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Name: 20060628_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 28, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
It is Wednesday, June 28, 2006.
We'll be live here for the next two hours, 59 and a half minutes.
We're going to have wide open phones throughout the broadcast.
You can talk about all the staged terror raids they've had from England, Canada, to Florida.
We can get into Russia, Limbaugh, caught with Viagra and other drugs.
Notice how the media spins it, though.
Oh, it's just Viagra and other drugs.
And Drudge started putting that spin out minute one when the story came out.
Oh, Viagra!
And then you read into the article and other drugs.
The reason it's important is because it shows the hypocritical nature of these individuals.
Also, Blink 182 star, latest celebrity to question official 9-11 story.
And if you're like me, you haven't heard of Blink-182, but Blink-182 has had two top-of-the-charts albums, CDs, songs, MP3s just in the last few years alone.
So they're a very popular pop-slash-punk group.
And they're questioning the official story.
Attack was not perpetrated by a bunch of people who just learned to fly planes, says Pop Icon on San Diego FM station.
We're going to try to get them on.
So, what's the establishment going to do when we have a society totally obsessed with celebrity, and then the celebrities, one by one, start exposing the official story?
We'll get into this report by Paul Watson.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Also, a damage study urged on surveillance reports.
Senator Pat Roberts, the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, asked the Director of National Intelligence, that's Negroponte, on Tuesday to assess any damage to American counterterrorism efforts caused by the disclosure of secret programs to monitor telephone calls and financial transactions.
And, of course, there's talk of arresting members of the New York Times who first reported on it.
If you believe that, I've got a bridge I want to sell you.
It has been in mainstream news here and there, back of the paper, and in industry publications since 1996 that the National Security Agency has offices in every telecommunications hub in the Western world, including Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada.
Now, remember, it came out three months ago that there are whole floors in AT&T and other institutions run by the NSA.
Exactly what I said, exactly what I wrote, exactly what I footnoted.
People said, how did Alex know they had, quote, whole floors?
Because that was in the news a decade ago.
That's how I knew.
How did I know that I drank orange juice this morning?
Because I drank it and it was orange juice.
How did I know the sun came up?
How did I know that I'm breathing oxygen to survive?
That's what I respirate off of.
I mean, it's just, it's not hard, ladies and gentlemen.
We have absolutely no freedom of the Fourth Amendment.
It's been flushed down the commode a long time ago.
They just don't want you to notice that.
And so they want to set yet another precedent to let's arrest reporters if they report on the government breaking the law of felony every time they do it.
Well, they announced they were going to do it back in 96 and paid to put in the hubs over the next few years, but still they operate as if they aren't doing it, and the courts operate as if they're not totally violating the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
So, every email, every fax, every phone call, every major radio transmission is intercepted, is decoded, is tracked, is filed on keyword.
I mean, that's as big a fact as water's wet and ducks quack.
I mean, that's as guaranteed as the smell of gasoline fumes at the ND500.
Alright, we'll be right back after this quick break.
Plunge into all the news and take your calls.
You know, we've got two guests coming up today for you.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, some big rock and roll stars, very popular band, top of the charts, has gone public questioning the official 9-11 fable.
They're trying to go after reporters for exposing NSA spying on the American people.
Just one more sign of massive police state.
Adios, Ward Churchill, as the headline on the article Kurt Nemo wrote, 9-11 official version Guardian.
Yeah, I don't like Ward Churchill, and we'll be going over that, but at the same time, I don't think it's good that he's been canned, been fired.
Again, I believe in free speech, but at every level, it's being attacked, because if somebody else loses their job because of free speech, especially in a sanctum like academia, none of us are safe.
New cell phone can tell if you're drunk, and others talk of making us use them, making us have them.
Here in the News Surveillance Society, another story, FBI exploits mentally ill and homegrown terrorist effort.
We'll be getting into all that and a lot more.
Iran wants to purchase more nuclear reactors from Russia.
I mentioned this yesterday, but I didn't spend enough time on it with all the guests we had on.
I will spend more time today.
This is out of the Associated Press.
Bush ignores laws he inked and vexes Congress.
That's right, he signs laws and then doesn't follow them.
And we'll talk more about why Transportation Secretary Chief Norman Mineta has resigned.
At the same time I mentioned this, but now we've seen more of the spin a day and a half into this story, so now I can comment on it more.
And it went exactly as we thought it would.
Limbaugh detained at airport.
That was the headline, but by the time the National Neocon Media had spun it, it was Limbaugh detained for Viagra.
Actually, what he was found with was the possession of illegal prescription drugs, Viagra and others.
Viagra and others, because a lot of people say, well, Limbaugh's joking around saying, yeah, Bob Dole, I guess, is going to get in trouble, and he's mentioning that other people are.
Limbaugh, the point is, in this police state that you defend, any of us would go to jail for having Viagra out of the bottle, or any other prescription drug.
In fact, young people go to jail when their mothers send Tylenol or Advil with them.
That's been all over the news.
Just type into Google, teen arrested for Tylenol, or teen arrested for over-the-counter pills.
Oh, we have a zero tolerance in America now.
We've got to keep you all safe.
But Limbaugh, we can probably guess what those other illegal drugs were, buddy, and you are on probation.
Pleading guilty for your doctor shopping and all those goodies?
I don't think you should get in any trouble, Limbaugh.
But at the same time, you're a hypocrite, and so we do need to address it.
So we'll get more into that coming up.
The phone number to join us, toll free, 1-800-259-9231.
Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Will it make it easier on you now?
You've got someone to blame You said one love, one life When it's one need in the night
One love, we get to share it.
It leaves you, baby, if you don't care for it.
Did I disappoint you?
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?
You act like you never had love And you want me to go without Well, it's too late tonight To drag the past out into the light We're one, but we're not the same We get to carry each other, carry each other
Have you come here for forgiveness?
Have you come to raise the dead?
Have you come here to play Jesus to the lepers in your head?
Did I ask too much?
More than a lot?
You gave me nothing now.
It's all I got.
We're one, but we're not the same.
Well, we hurt each other, and we're doing it again.
You say love is a temple, love the higher law.
Love is a temple, love the higher law.
You ask me to enter, but then you make me crawl.
And I can't be holdin' on to what you've got, when all you've got is hurt.
One love, one blood,
One life, you've got to do what you should.
One life with each other, sisters, brothers.
One life, but we're not the same.
We get to carry each other, carry each other, one.
You've got one life.
You should do what you should.
Do the right thing.
And I can't say any better than Johnny Cash.
Terror expert, London.
Bomber was working for MI5.
Another report out on this yesterday.
I never even got to this on the stack.
Khan uses informant for security services, so it's not just a SWAT now.
A former terror expert has told the BBC that Mohammed Saeed Khan, the alleged ringleader of the 7-7 London bombings, was working for British intelligence agency MI5 as an informant at the same time of the attacks.
Well, yeah, they're carrying him out.
Charles Shoebridge, I want to get him on, is a 12-year veteran detective with the London Metropolitan Police, a former graduate of the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, and now a broadcaster and writer on terrorism in the UK.
Shoebridge told the BBC NewsHour program that, from the evidence, little else can be assumed other than Khan was working for British intelligence.
Welcome to the club, buddy.
The amount of information coming out, and the quality of information coming out, the fact that there has been so consistently overlooked, it would appear by the security services of MI5 to me to suggest really only one of two options.
Either A, we've got a level of incompetence that would be unusual even for the security services, or B, the possibility, and this is a possibility, that the man, Khan, may have been working as an informant for the security services.
It is difficult otherwise to see how it can be that they've so covered his tracks in the interim.
Well, you've got to protect your bombers.
I mean, come on.
You can click there and listen to the interview.
In fact, I'm going to send this to the network.
Go ahead and grab it.
I want to play it.
During our coverage of the London bombings, we outlined how the attack
Was most likely constructed using the patsies described as nice guys with families and good jobs in the capacity of role players testing security on the London Underground.
Just as the supposed hijackers thought that's what they were doing.
They were government agents, we know that too.
They always are, ladies and gentlemen.
This message meshes with the inconceivable coincidence of exercises which drilled the same targets being attacked at the same time being conducted by visor consultants and eyewitness reports suggesting the accused displayed no behavior conducive with suicide bombings.
The alleged bombers bought return train tickets, left pay and display tickets on their cars in Lutton, and their movements captured on CCTV gave no indications that they were nervous about their imminent deaths.
Even Metropolitan Police investigators now believe that the bombers were dupes set up by someone else and don't know that they were carrying the explosives.
Didn't know.
7-7 links with British intelligence agencies don't end with Khan.
The terror expert John Lopez told the Fox News Dayside Show the alleged bombing mastermind Haroon Rashida's SWAT was an MI6 asset and that the British security helped protect and hide before the bombings.
Recent media concerning Khan's movements have brought to light the evidence that Khan's Honda Accord was bugged by MI5 prior to the bombings
Though denied by the Metropolitan Police, that would, again, sync with the supposition that Khan was doing the bidding of British Intelligence when four bombs ripped apart three trains and a bus on July 7th of 2005, killing 52 people and injuring more than 770.
Very, very interesting.
Alright, when we get back, we'll get into Blink-182 to star as the latest celebrity to question 9-11.
Limbaugh with a cocktail of drugs in his bag.
Media spinning that it was only Viagra.
We'll get more into the NSA surveillance and the move to arrest reporters.
We'll talk about Ward Churchill and a lot more on the other side.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Blink-182 star, latest celebrity to question 9-11.
Attack was not perpetrated by a bunch of people who just learned to fly planes, says pop icon on San Diego FM station.
I want to get him on.
How do you pronounce it, Scott?
Is it DeLong?
Blink 182 or 182 star Tom DeLong was followed in the footsteps of Charlie Sheen by becoming the latest celebrity to publicly doubt the official version of events behind 9-1-1 and voices belief that the attacks were an inside job.
The Long is the lead singer of Blink-182, a Southern California punk-pop quartet that has had two U.S.
Billboard No.
1 selling albums, and whose 1999 album of the state went platinum five times over.
During a hosting spot on San Diego's KAVAFM radio station, DeLong talked to Professor James Fetzer about evidence of 9-1-1 inside involvement.
I guess Fetzer stayed out in California or something.
After the conference.
We do know that the buildings came down in a fashion extremely similar to a controlled demolition of a building.
We do know that the expertise that is needed to fly those gigantic planes into the exact location could never have been achieved by someone who just learned how to fly a small plane, DeLong said.
Well yes, DeLong, that's using common sense, but you need to buy into the official hoax.
Discussing the failure of NORAD to enact standard operating procedure and intercept the planes,
And Norman Mineta's testimony about Cheney's order still standing, DeLong stated, Cheney knew the planes were coming in and he capped the order to leave it alone so it could hit.
Wow, that's great!
It's so weird how our own government did it to us.
9-1-1 was not perpetrated by a bunch of people that just learned how to fly planes, DeLong said.
We need like a clapping track or something.
In the computer, like other radio shows?
In fact, go find one online.
I've been talking about that forever.
Find an applause.
I mean, here, here, here.
I'll just, I'll just clap right here.
Let's all clap together.
Good job, DeLong.
Good job.
Now that is professional, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to be honest with you.
I got up early this morning.
The coffee had run out of my house.
I got here 10 minutes before show time, drank a small cup, and I am not doing too well right now.
It takes 45 minutes for coffee to hit, and so I was stumbling over reading that article earlier, worse than ever, and in this one I can't... yes, I'm an addict, but I don't think I should be arrested like Rush Limbaugh has been for using drugs.
I don't use illegal drugs, but I think legal drugs are just as bad.
I'm trying to get off coffee.
I'm trying to get down to one cup in the morning instead of five cups over the day.
and uh... boy side issue i don't know either you probably can't notice i'm not feel a little different or sound a little different but i can certainly feel it being here on air i just always have that ritual of coffee a few hours before i get on air not today but there's a big note hanging on my wife's computer to please get me lots of coffee yeah when she gets me the coffee when she gets me the coffee this is what you'll hear
Here, let's give a round of applause to the lead singer, Tom DeLonge of Blink-182.
Go ahead.
That's good.
I think that's a loop of about a two-second clap.
Okay, I'm not trying to be a comedian, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm not trying to be a comedian here.
I have to admit, this last weekend exhausted me to a huge, unprecedented level.
I have literally been stumbling around over the past two days, giving speech after speech and running that whole thing.
It was great fun.
And we tried to get the biggest venue we could.
It was the second biggest venue in a hotel in Los Angeles.
It went pretty well.
I liked it.
I wish that we hadn't had to sardine everybody in.
If I have another event, we're going to limit it.
We're going to make sure that it's limited so that there's more room in the thing.
But I guess that's always kind of a good problem to have.
I'm now digressing off into kind of flashbacks from the conference.
It's weird to be so passionate and spend so much time in a place so intensely and then probably knowing I'll never be there again.
Kind of like Ottawa, Canada.
Well, I tell you, that was another interesting trip.
Alright, now I'm really digressing, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to break, and we're going to come back and go to Ruth, Jason, Luis, Nathaniel, and Gideon, and others, pardon me, Gideon, and others that are patiently holding 1-800-259-9231.
William Rodriguez, who, getting a chance to see him speak in person, this guy's incredible.
What a stage presence.
What a hero of 9-11.
He'll be joining us to give us a quick update on what he thought of the conference and some new 9-11 info.
We've got another update on what happened to people that were inside trying to cover the Bilderberg Group in Canada.
I've got a bunch of news from around the world.
Your calls, though, on the other side.
I've now released Terror Storm.
The video is available.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Your calls are coming up here momentarily.
You know, I really was going to wait a month to put out Terror Storm and the big official DVD with the extras.
I've decided what the extras are going to be, too.
It's just going to be some clips from the conference.
But we can't wait, ladies and gentlemen.
So right now, I have a little over 400 copies of Terror Storm that I made just for the conference that we have left.
And it is really a special edition.
It's got about four minutes in it that won't be in the final edition that will come out in about a month.
And we can't wait.
We need to get this DVD out to people right now.
So you can watch Terror Storm at PrisonPlanet.tv now up there in three different formats.
The fourth format is about to go up there for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
When you're a PrisonPlanet.tv member, you get all 15 of my films.
That's right, the newest Terror Storm.
My weekly TV reports, my special reports from Bilderberg Group to England to Crawford, Texas to when I'm sitting in studio at Carol B.J.
We shoot video of it, the in-studio interviews, my book, Paul Watson's book, a bunch of other documentaries like Loose Change 2, we've been authorized to post.
It really is a ridiculously good deal.
But more than that, it's a wonderful activist tool.
You can go there and download copies of all my films, burn them to disk, give them to people.
Very effective activist tool.
Burn copies of my TV shows, special reports, all of it.
And then you help us fund Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, JonesReport.com, Infowars.net.com, MartialLaw911.info, all of the different sites we have.
You help fund the webmasters and the work we do here.
So get a membership today at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The cost of three cups of coffee, $5.95 for a month, and you literally get all of those pieces of media, over a thousand pieces of media, now up two years and what, four months.
That's how long PrisonPlanet.tv has been in operation.
We get a yearly membership and get three months absolutely free when you get a yearly membership.
And then there's another good dividend in becoming a member.
You also support what we're doing.
It is so important to become a PrisonPlanet.tv member.
And yes, while supplies last, because we're only going to sell these 400 or so that we've got, and then you'll have to wait until the big official DVD comes out with the nice hard case and the color cover and the extras.
But the Terror Storms we have right now have an opening menu that says 9-11 and the Neocon Agenda Symposium.
It has its own little special intro on it.
So they are collector's items and I'm signing each one of these that are going to go out.
And when they're gone, they're gone.
They could go in a week.
They could go in a few days.
I don't know how fast they'll go, but you really need to get them.
So go to InfoWars.com and order them via the Safe, Secure Online Shopping Cart.
Or call toll free to get your copy of Terror Storm.
The 10 plus month
We actually started making this 11 months ago.
Okay, the 11-month wait is over.
Terror Storm is here.
What's the film about?
We cover the overthrow of Mosaddegh.
We cover more on Hitler and Glywods and the attack on Poland and how they staged that.
We get into the USS Liberty.
Oh yes, we touched that zeitgeist hot-button issue.
We get into a whole host of important issues.
The Gulf of Tonkin.
Northwoods, then we get into the London bombing, then we go to Crawford to show how the war was a fraud.
We also have some clips from Chicago and the bullhorning there, and then interviews with Professor Stephen Jones, interviews with Morgan Reynolds, interviews with MI5 agents Annie Michon and David Shaler, interviews with Michael Meacher, former Blair cabinet member, current member of parliament, Ray McGovern on 9-11.
It is such an important film.
Charlie Sheen,
The film is Terror Storm.
You need to have Terror Storm.
It is my big wish that people see this.
It's got higher production qualities than any other film ever made.
Costs almost four times what my previous films have cost for me to make.
Professional music, professional graphics, animations.
It is powerful stuff and will be very effective in waking people up.
My other videos, I don't want to say they start slow, but they're long and they build.
Not Terror Storm.
It just explodes out of the gates.
So be sure and get your copy of Terror Storm today.
Alright, let's go ahead and talk to Jason in Maryland.
Jason, go ahead.
Hi, Jason.
Yes, I called yesterday and spent a moment thanking you and Charlie Sheen.
I'd really like to thank the one who deserves all the credit.
If you could give me a moment to read just a couple of sentences.
A roaring lion and a charging bear is a wrongdoing ruler over poor people.
A leader who lacks understanding is a great oppressor.
Evil men do not understand right ruling, but those who seek Yahweh understand all.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you, I appreciate the call.
Certainly, God deserves all the credit for all the work we're doing.
And I ask God every day to lead God and direct me in my work.
I know I'm not a perfect instrument, none of us are, but I try as hard as I can.
Let's talk to Luis in California.
Luis, welcome!
Yeah, hello?
Yes, sir.
Yo, Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, listen, last night I watched Terror Storm, and it was absolutely the most amazing DVD that I've seen in years.
The best one I think you've made, and I'm super excited to make copies for everyone I know.
Now I'm just obsessed to figure out how, I'm not very tech savvy, so I'm trying to figure out how to, like, just get a lot of copies out there, because I think this one is so professional, and just so well made, you know what I mean?
Like, um, the thing is, there's a lot of people I want to show it to are skeptics,
So, with this one, I figure it doesn't matter if you're a skeptic, you're gonna like, it's irrefutable what you're presenting, and it's like, I watched it with a couple friends last night, and we were all just discussing just how powerful it was, you know, so, I want to say good job about that.
Well, thank you, I really appreciate that.
What part of the film did you think was the most powerful?
Oh my God, from beginning to end, really, I mean, but I thought, one thing though is, I thought that having Charlie Sheen, all those segments,
With Charlie Sheen and then you on Showbiz Tonight or CNN or whatever.
I thought that that was great because that's really... I'm thinking from the point of view of the skeptic who doesn't want to look into these things.
They just can't ignore that kind of thing, you know what I mean?
That kind of thing is like... Come on, you know what I mean?
And plus, I mean, Charlie Sheen, that's absolutely great, you know what I mean?
To have him in it.
And I'm just really, really excited.
I've been... So many years I've been working toward trying to get people to wake up to this and...
And, you know, honestly, a lot of the videos that I have, the DVDs, I mean, with the exception of, like, In Plain Sight, a lot of the other ones, like, I won't even mention them because they were good and well-intentioned, but they just weren't kind of professional.
People have been brainwashed and mind-controlled to the point that it doesn't seem like it's Discovery Channel quality, you know what I mean?
It's almost like part of the brain tunes it out, or it's easy to be skeptical when it's more of a grassroots, low-budget production, but this one was awesome.
I mean, I just was, like, astounded.
I'm so excited to, like,
Figure out how to make copies and give to people.
Well, we did gear it for those that don't have long attention spans.
I mean, it moves really fast.
And it's great.
I mean, it's wonderful for educators, too, for teachers, you know, critical thinking and history, that kind of thing.
Because it's such an amazing history lesson, too.
And it's concise, and I mean, I think this is the one that is going to be pivotal.
I mean, I think it's going to have as much impact as loose change, you know?
Well, it will if you take action as well.
Good to hear from you.
Did you go to the conference?
Yeah, I wanted to so bad.
I'm in San Francisco.
I wanted to go, but financially I couldn't make it.
I understand.
I'm just wondering... My friend picked it up at the conference.
He was in the area, and I asked him to pick it up for me, and he did.
We watched it last night, and we were just... It was great.
I mean, this is perfect.
I just can't say enough about how amazing... I've seen all your videos many times.
And I like them, but sometimes it's hard to show it to people who are skeptical and try to find any excuse to, like, downplay it.
Especially people who are educated, ironically.
The people with the most education, meaning, like, career-minded, you know, college graduate, whatever, they seem to have the hardest time, I find.
A lot of people who are just kind of, you know, normal, regular folks, working class, or just kind of, you know,
They seem to be more open-minded.
They don't have as much of a... Well, a lot of people think they're members of the establishment and they think that you're attacking them.
Thanks for the call.
That's a psychology I've seen, at least in some places.
I wouldn't say it's overriding with education.
I actually find a lot of folks that are educated know the facts and are already awake and aware, but certainly there is that educated idiot type who thinks that they're basically members of the elite because they make $80,000 a year and they think that you're attacking them.
Let's go ahead and talk to Nathaniel in Louisiana.
Thanks for holding your on the air, Nathaniel.
Hi, Alex.
I just wanted to talk about the National Guard being dispatched back to New Orleans again.
That's right.
We get conditioned more and more.
Now they have the National Guard with the police going around, gun confiscating as usual.
Yeah, I actually live in New Orleans, and I don't know if you'd call it a theory, but
The thing that they sent him down here for was as a reaction to some teenagers having a shootout.
They crashed into a light pole and died.
Yeah, so some people have a shootout, we gotta have troops on the streets.
Just as Bush has said, we must have imposter commentators, we must have metal detectors in shopping malls, what you go through at the airport will be daily life on the streets.
That is the official plan.
When you go to the airport and take your shoes off and they put you in a scanner and they search you, that's training you how to be a slave.
Well, they just had such an extreme reaction to a non-emergency event and
These guys have been given indefinite, you know, timetable to be down here.
I think that they just they want to have a detail of guardsmen in the city permanently.
What they're doing is it's actually made the city more of a police state.
The whole entire eastern half of the city is still badly damaged and mostly uninhabited and it's allowed them to condense the remaining police force into the populated areas.
And so, I mean,
You drive down the streets and there's cops on every single corner.
They're putting in curfews.
The newspaper just keeps running all these articles about how this is good.
You listen to local radio and same thing.
They're just telling you, oh, it's so great.
It's the solution to everything.
I don't know.
It's just preposterous.
Have you seen the troops yourself?
I saw them when they came in.
They came in in a big, big, huge... Convoy.
And they set up at the convention center, but they're mostly located on the eastern half of the city.
You really don't get to see them too much, but they do have shoot-to-kill orders.
Yeah, that's on the record.
Yeah, troops to kill Americans.
Listen, it's been the government's hope and dream for decades.
We have their own documents, PDD 25 and others.
We've talked to emergency managers that have been briefed.
Thomas Sanchez, Kingsville, Texas, told us about it on air.
Training to take our guns, training to shoot us.
I've been to Urban Warfare drills where they're training for this.
This is all a laboratory test to set the precedent, just like Dutch troops, Mexican troops, putting out wildfires in 2000, helping with the disaster in New Orleans, setting that precedent.
I have Ridge on tape, I have Bush on tape, I have Tommy Frank saying, we need to have troops on the street.
This is the new America.
And so they're setting that precedent and they've got to set that precedent and it may only be in New Orleans now but the national news can show it over and over again and equate it with safety.
Well the spooky thing is that there's really there's no local voices saying that this is not a good thing like I said it you know when you read the newspaper articles you know they'll have little excerpts and snippets of talking to residents and
You know, you don't ever hear anybody expressing any kind of concern about it.
And that's all selectively done.
I mean, we've done reports here where I have a friend who works at the airport in security.
He watched News 8 Austin talk, I think you said to 44 people, all saying they were against the increase in security and it was a police state.
Then they found one little old lady that liked the troops being there, this was like a few months ago, and they put her on the news.
And he said when he saw her do that, he knew that would be on the news and that's what was on the news.
Yeah, and I mean, the other thing, too, is the city has a completely different plan of action in case of a storm this year.
Now, there's going to be no shelters offered at all in the city, it will be mandatory evacuation, and they will use buses and trains.
To take to all these different hurricane centers throughout the country.
And so the next time they tell us to get on buses and trains, well we've all seen it before.
It's safe to do that.
They admit that the people will be tagged with wristbands for tracking purposes.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Let us not forget that we have ABC and NBC news clips.
There's no point in airing it again.
I've aired it too much.
Where they admit that the troops went in there and confiscated guns, even in high and dry wealthy areas.
It's bad anywhere, but it just shows that they didn't bring aid in, they didn't bring food in, they didn't even save the emergency manager's mother who sat there and watered a nursing home for five days and finally died.
And the cops sat there and took orders and didn't save their family members.
I mean, that is pathetic.
And FEMA cut the police radio lines, they sabotaged, they wouldn't let fuel in, they wouldn't let water in, to have things break down so they could then put troops in, and so they could then keep people out of the city, and they could then repossess the land as they've now announced they will.
We told you they wanted to be some new international development zone, and that is now happening.
Again, FEMA quote screws up, they get double the funding, that's now official, and even more powers.
We have civil war in Iraq.
They get to stay decades, build permanent bases, and now they've spent $400 billion.
You see how that works?
The drug war is a total failure.
More drugs, more prisons, more crime.
And the government calls it a success.
It is.
They bring the drugs in.
You see?
They spend more money on education.
People get even stupider, more dumbed down, more uneducated.
It's a great success.
Everything the government wants to do, we have their own documents, they're doing.
Dumb us down, ship drugs in, break down society, create crises.
Out of that they then centralize control.
The New World Order's motto is, Order Out of Chaos.
Bush even slipped up once.
It was at the end of my film, American Dictators, in a press conference.
He says, we're bringing you order out of chaos.
And he says, I mean, you know, things get bad and then we make it better.
According to their plan.
So don't forget.
Don't ever forget.
That we have all this video of them gun confiscating.
In fact, I can't help it.
Just find it.
Find the ABC one with the gun confiscations place.
Let's just cue it up to the part where they're grabbing the guns because it's too long to play the whole thing.
I think it's like 30 seconds.
Well, I'll just actually play the whole thing when we come back from break.
Understand, if there's an emergency, you're not going to get food and water.
You're going to have armed troops led by FBI teams, that's who led the regular Army and National Guard, coming to take your guns.
Remember, this is the same mayor, and the same governor, and the same feds that ordered gun confiscation.
A federal judge told them to stop.
They didn't stop.
Then they said they never made the announcement when the police chief and the mayor made it on TV, and it was in the New York Times, and now they're back at it, and they've been ordered by a federal judge to turn the guns back over to people they took them from.
They're not doing it.
Imagine, you're high and dry, you're fine, you got food, you're in your house.
A week later, they show up and they say, come out of your house, get in the paddy wagon,
And give us your guns.
And they go in and they take your great granddaddy's black powder shotgun that's worth $10,000.
They take the .22 your grandfather gave you when you were 9.
They take the Bowie knife your father gave you.
They take everything you've got.
They take your HK-91 that you bought.
They load it all in there laughing and snickering a bunch of young punks.
A bunch of gang member troops with tattoos all over them.
And they drive off laughing at you and you're in the back of a paddy wagon.
That's the new America!
We'll be right back.
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Imagine what our founding fathers would think.
Think about it.
It's really happening in the United States.
Every excuse they can get, anytime somebody shoots at a cop or shoots somebody, they'll shut down neighborhoods and make everybody come out with their guns and lay them down on the street.
There's gun buyback programs.
They're brainwashing kids that guns are illegal.
There's federally paid for billboards up all over the country.
They're all over Texas.
And I see them wherever I go around the nation that show a picture of a revolver and it says report illegal guns.
The average idiot public sees that and then thinks all guns are illegal.
I had a carpet cleaner in my house one time, saw a gun in a gun case on the wall, started asking if that was illegal.
I mean, this is the mentality.
This is what's happening.
Bush is double the size of the BATF.
Bob Barr has told you on this show, he's on the NRA board, that Bush is more anti-gun than Clinton in actions, not in rhetoric.
But it doesn't matter because it feels good to love George W. Here, here's the gun confiscation in New Orleans from ABC.
Go ahead and roll it.
That includes New Orleans, where today authorities stepped up their efforts to empty the city.
Bob Woodruff is there again tonight with an extraordinary human drama unfolding.
That's true, Elizabeth, and good evening from New Orleans.
Here the police and the National Guard find themselves in a very difficult position tonight to try to carry out an order to force people from the city without actually using force.
Today in New Orleans, they got a lot tougher on the holdouts.
Not only the flooded areas, but New Orleans' driest and wealthiest neighborhoods, too.
The police and National Guard going street by street, house to house.
We need to make sure, too, that whenever we knock on doors, people refuse to leave.
We need to make note, call again.
They say there are no orders to use force, just strong persuasion.
Sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn.
And instructions to disarm anyone inside.
You said guns will be taken?
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
That happened today in this wealthy neighborhood, where homeowners had armed themselves to protect their mansions.
Residents were handcuffed on the ground.
In the end, police took their weapons, but let them stay in their homes.
They were a little bit threatened because our weapons were bigger than their weapons.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
This guard unit occupied a church, using it as a base camp.
They had to leave a note because they could not get hold of the pastor to get permission.
It is, it is surreal.
You just never, you never expect to do this in your own country.
Chris Montgomery says he'd rather be in Iraq than patrolling American neighborhoods.
Walking up and down these streets, you don't... you don't want to think about the stuff that you're gonna have to do.
Somebody pops around the corner, and you shoot an American.
And you shoot an American, yeah!
Now notice again they use any crisis they can as a pretext to promote and do this and we always told you there was a big disaster they come for your guns.
They don't bring water, they don't bring food, they bring their guns to take your guns.
If you're in trouble, if you're stuck, you're not trusted, they're coming to kick down your door and to take your guns.
So when the criminal elements of the government release smallpox
Or Bird Flu, or Nuka City, or a Dirty Bomb, or whatever they do.
And of course they'll be behind it.
They'll march the troops out, and the troops will say, Well, we did this in New Orleans.
Well, we've got to do it.
Somebody a few days ago shot at us, so the whole city's guilty now.
And it turns out most of it was people shooting at looters, and cops would hear it over the next hill, panic, or it'd be police shooting wild dogs or alligators, and then the cops hear the shooting and freak out.
Just like at the Capitol, a jackhammer's going off, so the cops all run around and shut down every school in the city, and shut down roads, and shut down the Capitol, and run around pointing guns at congressmen, saying, Turn off!
Don't talk to those news cameras!
Yes, sir, Capitol Police.
I take orders from you and the executive.
These are all martial law drills.
Well, there's that butt.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we've got William Rodriguez, one of the heroes of 9-11, has been on with us a few times in the last month to give us his report on the historical 9-11 conference that we had in California over the weekend.
I want to thank all of you that did come.
Sorry for those of you that missed it.
Right now though, let's go ahead and take some calls.
Let's talk to Gideon in Iowa.
Gideon, you're on the air.
Hey, how are you doing, Alex?
I just wanted to say thank you so very much for stating the facts that we have got to come together as Jews, as Catholics, as Orthodox, as, you know, Protestants, all of us together because we're fighting a common enemy.
I want to read you a quick statement.
It says, The enemy forces, inspired by the evil spirit, ever wage war on the Christian name.
They join forces in this endeavor with certain groups of men whose purpose is to subvertly
We're good to go.
Which strong and manpower and resources is the leader in a war against anything sacred?
That was written in 1892 by Pope Leo XIII and it talks about how the Catholic institutions in Italy were being invaded.
And then fast forward and you got Mexico and the Cristeros Uprising where they're hanging people from their arms
And, uh, just slashing their feet, you know?
And they took... I mean, think about it.
You've got 1892 in Italy.
You've got the Pope warning the public and the bishops of Italy about Freemason recruitment in.
Then you've got Mussolini.
You know, then you've got Mexico being taken over by the Masons.
How much longer before it's us?
Well, I would be clear, criminal elements at the top of the Masonic order.
Most Masons don't even know what's going on at the higher rooms.
That's why the Mason symbol is the pyramid, because it's a symbol of compartmentalization.
The average Mason hears us say that and doesn't understand that they're not even aware of what's going on in the higher levels.
Yes, yes, I'm aware of that.
I'm just trying to say that this is who our common enemy is, you know.
We need to get together
As a group of people and say, okay, these are the guys that are infiltrating our ranks.
There was a guy that just recently up in Minnesota, he's a Catholic priest.
He spoke out against what was called a safe touch program that they were trying to implement in Catholic schools.
And you know, once again, we have them causing the problem and then offering the solution and the solution, you know, is worse than the disease.
And he comes out and speaks against this.
And they shut his radio show down.
They've got him in a nursing home working right now.
His name is Father Altiers.
And, you know, this is happening across the spectrum.
It's not just... I mean, you can drive by and see Protestant churches with Masonic symbols in there.
And you can also, you know, see it happening, the corruption in the Catholic Church and among the Orthodox.
The Orthodox warn about it.
You know, we've got to come together and agree to fight this thing.
Well, I know this.
Well, I mean, I know this.
We need to address the evils, the world government, the open borders, the gun control.
We need to, at every front, agree to fight those issues and agree to stand together to defend the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
I appreciate your call.
I'm going to try to jam one more call in here.
Jim in Texas, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Alex.
I'm over here at the Texas State Capitol building.
The scene of the crime that transpired on, uh, this past Sunday morning, where I was arrested for exercising my First Amendment right to free speech.
And, uh... What happened?
Well, in addition to, uh, the police brutality, the false imprisonment, false arrest, official oppression, the whole works that they try to throw at you, they also stole my private property, which consisted of
You know what?
I'm going to have my guest on and I'll get back to you, Jim.
We'll take off while the guest is on with us.
He's William Rodriguez.
So Jim, Bradley, Cliff, Rico, others, stay there.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
And the behavior of our police is a reflection of our government.
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Here's just a sample from my documentary film, Police State 2 The Takeover.
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Come on, Bill.
Two weeks ago you were riding a bicycle, and today you're showing up in your new car and telling me you're buying a house?
What did you do, rob Bill Gates?
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What was that website again?
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Thanks, Bill.
I'm going there right now.
Check, please!
Uh, you got this one, right, Bill?
Sure, John.
Don't forget, it's www.DidYouRobBillGates.com.
Next time, you'll be buying me lunch.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Too long.
Just popping in to give us his view on the historical 9-11 Truth Conference that we had in Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th.
He did just a fabulous job in his speech breaking down what happened on 9-11 and now his travels around the world exposing 9-11 as an inside job.
We'll go back to your calls and a bunch of other news that we haven't even gotten to yet.
But William Rodriguez, good to talk to you again.
Thank you, Alex, and thank you again for having me on the conference.
It was like the greatest conference I've ever been here in the United States.
I've been to many, many, many of them, and this one was by far the largest, and the response from the audience was overwhelming.
The audience was so nice, so touched by everybody in terms of their information, and I tell you, we need to do a bigger one next time because this
A lot of people were still hungry for more and more contact with us and we weren't able to reach to everybody because it was so many people.
So we need to have more of these events and I want to thank you personally because, oh man, you are a preacher.
You are definitely a preacher.
You brought everybody to tears out there because you were so good with your speech and the organization, your people, your staff.
Kevin was great.
I tell you, everybody went out happy from this conference and with a lot of information.
And the media, the coverage from the media was overwhelming.
It was fantastic and it was great to meet you in person and Jimmy Walter in person.
I feel like I knew you guys already so many times talking to you over the years.
Your speech, I have to tell you, people really thought that it was informative and it brought a lot of people to tears.
Why don't you just give us a synopsis of what you did talk about?
Well, I did speak about my experience on 9-11, how I had to survive under the rubble, how I went up the stairwells actually, floor by floor, letting people to escape for safety, and the whole thing about how I experienced explosions in the buildings in different areas on the lower levels, something that actually destroyed the
Official story of the 9-11 Commission and how I went to Congress with a group of family members to ask for the investigation to be created, and how they omitted all the information of my experience and took me to people that I made available to them, but they were never called.
So people were appalled, angry, they were in shock that this happened, and also they wanted to create a call for action.
And thanks to these
I don't know.
The general population was good, but at the same time, the Hollywood people were amazing.
And I can tell you again, I have to congratulate you, because we never had something of an outreach in this way before.
Well, Charlie Sheen brought those two individuals, and one of them, of course, wrote Enemy of the State.
He's got a big movie coming out.
I believe early next year about government-sponsored terror, a Hollywood movie, and they were totally on board, totally out in the open.
They had a lot of courage to show up at that event.
There were some other people who were at the event who didn't want to be named who were even bigger, so a lot of people came to the event.
That was exciting.
Not only that, your video really blew everybody away.
Your new video is great.
It's fantastic.
I urge everybody to go to the website, Infowars.com.
And try to get this information out there.
Because, like I said, we need to be informed.
We need to be prepared.
Because if we don't, we're going to be living in a martial law state.
Well, you're right.
The only problem with the conference was that it wasn't big enough.
1,200 people, and it was overflow.
Hundreds that couldn't get in, who tried to show up and get tickets.
We could have easily had 3,000 people there.
I believe so.
I definitely believe so.
And a lot of people have to be turned away because there were no tickets available.
There was no space.
And we have to abide by the fire law in the hotel.
So, you know, I feel so sorry for a lot of people that weren't able to actually to reach out to us.
So I believe that, you know, something new and bigger should be done by you and I'd be on board right away because I think we can do something bigger next time.
Well, it was great meeting your lovely wife as well.
She sure is nice.
Oh, she's gorgeous.
She's like, I'm so in love with that woman.
I can imagine why.
She's very nice.
But did she have a good time?
She had a wonderful time.
People were so nice.
Like she said, she thought it was going to be a manipulation of the message like she had present in other venues, and she was amazed by the level of education, by the level of intelligence of the people that were there.
This was not a regular event, like I said.
You have, like, you know, top experts.
You have the names of the 9-11 movement, the top names there, and at the same time, we were able to reach out to the
The national media, which is good because... Well, you brought up a key point, and I don't want to air too much of this because I think it can be divisive, but it is true that at other big 9-11 meetings there's always an attempt to restrict and control and tell people what they can and can't talk about.
We didn't do that, did we?
We told people to talk about whatever they wanted.
Listen, we have diverging points of view.
I don't agree with a lot of the things that a lot of people said in the
But again, the message was what was important.
You see, we were able to put together this group of different points of view and came out to have what we call a coalition of a mission.
And the mission is to unmask the government about the lies of what happened on 9-11, unmask the lies, and at the same time create interest from people that doesn't know anything about 9-11.
That was the main mission and I think we really did a good job of that and I want to thank you for coming to the event.
You did an excellent job and really woke a lot of people up and increased their knowledge about what really happened on 9-11.
William Rodriguez, where do you go from here?
What country is next on your international tour that's already been to Venezuela, already been to Europe, already been to Japan, already been to many other areas?
Now I'm going to Jakarta, Indonesia.
And from Jakarta, Indonesia to South Africa.
We are leaving on the 27th to Indonesia, coming back on August 1st.
From August 1st, we're going to go to South Africa.
From South Africa, we're going to go to London to have a peace conference with Yvonne Redlee, the lady that was captured by the Taliban.
You may remember this from the BBC, the reporter, which is putting this huge international conference together in the UK, and we will be one of the keynote speakers over there as well.
Well, that's going to be incredibly exciting.
Are there any key websites you want to give out for anybody out there?
Reopen911.org and definitely Infowars.com.
Definitely that one.
Well, you know what?
This was such a success.
I just want to ask you a favor and your audience because so many people were trying to reach me and try to get in contact with me and I have, since I'm traveling so much, I will ask that actually you, sir,
As a mediator, and anybody that wants to contact us or anything, to call you directly, to call the website, because I'm going to be traveling, so I won't be able to manage all this information coming from... Sure, so if media wants to call you, we can just pass it on to you?
Yes, definitely.
Please do that.
Can we give the media your computer phone number?
Yes, definitely.
Okay, well we'll be glad to do that, William.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Definitely that we are going to be creating a big coalition with Alex.
Definitely we're going to call Alex the preacher because he is great.
If you haven't seen Alex in person doing his speech, you are going to be blown away.
This is something that... I was so shocked when I saw you in person and you moved me so much, like you moved everybody else in that audience.
And I tell you this, you should go into the lecture circuit
You definitely need to do that, because you have tremendous charisma, power, and you give motivation and enthusiasm and disposition to the people that listen to you, and of course, your knowledge about the facts and the events of 9-11, false flag,
Insight, terrorism, all of that put together, you have a unique talent and I want to congratulate you.
Well, I tell you William, I don't think we're going to have an event anytime soon.
I'm going to try to go to New York and support the Loose Change Boys and hopefully we can see you there.
But who knows, six months from now or so, maybe we'll have another mega event and have 3,000 people instead of 1,200.
Yes, please, please, please.
And if you do, I will be there, definitely.
Well, God bless you, William Rodriguez, and we will be talking to you in the very near future, and thank you for attending the event, and thank you for all your support, my friend.
I salute you and your courage.
Thank you so much, and I will be calling you from Indonesia to give you an update on what's happening there.
Yes, sir.
Please let us get you on from Indonesia, and you say you're going to be going there in late July?
That is correct.
All right.
We will talk to you then, sir.
Vaya con Dios!
God bless.
And he's a hero.
He rode 9-11, went in there and helped the firefighters get hundreds of people out of the building, personally guided 15 people out, went back in, and even after explosions were going off in the base, and then the building collapsed on him, he was the last non-emergency personnel member to be pulled.
I don't want to call him a civilian.
You know, they use that military nomenclature where the government's military, and we're quote civilian, but he was the last
Civilian pulled from the rubble alive.
We're going to go to break.
When we come back, I'm going to let John, who we went to briefly, finish up, or Jim, excuse me, then Bradley, Cliff, Rico, and others.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
I want to get back into Limbaugh, and when he's up to a big scandal there, I want to get, and I'll tell you why I think it's important.
It's the hypocrisy.
And then I want to get into how they're trying to go after reporters who exposed 9-11, excuse me, NSA crimes.
And I want to get into the latest Iran developments as well.
We'll have a brief update next hour from one of the people detained by the Royal Mounted Police in Canada at Bilderberg.
We had one of them on for you.
Early last week, we're going to have another one on for you, coming up in the next hour.
All this and a lot more today!
We've still got an hour and 40 minutes left, so stay with us.
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Alright, let's move quick through your calls.
We'll get into more news in the next segment.
Alright, Jim in Texas, we had to cut you off at the beginning of the last hour.
You were getting into how, I've met Jim, I know Jim.
Jim's running for Governor.
He's down there at the illegal alien, or anti-illegal alien rally, and you're saying the Capitol Police, they're usually pretty nice to me, but you're saying the Capitol Police grabbed you, arrested you, took your signs, what happened?
Well, they confiscated private property.
I had campaign signs supporting my drive to become Governor of Texas.
And they didn't like what was written on them, so they just kept two or three of them, Alex.
In addition to arresting me and then releasing me without charging me, uh, plus the... Well, how long were they holding you?
How long were they holding you?
Two and a half hours.
I wasn't free to go.
That is certainly an arrest by every yardstick.
So why did they grab you?
What was going on?
Well, Preston Woolridge was in town, and he brought a couple of patriots to the south steps of the Capitol.
To voice a little publicity to our cause of keeping our country free from foreign invaders.
And then they said you hadn't reserved a spot.
Well, I didn't like what I was saying, Alex.
Let me just ask you, because we always just... Governor Perry, how are you?
Let me just... Alex, Governor Perry, right here.
Yes, sir.
Glad to meet you, sir.
Here's Alex Jones.
Would you like to talk to him?
How are you doing, Brother Jones?
Hello, Rick Perry.
You holding down the fort there?
He sure is.
Is this really Rick Perry?
Oh, get out of here.
You don't think your man here would try to trick you, do you?
No, I don't think he would.
Alex, you know he would not pull the wool over your eye.
No, it sounds like Rick Perry.
I know I do.
I do sound like him, don't I?
It is.
And I look like him too, don't I?
Well, Governor, okay, okay, did you see me at a Mexican food restaurant?
No, were you there last night?
Did I see you at Laue de Leon?
No, no, no, not last night.
I was at, uh, I was at Guero's last night.
This isn't the Governor.
Governor, did, uh, did I, did I bullhorn you in Vicente Fox?
No, you did that.
You totally did that.
Out in front of the house.
And you were sweating like a hog, man.
You were hot.
You were boiling hot out there, Jones.
Well, besides, Bucks was in the air conditioning.
So why are you stopping and talking to Jim, Governor?
He's running against you.
Because he was just standing up here and he said, come on, let's visit.
So we did.
Why wouldn't I?
You think I'm not a personable kind of guy?
No, Governor, I think you're very personable.
You know I am.
You know I am.
Okay, is this really Rick Perry?
No way!
He's proselyting me now.
And I'm telling him, I said, he's got a long way to go.
Well, I'm an Aggie, you know, that's as close as I can get, man.
Alright, Jonesy, I gotta go have lunch with my wife.
Hold on, Governor, are you gonna secure our border?
We are securing it as you speak, brother.
We are, we're making, we're making, we're making better, we're making better progress than anybody else is, I'll tell you that.
I'm just monitoring stations and cameras down there, I don't want to harm troops.
No, no, no.
We're, we're moving on that way.
It's serious.
Bye, Governor.
Thank you, sir.
Take care.
Was that really Perry?
Alex, I hate to put you on the spot, Alex, but that was Governor Perry.
It sounded like him.
Jim, are you joking?
I am very serious.
Why did he get on his own?
Perry goes to his black suburban, sir.
And he's calling me Jonesy now.
I guess he is.
Did you have any of your buddies down there to catch that on videotape?
No, sir.
My daughter's here with me.
Let me talk to your daughter.
There she is.
Folks, I know Jim.
Jim doesn't joke around.
Say hi to Alex.
Say hi to Alex.
Was that just the governor on the phone?
Tell him.
Tell him it was the governor.
It was Governor Rick Perry.
Well, wait.
Your daddy just said tell him it was the governor.
Was it the governor?
How old are you?
Oh, three.
Man, this show gets weirder and weirder every day.
Yeah, she does not lie, Alex.
Now, he does.
He lies all the time.
I know you're down there almost every day, Jim, but what in the world are you... How did you get Rick Perry on the phone?
Well, he come walking right past me.
I'm right here at the back door where he likes to sneak out and escape.
Did you hear me say Mexican food?
And he goes, were you there last night?
Well... Hey Jim, I've known you for years and I haven't known you to lie.
Okay, on a stack of Bibles, was that really Rick Perry?
I swear to God, and my daughter doesn't lie either.
No, I know Rick Perry's voice.
That was Rick Perry.
Oh, it was him.
It was him, Alex.
How fortuitous that I went to you.
I thought it wasn't at first.
I should have asked him some harder questions.
Stay there.
We'll come right back.
Okay, Alex.
That's it.
I've got to try to get Perry on this show.
Things get weirder and weirder.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down... Yeah, old Rick Perry and I go way back.
Back in 98 when Bush had me kidnapped in front of all the news cameras for asking a question.
Perry was there getting whispered in his ear by Bush.
That's Alex Jones.
That's the guy who...
And I've seen Perry around here and there.
I don't mess with him when he's with his family at a restaurant or on the jogging trail.
You know, I give people their privacy.
But I told the story of right around Thanksgiving, it was the week before Thanksgiving, a few days before I was at Lauebo-Leon, and he walks into the big eating halls.
They've got like three big rooms.
We're in the back.
He walks in, stares at me, and Malcolm,
Who helps with the TV show goes, that's Rick Perry, he's looking at us.
And I turn and Rick Perry's looking right at me.
He stares at me, he walks back out, comes back with security people, has them walking to the table, but I guess he felt like a chicken.
So after he walks past, he turns around, walks over to our table, puts his hands on Malcolm's shoulders,
And says, I want you guys to have a really happy Thanksgiving.
And looks me right in the eyes and walks off.
And I'm sitting there with my mouth hanging open with enchiladas in it.
And I mean, Rick Perry, give me a break, ladies and gentlemen.
It doesn't get any more New World Order than that.
And then Jim Dillon, who I've known for years.
And Jim doesn't make stuff up.
He's a real wild man.
He goes down there like twice a week and basically runs around the Capitol getting in their faces.
Jim, I've got Marty on.
I'm going to go to Marty here in just a second.
But just a minute ago, live, we had Rick Perry on the show.
Now I'm going to try to get him on as a guest.
And usually, you said he runs past you, but you told him Alex Jones is on the phone.
Tell him the story.
Tell us how it happened.
Well, he comes out of the back, south side of the Capitol door, and I'm standing here on the phone with you talking about a different thing altogether.
I thought maybe you'd like to have a conversation with him, so I gave him my phone.
And sure enough, he knows who you are.
Yeah, you said talk to Alex Jones, but you said usually you basically chase him to his Suburban.
This time he didn't do that, though.
No, well... What did you say this time?
What did you say to him exactly?
Governor Perry!
Hey, I've got Alex Jones on the phone.
Why don't you talk to him?
And I handed it to him.
Of course, I was standing between him and his black Suburban limousine, and
So he couldn't exactly, you know, he either had to walk around me or take the phone.
And, uh, he's a knucklehead.
I told him, I don't know if you could hear it, uh, remotely, because he had the phone and I didn't, but... Yes, he went still a little longer, Dillon, but you were yelling at him.
I did hear it.
Right, and I told him, I said, Governor Perry, you're losing votes even as we speak right now, but I want you to vote for me.
But I chased him to his, uh,
chauffeured limousine here a couple months ago with bullhorn in hand and he literally did Alex, he literally did run and get in his vehicle.
Of course I could come on over and tap on his darkly tinted windows.
But he didn't run this time.
Was he smiling when he was on the phone?
He was having a good time.
He was smiling, laughing.
Hey Jim, you've got to start tearing a video camera Bubba.
I guess I should.
They're like, a good one's 300 bucks now.
345 or so.
Yeah, I got one.
Don't carry it very often.
You need to train your daughter there to videotape for you.
How old is she?
She's 11.
She's 11.
She's my campaign manager, Alex.
Oh Jim, you're something else.
Yeah, she knows Governor Perry.
She's met him before.
Sure, sure.
So what else?
So after the governor was done, did he run to his limo?
No, he calmly walked to his limo because he'd have a good time and he got safely off the phone with you without too much damage being done.
Well, I spent the first minute or two trying to figure it out, but I was like, this sounds like Rick Perry.
And you are at the Capitol.
I know you kind of sneak around there all day.
Well, there's no sneaking around about it.
You're like an ogre down there.
Well, I'm waiting to go in to talk to Captain Vargas about reclaiming my private property.
So why did they say they took your signs?
They didn't like the mess that was on them.
Defend the border.
Of course I have my Jim Dillon for Governor signs.
I have to do that.
Well, you know, the state police eight years ago lost, what was it, four $100,000 suits.
Well, the suits were for like a million a piece, but each person got $100,000 the last time they did that, so they've been behaving themselves.
Oh, I told them Sunday when they arrested me, I said, you guys have nothing?
I would advise you to release me.
You're going to lose your job over this.
I'm going to sue your pants off.
Well, that's why they let me bullhorn Perry.
For those that don't know, we never put the video on the web.
I dug it out of storage.
Let me just tell the story, Dylan.
We've got to go to our guest.
I dug it out of storage last week.
I have the video where I bullhorned Vicente Fox from 25 feet away.
Yeah, that was 3 or 4 years ago.
Yeah, they tried to come out for a press conference and they couldn't even talk.
I shut them down.
And I guess Perry didn't forget that, did he?
And he's right, I was sweating like a hog.
Yes, you were.
You were working hard.
You were working hard, Alex.
And there's nothing wrong with sweating.
That's what built this country.
I know that.
Hey, Jim, call me later this week and let me know exactly what happened to you.
I'm out of time.
I appreciate your call.
Okay, Alex.
Have a good one.
Jim Dillon ought to be our reporter down there while he runs for governor.
That way he can sneak up on these people all the time.
One time I had the Speaker of the House many years ago walk up and tell me he was a big fan.
So they all watch the show.
They listen to the show.
They know we're on to what they're doing.
They're all, I wouldn't call them fans, but some of these creeps like to, I guess, hear about themselves.
So, okay, now the show's gone from really weird to totally bizarre.
And I apologize to our esteemed guest having to hold the last five minutes.
And that is Marty Schachter.
Schachten, he is the three-generation owner
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I now have a lot of it.
I get a lot of it.
My staff buys it.
I gave my parents some last night again.
They love it.
My dad had unwrapped one of the bars going, gee, this smells good.
Marty, we are going from the Governor of Texas to you, and I think you're a lot more important than him.
Hey Alex, let's clean up America!
Yeah, we need to send Rick Perry some of your soap.
That's a good idea.
Yeah, he sure needs it.
Marty, tell us about the best organic, the cheapest organic soap out there.
What, 59 years of operation?
Right, well we offer a year's supply of pure soap products
That's made in America for Americans to be used by Americans.
These are real soaps.
The one-year supply weighs out at 65 pounds.
That's equal to 2,000 pounds of detergents in the supermarket.
Now, these are triple concentrated.
They will last one up to two years for a family of four.
We've been making this, again, for almost 60 years.
Nothing like it in America.
The costs are nothing like it available anywhere.
This is the greatest bargain that can be produced by us for the American consumer.
This is $125 plus United parcel to your door.
Now what does that break down to?
It breaks down to $3.25 a week.
Now what's it costing you now?
For your laundry soap and bath soap and hair soap and dish soap and all purpose cleaner, soap cleaners and all the different chemicals and sprays and poisons and toxic that you don't need!
What is it like 24 or 22 percent of the average budget?
This is mainstream numbers?
That someone spends on chemicals?
A family spends $100 a week, 20 percent of that goes for cleaning chemicals!
I thought it was $22, but okay.
Well, from $20 to $22, that's still a minimum of $20 a week.
That's over $1,000 a year going down the drain with nothing to show for it.
How do you guys, you're certified organic, it's on your website by the state of California and others, how do you guys sell super good organic pure subs made out of nothing but plants, plant oils, citrus oils, how do you do it and save 85%?
We eliminated the middleman, we eliminated the jobber, the wholesaler, the salesman, everybody that marks up the product.
We're factory direct and we can give the American consumer greatest bargain in cleaning products they've ever had.
Products that are twice as good as what they're using now.
Well, Marty, I want to challenge people and call and get the beautiful free catalog or get the $14 sampler pack.
What do you get in the $14 sampler pack?
Well, it's a six pound package of the four basic soaps.
Bath soap, air soap, dish soap, and laundry soap.
Nylon scouring pad, book of instructions.
All this, $14.
Plus United Parcel, it could be about $10, $10.50 to ship to your door.
We're talking about a product here that'll last anywhere from four to eight weeks.
We want the products to speak for themselves.
Once you use our bar soap for your shower or bathtub, there's nothing like it in the world!
Your skin will be alive!
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We don't need all those chemicals!
Just 80% cocoa butter, 20% vegetable oils, and you've got yourself a product that no one has!
And we're very stubborn, very old-fashioned, and very conservative in our pure silk products.
Give people the toll-free number.
That's 800-340-7091.
Or you can quickly check us on the web, 5 Star Soap.
I think.
But love them.
We create love affairs with all our clients.
5starsoap.com or kalbenpuresoap.com.
There's a big fat banner on the left hand side of InfoWars.com over to KalbenPureSoap.
Again, that's 5starsoap.com or 1-800-340-7091.
And folks, you know, I don't sell you the magic medical cures.
I don't, you know, videotapes, books.
Well, I was in the Army in 1945 to 47.
My father retired from government service, and we used to go shopping together.
I was not married then.
And, uh, we discovered that all the all-natural soaps, like Galuxe, like Ivory, like Felt Naphtha, like White King, were gone!
And it says, you know, they're selling detergents.
Now, I knew about detergents because I was in chemical warfare in Japan.
And I said, detergents are harmful.
They're not worth the cost.
They're made from waste products.
So I said, why don't we start a little soap company and convert people back to good old-fashioned soap?
And that's how we started.
And by the way, I've had family and friends that look at your bars of soap and they go, I stayed in a five-star hotel once and this is what they had.
Your soaps are in the best hospitals and the most luxurious hotels.
Why is that the only place I've ever seen your soap?
Well, because we originally started our company only selling institutions.
Hotels, hospitals, school departments, retirement centers.
We did not know how to get to the consumer from Procter, Lever and Colgate.
We were too young and too inexperienced and too immature and it took about three years ago
I got a phone call from Michael Trudeau at Genesis Communication Network.
He says, I've heard about your products.
How would you like to advertise them on the radio to the consumers?
Well, I was in deep shock then because I never thought of that.
And that's how we started with Genesis telling the people they have freedom of choice.
They don't have to buy all ties and all... Has that helped your business?
Considerably, because we went direct to the consumer.
We did not go to a store.
We didn't mark up the products.
We sold it factory direct, and we still got people after all these years.
Alex, thank you.
Let me close with a little tiny poem.
A bee's a busy little soul.
He has no time for birth control.
That is why, in times like these,
We have so many sons of bees.
Take care, my friend.
Thank you, Alex.
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Okay, we have him on once a month.
Thanks for bearing with us, but it's important information and I really do believe in it.
Who's up next here?
Who's been holding the longest?
Bradley in Tennessee.
You're a trooper.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Bradley.
Hi Alex, I'd like to give you guys a special thanks for standing up to the New World Order and actually putting your lives on the line for the future.
What did you think of that Governor bit earlier?
Well I thought that was pretty crazy.
He got on the phone and of course I couldn't tell if he was being friendly to you or being rude.
He was being sarcastic.
Well look, what I'd like to talk about is all of these new Hollywood
Celebrities that are starting to come out and talk about the 9-11 issue.
But, as far as Charlie Sheen goes, I know he's sincere.
I can tell whenever I listen to the way that he speaks.
But, you know, like this new guy, Tom, from Blink-182, I'm not going to say that he's fake or not, but what I would like to say is that in the past, you know, there have been
Yeah, but they'll work with celebrities to get up on television like I saw this weekend and say how great the war is.
It won't be 9-11's an inside job.
In the future, though, what I expect to see once more and more people start coming out and talking about it
Is perhaps some celebrities that will say, oh you know 9-11 was an inside job or it wasn't done by Al-Qaeda and associate themselves with the 9-11 truth movement and then turn around to their fan base and say, oh well you know I did research into that and it's a bunch of bull, it's just a conspiracy theory.
Sure, well anything like that can happen sir, but again you can tell when something's genuine and when it isn't.
Government agents I don't think are going to say it's an inside job to begin with.
They're going to do the opposite.
They're going to attack us, and they have been attacking us.
Or they'll pose as patriots and then say we're agents.
I see.
Yeah, believe me, the New World Order doesn't come right out and say that it was involved in the attacks, okay?
Believe me, they're scared to death of that, but I appreciate your call and I appreciate your concern.
You wouldn't believe
The music group, one of the biggest in the world right now, there's actually two groups that I have talked to personally, this office has, who are on the verge of going public.
They make Blink-182 look like a tiddlywink.
We'll be right back.
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Man, I love that song.
That's a groove right there.
I'm having a little bit too much fun today.
I gotta knock it off.
Let's continue with some of your phone calls.
I will get into Lord Limbaugh, the latest Iran situation, a bunch of other police state news on the NSA front.
Filling out for reporters to try to expose it.
Just very briefly before I go back to calls.
It's out.
It's here.
I'm not waiting.
I'm putting out this first version of Terror Storm.
It's about four minutes longer than the final version that will be on the official DVD in about a month.
We can't wait on this, so we're burning them right here in-house.
They work on all DVD players.
I burned about 1,100 copies before I went to California.
We've got about 450 left.
When those are gone, then you'll have to wait
Until the official version comes out.
This version right now doesn't have the extras on it.
But we need to get this out to people right now.
It's a collector's item.
Please go to InfoWars.com and secure your copies of Terror Storm today.
Or go to PrisonPlanet.tv and see this version right now as well.
There will be a final version that will be uploaded
PrisonPlanet.tv and we're uploading the big Bilderberg report we put together for you today.
That'll be up today and in a few days we're going to have about an hour and a half long synopsis of the conference up on Google Video for everybody for free.
That's the great part about Google Video.
I couldn't put video out, big ones, for free because it might cost $5,000 or $6,000 for one video in a month to do it if a couple million people watch it.
But with Google Video we can.
So now we've started Google Videoing here and just putting it out for free.
But we're going to put the whole conference up, my whole conference, all the big speakers and a lot of other good stuff up there in the next week or two.
We're going to keep uploading the different speeches for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
So there's a reason to be a PrisonPlanet.tv member right there.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to Cliff in Idaho.
Cliff, welcome.
Cliff hung up right as I was going to him.
Good job, Cliff.
I'm joking.
Rico, you're on the air with a cool name.
Where are you calling from?
Toronto, buddy.
I got a two-part question for you.
And, by the way, great work.
Thank you.
Keep doing it.
Keep banging.
Two-part question.
How do you see them both using the U.S.
as like a Trojan horse for worldwide control and both making the U.S.
fall because no superpower can be allowed to exist if the New World Order has to come into being?
You have hit the nail through the board, through the center of the earth.
That's it in a nutshell.
America is to be the new evil empire in the world's eyes.
Domestic propaganda makes us think we're still the good guys.
We take over a bunch of countries with a globalist, hand it over to the UN, the IMF, NATO, and then we are seen as the bad guys and financially totally implode into a third world police state.
That is the official plan.
Use us over the next five years as a global engine of empire and then implode us.
That's right.
That's it, brother.
That's exactly the plan.
Thank you so much.
Is that it?
Yeah, that's it.
I just wanted to kind of see your vision of how they're going to do it.
I know that's the plan.
I just want to see how they're going to basically, because I know they're developing the U.S.
If you look at it compared to the Canadian, it used to be three or four years ago, it used to be $0.50 on the dollar.
Now it's almost on par.
And by 2007, they said early, they'll be dollar per dollar.
Well, I mean, I was in Canada.
It's already dollar-for-dollar with Canada.
Oh yeah, I was in Canada and it's now the same.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, no, I was up there in the capital and it was dollar-for-dollar everywhere.
Every restaurant, every place we went, that's what happened.
I even exchanged some money there at the exchange.
I think the dollar was a few pennies above it.
So, I mean, there's another illustration right there for you.
We will start the third hour here momentarily.
And we will go to many others that are patiently holding.
I'm going to get just a quick report from one of the two individuals, one of the three individuals, that was detained by the Royal Mountain Police for simply being out there protesting the Bilderberg Group.
And get their take on what happened to them.
We'll tell you about their website where they detail the story as well.
We've got a link to that up on InfoWars.com.
Third hour is only 70 seconds away.
Stay with us.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll-free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yeah, we have confirmed that was Rick Perry who was on the line with us for a couple minutes in the last hour.
That's just classic.
Calling me Jonesy and saying I was sweating like a pig the time I bullhorned him.
I love it.
I love it.
We're having an effect on these people.
Now we got Alex, Dave, James, Dan, a lot of other callers we're going to be getting to.
We have a quick little guest to update us on what the Bilderberg Group did to them up in Canada.
Second witness to this we're going to have on air just briefly.
I've got a bunch of other news we'll be covering in this hour, so you'll want to stay with us.
And yeah, I think one more time I'll air that little seven minute clip of Charlie Sheen.
Just one more time.
Something like that needs to be aired.
We aired that in the first hour.
Yesterday I'll air it one more time.
For those who don't have internet out there, we've had requests, people that missed it, near the end of the show in this third hour.
Right now let's talk to Alex up in Canada, in Vancouver.
Welcome Alex!
Thank you.
Thank you very much, Mr. Jones.
I just wanted to compliment you on your new movie.
I checked it out last night online, and it's great, just like all your other work.
I just had an interesting fact for you guys.
You know how our border patrol, our border cops can't carry guns?
Which is ridiculous, but then your regular cops carry guns for you, the citizens.
Well, get this.
If you're taking the SkyTrain, which is kind of our subway that runs above ground, our SkyTrain security guys carry guns now.
Now I know, anybody on key infrastructure in these western countries, except for the US, isn't allowed to be armed.
But if you're oppressing the people, then you can be armed.
Yeah, it's really, really ridiculous.
You know, you can
Run the border and not be afraid of getting shot, but if you don't pay your $2.25 for your ticket, you could end up in a casket if your day's not going that well.
I know, and they've got U.S.
cops, including Texas State Police, mainstream news folks in Canada, training your people how to run checkpoints and violate... What's the equivalent of your Fourth Amendment up in Canada?
I know you've got something like that.
Oh, I've got no idea.
I think we're joining you guys for the trip down the toilet bowl here.
I think so, yeah.
We're all in the same toilet bowl.
Along with Mexico, eh?
Yep, we're all going down the same toilet bowl together.
Yeah, exactly.
So we'll see y'all down there.
Just one more question.
How often do you check your MySpace page?
I personally check it probably once a day.
Once a day?
I mean, I go look at it about once a day.
We're updating it right now.
It hasn't been updated in about a week.
All right.
Yeah, because I just added you, but I guess you haven't checked it for a bit.
Well, every time we go to add new friends, there's like 300 new people, so sometimes my people get busy and we don't add new friends for a couple days, but we're on that.
You need another Alex on there.
Well, yeah, but that takes money.
I'm already trying to give all my employees raises around here.
I like that.
Oh, okay.
I see.
I see.
It's all a moolah issue, my friend.
Yeah, I guess the mighty dollar, eh?
The mighty dollar.
The all-seeing eye.
That's what it comes down to.
Yeah, we're working like... We're working like somebody trying to put out a hundred fires, basically.
Well, keep up the good work, man.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
All right, when we get back from break, we will be talking to Joe Byrd.
He didn't get the really horrible treatment that one of his friends got, who works there as an electrical engineer, as an engineer on the government power plants, nuclear power plants, government employee.
Simply out there, got grabbed, got nabbed, got taken to a facility.
They got taken, but not for as long and not as bad.
But they've written it all up in an article.
That they've got on a website they started for Canada now, so we'll be telling you about that on the other side.
We do have a big hour-long synopsis report of up-closes, video of the Queen of the Netherlands and the Rockefellers and all the scum at Bilderberg two, three weeks ago, two and a half weeks ago now to be technical, to be precise, and that'll be going up on PrisonPlanet.tv very, very soon.
Alright, on the other side of this quick break, we will get straight into that issue and a lot more.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Dave, James, Dan, other callers, we're gonna get to your calls.
The toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
It is the GCN Radio Network.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Here live, Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
You can go to the new website TruthMovement.ca TruthMovement.ca and read the immediate press release.
Terror Canadian style.
And I'm not usually at a loss for words, especially when it comes to truth, but a new acquaintance of mine recently asked me during a telephone interview why anyone would believe corruption happens in Canada.
He went on to say that it is his opinion that he thinks that most of the world holds this northern nation in the highest regard.
This was said in the context of a conversation
About the recent ultra-secret Bilderberg Summit in Ottawa, where a close friend of mine was taken into custody by Canadian secret police, held without charge in a small chamber and interrogated for six hours.
And they were held even longer than that.
But let me regress and get back to the topic.
Canada's willing participation in the New World Order and specific policies drafted by the Council on Foreign Relations to erase the Canadian and Mexican borders.
And that's Associated Press now, by the way.
That's Lou Dobbs.
I mean, that's mainstream news that we're going into the American Union.
Then he tells the story of what happened.
And he's Joe Bird.
Joe, good to have you on with us.
Alex, it is an absolute pleasure to be here today.
You bet.
You couldn't be on with us last week.
We had your associate who got interrogated, the government employee.
That's right.
Works in nuclear power plants.
But recap what happened to you, what happened to your girlfriend, what happened to him.
Recap what developed, and then tell us about this new organization you launched.
Absolutely, Alex.
And once again, I do appreciate the time today to talk about these issues.
We, as I said, as we've communicated previously in that, we basically, we went to the Bilderberg.
As you know, we're starting a grassroots organization, TribeCan, here in Canada, to support the Truth Movement, so we wanted to jump in head first, and we did go to the Bilderberg Summit.
That's where we met up with you.
Um, we, you know, spent time seeing what was going on in that, but mostly we were there to support, uh, you know, the truth movement and that we know what they're doing is, you know, we know that these people are evil.
Um, we know what their agenda is.
So we wanted to be there.
Uh, we went, um, we had, we had, as I said, the honor of meeting you.
And spending time that way and that.
We met your associates Daniel and Tulan.
Stop it!
Stop it!
I had the honor of meeting you.
Go ahead.
Please, knock it off.
Okay, well basically that afternoon that we met Alex, you left at about one o'clock.
We stuck around for a little while and then we decided to go downtown for a bit.
So we went downtown Ottawa.
In which at that point myself and Crystal the girl that was with us at the time We decided that we were going to go out have something to eat have a couple drinks in that Don he he was tired, and he decided he wanted to rest so in the back of the rental car He was going to have a nap so what had happened is we we finished some drinks in that me and Crystal we were we were going back to where the car was and this is parked on a like I mean a side street and
It wasn't out in the open, so I mean, the car itself would have been almost virtually impossible to find.
But what we saw as we were coming around the corner was a barrage of lights.
It was obvious that the police had surrounded the vehicle.
Before we could even go toward the vehicle, myself and Crystal, at the corner that we were at, there was two officers there.
The female officer basically flagged us over.
They knew who we were.
Uh, and they told us what was going on.
They asked us on the spot.
I mean, they kept us there for almost an hour, asking us questions about yourself, also about Don, and so forth.
What specifically did they say about myself?
And give Don's full name.
My friend who I'm referring to is Donald McCormick.
And what they were asking about yourself, they were asking about our association with you.
They had obviously realized or saw that we had met with you and such at the actual building.
They wanted to know how many people were in your entourage.
They basically, I mean, they had nothing but negative things to say about you, Alex.
Let me just see.
So, I mean,
Yeah, like, I mean, they wanted to know as much as they could.
They stopped short of calling you an insurgent, but they said that what you do undermines national security.
They had explained to us that you had also been detained at the border and such.
So, I mean, it was those types of questions, basically.
As for Don, they were asking what his intentions were.
They felt that
He could perhaps be dangerous and such.
That's basically the way that it went.
That was how the questioning was going when we were just originally detained.
What had happened subsequent to that, though, is that they took Don away.
Once they took Don away, they brought us to a facility in downtown Ottawa.
In which they basically separated Crystal and I. We were in separate interrogation rooms.
Again, at that point in time, national security came into the picture.
And they had a lot of the same questions that the... These officers called themselves national security.
Did they say what agency?
They're an offshoot of the RCMP.
However, they're... Royal Mountain Police Anti-Terror Division.
Yeah, exactly.
That's exactly what it was.
So, while we were there, as I said, we were, Crystal and I, we were... By the way, these are the people that, you know, send a bunch of fertilizer to innocent people and then set them up and then order the media not to report on it.
That there's an official order in Canada not to report on the trial.
But go ahead.
We have specific legislation in Canada, the Anti-Terrorist Act.
Which actually goes a little bit further than the Patriot Act, is that it does state any propaganda.
In other words, if you say anything negative towards the government.
They could construe that as being... Now see how it starts with, don't say anything about the Holocaust, which again to some people sounds reasonable.
It's not reasonable, folks.
We deserve free speech.
And then it expands out to, don't say something mean about the government.
You have to arrest me for that.
So they've separated you and your girlfriend, Crystal.
What happens next?
Well, basically at that point, we were asked questions for, I would say in our cases, it was at least a couple of hours.
So tell me what type of questions?
As I said, they were asking more specifically what we were doing with you.
Again, comments were made that what your actions do is undermine national security.
That was said by two different people.
I'll tell you what, Alex.
They were really interested in you.
You were the celebrity of the moment as far as they were concerned.
They wanted to know anything we could.
There was nothing to tell.
Why didn't these snakes just come talk to me?
You know what?
We're aware.
We know that you got detained when you came in.
I want to say, hey, I'm here to cover these elitists.
Mr. Chalabi, who's in the building right now, is wanted by several of our allies.
He's a convicted bank swindler.
A Nazi war criminal founded this group.
His wife's in there right now.
A bunch of members can't even come here anymore because they're under international indictment like George Soros.
Basically, I'm here to cover an organized crime meeting and you're here protecting them.
You undermine the national security of Canada.
Hey, the very people in this building, Royal Mounted Police Anti-Terror Unit, are trying to get rid of Canadian sovereignty.
Here's the Associated Press and Lou Dobbs.
That's what I'm doing, is I'm here defending your national security, you stupid twits!
No, absolutely.
And you know, we, I'm going to tell you what,
They don't understand the concept.
The people that were interrogating us and such did not understand the concept of what we're talking about.
These are programmed people.
These are people that have been trained... Well, I mean, go over this for me.
So you brought up what the Bilderberg group is and what was... I mean, tell me.
Give me the meat and potatoes.
Well, you know what?
When we first got there, it was actually the night of the 8th, the first day of the meeting.
We, Don and I, decided to go down to the hotel just to see what was going on in that, over where the Bilderberg was being held.
And when we got there, there was nobody there.
They had kept it, you know, with the exception of what was leaked out on the internet.
Most mainstream people, the media and such, tried to block it, as you know.
It wasn't in the news until they grabbed me, that's when it broke.
You know what?
On the 9th, I think, the morning of the 9th that came out in the Ottawa Citizen, that the Bilderberg was there, and that's how come people started to show up on that day.
But Alex, when we went there that night, we simply walked up to the building,
I mean, this is also a public building.
This is a hotel that people can stay at.
So, we had no idea what they told us.
They absolutely said, well, you know, this is private property.
They wanted no part of us.
Now, they also told Donald McCormick that he could be arrested and never be released.
Oh, yeah.
And he was held, I guess, interrogated for six hours, but he said hold, I believe, a total of almost ten.
You know what?
It was about, between holding and the interrogation, it was about six hours actually.
Six or seven hours.
Then he was wrong about that.
I'm not talking about you.
I'm talking about him.
Wasn't he released after you?
But even still in total, it was about maybe seven hours.
What did you think of the questions they asked him?
You know what?
I can get into that right now, Alex.
I know that when you spoke to Don, it was fresh from the incident.
You know, he was scared.
I know that he opened up with you to a certain degree, but I'm going to try to fill in some of the blanks at this point.
When they released Don, he was a mess.
He was completely shaken up.
He babbled.
He basically stayed in the back seat while we drove.
They told us to get out of town.
They told us not to talk to anybody, don't speak to anybody, just leave town and there won't be any problems with what they said.
They didn't want to see us at the building again.
So they basically, for no apparent reason, restricted our ability to even go and even protest and exercise their free speech.
But what he was babbling, what he was talking about, um, is some of the threats that they were making.
Um, as outlandish as it sounds, I'm going to tell you something.
He said not, not only, um, not only did he tell me and Crystal that night, but I'm going to tell you about what happened after.
But they, they had at one point said, you know what, we could cut your arms off.
We can do anything we want to you.
This is what they told him, and this is what he told us.
I know, he was totally freaked out, and he said he'd shut off air, he wouldn't talk about the violence threats.
So he told you they threatened to cut his arms off?
Oh yes, but not only did he tell us that, when we got back on the 10th, when we got back to where we are and such, he basically had somewhat of a breakdown.
I don't like to use that term.
But he basically collapsed.
We had to take him into the hospital.
He was in tears.
He was a mess.
Is that on the record?
This is an international incident?
So they threatened to cut his arms off.
What other threats did he tell you they made to him?
They basically told him that they're going to be watching him.
One of the things that he had said that night is that they told him he would never be alone again.
This is a person, Don is a person now, that looks over his shoulder.
I'd have told that scum, I'd have told that scum, go ahead and cut my arms off.
And I told him he was in danger of being flown out of the country.
I tell you what, stay there.
One heartbeat away, Alex, from being flown to Eastern Europe and being put in one of those secret airbobbers.
I know, I know.
Stay there, stay there.
We'll be right back.
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Up on Infowars.com we have a link to this article.
Press release put out by this organization TruthMovement.ca.
And we need to get the documents posted too.
You need to get it on record that you took him to the hospital.
On record all this happened.
So they threatened to cut his arms off.
He was telling you this babbling in fear.
That's classic how they terrorize people.
Did he tell you anything else they threatened?
I mean, on air he said he wouldn't talk about some of it.
You know what?
What they said is they basically clarified to him, Alex, that they knew everything about him.
Um, before they picked him up, they must have did their homework, because when they picked him up, they seemed to know every detail about his life over the last, you know, two decades.
Well, of course, he worked for, he works at a nuclear power plant.
Absolutely, absolutely, yes.
Um, I, I do want to point out one thing as well with, uh, with Don, and that is, um, as well as Crystal and I,
We have no criminal records.
They had to be beyond their reasoning for picking him up that day.
There was no other reasoning that they could possibly have had.
So, that's something that needs to be clear as well.
Yeah, this is a person that I'll tell you right now, he was terrorized.
The government, these are the people that are saying they're here to keep us safe.
But really, they're taking people aside.
They're doing these things to their own citizens.
Well, he needs to file a criminal
I mean, if on record he will testify that they threatened to cut his arms off, they should all go to jail.
That is psychological torture by every yardstick.
That's what torture is.
Answer my questions or I'm going to start cutting your fingers off.
Then I'm going to cut your arms off.
Well, obviously it was psychological.
By the way, it's funny you just said that, because that's exactly what's in the torture manuals, is threatened dismemberment.
Well, you know what?
They read that manual then, Alex, because they knew all about it.
What else was he babbling?
You know, basically that he was scared.
They had threatened the people around him.
He said that he was very scared for Crystal and I. What they had conveyed to him is we have Joe and Crystal as well.
Okay, they gave they gave I want to stop right there.
We can we can take you out of the country You can never be seen again.
You can never be released again.
We've got your friends.
We can cut your arms off Yeah, sounds like the good guys to me You know what?
They don't sound like good guys to me either Alex.
I can agree with that 100% You know, so we as I said, we took him home.
He wasn't himself.
I mean he he
He just was not the same person that I've known for over two decades.
Now, you know, did you see my article days after about the provocateurs in the crowd?
They were trying to get me to say one thing, and we wrote this in the article, I would have been instantly grabbed and in there, and they might have been cutting fingers off, whatever.
And I'd never be seen again.
Alex Jones gone!
You know what, Alex?
I'm telling you right now that if they had a reason that they could do that with you, the fortunate thing with you is that you are in the public eye.
Because I'll tell you, if they did this to Don,
Given the opportunity, they'd do worse to you because you are the champion of the truth.
I mean, you're out there every single day opening people's eyes.
I want to just tell them this.
They do something like that, the universe will turn against them.
And the more evil they do, we don't have to do anything to them.
God's going to deal with them.
In fact, I just pray right now that people will pray for Don McCormick, they will pray for Joe Byrd, they will pray for Crystal, and anyone harms their head, I just ask God to deal with them.
They gotta deal with God, my friend.
And by the way, they can roll their eyes and laugh at that.
That is deadly real.
They want to go up against the God of the Universe?
Let them do it!
Well, you know what this shows, Alex?
It's a little bit beyond Bilderberg, and that is Canada plays a very significant role in the New World Order's agenda.
That's something that, as the truth movement has proliferated over the last decade and such, it's really been centralized in the United States.
But the globalists have a plan for North America.
As you said, as Lou Dobbs has said, they want to erase the borders.
Did you ever bring that up?
I mean, when they were interrogating you, they weren't anywhere as vicious as they were with Donald McCormick.
What else did they say to you?
You know what?
I brought up actually a lot of the facts and such that you would promote, that the Truth Movement promotes.
And basically, they brushed it off.
They outright said, they denied smart borders.
They basically said that it's not true.
There is no police state.
They are there to keep us safe.
We're just here threatening to cut arms off, but we're good.
There's no police station.
They're the government, Alex, so that's probably what gives them what they think they have the right.
I don't know what it is, but I think that's pretty ghoulish.
Hey, folks, when John Yoo as a White House Counsel gets up at the CFR and says, yes, we're allowed to torture children in front of their parents, that's why that freaks me out.
I mean, that shows this is not a joke, people.
No, it's not.
And I'm going to tell you something, too.
Now that Stephen Harper is the Prime Minister of this country,
You're going to see some big, big changes.
The actual alignment with what's going on in the United States... Has accelerated.
It's accelerated by tenfold at this point.
This is a person that has been involved with every right wing
Hey, I got your article right here.
Does it have all the threatening to cut the arms off in it and stuff?
I do.
It does.
You know what?
If anybody reads that article, by all means, they're going to get the full story.
They're going to see a lot of stuff.
I mean, another thing that we could talk about is the nuclear industry in Canada.
Okay, we talk about North Korea, we talk about our... Hey, I'm going to give you a few minutes on the other side because I've got to finish up some news and take some calls, but stay there.
Stay there, Don.
We'll be right back.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
I don't know.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to finish up this horrible story.
We kind of dropped the ball last week when Donald McCormick was on and told his story.
We didn't write an article about it.
Now we've got to.
Thank goodness that there's a press release put out by TruthMovement.ca.
We have links to it up on Infowars.com so you can link over to it and get the story.
Get it out to everyone.
I mean, this is scary at a certain level, but it's more scary not to speak up, not to get involved, not to say no to this.
Before I go back to Joe Byrd, that this happened to, along with Donald McCormick,
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You know what Alex, that's something that we are talking about right now.
As you can imagine,
I know Donald says he's talking to a lawyer, and his lawyer told him not to talk, but go ahead.
Well, that's the thing, and even beyond that, because of who the adversary is in this case, who the criminal is in this case, which is our government, he's been hesitant because he fears what the repercussions could be.
What was the facility like?
You know what, we're not certain that we were held in the same facility as Don.
We were taken, I would say it was about a 10 to 15 minute drive from the main downtown core.
On the outside, we weren't taken in underground like Don.
And we didn't see Don at the facility.
So that's why we're not certain we were at the same place.
Where we went was an RCMP facility where the National Security Enforcement Team is headquartered.
So, I mean, it was, you know, it was a bit more elaborate than a police station.
We didn't really see much of it, besides the very small interrogation rooms that we were in.
Were you in the big metal door cells that Donald McCormick was in?
We were in locked rooms.
I don't think that it was the same type of cell that Donald was in.
Yeah, he said these were like maximum security, huge metal doors.
Yes, I don't believe that that was in our case.
Where we were, they were locked rooms, they were secure rooms, it was a secure facility without question.
But again, I don't think that we were put in the same type of a chamber as what Don was.
And he said it wasn't a 15 minute ride to where he went.
Yeah, you know what?
That's what I'm saying.
It's conceivable that they took him to the same building, but it would have been... Well, you might have been upstairs and he was down under it.
Pretty much.
That would be... I mean, he described a big building and going under a parking garage underground.
Were you taken to a big building?
Yeah, that's true, except we went in escorted by officers through the front door.
What our experience was.
Now, without any question, Alex, Don's experience was horrendous compared to what we went through.
All right, real quick, because I've got to move on.
I want to get you back on.
What else developed?
Anything else we need to know about?
Beyond Bilderberg?
I'll have to have you back on sometime about that, but you guys need to file a complaint publicly and Don needs to know.
That's what will make him safe.
Well, I'm going to tell you something.
As I said, we are talking about that.
We do have our new organization now.
We're very grassroots, Alex, at this point.
We just want to get the message out at this time.
We just want to let people know what's happening.
The website that you've mentioned in such, truthmovement.ca, right now it's basically we're working on the content and that within the next couple of days it's going to be in full force.
We only have a couple of days.
After it's developed, we'll have you on more.
Thank you for your courage.
I appreciate you coming on, Joe.
Not a problem, Alex.
You have a great day.
God bless you.
We're going to get him back on.
We're going to write a big article on this and their allegations that they've made.
We're going to make phone calls up there to these individuals and demand a statement on the record.
Look, I know we have Dave and James and Dan.
I will get to at least those three calls.
But right now I promise to air it, it's seven minutes long, then we'll take calls in the final eight minutes or so that we have left after that.
Here's Charlie Sheen with his comments, introducing myself at the conference in Los Angeles on Saturday.
Incredible courage, here it is.
Presenting our next speaker is a man who needs no introduction.
His recent courageous radio and television interviews have sparked a worldwide momentum in favor of the 9-11 Truth Movement.
He is the star of over 100 major motion pictures, including Wall Street, Red Dawn, and Platoon.
Currently, you can see him on CBS' Two and a Half Men.
Ladies and gentlemen, the indestructible Charlie Sheen!
Thank you.
Thank you all.
That is so moving.
Thank you.
Thank you all for coming.
Good evening.
Everybody's making a big deal about what I did.
I just felt like I was pursuing the truth.
That's all.
But I want to talk about what we're doing today, more specifically.
We are here today to effect a change.
We are here today to ask those still sleeping to wake up and join us.
We are here today to present a case forged in science at the bedrock and common sense in its foundation.
We are here today to fire a warning shot across the bow of mainstream media to remind them of their original responsibility as civil and political watchdogs.
We are here today because fear is never a good enough reason to do nothing.
We are here today to fuel the deconstruction of the official myth.
We are here today to hold our course, to bang our drums, to sharpen our focus.
We are also here today to exercise our right to assemble.
Our right to speak freely.
And our right to choose.
We are here today to begin draining the cesspool of lies and distortion we refuse to drown in any longer.
We are here today to unleash a juggernaut of truth.
We are also here today
To honor the victims and the families of 9-11.
We're here today for our children.
As well as their children.
In our country's great history, every seminal movement, every groundbreaking event, every pioneering moment began with one person.
A person with a vision.
A person with an undying passion.
A person who could not and would not do nothing.
A person who risked everything to stand naked in the eye of the storm, in the mouth of the beast, in the crosshairs of oppression.
We are blessed to have such a person with us today.
A true patriot, a real American, a genuine hero.
It is with great honor that I introduce our next speaker.
Please join me in welcoming my friend, my comrade, my brother-in-arms, ladies and gentlemen, the one and only, Alex Jones!
What's it like to see all these energized people?
I mean, this was your idea, really, originally, to have a Truth Convergence here in Los Angeles.
What do you think of this?
This is, uh, this is real.
And it's inspiring.
I'm inspired by your speech, I don't doubt it.
Lastly, what was it like when you took that plunge?
Because we talked about it.
I mean, Charlie knew what he was doing.
He, you know, he's not a stupid guy, he's smart.
What was it like when you took that plunge and you decided to go public and speak out?
When everybody else, you know, in the Hollywood Studios, they didn't have the, uh, will that you had, the courage.
How did you do that?
I just got tired of listening to the lies, and knew it was time to do something, but specifically that plunge was like...
I guess jumping out of an airplane.
I'm not knowing if I have a parachute.
Well, Charlie Sheen, I want to thank you for being here.
I want to thank the crowd for being here.
And I'm just honored to have you here with us.
There's no way to top what you said.
It was like Shakespeare.
No, it wasn't.
Come on.
Charlie, thank you so much for being here.
Alright, now the first video we put up encoded wrong, so it wasn't the best quality.
We put a better quality
I think it's riveting video.
You should go watch it.
Charlie, he's such a good guy.
Lord knows what will happen to him now if he's done this.
He's waiting for that.
I'm sure they'll say something even more horrible about him.
But that's courage.
The things he said about me reflect even more on him.
I'm just so honored to work with somebody like this and to have him come forward and do what he did.
But help us.
Go to Infowars.com.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com.
Get the video.
Put it on every message board.
Email it out to everybody.
Make sure people see this because it's important.
And all the other clips and video pieces we're going to be putting up on Google Video and YouTube in the next few days.
YouTube is only 10 minute long clips.
And Google can be a couple hours long.
We're going to try to utilize that because, frankly, we just can't afford to give it all out for free.
It just costs too much.
So we're doing that here feverishly right now to get this out to everybody.
And then we'll do the work.
Then it's up to you to take it the final step, the final base, into home plate and get it out to everybody.
So please help us, again, to do that so people can see this powerful video, the clip you just heard and all the other clips we've already put up there.
All right.
Right now, let's go ahead and
Take a call.
Let's talk to Dave in California.
Dave, thanks for holding her on the air.
Good morning, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
That speech is so moving and so well-deserved.
And Mr. Sheen, I'm going to watch every one of your movies from here on out twice, even if I don't like them.
I wanted to ask you what the little side comment about Shakespeare was.
It was an inside joke, I guess?
No, I said your words sounded like Shakespeare.
His words were very well put together, very literary.
It was good.
Yeah, and so was your speech before the Bilderbergs.
I kept that up on my desktop for days, watching it over and over.
This is great.
Okay, so off that subject, I finally figured out something that I can do.
It's been a long process for me to do it, but here's my plan.
First thing I'm going to do is make three phone calls today.
I'm going to call Calvin and get some of their soap.
I'm going to call your office and get the all-in-one special.
And I'm going to call Ted Anderson and become a subscriber to GCN.
So maybe you can afford a little bit more of the raise money.
You guys all deserve it.
Well, thank you.
I mean, without you listeners, we couldn't do anything.
Okay, well, that's fine.
Thank you.
And my plan is, once I get all of your videos, including Terror Storm,
I'm going to start burning copies, and then I'm going to contact a bunch of librarians and send them out to the library.
A lot of people have done that.
It's very effective.
Okay, good.
Yeah, that's the first time I've thought of it, and I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what the best thing I could do with the resources I have.
Get it placed in ten libraries in your city, and then thousands over the next few years will see it.
There you go.
That's all I had to say, man.
Keep fighting the good fight.
You really totally rock.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
We realize the threat to humanity.
Look, I've thrown myself into this 110%.
Point of no return, all that.
And so I'm fighting 110%, folks.
This is about survival.
I mean, you heard the people we had on earlier.
They got them in custody and said, we'll cut your arms off.
I mean, that's the type of evil, wickedness that we're facing.
These are monsters, you know, inhuman guys walking the countryside.
And I'm going to fight them.
So thank you for joining us in the fight, my friend.
We have no power without you.
All of us have power together.
Let's talk to James in Kentucky.
James, go ahead.
Yes, Alex, I was wanting to know, would you ever have Kevin Trudeau on your show?
A lot of people have requested I have Kevin Trudeau on, and I haven't had enough time to research him or read any of his works.
I know he's a little bit controversial, and I'm not against controversial people on, I just need to do research first.
I haven't been able to do that about Mr. Trudeau, so I don't know yet if I'm going to do that, but I'm looking into it.
Okay, before I go also, I've been trying to get on your, like,
To see the movies and stuff on that website, you have to have a credit card to get it though?
Yes, PrisonPlanet.tv.
But all I have is a debit card.
You don't have to do that, sir.
You can buy PayPal credits.
I don't have PayPal either.
Well, I mean, you just get PayPal.
I mean, a debit card will work on there, sir.
Have a good day.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
That's the nature of the system.
We allow people to get yearly memberships by sending in a check.
You can do that.
Instructions are on the site.
But thank you for attempting it.
Alright, Dan, Steve, and Aaron, you'll be our last callers on the other side.
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TV stations and the Associated Press report Limbaugh was caught with more than just Viagra, other prescription drugs that he didn't have a prescription for.
The media is spinning it that it was just Viagra.
And the point is, I've heard him many times say, throw the key away with young people caught with narcotics, but then he's an addict of synthetic narcotics, opiates, hillbilly heroin, oxycontin, and other goodies.
And just, it's unbelievable how hypocritical all these people are.
I'm just going to state that again on the record.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dan in California.
Dan, welcome.
Good show.
Uh, Rush Limbaugh, he really fits the profile of a master mason if you listen to him and he says he's the all-knowing, talent on loan from God, all-knowing, all-seeing eye.
I mean, smart guy, but I just, uh, maybe he does all those drugs and numb his conscience because he knows he's the end user.
Well, I mean, I remember listening to Limbaugh 15 years ago and liking him, but the bragging was actually turned me off to him even before I woke up to the false left paradigm about 12, 13 years ago.
I was just like, I, you know, am on talent loan from God.
I'm the biggest brain of them all.
I'm the best.
I mean, that may fool some people, but that's really obnoxious.
The more I know, the more I know, the more I don't know.
I think it's interesting.
He used to really say, I'm all knowing.
Well, you lose your hearing from the high levels of heroin or similar drugs.
In fact, that's what Oxycontin does.
It's the major side effect.
I was wondering if you had any problems at the airport when you left.
And when I left Canada, the US Customs were winking and smiling and saying, thank you Mr. Jones.
I don't want to get the guy in trouble, but he said some other stuff.
So I basically had red carpet treatment back into the US.
Oh, I mean from Los Angeles.
No, absolutely no problem.
Great, that's great.
It was a great conference.
Words can't even describe the emotion.
It's very moving, especially your closing, because this is all real.
Some people might not understand.
I'd like to admonish everyone listening to pray for Alex and his family.
What he does is very genuine and authentic.
He's not doing what he does for money.
He's not grandstanding.
We're trying to boldly fight these criminals with every scrap of our sinew, and that's what it comes down to at the end of the day.
I really appreciate your kind words, my friend.
Take care.
One quick thing.
Jesse Ventura had made some statements about he didn't buy Billing 7.
He had problems with that.
That's right.
He said that on Jay Leno.
And I was wondering if you have ever interviewed him or attempted to contact him?
We probably called him ten times or more.
We can't get through all the handlers.
He started crying on TV and he said, I did a lot of bad things in Vietnam and I just want to say that the 9-11 story is a fraud.
He started getting up and started tearing up.
Because even powerful people who probably are pretty corrupt, if you still have a soul, this stuff hits you.
Thanks for the call.
That's something we've got to work on.
Don't stop until we get Ventura.
Uh, real quick.
Steve in Texas, go ahead.
Go ahead.
Yes, Steve.
Turn your radio off.
He's not listening.
Okay, Steve.
Thank you.
Aaron in Nevada.
Last caller.
Go ahead, Aaron.
Hi, Alex.
I just was listening to another station and the guy was talking about the new program to control the media.
And everybody who was calling in was just, oh yes!
It's a great idea!
It's a wonderful idea!
That's what Hitler did.
Yeah, let's arrest reporters!
It's good!
We don't need talking bad about the government!
It's the new freedom!
Defend America!
Arrest all the reporters!
It's freedom!
It's freedom!
We love you, George W.!
I know.
I was listening and I was sick to my stomach hearing that.
Well, that's conservatism arresting members of the press.
Thanks for the call.
We're out of time.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
More great GCN programming coming up.
Counterprogramming, that is.
God bless you all!
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