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Name: 20060102_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 2, 2006
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, there's only three and a half days left in 2005.
If the year was an old man, he's got a long, white, mushy beard.
Out with the old, in with the new, 2006 rapidly approaching us.
You know, I've heard everybody say, the Queen of England and the Pope and many others, that 2005 was a bad year, and it certainly was for the tsunami victims, hundreds and hundreds of thousands dead, no one really knows, over 200,000.
It was a bad year for folks in New Orleans and other areas in the Gulf, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, areas of Florida, and yes, even Southeast Texas.
And a lot of other bad things happened, but a lot of people woke up to the New World Order.
A lot of prominent individuals went public and said the government was clearly involved in 9-11.
I mean, big-time Republicans and top economists and just highly respected individuals.
I've never seen people more receptive to the truth than they are right now, here, as we're in the twilight hours of 2005.
But frankly, it was a horrible year.
In the balance, I mean, Patriot Act extended at least for another month.
A national ID card and the Real ID Act.
We saw what happened with the faith-based initiatives still moving forward.
We've witnessed what hasn't passed yet, that's the good news.
Bush still pushing amnesty, so I guess that's good news that he hasn't fully gotten in yet with the border situation.
But he did get the Real ID Act with the national ID card to be implemented at the state level.
He did get firing troops on the ground in New Orleans.
He did get basically an end to posse commentatus.
There to a great extent.
And we also have things like the New Freedom Initiative for forced psychological testing of all Americans ages 4 to 18, with the guidelines for that written up by the drug companies, their own documents openly saying that it is to drug the population and sell their product.
So, and so many other bad things happened this year.
I want to open the phones up today, and yes, we will take a lot of your calls.
In fact, I'm going to take calls before the next segment ends.
I want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly of 2005.
What do you think the number one bad thing that happened is, either globally or nationally or locally in your area?
What is the number one good thing that happened?
And what do you think is going to happen in 2006?
Do you think it will be worse for liberty or better for liberty and freedom?
I really want to get your take on this, and I'm going to be writing down your suggestions, your ideas, and I'm going to be codifying an article in the next few days of the best things that happened in 2005, the worst things that happened in 2005, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
And then also another article about your predictions for 2006, what you think the globalists are going to be up to, what you think they're going to be doing.
So here is the toll-free number, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting to really figure out the fact that the Defense Department, the Pentagon, and the Federal Government are spying on us!
And last week we were hearing that it was just 18,000 little spying events by the National Security Agency, and of course I got on there and said, that's ridiculous!
They've been spying on anything and everything for at least 20 years, wholesale!
And of course, spying even before that, but I mean, it's been massive in total with the computers and the keyword systems they've had in the last two decades.
And so here it is today.
Colin Powell's being spied on.
Governor Richardson of New Mexico's being spied on.
The troops are being spied on here in America.
Everyone's being spied on.
We've got to get over there to Iraq and take over that country or we'll lose our freedoms.
We better destroy American liberty to save American liberty.
I mean, it's just baloney.
And the neocons are coming out in rare form saying, hey, there's no such thing as freedom.
I actually have a transcript here.
You know, freedom is bad.
We need to get rid of it.
It hurts freedom.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, 27th day of December 2005.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And in the next four days of transmission of broadcast against tyranny in defense of liberty, I'm going to open the phones up.
Of course, we've got a lot of guests coming on as well as we close out the year here in the twilight hours of 2005, a year that just blasted past us.
I want to hear what you think the biggest stories of 2005 were and are.
What are the biggest under-reported stories?
What are the most over-reported stories?
Those are always the cliched questions that talk show hosts ask.
But I want to know what you think of the year itself.
Was it a good year?
Was it a bad year?
Did more evil happen?
Or did Liberty make more advancements?
I mean certainly it was a bad year with the tsunamis in New Orleans and the earthquakes in Pakistan and India and a record year for natural disasters.
It blows away any other year in modern history as we've been keeping records in comparison.
And what about the United States?
A very dark year for America.
We have seen Dutch and Mexican and British foreign troops in New Orleans conducting police activities.
We have seen the police and the military confiscating firearms for absolutely no reason all over New Orleans, even in secure areas that weren't even damaged by floodwaters, refusing to render aid, but oh, we've got time to go confiscate your guns.
We have seen an open move to get rid of the 1878 law barring the military from engaging in law enforcement activities, posse commentatus.
We have seen a year of the Patriot Act being extended into 06, at least for a limited time, with a one-month extension.
We, again, have seen the New Freedom Initiative, which people don't believe it when they hear it.
Go read it.
It passed.
Now they're trying to implement it through lots of slick little packages at the state level.
Forced psychological testing.
But forced psychological testing of everyone ages 4 to 18.
And in Illinois, they're just saying, nah, we're not going to stop there.
All pregnant women.
And we're going to start with all adults.
And it's in the Chicago Tribune.
Well, it's a good idea.
By law, you'll be forcibly
Psychologically tested twice a year and we'll put you in a database.
Doesn't matter if the guidelines were written by the drug companies and their own executives have quit and gone public.
Admitting that it's a plan to force half the population onto psychotropic drugs that are proven to be deadly toxic and cause suicide.
We're just going to do it!
And the national ID card, which your neighbor will argue with you and say, I ain't got no national ID card.
And they'll say that because it's a federalized state ID card that'll still have your nice little regional code and your little picture of your state on the front of it, but that's all it is.
It is just a brand of that.
It is literally just the local federalized card.
And it's just that simple.
So we have the Real ID Act passing this year.
I mean, so much happened.
I know there's a lot of different angles that I'm not going to think to cover.
But yes, a lot of bad things have happened this year.
But at the same time,
It's always darkest before the storm, or it's always darkest before the end of the storm, before the calm.
Let me see if I can get my clichés correct here.
Yes, it's always darkest before the dawn, but it really is always darkest before it begins to break and clearly start to clear up.
Meanwhile, these are the type of articles that we have here in front of us.
Spying said to be broader than reported.
Oh, this is out of the Associated Press.
What incredible, amazing reportage.
You mean the spying was many hundreds of times worse and more widespread than the mainstream media was first reporting and giving each other's accolades for their investigative journalism.
Meanwhile, Powell is saying that he himself was wiretapped, but says it's legal and legit and good.
He's happy the White House was spying on him.
After all, Al-Qaeda could be anywhere.
In fact, that's probably where you actually would look for Al-Qaeda, is high-level administration.
So I guess in a sick way, it's true.
And the Pope is urging unity against terrorism.
We're going to be getting into that.
Of course, Governor Richardson and others, spied on by Homeland Security with the NSA wiretaps.
They might be involved as well.
Gotta watch him, but everything's okay.
Pope Benedict Arnold, the 5000th or whatever he is.
I'm sorry folks, this guy, Ratzinger, really makes me sick.
I mean, I'm not a Catholic bachelor.
I'm not a Catholic.
And Pope John Paul II calling for a New World Order and having all the religions to the Vatican and saying they're all the same and it's a One World Order.
We need a One World Religion.
And now Ratzinger, that's his real name, is calling for a New World Order.
I'm sorry, this is disgusting.
I mean, I speak out against Pat Robertson when he's running around, you know, saying that implantable microchips aren't bad, and Big Brother's here to help us, and I'm going to speak out against this.
I don't care what denomination or group you're with, it's just, it's very diabolical.
And more on the NSA.
Former NSA intelligence analyst and action officer urged to be heard by Congress regarding unlawful conduct of NSA.
Putin's liberal economic advisor resigned, saying Russia not free.
We don't need this guy to tell us it isn't free.
I mean, it's about as free as it was 20, 30 years ago.
I mean, if you criticize Putin, they arrest you, or they'll shoot you just on the side of the road.
There's no free newspapers there now.
They seized the last one a couple months ago.
There's a couple robber barons running the whole country, and every time one of them gets in trouble, it turns out it's a Rothschild front company.
I mean, that's even been in the BBC, the London Telegraph.
Oh, by the way, Friday, I was driving over to see family.
I took off Friday.
And I was listening to Derry Brownfield live, who's carried on the Genesis radio network, and he's carried on quite a few other networks, which always causes confusion, but... Well, I thought, you know, he's on Genesis.
Well, he's on this other network.
Well, are you the same networks?
This is Genesis, folks, and you hear other networks that sometimes have some similar shows.
The reason I say that is I'm really sick of people walking up to me.
It's a pet peeve, and it'll never go away, and it doesn't matter.
But again, side issue.
Side issue.
I'm listening to Barry Brownfield.
I haven't been on his show in about four years.
He used to have me on as a guest, but on the morning of 9-11 I got on and said it was the government, and so I just haven't been invited back on since then.
But I mean, I like Barry Brownfield genuinely.
I think he has a good show.
It comes on right before mine.
You can listen to it at Infowars.com.
But right before the morning show that starts at 11 a.m.
Central, you can tune in the hour before to Barry Brownfield.
I think I made that abundantly clear.
I'm listening to him and he's reading an article that we just so happen to have posted at InfoWars.com that I've been reading that very morning about how the British government has now announced what we already knew.
That starting in about a year, every car in the country will be tracked by a transponder in their inspection sticker.
It's the same here in the U.S.
And that they're going to charge you the equivalent of about $3 a mile in peak areas and about 30 cents a mile.
Again, that's U.S.
I don't have the numbers in pens.
When you're driving, say, on rural roads during non-peak times.
And it admits that it dually will track everything you do, everywhere you go, and how fast you drive.
And they're just going to start randomly sampling caravans of cars to look for criminal connections and to see if criminals are stealing cars to go to the other scenes of crimes.
And so it's going to tax you, it's going to track you, it's going to trace you, it's going to be hell on earth.
And I was listening to Derry and he was saying, I bet this will come to the U.S.
I bet this is going to be here in the U.S.
I just bet you.
So I called in and got in on the show and spent about 20 minutes on air with him, or 15 minutes on air with him.
And explained to Derry, and I think this has been made abundantly clear, but I understand people don't want to realize how far along this has already gotten, that this isn't coming from England here.
This came from here over there.
About five years ago I saw the first articles out of Indiana where they already had license plate scanning camera software on all the major cameras in Indiana under a federal grant.
Texas had them.
I've now learned about eight years ago.
I learned of it about three years ago.
Texas already has the transponder readers put in most of the major highways years ago.
See, they don't ask Americans.
They just put them in and then they just do it.
And sure enough, it's out of CNET News, e-tracking
Coming to the Driver's Motor Vehicles, Department of Motor Vehicles near you.
E-Tracking coming to DMV near you.
CNET News.
And I guess we've got to create a whole section on InfoWars.com where this is all together in one spot.
People are always asking me, where's the proof of that?
Where's the... This has got to be the 200th article or something I've seen on this here in the U.S.
And they didn't ask you.
They didn't pass laws.
They didn't... They just... They just put it in.
And they're going to start doing it.
And if you don't like it, they've got some guys with big ol' arms and tattoos wearing black uniforms with masks on that look just like Cobra Commander, who will drop by and gun you and your whole family down.
How's that sound?
You're going to be raped financially.
We're going to take your private property.
Oh, that happened in 2005 as well.
The Supreme Court saying, hey, somebody with big money wants your land?
Locals can take it.
Total robber baron.
I mean, there's not even any pretense of freedom.
In 2006, before that, I mean, I think in 2006 we're going to see, really, people turn against the war even more.
And I predict, unfortunately, in 2006 we're going to see a government-sponsored terror attack to get everybody back in line.
But in 2005, we saw the worm turn.
We saw the people go from predominantly being for the phony war to absolutely being against it 70 plus percent in most of the major polls.
So that is something good that happened in 2005.
But I don't know what to say about all this transponder business.
The government's gone rogue.
It's gone criminal.
That is the norm in human history.
That is the way it is most of the time.
And it's gone totally and completely rogue.
And it looks like they're going to try to make every other despotism look tame.
And they're setting up the dominoes in great detail to really throttle the living daylights out of us.
The average person is literally sucking their thumb, gibbering, mindlessly talking about UT football.
So I don't know what... I'm not attacking your UT football, I'm just saying you better get your priorities straight, boys and girls, because they're going to take everything we've got.
This is a mass raping that's being set up.
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Alright, I said we'd take lots of calls, but I had to cool my afterburners coming into that first of the broadcast today.
I want to hear your views on whether we saw more tyranny in 2005 or more liberty, what you think the biggest stories of the year were, and that doesn't necessarily mean
You know, Jessica Simpson.
I don't mean what the dominant media is saying the biggest story of the year is.
What do you think the most important story of the year is?
The good news is, in 2005, Bush has had to say, I'm not emperor, I'm not king, I'm not a dictator.
The good news is, people are starting to go, wait a minute, this is classical tyranny that's being set up.
And no amount of propaganda or even government-sponsored terror is going to make people buy into these wars anymore.
I'm sorry, the tired old, we're not going to retreat, we're not going to wave the white flag in Iraq where Al-Qaeda is lurking.
People just know that's baloney.
The globalists are in Iraq because they want the oil, they want the weapon sales, and they want to invade the rest of the Middle East.
Their own battle plan states that.
So next time a neocon gives you some baloney, some bull, about how it's to keep the children safe, it's just trash!
Alright, we're going to go to Nathaniel, John, Mike, Charles, Luis, and others.
Nathaniel in Tejas, we're moving quick here, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
I just wanted to say the other day, I wasn't making any sense at first, I was trying to read a whole letter I had wrote about all the weird stuff that links together in such a way it can't just be coincidence.
Well, I don't remember the call, but why don't you tell us?
Well, he said, he said, crystallize your thoughts, and then I tried to shorten what I had to say.
And, um, I also, I wanted to try and clear something up.
Um, a friend of mine that tried to get me, and I know you don't like defending yourself on air, so I'm not trying to put you on the spot, but a friend of mine had claimed a while back that a Dave Vaughn police, someone that had worked for you,
No, it's not true.
Okay, well that's what I told you.
I mean, what is this?
I'm like asking people, I just never understand this or figure any of this out.
I'm like here, on the air, trying to get people to talk about what's happening in our world and we're talking about Alex Jones.
How much more boring can it get?
I mean, you're welcome, listen sir, Nathaniel, you're welcome to call in and talk about whatever you want.
But I mean, this is pretty boring.
Everybody knows Dave Unkleist doesn't work for me.
Dave Unkleist has his own radio show on this network.
Right, well that's what I tried to tell him.
I thought he was associated with another program and this guy's a John Birch disciple and somebody at one of his meetings said this guy worked for you and that you get into a lot of stuff you can't prove and I said, that's not true.
I said, you know, someone told this individual's name and I'm like, hey, you tried to get me to wake up and listen to Alex when he was on 98.9 or whatever it was?
At that time, I just wasn't ready.
I understand, you've got a local friend who's been listening to me for, I guess, a decade.
He listened to you when you were on FM and he said, hey, you should have heard Alex then.
He would rant and rave and he was great and this and that.
I guess that's what he prefers.
But now, I'm telling him they're about to put transponders in his car and I have the bill number, so I'm bad.
Well, no, now he's listening to you again, but it's like somebody in one of his meetings said something bad about you and being associated with this other guy.
You know, I try not to.
Nathan, I appreciate the call, and I really do, but listen, I'm going to move quick through the calls today.
I'm not going to spend a lot of time on each call, and so just be ready for that, and you're welcome to call back another time and get more into this if you want, but here we go.
I don't know why William Jasper, who I've met personally, wrote in the story that Dave Unkleiss works for me when Dave Unkleiss has never worked for me.
Dave von Kleist, I think I've met him in person twice.
No, once.
I met Dave one time, in person.
And that was when Joyce and Dave came to town for the Gulf War Vets Association and we had some UT professors there saying the EU isn't bad for you and the anthrax shots aren't bad for you and look at what an idiot that guy is now.
I mean, think about how ridiculous that is.
I mean, everybody knows the DEU is deadly.
Their own manuals say it.
The Army now admits that the anthrax shots were deadly and really hurt the troops.
So I don't understand.
So that happened then.
A side issue.
It just shows how people invent these straw men.
And I don't know why the New Americans said that I hired von Kleist to go, what was their words?
Provocateur at Klamath Falls.
When all Dave did was go out there when they were shutting the water off, when they had a lake full of water, and they openly wanted the land to build a ski resort, and so they shut the water off and ruined everybody, and then they attack Dave for going to that and claim that he's my minion.
Man, I mean, Dave's probably talked about that 500 times.
I've talked about it about once.
So I just don't care.
I mean, quite frankly, look at the size of the New American versus Infowars.com.
We dwarf them.
Hundreds of times.
I'm not trying to brag.
I just really don't care what they're doing.
I don't care what they say bad about me.
And by the way, by going on air and responding to them right now, now it'll do no good.
There's a lot of good John Birchers who will hear this and now I'll have to take ten phone calls on it.
I just don't care.
Dave von Kleist doesn't work for me.
Dave von Kleist didn't do anything bad at Klamath.
He did a good job.
And, you know, I deserve a retraction from that rag.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
So much has happened this year.
There's a big 14 foot long white beard on 2005, out with the old in with the new.
What do you think is going to happen in 2006?
I think it's going to make 2005 pale in significance.
2005, the all-time high in modern recorded history for natural disasters, massive earthquakes, you know, 9.2s, tsunamis, record hurricanes, record typhoons.
I mean, it's been a humdinger, as they say.
And domestically, the New World Order has just come out of the closet.
They've come out of the pit.
I mean, you know, the gates of hell opened up, and out they march, and they're openly
I mean, Neocon talk show hosts, not just Savage now, but others are on the radio saying, put everybody in camps!
Arrest anyone that disagrees with the government!
Slave labor!
We've got all over the country, from Rhode Island to Ohio to, you name it, Washington State, Oregon, California, trying to pass martial law provisions openly!
You criticize us, you go to a camp!
More and more armored vehicles, more and more police in black uniforms!
More and more are just cameras and admitting they're going to turn all the major roads nationwide, starting in Texas, into toll roads.
I mean, it's all happening right now.
But the good news is, for every action, there is an equal or greater reaction.
And the people are waking up.
John, Mike, Charles, Luis, Sam, others, your calls are coming up.
And look, I'm not mad at the last caller.
I just want to move quickly through your calls.
And you know what?
I don't censor your calls.
Just your first name and where you're calling from.
Unless you start calling every day and then we'll take a call once a week.
But frankly, I can have my view and my opinion.
And by the way, a dressing bowl never gets rid of it.
I want to explain that.
It doesn't matter how many times I get on air and say I don't own Genesis.
It doesn't matter how many times I get on air and say I'm not the boss.
Sometimes I wish I was.
No one listens to me up there.
Sometimes, you know, it's just frustrating.
You know, these local radio stations in Texas that carry my show.
When something goes on with them, I get a call going, you're the owner of the radio station.
You need to fix it.
I'm not the owner of any radio stations in the country.
I'm not the owner of Genesis.
I talk to Ted about maybe once a week.
Last few months, maybe once a week.
Before that, probably once a month.
I am not the boss of anybody else.
And it's just... I can't address it.
Just because the New American is so unprofessional
That they said something that wasn't true and then didn't retract it when they were asked to.
That's their fault.
That's their problem.
And see, there's no winning this.
There's all these good old boys right now out on the range, you know, out there with their little shortwave radios that are riding the range, listening to them.
Here, listen to me on some local AM going, well, I've been a member for 42 years.
I don't... Alex, I like you, but don't be talking bad about them.
I'm not, okay?
I don't care if they lie about me.
Just let them.
And that doesn't go for all John Birchers, and that doesn't go for their readers, and it's just a big distraction.
And some callers will be amazed, well, why don't you want to talk about it?
I want to defend you!
I don't want to be defended!
You know, none of it's true.
Frankly, the stuff people say about me, none of it's true.
Why, I scalp the Christian family and hum them by their toes so werewolves can eat them.
All lies.
I'm a Scientologist.
Never met one.
All lies.
Let me think, what else?
I'm a New York Times reporter and I'm 65 years old and I have a radio show on NPR.
I've even told people on these websites saying this, hey that's not me, all lies, that they don't care.
I actually kind of like it, because all they do is advertise the show.
And I don't want dumb people, any thinking person is going to figure out it's baloney.
So please, please, please, please, please, people are tuned in on AM and FM stations all over this country, not to be part of the peanut gallery and talk about Alex Jones.
They're here to get analysis.
You're here to talk and get information and discuss the economy and the Second Amendment and our borders.
And I know that 98% of you are.
So many people, though, just get caught up in the sewing circle, ninnying, just endlessness.
And frankly, I'm a big boy, folks.
I don't care what people say about me.
I really don't.
Look, again, when the New York Times attacks me, when Vanity Fair attacks me, when American Legion attacks me, when Popular Mechanics attacks me, when the New American attacks me, they just run up their flag, folks.
They're running their colors up.
That's all they're doing.
And I'm a big boy.
I mean, I can take it.
I like it.
Well, when I'm getting fire directed at my positions, I know it means I'm getting the job done, folks.
I'm smashing their systems.
I'm smashing their lies.
I'm wrecking their propaganda.
I'm taking over and subverting their systems.
We are overturning their paradigm.
We are having victory after victory after victory after victory after victory
Every time we take action, every time we stop talking about how big the enemy is, or how big the problems are, or how insurmountable it is, we fail.
But every time we just start getting in their face and getting involved, we take our societies back.
Listen, it isn't going to be popular putting transponders in all the cars, and taxing you down the road.
So if we just admit it's happening, and that the grid's being set up, we can stop it.
It's not going to be popular when they put RFID in all the products, which we're now trying to do.
We've been boycotting them and fighting them and trying to expose them.
It's not going to be easy for them to put in their fraud-driven electronic voting machines, which we've been beating in a lot of states.
What was it?
A few months ago, seven more states pulled out of accepting the federal funds for these things.
Fraud-proven, certified CIA front companies.
We're having victories there.
We have been beating a lot of gun bills at the state level.
We've had a lot of victories.
We're also having losses in New York and in California, thanks to Republican governors, who are a bunch of gun-grabbing trash, and you haven't figured that out yet.
We're actually, I'm actually trying to defend this country.
And just because I'm more informed than the new American who's 20 years in the past and doesn't know how bad things are, they're going to figure it out later, folks.
They're going to find out if they're not controlled.
They're going to figure out what's going on.
You understand that?
And it's the same thing with all these other people.
You know, sometimes I get sent an email, and it's like, Alex, look at this message board.
It says you said there were 45 million abortions, and now you're saying 50 million.
Which is it, Alex?
I used to hear you say 45 million, and now you say 50 million.
Which is it?
Well the number grew!
I'm not lying to you, it's just the number grew!
But I mean, no one except Jesus Christ is at that standard of being perfect.
But I am correct on that.
Well a few years ago I heard him say 45 million and now he says 50 million.
And then another day he said 14 million.
I was talking about England.
When I said 14 million.
So I've got to remember, I've got people listening to every word I say.
There have been almost, and you know what?
I rounded off.
I think it's 48 million abortions.
When I saw that, I looked it up.
It's not, I mean, it just... I mean, you're going to find out the transponders are coming to your car.
We're barely beating the bills, and some states aren't.
You're going to find out about forced psychological testing, because it's already starting in the schools.
I mean, you're gonna find out about the National ID Card.
You're gonna find out about the NSA spying on you.
You're gonna find out about the cancer viruses and the vaccines.
Listen, I know it's scary.
I know it's scary that elements of our government blew up the towers.
But, baby, that's the truth!
And I'm sorry if a bunch of old-timers can't get it through their head and can't gut up and admit how bad it is.
I do everything I can to disprove the things we talk about.
I do everything I can to disprove our hypothesis about the New World Order.
But it isn't even a hypothesis.
It's like gravity.
It's a scientific fact.
The globalists have codified their plans.
Their New World Order plans have been published in hundreds of volumes.
Their programs are public.
And I suggest everyone realize we are in peril.
Alright, now you see, I'm 42 minutes into this transmission, and I haven't taken but one call.
I'm going to make myself take calls.
I'm going to move on.
I'm going to hear what you think about the biggest stories of this year, the worst tyranny of this year, the best news of this year, and what you think's coming up next year.
I'm moving quick, get ready, right now!
It's like a force of nature, I just can't ever seem to get it done.
John of Oklahoma, you're on the air, John, go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Well, I guess, you know, if you want to talk about the biggest things that happened in 2005, I'd have to say Bush's spying the most recent thing.
I mean, that is just
It just seems so obvious, you know.
It's so subliminal in the holiday season.
It's just the coming out, you know, of buying, etc.
But it's happening, I mean, right before our eyes.
I mean, it's a little too obvious, I think, Alex.
I think it's just a little too obvious.
No, it's all on purpose, as I said two weeks ago.
They're easing it out, and oh, the New York Times holds onto stories.
See, they're conditioning us that that's normal, and just like it's Russia.
You know, Putin calls in the news editors.
You do what I say.
It's the same thing here.
Oh, but we've got a free press.
They did release it after a year.
Then what they tell you is literally one one millionth of the true scope.
And then notice a week later they start admitting that.
They're titrating the dose.
You know what titration is?
That's how people who handle venomous snakes, snake milkers that work at these facilities, they, because they get bit so often before they can even work there, they have to give themselves higher and higher dosages of the snake venom so they never really get bit by one of those big vipers.
They won't die.
Yeah, it's the same thing as boiling a frog there.
It's just the way it's taken place.
But it's just a little too obvious.
I mean, especially that New York Times thing, where they held the story for a year.
Now, that's got to be waking a lot of people up there.
That's got to be making people's heads turn there.
I mean, that's just too... The neocons just get on the air and say, it's freedom, and if you're against the spy, you're with Al Qaeda.
Yeah, it's just ridiculous.
I've got to save it.
One thing I wanted to ask you about, Alex, was that there's something I wanted to mention, and I haven't heard anybody else talk about this, ever, and it has to do with the transponders and the RFID chips.
Now, I don't know if you're aware of magnetic antennas with radios using ferrite to concentrate the fields in the signals, which increases the range?
No, I'm not that technical when it comes to...
Well, you see, it has to do with something I was reading about, and you've heard about the broadband by Powerline.
Well, I was just wondering if that could possibly...
It's been in major publications that they're planning to send you data over your phone lines, and it's going to be two-way, and that yes, they're going to read your meter and everything through the power lines in your house, and that there'll be connectivity through the lines with sensors attached to the lines, using the lines as data conduits to then read your tracker chips.
Yeah, well, I mean, it's some kind of... it's a secondary signal.
It's not the actual telephone link-up that you get the information through.
Is that assuming that... No, no, no, sir, sir.
No, it's public.
It's public that they're going to use the phone lines for two-way data transmission lines.
Oh, yeah.
And then those will be hooked to secondary devices.
I don't know specifically about what you're... Well, anyway, what I was wondering was if the two, if the RFID chips could, and the technology with the broadband by power line could coincide to work together as, as, you know, if the, if the high line
I don't know.
I appreciate the call.
All I know is that they're putting up the radio readers right now and that system's real and they're trying to put it in the inspection stickers and then nationwide they also have another system that can track you from point to point and tax you just as readily and track you and surveil you just as readily and that is the license plate reading systems and remember three years ago
Remember three years ago?
Florida Town!
Every car that drives through Florida Town!
I forget the name.
We had their police chief on.
What a nut.
Let's get him back on.
I'm going to write a note right now.
Get Florida Police Chief back on.
It's a small town.
40,000 people.
I forget the name.
Florida Town.
And every car that comes in has the license plate scanned by the AI computer system, and it processes them.
Thousands of cars an hour come through on a major highway, and it scans everyone, and there's cops waiting for it to be blipped back to their car.
You go, good, that'll stop criminals.
Folks, the government is criminal.
Statistically, they're more criminal than anything else.
It's a gang with a flag.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Illinois.
Mike, go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Mike.
Good to talk to you here.
I'll tell you what, Alex.
Best wishes to you and your family in the first year.
My sister, Kellyanne Connell, and Leander, and everything else.
But, you know, you bring the message.
I mean, I can't even say enough.
You know, I sit here and you say it's documented, it is.
Go to your website, you find that out, and I'm kind of suffering from a little bronchitis here, so excuse me.
But anyways, I'll tell you what, you know, sometimes your voice, your, you know, tangents and everything kind of get to me, but I listen to you, and it's better to rush limbo, I'll tell you that for a fact.
And you tell them the truth.
I mean, things come across that are just, I mean, you can't argue with them.
And yes, this government is evil.
I mean, there's no two ways about it.
Rumsfeld, Bush, they need to go.
They need to be... I mean, you guys down in Texas talked about last news.
They need to make a big one for this one and plant a real big tree.
That's all I have to say on that one, but... What do you think the biggest news of the year is?
The biggest news is, I think there's members of Congress and Senate, Republican or Democrat, that are coming out saying, put the brakes on here.
Something's wrong.
Well, I think one of the biggest stories of the year, kind of an addendum to what you're saying, or a caveat,
Or supplement, is all these prominent economists from the Reagan administration and the current Bush administration and all these other prominent physicists, the head of the Star Wars program and physicist professors going public and saying 9-1-1 is an inside job and the government may carry out more terror attacks.
You know, if you don't, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you.
No, you go ahead.
But I'll tell you what, if the American people don't believe it happens, listen to Alex, listen to the people that come on the show, go to the websites and find out what's going on.
Because for one thing, the towers don't burn down because 5,000 degree, you know, whatever it is, diesel fuel that these jets, it doesn't happen.
I mean, you know.
Diesel burns at 12,000 to 1,500 and steel doesn't even wake until 3,000.
Yeah, you're very correct.
I mean, people don't even realize this.
I mean, it was very obvious the day it happened, you thought, okay.
Then the owner says he blew it up.
I mean, it's just not like it.
He flips up and goes, I blew it up.
Well, I didn't hear, you mean on number 7?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, we had to bring that one down because we had to make a new development.
That was a good one too, but I'll tell you what Alex, keep bringing the information out to the people.
We in Rockford, Illinois, the ones that I can get to and pass on the newsletter and stuff like that to, I do.
Because I'll tell you one thing, at times, I don't even want to listen to you because you've got a gruffy voice, but the thing is, the news is out there, and you bring it to us, and I appreciate it.
Because I'll tell you one thing, I'm a victim of what happens with
You know, Homeland Security.
I know it can happen.
Like I said, I'm a ham radio operator.
I've talked to you before on this.
And, uh, you know, this isn't a good thing.
This is America.
America needs to get out of their comfort zone.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate your call.
I'll try not to be as gruff then.
That's just what my voice sounds like.
And it's gotten more rough over the years, so I've got to be careful.
One day I will sound like Oscar the Grouch.
There, see?
Doesn't sound as gruff right now if I whisper.
By talking my normal loud voice, though, it starts sounding like that.
Masses of phone calls.
I'm getting my stride.
Masses of your phone calls.
When we come back, stay with us.
Tons of it.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Now we're learning that Colin Powell, the governor of New Mexico,
Ambassadors, you name it, all having the NSA spy on them.
Oh, political enemies being spied on by the Pentagon, by the NSA, the American people out at protest, conservative and liberal, having the army watch them domestically.
I mean, these are all classical, tell-tale, bedrock, real McCoy-certified signs of Grade A tyranny.
I mean, it just doesn't get any more hardcore.
This is classic.
A lot of tyranny right now in Russia.
I want to kind of parallel that to the changes in law and what's happening here.
And what's starting to develop.
And I also want to get into, there's a bunch of economic numbers coming out on housing and some other things we'll cover in the next hour.
But I am for the entire three hours today, and we're now 55 minutes in.
55 minutes after the hour, so we've got about two hours and five minutes left here.
That's exactly what we have left.
I want to continue to take your calls at 1-800-259-9231, and we are going to move quickly through these.
Let's go to Charles in Louisiana.
Charles, welcome.
Happy New Year, my friend.
This is the Charles that called in during Katrina and gave us daily reports.
Charles, how are you doing?
Oh, fine, so.
Well, I want to make a prediction.
I think the worst thing that happened in the United States was Katrina.
And I'm predicting that this time next year you'll have 30,000 homeless people here in Baton Rouge and out of scope.
It's already happening.
People are just homeless.
I don't know why we've got jobs here, but they won't take a job.
And they just don't want to work.
And I'll tell you... Well, that's more government social engineering for you.
And another thing about this spying, these governors have got to realize this government eats their own.
They will turn against us.
Charles, you've been listening for, I guess, about nine years.
How long have I talked about, how many of my videos cover the NSA spying on the American people?
And I'm not saying I even broke any news.
That's been known for decades.
But the New York Times slapping themselves on the back for reporting on one one millionth of the news?
I tell you, you've been, listen, you've been right.
Sometimes when I first heard you, I wish I could have proved you wrong.
Because it's been hard on me for nine years.
But you know what, Mr. Jones, I want to say something.
I get so tired of, he said, she said.
If somebody ain't man enough to check it out himself, he's got to go by what she said, he said.
He don't need to come on his air.
You know what I'm talking about?
You just need to say, well, just check it out yourself.
That's why I say, always, please, trust me, but verify it, because I want you to find out I'm telling you the truth.
I want you to know it.
And I want you to know they're a bunch of liars.
Well, I've been passing you tapes, and while I haven't, lately, since this storm's really been put a real damp on me.
But I sent tapes to hospitals.
Another day I gave a tape to a guy, he trains the firemen at LSU.
And he come back and he was just so amazed.
He said, I had to watch that tape three times to make it sink in.
This is unbelievable.
He said, can you get me some more?
I said, as soon as I run some more, I'm going to get you some more tapes.
But people that really, really take their time and look at this.
They try to prove it wrong and can't.
And that's why some woman, some guy calling up, my friend said, hey, there's too much evidence out there to question you.
You got it on tape, documented, and we got these people, these weak people's got to quit.
He said, she said, but there's evidence right there.
You put out, what, 11 tapes?
It's more than that now, yeah.
Well, listen, I'll tell you the truth, Mr. Jones, we're in trouble.
We're in trouble.
Look, they're buying guns.
Well, listen, Charles, you know that the PNAC boys said before 9-11, we need to have a staged attack to mobilize the people to invade Iraq, and the police stayed up.
I mean, they tell us.
Dick Cheney wrote a document saying Saddam is a threat, but we'll say he is.
But here's the thing, people, they've got to get some fight in them, Mr. Jones, to know and give the knowledge.
If they don't do nothing with the knowledge you give them, it's useless.
Do you understand?
People's got to get these tapes, they've got to get to their neighbors, they've got to form little meetings like we did down here, and that's what it is.
Inform the police department.
Hey, Charles, you know, I've got a bunch of callers lined up here, but I want to get... You'll stay with us one more minute when we start the next hour here in 70 seconds.
I want to get your comment on the armed troops confiscating guns.
Stay with us.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll-free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I really think one of the biggest events of the year was the U.S.
Regular U.S.
Going into middle-class neighborhoods that weren't even touched by water, that weren't even flooded, and going into people's houses and taking their guns, not rendering aid, taking their guns and leaving.
And to have mercenaries backing up the overall federal takeover.
Blackwater and many others.
And to have foreign troops involved in the support of that.
And then to just flaunt it.
To just flaunt it on NBC and ABC News and to show police grabbing old ladies and taking their guns.
It's wide open phones today, my friends.
It's Tuesday, the 27th day of December 2005.
Tons of news.
The economy, torture, morons spying.
Of course it's more widespread than they first told you.
They're congenital liars.
Every time they're caught, they try to minimize.
And the media goes along with it.
They're bought and paid for.
But we're going to be going back to your calls here right now.
Charles, in Louisiana, I've been asking what people think the biggest story of the year was here in the U.S.
or the biggest story internationally.
You were saying what happened with Katrina.
And I tend to agree with you.
I mean, just the gun confiscation alone, Bush saying he wants an end to positive commentators and foreign troops, all of it.
We know they took hundreds of thousands of guns, but we know they never gave them back.
Where is that right now?
Are people upset about that?
Let me explain.
I've got a friend of mine who's got a limousine service.
He's got two of these tour buses.
And I was pretty close on.
I was making three to four trips a day before they let me go to New Orleans.
And so we was taking people, still coming back, they're still rescuing people that they took their guns from.
And I would ask them, you know, why did you, nobody would, he said, well, they, they threatened us.
They threatened the shooters.
They threatened to shoot our families if we didn't give them the guns.
But here's the thing.
They didn't go into the ninth war, the danger zones.
They took the guns from the middle-class people.
Now there was shootings going on.
We know people who shot people who were trying to break in and all that.
But they wouldn't go into the criminal element and take the guns.
They took it just from the middle class people.
No, I know.
Understand, they let it break down for four or five days, bringing no aid.
Once it broke down in the inner city, which it'd break down anywhere where it had flooded, then they went into the dry areas and the million dollar houses, forgetting the middle class.
We're talking upper middle class.
They went into wealthy, affluent areas and just marched in.
People say, what?
My house is fine.
I mean, we're talking doctors and lawyers.
Oh, yes.
Even people who work for the city, people who are steeped in electricity, they wouldn't let them have guns.
They took guns from everybody.
Even their own.
They took guns from their own people.
I want the cops to know that.
I don't want to hear you don't want our guns and you wouldn't take our guns.
All the military training is to take our guns.
I've been there.
I videotaped it.
And New Orleans was a beta test and that's why FEMA jammed the police communications.
It's why they cut the power off.
It's why they did everything they did.
We have the proof.
They sabotaged it on purpose.
I don't know about blowing up levees, but I know they sabotaged it on purpose.
Well, I know about that because I talked to the police.
They were bringing water up there.
They said they had to relieve the pressure off the levees.
This is what I understand.
They had to relieve the pressure off the levees or it would have flooded out the French Quarter and all that.
Because the river runs all along the French Quarter and all that.
So, we have police officers and we have probation officers and others that said they saw the explosions.
Well, a woman got on television and told them they did it.
Oh, it's a conspiracy theory.
And when you find out, when it comes out, those people they shot, they're letting the bodies deteriorate.
I tell you, my son works for the hospital and they're guarding bodies right now.
I don't know if they're still guarding them.
But they shot a lot of people.
I want that on record though.
I've talked to other people I know who live in the area.
They told them, we're going to kill you and your whole family.
Come out right now.
This is the United States Army.
Turn your guns in or we'll kill your whole family.
All scummy military.
All scummy military.
They are scum, scum, scum.
I don't want to hear, well you better support the troops taking your guns.
I support them taking the guns.
They're a bunch of traitorous red coat trash.
Scum of the earth.
Anything else?
No, but thank God for what you're doing.
And don't worry about what he said, she said.
Those people don't check on nothing.
I support the military.
I turned my gun.
That Alex is bad.
He didn't turn his guns in.
He didn't tell them to mow his family down.
What kind of traitor is he?
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
And the behavior of our police is a reflection of our government.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Let me ask you a question.
There's this cult of, I support the military.
And they have one of those in Nazi Germany.
It didn't matter what Adolf Hitler did.
It didn't matter who he invaded.
It didn't matter how many lies he told or how many stories he changed.
It's just, well, you support our military, don't you?
You support the Reich, don't you?
Well, you're not with the dirty, low-down enemy, are you?
And we interviewed reporters who were in New Orleans, a whole bunch of them.
We had listeners who were in the area on.
We had rescue workers and EMS people on as guests.
And it's admitted, there were just a few shootings, a few drug heads running around looking for their fix.
After four or five days and no water or food being brought in, FEMA openly blocking it from good police and others that wanted to come in and help.
And then they just sent in the regular army, backed up by mercenaries and others, but the army did the actual dirty work, along with the police.
And so you have these units of police from all over the country, with the military, and they would go into the upper middle class areas.
I mean, 500,000 million dollar houses.
I mean, there are huge mansions in the video, the audio I'm about to play.
I played this last week before we left for the Christmas break, but here it is again.
And they got all these excuses.
Well, you know, we told them they could stay here, but they had to give us their guns.
Because, see, they were intimidated by the size of ours.
Our guns were bigger than theirs.
No, they were freaked out and upset because they knew this was Red Dawn.
You fool!
But listen, I've been to the Urban Warfare Training Drills.
None of this was by mistake.
They've been quietly, for at least the last 18 years or so, training units of Marines and Army to take your guns.
I've had police chiefs on, I've had members of Congress on, I've had emergency managers on, before 9-11 saying,
Well, Chief Phillipus, you know, why are you against Delta Force being here?
Well, I myself am former Army and Army intelligence at that, but they tried to bribe us and this is to condition the public for military takeover.
Well, Emergency Manager Sanchez, you're the Emergency Manager here in Kingsville.
Well, yes, I'm a Vietnam veteran myself and defended America, but I was brought into secret meetings and told this was PDD-25 for gun confiscation and I believe this is criminal and I'm resisting it.
And then you go on to the next police chief.
Police chief, uh, Mr. Compton, here in, uh, here in, here in Alice, Texas.
Were there foreign troops?
There are foreign troops involved, but I'm not at liberty to discuss them.
I'm a former DEA agent.
I mean, listen, I've been there when the Marines... Let me say this slowly.
You're supposed to get upset about this, folks, but I'll be calm.
I have been there when the Marines are training to take your guns.
They're not training for Bangladesh.
They're not training for the Horn of Africa.
They're not training for Timbuktu.
They're not training for Afghanistan or Iraq or Macedonia or Serbia or Bosnia or Herzegovina.
They are training for Austin, Texas.
They are training for Oakland, California.
They're training for Hebron, Maryland.
They're training for Goose Creek.
They're training for Swansboro.
They're training for all of these places.
And they're training to break you and your family up and take your guns.
And make no mistake, I said day one and that thing started flooding.
I said they're not going to bring in support.
They're going to let it fall apart.
I've seen it globalist a hundred times.
Do it.
They're going to bring in troops.
They're going to bring in foreign troops.
Oh yeah, sure they are Alex.
And a little more each time.
9-11, NATO aircraft and some foreign troops at airports assisting.
NATO aircraft scanning and surveilling is AWACS.
And then, oh, now we have the Mexican troops, you know, in 99, putting out forest fires.
And, oh, now Canadian troops and Mexican troops to quote the old American terrorists.
They signed the deal in 2002.
Then, 2005, Katrina hits.
And, oh, we gotta do it.
Oh, it's gotta happen.
I mean, do you see what they're doing?
And when I say the military that did that are the lowest trash on Earth, our military,
Going in, confiscating guns.
Going in at the first chance they get.
When it doesn't make them safe, it actually makes them in greater danger.
Going house to house, and threatening to kill American citizens.
And that's what they did.
They said, come out with your guns, we're going to open fire.
And there were gunshots, and there were eyewitnesses, and there were AP reports, where AP reporters are there, and a captain walks right over with his name tag visible.
They don't even hide it now, and says, I will kill you.
Just like we do in Iraq.
If you give out our intel, what we're doing, and then they watch them go on and start gun confiscating.
Somebody told that officer to say that!
Shedding the precedence, war gaming, in real life, taking your guns, and then going into the dry areas on the outside of town with major highways hooked up, open roads, people's homes, and it was the heads of hospitals, doctors, foremen of power plants, it was even police administrators
I mean, that's the craziness of this.
It hits even infrastructure people.
It was even on the news.
Well, what are you talking about?
We're a household full of nurses.
Police officers are standing there.
We're all standing there.
I'm sorry, we got orders to take your guns.
I mean, they're taking cops' guns, you buffoons.
This is the plan, you idiots.
And you will follow any order you're given.
You are scum.
You are the most un-American trash.
And let me tell you something.
I've got Rush Limbaugh's transcript here.
I've got the audio, but I'm not going to play this audio.
We've got links to it on Infowars.com.
Where he said last week, I'm sick of hearing about civil liberties, Abraham Lincoln came in and arrested everybody, and there was no habeas corpus, and that's freedom, and that's good.
I hear that all the time.
Well, we used to get tough and just execute everybody.
We had to put people in camps.
They're really trying to, they're really, it's a bluff, folks.
They're seeing how far they can get.
They're a bunch of crooks.
In the New World Order, just acting all official, wearing fancy uniforms and suits, here just telling us that they're the boss and we gotta do what they say, when they start taking people's guns.
When they start breaking into old ladies' houses and taking their guns and dragging them off because they want to reorganize that city, this was a huge training operation.
Let's play this clip and we'll go right back to your calls, Luis and Sam and Cal and Roger and Wyatt and everybody else that's holding.
But I want you to listen to this.
And I want you to know that when the suitcase nuke goes off, you're not going to get aid from the police and the military.
They're going to be there making sure you don't get aid every time we see it happen.
They're going to make sure you capitulate, just like the old UN plans and old government plans said.
They're going to shut off the food and water, block your cities, not let you get food, then make you line up and turn all your guns in to get food.
Remember decades ago?
Remember we were warning you about that?
Remember Mark Kornke talking about that?
Remember all these intelligence officers and people going public about all of that?
Again, Ron Paul has said it.
Paul Craig Roberts has said it on this show.
So many prominent people have come on here and said it.
I mean, this is the real danger.
Do you understand?
This can actually happen.
We can have a red terror here in America.
We can have a Nazi terror here in America.
We can have a politically correct terror here in America.
And it's always going to be a hunt down the evil Muslim that's hiding under every cupboard.
Why, that blew up Chicago in 07 or 06.
Why, we're looking for the terrorists that blew up the Golden Gate Bridge.
Why, we're looking for the terrorists that bombed Houston.
Why, we gotta do this.
We gotta do this for your own good.
And you're not going to be questioning that transponder going in your car to tax and trace and control you because the terrorist hit.
And we don't expose who's behind the terrorism.
They will pull it off.
They will do it.
It's part of their plan.
Do you understand what we're facing down?
And you think you're going to be safe going along with it?
The country's blown out.
The economy's blown out.
The currency's fiat.
They've changed the rules to take your pension funds.
They've changed the rules to take everything you've got.
They've just got to have enough of a trigger so you'll put up with it while they do it to you.
And that's called terrorism, boys and girls.
And at the first chance they get, you're going to go from first world status to third world status overnight.
And then the only jobs you're going to be able to get are surveillance chief, or machine gunner, or security guard, or jail guard, or camp guard.
And a lot of you are going to step and fetch it and join the system just so you can get your Halliburton check
When Halliburton and a handful of Bechtels and others take over the entire economy.
This is what the New World Order is.
America becoming a wartime economy.
America becoming the North Com War Zone.
And the entire economy being directly handed over to just a half dozen companies.
You want to be looted?
You want to be raped?
Get ready!
I want you to know when they're doing it that we're unable to stop them.
We may be able to.
They may not execute this plan if they think enough of you are awake.
This is life or death right now.
You know, I don't want to be proven right.
I don't want you a year from now, two years from now, three years from now, whenever they pull this off, to be going, my gosh, he was right, oh my gosh, he was right, oh my gosh, he was right.
Oh my gosh, he was right.
Look at it.
Half the college courses are on land security.
Look at it.
My daughter's dating one of them.
Look at it.
Oh my gosh, they're taking me in for questioning.
If I say I've done something wrong, which will create the illusion that I'm a terrorist, they'll let me go with only six months in a labor camp.
I guess I'll just say I'm guilty.
And they'll have an endless parade of people saying they're guilty.
This is happening to our country!
Go ahead and roll the ABC Nightly News piece.
That includes New Orleans, where today authorities stepped up their efforts to empty the city.
Bob Woodruff is there again tonight with an extraordinary human drama unfolding.
That's true, Elizabeth, and good evening from New Orleans.
Here the police and the National Guard find themselves in a very difficult position tonight to try to carry out an order to force people from the city without actually using force.
Today in New Orleans, they got a lot tougher on the holdouts.
Not only the flooded areas, but New Orleans' driest and wealthiest neighborhoods, too.
The police and National Guard going street by street, house to house.
We need to make sure, too, that whenever we knock on doors, people refuse to leave.
We need to make note, call again.
They say there are no orders to use force, just strong persuasion.
Sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn.
Instructions to disarm anyone inside.
You said guns will be taken?
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
That happened today in this wealthy neighborhood where homeowners had armed themselves to protect their mansions.
Residents were handcuffed on the ground.
In the end, police took their weapons but let them stay in their homes.
They were a little bit threatened because our weapons were bigger than their weapons.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
We're gonna play more later.
Cue it back up to about a minute ago and later after I take some calls I'll play it again.
But did you pick up all the lies?
Not using force.
Aiming guns at people, forcing them down on the video, and putting handcuffs on them.
And see they're telling you now that isn't force.
I guess next pumpin' six rounds in your head won't be force.
See, everything on ABC News, if you're watching the nightly news, that's actually written by an analyst, okay?
A sociologist, a psychiatrist, an ad exec.
They all look at it with all their training and write all of that to brainwash you.
I know that.
I know that's all government written, what you just heard.
And then they say, um, it's just, it's just a, everything they said there is a lie.
We'll be right back.
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You see, it's all incremental.
Who would have ever thought we'd be to a place in America where, oh, the troops are confiscating our guns.
But it's not force, they're just slamming you down and taking your guns.
I'm going to play that clip again later and just stop it each time and just analyze.
There are so many pieces of propaganda in it.
Let's move quickly now through your calls.
Thank you for holding.
Luis in San Francisco.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
You're doing a great job.
Listen, I got your bumper sticker on my car.
I'm trying to hopefully get more people to tune in to you.
Well, you're doing a great job.
If you turn that radio off, I'll be able to hear you.
Okay, let me turn it down.
One thing I was going to suggest is I know that you had Congressman Barr on a few weeks ago.
And he was talking under the premise that 9-11 was not an inside job.
But he was saying we're in danger of a dictatorship.
He won't go as far as Paul Craig Roberts and others.
Right, so what I was going to suggest is to get the point across to these people because what they say makes sense if the premise is that 9-11 wasn't an inside job when they say that the Patriot Act is legitimate because we do have to stop
Terrorist events like 9-11, you know?
I mean, it's kind of like... When you had the chief of police on who was saying that, well, maybe if the government doesn't take a microchip, it's okay, but they're operating under the premise that 9-11 was... Yeah, they're operating under the psychological foundation that it isn't an inside job.
Well, that police chief said, I am the government, and I'll force you to take a chip.
A complete lunatic.
Right, right.
And also, I was going to say, wow, if you could make another documentary video about what happened in New Orleans and what's going on,
That would be great, because I try to talk to people about it, but I don't have anything to really, uh, you know, like, like, Marshall... We're trying to bunch that in.
I got a new video coming out in a few months.
It should have already been out.
I'm just so busy.
And it's going to have different sections to cover different things, and that's going to be in it.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate your call, my friend.
Let's go ahead now and talk to, uh, who's up next here?
Sam in West Virginia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Sam.
Hey, brother.
How you doing?
Hey, the reason I called, I think you're right.
I think Katrina was the biggest story this year.
But I wanted to bring you something like that happened here locally.
And I want to read just a little section of a newspaper article here.
It said a 16-year-old boy, high school student, who threatened another Columbine, was arrested Tuesday, charged with making threats of terrorist acts a felony.
I see articles all the time where they're, quote, charging them under the Patriot Act for making threats.
And again, we have existing laws, more than enough to punish people.
We have that.
What is it about the Patriot Act?
It takes due process out of the mix.
Well, the thing I would get at is, this is a front page of our local newspaper.
And while they're in a pretty decent sized town, there's probably about 25,000.
That's pretty big for West Virginia.
In this area, in this newspaper, they get this newspaper, and to charge a 16-year-old with a terrorist act over alleged comments he made, I thought was a little bit severe.
They're already programming people here to accept this kind of... Sir, they have arrested and charged people with terrorism who have no criminal records, who wrote fiction articles in the class,
About zombies attacking a fictitious high school, didn't even list the high school, and they charged him with terrorism.
I mean, that is thought crime.
Oh, yeah.
I've been listening to you for, well, since 2001.
So, yeah, I listen to you about every day, Alex.
Also, the guy that called earlier about RFID in the phone lines and stuff.
We are on an electric co-op.
I live in the country.
We have three neighbors on an entire road.
And it used to be you had to go out and read your own meter.
And you send it in every month to be charged for what you use.
They came out and changed the meter heads, and now they have a transmitter in them.
Yeah, a radio reader that's on your meter.
Right, and it transmits itself.
So, I mean, this stuff is already happening.
No, that's in my neighborhood.
That's on my house.
Yeah, no, it's already going in.
People are just pointing their fingers, oh, it never happened here.
It's happening now.
Well, that's the thing.
People say, well, can this transmission of data over lines be used to interface?
It doesn't matter.
They're putting readers up to read the RFID in your inspection sticker.
I mean, there's no debating it.
It's now happening.
It's not like, hypothetically, how are they going to do it.
It's being put in now.
You're absolutely right.
And those people out there, because I've come in contact with people that when I give them your tapes, and I've made, I don't know how many hundreds of tapes, and I've read the tyranny.
God bless you.
Keep it up.
People you get into and they'll say, yeah, you know, this is great.
I never knew about it.
And there's others, you know, they'll like, they'll shirk it off like it's nothing.
Just, you know, wipe the dust from your feet and go to the next guy.
Don't waste your time with that person because there's plenty of people out there that are receptive, that will listen to you.
And Alex, you give us a lot of the tools we need to show people and I really commend you.
I think, you know, you do a lot more than you really need to because, you know,
Maybe, I'd like to see you spend a little more time with your family, personally.
I've been doing that, actually.
Well, now, I mean, lately you have, but I mean, I can tell during the summer months, especially when you get frustrated, just break off, man.
You're a human being just like the rest of us.
Take some time off.
Well, God bless you.
I appreciate those kind words.
I hope you had a great Christmas.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with more of your calls.
We're going to move really fast now.
I'm getting moving here.
And I want to play that clip and just stop it and make comments, just point by point, because there's so many.
But we'll do that if we take calls and we'll get into the economy and the year in review and a lot more.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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This isn't a joke.
It isn't a game.
It's not a simulation.
This is real.
Criminals are in control of our government.
They're using high-tech, 21st century science fiction technologies of advertisement.
You know it as propaganda, manipulation, mind control, to incrementally condition us.
I mean, look, I'm even getting conditioned.
All these big public officials and plentiful microchips are good.
You're bad if you don't take one.
You gotta have one to prove you're a good person.
Sean Hannity.
Tommy Thompson.
People on 60 Minutes.
I mean, so many shows.
The Chipsons.
Oh, gun confiscations.
If there's a disaster, we've got to do it.
It's non-violent to put a gun in your face and threaten to kill you if you don't give your guns up.
And then to sit on you and put handcuffs on you.
That's not using force.
It's just all double-speak.
Everything is.
Meanwhile, the border stays wide open.
And Bush is pushing for total amnesty.
And all of our roads are about to be, all of our major roads are about to be turned into toll roads that track us.
I mean, this is happening!
This is happening!
And I'm sorry I get upset!
I cannot articulate how serious all of this is.
We're about to take a bunch of calls.
I want to hear what you think the biggest story of the year was.
The biggest loss of liberty.
The positive things that happened as well.
I mean, I could mention a few of them.
We've had, on the bad side, Katrina and FEMA openly sabotaging things, and folks, that doesn't mean the levees.
Let's just say we don't know what happened with that.
I smell a big, fat, dirty rat, but let's just... FEMA admittedly jammed communications as the storm hit.
FEMA admit, which shows us they knew something was going to happen, which ties into the levees.
But let's just ignore that.
Just ignore it.
We have three
Parish sheriffs and another emergency manager of New Orleans saying that they had to guard transmission towers for the police because FEMA was cut literally in special ops outfits, climbing fences, cutting them.
Imagine, you find commandos slithering around in the mud with table cutters and you run out there with your officers and it's FEMA.
All over the state they caught them.
They even caught them in other states.
Here's the problem with something like that.
I mentioned that, and it actually took ten page articles to just each line, a hyperlink, where it was admitted.
So hundreds of admissions, so it doesn't even do justice to even mention that, but you should go to the website of Udatus and read the articles we put together with all the links to the admissions and the video clips and all of it.
So, on the bad side, we had New Orleans set up as a beta test
To train the public to accept troops engaging the American people working with the police.
We had four psychological testing passed nationally.
We had national ID cards passed, which had already been implemented, but now it's official.
Through your driver's license.
We had just all over the country emergency management centers that were former military bases merging the police with the military under FEMA control.
We even had an emergency management head on who's out there creating the local Homeland Security Tattletale squads in Knoxville last week.
Re-aired yesterday.
And you know there he was admitting that I made that description of the FEMA command center.
He said yeah that's what the emergency management centers are tracking all of you in real time according to your cell phones.
We had
All the spying come out.
I mean, is that good or is that bad?
I mean, it just shows they're flaunting it.
And now, of course, they admit it's spying on governors and, you know, the heads of the Department of State and just spying on everything.
And they admit it's, they say, thousands of times worse.
It's really millions of times worse.
They're randomly scanning everything every day.
That's been declassified.
I mean, this stuff's declassified 15, 20 years ago, depending on what declassification.
And then, again, some idiot at the New York Times is an operative themselves, who held up this story for a year, will give you one one-millionth of it and be hailed as the greatest journalist since sliced bread for writing one article a month, little lazy thumb-sucking government agents.
When we write articles every day, do radio shows, make films, run around thumbing at the mouth trying to fight this, because we're getting hit from every side here.
It's like being in a command base.
You've got just every gun you can imagine aiming at your position.
Explosions all around you.
And the general public hasn't even figured out there's a war yet, ladies and gentlemen.
Alright, see I've already overheated there.
The point is, is that the good, the bad, the ugly of 2005 needs to be talked about here.
On the 27th of December.
And we'll do this throughout the week.
We do have a lot of guests coming up.
But right now, let's go back to your calls.
I mean, there's so many bad things that happened.
There's so many good things that happened.
I've never seen more people wake up than are waking up right now.
But at the same time, I mean, it's just, we've seen guns, 50-cals banned, ammo banned period in LA, above .40 caliber, all guns banned in San Francisco.
Governor Pataki successfully suing gun manufacturers if he has one win with that new state law they passed letting that happen.
It's over for our guns.
The average conservative has no idea that's even happening.
We beat the assault weapons ban this year.
That was incredibly good news.
But Bush has ordered the bureaucracy to still basically follow that.
And I had Bob Barr on two weeks ago to say Bush has been more anti-gun than Clinton.
And he's on the NRA board, folks.
We have seen just so much this year.
I mean, I'm looking for you to bring up points I haven't brought up.
Let's go ahead and
Talk to Cal in San Francisco and then Wyatt and others.
Go ahead, Cal.
How you doing, Alex?
I want to talk about a couple things really quickly that you brought up.
Are you on speakerphone?
Not anymore.
You mentioned the Pope.
I just want to give a quick 30-second history of what happened.
John Paul I was an Italian Cardinal in 1978 and was the favorite to be Pope.
Now, at the time, there was a Catholic ban on Freemasonry.
Now, he was going into the
The election, he said, don't vote for me, because I'm going to uncover corruption that needs to be brought to the light.
And 33 days later, he died.
John Paul II is inserted into the papacy, and Ratzinger was his right-hand man all along.
He's pretty much, he was Dick Cheney.
Yeah, Hutton Gibson wrote a book about that, and Hutton Gibson filled me in, and supposedly Ratzinger is as evil as it gets.
And he was a member of the Hitler Youth.
I know, and they arrest you in England if you talk about it or say he's bad.
Not England, in Italy.
You are not allowed to talk about Ratzinger and the Hitler Youth in Italy.
I mean, where's freedom of speech, folks?
See, they use laws to stop Nazism to stop you from exposing Nazis.
How's that for all the dumb liberals out there that are for all this free speech destroying hate speech stuff?
But the thing I want to mention is John Paul II with Ratzinger as his right-hand man overturned the official Catholic ban on Freemasonry.
Just a little tie-in.
Well, I'll say this for the Protestants, the Church of England, the Bishop of Canterbury...
Their head bishop openly has druid ceremonies at Stonehenge and is a high-level druid engaging in satanic rites.
And I've got video and photos of it in my new film, The Order of Death.
I mean, they don't even hide it.
Can you imagine the head of the Protestant Church in England openly devil-worshipping?
I mean, it's just totally ridiculous.
All these denominations have been totally taken over.
And I want to move on quickly.
You said spying.
You're talking about spying, but the obvious question is who is orchestrating the spying and why is there no oversight on them?
Seems a little bit corrupt.
And if anyone's actions need to be monitored, it's the people that are actually doing the spying.
Well, and of course, they're not tracking when you look at where these wiretaps went.
It's not Muslims.
It's not overseas.
It is Colin Powell, Bill Richardson.
It is
Ambassador Wilson, it is an enemies list and it's always been that way.
Most of it is economic spying against economic competitors in this country to the globalists being given to them so they know what's happening.
They're one step ahead in business.
That's what NSA is really all about.
I appreciate your call.
Anything else?
Good to hear from you.
I appreciate it.
Just a great caller.
Since he mentioned it, here it is.
Pope urges unity against terrorism.
And how do you do that?
Why, with the New World Order.
Pope Benedict, in his first Christmas address, and the guy actually was wearing a Santa Claus hat earlier this week, on Sunday urged humanity to unite against terrorism, poverty, environmental blight, and called for a, quote, New World Order to connect economic imbalances.
Correct economic imbalances.
The poet made his comments to tens of thousands of pilgrims gathered under umbrellas in a rainy St.
Peter's Square for his Oubre et Oubre, to the city and the world, message and blessing.
And he said we must unite humanity under a new world order.
That will fix all our problems, yes.
Just like a bucket of cyanide drinking a bucket of cyanide will cure you of a headache because you'll be dead.
Just like legalizing all the illegal aliens will end the illegal alien problem.
Yes, Bush, me agree.
It will end the problem.
It's like if we legalize murder tomorrow and call it Humpty Dumpty, we won't have murder anymore because we changed the name.
It's like police slamming families down at gunpoint, taking their guns, saying, we're not using force.
We're just lawlessly slamming you down with regular Army and National Guard employees.
The caller brought up a lot of good points.
I don't go to church, because every church I go to is basically New World Order.
Tex Mars had church for a while.
I've been to that a few times.
That was pretty good.
I like Tex, but he only has that once a month.
I've been to Baptist churches and you go in and they tell you that the New World Order is good and turn your guns in.
They really have that locally here in Austin.
They have UN Day at the Baptist churches.
I've been with friends to give their Catholic churches the same thing.
I've been to Anglican churches.
I've been to Methodist churches.
It's just, it's tripe.
It's hollow nothingness.
And then all these denominations want to fight with each other and say, they've got the answer.
No, we've got the answer.
Frankly, I found New World Order control over every group.
And if you don't know about it, you really should find out.
The Catholics are controlled.
The Protestants are controlled.
The Mormons have got Globalist more and more in control.
The Seventh-day Adventists.
Everything I look at!
And I don't care if that makes some of you mad.
That's why I don't have a show.
I have a secular show.
By secular, I mean I just cover the news.
And if it shows our leaders are devil worshippers, I'll cover it, because that's the news.
I mean, people, atheists say, why do you cover this?
I don't believe in that.
Even if you don't believe in God, the New World Order does.
You know, I'm reporting on that.
I happen to believe in God, and all the evidence I see out there only proves and verifies what's happening.
But I'm not going to get into some debate about the dominations.
Obviously, the older and the bigger something is, the more chances are it will have entropy and be corrupt.
But there are good people in all these groups.
I know good Baptists, I know good Mormons, I know good Catholics, I know good... But it doesn't matter.
Every time I look at the leadership of these groups, it's just New World Order.
And that's what the New World Order does, folks.
They take over organizations.
They found organizations.
All right, now I'm ranting.
Wyatt in Maryland, you're up next.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead, Wyatt.
Hi, Alex.
Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year to you and your family and all the listeners.
Thank you, my friend.
As far as the least reported story, I would say that the truth is the least reported story on national news networks.
We don't get anything.
What we get from you
Is the real truth, and we don't get any of that.
So that's the under-reported story.
The biggest story, I would say, is still 9-11.
The fact that no one is covering it in the major news media, all the evidence that's been uncovered.
The second is the military operation called Katrina, which it was.
It was a huge FEMA
It was Operation Garden Plot, what was going on.
It was a giant Rex 84 garden plot, table splicer, takeover drill.
I mean, when you have Donald Rumsfeld down there at the hurricane site, then you know it's a military operation.
So, as far as the future goes, who knows exactly what the future holds, but I can only predict that it's going to get worse.
As far as their efforts to step up the brainwashing of America for accepting tyranny and more invasion on your privacy.
Now, I drive a sedan limousine.
I had two airline pilots in my car, and they had a newspaper in the back, and they're reading it, and one pilot mentioned, he's been a pilot for 35 years, he says, oh, he says, this newspaper is horrible, it's a liberal sun paper, is what it is.
He says, uh, Colin Powell, they're taking everything out of context, what Colin Powell said.
And I said, well, I'm not familiar with that story, I haven't read it yet.
He says, oh, it was about the spying, it's Colin Powell's being spied on.
And so I got into a little bit about it.
And I said, what I believe Colonel Tao is coming out with, and all these other people talking in the high-ranking government, they're the good cops.
Don't worry, I get spied on.
No, he's saying it's good.
Don't worry, we all get spied on.
It's freedom.
No, no, yeah.
Yeah, he's a good cop.
And so it's just political.
It actually helps Bush with Republicans.
Don't worry, it's only on Richardson, that evil Democrat.
So I kind of brought that out, and he said,
Uh, so what do you think about this plan?
He said, oh, I think it's cool, whatever they gotta do.
And I'm thinking, my God, it's just so pervasive in the mindset of American citizens.
Uh, whatever we want to do.
And I think what it is is because they don't know the truth.
They don't understand the truth.
No, I'll tell you what it is, and you're partially, I mean, you're totally right, but just another added dimension to that.
They judge the world according to themselves.
Probably a veteran, you know, good guy, goes and plays golf, got a nice life.
His world's good.
You know, he'll probably die of cancer from a vaccine he took, but he'll never figure that out.
His kids will probably die from it too, but ah, so what?
And so, you know, he's probably got an autistic kid, because he gave him all the shots, but ah, whatever.
But the point is, is that, you know, he's sitting there, and so because he's not evil,
He's very limited.
His scope is very telescopic.
It's tunnel vision.
And so he just doesn't know history.
He doesn't know facts.
He doesn't know there are hundreds of official U.S.
government documents where they admit they blew up school buses, bombed, carried out attacks, and planned other attacks, bombed ships with our own people on it, over and over again.
And you could show him that, and then he might wake up.
Well, I think that the anti-war movement is growing because whenever you see the opposition, George Bush and Crewe, whenever you see the Clintons pile on and say the war is good, then you know that you're having an effect on the situation.
It's unbelievable.
Alex, I'll let you go.
They've got a lot of callers.
God bless you and keep up the good work.
Let me just say that you've been listening for about nine years too.
You sent me video of Hebron, Maryland where you had Marines march up and say, turn your video cameras off.
We're just standing on the street corner.
That's correct.
With machine guns aimed at you, or aimed in your direction, this is America.
Why don't you, for people, the footage you shot is in Police State 2000.
For people that doubt this, we knew about this in 98.
Why don't you explain it to them?
Well, what happens is, at night time, when they're going to shoot some video, the police came over.
Actually, that was Sheldon Isaacs, that piece of video right there.
No, no, you were there with the cameras at one point.
Well, he was, the sheriff's department, the local sheriff's department and the military came up on him and told him,
What is he doing here?
What business is he doing?
See, they just can't wait to take our guns.
But the point I'm getting at is for people that... I've been accused of staging all that video.
I've been accused of staging... Oh, no.
God, no.
You'd have to be a billionaire.
One other thing.
During that day, I was driving around the town and I was by some green elevators and there's kids in the video that are on bicycles.
They had them as spies.
Yes, they were spies.
They came down, and I met them on a small side road, and I stopped them, and I said, I said, hey kids, I said, listen, you know, these Marines are in here, this is your neighborhood.
I said, what do you think?
That's just terrible.
I said, they're trying to take guns away from people, and mock operations, and mock setups.
I said, do you want them to take your guns so you can't go hunting?
And you can't do whatever it is that you want to do?
And I said, why don't you tell them that the insurgents are down here by the green mill?
And see what they say.
So when they left, I was driving around, and the Marines were following me!
Because they went back and told the Marines what I said.
You know what?
Stay there.
Stay there, Wyatt.
I want to hear more about this, because I remember you telling me at the time, and folks, there's video of them in your town training to send 10-year-olds to turn in your parents' guns.
And now you see it in New Orleans.
I mean, this isn't a joke!
It's all for you!
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This is why I've been freaking out so long.
Imagine, I've been all over the country.
Texas, California, you name it.
And imagine, you're just up in say, Belton, Texas, an hour north of Austin.
Army walks over.
Army soldiers that say, Special Forces, on their shoulders.
And they say, turn your camera off.
And they're busy there with local school kids, splattering fake blood on them, telling them that homeschoolers are going to kill them.
I mean, the literal Soviet-style re-education camp brainwashing going on, and, you know, teaching all the kids in Belton that Americans are evil terrorists, and here are the actual terrorists.
I mean, here is what George Washington would have said, there is the enemy, right there.
And here are these idiot military people.
I mean, they would literally throw their kids into furnaces in order to do so.
They would bow down to Anton LaVey if they were told to.
I mean, these people just have no compass.
No moorings.
They're just totally dumbed down idiots.
And yeah, that happened.
I talked to the crew, the three guys that were up there in Hebron, and we have a video of it.
Imagine troops walking over and you're on the side of the street and going, turn your camera off, boy.
We don't like it.
And the local police chief.
And they're there training to take the town over in America.
Wyatt, finish up your story.
So the kids didn't listen to you.
They ran back and ran back to the US Marines
And uh... and uh... reported on you and then you have those guys in plain clothes we have video in the film started following you.
Uh... what happened was uh... I told them they were uh... the Marines had taken them into their confidence and I guess whatever they told them I have no idea but the kids went back and reported what I said that the insurgents would be at the grain mill at the grain at the elevators and um... they so uh... believe it or not Alex they actually
Went there.
The Marines actually put a squad out to go to the grain elevators, and you heard gunshots.
In other words, they're using their guns that they use with the stop at it.
I don't know what it's called.
Which was kind of interesting.
But when I was leaving, when I was driving through the town, the Marines are pointing at me.
Like, like, that's the guy, that's the guy.
And then a couple of, they didn't get in their car and follow me.
I thought they were going to, but they started pointing at me like I was the guy that said this or whatever it was.
I'm the guy that they have to look at.
But one follow-up story.
I went two days before where they had the public and press there to discuss the situation, what was going to happen in Heaven, Maryland.
And the Marine captain was there and the lieutenants were there and they're the ones that were conducting the PR to the press and to me.
Well, I was very boisterous and I said, this is terrible, this is un-American.
I said, you have military bases to practice on and on and on and on.
Well, there was a gunny sergeant up against the wall just standing there.
So when I went down there on a Saturday, I got out of my car and walked up to the little town hall that they were taking over.
And the gunny sergeant comes out and says to me,
Hello Mr. Rogers, how are you today?
Very intimidating, which is kind of interesting because I haven't talked to him, but they knew who I was.
No, he wants to be in America!
He wants guns, he wants hell on earth, he wants the destruction of everything this country is, and that piece of filth thinks he's the good guy.
Right, well they had a video crew there, a military video crew, filming all that, and everything.
God bless you and keep up the good work.
No, God bless you and good job to you, Wyatt.
Just an amazing individual.
See the footage you shot in Police Day 2000.
By the way, and then you see the footage we shot in Oakland, California and in South Texas and all over.
Witness it.
Witness them with role players saying, I'm an American, please no, not the camp.
Just so you know how to behave yourselves when you're going to the camps.
I hope you'll go to Infowars.com to order off the Secure Online Shopping Cart.
We're extending all the specials and the sales until the first of the year.
We also have deals where you get almost, what, six months free when you get a yearly subscription to presentplanet.tv.
That's going to the first of the year, too.
We'll be right back with a third hour.
Stay with us.
This broadcast is available on MP3 CD format at GCNLive.com or call toll free 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Man, I tell ya, it's been a rip-roaring broadcast so far.
We're going to have wide open phones in this third hour.
We're going to take a lot of your calls at 1-800-259-9230.
It is Tuesday.
It feels like Monday.
It is the 27th day of December 2005.
We're going to be taking your calls again for the rest of this hour, the next 59 minutes.
The websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.tv, all updated for you daily, even updated over the weekend for you, thanks to the great work of my crew.
And I will get into the economy, I will get into the expanding spy scandal, nothing new to our listeners, just the second phase of the whitewash as they admit that it's
Spying, basically, on all of us.
They're just setting the precedent.
Yes, we spy on you.
We're going to start using this in court now.
All crime is terrorism.
The troops are here to take your guns.
Everything's okay.
I want to get more into the move by our government to prepare the forces to take our guns.
That is their real desire.
They can really have fun with us then.
And there is just so much more today I want to cover on the economic front.
We will cover it all in the next 58 minutes.
Let us now go ahead
And go to, what is it, Steven New York.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I have a question for you that I've actually been struggling with just to ask you.
And I guess this is a question that all of us feel deep inside after what you spoke about New Orleans.
And that is, what would have happened if the folks at New Orleans were being thrown down into the dirt and having their guns taken?
What if they said no?
And set no one away that by all means necessary if you catch my drift.
Yeah, like Malcolm X said.
Well, look, I think it's their right when criminal troops in violation of the Constitution are trying to come into their homes and bar them from the right to protect themselves.
They were a criminal gang.
I mean, you know, if a cop saw...
Off duty, out raping women.
Should women submit to him because he's a god cop?
And look, the courts later said that was illegal, what they did, but they never even gave the guns back and the military just ignored it.
So, purely rogue and criminal.
But I'll tell you this, a lot of houses refused and said, come on in, I got my guns.
And then they backed off.
No, they would kick down doors, yell, scream, cuss, tackle people.
Who would submit to them?
And then, okay, now you can stay.
So those people who said no got to keep their weapons?
Yeah, this was all a beta test to test the military, to test the police.
They had units of cops from all over the country in there with them to create the cadres and to find out who hates America and who will slit this country's throat.
And for just the scum of the earth, lowest bottom feeding, rat pieces of trash, un-American, George Washington hates you.
You know, for those type of people, they're going to be moving up the chain of command.
They are just the lowest life forms.
I couldn't agree with you more there.
I know the NRA and perhaps a couple other gun groups did file an injunction.
Yeah, they had to do a milquetoast deal because their members were revolting.
At first the NRA was like, what's wrong with gun confiscation?
We're a government front group.
But then their members just convulsed like a buck and bronco and they had to do something.
All well and good.
Now, what can we do to make sure that
This isn't going to happen again, legally.
I know the NRA said that they would do everything... We have a rogue government, sir.
It doesn't matter whether it's Bill Clinton or George Bush or Hillary Clinton or Arnold Schwarzenegger.
They want your guns, and the gun groups are going to cover that up, most of the big gun groups.
And it's just the whole program moves forward, and it just gets down to the point of where the police will find out.
And look, they cancelled it after five days of New Orleans.
People were shooting back.
There were a bunch of gun battles.
They killed a bunch of people.
They've covered it up.
That's been confirmed.
I've talked to emergency workers that were there.
It's one of the biggest cover-ups out there.
And they had to back off.
It didn't work.
It didn't work too good for them.
Some of the gun grabbers did get their just deserts back.
Well, there were some gun battles.
We know people were refusing.
We know it didn't work.
We know some of the military wasn't complete scum and said no.
And we know some of the cops weren't complete scum and said no.
The cops were victims of this, apparently.
Yes, they were victims, yes.
Off-duty cops had their houses raided, too, by the goon idiots.
Anything else, sir?
No, sir.
You covered it all.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, Steve.
I mean, look, people, we need to stop putting perfume on a pig.
Everybody goes, well, Alex gets a little extreme.
The news is extreme!
What's happening is extreme!
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Government is not God.
Government doesn't own us.
More often than not, governments go bad and it's called tyranny.
They've got lots of propaganda and flowery platitudes to explain to us why they're doing it.
It's always for our own good.
But it's always when they go bad because a ruling elite wants to squeeze their population, wants to feed on them, because they're greedy and because they don't like anyone being independent or free.
And they always have a well-oiled, well-taken-care-of, lapdog enforcer group of corrupt police that will do whatever they're told, whenever they're told.
And one of my friends here at the office who works here was just mentioning about the big graduating class a few years ago of cops.
How many of you can say Intel Officer?
It's admitted that Defense Intelligence and the CIA and other agencies have officers in every major department.
Even in small departments, they have this deal where they run former FBI agents, former DEA agents, former CIA agents.
I mean, where aren't there sheriffs and police chiefs that aren't?
And then all the smack and all the flake and all the goodies can flow through and everybody can be happy.
I mean, it's just a mafia!
And even the low-level cops, you know, they have the shirts that say, join our gang when they're out recruiting.
It's just mindlessness.
And I'm not saying the cop out giving tickets is bad or the cop, you know, most of you out helping old ladies change tires or when people's houses get robbed, most of you.
Are just there to be called, to follow orders, to drag somebody off when you're told.
And now you're being trained to be with the military.
Now you're being trained to confiscate guns.
Now you're being trained to follow policy, not the Constitution.
None of you have read the Constitution.
If it's so important, why do you swear an oath to it?
And now they're just saying, oh, we're giving the local military base to the police department in San Antonio, but we're going to merge it
In with the National Guard, and the local Air Force, and the MPs, and there's going to be a CIA liaison officer there in the building, and we're going to have all the big threat charts, and a federal hotline, and hooked into Homeland Security.
How's that sound?
Oh, that sounds real good!
And now we're going to go out, and we're going to recruit hundreds of locals to spy on people, to fight terrorists!
We're all for that!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Okay, all crime is terror.
I mean, I had one of them on last week.
Yes, all crime is terror.
Yes, we're going to fight crime.
And then we have, imagine, going to school, getting recruited by the CIA.
We're going to put you in deep cover in a police department.
We're going to fast-track you into a police chief position.
How does that sound?
Hey, you like that mistress I gave you the phone number for?
It's a good life, isn't it?
You're not defending freedom.
Well, we deserve a little fringe benefits.
You know, we work longer hours.
I'm sick of all you people.
And again, all of this is what, look, they've got all their corruption, they've got their power, the big boys own and run almost everything.
Why do they, why are they so hell-bent on putting even more in and building more prisons and setting up the kill switches in all the cars, you know, the new cars coming out and the transponders and all of it?
Why are they doing this?
Because they got horrible stuff planned for us!
Because they know you're gonna scream bloody murder when they jab ya!
When they put you in the squeeze chute.
They know, folks, they openly say they're going to take your pension funds, they're going to take your 401Ks, they're going to take your stock market, they're going to take everything you've got.
And they know as you flinch and scream and beg, they've got to have their enforcers in line to keep you in line as they do it.
As they suck this country dry.
That's the open plan.
And I'm sorry.
I didn't make it that way.
I didn't... I don't control it.
People tell me, Alex, why is it so negative?
Why is it so tough?
You know, why is it... Because it's what they say they're going to do.
They say it.
They call you stupid.
They call you cattle.
They call you slaves.
They have actual white papers at the CFR and Trilateral Commission that are public.
They publish them.
Calling you stupid slaves.
Calling us barbarians.
And let me tell you, these cops for $40,000 a year, they'll break up families, they'll put you in FEMA camps, because it's not just the money.
A lot of them are going to like strutting around and being Praetorian guards, being gods, god men, upper class rulers.
And we're just going to be a bunch of scum, folks.
And most Americans won't even know it.
They'll just have their baubles and their little toys.
They've got to have to feel like they're official and powerful.
We'll just be a big giant third world cesspool.
And it just tears my guts out to see this happening.
And to realize it.
So I'm going to play the clip one more time.
And what I'm going to do this time is every time I say stop it, pause it.
And I want to comment on each section of these lies, and then we're going back to your calls and into the news.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
We cannot allow ourselves to become conditioned to the point of where, oh, another official ordered all of his people that work at the Justice Department to take implantable chips.
Oh, another national talk show host said we should all be forced to take them.
I mean, this is a daily occurrence now.
Oh, there's another FEMA camp they're building.
Okay, they admit there's camps for us.
You know, here it is in the Oregonian.
Here it is in the AP.
Oh, if you criticize the government, they're going to put you in a camp.
Oh, they're... I mean, these are real news articles!
Go read them!
I mean, this is out of control!
Just hidden in plain view!
Oh, the Pentagon's watching you!
But here, we'll tell you about a little bit of it first to condition you, and then dribble out a little bit each day for the next five years so you get to where you just turn off when you hear it.
I mean, you know, I get newscasts where they're confiscating the guns, families down in the dirt, in areas high and dry, just the troops there to take your guns.
And then I know those very troops have been training for years to do it here in America!
They don't just tell them it's for Iraq, they say it's for here!
And then I see the news.
Listen to the first thing.
They say, without using force, kicking down doors, slamming people down, yelling at them, intimidating them to give up their guns.
And then letting them stay there after they've been disarmed so if there are any looters, they can be raped and killed.
Now imagine this.
Imagine this.
Ten miles away from the flooding, out in the outskirts of Louisiana, of New Orleans, in Louisiana.
And they're stomping her, and just listen to all the psychology.
Listen to all the points in this piece.
This is force.
This is the ultimate force of confiscating guns, physically.
And then the giggling laugh of, they're intimidated and upset because ours are bigger than theirs.
They're intimidated and upset because you are the most disgusting
Abomination to America?
I could imagine some military-garbed mercenary goon, that's all you are, you joined for money, sitting there cramming a machine gun and threatening someone to give up their guns.
When someday it's going to be your mama, your daddy, it's going to be you.
When I guarantee you these troops had grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers that fought for this country, who would have heart attacks on the spot?
To see this, I mean this is, this is the most, I'm doing these boys a favor calling them scum.
People out there going, well that's just the troops, well I don't like it, but we gotta do it.
I mean I've heard you people, well I guess we just gotta turn them in.
I just support troops no matter, would you support them if they were sticking your hand in the blender?
Would you support, I mean, this is tyranny boys and girls!
Go ahead and roll it.
That includes New Orleans, where today authorities stepped up their efforts to empty the city.
Bob Woodruff is there again tonight with an extraordinary human drama unfolding.
That's true, Elizabeth, and good evening from New Orleans.
Here the police and the National Guard find themselves in a very difficult position tonight to try to carry out an order to force people from the city without actually using force.
So, number one, again, not using force, and oh, they're in a difficult position, the poor little, the poor little things.
And by the way, we got reports, it continued, the gun confiscation continued after the federal court order.
They just, it's criminal!
I mean, since when does Rumsfeld follow any court order?
Stop torturing!
No, I'm not going to stop torturing!
Stop doing this!
No, I'm not going to stop doing this!
And remember, they wouldn't bring aid to people, they would just come confiscate your guns.
That's what you can count on.
That's the help you can count on.
Go ahead and roll it.
Today in New Orleans, they got a lot tougher on the holdouts.
Police department, anyone home?
Not only the flooded areas, but New Orleans' driest and wealthiest neighborhoods too.
Police department!
The police and National Guard going street by street, house to house.
Stop right there.
And again, every military study I've read, every law enforcement study I've read, and I've read a lot of it, everybody knows guns in the law-abiding hands keep you safe.
Criminals are just going to stash them and sneak around at night.
They knew in the Million Dollar Houses area that it wasn't.
It was about with that film crew, they were ordered by PSYOPs to show that.
If there was danger to the police and the other gob creatures, the military, from the third-class scum citizens, it was them going around taking guns.
Let me just give the police a buzz flash here.
You start going around trying to do that over the rest of the country, and by the way, they did run into resistance.
One out of a hundred resist you.
Your force will be decimated overnight, you idiots.
Just keep rolling, and it makes me sick.
We need to make sure, too, that whenever we knock on doors, people refuse to leave.
We need to make note, call again.
They say there are no orders to use force, just wrong persuasion.
Yeah, if they don't turn them in, call in a team.
And they call in the military SWAT team.
Oh, there's no force!
Do you hear that?
They keep saying there's no force.
There's no force.
We're going to SWAT team you and swarm you with guns and scream and cuss at you and stomp on you and put handcuffs on you in the fire ant dirt in front of your house at your million dollar home.
See, nobody's safe, folks.
But this isn't force.
This is not an assault.
We are not attacking you.
It's like Waco.
This is not an assault.
This is not an assault.
Keep rolling it.
Entering open houses with guns drawn.
Instructions to disarm anyone inside.
You said guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
That happened today in this wealthy neighborhood where homeowners had armed themselves to protect their mansions.
Residents were handcuffed on the ground.
In the end, police took their weapons but let them stay in their homes.
They were a little bit threatened because our weapons were bigger than their weapons.
Alright, hit pause, we'll be back.
They were a little bit threatened because they were looking at a Nazi bag of maggot push!
An un-American abomination!
Seize them, try them, and execute them!
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Waging War on Corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Do you know what kicked things off in 1775 in Lexington and Concord?
They came to take the guns.
You know what started the Revolutionary War in Texas?
They came to take the guns in Gonzales.
I mean, these is fighting words.
We've always said it.
Coming and taking our guns with the military is it.
And when they do it, they are absolute enemies worse than invading Nazis.
And they're trying to condition you, trying to give you time to make excuses for yourselves, trying to do all this baloney.
And we need to, anybody that goes around confiscating law-abiding citizens' guns, needs to be tried for treason.
And we know what the penalty for that is.
Now there's always good old boys that call the show or call up to the office going, Alex needs to do it himself!
Enough of him talking!
We want Alex to go get violent!
I'm not a violent person.
Offensively, I will defend myself.
And, you know, somebody else says, well, you need to just lead a march down to the Capitol and protest this.
And maybe that's a good idea.
Maybe we should all have marches everywhere.
And try getting the Second Amendment groups out.
The NRA will tell them not to come out for it.
We've beaten bills before.
The NRA is, like, lobbying neutrally for it.
That is, they claim they're neutral, but covertly trying to get it passed.
I mean, we need to have marches to every Capitol bemoaning the military surveilling us, bemoaning the attack on the Second Amendment.
But, see, the liberals won't come out for a Second Amendment rally.
Oh no, they'll just come out to bemoan the military spying on them.
We need to have rallies.
We need to march and educate.
But marching is the old media way of doing things, which I don't think it's bad to do occasionally.
We all need to start our own websites, letters to the editor, file lawsuits, take over the NRA from the inside, take over the local chapters, start your own groups, whatever.
And also, just let the Feds know.
Start warning everybody.
Hey, like Paul Revere.
Hey, they're coming.
They want our guns.
Hey, our military's been seized by these foreign internationalists.
That's what happened.
Private corporations bought off our politicians, took over the government.
They're passing laws to enslave us.
I mean, it isn't hard to figure out, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, I challenge the cops right now, driving around all sullen.
I'll take you guns, boy, you're gonna see.
You know, some of you, some of you aren't thinking like that, but some are.
I mean, just admit you're a criminal.
I mean, go read the Declaration of Independence.
Go look at the facts.
I've been to the urban warfare drills.
I videotaped the Army and the Marines before 9-11 training to take our guns here in America.
Do you understand?
All of this is a training simulation op.
And, uh, I just can't handle it.
I cannot handle it.
I cannot abide it.
I will not put up with it.
It makes me angry.
No amount of conditioning will ever get me to accept it.
You know, it's not just handing in my new guns.
Can you imagine handing in your dead grandpa's rifles?
Can you imagine when they come, these goons with tattoos all over them?
Just these big, muscular punks, just there to kill this country, watching them hammer nails into America!
They're so stupid and scum-filled!
Just gang-member thugs!
You are the most... Ugh!
Everyone should just scorn them and hate them and just... Ugh!
I mean, I want to hear military units decry the gun confiscation.
I want to hear the Foreign Legion or the American Legion.
I want to hear all the groups.
I want to hear the veterans groups decry it.
I want to hear generals come out and decry gun confiscation.
Oh no, they'd lose their job.
Or it's all scum!
It is scum!
They followed unlawful orders as a giant group of a gaggle of snakes attacking us!
They are red coat trash!
I mean, what else do I have to sit here and say?
I mean, it's really that simple.
And I'm just letting this hit me.
I'm letting it hit me how real it is.
Instead of just sitting here tanking and, well, they're confiscating your guns.
Then you call up here telling me, well, why haven't I done more?
I've done everything I can.
I love these guys that shoot their mouths off about, let's get violent.
And then I hear the same people for five years saying, let's get violent.
The globalists want things to get violent.
The globalists want Ostegall to go run off half-cocked so they can have an excuse to militarize this whole thing.
The globalists want things to get that way.
But I don't know what you do when a bunch of people with IQs, you know, around room temperature come to your house and start slamming your family around to take your guns!
Alright, we'll come back and we'll go to
Bill and Chris and Mark and Joe and many others.
I just... It isn't my job.
It's your preacher's job.
It's your job.
It's every one of you listening.
It's the cops listening right now.
I don't want to hear, well, Alex, I'm not with the rest of them.
How dare you say we're all for that?
Most police officers are against gun control.
Well, I know that.
I've seen the studies in the polls.
So where are you?
It's even worse.
You know they're raping the daylights out of this country and you're not speaking out?
If you are the majority, take over!
Take over from within!
Stop what you're doing!
We'll commend you!
We'll hail you!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We should all be sad.
We should all be totally freaked out about what's happening in this country.
They're openly announcing they're spying on us.
They openly came out and said, if any private interest wants your property, and can go corruptly pay off the local politicians, read the ruling, they can do it.
And then the big secret is, of New London and other areas, Freeport, Texas, countless other places, it's now happening.
Is that they don't even pay you for it!
They come and they say, you will sell us the land at this price.
And people on the local development board, in every case we've looked at, are actually going to be getting your land or money from it.
The government bureaucrats are legalizing it now, where they can come, steal your land and own it, and give you 25% on average what it's worth.
And then if you fight them, they're going to charge you rent on it while they're battling you in court.
And then, actually, you lose your house, your land, your business, and then they charge you.
And in the case of Freeport down there, it was a seafood company making $44 million on average a year.
And the local heir of Mobil Oil just wants it for his luxury yacht area, and it's just, we don't care!
And we're not going to pay you market value for it, you're going to give it to me!
The City Council is mine, baby!
I got men with guns!
I mean, it's just like the old western where the town goes bad.
Those are based on true stories.
So many towns died, folks, because we get word, oh, that's a bad town.
You don't want to go to that bad town.
You go to the bad town, there's all these, there'll be a corrupt sheriff under some corrupt robber baron, just sitting there feeding on everyone.
And then their boys will beat up whoever they want in the saloon, and people just move out, and pretty soon it's just them all kind of standing around by themselves, unless there was silver or gold or something else there.
And then those would turn into really bad towns.
And so many times, like Chicago up there at the railheads for the beef coming in, and so many places, the towns went bad, stayed bad, and are bad.
And because there were enough resources and waterways in the area that just people stayed there because they had to for a job.
And that's the way it is to be a slave.
You want to see a movie that is so accurate, supposedly from about, you know, 1889 or so.
Oh, I've seen that movie with Kevin Costner.
Let's name that movie with Kevin Costner.
It'll pop in my head in a second.
It came out with Robert Duvall a few years ago.
And I can't tell you how many times I read real historical stories of exactly that type of stuff happening.
I mean, there have been cases where the local gold mining company wants the land that a hundred people, a hundred families openly own, and so they just
Open range.
Thank you.
One of my folks popped in.
Where they just openly just come in and just with gatling guns or machine guns and just mowed everybody down.
There were strikes in the 1920s where Pinkerton would just line up with machine guns and even in some cases hand grenades and start blowing people up.
Look, that's all coming back, folks.
Where they just line up and just start shooting us.
You know, I got video, and I swore to them I wouldn't show it, and they let me see it, and then they took it back from me, and they just said, well, we just want you to see it, but you can't have it.
And then I talked to a whole nother group that saw the same thing and shot video, but wouldn't show it to me in another base.
Where these construction workers, in one case, and they were doing something else in another, Marines, and there's not even a Marine Corps base down there, at an Air Force base, training with about a hundred role players, or a little more than that, with signs saying, don't take my land, this is America, and they had them singing, God Bless America, and the Marines practiced shooting us!
Do you understand this?
I've been to stuff almost that bad and got it in my films.
But do you understand they're training to kill farmers?
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
They're taking over the police departments.
They're training the troops to kill us!
Then there are going to be a lot of bootleggers who, when this is happening, will, ah, support the troops.
And then they get their notice.
I hear my land's being confiscated.
And a lot of them go, OK, take it up.
I mean, don't take it all, though.
Don't take it all from me.
I mean, you're just living on your knees.
George Washington said it, Thomas Jefferson said it, the amount of tyranny you will live under is the exact amount you will accept and take.
Why do you think 4% of the world population had half the wealth?
Why do you think everybody wanted to come here?
Because of that Bill of Rights and that Constitution and a group of people who weren't perfect but were willing to die for their rights and weren't going to live on their knees!
Let me tell you how it worked in Europe, and how it worked in Japan, and how it's worked in Latin America.
There the bad men took over, and nobody ever got free, and nobody ever took over, and this corruption was institutionalized, and it stifled everything!
America was the juggernaut!
America was great because of freedom!
That's the soul of this country!
America isn't that red, white, and blue rag, which I have affection for, but I don't worship!
But it is just a rag compared to what it symbolizes!
That's what's beautiful!
That's what people supposedly fought and died for!
Not so a bunch of you can flush it down the toilet!
You are traitorous scum when you violate the Bill of Rights!
You are the ultimate filth!
You are lower than rat excrement!
You are absolute filth!
You understand me?
And people have kissed up to you long enough, people have told you what a good job you're doing long enough, all your namby-pamby propaganda, and all your sugar-coated bull has got to stop!
Alright, I'm... That gun confiscation stuff is just really starting to get me mad, because it's going on all over the country, and they're training them to do it, and I'm just sick of it.
I am getting more and more sick of it!
This is our country, not yours scumbags!
Alright, now.
I'm getting mad.
I just am so sick of it.
I mean, they get away with everything.
Do you understand what these criminals have already gotten away with?
Take DynCorp.
Kidnaps 200,000 women and children.
You're like, oh yeah, I already heard about it.
You don't want to hear about the kids anymore?
You don't care?
I mean, that freaks me out as a normal person.
No, no.
They tell you when to freak out over one kid.
Then the news does.
Then they grab 200,000.
Why won't the news do it?
They have congressional hearings.
They have the admissions.
They have the convictions.
Oh, they have little BBC News reports about it.
Why is it that big news?
Blah, blah, blah.
This company was never indicted.
They were found guilty in civil court in two separate cases and admitted to doing it.
But they were never prosecuted criminally.
Why has this not happened?
Where were the children shipped to?
Where are they now?
No, I'm bad because I'm reporting on it.
I'm the weirdo.
Why don't I just shut up and only care about myself and go dress up fancily and prance around at the mall and try to look cool?
I realized this weekend, so many adults, I was at the gym, World's Gym Lifts and Weights, and everybody was posing and swaggering and prancing and looking at other people.
And I was sitting there thinking about myself at the other extreme where I don't even care anymore.
That's been a problem for me.
I've gone too far the other way.
I'm just like, these people are all in la-la land.
They're posing, they're fronting.
You know what that means?
It means, it's like you're in play land.
Like when you were three years old and you'd pretend you were a sea captain or something.
Well, they're doing that as adults.
They're totally insecure!
People are totally insecure!
They'll do whatever the television says, and the television's run by absolute psychopathic geniuses who admittedly say they're destroying our thought processes and dumbing us down!
None of what they tell you is important is important.
I mean, look, look, I thought about this, and we're going to your calls.
I thought about this.
You know, how does it sound when I just get up here and I make fun of UT football fans?
I mean, literally,
Half the people on the streets of Austin wear orange half the time.
I mean, it just... Everyone wears it.
That's all they do.
So, half my listeners in Austin right now are getting mad at me.
I don't care!
You understand me?
I just don't care!
And you're saying, what's wrong with liking sports?
Let me tell you what's wrong with it!
Let me explain to you!
It's called polishing the silverware on the deck of the Titanic as it's keying at a 90 degree angle.
That's what's wrong with it.
That's what's wrong with it.
I like football as much as the next person, but did you spend enough time with your kids?
Did you get your bills paid off?
Did you take another credit card to go buy those tickets?
Did you spend all your time doing things that didn't matter at the end of the day?
Is your kid going to get pregnant?
Is your kid going to catch a disease?
Is your kid smoking their first cocaine?
That's the kind of things you need to be asking yourselves, because until all those priorities have been covered, until every one of those serious things has been done, that's what they did a long time ago.
It was a treat to get in the car and drive into town and see a baseball game, maybe once or twice a year.
If everything else was done, and Billy wasn't in trouble, and Susie wasn't in trouble, and they were on the right track, then you had treats, and things were better.
It wasn't just constantly drinking beer, constantly going to football games.
Worshipping it.
Telling your kids that that... You know what made America great?
Explorers were the rock stars.
People that explore.
People that climb the mountains.
Excuse me.
People that invented things.
People that stood up.
Firemen who rescued people.
You know, the one lone sheriff who'd take on five thugs in a dark alley.
Those were heroes, okay?
Those men and women.
Not some arrogant, steroid-head, drug-using football player with some stupid
Corpulent, effeminate, twit-like football coach being worshipped as our symbolic tribal leader!
Do you understand that's what they did in Rome and Babylon?
It's called bread and circus.
I have to read banking documents from a hundred years ago where, let's get them focused on sports and not academia.
The American people are too smart.
How do we do this?
We buy up sports teams and promote them.
I mean, I have to read where they did this to us.
And then you just see the public.
Everything is the UT football team here locally.
And whatever town you're in, it's that team.
And I'm not saying sports in and of themselves are bad.
But just, I've had so many phone calls and emails before, Alex, why don't you just relax and go watch the horns?
And then I've seen these football players.
I've been around them.
I've seen what it's turned into.
You know, 30, 40 years ago, it wasn't this disgusting.
I mean, our kids are being taught that the role model isn't George Washington, as they were taught just 23 years ago.
The role model isn't Patrick Henry.
The role model isn't Davy Crockett, who instead he's demonized.
You know, his name is taking off schools.
Somebody dying for what they believed in.
Somebody standing up against overwhelming odds.
That's what you respect.
That's what you love.
You see, it's where your heart is.
Is your heart with God?
Is your heart with what's good?
Or is your heart with all this baloney?
So instead of just saying, sports make me sick, let me explain to you why they make me sick.
It isn't even the sports that make me sick.
It's having to see people on national TV make fun... Oh, big deal if the coach is doing this stuff with tickets.
And big deal if the team's out here having sex orgies in front of everybody.
And big deal if there's some cocaine usage.
And big deal if they're... They're just football players.
They're just gods.
And your kids see that.
You tell them don't use drugs, you tell them don't be a big steroid thug, you tell them don't do all this, but then the culture says it's good.
Listen, the culture tells you what to do.
It tells you how to be weak, how to be stupid, how to be distracted, how to take drugs, how to take Prozac, how to take injections, how to get into debt, how to dress like an idiot, how to have your pants hanging down around your ankles, how to mutilate your body, how to be a loser!
Bernays and everybody else bragged about how they were going to make us a bunch of monkeys!
And you know what?
They've done it!
And you need somebody to slap you upside the head and go, WAKE UP, SLAVE!
I've actually broken a sweat now.
Let's just start with your calls.
Bill in Austin.
Bill, go ahead.
Uh, yes.
I would say, for me, one of the most uncovered stories is the radiating of our troops and parts of the United States.
That's what makes me... Exactly!
The Army's own handbook says it's deadly and will kill you if you get any of it in your lungs.
And the troops are openly breathing it.
And the birth defects crippled last time.
New numbers came out.
It's a... Let me see... Uno, dos, tres... What's five times?
It's not quattro.
It's five times the birth defects now, two years in.
And you know what?
They're so dumb, they won't even know it!
About three and a half weeks ago I was listening to the police scanner and they had a weapons of mass destruction alert in Northwest Austin and they spent like 20 minutes calling every available officer for that area.
I was just curious if you heard about that.
No, learning how to be hysterical fools.
What, some gibbering tattletale had seen a box of Tide on the ground or something?
They never said.
I had to continue on with what I was doing.
And I used to work on radio and TV transmitters.
And, uh, they have a cutoff switch for all the commercial radio and TV transmitters.
Oh, yeah, people say that in Georgia.
Tell them about it.
Well, I used to work on the transmitters.
They were there, and when I asked about them, I was told, well, if we're being attacked, we can turn it off so they can't home in on the transmitters.
But, you know, they've been there over 15 years.
Well, by law, not just at the transmitter site, now all the equipment at the station starting at 96 has to be wired through the EAS system.
I know, I'm just, I know I'm ranting and raving.
I mean, shouldn't we all be angry about this?
Oh, definitely.
And, uh, then they, uh, fake the reports on, like, the economy.
They're counting
Fast food jobs as manufacturing.
I know, and I've had arguments with people that that's good.
And this is the guy that was an advisor for Bush for two years and when they couldn't get him to change the fact that they're lying about the figures, he quit.
It's just amazing what goes on.
Well, see, tell me lies.
Tell me sweet little lies.
A lot of people want to be told a lie.
The economy is in the toilet.
People can't get health insurance.
All the major economic industries are in the toilet.
And I can have arguments with these yuppies all day.
That's what I mean.
They don't know DU's killing them.
They don't know gun confiscations bad.
They don't know that open borders is bad.
They just don't know.
They just know how to worship the UT football team.
And I mean the foreign countries now know our economy is bad because they won't even buy our treasury notes anymore.
The last three months they have hardly sold any.
Listen, I can talk to some poor ignorant farmer who is a corn farmer in Mexico and they're ten times smarter when it comes to common sense than one of these degreed yuppies.
They know that the dollar is going down.
They know what it means to have a worthless currency.
They know what a police state is.
But one of these jibbering... What happened to these people?
Our education and the news.
I don't trust regular news.
I don't watch it, because it's all propaganda.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate you holding, Bill, while I've been ranting.
Who's up next here?
Chris in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Chris.
Hi, Alex.
I was wondering if you had ever heard of a DJ named Danger Mouse?
And he's got this song called Bush Boys, and it goes into
It's how entertainment, entertainment can be one of the most... There's a public enemy that goes, the Bush boy's coming, the Bush boy's coming.
Yeah, it's uh, yeah.
Um, it's like, entertainment can be one of the most powerful tools.
Yeah, but the Democrats are going to save us.
See, the globalists, that's how they catch everybody.
Excuse me?
But a lot of those rappers and hip-hop people didn't, but the Democrats are going to save us.
No, but... They don't understand both sides are controlled.
Oh, no, not this guy.
This guy, this song is like, out, you know, it's off, it's totally on point.
It's off the hook, baby!
Yeah, and, uh, you know, I just, you know, trying to... Just turn your guns in.
World Government's good.
Mercury's good.
No, Mercury's good.
Don't listen to me.
I get on there and say mercury's bad for you, just take it.
Just start gobbling mercury.
Of course I'm being sarcastic, folks.
Please don't.
It's deadly poison.
But I have a local newscast saying it's good.
A new vitamin.
I mean, literally, they can tell a cyanide's good and people run out and start gobbling it.
Well, yeah, I mean, we're dumbed down.
I mean, people, I can't... People argue with me.
Well, not everybody's dumbed down.
I hope the enforcers know that when they really try to
We really put our back up against the wall.
It isn't going to be pretty.
And the New World Order doesn't... See, I don't want to fight with these idiots.
I know it's New World Order off in Europe controlling them.
Some, you know, these Rothschilds and their literal palaces the royals used to own.
You know, manipulating all this behind armored doors.
I mean, you know, they'll just send these dumb cops out to die for them.
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You know, my point on the sports is this.
People will yell and scream and freak out when their team loses, even commit suicide.
But the government's openly kidnapping children and shipping them around the planet.
Clock right handed.
This is not debatable.
And people are just like, eh, that's a little too hardcore.
I just choose to not believe that.
And that freaks me out.
None of us are safe in a climate like that.
And then just open worship of football and baseball and all of it.
Again, nothing wrong with it in and of itself, but just the headlong, you know, take it serious folks!
And all these cancer organizations.
Oh, go give money to this and that to fight cancer.
And then no discussion of why cancer is increasing or what's behind it.
Or that the cancer groups supposedly fighting it are actually in bed with the people doing it.
I mean, do you really want to fix the problem or just be a gullible idiot?
I mean, I'm here to tell you you're being scammed.
I'll talk to you straight.
I will sit here and smile at you and tell you, you know.
I know a lot of listeners are smarter than I am.
I'm talking to just the general dumbed-down public out there.
Joe in Georgia, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I've been ranting today.
I didn't mean to, but I did.
I heard you.
Listen, I just want you to know that most of us appreciate what you're doing.
I'm a long-time follower of your show.
I'm a long-time follower of your movement.
We have been personally responsible for spreading six or eight thousand of your CDs throughout
Uh, different places.
I probably get three or four hundred emails a day from different people.
Well, it's your movement, brother.
It's the freedom movement.
It's the humanity movement.
It's the survival movement.
I salute you!
I have a problem though, Alex.
We are six or eight million.
I don't know how many strong now.
And I know we're strong because I get three or four hundred emails a day.
So I know that this is a very strong movement.
I know that there are people awoken.
You know from history, as well as I do, that nothing gets done, and I mean nothing, until people hit the streets and protest and make themselves known.
And they know we're going to hit it.
That's why they got microwave guns mounted on tanks and the rest of it.
It doesn't matter.
I know we can take it all down, but we have to first, we have to first educate everybody.
We've got to get even stronger.
Put him on hold.
Sir, you can't call in and start doing that kind of stuff.
We have to let you go.
You expect me to go stick my finger in a light socket.
And then you start ranting and screaming and everything else, Joe.
And Joe's not your name.
He's called before from Georgia.
Gotta change the state, too, or I'll remember who you are.
He called a few months ago and got super mad.
Where are you?
I don't see you on TV.
Take him to the streets, buddy.
Hit the door.
Just like you can't do it alone.
Let him go.
Let him go.
You're banned from this show, okay?
You're not gonna call up and use profanity on my broadcast.
You're banned.
You're banned.
You understand me?
Um... You know...
I mean, it's really serious.
And see, I'm glad that there at the end people get to hear something like that.
I mean, you do not know what you're talking about.
Well, obviously you do.
Are you a provocateur?
I mean, you call in every few months yelling and screaming at me because I'm not grabbing guns and running around shooting innocent people.
But it's mind boggling!
Mind boggling!
Every time they pull something and we sit there and expose it, they lose more and more support.
They have to blow buildings up to blame it on other people as a pretext to take control.
They are behind the violence.
Al in Pennsylvania, last caller.
Go ahead, Al.
How you doing, Alex?
I heard you talking about that guy you had on the interview for the Spies League there.
You said that he was saying that all crime is terrorism.
Yes, that's what the articles and what they're doing.
All threats.
They're there to fight terrorism and threats.
All threats.
See, I heard that guy saying the other day that all terrorism is crime, but not all crime is terrorism.
That's what he had to teach those guys?
I was just concerned.
I didn't know.
Trying to keep track of what's being said, that's all.
Yeah, no, that's all spin.
You notice he said, we fight threats.
And then I said the new definition of terrorism and it freaked him out.
Alright, we're out of time.
Call me back tomorrow, Al.
God bless you all.
Thanks for tuning in.
We're gonna beat this thing.
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