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Name: 20060825_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 25, 2006
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Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us on this live Thursday edition, the 27th day of July 2006.
Jim Mars will be joining us.
He's one of the major screenwriters, and the book he wrote is what JFK the movie was based on.
And we've now passed the 43rd anniversary of the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas.
We're not just going to get into JFK, though.
We're going to also talk about 9-11 to JFK and the similarities, the connections, even with some of the same players, to the two events.
And that is coming up in the next hour.
Second and third hour, two hours with Jim Mars.
Well, it's being reported by the U.S.
press, the British press, and even the Israeli press that the dead are much higher.
The numbers of dead Lebanese, of course, is much higher than what they've been trying to report for the last few weeks.
They've been saying it's around 400.
They've been saying 400 now for about a week, and the number could be in the thousands the press is now reporting.
Well, that's common sense.
If you've got littered cars smoking with dead families splattered all over the road for as far as the eye can see,
Family homes being leveled and bridges being blown out from under people.
What do you expect?
And the really disgusting, dastardly, devilish propaganda from Israel, the United States, and Fox News.
Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda is in the U.S.
They're probably going to hit us.
And Fox News went further.
Fox News says Hezbollah is certain to nuke major U.S.
Channel is terror group's biggest cheerleader as Americans hit with a sum of all fear-mongering.
Paul Watson has written a detailed report about this and we also have the audio clip that we'll be analyzing coming up here in the next segment.
It's just unbelievable propaganda that, oh my gosh, the terrorists are going to hit us.
We've got to go ahead and attack Iran and Syria.
We've got to support this war.
The terrorists are going to hit us with A-bombs.
Now, our own government admits that Iran doesn't have an A-bomb.
They're years away from having an A-bomb.
Even the neocons say years away from having an A-bomb.
The CIA says nine years away from having an A-bomb.
Nine plus years.
But it doesn't matter, because all over talk radio, all over television, we're hearing that they've got A-bombs, and they're going to blow up Chicago, or Dallas, or New York, or Los Angeles, or Miami.
And if a nuke does go off, low-yield, high-yield, it doesn't matter, the first place our attention should go is towards the New World Order crime syndicate that has the motive to carry this out and to be behind it.
Israel, some good news, at least for now, we don't know if this is really their true intentions, decides not to expand offensive past the areas they've already entered in Lebanon.
Israel's government decided Thursday against expanding its offensive against Hezbollah, but called up at least 30,000 troops to begin training for duty in Lebanon.
Also, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the release of an Israeli soldier abducted in Gaza could be imminent.
So maybe a deal was made.
The New World Order was sending up a trial balloon with all of this.
To see what response they would get in the polls, what response they would get in the world.
And they're not getting a good response.
The people of the planet are seeing through this attempt to escalate this into World War III.
Remember Bush wanted to go into Iran or Syria by early August.
He'd been announcing the ultimatum.
And all of this was basically saber-rattling to do that.
But again, you can't believe Israel for a minute because, well, we'll tell you why when we get back.
This whole thing could still be on.
We'll break it down on the other side.
Websites are PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We do have Jim Mars coming up in the second and third hour again to talk about
Well, from JFK to 9-11, how they're interconnected.
And I also want to get a bird's eye view into really how he's credited as being the main screenwriter and his book, of course, being the basis for my favorite film, JFK.
And JFK was not my favorite film.
It was in my top 10 favorites until I saw the director's cut with 18 minutes added that was originally cut by Warner Brothers.
And let me tell you, it is my favorite film.
And I wanted to play clips today from JFK, the director's cut, but there is profanity in it, so we're working on
Well, we've already recorded and gotten the clips, but they were recorded improperly.
So we're attempting to grab them again and then cut out all the profanity.
We may not be able to play as many clips as we were, but those will also be coming up, Lord willing, in the second and third hour today.
Now let me get into the Israel news and the global crises information for you today.
Fox News Channel, Hezbollah certain to nuke major city.
Channel is terror group's biggest cheerleader as America's hit with the sum of all fear mongering.
And I would add in the last week we've seen major publications around the world with headlines like US on high alert for Hezbollah or Hamas strike.
Israel advises US to brace for Hezbollah or Al Qaeda strike.
Al Qaeda strikes certain in Western world.
We've seen these type of headlines, but Paul particularly wrote this article about a Fox News clip we're going to play and analyze here in a few minutes.
Following the ceaseless bombing of Lebanon, Fox News has gone to drive fear into the hearts of Americans by insisting that Hezbollah's use of nuclear devices in a major U.S.
Israeli city is inevitable and that only increased surveillance of Americans can stop it.
Isn't that just precious?
Couched in a bizarre Hannity and Combs demonstration where a Geiger counter, soon to be the common household object, apparently was used to measure radiation of packets placed in two
Presenter's pockets, guest Cham Dallas, director of the Center of Mass Destruction Defense, was determined to get his message across.
Dallas, quote, sometime in the future there's going to be a nuclear weapon in the United States.
Certainly a radiological device is going to be used and a lot of radioactivity is going to fall on American citizens.
You say that like it's a certainty.
Like there's no question it's going to happen.
There's no doubt in my mind that at some point in the future we will have a radiological device, probably soon, and a nuclear device at some point in five or ten years after.
Pakistan and North Korea are the likely suppliers of nuclear weapons.
Without informing the viewers that the
Receipts for this technology are in the hands of the U.S.
We have a link to Rumsfeld, fast-track nuclear capability to North Korea, and the Bush family protecting AQ Khan Laboratory Network.
Not content with saying it twice, Dallas snapped up the chance provided by Hannity to repeat his doomsday creed a third time.
Hannity, referring to Hezbollah and Al Qaeda, do you doubt that these terror groups could get a weapon?
If they did, there's no doubt
They would use it against Israel, is there?
Dallas, there's no doubt in my mind that it should say, when one of these terror groups gets a weapon like Hezbollah, within the next decade, they will use it within a time of their choosing, but they would use it.
And a fourth time they went on to say it.
Hannity, so the likelihood is that within ten years it would not be shocking to you in any way for people to turn on the news channel and find out that a nuclear device has gone off in a major city around the world, Dallas.
I'm certain of it.
And a fifth time, Hannity, you're certain of it.
You do not doubt it.
Dallas, there's no doubt in my mind about it.
Five times in a spat of two minutes, nuke major city, inevitable rise,
Again, five times in the space of two minutes.
Major city.
Major city.
Sell your rights down the river for Paul Watson and I butchered in my own babbling tone.
I'm not paid seven million a year like Peter Jennings was to read off teleprompters, ladies and gentlemen.
So, this is what we're facing and
You can see them hyping it, whether it's in a week, or five years, or ten years.
They set up the police state after 9-11.
They tell us to give up all our rights.
Another attack is inevitable.
Leave our borders wide open.
Let the Communist Chinese run the nuclear scan detectors at our former controlled bases.
Pull the Customs Department out.
Create massive NAFTA highways from California to Texas, streaming up into Canada, where nothing is searched.
Wide open with transponders.
Whoever wants to come in can.
Set up the face scanning cameras, the military style police, the random checkpoints on the sides of the road.
Daily life will be like living in an airport.
That's their own admissions.
Then we get hit by a nuke and we plunge into full bore police state martial law.
And former Supreme Court justices have said this is a real threat, a real problem.
We've even had, down in San Antonio a few months ago, Bob Woodward come out and say this.
And then we've got people on the other side saying how great it is.
Tommy Frank saying it's a certainty after the next attack that we'll set aside the Constitution for a military form of government.
And while he said that, he claimed that was his opinion as a citizen, and that he quote, didn't work for the government anymore.
He would always preface with that, and it came out a year after all of his fear-mongering.
uh... that he was on a secret five hundred plus thousand that's not true four hundred and fifty plus thousand dollar a year secret budget part of the illegal one point six billion in fake news buying just like Armstrong Williams and the rest of them so this is the reality and they set it all up they have the motive they stand to gain we have all the declassified U.S.
government admissions that they've carried out terror attacks in the past
And there's many ways to stop this in concert together, working together we can, but one big tactic is documentary films.
They wake people up more than any radio show, more than any news article, more than any U.S.
government document.
You can put the video clips, the documents, the eyewitnesses, the whistleblowers, all together in one film.
And then have a device based on truth and reality that will shatter paradigms and wake people up.
And then once the population is awake, who has the motive, and who's behind the terror, and why the government elements of it would carry this out, then it removes that power from the criminal cabal to a great extent.
And lessens the chance, greatly, that they would carry out an attack.
We would already certainly have seen massive attacks.
The globalists said we were going to see them.
In the United States, if it wasn't for you, predominantly the listeners of this show, we gotta say we're at the tip of the spear here, the cutting edge, the front line, behind enemy lines, if it wasn't for you out there getting my documentary films, getting the other good documentaries that are out there, making copies of them feverishly, militarily, aggressively,
And viciously attacking the lie, viciously assailing the fraud and the hoax that is 9-11 and the official story, we would have already seen massive terror and been in more dire straits right now.
The globalists are shocked, they are reeling, they are dumbfounded, they even admitted it, that we are out in the open pointing the finger at them.
They are totally blown away.
Even their own statisticians and their own theoreticians, the people who study this in the think tanks, have openly said they're blown away by how fast we've exposed them.
They are panicked.
They are badly coordinated.
They are trying to move forward of their own inertia and their own weight, but they are slowing down of their own inertia.
And, uh, their own entropy, and we have got a chance right now to sabotage their operations if we viciously, and I mean viciously, just savagely, aggressively warn everybody and just, and just savage their lives.
I mean, this is military, ladies and gentlemen.
Just picture their lives, and every person you wake up, every mind you free, is throwing a hand grenade in a foxhole filled with enemy soldiers.
And just blowing those pillboxes, those machine gun nests, sky high.
Take the hills, destroy their positions, keep moving forward against the enemy.
We have unlimited numbers.
Our numbers are exploding inexorably every day.
We are marching forward.
The enemy is in retreat.
I am here to tell you.
They can snicker, they can giggle, they can put those smiley faces on all day long.
They know, they can feel the rumble beneath them of the collapse of their criminal system.
And we are moving steadfastly forward right now against the globalists, and we are not going to stop, and we are not going to back down.
And we don't have a choice.
I mean, if we lay here and just, oh, if we're just nice and go along and deny what's happening, hopefully things will come out okay and the government will leave us alone and they won't do all the bad things they're doing.
Do you realize they're not just occupying Iraq and attacking innocent countries right now?
They're occupying the U.S.
They're setting up a police state here.
They're every day putting innocent people in terrorist databases because Homeland Security's ordered the Feds to do it.
To create this illusion that there are all these terrorists.
To get the common person into these databases.
To make us all criminals.
They're bringing in their national ID cards.
They're setting up, we're already into it, the American Union.
The very people that claim that terrorists are trying to bring down the U.S.
are the terrorists, and they are bringing down the U.S.
It's kind of like a riddle or a trick question.
You know, a hidden-in-plain-view, hidden-in-plain-sight joke, when they sit up there and they say the terrorists attacked us because they hate our freedoms.
That's actually true.
When you find out, and people heard that and went, well if Al-Qaeda really attacked us, you know, other countries have freedom, why aren't they attacking them?
Why does Al-Qaeda want our freedoms?
If Al-Qaeda was real in the way we're told they are, and not Al-Syeda, it doesn't make sense.
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So here's the clip from last night.
I'm Fox News with Hannity and Combs about Hezbollah is certain to nuke us.
They don't have nukes.
None of these countries do.
But Iran, or North Korea, or Pakistan, they're sure to give them to them, but then it's our own government that gave them to Iran, or, well, gave Iran some of the weapon systems, but Pakistan and North Korea.
So let's go ahead and play that clip.
This organization would respond to Israel with a nuclear attack.
Now joining us now to discuss this, very real possibility, the director of the Center for Mass Destruction Defense, Cham Dallas.
Last time you came here, you had a weapon that I pulled, and we actually triggered the weapon.
Well, that's an exciting clip, ladies and gentlemen!
Let's try to grab that again, all right, boys?
Can we do that?
Because I really want to play that clip.
It's up on, uh... It's up on, uh, PrisonPlanet.com, if you want.
Do we think we got it, or do we got it?
We got it!
Here it is!
This organization would respond to Israel with a nuclear attack.
Now joining us now to discuss this, very real possibility, Director of the Center for Mass Destruction Defense, Cham Dallas.
Last time you came here, you had a weapon that I pulled and we actually triggered the weapon.
That's right.
Now, what's happened is we have a little piece of radiation.
There are two packets, one in his pocket, one in my pocket.
We don't know which one has the radiation.
One of us
It's a very real threat.
I spent 10 years going in that at Chernobyl, where the Soviets managed to let loose 100 times as much radioactivity as Hiroshima.
It's a real threat for us now, unfortunately.
The Al-Qaeda in particular is very focused on doing some kind of rad bomb or some kind of dirty bomb.
So what Sean or I, we have Mattel, which has in our pocket...
What does that do?
Well, of course, the packet that one of you has in your pocket is a safe level of radioactivity.
We hope so.
We hope so.
That's what I was told by my laboratory people.
Sure you did.
What are the ramifications?
What's going to happen is, sometime in the future, at some point in the future, there's going to be a nuclear weapon used in the United States, and certainly a radiological device used.
And a lot of radioactivity is going to fall on American citizens, and we're going to have to be able to find that radioactivity and get it off of them.
You say that like it's a certainty, like there's no question this is going to happen.
There's no doubt in my mind that at some point in the future we will have a radiological device, probably soon, and a nuclear device at some point 5 or 10 years out.
Who has access to these materials?
Well, we now have... Pakistan for instance, a Muslim nation, has 50 nuclear weapons.
North Korea, a very unstable state, has at least 5 or 6 nuclear weapons.
There are thousands of warheads, the cores of warheads that I brought on stage the last time, a mock-up of them, sitting in Russian warehouses.
Any one of which would be, if put inside a nuclear device, could destroy an entire city.
The biggest problem is we've got Iran, Syria, and they're funding and fomenting terror, and they use the surrogates Hezbollah and Hamas.
I mean, do you doubt that these terror groups can get a weapon?
If they did, if there's no doubt, they would use it against Israel, is there?
There's no doubt in my mind whatsoever that if one of these terror groups, or I should say, when one of these terror groups gets a weapon, like Hezbollah... Within the next decade?
Within the next decade, they would use it at a time of their choosing, but they would use it.
So the likelihood is, is that within ten years it would not be shocking to you in any way for people to turn on this news channel and find out that a nuclear device has gone off in a major city around the world?
I'm certain of it.
You're certain?
You have no doubt?
There's no doubt in my mind about it.
It's only a matter of what the timing would be.
There's a market technology going on.
What would happen if it happened in Tel Aviv?
Well, we have some simulations that I gave your people.
If, when, I should say, when these weapons are finally used by Muslim terrorists against an Israeli city, what you would have is first a fireball that would be in the central city area.
That you can see down in the corner.
Now you can see the expansion of the radiation toxicity that would be going out for hundreds of miles.
This is a new simulation for Tel Aviv that you're seeing.
That little spot in the middle is where Tel Aviv is, which is where you would have fireballs and many burn victims.
However, the pink there is a 90% death plume.
Now the very interesting aspect of this is, that 90% death plume is primarily in a Muslim area.
That's the West Bank that's going over there.
So, even though you would be killing primarily Jews in the center of the city with the blast, you would primarily be killing Muslims with the radiation.
How many miles out?
It depends on how the wind blows.
If you have a stiff wind, it can go out where you would have people dying for over 100 miles.
Tell us what you're going to do here.
This is a device that will be standard fare in every American home before long.
And that would be a radiation detector.
There are many kinds of them.
Now, this is the fear-mongering, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to be nuked.
The Muslims are going to nuke us.
It's going to happen.
This is just the way it is.
And then no discussion about how our government openly armed North Korea and Pakistan.
That's admitted.
But now it's going to be Syria who has no connection to nuclear weapons.
No way to get them.
Oh, but they're going to hit Israel.
They're just terrorizing you.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I'm going to continue with what's happening over in Israel and the fear mongering and in a few minutes I want to go ahead and get started with some of these clips from JFK.
The director's cut, a lot of the audio you're going to hear you saw in the movie, you heard in the movie, but there's little clips that have been added back in.
That's what they do with a lot of editing in Hollywood is they just take out certain little parts.
And I found that
You know, the JFK film was already over two and a half hours.
Now it's closer to three hours long with the 18 minutes added.
But we'll only play about 10 minutes today, maximum.
And we have time near the end of the third hour.
We'll play some clips from the documentary that aired on Discovery Channel, I believe, that accompanies the new director's release of Oliver Stone's JFK, a director's cut.
And why is this so important?
Because JFK was a hoax.
It was done in front of everybody.
Just like 9-11 was a hoax.
You know, the attack on the towers and the Pentagon was real, but everything else you were told, everything else surrounding it is a fraud.
We'll get to that and then go into it, coming up here in just a few minutes.
But getting back to Israel, as I promised to do a few segments back,
We have this fear-mongering.
And we're being told that Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, they're going to hit the US or England.
In the next few months, it's guaranteed it could happen any day.
It could even be nukes.
It's sure to happen in the next 5-10 years, but we're sure to get hit in the next few weeks or next few months by some type of conventional attack, and we've got to fight them over there so they don't attack us over here.
And then you look at Israel coming out today.
Headline, Israel decides not to expand offensive.
Israel's government decided Thursday against expanding its offensive against Hezbollah, but called up at least 30,000 troops to begin in Lebanon.
Also, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the release of an Israeli soldier abducted in Gaza could be imminent.
With regards to the issue of the abducted Israeli soldier, I have reiterated that there is a need for us to believe in an imminent solution, Abbas said, speaking through a translator after a meeting in Rome with Italian Premier Romano Prodi, who was the former head of the EU, I would add.
It was the capture of Corporal Gilead Shalit on June 25th by Hamas-linked militants, notice Hamas-linked militants,
The Israelis could have grabbed him.
This guy could be smoking cigarettes right now and playing poker.
He could be dead.
Again, you can't believe anything you're told because they've all been caught lying so much.
Israel has been caught carrying out terror attacks against themselves.
It was, quote, the capture of the corporal, June 25th, by Hamas-linked militants in Gaza Strip, that prompted Israel to launch its offensive in Gaza.
Now, I don't believe that for a minute.
Notice Bush has his ultimatum for late July to Iran, and then this whole thing starts up and top Israelis and top U.S.
administration officials start talking about going into Syria or Iran.
Israel military chiefs claim that Iran's got the captured soldiers, just like they claim that Iran puts yellow stars on Jews.
Total lies.
Just whole cloth manufactured propaganda.
So we hear that Israel's saying, okay, we're just going to keep the bottom 20% of Lebanon.
We were going to go all the way into Beirut, the capital, but we don't think we'll do that right now.
But, as all this began to heat up, said we need 30,000 more troops at least called up and in formation.
We cannot take the bottom third of Lebanon with only 20,000 troops.
Most of those support.
We can't do it with only special forces and commandos.
Which is what, again, it's this new warfare strategy that the brass is pushing from England, Australia, to Canada, to the US, to Israel, where they think that everything is going to be rapid mobility, rapid deployment of these joint strike forces with some heavy armor and some air support, but not much, mainly commandos, mainly special forces, special warfare groups.
And so, in one ambush now, we're hearing the number could be as many as 20 dead Israelis.
The official number is 14, but now they're saying some more may have died in a hospital, and there could be some other dead, and we're hearing it could be several thousand dead Lebanese, but in one firefight in one southern village yesterday, they had admitted 14 dead Israelis just in one little firefight.
They got ambushed.
The Arabs aren't doing what they did in the Six Day War, where they just run out with World War II weapons, you know, faced with weapons that are more advanced, and just start like a bunch of buffoons.
They're actually learning how to shoot, they're staying down, and then when they see the Israelis come in from 15 feet away, 20 feet away, they open fire at their heads and their legs.
They throw hand grenades at them.
And we've seen video of
Israeli airplanes falling out of the sky.
I've seen two different videos of two different aircraft.
Israel says nothing's been shot down, but I'm here to tell you something.
Those are pretty good-sized aircraft.
They may be big drones, or they could... the Lebanese are claiming.
By the way, we had, from the border of Lebanon last Friday, a combat reporter, Dar Jamal, who's, by the way, a Christian Lebanese American,
And we have gotten messages through to his hotel and his cell phone, though it's really intermittent.
If you thought, if you thought Saga had bad phones because of all of this, most of the phones are out in Southern Lebanon.
A lot of them are out and overwhelmed and jammed in Beirut itself.
So we're working on getting Dar Jamal from Beirut on either today or tomorrow.
And we're making calls every 30 minutes into his sat phone, into his satellite phone,
To try to hook up with him.
We may even do a phone patch and try to record an interview here in the studio off air and have that for you tomorrow.
But we're working on that hard.
Very hard for you.
An unbiased reporter who's been inside Fallujah during the main fighting, inside Baghdad during the invasion.
This guy's really got a lot of metal.
Cold-blooded when it comes to facing these calamities with a lot of courage.
So when we hear Israel saying that, okay, we may not take
More of Lebanon now and go to their capital.
Meanwhile, they're mashing and recruiting and calling in the reserves, which is all the men basically in the country up to a certain age, even some women.
They're calling them in right now, they're pulling tanks out of mothballs, they're mashing more of them, and there's been a year long for this.
That too is admitted.
We're not out of the woods yet, but this whole thing, if we would buy into this, and I think to lay the smokescreen, to make it more palatable on this theatrical movie set, the Shakespearean event that we're witnessing over there is a stepping stone to World War III.
Evil it is.
I mean, there's sitting Neocon articles about kill all the Muslims and let Allah sort them out.
Let's start nuking them.
I mean, these are in major newspapers.
I have them.
And really, I think all of this is a smokescreen.
Whether full-bore regional war breaks out or not, let's Bush get back in the driver's seat as a war president.
It distracts us from the implosion of our forces in Iraq right now.
It distracts us from domestic problems with the economy, and it allows the oil companies to jack up oil prices, what, to almost $80 a barrel?
Last week, I think it's dropped down a little bit now.
Huge profits, you know, billions of dollars a week, and it's not free market.
Again, they're not earning this money.
They're manipulating the markets.
And we have their own internal oil company documents.
So I don't want to hear that it's the environmentalists that have stopped the refineries from bringing you the fuel.
Okay, and by the way, the environmentalists that are doing that are funded by the oil companies.
We've proven that.
And to go out and create this illusion.
No, it is their own memos.
They bought up the refineries to shut them down, to cause the bottleneck.
Then they go take over countries and shut off their oil supplies or reduce production or threaten them to reduce production.
In the case of Gaddafi, and then jack up prices that way.
That's just the facts.
It's incontrovertible.
I hear the neocons on the radio doing two different things.
Either they say, look, oil production's way down in Iran, in Iraq right now, and so if the neocons wanted Iraq's oil for profits, why aren't they pumping it?
Wait a minute.
They were mad at Saddam in 1990 for overproducing because he was driving down OPEC prices.
That was one of the things the world was mad at him for.
That is the world financial interest.
The oligarchy.
The financial oligarchy.
That's what they're mad at Gaddafi about.
And now they love Gaddafi because he reduced production.
Now he's our ally.
See, this is 101.
They make more money by turning it off.
But some people just can't figure that out.
Or the neocons come out and say, yeah, we need the oil.
Let's kill them.
Good, I'm glad we're getting it.
And those poor fools calling to talk radio that say that, snickering with the host.
We've all heard them and listened to talk radio.
These poor fools don't get you're paying for a neocon war, while the neocons dismantle the American system we've always had and set up the American Union right in front of us.
Okay, that's enough on that subject.
Let me now just get into JFK.
You can now get tickets.
Oh, and by the way, I recommend you start recording this in just a few minutes, because the next two hours and ten minutes, roughly, that you'll hear as we do this presentation with Jim Mars, is really going to be informative.
And I've done some research for this show, some extra research.
Spent two days getting these clips done.
So, of course, most of them are screwed up.
We can't play all of them.
We're trying to fix it right now.
It's an insane asylum around here.
Too many people working on too many things.
Too few people working on too many things, but this is going to be a good presentation coming up, so I hope you stay with us for it.
But before I go any further, speaking of Jim Mars, coming up at the Lakewood Theater in Central Dallas, right by White Rock Lake, on the 26th of August, the theater holds 900 plus people, but
I'm only selling 700 tickets.
I don't want us to all be crammed in there like sardines.
I want you all to get good seats.
It's a beautiful, big, Paramount-style Art Deco theater.
I grew up a half mile from there.
So this is how this all came about.
Jack Blood and others went up to hear Morgan Reynolds speak up there.
I think about 500 people showed up for that.
And Kevin goes, look how nice this theater is.
We ought to have an event here in my office.
He was showing it to me a few days ago.
My gosh!
That's where I grew up.
That's where, you know, the first five years of my life.
I mean, you know, Mott's Five and Dime was next door to that.
I remember my parents taking me to see Disney movies, you know, when I was a little bitty there at that theater.
I mean, I have some of my first memories because when you're driving around in that neighborhood, it's not heavily built up.
It's, you know, it's trees and parkland over there.
And then there's like this old-fashioned shopping center there, and all you see is the big spire of the theater sticking up with the red and blue lights.
That is such a childhood image.
I mean, I saw that every day as a child.
I don't know why I'm getting off into this.
It's not what you tuned in for.
The point is, so I looked at the theater, found out it's owned by a great guy, found out it seats 900, got a beautiful upper balcony, big nice seats.
And I said, why not have an event there?
We called them, set it up two days ago, started selling tickets last night.
A whole bunch have already gone.
And it's going to be my new film, Terror Storm, the official final film.
Then I'm going to give a 45-minute speech, take questions.
Then Jim Mars will take the stage.
It starts at 7 o'clock.
Jim Mars will take the stage at about 10.
Speak for an hour and take questions.
The name of his speech is going to be, From JFK to 9-11, the two parallels between the two.
He's one of the preeminent experts in the world.
Again, he wrote the main credit on the screenplay for JFK.
And he wrote the book that's based on, when you buy the DVD, you see it on the back, written by Jim Mars.
And Oliver Stone.
So, he's going to be there.
And then we're going to show about 35 minutes of the best footage we've got so far, gleaned from the 40-something hours we shot up in Ottawa, the Bilderberg Group.
And then they said they'd be glad to play their really incredible lounge act, anti-New World Order songs, but really talented.
They play for big houses in places like Vegas and all over.
Shanghai Five, it's played before at events I've been at.
Out at Crawford, they're going to be there going on the stage at midnight.
So, two films, Jim Mars and Shanghai Five.
Ten dollars!
By the time I pay for my staff to be there and pay for the theater and everything else, normally an event like this would be about twenty bucks, twenty-five dollars, but I'm charging ten dollars.
By the time I pay the e-ticket fee and all that stuff, we'll basically make a little bit of money here, hopefully, to try to pay off the cost of this film, but I doubt it.
So, we're trying to keep the tickets low for you.
You can get those tickets right now, right now, at InfoWars.com and there's five showings and five showings only in early September at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar in Austin, Texas of Terror Storm.
I'll be at all those events and give a speech and take questions at the end of the film at all five of those events and then that's it.
I'm just too busy to have more.
We sold out nine in a row last year of the Order of Death and just quit showing it.
So, five only of Terror Storm.
Get your tickets now.
And if you want a hard copy of Terror Storm, it's available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139.
Let's go ahead and play this first clip.
This is where they're in and we'll finish it after the first break here.
Or maybe the best thing to do is just play this after the break.
I've got 20 clips here.
And somehow, in between getting them off the DVD and sending them to the network, most of them are fried.
We're trying to get them again.
About four or five of them work halfway decent.
Don't have a buzz on them.
But the first one, well there's a whole bunch of clips here I want to play, but one of them, the first one I'll play when we get back from break is number nine.
MLK shot.
Wife doesn't want to believe, but Garrison's eyes are open.
Everything is threatened.
And I don't want to say I've had discussions just like this in my own house, but if I told you I hadn't had discussions like this, I'd be a liar.
I mean, to see a movie like this and to have lived things like this, to a lesser degree, sometimes to a greater degree, just with family in general and others over the years, my family's all behind me, it's just, you know, this is stressful stuff.
This is all based on exactly what happened.
If you understand the research that was done for this film,
And then there's another clip where he talks to Mr. X, who was Fletcher Brownie, one of the top colonels in the Pentagon and black ops.
And in the film, the official film, it's about three minutes long.
In the director's cut, it's like eight plus minutes.
So we'll play part of that.
And we've got the clip where Garrison didn't wake up, District Attorney in New Orleans, he didn't wake up to JFK being an inside job for three years.
He's on a plane with a Senator, and the Senator goes, come on man, you don't know who did this?
And there's more and more people on the know that Garrison knows.
Of course he's a highly decorated combat Marine Corps veteran.
Jim Garrison was a great hero in Europe.
And so he lived a little, he knew all this stuff, he understood what snipers, how bullets operated.
He actually read all
What was it?
Ten volumes of the Warren Report.
Some of them a thousand pages long.
And the movie, the director's cut gets into all of this.
I'm just blown away.
So we'll be talking about all of it coming up.
We'll play the first clip when we get back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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When you watch JFK the Director's Cut, it's clear that the government kills Bobby, they kill Martin Luther King, of course they've killed JFK, but...
And you're there with the family each time somebody dies.
One time, late at night, on the West Coast, they killed Bobby Kennedy, staged that event, and he hears the shots in the other room on the television as he's sitting there reading documents, and Jim Garrison runs in and sees it.
This clip is where they've all finished dinner, and the children are all milling around, and Garrison's watching television news about the assassination.
of Martin Luther King and the black nanny is making her comments about how horrible it is and the little five-year-old girl or four-year-old girl answers the phone and there's one of these New World Order creeps on the line.
Here's that exchange.
Roll it.
Dr. Martin Luther King called this beautiful dream expressed so dramatically during the 1963 March on Washington.
I'll get it!
Hello, is this Jim Garrison's store?
Virginia or Elizabeth?
Virginia, you're a lucky little girl.
Your daddy said that you're in a beauty contest.
Would you like to be in a beauty contest?
I don't know.
God, my God, what have they done?
It's legend time.
Legend time.
That sounds fun.
Can you get off?
Honey, please help me.
Okay, Virginia, that's all I need to know.
Mom, there's going to be a beauty contest.
Who is this?
Who is this?
Did you enter Virginia in a beauty contest?
A man just called, he wanted to know everything.
A height, a weight, where'd you... I'm from Crackpot.
Martin Luther King was killed in Memphis.
Honey, your daughter's life's just been threatened.
It's just a crank making calls.
Happens a dozen times a day at the office.
Or a home, Jim.
A kidnapper, a murderer, who knows what.
Oh, so those old cowards make crank calls.
How do you know?
That's what's gonna happen.
How do you even know what goes on in this house anymore?
You're too busy making speeches!
Getting every crazy classman in Louisiana after us!
I'm leaving!
I've taken the kids and I'm leaving!
I can't stand it anymore!
The government wants you to be scared.
You and your government!
The government wants everybody to be scared to speak out.
They count on it.
There's nothing to be scared of.
Don't you have any feelings?
Your own daughter!
What kind of man are you?
My mother's if it makes you feel any better, all right?
You spend a week.
I'll change the locks, the phone lines, I'll even get a bodyguard.
Just get all these cells.
Honey, before this Kennedy thing, nothing mattered in this world more than your children.
The other night, Jasper tried to talk to you.
You didn't even notice he was there.
He came to me bawling his little eyes out.
I promise.
I promise I'll make more time for Jasper.
Is it such a chore?
If I said I'll spend more time with him, I'll spend more time with him, alright?
And I cannot fight you and the whole world, too, Liz!
I'm not fighting you!
I'm trying to reach you!
You've changed!
Of course I've changed!
My eyes have opened!
And once they're open, believe me, you still look normal, seems insane, and now peeing.
Don't you think, don't you think this has something to do with that?
Can't you see?
I don't want to see!
You don't believe me?
I don't know!
All this time and you never believe me!
I just want to raise our children and live a normal life!
I want my life back!
So do I!
I have a life too, you know!
You just can't bury your head in sand!
It's not about our well-being, alright?
It's not about our two cars and our TVs and your kitchen!
I'm angry about it!
Alright, we'll be right back with Jim Mars.
It's about our kids growing up in a free country.
That is what it's all about.
And burying your head in the sand only puts you in greater danger.
Might as well stand up on your hive legs and fight the wolves.
We'll be right back with the second hour.
Stay with us.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
More than...
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
Second hour of this worldwide broadcast on this 27th day of July 2006.
For the next two hours, Jim Mars is our guest.
Now, we'll try to take calls later in the third hour, but please no calls in the first hour, because we've got a lot of different audio clips from the movie JFK.
Directors cut by Oliver Stone, in part mainly written by, of course, Jim Mars.
Jim Mars has written for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
He's been a crime reporter going back 30 plus years.
He's written best-selling books on the Kennedy assassination, 9-11, you name it.
And he was one of the principal writers and really consultants and designers of my favorite film, JFK, The Director's Cut.
I want to be clear.
My favorite film is not JFK.
My favorite film is The Director's Cut.
And joining us graciously is Jim Mars.
Jim, good to have you on with us, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Always good to be with you.
Tell us, I mean, I've got your huge bio here, but just in a nutshell before we go to break and come back, tell us about Jim Mars, how Jim Mars, I mean, obviously you're a Fort Worth slash Dallas boy yourself, so uniquely placed to see all this.
You were a reporter back when all this was going on.
Break it down for us, you know, who Jim Mars is, what you've done, and how you worked on JFK, how you woke up to JFK being an inside job.
Okay, my background is basically as an old print reporter.
I got a degree in journalism from the University of North Texas.
In fact, I was in the university at the time of the Kennedy assassination.
In fact, I met Jack Ruby about a month before the assassination.
Now have a picture of me as a young college guy dancing in Jack Ruby's club.
No, you liked those fast women.
Well, let me explain something here.
I think everybody needs to understand that the Carousel Club at that time was one of two clubs.
It was Abe's Collie Club and Jack Ruby's Carousel Club.
These were known as after-hours joints, okay?
And yes, they had strippers, but they also had acts.
I remember seeing a Vantriloquist and they would have a stand-up... No, no, I understand.
This was a nightclub.
Yeah, it was kind of a latter-day vaudeville.
Yeah, Las Vegas style.
Yeah, exactly.
And it was the place to go.
Everybody went there that was looking for, you know, some entertainment after hours in Dallas.
And including most of the Dallas Police Department, which they lied about for years.
They tried to say, oh, you know, they didn't know them.
But Jack Ruby knew and was on a first name basis with probably half the Dallas Police Department.
Of course, he was really a bag man for the mob.
Stretching back to when he was just a youngster in Chicago and running messages for Al Capone.
So it goes way back.
Another thing that's important to understand is that back at that time, to be a Dallas cop, you had to be a pretty hard right winger.
You had to be a member of the John Birch Society or the KKK.
And most of those old boys, a lot of them were World War II vets, and they kept their connections to the military.
They would augment their Dallas police pay by serving in National Guard
Army Reserve units, usually in MPs or Criminal Investigation.
And so, the ties into the U.S.
military go really, really deep.
Then, of course, when the assassination happened, I paid very close attention to that.
That was the biggest story at the time.
Today, with satellite cable, computers, iPods, and everything else, people don't realize
Uh, that at the time of the assassination, every major media was preempted.
I mean, for almost a week, there was no programming.
There was nothing but just, uh, uh, constant round-the-clock coverage of the assassination.
So, this, of course, is what later caused problems for the conspirators because there was so much good information that was put out early on.
And then, of course, it did not jive with the official version.
I distinctly recall hearing tapes taken in Dealey Plaza, and it was clear that two of those shots went BAM!
Just very close together.
And that was confirmed by witnesses I talked to there.
Well, stay there.
Stay there.
I mean, so you're a guy, you know, on the Dallas scene, in college as a journalist student in 1963.
When this happens, Jim Mars, our guest,
When we get back in the next two hours, this is going to be unlike any other JFK coverage you've ever heard.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Newspaper crime reporter from the time he was in college.
Best-selling author.
He's owned and run newspapers.
Worked for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Again, best-selling author.
And is the main writer on the film JFK.
And I, again, for about six months had owned the director's cut.
I bought it when I was at Best Buy, buying some equipment, and I hadn't washed it, and I popped it in and sent it out to my wife, and didn't end up going to bed until about two, watching the extras with my mouth hanging open.
I mean, this film is incredible, and Jim Mars is really some of the central brains behind it, and we're so honored to have him as a colleague.
Here's a little quick clip from the documentary about the JFK film, Beyond Conspiracy, with Mars talking about CIA mob and military connections.
Here it is.
The key thing I think that a lot of people don't lose sight of, fact of, is that once you dismiss the communist thing, the foreign plot, and you've got the mob, the CIA, the FBI, the military, okay?
We tend to think of those as separate entities.
And yet, if we'll really stop and think about it, they're all interconnected.
Jim, you were going to finish up with some comments about 9-11 before the break.
Well, there's so much about 9-11 we could talk about.
The whole lengthy commentary you have about Building 7 and, of course, Larry Silverstein, the owner, who says, well, we decided to pull it, so I told him to pull it, and we watched the building collapse, and then all the arguments about what he really meant.
You know, a few years after that, after he made that comment, and when this issue was becoming big, one of the spokesmen for Silverstein Properties came out and said, well, what he meant was
Uh, to pull the firemen out of the building.
But there were no firemen for eight hours before it collapsed.
They pulled, according to the official record, they pulled the firemen out about 10.30 that morning.
And in the very same PBS documentary, uh, narrated by Spacey, uh, in the next clip they pull the wreckage of Building 6.
And they say that we're getting ready to pull it, and it shows them blow it up.
That is just common jargon for a controlled demolition.
That'd be like if I said, I'm going to blow your head off, and then you're found the next day, Jim, with your head blown off, and then I tell the police, well I said on air I was going to blow his head off, but I meant I was going to give him a kiss on the forehead.
Yeah, exactly.
And that's how ridiculous all this is.
But what they've done, both in the Kennedy assassination and in 9-11,
Is the classic debate technique which is appeal to authority.
The higher the authority, if they say 2 and 2 is 5, then we're just expected to believe it.
Because they're experts.
Because they're experts or they're leaders.
Now, the real clip from the Director's Cut, where they beef this up, is about 13 minutes.
We've got it down to about 8.
This Fletcher Prouty quote, for those that just joined us, he was the liaison in Black World Ops between the Pentagon and the CIA, and he got sent away, which he never did, literally to the North Pole, for this event so they could pull the protective detail that he would be in control of away from Kennedy.
So let's go ahead and play this key clip from JFK.
Here it is.
And I assume if you've come this far, what I have to say interests you.
But I'm not gonna name names and tell you who or what I represent.
Except to say you're close.
You're closer than you think.
In fact, hit pause!
Back it up a second or two.
I meant to add, too, while he's talking, there are flashbacks to people at the White House, LBJ and others, talking about, you know, how the plot formed, you know, how it began, how it started.
So that won't be confusing.
I needed to add that.
And we did cut out the profanity.
Here it is.
I assume if you've come this far, what I have to say interests you.
But I'm not going to name names and tell you who or what I represent.
Except to say you're close.
You're closer than you think.
Everything I'm going to tell you is classified top secret.
I was a soldier, Mr. Garrison.
Two wars.
I was one of those secret guys in the Pentagon that supplies the military hardware, the planes, bullets, rifles, for what we call black operations.
Black ops.
Assassinations, coup d'etat, rigging elections, propaganda, psych warfare, etc.
I spent much of September 63.
Working on the Kennedy Plan for getting all U.S.
personnel out of Vietnam by the end of 1965.
This plan was one of the strongest, most important papers issued from the Kennedy White House.
His National Security Action Memo 263 ordered home the first 1,000 troops for Christmas.
But then in November, one week after the murder of the Vietnamese President, he ended up back on and two weeks before the assassination of our President.
A strange thing happened to me.
I was sent by my superior officer, we'll call him Y.
I was sent by General Wye to the South Pole as a military escort for a group of international VIPs.
I was on my way back in New Zealand when the President was killed.
Oswald was charged at 7pm, Alice time, with Tippett's murder.
That's 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the next day, New Zealand time.
But already, their papers had the entire history of this unknown 24-year-old man, Oswald.
Studio picture, detailed biographical data, Russian information, and we're pretty sure of the fact that he killed the President alone, although it took them four more hours before they even charged him with that crime in Dallas.
Felt to me as if...
Well, that cover story was being put up, like we would in a black op.
Anyway, after I came back, I asked myself, why was I, the Chief of Special Ops, selected to travel to the South Pole at that time to do a job that any number of others could have done?
And I wondered if it could have been because one of my routine duties, if I had been in Washington, would have been to arrange for additional security in Texas, so I decided to check it out.
Sure enough, I found out that someone had told the 112th Military Intelligence Group at 4th Army Headquarters at Fort Sam Houston to stand down that day over the protests of a unit commander, Colonel Reich.
I believe it's a mistake.
This is significant because it is standard operating procedure, especially in a known hostile city like Dallas, to supplement the Secret Service.
You would have felt an army presence in the streets that day, but none of this happened.
It was a violation of the most basic protection codes we have, and it is the best indication of a massive plot in Dallas.
Now, who could have best done this?
Black Ops, Mr. Garrison, people in my business, people like my superior officer could have called Colonel Reich and said, look, we have another unit coming from so-and-so, providing security, you'll stand down.
I mean, that day, in fact, there were some individual Army Intelligence people in Dallas, I'm still trying to figure out who and why, but they weren't protecting client, and of course, Oswald.
Army intel had a Harvey Lee Oswald on file.
All those files have been destroyed.
Many strange things were happening and your Lee Harvey Oswald had nothing to do with them.
Those of us who'd been in secret ops since the beginning knew the Warren Commission was fiction.
But there was something... something deeper.
I know Alan Dulles very well.
I briefed him many a time in his house.
But for the life of me, I still can't figure out why he was appointed to investigate Kennedy's death.
The man who had fired him.
Dulles, by the way, was General Wythe's benefactor.
I got out in 64.
I signed my commission.
I never realized Kennedy was so dangerous to the establishment.
Is that why?
Well, that's the real question, isn't it?
The how and the who is just scenery for the public.
Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia.
Keeps them guessing like some kind of polygon.
Prevents them from asking the most important question, why?
Why was Kennedy killed?
Who benefited?
Who has the power to cover it up?
In 1961, right after the Day of the Pigs, very few people know about this heart.
I participated in drawing up National Security Action Memos 55, 56, 57.
These are crucial documents, classified top secret.
But basically in them, Kennedy instructed General Lemmons, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, that from here on forward, the Joint Chiefs of Staff would be wholly responsible for all covert paramilitary action in peacetime.
This basically ended the reign of the CIA.
Splintered it, as JFK promised he would, into a thousand pieces.
And now he was ordering the military to help him do it.
This was unprecedented.
I can't tell you the shockwaves that this sent along the corridors of power in Washington.
This, and of course the firing of Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, and General Charles Campbell.
All of them sacred cows in intel since World War II.
They got some very upset people here.
And don't underestimate the budget cuts that Kennedy called for in March of 63 either.
Nearly 52 military installations in 25 states, 21 overseas bases.
We're talking big money.
You know how many helicopters have been lost in Vietnam?
Nearly 3,000 so far.
Who makes that?
Bell Helicopter.
Who owns Bell?
Well, Bell was nearly bankrupt when the First National Bank of Boston approached the CIA about developing the helicopter for Indochina usage.
How about the F-111 fighters?
General Dynamics of Fort Worth, Texas.
Who owns that?
Find out the defense budget since the war began.
Going on to a hundred billion.
Nearly two hundred billion to be spent before it's over.
In 1949, it was ten billion.
No wars.
No monies.
The organizing principle of any society, Mr. Garrison, is the war.
The authority of the state over its people resides in its war powers.
And Kennedy wanted to end the Cold War in his second term.
He wanted to call off the Moon Race in favor of cooperation with the Soviets.
He signed a treaty with the Soviets to ban nuclear testing.
He refused to invade Cuba in 1962, and he set out to withdraw from Vietnam.
But all of that ended.
On the 22nd of November, 1963.
As early as 1961, they knew Kennedy was not going to go to war in Southeast Asia.
Like Caesar, he is surrounded by enemies and something's underway.
But it has no face.
There are no compromising connections, except at the most secret point.
But what's paramount is that it must succeed.
No matter how many die, no matter how much it costs, the perpetrators must be on the winning side and never subject to prosecution for anything by anyone.
That is a coup d'etat.
And there's some other clips we cut out where he explains that Garrison, when he goes public, has got to stay public.
There's other clips where Garrison explains to his wife, I'm going public, I've got to stay in the spotlight and just hope people 20, 30 years from now learn the truth about this and, you know, stop this from continuing.
Jim Mars, powerful stuff.
And you know what's really interesting to me, though, is it did take almost 40 years for the bulk of the American public to finally figure out that there was a big conspiracy to kill Kennedy.
Yeah, it's a painful truth for them to deal with.
We'll be right back, Jim Marsh.
Stay with us.
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Coming up in the next segment, we're going to play some excerpts of Mr. X's discussion with Jim Garrison, who of course, it's Peter Sutherland in the film talking to the main star of the film, Kevin Costner.
And I want to spend a lot of time today talking about the making of that film, because it gives you a bird's eye view into the incredible research that took place, and of course the book that was written by Jim Mars that it's all based on.
But Jim, right now, the parallels between 9-11 and JFK.
Well, if the purpose of the mastermind behind the 9-11 attacks was to curtail American freedom, centralize more power in the federal government, and set back the social agenda of the United States in favor of an open-ended military intelligence build-up, then they succeeded admirably, okay?
And to many people, such as myself, it all had a familiar ring to it.
In many ways, the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks fits the same template as that of the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963.
And here's how.
Within hours, despite a lack of real evidence, one man was blamed for the event, along with hints that he was connected to foreign enemies.
Official pronouncements were widely publicized, only to be later admitted to be errors.
And although within the jurisdiction of the local authorities, the entire case was usurped by federal agencies, particularly FEMA and the FBI and the CIA, all agencies under the control of a president who benefited from the tragedy.
A group of specialists, medical in JFK's case, and some engineers in that of the World Trade Center were convened, but limited in what they could view and study and blocked from conducting an objective probe by federal officials.
Evidence in both cases was hastily removed and destroyed, forever lost to an impartial and meaningful investigation.
More evidence was locked away in government files under the excuse of national security.
Federal malfeasance was excused by claiming lack of manpower and resources, no one was disciplined or fired, and federal agency budgets were actually increased.
Any alternative to the official version of events was decried as conspiracy theory or unpatriotic.
And then the federal government used the event to increase its own centralized power.
A foreign war, Vietnam in JFK's case, Iraq and Afghanistan today, which otherwise would probably have been opposed by the American public, was supported by a grieving population.
A top government leader, LBJ then, now Bush, formerly under suspicion of election fraud, corrupt business dealings, was suddenly propelled to new heights of popularity.
Many citizens knew or suspected that the official version of the events was incorrect, but were afraid to speak out.
And a compliant and think-a-patic mass media was content to parrot the official version of events
Uh, and studiously avoided asking the hard questions that might have revealed the truth.
And then, Jim, if you look at who has the motive, it's the military-industrial complex and the bankers that own and control it in both events.
And then you look at the evidence, they're the ones that carried it out.
And now, shifting gears again, letting you finish up those great points you're making,
Well, here's two points that pretty well verify that.
In the case of JFK, Fourth Army intelligence, as a matter of routine, usually would have placed maybe a hundred or more undercover military agents in the crowd along the parade route.
as additional security and they would have seen that security in Dallas was tight.
If they saw an open window, if they saw people standing on the triple underpass, they would have taken action.
But they were told to stand down.
Same thing on 9-11.
On 9-11, we have a $400 billion defense system that suddenly failed systematically right down the line.
And of course the reason on 9-11, as you are well aware, Alex, was because of the war game exercises that were scheduled for the morning of 9-11.
But let me tell you two big differences between 9-11 and JFK's death.
It took less than ten days for LBJ to block any other investigations by creating the Warren Commission.
But in the case of 9-11, it was almost two years before the 9-11 Commission was created, and largely because of foot-dragging and stalling by President Bush and Vice President Gingrich.
Well, that's because they learned that the Warren Commission report actually became more incriminating because of the thousands of lies
In all those volumes, and so they didn't even want to have any fake investigation to begin with.
And in the case of the Warren Commission, the report came out, was issued, as I recall, in late September of 64.
And then a few months later, about November or December, they actually published and made public
26 volumes, 26 books full of their raw data.
And of course it took researchers some time, even years, but eventually we found out that what was in their own published material did not support what their report said.
But we got none of this in 9-11.
It was all hidden away and there was no raw data presented, just a report.
Stay there, Jim.
Stay there, but we're going to come back
We're going to play an excerpt of Mr. X, Watcher Prouty, talking to Jim Garrison from the film JFK.
We're going to talk about your involvement in that film, and we'll get into what really happened to JFK on that day.
The details.
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Jim Mars, we're going to get back into JFK here in just a few moments, but before we do that, tell us about the book that you wrote that was the blueprint for the movie JFK.
It's such an accomplishment.
You know, your skills, your research, your unparalleled.
Tell us about that book and then tell us about your 9-11 books and the new book that's coming out.
Well, the book, of course, that dealt with the Kennedy assassination was entitled Crossfire, The Plot to Kill Kennedy.
And basically, as you well know, Alex, it was simply an accumulation of all the information all put together under one cover.
And this, of course, is what made it desirable for Oliver Stone.
He had decided to
We're good to go.
But here's something interesting, Alex, and I think you and your audience need to know this.
Oliver Stone did not just take my book and run with it.
He had an entire research staff headed by Jane Rascone and a very capable woman.
And they backtracked on all my work.
And they went back and even talked to some of the same witnesses.
They looked at the same documents.
And interestingly enough, they came to the same conclusions that I have.
I want to be clear, I can't say too much on air, but some of my work is being looked at for a film similar to JFK in the way it's presented, and there's a team of seven people looking at everything I put out, and of course they've found to all be accurate, and in fact found a lot of times it's worse than what I'm presenting.
Was that the case with them looking at your facts?
Yes, that's exactly what went on.
For example, I'll give you a good example.
A lot of people, especially who were alive at the time, know the story of Rufus Youngblood, the Secret Service agent that was assigned to Lyndon Johnson, who was riding in the front seat.
And according to the official version, he leaped over the seat, threw himself on Lyndon Johnson, and protected him all the way to Parkland Hospital.
When they started running the motorcade in Dallas for the Oliver Stone film, they had the Rufus Youngblood character leap over the seat and throw himself on Johnson.
I went to Oliver Stone and told him that I had talked to Senator Ralph Yarborough, who was riding
Uh, in the backseat with Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson, and he told me that that never happened.
What actually happened was... Johnson was on the radio!
Yeah, when the shooting actually started, that Youngblood leaned over the backseat with a handheld radio, and he and Johnson listened to this radio and monitored.
The frequency all the way to the hospital.
And of course, when I told Oliver Stone this, he had them stop Johnson, the Secret Service agent, from leaping over the seat.
So that's the kind of input that we had going into this.
Talking to you the other night, then, when we see JFK and now the Director's Cut that's even better with a lot of excise, the really powerful stuff got cut out by Warner Brothers.
It's now back in.
How much of it is 100% accurate from your research?
Now, number one, the first thing Oliver Stone ever said to me regarding JFK was, he said, I want to make it clear, I am not making a documentary.
I am making a movie.
But you have to understand it is a movie.
But I mean the general facts though are really based on the best info.
And now some of the characters have been, are composite.
Some of the time frames have been compressed for the sake of getting a movie together in a coherent form.
But as far as the overall fact, the overall truth is presented, I will definitely say this.
The movie JFK is the closest that we've come yet to finding out the truth of the Kennedy assassination.
Here's an example.
We've got a clip from the documentary Beyond Conspiracy that was made about the film that you and others have said is really overall, with the facts, better than the film.
And it's available on the same Director's Cut DVD.
And it's clip number 16 in that work.
It's Dean Andrews and Garrison.
Dean speaks right ta ta, wrong ho ho.
Tell us about this clip before we play it.
Beyond conspiracy, they have a filmed interview with Dean Andrews and the words that John Candy spoke are exactly his words.
Let's go ahead and play clip 16.
Here it is.
While conducting his investigation, Jim ran across in the Warrant Commission volumes an interview with Dean Andrews.
Jim happened to know him because they attended law school together at Tulane.
On Saturday, the day after the assassination of President Kennedy, Andrews had received a strange phone call from a man named Clay Bertrand, asking him, Andrews, to go to Dallas to represent Lee Harvey Oswald as his attorney.
Clay Bertrand, whoever the real man might be,
As one of the participants in the assassination.
And a man named Dean Anders is protecting him by not giving his real name.
I decided I wanted his real name.
So I set up a meeting at lunch.
Dean, are you trying to tell me...
That you received a call from Clay Bertrand, who was a client of yours, but you don't know what he looks like because you've never seen him, and he'd say, scouts on him, my man.
He's got the right ta-ta, but the wrong ho-ho.
What I'm going to do is I'm going to call you into the grand jury.
And I spoke some of his language, so to speak.
I said, now when you dance into the grand jury, you better lay the truth on them.
Or else you are going to be indicted and go to trial for perjury.
We tried him.
And the jury found him guilty.
So that clip we hear there, that is the real Dean Andrews, and if you compare it to the film, it's exactly the same person.
Incredible job.
Same thing with one of the key witnesses to the assassination, Jean Hill.
The lady that played Jean Hill in the movie, when she speaks her lines, and says, Hey, Mr. President, look over here.
Well, I talked to Madeleine Duncan Brown before she died.
I interviewed her several times on the radio.
You've interviewed her.
She was interviewed for this national televised documentary.
Blood tests, DNA was done on her son.
He later died of cancer.
Clearly, LBJs.
Son, none of that has been denied.
When I would do shows about this, the radio station, we got hopping mad phone calls from you can believe who, but nothing, you can guess who, but nothing ever came of it.
But we have her at the meetings there visiting with LBJ up in Dallas and then back at the Driscoll, his mistress, where he's bragging about how he had Kennedy killed.
And then at the very same time, now we have LBJ's lawyer, who of course was the father of Scott McClellan, Barr McClellan, and the ex-husband of the lady currently running for governor here in Texas, whatever her name is this week, Strayhorn.
So having those two individuals go public about LBJ saying he had JFK killed, I mean, how strong is that?
Well, it probably would have been enough to get him convicted in a court of law if there had been any legal proceedings.
Keep in mind, Jim Garrison, who has been vilified and is still being vilified by certain sections of the mass media for clutching at straws and just trying to aggrandize himself.
He is the only public official who tried to bring legal action in the case of the Kennedy assassination.
But in hindsight, this is an incredible veteran of World War II, Marine Corps rescue pilot.
And a former FBI agent.
And in hindsight, it turns out that with limited resources, he did an incredible job.
He actually did.
He really began to crack into the assassination, and that's why they had to take unprecedented steps
To suppress his information and to try to somehow or another compromise him.
That of course is, we mentioned the other day, there's a scene that was cut from the initial movie JFK, but it's been deleted.
Yeah, they don't say in the film what it is, but he's at the airport, one of his former FBI guys that works for him, one of his other employees is telling him, is setting him up, who we know is setting him up.
Yeah, he comes up and says, they're going to kill you.
You've got to go with me and these men.
They were probably going to kill him right then.
And he says, no way.
So he goes to the bathroom.
He uses the toilet.
And then they send a homosexual in.
And then he figures it out and runs out as the police all come running in.
But in the film, they don't spell that out.
In fact, it wasn't even clear to me.
But that was based on a true story.
Tell us about it.
Well, that's true.
You just pretty well outlined it.
I think by this time they were trying to nullify Jim Garrison.
They would have killed him if they thought they could get away with it, but he was too public by this time and the whole eyes of the world were on him.
So what they did was on one of his trips,
Uh, they, as you say, they planted a known homosexual in the bathroom.
They were going to try to catch them in a compromising situation and then arrest him and hold him up as a homosexual, which of course today doesn't mean much, but back then would have been
And of course it makes sense, because the real CIA team in New Orleans was a homosexual gang, just like the Bush Administration.
And I'm not even here bashing these people, folks.
I'm telling you, they do this to compromise each other, and many power sectors, going back a hundred years in this country, are homosexual gangs, and Oliver Stone covers that in the film, doesn't he?
Well, he alludes to that.
Yeah, like you said, I don't know if he actually just comes out and says, here, look at this, but it's just like in the scene in the airport where the
We're good to go.
And meanwhile, before the cops could get there, here come 20 cops running in right after he runs out.
And they were all hovering, just waiting to take care of him.
And see, that's the thing people have to understand.
In the Kennedy assassination, 9-11 I'm sure is the same thing.
You don't have just one or two or three people who are in on the plot.
You've got a
A bunch of people, but all of them are highly compartmentalized.
They only do what they're told.
They only know their small... And I love how they bring one of his deputies over to him, one of his former FBI lawyers that works for him, in a parking lot.
They shove him in violently into a corner, and they go, of course, Lee Harvey didn't do it.
It was the Soviets.
And if this comes out, it's going to be World War III.
Now, you've got to work with us.
And he says no, and they ram him up against the wall, and he goes ahead and flips.
See, they also use twisted disinfo.
Plus, they use threats.
I mean, they will threaten not only you, but if you stand up to the threats, then they'll threaten your family.
Just like they did H. Ross Perot.
Well, yeah, it's happened to me, too.
Let's go back, though.
Who was that particular individual in history that was really one of their operatives inside Garrison's operation?
Well, that was Bill Boxley, I believe was his actual name, and they called him Bill Broussard in the movie.
But Garrison's investigation was thoroughly penetrated.
They had all kinds of people, young people, showing up to volunteer to help him, and then in the process, they looted his files, they made copies of everything, they bugged his offices, and this was the FBI, okay?
And this is one of the things that really got Jim Garrison, because as you mentioned, he was a former pilot in the war, he was a former FBI agent and a public service.
He really believed in America, and it never crossed his mind early on that the government in the form of the FBI would actually be blocking him and working against him.
And I think the same thing could be said for John F. Kennedy.
I mean, he kind of knew what was going on, and he knew there were powerful factions arrayed against him, but I think in his deepest, darkest paranoia, I don't think he really understood that people within the government would actually kill the chief and present the public of this country with a coup d'etat.
Later we're going to play the Mr. X clip and several others based on Fletcher Brody, but first I want to play clip 18.
This is with Mars and Madeleine Duncan Brown on Cronkite on the LBJ, quote, conspiracy stuff.
And this is from the documentary Beyond Conspiracy, the companion to JFK, the movie.
Go ahead and roll it.
Theory number two contends that Texas oilmen fed up with Kennedy's threats to their oil depletion tax breaks and defense contracts funded the Triggermen.
Madeleine Brown knew these oil barons and witnessed their deep resentment of the Kennedys.
Hunt was passing out several days prior to the assassination, the wanted for treason.
And I told him at the time, I said, H.L., you're going to get yourself in trouble.
You cannot do the President of the United States that way.
And he said, he remarked, the hell I can.
I'm the richest man in the world and I never get in trouble.
Madeline Brown may have had a unique vantage point into the world of Texas politics.
She claims to have had a long affair and a son with Lyndon Johnson.
I have double-checked on that.
There are documents.
There's letters from Johnson's lawyers.
Plus, I had checked with friends of mine in the press corps who had followed Johnson on the campaign trail and they all just grinned and said, oh yeah, Madeline Brown.
It was an open secret.
Brown remembers Johnson fondly.
He was wonderful.
He was as powerful in the bed, you might say, as he was in politics.
Brown says she once asked her lover what he knew about the Kennedy assassination.
I met him on New Year's, following the assassination, New Year's Eve.
And I said, Lyndon, I said, people in Dallas are talking that you had something to do with the assassination.
And he became very, very violently angry.
And at that time, though, he did tell me it was the oil people that I knew here in Dallas
In 1969, Lyndon Johnson surprised Walter Cronkite with his own doubts about the Warren Commission.
He got amused.
Almost sort of watching.
But on the other hand, you know, I've always thought there could have been a conspiracy there.
After reviewing the interview transcript, Johnson insisted his conspiracy remarks be deleted on the grounds of national security.
He was so persuasive and put such pressure on Bill Bailey, the president of the network, that we abandoned that quote and didn't use it.
Which makes me feel that it was even more important.
Alright, so there's that clip.
And of course, by then he had more heart attacks, he was getting ready to die, he was against the war, he was starting to apologize for it.
So these people start to slip up.
We see this a lot.
Which is why the Globalists tend to kill a lot of top New World Order minions when they get sick or when they get old.
If they start shooting their mouths off, there's a lot of questions about that with LBJ.
Jim, you want to comment on that?
Well, that's true, and LBJ got very paranoid, and he was having trouble sleeping, and he'd tell people he was having these dreams of bombers coming over and bombing him.
I think it was the guilt that he carried of the knowledge of the Kennedy assassination.
Another good influence was that... Yeah, you can't do this if you've got passion and any soul left.
Now, of course, there are globalists who love it and nothing hurts them, but yeah, clearly this destroyed LBJ.
He came from a poor background, and even though he caved in, sold out, everything else, I think he still retained some of his humanity.
I was going to mention his brother, Sam Houston Johnson, contacted him after the 1964 election and said, you know, sorry I didn't help you more, and he said, that's okay, we won anyway, and I really appreciate your help.
Tell us on the other side.
Tell us on the other side.
Recap it.
We'll finish up there.
A bunch of other clips.
More with Jim Mars.
Stay with us, this is riveting.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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Coming up in the next hour, we'll play excerpts of Jim Garrison's summation speech, one of the most powerful that I've read in human history, and this is a very
I've read a lot of famous summation speeches in prosecutions or in legislative debates, closing arguments.
We'll also play some excerpts of Fletcher Prouty and get Jim's incredible research on that.
Grab your pens and paper because in a few minutes I'm going to demand, I asked him earlier, he really didn't plug himself, to get Jim to tell you about his new book that's coming out.
Just an incredible writer.
We're going to start carrying all of his books here.
This man is just amazing.
The more of his books I read, the more time I have to read them.
The only problem is they're just so well written, so well researched.
Here's a clip though from the documentary about the JFK film.
This is Mars talking about the strongest motive and self-defense for JFK is that the CIA, he said, was going to be in a thousand pieces.
Here it is.
We intend to profit from this lesson.
We intend to re-examine and reorient our forces of all kinds.
If the Cubans saw Kennedy as their enemy, JFK began to see the CIA as his.
Later on, there was a newspaper headline in the New York Times, a sub-headline, Kennedy Bitterness, which quoted Kennedy as saying, I'm going to take the CIA, break it into a thousand pieces and cast the pieces into the winds.
They were finished.
The strongest motive to kill somebody is self-defense.
And these intelligence officers were the same intelligence officers who had been participating in plots to assassinate Castro, La Mumba, the Diem brothers, Papa Doc Duvalier, world leaders that they didn't agree with all around the country, all around the world.
So, is it any stretch of the imagination that in their fear and in their self-defense that they simply sent their hit squads to Dallas?
Now, that's what it comes down to when you look at these CIA chiefs.
These are the people involved in bringing heroin and cocaine into this country.
Involved in organized crime.
These are bad, bad people.
Do you think Kennedy was a little bit naive, or do you just think he had amazing courage and thought that he could handle it?
An overconfident Jim Mars?
I think a little bit of both.
I think that he, in fact, that actually probably was the key point that got him killed.
He truly believed he was President of the United States.
Well, he told the Russians a year before he was killed that there could be a coup.
I think he should have gone public with that and that would have nixed it.
But, see, he was still naive enough to think that the system worked.
There's people I'm in touch with right now who still believe that if they could just get to the right grand jury or to the right congressional committee, that everything would be straightened out.
But, of course, it hasn't and it's not.
Jim, before we go any further, tell us about your last couple of books and the new one coming out that I hear is a humdinger.
Of course, after Crossfire, I ask everybody, what do you think is the next big, deep, dark, secret government cover-up?
And almost unanimously, people said, well, I'd really like to know what's the real truth about the UFO situation.
So I began to go back in and began to research UFOs and that led me to the Army's remote viewing.
uh... experiments and and studies in the their remote viewing unit and I wrote a book on that but it got suppressed.
They cancelled it at the last minute and then just a few weeks later the CIA issued a press release admitting that they had been doing remote viewing but they didn't they said we didn't get very much use out of it.
Tell us about your current book that's coming out.
Okay, the current book now is The Tara Conspiracy, and it will be out on bookshelves by the first week in September.
That's being put out by Disinformation?
That's right.
And this one is probably everything that you've talked about.
Alex, this not only deals with the questions, inconsistencies, and improbabilities of 9-11, but puts it into a wider context.
Okay, so we've got the terror conspiracy coming out.
We'll tell you more about that, folks, before Jim leaves us in the next hour.
Before we end this hour, in the next 30 seconds, Jim will be in Dallas giving a speech when I premiere Terror Storm on August 26th at the Lakewood Theater in Central Dallas.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, Tim's another classic individual from the old school, straw hat, the whole nine yards, right before the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, even owning and running other big Texas newspapers himself in the past.
Jim's written a bunch of best-selling books, and his book on JFK was the blueprint, according to Oliver Stone, even in the extras of the film, the main blueprint for their film.
He helped write the screenplay, and we're here playing clips of JFK, the director's cut, my favorite film.
It's heads above the rest.
I mean, if you've seen the original JFK, it's a pale shadow.
The 18 minutes that Warner Brothers cut out was really the heart of this film.
But, just like they cut stuff out of Scanner Darkly, but the film I'm in and consulted on.
We've got Jim for this hour to continue the parallels between JFK and 9-11 and to look at this historical event of JFK and put it in a better perspective for us.
Jim, when we come back in the next segment, I'm going to play some excerpts of Mr. X, Mr. Fletcher Prouty, and one of the few characters in the film that you guys didn't name by name.
Why didn't you do that?
Tell us about that.
Okay, there were some characters in the movie JFK that were composite characters, and Mr. X is one of these.
And here's the situation.
Jim Garrison indeed flew to Washington to meet with a government operative.
But that operative was a army intelligence agent by the name of Richard Case Nagle.
During the course of the Clay Shaw trial, Jim Garrison did not meet or know about Colonel Fletcher Prouty, who had spent some years as the liaison officer between the CIA and the Pentagon.
As such, he was never required to sign all the secrecy oaths
That CIA officers are required to do, and that's why he was able to speak out in later years.
In fact, he wrote a book called The Secret Team, which was about the shadow government.
Now, but by the time that we were making the film, it was, Prouty's input was very necessary to understand certain things, so they simply made it Mr. X.
Meeting in Washington, because if they had said he met with Fletcher Prouty, the debunkers could have quickly said, no, he never met with Fletcher Prouty, which is true.
But he later met with him, and Fletcher Prouty did indeed say these things.
And what Prouty said was, the active role in the Kennedy assassination was played secretly by permitting it to happen.
He was not murdered by some lone gunman or some limited conspiracy, but by the breakdown of the protective system that should have made assassination impossible.
And this is the key, not only to the Kennedy assassination, anybody could have killed him.
The question is, who had the power to cover it all up, and to block any meaningful... And who had the power to do it, and who had the motive?
Exactly, and the same thing can be applied to 9-11.
Yes, yes, it could have been 19 Muslim fanatics with little box cutters, but who had the power
For example, to switch off the automated defense missile batteries at the Pentagon.
Default position, fire on unidentified objects coming in.
Default position, launch F-16 interceptor fighters.
Default position, and two hours until the Pentagon hit from the time they knew they were a hijacked aircraft.
Exactly, and having been an award-winning military aviation aerospace writer,
I know for dead certain that any aircraft approaching Washington D.C.
gives off a friendly code signal which tells these automated missile batteries to stand down.
And the first spin in the first few days from Fox News was, oh, Al-Qaeda must have gotten those codes.
They had to back off that real quick.
Right, exactly.
In fact, that's another aspect of 9-11, as you well know.
Jim, I want to get your comment on this.
The exact same Air Force pilot who took part in drills the year before applying hijacked jets into the Pentagon and CIA headquarters, he's the guy flying Flight 77 that day that supposedly hit the Pentagon.
Now, what's the chances of that?
Stay there.
Jim Myers, this is unbelievably powerful information.
Stay with us.
I hope all of you are recording this.
Some of the best radio we've ever done.
And I would add that our internet listenership, which is a gauge we use, is the highest level it's ever been.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Newspaper crime reporter,
From the time he was in college, best-selling author, he's owned and run newspapers, worked for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, again, best-selling author, and is the main writer on the film JFK.
And I, again, for about six months had owned the director's cut.
I bought it when I was at Best Buy, buying some equipment, and I hadn't watched it, and I popped it in and sent it out to my wife, and didn't end up going to bed till about two, watching the extras with my mouth hanging open.
I mean, this film is incredible.
And Jim Mars is really some of the central brains behind it.
We're so honored to have him as a colleague.
Here's a little quick clip from the documentary about the JFK film, Beyond Conspiracy, with Mars talking about CIA mob and military connections.
Here it is.
The key thing I think that a lot of people don't lose sight of, fact of, is that once you dismiss the communist thing, the foreign plot,
Jim, you were going to finish up with some comments about 9-11 before the break.
Well, there's so much about 9-11 we could talk about.
The whole lengthy commentary you have about Building 7 and
And of course, Larry Silverstein, the owner, who says, well, we decided to pull it, so I told him to pull it, and we watched the building collapse, and then all the arguments about what he really meant.
You know, a few years after that, after he made that comment, and when this issue was becoming big, one of the spokesmen for Silverstein Properties came out and said, well, what he meant was
I don't think so.
And they say that we're getting ready to pull it, and it shows them blow it up.
That is just common jargon for a controlled demolition.
That'd be like if I said, I'm going to blow your head off, and then you're found the next day, Jim, with your head blown off, and then I tell the police, well, I said on air I was going to blow his head off, but I meant I was going to give him a kiss on the forehead.
Yeah, exactly.
And that's how ridiculous all this is.
But what they've done, both in the Kennedy assassination and in 9-11,
Is the classic debate technique which is appeal to authority.
The higher the authority, if they say 2 and 2 is 5, then we're just expected to believe it.
Because they're experts.
Because they're experts or they're leaders.
Now the real clip from the Director's Cut, where they beef this up, is about 13 minutes.
We've got it down to about 8.
This Fletcher Prouty quote, for those that just joined us, he was the liaison in Black World Ops between the Pentagon and the CIA, and he got sent away, which he never did, literally to the North Pole, for this event so they could pull the protective detail that he would be in control of away from Kennedy.
So let's go ahead and play this key clip from JFK.
Here it is.
And I assume if you've come this far, what I have to say interests you.
But I'm not gonna name names and tell you who or what I represent.
Except to say you're close.
You're closer than you think.
In fact, hit pause.
Backing up a second or two, I meant to add too, while he's talking there are flashbacks to people at the White House, LBJ and others, talking about how the plot formed, how it began, how it started.
So that won't be confusing, I needed to add that.
And we did cut out the profanity, here it is.
I assume if you've come this far, what I have to say interests you.
But I'm not going to name names and tell you who or what I represent.
Except to say you're close.
You're closer than you think.
Everything I'm going to tell you is classified top secret.
I was a soldier, Mr. Garrison.
Two wars.
I was one of those secret guys in the Pentagon that supplies the military hardware, the planes, bullets, rifles, for what we call black operations.
Black ops.
Assassinations, coup d'etat, rigging elections, propaganda, psych work, and so on. 1963.
I spent much of September 63 working on the Kennedy plan for getting all U.S.
personnel out of Vietnam by the end of 1965.
This plan was one of the strongest, most important papers issued from the Kennedy White House.
His National Security Action Memo 263 ordered home the first 1,000 troops for Christmas.
But then in November, one week after the murder of Vietnamese President Dien Nguyen Saigon and two weeks before the assassination of our president, a strange thing happened to me.
I was sent by my superior officer, we'll call him Y. I was sent by General Y to the South Pole as a military escort for a group of international VIPs.
I was on my way back in New Zealand when the President was killed.
Oswald was charged at 7 p.m.
Alice time with Tippett's murder.
That's two o'clock in the afternoon of the next day, New Zealand time.
But already, their papers have the entire history of this unknown 24-year-old man, Oswald.
Studio picture, detailed biographical data, Russian information, and we're pretty sure of the fact that he killed the president alone, although it took them four more hours before they even charged him with that crime in Dallas.
Not to me, is it?
Well, that cover story was being put up, like we would in a black op.
Anyway, after I came back, I asked myself, why was I, the Chief of Special Ops, selected to travel to the South Pole at that time to do a job that any number of others could have done?
And I wondered if it could have been because one of my routine duties, if I had been in Washington, would have been to arrange for additional security in Texas, so I decided to check it out.
Sure enough, I found out that someone had told the 112th Military Intelligence Group at 4th Army Headquarters at Fort San Houston to stand down that day over the protest of a unit commander, Colonel Rutt.
I believe it's a mistake.
No, this is significant because it is standard operating procedure, especially in a known hostile city like Dallas, to supplement the Secret Service.
You would have felt an army presence in the streets that day, but none of this happened.
It was a violation of the most basic protection codes we have.
And it is the best indication of a massive plot in Dallas.
Now, who could have best done this?
Black Ops, Mr. Garrison, people in my business, people like my superior officer could have called Colonel Reich and said, Look, we have another unit coming from so-and-so providing security.
You'll stand down.
I mean, that day, in fact, there were some individual Army Intelligence people in Dallas.
I'm still trying to figure out who and why.
But they weren't protecting a client.
And, of course, Oswald.
Army Intel had a Harvey Lee Oswald on file.
All those files have been destroyed.
Many strange things were happening, and your Lee Harvey Oswald had nothing to do with them.
Those of us who'd been in secret office since the beginning knew the Warren Commission was fiction.
But there was something... something deeper.
I knew Alan Dulles very well.
I'd briefed him many a time in his house.
But for the life of me, I still can't figure out why he was appointed to investigate Kennedy's death, the man who had fired him.
Dulles, by the way, was General Wyatt's benefactor.
I got out in 64, resigned my commission.
I never realized Kennedy was so dangerous to the establishment.
Is that why?
That's the real question, isn't it?
The how and the who is just scenery for the public.
Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia.
Keeps them guessing like some kind of parlor game.
Prevents them from asking the most important question, why?
Why was Kennedy killed?
Who benefited?
Who has the power to cover it up?
In 1961, right after the Day of the Pigs, very few people know about this, alright?
I participated in drawing up National Security Action Memos 55, 56, 57.
These are crucial documents classified top secret.
But basically in them, Kennedy instructed General Lemnitz, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, that from here on forward, the Joint Chiefs of Staff would be wholly responsible for all covert paramilitary action in Pisa.
This basically ended the reign of the CIA.
He splintered it, as JFK promised he would, into a thousand pieces.
And now he was ordering the military to help him do it.
This was unprecedented.
I can't tell you the shockwaves that this sent along the corridors of power in Washington.
This, and of course the firing of Alan Dulles, Richard Bissell, and General Charles Campbell.
All of them sacred cows in intel since World War II.
They got some very upset people here.
And don't underestimate the budget cuts that Kennedy called for in March of 63 either.
Nearly 52 military installations in 25 states, 21 overseas bases.
We're talking big money.
You know how many helicopters have been lost in Vietnam?
Nearly 3,000 so far.
Who makes that?
Bell Helicopter.
Who owns Bell?
Well, Bell was nearly bankrupt when the First National Bank of Boston approached the CIA about developing a helicopter for Indochina usage.
How about the F-111 fighters?
General Dynamics of Fort Worth, Texas.
Who owns that?
Find out the defense budget since the war began.
75, going on to 100 billion.
Nearly 200 billion will be spent before it's over.
In 1949, it was 10 billion.
No wars.
No money.
The organizing principle of any society, Mr. Garrison, is the war.
The authority of the state over its people resides in its war powers.
And Kennedy wanted to end the Cold War in his second term.
He wanted to call off the moon race in favor of cooperation with the Soviets.
He signed a treaty with the Soviets to ban nuclear testing.
He refused to invade Cuba in 1962, and he set out to withdraw from Vietnam.
But all of that ended.
On the 22nd of November, 1963.
As early as 1961, they knew Kennedy was not going to go to war in Southeast Asia.
Like Caesar, he is surrounded by enemies and something's underway.
But it has no face.
There are no compromising connections, except at the most secret point.
But what's paramount is that it must succeed.
No matter how many die, no matter how much it costs, the perpetrators must be on the winning side and never subject to prosecution for anything by anyone.
That is a coup d'etat.
Absolutely, and you know what's up?
Really interesting to me, though, is that it did take almost 40 years for the bulk of the American public to finally figure out that there was a big conspiracy to kill Kennedy.
And national polls show that now we all pretty much accept that.
The reason it's not talked about more is because it's not been officially acknowledged, and therefore the mass media, that it's corporate-controlled, doesn't talk about it.
Yeah, it's a painful truth for them to deal with.
We'll be right back, Jim Maher.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation here Monday through Friday 11 to 2 back from 9 to midnight.
And we rotate and continually air my daily broadcast before and after the broadcast at InfoWars.com.
We're now sending out our own internet stream.
Just a note for the listeners that aren't listening on AM or FM, satellite or shortwave.
You can listen to the show re-aired continually 24 hours a day at InfoWars.com.
Going back to Jim Mars.
Jim, you're such a gentleman.
We've got links up on InfoWars.com to your great website where people can read all your articles and get your books.
But tell us, for those that aren't by a computer and can't go to InfoWars, your web address.
The web address is www.jimmars.com.
That's J-I-M-M-A-R-R-S.
Two R's in Mars.
And it looks like you and Tex Mars come from the same part of Scotland, doesn't it?
Yes, I'm often asked if I'm in relation to Tex Mars and I have talked with Tex Mars.
And as far as we know, there's no family relationship, and yet we both claim Scotch ancestry, and we both know about the Morris Castle in Scotland, so I can't help but think that somewhere back down the line, there may have been an intersection.
Yeah, well you're both good guys.
Let's talk a little bit about the heat you and Oliver Stone and others got for this movie.
You know, it was really interesting, Alex, that I said, well, long before the Oliver Stone movie came up, I said, you know,
The people behind the assassination are so cold-blooded and so greedy that they would probably actually tell on themselves if they could profit from it.
And that's exactly what happened with the Oliver Stone movie.
Warner Brothers, of course, had been handling his other very popular and very profitable movies, and so when he began to work on JFK, they tried to get him to go off onto something else.
But by that time, he had such a reputation, he was able to stand up to them and say, no, I'm going to do this.
Well, even at that, they tried to get him to tone down a lot of things and change things, but he refused to do that.
So they were left with the situation of where they were either going to distribute the film and make all the money, or they were going to just say, no, we're not going to handle this.
And lose their star director.
Yeah, they knew he would simply go to some other studio or some other
Even before the movie aired, there were already articles in the national news media, the corporate control media.
Oh, I remember.
I remember being in high school in 91 when it came out.
I was a junior.
And the demonization that was going on.
Oh, yeah.
And this was before anybody even had a chance to see it.
But, you know, that was kind of interesting, too.
There was a big Newsweek
I think so.
Uh, said, you know, it is so powerful and it presents so much well-documented information that perhaps we should take this seriously.
So, there was dissension even within the ranks of the news media.
Jim, before we break later, you'll tell us a little interesting bulletin story, and we've got more to talk about in a few other clips.
But before we end this short segment, I'm looking forward to your speech, your hour-long speech, and the questions and comments you'll be making up there, a speech you're going to be giving JFK to 9-11 in Dallas at the Lakewood Theater.
Do you think folks ought to come out to that event?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, even if you have just a passing interest, you need to arm yourself with the facts.
The one thing, Alex, that everybody agrees on is that the Kennedy assassination is controversial.
But you know what?
Actually, it's not.
It only appears to be a controversy because of the wide gap between those who have accepted the government pronouncement and those who have actually studied the facts.
You're right.
The 40th anniversary three years ago, I spent a lot more time on it that year than I do normally, and I don't like to take just one poll or another.
I do what focus groups at the White House do, because I've read about how they do this.
I took 12 polls that week.
Do you believe the government was involved, or was it the Soviets, or was it
Lee Harvey, McVeigh Oswald alone.
I mean, sarcastic folks.
And I averaged 12 polls together, and guess what percentage I got of the American people believing the U.S.
government killed him?
There were polls of 80, 85, 96.
I averaged 12 newspaper online polls, scientific polls, together and got 92%.
But still, these pundits get up on TV and go, the grassy knoll crazies think the government killed Kennedy!
Well, Alex, here's what's fascinating.
Have you thought about this?
I started to say this while ago.
It's taken 40 years for the 92% of the American public to realize that Kennedy was killed as a result of big conspiracy.
It's only taken 5 years for half the population to believe that 9-11 was an inside job.
That's right.
We forget the last zombie poll said inside job, 48% said yes, 68% think there's a cover-up.
So really, 68% are saying it.
And it's more than that.
I mean, you get a phone call.
Most people are scared to say it over the phone.
I think 48% are saying it's an inside job is phenomenal, isn't it, Jim?
Plus, you had like, there was like 12% undecided.
We got a break.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm sorry we haven't taken any calls today, but I covered news in the first hour that's happening over in Israel.
Hopefully some good things are happening over there.
Israel's saying they may not continue to move further north into Lebanon, but we'll see.
Maybe they're just massing more troops.
We know they are.
Maybe just buying more time.
And we're not taking any calls during this two hours because we're playing all these lengthy clips and getting Jim Meyers' incredible analysis on it, the main author behind the JFK film.
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To hear Jim Mars and myself and to see my new film Terror Storm, to see my new Bilderberg footage, a 35 minute rough cut of some of the best footage we got up at the Bilderberg conference in Ottawa, Canada just a month and a half ago.
And we're also going to have Shanghai Five, a great lounge group that does kind of classical
Las Vegas style music is really good.
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So from 7 to 2 in the morning for $10.
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It's not going to be hugely profitable bringing my whole crew up there, but it's just getting together and fighting the globalists together.
And at the same time, I'll have my DVDs and books and films that are available for purchase if you don't like getting stuff over the computer or over the toll-free line or by writing to us.
Right now, the only place you get tickets is the internet, but in the next few days you'll be able to buy them via the toll-free number if you wish.
Oh yeah, I think this is going to be a great event and there's such a huge population in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
You know, we've always joked that Texas is always five years behind everything else that's happening in the country, and when it comes to the truth of 9-11, this may even be more so.
And so I think it behooves everyone who cares about what's happening, cares about the future of this country, and what's in store for their children, their grandchildren, I think this is an opportunity to come and familiarize yourself with the information.
I know I speak for myself, and I think I speak for Alex,
I don't ask anybody to simply trust me and believe me, but just listen.
I'm going to give you documented information that's been checked and double-checked, and this is information, truthful information, that you must have to be able to make reasonable decisions in this day and time.
Absolutely, and very quickly, your new book's coming out in the next two months, put out by a great publisher.
Tell us about that.
Yeah, that'll be out on Bookstore.com.
Door shelves, the first week in September, it's called the Terror Conspiracy.
It deals not only with the questions and still unanswered questions of 9-11, but then puts the whole thing into a broader context.
Looks at other government-sponsored terror.
Funny, great minds think alike.
I mean, if I can say so myself, that's what my new film, Terror Storm, is about.
And I'm going to carry that book, by the way, Jim.
It's been eagerly anticipated by a lot of people.
Before we go any further, we're almost out of time here.
I want to play this clip.
We played it earlier, but not the whole clip.
A little three-minute clip.
This is where Martin Luther King's been killed.
This is a true story.
They're in their house in New Orleans.
Jim Garrison, his wife, his children, the nanny, and they're looking at the television and one of these little kidnapper calls comes in.
His young daughter answers it and Jim Garrison says something that I believe in and know to be true about not being intimidated and that being the most dangerous thing.
Any comments on this clip before we play it, Jim?
Well, absolutely, that's it.
If you kneel down and yield to fear and anxiety, then you're only caving in to the people who seek to control you.
I was always under the impression, I grew up in a free country, a democratic country, where we had not only the right but the duty to stand up and voice
Our opposition or our opinions and we've got to work to see that it continues to be that way.
Do you think the globalists are shocked by how aggressive we've been in exposing 9-11 and how much courage millions of people have had and how many hundreds of prominent whistleblowers have gone public?
Well, I'd hesitate to say shocked, because as you well know, Alex, these people have access to the think tanks and the foundations.
They have their pulse.
I think they probably knew that this could happen, but I'm pretty much convinced that they are in disarray.
They're running for cover.
This is why, by the way, that Israel's making its move right now, because
They know they gotta hurry up and do it while they can still count on the support of the neocons in Washington.
No, I agree.
They're trying to hurry up and get it all done.
Let's go ahead and play this clip.
Here it is.
Dr. Martin Luther King called his beautiful dreams, expressed so dramatically during the 1963 march on Washington, were shattered tonight in Memphis, Tennessee by an assassin's bullet.
Police seem to think that the single shot came from across the street.
They say that they have found a Browning automatic rifle fitted with a marksman scope on a sidewalk.
Hello, is this Jim Garrison's store?
Virginia or Elizabeth?
Virginia, you're a lucky little girl.
Your daddy said that you're in a beauty contest.
Would you like to be in a beauty contest?
I don't know.
God, my God!
What have they done?
It's lunch time.
That sounds fun.
Honey, come on, let's go.
Mommy, I'm going to be in a beauty contest.
Who is this?
Who is this?
Did you end up in Virginia in a beauty contest?
A man just called.
He wanted to know everything.
Her height, her weight, where she... I'm crackpot.
My Luther King was killed in Memphis.
Honey, your daughter's life's just been threatened.
It's just a crank making calls.
Happens a dozen times a day at the office.
Our home, Jim!
A kidnapper, a murderer, who knows what?
Those old cowards make crank calls.
How do you know?
I thought it was gonna happen.
How do you even know what goes on in this house anymore?
You're too busy making speeches.
Getting every crazed classman in Louisiana after us.
I'm leaving.
I've taken the kids.
I'm leaving.
I can't stand it anymore!
The government wants you to be scared.
You and your government!
The government wants everybody to be scared to speak out.
What's the matter with you?
They count on it.
There's nothing to be scared of.
Don't you have any feelings?
Your own daughter!
What kind of man are you?
I'll make them up to my mothers if it makes you feel any better, alright?
You spend a week.
What's a week gonna do?
I'll change the locks, the phone lines, I'll even get a bodyguard.
Just get a hold of yourself.
Honey, before this Kennedy thing, nothing mattered in this world more than your children.
The other night Jasper tried to talk to you.
You didn't even notice he was there.
He came to me bawling his little eyes out.
I promise, alright?
I promise I'll make more time for Jasper.
Is it such a chore?
Can I fight you and the whole world too, Liz?
I'm not fighting you.
I'm trying to reach you.
You've changed!
Of course I've changed!
My eyes have opened!
And once they're open, believe me, what used to look normal seems insane and now keen.
Don't you think, don't you think this has something to do with that?
Can't you see?
I don't want to see!
I've had enough!
You're ruining this man's child's life!
You're attacking him because he's a homosexual!
That's not why I'm attacking him!
Did you ever for once stop to consider what he was feeling?
You don't believe me?
I don't know.
All this time you never believed me.
I just want to raise our children and live a normal life.
I want my life back!
I don't like to, you know.
You just can't bury your head in sand.
It's not about our well-being, all right?
It's not about our two cars and our TVs and no kitchen.
But our kid's grown up and I'm angry about it.
Absolutely, and that is so real life, folks, for people who fight the New World Order, the things that everybody goes through, the stress, the calls.
You know, all of it, I mean, being attacked in parking lots by four thugs, the things I've personally dealt with, that makes it so real when four people are pounding on you, telling you, shut up about the New World Order, but you go through that, and to see the people waking up and to know, we got these people on the run, I agree with Jim Mars, and of course that's based on, that's kind of a composite of a bunch of things that happen, but if you listen to the phone, he's telling the little girl, I'm gonna pick you up from school, alright?
I mean, that's the type of scum we're talking about.
Jim Mars?
That's absolutely right.
In fact, anybody today that's trying to look for the truth and speaks out about the truth, you not only have to fight the government propaganda, the corporate control media, but all too often you even find fights within your own family because what's happening is the difference between people who are willing to
Open their eyes, open their ears and use their God-given computer called a brain versus the other people who are either naive or scared and simply want to cling to the matrix that has been woven about us.
By the mass electronic media.
But it's more dangerous, and when you realize you've got a government that'll knowingly put AIDS virus in hemophiliacs drugs, that'll knowingly put mercury in vaccines to brain damaged children, that'll knowingly put AIDS virus in vaccines, that'll knowingly give black men syphilis, that'll knowingly sterilize 400,000 women, that'll knowingly kill thousands of our troops in chemical, biological, radiological testing,
That'll knowingly, you know, do all of these things and blow presidents' heads off in front of us, and then treat us like a bunch of idiots and won't think we won't get on to it.
I mean, we got a problem!
You know, we got a problem here, Jim!
That's true, and if you'll remember the last thing that Jim Garrison, in the form of the actor Kevin Costner, says at the close of his summation there in the courtroom, and it's so, so true, he said, there's only one name you can put on all this, and that's fascism.
All right, I want to try to play that summation.
We can't play the whole thing here, but let's play a few minutes of it now and a few minutes after the break there in New Orleans against Clay Shaw.
Here it is.
Hitler always said, the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.
Lee Harvey Oswald, a crazed, lonely man who wanted attention and got it by killing a president, was only the first in a long line of patsies.
In later years, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, men whose commitment to change and peace would make them dangerous to men who have committed the war would follow.
Also killed by such lonely, crazed men.
Men who remove our guilt by making murder a meaningless act of aloneness.
We've all become hamlets in our country, children of a slain father leader, whose killers still possess the throne.
The ghost of John F. Kennedy confronts us with the secret murder at the heart of the American dream.
He forces on us the appalling questions of what is our Constitution made?
What is our citizenship and more our lives worth?
What is the future of a democracy where a president can be assassinated under conspicuously suspicious circumstances while the machinery of legal action scarcely trembles?
How many more political murders decides as heart attacks, suicides, cancers, drug overdoses?
How many airplane and car crashes will occur before they are exposed for what they are?
Treason doth never prosper, wrote an English poet.
What's the reason?
For for prosper none dare call it treason.
The American public is yet to see the Zapruder film.
The American public is yet to see the real x-rays and photographs of the autopsy.
There are hundreds of documents that could help prove this conspiracy.
Why are they being withheld or burned by the government?
Each time my office or you, the people, have asked those questions, demanded crucial evidence, the answer from on high has always been national security.
What kind of national security do we have when we've been robbed of our leaders?
What national security permits the removal of fundamental power from the hands of the American people and validates the ascendancy of invisible government in the United States?
That kind of national security, gentlemen of the jury, is when it smells like it, feels like it, and looks like it.
You call it what it is.
I submit to you that what took place on November 22nd, 1963 was a coup d'etat.
Its most direct and tragic result was the reversal of President Kennedy's commitment to withdraw from Vietnam.
The war is the biggest business in America worth $80 billion a year.
President Kennedy was murdered by a conspiracy that was planned in advance at the highest levels of our government, and it was carried out by fanatical and disciplined cold warriors in the Pentagon and CIA's covert operation apparatus, among them Kalei Shah here before you.
It was a public execution, and it was covered up by like-minded individuals in the Dallas Police Department, the Secret Service, the FBI, and the White House, all the way up to, including J. Edgar Hoover and Lyndon Johnson, whom I consider accomplices after the fact.
The assassination reduced the President to a transient official.
His job, his assignment, is to speak as often as possible of this nation's desire for peace while he acts as a business agent in the Congress for the military and their hardware manufacturers.
Now, of course, you can go out and get the film and see it all.
We may play a minute more in the final segment.
Jim, you know, you've been doing Fight the New World Order for longer than I have.
I've been doing it for 12 years.
It was hard on the day of 9-11 to come out and say it was an inside job.
The heat I got, but
Think about being somebody like Jim Garrison 30, 40 years ago when people were really naive coming out with all of this.
That's absolutely correct.
It takes a lot of courage to stand up for what you know is right and correct despite the public all being pulled in another direction.
But you have to do that.
You owe it to your country, you owe it to your children and your grandchildren.
I always think of the Mark Twain quote at times like these.
In the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man, a man hated and feared and scorned.
But in time, when his cause succeeds, attempt to join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
That's exactly right.
You'd never forget that less than 20% of the population of this country supported the American Revolution.
That's right.
Stay there, Jim.
Final segment with Jim Mars, an American legend, when we get back.
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Final segment with Jim Mars.
JimMars.com is the website.
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I want to play just one more little minute from Jim Garrison's summation played by the actor in the film.
Here it is, folks.
Some people say I'm crazy.
Southern caricatures seeking higher office.
Well, there's a simple way to determine if I am paranoid.
Let's ask the two men who profited the most from the assassination, your former president Lyndon Baines Johnson and your new president Richard Nixon, to release the 51 CIA documents pertaining to Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby.
Or the secret CIA memo on Oswald's activities in Russia that was destroyed while being photocopied.
All these documents are yours.
The people's property.
You pay for it.
But because the government considers you children who might be too disturbed or distressed to face this reality,
Because you might possibly lynch those involved.
You cannot see these documents for another 75 years.
I'm in line.
And then he goes on to talk about his son staying in good health so he can see it.
And by the way, they have extended those documents out, I think, was it seven more years after that to 2030 and something.
And that really is it.
Since 1947 with the National Security Act, all of this criminality has burgeoned and grown because they're doing it all in secret.
I mean, that's a guaranteed recipe for total tyranny, isn't it, Jim Mars?
And to put the code on the Kennedy assassination, we'll forget about all the theories and the conspiracies, and we'll just talk about legal technicalities.
You know, in Texas, Alex, we have executed people for murder who the evidence clearly shows did not pull the trigger, but they were accomplices after the fact.
They knew about it, they helped hide the weapon, or they drove the murderer away, they helped hide the evidence,
And in the JFK assassination, the evidence is clear, unequivocal, and well documented.
Guilty, as accomplices after the fact, are Lyndon B. Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover.
Not that we can prove they ordered or carried out the killing of Kennedy, but... I don't know, with his mistress and then his lawyer saying it, that's two eyewitnesses.
Right, that's strong.
But still, the fact remains that it can be clearly documented both those men took steps to block investigation, to destroy evidence, to hide evidence.
That makes them legally accomplices after the fact, and under our legal system, they are guilty of the murder of JFK.
How many people, last question, total, died under suspicious circumstances every time Garrison was going to call them as a witness or contacted them?
I have kept a running total, and it's well over 200 people.
And what's interesting, Alex, is you'll find this in my book.
That is, the groupings of these deaths.
In the late 60s, prior to the garrison investigation, there was a clump of people who died in Dallas, mostly connected to Jack Ruby and the Dallas Underworld.
At the time of the garrison investigation, another group died, and these were all close witnesses and people who could have come forward.
And then, by 1977, when the House Select Committee on Assassinations was convening and was calling senior FBI officials and mafia
Chieftains and they all died before they could testify.
It becomes very clear when you look at the overall picture that there was a concerted effort to destroy the reputations or to kill
Well, that's some of the most convincing evidence, not just motive and evidence and the level of scaring out the crimes, but then all these witnesses being killed.
And people would say, I've been threatened.
They said they're going to kill me and I'd be dead 10 hours later.
And there'd be evidence of foul play.
And it's kind of like Arkansas, where a cop shoots himself twice in the head and cuts his own arms and legs off.
And they call it suicide.
Jim Mars, I can't wait to see you again in person coming up in August 26.
In Dallas at the Lakewood Theatre for your presentation.
God bless you my friend and thank you for spending so much time with us and thank you for standing up for this country and free humanity.
Well thank you Alex and thanks to all of Alex's listeners who are out there at least trying to gather in their information to help keep them free.
We're all in this together.
We all hang together or hang separate.
I'll see you back tonight, folks, and back tomorrow.
And I will see Jim the 26th.
God bless you all.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.