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Name: 20060815_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 15, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome my friends to this 15th day of August 2006.
I'm Alex Jones, your host on this Tuesday edition.
We'll be here live for the next three hours.
We have a guest in the second hour.
I'll tell you about a little bit later.
We'll be looking at the actual power structures of the New World Order and how they operate with a guest who has just extreme knowledge on the subject.
That's my opinion and what the evidence shows.
So, I'll tell you about that guest a little bit later in this hour.
In the meantime,
There is a entire flotilla of important news and information that I want to try to rock it through in this first hour.
New interim census numbers in from 2005.
You always learn of the yearly census about a year late.
They normally do the census, collect most of the data mid-year, and then you learn of it the next year mid-year, which we have now arrived at.
And the New York Times is reporting that 60% of the population of New York are foreigners, illegal aliens, and legal immigrants.
And you'd be surprised to learn that in many Midwestern cities now, the majority are illegal aliens and legals.
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Under the American Union, unlimited will pour in.
And the conservative neocon host, the fake conservatives, will not tell you this.
I cannot state this in strong enough terms.
The country is disappearing and being dismantled right now.
It's going under the waves.
If we were a large ship sinking, our mast heads are sticking up out of the water right now.
Could we somehow, you know, put big
Inflatables in the ship and pump it back up and get it back to the surface?
But if it sinks much deeper, it will basically hit the bottom and break into pieces.
And I'm serious when I say that.
And that's why you're seeing Chertoff and Bush and Hillary and others celebrating it.
I mean, they are hunters.
They took down a big country.
That's why Fox News is celebrating.
They have brought us down, they have gotten full control of the wreckage, and they're using what's left of us, our basic meat, the heart of this country, as their substance to fund their operation, and it is a predatory criminal celebration happening right now.
And a large portion of America is running around giggling with American flags all over their cars,
Thinking that America is taking over the planet, they've gotten some power, and it's just so sad to see it.
I love this country so much.
It's where my family, of course, has been since the start of this country, since the start of Texas, and I just love the United States.
I'm one of those people that gets a tear in their eye when you sing the Star Spangled Banner.
But I realize that if you stand next to most Americans singing it, they're just mind-numb zombies that don't even know what the country's all about or what's happened.
And it's real sad.
Real sad.
But there's a little bit of solace in it.
All these yuppies and all these wannabes and all these establishment types, they're not going to get away with helping bring America down.
That is the servants of the system.
They're going to lose their bank accounts, their pension funds.
It's going to be real hard on them.
So I'll take some solace that the country itself, what's left of it, will be judged by our own actions.
All right.
Enough pontificating.
When we get back, Assad says American plan for new Mideast has collapsed.
That's the head of the government, let's call it what it is, the dictator of Syria.
Iran's president has a message for Bush.
I'm sure you've already heard about this, but I'm in the article.
That's right, Fox News.
You go up to PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or just go to Fox News.
I'm in the same article concerning Iran's President.
Pretty interesting.
There's so much other news.
We'll get into the illegal alien takeover and a lot more too.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, welcome ladies and gentlemen to the second segment.
We're 8 minutes 33 seconds into this first hour today.
I'm going to get into Fox News picking up my alert, my warning to the world that I believe that we see all the same indicators that we witnessed right before 9-11.
And that I have basically predicted that we will have a massive terror attack in England or the United States, maybe in Europe, but I'd say 90 plus percent chance it will be in the U.S.
or England, by late October.
And then after that point, you will see a real decline in the probability of an attack.
There'll be lots of fake terror alerts, as usual, and fake busts.
It'll always be the same.
It'll come out that it's fake, but it'll come out a week, two weeks, a month later, and be in the back of the paper, and the average person will just remember that they busted more Muslim extremists.
But Fox News did pick up on it, and did quote some of the things I've said.
Interestingly enough, they quoted some things I'd said on air instead of just getting what we'd written in an article.
So I guess Fox is paying attention to what we're doing.
I wonder if Fox Television will ever have me on the air.
I mean, I personally don't care.
It's not that big of a deal.
They're audience isn't really that big.
They're a legend unto themselves and their viewers basically are legends in their own minds.
Fox's biggest TV show only has 3 million viewers on a big night.
On their biggest nights.
O'Reilly's usually got about 2.1 million.
Folks, small syndicated radio programs have bigger audiences than that per hour.
There are some big city radio programs that have 500,000 people listening in a single hour.
Stations like KFI in Los Angeles or WABC in New York.
I mean, these are real numbers.
Can you imagine a show like Rush Limbaugh, 22 million listeners?
And by the way, I believe in Limbaugh because I know radio business.
That's just stations that they have that subscribe to Arbitron.
A lot of his affiliates do not buy the book.
You subscribe and have to pay to be able to even look at your own numbers.
And I'm here to tell you, Limbaugh's got more than 22 million listeners a week.
More like 22 million a day.
Biggest media event in the United States.
Bigger than any nightly news program.
Out there spewing his liberal propaganda, his lies.
And then we've got Hannity and the rest of them.
We have the only really good national host, because he does allow the First Amendment to be engaged in and does have a wide spectrum of users, George Norrie, with 14 to 16 million listeners on evening.
And it's a lot higher than that, I'm here to tell you.
So thank God for George Norrie.
Back to Limbaugh.
Limbaugh, I'm kind of digressing here, I like to do this, Limbaugh
When I call him a liberal, I don't believe in the left-right system, the left-right yardstick, the left-right map.
It really was created a hundred years ago out of what before had been seen as feminine male, or of the devil on the left, of the male of God on the right.
And really, it goes back thousands of years to Greece, really, and it goes back into Hebrew mythology as well.
Many primitives had the left-right system, but it wasn't put into politics, really, if you want to get technical, until the French Revolution, and then it became popularized in the last hundred years.
So I go off of tyranny versus freedom.
That's my political paradigm.
But if you want to, as conservatives out there, real conservatives listening, paleo-conservatives, if you want to use labels, then by the yardstick that conservatives use, Rush Limbaugh,
is really technically a fascist.
But again, the kind of neo-right-wing view of politics is so skewed that their term would be ultra-commie extremist.
And I'm not joking when I say that.
I mean, that's really what Rush Limbaugh pushes.
He'll put out some conservative rhetoric occasionally, but won't follow through.
Won't tell you who the real culprit is.
Like, he'll rail about open borders, but then won't tell you that Bush is behind it.
Or he'll make fun of a world government when presidents and prime ministers are writing books about it and legislation is being signed and deals are being struck openly.
I mean, I've heard Hannity before get up for twenty minutes on his radio show, and I knew it was coming.
He was how bad the borders being opened is, how terrible it is, and I knew it was coming.
The solution?
Bush's guest worker program.
That's like saying you've cut your arm off, so we'll cure that blood flow, we'll just shoot you five times in the head, and you'll die, so you won't bleed to death from that, you'll die from brain trauma.
It's like if you smash your finger with a hammer, instead of just putting a band-aid on it here, we'll just cut the finger off.
And let me tell you, these so-called conservative listeners, most of them are so, again, it's not even stupid,
They're so focused on kind of the raw, raw sports fan mentality, like George Bush is the Cowboys and the evil Democrats in the media.
Why, they're the Redskins.
And I'm just here to give you a newsflash.
The same owner owns both teams and it's all staged.
So, I don't know why you're buying tickets to a farce.
And I know some of you are so shallow.
Some of you neocons out there, I'm not saying professional football is staged.
I don't believe that.
That was an analogy, okay?
That's another thing neocon listeners do is they'll take anything you do and twist it instantly in their own minds to then build a straw man in their brain of you saying something you didn't to then try to prove you wrong.
I mean, I've dealt with you guys a lot and I don't know why you won't help me save this country.
I don't know why you make a million excuses and abscond with reality and try to divert yourselves from the awful truth.
The awful truth that we have massive gun control coming down on us, massive dollar devaluation, the total removal of the nation's boundaries, the end of the United States!
The end!
The total and complete end of this country!
By the way, I've got coming on Derry Brownfield tomorrow.
Or is it Thursday?
And I've also got Jerome Corsi coming on.
We're doing several interviews this week about the American Union, which is here.
And notice, we're not hearing about the American Union anymore.
We're not hearing about the open borders anymore.
All we're hearing about is Hezbollah and Israel and World War III and the terrorists are going to get us any minute.
We now have the official inside sources from England and the U.S.
from the London Independent, very respected, but even more respected, Cy Hirsch.
I mean, I've gone back in the archives and read articles he wrote in the mid-60s.
This guy is Pulitzer Prize over and over again.
This guy deserves a Pulitzer Prize every month.
He's got the sources, and he has never lied to us, and he's got the sources where Bush was basically meeting with Israel.
Israel said, we're going to attack, start a war soon, and Dick Cheney, who runs the administration according to the sources, both in England and here in the U.S., of course, we already know that just looking at the administration, said, yes, but sooner rather than later.
Go ahead and launch an attack now for our elections.
And as a curtain-raiser, he said the President sees this as a curtain-raiser for the attack on Iran and Syria.
Smoking gun!
It's not just that the San Francisco Chronicle got the documents that the Israelis were given PowerPoints 13 months ago to the U.S.
military and ambassadors about how they were going to attack Lebanon.
Because the neocons on radio spun that into, everybody has battle plans, of course you have a battle plan.
The government runs through all battle plans.
No, no, no.
This was powerpoints about how they were going to attack as soon as they had a provocation.
Now we have it directly out of the White House.
And we have it at 10 Downing Street.
We have it from both ends of this system.
Both ends of this axis of enslavement and imperialism.
We have it from both ends of the spectrum right now.
And it just shows how cold-blooded it is.
We know Israel sent the troops across the border.
We know Israel had them captured.
We know that when Israeli Special Forces had Hezbollah, who was about to grab the two Israeli soldiers in their sights, they were ordered to stand down.
We know that Israel's been targeting the UN and civilian populations by design.
We know it's about war for war's sake, for weapon sales and no-bid contracts and being wartime presidents and prime ministers, as Bush told his biographer.
We know it's about silencing dissent here.
And now?
Six days, five and a half days after they announced the new terror alert and the 21 mad bombers foiled, it is admitted if you read deep into the news, into the mainstream news articles, that these guys were total patsies with MI5 and MI6 living with them.
It was totally and completely staged.
They were being sent money out of Pakistan from the very same players that were involved funding the 9-11 hijackers who were meeting with President Bush and others.
It's now been confirmed that the whole thing was made up.
But it doesn't matter.
The news in the U.S.
and England will say, the government now says, look for women with babies.
And says they could smuggle fluids in on the babies and detonate the babies.
They could.
And then you read deeper into the government's press release and it says, well we have no evidence of this and no plans of this, but we're just saying look out for this.
And then they go arrest some pregnant woman, and then I have some moron last night, uh, I shouldn't say that, they're just ignorant people, confront me at the TV station going, Alex, these Muslims care about no one, they're gonna blow up their babies now!
And I didn't even respond or argue, I just said, whatever.
You can go even read the stuff the government puts out, they're just making it up.
It's just, hey, we'll tell them they're going to blow up babies!
Now we've got to search little babies!
If they'll submit to their babies being searched, they'll put up with anything!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
These idiots will buy anything!
That's why they're our cattle!
Ha ha ha ha!
That's the whole attitude here.
Alright, I'm going to get into the Fox News covering my warning.
Thank you.
We're good to go!
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Jim Angle of Fox News yesterday on the Brit Hume Report.
Brit Hume, of course, George Bush's personal buddy.
They golf together and vacation together and have dinner together.
Wonder what pay grade he has with the government.
We know a lot of these reporters are actually government operatives, proven by Tony Snow, now going to the White House, and he keeps referring to other networks, certainly like three times, that we know of, as competing networks.
He'll go, I'm not going to give any information to competing networks, and then go, I mean, Fox is just total government.
That's why they meet with Hillary Clinton and give her large amounts of money.
She's an operative too, like Bill Clinton was, back when they hired him to join the CIA, when he was in college.
And guess who his handler was?
George H. W. Bush.
That's why they're such good family friends.
He's now called a member of the family.
So this Engel fella, during a report, first they bashed Ahmadinejad.
And you can go read the text report of this up on InfoWars.com right now.
First they bashed Ahmadinejad, and then he goes into Alex Jones, and then he goes into Cynthia McKinney.
So basically I've been mixed in now with Ahmadinejad and Cynthia McKinney, two individuals who are constantly being demonized.
And do we have that clip now?
Yeah, I sent it up this morning to the network and we'll see if we'll be able to play that for you.
Later in the broadcast maybe.
And I also have another clip.
With Keith Oberman, who I've really got to commend, he's kind of like Lou Dobbs, able to slip a little bit out there, where he goes through and shows how Bush continues to issue fake terror alerts every time he is in some type of political trouble.
We may be able to play that later for you, too.
But let me now just get into what's happening in the Middle East.
Israel is... Well, it's being claimed by people in Israel and by foreign governments that Israel has been defeated in Lebanon,
And the headline of the Jerusalem Post is that they have been humbled by Iranian military equipment, and I guess that means some of the Russian-made anti-tank missiles that are still quite primitive but effective against the heavy armored Israeli tanks.
And meanwhile, Assad, this is out of the Jerusalem Post, American plan for New Middle East has collapsed.
I really wouldn't say that if I was you, Assad.
America's plan for a new Middle East has collapsed after Hezbollah's successes in fighting against Israel, Syrian President Bashar Assad said today in Damascus.
The Middle East, they, the Americans, aspire to, has become an illusion, he said.
Assad, speaking to Journalist Association in Damascus, said the region had changed because of the achievements of the resistance.
According to Assad, the Arabs gave everything and got nothing in return.
When they say we have chosen peace as our strategy, it does not mean we gave up our options on the contrary.
We are convinced that the true path to peace is via negotiations, but if this path is not possible, resistance is the only way.
Not necessarily an armed resistance, but a cultural and political resistance as well.
The goal of the resistance is not war, but rather peace.
It therefore does not contradict the peace, and is necessarily in the current state of affairs, Assad went on to say.
Assad, you shouldn't count the New World Order down or out.
According to the research and the documents and the sources that Cy Hirsch, the New Yorker, and on the other end of the Atlantic, Airstrip One with the Brits, according to their sources, get the same MO, same poop, the same information, that
That Israel wasn't meant to go in there and, quote, dominate and take over.
That Israel was just meant to start a conflict and to hype the Arabs up, just so Americans and Brits who pay only partial attention to the news would just basically have this backdrop, or as Bush said, this curtain-raiser on, oh, somebody's firing missiles at our ally.
Basically, it's just a warm-up.
And with that backdrop now, our government, run by criminals, run by a crime syndicate, run by a military operation, has come right out and said, Hezbollah Hamas, as we've been telling you for a month, is going to attack America, and oh look, we just FOILED a Hezbollah-connected group, and we know Ahmadinejad is connected!
Of course, as usual, it's being run out of our allies, the Saads, or the Pakistanis,
Not out of Iran.
Absolutely no connection.
And then you look deeper, it's a bunch of patsies.
The same M.O.
as it always is.
Again, the government either busts their own agents and stages their arrest and releases them a month later.
That's happened a bunch of times.
Or they go bust a bunch of patsies who don't have any capacity to carry out an attack.
Or the government actually cooks bombs and prepares them and arms them and lets it go forward.
And by the way, that almost happened this time.
One branch of MI5 wanted to give them bombs, this is mainstream news now, and let them carry out the attacks.
But another branch of MI5 didn't let them.
Thank God.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This isn't the best clip, the best audio from Fox News yesterday.
We've got a better one we found that we're uploading to play later.
But, uh, this is Jim Angle, who I've always detested.
When I've seen him on Fox, this puffed-up, fake conservative, just dripping with propaganda when he speaks, just radiating weakness and un-American
I mean, that's just what these people are.
They're posing as good conservatives to sell Americans a bill of goods and lie and deceive us.
I mean, he's White House correspondent, very deceptive, very sneaky, and just go ahead and roll that clip.
A radio host who says he predicted a staged attack on the World Trade Center involving Osama Bin Laden as a fall guy in 2001, now says last week's red terror alert is just a trial run for a massive staged terror attack initiated by the U.S.
Pardon me.
Alex Jones says the attack will occur before the end of October and could provide the, quote, neo-fascist bloodsuckers in the administration with fraudulent justification to invade Iran or Syria before November's midterm elections.
And he has to do those gulping little coughs, and you all see the video of him when he says it during Brett Humes' propaganda report, White House report.
I mean, it's just, oh, excuse me.
He gives the body language of, this is pure bull.
Oh, you're so fair and balanced.
Hey guys, you've got a problem.
I predicted 9-11 on radio and TV, and millions of people heard it at the time, and millions and millions have seen it since.
And we laid out how our government is criminal, and how it's not our government, and how it's illegitimate, and how it is basically dismantling this country, and how they were going to attack the World Trade Center using their CIA asset, which some have been allowed to take the full.
Now I know it upsets you guys that we're exposing all of this, and I know it upsets you that you've lost all credibility.
And conservatives that you had hypnotized are starting to, a lot of them, are starting to come out of their mind control stupor, their sleepwalking.
And you're going to be discredited and you're going to be defeated!
You Hillary Clinton funding pigs!
You make me sick!
You people are dogs!
You know I don't normally name call folks.
I've got the intellect to sit here and decipher them.
And it's just sometimes I just want to give vent to my feelings about these people.
They're killing America!
Do you understand, my friends, that instead of freaking out, let me just get into some of the news.
You see, the people that tell you that Islamofascists are going to get you if you don't submit yourself to government and give up all your freedoms and set the Bill of Rights on fire and... I mean, they literally push this line of worship government, submit, train your children to be slaves, put up with checkpoints, put up with no Bill of... It's just unbelievable!
And they're openly pushing to restrict free speech, openly calling for restricting my speech.
They're now beating the drum for that.
Christina Amanpour of CNN is now saying that the Muslim terrorists believe 9-11 was a conspiracy and that our government did it.
She's actually saying that.
Why would people who are going to carry out terror attacks against us believe that our government's behind it?
That makes absolutely no sense.
People who know that the government is behind terror know that terror is bad because it gives the globalists the pretext to invade those Muslim nations.
And sure enough, it's just him, Christina Amanpour, not a London Guardian's got articles up today about how the supposed leader of the bombers, the Liquo Bombers, the Liquid Bombers, had watched online videos saying 9-11 was a conspiracy theory.
And believe that 9-11 was a conspiracy theory that the government carried out and was going to quote, show the government what a real Muslim attack would look like.
So now we've got the news spin that those of us that are exposing 9-11 as an inside job, why we're connected to terrorism now!
I mean this is really getting rich!
We expose government documents, government plans, declassified operations that were carried out hundreds of times against populations where criminal elements of our government, the British government, the Russian government, the Israeli government, the French government, the German government, the Italian government, have staged terror attacks to blame it on their political enemies.
Our foreign governments, admitted, declassified, on the record, not debatable, admitted fact,
And, it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
No, no, no, no.
Those of us that are exposing 9-11 as an inside job, we're really the ones.
Yes, yes, that's it.
Yes, that makes a lot of sense.
Well, the people that are dismantling our borders, handing our highways, our ports, our rail facilities, our laws, our bureaucracies over to foreign governments,
Are the very people that carried out 9-11.
The very government that nerve-gassed thousands of our troops, killing many of them from the 60s through the 80s in Project Shad and earlier programs that radiated babies.
This is all declassified.
They're the ones that carried out 9-11.
It isn't Iran that's dismantling our border.
It isn't Iran
That supposedly let all of these Muslims into England.
You know, all the Muslims are going to get us, but England has unlimited immigration by Muslims from Muslim countries into their country.
So this is what we're here dealing with.
This is here
This is the type of garbage that's being pushed on us by the people who are getting rid of this nation.
Census shows growth of immigrants.
This is the New York Times.
The number of immigrants living in American households rose 16% over the last five years, fueled largely by recent arrivals from Mexico, according to fresh data released by the Census Bureau.
There are 100 million Mexicans.
And 30 million of them live here.
And Mexico's population is doubling every 35 years.
They are having millions and millions of new children in Mexico every year, and most of those millions and millions of children, they come across the border when they're 8 months pregnant, they sit in a safe house and wait, and when they break water, they go in there, and the government pays for it all with your tax money.
This is all on record.
And then puts them on welfare, puts them up in a house, and then the father goes and works a job, uses that money to pay a coyote, a smuggler, to bring in his two brothers, who then work, and they send most of that money back to Southern Mexico.
So let me give you a little news clip here.
A little tip.
We've got 70 million Mexicans in Mexico.
30 million here.
It's really over 30.
You hear in our news it's 14.
Now they're saying 20 million.
No, no, no.
The real federal numbers show 30 million two years ago.
And it's 3 million more a year come in.
So, I'm sorry, 36 million.
I keep using numbers from a few years ago.
And the new census numbers show that.
See, they have a census now every year.
The number of illegals living in American households rose 16%.
And folks, those are the illegal aliens that will talk to the census takers.
Most of them don't.
And increasingly, immigrants are bypassing traditional gateway states, like California and New York, settling directly in parts of the country that until recently saw little immigrant activity.
Regions like the Upper Midwest, New England, and the Rocky Mountains states.
Folks, I've been in Kansas, I've been in Missouri, I've been in Ohio, and you drive through little towns that I've been in before, a decade ago, and literally, it's nothing but Mexican signs everywhere, and Mexicans.
And they're flying Mexican flags, folks, and they'll openly tell you, this is our country, get out, pilgrim.
It's on record!
And our government absolutely loves it!
It's actually in a bill introduced right now, and it's already in the SPP agreement, so it's being implemented, that the toll road money that you're going to pay, why do you think it's $3.85 per 24 miles traveled, on average?
That's TxDOT's own numbers from the fence.
Austin, American Statesman.
I've been saying $3 for a year, rounding down, now we have the numbers.
It's $3.85.
It's always worse than I say.
Really, it is.
It's almost always worse than what we say.
It always is much worse.
It just gets worse and worse and worse.
We are going to pay for roads all over Mexico.
Superhighways there, openly run by the U.S.
Oh, this is the good part.
So we're getting more and more pieces of this puzzle.
This is all announced.
But see, that's why Mexico then gets Kansas City and St.
Louis and areas of Dallas and areas around Love Field and there's going to be some port facility they're saying east of Austin.
They're called ports.
And this is actually now in mainstream news.
And they announce it like it's no big deal.
Total legalization!
Everyone will have an ID card.
I guess the good news is Americans will be able to go anywhere they want in Mexico, they claim.
We all know that'll be selectively enforced, just like NAFTA.
Try going and buying land in Mexico.
Try living down there.
Try opening a business if you're an American.
They'll take you, put you in prison, extort every dime out of you, and beat you up before they let you go.
Their favorite thing is to take Sprite or some other drink
Soup it all up, pour a bunch of Tabasco in it, and shoot it up your nose.
I've got friends that have been down there, and have done things like have a headlight out, and they get kept for a month, $50,000 sucked out of their family, and Tabasco dumped down their nose.
Oh, Mexico!
We're being mean to the Mexicans!
Oh, they're so sweet!
Oh, they're so good!
And Bush has signed a deal to do this!
I just have to laugh how stupid conservative followers of these people are.
You're not conservatives.
You are un-American trash.
You are weak-minded scum that bought into a lie and have killed my country.
You have won, probably.
You've probably killed it, you bug-eyed scum!
Oh, I know I'm bad because I'm upset that this country's completely gone because of you.
You could have saved this country, but you were beguiled by Hannity and Limbaugh and these other Antichrist type creatures!
On the same payroll, with the same companies funding Hillary!
And it goes on...
What's happening now is that immigrants are showing up in many more communities all across the country than they have ever been in, said Audrey Singer, an immigration fellow at the Brookings Institution.
So it's easy for people to look around and not just see them, but feel the impact they're having in their communities.
And a lot of these communities that they are not accustomed to seeing immigrants in their schools, their workplace, in their hospitals.
And none of them have been tested for tuberculosis.
Did you know?
that came out in the Associated Press a year and a half ago that they had three leprosy cases from 1980 until 2003.
And guess how many they had from 2003 until 2005?
Over 7,000 alone in Texas.
Wet leprosy.
TB is spreading all over Texas, Alabama, Tennessee schools, Georgia schools.
You can read it in health department filings.
You'll never, occasionally I have a few times, but very rarely see it in a newspaper.
I mean thousands of percentage point increases.
Those illegals come directly in there.
They come directly in with all sorts of weird worm diseases.
And look, if you're going to let them in, might as well have a health screening test and get them cured.
Or put them in an asylum or something.
They've got uncurable wet leprosy spreading.
And I've gotten emails, how dare you?
That's what racists always say.
You always claim immigrants bring diseases.
What are you talking about?
It's a third world country.
Millions of people pouring in.
We have leprosy all over Texas.
Where is that leper colony?
It's right outside of Palestine, Texas.
Texans call it Palestine.
Don't ask me why.
We call it Manchaca, Manchac.
Here in Austin.
I guess we've Angledized or whatever they say in Spanish.
You know, we've got leper colonies now.
You know, it's fun.
It's good.
It's nice.
It's great.
It's good.
And my goodness, the government subsidizes them all with welfare and free births.
You know, my wife, uh, I had to pay, what, ten grand one time, one time of complications, like twenty grand to have my children.
Doesn't matter, hell, I gotta pay that exorbitant price because the hospital's, uh, you know, basically paying, paying for all the illegals with my money and your money.
But so what?
They're just taking our jobs, we gotta be nice to them.
Immigrants swell numbers near New York.
Another New York Times article, immigrants have continued to surge in the metropolitan New York since 2000 according to census figures released today.
And that increase combined with high birth rates has elevated the foreign born and their children in New York City itself to 60% of the population.
Try more like 70.
Again, it's probably higher.
Most of the foreigners, the illegal aliens and immigrants are all secretive.
So they're telling you 60.
I mean, I've been to New York in the last few years.
It's pretty much all foreigners.
You see?
But you just hide out in Austin, Texas.
Or hide out in Fredericksburg, Texas.
Or hide out up in Kansas City.
Or hide out wherever you do.
Just stick your George Bush stickers all over your car.
Drive around feeling good about yourselves.
Loving George W. Everything's fine.
That Alex is a liar.
Bush wasn't for the assault weapons ban.
You're a liar.
I can't find nothing on a map.
Don't know nothing.
But I like George W.
I mean, it's just you!
You make me sick!
How are you not pulling your hair out right now?
They're openly going to give major cities and 82 major highways to foreign governments and we're going to have foreign Mexican police running the major highways?
This is official?
Hell, you think the Arabs running 21 ports is bad?
And don't email me saying it was 6.
It turned out to be 21, folks.
You think that's bad?
This is nothing!
But don't worry, Americans, you'll get to have jobs down in Mexico!
You see, this is globalism.
We'll bring your people up here to run us, and we'll come down there and we'll run yours.
And that's why you can read reports, just type into Google, Texas State Police.
In Canada, help Mounties, and you'll say, Texas Police are up helping run checkpoints in Canada.
Why are they doing that?
Go read!
Global Government!
Again, I'm so angry right now because I've been doing a bunch of interviews every single day on mainly neocom talk shows, syndicated, local, big juggernaut stations, and I talk to these guys and I'll go, didn't you hear Lou Dobbs say American Union?
And they'll go, you're a liar!
George Bush wouldn't do that!
And I'm going, no, no, sir, please, it's Human Events, it's World Net Daily, you know, they're concerned, but look, please, read the documents, SPP.gov.
You nuts have been saying this for 20 years!
You're just a, you're just crazy, Jones!
And imagine, their weak-minded listeners are out there, they don't know!
I just cannot believe they're openly handing the country over, right now, putting in face scanning cameras, biometrics everywhere, making women drink their own breast milk at the airports, humiliating everyone, staging fake terror alerts, blowing up Lebanon, openly saying they're about to start World War III, and we put up with this!
We put up with Bush,
Blowing out the Treasury, spending more money than all presidents before him combined, that is not conservative!
And I'm not saying vote for Hillary!
She's on the Fox payroll too!
That's what I mean!
It's all bought!
It's all controlled!
It's all a big scam!
And the liberals out there, you think the Democrats are going to save you?
You're a bunch of idiots!
Listen, if we don't get our heads screwed on straight real fast, there's no chance, folks!
The government wants tyranny so they can rob you!
Don't you understand that?
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It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We've got Alan Watt joining us, a real expert on the New World Order system.
In the next hour, we'll have open phones as well.
I'm told Dave in Canada disagrees with me, so I'll try to go to him first.
But imagine, over 60% of New York, the census shows 60%, it's well over that, are foreigners, foreign-born.
And it's already that way in Texas.
It's already hit 55% in 2004.
So what is it now?
And these foreigners are aggressively anti-America.
So what does our government do?
Bring in even more!
Because they're globalist!
They've openly announced it!
And if the big neocon radio hosts all got on radio now and tried to stop this and demanded the borders be shut, people be kicked out, it would happen.
But it's not going to happen because it's part of the New World Order's plan.
Just like staging a terror attack in the next two months is part of the New World Order's plan.
Though, I mean, it's getting a lot of attention because of you out there, the listeners.
I mean, there are a lot of people out there working 24-7 to get the word out about government-sponsored terror and how we're in a prime window for it in the next two months.
And so if you keep pushing really, really hard, we could be in the great position of late October, people twisting what I said and saying, look, he predicted it and it didn't happen.
No, I said
For the second time ever.
I've only done it one other time, that if we didn't get the word out about 9-11, and if we didn't expose how we're in a prime window for that now, and I gave all the indicators and the points coming together that we would see an attack, but if we worked really hard, we could stop it.
That's probably still going to happen.
I mean, the globalists, every indicator is they're even more intent now on going ahead with it.
But I am seeing a huge response by you, the listeners, and that is
That is exciting, so we may be able to stop it.
I don't know.
I mean, we've got to have faith.
Before I end this hour, this segment, and come back and take a few calls and then get our guest on, several issues.
I'm going to have a premiere of my new film, Terror Storm, the official final version, up in Dallas on the 26th of this month on Saturday at the Lakewood Beautiful Art Deco Historical Theater.
Professor Jim Mars will give a speech titled,
JFK at 9-11.
I'll also show about 35 minutes of my new Bilderberg group film I'm working on that we shot in Canada a few months ago.
Just some of the raw outtakes there.
Some of the best stuff we got there of these world leaders meeting.
And then we're going to have some live bands there from midnight to 2.
But for the crowd that didn't want to see the bands, you can go on home.
For those that want to see these great bands, you can stay for that.
We're glad these bands are coming.
From 7 until 2 in the morning, $10.50 to go to this event.
Get your tickets at InfoWars.com right now before they all go.
Also, we're going to be showing my new film, Terror Storm, five times in the month of September at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
Details on that are on InfoWars.com.
And I decided to extend it for one more day, but I will end it today.
Okay, and the website says nothing about it, because it's just when you order my new official film, Terror Storm, with the hour plus of extras on it, you will get the emergency release free, the collector's item free.
And this is just a promotional thing I just decided to do yesterday, we're doing it today, and then that's it.
And I want to thank all those that did get the collector's edition.
You support us.
That's how you make what we do possible.
And I want to thank those that are going to get the final edition, the big official edition.
If you order it, I will include, for orders today until midnight, and then it's over, the original emergency release American Scholar Symposium version that is a little different.
Two DVDs for the price of one right now.
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That's our goal.
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Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here live.
Then back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
And on the site InfoWars.com says InfoWars Stream.
We re-air the broadcast seconds after it ends each day in a continual loop so you can tune in whenever you like at InfoWars.com and hear the program starting from its beginning every three hours.
Okay, we got a guest coming on who I'll describe and tell you about after this break that's coming up.
I've been getting into government-sponsored terror.
Fox News did amazingly pick up on my alert, saying that I'm predicting that, yes, we'll have another massive stage terror attack on the order of 9-11 or greater in England or the U.S.
by late October, unless we scream bloody murder and expose this fact.
And I'm telling you, I've seen you guys go to work, you gals go to work out there, you're having a huge effect.
Keep going, keep pushing, keep educating people about it, and we may be able to stop it.
We may be able to stop.
In fact, I want to go into some analysis of this later, what I see shaping up in the Middle East, what I see Israel's offensive stalling doing.
That's coming up.
But right now, I'm told David in Canada disagrees with me, so he'll go to the head of the line.
Go ahead, David.
Hi there.
Go ahead.
I'm not calling to bash you, or... Look, I don't care, sir.
I don't care.
Go ahead.
Okay, basically, um, you often bring up the example of Operation Northwood, the example of U.S.
trying to kill its own citizens, right?
And it was caused by a terror attack?
Yes, sir.
But, I went on the Internet, and I bring up the documents, and I read it, and I read it carefully, and in all the examples, um, it would have been a drone ship, or they would have switched the plane in the air with a drone aircraft that looks like the one they're planning to blow up.
That's not true.
Well, they say they can shoot marines, bomb marines, bomb U.S.
cities, in one of the descriptions, they say that they, with the aircraft description, that yes, they would stage it, have CIA officers get on board, land it, and have another plane with tail numbers shot down and claim that young people died aboard, causing a helpful wave of national indignation.
And mocked General Vos, that's right.
Let me ask you a question, sir.
I'm going to stop you right there.
What is your point?
Are you saying that there is not an official U.S.
government plan that describes carrying out 9-11 style attacks?
No, no.
Basically, all I'm saying is that in the past, I've shown people the document, right?
And they've argued these things.
Now, obviously, Alex Jones is a liar.
I'm saying, well, you're not a liar, so I'm just trying to allow you to say that it's more of an example the government is capable of
Creating false public attacks, that's all.
Well, that's what I say.
What am I saying?
I'm saying there's a government document that wasn't just a war game, it was an operational plan they tried to implement, and which evidence shows they did implement piecemeal.
USS Liberty 67, Gulf of Tonkin 64.
So many of these events, sir.
And then there's all the declassified admissions of where our government did carry out terror attacks.
So your friends that want to live in denial
If anyone could read Northwoods and then claim I'm lying, they are deluding themselves, they're delusional on purpose, and we can't help them.
I suggest you move on and let the dead bury the dead.
Okay, also, I have a question for you too.
Yes, go ahead.
Why is it that the BBC media will report on stories that the American media won't cover?
Wouldn't you think the BBC would be just as censored as American media would be?
Well, it's more complex than that.
They're a world news outlet, so they have to have a little more information, or foreign audiences will not watch it.
Okay, that was all.
I just want to clarify that right here.
So I don't, again, Operation Northwoods is what it is, and I would just encourage people to go read it for themselves.
Normally what neocons do is they just deny it even exists.
And roll their eyes and, you know, say you're crazy.
That's what's in Northwoods, and all the time we talk about the changing planes, and that's what's in there.
We'll be right back.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
For several years I've heard him do radio interviews.
I've seen some of his work, read some of his articles.
And I thought he'd be a great individual to have on for really about an hour and a half with us today.
We'll have open phones coming up next hour.
Maybe even some this hour for those who are patiently holding.
Alan Watt is a long-time researcher into the cost of forces behind major changes in historical development.
Born in Scotland, he watched the subtleties of politics and media as they guided the population of the UK covertly into the European amalgamation.
That's right, Europeans didn't know it was an EU until it was too late.
He has been warning about the North American Union.
He's been warning the North American people for some years now that the same process of amalgamation is being carried out.
With historical documentation, he shows how cultures are being created and altered by those in control.
And again, he's an amazing individual.
He's got CDs and DVDs on the topic, and we have links over to his website on InfoWars.com right now.
First, I want to get Alan to tell us about himself, and I want to get his take
Which I know will mirror mine because he's right online, or I guess my view would mirror his.
I've heard him already speak on it in the last week.
On these fake terror alerts, on the attempt to push us into World War III, who the globalists are, how this operation is being conducted, and ways to try to fight back against it.
Mr. Watt, it's good to have you on with us.
Yeah, it's a pleasure.
It's interesting because
The techniques of creating terror are nothing new in order to get populations to submit.
And it's been done since the days of ancient Rome.
They were experts at it, always terrorizing the public and then setting their own troops on the public to terrify them even more under the guise of safety.
And it took all the rights from them over and over again.
So it's a science.
This is a science, generally or loosely called fascism.
And it's been done, all done through the centuries.
And it's taught at very, some of the elite schools.
These are sciences taught to diplomats and so on.
Well it certainly is.
Give us your analysis on
The latest string of arrests, headlines like baby bombers, and you read deeper, they admit that there was no plan to blow up a baby, but the general public still parrots it, how they basically get us to identify with our sitcom heroes.
I want to go through just some of the basics of the mind control we're under, who's behind it, and what their master plan is.
Well, the BBC did a documentary about three years ago
on London and primarily on the Islamic population of immigrants there.
And it was to do with the monitoring of the internet.
And they knew there was young guys, naturally, who young guys are easily led to get angry when they think their culture is under attack, which it certainly is.
And they were all chatting on the internet about doing something, or what could they do, and they hadn't even mentioned violence.
And so the ones who were monitoring them, the security agencies, supplied them with leaders that joined them in these chat rooms.
Now let's be clear, whether it's Miami or Toronto or London, it's a repeat over and over again, in some cases mentally retarded street children being led by FBI, MI6, MI5, Mossad.
And this always comes out in the papers, but it's in the back of the paper.
It's in the back of the papers and then it doesn't matter because the effect is already taken on the public.
They've deferred their propaganda and the effect stays.
The terror, the initial fear, stays with them.
This is psychology.
So the initial fear stays with them even though it's later exposed as being a hoax.
It's all a science, as I say.
But the same thing in Canada, where teenagers were chattin' on the internet.
The RCMP, basically, as far as I can see, supplied them with a leader.
They basically gave this little group of guys, teenagers, hike, or really it was, um, it was fertilizer to make a bomb.
And then as soon as they delivered three tons of it to them, the RCMP arrested them.
And then shouted, terrorism, terrorism!
And this is how it's done, as provocateurs, and it's a standard technique that we've done through history.
Well, it is.
And then in some cases, they actually arrest their own agents.
There's no group.
And then a month later, it's buried in some news wire that, oh, that bust in Pakistan, that was really a CIA officer, but they arrested him and had the news story as a cover to bring him back in, and there wasn't any alert to begin with.
So there's also those cases.
Then there's cases where they are actually able to provocateur people into carrying out attacks.
Then there's separate cases where the government itself carries out the attacks and literally goes and arrests one or two true patsies.
Yes, and even here in Canada on the CBC, which is the government station, like the BBC, they did an expose on the Oklahoma City bombing at one time, and what they showed was
Not the Oklahoma City one, but the first trade world bombing, in fact.
The first bombing that went on.
People had forgotten about it.
But it turned out that, sure enough, the FBI had been training some Arabs to make this bomb, a bunch of bombs, and one of the Arabs suspected he was being handled by the CIA and set up, so he taped his meetings with his handler.
And when he went into court charged with making the bomb, he played the tape and that's what got him off.
Because he said right on the tape, he said, uh, he said, you don't want us to make a real bomb, surely?
And the FBI guy said, oh yeah, we do.
Well, it's now come out, it's a big headline on PrisonPlanet.com buried in the mainstream news.
They admit that N.I.
5 and 6 wanted to give them real bombs and let them go ahead and carry it out.
That the group could never get to that point because it was totally provocative and wasn't real.
I mean, I was listening to local talk radio yesterday and people were calling in talking about hanging and killing lobbyists.
And of course, they didn't mean it, but if the government wanted to, they could trace that and arrest them and claim they had foiled another major terror attack.
And this is an age where you've got to be careful how you phrase things.
And even jest, you've got to be very careful because it can be used against you.
You're absolutely right.
What do you see happening in terms of attacks on Iran and Syria?
It's now come out in the New Yorker magazine, Cy Hirsch, an impeccable source, that White House sources have reported that Dick Cheney basically gave Israel the go-ahead and the order to attack Lebanon and said, do it soon, and that it indeed is for the elections in an attempt to, quote, be a curtain-raiser on the beginning of a full-scale war with Iran and Syria.
There's no doubt.
That was all done and published by the Project for a New American Century by this coterie of instigators.
They published it before the 9-11-2001 attack.
So they gave us the format of Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Iran, then Syria, etc.
They're standardizing the whole world into the one system.
And anyone who holds out, be it a Bosnia or any country in the Middle East, they must be brought under the same central banking, so-called democratic system that we're all under.
And that's what it's about.
They're standardizing the world.
They are.
The programs have the exact same names in Canada, New Zealand, England, as we have in the U.S.
They're handing over the infrastructure to foreign companies, including the roads, and that means when these non-governmental bodies are created, they then give governmental power to them, folks, and there's no checks and balances.
Due process is being erased.
The police are being militarized against the people.
I want to get more into terror, more into what we're facing right now, but let me ask you, Ellen Watt, I don't know if you've heard of my prediction, but back before 9-11, I said they're probably going to attack the World Trade Center, they'll try to blame it on their asset, Bin Laden, call the White House, tell them don't do it.
I've now made my second prediction.
That we'll see a major terror attack in the next two months unless we all really get the word out and expose this and even Fox News has now covered my prediction.
I wanted to get your take on this.
Do you think we're in a prime danger window for a major event?
There's no doubt that these guys will go to any means, any lengths to get this through and if it means terrorizing the public
Into it.
With their very lives.
Through their lives.
They will do so.
There's nothing they will not do to get their way.
They cannot go back now on their agenda.
It's been so far in the planning.
So long in the planning.
I always say when the Axeman's axe is halfway down, they can't pull it back.
They can't backtrack now.
It's all or nothing for them.
And whatever it takes is what they'll do.
Now, for the listeners that just joined us, we're going to get into some of the more esoteric roots of this, the history of it, briefly, who the New World Order is, are, what their plans are, and I want to look at their
The way they implement this, the published admissions of mass mind control through the culture, through the television, through role modeling, because we are mammals and they use the techniques that mammals are based on, the kind of pack tribe mentality to control us.
That is mind control folks, not the classic electrodes to your head and LSD.
Really the more sophisticated mind control is peer pressure.
It is cultural.
I want to get into that with Alan Watt.
He's really an expert on that and tell you about his website and some other issues.
And then I want to get into solutions with him as well.
But before we go any further, Alan, why don't you tell folks about your website?
Yes, you can look at cuttingthroughthematrix.com.
We have lots of interviews there for free you can download.
And I also have some things for sale, some information, DVDs, CDs, some books.
Which helped explain and deprogram the reader or the listener as they're going through it.
That's what I attempt to do is to deprogram them from their conditioning and bring them into the true reality they're living in.
Well, I call it imperial conditioning.
You notice countries that have been under a corrupt system, an aristocracy for a while, have the same submissive traits.
Look at the Brits and the Japanese, you know, the head bowing, the submissive accent, the going along to get along.
This really is imperial conditioning, isn't it?
It is, again, based upon tribal instincts which are exaggerated and understood and used against the populace.
Their very instincts for tribalism are used against them.
And then men have facsimiles of warfare, facsimiles of being men.
You go watch a football game and are a spectator when even the event itself isn't true warfare.
It itself is an android, a facsimile.
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Alan Watts is really an expert on the New World Order, and I want to give him some time to run here and get into it, but
Alan, I want to get into the history, as I mentioned, and what their master plan is, but first off, we have all the thousands of admissions of nerve-gassing troops, radiating babies, giving pregnant GIs wives uranium pills, all declassified, radiating 110,000 Jewish children, not in Nazi Germany, but in Israel, with U.S.
I think?
Then you've got the naive population, whereas 50 years ago, Americans knew government was corrupt, couldn't be trusted, 60, 70 years ago.
Now, a lot of people just say, no, government doesn't do bad, and I mean, it's like they've driven the survival instinct out of us, and the people, I see them like a bunch of blind guinea pigs, not even aware of the fact that they're curled up next to a huge boa constrictor.
Alan Watt?
Yeah, well, you see, they've been domesticated.
Scientifically, and you can find the proof of this in the writings of men like Bertrand Russell, who was a British Lord, and who was put up in the forefront to guide the elite themselves and to recruit many students at universities across the planet into helping create this world order they're bringing into view.
It's a world where the intellectual elite
Have the right to rule the lessors, as they say.
And he talked about methods of conditioning the general public.
He was given his own schools to practice in, in England.
And he practiced mixed schooling.
He practiced schooling with promoting pre-puberty sexual activity amongst the students to see what the outcome would be, because the ultimate goal was to destroy the last vestige of the tribe, which was marriage itself.
And once they had done that, and they found their findings to be implemented through fiction, through movies, through drama, and the public always emulates their drama, then they could actually destroy the old to bring in the new.
Now that's key!
That's key!
That's key!
On these TV shows they'll have a hero who's cool and great and everybody admires, and then over the next few years he will change, and so you can get a big strapping, say, man
To then see his hero become a homosexual and suddenly he likes that.
And they're doing this scientifically.
So let's start at the beginning.
Who is the New World Order?
What are we facing?
Let's go through how they've orchestrated this.
I know you get into Huxley.
One of the few people I know actually talks about that speech.
I've played it here from 62 where he talked about how he'd been in the laboratories with the wires hooked into people's brains.
How they were going to do all this to us.
Folks, this is really the plan.
Go over it for us.
Well, you can go way back into the English Revolution and the aftermath of the English Revolution and what came out of there, where they brought in what they called democracy, but it was only for a nobility class, not for the general public.
And you find the writings of John Dee, who was a big worker in the scientific program.
And what he did at that time in the court of Queen Elizabeth, which was the first openly tabalistic court, he adopted the Kabbalah into Christianity and called it a new mystical Christianity.
And he coined the term the British Empire.
The British Empire was an empire that would spread across the whole globe under the guise of free trade.
And this is in the 1500s.
And they said that they would set up a duplicate of themselves to govern the public within every country.
Any country which would not join, they would simply eradicate by warfare, or they would put embargoes on them so they couldn't trade at all.
And they've been very successful working down through the centuries towards this goal.
Well, you're right, and we're talking about economic warfare.
They come in, they openly pay off your politician, they give him a billion bucks, say $18 billion if it's Nigeria, they openly don't pay it back, the politician signs over the population, the forests, the factories, the roads, and then they literally get the whole country for credit they created on a computer ballot sheet out of zeros and ones, and now they're doing it to the U.S.!
Yes, and every time, I've noticed too, even in the music industry, they bring forth certain heroes.
Once in a while well known to the teenagers and they'll go to Prime Ministers and Presidents and ask for third world loans to be negated and everybody cheers thinking this is wonderful it will help the poor third world countries but what you fail to realize is every five years your governments loan this money out they borrow it first from the World Bank
They loan it out to those countries, and when it's written off, you, the citizen of the country, like Canada or the U.S., you're on the hook for the guarantor.
But it's worse.
You're right.
This is all official.
This is all admitted.
It's much worse, and I'll tell people how it's worse when we get back.
The final little part of the equation that Alan Watt was just bringing up.
You pay for it, then something else happens.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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They railed against the crowd.
Another red tag band.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're about to go back to Alan Watt, our guest, and later we're going to open the phones up.
I've listened to Mr. Watt, I've researched his work for several years, and he's basically found the same things I've discovered.
He's more articulate in some respects.
That's why we have him on with us today, because I get upset about this.
I mean, to openly read elites, publishing textbooks, writing autobiographies, I mean presidents, prime ministers, chancellors, calling us slaves, talking about how they use animal psychology, Comrade Lorenz type stuff on us.
To see them, and then to see the public giggling and laughing at people like Alan Watt and myself who try to warn them.
I'm like, hey, here they are calling you slaves.
Hey, they're going to break up your families.
They're going to do all these horrible things to us.
Because they're threatened by the family.
They're threatened by you owing allegiance to your family.
They're threatened by your culture.
I don't care if it's a Mexican culture, or an American culture, or a British culture, or a Scottish culture, or a Chinese culture.
Globalism is about destroying that and replacing it with this new elite, aristocratic, technocrat culture, with one-child policies if you're lucky, forced sterilization, bioethics, you know it as eugenics,
I mean, these are cold-blooded people.
They're on serious power trips.
They talk about survival of the fittest, but normally they're inbred, they're mentally ill.
A lot of these elitists end up in mental institutions.
These really are spoiled, rotten scum.
But they have been focused, and they are intelligent, and they are ravaging our society.
That's why it's important to go to Infowars.com and get my new film, Terror Storm, because it exposes government-sponsored terror like no other film I've ever seen.
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You need to get it now, ladies and gentlemen, at InfoWars.com or see it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv for 15 cents a day.
That allows us just to pay for the bandwidth.
Going back to Alan Watt.
Alan, I'm going to try to control myself here.
You bring up so many points and then I want to comment on it.
But let's get into the history, who these players are, go through the science, go through how they published it, how they admit they're doing it, knowing that the dumbed-down public isn't reading industry publications and scientific psychology reports commissioned by the Defense Department, the Ministry of Defense in England.
Let's run through it and then get into their master plan.
But first, my question to you, you know, when I talk about the frustration, the anger of seeing zombie-like
Fellow humans, who've been turned into really facsimiles of free men, who've been turned basically, and I mean this figuratively, into these androids, who are totally programmed to the point of just being bestial creatures that just feed their lowest animal sinners, not knowing that there is a whole other world out there for them.
I see the elite robbing the entire society of its intellect
And thus robbing the group mind of his intellect.
This is a crime that is just unspeakable.
These guys are soul suckers.
Will you give me your take on that?
Yeah, they are, because they've always looked upon the masses as a separate entity, building material which they can manipulate and use and rebuild and destroy when need be.
They've never looked upon the general population.
That's why they call them commoners.
Commoners pick their own mates.
They don't have them selected through genealogies and matched up for certain qualities.
So they're called commoners, you see.
And this has always been behind this elitist movement.
Even the ones who pretended they were the leftists in history and who were put out there to really steer the masses into particular directions, which would bring them further into this new world order, they were all working for the same elitists, in fact.
We find the beginnings of the social fascist movement back in the 18th century being written about by guys like St.
Simon and he laid the foundations which later became Marxism.
And the only difference is though he combined fascism with it and he said at the very top we must have those in control who are used to dealing with economy and so bankers will be the executive branch of this new world system.
So this is what Marxism and all the other isms were based on that came later.
It's a form of a science which they created back in the 18th century.
Let's go into the 19th century, the 20th century, the Edward Bernays, people like that.
Let's go through the Tavistock Institute, how they interlock in to the real governments of England, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations.
I mean, let's run through how they're using television, how they're using media, who we're really dealing with, and then maybe go through some of the tricks they use so people can recognize this when they're watching television.
Yeah, well, television really was the great breakthrough, but radio before it was immediately recognized to be a fantastic propaganda tool, and the BBC International was the first to come out for that purpose, in fact, in World War I. And they realized they could hook in listeners every day with drama, especially a serial type drama,
Which would leave you at the end of the hour with a cliffhanger so they would tune in the next day at the same time to hear what happened to their hero.
And those stories in those days were geared at soldiers, young men.
Now every young boy wants to be a hero, that's another tribal instinct which they use.
And so the heroes were always young men who would end up going to war with Germany.
Britain was losing so many of its population in that war, they had to get recruits in fast.
And so through the dramas on the BBC, they found they could stimulate young men to join up and try to become these heroes.
And they also created a movement where the females, if their boyfriends would not join up, would wear openly in public a white feather in their hats.
And that brought disgrace upon the boyfriend.
So they used coercion to get the man into war.
Once we're living under the New World Order fully, literally, the heroes will all be big thugs with black ski masks and helmets.
They'll show succulent, luscious women
Again, we can trace all of this back to ancient Greece.
Where the philosophers wrote about the structure and creation of cultures.
And Plato put it in his book, The Republic, which was to be a utopia for an elite group in the future, where a guardian class would basically rule the world.
This guardian class exists today.
They are the elites of the world, of every culture and nationality.
One big club.
And that they would employ the lesser class beneath them, certain ones, to form a giant bureaucratic class and a military class.
And Plato even said, this is 2,300 years ago, Plato said towards the end they would bring in the females into the military as well.
The females in the military would breed with the military men, and they would produce military offspring that would be trained.
So it was selective breeding for specific purposes, which was perfectly understood 2,300 years ago.
Now understand folks, the Greeks would literally just sit around 24 hours a day trying to come up with different plans and systems for society, and the Greeks
At that point, of course, it hit their crest, and they were a military camp, a military-style society, and all of this just got picked up and is being used today.
So, understand that we'll get into science fiction later and how it's been used as a control mechanism, but in that description in War of the Worlds, where
The author is talking about the Martians looking at us like amoebas in a petri dish, coldly calculating their designs.
He wrote a non-fiction book, H.G.
Wells, titled The New World Order, where he talked about us like that in political terms.
So, that's really kind of an inside joke.
It's like when he wrote The Time Machine, you've got the Morlocks who feed on the mindless
What are they, Elohim?
And again, this is the same analogy of what the elite's doing, and I would point out that this is not a guardian class.
This is a cancerous, oppressive, inbred, psychopathic class.
Would you like to comment on that?
Well, that's true, and again, going back to Plato, which ties in with that very thing,
Plato described the traveling theaters that came into Greece and traveled around the major cities, and it was law at that time that everybody had to attend at least once, including the slaves.
And that is where Plato himself used these terms, he says, because that is where the people will emulate the drama they see portrayed on stage.
They copy the actions.
They will act like the actress, the heroine, or the hero.
And he said that's also intensified through the use of music and the fashion industry.
Those were his words.
So these are all part of culture creation.
He said nothing is allowed to come up from the grassroots.
Because if it did, the elite would lose control.
So anything that happens in culture is actually authorized from the top.
That goes too for the flooding of Britain and the U.S.
with drugs back in the 60s.
That was authorized from the top.
Oh, and then every time you look at it, it's the government introducing LSD.
I mean, the TV shows and the dramas make it look stylish to use drugs.
You know, the cops come after you, but the really good-looking girls and the good-looking guys are on it, and it's really cutting edge to do it.
And of course, Britain, who was right into India long before that, studied the Brahmins intensely, because the Brahmins had held India under the sway for thousands of years.
With a perfect caste system incorporated into a religious system, where even the guys at the bottom really believed they deserved to be there because that was their bad karma.
It was a beautiful system.
So this also was brought in, these techniques were brought into this new system.
And we find in the writings of Carol Quigley, he said that the system coming in for the new world order will be a new type of feudalism and a caste system.
Well, that's what they're doing right now!
And so does it frustrate you to just be like at the shopping mall or walking down the street?
I know you live out in the country, but to be around that and just to see the people.
I mean, I look at photographs of, say, my forebears a hundred years ago, seventy years ago.
Their eyes all looked intensely intelligent and were sparkling.
And I look at other photos of, you know, folks a hundred years ago, and they look so intelligent.
And I read newspapers from a hundred years ago.
There are words in there, half of them I can't read, and I'm pretty smart.
And then I look at the eyes of people today, so many of them are dead, Alan!
Yeah, the problem is, and I have no doubt about this, and it's horrific to really understand, and the more you read about it, the more horrific it becomes.
You've got to steel yourself to even go into these books, but you read books like Charles Galt and Darwin's The Next Million Years, now that's quite a boast to begin with.
But he talks about methods of sterilizing the populations, dumbing them down through drugs and even hormone alterations in their body.
And I think they have been doing this.
I think they've actually been pretty successful.
They've dropped the standard IQ, which is innate when you're born, across the world since inoculations, and especially since 1950.
They've been dropping the points on the IQ score, and now we have a new normal, which is about five points lower.
The same test.
Yeah, what's even more frightening is if you go back to the League of Nations, which, like the Phoenix, transformed into the United Nations,
And they have a Department of Population Control, and Arthur Kessler, or Kossler, who wrote The Ghost in the Machine, worked for them, and think tanks on ways to literally physically target specific parts of the brain.
And for those who don't know, you are innately designed to be warlike and aggressive because there's normally a tribe over the hill that's trying to dominate you or the elements or the wildlife
And so men have this hard driving charge, and the elite are threatened by that in business, because business is war.
And they know that if you're not dumbed down and controlled and toxified, you're going to go out and wage economic war on them, and you're going to develop new elites that threaten them.
So really, I describe the globalists like a lion.
Going into the Pride and trying to eat the baby male cubs because he's threatened by them.
Male grizzlies do that too.
And so a lot of bird species do it.
So what we have is the elite literally mass culling just like in Brave New World which Huxley admitted was real plans they had.
Of course his brother ran UNESCO's
I always tell people if you're after the truth, make sure you really are, because it's hard to handle.
And you have to be able to cope with it, because it's a horror show.
You wake out of the dream into a nightmare.
And that's what this is all about.
Reality, at the moment, is a nightmare.
It's a manipulated, scientifically controlled nightmare.
And they have been doing this with the public.
They weren't talking about culling the population, giving them crippling diseases, targeting specific areas of the brain.
They've actually been doing it for quite some time.
You're right.
Earlier, I said I'd give the answer to the IMF and the World Bank, how they loan the money out and then forgive the debts that we've backed up.
And I said that's part of the equation.
I didn't finish up with the final equation.
And I'll make myself remember when we get back, I will tell you how that works.
With our amazing guest, he'll be with us in the third hour as well.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Alvin Watts, our guest.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
Three thousand years ago, in Egypt and Babylon, they had very specific caste systems, elite bureaucracies that controlled the populations.
Can you imagine what the elite has in place today?
Well, they've written about it, they've bragged about it, they talk about it, and their conditioning is so good that whereas a slave in a mud pit in ancient Israel
Or in ancient Egypt, would know that there was an oppressive government dominating them.
Today, the general public still has been taught to giggle at a discussion of an elite even existing, while the elites publish books that are available at major bookstores calling us slaves.
Because they know, only other wannabe elitists, this is how it works.
They have the Masters in England and Europe, they have duplicates here in the U.S., and smaller duplicates down to the county level.
You will hear the same, we need to get rid of the population, and we know best, and we've always ordered society.
You will hear that down at a Save Our Springs environmentalist meeting.
You will hear that at a UT, University of Texas board meeting.
You will hear it, as above, so below, in their whole Masonic
And Alan Watt is our guest.
We have links to his website on Infowars.com.
Let's get into Aldous Huxley.
He was one of their futurists, but before we get into that, explain how by controlling the futurists, by crafting through science fiction and television and movies what the future will be, they're really able to guide and control the future by creating these foregone conclusions or these self-fulfilling fantasies, basically.
Yeah, it's predictive programming.
And what it is, is a repetition of certain themes, which would change cultures, certain ideas.
Bush Sr.
said, the big idea, that's a Masonic term.
First you bring an idea out of a possibility into the public's mind, through fiction, because the censored part of your brain is down when you think you're being entertained.
That's why Bush Sr.
says, the New World Order, it's a big idea!
That's right, a BB, to be or not to be, in the Masonic way.
So, you find that they'll show you certain possibilities, science fiction for instance,
And the possibilities of where we could go with science and science fiction.
Wrap it up in intense stories which captivate us.
And we're really being downloaded with the possible idea of something to come.
And it actually is presented eventually down the road.
We think it's quite normal.
We've already been programmed to accept this particular way of going.
Now Lenin himself said, there are a thousand ways that society could go, but the public must never be allowed to know that.
In other words, they're being steered along a certain direction and it's done through predictive programming and primarily drama.
Well, here's an example.
Let's take Star Trek 1968.
From the first episode, the symbol of the World Federation is the United Nations flag with a star field behind it.
See, right there, we're going to have a global government.
And also the Federation in the later movies had basically the same oak leaves in the shape of the United Nations, and the grid on the wall of the United Nations, and there's 33 parts to that grid, by the way, for the 33 degrees of Lower Masonry.
So, and Gene Roddenberry's name, even, is occultic, because it's the Gene of the Red Berry.
You know, they always go back to Eve, breaking the rules, and getting knowledge.
Knowledge is the thing that they put on the altar above all else.
The symbol of Apple computers is an apple with a bite out of it.
That's right, and a Macintosh is the best red apple you can get.
So, everything is tied in, and it's put right in front of your face, but you never really even think about it.
Or if you do, you say, what a coincidence.
And there are no coincidences in this system.
Well, Alan Watts, stay there.
The second hour starts in 70 seconds.
I want to get into H.G.
Wells, Aldous Huxley, and many others, and then talk about where these globalists are going, what life will be like under them.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alan Watt is our guest for the next hour.
Got a little five-minute report I want to play later of Keith Oberman on NBC.
MSNBC just admitting how they staged these fake terror alerts at key times.
And more on that has now come out.
It's on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
We'll cover some of that with Alan before he leaves us as well.
There's so much more we need to discuss here and we'll have to have him back up again.
The total free number to join us on air, we'll be opening the phones up, is 1-800-259-9231.
We literally are in a Matrix-like system.
Why do you think the establishment, the Wachowski Brothers, have released films like the Matrix Trilogy and now V for Vendetta,
A. Have you seen those films?
And B. Why do you think they've released those?
Are they part of the system?
Have they been allowed to do this?
Or are they rebels in the system?
Because I do know some people in Hollywood, not the Wachowski brothers, who really are rebels and who are trying to get away with what they can.
I don't know about the Wachowski brothers, though.
I know some big Hollywood people, and when they do make a film that is truly rebellious,
The Matrix movies were well done, showing a duality, sure, where the human individual was fast asleep, in a sense, and he was really just a battery that was used by this upper elite
However, within the story, the hero himself is Neo, which means new, and Anderson, it means the new son of man, Andrew from the Greek.
And so the new son of man, in a sense, is also, as they expose this system, they're showing you the next part of the inner system, which is a new type of God, you see, that breaks through all the rules.
And then he even has an argument with the great architect, which is what the nations call Lucifer.
Yes, and yet that is, behind High Freemasonry, that is the goal of High Freemasonry.
It's when you overcome the architect, you have become a god.
So the architect really symbolises the Talmud, the laws of the world, you might say, of the physical world.
The same thing was shown symbolically in 2001 and 2010 Arthur C. Clarke's movies.
They showed you one of the spacemen overcoming the rogue.
We're good to go.
That really is it, but instead they create death and destruction everywhere they go.
Then they claim, oh, that's the balance.
We have to bring balance.
Yeah, I watched a program of an interview at a party with some of the top Hollywood producers.
And Steven Spielberg and George Lucas were there, and each one was asked if they really believed in evil, because they put so many movies out to do with horror and evil forces.
And each one gave a capitalistic answer, because that is the religion.
They said there's no such thing as good and evil, it's just a human perception on events.
Because what you term as good can come out of evil acts.
Well, that's why Darth Vader, you know, there's the legend that he's going to bring balance to the force and defeat the dark side, but then really he comes and defeats the good guys and then in the end destroys the bad guys too.
He brings balance.
Yes, that's right.
And that's an ancient religion going all the way back to at least ancient Egypt.
Well, I want everybody to know that part of their religion is killing humans en masse.
And that's part of it, though.
This intense sacrifice, the few must perish for the sake of the many, is one of their sayings.
And you heard that even in the Star Trek series.
But Mr. Spock, who represented perfect rationality and reason, kept using that phrase.
Stay there.
We've got a break again.
I want to come back and get more into the mechanics of this via television.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
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For those that just joined us, I guess I can retell the story.
I kept forgetting to finish it about 30 minutes ago.
I ran into a break when Alan Watt and myself, our guest, were talking about how the IMF and World Bank run their scam.
They'll go into a third world country, they'll openly loan the dictator or the leaders billions of dollars, and then they will openly retire to Switzerland or Spain or New York with most of the money after signing over all the assets of the country in perpetuity to the IMF or World Bank, who took that money from the American taxpayer, which itself was created out of thin air inside the central bank's computers.
So here's the New World Order out of a big idea, out of a hoax, just getting everyone to accept, quote, their money that's really private, backed up by nothing, created by hocus-pocus.
Then they go to the third world country, and you may have in one case, of an African nation I was reading about, a four billion dollars loan.
And by now, over the last 20 years, they've paid $36 billion, but they owe another $20 billion.
They could never... because the interest compounds, it gets bigger and bigger.
So they've already paid back many times the billions they borrowed.
Their dictator ran off with the money 20 years ago, and then now we hear, oh, debt forgivance!
They've already paid back, you know, 5, 10, in some cases 15 times what they borrowed.
Be reasonable!
And Bono goes and, you know, meets with
Or Bono, whatever his stupid name is.
We've written big articles about it.
I like you too, folks.
I'm being sarcastic.
The point is, he's definitely being used as a puppet, and may even be involved.
And he goes, oh, debt forgivance, but what they're doing, the thing I didn't finish up telling you is...
They're not giving debt forgiveness to those countries.
They're saying, go along with these conditionalities, hundreds of them, about a 112 point plan, sign over all your water, your schooling, your regulations, everything you'll ever do.
You've got to agree to this form of government, and this system, and these textbooks of how to operate.
You've got to seize all the property and give it to us.
I mean, it's feudalism!
So, you know, we loan you four or five billion, you pay us thirty-something billion back, and then we do you a favor and take full control of your country.
That's the liberal forgiveness of debt, instead of, hey, how about you pay billions back?
This whole thing was set up to be a scam to begin with, and this money is just a currency you've created to get control of societies.
The truth is, the elite are holding back human development.
The truth is, the elite, the Luciferians claim,
That's what they are.
That's what they say they are.
That, oh, they're pushing us toward this big grand design.
Well, I've looked at it, and it's the complete opposite.
They are threatened by dynamic free human spirits.
They are threatened by God's plan.
They're setting up hell on earth.
Going back to Alan Watt.
Alan, do you agree with what I just said, or do you want to add anything?
Yeah, it's true.
This is their plan.
They hate the idea
They always have, since the feudal system seemed to change.
They've always hated the fact that lower classes began to get private property.
And that's why all of their movements which were financed by the elite, including communism,
Including the Scottish right of Freemasonry, etc.
All said that they've abolished private property and that everyone will be born eventually with a duty to serve the state.
That is their ideal system.
It's a new feudalism.
The amazing thing is they say it in their own writings.
Why are they so arrogant to just brag about it out in the open?
I think it's because they know that they have the general population so conditioned
They can actually hear these little bits, but it goes right through their mind.
Brzezinski said it perfectly.
He said, well, train the public so well.
That they've given over their rights of reasoning for themselves and have given it to the media.
They believe the media is now there to do their thinking for them.
Back in the 70s, David Rockefeller wrote a book and he said, the public schools are helpless people yielding themselves to our molding hands.
And they'll come with perfect docility.
Yeah, he said they would deliver themselves to us with perfect hostility, and that's exactly what we're seeing.
The public have truly been trained to believe that we should worry about what the media tells us to worry about, and disregard our own observations.
Well, that's right.
I mean, here's an example.
Bayer knowingly kills 200,000 plus hemophiliacs and others in the U.S.
for a decade, knowingly, on purpose,
Yeah, that's how it works.
That's right.
We worry about what the media tells us is important.
And it's also done by the way they depict these anchor people to read the dummy boards and train them.
They use expressions when we're supposed to be anxious or carefree or happy or sad.
You watch the expressions change.
And we've been conditioned.
Oh, I should worry about this part.
Oh, I should forget that part.
This is unimportant.
That is important.
That's how we were conditioned.
Watch Fox News anchors.
Whenever they talk about George Bush, they smile confidently and it's like they're discussing a fine steak they just had.
But whenever they talk about Alex Jones, they get real angry looking and cough and look like they're basically giving birth to a 50 pound baby.
Yeah, 90% is body language.
So folks, when you just sit there and give yourself over,
To suspend a disbelief when you're vegetating watching television, shouldn't you be insulted?
Wouldn't you be insulted if your neighbor was trying to con you?
If your co-worker was trying to scam you like some used car salesman?
Oh, but when the television does it cold-heartedly trained, you just sit there and accept it!
And again, going back to Bertrand Russell, he said they'd have to bring in the expertise of Madison Avenue, even the big advertising and marketing companies, to market ideas via media to the public, and use all of the tricks of marketing, and that's what they have done.
They've adopted all of those techniques of psychology.
Get into Aldous Huxley for us.
Huxley was an amazing guy.
He was a grandson of Thomas Huxley, Professor Thomas Huxley, who was the champion and best friend of Charles Darwin.
They both came from lower aristocratic families.
And as part of the whole thing, if you do well for the great work, as it's called, since at least the 1500s, and join the proper societies,
You are supplied with a wife, which they call a dolly, a carrier of specific genes, of quality, as they say.
And you find that Huxley pushed the Darwinistic theory, and so did his offspring as well, right up to Aldo Huxley.
It's inter-family agendas.
Each family has their part in this agenda.
You'll find the same with the Darwins.
The Darwins only married into the Wedgwood family for generations.
Charles Darwin's grandfather, Erasmus, who really wrote The Origin of Species long before Charles did, he married a Wedgwood.
His sons married Wedgwoods.
When Charles Darwin's wife died, who was a Wedgwood, he married his mother's aunt, his sister, sorry, his own aunt.
So they all, they mired into specific families for the gene quality.
So we're looking at a selective breeding here.
Now the total proof of this is we know the Egyptians 4,000 years ago were doing this, so they believed in breeding.
Then we know the Queen of England today, that's all she does is breed dogs and horses and everything else.
They're into this and
So that shows the theory of Darwinism really was nothing new to their worldview.
Folks, I'm not debating the theory.
I'm just talking about its origins here.
It's the same thing.
We have the big state of Texas doctor.
The psychiatrist testifying last year was in the Associated Press about why are over two-thirds of foster kids on all these dangerous psychotropics and he said because they come from bad gene pools.
He actually in testimony just said that all these kids have bad gene pools.
So see that's also their excuse to do whatever they want.
And also H.G.
Wells and Huxley and others and Bethan Russell talked about if only we could have our way
And mandate that our, I mean the elite's, sperm were implanted in the female populations and bypassed the regular guys down below.
They could breed a better type of society.
They really believe in this stuff.
And so they've been going at it big time for genetic alterations and to creating a new world, the world of Huxley, the brave new world as they call it.
Yeah, they're in incredible power trips.
I mean, they think their seed is the best.
And of course, then we get into population reduction.
Dr. Peter Singer, Dr. Pianka, he gets up and says we need to kill 90% of people and 95% stand up with a standing ovation.
Can you speak to that?
Yeah, and it's also been, it's an Agenda 21 from the United Nations, that by the year 2050, they want three quarters of the world's population reduced.
So they bring it out in the open if we care to read it.
And I think we suspend our disbelief once again.
We can't believe they really mean it, but they do.
They do mean it.
If you look at the United Nations statistics they give us every year, they tell us, around April or so, what the male sperm count is in the West.
And they never comment on the result, they just give the statistic.
And two years ago, the Western male was down 75% of the sperm count of the male from 1950.
And then in cities itself, it's up to 87%, and that's a celebration for them!
And then you tie it in again with Brooks, Byer, Huxley and others, talking about this very thing, and Charles Galton Darwin, the next million years,
Of doing this very thing, destroying their ability to reproduce by attacking their hormonal production centers in the body through inoculations, and it all makes perfect sense.
They've been doing it.
And then they've been caught.
This has been in major papers, and it's just kind of swept under the rug.
Oh, we add a hormone to a tetanus shot to sterilize all the women.
Take your daughters in.
There's a new special shot for them.
We're going to come back and go straight to your calls and then get into what this new world order will look like if they're able to get it into place.
Have your questions and comments ready.
Jim, John, Chris, John, Jason, and many others, toll free number to join us 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Alex Jones and our guest is Mr. Watt.
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I think so.
Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, it's really common sense.
Elites throughout history have always been on power trips and think they're gods and have always thought of the commoners as scum to be used like so many cords of firewood.
And the elite is waging war on free humanity.
Our guest is Alan Watt.
Great to have him on with us.
We're going to take some calls right now, and later we will get into what their master plan is, what life on earth will be like if they're able to succeed.
Jim in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Okay, let Jim go.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in California.
John, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
You know, I talked to you at the Sheraton, and you said you'd give me 20 minutes to discuss something.
I know you don't have that time now.
But I was wondering if we could discuss a possible solution to all this mess.
And I know on this C-SPAN segment,
Oh, I remember.
Yeah, sir, you followed me around the hotel constantly bringing up constitutional conventions or ways to have the states vote on throwing stuff out and you were on C-SPAN and brought up your point there.
So go ahead and bring it up.
I didn't mean to bring up my point.
I did not get to clarify some of the facts that you seem to be... Hey, look, thanks for the call, man.
Listen, I couldn't eat a meal at that hotel.
I couldn't do anything.
Without having that brought up to me, and it's just not what I'm talking about right now.
Let's talk to Craig in Kansas City.
Craig, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, you were talking about that movie, V for Vendetta?
There were some things in that that only I would get.
Like the way he walked and the knives and the woman that he was in love with.
I've been
These are weird calls today, I'll tell you right now.
Exactly what are you getting at, sir?
Well, I got possessed by a draconian.
Alright, thank you for the call.
I just want to tell you something, Allen.
I don't normally have calls like this on the show.
It's pretty weird.
John in Georgia.
John, you're on the air.
Alex, excellent guest.
I've called you before talking about the state guard and the state guard organization here in Georgia and Tennessee and I'd like to remind everyone to look into that.
But just your guest, excellent, excellent guy, and I'd just like to ask him about what's his opinion on the mechanics of how exactly they do this.
I'm looking at this from the angle of everything kind of goes back to the Garden of Eden, in a sense.
It looks like they're trying to take away from us our sense of nobility and shame.
And it's kind of like the serpent offering us a dialectic.
The knowledge of good and evil.
And if we participate in that system, we can become deified through that.
And if you look at the... Converse to that, the Eastern Orthodox Church offers God through mystery, not God through rationalization.
Let me get into comment on that.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, that's... It's all allegory.
These are very deep allegories, though, but they're allegories nonetheless.
And sure enough, we've always had that problem of how do we cope with knowledge?
Who should have knowledge?
Should we all have the same knowledge?
And elites long ago decided, no, we should not all have the same knowledge, because then you couldn't have an elite over the rest.
Eden represents the world in general, nature in general.
And nature, to these boys who rule the world, is their enemy.
They want to reconstruct all of nature, everything that exists, including the plants, animals, and insects.
They want control.
They want to be God.
They see in it themselves.
They want to perfect all that was left imperfect in High Masonry.
Which is totally, totally delusional.
And again, most Masons aren't even bad people.
They don't even know what goes on in the degrees of 33rd and above.
They don't even know there are degrees above 33rd.
Yeah, they're happy with the little payoffs.
They do get a lot of things the general public are out of.
They get promotions.
They get better jobs.
They get to bypass petty bureaucracy at taxation time.
They get instant loans.
So they get a lot of payoffs to help keep this system going, and that's the key to it.
They help to keep this system going with the police, the military, and all the rest of it.
That's all part of the structure.
Anything else, John?
There's a lot of people on your side.
A cool news report I read the other day was an elder in the Eastern Orthodox Church, there's a monastery of his your way in Houston called Holy Archangels, came out against the FEMA camps and made a big announcement that, I think he cited a lot of reference sources, he's a famous guy and he's catching a lot of
A lot of crap from a lot of people.
Well, it's in the Houston Chronicle.
They're building camps for us.
So, you know, you've got to love it.
It's bad to talk bad about the camps.
The camps are good.
Thanks for the call, caller.
In fact, when we get back, I'm going to hold off on calls a few minutes so our guest Alan Watt can answer that question and can get into basically where he thinks all of this is going and ways to stop it.
And I think I know what his answer will be.
But we'll find out on the other side of this quick break, and we'll continue with your calls.
I want to thank John for actually having a question for the guest.
That was a real rarity.
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And we're not offering it yet.
I'm just telling you that by the end of Showtime today, you'll be able to go to Infowars.com and get the Terror Conspiracy.
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Today is the cutoff.
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I'm signing each copy of it.
But that ends tonight.
It ends.
It's over.
So if you want to get it, go to InfoWars.com or call toll free to order 1-888-253-3139.
The Jim Mars Terror Conspiracy will be available today.
That is how many weeks before September 11th?
Three weeks?
Before or more?
So you can get this before anybody else gets the terror conspiracy.
Let's go back to our guest, who I'm really honored to have with us.
We have links to his fine website and materials and the work he's done up on Infowars.com right now, Alan Watt, who resides 400 miles across the border up in Canada, in the hinterland.
I'm kind of envious of that beautiful country up there.
Alan, the globalist, other key points you haven't had time to hit on, and where they're going in the future, what the world would look like if these nutcases really had their way.
They will bring in a world, ultimately, similar to the one that Huxley wrote about in Brave New World, where you'll have certain castes of people, purpose made for their function, their work function, who will not have an independent, sentient mind of their own.
Who will also be titillated by drugs for different things.
That'll be their happiness.
And they'll be happy to serve the world state, their masters.
They will not even have the ability to understand that they could possibly be unhappy.
That will be gone.
But that's the final step.
The intermediate steps is to use... What they've been doing is using the homosexual and lesbian movements to destroy anything called normalcy.
Because we only complain about change when we compare it with what is.
So when there's no more normalcy, they can bring forth the next part, which is a new type of human.
Now the American Psychiatric Association spent a couple of years in a symposium discussing what they would do to bring a truly functional human into the world.
And they decided after two years, this big national establishment,
They'd have to create a form of hermaphroditic person, a servant you might say, who was neither quite male nor quite female, and they went on about cloning that type.
I can see the future where your reward for serving the world state will be having yourself cloned.
That will be the ultimate prize.
I can see that coming into view.
And obviously they've got to reduce world population because you can only have the elite having access to these advanced, super medical advancements of these technologies.
And again, they've openly written about all this.
Bill Joy went to elitist meetings in 1999.
In 2000, he broke ranks.
He's the owner of Sun Microsystems, boys and girls.
We're good to go.
Twenty million dollar company, worth about five billion himself, openly saying, I've been to meetings where the elites say they're going to kill everybody, and most people.
We've got Mexican attorney generals making employees take chips.
I've had police chiefs on saying they'll make everybody take chips.
We've got the New Freedom Initiative, where all children are being psychologically tested, and their own documents say they want to put half the kids on drugs.
Foster care puts an average of over two-thirds on drugs.
They're poisoning the water, putting drugs in the food.
They're talking about putting vaccines engineered into potatoes and carrots now so you can't escape it.
We know they're spraying stuff in the skies.
I mean, Alan, these people really are creating a hell!
And you've got the average person driving around with UT football gear on, just giggling and smirking and drinking beer like a bunch of idiots.
Yeah, I know.
I know.
They're totally conditioned.
They're domesticated.
They've swallowed the reality as it's been presented to them since childbirth.
They've never broken through into reality, and most of them won't.
I've never ever thought that the masses of people would be cohesive in standing up against this.
That never will happen.
It's never happened in history, and that's why we've been led to the path we're on.
History's always been changed by the few individuals.
Who can expose what's happening and give solutions to it.
And the solutions themselves are often difficult because... Well we're going to talk about that in a moment Alan, but right now you just hit on something.
That's really it.
I've never been a jealous or envious person.
And I know that in this system the main thing they drive off of is jealousy and envy and then modeling.
People idolize something because they're jealous of that image, and they try to mimic that in an attempt to overtake it and become it, which is really what the New World Order does.
They hate gods.
They're trying to become God.
But you just hit on it.
I actually have the reverse of that.
I have extreme empathy.
Not that I'm even that good of a person, folks.
Really aggressive male mammals, especially in canines or in Homo sapiens sapiens, you normally have a lot of empathy in the tribe.
That's because you would violently tear up those in your tribe nucleus if you didn't have a strong ingrained empathy and protection mechanism, which you correctly talk about, Alan, is manipulated through tribal instincts scientifically.
But I get angry, and I am in pain, and I am upset to see these people being robbed of consciousness, being robbed of being free, being robbed of seeing reality, being robbed of being able to control their own destiny, and set their own course.
You know, God wants us to have free will, but really the New World Order claims that they want to give us free will, but they're the ones trying to take it away, Alan!
Yeah, and that's so beautiful, the way they do it.
Liberalism has always
Pushed this equality business to the extreme.
But in reality, they give you political correctness.
And they're the most intolerant of all if you don't go along with it.
They don't allow individual opinion on a particular topic when it's already been put into a category of political correctness.
So they're the most intolerant of all, you'll notice.
And I always think about all the generations who's gone before me and lived and died never knowing
That their whole lives were manipulated towards a purpose.
A goal they were never told about.
For an agenda they were totally unaware of.
So it's not just for the living we're fighting, it's for all those that have gone before.
Well now we see a new world order coming into view.
What else will life be like under this control, Greg?
And what are the steps they're going to use to lead us into that?
It is quite simple, really.
They always go for the children, the up-and-coming ones.
Now we can go back to Beria, who was the chief police of the NKVD at the time, the precursor of the KGB in the Soviet system, and in 1930 he gave a world meeting of the common term.
And he said, we can alter culture now and every five years.
It used to take 70 years to get a generation to accept a change in culture.
He said now, with getting the children, we can alter them so that every five years they'll accept a major new change.
Well, that's been implemented into kindergarten, scientifically.
So the child going into kindergarten today has been indoctrinated for the changes they will experience 30, 40 years from now.
And then the one going in next year is indoctrinated slightly further ahead than that, and so on and so on and so on.
This is a planned scientific system.
And now the children, with their iPods and everything else, are going the road that they said they would take at the Loyola meeting of world science.
They will promote the brain chip through movies as being a very positive thing to have.
Well, as rebellious, your parents don't want you to have the cheap body modification that even the Washington Post admits, Wash Tech admits, their technical publication, that corporations do want implantation, that they are using body modification as a quote, radical, stylish thing to do.
That's right.
And we're all used to the iPods hooked in.
We are one step away from being the wireheads.
Yeah, for convenience's sake we will sell out our souls.
And they will tell you that this will do away with the cell phone, the internet, everything.
You'll have a chip in your brain connected to... Oh, they're openly now all over television.
Ten years ago I'd read it in government documents.
Now they're on TV going, if you don't take this, you won't be able to have a job or live.
You'll be a bunch of idiots.
And they're already saying, we'll be a bunch of religious crazies that won't do this, but we'll need it to stop terrorists, too.
And in fact, I have Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes saying we all need chips to prove we're good people.
Yeah, a chip off the old block, as the Masons say.
But that's what he's pushing at, really, too.
This has always been their agenda.
Again, back to Huxley... By the way, it's Masons Nationwide with a program called Chip Program, getting kids to biometrically scan into the system.
Yes, this is all part of it.
So they'll tell the children that, my goodness, you can get stereo or quadraphonic effects in your head.
You'll be in the movie.
You'll imagine you're in the movie.
And this is how they're going to sell this to the children.
But once they all have it, the main switch is pulled, and the real function kicks in, because there'll be no more you as an individual thinking, sentient being.
And that was discussed at the Loyola Science Meeting, funded by the U.S.
Department of Commerce.
Arthur C. Clarke, in his final 2001 book, wrote that.
Everybody has brain chips, everybody's totally controlled, and this is his utopia.
Yeah, their utopia is a hell on earth for the public.
That's right.
No, you're just not stylish!
You're just not stylish!
The latest pop star, Big Bopple Dibblesnap, or whatever his name will be, he's got the 9M7Q chip!
And the government doesn't want him to have it!
He's acin' him, man!
He's got the chip!
He's rad!
We gotta get one!
Don't you tell me, you old square!
I'm getting the new IM70 chip!
You can't stop me!
Yeah, that's right.
In fact, at that meeting, they talked about giving it snob appeal.
And now they're a marketing company.
It's like seeing people sitting there thumbskinning to getting their brand new $100,000 Mercedes when I'm out in the parking lot of IHOP.
It's so stylish.
They'll probably make us start wearing chains around our necks and it'll be stylish.
I mean, hell, they could show, you know, the new style could be chains and half the public would start wearing chains.
Yes, and then we can hook them on to the rails in the airports as we go along the lines like cattle to be searched, yeah.
I mean, that's an extreme example, folks, but literally, literally, if Madison Avenue had the nerve to do it, they could say eating feces is cool, and 20% of the public would start gobbling their toilets.
And by the way, Alan, I'm not joking when I say that.
The public's so weak-minded right now, they could tell them sticking babies in garbage disposals is good, they'd start doing it.
Well, they can, and that's again the diabolical cleverness.
All right.
Uh, to try and rejuvenate themselves.
And rich women are going off to... Oh, they have BBC articles where they act like the women are good, knowing it's coming from dead babies.
Forget... Yeah, I know.
And, and, and, and, oh, it's so, and she says, I don't care.
I'm going to stay beautiful for many more years.
And acts like she's good.
You see, she's good.
And that, that again was put into the, the, the, the futuristic movie, uh, Brazil, by Dick Terry Gwilliam.
A fantastic movie of a world run by bureaucracies.
See, that's it.
People don't realize once you get to a corruption jump point or flashpoint, then it all suddenly goes downhill very rapidly.
When you have no normalcy to compare anything with, and that's why they like to keep us moving with crisis after crisis,
You have no more normality left to compare anything with.
Then you can always bring forth the new, the new, the new.
Even though it's very bizarre, really, you'll think it's quite normal.
You have nothing to compare it to.
You'll think it's a natural progression.
Well, we've got to have you back up for longer in the near future because I know you've got a lot more knowledge and you're right on target.
Let's come back and take a few final calls with folks holding with our guest, Alan Watt.
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The elite are waging war on the people.
They've convinced many of you to not realize this war is ongoing.
Break your conditioning.
Our guest is really an expert on these issues.
You can visit his website by linking through at Infowars.com.
We've got it up on the main page, and we'll have it up there for the next day.
Let's try to jam a few calls in.
Whenever we have a guest this good that's on, I want to take your calls, but there's just so little time.
Sean in Arizona, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, I want to make a couple of points.
First, before the new liquid alert came out, I received in the mail my new Gallup poll which focused on
Oh, is Bush going far enough in taking our liberties away for safety and stuff?
And I found that rather odd.
Yeah, notice how it was stacked up so you'd get it right when it came out so they'd be ready with just the right question.
I mean, we have the documents that are coordinating it, but you don't even need the documents.
You can see the coordination all around you.
Let me get a comment from our guest on that.
There's no doubt all the media is... The media is the middle man.
Media means the middle.
We're the middle between the elite and the general population.
They give us our thoughts, our realities, our conditioning, our upgrades to our conditioning constantly.
And it's been ongoing forever.
It's so simple.
And you look at all these status-hungry people that'll do anything for just some petty power.
They're the most unhappy people you could know.
Go ahead.
Anything else, Sean?
Another issue is I think there are several points working in our favor.
The elite have been trying to accelerate their schedule, first of all because I think their global currencies are going to start going through the floor.
And that kind of limits the time which they have to implement all this.
Isn't that really the good news, Alan Watt, is that their program is having a lot of problems and there is a wide group of people that are waking up?
It's true, but however, eventually they are going to do away with the cash system anyway and bring in the global cashless society.
In fact, the ID card has a part on it.
It's been admitted in Britain for this coming cashless global society.
It's on the ID card, the same one as they're introducing in the United States.
Oh yeah, no, it's really a global ID card.
It's all standardized globally.
But I mean, the good news is there is a growing resistance, Alan.
There is, yeah, and the public, it's organization they lack.
They have no organization.
The elite know this, so they call them the rabble, unorganized rabble.
Thank you for the call, Sean.
We're going to jump now to another caller.
Ron in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, hello, Alex, and hello, Alan.
Alex, the reason I'm calling you, you guys mentioned the Matrix.
And I'm currently involved with the person who really wrote the Matrix.
Her name is Sophia Stewart.
Yeah, I've heard that story about out of California.
Yeah, well, I'm involved in that, and that's a true story.
She's been in a seven-year battle against Fox Studios and Warner Brothers.
Just so you guys know how the system works, the system is definitely stacked against us.
Sure, sure, sir.
I'm aware of this.
It's been in the press.
What's on your mind?
Well, that was just one thing I wanted to bring out.
You know, I didn't know if you were aware of it or not.
But that was just bringing out an example of how the system is stacked against us.
As far as things go, when you talk about the media, when you talk about the courts... We're almost out of time, Rob.
What else is on your mind?
Did you have a question or anything for the gaster?
No, well, I'd just like to thank Alan.
He has awesome knowledge on things going down.
I'd just like to thank him for coming on your show.
Thank you.
And again, I'm frustrated, folks, because I want to get all the callers on, and I can't now.
Sorry, everybody.
Maybe Friday or something, I won't have guests, and we'll just do three hours of calls, because your calls are all so great.
Okay, well, Alan Watt, thank you so much for coming on with us today.
Folks can visit your website through infowarriors.com, and I hope to have you back up in the near future, my friend.
It's been a pleasure.
Take care.
You couldn't make this stuff up.
It's too weird.
And it's really going on, and it's not pretty.
And these people are totally cold-blooded and do not have your best interest at heart.
I suggest you wake up, you wake your friends and neighbors up, and we fight these people.
God bless you all.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-300-7645.