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Name: 20060731_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 31, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
A lot happened over the weekend in the Middle East here in the United States.
Welcome my friends.
Thank you for joining us.
It's the last day of July 2006 on this 31st day.
We're going to have wide open phones in the first hour into the second and third hour.
The toll free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
We'll get into the latest developments in Israel here in just a moment.
Some of the incredible police state developments here domestically as Bush tries to enact Patriot Act II legislatively piecemeal with a, he's trying to canonize or
We're good to go.
Joining us in the second hour, we have Nafeez Ahmed coming on.
He's written a book on 9-11.
He's got a new book coming out on the 7-7 bombings being an inside job.
And then from Lebanon, from Beirut, Dar Jamal is scheduled to join us.
He thought the phones were bad a week and a half ago when he joined us.
From the border of Syria and Lebanon, we'll have to cross our fingers and say a little prayer and hope that we are able to get him on for a front-line report from the war-torn capital of Lebanon, Darjahmal, in the third hour.
We're trying to get the foreign perspective on all of this.
Of course, Darjahmal himself is a Christian American.
We're good to go.
Bombing that killed, now they're saying 60 civilians, over half of them children.
You've got a stomach for it.
You should go to Infowars.com and look at all the slideshows we've got of the dead toddlers still clutching toys in their little hands.
The children went to sleep believing they were safe and the Israeli military targeted them as terrorists.
Of course, it's now come out that the UN over 10 times, it was 10 times last week, now it's over 10 times,
Told the Israelis, you're shelling us, you're bombing us, are you trying to attack us?
Here is our exact coordinates, please stop.
And as soon as the Israelis had the exact coordinates, they fired at least one missile right through the window, right through the opening of the bunker.
Good shot there.
Again, by design.
But, oh, Israel doesn't target civilians or non-military targets, and I'm an Easter Bunny.
And then we also keep hearing about the Lebanese being terrorists.
Whether you agree with them or disagree with them.
This is asymmetrical warfare.
It's guerrilla warfare.
What do you think our troops do when they're in an urban warfare combat situation?
This is the tactic that you carry out when you're against overwhelming odds.
And so the news is saying proof of Hezbollah's cowardice and evil.
Look at them hiding in civilian centers.
Of course they're not wheeling out their anti-aircraft guns in the middle of a field.
What would you expect Hezbollah to do?
And again, I'm no fan of Hezbollah either.
This is ancient tribal warfare.
It's been going on for thousands of years, and it's not going to go away now.
The Israelites have been fighting the people that are in Lebanon, formerly the Canaanites, for, what is it, almost 3,000 years or longer?
And it's not going to end anytime soon.
The point is, Israel is escalating this by design to try to usher in a wider war with Iran and Syria.
And even the mainstream pundits are coming out with that view geopolitically on this subject.
I'll run through some of the news in the Middle East.
Of course, I'll give you my comments on the historical C-SPAN production that aired three times this weekend and is scheduled to air again tomorrow afternoon.
Of our 9-11 Neocon Agenda Symposium in downtown Los Angeles, June 24th and 25th of last month.
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Alright, we've got two big guests joining us in the second and third hour.
One of them from London, England.
The other from Beirut, Lebanon.
The capital of Lebanon.
Dar Jamal.
Where they've seen some of the heaviest bombing in the last two plus weeks.
Now three weeks.
And we all have open phones in this hour at 1-800-259-9231.
A really chilling article that I saw Friday after air time.
That's posted on Infowars.com right now.
Bush submits new terror detainee bill.
Let me just read one little paragraph from this.
Scott L. Silverman, a retired Air Force Judge Advocate General, said the broad definition of enemy combatants is alarming because a U.S.
citizen loosely suspected of terror ties would lose access to civilian court due process and all the rights that come with it.
Administration officials have said that they want to establish a secret court to try enemy combatants
That factor in realities of the battlefield and would protect classified information, and the article goes on.
Under Section 802 of H.R.
3162, the U.S.A.
Patriot Act, not even the reauthorization expansion, which is even worse, it clearly states that all misdemeanors are acts of terrorism, or suspected misdemeanor is terrorism.
And then you can type into Google, there have been literally, it's over fifty-something, I mean, probably a hundred reports I've seen in the last four and a half years.
Plus, where a headline like, uh, Patriot Act used against Toy Store, or Patriot Act used against Topless Bar, Patriot Act used against homeless, uh, federal court rules, Patriot Act can be used in non-terror cases, or court rules, uh, try this one,
States using Patriot Act.
That should get you 10 or 15.
I mean, I'm not kidding.
And that's just what I'm seeing.
I can't see it all.
I can't find it all, even though you email it to me.
I mean, we spend hours every morning and every night reading these.
All the tips you send us, I spend hours.
I've been at the computer for three or four hours before our time today scanning all of this.
I've got probably five articles in the last week about local governments, not just state governments, using the Patriot Act against people caught with a half ounce of marijuana.
And saying, we don't need due process, we don't need warrants anymore.
It is a reign of tyranny!
All right, I'm digressing.
That was just one article I wanted to get to later, and I'm already getting off into the details of it, but here's another one here out of Fine Law.
Playing with fire, the administration's draft bill on detainees would violate the Geneva Convention and thereby put Americans at risk.
That's putting it lightly, sir.
Here's a good report, though, CBS News.
Judge rules against bucks.
League defends pat-downs.
Now, right after 9-11, remember they had the Super Bowl, and they would introduce each player by them being retina scanned.
I put a small clip of this in my film, 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
And the entire game, every time they'd show you the stats of a player that had made a touchdown, or a particularly good sack or tackle,
Things of that nature.
They would then show you their face again in a retina scan and go, security activated!
With this female voice.
This assuring voice.
And they have the U.S.
Army out there illegally searching people, armored vehicles everywhere.
Annie Rooney went on TV and said, I think everyone in America needs an implantable chip to prove they're good citizens and can be trusted.
So we know there's been a full court press to condition us to do this, and then I got the Alabama Defense Force on video and photos of it from their own website.
That's in Marshall Lobb.
It's happening everywhere.
We have the Texas National Guard's change in operational mission and directives for gun confiscation, mass roundups, mass arrests.
I mean, I've shown the actual documents on television given to me by a member of the Texas State Guard who is also a police officer.
It's all in there.
And the photos and the video of all over the country, three-year-old children, it's their favorite, and being patted down by men and women in camouflage, being searched, everyone putting their hands up, some people being directed over, being searched, giving their tickets.
As if a terrorist wouldn't just walk up, the best place to bomb somebody in a stadium would be in the turnstiles, that was a real threat, it wasn't the government carrying out the attacks.
I mean, it doesn't stop it.
Nothing can stop it if it's real.
Just like even in a total gun control society, you can't stop mass shooters.
The only thing you can do is ensure you've got lots of armed citizens and armed police that can gun these pieces of filth down.
This is federally written, federally documented.
Tommy Franks, Governor Ridge, Michael Chertoff, Bush, they've all called for an in-deposit commentatus, and they're illegally getting rid of it, folks.
The official federal documents said that they were going to train us to go through checkpoints and be searched and lose our rights in the airports, that that would then go to the streets of America, starting with train stations.
Now, New York, New Jersey, Chicago, all over, they're doing random pat-downs and searches and checkpoints.
Now they want to do it at shopping malls.
Now Viper teams in Miami and Dallas and other areas are TSA-trained individuals are out there searching people and they're in SWAT team outfits just randomly.
They say, oh, it's just random.
Oh, that's how you catch terrorists.
Just randomly show up in Miami or Dallas and just start searching people.
I mean, I'm sorry, folks.
I might not be able to control myself if I'm just walking down on Austin Street and there's goons getting on the backs of armored vehicles, running up, telling people at the side of, say, Barton Creek Mall to line up.
We're going to search you.
Of course, I will control myself.
I just will probably puke afterwards.
I just... This is so Banana Republic.
But the borders wide open.
I bet Bush is gonna put 6,000 troops on the border!
Guess how many have been deployed total in the last two months? 1,100!
If you even believe those numbers, and most of those were in logistics in the states, sending smaller units there.
So understand, you've got over half the people, according to press reports, just loading the trucks and getting them ready, and so they really sent about 550 people to the border, and they're not allowed to apprehend anyone, they're not allowed to have weapons, they're just, quote, allowed to, quote, pick up trash, do environmental conservation, and call the border patrol if they see any illegal aliens.
You know how many Border Patrol are on duty at any one time on the southern border?
A little over 2,000.
Guess how many are on duty at any one time on the northern border?
There are less Border Patrol on duty on our entire border, our 4,000, 3,500 northern border, our 2,500 southern border, than there are in a medium-sized metropolitan city!
It is a joke!
So, next time a cop pulls you over and says, mind if I search the car?
And you go, no, I don't want you to.
Well, what do you have to hide?
And you say, well, it's a Fourth Amendment.
Come on.
Due process.
You're just fishing.
And they say, it's a post-9-11 world.
Just go, what is your major malfunction?
What is wrong with you?
Do you want your children growing up in a society like this and they'll come back as if that ever happened?
Well, I'd like my children to grow up where they're safe.
I mean, and I use that voice because that's what they sound like around here.
I mean, I get really sick of it.
All right.
I'm getting angry.
By the way, I have not been to a UT football game.
I have not been to a baseball game.
I have not been to the Dale Diamond.
I'll be honest with you, I get up here and bash people that are totally obsessed with sports and all they do is worship sports.
They know all the minute details of sports and all the trivia, but they don't know what the Bill of Rights is.
They don't know our history.
They don't know anything.
They don't know who our founding fathers are.
They don't know who their state rep is.
In the past, before 9-11, I would sneak off.
Once a year to a hockey game or to a football game.
I'd go to a UT football game.
I haven't been since the checkpoints and the rest of it.
Just because I'm going to boycott it.
And by the way, a lot of other people are now boycotting it.
I'm not going to take my family to any type of ball game and have a bunch of stupid goons search my family!
Let me tell you something too.
In the past I'd go about once a year when I had time tubing in New Braunvilles
South of Austin.
I don't go there anymore.
You know why?
Because the last time I did about six years ago, and now I'm told it's 24-7, trying to just, you know, ride a tube down the river, the police wade out in wader boots and search your ice chest and search you and make you line up, and they do it to everybody.
And by the way, everybody I've talked to doesn't go tubing anymore in New Braunfels because of that, and now I'm told they may back off of that.
You're scum!
You're scum.
You're enemies of America.
You are cancer cells floating around in our body.
You are un-American pieces of filth sitting there.
They also, all over the country, will have something like a Bay Fest in one town or on the coast.
And you go to these things and there's just troops.
And they'll cordon off like a third of the city, hundreds of blocks, and just
Or major streets that make you park your cars.
No, I guess not hundreds of streets.
It's just... I forget the exact map of that bay fest they had out in Alabama.
That's just one case where they had all the photos themselves.
It showed the town, the city, and it looked like about a third of the city.
I don't know how big that is.
It was huge.
And then we get the photos and video they post on their own government websites of little kids scared as armed troops search them.
Oh, but we can't put armed troops on the border while Mexican troops on a weekly basis shoot at police and military and citizens.
Yeah, we're citizens, not civilians.
I'm so sick of police and mayors and governors calling us civilians.
Again, that's part of the martial law nomenclature they started a decade ago under federal funding.
They call us civilians.
The mayor is a civilian.
Police officers are civilians.
Again, you think, oh, it's just a term they use.
No, they use that term for a reason!
I am not living in an occupied country!
This is not Iraq!
This is not Baghdad!
Words mean things!
So I look at this article here.
Security pat-downs of fans of Tampa Bay Buccaneers games are unconstitutional and unreasonable of federal judge rule Friday throwing into question the practice of NFL games nationwide.
District Judge James D. Whitmore issued an order
Siding with a season ticket holder who had sued to stop the fan searches that began last season.
It did not begin last season.
After the NFL implemented enhanced security procedures.
It's just gone system.
Look, they treat us like animals.
They're introducing us to slavery.
To domestication.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hi callers, I'll get to you in the next segment.
Want to talk to you, toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Welcome to this live Monday edition.
I want to spend a few minutes on C-SPAN though.
They normally air a panel discussion that they take within two weeks and we got really concerned
Almost a month into it when they had not scheduled it yet.
In fact, it was about a month into it late last week when they hadn't scheduled it.
Then finally Thursday it appeared on the C-SPAN schedule for Saturday night.
They aired it twice Saturday night, once last night.
They're airing it tomorrow at 5.15 Central, 6.15 Eastern.
Yesterday it ended up airing late.
They were going to have it air at like 2.15 in the afternoon, but coffee and I had a bunch of press conferences and other stuff so it ended up airing.
A little bit over an hour late.
So look for that to air.
We need to really get everybody out there to email your friends, your family, your neighbors.
Post on the message boards.
Call into mainstream radio talk shows.
And tell them, if you want to know the truth about 9-11, tune in tomorrow at 515 Central to C-SPAN 1 for American Perspectives.
It's titled, The 9-11 Conspiracies.
That's not what we titled it.
It's what CNN, or excuse me, C-SPAN titled it.
And the web is on fire.
Normally C-SPAN's only got maybe a million viewers to its main channel and a few hundred thousand at any one time to its other channels.
But this got really promoted thanks to you, the listeners and the 9-11 Truth folks out there.
So a lot of people tuned in and even more are going to tune in tomorrow afternoon.
So if you're still going to be at work or stuck in traffic,
T-Vo it, record it on your VCR, whatever you've got to do, and use that, make copies of it, get it out to people, educate your friends and family, your neighbors.
We posted it a few weeks ago for PrisonPlanet.TV members.
If you're a PrisonPlanet.TV member, you can go get a membership there.
Our shoot was much better than the C-SPAN shoot.
We had four cameras and had our cameras up close.
So you can watch that at PrisonPlanet.tv if you're a member and want to see it right now.
Or there are a bunch of copies that have been basically put on the BitTorrents and posted out there for streaming all over the web from the C-SPAN piece that aired over the weekend.
And if you go to the main page of C-SPAN.org, they also have a link right there on the main page where you can also watch it later this evening when you're at home or whenever you get a chance to, you can watch it right off of C-SPAN.
Thank you.
I just can't believe that C-SPAN actually aired it, and now they have gotten such an incredible response, they're going to be airing it again tomorrow.
So, call C-SPAN, thank them for airing it, call Washington Journal, tell them good job, and tell them to have more 9-11 events, more truth events.
More exposés of 9-11.
Tell them to have myself or others on Washington Journal with Brian Lamb.
I know they've got satellite hookups right here in Austin, though most people now use these powerful T1 lines.
When I was on CNN, I wasn't on satellite.
They were doing it real-time via T1 with less delay than even satellite.
And so call them and say, you know what, you ought to have Alex Jones on.
You should have Alex Jones on with Brian Lamb.
I know Brian's a little bit
Intimidated by me in the past.
He's talked about on air before about having me on as a guest.
For years people have called him and told him to have me on as a guest.
I've never encouraged you to do that because I didn't think there was a snowball's chance in Hades.
I joked around the office that I'd eat my hat if C-SPAN aired it.
And I have to tell you, I didn't think this would happen.
I think they were trying to make us all forget about it and hope it drifted off into the sunset.
But now they've jumped in with both feet because I believe all the phone calls and emails and letters
And the continual bombardment of Washington Journal that's live for three hours every morning by you, the listeners of this broadcast, that they have moved away from that stance of having a blackout on my information.
So good job to everybody.
This is a great moment for freedom-loving individuals exposing 9-11 as an inside job, a horrific criminal attack against the American people and the people of the world.
So, I salute and I commend all of you out there, but be sure and call in to Washington Journal tomorrow morning to let everybody know that, hey, coming up tonight at 5 o'clock, 515 Central, C-SPAN is going to air a program exposing 9-11 as an inside job.
Learn more details at InfoWars.com.
I know we've had listeners for years bombarding CNN with calls and plugging this show and what we do here on the websites and telling them to have me on, but now is the time to strike while the iron is extremely hot.
So let's get the lead out.
Let's warn everybody that the government is very capable right now.
They're cornered of carrying out more attacks and we need to expose the fact that they're behind the attacks to hopefully back them off so they don't carry out another huge false flag, self-inflicted inside job operation.
We'll come back into Israel and take your calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption, crashing through the lies and disinformation.
We're here, live, Monday through Friday, 11 to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Re-aired on the network and all our birds and shortwave and a lot of M&M affiliates from 9 and Midnight Central.
And I provide my own internet streams now to the listeners.
You can still listen to all the Genesis streams.
We have links to those on InfoWars.com.
But 24 hours a day, folks, I loop each day's broadcast at InfoWars.com.
You can listen at 7 in the morning, 10 in the morning, midnight.
You can listen at 3 a.m.
You can listen at
Four to six, you can listen whenever you like, whenever it's convenient to you on Stream 1 at InfoWars.com.
Please spread the word about that as well.
Because you, the grassroots, when you move, when you take action, when you stand up, when you get in the gap, it is unstoppable.
So the power is in your hands to spread this message.
Alright, we're going to go to some of your phone calls and then I'll give you the latest Israel information.
I'm sure most of you already know what's really happening over there, but I'll recap some of the top stories today.
And get a little bit more into what's behind all of this from my point of view, my perspective, coming up.
But right now, let's go to Mark in Chicago.
You're on the air, Mark.
Hi, Alex.
Great to talk with you.
I was so impressed this week.
It was seven days in a row of Alex, wall-to-wall Alex.
And the C-SPAN thing was wonderful.
And KLBJ, I want to thank the program director there.
And I hope that he had the guts to start this off like this.
Because I think, eventually, when this gets going,
People can not only see what's going on here, but the truth, and that there's money in the truth, too.
And that people have ratings.
Because this is going to take off, Alex.
Sometimes when you're in the eye of the storm, I think, it's sometimes really hard to tell.
But I look at this right now, like mycelia running in a mushroom bed.
You can't quite see it, but it's just run through the whole thing, and it's ready to pop up.
I'm doing a website, 911essentials.com.
It's got links to all of your movies.
It's got links to the radio stations that you're on.
It's got links to your websites.
It's a MyHop site, built in the tradition of Lester Tarpley, and I'm a firm believer, as he is, that this is the main issue.
People have to be made aware of.
That false flag terrorism is why we're in Iraq, why all these things are going on, why the police state's going on.
Yeah, 9-11 and false flag terror is the pretext to oppress the population, to put in their electronic voting machines, to continue the IRS scam and the Federal Reserve System.
We're fighting them and beating them on all these other fronts, so 9-11 is an attempt to block us in all of our activities.
We have to deal with that first.
I agree.
That is the central
Yes, we are.
I've got Kevin Ryan, David Shaler, Michael Meecher, all the people that I've heard you talk about.
They're Google links to the movies.
It's a site, 911essentials.com, that someone can go to right away.
It's a one-page site with all the links right there in front of you.
You can click on the movies, you can click on the links, and you can get it very, very quickly.
You can get a very succinct,
I've been listening to you for just a few months now.
I am addicted.
I'm here at my computer every day at 12 o'clock.
I'm trying to wake up people.
I have more people that are interested in insulting me instead of wanting to find out the facts that I know.
My relatives won't talk to me anymore.
They call me sacrilegious and unpatriotic because they believe that patriotism is going along with the government and doing whatever they want and I'm trying to tell them to look it up.
It's actually the opposite.
They are Christian, conservative Republicans, and there's no changing their mind.
Um, I... Well, see, they call us sacrilegious.
Worshipping George Bush, worshipping big government, worshipping open borders, worshipping gun control, is conservative to them.
You see, they've got an easy life.
They can go to sleep every four years, not worry about anything, just say the country's in the hands of good conservatives.
But in reality, we're going to Hades in a handbasket here.
Yes, they don't understand any of that.
And being here in New England, you know we've got the Patriots football team, and I like to use the thing that if Tom Brady were accused of a violent crime, it would be on the lips of everybody in every store here.
This is what we need to be getting on the lips of everybody.
This stuff.
And I want to say, did you see the Google video called Peace Propaganda in the Promised Land?
Oh boy, you have to see that.
I know exactly now.
I've been trying to put the pieces together, what's going on in Israel.
Now I see it exactly.
We are antagonizing them people.
We are making Israel step over the border.
We are massacring... Oh, that's admitted in Israeli and U.S.
policy, is they want to widen the crises.
You've got peace propaganda in the Promised Land.
I just got it today from, um, I forget who they send me news, Truth News or something.
You've got to see that.
Okay, I will.
I'm going to let you go.
You're a great caller, but your phone sounds like an electric razor.
Keep it up.
Just keep it up.
Zogby Poll, 48% of Americans believe 9-11 is an inside job.
68% believe there's a cover-up and a lie concerning 9-11.
Now, there are pockets of people.
A salesman will tell you that it's harder to sell even a good product to your friends and family because somehow they don't respect you.
They think that you're trying to
Thank you.
That's what's so great about message boards and sites where you can post information and letters to the editor, because then you just fire and forget.
You put the information out, and then on a small website, hundreds will see it.
On a big site, thousands will see it, or hundreds of thousands.
Same thing with letters to the editor.
You know, you put 30 minutes in to write a letter to the editor, a good letter, you send it in, and let's say you're sitting there, you send your letter to the editor, you just change who it's addressed to in the email, you send it to 10 regional papers in your area, the 2 or 3 local papers, and then 3 or 4 papers outside your area, and guaranteed a couple of them are going to end up posting your letter to the editor.
The Pentagon got caught with an over $100 million secret illegal program 2 years ago, remember?
of fake letters to the editor with different fake individuals who weren't even enrolled in the military's names and numbers.
And then the newspapers would call to make sure it was a real letter and they'd get a Army Psychological Warfare office and the individual would sit there and pose as the person that they were mailing the letters out in that name.
In some cases, though, they were mailing them out in real people's names.
Unit commanders were ordered to write up fake letters and put members of their units' names on them.
Now, I mean, that is, even if you're pro-war, pro-neocon, pro-mindlessness, you should still be upset by the government domestically engaging in propaganda.
Now, that was over a hundred million dollars.
I forget, it was like a hundred and eighteen million or something.
Go pull it up.
And that had been going on for a year before the war and then about a year and a half into the war.
That was about two years ago now.
That was a whole separate program outside the 1.6 billion
From 2003 to 2005, that just came out in the last few months, 1.6 trillion buying off reporters, planning fake news stories, producing fake newscasts.
Can you say running man?
Actual fake news, airing in your area.
1.6 billion!
A hundred plus million in fake letters to the editor?
Well, these are real letters to the editor!
You see, the globalists know the power of that!
The globalists, look, every editor, every newspaper reporter is not a government agent.
Most of the editors of big papers are.
But, what the establishment does is they hire fellow travelers.
They hire people who already have the same globalist mindset.
They hire people that aren't that smart.
And they just kind of continue to parrot whatever the establishment line is, whatever the establishment orthodoxy is.
We're shattering that!
People in these newspapers, and on television, and in Congress, and in the system, because I'm talking to them, they're scared, they're freaked out, they want to go public, but they see bigwigs that do go public being systematically
Drug through the mud and blacklisted.
So a lot of them are afraid.
But still we're seeing exponential growth in defectors to truth and decency and honor.
We're seeing people go public more and more every day.
Prominent individuals.
I mean, Dr. Doug Rockey.
I don't guess anybody's ever asked him about 9-11.
Former head of the Pentagon's DU program.
Anti-terrorism expert.
I say, is 9-11 an inside job?
He goes, absolutely.
Of course it is.
I'm an anti-terror expert.
I've looked at all this.
It's an inside job, period.
It doesn't matter now who I have on.
I go, is it an inside job?
And they go, yeah, it's an inside job.
So we've got the intelligentsia.
We've got the thinkers.
We've got the real conservatives, the Dr. Paul Craig Roberts of the world.
And we're going to win this fight.
We're going to win this fight, ladies and gentlemen, if first off, we believe we can win.
And that isn't even an article of faith, it's something greater.
When you believe that the force we have is enough, when you believe and have confidence in the information we have, other people don't just see your good information, they also see that confidence and that will get them to pay more attention to you and then check out what you have to say.
But with hard-to-crack nuts out there, co-workers, family, others that just won't listen,
If you're going to persist in trying to wake them up, give them Road to Tyranny, Martial Law, Terror Storm.
Videos are so effective with people that are mind-numbed.
Because deep down, most people are smarter than they give themselves credit.
Deep down in their gut, the reason they're having anxiety hearing this right now, those that are
Still zombies.
The reason they're upset right now, the reason this is so frustrating to them right now, or the reason they're giggling right now is because deep in their psyche, you know, the cerebral cortex, the frontal lobes of the brain, that's kind of like the, uh, that's kind of like the ram of the brain.
The random access memory, it's the limited focus of the brain trying to harness what 95% of the rest of the brain is doing.
You know, the quote subconscious is just the sum total of all the knowledge and data and information, all the thoughts that are going on in the background that your limited conscious focus isn't able to grasp.
And so everybody in their gut
Everyone knows 9-11 is an inside job.
Everyone knows the truth already.
And then, when you go past your gut and you look at the evidence, it is an orgy of evidence, as I've called it.
It's unbelievable what an open crime it is.
But the globalists count on being able to carry out these hoaxes in plain view.
It's like the WMD hoax.
Total lie.
There's a lot of neocon people out there still believing they found WMDs.
Or I remember being on the air ten years ago warning you that Bayer and another Canadian company were knowingly putting HIV and Hepatitis C in blood and hundreds of thousands have died since then and a lot of people laughed at me and didn't listen.
Now it's mainstream news but all those young people are dead.
They're dead!
See, people couldn't believe, though the documents are public and it's admitted they've been found civilly liable, that Bayer just said, well, HIV is in there, and Hepatitis C, and we don't care, we're going to go ahead and sell these tens of millions of doses we've made, we're going to just keep making it, and we're going to keep using people that we know have AIDS, we just don't care.
Because they're Malthusian in the final equation.
Now it's totally admitted!
You didn't listen to me ten years ago on local talk radio, nine years ago syndicated,
I'm talking to some of you out there, or people that even believe me.
You still didn't take action and warn others.
Do you think any of us are safe right now?
When we have a government and a corporate establishment that knowingly puts mercury in cancer viruses and vaccines, that knowingly let over a million people get AIDS worldwide, hundreds of thousands in the US, little innocent hemophiliacs, children,
You think we're safe with a government that lets black men die of syphilis and turns out gave it to them?
Or radiates tens of thousands of American children with radiation and kills them?
Or pays the Israelis who carry out the radiation of 110,000 Sephardic Jews?
You think any of us are safe?
You see, you've got to come to grips with the cold-blooded, depths-of-hell wickedness
The ruthlessness that the New World Order revels in.
They are proud of themselves.
They literally see you like cows, like cattle, like bugs, like useless feeders, as Ted Turner called you back in 97 on C-SPAN.
Got too many useless feeders.
Gotta get rid of them.
He said useless eaters.
Excuse me.
Hitler quotes useless feeders.
He said useless eaters.
Gotta have a paraphrase of that.
How am I supposed to behave?
How am I supposed to act when I know all of this is going on?
And that I've got a family and I've got a country I love and I can't believe our entire heritage and everything's being totally flushed down the toilet in front of us.
And there's a bunch of people out there that won't come to grips with it.
In your gut, your brain can do an instant computation with all the data you've got.
That's what a hunch is.
It isn't a hunch.
It's the brain giving you a calculation so complex that you can't even analyze it consciously.
But forget the hunches.
We have the hardcore evidence.
But your hunch is, in your gut, that it's an inside job.
Nineteen guys couldn't have NORAD stand down.
Couldn't do CIA insider trading.
Couldn't call public officials and tell them not to fly.
Couldn't have CIA drills that day so NORAD would get confused and think it was part of a drill.
Couldn't have bombs in the buildings.
Couldn't tell Rudolph Giuliani that Building 7 was going to catch fire and collapse, so get out of it.
Couldn't do any of that.
Couldn't mask U.S.
and British troops north of Afghanistan in the weeks before the invasion and have the launch orders on their desk two days before the attack on 9-11.
The hijackers didn't get their $100,000 from some guy in a cave.
They got it from the head of Pakistani Intelligence, ISI, and they weren't even
They were U.S.
government agents.
Publicly admitted!
Pensacola News Journal, Associated Press, MSNBC, on and on.
Publicly... Let me just say this again calmly.
The Dean of the Defense Language School went public saying the government carried out 9-11 and he was threatened with court-martial, then they dropped it.
He was in the paper saying that their base was forced to train hijackers.
Then we have all the other bases saying they trained hijackers, in secret spy training, and flight training.
Then we have the heads of two different embassies, U.S.
Embassy in Canada, in Ottawa, and in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, saying they were flagged as terrorists, and the CIA called and said, with a national security order, and said, you let them back in, their government agents, in an anti-terror training op.
I've had the embassy heads on, four and a half years ago,
That's how old this is.
You expect me to just know all this and just sit here and not expose it?
We'll be right back to take more calls.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with me.
It's here, after a year in production and traveling to distant lands.
My new film, Terror Storm, is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture,
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It's an anthology of government crimes.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Just a program note, the tickets are going fast.
At this rate in a week, we won't have any more tickets for the premiere of Terror Storm at the Lakewood Theatre in Central Dallas on the 26th of August, coming up in, what, 26 days.
And Jim Barnes is going to be there with a speech, JFK to 9-11.
I'm also going to show excerpts of the footage we shot up at the Bilderberg meeting in Ottawa last month, about 35-40 minutes of that.
And the band Shanghai Five will be playing from midnight till 2 a.m.
So that's 7 to 2 in the morning.
It's going to be an incredible event.
Beautiful Art Deco Theater.
If you want hard copies of Terrorist Storm, it's available right now at InfoWars.com.
My new film.
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Thanks for taking my call, Alexander.
I have Illuminati manuscripts in my library.
Oh quickly I want to shout out to Darg Mahal for the work he does and I want to wish him and his family safety and him a quick safe trip home.
Interesting kind of riddle.
What does I have Illuminati manuscripts in my library Alex Jones mean?
Well I've got books about the Illuminati written 200 plus years ago and I've got
I've got internal documents from the Bohemian Grove.
I guess you could say I did.
I just don't ever... I mean, you've always got some new comment opening salvo.
I'm trying to... I'm just trying to understand.
Um, like I said Alex, this is a good weekend for you.
You know, with Aaron Russo's freedom from fascism and the premiere on C-SPAN.
This is a verbal pat on the back for the hard work that you've done.
The hard work that you've been doing, literally, since I was in high school.
And quickly Alex, I'd like to thank Violet Jones for the work she does as your producer, which I'm sure is a lot of work, plus being your wife and a mother.
Those are signs of quality.
I say all this man-to-man Alex, without any...
Well, listen, I really appreciate it, Gunn.
Take care.
But listen, I don't need pats on the back.
I'm just doing my duty here.
I have to tell you, though, I did get a chill up my back watching it live on C-SPAN, and then Dick Cheney comes on right after us.
It's just... That's got to make the New World Order mad.
I mean, stickin' my head in the mouth of the lion there.
I just pray God's with us, and I certainly know God is.
Everything's in His hands.
So we'll see where this goes and how all this develops, but this has gotten a lot of attention, what happened on C-SPAN, and I cannot say it enough.
They're going to air it at least one more time tomorrow at 6.15 Eastern on C-SPAN One and at 5.15 Central.
Now, there's some big breaking news at a press conference.
They will push it back so it might be airing at 7-8 o'clock.
Just look for it tomorrow evening starting at around 6-15 Eastern.
C-SPAN, the 9-11 Neocon Agenda Panel Discussion.
Alright, we'll take some more calls and get our guest on.
Stay with us.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Now in to our number two, LaFige
Ahmed will be joining us.
He's written a book on 9-11, a new book on the London bombings.
Government involvement knows.
We have Dar Jamal joining us in the third hour from Beirut, Lebanon, right in the eye of the storm.
Right now, let's go back to your calls.
Let's talk to Eric in Connecticut.
You're on the air, sir.
He's got his radio on.
Went to let him go.
Let's talk to
Who's up next in order?
Chad in Ohio, you're on the air.
Hello, thanks for the truth on the radio.
It's about time.
I agree with you.
I'm the author of two books and the producer of a film, and I agree with you that Bush most likely caused 9-11.
It's about time that people are speaking up about it.
I think it's important for people to try to remember what the state of America was just prior to September 11th.
People were protesting Bush's stealing of the election in the United States, were very much questioning whether Bush was properly elected.
I question that too.
And there were huge protests in Europe over global warming.
So there's a lot of motive for him to turn attention away from
These more important issues.
Well, let me just say this.
I mean, Bush is a total puppet, but you mean the establishment, the military industrial complex that uses him as their front man.
You're right.
It could be Cheney.
It's an inside job.
You're right.
Well, there's no could be Cheney.
We know he clearly had the anti-aircraft and the interceptor jets stand down on the whatever hit the Pentagon.
Yeah, I mean, that was my first thought.
I watched politics very closely and it seemed
That, you know, Bush was, because I had a heck of a hard time getting anything passed.
Are you a new listener?
Because you're saying, thank God, somebody's finally talking about 9-11.
I am, yeah.
I'm just so you know, sir, I was talking about 9-11 two months before it happened.
Well, yeah, I'm a new listener, that's why.
Sure, sure.
No, no, it's good to have you on board.
I was just letting you know that, and I'm glad you've now discovered that a bunch of people believe 9-11's an inside job.
Did you see the C-SPAN piece?
No, I didn't, but I'll watch it tomorrow.
Well, fantastic.
Anything else?
My second book, Arctic Melting, I have a chapter on how the Pentagon found that climate change is a much more serious threat than terrorism, and Bush tried to suppress that study, and they're finding hundreds of millions of people are expected to die this year because of climate change.
Well, sir, I'll say this.
I'll say this to you.
There is climate change.
As for the term global warming, I think that's a little too simplistic.
And the main causal effect is the sun, in the 120 years I've been recording its radiance, just ended its hottest cycle ever, and now is online, according to NASA, to be 50% brighter in the next 11-year cycle.
Are you aware of that?
Yeah, scientists take into account the solar, the main thing is the burning of fossil fuels.
Really, I've looked at the mathematical equations and I've had a bunch of scientists on that the effect of volcanoes dwarfs all human activity.
See, I'm not debating that there isn't climate change.
I'm saying from all the numbers that climate change, you know, the Earth is constantly changing and that this is part of that process and that the sun's radiance dwarfs
We're good to go.
The big difference is that historically carbon dioxide has not been above 290 parts per million.
We're currently at 383 parts per million.
They've only been recording carbon dioxide for about 120 years.
Actually, they go back about 700,000 years.
Oh, you're talking about from ice core samples?
Yeah, yeah.
It is clear humans are causing it.
That's not what I've gotten from the ice core samples, but send me a copy of your book.
Okay, let's say global warming is real, which it isn't.
Let's just say that.
Their solution of a global tax is a complete joke and has nothing to do with it.
We'll be right back.
It's here.
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying, secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Nafeez Mozadek Ahmed was born in London, England in November 1978.
He is of Bangladeshi origin.
He is the political animus.
He's an analyst for human rights activists specializing in Western foreign policy and its impact on human rights.
He's Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Development, an independent, interdisciplinary, non-profit think tank based in the United Kingdom, and it goes on and on.
He'll be joining us here in about two minutes to talk about his new book that clearly shows evidence of the 7-7 bombings being an inside job, which of course is what my new film, Terror Storm, conclusively proves.
We even have MI5 agents on record saying clearly all the evidence shows it's an inside job, though the British are a little bit slicker at carrying out these attacks than the U.S.
was, and plus they're lower scale.
I was just talking to Nafis during the break and that was his own comment, that the Brits are a little bit slicker about this, they've got more practice at it.
Before we go to our guest though and talk about his new book,
We will have open phones this hour.
Coming up next hour, last time we got him on about 15 minutes late because we had sat phone problems, we're going to get Dar Jamal from Beirut, Lebanon, in the eye of the storm, joining us.
He's even been in southern Lebanon and seen some of the bombing up close.
We've got Dar Jamal, a Christian American of Lebanese descent, joining us.
And that's the point of all of this.
The Middle East is much more diverse in its Muslim views and its Christian views and its regional views than what you hear from neocons that all Arabs drink blood, worship Satan, and must be killed.
I mean, literally, it's gotten that bad.
They all want to kill us.
They're bloodthirsty, psychopathic, mindless idiots.
And they just want to hurt Americans.
And I have a lot of Arab and Muslim and Arabic Christian friends over the years in college and high school.
They seem to be well-educated, informed,
Well thought out, very worldly when it comes to politics, individuals.
I mean, they know Iran's corrupt, they know the Lebanese government, they know Syria's out of control, they know it's all cloak and dagger backstabbing and the CIA is manipulating their own governments.
They're not stupid.
I just wish Americans were as if... Anyways, I'm going to shut up.
Our guest is coming up in just a moment.
Before we do that, coming up tomorrow night, I believe it's going to be the last time there at 415 Mountain, 515 Central, 615 Eastern on C-SPAN 1, our big 9-11 Neocon Agenda Symposium, which is sending shockwaves across the country an hour
And 15 minutes long, it's going to be airing again for the last time, we're told, on C-SPAN tomorrow, so tell everybody to tune into it tomorrow.
Email, post on weblogs, call into radio talk shows, tell your church, call your neighbors, tell everybody, because this can really change the course of the country.
We've been changing the course of the country, and then hence the world.
Before we go back to Mr. Ahmed, here's the first two minutes of C-SPAN introducing, this is just something off the web we grabbed, introducing the roundtable discussion, and then a minute or so of my introduction.
Here it is.
Theories surrounding the attacks on September 11th.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones and a retired Air Force colonel present their views from this event held in Los Angeles.
It's close to two hours.
I'm the organizer and presenter of the conference we've been having for the last day.
We're now into the second day, 9-11 and the Neocon agenda.
Facing the facts.
I would like to thank all of you.
Some of you traveled from as far away as Germany and Canada and one person from Australia for being here.
I've talked to people from as far away as Vermont and of course a lot of great people from right here in Los Angeles.
I would also like to thank C-SPAN for being here and covering this event.
C-SPAN has been really the only outlet on national television that hasn't just shown small portions or had speakers exposing 9-11 as an inside job for just a few minutes.
They have covered quite a few presentations by David Ray Griffin and others, the 9-11 Truth Convergence.
And so again, they really need to be commended.
Thank you, C-SPAN.
And then I get into basically a ten-minute presentation of the history of government-sponsored terror.
Then we go to Professor Stephen Jones.
Then we get an introduction, a little ten-minute introduction from each of the other speakers.
Dr. Bob Bowman, the former head of the Star Wars program about 9-11 being a self-inflicted wound.
Then, of course, Webster Griffin Tarpley, a real expert on inside job terrorism.
Then, of course, the founder of 9-11, Scholars for Truth, Professor Jim Fetzer.
Then we go back and forth for an hour and a half discussion and then about 15 minutes of questions.
That will be on tomorrow night on
C-SPAN 1 at 515 Central, 615 Eastern.
Alright, I'm done plugging that, but it's up to you folks to get out there and tell everybody to tune in tomorrow night.
It's great that so many tuned in Saturday and Sunday, and now they're going to air it one more time tomorrow, so please help it reach as many people as we can.
Alright, so Nafeez Mozadek Ahmed is the author of the London Bombings and Independent Inquiry, which
Deconstructs the official story of 7-7 and exposes the roles of MI5 and MI6 in facilitating terrorism.
He is Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Development in London and wrote the best-selling book, The War on Freedom, How and Why America Was Attacked, September 11, 2001, the first book to suggest the Bush Administration complicity in 9-11.
And that is true.
He had the first book out just a few months after 9-11.
I'm very proud of the fact that I had the first film out on 9-11 and, of course, predicted it two months beforehand.
That's how much information we had on this.
And so, Mr. Ahmed, thank you for coming on with us.
Thanks for having me on, Alex.
You bet.
You join us from where in England?
I'm in London at the moment.
Tell us about how you woke up to government-sponsored terror, then let's get into your new book, The London Bombings, an independent inquiry.
Well, I mean, I used to be very conventional in the way I thought about this, you know.
It was actually after, I mean, after reading some of the guys that you probably know, people like Michael Rupert, former LAPD narcotics guy, who was writing about 9-11 foreknowledge, and talking about things like put options and stuff like that, which is very weird for me, you know, I found that really strange, but then I started reading stuff about, I know there's that Canadian professor of economics, Michel Chosudovsky, who is talking about how Al-Qaeda is a CIA asset, we use these guys in the Balkans,
And so on and so forth, really credible kind of information.
These guys were not spouting some kind of rubbish or just going on and on about theories.
They were giving quite credible information.
Yeah, it was footnoted, it was peer-reviewed, it's part of the record.
Absolutely, I mean, and this kind of, this really was, for me, it was a shock to the system that, wait a minute, this is information that is out there, you know, you've got credible people here, some people who've worked with the police, people who've worked in academic institutions, saying that what we're being told
It's not true.
It's lies, and not just lies, but in your face, absolute ridiculous lies that are contradicted by a wealth of evidence that you can easily find in the public record.
And when I started digging deeper, it became increasingly clear that every single thing we've been told about terrorism, about the way these attacks are being carried out, are basically false.
They just fall apart once you scrutinize it.
Well, that's a key point, that
As a starting place, if you read the official government histories of 7-7, 9-11, Oklahoma City, the first World Trade Center attack of 93, it is just Alice in Wonderland on its face, totally false, saying that Tower 1 and 2 had no support columns and they had the biggest in the world, not mentioning Building 7, saying the North Tower fell on it in another report which is admitted to be
And in fact, my last book before the London bombing, you mentioned the World Trade Center and the first attack.
Yeah, I think so.
And I wanted to look at 1993, 1990, I missed Oklahoma actually, that was a shame, but I looked at 1993, 1998.
You get the same patterns, you get these terrorists who are actually double agents, recruited by FBI, recruited by the CIA, who are carrying out the operation, and you find huge amounts of advance warning about the attack, inexplicable violation of procedures, the same pattern replayed.
Well, I haven't read your book yet, but I hope you'll send me a complimentary copy.
I might carry it in our online video and bookstore, but looking at 9-11 itself, and then we'll get into 7-7,
Clearly it's the foundational event for the geopolitical imperialism that we see England and the U.S.
launching, and clearly it's the pretext for a domestic crackdown as the establishment, as the aristocracy, attempts to suppress a range of social revolutions against the tyranny that was existing before 9-11.
Yeah, I think this is now very clear.
I mean, it's even virtually been admitted, and we've got it there in that document published in September 2000, one year before 9-11.
We have this document, Rebuilding America's Defenses, by the Project for the New American Century.
And we know that all the Bush guys, the whole Bush team, was on this think tank.
They had sponsored this document.
And it says it there in black and white, that we're thinking that we need to have a new Pearl Harbor type event.
In order to implement this whole range of strategies they've outlined in the document.
Strategies about taking over the Middle East, getting control of the energy reserves, and all the rest of it.
So we can see that this imperial blueprint, I mean, and then the document is really candid.
It says it quite clearly.
We're talking about the so-called Pax Americana.
You know, it talks very clearly about an imperial world order.
You know, so they're talking about, very specifically, reconfiguring the global system in a way which is basically detrimental to the vast majority of people of the world, that it's going to basically feed into the interests of the elite.
We've got a break.
We've got a break, sir.
We'll be right back, Mr. Ahmed, and get into the 7-7 bombings.
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By the way, Israel is ending their only several hour long ceasefire.
They tell everybody to evacuate, and as soon as they start trying to evacuate, they bomb the ambulances and the minivans packed with people.
This is probably just a way to get everybody to leave their houses again so they can start bombing the roads.
They tell people to evacuate and bomb the bridges out from them.
It's just totally cynical.
They want continued war there in the region and they want to radicalize Lebanon.
They do not want that to be a strong tourist Mecca neighbor.
They want radical Muslim regimes in.
That's official U.S.
government documents.
And now they've totally energized Hezbollah.
But maybe we'll get our guest views on that.
He's an expert on what's happening in the Islamic world.
He's headed up several major organizations.
It's totally declassified that in 1953 the CIA staged terror attacks in Iran to blame it on the democratically elected Mohammad Mossadegh, who was really pro-West.
So, much of the problems we see with Iran lead back to government-sponsored terror then, and that's totally admitted by the CIA History Department.
I mean, here in Britain, the Foreign Office files prove much the same thing.
You know, looking through those files, you find evidence of how, you know, they basically destabilized Mossadegh.
This was a democratic government and he was a popular leader.
No one's saying he's perfect, everyone's got their flaws and things, but he was democratically elected.
So what they did, the CIA and MI6 got together, they engineered this coup against him and they installed Bashar back in power.
Obviously this basically pissed off the Iranian people.
They were like,
You know, you've got rid of our democracy now.
You've put this monarch back in power.
And the Shah, he repressed his people, repressed the regime.
Now this obviously radicalised the population.
The population were looking for alternatives.
And then you had the clerics, the religious clerics, you had religious scholars and things coming out saying that some of these guys were quite sincere, some of these guys were the only people who were speaking out, but because of that, that was the way that this movement mobilised.
And so then you had this revolution, and at the end of the day, if people want to look at why we're in this situation, we have to look, exactly as you said Alex, at these policies going back many, many years.
I want to get into London Bombing, but give us your take on what's going on with Israel.
What's really behind all this right now?
Well, I think, you know, I think Israel clearly has been planning this for a long time.
We've read the reports now.
It's a matter of record that they planned this particular event for about a year.
But the planning for this goes back many, many years.
I mean, for over a decade or more, more than several decades, Israel has, and even at its inception,
Zionist leaders had a very specific plan for a greater Israel, which included huge chunks of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc, etc.
And that plan has always been there.
I mean, Ariel Sharon had actually articulated this clearly in the Israeli parliament.
But how does Israel think they're going to get that?
They have no claim on Lebanon, no claim on Saudi Arabia.
I mean, that'd be like if they started claiming that they owned Alaska.
I think you're right, Alex.
I mean, they don't have the claim, but that's precisely the problem.
They don't have any legitimate claims.
But what we can see happening here, as you said, you're pointing out that they're a very, very specific problem.
I mean, like, what happened recently, how did this conflict start?
Let's go back to the misreporting of the conflict.
I mean, first of all, they're saying that Hezbollah went inside Israel and did this operation to capture the Israelis.
But Reuters, AP, BBC admits that the Israelis were sent over the border clearly to be captured.
Yeah, exactly.
You preempted me Alex.
So many reports are saying this and some of these are from Israeli sources confirming that Hezbollah captured these soldiers inside Lebanon.
So what the hell is going on?
Why have they done this?
Clearly there are deliberate attempts to provoke the other actors here into a conflict and this is what you find happening.
Every single step that happens
Israel is saying that Iran is involved, Syria involved, which is true.
I mean, Iran and Syria do nominally back Hezbollah.
But at the end of the day, Hezbollah would not be doing what it's doing now if Israel hadn't engineered this situation in the first place.
Plus, Israel on a routine basis is bombing southern Lebanon and occupying the border region.
The media here acts like this just came out of the blue and Israel was there handing out lollipops.
I mean, I think what we're seeing here, and it's very, very disturbing,
Is it?
Reconfigure the entire region.
Well, I think this is a trial balloon what we've seen the last three weeks.
Do you think it's starting to backfire?
I think to some extent it's backfiring, but I think Israel is in a dilemma.
You have people inside the government who really want to exploit this situation as much as they can.
And I think what we're going to see is more of these provocations and more of these kind of phony ceasefires which can then be
You can find them exploiting it and blaming other parties to justify military expansion.
Alright, we'll be right back.
Long segment coming up.
Plenty of time to get into 7-7.
The reason you've joined us.
7-7, the inside job, on the other side.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Nafiz Mozadek Ahmed, political analyst, heads up a major think tank in England, also been employed by other large think tanks, done a lot of research on government sponsored terror, new book out on the 7-7 bombings being an inside job.
Going back to Nafiz,
Alright, give us the rundown, what your book gets into, the serious questions about the official story on the 7-7 attacks now that happened just over a year ago.
Well, basically, I mean, what you find when you're looking at the reports that have been put out from the press, you're looking at these two documents that were published by the government, you've got this one parliamentary report that was done by the Intelligence Committee of the House of Commons, then you have this
Whitehall's official narrative of the event.
And when you look at, you take all of this together and you find that there are these huge inconsistencies, um, and what I identify as kind of three major strands.
The first one is anomalies about what actually happened on the day.
You're looking at technical, logistical inconsistencies, such as the types of explosives that were used, the movements of DLS bombers, et cetera, et cetera, that kind of thing.
And the second thing is like,
The narrative of the intelligence warnings.
They say they didn't have a clue that this kind of thing was going to happen, and all the rest of it.
And that's completely false.
There's huge evidence that this was known.
They knew that something like this was going to happen, and they've had very specific information of the date, the target, the people involved, etc., etc., if they were involved.
The third anomaly concerns the guys themselves.
I mean, there is a question mark about
How this operation was carried out, you know, were these alleged forced individuals actually involved or were they pathies or what?
I mean, I don't know the answer to that question, but in any case, looking at these guys and their background and the networks they associated with, these guys operated in relation to terrorist networks inside the UK that have been linked to MI5 and MI6 for years and the government has been sitting on this.
Well, it's simply a more sophisticated model than what we saw up in Canada a few months ago and a month ago in Miami.
We're good to go!
And that they're going to carry out terror attacks, and then if I was the police, I could then bust them, charge them.
I mean, there was a bust six months ago, five months ago in Ohio, where it said that an army officer who was Arabic led the group, went out and created a group of, quote, Muslim extremists that were going to carry out terror attacks.
It's the same thing in Miami, same thing up in Canada.
But in England, we have this SWAT character known in my six,
on their watch list setting up terror camps in Oregon setting them up in London and every time other branches of the police security system try to bust them they're told no no no this is our agent and that he's the supposed leader of the 7-7 bombings then you have the witnesses saying they saw bombs going up through the carriage
You have the government hiring a company to do drills at the very same places and times to confuse the rest of the intelligentsia that those that were hired probably weren't even part of it.
You have then the fact that they claim there was a power surge for over an hour when they knew it was bombs to get their story straight.
You have them directing the number 10 bus
Specifically to a stop it didn't even go to, out of the hundreds of buses in service, and then it blows up in Tavistock Square, and then you have all the other evidence of MI5 and MI6 staging other attacks in the past with the IRA and others, then you look at motive with the G7 meeting that week.
Or G8.
Yeah, I mean, there's a whole, there's so many issues to look at.
I mean, it's interesting, you mentioned Aswath.
I mean, this guy, Harun Rashid Aswath, he's not the only guy who's like this.
I mean, my research has looked at all the kind of major individuals.
Who have been described as kind of key terrorist figures linked to the 7-7 plot.
And what you find there is this systematic pattern.
I mean, you must remember, Alex, as you mentioned, that the police were suddenly backing off Aswat, the guy they'd already said was a suspected 7-7 mastermind.
What the hell is going on?
And this happens not only to Aswat.
There are other people I name in the book, very senior people involved in terrorist activities in the UK,
There are very clear links with MI5 and MI6.
These people are double agents.
If you type in a British government protecting Al Qaeda leader, you'll find BBC articles from right up to 9-11 where they were protecting them at safe houses.
Yeah, I mean that's Abu Qatada, the guy who was in a safe house, and you've got Muslims who are talking in mosques saying that this guy
It must be a double agent because he's constantly protected.
You know the guy who was recently arrested and convicted in February this year, Abu Hamza, the guy with the hook.
He's really notorious here.
He's also connected to security services.
And another guy, who's the guy in the prison in Pakistan at the moment, Ahmed Omar Sheikh Saeed, who's very connected to the British kind of terrorist operations and he's described as an al-Qaeda finance chief.
They say that he murdered Daniel Powell.
Again, he's another MI6 double agent, and this is not speculation.
Well, these are the same people that wired $100,000 through the Pakistani Intelligence Chief, Ahmad Ahmed, to the supposed lead hijacker, Mohammed Adam.
But it gets worse.
I'm sure you've seen this, but nobody else I've talked to seems to know about it.
It was in the AP and the San Jose Mercury News.
That the Dean of the Defense Language School went public a month after 9-11 with the headline, Government Behind 9-11, Bush Made It Happen.
And I talked to him, he wouldn't go on air, that was hurting him with a court-martial at the time, but it was in the paper that the supposed hijackers, a bunch of them, were trained in high-level espionage spy training at the Defense Language School, then you've got the hijackers
With FBI informants living with them, paying for everything, you've got them being trained at air bases, you've got embassy chiefs being told to let them into the U.S., that they work for the U.S.
I mean, we've got these people dead to rights.
Now, who are they?
They're Lee Harvey, McVeigh, Oswald types, who are sheep-dipped intelligence operatives, who think they're taking part in live drills, just like Navy SEALs and others do, or the BATF tries to sneak bombs through metal detectors.
Same thing.
We know that.
We know that.
We know that.
Go ahead.
Absolutely, Alex.
I mean, you've really hit the nail on the head here, and this is the crux of the issue, is that we're being told that there is this enemy out there who is fighting us and who we have to fight back, and they're using this to justify everything that they're doing now.
They're using it to justify the killing of innocent people.
We're seeing it in the Middle East now, etc.
But when we go to the crux of the issue, who is this enemy?
As you said, you find that this enemy is consistently penetrated, manipulated, subverted by the CIA, by MI5, by MI6.
And it's not just the British and the Americans, it's the Europeans as well, it's the Israelis, it's the Russians.
And one element, I mean, the latter half of the book is dedicated to looking at what is this entity that we call Al-Qaeda.
I'm looking at how it's operated in the Balkans, in Central Asia, in the Middle East, in Asia Pacific.
I'm looking at all these different regions, and every single region you find systematically credible sources, people involved in intelligence, public record accounts confirming that these groups, who we call Al-Qaeda, are actually being manipulated by the secret services.
Well, manipulated, they're like hand puppets!
They're completely and utterly penetrated and controlled.
I mean, if you look at Algeria, Algeria is like a really interesting example that many people don't know about, but it's a microcosm of what is happening everywhere else.
You have this so-called Islamic opposition terrorist group, the G.I.A., and now we have another one, the G.S.P.C., the Salafists, who are basically killing hundreds and thousands of people
In Algeria and carrying out terrorist attacks outside as well, in North Africa, even in Europe, etc, etc.
And these guys, we now know, I mean there was a spate of reporting in the British press in the late 90s, people like Robert Fisk and the independent and other people basically saying, you know, quoting Algerian security sources coming out and saying, well actually these guys, these guys are described as being Al-Qaeda affiliated by the way.
And they're saying that the Algerian security sources are saying that we've penetrated these guys.
We've penetrated them since 1990.
We're controlling them.
We're telling them to do.
And it's not... Well, it goes back to the mid-90s, declassified now, that MI6 hired, quote, Al-Qaeda to try to kill Muammar Gaddafi.
We know in the Balkans, quote, Al-Qaeda was funded to attack the Serbs.
I mean, these guys are attack dogs of the new world order.
Have you heard of this, Alex?
There was a report by that guy Yusuf Badansky, who's no friend of the Muslims.
Yusuf Badansky, who was former director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism, and he did an article in one of his... in the Strategic Studies Journal, where he said that Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is deputy leader of Al-Qaeda, you know, bin Laden's right-hand man, he said that in 1997,
Al-Zawahiri was approached by a CIA emissary, and the CIA guy said to him, we're going to give you $50 million if you basically protect our interests in the Balkans.
That was the thrust of what he said.
So this is just an example.
Well, we have a Republican Senate report, I mean, as you know, that Clinton gave 45 mil to these people.
I mean, this is a scandal, and you know what is really worrying?
That this kind of stuff,
It's not out there.
It's not just out there conspiracy theory.
This stuff is documented.
It's well collected.
We have to get the word out.
People need to understand that the enemy that we're supposed to be fighting is not the enemy.
There is no external enemy.
We, our own government, are basically sponsoring and creating these networks.
Well, surprise, surprise!
Who has the motive?
I mean, why would Arabs attack us and then bring down the greatest military Anglo-American establishment juggernaut, Wormock, upon them?
But let's look into a few other areas of 77721.
We clearly have individuals who, as soon as it comes over the radio and the bus, that there's bombs in rucksacks.
One of the guys looks upset, works looking in his rucksack, and doesn't know what's going on.
Other people report, and the police have confirmed, that there's a bomb blew up underneath one of the trains, up through the bottom.
They saw no rucksack.
These guys buy these two-way tickets.
They play cricket the night before.
They have good jobs.
They're arguing with ticket clerks about being overcharged.
On tickets?
I mean, none of this, none of this, Nafis, you know, fits into reality.
From the evidence we have, how do you think they set the patsies up on 7-7?
Well, that's an interesting question.
I mean, I look at these anomalies.
I mean, there's, there's, the most of the, many of the eyewitness accounts available in the news reports are, as you said, consistent with the idea that the bombs planted underneath the carriages.
You know, you also have other reports
Suggesting that the bombs were, you know, they said that the bombs were made out of TATP, Homemade Chemical Explosives.
That's the official line now.
But it is not true.
I mean, in the week after the attacks, we had multiple forensic scientists and investigators coming out saying that these were military-grade explosives.
And there's many other issues like that.
There are questions about the role of the alleged bombers in the attack.
The four individuals have been identified because we know that the train times
Um, that are basically wrong.
What the police said was that the guy took, all four of them went into Luton Station, they took a 7.40am train down to the, down to the King's Cross Station, where they basically split up and blew up their bombs.
Now the problem is, is that, you know, I went to Thameslink, which is the train company that runs the trains.
It wasn't just me, a number of other researchers did the same thing.
And we said to them, could we verify the times?
I don't know.
It's an impossible story.
The police said they went on the train, they took this train.
It didn't happen like that.
Let's move to a year earlier.
We have the 311 bombings in 2004 and it comes out in the major news, quote, no Al-Qaeda connection.
It turns out that all the supposed bombers
We're friends with or worked with the National or the Madrid Bomb Squad.
It turns out that they're all well-known informants and intelligence agents.
Then, when all this breaks, there's riots basically in the streets, millions marching, saying the government did it.
The police surround an apartment building and blow it up and claim that the terrorists were inside.
We don't even know if that's true.
So, I mean, 311, they really botched that.
I mean, the parallels are there with these four individuals.
I mean, my suspicion is that these guys were somehow involved in the operation.
I think they were somehow involved.
Do we know whether they knew that they had rucksacks, that they knew that these rucksacks carried bombs?
I don't know if they were duped or not, but there is evidence to contradict the idea that this was a suicide attack.
I mean, there was an interesting report in the Daily Mirror, and this was like four days after the police announced, officially announced, they said this was suicide bombing by four Islamic fundamentalists.
And then four days later, you have these security sources speaking to the mirror, the London Mirror, privately, saying, well, actually, we're not so sure about this suicide theory.
You know, we found that these guys bought return parking tickets.
We even had Scotland Yard on record saying that they believe that the M.O.
fit, that these people were patsies and didn't know.
Maybe they thought they were drug couriers or something.
But let me expand on this, because this is important.
In every case we look at over and over again, we know it's the government that's behind this.
All the evidence shows that we've caught them red-handed over and over again.
The mindset of the people that run the British and U.S.
government, and there are millions that do this,
I mean, we know throughout history people are able to do this, but from your studies, what do you think the mindset is where they're able to kill their own countrymen?
I mean, our own government killing our own people on 9-11, 7-7.
Can you speak to the type of mindset?
I mean, I know it's an end, justifies the means, the globalists say, oh, we're going to save the world and to do it we've got to, you know, have a pretext for the greater good.
I mean, how do you think they get these MI5 and MI6 agents to do this?
Well, that's an interesting question.
I mean, I think that the people who are actually carrying out these operations, I think they compartmentalize it, you see.
There are people right at the top who know exactly what is going on, who know exactly what they're doing.
Those people, we probably don't even see them.
Those are the guys pulling the strings.
But these people who are involved, I mean, I don't know, you must be familiar with the Operation Gladio.
Yeah, it carried out when the CIA and MI6 orchestrated these wave of bombs in Europe to justify the whole Cold War and to say that basically it's the Russians who are doing it.
And by the way, that's now declassified.
That's admitted.
That's declassified, yeah.
I mean, this is all very clear.
In fact, there's a Pentagon document which hasn't been... it's a classified Pentagon document which hasn't been officially declassified, but it's available.
It's appended to these
Parliamentary inquiries that were carried out in Italy and elsewhere.
And in that document, it's very, very telling.
It gives the strategy for what you need to do in a situation where your population basically is getting too annoyed with your policy.
And it says, when the domestic population becomes too leftist or too pro- basically too against the government, against the existing ruling government,
What you have to do is, you have either two things, either you infiltrate these guys with your own agents and then you make them carry out terrorist attacks, or you actually do it yourself and you blame it on them.
So how they actually do this, I mean it's clear that there are certain people involved who are psychologically
Trained up for this.
I mean, there was another guy who was the fifth man in Al-Qaeda, who I mentioned in the London Bombings book.
I also mentioned him in my other book, The Warned Truth.
This guy, Louis Sacre, he was arrested.
Stay there, let's talk about it on the other side.
Our guest is Nafeez Mosaddegh Ahmed.
He's written several books on government-sponsored terror and heads up a major think tank.
We'll be right back.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
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Dar Jamal scheduled the next hour from Beirut, Lebanon, the capital.
Hafeez, Mozadek, Ahmed, we've got to get back up again in the future.
So much great information.
There were mainstream articles in the year after the Bali bombing in the Australian press where it looked like that government was involved planning the bombs.
We know our government officials got out of the area right before it happened.
It just happens over and over again.
How stupid do they think we are?
Well, they think we're very stupid and unfortunately
You know, in a sense, many of us are.
I mean, there is an in-built tendency, and it's promoted deliberately in this society, to make you think, if you ever question the idea that the government might have been responsible for these kinds of attacks.
Yeah, I think so.
This is not a pipe dream.
I wish it was a pipe dream, Alex.
I wish I could wake up in a wonderful world where this wasn't happening, but unfortunately... Hey, I want to travel.
I want to go see things.
I want to just, you know, I want to oil paint.
I want to spend time with my family.
You know, I really can't because of this, but you were telling us about No.
5 in Al-Qaeda.
There were a bunch of cases where they would stage the bust in Pakistan and Europe of core Al-Qaeda leaders, then a month later, a tiny footnote that they really staged the arrest to bring their agent back in, but go ahead.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, you mentioned number five in Al-Qaeda, this guy, Louis Sakra.
I mean, he was arrested by the Turkish security officials.
And I, you know, this was reported in mainstream Turkish newspapers that they had reports based on his interrogation.
And they said that they were really confused.
They were like, this guy, he drinks alcohol, he doesn't pray, and he's a senior Al-Qaeda operative.
What the hell's going on?
And they said that this guy, he's got some kind of mental illness.
Apparently he's taking some kind of medication, some kind of sedative medication that is for his psychological problems.
The guy has also had plastic surgery multiple times.
And interestingly, he confessed that he had been recruited by the CIA, by Syrian intelligence services,
Um, and by Turkish intelligence services in the past.
So this guy was like a triple agent.
He changed his face several times.
Well, let's switch gears again.
We've got Israel in Haraj and in UPI admitting that they created fake Al-Qaeda groups to carry out terror attacks in Israel.
Publicly admitted!
Yeah, we see this.
And if you look at Hamas, I mean, look at what happened.
I mean, look at the origins of Hamas.
Really founded by Israel in 73.
And if you're looking at the pattern of the way Hamas operates over the years and the way Israel operates,
There is this consistent pattern that Israel encourages Hamas to carry out attacks, and then exploits the resultant attacks to increase its aggression.
And then bombs the secular, legitimate governments that want peace.
There was an Israeli cabinet minister, I can't remember his name, and he said this several years ago, before Hamas came to power, and I wrote about this then.
And he actually said that we want Hamas to come to power, and if Hamas comes to power, that we can justify our policies.
Well, that goes back to the end of World War II.
Our government went in and hired all the radical Muslims because they don't want mainstream.
They don't want the Arab world to be first world.
They don't want the competition.
They want dark ages running around killing each other.
It's the strategy of Balkanization, the 83 Israeli plan.
You've got it in one, Alex.
So we're told about this evil, Islamo-fascist threat to the world, and every time I turn over to Iraq I've got Western intelligence agencies looking back at me!
Well, I mean, you covered this, you covered the story about the British SAS operative who were caught dressed as Arabs in Iraq.
I wrote about this as well at the time.
And they had been shot at by an Iraqi police officer just because they came up to them at the checkpoint and asked them what they were doing.
Tell you what, sir, do five more minutes.
We've got Dar Jamal.
We're getting him online right now, but I want you to be able to finish up and plug your book as well before we let you go.
Nafeez Mozadek Ahmed, and we've got links on InfoWars.com to his websites and his organizations and where you can get the new book.
Stay with us.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right!
We've got two great patriots for humanity online with us right now.
We did get Dar Shamal on, on time.
He was just down in the southern city in Lebanon where the massacre occurred over the weekend.
Of 60 plus people now, over half of them tiny children.
I challenge sicko neocons to go to infowars.com to support this Israeli aggression and look at these dead toddlers.
And if you sickos still like it, I'd like to knock your teeth out, you pieces of filth.
My new book is coming out in the States in August.
But you can order it from Amazon.com in advance, and it's out in the UK.
If there's a business in the UK, you can get it now from your good bookshop.
Well, send me a copy.
I may carry it in my bookstore.
I will definitely get a copy over to you, Alex.
Any questions or comments you've got as we introduce Dar Jamal?
Well, I'd just like to say, I mean, to Dar that, you know, he's doing a wonderful job, and I salute him.
And he has the support of many, many people around the world covering the atrocities that are going on there.
I'm going to let you go, but before I let you go, do you have a question for him that I'll pose after you're gone?
I wonder if he has any information on the peace agreement that was filed by the Israeli Security Service, Shin Bet, prior to the coming attack.
Actually, he probably won't, but if he does, it'll be interesting to hear what he has to say.
I'll let you get that answer right now.
Thank you for joining us, Nafeez.
We'll talk to you soon.
Dar Jamal, thank you for joining us.
Where are you right now in Lebanon?
I am just back in Beirut after being in the South all day.
You were in the particular village that was hit killing the children?
Yes, I was in Cana at the site of the massacre.
We're going to go to break and come back and talk about this exclusive that you're bringing us.
We're very thankful, Dar, but can you comment to the question about the Israeli Shin Bet nixing the peace deal a week and a half ago?
I did hear about that, but I doubt I have any further information than was in the question, but I did hear about that, but I can certainly talk about how Israeli airstrikes are continuing.
I saw them happening down there today when I was down in the South, so it's really not a surprise whatsoever that that occurred.
I would just like to add that I also look very forward to reading his new book as well.
Alright, Nafees, take care.
You bet.
When we get back, I want to talk about what you saw in the village.
Israel never stopped bombing.
In fact, I predicted on air yesterday that they would just have a ceasefire so they could get more convoys of innocents to target.
Dar, do you agree with that assessment?
Well, that is what is happening without a doubt.
Airstrikes are continuing through the day.
Even after they made that announcement, all through the night we heard the jets roaring over Beirut.
How far away is that southern village from the border, and then juxtaposed to Beirut, the capital?
Ghana is not far from the border, maybe 20 kilometers, so maybe roughly 12, 13 miles maximum.
And then from Beirut, mileage-wise, I'd say roughly, it's probably about 120 miles.
You were actually there.
I couldn't imagine being up close to all the dead toddlers.
I mean, targeting a house with over half of it being children, 30 plus, dead, this is unbelievable.
Well, it really is, and I should say that when I was there, they had removed all the bodies they could find, although they did believe there were still several probably still buried in the rubble, because this was a three-story building.
It was not a house.
It was a very large structure.
That's why there were so many people in it.
It was three stories, now it's less than a story.
It was literally bombed to the ground, nothing but rubble, torn clothing, children's shoes, that kind of thing, and a lot of shocked people walking around.
Is it similar to what you witnessed when you were in Fallujah?
It really is, it is on that scale, whereas Fallujah was an entire city, but this, the devastation and the atrocity is off the charts.
All right, stay there.
Give us your report on the other side.
We stand by for that, gratefully, for Dar Jamal, an American of Lebanese descent, a Christian Lebanese at that, joining us.
We'll be right back.
The websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and PrisonPlanet.tv, and we post all of Dar Jamal's frontline reports from the combat zone.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
Shocking declassified government documents prove that Western governments are orchestrating terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them.
Terror Storm proves that not only was 9-11 an inside job, but the attacks of 7-7 in London were carried out by British intelligence.
Terror Storm chronicles the lies that took us to war in Iran, a White House program to disseminate fake news, NSA spying,
Secret police torture, the latest 9-11 information, and much, much more.
Terror Storm is the definitive guide to the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
It's an anthology of government crimes.
Terror Storm is a film that everyone who wants to be truly informed must see.
Get your copy today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 1-888-253-3139 or watch it right now online at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Israel is indiscriminately bombing emergency vehicles, ambulances, convoys of
Peaceful families.
Then they tell them to leave their houses.
If they try, they bomb them.
They run up against bombed out bridges, and they're bombed.
And of course, in southern Lebanon, about 20 kilometers from the border, over the weekend they bombed a three-story building.
Now over 60 people killed in there.
Over half of them small, tiny children.
I'm looking at a photo of a dead, looks like about a year and a half old baby, clutching a toy in her hand.
And I hear these scumbags talk about nuking the whole place, including all the Christians that are over there.
Then you need to go look at the dead babies.
You need to go look at the dead babies.
I don't want to hear these people attack us on 9-11.
Our own scumbag government did.
So this is the reality of what we're facing.
And those that carried out the attacks of 9-11 are getting rid of our own sovereignty right now as well.
Dar Jamal joins us.
He's back in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.
He's been down in the south today to witness the carnage firsthand.
There's been no ceasefire.
That was a cynical ploy.
Dar Jamal, give us your report, sir.
Well, there are a couple of big stories that I want to talk to you about, and I am breaking these here.
I have yet to write them up because I literally just got back to Beirut.
And the first is that there were no Hezbollah rockets fired from Qana.
This is the justification given by the Israelis for bombing the shelter and carrying out a massive bombardment all that night long and well into the next day of that entire village.
They claimed that it was Hezbollah's fault, they were forced to do this, to murder these innocent people, because Hezbollah had a deal to fire rockets into Israel.
And I spoke with two residents at the scene of the bombing, two people who were nearby,
who lived in the village and they said that of course there were no Hezbollah rockets fired from this village because when Hezbollah does that all of the villages clear out immediately because people are well aware that once those rockets are fired Israel is going to retaliate with a massive airstrike on the entire area.
So no rockets were fired according to the residents there.
And that's evidence by these buildings being filled with people sleeping securely.
Well, exactly.
The bottom line is they simply would not have been there, as Bilal was really firing rockets from that city.
And then these claims were backed up not only by residents, but when I talked to the Lebanese Red Cross down in the nearby city of Tahrir, on the coast, they said the same thing.
They said, no, we go into these villages,
Usually we can find evidence, if there is any, that Hezbollah... We will find rocket launchers, we will find guns, we'll even find some Hezbollah fighters, but one of them, who was actually the training manager of the Red Cross down there, he said, no, 100%, there was 100% no evidence.
100% that city was clear, there was no evidence of any rockets fired from there whatsoever.
Please continue.
I'm sorry?
Please continue with your, you said several reports, please continue.
Right, well those are really the two main stories I want to relay.
Also, another very important one is, you've probably seen the photo, there's an infamous photo now of a Red Cross ambulance.
That was hit by an Israeli rocket.
The rocket went, it's as if they used the cross painted on top of the ambulance as a bullseye.
The rocket went right down literally in the middle of that cross where the two red sections intersect.
So they did hit the bullseye in the ambulance.
I talked to one of the Red Cross workers who was in that ambulance when it was hit.
Well, we know he's...
We know how these missiles are fired from planes and helicopters.
These things are very precise, if you're aiming them correctly.
And all the evidence shows that Israel is targeting civilian convoys, aid workers, by design.
The United Nations, over ten times, for several hours, being shelled and being bombed in their bunker,
Last week openly then gave the Israelis their exact coordinates and the Israelis answer was firing a precision-guided missile right through the bunker opening.
Why do you think Israel or the question is are they from what you've seen deliberately targeting civilians and observers to get people out of the way or well that's number one are they targeting and the number two why are they targeting civilians?
It's, without a doubt, 100% for sure they are intentionally targeting civilians, just like they've intentionally targeted the infrastructure of this entire country.
They're also, without a doubt, as I just made very clear, they are absolutely going after the medical workers, the rescue workers, and as you said, the UN workers.
They don't want observers, they don't want press there, they want to be able to carry out their indiscriminate attacks.
And for the reason, all I can say is it's bloodthirst, it's collective punishment, just like they're doing in Palestine, now we see them doing to the entire southern portion of Lebanon, where over half a million people live.
They have literally said anyone who is still there is considered a terrorist.
If they've chosen to stay, they must be supporting Hezbollah, so we will hit them.
And that is, of course, now including the medical infrastructure and the people who are down there.
They are basically bombing everything that's there.
Dar Jamal, this is strengthened Hamas.
This is strengthened radical Islamic sects, both backed up by the Sunnis and the Shiites, Hezbollah and Hamas.
This is really escalating things.
It's making it hard for moderate governments
I think they're doing it for the exact reasons you just said plus that way if you look at the rhetoric coming out of Washington and Israel
They are consistently going well out of their way to tie Hezbollah with Syria, Hezbollah with Iran, over and over.
It's like a broken record.
I think they're doing this to pull other people into the fight, so then therefore they can justify attacking Syria, and then that's naturally going to lead right into Iran.
I think that is the plan, and I think that is what we should expect to see within the next year.
Dar Jamal joining us from Beirut, Lebanon.
He was just in the south side of the village of the massacre of over 60 men, women, and children, over half of them small, tiny children.
Dar Jamal...
Looking at where this is going in the next few weeks, talking to people in Lebanon, what is their sense of what's happening?
What is their sense of outrage?
You know, the media likes to point video cameras at Lebanese, biting the Israeli flag into pieces, running around in a rage.
Well, they're not telling you in the media.
These are people in the villages where they've just had their family members ruthlessly killed.
So can you speak to the sense of the Lebanese people, both Christian and Muslim alike?
Well, not only has it galvanized more radical support for groups like Hezbollah, there was a poll taken here in Beirut just last week and it found that 87% of the population now supports Hezbollah.
That's a drastic, drastic increase.
The poll also found that 8%
Down from a measly 38% in February, but now only 8% of the people here still have any good faith left whatsoever for the United States because of their unbridled support for Israel.
But clearly, and that's what I'm seeing on the ground, it doesn't matter if they're Muslim or Christian or Druze or not religious whatsoever, but the vast majority of people now, it's probably well up over 90% now after what just happened in Ghana,
Now, very much support Hezbollah because they just want any kind of retaliation they can have against Israel.
They don't like that their country is being attacked, their infrastructure is shattered, and the civilians are being killed.
So people here, we're getting well over 90% now of people in this entire country that are fiercely opposed to what Israel is doing.
Israel has made another enemy for life.
Dar Jamal, we know that Lebanon was the equivalent of the French Riviera in the Middle East up until the early 70s.
It was getting back to that point a world-class city.
And I've always had a feeling that Israel and globalists in the U.S.
are jealous of any type of Middle Eastern success.
We know they were very upset about Iraq becoming first world so they set up their agent.
So, number one, do people there get the point that a lot of this is just jealousy by Israel and others of the success of Lebanon in developing their economy?
Well, they do.
They're very well aware of the fact that this is part of the U.S.
plan for empire and total control of the region, which is walking hand-in-hand with Israel's interests.
A lot of people have also expressed
That they feel that this is, they know very well that Israel is facing a massive water problem.
They don't have enough clean water.
They're already stealing the Palestinians' water.
That's a lot of what this wall down there is about.
And now they know that in southern Lebanon there's a lot of fresh water availability, and they feel that that could have something to do with this, as well as the fact that Lebanon was
Really beginning to get on its feet.
It was building itself back up as a sovereign country.
And it had a government that was not walking in line with what the United States wanted, nor with what Israel wanted.
Sean Hannity has said all Americans in Lebanon can drop dead.
Well, I'm sure that the 25,000 Americans who are here who were evacuated would love to hear that, and I'm sure that the countless Americans who live and work here would be absolutely thrilled to hear that unbridled support from this idiot.
But I mean, what's the point?
There's no reason to even attack Americans that are over there in business and other things.
I mean, that's just... it's crazy talk!
It is absolutely insanity, and I really am almost at a loss of words on how to respond to that, these people.
It just underscores the main propaganda outlet for this administration, Fox News, and the minions working there, and it's very clear.
I don't know how much more evidence anyone would need.
These people are absolute lunatics.
They need to be, and more criminals, and they need to be treated as such.
Final segment with Dar Jamal after this quick break, joining us from Lebanon.
He is in Beirut, the capital right now.
He's in the south today.
I want to get some more of his observations about how many civilians are being killed, what the real numbers of dead are.
We're now hearing it could be triple the current number of over, what, 550, 600 dead civilians there.
And a lot more on the other side, where he sees this conflict going in the next month or so.
Stay with us.
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Alright, Dar Jamal joining us from Lebanon right now.
American reporter over there.
He's been in Fallujah, but all over Iraq.
You name it.
Dar, what are the real numbers, and I know nobody can put their finger exactly on it, but even mainstream organizations and press are saying it could be triple what we're hearing.
What guesstimation or dead reckoning do you have on the real numbers of dead in Lebanon?
Well, without a doubt, it's at least double the number that they're giving right now, which is the last I saw, 550 dead and about 1,500 wounded.
I've talked to many doctors, NGO workers, and people in these villages, along with Red Cross workers who have been at the sites of these buildings that have been bombed, like what happened in Kana yesterday, and they said that for reasons such as
So many bodies being buried under the rubble of these bombed houses and shelters.
So many bodies left literally laying to rot in the very hot sun here, because there is no access into so many of these villages that have been attacked by Israeli warplanes, that without a doubt we can safely double the number.
And as we're seeing today, as I was down in Tyre talking to the Red Cross people, they said
Most of what we've been doing today is getting calls from these villages that now people can flee since they are being bombed for the moment, most of them, not all, but they're getting so many calls to go into these villages to get bodies out of, they've been rotting in streets for 10 days, bodies from underneath the rubble of houses.
Bodies in ditches, bodies in burned up cars hit by Israeli rockets.
Can you give us any more details on being in the southern village there that got hit over the weekend on evidence that they were not firing rockets from that village?
Well, just without a doubt, everyone I talked to in the village said absolutely no, there was no Hezbollah activity in this village whatsoever.
That's why people have chosen to stay.
And also from the Red Cross workers saying that we've been all around that village collecting bodies.
There's been no evidence whatsoever of Israeli rockets.
Now Fox News is playing Israeli video of just showing a house, doesn't look like the same house, with a rocket shooting up from behind it.
I mean, we can't believe anything they give us.
No, absolutely not.
That, again, without a doubt from some other village that was being used where Hezbollah was firing rockets from.
But if that were the case, and that is absolutely not the case in Kana, I want to underscore that, but even if that were the case in any village that does not justify bombing civilian houses, sure, bomb where the rockets are being fired from, but do not bomb shelters that are housing over 60 innocent women, children, and elderly.
Where do you see it going, Darja Maul?
You've covered a lot of these conflicts.
Where do you see this going in the next few weeks?
Well, it's not going out on a limb at all to say this, especially when the Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, just announced that there is not going to be a ceasefire.
So despite international outcry, despite these pleas from the impotent UN, there's not going to be any kind of a ceasefire here.
I think this 48 hours, they're basically using it to reload, get more bombs and fuel here from George Bush for their airplanes and their military apparatus.
And I think we're going to see all hell break loose here within the next day.
Well, I'm looking for the West to stage terror attacks, or they're hoping some Arab country or group will carry out an attack as a pretext to go ahead and go into Iran and Syria.
I mean, none of this happened by design.
I mean, none of this happened by action, and it's all by design.
Well, it's all exactly by design.
I mean, from the very start of these two Israeli soldiers being captured, not in Israel, but in Lebanon, because they had come into Lebanon, not the other way around, on up to how far in advance this attack had been planned.
And I know I'm preaching to the choir here.
I mean, this is all well documented.
This was planned years in advance.
Dar, any other key points you're there in country that we here in the United States and worldwide listening need to know?
Well, people need to understand that the Lebanese people look just like you and me.
Most of them speak Arabic, French, and English.
They're very well educated.
So many of them are Americans.
They have dual citizenship.
They studied in the United States.
Some of them have family in both countries.
It's a very sophisticated country.
As you said, it was known as the Paris of the Mediterranean.
It's a beautiful country.
With ski slopes on high mountains, nice beaches, very modern, very European in many ways.
This is not the typical Arab country, and these people in the past have been very pro-US, and now all of this is turning the entire country against the US.
Which is what the neocons want, the clash of civilizations.
Yes, exactly, and they're getting it.
Dar, you're coming back to the US in a few days, aren't you?
A couple of weeks.
So what's your schedule going to be in the next few days?
I've decided, I was going to leave Beirut tomorrow, but I've decided that after seeing what the Israelis are already doing, and they're not going to abide by any ceasefire, I think that this is going to be an important next few days, so I'm going to stay here and continue reporting.
Sure, I was working off yesterday's info, so you're going to be there.
As things develop, can we keep the schedule open for you for little ten minute reports as things break?
My pleasure.
Dar Jamal, tell us about the websites where we can read your reportage.
Yeah, it's DarJamalIras.com.
It's D-A-H-R-J-A-M-A-I-L-I-R-A-S.com.
We have a big link to it on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be posting your reports as soon as they come out today.
Thank you, DarJamal, for your courage.
Go with God.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I think so.
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Amazing report from Lebanon, from the front lines, Darja Maul.
He'll be checking in with us for the next two weeks if this continues.
A lot of courage to be driving around on those roads.
Right now, I'm going to go to your calls very quickly, and I've got some other news I want to hit on.
Let's talk to Zach in New York, then Watson, John, Jeremy, Gary, and others.
Zach, you're on the air.
I was going to ask you about the upcoming anniversary of September 11th.
I was down there for the 9-11-05, what was supposed to be a protest down there in New York City, and it was really just basically a pathetic spectacle.
It was some small march past major media outlets, and it ended up in front of the U.N.
And the organizers explained to me that the idea was that they were going to appeal to the U.N.
to, you know, do an independent investigation of... Yeah, there are a lot of different groups that protest and demonstrate on 9-11.
I think this year it's going to be different because the Loose Change Boys, for like six months, have been promoting a march down there on 9-11.
I still haven't decided if I'm going to go or not.
I'm close to deciding to go.
I said I would, but I'm kind of back... I don't know what I'm going to do, but I've got to decide soon.
Well, there was that.
I would think it would have to be a ground zero.
When I showed it at the ground zero, there was very little going on except for people reading the names of the dead and stuff like that.
And last night on CBS on 60 Minutes, they had an interview with this guy, I forget his name, he claimed to have been Osama Bin Laden's bodyguard, and one of his main men, he hooked him up with his wife, and he was gloating about how he knew the people who carried out the coal bombing.
He's associated with all these terrorists.
This is all CIA psyops.
Oh, look, here are the terrorists.
We put them on TV to admit it.
Oh, my five-year-old son.
I hope he's a martyr.
Stuff like that.
It's all part of the CIA propaganda.
Thanks for the call, Zach.
Good to hear from you.
Watson in Chicago.
Watson, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
How are you, sir?
The reason I'm calling today is, you know, when I saw this stuff over the weekend, the stuff that happened in Conneau, I mean, it brought me to tears.
This is ridiculous what's going on.
And it's our tax dollars that are paying for this.
We're buying the planes.
We're buying the bombs.
And we're giving tax deductions to people that send these Israeli soldiers pizza and burgers.
But I want to talk about what needs to happen for a solution.
You know, in order to stop something else like September 11th happening here, we need to talk about this stuff now in the mainstream.
And the only way in the United States for that to happen, because everybody here is a spectator, is for these celebrities, these people who have been put on a pedestal, is to stand up and raise their voices.
You know, people like Dave Matthews, who has been making songs about this type of stuff for a long time.
You know, people like Mel Gibson, who have been standing up against George Bush.
You know, the Keanu Reeves, George Clooney, Woody Harrelson, Winona Ryder, they're in Skinner Darkly.
They all know about this.
Where is their voice?
Why aren't they calling in right now?
Well, Mel Gibson called Bush basically a criminal and a warmonger, and look what happened to him.
And I think that thing's a setup, folks, if you ask me.
And, you know, I know a lot of these people, you know, in Hollywood.
And I know for a fact a lot of people you mentioned know all about 9-11.
And, uh, I know other people in Hollywood who know other, you know, bigwigs in Hollywood who've said they've said the same thing at dinner.
So how do you get them to go public?
I don't know, but, I mean, they know that it's basically like jumping off a cliff for them to do it.
Look at what they did to Charlie Sheen weeks after he went public.
But, but if they don't do it now, if they don't do it now, we, we're all well aware that we're going into World War III if we continue to let this happen.
And then, the things, the spoils of life that they enjoy right now,
By keeping their mouths shut.
Those aren't going to be in existence anymore if this country is plunged into third world status, which is on the brink of right now.
Well listen, I agree with you.
Now is the time that tries men and women's souls.
Now is the time to go public.
Now is the time to speak out.
And it's really up to us to ask other government officials, people in and out of government, former government, as they have been going public, for more of them to go public, and the dam is breaking.
Look at the C-span!
They've aired it three times, they're going to air it again tomorrow night, we've got to get on the email, we've got to write, you know, call our friends and families, and now tell everybody to tune in, and tell those that you tell to tune in to tell others to tune in!
I agree 100%, and take over channels like MySpace,
And these other social networking sites where you can connect to hundreds if not thousands of people with the click of a mouse.
Send all these people to InfoWars.com.
I agree.
Have them subscribe.
But I can't think of a better thing to do than to email your whole email list, to go to at least five message boards, to call your friends and family, to call your neighbors, to tell everybody you know, to tune in to C-SPAN tomorrow at 515 Central.
6.15 Eastern.
If you can't be at home, to TiVo it, to record it, to record it on your DVR.
That is so important.
We have millions of listeners out there.
If all of you will tune in and tell others to tune in, we can really have this be a big event.
And everybody who watches it, make a copy and then give that copy to somebody else.
That will then again double the amount of people.
God bless you, Alex.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to John in Virginia.
Welcome, John.
Thanks, Alex.
I appreciate you taking my call, and I know there's a lot more important things to be discussing, and I didn't mean to distract you from this, but I'm calling about child sacrifice.
I know that it bugs you when people try to make excuses for the Aztecs sacrificing their children, and
I know that it may upset you when the Bohemian Grove Club burns effigies of children, but it is in the Bible, actually.
My understanding is that the Bible mandates the sacrifice of your firstborn son in Exodus 22-29, that you shall not delay to offer the first of your ripe produce and your juices, and the firstborn of your sons you shall give to me.
Likewise, you shall do it with your oxen and your sheep,
It shall be with its mother seven days, and on the eighth day you shall give it to me.
And I was wondering what you made of that verse.
Well, I know that Abraham got tested, but didn't sacrifice his son, and I know that the Israelites are told a whole bunch of times to go wipe out groups that are involved in child sacrifice.
So, I'm confused by that, but what passage is that?
It's Exodus chapter 22, verse 29.
And I was quite shocked to read it myself.
I don't know what to make of it either.
Because it seems to be quite clear that it's saying to... Exodus chapter 22 verse 9?
Verse 29.
Chapter 22 verse 29.
Yes, and verse 28 right before that it says, You shall not revile God nor curse a ruler of your people.
And I was wondering what you made of that one since George Bush is a ruler of our people.
Well, that's taken out of context.
I think that means the ruler of the people, a godly leader of the people.
The whole Bible, New and Old Testament, is about standing up against wicked leaders and standing up against evil.
I was at church with family this weekend and they were having baptisms there and they were reading the baptismal prayer.
And it was about standing up against evil and oppression, wherever you find it, and fighting evil.
I mean, that's what it's all about.
But I will get some pastors I know to comment on that.
If Butch Paw is listening right now, or some other preacher is listening right now, and can explain what that passage means, or put it in a different context, that would be great.
I don't know if we have open lines, but you can try as people hang up to get in.
Thank you for the call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeremy in Wyoming.
Jeremy, welcome.
Hello, Jeremy.
Thank you for taking my call.
God bless you and thanks to you and your staff for all your hard work.
Thank you.
I just want to say, you know, a few months ago I was kind of asleep and I used to watch Fox News and kind of agree with some of their topics and now I watch Fox News and I'm just completely disgusted.
That's a good question.
Maybe the Democrats taking over Congress, and if that would maybe have any type of effect on impeaching Bush?
Yeah, any breakup of centralization of power is good.
Not that I even like the Democrats, but Bush has the House, the Senate, the Legislative, the Executive, the Judiciary, most of the Governors, biggest government ever, gun control, open borders, American Union.
We need to punish these politicians.
We need to take Bush's power monopoly away.
Yes, sir, I agree.
And it's even kind of scary to have people like Bill Frist and George Bush saying, you know, we're not going to lose Congress.
It's not going to happen, almost like they know.
That's because 35% of the country has the CIA-controlled voting machines in place.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, I mean, and people can't believe that when all the evidence is in front of them.
This stuff's hard to believe, but it's true.
They're doing it.
They're all about hoaxes.
They're all about in your face.
I mean, look at the Enron guys showing state legislators their facilities with fake computer programs with the energy trading.
They just made the numbers up each day and charged people what they wanted to.
It wasn't even an energy trading system when you went and invested in it.
It's just a total scam.
Much of the derivatives market, much of the mercantile market in Chicago is based on that.
I mean, it's just total scam.
Let's talk to Gary in Indiana.
Gary, you're on the air.
I think it's George.
Okay, sorry George, go ahead.
That's okay.
I'm going to roll by three things real quick you might comment on and then I want to tell you this fourth thing here that's happening August 3rd.
I'd like to hear more about the billions of gold that seems to just disappear, like 186 billion.
Nobody seems to be upset in these foreign countries that had their gold stored there.
Haven't heard a thing about it.
Well, that's right.
There were masses of gold in the towers.
That's publicly admitted and no discussion of where it went.
And the second thing is the BBC has a feature where they talk to some of these terrorists, or at least one of them that's still alive.
I wish I could find that so I could see it.
The third thing is that no one's went to these hotels and the spilling station to talk to these people that
They've got the tapes taken from them.
Surely, we could find... Actually, people I know have tried to.
The hotels have been told not to talk to anybody, and that was almost five years ago.
The same people that did work there don't work at the gas station.
I see.
Alright, the fourth thing is real important.
You know how these people love dates.
Well, Tisha B. Av happens on the 3rd of August.
This date's very important to the Jewish people because
Their first temple was destroyed in 586 B.C., and the second temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., both on that date.
The Jews were also expelled from Spain in 1491 on that date.
The World War I, World War II occurred on that day.
The Jews were expelled from England on that date in 1290.
And according to the Bible, Moses broke the tablets of Mount Sinai following the sin of the golden calf on that date.
It's kind of like our Labor Day.
It jumps depending upon what day it is.
The last part of July or the first part of August.
But the third of August... Okay, listen, I appreciate your call, sir.
We'll look into it.
7-7, they had India bombings.
3-11, they had Madrid.
7-7, or excuse me, 7-11, they had the India bombings.
7-7, they had London.
3-11, they had Madrid.
9-11, they had 9-11.
And, of course, Madrid was 911 days after 9-11.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
And we know the Skull and Bones New World Order crowd is heavily into numerology.
Did any preachers call in to answer my question, John, so nobody can... I mean, I've got to read the passage myself instead of having it read to me.
I have to read the context that it's in and surrounding passages.
But from memory, I think it's about giving their children to the priesthood or something.
But does it mean human sacrifice?
We'll have to definitely look at that and see what's going on there.
The only instance of that I knew of in the Bible was Abraham.
We'll go to some calls here in just a few minutes after I hit a few news stories in the final segment.
I'll get to some of your calls.
And if any pastors can answer what Exodus chapter 22 verse 29 means, I'd love to hear from you if you can get an open line at 1-800-259-9231.
One last time, C-SPAN aired three historical telecasts on cable worldwide.
It's on in even foreign countries and foreign cable systems in many areas of the world.
Our 9-11 Neocon agenda panel discussion
An hour and 48 minutes, if you want to be precise.
She has it on her calendar as an hour and 50 minutes.
It's scheduled to air one more time tomorrow night.
4.15 Central, 6.15 Eastern.
I guess that would be 3.15 Pacific, 4.15 Mountain.
Now, there's some new coffee in and press conference, or George Bush press conference.
It may push it back 30 minutes, an hour.
The stuff normally does.
Yesterday, they had a press conference, a couple press conferences.
So, instead of going on at 1.15 Eastern, it went on at about 2.20 Central or 3.20 Eastern, about an hour late.
So, but look for that.
Tell everybody about it.
Tomorrow at C-SPAN 1.
Also, you could have seen the panel discussion, what, two and a half, three weeks ago, because we took a four-camera shoot, edited it together with great skill, my great staff, and posted it for PrisonPlanet.TV members.
We have Ray McGovern in my new film Terror Storm posted up there on the site.
We have Dr. Bob Bowman, Professor Steve Jones, Professor Jim Fetzer, Webster Tarpley up there for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
Not just the roundtable discussion and the two-day event, but now I guess about 18 hours of the 20 hours has been posted up on PrisonPlanet.tv for members.
And my new film Terror Storm is there, and I think four different bandwidth qualities.
Super high-quality, bandwidth, you've got to have a really good cable modem connection to download.
And then we've got a high-quality version, a medium-quality version, and a low-res quality version.
Three different formats.
You can download them.
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So go there to PrisonPlanet.tv.
Get a 15 cent a day membership.
Get a monthly subscription for $5.95.
That just pays for the webmasters and the bandwidth.
Go burn hundreds of CDs!
Go buy hundreds!
It takes a few minutes to burn each one.
And start burning, burning, burning, burning those copies.
Kind of a Nazi moron.
We're not saying burn the DVDs literally, folks.
For some that don't know what those computer terms are, you know, making copies is called burning them.
Last time I said burn copies.
Why should we burn copies of DVDs?
Somebody didn't get that in a letter.
But making copies of them.
Make a whole bunch of copies.
Give it to everybody.
Give it to professors and your rabbi, your pastor, your boss.
Just say, check this out.
It's some pretty interesting information.
Forbidden information.
And so PrisonPlanet.tv is such a wonderful activist tool.
All 15 of my films, my weekly TV reports, special reports, the Bilderberg report is up there probably 6-8 months before I even put a film out on it.
I'm making that film right now, trying to get started.
It's so important to go to prisonplanet.tv and get a 15 cent a day membership or call toll free to get hard copies of Martial Law or Terrorist War or any of my films 1-888-253-3139 888-253-3139 or just write to me on Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100 Austin, TX 78704
Now, in closing, as we end this segment, it's going to sell out in about a week if we continue to sell tickets this fast.
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We could sell 900 tickets, but I don't want to overflow the place and everybody crammed together like sardines.
So we're selling 700 tickets.
Probably have about 30 guests there, so about 730 people or so.
Get your tickets now at InfoWars.com or call toll free to get them.
And then coming up in September, five dates at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
Those tickets are going fast.
You can get those at InfoWars.com as well.
Jim Mars is going to be there giving a speech.
I'll also show some Bilderberg Group footage and Terror Storm.
Stay with us.
Final segment straight ahead.
It's here!
After a year in production and traveling to distant lands, my new film Terror Storm is complete.
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We're going to try to cram John, Joseph, and Fred in here real quick.
John and George has got an answer for us on this
Bible verse, Exodus, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, it's pretty simple.
The eighth day was the day of circumcision, thus bringing the child into covenant with God.
So, if you look in the historical context with the Orthodox Church,
Coming out of the Jewish tradition has always taught that's what it means.
So it's not about sacrificing your kids.
Because in the very same book I know it says don't sacrifice your children.
So if you look at it, it has to be looked on in a historical context of what the fathers of the church growing out of what the prophets and such spoke.
So it's pretty easy answer.
It's about circumcision.
All right.
Thank you for the call.
Let's talk to Joseph in England.
What's on your mind?
Hi Alex.
Yeah, just a quick one.
I'm a prisonplanet.tv subscriber and I've been watching the LA Conference.
It's excellent coverage.
Actually, it is better than the coverage that they put on C-SPAN.
All of that was very good.
I just wanted to ask if there's any plans on putting, you know, this out onto a DVD or a DVD set because it's certainly worth keeping.
Yeah, it just takes time to do it.
I mean, of course, I want to dress it up and make it all fancy and add documents while people are talking.
You think I should do that or just slap it on DVDs and sell it?
Well, I don't know how to beg you to do it, Alex, but I mean, I've basically been copying DVDs of hundreds of them and giving them out and this would really be one that would go well.
I think a lot of the people would respond to it that way as well.
Hey Alex, thanks for getting me on today.
Quick real joke.
Corsi was on Derry Brownfield this morning.
He was going out of town to New York.
He will be on Lou Dobbs tonight, and he got the first 300 pages of the FOIA response back, and there's some pretty indicting information in there.
He's going to cover it tonight.
He was demanding the details of the Security and Prosperity Partnership American Union agreement, and yeah, he started getting those, I'm told, late last week.
I can't wait to see what's in them.
Well, he's going to be on Dobbs tonight, and he said he's also going to tape Fox, but he didn't know when they'd show it.
They probably will delay it.
The other thing is really important here, Alex.
I don't remember what show it was on last week.
Someone called in and gave a web address, as people are prone to do.
This is excellent.
I would ask you and anybody else that's listening that has any questions about the Palestinian-Israeli situation, go to this website, ifamericansknew.org.
Now there's a synopsis version on the first page, but it takes you over to another
20 pages long.
It'll take a couple hours to read it.
Well, what we'll do is we will put links to that right now on InfoWars.com so folks can just go there and check it out.
AmericansNew.org Does anything about Palestine with anyone unless they've read this booklet put out by Jews for Justice in the Middle East, by the way.
Well, I'll check it out.
I appreciate your call.
We're flat out of time.
I'm very thankful to everybody that called C-SPAN and got them to come cover the event to begin with.
And we basically twisted their arm, it looks like, into airing it.
Now they've been going bananas.
Playing it three times this weekend.
Scheduled one more time tomorrow.
Think of the power of you calling and emailing everybody that you know.
And going on message boards with people you don't know and telling them to tune in tomorrow.
Or they can go to c-span.org and watch it online right now.
Or see a better version of it with a four camera shoot up close at PrisonPlanet.TV for members right there.
I wish I was as big as C-Span could just put it out for free.
We put a lot of stuff out for free, but we can't put hours and hours of video out for free or he'd bankrupt us.
Then with very, very expensive.
All right, back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
A lot of news and information we did cover today.
A lot we didn't have time to, so be sure and visit InfoWars.com, JonesReport.com, InfoWars.net to get all the news and information you need.
Continue to send us all the email and information.
You certainly help us.
All right, God bless you all!
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll-free 877-376-45.