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Name: 20060614_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 14, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this live Wednesday, the 14th day of June 2006.
Dr. Bob Bowman, Lieutenant Colonel, retired, former head of the Star Wars program, will be joining us in 30 minutes to discuss the 9-11 attacks and how they are verifiable inside jobs.
That is coming up in 30 minutes.
We're going to have wide open phones throughout the day.
I mentioned this story yesterday.
I didn't spend a lot of time on it.
I want to begin with it after this break.
Bush sneaking North American Superstate without oversight.
And another headline, Bush Administration Quietly Plans NAFTA Superhighway.
Of course, we wrote these articles ten years ago, five years ago, a year ago, six months ago.
Finally, Lou Dobbs and others have picked up on it.
This time it's Jerome R. Corsi, who gets it right on so many issues, but then says that we need to attack Iran and Bush is fighting the New World Order.
How is Bush fighting the New World Order, Mr. Corsi?
I want to get him on, that's it.
While at this very same time,
Pushing for the end of the United States, something the Bilderberg Group is behind.
We've written two separate articles here, and we'll go over them.
Quietly but systematically, the Bush Administration is advancing the plan to build a huge NAFTA superhighway, four football fields wide, through the heart of the U.S., along Interstate 35, from the Mexican border at Laredo, Texas, to the Canadian border north of Duluth, Minnesota.
Beautiful Duluth.
Once complete, the new road will allow containers from the Far East to enter the United States through the Mexican port of Lazaro-Cardenas, bypassing the Longshoremen Union in the process.
Well, that isn't what matters.
It says, Mexican trucks, without the involvement of the Teamsters Union, will drive on what will be the nation's most modern highway.
This is not the main issue.
Mexico has already been given one of the biggest train stations, switching yards, in St.
And went over a hundred miles stretch south of there.
I mean, Spanish companies are taking over our highways.
It's the total destruction of America.
So, even when Corsi finally writes about something true, they do not give you the full magnitude of it.
But we'll go over some of this.
Because this really is one of the big issues.
The attack on the Second Amendment, the open borders, the Pan-American Union, or the American Union, they call it by different names.
It's all happening.
The phony war on terrorism, government-sponsored terror, the poisons in the vaccines, the water, the air.
These are all the constellation, make up the constellation of central issues.
The 45 to 50 million abortions.
I get emails going, is it 45 or is it 50?
We get different federal numbers.
Okay, we don't know.
So please don't, well, you said 45 one day and 50 the next.
The numbers that look like they're accurate are over 50 million, but we like to downplay it
You know, be conservative, not downplay abortion, but downplay the number to be safe, so we're not over-inflating it.
What's the difference?
1 million, 45 million, when you get into these type of numbers, these are the central issues we need to discuss and talk about.
And I know we have a lot of liberal listeners, they get freaked out when they hear me talk about abortion.
Come on, you know it's evil, you know it's wrong, and I do want to spend more time on that here in the near future.
We need to talk about it, and the Lord's been laying it on my heart to do that.
So we'll get into that report.
We've got several other articles here about how troops supposedly scare away illegal immigrants away from the border.
That is total theater.
The actual Border Patrol numbers are increased levels of illegals pouring in.
Geno's hit with bias complaint for just simply putting up a sign saying, this is America, speak English.
Folks, there's El Cenizo on the Texas border along with a bunch of other towns where you're not allowed to speak English in court proceedings.
This is in America.
This is in Texas.
This is in the U.S.
And you don't see the EEOC down there.
So I'm going to go over that.
There is so much news today.
More on Bilderberg.
More on Zarcali.
More on Gitmo.
It's all coming up.
I'm going to cover news when we get back.
Then we'll go to your calls.
The websites are Infowars.com, Infowars.net, JonesReport.com.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here and I'm excited to announce we're going to have a huge 9-11 conference in downtown Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th of June.
We're expecting around 1,000 people in attendance.
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I'll also be debuting my explosive new film, Terror Storm, at the conference.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Thank you for joining us on this live Wednesday edition.
14th day of June 2006.
I'm going to plunge straight into the news, but before I do that, our 9-11 conference, 9-11 and the Neocon Agenda, is going to sell out.
It's going to sell out.
The hall holds 1,200 people, but we're cutting it off at 1,100 because we know there's going to be about 100 members of the press there.
And it is going to be quite a circus.
We're going to get the truth out on 9-11.
It's going to be really exciting.
I am very excited about it.
I can't wait until next Saturday and Sunday, after next, coming up on the 24th and 25th.
If you want your tickets, go to InfoWars.com, link through to AmericanScholarsSymposium.org, get your tickets now, or call toll free to get them, 1-888-253-3139.
Because this conference is coming on like a hurricane.
It is going to be historical.
It is going to be huge.
It is going to be the, as I heard one commentator say, was it Jack Blevin he called in yesterday, it's going to be the Super Bowl of 9-11 Truth Conferences.
And that is certainly the truth.
We are stepping up to the plate big time.
All right, where to start?
Bush administration quietly plans NAFTA Super Highway.
Jerome R. Corsi.
I'm going to get Mr. Corsi on.
You know, Mr. Corsi talks about the New World Order.
Mr. Corsi talks about the open borders.
Mr. Corsi talks about the Second Amendment.
He talks about all these things, but then tells us that the Muslims are out to get us, and we've got to go into Iran, and that, oh, they're going to set up an oil bourse, and we've got to attack them.
Interesting fellow, but it's funny.
We've written over the last ten years
Scores of articles about the NAFTA highway.
I live right here where they're building.
I've been building it for four or five years.
Openly, this giant thing.
The Mexican truckers are already all over our streets.
Foreign companies are openly being given the infrastructure.
It's just being handed over to them.
They're not even paying for it.
They just give a bunch of campaign contributions and state and federal government go, here, it's yours.
But finally it's being picked up.
Again, Lou Dobbs, what last year and then again this year, has read on the air the open CFR documents.
Being implemented by the Canadian, Mexican, and U.S.
We've had joint sessions of Congress with Mexico.
Going back, what, three years now?
Three years ago?
It is an American Union.
It is the end of our sovereignty.
And in major polls, almost no one is for it.
It's in the high 90s against it.
Same thing when I was in Canada.
I talked to, it had to be about a hundred people on the street, downtown, two days straight.
They're around the Parliament and just different areas of the downtown in Ottawa.
I haven't counted them all up, but it was close to a hundred or maybe more.
One guy said he was neutral on it and needed to investigate it more.
So no one was for it.
No one was for it there.
No one I know is for it here, but our CEOs, our government leaders, our so-called officials, they're really supposedly servants, the authorities,
The establishment is for it and is cramming it down our throat.
It's unconstitutional.
It's un-American.
It's undemocratic.
It will destroy our republic.
No one's for it.
Just like no one, very few, 90 plus percent, are against the electronic voting machines.
If we could educate the other 7 or so percent, they'd be against it too.
97% is against the toll roads with transponders.
90% is against the open borders.
On and on and on.
I keep making this point because it's central.
We have the people, we have the Constitution, we are the mainstream.
And at the same time, the government is going in the complete opposite direction because they've been bought off by these global corporations that are not free market, they are global crime syndicates.
Bush administration quietly plans NAFTA superhighway.
This is out of human events.
Quietly, but systematically, the Bush Administration is advancing the plan to build a huge NAFTA superhighway four football fields wide through the heart of the U.S.
along Interstate 35.
I am literally a mile from it right now.
Again, through the heart of the U.S.
along Interstate 35 from the Mexican border at Laredo, Texas to the Canadian border north of Duluth, Minnesota.
Once complete, the new road will allow containers from the Far East to enter the United States to the Mexican port of Lazaro Cardenas, bypassing the Longshoremen's Union.
In the process, the Mexican trucks, without the involvement of the Teamsters Union, will drive on what will be the nation's most modern highway, straight into the heart of America.
The Mexican trucks will cross borders
In fast lanes, checked only electronically by the new Sentra system.
And that's the tracker chip that we beat by two votes last year.
They're in session right now trying to pass it.
Texans, you right now are on the verge of having transponders put in all your cars.
Right along with the Mexican trucks.
The American Union tracker chip.
The first custom stop will be a Mexican customs office in Kansas City.
You heard me.
And he told the truth there.
And then on into St.
Their new smart port complex, a facility being built for Mexico, at a cost of $3 million to U.S.
taxpayers in Kansas City.
That's right.
We are paying for it.
And this doesn't mention St.
That's the real hub.
As incredible as this plan may seem to some readers, the first Trans-Texas Corridor segment of the Napa Superhighway is already to begin construction next year.
Hey, Corsi, it's already been on the cover of Time Magazine.
They've already got a bunch of it built.
Part of it's to open next year.
Get it straight.
Various U.S.
government agencies, dozens of state agencies, and behind the scenes to create the Napa Superhighway have been working behind the scenes to create the Napa Superhighway despite the lack of comment on the plan by President Bush.
The American public is largely asleep to this key piece of the coming North American Union that the government planners are setting up in the trilateral region of the United States, Canada, Mexico are about to drive into reality.
Just examine the following websites to get a feel for the magnitude of NAFTA superhighway planning that has been going on without any new congressional legislation directly authorizing construction of the planned international corridor through the center of the country.
Now let's stop right there.
Around 40% of U.S.
highways have already been designated as NAFTA highways, so get that straight.
I-35 has been operating for, what they passed NAFTA in 94, so almost 12 years, has been operating as NAFTA.
For three years, Mexican trucks have been driving all the way to New York, all the way to Canada, all the way to Toronto, Ottawa, and other areas.
I was on a plane two weeks ago to Chicago, sitting next to a manager
that manages over a thousand trucks and I said how many of your trucks are Mexican?
He said about twenty percent.
I said how far do they drive?
He said everywhere into Canada, into New York, they drive everywhere right through Texas.
I go what road?
He said yes.
That's our main hub.
I-35 is already a NAFTA highway.
It isn't coming next year.
And guess what?
Six, seven miles east of there they're building the mega massive
Four football field wide system.
And do you know how they plan to pay for it?
It is the Sintra Century System.
Do you know how they're going to pay for it?
At every state level, you are going to pay for your own economic destruction and the destruction of America.
That's why the average driver will pay.
This is in the mainstream news here in Texas, okay?
Three dollars a gallon equivalent gas tax on top of the already forty-something cents we pay in the state.
Per gallon with state and local and federal.
Do you understand?
On top of the, what is it, forty-four cents that you pay in Texas, and this is going nationwide by the way, we're just on the front lines of it here.
We're a few years ahead of you.
Three dollars a gallon average drive time will be assigned.
So for the amount, the average car will get 22 miles a gallon.
They had all this calculated in the paper earlier this year.
Texas Department of Transportation admitted it.
They say it will be a little over, it was actually, I forget, three dollars and something a gallon.
The equivalent of that, a trip
During peak driving time from Austin to Dallas and back will be over $170.
I think it was $174.
I'm going from memory.
Go pull the news articles up.
We wrote articles about it a few months ago and put links to all of it. $170!
Your car will become a taxi cab.
You know, they keep telling us in the news, don't worry, this won't slow traffic, we're gonna not have toll booths.
And they don't mention in the news why.
You go read the legislation that accompanies it, and it says, transponders in every car.
And they don't stop there, it says for toll roads.
It also says, as if this is a selling point, the minute your insurance elapses, it'll all be in the digital bank system,
The police cars are having computers put in them that will flag you in real time, tracking you by your radio transponder from reader to reader point, so they'll know where you are.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a joke.
They say they will also ticket you for your average speed.
Let's say it's 70, and you average, say, 81 miles per hour from reader A to reader B every mile.
You will be mailed a ticket.
You think red light cameras are bad?
And listen, I know a lot of you are snickering and giggling and you love Bush's gun control and the open borders and you think that's conservative.
You'll be under this in a couple years.
This would have already passed last year and by law been in all inspection stickers in Texas this year.
When you go get your inspection sticker, it would already be in there.
By the way, they have two years in jail, and I forget how... I think it was $15,000.
I'm going from memory again.
I'm pretty dingy from not getting enough sleep last week.
I know it was two years in prison and some giant fine.
If you, quote, tamper with the chip, the little square chip.
They showed diagrams of it.
I guess it was about a quarter of an inch square.
Little thin wafer square.
By the way, TxDOT was running ads this year and last year.
They're running ads already saying, you've got a new smart inspection sticker.
It's great!
So they're already running ads as if it already happened.
So, oh by the way, that's just one facet of this.
Everyone from Mexico will instantly be legalized to come in through this highway.
We'll tell you about that when we get back.
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Globalism is about creating supernational bodies made up of private appointees by international bodies and other corporations.
They just give each other the authority.
It's all color of law.
They come in and they set up regional governments that simply bypass the Congress.
And the Congress, of course, cedes its power, hands it over as a rubber stamp, a blank check, to these people.
And Jerome Corsi will be joining us in the third hour.
He's done a great job with these reports.
Bush sneaking North American Superstate without oversight.
Mexico-Canada partnership underway with no authorization from Congress.
Despite having no authorization from Congress, the Bush Administration has launched extensive working group activity to implement a trilateral agreement with Mexico and Canada.
That's not really true.
NAFTA has all this in it.
GAFTA has it.
The Free Ferry of the Americas has it.
This is how the EU started.
The membership of the working groups has not been published, nor has their work product been disclosed, despite two years of massive effort within the executive branches of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.
But it is on the TxDOT website.
It is on the federal government's websites.
It is in the CFR document, Mr. Corsi.
The groups working under the North American Free Trade Association Office and the Department of Commerce are to implement the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or SPP, signed by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and then Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas on March 23, 2005.
And it is almost word for word the CFR plan of six months before, I would add.
The trilateral agreement, signed as a joint declaration, not submitted to Congress for review, led to the creation of the SPP office within the Department of Commerce.
The SPP report is to the heads of the U.S.-Mexico Canada.
And see, under Homeland Security, Bush has declared absolute power, so he's saying he's allowed to implement this without having a law.
That's why he's had 750-something, it was 754 a month ago, I'm told it's grown, signing statements saying he ignores laws.
He said if they didn't reauthorize the Patriot Act, which they did, he would just enforce it without law.
He signed a $2.2 billion spending package that didn't pass.
Remember all this?
You see, you think it's just about kicking Muslims in the tail, and let's get them, and we gotta get tough.
It has nothing to do with that.
Dictator powers are about butchering the nation, gutting us, letting the globalists loot us.
The SPP report to the heads of the state of the US and Mexico and Canada, released June 27, 2005, lists some 20 different working groups spanning a wide variety of issues ranging from e-commerce to aviation policy to borders and immigration involving the activity of multiple US government agencies.
The working groups have produced a number of memorandums and understandings and trilateral declarations of agreement.
You can link through to those documents.
You can read it.
This is the American Union.
It's here.
The Canadian government and the Mexican government each have SPP offices comparable to the U.S.
Gary World, who heads the SPP office within the NAFTA office of the U.S.
Department of Commerce, affirmed to WorldNet Daily last Friday in a telephone interview that the membership of the working groups, as well as their work products, have not been published anywhere, including on the Internet.
Why the secrecy?
Quote, we did not want to get the contact people of the working groups distracted by calls from the public.
Oh, said Word.
She suggested to WorldNetDaily that the work products, the working groups, was described on the SPP website, so publishing the actual documents did not seem required.
See, we've gotten the documents to the state legislature because they implement these documents because of federal highway funds at the local level.
They make us pay for it!
See, a foreign Spanish company is going to implement all this right up through the trunks of this that split off in St.
Louis into Indiana, Ohio, and other areas.
Do you understand this, folks?
This is happening!
Oh, I mean, it makes my head spin.
It makes my head spin, and the big thing here is that it isn't just the Mexican truck drivers, it isn't just the Mexican longshoremen or any other Latin Americans.
Bush's quote, guest worker program, quote, if you want to work, you're legal.
If you can get here and get a job, you're legal.
Everyone who's here is legal.
It's not just an amnesty, it's literally opening the gates and merging us, and it will bring in unlimited Latin Americans.
Skilled and unskilled.
Let me say it again.
Fast lanes.
10 lanes on each side.
And then 4 lanes of trains on each side.
And then 3 lanes of telecommunications and power lines.
That's in the report!
You know, you cut your finger off, you're not going to bleed to death.
America's already had its hand cut off.
We're trying to put a tourniquet on it.
Bush and the Democrats and Hillary are fighting us, trying to keep us from putting a tourniquet on it.
We're turning white.
We're going into shock.
We probably already can't survive what's already happened.
Now, under this, it will be the equivalent of cutting our head off with a giant battle axe.
There's no putting Humpty Dumpty back together again if they implement this.
They're building it.
They're doing it.
The transponders are going in.
No one on talk radio other than this show and a few other Patriot shows is talking about it.
Rush Limbaugh's busy making fun of liberals along with Sean Hannity.
It's just mindless issues that don't even matter.
The Republicans and Democrats are together.
They're helping swing the axe right now.
America is dying right now.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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Dr. Bob Bowman is our guest, former head of the Star Wars Directed Energy's weapons program.
He was involved in missiles too, so this is not just the Directed Energy's subdivision of that.
He was the commander of the entire operation back when it was totally secret.
We'll be getting into that with him here in just a few minutes.
We have Jerome Corsi about the massive NAFTA highways at the end of the U.S.
And that's not hype, folks.
That's what this is.
American Union.
Very, very serious.
That is coming up in the third hour.
We'll have open phones, of course, in the second and third hour.
We only have Dr. Bowman for about 30 minutes.
Before I go to Dr. Bowman, I want to encourage every solitary listener out there who's gotten copies of my films, who hasn't made copies of the VHS or DVDs you got, please do it.
The power, the effect of you
Making copies, giving them to others, telling them to make copies, to pay it forward is unbelievable.
We've seen this time and time again.
I had masses of people coming up to me on the streets of Ottawa, in their capital, going, you're Alex Jones, you're Alex Jones, I've seen your films.
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Bush would call that liberal.
A lot of liberal stuff.
A lot of pro-America stuff there.
I don't know.
And he is a great American, flew 101 combat fighter-bomber missions in Vietnam, has a long, lengthy, prestigious career, has degrees in a bunch of different areas, engineering, you name it.
And we are honored to have Dr. Bob Bowman on with us today.
Doctor, thanks for spending time with us.
Well, thank you for having me back.
You're running for Congress, too.
Why don't you, just in a thumbnail sketch, tell us the history of Dr. Bob Bowman.
I know you don't like to talk about yourself, but tell us about that and tell us about your run for Congress.
Well, I'm running for Congress to take back America for the people.
There are combat veterans all over the country who are running for Congress for the first time.
None of us are professional politicians.
We want to
Kick the professional politicians out of Washington and have a Citizens Congress that will serve the needs of the people for a change instead of the multinational corporations and their K Street lobbyists.
Now we're going to give out your website.
We've got a link to it on Infowars.com right now for Congress, but tell us about Bob Bowman.
Well, I do have a PhD in aeronautics and nuclear engineering from Caltech.
I'm a career military officer.
As you said, 101 combat missions in Vietnam.
I directed all the Star Wars programs under Presidents Ford and Carter when their existence was secret.
I'm a family man.
I've got seven children and 21 grandchildren.
And in a week, I'll be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary.
They say it doesn't take a rocket scientist to run the government.
Nevertheless, I am one, and I've been a lot of things.
A stuffy college professor, an itinerant preacher, song and dance man, a radio talk show host in three different states.
I've done a lot of interesting things in my life, but it's time to pay back and do something for the people of this country, and I really want to do that, and I want to win this race, and I'm sure we can.
And I'm asking everybody to support me, and anywhere in the country.
You may not be able to vote for me, but you can send money.
You can donate to the campaign by going to boom2006.com, because I will take that money, and I will use it to beat an incumbent Republican, Bushy, New World Order, radical right-wing incumbent.
Now, last time we had you on, you've described yourself as a paleo-conservative.
These guys aren't conservative.
Tell people why you're running as a Democrat.
Well, I intend to win, and I found from my run for President of the United States in 2000 that you don't win elections unless you're either a Republican or a Democrat.
And I don't have millions of my own dollars that I can dump into this, so I need a party behind me.
And I'm running as a Democrat not only because the Republican Party right now is controlled by these horrible neoconservative fascists who've done such terrible things to our country and its military and our reputation around the world, but also because I really believe in the fundamental principles of the Democratic Party
Principles that have been largely ignored since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Principles that involve serving working Americans for a change.
Now, Bob, I want to shift gears.
When you're at the conference, you're going to be covering 9-11.
From your unique perspective as a pilot and as an aeronautical engineer, give us a little preview of the speech you're going to be giving, because you've got a full hour to give a speech and then about 30 minutes to take questions.
What are you going to be speaking about?
Well, I intend to spend a little bit of time addressing 9-11 from the perspective of an old interceptor pilot and talking about why those aircraft were never intercepted before they hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
But I'm sure there's so many other great people going to be speaking on 9-11.
I want to do a little bit of the stuff I did in Chicago, and that is relate 9-11 to the big picture.
How does 9-11 relate to the Iraq War, to our economy, and to the global world order as a whole?
And what is this global world order doing to ordinary American people?
Clearly the official story is a fraud.
You've said it.
I've said it.
9-11 is an inside job.
Do you think it's shocking, the people that carried it out, that so many prominent people are stepping up to the plate and laying their cards on the table?
And that major polls show half of Americans think that they carried it out.
68% think that they're covering something up.
What's your view on that?
Well, I think some of them are beginning to run scared.
I'm getting an awful lot of opposition at the moment.
As a matter of fact, I now have a competitor in the Democratic primary here in Florida's District 15, and there has been a hate piece, an attack piece, circulated about me, describing me as a conspiracy nut by quoting some of the horrendous things I've had to say
On, of all places, the Alex Jones Show!
I didn't see that one.
Well, this really takes me on for identifying Dick Cheney as my prime suspect, if the people in our government were involved, and for saying that I wanted to go to Washington with the idea of bringing about impeachment against
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and the whole oil mafia.
Well, Bush's approval rating is at 30%, so not only is what you're doing just, but what you're calling for is what the people want.
Well, yes, but there are still elements of the Democratic Party
Who are scared of really standing for anything.
They want to continue to be mealy-mouthed, wishy-washy, you know, go-along-to-get-along, Republican-lite, opposition party folks that everybody will like and nobody will pay any attention to.
And that's not me!
You know, I'm running for Congress because I was really talked into it and there wasn't anybody else to do it.
But I have been a whistleblower and a radical for a long time, and I'm not about to change what I'm saying just because I happen to be running for Congress.
And I know there's a lot of high-level Democrats that don't like it that I'm calling a spade a spade, but I'm not going to change.
Well, they're all controlled by the same global corporate crime club.
I mean, look at Hillary hanging out with the head of Fox News, having dinner every week with Rupert Murdoch, traveling around with him, he's having fundraisers for Chuckie Schumer, all of them.
You look at the Democratic Party leadership, many of them are even more neo-connish like Lieberman than even some of Bush's people.
That's true, absolutely true.
And so, I know I'm going to be a persona non grata in a lot of quarters when I get to Washington.
I'm not going to be a member of the club.
I'm not going to take direction from the party leadership.
But I don't think I'm going to be alone.
I think there's going to be a lot of us radicals who get in.
Well, that's why they're trying to head us off with their special little voting machines.
And we know some of their worst fraud committed by the White House in two elections has been in Florida.
How are you trying to head that off?
Well, we do have a fine lawyer, Pam Stewart, who has taken on the job of trying to prevent the election being stolen from us.
But it's going to be very, very difficult.
We know we have an uphill battle with those electronic voting machines, and so
My plan is to beat the Republican incumbent badly.
I mean, I want to beat him by 75 to 25.
If I beat him badly, they're not going to be able to change the result with their voting machines.
Well, they've already had it in 13 states where the exit polls were 10-15 points different than their so-called fraudulent results.
I mean, in places like Nebraska,
You've got people winning by 15, 16 points in the polls, and then they suddenly magically lose, and then the people who literally own the voting machine companies, like Senator Hagel, magically win.
It starts to get pretty darn obvious.
But I agree with you, if it's a massive win, they can't ignore that.
They've tried to run Republicans against Ron Paul.
They've quit doing that because he keeps winning.
And we've seen them run Democrats against other good Democrats.
We saw him run Democrats a few years ago against Cynthia McKinney.
She lost, she came back and won this last election.
So this is a serious, serious fight.
I think it shows that they're afraid of you, that they weren't running anybody against the Republicans.
Suddenly you got involved, now they're running another Democrat against you.
Do you think you're going to be able to beat that Democrat?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
The people are solidly behind me, and I'm not really concerned about that.
I just, you know, and I'd welcome a nice, friendly primary where we could have some debates and train our guns on the Republican incumbent instead of on each other, but it looks like that may be difficult now.
I'm still going to try and pull that off.
I don't want to go negative and get in an attack mode, even against the Republican.
You know, there are plenty of positive things
For us to call for.
Of course, the truth about 9-11.
Healthcare in this country.
Good jobs at a living wage for American families.
Bring our troops back alive.
You know, there are so many positive things that we don't really need to go negative.
So, I still think I'm going to win this election.
Well, I gotta tell you, Bob, you know, they tell us don't go negative, but then I noticed that the winners do go negative.
I think they say don't go negative because it's so effective.
I really think it's propaganda by the political consultants to not go negative.
I've always found attacking is good.
Well, you know, I've already been attacked, and if it doesn't stop, I'm going to fight back.
There's no question about that.
And, you know, I don't have to say a lot of bad things about the Republican incumbent because they keep shooting themselves in the foot with what is going on in Washington.
They're self-destructing in the eyes of the American people.
The American people just need an alternative.
Well I had Ron Paul on a few months ago and he came right out and said that it'd be good for the country to have the monopoly of power broken.
The media acts like gridlock's a bad thing.
Gridlock is what the founding fathers universally, one of the few things they universally called for, a separation of powers.
You have three branches of government, divides within the courts, divides within the legislative, then you have the executive to implement the
The will of the Congress, of the Legislative, I mean, we need to have more gridlock.
We need to not have this out-of-control, un-American, not-conservative Republican monopoly broken.
They have most of the Governors, the majority of Governors, a large majority.
They have a large majority in the House, a small majority in the Senate.
They have a majority of the federal courts now.
They have eight of the nine members appointed by Republicans to the Supreme Court.
They have a huge monopoly in all three branches, and Bush declaring dictatorial powers.
We've got to break his monopoly.
As dangerous as the Democrats are, their leadership is bought and paid for as well.
But I think we're going to see, and many Republican strategists I've talked to agree, and Democratic strategists, there will be less centralized control and fear in the Democratic Party with those bad committee chairmen if there's a major shift in the Congress.
Absolutely, and we have to somehow put a rein on this imperial presidency that is now in power.
The danger of the neocons, Ray McGovern and many others believe the neocons are in great danger.
They're cornered right now to carry out some type of event, a provocateur one.
Barring that, I think that they are slated for the ash heap of history.
What do you think about that statement?
Oh, I agree, and I think that they would like to have another 9-11.
It's just that there's such an awareness around the country now that the story we've been told about the first 9-11 is so fishy that it's going to be very difficult for them to get away with it again.
And I really hope that there are people on the inside that, when they smell something coming down,
that they will be able to prevent it.
I just think the stakes are so high now that we've got to assure those neocons in Washington that if they try something else like this they will not get away with it again and they're going to spend the rest of their lives in jail.
Well that's key.
Exposing 9-11 as an inside job is about saving lives, saving the Republic.
Right now, I mean, Bush, uh, is now public, is trying to create the American Union.
Right now, criminally, totally bust our borders.
The average American is now just learning of that.
I mean, on so many levels, the truth is being revealed.
Final segment with Dr. Bob Bowman, Lieutenant Colonel, retired, or full Colonel, excuse me.
No, Lieutenant Colonel.
Okay, good.
I don't have your bio in front of me.
And, uh, former head of the Star Wars program, when it was a secret program, under, uh, Ford and, of course, Carter.
We'll be right back with some more important questions and more analysis from the doctor.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here and I'm excited to announce we're going to have a huge 9-11 conference in downtown Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th of June.
We're expecting around a thousand people in attendance.
At this historic event, we will irrefutably document that 9-11 was an inside job, a self-inflicted wound, a false flag terror operation.
The conference is titled 9-11 and the Neo-Con Agenda.
I'm happy to announce the conference will feature presentations by incredible speakers like BYU physics professor Stephen Jones, the father of the Star Wars program, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bowman, former top-level CIA analyst for Reagan and Bush, Ray McGovern, 9-11 hero William Rodriguez, author Webster Turnbull, Professor Jim Fetzer, and many, many others, including special guests.
I'll also be debuting my explosive new film, Terror Storm, at the conference.
Arm yourself with the truth.
Secure your tickets today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday, 11 to 2 central, back from 9 to midnight.
Coming up, Jerome Corsi.
I disagree with him on a lot of issues, but he's dead on with the North American Union.
We'll see how he squares that with his Lord Bush, who he says is so good.
And that's coming up in the third hour.
That should be extremely interesting, to say the least.
Dr. Bob Bowman, former head of the Star Wars program, right when it was first set up.
I can't wait to meet you in person.
I feel like I already know you.
I've interviewed you several times there at the conference.
Folks, you can get your tickets at InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
Bob, looking at this, looking at what the neocons are doing right now, obviously the Zarqawi thing, which is totally staged, was timed because of plunging poll numbers.
The Canada thing is now being admitted as a terror alert to be a stage provocateur.
The British thing, within two days they admitted, was the wrong house and no one were terrorists but they shot somebody.
So we already see them trying to bolster their numbers, trying to show us how they're saving us, and I had predicted, not because it's hard to do, people do the same thing over and over again, that if they were going to back off a big terror attack, or it could even be a prelude to it, they would do lots of these little events.
That's true, and I don't know... I'm really worried about the next big one.
I am, and I'm worried about our government using another false flag to get us into a full-scale war with Iran now.
There's so much that we have to protect against, and the best protection we have is the truth.
I'm already in trouble with the old-timers in the party, so
Let me get myself deeper in by repeating what has gotten me in trouble with him before.
The truth about 9-11 is that we don't know the truth about 9-11.
What we do know is that the most unbelievable of all the wild conspiracy theories is the official conspiracy theory told us by our government.
But Bob, when we look at it, when we look at, and Stephen Jones is on record, Ray McGovern, when we look at the official story, all the evidence, the know-how, the capacity to carry it out would only be with criminal elements of our government.
That's what the former German Defense Minister said.
I mean, that's the only way it could be done.
I mean, can Al-Qaeda make NORAD stand down?
Can they warn public officials not to fly?
Can they do CIA-connected insider trading?
It goes on and on.
It goes on and on.
And, you know, one of my favorite lines I give is, if the government has nothing to hide, why are they hiding everything?
Why are they hiding the videotapes?
Why are they hiding the audiotapes?
Why are they hiding all the forensic evidence that they haven't already sold to China as scrap?
You know, why don't they let us have a really independent commission to tell us the truth?
The answer, the only answer that appears feasible is that they do have something to hide.
I can't come to any other conclusion.
Well, all the evidence that's conclusive inside JOB, the fine details of how they did it will probably remain nebulous for eternity, but the perpetrators know how they did it.
It's just clear in any police work that we know where the blame rests, as you said.
Dick Cheney, prime suspect.
Dr. Bob Bowman, I will see you out there as one of our keynote speakers on Sunday, June 25th.
We're talking about only 10 days away.
You're having your big anniversary on Friday.
You're flying out there, getting there Saturday.
You'll be there Saturday evening at the conference.
You'll be speaking on Sunday.
I can't wait to shake your hand.
It would be good to be with you too, Alex.
Send people to Bowman2006.com.
We've got a big fat link up on the main page of InfoWars, sir, in case people miss it, they can link through right there.
We'll see you very soon, Doctor.
Thanks, Alex.
You bet.
Vaya con Dios.
We'll come back, we'll start the second hour, we'll get into a bunch of other news, and we'll take your calls immediately at 800-259-9231.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I got my wires crossed, time zone-wise.
Drum Corsi is on with us right now.
He'll be with us for this hour.
We'll have open phones this hour and into the next as well.
Toll free number 1-800-259-9231.
He wrote two great articles.
One of them titled, Bush Sneaking North American Superstate Without Oversight, Mexico-Canada Partnership Underway with No Authorization from Congress.
That's one from World Net Daily.
And the really detailed one that's excellent as well is, Out of Human Events,
The Bush Administration quietly plans a NAFTA superhighway.
Do we have our guest?
There's Scott.
Quietly but systematically, the Bush Administration is advancing the plan to build a huge NAFTA superhighway, four football fields wide, through the heart of the U.S.
along Interstate 35 from the Mexican border at Laredo, Texas to the Canadian border north of Duluth, Minnesota.
For a decade, we have been here reporting this to you.
We have the documents, just as they started the European Union in the late fifties as an economic bloc, now a super state, where by the way, they're taking people's freedoms and sovereignty away.
And finally, Lou Dobbs is talking about it.
Finally, others are talking about it.
And I don't agree with Jerome Corsi on some of the things he talks about, but I do agree with him on the open borders,
On the Napa Superhighway, on these things that are happening.
It doesn't matter.
It's not a partisan issue.
Republicans and Democrats are all bought off by the same people.
And it's a serious, serious problem.
We've got a quick segment here.
We'll come back after the break.
But let's go ahead and go to Jerome Corsi.
Mr. Corsi, thanks for coming on with us.
I'm greatly pleased to be there.
Thank you.
Tell us, for those who don't know who you are, most of them probably do out there.
You're all over talk radio and TV.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Well, I'm a writer.
I'm a full-time writer.
I co-authored with John O'Neill the Swift Boat book, 2004, Unfit for Command.
I've been writing a series of other books.
I've had a book out on oil, a blank old stranglehold, and a book coming out on the Minutemen Project with
It's called Minute Man.
It's being co-authored with Jim Gilchrist.
That's right.
You expose that peak oil is a total fraud.
I'm with you on that.
You expose that they're getting rid of our borders.
I'm with you on that.
You expose a bunch of issues, but then, and I want to get to this later, because I just want to get your research on the border.
Then you come out and get into how the Muslims are all going to kill us, and we've got to go ahead and go into Iran.
I want to spend a few minutes on that later.
I don't agree with you on that, so it's kind of a
A conundrum here we face, but we're going to break here in about a minute and a half.
Just right off the bat, tell us what's happening to our sovereignty.
Well, this entire plan to create the Security and Prosperity Partnership, which President Bush agreed to with President Fox and with Canada, Waco, Texas in March 2005, is aimed to create a North American Union as a new government.
And the President is on the mission to have not just NAFTA as a free trade zone, but
A new country, the North American Union, like the European Union, together with courts and the executive branch and the whole works, legislature, will supersede the U.S.
It will erase the border with Mexico, erase the border with Canada, and the only borders we'll protect are beyond the perimeter of the continent.
And ultimately, I'm sure the President intends to include
You know, Central America and South America.
Yeah, that's part of round two.
We've had that with bilaterals.
Yeah, round two.
But this is documented, and as we'll talk here, if your listeners go to SPP.gov, that's SamPeterPeter.gov, you'll see the office in the Department of Commerce that's functioning some 20 working groups to create the North American Union by regulation.
And even Congress isn't aware of what's going on, nor is it apparently undergoing Congressional review.
I had former Congressman Bob Barr and Arch Conservative on a couple months ago, and he said Bush is using the regulatory agencies to go after the Second Amendment, and he's more anti-gun than Clinton.
See, I mean, that's what's happened here.
That's what's happening.
Stay there, Mr. Corsi, we'll be right back after this quick break and flesh all this out.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's really happening.
Yes, even Lou Dobbs is talking about it.
It's really happening.
Jerome Corsi joins us with the detailed reports on this to give us his knowledge of it on the other side.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here, and I'm excited to announce we're going to have a huge 9-11 conference in downtown Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th of June.
We're expecting around 1,000 people in attendance.
At this historic event, we will irrefutably document that 9-11 was an inside job, a self-inflicted wound, a false flag terror operation.
The conference is titled 9-11 and the Neocon Agenda.
I'm happy to announce the conference will feature presentations by incredible speakers like BYU physics professor Stephen Jones, the father of the Star Wars program, Lt.
Robert Bowman, former top-level CIA analyst for Reagan and Bush, Ray McGovern, 9-11 hero William Rodriguez, author Webster Turnbull, Professor Jim Fetzer, and many, many others, including special guests.
I'll also be debuting my exclusive new film, Terror Storm, at the conference.
Arm yourself with the truth.
Secure your tickets today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones introducing you to the incredible Berkey solar charger.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Blasting out of the AM and FM dial, from Illinois to Kansas, from Texas to Florida, to upstate New York, to Southern California.
Simulcasting on global shortwave, WWCR, and the Internet, at Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, JonesReport.com.
I remember waking up 12, 14 years ago, I've been on air for 12 years, but I really woke up about 14 years ago, and reading the official Trilateral Commission documents, CFR documents, reading federal planning reports, we've posted many of them, written articles about them, on our website, where they openly say we're going to have an American Union, starting with Canada, Mexico, and the US, through handing over the infrastructure to international, non-governmental
We're good to go!
They've announced that we'll all have transponders in our cars.
We barely beat the bill last year in Texas to track us and tax us.
That will pay for the NAFTA highway.
It's coming into all the states.
It's not just I-35.
About 40% of the major highways in the U.S.
are designated as this.
Mexico has been given major rail yards in St.
Louis and Kansas City.
They will have sovereignty over those.
That's official news from their own websites.
The U.S.
Jerome Corsi has done some great research on this subject, and we've got links on Infowars.com to the article he wrote for WorldNetDaily, the article he wrote for Human Events, and links to his website.
He'll tell you about that, but let's just get this out of the way right now, Jerome Corsi.
I've listened to you a lot on Coast to Coast AM.
I've seen you on national television.
I've read some of your writing.
You'll be totally spot-on about open borders.
about a host of issues, about peak oil being a fraud, the oil companies actually cooked it up, along with a bunch of other socialists.
And then I hear you on the air talking about Iran's going to get us any minute, they're going to have nukes in a month, then it's all over and we've got to go in there.
I mean, so if George Bush is really anti-gun, he's really a globalist along with the Democrats, he's doing all these bad things, why is he so right about going into Iran?
George Bush has no intention of going into Iran.
And my concerns about Iran are simply that this regime is a fanatical, zealot regime.
They believe that the Mahdi, their messiahic figure, is going to come back and come out of the well that he went down as a little boy in 941 A.D.
That's what Ahmadinejad, their president, fervently believes.
And he's got to cause an apocalypse to make it happen.
And they're making nuclear weapons.
When they get those nuclear weapons, they're going to threaten Israel and use them against Israel.
They've said they want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
Where did the Iranian President specifically say that somebody's going to come out of a well and he's got to blow everything up?
He said it in front of the United Nations.
He referred to the Mahdi when he announced that they had to enrich uranium to 235.
That was about a month ago.
He again gave a long speech about the Mahdi, the return of this 12th Imam, the lost Imam.
The Messiah figure?
Did he say they had to create Armageddon to get it?
Yes, that's the basic core belief.
There's a tape on the internet, when he came back from the United Nations, he had a visit with some of his friends, he said a white light descended on the UN when he spoke and he felt the presence of the Mahdi.
Mahdi's imminent return is upon us.
Well I saw that, but you can take one of the many Islamic interpretations of that and then attribute that to him.
Has he specifically said that he wants to create World War III?
Well, yes he has.
I mean, that's part of the whole theory of what the MADI return is.
He said, we've got to go through a revolution, we've got to go through all this chaos.
Why does the CIA own an assessment that came out in the middle of last year, say 10 years, so they have an A-bomb?
Well, the CIA hasn't found anybody developing an A-bomb since the Soviets did it.
I wouldn't trust the CIA intelligence on anything.
Okay, well let's say Iran detonates an A-bomb.
I mean, let's just say that Israel's got 400 to 600 nukes.
I mean, this is... What about Bush blocking AQ Khan Laboratories?
Blocking the FBI.
Clinton did it too.
What about North Korea firing a test dummy missile in 2000 that hit Alaska?
And that's never on our news.
Well, it isn't what is going to happen here.
That's what I wrote in Atomic Iran.
I've been to Israel.
I spoke before the Knesset.
They invited me over there.
I had detailed meetings.
I've been in touch with their Ministry of Defense.
Israel is not going to wait.
One atomic bomb over Tel Aviv would kill thousands of people.
It would basically destroy the modern Jewish state.
Israel is giving the world time to deal with this diplomatically.
But Israel has got the attack plan all designed.
The Bush Administration does not have an Iran policy.
The Iran policy of the Bush administration is virtually a complete failure.
We're trying to get them before the United Nations.
That's not going to work.
Why should we believe anything that comes out of the Bush administration when they claim that Saddam had WMDs?
And I don't want to hear they took them to Syria because we have their own White House memo, which they admit is accurate, where they're talking about staging, you know, getting Saddam to shoot down our planes painted up and having defectors come out.
I mean, come on!
Everybody knows our government created Saddam.
I don't... If you assume I believe what's coming out of the Bush administration, you're wrong.
What I believe is what's coming out of the Israelis.
And out of the IAEA's own report, the Bush administration has left field with regards to Iran.
They've done nothing in two years, except hold diplomatic meetings that have accomplished zero.
Let me ask you, why do you think Bush and Clinton were more than happy, and it's on the record, knew they were developing what they've got, at least ten high-powered bombs and good medium-range missiles to deliver them in Pakistan?
I mean, why did Bush just go over and tell the Indians, develop as many nukes as you want?
Well, I don't think Bush or Clinton have had an effective policy
In that part of the world at all.
Okay, then what should we do then?
Just back up Israel as they turn Iran into a parking lot, and then the P2OG document shows the Arabs will go completely ape, blow up a bunch of stuff all over the world, and then Bush gets his hundred year war, and neocons get to rule us.
Well, what I've been writing is, not that I favor any of that, I don't.
But I'm telling you what's going to happen, because Israel isn't going to wait.
If the world cannot stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons,
Israel's not going to let this madman who talks like Hitler sit in the next country over from them and have nuclear weapons they can put on the Shahab-3.
It isn't going to happen.
Well, you say talks like Hitler.
All he said is Iran didn't do anything, you know, specifically in World War II, so why did they have to get the blame for it?
No, he said that Israel needs to be wiped off the map.
The Holocaust didn't happen.
If it did, send them back to Europe because they're at fault.
And by the way, they don't belong in the Middle East, and he intends to remove them.
He's had conferences about a world without Israel since he took office.
Let me ask you a question.
It seems like you really like Israel.
It's on record they've sold our secrets to China and others.
They've admitted to it.
Israel's involved in all sorts of corruption.
Do you deny that?
Is Israel just this wonderful, spotless lamb?
I don't think there's any pure country in the world, but I'm saying I do support the survival of Israel.
If Israel is wiped out of the Middle East by a country like Iran with nuclear weapons, the whole world is going to have major consequences.
Israel is a democracy.
It is established in that part of the world.
And what's happened when people have gone around trying to kill the Jews, since the ancient Egyptians or the Babylonians, is that those countries end up creating huge wars, millions of people die, and ultimately those regimes that try to kill the Jews are wiped out themselves.
It's a suicidal idea.
But Ahmadinejad is going to pursue it, I assure you.
And Israel is not going to let it happen.
That's what's coming down.
When do you think Israel is going to strike?
I think Israel will wait until the end of this year, maybe the beginning of next year.
But from all the people I'm talking to in Israel, they're very, very nervous.
And every time Ahmadinejad sets off another rocket, which he just did, every time he has more discussions about he's enriched uranium now to 4 to 5 percent,
Every time he refuses to shut down the Tons... But you know you can't build a bomb with 4 or 5%?
Well, he won't.
He's putting in... He'll have 3,000 centrifuges, better than P2s, in the Tons, probably by the end of this month.
And then he'll go right away... You guys were saying that six months ago.
Well, I said when they open the Tons, it would take them four months to enrich uranium to 235 quality.
That's exactly what it took them.
That when they opened Isfahan, it would take them four months to get from uranium ore to uranium hexafluoride gas.
That's exactly what happened.
Now what I'm saying is, they'll have the centrifuges in there probably at the end of this month, and it will take them, by the end of the year, beginning of next, before they announce they can produce weapons grade.
If they announce it.
They may not announce it.
You know, there's probably some reasons Iran doesn't like us, Mr. Korsh.
You're a pretty well-informed, educated fellow.
I'm sure you know that the CIA admits that in 1953, Kermit Roosevelt and a 12-man team, or 11-man team, went in there with millions of dollars, blew up mosques, shot people, blamed it on Mossadegh, and removed a guy that was pro-America, and then put the Shah and Savak in, and all the torture, and now they've got Ahmed Chalabi running around.
He was just a Bilderberg group.
I personally videotaped him up there.
Hillary showed up.
We've had a terrible Iran policy.
The reason they got rid of Mossadegh was because he nationalized the oil industry.
We went in and we were mad at him.
The British were mad at him.
We went in and removed him.
That was probably a stupid idea.
Were you aware that they removed him by carrying out terror attacks and blaming it on him?
Look, there's only about 14 books written on it.
Well, Chairman Roosevelt went on... Yeah, went public.
I mean, it's all out there in the public record.
Okay, well then I don't trust anything this government does because right now, I got a whole bunch... I assure you, Alex,
You won't get anywhere talking about right and wrong in the Middle East, because it goes back 3,000 years, and everybody's got a claim to everything, and everybody's messed it all up.
None of it matters.
Because the point is... So is it good?
Is it good that Israel's going to attack Iran?
Is there any way out of this?
No, it's terrible.
I think it's horrible.
Is there any way out of this?
The only way out of it is if you can get Ahmadinejad to somehow or other stop making nuclear weapons.
Okay, they had a moderate in, they had a moderate in a year ago, and Israel and the UN and everybody thumbed their nose at him.
The moderate they had in a year ago, Khatami, was on the way out.
Probably, but I've been writing that even Ayatollah Khomeini, who's now the Supreme Leader, I'm writing he's on the way out.
The guy who's really driving things in Iran, and has been for about five years, is this
Ayatollah Yazdi, they call the crocodile, he is from Qom.
That's where Karbala is.
That's where the well is that they think this Mahdi went down in 941 A.D.
This is a whole sect of radical Islam that has hijacked the government.
They're going to make nuclear weapons.
When they do, it's scary for Israel.
Oh, it's scary for Israel with their anti-missile systems, their satellites.
Even the last Patriot test we did shows they can't stop a barrage of Shahab-3 missiles.
Well, I want to shift gears.
Sure, I want to shift gears, Jerome, and talk about what you came on for when we get back.
Let's get into the American Union.
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Jerome Corsi is going to be with us for the middle of the next hour, bottom of the next hour.
We'll take calls later.
I specifically want to talk about one of these three issues.
The Iran situation,
Well, in a nutshell, the
In Waco, Texas, in March 2005, President Bush signed with Spencenny Fox and Canada's Prime Minister the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.
And that document, nobody hardly noticed at the time, but it was a key document because it was the foundation document for what's going to be a North American Union, a new country being established over Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
Merging them together like the European Union is merged together.
Now, this has taken on a life of its own, driven behind the scenes by George Bush.
The Council on Foreign Relations, in May 2005, published a report, and I've linked to all of these in my articles on HumanEventsOnline and WorldNetDaily.com.
They published a report called, Building a North American Community.
Now, that report calls for the North American Union to be created as new government in 2010.
And this new government's going to have its own court, its own parliamentary group, and its own commission as an executive.
And it will supersede and override the United States of America.
And on the ad, we've all got to pay taxes for this.
They always say world government will remove bureaucracy.
No, no, no.
It adds whole new layers of bureaucracy.
Oh, that's right.
We'll pay double taxes.
Because the North American Union will start taxing too.
And the United States of America will probably continue taxing as well.
The United States of America is not going to go away.
By the way, they're going to do that off of mainly internal tariffs.
That's their taxing mechanism is turning almost every major highway, state road, and local road into transponder tax toll roads.
Well, they've got about a dozen other ideas.
But they're going to get taxed in the North American Union.
You can count on it.
Now, this has progressed beyond the conceptual point.
If you look at spp.gov, at sampeterpeter.gov, this is a website in the U.S.
Department of Commerce that's being maintained by our government, and it lists all of the working groups.
Since this Waco, Texas agreement in March 2005, the executive branch of government, the United States and Canada and Mexico, have created over 20 working groups.
These are headed by Secretary of Commerce Gutierrez,
Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
And these are not insignificant committees.
They range on everything from e-commerce, through work permits, aviation, health, public safety, and they're rewriting our laws.
Let me just give you an example.
This Aviation Safety Working Group and the Harmonized Air Navigation Systems Working Group have decided they're going to take our
North American Wide Area Augmentation System.
Anybody who is out there and flies an airplane knows that that and the GPS system that we have, together with a couple of other systems, permit you to do navigation over the United States with a commercial or military plane or a private plane.
Well, that's all going to be shared and
With Mexico and the United States, a trilateral agreement has already been reached on that.
Well, here's another example.
Bush saying he's going to give Social Security to Mexicans living in Mexico.
That's the American Union right there.
And for those who don't understand, they didn't just sign this agreement last year out at Bush's ranch.
This was just going public, to a certain extent, to what they were already building in other agreements.
They were already building the highways.
Well, Alex, the point on this one on the aviation system, I can just make the point,
If you're in Mexico, they're going to be able to determine where every military airplane and every other kind of airplane is flying over the United States.
And they want to do that because they want to have any airplane, commercial or otherwise, feel they can navigate freely the North American continent in the North American Union.
Now my point is that this working group
In SPP, the SPP office of the Department of Congress... That's getting rid of our borders right there!
That gets rid of our borders, and it exceeds congressional authority.
I'm quite sure the law that established the GPS and navigational system for the airline did not say that our government, the Department of Transportation, could share it with a foreign nation.
Yeah, it's all color of law.
It's all just do it.
Just do it.
In fact, when I went into Congress a week ago,
I went and talked to a dozen congressmen.
Congressmen I talked to, 201, had never even heard of SPP.
Nor had their top aide.
I had to sit down with the congressmen on their own computers and show them these websites.
Well, it's like animal ID and premises ID.
That's in these American Union documents.
Did you see that?
Oh yes, as well as biometric cards and your North American Union passport.
Yeah, let's talk about that.
I mean, because I've read it.
This is just the stuff that's public.
So, the American Union's here.
It isn't down the road.
It isn't over the next hill.
Although it's here.
It's here.
We're now entering it.
We're now in it.
We have a few months to pull our head out of the noose.
Jerome Corsi is right on this issue.
We'll come back and get more of his expertise after this short break.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Jerome Cordes is our guest.
He's done a lot of the research we've done.
Some facets that we haven't even looked at.
He's got it all documented.
Discussing the American Union, the North American Super Corridor system they're building.
These coalitions.
We have the majority of counties now in Texas voting against this, standing up to it.
I mean, we're down to the fight.
We're down to them putting the transponders into the cars.
I mean, it's here.
And the World Trade Organization, created in the mid-90s, has more authority than our Congress over trade.
They ceded authority.
We have the World Health Organization, which our CDC takes orders from.
Bush signed back on to UNESCO two years ago to put us under UN regulation on thousands of issues.
We're going into the global government.
Drew Corsi, for folks that don't know about it, we've got a link to it on InfoWars.com.
Why don't you tell people about your personal website, not just Human Events or World Night Daily that you write for.
Well, I don't have a personal website.
The best thing always with me is to look at the books.
And right now, this Minutemen book is the one I've written and co-authored with Jim Gilchrist.
It'll be out in July.
So if you look at Amazon.com and my name, C-O-R-S-I, you'll see Minutemen, The Battle to Secure America's Borders, and that's the current project I've been working on for the last few months.
We're going to open the phones up in a little while.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
Do you have trouble, even though you have the documents, with just the average person, especially conservatives?
Well, George W. wouldn't do that.
He's a good conservative.
I mean, when you're talking to people, what type of feedback are you getting?
Well, I think that things have changed for George Bush because of the immigration issue.
Conservatives cannot understand why George Bush would not secure the border with Mexico.
We've already convicted and have in federal prison Hezbollah agents that worked in Detroit sending money back to Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon.
They got in here through the Mexican border.
They bribed their way in.
So, the conservatives say, you know, it doesn't make any sense.
That George Bush, if he wants to have a war on terror, wouldn't secure that border.
By the way, do you agree with me that, of course that's all a stunt, 6,000 troops over some indeterminate time, they admit it's... That is nonsense.
It's like George Bush going and riding in a dune buggy down at the border.
It's all photo-op.
Well, yeah, 55 troops that can't do anything in Arizona, a dozen in Texas, it's a joke.
It's like Clinton, you know, built a fence.
Well, the fence that Clinton built, you know, you could virtually walk through.
You could walk under it, over it.
Dig under it.
In most areas, it's not even there.
Clinton and Bush are the same.
They've just been window dressing on the issue of the border, because they're both globalists, and they're both in the pockets of the same international capitalist groups, including the Carlyle Group.
And we can talk about that, too.
But the point I wanted to make was that you asked about conservatives.
Looking at the issue, conservatives would not have bought the issue of the North American Union as a new government, except for immigration.
The immigration issue has so upset conservatives, they've taken a new look at Bush through that lens.
And through that lens, the only explanation for why Bush won't secure the border is he agreed not to secure the border.
He agreed with Vincente Fox to erase the border.
And then everything becomes consistent.
In fact, his supposed border solution is getting rid of the border.
So, in essence, it will end illegal immigration because it won't be illegal.
Well, that's right, because the plan is
The Security and Prosperity Partnership Plan is, everybody's going to be a citizen of the North American Union.
And you can go anywhere you want.
If you want to have 80 million Mexicans come to the United States and live here, that's got to be fine, because they're North American Union citizens, and they can go anywhere they want.
Even if they're all poor, even if they're all uneducated and speaking Spanish.
And they can all get on the welfare rolls.
They can all get welfare, they can all have their babies in the hospitals.
Their babies are citizens under the 14th Amendment.
And they could all vote to get rid of the 2nd Amendment and vote out sovereignty completely.
Forget about the 2nd Amendment.
In fact, you better worry about your radio show, Alex, because as soon as we're in the North American Union, we're going to have hate crime laws like they do in Canada.
That's right!
In fact, I was already detained in Canada for my political activities, and they even admitted it to me when I was there last week.
Well, that's right.
I wouldn't go to Canada if I were you.
I don't think it's advisable.
Even when it's the North American Union.
When it's the North American Union, they'll come and get you in Texas.
And they'll prosecute you.
By the way, last year it was on News 8 Austin.
It was something like 50 Austin cops sent to Japan for world policing training and it said a bunch of cops have been sent here and they'll now be allowed to go everywhere and arrest everyone.
Well that's the point.
The point is, I want to talk about this NAFTA superhighway, you know, this four football field
Well, in fact, the plant... well, they're gonna start the Trans-Texas segment of this.
They're gonna start building that.
You're going to have the public hearings on that starting next month.
Public hearings are also, by the way, a joke.
Here's another example.
Let me tell you how bad it is.
We voted down light rail four times.
But they have already built the train stations and are building the tracks even though we didn't vote for it.
And let me just tell you because I'm here, sir.
They've been building the Texas Corridor for at least three or four years.
Yeah, I don't doubt it.
And, you know, why it's going to be hard to stop is because of the international capital issues, the multinational corporations.
This is the plan.
I mean, you know it.
They're going to open up Laranjo Cardenas down in the Baja.
It's going to be a big port.
They'll probably open three ports down in Mexico.
So these super tankers, you know, 4,000 containers, maybe 10,000 containers, coming from China with cheap goods, well, right now those goods get doubled in price because of transportation.
So the plan is, let's bring them in through Mexico.
No longshoremen.
Let's put them on Mexican trains.
That'll go up to Monterey.
Okay, no United Transportation workers.
Then we're going to put them on Mexican trucks.
And that's no Teamsters.
And we'll drive them across the Speed Bump Fast Lane at Laredo.
Which the SPP.gov has arranged to only be checked by an electronic sensor.
Yeah, they're going to have transponders.
Transponders, right.
Now these Mexican trucks, thousands of them an hour, not complying with U.S.
environmental standards.
Not complying with U.S.
trucking standards.
Nobody teamsters.
By the way, there won't even be state police.
This is going to be an international corridor.
I'm looking at their official plan that we posted about five months ago.
They pulled a lot of it off their site, but we scanned it and saved it.
You know, what Jerome links to has only got part of it.
It's still bad.
Here's their official map with the Canadian, Mexican, and U.S.
flags all together in one symbol.
What site is that?
It's the NASCO, North American Super Corridor Coalition.
Okay, the nascocorridor.com shows the highway.
I'm sure you've seen that many times.
Oh yeah, we have maps that are even worse.
Well, okay, and the only customs office is going to be built in Kansas City.
Kansas City is spending three million dollars of tax money to build a Mexican customs office, Mexican sovereignty, in the middle of Kansas.
Now, any trucker who's listening to this, the plan is to undercut the Teamsters throughout the United States.
Because a U.S.
company can go buy a Mexican trucking company and operate it as a Mexican trucking company.
Well, that's already happening.
That's happening.
And then what you can do when the trucks are coming in, then why would any teamster get to haul them?
Because you could just get Mexicans to do it.
Well, it's also going to undercut independent truckers.
Independent truckers are gone, too.
And by the way, it's going to impact the ports in Los Angeles and Long Beach and Seattle.
And by the way, when we say gone,
It's just like 80% of the good high-tech jobs are gone.
I mean, they're really gone.
You understand?
Gone, gone, gone.
Yeah, you'll have Mexican trucks driving on U.S.
highways, Mexican kids, untrained, whomever.
They'll drive whatever hours they want.
They will not comply with U.S.
standards will be gone, too.
Because the U.S.
Supreme Court's already decided in 2004 that under NAFTA, we can't enforce our environmental regulations.
So those trucks, even if they were built before 1993,
And don't have air pollution equipment on them, they can drive Mexican trucks anywhere they want.
Now Alex, you and I went and got a Mexican truck and drove it, we'd be arrested.
But if a Mexican did it, they're free to do it.
I had the leader of the Republican Senate in Colorado on a few years ago.
He went in one day, got four different matricula cards under different names.
He'll give them to anybody.
Banks, police, everyone except him.
And I'm at the bank when illegal aliens have no identification.
They're treated like pure gold.
And I've got money in the bank.
I'm treated like garbage.
Well, that's because they're sending back $30 billion a year to Mexico on remittances, which is keeping Mexico's corrupt government alive.
And that's probably one of the main streams of income back into Mexico.
Mexico is such a corrupt country, as you know.
A few billionaires, the mass of the people impoverished, run by drug cartels, where bribery is king.
I mean, you know, Mexico is a disaster.
Now, we're allowing our border to be open, and these are not just people looking for work coming here.
You've got the drug cartels, you've got MS-13.
Doing this book with Jim Gilchrist of the Minutemen, we interviewed the FBI, we quote him in the book,
MS-13 is in 3,000 communities now in the United States.
Sir, last year, and I'm sure you know this, the State Department, three separate times, issued warnings that statistically areas of south Texas on the border are more dangerous than the West Bank of Israel.
We had 800 plus deaths on the two sides of the border, rocket attacks, newspapers being blown up.
We have seven towns flying Mexican flags on the Texas side.
Look up El Cenizo, sir.
You're not allowed to speak English in the court proceedings, but meanwhile they're going after some pizza place where they said, please speak English when you're ordering, because they couldn't understand.
Well, that's right.
And they've got a drug war going on at the border, and that drug war is spilling over into the United States.
But our own government, the Ford Foundation and others, have taught the Mexicans down there that this is really Oslon.
Well, that's right.
And if you take a look at the Oslon map, there's about 11 states that are going to go back to Mexico.
That's the underside of this thing.
The whole North American Union
Puts Mexico on a par with the United States, and actually, like any other international organization, it becomes quickly an anti-American debating society, and we get overruled and overvoted.
Well, that's what it's all about.
I mean, they use the French separatists to try to split up Canada.
We know Bilderberg was behind that.
I went to Bilderberg last week.
On the agenda, the American Union, they're jumping for joy.
Americans don't even know that the U.S.
is dying right now.
It's dying fast.
And our president is involved in killing it.
President Bush is allowing, what's going on right now through FPP.gov, is essentially a takeover of creating a new government.
Well let me stop you right there though.
From the executive branch.
Well no, I agree, they're creating a new government by fiat through the regulatory.
But I mean, let's shift gears here for a minute.
You're talking about Israel and how they're our buddies and we've got to protect them and they're so great.
The big AIPAC is Israel lobby, because I've looked into them, and so has the ADL and others.
They are out there attacking anybody that wants to control our borders.
They're attacking people and saying it's xenophobic to not want to have open borders.
You know ADL's done that.
They've attacked the Minutemen, written hit pieces on myself and others in their reports.
I did not say that I thought Israel was great.
I want to be real clear what I'm saying.
Okay, what I'm asking you is that large sections of the Israeli lobby are here pushing for policies that are the opposite of what they asked for in Israel.
Well, you know, Israel's doing some dumb things too.
Well, when you spoke to the Knesset, didn't you tell them, hey, you guys that have lobbyists in the U.S., tell them to stop trying to kill our own fence.
You know, you're having a fence.
Why can't we have one?
Well, I did say that.
I told the government here to build a fence.
Build a fence here.
We need a fence here, that's what we need.
I mean, Israel, there's only one reason that I support Israel, because I think that historically, going back three, four thousand years, you know, any attempt to destroy or attack Israel has just been suicidal for anybody who's attempted it.
Well, sometimes the prophets, Jerome... Defending Israel and defending their democracy is one of those things that has to be done, historically,
If we had done it in the 1930s, we wouldn't have had World War II.
Well, Jerome Corsi, there's many times in the Bible where the prophets told Israel they were going to go into captivity to be punished, and we didn't see those countries that took them into captivity being punished in some cases.
Well, mostly they're gone.
Where's ancient Babylon?
There's no more pharaohs around.
Where's Hitler?
He's long gone.
Every country that's tried to destroy Israel has destroyed themselves.
It's just a bad idea.
We've got to get this Jewish hate
Out of our consciousness, because it doesn't go anywhere.
Well, sir, I don't hate Jews.
I have a lot of Jewish friends, and there's a diverse... I'm not accusing you of... I know, but I want to be clear here.
There is a diverse group of Jews out there, and then they get attacked by the so-called right-wing Jews, who go, oh, you're evil, you know, you're... I want to keep the Jewish lobby issue out of this question, because I don't think you've got to get there to talk about why the North American Union doesn't make any sense.
The North American Union doesn't make any sense,
Because, you know, the United States, these guys who are trying to do this are post-nation-state.
They're post-America.
Well, this is what I want to know.
You know, you're saying that this thing's coming up with Iran, they're madmen, all this.
Then every time I turn around, I'm not just bashing Israel here, Jerome.
Every time I turn around, believe me, I get bashed by those that bash Israel, because, you know, I call all sorts of names.
Look it up.
My point is, I'm trying to be even-handed here.
I see Israel, no matter who's in there, busy selling secrets to everybody, busy doing everything our government's doing.
It seems like Israel isn't really, at some level, too concerned about their own security.
I'm sure you're aware, sir, that they've been involved in transfers to Iran.
I'm sure you're aware they've been involved in transfers to Pakistan and to China, who then bring it right into Iran.
Now I'm asking you, why is Israel doing that?
If you're going to get with Israel or with the Middle East, if you get into right and wrong, you're not going to go anywhere, because they're all right and they're all wrong.
You've got to get down to some basic issues when you're dealing with the Middle East.
I've quit trying to sort out 3,000 years of history and figure out who's right and who's wrong.
I'm down to this.
If Ahmadinejad gets nuclear weapons with his radical mindset, the body's going to come back and he has to have an apocalypse.
We're going to have nuclear war.
I don't want to see that happen.
That's where I'm at with Israel and with Iran.
You know it's funny... They're both all right and they're both all wrong.
Jerome, it's admitted now that that stuff put out out of Canada is total baloney about Jews having to wear yellow, Christians wearing blue, Zoroastrians wearing green.
It was some national initiative to get people to wear Islamic dress and to fund their textiles internally.
So there's so much stuff we have seen on Iran that ends up to be just baloney.
Well, if not Boloney, then Ahmadinejad, with this second wave of their revolution, is intending to export it.
And they're going to export it any way they can.
Their primary first target is Israel.
They think they're in a historical moment, especially with Hamas controlling the Palestinian Authority.
They think they're in a historical moment where they have another chance to go after Israel and get rid of it.
And of course Hamas is an arm of the Iranian government.
You know, it's funny though, our government in 98, Republicans own report admits that they sent 45 million dollars to the Iranians, who then gave it to Al Qaeda to help attack the Serbs.
When the Serbs fought back, the Republicans were all for going in and taking over Slobodan Milošević.
Our government right now is supporting Hamas.
Okay, I'm asking you, were you for the attack on Serbia?
Not in particular.
I thought that whole Serbian War made no sense at all, to be honest.
I still haven't understood the Serbian War.
I still don't get it.
I have.
It was a sovereign nation, and our government went in there and funded the Muslim extremists, the real ones, just like they do every time.
Well, I know that Clinton was on the side of the Muslims, but I'll tell you, the point I'm at, and I want to focus on the North American Union for a minute, because I think if we get to the heart of what's happening here,
This is about preserving the United States of America.
What the people are doing, the North American Union, Robert Pastor, who is the Vice Chairman, the lead architect on this Council on Foreign Relations report, building the North American community, he's been on the record for 20 years as an extreme leftist.
He hates the United States, wants to reduce our power.
That seems to be the agenda.
And they're post-American.
They're almost like Marxists or Hegelians that have viewed that nation-states are going to wither away.
They're globalists.
They don't want nation-states because the international order will be the government.
Alan, that is a Hegelian idea that's never worked.
It's always been a failure.
Human beings need nation-states like they need families.
Arizona was right.
We're political animals.
We're not going to get rid of families.
We'll stay there, Jerome.
We'll get back into the American Union.
But I didn't bring this out of left field.
The Israel lobby has attacked myself for being against the American Union.
I want them to stop it.
I'm angry at them.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here and I'm excited to announce we're going to have a huge 9-11 conference in downtown Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th of June.
We're expecting around 1,000 people in attendance.
At this historic event, we will irrefutably document that 9-11 was an inside job, a self-inflicted wound, a false flag terror operation.
The conference is titled 9-11 and the Neo-Con Agenda.
I'm happy to announce the conference will feature presentations by incredible speakers like BYU physics professor Stephen Jones, the father of the Star Wars program, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bowman, former top-level CIA analyst for Reagan and Bush, Ray McGovern, 9-11 hero William Rodriguez, author Webster Charnley, Professor Jim Fetzer, and many, many others, including special guests.
I'll also be debuting my explosive new film, Terror Storm, at the conference.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
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We've got Jerome Corsi with us, 30 minutes to the next hour.
I want to get back into the American Union and ways to fight this, ways to stop it.
I mean, it's so big, it's so un-American, it's so horrible that people have trouble facing it.
It was a big break, though, when Lou Dobbs, a few months ago, started going public with this.
We've got to warn the people.
It's really happening.
I think, Alex, the immigration issue, and why Bush would not secure the borders, focus the attention
A lot of conservatives like myself, upon why?
And the only answer has been this North American Union, the Security and Prosperity Partnership, which he's already signed.
On March 23rd, 2005, with Vincenzo Fox and Canada's then Prime Minister, Paul Martin.
In that agreement, Bush agreed to erase the border.
So when Vincenzo Fox comes here and he says,
You know, my citizens are North American Union citizens, so they can go anywhere they want.
He's got a right to say that, because Bush agreed to that with them.
I know, and... Some people have been told to the American people.
And Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity won't tell them.
That's because they're there to pacify the American people and pose as conservatives.
We've got a bunch of calls here.
One of them is a well-known Internet writer.
He just called in.
Kurt Nemo, you're on the air.
Where are you calling from?
Hey, Alex.
I'm in New Mexico.
What's on your mind?
Well, Alex, I'm having big-time problems with your guest today.
You know, while Mr. Corsi is right about the North American Union, I have problems with his comments on Iran in particular.
In the past, he's demonstrated many times his hatred for Islam.
For instance, he's called Muslims ragheads, who are, I won't use the pejorative, but suffice it to say homosexuals, as clearly as they are woman haters.
And he's called Islam a worthless, dangerous, satanic religion.
Now, he made these comments on Free Republic.
Would he care to comment about that and his objectivity in regard to Islam?
Well, now, first of all, if your caller were being fair, he would also report that I've apologized for those comments, that they were made and intended to be provocative, they were written to be provocative, and I have not stood behind their provocative nature as something I truly and seriously believe.
Your caller is taking things I said out of context, in an attempt to... whatever he wants to do, and I object to that.
If he wants to report, let's report everything about those comments, including... Well, just so you know, Jerome, this isn't a sneak attack.
Kurt just called in.
That's fine.
It sounded like one, and I'm OK.
If he wants to make an ad hominem attack at me, Alex, take a shot.
It's not an ad hominem, because this is in regard to Islam.
Take a shot.
You want to know what I think about Islam?
You want me to answer the question?
Go ahead.
I've written, if you all should be fair, a quote out of Atomic Iran.
I've written that Islam is a legitimate religion.
There's over a billion people in the world that believe in it.
What I object to is the radical sects that have hijacked Islam for their own terrorist and criminal purposes.
That's all I object to.
It is not correct to say I object to Islam unless, sir, you want to distort yourself and not report everything that I've actually said and written.
Well, so then you're telling me you recant those comments?
I did, sir.
I'll point out the websites to you.
That's all over the internet.
If you're an internet writer, be fair and read what I've also said to retract them, and why I wrote them, and let's be fair about this.
You're not being fair.
Well, let me ask another question, Mr. Corsi.
Is it going to be as much of an ad hominem attack as last week?
I just want to get ready.
Is it going to be a cheap shot?
No, it's going to be on topic.
Doesn't it seem rather strange?
That's refreshing.
Well, good.
Doesn't it seem rather strange to assert that Iran will nuke Israel when Israel has 400,000 nuclear weapons, including thermonuclear weapons?
Wouldn't that be suicidal on Iran's part to do something like that?
If you assume that the theory of mutual assured destruction is going to apply, if you're dealing with a guy who thinks he needs to create an apocalypse like Ahmadinejad to bring about a messianic figure, you may be dealing with a different order of thinking.
There won't be any Iranians left.
There won't be any left if they attack him with nuclear bombs.
Rastanjani says there's a billion Muslims, they can take a big hit.
He was former president of Iran and he said that.
Alright, we gotta break.
We'll come back and take more calls.
Third hour.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today.
Or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
He's the author of Black Gold Strangled Hold, an excellent book on peak oil being complete fraud, and that is true.
The oil company's own documents.
There's so much oil, it's ridiculous.
And again, the Republicans and Democrats won't let us have the oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
They've given it to Mexico and China.
Just give it.
Oh, here, have our oil.
You can drill it.
They've given many other foreign countries a few limited fields that have been allowed to be developed in Alaska.
He's written about that.
He's written about the open borders.
He's written about the American Union.
And we started going to the calls.
The first one was wild.
Let's see what the next caller is like.
You're on the air with Jerome Corsi.
Uh, Reagan in California, welcome.
Yes, you're on the air.
Hi, I have something to say about what's happening with Mexicans.
In January 2005, the Mexican government meddled with Arizona state law, uh, Proposition 200, that was passed overwhelmingly by the voters of America.
One second here, Alex, one second.
Yes, Jerome, we're on the air.
Right here.
In January 2005, the Mexican government even meddled with Arizona state law when they passed Proposition 200.
It had been passed overwhelmingly by the voters of Arizona.
And what happened is the measure mandated three things.
It required proof of citizenship to vote in Arizona elections.
Alex, one second here, Alex.
Jerome, are you there?
Oh, hi.
It denied... Hello?
Yeah, he's there.
Ma'am, just go ahead.
It required proof of citizenship to vote in Arizona elections.
It denied illegal aliens from receiving taxpayer benefits.
And it instructed state employees who discover ineligible applicants to report violations to the authorities.
Alex, I'm back with you.
I apologize.
I had to...
Ten phones seem to be ringing at the same time.
It's okay, she's bringing up... Ma'am, just in a nutshell, explain what you're saying.
Okay, what happened was the Mexican government took measures to defend themselves from illegals who were exploiting the systems.
And the Mexican government meddled in that and said, no, you can't do that.
He's one of the best guests you've had on in your show.
What he says about Jewish people, I agree with him.
You really can't mess with them.
I think they are God's chosen people.
Thanks for talking.
You know, the caller was making... First of all, the Mexican government treats the Mexican nationals in the United States as Mexican nationals.
They allow them to vote.
They have dual citizenship.
They have dual citizenship and Mexico will go to the mat to protect those citizens under Mexican law.
If those Mexican citizens break into property and destroy it on the border,
The Mexican government will get them lawyers, trying to take the property away from the person who owned it, because they're trying to protect their own property.
That's happened.
The Mexican government is completely one-sided.
They just want to, when Penny Fox wants to ship to the United States as impoverished masses... Look, it's a predatory state, contracted by the New World Order, to destroy our sovereignty.
They're doing a job.
And, you know, if Benny Fox has no... Let's try to go illegally into Mexico, you'll get arrested.
Let's try to have Alex's show in Mexico, he'll be arrested.
Let's try to own a gun in Mexico, you'll be arrested.
Try to be an immigrant coming into their country from Guatemala, you'll be arrested.
You'll be arrested, or hit upon by the cartels and the gangs, the criminal gangs that are in Mexico.
Mexico is not a safe place to be for Americans.
We're going to allow Mexico into a North American Union as an equal partner.
Well, sir, were you aware of El Cenizo and all the towns that for a decade don't allow English in court?
They fly Mexican flags?
Yes, I am aware of them.
And it's happening also in California.
You've got a number of California towns like Haywood, California, outside of Los Angeles.
They voted not only to be a sanctuary city, but a safe haven city.
You know, they want the illegal aliens.
But, sir, I'm not talking about once or twice raising a Mexican flag.
I mean, the courthouse has a Mexican flag and English is not allowed.
I understand.
You don't see the government rushing in with the EEOC and federal civil rights lawsuits there.
There's no ACLU down there protecting Americans.
I can guarantee you.
Yeah, well, it's like the pizza place says, please speak English, and they say no way.
We'll come back and take more calls at 800-259-9231.
Stay with us.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here and I'm excited to announce we're going to have a huge 9-11 conference in downtown Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th of June.
We're expecting around 1,000 people in attendance.
At this historic event, we will irrefutably document that 9-11 was an inside job, a self-inflicted wound, a false flag terror operation.
The conference is titled 9-11 and the Neo-Con Agenda.
I'm happy to announce the conference will feature presentations by incredible speakers like BYU physics professor Stephen Jones, the father of the Star Wars program, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bowman, former top-level CIA analyst for Reagan and Bush, Ray McGovern, 9-11 hero William Rodriguez, author Webster Charnley, Professor Jim Fetzer, and many, many others, including special guests.
I'll also be debuting my explosive new film, Terror Storm, at the conference.
Arm yourself with the truth.
Secure your tickets today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I have produced 14 documentary films.
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And last but not least, PrisonPlanet.tv, PrisonPlanet.tv, all 14 of my films, my weekly TV reports, special interviews with folks in studio, special reports from Canada, England, Crawford, Texas, that we also do, my book, Paul Watson's book, a bunch of other films, all my best audio interviews from the radio show,
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And going up next week will be my new film, Terror Storm.
Alright, right now let's go back to Jerome Corsi and continue taking phone calls.
Brian in Kansas City, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
When I tuned in, your guest, Mr. Corsi, was just speaking to having to actually show congressmen on the website he referred to about these things happening.
My recollection of like how the process of the European Union was going and is still probably going, where people or
The governments were voting on whether to join this or use this currency, this and that.
How come it seems here everything's like all executive branch operations of these agencies and things, and where's the Congress on this?
Well, that's an excellent question, and what's happening in the United States is it's all being done under the covers.
President Bush has not come forward and explained whether or not he wants to create a North American Union.
Didn't put the question to the American people.
He just created this department, SPP.gov, within the Department of Commerce, 20-some working groups.
It's the same thing.
He's allowed to spy on us, break the law.
He's allowed to buy billions of dollars in fake newscasts.
He's above the law.
If you don't read past the Patriot Act, he'll enforce it without there being a law.
He signed a spending bill that wasn't a law.
Jerome, there's no doubting it.
Bush is declaring dictatorial powers, and it has nothing to do with keeping us safe from the terrorists.
And what we're going to do, what I wrote yesterday,
On WorldNetDaily, where I called the Department of Commerce, got this woman, Gerri Word, who runs that group.
She wouldn't release the membership names of the people on these working groups.
She wouldn't release the memorandums of understanding and other things that they've come up with.
Well, I think Congressman Tan Credo, starting tomorrow, is going to be in the process of demanding that they release them.
Congress does have an oversight function, and if the executive branch is trying to write their laws on their own,
Which it appears they're doing.
Then that's a renegade executive department that needs to be stopped right now.
Well, it's not a renegade department of the executive, it's the executive!
Well, it's under President Bush's direction, and it looks like that's his plan.
And if it is his plan, somebody's going to get involved here with committing treason, because they're creating a new government from within our government.
How stupid does Carl Roven Bush think we are to call a blanket amnesty plan non-amnesty?
Well, you know, that whole nonsense in the Senate debate, and again, Alex, I'll agree with you, the Republican-Democrats work.
How can you have McCain and Kennedy with a bill together?
How can you have President Bush endorsing a bill by Kennedy?
I mean, true conservatives, you know, the name of Kennedy or Clinton is like scratching your fingernails on blackboard.
But yet, President Bush in the State of the Union talks about how his father
And President Clinton are going around as buddies.
I was upset about this in the Dubai Ports deal.
Well, Hillary's hanging out with Rupert Murdoch.
Well, that's exactly right.
And as I point out, in the Dubai Ports, Dubai is financing Neil Bush right now in his new company and computer
The Bushes are in bed with the Bin Ladens.
They're in bed with the Saudis.
And Dubai is financing Clinton just as well.
They're giving him honorariums for trips.
They're putting money into his library.
I mean, you know, I think we've had just... I've had personally enough of both the Bushes and Clinton.
I think that it's time to get somebody else in there.
They're globalists, and they want to go into Iran, Jerome Corsi.
You've got to square that with your views.
Why are you in Iran?
No, Alex, they don't want to go into Iran.
They're failing on that whole issue.
If Bush wanted to be in Iran, he'd already be in Iran.
He doesn't have the political clout to go into Iran, even if he wanted to.
Because they lied about Iraq!
Well, they have no authority at this point to do anything with Iran.
And they have no political clout to do it.
You're just begging them.
Unless there's some event.
Let's take another call.
Thank you, Ryan.
Let's talk to Ryan in the United Kingdom.
Ryan, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
I just want to say support for all the work you do.
The 9-11 movement, that thing with Stephen Jones.
But I've got a question about Stephen Jones and the steel samples that he used to do the test from.
Is it a possibility that the steel that he used from the columns could have come from the remaining columns that were used that were left standing after the collapse of the towers?
Because maybe some of the steel that was left standing was cut with thermite just to bring it down after the collapse?
No, no, no, sir.
No, no, that's not it.
Let me answer your question since you asked it.
They went and checked that.
Thermite was not used to cut up the remaining steel pieces.
Alright, great.
Is there any news sites linking to this information, to the actual news on this?
Because I've been looking for it.
I can only find conspiratorial sites that you can't get out to the average bloke, the average public.
Well, it is scientific material, sir, and they're detailed.
We've got reports out there on it.
That's a good question.
Thanks for the call.
Jerome Corsi, are you aware of all the evidence of bombs in the buildings?
I've looked at all that.
I've seen a lot of it.
I have not gotten into that in any deep way.
I'm aware that it exists, but I have not studied it to be an expert on it.
I'm just aware that it exists.
I think the one thing I have concluded is that the 9-11 Commission, like every public commission we've had,
You know, not just the Kennedy assassination, but you could probably go back to Teapot Dome.
These commissions don't really investigate, and they always leave a ton of questions they should have asked out there, unresolved.
Alright, let's take another call.
Let's talk to... Who's up next?
Chris in Florida, you're on the air, go ahead.
I have several questions about Iran, first of all, and some comments.
So, we don't have any treaties with Israel, is that correct?
Any treaties with Israel?
Yes, we don't have any... I don't think there's any mutual defense treaty with Israel, no, not that I'm aware of.
Yeah, we have the non-proliferation treaty with Iran, and I'm just curious what kind of... I don't have the time to read, but I do what I can, and I don't know what agreements we've broken with Iran.
As far as I've read, the non-binding temporary agreement that Iran had made with the EU3, the three countries of the EU, UK, France, and Germany,
In 2003, because the highly enriched uranium that was found on the centrifuges from Pakistan, is that correct?
Well, Iran, the 2003 agreement, Iran had decided on their own, unilaterally, to resume enriching uranium and processing it.
So they abandoned the moratorium that they'd agreed to in 2003.
But that wasn't a treaty!
That was just an agreement.
That was an agreement for a limited time.
That's right, and they unilaterally broke it.
With regard to the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, I think a lot of the recent IAEA reports have been aimed at violations and lies and deception that Iran is engaged in, so there's a lot of concern
If Iran had been completely forthcoming about all that, they could put those issues to rest.
But they don't take that path.
Yeah, no one's ever put up with bigger inspections, and Israel doesn't have to be inspected, a bunch of other countries don't.
They were agreeing, and they said, oh, the U.S.
wants you for a year to not do this, okay?
And then after that, they said, okay, we've done it, now let us do these peaceful things, and they said no.
So to say they, quote, broke something unilaterally, they just nicely made an agreement that wasn't even part of a treaty, Jerome Corsi.
Well, they decided not to keep it anymore, however you want to characterize it, Alex.
They went back to resuming the processing of uranium and the enrichment of uranium.
But they cannot build bombs with the uranium enrichment they have now?
They're getting close.
The point is, is that Iran has been... Do you deny they've been trying to go along with this whole global government thing for a while?
Yes, they tried.
I don't think Iran's interested in global government.
I think Iran is interested in Shiite Islam triumphing worldwide.
Stay there, we gotta break.
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Jerome Corsi is our guest.
This is our final segment with him.
We'll come back in the final 30 minutes and I'll get into a bunch of news and take some more of your calls.
Let's talk to Mike in New York.
Mike, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
I have two questions.
I did follow that North American summit that Bush had with Paul Martin and Vincente Fox.
He labeled that we needed to have seamless borders with our North American neighbors.
Now I know what he meant.
The question is, how does Hugo Chavez from Venezuela figure into this?
I can't figure it out whether he's facilitating or blocking that effort.
The other question takes us over to Afghanistan.
I read in a paper the other day that Condi Rice's former employee Chevron Oil merged with Unical.
They have the pipeline deal from the Caspian Sea through Afghanistan.
Originally, British Corp out of Argentina had that with the Taliban.
Of course, that contract went dead with September 11th.
Those are the two questions, and I'll hang up and listen.
Well, first of all, with Hugo Chavez, it's hard to figure out his full agenda.
I mean, he's rabidly anti-American.
He's formed alliances.
With many enemies in the United States, including Fidel Castro.
He's courted Iran.
He's actively working throughout South America to try to foment leftist revolutions and support leftist governments.
He's reached out to Mexico.
I don't know that Vincente Fox has embraced him.
I think we'll have to wait until after the 2006 Mexican elections to see what Mexico's relationship with Venezuela is going to be.
Your second question about Afghanistan.
There's been, the Taliban was going to be used, there was two pipeline routes being planned to get Iranian oil into India and ultimately into China.
One was across Afghanistan, the other's been across Iran into Pakistan.
It looks to me like the Pakistan route is going to win.
It's ironic, I thought it was unusual that as soon as we got rid of the Taliban and had troops into Afghanistan, they announced that Afghanistan has oil.
Well, I think that whole region has oil.
That's what I wrote about in Black Gold's Triangle Hold.
If you go deep enough, there's probably oil under that entire region.
That entire region's bedrock is probably fractured all the way through, which is why in many of those countries you can get abundant oil.
Iran just increased its reserves by 25% and has this new field.
China did a $100 billion deal with Iran.
Iran's probably going to be China's biggest supplier of oil and natural gas for a long time.
There's no question that oil has been, in my mind, one of the key elements of why we're in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Jerome, of course, let me add this to it.
Because when we look at the politics of oil, we talk about how we need that oil over there.
What about Alaska?
We've got tons of oil.
That's where I was going, Alex.
I was saying the whole thing is the Middle East has now become our number four or five supplier of oil.
There's abundant oil in the Canadian tar sands.
That resource extends all the way down to the Rocky Mountains in the oil shale.
There's abundant oil in the Gulf.
As you pointed out, we're now letting Cuba drill it with China.
Mexico's just found the second big well out there.
What about, I mean, did you write, I remember a few weeks ago, I think it was you that wrote it, I'll just write it quickly, that Iran signs its death warrant if they do start their own oil trading bourse?
Well, yes, I've been writing about that.
Iran has been on the move.
Among a variety of states to have not only oil trading in the euro, but have currency reserves held in the euro.
Right now, about 80% of all currencies in the world are held in dollars.
And we sell our treasury debt into that market.
So are you saying our government should attack them just to stop that?
No, I didn't say they should do it.
I wrote that I thought Saddam Hussein did sign his death warrant, though, the day he got the UN to agree that he could hold his reserves in the oil food program in Euros.
The way our government operates, they're not going to permit that to happen.
They can't
Our government can't afford to permit that to happen.
What do you mean?
The government has openly tried to drive down the dollar.
Our own government wants to destroy America.
What do you mean they can't let that happen?
Our government, I think, would like to have the dollar go down in value so our huge debt is easier to pay back.
I for sure think that.
And, you know, you deal with the threat to the dollar, China.
It's second to Japan only in the foreign exchange currencies.
That's what I'm saying, sir.
On every place we look at it, the people running America are New World Order globalists.
And so, they love all this.
I mean, you're trying to say they're upset about it in Wilburst.
No, Alex, I think, you know, you're trying to get an overall explanation of this.
I think this thing is complex.
There's a lot of different elements, a lot of agendas going on here.
Uh, the, and not all the people you want to call internationalists, who I think are internationalists, are globalists, are world order people, they don't all even themselves agree.
But the point is...
What I'm concerned about is the sovereignty of the United States is under attack.
Yeah, we've got to educate the average Shelley soccer mom, Joe Sixpack, about the American Union.
That's right.
Mr. Corsi, we're out of time.
I want to appreciate, I want to thank you for coming on with us.
I don't agree with everything you say, but I agree with a lot of it, and I hope to have you back up in the future.
Anytime, Alex.
Thank you.
Thank you for the time.
Alright, we'll come right back, continue with the calls, cover other news.
That was very interesting.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We've had people like Ann Coulter, Michelle Mountain on before, who I thought were both pretty much dithering fools.
They just spew a bunch of sophomoric
False conservative baloney.
I had Corsi on because I agree with him on NAFTA, on the borders, on the Minutemen, on peak oil.
I did not agree with him on Iran.
A lot of it's propaganda.
And he sounds like a true believer who believes a lot of his own propaganda.
And it's a popular thing to push with some people in certain quarters.
But Iran does not want to get nuked.
They do not want to nuke anybody.
They want a nuke.
I mean, let's be honest, they probably are trying to get one.
It'll still take them nine plus years to get it.
Everybody else is getting them.
They see North Korea threatening to nuke us every week, running around shooting test missiles at us that hit Alaska, and they're left alone because they got nukes.
So they know that they can be left alone and move forward if that happens.
I read the Iranian president's letter, and it was conciliatory.
And Bush didn't even read it.
This is admitted before he responded and used it basically as birdcage liner.
The Iranians had their government overthrown by our government that carried out terror attacks in their country.
Of course he didn't deny that.
He's well-read.
He had to admit that.
So our government has carried out terror attacks in their country to blame it on their elected good government.
It was pro-America.
It wasn't Islamist.
Just know that.
So our government went in after World War II, radicalized the Muslims.
That's admitted.
Part of the record.
They did it to, quote, be a bolster against communism.
That was more baloney.
Our government was funding the communists at the very same time.
These evil globalists are behind radicalizing everyone.
They want us fighting with each other to bring in a global crisis that brings in a world government.
And you heard Corsi saying that Israel is probably going to go ahead and attack Iran in the next six months to a year.
I tend to agree with that.
They've done it before and it's crazy.
Sixty percent of Israelis are against it.
In the polls I've seen, I'm against it.
And we could be friends with Iran.
Yes, they can be worked with.
So could Israel.
So could others.
But these fights have been going so long that they hate each other, and they're going to kill each other, and there's really not much we can do about that.
Now, and out of this new world order, out of this attack on Iran, out of this World War 4, as the globalists call it, we are simply going to see a loss of our freedoms, a loss of our borders, a loss of our Second Amendment, a police state to, quote, keep us safe from the Islamicists.
That's it.
The war on terror is being used
It's being manufactured, and then it's being used to take our freedoms.
Bottom line, you cannot deny that.
We are going into the American Union, but they didn't tell us.
They told the Europeans.
They didn't tell us.
We don't really have a choice on this unless we, at the grassroots level, say no to it.
And right here in Texas, they've reintroduced the bills.
They were close to passing last year.
Transponders and all your inspection stickers.
You're going to have to ride without them.
You're going to have to go in and sue over it.
You're going to have to go to court.
I can't do it all.
You're going to have to call the legislature.
You're going to have to watch the legislation.
I can't do it all.
California, Oregon, New York, Indiana, Kansas.
They're using your cell phones to track you and tax you.
They're going to use that as a transponder, they're now saying.
You've got to fight it.
You've got to pick it.
You heard Jerome Corsi.
It's in the documents that he's linked to.
On the government's own websites for an American ID card.
They're already unifying.
You think the states just got unified with the feds last year with the Real ID Act?
No, no, no.
This is with Canada and Mexico.
And America will be like Canada, where you can't ship stuff.
Everything's searched.
You have no freedoms.
I mean, this is happening.
And I love this country and I'm so sad to see it happening.
But the good news is that even neocon apologists like Jerome Corsi has to admit we're going into an American Union, has to admit that Bush is engaged in treason.
You heard him say that.
Because they cannot sell their baloney anymore.
It just is not working.
And I think even people like Corsi are waking up to this.
As much as they hate Muslims.
And again, it's about 6% of Muslims in big studies over there even done by those countries and independent groups that hate everybody and want to kill everybody.
6% are completely nuts.
Here, I'd probably say 30% of Americans are the same thing.
Turn them into a parking lot!
Kill them!
Torture's fun!
Blowing off steam!
30% of us are frothing demon creatures and about 6% of the Muslims are.
So, I'm not saying there isn't real Muslim terrorists out there, but they're few and far between.
They're extremely rare.
Normally it's provocateur or funded or purely staged.
And that's on the record!
I'm more afraid of the New World Order than I am of Iran.
We had a member of the Israeli Knesset, what, last year, in an open, what was it, in Haratz, say we could use nukes on Europe if they don't pay us reparations for the Holocaust.
Nuke Europe?
I mean, that's just...
Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!
And they've got the submarines, the German-built submarines, the diesels.
They've got fast attack subs with nukes.
They've got cruise missiles.
They've got fighter bombers.
They've got fighter interceptors rigged with the small hydrogen bombs.
They've got long-range missiles.
I mean, they've got 400... I've been saying 400 for years.
Now it's 600, is what Jane's Weapons Quarterly is saying.
600 nukes!
France and England don't have that many!
And imagine me and Iran.
I mean, their government has been overthrown by our government before.
Before they were wearing turbans on their heads, ladies and gentlemen.
They could have all been dealt with.
They could all be friends.
They want to be friends.
They've been friends with European empires in the past.
But they don't want to be dominated.
If you were an American, and you'd been occupied for three years, four months, and people were blowing up schools and blowing up houses, and your power used to be on, and now your power's off, and there's amoebas in your drinking water, and your kids are dying, and the birth defects are up four times, would you hate whatever government, say Russians, had come here and done this to us?
Would you hate them?
Would you fight back?
Probably not.
You know, after all, we're the land of the stupid, home of the cowards.
I mean, we've gone from the land of the free, home of the brave, and we were that.
The most educated, the most informed, the most untrusting of government.
The best shots with guns.
We were the best farmers, the best engineers.
We made almost all the world's inventions, like 90% of them.
4% of the world had half the wealth.
We're now losing all that.
We're now the greatest debtor nation.
Lowest test scores.
The New World Order has turned us into a joke.
And they're the same ones saying, let's attack Iran.
And I'm sick of it!
So that's where I stand on that.
I was getting Corsi on to talk about the border stuff and then the American Union.
I just couldn't help it and I opened a can of worms.
I can't believe I'm on the air talking about an American Union and the average American doesn't even know what's going on.
When I talk to people on the street in cities that I'm not, you know, really had a big presence in.
Here in Austin, probably half the people I talk to know about it.
They go, what can you do?
But in Canada, probably 20-30% of people knew what was going on.
That's a pretty high number up there.
But still, in other American cities, maybe 1 out of 50 even knows anything.
I mean, after all, over two-thirds of Americans can't tell you where Iraq is on a map.
But they sure want to attack it.
They can't find Iran.
They don't know what their state capital is.
Did you know, like, 40-something percent don't know what the state capital is of their state?
I mean... People just think you just walk down the street and you live your life and you're free.
It's got to be fought for!
Freedom isn't free!
And I don't want to hear the terrorists attack us because of our freedoms.
Well, I guess that's true, because the government are the terrorists, and they're going after our freedoms.
They did attack us to get our freedoms.
See, the globalists love little riddles that are in your face.
Little hidden, in plain view, riddles.
Little jokes on us.
Who's taking our freedom?
Who's getting rid of our borders?
Who's getting rid of our country?
Listen to me.
They're putting the transponders in our cars all over the country right now.
They're passing laws, fighting to pass them.
If they go in, they've already announced, as soon as they go in, just a few roads here and there.
Oh, it's a toll road now.
Oh, it automatically charges you.
Oh, it mails you a bill each month.
This is what's being announced.
Oh, more and more roads are.
Oh, your bill, well, and you know, that's how it is.
You want to drive, don't you?
And they'll gripe about it on TV.
We don't have to get to that point.
No one is for this.
97% in Texas polls.
We don't have to live like this.
I talked to even the toll road group party.
They don't even know as much as I know.
And I'm not even that smart.
I just read the documents.
You're not doing enough research out there, people, and you're not getting on the field enough.
This stuff is so wildly unpopular if you just get out there and tell people.
I don't have time to go to the legislature right now where they've reintroduced this.
I don't have time to do all this anymore.
I'm working all the time.
You're going to have to fight it or you're going to have to live with it.
And I'm not worried.
I know you're going to end up fighting it.
It's just going to get so bad before you do that you may not have a chance to win.
We can beat them right now.
We can clean their clocks.
But you're going to have to get involved right now.
I'm talking to the police and other people listening that roll their eyes that they're part of the system.
Listen to me.
I've done the research.
You can do it too.
We're not making this stuff up, okay?
This is really happening.
Now I want you to face the music and make a decision.
Are you going to stand up for this country and get past all the fake liberal and conservative propaganda?
It's just all fake.
It's about issues of no significance or not real solutions.
They just flap their wings and you sit there and you listen to it on mainstream talk radio.
It's going nowhere.
They're just passing the hours.
I see these rich politicians.
I mean, I know Texas politicians that, you know, got into government five years ago and they were living in $100,000 houses and now they're living in $2 million houses on Lake Travis and driving, you know, $150,000 Jaguars or Mercedes.
Where do you think that comes from?
They're stealing from you.
They're being paid off.
I mean, that's just local politicians.
I mean, I watch them.
People go to Congress with, you know, worth nothing, still owing student bills from 15 years before.
They're multi-millionaires in a few years.
They've been paid off.
You understand, every foreign government, every foreign corporation, they just come in here, they sell us out, they pass federal regulations for federal training of our police with guidelines, the cops suddenly hate us, think we're all terrorists,
They're giving manuals where they say we're all terrorists.
The Supreme Court rules we don't own our private property.
They rule government officials can't blow the whistle on corruption.
No whistleblower protection.
I mean, look at what's going on!
Look at what we've turned into!
It is the norm in history.
It happens more often than not.
In fact, it happens almost 100% of the time.
Let me make that clear.
It happens 100% of the time.
100% of the time, countries fall from corruption.
It's about a 200-year cycle if you're lucky.
We're already 30-something years over that.
But it happens almost all the time that this is the proper statement of fact.
The majority of the time, countries never even get to be free for a single year.
100% of the time, they fall to tyranny.
But rarely do you even get what we've had in America for a little while.
So, so, Hotties don't believe it, can't help it here.
Government isn't bad, I couldn't believe they'd do something like that.
You haven't read a history book, Mac!
They crucify people upside down.
They boil them in oil.
They literally sacrifice children.
They go completely nuts, okay?
They have gladiatorial events where they hack children up.
This is what always happens.
Let me say it again.
Always ends up happening.
Not some of the time.
Criminals get into control, and the first criminal that gets into control after the fall of a free country, usually isn't that bad, they're just corrupt and smart.
Then, some more evil group overthrows them to stay in power.
Some even newer, more evil group gets in.
Then the evil starts fighting with itself.
It starts living by terror.
The people that have the taste to be able to carry out the type of things and keep them in power, don't just do it for power.
They're sickos because they like it.
Because a normal person can't do this.
And then you just get total nutcases drinking goblets of blood.
Running things.
Literally kings on thrones drinking goblets of blood.
That's happened hundreds of times.
Blood, literal physical kings taking baths in blood.
I mean, that's the synthesis of evil.
That's what happens.
It's like a NASCAR race with 10,000 cars.
And they start out
And every one of them is a dictator once tyranny comes in.
Every car is a dictator.
But the most vicious, the most evil, the most stinking takes the pole position and wins.
And you've got these naive people that haven't read a hundred history books like I have.
You've got these naive people that sit here, driving around in their Lexuses, giggling and laughing.
They'll walk up to me sometimes on the street and laugh at me.
Like laughing at me hurts me.
It doesn't hurt me.
It only hurts me to know what a stupid slave you are.
It only freaks me out that you could giggle and gibber about this!
This isn't funny!
You little weak pieces of trash!
You realize how much danger you're in, you fools?
We have a psychopathic, Malthusian, social-Darwinistic crew.
We've got all their declassified documents where they openly say they're going to use terrorism to set up a world government and then have one-child policies and start exterminating us with controlled plagues.
IMF, World Bank documents, Dr. Henry Kissinger documents, Australian documents, UN documents, British documents, Dr. Pianka, Dr. Peter Singer, on and on, Prince Philip, Ted Turner, Jacques Cousteau.
Go read it!
Go look at it!
How did I know they'd carry out terror ten years ago?
How did I know they'd bring in police states?
How did I know they'd have urban warfare drills that would lead to troops on the streets of America?
Because I read their plans!
I went to their drills!
I videotaped the Marines training to break your family up, take your children away from you, and take your guns!
And put you in a forced labor camp!
They're not playing games, okay?
This isn't a joke!
Now listen to me, a lot of you have been tuning in for over a decade, and you know unfortunately the timeline I laid out is right on target, and we're following it right now.
Now the globalists are having a lot of problems, a lot of failures right now.
Their program is moving forward, but not without a lot of trouble.
It's like a big, giant, earth-moving bulldozer, juggernaut, rolling over us, and we put a lot of pressure on it so it's slowed down, they've got to put even more pressure to keep pushing over us, and so it's waking a lot of people up.
We can at least ensure this tyranny doesn't turn into full flower.
It's already really bad.
You understand they're going to take your bank accounts.
They're going to take your pension funds.
You're never going to get Social Security.
They're going to take your borders.
They're going to take your children.
Literally, you'll pay for them.
They'll live with you at night, but they'll be in school until 8 o'clock at night and forced onto drugs.
I mean, this is all official.
They're passing federal laws.
It's stuff that's so crazy.
I read these bills.
They're so crazy.
You read Army War College plans where they talk about 2020.
By 2020, the main job of the military will be implanting you with your brain chip.
To make sure that we're all part of one community.
I mean, this stuff is so fruitcake, fruit loop, that it makes my head spin.
But you know what?
Mexican Attorney General making his employees take it.
I have police chiefs on, they go, I've taken it.
I want all my staff to take it.
I'll be happy to enforce and make everyone take it.
I mean, we don't make this stuff up.
We have major police chiefs on from, you know, areas with two million people and they're saying it.
I mean, you can't make this stuff up, folks.
We are in a science fiction movie.
It isn't 1972.
It's 2006, boys and girls.
We're in a scary science fiction movie.
Let me tell you something, officers, people that serve this system, you're where the rubber meets the road.
I know a lot of you do this because you think you're good guys, but you're carrying out an overall evil agenda.
And you know it, and I know it, and you know in your guts it's true.
When you go home, they didn't give you an advisement not to drink the water, did they?
They didn't tell you it was full of herbicides, pesticides, chemicals, sodium stannous fluoride, mercury, lead, arsenic.
They didn't tell you that, did they?
They didn't tell you that aspartame is what alcohol.
They didn't tell you when you gave your three-year-old or two-year-old that final round of shots and they became autistic.
They didn't tell you.
See, they didn't care about you officers.
You're not part of the system.
They don't have your best interest at heart.
That goes for bureaucrats and the rest of you.
Now I have sacrificed my life for this.
I have put it all on the line.
I put all my chips on the table.
Because I know the cost.
The least you can do is not poo-poo what I'm saying.
The least you can do is check it out.
I demand you look at what I've said.
I demand that you face the evidence.
I demand that you find out that America is dying right now.
The end of America!
Do you understand that?
Do you understand that?
Do you understand?
I want you to get it through your head!
I'm your friend!
I'm trying to warn you!
I'm raising the alarm here!
Now look at it!
Wake up!
Hello friends, Alex Jones here and I'm excited to announce we're going to have a huge 9-11 conference in downtown Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th of June.
We're expecting around a thousand people in attendance.
At this historic event, we will irrefutably document that 9-11 was an inside job, a self-inflicted wound, a false flag terror operation.
The conference is titled 9-11 and the Neo-Con Agenda.
I'm happy to announce the conference will feature presentations by incredible speakers like BYU physics professor Stephen Jones, the father of the Star Wars program, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bowman, former top-level CIA analyst for Reagan and Bush, Ray McGovern, 9-11 hero William Rodriguez, author Webster Turnbull, Professor Jim Fetzer, and many, many others, including special guests.
I'll also be debuting my explosive new film, Terror Storm, at the conference.
Arm yourself with the truth.
Secure your tickets today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
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We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
We've got time to take three final calls here.
Randy in Illinois, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I've been on your show a couple times before.
A quick comment about I want to thank you for your personal selfless act of going up to the Bilderberg Group and bullhorning them.
A little question for you, I took your videos over to the Philippines twice in the last eight months and I have a whole group of people over there that are just flabbergasted by what they've seen.
It is absolutely amazing.
We're good to go.
Since I don't reach certain economic requirements, I have to go through a whole extra extra set of forms to try to get here.
Absolutely amazing and what's interesting about it is I say to my friends who absolutely think I'm nuts and I'm just like you trying to wake them up, but I say, have you ever seen a blonde-headed blue-eyed Mexican?
And they look at me and they say, there's no such thing.
It's like Santa Claus.
It's like the Easter Bunny.
And it's like, no, they just have no reason to need to sneak across the border to come
Come to our country.
I asked him, would you give amnesty to a rapist?
And my friend said, of course not!
Then I said, why would you give blanket amnesty to someone who is raping our social and economic... I hear you!
Your phone is real bad.
I'm gonna have to let you go.
Thank you, Randy.
David in Illinois.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Congratulations on your Canadian trip.
Oh, thank you for the support.
Scorsese, you were correct in
Talking about the President of Iran and what he said about Israel and Europe.
Scorsese was wrong.
In fact, Scorsese was so wrong that he was simply repeating the talking points of Zionists and people who want to be involved militarily in the Middle East.
That was very misleading.
He's also with WorldNetDaily, and WorldNetDaily is a pro-Zionist
That's Joseph Farrar.
Before the war over there in Gulf War II, Larry Goldstein, President of the Petroleum Industry Research, said that if we go to war with Iraq, it's not about the oil, but the day the war ends, it has everything to do with oil.
Right after Gulf War, June 21st,
2003, Benjamin Netanyahu, who was the finance minister at that time in Israel, he said that it won't be long when you will see Iraqi oil flowing to Haifa, and that's in Israel.
Yeah, I know, the Haifa pipeline.
Thanks for the call.
I've got to get one final person in.
William, in Georgia, last caller.
Go ahead.
Hey, yeah, Alex.
How's it going, man?
I just want to thank you.
I don't really have any comments.
I think you're a beautiful person.
I know you're going to go down in history and you're doing everything you can to help out everybody in this planet because the fight here in America, and I know it's getting heavy, and you're really waking up a lot of people and I just want to thank you.
Well, listen, I want to thank you guys and gals out there that care about freedom and are involved and support us.
God bless you, my friend.
I always love talking to our callers.
Wish we had more time, but we're out of time.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
And our big 9-11 conference is coming up in Los Angeles, 24th and 25th.
The tickets are going fast.
I predict it will be sold out by next Wednesday or so.
A few days before the conference.
It's going to be sold out soon.
There is only, I think about 100 tickets left.
So you better get them now.
Alright, God bless you all.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.