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Name: 20060804_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 4, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I've already had a fun day.
I've done three interviews this morning, including Tom Martino, the troubleshooter, sitting there agreeing with me on 9-11.
That shows on like 300 stations, going out and exposing 9-11 as an inside job.
So more and more exciting things are happening.
Coming up, we are going to have Scott L. Silverman, or Silman, a retired Air Force Judge Advocate General,
Exposing the fact that Bush is planning secret arrests and secret detentions and I guess secret executions of the American people.
This is out of the Associated Press about Bush trying to pass sections of Patriot Act II, some of the most horrible, egregious provisions in open legislation right now.
We've been talking about this for the last week and we will detail it with the professor.
He's a professor now.
An Executive Director for the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security at Duke Law.
And in the last few days he's briefed the House Armed Services Committee on this.
He's against it.
He has also spoke for the Intelligence Fellows Program.
And we have his printed testimony before Congress that we'll be going over a little bit later.
So again, he'll be joining us in the next hour.
There can be no doubt, major Israeli newspapers are now talking about openly going into Syria.
They have been bombing and putting in special forces troops right up on the border with Syria.
And they just blew up some of the major bridges.
The news is reporting on one big bridge, but they've blown up several major bridges leading out of Lebanon into Syria.
We have an unbelievably revealing Associated Press group of photographs up on PrisonPlanet.com.
We're posting it on InfoWars.com right now.
Satellite Google Photos.
You can go do this yourself on Google World.
Go look at Lebanon.
The city of Lebanon.
You know, you see one building that's rubble, or four or five buildings that's rubble, and they show you a new one that's rubble every few hours, and you don't get a picture for how much has been destroyed.
They are systematically leveling Beirut.
Five-story, ten-story, twenty-story buildings are disappearing.
Filled with families.
Filled with businesses.
And now the population is streaming to shelters.
They're trying to get out of the country.
They're trying to go into Syria.
They can't.
So the extermination can continue.
Israel's blowing up the bridges.
Bombing the roads.
Blowing up convoys of civilians trying to flee.
Even the mainstream media now admits it's well over a thousand dead civilians.
But there's no personnel to dig into all the rubble.
It could be in the tens of thousands.
We don't know.
Israeli forces are now getting close to Lebanon on the ground and again they've dropped in special forces troops to the east and west of Beirut in Lebanon.
They are getting into the north.
They've been inserting and secreting troops there for the last week.
And Israel is openly talking about quote, the next phase of the operation.
They are openly saying everyone in the country is a combatant and can be killed.
That is in Israeli papers, Harat, Jerusalem Post and others.
Meanwhile, our news keeps claiming they're not targeting civilians and that Israel is loving and good and caring and it's all lies that civilians are being targeted.
The U.N.
for six hours, ten separate times, begged Israel, of course, two weeks ago not to bomb their bunker.
They gave them their exact coordinates and Israel responded by firing a missile right through the opening in the bunker that was there to observe the mass slaughter.
That is going on.
This is unprecedented.
BBC headline, Israeli Army set for push into Lebanon.
Again, I mentioned the satellite images before and after.
Beirut looks like a tsunami victim.
It looks just like the photos of when tsunamis hit major cities because most of the buildings are blown to bits.
I mean, you've got to go look at this.
It's just incredible.
Israel severs Lebanon road link to Syria, AP.
One step from Class of Civilization, that's the AP headline, another one.
Lebanon Daily Star, Hezbollah offers to spare civilians if Israeli military does the same.
They're offering a type of ceasefire.
You'll never hear about that in our news.
It goes on and on.
We'll cover it all on the other side.
Masses of vital news.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Three and a half, really four weeks ago,
When Israel's bombardment of Lebanon went into high gear, we said time would tell.
Time would tell if this was an attempt by Israel and the United States and the neocons for political and military aims to escalate a regional war in the Middle East spreading into Central Asia.
And we have seen exactly that happen.
I have stacks of articles out of major Israeli, British, and U.S.
newspapers, but especially Israel.
They're all up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, where they are openly talking about going into Syria.
Israel is talking about going ahead and using its bunker busters, hundreds of which have been delivered.
The big DU-tipped rounds that can go through 20 feet of concrete.
And attacking hundreds of sites in Iran.
They are now hyping up that Bin Laden's son, out of nowhere, is going to lead the Lebanese, so when we kill Lebanese, when the Israelis kill Lebanese, but we are, as Americans, supporting Israel and giving them the weapons, why, it won't be just women and children, it's all Al Qaeda!
And this is the escalation.
This is the ultimatum they gave Iran, now about two months ago, that by late July, if they hadn't submitted, that they faced very serious military repercussions.
And so, Israel sent their soldiers over the Lebanese border.
That is mainstream news, hidden in the back of the paper, and this hoax is on television and radio that they captured them across the Israeli line.
It is on record in the Israeli papers, though, that once the troops were being captured, Israeli special forces had them on infrared, could have killed the Lebanese fighters, military, Hezbollah that was grabbing them, and that they said, do not shoot, do not aid them.
Then they hype up this routine.
Israelis are routinely captured.
Tens of thousands of Palestinians and hundreds and hundreds of Lebanese.
Really, it's in the thousands.
I think it was 3,000 I saw Lebanese that have been grabbed are in prisons.
Israel's building more prisons for the Lebanese.
Before this war kicked off last year, they've built several big prisons, shaming their four Lebanese.
They planned the entire invasion once they had a provocation.
Hezbollah routinely shooting Katyusha rockets at Israel.
Israel routinely is bombing southern areas.
It all got hyped out of proportion, and the media spends more than equal time focusing on the one or two Israelis that sadly die each day from Katyusha rockets, the civilians.
It's normally about one a day.
I haven't gotten the average, but every day I see one killed, two killed.
They call it the worst day yet with four dead Israelis, military yesterday, and two dead civilians when one hit a balcony there in northern Israel, one of the Katyusha rockets.
So all of this is going on, and Israel is openly now massing more military to go into Lebanon.
They put special forces in the last week all over the north of Lebanon.
They're all around the capital city of Beirut, the central area of Lebanon.
They've blown out all the big bridges, starting three weeks ago, continually.
And they are saying anyone in southern Lebanon or in other areas they're in, everyone is Hezbollah, and they all are basically targets to be killed.
And many of the religious leaders and sects in Israel are in major papers saying everyone is enemies, everyone can die.
And that's called loving and good and reasonable by our press.
And then when Hezbollah targets indiscriminately civilian targets with Katyusha rockets, it is called the ultimate evil ever seen on the planet Earth.
So it's a lot of hypocrisy that we're seeing right now.
This is from the BBC today.
Israel army set for Lebanon push.
The Israeli army has been told to prepare for a possible advance that could be its deepest incursion to Lebanon for more than 20 years.
The defense minister's order could see the army push up to the Latina River or Laetani River about 30 kilometers, 19 miles north of the border in pursuit of Hezbollah.
What does this article mean?
I've got another AP article here saying they put troops into the north.
Israeli jets have stepped up airstrikes on Beirut and north of the capital on the Syrian border.
The moves came as U.N.
delegates in the U.S.
struggled to reach full agreement on wording for a ceasefire resolution.
Israel's campaign began three weeks ago after Hezbollah militants captured two Israeli soldiers.
Lebanon says more than 900 people have died since then.
It's now over a thousand.
Most of them civilians.
Israelis have lost 27 civilians and 40 soldiers.
Thursday was the worst day yet for Israeli casualties with five civilians.
I'm sorry, I said two.
I must have grown today.
We've now learned of more.
And three soldiers killed in Hezbollah attacks.
In other developments, at least five people have been killed in Israeli air raids on bridges north of the Lebanese capital.
One person has been killed in northern Israel by rocket fire from southern Lebanon.
A rescue service said three Israeli soldiers have been killed near the southern border village of Markaba, according to Arabic TV channels in Al-Arabia.
We're working on getting Dar Jamal, who joined us on Monday, from
He'd been in southern Lebanon that day in the main village where the big massacre took place.
60 plus in one building.
You still hear 56.
It's actually over 60.
35 of them children.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair has delayed his holiday to continue work on a UN ceasefire resolution.
The UN Refugee Agency warned that fuel shortages were increasingly hampering humanitarian relief operations in Lebanon.
I'm looking at an Associated Press article, satellite images before and after Beirut looks like a tsunami victim.
That's AP's comment.
And you look at it, it says these two satellite images provided by GOI show the same area of Beirut, Lebanon, before and after Israeli bombardment.
The image on the left was taken Wednesday, July 12, 2006.
The image on the right was taken July 31, 2006, AP photo.
It is taken with GPS of the exact same grid down to three feet.
So you're looking at the exact same geographical area.
I mean, the two pictures can be laid over each other exactly.
And it shows the main city center.
of Beirut.
This is a first world city, lavish hotels, first world population, huge bustling seaports nearby, beautiful beaches.
I have actually, if I ever have time to travel, I like to look at where I can travel sometimes.
Can't of course go anywhere, unless it's on business.
I mean, I would love to go scuba diving in Lebanon.
I mean, they've got the best there in the, supposedly in the Mediterranean.
Some of the best scuba diving for the Mediterranean.
If I ever have time to go scuba diving.
Which I never do.
I haven't had time to go scuba diving in 8 years.
I've never had a chance to go snorkeling, Mom.
So, side issue, I'm now lusting after vacation.
Side issue, I am a wanderlust, folks, but I never get to.
Back to the issue at hand, Jones.
I'm here looking at these photos and
There are hundreds of buildings that have been blown up.
These are big high-rises.
They're in the valley in Beirut, between the mountains.
And looking at this photo, battle assessment, I'd have to say, hmm, about 30% of the buildings are gone.
And you can see off the photo, if you blow it up, which I did this morning,
That many of the other buildings, probably another third, are damaged.
So we're looking at over half of just this photo, just this area of the city, being damaged or gone.
You're not getting this on our news here.
Leveling a city.
Carpet bombing a city with 500 pound and 1,000 pound bombs and missiles.
Cruise missiles, bombs dropped from F-16s, F-15s, and that Israeli variant of an F-15, the Eagle or whatever they call it.
They are, well, decimate would mean that they destroyed 10%.
No, no, no.
They have destroyed a lot more than, would it be quadimate?
I don't know.
I mean, 40% is gone.
I don't know, if it's a third it would be about 30%.
Just go look at it for yourself.
And I'm speechless.
They gear up their military, they mask it, they send special forces in, they get captured, they don't save them, and this starts.
This heats up.
I mean, according to what Israel's doing, when Mexican troops kidnapped over 50 Americans, and they were troops hired by the Mexican government, the Mexican cartels, remember that last year, down in South Texas?
It was barely in the news.
They had to put it on national news one or two times.
We would have sent in our whole military.
It's the same thing with Bush.
Do you know how Bush invaded in 1989?
How they invaded and
Basically destroyed about again about 20% or more of Panama City and Panama.
They claim that two American college students were kidnapped.
Well, I happened to get the documentary that has the footage of this, the Panama Deception, and it was on the news down there.
Special Forces, it's the young ladies after they've taken over, they go, oh, Special Forces came to our dorm, nobody held us, nothing had happened.
And we were amazed, this whole war was, quote, so we'd be safe.
We were told they'd been kidnapped, and that wasn't even true!
Americans, college students, some young girls have been kidnapped.
Bush is invading Panama!
No one announced it.
No one heard about it.
We woke up.
I remember being in high school and driving with friends to pick up my girlfriend at her house.
The day it happened, getting up in the morning and hearing that we've attacked Panama.
No discussion beforehand.
No nothing.
The guy didn't pay his cocaine cut.
That later came out.
Bush gets mad, and they just make something up about two captured girls, and no one pointed out the huge military was massed and waiting, and they go in and blow up a bunch of the city and take over and grab their cocaine dealer.
And then you go talk to the two girls, they were never captured.
So at least the Israelis staged the capture, at least the people were captured.
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Alright, welcome back.
I was a little bit speechless bumbling around last segment because I'm looking at these photos and there's no way to describe it.
Imagine, you know, take a city the size of San Francisco.
That's about the population we're talking about in the area in Beirut and surrounding areas.
It's a big population.
And imagine looking at a satellite photo of San Francisco and a third of it's just gone.
And then a large portion of what's left is blown up and damaged.
Still standing but shattered.
And the average American has no idea this is even going on.
And many people who do know what's going on, neocon zombie types out there that listen to talk radio, that listen to neocon lies,
They're emailing us.
They're even calling us on air some.
I hear them on other shows saying, kill everyone.
Go in, nuke every city, kill all Muslims on earth.
I've heard them say, kill all, one million, three hundred million.
And don't think the neocons don't hear this being discussed on national TV, on national radio.
And don't think that this doesn't embolden the criminals running our government.
And don't think this doesn't freak out the Muslims, and freak out the Arabs, and freak out the populations of Christians in some countries in the Middle East that are 35-45% of the population.
They're now against us.
Even the Christians in Lebanon who are on our side and on Israel's side are now with Hezbollah.
Yeah, killing your family has a way of doing that to you.
So we're going to open the phones up on the other side and give you a chance to respond to what I've been talking about here.
Please, I'd like to be on Israel or on a few of the other issues I'm bringing up because we need to talk about this.
1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 And we will get you up and on the air.
There is, of course, also
A guest joining us in the next hour, former Judge Advocate General, decrying the incredible, draconian, police state legislation Bush has introduced to allow the secret arrest of any American citizen, the secret incarceration, the secret trial, and the secret execution.
It's the one provision in Patriot Act 2 they were unable to pass in the reauthorization package of the expansion of last year, and it dovetails
With what Bush has already implemented.
They have already implemented all of the Patriot Act, too.
They are selectively grabbing American citizens who are Muslim, or who have got brown skin, who fit in with the stereotype, trying to get you to accept that precedence.
Now they've grabbed, what, two years ago now, someone involved in torture, a contractor in Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan,
And when they tried to blame all the torture on him, he went public and said, I was ordered.
Here's the document.
And so they gagged him under the Patriot Act and charged him as a terrorist.
And he was secretly taken from his jail cell out of the military courts and has disappeared.
That was two years ago.
There's a story here out of the Associated Press from, I've got to dig it out here.
I think it's New York.
I'm going to read that in a minute.
Read it this morning.
And he's been held for four months secretly
And even in the military history they don't secretly hold their people, you know, it's public.
But he's being held secretly under provisions of Bush's orders under Patriot Act II.
And hundreds of cases that we know of, of topless bars being used on, county commissioners in bed rigging, marijuana dealers, homeless people sleeping at train stations being charged as terrorists and not being given due process.
There's been land grabs in Colorado where they say we're doing this under the Patriot Act and they're just doing it and saying there's no due process, taking lavish homes and hundreds of acres.
So, it's here!
And it's part of a web, a seamless tapestry, a quilt, patchwork of federal announcements that, oh, we don't need due process or just compensation to take your land.
Private interest, it even says this can, quote, lobby and give contributions to whoever they want locally to take your property.
It is now legal.
I could go, if I had the money, and buy off the Austin City Council
And they would go and openly take farm and ranch land.
And it happens every week around Austin.
Land worth millions of dollars an acre.
It's pal-mel.
The city's growing.
They're grabbing land 30 miles outside town through different conservancies.
I mean, it's just open mafia evil right in front of me.
I mean, serious, hardcore Soviet-slash-Nazi-slash-Chinese-Communist style.
I mean, it's just, hey, we're taking it.
We're sending an armored SWAT team.
And every few months I hear about a case in Texas alone where they have a shootout with somebody that won't give up their farm or ranch or their home.
And it's going to happen to you.
You hear me, listeners?
Go ahead and laugh.
They're coming for you!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, during the break, I was talking to somebody else about something else.
I wasn't able to get my calls or find out if we got Debbie Morrow there.
We'll just do this on air.
Were you able to get Debbie?
There, guys?
Were you able to get Debbie?
Okay, what about calls?
Because I was unable to talk to you during the break.
Other folks wanted me to do other business at the network, so I was unable to do that, and I wanted to have open phones.
So, what's going on?
All right, well, we'll go to calls here in just a few minutes, ladies and gentlemen.
You can tell that I am irritated by what's happening in the world around us today and right now.
And I'm very sad to see that our country is being dismantled all around us.
I'm sad to know that
That we are having a secret police known as Homeland Security that will run every aspect of our lives being set up.
The government has openly and publicly announced that they are setting up an American Union.
Texas businesses, we reported this two weeks ago, it's now in the news, have been given their new state ID numbers and it's called American Union numbers for Canada and Mexico.
It's all happening
And the average American thinks that they don't need to be informed, they don't need to be involved, they can just maybe even just deny what I say.
Oh, that Alex, he just makes it all up.
Everything's fine, we can trust the government, we can trust all these corporations, and we can just go quietly, I guess, off into the sunset.
We're going to go to Don and many others that are holding after I talked to Debbie Morrow.
I wanted to get Debbie up with us for a few minutes today.
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And Debbie, thank you for coming on with us.
Hi there, Alex.
Thank you for having me.
I heard that you're getting really busy right now.
You know, we have been really, really busy and if anybody left messages, we'll be sure to get you back because I have been on vacation all week.
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Debbie, will you give us the toll free number to get the filters on the website?
I will and Judy will be in taking your orders.
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Debbie, the hurricanes are here.
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Debbie, thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you Alex for having me, and if anybody orders from our website, be sure to put in the comments that you're an Alex Jones listener, and I look forward to seeing you in Dallas in a few weeks Alex.
Oh good, you're going to come to the premiere of Terror Storm there at the Lakewood?
If I'd have known you were here last month, I'd have been here then, so I will absolutely be there.
It's on my calendar.
Okay, thank you so much for coming to that Debbie.
Yeah, since Debbie mentions it, and then we'll go to calls,
It's not just going to be the premiere of my new film, Terror Storm, in Dallas on the 26th.
That's a Saturday this month.
Come up in about two and a half weeks, three weeks.
It is also going to be... Well, we're going to have the author of the JFK
movie, the man who wrote the book it's based on, who also helped write the screenplay, a real historian, an old salty dog reporter, worked for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, ran his own papers in Texas, Jim Mars, with a speech titled JFK to 9-11, and then we're going to show about 35-40 minutes, I haven't decided, we're cutting it together right now, but over 35 minutes, of the footage and interviews we shot in Ottawa in early June,
There, at the Bilderberg Group Conference, then we're going to have Shanghai Five, great lounge music from midnight until 2 a.m.
But even if you don't come for that, that'll be great.
You can see my film, hear me speak, take questions, and then Jim Mars, and then the Bilderberg Group.
And it's $10.50, that's the cost of getting Jim Mars in, getting the space, and getting my crew up there, and everything else.
I think it's pretty darn cheap.
Normally something like this would be about $25.
That's how the market is, but $10.50.
Get your tickets at InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139.
We're going to hard copy a terror storm right now at InfoWars.com.
Let's go ahead and talk to Fred in Pennsylvania.
Fred, you're on the air.
Hi Alex.
Hello Fred.
The legislation that Arlen Specter introduced
Is the worst piece of legislation I've ever seen.
You talking about the NSA stuff?
No, this Unprivileged Combatant Act of 2006.
Yeah, I have a 35 page draft here in front of me and we've got a former Air Force General coming on, JAG officer, that's lawyer, to expose it.
Right, now I'm supposed to have sent from my representative in Congress a copy of it
And when I called Senator Spector's office, however, they refused to send me a copy of it.
The draft went to a law professor.
That's why you can find it.
We posted it last week, but if you can't find it, we'll repost it.
But if it has the Senate number, why can't you get a copy of the legislation?
No, not the New America, sir.
Freedom is about secret laws, too.
So what do you know about
Roughly when this was introduced, I mean, I talked to the AP journalist who wrote an article about it, Ann Plummer Flaherty, and she said that Senator Specter actually introduced this June 29th.
And that goes a lot further back than... I mean, we're not accustomed to having these things basically secretly introduced.
Well, let me break down the timeline.
Let me break down the timeline.
Yes, in late June it was introduced.
Then they tried to lie and say it hadn't been introduced and that it was a quote, a draft.
And so this is the way they do things.
They introduce things and then publicly lie.
And it allows the secret arrest of everyone.
And it also allows the procedure to be lined up, just like Patriot 2, when you have basically the
Just the allies of the White House only know about this detail.
That's right.
Only the committee chairman are allowed to know until the time of the vote.
Well that's all I have to say.
Keep covering it and make sure that you expose all the lies and contradictions that you found out about it.
Well, we've got the draft right here, it's in front of me, and it clearly says, for any misdemeanor under the Section 802 of the Patriot Act, that you can be secretly arrested, secretly tried, and secretly executed by secret tribunals.
Okay, and then I also heard on Derry Brownfield that the, first of all, the list of offenses, it's basically up to an executive branch official to classify as harmful.
That's right.
And also that you have no access, a defendant has absolutely no access to the courts of the United States.
Isn't that what America is all about?
Taking your private property for no reason, for private interest, secretly arresting you, forced psychological testing, forced drugging.
It wasn't the 32 vaccines they're trying to claim are mandatory by color of law, they're not.
I've got a mainstream announcement today that it's even more they're adding.
Is it forcibly being injected freedom?
Well, the thing is that we have to also remember that if they have a procedure where, also I call Ron Paul's office, and they are basically behind the eight ball like we are in finding out things that the White House knows that we don't know.
Yeah, Congressmen aren't allowed to see bills!
What do you think's allowed to see these?
Only the executive, that's freedom!
Right, it's called the Unitary Executive.
I think they really want Congress and Judiciary powers folded into their powers.
Hey, when you've got one leader, it's called freedom.
This would be a heck of a lot easier if it was a dictatorship, so long as I'm the dictator.
Thank you for the call.
In fact, find that clip, gentlemen.
I want to play that in a moment.
Bush and his dictator quote.
Yeah, this is the new freedom, Fred.
And I hope that you learn to enjoy it.
I mean, they openly announced that last December Bush signed a secret agreement to go ahead and set up the American Union.
The federal agencies are all operating.
State agencies are now operating.
Texans, right here, are being told we're now in the American Union.
It's official.
And the average person has no idea what's going on.
I mean, this is the crazy world we live in.
They are rolling up America right now.
They are killing and dismantling this country right now.
They're the terrorists.
They carried out 9-11.
What do you expect from people that hijack jets by remote control and fly them into buildings?
What do you expect to happen?
It's happening right now and a lot of you people couldn't wake up and couldn't get it through your heads.
And when these murdering terrorists nuke a city or release some bio-weapon, it's going to get a lot worse.
And when they take your pension funds, and they take your bank accounts, and you get to be real live slaves, and get to have cops at checkpoints shaking you down, and learn how to line up against the wall and be searched at shopping malls.
Life in the airports will be life on the streets of America, they've announced it.
I just hope we all enjoy it, cause they kept it safe from the terrorists.
Let's go ahead, the good news is people are waking up to this garbage.
KC in Minnesota, go ahead.
I was just wondering, would you agree, I mean it seems as though Israel is practicing Nazism by definition?
They are practicing tribal extermination, ethnic cleansing, they are practicing barbarous carpet bombing of cities.
Okay, because I'm looking at the definition of Nazism, it says it's the ideology and practice of the Nazis.
Especially the policy of racist nationalism and national expansion and state control of the economy.
That's it.
Well... But I wouldn't even call that Nazism.
I would call that criminal government imperialism.
Well... So, I mean, would you consider it racist national expansion?
I just, I mean, I wish people would call it like they see it.
I'm not talking about you, because I know you are.
I'm talking about the mainstream media.
Because if people started calling it like they could see it, I mean, hopefully, I mean, I don't know.
Well, a lot of Americans identify with Israel, they identify with the government, they think we're all part of this and we're winning something right now, and they feel manly, watching Fox News or CNN, drinking beer and burping and, kill all the M.I.A.
rabbers and, you know, they don't know the very government, you know, that's behind all this, the very governments that are supporting this, are the ones that are dismantling our country, too, right now.
We're going down the toilet, too, right now.
Oh, definitely.
I mean, we're no better off.
Just another bit of perspective for you.
If you ever get a chance, you should listen to that Israeli national radio.
You would see how self-righteous and... I mean, it's a totally different paradigm over there.
Totally theocratic rule, and it's just out of this world.
Well, you know, their papers will come out and admit that Israel stages terror attacks against itself, and they'll admit a lot of things, but at the same time, they're not allowed to write anything the government doesn't say they can.
Israelis don't have any rights or freedoms.
Their social services are grabbing their children and breaking up their families.
They're doing the same thing they do, you know, that's happening here in the U.S.
It's the same garbage.
It's the same mode.
It's the same systems of government enslavement.
Thanks for the call.
Jeff, you're on GCN.
Where are you calling us from today, Jeff?
Yeah, Alex, I just wanted to give you guys a call.
Where are you calling from, Jeff?
Well, first of all, I talked to an old-timer.
Hey, Jeff!
Jeff, where are you calling from?
Yeah, I'm calling from California.
Yeah, I talked to an old-timer, Alex, and he called into your show, I don't know, this has been several years back, and he said, yeah, I talked to Alex about population control, and he went on to tell me a few things that you said.
He said, boy, that Alex Jones is the best.
And you know something, Alex?
He's right.
I don't think there's anybody in the United States that can expose corruption and cover-ups like you can.
And I know there's a lot of other people doing it, but, I mean, you go to great lengths to get the message out there, and I think more and more people are starting to wake up, although I wish more would.
But the reason I called in Alex is I don't think the people realize what's happening with the United Nations.
And I don't think the people realize what's happening with this global domination, this direction towards a one world government.
And people don't realize about the 600 plus FEMA camps that are in the United States.
That we told people about for years, that is now in the Houston Chronicle.
Yep, about.
Camps, we're going to put you in the camps, it's good.
They're basically concentration camps.
Comes right out with it.
Now we're building FEMA camps for you.
And I think, Alex, that, you know,
Basically, with the United Nations building all these rail cars that have, um, well, shackles built into them.
That's true too.
I think that sends an important message to the American people.
Well, I think when they try it, they're going to get lit up.
Thanks for the call.
That's what we're doing here.
We're trying to be peaceful.
We're trying to warn everybody.
We're telling them what's going to happen unless we stop it.
And if it goes to the next level, well, you know what to do.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
When governments go bad, they go bad big time.
And it's happened here in the United States.
It's happened in front of all of us.
And it's so sad.
And people try to deny, they try to rationalize, they try to make excuses about what we're facing as a society.
And it's only going to get worse until we get serious.
I mean, you know, this is serious enough to cancel your vacation and go to the City Hall and just stand up at the pulpit there at the lectern and talk about it.
This is serious enough to take off work sometimes just to call in to talk radio.
This is serious enough to write letters and start websites or, you know, if you're some millionaire to start a local newspaper.
To warn everybody.
And to put it out free on, you know, at the street corners.
I mean, this is in the streets serious.
This is pull your hair out serious.
This is stick your head out of the window and scream serious.
This is dollar being devalued, troops imploding on themselves in Iraq.
This is hardcore serious.
But they know we're all mesmerized with the TV and with the entertainment and with the liqueur.
So many people, not everybody, but so many people who are even aware don't think that they have any power, don't think that they can affect change, don't think that they can be involved, and don't think that it matters.
Well, as things get worse and worse, you're going to be forced to take action.
Most of you will.
And by then, if it goes that far, it's going to be a lot harder to dig out of this hole.
Now, I shouldn't be completely negative.
There are masses of articles every week, every single day, a whole bunch of articles, and they're getting more and more serious.
Mainstream articles going, was 9-11 an inside job?
Wow, there's really some evidence of this!
Man, this is getting scary!
Wow, look at all these discrepancies!
Even hit pieces that we see against us are written as if the writer is falling down, getting past their editor.
Writing hit pieces that go, oh look at this website, oh look at all this evidence, wonder why these weirdos say this, but then lay out compelling cases.
Well I recognize a lot of those stories.
And I mean I'm on bigger and bigger talk shows doing interviews with big mainstream syndicated hosts.
Who I would be on two, three years ago and they'd be disagreeing with me and now they go, Alex, I can't disagree with you.
Alex, I looked at the evidence.
They were running drills that morning and flying jets into the same buildings at the same times.
Public officials were warned not to fly.
Alex, I looked it up.
It's true.
A bunch of the hijackers were trained in secret spy programs by the U.S.
Alex, the government did have the motive.
Alex, I heard you ten years ago talk about FEMA camps.
Now it's in the newspaper.
Alex, I heard you five years ago talk about an American Union.
And man, it's in the news now, Alex.
You see, folks, but I'm not up here tooting my horn like a rooster, all happy that I've been proven right.
I'm freaked out, folks, because we're getting down to the wire!
People are waking up now.
People are speaking up now.
People are involved now because it's all happening now.
And I'm surprised that more people aren't awake.
How many lies has this government told us that come out to be premeditated?
I mean, I said this yesterday, I'll say it again.
1.6 billion in fake newscasts.
Folks, if that ain't tyranny.
I mean, a billion six in framed payoffs.
Two coordinated payoffs to the media.
And there's a bunch of other programs we're learning about.
Fake letters?
The military with a hundred plus million dollar program just to write fake letters to the editor?
Oh, that's America!
Oh yeah, that's freedom, folks!
That's just wonderful.
And school's about to start.
You're gonna hear, it's started started, every newscast tell you it's the law you must take vaccines.
It is not the law.
It's another hoax.
See, you should tear your hair out over these types of lies.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Later in the broadcast we'll get into the latest revelations as Israel bombs
The capital of Lebanon, Beirut, in grids.
We have the satellite photos.
We'll take your calls on that.
We'll get into some of the police state news as the Republic is incinerated before our eyes.
I have a huge stack of about 20 articles on that for later, but for the next 40 minutes, I am extremely honored to be joined by Scott L. Silliman, retired Air Force Judge Advocate General in the Air Force.
He's now a professor.
We've had other former Judge Advocate Generals on in the past, exposing the activities that our federal government is involved in in this country.
For those that missed it, they were unable to pass certain provisions of Patriot Act II and the reauthorization of last year, namely the secret arrest, secret trials of American citizens under Section 802 of H.R.
The new definition of terrorism is all misdemeanors.
Any action that endangers human life is a violation of any federal or state law, and we've demonstrated that local prosecutors in the 50 states are using it against even small-time marijuana dealers.
So this is for you, America.
This is happening to all of us, and Scott L. Silliman, a retired Air Force Judge Advocate General, has been critical of this in the Associated Press.
He's testified before Congress in the last week against it, and we're extremely honored to have him.
Sir, thank you for the time today.
My pleasure, Alex.
You're a lawyer, you're a former military man, you're a professor.
I've read the draft legislation.
Why are you concerned about it?
Break it down for us.
Well, Alex, again, for your listeners, what we're talking about is an attempt by the administration to respond to what the Supreme Court did a little over a month ago when it said that the President's system for military commissions for prosecuting terrorists, which he created in 2001, was illegal because it ran afoul of some statutory constraints that Congress had put on.
And basically what the court said was, we've got a very excellent system already in statute, called the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and it in effect told the President, that's the system that passes judicial muster, that is accepted by the rest of the world, that's the guideline you should use, and we're waiting to see exactly how the administration responds, but so far they're signaling they don't want to go in that direction.
But even that general, I don't think is... I mean, that goes back to Roosevelt in World War II.
I think that's improper.
If it's an American citizen, they need the full power of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
They need a jury.
They need to be tried in the courts, not by a military tribunal.
Well, you're correct in that the current draft, the last one that I saw from the administration, expands the definition of a terrorist, combatant,
Which would include United States citizens.
Now, the first commission system, Alex, that was created under President Bush's order five years ago, did not allow American citizens to be prosecuted by military commission.
Many of us are obviously very, very concerned that the administration, at least in draft stage, is seeking to expand, greatly expand, the definition of who might be prosecuted by military commission.
And that's concerning a lot of folks, including myself.
When we get back, I want to get into what the bill actually does.
We have a copy of it up on Infowars.com.
In fact, to my staff, I know we posted that earlier this week.
Put it on the main page again, please.
I notice it's not here.
It's in the archives.
But then I want to go through the procedure.
Not just what this does to our jurisprudence system and common law and the Bill of Rights and everything that we hold to be, you know, American, our basic values.
The way they're trying to sneak this bill through
The way they're trying to claim it's just a graft, and then we find out it looks like a specter has introduced it.
I want to go through all of that with you because you've got even more expertise than we do on this subject, though I've been studying this for several years.
So General Scott L. Silliman, Air Force Retired Advocate General, is our guest.
That's the head lawyer, the head judge, the head honchos over law in the military.
From the highest levels.
Now a distinguished law professor.
And we'll tell you more about him when we get back.
We're very honored to have him with us today.
This is vital information.
Stay with us.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran.
The White House probing to disseminate fake news.
NSA spying.
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, a senior judge, advocate for the Air Force, now retired from that line of work.
He's professor of the practice of law and executive director, Center on Law Ethics and National Security from Duke Law.
And we're honored to, again, be joined by Scott L. Silliman, Air Force Retired Judge Advocate.
And he really spoke out in an Associated Press article that came out last Friday titled, Bush Submits New Terror Detainee Bill.
And this is the exact same stuff we saw in Patriot Act II about secret arrest of Americans, secret trials, no one ever even knowing where you went or what happened.
And Bush has implemented, by the way, Patriot Act II, almost every provision of it, though he's never gotten it into law.
And if you missed the last segment, the professor who's on with us talked about how this is an attempt to counter the Supreme Court ruling of a few weeks ago, where they said, hey, you can't do this anymore.
And so Bush, who's now claimed basically that he's a furor, is trying to go back and pass this through Congress.
Out of the gate, sir, can you talk about what this administration across the board is trying to do, and if that concerns you?
I think, to put it all in perspective, Alex, this administration has had the view from the very beginning that over the last 40 years, presidents of both political parties have yielded too much authority to the Congress.
uh... and not responded forcefully to court decisions which restrained presidential action so what the president has done and will probably continue to do is to argue that whenever he is acting as the commander-in-chief under the constitution his authority as commander-in-chief cannot be restrained or trumped by anything that congress puts into law uh... it's it's a theory that
is obviously using the concept that this country is at war, will continue to be at war.
Because if you and I believe that we are in a state of war, just the way the American public was in World War II, or Vietnam, or Korea, that therefore the President, when he's wearing that figurative uniform as Commander-in-Chief, can do anything he believes he needs to do
to win this war.
Now, the problem, as your listeners know, we're in a different type of war.
The war on terrorism lacks definition.
It's ambiguous.
The administration says it can go on forever.
They said a hundred years in one statement, generations in other statements.
It's a foggy war.
Now they're saying all crime will be fought by Homeland Security, that all crime aids terrorism.
I heard a McGruff the Crime Dog ad driving into the office this morning where bullies at school that do things, you know, call the federal government because that, I mean, just everything's basically terrorism.
Yeah, and that's the point, Alex.
Again, you may recall, I think it was about eight months ago, even Secretary of Defense Roosevelt went on the air and said, well, I think we need to be a little bit more definitive on what we're talking about.
This is really a prolonged conflict against radical Islam, which is probably more accurate.
They call it the Long War.
Well, but you see, they're still using the word war, and that's intentional, Alex, because whenever you start calling what we're in anything other than a war, you are taking away from the President's argument
That in war, quote-unquote, the President as Commander-in-Chief should have maximum authority.
And that's the war powers.
In fact, did you guys get that clip of Bush and the dictator quote?
Pull that up when you get it, tell me.
I want to play that.
Go ahead, sir.
See, what... And this ties into some of these other programs, Alex.
Your listeners are probably familiar with this electronic surveillance program being conducted by the National Security Agency.
The President is saying
That he can avoid a law that Congress passed back in 1978 called the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which says to the President, when you want to do this, you've got to go through this procedure.
The President's saying, well, because we're in a war, Congress cannot restrict him in how he makes these tactical battlefield decisions in the war.
So, this is the basic friction that's occurring between the administration
And the Congress and the American people on, if we're in a state of war, we're expected to yield to the President.
Well, sir, your legal opinion on this, I mean, is this not, we're going to play a clip of him talking about being a dictator in a moment, is this not the Fuhrer precept or saying the Fuhrer principle of the great leader can do whatever he wants?
Well, I'm not sure I would use the terminology Fuhrer, Alex.
I would say that the view of this administration, as evidenced in many of the writings of the Justice Department,
Uh, in things called, what's called the torture memos and in its court filings is that the president and the executive branch are the dominant of the three branches of government and it is the job of the courts
And the Congress to support the President when we're at a time of national crisis like the quote, war on terrorism.
But I've read the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, and you know, learned in college that really they've always said the legislative, if you're going to say one's the strongest, should be the strongest because it's the most separated and most divided and most representative of checks and balances in the people.
Well, I would agree with you that at the very least, Alex, the branches share power.
And that the Founding Fathers never envisioned that there would be one that would be totally dominant.
But in war, Congress makes the declaration and then orders the executive to implement.
Well, but again, we haven't had a declared war since World War II, and the Congress has legitimized armed conflict since then through Appropriations Acts and
We have a few other issues, sir.
What about when Bush got caught with $1.6 billion in fake newscasts and buying off all these reporters and the Army planting fake letters to the editor, domestic psyops against the American people, Bush said again, I don't care if the General Accounting Office says it's illegal, I'm allowed to!
Well, yeah, I'm not familiar with that quote.
Did you see the American Bar Association thing a month ago where there's 755 laws he's broken?
Yeah, I am aware of that, but what the President is saying, and I think the best example of it, was when Senator John McCain, who as you know, was a prisoner of war in the Vietnam War and suffered terribly during that conflict.
And Senator McCain, last fall, mounted a tremendous effort to ensure that we had, in law,
A prohibition against any American official using cruel and human-integrating treatment.
The administration tried to block that and lost.
The Senate voted it in, 90 to 9.
Now, when the President signed that bill into law, the signing statement that accompanied that basically said, I am going to construe this new law that I've just signed in the context of my authority as Commander-in-Chief
To defend the country.
Now, many of us interpreted the words of that signing statement, Alex, as indicating that the President was arguing, once again, that no matter what Congress said in law, that when he looks to the Constitution and he, the President, believes he needs to make a decision that conflicts with law, that he can do it.
Well, as a former judge advocate, high level in the Air Force, and now as a professor of law at Duke, heading up one of their major programs,
I mean, let's go down to brass tacks here.
We have, obviously you've read it, you mentioned it, the torture memos.
I've read them by then White House Counsel Alberto Gonzalez, now Attorney General.
His deputy, John Yu, wrote another memo with another name of one of his designates on it, but he's been questioned on record.
We played the tape here at a CFR meeting.
Uh, in Chicago last year about torturing children in front of their parents, including with pliers and their testicles.
And that's a quote, ladies and gentlemen.
He said, yes, the President has the power to do that.
So, there's the memos saying we can torture people if we kill them on accident, it's okay.
That's all in the memos.
We have those on Infowars.com.
Then the President comes out and says that he's above the law and can order all of this, but then when people get caught doing it, they send them to prison and claim that they didn't give the orders when we have the public orders to carry out this type of activity.
So, can you speak to the torture memos in John Yoo and then can you speak to how can we send people to prison in the military when clearly the green light was given?
Okay, let me back up a little bit.
On the torture memos that run all the way from January of 2002, the last one that I know of was December 31st or so of 2004.
The overall theme of the torture memos, again, is that the President, as a war-fighting commander, cannot be constrained by the courts or by the Congress in his decisions.
And also, the torture memos gave a very, very narrow definition of what constitutes torture
For purposes of a prosecution of, say, a CIA agent or anyone else.
And that definition was pretty much tantamount to that torture, under our law, must be such physical or mental pain of such extent that it amounts to organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death.
Now, of course, if you're dead, that kind of boots the whole question anyway.
And then they went on to say, I'm going from memory, correct me if I'm wrong, that if we accidentally kill them, it's okay.
Well, I don't recall that.
Did you read John Yu's memo?
I'm familiar with all the memos.
Are you familiar with the one about torturing children?
Well, I don't recall any specific reference to torturing children, Alex.
But that's not to say that John might not have addressed that somewhere else, but John Yu's memo goes all the way back to January of 2002.
The more pivotal memo that discusses torture is really the Jay Bidey memo of August of
Well, sir, boil it down for us.
Does this concern you?
Secret arrests, secret detentions, secret trials?
Well, obviously it does, because the Congress, in a torture statute back in the 80s, clearly indicated, or I'm sorry, in the 90s, clearly indicated that no one in this government, either in the United States or outside the United States, could commit torture.
Congress spoke to that, and I think said so very forcefully.
What the torture memos try to do is to give such a narrow interpretation of the words torture that it makes basically a mockery of it.
Now, again, to be technical, there was no prohibition up until John McCain acted last year against any government official using what's called cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.
Outside this country.
But sir, crimes are crimes.
I mean, if the police torture somebody, they can go to prison.
These are crimes being committed.
I mean, is the President allowed to blow citizens' heads off on the White House lawn?
He's not above the criminal laws of this country.
I would agree with that, Alex.
And I guess after the break, we'll come back and we'll talk about the folks at Abu Ghraib.
Well, and I also want to ask you, sir, what we should do.
How do we stop this legislation?
You just testified in Congress valiantly trying to stop this.
So let's talk about that too when we get back, sir.
I want to talk about solutions to ending this.
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Scott L. Silliman, Professor of the Practice of Law and Executive Director, Center on Law, Ethics, and National Security at Duke Law, former judge advocate for the Air Force.
You testified before Congress on the
Bush legislation trying to counter the Supreme Court.
If Bush really is the great leader and he's above the law, why then does he even need now that the Supreme Court is struck down when he's doing?
Why does he need to go to the legislative branch and get that passed?
Answer that please, sir, and then get into what you testified on before Congress.
Okay, the reason why he's got to go back to Congress is the Supreme Court very forcefully told him that his prior system for military commissions for trying terrorists was illegal.
So every federal court
In this country, he's going to have to use that.
The Supreme Court decision is the standard.
So he's going to have to change it, and he's going to have to hopefully use the good guidance and resources of Congress to do it.
Now, I will tell you, from having spoken with the Senators and members of Congress who are involved in this, that the jury's still out.
My sense right now is that the Congress is going to very forcefully say to the President, whatever system is created,
For use at Guantanamo Bay, must have a fundamental level of due process involved that's far greater than the one you had before.
And I am hearing many people on Capitol Hill basically saying, we're not just going to put back the same system that you had before, Mr. President.
But this bill allows them to take American citizens to that camp, which has a camp, well then a camp, run by the CIA.
Well, I will tell you that I think the current draft bill that I saw is not going to be the one that Congress is going to want to enact.
What if there's another terror attack?
Well, it doesn't really matter whether there's another terror attack or not.
It's a question of we're a nation under the rule of law, and as far as what we do... Let me put it to you this way, Alex.
I think the way that the administration and this country responds to the Supreme Court decision of about three or four weeks ago, or a little over a month ago, says more about us than it does about those we claim to be our enemies.
How we respond as a nation under the rule of law, how we craft a system for prosecuting terrorists, proclaims to the rest of the world and to every citizen in this country something about our core system of values.
What does it say about President Bush that he's trying to enact systems that are in use right now in Tajikistan and Communist China and Cuba?
Well, again, we're talking about
What is fundamental core values of the American people?
And I think the one that I am most concerned about, of course, is the rule of law.
Well, bottom line, Professor, what do you think of this administration?
I mean, they signed an American Union package, even Lou Dobbs has talked about it, that effectively, Texas businesses are now getting letters saying, here's your new American Union code, okay?
Bush is bringing us into an American Union and ordering the bureaucracy to implement it, and Congress hasn't even seen a draft.
Well, again, going back to the way the Constitution sets up the branches of government, the President can do some things under his own authority.
He can certainly defend the country.
But when he goes beyond an actual defense from an armed attack, then Congress has the authority and should be exercising the authority to check the President.
And I would agree with you that I think for the first several years after 9-11, the Congress kind of set back
And basically allowed the president to craft the tools that he thought he needed.
But you have more revelations about domestic surveillance or secret CIA sites and the like.
Congress is now realizing that they need to become actively involved, and that's what we're seeing.
Well, that's another example.
First, they said, we're not spying on any Americans.
I have clips of Bush giving speeches saying, I promise you, the Patriot Act, it's only with warrants.
And then we find out it's firing phone calls, domestic phone calls, and now every phone record being saved, and the NSA having offices in all the major phone companies.
I mean, come on!
Well, yeah, there are two programs you're talking about.
One is the NSA program of intercepting actual voice communications within this country, and then the other one, what's called data mining of business records, is another program, and I suspect there may be other programs out there that you and I just have not told about, perhaps Congress doesn't know about.
What do you think of this statement?
Guys, play that clip of Bush talking about how it'd be better if this was a dictatorship.
Go ahead and roll that.
But that's okay.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier.
Just so long as I'm the dictator.
People say that was a joke, but by every action we've seen from Lord Bush, it looks like he's trying to set up a dictatorship of the executive.
Do you agree?
Well, I'm not going to call it a dictatorship.
I would say that this administration has tried to promote from the very beginning what's called the Unitary Executive Principle, which is, again, that the president and the executive branch are and should be the dominant branch of government whenever you're dealing with the national security interests of this country.
Now, all I'm saying is that the court, twice in the last four years, has told the President that's not the case.
They did it with regard to giving those at Guantanamo Bay access to the courts, and they did it most recently with regard to the President's attempt to prosecute them by military commissions.
They have a far lower level of due process than anything else we've seen.
Alright, we'll be right back with the final segment with our guest.
I've got a few other key questions for him, so be sure and stay with us.
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Welcome back.
We have a law professor on with us, Scott Silliman.
Scott, what do we do to turn this around?
You're saying the good news is the Congress isn't going to pass this bill that Bush has introduced?
I mean, Bush, it doesn't seem to matter.
He's still implementing all of this.
What is his administration saying about the Supreme Court ruling?
What are they planning to do?
Well, the President has basically said publicly that he recognizes he's going to have to comply with the Supreme Court.
It's one thing to say he can ignore the Congress or laws.
It's quite another thing to directly
Take on a decision of the United States Supreme Court, and I don't think he's going to do that.
The question is how he does it.
You've already mentioned some of the problems with the administration's bill.
There are many of them.
Very loose standards for admitting evidence.
You can remove someone from the very trial that may find them guilty.
Those are things that a lot of members of Congress, particularly Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina, are very concerned about.
Again, the court said
And it has always been the case, Congress established it 56 years ago, that if you're going to use some type of tribunal to prosecute terrorists or those who are determined to be unlawful combatants, you can use a military commission system, but you've got to use the same type of procedures that we use for courts martial, which is an inherently fair system.
And that's basically what we're dealing with.
But you wouldn't be, sir, you wouldn't be for court-martials though, even under this bill for American citizens.
Shouldn't American citizens get the regular courts?
Well, they can't, Alex.
You can't use military commissions or, well, you can't use courts-martial for American citizens.
The Supreme Court struck that down in 1957.
But that's what's in this bill.
Well, it is, but I'm saying I would be absolutely shocked if that provision ever got it into law.
What does it say about the mindset of the White House that they want to be able to grab me off the street and take me to some secret... I mean, listen, I've got an article here today where they've got some member of the military secretly for four months, what, up in New York.
Did you hear about that?
Well, no, I've not, but let me answer your question.
The draft that everyone's talking about, and that you may have posted on your website, was very sloppily drawn.
And the one aspect of this, which I think we need to acknowledge, is the people that are writing these drafts are not the military lawyers who have the real expertise in it.
To a large extent, Alex... It's administration hacks!
It is civilian lawyers in the administration who are doing it without the guidance
and counsel of military lawyers who deal with this on a day-to-day basis and that's why the Judge Advocates General earlier this week testified in the Senate Armed Services Committee that you ought to start with a well-established system of law that we use and the administration has not gone that route so you've got a military lawyer saying this is the way you're going to do it if you're going to do it right and the administration apparently saying well we're not going to follow that guidance and that's why I'm saying that members of Congress recognize that
And I think they're going to be very critical of an administration that doesn't look to the source of expertise that's the best.
So you think the chickens are starting to come home to roast?
I think Congress is starting to be very robust in this and I think
You're going to see a better bill, not the one that's been posted on the website, not the one that everyone's talking about.
I just don't think that's going to make a difference.
But we don't need a better bill if we already have the older legislation, the older systems that do pass constitutional muster.
That's exactly correct.
Okay, then we don't need a bill.
We don't need a bill.
I personally, I testified that I don't think Congress really needs to make hardly any changes.
All they need to do is directly respond to what the Supreme Court said,
That could be done with a minor amendment to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
If the President wanted to, he could start trials by courts-martial of those in Guantanamo Bay, nine U.S.
citizens, tomorrow if he wanted to, but he doesn't want to do that.
Okay, let me bring up two more final issues and we'll let you go, sir.
I know you have an appointment.
Did you hear two years ago, or a year and a half ago, out at Bagram Air Base, the civilian contractor was torturing people.
And some people died, and some higher level military locally got mad.
He got grabbed and was being charged, and he said, OK, I'm releasing the documents that I was ordered to do this by the government.
And they charged him and gagged him under the Patriot Act.
There's an example of how they're using the Patriot Act against citizens.
Here's another one.
Petty officer held in secret for four months
No court-martial, no nothing.
This is out of the Hampton Roads Pilot Online.
This is out of Norfolk, Virginia.
There's another one out of New York.
And they're holding him in secret.
You're a former JAG judge.
What is this?
Well, that's the same type of scenario that the Supreme Court struck down in what's called the Hamdi case two years ago.
You really can't do that, Alex.
And the court has clearly said you can't hold an American citizen in limbo without giving him some access to the federal courts, some access to a neutral decision maker.
This guy's name, Ariel J. Winiman, have you heard of this?
No, I've not.
And they won't tell anybody what it's about.
He was a low-level technical guy in fire control for the Navy at Norfolk and they've just grabbed him and they're saying, nope, we're not going to tell you what's going on.
Well, obviously that young man has legal rights that he should be exercising and the courts will uphold that.
You just can't take somebody and whisk, particularly an American citizen,
And whisk them off to some secret site without any kind of legal process.
The Supreme Court has specifically condemned that type of behavior.
Well, you're a lawyer, sir.
You're well read.
I'm sure you read a lot of the newspapers.
I mean, every week I hear about some case where a guy won't take signs out of his yard.
So, you know, he spends a year in jail because the judge says he's in contempt.
Can judges keep you in prison, say, for five years because you were in contempt?
Well, that's a more complicated question.
If you're in contempt of court, generally contempt sentences are not five years, they're maybe a matter of weeks.
They're not even sentences!
They just say, ah, you're going to jail!
Well, no, the judge has the power to hold someone in contempt of court.
But again, there are legal processes and one can appeal that contempt conviction.
That doesn't happen now, sir.
I'm seeing... This is today.
You understand, I have this article out of the pilot out of Virginia today.
I have another one last week out of New York.
I mean, I'm wallowing in it, sir.
It's just craziness everywhere.
Well, again, I can't respond to that article.
I haven't seen it and I can't...
I'll authenticate what that article says.
Okay, let me just stop you.
I know you've got to go in just a minute, but let me just read you the first paragraph.
Petty Officer held in secret for four months, okay?
Tim McGlone, the Virginia pilot.
Okay, it's up on InfoWars.com, direct link.
A Petty Officer has been a Norfolk Naval Station Brig for more than four months, facing espionage, desertion, and other charges, but the Navy has refused to release details of the case.
The case against Fire Control Technician 3rd Class Ariel J.
Weinemann is indicative of the secrecy surrounding the Naval Military Court here, where public affairs and trial court officials have denied access to basic information, including the court docket, a listing of cases to be heard.
And I've seen articles where now in criminal cases here in the US, federal and state courts are having secret dockets.
Well, there is a provision for what's called classifying a document.
But on the case you're talking about, if he's being held in a military brig,
He's a naval officer, a member of the Navy.
The Uniform Code of Military Justice basically says, when you're holding someone for four months, as you say, that's 120 days, they've got to dismiss any charges they've got against them.
That's a matter of statute, Alex.
So, all I'm saying is, it's very difficult for me to conceive, with 25 years of experience as a military lawyer, that sort of thing happening.
So, I would suspect that there may be facts that run towards what you're talking about, but I'm not sure they're totally accurate.
All right, well I appreciate you coming on with us.
So you see a lot at the end of the tunnel, but you said Congress did whatever they were told for three or four years.
What if there's another terror attack?
See, that's why I brought that up.
I don't think that another terrorist attack could or should impact what we're talking about.
And what I would encourage your listeners to do is that there's a lot at stake right now in the next couple of months as far as how Congress responds.
And if we are concerned that we stay as a nation under the rule of law and that the fundamental system of checks and balances continues to govern, then I think everyone needs to let their congressman or senator know how we feel.
That right now is the best way to get things changed.
All right, well, we really do appreciate you graciously spending this time with us.
Professor, the Practice of Law and Executive Director, Center on Law Ethics and National Security at Duke Law.
Professor Silliman, thank you so much.
We have links to your site on the Duke website and links to the articles you're in.
Godspeed in fighting this in Congress.
Okay, thanks Alex.
Pleasure to be with you.
Take care.
I appreciate your time.
Again, I just read to him from the Virginia Pilot.
And he had trouble believing it.
Yeah, I had trouble believing that Bush signed a deal to bring us into the American Union, and the Texas business owners are now getting letters saying, attach these codes to your business for the American Union.
But it's happening, it's official, it's on SPP.gov.
Security and Prosperity Partnership.
After four months of requests, the Navy this week provided the Virginia pilot with Weinemann's name, rank, and charges.
That's it.
In an email, Theodore Brown, a spokesman for Fleet Force Command, and by the way, you just heard a guy who was one of the top people in the Air Force, Jack, saying that they have to release him before that day.
You see, they have to charge you and go ahead and try you.
It's set so you can't just... Tyrants always just grab people and throw them in jail cells.
They're called dungeons.
So, see, you've got to charge people and you've got to take them to court quick.
That's not happening here, you see.
In an email, Theodore Brown, a spokesman for the Fleet Forces Command, said it's sometimes a challenge to balance the desires of the media, the public's right to know, and the rights of an individual accused of a crime.
In this case, he concluded, the command is attempting to provide as much unclassified information as is reasonable while maintaining an appropriate concern for the privacy of the individual involved.
The Pentagon spokesman declined to comment Thursday.
The Navy's position was challenged by military legal affairs experts at the First Amendment advocates who say the nation's courts, whether civilian or military, historically have been open to the press and the public.
A docket listing Weinemann's preliminary hearing called for an Article 32 was never produced.
See, he hasn't even been charged, folks.
Or they haven't taken him to court yet.
The Navy would not disclose when the hearing was to be held.
That's hogwash, said Eugene R. Fidel, President of the National Institute of Military Justice and a Washington lawyer.
Hey, Kevin, get this guy on.
Get him on next week.
I know of no authority to keep the proceeding closed, he said.
I've never seen an Article 32 classified.
And it goes on and on.
It gets even worse.
It goes on to say he hasn't even been... the court martial hasn't even started yet.
120 plus days!
And this is another American citizen.
The contractor at Bagram Air Force Base
Who said he was going to produce documents that he was ordered to torture people, disappeared into a Homeland Security black hole.
They have secret stuff we don't even know the details of all over Eastern Europe at former gulags.
Who comes up with this stuff?
Oh, we'll use former gulags and we'll have huge torture bases.
Again, everything we know about is the stuff at
Afghanistan, and the things in Iraq, and what's happening at the two different camps, inside Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Oh, I'm already ranting and raving, and finding this article while he was talking, I ran through a bunch of the news I haven't gotten to yet, so let me separate this pile.
I've got the big Israeli pile here.
And let's get into the police state news right now, then I'll take calls in the third hour.
Let me just cover news right now.
This is the kind of stuff we don't get to a lot.
There's just so much of it.
Get this stack here.
It's actually hard to pick up.
Again, I could talk for an hour on each one of these articles.
Let me just read you the headlines.
ID card proposed for team chat rooms.
Net neutrality in eBay community.
A call to action.
Both those articles sound pretty innocuous.
Each one is a nightmare.
Children arrested, DNA tested, interrogated and locked up for playing in a tree.
This is a mainstream newspaper.
Did you hear me?
See, that's tyranny.
Everything's a crime.
I heard about a case the other day in Texas where this woman
Chopped off part of her child's tongue because the child was talking back.
He used up the scissors and chopped part of the tongue off.
And she was given ten years probation and got to keep the child.
And then I know personally of hundreds of cases, probably about ten of them I've been to, something like that, we shot video of this, where families with no criminal record, CPS comes to the door, they let them in, they see dirty dishes, sometimes three, four children are taken, no trials, no nothing.
See, that's tyranny.
You can cut a child's tongue off and you're okay when you should go to prison for the rest of your life.
Go to a mental institution for that matter.
Who could chop their child's tongue off?
And you get 10 years probation.
But you've got a dirty dishes, man.
We're going to come with the cops.
You'll never see your kids again.
No court order, no nothing.
Jerry Mazza has written a good article.
He has Lebanon Burns, Blair Bush, and
George Shultz will meet at Bohemian Grove this weekend.
They've extended the party a weekend.
That's been confirmed.
Pat Robertson converts to global warming.
Oh my gosh.
You know global warming is pure bull when Pat Robertson says it's real.
Oh my gosh.
We're in deep trouble.
By the way, you can believe in global warming all day long.
Even if you think it's real, the solution is a fraud.
A global tax, global on energy, has nothing to do with saving the Earth.
Did you know the Earth's gravity field has changed and that it is spinning faster now than it's been recorded in the last hundred years?
And I'll tell you what's doing it.
It isn't your Volkswagen Beetle.
It isn't your 18-wheeler belching black smoke.
It's called the sun we orbit.
And our cars have nothing to do with it!
Oh my gosh.
Hezbollah not to blame for war.
Bush Blair knew in advance of Israeli plans to invade Lebanon.
I want to get to that.
One of the Israeli stories snuck into the other pile.
Cuba says Raul Castro family is firmly in control right now.
Here's the story about the Earth's change in its gravity along with another story.
Twin new worlds found.
I want to get into that.
Just interesting.
Here's a mindless article that I shouldn't even have in the stack about body modification and growing trend.
There's so many stories here that I want to get to.
There's a particular one that is something I want to talk about a lot here on the show today.
And that is that
Depending on the state, but it's all federal guidelines, it's 30 plus vaccines they're trying to make you take at the start of the school year each year to go to a government training camp, an indoctrination center.
And the newest one, the newest one, is that they want to make you take a dozen or so more
And I want to get into the story when we get back, and this will be a great illustration for all listeners.
Tell everybody you know this.
In the next month, you're going to hear newscasts on radio and TV, front page news stories.
It'll be all the papers in your area.
It doesn't matter where you live, it's simultaneous.
The hoax is done simultaneously.
That it's the law that you have to be vaccinated.
And that's about as true as it's the law that you gotta blow your brains out.
But it doesn't matter, the hoax will work on most people.
We're trying to break that hoax when we get back.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I think so.
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We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Welcome back!
So, predictably, I have several mainstream news stories in the stack today, where the news wires are announcing, hey, 30 plus vaccines are now mandatory by law for your children.
And I'm pretty upset here.
I spent three minutes during the break trying to find it.
The stack is so big, I can't find these two articles that I read early this morning.
While I was doing other radio talk show interviews, I was busy printing articles at my computer, multitasking and reading articles during the breaks.
I could swear I had that in my stacks.
But if not, I'm going to run out on the printer and print them again and cover it the next hour.
But two different articles I saw where it says, it's the law, you've got to take vaccines.
It was 30 plus, now they've added dozens more, and it may be even more than that in the next few years.
New vaccines come online every year and the government thinks they'll help you.
It's the law, you've got to take them.
But you know what, this propaganda is so all-encompassing and continual, I bet you can open your paper today in your town and read it.
In fact, I bet there are people right now with their paper in front of me in your dump truck, or on your teacher's desk, or in the doctor's office, I'll bet in the next 24 hours you're going to pick up a newspaper, most of you, and it's going to say the same thing.
Because every time this starts, and it usually starts in early August and runs through the first month of school, so for the next two months, there will be
I'm not kidding.
I don't even hardly watch television, and I will see three or four local newscasts, I will hear it all over talk radio, I will read it in the paper.
But anyways, it's already started!
It's already started, and now they're saying, oh, it's going to be 40-plus shots now that are mandatory.
It is not mandatory.
Now, again, I read news wires from all over the country.
It will be the exact same articles in different news wires, just the names will be changed.
This is like a form letter or something.
This is government propaganda.
I would imagine this is being paid for.
We know the government buys billions in newscasts that they don't call propaganda.
That billion six Bush spent is just for the war.
And we know Big Pharma pays for product placement in the news.
You think it's news, but it's paid for.
And they do a sleight of hand.
We played this last August.
The school was starting here in Texas in late August.
It was a CBS.
We played it on TV, too.
I've got it.
I think it's still on the computer.
Well, you'll be going to jail if you don't take your vaccines!
And so, for the last week of August at Zilker Park and at these three, and they'll list them, sports arenas,
You will be able to go and get your shots free!
It's the law, or you'll be arrested!
And that's the angle in the two articles I read this morning, is, wow, this is going to cost $200, $300, because now, you know, it isn't just the normal 30-plus shots you've gotten, now there's all these new ones by law you've got to take, and so should the government fund it!
And there is no law!
But they get on TV and radio all over the country,
And say you'll be arrested.
Now it's all sleight of hand though.
It's all lawyer spin.
And I'll tell you what the spin is when we get back.
And you will see this exact thing in the next month.
This is how we educate people.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
So, the feds are now announcing that
30 plus vaccines quote being mandatory and it's illegal if you don't take them are going to be forced on school children this year but now there's over a dozen more new ones.
See each year there's a whole bunch of new vaccines that they claim your children have to take and they're now talking about making them take a shot so they can't get
The cervical cancer caused by a cancer virus.
Oh, you have to take one so you won't have earaches anymore.
They're discussing all this.
There's a whole big new list of them and we're trying to find it online again and print it.
It was two mainstream articles and I don't know where they went time warping out of my stack here.
I just looked again during the break into my horror.
But because I want to read all the new ones they're saying you have to take.
Now there is no law
To prove that, remember three years ago they tried to pass a national law through the Model States Health Emergency Powers Act to force the states to set up brigades of police and firemen and National Guard and volunteer citizens to forcibly inoculate during a smallpox outbreak?
Well, I thought if it's the law, you've got to take whatever they say.
No, no, no.
Then they spin it and say, to get into school.
Then you find out that not one of the 50 states has a law.
The closest thing they have is in the District of Columbia in D.C.
They have something that, a law they passed we read on air that says that basically they can try to make you take it but then there's still a waiver.
In the rest of the 50 states there is no law that you have to do it.
What they do is, and this is how it works, if you listen carefully and you go read, the school policy is, unless you've asked for the waiver,
That if you're going to be able to go to a public school, you must take the vaccines or you will be expelled.
So what the schools do, and we've seen this in Austin, CPS has come and grabbed children, it's been on the news, they kick your child out,
You say fine I'll take them out and a week later CPS shows up or the truancy officer shows up because now it's considered that you did an infraction and then they use truancy laws against you when it's the school that's kicked you out to begin with and will not tell you that if they get ninety-nine percent vaccine compliance they get four thousand dollars
Extra per child in the average school district.
That is almost the amount it takes to educate them.
$7,000 to $8,000 a year.
Okay, so that's what they get.
That's what happens.
It's money.
A federal bounty on your children.
Legislation lobbied for and passed by the pharmaceutical companies.
This year, don't vaccinate your children.
They'll send you a record saying your child will be expelled if not and then they'll be truant.
You march in and you go, how dare you use color of law and you file suit on them for those terroristic threats and those false charges.
Or you let them go ahead and get truancy involved and you go and you show them the law and make them produce what's in every file cabinet in the nurse's office, by law, the waiver.
The waiver.
And then there have been court cases where you don't even have to sign that waiver.
They're compelling you to sign something.
And they put you in the health department database.
I mean, we've been through this with my children.
He's had to send them to some two-week-long art class, you know, where they sit there, where three-year-olds sit there and paint.
And they go, oh, you've got to have shot records to go.
And we go, no, there's a waiver form.
And then they go, well, here's the waiver form.
And we refuse to sign that because it puts you in a database with the health department.
Then you have to go explain to the school and they go, Oh!
Now we understand.
Yes, you're right.
We didn't know this.
They just tell the school administrators this and they carry it out self-righteously.
There are cancer viruses and mercury in all of those vaccines.
And in many of them sterilization hormones to sterilize your little girls.
If you take those, you might as well just be killing your children.
So, there's the hoax.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
Dad, can we stop?
We need to go to the bathroom.
We just stopped two hours ago.
Honey, we better stop.
I gave the kids their Sport Berkey water bottles.
Why did you do that?
Because they can't sit and talk at the same time.
Or would you rather listen to them singing, Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
For the entire trip.
Hmm, I didn't think about that.
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I know, dear.
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I need to stop too.
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I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Tim, Carlos, Kathleen, Paul, many others, your calls are coming up, 1-800-259-9231.
I must have left those two articles about the vaccines at home.
They're not in my stack, but Kevin was able to find one of them online just a minute ago.
This is out of the Midland Reporter Telegram.
Of course, it's out of Texas.
Now, do yourself a favor.
Carry a pad and paper around your car, or at work, or at home.
How many times in the next month you're going to hear, it's the law, you've got to take shots, and there's more shots.
But don't worry, drop by a government facility, drop by a gymnasium, drop by a sports stadium, drop by your local city park.
I said last year I was going to go to Zilker.
They have thousands of school children lined up in 100 degree heat with these big vans.
They're giving them combo injections.
And announcing all over TV and radio.
I mean, it was every ten minutes.
Every time I got in the car and tuned in to talk radio, or read the paper, it was, it's the law, you'll be arrested, it's the law, you'll be arrested.
Doesn't that insult you?
A mass hoax, telling you it's the law, you'll be arrested, when it's a total lie?
Everything is a hoax!
Everything is a lie!
All they can do is kick you out of school, and then come after you for truancy!
But it's all sleight of hand, because by federal and state law, they must give you the vaccine waiver form, which has been challenged in federal and state courts, so many rulings, it makes my head spin, they've got vaccine sites that have all these posted, that you don't even need that!
It's a waiver for the school on federal funds they get!
But the stupid CPS workers that come to grab your kid because you're a bad, truant parent, you're a deadbeat parent, they would try to put you in jail now, the dumb cops that come, they don't know the Bill of Rights, they don't know federal law, they don't know it's all a hoax!
There are so many people in prison!
So many people that have lost their children over these hoaxes!
Total and complete hoax!
And we did find the article
This is out of the Midland Reporter-Telegram.
Keeping up with vaccines is getting complicated.
It says, and this was posted in the Midland Reporter-Telegram out of the AP out of Atlanta, Georgia.
The growing list of childhood vaccinations reads like an alphabet soup.
And it goes on and on.
Influenza and a bunch of other names.
And most of those shots are quad or triple shots.
Parents dragging their kids to the doctor's office for those required school shots.
This AP article isn't as bad.
Normally it says, you will be arrested immediately.
Parents dragging their kids to the doctor's office for those required school shots can expect to hear about more vaccines and if they're uninsured, new expenses.
20 years ago it cost $75 or $100 to immunize a child with the four available vaccines, which were combo shots themselves.
Combo or triple or more.
That means there's multiple things in each vaccine.
Twelve are generally recommended for kids and adolescents at a private sector cost of about $1,250.
Now notice, they get their line crooked here and they said recommended.
And the government is expected to recommend a 13th vaccine for girls.
Now you notice I said over 30.
That's because you count these up.
They're combo shots again.
A shot that protects against cervical cancer.
Yeah, let's take a bunch of cancer viruses.
That's what it is.
It costs about $360 for the three-dose series, potentially raising the per-child vaccination bill more to $1,600.
Now, all this is is an indirect tax to the vaccine makers.
And I know what's going to happen.
You're not going to have the money, so you'll go to the park or to the gymnasium to get the government-sponsored ones.
And do you know what those are?
The government then buys the openly bad lots that have been ordered destroyed.
We've proven this.
My Austin doctor told me about it.
But I already read it in the news.
And they will give them the vaccines that are admittably spoiled.
It goes on, and the government is expected to recommend a 13th vaccine.
The good news is we can now prevent so many diseases.
The bad news is it's gotten more complicated, said Dr. Ann Schultz, who heads immunization programs for the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
You mean the same CDC in 2000 that Congress demanded they release documents and it was the minutes of the meetings of the head of the CDC and their top scientists saying that millions of children have been brainwashed, excuse me, brain damaged, been brainwashed too, by the schools, have been brain, the minutes are public, ABC News, millions have been brain damaged by the mercury.
Then they told you they took it out.
They made small, expensive, perishable lots available in small quantities if you know how to get them.
See, that's the lie.
They say, we've taken it out, but it's lawyer speak, out of specific, small, subgroup lots.
Then you find the Associated Press admitting, this is three years ago, that they increased the amount of mercury in the flu shots, in the MMR shots, the most popular, most commonly taken, from 50 times safe levels per injection
To two hundred and fifty times safe levels or a five-fold increase.
Oh my goodness.
For some it's more complicated.
The intricacies of vaccination guidelines are simply unknown.
Oh, the AP just said the intricacies of the guidelines.
So wait.
Wait, wait.
So this AP article is better than most.
It first says required.
Then let me find the next line where it says, uh, recommended.
And then it says in the next line, for some it is more than complicated, the intricacies of vaccine guidelines.
Now it's guidelines!
So first it's, first it's, uh, required, then it's recommended, then it's guidelines.
Now you just remember the Associated Press actually telling the truth here,
In an offhand way, when they're on your radio and TV going, you will be arrested!
Get in there and get the shots!
Everyone runs like cowards to Zilker Park here in Austin.
Thousands of kids on television.
I was so busy trying to finish The Order of Death last summer.
I remember seeing the newscast and going, we're going down there!
And I was just too busy and I said, no.
Let me just tell people this.
Keep me abreast, listeners.
Because I watch even less television than I did before.
As soon as they start the Zilker garbage, because I can't go to a school gymnasium where they're doing it, they won't let me in.
When they pull it, I'm going down there.
That's it!
A mass hoax of cancer and mercury-filled death, and that's what we know about.
I'm going to your calls in a minute.
Although vaccinations are
Routinely covered by health insurance, some worry that government funding for shots for the poor and uninsured will not keep up with demand.
Then it goes on to say, don't worry, the government's got a plan to help.
Just like Bill Gates is involved in population reduction foundations, but then he gives 30-something billion of his money, and so does Warren Buffett for a program to give African and Asian and Latin American children shots so they don't die.
Ted Turner gave several billion too.
Ted Turner calls people useless.
Feeders on C-SPAN and gives money to population control groups and supports Dr. Pianco, says we should all die, but then we shouldn't take concern when he, when they give billions to give the special shots, the special injections.
Oh, trust them, trust Big Pharma.
Again, Bayer just knowingly, for over 10 years, millions of doses of Factor VIII every dose, filled with HIV and Hepatitis C. You think that was an accident?
Because after they, quote, got caught, they continued it.
It's because they love you.
Take the Factorade.
Give your daughter the new cervical cancer vaccine.
Don't listen to that guy that gets upset.
Again, I'm bad.
I get upset about the American Union and transponders that go in all the cars and 385 per 24 miles traveled.
And I'm bad, yes.
I'm that crazy man who thinks the government carried out 9-11.
I'm even telling you that mercury isn't good for you.
Everybody knows it's good for you.
The news says so.
Get that clip.
They don't believe me.
I've played it 50 times.
I'll play it again.
Everyone knows mercury's good for you.
I'm that person that gets up here and tells you it's not the law to take vaccines!
Doesn't matter if it isn't the law, they're gonna lie to you and tell you it is!
And I shouldn't get mad that they're gonna sit there and maim and damage our children as every known disease skyrockets and explodes!
This is local CBS and this exact newscast
Just with different... CBS writes these and then they give them video packages and local anchors read off of them.
This is how they do newscasts.
This was packaged at CBS Broadcast Center in Manhattan and aired nationwide the day I got to state.
Mike Hanson walked in and said, I just taped this.
I popped in, I said, let's go to the computer.
I went to the computer and typed in the headline.
There were hundreds of Google hits, the same newscast everywhere, and then almost the same on NBC and ABC and Fox, you see.
They write this up.
Here's the announcement that mercury is good for you.
Roll it.
Mercury-containing vaccines may have on kids.
A life-saving device wins over-the-counter approval by the FDA.
And sick of your glasses and contact lenses?
A new corrective eye surgery is approved today.
Here's tonight's medical headlines with medical watch reporter Sheila Mather.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
There have been widespread concerns that mercury-based preservatives in vaccines might impair the neurological development of children.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
So see?
Everything's fine!
It's good for you!
Drink mercury!
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That toll free number again 1-877-928-8822.
Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Earlier I couldn't find a few articles I printed up this morning about them trying to push new vaccines, more vaccines, claiming it's the law.
It's kind of good I lost those and didn't bring them to work because Kevin did a search and found a bunch of new ones.
Here's another one out of Fox 12 News.
Required immunizations increase, so does cost.
And they just came out and said, oh, you've got to take the new cervical shot.
You've got to take this one and that one.
And just bald-faced lied.
And he gave me another one.
Chicago Tribune.
Schools require more vaccines.
A whole separate AP lying article.
And listen to this line in one of these stories.
Both recommendations, later it says recommendations, are part of an attempt to change the medical culture so that a round of vaccinations will become common for kids before middle school and not just at birth and kindergarten.
You see?
Let's go to Tim.
Where are you calling from, Tim?
Thanks for holding.
What's on your mind?
Thanks for having me.
I graduated last year from the University of Massachusetts.
And before I did, I took a class called Terrorism in the Criminal Justice System.
It was taught by a guy named Peter Black.
Are you the guy that sent the email about how he said you could be disappeared if you do that to the government?
Right, that's me.
Yeah, tell us about it.
He ran security at the Pentagon?
Well, I don't know if he ran security.
Yeah, it says, you know, he's got a ten-page resume, but the important part is he's a senior special agent with the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Office of the Inspector General.
And that's in the department.
And you say you have the celibacy, you have friends who are witnesses to him telling you in the class that you could be disappeared.
Yep, it was an online course and it was based on, you know, posts so the whole class can see.
So what I did, I just printed every post ever made in the class and I just printed them all out.
Well, you need to photocopy those, scan them, send them to us, write a story for us about it.
Yep, I was planning on it.
Tell folks what he said when you exposed 9-11.
Well, day one we were, you know, we posted, you know, information on the NORAD, stand down, controlled demolition, you know, hijackers trained.
And, uh, you know, day one he's, at first he just threatened to kick us out for, you know, voicing our opinion, which is required for the class.
And then, you know, he went on further to say, you know,
You should keep my resume in mind.
I'm making note of our discussion.
And then, uh... Yeah, I mean, remember who I am, punk!
Now, I mean, did he specifically, as you said in your email, say you could be disappeared?
Well, I said, you know, this is America.
When he was talking about... I was talking about free speech, you know, as a core principle, and he said, yeah, this is America, and you're lucky you're not disappeared.
That's a direct quote.
And I have it printed up.
So, um, yeah, I can send that to you.
Well, Bush has gotten the legislation to disappear us, so we've got to watch out for each other.
Yeah, I didn't think it held any water.
It was just an attempt to shut me up.
Well, it just shows the gangster mentality, if what you're saying is true.
You need to photocopy, scan these, write an article about it, and send it to us.
We'll make it a big story.
I will, and can I just add one more thing?
When I posted the Northwoods document, and I asked him to comment on it, his only response was to post a question to the class.
Uh, asking if they agree with Plato's concept of the noble lie, which, you know, basically argues that it's permissible to tell a lie.
Yeah, the end justifies a means.
His answer was to give you, uh, what the elite believes.
We can do this type of stuff because we do it for a greater good.
Yep, and throughout the whole class, you know, he advocated the end of posse comitatus.
He said there was no domestic spying.
Patriot Act's good and doesn't violate our rights.
Yeah, let the troops run your life, but we're not spying on you.
Yep, you gotta read it.
I'll send it to you.
Put his bio in, write three or four paragraphs on what happened, and then post each page and comments about when he said it and how he said it.
It's a big story.
And I also got another little video clip of me confronting Vernon Jordan about the Bilderberg Group.
And I'll send that to you as well.
Good job.
I appreciate your call.
We'll hold him over if need be.
Carlos in California.
You're on the air, Carlos.
Hey, Alex.
Great to talk to you.
Good to hear from you.
Yeah, you know, we're being hit from all angles, Alex.
These vaccines are part of the population strategy.
I mean, everybody's coming down with cancer.
I've lost five friends the last couple of years to cancer.
My wife right now has cancer.
Good thing she's beating it.
You know, but you go to these wards for chemotherapy.
I mean, there's hundreds of people there.
Radiation, I mean, it's despicable.
And it's a good thing you're bringing it up.
And you know, we're being hit from all over.
Our checks and balances are being eroded.
And then they say, well, just call your congressman.
He'll say to you that you ought to see the list of congressmen on the Enron payoff, Enron payroll that I saw a couple of years ago.
It was over 200.
That was right!
All the hoes who threw up Congress were there, you know?
Stay there, Carlos.
I'm gonna let you finish on the other side.
Depending on which type of cancer, some cancers are up 10,000%, on average.
Cancer's up 500% from a decade ago.
Lung cancer is up six-fold from five years ago.
And, uh, they say it's secondhand smoke doing it.
Sure it is!
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I think so.
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I think so.
Thanks for watching!
I have several medical doctors that are good friends of mine.
One of them is a pediatrician.
And they told me that, in some cases, 35 to 45 percent of their patients are not having their children vaccinated here in Austin.
But guess, guess who those people are?
I said, let me guess.
I said, this is middle class and wealthy people.
And they said, yeah, that's it.
It's highly educated, wealthy, rich, or middle class.
I mean, folks, you go into the city hospitals and you refuse vaccines at birth.
I've been there.
I've covered it with video cameras.
They will grab your children.
CPS will be called.
They'll say you're in danger.
They'll have cops stand on both sides.
The CPS worker will say, sign this form letting us take the child in protective custody and you may get them back.
Now, of course, they don't have the power to take them.
The parent will sign.
I've been outside the room as the screaming starts.
I have actually seen police put their hands, actually grab the neck of the woman.
The husband's kept out of there.
I start screaming at the police.
I'm in the hospital.
More cops come in.
In fact, that is famous video.
I know Mike Hanson's listening.
Mike, you have the master digital tape of that.
It's called Child Grabbers or something.
We heard that about six years ago.
People probably remember, I got out of the hospital, called into another talk show, and was like crying on air.
It freaked me out so bad.
And they said the family's done nothing.
It was blond-haired, blue-eyed parents, and it's admitted that they can get $250,000 to $300,000 for those in adoption agencies.
It's so horrible, folks.
They are feeding on us while telling us how much they love us and how they're taking care of us.
So, listen.
Don't believe me.
Just go.
Give all your kids the
Forty-something shots now, and just when they die of leukemia, just enjoy it!
Murder your children!
Go ahead!
Don't believe me!
Don't believe me!
I'm not making this stuff up, okay?
Alright, I'm not making this stuff up and I can't believe it!
I cannot believe New York Daily News and the lawyers we've interviewed, where they target black families mainly,
Because statistically they found whites have more money and will fight.
They found Hispanics will run.
Hispanics are the hardest statistically to grab their kids.
Though it's getting bad here in Austin.
And they go to these single black mothers and they say we're going to take your 8 year old or you got to let us experiment or have medical tests on your 2 year old.
And they take them.
And they take the 8 year old and they give them pesticides until they die.
That's one case!
Thousands in New York that we know of!
I don't know how those CPS workers take children to big pharma medical facilities where, in many cases, they kill them.
Sorry, Carlos, I'm ranting today.
I just... People want to know why I get so mad.
There would be something wrong with us, Carlos, if we didn't get mad.
Well, I met myself, my kid, you know, about 10 years ago.
I took him to school, and I already knew that the vaccines were, there were extraneous agents in these vaccines.
But they told me there's nothing you can do.
I voiced my concerns about it in the school, said, no, there's nothing you can do.
It's by law.
You have to have your kid in there.
So I had him vaccinated with Hepatitis B vaccines.
He developed asthma after the fact.
So, you know, I've been worried about that all along, Alex.
And it's asinine what they're doing.
But now you know that what they were saying was illegal is they would expel your child, then charge you, but they never told you, here's a form and we have to let him in.
They never told you that, did they, Carlos?
No, never did.
Never did.
Let me hear you get mad.
Come on.
Let me hear you get mad, Carlos.
It's time for us to start getting mad.
Are you mad about this?
Well, I've been mad for 10 years, because I've known the truth for 10 years, and I see my son every... when the winter comes along, starting developing his asthma, although it's not that bad, but I hear him, and I said, well, I don't know what to do about it.
He's had the vaccine.
I hope it tapers off.
That's my only hope, you know?
Oh, my gosh.
Yeah, but anyway, briefly here on another topic, Alex, I am also mad at what's going on in the Middle East, you know, the savage free, the carnage that's taking place.
Look, I want people to know that there's a family that was prominent since the 1800s in setting up the base of operations in the Middle East.
That's some of the members of the Rothschild banking family.
They started the whole rhetoric about Jews going into Palestine.
No, it was Lord Rothschild that ran it all, yeah.
Yeah, they got pictures of him all over London, a big, bald-headed guy with a huge beard, looked like Albert Pike.
Exactly, and they were the ones that were prominent in setting up the World Jewish Congress in 1898, through the speeches of Weissman and Peter Herschel, and then they were the ones that set up the infamous Belfort Declaration that was addressed to one of the Raja, whereby Palestine was promised to the Jews as well as the Arabs.
And then they were also the ones that started setting up vast amounts of businesses in Palestine in those days, and started manipulating governments to persecute Jews in Russia and other places, and then forcing them to migrate gradually into Palestine.
We have the official documents, and because you're against the Rothschilds murdering Jews in Europe and bombing them and funding Hitler, you're anti-Semitic.
Say you love Hitler, and we'll give you awards.
Say you're against Hitler, and we'll demonize you.
Yes, well, people have no idea that this family, who is so prestigious, some of the members, I'm not saying everybody in the family was culpable, but some of them were prominent in it.
The leadership of the Rothschilds.
We're good.
As the city of Palestine is the name of Israel.
Well, there were top labor Zionists with offices until the late mid-forties, 1944, in Berlin, and they wrote public letters.
There's big books written by top Jewish professors.
One out of New York, we ought to get him on.
They have the documents where the Zionists made the deal and paid Hitler not to let Jews leave.
Only if they went to Palestine.
The same Zionists are the ones that made the deal with Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
This is on record to not let Jews come here!
Well, you know, and all through the 1930s, Alex, there were prominent officials within the Nazi Party.
Eichmann was one of them.
There was actually traveling to Palestine and talking to some officials over there to set up agencies and businesses
For the Jews that would be migrating into Palestine.
There was even an agency for illegal immigration of Jews into Palestine.
I know, I know, I know.
And now I have satellite photos from AP of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.
It looks like a parking lot.
Of course, and that whole scenario over there is a backdoor way of getting us involved against Syria and Iran.
This whole thing is going to increment and enhance
All over the Middle East, going to Africa, going to Latin America, because Chavez and all those Marxist countries in Latin America had joined forces with Iran, so the moment we hit Iran and Syria, guess what?
Eventually we're going to have to go to war with Latin America.
And that's exactly the plan, thank you for the call.
I know, it is just so horrible.
Oh, that's precision bombing!
And you look at satellite photos of Beirut, a third of it's gone.
Those are up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Let me do this now so I don't run out of time and then we'll go to... Who's the caller from British Columbia?
Catherine and then Paul and Nick and many, many others that are patiently holding.
I've got two big events coming up at the end of this month and in early September and coming up in about three weeks, just about three weeks, the 26th of August,
Dallas, Texas.
Beautiful Art Deco Theater.
And I'm going to be there.
I'm going to show my new film, Terror Storm.
I'm going to give a speech and take questions.
Then Jim Mars will give a speech for an hour and take questions.
Then we'll air 35 minutes of the best footage we've got from the Bilderberg Group.
They're on the big screen.
And then we're going to have some music from midnight to 2.
But again, you don't have to stay for the whole thing, but it's going to be over six hours long.
Two films, two speeches,
Ten bucks, very cheap, up there on Infowars.com.
Get your tickets to this event.
Again, Infowars.com.
You know, I support all the other big events they have in Central Texas and North Texas.
I have the people on, I promote their events, I promote Aaron Russo's deal, have him on air, and I'm asking locals in Austin and others, you know, to help me promote this too.
We want to have this be a great event.
The BBC is going to be there videotaping it live for a TV show they're doing.
Interviewing myself and Jim Mars.
Other media is going to be there.
It's going to be a 9-11 Truth event.
We want this to get attention and press to keep exposing 9-11 as an inside job.
So go to InfoWars.com.
Get your tickets today.
It's going to be historical.
And then it's September on the 5th, 6th, and 7th.
And then on the 13th and the 14th the next week.
I've left open September 11th because I still may be going to New York.
For everybody out there.
We're good to go.
I want to be a big success up in Dallas, great camaraderie, great for everybody to get together.
If you live in Oklahoma, you live in Denton, you live in Rockwall, you live in Temple, you live in Waco, you live anywhere in Texas, you live in Austin, come up to Dallas, make a weekend out of it.
Go to the new aquariums they've got there.
They've got a nice aquarium up there.
Go to the museums.
Go up in the ball and have dinner.
You know, that tower that's got a ball on it.
You know, some stuff to do in Dallas.
Go make a whole weekend out of it.
You know, take the wife up there.
Take the kids up there.
Children are welcome.
And come to the event.
I wouldn't bring small children, though, because some pretty horrific stuff from the war in the video.
It's going to be great, so I want to see you in Dallas.
And please, Terror Storm will not have an effect, will not get out to people, will not have the effect it deserves to have.
It's my best film, 9-11, 7-7, the grid bombing, the latest Iraq war information, how that's all staged.
MI6 military arm, SAS caught carrying out terror attacks.
It's such a powerful video.
TerrorStorm, get your DVD today on the secure online video and bookstore at InfoWars.com and get Martial Law and Order of Death and my other films while you're at it.
Get them, make copies, get them out to everybody.
Here's the toll free number to order, 1-888-TERRORSTORM.
That's 888-2-5-3-3-1-3-9.
Or again, write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And don't forget, all 15 of my films, including Terror Storm, in super high bandwidth quality, down to low bit quality, lower bandwidth quality, for those that have dial-up connections still,
Three different formats, or two different formats, three or four depending on the piece we put up, different bandwidth rates, different qualities from low all the way up to supreme.
It is all there at PrisonPlanet.TV.
My book, Paul Watson's book, my weekly TV report, the entire 9-11 symposium, all the major speakers are now up on PrisonPlanet.TV.
We're going to be putting up the interview we had in the studio with Greg Powell, the interview with Bob Dacey, the interview with Ranger Ray, the Texas Ranger, who was a police officer in Austin 40 years ago, Tuesday when he took out Charles Whitman on the tower.
All that stuff goes up there.
Fifteen cents a day for a membership.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Catherine in British Columbia.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex, my name is actually Catherine.
I thought he said Catherine and I said Catherine or Catherine.
Sorry, go ahead.
That's okay.
A couple of things I wanted to discuss with you, but first a comment on vaccines.
In Canada, we don't get threatened with being arrested.
We get told it's for our safety, and we all line up.
And that's, you know, talking about getting mad, that's what makes me mad.
Very frustrating.
Well, it's hard to believe that, again, the people giving them don't know, the people who have the plants, most of them don't know, except for the top scientists who are, you know, they're doing it, that this is a huge eugenics program.
And the evidence is there.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, it's hard to direct people to that evidence because it seems that they don't want to hear.
But the other thing that I wanted to talk about... Well, they're going to enjoy dying of cancer!
Yeah, well... I'm sorry, or they're going to enjoy... They're going to enjoy their 18-month-old that's talking, giggling, laughing, running around.
After the third round of shots, they're going to watch him go into convulsions, and they'll never be able to talk to their child again!
Yeah, and that's what's happening, and they don't understand why.
But I wanted to talk to you about the Wanta story.
Well, I wish you wouldn't ask me about this because you're going to get the truth.
Go ahead.
I had heard on your broadcast that you hadn't had time to investigate it.
Well, I have looked at it.
I really did.
I just did.
Go ahead and I'll give you my take.
Well, what I was going to do was give you a reference
Uh, an individual who's checking into it?
Please, I know who's checking into it.
I don't need to be given a reference.
I actually spent hours the other day looking into it.
I looked into it three years ago.
And, uh, listen, I appreciate your call.
Let me just say this.
I have a lot of friends and people I like who are looking into it, have bought into it, that the guy, you know, there's this trillions of dollars and he got a settlement that's for the American people.
And we people here have made calls into the organizations, into the groups, and into what you're hearing, and that's all I'm going to say is that I think the thing stinks to high heaven.
I know a lot more about it, but it's just... Remember Nassara?
For a decade we heard that secretly a good group had taken over the government, everything's fine, and the government was really in receivership and going back to the people, and everything's... And I just always heard, don't worry Nassara, Nassara, Nassara.
Finally people shut up about it.
It's not true.
It's not real.
And it's the oldest scam.
I saw this in college.
There's always somebody who says they're a Rockefeller, or they're an Astor, and can they just live with you, and they need some money before they get their $50 million inheritance, and they're going to give you a million of it when you get it.
And there's always these emails you get, I'm in Africa!
I'm in...
Nigeria, or I'm in Somalia, and I'm King Wabutu's son, and I'll be getting a $100,000,000 as soon as it transfers out of the bank.
But I need $14,000 to get it out.
You're very lucky I've come to you.
If you give me $14,000 as the count, I will give you $5,000,000 of the $100,000,000 because I am Prince Babulu!
It's not real!
And this is one of the oldest things in the book.
Or one of the other ones is somebody will claim that they've got this secret invention and they've got this secret invention and if you'll just invest with them you'll make all these millions of dollars.
But the government's persecuting them and anybody who criticizes it, they're with the government persecuting them.
It's a sign you're an agent if you don't go along with it.
And I'm sorry, folks.
You know, anybody who says this city will be nuked at this time, and they know for a fact, it's just all this stuff.
All of it.
I'm just tired of it.
I'll get into scams on the other side.
Stay with us.
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Alright folks, we're going to move quick.
I want to jam a call or two in.
But Kevin Smith did research on vaccines locally.
They're saying you've got to take them.
Ads and news reports everywhere.
But then the mayor slips up in a statement saying we'll lose $500,000 a day in federal funds if we don't vaccinate them.
There's no law.
It's a giant criminal hoax.
And anybody who tells you it's the law is criminally hoaxing you.
You should sue them.
And I'm serious.
This is serious business.
But back to scams.
People who know the government's lying to them and don't trust the government, tend to then believe everything that patriots or truth-tellers take them.
Some truth-tellers are kooks, some are wrong, some are government agents, some have been deceived, some are just covering things because it's a big discussion.
All I'm telling you is, is that the stuff I'm hearing about, you know, eclipses with classic M.O.
of just total baloney.
And some people get mad at me, you know, because I criticize magical cures that are $200 or whatever.
We don't sell that type of stuff here.
You know, I mean, this is about reality, ladies and gentlemen, and those that get mad at me for criticizing that type of stuff, hey, you're making me look stupid!
I mean, you understand, I don't like being associated with it.
I have to, every once in a while, stand up for my dignity.
Okay, I can't sit here and compromise.
It's like when I was at the Freedom to Fascism deal.
It's a great film.
The IRS is voluntary.
It's all a big scam.
It's true.
But somebody got up and said, well, should I then not pay taxes?
What will happen to me?
And I said, well, some people beat it in court, but on average, you can get in a lot of trouble.
And I said, I pay these taxes.
Because I could have sat there and acted like I was big and tough.
But I said, I've chosen my battles.
I'm fighting other issues.
I commend those that are fighting the IRS.
My point is, I'm not going to give people advice that's going to send them to prison.
I know a bunch of these weirdo, patriot, pseudo-lawyers here in town, with their patriot mythology, sending people to jail!
I'm not here to get you sent to jail on bull!
I'm sorry.
We don't have time for calls now.
I apologize to everybody who's holding.
Just call me back on Monday.
We'll get to you.
Kevin, you've got a big stack of news there about them lying, saying you've got to have shots.
Yeah, let me hit these fast.
Here we go.
In its second year of the Summershot Roundup program, aims to solve the crisis... The Roundup!
Round them up!
It aims to solve the crisis of children's health care through immunizations.
Students whose vaccination records are incomplete on the first day of school in August will not be admitted to classes.
It will again follow a no shots, no classes policy.
And here's where it gets kind of diabolical and scary.
Notice it says policy.
It's a policy.
Well, we've got CapMetro, our local bus company, saying we've donated 2,000 bus passes to be distributed to get people to the immunization sites.
Oh, using buses to round up the population and move them to vaccination immunization sites.
They say, we also trained 70 firefighters to have been trained in immunizing children.
And by the way, that's not a conspiracy.
That is the cover.
Walmart's drilling with them all over the country.
Four real drills to forcibly take people to facilities.
Go ahead.
Well, these firemen and EMS employees have volunteered at the roundup.
And then it goes on, the Mayor Will Nguyen says, the policy shift means that no child will be allowed to attend classes if his or her shot record is not up to date.
And he said the district would lose $27 per child or $500,000 a day if parents do not get their children immunized.
As I said earlier, it's a federal bounty.
Now, notice it's all implied you have to do this.
And the news will be announcing you'll go to jail if you don't.
It's a total lie, Kevin.
Well, here's the list that they want you to have in the state of Texas to go to school.
I'll let you go, Alex.
That is, uh, oh my gosh.
That's well more than 40-something shots.
Would you give that to a three-year-old?
Let me see.
4 shots, 3 shots, 1 shot, 1 shot, 1 shot, 3 shots, 1 shot, 2 shots, 5 shots, 4 shots, 2 shots, 3 shots, 1 shot, 3 shots, 4 shots, 2 shots, 3 shots, 1 shot, and 2 more shots.
How many is that?
I don't have time to count them up.
In one column, it's 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 26, 28, 33, 34, 37,
40, 42, 43, 44 shots!
44 different vaccines filled with mercury and cancer!
Enjoy yourselves!
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.