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Name: 20060410_Mon_Alex
Air Date: April 10, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Back in the saddle again.
Massive broadcast lined up for you today.
Already the third day into this month, and it is, of course, April 3rd, 2006.
Coming up in 20 minutes, we'll be talking to Forrest M. Mims III, Chairman of the Environmental Science Section of the Texas Academy of Science and the Editor of the Citizen Scientist.
And he also publishes and is the editor of several other online scientific publications and is an esteemed scientist in his own right.
And he and others have lodged formal complaints with several universities and also with the Texas Academy of Sciences.
Because about a month ago, there was a semi-secret conference, that is, no recording was allowed, where the open death, murder, killing, whatever you want to call it, of 90% of the public was brought forward.
And of course, I've talked a lot about actually being at cocktail parties over the years, and I haven't been to very many of these academic functions.
I mean, I'll go cover some lecture, and then go to the reception afterwards, and all they talk about is how they're going to kill all of us.
And so last night I was on the Drudge Report, or yesterday afternoon, and the headline was, uh, Dr. Doom says 90% need to die.
And finally it hit mainstream news.
I mean, when I get up on air and I say their plan is to kill 85 to 95% of us, I'm not joking.
That is the official government plan of the U.S.
It is the official government plan of the European Union.
It is the official government plan, as soon as they get you locked down in the cities under the War on Terror, to release bio-weapons on you and kill you and your entire family.
Now, you know I don't make stuff up.
People can't deal with this.
They can't handle it.
They can't
There were hundreds of top scientists in attendance.
This guy has won some of the most prestigious awards in the world.
He is the Texas Academy of Scientists Distinguished Scientist for 2006.
And he is a UT professor.
And we're going to be talking about this sicko.
Coming up with Dr. Mims later in the broadcast, and he's Dr. Eric R. Paquia, or Panika, however you want to pronounce it.
And this guy is just, he's just par for the course.
Do you understand?
It's not just Dr. Peter Singer, it's not just this guy, it's all of them.
Predominantly the majority, I should say, of the ecologists and top psychiatrists and psychologists.
There are hundreds and hundreds of PhD papers that I've seen on this subject.
There are hundreds and hundreds of professors that talk about this subject.
And it's finally hit mainstream news because a group of professors and scientists are so disgusted.
This guy got a standing ovation!
His students call him God.
I'm not kidding.
Last night, I was up until 2 in the morning reading his research papers, reading his students' research papers.
They call him God, and he says that we must all die.
And he can't wait for us to all die.
He says, soon, very soon, we're going to all start dying.
And then he is described by other scientists at the function as giggling and smirking and laughing.
And he projects the four horsemen of the apocalypse up on the screen.
He projects piles of skulls with red glowing eyes on the screen.
And he is literally worshipped in the halls of science in Europe and the U.S.
He is one of the hottest speakers out there in the world at scientific conferences.
They love him.
They can't wait to start.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
M. Mims III, Chairman of the Environmental Science Section of the Texas Academy of Science, and editor of several prestigious publications, was at a disgusting award ceremony and speech beforehand for the Texas Academy of Scientists, and of course he's one of the officers of that organization, and he saw one of the hottest professors in the world get up there, this professor, this doctor,
Dr. Eric R. Pionka, this disgusting Texan, get up and say that we've got to kill 90% of the world's population, that we've got to have a Chinese policy of one child, and have everyone, he quotes, that everyone must be forcibly sterilized.
A lot of listeners tune in here, and you think that I exaggerate.
You think, oh, Alex just, you know, he gets all off into overstating things or gets hysterical.
No, I don't.
Now, you see, I've been saying 90% since I got on the air 12 years ago.
Because I sat there in college and heard professor after professor after professor.
It didn't matter if it was biology or psychology.
They just said, hey, we got a people bomb, we gotta kill everybody.
And I'd go, wow!
And I'd say, can I be given some resource reference material?
Yes, you can.
Here's UN documents.
We've got to kill everybody.
And then I learned that Prince Philip, Ted Turner, the UN, the World Health Organization, all these groups, the CIA, Henry Kissinger, forced sterilization, I learned all of this was going on.
And then, what was the drug report headline last night?
What was the report in two newspapers last night?
It was 90% need to die, 90% need to be killed, and the killing needs to start now.
You see, you didn't check out what I claimed, many of you.
You just decided to ignore what I was saying, and of course it comes right out of UT.
Let me tell you, the universities that pushed this, Princeton number one, Harvard number two, University of Texas number three, then some of the German universities.
In Bonn and Berlin and London, Oxford pushes this.
This is all they talk about.
Listen, if you go to a scholarly dissertation on something, and that's what I do in my spare time, you know, both mixing business with pleasure, I have routinely gone down to UT to watch lectures that are open to the public.
And if you go to eat the little carrots and cauliflower and dip them in the ranch sauce and, you know, maybe drink a free glass of wine or whatever's going on over the years, you go there and all they talk about is killing everyone.
I mean, literally, just go to any meeting, go there, and they walk around saying, we've got to kill everyone.
I mean, it is a literal cult of Nazi-like demons.
So, just don't sit there and discount it.
Go to the meetings, and I'm not kidding, if you're there more than 30 minutes, and it's psychology, sociology, biology, environmental science, ecology, you're going to hear about how everybody's going to die.
In fact, you'll probably be there five minutes before it starts.
Let me give you another example.
We have family friends, very, you know, well-to-do, middle-class people, very successful, husband and wife are professionals.
Every time this woman is in Central Market,
Or any of the trendy, windy type, you know, better organic food stores or places where that's available.
Whole foods, whatever.
Out when she's on the hike and bike trail.
She has three children.
Three beautiful children.
People constantly walk up and go, how dare you have three children!
How dare you!
You should only have one child or none!
I mean, it is a literal army of evil around us everywhere.
An army of evil everywhere.
They have brainwashed millions of these people.
It is a sacrament.
It is a rite of passage.
It is what these fellow travelers do.
They can be neocons.
They can be neoliberals.
They can be conservative.
It doesn't matter.
This is all they talk about is how there's not enough resources.
We've got to start killing 85-95%.
I guess this guy averages it out.
You notice I always say 85-95% because some say 80.
Some say 100.
Some say 99.
Some say we should all die.
It's amazing, and of course they're all pro-abortion, they're all pro-euthanasia, they're all pro-eugenics.
When they get up in front of the Texas Academy and they're having a conference in front of the legislature about why they're drugging more than two-thirds of the foster children on average of seven drugs, they will ask them, and this came out in the Associated Press, why do you do this?
And they go, oh these are sub-human, or they use the term, they have genetic defects, we have to.
With the transatlantic slave trade of the 15, 16, 17, 18 hundreds out of Western Africa into the Western Hemisphere, into the Caribbean and North America, Central America, South America, predominantly Brazil and other areas,
They said, oh, the Bible says blacks aren't human, the story of Ham.
Well, actually, Genesis doesn't actually say that.
That's made up.
That was later added on by both Jewish rabbis and Christian scribes.
What, 1,500 years ago is when that arose, but they said, they're not human, they need to be enslaved, they need to be killed, and so we're allowed to do this.
You know, elites always rationalize iron-fisted control, and so that's why the Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Le Pew, State Department, I mean, we've got links to all this in the article Paul and I put together last night.
We put an article out on this, and then have links to all the other mainstream articles.
We did the analysis.
And then every time we make a claim, you want to read off the State Department's own website where Henry Kissinger says we've got to kill half the population?
He's a little more gracious.
We've got to sterilize all the women?
You can go read it.
Or you want to hear Prince Philip say he wants to kill 80% of us?
You can go read it.
Every claim we make is backed up.
Do you understand?
Alright, this is reality.
And they're going to use the war on terror, this is the plan, to get us herded into cities, under a cashless control grid, and then they're going to fly over your cities and spray you with super weaponized bioweapons, and you're going to die with pus coming out of your eyeballs.
Okay, now I'm just as sure as the sun came up this morning, they're going to kill us unless we take this government over and unless we arrest all these people.
And laugh.
They're probably going to win, and in five to ten years, they're going to kill everybody.
And you're going to flop around dying wishing you'd listened to me vomiting your guts out.
Now, I'm sorry the reality is something some of you can't deal with, but believe me, this is all they talk about.
And let me tell you, when they start talking about killing, they start smacking, they start smiling, they start gyrating their hips.
It is some type, it is demonic.
I cannot.
And listen, this top scientist, actually there's three of them now that have filed former complaints that were there.
Top scientist, okay, in the U.S.
said that he was getting excited and smacking and they describe it as laughing and the people in the crowd were getting off, and then there was a standing ovation and women just grabbing on him.
And actually saying, he's God, he's God, he's God.
That's what these professors said they were saying.
And they wouldn't allow taping.
He said, there's no taping allowed, the world isn't ready to hear this shit.
And these women were just literally... It is so sick!
I saw the same thing on PBS one time.
Kevorkian, before he went to prison, was having an art display
Dr. Jack Kevorkian, Dr. Death, who by the way lost his job for doing things with corpses in the dark at two separate hospitals, and that's how sick this guy is, this ghoul.
And it was pictures of demons eating babies as they came out of women's wombs.
And there were all these big stars, these top Hollywood starlets and these beautiful supermodels, all around Kevorkian going, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, and he was going, I painted in my own blood.
And I'm looking at the image of a baby being eaten by this leering, nightmare demon.
You know, I mean, just, just, just, and by the way, it was, quote, good art.
It was very evocative.
It was very real.
It was very demonically inspired.
And so that's exactly what happens with this, uh, Pionka, this, this sickening UT professor right here in Austin.
This is the type of stench we have, and he,
Now again, he is just somebody who shot his mouth off in front of the wrong people.
But predominantly, the students and the professors and the heads of this Academy of Science stood up and were in rapture.
They were in rapture.
Do you understand?
Now I tell the trash that says this, you need to line up first.
And I don't want you to commit suicide, but if you really believe in this, there's a garage at your house.
And, uh, go close the garage and turn the car on.
You do not dare talk about killing me and my family, you pieces of trash.
You put your money where your mouth is.
David Rockefeller, all of them.
You need, you know, if you really believe this, nobody is stopping you.
But no, you see, in their sick mind, and I've heard them, they're going to get the resources, see?
They're going to get the life extension.
They've told the elite and their minions, we've got to kill 90 plus percent because the average person cannot have this life extension technology that can already, and I've got this from top scientists, if you start these treatments early enough, by age 55 or so, you can live easily to 150.
And if you can live that long, another 100 years in the future, it's going to be unlimited.
So, these people are running around, setting up our murder, and they're the ultimate reprobates.
They don't want us to have the future, they don't want our children to have the future, they don't want us to have any progeny, they don't want us to have any part of the future.
They are the most stingy people, the most controlling control freaks you can imagine.
They want to blot out whole societies, so they can dominate the future and have it all for themselves, because they're the inbred control freak, elitist scum, that thinks they know best.
So I tell you, if we're all gonna survive, these people have got to go, and they've gotta go now, behind bars!
I'm not as sick as they are.
I don't want to kill them.
I don't want to play their game.
I want them in prison.
I want this guy investigated.
I want all of these sickos investigated.
I'm going to start picketing outside their houses.
And I've known I should do this.
I've talked about the End of the Road to Tyranny.
I was going to make a film about this.
I haven't yet.
This is the movement we should be following.
You know these peak oil people?
A lot of folks you call in about.
A lot of people you like.
Quote 9-11 leaders, who really aren't, who tell us the 9-11 movement's dead.
Notice they're saying, oh, overpopulation, we've got to get rid of people.
Oh, peak oil, oh, there's no resources.
It's all UN sustainability, neo-feudal baloney.
And these people, they've all got the same smirking, sick, giggling attitude, the same spirit.
It makes me sick when I look at them!
Peak oil is a fraud.
It's all a fraud.
We've got plenty of resources.
And when a nation industrializes, they get negative population growth within a generation.
The West is already dying.
Population growth is now slowing everywhere but in Latin America.
It's going to peak out at 9 billion people.
We can sustain it and export billions of the stars.
But none of these trash have their way.
They will block our development.
Stop them!
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Forrest M. Mims III is Chairman of the Environmental Science Section of the Texas Academy of Science.
He's also the editor of several large scientific online publications, and he is, uh, was there witnessing this disgusting
Professor Dr. Pionka, who is nothing but par for the course.
I mean, this is all I heard at UT.
This is all you hear is that we've all got to die, but they're not lining up to do it.
He was there.
He witnessed this.
He and others have filed formal complaints, and we're honored to have you with us, sir.
Thank you, sir.
I know you're swamped with a lot of other interviews you've got to do, so let's hurry through it.
Tell us exactly, with your eyewitness report, what this monster was saying and doing, and now you're getting sickos emailing you, other environmentalists, other ecologists, defending this.
Unfortunately, I am.
I attend the Texas Academy of Science annual meeting every year, and this year they presented their Distinguished Texas Scientist Award to Dr. Eric Pianka of the University of Texas.
And I didn't know anything about the professor until he gave his speech in which he wishes for the elimination of 90% of humanity, he calls us the scourge of humanity, by airborne Ebola.
And he did so while a large overhead behind him on a large screen showed rows of human skulls with red lights flashing in the eye sockets and the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
And he glared at us and said that, and I will read you his exact words if I can find them in a minute,
It was a horrifying moment.
Here's what he said.
We've got airborne 90% mortality in humans.
Killing humans.
Think about that.
And I've been thinking about it ever since.
Now, sir, did you know that the Army has something called the Earth First Battalion?
General Shoemaker, head of the Army, has been a public proponent and supporter of this.
So, again, it's a larger program.
You were there, and you reported and others reported.
Of course, they didn't let you have cameras or recording devices, so you wrote notes that the general public wasn't ready to hear this, but that he preaches to the converted, and the converted are ready to hear it, and you witnessed the converted.
Well, actually, while the Texas Academy of Science blocked the recording of the program, Bianca himself said three times that the general public is not ready to hear what I'm about to say or what I am saying.
He also said these exact words.
A questioner said, quote, what kind of reception have you received if you have presented these ideas to other audiences that are not representative of us?
I speak to the converted, exclamation point.
He said this boldly.
Then there was considerable laughter from the audience.
There was this feeling of arrogance that we're better than everybody else.
Of course, 90% of them are not going to die.
Ebola is found only in Africa.
Now you and other witnesses reported on the smacking and giggling and the pleasuring that was going on, the power tripping as he was up there making these pronouncements.
The citizens who are listening to this radio station need to know that he got a standing ovation from the
Distinguished Texas Academy of Science, the most disgraceful thing I've ever witnessed in my life, a standing ovation with cheers.
Now I would say there were probably 250, maybe 300 in the audience.
I did meet with some students from Lamar University who attended when I was going to judge a student competition.
They were very offended by what took place.
But I would say I was one of very few people who stayed in my chair during the standing ovation.
So would you say 80% were pro?
Oh, I would say the standing ovation?
I would say 95% stood up and cheered and applauded.
And by the way, a recording was made during the speech.
They're just not aware of it.
In fact, this is the first time that's being announced.
Oh, sure.
Where is it?
I'm salivating.
We've got to get it online now.
Right now, a transcript is being made.
By the way, I noticed you linked some of his position papers, and now he's pulled those off the UT website.
Oh, he has?
I wonder if he did, or the FBI, or the University of Texas, or somebody in authority, somebody with common sense.
You and others make a point, Professor Doctor.
You make the point, Mr. Mims, that he could have a nutcase biology student that could go actually produce this, especially with the new mousepox that has 98% kill rate when converted to any mammalian species.
I have met with a senior biology major who attended the same speech I did.
She became a total convert during that 45 minutes.
I read the blog.
And she's told me she's ready, she's willing, and willing to die to save the earth.
Sir, I found dozens of entries on other position papers and PhD papers where they call him God.
Is he known as God, sir?
Well, he dresses like, in his website there's a photograph of him dressed up like Moses wearing a white robe and his staff in his hand is a giant snake.
Yeah, he looks like a druid.
He has his obituary online.
Uh, the guy is... Well, I don't want to say what I think he is.
I'll tell you what, you can read what my editor, my publisher thinks he is at the Citizen Sciences.
Sir, we know what he is.
Most of his farm animals are named Lucifer.
Did you see that?
His obituary website is heaven-slash-hell.com.
Which is a fictitious, apparently fictitious, but he also made comments about, he said organized religion is responsible for all of our problems and so on.
Mr. Mims, stay there.
We've got a break.
I demand you stay with us on this other segment.
I've gotta have you.
We'll be right back, honored to have you.
Stay with us, folks.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We've got our guest for one more segment.
There are other professors, doctors, and others also in the news that are criticizing this individual, Dr. Eric R. Bianca.
He's known as Dr. Lizard.
He's an expert on lizards and other
Other reptoids, I guess.
And this guy is just a real piece of work.
In fact, there's no way to give you the full magnitude of the disgusting nature of this individual.
But I thought it was important with our guest, who's filed complaints and been speaking out against this, Forrest M. Mims is chairman of the Environmental Science Section of the Texas Academy of Science.
And he was there with others witnessing this a month ago at Lamar University.
Well, you know, the problem is much bigger than this because he's essentially acquiesced in by the Texas Academy of Science.
They are not answering my emails that they promptly withdraw this award.
It's a real tragedy.
And the, uh, Dr. Sean Carlson, who is the MacArthur Fellow and the Director and Executive and Founder of the Society for Amateur Scientists, has written a harsh editorial about this, demanding that people do something.
Notify the United States Air Force Academy, where the Professor and President of our Academy is a distinguished professor, and demand that they answer my letters.
Notify the Regents of the University of Texas and ask them what they think about this.
I agree, and this individual is right here at UT Austin, and of course he's got several scientific degrees and PhDs in environmental ecology, and also he talks a lot about walling off resources, sustainability, walling human species up basically in prisons.
He's a real monster.
You know, Mr. Mimms, why doesn't he line up first if we all need to die and go ahead and kill himself?
Well, he said at one point in the speech after the airborne Ebola attack that he said, I might have to go.
I accused him in a letter that he wants to use a disease that kills only Africans.
And he wrote back and he said, no, no, he's for everybody going.
He doesn't want to be racially prejudiced.
He wants an equal opportunity killer virus.
Now, the Associated Press, you talked to them.
This is extremely newsworthy.
They spiked your story.
Well, actually, the Seguin Gazette Enterprise had a page one story yesterday on Sunday morning.
Outstanding story by Jamie Mobley.
They would not carry her story.
I called and asked why.
They said, uh, we can't carry such an important story if it's just done by a small town newspaper.
These people are part of the dark ages of the media.
They need to realize that it's radio and the web that are carrying the ball.
And the newspapers are way behind the times.
The Associated Press said they would call today.
They haven't called.
Well, let me make it clear, Chairman, that I believe you're going to become fully educated in the very near future.
There is an official CIA program implemented by the State Department in 1973 to order countries to forcibly sterilize half their women.
There are official World Health Organization papers and UN Food Summit meetings where they say they're going to kill 85 to 95 percent of us.
There are major Australian newspaper articles about plans to spray Asia and forcibly sterilize or kill them.
You noticed that the majority of these professors and scientists were praising him and that the Academy is giving him the highest award and won't retract.
That's because, sir, he is just speaking out loud what these people say at cocktail parties.
Well, let me, I can tell you exactly what he said.
I don't know about any of those documents you cited, but I'll tell you what Bianca said.
Quote, we need to sterilize everybody on the earth, and then there was laughter, and make the antidote freely available to anybody who's willing to work for it.
Those are from the recording that was made during his speech.
And then he praised China's one-child policy.
Oh yeah, he said, he praised it, he said that only, well I can read that to you.
He said that's because of the police state in China.
China was able to turn the corner and become the new superpower in the world because they have a police state and they can force people to stop reproducing.
That's the only reason they were able to turn the corner.
Now let me stop you, Chairman, right there, because, again, I use the analogy of the transatlantic slave trade.
They dehumanized the Africans and said they weren't human.
This is really the elite of today, these Malthusian social Darwinists,
This is really their salve or excuse to engage in massive, abusive social engineering and to control any type of population they wish.
This is... I mean, every time I read position papers about a new world order, a police state, a control grid, they use this as an excuse.
Oh, we're saving the Earth.
We've got to take everybody's freedoms to do this.
So really, this is a glue, a cement that seems to hold together authoritarians' worldview everywhere.
And look, Hitler said the same thing.
Well, the big difference is Hitler only wanted to kill a few million people.
This guy wants to kill 5.5 billion people.
Hitler was a piker by comparison.
Actually, with 6.5 billion, that would be 5,900,000,000.
You're right.
And by the way, he didn't present any scientific data.
So some of us have asked him, why not kill 88%?
Why not kill 93%?
That's a key point, Chairman.
Let me add something to that.
We have links on the story we wrote about this on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, where we link to the UN's own reports and the US government's own reports.
That the industrialized world is in negative population decline.
The U.S.
is at 3% growth, only because of a massive influx of immigrant and migrant movements from the third world.
And once a country industrializes, within a generation, we actually see an average of a 1.6 child rate per man and woman household.
So the West is actually in decline, and we see that trend even in areas of Asia, like Japan and South Korea.
And the U.N.
admits we're going to peak at 9 billion and begin declining, even at current numbers.
Yeah, you're absolutely correct.
I've read those stories.
Since you mentioned the U.N., it might be good to have a look at the Genocide Convention of the United Nations, to which the U.S.
is a signatory, which prohibits incitement to genocide and requires all signatories to punish any individual who incites against genocide.
If this isn't inciting to mass genocide, I don't know what is.
Well, I tend to agree with you.
This is unbelievable.
Where is this going?
I mean, I'd like to have you to town, have you in studio for the TV show.
I'd like to go down and picket you, T. If they won't even let us on the grounds, we can't get a student group.
We need to just do it right off the grounds.
We need to have a massive demonstration in a few months demanding that this lunatic be removed.
Well, I'm getting emails from around the world, and folks, Texans better stand up quick and get this Texas Academy of Science to retract their award and repudiate this guy
They have disgraced our academy, they've disgraced our great state of Texas, and the United States of America.
Chairman, what type of salivation?
I mean, you mentioned, and now in other accounts, that he was literally beside himself with a creamy-eyed look and a smiling, giggling, I guess, type of demonic gibbering.
Can you describe?
He's a good speaker, but he entertained and laughed at the wrong time.
He laughed about death and dying and morbid topics.
He went to another talk in Austin on Friday,
At St.
He gave a similar talk with the same overhead with the skulls and the flashing lights.
But he had something different.
He brought along his Ebola plush toy.
A little plush toy shaped like an Ebola virus.
And the newspaper reporter here in town who wrote this fascinating story, she got a great picture of that.
It's on her, it's on their, uh, it's in their newspaper.
What is the headline on that?
We'll get it up immediately.
Uh, it's the, uh, right now, they crashed, that newspaper, their server was crashed all day yesterday.
It's up today in text only.
It's not formatted.
It doesn't have the picture.
It's SeguinGazette.com.
Ah, yes, I have that one.
So we can't see the photo of the Ebola plush toy?
Yeah, it's an Ebola plush toy.
I mean, this is... What can I say?
I'm speechless.
I already know how to respond to this.
What about the women not being able to keep their hands off of him?
That's being... Well, they didn't... I didn't see anybody touching him, but they certainly mobbed him, so to speak, after the talk, but I had to wait five minutes to go up and take a picture.
There were so many people around him and so discussing and talking with him.
And so forth.
And to make matters worse, five hours later, at the banquet, he was presented with a big award for being a distinguished Texas scientist.
And there were 400 people in the room and there was, again, thunderous applause.
Some of the people didn't even hear the speech.
They didn't know who they were applauding.
By the way, he speaks to some of the most prestigious scientific bodies in London, in Germany.
Oh yeah!
He's very famous.
Well, often, there you go, you often do something and
To ask your university to do, I mean, those who go to Texas A&M are, I've received several emails already, they're ridiculing Austin for allowing this kind of stuff to go on at their university.
Yeah, and you're an A&M graduate yourself.
He is, class of 66.
And people are pretty ashamed of you too.
And by the way, when he got the award in the banquet, I just, I couldn't take it anymore.
I just stopped out of the room and left.
There's no way I could stay there and listen to that.
Now, we weren't kidding about all the death numbers and satanic names on his website, what his farm animals are named, and you said that one of the other scientists you confer with knows what he is, but wouldn't say.
I mean, I can know what's in your mind right now, because I told one of my writers last night what this guy clearly is.
He is a real sicko.
So where is all this going?
I mean, give us an idea, a smattering of the type of emails you're being flooded with.
You said most are against this guy, but you said quite a few, though, are defending him?
I'd say 95% are outraged against this guy.
A guy from Turkey wrote in and said, do I get to live?
I'm a computer programmer.
And he was outraged.
How embarrassing that we're getting letters from foreign countries about this fellow.
Several percent of the emails are from skeptics and
Uh, uh, ardent environmentalists who totally approve of this and call us completely wrong to print in our magazine my article.
They condemn my article.
The Citizen Scientist article.
And then there's a few people thinking that I'm the perpetrator.
They got it all, they got the story backwards.
Because they were so angry when they read the headline, and they saw my picture, they started sending me hate letters instead of Bianca.
Yeah, let me make a point here about this.
Do you realize, Chairman, that the reason certain elites like this is that they've already dehumanized us to the point of, we should all die, well then hey, we can take our property.
Hey, we can be put in work camps.
That's what he talks about, having to work to live.
Hey, we can be ordered around in a neo-feudal system.
Did you know that the radical environmentalists that are funded by the big foundations openly say that we're going to have a neo-feudal police state and that a police state is going to save Mother Earth?
But of course, they're going to man the police state and get to be our bosses.
See, it's a new authoritarian excuse.
I mean, do you realize that?
I'm not aware of that.
I'm just aware that hundreds of scientists applauded this guy for advocating that 90% of us die.
But you notice he praises the police state and says we can only live or have kids if we do our jobs right.
He also praised bird flu as an efficient killer.
I mean, folks, this is serious business.
If the impressionable student I've interviewed is typical of others, and my editor, Sean Carlson, refers to them as Piankians,
If there are peonchians out there who believe this so ardently that they're willing to die for the Earth, what if some of them, like this girl who's a senior biology major, what if some of them become scientists and then release upon us some of these things?
Conspiracy theories aside, some nutcakes could actually do that in the future.
For example, the 1918 flu that killed 50 million people and now they've done it.
That could be released by somebody who's off their rocker.
Did you know they have a flu virus at the university up there in Wisconsin?
The state university there, 38,000 times more powerful than the 1918 flu?
I'm not aware of that.
Yes, sir.
That's Associated Press.
You can go look at it.
You know what?
You're going to get... I mean, obviously, sir, you're valiant to stand up and speak out.
I commend you.
I just want you to know my listeners have heard about this ever since I got on the air 12 years ago, because... Would you be surprised to know, sir, there's actually hundreds of professors that have written similar papers?
Well, yes, I would be.
Obviously, I need to research it, but I've been so flooded with emails for two days, I've barely had time to eat supper.
But I mean obviously you haven't confirmed that yet, but I assure you that's the case.
But doesn't, what I'm saying, isn't that mirrored by the 95% standing lavishment?
I think the standing ovation told me a whole lot more than I ever want to know about the sum in the scientific community.
I'm deeply, deeply disturbed.
That's why I've written very strongly worded protests to the Academy.
I'm being ignored.
I've demanded they do something immediately to repudiate this.
They told the newspaper they had no comment.
That's the illustrious Texas Academy of Science leadership.
24 members on a board of directors.
My latest letter to them with all their email addresses.
I've been instructed to put that in the Citizen Scientist that will be there on Friday afternoon.
Forrest M. Mims, the third chairman of the Environmental Science Section of the Texas Academy of Science, also the editor of several very popular online scientific publications.
We have links to those all on InfoWars.com.
Sir, you have fallen down deep into the rabbit hole, and as more of you do, as more good people who have souls do, I think you're going to find out things that you didn't want to learn.
You're going to discover what I and others have discovered, and it is up to us, the rational, sane people, that believe that all humans deserve a right to control their destinies, to reach ever higher and upward, and that we have to defend the human species, sir, against these
These nihilistic... Look, it happened with the Romans, it happened with the Egyptians, it happened with the Aztecs.
Elites always go crazy through decadence.
They always go nuts, and there's always a type of death cult that develops if you've studied your anthropology.
And, sir, this mass psychosis is upon us.
Well, you know, I would say you didn't know what you were talking about except for one thing.
I interviewed the student who became a convert in 45 minutes.
Sir, you are absolutely correct.
There are people out there willing to do this.
Well, last night I spent three hours after I wrote an article with Paul Watson on this, and I was all over blogs everywhere saying, they call him God, they call him all sorts of, I'm not kidding folks, God.
And they're all over, and then I went and read the student comments at the end of each semester on the UT website saying, I agree with him, we've got to kill everybody, you know, I want to start now, we've got to kill.
I mean, this is sick.
Hey, all those web pages have been saved.
By various reporters, in case he's pulled them down.
Yeah, a bunch of them.
In fact, I would be on the site and hit refresh, sir, and it'd be gone.
Oh, well, we've got it.
We've got it.
What does that say that they're pulling them?
I don't know.
I don't know if Bianca's doing it or the University is doing it, but I don't blame them.
And by the way, folks, these are not going down because of server problems.
UT has entire buildings full of servers.
The main server root directories are all up.
They have been deleting, and it even says that on their message.
They're too dumb to not know how to fix that.
It actually shows that they're deleting.
The message tells you that.
Listen, I'm getting some very important emails I need to attend to, and the other phone is ringing.
Well, I'm going to have to go.
I'll be glad to answer more questions perhaps some other time.
You're going to a conference in LA.
Can I get you back on next week, sir?
Let's do it.
I'll be attending the National Science Teachers' Annual Convention in Anaheim Thursday through Saturday.
Well, sir, no one can say that you haven't, by standing up, forced people to cover this.
And no one would have ever known ten years ago, without the internet, you saw the AP block it.
So Godspeed, we appreciate you and your colleagues.
There are several others that are now calling for this guy to get in trouble and calling for him to have his award revoked.
And we certainly commend you and we'll talk to you in the near future.
Thank you, sir.
God bless.
Well, you heard him.
He can't disagree with me.
The mainstream editor of several newspapers.
One of the chairpersons of one of the largest state science associations.
And there are now people part of the National Association of Scientists, the National Academy, freaking out.
And he's right here in Austin giving speeches.
He's at Lamar University outside Austin.
And I told you, how many years have you listened?
You wouldn't check out what I said.
You'd snicker and giggle, some of you.
Oh, I've seen so many websites.
Alex makes it up.
When you won't, check out what I say.
There's a former UT professor right here in town that attacks me and says I make this up.
Alex says they're going to kill 90% of us.
Well, you put that in your pipe and you smoke it, you nut.
Because, because this is the type of stuff I deal with when I look at my children.
I was actually, yesterday when I learned of this newest thing, I was actually almost frantic.
I was walking around.
I was outside.
I started sweating.
I was getting angry.
Because I know they're coming for us!
They're coming for us!
It's their excuse to take our land, put us in slave pits, put us in work camps.
This is what they're going to do.
This is what they're... Do you understand?
They're going to spray it.
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We don't need no education
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Teacher, leave them kids alone.
All in all, it's just another brick in the wall.
More people join us every day as they learn the horrible secret.
I use this example because it's one that just came out in the last year.
It's mainstream news.
Haras or Islam Post.
110,000 Jewish children strapped down and hit with high levels of radiation.
Where do you think that type of mindset comes from when the U.S.
And their atomic weapons program paid Israel $3 billion dollars, the equivalent of $45 billion today, in adjusted numbers, to murder over 100,000 children in quote radiation tests.
Those weren't radiation tests.
Those were tests of governments.
They did the same thing here, but only around 5,000 children that we know of declassified.
How do you give a woman, a young GI's wife, a beautiful young lady who's so happy she's got a baby coming, and these people gave them uranium and plutonium pills just to kill their babies and see what happened?
Why does the elite use tens of thousands of tons of uranium, DU, all over the globe?
Six to eight levels, depending on where you are in North America or Europe.
of DU in the air, birth defects skyrocketing, diabetes skyrocketing, cancer going up five hundred percent every ten years for the last thirty years, now at pandemic epidemic proportions.
It's all a program.
The New World Order comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
They hate life, they hate beauty.
You go to these people's websites, it's all death, it's all skulls, they can't shut up about Satan and Lucifer.
You just heard the chairman
Of the Texas Academy of Sciences.
You just heard him agree with me!
Because it's true!
I feel like Charlton Heston at the end of Silent Green.
Or, what do you call the other cop, the other detective, Hatcher?
I should run around screaming in the street right now.
This is the equivalent of that.
You're supposed to freak out!
You're supposed to go nuts!
You're supposed to hate these people!
You're supposed to fight them!
Listen to me, guaranteed, I told you about 9-11 before it happened, I told you they'd hit the World Trade Center, I told you they'd use Bin Laden, he'd take the balls of their patsy.
How do I do that?
Because I study constantly.
I know their program.
And I'm telling you, you will definitely see it in the third world, you will probably see it here.
The helicopters will fly over, the jets will fly over at 2,000 feet, they'll hit us.
And within days, we're all going to be dead when they do this.
Whether it's a year from now or ten years from now.
And for those of you that are outside the cities and want to happen, that can survive, I know you won't listen now.
After it happens, you'll have to rebel.
You'll have to dig in.
It's going to be like something out of the Terminator, folks.
But it won't be the machines, it'll be our own species.
Hunter-seeker teams, everything.
And it's going to be bad.
Then the survivors will be herded into work camps.
It's going to be hellish.
But we're going to beat them with God's help.
We're going to beat them!
They're going to fail.
They are going to kill most of the world's population.
It's even written in the Holy Bible.
But in the end, they're going to lose and a lot of us are going to survive.
Now listen to me.
And listen up good.
What I told you is the truth.
What I told you is the reality.
What I told you is the gospel.
What I told you is the lot we've been given.
Now, what are you going to do about it?
Defend the species against the order of death.
And do it now!
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, last hour we talked about the national news that's now breaking about the Big Academy of Sciences here in Texas giving a standing ovation and the highest award to a Malthusian who wants to kill 90% of the population.
We'll get more into that later, even take a few calls on it.
For this next hour, we've got to shift gears into something just as important, an amazing individual
I'll have to cover his bio when we get back in the next segment, because some stations don't carry this first segment.
But Dr. Robert N. Bowman is president of the Institute for Space and Security Studies.
He's a former fighter pilot, PhD in aeronautics and nuclear engineering from Caltech.
He was the head of the Star Wars program.
That's the Strategic Defense Initiative.
And he is aware of 9-11 being an inside job.
So we'll be talking about a host of issues with him for this hour and into the next, if he would like to grace us.
And we are extremely honored to be joined by Dr. Bowman.
Dr. Bowman, good to have you on.
Thank you very much.
Good to be here.
Thank you.
There's so much to cover.
Of course, I want to get into 9-11 first.
But I mean, right now, just tell us about yourself and some of the things you worked on in and out of government.
Well, I flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam.
I was project officer on the nuclear-powered B-70.
And I did run the Star Wars programs under Ford and Carter when their existence was secret and long before they got the false euphemism of Strategic Defense Initiative.
Because it's really offensive.
And that's what I told the President in 1977 when I was directing the programs.
Boy, there's a lot of stuff up there in orbit right now, isn't there?
There is indeed.
I think we have been successful to keep
Weapons out of space so far, but you know, I don't know how long we can continue.
Just a side issue, and I want to come back and get right into 9-11 and then into Star Wars and the rest of it, but have you heard of this Dr. Eric R. Bianca, big UT professor calling for the extermination of 90% of the population?
Oh, I've heard some rumblings of stuff, but nothing like that, no.
I tell you, this population control agenda just keeps coming up and up again at very high levels of our government and other governments.
It seems to me just to be an excuse for destroying freedoms.
When I drive through Montana and a lot of this country the way I do, and see the miles and miles and miles of nothing but miles,
Yeah, I have to take this population control thing a little with a grain of salt, because we can absorb a lot more people if we don't have all of the resources to support them going to the big corporations and the global robber barons.
For warmongering an empire.
Yeah, right.
Of course, you also are the presidential candidate for the Reform Party.
I mean, your bio is so lengthy, but it's important for listeners to hear it.
So we're going to take a three-minute break here, sir, and then we're going to come back and spend the rest of the hour with you.
Dr. Bowman, why don't you give us some of your websites first, though?
RMBowman.com is my personal website.
On that, you can click on the homepage of Space and Security News, United Catholic Church, my 2000 presidential campaign.
I have a new website for my congressional campaign, and that is Bowman2006.com.
Alright, and you also have a position there as a, I would say, a pastor as well.
Tell us about that.
I'm the presiding archbishop of the United Catholic Church.
Which is an independent Catholic Church, not under the control of the Vatican.
And does that tie into the Gibsons and others, or is that a separate group?
A separate.
Alright, so it better be more of a classical Catholic group, correct?
Alright, we'll be right back, Dr. Bowman.
We're so honored to have you with us.
We'll go right into 9-11, Star Wars, and a lot more.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Crashing to the lies and disinformation.
Going light years beyond the false left-right paradigm.
I am your host.
And we are joined by an amazing individual.
Got a chance to see him on Austin television a few years ago and meant to get him on then and just somehow drop the ball but he's with us today and we've got links to his bio and links to his websites up on InfoWars.com right now.
We're going to tell you about Dr. Bob Bowman and we're going to go to him.
Dr. Robert M. Bowman is President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies, Executive Vice President of Millennium III Corporation, Presiding Archbishop of the United Catholic Church, the recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Keene Peace Prize, the President's Medal, a Veteran for Peace, the Republican
Aviation Air Power Award, the Society of American Military Engineers, gold medal twice, the air medal with five oak leaf clusters, 101 combat missions over Vietnam as a fighter bomber, and numerous other awards.
He is one of the country's foremost authorities on national security.
And, uh, U.S.
Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bowman, former Director of the Star Wars Defense Program under Presidents Ford and Carter, when it was top secret, not known, of course, until 1980.
Until, uh, July 82, he was Vice President of Space Communications Company.
And it just goes on for several pages, ladies and gentlemen.
He has a Ph.D.
in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech.
Dr. Bowman has lectured the National War College, the United Nations, Congressional Caucuses, the Academics of Science of Six Nations, and the House of Lords.
He has appeared on McNair, ABC News, Larry King Show, Donahue, Firing Line, it goes on and on.
And he's lectured before the National Cathedral and the Churches of many faiths including Roman Catholic, Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox Christians, Churches, Jewish Synagogues, Muslim Mosques,
Bob Bowman was the first presidential candidate officially recognized by the Reform Party in 1999.
And it goes on and on, ladies and gentlemen.
He's renounced NAFTA, GAP, the WTO, globalism, the whole New World Order system.
But he's here today to talk about 9-11 and Star Wars.
So we are honored to have him.
Dr. Bowman, some stations just joined us a few minutes ago.
But let's plunge right into 9-11 and the official 9-11 fable.
Several years ago, you began to speak out about it.
How did bin Laden make NORAD stand down?
What made the buildings fall?
Building 7, bin Laden's a known CIA asset.
The drills that day, the public officials warned not to fly, the hijackers trained at US military bases.
All of this is admitted.
Give us your take, sir, on September 11th.
Well, first of all, I'm not a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist, and I think the most unbelievable conspiracy of all is the official one told by the U.S.
It's patently impossible from every angle.
So, you know, yes,
It was a conspiracy.
We know that.
You know, one person can't dream this up in his room and go do it himself.
There were a lot of people involved.
So it was a conspiracy.
The only question is, who were the conspirators?
And that's where I think we disagree with the government and its official conspiracy theory.
Break it down for us.
I'd like you to go further than you've ever gone with us today.
Millions of people tune in right now to hear you, sir.
I know you've written analysis.
You've spoken on it.
You're part of the Scholars for Truth.
But, I mean, break down for us from any angle you wish.
Who has the motive?
You know, PNAC called for stuff like this.
Brzezinski said it would be helpful.
I mean, go over it from any position you wish to discuss it.
Okay, well, let's say I first got an inkling that something was wrong.
With what we were being told on September 12, 2001, when all of a sudden this government that was so clueless that it had no idea that something like this could possibly happen, was giving us the names and pictures of all of these 19 Arab hijackers.
You know, I thought right then, something is fishy.
And just a quick caveat, Tennant, before the second tower was even hit, is on record telling ABC News it was Bin Laden.
So, in the middle of the attack, they're already saying.
That's right.
That's right.
They've got their Patsy pre-selected.
And, you know, maybe Bin Laden was involved.
Bin Laden and his 19 Arabs were far from the whole picture.
They could not have pulled off something like this and there's just too much evidence.
Another thing that convinced me that we're not being given the truth is the massive cover-up and destruction of evidence by our government.
If our government has nothing to hide
Why are they hiding all the evidence?
Why are they destroying all of the physical evidence from the World Trade Center?
Why are they confiscating surveillance videos from the Pentagon?
Why are they confiscating and destroying
Uh, voice tapes from the air traffic controllers.
I mean, the list goes on and on.
Compensating the three boxes they found undamaged, firefighters on record, and emergency workers saying the FBI took them out on ATVs.
And, you know, if, if they don't have anything to hide, show us the evidence.
That's my position.
Is that accurate?
That sounds accurate.
Now, I haven't actually, you know, I've heard about some of the maneuvers that have been pulled, but, you know, I didn't really see those things come in, whatever they were, and I don't know if the maneuvers that, you know, actually happened, but if it's as it has been described,
Then yes, that's a heck of a feat for these Arabs that essentially flunked out of flight school.
But the big thing is, they never would have gotten near those targets if ordinary, common sense, standard procedures had been followed.
You remember
Several years ago, Payne Stewart and his little private plane lost radio contact, so by golly 16 minutes later there were fighter jets up escorting that thing, making sure that it didn't hit in a
Populated area and do some damage.
That's right.
The accounts by the FAA are between 60 and 18 minutes later, five F-16s were shadowing the aircraft.
And, you know, this was standard and such intercepts happened dozens of times in 1981.
Well, yeah.
Well, 67 times in the year before 2001.
That's correct.
So, a lot of people said, why didn't we intercept?
And there were a lot of people at the beginning of the 9-11 Truth Movement that blamed the interceptor pilots, saying, why were they going so slow?
And... It's now come out they were ordered to fly at 350-something miles an hour, F-16 stalling speed.
Well, I haven't seen that, but I did some calculations which
With the timeline that shows that from the time they got the word to scramble, because of considerations like takeoff roll, acceleration time, climb time, turn time, effect of altitude on top speed, wind,
I see no evidence that the interceptor pilots couldn't have gotten to their targets any faster.
You can't instantaneously, from takeoff, fly at your top advertised speed of an F-15.
It's just physically impossible.
But, there's a second thing.
They were scrambled about a half an hour too late.
So they would have been scrambled on time?
If they had been scrambled on time, they could have flown at whatever speed they actually flew at, and they could have intercepted those aircraft before they got to the World Trade Center, and of course, 77, they could have intercepted.
Long before it ever got near the Pentagon or Washington, D.C.
at all.
You're talking about like over an hour and a half time to do that.
But flight 11, the first one to hit the World Trade Center, that's the critical thing.
And you know, standard procedures.
I used to be an interceptor pilot.
I know the drill.
I know how long it takes.
I know what you do.
And the fact of the matter is that when
An airliner or any other aircraft goes significantly off course or it loses voice communications or the transponder signal is lost.
There's a scramble.
There's a scramble.
Any one of those three.
Now in this case, all three of those things happened.
And still there was no scramble.
And by the way, for those that don't know, that is the default setting.
They don't even need orders.
It just happens.
That's absolutely right.
They had to be... Countermanded.
Somehow prevented from doing the normal thing.
So if our government, somewhere in our government,
If they had just stayed out of it and let normal things happen, those aircraft would have been intercepted, the World Trade Centers would still be standing and thousands of dead Americans would be alive.
Somewhere, treason happened.
Dr. Bob Bowman, former head of the Star Wars program, Combat Pilot Vietnam, 100-plus missions.
He'll be joining us to talk more about 9-11 with his in-depth expertise, and then we'll talk about Star Wars.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back, sir.
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I think so.
Welcome back.
Our little message in a bottle.
And the word is getting out.
Dr. Bowman, our guest, short segment.
We'll come back in a long segment and have more time.
Dr. Bowman, continuing with 9-11.
I mean, I brought up a few of the facets that concern me.
You know, you talk about whatever really did hit the Pentagon, and that's a whole other area of debate.
But what about all the public officials being warned?
What about Bush, his different think tanks saying, we need terrorist attacks to mobilize the American people?
Dr. Bowman, former head of the Star Wars program, who has a motive in all of this?
Well, naturally, you follow the money, but the biggest motive were the neoconservatives that run our government, because they said in a paper beginning around 1991 and continuing, and the paper was revised and published again in 2000, before George W. Bush ever became president,
And, of course, long before 9-11, they published this paper, In Progress for a New American Century, and the authors of that were Libby, Pearl, Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, all the usual suspects.
Cheney, of course.
And they said in there that the United States must occupy Iraq
Not just because of Iraq's oil, but to use Iraq as a staging base for the military control of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, because they think the royal family could get kicked out there, and the southern Russian republics around the Caspian.
And we're talking about
in that area maybe two trillion dollars worth of oil and gas and control of those resources and the pipelines through Afghanistan and through Iran and through Bosnia by the way and even Clinton was in on this stuff
This is an enormous financial incentive for people who are involved in the oil and gas business, and of course that includes practically all the top people in our government.
And then voila, the people who have the motive and have the capability to carry it out magically preside over the entire attack and then get what they want out of it.
Yeah, and of course, in that same PNAC document, which was on their website, I don't know if it's still there.
I think they may have taken it out or cleaned it up.
No, it's still there.
Rebuilding America's Defenses, September 2000.
But in the version that I saw on their website, they admitted in that document that the American people would never stand for this unless there was, to use their phrase, a new Pearl Harbor.
And of course, that's what 9-11 was.
And then Brzezinski in 1997 in the Grand Test Board said, to mobilize our slaves for a war with the barbarians, we need a helpful Pearl Harbor event on the same scale or larger.
Interesting that 9-11 killed about the exact number that Pearl Harbor did, almost 3,000.
Yeah, yeah.
And, of course, it, you know,
Our government could say, well, this was a case of massive incompetence.
Well, if that is the case, then how come nobody in the chain of command from the top all the way down to the poor pilots flying those interceptors, how come none of them were fired, none of them were reprimanded, none of them were court-martialed,
Matter of fact, the key players in this whole mess were promoted or given medals of freedom.
Yeah, General Myers gets promoted to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The FBI agents that blocked other FBI agents from, quote, stopping the hijackers got record cash bonuses.
And at the same time, Bush went to the CIA a week after.
Remember the standing ovation?
They acted like they just won the Super Bowl.
Remember that?
I mean, what was that celebration?
Well, uh, they got what they wanted.
They sure did.
Stay there, sir.
I want to come back, talk more about 9-11, and get into Star Wars, and talk about what you're doing right now.
You're trying to do something about all this.
Folks can help you.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The first head in two administrations of the secret Star Wars program and during Ford and of course Jimmy Carter combat fighter pilot Vietnam presidential candidate for the Reform Party.
It goes on and on Dr. Bob Bowman.
But that's coming up here in just a few minutes, and I'm going to try to twist his arm and stay in a few minutes until the next hour so we can get all the questions answered.
I know there's a lot of callers.
We haven't been taking calls lately, but I'll take a few before this segment right now ends.
Before we go back to our guest, I didn't plug it last hour, so I better do it right now.
I've made 14 films.
There's some of the best out there, bar none.
I was the first to expose 9-11 two months before it happened.
I've never done it before or since.
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It's on record, videos in my film, Masters of Terror.
I've made Martial Law, my newest and most powerful film on 9-11, and it covers wide spectrum data.
Prior knowledge, motive, how they did it, why they did it, what they did, their history, other government-sponsored terror events.
They're the most effective at waking people up, because we just don't focus on one or two issues, we focus on hundreds.
Rapid fire.
Get Martial Law, it's three hours long.
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Going back to our guest, just spelling it out, Dr. Bowman,
9-11, the changes that have happened in America, how they were running with sweeping legislation that has nothing to do with stopping, quote, terrorists, if they even exist outside of intelligence agencies' handling or creation.
Looking at what America's turned into today, isn't that just more evidence of who the real perpetrators of 9-11 are?
Well, I would certainly think so.
Way back when, I used to be a conservative Republican, and there were conservative Republicans then, like Bob Taft, and he was called Mr. Republican, and he stood for three main things.
Number one was fiscal responsibility.
Number two was avoiding foreign military entanglements.
And number three was protecting the individual rights of Americans.
Now, that's what a conservative Republican used to be.
We don't have any of those in our government now, because these guys have done all just the opposite.
fiscal responsibility is taking a surplus and turning it into the biggest deficit in our history fiscally responsible and of course foreign military entanglements never has our military been stretched so thin and sacrificed so much to do so little except for the big money interests and thirdly of course what you are alluding to is individual rights
This administration with their Patriot Act, which they rammed through after 9-11 and most of the people in Congress didn't even get a chance to read it.
This has done more to destroy the rights of Americans than all of our enemies combined.
I agree with you.
Getting back to 9-11, I mean, just stating it on the record, in your gut, from all the analysis you've done, you've already said their official story is impossible.
Clearly, sir, I mean, from all the evidence you've got, if you were a police officer, if you were a detective, who would you investigate?
Who do you believe carried 9-11 out?
Well, if I had to narrow it down to one person, of course, I think my prime suspect would be Dick Cheney.
But the fact of the matter is that there needs to be a true and
Independent investigation, not the kind of sham investigations that we have had with the 9-11 omission and all the rest of that.
By the way, we went to a press conference on Friday and confronted Chairman Keene, and we said, well, you were appointed by Bush.
He said, oh no, I was appointed, and we went, yeah, but you appointed everybody else.
It's the same thing.
And then we brought up Building 7, and he said he didn't know anything about Building 7.
Yeah, well, that...
The so-called 9-11 Commission omitted anything that might be the least bit suspicious or embarrassing or in any way detract from the official conspiracy theory.
So it was a total whitewash.
Here's a better way for me to ask the question.
And unbelievable.
Who is the only group, who are the only groups, what are the only organizations that can carry out something on the scale of 9-11?
Well, you see, where I'm coming from is I don't believe that we have the evidence to know whether Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda was involved and the people in our government simply got wind of it and capitalized on it and made sure that nobody interfered with it or if
Uh, the thing was planned from beginning to end.
The official suspects.
Well, sir, I mean, Dr. Bowman, you headed up the Star Wars program, highly decorated, you know, worked at the highest levels of government.
When you talk to your former colleagues in and out of government, I mean, certainly they've got to know, they're not stupid either.
Well, the thing is, I don't... The people who were in that military chain of command, from the evidence that I've seen,
I'm not sure that any of them below the people directly involved with the White House, I don't believe that any of the people in the military chain of command necessarily knew what was going on.
They could have been all innocent tools of the people that were pulling the strings.
Is that why the drills were used to confuse everybody?
The drills, absolutely.
Those exercises that went on that morning simulating the exact kind of thing that was in fact happening so confused the people in the FAA and NORAD and whatnot that they didn't know what was real and what was part of the exercise and I think that the people that
Planned and directed and carried out those exercises.
They're the ones that should be the object of investigation.
I don't want to prejudge who was guilty.
After all I'm running for Congress and I'm hoping
Uh, when I get to Congress to get a real investigation going to raise questions and I don't want to be presumptuous and get up there and say I have the answers.
What I want to do is to get up there and prove
That we don't know the answers, and that the official answers we've been given are impossible.
We've got to dig deeper, and we've got to look elsewhere, and see if we can get a real investigation going.
Obviously, but I mean, as you said- And eventually prove who was responsible.
But I mean, as you say, all the evidence, the only people that could carry this out is the highest levels of the black-op, black-world squads, the private corporations that basically run our government.
That sounds good to me.
Well, I mean, I appreciate your courage and even going this far and saying the whole thing's a fraud and that your main suspect is Dick Cheney.
That's extremely strong.
What about the police officer?
What about the FBI agent listening right now, who's a good person themselves, Dr. Bowman, so they can't believe that other people in government or in this system, in the black world, could be involved in something like this?
What would you say to those naive souls out there?
Well, there were a lot of FBI people that did their jobs and reported things that got absorbed into the system somehow and got never acted on.
Yeah, they specifically said, these guys are hijackers, they're going to attack the World Trade Center, and they were ordered, you'll be arrested if you don't drop this case.
Yeah, yeah.
And so, to those folks that were trying to do their job and protect this country, I say, you know,
Keep doing your job and protect this country by blowing the whistle and investigating the real perpetrators.
If they would have blown the whistle publicly and gone ahead and gone to jail, we might have seen 3,000 people still alive.
Well, that's possible, but, you know, I've been a whistleblower myself and I know it's very, very difficult.
And I've been the subject of attempted bribery, attempted blackmail, phone taps, CIA harassment, FBI, IRS, and death threats.
And so I know what can happen.
Yeah, man, I can see that.
And I hope they can't pull it off.
I hope that they are prevented from pulling it off.
But I know darn good and well they'd like to have another one.
Do you think they're scared, though, because so many people are pointing the finger at them?
I mean, I think that really has already held back an attack.
Quite possibly.
They fooled most of the American people once, but I don't know whether they could ever get away with it again.
What are your former fighter pilot buddies from NOM who know about aircraft and what they do and what happens?
I mean, what are they saying about 9-11?
Well, most of them, not much.
But privately, I haven't gotten any disagreement from any of them on the things that I'm saying.
Same thing, I mean, I personally know current airline pilots that are flying 777s and stuff, and they just go, of course it was an inside job, but they won't say it publicly.
Yeah, that's right.
They want to hang on to their jobs and protect their families and all the rest of it, and I understand that.
But I mean, what's going to happen when national polls show the majority of Americans are saying inside job now, Doctor?
The problem is we don't have anybody in Congress that's capable of making and willing to make enough noise to get something to really happen.
Well, Ron Paul tries.
Oh yeah, Ron Paul tries and we've got a few courageous people on both sides of the aisle.
Cynthia McKinney.
Cynthia McKinney.
And now they're trying to arrest her.
And, you know, we have a handful of
Women Democrats up there to augment the courage of Ron Paul.
But to be honest, I don't see... Is it only the Democratic women that have the cojones to do something?
It's a strange situation.
But things may change.
There are now
72 of us, well as of two weeks ago when I was up in Washington D.C., there were 72 of us who are the Fighting Dems, the Band of Brothers, all combat veterans, all running for Congress for the first time.
Uh, and all running against the Iraq War.
Let me ask you a question.
What do you think of this gaggle of chicken hawks?
I mean, you had Sam Missile shooting at you in AAA.
I mean, 101 missions, as highly decorated as it gets for the Air Force.
I mean, it's highly decorated until the Congressional Medal of Honor.
What is it like for you to then just see these little, wimpy chicken hawks running around, talking tough, and saying, bring it on?
Well, that's why I'm doing what I'm doing.
I really didn't want to run for office again.
I tried to find somebody younger and healthier, but when it came right down to it, there wasn't anybody else.
Nobody else that was capable, willing, had the information I've got.
And so I just had to
Put my money where my mouth was and say, okay, I will run.
And the Democrats pleaded with me to take their nomination and because the incumbent Republican is one of those that just does whatever Bush and Karl Rove tells them to do.
Tell us where you're running and how folks can support you.
Well, I'm running in the Florida District 15.
Again, I'm Dave Weldon.
And, uh, sending me money.
We got a PayPal link right on there, or they can just fire off a check and mail it to me.
Well, I can think of no better time candidate than yourself.
We need more people in there that know what's happening.
Well, I appreciate that.
You know, we've raised about $7,000 so far, and my incumbent opponent has a war chest between $4 and $5 million.
Now, we're not going to match that.
Frankly, I'm not even going to try.
But we need enough money
To get the message out to the people of this district, to make them aware of the issues, and to give them a choice, a chance to really vote.
If you're not the incumbent, nobody knows your name, and it's very, very difficult.
Last time around, this incumbent won by a 2-1 margin.
That's not going to happen again, I can guarantee you of it.
I think we have a real chance of winning this campaign if we get the little help.
Well, Ron Paul has said we need to remove the Republicans.
He says we've got to check this executive monopoly that's formed.
I mean, Bush is saying it's about that.
Yeah, but all of the lily-livered Democrats that supported the President in the war and all this other stuff as well are too chicken to stand up about it.
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We moved the network last week up in Minnesota to new, bigger, better offices.
So I didn't do the first few days of the week.
So I didn't skip Friday to go confront Chairman Keene up in Georgetown when he was talking to the Southwestern University there.
But I did send some of my crew.
And we've got an amazing video report that's going to be going up later this afternoon on InfoWars.com and a text report that we're going to put together about what happened.
But Bob Dacey...
I know he's waiting in the wings, local TV host, one of my progeny in the fight against the Globalists.
I'm very proud of that because he's very astute and now writes articles for national publications about the Globalists.
I asked Bob to come on the last 30 minutes of the show because I know he's called in so I can play some of these clips.
We have five clips coming up near the end of the broadcast.
And so we can play those short clips and get Bob's take on that.
So we'll see if we can do that.
Right now, Ron in New York's been holding for eons.
I'm not going to take any other calls, folks.
We don't have time.
And our guest, Dr. Bowman, is going to stay with us graciously for 20 minutes in the next hour.
But Ron in New York, I know you're chomping at the bit to talk.
Go ahead, sir.
You're on the air.
Yes, good afternoon, gentlemen.
I have several things that I want to touch on.
They may be different, but I want to ask the audience to use its comparative logic to come to an intelligent conclusion.
First off, the doctor had mentioned that they're waiting for another event to occur.
Well, we all know if we've been watching TV this weekend that the heat has been turned up on Iran.
I watch news reports in which all of a sudden Iran is supposed to have this missile torpedo
The unembedded press reports that there are rumors coming out of 10 Downing Street of the United States.
Yeah, no, no, I mean, they're saying that Iran is going to be attacked, maybe this month or next year, but it's going to come.
200 sites are going to get slammed.
And they're claiming they have super EMP bombs like Saddam's rail gun, just more Buck Rogers bull.
Do you have a comment or question for Dr. Bowman?
Well, I would like to solicit the doctor's comment, but I also would like to get on to some other points that are very important.
Okay, well that's one question on that.
What's the next point?
Okay, the next point is this.
As reported in the New York Times Magazine on March the 12th,
Six degrees of separation.
The government is coming up very soon with a new matrix database system, in which basically the standard set for it is that everybody will appear culpable in being there.
Now the amazing thing about it, and I ask your audience to consider on the face of it how preposterous
This is.
The NSA has a database in which they say 325,000 people in this country are potential terrorists.
Now if you were to believe that 325,000 people in the United States are terrorists, then you would have to buy into a preposterous belief that we have an army of terrorists on American soil that is almost three times or more than three times the size of the American army on the ground in Iraq.
Well, I believe that they want very much to attack Iran.
We've got to prevent that.
I would like, with some of the time that we have left, to comment on what is going on now in Iraq and what we should do about that and how that dovetails into preventing an attack against Iran.
What do you think about all these databases tracking Americans, the Real ID Act?
Well, that goes along with the whole Patriot Act and trying to
Limit the freedoms of the American people and it's the kind of thing that we should not allow.
Ron Paul and many others have said we're in danger of a dictatorship and a total takeover.
Do you agree?
I do indeed.
I think there's been nothing closer to fascism than what we've seen lately from this government.
Do you believe they're attempting to perfect a literal dictatorship?
It certainly appears that way.
All right, Doctor.
Stay there.
We'll get into Iraq.
We'll get into Iran.
We'll get in before you leave to Star Wars.
I've got a few questions for you on that.
We've got him for 20 more minutes.
Third hour starts in 70 seconds.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into the third and final hour of this live Monday, April 3rd, 2006 edition, first broadcast of the new month.
And the former head of the Star Wars program, Dr. Robert M. Bowman, joins us.
He's been a presidential candidate on the reform ticket.
He is also running for Congress right now in Florida.
All of his websites, Bowman2006 and others, are up on Infowars.com right now.
He'll be with us now for the next 20 minutes, getting into his views on Iraq, Iran, and what's really happening over in Iraq.
Then before he leaves us, I've also got a few questions about inside Star Wars.
I joined the Air Force to protect our borders and our people, not the financial interests of Folgers, Chiquita Banana, Exxon, and Halliburton.
I think we've had enough corporate wars, that's what Iraq is.
I say no more Iraqs, no more El Salvador's, no more Kosovo's, no more Columbia's, and no Iran.
Are not isolated incidents of stupidity.
They're part of a long, bloody history of foreign policy being conducted for the financial interests of the wealthy few.
It's a new form of colonialism.
It violates our Constitution.
It endangers our people.
It mortgages our future.
It wastes our youth.
And it is treason.
And it must be stopped.
And it destroys the good name of America.
We're being isolated in the world
We're an outcast among the nations.
We're the number one rogue nation on Earth.
Well, people ask me, you know, why on Earth I'm running for Congress, Democrat, down here in Florida.
As a pilot who flew those 101 combat missions in Vietnam, I swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that includes a renegade president.
I think it's time for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and the whole oil mafia to be removed from office and indicted for treason.
And if I get elected to Congress, I'm going to go in that direction.
I think we owe it to the men and women serving in Iraq to end our occupation, restore our credibility and honor, and bring them home.
And the only way to do that is to give up control of the Iraqi oil, give up control of the rebuilding contracts, and give up the 14 permanent military bases we're building in Iraq.
Those are the three reasons that we went into Iraq in the first place.
Why are they so arrogant?
I mean, they know that 70 plus percent are now against them, and they just seem to have more hubris than ever.
Well, you know, those things are what they really went to war for in the first place.
It was the reason for 9-11, is to give them an excuse to go into Iraq.
It was their, you know, new Pearl Harbor.
And they're not going to get out unless they're forced out.
If we had a Congress
That served the needs of the American people and served the Constitution of the United States.
Instead of giving an appointed president a blank check to go in there, the members of Congress would say, hell no, and they would refuse any money to continue that war.
What they can do now is say, we will provide money for armor for our troops, we'll provide money for
I think so.
to go over there and get our troops killed for your oil.
We got a break.
We'll come back with our final segment with Dr. Bowman.
We'll get more into Iraq, more into Iran, and how to stop these neocons and their Democratic accomplices on the other side.
The websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and InfoWars.net.
Check them out.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Engaging the global control freaks, the corporatists, the global fascists that fund both sides of the political paradigm.
Engaging them at point-blank range in the info war.
Smashing their capital ships that
Pump out the lies, discrediting their frauds, more and more people coming forward, speaking out, calling for treason charges, calling for the arrest of these criminals.
We're trying to derail an attempt at a Nazi Germany slash Sovietized style takeover of the planet.
And make no mistake, that's all those were in the past were other examples of empire.
And we are here with this neo-colonialism where we're being colonized as well.
So many Americans think, oh yeah, we are getting their oil.
I hear them on top radio, but good, we're the empire.
As if you're part of that.
You're going to have your pension funds taken.
You're going to have your taxes taken to pay for multinational corporations to go around raping everyone.
It's our final segment with Dr. Bob Bowman, former head of Star Wars program.
And he's running for Congress right now.
He's exposed 9-11, talking about the inside job and all the evidence that points at that in the last hour.
Powerful revelations!
We've got links to his different websites at InfoWars.com right now.
Sir, talking about global empire, talking about these global corporations, they've got to know that they're endangering the entire stability of the planet and our very civilization by their wild gambles for more power and control.
Do you think they'll be able to attack Iran?
Do you think they're going to be able to get that launched?
Well, I sure hope not, but at this point I'm not sure how we can stop them, except I have
Great hopes that the people in the military can put a stop to it.
I've got a little story for you.
At least twice in our recent history, the military chain of command within the White House has essentially prevented World War III.
They took the button out of the hands of the President.
One time was under Richard Nixon when he was under threat of impeachment.
And he was very unstable at that point.
And the people within the White House, I know because they're friends of mine, the people who had the football and could initiate nuclear war,
Talked to each other and said, what are we going to do, you know, if he says nuke the Russians?
And this happened again under Reagan.
And they made up the, they decided that, you know, first there would be the question, why, sir?
And unless there was a damn good answer, nothing was going to happen.
Because they took the same oath I did to defend the Constitution of the United States and protect it
Against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
That's right!
You follow that!
You don't follow the Fuhrer!
That's right.
So I am hopeful that there will be enough people in the Pentagon and generals willing to be fired like General Shinseki was, who dared tell the truth about what it would take to pacify Iraq.
Willing to be fired to say the truth and not do something which is illegal, immoral, unconstitutional, against the Nuremberg Principles and a war crime.
Well, let me raise that point that you just brought up.
Even Secretary White, who was a crook involved with Enron and the fake trading and the rest of it, they appointed their own crony as Secretary of the Army.
He said, look, all my generals say 400,000 troops and they'll still probably fail.
And they said, I want your resignation tomorrow.
Yeah, well, I'm just hoping that
There are enough people in the military, and I know a lot of them, and I have great respect for them, that are willing to get themselves fired before getting this country into another quagmire, another war of aggression, and God help us.
God grant us regime change in Washington, D.C.
Did your sources back during Nixon and Reagan say that, I mean, certainly Nixon has come out with planning to bomb his own convention to blame it on his political enemies.
That's admitted.
And I know that he was in some danger of starting a war in the Middle East just to get himself extricated from all of this.
Are you saying that from your sources when you were, you know, later the head of
Well, I guess the Space Command and the whole Star Wars secret project at the time.
You're saying you've been told by high-level sources that, I mean, was there a concern he'd do it because he was on all those meds going crazy, talking to himself, or was there some type of inkling that he might attack somebody to get out of hot water?
A little of both.
Well, see, that's what I'm afraid of.
I think the neocons have decided they're going to do whatever it takes.
Cheney doesn't think he has long to live with the six heart attacks, basically like Darth Vader with all the apparatus he has with him and four heart experts at all times.
It just seems like these guys want to go out with a bang like they're totally nuts.
Well, I'm pleading with our military chain of command to
Defend the Constitution of the United States and our people and their own troops by disobeying any order which is illegal and God knows the order to
Do an aggressive war is an illegal order.
Well, Dr. Bellman, it's almost like we're in Nazi Germany and we're having to hope the high command does something.
I mean, we've gotten into a situation... Yeah, and 9-11 was our Reichstag fire.
So, I mean, we're here in this Twilight Zone type atmosphere where we're having to beg people to not... not do it.
I mean...
Let me bring up Star Wars, because I was reading some accounts about when you were the head of the Star Wars program, you even had the top brass say, look, when you leave here, go warn everybody and stop this.
Tell us that story.
Of course, nothing classified, but whatever you can tell us that you've already said before, and then anything new you can tell us.
When I retired, I felt good about what we had done.
The Star Wars program was a quiet, super-secret research program to understand the technology and develop countermeasures and know what the Russians might be able to do and to develop the bits and pieces just in case the answer changed.
But the answer we got from our strategic studies was, forget the technology.
Uh, if you were successful technically in building this thing, it would be against our national security interests because it's useless in the hands of an innocent party sitting back trying to protect himself because it's so vulnerable.
It's only useful in the hands of an aggressor.
It's only good in snake attacks.
And so, uh, I reported that to our government in 1977 and
Uh, what happened was that after I retired in 78, all of a sudden Reagan gets elected and with him pulling his strings are the people that we in the military used to call the lunatic fringe.
Crazy George Keegan, General Danny Graham, Edward Teller.
And these folks got him to do Star Wars, and I think convinced him that he invented the idea, which he, of course, claimed in his March 23rd, 1983 speech.
Well, yeah, 1979 at Bohemian Grove, Time Magazine reported they came to him and said, we've already got this program, call it Star Wars.
Well, I called it Star Wars in 1977 in my secret report to the government.
So you're the guy that coined it?
But it was independently coined, I'm sure, later by critics after Reagan's speech, because he didn't call it Star Wars.
But the fact of the matter is that after his Star Wars speech, I continued to speak out.
I was speaking out very cautiously in 81 and 82 about the dangers of weapons in space.
After Star Wars 3, I really got busy and Reagan's own Joint Chiefs of Staff called me in and said, we can't say anything.
There's a gag order on everybody on active duty and even anybody who retired after Reagan took office.
We can't say a thing.
We can't write anything.
You retired in time.
You've got to warn the American people about this military lunacy.
So I did.
Now they were worried because, and correct me if I'm wrong, Doctor, because this would just cause a weapons race in space, something that hadn't been weaponized yet, and as you said, it would allow the Russians then to have a sneak attack capability, and it was only good for us in a sneak attack offensive capability.
That's right, and of course, we always believed, we in the military believed, that we were the good guys, that we weren't going to start a nuclear war, that we wouldn't be the aggressors, and so
These weapons were useless to us.
They were only valuable to an aggressor.
We know that the people that were pulling Reagan's strings, that's exactly what they wanted.
They wanted to be the aggressor.
They wanted to start a nuclear war.
They thought we could win it if we initiated it.
Just like General LeMay was a complete psychopath wanting to do it 30 years before.
Right, right.
So anyway, I did speak out.
I gave over 5,000 speeches around the country about Reagan's Star Wars scheme.
And that really got me, of course, it got me out of industry.
It got me out of, you know, the mainstream and I became a
Permanent whistleblower and troublemaker.
And that's what I still am, I guess.
How far can you go?
And if I can, I want to hold you for five more minutes, sir, to the other side, because we've got Bob Dacey coming up, because I want to be able to answer this question.
But when we get back, I want to know just how much you can tell us about what we know is up there right now.
X-ray lasers?
Hydrogen bombs?
Or are they planning to put that in space?
Or is it just, is it just missile killers or particle beams?
You know, what have they put up there?
We'll be right back.
Final segment with
Dr. Bob Bowman, we can link through to his website at Infowars.com.
Stay with us.
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They railed against the crown!
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They laid their lives, their liberty and their treasure down in a bloody war.
For liberty.
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What are we doing for our descendants?
Thanks to them we're free today.
You know, we play a clip of that on almost every single broadcast because I want to thank our founding fathers and I want to thank the veterans and I want to thank the modern day heroes like Dr. Bob Bowman who are standing up and who are going to help us defeat these bastards.
Dr. Bowman, do you have any doubt?
I mean, I see so many prominent people, so many grassroots people, so many good people.
You know, we've got the good thinkers.
Normally, the smartest people are the good people.
They are the informed people.
And then you've got this dumbed-down mass and this gaggle of insane, power-controlling freaks.
And I think we can beat them.
What do you think is going to happen?
I'm very hopeful.
There's so many of us now, and I tell people out there, if you've got a combat veteran running for office in your district, and he's against this Iraq war, and he's against NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, World Trade Organization, all the globalization,
Help him.
Get him elected.
My website is bowman2006.com.
Help me.
I've linked to the others.
Help us all get in there and have a Citizens Congress.
That will serve the needs of the people for a change, instead of the greeds of the corporations and the billionaires.
Well sir, you're a warrior in your own right, and I mean, so many people say we can't win, we can't fight, but what fight in life, even if it's a bully picking on you when you're 10 years old, he's 15, he's trying to beat you up, it's always better just to fight back.
I mean, I know that half the battle is knowing we can win, and simply putting one foot in front of the other.
I mean, is that the lesson you've learned from life?
What are the lessons?
Oh, you betcha.
You know, people said I didn't have a chance at keeping weapons out of space in 1983.
But, you know, we did it.
I learned that one person can make a difference.
You're making a difference.
I'm making a difference.
We can all make a difference.
But we've also got the motivating factor of trying to keep this country free.
I mean, you know, they changed the rule two years ago where they can start taking private pension funds and now GM's talking about gutting it.
I mean, we're in crisis mode here.
We are indeed.
Space-based weapons, you know, all those, what, 84% of the shuttle missions have been secret.
There's all these other secret rockets going off.
I mean, what do you think's up there?
I mean, you say you stopped it.
We know you stopped the public weaponization, and a lot of evidence shows that their programs were scaled way back.
But, I mean, what did they want to put in space versus what they have put in space?
Well, they wanted all sorts of stuff up there.
The laser battle stations, the kinetic energy kill vehicles, all sorts of things.
Now, we know that... That's the rail guns?
No, that's another one still.
But I've got a whole book on that stuff.
Oh, tell us about it.
Well, Star Wars Defense or Death Star.
It's out of print now, but I do have a few of them.
And if people are really interested in that, they can contact me through my website.
And if they're interested in the history of this, this is a 1984 book.
But it sells all the technology and the strategy and why these things were against our security interest and why if we had done what Reagan said he wanted to do, which is build Star Wars and give one to the Russians too so we'd both be protected, it would have meant instantaneous and automatic nuclear war.
And the last minute we've got left, why?
Break that equation down.
Well, these weapons, including the ones that Bush is working on now and wanting to put into space, are so vulnerable to even modest technology that any country that wanted to actually shoot an ICBM at us, and had the technology to do that,
would automatically have the technology to shoot down Bush's 747s with lasers orbiting off the coast of China, for example, or destroy one of our cruisers with interceptors on it sitting off the coast of North Korea.
The thing about all of these weapons, including the space weapons, is they have to get within 300
Miles of the launch point to do any good, and they can be destroyed.
So, it was all a hoax on the American people, this whole defense shield.
Just like 9-11.
Just like a 9-11, just like the Iraq War, and just like the coming Iran War if we don't put a stop to it.
Thank you for joining us.
Thank you.
God bless.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We don't need no education
Welcome back folks!
Before we go to Bob Dacey and play five clips from the InfoWars team, of course he was involved in that as well, confronting Lord Keane Friday from the Lee Hamilton Keane
Fraud Commission.
Before we do that, I just want to say something.
The news we're breaking every day.
What my team is doing every day.
I mean, last night we put together this big article about this doctor death saying we need to kill 90% of the population and getting the big award, the standing ovation of the Academy of Sciences, scientists here in Texas.
That's a huge article.
You got to get that out to everybody.
It's so important.
We covered it in the first hour.
Then we have the former director of the Star Wars program on, coming right out and saying, yeah, only the government could do it.
He's a fighter pilot in his own right.
You know, going over how Bush needs to be arrested.
He's running for Congress.
I mean, think about the magnitude of this.
And we're out confronting Keene.
We are just hitting him from every angle.
And I want to thank all of you for the support.
You have made this possible.
I want to thank you for all you've done out there, listeners.
Keep it up.
Keep spreading the word about Genesis in the streams or the local AMREF affiliates you listen on.
Please continue to support us.
In what we're doing.
And please get my film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
Please get Loose Change 2, second edition that I carry.
Please get Martial Law, 9-1-1, Rise of the Police State, available on InfoWars.com.
Please get my new film, The Order of Death.
When you get that, you get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, for free, updated, re-edited on the same DVD.
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And then I want to just say this.
Why has Genesis been successful?
A small network.
Why have I been so successful in fighting the New World Order?
Because I have passion.
I do my research.
And because you've supported us.
And because we don't end fight.
I mean, there's a scumbag out there that pushes peak oil and tells us not to be involved in 9-11 and that the movement's dead, and he's the same one telling us all our resources are gone, and that all ties into this, you know, this whole mindset of these professors and people that say we've got to get rid of the population.
These individuals have said this.
How on earth do people even support them?
And then people say, well, you need to respond to these attack pieces.
I have guests on.
I'm covering data.
I'm covering information.
I'm fighting the New World Order.
When other people attack me, that's not what this movement's about.
It's a bunch of egomaniacs, or paid COINTELPRO bloggers, and submitted, a lot of them are paid, trying to get us all fighting with each other, going, that person's an agent, this person's an agent, that person's bad, this one's bad.
No, it's about the info and getting in the fight.
Okay, we know the globalists are bad, we know they're coming down on us, we know what's happening, let's have a big tent, let's get everybody involved in this fight, and let's come in for the big win.
Okay, and I just thought I'd spend a minute or two on that.
And some of these people are just egomaniacs.
A lot of others are paid on the payroll.
You know, admittedly, former CIA or police or others.
They're losing folks.
They're angry.
They're frustrated.
They're screaming even louder.
And I frankly shouldn't even respond to that and say that.
It's just that we're about issues.
That's why we grow.
That's why we expand.
We're here working desperately.
I was here until 2 a.m.
last night.
We're here busting our butts because we know our families are in danger, folks.
I mean, it is a razor-thin edge right now if we're going to be able to win this thing.
We have a chance, though, and I know even if the New World Order is going to come down on us, it's better to be fighting them.
It'll be much lower impact in that fight.
Alright, Bob Dacey, been a listener, I guess, for about 10-12 years.
And he woke up, I guess, eight, nine years ago.
He's had a TV show for six or seven, I forget.
Very popular, makes great programs, even writes for, you know, the New American Magazine on globalization.
He's another example of somebody taking action.
My team went up there on Friday.
We're going to play some clips in a minute.
There will be video up about confronting Chairman Keenan on the site later for everybody for free.
But Bob went up there on his own right with some folks.
He did a great job.
And so he joins us to give us a report here.
And I'm also going to play five short clips.
The clips are only about three minutes in total with Chairman Keene and others.
But good to have you on with us, Bob.
Well, I'm very glad to be here, Alex.
I heard you talking about Mr. Chairman Keene, and I thought, well, gee, since I was there, I might call in and, uh, you know, tell people what happened, you know?
You bet, my friend.
Let me digress for a second, though.
What do you think about everybody starting to wake up?
I mean, are you getting the same thing I'm getting, that there is an explosive renaissance of understanding happening?
I have found that it's easier and easier and easier for more mainstream people all the time to get the big picture now, because it's so in your face, that it's so obvious what's going on.
It really is obvious.
I mean, I remember day one down at the TV station saying it's an inside job and even having another producer down there who's supposedly a patriot screaming and cussing at me in the hallway saying, how dare I say that?
Of course, they're not saying that now.
No, they're not because more and more evidence is coming out despite everything they're trying to do to shut it up.
Well, that's certainly happening.
Bob, this was the Schilling Lecture.
I love it.
They really were Schilling for the New World Order, but I'm not joking.
It was called the Schilling Lecture there at the oldest university in Texas, north of Austin.
Just give us a ballpark of what happened, and then I'm going to play some clips.
Well, basically what happened is, when we were trying to gather there as media, trying to figure out where to set up for the little press conference they had before the speech, the first thing that happened is we noticed that we were told we couldn't go up there yet because the students who were going to be asking the questions at the end of the conference, at the end of the speech, were being prepped by Keynes people.
And I looked at Kelly Taylor, my producer, and she looked at me and we thought, did we just hear that?
And we went up when we finally went up there.
Because when they declared it was independent new questions, it really wasn't.
Well, they had three people come up.
They're like chosen students to come up and speak to the governor and ask him questions.
But they were prepping them up there in the room before the thing happened.
And as they were leaving the room, I asked one of the students, are you the guy that's going to be asking the questions after the speech?
And she said, yeah.
So there was no spontaneity about the questions after the speech.
By the way, I digress.
We're trying to write a big piece on this today.
Bob, as soon as you get off, can you hammer out four or five paragraphs that I'll include in the article?
I'll give it a shot.
Yeah, and then you know my secret email, don't you?
But go ahead and also send it to Ryan at InfoWars.com.
Yeah, give it a shot.
Yeah, well, you know, I didn't know what the situation was going to be.
I didn't know what kind of press was going to be there, but as it turned out, there were only four reporters in the press availability, and two of them, myself included, and, of course, Kevin Smith from InfoWars, were hostile.
And that was quite impressive, because he was there for 15 minutes, deflecting the serious questions.
You know, I'm the guy that asked him the question about Building 7.
I laid the whole thing out, and he just absolutely blew it off.
We're going to play some of those clips here in just a moment.
And then later, he was even having people screaming in the audience, what about Building 7 as well?
And then he basically said, biometrics will save us, A-bombs are going to go off, give up all your rights.
I mean, they're selling fear.
It was classic boilerplate fear-mongering.
It's the same old tired line, give up your rights in order to get security.
I mean, that was it.
His biggest fear was that the big nuke was going to get us.
And yet when Kevin asked him a question about arming, going after Iran instead of Pakistan, he sat there and twisted around on himself and said, well, Pakistan is really dangerous.
And I'm thinking, well, then why are we arming them?
I mean, you know, they can't keep their facts straight.
We've all got to let the police pull us over and shake us down.
Let's just go ahead and play the clips now and after each clip you can comment.
A few of these are short.
After things happened, my guys were going to unfurl a banner that said 9-11 was an inside job, but for some reason they didn't inside the auditorium, so they tried to do it outside with Stewart and others, and then the police come right over
And you're out front, people are coming out outside by the street, and the police say, get that out of here, and it'll all be up there later.
Then the cops start laughing at us as they leave, and the free speech zone is by baseball fields, hundreds of yards away, behind the university, where no one can even see you.
So see, in the new Soviet America, your free speech is far away.
Then he gets into two clips on building 7.
Let's go ahead and play the officer and the free speech zone as they're asking where it is and they just say, hey it's out in that field over there.
Go ahead and roll it.
Officer, where's our free speech zone?
Right across the street you'll see a fenced area over there.
A fenced area?
Yeah, a white barrier fence that you can drive through.
And, of course, there's a lot more video.
I don't know why that clip is so short.
But the cops are laughing at him, prodding him.
They all get off on frustrating people at a university with a banner.
It's real fun to destroy America and destroy the First Amendment.
Comments, Bob?
Well, my comment on that is, yeah, that's what happened.
I was watching it when they escorted him away.
But the thing is, since when does America have free speech zones?
I thought all of America was a free speech zone.
Well, it's like in Nashville, they called up all the businesses on the parade route a week before and said, no Bush signs, no anti-Bush signs in your windows.
And one coffee shop owner said, I'm a Republican, but I'm a Vietnam vet.
That's it.
I'm putting an anti-Bush sign up.
I mean, the Secret Service calling saying no anti-Bush signs in your business.
I mean, this is the new one.
And so the free speech zone, of course, is always where no one can see you, Bob.
Yeah, out there under the highway up in New York, right?
I mean, people have to realize, hey,
The people that run our government right now claim that there are free speech zones where you're allowed to have free speech.
Now, y'all need to wake up to that.
There's something seriously wrong there.
Uh, well, if I'd have been there, I'd have had to make them arrest me, and I've been arrested before for, I mean, and I'm gonna sue them, and in some cases we win, in some cases we lose, but, I mean, folks, this is disgusting.
They even, on the side of the highway, they're now saying no free speech.
Uh, let's go ahead and play the next one.
This is where he tells us we're all gonna get nuked any minute.
Go ahead and roll it.
This is Keen.
The thing that keeps me awake is the danger of a terrorist with a nuclear device.
That is to me the nightmare scenario.
The nightmare scenario, but our government helps arm North Korea, Pakistan, they're going to let India, who hasn't signed any agreements, accelerate their production of hydrogen weapons.
They gave the communist Chinese the MIRV and re-entry technology for their Long March 2s.
And folks, by the way, it is mainstream news that that is the PLA and that the Navy runs those ships.
It is the Chinese military to run our biggest deepwater port in the Bahamas.
They've already got Long Beach and the Panama Canal.
Yes, they think they're really scared of the big nuke getting smuggled into the country when here we have our great ideological enemy, the communist Chinese, going to be in charge of making sure those things don't get in here.
That is absolutely
I don't know what the word is, Alex.
Bob, be sure and add that in your piece because we're going to have all these clips up there and more.
I think it's about 30 minutes long or so.
We're going to have it all up there and people can go through and just see this for themselves.
The next clip, let's just play this one and then it's a self-explanatory.
We'll comment on it.
Go ahead and roll it.
And what we learned, what we learned from all that research and all that reading was that the United States government had failed us.
At the most fundamental level, and above all, a failure of imagination.
Because nobody in all these layers of government ever imagined that scenario.
And then, of course, it's admitted that they had total prior knowledge, even if you believe they weren't involved, and blocked the FBI from stopping them, the so-called Al-Qaeda, Al-Syiatis.
So that's a manifest fraud right there.
And then their answer is a total centralization, a dictatorship run by a torture master, John Negroponte, to keep us safe.
Yeah, nobody imagined the scenario, although the Pentagon was, in the year before September 11th, was having a drill about a plane smacking into the Pentagon, right?
And he didn't mention in his little horrible scenario about how we were failed that the two of the hijackers that were living in San Diego were living with an FBI informant.
He didn't mention that.
Or how they were trained at U.S.
military bases.
Let's play the first Building 7 one.
Go ahead and roll Building 7 comment.
This is him responding to a question about why didn't you mention Building 7 in your report.
We didn't see any evidence of the kind of thing you're talking about.
We thought that was part of the tragedy of 9-11.
Later on, there was an awful lot of loss of life in that building.
It's not part of our report.
Now that's Bob talking to him, so it's not part of the report because it's not important.
Yeah, it's not important.
A 47-story building.
Here's a longer clip of him responding to Building 7.
Roll it.
At 5.20pm on September 11th, World Trade Center Building Number 7, 47-story, modern-framed steel skyscraper that no plane hit, collapsed into a mini-little pile onto itself, and exhibiting all the characteristics of controlled demolition.
Uh, the guy who owns the place, Larry Silverstein, belatedly admitted on a documentary on PBS that he got together with the New York Fire Department and pulled the building, which is a demolition target for taking it down.
FEMA, in their investigation, didn't say that.
They said the fire was knocked down, but they couldn't figure out how.
Video evidence shows
What appears to be explosive squids going up the side of the building from the south to the north or from bottom to top as the building collapsed.
There was molten metal found at the base of that building and the temperatures exceeded anything normal fire could cause.
There's a lot of confusion about what happened to Building 7.
Why is there not a word about the collapse of that building in the 9-1-1 Commission Report?
So see, that's the question we played after his response.
When we come back, we'll play his response one more time.
I'm sorry, the room didn't have good audio quality.
But imagine, he says all that, and then Keener says, I don't know anything about it.
We didn't really discuss that in the report, because no loss of life.
Actually, a Secret Service agent died in there.
A 47-story building, and nobody wants to talk about it.
The media doesn't want to discuss it.
Final segment with Bob Dacey.
On the other side, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, JonesReport.com!
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, final segment.
I can't blame my guys, they did a great job, but I told them that when Keane poo-pooed and moved past building 7 to yell at him, hey answer the question, respond to Silverstein, respond to the bombs in the building.
I should have gone.
I just should have already done it.
I missed two days last week because of the network moving.
So I did the show live Friday to be here with you with all those great guests and information we covered.
Now again, you just heard Bob Dacey's question to him.
Here was Keane's answer.
He just mumbles it out.
Here it is.
We didn't see any evidence of the kind of thing you're talking about.
We thought that was part of the tragedy of 9-11.
That building collapsed later on.
There was not a lot of loss of life in that building.
And it was not... It's not part of our report.
It's not part of the report.
Thank you.
Not part of our report.
Thank you.
I'd have said, hey, don't you try to move around the question.
How do you sleep at night?
How do you sleep at night covering up this mass murder that's being used to destroy America's freedoms?
Bob, I'm going to give you a spanking right now on air.
Oh, that's just terrible.
You know, there's another thing he blew off.
I asked him a previous question.
I asked him about the financing of September 11th and why in his 9-1-1 report he said that, quote, ultimately the question is of little practical significance.
In regard to who financed the attack, and his basic answer to that was that because so little money was spent to carry it out, it wasn't worth pursuing.
You know, like if you have a hitman, you contract with a hitman to go out and kill somebody, if you don't pay him very much, the cops aren't going to investigate who paid him off.
I think if it works out to 3,000 dead people and $500,000
I guess the rule from the King Commission is if you want to take out a contract killing on somebody, make sure you spend less than $166 and then the cops won't even worry about who paid for the hit.
Bob, you did a great job.
I commend you.
You asked the best questions, no doubt.
I just am mad that I wasn't there.
I should have just run a rebroadcast and gone.
We've got about a minute and a half, two minutes left.
Anything else you want to cover?
Any other observations you made?
Well, you know, I also asked him about FBI agent Robert Wright and why there was nothing of his testimony that appeared in the 9-1-1 report.
And Mr. Keene there said, well, yes, I think he did.
And I said, well, no, he didn't.
And apparently now we found out there's two reports.
There's one that they published for us slobbering masses.
And apparently there's a secret one that we don't know about.
Well, we know from Wright's lawyer who we've interviewed, David Shippers and Larry Klayman as well, that it was that he was ordered under threat of arrest not to stop Al Qaeda.
Yeah, he was on a money trial.
He was the guy that was investigating, documenting how the money got from Saudi Arabia, etc., through the Islamic charities in the United States.
And now it's come out in the Zechariah Moussaoui trial that 75 times other agents told him specifically and were told to back off.
Yeah, you know, the bottom line is this guy, King, is just out there blowing smoke and trying to keep people away from the money trail.
Well, he admittedly is in business with the Bin Laden family.
That's mainstream news.
Yeah, but he didn't admit it at the press conference.
He denied it at the press conference.
Also, you guys brought it up, and I want to make sure my people put this in the tape, all the stuff you're missing that we're going to post on the site later today.
You guys said, hey, you were appointed by Bush, and he said, yeah, but I appointed the others.
So what?
He appoints you, you appoint them.
Yeah, and half the people on the 9-1-1 commission, or CFR members, are all in the same happy little club while he pretends like they were fighting and bickering with each other.
Well, that's all important, Bob.
We really appreciate your contribution to this.
We're very thankful to you, Bob.
Well, thank you.
I enjoyed getting within his range.
It was a lot of fun.
Well, I love the British accent.
I mean, that Atlantic blueblood accent.
I mean, nothing against the Brits, but this whole class of bluebloods in America who are so un-American, they've never even adopted our
Our speech patterns.
Well, they sound so intelligent that way.
Oh, yes, of course.
Yes, of course.
If there's anything they say, shut up, you knave!
Lord Bush needs your freedoms.
A-bombs are going to get us.
That's my number one fear.
They're going to bomb us.
You have all your rights to it.
Hey, thank you, my friend.
We'll talk to you soon.
Okay, thank you, Alex.
Take care.
Vaya con Dios!
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
This was a bombshell broadcast.
God bless you all!
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