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Name: 20050906_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 6, 2005
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, there are countless new huge developments concerning the aftermath of Katrina.
The category four tropical storm that turned into a hurricane and ravaged the Gulf Coast area, decimating the historical city of New Orleans and displacing somewhere around two million plus people.
A quarter million now already flooded into the state of Texas.
Austin bulging with refugees from where I broadcast.
Houston with several hundred thousand themselves.
That's yesterday's numbers, 250-something thousand.
Meanwhile, not one, not two, but now we're getting a report of three separate cities have the sheriffs in their counties holding back FEMA literally at gunpoint.
They're not worried about holding back citizens.
They're worried about holding back FEMA, because Sheriff's Departments have recognized criminal activity when they see it.
FEMA cutting their communication lines.
FEMA not letting food and water get in.
FEMA frustrating operations.
They've been caught.
And you've got to compliment the folks in Louisiana.
When they see federal corruption, they don't put up with it.
So I commend the
The cooned hind ends.
There, I won't use any French here on air.
They certainly have some good attributes.
But all over the country we've had sheriffs and police chiefs and others throw out the feds.
We've had 400 plus cities and now six or is it seven states throw out the Patriot Act.
And the power does lie with the states.
I don't care what the feds say.
So, big developments there, and there's a talk show host, Carol Baker, right here in Texas, and I've been interviewed by her several times, a great reporter.
She's been watching this and tracking this.
She's going to be on with this in 30 minutes because she's got more of the details than I do.
And why don't I have more of the details?
I don't want one caller to call in
And tell me that you hope I get better or give me sympathy.
I'm not looking for that.
It's just that if I'm not operating mentally at 100% or if I'm a couple cards short of a full deck, I had the worst pain of my physical life last night for four hours.
I had the worst migraine.
I've only had a few migraines, folks.
I have them every couple of years.
And this was so painful.
I mean, you know, a compound fracture felt better than this.
This was so painful.
And I mean, I got a headache right now.
I got a blaring headache right now.
It feels wonderful.
I'm in heaven right now compared to what I was last night.
I mean, hugging the toilet for four hours, folks.
I mean, new levels of pain.
I was actually almost having a spiritual experience.
It was so bad.
So, if it seems like I'm not all there, or I bumble about a bit, it's because my wife tried to get me to not come into work today, but if we didn't have these now reports, confirmed reports of three different towns, counties, throwing the feds out because of FEMA conducting terrorist operations, and I'm serious when I say that, I would not be here right now.
We also have a military officer coming on who's blowing the whistle on corruption and problems in an hour, and I didn't want to cancel that.
So I am here doing this broadcast, but if that migraine comes back, I'm going to have to leave.
I should have thought to have Paul Watson waiting in the wings.
He can do it by telephone if need be, to interview these people.
If I have to go, maybe we should call him and have him ready, because I feel my lower brain at the spinal cord giving me that
Siren like pulse of pain right now Every time I start thinking complex thoughts the migraine starts creeping back but Again, I will be here broadcasting as long as possible But I mean this thing's so painful.
I mean I go to my knees immediately.
We'll be right back folks stay with us
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Well, here's the singing in headline.
New Orleans completely destroyed.
That's what they were saying last night.
Police visit Baton Rouge to see devastated region again.
Lord Bush traveling the state with the police, with the authorities, visiting Baton Rouge to see the devastated region again.
Saying the city was completely destroyed.
The New Orleans Deputy Police Chief
On Monday, urged remaining residents to get out because there is no power, drinkable water, or supply of food.
Though they estimate that around 10,000 people are still in the city and are refusing to go, whether they're old or infirm or simply don't have any place to go, or whether they are criminals planning further looting sprees, they don't know.
So it's going to become, I guess, some type of weird, weird no-man's land of all of this going on.
But the big report that Paul Watson and Ryan Slickheisen and my wife, Violet Jones, as well are working on, we have a guest coming on in about 20 minutes to talk about this, are reports that have been on Fox News, CNN, you name it, but just little blurbs.
We first got an inkling of this Monday on Meet the Press.
But just again, just small little pieces or fragments of it, Andrew Bouchard, Jefferson Parish President, or basically the mayor of the parish, the parish president, talked about how FEMA cut the communications lines, wouldn't let food or water in, was trying to tell the police what to do, not to save people, and so the sheriffs just threw them out and posted armed guards.
And now in two separate counties, or parishes, other sheriffs have done the same thing, and they've actually got armed guards on the highways stopping FEMA.
Because FEMA has been caught, again, ladies and gentlemen, cutting communications lines to terrorists.
Again, this is hidden in plain view.
You know, we caught the British government running drills on 7-7.
And it was reported by major national British television, but no one paid attention to it.
We made an article out of it.
We wrote an article about it.
And then it got picked up and was the biggest story on the internet for about a week.
It was rated as one of the biggest stories.
But the biggest news item.
Usually some bimbo is always number one, but for news we were number one with that particular story.
Just because we pointed out something hidden in plain view.
Well again,
I don't care if another website does this.
I don't know if I can get my people to do it quick enough because they're all burnt out and busy and whatever.
So somebody better get on this.
Somebody better put two and two together and get this out now!
Because we got multiple towns, we got multiple cities, throwing the feds out.
We have areas of Louisiana in open rebellion against the feds, because the feds have been caught cutting communications and frustrating the aid.
They've been doing it day one because FEMA wants martial law.
And to get martial law and to sell us on New Orleans being a NCAP, or kind of a
Promotional display for the rest of the country in the future.
I mean, they've been making preparations since the early 80s.
Shortly after they were founded in 1979 by Jimmy Carter.
I have hearings from Congress.
You know, in my first film, America Destroyed by Design.
This is how long we've been talking about this.
We're in Congress.
They admit that they want to use crises to get martial law.
It's about control.
And so they didn't want to supply food and water to people so things would break down so they could do this to sell us on this.
But thank God, and I mean thank God, that the police are seeing what's happening and are keeping these terrorists, and folks they are terrorists, out of their areas.
But again, here it is hidden in plain view and now we've found out this is going on in other areas, this has been on Fox, been on CNN now, we haven't gotten those clips yet.
But we've got a reporter coming on who's been seeing this on TV, who's been making phone calls there and has family in Louisiana.
This is going on.
This is really on the local news there.
And we need to get these stories together.
We need to put them together and point this out for people.
Again, here's the headline for everybody.
All I want is for this to be gotten out.
This is the headline.
Louisiana parishes in rebellion against FEMA.
FEMA caught carrying out terrorist operations, sabotaging relief effort on purpose.
Then give the reason why, their history, show some of their executive orders and the documents and the admissions of where they're actually doing this.
This is huge!
Believe me, I wouldn't be on air right now with a migraine headache.
I'd be in bed.
But I drug myself in here.
I'm literally holding on to the microphone because this is so important.
Alright, let's go ahead and play this clip from Face the Nation.
Again, this is just part one of all this evidence coming out.
Andrew Bouchard, Jefferson Parish President, the Mayor of this major parish, breaking down and crying, but look at the tidbits in there!
FEMA caught cutting communications!
They're criminals!
Here it is, roll it!
President Bruce Starr, let me start with you.
You just heard the Director of Homeland Security's explanation of what has happened this last week.
What is your reaction?
We have been abandoned by our own country.
Hurricane Katrina will go down in history as one of the worst storms ever to hit an American coast, but the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina will go down as one of the worst abandonments of Americans on American soil ever in U.S.
I am personally asking our bipartisan congressional delegation here in Louisiana
To immediately begin congressional hearings.
To find out just what happened here.
Why did it happen?
Who needs to be fired?
And believe me, they need to be fired right away.
Because we still have weeks to go in this tragedy.
We have months to go.
We have years to go.
And whoever's at the top of this totem pole, that totem pole needs to be chainsawed off.
And we've got to start with some new leadership.
It's not just Katrina that caused all these deaths in New Orleans here.
Bureaucracy has committed murder here in the greater New Orleans area and bureaucracy has to stand trial before Congress now.
It's so obvious.
FEMA needs more congressional funding.
It needs more presidential support.
It needs to be a cabinet level director.
It needs to be an independent agency that will be able to fulfill its mission to work in partnership with state and local governments around America.
FEMA needs to be empowered to do the things that it was created to do.
It needs to come somewhere like New Orleans with all of its force immediately, without red tape, without bureaucracy, act immediately with common sense and leadership.
And save lives.
Forget about the property.
We can rebuild the property.
It's got to be able to come in and save lives.
We need strong leadership at the top of America right now in order to accomplish this and to reconstructing FEMA.
Hold on, hold on sir.
Shouldn't the mayor
of New Orleans and the Governor of New Orleans bear some responsibility?
Couldn't they have been much more forceful, much more effective, and much more organized in evacuating the area?
Sir, they were told, like me, every single day, the Calvary's coming.
On a federal level, the Calvary's coming.
The Calvary's coming.
The Calvary's coming.
I have just begun to hear the hoofs of the Calvary.
The Calvary's still not here yet.
But I've begun to hear the hoofs, and we're almost a week out.
Let me give you just three quick examples.
We had Walmart deliver three trucks of water, trailer trucks of water.
FEMA turned them back.
They said we didn't need them.
This was a week ago.
FEMA, we had a thousand gallons of diesel fuel on a Coast Guard vessel docked in my parish.
The Coast Guard said, come get the fuel right away.
When we got there with our trucks,
They got a word.
FEMA says don't give you the fuel.
Yesterday, yesterday, FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency communication lines.
They cut them without notice.
Our sheriff, Harry Lee, goes back in, he reconnects the line, he posts armed guards on our line and says no one's getting near these lines.
Sheriff Harry Lee said that if America
What if American government would have responded like Walmart has responded, we wouldn't be in this crisis.
But I want to thank Governor Blanco for all she's done and all her leadership.
She sent in the National Guard.
I just repaired a breach on my side of the 17th Street Canal that the Secretary didn't foresee.
A 300 foot breach.
I just completed it yesterday with convoys of National Guard and local parish workers and levy board people.
It took us two and a half days working 24-7.
I just closed it.
I'm telling you, most importantly, I want to thank my public employees that have worked 24-7.
They're burnt out.
The doctors, the nurses.
And I want to give you one last story and I'll shut up and let you tell me whatever you want to tell me.
The guy who runs this building I'm in, emergency management, he's responsible for everything.
His mother was trapped in St.
Bernard Nursing Home and every day she called him and said, are you coming son?
Is somebody coming?
And he said, yeah mama.
Somebody's coming to get you!
Somebody's coming to get you on Tuesday!
Somebody's coming to get you on Wednesday!
Somebody's coming to get you on Thursday!
Somebody's coming to get you on Friday!
And she drowned it Friday night!
She drowned it Friday night!
Mr. President... Nobody's coming to get us!
Nobody's coming together!
The Secretary's promised!
Everybody's promised!
They've had press conferences!
I'm sick of the press conferences!
For God's sakes!
Shut up and send us somebody!
Just take a pause, Mr. President.
While you gather yourself in your very emotional times, I understand.
Let me go to Governor Haley Barber of Mississippi.
Yeah, one of the engineers of all this.
Okay, let's just, uh... Let's just stop right there.
Now notice this poor fellow, basically, he's the county commissioner, he's the parish president there, and notice he doesn't see the big picture.
He's a good person, you can tell that.
And he's like, FEMA needs total power, total control, so this doesn't happen again.
They did have total power.
We have the executive orders.
We posted them.
For total martial law.
They could instantly fix it.
Instantly fix things in other areas.
Instantly get in and help people.
Here he is.
He's got the evidence.
They're cutting communications lines.
Not letting water in.
Not letting food in.
They need to create a crisis to demonstrate that they don't have enough power to then legitimize the use of the power they've always had.
This is the Marshall Law.
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Alright, we've got Carol Baker, talk show host, right here in Texas.
Coming on, who's been kind of collecting and collating all the information about the open rebellion against the feds.
And boiling it down, during the break I was sending an instant message to Paul with what I think the headline should be.
And it's just simply multiple parishes or multiple local governments in open rebellion against FEMA.
FEMA caught sabotaging relief efforts on day one.
Perishes post-armed police to guard key infrastructure from federal government.
See, this isn't a joke.
FEMA's main, excuse me, FEMA's true mission is the martial law takeover of America.
So they need a deteriorating situation, a out-of-control, riotous climate so they have a pretext to come in
and take control and then again use New Orleans as a as an area to demonstrate the police state to to all give us more help take all our rights you know that poor that poor mayor we just played a clip of the parish president
On Face the Nation, and he just goes, FEMA needs total power, total control, cabinet level position, to really get in there and take over.
See, he doesn't know about the executive orders, he doesn't know about NORTHCOM, he doesn't know about all the preparations, he doesn't know that they deliberately stood down.
But then he really does know that, because then he goes on to admit cutting their communications, blocking water and food the first few days.
Folks, folks, I have the Senate hearings from 1986.
Where it all came out that this was the plan!
They actually talked about if there was a hurricane and it broke things down and there was any type of bedlam that the government could seize and get martial law and the people would then accept it.
And see under martial law you won't complain about all the bid rigging and no-bid contracts and government corruption and the takeover of our society, don't you?
And listen!
I had Paul Craig Roberts on yesterday.
I mean, this is the number two man at the Department of Treasury, a presidential appointee in the Reagan administration.
Literally one of the fathers of Reaganomics.
I mean, he was the chief economist.
He came up with the tax cuts.
I mean, this is a real conservative.
By the way, he didn't agree with the spending increases.
He did want the tax cuts, and I agree with him.
Being more hardcore than I was yesterday.
Going, look, they want martial law.
This is to train us to accept it.
And I've just been thinking about this hard for a week, looking at all the evidence, really busting my brain, folks.
I mean, really cracking my brain, thinking hard.
I've been so worried about this, I've been really thinking deep, and really focusing.
You know, just as hard as I can.
And I did have those epiphanies, you know, enough of the information to see clearly what was happening.
Most of you had already seen it.
I've just been so close to this for so long.
Listeners of this show 5 or 6 days ago saw it.
This is such murdering pieces of filth.
Let's go to Carlos in California first.
Then we'll go to Robert, Tom and others.
We've got several guests coming up.
Carlos, welcome my friend.
Yes, well it's very discouraging what's going on across
Our country here.
As far as I'm concerned, the Illuminati has pulled a second 9-11 on us here.
They've pulled something even bigger.
It's horrible.
It's horrible.
Of course, you know, the first time they blamed Van Lalen, which is nothing but a decoy.
Now they're probably going to blame the weather.
You know, our country has been able to manipulate the weather for 20-25 years.
They've had control of it.
They sold the technology to the Russians.
Various countries across the world can manipulate the weather.
When this happened, I have no doubt whatsoever that they have manipulated the weather.
They have stirred the hurricane directly onto New Orleans.
And the ramifications, of course, is exactly what you said.
To use it as an experiment.
To see how martial law is going to progress.
How people behave in emergency situations.
Well, Carlos, I know weather control is real.
And I know that it's a possibility, but what I can prove is that they premeditatedly didn't let aid in, sabotaged the police, we're now learning, so things would fall apart, so we'd call for FEMA to be expanded.
Well, I mean, I'm a very cynical person because I've read so much on conspiracies and most of it turned out to be true.
But I do believe, 99% of me believes,
It was.
The hurricane was created.
It was manipulated.
So was the tsunami last year.
I know people are going to think that they're... Well, I'll tell you what, Carlos.
Do you want to add anything on the other side, or are you done?
You want to talk some more?
Oh, yes, sure.
Okay, stay there.
We'll be right back.
We've got Carol Biker coming up.
And a bunch of your other calls, and stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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I'm going to let Carlos in California listen to a song on one of our great affiliates out there.
I'll let him finish up here and then we're going to go to Carol Baker.
I've been on her talk show several times out of Little Rock, Arkansas.
She's been doing some great research on multiple towns.
She told me about two.
I was already aware of one.
Then she told me about two.
They confirmed that second one.
Now I've got a report of a third town where they have to guard the key communications, police communications, where they have to guard the food deliveries and things, water from FEMA, who will grab it, who will steal it, who will block it.
I mean, literally, police trying to bring food and water into people.
And FEMA is just running around trying to bring the state of Louisiana down right now.
And folks, it's so clear.
We've caught them red-handed now.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
In fact, I want to play this in about ten minutes again.
Cue up the last minute or two of that clip with the parish president.
Where he's talking about them cutting the communications lines and not letting them get food and water into people.
Not commandeering it, folks.
Cutting it.
Destroying police communications.
Because they want total bedlam.
They understand.
They cut the lines and then they just sit down and literally the FEMA is such scum, the leadership, that they will laugh at people.
They will laugh at families.
The troops, we're told, and some of the troops were freaking out over this.
Uh, that they're just sitting there and play cards and smoke cigarettes while people die and beg and plead.
And then, see, finally, then the regular army can go in and FEMA can go, well, look, we saved you!
See, ending posse commentatus saved you!
Problem, create a crisis, problem, reaction, solution.
Carlos, uh, finish up what you were saying from California.
Well, yes, I mean, uh, as far as I'm concerned, the New World Order, the Illuminati, has found a way
So they populate the world, that's one of the agendas, by manipulating the weather.
Look, in the 1980s in Ethiopia, thousands of people died of hunger because of the drought that was created.
I believe the Illuminati was involved in that.
Manipulated the weather.
Then we got the tsunami last year for hundreds of thousands of people.
Here we got ten, fifteen thousand people forecasted to be there.
They found a swift way of getting rid of people.
A very... And nobody's going to suspect them, of course.
They've got an agenda to repopulate the world.
They want to get it down to a billion or so.
So they come up with multiple scenarios of doing it.
This is one way of doing it.
Carlos, I... I just think people have to wake up.
We're under attack.
Well, I appreciate your call.
Again, for those that are just joining us, I have the Secretary of Defense Cohen quote.
Well, actually, here it is.
Other terrorists are even engaging in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, shut off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves, so there are plenty of
ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations and it's real and that's why
We have to intensify our counter-terrorism efforts.
Secretary of Defense William Cohen at the April 1997 Counter-Terrorism Conference, sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn.
Quoted from the DOD News Briefing and DOD News, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen at the Conference on Terrorism, Preference of Mass Destruction, U.S.
Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, April 28, 1997.
And then I have, owning the weather,
By 2025, put out by the Pentagon, where they admit they already own the weather.
And then we have the 2977 bill introduced, talking about all of this.
I mean, it was in the news, what, four or five months ago?
It was the 60th anniversary of winning World War II for the Russians.
And Bush and all of them went over there, and Jacques Chirac and the rest of them, and Tony Blair.
It was raining real hard that day.
Russian trucks pulled out these big antennas and jets flew over and they said, we're going to clear the sky.
And the media said, they can't do that.
And they zapped it and the sky cleared.
And again, I know this sounds kooky, but not really anymore.
A lot of you have seen the Weather Channel's hour-long documentary where they admit it.
And they were controlling the weather and making huge storms in North Vietnam as early as 1969.
But again, I only cover what I can prove.
Do these technologies exist?
Do we have proof the government or some government did this?
Very bizarre tracks of these last few hurricanes.
In fact, unheard of.
But weather changes.
I'm not going to say the government's doing it.
What I can conclusively say is FEMA is running around.
We now have reports confirmed in two parishes.
Another report confirmed that the police are basically standing off with FEMA.
In the third one, but we don't know the details of the third.
Because they've caught FEMA cutting communications lines systematically, not letting food and water get in.
I mean, stopping police, folks.
And they've been doing this since day one.
And so, we're going to go to Carol Baker, and we're also going to cue up that clip again.
Not the whole long four-minute clip, but just the last half of it, where he talks about how they're cutting the... Let's play that clip one more time, and then we'll go to Carol Baker.
Yeah, just back it up again.
I want to tell folks who it is.
This is, uh, this is, uh, Andrew, uh, and, uh, he is, uh, Andrew Bouchard.
Again, forgive me, folks.
I got a migraine headache today.
I'm kind of out of it.
Uh, Andrew, uh, Bouchard, and he is the Jefferson, uh, Parish President.
That's like the county judge or the, uh, the key, uh, president of parishes in Louisiana.
We need strong leadership at the top of America right now in order to accomplish this
And to reconstructing FEMA.
Hold on, hold on sir.
Shouldn't the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of New Orleans bear some responsibility?
Couldn't they have been much more forceful, much more effective and much more organized in evacuating the area?
Sir, they were told, like me, every single day, the Calvary's coming.
On a federal level, the Calvary's coming.
The Calvary's coming.
The Calvary's coming.
I have just begun to hear the hoofs of the Calvary.
The Calvary's still not here yet.
But I've begun to hear the hoofs, and we're almost a week out.
Let me give you just three quick examples.
We had Walmart deliver three trucks of water, trailer trucks of water.
FEMA turned them back.
They said we didn't need them.
This was a week ago.
FEMA, we had a thousand gallons of diesel fuel on a Coast Guard vessel docked in my parish.
The Coast Guard said, come get the fuel right away.
When we got there with our trucks,
They got a word.
FEMA says don't give you the fuel.
Yesterday, yesterday, FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency communication lines.
They cut them without notice.
Our Sheriff, Harry Lee, goes back in, he reconnects the line, he posts armed guards on our line and said no one's getting near these lines.
Sheriff Harry Lee said that if America, if American government would have responded like Walmart has responded, we wouldn't be in this crisis.
But I want to thank Governor Blanco
For all she's done and all her leadership.
She's sent in the National Guard.
I just repaired a breach on my side of the 17th Street Canal that the Secretary didn't foresee.
A 300-foot breach.
I just completed it yesterday with convoys of National Guard and local parish workers and levy board people.
It took us two and a half days working 24-7.
I just closed it.
I'm telling you, most importantly, I want to thank my public employees that have worked 24-7.
They've burnt out the doctors, the nurses,
And I want to give you one last story and I'll shut up and let you tell me whatever you want to tell me.
The guy who runs this building I'm in, Emergency Management, he's responsible for everything.
His mother was trapped in St.
Bernard Nursing Home and every day she called him and said, are you coming son?
Is somebody coming?
And he said, yeah mama.
Somebody's coming to get you!
Somebody's coming to get you on Tuesday!
Somebody's coming to get you on Wednesday!
Somebody's coming to get you on Thursday!
Somebody's coming to get you on Friday!
And she drowned in Friday night!
She drowned in Friday night!
Mr. President...
Nobody's coming to get us!
Nobody's coming to get us!
The Secretary has promised!
Everybody's promised!
They've had press conferences!
I'm sick of the press conferences!
For God's sakes, shut up and send us somebody!
Alright, folks, we're about to go to Carol Baker, but let me calmly go over this.
Just so everybody gets it square in the brain.
The Feds come in and take a dollar of our tax money, and on average they send about thirty cents back.
That's the national average.
It's even lower for emergency funds.
There have been countless articles written about how, you know, two cents of every dollar for emergency management is actually spent on doctors and rescue people.
The rest is guys with machine guns to point machine guns at you and put you in FEMA camps.
And FEMA's main mission, only 8% of their total funds is for floods and emergencies.
92%, and it's always been this way, is for continuity of government.
For takeover of society.
I've been to the FEMA drills, I've been to the Marine Corps drills, I've been to the Army drills.
They don't train to bring you food and water.
They train to line you up and break your families up and put you in camps.
They train to frisk you.
I've made three films on it.
And so this is what they're geared up for.
So a disaster comes.
And they immediately say, we've taken control.
They were there within hours.
Just like in all the other hurricanes.
And then they blocked all the relief.
They stopped everything.
They told everybody, go there.
Once the crowds got there, they evacuated, left them all there.
Knowing it would break down.
Knowing they'd have a good spot to go film the breakdown.
Then you got some looting and stuff.
And the mainstream media, again, being willing accomplices, pointed cameras at just anybody out getting food and water four or five days after.
Call them looters when most of them weren't looters.
They were just scavengers.
There were a few pockets.
Even I got sucked in a little.
Yeah, look at all them looters.
Wait a minute, I went back and fought and looked at the tapes.
It was masterfully done.
Masterfully done.
And then meanwhile, running around the state, cutting communications lines, not letting people get in to help.
uh... doing this in other states to break it all down and then this guy cries and begs admitting FEMA's cutting lines and they've got to post armed guards but we need to give FEMA total power, let them totally take over so they won't screw up like this.
It's not a screw up.
The bigger the war on terror gets, the worse the terror gets.
The more funds they get, the more terror.
The bigger the war on drugs gets, the more drugs.
The bigger the, you know, the problems with national disasters, the more funding you give them, the worse they get.
Why should they fix the levees?
When they knew, their own reports, that it was going to flood.
No, if we let this flood, then we can take over the whole society.
We'll get ten times the funding.
You understand that folks?
But the big news here, the big news is that multiple counties, i.e.
parishes, have armed sheriffs on the highways keeping FEMA out.
They are the enemy.
They're saying who the enemy is.
Guarding infrastructure from FEMA who is sabotaging.
They sneak in.
They don't even say they did it.
But then they get caught doing it.
They've got the reports coming in.
And they sneak in and slash communications lines.
Because they want that whole state to go down.
Thank God some police stayed on the job.
Thank God locals figured this out.
It's like on 9-11.
They planned to fly that fourth plane into the Capitol and get total martial law.
The globalists did.
But as soon as the general refused to follow orders and ordered the shoot down, and then shot it down, they had to come up with a story of, oh, you know, the citizens took the plane over.
Doesn't matter if the state police saw the plane fly up and shoot mezzles at it.
So, I mean, again, people are not following orders, and that's what's averting a total breakdown.
This is the... Folks, I have a 1986 hearing where they talk about using hurricanes.
I've got like hours of this testimony, and
In America, to throw by design, I just put about a minute of it, where they talk about using natural disasters or other problems for martial law, but in the full text of those hearings, they talk about if there was a hurricane or something, that we wouldn't do anything, in Miami was the example, let it break down, use that as martial law.
Well, they've just done it again, folks.
We've caught them red-handed!
I can't get too angry today here, folks, but it's just...
It's just so disgusting.
Carol Baker, thanks for holding the last 12 minutes or so while I covered that.
Good to have you on with us.
Thank you, Alex.
But you're right on.
Sadly, in this country, we have been so dumbed down as to our protected form of government that our founding fathers gave us to separate us from federal tyranny.
The county sheriff being the most powerful elected official
We're good to go.
But the federal government is not necessarily your friend.
Sheriff Jeff Hingle, who is the sheriff of Plaquemines Parish down there, was one who stood them down and lined his deputies up across the road and would not allow FEMA into his parish.
We have Harry Lee and then give folks the other sheriff's name again?
Jeff Hingle.
Jeff Hingle and the town he's in.
This is the parish that goes out in the little finger of land east, south, east of New Orleans.
We've got Jeff Hengel, we've got Harry Lee, and there's one other now coming in, and they've caught them.
Now, we just played the clip from Meet the Press where they're talking about separate instances there around New Orleans in the county, in the parish.
Where they... Folks, this is... Imagine, FEMA cutting the police communication lines.
I mean, we're catching them, Carol, openly sabotaging.
Yeah, it's criminal behavior, and I think because a lot of people don't understand what has happened to FEMA... FEMA was originally called FEPA, under, you know, Kennedy put down... You have to understand that these executive orders have been... They've been laying down the plans and the
We're good to go.
Yeah, I'll tell you what Carol, I've got a military officer coming on who's blowing the whistle on some stuff, but I'll tell you what, why don't we just hold you over with him?
All right.
But go ahead and start getting into it for us.
All right.
Anyway, FEMA was moved into, under the NSA, which is the National Security Agency, which is the same agency that does your black ops and all that stuff, under Reagan and a presidential decision directive.
That was directly, he moved FEMA
Uh, out from under the Congressional scrutiny, uh, into NASA, where, you know, they can send them to do whatever.
And this morning I thought it was very interesting.
I've been trying to monitor back and forth the CNN's reports and Fox News reports.
Senator Trent Lott apparently was discovered that, and he already knew, that they had like 20,000 mobile homes up in Atlanta area.
And he said, you know, why aren't we putting these down here?
And he said, well, there's tape, red tape with FEMA.
We have to have certain release forms signed and certain agreements signed.
Stay there.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire of a downtown... I don't understand FEMA and the martial law system of total control.
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Going back to Carol Baker, talk show host, researcher, great lady, I've got to get back up on the show more often, just so much information about FEMA dead on.
So, they go under the NSA, tied in with Space Command, that's over all the military, which is, NORTHCOM has run out of Space Command, they're in
They're in Colorado, Colorado Springs, and this is the shadow government now becoming the government, but it's got to have excuses to come out in the open and let us know that we're the slaves.
Carol, please continue.
You've got to read, I mean, that old Latin phrase, order of chaos, order out of chaos.
You create a Hegelian dialectic again.
You create the crisis.
The people scream.
You give them a solution that they'll be happy with.
This is better than sitting on the balcony at the Superdome.
But these people have lost their homes, their jobs.
It'll never be the same.
It has been so destroyed.
And I frankly believe they intend to go in and build those homes that could be otherwise saved.
That all goes into this new eminent domain thing for private entrance.
But let me read these.
In the executive order from Kennedy, these went into the Federal Registry on February the 16th of 1962.
Yeah, they're even worse than the 13,000 series.
You're going to be reading from the 10,000 and 11,000s.
Go ahead and read.
So, 10,995 is the takeover of communications and media, which they've already done.
10,997 is the takeover of all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.
10,998 is the takeover of food resources and farms.
10.990 is of all the modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
11.000 provides for mobilization of civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
11.001 provides for government takeover of health, education, welfare functions.
002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
Now again, all of this decades ago sounded horrible, but see, bathing us in this type of crisis, we're all being trained to accept it now.
Order of Kale.
11-003 provides for the government takeover of airports and aircraft, and this one in particular, Alex, 11-004, provides for the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
So they had to flood the city to get that done.
We'll be right back.
Order a copy of this show for your friends and family at GCNlive.com or call 877-300-7645.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Myers, Senior Army Advisor, Air Command, Staff College.
He'll be joining us coming up in the next segment.
Carol Baker, great talk show host, great researcher, is going to be riding a shotgun with us, I hope, throughout this hour if she can.
Just God bless her for the great research she's done.
We were talking about Kennedy-era executive orders that have been reauthorized and expanded.
Now it all ties into the shadow government, the national security dictatorship.
But now, it's not a shadow dictatorship or shadow government anymore.
Three years ago, the Washington Post said the shadow government is out in the open.
The fourth year anniversary of 9-11 is coming up in just four days.
Four and a half days, and it's very, very serious.
Carol, please continue.
I mean, just to recap for stations that just joined us.
Multiple parishes, major cities, major towns.
That a lot of those parishes have the sheriff's departments guarding key infrastructures, the communication systems that are being sabotaged and cut by FEMA.
Armed guards are having to guard the highways from FEMA.
FEMA will not allow food and water through to people the entire time.
They had to make things fall apart to then demonstrate how they needed even more power.
This is just such an abomination.
Will they get away with doing this in plain view?
Please continue, Carol.
I have here a federal report.
It is Phase 1, issued September the 15th of 1999.
This is the U.S.
Commission on National Security for the 21st Century.
And to show you that it is strictly bipartisan,
Two globalists co-chaired it.
One was Warren Rudman and the other was Gary Hart, the Democrat.
And so, in this, there's a statement here that shows you, and you know, their objective... By the way, I've got to stop you right there.
It was the Warren Hart Commission that predicted 9-11.
Yeah, of course.
And then said we need to use this disaster for a new world order.
And so go back slowly and give folks the name of that particular report by that commission.
All right.
It's the U.S.
Commission on National Security for the 21st Century.
Supporting Research and Analysis.
This is Phase 1.
And it was co-chaired by Senator Gary Hart and Senator Warren Rudman, the Republican on that side.
But there's a phrase in here, and all through this they say, they make statements about the need to get rid of local sovereignty.
And this is one of the paragraphs.
Now you have to understand this is coming from a globalist viewpoint.
For some, globalization is basically good not only because it encourages global economic growth.
Have we heard that over and over?
But it hasn't done much progress, has it?
It's killed it, no.
But anyway, they're going to say, but because it may be a vehicle to transcend the system of state sovereignty, seem to be the font of war system that plagues humanity.
So, they are in the process of... Yeah, we got the CFR saying that sovereignty plagues humanity.
Yes, it's a bad thing for you to run your own government.
Carol, do me a favor, will you
Because you have such an incredible mind.
I mean that.
Just a great lady.
Will you, like, hammer out maybe a one-page synopsis article on this and email it over to tips at InfoWars.com so I can post it after you leave us?
Uh, okay.
It will be tomorrow before I can get it to you, though, Alex.
That's okay.
I just want to get your very insightful view on paper with this, but go ahead.
Well, I will go on with some of these executive orders that were issued that went into the Federal Registry under Kennedy
I saw the 10 regions of FEMA in a 1937 New York Times article.
They just didn't call it FEMA.
The exact same lines, the exact same regions, Carol.
Yes, and of course the regional government plan was set under executive order under Nixon.
And then Carter created what we know is FEMA, but I have New York Times Article 37 front page, the map of the U.S.
with the ten FEMA regions.
That's how old this plan is.
Stay there, Carol.
Ride shotgun with us.
We'll cover a lot more.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, I'm honored to have talk show host Carol Baker riding shotgun with us, doing great reports on FEMA and its history and what it's really up to.
And we, of course, now are joined by another guest.
And we have his comments posted on InfoWars.com right now.
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph C. Myers, Senior Army Advisor, Air Command and Staff College.
And Colonel Craig Roberts sent me this information and said that it was something I should look at.
And I appreciate
Appreciate what he's doing.
This is what Colonel Roberts wrote.
Something weird is going on here.
Something is not right.
Having worked in emergency management in the military and on the civilian side, I'm with Myers County Emergency Management in Oklahoma and the dive team leader.
I can't help but wonder why the old Rec City 4 plan is not being used.
And again, that's what we talked about.
The congressional hearings where Rec City 4 came out.
This would open up the
Different Forge and the AFB and
Other empty bases for refugees immediately.
Fort Chafee alone was warehousing, full of bedding, and the barracks, blankets, etc.
The base infrastructure is intact and ready to be used.
And he goes on and on to say that it's very, very suspicious.
Methinks there is something else at play.
But what?
Something here just ain't right.
If this were a city that had been nuked by terrorists, where is the plan FEMA allegedly had for displacing persons?
Now, before we go to Colonel Myers, who I really appreciate joining us today, and Colonel Myers studies this type of stuff, and works in this area, I want to play just a minute clip again that we played the last hour from Meet the Press, where the parish president
You know, a major city laying in that parish, Jefferson Parish President, comes out, Andrew Burchard, and says that FEMA is cutting the emergency lines for the police.
FEMA was blocking the food and water.
And literally, folks, we have like a hundred reports of this.
But, I mean, they're just getting worse and worse and worse and worse.
Now, there's two ways to look at it.
They're greedy.
They want to be top dogs.
They're not going to let anybody help if they're not micromanaging.
The problem is they've never really done this before.
I mean, they immediately respond to things in the past.
I've got a report here where Northcom is hopping mad because they're not all a bunch of evil people.
In Northcom, they're like, let's get in there and help.
We were ready a week before tracking this storm.
Why aren't we allowed to help?
I have that report coming up.
We have the Coast Guard hopping mad in press reports being leaked that they could have done a lot.
So let's go ahead and play this clip and then we'll go to the Colonel and we'll also get comments from Carol Baker.
Here it is.
Sir, they were told, like me, every single day, the Calvary's coming.
On a federal level, the Calvary's coming.
The Calvary's coming.
The Calvary's coming.
I have just begun to hear the hoofs of the Calvary.
The Calvary's still not here yet.
But I've begun to hear the hoofs, and we're almost a week out.
Let me give you just three quick examples.
We had Walmart deliver three trucks of water, trailer trucks of water.
FEMA turned them back.
They said we didn't need them.
This was a week ago.
FEMA, we had a thousand gallons of diesel fuel on a Coast Guard vessel docked in my parish.
The Coast Guard said, come get the fuel right away.
When we got there with our trucks,
They got a word.
FEMA says don't give you the fuel.
Yesterday, yesterday, FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency communication lines.
They cut them without notice.
Doc Sherriff, Harry Lee, goes back in, he reconnects the line, he posts armed guards on our line, and said no one's getting near these lines.
Sheriff Harry Lee said that if America, American government, would have responded like Walmart has responded, we wouldn't be in this crisis.
But I want to thank Governor Blanco for all she's done and all her leadership.
She's sent in the National Guard.
I just repaired a breach on my side of the 17th Street Canal that the Secretary didn't foresee.
A 300 foot breach.
I just completed it yesterday with convoys of National Guard and local parish workers and levy board people.
It took us two and a half days working 24-7.
I just closed it.
I'm telling you, most importantly, I want to thank my public employees that have worked 24-7.
They're burnt out.
The doctors, the nurses.
And I want to give you one last story and I'll shut up and let you tell me whatever you want to tell me.
The guy who runs this building I'm in, emergency management, he's responsible for everything.
His mother was trapped in St.
Bernard Nursing Home and every day she called him and said, are you coming son?
Is somebody coming?
And he said, yeah mama.
Somebody's coming to get you!
Somebody's coming to get you on Tuesday!
Somebody's coming to get you on Wednesday!
Somebody's coming to get you on Thursday!
Somebody's coming to get you on Friday!
And she drowned it Friday night!
She drowned it Friday night!
Mr. President... Nobody's coming to get us!
Nobody's coming together!
The Secretary's promised!
Everybody's promised!
They've had press conferences!
I'm sick of the press conferences!
For God's sakes, shut up and send me somebody!
Alright, we're going to go to our guest now.
I appreciate it.
I understand, folks, that FEMA, for four days, wouldn't let food and water in.
I mean, you could just drive it in trucks right up.
They wouldn't let police, military,
And then finally, under incredible public pressure, they began to let some in.
We're going to get Craig Roberts on here, because obviously, folks, does FEMA want a bigger crisis so they get more funding?
It's pretty obvious here.
Again, we're honored to be joined by Lt.
Joseph C. Myers.
Myers, good to have you on with us.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I appreciate the opportunity to come here and hopefully put some clarity into some of these very difficult
Complex issues.
What did you think of the clip we just played?
Well, right before I get to that, Alex, let me, I have to put out a little bit of a disclaimer here since I am an active duty military officer that, you know, the opinions I express here are my own, so they don't necessarily reflect those of the Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force, the Air University where I work, or the Department of the Army.
And as a side note, let me mention, you know, I am a Tulane University graduate.
I used to live in New Orleans.
I go back there every year.
I think it's a great city.
Great people.
My heart goes out to all the people suffering through the Gulf Coast.
I just hate to see this calamity play out the way it is.
Now back to your question on the clip.
I saw it on Meet the Press Sunday.
It's very disheartening.
You can't help but react emotionally to it.
But I listened to what President Broussard said, and I was a little bit struck by something he said.
You know, that last part there where he broke down, he was describing that he was in the office of the Jefferson Parish Emergency Management Agency, and a member of that agency who runs the place, I think he said runs the place, his own mother is in a nursing home,
I think he said St.
Bernard Parish and I'm not sure if that's in Jefferson or St.
Bernard Parish Nursing Home in that particular parish, but he said his own mother called every day wanting to know if she was going to get rescued and drowned on the fourth day.
So here you have an emergency manager whose mother is in a nursing home
That was not evacuated in front of a category 5 hurricane when everybody has known for generations that a hurricane of that size had the potential to create catastrophic damage.
They evacuated three quarters of the city last year, Colonel.
But they didn't this year.
That is a very good question.
I cannot understand that.
We know that an evacuation order, a voluntary evacuation order, and if you go to the New Orleans City Information site and you look at their emergency preparedness plan, under even a Category 3 hurricane, they're supposed to do precautionary evacuation.
And then they describe what a Category 4 and 5 means in terms of potential damage and destruction.
But if I could digress for a second, why?
It shows that the locals were not in control.
FEMA wouldn't let them do anything.
I mean, he's the head of it, and he can't go save his mother.
Frankly, folks, if my mother was calling me for help, anybody that got in my way would be pushing up daisies.
Well, I would agree if anybody got in their way, but let's understand.
I mean, we're a federal republic.
Local and state officials have the responsibility to plan and prepare to manage crisis incidents in their cities.
That's what they're elected for.
But FEMA directs, I mean you're in emergency management, you've done research on it, but FEMA sits there and sends in the dollars and you basically follow their horn.
Well, FEMA coordinates and supports federal agency relief efforts.
That is done in cooperation and coordination with the state emergency managers and state leadership.
But that's not what the state leadership... That's the priorities and... Say again?
But that's not what the state leadership is saying.
I mean, I've got literally 50 reports here in front of me where they're saying they were barred.
And I've got police chiefs saying they were barred from bringing food to people.
Well, I've heard those stories and I can't, obviously, I can't account for that.
No, that's something that you'd have to address either directly to the state or directly to FEMA.
Certainly, I can't negotiate
Well, we'll talk about that after the break, then.
Let me bring in Carol Baker.
Carol, we're about to break and I want to get the Colonel, who's kind enough to spend time with us, to comment on what we just talked about.
The question I just asked, do you have any questions for him after the break, Carol?
Why are they continuing on now that we know... I mean, they saw those people.
Michael Brown tried to deny that he knew that those people were standing as they'd been herded in like animals to the Superdome with no water, no food.
I mean, he knew they were there and tried to deny it and then got caught in it in a day or so after that.
You know, he had to admit, yeah, they were there.
Why did they not drop water in?
We have helicopters.
We can drop water and food into those people, which they finally did four or five days later.
Come on!
Alright, well we'll get an answer to that from the Colonel on the other side and find out exactly his take on it.
We appreciate you, Carol, and of course, Colonel Myers.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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If the levee breaks, I'll have no place to stay.
Yeah, I have to... have to move away.
Boy, what a, uh... Interesting, uh... Interesting lyrics in that song.
So sad what's happened.
By the way, Steve Watson has done several detailed reports on PrisonPlanet.com about what's really happening out there.
Going back to the Colonel, and again we've got Carol Baker riding shotgun with us, and I hope she'll stay with us.
Colonel, are you familiar with what's on Fox News and CNN that armed parish sheriffs, deputies are having to guard police communications so FEMA won't, quote, cut them?
We now have this from three separate parishes.
Were you aware of that?
Well, I've heard something about that.
Yeah, I've seen it on the news, but again... This is Twilight Zone!
I mean, this is Twilight Zone!
Well, I mean, I don't understand.
Obviously, it's important when you're doing disaster relief that you have a synchronization of effort.
That we're not, you know, obviously not tripping over each other or doing one thing that's interfering with another thing that needs to be done.
That's why it's important to have clear communications and good channels and relationships and very solid coordination between all the players that have to work at this.
Well, the report we're getting is that FEMA just literally moves in and sits on their hind ends and then orders everybody else to stand around.
But I mean, I'll shut up, Colonel.
Let's just go back to that last question I asked you before the break.
Well, your question was,
And I think all of America was wondering, why did it take so long to get military forces into the disaster zone?
Now, obviously I'm not going to speak for the JTF commander, Lt.
Honore, but obviously even the President of the United States said that the response was unacceptable.
So what I think that indicates is that we may have some systemic
We've had other hurricane relief go off like clockwork.
Well, we have.
In fact, you know, I helped my own in-laws evacuate from Hurricane Ivan just last year and went back down.
I was one of the first persons back on Fort Morgan.
And I was extremely impressed by the level of efficiency and coordination.
I mean, you had FEMA there, you had the insurance companies, you had power companies, National Guard.
But the military was getting ready.
But the military, I mean, NORTHCOM, I've even got articles here where NORTHCOM is saying they were ready.
Everything was set up a week before.
You even said that during a break when I was talking to you.
And then no one ever called them.
You know what?
This stinks to high heaven.
I agree with Colonel Roberts.
Well, what I know is that FEMA alerts the Department of Defense that they're going to need support for a disaster response.
I know that the NORTHCOM execute orders were
We're cut as early as last Friday before landfall, the 26th of August.
I have people that work in the Joint, you know, contacts and colleagues that work at the Joint Staff or work with the Air Force's Air Mobility Command.
And all the wheels of the Department of Defense were moving, but to position active duty forces into an area takes a certain amount of time for deployment.
Now, within the state, the Governor has command and control of her own National Guard.
I don't know what the status of the Guard was during that week.
Honore commands and controls active duty forces, and he commands and controls those National Guard forces.
But wasn't the majority of the Louisiana Guard deployed in Iraq or Germany?
Well, a good part of the Guard is deployed.
But, you know, they have an Adjutant General.
The Adjutant General is the commander of the Guard.
He works and reports to the Governor.
Now, Guard forces obviously are constituted to support principally, you know, missions and support to their state civil authority.
Well, you know this, Bush says it was unacceptable.
It's unacceptable that on Tuesday he was still out at parties playing the guitar.
And it's unacceptable that on Thursday, Colonel Lisa Rice had to be booed, shamed out of a play in New York City.
She was watching a play.
I know you can't talk about them because you're a commissioned officer there in the military, but I mean this... I wonder, Alex, if the Colonel is familiar with the Cairo United Nations meeting that was held in Cairo in 1994 on depopulation and population control.
Well, stay there, Carol.
Let's have you ask some questions of the Colonel, who I really appreciate taking time out to join us on the other side.
I want to go over some of his recommendations on how to handle things like this.
But, uh, this is... this stinks to high heaven.
Everybody knows it.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I know, people have been holding for a long time.
And coming up here in about 10 minutes or so, we will open the phones up.
The toll free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
We've got an hour and 26 minutes left, so plenty of time to go over all this news.
To the incredible headline here, police.
New Orleans completely destroyed.
They're telling people leave.
It basically won't be habitable for years.
Some people say years, some say four months.
I tend to think it's more towards two years than four months.
And I've got to correct something.
I have read an MSNBC article saying that the city of New Orleans is on an average of two feet under sea level.
I was on the Army Corps of Engineers website
uh... yesterday and uh... they said that the average is twenty feet below sea level uh... unbelievable and uh... what the feds can squarely be blamed for is is taking the emergency funding and slashing it down to almost nothing and this is confirmed.
I mean not stuff after the fact.
We have articles and documents at National Guard and Army Corps of Engineers statements going back three, four, five years ago.
Clinton cut it.
Bush cut it even more.
And if the Feds are going to be doing anything, and if they want to federalize an area so they can throw those water waves, they better fix those 1940s and 50s and 60s era dikes.
So, very, very serious.
And we've got, of course, Carol Baker riding shotgun with us.
She brought up the key point that there are actually Sheriff's Departments with guns, and I'm going to play newscast saying it, guarding police communications so FEMA doesn't cut it.
I mean, literally, folks, I've got a report we've covered last week where police, rescuers, people, even branches of the U.S.
military, the Coast Guard, who are go-getters, who actually are used to engaging in search and rescue.
I mean, they're one of the most active and highly trained forces because they're on the job all the time.
The Coast Guard's been held back by FEMA.
FEMA, a bunch of out-of-control bureaucrats who have read the executive orders,
All they care about is controlling our society and being a bunch of little continuity of government martial law puppets.
And that's not my opinion.
I have the Congressional hearings on it.
And we had Paul Craig Roberts on yesterday, sounding more radical than I, saying this is martial law takeover.
They're letting this get out of control.
I mean, the Colonel may disagree with that, but he's got some recommendations here that I know somebody I respect says they're good recommendations.
That's Colonel Roberts.
We'll get on in the next few days.
I want to hear you bring up some questions, Carol Baker, for the Colonel.
You know, cover some other angles than I've been covering.
Carol, go ahead.
I think there's a number of things here at play, Alex.
You know, we just had passed the Supreme Court decision on the Kelo, New London, Connecticut, ruling whereby it allows for private property to be taken and sold to other private entities for
Commercialization or whatever.
But in some cases there, and I went to the state hearings here two weeks ago and heard the lawyer from the University of Arkansas, Little Rock, describing these various cases and it was in most cases to increase tax base.
And so when you put that thought into play in what's going on in New Orleans, you also may see another
Well, I'll say this.
I'm not some city planner, but they can fix those dikes.
In a few months, they can pump that sucker out and they can just let the people back in who own homes to fix them themselves, give them the money.
That city could be up, you know, not perfect, but in six months it could be back.
You're never going to fix it by not letting people back in.
They've got the energy to fix it.
And Colonel, if FEMA just runs this and decides who can have a home and who can't, what about the aftermath now?
This city may never get rebuilt if they don't start really coming up with a plan to fix it.
I know the rescue is still ongoing, but your comments on what she's saying?
Well, in terms of the recovery, obviously it's going to be long term.
Now, I don't know that FEMA makes the decision of who's going to own a home or not.
Certainly the insurance companies will come in if people have insurance.
That's another issue.
Well, FEMA has the executive orders.
Well, they can do whatever they want.
Well, they can fund and help backfill resources for new home construction.
Now, a lot of those homes, I'm sure, in that flooded area are going to have to be demolished.
They're not going to be recoverable.
Now, one thing we've got to keep in mind, too, in looking at the aerial imagery, the satellite imagery by the Weather Service, I lived in Kenner, and Kenner is pretty much dry.
That's a little bit west of New Orleans, out where the airport is.
French Quarter is pretty much dry.
Now, that's one of the main tourism spots.
It's this downtown area, the Ward 9 area.
80% of the city's deluge, that's what the press says.
Is that accurate?
Well, in terms of New Orleans, but you have New Orleans and you have Metairie and you have Kenner.
Now, generally speaking, everybody, when you say New Orleans, you tend to roll all that together, but there's parts of Metairie that are underwater and parts that aren't.
Dallas-Fort Worth is just Dallas, you know?
Right, absolutely.
That's the point I'm trying to make.
But yeah, the recovery is going to take a long time.
Now the question is, do we want to improve the levy system there so we can withstand a Category 4 or 5 hurricane?
Well, that's a decision that's not just made at the federal level.
State and local have got to decide that.
In order to do that, I'm sure private properties are going to have to be
You know, taken under eminent domain.
I'm not sure how you can take, because in many cases the levy system is only a single, single channel.
It's not a, it's not a levy system in depth that has, you know, kind of like backup, so if you get a breach in one, it doesn't flood the whole, whole city.
Well, I mean, the Dutch... There's social questions there, too, about... Well, the Dutch do it, the Dutch do it like a ship, with different, you know, different containment units, or different sections, so if one floods, they
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, I'm saying you're right.
They have like a defense in depth.
So you don't have one containment facility break and then it just floods everything.
It's compartmented.
I was just in Amsterdam just a year ago actually, so I've seen it.
So again, it's just like a ship that has a different bulkhead.
But in order to do that, if you're going to redesign
Or add to the levy systems.
Obviously that's going to impact in already established urban areas.
And so those are political and social questions as much as, you know, practical matters of safety.
Because obviously, you know, there's private property in there.
Well, I've seen the plans they shelled that were really very inexpensive.
And it's just basically a 12-foot wall all the way around the city.
Well, that may be one thing.
I mean, there's other aspects of this as well.
I mean, you know, the barrier islands.
And Grand Isle and the Delta region are part of your natural
Uh, barriers to the ocean, and we're going to have to look at recovering a lot of that delta that's been eroding away over the years.
Well, Colonel, you know, we're hearing from the CFR and other people, we've got to get total control of the feds now, federalize everything, massively inflate the size of FEMA.
Uh, I mean, only in our country you screw up really bad, then you get more funds.
That actually encourages screw-ups.
What do you, from studying this, because I mean, I notice you've got some recommendations you put out, what do you think should be done?
Well, let me kind of focus on the military response.
That's really my area of expertise.
I did go to West Point.
I know something about engineering, but I'm not going to speak for the Corps of Engineers on the levy system down there.
But in terms of the Department of Defense role, I think our standard should be that when we have a disaster such as this, as soon as it lifts, we should have military boots on the ground as well as police within 12 hours.
Within 12 hours, not sooner.
Now, in order to do that, it's going to require some reorganization of our active duty aspect.
We're going to have to begin to put on an alert status a force robust enough that can deploy with elements on an 18-hour deployment sequence with the requisite medical and other pre-positioned release supplies that they can get in early.
On the other hand, again, let's go back to the National Guard that belongs to the Governor.
The National Guard is there to respond to state emergencies.
They are part of the first responders and incident responders for the state.
Now, where you have guards that have to do a lot of missions, including federal missions, where they've been activated and sent off to fight the war on terror, whether it's Afghanistan or Iraq, the State Adjutant General has to report his
capacity to perform all the missions he's been given to both the Governor and to the Department of Defense, you know, up and through the National Guard Bureau.
And where Guard forces may not be able to fully fulfill because of readiness or the impacts of current deployment and operations, they have to make that known.
So what we have though is somewhat of an ad hoc system where various states
...have been coming together and forming, I guess what they call, Emergency Management Assistance Compact.
That's what they're called.
Where states agree to help one another if they need support.
But this involves funding.
So what I'm saying is that this system can't be ad hoc.
We've got to have, with the National Guard, a nationwide disaster response system where we have Guard forces
that are placed on alert respond to other disasters that may be around the country and that uh... but isn't that part of that to be obviously uh... week but is it that i'm not going to have a it is not exactly what north com is is is being set up to do is to create kind of this uh... roving military command and force to the united states but i'll tell you colonel i've been to the urban warfare drills all over the nation with the marines and the army and they're not
Practicing handing out medicine in blankets and rescuing people, which they could have done within three days and stopped the riots.
They're, day one, practicing interrogating people, putting people into camps.
I mean, I've been there.
I've got footage of the Marines training to confiscate guns during emergencies, which isn't going to do a thing.
Well, I mean, I'm not sure what particular exercises you saw if they were counter-terrorism exercises or disaster response.
Well, they tell the press it's disaster response, and then when you go to an urban warrior, you know, drill, say, in 1999 in Oakland, it's anti.
Look, I've got footage.
Well, part of the Marines urban warrior training exercises are designed to give the Marines
Training in urban combat, not for here necessarily in the United States, but for overseas.
And the troops practice fighting with the evil American rebels, okay?
So my whole point is, I don't know what area, specifically if your area of the military hadn't brought you into contact with this, but believe me, I've been in contact with it.
I mean, I've got the local Roanoke newscast where they are calling us rebels and practicing fighting the rebels.
Why is the military spending so much time practicing fighting with rebels?
I mean, the Army Times came out over the weekend and said they've started combat operations in New Orleans against the insurgency.
Did you see that?
Well, yes, I did see the article and I read it.
Now, I don't think that's active duty forces.
You understand that the State National Guard, titled
Yeah, but that's not an insurgency.
I mean, you're talking about a couple hundred criminals running around.
Well, I mean, no, it's not an insurgency, but I mean, I would call them, you know, armed anarchists at least.
Certainly, they're contributing to some of the anarchy that's going down.
Oh, I totally agree, but I mean, what I'm trying to say, Colonel, is I've studied this, this one area I've studied, and the FEMA force structure and RECS 84 and all of it is basically about dominating populations and they've used disaster relief as the cover for this.
I've seen so many emergency managers, I've interviewed them, Thomas Sanchez down in Kingsville, Texas,
He's been on, years ago, talking about how he was brought into these semi-classified briefings.
Some of it was classified, some wasn't, under PDD 25.
And he's like, well, I thought we were here for hurricanes.
Well, that's the cover.
This is really about armed insurrection.
I don't know, it's just... Well, I mean, obviously, if the United States suffered nationwide catastrophic damage by, you know, a nuclear war or something, I mean, you're going to have a lot of chaos.
You know what's the best way to work through that?
I predict we'll have the military and police chiefs, some bad ones, but mainly good, but some bad ones will make themselves warlords over regions.
Well, Colonel, that's happened throughout history.
I mean, even our founding fathers, even our revolutionary troops engaged in some looting and rioting.
I mean, nothing compared to the British.
Let's face it, you always have criminal misconduct, but I wanted to get back to a point you were talking about the role of NORTHCOM in this.
And NORTHCOM is responsible and is charged with the Homeland Defense Mission and developing the strategies to deal with these various sets of contingencies, whether it's terrorism or nuclear terrorism or these disasters.
There was a RAND report that came out last November
It says that we're going to be lagging in terms of our response until Northcom comes up with a completed strategy.
I really don't know if they complete that strategy or not.
If anybody's interested, it's probably better to contact Northcom directly.
I know when Eberhardt was there a year ago, we got a strategy in the LA Times.
He said, get rid of posse comitatus and basically have troops running your life, and that in America.
Have you heard of the State Department Document 7277, Colonel?
It is the evolution or turning over of our military under the power of the United Nations.
There was a statement made by Henry Kissinger at Evian, France at a Bilderberger meeting
Well, I mean, that's Mr. Kissinger's opinion.
I can't speak to it.
I'm not familiar with the particular quote.
And he also made the Project 200 under Nixon about population control, and that's been reported by Dr. Stan Monteith.
Oh, that's declassified.
I have that.
That's from the National Security Archive.
That's on my website.
Yeah, it is about command and control.
Well, obviously, you know, in any type of disaster, if you have a national calamity, I mean, you're going to have to have some form of
Law and order and stability.
No, no, the point is, Colonel, is that time and time again these planners, these politicians talk about using crises for their own aims.
And I have to say, believe it or not, they are manipulated.
There's too much documentation on it.
That's why we have an elected government, we have congressional oversight, we have a separation of powers between our government to ensure that
You know, no secret or hidden entities are conspiring against the rights and civil liberties of the American people.
But under the Homeland Security bureaucracy and the head of all intelligence, Negroponte, Colonel, under this whole system, that's being eroded.
I mean, the Washington Post is reporting on shadow governments.
We'll stay there, sir, one more segment.
We'll come back and take a few calls.
We'll get to your calls, folks, after this quick break.
We really appreciate the Colonel joining us.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, you can read the recommendations that Colonel Myers has made up on InfoWars.com.
We're going to get Colonel Roberts on to talk about this in the next few days, but let's take a call or two for both of our guests, Carol Baker and, of course, Colonel Myers.
Robert in Denver, Colorado.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Thanks so much for taking my call, Alex.
I appreciate that.
Great show, great guest, as always.
I was watching
ABC coverage of the hurricane on Friday, and they broke the subject.
I didn't really think about it, but I wanted to bounce off of you and see what you think.
There was something suggesting that the fact that New Orleans is primarily a black population is one reason why there was a slow response from the federal government.
Any opinion on that?
I think that's ridiculous.
I mean, that black rapper got up on TV, and really what he does is he makes Bush look good.
That is so stupid that now people that criticize Bush's response are associated with that.
Oh, there's a bunch of black people in New Orleans, so let's do a bad job.
I mean, that... Colonel, do you have any comments on that?
No, other than to say that
That's not contributing to our understanding of our national deficiencies and where we need to make improvements so this doesn't happen.
That's right.
I mean, Jesse Jackson makes himself, he's just such a fool.
I mean, he's got so many things he could criticize too that are real and legitimate, and he's, I saw Larry King asking, well, is it because they're black?
Well, I think to a certain degree it is.
No, it's not!
I mean, that is just ridiculous.
Again, folks, but you know what?
Jesse Jackson serves a purpose.
Now he's going to balkanize a bunch of the population to follow what the government says no matter what because they don't want to be in Jesse Jackson's camp.
Well, the truth of the matter is, Alex, that the population is 68% black.
I mean, that's a fact.
But there's whites and blacks and, I mean, you saw elderly ladies laying on the concrete up there, infirmed people.
There were...
Red, yellow, and black and white.
All right.
Well, I think, bottom line, the government screwed up from top to bottom, and now they'll get a bunch of power and control out of it.
FEMA will, and it's... Robert, anything else?
Real quick.
Yeah, real quick.
They've also been calling a lot of people refugees, and I'm a little confused about that.
Any comment on that?
Well, that's because, you know, a refugee's a different definition than, you know, the old definition.
That means they're, like, been driven out.
They're gone.
You know, basically semi-permanent.
Colonel, do you agree with that statement?
Yeah, I mean, I would say it's probably better to call them displaced persons.
That's a more generic term that just reflects their particular condition until it can be rectified.
Alright, let's go ahead and talk to... Is Scott in Texas up next?
Scott, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I think if we could just discard for the moment Mr. Broussard's testimony.
We don't really need that to prove the fact that there is a shadow government working and has been working for years in this country.
And through the various coup d'etats, through the JFK assassination, all the way to the Reagan attempted assassination, to 9-11, all the way down the line.
You know we know these people and we know it's the same organization that's been operating for years and we know that they have no conscience that it's not a race thing.
It's really a human race thing.
They want to reduce the population.
They've said it many times if you've documented in the past and they're just it's just another operation of theirs and and so you know it's really hard to put just
Can't really put it past them, first of all, and we know that it's all possible.
And, uh, so anyway, I just, uh, I just wanted to say, too, Alex, that, uh... Stay there, stay there.
Colonel, uh, I want to thank you, Joseph C. Myers, for joining us.
My pleasure.
And, uh, I, you know, hope to get you to, uh, check in with us again in the future as things develop, and we really appreciate your service to our country.
Glad to.
Thank you, Alex.
Take care.
Alright, third hour.
Uh, Carol, stay there if you can.
We'll be right back.
If you would like a copy of this show, come to GCNlive.com and reserve it today, or call toll free 877-376-45.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're into hour number three.
We're just gonna open the phones up and blitz through your calls one after another.
We're going to be going back to Scott so he can finish up, and then Walt, and Kenny, and Omar, and many, many others that are patiently holding.
We still have Carol, don't we?
Good, Carol Baker.
Carol, listening to that Colonel, I mean, he's a good guy.
I talked to him during the break.
He knows quite a bit about the New World Order.
He's just got to be very careful about what he says, but
To recap, what we're facing in the last 7-8 days with this hurricane, just give us your take on it.
Well, I kind of wanted to ask him too if he had heard of the 29 Palm Survey, which also, what that does is establish
The fact that they have been moving toward turning our military over and I'm sure the same kind of brainwashing is going on.
And now by not bringing in aid, and by letting it fall apart, this drains the public and the troops that say you've got to fight the American people.
No, it's a huge battlefield test.
Yeah, well it is.
And of course that's why they've tried to shut up the Michael New Deal.
Didn't want it publicly addressed.
Didn't want it in the federal court.
They don't want to hear that, you know, because they don't want the public to know that our military is being stolen.
And if you know people out there, folks that are listening, that young men who are talking about going to register for the military, they need to be apprised that when they go in there, they are no longer
They take an oath, but they're under United Nations colonels and generals, and they're liable to be shipped.
We're in like 135 to 140 different countries right now, Alex.
Our military is strung out all over the globe, and so when we need help here,
Who's going to come?
Those same U.N.
troops that Henry Kissinger was talking about at the Bilderberg meeting in Evian, France.
Well, it's not a joke, and we've always said they could use a natural disaster to bring in martial law, not a terror attack.
And by the way, one of the executive orders that, I believe it was Johnson, let me see here, let me flip over here and see if I can find Johnson's statement.
I'll tell you what, find that statement.
Let's go back to the caller and we'll cover those statements after the break.
Stay with us a few more minutes.
Can you do that, Carol?
Okay, let's go back to Scott in Texas.
Scott, finish up what you were saying.
Yeah, Alex.
My question to the Colonel was, who's in charge of this Joint Task Force?
And, uh, could it be Dick Cheney in charge of the whole thing, running it from, you know, his vacation home?
Well, see, that's the problem.
I mean, you've got this well-meaning parish president crying and saying, FEMA's cutting the communication lines and won't let water come in, but let's give FEMA more power.
Right, right.
That's basically all these well-meaning people just don't seem to get it.
That's right.
The government can't help you, won't help you, never been its job to help you.
The Founding Fathers told us they're only going to hurt you.
That's right.
And it's time to start seeing this and knowing that these people are doing that.
Another thing though is we really can hold the fire to Congress because most of them are basically spinalists.
There's a few courageous ones that
have figured out you know what it is in them that they're willing to die for but the vast majority of them are just out for themselves.
Exactly folks.
The globalists have bought and paid for it.
Thanks for the call.
We're going to come back with Carol and give you a few more executive orders and some quotes and we're posting a lot of these on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
But when it rains, it pours.
I had this horrible migraine headache last night, which I very rarely have these folks.
It was so bad I couldn't walk.
It was the most pain I've ever felt in my life times five.
I mean, it was unbelievable.
And I barely did the show today.
I've got a pretty bad headache right now, but it's nothing.
And this would normally be a horrible headache.
This is like absolute pleasure.
So if I'm a little bit off today, I apologize.
And then Paul Watson's got sinus infection today.
He's at the doctor right now, but he's going to be updating when he gets back.
So, you know, when it rains, it pours.
We'll be right back with Carol Baker, your calls, and a lot more.
And we'll recap the top news as well.
Stay with us.
PrisonPlanet.tv and fullwars.net.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I tell ya, Carol Baker is just a great lady.
I've been interviewed on her show many times, uh, there in, uh, Little Rock, uh, and, uh,
Other areas of Hot Springs, other areas there in Arkansas.
And then I hadn't heard from her in a couple years and she called me and sent me a lot of information, helped us write this article we're putting together about multiple cities, multiple parishes where they've caught FEMA destroying equipment, not letting people through, destroying communications equipment, not letting water and food through.
Armed guards are having to protect the infrastructure from FEMA, who literally is secretly trying to make things worse.
They've been caught red-handed, and now it's even on Fox Television.
Armed deputies blocking highways, not letting FEMA into the county.
I mean, this is a criminal organization.
And there's so many good people in other compartments of the government that just don't understand this.
But we've been aware of it for a long time.
I said, where have you been, Carol?
And then she said, oh, my son died in an automobile accident.
And I was telling her, I have children.
I could not imagine the grief, the pain.
Because, I mean, I love my children more than I love my parents, my wife.
I mean, there's just no contest.
It is a love, just a love that you can never imagine until you have children.
That's why the globalists hate children, hate families.
They don't want you to experience that.
You know, seeing those mothers and those little bitty babies and holding their babies up going, please help us.
The troops wanted to help them, but they were told just aim machine guns at them.
That's what FEMA told them.
Then General Honorary showed up and said, don't aim your guns at people.
I have that on video.
But FEMA is just so evil, folks.
And you've got a few quotes here, and a few things LBJ did, and a few other things with Executive Orders and FEMA.
But before we get to that and then take some calls, why don't you talk about that experience, I guess bringing back those thoughts of losing your son.
Well, I was thinking of the pain.
There's no grief.
You'll know loss of your parents, you'll know loss of your grandparents.
We all expect to die, I mean, as we get older.
But you just don't know what grief is until you lose a child.
And I had to think about that when I saw these infants being taken out of their mother's arms and handed over and put in, you know, a plane separating from their mother.
And then I see these stories of children who have been separated from their mother or from their grandparents or from whoever they were living with.
And they're just alone.
And you know, you know the CPS, whose own training manual says the family is a disease.
You know they're going to be feeding on those families.
And folks, they have the Air Force, they have the planes to get everybody out.
They don't have to make people leave their chihuahuas, much less mothers having to stay behind while their six-month-old baby gets flown off.
Some of these were two- and three-month-old infants that I saw them lifting out and handing them to military guys in
Camel clothing.
You know, I mean, it just broke my heart.
Well, you know, some of those roads were open and FEMA, quote, wouldn't let the people walk out of the city.
It was, you gotta go here.
No, turn back.
No, turn back.
See, they want to control it to have all these images and train us to see this.
Train us to see families being broken up.
When I went and filmed anti-terror training that they called disaster training in Police State 2000, they practiced breaking up the families.
We have it on video.
Why do they do that?
Folks, this is evil.
It is evil.
And again, with compartmentalization, that young Marine Corps private doing the breakup of the family, he doesn't know, he thinks he's doing good.
Sorry, go ahead.
I just wanted to say that, you know, under the laws that they've got for these FEMA camps, and that was, it was Representative Gonzalez and Jack Brooks that tried to bring that out in the hearings, the Iran-Contra hearings.
Uh, I've got the plans to take and dislocate, move people.
Yeah, Gonzalez said the plans are to use terrorism or manufacture it and then bring in martial law.
He absolutely did and as I commented, Senator Daniel in no way would allow him to bring that up.
He just
Absolutely correct.
We will not talk about that here, that is classified.
If you would like, we will talk about that in an executive session.
That's exactly right.
By the way, I just thought of something.
Eat the Instant Message, Ryan Slick Eisen.
Get him to go to that part of America Destroyed by Design.
It's in the second half.
There's one part where it shows Jack Brooks being told to shut up about the FEMA camps.
And then there's the other part where Gonzalez talks about the Roundup plans.
Get him to post both of those.
Sorry, go ahead.
I was going to say that Johnson EO 11310 grants the Department of Justice the authority to enforce the plans set out in these executive orders, to institute industry support, to establish judicial and legislative liaisons to control all aliens to operate, or refugees as they call them,
To operate penal and correctional institutions and to advise and assist the President.
That was under Johnson.
Johnson wrote that one out.
And then one that Clinton did, which erodes the state and local power, was Executive Order 13083, which is really about our Tenth Amendment rights.
It's provisions which talks about states' rights
Well, our Founding Fathers had a decentralized government because a centralized always gives you tyranny.
is a statement made by Abraham Lincoln January 27th of 1838.
It says, at what point shall we expect the approach of danger?
By what means shall we fortify against it?
Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow?
All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or
Make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years.
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected?
I answer, if it were ever to reach us, it must spring upon us.
It cannot come from abroad.
If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be its author and finisher.
As a nation of free men, we must live through all times or die by suicide.
That was President Abraham Lincoln in address to Young Men's Lyceum in Springfield, Illinois in January of 1938.
Yeah, that's an incredible statement.
I hope you use that in the article you're going to put together, Carol.
And for those that don't realize what we're facing here, the government was the author of this.
The government didn't fix the levees when the other good parts of the government said it's the biggest disaster waiting to happen.
So they create the crisis, they hold back the aid and make it worse, and then they say we've got to take over your life and run your life now for your own good.
Alex, I have to bring up something I saw yesterday when Bill Clinton was there in Baton Rouge in one of the
I don't know what became of those studies.
I just could not believe it.
Well, I mean, how do you know when Bill Clinton's lying, his lips are moving, he cut the funding?
And so did George Bush at an even greater level.
But it's just unbelievable.
I mean, these people... So again, they create the crisis, bottom line, and then tell us to give up all our rights, because they'll do a better job next time.
Let's talk to Walt in Michigan.
Walt, go ahead.
Hello, my friend.
How are you?
Hello, Carol.
By the way, in 1995, my son and I confronted one of 42 representatives for the 1992 Population Control Conference in Cairo, Egypt, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where Mr. Bush and his buddies always love to congregate when they come here in Michigan.
They've internationalized the Calvin College up there and they were installing students to be head of the NGO that was centered in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Well, we've got video of Lanzig flying the U.N.
flag above the American flag.
Yeah, but nothing surprises me.
But let me tell you what happened in this meeting.
About 25 of us showed up.
We confronted her about the conference and the issues and discussions and speeches given by several of the members, including good old Jacques Cousteau.
Well, Jacques Cousteau recommended in his little speech that he says, I hate to say it, folks, but we've got to find a way to give it to 36,000 people a day to keep up with... 350,000!
It's horrible to say it, but it's even worse not to say it.
He also recommended that they use recycled human remains for animal feed.
That's a wonderful explorer of the feed.
He recommended that at that meeting.
And all this woman could do was run her mouth about how bad Christians were, or people, especially Catholics, how they like large families, you know.
But you always noticed a scum like that got a bunch of kids.
Well, you know what?
The interesting part of this woman, she's wealthy.
Her old man owned a factory up there.
Both of her daughters were engineers.
These were highly educated and wealthy people.
That were supposedly concerned about privacy.
Well, why didn't she convince her and her daughters to all commit suicide?
Well, you see... I mean, what kind of life is so bad?
Well, they think they're above us.
They're arrogant.
They're elitist.
And they're internationalists, number one.
And number two, I should say.
And they think that most of us are useless leaders and have nothing to contribute to this life and this world.
And what Agenda 21, I just got done going to the website, UN website, which promotes
The areas around the world, including New Orleans.
Unit 21 is the regulations for the world government.
Yeah, for them to turn all land back into wilderness.
And get rid of populations.
Well, force us into compact cities where they then will exterminate us.
Well, they're not going to allow those... You mark this, Alex.
I don't think they're going to allow hardly anybody, if not anybody, to go back into New Orleans.
And I hope some of those guys that are running the boroughs down there are listening to what you're saying and what's being said now.
Alright, thank you for the call.
Got a break here.
Come back and talk to many, many other people.
Stay with us.
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Talk show host, researcher, educator, Carol Baker riding a shotgun with us today.
We're going to your calls now in fast order, but you had another quote for us, should be giving us a quote each segment.
Give us another one of these quotes, Carol.
Well, to show that we are, I'm trying to show here, I laid the foundation to Ben Lay, president by president, and executive order by executive order.
Now they're, they retweaked them and I've got the
White House document, executive order establishing the Office of Homeland Security, the executive order on critical infrastructure protection.
And they're expanding it more and more and more, and the crises get bigger and bigger and bigger.
Yes, and they bring up some of these former executive orders, and they're not really abolishing them, they just change them and tweak them and ratchet them up, if you will.
What was the other quote?
The quote by Catherine Bertonini at the Women's Conference in Beijing about controlling people with food, and she said, we make no apologies.
Food is control.
We control human behavior with food.
Now, you can just go and look and see what they've done in Africa, other countries,
And there are population agendas going on.
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Just look at those people down there.
If they had Berkey filters in their house, they could go out and dip that filthy water out of their front yard and drink it.
I know.
I mean, how anybody could have children and not have storable food and not have guns and not have... I just cannot understand it.
I mean, it's not that I thought the world was going to end any day.
It's just that the old-timers did it.
You know, my grandparents did it.
I mean, now we're just so domesticated, folks.
People weren't fearful 50, 60 years ago.
They were the opposite.
And because they weren't fearful, they were prepared.
But the average American is afraid to admit something bad could ever happen.
And it happens all the time, folks.
I just think, Alex, that there are at least three operations going on down there that they are achieving.
And, of course, one of them is the operational
uh... military control.
Training is for martial law.
Martial law control, yes.
And then there's the population control that they're implementing.
And then there's also the Kelo, New London Supreme Court ruling, which I think has a big bearing on it.
I heard Lou Dobbs make a statement about when, and I forget now, he was talking to um... It doesn't matter.
He made the statement that if Halliburton comes in, they'll get the cleanup.
Something about them having the cleanup contract to clean up New Orleans?
They did get it.
They did get it?
Well, isn't that just interesting?
Well, it's good.
They love us.
Let's take some calls here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kenny in Florida.
Go ahead, Kenny.
Hello, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
I had two items.
One of them is supporting evidence that this was some kind of a test.
When those tourists were reported stranded in the city, they raised $25,000 to hire private buses to come get them.
When the buses showed up, the government confiscated them.
Then they decided to walk out of the city on their own.
When they got out of the exit ramp of the city on the freeway out, they were
Stopped by leaving the city by armed guards.
The armed guard literally shot his gun in the air telling them you cannot leave this city and told them they must go back in.
They had to spend the night on the streets that night.
No, I know.
It's total control training and you're going to stay here.
We're not going to give you food or water.
This is about you learning to be bossed around.
This is all martial law training.
The second item I had had to do with the population control.
I've read a lot of stuff on Prescott Bush being involved with Nazi financing through the banks and stuff.
Yeah, my Phil Marshall Law covers that.
But I've seen very little reporting about his involvement with eugenics.
Oh, he was hugely involved.
Yes, he had a eugenics conference in the 1930s and he was the treasurer of Margaret Fanger's Planned Parenthood.
Tell you what, do me a favor.
Why don't you... See, I can't do all this, folks.
I'm working so hard that I just can't work anymore.
All of you, and it frustrates me greatly that I can't make all these points.
All of you need to write these articles, link to your source data, and I'll post them all as emails on InfoWars.com, on Prison Planet.
My websites get millions of readers every week now.
I did on the Truly Nolan article.
I hope you got that.
I sent a few tips.
Well, just send it again and tell my people to post it.
Anything else, sir?
I'll have to do it.
Alright, thank you.
Yes, I know.
There's just so much evil with these people that I can't even... I could talk faster than an auctioneer.
You know, 20 hours a day and never cover it all.
I mean, they're just... And it's all documented.
I mean... We'll be right back, folks.
We'll continue.
I am going to go quickly to your calls now.
Very quickly.
We're just going to rush through them when we get back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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There's a lot of people who like to take credit for the work we do here.
A lot of people out there that snipe at us.
A lot of liars.
A lot of people like to take credit for the local folks in Austin that have been fighting the New World Order so long.
Some Johnny-come-lately carpetbaggers.
I'm here to tell you folks, it's the good people of America that are fighting the New World Order.
It's not me.
I just want to commend people for the good job they've done fighting corruption in all the great stations, the AM and FM stations across the nation from upstate New York to Los Angeles, California, from Chicago, Illinois to right here in Austin, Texas.
And I just want to say this, you know, I didn't in the first hour tell you about how I had a migraine headache last night because I wanted you to feel sorry for me.
And I don't sit here and talk about my personal stuff that's going on.
I just, I mentioned it because I'm getting a bunch of emails and calls now because I don't know how good I'm doing on air today.
And really, it was almost like a positive thing.
I always take something good away from something that happens.
I've only had a few other migraines.
First time I had one about five, six years ago, and of course it's from stress.
It's always when I've been working a whole bunch.
Or right after I've taken a break.
I like, what on earth is this?
I mean, this is like, I mean I've had like a compound fracture before, folks.
You know, bones, you know, snap sticking.
And that's no big deal.
You know, I've had all kinds of broken bones and been really sick and had a dislocated shoulder.
It hurts really bad, but it's controllable.
I mean, this migraine headache, literally I was on my knees or laying on the bathroom floor for four hours.
Every five minutes vomiting uncontrollably dry heaves.
You know, I knew I had a migraine because my pupils were different sizes, and it was just my brain saying, man, you worry about stuff too much, you work too much.
Yesterday I was just really thinking, really focused, really upset about what's happening.
And so we all have to take care of ourselves, but it was so painful, though.
I mean, I'm only talking about it because it was such a phenomenon.
I mean, it was like... I started having these weird thoughts because, you know, the Aztecs would, like, drag
We're good to go.
I cannot describe it.
I never knew pain could be this bad.
The last few times I had migraines it was bad.
It was nothing compared to this.
And while I was sitting there having this migraine, it just was indescribable.
I was just thinking about how thankful I am for life and how thankful we should be when we feel good and how thankful we should be for our health and how thankful we should be for all the blessings we've got.
And then I just thought about all those people in New Orleans and surrounding areas with their babies out in the sun five, six days with no food or water.
How blessed I was to just be having this migraine headache.
And then I just thought about how it was the most intense feeling of my life.
And I was thinking, you know, it was horrible.
And I was thinking just how sick the Aztecs were for wanting
They would take drugs to have horrible headaches, too.
They would take these poison plants.
They like to feel like this.
I was just thinking about how evil the devil is, and how evil evil is, and how wonderful God is, and how wonderful life is, and how the bounties of life are so wonderful compared to evil.
But life is so short.
Life is so transitory.
We should all be so thankful for every waking moment.
For every dream we have, for every blessing we have, for everything we eat.
I mean, I'm a thankful person, folks.
I didn't used to be.
But when I eat food, I'm thankful.
And when I see a sunset, I'm thankful.
When my family, when my children get strong and are intelligent, I'm just so thankful to God.
And I don't blame God for that.
A lot of people have a horrible migraine and they get mad at God.
This is just part of life.
But, I don't know, it was just the most intense pain of my life.
I don't know.
I feel like I got something out of it.
At the end of it, I don't know, four hours.
Some people have these things for days, I've learned.
My dad's in the medical profession.
He's a dentist and oral surgeon.
He knows a lot of other medical stuff.
He said that 20% of the population has debilitating headaches.
I didn't know that.
20% have headaches like this.
And there's folks, it didn't used to be like this.
There's something in the food, something in the water.
We're running too fast, we're doing too much.
Alright, there I've just spent five minutes babbling.
I'm sorry, I just wanted to, for some reason last night I was thinking, I said I'm going to tell this story tomorrow.
So there I've told the story.
What do you think of that story, Carol?
I think I have had some very serious sinus headaches that I got
And I thought they were just about as bad as they could be.
And it is a horrible pain.
I haven't had one, thank God, in a very long time.
And I think he's healing me through some things that I'm doing.
And I just have to encourage everybody to work on improving your immune system because I think we are going to be hit, designedly so, by some of the Fort Detrick designer diseases that they've got for us.
You know, they've got machines they sell in law enforcement handbooks.
The sonic nausea machine where they, and it goes, police buy these to use on crowds of people giving speeches they don't like.
We use these in prisons to make people sick.
So our government has this stuff.
Oh yeah, they do.
They do.
And I'm not saying that's what happened.
People have always had headaches, folks.
I mean, no, the only reason I'm talking about it is it was just so intense.
I like, man, I didn't know
The pain could go to this level.
Let's go ahead.
I mean, seriously, folks.
Bones sticking out of flesh feel wonderful compared to this.
The time I basically cut my finger off felt wonderful compared to this.
I mean, I have a horrible headache right now, and it feels wonderful compared to this.
Anyways, interesting side note.
There was a man who complained he had no shoes until he saw a man who had no feet.
We are all so blessed, ladies and gentlemen.
We're blessed with life.
I mean, when you have children, folks, you're giving them life.
You know, God gives them life through you.
And, uh, and, uh... And, you know, they're also going to die.
I mean, this is the experience.
You're also giving them all that pain.
Alex, when I lost my son, I have to say that
That thought went through my mind.
Lord, why him and not me?
Why didn't you take me first?
And I have to say that he lays it on your heart that he didn't just leave you here for no reason.
People, if he gives you one more day, he wants you to get out there and fight the good fight.
That's why he left me here.
I just have to believe that's why he left me here.
We've just got to be thankful for life and thankful for all of God's bounties.
Let's go ahead and go to these calls.
Let's talk to Omar in Michigan.
Go ahead, Omar.
Nothing was done in Louisiana until Union General Curt D. White, a high priest of the free, accepted, ancient order of Melchizedek, called the governor's office in Louisiana and told her assistant to go back to search and rescue.
That, uh, search and rescue status, and that we were coming to rescue our people, provide transportation out of Louisiana and bury it, bury the dead.
And for the soldiers to stand down or bloodshed would ensue.
People in Michigan can attest to my words as Governor Jennifer Granholm pleaded for us not to go down there.
And everyone was shocked because this happened, meaning the response from the authorities was amidst of Kirk D. White's call.
Buses and helicopters came to the aid of our people unknown to the American government who had ordered them not to give aid at that time.
Well we've seen it in front of everybody where the government for at least five days did nothing on purpose and now we've learned that FEMA has been cutting communications lines and not letting police get food and water to people and so in multiple parishes the sheriffs have taken over and are actually having to guard infrastructure from FEMA.
And also they was playing the race card which has really got people in the uproar that don't understand.
It's designed to divide people.
I'm good.
No, we know that.
We know they're vegan.
The government always does it.
Ooh, there's this little group over here and they're bad.
And see, we've got to take all your rights to keep you safe from them.
Remember the old divide and conquer.
Satan has been at it since day one.
Well, we've always been under terrorism in some form in this country.
So, we're not scared of it.
You know, like we say, bring it.
Whatever they want to do, that's what it's going to be because
You know, if somebody tries to do something to anybody black, or try to make them a search for a bootlicker, it's not gonna happen.
Alright, thank you for the call.
Let's, uh... I was told somebody hung up.
Who's up next?
David in Delaware.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, David.
Yes, Alex.
Uh, good afternoon.
How are you, sir?
Good, sir.
Hey, Alex, uh... I wanted to let you know, I'm the one that put the, uh, different videos in the libraries.
But also, within the past couple months, they removed the power hour from the radio at WKDI Denton, and as of today, I believe they cut you off.
I didn't hear it yesterday, but they said because of not enough support.
Well, we gain two or three affiliates now, for affiliates we lose.
I know we've been on there in Maryland three, four years.
And that's really, really sad if that did it.
But they've taken us all, I think, before and then put us back on.
You know, I can't control what radio stations do.
God bless them for carrying the show, and they did.
That's right.
But anyway, I just wanted to call and let you know that if anybody's out there that would like to support Alex, please call the Denton, Maryland radio station.
Put him back on there.
He's needed.
Alright, thanks for the call.
You know, stations get bought, stations get sold, stations get new management.
And I'm only thankful to affiliates, but it is important to sponsor them and to support the sponsors.
Getting writings is no problem, but you're not going to get General Motors advertising with you when you talk about how General Motors is being sold out.
So it's really simple, but the audience is here, and we have great network sponsorship, and we're growing.
We're blessed.
But that is a great loss, because we've been on that station for quite a few years.
Let's go ahead and... Oh, the toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Even have some open lines.
Tom in Kansas City.
Go ahead, Tom.
Hey Alex, how are you doing today?
I just want to touch on a personal note.
I actually feel for you with the migraines I've been suffering with them since I was about five or six years old and the completely crippling nausea, the vomiting, man, I feel for you.
I still get them, what, usually two to three times a week.
Oh, Lord!
I get them about every two or three years.
What do you do to stop them?
Actually, cannabis.
I actually self-medicate because the drugs that were given throughout my youth were pretty hardcore drugs.
Well, I'll say this on air right now, and it's true.
There's hundreds of medical reasons to use marijuana.
It's admitted.
George Washington.
In fact, that was the old... I knew... I'd forgotten that.
For headache, it was to smoke a pipe load of the particular type of hemp.
And, you know, I don't smoke marijuana, but if I would have smoked marijuana last night, instantly, it would have made this headache go away.
I mean, it does help.
And again, I'm not advocating other people get fried because of other people's personal, physical conditions and whatnot.
I'm just saying personally.
We know it works for glaucoma.
We know it works for, I mean, it's just wonderful.
It is.
Okay, back down to business.
One thing I haven't really heard or seen anybody speak of is the private property that is owned in New Orleans right now.
What is going to happen when this city is drained of all the water?
You know what's going to happen to it.
Kilo is going to happen to it.
In fact, she talked about that.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you, my friend.
This is why they're saying, if we've got a better economic thing to do with your land for some big fat cat, we're going to take your property.
Talk about it.
They talked this morning about the shortfall now in educational funds in Mississippi and in Louisiana.
Of course, they've got a whole lot of schools in New Orleans that
They won't have a school this year.
But Mississippi and Louisiana were talking this morning about the need to find more taxes for their schools.
Well, where are they getting it?
And so I think they'll use the eminent domain thing and the Kelo ruling to seize a lot of that land.
And they say they will naturalize some of it.
But some of it, you know, they'll use it as the globalist want it used.
It won't go to the people that had it before.
I don't believe.
No, I agree with you.
That's, I mean, you're going to have major land-grabbing scams going on here for that big tourist mecca.
Julius in Arizona, you're on the air.
Welcome, Julius.
Welcome, Alex.
I have two things for you guys.
Number one is on your personal diet.
My kid had those kinds of migraines where you're on the floor like you're describing and you can't move an inch and my wife had the same thing.
And with my son, we've completely eliminated them as long as he stays away from two things.
Modern dairy products and high fructose corn syrup.
And he eats basically a diet of fresh lean meat and lots of vegetables.
He uses olive oil and guacamole for sources of fat.
No, I've heard that.
That's it.
No more.
If you try that for about two or three weeks and read every label on everything you drink and eat and keep the high fructose corn syrup out, keep out all the dairy things like whey and casein and milk and cheese and all those things that you actually can live without if you give yourself a couple weeks away from them.
You'll find that you feel so much better, and I bet you, you'll never have a migraine headache again.
I've heard dairy can actually dissolve the garbage they add to it.
Yeah, well, if my kid eats just two Oreo cookies with a little bit of high fructose corn syrup in it, he gets the onset of a migraine.
Just two little bitty cookies.
That's all it takes.
That stuff's unnatural, yeah.
You want to talk about the hurricane or anything?
I think that we could make a heck of a good argument, a whole bunch of us, if we could get some attorney to ramrod this through.
We should turn around the tables on them with this eminent domain thing, and we should say that since the overlays of government in that area called New Orleans has completely destroyed twenty billion dollars worth of property, we should sue to remove all the overlays and have a free city project, like this free state project that
New Orleans is small enough, it's a manageable thing, if a whole bunch of us, if tens of thousands of us went down there, and put our minds and our hearts into it, we could build a new Hong Kong on the North American continent.
You know, you're right, we could build like a Taiwan, it could be the free America!
Yeah, and what you could do, see, is you could dredge out the lower parts of the area, bring the ocean in and make like a new Venice, and take all the fill from the dredging, and build the other parts of the land up higher.
You could end up with something that's beautiful and valuable and attracts tourists.
Oh yeah, that's what the Dutch do.
Well, we could do it.
It's a good idea.
We'll take a few final calls on the other side.
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Alright, to be specific, that Denton radio station up in Maryland did not take us off the air.
The analog satellites are going off of analog.
All the other Patriot networks got taken off except for others with special connections.
And they'll be taken off in the next few months off of analog satellites.
uh... and uh... we need in the network has been so busy or whatever but didn't get with the owners and didn't get them a receiver they needed that's a valuable affiliate and so for the folks listening to all the devastation if i have to all get them a receiver so it'll sound better once they get on digital anyways uh... but uh... uh... let's uh... so we apologize about that and uh... you know
The network should handle it.
It's not my job, but I'll handle it if I have to.
That's what Step It Up is all about.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike.
Mike, where are you calling us from?
Welcome, sir.
I just wanted to let you know, we've got some of the evacuees here in Fort Smith at an old Army base called Fort Chaffee.
Yeah, we've got a whole bunch here in Texas.
Yeah, and it's only about 4,000 that are going to stay there.
They're still laying, but they're passing about 20,000 through processing out there.
And after they got here, they didn't even let them eat for an additional 10 hours after they got here.
And volunteers were out there with food and everything.
And the Army said, no, don't feed them anything, just give them water.
And I didn't understand, you know, we don't understand what's going on.
It's the higher-ups, it's all about, well, they're going into prison.
They're going to break the families up.
That's also what I want to talk to you about.
They have that old camp cordoned off, roads shut down.
They won't let them out of there.
And when they do let them out, they'll let them out for a certain time.
They gave them a curfew.
They won't let anybody in at all.
No, sir, I've been to the training drills.
They're going to break the families up.
It's going to be CPS on there grabbing kids left and right.
It's going to be literal feeding on them.
Well, apparently that's what they're doing.
And they're not letting anybody in there.
And when we called the command center, I turned to the ladies and said, well, we're not letting them out because they'll get raped and shot.
And we ask her, what does she mean by that?
What are you talking about?
They're going to get raped and shot.
These people are human.
They should be able to go... Oh, no!
No, they're prisoners.
It's freedom, sir.
I'll tell you what.
Send me an email on it.
I'll try to check it out.
I mean, there's so much happening.
Well, can I get an email just for... I was going to take some pictures of the fortress that got set out there now.
Oh, absolutely.
Tips at Infowars.com.
Take the photos.
Send me a description.
God bless you.
Well, that's what we're talking about, Carol, right there!
Fort Chaffee's been used before, back in 82, when Clinton was governor.
They brought in all the Cuban refugees.
That was the ones that Fidel Castro turned out in prison that were hardcore criminals and HIV positive and people he did not want to deal with, so he let them, you know, come over here
And Clinton took them in at Fort Chaffee and then they were later dispersed.
Alright, let's take another call here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rodney in Texas.
Go ahead, Rodney.
First of all, I want to say thank you, Alex, for taking my call.
It's a great show.
I really appreciate you having Ms.
Baker on your show today.
This lady is a wealth of information.
Now, my point.
Regarding other cities that are federalized, I think that it's not unreasonable to think that these might be, you know, at the top of the list when it comes to the globalist targeted cities.
Yeah, let's be clear, the feds for two and a half years were already in control of New Orleans.
So what other cities have been federalized like New Orleans?
Kansas City has.
Los Angeles, Detroit, New York.
Oh my, I think that these cities, now this is just my opinion, I think that they're high targets for
It's the same thing as after New Orleans.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, we're out of time, Rodney.
Thank you.
Real quick, Richard.
You've got 30 seconds, Richard.
Bark with some zinc.
That would help your headache quite well.
Okay, well, we're out of time.
You'll have to email it to me.
Hey, Carol, thanks for coming on with us, okay?
Thank you.
Get out and educate your sheriff.
Educate somebody.
Copies of the preceding broadcast are available at GCNlive.com or call toll free 877-376-45.