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Name: 20060816_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 16, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, we had some guests lined up today, but I've cancelled them.
So I have plenty of time to cover the important news going on here in the U.S.
and England and the Middle East and around the world.
And so we also will have plenty of time to have wide open phones today.
And you're welcome to call in about the American Union now being formalized and publicly set up.
You're welcome to talk about all the new census data that most major U.S.
cities are majority foreigner, and the majority of the outlanders, of course, on top of it, are illegal aliens.
So the biggest group in every major U.S.
city is illegal aliens.
And the vast majority is foreigners.
Great plan by the New World Order to break down the United States.
It is their stated public plan and they're doing an excellent job.
Also, we need to talk about how it's finally gotten big attention by, you know, the Alan Combs Radio Show and Fox TV and major newspapers and publications and thousands of blogs
Thanks to you, the listeners of this broadcast, my second warning in five years of imminent government-sponsored terror attack has really gotten more attention than I hoped and prayed it would.
And we're not out of the woods yet, but if this continues at its current rate,
And the attention, by the way, started waning yesterday.
There's still a lot of attention on it, but it got a three-day spike of mega attention on the web.
If you can continue that attention on this report, if you can continue to get people talking about it, we may be able, just may be able, to back the Globalist off from launching a staged terror attack in the United States.
I mean, if they stage one now in the next two months,
And I'm even on the record on Fox National Television with my prediction and our analysis and the articles that Paul Watson has written about it, and the articles that you, again, literally hundreds of websites and thousands of blogs and message boards, it's going to from day one solidify the
The people's view to investigate it and to look at it from the beginning skeptically as a false flag government terror operation.
So I didn't thank you enough yesterday for the amazing amount of attention that this has gotten.
I frankly have gotten to the point where I like seeing other people get attention.
I like seeing other people make award-winning films that get more attention than I do because it is
Quite frankly, a dangerous, very dangerous position to be in out on the front, the tip of the spear, frankly carrying to, in many respects, the banner of the 9-11 Truth Movement and the Truth Movement itself.
It is not a mantle I want.
I've had to come out on air before and state the fact that I am carrying it when enemy agents
have been out on the airwaves claiming they're the leaders of the 9-11 truth movement and that we should just all go home and go to sleep and not be involved in it anymore that uh... that the movement is basically non-existent uh... i mean whether they're enemy agents on the payroll or unconsciously just just just just stupid people or bad people or so arrogant that
That if they can't lead it and control it, they don't want it to exist.
Regardless, those type of individuals must be stood up against and must be resisted.
So that's why I've made the statements that sound incredibly arrogant.
That I'm the father of the 9-11 Truth Movement.
That I'm the leader of the 9-11 Truth Movement.
I don't like being in that position.
I don't enjoy being in that position.
It's a certain type of melancholy.
I can feel the wings of death flapping, flapping around my neck when I realize that it is the truth.
We'll be right back.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Another former senior CIA analyst came out over the weekend, I never even got to this on Monday and Tuesday, and said, stop belittling the theories about September 11th, Bill Christensen, and he's writing for the Journal of 9-11 Scholars,
Where hundreds of individuals from different fields of academia, different disciplines, are researching and exposing different facets of the false flag, government-sponsored terror attacks of September 11th, almost five years ago, that were meant to bring down our constitutional republic and launch the imperial war of global domination.
And so later today, this isn't the top of my stack.
I'm going to get into this story he's written.
We talked to him yesterday.
He said he's not doing interviews for the next month.
He's busy doing more 9-11 research many hours a day and writing scholarly dissertations, reports.
But he said that as soon as he is ready, he will come on our show first.
So look for that.
And every few days, more and more respected heads of their fields go public and say, look, I didn't believe it, I heard people talk about it, I finally investigated it, and this isn't a joke, this is true, this really happened.
The globalists are counting on you to be like that 30% of the American people, who happen to be, what, 45 to 65, who don't even know what year 9-11 happened.
Also, there is a London Guardian report today, and there are several of these in the mainstream press in the Western world in the last day.
People are definitely skeptical, and this is a London Guardian report where they're reporting that many people, a large portion of the British people, when asked on the street, believe this is all staged.
And I have several of these reports here, where even reporters that believe the official
Fairy tales are saying, well the government's been wrong about all these other terror alerts and it looks like they're doing it again.
And people are going, wait a minute, it turned out that was staged in Miami.
Wait a minute, it turns out that was staged in Toronto.
Wait a minute, two and a half months ago they had that raid in London and it turned out that was totally innocent people, no weapons were found, no plans were found.
The government announced at first they had, but then it turned out they were just lying.
It's like someone's found with Vaseline and a little tool kit with a screwdriver and they shut down flights and turn them around and fly them back.
Or somebody's found to have a cell phone on a London-bound flight to the U.S.
and everybody panics.
You know, they don't take it away.
They don't turn it off.
They don't do anything like that until the person gets back.
No, no, no.
So I'm going to get into all of that as well.
Again, if you just joined us, we don't have any guests today.
I love great guests.
They have wonderful insight and help us see things from different angles and different perspectives.
But at the same time, I get frustrated when I'm not really able to take calls or when I do try to take calls and, you know, we've got 15 people on hold and they've been holding so long they don't have their thoughts together when I finally go to them and they, you know, sound like buffoons.
Really, we do have better callers when I do take a lot of calls and go to you quickly and we get to get a lot of new listeners who haven't been able to ever call in and get to get on board.
And so I will say today that I would like first-time callers.
Now, if you haven't called in a month or more, you can call.
But I just want to give people who aren't regulars, though I love our regulars,
I do this every few weeks.
I want to give people who are first-time callers or who rarely call a chance to join us on air.
And the toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
But before we get into the news and take your calls, I want to try to start the broadcast a little bit different today.
Do something a little bit different today.
And to start the broadcast off in a little bit different fashion, a little bit different way, maybe I should just tell you about my day.
I normally go to bed about 2 a.m.
after working.
And wake up about 7.30, 8 o'clock in the morning, sometimes 6 a.m.
to do radio interviews or to go eat a little breakfast and see my children for an hour and then go to work by about 8, 9 o'clock.
And then I sit there and read, I don't know, 30, 40 articles in their entirety, scan over another 50 or so, print them off so I have a hard copy of them, and then I come into the office about 10 o'clock and
Try to tell people what to do for the day or find out what they're working on and get their ideas.
Then I shuffle in here about two minutes before air time with a big stack of news that I generally only cover about 10-15 percent of.
Some days I cover more.
Some days I cover none of it.
And just descend into ranting and taking phone calls and having guests on.
And I'm always frustrated at the end of the day because there's so many things and issues I bring up that I just kind of
Hit a few buzzwords on and move on without ever really breaking them down to their basic parts.
I'll get up here and I'll say, making women drink their own breast milk and searching old ladies and searching World War II vets with oxygen tanks, something I think we've all seen who fly a lot or fly more than average.
That isn't about keeping us safe from terror.
That's about training us to be slaves and training us to be humiliated and training us to line up against the wall like this was Nazi Germany.
And I saw Governor Ridge on C-SPAN say it and it's in the documents.
Then I move on.
But I could, for hours, I could print all the articles, the documents, I could go get the transcript of Ridge, I could even go pull the videotape of it and have my staff spend hours grabbing the clips, and I could do a whole show about just that issue.
And I start thinking, you know, maybe I should.
Maybe I should just dedicate each broadcast to one subject, one item, kind of like I did with the JFK assassination for two hours with Jim Mars a few weeks ago.
That was our most listened to broadcast just off of web traffic ratings and other few indicators we used that those indices then match AM and FM data we're able to occasionally get.
But it's a good benchmark.
And then of course we had the latest terror alerts and then we hit the dwarfed any previous record on the internet.
We're hitting new plateaus, new levels just every week or so now.
It's exponentially growing.
Which again is invigorating and dynamic and exciting but also dangerous to be this deep in enemy territory, to be piercing, to be trailblazing, to be actually savaging their operations and force multiplying and defeating them.
Well, we're at the point of no return to say the least, but I digress.
But this really struck me last night, a major news reporter for a major television station, that's all I'm going to say, who many of you would know, listeners.
I got this call yesterday, so I call up and I'm talking to this person in the newsroom,
He's saying, you know, I didn't really believe the stuff you were covering.
It's the same conversation I have every day with other people.
With police on the streets, or school teachers, or auto mechanics, or doctors, whatever.
Or, you know, Marine Corps generals, retired generals.
It's a daily occurrence now.
I used to think you were a nut, but I took your challenge up, and I checked into it, and I found out it was true, but obviously I can't tell anybody.
I know it's true, but I know from enough people I've talked to that you can be trusted not to tell anybody that you've talked to me.
And I just want you to know that the type of footage I see that's brought in by the reporters, and I want to tell you some of the footage I've seen the last few days, it is TSA, and they changed their name a few months ago, but the feds are doing that to really confuse people, but the airport screeners, the homeland security screeners, that's what it's all under,
They literally are at airports around the country, and he said he's going to send me some of this footage.
Because they won't air it.
Screaming at people, hatefully shoving on women.
I mean, it's like what you'd expect people being delivered to a concentration camp would be treated like.
I mean, you see the movies where the people get off the bus at the prison,
You know, the captain of the guards comes out and starts, you know, yelling at them and telling them, basically, your lives are over.
He said it was worse than that.
And obviously, then all they're allowed to run with their producers and head people is the one or two people they interview out of hundreds that say that they love it and think it's great.
I mean, literally, just screaming and yelling at people, and I've already had it happen to me,
And I haven't flown in a few months.
Again, they know what they're doing.
And of course the moron screener doesn't know that.
I mean, anybody who was a good screener couldn't keep their job over a long period of time because it would be just too, you know, the humanity of violating people and knowing subconsciously you're doing something that does absolutely nothing to keep anyone safe.
You know, I mean, there are some good screeners.
They're the few that are nice and friendly.
And I've run into them.
But most of them are the individuals who get off on it.
It's just the primitive ego of dominating someone over and over again.
A normal person who's had some success in their life and who's had some love in their life and... That's why I love that U2 song, uh... You won't... What's the exact words?
You won't... You won't give me any love and...
You act like you've never had any love, or... There I am butchering it.
But I mean, that's just these... I feel sorry for them, actually.
It doesn't even really bother me now.
In the past, it would humiliate me, but... Now, I just look at, like, a... zombie... robo-android slave.
They're not really a human being.
They're just a programmed...
But you know what?
I'm going to spend time on this.
As long as it takes.
I'm going to go into... Because this airport screening is key.
This is a gateway into a whole new world.
So I'm going to spend time on it and take your calls and cover the news.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Again, my frustration is that my gift, if I have any gift, I'm just an average person, is that I can collate data and then hold it in my mind and see the big picture with that data strung together as a clear picture.
And really, you know, we're studying criminology and history and talking to a lot of
You know, detectives and police and others.
That's really just good old-fashioned police work.
That's what detectives in the past would do.
They really destroyed police work in this country and it doesn't really exist anymore.
But in police work, you would look at a big picture and look for a pattern and find out what's happening.
But my job is even easier.
The globalists, the crime syndicate controllers, the dehumanizers, whatever name you want to give them, the ruling criminal elite,
They are, scientifically, funding with hundreds of billions of dollars.
I mean, that's no exaggeration.
DARPA, the Defense Department, every major federal department, spends hundreds of millions, the Pentagon spends billions, every year, since the thirties, back when it was the Department of War, the War Department,
On studying just little facets of the human brain and reactions.
I mean, government figured out really a hundred years ago what dictators and ruling systems had already done instinctively.
You know, ways to manipulate populations.
They really codified and canonized and put into real volumes.
And from there it just got more and more sophisticated.
And so it's really frustrating and humiliating and very angry.
I'm very angry that, you know, I actually read some of these books and some of these publications and, you know, I'll go to the library and pull old British psychological warfare manuals from the fifties and read them, scan through them.
And, man, you read this stuff, it's exactly what's on the nightly news.
I mean, it's what's in the advertisements.
It's, you know, anything that's highbrow and sophisticated.
It hasn't come to Genesis Radio and Genesis commercials, but people kind of like that in a way.
I think people instinctively recognize it's just straight-up stuff.
But if you listen to fancy national radio, you'll hear some of the tricks from the bigger ad agencies.
And again, they're not approaching all of this from a standpoint at that level of, oh, we're just, you know, evil, controlling people.
No, this is just the basic handbooks
And they've taken all of the language out of it, you know, that makes it sound maniacal, megalomaniacal, and just state it like it's no big deal.
And so really what I want you to do out there is to really consciously, not believe me, go research what I've said, find out it's true, and frankly much worse, again, it's impossible to articulate how big this is, the picture I'm seeing,
And when you realize that there is really a cold-blooded elite openly calling you slaves, openly scientifically funding, I mean, you know, billions a year on how to flicker a television set to mesmerize you and get you into a suggestive mood.
I don't have to read government documents.
I mean, I've been given tours of the UT psychology department, almost the entire thing dedicated to public mind control.
I mean, I've been in there multiple times, and there's many areas I wasn't allowed into.
A lot of it's classified, but I was let in there by a senior individual over there, and I couldn't believe it.
I mean, in each laboratory, very little of it's actually for students.
Most of it's just for professors being funded in research, and in almost every laboratory, it has a DARPA sign inside the name of the project, who's funding it, and it was all the military.
And I mean, it's all how to control you!
I mean, how to flicker TV sets, and how to mesmerize you, and how to, you know, you'll see ads on TV for, I forget what the new ad is, I've watched very little television, but every ad I see is like this, where the guy's talking about some company, and in the background, there's somebody in a lobster outfit, stumbling around, falling down.
And I can go into, I can organically tell you the psychology behind that.
Just from studying human nature and just seeing it, and now I can see that in a lot of the ads, because it gets into a whole sophisticated realm of just one school of manipulation.
Then I see ads that are combining a whole strata, different strata together, different systems, and there's subliminals on television, there's flashing, there's numbers, there's letters, and that's all come out in the news, and I mean, you're just, I'm under, we're under total attack!
And that's why you try to talk to somebody, you know, who's a wannabe blue blood, you know, making $200,000 a year, and they think they're part of the system, and they're watching two hours of Fox TV every night.
And my God, I can look at Fox TV and see all the subliminals in the background, and the green and blue, and... I can go read industry publications where they admit that's subliminal.
I mean, it's not even denied.
And I mean, my God, you're... But you try to talk to one of these yuppie wannabe creatures, and then they'll just laugh, huh, yeah, they're subliminals, Alex.
And I'm like, no, no, it's admitted.
But the point is, I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna get into the airports.
Because that's just one little facet of the programming, and there's some facets I haven't gotten into.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Next time, you'll be buying me lunch.
We have a former top British ambassador.
Kevin just set him up for Monday.
I'm trying to switch it to Friday.
We've got Galen Ross in the studio, but we can still have another guest on coming up in a few days.
And this British ambassador has written a big article about the British government and others being involved in terrorism.
Former British ambassador.
And he also is writing a huge article
For the Washington Post, supposedly coming out on Sunday.
That's what he just told Kevin seconds ago.
During the break he just hung up with him and I was talking to Kevin just a few, what about a minute ago now.
So we'll get into his report as well that I have here in front of me coming up in a little while after we take some of your calls.
And for those that did just join us, again, I'm really excited that the listeners of this broadcast took action.
I want to thank you.
Continue to take action.
On my alert of last Thursday, where I predicted, barring a huge, quote, gargantuan effort by the American people and the people of the world to expose government false flag terror and 9-11, that we are going to have a huge terror attack in the next two months.
By late October here in the United States or England as a pretext to kick off World War III.
Though White House officials are now leaking to Cy Hirsch that Bush was basically ordering Israel through Dick Cheney in a meeting they had to go ahead and attack Lebanon and use any pretext to invade as a curtain raiser on the war for World War III for a widening event.
That coming out hurts the neocons.
The fact that even Fox News has covered my alert, where I've clearly stated that they will stage a terror attack, unless we get the word out.
That is hurting them.
Literally thousands of blogs and websites have picked up on the alert.
Many of you have written your own reports.
Many other journalists picked up on my story and wrote their own variants of it.
Like Mr. Chen at op-ed-news.com.
One of the best I saw.
As I mentioned yesterday.
So all of this is happening out there and you guys and gals have really gotten busy.
And to see us actually fighting toe-to-toe with the New World Order, to see you actually giving them a run for their money, I can only commend you from the bottom of my heart.
That is so exciting!
Now, just briefly before I go to all of these calls, I do want to just briefly get into what's happening at the airports, the humiliation, the pointlessness of it.
We've seen these different reports that come out that are just absolutely ridiculous.
We wonder, why does Homeland Security go to Puffer Belly Toys in St.
Helen, Oregon, just miles away from Mount St.
Helen, the little town there in the shadow of Mount St.
This happened three years ago.
Why do they tell her, we could charge you with terrorism because you're selling magic cubes that are knockoffs of Rubik's Cubes.
And she said, well, where's the complaint from the company?
The patent's up on these.
I don't manufacture these.
These are in... We interviewed her and it was in the Associated Press and the Oregonian and the Seattle Times.
We interviewed her, but it was all in the news.
And she said, well, where's the warrant?
Where's an order?
Where's the complaint?
I buy these from a major distributor.
And they said, shut up!
Don't tell anyone we've come here.
Don't ever sell these
She had ten cubes, little Rubik's Cubes.
Don't ever sell these again or you'll be arrested.
And you're not allowed to tell anyone we were here under the, and they gave the section of the Patriot Act, you're not allowed to tell anyone in a terrorism investigation.
She said, but this isn't terror.
And they said, yes it is.
They said infrastructure protection, copyright, everything is terror.
Trademark, everything.
This is word for word what she said on our show and what she told the newspapers.
And she
Wasn't a complete fool.
The children growing up in the public schools will accept this.
They are already under this.
Where you write about your Marine Corps daddy who's a captain and you talk about the gun he has and you're arrested.
Or you bring in plastic knives.
You bring in plastic knives into school as you're graduating.
As a senior, and you happen to be the valedictorian in one of the countless cases.
I'm going to stop right there.
Aaron, for some reason in my stack, I don't have that British Ambassador story.
Paul wrote it yesterday, but it was also the one in Guardian.
I was thumbing through here, and I wanted to get to that, and I was looking.
Somehow I didn't get it in my stack.
It's like yesterday's news.
It came out last night.
British Ambassador.
False Flag Terror, I think.
Something like that's the headline.
Will you print that and bring it in to me?
I'm a little flustered today because I'm trying to be calm and just really go over everything I want to discuss.
And I did something different this morning.
Earlier I was going to get into that.
Instead of getting ready for the radio show, I just said, well, I think I'll take my children to the park.
And I sat there under an oak tree with a golden summer light around me.
It gets up to about 105 here every day, but in the morning it was about a warm 80 degrees, sitting there in the sand.
I took my shoes off, stuck my feet in the wet sand, it rained late last night, and sat there and played with toy trains in the sand for about an hour.
Then I went to the neighborhood pool and swam some laps and basically didn't do much research for today's show.
I was just stunned by the beauty of God's creation.
I mean the way those oak trees, those live oaks, those huge 200 year old live oaks at that little park
The way they fan out, how it's like a hedge almost.
You know how you walk under them and it's like a hedge.
How straight they come out and how green they are and how beautiful they are and just the golden light around them and the green grass and I was looking at little natural Texas hedgerows or
Whatever they call those succulents, the type of little plant with yellow flowers.
I was looking at how beautiful little doodlebugs and ants were, like little miniature cities there in the grass.
And then my children, how magical they are, and just how you can see the handiwork of God in their eyes, their little innocent faces.
And the blue sky above me, and the majestic majesty of passenger jets.
Think of how magical that would be to a primitive man flying above me.
And I just looked at how nice everybody's cars were and how blessed we all are.
And how just wonderful life is and everything God's given us.
And I just feel so close to God and so close to creation.
I can feel my ancestors.
Going back hundreds of generations, I can feel the suffering and the labor and the pain and the conflict and everything they went through.
Can't you feel it?
Can't you feel the survival mechanism beating in your breast?
Can't you see how there's all this beauty and how conversely how ugly the new world order is?
How horrible everything they do is.
How they just... They are a black blight.
A rotten, cankerous, scrofulous heap of stench.
And I just... I don't even hate them.
I just... It's just... I detest them.
I just... It's like I don't hate a
A rotten horse that's dead in the road that you've got to tie a chain onto and drag out with a tractor down to a ditch.
And you wonder why the coyotes didn't come and get rid of it for you.
You know, you just don't want to look at the piles of maggots and the stench and the indrills all over the ground.
You just want to get the job done and get it out of the way and that's all I'm doing here.
I can't believe how evil these people are.
I mean, what type of people take young army corporals and march them into chambers telling them they're going to test the flu on them, and you nerve gas patriotic Americans and kill them?
What type of government takes little kids and radiates two-year-olds and tells their parents, oh, they just died on the x-ray table?
Or then the kid starts, you know, having horrible brain lesions and flopping around with blood coming out their nose two days later, depending on what dose they got.
Their fast-growing cells are all dying.
There's blood pouring out their hind end.
I mean, how does CPS in New York take little kids and feed them pesticides until they die?
And how in the hell do they put that in the New York Daily News and the people aren't storming down there to grab those bureaucrats and take them out to the big oak tree and hang them?
And what type of country do I live in that if I make a statement like that, that I know I could be arrested and charged for being a terrorist because I don't want to take little black kids and dump pesticide down their throats!
And something's wrong with me because I don't like that and I'm threatened by that.
Because I'm normal, folks.
I've got aggressive instincts in me.
I've got instincts to survive.
My instincts are honed.
They were honed when I came out of my mother.
And I know you've all got those instincts, too, and I don't know how they turned your instincts off.
I don't understand it.
I learned from their own statements and their own documents, almost 15 years ago, when I started really researching and waking up, on air for 12 years, I learned there was an elite that wanted to take my Second Amendment.
That was really the first thing.
And I learned there was an elite that wanted to get rid of my country's sovereignty.
And I read their own textbooks, their own statements.
And then I'd talk about it and people would tell me that it didn't exist.
But then I'd see people on the news saying it was good and we needed it.
And I said, that's double think.
That's mass mental illness.
When, if you say something's bad, then it doesn't exist and you're crazy.
But if you say it's good, you're an intellectual.
And so I set out to learn more.
And I set out to find out who these people were.
And I set out to find out how they were carrying out their plans.
And I found out all about it.
And every day I break through to some new level of evil.
Every new
Every new atrocity I find, every new open admission of how they plan to kill most of us, and how they call us a bunch of scum and a bunch of slaves, and I'm sorry, they're a bunch of scum!
And I want to bring them down!
And I've got enough faith in you people out there, and you men and women out there, that you'd at least, you know, even if you don't believe me, you'd at least, this stuff's important enough, it sounds pretty important, doesn't it?
You know, that you'd at least go check out what I'm saying!
That you'd at least try to save yourselves, save your family, do something about what's going on here.
You know, I talk a lot about how I have to look at the people who carried out 9-11.
Chertoff and Bush and all of them.
I have to look at Gonzales and all these people.
I have to look at them up on television.
I mean, what do they get?
What does the Keene Commission, all involved with the Bin Ladens, and on the Carlisle Group payroll, I mean, the conflicts of interest appointed by Bush, they're just gangster errand boys, they're to lie.
And I look at them on television, on Meet the Press this weekend, I was here at the office and the TV was on, it was Meet the Press, and there was Keene and Hamilton up there, and I thought, what do you guys get?
I mean, you get $5,000 suits and billions in the bank and you get to go around and act all official and, you know, have a bunch of mistresses and... So what?
I mean, what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his eternal soul?
And I know you guys can't be happy.
I mean, you cannot... Well, I guess they're so alien to people like myself that I guess they do enjoy it.
They like it.
I don't understand it.
These people will do anything for status.
They'll sell their grandmother out for a piece of bubblegum.
My grandfather would always say that.
Some of those people, Alex, out there, they'll kill their own mother for a five-cent stick of bubblegum.
I never knew what he really meant by that, but it's true.
There's people out there that
They'll do anything for possessions just so they can then feel good about themselves and strut around like primitive peacocks.
And again, I'm not even saying possessions themselves are bad, but really they're a hassle.
You gotta mess with them.
You gotta take care of them.
I just don't get it.
But what are the airports about?
Then I'll go to your calls.
I'll go to your calls and get into this ambassador saying we got government-sponsored terror, clearly, and it's the latest terror alerts and propaganda.
I'll get into another top former CIA analyst saying he didn't believe the 9-11 truth groups but he finally after four years looked at it and he can't believe it's all true basically.
Well of course it's true.
Everybody in their gut knows if you've got any connection to reality that 19 people controlled out of a cave didn't do all that.
I mean come on.
I mean, just on its face, it's a joke.
But, uh, you go and... Why do they arrest valedictorians?
Because they have plastic Dixie knives, because they bring a cake to have a party for their teacher to say goodbye.
Why do they arrest... It's always honor students.
An honor student who, you know, is in the 8th grade, who writes an article about his Marine Corps daddy, and how he has an M16.
Write a report about your parents.
Of course, there's another facet to that.
Those reports are now done on computers.
Those reports are really scrutinized by the feds and go into databases about your kids.
Oh, you didn't know that?
Yeah, I told you about it five years ago.
It's now mainstream news.
It's a side issue.
Oh, you didn't?
Yeah, that's why they want the internet in all the schools.
Everything to make your kids write is put on a database.
That's why they have you write reports about your parents.
And what's in the medicine cabinet and all the rest of it?
And tell us about your dad and your mom.
What do they do for a living?
Tell us about their career.
It's a Soviet-style report on your parents.
They got it into the database originally, quote, to search for plagiarism.
It started five years ago with a federal grant.
Then they admit they also cross-referenced it for violence terms.
You can't have that.
And there are analysts after AI computer systems designed by the NSA, similar to what's used to read your email, go through it, then it's collated and redirected right down to the principal's office, who then acts on it, never thinks why he's under federal direction.
The majority of schools now... Oh, see, that's a whole other fashion I never got into for you.
See, that's why I'm so frustrated, folks.
I know so much, because this is all I do.
And I know you could know even more than I do if you just spent four or five hours a day researching.
It's so horrible.
But I'm sorry, I haven't even gotten to the airports yet, you see.
But see, that's part of it.
Why do they do ridiculous things like arresting valedictorians for bringing in, you know, a little box where there's ten spoons, ten forks, ten knives.
Stripped of their diploma!
I see those cases every few weeks.
Zero tolerance is meant to be mindless.
The principal, we're real sorry, she's real good, but the officers were right to take her into custody.
She'll just be on probation now, and we'll let her go to summer school and still get her, but it'll be in her record when she goes to college.
It's about getting you into the criminal system, but it's about going to a toy store and harassing a toy store seller with Homeland Security, arresting homeless people under the Patriot Act.
It's meant to be ridiculous.
It's not... People go, they're just dumb!
The government's dumb!
That won't stop the earth!
It isn't meant to!
If they can automatically do incredible, stupid things, and have you comply with it, the sky's the limit!
This is all psychological warfare!
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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Romeo and Juliet are together in history.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
It's been said, and it's true, that
You're not truly alive until you're ready to die.
And it's absolutely true.
When you stop living in fear, and you start living in purpose, when you start taking action, and standing up for the little people, and building things, and being strong, and not selling out, it is so fulfilling.
And in closing with the TSA discussion, and we'll come back and
Got everybody's calls, open phones today.
For everyone that's holding.
It's meant to be ridiculous.
There's all these headlines and Jay Leno making jokes and don't bring on your lipstick you're a terrorist and...
If the government, and they've done this for thousands of years, they know this.
If they can make you do ridiculous, stupid things, and follow it, and not question it, and be trained to sit there and accept being screamed at while you're told to do it, even though you know it's ridiculous, you'll follow anything there on out.
A lot of military training is like that.
They'll tell you to do something really stupid.
You'll ask why?
They'll scream at you until you shut up and just follow orders.
And to see my fellow red-blooded Americans and red-blooded Westerners!
We have an illustrious past, my friends.
Barbarous indeed, but illustrious.
I love all the civilizations that have come and gone, but I look at Western civilization, it's been amazing.
And I see it being domesticated completely, and our people being turned into little cowardly creatures.
And I know, you know, you just want to get to the airport, you just want to get where you're going, you want to get on down the road and make money for your family, but it's getting to the point where we've got to just coldly, when they're being rude to us, say, hey, don't be rude to me.
You don't have a right to do that.
I want your name.
And I'm going to file a complaint on you.
And you know what, they may scream at you more and go ahead and slam you down on the ground, but if all of us or 10% of us start doing this, they're going to quit real fast and they're going to be afraid each time they do that.
But you gotta be cold about it.
If you get real hot, they think they got you.
Just be like, I don't appreciate you treating me like a slave.
You need to have a little bit of respect for the American people.
I want your name.
I want your supervisor's name.
Do you understand?
And if we've got 48% of the American people believe a 9-11 is an inside job,
That's Zogby, not Scripps Howard News Service.
Well, I guarantee you they've had major polls.
I've seen them where 76, 78 percent of people are against biometrics, and that's just what they know about it.
What if we all just start saying no?
What if we all start speaking up and getting aggressive?
You know, this little bitty tiny percent has intimidated us.
It's like one chihuahua intimidating a pack of Great Danes.
And I, for one, am tired of it.
What if we
Start asserting ourselves against them because that's all this is.
This is domestication training.
And of course the goon enforcing this on you, they don't know.
They're just low-grade morons getting ten bucks an hour.
So that's how this works.
Come back and take your calls.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Paul Atler, into hour number two.
I watched Philosophical last hour.
This hour I will get into former British ambassador says terror alert is propaganda.
He's writing a big article for the Washington Post about government false flag terror for Sunday.
He will be joining us on Friday.
We've got Derry Brownfield and Jerome Corsi tomorrow to talk about the American Union.
I'll get into all the news coming up later in this hour.
Let's get all these great callers out of the way.
They've been holding patiently.
We will have open phones for the next two hours.
Paul in Texas, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Great show, I love you man, and I think it should be open calls every day.
I know, we just have a lot of great guests that need to bear witness to what we're talking about.
Anyway, I have a very serious question.
If there was one place in the United States where you could move to where there's no illegals and no spraying, where would that be?
Well, I mean, you know, I don't mind being around the illegal aliens.
They're just here to destroy the economy and bring down the U.S.
I don't even dislike them personally.
I like a lot of them.
But there's nowhere you can go where there's no illegal aliens.
They're everywhere en masse.
That's in the census.
I looked at the census yesterday, and there's a color-coded map, and it seems to be like Iowa and all in around there, the Dakotas, there seems to be less illegals.
As far as whites are concerned, that was in the sentence.
But I'm just curious, so you just don't want to be around illegal aliens?
Oh, because you're worried about the leprosy and all that other good stuff?
I'm in Austin right now, and not only that, there was spraying yesterday.
Today I haven't noticed any chemtrails.
But I really want to be away from the illegal aliens and away from the chemtrails.
Well, I was going to say, the Dakotas, Northern Idaho,
I knew that Iowa has actually a dying population, but people are really moving out of Iowa.
It's a beautiful place.
You can get a lot of really cheap housing and things there.
I just got here to Austin, and a few days ago I heard you say that you were looking to get out of Austin.
Where are you looking to go?
Well, I don't remember saying that.
I appreciate your call.
I think I said I want to get outside of Austin.
And I think I've basically got my wife convinced.
The problem is I work in Austin.
I do a TV show in Austin.
I do a radio show on Kelby Jay in Austin.
I have family.
My parents live in Austin.
My parents are involved with their grandchildren almost every day.
They're good grandparents.
My wife's parents are good grandparents.
They're involved every few days.
The good thing about Austin is you can be in the hill country and just 30 miles outside Austin.
I probably will move at least to the outskirts because
They're building the modern cities as giant grids.
Let's go ahead and talk to Matt in Ohio.
Matt, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I'm a first-time caller.
Welcome, sir.
And I ordered your red, white, and blue special on InfoWars.
With, you know, loose change martial law on 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
My birthday is coming up and I thought it would be a good tool to wake people up in my own family.
Let me just put you on hold and give you the office number, sir.
This is a live radio show and occasionally, especially if you have a P.O.
Box and it's the U.S.
Mail, we have to, literally half of our mail problems, and we don't have a lot of problems, I'd say 99% of packages get there within a week, half of our mail problems are U.S.
specifically to P.O.
More than half.
And so, we are going to have to stop shipping to P.O.
In fact, I'm going to go completely, I'm going to give you a choice between U.P.S.
and D.H.L.
I'm sorry, I just, it's, it's... In fact, I guarantee you, if I go talk to this guy right now, it'll be the U.S.
Mail Service.
Give him our office number, please.
We'll be right back with more Your Calls, folks.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spies,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, so we're talking to Matt in Ohio.
We'll go back to him and George, Russell, Kevin, another Matt, and others.
Wide open phones today, 1-800-259-9231.
You're welcome to talk about the fake terror alerts and all the evidence, as usual, coming out that they were indeed totally fake and they just busted some of their patsies.
The government literally goes and creates groups and leads the groups.
They didn't own passports.
They didn't have bombs.
They didn't have bomb-making materials.
They didn't have plans to make bombs.
Shady, ISI, CIA-connected individuals who are affiliated with these people tried to basically get them to talk about doing it.
It's always the same.
It always is!
Just like Miami.
Admit it.
Mainstream news.
It was fake.
Totally a setup.
Just like Toronto, Canada.
Just like two months ago in England.
But the general public just hears they busted a bunch of terrorists.
They busted a bunch of terrorists.
They turned a plane back with a terrorist.
The government comes out and says, we think there might be a plan to put bombs on babies.
And they say, no one's told us this.
We've not picked this up.
We haven't heard this.
We just think maybe.
Then it turns into, you hear they busted that woman with a baby!
She was gonna blow herself up!
I mean, this is what... I mean, do you like being manipulated like this?
Do you like being lied to?
Do you think it's cute, America?
To be a bunch of idiots?
Alright, I'm gonna get into all of it.
I've got it all here in the stack.
Matt was calling in about one of his videotape orders, and I...
Talked to him during the break.
He ordered a week ago, and we're going to get it out to Matt.
But Matt said that isn't what he was really calling in about.
Matt, you had something else you wanted to add?
Go ahead.
Oh, yeah.
I was going to talk about, you know, I remember how you said we should focus in on one area of the New World Order and become, like, many experts on.
Well, I decided to really research on the North American Union.
Oh, that's, yes.
And I, over the last couple weeks, I've been getting tons of news reports, government documents, the SPP documents, and then also, I also studied the Federal Reserve and the IRS.
Well, report back to us.
What did you discover from your research?
Well, what I discovered was, I read the CFR documents, and basically they're saying this is
This is what we're going to do.
I talk to people who don't know anything about it.
They go, oh, they're not going to do it.
It's not going to go through.
That's called being in denial.
At first they would tell us for ten years it didn't exist, we were crazy, and they wouldn't read documents.
Now it's being announced on the news and they're saying it won't go through.
They're building the thing right here outside Austin, giving it to Mexico, and what do they think?
Yeah, and another thing I've done, like, in college and last semester, I did pretty good research on eminent domain for a paper.
And, you know, we have eminent domain problems here when, you know, they want to put in toll roads and farmers are fighting that and everything.
Well, good to hear you.
I really appreciate your call, Matt.
It's good to have you on board as a first time caller, and I appreciate you supporting us.
Let me comment on the free trade area, the Americas, the American Union, how all this goes together like a Lego set.
For those who aren't aware of this, we're doing two hours on it tomorrow, you should tune in.
But what everybody should be basically made aware of right now is this.
Every major highway in the country
The what there's 85 interstate major highways and 82 of them, excuse me, 83.
They've already announced I-35.
Eighty-three of them are openly already been seeded into the federal bureaucracy who has always claimed ownership of them, not the American people, and the bureaucracy is now handing it over to a multinational organization, or the Security and Prosperity Partnership, and
One-third of it will be manned by the Mexicans, one-third will be manned by the U.S., and one-third will be manned by Canadians, and they are going to mix it up, where one leg of it in Mexico will be U.S.
run, one leg will be Canadian run,
And one leg will be Mexican-run in Mexico.
And then one leg in the U.S.
of each of these roads will be Mexican-run.
One leg will be Canadian-run, and one leg will be U.S.-run.
And they will have, of course, delegates from each country in each group.
This is all official.
And to finish the roads in Mexico and Canada, the U.S.
is going to put forward most of the money, like we always do for global projects, like the IMF and World Bank projects and Ex-Im Bank projects.
And this is not just in the SPP agreement.
They want to have accompanying legislation, which is now introduced, which, you know, it's like Bush enforces secret arrest, secret prison for American citizens.
He never had a law.
Now he's trying to pass a law right now
I guess retroactive to like say, see I passed a law.
So people say, well that law in the Senate to build roads in Mexico and Canada, that hasn't passed.
It doesn't matter.
The Congress gives the money, whatever the Department of Transportation and the other twenty-something agencies under Homeland Security that's running all of this.
Chertoff is on the SPP board.
There's three people from the U.S., three from Canada, three from Mexico.
Do you understand that?
This is where Congress hands over, cedes, permanently, deeds, criminally.
It's total fraud.
I mean, Congress can't deed, say, the Washington Monument to George Bush, though Bush claims he's above the law and is the law.
I mean, I guess under their doctrine they could, but everybody would see that and say, no, that's illegal.
Well, how do they cede our major highways to the country of Spain that owns Centro
It's government financed.
Central toll road system.
How do they do it?
It's totally illegal.
It's been in the news that they've bought off all the politicians, which, and it's amazing.
And they're being given almost every, well there's 8,000 miles of roads plus, there's 7,000 in the whole country, and if you tuned in six months ago and heard me say, there's 7,000 in the country and we're going to have 6,000, that was the old number.
Now they've announced the state it's going to be 8,000.
So more than the rest of the whole country combined.
We're the big model state.
So is California, Oregon, New York, New Jersey, Kansas, Oklahoma is going to have a bunch, Missouri, Florida, but Texas is really where it's going gangbusters worse than anywhere else.
And it isn't a joke, it's happening!
And there are going to be port facilities
I looked at the government map, roughly every 75 miles, and they are going to have huge exit lanes, kind of like the weigh stations for trucks, but these things are going to be gigantic.
I looked at some of the designs of these and plans, and we're talking about a hundred times the size of a rest area.
With McDonald's and gas stations and stores.
But half of it will be huge lanes with Customs Police.
North American Union SPP Police.
And folks...
Again, you thought they'd have Mexican troops come down on parachutes, and you know, like Red Dawn, and it'd be Americans, you know, at the sporting goods stores, like, Red Dawn, get your shotguns, you know, take some food, go to the hills, don't come back, you kids.
It doesn't happen like that.
It's, hey, the Mexicans are here, helping us with our flood victims.
They brought soup kitchens.
Hey, Norwegian AWACS are here.
Hey, we're doing urban warfare in your city.
This time, the Marines came last year.
This time they've got Dutch and British troops with them.
Hey, we're actually going to run a checkpoint and arrest drunk drivers.
It's on the news.
Hey, they're helping.
You're not for drunk drivers, are you?
See, and it's... Well, yeah, I mean, we're down in southern Mexico.
It says in there the U.S.
will run the port facility where the Chinese goods come in in southwestern Mexico.
It's all official.
And right north of Austin, they're scheduled to have a North American Union checkpoint.
And they're going to have another one just past Waco.
And then another one just north of Dallas, and one up on the Oklahoma border, and one up by Oklahoma City.
And then the really big one, though, is going to be in Kansas City.
Oh, it's going to be fun.
And it could even be in the newspaper!
Well, you're not against the Mexican people, are you?
I mean, this is a highway we all fund, and their government's going to play a little money, too.
It's for trade, you're not for it.
I mean, come on!
See, I mean, this is how sick it's gotten.
By the way, I just told you about 2% of what I know about the American Union.
And by the way, I don't know very much about it.
I have sat up
I have gotten on the computer at nine o'clock at night, when we put the kids down for bed, my wife goes to bed, because she gets up at like six when they get up, and I'll sit there at 2 a.m.
and she'll come down for a glass of water and go, what are you doing?
And I'm there with bloodshot eyes, reading SPP, writing notes, and by the time I get here to the show, I'm so mad about it, and there's so much of it, that I'll just have, I guess, a few guests on to go over it, or I'll just blow up on air about it.
I mean, I don't even know what I'm supposed to do anymore.
I mean, at a certain point, let's say I told you about 2% of it.
Isn't that so horrible that you'd never put up with it?
Taxing you to build the Mexican-Canadian roads?
Transponders in your car?
And now the government's saying, oh, we don't care if you fight transponders and inspection stickers.
We're just going to use your cell phones from point to point.
But then the problem is not everybody's going to have cell phones.
So that's why they really want the transponders.
And we're going to give you tickets with those.
Well, you were going 85 and a 70 from point A to B. I mean, this is all being announced.
And they've said everything that goes on in the airports will be on the streets of America.
And just what they told us four years ago has now begun with the Viper teams, as they're called.
What's next?
Cobra Commander, you know, out searching people on the side of the road and in shopping malls.
And being yelled at and being screamed at.
And you're going to pull into these things?
It's going to be just like the airport.
They're going to randomly pull you over.
They're going to have your digit number.
And I won't be able to go anywhere.
You think the no-fly list is bad with planes?
It's going to be no-drive list.
And you know what?
It's going to happen.
So, people out there, roll in your eyes.
Five years from now, when this is in place, that's about how long it'll be.
Maybe even quicker.
Just remember.
Just remember.
Oh, and enjoy the new tax, too, on the toll road.
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I think so.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
So glad you could join us today.
I'm going to get into former British ambassador says terror alert.
It's propaganda.
I'm going to get into all these new news stories.
London Guardian.
Majority of the Brits think it's all fake.
Well, I mean, how many times do they have to get caught faking all this?
We'll get into all of it coming up.
But right now, let's go to George in Florida.
George, thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
My name is George.
I'm from South Florida.
I'd like your advice on school vaccinations.
I'm enrolling into a university that requires that I be vaccinated.
No, they have waivers.
By law, they cannot make you do that for religious reasons, and most states have implemented conscientious objection reasons.
And I don't know the particular laws in Florida, but I know that there is no university in the country, if they take government funds, a purely private one if they exist, could refuse you, but no school is truly private, and no big one that is.
Where they can refuse you entry, sir.
How do you think Christian scientists go to college?
How do you think certain religious sects go to college?
It's just not true.
So you need to go and find the relevant documents.
They won't want to give it to you because they get federal funds.
I forget how much it is on average.
I think it's close to $1,000.
Public schools, it's $4,000 per child to give you the Brave New World IQ-reducing shot.
But I don't know about your particular college in that area, but no, you do not, I mean, they try to make it next to near impossible, but it's all color or law.
I guess you answered my question then.
I just wanted to know how you would, you, if you were enrolling in school, how you would, you know.
Well, I mean, I'll tell you that the only people who have to be vaccinated, and this should be challenged in court, are medical providers.
And they've got to be vaccinated for Hepatitis B and C and a few other things.
And they've got to be vaccinated every three years.
And I think that's wrong.
I mean, my poor daddy shouldn't have to take all that stuff every three years.
But no one else, unless you're in the military, have to take that.
The police don't.
The firefighters don't.
And they try to tell police and firefighters all the time, you've got to take this, you've got to take that.
It is not true.
I thank you for your advice and I really admire your work and I'm going to endeavor to pick up the slack to my end.
I appreciate you.
God bless you, my friend.
Good to hear from you, George.
Thanks for holding.
Russell in Florida, welcome.
Alex, I'm sorry.
I couldn't hear the beginning.
It's okay.
Alex, I'm not a first-time caller, as you know, but I've got an important announcement to make.
I'm holding and sponsoring
A 9-11 Truth Citizen Symposium in Melbourne, Florida, September 9th.
I'm going to be showing Terror Storm and September 11th Revisited.
Jack Blood is going to be hosting the event.
Dr. Bob Bowman is going to be there.
He's going to be speaking, as well as Dustin Mudford.
He's also going to be there to speak.
And I sent the information to Kevin, but I just wanted you to know about it.
No, I didn't know about it.
Is there a website or something?
Yeah, actually, I sent Kevin the information on it.
Do you know the address?
Yeah, absolutely.
It's www.911truth.gothinkblog.com.
The website address is being sponsored by GoThinkBlog.
So that's why I figured I'd just mention it.
That's exciting.
What else is going on?
Well, you know, a lot of people are waking up.
We're good to go.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
I'll have to look into the information and find out more about it.
But it sounds great.
Okay, I'm going to go ahead now and take another call.
Let's talk to Kevin in Ontario.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex, you're a true American hero.
No, please, knock it off, folks.
I'm just doing my job, but thank you.
Yeah, hi.
I live up in Pickle Lake.
It's like a really isolated community.
It's got to be a three-hour drive from the next nearest town.
And, uh, it's a total Orwellian police state up here.
We have, uh, eight police officers for only three hundred people.
And ninety of those are kids.
I mean, we used to have a thousand people living here and only three cops.
And let me guess, you got cameras, they set up checkpoints... Well, it's a pretty small town.
I mean, there's no cameras around.
But, uh, they call it restorative justice.
I hear the music.
Stay there, I want to hear about it.
Yeah, I've heard of that.
We've got that here, too, under another name.
The reason I say that is, there are towns in Texas of like 25 people, and I'm not kidding, where there are cameras on every major street.
I mean, there's not a four-way stop in this state that doesn't have them.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We'll go right back to your calls here in just a moment and let Kevin finish up with a story about the town of a couple hundred people with eight police.
Before I do that, we've got something a little special here for you.
I've read almost the entire book, almost finished it last night.
It's the Terror Conspiracy and the publisher that put it out
I happen to be friends with the same folks that are going to be distributing TerrorStorm in most major stores nationwide.
I said, I want to carry it, and I want it right when it comes out.
So a big pallet of these arrived last week, and they said, no, hold off, don't sell them yet.
This doesn't even hit stores until September 11th.
And then the fellow called me up yesterday.
And said, you know what?
Go ahead and start selling them, Alex.
You can sell them before anybody else does.
So we have the Terror Conspiracy, Deception 9-1-1, and the Loss of Liberty.
And this is a humdinger.
It's easy to read chapters full of documents and diagrams.
The book itself is 482 pages long.
And it's by Jim Mars, who you know is a great writer.
And you can get Terror, The Terror Conspiracy, Deception, 9-1-1, The Loss of Liberty, which covers 9-11 and government-sponsored terror, really the history of it.
This is the key issue, and why and how governments do this.
It's a handsome book for those of you that read, those of you that like to read, or those of you that have a family member who likes to get their information by reading.
Then this is a book you absolutely must have, and we'll get this out to you as quickly as we can.
We're only about four or five days behind on orders right now.
We'd gotten to where we were shipping the day after we got each order, but we've gotten behind.
We've been so busy here.
But we've now gotten to where we're shipping stuff out, what, four or five days after we get it.
We've even hired another person in the interim to try to, in the next few days, get it up to the day.
Because I want you to get this book as quickly as possible, and so you will get this before it comes out and hits stores.
We have the Terror Conspiracy, and I'm honored they're letting us sell this book before it's even officially released.
How many days is that?
11, 20, 24 days?
24 days or 25 days before this book even hits store shelves, The Terror Conspiracy by Jim Mars.
And speaking of Jim Mars, you can go to InfoWars.com and get The Terror Conspiracy or you can call toll free 1-888-253-3139 or in 9 days from now, 9 days from now, or is it 10 days from now,
We will be in Dallas on the 26th of August, on that Saturday, at the historic, beautiful Art Deco, only stand-alone, one-screen theater left in Dallas.
Beautiful Art Deco, right by White Rock Lake.
If you live in Dallas or Oklahoma or surrounding areas, come on in!
You live in Waco, live in Austin, caravan up, families welcome.
I'm going to be there showing Terror Storm.
For what?
It's almost two hours long.
Then I'll give an hour-long speech and take questions and comments.
Then Jim Mars will take the stage for an hour, giving a speech titled JFK to 9-11.
He'll also be there signing his new book, The Terror Conspiracy, that we'll have out front for you.
And then I'm going to show about 35 minutes that we're putting together of the Bilderberg Group footage we shot up in Ottawa, Canada.
And of course, that was in early June.
And then we've got live music from midnight to 2 a.m.
Lounge style.
Great folks.
Shanghai Five and others.
So whether you want to come from 7 to midnight or come and stay the whole time, whatever.
It's going to be great.
We hope to see you up there.
So please, don't forget to get your tickets at InfoWars.com.
The first couple days we were selling the tickets,
About half of them sold.
Since then, I guess we've maxed out our limited Dallas audience.
We've been selling about 20 a day.
But we've never had an event, we've had about 50 events and one of them didn't sell out one time and had about 80% capacity.
It doesn't matter to me, but what's going to happen is that you're going to wait and you're not going to get tickets.
That's what normally happens.
And, you know, if we got 50 tickets left, 100 tickets left, we'll sell them at the door, but I wouldn't show up.
I mean, it happens every time.
We'll turn away 200, 300, 1,000 people one time.
In L.A., it got turned away.
1,000 people plus, really.
You know, 300 calls a day.
We sold out like a week before on that Monday, so a little bit less than a week before, and we got like 300 calls that day, 200 the next, 100 the next, 200 the next.
A couple hundred showed up wanting to get in.
So, don't wait!
Get your tickets now at InfoWars.com and get them there on the secure online shopping cart.
Get your e-ticket immediately or call toll free to get one.
And yes, my new film, Terror Storm, is out!
It's almost a two-hour film, and it has 66 minutes of extras shot at the 9-11 Neocon Symposium.
The highlights of that four-camera shoot.
So it's almost three hours long.
It's two hours and what?
56 minutes on one DVD, and it is amazing.
You need to get the official Terror Storm.
It is now out.
It is now available.
You can get it at InfoWars.com or again by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139.
I didn't do a plug in the last hour so this one's a bit more lavish.
So I will now go ahead and go back to your phone calls and we'll get into much of the news that I've already mentioned.
Right now, let's go back to Kevin in Ontario, Canada, or close to Ontario.
You say you're in a small town.
Tell us about the small town again.
You say it's a police state.
Well, like there's eight police officers for 350 people, and they're fighting to get three more officers here.
And that's on top of five police officers for the nearby reserve, which live in town and basically they're here all the time.
And that makes a pretty scary ratio of one cop for every 26 people.
They call it restorative justice, but that's just a cute little name for an experiment they're doing.
It's all rookie and probationary police officers up here.
It's terrible.
Sure, well it's a business, sir.
One cop can generate, on average, the number I saw here in Texas for a state police officer was almost $300,000.
So you pay this guy $35,000, $40,000
and uh... he has very little benefits and so he basically brings back to you uh... two hundred and fifty something plus a thousand dollars and this is the new business sir and then it's administered by government but implemented by corporations that that that that basically feed off the whole thing and you want to see Austin Texas I mean I don't drive anywhere without seeing one cop and driving to work today I probably saw fifteen
And I mean, they're just everywhere.
But then notice, now back when a city like Dallas had hardly any police, if somebody stole your car, they're going to come out there and they took it serious, and they were going to track down who did it.
And so people were scared to steal cars.
I've had a car stolen in Dallas and a car stolen in Austin, the police won't even come out for it.
Because they're busy out revenue generation.
They're busy out with CPS when a family is screaming and crying and stealing their kids.
They're busy down at the hospital stealing newborn babies for no reason.
I mean, I've seen it, folks.
I don't need to sit... I mean, it's going on.
And of course, they feel like they're doing their job.
They're busy, you know, doing this, and then we've got more cops at a higher ratio than the Soviet Union had.
Sorry, go ahead.
I mean, there's two demographics of police.
There's those that join to help people.
There's those that join to harm people.
And when you have all rookies and probationary cops, I mean, you know what demographic they're taking from.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Let me elaborate on this.
It's a business.
Did you know that the most popular degree now that you can get from Texas A&M, a good university,
It isn't engineering anymore, as it was in the past.
It isn't teaching.
Teaching certificates were the main one.
No, no, no, no.
It's not military science.
It's Homeland Security!
And I've heard these guys on air.
I've read their articles.
I've heard them.
It is how to run integrated systems tracking citizenry.
It's databases.
It's checkpoints.
It's every police state thing you can imagine.
It's federally integrating local departments.
So if the main thing the Feds will give scholarships for, if they won't give scholarships for engineers, hell, we've got folks from India for that, why shouldn't an American do it?
You see, by having now at many universities, UT is now one of the biggest too, by handing out at each university hundreds of millions of dollars a year
And that's just going on in Texas, of Homeland Security grants and tuitions for the students.
They're going to have to do something.
They're going to have to find care.
And that's why it's going to be toy store owners, and homeless people, and topless bar owners, and county commissioners.
I mean, this is secret police.
This is being watched.
This is being spied on.
This is being grabbed and thrown in a van.
This is what the country is shifting over to.
Not auto plants.
Not computer plants.
Not, you know, mom and pop glass blowing factories.
Not farming.
Not ranching.
Not, you know, leather shops.
No, no, no.
Not shoe repair.
Why should you get your shoes repaired by an artisan for 20 bucks when you can buy Chinese slave goods for 20 bucks?
It's the extinction of the original community, the organic, happy community, the diverse community of many different businesses and choices to the big box stores and next door to the big prisons.
You can be a jail guard, or you can be a homeland security data technician, or you can be a police officer, or you can be a
And so, of course, cops are going into Austin bars and hotels where some businessman has had three Miller lights in an hour watching a baseball game and they go, get up against the wall, that's three mirrors, I timed you in 57 minutes, you're under arrest.
That goes on in Dallas and Austin, Texas.
In the news.
And the police get up on TV and say, yeah, he had three Millers.
We arrested him.
You see, folks, this is the new system.
And through the bureaucracy, the way the guidelines are written, CPS will give a lady ten years probation, the police will in Texas, for cutting her son's tongue out with hot scissors.
But then I know families who've lost their toddlers because they had a dirty sink.
But I read every day about some child molester who's raped five kids and gets back out and this time murders one.
But I personally have been to the houses, I've personally read the reports, I've personally been to the hospital when they're snatching newborn babies because people are poor.
So, you think it's bad now?
We've gone from, what, 1993, 350-something thousand police to over a million now.
A million
Police in the United States, and that number's a couple years old.
They got all these new things that really aren't called police.
They got other little bureaucratic names for every agency.
Shoot, even the LCRA is a private corporation with private people running it and grabbing up all the water supplies and running scams seven ways to Sunday.
But they got their own SWAT team with machine guns and armored vehicles and they'll pull you over and shove machine guns in your face.
I've seen it!
And that's going to be the new America!
What's it say in the Declaration of Independence?
He has sent forth swarms of agents to eat out our substance.
He has
That's not the exact quote, it's prettier than what I said.
It's a better turn of the phrase.
Oh boy!
I mean, this is what we're facing as a society.
Can all the PR and the billions of dollars that are spent just on telling you how good the government is and how it loves you and how dangerous everything is and if it wasn't for the government, Jeepers Creepers, it'd be over!
If it wasn't for the government, the sun wouldn't come up in the morning!
But there's no government money to advertise that you're five times more likely to be abused or hurt in government custody as a child.
The most dangerous place for a child is in CPS custody.
Official government numbers.
But you've got to go nowhere to look them up.
Depending on the state, the numbers are astronomical.
Did you know that you are hundreds of times more likely to have a pedophile in your midst if they are a truancy officer?
Hundreds of times.
Different numbers come out on it.
Something like 25 times, last time I saw the numbers, school teachers, cops, principals, preachers,
I saw that number a few years ago on the Boy Scouts.
Well, why do you think?
Where do you think a spider spins his web?
It does it out between the eaves of your house.
Up there, right in front of the porch light.
Why does a spider do it?
That's where the bugs are.
The bugs go to that light.
Spider's smart, folks.
He sees all those bugs.
He goes and builds a web right there.
The people snatching your kids.
I mean, you wonder how does CPS come take innocent babies away from people that have done nothing.
Folks, a lot of these people are profiled.
They're mental patients.
Most of them were abused as children.
A bunch of them are pedophiles.
So they're either basket cases that think all parents are abusive and believe what the official Calhoun textbook says that UT uses for social workers saying, quote, the family is a disease that needs to be eradicated.
That's a quote off the current textbook.
I've got a copy of it.
I mean, you can't make that type of stuff up in a Philip K. Dick book.
I mean, that's so weird it's off the chart.
They've declared war on us.
And they're either basket case mental patients or they're pedophiles.
It's a pedophile cult, folks!
How's the government get criminals to do criminal things?
They go hire criminals, like Hitler and Stalin did!
You know what state and federal jobs have the highest levels of non-retention, the people quitting?
It is CPS.
I saw the number, something like 50-something percent, it was 55 I think, I saw it last year in the Statesman, of CPS workers quit after one year.
That's because over half of them were good, well-meaning people who thought they were going to go help, and they went.
Can you imagine being in the lunchroom with a bunch of pedophiles and mental patients?
I mean, you get out of there real quick, you're like, I'm here to really help kids!
I'm here to help kids when their mother chops off their tongue!
You're not wanted!
We're here to snatch kids to give them to adoption agencies that are paying off the politicians and the judges in this town.
We're here to get blonde-haired, blue-eyed babies.
We're here to grab mothers around the neck and make them sign forms signing their kids over.
Folks, I've seen it!
That'll wake you up real quick!
So, why is such a large percentage of police and school teachers
And again, it's still a low number with them, but much higher than the population.
But you get into... I'm gonna go pull those numbers.
I don't like just going off the top of my head.
I'm trying to remember.
But it's just astronomical with truancy officers.
And that's why normally when they get busted... Have you noticed in the paper?
It's almost always a cop, a school teacher, or a truancy officer, or a CPS worker.
I mean, when they catch them making snuff films, it's usually a CPS worker.
Down in Florida.
We'll be right back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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You can see, while this criminal government is getting bigger and bigger and recruiting more and more criminals to serve it, more and more sociopaths, more and more basket cases,
More and more sociopaths.
We're getting more and more disconnected.
Don't know our neighbors.
Don't get involved.
Only care about yourself.
And that really isolates all of us to where we can be fed on by this government.
And it's just getting bigger and bigger and bigger and going totally predatory.
And so that's what all this is about.
This is about training you to be a slave.
Let's go ahead and talk to Matt.
And Matt, where are you calling us from today?
Hey Alex.
First time caller, man.
Where are you calling from?
Collinson, California.
Hey, thank you.
I'm 25 years old and like most of the country, I'm pretty mad about what's going on and basically what my question was is that, you know, it seems like the youth today are totally apathetic.
Totally do not know what's going on.
Have no idea.
I, you know, bombard my space and everything.
I was just wondering what you thought, you know, as far as
The youth movement and how we should inform each other, basically.
How old are you?
I'm 25.
You know, it may be the genres or the cliques, or to put it better, the niches, the niche you're in, because either people call in and say, nobody will wake up, or they call in and say, everybody's waking up.
And I've had the experience of the youth of Central Texas, where I've really had my biggest effect, are awake big time.
So they're either super informed or they're super dumbed down.
And so you're never going to wake up everybody.
Most people in history are not actors.
They're not participants.
They're simply spectators.
And so if you're not having luck with a certain crowd, don't argue with them.
Just move on.
Plant the seeds.
Move on.
You can find plenty of groups that you can educate, plenty of people that you can inform.
I've been having a lot of luck on MySpace.
I know I'm a part of your group on MySpace.
Well, good.
So you're saying you're having success then?
Well, I'm having success as far as spreading the word, but is it actually being planted?
My question is that... Yes, sir.
I mean, believe me, it's off the charts.
The movement against tyranny is non-supernova.
I mean, it is exploding and exploding and re-exploding bigger and bigger every day.
I do feel that.
I mean, I do feel the presence with the 9-11 movement and getting truth out and whatnot is definitely working.
I just was wondering if there were any specific youth-motivated ways to go ahead.
Well, basically rebellion.
We are designed, and I mean a good type of rebellion, we are designed at about age 13-14 to start becoming rebellious.
That is an instinct, so we get kicked out of the hut
We're good to go.
And, you know, then we have our own children and then, you know, we move up the hierarchy.
Well, now we're in this complex grid where they're using our instincts against us, misdirecting us, and so you need to spell that out for the young people.
Go, we know you feel like this.
This is your instincts.
You can now become men.
You can become warriors right now and fight for your own futures and your own destiny and give them a true warrior mission and then they will truly be on fire.
Well, I'm telling you how to reach them.
You need to explain to them that the drugs are shipped in by the government, so they'll use them so they can put them in prison.
You'll explain to them that all of these fake anti-culture, culture shock movements really aren't counterculture at all, but are spewed out of the Defense Department's bowels.
Okay, and true rebellion is taking care of yourself, loving your family, being strong, and creating good things.
Well, thank you for your work, Alex.
We're out here rooting for you, and let the resistance go.
Let's go.
Sure, sure.
Well, let me ask you a question.
I mean, do you have any... Sure.
I mean, I don't want to just run over you with one of my ideas.
Do you have ideas that are good to wake the youth up?
Basically, waking them up to voting does not matter.
Stay there.
Let's talk a little bit more about this, Matt.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now already, if you can believe it, into hour number three.
I'm going to finish up with Matt and others, take five more calls, and I'm going to get into the news I keep mentioning.
Former Bush ambassador says terror alert is propaganda.
Another report here about how the Brits think the terror alerts are staged.
A bunch of news I'm going to be getting to here in about 15 minutes or so, so stay with us.
Right now, let's go back to Matt.
Matt, we were talking about ways of waking young people up.
And I think, really, that if you explain to young people that Sumner Redstone takes the most degenerate, self-destructive TV shows he can, groups he can, and promotes them until they finally catch on, that the establishment makes the counterculture.
If you explain that to the young people, that it isn't what you wear, it's what you believe and what you know, and that we're in a war for humanity and controlling our own destinies and for their futures,
And just inviting them to get more informed, that's how the path to defeating the globalists begins.
And so really, that's it.
I mean, we don't have to do everything ourselves.
Just plant the seeds, educate, do your best, move on.
Yeah, I mean, I agree with you fully.
But it's just so frustrating as a 25-year-old to see my peers obsess about Perry Hilton when
The world's basically just, World War III is about to explode, and American globalism is just on the march.
It's, you know, and like I said before the break, you know, to plant the seed also that the idea that there is no difference between a Democrat and a Republican.
That's also very important.
I think that's really important.
And then to show them the evidence of electronic voting fraud and go, does this scare you?
I mean, when the government's stealing elections, you know, that's not a good sign.
Well, when I, you know, just a little story, you know, when my first voting election, I was 18 years old, it was the 2000 election.
I didn't want neither Bush nor Gore.
But then I watched what happened in Florida and then 9-11 happened and all this is just a little too coincidental.
For this to just all, you know, be all coincidence, you know, Al-Qaeda's coming after us.
This has been a planned PNAC.
And you tell people this, and they're a little, little, you know, twisted.
They think you're a nutcase, whatnot.
But I know the truth, because I have documentation, and you've proved that over the years.
Well, the way you address it is, hey, here's an official U.S.
government document to carry out 9-11 style attacks from the Library of Congress.
Here's five examples of where our government admits they carried out terror, starting with Mosedec 53.
Hey, here's USA Today admitting the Gulf of Tonkin was staged.
That killed over a million people.
Give them Project Shad documents, you know, BBC headline, how British and U.S.
government killed their own troops.
I mean, cold-bloodedly.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, but they wouldn't kill us on 9-11.
I mean, you got hundreds of examples of where they admit all this.
You know, give them the articles where Bayer knew HIV was in every ampule and gave it to millions of people.
Well, the sad thing is that the schools, I mean, I only graduated, you know, five years ago.
Yeah, they won't even know what Bayer Pharmaceutical means.
They don't even know what pharmaceutical means.
No, no, I know.
They're just total idiots.
But listen, they've still got innate intelligence.
You can still show them.
Yeah, yeah, and luckily I've had a father who raised me to question authority and to actually research things rather than follow like sheep.
Once again, I applaud you for all your years.
I don't need that.
Listen, listen.
Listen to me, and I appreciate your call, Matt.
I really do not need to be thanked by people.
It is not about me.
They could strike me down next week or five years from now.
I don't want people going, oh, we need Alex.
We can't.
You are the leaders, ladies and gentlemen.
All I'm doing is my job.
I mean, I see a threat to my family, my country, of a cold-blooded group of killers.
Who brag about how they're killing my country.
And I'm fighting.
I mean, that is the bare minimum.
I do not need to be thanked for doing my duty.
You understand that, folks?
This is what I'm supposed to be doing.
This is what I need to be doing.
You couldn't keep me from doing this.
I can't stop.
It's instinctive.
Get back to your instincts, folks.
Back to your guts.
Get back to your guts.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, the White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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And ask for George.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm looking at a sniveling article from the neoconrag worldnet, Liberalism Daily,
9-1-1 Bush Bashers, on this 5th 9-11th anniversary, some who hate Bush will gather in New York to profane the memory of the 3,000 victims and will try to convince the country that 9-11 was not an attack by Islamic terrorists, but a criminal mass murder by the Bush administration.
Amazingly, a full one-third of Americans now believe the government is guilty of some conspiracy concerning 9-11.
Everything liberals believe about foreign policy was proven to be disastrously false on 9-11, therefore liberals must somehow deny that 9-11 actually happened.
Hey, WorldNetDaily, it's real conservatives, not neocons like you, that are leading the fight against the New World Order.
It's real conservatives that are exposing and leading the fight on 9-11.
Do not try it!
9-11 is being used to create the executive fiat power to get rid of our borders, to set up the American Union, to turn our country into a police state, and to invade a bunch of innocent countries.
So just shut up Jonathan Mosley.
In fact, I want Jonathan Mosley on.
Let's get him on.
After debating these characters extensively, I believe people need to know who they really are.
What does that mean?
What does that mean, after debating these characters extensively?
I guess that's implying he's done some big debate.
We'll give you a chance, scumbag!
Alright, maybe he's not a scumbag.
Maybe he's just a... doesn't have... maybe he's not very smart.
Maybe he's ignorant.
Maybe he's been... maybe he just doesn't... maybe he hasn't researched.
Jonathan Mosley, maybe this wonderful person will come up with us!
After debating these characters extensively, I believe people need to know who they really are!
Organizations like Scholars for Truth do not ask any questions and seek truth, but announce absolute conclusions that the Bush administration executed a criminal conspiracy to murder 3,000 Americans.
They offer science fiction, not science.
Remarkably, many 9-11 conspiracy peddlers spontaneously slander the Jews without rhyme or reason.
So, they try to claim you're all liberals or you're anti-semitic.
Where the majority of people exposing 9-11, I have to say, a little over half are conservatives or libertarians, and I'd say 10% of the stuff concerning 9-11 corresponds to Israel.
So again, it's a straw man.
A national conference broadcast nationwide on C-SPAN
Conspiracy leader Alex Jones announced that the American government has already collapsed and a shadow government is now running our country.
His talk radio host next announced on tape that Osama Bin Laden is now a paid agent of the CIA.
That's admitted!
It's all over the news that we've got a shadow government and Bosch is above the law and we're under total executive fiat.
I mean, what did I say?
Professor Steven Jones of Brigham Young University
A former Republican, by the way, and again, he's a conservative.
Professor Stephen Jones of Birmingham University accused George Bush of being a dictator, mimicking the preamble of the Declaration of Independence.
When asked if a violent revolution was necessary, the scientist declared, in front of national TV cameras, that there is no peaceful way to achieve the group's goals.
In the context of the question, Professor Jones was calling for the violent overthrow of the government.
Let me see, I've watched all that video, I've edited that video, I put part of that video in the Terror Storm Extras.
I don't remember him ever saying that.
James Fetzer, a philosophy professor at the University of Minnesota who poses as a scientist, though he has other degrees too, twit.
praised Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and promoted Chavez's proposal for an international criminal tribunal to put the Bush administration on trial.
Well, yeah, if anybody's a leftist, it's Fetzer.
So what?
He's a former Marine Corps officer, a patriot, and a good guy.
By email, Professor Fetzer accused me of being a Jewish.
Sadly, I am not, because I disagree with his theories.
Fetzer doesn't say Israel was involved.
Fetzer doesn't ever talk about Israel and gets criticized for that.
So, I'd like to see that email.
It's like that neo-con I had on a few days ago.
He was claiming stuff Ahmadinejad never said.
We went and pulled up his speech.
His letter to Bush.
I mean, these guys just write this stuff.
Or perhaps this individual, Jonathan Mosley, has already said in his article that we're really Jew-haters.
Maybe he said something like that in an email and then Fetzer said something back.
The goal is to convince Americans that there are no foreign enemies.
We can all drop our guard.
Stop defending America.
Don't be ready to fight.
Such garbage helps America's enemies to more effectively attack the United States.
First, Al Qaeda has repeatedly admitted planning, and he goes on, 9-11 attacks, on and on and on.
No, there has been a fat man, Bin Laden suddenly gained conservatively 150 pounds, if his nose type and cheekbone type suddenly changed, and if he suddenly spoke with an American accent of Arabic, and if voice print suddenly changed, then yes, he did.
You couldn't just look at the video and tell it was fake.
I mean, obviously you could, but just forget doing that.
Major universities in the U.S., Canada, and France all did voice prints.
It's 100%.
That's why you can have voicemail activated, you know, voice print where you get into your house with voice, get into your computer with voice, get into your phone system with voice.
It's voice print.
It's biometric.
It's very accurate.
And they ran old Bin Laden TV tapes, that really are Bin Laden, through it, created a voice key, they ran the fat Bin Laden tape through, it wasn't the same person!
It wasn't anything near, it didn't work!
Then linguists studied it, and it wasn't Osama Bin Laden!
Oh boy.
I'm going to go to your calls.
Denise, you were up next, and she just hung up.
You can call back, Denise, 1-800-259-9231.
You're going to be our first woman, first girl of the day.
That was going to be Al, Cory, John, and others, but I had to get into 9-11 here.
Okay, getting back to the issue.
Getting back to the issue.
Well, I mean, he just goes through saying how we're wrong and everything he says is either a strawman or isn't true.
So that's it.
I want Jonathan Mosley to come on here!
I'll be somewhat nice to him.
I want him and I want him now.
I want him to come on here and I want him to sit here in front of all of you and he'll deny everything I say.
I'll go Operation Northwoods.
Not true.
Just watch.
Not true.
Uh, he'll say, you're anti-semitic!
Or I'll say, uh, you know, well show me the email of Fetzer.
We'll do, you know, or that Bin Laden tape's fake.
Oh sure it is!
Sure it is, Mr. Conspiracy!
He'll have a lot of terms and buzzwords.
Alright, you guys have been holding long enough.
Uh, Al in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
Pretty good, go ahead.
Uh, did you hear about the Hazleton mayor up here in Pennsylvania?
No, tell me.
He has an anti-immigration bill.
They call it that.
Oh, I did hear about that.
Yeah, yeah.
English is the official language and they have certain fines for people who...
Yeah, I did hear about that part.
And which it is in Mexico, in which seven South Texas towns now fly the Mexican flag, no English allowed in court.
So they try to go after him, which the ADL and Southern Poverty and others are, and the feds are looking at it.
What you do is you go, well, wait a minute, why aren't you prosecuting El Senizo in Texas?
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, I've just seen today in the paper here that the American Civil Liberties Union has filed a suit against them.
I just don't understand the contrast of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Either they stand up for people or they don't.
I stayed up late last night and watched Link TV.
And I seen something called Larry vs. Lockney.
Where they seem to make, it was against the police state activities in school where they were drug testing kids.
Oh yeah, well listen, the ACLU does a lot of good work.
But then at the same time, they do a lot of bad work.
But let me tell you what the ACLU really does.
They're definitely a shill group.
Not all their members and not all their directors, but nationally and at the top, it's controlled.
And their job, they create bad case law.
They go into court and they lose cases deliberately.
Sorry, go ahead.
I just don't understand what they say.
Constitutional grounds.
What in the Constitution can defend illegal immigrants?
I don't understand where the... Yeah, they're all breaking federal and state law.
It's insane.
Where were they?
Because they're probably going to win because it says right here it takes three quarters of a million dollars for the mayor to fight back against this and he can't find any lawyer that will represent him for free and help the city out or anything.
He doesn't need, he doesn't need, he can get world pro se litigant experts, a lot of them have degrees but it doesn't matter, in there.
He just needs to stand on the law.
It's crazy.
I mean, I know we live in a republic, and it's not, you know, majority rules when it comes to the Constitution, but there's so many people that have been all over, even the hip-hop radio stations, rock radio stations, he's been all over the place, and everybody's been nothing but praised this law.
Well, it's like a federal judge in California said, it doesn't matter if you got a proposition to not give all the illegal aliens free births and free everything, and the feds said, I can't do that, because they're criminal.
It's like 97% of Texans don't want the toll roads, and that's what the Texans don't even know how bad it is.
I mean, it's much worse than they even know, and the government universally just says, go to hell!
They just say, I mean that shows the government is rogue!
And when you get a good mayor like this, they go after them!
I don't know, what would you, if you had to take a guess, I mean I'm sure you've seen things like this happen a hundred times, what legal grounds could they possibly go on to throw this local ordinance out?
Well, you know what?
All that mayor's got to do is say fine and back off on it and just have the police on those illegals and just arrest them every time.
And they'll move out of that town real quick.
Just start arresting them for not having their inspection stickers, for not having a driver's license, the same way they treat us.
You see, we've interviewed sheriffs who the feds have told them we won't pick illegals up.
And they told him just let them go.
I watch the state police right here in Texas.
The illegals are above the law.
It's well known.
They just leave them alone.
They need to start enforcing the laws on them, enforcing all the other laws, and doing it everywhere in this country.
That'll get them out of here.
But most of these mayors and police chiefs and the heads of the state police are a bunch of New World Order operatives.
Alright, thank you for the call.
Good call.
Good points.
Yeah, there's a couple of mayors that are doing that.
I mean, it's because it's bankrupting their cities.
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Well, that daily hit piece writer Jonathan Mosley builds a bunch of straw men.
I just got this article.
Kevin walked in and handed it to me while I was sort of covering it on air.
We've got it now up on InfoWars.com, and I'll get it up on PrisonPlanet.com for you.
And I went ahead during the break and read the rest of the article.
It's a big one.
And it's all straw men.
There's several other big headpieces out yesterday about the 9-11 Truth Movement, claiming that we believe that reptoid lizards from another planet carried it out.
Yes, I'm not kidding.
And claiming that we believe no planes at the towers.
And this is how they'll do it.
They've got their operatives out there that put out these stories that no planes hit Tower 1 or 2.
Planes hit those buildings, ladies and gentlemen.
Those who are witness, you can't do that with holograms or blue screens.
You see, they do that to make that the debate, so the media can then focus on that.
And yes, they can go out and find nuts out there that think that reptoid lizards run everything and you will pick up on it, some of you.
And then they can, sure enough, find somebody on the web that says that.
It's a straw man and thinking American sea right through it.
In fact, I'll have Watson, I'll write a story with Paul Watson about this tomorrow.
It'll be out by tomorrow.
And then everybody that's spouting the no-plain-theory at the North and South Tower, not all of them are government agents.
They are weak-minded people who buy into the program put out by the government agents to then parrot it.
And then the people that are out there pushing this no-plain-theory, they get real aggressive and they get angry if you won't peddle it with them.
So if you want to know if somebody is, A, stupid, or B, inoperative,
They're going to be peddling that, and I've got to come out against these people.
I don't like to have to be the chaperone of the truth movement.
I try to leave it alone, let everybody talk about what they want, let everybody come up with their own theories and ideas.
It's bad news to talk about pods.
It's bad news to talk about flashes.
It's bad news to talk about no planes set in the Pentagon.
It's bad news to get into all of that, and I've been saying this for four and a half years.
And I wish people respected me a little bit more and would listen to me.
I mean, I know what I'm talking about.
I think I've proven that to at least a certain degree!
What's the government going to do when we point out they blew up Tower 7 and the witnesses said it and firefighters reported there were bombs going off?
What are they going to do when there's CIA insider trading and Operation Northwoods and drills that day of the exact same targets being hit at the exact same time?
And PNAC saying they need a big terror attack?
And public officials being warned not to fly the night before?
And the Secret Service not jerking Bush out of there.
They're going to focus in on no plane hit Tower 1 or 2.
They're going to focus in on nuclear bombs were in the building.
They're going to focus in on helicopters have projectors in them.
They're going to focus in to 14 foot blood drinking lizards!
And that's it.
I'm taking the gloves off.
And I'm going to jump into this.
I'm going to go all the way.
We're going to write a flotilla of articles about it because I knew this was the next phase and now I'm seeing it.
They've got to.
They've got all these former deputy CIA, you know, individuals and high-level top analysts going public.
They've got former ministers of defense.
They've got high-level people going public everywhere with serious science and data.
And you're not going to see them on the news.
You're going to see it's lizards, it's nuclear flying saucers, it's literally.
And folks, there are websites that have me supposedly shape-shifting on my television show.
And of course, it's people watching internet video where there's pixels, and they think a pixel in the middle of my head is a third eye appearing.
And so of course the media and the government can either go out on the web and do that stuff themselves under an alias and then come back and claim we all think lizards run things or they can just go find nut cases that do think that and then try to make us all look stupid.
And I for one am sick and tired of it.
And you know I can tell these people are feds how they will try to bully me and others for a couple years to embrace all their poppycock.
They're Boulder Dash.
They will try to make me Alex Jones' government.
He won't say no planes hit it.
Tower 1 and 2.
He won't say it's blue screen.
That isn't how blue screen works.
That isn't how holograms work.
Oh, it makes me so sick.
And these people, most of them, are just total and complete agents.
And so if you see anybody promoting that, don't attack them.
Ignore them.
And then write articles without saying their names, pointing out how it's straw men.
Government, you can't attack us.
You've got to build a straw man, a paper tiger, and then act tough tearing it up.
You go up against the real thing, you'll get your head bashed in and you know it.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I just talked to Jonathan Moseley during the break, the guy that wrote this 9-11 hit piece on me, and others, and he's agreed to come on tomorrow.
He was ready to come on right now, but I figured we want more time with him, so looks like tomorrow
He's going to be on with us.
Oh boy, I can't wait for that.
Okay, I'm going to go to everybody here.
I guess, who's up next?
And then I'll get into the other news I mentioned.
Who's up next?
Corey in Toronto, Canada.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I just wanted to say thank you so much.
Well, I shouldn't thank you.
I want to say I want to appreciate all the work you've been doing.
I woke up about 10 months ago.
All the information you have on your radio show has really fueled my interest in a lot of different topics.
So I'm becoming more informed and I'm doing my own research.
So I just wanted to acknowledge that.
And I've also support your broadcast by
I'm a subscriber to PrisonPlanet.tv because obviously I won't be able to order these DVDs successfully across the border.
Well, we're changing that.
We're going to DHL for all of Europe and Canada.
And DHL, it's certified and guaranteed.
In Canada, you'll be getting orders in two days, but it'll take a week or so to get DHL in here.
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UPS works great inside the U.S.
It works pretty good overseas.
It's very expensive.
DHL is actually less than the U.S.
Postal Service to ship to Canada.
So it's going to be a great deal for everybody.
That's great.
I have three points I wanted to bring up, and I'll try to do this briefly because I know you've got a lot.
Sure, go ahead.
It's okay.
Go ahead.
First of all, I wanted to sort of give you a quick rundown of my week.
On Monday I was out at the birth certificate office renewing my wife's birth certificate for her and you can tell the police states come along because you got two OPP officers which is equivalent to state police sitting in this hardly crowded place just sitting there looking bored out of their mind.
I didn't know if they have ever been there before but I guess it was after this weekend.
Well I started putting all the pieces together when I started seeing more street patrols by Toronto police officers
And yesterday I was walking by the tallest building in Toronto next to the CN Tower.
It's called First Canadian Place.
And in their parking garage, they had a guard with a bomb dog out there.
So I thought, those are very interesting.
Obviously, they've heightened up this whole thing because of this terrorist liquid bomb threat.
And that leads into sort of my next point.
I'm actually traveling very soon.
I called WestJet, which is the second largest carrier next to Air Canada in Canada.
And I was talking about my flight, and I was saying, OK, what's going on with this liquids thing?
And I said, when are they going to lift it?
And she said, I said, Transport Canada, have they indicated anything about when they're going to lift a ban on some liquids?
Because I said, look, a sealed pop bottle comes from the factory.
It's just going to be really hard to reseal that and not be able to tell.
And she said, well, you're probably going to have to live with it from now on.
So, I thought I'd share that.
And you will expand out to the streets of America.
Well, listen, anything else you want to add?
Because I want to comment on what you said.
Okay, one last thing was I just wanted, actually, Marley, more for you, for your archive purposes.
On CNN last night, I don't know if you recorded the Situation Room, but Wolf Blitzer had a reporter on that interviewed a Canadian who actually worked as a double agent for the CIA and Al Qaeda, and he quit.
But his father was actually very close to Osama Bin Laden.
Anyway, he went through sort of talking about his experiences there.
But one interesting tidbit that I saw, and I kind of hooted, kind of cheered to myself, I couldn't believe he said, he said, he could not believe how much the CIA and Al Qaeda are very much related to each other in the way that they expect their people never to question what they're doing.
And ideologically, on that level, anyway, how
How they expected people to do that.
So he just couldn't live with that anymore.
I thought, boy, equating CIA to Al Qaeda right on CNN National TV.
I thought, that's pretty good, CNN.
Well, you know it's really all CIA, though.
Thank you for the call.
Of course.
I appreciate it.
Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of reasons for having these alerts.
It scares the people.
It trains us to go through more and more control.
But it also, for the government itself, gets them scared where they won't answer or ask questions or buck the system.
I mean, you know, they have the cops pulling double duty and out there on alert.
Well, it must be real!
It's an alert!
It's so sick.
It's all psychological warfare.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Michigan.
John, go ahead.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, sir.
How are you doing, sir?
I was just wanting to call in.
I know you were talking earlier about these phony terrorist things that are going on.
And I was back before the first of the year.
I was a victim of one of these phony terrorist attacks.
And I was accused of shaking hands with some public officials in a courtroom.
And I was arrested by a SWAT team and several agents of the Michigan National Guard Weapons of Mass Destruction team.
Well, what do you think they have?
There's nothing real going on terror-wise, so they've got to grab people, sir.
That's the whole point of tyranny.
So what did it turn out?
What was the reason?
What was the reason?
Well, I mean, I know you were shaking hands, but I mean, it's kind of like a... Well, it's kind of like a... Well, hold on.
It's like a jackhammer in the middle of the street, and the whole city shuts down.
Lockdowns in the schools, cops running around with machine guns for five hours.
I understand.
This is the mind control, but explain what happened to you.
Well, I was in court plating a ticket, and I had gotten some anointing oil from Pastor Peters.
I don't know if you're familiar with him.
Yeah, it's olive oil you put on your head.
Yeah, and I put the olive oil on my hands and I anointed a couple of items in the courtroom.
Well, one of the people saw me, and then next thing you know, they claimed to have gotten sick and gotten nauseated, and they went to the doctors and had all this urine out.
Oh yeah, this was in the newspapers, wasn't it?
Oh yeah, it was world news.
My cousins called me from Japan.
Possible bio-attack!
Yeah, I remember that.
Yeah, they came in and searched my home.
Let me ask you a question.
Why were you in the court anointing things?
I'm not saying that it was good.
The wicked fleeth when none pursueth.
But what I'm asking you is, what else did you anoint?
Just the podium, the bar in the courtroom, and the defense table.
So you were doing a little religious ritual in there, which if anybody knew anything about Christianity, you know, it's just anointing.
I mean, it's pretty much a, you know, you pray to the judge.
It is Roman civil law.
It's a temple.
They probably didn't like you doing a ritual in their temple.
Yeah, I brought in my religion into their church, and it doesn't work that way.
Well, for those who don't know, when you file a case, you do.
You pray to the court, you plead to them, and it's all religious.
Thank you for the call.
Yeah, that really does go on, boys and girls.
By the way, mainstream law books will tell you, the court is a temple, you pray to the judge.
It's not a joke.
We don't follow mosaic common law.
We follow the Roman law.
That's the black drapes.
They were officers of Saturn, the god Saturn.
And Saturn's people wore black.
That's why the police officers, high police officers, would wear black.
They were the bailiffs.
Then when the judge gave you a death sentence, his agent, the executioner, would wear black.
Hence we get the Grim Reaper wearing black.
By the way, that's an encyclopedia for you if you'd like to
So when your SWAT teams are wearing black, and the Nazis wear black, and the hangman wears black, now you know why he wears black.
The bad guy in the Western wears black.
They're servants of Saturn.
That's in Roman.
If you convert that over into the Hebrew, it's called Satan.
Saturn is Satan.
Of course, they believe Satan's God.
They don't think he runs around in red pajamas.
They think he's quite beautiful.
And again, you don't have to believe in that stuff if you don't want to.
I mean, the government does.
This is what you do.
The judge is in the robes of Saturn!
Up there, and you must pray to Saturn!
Oh boy, help us God!
This is from ProvenPlanet.com.
Former British Ambassador says terror alert is propaganda.
And we got that out of several mainstream news articles.
We have the Ambassador joining us on Friday.
Sunday he'll have a Washington Post article, he told us, today when we set him up about government-sponsored terror.
And this Sunday's Washington Post and it says Indians say group linked to liquid bombers controlled by Pakistani ISI.
And it goes on.
Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray says the alleged transatlantic liquid bomb plot
It's staged managed propaganda on behalf of Bush and Blair who yearn for a new 9-1-1 to absolve them of domestic political trouble.
Yeah, they sure yearn for it and are probably about to do it.
That's why I put the prediction out.
Murray previously blew the whistle on how the Bush and British government were using evidence obtained under torture in Uzbekistan
Inflicted on its population, U.S.
funded regime of Islam Karimov, the dictator who likes to boil people alive.
We have a link to the mainstream news on how he boils people.
Murray questions the intent and capability of the alleged terrorist to carry out the attack and offers the likelihood that evidence of the plot was obtained through torture in Pakistan.
None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb.
None had bought a plane ticket.
Many did not even have passports and were, by the way, 9-11 conspiracy theorists that, quote, watched 9-11 conspiracy videos and called the government to tell the government they believed the government was involved.
And they got put on the list to be picked up, folks.
Yeah, you're running around believing the government carried out the attacks of 7-7 and 9-11.
Undoubtedly getting it from us.
We're the main folks on 7-7.
Our stories, top of Google still, and it's just incredible.
And Christina Amanpour said that the terrorists believe 9-11 was an inside job, but they're terrorists, and so there's connections to U.S.
So you can see I'm trying to set it up where I'm supposedly with Al Qaeda.
This is just getting pretty ridiculous, folks.
In the absence of bombs and airline tickets, and in many cases passports, it could be pretty difficult to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that individuals intended to go through with suicide bombings whatever rash stuff they may have bragged about in internet chat rooms.
Yeah, mainly 18-year-old punks being led by real ISI CIA shooting their mouths off, if that's even true.
Then an interrogation in Pakistan revealed the details of the amazing plot to blow up multiple planes, which rather extraordinarily had not turned up in a year of surveillance.
Of course the interrogations of Pakistani dictator have their ways of making people sing like canaries.
As I witnessed in Uzbekistan, you can get the most extraordinary information this way.
Trouble is, it always tends to give the interrogators
All that they might want and more in a desperate effort to stop or avert torture, what it doesn't give us is the truth.
Murray describes the alert as more propaganda than plot and points out that of all Muslim terror suspects who have been charged, 80% have been acquitted and 2% have been convicted of the offenses related to terrorism.
The other 18, they get them on
Immigration charges.
Meanwhile, Delhi police in India claim they have concrete evidence that proves collusion between Pakistani intelligence services, ISI and the terror group, Laskar-e-Taibi, is carrying out militia attacks in India.
And that's big news in India.
That our government's funding Pakistan to destabilize India.
Because ISI is CIA.
One of the alleged masterminds of the liquid bomb plot, Rashid Raouf, is a member of the Lashkar-e-Taibi.
The ISI is a CIA front, and the CIA have privately ignored their control of terror groups while publicly lauding Pakistan's status as an ally in the war on terror.
Then notice how all the supposed attacks come from there.
On Monday night, it emerged that elements of MI5 wanted the liquid bomb plot to proceed and make the arrest only after the attack had taken place
Sacrificing an estimated 3,000 lives and ensuring Britain experienced its own 9-11.
I found a typo in Watson's article.
We've got to contact him.
Indians Says?
Group Linked?
It's hard though when you're writing a couple articles a day to get it all perfect.
We need to get that fixed.
That's one of them.
I've got the London Guardian here basically saying the same thing, but it's a
Five-page article until you get to it.
People are definitely skeptical is the headline.
When the government announced last Thursday that it had foiled a massive terror plot, broadcasters and newspapers were barraged with a wave of skepticism, skeptical views from listeners and readers.
Nearly a week on, are people still so distrustful?
Patrick Barkham takes to the streets to find out.
And the answer is he has to admit, yes, but maybe some people now because of all the news believe it and you guys are all just crazy and come around to reality.
Please, please, please believe our lies.
Please believe what we shovel you.
Please, the government loves you.
Sure, you can read of thousands of cases where we knowingly kill you with nerve gas and biologicals in your cities, civilians and military.
Sure, we put poisons in the drugs on purpose and get caught.
And sure, we're totally evil and steal trillions of dollars from you.
And you know, it just goes missing and no one investigates.
But just trust us!
Come on!
And then it turns out, it's the same as always.
It's totally fake!
See, you've got a problem, don't you?
Even the dumbed-down public.
Half of them on average now in England and the U.S.
don't believe anything you say.
And a big percentage of that half don't just not believe it, they actually know what they're doing and go researching and know exactly what you're doing.
See, most people now have caught you in so many lies, they just don't believe anything you say.
I don't like that.
I want them to know exactly how you do it, you murdering criminals.
You go ahead and pull your hair out and panic and call us names and build straw men and do whatever you want.
All the king's horses and all the king's men can't put your big murder and stinking New World Order back together again.
And you're going to get your New World Order.
I mean, you're going to bring it in.
You're going to bring it in and right as you bring it in, it's going to collapse of its own weight.
It's already collapsing.
It's kind of like your structure is so tall, so immense, that it's already started collapsing, but it'll take so long for it to collapse, you're kind of finishing the capstone right now, and you're like, what's that rumble?
Common sense, history shows all dictatorships, all tyrannies fall, no matter how sophisticated, even if they're quote, scientific, because elites get lazy and inbred, which you are now, and arrogant, and hubris filled,
But it's also written, it's also foretold, that you will fall.
But when it falls, it's going to squash a lot of us.
But I say, c'est la vie.
These people have got to be brought down.
And evil is always with us, folks.
It just regenerates itself.
But we go in a cycle.
And we are at the intensifying near bottom of a very dark and decadent pendulum swing right now.
The problem is,
People are so mesmerized in mind control, most of them still don't know it.
And I got another article here about people not buying the official story.
Of course we don't!
We know you're the terrorist!
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I think so.
We're good to go!
Well, I won't back down.
No, I won't back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down.
Welcome back!
Johnny Cash!
With Tom Petty right there.
I'm going to try to get to Larry and Kelly here at the end.
It's just this big World Net Daily article.
We got the guy coming on tomorrow that says, at a national broadcast, nationwide on C-SPAN, key conspiracy leader Alex Jones.
See, I don't think of the other key leaders, folks.
I don't like being the key.
I don't like the enemy.
And that's who these people are.
I just talked to this guy.
Oh man, talk about... We've got him coming on tomorrow.
Boy, you pick it up big time when you talk to these actual individuals.
At a National Conference Broadcast, Nationwide on C-SPAN, key conspiracy leader Alex Jones.
Again, I do not like that.
I don't like him recognizing that.
But I've got to take that on because there's too many disinfo people in our own movement.
I've got to take them on and I've got to take these guys on.
They'll be on the show with us tomorrow.
This Jonathan Mosley, this lawyer, this doctor.
Before we end this hour and go to your calls here, I'm carrying the new book weeks and weeks, what, twenty-something days before it's out in stores.
Twenty-four days before it's in stores.
I have The Terror Conspiracy, the new 9-11 book by Jim Mars.
You've got to get it.
It's incredible.
I've almost finished it.
It's almost 500 pages long.
It's available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139.
Or get my new film, Terror Storm.
The official final edition is out with the 66 minutes of extras on it.
The new DVD, the official DVD of Terror Storm is available at InfoWars.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
And Jim Mars will be speaking at our Big 9-11 event we're having in Big D the 26th of August this month, 10 days away.
Coming up on that Saturday, my new film, Jim Mars will speak.
I'll show some other video information.
It's going to be a great event.
Get the tickets before they sell out at InfoWars.com or again call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
Or get a membership at PrisonPlanet.tv and see all my videos right now there.
And your purchases does make this broadcast possible.
Let's talk to Larry.
Larry, where are you calling us from?
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
Good, where are you calling us from?
I'm calling from Ypsilanti, Michigan.
Okay, we're almost out of time.
What's on your mind?
Okay, I've got a few points I want to bring to you.
Number one, I've seen a lot of cars running up 94 and 23 and a lot of the local highways here.
uh... with bumper stickers it says uh... nevermind impeachment try bush for treason good so the word is getting out uh... number two i had a very lengthy conversation with the uh... undersheriff for washtenaw county and um... part of our conversation went to the uh... militia I fly a yellow flag that says don't tread on me yes
And he asked me why I don't fly the American flag and I said, well I don't believe in it anymore.
But he asked me if I was militia and I said, well if you look at the Constitution, it says that every male
Between the ages of 17 and 44.
I'm sure he didn't know that, did he?
He'd probably been told by the ADL they were Al-Qaeda.
Thanks for the call.
I'm going to give Kelly about 45 seconds.
Kelly, hit us, go ahead.
Hi, I actually probably won't get this in, but I was going to ask you about the anti-Semitism and, well, that sort of accusation being thrown at Ford, the original Henry Ford, and Lindbergh.
Yeah, and we won't have time to answer that.
Yeah, that certainly did happen.
Well, I mean, Ford did write a book about it.
Okay, I'm out of time.
God bless you all.
Take care.
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