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Name: 20060613_Tue_Alex
Air Date: June 13, 2006
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
It is Tuesday the 13th day of June 2006 and we're going to be live here for the next three hours.
Jim Tucker, who I had a chance to meet in person.
I felt like I knew him.
He said the same thing.
I've interviewed him over the last 12 years, really over 20-something times.
I had a chance to meet him personally, interview him at length in Ottawa, up in Canada, the capital of Canada, for the Bilderberg Group meeting last week and through Sunday.
And of course, I got back late yesterday due to delayed flights.
He'll be joining us coming up at the start of the next hour with his report on the Bilderberg Group for us.
In the meantime, I have a lot of national and international news we need to go over.
And of course, I have the complete list here of the Bilderberg Group attendees this year.
I want to read over some of that.
Who's who of the elite and I'll also try to calmly go through exactly what happened to us in Canada, what we learned, what we covered, the different developments there.
Coming to the country, going through almost 15 hours of hell at the hands of customs at the behest of the Bilderberg Group Conference, at the behest of the delegates, our interviews with Jim Tucker and Daniel Esselon and others, we'll talk about the provocateurs that were there, we'll talk about
The police, the security people, we'll get into people that were there like Ahmed Chalabi, who of course was the attempted puppet dictator of Iraq, and he's also a wanted man.
People like Richard Perle were there pressing for the attack on Iran.
So we'll be covering all of it coming up here in the next three hours.
I also want to open the phones up in this first hour and in the second hour.
Throughout the broadcast, the toll-free number to join us, if you've been chomping at the bit to call in the last few days, here's your chance, 1-800-259-9231.
We've got some of the best reporting out there on the Bilderberg Group, the Shadow Government, the Phantom Power, on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that you'll find out there, you'll find anywhere,
We're going to be uploading more video and more photos and more clips today.
We'll also be uploading more of the Chicago Conference interviews we did for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
Some of it will be free, of course, for the general public.
And we'll also be uploading some more of the Bilderberg video before we leave mid-next week to go to Los Angeles for our big 9-11 symposium that is going to shell out, ladies and gentlemen.
There's 200 tickets left.
And then they're all gone.
So, if you're planning to go, now is the time to purchase the tickets at InfoWars.com via the Safe, Secure Ticketing System or to call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back right now.
Let me just mention some of the news we have in front of us.
Bush meets with Iraqi Prime Minister in surprise.
Five-hour trip.
He's supposedly leaving right now.
Oh, our great leader.
Also, they're reporting that Colonel Rove will not be indicted.
As we told you a long time ago, he probably wouldn't.
The same crowd that puts out so much disinfo it makes your head spin is still out there spouting that it will happen.
Rove won't be charged in the CIA leak case.
Hawkins, the physicist, says humans must go into space to survive.
I agree.
The Earth is in danger of being destroyed.
Dan Abrams goes from legal anchor to the head of MSNBC.
Tell you why that's important.
Little damage reported as Alberto hits Florida coast.
That's some good news.
Clinton running around with Al Gore fear mongering about chicken little end of the world global warming.
A bunch of new developments on the southern border, a bunch of big developments on the Iran situation.
We'll run through this, then get into Bilderberg.
Stay with us.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here and I'm excited to announce we're going to have a huge 9-11 conference in downtown Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th of June.
We're expecting around a thousand people in attendance.
At this historic event, we will irrefutably document that 9-11 was an inside job, a self-inflicted wound, a false flag terror operation.
The conference is titled 9-11 and the Neo-Con Agenda.
I'm happy to announce the conference will feature presentations by incredible speakers like BYU physics professor Stephen Jones, the father of the Star Wars program, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bowman, former top-level CIA analyst for Reagan and Bush, Ray McGovern, 9-11 hero William Rodriguez, author Webster Charnley, Professor Jim Fetzer, and many, many others, including special guests.
I'll also be debuting my explosive new film, Terror Storm, at the conference.
Arm yourself with the truth.
Secure your tickets today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
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I'm good.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, our mission to Ottawa, the capital of Canada, up there by Maine, was a great success, a resounding
Success, a very bountiful mission, and all the thanks goes to God.
And we're going to chronicle what happened, many different angles and facets of it today.
Jim Tucker covering it for almost 30 years, physically being there since 1981, when he first went to one of their meetings in Switzerland.
We'll be going over the Bilderberg Group with him in the second hour.
He just got back last night, and I got back yesterday afternoon.
We'll go through the provocateurs, how I was detained, how we were interrogated, bullhorning the Queen of the Netherlands and David Rockefeller.
Holbrooke was walking up to us, Richard C. Holbrooke, top Clinton minion, and I started yelling, Holbrooke!
We're not your slave!
And he ran off.
Maybe I should have waited.
We'll go over all of it today.
We'll also take your phone calls.
You'll want to stay with us.
Kwame, Wayne, Chris, Larry, Don, and others, your calls are coming up.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
The websites are InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv, and PrisonPlanet.com.
Bush meets with Iraqi Prime Minister in surprise trip.
President Bush seeking to bolster support for Iraq's burgeoning government.
And US war policy at home made a surprise visit to Iraq today to meet with newly named Prime Minister Nouri al-Makhali and discuss the next steps in the troubled three-year-old war.
Three-year, four-month-old war.
It was a dramatic move by Bush, traveling to violence-rattled Baghdad less than a week after the death of the terror chief Abu Massab al-Zahrari in a bombing attack.
The president was expected to be in Baghdad a little more than five hours, and he's scheduled to be leaving right around now.
Remember Bush with the fake turkey that the tribes weren't allowed to eat?
In fact, it was plastic and the headline, oh look at him bringing them turkeys.
Well, the people that believe that are the turkeys.
Notice that in the same week and a half period, we have them supposedly busting a major terror cell in London.
Turns out it was the wrong house, wasn't terrorists, they killed an innocent person, or shot an innocent person.
You start looking at the Canada story in hindsight and it was provocateuring agents coming up saying, let's do violence, let's do violence at restaurants and youth clubs with undercover agents and they finally got some youth to go, yeah, let's be violent and so the federal police up in Canada, the Mounties, shipped some ammonia nitrate to their house and as it was delivered they raided them, some fertilizer.
Shades of 93 when the FBI cooked the bomb, trained the drivers and gave them the detonators and that's admitted.
It's the same story over and over again.
I said day one, I said, watch, it's going to be a sting, it's going to be staged, and sure enough it was.
And notice that they supposedly killed Al Zahari, Zakari, at the very same time, and then people said, wait a minute, his face is all intact, he was killed by a bomb, and then to make it believable, well, the troops may be in trouble, they may have beaten him to death.
You know, they do that, quote, giving us some scandal to then believe it's validity.
They have killed him.
This was the fourth time I looked it up that they supposedly killed him.
I stopped counting after twelve times they supposedly wounded him.
They killed him over and over again.
And they were testing the public to see if we would accept just blatant, ridiculous, on its face propaganda.
And that's what's happened here.
That's exactly what has developed here.
Remember the Marine Corps Colonel on video saying, the story is we found Saddam in that hole.
Do you understand?
We found him in that hole, even if it is Saddam.
It then came out that two weeks before, the Kurds had supposedly captured him.
Our government quietly admitted it.
The whole thing was a photo op.
The beat up Saddam in the spider hole.
Admitted lie!
They've bought $1.6 billion in fake, illegal newscasts as of the last two years.
Billions more in fake news in Europe.
They are lying to us.
They manufacture stories.
They manufacture WMD dossiers and documents out of Niger, Yellowcake, Uranium.
We get their own minutes with Bush and Blair talking about staging evidence, talking about getting U.S.
planes shot down on purpose, to blame it on Saddam.
I mean, this is all on the record!
How do we then believe anything that comes out of their mouths?
Remember the Republican memo last year that was confirmed where they said, barring another major terrorist attack or capturing Bin Laden or one of his main men,
We're going to lose the midterm elections.
And that's all this is.
They even admit Bush travels to Iraq to bolster.
They kill Zarqali.
Oh, this bolsters.
Oh, these terror raids really prove how much danger we're in.
And it fits the same MO every time.
Did you know that I would have been in the headlines of
World News, if I would have taken the bait.
I mean these guys, let me just before I get back into more of the news, skip to just one little part of the story.
Day 1, I get there Wednesday night, I'm released about 2.30, 3 o'clock, 15 hours later roughly.
I go directly down to the Bilderberg Group Hotel.
I've already missed Jim Tucker walking up and, you know, the ritual refusal where they say, no, you can't check into this hotel.
I've missed the press conference.
I've missed the CBC and CNT television, both national news.
I walk up, there's about 35 people, about 20 of them protesters and about 15 were press, national newspapers, a few other local TV stations, a bunch of photojournalists with the long lenses.
They'd just gotten photos of Queen Beatrix and Rockefeller arriving.
Later we saw them again.
We personally got video of these people.
And so, all of a sudden, people immediately get out of cars, walk over.
They're obviously cops.
They're muscular.
They're 6'2", 6'3".
They immediately start saying, oh Alex, let's kill some masons.
Let's get violent.
And I noticed that there are police standing about 15 feet away.
You know, sitting there with bags and things in their hands, which obviously have recording devices aimed at me.
These other guys are obviously wired with these jackets on.
And I just look at them and I'm like, knock it off, stop it.
And so every time we're trying to videotape somebody coming in, they run up and get in front of us and run across the property line so the police can run over and get in our way.
They're screaming, let's kill, let's do this, let's do that.
And then later I saw some of them on the Bilderberg property.
I saw them every time I was... I tested them once.
I didn't tell them that a fella brought us a bullhorn.
So we had a bullhorn in this car.
I go, alright, let's do it.
Alright, it's time to do it.
And these guys were around me.
And suddenly they ran to cars and got on radios and phones.
Then police all come running over.
I mean, you guys are pretty obvious.
But if I or any of my crew would have said one thing, like, yeah!
No, I would immediately say, no, we're non-violent.
We're here as news to cover this and expose this.
Oh, Alex, you're full of bull bleep bleep.
We need to get violent.
Cops watching this.
The minute I would have said something violent or advocated, I would have been arrested.
It would have been on national television.
Major terror plot foiled.
Alex Jones.
Was he, was he, was he the number one Al Qaeda in Canada?
I'm not kidding.
You understand that I've dealt with this over and over and over again in my life?
These creeps coming up and doing this.
Quite frankly, I'm sick of it.
And quite frankly, I'm really debating whether I think I'm going to put the video of you and your faces up.
I'm so tired of it.
One of these guys was clearly with Queen Beatrix's detail.
He was Dutch.
You couldn't take the hate out of his eyes for me.
And I'm just, and then the others, there were, those were, were people playing the radicals, and then there were others who were just right out in the open.
You know, the royal mounted police undercover types.
So Alex, what's your plans?
Where you going next?
You planning anything?
You planning to sneak in?
You gonna go up and pop one of those people in the face?
And I'm like, camera guys, get over here!
And they go, no, I don't want to be on video.
I bet you don't want to be on video.
Stop it!
We're members of the press.
You already, when we came in there, had us harassed and interrogated and screamed at and cussed at for 15 hours off and on, admitting that, quote, the Bilderberg Group is concerned.
You see, they're crooks, so they want us to say we're doing something criminal so they can get their meat hooks into us.
It's not going to happen.
You're going to have to frame me.
You're going to have to make it up out of whole cloth.
And I have no doubt that that's not a possibility.
But I've counted the cost.
I'm on the front lines of this fight.
And I know we're dealing with a very sinister enemy.
And to just watch the Ottawa Police, the Royal Mountain Police, all these private security people swarming around.
It just really gets old.
Ahmed Chalabi, the war criminal, the individual who has been convicted by one of our allies, Jordan, for stealing 300 plus million dollars from a bank.
The individual who was a top officer in Savak, the dreaded Iranian secret police.
We videotaped and photographed him going in.
Richard Perle, James Wolfsonson, former head of the World Bank.
I've got the list here.
The current president of the Federal Reserve was there.
Not the chairman, the president.
The person that's appointed by the private shareholders.
Not the one guy on the 10-member board that is appointed by the president.
He was in there, the heads of Bank of England were there, the Rothschild and M. Rothschild head was there.
They were all there and I had absolute hell getting into the country and then once I was there I was besieged by agent provocateurs crawling all over us and they look like they were
About to collapse in anger when I started bullhorning.
They looked so panicked.
They wanted to arrest me so bad.
And they were doing everything they could.
Oh, sorry, I just bumped into you while you were bullhorning.
And I'm just like, come on, knock it off.
It's time for you guys to stop it and go home.
And then by the third edit, the police were getting really mad.
The security come over and tell them to stop.
And they come over and go, you can't park here.
It's a clear parking spot.
I say, you're going to have to go ahead and arrest me.
They threatened me with arrest.
Well, go ahead.
I'm parked in a proper place.
And the cops would back off.
I mean, dealing with color of law.
You're just a bunch of crooks.
You're a bunch of thugs.
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Jim Tucker joins us in about 35 minutes.
He was at Bilderberg, as he's been every year since 81.
Been covering it for at least 5 years longer than that.
Total of 30.
He'll be joining us.
I've got news on the border.
I've got news on Iran.
I've got news on World Cup terror threats.
It's all coming up.
Right now, let's just go to your calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kwame in New York.
Kwame, you're on the air.
How are you doing, Alex?
Thanks for taking my call.
I know I said I disagree with you, but it's not the political stuff that I disagree with.
I totally agree, actually.
I'm in a lot of trouble because I give out your CDs and stuff with the government, actually.
I know you don't like to talk about the spiritual stuff.
What do you mean?
It's not that I don't like to talk about it.
I have pastors on, and I don't make any secret of my faith.
This is a news show, so you're welcome to talk about whatever you want, sir.
I just don't want it to descend into the 10,000 factions fighting with each other.
Absolutely, absolutely.
It's just something that I think is very important that I want to state.
Well, go ahead, sir.
You don't have to preface it.
Go ahead.
It also connects with 9-11, the importance of that date that these tragedies keep happening.
On that date, I don't know if a lot of people don't realize that, you know, our 9-11 is not the first or, you know... Do you have a radio on?
Do you have a radio on in the background?
Um, my TV's on.
I could just put it on mute.
Whatever, just do whatever you want.
Just go ahead and make your point, sir.
Yeah, 9-11 is actually the New Year of Ethiopia.
It's the Ethiopian New Year, September 11th.
And it's just like the Swastika where they flip it around and the Nazis use it.
They use that sacred date of these highly religious and highly important people in history.
They use that sacred date as something evil.
Instead of a renewal, like the first day of the year, it becomes something evil every year.
Okay, what do you disagree with?
Well, there's a thing that you say about Egypt and how
Wicked Egypt was, and, uh, you know, people, I think the Constitution is one of the greatest things in the world, but obviously because of the people that have infiltrated the government, you know, America is like the devil of the world.
And I think that's a similar thing that happened to Egypt.
I don't think Egypt is, uh, you know, it's connected to Ethiopia and Somalia and all those countries, and it's not
I just wanted to say, I don't believe the things that you've said about it are true.
And you said you research this a lot, and I'm just curious where you get that information from.
Well, you're not being specific here, sir.
Well, you said that they're evil and that it was an evil culture and all this stuff stemmed from it and all that.
A lot of specifically talking about generally Aztecs engaging in evil at their pyramids, but certainly a lot of the Illuminati spiritualism we see stems back to Egypt.
So, I appreciate your call, sir.
Let's go ahead and talk to Wayne in Vancouver, Canada.
Go ahead, Wayne.
I just want to call in first of all and say thank you on behalf of all Canadians, Americans, Truth Seekers, Patriots for having the courage to go up there to Ottawa and take on the global elite in their arena.
Taking one again on the chin for us and getting the truth out about what's going on there.
You really put it on the map.
People are talking about Bilderberg and you know a few years ago nobody heard of it.
And now it's out there, it's in mainstream media, and a lot of that has to go to, of course, to also Jim Tucker and Daniel Westeland.
Well, when we got there, we went out and did street interviews two days, and I'd say about 25-30% of people knew all about it.
I mean, to go from no one knowing about it to 20-30%, you know, right around there, I haven't counted up, but a lot of people we talked to, a large portion, a minority, but a large minority, knew all about it, and everybody was upset about it that we talked to that knew about it.
Alex, I want to tell you though, from the bottom of my heart, I am totally ashamed of my government and for the treatment that you received there.
I am outraged by it.
I have written a letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, to my MP, and I'm going to be writing letters to the papers here.
And, uh, telling them that this is a police state, this is absolutely unacceptable.
I want them to apologize to you, Alex.
I know you're not asking for that.
I want them to do it.
Well, I know we learned that... I want others to do it as well.
Other Canadians, get on the phone, send out faxes, email to these people, tell them we're not going to take it.
Well, it is scary.
Americans do the same thing.
It is scary that they said, we're not going to let you in, but this is going to take a long time, and they laughed at me and just continued the interrogation.
They said, we're going to kick you out until, I guess, four members of the press, TV, radio, print, photojournalists showed up, and then I found out later that Parliament had called.
That was even in the paper.
I found out that a group of pastors had called.
People were on their way down there.
Well, I think it's mainly because a few people from the media happen to see that, so that was a good thing.
That really helped you out there.
But anyways, I would ask everybody to go to the Government of Canada website, get a hold of Mr. Harper, tell him what you think about what happened to Alex Jones.
Of course you know, Harper's a member of Bilderberg.
Of course!
Anyways, Alex, thanks again.
Take care.
Thank you.
They're the ones that sent the hordes after us.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Again, thank you for joining us.
I'm going to continue with some of your calls.
And then I want to get into Karl Rove not to be indicted.
This is out of the Associated Press.
Stephen Hawking, the big physicist, says we've got to get off the planet.
We're probably going to destroy ourselves.
I tend to agree.
Some new border news issues.
More Pan-American Union news.
We'll be covering it all.
And Jim Tucker does join us in about 30 minutes.
He was at Bilderberg this year.
Give us his insight.
He'll be with us for a half hour.
Then I'm going to play one more time.
I played it once yesterday when I got back.
That bullhorning audio where I bullhorned the Bilderberg Group.
And we haven't aired it yet.
It was a little five minute session of myself bullhorning in Chicago a few weeks ago when we marched downtown at that 9-11 Truth meeting that we had.
So that's all coming up today.
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Three weeks.
Probably more.
I'm going to upload it to that next week right before we leave.
And we will then come back and then send it off to have the DVD made.
It's probably more like a month.
So, PrisonPlanet.tv members will get that.
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It is unbelievable.
So get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
Let's go ahead.
And go back to your calls.
I'm going to move quicker because I want to get back into some of the other news before the hour ends.
Christian, Kentucky, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
You know, the police state is here because WHAS General Levin here in Louisville, Kentucky, just had a task force that they wanted to do.
So the reporter went out there and they went out on the scene.
And guess who's patrolling our streets?
The ATF, the military, and the police to stop the violence.
I mean, this is getting to be like what they did in New Orleans.
Is this another conditioning way to grab the gun?
Well, they do urban warfare drills in every major city for a decade.
We get their own documents.
Troops on record admitted.
Emergency managers, Thomas Sanchez, Kingsville, Texas.
That was in 99.
They all go public and say, this is to condition you to put troops on the streets for gun confiscation.
I had video of Marines admitting it.
And so now,
Now, from Ohio to California suddenly, troops just pop up.
I don't know the specifics of this case.
Tell us about it.
Well, Renee Shaw said that because the reporter, I guess it was her name, she said that they did it because the lack of police officers and increasing violence they have in the city, so they went out there and they had ATF, military and police all merging as one, working together out there to stop the drugs and the guns and the violence out here.
And that's in Louisville, Kentucky.
What station?
WHAS Channel 11 News reported that.
Did they post something on the WHAS Channel 11 Louisville, Kentucky TV station website?
You could check it out.
The report was on Friday afternoon on the news report.
And notice how we've been conditioned.
We'd all be freaking out about this ten years ago.
Now we're kind of calmly taking it.
Chris has sent me a lot of good info.
I recognize your voice.
You've been calling for what?
Eight, nine years, Chris?
Yep, and I'm waking up big time.
Well, so I know this is true, what you're telling us from past info.
You've proven yourself, but we'll double-check it.
Specifically, give us more information on it.
Okay, and I'll keep in touch with other news items coming up.
Well, I mean, tell me specifically what the newscast said.
Okay, the newscast said it was also the curb violence because of the recent drug wars.
Okay, that's another problem.
There's a real drug war on the Texas border, but nothing can be done about that.
But up in Kentucky, they can do this.
Specifically, what military?
I don't know if they were, they must have been, I don't know if they were army or what, but the camouflage.
All I saw was the back of the camouflage and one of the soldiers.
And of course the ATF were just out there with their shirts.
Did they say military on the news?
With military presence, that's what I heard, yeah.
Well, double check, be sure to double check.
All over the country, well this has already happened, all over the country they'll have an urban warfare drill, and we got video, they start pulling real cars over and start taking real people to jail.
I mean, I got video of that in, what was it, 99, 2000.
So, I know, it's just... Alex, yeah, just like I said, double-check it, make sure, because sometimes you can hear things from other things, but I would double-check it.
I'm going to double-check it, too.
But I knew they had the ATF agents interviewed right there on camera, out there with the police.
Getting those evil guns.
Getting those evil guns.
And then Bush did expand it.
The ATF was expanded.
There you go, folks.
There's your new freedom.
Double the size of it, thank you.
But Ann Coulter's not going to talk about it.
She's going to make little jokes about liberals and call them names, when the liberals are all on the same payroll.
Again, it's good cop, bad cop.
The Republicans play the good cop, the Democrats play the bad cop, depending on what side of the fence you're on, and together they rule over us.
But it doesn't matter, the big neocons won't tell you that on talk radio.
Larry in Arizona, you're on the air.
Thanks for taking my call.
Maybe you could confirm something that I'm running into.
At the end of World War II, Stalin and the Soviet Union brought in millions of KGB agents into New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.
I don't know about millions.
Well, apparently, this is what Senator Dermot Carthy was trying to tell us about.
He exposed employees of the Agriculture Department that couldn't speak English, but they could speak Yiddish.
I think that's what we're seeing the fruits of today, you know, like Chuckie Schumer and some of the other characters that really fit into this role.
But what I did is I did some research on the British Secret Intelligence Service, and that's what the British did to India.
Exactly the same thing.
Huge numbers of agents into India around the time of Napoleon.
And Napoleon was actually trying to send an army over to India to confront the British.
But anyway, that's what I just learned.
Can you confirm any of this information?
I don't know about millions, but we know there's 5,000 Chinese Communist Front companies caught shipping in heroin, cocaine, machine guns, rockets, and the very groups take over Long Beach Naval Base, the radioactive scanning equipment in the Bahamas, I know that's all happening, Panama Canal, I know Spanish companies, Dutch companies, British, German are buying up all the roads, paying off politicians publicly, getting all the water supply, treatment facilities,
I know that the Russians did put tens of thousands of agents into the country.
But again, that was all controlled by British Intel, as you said, even above that.
And I know that there is a large Israeli wing in the government with AIPAC that's predominantly manipulating a lot of things.
So yes, sir, we're open for business.
Come buy us off, come control us.
You're a foreign government.
Come in with your corporations, pay off the politicians, and take over whole sections of the U.S.
Well, thank you.
I appreciate your help.
Thank you.
I appreciate your call.
And you're right about India.
They put tens of thousands of British citizens, other citizens in.
They came in.
They paid them off.
That's how they take down nations.
And that has happened to the United States.
I mean, I have mainstream articles today about the American Union.
Bush is implementing it without a law even being passed.
We're in the American Union right now.
Bilderberg Group, two years ago, released to the BBC some of their own documents bragging that they were the founders and the presenters, the fathers of the Bilderberg Group.
The Bilderberg Group was the founders, the presenters of the European Union.
They didn't tell the Europeans for about 35-40 years that, oh, this is really a European Union.
They called it a trade deal.
So it's happening.
It's happening right now.
The death of America.
Bush's total amnesty plan.
He sent 6,000 troops.
Not allowed to have guns.
Not allowed to defend themselves.
Only allowed to call border patrol when they see illegals.
And it turns out they have put a dozen on the Texas border and, what is it, 55 on the Arizona border.
You see, it's 6,000.
They first said over the next three months, now it's over the next year.
6,000 rotating through in the four to five border states, and I guess a maximum of 50-something at one time.
There was a big Texas border sheriff we had on a few weeks ago.
He was on the news two nights ago.
I've just been told about it by my staff.
We've got it taped.
And they were on the news, and he was saying that he's got 34 officers in his county with tens of thousands of illegals every week coming across.
They were showing firefighting and rocket attack video on the news.
Several people told me about it.
I mean, that's what we've got here.
But, oh, we've got to have BATF out running random roadblocks in Louisville.
I haven't confirmed that either, but I know they've got it in other areas, so it just sounds like par for the course.
You're the target, folks.
You're the slaves.
You're the cattle.
This whole police state is to ensure you don't struggle.
Don in Texas.
Don, go ahead.
Oh yeah, hello there.
You're kind of hitting the nail on the head there.
A lot of people are in fear because it's like we're in the middle of a great big Pittsburgh or New York City or the mafia is taking over and we're afraid to
Say anything or do anything.
Yeah, that's really all it is.
I mean, the Mafia got swash-mobbed, Jewish mob, Italian mob, Russian mob, whatever you want to call it.
They get elected.
They got control.
They created the intelligence agencies, the real mob.
They're now in control.
And there was an example, a global Mafia meeting in Ottawa with the police guarding them.
Power through fear.
Yeah, and of course, Amit Jalabi is a tool of the Zionist Jews.
I'm sure you know about the World Jewish Congress.
World Bank, IMF, that's what happened in the Balkans.
They took over there because it was a critical area.
A lot of resources there.
Well, it is true that Shalabi is a big buddy with PNAC, AIPAC, the World Congress based in Canada, as you just mentioned.
He has offices in Israel and in New York City.
He's a powerful, you know, and he's a triple agent, of course.
Well, that is on record.
I mean, Israel really is manipulating our internal policy, blackmailing.
That's even mainstream news.
There are some very nice Jewish people.
We want to love them.
They're a nice people.
And for me, I've known someone in my military, you know, a little career.
And the thing is that the idea of running like rabbits from fear is we're no longer the home of the brave and the land of the free.
If you're shivering in fear, you're controlled.
Fear controls people.
It's like the immigrants that are coming up here.
They've been propagandized by the same people in Monterey, in Puerto Rico, and various other places.
And also, the people in Hollywood that do scripting, very nice screenwriting, they can provide
A wonderful verbology for manipulating people's minds.
Sir, I appreciate your call.
I don't believe that Jewish Zionists run the planet.
And so I'm criticized for that.
But I'm also criticized by the ADL for saying that they're basically a Jewish Mafia.
I'm against the Mafia.
And let me tell you, I was there at Bilderberg and I've got the list here.
And there are Jews, quite a few Jews in this list of 120 people.
But predominantly it is Dutch, it is German, it is British, and certainly these people are all on one big team.
We've got to have a big tent approach here, expose the New World Order, expose its programs, and I have seen a lot of disinformation, is my whole point, where everybody's Jewish who isn't even Jewish, and Jews run this, Jews run that, I mean certainly Israel is a mafia, it is manipulating our government, it is out of control, I'm criticizing that.
But people think just constantly hammering, hammering, hammering,
That's going to do nothing.
It's not going to do anything.
We've caught the ADL and other groups out there actually trying to foster that.
They want that.
They want to make it some type of racial issue.
And I'm just not going to do that.
But you had your say, sir, and I appreciate your call.
All right, we're going to come back.
I'm going to continue with your calls.
And we've got Jim Tucker joining us.
I'll go through Bilderberg, everything that happened there.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here and I'm excited to announce we're going to have a huge 9-11 conference in downtown Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th of June.
We're expecting around 1,000 people in attendance.
At this historic event, we will irrefutably document that 9-11 was an inside job, a self-inflicted wound, a false flag terror operation.
The conference is titled 9-11 and the Neocon Agenda.
I'm happy to announce the conference will feature presentations by incredible speakers like BYU physics professor Stephen Jones, the father of the Star Wars program, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bowman, former top-level CIA analyst for Reagan and Bush, Ray McGovern, 9-11 hero William Rodriguez, author Webster Charnley, Professor Jim Fetzer, and many, many others, including special guests.
I'll also be debuting my explosive new film, Terror Storm, at the conference.
Arm yourself with the truth.
Secure your tickets today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
If we just expose evil,
Yeah, I mean, let's say Juan Carlos is a big owner of Sintra, the king of Spain, that's taking over most of the Texas roads and going to turn them all into toll roads.
That's public.
We can prove it.
Well, it doesn't mean we hate the Spanish people.
It's Spanish mafia.
It's Spanish globalists.
They're coming in.
They're doing this.
And so I'm criticizing Juan Carlos.
And I've seen this over and over again.
I caught two black guys being bribed
By a white guy, Mr. Smith, back in 2000 at the Texas Capitol.
They were about to pass gun legislation.
There were some people testifying.
I exposed it.
A bunch of people got in trouble.
It was in the news and the paper.
The statesman called me up and said, Mr. Jones, are you racist?
And I said, what do you mean?
They said, well, would you have been questioning and made a big news article out of this of the people being paid off?
We caught them being paid the $100 bills, what, $400 a piece, in the hall.
It was illegal.
It was in, okay, that's admitted.
And they said, well, these are black men.
And I said, well, what does that mean?
And they said, well, if they were white, would you have done it?
I said, of course I would have.
The white guy paying them off.
The media tried to make it racial.
And it said in the paper, ask if Jones did this because they were black.
Jones said that's ridiculous.
See, it's turned around against the good guys.
And so, I don't care if somebody's Jewish, if they're German, if they're Chinese.
I remember back when all the Chinese spies were burrowed into our government during the late 90s with Bill Clinton.
I remember CNN pieces.
Is it really anti-Asian?
Is all this news really covertly racist?
We don't want the Communist Chinese government over here infiltrating us!
They've tried to make the whole issue of the illegal aliens, predominantly Mexicans, coming up here.
The media tried to say it's really racism.
We can't let them do that.
No, it's about sovereignty.
You see, they desperately want to do that.
I don't know why people play by their rules, why people do that, why people fall into that.
I mean, people have like this fetish to just blame everything on Jews.
It only hurts our movement.
Are there a lot of Zionists involved?
Are they extremely evil?
And you notice that a lot of people attacking me for not being a Jew-hater, they're not attacked by the ADL.
I am.
I am.
Why is that?
Because I'm effective?
I'm bringing people together.
I don't care if you're Hispanic, Jewish, white.
I don't care if you're a new it.
If you want to fight the New World Order, I'm your friend.
We've all got to do this together.
And we need to start calling them Mafia, Crime Rings, Syndicates.
Yes, I'm against the Italian Mafia.
I'm not against Italians.
I'm against the Jewish Mafia.
I'm not against Jews.
I'm against the big WASP mob.
It's the biggest ever.
It's so established, you never even hear about them.
Oh my gosh!
And then there's the crowd who even likes Hitler.
You know, well, the media is all lies.
Hitler was good.
No folks, I really researched Hitler from his own writings.
The guy was an occultist nut who was set up and funded by big European banks and big US banks to destroy Europe and bring in this new world order.
British banks predominantly.
So, you know, we've got to go to another level here.
We really do.
People start jumping for joy whenever I criticize Israel, and then it's, you know... Folks, I've also been on the receiving end of this.
Alex Jones is really a secret Jew.
Well, so what if I was?
I'm not.
But, I mean, it's everybody.
Everybody's a crypto-Jew.
Jews run this.
Jews run that.
I'm just saying I've seen a lot of disinfo out on Israel.
I mean, Israel's very diverse.
They had a major poll a few months ago.
Something like 60% of Israel is against the policies and against the police state and against the war.
It's just like Americans.
People blame America for everything our government's doing, but 70-something percent of Americans are against most of these policies.
So that's what I'm saying.
Let's just go after the bad guys.
We can get more people to join us in the fight against the bad guys, but we don't play their games.
I mean, you notice Fox TV and people will give National Vanguard all the attention in the world.
They won't give me attention.
We'll be right back.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he's a legend when it comes to journalists.
For, what, 50 years he's been reporting.
Done it all, the news, sports pages.
Worked with some of the biggest syndicates out there.
Scripps Howard News Service.
Then 30 years ago he found out about the Bilderberg Group.
He couldn't believe he'd never heard of it.
And he is really the pioneer who's now in the lonely days back in 81 when he first went to Switzerland to cover it.
He'd been covering it from his desk for five years plus before that.
And now today it's all over national papers in Canada and in Europe.
It's all over national TV.
He was on national TV.
Esselam was on national TV.
I was mentioned on national TV.
I'd say about 25-30% of those on the street that I talk to in Ottawa knew about the Bilderberg Group now, so Jim has really made a difference.
He shows what one man can do, and he joins us for the next 30 minutes to give us his rundown of the Bilderberg Group as we start our coverage of this today.
After he leaves us in 30 minutes, I'll tell what happened to us there.
Jim, good to have you on with us, my friend.
It's always fun.
It was good meeting you in person.
Yes, I enjoyed it.
You are quite the character.
Yeah, you make a boy blush.
You just got back to Virginia last night, or I guess back to D.C.
Just in a nutshell, give us your take.
Was Bilderberg, was our coverage of that a big success this year?
Well, it's a big success every year, but we always are able to lift a rock and watch the roaches crawl around.
Good press in the Canadian newspapers this year.
In fact, you were something of a headline hog yourself getting tied up by the Canadian authorities at the airport.
Front page of the National Post, in the Ottawa Citizen, three times, in the Sun.
Yeah, it was big.
They sure embarrassed themselves because the reason they stopped you at the airport was to keep things out of the media.
And the result was, more got into the media.
Well, the Lord works in mysterious ways, doesn't he, Jim?
I sure do.
I mean, yes.
It sure does.
Jim, we got the list this year.
You told me on videotape this is a very strong list.
Well, yes, it always is strong.
What's interesting is who's not on the list.
This will be the first time in the history of Bilderberg, dating back to 1954, when the publisher, The Washington Post, did not attend.
That is according to their official, allegedly confidential list.
Or Jimmy Lee Hoagland, the associate editor, who always escorts little Robert Graham.
Graham, the publisher of the Washington Post, dating back to the original Phil Graham in 1954, then his widow, Catherine Graham, when she became publisher on his death, and now on her death, Robert Graham, they've always attended without fail.
Now, they could have attended this year and asked to be kept off of this because they don't want any fan mail.
Or it could be they're tired of being bugged by other reporters who know they were there and cannot understand their promise of secrecy.
So I don't know if they were there or not, but I know they're not on the official list.
Well, let's talk about who was there.
Ahmed Chalabi, the torture master and wanted bank robber, is there, wanted by allies.
We also had James Wolfensohn, former head of the World Bank.
We had Wolfowitz, I mean not Wolfowitz, James Wolfensohn there.
We had so many people there.
Queen Beatrix, I personally videotaped her.
David Rockefeller.
We had the current president of the Federal Reserve was there.
Former past chairman of the Federal Reserve were there.
This is quite interesting, Jim.
Yes, and they're quite regulars.
The only new guy of significance was New York Governor George Pataki, which means that they consider him a potential president.
Well, he does, too.
He's a Republican, not running for re-election in New York State.
He's had two terms.
So he's pondering the presidential run.
They're taking him seriously enough.
I mean, they think he's a seriously enough candidate to invite him.
We'll be right back.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here, and I'm excited to announce we're going to have a huge 9-11 conference in downtown Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th of June.
We're expecting around a thousand people in attendance.
At this historic event, we will irrefutably document that 9-11 was an inside job, a self-inflicted wound,
A false flag terror operation.
The conference is titled 9-11 and the Neo-Con Agenda.
I'm happy to announce the conference will feature presentations by incredible speakers like BYU physics professor Stephen Jones, the father of the Star Wars program, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bowman, former top-level CIA analyst for Reagan and Bush, Ray McGovern, 9-11 hero William Rodriguez, author Webster Turnbull, Professor Jim Fetzer, and many many others, including special guests
I'll also be debuting my explosive new film, Terror Storm, at the conference.
Arm yourself with the truth.
Secure your tickets today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We almost were stopped from going into Canada, then it became a national news story because it was political and they had to admit that the quote Bilderberg Conference was concerned and worried about us.
We had provocateurs out on the street in front of the hotel resort trying to stir up trouble.
We'll get into that.
Jim Tucker tried to get in.
They blocked his entrance.
And Jim Tucker, who really is the father of Covering Bilderberg Group, joins us now.
He just got back last night to D.C.
from Ottawa, their capital there in Canada.
Jim, I want to get into what you learned from your moles, what you learned from sources inside.
And from pooling information with other people you trust, what the main agenda was this year?
We know it's always open borders, American Union, EU expansion, attacking sovereign nations, bringing in world currencies.
We know that, but what else was big on their agenda?
Preventing the United States from invading Iraq.
Iran, I mean, was already invading Iraq.
Bilderberg was opposed to the invasion of Iraq.
While the build-up is still going on, there's a big division within Bilderberg in my experience, and they were very strongly warning the United States not to go to war in Iran.
They said we'll be all alone, there'll be no help from Europe or from anybody else, and also, there's some sharp exchanges there where one guy says to the Americans,
I don't have the names in front of me, they'll be in the story.
Something to the effect that, why do you want to fight Israel's war?
Now in Europe, in the Europeans, there's a lot more coverage, balanced coverage of Middle East turmoil than there is in the United States.
A lot of Americans think that the Palestinians are all bad people who do mean things to Israelis, that they butcher and kill Israelis for the fun of it.
But in Europe, where the coverage is much more balanced, they'll describe Palestinian atrocities, but they'll also describe Israeli atrocities.
So, it's not such a shocking thing for European Bilderbergs to say to Americans, why do you want to fight Israel's war?
It took down this type of argument.
Our guy says, we're trying to make the world safe.
We're about nuclear proliferation.
Because you attack Iran, and Iran rains missiles on Israel, and Israel responds by nuking Iran.
Now where's your proliferation?
Where's your safe world?
So that's the... In fact, they're so strong that I'm quite hopeful that President Bush will refrain from his strong urge to
To invade Iran.
They were very strongly warning the United States not to do it, and I think there may be some hesitation now on the part of even the chickenpox like Richard Perle, who's still a close advisor to the President, although he has no official job in the administration at the moment, along with
William Lutie, the enlistment special assistant to the President for Defense Policy and Strategy.
Well, Lutie was in on that confrontation, so they have a lot to tell the President when he gets back from Iraq, where he is right now.
What else was begged on the agenda?
Well, there's some discussion of rising interest rates, and there are also
I'm concerned about Hugo Chávez of Venezuela blocking expansion of NAFTA, which as you know is very important to their goal of a world government.
That's right.
EU expansion failed in 2005, so did the American Union's expansion.
If Chávez succeeds in establishing another competitive NAFTA coalition, economic coalition of some kind in Latin America,
It could block NAFTA altogether, the expansion of NAFTA to those countries.
Unless it's throughout the Western Hemisphere, it cannot be the American Union that the Bilderbergs have advocated for so many years.
Did you find out what they want to do to Hugo Chavez?
Not precisely, no.
Use whatever pressure they can to
Make him back up.
Also, of course, they're uncomfortable about the fact that he's increasing taxes on oil being extracted from Venezuela, which is the Rothschilds and the Queen Beatrix right in the wallet.
Now, the extraction tax, before they just got it out of the country for free, now there's a small tax on it, and we know they're publicly outraged about that.
Why do you think that Richard C. Holbrook was there?
He's a regular.
And for those that don't know, tell us about Richard C. Holbrook.
He's one of the architects of the attack on Serbia.
Yes, he's been one of the longtime war hawks.
He's been in the administration for a while.
He's another one of the regulars like Richard Perle at his Bilderberg meetings when Republicans are in the White House.
Not when Democrats are.
Democrats have their own Bilderberg types.
Well, they still want you to be Secretary of Defense, or at least Assistant Secretary of Defense, to come anyway.
So, that's the major turnover for the United States in Bilderberg.
Some, of course, the Rockefellers are there every year, no matter who's in the White House.
As far as administration officials, as you know, Secretaries of State, Treasury, and Defense
We've got, I mean, there's 120 names here on the list.
We've got the Commissioner of the European Commission.
We've got all these former presidents.
We've got former Secretaries of State from other nations.
We've got all these top CEOs.
We also have a University of Texas professor here, the head of the LBJ School of Affairs.
It just goes on and on.
We've got all the classics here, the David Rockefellers, the Queen Beatrixes of the Netherlands.
Who are some of the other people that you think are important that were there?
A lot of people have expressed
Interesting fact, they don't see the name Rothschild anymore.
Well, for a lot of years, Aaron, Evan, Evelyn and Dave Rothschild attended on behalf of his family, and people with the last name of Rothschild from the family attended.
Now, through their marriage and all that, uh, it's Frank, uh, Franco Bernabe.
He's been a regular for years, back when he was mostly all boy.
And it says Netherlands H.M.
the Queen.
Her Majesty.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Queen of.
No one ever says their last name.
It's just of the House of the Netherlands.
She's another Saxe-Coburg Gotha, though.
Well, earlier lists would refer to her as Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.
I don't think there's anything sinister about the fact that it didn't come out precisely that way on the list this year.
We've got President Carnegie Endowment, which is busy disarming us.
We've got assistance of the Defense Policy Strategy National Security Council.
It just goes on and on.
I mean, there's so many of these names, Jim.
Yes, but 120 is a pretty good size group.
It's interesting that
Little was heard, at least as far as I know, from Henry Kissinger this year.
He's normally a big, big blabbering Bilderberg, but I'm not sure he's had him say anything profound.
You know, Kevin told you I have to leave at 1.15, I think.
Pardon me, sir?
I have to tell you goodbye about now.
Kevin told you I could only go 15 minutes.
No, I'm sorry.
I thought he told me 30, Jim.
I mean, I know you're busy filing your story.
Yeah, they've got the flip of my back today, but I enjoy talking to you as usual, and we'll get together again soon.
You bet, Jim.
Before you leave us here in just a moment, any other key points you want to add about Bilderberg?
I think I've dumped all I know right now.
When are we going to see your reports coming out in American Free Press?
It'll be in the next edition.
Well, the one you get that was mailed Thursday, and you may be receiving today, will have just the report I filed last Thursday.
The big coverage comes in the following American Free Press.
I think you're going to have, what, about four different reports in that?
Because they're not very bright.
Alright Jim, we're going to let you go.
It was good meeting you in person.
Very good.
You bet.
Take care.
I could hear folks there at the paper trying to drag Jim away.
He just got home last night.
Just got into the paper a few hours ago.
We were honored to have him.
I'm going to come back and give you my Bilderberg group coverage.
What happened to us when we were there.
What we saw.
Read over some of the list.
It's a who's who of the elite.
And this is your enemy.
This is the crowd that colludes together to bring in world government.
And what we're getting from now the last three years is, for the first time ever, they're really, some of them are fighting with each other because they think they're all for world government, they're all for world tax, they're all for taking your freedoms, but they realize that some of the neocons who they hired to do this job are moving so quickly that it is even endangering their hegemony, their monopoly of global dominance and control.
So we will get into that when we return.
Coming up later this hour, I'm going to play one more time.
I played it yesterday in the third hour I did live.
I literally screeched up from the airport in the third hour live.
We will re-air where I bullhorned them.
And I've got my notes here.
We will run through what happened.
Then we'll continue with your calls throughout the rest of the broadcast.
We've got an hour and 40 minutes left.
Plenty of time to cover this and a lot of other news issues.
I'm just going to spend time on Bilderberg this hour, next hour, get into all the other news.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
Alright, here's the long and short of it.
We flew in to the, I guess it'd be the 52nd Bilderberg Group meeting in Ottawa.
You go through one row of customs, bunch of windows, they weren't flagging hardly anybody, I'd say maybe one out of forty people over.
They flagged myself and both my cameramen.
They sent us into this office and immediately they began yelling at us and being mean to us and I didn't put up with it.
I just told them that I didn't appreciate how I was being treated and that went on and on and on and on and on for right around 15 hours and they were told us they were going to kick us out of the country
They laughed at us that next morning and said, but this is still going to take all day before we ship you out and laughed at us.
But I had gotten a call in and talked to Jim Tucker and he was able to talk to the press.
So the press started calling me on my cell phone.
Then they came out and yelled at me right in front of the press to turn my cell phone off that I was under examination, basically under arrest.
And then a bunch of media showed up, not a bunch, CBC reporter,
Some news reporters for print, some photojournalists, mainstream, all of them showed up.
I was later told they were rude to them.
That really helped get things off to a good start.
Backfired on them.
And then members of Parliament, I'm told, began to call because a bunch of people had called.
I guess a network of activists had already gotten in gear.
And so, things began to get better from there.
And after about an hour of that, they said, we're going to let you go.
And they let us go, and I drove down to the Bilderberg meeting place, the Brook Street Hotel, big hotel about 200 yards off a large main road, with a golf course in the back, a resort, there were private security, Ottawa police, Royal Mountain police, Royal Mountain police in plainclothes,
Clearly one of Queen Beatrice's security detail running around with a shirt that said Netherlands on it, speaking in a Dutch accent, saying we need to do violent things, let's kill masons, let's do this, let's do that, and then just waiting for us to agree so they can pounce on us.
They couldn't get the predatory look out of their eyes.
A lot of them were arriving throughout that day.
That was Thursday.
And we got Queen Beatrix on video, David Rockefeller, a bunch of other bigwigs, huge individuals.
And we were able to get a lot of them on tape.
We were able to shout at them as they drove through.
I realize this is not a very healthy profession to have, but I did it nevertheless.
These people control trillions of dollars.
Bill Gates is not the richest man in the world, boys and girls.
And then coming up, on Saturday, I was, and of course this whole time in between I'm doing interviews on the site, doing interviews in hotel rooms, doing interviews on the streets of Ottawa, down with their beautiful Parliament.
Amazing, what do they call it, neo-Gothic structure.
Interviews with people on the street, and we found one person out of probably, I don't know, we probably interviewed about a hundred people.
On the street, we probably ran into one guy who wasn't sure.
He thought maybe we need an American Union and after we talked to him about it, he said he probably wasn't for it.
And about 25-30%, I haven't counted them up yet, but a good portion, a large minority, and that's good news, did know about the Bilderberg Group, were upset about it, did know that they wanted to get rid of their sovereignty.
I mean, five years ago, I don't know about Canada, but in the U.S., if you asked somebody at the Bilderberg Group, no one, maybe one out of a hundred would know what it was, and they'd laugh at you and say it was a conspiracy theory.
You know, remember that the news in this country, the same news that says Zarqawi's been killed four times, said it didn't exist, you were crazy if it existed.
I've been personally attacked by the biggest paper in the country, the New York Times, for reporting on it.
Just interviewing people, this is the first one I've ever been to.
But I tell you, stepping across that line, when I was bullhorning him from 200 yards away, there's a huge edifice of the building in front of me, and it was backfiring so hard, it was so loud off the glass, that it was causing, you'll hear it on the bullhorn when I play it coming up,
Causing a feedback loop, which is great.
It was really loud.
You'll hear videotape from behind it.
So everything you hear is it bouncing back and still hear how loud it is.
And Bilderberg Group members Holbrook came out there walking up to complain to security right after I did it and I screamed at him.
That's a clip we'll be getting up for folks.
It's up there on YouTube.
Thank God for YouTube.
We have millions of downloads of our videos we post now, so we can't post a lot of stuff for free just because of the cost, but with YouTube we can.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
We'll play those when we get back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, thanks for joining us.
We'll take some of your calls coming up here in a few minutes.
I'll get into some of the other developments that took place at Bilderberg Group.
First off though, I want to, one more time, I played this yesterday.
I'll play just part of my bullhorning.
There's a second part we're going to post for members at PrisonPlanet.tv.
My bullhorning of the good old boys there at the Bilderberg Group and good old gals.
Let's go ahead and roll that.
The people of the planet are free.
Humans since the beginning of civilization have struggled against tyranny.
We are here with a new Declaration of Independence, a declaration of free people on the planet Earth, resisting your tyranny.
We do not want your American Union.
We do not want your European Union.
We wish to live in peace and be free, just as you wish to have your secret meetings and be left alone.
We are here at great danger and great expense.
Have the great courage to stand up against your enormous power.
We know you are ruthless.
We know you are evil.
We respect your dark power.
But you should know that as you attempt to set up your world government, you're facing greater and greater problems.
Your agenda is faltering.
Free humans everywhere know what you're doing.
The people have woken up to what you're doing.
You're attempting to shut down the internet and the free press.
You are failing.
The cat is out of the bag.
The truth of your world government has now been exposed.
We will expose the New World Order.
We will expose the Global Crime Syndicate.
To David Rockefeller, to the Rothschild representatives here, to the Queen of the Netherlands, to all of you.
We tell you, you are not our queens.
You are not our kings.
You are not our gods.
We do not belong to you.
We are not your slaves.
We stand as free humans, have stood since the beginning of time against the strong men, against the thugs, against the bullies.
We are here telling you that we will resist the New World Order.
We will defeat your world government.
We will defeat world taxation.
We will defeat your control grid.
God is on our side.
And I stand before the creator of the universe, and I ask the creator of the universe, as our founding fathers did in 1776, to lead, guide, and direct us, and to give us the power, and the foresight, and the understanding, and the will to stand against your entire agenda, including your final plan of world population reduction of 80% that Henry Kissinger penned in 1973.
We stand here as free human beings that love our families, that want to control our own destinies.
I know that you have the excuses that you claim you have to have world government to stop World War, but in truth, architects of World War II are sitting in your building right now, like Queen Beatrice, her late husband, SS officer.
We are here simply trying to defend liberty.
You have threatened us.
You have threatened our country.
You have threatened our sovereignty.
You have threatened our livelihoods.
Your world government and your own statements and your own policy reports are detrimental to the average man, woman, and child.
You have more power and more money than you could ever spend.
You own the central banks that print the money.
Why, then, do you continue to try to dehumanize us?
Why do you put mercury in the vaccines?
Stanisodium fluoride in the water?
Why do you put cancer viruses in the vaccines?
Why have you used depleted uranium now in four separate nations?
The equivalent of 44,000 A-bombs of uranium now in the atmosphere.
Why are you doing this?
Why are you so dark?
Why are you so destructive?
Why are you destroying your own future?
You're arrogant!
You have the sickness that elites have had throughout history in their literal and
In some cases, figurative ivory towers.
You believe that you're invincible.
You are your own greatest enemy.
You are an enemy of humanity and the human experience.
And everything that we are.
And everything that we could be.
You are threatened by the dynamic human free spirit.
You are monopoly men.
You monopolize the economic system.
You try to monopolize the spiritual systems.
Because you're threatened by independent middle classes developing their own industries that you believe will threaten your monopoly of control and power.
We here, the free peoples of Earth, stand against you and your wickedness.
The numbers are growing every day.
Millions of people every day wake up to what you're doing.
They understand your program of control and they will resist it.
Again, we implore the Creator of the Universe to aid us.
We pledge our lives, our bodies, our sacred honor, our treasure, all on the line against you, the neo-fascist corporate royalty.
We tell you now that your abuse must end.
We tell you now, listen to the voices inside Bilderberg that understand the truth.
We tell you now that we know there's dissenting voices in your ranks who say that what you're doing is dangerous.
You're hurtling the world towards World War IV, as you call it.
We ask you to reconsider your wickedness and your evil.
You are being led by a very dark force.
You have been manipulated and deceived yourselves.
You know at the end of your days now, many of you, that all the evil and all the power has not filled you.
No matter how many wars and how much evil and wickedness you engage in, you feel more and more hollow every day.
Let me tell you now that I have no fear of you because I've already lived a wonderful life.
And I've lived for what's good and what's decent and what's beautiful.
And I believe in the human spirit.
My life is overflowing.
I am so incredibly happy.
I am empowered.
I am empowered by the life force.
I am empowered by creativity and goodness and the light.
You are filled with the black pits of hell.
You are filled with darkness and it will never quench your thirst.
Some of you can turn back.
I remember interviewing Charlotte Isravi.
His father was a member of Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove.
And as he lay on his deathbed, dying of cancer, that elite member, that elite member that traveled in your highest circle, repented of what he'd done and cried his guts out.
And I believe that man will be in heaven.
He won't be visiting where some of you are going in the depths of Hades.
The elite of the world, and that's you, have been waging war on the people.
Waging war on any free populations.
Attempting to create your world government.
A monopoly of thought.
A monopoly of science.
A monopoly of finance.
You are destroying this species.
You are destroying our development.
You are bad social engineers.
They're like a lion who comes into the pride and goes after the cubs because you're threatened of them rising.
You're threatened by them.
You seek to feed on your own species.
You're an upper predator class that is trying to engineer us and dumb us down so we're more easily fed upon.
You will and you are failing now.
Your New World Order will fall.
Humanity will defeat you.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
The answer to your 1984 world is the world of 1776.
The human spirit has always risen against tyranny.
The human spirit has always overcome fear.
The human spirit has always resisted the bully.
And we are resisting you now as we will for eternity.
Because ideas are bulletproof.
And as we all here standing are flesh and blood, the idea of human liberty and human freedom is bulletproof.
And you will fail.
Your children will rebel against you.
Your wives will rebel against you.
Your husbands will rebel against you.
Because the truth and decency and freedom is beautiful and is wonderful.
And it is the Holy Grail you've been seeking that's been right under your nose.
Be good!
Turn from your wicked ways!
Say no to global government!
Say no to engineering the human species into a slave state!
Your tyranny has failed!
You've already been defeated!
You can already feel the rumblings as your supports crumble underneath you!
The crises you thought you would create to bring in world government is the crisis that will undo your system!
History shows it.
You believe you're students of history?
Look at history.
You will reach your world government.
You will gain your new world order.
But right as you grasp it, you will feel the floor beneath you falling.
At the very moment you gain the apex of your power, at the very moment you climb to the summit of that mountain, your defeat is ensured.
What you seek is your undoing.
You have been defeated.
All right.
And that's what it really comes down to, my friends.
Now I'm more focused than I've ever been.
And just a word to the wise, everybody out there listening, my days of Mr. Nice Guy are over.
I have sacrificed my life.
I have committed myself to this fight.
I'm not afraid of anybody or anything.
I know I'm fleshing blood.
I know I'm a weak creature.
But I've asked God for guidance and I just go with my gut now and to all the scum and all the trash, all of you that think you can push us around.
I don't care if you're New World Order or you're Minions or you're fake Patriots or whatever you are.
Just get out of our way.
We want freedom.
We're going to fight for it.
We're not backing down.
We're going 110%.
I'll get more into the Bilderberg group later.
Right now, let's go to a call.
Scott in New York.
You're on Jones.
Let's go ahead, Scott.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
You are the real deal.
I mean, we appreciate what you've done.
I was up there.
I met you.
I listened to you.
You're a great American.
You've really put a
A fire under me to help out again in this fight.
By the way, Scott's from upstate New York.
I would have gone to you earlier, Scott, if I had a chance to meet you.
You went up there a few days early and checked into the resort.
Tell people that story.
Yeah, well, I checked in on the 7th, which was the day before they came.
When I checked in about 9.30 at night, they had me sign a paper stating that I would leave at 8.30.
And uh... I argued about it, however, they weren't going to do it.
The only thing they would do for me is find me another hotel.
Now there was a big sweep going on, we're told, by reporters the night before.
So you were there during that sweep?
I was there during that sweep.
There were about thirty guys, all dressed in white shirts, black ties.
They were in the front of the building, on floor to floor.
They were in the back in the golf course.
My room was
I was way up high and I was overlooking the golf course and at 3.30 in the morning I saw them outside with flashlights looking through the trees.
And I'll tell you it was kind of scary for me.
I didn't want to fall asleep because I was scared.
But I got up the next morning about 8.20 and I called the front desk.
I told them I was going to be a little late checking out.
And they told me if I didn't leave at 8.30 I'd be escorted out.
And I told them I'm taking a shower anyway and if you want to escort me out you can come get me in the shower.
I was one of the last people, I'm sure, one of the last people to leave because my car was parked underneath the building in an underground garage and it was one of the last cars there.
And when I left, everything was barricaded and they had to open the barricade for me.
And that's when I parked my car outside.
And you gave us the letterhead.
You gave us a copy of the letter that they gave you, signed by you, ordering you out by 830.
You even gave us some soap from inside the building.
Yeah, I did.
I hope you didn't take that personally.
My brother said, why did you give him that soap?
He's going to take it personally.
I said, no, he won't.
Well, for those who don't know, you gave me some of the stuff the first day and then I came out in the morning the next day and you'd put it on my car.
No, no, we saw the note from you and so no, I'm interested.
You've just forgotten to give us something.
You were leaving.
You gave it to us.
You weren't there for the bullhorning.
I wish you wouldn't have missed it.
You know, Alex, I was afraid that you were thinking that maybe I was somebody that I, you know, one of the bad people, you know, and I started saying, I better just leave, leave the guy alone.
And, um, I'll go back to New York.
No, no, Scott, I can tell you were real, but listen, you're not 6'3", the exact same type every time with the short haircut, looking at me with hatred, with a smile on your face, with a predatory look like I'm stupid, and you weren't saying, let's kill people, let's kill, let's kill.
No, no, we knew who the cops were.
Alex, I'll tell you, I just, I'll tell you, I looked at you with such awe because, and you're younger than I am, and I'll tell you what, what a wonderful person you are,
May God bless you for the rest of your days.
I wish you have a healthy, happy life and a successful in this.
And anything that I could do, I'm going to try to do.
And if you could put me off air, I want to tell you something that I called, I called Brook Street and asked them to refund my money because they made me leave so early.
And I'll tell you what the guy said off air if I could.
Yeah, we're going to break in a few minutes.
Let me put you on hold and I'll talk to you during the break.
Anything else you want to discuss, Scott?
You were there that first day.
Did you witness the guys that were running up going, let's kill Masons!
It was just so obvious they were cops.
I witnessed one guy and he came up to you and your crew and I was standing next to you and he's like, oh, I'm going to blow these people up or something like that.
I don't know if he was one of them, but he was kind of a kooky guy and he scared me.
I wanted to run away from him.
And I'll tell you, it was kind of frightening for me to be there.
No, he was one of them, you know.
But the way we caught him was, we saw one of them, who probably worked for Queen Beatrix, going back on the property.
They had all their private details as well.
You know, the Queen of the Netherlands, folks, she was there.
And then we caught other ones who would act like they weren't with each other, getting out down the street out of the same cars.
Every time I'd go to my car to do something, they'd run and get in their cars and be ready.
And they'd be on radios.
But then before I got there, because I was detained, the Dutch Guard was there, and he would run up to everybody, get out of their car, and say, Hey, you're Alex Jones, I'm a big fan!
And be like, old man, and they'd go, Not Alex Jones, I don't even know what I look like!
And I'd run up, Oh Alex Jones, I'm a big fan of your films!
And then immediately,
Every time there was press there, anytime anything would happen, they would just scream that they wanted violence.
The cops would sit there waiting right by them to see if we would say something and agree.
I would have been arrested the millisecond I agreed with them.
I understand that.
You know, to do what you did, you know, afterward, when you were held for those 15 hours, and I had found out at 8.30 that you were held, because I called all around town trying to find your hotel room,
And they told me that you were sent back to America.
And I was sick over it because I wanted to meet you.
And then when I was told by Daniel Ustelin that you were going to come there.
That they were going to let you go.
And then to see you and you were so happy and you were smiling and you just really energized some of the locals that were there that knew of it.
And they were so happy to see you.
And what was so beautiful about it was so many young guys.
That are knowledgeable, that it really gives you hope for the future.
I know, and people bring in their young children there.
Yeah, I didn't see that because I wasn't there the next day, but the day that I was there, there were these teenagers and guys in their early 20s and late 20s that were there that are so informed.
You say we maybe we do have a chance to beat these people.
Well regardless we gotta fight him Scott.
I'll find out what this inside info is on the during this break.
Stay there.
So keep him on hold for me guys.
We'll come back and take more of your calls.
I'm Alex Jones your host at Genesis Communications.
PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com are the websites.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here and I'm excited to announce we're going to have a huge 9-11 conference in downtown Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th of June.
We're expecting around 1,000 people in attendance.
At this historic event, we will irrefutably document that 9-11 was an inside job, a self-inflicted wound, a false flag terror operation.
The conference is titled 9-11 and the Neocon Agenda.
I'm happy to announce the conference will feature presentations by incredible speakers like BYU physics professor Stephen Jones, the father of the Star Wars program, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bowman, former top-level CIA analyst for Reagan and Bush, Ray McGovern, 9-11 hero William Rodriguez, author Webster Charnley, Professor Jim Fetzer, and many, many others, including special guests.
I'll also be debuting my explosive new film, Terror Storm, at the conference.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
While we were there, a big armored limousine, the big Cadillac type, pulled in.
It had U.S.
diplomatic plates.
And they didn't park in front of the hotel, even though it had trees.
You could still shoot some video.
They went in the underground parking garage.
And the vehicle had a whole bunch of police cars with it, and police motorcycles, and a bunch of security came out.
And I said, that's some U.S.
government official.
We had heard this.
We hadn't confirmed it, but I know Scott.
I got his documentation.
I got the letters from the hotel to him.
I just talked to Scott.
He just talked to the head of the hotel, who blurped out what we'd already heard rumors of.
We still haven't confirmed it.
We have to find out exactly where she was Saturday, but Ottawa is pretty close to New York.
It's about a
What about an hour flight?
Hillary Clinton was reportedly there.
We know that Hillary's been meeting with Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News, meeting with Murdoch for several years, every week for dinner.
We know she's pro-war.
We know the neocons are positioning her.
And we do know that Pataki was there.
That was on the news.
You've got all these people that could be presidential candidates there.
Governor Warner was there last year.
We know they're positioning him.
We're the Democratic run as well.
Bill Clinton was at Bilderberg Group in 1991.
That is confirmed.
And Evian French.
So it looks like it's the same thing again.
So Paul Watson, when you get on that, we've got an unconfirmed report, but it looks pretty good.
This is a good source.
And it's the third time I've heard this from decent sources that Hillary Clinton was there.
Imagine, Queen Matrix would pull up in the front.
You can shoot through two little trees and barely get them in one spot, get their faces.
Most of them would try to just get out of the car and walk straight in, so you couldn't see their faces.
We got Beatrix, we got Rockefeller, people like that, Wolftonson, but Holbrook, many others.
But we did not get Hillary, if she was indeed there.
But we have to find out where she was Saturday.
Because this big diplomatic car comes in.
And we know Rumsfeld publicly went, what, three and a half years ago.
We'll find out what's going on and let you be the first to know out there.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Who's up first here in line?
Matt in Mississippi, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, just wanted to say, doing a heck of a job out there last week on documenting the filibre group.
I also wanted to say, you know, to all the people that are out there, we've got to take the information you present to us, and we've got to take it to Public Access Radio, Public Access TV, to our, you know, small groups in the communities.
We can't, you know, rely on you to wake the world up.
I mean, we can rely on you to wake us up and take the information and spread it out accordingly.
I also wanted to say that my MySpace group,
For the 9-11 Symposium, it's doing really well, and I was just curious if I could go ahead and plug it again.
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, it's groups.myspace.com forward slash 9-11 Symposium.
To all those who are going to the 9-11 Symposium, you can find discount tickets here.
People are talking about hotels in the area where you can get just good rates.
And things like that.
But yeah, Alex, appreciate all the work you're doing.
Well, it's going to be wild.
We know it's going to sell out now.
I don't know how long you'll be able to get tickets, folks.
There's only a few hundred left.
We're going to cut it off at 1,100.
You put 1,200 in there, it's just too many.
I want to have room for the media and other people that are going to be there.
So we've got to cut it off at 1,100.
A couple hundred tickets left, and then when they're gone, they're gone.
You're not going to be able to get them at the door.
It's pretty clear that this is going to happen.
It's coming up next Saturday and Sunday.
Not this weekend, but the weekend after next.
Thanks for the call.
In downtown Los Angeles.
Sheraton downtown.
And yes, get my videos.
Make copies of them.
Get them out to people.
The power of you, the people, taking action is unstoppable.
Again, that's InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.tv.
See the videos all online right now.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, my friends.
We're now already into this third and final hour.
I'm going to get into the so-called Karl Rove indictments.
If you thought that was going to happen, I've got a bridge I want to sell you.
Oh, we're going to be saved by the U.S.
We're going to be saved by the prosecutor.
If you believe that, again, I'm a Chinese jet pilot from Mars.
We'll be covering that report.
We'll also get into Stephen Hawking, the preeminent physicist, saying we've got to get off the planet.
We're probably going to destroy it.
I tend to agree.
I want to talk about plunging network news numbers.
Good news, little damage reported as Alberto hits Florida.
Clinton and Gore out running around propagandizing for a world tax.
It has nothing to do with global warming.
We'll also get into more on Zarqawi.
Bush sneaking North American super state without oversight.
Mexico-Canada partnership underway with no authorization from Congress.
We'll cover that as well.
Right now, let's go back to your calls.
Let's talk to Jim in New Mexico.
Jim, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Yeah, I really appreciate that speech you gave up there in Canada, man.
I really appreciate you being out there on the front lines.
Well, I hope people realize how dangerous it is.
Yes, sir, I do.
My guts, my intellect, my spirit knew exactly, and I made the decision.
I'm not kidding when I say this, folks.
I could really feel the Spirit of God with me, the Lord Jesus, stronger than it has ever been.
It was amazing.
Well, it's at times like that when you have to have the spirit.
You need to join with that eternal spirit of love, truth, beauty, and goodness in order to accomplish what you're out to accomplish, Alex, which is only good.
That's why you've been targeted by the agent provocateurs.
How other people are being targeted by agents and provocateurs that we hear very little about.
You know, just several weeks ago there were seven people who were indicted as co-conspirators along with unnamed co-conspirators in what's called eco-terrorism.
You know, the burning of some ski lodges and I think some animal testing clinics or something like that.
People who clearly love the land, don't want to see it ripped apart, destroyed, clear-cut and sent off to China to be turned into junk to end up in our landfill.
And, uh, these people were infiltrated and set up, you know, to do those things.
And, um, I'm just hearing very little about it.
In fact, Derry Brownfield did just the opposite.
He cherry-picked that article.
And, uh, according to Derry, those people are already guilty.
Please continue.
Well, it's true, and it's happened for many, many years.
Decades, in fact.
I have a little article right here from the Albuquerque Journal.
The federal government has agreed to pay $2 million to settle a lawsuit filed by two environmental activists who were arrested and branded eco-terrorists by the FBI 14 years ago in Oakland, California.
Daryl Charney of the estate of Judy Berry died of cancer in 1997.
We'll divide the settlement and a separate $2 million settlement from the Oakland City Council
Last year, the two activists from Earth First were arrested by the FBI when a pipe bomb exploded in their car in Oakland.
Barry suffered a crushed pelvis, and Charney was torn up pretty bad.
You know, that bomb was set there by COINTELPRO.
Those people were set up... No, I saw that story.
You can try to build an old veteran a new house.
These evil cops show up and do this.
You can try to go cover Bilderberg.
They show up and do this.
And they're scary.
I mean, they got criminals with guns and badges who will do whatever they're told.
And there's a good example.
They will bomb you and then put you in jail for them bombing you.
You want to add some more about provocateurs?
Yes, sir.
I certainly would appreciate it.
Stay there.
I'll let you finish up after this quick break.
I'm going to keep taking calls this hour.
When we're done with Jim, though, I'm going to cover some news and we'll go back into your calls.
Comments on Bilderberg, comments on the Iran situation, comments on the economy, whatever.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here and I'm excited to announce we're going to have a huge 9-11 conference in downtown Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th of June.
We're expecting around a thousand people in attendance.
At this historic event, we will irrefutably document that 9-11 was an inside job, a self-inflicted wound, a false flag terror operation.
The conference is titled 9-11 and the Neocon Agenda.
I'm happy to announce the conference will feature presentations by incredible speakers like BYU physics professor Stephen Jones, the father of the Star Wars program, Lt.
Robert Bowman, former top-level CIA analyst for Reagan and Bush, Ray McGovern, 9-11 hero William Rodriguez, author Webster Charplin, Professor Jim Fetzer, and many, many others, including special guests.
I'll also be debuting my explosive new film, Terror Storm, at the conference.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, fresh back from the Bilderberg Group up in the capital city of Canada, unbelievably beautiful city, one of the prettiest I've ever seen.
That didn't count even Europe.
Now what freaked me out the worst was not being interrogated off and on for 15 hours, not being screamed at, not being told I was a criminal, not being told I was a liar, not being told I was going to jail.
It was just over and over again agent provocateurs, who we then confirmed were, walking up and going, we need to do violence, we need to blah blah blah, and the police sitting there waiting to pounce on us the minute we agreed.
There are all these famous cases.
There's one back from during Nixon, out in
Out in Berkeley, there in the Bay Area, where the FBI went out, it was a big peace group, and the FBI, in the group, detonated a half stick of dynamite in a mud flat, and then they arrested the entire group.
Some of them spent decades in prison.
I mean, they did it to patriots.
They'll go bury pipe bombs on your land.
They'll do whatever they can.
And they feel good about it.
They feel good sending innocent people to prison.
Now, that's really illegal, but what's borderline and clearly has been found to be legal by the courts is, it's one thing if you hear somebody's planning something violent, when you infiltrate their group, and most people don't plan violence, folks, most people are cowards, okay?
Or they're not violent.
Statistically, and I've studied the criminology, looked at all the cases, not all of them, but hundreds, it's a figure of speech,
It's one thing if there's been some type of event, some type of robbery, some type of crime, and you think a group's doing it, you infiltrate and then you bring it up to see if they'll bring it up to see if they've already done it.
That's police work.
But it has evolved into... I mean, what is wrong with the Austin Police Department?
They sent an undercover cop in in 1998.
Because I'm there standing in front of the bulldozers with Mike Jones and all these other Austinites, telling them they're not going to bulldoze this guy's house.
They threatened to arrest us.
We go, fine, we'll build him a new house.
We get his stuff out.
We build him a new one.
You know, they bulldozed it.
And, I mean, cops, multiple cops going, we ought to beat up the police.
We ought to get violent.
We ought to go out to the city council.
I'm like, stop it!
I know you're a cop.
I know you're an informant.
You follow them out and it's a police car down the street.
You know, an unmarked.
You are criminals!
And we ran into a lot of this in Canada, and it was just... I mean, you'd come out of your hotel.
I didn't want to scare my guys a few times.
And there they'd be in their parking lot driving off, or you'd pull out in the car, and the car would start following you.
And they had two really good-looking female cops.
Who I'd seen in uniform earlier, and a day later, they're following us around town.
One time we left the hotel, left the Bilderberg Group Resort, we were parked out front, and just accidentally, one of them had already left, so we got on the highway next to the Bilderberg Group.
Suddenly, two unmarked cars pulled up on us, and are around us, and are following us, and the Bilderberg guy kept taking the same roads as us, so I just drove by him, waved at him, and pulled on past.
It was bad, folks.
I mean, they're... and I've made them mad.
I'm sure... in fact, I know they're going to pull the stops out now.
I knew what I was doing when I started the bullhorning.
It's like... I think... and I'm not comparing myself to this Brazilian analogy I got.
You know, I think... Founding Fathers knew what they did when they signed the Declaration of Independence.
And they put the big John Hancock on there.
I think... well, I know that John the Baptist knew what he was doing when he went before Herod.
But that's what God demands, and I tell you, I thought before I had discernment, I thought before, and I'm not on some power trip folks, it's not delusion or illusion, and I wouldn't even call it fear, I was apprehensive, I knew the line, it was like it was a physical glowing line, I knew as I took the bullhorn and did what I did, that it went to a whole other level.
I felt like I was a thousand feet tall sitting right in front of that obelisk-like building bullhorning.
It was echoing all off the buildings around it.
It was like it was built to echo.
There's two buildings flanking it on both sides.
So it hit the face, bounced back and forth off those two.
It was reverberating like a canyon.
It was like... It was amazing.
And I keep trying to describe this, but literally, since then and after that, I just...
I just feel like I'm closer to God, so much more closer.
And I know that's what God demands of us.
He wants us to put ourselves in front of evil.
He wants us to have courage.
He wants us to commit ourselves 110% and to prove it.
To have faith to do it.
Because I was like, no, I'm not going to bullhorn.
I'm just not going to do it.
These people are so evil, I'm sure to get news and cover it.
I didn't know what was going to happen when I did it.
We already had police trying to threaten to arrest us for parking in designated parking spots on the street.
And I just said, you know what, I'm going to do it, and I did it.
And I don't tell that story to try to go, man, Alex has got courage.
It's not even that.
I do it to try to be an example to others.
Whatever comes of it.
Richard C. Holbrook, who held the highest level positions in the Clinton administration, is now the vice chairman of a major global corporation.
He came out, a couple others came out, he came up to security, was griping about us.
Right after I'd finished, he was coming out during it,
And I go and I yell at him and say, Holbrook, we're not your slaves.
So, I mean, it was so loud that they were having meetings in a big outside tent, you know, one of those big tents outside.
A bunch of them had gone in there and they were all coming out and looking.
And I guess to use the Lord of the Rings analogy, it's like going up to Mount Doom and looking right in the eye of Sauron and saying, here I am.
It's like, I see you.
I felt that evil.
I felt the evil when I got there like I've never felt anywhere else.
I've confronted Bill Clinton as he drives down the road, passes in his motorcade.
I've confronted Hillary Clinton.
I've confronted George Bush Sr.
I've confronted Janet Reno face-to-face.
I've confronted General McCaffrey.
I've confronted congressmen, senators.
I've confronted... I've snuck into Bohemian Grove.
I've been there while they're doing rituals.
And I never felt the evil radiating the cold, dark gulfs of hell
Like I did there, and I'm glad I did it.
Whatever the costs are, whatever happens out of it, I'm glad I did it, and I just ask God to be with me.
I ask you to pray for me and pray for my people, and that the Spirit of the Lord be with us and dwell with us and put a hedge up around us, if that is God's will.
I first and foremost ask that God's will be done, and that He lead God and direct us.
That's the simple prayer I say every night.
I ask God if it's His will to protect my family and to help me be a better person because I'm a sinner.
I'm a fallen person.
I am very aggressive.
I have a lot of anger.
Because I have so much love.
And if you have a lot of, you know, the sociologists, the psychologists, not the sociologists, the psychologists will tell you, the history shows that those that have a lot of love
Well, it's like pack animals.
Those species that have the most love for their pack are also normally the most aggressive, the most vicious.
And I have a lot of love.
I also have a lot of anger, a lot of violence in me.
And I realize a lot of the things I've done haven't been the best.
I've been obnoxious.
I've been arrogant.
I've been overly aggressive.
I've been tired.
I'm so tired most of the time.
And I'm also sad a lot of the time.
I have a lot of energy.
I feel really good.
At the same time, there's a deep sadness.
I guess the beginning of wisdom, or with wisdom comes a lot of pain.
And I don't claim to have a lot of wisdom, but I have more than most.
And my discernment is frankly frightening.
Is it a blessing?
Is it a curse?
I know it's a blessing, but sometimes it's like... I just... And I'm so sick of the egos.
I'm so sick of people that think I'm stupid.
So many people in this movement who think they can talk down to me and think that it's not that I can't handle that, it's that it's a waste of my time.
I'm so sad for them not even reaching one-tenth of their potential.
So many talented people who are just in this for the egomania of it.
And I'll be honest with you, I mean, I've always been an alpha male.
When I first got into this, it was because of passion for freedom and not liking bullies and thugs and the IRS harassing my dad and grandparents and the city of Austin coming by and telling my grandfather
You don't own that drainage ditch behind your house when you're 70-something years old, but you've got to go dig all those logs out of there or we're going to give you a $200 day of fines.
Seeing old veterans who have three-inch grass getting $2,000 a day fines and seeing them take people's children's CPS and laughing about it and admitting the family's done nothing but they want to adopt it out because it's worth a lot of money.
That stuff tears my guts out and I just spit out of control on air and just go nuts.
And jibber and jabber and half the time I can't even listen to my own refeeds.
I've tried my best to serve you.
But when I first got into all this, I mean, I certainly like people coming up to me on the streets.
I like people telling me what a great job I've done.
I like, you know, I enjoyed being someone of a big shot.
I do not enjoy it now.
It's all work.
I have a lot of passion for the work.
I'm frustrated that we don't do the work as good as we could.
We can't achieve some of the goals we want.
We achieved many of them.
I'm mad at myself for the weaknesses I have, and I have plenty of them.
When you just begin to realize how truly evil these people are, it's a hard row to hoe.
I know it's hard to admit how bad the world is.
I know it's hard to admit the evils.
I know it's hard to face the truths.
It's been a journey for myself.
I still can't believe the cold hard facts.
I still can't believe
How evil the New World Order is.
And I'm very saddened that there's so many people who never had a chance to think, who are just so mindless, who are so stamped with the age of convenience and ego, and whose spirits are filled with darkness.
To watch them serving this evil, to know that this evil is going to destroy the police listening to this show and their families.
It's going to destroy our society and our future.
But through peer pressure and fear, you still serve it.
If you could only see what I see, if you could only know what I know, and that's what I try to do here is in some small way impart the research and the work we've done.
I mean, with a lot of hard work you will gain what you seek normally in life, and we have gained information, we have gained what the New World Order is, and it's so manifestly, manifold, patently, classically,
Evil, there is a majesty to it.
It is, we marvel at the beast.
I marvel.
How could anyone carry this out?
How could anyone live with themselves?
And much less live with themselves, revel in it.
Revel in ripping and tearing innocents and the defenseless.
They revel.
They revel.
They revel in their sin.
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Jim brought up Asian provocateurs like 20 minutes ago back in the second quarter last and I got off on that whole diatribe about it.
I want to finish up your calls and get into some of the other news I haven't covered.
But Jack Blood's waiting in the wings so finish up Jim your comment about Asian provocateurs.
Yeah, Alex, you obviously are motivated by love and your pursuit of truth, beauty, and goodness.
I mean, how else could you be so empowered to get in front of the most powerful elite on the planet and bullhorn?
Man, I wish I could pat you on the back.
You know, but getting back to Darryl Cherney and Judy Barry back in the 1980s, you know, the reason why, in my opinion, they were targeted is because they were being so successful in educating the public about the wholesale
rape of millions of acres of virgin forest in the Pacific Northwest that were being shipped to Japan and people were being put out of work.
I mean, the only ones that were getting the jobs were the ones cutting the trees and driving the trucks.
I mean, as far as mill workers, the vast majority of those big logs were going on ships to foreign countries where they're being value-added and then sold back to us.
And Daryl Chern and Judy Berry were educating the public about this and
And that's why they were so successful and targeted, in my opinion, you know?
You don't have to tell me over and over again, Agent Provocateurs, I'm so sick of them.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
We've got to do something about these people.
Cops get in trouble and lose their jobs, even get indicted when they go too far doing it.
And I was watching police commit crimes right in front of me, and I'm tired of it!
You know, I don't commit crimes.
Except maybe I speed, that's a misdemeanor.
I'm just sick of you people.
Jack Blood, how you doing, buddy?
Thanks for sitting in for me.
Hey, you got it, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
You know, when we were up in New York City, we saw a lot of provocateurs.
You caught a lot of those in your film, and I'll never forget when your camera guy, Ted Olsen, and me waded into that Fox protest with our Fox press passes, and sure enough, the crowd got a little ugly, and there were a couple of clean-cut guys in the disguise as protesters who ushered us, or tried to usher us, right out of there.
Let me say this.
You know, look, your stalkers aren't going to like me saying this, Alex, but the truth of the matter is, we've been trying to cover Bilderberg for years, we've never had more exposure for Bilderberg groups since you went up there, and like it or not, Alex, you attract a lot of attention, and this has really helped get the word out for the Bilderberg group, so I congratulate you on that.
Let me ask you a question, bud.
I predicted about a year ago, and we're way out on a limb here, that this 08 election for president will be the Bilderberg election.
We had the CFR election in 0-0, we had the Skull & Bones election in 0-4.
Jack, your phone's overdriving.
Can you back off?
So the CFR election in 0-0, the Skull & Bones election in 0-4, this is not giving us, of course, any choice between the paradigms.
I'm predicting a Bilderberg election in 0-8.
About a year ago, I saw the writing on the wall that John Edwards, believe it or not, would get the Democratic candidacy nominee, and Mitt Romney, the governor of
Massachusetts would become the Republican nominee.
I've since watched their stars rise.
In fact, Edwards came out, he was the only one who said, hey, I shouldn't have voted for the war.
I admit I was wrong.
Which rose him again up in status.
Now yesterday, a straw poll was taken in Iowa where the first caucus will be.
Yeah, Hillary came in second place.
To John Edwards.
And he is, as you know, approved by the Bilderberg Group.
My question is,
Was there any mention, any sight of Edwards or Romney up there, and do you think that we got something here with this?
Well, they've already vetted the Clintons, and we know they've vetted...
Edwards, and they've also had Warner there.
So they've had a lot of people that are running for president, or who have run, or who have been presidents there.
So I don't know.
I don't think it matters.
I mean, we know they're all controlled, so it doesn't matter.
It's like, they've got a box of hand grenades, which hand grenade are they going to throw in our foxhole?
It doesn't really matter, they're all hand grenades.
It doesn't matter, but here's the situation.
If we can, I mean, if this is so transparent that we can predict it years before the event happens,
I think it will prove to people that this entire thing is fixed.
Well, yeah, long before the election even started up and they were running, people said it'd be Kerry Bush, because they're both skull and bones.
Hey, thanks, Alex, man.
I appreciate sitting in for you, and I hope everybody goes out to your conference here a week after next.
Oh, they are.
It's almost sold out.
I'll be seeing everybody there, Alex.
I call this the Super Bowl of 9-11 conferences.
Thanks for everything you're doing.
So you're going to come, Jack?
You got it.
I'll have a few pops out there with your listeners.
I'm dealing with just other things I've researched, other things I've learned, other things I've seen, understandings, epiphanies I've had.
It's more of a mental flashpoint just so much trying to process it all, trying to deal with it.
It's quite a revelation.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Charles in Louisiana, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
We got Charles there.
Now you put him back on hold.
He's listening to the radio.
Let's go ahead and talk to Justin in Canada.
Justin, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
Hello sir.
I've been a big fan of yours for quite a while and I just wanted to talk to you today about what happened.
I heard on the radio yesterday
That they re-passed the Terrorist Act here in Canada.
And I think it's just a little bit too much of a coincidence that this terrorist threat and all the 17 alleged terrorists happened just before this... Look, we know it's staged.
They provocateured a bunch of people into shooting their mouths off, and then they're going to get some to plea bargain and admit they were planning it in exchange for a couple years in prison.
Yeah, probably.
And they admit that the same day they had a British raid, and that was admittedly nothing.
Yeah, now they have a publication ban on the trail too, so that even adds more to the secrecy.
Oh yeah, the same thing they have in England, where you're not allowed to report on it now.
That's always a good sign.
See, how is Canada free?
Let me tell you something.
Great people in Canada, because, you know, they're nice folks, but they think they're free, so things have gotten bad there.
Canada is the hardest place in the world for us to ship our videos to, or books.
Canada, yeah, and I always hear these horror stories, and people just don't know.
You have publication bans up there.
Yeah, I've heard of some things like that.
I've heard of quite a few things like that.
Like, I know that, uh, uh, who was it?
Uh, Warman, some lawyer in Canada here, working for, I think he was, I can't remember what the organization was for, but they banned like, one of David Icke's books, I know you don't like him, but... I don't dislike David Icke, we've had him on, I just don't totally agree with... Yeah, with the Repellent stuff, yeah, I'm kind of iffy on that stuff too, but yeah, he does have a lot of good information, but like, yeah, they banned one of his books because
Of things he was saying in the book, even though there's no one to refute what he's saying is not true.
Now they claim that he believes in space aliens and they believe that the space aliens are really Jews.
So see now, now you can't talk about space aliens.
That's code.
Everything's a code.
I found that quite ridiculous.
That's what the ADL says about me.
Mr. Jones talks about international banks.
Well, who do you think runs things?
Really, it's quite ridiculous when you actually think about it.
I mean, I'm glad that you're out there saying this stuff, and it's definitely motivated me to tell other people, and I'm going to try to do what I can up here in Canada.
Well, that's my job, so I've done my job.
Thank you for the call.
Let's talk to Angus in Canada.
Go ahead, Angus.
Hello, Alex!
Angus, turn your radio off!
Hold on a second.
It's 101 Radio, boys and girls.
It's one of the few things I ask of you.
We don't screen the calls.
We let you call in, say whatever you want.
Just turn the radios.
It's off.
Okay, go ahead.
I had to get on a hard line.
I started to get some static for some reason.
It's okay, sir.
Go ahead.
I've called you a number of times over the last few years, and I used to live in Austin.
I'm a dual citizen.
I've lived in the United States.
I've lived here for the last 11 years.
I'm glad to hear you went through what you went through in Ottawa.
And don't take that wrong.
Because my 70-year-old mother went through almost the same thing when she came to visit her newborn grandson.
And I think it terribly, there's a lot of good people here in Canada.
I'm married to a Canadian woman.
My father is from Canada.
But Canada is not a sovereign nation.
It's a private holding of the royal family.
It is!
There's crowns everywhere.
They say the Queen owns everything.
The Parliament is just there for show.
Everything's gone through the Governor General.
Americans need to understand this.
It is not America-like.
This is their future.
You need to begin looking closely at how they function here and not on the surface.
It is probably one of the most micromanaged societies on the planet.
Drive me nuts!
And a lot of fraud and criminal activity has been harbored in this country, as long as it operates in the United States, for decades.
Americans need to be aware of that.
They're not our friends.
What did they do to your mother?
Well, they basically held her in immigration at the airport here in Edmonton and continually told her she had to have a passport to enter the country and why did she think she could just go anywhere she wanted to and they cussed at her and everything else.
I was hopping mad.
But that was an out-and-out lie and they depend on people to be stupid
And they depend on people, especially in this society, to please each other.
Because they don't have the ability... Well, I've talked to a family that went to Russia when it was the Soviet Union, and those that have gone there since.
Russia's not like that.
They'll ask you questions, but they don't cuss at you and do all that.
Yes, I have a good friend here who's... He's about 50 years old, and he lived in Poland during the Soviet occupation.
And he's lived in Germany and some other places.
And he's about had it with Canada as well.
So that's his perspective coming from a Soviet... Sir!
I mean, it's happened scores of times where they send back the package our videos was in and it says, this is terrorist material, we've impounded it.
Yes, that's absolutely right.
They practice censorship here.
You do not have a right to a jury trial in this country unless you're facing five years or more in prison.
If you are injured by intentional misconduct or procedures in the workplace, you cannot sue your employer.
Americans need to wake up and look north.
And be aware, and a lot of this comes from the mainstream media.
I listen to the radio or to the television, and the only people that you can degrade and insult on a regular basis are United States citizens.
I know, it's like a really popular thing to hate America.
Well, it's called xenophobia.
If they can keep you focused on how bad the evil Americans are, then you won't question their micromanaging dictatorship police state, basically, that they try to impose there.
And about the only way they can do it is through intimidation and fraud.
Well, now they're taking... Enron came from Canada.
You understand that?
I came from Edmonton.
I used to work right out where the rich are.
No, I know that.
Thanks for the call.
It's bad.
Thanks for mentioning that.
No, you're right.
I told my guys, I go, Canada's a police state, be ready.
And they're like, Canada?
What do you mean?
I'm like, Canada's bad, okay?
Not the people.
The government.
It's the Crown.
All right, I said I'd play this and we'll cover some news after that.
This is the bullhorning we haven't aired yet, but just part of it from there in downtown Chicago.
I guess about 100 of us of the 600 that were at the 9-11 conference there marched down, got on the train, rode down to downtown, and here's part of that bullhorning.
9-11's an inside job.
The government carried it out.
Investigate it.
They're using it to take your freedoms, just like Hitler firebombed his own Reichstag.
We have the official government U.S.
documents where they plan to carry out 9-11.
Operation Northwoods.
They carried the whole thing out!
Ladies and gentlemen, 9-11 was orchestrated by the military-industrial complex to bring in a world-wide attack on Gungho.
A new world order engineered 9-11.
We have the official U.S.
government battle plan, codenamed Operation Northwoods, to hijack jets by remote control and fly them into tall buildings.
Did you know Larry Silverstein, the owner of the complexes, admits they blew up Building 7?
And he's now the owner of the Sears Tower!
Everybody needs to understand this.
This is a reality.
Hitler firebombed his own Reichstag as a pretext to blame it on his enemies and take total control on February 27, 1933.
At CIA.gov, our own government brags that it carried out terror attacks to blame it on Mossadegh and Iran to overthrow that elected government in 1953!
Our own government admits it's carried out terror attack after terror attack after terror attack to blame it on its political enemies!
Your government is run by complete criminals!
They must be resisted!
They must be stood up against!
Do you know who is now going public?
Do you know who I personally have interviewed on my syndicated radio program?
The former German defense minister has gone public and clearly stated that only our government can carry out these attacks.
No kidding!
And he's written a best-selling book showing the evidence.
The former German defense minister is saying 9-11 is an inside job.
What about in America?
The father of Reaganomics!
The father of Reaganomics, Paul, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, has gone public that 9-11 is an inside job.
Ray McGovern, senior CIA analyst for Reagan and Bush Sr., has gone public.
Ray McGovern has gone public saying 9-11 is clearly an inside job.
You know who else has gone public?
Physics professors, mining school heads,
Underwriting Laboratories, Kevin Ryan, who underwrote the World Trade Centers, they did their own laboratory test and concluded the official story as a fraud.
The engineers are telling you it's an inside job.
Dr. Morgan Reynolds, Chief Economist, Department of Labor in the Bush Administration,
In the current Bush administration, he quit.
Dr. Morgan Reynolds has gone public that 9-11 is an inside job.
Members of the Bush administration have gone public, but your news will not pick it up.
We're in danger of the neocon cabals facing more events.
Did you know that there has been
Two separate Zomfie polls, one of the most respected polling facts in the world.
Zomfie a year and a half ago, almost two years ago, had a poll where 60 plus percent believed it was a cover-up.
A new poll, right up to 50 percent, of Americans believe the government was involved.
The Zomfie poll.
Zomfie International, half of Americans now believe the government was involved in their run.
Oh no!
The criminals are tearing it out something!
All of us aren't afraid of you!
And all of us aren't afraid of standing up to you!
And all of us aren't backing down!
More people are waking up every single day!
More people realize what the stakes are.
They love their families and they understand that the government is carrying out terrorist attacks as a pretext to re-engineer America into a police state.
To capture us to be their political slaves.
To use us as an engine of global empire.
To invade the planet.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm a woman as an inside gentleman.
It's a self-explicit warrant.
It's the government's false flag.
They're in operation.
Top members of the Trade Commission Administration have gone public.
Members of the Reagan Administration have gone public.
Engineers, businesses have gone public.
Research it.
The mainstream media won't report it.
That's why they've lost 60% of their readership in the last 10 years.
That's why, and this is key, that's why now television's lost 40% of its viewers.
The alternative media is exploding in size.
You cannot hide the truth.
You will not hide the truth.
It's coming out.
Your crimes are coming out.
You don't think 19 people in a cave could make Norris stand out, do you?
You don't think 19 people in a cave could do things like call public officials like Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco the night before and tell him not to fly?
For the police here today, the good people of Chicago, Chicago's finest, when they get home tonight,
Well, they got home after a hard day, and they took their kids to bed, and they tucked their little ones in.
They need to go to Google!
And the police need to type in Operation Northwood!
We need to go to the Library of Congress!
We need to go to the National Security Wildlife!
And you don't read our own government saying they wanted to hijack air supply in the buildings.
These arrogant people thought they could do this and even declassify it.
They do it and they brag about it and they think it's funny.
It's not funny.
Operation Northwatch.
Google it.
Operation Northwatch.
Google it.
Everybody's going to learn.
Go to the Library of Congress.
Find out our government carried it out.
Criminals that have seized control of our government carried it out.
And nothing on earth is going to stop the truth from coming out.
We know the truth.
We're not afraid to tell the truth.
And we're going to tell the truth.
The 9-11 was an inside job!
A false flag-tear operation!
We are exposing it!
Half the public believes the government carried it out, and 66 or 68 believe we're covering up.
We've already got half the people in this country!
And in the next few years we're gonna have 90%!
Nothing can stop us from exposing 9-11 as an inside job.
A pretext for tyranny.
A pretext for taking your freedom.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh boy, that was a full day.
That was a full day.
Got up, went on Mancow for two hours.
Went and gave a speech, press conference.
Mark's down there bullhorned.
Talked to all those people.
Talked to people on the trains.
Came back.
Did some more interviews.
Gave a speech.
Oh boy, there is so much going on.
So much happening.
Shifting gears.
Rove indictment pushers on the net slow to respond.
This is from the Drudge Report.
See, they love it.
They love putting out this info.
Then we pick it up, which I never did.
Go look at articles from six months ago, eight months ago, nine months ago going, I don't think they're going to indict Rove.
I don't trust Elliot Spitzer.
It's just like Kenneth Starr.
The special congressional counsel is the same thing as this U.S.
attorney, this federal prosecutor.
For months it was screamed and the dreams from the left wing news sites on the internet.
Karl Rove is on the verge of being indicted in the CIA leak case.
This drama also played out last century with endless web warnings of Hillary Clinton indictments.
I don't know what that means, out last century.
Yet when word finally came down this morning that in fact Roe was on the verge of being cleared in the case, the fledgling sites somehow lost their way and suddenly struggled to keep up.
And it goes over it.
Oh boy.
You know, the same crowd that every time anything happens in the country, it was a secret French shootout with the Mossad.
The government's trying to save us.
I mean, come on.
The same crowd that is endlessly saying nukes are going to go off in Texas City.
I mean, it never ends.
Have we lied to you?
Have we steered you wrong?
Are we perfect?
But I mean, I'm just so tired of it.
Alex, why won't you cover the indictment?
It's real, Alex!
Spitzer will save us!
Okay, fine, fine.
I'm going to come back and blitz through a bunch of news.
It's a key part of this broadcast today.
If you want to stay with us before this segment ends, please go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
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Some of the best titles out there bar none.
Get my films.
Start making copies of them.
Or see it all online right now today at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And my new film Terror Storm will be going up there on the site next week.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here and I'm excited to announce we're going to have a huge 9-11 conference in downtown Los Angeles on the 24th and 25th of June.
We're expecting around 1,000 people in attendance.
At this historic event, we will irrefutably document that 9-11 was an inside job, a self-inflicted wound, a false flag terror operation.
The conference is titled 9-11 and the Neo-Con Agenda.
I'm happy to announce the conference will feature presentations by incredible speakers like BYU physics professor Stephen Jones, the father of the Star Wars program, Lt.
Robert Bowman, former top-level CIA analyst for Reagan and Bush, Ray McGovern, 9-11 hero William Rodriguez, author Webster Turnbull, Professor Jim Fetzer, and many, many others, including special guests.
I'll also be debuting my explosive new film, Terror Storm, at the conference.
Arm yourself with the truth.
Secure your tickets today at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, I've got to force myself to remember to plug my films and the books and other videos we carry.
That's how we operate.
Remember that.
We don't ask for donations like most people do.
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Become more informed yourselves.
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You can also get tickets for our big LA conference coming up.
It's going to sell out, so you might want to take action on that.
Hawking says humans must go into space.
Associated Press says survival of the human race depends on its ability to find new homes elsewhere in the universe because there's an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy the Earth.
World-renowned scientist Stephen Hawking said today, the British astrophysicist told a news conference in Hong Kong that humans could have a permanent base on the moon in 20 years and a colony on Mars in the next 40.
We could have had it 20 years ago, folks.
We won't find anywhere as nice as Earth unless we get another star system, he went on.
He added that if humans can avoid killing themselves in the next hundred years, they should have space settlements that can continue without support from Earth.
Because it's very important for the human race to spread into space for survival of species.
I agree with that.
We're in great danger of bio-weapons being released and other things.
Neutron bombs, the newer designs, the antimatter weapons being detonated.
The globalists are a pack of completely psychopathic demons and they're suppressing our development because it threatens their monopoly.
They've endorsed the Club of Rome program of bringing us back to the
Medieval Age.
USA Today reports that Dan Abrams goes from legal anchor to head of MSNBC.
He's a big neocon of MSNBC.
It says here, he also ran in cable news 11 years.
He was tapped on the on-air legal affairs anchor Dan Abrams to turn the network that averages 242,000 viewers a day, less than many big city newscasts.
That's why I read this, not because some nobody media
Peacock is, you know, getting the head job there.
Who cares?
Big city radio stations have more listeners than that, okay?
I mean, my show, this show is a moderate syndicated program.
It is provably, one hour of it, bigger than all viewers in 24 hours of MSNBC.
Now, there's the prestige of it.
I mean, take Coast to Coast AM.
16 to 20 million listeners.
Top sitcoms have got 10 million.
O'Reilly is so big.
Three million viewers.
Big deal!
But there is the prestige of going on.
People do pay attention.
Ooh, you were on CNN.
Ooh, you were on Good Morning America.
I get hardly any response off that.
Where we do see a response is posting those videos on the web.
Then, tens of millions!
And this is only accelerating.
That's why they're getting ready to shut the web down and that's now been publicly announced.
These guys are paper tigers.
They're so arrogant.
They're so full of themselves, and they're nothing!
They're nothing!
I mean, they'll take newspapers that aren't that big, they'll make millions of dollars in advertising.
And their websites that are local, that are much bigger than they are, and they don't make any money.
Same thing with us.
It's just incredible.
They are scamming their advertisers so bad.
Little damage reported as Alberto hits Florida.
That's good news.
First tropical storm of 2006.
The Atlantic hurricane season didn't cause big problems, thank God.
Bill Clinton's running around saying Republicans have caused global warming.
We've got to have a global tax on fossil fuels.
Only that will save us.
Republicans are behind that too.
They're on the surface.
They say they're against it.
Let's say global warming's real.
For the reasons they say.
We do have global climate change.
That's a normal cycle.
But let's say it's real.
Their solution, a global tax and restricting the U.S.
fossil fuels but no one else's?
No other third world country?
I mean, it's a joke!
Al Gore running around.
His wife, Depper, says he might run for the White House.
Oh, please.
I'm so sick of seeing Al Gore up there as the savior.
It's all staged.
It's a big scam.
What will a global tax on fuels do for you?
It'll go to the very oil companies that set up the U.N.
They play all sides of it.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central.
I have here in front of me, World Net Daily, Bush sneaking North American Superstate without
Mexico-Canada partnership undergone with no authorization from Congress?
Well yeah, Bush says he's the decider.
Big report here, we're going into the American Union.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
God bless you all.
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