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Name: 20060824_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 24, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I wasn't here yesterday with you.
I took the day off and played hooky.
I had a stomachache in the morning and I just said, what's the point?
So now we've got double the news and information in front of us.
Masses of vital news and information today.
We don't have any guests until the third hour.
We had a great guest coming on in the second, but I canceled him because
There's a lot of news we've got to cover.
I want to be able to take your calls.
I want to be able to get into a bunch of different really important issues.
And then driving into the office this morning, I was listening to Arch Neocon Glenn Beck on the radio, but he actually was covering a good issue, an important issue.
That is, he let a caller go on for about five minutes
And the caller reminded me of news stories we were on big time five, six, seven years ago.
And that is what CPS is doing in the public schools, in the nursery schools, both public and private.
And I want to warn people about this sinister, macabre,
really just nightmarish things that these people are doing.
And I heard this 20-something year child development specialist on, a very well-spoken lady, and she was reading from the Tennessee.gov website.
So I ran into the studio about 30 minutes before airtime, as I normally get ready at home, and I got on the computer
And indeed, about five minutes before I went on air, I found the actual training manual.
And it even blows me away.
And this child education specialist, you know, with these degrees and 20 years in the field, she was saying, this sounds like it was written by pedophiles.
And yes, ma'am, you're right.
I read it.
I've now seen it.
That is exactly what it is.
You see, they hide in plain view.
So, coming up in about 30 minutes, I'm going to go over what CPS is, how they operate, what their goal is.
You see, the fathers of psychology, the people who are lauded, the people that wrote the book on child psychology, were unanimously public pedophiles.
They wrote, now still, best-selling books.
They make movies about them.
And these people openly admitted that they sexually abused children.
But they were, quote, allowed to because they were such great political and sociological minds and it was a test they were doing.
So they've written a book on grabbing your children and breaking up your family.
And they're the perverts.
And where do you think perverts hide?
They hide in the enforcement arm.
It was in the major Miami papers that Janet Reno was a pedophile.
And she would also come into the jail cells and have her way with the women she'd had in there.
Had special cells she'd had people delivered to.
She got caught by Port Lauderdale police in a separate event in a mall parking lot
With a twelve-year-old girl and they were all, both of them were covered in vomit.
That's, that was in the news.
That's how Rena was on a bunch of liquor and pills and it puked everywhere and was crawling around on the ground.
That's the only reason the cops came.
They went, oh my gosh, it's the district attorney from a nearby county.
We got to let her go and, you know, got a twelve-year-old naked in the back of the car, vomit everywhere.
It's no big deal.
But if you got dirty dishes in your house,
Or they can trick your five-year-old into saying something.
You're going to jail and your kids are gone.
So the pedophiles can rape them.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Israel has moved in with massive force into the Gaza Strip.
I have San Francisco Chronicle and Associated Press articles and photos where it shows hundreds of bulldozers just coming in and running over the olive trees, which is the... Well, back when the Ottoman Empire out of Turkey ran Israel, Palestine,
If you were going to be a petty landowner, a peasant that owned land, you had to plant fruit trees, and the easiest trees to have that bore some type of crop were olive trees.
So Israel is just coming into Gaza right now and going absolutely wild, bulldozing and shooting people and doing what they do, and they're also now ordering Syria
to accept UN peacekeepers on the Lebanon-Syrian border.
The United Nations hasn't even called for this, but Israel's now saying basically that if Syria doesn't, quote, do something, and, quote, protect Israel, as if it's their responsibility, that they may have to go ahead and strike Syria.
I have the Jerusalem Post today.
Where Israel is openly saying that they may have to go ahead and attack Iran because Iran has not agreed to suspend their peaceful nuclear program and Israel also chides the United States yet again for not doing enough about Iran.
That's right, we just fund and finance and help found Israel and constantly support Israel so we're bad.
I mean, my gosh!
Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security Director, is an admitted Israeli national, whose father was one of the founders of Mossad.
I mean, come on, Israel!
We've got one of your top operatives, one of your citizens, running things.
We've got a guy who's a member of MECHA, a Hispanic supremacist group, who believes the Southwest belongs to Mexico, as the chief law enforcement officer, as the head of the Department of Justice.
I mean, pretty soon we'll probably have all foreigners in every major position.
20 plus percent of our troops in Iraq are non-citizen Latin Americans.
I mean, seriously, we are ruled by foreigners, and I don't understand why Israel is so upset.
I have another report here.
We're going to get back into all of this.
I'm going to be frank with you.
I was at my house.
I get up early in the morning and start printing these articles so I physically have them.
It's hard to skip around, you know, on the internet with dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of sometimes a hundred stories.
It's easier to print them off and then you may try to link through to a website and it's down or having problems.
So I always print them off and I thought I had printed off the Associated Press article about Israel and the Gaza Strip and the
And I thought I printed the article out of the Jerusalem Post.
They are not here.
So let me just tell my staff that I believe I also instant messaged you those to post them on InfoWars.com.
I got both of those articles from WhatReallyHappened.com so you can go there and get them and print them for me and bring them in here please.
I'm so busy, ladies and gentlemen, I actually communicate and have to give orders while I'm on air, which I guess people like.
This is real.
This is a war room.
This is what we're doing.
This is how we live our lives.
Okay, we're going to get into that later.
Here's a report I do have.
This was put out by PR Newswire, also at Zogby.com.
Michael Collins Piper did a report on it.
New Zogby poll.
It's nearly unanimous.
Voters insist on right to observe vote counting.
A recent Zogby poll documents groundbreaking information on the attitudes of American voters towards electronic voting.
They're quite clear in their belief that the outcome of the entire election can be changed due to flaws.
They're not flaws.
They're designed for fraud.
It's like if you have a gun that's designed to shoot a certain way, and it shoots, and then you shoot somebody in the head, and you call it a... and you meant to kill them, and you call it a flaw, and then you don't go to prison.
No, you aimed the gun, you knew what the gun was made to do, you knew what the bullet would do, you pulled the trigger.
So again, an entire election can be changed due to flaws in computerized voting machines.
At a stunning rate of 92%, Americans insist on the right to watch their votes being counted, and an overwhelming 80% said they strongly object to the use of secret computer software to tabulate votes without citizens' access to that software.
The American public is clear in their desire for free, fair, and transparent elections.
An 80 to 90 percent consensus on the right to view vote counting and opposition to secrecy by voting machines vendors is both rare and remarkable in American politics.
If only the public knew that these options are virtually non-existent in today's election system.
Yeah, it's a lot higher than 92 percent.
Like the Houston Chronicle poll I talk about so much from last year.
97% of Texans against the new toll road system.
The problem is most Texans don't even know one-tenth of the full scope of the Trans-Texas Corridor, of the NAFTA highway system.
The average American still thinks it's only in Texas when it's from Florida to Wisconsin to Oregon.
At all points between 83 interstate highways and on the maps I've seen every single major state highway and many connecting farm-to-market roads and county roads.
97% are against it, but the governments, state and federal, are almost unanimously for it, steamrolling.
92% are against these electronic CIA fraud machines and Piper correctly says the general public has no idea really how bad it is.
The inkling, the shadow of the true problem that they have seen is enough to make 90 plus percent be against it.
Eighty-seven percent, and that's an old poll last year.
New polls coming out show ninety-one after the illegal alien demonstrations nationwide over the last six months.
So let me use the new poll.
Ninety-plus percent are against open borders, including a whopping seventy-three percent of Hispanics.
Please don't email me saying, but wait, you said sixty-seven.
That was last year's polls.
Gallup polls now, 70 plus percent.
So the media tries to make it look like that, you know, Hispanics, why, politicians are trying to have open borders to make Hispanics happy.
Hmm, it's racist to be against open borders.
They try to create that chilling effect to make Hispanics, who are patriotic Americans, feel like, well, all Hispanics are for open borders, when major polls show that's a fraud.
And I'm now digressing.
The point I'm trying to make here is, 82%, excuse me, I'm sorry, 92% of Americans in this new Zogby poll are against these machines.
Where you're not allowed to look under the hood, it's all secret because it's corporate and proprietary, and then in every case, you see massive fraud and politicians even owning the voting machine companies that everyone votes for them on.
I mean, it's reached just ridiculous proportions, and there's still been denial in the country that people can't deal with the fact that we're under this much corruption.
But 92% are against it, just like 90-plus percent are against the toll roads and 90-plus percent are against open borders and the American Union.
But the government doesn't care!
99% in a CNN USA Today poll with the New London Key Low decision on land grabbing by private interest, 99% were against it.
There's land grabbing going on everywhere.
Counties, cities, states, private corporations are using that ruling right now.
I know a bunch of people personally having their land stolen in Texas right now.
I don't have to hear about it in the newspaper, or read about it in the newspaper, or hear about it on the radio.
I'm living it.
There is just a reign of government terrorism against the American people.
So that is good news about the Zogby Poll.
And we have both the PR Newswire story about it and the American Free Press article about it up on InfoWars.com right now for you.
Now, later in this hour I will get more into what Israel is doing.
Huge new escalations in the Gaza Strip and other areas.
And real saber-rattling against Iran.
Major Israeli papers openly saying, telling their public to get ready to go in the bomb shelters that they may go to war with Iran any day.
Jerusalem Post, as I mentioned, calling for an attack on Iran, saying it's imminent.
But we've got crises going on here at home as we are pushed inexorably by these
Neocon fascist madmen.
I really disagree with the term madmen though.
They're cold-blooded killers.
They know what they're doing.
But they are criminally insane, but not in a way where they can't, you know, operate cogently and carry out their plans.
I wish they were completely out of control nuts because then they'd make more mistakes and their system would fall apart.
But coming up later, this Meg's character, the big
Honcho, the big top dog over at the Yellow Journalism Hearst Publishing that's written huge hit pieces on myself and gone on national radio shows and demonized me.
I called his office, his secretary, probably 20 plus times after that hit piece was written last year.
They would never come on this show.
I challenged Chertoff, the Homeland Security Director's cousin.
I challenged... He won't tell us if he's a cousin or a nephew.
The mother was saying a nephew, but we don't know.
I challenged Megs to come on here.
He admitted he wouldn't debate me yesterday when I called him to Jack Blood Show and confronted him.
That's coming up later.
First I'm going to cover government pedophiles.
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The globalists are masters of psychology.
And one of their main modes of control is hidden in plain view.
And coming up in the next segment, I want to, as calmly as I can, spend about 10 minutes on this.
Because it just tears my guts out and upsets me so much.
But I'm going to try to calmly go over it.
So that Paul Watson can basically listen to my rant and then he'll go vet everything I claim, make sure that my rant doesn't have any mistakes in it, add more information, and I'm sure he'll do an article in the next few days on the subject.
And I'll confer with him, we'll work on it together and try to do a big piece on it because I haven't been covering it enough.
You know, we talk about how over two-thirds nationally of foster children are on psychotropic drugs.
We talk about the national statistics, which I wanted to make sure that my numbers weren't wrong.
I was going from memory.
Depending on what federal statistic, what year it is, you're four to five times more likely as a child to be abused in government custody or foster care than with the indigenous, you know, real flesh and blood parents.
It just goes on and on and I was driving in to the office this morning
And I've tuned in to monitor enemy transmissions to the fake patriot Glenn Beck, who will tell you about all the real problems, but never tell you who's behind it or any real solutions.
Oh yeah, the borders are wide open, we're in deep trouble, but it's not the globalists, the globalists don't exist, or... it's just sick.
But he let a lady go for about five minutes, and much of what she was saying I knew to be true, from Tennessee, she was just a caller,
And she talked about how she's a 20-year, you know, degree child specialist and how she teaches and runs a preschool and how all the public and private, daycares, preschools, it doesn't matter, have CPS now in them every month coming and sitting in.
And they're there to look for children to grab.
I guess I'm getting into this right now.
We'll just start right now with it.
And how they're there looking for any little piece of info they can use to then grab your children and then you're never even told about it until suddenly you go to pick your children up and they're not there.
And then I remember all the statistics I've seen, all the criminology I've read, and the hundreds of news articles I've seen over the years where CPS workers are the highest concentration
Of pedophiles and abusers.
Some of them are pedophiles.
Some of them just like to burn kids and beat them and starve them and stuff.
But it's the highest concentration of sicko, mental patient, scum out there.
I mean, again, they even take little kids and hand them over to big pharma facilities.
Big buildings just full of little kids.
They test drugs on and pesticides on and that's in the newspapers.
I mean, heaven help us, if your heart isn't bleeding, I mean, that's what it feels like.
I mean, I am, I'm a softy, folks, for children.
I just, I've got an instinct to want to get, you know, mad bull crazy.
You ever seen a slitsmalt liquor ad where that bull comes through the wall?
I mean, that's what I feel like.
And that's a normal instinct, by the way, to want to suffer the little children, to want to protect them.
And what Christ was talking about there wasn't just little children, but retarded people, handicapped folks, people who are weak, people who, the Bible over and over again talks about the widows, the orphans, the disabled, being abused.
I just really have trouble taking it.
I have a lot of, and I just sit here and I just, it just goes along with the rest of it.
I've got to look at the murderers that carried out 9-11,
On television, posing as our saviors.
It's just all of it.
I just... These people are sick!
And as Exhibit A, I mean, look at John Yoo and Alberto Gonzalez.
Torture memos about torturing children.
And I've got the Army declassified reports from Abu Ghraib, and I've got the other reports, and you can go read in there where it says torturing children.
Raping them in front of their parents?
And this is the executive branch saying they can do this?
Well, this is going on here in America, and there is a guild of pedophiles and sickos that are in control of our country.
And I just don't know how much worse it's going to get.
I mean, we're a country that's aborted close to 50 million children, and I guess I shouldn't be surprised that if we've aborted 50 million children in this country,
I mean, does it surprise you a government in the country that does that and the people that do that are going to have a bunch of bunch of pedophiles running it?
No, it isn't surprising.
And it literally, I mean, right now I feel horrible.
I get nauseous when I have to focus in on this and think about all the evidence.
When we get back, I'm going to try to cogently just lay it out.
Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C. Because I heard this caller talking about it, so I went and pulled up what she was claiming as a teacher
Off of the Tennessee Human Services website, and my God!
This is just sick!
What they're teaching four-year-olds, I can't even read this on air.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to this live Thursday edition, the 24th day of August 2006.
By the way, I'm going to be reading an Associated Press report later.
The head of Homeland Security, the Israeli national, the Israeli citizen, can you imagine
And I'm told the Attorney General's here as well, another person who's called for the Southwest to revert to Mexico, another basically foreign national in spirit.
They are here in Austin, Texas with a bunch of state governors.
Their quote, border security plan is the American Union, is the trusted traveler ID that Mexicans will be given, that is the guest worker program.
They're having trouble with the guest worker program so they're just now announcing on the SPP.gov website that they are going to legalize all the illegals with their quote, security card for travel.
They're all going to be meeting
at two o'clock today and they're going to have speeches at four o'clock at the Texas Capitol.
I heard inklings of this yesterday.
There was some type of big border meeting and now it's being announced in the news that it's a very important multinational American Union confab going on just a few miles from where I sit right now.
So I will cover that coming up a little bit later.
James Meggs, the Popular Mechanics editor, was on Jack Blood yesterday.
Jack allowed me to call in via cell phone, it wasn't the best audio, and confront him, and I challenged him and pointed out he would never come debate me here, and refused to, and he refused to on air.
The part you'll hear is when I was on air, and then they came back after break, and Jack said, will you debate him?
And Meggs said, no.
But I thought we would play this and then go over some of the spin that Megs was involved in.
As the tyranny gets worse and worse in this country, more and more people are going to make a conscious decision to fight it.
But many others are going to make the conscious decision to serve it out of fear.
And still others are just criminals and want to be supportive of the system.
Many others will be sucked into it and just buy the propaganda.
And so to make a long story short of why I'm going into this rant, just about an hour ago, I was driving into the office, and I was tuned into a national radio show, and I heard the caller, who said she was a 20-year school teacher, you know, a degree in child development for preschool, and she talked about how CPS comes in every month,
and sits behind them and I was already aware of this but it just reminded me this case was in Tennessee but it's the same in all 50 states and possessions and protectorates and it's called keeping children safe initiative in Tennessee particularly but it's all over the country and she was reading from the official handbook that by law
They're trying via regulations to force all, even the private schools, to teach the four-year-olds.
And I can't even read this stuff on air.
And it does a lot of things to the children.
We've heard the debates about
Not having, quote, sexual education for eighth graders.
Well, forget the eighth graders.
This is similar stuff that they try to teach the eighth graders being taught to four-year-olds.
Four-year-olds should be, you know, reading Jack and Jill books.
They should be out on field trips.
They should be looking at animals in the clouds.
They should be innocent as they're meant to be.
Instead, I mean, these are huge curriculum
Huge readings to the students.
Hundreds of pages of them.
And I'm looking at several sections here that I can't even cover on air.
They're that bad.
You can't read this on the radio under FCC rules.
And I wouldn't begin to, just because of good taste.
I know years ago I covered what they're teaching 8th graders and 9th graders, both middle schoolers and freshman high schoolers.
In a case up in Connecticut, remember?
World Net Daily covered it.
They got recordings of it.
And people got mad when I read what they were teaching 8th graders.
And you know, I certainly can't read what they're teaching 4-year-olds.
And this degreed
You know, school teacher, very well spoken, she was going over the fact that it would be legal for her to teach the children this or to say this to these four-year-olds, but under the orders of CPS that will shut down all these private schools and daycares, they have to teach this to them.
Well, no, you need to rebel against that.
You need to say no.
Parents need to complain.
So we'll be doing an article on this in the next
All the studies, all the statistics, all the sociology, all the psychology shows that when you have such education
What it actually does is increase interest in sex, and this is in teenagers, and actually increases sexual promiscuity.
National studies have come out conclusively showing, you can just look at the numbers, when they started suicide education in the late 80s under federal grants, Columbine was the first school in the country, it actually increased teen suicide.
Teens didn't normally think about suicide, it didn't make it stylish and cool, kids never discussed it, and so suicide was almost unheard of.
Now it is up by just unbelievable numbers, hundreds and hundreds of percentile points.
They now have education about girls not cutting themselves, mutilation classes, because of the epidemic of mutilation that was made popular by a few pilot schools.
Now it's everywhere, girls cutting themselves with razor blades.
If you haven't heard about it, you don't know people that have daughters, or you haven't looked into it or researched it.
They go in and tell them, don't slice yourselves up with razor blades.
The made-for-TV movies have the good-looking cool girl who's depressed, cutting herself.
The media plays into this.
They say, don't have sex, and they hype it up and talk about all these sexual parts, and it increases the sex.
I mean, it's just epidemic now.
Again, I don't want to get all fall into it.
I'm sure you've all heard about it.
It's epidemic with school coaches and teachers having sex with the students.
Sex clubs at the schools.
I mean, it's just horrible.
And it's getting worse and worse and worse.
We're turning into animals.
They had a study starting about ten years ago.
Europe, under EU agreements on mental health and the health of the sectors,
began putting up billboards everywhere saying don't smoke it'll kill you with images of people on ventilators.
When I was up in Canada I saw the same thing.
Packages of cigarettes had, you know, the whole cover is a guy on a ventilator.
And they told people not to do it.
And did you know that in the next eight years that smoking in the European countries that did these ad campaigns doubled?
Just type into Google, anti-smoking campaign results in increase in smoking.
Those were articles I saw a few years ago.
The point is, smoking went up.
The CIA first brought LSD and other designer drugs into the colleges.
That's admitted and declassified and hyped it up and had beatnik leaders who were really on their payroll go around and promote the drug culture.
There's a lot of reasons for that, but you've seen the aftermath.
Well, all over the country, with 8th graders and 4 year olds, and depending on what program, it used to start at 8th grade, I guess when you're 12.
Now it starts when you're 4 years old.
And I typed in Safe Children Project Initiative, and I got it, you know, states all over the place, but I looked for Tennessee itself, because this teacher was mentioning it, and I went and I pulled it up,
And they sit there for week after week with these big training manuals.
It's story time, not telling them about the elephant at the zoo, or Maisy Bird, and not reading them Dr. Seuss, or not reading them Bible stories, or reading them stories about Barney, the red dinosaur, or the purple dinosaur.
No, now, it's all
Telling them about their genitalia, telling them how people want to touch them, telling them to report it to CPS, and then statistically we know that CPS has the highest level of any profession other than truancy officer, but as any group of social workers, Child Protective Services has the highest rate of arrested, indicted, convicted child predators.
It's incredible.
I mean, most of the time I hear about some news article about some child being raped or tortured or being starved to death in a box, it's foster parents.
I'm not saying all foster parents are bad.
I'm saying statistically.
And you remember the big scandal, and now it's even worse, but 3,000 plus children missing in Florida, and they found some with their heads cut off, or others buried in snuff films.
I mean, 3,000 plus kids.
It was 3,200 and something last time I saw it and seen it, and then they just shut up about it.
It's still in the local Florida news, but not the national news.
Just thousands and thousands and thousands missing.
Government grabs them, no one knows where they went.
And then it came out that the head of CPS in Florida was a convicted pedophile and child pornographer and his two top deputies were also convicted pedophiles.
And everybody asked, well how were pedophiles running Florida's CPS?
What do you think this is?
Number one, if CPS nationally has more than two-thirds of children on psychotropic drugs, that's a crime.
You go, what does it have to do with the pedophiles?
Well, normal people aren't going to go steal children from healthy, good families for dirty plates in the sink.
Or because the three-year-old jumped off the jungle gym and broke their foot in front of witnesses.
CPF doesn't care.
They come to the house.
They demand their way in through color of law.
They see dirty dishes and dog hair on the floor and some toys on the floor.
They ask the children, do your parents let you jump on the bed?
That's enough to take your kids, by the way.
What child doesn't jump on the couch of the bed, even if you tell them 500 times not to?
Oh, but certainly don't discipline either to keep them from jumping on the bed, because that's dangerous, folks.
And if you discipline them to keep them from doing it, they'll take them too.
And then they grab your child, and on average put more than two-thirds.
It's 69% in Texas.
We have the highest rate of drugging.
Michigan and Florida are the next two.
But the national average is above two-thirds.
Let me say it again.
Above two-thirds.
Just type it in.
AP, WOAI television.
All of it.
You can go read about it.
Average child on seven drugs.
Some on as many as 18.
Deaths resulting.
Doctors are on the local news going, look I was there when they took the healthy child.
And then now the little boy died because they had him on so many drugs, because the government gets more money for that.
So my point is, if you've got a government agency, state, local, federal, doing things that are this bad, and you've got people that will rationalize and beat, you know, imagine taking kids from innocent families, seeing that every day.
There's got to be something wrong with you, see?
And that's why CPS in Texas has more than a 50% turnover each year.
Because normal people think, I'll be a social worker, I'll go help kids, you know, I was abused, you know, statistically they'll say that, you know, that they were abused, or they want to fight abusers.
They get in there and they find out, no, no, no, you're not fighting abusers.
You are in a pedophile child abuse gang.
Which, again, can operate with total impunity.
You understand Florida?
Run by them!
Thousands missing!
Do you realize the magnitude of this?
And nobody's helping them.
Nobody's... I mean, even I haven't been talking enough about this.
And lately I've been mentioning, hey, I'm going to be talking more about this.
Hey, I'm going to be talking more about this.
And it just made me get violently mad almost.
I mean, I just turned red in my car listening to this driving into the office.
And sure enough, I pulled up the state of Tennessee training manuals, the curriculum they give four-year-olds.
By law, if your child is in a private school or a preschool, they are taught this.
And statistically, it will make the children more susceptible to it.
This is what the teacher was even saying.
Statistically, it will cause problems and it will cause children to become confused.
They'll repeat whatever they've heard and now give false positives.
Again, imagine you've got all these children with CPS workers there when these key parts of the curriculum are taught.
You understand?
And then the children will start repeating it and saying it.
CPS then comes and questions them.
And the child goes, oh yeah, I was touched.
And boom, your kids are gone.
You're at least going to be on a big roller coaster and they'll trick you into signing yourself onto probation.
And you want to be a sex offender, it's a probation to be watched by them.
And the tenth visit, you know, they'll come every month to your house for a year.
They'll catch you with some dirt on the floor and your kids are gone.
When statistically, they're the most dangerous group.
They're the people that need to be watched.
They're the people that can't be trusted.
See, you're beginning to understand the magnitude of this.
And there was a school teacher saying this, even Glenn Beck saying this.
This is the common sense.
Again, Glenn Beck is bad on almost every other issue.
I mean, he's got to be commended when he at least tells the truth for five minutes.
And so, I mean, I talk to wealthy and middle-class families all the time.
Here in Austin, where, again, just a few weeks ago, a child at the park in front of a bunch of witnesses
Falls off the jungle gym, breaks a finger, in another case, another parent at a park, breaks their foot, CPS is there at the hospital, separates the family, goes and interrogates the older children, and asks, do your parents touch you?
Do they hit you?
Do they spank you?
Just trying to get the child to say something so they can grab all your kids.
I mean, imagine, whenever you go to the hospital, folks,
I remember one time I was wrestling when I was about 11 at the pool, and I partially dislocated my shoulder.
And I went home and I said, God, Dad, I'm in pain.
Take me to the hospital.
He said, What happened?
I said, I don't know.
I was, you know, chicken fighting, they call it, where you get on somebody else's shoulders and you fight at the pool.
You know, you wrestle.
And my dad got real concerned.
He said, You know, they're going to question you when we go.
I remember my dad's, you know, worked in hospitals.
He's an oral surgeon.
So he's worked a lot in hospitals.
And I remember going, What do you mean, Dad?
I hurt my shoulder.
And he goes, Listen,
They're going to question you, even though I'm a doctor, and you've just got to explain to them that this happened at the pool.
Remember, he was kind of scared pulling into the hospital there in Mesquite, because my dad knows how the world works.
And sure enough, the doctor who even knew my dad said, well, what happened?
You haven't been abused or anything, have you?
Because they tell them, by law, they've got to do that.
But now, they don't even do that.
That was 20-something years ago.
Now, CPS is there!
And under New Freedom Initiative, they're there at every hospital when you're having your child coming in with their questionnaire, leaning over your bed when your wife's all doped up on painkillers.
You see, it's a secret police everywhere.
And the highest saturation of pedophiles.
Know that when you're around these people, there's a good chance you're in the room with an honest-to-God pedophile.
I mean, these people are shameful criminals!
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police forgery, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Think about it.
In America and the U.S.
we have weird, creepy, social worker, secret police.
The parents don't even know about this.
That go creeping into the daycares and the preschools.
Sitting there trying to get your children to say something bad about you so they can grab them.
And then statistically this is the most criminal group you can imagine for your children to fall into their hands.
By the way, I'm here looking at the agenda today at the Texas Capitol.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is here.
Michael Chertoff, head of Homeland Security.
All these foreigners, think about it.
Well, we've got the governor from California, Austrian, dual citizenship.
We've got Michael Chertoff, dual citizenship, Israeli,
National, born in Israel, father one of the founding members of Mossad.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, part of Mecha, openly saying the Southwest belongs to Mexico.
I mean, you want to put globalists in that want to kill this country?
Want to get rid of our sovereignty?
Here it is.
Border conference begins today.
Border security is set to be the priority for discussions.
Between 10 U.S.
and Mexican border governors beginning their annual conference today.
Michael Chertoff, U.S.
Homeland Security Secretary, is expected to join the governors as well.
Governors from Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, and several Mexican states, Baja California included, will attend the two-day conference.
Which since 1980 has been an annual event for officials to discuss issues that impact all states.
The meeting this year comes amid congressional debate and nationwide public hearings on border security and immigration.
Along with border security, economic issues such as trade and agriculture, when you hear trade that means American Union, will be discussed at the conference which is mostly closed to the public and news media.
Speeches from the governors and other dignitaries begin this afternoon at 4 p.m.
and it goes over
Get there.
I may have to go down to the press conference.
I don't like being around these people.
I'm really weary right now.
I probably won't.
Governor Rick Perry said more federal money needs to flow to the US-Mexico border security.
And what's his border security plan?
The Guest Worker Program!
We'll fix the problem.
We'll legalize all of them.
It's a subject Perry said he'll address when he meets with fellow border state governors from both nations.
The 24-Border Governors Conference begins today in Austin.
It'll involve mostly closed-door sessions, Perry said.
Texas law enforcement efforts along its border with Mexico border have helped reduce crime and could serve as a model for federal action.
have helped reduce crime.
The crime on the border is a war zone with State Department travel advisories.
I've had multiple sheriffs on.
It is total bedlam.
Leaders of Texas, California, New Mexico, and Arizona are expected to attend along with governors of Mexican border states.
And I have their agenda here.
We'll post this up on InfoWars.com
The governors will be there at 8 a.m., and then business roundtable for governors only, opening ceremony, Texas State Capitol, 5 o'clock evening reception and dinner, VIP reception, private dinner for governors, all of our foreign rulers, including the national governor, our Israeli king, Chertoff, whose family writes hit pieces on me, and
Actually, I'm looking at this.
The only press conferences are on Friday when I'm going to be in Dallas.
Well, I hope Austinites like Bob Deshie and others that have got press credentials will go down there and just say, I just want to point out we've got a foreign Israeli, a foreign Austrian, a guy who says this is Mexico.
I just want to, I mean this is sick!
And just point out they're calling for an American Union.
My goodness, oh boy.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're now into this second hour.
We're going to have wide open phones.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
We have Michael Chertoff, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rick Perry, all these other globalist individuals here in Austin, Texas today for the next few days for their Governor's Conference calling for totally open borders while spinning it, claiming that it's border security.
It's really an American Union meeting with Homeland Security Director
Michael Chertoff in attendance, Snake Man, and so we're going to be covering that for you.
I didn't even plug it last hour, coming up this Saturday in Dallas, Saturday night, Lakewood Theater, I'm going to be showing my new
Film Terror Storm Jim Mars will be in attendance and a lot more.
Get your tickets at InfoWars.com.
They are going very, very quickly.
I hope we'll have tickets for you at the door, but I sincerely doubt we will, so get your tickets there now.
I also was getting a little bit into what's developing in the Middle East right now.
Solution must include Syria and Iran.
Richard Armitage believes Hezbollah is terrorism's A-team with Iran as its owner and Syria as the team's coach.
But the former U.S.
Deputy Secretary of State during George Bush's first term as president also told Al Jazeera that the Bush administration must engage in direct talks with Syria and Iran.
Armitage was also Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Ronald Reagan when the U.S.
Embassy in Lebanon was bombed in 83 and it goes into the PENAC document.
He signed the Project for a New American Century PENAC letter to President Bill Clinton urging regime change in Iraq.
Big news here, Israel may go it alone against Iran.
Israel is carefully watching the world's reaction to Iran's continued refusal to suspend uranium enrichment, with some high-level officials arguing it is now clear that when it comes to stopping Iran, Israel must have to go it alone, as Jerusalem Post has learned.
One senior official said on Tuesday that Iran flipped the world bird by not responding positively
to the Western Incentive Plan to Stop Uranium Enrichment.
He expressed frustration that the Russians and Chinese were already saying that Iran's offer for a new formula and willingness to enter serious negotiations was an opening to keep on talking.
So, uh, there you have it.
Iran says, oh, we want to work with you, we want to be friends, but, you know, they've already jumped through all the hoops.
They just say, you flipped us the bird!
How dare you say you want to be friends?
The Iranians know the world will do nothing, he said.
This is similar to the world's attempts to appease Hitler in the 1930s.
They were trying to feed the beast.
He said there was a need to understand
That when Bush comes to shove, Israel would have to be prepared to slow down the Iranian nuclear threat by itself.
Having said this, he did not rule out the possibility of U.S.
military action, but said that if this were to take place, it would probably not occur until the spring or summer of 2008, a few months before George W. Bush leaves the international stage.
The U.S.
presidential elections, which Bush cannot contest because of his term limits, are in November 2008.
And it goes on.
With them criticizing, basically they've been criticizing.
Look, they do not need to go to war.
It'll be bad for Iranians, bad for Israelis, bad for Americans, bad for everybody!
But the neocons, the globalists, the bushes of the world, their controllers, want war!
They make a lot of money out of it.
It becomes a political diversion from all the other scandals they've got going.
And it brings in world government.
Alright, I've got a bunch of other news about toxins in your food and water.
Major studies show
Fluoride in the water is giving children liver disease and cancer.
Mainstream news.
Other mainstream article about Ritalin causing all sorts of problems for children.
But we'll take your calls first when we get back at 1-800-259-9231.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
It's simple.
Criminals throughout history get control of governments and you call it despotism or tyranny.
And they've now gotten control and they've got really fancy, sophisticated propaganda arms known as Public Relations.
They lie, they deceive, they buy fake news.
And they're here dismailing the country and grabbing our private property and bringing in tyranny.
It's that simple.
Let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Tom in Ohio, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against it.
I need that code, Alex, about the government experimenting on us at will.
That law.
Yeah, well it's U.S.
Code, Title 50.
Title 50.
Title 50.
Chapter 32.
You know what?
You know what I think?
Go ahead.
Do you ever record this show?
I ran out of tapes.
Code U.S.
It's kind of tough on folks to do this real slow.
It's U.S.
Code Title 50.
Chapter 32.
Subsection 1528.
Sub 1528.
Paragraph B. Paragraph B.
Paragraph B. I have to say it fast to remember it properly.
It's U.S.
Code... I don't remember it anymore.
Title 50, Chapter 32.
Yeah, you know what?
I don't remember right now, man.
I don't know.
I just... I can't remember the end of it right now.
Okay, do you have the... Is the article up on your website about the... Man, this has been out for 10 years.
It's been... There have been so many articles written about U.S.
This is something else, Alex.
This is Baltimore Sun.
Do you have that article on your website?
You just said Baltimore Sun.
I don't know.
I have all kinds of Baltimore Sun articles.
The one about putting towers up to control people?
Yeah, that was about four years ago, and it said DARPA was studying putting up towers at different frequencies to pacify populations.
And no, I don't remember the headline, and I don't have it in front of me.
Do you have the phone number for Mr. Conacon?
And I'm not sure how to spell that for the website.
Don't have it.
Don't have it in front of me.
Don't have the Clifford Karnakom's number?
Don't have it?
It's at Karnakom.com.
Alex, whenever you talk about the ruling elite, you've got to remember that these people have their own gods.
They don't have a god like we have.
I just thought I would let the audience know about that.
No, I hear you and I appreciate your call, sir.
Quite frankly, right now I'm just sick of it all.
But I have to say it fast to remember it properly.
It's how my brain works.
It's U.S.
Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1520A, Paragraph B. I think that's all of it.
I think there may be one.
But you can just read that section.
You'll find it in there.
And for people that don't even know what in the world we're talking about, it says, the U.S.
government can use chemical, biological, or radiological weapons
on the American people and kill us anytime they want without even telling us they did it.
If it's for research purposes, it says for research purposes they can kill us.
And it says can use lethal chemical, biological, radiological weapons.
In fact, I ought to pull that up.
I hadn't mentioned that in about a year.
In the last week or two I've mentioned it a couple times and I appreciate you actually
Bringing that up.
I'll be honest with you, it's depressing to me to hear about what CPS is doing and to have to even talk about it.
It's depressing to imagine the Israeli foreign national and the Austrian foreign national in Volkeper citizenship who were born in foreign countries ruling over us and to think about Gonzales ruling over us and to think about them all down there with the governor
And I just want to spend some time with my family before I leave town and go to Dallas tomorrow morning and come back and, you know, have a memorial for a friend that died and then do my Sunday radio show and I just... I just don't even want to have to go down there and then have to jump through 14 hoops to go into a press conference and ask those arrogant people a question and have them not even answer it.
I just don't like being around them.
I don't like the position this country is in.
I don't like what this nation's turned into, and I just wish good people do more to bring these criminals to justice.
I really do.
It's a sad state of affairs what our country's turned into.
You know, I had a little bit of a stomachache yesterday, but I really didn't do the show because I was... I wouldn't even call it depressed.
It's a melancholy.
I have stack after stack of admissions of government evil and corporate corruption and just all the things these people are doing.
I'm usually pretty upbeat.
I'm not trying to be bummed out here.
I'm in a bad mood.
I'll be honest with you.
Who's up next here?
Let's go ahead and talk to
Jim in Ohio, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, like your show.
Thank you.
Been listening for about a month on your new affiliate in Southern Ohio, the heart of Appalachia, W-A-I-S, Nelsonville, Ohio.
Oh, what's the frequency on that?
We're getting a lot of new affiliates.
We really appreciate that fine affiliate.
Oh, there's quite a buzz around here.
It's near the college town of Athens, Ohio, Ohio University, and Hawking College there.
But anyway, I want to bum you out some more.
You're making the paper here.
I heard about it on the local talk, call-in show called Viewpoint, where you can talk about anything you want, and you're not screened like I wasn't screened when I came on.
But it really rips into you and how you've turned this local godly station into
Uh, to the dark side, and uh, I might finish with the last paragraph.
Well, they're just trying to put pressure on them, so they'll remove the show, and because they're afraid the station will do some good and get some ratings, so everybody needs to call up who owns businesses and sponsor, sponsor the broadcast.
Uh, tell me the name of the paper first.
Yeah, I think it's Messenger.
Okay, is there an online version of this?
Well, it's got, um, I see here, I could find, uh, email to, um,
Yeah, so there's the AthensMessenger.com, must be the website.
Okay, who wrote the story?
Well, it's a woman here in Nelsonville, the typical church lady, but I want to read you the last paragraph.
It's a short paragraph.
Mr. Jones, tongue-in-cheek, professes to be a Christian.
So did Judas.
The way he's trying to divide the Americans from their government, whoa,
It is more likely he is one of the terrorists.
Now is that a letter to the editor or that paper right there?
Now it's a letter to the editor.
It's a good paper.
They take all sides of things.
I mean, I don't know if it's a good paper.
Good, you know.
So, is this just a letter to the editor?
Yes, it is.
It's quite a letter.
It goes on the 9-11 conspiracy.
And you do a lot more now.
I really like that about the way they're polluting the sky.
I see it all the time.
I see it every day.
I can't believe how the weather is manipulated.
That was a good story yesterday.
I don't think sex education needs a place in schools at all.
Well, it's not sex education to begin with.
It's pervert education.
And it's to get your four-year-old to be confused and say something so they can steal them, so they can rape them.
Listen, I'm not kidding.
I mean that.
I do too, buddy.
I've raised many kids.
I have a daughter that teaches at the University of Indiana.
What else does that article say, my friend?
Well, it's not real.
Let me read on.
Uh, the owner of the local radio station in Nassauville in the past has gave to family-oriented programs.
Today it appears, excuse me, he has turned to the dark side.
Hour after hour, he is causing small-town America to be suddenly brainwashed.
Alex Jones's weapon in the 9-11 conspiracy theory is the ammunition.
And Alex Jones's
Seditious doctrine he has forgotten are the cell phone calls made from the Pennsylvania plane.
Perhaps Mr. Jones thinks the records of cell phone companies are also part of the 9-11 plot.
Mr. Jones also disregards the airport security photos and records of terrorist boarding passes.
Were the airlines and the cell phone companies also in league with the conspiracy?
Are the Muslim governments or allies in the war on terror with
Terrorism saw the proof of 9-11 and believed it.
It stands to reason Jones' motive is money or power.
It positively is not the truth.
Perhaps Mr. Jones in his quest for notoriety does not realize what pain he has caused the victims' loved ones, or perhaps he just doesn't care.
Look, just do me a favor and I really appreciate it.
Yeah, I really appreciate it.
Your phone's distorting a bit.
That's the only reason I'm going to let you go, but I really appreciate your call.
Will you do me a favor?
Will you clip that out, sir, and send that to me?
I would.
Okay, thank you.
At the Dallas address there, I mean the Austin address?
Yes, sir.
Okay, right away, Judas.
Thank you.
Let me just say this first.
Bill Doyle, the head of the Biggest Victims Family Group of 9-11, said he believes 9-11 is an inside job.
The majority of the groups believe it's an inside job, and the majority of their members believe it's an inside job.
We've already disproven the cell phone calls as impossible from those heights, and the few real air phone calls that were made from the airplane phones were stewardesses talking about couldn't breathe some type of gas in the cockpit.
And now even major British newspapers have headlines like, Flight 93 shot down.
It had an eight and a half mile debris field.
I mean, it's just... Look!
I'm not seditious, okay?
The people creating the American Union are the ones that are seditious.
Not me.
Believe me, I wish this wasn't true.
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Well, I won't back down.
No, I won't back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down.
You know, we've got all these strong people that decide to join Evo and decide to feed on the weak and I'm sick of it.
I know there's a lot of folks out there that are freaked out.
A lot of people that are scared of the issues I talk about.
But I just challenge you to go look it up.
I mean, remember 12 years ago I was telling you about the American Union?
Now it's on CNN.
They signed it.
They're doing it.
The country's evaporating right now.
They're having a meeting about it under the guise of border security today here in Austin, Texas.
How many years did we tell you how deadly the mercury in the vaccines are?
How many years did we tell you about what the sodium fluoride does to you?
And I got medical reports here today on it I'm going to be covering.
How long did we tell you about the plan for world government?
That we'd go to war with Iraq and that the government would stage terror attacks?
I mean, was I a traitor?
Was I seditious?
Before 9-11 saying they were about to attack the World Trade Center and use their asset bin Laden to take the fall for it?
Believe me, I wish this stuff wasn't true.
I'm not the traitor that's expanded the size of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
I'm not the traitors that have gone to 13,000 plus counties and brainwashed our preachers to train their members to turn in their guns and go to FEMA camps.
That's now in the major newspapers.
You think stuff's bad right now?
We're on the edge of the hammer being dropped on this society.
And it buoys my soul and buoys my heart to know we've got a growing army of good listeners out there and of AM and FM affiliates.
The folks that have been with us for eight, nine years syndicated down to the brand new stations that turn us on every month.
And I commend you and I salute you and I appreciate you.
You know, hearing that email, that letter to the editor,
I see those type of things every few days from different papers around the country.
People send them to me.
And I'm sure that's a real person that sent that in, who really does think I'm a traitor, who's naive, that thinks this is a good government, and who buys into the propaganda.
Now, there's a lot of letters to the editor, though, that we know are fake.
But they're usually more slickly written than that.
But regardless, it is the propaganda
That's put out by the media and the government that creates mindsets like the letter you just heard that nice fellow read.
And I don't know what to say to it anymore.
I don't know how, you know, you're supposed to deal with people that are so brainwashed and so brain-dead.
Everybody knows this country's going in the wrong direction.
And sometimes I sit here and I just say, what is the point of even
Chronicling all of this propaganda.
I mean, there's just so much of it.
We already know it's a lie.
We already know it's a fraud.
I mean, they've lied to us so many times.
If you have a neighbor that lies to you over and over and over and over and still over again, then shame on us if we believe it again and again.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
And it's true!
Shame on us!
I was at a local radio station two mornings ago here in Austin.
And I was talking to one of their talk show hosts from one of the other stations there in the building.
And he goes, you're just nuts Alex, thinking the government was involved in 9-11.
And I said to him, I said, well, you're not stupid, you're a newsman.
It was one of their news people.
I said, I'm sure you've heard about all the biological chemical testing on our troops that killed a bunch of them.
And he goes, yeah, I've heard about that, I know that's true.
And I go, our government will kill our own troops, and you admit you know about it, but you don't believe they killed 2,800 and something people.
Oh, that's different.
But I looked in his eyes and I could tell his spirit, his gut,
You can look on his face and tell he knew deep down that I had courage and that he didn't.
These people look at me and they're scared of me.
I don't like that.
I'm really a big ball of love.
It's because I've got so much love and I'm aggressive and I seem callous and coarse and mean.
Look, we got a job to do.
We got a bunch of criminals trying to enslave us.
We gotta fight them!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I'm going to play this clip of Megs, the editor of Popper Mechanics, in a few minutes.
Right now, let's get through some more of your calls for those that are patiently holding.
Patrick calling in from Ireland.
Welcome sir, you're on the air.
Alex, thank you very much for taking my call.
I appreciate that.
Yes sir, I appreciate you calling.
What's on your mind?
Sorry for cutting you off, I'm regular at this show.
I was in New York on 9-11 and ever since that I've been following development.
What I like about you Alex is you lay the facts out.
You document everything and you back it up with what you say.
Everybody I speak to, I let them hear your show, your website, Harris Storm.
You know, get it out there.
But really what I was calling today, Alex, is New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is in Ireland and they just released a memorial with the original steel beams from the Twin Tower, some of them.
And I thought, I heard you say one time that all of that stuff was shipped off to China.
Well we've learned that what happened is, I mean obviously there were just incredible masses of steel from the two major 110 story towers and the government, you can pull up the articles, told us that it was under guard, no one was allowed to touch it, no one was allowed to examine it, each piece of steel, each load of steel had a GPS tracker put on the truck, they weren't allowed to even stop
On their route, one guy stopped at a Subway sandwich shop for 15 minutes and got fired.
They drove them to big barges.
Let me just cover it.
They drove them to big barges that took them to South Korea and China.
Most of it to China.
Now, we have now learned in the last few years that they did take some of the steel, a small amount, but still quite a bit of it, and store it in a warehouse.
And then they have begun, in the last two years, to send it to Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and other areas, and building these memorial sculptures out of it, and that's where Professor Stephen Jones has gotten two samples of the molten steel that was on the sides of the girders, and tested them from two separate places in the U.S.
I did watch the Netherlands Symposium.
Excellent, really good job what you did there.
But what you'd really find interesting, and I'll quote Michael Bloomberg, what he's saying here, he's over in Ireland and he's saying that he is lobbying hard to increase the number of visas issued to newcomers and undocumented people in the country.
I thought that'd be interesting.
Well yeah, I mean the government's telling us that these foreigners from the Middle East are going to kill us, but then meanwhile in Ireland and England and Spain and France,
They're bringing in record levels of Muslims.
Exactly, man.
I appreciate you taking my call.
I'll leave it at that.
Thanks very much.
Keep up the good work, Alex.
You know what?
Well, listen, where are you in Ireland?
How long have you been a listener?
About two years, man.
I love your show.
Well, God bless you.
I really appreciate you calling in.
Good to hear from you.
It's great to have listeners all over the planet.
Also, the first time I learned that they had saved some of the steel was during the Republican National Convention in New York in late 2004 and I was in a deli, a famous deli that is just off of the World Trade Center complex and it was about four o'clock in the afternoon and nobody was in there eating so the owner was in there and I heard him giving an interview to a newspaper reporter and when he was done
I called him over to our table, he was an Italian man, I forget his last name, and he had in his hand a chunk of the World Trade Center.
It was about, I'd say, two by four, a slice of steel.
And it was blued, like they blue guns, you know, it had that black, bluish finish.
It had, I guess, been dipped in the bluing material and fired in a oven, in a kiln.
And he said they were giving survivors of 9-11 that lived in the area slices of the steel.
And I said to him, I said, I thought they hauled all that off under guard.
He said, I thought they did too.
But he said, he said, they just started giving us, the Port Authority, he said, started giving survivors of that day, because his deli had been in the World Trade Center and he'd barely gotten out alive with his staff and customers.
So, that was the first time, but again, they sliced it, it was a little piece of it, it was still real heavy though, a big piece of steel, and they had blued it.
And I wondered, why did they blue it?
Why did they manipulate it?
Why did they change it?
I mean, as much as government lies, who knows if that's even a piece of steel from it.
But Dr. Jones, Professor Jones, people keep saying, well, where did you get the steel from?
He's privately told me where he got the steel from.
He's privately told other professors and engineers he's worked with now at two different universities studying these pieces where he got it.
But we're not at liberty on air to say where he got it because he doesn't want to lose the capacity of getting more samples or the people that got the samples that work there getting in trouble.
But I'll just tell you that
He's already said that it comes, one piece, one sample comes from the East Coast at Memorial Park.
He had found over 20 of these in the country now.
And another one comes from, let's just say up by the Great Lakes.
And I'll leave it at that.
Okay, this is, this is myself calling in the Jack Blood Show.
That comes on right after mine every day.
He was able to get Mr. Megs, the editor of Popular Mechanics on, who ran the hit piece on me.
He was able to get him on the show yesterday for about 45 minutes, and I was on about 7-8 minutes with him.
And I challenged him to a debate.
I've called him over and over again.
They have told us no, they will not debate us.
There's a story out today from a 911blogger.com
About a big Seattle station with a pro-government story individual who'd set up one of the Popular Mechanics writers to debate one of the scholars for 9-11 Truth.
And the reporter's real mad now because last minute the publisher called and said, we're not allowing, Popular Mechanics is not allowing any of their writers to debate the scholars.
Well, this is confirmed.
I'm not one of the quote, scholars, but they won't even debate me.
And yeah, I was a little bit mean to the guy.
It's because he's a liar.
His paper is a liar.
His magazine.
So this is where I call in via cell phone.
I'm out in the hill country at the time, so it's not the best cell phone connection, but here I am confronting Mr. Meggs on Jack Blood Show.
Here it is.
Speaking of Alex Jones, he's listening to the program today, James, and has just called in.
I'd like to give him a chance to talk to you as well.
Alex, thanks for calling in.
Right away.
Let me just say three things, and then I'd like to get his response to it.
I'm out here in the hill country.
I hope my cell phone's coming in good, Jack.
Yeah, it's okay.
Number one, I have challenged
Mr. Megs, over and over again after he engaged in those huge hit pieces on national radio and in print, he refused to come on my show and never called me back from their offices.
Please answer later, sir.
I'm just challenging you right now to a two-hour debate, a hour debate, whatever you'd like.
Number two, Hurst Publishing wrote the book.
They are literally in the encyclopedia next to Yellow Journalism and they have famously come out in congressional hearings on CIA disinformation operations.
That stands on
Number two, when they called me, I've been interviewed hundreds and hundreds of times by major papers.
I've never thought it was fake.
I thought it was so weird and so unjournalistic when I was talking to these
These little whippersnappers, Homeland Security Director's family and others who were calling me, but who of course work for the operation, the company, there as they call it.
And I actually thought it was fake, so I called, Popper Mechanics, and they called back and they said, oh no, this is real, we're doing a real story, Mr. Chertoff said.
And I said, is this a hit piece?
I said, is this some kind of debunking?
He said, I swear to you, it's not.
So, they're on record, they're liars.
And then, finally, uh, Painster's aircraft, uh, didn't depressurize.
It was an hour and 20 minutes when they found out it had gone off course.
It was an hour and 20 minutes from takeoff from Florida.
And then let me just add this, too.
We went and pulled up Reuters and AP with the Air Force captain, the NORAD spokesman.
Who said that they'd only intercept one commercial jet in the ten years before?
It was hundreds and hundreds of times in the ten years, and what, sixty-plus in the year before.
So I'm sorry, we get bigger readership.
In fact, our website, presentplanet.com, is bigger than your pathetic little website.
And everybody saw the truth, and they read where you twisted and changed the story.
So I'd like to hear you answer for the history of black ops and yellow journalism by Hurst Publishing, the pariah of government ops.
Well, it may not be now, but we know it was in the past, and I'd like you to answer for twisting and claiming that there was only one civilian intercept before that, and then I challenge you right now to an hour, two hour, five hour debate, whatever you want.
Hold on, Alex.
Let's give James a chance to respond, and guys, let's try to be as respectful as possible here.
We're all trying to get to the truth.
He won't come on my show and debate me.
I'll crush him.
Alex, are you accusing me of being complicit in mass murder?
No, don't change the subject.
I am telling you it's well known that Hearst Publishing is synonymous with yellow journalism and government ops.
Everybody knows that.
Alex, I'd really like to focus on the core facts of our election.
You won't talk about the core facts of the election.
No, you're not doing that.
You're not doing that.
Everybody knows about National Geographic, by the way.
All those farm assignments.
What a perfect, perfect cover.
Alex, I'd like to keep this away from Ad Hominem.
Yeah, I bet you'd like it.
We're going to defend this republic.
Hey, why don't you answer how Chertoff lied and said he wasn't related to the Homeland Security Director, and then we called his mommy and she was very proud.
Why don't you tell us about Homeland Security?
Let's talk about that.
All the defense contractors in the Pentagon... Hold on, Alex.
That has been one of the allegations, James, that the Benjamin Chertoff, who was the author or investigator or researcher of the story you published about a year ago, is related to Michael Chertoff, that cousin of Michael Chertoff, director of Homeland Security.
Is that something that you're denying?
I'm happy to talk about that.
In fact, I guess you guys haven't read the book yet.
No, it is in the book.
I discuss it in the afterword.
Michael asked his parents.
They believe that they are distantly related to... I mean, excuse me, Benjamin talked to his parents.
They believe they're distantly related to Michael Chertoff.
They don't know for sure.
Can I finish?
Go ahead, James.
The connection, if it exists, would go back over a hundred years to the old country.
They've never met.
They've never talked.
When we were researching that story, as a matter of fact,
Chertoff had not yet been moved over to Homeland Security.
But let me ask, let me take that back another step.
What if they were first cousins?
How exactly would one researcher, a fairly junior member of my staff, convince me and 30 other people to implicate ourselves in one of the greatest crimes in the world?
Why would we want to be involved in that?
Let me answer that.
I thought Chertoff was the head
He was the manager of the project.
He was the managing editor of that project.
We find it so often happens in conspiracies, there's a grain of truth blown up.
He was one of the researchers on the product.
He did work with Reuters and AP.
Did the same NORAD spokesman that you quote, who claims that they only intercepted one aircraft the year before, is he quoted by major publications saying that they had intercepted hundreds?
I think if you get our book, we actually discussed this... Oh no, listen, I've got your book and I'm going to write a big... Listen, it ought to be the government's conspiracy theory doesn't stand up to the facts, okay?
Alex, I have the story you're talking about right here.
Here's from our book.
Many conspiracy theorists cite an August 12, 2002 Associated Press story as proof that NORAD mounted or frequent interceptions of domestic flights.
The article paraphrased NORAD spokesman Martin, from September 11th to June 2002, NORAD scrambled or diverted combat air patrols 462 times, almost 7 times as often as the 67 scrambles from September 2000 to June 2001.
So it sounds like, in other words, they're saying before 2001 they scrambled all the time.
That's what you're alluding to.
Hey, I understand you're a pilot.
Don't try it.
However, a night ritter said you do.
Hang on a second.
I've got a band of their pilots, mags, who've been intercepted.
If your plane goes off course into military airspace over Fort Hood in Texas, you got F-16s on your tail so fast it makes your head spin.
I was in Civil Air Patrol.
I've been in airports when F-16s make planes land because they got off course.
I've seen it.
So don't even try it in any aircraft.
You're a liar.
I'm not accusing you of anything.
Can I finish?
Oh, yes you do.
You accuse me of claiming that you committed the murders of 9-11.
You're probably just an ignorant person who's playing along with this official fairy tale.
Alex, I really can't continue the interview if it's going to be nothing but insults.
Yeah, I'd like to try to keep this as professional as possible.
I understand that emotions are running high here, Alex.
Emotions are running very high.
Let me just say this and I'm going to leave.
Do not listen to this guy and his people all over the radio attacking me.
Alex, this doesn't sound like a debate.
This sounds like an attack.
I would like to discuss the facts of how NORAD operates.
I can finish the point that you raised about the article.
To continue this work from the NORAD spokesman, he said from June 2000 to September 2001,
Will you answer the drill story?
Will you answer my question?
Or I guess you won't answer any question, you'll stay on script.
James, I would offer to moderate that debate and to make sure that everybody gets equal time if you could agree to do that on the Alex Jones program.
You know, Jack, the people who are interested in conspiracy theories, it's good for them to have questions.
It's good for them to
All right.
And just to fill you in, before I called in the first 10-15 minutes that Meggs was on there, Jack would bring up the drills, and Meggs would never talk about it.
He would just keep changing the subject, and anything Jack would bring up, Meggs wouldn't answer.
And then he claimed that the USA Today was wrong.
It wasn't 18 minutes until the F-16s were surrounding Payne Stewart's airplane.
Why, it was an hour and 20 minutes!
Well, we went and looked it up.
Payne Stewart's aircraft took off
And then it was an hour and twenty minutes in that they then noticed that the plane got off course.
An hour and twenty minutes into flight, or somewhere thereabouts.
Probably about an hour and ten minutes.
We don't know.
It suddenly got off course.
They believe the depressurization had then happened.
And then they launched F-16s.
But see how they spin it?
Well, it took an hour and twenty minutes for them!
No, no, that's from takeoff.
The plane didn't get off course right when it took off.
So it's spin on top of spin, and then he tries to spin the fact that the Air Force spokesman said hundreds of intercepts, and that there had never been an intercept up until that time.
I mean, yeah, the Air Force spokesman came out and lied after and said there had never been an intercept, except for Payne Stewart, but we have his previous quotes in the news talking about the hundreds of intercepts.
And then we know all the pilots who've seen this and heard about this.
You've all heard about it.
I mean, how many times have there been intercepts of planes flying around the White House before 9-11?
It's just incredible.
And yes, he will not debate me.
He came back and said he will not debate me.
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I don't have much more to say about Megs.
I mean, you hear them out of the blue try to claim that I was saying that they were complicit in the murder on 9-11.
I just pointed out, I mean, the movie Citizen Kane is made about cursed publishing.
You know, about the big empire, and the media mogul, and the castle, and how they buy off the newspapers, and how they plant fake stories for war.
When I was in high school, in U.S.
history, we learned, I mean, there was a whole section in a chapter about Hearst Publishing, and Randolph Hearst.
When I was in college, we learned about them.
They are literally in the encyclopedia next to yellow journalism.
And going right back through World War II, World War I, Korea, Vietnam.
I mean, I was on the phone with a Hearst Publishing TV anchor.
Hearst News, whatever the name is.
They have different divisions.
He called me about another separate issue.
He was interviewing me, you know, doing a phone interview for a story he was doing.
And he goes, well, you know, we are Hearst, so they'll try to make me spin this.
Give me a break!
What I'm saying is, you're a bunch of propagandists.
And of course, National Geographic, to a lesser extent, has been known for that.
That's what he formerly headed up.
A big manager over there.
A lot of people who are diplomats, you know, are really CIA or agents of other agencies, intelligence operations.
A lot of people who are supposed missionaries are, and a lot.
I mean, National Geographic in the last few years has had to announce, hey, we're not government.
Stop grabbing our employees.
Stop grabbing our reporters.
Because people in third world countries out there in the middle of nowhere, they're not stupid, folks.
They know what the cover is.
So, I was just bringing up that Hearst is a complete and total joke.
Because before I got on, he was talking about how respected National Geographic is, and how wonderful National Geographic is, and how we all need to do whatever, you know, they say, because they've really done the research, and all they did was look for the truth, and they're not political, and all they were doing was seeking reality!
Chris, Ed, Chris,
Christine and others.
We're going to get to you coming up when we start in the next hour.
New information has come out about the latest bust of, you know, three weeks ago, two and a half weeks ago, of the supposed masterminds, the liquid bombers.
With Nafis Ahmed who reports over there in London.
I'm not going to have him on for long.
Just a quick ten minute report from him.
But we'll take calls first when we get back in the next segment.
Just briefly before we end this hour.
The best way to fight these people and their propaganda is to expose government sponsored terror.
And my new film Terror Storm does that.
The official DVD with the 66 minutes of extras is here.
It's the best film I've ever made.
You need to get it.
So go to InfoWars.com and get it off the Safe, Secure Video and Bookstore Shopping Cart or call toll free 1-888-253-3139, 888-253-3139 and don't forget PrisonPlanet.tv you can
There at PrisonPlanet.tv, get a 15 cent a day monthly membership for $5.95, all 15 of my films, my book, Paul Weiss's book, my weekly TV reports, the entire 9-11 neocon symposium from LA.
It's a great deal, PrisonPlanet.tv, and you also support us.
And burn copies of the interviews and the speeches off that and give them to people.
It really hurts the murdering terrorist.
They carried out 9-11 when you do this.
And don't forget, I'll be in Dallas on Saturday.
Lakewood Theater.
Get your tickets at Infowars.com.
Before they're all gone, we'll be right back.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You want to know why this country's so shot while we have so many problems?
A lot of it is the mainstream media.
And so many people in the mainstream media aren't even government agents.
They just buy into the whole false system.
Or even if they're starting to wake up, they know it's not kosher to ask serious questions.
Like, they're going to have a press conference, which I'm told you've got to jump through about 14 flaming hoops to get into at 3.30 today.
It's one of the few public things during this two-day
American Union, I mean, you ought to see the symbol on the state of Texas website.
It's a star.
Half Mexico, half Texas.
And they've got the Mexican governors, and they've got Homeland Security Director Ridge and Schwarzenegger and a bunch of other border governors there.
They're going to have a bunch of secret meetings.
They admit totally closed to the public and the press at the Driscoll Five Star Hotel right down the street.
And, uh, you know, and I'm sitting here going, well, I mean, I've got KLBJ press passes, I've got our own press passes.
I've seen how it doesn't matter, folks.
You can have congressional press passes and they'll act like they're toilet paper if they don't like you.
And I'm like, should I go down there when I want to spend some time with my family before I get on the airplane tomorrow to go to Dallas, so I can go stand there at a press conference and go, why don't you talk about the Security and Prosperity Partnership openly calling for erasing our borders?
And how the guest worker program is blanking amnesty.
And then even if Schwarzenegger or any of these congenital liars even answers my question, there'll be probably a hundred reporters there.
Probably more than a hundred.
Probably fifty news cameras.
Twenty, thirty radio stations.
There'll probably be a hundred and fifty reporters there.
And something this big at the Capitol.
And if I can even shout a question out, if I'm even able to,
They'll just lie.
They'll just say, well, no such thing exists.
Well, that'll keep us safe.
You know, that's my point.
These things are so staged.
And so they'll sit up there and lie.
The reporters will do zero research.
You can go in five minutes to the SPP.gov website.
You can find out every major road will be a toll road in the country, every major highway, transponders in all the cars, Mexican government running major areas of the U.S., our government running things down there, regional governments with the people having no power, no effect, and the statesmen should be writing on this.
The Dallas Morning News.
There'll be the New York Times there.
Everybody will be there.
CNN, Fox, ABC Nightly News.
And there will be no real questions.
And if I go down there, it is a snowball chance in Hades that any of it will be on the news.
But see, that doesn't matter now.
Five years ago I would have gone down there.
I really don't think I'm going to go down there.
I'll probably end up... I should have gone to confront Keene.
I sent people and it was pretty good stuff came out.
But he was just lying through his teeth when he came to town.
And again, I'd been out of town for a week.
I hadn't seen my family.
I'd got up early that morning coming on the radio show and I said, no, I'm going to see my children.
So I didn't go confront Keene.
I probably should go down there, or I should probably send somebody from this office, but I... You'll have to be rude.
You'll have to... Let me tell you how it works.
When there's a bunch of reporters, they will try to push you out of the way.
They'll try to shout you down.
It's like 50 sharks trying to eat one minnow.
And then they'll all be asking their stupid questions, and they will run out the clock.
In a 30-minute press conference, each governor will talk about five minutes.
Probably about six questions will get asked.
But the reason I probably should go is just because it'll look good on the internet, me asking a real question.
If I look good, a bunch of people will watch it, a few million people will watch it, and then they'll hear about SPP and go check it out.
Because see now, we've got our own media now!
And you are the people that can make it get even bigger!
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi, Chris Edd, Chris, Christina, others, we're going to get to you.
I'm just going to have our illustrious guest on for a single segment because I know he's busy and I've got a lot of news I've got to cover.
Before we go to Fiza Med, joining us from London, author, lecturer, heads up the think tank, studying a lot of key issues.
Before we do that, let me just get back to activism.
The only reason I should go down with Schwarzenegger and, did I say Ridge, excuse me, Michael Chertoff,
We've got an open Israeli citizen running our homeland security against Schwarzeneggers, Austrian, all these foreigners ruling us.
The Bible says when you're cursed, that'll happen by the way.
You will be ruled, you'll be taken into foreign captivity.
Whoever said you'd be taken to another country though?
The only reason I should go down there is because it would look good on the internet.
And by look good, they're down there setting up their American Union.
I could bring up those key questions and then show them, not answer them.
Or show them, lie about it, then show the documents.
As you said, at a certain point, I don't even want to be around these cockroaches.
I can sit here and do radio interviews all day long and reach tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions per show
And wake up all these people and make films and have websites and effectively battle them.
You know, five years ago we would have had to go down there because the alternative media wasn't big enough.
Now, the alternative media is getting bigger than the mainstream media and the key is racing to wake the general public up.
Racing to fight the globalists.
Racing to expose what they're doing.
I've read over this new border security plan.
It's blanket total amnesty.
The Americas, from Mexico to Canada, will all merge into one.
One ID card.
It's on the official government websites.
Bush signed the agreement with the President of Mexico himself and the Prime Minister of Canada last year, Paul Martin.
And they're there finalizing it.
And the stupid media, most of them are just ignorant, will be there asking dumb questions.
They even have a PR firm that's handling all of it with suggested questions, with some fake agenda they've put out.
But 98% of the two-day meeting, I don't know if it's 98%, there is an hour of press conference in the two days.
30 minutes today, 30 minutes tomorrow.
So what is that out of 12 hours of meetings each day?
What is an hour out of 24?
So I guess it's 1 24th, there you go, of it.
Listen, I don't enjoy going in grandstanding and asking real questions and getting on the news.
In fact, I'm not going.
I'm not going down there and they can just sit over there.
I don't like getting around these people.
You understand?
It actually hurts my soul, folks.
It's gotten to the point now where I don't like getting around them.
Because this stuff just rises up in me and I just... and then later I'm drained.
I don't like the effort of getting around them.
And I'm not retreating!
I'm hurting them all over the place, folks.
I'm all over radio and TV.
I'm all over the Internet, crushing the enemy, with your help.
And I'm telling you, hurt them!
I want to bring down the New World Order.
Hurt their frauds.
Hurt their lies.
Hurt their political paradigm.
Get my new film, Terror Storm.
Go buy a DVD burner.
And it's a DVD-9.
Just tell them when you're buying it you want the blanks that will copy DVD-9s.
And just aggressively make five copies.
It takes 20 minutes or so to make each copy.
Just aggressively, while you're sitting there watching TV or reading a book, just be popping them in aggressively.
Let's hurt them.
And I want you to get them, and I want you all to make copies, and I want you to keep making copies, and just keep making copies and copies and copies and copies, and just get them out to everyone, and that's going to have a lot bigger effect than me having to go down there and be around these people!
I don't know.
I may go down to the press conference.
I was just talking to my wife during the break.
She's listening to the show and she's going, you need to go down there.
That's what Alex Jones does.
That's what people like that you do.
Well, I don't like it.
I don't like having to go confront the Bilderbergs and being grabbed and put in a holding tank for 15 hours.
I don't like people sneaking around following me around.
I don't like having to look at our Israeli national ruler
Benjamin Chertoff, excuse me, Michael Chertoff.
I think of Benjamin as a family member writing hit pieces on me for Popular Mechanics.
I don't want to be around the foreign national Schwarzenegger.
I've already been around him at the RNC.
I mean, having to be around these actual demons, folks, these
I'm still here, Alex.
Well, kind of.
You know, I empathize with you, man, because this is what we're all going through.
When we have to sit there and we have to actually deal with these people directly, it's not a nice experience.
So, I sympathize with you.
So you've had to be around these creatures?
You know, to tell you the truth, I mean, I'm glad I don't have to do what you have to do, Alex.
Well, it's not a fun job.
I mean, I want people to know that.
And I never talk about myself on air.
I never whine.
I'm not whining.
I'm just... I'm sorry, Nafis.
You're joining us because you just wrote a book about the 7-7 bombings and government connections and false flag attacks.
Now you've got a big paper out today concerning a lot of evidence.
It's the same old provocateur staged event where they bust a bunch of patsies.
Tell us about it.
Well, we've all been watching the news about this so-called terror plot that's been going on.
Pretty important stuff, so I thought I'd analyze it.
I guess like most of us had the same suspicions that this must be another fabricated thing and wasn't surprised entirely to find out that actually it's all been leaking out.
They just haven't been able to stop the leak.
There's been British security sources saying that there was no imminent plot.
In fact, we didn't have any evidence.
They're saying that this is what they've been saying on NBC News, in the Independent over here.
Oh, it's all over the news that it's fake.
We've got British ambassadors saying it.
Yeah, Craig Murray did a couple of interesting articles where he just looked at the whole thing and said, this just looks like what we saw before with the Ricin plot, where there was no Ricin and there was no plot.
And it's not much the same thing has happened here.
The key guy, Rashid Ralph, is being described as the Al-Qaeda paymaster terror facilitator.
Um, it's actually, it's actually been tortured according to Pakistani sources.
Which is exactly the same that happened with the rice and thing.
There was a guy in Algeria tortured by Algerian security services and that was what was the basis for all these claims.
So, the same pattern is there.
We have a tortured, tortured informant.
Um, we've got, um, there was no plot at all.
There was no evidence.
In fact, the British said they didn't even want to arrest this guy.
They said they didn't.
It was the Bush administration was pressuring them to make the arrest.
And that came out in the major publications here.
Yeah, absolutely.
And now we know that this network that was
In fact, they were being, they were under surveillance for more than a year, but they were penetrated by multiple secret services.
We had the CIA, which initiated the whole operation.
We had MI6, apparently, according to CNN, citing government sources, they said that the British had a deep undercover MI6 operative in there.
And we also had the Pakistani ISI inside this group.
So we had three intelligence agencies involved in there.
Um, which really raises interesting questions about what the hell was going on here.
Um, and I think we need to go back to what we've been hearing about this, you know, the P-2-O-G group.
I did, uh, an article on this.
Thought I would bring it.
I think it's relevant to go back and see what the hell is this strategy that, that came out.
There was a couple of publications, the Los Angeles Times, a couple of other things, which noticed that the Defense Science Board, the Pentagon Advisory Group,
proposed to Dick Cheney that they set up this P-2-O-G, which is basically a special operations group designed to what they described as stimulate reactions amongst terrorist groups, which is quite interesting because in fact, I don't think this is a particularly new phenomenon, but it's probably one of the first times that it's come out so openly that this is what they're interested in doing.
And Seymour Hersh did a piece in the New Yorker
Where he actually confirmed that this plan was actually active.
One of the officials in the Bush administration said to him that, yeah, we're going to recruit locals and we're going to try and get them involved in terrorist activities.
So it seems to me that this is exactly what has happened in this case.
This is a clear kind of false flag operation.
Yeah, we have Pentagon documents with a six billion plus dollar, what is it, 6.3 bill, that's six
Billion, three hundred million dollars a year to fund going out and creating real terror groups so we can then attack them and have a pretext to invade.
I mean, that was in UPI, Associated Press, New Yorker Magazine, what, four years ago?
And we know they're out doing it, and it's the same... I mean, take the example of Miami.
Black Rastafarian street kids
They pay them $50,000 and $20,000 more to finally get two of them to swear allegiance to Al-Qaeda for another $5,000.
They had no weapons, no nothing.
They were total, just basket case idiots.
And then this is the big national threat.
They were going to blow everything up.
I mean, it's just over and over again.
I mean, it's now become a very familiar pattern.
We've had this with, you know, they find a couple of guys, they pay them off.
Even William Blum actually said this, that was very interesting, because William Blum is kind of a, he's a conventional leftist kind of writer, he's written a lot of good stuff about COG operations.
But he's mainstream.
He hasn't said very much about inside jobs and things like that, but he had an interesting comment on this, he said, well basically what you do, you get a group of guys together, they might be a bit angry about stuff that the government has done, once you find them, you stick in an agent provocateur,
Um, hand out some money, start provoking them, giving them ideas, giving them the tools, giving them the know-how.
Before you know it, you move in and you say, look, we've got some terrorists here.
And this is exactly, I think, what, I mean, I think William Blunt... Now, Thies and Matt, I want to talk about, I want to talk about your new book, and I want to plug the new article you've written.
We've got links to it on InfoWars.com.
One more segment with you, and then callers, I'm going to go to your calls and get into a bunch of other news as well about
Well, what sodium fluoride is doing to the children, mainstream news, major study about cancer, and a lot more.
So stay with us, Nafisa Med, one final segment with you.
I want to find out more about this.
Look, we saw this over and over again here in the U.S., what he's talking about.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, Nafeez Ahmed is our guest, graciously spending time with us.
Nafeez, I didn't introduce you properly.
Tell folks about some of the websites where people can read your great writing and about the new book you just put out.
Well, my new book is called The London Bombings, an independent inquiry.
It's coming out in the States in October.
And my previous book is called, I mean I've done a couple of books, but my other book was The War and Truth, which is specifically about 9-11 and international terrorism.
And regularly my blog is nafees.blogspot.com and you can catch my other stuff elsewhere as well.
And we've got links to all that right now on Infowars.com in the guest section.
Well just in the three or four minutes we've got left,
I mean, when this first happened back on the 12th, when this alert got issued two and a half weeks ago, I went on air and I said, watch, it'll be patsies, there'll be no weapons, it'll be Pakistan and British and U.S.
intelligence all over it.
They'll want to grab stuff off message boards and hiked it up.
There'll be no real threat.
You'll find out the White House had some meeting and said, release this new terror threat.
Only because we've seen this about 50 something times.
And it was exactly what I mean, it's not hard to please.
Frankly, our job is not that hard, is it?
No, it's not.
I mean, the footprints are everywhere.
We've seen this happen so many times.
We've had... I mean, in the States, especially, there's been so many, you know, high alerts.
And every single time, we've even had Tom Ridge come out now and say, well, actually, these alerts went out and they were done so on the flimsiest of evidence.
And a lot of the times I was overruled and I didn't want to send out these alerts.
So, I mean, when you have someone like Tom Ridge,
It used to be the Homeland Security Department saying this, then you really know that all of this fear-mongering, these are not based on intelligence, these are based on political decisions that are very much designed to keep the population in a state where they can be much more easily controlled.
Well yeah, in fact that's the old, real textbook definition of terrorism.
I always paraphrase it, I ought to go pull up the old definition, they've now changed it to
Yeah, absolutely.
Well, let me ask you a question.
I mean, certainly you remember Ari Fleischer before he left three years ago.
They said, what is this terror alert about?
And he said, well, it's about the political stuff that just came out.
It's for political reasons.
Why do you think Fleischer, did he slip up, or was he having a pang of conscience?
Why did he say that?
I don't know.
I mean, I wasn't aware of that, actually.
So, I mean, that strikes me as rather odd.
But, I mean, it seems to me that, I mean, these guys,
They put forward this error that they know exactly what they're doing, but actually these guys...
They are, you know, they're not intelligent people.
These people are basically stupid.
You know, and they're fundamentally stupid because their system is on its way out.
And if they had any sense, they would have said, okay, the system's on its way out.
Let's go quietly.
Let's let the people have their freedom.
And let's just, let's just call it a day.
But instead, they're absolutely desperate.
They're desperately trying to keep control of power.
I mean, what's happening in the Middle East, for example, at the same time that this terror alert, this latest terror alert went off,
It just shows exactly what the situation is.
Well Israel's now saying they may go ahead and attack Iran!
And, you know, if that happens it's going to be an absolute disaster.
And this administration and the people behind it, they think that they can actually gain something from it.
And the truth is, they won't be able to do that.
I mean, they can dream on as much as they like, and they can dream on about having their global police state, but it's not going to work, you know.
It really seems to me that these people are really desperate, which is why they're pulling off these kind of things.
In fact, I think for us, we have an opportunity at this time of crisis to really get out there and spread the message.
Well, I agree.
What's happening in the next few months, in the next year, is going to be more important for our future history than anything in really the last hundred years.
We're at a critical point right now.
In the last minute we have, Nafeesh, what do you see happening in the next few months?
The next few months, I mean, it's difficult to predict.
I mean, there could very well be a war in Iran in the next few months.
At least that's what I've heard.
That's what some credible sources have said.
These things could always change, but I think certainly the next few months you're looking at possible major developments in the Middle East, combined with... I mean, I've actually heard another financial analyst saying that by 2008, at latest, we're going to have a collapse of the banking system.
And, you know, so...
You know, we're really looking at some serious, you know, crap hitting us very, very soon.
So in view of that, the elites are basically going to be trying to think of ways that they can really kind of get control of things before these kind of crises really hit us.
And that's what we need to look out for.
You're right.
A massive war at a certain level would be a smoke screen for that economic correction.
Nafis Ahmed, we'll talk to you soon again.
Great reportage as always.
God bless.
Thanks, Alex, too.
You bet.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You know, I just gotta tell you this story.
And I'm gonna tell it and I don't care.
I'm down today a little bit.
And I'm not a person that gets down a lot.
When I see what CPS and others are doing, that kind of stuff really gets me down.
With these innocent families out there, just how evil they are just amazes me.
But nice little things always happen whenever I'm down.
And listen, I don't deserve anything.
I don't deserve anything special for what I do.
I'm doing my duty.
I'm fighting evil.
I'm trying to protect myself and my family.
I see a threat to my country.
I'm just doing my duty!
But it made me feel good a few months ago when a signed, mimeographed piece of art done by Kurt Vonnegut, who I know is a listener and has seen my films.
I never bugged him.
Kurt Vonnegut, the only living literary legend, that's what he's billed as, by the media.
Kurt Vonnegut!
Slaughterhouse-Five, all of it, sent me a little piece of artwork he did.
It said, To Alex.
It was a painting of a birdcage with the door open and the bird being gone.
Free bird!
And then today, my wife calls up and says, I just got a package from Charlie Sheen.
You want me to open this for you?
I said, yeah, go ahead and open the package from Charlie Sheen.
And he gave me.
This was the first big movie he was in.
I know it means a lot to him.
I'd never seen it, never asked for it, when I'd been in his house a few times.
He gave me the jacket, the leather bomber jacket he wears in Red Dawn.
The only thing I don't like is I'm too big to wear it.
I mean, Charlie's 5'10", like I am, but he's not chubby.
I wish I could lose about 80 pounds, I guess, and wear it.
But I don't know why I'm telling this on the air.
I never talk about private stuff.
But he didn't say don't tell anybody.
I'm just so blown away by that.
It's just amazing.
I mean, us patriots love that movie Red Dawn.
It's kind of an iconic, iconoclastic, that's not the right word, it is an icon film and icon in that genre.
And so now I've got the Charlie Sheen's bomber jacket from Red Dawn.
I haven't even gotten home yet to see it.
But you know, those are the nice little rewards that come along the way for doing the right thing.
I've been sent other stuff by neat people.
But I tell you what means more than that is beating legislation like transponders and all the inspection stickers last year because you the listeners got on board and fought it.
Or when the government is going to take a farm or ranch from some poor family and we fight them and beat them because of you.
That is worth more than all the gold in the hills.
But I tell ya, the losses and the defeats are harder.
Harder to deal with than anything in my life.
To see the government being hijacked by complete criminals, and to witness them over and over and over again being able to get away with all these horrors, makes my blood boil.
It's also very frustrating to know we can beat these people.
Now I'm not a supporter of the Ayatollah Khomeini.
A lot of evidence shows that he was probably a government operative of the Globalist.
But there have been cases in the Middle East and other areas in the last 50 years where audio cassettes or mimeographed papers, a better example is the little mini printing presses they use in the ten years before 1776 when this country's journey towards
Liberty began.
To know that it all started with the government controlled and owned and dominated and had their minions and their governors in control of all the big newspapers to spew their propaganda.
The people didn't believe it.
The people stopped trusting it and they greedily got their hands on the committees of correspondence newspapers, little two and three page folded hand-cranked printing presses
People in basements and attics making them, knowing they'd be arrested and killed if they were found with them.
We have more freedom than they did then.
We have more of a chance to beat these people.
We have much better tools.
So I'm telling you right now, write your own great news articles.
Get my film, Martial Law.
Get Terror Storm.
Get Loose Change 2nd Edition.
Put them in the DVD burner and militarily defend this country!
Against the enemies of this country!
Against the foreign usurpers!
People like Chertoff and Schwarzenegger and Gonzalez and the rest of them.
Let me tell you something, folks.
When I finish a new film and I'm exhausted and I'm tired, I've done the best job I can.
I never even have time for a celebration because I move on to the next project, the next ten projects.
But I tell you, it feels good.
And I thank God, you know, when I finished Terror Storm, I finished the extras and had that DVD and when it came in, when 5,000 of those suckers came in and got dropped down on my office floor on a big pallet,
Another 5,000 came the next day.
And I looked in those big stacks out there I'm looking at right through my studio window right now.
I see freedom.
And I see weapons.
And I see Infowar.
And I see exposing these murderers.
Carried out these attacks.
And I see life-saving little life preservers.
I see little nanotech weapons.
Because in the Infowar they are nanotech.
What is nanotech?
It's self-replicating, self-building, exponential drivers, factories, engines.
And so, a DVD with that digital data that can be copied millions of times per DVD is nanotech.
I've given it a new definition, but that's... I've brought something new to the definitions of nanotech, but it really is, if you look at it, it is.
You know, when we uploaded TerrorStorm for free onto the web, it's free!
It's free right now!
Unfortunately, all the other free copies people uploaded seem to be the ones everybody's downloading.
We uploaded the best quality one.
You just type TerrorStorm into Google Video,
Something like 15 different terror storms come up that people have uploaded.
Find the one that says high-quality.
You can look at it.
At the beginning of Terror Storm, there's a quote by George Orwell about in an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
On all the bad copies that are on the web, you can't read that text.
On the copy we uploaded, you can read it.
So that's the one.
That's the one that needs to be sent to everybody.
People will commend me.
They go, you'd spend really more than $85,000 to make that film.
I'll probably not even ever make that back.
I don't care.
I'm trying to think about the little bit of money I got in the bank, how to spend that the best to fight the New World Order right now.
People say, oh man, that's so nice of you to give it out for free.
And then I get a few people email me and they go, hey, we're PrisonPlanet.TV members.
What are you doing giving that stuff out for free?
We pay for it.
Well, number one, I try to email those people back.
It's a minority of our members.
And I say, listen, when you pay us $5.95 a month, we've got to have some money.
When you pay us $5.95 a month, you get the TV shows.
You get the special reports.
You get it in an even higher quality version than Google Video allows.
Because even though we upload it in the highest quality version, still Google downgrades it because they can't afford to send it out.
People also have emailed me saying, you ought to give everything on PrisonPlanet.tv out for free.
If I did that, I couldn't pay to get on planes to go places.
I couldn't pay my employees.
I couldn't pay for the cameras and the videotapes.
So we try to balance it.
We go, well, we'll give the PrisonPlanet.tv members... This is not a plug for stuff right now, by the way, folks.
This is about my philosophy and the info war and before we got the fees and that on when I was talking about how I know we've got the tools to win right now.
Okay, so I'm trying to explain something to you.
We put the stuff up on PrisonPlanet.tv, all 15 of my films, my weekly TV reports,
Terror Storm, three weeks before it was even offered on DVD, and we tried to keep it there for about a month so you'd get first dibs on it as members, even though the country needed it now.
It's a catch-22 because if we don't give you some type of great value on PrisonPlanet.tv, why should you even pay for it?
Well, the answer is to support us.
But I don't ask for donations, I try to give you some type of product
So you can have a reason to support us, so we can keep doing our work.
Folks, I talk a lot about dying here on air, because I'm not a stupid person, and I know what we're up against, and I get death threats, and I know what's going on.
I don't like to talk about the things we've been through, the things I've witnessed, and the things I've done.
And I'm always thinking, frankly, about finishing my next job, my next work.
My only frustration about dying and the chances of being killed by the globalists
Is that I won't be able to carry on my work and I won't be there to protect my children and they may ask, why isn't daddy here?
But I am happy and pleased and honored to be on the front lines.
My life is a, as an offering, is nothing towards liberty.
And to a decadent, crazy world,
Where people only think about their lives and only think about themselves.
It's just so alien to so many people.
It's crazy to people on the outside who haven't tuned in to the Source.
I mean, I feel my ancestors.
I feel everything they did for me.
I feel the sacrifice.
I instinctively and spiritually know the type of hell humanity's gone through and the type of bondage we've all been under.
And I know how precious liberty and freedom is and I look at pictures of my children and I think about their future and I think about the things that they need to be able to do and how I want them to control their own destiny.
And I think about your children who I love just as much as mine.
The Guardian Instinct is alive in my breast.
And I don't think it's even that special, my friends.
They have walled it off from you.
They have closed it off from you.
You've never tasted it.
You've never known what it is to really want to lay down your life for your neighbor.
To really do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.
God isn't asking you to do something hard there.
It's a gift.
This is what you're meant to do.
This is how you're designed.
Before we became fallen creatures.
And I am a fallen creature, but just the shadow of being a true man that I have come to be part of is so much more rewarding.
I mean, possessions mean nothing to me.
Class and status mean nothing to me.
And the globalists have sold us on being willing to sell out our families, our futures, everything for a few pieces of silver!
And I know I said I'd take your calls, I'm just... I just realized the power of you going to Google Video and finding the best copy of Terror Storm you can.
And emailing it out to your entire email list, and going to every message board you can find, and every day when you're at lunch sitting there eating a salad, or a hamburger, or enchiladas, or whatever you eat, at your hour of lunch, or 30 minutes at work, instead of going to the gambling sites, or the whatever sites, if you just go and
And give people terror storm.
Listen, if you'd get the high quality DVDs from us and make copies on that.
I mean, go buy a DVD burner.
Go buy three of them.
String them together.
And start slamming blank DVDs in there.
Start making copies.
And start giving them to people.
Then we can wake up the public.
Just you, the listeners of this show.
Look what we've already done!
And I looked out, and I realized that the bigger I get, the more effect I have, and it's a catch-22.
It makes me safe at one level, but puts me in greater danger at another.
All I'm asking you is, take my sacrifice, and all the sacrifices of the people that have blown the whistle on 9-11, all the insiders, the colonel who they started court-martialing procedures on, and then dropped it when he agreed to shut up, everything he went through to expose how the hijackers were government agents,
Don't let all the people that have been killed, John O'Neill and others who tried to blow the whistle.
So that people like George Bush and Henry Kissinger and George Shultz and Benjamin Chertoff, excuse me, I keep thinking of his, I keep calling the family member who wrote the hit piece on me, Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security head.
So people like them don't get away with what they did.
I mean, I've said it.
To bring these people down, I'm more than happy to go down with them.
I just want to make sure they go down.
And things won't be perfect after that, but at least the criminals will scurry back under the rocks and won't be so emboldened and so arrogant and so aggressive and just running around and letting it all hang out in front of us and smiling at us and smirking at us.
I'm tired of their arrogance!
I'm tired of them getting away with it!
I'm tired of all the
All the little business people and yuppies and people in the system who haven't gotten anything out of this thing, but just feel like they're part of it and make excuses for it.
Don't you understand how much danger you're in?
Don't you realize what we're facing?
I mean, it means nothing to me to be criticized by the government and media and all these people.
I don't even care.
I don't care what these people think about me.
Why do you care what they think about you?
You've got to stop caring, folks.
And freedom, I think Janice Joplin said it is true, is having nothing else to lose.
We don't have anything to lose here.
They're getting rid of our country right now.
They're getting rid of our currency right now.
They've got CPS grabbing millions of kids every year, doing things to them in the open that are so horrible it just tears my guts out.
We've got to bring these people to justice.
And it starts right here, now, today.
I want you, if you've already got copies of my films and you haven't made copies of them, I want you to start making copies of them.
And Terror Storm is absolutely free on the web.
Or go get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership to get a super high quality version.
It's almost as good as TV.
Make copies right off the website, right to disk, and give it to people.
Call 888-253-3139 and get TerrorStorm and give it to everybody you know.
And let's expose these murderers.
I mean, at the bare minimum, if we expose them much more, if we really push it over the edge,
They're not going to be able to carry out terror attacks anymore.
They're about to admit that they can't do it anymore.
We've almost taken it away from them.
That is in the way they're using it.
They could have something so big that they could just go to pure martial law, but they know that could really get out of control.
We got them between a rock and a hard place, and I intend to keep running them up against the rocks.
I mean, just forget them.
Forget the maneuvers, folks.
I'm not going to use the mild profanity in the Admiral's quote, but forget the maneuvers.
Just go straight at them.
Just go straight at them.
Just ram them.
Ram them!
Ram them!
Go straight into them!
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
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I went into preacher mode and I told you I'd go to your calls, but I apologize.
I'm just not doing it.
I don't have time.
I just want everybody to know I'm very thankful for all the AM and FM affiliates that we have.
I'm very thankful for everybody that spreads the word about this broadcast.
We try to do the best jobs we can.
We try to work hard for it.
We try to tell the truth.
We try to do the right research.
And we do a pretty darn good job of it some days, most days.
I am amazed sometimes just by how evil the globalists are and how many fronts they're hitting us on.
I mean, so many angles.
You know, I said I'd get into fluoride.
I promised to do that and I can't.
I don't want to break too many here on the show today, but I was digging around during the break.
I'm trying to find my stories here about that.
I know we've got them posted.
Here's one.
I found them.
That's how many articles I've got posted.
This is just today.
UK Daily Mail.
Ritalin to carry mental health warning.
Several drugs to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Must include new warning information about the risk of heart problems and the psychotic behavior U.S.
health officials said on Monday.
And that's because it's certified it causes all sorts of heart palpitations and explosions, arteries just blowing.
I mean just thousands of kids have died from it.
But notice a key drug used for mind control in this country, it's mass mind control, just like Prozac and the serotonin reuptake inhibitor class of drugs,
Cause massive suicides.
They now have to admit it causes suicide.
Oh, my child's a little depressed.
Let me give him a drug linked directly to psychotic breaks and suicide.
So a big victory right here.
The drugs which include black snow smith kleins, dexedrine, and
And A.G.'
's Ritalin must include a warning about possible risk of sudden death and serious heart problems, as well as psychotic breaks and psychotic behavior.
Okay, and, uh, where's my article?
Oh, here it is.
I had it right there in the stack.
Shot a PR news wire.
New research.
Fluoride damages children's liver and kidneys.
And there are literally thousands of these studies.
I mean, governmental studies.
Fluoride in drinking water damages children's liver and kidney functions, according to a new study, Environmental Research.
Reports of the New York State Coalition, and it goes on to report, there's big Chinese studies on this too, where they have big fluoride contamination problems.
Xiong and colleagues, doctors write, our results suggest that drinking water fluoride levels at 2.0
We're good to go.
Ages 10 to 12 by drinking water fluoride and dental fluorosis rates, respectively.
Blood, serum, and urine samples were taken.
And in the controlled group, of course, there wasn't any liver problems.
And in the group that took the fluoride, they had liver problems and showed all the chemicals.
Blood, serum, and urine samples were revealed.
Fluoride levels increased as water fluoride levels increased.
Oh really?
Liver and kidney enzymes elevated indication of liver and kidney damage in children drinking water with fluoride.
Liver function can be damaged without the dental fluorosis.
You don't need to take the toothpaste fluoride.
It's enough to just drink it.
And it goes on and on.
It's psychotic breaks, hearts exploding, liver problems and then it links here to cancer.
But the government says mercury in vaccines is nutritious, so I'm sure they'll tell us this is good for you, too.
About as good as shooting yourself five times in the head with a shotgun.
Alright, God bless you all, ladies and gentlemen.
All of you should love life, stand up for life and liberty, and realize that defending life is the key, and being thankful for life is the key, and thanking God is the key.
I'll see you in Dallas on Saturday.
God bless you all.
See you back tonight and back tomorrow.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.