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Name: 20060818_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 18, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
Thank you for joining us today, the 18th of August, 2006.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
Coming up in the third hour, we have a man a few times a year.
He's Robert Galen Ross.
He worked for the NSA.
He was also a major consultant for major oil companies, living in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and scores of other countries for most of his adult life.
He's also a publisher and writer.
In his own right, and we carry several of his books, one of them being The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, MLK, and of course Bobby Kennedy as well.
So we have that book.
We'll be going over that and tying it into some of the events that are taking place right now, coming up in the third hour.
In the second hour, we talked about this a few days ago, a former British ambassador says terror alert is propaganda.
And says that basically the government is staging all of this.
He's got a big story coming out, he told us, in this Sunday's Washington Post concerning government false flag terror.
So the British ambassador, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, will be joining us in the second hour talking about government sponsored terror and fake terror alerts.
That should be extremely informative to say the least, so please call your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers, roll down your window, yell at cars in a friendly fashion there at the red light and tell them to tune in to whatever AM or FM station you're listening to.
Whether it be in Kansas or Ohio or Texas or California, New York, Florida, Wyoming, Utah, places like that.
Just go ahead, roll your windows down, stick your heads out and tell them.
Tune in or tell folks to tune in via the internet at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com
Now I'm really getting proud of Infowars.net and the great job Steve Watson is doing there with a lot of original reportage and the work that is being done by Aaron Dykes now with JonesReport.com.
We've got some exclusive articles he put together yesterday up there, including the news about a prominent Austin pastor, Vietnam vet in his own right, anti-war of course, exposing 9-11 as an inside job.
We've got a YouTube clip up there of about 10 minutes of a great speech
That the pastor gave a few weeks ago here in Austin, Texas after he aired my new film, my newer film, Martial Law 9-11 Rise of the Police State for several hundred people there in attendance and we just were happy to be emailed a little clip on the web of his after speech.
So that's pretty good.
It's up there on the website.
Right now, let's plunge into the news and information.
We've had a whole bunch of airport alerts, where mental patients run around urinating in the aircraft, flopping around.
Anyone with half a brain would know that you can assess schizophrenic lunatics when you see them.
And the way terror is being hyped, every time the government hypes terror, you have nutcases, have total breakdowns, and run around wee-weeing on themselves, and that's been happening.
And they don't care.
The airplanes call in.
We've got weapons.
We've got bombs.
We've got enemies.
Total panic.
Shutdown of the airports that the aircraft's going to come into.
Police running around aiming guns at everyone.
Total fear because a lunatic is urinating on themselves.
And now, just after a week of them announcing that all liquids are deadly weapons, they are actually arresting people, and at this time, threatening to charge them for bottles of water and other liquids that they forgot to get out of their bags.
So, within a week it goes from, uh, you're not supposed to have it, to you're going to prison.
So we'll get into that.
I haven't... I'm pretty proud of myself.
I didn't mention the most evil looking person I've ever seen.
The most disgusting person I've ever seen.
This, this, this individual who claims he killed John Benet Ramsey, we are not going to talk about that.
But, I can't help myself, I'm going to say just a little bit.
But, but I'm not going to entertain discussion of it.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, the anti-American neocons would like this country to be one giant gulag.
...are pulling their hair out, flopping around in anger that a federal judge, the Sixth Circuit, appointed by Jimmy Carter, has thrown out Bush's warrantless wiretapping.
As if you even need a judge to do that.
It's a total violation of law.
And they're all following a script.
Last night, I got off the Ellen Combs National Radio Show here at the office at 11.
Did some more work.
Left about 11.30.
And was scanning through the AM dial.
I do that a few times a day, listening to different talk stations.
And at night, more stations come in with the bounce of the AM signal.
So I would, in the drive home, in the parking lot at my house, I'd probably listen to about 45 minutes of different shows.
I was just sampling them.
And I'd tune into one, and they'd be saying, The Constitution is not a suicide pact!
We've got to get rid of it!
It's just, we're in a new age!
Al Qaeda is too great a threat!
So I'd flip to the next channel and it'd be Lars Larson saying, it's not a suicide pact, we've got to, you know, get it out of there to fight Al Qaeda.
These Democrats want Al Qaeda to hit us.
So I flipped the channel again and sure enough heard two more.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, in the 25 minute drive home and another 15-20 minutes in the parking lot, just amazed, I heard four separate shows.
They are following notes.
They are following scripts.
There is no doubt.
In fact, it was word for word on two of the shows.
And then I heard Lars Larson.
I tuned back, and Neocon Lars Larson was going, Up next, we're going to have the Department of Transportation on with their new organization to stop drunk driving to tell you about the checkpoints.
And then I had to go in before they went back to that, but I knew about the program, federally funded checkpoints, total control, and I bet you my bottom dollar
That is a paid infomercial.
What I call propaganda placement.
So not only was I hearing a propaganda placement of them reading their little talking points.
Again, we have a government that's paid $1.6 billion from 2002 to 2004.
We haven't gotten the new numbers, though, preliminarily.
It looks like it's even higher.
We're $1.6 billion in fake news, paying off reporters and producing fake newscasts.
And another federal court just ruled this week that it's totally illegal.
They have to stop.
We've got the Governmental Accounting Office saying it's illegal.
Three years ago, again last year, they don't care.
They just say we're going to plant fake stories and we're going to pay off reporters.
Now I don't know if people like Lars Larson are on that payroll.
I don't have proof that he is.
But my gosh, I mean, you know, up next we're having the feds on about how wonderful the checkpoints are.
I mean, I know propaganda placement when I hear it.
If he isn't getting paid, he sure should be.
But I know four separate shows, and I don't know, forty, forty-five minutes I'll listen to talk radio, are going, it's not a suicide pact!
And then I'm driving into work this morning, I'll listen to about ten minutes of radio, and I heard it on the only show I listened to.
So, we're in a lot of trouble, ladies and gentlemen.
So I want to break down, again, for those that missed it, and I hope Paul Watson's tuned in right now, because I do this, I dictate on air a lot of the great stories he puts together, then he goes and vets all the points I make and adds his own information and own analysis.
But I'll do an analysis and we'll get an article out with Paul's hard work.
After I lay out what's really going on with his spine.
Let me just give you a newsflash.
Every TV show you watch off digital cable, TiVo, is being totally tracked and controlled.
Everything you do on the internet is being tracked and put into databases.
Every credit card purchase, every bank account statement, what you buy, psychological algorithms and huge outlays, every phone call you make, everything is totally tracked
And notice it's admitted in plain view, but then they'll have a national debate about, can't we intercept a call when Al Qaeda calls America?
And I hear these stupid little neocons call into the shows and go, yeah.
Neil Borch this morning.
I mean, that guy's a lawyer.
He's real smart.
It was total deception.
And of course, to make it go down a little bit better, he'd go, well, I don't like being spied on and violating the Fourth Amendment.
But the Constitution is not a suicide pact.
We've just got to do away with it.
That's right, just... because Al-Qaeda's going to get us!
Alright, I'm going to try to run through a cogent analysis of what's really going on with this new ruling and the type of spying that's really going on.
But before I do that, I didn't talk about it yesterday.
Not one word, and I'm proud our callers didn't and neither did any of our three or four guests we had on.
How many guests did we have?
We had two main guests and two other many guests.
I guess four guests.
I don't follow what the mainstream media tells me to look at.
But I will say this, I should have made the prediction yesterday morning on air.
But I know all of you were saying it too.
I didn't need to because every talk show I heard, even if they were neocon or liberal, they got this.
But this guy is a complete lunatic.
Anytime there's a high-profile murder in a big city like New York or Houston or L.A., they'll have sometimes 20 different people come in and say they committed the murder.
And it happens over and over and over and over again.
Now, in the words of a local talk show host I heard yesterday,
He's guilty of something.
Let me just tell you something.
When I was talking about how a large portion of CPS workers are child molesters, and the statistics show that.
The only group that's higher statistically with arrest records is truancy officers.
Because why does a spider, as I said earlier this week, why does a spider build its web
On the eve of your house, right by the floodlight, by your garage.
You know, you drive up, the security light comes on.
Why does almost every one of those in the country, if it's under an eve, have a spiderweb in front of it?
Because that's where the bugs are.
Spiderweb builds its web there, it's going to catch bugs.
Well, pedophiles join the police department.
Pedophiles join the CPS.
Pedophiles try to become schoolteachers.
Pedophiles do this.
And you can assess these people
They really are a type in most cases, if it's outside the family, which is a large portion of it.
But still, these characteristics come up.
This guy is the archetype.
I would expect his picture would be in the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Because I've been to hospitals and people's homes years ago and I had more time to do this kind of stuff when I was really on the subject of fighting CPS, which I'm going to try to get back into.
And this is what every male CPS worker I've ever seen, I think may be clones of murder suspect John Mark Carr.
They are not men, they're not women, they're like these androgynous
Chicken-necked, pale, pasty, short-haired demon creatures, always with the same type, Izod-style shirts, always with a neck that I instinctively want to grab and break.
I want to vomit on these people.
I've had to be around them before when I'm fighting for family, screaming and crying and begging.
And they're zombie demons.
And who knows?
Maybe Satan sends demons to possess certain types of people.
Maybe people are born to be demon-possessed.
Okay, I'm being sarcastic right now.
The point is,
Listen, I'm not joking.
You ought to just, people that are doubting me, you ought to just go down to your local CPS, Health and Human Services Department, and claim you're dropping off a letter or something.
Just walk into the office and look at them.
You'll see a whole bunch of this guy.
And that's why I did look the number up.
Last year in Texas, I saw the Texas number.
They were real freaked out.
52% in 2004.
Again, I say last year.
We'll get the numbers a year later.
I remember hearing this on the radio and I went and looked it up.
Oh, we need more CPS workers because 50 plus percent quit every year.
Well, yeah, because people think it's a real job.
You know, they're usually the others that aren't pedophiles or abused as children.
They got to screw loose.
And they think that everybody is a pedophile or an abuser because it happened to them.
And so they want to go out and defeat these people who they think are basically their parents.
And any psychologist will tell you that.
And some of them are nice folks.
But still, they persecute a lot of innocent people because they think everyone's bad, like their mommy and their daddy.
But still, those people go in there and they find out they're in a nest of pedophiles, they then quit.
So then pretty much all you get left is pedophiles.
And by the way, if you don't believe me, it came out...
About a year after I was rounding in rape, I remember 3,000 plus kids were missing in Florida that the government had taken.
They found quite a few of them dead and buried, heads chopped off, raped, snuffed films, all that.
And not the head, not the second, not the third, the top three people that were the head of CPS in Florida, this was in the news, of course I'd already told you this was the case, were convicted hardcore child pornographers and child rapers.
So, see, spiders build their webs around the porch-like folks, just like pedophiles do this.
I'm not saying all your police, or all your CPS workers, or all your truancy workers are pedophiles.
Very few police are pedophiles, according to the statistics we have, though they are many times more likely to be than the general population.
Quote, civilians, as you call us.
Now, when you get into truancy officers and CPS workers, a lot of the numbers show that more than a third are pedophiles.
It might be, you know, one out of a hundred with the police.
But still, that's a much higher number than the general public.
Because, smart criminals go and they get, and this piece of garbage, he did what other pedophiles do.
He went and, he was a school teacher and a nanny.
And they're reading his resume on the air, and I don't know how any parent could not look at this guy, could not take one look at him, and not want to beat his head in with a baseball bat.
I mean, this is the type of person I feel violent towards.
I'm going to be flatly honest with you.
Where are your instincts, people?
How could you not look at this giant maggot
And not want to gouge his eyes out.
Now obviously, 98% chance he didn't kill JonBenet Ramsey.
He's just a total nut.
But I'm sure he's probably raped a whole bunch of kids.
And you can just look at him.
But anyways, I'm done talking about it.
There's your JonBenet Ramsey News.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go!
We're good to go.
Welcome back, folks.
Glad that you joined us today.
Big guest coming up in the next hour, one of the British ambassadors exposing government-sponsored terror and fake terror alerts for you on air.
Then in the third hour, former NSA officer, former oil company consultant and executive Robert Galen Ross will be joining us in studio to talk about The Elite Serial Killers, one of his best non-fiction books.
He'll be joining us in studio in the third hour today.
My whole point about getting into Demon Man, John Mark Karr,
is that it shows why you can't trust government.
Again, this is a school teacher in the governmental system.
It's because government is going to have just as many criminals in it, and statistically more, than the general population, but it has all of these extra powers.
It's given itself, and it's hard to punish it, so there is a greater capacity for harm to be committed without anyone being brought to justice and with no one to protect the innocent.
Alright, let me get into the NSA situation, and then there's some good news.
WorldNetDaily was forced to print a giant retraction with Mr. Mosley's, Jonathan Mosley's, hit piece of two days ago.
We reviewed all the videotapes and so did WorldNetDaily, and they had to issue a retraction.
Stephen Jones never said anything about revolution.
He never said anything about violence.
He never said anything anywhere near, and neither did anyone else.
Mr. Mosley literally made this up.
And I called him yesterday and I said, we spent hours here at the office, Mr. Mosley.
This was about five o'clock yesterday.
About three hours after I got off air, I said, you know, Mr. Mosley, Paul Watson in England has just watched the entire program, and then gone back and watched parts of it again.
Aaron Dykes has just spent hours watching our original footage.
I have just spent hours watching it, and it's not there.
He said, yes it is.
Yes it is.
Basically, you people just keep saying things aren't there.
And I said, okay, well are you sure it was in the thing you saw on C-SPAN?
Yeah, yeah, that's all I've seen.
I said, well sir, we've even gone and watched Jones' speech he gave separately as a keynote speaker.
We've even gone and looked at
The question and answer there.
This never came up.
And he just said, nope, he did say it.
Well, you got a problem, Mr. Mosley.
Because Stephen Jones got called in before the Dean yesterday, partly because of your article, and was questioned about why he was calling for the violent overthrow of the government.
Well, that day we got a call by BYU's head lawyer yesterday,
And they better hope that Mr. Jones' career is not damaged because of your activities, Mr. Mosley.
You are an attorney-at-law-esquire, an officer of the bar, of the court, and, uh... It's just unbelievable.
I just don't know what to say anymore about these type of people.
But we do have an article up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com right now.
Where is my story?
I just had that.
Here it is.
WorldNetDaily forced to issue 9-1-1 hit piece, Retraction.
And here is the editor's note at the top of the WorldNetDaily article.
In paragraph four of its column, the author makes an assertion about Professor Stephen Jones, remarks at 9-1-1 Symposium, broadcast on C-SPAN, a review of the program online, evidence no such comments by Jones.
World Net Daily is rated in the top 1,000 websites in the world.
To give you an idea, the Dallas Morning News is about 5,000.
We use that as a benchmark.
So a site thousands of times higher in the ranking, with thousands of times more readers than the Dallas Morning News online, this is a big deal when you do that to people.
And you should be held accountable, Mr. Mosley.
You also savaged me.
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We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
It's GCN Radio.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you so much for joining us, for caring about this republic, for being involved.
You know, I always kind of run through it talking 90 miles an hour because I don't like plug-in videos I produce.
I don't like
Tootin' my own horn, but let me just briefly and calmly tell you that the official final Terror Storm, because we released that emergency release about a month ago, the American Scholar Symposium version that didn't have the 66 minutes of extras on it, from the 9-11 Scholar Symposium, that's the extras we have in there, the excerpts of the best speeches, Charlie Sheen's and others, Professor Jones, Professor Fetzer, Webster Tarpley,
And of course, Bob Bowman and myself.
But it's out!
Terror Storm!
A history of government-sponsored terrorism.
And my cover designer did two covers that look so good that when I went to print up a bunch of these, I just said, you know, print half with the U.S.
with the crosshairs on the cover and the other half with the green cover, as we call it.
So you don't even know what cover you'll get.
That's kind of a neat thing about it too, but that doesn't really matter.
The point is, you get the same film and it's
A one hundred and twelve minute, roughly, long film.
I say roughly, it's one hundred and twelve minutes and forty something seconds.
That's how long Terror Storm is, and you get sixty six minutes.
So that's almost, well that's two minutes shy of three hours on one DVD.
This is the best film I've ever made.
Kurt Nemo, prolific syndicated online columnist,
Call TerrorStorm the DVD of the resistance.
Dylan Avery the creator and director and writer of Loose Change 1 and 2.
TerrorStorm sets a new standard in documentary filmmaking.
Alex Jones knocks it out of the park yet again.
And on the back it says, the terrorists aren't who you think they are.
Throughout history, criminal elements inside governments have carried out terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
TerrorStorm reveals how, in the last hundred years, Western leaders have reportedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors.
In TerrorStorm, you will discover that September 11th, the attacks of 7-7 in London,
And many other terrorist events were self-inflicted wounds.
You will witness British Special Forces troops caught in the act of staging terror attacks in Iraq, and see official U.S.
government documents laying out plans to hijack passenger planes by remote control.
You will learn how the Rajshak fire, the Gulf of Tonkin, and the U.S.-backed Iranian coup of 53 are all interconnected false flag terror events.
This powerful documentary explores the mindset of the average brainwashed Westerner and delves deeply into the systems of control which have been scientifically crafted to imprison their minds and keep their eyes closed to the realities of the world around them.
Special features with world-renowned experts over an hour of the most powerful moments from the historic 9-11 neocon symposium in Los Angeles, California, featuring speeches and commentary by world-renowned experts who expose that 9-11 is an inside job.
And there's also some film trailers from other films on the extras, so I guess you have those trailers and it is over three hours of material.
I stand corrected.
I really hope you'll get TerrorStorm.
We've already got some specials up there where you can get TerrorStorm.
I think as low as $9.95, you know, when you get a bunch of copies.
Get them out to everyone.
Help us.
Buy one copy.
Go buy DVDs and make a whole parcel of them.
It is up to you to get this out to people and to spread the word.
It is up to the American people to get this job done.
It is a DVD-9, so when you're at the computer store, I hope you don't go to Walmart, but wherever you go, and you know, tell the clerk, hey, these are DVD-9s, I need a bigger DVD to burn these to.
And then just buy the bigger DVD.
I always get calls, hey, you're Phil Marshall Law, I can't make copies of it.
You copy protected this, what kind of sick joke is that?
These are not copy protected.
It's that there's so much material on them, you've got to get a bigger DVD.
It's not physically bigger, it just takes more space.
I don't cost you 10, 15 cents more a disc, I think, to get those.
I'm now digressing.
The point is, this is how we have an effect, and I really want you to get them and make copies.
It's kind of a quandary I had.
Well, should I just make this thing two hours long so I can put it on a regular DVD?
Or should I put it on DVD 9 and give them all these extras?
Again, it plays on all DVD players.
It's just that it's hard to copy.
But I know you'll get around that and you'll get the job done.
So please go to InfoWars.com and the Secure Online Video and Bookstore and order a copy of Terrorist Storm today.
Order multiple copies.
Get Martial Law, get Road of Tyranny, get Loose Change 2nd Edition, which I'm told won't be available in a month or two when the new final edition comes out.
I think Loose Change 2 is pretty darn good, so get that while you still can.
We have DVDs of that.
You may have seen it online for free, but it's a shadow.
To see Terrorist Storm online or to see
To see Loose Change 2nd Edition online is a shadow of seeing it in digital DVD quality.
And of course, if you're a PrisonPlanet.tv member, we have TerrorStorm in super quality.
It looks almost like TV.
I've watched them encoded here at the office.
It's beautiful.
It looks like color TV from the 80's or something.
That's pretty good quality.
Get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
We have it in super high bandwidth, high bandwidth, medium, and low.
We normally just put stuff out in two bandwidths, but we put Martial Law out, uh, excuse me, uh, Terror Storm out in, what, four different bandwidths, and that's super bandwidth.
You'll need, like, a T1 or something, or at least a really fast cable modem to be able to get that properly.
Well, that's not true, because it's a download.
I guess you could dial in on a dial-up and just take three hours to download it, but the point is,
PrisonPlanet.tv is a wonderful activist tool.
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That's the cost of 3 cups of Starbucks coffee.
Or really, less than that.
Just 3 cups of Starbucks coffee would be... Yeah, it's about the cost of 3 small cups of Starbucks coffee a month.
And it makes what we do possible here.
So get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
But really, Terrace Farm is so good.
You really want to have it.
You really want to get it.
Or write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Let me get into this first.
I mentioned this earlier.
A Pakistani woman with a bottle of shampoo in her bag with her children, 28 years old,
Cause the complete shutdown of an entire airport.
And they were talking about charging her as a terrorist last time I heard.
Now they're saying maybe they won't.
And just hysteria, fear, police running around all aggressively.
Like a bunch of sheep dogs.
And we're a bunch of dumb sheep.
And so now in a week they've gone from
You know, you can't have your liquids, too.
Hey, we may charge you!
In fact, I got an article right here out of the Associated Press.
They're talking about charging people now who have lighters.
You notice for a few years, it's just, oh, you forgot.
I mean, I'm in line all the time at the airport.
Oh, my lighter, sorry.
Or, oh, there's a lighter in your bag.
Oh, matches.
Folks, it's going to be just like having a gun.
It's going to be prison time.
See, it's all about criminalizing the general public.
And they'll be on the news.
Well, we had to put him in prison for five years, even if he was innocent.
We've got to get tough on terror, and people have got to get serious about keeping the homeland safe.
Meanwhile, there's rocket attacks going on again in South Texas, but never mind the rocket attacks and 800 dead last year.
More dangerous in the West Bank of Israel, State Department travel warnings.
The average American doesn't know about it because the media didn't tell them.
In the front of the paper, maybe in the back once or twice.
No, we have to totally give up our way of life because somebody might blow up a plane.
Let's say terrorists were real.
So what?
I'd rather not be searched and go on planes.
And then if we told terrorists, we don't care what you do to us, they wouldn't have any effect.
You see, terrorists do stuff to scare you into submission.
So why does the government, you know, Al-Qaeda attacked us to get our liberties, to get our freedoms?
Why is the government taking all our freedoms?
Because they are Al-Qaeda.
Yes, the government is Al-Qaeda!
You see, everything they do is a little sick riddle in your face.
Oh boy!
And then I've got this other article about some woman who we now learn has a history of mental illness, 53 years old, jibbering on a plane, freaked out,
With some lighters in her purse, saying, oh, I get in trouble?
I forgot my lighters, they're my Al-Qaeda.
Some obsessive-compulsive nut starts squatting in the aisle, starts urinating everywhere.
They tackle her, they freak out, there's alerts at the airport when they land, SWAT teams at the ready.
Anyone could assist.
Some crazy, middle-aged, white woman, wee-weeing on herself, like these mental patients do.
No, they're going to charge her as a terrorist.
When she's a total Fruit Loop and needs to be in a rubber room.
Also, you've got people who aren't complete Fruit Loops who do have anxiety breaks.
Maybe she shouldn't be in a rubber room.
Maybe she shouldn't be flying when they get on planes.
We've all seen people on planes that get freaked out.
That start to panic.
Or I guess you haven't flown a lot if you haven't seen somebody going, I can't take it!
I can't take it!
It's okay, sir.
We'll get you a glass of ice water.
Nowadays they do that.
Divert the plane!
We're going back!
There's the airport!
We've got something, you know.
Again, that's what zero tolerance is about.
No liquids!
We're searching everyone!
We have to take all of your rides!
Al-Qaeda hit us!
It's about mindlessness, mindless fear, sheep-like following orders.
I have another AP report here, excuse me, New York Times.
They announce how wonderful it is, and they admit that innocent people are pulled out of line, and that if you have your eyebrows together, which I know I do, my wife does when we're concentrating, or unhappy, or tired, they pull you out of line, and then they start to interrogate you, now off facial expressions, but don't worry, the TSA, Homeland Security, said they get four days of training
So now the low-grade morons that are your average, actually I've got friends that are airport screeners, but I mean a lot of them really are idiots.
I've talked to them, I've dealt with them.
I mean who else would want that boring job?
Now they are junior psychiatrists, and of course it would take a psychologist, psychiatrist years.
There's only a few of these specialists.
I believe predominantly it's a quack science.
Because there can be certain facial expressions that are indicative of certain things, but those vary with individual to individual and psychology.
And there can be more than one reason they're making that face.
And by the way, there's all these experts in the New York Times saying that.
And then the head of LL Israeli Security that's setting all this up here admits it doesn't really work, but it doesn't matter, it makes people feel safe.
So I can just imagine I'm going through the line,
Maybe I've got a big blister on my toe because I've been walking around in some foreign city and I'm frowning and sweating because I just ran through the lines because I was at some other, you know, ticket counter for two hours.
And I've done this before.
And I'm sitting there sweating with a frown on my face.
Maybe I've got heartburn.
Maybe somebody in line's got hemorrhoids.
You know, who knows?
Need to talk to you right over here, please.
I have four hours of training.
And I talk like that because around here that's what the people that worship government sound like.
I'm not being mean to southerners or Texans.
I'm as Texan as you get.
If I live in New York, I'm sure there's some groveling type.
In fact, I've heard them in New York.
It's like, I'd like the government to need to do what they say.
Okay, but I don't...
I like to do the voice that's natural to me of the type.
Up north, that's how the grovelers talk.
Down here, it's me!
It's kind of sluggish.
I'm in love.
I'm talking all over him.
Made to submit to me.
And so can you imagine now we get to... It already happens in foreign countries, you get questioned.
Why are you here?
What are you taking with you?
You don't got any drugs with you, do you?
You're not planning any terrorism, are you?
Don't smile at me!
This is serious!
Well, you're all going to get to experience that now.
And again, I talked to a big news reporter, who's going to send me footage, he said, at a major report, where they were just screaming at everyone, like it was a drill sergeant.
Well, it is a drill sergeant!
You're being inducted!
You're being broken down.
You're being taught who the bosses are.
Look at governments' arrogance and their behavior everywhere.
All this goes hand in glove.
97% of you don't want toll roads?
We're going to do it anyways.
80 plus percent of you don't want open borders?
We're going to do it anyways.
Seventy-plus percent of you don't want abortion?
We're going to do it anyways.
You see, it's about government going, we're going to do what we want, when we want.
Now sit down and shut up!
Foreign corporations bought off our government.
They jacked up our debt, conduiting the funds to themselves.
We're going into receivership.
You've heard the Supreme Court rule that
They can take your private property if any private interest wants it.
They're even allowed to lobby and give money to politicians who then take your land.
And this is the way it is.
So sit down and shut up!
Sit down and take it!
You're gonna learn how to like it!
Now get on your face and give me 25!
Government rules, you scum!
I mean, let's get into the mode and then we can get angry and shut about saying no to it.
But that's their attitude and it's all because they're keeping us safe.
And that's bull.
Let me just tell any sniveling airport screeners or police that love the system or anybody who's naive out there.
We're all in this together, you buffoons.
And your bosses are the ones carrying out the terror attacks.
They're the ones shipping in the cocaine, the ones shipping in the smack, the heroin.
They're the ones.
I want to get it through your brain.
And they're coming after this society, and they're wrecking this society.
And they're creating every major crisis we deal with.
And they designed the crises to play into our own weak human nature.
And I, for one, am sick and tired of it, and I'm not going to sit here and watch my country go down the tubes because you want to sit there and suck your thumbs.
Do you read me?
Do you read me?
Do you get me loud and clear?
Well, I certainly hope you do.
You see, I respect people enough to just tell them straight up how it is.
You think I like knowing I don't have control over my life?
You think I like knowing we've got a totally corrupt government?
But no.
As a man, I've got to be able to assess the situation and actively face reality and then try to deal with it.
And I'm trying to get you to join us in the fight for this country, for this republic.
We'll be right back.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns.
The Ring of Fire, boys and girls.
The Ring of Fire.
By the way, coming up next Saturday
We're going to have Jim Mars at our own little 9-11 event in Dallas, Lakewood Theater, 7 to 2 in the morning.
You're welcome to come see the whole thing or just come see my film, Terror Storm, and Jim Mars and myself give speeches and take questions.
We're also going to show Bilderberg group footage.
Get your tickets while they last at InfoWars.com for that event coming up next weekend.
Okay, we've got a guest coming up.
Let me get into the judge ruling against the wiretaps.
The judge is saying that they have to go to the FISA court, which itself is unconstitutional.
Which gives them three days, 72 hours, to just, literally, it's an automatic warrant.
They just come tell them we're in an investigation, and then, within 70 plus hours, and then they give them a month to then come back and give them specifics.
Well, the government doesn't want to do this, and the government's already been criminally grabbing all the data for decades.
Now they just want to use it in the news, and legitimize its use, so they're just out in the open saying, we're doing this to stop Al Qaeda.
And they claim that the British bust over there, of course the U.S.
was the ones that intercepted their own ISI controlled chatter to their minions, and that's now all come out, didn't have plane tickets, didn't have bombs, didn't have weapons, didn't have... they don't have proof of anything.
It's just as usual, it's totally made up.
It's provocateur.
Maximum, they got somebody to shoot their mouths off.
Which the globalists are able to do all the time.
And so they spin this and say, you know, this is the mantra, you've all heard it, if Al-Qaeda is calling from Pakistan or Iran to New York City, we don't need to, you know, have to look at that phone call and then go get a warrant.
Why, this is just ridiculous.
We need to be able to stop Al-Qaeda.
When they get those FISA warrants, those are regional warrants.
Those are blank checks.
They can then run hundreds of unlimited wiretaps, internet taps, on the communications of the person they're following and their entire phone tree.
And they never even bother to get this to begin with, again.
They're having this debate by design now to legitimize the open announcement that they don't need warrants in any case, period.
And local police around the country are already using these arguments and using the Patriot Act.
Just type in, local governments use Patriot Act.
In non-terror cases you'll get it in the search engine.
All over the country this is happening.
So it's the same precedent being set, but all of that aside,
First they claim they're not spying on American-to-American conversation inside the U.S.
Then it turns out that's a total lie.
Gonzales admits it.
It's not Al-Qaeda phone calls.
It is your TiVo, it is your digital cable, it is the internet, it is your credit cards, it is your loyalty cards, it is the catalogs you buy out of, it is the pizzas you order, that was in the USA Today, everything is tracked in real time by the National Security Agency and now they are contracting out for the last decade at least
Private organizations, huge private companies that have NSA officers in them that are grabbing a bunch of other data and using it.
So most of the stuff isn't even going on in the NSA.
It is picked up by NSA computers and hubs but rerouted into private companies like the Total Information Awareness Network run by a private company now in Virginia.
Run by a convicted felon, Admiral Poindexter.
So, and again, that doesn't intimidate me, that isn't a chilling effect.
I still do what I want to do, live the way I want to live, and I'm glad they're listening.
They ought to be ashamed of themselves.
I think this is part of the problem, and I've gotten this from good sources inside, so many of their operatives have to listen to this stuff all day, and hear a lot of Americans talking privately about 9-11 being an inside job, that they're social creatures too.
They're being drawn to the majority, who is also right,
Well, join us!
Join us!
The hand is open!
Come on!
Come over from darkness!
Join us!
It's not too late to turn back!
Join us!
Join us!
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Later in the show we're scheduled to be talking to former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, exposing fake terror alerts and government sponsored terror.
We just talked to him 20 minutes ago.
We're having trouble connecting to him in England.
He'll be on with us, scheduled to be coming on with us here momentarily.
Former British Ambassador says terror alert is propaganda.
And we have the London Guardian saying the majority of Brits questioned believe it's staged.
Well, that's because just two months ago, it came out, the British government raided innocent people with no connections to terror, and for a week announced they were terrorists, and even shot an innocent person, and you ask the average American, they still believe that that was an attack over there.
It wasn't!
Again, you have cases where the government busts its own operatives, and then a month later admits quietly that, oh, we staged their capture so that we could bring them back in without Al-Qaeda knowing they were Al-Qaeda, but they used that as a terror alert.
Or they go provocateur street kids, their favorite.
Or mentally retarded people right out of homeless shelters.
They've done that a lot.
New York First World Trade Center bombing.
Or they get on chat rooms and actually provocateur stupid teenagers into agreeing, kind of like the Texas Monthly article back in 98, where the FBI went out and created a Klan group, made little bombs for them, detonated them in the backyard, and the Klan group they created, it wasn't even a Klan group before, were literally toothless
People that couldn't even pay their trailer house bill, who couldn't launch an attack, and for over a year, the FBI tried to command them, as the Klan leader, to attack a chemical plant on the edge of Fort Worth.
I mean, it just never ends.
But you've got a general public that barely pays attention to anything.
Who isn't even aware of the basic issues in society.
In basic things that are happening, events.
Who just keep hearing, terrorists, terrorists, oh plane was diverted!
Woman with a baby bomb!
Woman with bottle bombs!
Woman, crazy Al-Qaeda!
Man, them Al-Qaeda are crazy, they're urinating on, no, that's a mental patient on a plane urinating.
But see, at first it's Al-Qaeda urinating.
Or it's woman with a baby with a bomb.
No, they think women, they have no evidence, they just said women may have bombs with babies, but by the time they end up spinning it, they caught Al-Qaeda with baby bombs.
And again, the public just halfway listens to this, and just halfway hears it, kind of just halfway paying attention, and they believe it all!
I mean, I had people at the TV station Monday night, when I'm down there doing my TV show, walking up to me, who were pretty, you know, halfway intelligent folks, going, did you hear about the bland with the baby?
They caught her with the baby and the bombs!
And I said, no, no, no, that's the media spinning that.
They're saying that they think that's what Al-Qaeda might try.
And then they went and arrested a woman at the airport with a baby.
She didn't have bombs, it wasn't real.
No, no, I saw it on the news!
So, this is how they spin it, this is how they do it, this is how they get their job done.
And I, for one, am completely and totally
Sick of it.
And I just want folks to stop being kind.
The government and the corporations that own it and control it are laughing at the American people.
They write books joking about how stupid we are because they know the general public is not going to read a book about that or that my radio show will never get big enough for anybody to ever really find out about it.
I think they've estimated wrong though.
The people are waking up
And though it seems like the last few days I've been talking down, I'm not doing that to the listeners of this broadcast.
I am talking to neocon listeners out there who are listening for the first time, who are in abject, total denial about how manipulated their worldview is.
And I'm not claiming I have the
Perfect worldview either.
I just know I spend my life studying this, and what I've discovered is terrifying.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
While we're waiting to get hooked up and connected to our guest, we got a hold of him earlier, but his phone cut out.
Strange things happening over in England.
While we're working on getting him on, we're going to open the phones up at 1-800-259-9231.
You can talk about the federal ruling about how they can't spy without warrants.
We can get into
The news about how now they're going to have Stasi-style secret police interrogating you, even in domestic flights, asking you questions off of your facial expressions, with four days training, even when top psychiatrists who've studied their whole lives, only a few of these experts in the country, say it doesn't work.
Doesn't matter if it doesn't work!
Any excuse to interrogate you, there's no terror threat to begin with!
This is about training you, you live in Soviet Russia!
But a former British ambassador says terror alert is propaganda.
Indians say group linked to liquid bombers controlled by Pakistan ISI.
Former British ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray says the alleged transatlantic liquid bomb plot is stage-managed propaganda on behalf of the Bush and Blair who yearn for a new 9-11 to absolve them of domestic political trouble.
And he of course was the ambassador to that area and breaks down how
ISI is CIA, how they torture people to then create fake connections to innocent groups in England, and how this is done over and over again.
He's Britain's outspoken ambassador to the Central Asia Republic of Uzbekistan.
Craig Murray helped expose various human rights abuses by the US-funded regime of Islam Karimov.
He is now a prominent critic of Western policy in the region.
And he's a really nice fellow.
We talked to him earlier this week and again right before he was about to come on air and his phones were having trouble.
And if anybody's got his phone tapped and people trying to block phone calls, it'd be this guy.
They're really mad at him right now.
He's got a big article about government-sponsored terror coming out in this Sunday's Washington Post, he told us.
So we'll see what happens with that.
We'll see if we're able to get him on the horn with us.
We've got Robert Galen Ross joining us in the third hour in studio to talk about The Elite Serial Killers, his great historical book that we also carry at FOWars.com in the online bookstore and video store.
But getting back briefly, before we go to your calls, into the latest NSA federal ruling
Judge rules against wiretaps.
NSA program called unconstitutional.
A federal judge in Detroit ruled yesterday.
The National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance program is unconstitutional.
Delivering the first decision at the Bush administration's effort to monitor communications without court oversight runs afoul of the Bill of Rights and federal law.
Well, of course it does.
District Judge Anne Diggs Taylor ordered a halt to the wiretap program, secretly authorized by President Bush in 2001, but both sides of the lawsuit agreed to delay the action until the September 7th hearing.
Legal scholars said Taylor's decision is likely to receive heavy security from the U.S.
Court of Appeals, scrutiny for the Sixth Circuit when the Justice Department appeals, and some criticize her ruling as poorly reasoned.
And the neocons were on the radio celebrating yesterday, saying, don't worry, the Supreme Court and the Sixth Circuit, and before it ever gets to the Supreme Court, they'll knock it down.
And Judge Roberts, the head of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice, he'll knock it down.
He loves America.
He's not with Al-Qaeda.
Four or five years ago we'd joke about saying, ooh, you're with Al-Qaeda.
Like, I'm for the Second Amendment.
Ooh, you're with Al-Qaeda.
I'm for property rights.
Ooh, you're with Al-Qaeda.
I don't agree with the government.
Ooh, you're with Al-Qaeda.
But now they actually go, ooh, you're with Al-Qaeda.
Ooh, you're with them.
Ooh, you want Al-Qaeda to get us.
You're working with our enemies to make sure Al-Qaeda can get us.
Number one
The National Security Agency doesn't use warrants.
It listens to whatever it wants, whenever it wants, overseas, and listens to domestic communications whenever and however it wants.
Every phone call, not just its digital record of who it went to, from where and when, but also audibly.
Much of it is recorded.
All of it is being sampled real-time by keyword software for 20 years plus.
That's all admitted.
Hidden in plain view, but in industry and governmental publications.
You'll never hear it on the news.
They'll have some fake debate about, is the NSA listening to you?
Should they to stop Al-Qaeda?
Why, isn't it reasonable that Bin Laden's trying to call his top man in Chicago?
Should we get a warrant, or should we listen?
Give me a break.
They don't get a warrant when they track exactly what you watch on TiVo, or what you watch on a scientific Atlantic cable box.
I remember reading in 96 when they were going to pay him 9 billion dollars to put NSA officers in to every major phone company hub in the country where every phone call in the country wires through it.
Now that's official and admitted.
Remember how many years did I say every major phone company has a classified floor or area of a building where NSA officers are there or contract employees and you can't enter?
And then you heard exactly that.
Why AT&T in San Francisco has a whole floor run by the NSA and their employees are blowing the whistle because it was put in in 96 and they thought it was legal but now they've heard this why they want to be able to tell the public what they know but they've been gagged and threatened with arrest under national security.
We don't need them to tell us.
It was in the industry publications.
It was in the laws they passed to fund this criminality.
So it all goes through the government.
That's on the record.
But remember that when the NSA did pick all this up in 2001, and every time the FBI tried to go out and stop the attacks, in Chicago, in Dallas, in Atlanta, in Phoenix, in Minneapolis-St.
Paul, in Oklahoma City, in Norman,
I mean, these dummy agents, these decoys that thought they were, quote, testing government security by going around saying they were hijackers at every topless bar, and running around drunk, and telling flight school heads they're gonna, you know, crash planes into buildings.
All of this is going on, and the FBI keeps alerting to it, the compartments that aren't terrorist,
And they get told, you'll be arrested if you stop them.
You'll be fired.
Don't you tell people what you knew will arrest you.
You've got a gag order on you.
National Security.
So, you know, we hear all this talk about, we need the NSA to spy on us to keep us safe.
The Pentagon, spy systems, the NSA systems, the FBI, they all picked up on it.
There was chatter everywhere.
I got on air and said, I'm getting told the government's about to attack the World Trade Center.
I mean, you know, Alex Jones knew in Austin, Texas, okay?
Every anti-terror FBI agent in the country that I've talked to, it was well known it was about to happen.
And they were told, you stay off the case.
No, no, no.
So see, point that out to people who want to be spied on by the NSA and act like it's some lollipop they got when they went to the barbershop.
It's my spying.
They're now equating it with being liberal if you're against being spied on.
You liberals just don't want the freedom of the NSA spying on you.
I don't have anything to hide.
They've been spying on you for the duration of the latter half of the 20th century and intensely the last 20 years.
And it's now been openly announced everywhere.
And the reason they're doing all of this now
Is so they can openly use it in court against you.
So they can openly claim they picked up the chatter.
They can't start claiming they heard Alex Jones in a phone conversation planning a terror attack if they didn't have a warrant without legitimizing it.
You see?
They have to legitimize it, set the precedent in the body politic that they can do this and that's all they're doing.
They've got to set the precedent they can yell and scream at you at the airport and arrest you because you forgot a small bottle of shampoo.
They want to set the precedent that they can arrest women who won't throw away their $25 lipstick or face cream.
They're just setting precedents.
They can visit toy stores that sell knock-off Rubik's Cubes and threaten to arrest people.
And they say, but this isn't terrorism.
And they say, infrastructure protection, copyright, patent, it is infrastructure.
Don't tell anyone we were here, you'll be arrested as a terrorist.
And that was in the Associated Press.
And you're meant to laugh at them.
It's meant to be... Because if they can send people to a toy store, folks,
You see, and even though you don't like it, you get conditioned to accept it, the next wild thing...
Isn't a big deal.
In fact, it happens to me all the time.
I see some crazy story and I don't even cover it because I've been conditioned.
Oh yeah, I've seen that ten times before.
I've seen that thirty times before.
You see, this is all psychology.
High-tech, scientifically applied, in a cold-blooded manner against everyone.
The cops are brainwashed.
The public's brainwashed.
The government people are brainwashed.
It is a matrix of control.
All around us, it is a system of control getting progressively tighter and tighter around our necks.
And now they're telling the emergency workers, they're telling the morticians, oh, half the public will die soon, and we're going to put everyone out on the ice, at the ice rinks, the dead bodies.
Now, obviously, that's probably not going to happen.
But, you see, if they can hype it and just make it ridiculous, fear and hysteria, and have thousands of people every week at different meetings around the country with the feds, telling them all this, creating this fear, you see, they're out there terrorizing.
That's what a terrorist does.
Give me the money or I'll blow the kid's head off.
They grab the child and they take him hostage and they say, I'm going to kill him.
Well, it's the government.
They grab the country and they say, do what we say or half of you'll die.
Bird flu!
Give us your shampoos!
Get down on the ground!
It's real!
It's real!
Never mind the trillions missing from the Pentagon!
Al-Qaeda hit us!
Al-Qaeda hit us!
Again, it was breaking in the Associated Press, Oregonian.
It was big news the week of 9-11.
Five days before that a trillion-plus was missing from the Pentagon.
Now three-plus trillion.
They already had that plan all lined up and ready, but when that came out, that's it!
Launch it!
Launch it!
Launch it!
They went from being on the edge of being indicted and arrested to being worshipped standing on piles of rubble at the World Trade Center site.
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Thank you for calling in.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Daniel.
A mega anti-tyrannical ditto is Alex.
This whole war on terror thing isn't test marketing so well lately.
And any marginally intelligent person can see it's clearly a fraud from end to end, as you say.
There's been a lot of speculation about what the next move of the new world order will be.
What if they fake an alien invasion?
You know, have an Independence Day-style attack.
Abuse ships floating around above the cities, blasting ray weapons, destroying everything, killing massive amounts of people.
Then the people will run to the government for help and instantly give up their rights to the government.
Their own documents talk about faking an AT invasion.
Your thoughts?
Well, I appreciate your call from South Korea.
Before I answer that, why are you in South Korea?
I'm just teaching English over here.
How do you like it?
It's not so bad.
I don't think they put fluoride in the water over here, so that's a plus.
Yeah, pretty smart folks.
Well, let me comment on that.
We know that the U.S.
government admits that there is a project plan to claim that aliens are attacking the Earth to unify for world government.
David Rockefeller talked about it.
There have been statements by Henry Kissinger about it.
The Rothschild family, this is mainstream news, has funded the Sci-Fi Channel and that disclosure project where they're out there in Washington trying to say the aliens are real.
And we know there's a big New Age movement to really bring this in.
We know there's been military tests with holograms to project Jesus, Buddha, aliens in the sky.
But I think more likely would be a threat from an asteroid.
And the world has to unite, you know, in some five-year project to build a big super space station to send the spacecraft out to nuke it.
And when we know that they've had meetings with Russia and others talking about forming a world government around defeating that asteroid outside threat.
But yes, if the elite got in enough trouble, and there was enough resistance to them, there is no end to the type of stuff they can pull out of their pocket.
Pull out of their hat.
What would you do if they come out tomorrow and say there's an ET threat from outer space?
Clearly, there's no reason why... You know, I've always done this and I appreciate your call.
I've always done this.
I've covered what I know, what's going on, what's happening, what I can prove.
And I know it's really romantic and it's big radio and a lot of folks talk about UFOs all day and it's very interesting.
I don't do that here.
Unless I talk about how most of the sightings are government secret projects, black op projects.
The SR-71 was built in 1955, in service by 1959, declassified in 1963, in service still by NASA for checking atmospheric conditions at high altitude and low Earth orbit.
It cruises at a declassified Mach 3 point something.
Now if you really believe that we've got a plane that's a space plane that was built in 1955, and if you really believe that's the fastest aircraft we've got,
51 years later, I got a bridge I want to sell you.
They were building space planes in the 60s that were much faster and bigger, and they quote always cancelled them.
You know, space planes with Saturn rocket boosters.
I've talked to Bob Bowman about this, he couldn't say much on record, but there are admitted
Huge, well NASA said in 2008 that they'd declassify it.
They said they had a project, they have several, for these big space planes, cargo haulers, which are a lot harder because they're much bigger.
We know they've got unmanned space planes, that is just, that all the major weapons publications, that is hands down, well known.
They have got, and what these use is, they're not carrying nuclear weapons, they're not carrying particle beams.
They drop solid
From 50 pounds up to a couple hundred pounds, uranium meteors, basically, shaped like a missile, aerodynamic.
They get up in a gravity well and they fire these into the gravity well with a small booster from orbit with precision down to a few feet with laser guidance from the ground or they can do it with GPS.
They're self-guided.
And these uranium bunker busters, solid uranium charges, when they hit the ground with meteor power, are more devastating in the actual damage to the stone, to the Earth.
They remove more mass than nuclear weapons of the same weight.
And those weapons are in orbit right now.
They could kill every leader on Earth in a matter of minutes.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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I think so.
Welcome back!
Just briefly on the unmanned space planes, they don't need to have them take off
Leave orbit like a regular aircraft.
You know, that's what they can do, or they can get into orbit, depending on the variant or the booster.
And they're designed, like the shuttle, to be able to come back into orbit to be serviced.
You know, back out of orbit and then to land at areas like Area 51 and other, you know, secret air bases.
But these drone robot aircraft, once they get up into space, are like a satellite.
And they've got added fuel so they can move around and wait in orbit.
They can circle around and at any point in the day be over certain targets.
And I've been told by sources that they developed literally hundreds of these, many different variants, and that right now it is an experimental type, smaller drone that is the main force
The main fleet, there's an armada of these things in orbit right now with these gravity well weapons, these meteor weapons, meteor guns is what it is.
And again, you speed up a big piece of depleted uranium to 20,000 miles an hour, and you shoot that into an Iranian bunker, or a Russian bunker, or a U.S.
bunker, that's really what it's for.
And I'll tell you who's in control of all this, the National Security Council?
And they report right back to David Rockefeller, Queen Beatrix, Queen Elizabeth, the Rothschilds, all of them.
And they're going to get more and more of this stuff in space, more and more of these weapons.
One of the main functions of the International Space Station, of course, is really military as a site so they can do orbital repairs on these.
But they're so inexpensive compared to manned spacecraft that if one goes bad or has a problem, they can just let it fall back into orbit.
Or they can simply send it out into deep space on its own propulsion.
Now, folks, that's about 95% of what I just told you is declassified.
The part about them already being in orbit and targeting all the world leaders right now at any one time, that
Comes from Bob Bowman and a few other people.
But we know that's what it's for.
Star Wars is an offensive weapon system.
And it doesn't belong to the American people.
It belongs to the New World Order.
And that's why you have so much governmental arrogance.
I mean, think about the genetic engineering technology they have and the military technology.
That's what's so dangerous about the fact that by 2011, three years ago, the Air Force announced half of its fighter fleet
will be drone and there was a report by 2025 that the entire fleet will be drone from from from cargo to to fighter to surveillance aircraft and that there will just be a very few limited cargo aircraft that will still have human pilots in them because they're simply older designs but the entire new fleet everything they buy in the future after 2011 will be drone
Or semi-drone.
It'll have a place for a pilot and a co-pilot, but it will be remote control.
And then you're going to have a large part of the fleet completely separate.
And so you can, a small elite can pre-program these and have them do whatever they want.
That way if troops won't, you wouldn't have to, you know, have our own military send a plane up and nuke a city and claim Iran did it.
Or you wouldn't have to have an 18-wheeler pull up with a nuke in it and blow up the city.
You could have a robotically controlled 18-wheeler go deliver it, pull it up, park it there.
Or, better yet, just have a truck driver go park it there who doesn't even know what he's parking in some government warehouse.
That's why the elite wants this system where everything's computerized, where they can give the orders where there's no way to basically catch them in what they're doing.
Let's go back to the calls.
Amy in Ohio.
Amy, go ahead.
Caller, can you hear me good?
Yes, I can.
Okay, there's a few things I need to talk to you about that I've been listening to for a couple months now and I've never heard you bring them up, but you do have them on your PrismPlanet.com site.
The Utah Rave and the Rave Act.
And the reason I need to know if you know anything about this is because this is also part of the, if it's a conspiracy, which
It is the truth.
I'm just a little bit nervous here, caller.
See, I've been following this.
I'm 31 now.
Same age as you, and I've been following this for at least 10 years.
And the musical kids, the government's also trying to control them through a force of paid-off cops.
They take things from kids.
They don't notify the parents.
They arrest kids at parties that don't even have anything on them.
Do you know what I'm talking about?
Well yeah, we've shown lots of videos of teenagers trying to have parties, and let's say there's 200 teenagers at a party, a rave, and if the police can find drugs on one of them,
They will then charge whoever put the party on with possession of the drugs, seize the property, and now they've started having paddy wagons and charging everyone if one person's found with drugs in a conspiracy to distribute, a conspiracy to be part of a drug party.
They've got a bunch of different charges.
And look, they're building new prisons all the time that are actually owned by the big drug cartels, so they've got to have a reason to get people into the system.
So this is a business, so it's not just targeting the kids, it's targeting everyone.
Okay, but the reason I want to bring this up is because there's a movement in the musical environment.
There's a movement.
When our forces, the good forces for God, go in towards the light of the Lord when this big war steps out, there's also going to be a musical war.
And that's what you had said a couple weeks ago or something, find something, find a niche that you're good at and follow with that.
There's a whole community of kids and young adults that are in the musical community that are doing their part, and I just want to let you know that part of the force is going to be through the music, and the RAVE Act, if you want to check that out thoroughly, that is part to control the music also.
I'm originally from Seattle, and I've been in Ohio for about two years now, and my last memory of Seattle
Okay, go ahead and finish the story.
I was picking up the garbage, and then I started talking with the homeless people, this big group of people, and I S-H-I-T-U-N-O-T.
Within ten minutes, a whole paddy wagon of SWAT cars came and surrounded me.
Yeah, I'm going to let you go, man.
We really don't appreciate that type of stuff on the show.
You know, if you want to be articulate and fight the New World Order, you really ought to just try to, you know... I know everybody's been talking like that's rebellious and cool,
Actually, it just puts you in a different class.
Real rebellion is being straight and strong and focused and articulate.
But yes, I understand.
There's more police than there's ever been.
And they don't investigate robberies or people having their cars stolen.
They go out and give tickets.
And then part of the time they'll do their job of going to your house when it gets broken into.
Then they can do nothing but take down a report.
This is all done by design.
I'm not even blaming the average cop.
It's the system.
And yes, I know what you're talking about.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kathy in Texas.
Kathy, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
And I have a couple questions for you.
I'll try to be real quick.
I've heard that the government intends to take the pensions of everyone, you know, the people who work for the national state government as well as the private
What do you know about that?
Are they taking the federal pensions too?
Well, thanks for the call.
Let me try to get into that a little bit.
They've been changing the laws quietly, going back two years ago, that private corporate pensions, I think Bush signed an executive order, they've changed them to where contractually you pay into the pension, but then you don't own the pension.
So it makes it easier for the company to divest that pension, to raid that pension, to invest it somewhere else, or to reduce it.
And yes, if you look at the total 90 plus trillion dollars of debt that this country is in, that's the obligation.
We currently owe 9 plus trillion.
At this time, we're that deep in the hole, but the obligation
Is it ninety-plus trillion and is exponentially growing?
The Federal Reserve in every country they're in, the central banks set up a system where they build up this debt bubble, they inflate the currency to a point where it's physically impossible
For the country, for the state, and for the average person to be a net saving or net asset group.
And the United States is now at the highest rate of debt we've been in our history, higher than late 1933 at the depths of the Great Depression.
That was the worst part of the Depression.
We are now in a greater debt ratio than we were then.
So it's designed to get you into the system.
Lots of pension funds have been raided, or reduced, or cut back.
And that's happening across the board right now.
And having a police state in place is more about then letting the private interest that own our government, run our government, carry out the raiding of the pension funds and the looting, which they always do under a fascist or communist system, once they fully come to power.
So we're saying that once they're in place, one of the big reasons for the police state is so they can do that and you can't resist.
Or so they can take your private property without paying you anything, which the Supreme Court has now ruled.
So the media kept talking about how, oh, they said private interests can take your land, and they're allowed to lobby, that's in the ruling, and pay off the local government.
So if I was a big businessman, I could come pay off the mayor, have him come take your land, but the dirty secret is, whether it's Piscataway, New Jersey, or New London, Connecticut, or Freeport, Texas,
They're not paying you in some cases, or they're giving you a fraction.
Your land could be $10 million on the tax roll, or $76 million on the tax rolls, or $300 and something thousand on the tax roll.
These are all real cases I just listed.
And they'll say, we'll give you $60,000.
We'll give you $1 million.
Or, in the case of Piscataway, we're going to give you nothing.
How's that sound?
This is how tyrants operate, and this is happening across the board right now.
So that's what I'm getting at with the pensions.
Now, they're not going to take your pensions entirely, most of you.
If you're like Enron or others, they will take it completely.
But most of the time, there will be a massive reduction, but then it won't be called welfare.
Uh, they will simply give you a government card through your state driver's license that's already been federalized.
It's really a federal ID card under Real ID Act.
And then you will have supplement creds for food, for water, for things like transportation put onto that card as a supplement after the major crash that comes.
And then that'll get you even more wedded into the government, and they'll just print more fiat currency and contract that from the ConAgras and others, because in this system, they're going to make sure the baubles... You'll still be able to go on a vacation every once in a while.
You'll still be able to have a DVD player made by slaves.
You'll still be able to have the tennis shoes that are the new symbol of status, not private property or freedom.
You'll still have little icons.
It'll be a softer type depression.
Are you aware of the
IRIS recognition systems.
That's going on right now.
Yeah, they're putting those in in the airports for four years.
They're putting them in more now.
First they beta tested them.
Now they're going in most of the airports.
They're going to make you retina scan and put your hand down and do a biometric test, a lie detector test.
And you'll be interrogated and it'll all be done randomly.
And they're going to have huge checkpoints on the highways all over the country where they're also going to do this.
Well, there's also a plan called CHILD, which is called Child Identification and Location Database.
Yeah, they're doing that in a lot of the public schools right now.
Yeah, it's coming to 21 states.
And actually, there's a press release by the International Biometric Group where Homeland Security had tested
All of the best, Irish recognition system.
And Homeland Security is now announcing that they're going to not just fingerprint Americans when they fly out to England, but now when you come back in.
So see, retina scans, thumb scans, all of it is about prisoners, checking in and out, prisoners.
Before I go, may I do a shameless plug?
Well, that's a good web address.
Thank you for the call.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Scott in Texas.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Just moved here from Chicago and got my wife bought for my birthday, Terror Storm, and she's getting on the truth wagon here and we're starting a big thing over here in this little part of the area of our new home in Austin, Texas.
But I wanted to touch base on some stuff.
I kind of emailed you some stuff.
I don't know if you got it.
You're probably really busy.
But I wanted to touch on the whole Jesuit Order and how they control a lot of the stuff that's going on and a lot of people don't know about it and how they created the Illuminati.
Do you know anything about that?
Well, I know there's different camps and so I get criticized because I don't believe the Jesuit Order runs everything.
And then there's other camps that believe that Jews run everything.
And then I get criticized now.
I am supposedly a 14-foot.
Trillion-year-old Draco from a distant star system.
And by the way, I'm not pooh-poohing you saying the Catholics have power.
I'm saying there's all these different groups from the serious to the absurd.
And there's now whole websites dedicated to how I am a top Draco shapeshifter because I won't expose the lizard men.
I'm also bad because I won't say that no planes hit Tower 1 and 2.
Planes clearly did hit it.
And so, I fight the corruption, I fight the evil, and certainly the Catholic Church has been taken over.
The question is when.
And the Protestant Church has been taken over.
And the Order of Jesus has been a very powerful organization for a long time, and power breeds corruption.
But really, tell us all about them.
Go ahead.
Alberto Rivera was an ex-Jesuit who came out of the Order and finally realized who Jesus Christ really was.
Just kind of exposed and told all the secrets and it's funny how they use the whole terrorism thing but quick story Nero had Christian spies go in posing as Christians and burn down some of Rome and blame it just to go ahead and start a war with the true Christians and then executed his spies.
But you know the Jesuits supposedly control pretty much you know everything in this series and
I can't talk about everything because you've got a show to run and stuff, but I would like to get in your hands.
Alberto Rivera was also killed by his own people.
I have no doubt some of that stuff goes on, but also you've got some of the folks that claim that the Catholics run everything, who claim that I'm a co-agitator, some baloney.
Again, I'm not just a draco lizard, I'm also a top Jesuit, and it's not true.
Well, I don't believe that to be true.
Well, I mean, that's my point, though, is I've researched some of the stuff people are putting out, and a lot of it's just baloney.
Not just that they lie about me and make stuff up and demand and try to terrorize me into having them on the show.
They then... I researched some of their other stuff, and it's just baloney.
But listen, I appreciate your call.
You send me your info, I'll try to look at it.
My whole thing is I can't make everybody happy.
I can't change the Dracos.
And the Jews, and the Catholics.
And really, I've looked at all three of those groups, and I just really don't think it's... Well, we know it's not the Dracos.
But that's because I'm a Draco.
Alright, Draco will be right back.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
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Noah, the last pope, called for a new world order a whole bunch of times.
He had all the major religions of the world, including, you know, headhunting groups from New Guinea, literally, at the Vatican, there at St.
Peter's Basilica, and said they were all the same God.
Now, I don't know about you, but I know a little about the Bible, and that's certainly not very Christian.
But I'm not a Catholic basher, folks.
I know there's a lot of good Catholics out there, a lot of them are my friends.
And what the Protestants are doing is pretty close to it.
And the new Pope has already called, what, in his office less than a year, twice than I know of, for a new world order.
So, yeah, definitely, I mean, when they're calling for a one world government, folks, it's not a very good picture.
Right now, I am honored to have in studio with me Robert Galen Ross.
He did work in the Army for the National Security Agency.
He did major consulting from Iran to Saudi Arabia for oil companies.
He's traveled the world and he's written quite a few great books that we carry at InfoWars.com, the secure online video and bookstore shopping cart.
One of Mr. Ross's most powerful books, very informative book, is the Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK, and MLK.
And so he's going to be with us for the few minutes we've got left in this hour and for the full next hour.
And Robert Galen Ross, with all that's happening with the terrorism and the police state here domestically and the war over in the Middle East, both in Iraq and in Lebanon,
Why should we be concerned now, today, about the people that killed Lincoln and Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy and, of course, President John F. Kennedy?
The reason is, Alex, that nothing of significance happens in the entire world.
It is not very carefully planned.
And sometimes it's planned over many years.
And so what is going on today, it probably was planned 25, 30, 40 years ago and it's happening and it's just history and we need to learn from it.
How many years did you study these assassinations before you wrote your book?
I first started in 91 and published this book in 95.
Well it's, I've read several of your books and I think it's one of your
If not the best book you've written, give us an overview of it and then I want to go into the next hour and later take some calls on this subject and then what's happening currently because it all ties together.
Tell us about the elite serial killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK and MLK.
Okay, just hit the high points.
John Wilkes Booth did kill Lincoln.
Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill JFK.
Sirhan Sirhan did not kill Bobby Kennedy.
And Jeremy Earl Ray did not kill Martin Luther King.
And so people have asked me, how do you tie Lincoln with JFK?
Well, and then serial killing.
They were both killed by the same family, not the same people.
And behind it all were the Rothschilds.
So in my book, I tell all the details of those four killings.
Who did it?
Why they did it?
Who paid for it?
Explaining this relationship of power, how do the Rockefellers hook into the big Rothschild power axis?
We know the Rothschilds, with the fall of Napoleon at Waterloo, had a fast cutter.
And writers get the message to them.
They claim that the British had lost.
And then, of course, everybody sold.
They literally bought 90, what was it, 7% of the market up.
And from then on, they literally owned the British Empire when that power took over.
I want to talk about how the Rockefellers correspond into that family, into that dynasty, at what level they are.
And then go through the Bilderberg group and a lot more.
But specifically talk about the assassinations of Lincoln, JFK, RFK, and MLK.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Robert Galen Ross is our guest in this hour.
Again, he's a military veteran, worked with the National Security Agency, did major consulting for oil companies as far away as Iran and Saudi Arabia.
And he is a great author and a friend of mine.
He's with us for this full hour.
I know we've got lines loaded.
We're going to get to your calls early in this hour.
He's written a book, The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK, and MLK.
And he's here to talk about that today with us.
I do carry this in the online video and bookstore at InfoWars.com.
And I hope you'll all get it because it's very informative.
Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it
And to understand how the elite at key points in history have killed leaders that weren't going along with their system is important.
Of course, I remember with Robert Gaylen Ross interviewing Madeleine Duncan Brown on radio, the mistress of LBJ, who exposed the JFK killing, and now even Bob McClellan, the lawyer for JFK, has gone public about LBJ bragging about it.
Robert Gaylen Ross, it's amazing to see the truth starting to come out.
Yes, the truth will eventually come out.
Sometimes it takes 30, 40 years.
And really, when Lady Bird finally passes away, and God bless her soul, but when she passes on, they'll come out of the woodwork and start talking about Johnson.
They don't dare talk about Johnson while she's still alive.
I remember many years ago, she supposedly got hopping mad when I had you guys on KJFK, a separate station here in town.
That was not pleasing to them.
The Rothschilds, they were already really powerful, but at the Battle of Waterloo, I talked about it earlier, and this is mainstream history, they had fast riders that got to the channel, then got on cutters, got across really, really fast, and got there hours before, about five hours before the news had gotten there, that Lord Wellington had actually won the battle, not lost it against Napoleon.
And so they announced that England had lost.
The stock market plunged.
He bought up almost the entire market.
It was close to 100%.
And they bought up the richest country in the world.
And the rest is history.
Robert, let's get into who the Rothschilds are from that point on.
Yeah, the Rothschilds, the first to be called Rothschild, was born in 1744 on Jew Street in Frankfurt.
And his father was in the gold jewelry business and collectibles and he got his training in one of the local banks and then went back into business with his father.
This time he was selling gold coins and rare coins and he started dealing with the royalty of Western Europe.
And some of his contacts, he'd give them a discount or a little kickback.
And finally, this led into when the ruler would need money.
He said, if you'll send the financial guy to me, I'll loan him the money and then I'll give you a little side money.
And so he started financing all the wars, and from about 1765 on, the Rothschilds have financed both sides of every war in the entire world.
And I'm somewhat of a novice historian.
I've read several big books on the Napoleonic Wars, and it's mentioned the Rothschilds were funding them then.
And then the French Rothschilds were funding one side, and the British Rothschilds funding the other side.
I mean, this just gets ridiculous.
And also they finance the reconstruction of the nations destroyed in wars.
So they can't do anything but win when there's a war.
Because the country's blown to bits, they're going to come in and totally own it.
The first person to be called Rothschild's mother once said, if my sons didn't want wars, there wouldn't be wars.
Oh boy, we'll be right back and get into the Rockefellers and the rest of them and how they like to kill politicians that don't follow their tune, that don't play to their sheet of music.
We will take your calls today on the global government, on the escalation towards World War III.
On my prediction, we're going to see a massive stage terror attack in the next two months.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
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I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Robert Galen Ross is our guest.
He's an author.
He's written a book, The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK, and MLK.
So, they're really rich and powerful coming up to 1800, 1806, Battle of Waterloo.
Now, they bankrupt the stock market and, again, on news that England had lost, it literally plunges down to nothing.
They buy up 90 plus percent of the market.
I forget, the number is like 97% or something.
It's incredible.
This is mainstream British history.
And they own everything now.
Everybody else is bankrupt.
They own everything.
Of the biggest empire on earth, plus they control what's left of Europe.
They financed the Dutch.
They financed the Swiss.
They financed the French.
They financed the Austrians.
They got their family everywhere.
But they really own England outright, which is pushing to set up its own central bank here at the time.
Andrew Jackson, by the thirties, is fighting them trying to set up a central bank.
Let's now bring us up to speed to Lincoln, and then we'll just walk through history if we can, Robert, Gale, and Ross.
We're now up to old hickory Andrew Jackson openly writing letters about the Rothschilds trying to take over our banking system.
Okay, now Lincoln needed money to finance the Civil War.
And at that time, the only people that had that amount of money were the Rothschilds in London, Paris, Frankfurt, and Switzerland.
And they were charging 24 to 36 percent interest on their money.
And so Lincoln thought about it, and so he went to Solomon Chase, the then Secretary of Treasury, and said, let's just print our own money.
And so they actually printed $449 million worth of what they called greenbacks and put them in circulation to pay the federal debt.
That's when the green money started.
That's right.
And it was very successful.
And so the Rothschilds couldn't stand for any nation, especially a fledgling nation like the United States, to create their own money and credit.
And so they actually hired
John Wilkes Booth to kill Lincoln.
Now, he was part of the Knights of the Golden Circle, which was founded by the Rothschilds, to split the United States into two regions, North and South.
Again, if you really study history, it's admitted the British were funding the South.
And folks, I'm from the South.
I'm not bashing the South.
You've got to come to grips with the fact the whole thing was manipulated.
Go ahead.
That's right.
The object was to split the nation into half and have them go to war.
And when they had used up most of their ammunition and killed most of the soldiers and gone heavily into debt, then the Rothschilds had the British stationed in Canada and Mexico, British Army, and the Spanish and French Army in Mexico.
And the idea was once the United States was very weak that these troops would come in and retake the United States back under the auspices of the Crown of England under their control.
And so Lincoln saw this coming and so he contacted the Tsar of Russia.
And asked for his help, and he sent his fleet to the United States, had a third off of the, anchored off New York City, a third in the Gulf of Mexico, and a third off California, and notified the British, the French, and the Spanish that if their troops crossed the border, that Russia was going to go to war against them on the side of the North.
So they stayed out.
Now, of course, the Czars were British-slash-German royalty.
In fact, the joke was, in photos, they were identical, because the breeding program was exactly the same.
Of course, the Brits later got their cousins back in 1918.
Again, a Rothschild-funded war, and every time an oligarch falls in Russia now, it turns out Lord Rothschild really owns Yukos Oil, all of it.
It's all a big joke.
That's come out in the Financial Times, but I'm skipping ahead.
Why did the Czars then want to help the U.S.? ?
I don't know the exact reason, but they sympathized with Lincoln, took his side, because they thought it was an unfair war.
But that actually led to the Bolshevik Revolution.
Now, the Bolshevik Revolution was headed up by mostly Khazarian Jews from the Lower East Side of New York City that were
Well, I know that's been reported on and that Rothschilds did do that.
I mean, you also had the famous Lenin's train car with 25 million in gold.
I think so.
Well I think it's pretty clear why the czars were their own elite at that time and they saw how England was going and picking everybody off.
So a way to stop them from doing that was to go basically support the United States
I'm trying to keep that together.
Now, fast forwarding, they kill Lincoln, what happens?
Okay, Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth, and at the time he had $8,000 on him, but he was an unemployed actor.
And so that really explains that he got his down payment from Rothschilds after he was able to escape from the back door of this
Tobacco Barn, the American soldiers followed Booth to this tobacco farm and they thought there's only two guys in there and said if you don't come out we're gonna we're gonna shoot and so Booth slipped out the back door and went to the coast and got on a ship and sailed to England and went to London and got his final payment from Rothschild.
From there he
He's buried in John Wilkes Booth's tomb, had very red hair, and John Wilkes Booth really had raven black hair.
And so Booth's granddaughter interviewed a number of people that were witnesses, and so she wrote a book about it.
It was a very long book.
And she also had documents that Booth had written from Bombay to friends in the United States.
Sure, I mean, it's on record that he also lived in London for a while.
Let's pass forward now to the Rockefellers.
How did they come on the scene in the U.S.?
Well, the Rockefellers, John D. Rockefeller, the first guy, was an agent of Rothschild, and so David Rockefeller is also an agent.
And that's John D. He got his financing for the oil business from the Rothschilds and so they've had a very close relationship ever since.
I went to the Bilderberg Group meeting just a month and a half ago in Ottawa, Canada and there was Queen Beatrix, there were the Rothschild representatives, there were the David Rockefeller was there, Henry Kissinger.
All these people, and we've gotten a lot of the documents out of there in the past, they're the ones setting up the EU, the American Union, all of this.
What type of stuff goes on inside those Bilderberg Group meetings from your research?
Well, Alex, I actually have documents, the minutes of several of their meetings.
And a very dear friend of mine in Frankfurt went into the archives and got a hold of these documents and sent me copies of them.
So I have the minutes of the first Bilderberg meeting held in Oostwijk, the Netherlands.
That was in 54?
In 54.
And David Rockefeller was there and he spoke about the economics of the world at that time and talked about the grand plan to create the New World Order.
Now he's now, two years ago, put out a biography and he says in it that yes, they're going to get rid of the U.S.
and he is against the United States and he is for one world government.
In fact, his quote's worse than that.
I ought to go pull it up.
Well, David Rockefeller is the only person to attend every Bilderberg Conference since it was founded.
And Henry Kissinger is the next most attended person.
The founder was Prince Bernhard, he was a big Nazi.
Now his daughter, his Queen Beatrix, is honored with Dutch Royal Shell.
By the way, their finances are officially state secrets of the Netherlands.
And by the way, this is a sad issue, but Shell Oil Company was
We're good to go.
Well, by peak oil, you mean their con... Well, we know that it was Dutch Rochelle that ten years ago, according to Greg Pallis, BBC, created the myth of the peak oil because they're trying to create artificial scarcity.
Well, there's two sides of that coin, and I'm not sure we'll ever know the real truth about it.
There's good arguments on both sides.
But we know that they're manipulating.
Well, all companies have always lied.
One fellow... Oh, I know.
I've taught people to deal with them.
I've got family that deals with them.
They're a bunch of crooked snakes.
That's right.
But let's get back to the assassinations.
Lincoln was killed because he created money.
Now, if you fast forward to June 4th, 1963, John Fisher of Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 instructing Treasury Department to print
4.5 billion dollars worth of silver certificates and direct competition with the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve notes.
So Lincoln and JFK were killed for exactly the same reason.
The Rothschilds don't want anybody competing with them in the money area.
Well, in fact, Lincoln reissued the original... Kennedy issued the original Lincoln Greenbacks.
Yeah, the silver skivvets you could redeem at any bank, federal bank, in hard silver.
Yeah, but right before he died, you can go to coin shops and buy these.
They're $5 bills.
They don't say Federal Reserve.
They've got a red stamp on them.
United States, no.
And he reissued the Lincoln Greenbacks.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, to continue with the elite serial killers.
We're going to get into that section now.
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There's too much confusion!
I can't get any relief.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We're here on the Watchtower.
And when you see their false political paradigm, it doesn't make any sense, but as soon as you find out the truth, it all makes total sense.
It's actually there, buried in the history for you.
Robert Galen Ross, great researcher.
We carry his book, The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK, and MLK, on the online video bookstore, video and bookstore, at InfoWars.com.
You can also go to his website, to, just the number, 2RIE.com, or 4RIE.com.
Pardon me?
The first one I've dropped.
I don't know where you're using that one.
Okay, great.
I just saw it here on the book.
Okay, www.4rie.com.
So, it's just the number 4rie.com.
And we have a link to that up on InfoWars.com.
Robert, let's run through it.
Okay, so they kill Kennedy.
Now, what do they do next?
I think it's interesting to go into the details on Kennedy.
There was a secret meeting the night before Kennedy was killed at Clint Merkerson's house off Preston Avenue in North Dallas.
And the reason I know about it is because my dear friend Madeline Duncan Brown was also in attendance socially.
And there were about 50 people at this social event and about 25 members of the press.
And Johnson arrived about 11.15 or 11.30 that night.
And as he walked in the door, Clint Mercer stood up and said, Okay, man, we can have our meeting now.
And so 25 men went into the conference room and closed the door.
And it just so happened that I've interviewed two of the people that were in that secret meeting.
And I've interviewed
Five people that were socially there.
And now, LBJ's lawyer, his lawyer for 20 plus years, has gone public about LBJ bragging about killing Kennedy.
Please continue.
Okay, so the purpose of this meeting, secret meeting, was to discuss the cover-up of the killing that's going to take place the next day.
And so, it's important to know who's in attendance in this secret meeting.
It was, Clint Markson was there, it's his house.
Hunt was there, Lyndon Baines Johnson, George Brown, the owner of Brown and Root, a fellow named John J. McClaw, and that's very important to get that name because at that time he was chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank and chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and agent of the Rothschilds.
That's how I tie the Rothschilds into this killing.
Also, Richard Nixon was there, J. Edgar Hoover, and his running mate, Clyde Tolson, his boyfriend.
And then there's the former mayor of Dallas, Earl Cabell, A. M. and G. Carter.
Oriel Thornton was also a former mayor of Dallas.
John Connally was there, and he knew that there was going to be a killing the next day, so you know that his percussion string was really tight the next day when he was sitting in front of Kennedy.
He knew there was going to be a shot.
In fact, there were witnesses that were standing right beside the limousine when Connally was, when the first shots were fired, and they heard Connally say, My God, they're going to kill us all.
Now, Lee Hargall is not a they.
You've said they are going to kill us all.
Now that's on record and you can see him on film footage as he's on the route the whole time, he's got his lips back over his teeth, he's clenched, he's totally nervous.
Because he knows he's in a car going, I hope these guys shoot straight.
That's right.
And actually there were, let me name just a couple more guys.
Yeah, Conley was the governor.
Yeah, John Conley was governor of Texas at that time and also
Malcolm E. McWallace was there.
He was at the secret meeting, but he's also one of the shooters next day, and I'll discuss that.
Cliff Carter was in the secret meeting.
He was the Executive Director and Treasurer of the Democratic National Committee, and there were three representatives from the Mafia there.
Carlos Marcello, boss of New Orleans Mafia.
Joe Civello, head of Dallas Mafia.
And Jack Ruby was in the secret meeting.
And let's just be clear, all the other people are just WASP mob, so you've got the Italian and Jewish mob there too.
That's right.
And in addition to that, there was a fellow named Larry Campbell.
He represented Jimmy Hoffa at this meeting.
Jimmy Hoffa couldn't attend this meeting, so he sent Larry Campbell to represent him.
And the Sheriff of Dallas County, Bill Decker, was in the secret meeting.
Clint Peeples was U.S.
Later became a top Texas Ranger.
So you have members of law enforcement, FBI, mafia, the oil executives, banking, all there to discuss this killing.
And they're all there because they've already done a thousand corrupt things before that to be at this meeting.
We'll be right back, so stay with us.
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Robert, Galen, Ross and I, your calls are coming up.
We're gonna get to you.
Jeffrey, Don, Mike, Mark, James and others, stay with us.
We're talking during the break, Galen and I, about the dead.
Dallas Morning News said $44 trillion about three years ago.
They had a big headline with some chief economists, private economists, looking at it and saying the real obligations are this.
Now I've read in the same publications that just in three years, once it starts compounding, it grows this fast, that the real obligation since Bush has accelerated everything, spending more money than all presidents before him, that it's really over $90 trillion.
But you were just saying that you heard the Treasury say the old number again?
The head of the Treasury Department said that, you know, they keep two sets of books.
The real debt is $49 trillion, and that was about a month ago.
I wonder why we're getting different numbers.
Well, regardless, it's a lot more than the nine trillion we're hearing that we have right now.
Obviously, can you explain to people, and I want to get back into assassinations, how these bankers set up economic systems that are designed to, quote, fail?
They're black holes meant to get us into debt?
Yeah, actually, the best example of that is the crash of 29, where the
The Federal Reserve loaned money to anybody for any reason up until early part of 29.
It's like credit cards now.
That's right.
And then all of a sudden they called in all loans, they stopped the printing of money, and the M3 money supply did about a 6% fall immediately.
How many people know the government can call in their, or the corporations can call in their mortgages all right now?
That's right.
And so people committed suicide, they couldn't borrow money to pay off their loans, and then they went into a deep recession because the banks wanted to buy up all the state banks.
The state banks weren't required to belong to the Federal Reserve System, and so they wanted to bankrupt the state banks or make them become members of the Federal Reserve.
And boy, after that, they did it!
And then they bought up industry and just land and everything.
This is an important subject.
We've got to have you on for another hour sometime via telephone or in studio just to cover that.
But Robert Gillin Ross, let's jump back into the assassination of JFK and then give us a short version on MLK and on Bobby.
The Warren Commission says that there's one lone shooter that fired three shots from the 6-4.
His name was Lee Harvey Oswald.
And I'm a Chinese jet pilot.
Now, Lee Harvey Oswald was on the 6-4 at that time, but he didn't have a gun in his hand that day.
But he was under CIA mind control.
And just as soon as the shots were fired, he ran down the stairs to the second floor to the employee lounge and was standing there drinking a Coke.
And by the way, it's admitted that he was seeing psychiatrists, he was mentally ill, he'd been in the weird Marine Corps high-level security programs, then been allowed to go to Russia, allowed to quote, defect back.
I mean, out there staging, you know, anti-Cuba, pro-Cuba rallies.
I mean, if anybody was a spook, it was Lee Harvey McVeigh Oswald.
But instead of being one shooter, there were actually six shooters and five radio operators.
And you weren't able to get their names.
Tell us about this.
All right.
The command post for this killing was on the second floor of the Texas School Book Depository building.
And on the second floor was a fellow named Cliff Carter, who was at the Clint Merson meeting the night before.
And then Carlos Marcello was there.
I'm sorry, it was Jack Ruby.
And George Reese were on the second floor and two or three others.
Sam Giancana was also on the second floor that day.
And at each of the four shooting locations, there was a radio operator.
Behind the picket fence, there were two shooters and one radio operator.
And I named those on the sixth floor.
There was one radio operator, a Hispanic lady named Ruth Ann.
I don't know her last name for sure, but she had driven to Oklahoma the week before to pick up the shooter, Loy Factor, who was also on the sixth floor.
And so, Lloyd Factor was on the 6th floor, Malcolm E. McAuliffe was on the 6th floor.
Give us some of the backgrounds of these shooters.
How did Charles Harrelson, in federal prison right now for shooting judges, where was he in all this?
I think he was one of the guys on the boxcar, the so-called tramps that they picked up.
Yeah, we know the Dallas Times-Herald took a photo of him being picked up by the police.
And here are these hobos in brand new clothes.
But anyway, so there were two shooters and one radio operator on the sixth floor of the Depository Building.
On the second floor of the Dow Tech Building, there was one shooter and one radio operator.
And on top of the Dallas County Records Building, there was one shooter and one radio operator.
Behind the picket fence was Jack Graham.
He was operating the radio and John Ernst and Clyde Faust were the two shooters.
So then we, as I said, Lee Harvey Oswald was on the 6th floor but was not on the shooters.
So when Cliff Carter, he said earlier he was on command post on the 2nd floor, when he says shoot,
All six shooters fired their shot immediately.
They didn't eject the cartridge.
They just immediately hid the rifle and casually walked away while everybody was screaming and running in all directions.
And so they just went into the crowd without being noticed.
Do you want to get more into why they killed Kennedy, or do you want to skip ahead to Lobby and MLK?
Well, the main reason that they killed Kennedy was because he created money, the silver certificates.
There were several other reasons.
He had fired all of the heads of the CIA because of the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
The CIA supplied the rifles for that shooting that day.
There were also Mafia members
Downstream from the motorcade in case they missed him at Dealey Plaza.
So there are a lot of shooters in Dallas that day, but in my book I name the ones that... And it's admitted the CIA and other intelligence agencies, wherever they are, contract with Mafia hitmen.
They like the separation and some of the better hitmen are Mafia because they get a lot of practice.
That's right, and so the night before the Kennedy killing, we already know that we had J. Edgar Hoover and his batty meeting with the Mafia.
And they did that regularly.
And there were a number of times in Senate and House meetings where they would ask Hoover about the Mafia, and he many times said that they don't exist.
Well, he called it a conspiracy theory.
Yeah, but... Yeah, the Mafia doesn't exist.
But there he is meeting with them.
And that's of course because they had all the photos of him and his boyfriend.
That's right.
I want to take a few calls here.
Let's skip ahead now to why did they want to kill Martin Luther King and Bobby?
Well, they wanted to kill Bobby because he knew a lot of the details of what was behind his brother's killing, but see, he was powerless because J. Edgar Hoover was head of the FBI, and all investigations started at the FBI, and all evidence went to the FBI.
So, in order for him to hold a real investigation, he had to become president and then fire J. Edgar Hoover and then have a real investigation of the murder, but that's the reason they took him out.
What really happened with Sirhan Sirhan?
Well, Sirhan Sirhan was there, I don't know whether you've seen the
Manchurian Candidate movie, but he was the Manchurian Candidate, the classic case of it.
Before the shooting took place, he was seen drinking coffee with a lady in a polka dot dress.
Her job was there to put Rohypnol or some other amnesia drug into Sir Hans coffee.
Because today he cannot remember about an hour, hour and a half of his life at the time of the shooting.
And so Bobby was there having a political meeting in the Ambassador Hotel and his next meeting was going to a fundraiser and the quickest way to get there was through the pantry of the hotel.
And there was about 50 people in this pantry, and the maitre d' of the hotel was leading Bobby through this pantry, and when they got the steam tables, the maitre d felt someone trying to get around to the right side of him.
He thought they were trying to shake Bobby's hand, but all of a sudden, sure hand, sure hand pulled out an eight-shot .22 caliber pistol and started shooting.
He fired all eight shots before Roosevelt Greer was able to get the gun out of his hand and rustle him to ground.
Now, all these witnesses that were in there in the pantry, none of them said that Sirhan got any closer than three feet from Bobby and was always in front of him.
And in my book I include a copy of Thomas Noguchi's coroner's report and all shots came from down below and from behind Bobby.
And there were also huge powder blasts all over his back.
That's right.
The first shot broke the padding in his jacket and on the right shoulder but didn't break the skin.
The next shot was under his armpit and came out his throat.
The next shot was in the middle of his, in his back about four inches from the shoulder.
And the last shot was behind his right ear
The bullet was an inch from his ear, behind his ear, and the muzzle of the gun was an inch from his head, so Surehand could not have fired that shot, or any of those shots.
But that's clearly in the coroner's report, and they tried to discredit the coroner's report, and tried to get him fired, but they're not successful because he's a very accurate coroner.
Well, it's the same thing with the ridiculous magic bullet with JFK.
I mean, you shoot a bullet into water, it deforms.
You have this undeformed bullet that's been pulled out of the end of an unfired casing, thrown on a stretcher.
This thing supposedly hit three or four bones and shot through two people in a seat.
I mean, that's just ridiculous.
Yeah, that was all Inspector's Magic Bullet Theory.
The bullet went through Kennedy and then took a right hand turn and went down and went through Conley and a couple of places and through the seat and then lay on the floor pristine like it had never been fired.
But we have the same people involved in the killing of JFK, RFK, and MLK, including J. Edgar Hoover.
Why'd they want to get MLK?
He was speaking out against the Vietnam War, and he was speaking up for the civil rights for the black people, and Johnson triggered it.
If he didn't get rid of King, that he might lose the next election.
And I've really researched that story.
It's the same thing.
That's totally ridiculous, what happened there.
I mean, the official story is an even bigger joke.
Yeah, and in the case of King,
James Earl Ray, in fact I was the last person to interview him in Nashville Prison before he died of cancer of the liver.
And we had about an hour's talk about it and I spent about three hours talking to his brother Jerry about it.
But he said he was a patsy and that his attorney had
His name was Percy Foreman out of Houston, and the attorney told him that if he didn't confess to the killing, that he would probably be executed.
And also his father was an escaped convict from Oregon, and the police knew where he was, but they didn't want to mess with him because he was just a low-level criminal.
They said they would pick him up and put him in solitary confinement for the rest of his
And there was a fellow named Raoul that was there that had James Earl Ray come to Memphis supposedly on a gun deal.
And so his attorney Percy Foreman told James that
They were going to brand his brother Jerry as being our Raul and put Jerry in prison and solitary confinement for the rest of his life.
And then that they would kill James Earl if he didn't confess.
But Percy told him, he says, now, if you will confess within two weeks, I will demand a retrial and we'll clear all this up.
Well, he confessed.
There was never a demand.
Percy left town and never entered the picture again.
So it was all a deliberate act to convict a Pesce.
Well, Operation Northwoods, always go back to Operation Northwoods, but here's this 15-page U.S.
government document.
Talk about hijacking jets, bombing buildings, doing all this to blame it on these foreign enemies to start a war.
But in it, it describes how to frame Patsy's.
It even says, we'll go shoot cops, or we'll go shoot people, and then we'll even grab Patsy's and blame it on them.
Well, when you get in the inner circle of our government, you have some very evil people.
This Operation Northwood you're talking about was created by L.L.
Limster, the chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, head of the military, plotting against, to try to give a false excuse to invade Cuba.
And now we've got the same type of crowd in control, but they launched it!
That's right.
So it just goes on and on.
Well, let's try to jam a few calls in here.
Folks, if you want the book, we've got it.
It's available at InfoWars.com.
It's the Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK, and MLK.
Thanks for holding.
I know that folks will be all over the map, but that's okay.
Jeffrey in Kentucky, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Sir, I was an eight-year veteran in the Army, and I'm a wounded soldier from Iraq, and I just recently ran into your program on the Internet, and I saw a terror storm, and just
I mean, I've dealt with explosives and stuff like that, and I've actually seen the in-depth stuff on your program, and it just kind of hit me in the face.
And since I've been back, I've been told many things, you know, since I've protested the war here in Kentucky, and that I'm not Christian, I'm not a patriot, you know, stuff like that.
And I've gotten really involved, not only in religious aspects of things, but also in certain things like this, since I've seen your program.
And you think, like,
The Dominists, like the Christian Reconstructions, and the Christian Zionists, and the right-wingers like Jerry Falwell and James Dobson, and you have at least a finger in something like this.
Oh, well, I mean, they're on the payroll to pacify, and again, Christianity is now worshipping Bush's lies, worshipping big government, worshipping the destruction of our country.
I know, I've been told, and it's told in churches, it goes, you don't support this warrior of the devil.
Well, that's not our religion.
Our religion isn't worshipping a lying, corrupt government.
I mean, you need to give them a copy of my new film, Order of Death, and say, you know, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, yeah, that's real Christian.
Robert Allen Ross, you want to comment on this?
Yeah, President Bush says he's a Christian.
Now, does a Christian go out and kill thousands of people and bankrupt a nation?
That makes me wonder if it really is.
Well, we know about Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove.
I mean, I heard they were doing a ritual.
I snuck in there, and sure enough, they go to it.
I've seen that stuff too, but the fact of the matter is, when I was over in Iraq, I saw the Muslim extremists versus the Christian fundamentalists, and then the Christian Zionists got their finger in Israel, buying up land and putting Jews there just to hopefully have end-days prosperity happen.
And that's one reason why I got out of the army.
I know, it's just total craziness.
You know, do me a favor, call me back on Monday.
I want to talk to you more when we've got more time.
Thanks for holding.
Call me back on Monday.
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We're in the final second before we run out of time.
I want to thank Robert, Gail, and Ron for joining us again in studio, my friend.
You bet.
It's always good to have you here with us.
I know we got loaded lines and I'm sorry.
We'll try to get to a few of you here in just a moment.
You were going to finish up one more story about the murder of MLK?
I said earlier that the same people were behind the killing of JFK, RFK, and MLK.
Well, H.L.
Hunt was involved in it.
In fact, I have copies of four checks that he wrote to pay off the killers of Martin Luther King.
And I got these from Madeleine Duncan Brown, who got copies of them from the guy that owns the actual cancel checks.
And for a total amount of $450,000, which is a lot of money at that time.
It was about $4 million adjusted, I would guess, from my memory with today's numbers.
We are carrying the book.
The elite serial killers of the Lincoln, JFK, RFK, and MLK at Infowars.com.
Also, Jim Meyers' new book, The Terror Conspiracy, not even out in bookstores for another three weeks.
We have that, and my new film, Terror Storm, has been released with the extras.
The final DVD is available now, and I hope you'll get tickets to see Jim Mars, myself, to see my film, and some Bilderberg footage I shot coming up next weekend, next Saturday, at the Lakewood Theater in Dallas.
Go to InfoWars.com to get those tickets, or call toll free to get any of the books or videos we've been mentioning.
Let's go now to Derek in Tennessee.
Derek, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you doing today?
Good, sir.
Hey, how are you doing, Mr. Ross?
Very good.
Great show today.
I've got three questions, and then I'll get off the phone.
First of all, have either one of y'all seen in the book H.G.
Wells, The Shape of Things to Come, page 13 in the introduction?
The Shape of Things to Come was a book outlining how to form a world government, and in it, it talks about the leveling of the skyscrapers in lower Manhattan.
The book was published in 1933.
Also, was the War of the Worlds, the first false flag terror alert, and then was the B-25 bomber that went into the Empire State Building in 1945, was that an attack pre-planned by the government?
I don't believe so.
You had a lot of planes coming back at the end of World War II, and there was fog, and it flew into the Empire States Building.
But certainly, H.G.
Wells was a globalist, was one of their futurists, wrote non-fiction books like the New World Order.
Thank you for the call.
You want to comment on that, Robert?
No, I don't think so.
Go ahead.
All right.
Let's talk to Mike in Montana.
Mike, thanks for holding.
Thank you.
Here's food for thought.
You know, small minds discuss people, and average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.
And you know, God's people perish because they lack knowledge.
Now, the greatest trick that the devil ever pulled off was convincing the world he doesn't exist.
You see, the key element that we have not been talking about here today is that there's evil in the world.
And there'll be, in all races, all people, all nations, evil joins them together.
Well, I agree with you, sir.
So we're here fighting.
The general public isn't even aware, Mike, that there is an elite government, a corrupt government.
We're at the point of trying to explain that to them so they at least even know there's a problem.
So all of this happens in steps, but I appreciate your call.
Robert, you want to comment on Mike?
Yeah, he's right.
Evil is behind all of this, and money is the root of all evil.
Well, I mean, it's these people that don't have any empathy.
And they just got to have more, more, more, more, more.
And they just don't kill anybody or anything to get their way.
Yeah, and the Rockefeller family is worth somewhere between $200 and $700 trillion.
Yeah, the Russian economist estimates it at about $300 trillion.
The Rockefeller family in 1998 was worth $11.48 trillion.
And I got this from one of the members of the royal family in Japan.
You go over to Japan some, don't you?
I go over there.
I've been there several times.
And the granddaughter of the Emperor of Japan is a dear friend of mine.
Yeah, I knew that.
Alright, folks.
God bless you.
Have a great weekend.
Robert, thanks for coming in.
Thank you, Alex.
It's been my pleasure.
God bless you.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.