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Name: 20060802_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 2, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Wednesday edition, the second day of August 2006.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
We have Ralph Shoman joining us.
This guy has
Literally been all over the world and seen government black operations close up.
He has lived in Palestinian refugee camps and he'll be giving us a eyewitness view of exactly the type of things that go on over there on a regular basis coming up in the second hour today.
Israel has launched its deepest Lebanon strikes yet.
This is from the Associated Press.
Israel launched
It's deepest ground strike into Lebanon on Wednesday, claiming it killed 10 Hezbollah guerrillas and captured 5 in the northeast city of Balabeck, if I'm pronouncing that right, while nearby air raids killed at least 15 civilians.
So, that means that Israel has ground forces now in the northeast of Lebanon.
Amazing, and so they're talking about going all the way up to the border of Syria, obviously Syria now yesterday going to its highest alert and saying prepare for battle.
Israeli war planes attacked a Lebanese army base in the southern part of the country, killing three soldiers, a security official said.
Hezbollah guerrillas hit back, firing at least 150 rockets at towns across northern Israel, killing one person and wounding at least 17.
Israeli police stated more on this after the break on what the Israelis are doing in the Hezbollah bombardment.
It's puny as usual.
Iran is saying it will not bow to threats in its nuclear standoff.
Ahmadinejad is saying, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vowed last night that Iran will not bow to the language of force and threats a day after UN Security Council ordered the country to halt sensitive nuclear work.
The big news, a 9-11 panel suspected deception by the Pentagon.
This is from the Washington Post.
Allegations brought to Inspector General.
They were considering criminal charges for cover-ups.
That grabs your attention, and then you find out what the supposed sensitive info in the cover-up is, and it's that the Pentagon and NORAD screwed up on 9-11.
No, they didn't screw up and now they've released more of the NORAD tapes.
There were literally hundreds of hours from all the different NORAD bases and FAA bases.
Thousands of feet of tape and digital recordings were ordered, destroyed, and put in different waste paper baskets.
And so, now almost five years later, they release this new little bunching of tidbits, these little giblets.
Oh, we've been caught covering up!
And then you find out the cover-up is they screwed up!
So, see, they're falling back on that.
And they even say in the Washington Post and Vanity Fair articles today on this subject that
Oh, well this is why the conspiracy theorists think the government did it, but now the tapes released show the government didn't do it, it just shows that they're a bunch of idiots.
And it was easy to predict they would do this as we continued to expose their criminal activities on 9-11.
This is the same government that releases fake cell phone calls that are impossible.
from the supposed hijacked planes, the same government that releases fake fat bin laden videotapes and re-edits old bin laden videotapes, the same people that plant fake news in the tune of billions of dollars in our media.
So we'll get into that and play some clips from the News Select.
They released just
Maybe 15 minutes of tapes of the hundreds of hours of chatter they've got.
They've selectively grabbed NORAD controllers who weren't part of the 9-11 attacks, who are confused, who think it's part of a, quote, exercise.
But there is the discussions of the CIA NORAD exercises hidden in plain view, which do point towards government involvement, but the media is in overdrive, spinning all of this.
We'll decipher it on the other side.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, thank you for joining us.
Ralph Shoman, who's lived in the Palestinian refugee camp, has been under bombardment, who has witnessed the civilians being deliberately targeted, will be joining us coming up in the second hour.
In the third hour today, I'm going to play the complete NORAD clips
I guess it's about 15 minutes or so.
I'm going to attempt to play all of those in the third hour and a more balanced interview that a local television station up in Minnesota did with Kevin Barrett, the Wisconsin professor who they're trying to drum out.
We're good to go.
There is a huge whitewash going on right now with the federal government releasing very select clips from NORAD.
Remember there's NORAD bases and FAA bases and communications with NORAD all over the country.
They ordered hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of tapes and digital recordings to be destroyed, which was illegal, and to break them up and put them in different pieces and different waste paper baskets.
That's the memos.
They ordered the data recorders, the flight recorders that were found at all the crash sites to be hidden, and those that found them in the rescue teams to shut up and not to tell anyone that they saw them.
They have produced fake cell phone calls, which are clearly fake from some of the aircraft.
The same folks that again bring you the fat Bin Laden, and they did a voice print, it isn't Bin Laden, taking credit for 9-11.
It's the same government that spent $1.6 billion illegally in the last two years on fake newscasts, and $118 million separately with the Pentagon, with fake letters to the editor.
$118 million dollar program for fake
Letters to the editor.
Okay, so we have a government, and I could go on for hours listing all the examples of the lies, the propaganda, premeditatedly lying to you.
Well, I've listened to these tapes, and a few of these clips had already actually been released.
Vanity Fair is claiming this is all brand new.
One of the clips is actually in my film, Martial Law, but now they've released more of the, in total, hundreds of hours, because you've got NORAD and FAA discussions going on for three hours total.
during the attacks and in the aftermath and again hundreds of different installations so it's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours and so they take a few clips from real installations that are confused that don't know what's going on that think it's quote part of the CIA drills part of the NORAD drills and uh... who are confused and then they announce the headline oh people covered up at the pentagon NORAD covered up how they screwed up we're considering criminal charges
And now they'll probably at least discuss or maybe even haul up a few low-level NORAD controllers who were compartmentalized and didn't know this was being orchestrated from the bowels of the private-slash-corporate government intelligence agencies.
And this just happens over and over again.
It's like the Abu Ghraib torture and the torture going on in all those other camps in Iraq.
Every wing where the torture was going on, regular military officers weren't allowed in those areas.
Private contractors and CIA slash Mossad controllers, this is all admitted now, would control military police who had been specifically hired out of U.S.
prisons who'd been fired for torturing, raping, and abusing.
That's mainstream news.
Washington Post, you name it.
They go hire sickos off their files, they bring them there, they do all this torture, and then when it starts coming out, General Janice Karpinski, who didn't go along with it, they try to burn her and blame her with it, knowing then when she gets investigated, she'll be found not guilty, because of course she knew nothing about it, as she testified on this broadcast when she first went public, what, six months ago or so, that she wasn't even allowed in the wings of those prisons!
So, they'll try to burn some innocent NORAD employees and some innocent military people.
They'll try to... it's just so sick!
And then, oh yeah, no wonder the conspiracy theorists thought it was an inside job, because NORAD screwed up so bad.
Vanity Fair and the Washington Post are saying, this explains... the public can't believe it took hours and hours to get planes up, but now this explains it all.
Oh, now we understand!
Now it's all explained!
And they even say in one of these articles that this is being released for the conspiracy theorists, because we're gaining so much ground!
Lee Hamilton is in a major newspaper newswire yesterday, one of the chairmen of the 9-11 whitewash commission, saying that he's surprised that so many people think it's an inside job, and that it is spreading, and that
And that there's all-time mistrust of the government, and they've got a real problem!
You bet you do!
You bet you've got a real problem, buddy!
Alright, so, that's all coming up.
In the third hour, I will play all of the FAA tapes they've released.
We have links to them up on...
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com right now on the Vanity Fair article, but we'll play them here on air in the third hour.
Right now, before I get into more detail on this and read part of the Vanity Fair article and the Washington Post headline, 9-11 panel, suspected deception by Pentagon, before we do that, let's go ahead and roll the first three minutes that they have released.
Here it is.
Can you guys feed that to me so I can hear it, please?
Stop there.
Stop right now.
Let's start over because I need to add this to begin with.
I need to add something here at the start to begin with.
You notice here that, what is it, three separate times, just in the first few minutes, they keep saying, is this part of an exercise?
Is this real world?
Is this the exercise?
Is this real?
And then all throughout this, it takes them a long time to figure out, because the CIA, through the Pentagon, Protective Service, was running a drill of hijacked jets flying in to the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, CIA headquarters, White House, and Capitol Hill.
Now imagine, the biggest war game of its type ever, at that exact same time that morning,
Same thing in Oklahoma City.
BATF is running a drill of the building being bombed as it happens.
Police and FBI on record.
That is in major newspapers, LA Times, Daily Oklahoma.
It's in my films.
Running drills at the exact same time the Alfred P. Murrah building is bombed on April 19th at 9.01 a.m.
in 1995, 11 years ago.
We expand from there.
We have the advisor consultants with the former head of Scotland Yard that heads it up, Peter Power, being hired to run drills.
Being hired to run drills at the exact same train stations at the exact same time that they were bombed.
Now we did a mathematical equation on that with one of our people that we work with who
I don't know.
And then on 9-11, of course, this happened.
And this happened.
So in the Bali bombing, the military forces were doing, quote, drills.
And now it's come out in Australian papers that the government supplied the bombs.
It's the same story every single time.
Madrid bombing, same thing.
Running anti-terror drills at the time that the trains get blown up.
It's always drills!
Because that's the cover.
In case other police agencies or other compartments that aren't terrorists, the majority of our police and military, catch them in the act, oh, it's just part of the drill.
Like when the FSB Federal Security Bureau in 1999 was caught inside of a fourth Moscow suburb apartment building.
Moscow police caught two members of the FSB and three guys in a car outside planting hexogen military grade explosives on the pillars.
They arrested them, and Putin ordered their release as Vice President and said it was just a drill.
It's always a drill!
So let's go ahead and play the first three minutes.
Here it is.
What was that?
It's not a real world.
I don't know what was I doing.
I'm getting reports from my trade cousin that there might be a possible hijack.
We're working on it right now.
Is he inbound to JFK?
We don't know.
You don't know where he is at all?
He's being hijacked.
The pilot's having a hard time talking to the... I mean, we don't know.
We don't know where he's going.
He's heading towards Kennedy.
He's, uh, like I said, he's like 35 miles north of Kennedy now at 367 knots.
No idea where he's going.
If you could please give us a call and let us know, uh, you know, any information, that would be great.
Right now, I guess we're
There's been one, I'm sorry.
We'll call you right back as soon as we have more info.
Thank you.
MCC, I don't know where I'm scrambling these guys to.
I need a direction, a destination.
Okay, I'm going to give you a Z point.
It's just north of New York City.
I got this lat, long, 41, 15, 74, 36, or 73, 46.
Head them in that direction.
Copy that.
Hi, sir.
Okay, what we're doing, we're trying to locate this guy.
We can't find him via IFF.
What we're going to do, we're going to hit up every track within a 25 mile radius of the Z point that we put on the scope.
29,000 heading 190.
And we're just going to do, we're going to try to find this guy.
They can't find him.
He's not down there.
He's been supposedly stretched in the cockpit.
So we're just, uh, we're doing the thing.
We'll come back.
Now, did you hear that?
Did you hear one of the controllers say, I've never seen so much real world during an exercise?
That's because during these classified exercises, they have actual government operatives onboard planes who go through the motions of hijacking the aircraft.
Oh, and it went real this day, didn't it?
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I think so.
Over and over again on these tapes the government released to Vanity Fair, their little buddy, in the last few weeks.
They say, is this real world or part of the exercise?
Is this the exercise?
Is this the exercise?
And I have another FAA tape where they're saying, is this part of the exercise?
No, this is real world.
Dick Cheney the entire time was in control of those exercises, and he'd taken the power June 1st, a few months before 9-11, away.
Excuse me, June 3rd.
He had taken the power away for the first time since NORAD was set up in 1957 from the generals, from the admirals, from the colonels, so they couldn't shoot down planes.
And so now they've gotten a few clips of a few NORAD controllers, they're all over the country, and a few FAA controllers having conversations
Back and forth with each other about trying to get fighters to scramble.
Well, the fighters were standing down, and those that were launched were ordered to fly at stall speed, what 360-something miles an hour for an F-16.
This is all on the record!
But they know the general public isn't going to research this in depth enough.
They know the general public now knows that something's wrong with the official story.
So what do they do?
They just, oh, there was a major cover-up!
We considered criminal charges, but we didn't charge anybody, nor out of the FAA, for covering up how they screwed up!
So let's play from the middle of that first clip again, where one of the NORAD controllers is there talking about, I've never seen so much real world during an exercise.
Like, I can't believe there's all these real hijacked planes and we're running an exercise of this same thing happening.
Go ahead and roll it.
I've never seen so much real world stuff happen during an exercise.
Can you play that one more time for us?
MCC, I don't know where I'm scrambling these guys to.
Stuff happened during an exercise.
Again, this, I can't believe this.
Yeah, yeah, play it again.
I've never seen so much real world stuff happen during an exercise.
And we're going to play everything they've released in the third hour.
I don't know where I'm scrambling these guys to.
I need a direction, a destination.
Okay, I'm going to give you a Z point.
It's just north of New York City.
I got this lat long 41-15-74-36 or 73-46.
Head them in that direction.
Copy that.
Hi sir.
Okay, what we're doing, we're trying to locate this guy.
We can't find him via IFF.
What we're going to do, we're going to hit up every track within a 25 mile radius of the Z point that we put on the scope.
29,000 heading 190.
We're just going to do, we're going to try to find this guy.
They can't find him.
He's not down north.
There's been totally, there's threats in the cockpit.
So we're just, we're doing the thing.
Folks, inside of these passenger jetliners, inside the mechanical guts,
Are the transponders that give each blip on the radar screen a number.
But simultaneously all four transponders turned off with military coordination.
Something that I've been told by pilots that most pilots don't even know how to turn their transponders off.
I mean it's built in.
It's fail safe.
And then, why couldn't they continue to track the planes from the time their transponders went off?
Because there were, in some cases, over 45 other blips superimposed on their screens as part of the exercise.
Decoys everywhere.
So I will repeat.
When Russian FSB was caught planting bombs in a fourth building, they were going to blow up.
They'd blown up three.
Members of FSB have now gone public and high-level government officials have gone public that Putin, to win the presidency and to have a police state crackdown, was blowing up buildings all over Russia.
When they were caught by Moscow police planting the bombs, they said it was part of an exercise.
Same thing on 7-7.
An exercise of the exact same places, exact same times, being
Same thing on 9-11.
Same thing Oklahoma City.
The same M.O., the same handbook is used by these intelligence agencies.
And then they go, oh there's a major cover-up.
That's the headline.
9-11 panel suspected deception by Pentagon.
Allegations brought to Inspector General.
And then hidden in plain view
They're talking about these exercises.
Will the public be sophisticated enough to get it, is the question.
More on this and all that's happening in Israel with a huge escalation into World War III, possibly, when we get back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back, my friends.
Coming up in a few minutes, I'm going to get into 9-11 panels, suspected deception by Pentagon, allegations brought to Inspector General.
They considered criminal charges.
And Vanity Fair is putting out the same whitewash.
You see, the government knows they've lost all credibility.
And they also know that people inside the government who weren't part of the attacks, but now are very suspicious because of what they witnessed that day at NORAD, with the drills of the exact same targets being hit at the exact same time, they have to put something out that will sound like they're in trouble, sound like they've been caught in something.
Oh, you're right!
You caught me!
I screwed up!
I'm an idiot!
I didn't mean to kill her!
I accidentally shot her twice in the head.
You know, the same stuff criminals tell investigators.
This is just on a wider, bigger scale.
That's coming up.
Israel has launched its deepest Lebanon strike yet.
Really escalating things.
They are now all the way up into the north of the country with ground forces.
This is unbelievable.
They're trying to provoke World War III, my friends, along with Bush and the British and others.
And we'll get into that more later and take your phone calls.
And Ralph Shoman is joining us the next hour.
He's lived in the refugee camps with the Palestinians and others.
And we'll just wait until I get to his bio, the things he's witnessed in his life.
It's extremely historical and riveting.
And in the third hour, I'm going to play about 15 minutes.
I'm going to play the entirety of what the government's released of the NORAD tapes.
I heard here for the first time on the radio and several other audio clips as well.
Kevin Barrett on a television show where he was really actually able to get some information out about 9-11 being an inside job instead of being screamed at by Sean Hannity.
That is coming up in the third hour and we'll have open phones then as well too.
But right now, I am honored to be joined by Marty.
Marty, of course, is the second generation.
His son now runs the company with him.
Marty's father, back in 1947, almost 60 years ago, it'll be 60 years in a few months, set up an organic soap company.
And it's made in America, right there in Oakland, California.
It is the equivalent of 85% off supermarket prices.
And you know, I've only pushed stuff I believe in.
My wife loves it.
She constantly talks about how great it is.
My staff,
All has it.
They love it.
We use it in the office.
And every day now, you hear callers calling going, I just want to say that I got it and it's so amazing and I'm saving money and you can leave it under your arms when you're washing with it and it doesn't burn you.
It doesn't have detergents or toxic chemicals in it.
And they've got a, for 14 bucks, they've got a tote bag with a sample of everything they've got.
It's a great deal.
They've got year supplies, month supplies, four year supplies.
And I was using this for a full two years before Marty was a sponsor of this broadcast.
Marty, thank you for coming on with us.
Good morning, Sunshine!
We really appreciate you coming on, Marty.
Tell us about your company, tell us why your soap is so good, and tell us why it's so different, and now how the public is able to get this.
Well, we make our pure soap products with the same love I have with my wife and son.
All we want to do is share it with you and your listeners.
This is something you will love.
I say love.
You will love our bath soap, our hair soap, our laundry soap, and dish soap.
Not like, but love.
So this is what we do.
We've been doing it for almost 60 years.
And, you know, this morning we got an email from Nikki Graves in Denton, Texas.
And she says, the soap is wonderful.
We tried the sample pack.
Now we want it all!
And she gave us a large order.
I said, Nicky, it's on its way.
We really appreciate your listeners trying our products and loving our products.
And this is a wonderful goal.
And when we say the word Alex Jones, everybody in our plant applauds.
You've done so much for us by recommending our bath soap and hair soap and dish soap and laundry soap.
There's nothing like it in the country.
Well, explain why your soap is different.
Tell us what's in it.
And then talk about the savings, because that is real.
This is true, folks.
Tell them how much money they'll save, and it's made in America.
Well, basically, we don't make detergents.
Detergents is a dirty word in our company.
We make our products with coconut oils, with vegetable oils.
We don't use perfumes.
We use natural juices of lemons, of oranges, of cherries.
This is what we do.
We're very stubborn, very old-fashioned, and very conservative in our thinking for the consumer.
So this is what now detergents are made from petrochemicals.
That's another word for saying waste petroleum.
They use alkalinity products.
They use materials that are toxic, that burn the clothing.
You think, you know, you look in your lint trap of your dryer and you say, what's this lint?
That's broken clothing.
The detergents are too strong.
When they say stronger than dirt, they mean it.
It microscopically breaks down the fiber of the cotton or silk or nylon or wool.
And that microscopic breakdown
Well sometimes we'll be on vacation and use the hotel washing machine and if my children
Wear clothes that have been washed and tied or other detergents.
They get little red rashes.
My father, growing up, certain brands give him rashes, would give me rashes.
That's how toxic this is.
And to explain this... Well, it's called alkali.
It's made strong.
It's strong so it dissolves the soil and the dirt and the perspiration and the food stains in the clothing.
But let me break this down for you, Marty, because this is key.
After World War II, they had tons and tons and tons, millions of tons from aluminum manufacturing and fertilizer production of sodium and stannous fluoride and other types of toxic chemicals.
So they just got a national program of propaganda pushed.
With the psychological warfare Pentagon expert, the Pentagon had hired him, Edward Bernays, the father of modern PR, to push the National Committee on Fluoridation to then put these types of fluoride in the water.
So these guys are masters at taking their toxic waste and making it a product.
Take depleted uranium.
Ninety-nine percent of the uranium they put in bombs they can't use, but it's still radioactive, so now they've served it out into most of the different munitions.
It's the same thing
With these petrochemical detergents.
And folks, you read what's on all of the shampoo.
The clothes washing detergents.
The stuff you wash your plates on.
It's toxic.
It's poisonous.
The white residues that are on your plates.
You're eating off of that.
This is a great product I'm bringing you.
It's what I've been using now.
I keep saying two years.
I guess Marty's been a sponsor for six months now.
So two and a half years I've been using this.
And it is not a joke that the smell of the cherries and of the almond oil that is in the bar soap... First my staff was laughing at me, and I pick up a bar of it and smell it around the office, because there's something about the smell, folks.
I'm not into smelling things.
I don't even really wear cologne.
And now I'll look over and Ryan Slickheisen or Aaron Dykes or Kevin Smith got bars of the soap smelling it.
It's in our office bathroom.
It's what they use at their homes now.
This stuff is unbelievably good.
And again, that's the way it is.
Good things cost you less money.
Take Berkey water filters.
You think bottled water is good?
No, it's very dangerous.
We've got stories on that.
But you end up saving money with a Big Berkey filter over bottled water.
It's the same thing with this.
So in closing, Marty, tell folks about the savings they will get versus buying the toxic garbage at the supermarket.
Well, as an Alex Jones exclusive, we've got what we call a GCN, more than a
In other words, it's an MSRP.
Our MSRP, or the Manufacturer's Retail Price, is $295 for a one-year supply.
It could last anywhere from 12 to 24 months.
The Alex Jones Special for this one-year supply is $125.
No tax.
United Parcel is added to it.
It comes out to, and you're ready for this number, $3.50.
A week for everything.
Bath, hair, laundry, dish.
Compare that to what it's costing you now in the supermarket for these toxic detergents.
$3.50 a week.
Multiply that out to 52 weeks and you got $165 total, which includes the United Parcel, includes the soap, and includes an unconditional guarantee
100% guarantee to your satisfaction.
We want you to be happy and clean and save you a lot of money.
Marty, give them the website and give them the phone number.
You can also call and get a free catalog.
Okay, we not only have the one-year supply, we've got a sampler pack of $14, weighs out 6 pounds.
It's got all the basic products and information that we can unite and parcel to your door.
You can reach me every day.
At 800-340-7091 or you can reach us at our website which is 5 Star Soap.
Simple as that.
5 Star.
When it's 5 the number or 5 the letter.
5 Star Soap.
You'll have a complete education.
That's 5Starsoap.com.
That's correct.
I'd like to end with a little philosophy.
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
And today is a gift.
That's why they call it the present.
Marty, take care.
Thank you, Alex.
He is something else.
I hope you'll give him a call, ladies and gentlemen.
All right.
If you missed the website address, we've got a link to it on InfoWars.com.
I spent, what, eight, nine minutes with him.
We do that once a month because he's a great sponsor.
I believe in this product.
I use it, and it'll save you a lot of money.
We like to send good ideas and good products to our listeners, and it makes this broadcast possible as well.
So, shifting back into the news.
9-1-1 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon.
Some staff members and commissioners of the September 11th panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it
Reached and reacted to the 2001 terror attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the Commission and the public rather than a reflection on the fog of events on that day according to sources involved in the debate.
Excuse me, I've got something stuck in my throat.
Let me read that again.
9-1-1 panel suspected deception by Pentagon
Allegations brought to Inspector General.
Some staff members and commissioners of the September 11th panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terror attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the Commission and the public, rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.
And then you read into the article and it's really a mountain out of a molehill.
They're debating nothing.
They're saying, oh, the Pentagon covered up how screwed up their response was and how badly coordinated because they were embarrassed and because they didn't want to be shown as a bunch of imbeciles.
Well, that's not what happened.
The Pentagon was told, with NORAD, to carry out the biggest hijacking drill in world history, before that time and after that time, on the morning of September 11th.
In the two weeks before 9-11, they were having multiple drills every day, not just the drills that day.
In the year before the event, they were having drills every month, and so they were constantly hearing about hijack jets, constantly hearing about
You know, how to respond.
Constantly doing these war games.
Constantly seeing the Pentagon, and the World Trade Center, and the CIA, and the FBI headquarters, and the White House, and Capitol Hill, and the Sears Tower, and the insurance building there in San Francisco, the Travelers Building.
On and on and on.
There were targets in Canada.
All of this happening
And then you had able danger programs, anti-terror training ops, where there were real life military intelligence officers for months before going on board planes, seeing if they could sneak box cutters on, seeing if they could sneak fake bombs on.
You remember hearing about this?
Seeing if stewardesses, flight attendants would notice.
Well, that's what happened on 9-11.
We've got these supposed hijackers, the few who were actually on there, whose names really did appear, and who we know supposedly were at least seen at the airports.
Most of them have been found to still be alive.
And the few, the 10 or 12, depending on which article you look at, who were actually at least around the airport.
We know that.
No video of them boarding.
We know they were trained in secret espionage slash spy slash coding slash flight lessons at U.S.
military bases.
I mean, they're being run through full spy training.
They're being protected.
Their embassies, when they leave the country to go to Al-Qaeda summits in Malaysia, embassy heads don't want to let them back in.
CIA calls and says, National Security, these are our operatives posing as terrorists.
The terror data you see in the computers is simply their cover.
And then people who we know are U.S.
government agents.
Do you understand that?
We know they're agents!
I think this is one of the key issues.
We know they're agents.
Embassy heads, deans of defense language schools, officers at Pensacola.
FBI agents are going, hey, we were surveilling them, had informants living with them, and we're told to back off, over and over again.
Because again, other areas of intelligence and security pick up on these people and go, hey, we got terrorists!
Because they're out openly creating a history, a ledger, for later public consumption.
The supposed terrorists, the decoys, believe they're testing the establishment, actually testing the FBI, testing defense intelligence.
Do you understand?
They do this routinely.
So they don't understand what's happening.
This is departmentalization.
Every time the FBI is about to pounce and arrest them, they're told, back off, back off, back off.
Then, for later plausible deniability, they have a few mentally ill
Low-grade moron, real terrorists who've been recruited by the government, who don't know they're being handled by Arabic-speaking U.S.
government agents to carry out terror.
The people doing that think they're running a sting operation, and then all it takes is a small group that actually hijack those jets by remote control and flow them into those buildings.
Now, there it is laid out how it happened.
And then even in this new whitewash they release that, oh we screwed up, you caught us red-handed.
Yeah, we covered up, but it isn't what you thought.
We're not involved in the attacks.
We're just big idiots.
And we tried to cover that up.
You caught us.
Hoping we'll buy into that.
And then even in the tapes they do release, the hundreds of hours they've got, they decide to release these tapes that kind of
In some ways back up their story, but even in those tapes, it's the controllers at NORAD going, I've never seen so much real world during the exercise.
Is this the exercise?
Is this part of the exercise?
No, this isn't part of the exercise, but exercise!
But there's blips all over the screen!
There's an exercise going on!
We'll be right back, and I'll get into some of the Vanity Fair article, and we've got a guest coming on.
We'll shift gears to the Middle East.
And then in the third hour, I'm going to play all of the tags they've released.
It's here!
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Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
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I think so.
I think so.
I think so.
I think so.
We don't need no education
Ralph Shoman has lived in the Palestinian refugee camps.
He's really a famous individual.
Involved in so many of the famous movements back in the 60's.
And he's been in Palestine recently.
Will be joining us.
We'll get into what Israel is doing right now.
Moving ground forces into the north of Lebanon.
Bombarding with their artillery now.
The north of Lebanon with a ground attack.
This is a huge escalation.
We'll be getting into that.
But again, you read this Washington Post article about suspected deception by Pentagon, and it's totally hollow.
Meanwhile, there's a huge article out from Vanity Fair today.
9-1-1 lie!
The NORAD tapes!
How did the U.S.
Air Force respond on 9-11?
Could it have shot down Flight 93, as conspiracy theorists claim?
Obtaining 30 hours of never-before-released tapes from the control room of NORAD's Northeast Headquarters, the author reconstructs the chaotic military history of that day and the Pentagon's apparent attempt to cover it up.
Now again, this is written like it's a big expose.
The government has hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of NORAD and FAA tapes, because again, there are dozens and dozens and dozens of different flight centers communicating with each other.
Over three hours a piece.
That comes out to hundreds of hours.
They admit they have hundreds of hours.
They release 30 hours to Vanity Fair, and Vanity Fair releases, I don't know, what is this, less than 20 minutes of it.
But buried in there, they're talking about the drills, and I've never seen, quote, so much real world during an exercise.
So this is written like it's an expose, but really it, um,
It attempts to destroy the idea that the government was involved in the attacks, but you know where you're looking.
If you know where you're looking, it does the complete opposite, and affirms that there's hijackers on the planes, and all of this is going on.
It's like the Pentagon releasing to Judicial Watch, and Judicial Watch comes out and says, we're releasing this to destroy the myth
That a large passenger plane didn't hit the Pentagon.
And then they show the tape, and it's two more views from the same parking lot just a few yards away.
Because they have like four or five lanes, I guess, going in and going out.
So it's each little spot, you know, as you drive through the gates there.
As you drive through, it takes pictures of your car for security purposes.
They just released two more angles of the exact same thing and it creates more of a debate, more questions swirling around that now.
And I'll tell you why.
The government wants us to focus on the Pentagon because it can be endlessly debated until the cows come home.
They do not want us to focus on CIA insider trading against America and United.
At 4,000 plus times any normal level.
They don't want us to focus on bombs in the buildings and thermite and thermate.
They don't want us to focus on the supposed hijackers being U.S.
government agents.
They don't want us to focus on the CIA and NORAD running drills of hijacked jets hitting the exact same targets.
They don't want us to focus on bin Laden being a known CIA asset or seven to nine of the hijackers still being alive, BBC.
They don't want us to focus on the U.S.
troops already massed in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
They don't want you to focus on any of that.
They don't want you to focus on the history of government-sponsored terror.
Our own government has carried out terror attacks and admitted it against foreign countries and our own country to blame it on their enemies time and time again.
Now, I'm not criticizing anyone who is talking about the Pentagon.
We've talked about it, we've covered it.
I just have simply said, why is it the lion's share of the focus and why does the media choose to predominantly focus on it?
That is suspicious.
That's all I'm saying.
Alright, we'll start the second hour with Ralph Shuman here in a moment.
We'll get him on the horn and look at what's happening in the Middle East, which could lead to World War III.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ralph Shulman is an author, lecturer.
He was in the jungles, I'm told, with Shea Guevara.
He's lived in Palestinian refugee camps.
He's a Jewish American.
He's written the history of Zionism, 1988, the hidden history of Zionism, way back when really nobody was even talking about it.
I guess we'll talk to him about what brand of particular Zionism he's discussing.
There's really no way to go over his entire bio.
And he, of course, worked with Bertrand Russell and Edith Russell.
There's really no way to go over his entire bio.
I obviously do not agree with his
His political solutions or his political bent, extreme leftists.
I don't believe in the left-right paradigm.
I know it's false and controlled.
I know that the big banks created communism, but his experiences and the things he's seen and the ideas he has, a lot of them are extremely valid, and so he's here to share those experiences with us, and I've known him to be a truthful and honest person in the information he relays to you.
So we're honored to have him with us today.
Ralph Shulman, thank you for coming on.
Yes, thanks, Alex.
I think we should skip the question of extremism.
You and I are both labeled with that.
That's the way to dismiss ideas without having to consider them.
Yeah, I'm not dismissing your ideas, sir, and I appreciate your courage, the places and things you've seen and done.
I totally reject the paradigm that we're even given, and I know that you were into some of that more leftward stuff back in the 60s.
You've kind of expanded on from that point.
Just because it's so interesting and it speaks to your credibility just as a historical lens or window, tell us about some of the experiences of your life first so we know who Ralph Shulman is.
Well, I mean, with reference to the question of Palestine, we've been involved for a very long time in building a movement in opposition to the colonization of Palestine.
And as you indicated, Alex, the Zionist movement is a colonial settler movement.
From its inception, the intention was to remove the indigenous population.
What distinguishes Zionism from the normal or usual colonial project in Africa, Asia, or Latin America was that this was not just about that 1% of the population that owns 95% of the national wealth in the United States seeking to seize the resources of subject peoples or to create slave labor conditions to exploit their labor.
This had a different dimension.
The Zionist project was about replacing the indigenous labor force.
The mantra under which Zionist colonization was launched was a land without a people for a people without a land.
Pretending that no one lived in Palestine and projecting on behalf of its imperial sponsors because we have to remember that the Zionist movement began in the late 19th century amongst middle class, in fact upper middle class
Jews who had despaired of struggling against the repressive and reactionary and exploitative regimes of the time that were deeply anti-semitic and persecutory not only of Jews but in particular of Jews.
And these Zionists sought to gain the support of the Tsar and of Russian imperialism and of French and British and American imperialism, German imperialism, to create an outpost for those imperial powers
In which they would remove the indigenous population and form a kind of shock troop to undermine the movement for national independence in the Arab East.
So they appealed to all of these regimes for financial and military support.
And they got the support from England.
They got it from all of them, and they certainly got it from England, but the primary sponsor was the United States because it was the United States that, with Stalin,
Actually, organized the partitioning of Palestine over the heads of the Palestinian people.
Now, in 1947, when the UN partitioned Palestine... Stay there, Ralph, because I particularly ask you to go over some of your background first.
When we get back, can we start over there?
Sure, no problem.
I really want to do that.
Folks, I try to bring you different perspectives, different views, different ideas, and Ralph has witnessed quite a lot of his long life, and this should be quite informative.
Stay with us.
We'll be back on the other side of this quick break.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ralph Shulman is a Jewish-American author, lecturer, traveled the world.
In the last 45-50 years, he's witnessed many of the great upheavals.
He knew Malcolm X, he knew Che Guevara.
He also headed up one of the international organizations that exposed the Kennedy assassination as an inside job carried out by our own government.
Ralph, before we get into Palestine and living there in the refugee camps and the history of what Israel really is and who controls it,
Tell us a little bit about yourself first.
I want to go back over some of your life experiences, please.
Well, sure, Alex.
I suppose, you know, when I was in Great Britain, I was the executive director of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, and we were involved in negotiations direct to my own experience with about 40 heads of state on a variety of questions.
I was secretary general of the International Tribunal on U.S.
war crimes in Indochina.
I was director of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign at the time, which had 60 member organizations, and we were also very much involved in arranging the release and negotiating the release of political prisoners in over 40 countries over that time frame.
Any of the struggles that involved the oppressed and their resistance to colonial and imperial occupation and exploitation
The struggles in which we were engaged over these decades, as you mentioned.
With reference to the question of Palestine, I think it's important for us to understand that at the time that the United Nations partitioned Palestine over the heads of the Palestinian people, through the promotion of this project by Harry Truman in conjunction with Joseph Stalin,
The Jewish Agency presented a map of what it called the Land of Israel to the Special Committee of the United Nations for the Partitioning of Palestine.
That map was based on the diaries of Theodor Herzl, Volume 2 in 1902, and the map which projected what was the Land of Israel included all of Palestine, all of Jordan,
One-third of Arabia, Egypt up to the Nile including Cairo, one-third of Syria, two-thirds of Iraq, the southern tier of Turkey and Kuwait, Eretz Israel.
This project was implemented almost immediately, even before the state itself was formed in May of 1948.
The series of massacres that were unfolded in villages and towns across Palestine
drove out nearly 800,000 people out of a population of 930,000.
The Zionists had obtained only 3% of the land by purchasing it from absentee Turkish landowners.
Through the partitioning of Palestine, the UN handed them 55% of the most fertile land.
Even before the formation of the state, they had seized 93% of the land.
They now have control over 475 Palestinian towns and villages.
They reduced to rubble.
They wiped them off the map.
Mr. Shulman, let's stop right there for just a moment if we can.
Because people think that the Palestinians and the Arabs in that area just hate Israel for no reason.
They don't understand that this openly happened.
And then if Arabs wouldn't move out, they would openly bomb their homes, car bomb their houses.
That's really where the Arabs and the Palestinians picked up on counter-bombing.
And then today, we hear the neocons on talk radio now saying,
There are no innocent children.
Go ahead and just kill everybody in Lebanon.
There are major papers, in fact I have one in a printout here, one of the major Israeli papers, with the head rabbi saying that everyone can be killed in this war, that we need to just go ahead and take everything.
And yes, I've seen the map that they openly promote where Israel's got like half the Middle East.
This is madness, and you're a Jewish American yourself, most Jews that I know are totally against what's happening, but if that's the case then, how is Israel able to continue in the things that they're doing, the genocidal activities that Americans aren't even aware of?
Well, Alex, you hit the nail on the head here.
First of all, of course, I mean, yes, my parents were Hungarian Jews.
I have no religious convictions myself.
In fact, you're a Holocaust survivor, aren't you?
No, no, about 70 members of my family were exterminated.
But the irony of that, Alex, is that the Zionist movement were the active collaborators with the Nazis.
No, we have the official publications they wrote, big magazines and letters.
They really liked Hitler, yeah.
They supported all of the reactionary anti-Semitic regimes.
They colluded with them in ridding Europe of its Jews because they had in mind a colonial project in Palestine.
Although they actively resisted and opposed and sabotaged any attempts for persecuted Jews to escape Europe to the United States or Canada or Great Britain or Australia,
They were totally collusive in preventing that, but that's a large question that I'd certainly like to address.
It's addressed in my book, The Hidden History of Zionism, and in other books that I've written together with Maya Schoen, my wife.
Alex, I'd like to mention that we're actually holding a meeting for your listeners in Northern California in Berkeley on August 17th at 7pm.
uh... called apocalypse now the u.s.
and israeli master plan for the middle east which will take place at the unitarian universalist fellowship hall
in Berkeley, 1924 CEDA, so I'd encourage your listeners to attend that.
There's another event here in Austin tonight at the Universalist Church.
They're going to be showing my film, Martial Law.
Now, Ralph, I interrupted you.
I want to go back now, because I really have studied the history of this.
The Arabs, the Palestinians, were extremely peaceful.
Palestine was one of the more peaceful and productive
There were Jews living there.
They got along extremely well with the Palestinians.
Contrary to popular belief, Muslims actually revere Jews and obviously think that the first big prophet is Abraham and then Moses.
That's why you always hear the Arabs say, the Zionists, the Zionists, the Zionists.
And so really again what we've seen the Labor Zionists and the Likudniks now do in Palestine has actually turned the Arab world against Jews and I also found the documents and it's admitted that our government went in at the end of World War II and actually found the more Wahhabi as radical Muslim sects to try to put them in power to actually put military heat on the Jews to keep a military government in control of Israel so that they could continue to fight and then have the pretext to expand Israel.
Is that a
Accurate analysis.
Look, the Jews in Palestine who were indigenous were wholly integrated within Palestinian society, as they were throughout the Arab East.
In fact, if you meet a Jew from Yemen or North Africa or from Iraq, you're talking to an Arab who happens to have Jewish religious convictions.
He looks like Amal Abdel Nasser.
He has the wedding customs and the mores and the eating habits and the dress and the manner of any other Arab.
He just happens to be an Arab who is a Jew as opposed to a Christian or a Muslim.
Let me tell you this, Alex.
The head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, George Habash, was a Christian.
The head of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Nayef Hawatneh, was a Seventh-Day Adventist.
The main, one of the principal representatives of the PLO in Paris, Ilan Halave, was an Oriental Jew.
Maya and myself have lived in the Palestinian camps, worked with the Executive Committee of the PLO.
We lived throughout the Palestinian camps in Lebanon during the siege and occupation of 82.
The Palestinians could care less about who's a Jew, who's a Muslim, who's a Christian.
The city of Ramallah in the West Bank is almost entirely a Christian city.
It voted overwhelmingly in support of Hamas.
I know, but Americans believe that all Arabs have giant 15-foot daggers and will literally cut all Christians' heads off and suck their blood out.
I mean, they think Arabs want to kill everyone and make everyone convert to Islam, and that is a total lie, unless you're talking about the Sudan.
Well, it's not even in the Sudan.
I mean, you're talking here against, essentially about the notion of untermensch, you know, interior peoples.
It's part of the colonial and imperial ideology.
But let's be clear about this.
The colonization of Palestine was a project to remove the indigenous population through massacre.
Let me give you, I mean, we've been now reporting, all of us, about the massacre that has just unfolded in Ghana.
In Lebanon, in which the village of Kana was destroyed and the hundreds of civilians were literally butchered in that city.
Do you know that that occurred on the 10th anniversary of the same event occurring in 1996?
Yes, I did.
I know that the Israelis like to do it on certain dates to publicly be able to take credit for it, while at the same time denying it.
You know, Maya and I, in 1982, here's an irony for you, Alex.
The invasion of Lebanon in 1982 proceeded under the rubric of Peace in the Galilee.
Now, the inhabitants of the Galilee, as the real Galileans, had been driven out of the Galilee by the Zionists in 1947 and 1948 through massacre.
The survivors had regrouped in the refugee camp called Ein el Helwe, which means Sweet Spring on the outskirts of Saida.
There are about 100,000 of the Palestinians from the northern Galilean areas of Palestine who were driven out in 1947 and 1948.
In 1982, the Zionists took Einar Helloway as a grid.
They divided it into quadrants.
They bombed it, saturation bombing, 10 days and 10 nights.
Then they shelled it from the sea and from the mountains for 10 days and 10 nights.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The Yishuv Rabbinical Council, during time of war, enemy has no innocence.
And this is out of the Ynet News, a big Israeli publication over there.
It says the Yishuv, I'm pronouncing that right, Rabbinical Council announced its response to an IDF attack.
On the village, according to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as innocence of the enemy.
All of the discussion on Christian morality are weakening the spirit of the army and the nation and are costing us the blood of our soldiers and civilians, the statement said.
Ralph Shoman?
I mean, I've got a bunch of Israeli newspapers saying similar things, just saying, look, we're allowed to kill everybody, and we're going to, but then in our news, we hear that Israel lovingly doesn't want to target any civilians, and it's all an accident when they shoot rockets right through the Red Cross symbols on the vehicles.
I mean, what's going on?
Well, let me quote to you from the Labor-History of the General Federation of Workers publication, Davar,
Describing the process through which the Israeli state was created.
Quote, this is about the massacre in Douaima.
And there were massacres in every village and town across suffering Palestine.
Quote, they killed between 80 to 100 Palestinian men, women, children.
To kill the children, they fractured their heads with sticks.
There was not one home without corpses.
The men and women of the villages were pushed into houses without food or water.
Then the saboteurs came to dynamite them.
Commanders ordered soldiers to bring women into the buildings they were about to blow up.
They prided themselves on raping the Arab women before shooting them to death.
An Arab woman with her newborn baby was made to clean the place for a couple of days, and then they shot her and the baby.
Educated and well-mannered commanders who were considered good guys became base murderers, and this not in the storm of battle, but as a method of expulsion and extermination.
The fewer the Arabs who remain, the better."
That's the process through which all of Palestine was colonized.
But this isn't you, Ralph Shulman.
Major pro-war Israeli papers are saying, don't listen to Americans, and don't listen to Christians and others that say we shouldn't kill everybody.
We're allowed to.
And then, I mean, how do the Israelis...
You know, expect the Arabs not to want to fight them with their tinker toy weapons.
Well, if anybody would resist the occupation and destruction of their entire population, let me quote to you from Raphael Aitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Armed Forces.
We declare openly that the Palestinians have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel.
Force is all they do or ever will understand, and we shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours.
And here is his statement before the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.
When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do is scurry around like drug roaches in a bottle.
David Ben-Gurion was the so-called George Washington or founder of the Israeli state.
Here he is writing to his son in 1938.
A partial Jewish state is only the beginning.
We cannot be prevented from occupying other parts of the country and the region.
In 1938, he was more explicit.
The boundaries of Zionist aspiration, he told the World Council of Poil Zion in Tel Aviv, include all of Lebanon, all of Syria, today's Jordan, all of East Jordan, the West Bank, and the Sinai.
After we become a strong force as the result of the creation of the state, we shall abolish partition and expand to the whole of Palestine.
The state is only a stage in the realization of Zionism, and its task is to prepare the ground for our expansion.
The state will preserve order not by preaching, but with machine guns.
Here he is in May 1948.
Prepare to go over to the offensive.
These are his directives to the General Staff.
Smash Lebanon, Transjordan, and Syria.
The weak point is Lebanon, for the Muslim regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine.
We shall establish a Christian state there and smash the Arab legions.
Eliminate Transjordan.
Syria will fall to us.
We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria, and Sinai.
Meanwhile, Ralph Shulman, our mainstream media says...
The crazy Arabs and Palestinians claim Israel wants the whole region.
They're nutty conspiracy theorists.
Then I read mainstream Israeli papers and they're openly saying that all of this is the aim.
Do you think Syria is stupid enough to launch a counter-attack on Israel?
What do you think Israel is going to do in the next few months?
Well, we have to keep clearly in mind, Alex, you and I have been discussing the meaning of 9-11.
The very category of terror
That was the replacement, the ideological replacement for the so-called menace of subversion.
The rationale for huge military budgets, $10 trillion over 40 years, more than the combined value of everything produced in this society.
That's what the operations in the Middle East are about.
No, I understand they have continual war, then consolidate all the wealth under the elite's hands.
When we get back, we'll talk to Ralph Shumlin.
We'll get into 9-11, the inside job, and then we'll get into what you personally witnessed when you've been over in the Middle East.
And by the way, we've gotten emails where people are saying they want to kill all Arabs on Earth.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We'll go right back to Ralph Gumbin here in just a moment.
Don't forget, if you want to see my new film, Terror Storm's premiere, we'll be showing it first
The final edition.
I showed a rough cut in LA last month.
We'll be showing the final edition in Dallas at the Lakewood Theater in Central Dallas on the 26th of this month.
The 26th of August.
Then I'll give a 45 minute speech, take some questions.
Then we're going to have Jim Mars who wrote the screenplay for JFK and the book it's based on with a speech titled JFK to 9-11.
And then I'm going to show 35-40 minutes of some of the best clips and information and video of David Rockefeller and Queen Beatrix up at the Bilderberg Group meeting in Ottawa last month.
And then Shanghai Five, a great lounge act, great music, anti-new order lounge scene, wait until you hear it.
They even played Big Vegas, you know.
I think so.
We're good to go.
But the best thing you can do is get a hard copy of Martial Law.
Here's what Dylan Avery, the director of Loose Change 2nd Edition, had to say about it.
Terror Storm sets a new standard in documentary film making.
Alex Jones knocks it out of the park yet again.
And then here's the back of the film cover.
The terrorists aren't who you think they are.
Throughout history, criminal elements inside government have carried out terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
TerrorStorm reveals how in the last hundred years, Western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors.
In TerrorStorm, you will discover that September 11th, the attacks of 7-7, and many other terrorist events were self-inflicted wounds.
You will witness British Special Forces troops caught in the act of staging terror attacks in Iraq, and see official U.S.
government documents laying out plans to hijack passenger planes by remote control.
You will learn how the Reichstag fire, the Gulf of Tonkin, and the U.S.-backed Iranian coup of 53 all were incorporated
False Flag Terror Events, all interconnected false flag terror events.
The powerful documentary explores the mindsets of the average brainwashed westerner and delves deeply into the systems of control which have systematically been crafted to imprison their minds and keep their eyes closed to the realities of the world around them.
Special features include over an hour of a 9-11 symposium in L.A.
from four camera shoots, Charlie Sheen's speech, part of the panel discussion, and a lot more, and film trailers from my past films.
It is over three hours long when the official DVD comes out in two weeks, but you cannot wait.
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And the power of you, the listeners, taking action, grassroots, force multiplied,
Getting the DVD, making 10-15 copies, it's so easy on your DVD burner, or dump them to VHS tape, whatever.
Give them to people, tell them to research the information in the films.
When they find out the films are accurate and true, all of my films, then to make copies of the film themselves and pass it on.
That's what we've been doing, and that's how we're beginning to really bring the official 9-11 fraud to its knees.
So please join us in this.
And one more program note,
C-SPAN for the fourth time aired our 9-11 Neocon Symposium Roundtable discussion yesterday.
It got hyped all over the web, all over radio, all over the place, and on C-SPAN and had a huge effect.
And I want to thank all of you out there that promoted this and got the word out on it.
Millions of people woke up with the four showings on C-SPAN.
Going back to Ralph Shoman, a human rights activist, author, lecturer, he's been all over the world, on the front line seeing this.
2001, I mean, with World Trade Center Uncensored History, which is a seven-hour broadcast on WBAI, and then
9-11 in the capitalist state, 9-11's false flag operation, the smoking guns of 9-11.
Like you, we've been at this non-stop since the event, but I want to mention one thing to you.
You know, in 1993, and I wrote a piece about it at the time, the World Trade Center was bombed.
Now, at the time of the World Trade Center bombing, it was immediately imputed to Qaeda-like figures and Osama bin Laden, yes?
In fact,
This was an FBI operation.
Emad Ali Salem, an FBI operative and a high-ranking Egyptian intelligence officer, was sent in by the FBI office in New York into the mosque of the blind Egyptian sheikh, Sheikh Omar Abdur-Rahman, both in New Jersey and in Brooklyn.
He carried... he wore a wire through all these meetings.
He recruited young kids to come to meetings to discuss what was happening in Egypt, the oppression in Egypt.
And he had these kids on a need-to-know basis.
He arranged the safe house.
He arranged the dynamite.
Well, it's the same thing in Miami.
It's the same thing up in Canada.
They always, they create the groups out of young, many times on welfare, mentally retarded young people.
They train them.
They give them the bombs.
They give them the detonators.
Please continue.
The kids didn't even know what they were involved with.
And the woman who actually arranged the bridal rent-a-van and the safe house was Guzi Hadass of the Mossad.
Now, the interesting thing about all of this is that after the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, when Imad Ali Salem was arraigned, he said, well, my FBI controllers told me that they'd give me dynamite that wouldn't detonate.
That's in Ralph Blumenthal's piece in the New York Times, in the LA Times, in the Village Voice.
This is nothing arcane.
This was a false flag operation from day one and it was the predicate for the 2001 events.
By the way, that's under Clinton's watch.
It's not one or another.
This is the 1% that controls 90% of the national wealth.
It's systemic.
And to bring this into relation to what's happening in Lebanon, how has this thing been presented, this current onslaught into Lebanon?
It's supposedly based upon, quote, kidnapping, unquote, of Israeli soldiers, two Israeli soldiers.
Here's an article, July 25th, by Joshua Frank.
Kidnapped in Israel or captured in Lebanon.
Justification for Israel's invasion on thin ice.
He says the original story, as the media tells it, goes something like this.
Hezbollah attacked an Israeli border patrol station, killing six and taking two soldiers hostage.
The incident happened inside Israeli territory.
Here is the Agence France-Presse.
Lebanese police forces confirmed that two Israeli soldiers were captured in the southern Lebanon in the area of Ait Taa al-Shaab
When an Israeli Special Forces unit had attacked the area.
Here's the French news site, www.voltaire.net.org.
Let me just stop you, Ralph.
You may not be aware of this.
UPI, AP, there's got to be ten news wires all actually did report that they were part of the Special Forces units over the border.
So that's not debatable.
I was leading up to Associated Press, Hindustan Times, WSNBC,
National Council of Arab-Americans based in Lebanon, first-hand reports.
There's absolutely no ambiguity about this.
Well, this goes back to Bush's White House memo, where he tells Blair we can fly a plane low, paint it up, like UN, to get it shot down.
I mean, they do this.
They send troops out as bait.
Now, here's the San Francisco Chronicle on July 21st.
Israel set war plan a year ago.
Of all Israel's wars since 1948, this is the one for which Israel is most prepared, said Gerald Steinberg, Professor of Political Science at Bar-Ilaq University.
We covered that at nauseam, and I'm glad you're bringing it up.
The point here is, Israel is a war economy.
Just like we are, and we've got to have wars.
So what is the goal?
We know that Bush gave the ultimatum to Iran.
This is the beginning of the war drums.
They're hoping to go ahead and bombard Syria.
The neocons went public a week ago saying our government supports an attack on Syria.
They've tried to claim that the troops were taken to Iran that were captured, so we need to attack Iran.
Similar to the fraud story of a month ago, two months ago, that Iran makes Jews wear yellow stars.
It's like saying Saddam was throwing babies out of incubators, PR lie.
We know the government spends $118 million on fake letters to the editor, $1.6 billion in fake newscasts.
We know they're lying to us, so in your educated view, you've been over there, you've been watching this, I'm trying to find out what do you think Israel is trying to get out of this latest push?
The latest push is about emptying the population of southern Lebanon, occupying Lebanon once again, and preparing for the dismantling of Syria and Iran ad syriatum.
Look, we published in the Hidden History of Zionism the Oded Yinon Plan of 1979, a strategy for the 1980s which called for the dismantling of each Middle Eastern state into its ethnic and religious components.
And they reiterated that in 1983, they want to break Iraq into three parts, Syria into two parts, Iran into six parts, and then turn each ethnic group against each other, and then have armored military citadels that just simply oversee the ethnic cleansing and extermination.
But that is precisely what 9-11 was brought to facilitate.
Because the U.S.
rulers had designed to deconstruct and tear apart each country in its turn, seize its resources, and it's an expression of the, you know, we're talking about a system in terminal decay here, something on the order of $79 trillion.
of debt, a paper currency that isn't worth, if it were on porous paper, where it could suggest a better use for it.
So they've got to have a war, as Brzezinski said in 97, to unify us, the slaves, against the quote, Central Asian Barbarians.
And this is the architecture of the fascist state.
As you've been documenting, as we've been with our Marshall State, the United States, with testing the waters, military rule in America,
The Northern Command, all of these false flag operations which include the pandemics.
You know, one of the talks that I gave in New York recently was called, From Forging 9-11 to Creating the Next Pandemic, a System Internal D-Pay.
These pandemics, Alex, flow from military laboratory
Manipulation of virus genomes, creating variants for which there is no immune response.
I know, we have the official documents, we know they continue to do it.
The PNAC document talks about legitimizing the use of race-specific bio-weapons to wipe out certain subsects of the human species.
And that's where the quarantining comes in, and that's where the introduction of the military comes in, and the detention camps... That's the smokescreen for martial law, and they've now recruited in 13,000 counties pastors and preachers, telling them the pandemic's coming, the gun confiscation is coming, the mass roundup is coming, oh, it's going to be so wonderful!
And who do you think has all of the ownership of the pharmaceutical companies, the Carlyle Group, and Mr. Rumsfeld, who made a 720%...
Profit just on his stock holdings, and Tamiflu is the same old, same old.
9-11 is... They also made money off of the antibiotic shipwreck of the anthrax attack, which they clearly launched.
You know, in the marvelous book, Clouds of Secrecy, by Lester Cole, it documents 40 years of the Pentagon releasing trillions of bacilli
Across the United States, in over 218 civilian sites, as the New York Times confirmed, the subway system of New York, the school systems of Minneapolis and St.
Above all, in the Bay Area, in San Francisco, where I live, where there was a tent... But the government isn't a threat, Ralph.
It's those evil Arabs.
So what if Bayer knowingly, on purpose, put HIV and killed over a million people, 200,000 here in the U.S., with Hepatitis C?
Maybe those little hemophiliacs need to die.
Maybe they're with Al-Qaeda.
Maybe the black men needed to be given syphilis.
Maybe we needed to radiate the atomic soldiers and children.
Maybe Israel needed to kill 110,000 Jewish children with the ringworm children.
Maybe they're all with Al-Qaeda.
Well, of course, it must be, since Al-Qaeda is a construct of the Central Intelligence Agency.
I think you ordered $6 billion handed over to Osama bin Laden and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar during operation in Afghanistan.
So what we're really describing here is an assault upon our own population.
All of this is preparatory to the subjugation of the mass of our working people, who produce everything of value through their labor, that is seized and sequestered, while the entire support structure, all the gains of over 100 years, are being dismantled.
The 8-hour day, a thing of the past.
Healthcare, pensions, social services, dismantled.
Remember the woman saying to Bush, I work three jobs, he said, that's wonderful, that's uniquely American?
The standard of living is destroyed, the family is falling apart, and since you bring all this up, Ralph, I'm going to bring it up.
You know, you talk about Stalin working with the U.S.
and England to set up Israel.
Every time I see communist governments get in control, they murder their population, they enslave, the Rockefellers fly in and own all their factories, and I'm telling you, every time they use well-meaning leftists to bring it to power, then they kill you guys, and then they set up their banker paradises.
Hey, hey, take China!
Jiang Zemin said,
Chinese capitalism is the greatest form of communism of the day he retired.
That was BBC, and that confused people.
I want you, as an admitted leftist, to answer that question.
The fruits... Now, everything you've said is accurate, historical, documented.
All I do is research this stuff.
You've been there.
You've seen it.
I'm saying you're telling the truth.
Now I'm asking about your solution, because the globalists created the UN, they created the communists, they're in control because they always control both sides.
Now I'm asking you to sh... I know you've shattered your paradigm, you're an intelligent person, explain to me about the blessed communists.
Well, let's make a distinction from the get-go.
I was talking about Joseph Stalin in 1947.
The Stalin regime, which is the bureaucratic dictatorship over the Soviet Union, is the result of 14 countries invading on 21 fronts after the Bolshevik insurrection, which took 10 lives, and killing over 7 million people and forming a mass famine.
What we're looking at here is the project of capitalist hegemony.
After all, we have about 5% of the population of the world within our national frontiers, and yet that 1% of the population that owns more than 95% of the rest of the population combined has control over 70% of the world's natural resources.
Ralph, what I'm telling you is... Ralph, hold on a minute.
I want to ask you another question.
I want to make a statement here.
In its human nature,
It's Animal Farm.
Anytime you create anything centralized, in five minutes you'll be back to the tyranny you were at.
Every time the communists try to redistribute things, you get a bunch of big fat king rats ruling off people living in their villas with their racehorses and their 50 mistresses.
I mean, come on!
Hey Alex, look, all this nonsense about human nature, 99% of the history of the species
I think so.
Well, Alex, look.
What we're talking about, if you want to address the question of socialism, is the democratic ownership of the means of production.
You want a democratic control of the political process, you need a democratic control of the economy as well.
Why do the bankers then fund socialism?
Why do they fund... Well, that's what we call a bubamites, if you speak Yiddish.
That's a ludicrous bit of nonsense.
Well, stay there.
We'll be right back.
It's here!
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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
Ralph Shulman is our guest and I'm not trying to get off into a big
Take the Nature Conservancy Sierra Club, two of the biggest landowners in this country.
You go to their meetings.
It is Marxist-Leninist commie world.
And you go to a smart growth conference.
It's the heads of Bank of America, Bank One, former Dallas Cowboys, Mayors, Michael Dell.
And they're all there, and they use the leftists to go push laws through to grab everybody's private property, the ranches, and they turn around and build luxury hotels, million-dollar houses on it, and the left just charges on ahead of it.
And we've got Armand Hammer, and we've got David Rockefeller with the aluminum plants in Soviet Russia, and our government propping them up.
And it's the same thing with the oligarchs over there right now in Russia.
Every time one gets arrested, it turns out that the Rothschilds really own it.
Mr. Shulman, you're saying that there aren't corrupt, evil communists in these regimes, and that there aren't collusion with these big financial interests?
Let's be clear about this.
There's a structure of power in the United States.
It's the ownership of the means of production, the concentration of power in the hands of the commanders of the heights of the economy.
Robert Townsend, who was the president of Avis and American Express, who wrote a book called Up the Organization, described it very well.
He calculated that about 5,000 people command what he called the control, rather the commanding heights of the U.S.
That is a structure of power that captures the state and the political process.
The two parties are really one big property party.
Ralph, Ralph, Ralph, Ralph, I agree with you.
Everybody knows that.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Everybody knows that.
Let me address the question that you raised, Alex.
Which is that the movement for democratization of the economy, for popular control over decision-making, is somehow funded by the bankers, which is ridiculous!
The bankers have no relationship to the struggle of oppressed people to remove the dictatorship of capitalism.
Let me counter that and explain what I'm saying.
Here's an example.
The brand of national healthcare we're going to get
It's where they're going to tax all of us at exorbitant levels and then just give our money to the private institutions.
These private institutions are bigger than governments, as you know.
44 of the 100 biggest economies are corporations.
Big corporations openly lobby for big government to extract our wealth and to then give it to themselves.
And then I hear the left saying, we need big government to counter the corporations.
It's not, I don't know what left you're talking about, Alex.
What we're describing, we raise the question of medicine and the national health care program.
It's the insurance companies that have the control over health care in the United States.
We could have, look, there's a very fundamental issue here.
The trillions upon trillions of dollars that are involved in the waste economy of capital exploitation are sufficient to provide
Free education, free housing, free food, birthright like the air we breathe.
We could wipe out every slum in the United States of a mass transit system, a national health care program, universal health care from the cradle to the grave.
Plenty left over.
The productive capacity of this society is huge, but the resources are commandeered.
It's a system that's based upon the anarchy of capital exploitation.
So, Ralph, you deny that the global corporations actually take control of governments and expand the power of those governments through government power to suck the population dry.
The state is nothing more than the cat's paw.
The state is the instrument for administering.
It's the collective executive committee of the capitalist ruling class.
That's all it is.
But sir, what I'm telling you is, Ralph, Ralph, the capitalists, as you describe them, are not free markets.
They're nothing but crime syndicates that have created big government.
Look how big our government is now!
That's all.
The free market economy, as you describe it, is a quaint historical event of the 18th century.
Power is concentrated in oligopoly and monopoly.
I'll tell you what, five more minutes.
Five more minutes, Ralph, so we can plug some of your sites and stuff.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There can be no doubt that in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, the elite, the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, and others, funded every left-wing group you can imagine,
There's no doubt they pushed for the quote social welfare net to get people dependent, to expand their control like we're domesticated animals, pigs in a trough.
And there's no doubt that from the big government they've grown, they've now gotten a mechanism to extract the rest of our wealth and to ensure that we don't own any property or have any way of being independent.
They've broken up the family with their CI operative Gloria Steinem, with the CI's money to set up the leftist women's movement.
It's all totally controlled.
And, uh, I got off into this.
Ralph Shulman has done a lot of good stuff in his life.
There's a lot of these well-meaning people in this who go out and fight corruption, fight oppression, do all these good things.
And then, Ralph, I think your solution is a bad one in the final equation.
I mean, what is the solution to the murder in Palestine, the corruption here, the fact that our government and the corporate interests will probably release some horrible pandemic on us soon.
They've already done it in the past.
I mean, what's the solution to fight these people?
The mass of our population, particularly the working class, is organizing the trade unions as the wages struggle.
We need our own political instrument.
As the Labour Party slogan says, the bosses have two parties.
We need one of our own.
The control over the population is in the hands of banking and corporate capital.
The state is its instrument, is a captured instrument.
What we're seeking to do is to democratize this, to have decisions that affect people's lives under the control of the population.
Bureaucracy and centralization have nothing to do with social ownership, nothing to do with the democratic control over decision-making with respect to the economy.
The United Nations is nothing but a collection of countries with the same class structure as exists within the United States itself.
In each of these respective societies, Alex, you have a ruling oligarchy,
Well, let me ask you a question.
Will we be like North Korea, and then have the son get the power from his daddy?
Or maybe when the brother gets sick, the little brother takes over?
I mean, look at these dirtbag communist countries!
These are not communist governments.
The Stalinism you describe has as much in common with socialism
I think?
Because that's what always happens with a complex system, Ralph.
That's what's always going to happen, Ralph.
There's nothing always about it.
We're not honeybees.
We're not army ants, bro.
We don't operate off simple pheromones.
Yeah, but who's talking about army ants except people who create ideological propaganda for the ruling class?
That's contempt for ordinary people.
That's disdain for people... No, no, no, no.
That's the opposite, Ralph.
That's the opposite.
I'm saying we're not mindless army ants, and so communism would never work because we're not a communal... Communism, in your mind, Alex, is the model of Stalin.
It has absolutely nothing in common with social ownership of the means of production or the democratic... Let me ask you a question, Ralph.
Ralph, in your dream system,
Could I own my own 100 acres?
Alex, the question of ownership has to do with popular ownership and control.
Democratic ownership and control.
It's 1% of the population that owns 95% of the national wealth.
Oh, so I'll suddenly get some land!
The issue before us, the 9-11 state,
That which requires the militarization of the state, that which requires martial law, is that handful of rulers who have the need to dominate and control and exploit the mass of the population.
What we're describing and what we ought to be advocating together is democratic control over decision making in the political life and in the economy of the society.
So that decisions as to what is produced are made on the basis of what people need, not how people talk.
Ralph, we've got to have you back on sometime to debate this.
I appreciate you coming on with us.
Fire out a website real quick.
Let's have people get in touch with www.takingaim.info.
And Ralph, thanks for joining us.
We've got links to your site up on InfoWars.
All right, Alex.
Listen, we gotta deal more with the question of what replaces the system in control.
I understand.
I understand.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in a few minutes, I'm going to start airing the 13 minutes we've got of what Vanity Fair posted of the tapes they got from NORAD.
Well, they're openly talking about, I've never seen this much real-world stuff going on during an exercise.
Is this part of the exercise?
Because the Pentagon and the CIA were running the drills and flying hijacked jets into all the targets that got hit and more to confuse everybody.
And now this is all coming out in the media, but with their big spin on it.
I've got to finish up with Ralph Shulman, though.
You know, the guy has done a lot of interesting work.
He's a bleeding heart.
And he just can't get past the fact that everywhere communists are in control.
It's hereditary, it's totally thuggish, it's absolute centralization immediately.
And the global crime syndicate, the bankers, figured out that there was a new renaissance forming.
That there were a lot of people waking up to what the robber barons were doing, who operated like thugs, like gangsters.
It wasn't free market.
You know, I mean, all these terms, capitalist, communist, it means nothing.
There's command and control, and there's free market, there's freedom.
I mean, that's the real spectrum.
In fact, if you want to get down to brass tacks, on one end of the spectrum,
You have anarchy, and then on the other end of the spectrum you have total command and control.
Anarchy is impossible in groups larger than five to ten people.
So we want to be in the middle of that spectrum, a constitutional republic with a rule of law that protects the minority, the individual, as well as the majority, and you want a free market, you want private property ownership, because then that forms millions of little bulwarks
against centralization.
You want two different branches of the legislative branch with two different groups subdivided into that.
All these different fractures, all these different facets.
Then you have the courts with the state set against the federal.
And then you've got the two different parties who then are appointing people to the courts.
So they're at odds with each other.
Gridlock is good to keep a Napoleon, a Hitler,
from coming to power, to keep a centralization from taking place, to protect the middle class, and to allow, for the first time in history, not a perfect system, but the best system we've seen, to open things up so that wealth can then be created.
I mean, we have huge populations all over the world.
You judge a tree by its fruit.
How could 4% of the world population have more than half the wealth?
Then the elites took over in the last hundred years, and we have seen that what 4% having half has switched.
The elite then started taking the wealth from that 4%, that tiny fraction in the US and England and Europe, started taking the wealth from that 4% that had over half the world's wealth.
Until now, the Anglo-American establishment has about 80% of the world's wealth, but almost none of that in the actual aggregate is in the people's hands.
And you cannot explain this to these bleeding-heart communists.
You cannot explain that everywhere there's oppression and stuff going on, they'd send the communists.
They'd send the bleeding-hearts.
They'd send the good salesmen who really believed what they were pushing and saying.
That's what evil does.
They have people as fronts who don't even know it.
Close your mic, guys.
Then, hey guys there at the network, will you close your microphone for me?
Thanks a lot.
Sorry, I tried to ignore it, but then the talking started up and I couldn't do anything.
Let me go back now.
So, so, I'm sorry, I kind of got distracted there.
So, so this is the point that I'm, that I'm trying to get at.
I've really studied this.
I've looked at it.
I've read the communist documents.
I've read the fascist documents.
I've read the founding fathers documents.
I've read the Greek philosophers.
I have really looked at this and humans are full of avarice, greed, and lust.
And all of us don't have all three of those, but most of us got one or more.
I mean, I definitely got the lust part going.
I don't know about avarice or greed.
The point I'm trying to get at here is that everything is about building impediments to power, to consolidation, so you can then build your own little castle.
And he wouldn't answer that question, folks.
We've got family property that we've developed, that we've used, that has supported families for generations, I guess eight generations now.
That would all be gone.
And you'd have a bunch of little greedy people who've never built anything in their lives, a bunch of couch potatoes, running at the head of one of their little Commissar Controllers, and the bankers are going to do this, don't worry, it's going to happen, it just won't be called communism.
And they'll come and they'll take it, and then our family property will go into the communal Nature Conservancy or Sierra Club, and they'll build hotels on it where the elite can go enjoy themselves, and play five-star golf.
That's how it is in Austin.
It always happens.
Notice he said, well, Stalin wasn't a communist.
Well, Cuba isn't.
Well, North Korea isn't.
That's right.
My point is, that stuff only works with army ants and bees.
Humans are too smart.
Either, if people get oppressed in the communist system, the way they fight back in Romania or Russia, is you just quit working.
You just lay around.
You're not going to get anything anyways.
You just cannot explain this to people like Ralph Shoman.
And to say it is preposterous, to say that it is preposterous that the global financial oligarchy, the crime syndicate,
Funded fascism!
Funded communism!
Funded every movement of consolidation and big government is... That is a joke!
That is stupid!
Carol Quigley, top Georgetown theoretician for the New World Order for decades, head of the political science department.
His protégé was Bill Clinton and many others.
He wrote a book and he said, I've got it here, in fact I did a reprint of my book, The Sentimentality.
He said, of course we fund the communists, of course we fund the capitalists, of course we fund the fascists.
We fund and control everything that centralizes so the Anglo-American roundtable groups
And to think that the British intelligence in the late 1900s wrote the Communist Manifesto and had their British agent
Marks and Engels go out and push it on a bunch of stupid people.
A bunch of poor, downtrodden, ignorant people who'd been in serfdom and slavery in Europe and never been out of it.
And a bunch of people were breaking out of it and the elite was losing their market share.
From narcotics to textiles to armaments.
Factories were popping up.
There was new wealth everywhere.
National banking organizations wrote memos about it.
It's all public.
Ripping their hair out because they couldn't get control and communism was a boon.
They went to the poor, super blue collar people.
Not the middle class, who was in horror of it, and said, we're gonna get those bourgeoisie, we're gonna get the middle class for you, we're gonna... They've been using you!
And the big bankers came in, and they killed tens of millions of people, and they kicked the Ukrainians off their farms, and they kicked the poor little Chinese peasants off their farms, and 60 million Chinese died, their government admits they did it, and they cooked up human beings in giant pots to feed the communist armies,
Well, they did it!
And you look at the fruit China's bore.
New Order loves them.
Factories everywhere.
Slave goods.
Totally in bed with them.
All of our missile secrets.
You look at two brothers running Cuba.
You look at a scumbag demon dwarf in North Korea who his daddy gave him power.
And look at America now.
Two cousins.
Members of the same secret fraternity.
Skull and bones.
Run for president.
Out of a pool of 15 people a year.
Out of 30 million people.
This is who we get.
You look at what's happening here in the United States.
You look at how Bush
His daddy was president, now he is.
It's simple.
When you go into a tyrannical system, you start getting hereditary leadership.
And let me tell you, when you see it, you know you're hitting the bottom.
You know you're sinking down the toilet bowl into the sewer system.
It's so sick to watch this happen.
And to know that most of the people who get it and know what's going on,
Only get limited view, limited paradigm awareness, and they're never going to figure it out.
They're not going to figure it out.
And for the greater good, you've got to break a few eggs to make an omelet to build their wonderful system that never materializes, that never delivers.
All it delivers is centralization and enslavement and sorrow for the general public and centralization and total power for the elite.
And of course, in the communist system, you go fool the blue-collar, low-level workers into joining you to go rob the middle class at the behest of the elite.
The elite's always targeting the middle class.
The only place historically you'll get any upward mobility, the only place you get true renaissance,
And the area that breaks the monopoly of power, and you see then the globalists then work that middle class and go, look at the lower classes.
They're coming after you.
You better join us, the elite.
So the elite then gets the fealty and the support of the middle class.
While they meanwhile are controlling the underclass, who they use as an attack dog to threaten and destroy and consolidate the middle class.
And this is why the New World Order is in power, because they know how to control both sides of the coin.
They know how to control the opposition.
They know how to get the job done, and that's what they're doing.
And that's why, if they have their way, we'll be 10-15 years from now in urban super compact cities,
As billions are dying worldwide with super-engineered plagues, with only the elite having the antidote, and you will be sitting there watching television, watching the holoscan on the deck of your living room.
As your whole family dies, and as you prepare to die, and you will remember that I told you, and I knew, and that I warned you, not because I'm a genius, but because I understand their system, and I've studied it.
So, guaranteed, I want the police to listen, you are going to die, and your family is going to die.
You understand?
This elite is going to kill you, it's official, it's declassified.
I am going to die, my entire family is going to die.
Your family, all of you, almost everyone, 9 out of 10 people listening, you are going to be killed by the government in the next 10 to 15 years, maybe sooner.
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Establishments in trouble.
Their official 9-11 story is imploding.
Even Lee Hamilton is in a major news publication today saying that, yeah, a lot of people think the government carried out the attack, quote, think it's an inside job.
And so they release a few hours compared to the hundreds of hours of tapes they've got.
But even those tapes that were released to Vanity Fair that are on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now are filled with little jewels of how they were running drills that day of the exact same targets at the exact same time being hit by planes.
Which, that's all admitted, but here is NORAD confused by the drills.
Here's a clip we played earlier first, and I'll play the parts you haven't heard yet, where they're talking about, boy, this is the most real-world stuff I've ever seen during an exercise.
Here it is.
I've never seen so much real world stuff happen during an exercise.
Alright, now we're going to get into the clips we haven't played and I'm just going to roll a few minutes of the clips and then I'll comment and then we'll play a few more minutes and then later before we end this hour we'll talk a little bit more about what's happening in Israel and how serious this escalation has gotten and then we'll take some calls.
But go ahead and go back to the clips they haven't heard yet.
Is there any?
Hello, sir.
The 737?
Wait, what?
Who are you talking to?
Pass it to them.
Oh my God.
Oh God.
Oh my God!
It's not on the news, it's a plane that crashed in the World Trade Center.
Godspeed, New York!
Here, Dan, this one's for Peggy.
See if they lost altitude on that plane altogether.
Yes ma'am, did you just hear the information regarding the World Trade Center?
Being hit by an aircraft?
I'm sorry?
Being hit by an aircraft.
It's on the World News.
Okay, now we do.
Yes, this is what I got.
You hear it, put that in, put it in.
Possible news, a 737 just hit the World Trade Center.
This is a real world war.
And we're trying to confirm this.
Okay, continue taking the fighters down to the New York City area, JFK area, as best as you can.
Make sure that the FAA clears your route all the way through.
Do what we gotta do, okay?
Just press with it.
It looks like somebody... It looks like this guy could have hit the World Trade Center.
Yeah, he crashed into the World Trade Center.
That is the aircraft that crashed into the World Trade Center?
Disregard the tail number.
Disregard the tail number.
He did crash into the World Trade Center.
That's what we believe, yes.
Copy that.
Thank you, sir.
Go ahead.
We need to have, are you giving confirmation that Max 11 was going?
No, we're not going to confirm that at this time.
We just got this crashed in.
Is anyone up there tracking primary on this guy's steer?
We had, it was about 15 miles east of JFK.
8 miles east of JFK was our last primary hit.
It did slow down in speed.
Alright, stop it right there for a moment.
Now, they know that these aircraft have been hijacked for an hour, but they decide to not release the tapes up until right around that point.
That's what they're releasing.
So we get to hear them talking about launching fighters.
Meanwhile, Cheney is in control of those fighters and not letting them have shoot-down powers.
We know that.
Then it's another, what, 45 minutes from the first plane hitting until the third one hits the Pentagon.
And then we have Norman Mineta's testimony about the aid, sitting there saying it's 50 miles out, it's 30 miles out, it's 20 miles out, it's 10 miles out.
Does that order still stand?
Cheney gets mad.
Have you heard any orders to the contrary?
So again, they claim that these tapes show how NORAD screwed up.
NORAD was in the middle of a gigantic drill of the exact same targets getting hit.
That's why they keep saying, is this real world?
This is real world.
Keep rolling.
Yeah, it slowed down below, down to 300 knots.
But that was the last thing we had on him.
And then we lost him.
Yeah, and then we lost him.
They have a second possible hijacker.
Is this explosion part of it that we're looking at now on TV?
Boston is now grounding all staff out of Boston at the A-Center.
Where they're working at right now?
He was in Whiskey 105.
Second plane's now here.
Okay, Foxy.
Plug in.
Okay, Foxy, this is what I foresee that we probably need to do.
We need to talk to FAA.
We need to tell them if this stuff's going to keep on going, we need to take those fighters and put them over Manhattan.
That's the best thing.
The second plane's hit.
We're almost an hour and a half into the hijackings, and the fighters, which were ten miles away, still aren't there.
An hour and a half later, they're not even over New York yet.
Does the order still stand, Vice President?
Have you heard any orders to the contrary?
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's continue with the tapes.
See, the establishment has hundreds of hours of these tapes.
So they release 30 hours of Vanity Fair, who then releases just 15 minutes or so of the tapes, and they tell you, oh, oh, the Pentagon people almost got indicted for lying.
They said they didn't screw up.
This proves they dropped the ball and screwed up.
Oh, the conspiracy is exposed.
Because they know they can't come out and continually say they did nothing wrong, so they've got to fall back on, okay, we really screwed up that day.
Continuing with these just-released-today tapes from some of the NORAD chatter.
Go ahead and roll it.
If we don't know, let's get them over to Manhattan.
At least we've got some kind of play.
My recommendation, if we have to take anybody out large aircraft, we use M9s in the face.
We'll begin them out of our 1F and 8B.
Give me a location.
Third aircraft hijacked heading towards Washington.
Alright, stop it right there.
Now the second aircraft has hit the towers.
They're calling it a quote big explosion.
They don't know yet that that's happened.
You'll hear them announce it later.
We're talking about a third aircraft headed towards Washington.
And so this goes on for another 45 minutes or so.
I mean, this is just mind-blowing.
And then you heard him talk about it, we have to shoot down the aircraft, you know, let's use a certain type of munition, he quote, in their face.
But then when they start giving the request, because this isn't in the tapes, but we know this did happen and it's been in the news, that Dick Cheney gave an order.
They won't say what that order is, but clearly that was the stand-down order.
So let's continue rolling the tape.
Okay, American Airlines is still airborne.
Eleven, the first guy, he's heading towards Washington.
Okay, I think we need to scramble Langley right now, and I'm going to take the fighters from Otis and try to chase this guy down, if I can find him.
They're probably not squawking anything anyway.
I mean, obviously these guys are in the cockpit.
These guys are smart.
Yeah, they knew exactly what they wanted to do.
Hit pause again.
These guys are smart.
A few months before, as Mohammed Atta was creating as an intelligence operative of this government, his, quote, history as a hijacker, he believed testing defenses, again, they all do it, the Navy SEALs, the FBI, the BATF, they all practice getting into embassies, getting into airports, getting into government buildings, getting into sports stadiums, you hear about it all the time.
They couldn't even get a Cessna off the ground and threw a fit and jumped out of it.
But they are
Conducting these incredible, just unbelievably amazing maneuvers.
Hitting three out of their four targets and of course would have hit their fourth if someone wouldn't have followed orders for a stand down.
Somebody didn't follow orders and went ahead and had 93 shot down.
Which kind of screwed up the official story.
Imagine if that plane would have hit the Capitol as it was meant to.
We'd be in total martial law right now.
Continue rolling the tape.
Have you asked, have you asked the question what you're going to do if we actually find this guy?
Are we going to shoot him down if they've got passengers on board?
Have you talked about that?
Have you asked the question?
Notice that one of the controllers at NORAD is saying, have we asked what we're going to do if we actually catch one of these guys?
You see, you're just hearing some of the side chatter from lower downs from these different NORAD facilities and FAA facilities back and forth all over the country.
They're actually trying to give orders.
They're actually trying to get things done, but you notice they haven't gotten orders so they can give orders, so they're saying, has anybody asked what happens if we actually catch these guys?
And this is the best stuff the government can release to try to bolster their official story.
It actually destroys it.
The problem is the general public is so dumbed down, even if they listen to this, they won't know how to interpret it.
Or they might hear 5 seconds or 10 seconds on ABC Nightly News, and they'll spin it to their own aim.
But notice, has anybody talked to the higher-ups about what we're supposed to do when we actually catch these guys?
And the NORAD commanders are saying, well, we need to, you know, go ahead and shoot them down, but we haven't gotten the orders to do that.
Keep rolling.
They're asking for orders to be able to then give orders in the chain of command to shoot the planes down
And they're being told, we'll get back to you by that calm voice.
Notice there's some very interesting little military style, very calm voices in all of this.
And then you can tell the good guys by how freaked out they are and how they want to do something.
But there's those nice calm voices just saying, wait, wait, gotta get orders from higher up.
Because there were hundreds of generals and hundreds of admirals and hundreds of colonels who had the power to shoot those planes down
Because it was the default position until June 3rd, a couple months before 9-11, for the first time in NORAD's history, an order from the Vice President saying none of you are allowed to, only I can make that decision.
We have that document in my film, Martial Law.
It's on my website, direct link to the Pentagon.
Please continue.
Okay, let me tell you this.
We've been looking.
We also lost American 77.
American 77?
Where was he proposed to head, sir?
Excuse me?
Where was that proposed to head, sir?
Okay, he was going to L.A.
He was also going to L.A.?
Now, uh... From where, sir?
Uh, I think he was from Boston also.
Boston to L.A.?
Now, let me tell you this story here.
Uh, Indianapolis Center was working this guy.
What guy?
America's 77.
At flight level 350.
However, they lost radar with him.
They lost contact with him.
They lost everything.
And they don't have any idea where he is or what happened.
Patrick, I need you to come out.
Can I help you?
So, according to the timeline, here we are another 20 minutes later and
They know that the aircraft is flying right over Washington, and you heard them saying, scramble fighters, scramble fighters from Lanley, that's right there outside Washington, which has a huge intercept squadron right there.
These guys wait in the little ready rooms, in the little shacks out there with the televisions on, with the telephones and the radios, drinking coffee.
24 hours a day, folks.
I know so many pilots who have been in their Cessnas or in their Pipers, who have to fly around a big storm here in Texas, where there's all these military bases, and they're going... It's happened to my dad.
I haven't been in the plane with him when it happened, but he's a small aircraft pilot, and he's trying to fly around a storm, these storms that pop up in Texas in the summer.
And radios in and says, listen, I can't go around these storms or storms all around me.
And they're like, look, we're sorry.
You've got to land at a smaller airfield or go through the storms because you're not going to fly over Fort Hood or you're not going to fly over the Air Force Base up in Fort Worth.
You're just not going to do it.
And if you do, they launch F-16s and in minutes they're on your tail.
Thousands of these happened in the two years before 9-11.
Remember Payne Stewart?
In 2000?
But then the Air Force got up and said, we have never in the last year done one intercept.
And then we went and typed in the name of the Air Force captain, their head PR guy, who made that statement, and there he was in an AP article a year before 9-11, bragging about how they'd stopped thousands of flights and intercepted them.
I mean, it's just incredible lying!
Let's go back to the tape.
Where was that position?
Six Southwest.
Six Southwest is a White House deviating away.
Deviating away?
You don't have a typewriter?
You don't know who he is?
I have no clue.
Hopefully someone watching would have better information for you.
Okay, Foxy, I got an aircraft six miles east of the White House.
I'll have a tango.
I came from Boston.
Oh, we're gonna turn and burn and crank it up.
Alright, here we go.
This is what we're gonna do here.
What happened?
Is that airline right now?
We're going to direct DC with my guys.
Go ahead.
Ma'am, we are going to FBO right now with Quick 2-5.
They're going direct Washington.
Quick 2-5, we're heading to Washington right now.
Ma'am, we need to have you guided right now.
We've got to contact them on 2-3-4-6.
Right here, right here, right here.
I got him, I got him.
Yeah, we just lost track.
Did you get any point on that?
Yeah, we just did too.
Hey, hit the pause.
Did you hear them talk about putting a fighter up now to counter the Flight 93 over Shanksville, Pennsylvania?
And then they said, they're on him, they're on him, we got him, we got him.
They just shot down the aircraft.
And we know the name.
We know the name of the pilot.
from the North Dakota squadron that was based for the drills in Virginia that day.
And they talked about putting an AIM-9 up.
I'm told by an Army pilot we're about to bring on that that is a Sidewinder missile.
Do you have Doug there on the line, guys?
Okay, well as soon as you get him, I want to give him a brief comment.
This is an Army pilot that Kevin Smith, who works in the office, knows.
He's a retired Army pilot and he works for an airline.
That's all we're going to say right there.
Doug, we're not going to say much more about who you are, but we know you.
You wanted to comment on some of these tapes we're playing briefly?
Yes, Alex.
I'm fascinated by the discussion, but just as a point of reference and to add some information to the discussion, every airliner, every commercial airplane has a transponder which has selectable codes.
7700 is known as hijacking.
If you select 7700 on your transponder and push the IDENT button immediately on ATC screens, your individual blip, which is your primary, your primary, will be, it's like two little lines, it'll be filled in in between and that code 7700 will flash.
They will know that that plane is immediately hijacked.
Let me ask you a question.
They knew the planes were hijacked for an hour and 45 minutes.
And then we're never able to shoot down one of the first three planes.
I mean, how ridiculous is that to you, or do you think that's normal?
Well, I absolutely cannot understand or explain that, Alex.
I do know that from the radio conversations, the ATC controllers, they were referring to primary signals or primary blips.
That is strictly the skin paint.
They're picking off the aluminum, the metal on the airplane.
That is not receiving their transponders.
So... That's what I said.
I mean, we know they turned them off.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
I understand that.
I don't know.
It's unexplainable to me, Alex.
I don't know how in the world that they would not know that those planes were... Anytime an unidentified aircraft, if you're flying on an IFR flight plan, you have to have positive voice communication with ATC at least every 15 minutes.
And of course with the Payne Stewart example and many others, we know that those planes should have been identified as hijacked aircraft.
Well, even if it's not identified, they launch F-16s as soon as you're off course or don't respond.
Exactly, sir.
Yes, sir.
So the default position, people say, as Bob Bowman said, people say that the government did nothing so they screwed up.
No, no, no.
If the government would have done nothing but leave the default position in place, all those aircraft would have been shot down.
They did do something.
They ordered a stand down.
Yes, Alex, that's very unfortunate, but I think that's what many of us are coming to believe.
Well, I mean, you hear the people in NORAD talking to the FAA and others, and they're saying, Scramble Fighters, Scramble Fighters, and it doesn't happen.
I know, I just heard the reports.
It was fascinating, the gentleman talking about, well, let's get those planes over Manhattan right away.
It's just, I mean, there's no excuse that they weren't over Manhattan.
Yeah, that's an hour into it.
Thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
Call us back tomorrow.
Call us back tomorrow, Doug.
Pardon me?
He's gone.
He didn't hear me.
He was on the cell phone.
Go back to the tape.
Here we go.
Uh, hold on.
Where's Langley at?
Where are the fighters?
8-9, that's a hijack.
They think it's a possible hijack.
South of Cleveland.
We have a code on him now.
Pick it up.
Find it.
We're setting him up right now.
Boeing 767.
Another one.
Here's what we can do.
At a minimum, we can keep our guys airborne.
I mean, they don't have any guns or missiles or anything on board.
It's a presence, though.
Baltimore is saying something about aircraft over the White House.
They were worried.
Alright, hit pause.
Did you notice they were
Just talking about how they were then getting some type of identification.
She goes, there's another one!
Again, there were blips all over the screens because of the drills.
And drill blips hitting all the same targets.
Can you imagine?
Because the government just so happened to have that exact drill.
I mean, come on.
Keep rolling.
Intercept and divert that aircraft away from there.
Quick 2-5, mission is intercept aircraft over White House.
Use F-A-O for guidance.
Divert the aircraft away from the aircraft.
Intercept and divert.
Quick 2-5, I'll copy.
Quick 2-5, divert the aircraft from the White House.
Copy, divert the aircraft.
Well, okay, we got that, do you hear that?
That aircraft over to the White House.
What's the warning?
Going to Pittsburgh?
Intercept and what else?
Aircraft over the White House.
Uh, we got a United 93 out here.
Are you aware of that?
United 93.
We've got three more hijacked airborne.
It has a bomb on board.
A bomb on board.
And this is confirmed.
Do you have a Mode 3, sir?
No, we lost this transponder.
Now again, earlier you clearly hear them say that they've got it.
They've shot down the plane.
So this is a bunch of different clips from different feeds.
We'll come back, try to play a few more minutes.
I'm sorry to all the callers.
I just don't have time to go to your calls.
I apologize to everybody that's holding.
We'll come back, play a few more minutes of this and comment on it.
We're trying to write a big story up on this right now.
We're trying to analyze it all as it comes in.
It just never ends around here.
And then I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
But stay with us.
A final segment straight ahead.
More of this tape.
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Let's go back to the clips from the NORAD whitewash audio that they're releasing which itself is incriminating for Inside Job.
Here it is.
United 9-3.
Real quick.
I got a bomb.
United what?
United 9-3.
Negative clearance to shoot.
1-5-2-7, Brian.
I'm not really worried about the code word.
The code word, that's perishable information.
Negative clearance to fire.
ID type fail.
Rewind that a few seconds.
Did you hear him?
Negative, negative authorization on being able to fire at the aircraft.
This is unbelievable.
We're going to have to analyze these really close.
Back that up about 20 seconds if you can.
I'm going to have to really play these tomorrow on the show again and really take time to analyze them.
I want to do it tonight before tomorrow's live show.
Go ahead and roll it again.
Negative clearance to shoot.
1527, Brian.
I'm not really worried about code words.
What are the code words?
That's perishable information.
Negative clearance to fire.
ID type failed.
Okay, hard to see.
Quick 2-6, Qantas, hop down via suspect aircraft.
About 15 miles, Qantas.
Qantas copies, 2-2 miles.
15 miles, Qantas.
15 miles, 1-5.
All right, folks.
We're out of time and it's just getting to the really amazing part.
Did you hear him twice?
Negative on authorization to fire?
Oh my gosh.
And then earlier we heard him talk about a successful shoot down.
Three other planes hijacked.
There's another blip.
Is this part of the exercise?
Man, there's a lot of real activity for an exercise.
We need somebody to give us authorization to shoot these down!
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
God bless you all!
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.