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Name: 20060822_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 22, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
It is the 22nd day of August, 2006.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I want to thank you for joining us.
Thank you for tuning in each and every day.
We're here live 11 to 2 Central Standard Time and back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time right here on the GCN Radio Network.
And then, of course, I run my own internet feed 24 hours a day of each live show until the new broadcast begins at 11 a.m.
You can listen to those streams always.
At InfoWars.com.
We also have JonesReport.com and InfoWars.net that we just started really promoting in the last few months and updating daily, multiple times daily, with original news that are now exploding in their popularity.
Thank you for helping us to spread the word.
We're now reaching more and more people.
God bless you all that have been in this fight with us.
We salute you.
I guess about, what, three weeks ago I had
Jim Mars, who's taught college courses on the New World Order and Conspiracy, written best-selling books on the subject.
He wrote the book that the film JFK was based on.
And we didn't take any calls.
We had him on for two hours and didn't take a single call because we were covering the JFK assassination and its similarities in the cover-up and the motives to 9-11.
And I promised, because of the incredible popularity and the informative nature of that broadcast, we would have Jim Mars back on with us in the next month or so.
And today he will be with us for an hour and a half.
We'll cover some of the latest news developments, the latest 9-11 information coming out.
And then we will open the phones up for at least an hour of the interview.
He may even stay with us two hours, but I've got him down for an hour and a half today.
Professor Jim Marsh joining us in 58 minutes from now.
We're going to have open phones in this hour.
I'm not going to make you wait until the end of the hour.
Any news item, any issue, any story you wish to discuss,
And yes, anybody's allowed to call in.
Lately I've been doing first-time callers, so people who can't normally get in can.
First-time callers are always welcome.
People who disagree with me are sent to the head of the line.
We will open the phones up in the next segment.
Back on August 12th, now 10 days ago,
I issued a warning that I believe that we are at the highest threat level I've seen since pre-911 for a government-staged terror attack in the United States or England as a prelude, a lead-up to war and what could unfold and become World War III.
And I reissue that warning again
And I'd like to get the callers to take on my prediction and see what you think of the points that I have laid out.
And so, I will get into what just happened with Iran.
They have issued some type of sealed memorandum in the talks with the United Nations, the US, England, and the rest of the Security Council.
The neocons are already shrieking that it is not enough, and they are beating the war drums for war on Iran.
Going back, I guess, about 20 hours ago and counting, Iran entered the 22nd of August.
The 22nd of August is going to be ending in a few hours in Iran.
The neocons, even in respective publications like the Wall Street Journal, went into complete voodoo news reporting and told us that the Iranian president, and they admitted they had no proof or evidence of this, he hasn't said it,
My plan to start World War 3 with nukes, yesterday, here in the United States, today.
They are what?
13 hours, in one time zone, 14 hours different from us, in Iran.
They are basically over there, close to the other side of the planet.
They're not as far away as Australia, but getting pretty darn close.
So, uh, there is that hype that they've put out.
Basically, the end of the world jargon that's lapped up by so many Americans.
But, uh, all of the developments with the Iran situation, some new open border illegal alien activity going on as well.
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And ask for George.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in the next segment, we will open the phones up.
You're welcome to talk about my prediction of 10 days ago that
Between now and late October, we are at the highest threat level ever of government-sponsored terror, and I've gone over many of the reasons why.
The confluence of evidence integrated with government-intensified propaganda and preparation.
You can see them preparing the mines for the new attack at the same or even higher frequency than we witnessed right before 9-11.
When you learn to track these patterns, it becomes
Frighteningly obvious of what and how they're going to do something.
But I want to make it clear.
When I've been on Alan Combs on National Radio or other shows, they say, oh, you're adding the proviso that there may not be an attack if we get the word out.
Well, that's not really a prediction at all.
And my point is that I've only made one other big prediction where I told you the listeners to call the White House, call Congress, call all the radio talk shows and tell them don't stage terror attacks.
We know you're behind it and we're telling you don't do it, don't try it!
So, I said this before 9-11, two months before.
I did it show after show, day after day, TV and radio.
I gave out the phone numbers of the White House on air.
I don't think that'll work this time.
It just didn't work then.
Try to get the buzz going on the web and out there on the internet and on talk radio.
And that really is happening!
It happened at a greater level than I thought it possibly could.
I mean, it was all over the internet.
It is all over the internet.
Talk show hosts all over the country.
are pulling up my old prediction and some try to deny I made the prediction and their own callers call in and say no I heard him months before do it and I saw his TV show and he really did do it and you know that's on record and again it is not that hard to do.
This is the thing I always talk about.
I was on a local talk radio station, a local FM this morning, KLBJ FM as a guest
And I was on there with a talk show host who, going back ten, twelve years ago, five years ago even, were attacking me.
And they said on air, we apologize, we didn't believe a lot of this stuff, but we continue to check out your claims, no matter how wild they are, and it's always in the mainstream news, it just never gets a lot of attention, so we weren't aware of it.
And so we play this game when I'm on the show.
I'll say, okay, there's a plan to baste your meats and viruses.
And they'll pull an article up.
And I'll say, John, you, the White House Counsel, said torturing children sexually in front of their parents is okay.
And they pulled up mainstream news saying it.
The Nation Magazine, Mother Jones, Chicago Papers, a bunch of websites, news reports, audio of them saying it.
And they're like, wow!
And then we just go through all of these incredibly insane, horrible things that are going on that are just hidden right out there in the open.
And I would throw out different things.
I'd say, you know, the hijackers were trained at U.S.
military bases.
And, oh, that's not true!
And all three of the hosts would Google it and pull up San Jose Mercury News, Associated Press, and other major publications admitting it.
And they're like, wow!
Why didn't we ever hear about that?
Because the media is too busy talking about issues like O.J.
and Michael Jackson and JonBenet Ramsey and this demon creature who's now pled guilty.
And they're too busy talking about, is a Russian plane down right now?
Did it crash?
Could it be a terror attack?
That's up on the websites right now.
It's always the diversionary issues.
And that's what Americans and people of the world, to a great extent, brains are filled with.
I mean, it's not hard for me to go read a CFR document a decade ago where they're pushing and setting up a world government.
And, you know, eight years ago where I read official documents where text dots saying all the major roads will be toll roads and we're going to have transponders tracking you and then I'm on the talk show and they go, well, I remember you saying this five, six years ago when we first had you as a guest and we were attacking you and here it is in the newspaper.
I saw it, you know, I saw it two days ago.
If you'll just check out what I'm claiming, listeners, and if you'll challenge your friends and family and co-workers and neighbors and pastors or rabbis or whoever, if you'll just challenge them when they deny this stuff to go look it up for themselves, there are still some who are in denial.
You can show them a BBC article admitting that our own government and the British government nerve-gas our own troops and kill them premeditatedly to test stuff on them,
And they'll just say, oh, that's a fake BBC.
They're like, okay, well here's an AP article.
That's a fake AP article.
Well, no, see, here's the web address.
It says AP.
But I saw that on your site.
I'm like, yeah, it's a link to it.
Well, no!
It says InfoWars.
You've got it on your site.
You wrote this.
No, no, no, no, no.
We save it because sometimes this stuff gets taken down or put in an archive.
We save it as the documentation.
Then we put a hyperlink at the top to the original source.
No, it's still fake.
I mean, I've done this with friends before who've come into town.
You know, I went to high school or college with them.
Oh, you're a nut.
I go, here, let's set up the computer.
It's always the same thing.
Oh, that's saved on your website.
That's not really a real article.
And I go, we'll click right here, and they click the AP link, where it says AP, and it goes to the AP homepage, redirects, and they go, see?
This is news about the stock car racing!
And I go, let's type the headline into Google, and then you'll find a bunch of newspapers that aren't subscription, that did carry the AP article, and there's a copy of it, say on the Denver Post.
And they'll go, oh, it is real!
I mean, it's just, they'll do anything to deny what we're saying.
I mean, it's like a... I've got Operation Northwoods, a U.S.
government operational plan where the government wanted to stage terror attacks, many different variants of it, blowing up jets with names of passenger lists, bombing D.C., attacking Marine Corps bases, our own government, bombing, killing, mortaring the troops, shooting the troops, shooting Americans,
And people will see that I have the PDF file saved on InfoWars.com and I get emails all the time, this is on your website!
You said it's on the government's websites, Jones!
This could be a fake!
We'll have a link right there to the Library of Congress, National Security Archive, ABC News, Baltimore Sun, but they don't care!
Any excuse to ignore what we're saying and to ignore what we're exposing, because it's painful!
It's extremely painful to know the truth.
It's scary.
I mean, I've had a lot of anxiety myself lately.
I wouldn't call it fear, but apprehension, foreboding, melancholy.
I feel pretty good during the day when I'm working, but every night, late at night, I got home about 12.30 last night and I got in the bed and pulled the covers up over me.
I'm just sitting there laying there in bed and I just thought about, my gosh, what's happened to our country?
Who's in control?
How dangerous is this what I'm doing?
Where is this leading?
There's all the indicators and all my instincts tell me
My fight's leading to a good place for the people of this country and the people of the world, but it may not be leading to a very good place for myself personally.
But that doesn't matter because everything we've got, everything we are, everything we'll ever be is because others made sacrifices for us.
And so it's also sad to know that a lot of us are making great sacrifices.
A lot of you have made amazing sacrifices and you haven't been thanked for it.
You haven't been supported for it.
You've been ridiculed for it when you're trying to help these poor, dumbed down, self-absorbed, juvenile, arrested development type adults out there that think they're part of the system and giggle and laugh at you when you're lovingly trying to give them real information.
Let me get into the news here.
I ran Ready for Serious Nook Talks
Associated Press, Iran's top nuclear negotiator said today that Tehran was ready to enter serious negotiations over its disputed nuclear programs, but did not say whether it was willing to suspend uranium enrichment.
The West key demand, the negotiator Ali Larijani hand-delivered Iran's response to the Western
package of nuclear incentives aimed at persuading it to suspend enrichment.
He gave the reply to ambassadors from Britain, China, Russia, France, Germany, and Switzerland, state-run television said, without disclosing details.
And of course the Iranians do have a lot of oil, but they do want to build nuclear power plants, and obviously this is a bridge towards later, nine years from now now, the CIA's own assessment, to building a primitive A-bomb.
And they're going, look, Pakistan, AQ Khan Laboratories, they've got a whole bunch of nukes and missiles to hit the U.S.
North Korea runs around threatening to nuke us on a monthly basis, sometimes a weekly basis.
But on average, it's a whole bunch of times a year.
I haven't done the average.
It's every month or so I see it.
I don't claim to see all of them.
That's where I come up with these numbers.
I say, you know, every month.
I don't know.
It's all the time.
You hear about it all the time.
I mean, he issues it, Kim Jong Il issues it on
State-run media on a routine basis.
Just type in, Kim Jong-il threatens to attack U.S.
He's really doing it.
He's giving speeches saying it.
And he's got nukes that'll hit us.
And our media basically plays it down.
China's top general last year, again.
Every year on average they call a big press conference.
They had Forbes and Wall Street Journal, over a hundred major papers there, and they threatened to nuke us and said we've got 200 of your cities targeted right now with ICBM Long March 2 rockets.
With MIRV technology, each re-entry device holding a whole bunch of MIRV warheads.
Multiple re-entry devices that our government gave them the technology to have.
So all of this running around screaming and yelling and foaming at the mouth and freaking out over Iran,
Iran's being targeted because they can easily be demonized and because they are weak compared to Pakistan or compared to North Korea or China or Russia and because our government wants to have a continual war for hundreds of billions of dollars a year in weapons contracts and Halliburton contracts on the ground alone and they want a war economy to scare the people here domestically into accepting the total dismantling of our Bill of Rights and our culture!
And so, yes, I'm against World War III.
I'm against the open announcements that our government and Israel are openly considering striking hundreds of sites inside Iran that will send oil up through the roof.
It's already through the roof.
I guess into space.
I mean, they're talking about $150 a barrel oil, not $75.
It's been going up from between $70 and $78 the last two years.
We don't need this war.
This war is going to help bring in world government.
And the little neocon followers out there need to get their thinking caps on and really see the big picture.
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We stand on the edge, precipice, of the birth of a new world order.
The birth of a new world war.
That's not my term.
That's the Neocon's term.
That's the Global Elite's term.
That's what the Iranians, the Israelis, are calling it.
Israel's government has issued an alert to the Jerusalem Post for their people to go ahead and start making their way to the bomb shelters for a war with Iran.
They're actually saying get ready to go to the bomb shelters for all-out war with Iran.
And every time they've done this in the past, some new conflict has begun in the region.
They're not talking about Katyusha rockets from southern Lebanon.
They're talking about Iran.
I'll get more into that in the next segment.
Will the globalists stage a terror attack?
They have all the means and the motive and they need it right now.
But because you've been spreading the word and getting the information out, it may stop them.
But I don't think we're anywhere near out of the woods yet.
Let's talk to Kathy in Texas.
Kathy, you're on the air.
Oh, good.
Alex, I have a question for you.
My father is a retired federal judge.
Will they be taking their pensions?
Have you found out any information on this?
What do you know about it?
If so, what is the time frame?
Okay, to be clear, I'll throw out there that tyranny is about taking your land, tyranny is about taking your guns, tyranny is about CPSing, grabbing your children, tyranny is about forced inoculations, tyranny is about taking your pension funds.
Under tyrannies throughout history, this is why governments want tyrannies, is for the private financial interests that have bought their way into office so they can consolidate and grow fatter.
And the government has changed the laws in the last two and a half years, where they've quietly announced that you no longer own most of your private-type pension funds.
It hasn't happened with the government yet.
And they're saying that with the cash balance accounts and other maneuvers that companies can then actually take large portions and in some cases all of your pension funds or they can have dummy corporations they blow out like Enron and then of course stealing the entire pension funds there and then after massive lawsuits
Literally, the average Enron employee got pennies on the dollar, but the big executives got their golden multi-million dollar, in some cases hundred million dollar plus, golden parachutes.
But Congress will continue to get their pensions if they vote for themselves.
State and federal judges should.
Everyone isn't going to lose their pension funds, but under this tyranny, there will be more land grabbing without just compensation.
Okay, I mean that's in the legislation, that's in the documents, that's in these new non-governmental announcements and regional boards.
It's just all moving towards that.
So what you're saying really then is that the people own the land in the breadbasket states, that the government is going to take their farmland from them?
Oh yes, that is openly the Trans-Texas Corridor.
I'm just giving you a microcosm.
We have the fellow who's got the Democratic
He won the primary.
He is the Democratic candidate for Texas Agriculture Commissioner.
Very important position.
And there he was.
He had the big file in here yesterday.
We were aware of it, but it was good to see he was aware of it.
That in there, they're just saying they can take your land.
They give you an offering price and there's no way to appeal it.
They can just take your land.
And in some cases, they're not even paying people when they take the land.
And we're seeing this with court rulings all over the country.
So I'm saying it's all part of just an atmosphere.
It's a darkness of just criminality.
It isn't just Texas.
It would be Kansas, Nebraska, and all those states.
Sorry, go ahead.
I'm sorry.
I just wanted to know, so if he did own land up there, then basically the government's going to take it?
Well, yes.
Thanks for the call.
Let me try to describe this properly.
There's a whole quiver of arrows they're shooting at us, okay?
They're saying every major state road, every major federal road will be part of these corridors.
And they can grab land on the smaller corridors for 2 miles on each side and 10 miles on each side of the 83 big interstate highways they're now announcing have been internationalized.
You know, it's like under Kings, where they just ceded things to different corporations, different companies.
Then you have environmental laws that are being passed federally and implemented statewide all over the country, where they say, oh, the Appalachia Trail, a thousand miles, and we'll be able to grab land for five miles on each side of it, or you've got a dry creek bed in the back of your land, you can't use anything for, you know, 200 yards, or in some states it's 100 yards on each side, or, oh, you've got a puddle in your yard, any time of the year you can't build on it.
It's all of these rules.
Okay, and then there's like hundreds of other things they're doing.
You can't have a well, or if you do, we're going to meter it.
Or we're going to tax you for rainfall on your land.
It's just... You're going to have federal inspectors, you know, every month on your land.
Every chicken, every cow is going to have to be tagged.
We're going to track what you do.
Thousand dollar fines if you don't.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Back to your calls in just a moment.
Jim Marsh joining us in the next hour.
Open phones then as well.
Jim's going to be speaking this Saturday in Dallas at the historic and beautiful Lakewood Art Deco Theater.
It's got stadium seating and then down on the floor seating.
And it looks like we're going to end up selling it out.
The way things are trending, there are about a hundred tickets left.
So go to InfoWars.com and get your tickets now.
I'm going to show my new film, Terror Storm.
I'm going to give an hour-long speech and take questions.
Then Jim's going to give an hour-long... I try to hurry and then bumble.
I am then going to have Jim take the stage and give an hour-long speech and take questions.
I will then show about 35 minutes of some of the most important footage we shot of world leaders at the Bilderberg Group meeting from early June in Ottawa, Canada.
David Rockefeller, Lord Wilkinson, Queen Beatrice of the Netherlands, interviews with Jim Mars and others.
What happened to us at the airport when they basically grabbed us for 15 hours.
It's all going to be there.
And then we're going to have three great bands there.
Shanghai Five is one of them.
And then the other group is going to be the Arab League.
You've heard them here before.
They're amazing.
They're not really Arab, folks.
It's a spoof.
But it's really hilarious and they're talented.
Kind of a hip-hop type deal.
And then, of course, we're going to, after that, have another great, very popular group called Theater Fire.
So that's the three groups.
That'll be from about 1130 until 2 in the morning.
But even if you're not coming for the live music, I think you should stay.
These are all three great groups.
You're looking at five plus hours just of myself and Jim Mars and the two films.
$10.50 and we basically break even at that cost.
We're just having this event because we love getting together with the people.
It's going to be a wonderful 9-11 event.
Coming up this Saturday in Dallas, right by White Rock Lake at the Lakewood Theater.
Get your tickets at Infowars.com or they can email you an e-ticket.
You want to call and get your tickets by calling 1-888-253-3139.
That's 1-888-253-3139.
The doors open at about 6.30 and the show starts at 7.15.
So get your tickets now.
And also, my new film, Terror Storm, is out, is available, the official DVD.
We released the emergency release because it was so important to get this information out about government-sponsored terror for about a month.
And now it is the official final Terror Storm, just out, with a beautiful color cover and the DVD with the cover art on the DVD itself.
Great to give as a gift, because people will tend to watch something like that if it's got pretty colors on it.
Thank you.
Also, the entire 9-11 Neocon Agenda Symposium has been uploaded to PrisonPlanet.TV for PrisonPlanet.TV members.
My new film, Terror Storm, in super high bandwidth.
A lot better than you'll find on the web, where you can find it for free, which we're glad it's out there.
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And last but not least, because folks say I never give out the mailing address, you can write to us here at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Okay, let me get into some more of the war news, then we'll go to Mark and Jack and Taylor and Robert and Mike and everybody else.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
The Israeli government is saying, ready shelters for Iran attack.
This is out of the Jerusalem Post today.
Pensioners minister, Rafi Eaton, called for the readying of bomb shelters and reinforced rooms countrywide on Tuesday in advance of a possible conflict.
With Iran, the comments were made on the eve of the Iranian announcement regarding the country's nuclear program.
The U.N.
has given Iran until August 31st to comply with the Security Council resolution to cease nuclear development.
Iran has indicated that on Tuesday they will reject such calls.
And now their nuclear ambassador has delivered something to the U.N.
We don't yet quite know exactly what it is, though we're getting reports that it is
Basically ambiguous.
So just more vagaries to try to extend out and overt being struck preemptively by the US and Israel are both together.
And of course Iran is also telling their people get ready to be attacked.
So Israel and Iran are both saying this.
During a tour of the north on Monday night, Eton,
who is a former senior Mossad official said that there was an escalation between the U.S.
and Iran.
Israel would be the first to be attacked by Iranian missiles.
We are liable to face an Iranian missile attack, Eaton told Israeli Radio.
The Iranians have said very clearly that if they come under attack, their primary target would be Israel.
Well, that's about all they can hit.
Other than maybe Russia or their neighbors.
Following the month-long conflict with Hezbollah, Prime Minister Omer has come under increasing pressure to answer concerns about Israeli readiness in a meeting with Kairat Shomona Municipal Council members.
Those concerned turned into heated criticism.
It is an understatement to say that the residents here are very angry, said Yigel Buzgula, a councilman.
People here are abandoned.
I ask you, Mr. Prime Minister, where are you?
Why didn't you worry about us?
Another councilman, Yon Yonah,
Protock said that he had never witnessed such poverty and humiliation.
It looked like New Orleans, he said.
Let me just say this.
Iran doesn't want war.
Iran has been trying to grovel.
Iran had more U.N.
inspectors and let them in to everything they wanted to see.
The U.N.
admitted they were given full compliance.
So, there's Iran groveling, giving in to international control.
Either you do that, or the big bad dog, America, comes off the porch and eats your lunch.
Israel's saying, get ready for Iran to bombard us.
Israel's saying they may strike Iran any day.
Bush is saying he may strike Iran any day.
This is going to hurt Iranians, it's going to hurt Americans, it's going to hurt Israelis, it's going to hurt everybody, it's going to hurt the world economy.
We don't need World War III!
But if the globalists can start World War III, they can switch off the thinking process in the West, we'll go into war mentality, then nobody will notice the trillions missing from the Pentagon, the trillions more, the corrupt government leaders are going to suck out trillions, the police state they're already setting up,
They need this to gobble up our economy and shunt more and more of our resources through their coffers, like the Carlisle Group and the rest of them.
Out of a war, out of a global crisis, they will be able to bring in their New World Order.
And to kick this off, you notice they're acting like they're massing the troops, they're massing the carriers, they've got them all lined up and ready, three carriers in the area, in striking distance.
They're in the Middle East waters.
In the Mediterranean?
In the Arabian Sea?
You know, they're all there.
The Arabian Gulf?
They're there, ready to go!
And there's no reason to do this, other than the globalists want war, because we're already a wartime economy, and they want us fully in a wartime economy.
This is just
This is just terrible.
Meanwhile, a British General is calling Iraq a mini-civil war.
That's a lot worse than that.
The British Deputy to the top U.S.
Commander in Iraq said Tuesday, the country's sectarian conflict is not a full-blown civil war, but could be described as a civil war in miniature.
In my judgment, we are not in a situation of civil war.
British Royal Marine Lieutenant General Robert Frey told reporters at the Pentagon in a video teleconference with Baghdad, he added, I know what a civil war looks like.
Whatever that means.
The Pentagon plan is to break that country up and have it be in third world squalor.
Let's go to calls.
Let's talk to Mark in Wisconsin.
Mark, thanks for holding.
Hi Alex.
I called Wisconsin Public Radio again this morning.
They had some terrorist conspiracy expert.
His name was David Dunbar.
And I just read under a minute.
Is it alright if I read this real quick, what I told them?
Yeah, go ahead, sir.
9-11 was an inside job done by the globalist, treasonous psychotics running our country.
Afghanistan, Iraq, the Patriot Act, and the destruction of the Bill and Rights in our Constitution are all direct consequences of 9-11, which was called for in the PNAC documents written by Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, and other neocons before 9-11.
Project for a New American Center or PNAC document called for a new Pearl Harbor to get the American people behind wars in the Mideast and to give up their constitutional rights.
Larry Silverstein, the owner of the World Trade Center Complex, said on PBS America Rebuilding, they pulled Building 7.
I'm asking your guests to talk about Larry Silverstein on PBS saying they pulled Building 7 at 520 in the afternoon of 9-11.
Pulled is a word for controlled demolition.
Thank you for this hour, Wisconsin Public Radio.
Thank you listeners.
Look up InfoWars.com.
Did they let you get all that out?
I'm pretty sure.
She interrupted about three times in between because I think she recognized me, but when he started talking about PULIT, he says it's got nothing to do with controlled demolitions.
Controlled demolitions, they've never used that term.
It only means getting
Firefighters out of a building.
It's a total lie.
In the same documentary they say pull it means blow up a building and then it shows them blowing up the wreckage of building six and they say getting ready to pull it.
We can play those clips for the umpteenth time and that's now the official line is that it meant get the firefighters out.
There's a problem.
The firefighters were out of there by ten in the morning.
No one was in there.
Then Joey Cardeen, the moderator, she asked about the 9-11 scholars for tooth.
And he says, oh, those are all philosophers.
They don't have any degrees or anything.
They don't know what they're talking about.
That's right.
It's not Kevin Ryan of Underwriting Laboratories that did the internal test of the buildings and showed it was a fraud.
It's not engineers.
It's not physicists.
It's not, oh yeah, it's not metallurgists.
It's all lies.
And then a woman called about Payne Stewart and how come they got there real quick and they couldn't get there on 9-11.
He said, oh no, Payne Stewart flew around for an hour and 20 minutes.
The people were off and the time zone had been changed.
No, no, no, no.
Just another lie.
We have USA Today from the day it happened.
The plane didn't depressurize until an hour and what, something like 15 minutes.
Then when it was off course for 18 minutes, it already had F-16s around it.
Yeah, this guy, it was a total show.
I think he's paid out of that $1.6 billion for the propaganda in the newspapers.
This guy probably got paid $100,000 for this show.
It's just, everything was a lie.
I had to get out of the house after that.
Can you imagine being Armstrong Williams and getting $245,000 just to do, what was it, 12 media appearances?
I mean, how much is that in appearance?
I don't know.
Can you get this guy on your show, Alex?
What's his name?
David Dunbar.
I don't think there's any way he'll take you on because you could blow him away.
They wouldn't let me come back.
They cut me off at the end of my statement.
But it's good that somebody else called in.
We need to just swarm these people.
Well, that's incredibly deceptive.
Keep it up and God bless you.
You bet.
It just might be good to plug websites just out of the gates on those shows, though I've always told listeners it's more effective to talk first and then get the websites out, but if they're going to cut you off immediately, you really can't do that.
We're going to go to Taylor, but they just hung up, so let's go to Jack in Florida.
Jack, you're on the air.
Good morning, Alex.
I just wanted to let you know about something that I found on the Internet the other day, and maybe your staff or your listeners may or may not know about it.
By all appearances, it looks like the Bush Gang has removed our 22nd Amendment, which limits the President to two terms.
And I make this statement... Well, they introduced a bill to remove it three years ago, and reintroduced it each successive Congress, but what are you saying?
I'm talking about House Joint Resolution No.
9, which was done in the 109th Congress.
And then the companion bill, which apparently seals the deal, is House Joint Resolution Number 24.
Those who Google this, you'll probably get a better response with H.J.R.E.S.9 and then of course 24 is the same.
And you can see these PDF documents at the Government Printing Office.
Well, the way I understand that is, they have passed it through Congress that if there's a constitutional convention, that will then be brought to the states.
But I may be rusty on my constitutional procedure.
Can you elaborate?
Well, that's about it.
That was the reason I was questioning yourself there.
I figured your staff may have more...
resource information or or more knowledge about that.
I've forgotten the bill number.
I know for three years they've been reintroducing it each year and then passing it and then lining it up to uh... go to a constitutional convention but uh... I mean look Bush is a total puppet.
I think if he stole another term it'd just get more obvious but he may do that.
I mean if a nuke goes off folks he will stay in office.
He will be our lord and king and ruler.
I also just want to let you know that floating around the internet
Yes sir, it was a very informative interview and I just want to also in my final statement, I've been a member of Infowars.net now for about two years.
And it is a great internet service that you have for the people that... Well, the good part about it is, though it doesn't have a ton of members, we never really promote it, is it gives you that proxy surfing where they don't know who you are on the web and, you know, it does some other good stuff.
Yes, sir.
It is a great service.
I've had no problem with it.
It's been great.
Well, we appreciate your support, sir.
No problem.
Thank you so much.
That's all I just wanted to say is to let yourself and your staff know and your listeners know
About the 22nd Amendment and what they're trying to do.
They're always trying to pull something sneaky.
Well, I mean, how obvious is that?
Bush has had Henry Hyde and others introduce legislation that would allow them to stay in office.
I mean, how?
I mean, that is sick.
That is totally and completely sick.
It's like they introduced Republican and Democratic versions of a bill for the National Draft
And then on the Urban Legends website, they say it's an urban legend.
And you know what I say to that, it's like saying water being H2O is an urban legend, or the sun coming up is an urban legend, or humans breathing oxygen is an urban legend.
I mean, it's not an urban legend, you little twits.
They've introduced legislation.
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Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
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Let's go straight back to your phone calls.
Robert in Florida, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, thank you very much, Alex.
You know, I want to agree with, before I make my point that I actually called in about, you said some things at the beginning of the hour that really struck me.
And what you said was, the truth is painful.
And those words alone are painful.
And when it comes to putting evidence in someone's face, and they call it fake or they refuse to even look at it, it's because they're in that 2 plus 2 equals 5 mentality.
You know, that the party tells them.
And I think a lot of this comes back to Hollywood, and this is the point that I called in to make.
Over and over and over, we've had our government and different, how would I put it, agents that have written for Hollywood, and you've shown a lot of proof of that.
The point that I wanted to make was, one of the persons that was a writer for the government-funded G.I.
Joe cartoon, the Harvest movie about stealing organs,
Enemy of the State, which had tons of 9-11 references in it, and his newest movie, The Kaleidoscope, is about an FBI agent who's fighting bureaucracy while trying to hunt down terrorists at the same time.
You're talking about Marconi.
Marconi, right!
Yeah, I know Marconi personally, and he's in the New York Post about William Rodriguez, and they just had a discussion.
Marconi came to my event,
What are your feelings about him writing a movie dealing with such a true event, such as William Rodriguez being the last person out and who saved so many people?
Well, I know Marconi.
I'm not going to speak for him when he's told me privately, but if you actually look at Enemy of the State and other stuff, he's told me he's anti-New World Order.
He has told me that, well, he came to my event.
I don't really know what I can say about that.
There's a lot of stuff going on.
He gave me his number.
I've never even called him.
I should.
The New York Post called asking is Marconi making a movie about Rodriguez a week ago and I just said, I don't know.
Now it was in the New York Post yesterday with Rodriguez saying that he discussed it with Charlie and Marconi who came to the event.
Really, you know, I had some private discussions with him, but I know this, Mr. Marconi said he's anti-New World Order.
Well, that's good to hear.
I mean, he told me his new movie coming out is about government-sponsored terror.
Well, from the sounds of it, I would agree.
Yeah, I don't know.
I haven't seen the movie.
It isn't out yet.
I mean, when is his new movie, Kaleidoscope, coming out?
I believe at the end of 2006, beginning 2007.
I need to call Marconi.
He was a really nice fella.
I just don't bug these people, you know.
They come around and I talk to them.
But he was a really nice person.
You're going to be at Ground Zero on September 11th, Alex.
Is that true?
Yes, but I'm going to be there to cover it.
I am not there to run around grandstanding and be involved in all the stuff.
I'm there for filmmaking.
You'll be broadcasting your radio show from there.
I will be calling into my show.
We're trying to get somebody who can fill in for me that day.
I don't know if Jack Blood's going to Ground Zero.
If Jack doesn't go, I don't know what I'm going to do.
But we'll have somebody sitting in here.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you for the call.
All right, let's go ahead.
I know a lot of Hollywood people, folks, and they get away with what they can do.
I mean, I could easily call up tabloids and have headlines all over the place with the stuff I know, but I'm just not going to do it.
Because I'd rather try to... I don't think Marconi works for the other side.
I gauged him, I've talked to him, I've had dinner with him a couple times.
And I think he's a good person.
He's pretty young.
Though he's been actively writing and making big movies for 15-20 years, I don't know.
So, that's my comments on Mr. Marconi.
No, we're not talking about the guy that invented radio.
But he probably is a descendant, who knows?
All right, we will come back with the second hour.
And in the second hour, we're going to have Jim Mars on with us.
And Mike and James and others, we're going to take your calls early in this hour, because Jim Mars is coming on the show to cover the news and to take your calls.
We'll talk more about World War III on the horizon when we get back.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he is the most popular guest we've ever had on, according to internet listing numbers and visitors and emails, three different indicators.
We've had him on before over the years, but this interview we had about a month ago for two hours about the JFK assassination and parallels with the 9-11 government operation, the inside job, the title of one of his best-selling books on the subject.
So I've got Jim Mars coming back today, graciously.
We're going to twist his arm, try to get an hour and a half out of him so we can just take calls.
Cover news and take calls.
He can speak on any issue.
He's an old
crime reporter going back into the sixties he even knew Jack Ruby and a lot more and he did crime reporting there in Fort Worth and Dallas and he's also taught college level courses at UT, Austin and other major universities and he's a best-selling author as I mentioned in his book is what you can read on the back of the DVD that the movie JFK with Oliver Stone was based on
And so we are extremely honored to have him, and he's going to be with myself and many of you listeners this Saturday in Dallas at the Lakewood Theater.
I'm going to show my film, give a speech, he's going to speak, and I'm going to show some Bilderberg footage I shot, and we've got some live music.
But it's going to be a great event with Jim Marshall.
He'll be there signing his new book.
Well, Alex, good to be with you.
I see you're as exuberant as ever.
Well, you joined me Sunday on my local show that we're now syndicating on KLBJ.
So, again, you're a trooper.
Thanks for being with us.
I want to get your take on World War III.
I haven't done that.
Then we'll get into 9-11 and some of the new Kennedy stuff.
You called my producer this morning, or I saw him on the phone with you.
He might have called you.
I didn't ask.
And you were pointing out the article about major government science labs.
Saying the bullet fragments are a fraud.
We'll get into that.
I did have the article already on Prison Planet, but thanks for telling us about it.
But out of the gates, World War III looming.
Israel saying, get ready for the bomb shelters.
The neocons claim that yesterday, crossover today, was going to blow up the world.
It was totally made up, no evidence.
What do you see happening with the neocons?
Are they trying to kick off World War III?
Well, of course you have to go above the neocons and figure out who's actually in control, and of course you know as well as I do that we're talking about that wealthy elite within the Bilderbergers, and I don't think they want to actually start a huge World War III because that might impact the profit line.
But they're certainly going to cause trouble, and I think the neocons, you can see the fear in their eyes, and they, as the election in November nears,
And as the knowledge of the problems, inconsistencies, and downright lies and deceit over 9-11, Iraq, and everything that's going on, as that consciousness continues to rise, I think there is a danger that they're going to go ahead and try to actually do something.
They've actually been trying in June, if you'll remember.
We got all the headlines about the seven people arrested in
Florida, who were planning to blow up the Sears Tower, well then it turns out they're just some 18-19 year old black kids in a ghetto that an FBI informant had infiltrated and had acted as an agent provocateur.
They had no bombs, they had no
We're good to go.
And yet, these were poor Pakistanis.
Most of them didn't have passports.
They didn't have any bomb-making material.
It's all a fraud.
But the real thing may be coming.
Let's talk about that.
Will the neocons and their global controllers stage a terror attack?
We'll talk about the Bilderberg split that is real.
And a lot more in Take Your Calls, 1-800-259-9231.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in the next segment, we're going to open the phones up for our guest, Jim Mars, best-selling author, researcher, journalist.
Started out back in the mid-60s, early 60s on the crime beat.
Was in college as a journalist when JFK was killed, knew Jack Ruby.
Wrote the book, JFK the movie was based on, consulted on the film, just recapping for stations that joined us.
Jim Mars, I want to ask you questions that I haven't asked you before on air.
I want to get back into will the neocons and their controllers try to stage World War III?
Will they stage another terror attack?
You say that, I guess you agree with my analysis, or I agree with yours, that we're at a very dangerous point right now.
I want to elaborate on that, but first off, one of the most commonly asked questions I get, I've never asked you this question, so I'm going to ask you now,
Well, that's a good question, I guess.
I think in my case, for example, for a long time I worked for
Mainstream news media and they're a little bit hesitant to kill off known working journalists and then of course with the publication of the Crossfire and with Rule by Secrecy, Alien Agenda, then all of a sudden I have a presence out there and if something unexpected or unnatural was to happen to me, I think it would only draw attention
To what I've been trying to, the truth I've been trying to put out for many years.
Well that's right, when you kill a journalist or a reporter or a filmmaker it just makes their material that much more popular.
We have government handbooks on assassination.
The people they kill are whistleblowers and others that haven't gone public yet.
Exactly, people who do not have a public name and in fact the most dangerous thing can happen to a person is if they
Acquire knowledge of conspiracies, of inside knowledge, and then they are the only ones that have that knowledge.
Then they're in great danger because if you kill them, you kill the knowledge.
Mainstream Italian newspapers reported in the last two days, several of them, that two officials at major telecoms, you know, they're top computer experts, found CIA bugs
That's true, and of course, you know, we have an example right here in our own country when a person got to be at the highest level of power and was actually trying to make changes
uh... in the system uh... he got his head blown off in dallas texas
Well, and there's a few other reasons.
I believe in God.
And I believe that doing good and standing up for the weak and standing up against corrupt oppressors is important.
And I think God is on our side and it's in God's plan that you and I stay around until He's ready.
What do you say to that?
It's interesting because I've had that exact same thought and I still have a very deep feeling that
My work is not yet finished and I still have a few things to tell people.
And then on top of it, there are thousands of prominent people, millions of vocal people.
In the U.S.
and hundreds of millions worldwide that know what we know, and so they can't shut us all up.
I saw in the 60s, a lot of people that exposed the New World Order really were killed, or beaten, or imprisoned.
And it still happens today to some people.
And I've been beat up in a parking lot, I still get threats, but I just tell them I'm going forward.
And so now, that tactic didn't work too well for them.
I mean, how many people did they kill to cover up the JFK assassination?
It didn't work, did it?
No, it didn't.
The truth still came out and is still coming out, which might lead us to the topic you mentioned.
Just recently, the Livermore National Laboratory announced and undercut one of the prime foundations for the Warren Commission's lone assassin theory.
You see, there were two prime pieces of evidence that seemed to convict Lee Harvey Oswald in the killing of President Kennedy.
One was they said they found his fingerprints on the rifle.
That's pretty damning.
And two, they said, the FBI said that through neutron activation analysis,
that the fragments of bullets that they found in President Kennedy's body and in the body of John Connolly, the Texas governor, and in the presidential limousine all matched and therefore they all came from the same ammunition and that ammunition could be tracked to Lee Harvey Oswald.
Well, so let's examine these.
Number one, the fingerprint.
The rifle that they said was used in the assassination was sent to the FBI the day after the assassination, and an FBI document signed by J. Edgar Hoover himself said that no usable fingerprints were found on the rifle, or even the inner parts of the rifle.
And then about four or five days later, a Dallas police official suddenly said, oh, I took a fingerprint off the underside of the grip of the receiver,
Uh, of the disassembled rifle, and I forgot about it.
I've been carrying it around in my pocket.
And they came up with this, uh, palm print, which they said matched that of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Of course, the headlines all said Oswald's fingerprints found on the rifle.
Um, but if you see what happened, you'll find the rifle was sent back to Dallas on the Sunday following the assassination, and on Monday, an FBI agent took it to the funeral home, Miller Funeral Home in Fort Worth, where the funeral home director, Paul Rudy, told me personally
That he was there when they put Oswald's dead hand on the rifle.
Let's be clear.
Fort Worth Star-Telegram reporter, also run Texas newspapers, mainstream reporter, telling you right now he talked to the funeral home director who saw them ship the rifle back after no prints were found and put Oswald's prints on it.
And now it's broken in major news, scientific laboratories saying this thing's a fraud.
The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists
...have taken a deep study, a peer-reviewed study, of the neutron activation analysis and they said that, well, what they actually said was their interpretation was wrong.
But, in other words, the whole idea that the neutron activation analysis confirmed that all these bullet fragments belong to the same bullet is simply bogus.
Now, was it misinterpretation or did somebody lie to us?
And that's mainstream news today.
We have it up on prisonplanet.com.
Funny that came out today when we got you on the show.
That's fortuitous.
I'm trying to understand something here.
I mean, more details.
Let's go back to this key piece of evidence.
You talked to the funeral home director.
Tell us when that was and why this is so important for those that may have blazed over or missed this.
We have them planting Oswald's prints in front of witnesses onto the Italian rifle.
But he said he was there and he said he he told me he had a he remembered that distinctly because he had a hard time getting all the fingerprint ink off of Oswald's dead hand just prior to the funeral services.
And then to add to that at a later date I was interviewing a FBI fingerprint expert who was very proudly and loudly telling me how well the FBI did on
Getting all the evidence against Lee Harvey Oswald, and I asked him a very simple question, because knowing what I knew from the show home director, I asked him if they could determine from a fingerprint whether that tissue, whether that skin was from a living person or a dead person, and he just went chalk white and almost literally fled from the room.
He did not want to discuss that.
Well, I mean, if anybody who's been up in the book suppository building like Colonel Roberts and Marine Corps Sniper wrote a book about it, anybody who's been up there, now they won't let you get up by the window notices.
We have the photographs, too, that the trees were in the way, and you can't even get the shots, even if you believe the fraud, that you can get off three shots in six seconds.
Well, that's absolutely true, and I'll tell you, you can't.
That's true.
The 6-4 Museum now has that whole corner plexiglassed off, and they claim that they're not trying to make any particular point, and yet
The whole thing is set up to tell subliminally, here is the sniper's nest.
But if you could get in that window, you can see the same thing if you will go to the street, which you can still get to.
Go to the street in front of the Texas School Book Depository.
Watch carefully for the traffic on Elm Street.
But soon as the light turns red and there's no traffic, run out to that center lane where Kennedy's car was, just a little, a few feet past an overhead highway sign which is there today.
Look back at that sixth floor window and you're going to find that a tree obscures your line of sight.
Now that tree was trimmed back in the seventies for a made-for-TV movie.
It was trimmed back by Oliver Stone to the exact configuration of 1963.
And you cannot get a direct line of sight to that window today, nor could you in 1963.
It's amazing.
Getting back to the neocons really wanting to start a war, we know starting right before the first kickoff of Gulf War II in 2003, there was a Bilderberg split.
When they met in Europe and the Bilderbergs, a large portion contingent didn't want to go to full-scale war with Iran and Syria.
But there's the U.S.
English contingent, the Anglo-Americans, who do.
And now, being in Bilderberg this year, and having moles inside and getting some of their documents, and even some of the Bilderberg group members' own statements in the media later, that there's an even bigger split.
And I think you're right.
The large contingents of the establishment don't want
They've got to do something.
I think they were set back on this latest incursion by Israel into Lebanon.
It has now been pretty well established that
Israel was put up to that largely by pressure from the United States, and the United States was looking at this attack on Lebanon as a little dress rehearsal for a future attack on Iran.
Bush called it a curtain-raiser, according to Cy Hirsch.
And yet, it didn't work.
And if it didn't work against a thousand Hezbollah, you can imagine what's going to happen if we try to attack Iran with its modern, well-equipped army.
It will not be pretty.
All they can do is aerial bombardment that will still tank the economy because the Iranians are saying they're going to blow up all the shipping.
All right, we'll be right back with Jim Mars.
We'll talk more about the state of the world right now at the edge of the precipice, and take your calls.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, wide open telephones.
Jim Mars can speak on any subject.
We're going to get more into 9-11 and the upcoming attempt.
What type of crises will the globalists cook up with the elections and continue their policies?
And I forgot to ask the folks running the show, which caller is up next here?
Mike in Texas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Agent Alex and Mr. Mars.
I've read your book, Crossfire, a long time ago.
It's really good.
Anyway, with respect to the rifle that was found, I have a close-up on the newspaper from the day, from the week of the assassination, the very day it says a German Mauser rifle was found at the site.
That's correct.
And then the date.
And then, Roger, are you familiar with Roger Krager, of course?
Oh yeah.
I saw a taped interview of him, of course before he died, but he was talking about how
He had seen a rifle, the sergeant or sheriff pulled it up and he looked at it and he said it said right there, German Mauser, it said Mausers.
That's correct.
Now hold on, let me stop you guys, because everybody isn't an expert like you are, Jim, and Mike sounds very informed.
I know a little bit about this, why don't you fill people in, because they claim it's a, it's a Italian .30-06, but then they're saying it's a Mauser.
Why is this important, Jim?
Well this is very important, of course.
The background simply is that after the Kennedy assassination, attention was directed to the School Book Depository.
Police officers, deputy sheriffs rushed in.
They did not seal off the building for more than 20 minutes after the shooting, which is enough time for a whole battalion of assassins to come in and go out.
But when they did seal it off, they began to search the building.
And on the 6th floor, on the opposite side from the 6th floor window where they said the shots were fired, they found a rifle.
And later that afternoon, they brought the rifle out and held it up for all the news cameras.
And of course, now that rifle is in the National Archives.
and uh... it was a six point five millimeter italian war rifle a manlicher carcano which the italians during the war had dubbed the humane weapon because it was notoriously inaccurate uh... the problem is is that seymour weissman uh... one of the officers who first found the rifle also uh... owned partly a gun store and he said that it said it was a seven point nine uh... five
German Mauser.
Well, of course, you know, they couldn't have a 7.5 German Mauser produce bullet fragments that were from a 6.5 Italian Mammoth or Carcano, and so there's some considerable question over where that rifle came from, what the true identity of it was.
Just one of the many more mysteries and problems with the Kennedy Assassin.
Well, let me just add something here.
I mean, there are hundreds of things that are just impossible.
The laws of physics
In the case, but why do mafias generally use old foreign military weapons because they can't be traced domestically?
Oswald could have bought any gun, incredibly high quality,
Remington 700s with telescopic sights, you name it, at any gun shop without even giving us a name in 1962-63.
Maybe start taking your name until 69, but no, he mail orders this junky piece of garbage
Yeah, obviously.
In fact, that lends all the support in the world to Oswald's own claim when he cried out to the newsman, he says, I didn't kill anybody, I'm just a patsy.
And he didn't say I'm innocent, he said I'm a patsy, which means he said I'm being set up.
Um, it just goes on and on that way.
And by the way, in my book, Crossfire, you'll find out that the original shipment of those 6.5mm Mannlicher Carcanos that came over here in lots, and in lots, they sold for $5 a piece.
And yet the lot that Lee Harvey Oswald's rifle supposedly came from,
At the time of the assassination was under a court suit because whoever had ordered those in bulk said they were all defective.
So he's using a defective rifle and it gets better.
He's got a bad rifle to begin with.
The lot his was in was claimed in court records to have been defective and he had a 12 point telescopic sight on it which the Warren Commission turned over to the
Army's Ballistic Test Center and their expert said they had to put three metal shims under the telescopic sight to make it line up with the barrel to make that rifle accurate enough just to test.
So it's a dump weapon with an unsighted sight and a defective firearm.
Pretty shoddy setup and frame up.
Thank you for the call.
Mike in Texas, James in others.
You're up next.
A grab bag.
A real expert on the New World Order with us.
Whatever subject you want to raise, Jim Mars can address it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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And ask for George.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Jim Mars is our guest.
We're going to be going back to your calls here in just a moment.
Really, the time is running out.
Soon the Saturday event in Dallas, just a few miles from Neely Plaza,
We'll be history!
I'm going to show my new film, Terror Storm, my best work to date.
Then I'm going to give a speech and take questions.
Then for an hour, Jim Mars is going to give a speech and take 15 minutes of questions or so.
Titled, JFK at 9-11.
He's an incredible speaker.
Then I'm going to show 35 minutes I shot up in Canada for the Bilderberg Group meeting.
Then we're going to have live music.
Some great bands there.
It's more than a seven hour event.
Let me see.
Seven to two in the morning.
You know, that's right at about seven hours.
But even if you just come and leave at midnight, but I recommend you all stay for the great music.
It's going to be a wonderful event.
Get your tickets at InfoWars.com right now.
You can go to InfoWars.com.
We send you an e-ticket instantly.
And that's your ticket at the door.
We're call toll free if you wish to order that way.
And then they'll still send you an email ticket.
It's too late to mail them out to you.
Those that ordered a few weeks ago, we did mail you tickets.
So again, call toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or call toll-free, if you missed it, 888-253-3139 or go to Infowars.com to get the tickets right there off of SecureSafe online shopping cart.
If there are any tickets left, we will have them at the door.
But I've had, it's got to be over 50 events over the years, and we've had one event in Houston
That was about 80% capacity in a theater that holds 350 people.
And that's because I didn't promote it.
We've never had any other event that didn't sell out.
So, about 100 tickets left.
I wouldn't count on being able to get them at the door.
If we got some left, I'll tell you Friday, and you can get them at the door if you can.
The place really holds 900 people.
It's just that I said, how many seats are premium?
How many seats are really good seats?
And they said 700 and something.
And I said, just hold it at 700.
I mean, surely we'll sell more tickets than 700, maybe 30 or 40.
I don't want to turn anybody away.
But the point here is,
This is going to be a great event.
You want to come to it.
There will be a lot of media there.
The BBC is coming.
I'm told the Associated Press is going to be coming.
I believe the Dallas Morning News and the Dallas Observer are going to be there.
Please call the media if you live in the Dallas area or anywhere in Texas and tell them to come to the event.
Then we can get more information out on 9-11, JFK, all these key issues.
I hope to see you there.
And then last but not least,
We have the book before it's even on store shelves.
It'll be on store shelves the next few weeks coming out in September.
We have the book.
It's a doozy.
It's a humdinger.
I finished reading it about a week ago.
My dad read it.
He liked it.
It's an amazing book.
It is Jim Maher's new book.
The Terror Conspiracy, getting into 9-11, government-sponsored terror, the shadow government.
He is an amazing writer, just as he's an amazing interviewer.
A lot of knowledge.
You need to get this book available at InfoWars.com or JimMars.com.
I believe Jim's now got someone selling them.
So again, InfoWars.com or call toll free 1-888-253-3139 and my new film Terror Storm is available now at InfoWars.com as well or with your PresentPlanet.TV membership.
So be sure to get a copy of my new film Terror Storm.
I cannot stress how important it is to expose government sponsored terror.
We now have 48% of the Zogby poll believe a 9-11 is an inside job.
A self-inflicted wound.
A false flag operation.
36% in Scripps Howard News Service.
The numbers are really a lot higher than that.
Most people won't tell a pollster over the telephone.
They think it's an inside job.
I would say, and from studying what pollsters have said about controversial questions, that the numbers are probably double what you hear about in the Scripps Howard Ohio University poll.
But regardless,
If the majority learn of this, this will neutralize one of the biggest tools in the black bag of the black bag, black world operatives.
So please get Jim Mars' new book, The Terror Conspiracy, and please get my film, Terror Storm, and make copies of Terror Storm and get it out to everybody.
Going back to Jim Mars, before we take more calls, for those that don't know about the new book, or who are just now, I guess, getting it, because we just started mailing it out last week, tell us in a nutshell about your new book, The Terror Conspiracy.
Well, the Terror Conspiracy, the secondary title is Deception, 9-11, and the Loss of Liberty.
And what I've done is not only touched on the best controversies concerning 9-11, but I put the whole thing into a broader context.
For example, when Condoleezza Rice tells us that no one could have thought
We're good.
Hijacked about 11 planes over the Pacific, but the secondary plan was to take these planes and crash them into prominent structures, and specifically naming the World Trade Center.
And that Operation Bojinka had more government agents and provocateurs in it than you can shake a stick at.
Exactly, and never lose sight of the fact that the North Tower of the World Trade Center was bombed in 1993 by some Mideastern terrorists, and what came out in the court trials
We're good to go.
So the FBI allowed the World Trade Center to be bombed in 1993.
And of course their informants supplied the explosives and the detonators to begin with.
Which is the modus operandi that we see operating behind almost every one of these so-called terrorist threats.
You look at them closely and you find all of a sudden there's
Government agents, agents provocateur, they're in there, they're the ones... Jim, have you ever had people you later learn were police or FBI?
Because I've had this happen.
They've quit doing it the last few years because I scream at them and tell them I know they're cops and follow them out to their unmarked car and start videotaping them.
But, I mean, I have them over the years.
Hey, we ought to blow something up.
And I'm like, shut up, Fed.
You know, or shut up, cop.
I mean, I've had this happening since day one.
Have you ever experienced that?
No, not really, because I don't get involved in conversations that involve plans to blow something up or to kill people.
And I try to stay away from those little personalities that always crop up and have some cockamamie idea.
No, I mean, I'll be at an event.
Or over the years we were building a veteran a new house and they bulldozed his old one and I mean I'm just out there doing a nice civic thing and cops are showing up going we oughta and I follow them out and it's an unmarked cop car I mean it's just unbelievable.
Well that's true.
I have an experience in upper state New York
Uh, meeting with a source of mine, a former intelligence officer, and we were in this little cafe.
We just stopped at this little cafe.
We hadn't had any plans to stop there.
It was just there.
And while we were sitting there, he says, it points to these two guys in suits over near us, and he gets up and walks over to them and says, well, boys, you know, you're wasting your time here.
And I'm going, oh my God, what's he doing?
He's going to get us in a fight.
He's bothering these people.
These guys just sat and looked at him.
And then later, they got up and left.
I went out and sure enough, their car had Virginia license plates, OK?
So yeah, I guess they do track you around.
But then, the way I look at it,
Alex is that, uh, what do I care?
If they want to know what I have to say, come knock on my door.
I'll tell them.
I'll tell you.
I'll tell your audience.
Well, no, I agree.
And more and more, more and more, we're waking up FBI, we're waking up CIA, we have a lot of allies, because they propagandize these men and women and brainwash them.
Now, a lot of them have checked out what we're saying.
They found out that we're really pro-America.
In the past, I guess they convinced these people that we're really bad and have to be set up, but
More and more, their own people aren't doing what they're told, so the government's having to go straight to just hiring good, old-fashioned criminals.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
Well, I was particularly put off here recently when I got hold of a Texas Department of Public Safety Security Division pamphlet that they send out to law enforcement people and grab this.
This is how you... What are some of the characteristics of terrorists?
Well, they're focused and committed to their cause.
Team orientated, very disciplined.
May be familiar with their physical environment.
They will employ a variety of vehicles and communicate predominantly by cell phone, email, or text messages.
They'll spend years in a sleeper mode until time to attack.
They'll try to fit in, not draw attention themselves.
They'll appear normal in their appearance.
While portraying themselves as a tourist, student, or businessman, they'll be traveling in mixed groups of men, women, and children of various ages who are unaware of their purpose.
And trained to avoid confrontations with law enforcement, they can be expected to project a nice guy image.
Now that's in my new film, Terror Storm, and I would add, the Virginia training manual says land rights activists, the Nevada one says those that make frequent references to the U.S.
So, in other words, today, if you're an average guy, and you're traveling with your wife and kids, and you're talking on the cell phone, and you happen to believe in the Constitution of the United States of America, that makes you a terrorist suspect.
What the hell's going on, folks?
But the border's wide open.
Let's take some more calls here.
Let's talk to James in Maryland.
Go ahead, James.
Hello, gentlemen.
I was wondering...
I was wondering if you could clarify something for me.
I've read a few differing opinions.
Was Thomas Jefferson an adherent of Adam Weishaupt?
And what might have been Sir Francis Bacon's contribution to the establishment of the colonies and his relationship with Adam Weishaupt?
Jim, you want to take that?
Well, first off, I don't think there's any doubt that Sir Francis Bacon, with his book, The New Atlantis,
was a real instigator for the early settlement of the United States.
The first colony, of course, was Jamestown, which supposedly disappeared.
It didn't really disappear.
They just went off to live with the Indians.
But after that, nobody wanted to come to the New World.
And then Bacon wrote The New Atlantis, that this was the land of milk and honey, opportunity, all kinds of wonderful stuff over here.
And all of a sudden that started an influx of European settlers, and of course Bacon had his invisible college.
They were carrying on an underground stream of knowledge that had flowed through history all the way back to prehistory.
Now, Thomas Jefferson, I'm sure, was well aware and was probably conversant in this underground stream of knowledge, and I'm sure that he was well aware of the Illuminati.
Now, you have to understand that the Illuminati, in its
uh... embryo stages was simply a group of european intellectuals.
Well that's how they recruited, that's how they got good people at one room, telling them that from the evidence I had.
Now we know Benjamin Franklin was part of the Hellfire Club, the bloody orgies, that is admitted, and they did find a bunch of dead bodies of kids under his house.
Well, all of this of course is points to the fact that these
I think so.
It was a group of intellectuals who truly had some beneficent reasons for wanting to cast off the tyrannical bonds of the church and state in Europe, but I think that over time they either evolved or were infiltrated by people who saw that their secret society was one that could be used to try to gain control over the world's population.
Well, exactly.
George Washington, the main vehicle for the Illuminati, was the
Yeah, absolutely.
And that's the whole problem.
You have to understand the basic tenets
And philosophy of the Illuminati is, uh, the end justifies the means.
Which means they will portray themselves as anyone.
They can be Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Communist, Nazi, it doesn't matter.
They will do anything, say anything, do anything, uh, if they feel like it will further their ends.
And of course, uh, I was like you, I believe in a God, I was brought up in a, in a Christian church, and, uh, I was always taught that the end does not justify the means.
In fact, the means determine the end.
Well, look at the White House saying we've got absolute power, so they write memos saying they can torture children.
The end justifies the means.
That's the same thing the Nazis used, you know.
They said, we're working for a better Europe, so we're going to just kill all these people.
Yeah, it's as Stalin said, break a few eggs to make an omelet.
Exactly, and so anytime anybody says,
Well, we're going to have to do some bad things, but in the end it'll be good.
Start running, because that is not the way to do things.
And that's how they recruit, say, a young Special Forces officer.
He does some assassinations overseas.
Okay, now you're going to kill this evil commie in America.
Okay, now you're going to kill this drug dealer.
And then pretty soon they got all this dirt on you.
You're getting paid $300,000 a year.
And pretty soon they're like, alright, go kill... Alex Jones!
Well, yeah, in real cases, go kill this judge.
Go kill this NSA employee.
Oh, they're traitors, and they feed them bad info.
It's just sick.
It really is, and I hope that somewhere out in the listening audience, if you're in the military, or if you're in the intelligence community, pay attention because they will cast you aside like they did Lee Harvey Oswald
uh... who by the way has been very compellingly uh...
Shown to have been working for the CIA.
His mother told me early on, says, my son's an agent of the U.S.
And she stuck to that to the end of her day.
Well, I mean, there's so much evidence on that, we don't have ten hours to cover it all.
I mean, in trip, I mean, why don't you just briefly, and thank you caller, why don't you just briefly give us the evidence of him being CIA?
Well, I think the strongest evidence was in a book by John Newman called, uh, Oswald and the CIA.
John Newman was a military historian
There are documents relating to Oswald.
He was able, through the tracking numbers and the code numbers, to firmly establish that Oswald was being used operationally by the CIA prior to the assassination of President Kennedy.
We've got him allowed to defect to Russia.
We've got him staying at secret U2 bases in Japan.
He defects to Russia.
Our government lets him leave again.
He pops up with CIA, FBI operatives in New Orleans out staging street fights with commies.
I mean, this is... And then suddenly, then he is a commie.
I mean, this is ridiculous!
In the Marines, especially towards our secret U-2 flight.
And yet when he decides he wants to come back to the United States, the government actually lend him the money to come back.
And Marina Oswald told me one time about, they didn't just come straight back, they stopped in Amsterdam and they stayed in a safe house for about three days where Oswald was debriefed.
Oh no, he's not with the government.
Everything's fine.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll talk to John.
We'll talk to many, many others that are patiently holding.
Joel, John, many others.
We'll be right back with Jim Mars.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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And Jim will be with me at a big event we're having.
A big 9-11 event we're having in Dallas.
Coming up this Saturday at the Lakewood Theater.
Details at Infowars.com.
Hope to see you there.
Your chance to meet Jim Mars.
It's going to be a great event.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Texas.
John, thanks for holding her on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
It's a pleasure to talk to you.
First time caller.
I'm going to deviate away from what you're currently talking about.
We can talk about everything, sir.
Go ahead.
We can talk about anything.
With regard to the Trans-Texas Highway, you're more of a historian than I am and probably know a lot more about Texas history.
At the time Texas was inducted into the Union, Texas was a separate country.
It was Spanish.
Let me answer your question or make a statement on it because we're short on time.
I've meant to talk about this, I haven't, because most people wouldn't get it.
Everything is back to royalty now, and they are dividing up, like BP has given almost all the oil out of Alaska, or other royalty.
The Dutch are giving oil out of certain areas of the North Sea.
Here, it really is royalty, and things I've noticed are going back, according to geographic historical lines, and yes, the King of Spain owns a bunch of stock in Sintra, and the Spanish company is being given our major highways.
Go ahead, Culler.
At the time that Texas was inducted into the Union, there was some sort of agreement or treaty that was drawn up between... And that's why it's called the Lone Star State, because it was given more rights than any other state and still considered quasi-sovereign.
Jim Mars, you're jumping at the bit.
Yeah, Texas was a republic.
We were a separate entity.
And we joined the United States
Under two conditions, and these were codified, one is that we could withdraw if we wanted to, or two, we could divide the state up and create four states.
And if we were to do that, which legally we can because of the agreements with the United States when the Republic of Texas joined, if we divided it into four states and we'd have four more senators,
And many more representatives, and we could pretty much dominate the U.S.
Congress, which Texas has kind of done anyway.
And of course, before that, Texas was also much larger.
Going up, the panhandle was only one small part of a protruding landmass.
Right, all the way up into Colorado.
So this is absolutely right, John.
You know, Texas has always played a dominant role in United States politics.
But let me ask him what he's getting at, though.
Are you... I mean, are you bringing up the Spain connection here, sir?
Yes, I'm getting at the Spain connection, and what right does the federal government have to come in and take state lands when Texas, in addition to these two conditions you just mentioned, there's another one that Texas... Well, here's the right they got.
Well, wait a minute.
Here's the whole thing.
They're not taking anything.
We're giving it to them.
That's right.
Under the Security and Prosperity Partnership signed between President Bush and Mexican President Vicente Fox and then Prime Minister of Canada Paul Martin in 2005, this is where it all got given away.
And this was totally unconstitutional because the Constitution of the United States clearly states
That the President cannot make treaties with foreign nations without a two-thirds vote of approval by the U.S.
We've got a break.
John, stay there.
I'm going to let you finish that last statement and we'll cut you off.
And I'm just going to add this.
The only right the Feds have got is they've got a bunch of dumb men in black uniforms that'll come down here with machine guns.
That's it.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We were getting off into the Lone Star State, why Texas is known as the Lone Star.
That's because it entered as a country, as a republic, and retained its rights.
But if you try to talk about it and promote it, they will send SWAT teams out to your ranch to blow your heads off.
And of course, normally it's uneducated ne'er-do-wells that push it and immediately announce themselves to be the presidents, instead of going about actually getting the people of Texas to vote and do this properly.
That's a whole other side issue.
The point is, Spain, the Spanish government-backed Centra, is taking over 8,000 miles of roads.
There's only 7,000 miles of toll roads in the whole country.
This is where they take existing roads and put transponders in your car and control and track and trace everything you're doing.
Jim Mars, you want to finish talking about the Trans-Texas Corridor, then we'll let John in Texas finish up here briefly?
I sure do, and I thank John for bringing up the Trans-Texas Corridor because
I know a great many of your listeners are in Texas, and we're being told this is being pushed hard by Governor Rick Perry.
This is his little brainchild.
Of course, it's no secret that he is just kind of a stooge for the Bushes and acting on behalf of the New World Order.
What's not being told is this Trans-Texas Corridor, which would be a super eight-lane highway going from Laredo all the way up to the Oklahoma border, is only the Texas leg.
of what is known as the NAFTA Superhighway or the Canamex Highway.
If you want to learn about this, go to, get on your computer and type in NASCO.com.
That's the North American Coalition for the Super Corridor.
And you'll find that it's going to go all the way from southern Mexico up into Canada and it's going to devastate the U.S.
economy because
Then all those ships from China with their containers will land in Mexican ports and bypass the Longshore Union.
But that's only one of 83.
They're seizing every major highway.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, you know, but then that's nothing new, Alex.
The interstate highway system was not built for the benefit of the public.
It was built for military.
It was built for military use, and that's why every five miles you have to have one mile of straight highway so they can use it as a landing field if they want to.
That's right, they took our tax money and built it, now they're saying we don't own it, we're giving it to foreign countries.
Finish up John, you had one other point you were trying to make.
Okay, in this treaty, Texas is supposed to, I don't see how the federal government can possibly give it, or take it, or do anything with the state's property
At the very least, without paying royalties to the state of Texas for the land.
Well, they can do it, number one, as Alex said, because, you see, this was determined back in 1865.
If you don't do what some federal bureaucrat wants you to do, they'll send in the federal marshals.
If that doesn't work, they'll send in the National Guard, and if that doesn't work, they'll send General Sherman and 60,000 Yankees, and they'll burn a swath through your state.
So, the whole idea of democracy at the grassroots level was pretty well preempted
Uh, after the war between the states.
But what's happening now, John, is that they're not just taking it.
What they do is they've gotten their people and people who are, uh, go-alongs.
They got minions everywhere.
They got minions everywhere that sign on.
And they are giving this stuff over to the federal government and the people in Texas and the people in the other states.
Number one, are not being told, truthfully, what's going on.
Let's be clear, let's be clear.
Every major Texas road, they're going to grab all the land around it and not even pay you for it.
That's right, and that's another thing.
This superhighway, they say, well, at best, it's only going to be 1,200 feet.
Of course, that's more than half a mile.
But what they don't talk about is the
Is the jurisdiction.
You'll have jurisdictional boundaries that could extend out, what, 5 miles?
10 miles?
Yeah, they say 5 on each side, a total of 10.
Thank you, caller.
We kept that caller on a while because he was bringing up good points.
I want to get to everybody.
I'm going to blitz through your calls now.
Jim Mars is our guest.
A lot of knowledge, I told you.
Any subject you want to bring up, this is a newshound.
This is a newsman.
Really informed.
And he teaches college and writes best-selling books.
And he'll be at my event coming up this Saturday in Big D.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran.
A White House program to disseminate fake news.
NSA spying.
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
You go to InfoWars.com right now, we've got a big fat link.
JimMars.com, you can get that address later, but it's his name.
Great website, great news reports every few days he puts out.
All those wonderful books, links to get on them there.
Of course, we just carry one of his books, and I should carry more, but it's The Terror Conspiracy.
Not even available yet in stores, but we have got it.
So I hope you'll get it at Infowars.com.
We're going to go through your calls really quickly now, as fast as we can.
Joel in Wisconsin, here on the air.
Hey Alex, Jim.
Pleasure to speak to you.
I'd like to talk to you about the prelude for World War III.
I'm pretty sure they're going to try an economic collapse.
They're going to attack housing, the oil stock market, the debt.
They're trying to get rid of the middle class that way, so that the middle class doesn't have the economic wherewithal to even put up a fight.
And the only thing they cannot attack would be the precious metals market.
So I'm pretty sure that's going to stay.
But the actual physical infrastructure that our country was built on, I think they're letting that crumble as well.
And then seizing what's left of it and charging you exorbitant, unfair prices for it.
We got the IMF and World Bank documents, over 2,000 pages released, right when Joseph Siklas, the chief economist at the World Bank in 2002, quit.
I had Greg Pallis, the BBC, on about it at the time.
We have articles written on the subject and in the documents.
And he released a bunch of them, and then BBC got threatened to be sued by the IMF and World Bank, so they didn't release all of them, but they admit they were authentic.
And they laugh.
I mean, this is maniacal.
They call it the IMF riot.
How they want to create implosions in economies, including the U.S.
How they want to then seize the roads, the water, everything.
And it's about running everybody out of business.
It's about destroying economies, so they can then buy everything up for pennies on the dollar.
Jim Mars?
Well, right.
You have to understand that the United States of America has provided the greatest stumbling block to the New World Order's plan for globalism, and that's because we have a tradition of individual liberty and freedom, and we have the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the legal right for this freedom, and we have guns.
And in case anybody's been asleep for the past 20 years, there has been
An ongoing, never-ending attempt to try to disarm the population of the United States.
You liberal!
How dare you be for the Second Amendment?
Did you know it's now liberal to be pro-gun?
Liberal to be pro-gun?
Oh yeah, these neocons have turned everything around.
Big government's conservative.
Gun control's conservative.
Open borders' conservative.
Attacking innocent countries is conservative.
They're about as conservative as a ham sandwich.
That's true.
And again, we're back to Illuminati philosophy.
You know, penetrate, infiltrate, take over any group that seems to be making headway and then turn it for your own ends.
That's how they do it.
Parasites to the end, hijackers to the end.
Freebooters to the end.
You know, that's the Illuminati's mascot.
It isn't just a pyramid or an owl.
The Skull and Bones and other Germanic death cults, their favorite mascot is the Skull and Bones, the Jolly Roger, the pirates.
They say little prayers to pirates at Bohemian Grove that I've witnessed.
And at Skull and Bones.
Jim, are you aware of that?
Yes, I am.
And are you aware that the black flag with the white skull and crossbones that we normally think of as the pirate flag,
Yes, and the British funded Letter of Mark ships all over to go around pirates.
The golden age of pirates, 1660-1750 or so, was fleets of British pirates, which were British auxiliary naval ships, stealing.
And primarily raiding on French and Spanish shipping, which were Catholic countries.
This was the Knights Templars continuing their battle against the papacy.
Anything else, Scholar?
Yeah, I was wondering about the Rome Collapse, how close we are to our own collapse.
Everyone looks at the Roman civilization and says, how could they have ever fallen?
And they don't realize that we are just the same.
Well, we're teetering.
We're just on the brink.
In fact, I think the only reason that they haven't collapsed the U.S.
economy is two reasons.
Number one, the basic reason is they want to keep the profits flowing.
They want to keep the coffers spilling until they figure they just can't do it anymore.
And, of course, then the way they've held that off is they just keep printing more paper, worthless money.
And that's why what we're experiencing today is an inflationary depression.
In the 30s, during the Great Depression, it was a monetary depression.
Money was good, it just was hard to come by.
They reduced the supply.
It's more insidious to jack it up.
Yeah, today they jacked it up, and today everybody has money, but you can't buy as much as you could.
I remember when I could get gasoline for 15 cents a gallon and now it's over $3.
They just keep turning more and more money, and this is an inflationary depression.
Well, here's an example.
They've doubled the money supply the last six years.
The new Fed chairman, Bernanke, says he's going to double it in the next two.
Then they made the M2 money supply secret.
So we've had a public devaluation, at least in the actual currency markets, of 40-plus percent.
And so the stock market's really at about 6,000.
Exactly, and another thing people don't realize is that starting in the 80s during the Reagan administration and up until today, there have been more bank failures than failed during the Great Depression.
You're absolutely right.
Thank you, caller.
Let's talk to John in Ohio.
John, you're on the air.
Yes, I think there's a lot of parallels between the situation of the Kennedy assassination in the 60s and now.
Of course, the Operation Northwoods that was planned by the Pentagon to kill Americans and blame it on Cuba was called off by Kennedy.
The fact that he was going to get out of Vietnam according to his aides, Mike Mansfield and Kenny O'Donnell.
And that was a major policy that I think is parallel with today with his plans for this new world war by these crazy neocons.
And I think the media plays a key role.
It's not only the military industrial complex and the CIA that killed him.
But the media, the leading media that covered it up, the fact that Time Life, the expert in photography, put that phony... Well, sir, Time Life is admitted to be CIA-run.
Skull and Bones members owned it.
I mean, give me a break.
Well, yeah, if you look at that famous picture that was sent around the world in front of Life magazine,
That obviously forged a picture of Oswald's head on somebody else's body holding that Carcano rifle and two leftist newspapers to falsely frame him up as a leftist, as the Patsy, and the fact that Life Magazine reversed the photos into Zapruder film to make it look like he was shot from behind, the fact that Mike
Or Mark Lane got his C.I.A.
file and it showed that the C.I.A.
ordered all their agents throughout the media to discredit him and they actually gave him the talking points to do so.
I think we've got to realize the media is still, with all of these attempts to hit peace, the 9-11 inside job is still with us and the Democratic Party is another problem because
They of course are controlled by that military industrial complex.
What about Gerald Posner?
Now he says 9-11 was an inside job and creates straw man arguments that are total baloney.
He does the same thing on JFK but still a few people believe him.
Well let me tell you what Gerald Posner told me to my face.
He said it was not even his idea to write that
Uh, Kennedy assassination debunking book.
Uh, he said he was approached to do that and pledged the full cooperation of the CIA.
So that tells you, uh, again shows you how they operate.
On record, on record he tells you he was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency.
No, he told me to my face that it was not his idea to write the book, that he was approached to write the book and pledged the full cooperation of the CIA.
Okay, but I'm talking about him!
Yeah, exactly.
Now, the caller brought up a really great point that I'm going to address Saturday night at the Lakewood Theater in Dallas, which is the parallels between the Kennedy assassination
And 9-11, and without going into detail, I'll just hit a couple of high points.
One parallel is that within hours, even when most people didn't understand what had happened, the federal government announced that one man was responsible for it all, Oswald, or Osama bin Laden.
Official pronouncements were made to be later quietly withdrawn.
We were told they found the paper passport of one of the hijackers in a street in New York, and then later they said, well, it wasn't Mohammed Adda,
There was another guy and then that dropped completely from the news stories because people were beginning to wonder how could those planes have been totally disintegrated in this huge fire but a paper passport survived.
A group of specialists, medical doctors in the JFK case and the building engineers who were hired by FEMA were not allowed to look at the primary evidence.
They were not allowed to study the whole thing.
The whole issue, the autopsy doctors in the case of JFK were not even allowed to do basic autopsy procedures.
The brain was replaced?
Yeah, or even to examine his clothing.
Find out where the bullet hole is.
And in the case of 9-11, according to Dr. Corley, who headed the 26-man FEMA engineering team, they were not allowed to inspect the steel, they were not allowed to test it, they weren't even allowed to go in those buildings.
They simply said, there it is.
It fell down because of fire.
The whole thing is just, it's a sham.
It's just a huge sham.
Don't we have to see the complicity of also the corporate media, expose them, the Zionist lobby, because I think the United States, Bush is using as their attack dog this prelude for war, this so-called untouchable, whitewashed Zionist government of Israel that is whitewashed as much by the Democrats as the Republicans.
And you look at the Democrats and they're
Let me just say this, John.
What you're saying is not debatable.
We have the Times of London and we have New Yorker Magazine, both with high-level Pentagon sources, that were in the meetings with Cheney and the Brits.
From the British end and the U.S.
end, two separate high-level sources from impeccable sources, Times of London and Cy Hirsch, who I found to be nothing but credible in the past, a goldmine of sources, that Bush said to Cheney, I want this to be the curtain raiser, have Israel attack now.
And then there's the crowd that wants to say it's all Israel.
It isn't defending Israel to say they got the order from the U.S., folks.
You know, it's like the left arm and the right arm.
But the point is, we have the smoking gun that this was launched.
Thank you, John.
We'll be right back with Jim Mars.
An amazing interview.
More calls straight ahead.
We are so honored to have him.
He'll be speaking for a full hour.
About 45 minutes, I'm told, and 15 minutes of questions.
Coming up this Saturday night, he will take the stage at about 9.45 at the Lakewood Theater in Dallas after my film, Terror Storm.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Jim's going to be staying with us a little bit into the next segment.
And I'm going to have some final news headlines, recaps, and top stories on this live Tuesday edition.
Right now, let's go to Elias in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Yes sir, go ahead.
Oh yeah, hi.
Back to your corridor.
They say that they're going to build this corridor and ultimately it will go to the courts.
And you know what the courts will do?
The courts will condemn your property
And give you nothing for them?
Not with the Texas bill they passed, it doesn't even go to the courts.
Let me just finish, let me just finish.
You were offered a pittance and if you don't take it then they just grab your property.
And that was all decided within the past year or so where the Supreme Court ruled that private developers can take your property through eminent domain if they can show they can make a profit with it.
And let's be clear, Piscataway and
In Connecticut, in Texas, and these are just three cases I like to use, there's hundreds.
The Supreme Court.
It's just the size of this project.
Those were small pickings you're talking about, about going to the Supreme Court, and he said it's okay to do that.
Well, we're not saying it's okay, sir.
It's lawless government.
It's called tyranny.
No, but it'll have to, this won't, it's, hey, it just stands to reason.
Sir, he just said it's been to the Supreme Court.
They're saying period.
They said, yeah, they can take your property.
If you can't own property, you're not free.
I mean, we're not arguing that this is bad, we're just... We'll go to the Supreme Court!
Did you hear about New London Kilo, sir?
No way!
Yeah, but that's small pickings.
No, they said period.
Financial interest.
I mean, sir, they can't torture little kids, but they are.
I understand that, but this is in the midst of this big country concerning millions of people.
You're trying to tell me that they're just going to sit there and stick it down their throat.
Well, sir, it's not just in the midst of this.
Hold on, hold on.
Don't be angry at us.
It's not just in the midst of the country, it's 83 major highways.
That's true, and let me tell you, they're already holding public hearings in Texas on this Trans-Texas Corridor.
Which is the Texas lane of this whole superhighway that's going to split the United States in half.
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
It's enormous!
And they've been working with the state people saying, this is a good plan, we're going to do this.
While meanwhile saying all the details are classified and secret.
Billions, when it comes to condemning billions of property, billions of dollars of property,
Somebody is going to squawk!
And that's why they've got... It's not going to be someone small.
And that's why they've got armored SWAT teams in every county.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
We're going to go out and shoot them.
Well, let me just tell you, sir, I'm not saying this isn't going to happen.
What I'm saying to you is...
We have the Democratic candidate for Ag Commissioner, a pretty big guy in here, and he, without me asking, said he's ready to start shooting.
Believe me, sir, I know the sentiment.
I'm telling you how arrogant these people are, and so I'm glad that you're upset and angry about it, but we're just telling you the truth.
You will see, this will happen.
Hey, go ask John in Ohio.
Hey man, he knows what he's talking about.
But you, you know, you say, oh, this is all a done deal.
This is all concluded.
There's no problem.
Their bureaucrat has said so.
No government is going to interfere.
Nobody's going to stop them.
And maybe the Supreme Court won't stop them being as corrupt as they are.
My point is, the courts are so damn corrupt.
That they don't get it, but this will have to go through.
Well, listen, I'm going to let you go.
You're getting a little bit profane there on air.
Caller, I appreciate it.
Listen to me, sir.
You're getting mad at the messenger.
I'm not saying we can't stop it.
I'm saying we've got to admit how bad it is.
Jim, I mean, we're on the same page.
We've never even talked about this.
We're saying the same things.
We've just read the news articles.
This is what these crazies are claiming.
This is how corrupt it's gotten, Jim.
Well, the caller seems to be of the opinion that somebody's going to squawk, and that's true, and that they're going to take it to court, and that's true.
What I'm trying to say, and I think what you're trying to say, Alex, is that
Uh, you know, once the Supreme Court has made a ruling and says, yes, they can take your property, then every lower court, no matter what the decision, is going to be blocked, right?
Yeah, and we're not saying it's a just ruling.
The Supreme Court three separate times said black people weren't human beings.
Okay, or two-thirds human being, or separate but equal, and those were wrong rulings.
So I'm saying we shouldn't go along with it.
You know, I don't like talking about this, but I've got property, personally.
My family's got property that is on the seizure, I mean, already announced that they're going to grab it.
I mean, do you think I'm happy about this, brother?
Not a chance.
I mean, but you're saying Supreme Court will save us.
The Supreme Court preemptively
For all of these land grabs that are coming, rule that if private land barons want to even lobby, they said they can come pay your city or county or state to come take your land, and I'm telling you, then in those cases, what goes almost unreported is, people aren't even getting just compensation.
In some cases, they're taking it without paying you a red cent.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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And ask for George.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Hope to see you this Saturday in Dallas from 7 to the wee hours.
Gonna be a great event.
The tickets are going fast.
It'll probably sell out.
Looks like it will.
At Infowars.com, if there's any tickets left, we'll sell them at the door.
But don't count on it.
That happens once in a blue moon.
I'll show my film, Terror Storm, also available at Infowars.com.
I will then give a speech, take questions, then Jim Mars will take the stage for an hour with his speech, JFK 9-11, which I'm really looking forward to.
And then I'm going to show 35 minutes I shot at Bilderberg in June, the Elite Global Meeting with Queens and Rockefeller and all the rest of them prancing around.
And we will then have some great live music, which Kevin Smith will tell you about in a few minutes.
Jim, before we take a few final calls and let you get out of here, and I appreciate all your time, tell us about the new book, which I've read and I think is excellent, one of the best 9-11 books out there, Bar None, The Terror Conspiracy, which we also carry on InfoWars.com.
That's right.
Well, I cover all the known controversies about 9-11, but I also point out some things that most people might not know.
I consider two smoking guns of 9-11 to be the war game exercises that were being conducted by NORAD and the FAA on the morning of 9-11.
This is why when the FAA contacted NORAD and said we have four hijacked planes, we need some help.
And the first response was, is this the real world or the exercise?
According to several reports, there are even as many as 22 false images or inputs.
Well, on the new audio they released, they say, I think these are inputs, and they keep saying, I've never seen so much real world during an exercise.
That's right, and that's just what totally confounded our $400 billion defense system, and the question becomes, how did the hijackers know when to conduct their attack and
sequence in coordination with these war game exercises and they did know because the NSA intercepted a message from Mohammad on September the 10th and he said the match is about to begin tomorrow's zero hour.
The match!
He didn't say the jaheed, the attack, the operation, he said the match!
Well that's because he was taking part in the classified drills!
So that means, that is what shows that 9-11 was an inside job.
Now, that doesn't mean that all of the people in NORAD and FAA and everybody else were all in on the plot.
No, it's Sonic Compartments.
Exactly, and all you have to do is just penetrate it.
Then you have the question of Abu Zabidah.
Abu was one of the top al-Qaeda chiefs that was caught in Pakistan in late 2002, and he was tricked into revealing that he was actually working for three Saudi princes.
Okay, acting through an air marshal in Pakistan.
So, in other words, these Saudis were the ones behind the attack.
And then we've got General Mahmoud Ahmed, head of Pakistani Intelligence, known as CIA, sending 100,000 to Adda, and when the 9-11 Victims Families Group, Bill Doyle, the head of it, tries to sue them, James Baker comes in and blocks it, and Bush blocks it.
And let's never forget that Bush dragged his feet for almost two years before he even created any kind of investigation.
And then he appointed the 9-11 Whitewash Commission and then they called it independent.
Yeah, and before that he tried to put Henry Kissinger
In charge of it.
Boy, is that a slap in the face.
It is.
Let's take calls.
Again, it's all in the new book, The Terror Conspiracy, available at InfoWars.com.
And Jim's going to be there during the event when he's not giving his speech, signing books, I think for about an hour or so.
So that's going to be amazing as well.
We're going to have his new book, The Terror Conspiracy, there for you.
That was a wild caller earlier, Elias.
I don't know why he was so upset at us, and we're sorry to be bringing him the bad news.
We're just telling him the truth here.
Let's talk to Ryan in Kentucky.
Ryan, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
How you doing?
Good, sir.
Alright, this is my first time calling, by the way, but I have a lot of your DVDs and so forth, and I've actually got a question.
Maybe both of you can address this.
On your, I think, the latest Police State video that came out,
We're showing the links between the banks and so forth and the globalists and all that.
And then you pointed out in one particular article about how they're pushing for a one world religion.
I haven't heard too much talk on that since then.
Well, I mean, the day after 9-11, the head of the UN, the Secretary General, said it's because we don't have a one world religion.
If this happened, we'd have to force everybody to worship basically one global god in subdivisions of their own gods.
We have the Pope, both Ratzinger and the one before him, saying one world government, new world order, world religion.
I mean, what's your question, man?
We can throw it to Jim.
Okay, well I guess my question was, being that I haven't heard a whole lot about this, I know that there's a push now for a new Bible to come, maybe uniting all the religions together under one banner, one cause.
Clearly the globalists would be behind it if it is.
Just maybe some, if there has been any new information on this, or we're
Where they're actually at at this point on it.
Does it look like they're going to get away with it?
Does it look like it's going to fail that time?
Sure, thanks for the call.
The big thing is in China and Russia, you've always had churches.
They're government certified.
Now churches in the U.S.
are licensed and they're basically told what to say.
They've been recruited by FEMA.
I mean, it's all happening.
Jim Mars?
Well, I guess, Alex, you probably saw the story where the government has called together a bunch of church leaders and told them they need to go and tell their flocks that
Oh yeah, we broke the documents!
They are pretty close to the chest on that one.
That would really get a lot of people upset, and of course the neocons have counted on that Christian fundamentalist support for their position, so they don't want to get them upset.
So, no, you don't hear a lot about that, but believe me, folks, the documents, the quotes, they're all there.
This is part of it, and this is a long-standing plan.
And the way they'll do it is, they're already going, the evil jihadists aren't for the loving one world.
You or the Muslim jihadis if you're not for one world government.
And then the fake Christians go, oh my gosh, well then I'm for one world government if the evil jihadis aren't for it.
It's classic methodology.
Divide and conquer, the problems, reaction, solution.
It's, you know, once you understand
Their methods, then you can see it plainly in action, but the problem is this has not been presented to the public, and therefore the public reads one headline one day, and a headline the next day, and they go, what the heck's going on?
They don't know the tricks.
A few final calls folks, we've got to go quick and let Jim go here in just a moment.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Colorado.
John, go ahead.
Yes, thank you for taking my call, Alex.
Quickly, two points.
If the new rule of law comes to your door and says you've got to sell your property right now, and we're only going to give you $60,000 for it, and you tell them, OK, I'll sell it, but I want 60,000 one-ounce Silver Eagle coins.
Point two, at the Texas Corridor and the other 80 corridors they plan on building, you've got to realize it's more than just what you've been talking about.
These corridors will be used as a Berlin Wall.
You won't be able to penetrate them.
Oh no, let me stop you.
In the Trans-Texas Corridor, which is the model of the rest of the country, they admit they will block all the roads where you can't even exit, but every 50 miles, they already have it from Oklahoma up into Kansas.
Okay, now I'm not finishing my point.
I'll get off.
The point is you've got to get a hold of Dr. Michael Kaufman, and if you don't have his number, get it through... No, I've interviewed him many times over the years.
Okay, he's got the maps.
What they're intending to do in order to get control of America, they're going to split it up into seven or ten regions.
And that's how they're going to do it, through the building of these corridors.
It's called neo-feudalism total.
Sheriff's enforcing us on the tiny little plantations that they manipulate and control.
Thank you for the call.
Great caller.
You want to comment on the neo-feudalism, Jim?
Yeah, I want to comment on his first statement about when the New World Order shows up at your door and offers to buy your property.
I don't think you have to worry about them taking it or selling it.
What happens is, almost everybody that's listening to my voice has a mortgage on their home.
And that mortgage is held by a bank, which is probably held by other banks.
And it's called an arm-adjustable-rate mortgage.
They can jack it up any time they want or call in the whole note.
Or they can call in the whole note.
And if the economy of this country takes a nosedive, what you're going to find is a Chinese soldier at your door with the armed
Uh, representing the UN Peacekeeping Force, and he's going to... And by the way, that is an official news document, an agreement signed to use Mexican and Canadians.
This is not a joke.
It's not a joke!
And, but they're not going to just take it, they're not going to steal it, they're not going to pay you for it, they're going to repossess your property.
Because it's owed, the note comes in, and they say, we're here, you're out, and everybody will be on foot, and everybody will have to go to the FEMA
Yeah, just like we saw happen after Katrina.
Which FEMA sabotaged and ran that whole lot.
Let's go ahead and talk to Danny in Florida.
Danny, you're on the air.
Hi guys, thanks for the education.
Does the Pruder film show the driver turning around and firing at the President?
Absolutely not, but what it does show is that the driver, contrary to his testimony, where he said he didn't even know the assassination was happening until Kellerman sitting next to him said, we're hit, get us out of here.
According to film, and other films, you can see that after the first shot at Kennedy,
The brake lights come on the car, the car slows to almost a complete stop with the driver looking back over his right shoulder.
The opposite of the default position to screech out of there.
They're trained at the first sign of trouble, hit the gas and get out of there, and instead they hit the brake and left him hanging there as a great target until after the fatal headshot.
Only then does he face front, release the brake, and accelerate out of Dealey Plaza.
The copy I saw shows the driver turning around, his arm apparently pointing at Kennedy and his hand blacked out.
Okay, well what you're seeing there is some bad copies that have been misinterpreted.
Bad copies on the web and then dumped to tape, I know.
That's right, and what you're actually seeing there is the sun glinting off of Kellerman's oiled hair.
And actually, if you could get a good copy and really, really study it closely, you'll find that Greer, the driver, his hands never leave the steering wheel.
Yeah, that caller faded out there.
Is the caller still there?
I'm still here.
Okay, good.
I must be getting some cross-chatter or something there.
Okay, caller, I appreciate that.
Let's go ahead and take a final call from Betsy in Florida.
Betsy, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
Mr. Mars, I am a great admirer of your work.
I've studied the JFK assassination for over 20 years, and I wondered what you thought about something that I came across recently.
A memo that was released from J. Edgar Hoover, mentioning a George Bush, and they assumed that it was George Bush Sr., and George Bush Sr.
denied that he was in the CIA in 1963.
Yeah, that came up during the 1992 election and what it is is an FBI document saying that reporting on the reaction of the anti-Castro Cuban community to the assassination and they said this information was provided
Orally by Mr. George Bush of the CIA.
George Herbert Walker Bush, of course, denied that that was him.
Yeah, let me just say something.
They just supposedly made him CIA director 10 years later, never being in the CIA.
It's like Porter Goss was secretly CIA for 20 years before they made him head of the CIA.
And of course we have in CIA operations ships called Barbara and...
The Houston.
Well, I mean, go through it for people that don't know about it.
The Bay of Pigs invasion, the two ships involved with the Barbara and the Houston, and I can even tell you better than this, I am still in touch with a former CIA black ops pilot who was flying arms and ammunitions for the Bay of Pigs invaders, and he said that one of the oil companies that the CIA was using as a front
To ship these arms around was the pot of drilling of Midland Odessa.
I've also seen, is it a Dallas Morning News or a Dallas Times now defunct Herald, photo of Bush Sr., you know, the young man standing up against the wall, and it's clearly him.
You can almost biometrically scan it and confirm it.
I mean, it's Bush.
So there's a lot of information connecting Bush and his oil friends to the Kennedy assassination.
Well, another question I had, um, was he part of the meeting at Clint Murchison's house?
Uh, not to my knowledge.
Uh, who was there the night before the assassination was Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, uh, Richard Nixon, uh, and, uh, Ken Jones, the old, uh, Midlothian newspaper editor calls this the commander's meeting, where they made the final decision whether or not to go through with the assassination.
Okay, we're out of time.
Thank you so much, Betty in Florida, for joining us.
We're going to let Jim go here in just a moment, but here's Kevin Smith.
Kevin, tell us about, after Jim's done speaking and then I show my Bilderberg group footage at this event where I'm going to premiere Terror Storm, who are some of the live bands we're going to have after?
Well, Alex, we've got such a great, you know, world-class lineup, really.
I mean, we've learned that there's a lot of heavy information that can get you down, so we're trying to mix these things and make them happy.
So, this isn't in any particular order, but we're going to bring the Arab League up there, and if everyone remembers when they appeared on your show, we put their video, Death Star, up on the web.
Guerrilla News Network grabbed it and made it their video of the month.
If you haven't seen them, they're so much fun.
Yeah, it's really funny.
I mean, it's white guys dressed up like Arabs making fun of Bush and like going through all his CIA connections.
Then we've got the really great folks.
They're going to be there.
I mean, as well as the Arab League, we're also going to have Shanghai Five.
Yeah, I was reading the bio on them, and I think this is the best description I can really put in, encapsulate in a nutshell.
Ultra lounge is what they call it.
But these bands, there's a lot of theater involved also with their music.
So, and with Shanghai Five,
One of their main instruments is a Macintosh computer, so you're going to really see the way they apply technology to their music, and it is just a really, really good sound.
And this other band that they've brought forward out of Fort Worth, just getting familiar with them now, they're called The Theater Fire.
And I'm going to read their little bio, because I think this really is it.
The Theater Fire has a knack for spinning yarns about drifters, hangmen, brothers, and lovers.
Do you have the group's three websites for people real quick, Kevin?
You can go right now onto the website Infowars.com, click on the Dallas Premiere, and they are linked on that website.
That's right.
We've got a link to all three, and we're really glad they're coming, but we're especially glad that Jim Mars is coming.
Jim, I want to thank you for spending so much time with us, and I look forward to seeing you in Dallas.
We're going to meet a little bit early on Saturday.
I'll see you in just a few days, my friend.
All right.
Everybody take care.
We will see you then.
Are you excited about the event?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, this is going to be great.
And this is an opportunity for a lot of people in Dallas who may have very limited access to 9-11 information to hear it all under one roof.
Now, it's going to be a great 9-11 event.
Well, Jim, again, thanks for all the time today, and I'll see you this Saturday.
All right.
God bless.
There it goes.
Jim Mars, author of a new book,
That we're so excited about Terror Conspiracy available at Infowars.com.
Kevin, in closing, these are three great diverse bands.
Great bands, and with Jim Mars, I mean, he's just a Texas institution to have a guy of his caliber there.
Also, I was talking to Reed Robinson of Shanghai Five a little while ago.
He said the Libertarian candidate for the Governor of Texas will be there and the Green Party candidate of the Governor of Texas will be there.
This is good.
Let's get this word out, and we're going to wake everybody up in Dallas to the truth about 9-11.
I'm excited.
Dallas is really a black hole when it comes to Real News and Information.
So we hope to see you all there and it's your last chance to get tickets because they are selling out quickly at Infowars.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
Final News and Information in the final segment straight ahead.
It's here!
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There are so many great people like Jim Mars out there.
Some of the great Texans, some of the great Americans, some of the great Californians, New Yorkers, folks in Kansas, Missouri, doesn't matter, Florida, all over this country, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Colorado, everywhere!
People good all over the world, and we've got these evil people that live off of our fruits, off of our labor, because we are naive, and we are kind, and we are stupid!
And it's time to wake up to what's happening.
The neocons are running around saying that they don't like what Iran has to say when it is conciliatory.
They want to claim that they're global government and they decide who gets to have weapons.
Even though they don't have weapons, the same crowd that lied about WMDs is lying about that.
And our whole society is in danger.
Everything beautiful, everything good, everything innocent.
It's all in danger.
I mean, I'd rather just live my life and spend my weekends fishing and gardening and hanging out and I'd work probably 20-30 hours a week and find a job where I could work the minimum amount and I'd just be out enjoying myself.
But I can't do that.
I've got to work every night till midnight, 2 in the morning.
I've got to have 15 irons in the fire every day, you know.
I've got to run around battling these people because, number one, I know that things are going to be a lot worse if we don't fight the New World Order.
And number two,
I know that regardless, I have a duty to fight this corruption.
I mean, I have a drive.
It burns in my gut, in my sinew, in my very bones, to not like sick criminals that just feed on people.
Remember how we had that British ambassador on from Uzbekistan about how almost the entire population lives on slave farms and state-owned cotton systems?
That, you know, produce cotton for the world and they make two dollars a month and they have to have internal passports.
I don't want to live like that.
I mean, that makes my blood boil.
And that somehow is weird today to have an instinct against being a slave.
And let me tell you, I've got an instinct against being a slave because my forefathers were slaves and they didn't want to be slaves and they fought back.
And they stood up and we got a little bit of freedom.
And all of you, I don't care if you're black or white or Chinese or Japanese, you came from slaves.
You've been dominated before, and the systems, the sciences of control were developed 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 years ago, and they're being used today with a more sophisticated overlay of all the tricks these people learned against us.
And it's just time to get it past the cowardice and to admit as a society what we're facing!
A bunch of elites that say that mine and yours, yours and mine aren't worth living and we're a bunch of cattle and we're a bunch of useless feeders?
No, Madeleine Albright and David Rockefeller and Wolfensohn and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, the House of Tudor.
You're a bunch of trash and you've screwed up the world.
You've held us back.
You've now got your big secret government and all your advanced technologies and you're so arrogant and giddy with your power.
I'm sick of you people!
You're a cancer!
And you're bad.
You don't have the people's best interest at heart.
You're a bunch of Malthusian, social Darwinistic, anti-freedom, anti-human, anti-God.
You're just filth.
Listen, some of us hear your threat.
Some of us see what you're setting up.
Some of us can look around and we're not domesticated, and we know a cage when we see it.
So, we declare war on you right back.
And we're going to prosecute this war.
We're going to wake the people up to what you are.
And then we're going to arrest you, and you're going to be tried.
And you know what?
I know that by believing that, and saying that, and knowing that we can do it, that we're going to win with God's help.
I have faith.
And I've also seen my faith put into reality.
And I've seen it have an effect.
So take heart!
Have courage!
They can get some of us, but they can't get all of us.
You only live once.
You ought to do the right thing.
You ought to do what you should.
Not just roll over and be a decadent piece of filth.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Central Standard Time.
And I'll see you in Dallas this Saturday.
God bless you all!
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