronnie and Ed and Mark and Marie and everybody else that is patiently holding the toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
A lot of great callers today, but I am going to have to cut everybody a little bit short so we have time to get to everybody.
It is a Catch-22.
Life itself is a Catch-22.
Before I go back to the news, you know, my new film, Terror Storm, is out.
And it's not hype when I say that it's the best and most powerful and most professionally and most hard-hitting film I've ever made.
And it's 1995, it's three hours long with the extras, a little over three hours, 66 minutes of extras from the 9-11 neocon agenda out in L.A.
The film itself is 113 minutes long, covers 7-7, covers the Madrid bombing, covers the latest info on 9-11, the history of government-sponsored terror.
This is the film!
And if you haven't gotten it, please go to InfoWars.com and order Terror Storm today.
That's super high quality DVD.
It's just amazing.
I'm really proud of the work that my crew did and the work we put into this.
This is a labor of love, blood, sweat, and tears, literally.
Please, we've got discounts where you can get it as low as, what, $10 when you get multiple copies.
Give them as gifts.
Friends and family are more apt to watch a video when it's in a nice color package with a nice, you know,
Artwork on top of the DVD itself affixed to it.
Burned into it.
And please get it and please put it in your DVD burner.
Please put it in your computer.
Please put it, hook it up to a VHS machine.
Please make copies.
It's having such a huge effect.
We want to really push this film over the edge and ensure that it gets out to the people.
We put it up for PrisonPlanet.tv members in what, three or four different formats.
We have it in ultra-high quality format.
I mean, I was looking at them in code this thing and you really can't even tell it's for the internet.
You've got to have a good cable modem or a T1 to watch it in that quality.
If you've got a bad T1, you can watch it in the medium quality.
Or not a bad T1, a bad cable modem.
Or if you've got dial-up, you can watch.
Still, it's pretty good encoding for dial-up users that are PrisonPlanet.tv members.
You get all of my documentary films.
Before they're even released, you get my weekly TV reports, you get all the specials, you get the entire 9-11 Neocon Symposium, my book, Paul Watson's book, for 15 cents a day, $5.95 a month, get three months free when you get a yearly subscription, and that makes this broadcast possible and the webmasters and the expansions we're going through right now, really at this key juncture to fight the new world order.
We're putting everything back in to really try to bring them to their knees, to give them a run for their money.
It's about life and death around here, boys and girls.
I'm not going to lie to you.
We know the score.
We know what we're going up against.
We're not under any delusions here.
We know what we're doing.
It's a mission.
And we ask you to join us in this mission.
We ask you all to join us in this fight and don't count on others to do it.
Please get the DVD and please make copies.
And people sent me a few emails saying, hey, I'm a PrisonPlanet.tv member.
What are you doing?
Uploading TerrorStorm to Google for free when we're paying for it.
Well, let me just talk to those minority of listeners.
Most understand why we do this.
And sure, if I end up not making as much money, that's fine.
That's not the goal here.
As long as we make enough to fight the New World Order, that's what it's for.
This stuff means nothing.
Money is actually a burden.
Things and possessions are actually a burden.
At a certain point, you need enough to be comfortable and be secure, but after that, it's just a hassle, folks.
You see, this is how people used to be in this country when we were great.
We've turned into these people who just want more and more baubles and trinkets and symbols and jewelry and all the rest of it.
You get the best quality, you won't get anywhere else by being a PrisonPlanet.tv member.
You get my books, everything, it's just all there.
You get things that aren't uploaded on Google.
But we do take a lot of stuff now and ourselves upload it, which takes hours and hours, by the way, of money.
I'm paying my employees and all the rest of it.
Because I always promised you, hey, we can't give stuff out for free because we don't have the bandwidth.
We can't afford the bandwidth.
I mean, I've had months, years ago, where I would give out a bunch of videos free and I was getting five, six, seven, eight thousand dollar bills.
Even bigger some months.
And that's a big bulk discount bandwidth.
And I just, I always told you if there was a way to give it out free, we would.
Well, you can with Google Video now, boys and girls, so we did it!
We did it!
And, uh...
So it's important to still be members of presentplanet.tv because then you get even higher quality bandwidth and you get stuff that isn't on Google Video and you support us.
That's what it's all about.
People say, well, if I can get some of this stuff on Google Video, why should I?
That's not even the point.
We're in a fight about survival here.
But listeners, before we were even able to upload it, went and grabbed a bad copy of it, and I appreciate them doing it, but still it's kind of a problem.
And uploaded an earlier version in low bandwidth up there on Google Video, and it's the one now that millions of people are watching, and it's up at the top, and then there's several copies that others uploaded, and then there's a copy we uploaded.
I think ours is called Deluxe High Bandwidth High Quality, and the other one's called High Quality.
You type TerraStorm into Google, and you find those links, but we've made it easy on JonesReport.com right now, and we're going to put it on Infowars.com.
I know it's on Rents.com.
We have the super high quality version,
Up there for free, the version that's the best for you, so you don't have to look around for it.
Please get it, email it out to everybody you know, give it to everybody you know, and ensure that it gets out to the people.
I mean, I've put my whole life on the line to do this, and we're doing this for a reason, and we're doing this to win.
So go on message boards, ABC News, CNN,
The Comedy Central's report, all those different huge message boards, MySpace, everywhere.
Help us get TerrorStorm out to everyone.
We've made it.
We've put it out for free.
If you want the high quality DVD, buy it from us.
But frankly, I don't even care at this point.
It's all about getting it out to people.
And obviously, even with the best video on the web, it's light years better when you get a DVD and then you can burn copies from that.
So please call toll free to get the DVD.
1-888-253-3139, 888-253-3139, or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And also, all of you listening are AM and FM affiliates.
Do you realize how precious that is?
What army officer, what government official, what engineer, what scientist, what insider is going to be listening to us in Kansas City, or Knoxville, Tennessee area, or here in Austin, Texas, though at least weekdays you might not be hearing soon.
Every person that we're able to reach, how important that is.
I mean, you can stop at a red light and tell people, hey, tune in to the upstate New York stations or tune in to the Southern California stations or tune in to us up in Illinois or Ohio.
Tune in and put bumper stickers on your car and go on the local message boards and write letters to the editor.
And if you've got a local business, sponsor the show.
Support those stations.
Support the people that are heroes and have courage.
I mean, stations that carry this show should be inundated with support.
Don't just support us here.
And support the Genesis Network.
That I'm really proud of.
It's got, you know, a lot of great Patriot broadcasts.
They've put on some other broadcasts the last few years.
They're trying to move away from those, you know, liberal or neocon type shows, a few they added.
Under a previous program director.
And we're trying to get all the best Patriot programs back on.
They're going to launch a whole other third tier of the network.
And there isn't A, B, or C. You know, it's not like third string.
It's a third network that is going to, so we can add all the Patriot programming in.
And so also support the GCN radio network.
Okay, I'm done with that.
I just wanted to thank our affiliates, our sponsors, Cal Bend Pure Soap,
British Berkey, Midas Resources, American Berkey, all of it.
Let me get into the draft, and then we'll go to your calls.
Here's the story out of News Hounds, and Republican guests suggest implementing universal service to put us on a war footing.
William Cohen, Secretary of Defense under Clinton, said, I'm not sure there'll be a draft.
Listen to this double speak.
This is real twisting.
I'm not sure there'll be a draft.
I think there should be a commitment to universal service.
I think that only a few people are really committed to this war against terrorism and called.
I think the American people have to understand that we're all in this together.
We ought to have a real call to national service to commit ourselves to some form of public service.
Now, see, that's how they're broaching.
And if you read the two different bills that have been introduced in every session of Congress for the last, I keep saying three years, it's really three and a half years now, they've been introducing this since the Iraq War started.
Democrat and Republican versions.
We've had Republican and Democratic congressmen on here.
Rangel was one.
Who was that Republican I had on?
I forget his name now.
Some lesser known.
It'll pop in my head in a minute.
And they go, well, it's not a draft, it's universal service.
It's the Universal Service Act.
It's one of the bills.
And it says that about 40% of you will serve domestically, and it says in warrant service.
You go, wait a minute, that isn't in the bill.
It says programs like SecureCorps and AmeriCorps.
And you go read what SecureCorps set up, it's been in the Philadelphia Daily News, then the Associated Press, where they're already training high schoolers that have volunteered for this, in warrant service and fugitive apprehension and checkpoint assistance, DWI.
We're talking Nazis on the street.
We're talking Soviet Union.
I mean, this is a draft so bad it's never before been seen in the U.S.
This is domestic tattletale squads, 40%.
So if you're a little minion or a congressman's son or daughter, you're going to get to be a little brown shirt.
They'll probably even wear armbands.
I mean, they're following every other fascist system or communist system.
And for 50 plus percent of us, it means foreign deployment.
That's been in the Houston Chronicle as well.
The Pentagon has said, yeah, we may have a draft for skilled scientists, engineers, embalmers, morticians, so many different groups, so many people, construction workers, just you name it, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, and they were racing ahead with this, and Clinton in 1999 funded a congressional study, ordered a study that said we need a draft,
The Pentagon, two years ago, set up the draft boards again.
People have interviewed the draft board members.
We have.
They've got them set up and ready.
They've got the draft board appeal boards, which they're setting up even more of already.
That hasn't happened since the end of Vietnam, by the way, in the mid-1970s.
So it's here.
And there's a lot of denial going on.
And by the way, in the different legislation, it's 18 to 42, 18 to 44, and 18 to 49.
And there's already a draft, several drafts.
They've already been calling back people 65 years old.
In one case in Tennessee, the 65-year-old had cancer, but they ordered him to be called up.
People who already served didn't read in the fine print they could be called back any time.
And then the courts have ruled that even in cases where it isn't in the contract, because the contract's changed, that they're ordering people back up, Marines and Army, for their fourth tours.
Families complain, and then the soldiers complain, and then they're called traitors by neocons.
Even in the Vietnam World War II, you had to serve one tour.
It destroys men to do this.
Now it's going to be women as well.
So that's what's happening there.
Let's go ahead now and go to your calls.
So after the next big terror attack, look for that too.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ronnie in St.
Louis, Missouri.
You're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
This is Lonnie.
Okay, Lonnie, not Ronnie.
Go ahead.
Right, that's all right.
It's a pleasure to talk to you after all these years I've been listening to you.
Thank you, sir.
You're welcome.
The reason why I'm calling is that, see, where I live in St.
Louis, I live about a mile from the airport, and I'm really worried that, because I live in a major city, that one,
The attack might happen here.
I know I shouldn't worry about that, but I do.
But I live in a major city, and I'm by an airport.
And two, the North American Union that they have going on, these toll roads that they're trying to build up here in Missouri, they're trying to do it through Illinois and St.
Louis, and they're fighting with it, and it's coming to fruition, what you're talking about.
Those are all North American Union taxing mechanisms.
As I told you five years ago, it is now in the official agreements.
Yeah, I mean... See, people separate the transponder toll roads on existing roads with the North American Union, with the Transnext, uh, Texas Corridor, with the Transnafta Highway, uh, with the Guest Worker Program total amnesty.
They, they think it's all separate.
It is the American Union.
It's here.
Yeah, it is.
And I've been reading some documents online about how they want to try to get it started by 2010 or something like that.
Yeah, that's the official CFR.
And look, that's all smoke and mirrors.
Look, first they say it doesn't exist.
Then once they have to announce it, they say, but it's in four or five years.
Let me explain something.
Even Jerome Corsi can't get this, okay?
They are building the NAFTA I-35 Superhighway for two years east of Austin.
That's what it is, the interchanges for it, the major Central Texas hub.
All of these highway projects, and it's in the documents to fund highways in Mexico, the leg, with our tax money.
And that's why 97% of people in Texas are against it, only knowing about a little bit of it.
And the government just says, it's a done deal.
And then Rick Perry says, you can't even see the text documents and agreements with the Spanish company Sentra.
The legislature was told it's quote, classified.
Highways are now classified from our elected representatives!
Yeah, no, it's amazing to me because, and I also read
It's just everything that you talk about, you have factual documentation to back up, and it comes to fruition, and people are not paying attention before you know it.
And let me tell you what's going to come to fruition.
You're going to wake up when they nerve gas your released biological weapons that are going to kill most of us, and they're going to...CPS is going to get worse and worse grabbing your children, and they're going to make you take more and more vaccines, and it's just going to get worse and worse.
Yeah, I know.
Every time, because I live so close to the airport here in St.
Louis, every time they have one of those fake terror alerts, you ought to see the security they put out there for nothing.
They waste money.
And everything else.
But that creates the illusion of a real threat, it trains people to go under federal control, and it creates fear.
Go ahead, I'm about to break.
Go ahead and finish up.
No, do you really honestly think in the next couple months, because if so I need to get some food and water set up, not that it would do any good, do you really honestly think there's going to be a major terror attack?
Do you think I would get on air and say that if I didn't believe it?
No sir, I just, it worries me.
How long have you been listening?
Let me ask you a question.
I've been listening now for about five years like I woke up.
And I bought a shortwave radio and came on to you and I've been woken up.
Okay, were you listening before or after 9-11?
Uh, right around that time.
How many predictions, I mean, where I say I think it's going to happen, have you heard?
About 99.9%.
Yeah, but I mean, those are just probable announcements.
I mean, I've only made one prediction before, and exactly what I said happened.
So I just want you to know, sir, that yes, I wouldn't say that unless I thought it was going to happen.
I appreciate your call.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
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We're going to nick and add right now, but we're going to do other colors in the next hour, but let me just make this clear.
When I made the prediction of 9-11 and said the Globals would probably attack the World Trade Centers and blame it on their asset Bin Laden, and I said in the next few months, it was hundreds of different indicators that brought me to that point, and I was saying we could stop it then.
So people missed the other part of the equation.
If we get the word out now,
About government-sponsored terror.
And how it's a prime time for the globals to carry out an attack, and the government is running around saying we're about to be hit for sure, and we know that it's criminal elements of the government staging attacks, then we could back them off.
You know, I can't figure out if this was a staged retreat with Hezbollah, and now they can have the headlines that Hezbollah won, and then there's another terror attack, and now we're going back in to win.
I don't know if that's the case, or I don't know if Israel and the U.S.
really were backed off.
You know there's big pressure against them going into Iran, but they're making all the preparations.
We've just got to make our best attempt to stop this.
So we could stop them from carrying out the attack.
I'm just saying I see all the same indicators again.
I can't hone it down to where they'll attack or who they'll exactly blame it on, though it'll probably be Iran.
I can't give you as specific as I did five plus years ago.
But we're here at the crossroads.
We're here at the crossroads right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Nick in New York.
Thanks for holding, Nick.
Yes, sir.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I want to thank you personally for your hard work and research, because not only did you help me wake up to the truth of the New World Order and the 9-11 inside job, but I have used your videos and websites to help my friends realize what's going on in the world, and I'm proud to say that I converted a lot of them into full believers
And they no longer fall for the propaganda machine that the media spit out.
Well, I want to thank you for what you're doing, sir.
Yeah, in fact, whenever I go out, me and two of my friends, we make it a habit of speaking to people about 9-11.
You know, we strike up just random conversations with people on the streets of New York, and a lot of cab drivers as well, and a lot of people agree that there is something wrong.
Which is what human beings are supposed to do.
We're meant to be talking to each other.
Exactly, and I just wanted to thank you for not only the information you provide, but the courage you show and get the others to go do the right thing and get involved and get educated.
The reason I'm calling you today is that I wanted to ask you, I live in New York, I live on Wall Street actually, and I'm going to be attending the 9-11 Troop Weekend that's coming up.
What I want to know is, when are you presenting, speaking?
What is the plan that you have?
Well, these things always go late, but I'm scheduled to be speaking Sunday night at 7 o'clock.
You can go to loosechange911.com.
They've got the full itinerary posted.
I think we've got it posted too, but I'm going to have Ryan post that on the main page right now.
Yeah, because I haven't been able to find it.
We're going to get that up for you.
No, there where it's easier to find it.
I just gave you a place where you can find it all.
And then I had the New York 9-11 Truth People on yesterday.
I forget their website.
We had a link to it yesterday and that's got the itinerary.
Okay, great.
And my final question is this.
Do you think that the aftermath of the next terror strike will be the final move into full open martial law?
It may be.
Definitely, if we don't expose them, it'll be that move.
If we expose them, it'll be another baby step or more baby steps towards just trying to manage things.
What do you expect is going to be the consequences for the 9-11 Truth Movement, for activism, for free speech?
What's going to happen?
If they arrest or gun people like myself down on the streets, if you all go into hiding and become cowardly, they're going to win.
If you go out on the streets publicly, berserk, with flyers and information and calling in everywhere and going crazy and saying you can't get us all, then they will fold and they would have overreached and it will destroy them.
But if we cower in fear, and all their operatives will come out at once, and they'll claim that it was a drug deal or something, and I deserved it, or other truth leaders, they'll probably whack a few of us to scare everybody right off the bat.
All their disinfo people will reveal themselves at that point.
If we use that to go against them, we're going to win.
We'll be right back.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in the next segment, Professor 9-1-1 Theory's Outrage New Hampshire leaders, William Woodward,
Alex, I live out in the country and for a couple months now I've been handing out leaflets and talking to people about NAIS.
And last week my girlfriend, she got her number.
She owns a small pet store and they sent her a number and that's the retail business now being attacked.
And she contacted the other pet stores and they're getting a lawyer and they're going to fight it.
Now to understand folks, they have the National Animal Identification System
Every chicken, every parakeet, every animal you've got has to be tagged.
Thousands of dollars of fines if it isn't.
A whole new federal bureaucracy to descend on your property.
Thousand dollar a day fines that you don't report a dead calf or a dead chicken instantly.
Total control written publicly by the big agribusinesses to run out all the small farms and ranches that were holding on by their fingertips.
And yes, now they're
They're going to be trying to make dog and cat owners, they're going to try to make the, again, just through color of law, all of the veterinarians will have to enforce this, which is indentured servitude.
Tell us about it.
Well, she, they have in her basement, she has like hundreds of mice and rats that they raise and they sell to people who have snakes.
And a couple of years ago, the government came in and said they wanted, every time they sold a 50 cent mouse, they wanted them to take down the name
Well, I know that Texas passed the federal accommodating state version.
I know a few others had.
They're trying to pass them on all 50 right now, but this is it.
Folks, you want slavery?
You're going to get it.
I had a few weeks ago, I was on KLBJ, my Sunday show from 4 to 6, here locally, News Radio 590, and I was talking about Animal ID and a lady called in and she said, I'm a fan of your show, but I work for
The State Agriculture Department.
And yeah, we're training the vets and every animal is going to have to be tagged.
And it's good to keep us safe.
And I said, lady, that will run everybody out of business.
It's total control.
And she just said, well, that's the way it is.
She couldn't understand.
But they're not going to tag all the stuff coming in from Mexico.
Again, it's meant to drive us out of business.
She has a hard time staying in business as it is.
I know.
It's all about consolidation.
Only the biggest pet stores.
It's all computerized.
Only the biggest farms and ranches can compete.
This is about consolidation.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Thank you, I appreciate your call.
I mean, with the new national sales tax they're pushing, that's coming in a few years, total control, along with the income tax they're going to keep, they've got fake neocons pushing it, fake conservatives.
You've got the national ID card, they'll swipe whenever you purchase something.
You'll have to have, I mean, it's just control and tracking at every level.
Every major state has federal funding with the license plate scanning cameras.
You've got the NAFTA highways and the corridors.
Almost every major interstate highway and state road in the country.
Transponders, tracking and taxing.
The minute you speed from reader to reader, you'll be sent a ticket.
And for your average speed, you will be
It just goes on and on.
I mean, I can't even begin to tell you all the official things.
They're using all your cell phones now to quote, track your traffic patterns.
Of course, then they're now announcing it'll also be law enforcement.
Total Big Brother, worse than 1984, with wide open borders.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, there's moves all over the country, from Brigham Young University to what's happening up in Wisconsin with Kevin Barrett, to silence, to fire, to shut up academic freedom.
And here's a story out of MSNBC, originally published in the Union Leader,
Professor's 9-11 theories outrage New Hampshire leaders.
A tenured professor of psychology at the University of New Hampshire believes an elite group within the federal government orchestrated the September 11th attacks on America.
William Woodward has already raised the possibility in his classroom and later this year hopes to teach a class that would expose and explore September 11th in psychological terms, terms like belief, conspiracy, fear, truth, conspiracy, courage, group dynamics.
He may not get that chance.
Several state leaders yesterday criticized Woodward for bringing the radical theories into the classroom.
Quote, in my view, there are limitations of academic freedom and freedom of speech, said U.S.
Senator Judd Gregg.
Judd Gregg, Republican, New Hampshire.
So there's limits to free speech, huh?
And then they go on down here with State Senator Jack Barnes, Republican, on a Raymond.
And said, quote, he's embarrassed that the professor works at his alma mater.
Quote, I compare this guy with the idiots out there who say the Holocaust never occurred, Barnes said.
So see, there's the implication of being a Nazi.
And I've been attacked by national talk show hosts and publications saying the same thing.
That I should be arrested as a traitor, that it should be illegal, that I should be shot.
This is openly being said, and that it's like saying the Holocaust didn't happen.
Number one, this is not like saying the Holocaust didn't happen.
Number two, I agree that Hitler was bad and killed a bunch of people, and killed a bunch of Jews, but if somebody wants to say that Hitler was a nice guy and didn't, that's their right to be an idiot!
Because if you take their right, folks, we lose our rights, and Canada and Germany and England have now done this.
And it goes on that the New Hampshire Senate President, Ted
I guess it's Gaddis' said, I would think the Board of Trustees and the acting president of UNH would take a long, hard look at someone who advocates that kind of nonsense.
And then there's other calls here.
Woodward, an acknowledged member of the several left-wing political action groups, belongs to the Scholars for 9-11 Truth.
And it goes on.
The group contends that pods attached to the jetliners actually steered planes into the Twin Towers and explosives planted inside the buildings were then set off.
No, that is not what is contended by the group.
Some people have contended that there were weird attachments to the planes.
I haven't really gone there.
We discussed it four years ago and I think the media always focuses on what they want to debate.
They always want to focus on this.
Not bombs in the buildings, not CIA insider trading, not public officials warned not to fly,
Not, uh, been a lot of being known CIA, not NORAD standing down, not the CIA drills, not the PNAC documents, not all, you know, all of this, or all the other lies, or Operation Ajax declassified U.S.
government terror they carried out, or Operation Northwoods, the official U.S.
government plan to carry out 9-11 style attacks and attack U.S.
cities to blame it on foreign enemies.
No, no, no, no.
In fact, I had the BBC, and I'm going to our guest here right now, in a moment.
I, uh, had the BBC here in town, uh, following me around for two days, interviewing me,
And every time I talk about Northwoods, they turn the camera off and say, we don't want to talk about that.
And I said to the guys, you're not going to put that in there.
Nothing real is going in there.
Nothing real.
And this is how they do it.
They will not address us on serious issues.
And they do this over and over again.
So, William Woodward, we appreciate you joining us.
Woodward earned his Ph.D.
at Yale University in 1975.
His research focused on psychology in relation to other disciplines.
He has a long-standing interest in scientific biography of men and women in psychology, i.e., how their research, theoretical development, professional and private lives came together.
We're good to go.
At the sophomore level and psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and gestalt social psychology at the senior level.
He also teaches case studies and environmental psychology of the seacoast of New Hampshire during the 1980s.
He spearheaded summer institutes in East Germany and edited a book on science studies there.
He occasionally teaches a course on psychology and race and has mentored undergraduate papers involving the history of counseling and mental health amongst minorities.
And it goes on and on.
Professor, thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you, Alex.
It's a pleasure to be here.
You bet.
Tell us, when you woke up to 9-11, what your main views are on the attacks and being an inside job, and then what you're going through right now with the fascist agenda to shut up free speech in this country.
Well, I guess I woke up when I watched it happen on TV on September 11, 2001.
I knew that something was rotten in the state of Denmark, because that was a very high-tech performance, and I doubted that people without our high technology could have pulled it off.
And, of course, I knew about the history of our involvement
in false flag operations such as the Gulf of Tonkin where we were drawn into the Vietnam War.
I'm a former Peace Corps volunteer who came very close to having to risk my life in Vietnam and of course that left a scar, the notion of risking your life for a false reason.
You want me to keep talking here?
Yes, continue, you've got the floor.
In the Peace Corps
I served in Turkey in 1969 to 70, and there the Turkish students told me, you know, you're working for government that seeks to control our government through its funding, through economic leverage.
I didn't know whether to believe that, but I've always kept that thought in the back of my mind that there might be economic motives for how the United States foreign policy is directed.
Well, Professor, the RAND corporations, the Pentagon's own documents, literally thousands of them state that that is the goal.
The chief of the Naval War College, one of their top guys, has given C-SPAN lectures saying, we work for Wall Street, we work for world government, we work for empire.
So, I mean, you can say you feel that, that's an admitted fact.
Of course, then you have the project for a New American Century, which I believe was published in 1999.
And there we all know the Pearl Harbor idea was launched.
And then, of course, many of us have read the new Pearl Harbor by David Griffin.
So I encourage everyone involved to read something and talk about it.
I encourage free inquiry.
And one reason I'm speaking out is that I see too much intimidation, too much fear.
I'm a psychologist.
I recognize fear when I see it.
I also recognize denial.
When we have a 9-11 commission and they deny evidence, they deny leaders appearing under oath, they deny black boxes, FAA tapes.
That's a fact.
So the evidence hasn't been produced to have a full inquiry.
Professor, isn't that what the demagogues in the last hundred years with the mind sciences said?
That big, unbelievable, horrible things they do are so terrible that the general public they know cannot accept it and so it is a weakness they exploit.
So when the public has become convinced by the media that we've been attacked by
By a foreign power?
That's very psychological.
That's a worldview that's being taught to us through the mass media.
The good news is that Zogby polls in the last week show that 42% are doubting the official story and 10% are not sure.
That's over 50 percent are now questioning.
Let's be precise.
There have been three different zombie polls in the last two years.
One of them finds that 40 plus percent, if you read the full poll, believe the government was involved.
We never seem to go all the way with that.
And I've been involved in other polls where 83, 90 percent of people in another CNN poll believe it's an inside job.
And yet no polling science, which I've actually looked into a bit, I don't claim to be a total expert, but I have studied it, that most people when they're asked very controversial questions,
We'll go with the establishment answer.
So if you've got 36% in a Scripps Howard News Service Ohio University poll saying inside job, and 30 plus percent in a Zogby saying it, conservatively throughout studies that I've seen, we actually have double that number not believing.
Because most people get a call saying is 9-11 an inside job, they're going to be scared and say no.
The way I talked to it was the government was involved, but I guess there are a variety of questions they ask.
Well, you may have seen a new Zogby poll.
They're doing new ones all the time.
Let's shift gears.
When did you really go public, and now what's happening to you?
Well, we have the Seacoast Peace Response, a group of laypersons with over 600 members, and we've brought a speaker here to the Seacoast every two weeks for the last five years.
So, we've educated ourselves.
We know, we've talked to
Rachel Corey's parents, we know that this is part of a larger issue in the Middle East.
We've talked to Doug Roeke about depleted uranium and its use in the first Gulf War and in the second Gulf War.
We just, when I became public, I guess, let's see, I supported vigils on Friday evenings in Fort Smith, New Hampshire, but I went most public on May 31st of 2006.
When I joined the Dover Six in a civil disobedience action to call attention to the Representative Jeb Bradley in Congress.
We wanted to call his attention to the fact that the majority in our state would like to end this war quickly and stop jeopardizing the national economy and increasing the debt with military expenditures.
There were three resolutions on the House floor at the time on May 31st.
We asked him to support them, and we said we would stay in his office until he acknowledged what the public, through us, was asking.
Support for three resolutions.
We were arrested at 520.
The police were very friendly.
Did their job.
Stay there, Professor.
We're going to talk about it on the other side.
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William Woodward, Ph.D.
from Yale University, teaching at New Hampshire University, University of New Hampshire.
9-11, when did the neocons, uh, when did they first learn that you'd already taught a little bit in the course about 9-11 and that you were planning to introduce it into a new course, Professor?
Oh, my students have never learned that.
Uh, I just, uh, inserted very gently, uh, uh, for one class out of 28.
Uh, in my classes as a discussion topic along with, uh, other controversial, uh, human rights and social justice issues.
But it's a major news item and you're allowed to have your view that, by the way, is supported by the majority of the Evans.
Uh, yeah, so far I've been rather timid.
I felt it was one of about 50 issues that were important.
Uh, right now, one reason I'm going public is to test the waters, uh, to see if, um,
If I really do have free speech in this supposedly free society.
What do you think of members of Congress saying that they don't think you have a free speech right or saying free speech can be restricted?
I think it's terrifying.
It's out of line with our founding fathers and our founding mothers and what they told us.
I have a quote here from George Washington.
Government is an evil servant and it must be bound by the chains of the Constitution.
Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex.
One reason I'm stepping out is that I believe in the New Hampshire motto, live free or die.
Patrick Henry, give me liberty or give me death.
I'm willing to be put away for freedom.
I'm going to test the limits by proposing a course, a discussion-based seminar, in which we look at all sides of the issue and encourage free inquiry.
I'm not out to indoctrinate as was implied in the
I teach through discussion, and I welcome contrary opinions.
So we'll see if the New Hampshire public and the leaders and the trustees are man enough, woman enough,
To accept the course on a very controversial topic that has grave implications.
Yes, well I looked you up a little bit last week when we first started thinking about getting you on the show and I looked you up on Sunday night and you have got really good credentials on looking at movements, you know, in societies, political upheaval.
You're a real expert on Rwanda and what happened there and of course you've been behind the Iron Curtain as well researching things.
So I think you do, you'll definitely have
I want to talk about the nature of power with you, because we know the elites are very ruthless, very corrupt, very sociopathic, I would say psychotic in many cases, not feeling for the individuals, not having empathy.
They've sheared that away or never had it.
Maybe they were abused themselves, many of them as children.
No, I don't think so.
And if they were smart, they'd just ignore you and the other professors.
Instead, they attack you, just like they attack us, and it seems like they've got a lot of hubris.
Can you speak to the psychology of power?
Well, I was one of the founders of a program on race, culture, and power.
We start with power in families.
Who is the person who is talking the most around the dinner table in your family?
Then we go to power in communities, power in states, power can be used for good and bad purposes.
And finally we get to national and international power.
So that the young people get a sense that they have responsibility to, well in Quaker language, I happen to be a Quaker, to speak truth to power.
That's one motto.
Power can corrupt.
I think that's what you're saying.
I prefer to focus on the strength of the community, responsibility of the citizen to resist tyranny,
You know, the New Hampshire State Constitution has Article 10, which... Right to revolt!
Right to revolt!
How did you know that?
You're also the new Live Free or Die Statement.
Go ahead.
Right and obligation to resist tyranny, and they finish by saying it would be slavish.
I didn't know that word.
It would be slavish to obey tyranny.
It would be a slovenly slavishness.
Now, does that ring true for 2006?
It certainly does.
I think we are probably the most slovenly slavish people I've ever seen.
Well, if we don't know it, and many of us don't, people around the world know it, and they're thinking it, and they're writing about it, but it's being kept out of our press.
So, we are being duped.
In so far as we don't know what others think about us.
All right, professors, stay there.
Doctors, stay there.
We're gonna come back and talk more about this.
This is key.
I wanna focus in more on how they're attacking you and then the psychology of power.
How we can effectively resist that.
I think their hubris is one of their greatest arrogance.
I mean, it's one of their great forms of power, but it's also their Achilles heel.
We'll talk about it on the other side.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire, the ring of fire.
Well, I'll tell you folks, the taste of love is sweet when hearts like ours meet.
I love all of you out there, black, white, Hispanic, old, young, whether you live in China or the United States or England or Mexico, it doesn't matter, Venezuela, Nicaragua, it doesn't matter.
We're all human beings.
We have corrupt governments with despots.
That's really the universal rule.
Freedom and liberty has been extremely rare and it's always been imperfect and filled with flaws.
And if you don't work hard to be informed, if you don't work hard and strive to be in liberty, you're going to be in tyranny.
You're going to have to fight to be free.
And let me tell you, you've had freedom so long, many of us have never experienced tyranny and despotism and oppression.
Well, being in this fight against the New World Order, I've experienced people's psychology just in our own fight.
I've experienced what the establishment's like.
I have witnessed and observed the elites and the substrata of the elites.
I have seen the things they do, and it lets me know we've got to fight this thing.
We've got to get involved.
A couple of program notes, then we're going to go back to the professor and take a few of your calls at 1-800-259-9231 before he leaves us.
I'll have to get my call list straight in a minute.
It just got wiped here in front of me.
A note to the network.
I'm going to be showing my new film, Terror Storm, five times in the month of September at the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar.
And I need your help to promote it.
I need your help to get the word out to the people, to call into the other talk shows and to get the buzz going on it.
Some locals here have intentionally said they're going to try to block me from promoting it.
I don't know what the, well actually I know what the psychology is.
It's embarrassing and I'm not going to get off into it.
I've assessed it.
But it's going to be a great event.
I'm going to show my new film, Terror Storm, and give a speech after each event.
You can get tickets at InfoWars.com right now.
Links through to the Alamo Draft House.
It'll be the 5th, 6th, and 7th of next week.
Then I go to New York for 9-11, and I come back on the 12th, and then we'll show it on the 13th and the 14th, and that's it.
Five showings.
I'm exhausted, and I'm sure those will probably sell out, and I could add more like I've done before.
I've had nine showings in a row before, but we're going to do five.
And if we do have more showings after that, I just won't be there because I've got to start on this new film I'm making right now about the North American Union.
So please, please come to our event.
I really love all of you out there and I want to see all of you out there.
So get the word out about these events that are coming up.
Now, you can also get a hard copy of my new film, Terror Storm, the DVD, by going to InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
And you're all authorized and encouraged to get the videos and to make as many copies as you possibly can to get them out to everyone.
The power of you, the people, taking action is unstoppable.
So let's expose these terrorists before they launch another, even more devastating attack.
Get Martial Law, get the Order of Death, get the Road to Tyranny, get my new film Terror Storm at InfoWars.com or see it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Alright, going back to the Professor William Woodward of the University of New Hampshire being attacked.
Members of the U.S.
Congress saying you shouldn't have any free speech, that there's limits on free speech.
He's going to try to have a fair course
concerning 9-11.
Now is this going to be a lower level course or a graduate course professor?
A lower level undergraduate in a program, a general education program called inquiry courses.
The idea is to model or teach how to do inquiry.
And of course in an inquiry you gather evidence, you assemble it, you don't even know the outcome when you begin.
Students are entitled to develop their own opinions about the evidence.
It's the spirit of inquiry, the method of inquiry that we want to convey.
So, of course, I don't want to indoctrinate anyone, as has been implied.
And all of my teaching shows that I seldom lecture.
I encourage discussion.
We write essays once a week to discover how we feel about issues based on evidence.
And my hope is that people in this state, through this public discussion of the past half a week,
would develop their own opinions.
They don't have to agree with me.
I can be persuaded.
It's an open society.
If they can falsify or refute the evidence, I'll change.
But I do want to discuss specifics.
Well, tyranny always attempts to suppress resistance and free speech and argument, because lies can only be enforced with force.
Yeah, when you have people resisting the truth, you begin to suspect something.
Of course, my truth may not be your truth, so all truth is contested.
That's fine.
I challenge you, you challenge me, and we'll respectfully disagree.
But they don't have a monopoly on it, and we know their story is a manifest fraud.
Getting more, Professor, into the psychology of these elites, I mean, I've been studying them, to me it's like a giant race.
And the average person in life becomes successful, gets their hierarchy of needs,
Uh, and a normal person, and once they become self-sufficient and put a little bit of a nest egg away and are fulfilled, they then start trying to help others.
That's the natural thing once you get your own house in order to go forward.
But in this race of life, and history shows this, that power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely, as Lord Acton said.
That it is a synthesis of the most evil, and ruthless, and wicked, and cunning, and manipulative, that get to the forefront of the real pinnacles of power.
They compete with each other in despotism and oppression, and they try to one-up each other.
And to have John Yoo, White House Counsel, write memos where they say they can torture children in front of their parents.
To have Alberto Gonzalez say they can torture people to death, and if they don't call it torture, it's not torture.
To have the White House say we're going to have national service, but it's not a draft when it's military national service.
I mean, we're entering Orwellian, pressing on the nerve of power, as O'Brien said, as he tortured Winston.
Can you comment on that?
Well, thank you for raising these issues.
Very few people are putting it that strongly.
Not only the elites, but all of Congress.
The majority of Congress voted to invade Iraq, I believe.
Correct me if I'm wrong on that.
There's been strong support in Congress on both sides, Democrat and Republican.
John Kerry did not run on an anti-war platform.
So we have to look at what's in the system that keeps people in line, including our elected leaders.
So it's a very systemic issue.
And of course it has to do with money.
My own personal solution has been to strongly support Common Cause for the last 30 years, because Common Cause looks at special interest legislation.
But the McCain-Feingold bill, even though it was passed, has still been not really effective.
Well, of course, it was written by the establishment and meant to fail, but let me ask you a question.
In the past, the last 50 years or so, they were afraid of our votes.
I mean, if 90-something percent of people were against land grabbing, or against open borders, or against a whole host of issues, against the war, 70-plus percent, it would stop.
Now, for the first time in modern history, when the people unanimously, in many cases, are against something, the establishment seems to universally, or almost universally, circle the wagons against us.
That is called a dictatorship.
Well, the counter-argument might be that, well, it was a close election and it's about 50-50 in this country.
What would you say to that?
Well, we have just a plethora of polls and also what I get from the people, but 72% of the troops want to come home.
70% of the American people in major polls are against the war.
Bush has only got about 29% that would support him in barbecuing small children on the White House lawn.
So, you know, you've got 29% that are brown shirts, mindless idiots, or sucking off the system, and you've got the rest of the people that know there's something wrong.
Well, in the Vietnam War, it took about five years for people to wake up.
Until the late 60s, there wasn't a real serious protest.
I think that might be what we're seeing now, a rising tide of resistance.
What do you think?
I agree, but now they're moving in to try to block that with free speech zones and the rest of it.
That's kind of terrifying.
And that's the reason that so many of us, we all need to speak out in whatever way and defend the Constitution.
I agree.
They're threatening to go to the Board of Regents.
They're talking about trying to stop you.
Where do you think that's going to go?
Do you have the support of the Dean or the Chancellor?
So far I have support from the University of New Hampshire system, from the Chancellor on down.
They're defending freedom of speech.
You never know when intimidation is going to be used on the institution in the form of financial threats, for example, with holding funds
So we'll see how it plays out.
I'm human.
If it were me versus the institution, I might back down.
I might say, okay, I've made my point, but I don't want to jeopardize my institution.
I would hate to see free speech compromised by pressure.
Yeah, that's why you can't back down, because the institution itself isn't even there anymore if there's not free speech.
Good point.
The American university system is an institution that deserves to be protected.
Well, they also claim it's all leftists, and I've been out to Hollywood and I know a lot of people.
These are not what you'd even call leftists.
These are informed individuals.
It's way past left and right now, and I think that is starting to worry the establishment.
I think that's one reason we are seeing a circling of the wagons, because I think they realize the left-right paradigm is imploding.
Well, if I may contextualize that, here at New Hampshire, out of 550 faculty members,
I'm the only one except for two retired professors who participates regularly in peace actions.
So that's two retirees and one active professor out of 550.
It's not like they have anything to be afraid of in terms of the peace movement.
Who knows how many support it in their hearts?
But I think the specialism of people nowadays, people work in their own field, they don't see themselves as citizens.
I learned to speak out through living in Germany and doing history and looking at Germans in terms of how they came out vis-a-vis the Third Reich.
Their grandchildren today are looking at their grandparents and saying, where did you come down in 1930s, 1940s?
My grandchildren will be looking at me and saying, what did you do to resist tyranny in 2006?
So I feel very empowered by the support of people like Alex Jones who are supporting me and supporting those who have the courage to speak to freedom, speak to the truth.
Well, we really are blessed to be alive today, though, you know, the Chinese parable of may you live in interesting times is double-edged, you know, it's a blessing and a curse.
We really are, as Stalin said, evil as he was, he was right when he said that, or it might have been Lenin, I forget, but to paraphrase, that there are times in history when more happens in a week than happens in a hundred years.
I think we're in one of those periods right now, Professor.
Well, I'm afraid I do, too.
The last two elections were very suspect.
I think we need to get this country back on track with paper ballots and people who are not connected with corporate influence but who represent their constituencies.
How do we support you?
Do we need to call the university?
Do we need to call the newspaper?
Letters to the editor in your area?
Well, it looks like Manchester Union Leader is willing to publish online all reader responses and you can write them at the following email address.
Write us, W-R-I-T-E-U-S, at UnionLeader.com.
Write us at UnionLeader.com.
And I dare say the whole world is watching.
You'd be surprised how many people abroad surf the net and are watching very carefully because they know the enormous power, technological power of our society, and they're waiting for us to wake up.
They'll be cheering us on.
They're in horror that they know an elite has hijacked the engine that is this economy and this people and is attempting to forge us into a great Bohrog battering ram to smash down their cities.
Well, cluster bombs in Lebanon and depleted uranium in Iraq, that's not a benevolent way of dealing with your neighbors.
I agree with you, Professor.
Let's take a few calls.
Let's talk to Mark in Texas.
You're on the air.
Hey, hi Alex.
This is a pretty amazing conversation to be actually being able to listen to.
I feel lucky to be able to listen to it.
Well, I'm lucky to be here and blessed and I'm glad you're calling.
What's on your mind?
I've got to see a lot of the videos about 9-11 and all that kind of stuff.
It's like each part that you get to watch, each different video is like a different aspect and it's like getting to see everything kind of
And then you begin to wonder, well, what freedoms do I really have?
You know, I can go to Walmart, or I can go down to the little store down the street, or, you know, I just have the freedom to buy stuff.
That's what, basically, it feels like.
But that is a powerful freedom, the power to support, to patronize, the power to boycott.
You need to use that weapon.
I know, but at the same time, I also feel that, you know, if I want to support the peace movement or something like that, and I go out there, I get arrested, you know,
Well, see, that's the chilling effect.
I mean, you really don't get arrested.
If you do, they've got to drop the charges.
You need to go through that rite of passage.
I mean, have you ever been arrested before for demonstrating?
I've never even tried to demonstrate or anything like that.
Yeah, the professor has.
Well, go out.
It's empowering to just be out there peacefully and have some goons arrest you.
Professor, you want to speak to that?
I mean, actually... No, I wouldn't push it too hard, because always you want to join other people.
And think about what you're comfortable with.
As a psychologist, I encourage people to work within their comfort level.
We had easily a hundred people supporting us when the six of us were arrested.
We planned out the action over a period of months.
We went to visit trials of the Concord Eight in Concord, NH to see how they presented arguments in their own defense.
And we each came to the decision that this was our turn to cross the line and be arrested.
But we had each been prepared by five years of
Of watching and listening.
There's no rush.
You each have a role to play.
Educating yourself is an important activity.
And of course, physical protesting is a more ancient form of a political action.
Do it on message boards.
Do it on news sites.
Letters to the editor.
There's a hundred ways to get involved, sir.
Another way is to send emails to your friends.
I send two a day to a list of 80 people.
And I've been doing it for several years.
That's my little act of resistance.
Yes, thank you for the call, Mark.
Sam in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi, I had three quick points.
One, I wanted to commend the gentleman that has come to speak today on your radio program, because when I was in college, when 9-11 took place, and I have my degree in political science now, but, you know, many of these topics that we discuss, I was discussing at the university level,
Many of the professors turned a blind eye, didn't want to discuss it, or didn't want to bring it up, even though they agreed with my points.
Secondly, I wanted to confirm what the gentleman called earlier and said that Operation Northwood has been taken off the National Archives website.
It has been taken off.
And the third point was the Russia and Central Asia nations that have been conducting
Joint military exercise.
I haven't heard too many people discuss this.
I know it has come to fruition in India also.
That surprised me.
India and China have also conducted military exercises with Russia.
Everybody's lining up for the kickoff of World War III.
You want to get the professor's take on that on the other side?
Sam, you sound like a well-spoken fellow.
I hope you call back soon.
Are you a first-time caller?
It's my second time actually.
It's here!
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I'll be honest with you, they put in CIA-controlled voting machines in 35% of the country.
We've got to use right-to-revolt clauses like Article 10 in New Hampshire.
We've got to have the states pull out and reconstitute the Union.
We've been totally hijacked by foreign private interest.
Impending World War III, the neocons definitely want to kick it off, Professor.
How do we stop it?
Well, ideally we have a culture of peace, not a culture of war.
Just like in our families.
If you model peace, you get peaceful children.
If you model violence, you get violent children.
That's been shown that family violence is transmitted down the generations.
So, with regard to the caller talking about Asia, India, China conducting military exercises, I see that as a reflection of our military exercises.
Ours are for real.
Theirs are for defense.
We get what we ask for when we
We have a militaristic society.
Well, when we say we, it's the establishments taking over this country.
Is it Keith in New York?
You're on the air.
Okay, Jeff.
Go ahead, Jeff.
You're on the air.
Yeah, we're going to let him go now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Pennsylvania.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm a devotee of yours, and I've been in this truth and constitutionist movement for
14 years and I never hear anybody on the talk shows or in the media bringing out the Supreme Court decisions that say that I have them in front of me, I've shepherdized them all.
Unconstitutional laws are not law.
There is no such thing as martial law in this country.
It is okay to resist an unlawful attack.
Yes it is!
And an unlawful arrest, I'm sorry.
Well it's just like Hitler.
You know, saying he's allowed to kill whoever he wants.
No, or the Supreme Court saying black people aren't human.
It's just those are against God's laws, nature's laws, common sense, and when Bush says he's allowed to order the torture of children, it's not the case.
Professor, you want to comment on that?
Well, I'd like to hear more about the Truth and Constitutionist movement.
It sounds important.
Oh, it is.
Go ahead, Mike.
Well, is there... I know we only have a minute.
Is there a place I can send this?
I have your address, Alex.
Can I have the professor's address?
I could send it to him.
Woodward at UNH dot EDU.
UNH stands for the University of New Hampshire.
Woodward at UNH dot U. EDU.
Very good.
Thank you.
But tell us specifically about what you've done.
Well, I've gotten myself jammed up.
I've had FEMA come after me a number of years ago for asking the wrong question of them, then they sick the IRS after me.
I've had my family broken up because of all this, and I tried to get out of it, but you know, once you're in it,
You can't quit.
The tyranny is really growing, Mike, and our prayers are with you.
Thank you for the call.
Thank you.
You bet.
Professor, we're flat out of time as this develops.
I hope we can have you back up, my friend.
We appreciate your bold courage going public on 9-11.
A top British rock band in the number 10 on the charts.
Number 9 in the number 10 here in the US has gone public on 9-11.
New people go public.
Every day, both just average folks and also well-known people and it's all just as important and so we salute you and we're with you.
Thank you.
Keep up the good work there, Alex.
God bless you and take care.
Good night.
We're out of time, ladies and gentlemen.
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All right, we're out of time.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, on some of the stations that carry us out there.
And I will be back tomorrow, 11 to 2, Central Standard Time.
You can always listen on the internet at InfoWars.com.
We provide our own streams now, not just the great network streams.
All right, get out there and expose evil.
Have courage.
We only live once.
Do the right thing.
God bless you all.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.