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Name: 20050701_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 1, 2005
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
It is already Wednesday, the 15th day of June 2005.
And coming up in 30 minutes, Dr. Morgan Reynolds, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term inside the Bush Inner Sanctum, the Bush team, says the official story about the collapse of the Twin Towers is bogus and that it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed them and the adjacent building number 7.
He's coming on in 30 minutes next Monday for his first big radio interview.
David Shaler's going to be coming on, the MI5 officer that blew the whistle on British involvement in bombings in Ireland and England to blame it on their political enemies.
He's coming on to talk about that and government involvement in 9-11 next Monday.
We are so honored that he contacted us through Simon Aranowitz
Over in England and then he wants to come on this show.
So we are extremely honored and these are two big guests coming up.
One in 30 minutes and one on Monday.
Now of course I saw the article at LewRockwell.com last Thursday and talked about it on air.
And I told Paul Watson, I said, you watch, this story's going to be big.
And now it has gotten big.
People are finally paying attention to a former Bush team member, during his first administration, is now voicing serious doubts about the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
And he's written some detailed articles just covering the common sense facts surrounding this.
And I've talked a lot about how this is how a house of cards comes down.
Or the analogy is the emperor's new clothes.
It takes those first individuals to hit the barbed wire so the rest of you can climb over our backs.
And I use the analogy of the first people that came out 600 years ago
And said, the world is round.
Actually, 500 and something.
The world isn't flat.
They were burned at the stake.
They were killed.
They were called witches.
They were called warlocks.
They were called heretics.
They were jailed in their homes.
And then, almost overnight, in the scheme of human society, in just a decade or so,
You were a kook, not to say that it was round, but a kook to say that it was flat.
Flat earthers.
And so, shoot your mouths off, laugh at me, attack me, run your hit pieces, just pull out all the stops.
In fact, you can't even kill all of us now, there's too many of us.
Do whatever you want, do whatever you can, try how you may,
The truth about 9-11's coming out.
Just like in major polls, 90 plus percent of Americans believe the government killed Kennedy.
Not just the CIA, not the mob, not there was more than one gunman.
Everybody, basically, 98 percent believe that.
In major polls, 92 percent of Americans believe the government was involved.
And it's not going to take 40 years or 42 years now to get those type of numbers.
It's accelerated.
Everything happens faster today because of technology, because of science.
Their lies come out even faster.
They're more sophisticated.
Our truths come out even faster and dissect their lies as fast as they can weave them.
And yes, even faster.
So, prepare yourselves, New World Order.
You can run, but you can't hide.
Your end is approaching.
It's on the horizon.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Blasting out from San Bernardino, California, the KCAA,
To our fine affiliates up there on the Sunshine Network in upstate New York, to WVTJ down in Pensacola, Florida, from right here in Austin, Texas, Radio Free Austin, to KCXL in Kansas City, Missouri, shamble casting on Global Shortwave during the day at 9.985 and at night at 3210, and of course the internet at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
All right, coming up in about 20 minutes, we're going to have former high-level Bush administration official, the chief economist, Dr. Morgan Reynolds, for the Department of Labor during President Bush's first term.
He's also been involved, he has a very long bio at Texas A&M and in law enforcement studies and just a whole plethora of issues
And he will be joining us, coming up, here in just about 22 minutes to be precise.
And in the first five minutes that I know some of our fine affiliates don't carry, they carry news then, but a lot of our stations, the majority, don't want to carry that news, so I do the first five minutes live, but I generally tend to recap.
But it's important to recap it and to elaborate on it, and to really be more specific.
Because this is the good news.
And I use the analogy of the world being round.
And 550-something years ago, if you said the world was round, you would be executed, you'd be imprisoned, you'd get in deep trouble.
But once it finally got traction and people refused to go along with the propaganda,
And Magellan circumnavigated the globe, finding Magellan's Strait, and naming it such, that really shattered the illusions.
And within just a few years, suddenly, you were a kook to say that the world was flat.
And in the scheme of human time and society, you know, five years, ten years, is a blinking, a twinkling, a shimmer of the eye.
It's not even a blinking of the eye.
And so, so many people I've talked to, I mean, I remember, and again, this isn't Alex Jones tooting his horn, it's so that you can have this same courage, it's so you can realize that being a leader
Is the job that you've got before you and so that you understand that being ridiculed is a badge of honor and is a good thing.
I remember two months before 9-11 saying they're going to carry out an attack, Bin Laden's a CIA asset, he'll probably take the blame, he'll probably attack the World Trade Centers.
Call the White House, tell Bush, don't carry out the attacks.
I mean, I've never before said, emergency, emergency, call them, I've never done it since.
And I did it for two months, leading up to 9-11, and I did it on TV, and I put it in my film, The Masters of Terror.
And I got a lot of criticism.
I had some stations turn us off.
By the way, the stations that did kick us off came back and picked us back up again.
And instead of being on two hours, hey, we're going to put you on three hours, and how about we put you on three hours at night?
How's six hours sound?
So I knew what was going to happen.
I saw all the evidence.
I have the connections.
I did the research.
You could do it too.
I'm just an average person.
And I took the heat.
Day one on 9-11, I got on air.
And I said, the globalists are behind 9-11.
I gave the evidence.
And I was ridiculed by people very close to me, other talk show hosts, other so-called patriot networks.
Even some people on the very network I was on.
Well, Alex is going way too far.
I had people dress me down in the street.
I had people I've known for years dress me down in the hallways of the TV station.
And you know what?
None of them ever apologized to me.
Some listeners have.
And a few stations did.
But people I know, my so-called colleagues, they never apologized.
No, they like to prance around and say they exposed 9-11 and they have the most powerful information.
Look, frankly, I don't care.
Let them run around and say that they claim the world was round when I know good and well they were saying it was flat as a pancake.
I don't care!
Just so long as you say it's round.
And that's what it takes to be a trailblazer.
And I've blazed many trails.
Just because I, at certain levels, am not naive and gullible.
I am, uh, I wouldn't call it cynical, I'm streetwise.
And I happen to have read a lot of history.
And really, when you know history, you understand what's going on today.
I don't have some sardonic or elitist feeling
In the fact that most Americans can't find Iraq on a map, most Americans don't know who the first president was, or even the second, most Americans don't know what the 4th or 5th amendment is, or the 10th amendment, or the 9th amendment, or the 7th, or the 6th, or the 1st.
You know, the elite in America today, they're on a power trip.
A lot of these mid-level minions love it that people are dumbed down.
They see it as, well, in a competitive world, it's better if they're stupid.
Oh no, that scares me.
It scares me to have billions of people that don't know their head from a hole in the ground, but know all about their favorite sitcom or drama on TV.
It scares me to death, folks, because when you've got a dumbed-down population, you've got tyranny.
Oh, I don't take any pleasure.
I'm not even that smart.
In fact, it's very humbling.
It's very scary.
But realize that I'm just an average person, but I am light years ahead of most people.
And I know our listeners are light years ahead.
I mean, I was thinking about this this morning and last night.
What amazing listeners we've got.
What loving listeners we've got.
What caring listeners we've got.
The courage of our listeners.
The activists.
The people involved on the cutting edge.
You guys are on the front lines.
And I commend you.
I salute you.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
And I know why you do what you do, because you love God, because you love your family, and you love the country where your family lives.
And you know that country's got to be free if you're going to be free.
And if I'm going to be free, you've got to be free.
And if you're going to be free, I've got to be free.
It's that simple.
And that's why the Bilderberg Group is angry at Christian conservative patriots, you know, the ineffectual so-called liberals exposing the New World Order.
They're not exposing the New World Order, they're exposing Bush's empire.
Bush is just a front man, a foil, a puppet, a shill.
That's all he is.
And so, when they shift the so-called liberals back into power, suddenly the so-called liberals will love the tyranny.
No, it was the conservative Christian patriots who were against Bill Clinton and the New World Order, and they were the first to be against George Bush, and they'll be the first to be against Hillary or Schwarzenegger or the Governor of Virginia.
Whoever, whatever puppet they put in, we'll see right through them.
So again, I commend you.
You've taken the heat.
You've been the focus of the government.
You're the ones that are under attack, and I commend you.
But over time, I mean, major polls, most Americans believe the government was involved in 9-11 or at least knew it was going to happen and let it take place.
And that's in three and three-quarter years.
Or three-quarter years and three years, as they said in the olden time.
Three-quarters of a year plus three.
So we've got to understand that we're having an effect.
We're changing society.
We're in this fight.
And the globalists are howling with anger.
Again, I mentioned the analogy, the example of the parable of the emperor's new clothes.
These scammers come to town.
They build this beautiful cloak for the king.
He pays them all this money.
They say, we can do it even better.
And the next cloak they make him, he's in his underwear.
It's invisible.
And they're weaving it for hours, the gold, the rubies, the diamonds.
And he doesn't see it, but he thinks he must be crazy.
So he says, OK, it's beautiful.
And all of his staff, they don't want to, they want to be yes men.
So they go, oh, it's beautiful.
Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, gold, sapphires, mother of pearl.
It's incredible.
And so the king has a big parade, and he's walking in his underwear.
And everyone, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun!
Look at him!
You're a leader!
Let him know that you love him and love his new beautiful cloak!
As he walks in a loincloth.
And a three-year-old child steps forward out of the crowd and starts laughing and says, The king is naked!
Then everyone starts laughing and saying it.
I mean, out of the mouths of babes, folks.
Really, I mean, that's what I've done.
I'm just an average person that sees straight and knows what's going on, at least part of the time.
And realizes that I've got to always be looking for deception and always studying.
And I saw it coming from so far away.
And so many people out here, you see them everywhere, they know what's going on.
Yeah, Alex, I know it's true, but I don't want to get involved, it's too dangerous.
It's too dangerous not to fight this.
It's too dangerous to let these people be in control.
It's too dangerous to let them have a free hand.
I mean, are you crazy?
Look, these threats don't go away just because you deny them or stick your head in the sand.
It's going to take more of us standing up.
Hey, we may know the truth now, but we haven't put that into action yet.
And that means waking others up and being public and exposing.
Think what it took for Morgan Reynolds, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor for Bush, to come out and say, there's no way that planes brought down those buildings.
Think what it took for George Galloway to say that.
Think what it took for Michael Meacher to say it, or Andres von Bulow.
Think what it took for all these other prominent people to say it.
And more and more prominent people are going to say it.
Larry Silverstein says he blew it up!
Are we supposed to ignore him?
Admitting it?
I'm not your slave!
You don't have control of my mind, and you never will!
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Bad boys, bad boys.
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do when we come for you?
Bad boys.
New World Order, you're the bad boys.
You revel in evil.
You know, watching Rumsfeld up on TV going, Hey, we're not gonna release any of these people at Guantanamo Bay.
They're cold-blooded killers.
Well, you haven't convicted any of these people.
The CIA, the top guy who's in Afghanistan, has gone public.
Three weeks ago and they admit that they would just kidnap innocent people and have them sold to them by the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
They'd just grab some kids, grab some goat herders, they'd invite goat herders down out of the hills and plop them in irons and the Taliban would just sell them to the waiting helicopters.
$25,000 a head.
$3,000 to $25,000 a head.
And then that's what the aid groups, the Army Zone Reports, Brigadier General Rick Bacchus quit the camp and said, number one, we're torturing people, and I'm not going to be part of it.
Number two, they're innocent!
Oh no, they're cold-blooded killers.
Well, you see, they've got to have a theater for you folks, because they flew out the 8,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda leaders our government did to safety.
That's admitted!
Oh yeah, AP, Reuters, Fox News, but it was just an accident!
Justin, all of it's just an accident.
So you gotta have somebody to torture, you gotta train the troops on somebody, because it's really for us, the American people.
Watch the cop shows, the tortures for the average Joe.
They're just training us all, it's good.
And then Rumsfeld, the guy that got aspartame on the market, the guy that sits on all these drug company boards, like George Bush Senior, he guts up there and lies.
The guy's a congenital, perpetual, compulsive liar!
All he does is lie!
He's truly evil, folks.
But he's just a minion of his masters.
Alright, there's a ton of news.
You know, we're on in Kansas City.
Been on there.
That's probably one of our oldest affiliates.
Great folks up there.
So I would imagine later listeners will want to call in about this.
We have our guest Morgan Reynolds coming on, PhD.
Talk about implosion of the towers.
Abortionist accused of eating fetuses.
Kansas City Clinic closes Grizzly House of Horrors.
A Kansas City abortionist is out of business after investigators discovered a Grizzly House of Horrors at the clinic with fetuses kept in styrofoam cups in his refrigerator and one employee accusing him of microwaving one and stirring it into his lunch.
The unsanitary conditions at Krishnu Rajana's, you just knew it would be that, clinic prompted legislative approval of new abortion regulations in Kansas, a bill that was vetoed by the governor.
Rajana's activities have reportedly been the subject of law enforcement investigations for nearly two years.
To be able to go in every day and kill 30-40 babies, to be able to pour acid on them, to cut their arms and legs off, to rip their heads off, to suck their brains out, you gotta be sick.
There's gotta be something wrong with you.
Not to mention just the exorbitant money.
Some of the highest paid medical practitioners out there are abortionists.
Many abortionists make more than top brain surgeons and plastic surgeons.
And it is a grisly mess.
And a lot of times they leave an arm or a leg in there, and it triples, more than triples, a woman's chances of getting different types of cancer, because the body terminates pregnancies itself about 99% of the time.
If there's a problem with that baby, God has designed you where you're gonna, the baby's gonna die, the body's gonna kill it.
You're gonna get rid of it.
That's God's plan.
And then the woman doesn't get cancer from it.
But you go around, you know, pulling fruit off the vine, folks,
And again, women don't even know that there are more people wanting to adopt children every year than there are even abortions.
There are groups that will pay you tens of thousands of dollars, in some cases hundreds of thousands of dollars, and pay for you to stay in a nice house or apartment, have that baby, and then give you several years pay afterwards.
Women don't even know, that could be a good business for them.
No, no, they don't know that, because nobody told you that, did they?
And the groups doing it don't have the money to put up enough billboards to tell you, though you do see the billboards.
Some things, folks, whenever we would pull a calf, when I worked for a large animal vet, and it would die, I'd be very sad for the dead baby calf.
Can you imagine, or any time we had to, before the life of the mother, which was very rare, had to do a procedure that would probably kill the calf, I was still sad.
Imagine being able to kill human beings.
You can make up whatever lies you want to say they're not.
It is a human being.
You gotta be sick.
So I believe the staff.
I believe the workers.
I mean, I pulled up past news articles about it.
The place looks like the inside of a public bathroom.
It's a cesspool.
And a big fat demon's in trouble.
And he should be in trouble!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It will probably be the last showing.
Next week, Alamo Draft House, South Lamar, 8 o'clock, my new film, Martial Law, 9-1-1, Rise of the Police State, covering the latest developments with the secret police, the sound cannons, the surveillance blimps, the FEMA camp, the private Bechtel FEMA camp,
The George Shultz-owned FEMA camp, a controlled FEMA camp that people were put in in New York.
Then we spend a full hour on 9-11.
We confront Michael Moore for his whitewash.
We show you how the globalists carried out 9-11, how they executed it, all of the evidence.
And then we show you who the globalists are, their mindsets, their ideologies, their philosophies.
And you will learn the secret that holds the world's future in its grasp.
Coming up next Thursday, probably the last showing.
I might have one more, but I doubt it.
The 23rd of June, Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
Link through via Infowars.com to the Alamo Draft House website.
Order or purchase your tickets right there online.
And I hope to see you there next week.
And if you want to order a hard copy on VHS or DVD of Martial Law, go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, peruse the SafeSecure shopping cart, look at all the different specials, all the other discounts I'm offering, watch free clips of the films, I mean lengthy clips, in some cases, I mean I've got half of Martial Law up on the website for free, folks.
I just want to get the word out.
And when you do order the videos, please make copies.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to expose who's behind the terror.
Because if we don't, there's going to be an even bigger event, the military has said, they're ready for total martial law, and then it's over.
Then we've got to physically fight, and believe me, you don't want to go there.
I don't want to go there.
So, we're coming down to biting the bullet right now.
We're trying to avert this, so please get Martial Law, get Road to Tyranny, get Masters of Terror, get my three films on September 11th.
But this is the preeminent film.
My others are excellent as well.
But I mean preeminent period.
Many writers and researchers have said that.
It is my best work.
I spent six months making this.
It's my best work.
The total free number to order it
is 1-888-253-3139, 888-253-3139, or as I said, order via the shopping cart at InfoWars.com, or watch my new film, my 11 other films, dozens of other films, hundreds of weekly TV reports, my best audio interviews, everything at PrisonPlanet.tv, 15 cents a day.
And all of your support goes towards expanding what we're doing, fighting the globalists.
All right.
Enough said with that little plug.
The gentleman we have on just has amazing courage.
I didn't gallop, you know, the first day I read his article at LewRockwell.com, I didn't gallop to get him on.
I wanted to research him first, and a few nights I spent three or four hours researching our guest, Morgan Reynolds, who's going to be with us for a full hour.
And his bio is lengthy.
He has worked at the highest levels of the federal government, including Chief Economist for a major department of the Bush Administration.
He has been involved in so many levels of academia at Texas A&M, which is also one of their main command bases for Homeland Security now, and recruiting and coming up with policy.
And we're just honored to have him.
Here's the headline, Bush Economist Doubts 9-11 Story.
Ex-Labor Department had heads as towers brought down by explosives.
Here's another one.
This is out of United Press International.
Former Bush Administrative Economist says official story of WTC collapse bogus.
So, and I got a bunch of other articles here as well, but Mr. Reynolds, thanks for coming on with us.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I really appreciate it.
First off, you can describe yourself better than I can.
Tell us about Morgan Reynolds and then your awakening and why you've gone public.
Well, I'm a Ph.D.
in economics from the University of Wisconsin and spent the majority of my academic career at Texas A&M, 28 years.
Now, I'm retired from there.
Gives me a few more degrees of freedom.
I've also worked for various kinds of policy institutes, part-time, free-market oriented.
That's my work as an economist.
When you go back to 9-11, maybe I'm a slow learner.
I didn't know instantly, didn't have draconian suspicions.
In fact, the event happened one week exactly after I started at the Labor Department, but
uh... my first reaction when i saw uh... the the building impacted uh... tower one and i said that building won't fall and uh... like a lot of laymen and experts alike including uh... fire chiefs on the scene everybody virtually everybody was shocked at uh... the implosion uh... ten seconds approximately for each of these incredible towers and then of course the mysterious uh... building seven
So, there's a brief response.
So, just a week after 9-11, you got the job as the Chief Economist for the Department of Labor, in a very high-level position, inside the Bush Administration, and then now, three and a half years later, or more than three and a half years later, you're going public in a big way.
Well, you know how these media events work.
This is one of the cases where I've written some op-eds and for whatever reason this one kind of caught fire.
It went beyond the normal channels I swim in and there you go.
Well, I want to discuss though in a microcosm
Well, I mean, the number one qualification that I have is a concerned citizen.
The second is I'm a researcher.
I've got writing and research skills.
And third, it's the gravity of this event.
It's the pivotal event of the 21st century.
It's a cornerstone, a foundation.
It is.
It's the cornerstone, a foundation.
And we don't know enough.
I'm saying, I feel like the child in the Emperor's New Clothes.
Hey, look, there's a bunch of problems here.
And that was the nature of my June 9th article.
And we just said, hey, look, let's look at the evidence here, the forensic evidence, the photos, and there's just things inconsistent with the official account.
So when did you start to wake up?
I mean, I want to hear about this process.
Well, really, it's been a very gradual thing.
And now that I'm semi-retired, I wanted to pursue this, especially after the invasion of Iraq, where
I mean, pretty much everybody stipulates that was all a big lie.
From the WMDs to the Saddam involvement in 9-11 and just the scary, you know, another big event, terrorist event.
So, that ought to alert people and it did alert me and I said, I need to look closer at this whole thing.
Well, you've certainly done that, and the article you wrote for BlueRockwell.com is extremely detailed and covers a lot of different facets.
We posted that story at PrisonPlanet.com late last week, but since then, again, it's been in WorldNet Daily, United Press International.
It's one of the biggest stories on the web right now.
Well, you know, part of it is the credentialism that we're so fond of.
It helps make a first cut, and there haven't been many
qualified academics willing to go out on a limb for reasons I understand.
Yeah, David Ray Griffin was one of the first, and now he's given his four scenarios, you know, four different views on 9-11.
He believes four is the proper one.
All the evidence concludes that, shows that.
Government complicity, involvement, execution.
I concur with his analysis.
Of the four views, what does Mr. Reynolds believe?
Well, enumerate those.
I'm familiar with his work.
I've read his two books.
Well, number one is Arabs did it all by themselves from a cave and the government did nothing wrong and had no prior knowledge.
Part two is they had prior knowledge, just a little bit, but the government's idiots and they made a mistake and fell down.
Part three is they knew and consciously allowed it to happen and even opened a few doors.
And part four is they ran the entire operation.
Well, yeah, I'd have to say that the evidence points to the last... I say that there are three theories extant.
Of course, they're all conspiracy theories because they're multi-person crimes, but ONI, as Osama and 19 Islamic extremists did this, there's LIHAP, let it happen on purpose, and then there's MIHAP, make it happen on purpose.
But I prefer the inchworm approach here.
I'm not willing to vault further than the evidence would allow.
And this piece I did just points out that there's a very strong evidence that's inconsistent with the official account that all point to the professional demolition as the
Explanation for the disintegration and free fall collapse of these buildings.
You know, I showed my film here in Austin and I was sitting next to a big Hollywood producer who would come as a guest.
Pretty big name, folks would all know who I was talking about.
And he looked at me and he said, Alex, Building 7 is the smoking gun.
All the other stuff is conclusive and well documented, but he said, these buildings falling
You can prove they blew them up, you can prove they blew up 7, and on all of that hinges, because it would take weeks to put those explosives in there, we know Alcotta couldn't do it.
Well, and we know Larry Silberstein admits it in public, right?
I mean, the leaseholder, the 99 leaseholder.
He really slipped up.
Yeah, yeah.
Let's pull the building.
That's what he said, so...
I mean, I'd rather believe the evidence of my eyes, but that's damning as well.
Well, we're going to go over all of that, and this audience is very well versed in it, but we always have new listeners, so it's important to go back over it and see what facets with your particular trained eye.
But I'm very impressed with your little terms there, let it happen, made it happen.
Go over those again for me, because I'm going to steal those terms.
Oh, you're welcome.
Plagiarism invited.
But, yeah, we've got three theories that I call ONI.
Osama and 19 Islamic Extremists.
That's explanation one.
And that's ONI?
Yeah, O-N-I-E.
I love it.
No, I love it.
Yeah, the second is, let it happen on purpose.
What was it, H?
Let it happen on purpose.
Then there's MIHOP, M-I-H-O-P.
Make it happen on purpose.
I think that if we were to have a full-blown criminal trial after
Uh, careful investigation.
Of course, none of these procedures have been done.
We have just a shortcut to, uh, this is war.
Well, the so-called Independent Commission was appointed by Bush.
Well, yeah, sure, sure.
They had, and of course it was opposed, uh, with all means available until the, um,
Survivors groups, especially the four Jersey girls, have forced them politically into having a commission.
Yeah, they didn't even want to have the whitewash because they knew it would be kind of a roadmap, like the Warren Commission report, to be debunked.
Right, yeah.
And you just don't want to let things out of your control, right?
You know, they're control freaks.
uh... one of the key appointments uh... one of the two uh... most important was philip de velico who is of course condoleezza rice's counselor now at the state department but he's a bush insider and uh... you know as david ray griffin says in effect he writes ninety five percent of the the commission's five hundred seventy one pages and he also of course it's a top-down procedure
Well, sir, I mean, there's so much to talk about here, and I hate to keep going back to this, but we've got plenty of time with you, so I want to go back to your awakening.
I mean, was it a week after, a month after, a year after?
I mean, was it being inside the Bush administration and seeing other things, or now is it seeing all their other lies and all their other systematic corruptions?
And, I mean, was it the trillions missing from the Pentagon?
I mean, is it just the Vice President's office running the bids for the war?
Yeah, you're putting more importance on that than I think it warrants, but all I can say is... I mean, I'm trying to understand.
What was the process?
Well, it was a gradual thing, but like I say, from the get-go, I had my doubts because I was shocked that these towers fell.
I don't think so.
I mean, what did it feel like sitting there at midnight with a glass of ice water, reading documents online, as the pieces finally, more and more, you couldn't deny it?
Well, the reason I went into academe initially was, I thought, wow, from a career point of view, what a great idea.
You put a few bright people aside and let them do their thing, and the thing should be the pursuit of truth.
And that's still my aim.
I mean, it's no surprising.
That's right.
And here we have a situation where it's just big lies, and it's just appalling.
And of course I'm getting, as you have taken a lot more of this than me, but I'm getting all these negatives that are mostly kind of a secular religion.
You know, how dare you?
You're a nut, etc., etc.
I said, well wait a minute.
Well, let's put that aside, these ad hominem attacks.
Well, no, it really is an orthodoxy.
They can't respond to the evidence.
All they can do is name-call.
It's just complete denial.
It reminds me of the Soviet Union, where, you know, what you do with political dissidents is you just have them diagnosed as mental cases.
At least that was the kinder version of exile, and you're locked up.
They have that, oh, what's the defiance disorder?
The authority defiance disorder?
And they have what, in the Patriot Act?
Well, I mean, now the government is saying that anybody that criticizes the government has this oppositional defiance disorder, or whatever it's named in the psychology and psychiatry handbooks.
And now Bush has passed a new freedom initiative to start forced psychological testing and drugging.
Well, yeah, it's the old cliche, truth the first casualty of war.
I mean, you make the joke about the Soviet Union.
I mean, now they're really trying to do that here.
We just barely shot down new freedom in Texas last month in the legislature.
But, sir, I mean, you talk about the response you've gotten, predominantly in email and calls and things of that nature.
What's the response been?
Pretty amazing to me.
I mean, it's just a huge ruckus.
I mean part of it is what John Kaminsky calls a second wave.
Maybe the country after Iraq or the ongoing disaster in Iraq is willing to go back to the beginning.
Uh, been sublimated enough to look at this again.
Alright, we've got a break sir.
Just a ton of stuff coming up.
We'll get into the collapse of the towers.
We'll talk about all of it and maybe take some calls.
Stay with us.
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Alright, talking to Morgan Reynolds, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor, during President George W. Bush's first term, says the official story about the collapse of the Twin Towers is bogus, and that it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed them and adjacent building number 7.
And we will go back over some of that evidence, but Mr. Reynolds, during the break we were talking
And I was saying, what percentage of these emails are negative?
You said it's three or four to one that are positive, but the people that are negative, it is just particularly vicious.
But I don't want to put it in my words.
Put it in your words.
Tell us what the response has been like.
As I said earlier, it's like a secular religion, and it's like a Soviet mentality where
Anybody who speaks up and is a political dissident and says, there's something wrong here, look at this, that, and the other thing, is immediately thought a nutcase, and you get the right psychiatrist, and that's the lock-up.
Well, as I say, that's the kinder alternative for exile, but the mentality here is not, we'll call it scientific, nor is it
I don't know.
And a lot of those lines were just closed off.
And we didn't pursue this in the patient way we should have for the most important event and maybe since the founding.
Within two hours they told us it's Bin Laden!
They were all surprised.
Yeah, the state was caught completely unawares, but then they announced a few hours later, ah, we know who they were.
And these 19 names aren't even on these various passenger manifests.
And then magically a passport fell out of the sky.
Turns out that was fake.
But we can't find an engine.
They have a few photos of an absurd engine part.
It was probably planted, but I don't know, but the point is there might have been aircraft, but what I argue in this article at the beginning is you look at the photos and you find things that are inconsistent with the official account.
The holes in the two towers are too small to swallow a Boeing 767.
This problem is well known for the Pentagon, but not so well known for the towers.
The fragmented column ends, the ones that bend, bend to the outside, and you'd think they should bend to the inside if they were hit by aircraft.
But Mr. Reynolds, if you go with that story, as some have said, that there's not an aircraft, then it'll be easily disproven because... No, I didn't say that.
I said that this evidence is inconsistent with a Boeing 767.
No, I understand.
Another aircraft... It might have been aircraft, okay?
But, all of these things are secondary to the primary irrefutable evidence on behalf of controlled demolition.
That's where we've got to... No, I agree with you because if you've been at Ground Zero, Building 7 is way down the street, nothing hit it, it falls with a classic crimp, and then the owner says they blew it up.
I mean, what more do you need?
Yeah, FEMA, or not FEMA, but NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, is supposed to be coming out with their explanation for 7, so it's going to have to be more creative than what they did on the two towers.
So you've been waking up over the last few years, you were still inside the Bush administration, what was it like to be having these thoughts and then seeing George Bush?
Well, I can't say that I suspected the U.S.
government is doing it when I served there.
But if you wanted a marker, it would be the invasion of Iraq, where I said, holy mackerel, look what's going on here.
Let's get into the towers themselves.
And how the other side won't debate the facts, the other side will not debate the real issues.
We'll talk about it on the other side of this break as we start the second hour with our guest, Morgan Reynolds.
Big brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Wednesday, the 15th day of June 2005.
Morgan Reynolds, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term, says the official story about the collapse of the Twin Towers is bogus, and that it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed them and adjacent building number 7.
Reynolds, who also served as Director for the Criminal Justice Center at the National
Center for Policy Analysis in Dallas and is now Professor Emeritus at Texas A&M University told UPI, if demolition destroyed three steel skyscrapers and the World Trade Centers on 9-11, then the case for an inside job and a government attack on America would be compelling.
Now, we've got a short segment here, then a long segment coming up, Mr. Reynolds.
And again, I have to commend your courage, your honor for being a scientific individual, for following, you know, your training with your PhD, for going for the truth.
No, my favorite statement of this is from Ray McGovern, the former CIA official who leads this group of
Ex-government activist against Bush.
He says it's OIL.
Acronym, OIL.
Well, yeah, O for oil, I for Israel, L for logistics.
The logistics needed for world global preeminence, okay, or intergalactic because of the space program, but that sums it up.
Now, there's all sorts of, you know, a lot of motives, you know, for boosting budgets and helping
The various friends in the military-industrial complex, the glory from historians, the camp followers of the winning army, and all that stuff.
So, there's a lot going on, but OIL sums it up.
Bush's own biographer has come out and said that in 99, Bush was saying, I'm going to be a war president.
Karl Rove had explained this to him, and literally, Bush is now fitting the classic
cookie-cutter elements you need to have a dictator setting up a police state, wars, domination to also domestically dominate his political foes, ballooning defense budgets.
Can you talk about that?
Well, yeah, this is a little bit off my, we'll call it scientific approach, but yeah, somebody had a book called Necessary Enemies, right?
You've got to keep this going.
The federal government lost a big thing when the Soviet Union collapsed.
And they floundered looking around for replacements and finally got one.
The Islamic world.
Of course, just the extremists.
But there you go.
By the way, did you see Episode 3 of the Star Wars?
Oh, I drew the parallels where the emperor becomes emperor by staging an attack on his own government.
Yeah, it's just another wag the dog deal.
These are not, shall we say, cut wholly of fictional cloth.
There's a lot going on here.
Hitler firebombed his own Reichstag to get control.
He attacked his own army base and blamed it on the Poles.
Remember the Maine, the Lusitania?
There's just a whole bunch of real stinky historical episodes with some fingerprints of our government on them.
I mean, look at Pearl Harbor.
Well, then you get Operation Northwoods, an official U.S.
government plan.
Talk about a smoking gun memo.
Let's talk about Northwoods when we get back, and then I want to get into the Towers Collapse themselves, and where do you think all of this is going?
I mean, as the former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor, also studied law enforcement and a lot of other things, let's project
Probabilities how things are going to unfold and how we can hopefully stop a total tyranny from unfolding.
Stay with us, sir.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're talking to just another good American who's scientifically trained in studies in the economy.
Who looked at the evidence, the official story of 9-11 and saw that it was a gigantic fraud from end to end.
What we know is, is that up one side and down the other, what we've been told about 9-11 is a fraud.
We know they have systematically lied and absconded with the truth, threatened to arrest FBI agents if they tell the people what they know.
The FBI agent then steps forward and says, all I can tell you is, the Bush's vacation with the Bin Ladens.
I mean, that's the type of stuff we're talking about here.
I mean, they talk about arresting people for any Al-Qaeda connections.
No one has Al-Qaeda connections like the Bushes.
I mean, literally, no one!
They are CIA.
It is CIA.
The Soviets, when they collapsed,
This multi-trillion dollar enemy, this gold mine of centralizing our own government under a few non-free market corporations with a modern mercantile type system was gone, as our guest just said during the last segment.
And so they had a new enemy, an Orwellian Goldstein.
In 1984, there's this Goldstein character with the beard and the turban, and he's real slimy, and he's always on TV, and Big Brother can never really defeat him, no matter what!
And Goldstein's always blowing stuff up!
And then, of course, Winston Smith, who works for the Ministry of Truth, i.e.
the BBC, he figures out that Big Brother's really bombing his own cities, and that it's all a staged event.
And folks, you look at our society today, I mean, this terrorist thing is perfect.
Bush has said a hundred years, generations, foggy enemy can never be beaten.
This is for good.
Change your life.
Give up all your rights.
Meanwhile, the borders are totally wide open, and Bush has ordered the Border Patrol to stand down.
It is a complete fraud.
And so we now have this foggy boogeyman, this vapor, this projection,
Uh, that can never be defeated, and don't worry, there's some people in nice black uniforms and black masks with machine guns, and they're putting cameras up for your safety, and they're gonna engineer the entire economy through their coffers and make the entire government totally non-transparent under an expanded national security umbrella, but that's okay, just ignore all that, and yes, we're gonna invade a bunch of countries, and yes, we're gonna lie to you again, but it's alright.
Coming up, we're going to be taking some of your calls, and our guest has agreed to stay with us until about 50 after.
Really honored to have him again.
UPI articles, WorldNet Daily, you name it, it's all up on InfoWars.com.
Well, to be honest, it'd be mixed emotions, right?
On the one hand, I do want the truth to be uncovered.
On the other hand, I'm not maybe the fearless warrior that Alex Jones is and others, right?
I'm more of the backroom, cloistered academic type personality.
I'm not seeking personal glory, I'm just plodding along trying to discover what has gone on here.
Well, do you agree with my statement that their official story is a Swiss cheese?
Full of holes.
Everywhere you look, it just doesn't hang together.
We could take up any part of this and find serious problems with the official account.
Well, the 9-11 Commission Report doesn't even mention Building 7.
Not one word.
They say there are no support columns in the buildings.
Let's talk about the demolitions.
I mean, that's the thing, obviously, that really broke you up.
Probably the number one fact is free-fall symmetrical collapse.
It says, somebody says, you know, nature doesn't seek the path with the most resistance.
That's why you would expect a toppling.
So the South Tower, for example, actually did have that top section of maybe 300 feet.
Bend over at a 300 degree, pardon me, 23 degree angle, but then it just disintegrated.
So it's the symmetry of the collapse and the unimpeded free fall speed that is most compelling here, although there's plenty of other things that give it away.
Well, there are.
I mean, you just look at the photos and just see hundreds of feet, beams and dust.
And this was such a fine dust, you know, small micron measurement.
Yeah, it was pulverized.
It was pulverized.
There was almost no concrete.
That's very inconsistent with the official pancake theory.
And the pancake theory fails almost every turn because
You would have to have that core, 47 steel core beams, core columns.
They were incredibly strong.
You know, at the base, 7 stories below ground, they were embedded in rock, and they were 4 inches thick around.
You know, each column was 36 by 18 inches.
And they just don't... There's lots of testimony and knowledge about this.
They don't build them that strong.
That core would... So if you had had a pancake, you would have had hundreds of feet of that core standing.
Yeah, but Big Brother fixes that.
The 9-11 Commission, with a wave of a magic wand, says that there were no support columns in the middle of the building.
Oh, I see.
They deny the... well, it's just well known what the World Trade Center covers.
No, every major architecture school in the country, including UT, I've been down there and looked at it, studies the World Trade Center.
Because as you said, it has some of the biggest columns in the world.
It was overbuilt.
Oh, way overbuilt.
Yeah, it was rated at 500 to 600 percent margin in terms of strength.
In other words, you have to weaken those columns to a fraction, a 20%.
No, the 9-11 Commission says the building was hollow, and that it was a very unusual design, and the new FEMA report, now they're saying 7 didn't collapse from a blowing up gas tank, the fuel oil, it didn't blow up because of a tower falling into it, which they tried to claim, which everybody knows isn't true.
Now they're saying it was built improperly.
Well, yeah.
Seven, of course, was built in the mid-1980s under a much different situation.
It was a peculiar building because it was built around that electrical substation.
It had the diesel fuel storage for the Rudy's Bunker there on the 23rd floor, built to withstand hurricane-force winds, etc.
It was a brick poop house.
Yeah, maybe.
Now there is a difference in the implosion that I pointed out in the article and others have pointed out and that is 7 was brought down as a conventional demolition.
A beautiful, perfect crib.
Perfect, it was a bottom up.
That's the conventional.
It's like pulling the props out of it and then having it collapse.
What you do is you pull the main support beam in the middle, then it crimps and falls in on itself in a neat pile.
The only thing different was the towers first blew from the top, but then they quickly pulled the props out from under that, from the bottom, okay?
So the towers were a little unconventional.
Well they had a big show for us!
Not to mention the loss of life.
We're putting that to one side, just talking technology here.
I got one email from a mother and I checked that her daughter has been lost and how it's ruined her life, etc.
and it just makes me weepy.
Well, no, I totally agree with you.
We've interviewed many victims themselves and victims' family members.
In fact, we have a bunch of firefighters saying, it was as if they had detonated!
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!
I mean, clearly you see on video the pulverized blast points go down the sides of the towers, little ploofs, and then it starts falling!
When I was doing the work on this article, I found it almost amusing that
The National Institute of Standards and Technology has a photo very similar to what Eric Huffschmidt has in his book, Painful Questions, which shows a woman in white slacks looking out over the edge of the 94th floor.
That's supposedly the hottest fires, but it's so hot it doesn't hurt her vision.
There's no fires.
You're looking into a black hole.
You don't see any plane wreckage.
She's looking out over there, and I'm saying, gee, I think they overlooked something by running this photo.
Because they're arguing that it was intense fire!
That weakened the upper structure and it began to pancake down.
We have the firefighters saying that in one of the towers the fires were basically out and I got photos with 50 people standing in the supposed hottest floors.
Right, that's the south tower where we have the audio tape that says, we're going to just use two lines to put out, because this thing is almost out anyway, it's oxygen and fuel starved, that's why it was sooty black smoke.
They're just calling for two lines, you know, two hoses.
Nothing burns cooler than piles of paper, just smoldering paper.
It just doesn't figure.
Well, that's another thing.
The fires were hottest when the jet fuel hit, when the explosions took place.
We're talking 45 minutes, an hour later, when it's all smoked out.
That's right.
56 minutes on the South Tower.
And the South Tower, of course, is a little bit puzzling for the official account because
If you buy the big airplane story, it didn't come in and attack or weaken the core to the extent the direct hit in the North Tower did.
And then the fire was pretty punked by skyscraper standards and was nearly out.
And then four minutes later, from this audio tape from the fire department in New York,
Here it just disintegrates in 10 seconds.
And so you're leaning towards the camp that thinks it was a smaller aircraft?
We'll talk about that when we get back.
Stay there.
Stay with us, folks.
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What are the globalists going to do?
The control freaks, as our guest called them in the last hour.
As more and more people wake up to their sinister activities.
I'm really honored
...to have our guest Morgan Reynolds on, who was former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President Bush's first term, who's now going public and saying this official story is a fraud, and the smoking gun really is the collapse of these towers, especially Building 7.
But yeah, a lot of researchers look at the footage of that first plane hitting,
And, uh, say that it doesn't look like the right size, and then you look at the impact hole, and the Pentagon's an even bigger question.
But personally, Doctor, I haven't been giving this proper title all day here, I apologize.
Doctor, I mean,
To me, I look at all the other evidence, I stick with the things I can totally prove.
The owner of Building 7 says he blew it up.
They flew Al-Qaeda out to safety in Afghanistan.
They flew Bin Laden's out to safety in this country.
They had the motive.
Cheney ordered Norad to stand down.
They were running CIA drills of flying hijacked jets into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
That very morning, Norad thought it was a drill.
I stick to all of that.
I think they want us to get caught in all that minutiae, but comments?
Well, I agree with you.
There's a lot of confusion.
Somebody said that when you look at these secret services and all these black budget agencies, 99% of the effort is on disinformation.
They're masters!
There's a lot of false trails.
Divisiveness and false flag operations going on here.
And go-betweens and different layers.
That's why you've got to take very much the scientific approach, as you say.
Let's look at the hard facts that are proven.
Let's take some calls, then we'll get back into the collapse of the towers.
And I'm sorry to all the other callers we're not letting get on.
You can get on if you want to talk to our guest, okay?
We're talking about this right now.
Mark in Texas, listening on Radio Free Austin.
Go ahead, Mark, you're on the air.
Yep, Mark, come on over to your telephone, we're going to have to let you go.
All right, let Mark go.
James in Virginia, listening on the internet.
James, go ahead, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Hi, I just wanted to commend Dr. Reynolds also
He said he started at the Bush Administration week before 9-11.
I started a Ph.D.
economics program that same week.
And so, I guess I have a similar background as Dr. Reynolds.
So, my question is, how do we get through to these people, these people with degrees, conservatives, libertarians?
Yeah, especially when they have this religious attitude that government only does good, trust them, shut up, we're gonna burn you at the stake.
Or even the ones who don't, who have an attitude that government doesn't do good, but they still can't make this connection and get it through their head.
Like, you know, I'm sure Maureen's colleague at NCPA, like, you know, they seem like nice people, but what
How do we get through to these people?
Some of them know already, others don't care to be bothered.
What we've got to recognize is how serious this all is about the kind of environment we're operating in.
We're looking at a lot of denial.
Either way, this is going to shatter old paradigms.
Either they're going to get global domination, global empire, total police state out of this, or we're going to bring down the military-industrial complex that has turned into a greater threat than the Soviet Union and Hitler.
Go ahead, Dr. And the government is so big, and James is refreshing, but maybe a little bit naive.
My short on that is the universities are gone.
Well, one problem we have here is that the big science, the government that controls all these certifications, grants, contracts... The undue influence of the military.
I know.
I got out.
I mean, you know, the head of the department, university, bohemian grove people.
What are you going to do?
I mean, academia is not a place for us.
Well, hey, part of the answer is just keep showing up.
The truth hurts, and that's our big weapon.
It looks like we're ripe.
About half of the American people, at least in New York State and New York City, doubt the government account.
Some people are receptive, some not.
This event is so big.
It's constantly re-emphasized.
It's the root of the Bush-Cheney policies, and it won't go away.
Do you agree, doctor, with my statement that it's either the foundation of their tyranny or the foundation of really getting our country back?
Well, we don't know yet, but it might play out as
You know, the heavens might fall, is the way I end my June 9th piece.
We've got to pursue the truth, though the heavens fall.
Beautifully said.
Thank you, James, for the call.
Rick, Fred, Michael, others, you're up straight ahead.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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But the listener, the last caller, and our guest, Dr. Reynolds, really brought it up.
One of my last questions, where is all this going?
What's going to happen in the final equation?
And I'll tell you, I don't know that answer.
But I do know this, evil always implodes of its own weight.
It is parasitic by nature.
It is literally a cancer.
The question is, will it crush many of us and our children and our grandchildren in the process?
Either they're going to win, or we're going to win.
There isn't either or, or both at the same time.
It is either or.
It's either they're going to win, set up a police state, use this for total control, or we're going to expose it.
You don't have a choice, you can't be neutral, you can't sit on the fence.
Dr. Reynolds, comments to that?
No, I think that's true.
Every citizen carries the weight of his society on his shoulders and you can't just sit on the fence.
Part of it is, of course I'm a big advocate, is you need to do some self-education.
Weigh these arguments.
Don't just attack people because they disagree with the government.
Let's consider the facts and the arguments here.
We need a debate over 9-11.
Not just
Uh, sweep it under the rug of history.
Well, let me just throw out a few points here and get your take on it, then we'll go back to the calls for the loaded phone lines here.
Operation Northwood's official U.S.
government plan to carry out 9-11 style attacks.
Not just a plan, but a blueprint, a program they wanted to execute.
An earlier president said no.
Operation Gladio was carried out from 69 to 79.
Over 120 bombings in Europe.
Bombing school buses, killing children, it's their favorite.
Blaming it on the Soviets as a pretext for control.
Again, I hate the Soviets, folks, but they did the same type of stuff.
Putin got caught blowing up his own apartment buildings in 99 to get elected president.
His own FSB went public.
On and on and on and on and on, we have, as you mentioned, the Maine, which they mentioned in Northwoods.
We could have another Maine event like we did before.
I mean, these guys are incredible.
The Gulf of Tonkin never happened.
The LBJ tapes have been released.
They staged that.
So, over and over again, I mean, can you speak to, people say, well, why would they do it?
That's the biggest point of denial.
Well, why, why, why?
And I go, to get control, to get power, to be the heroes, to get us to give up our responsibility and our freedoms.
And then I give them all the documents and they still laugh at me!
Again, as you said, like it's a religion.
They just go, that's lies!
You made that up!
Yeah, some people are not, what should we say, worth engaging on these issues because they're so dismissive.
Well, let's take a look at this.
A lot of Americans are, though.
I had to admire people.
You probably know about the Lee Hamilton interview on C-SPAN 2 with Brian Lamb.
Oh yeah, they called in and Hamilton.
Yeah, six out of the ten callers were putting Hamilton and Lamb on the spot.
So, this just shows there's an untapped, kind of almost covert, because the mass media are ignoring it, but there's just a huge amount of skepticism, suspicion.
And, uh, contrarian beliefs out there.
Well, it's like the old cartoon where they think they find an island in the castaways and they're sitting on top of this island and they find out it's a sperm whale.
You know, I think Lee Hamilton and Bush and all those guys are, you know, sitting on us thinking they're in control.
So let me tell you something.
The best news I've got, I've done 2400 interviews plus since 9-11.
I've been on shows where I'm attacked by the host, but when I go through the evidence, almost every caller agrees.
You mentioned the Zogby poll, 49% believe the government may have been involved, prior knowledge, let it happen.
Well, and 66% want another investigation.
CNN had a poll after an hour show demonizing people in the truth movement.
And guess what?
90% out of 8,000 plus respondents believe the government was involved.
So they're in deep trouble, sir.
People in their guts know the truth.
And then when you go look at the scientific evidence, you'd have to be the most insane conspiracy theorist.
You talk about a religion.
I mean, this is like believing in the Easter Bunny to believe the official story.
Yeah, I don't disagree with anything you've offered there.
So, how important are all the government documents where they talk about the power of carrying out terror?
Uh, I don't understand what you're saying.
Well, I mean, how important is it to get out the word about Northwoods and Gladio and... Oh, okay.
Yeah, this history is important.
That's one ingredient to get people who have closed minds on it to open their minds and take a look.
It's a gradual process.
It's a person-by-person thing.
A lot of Americans, I don't think, can shuck this image that we're the good guys always, including our government, especially when it comes to foreign policy.
To believe that we would engage in some of these tricks and skullduggery is hard for some people to follow.
It's just a form of denial.
We're so good, is the belief.
Well, I think it's willful denial.
Conscious denial.
I mean, I've met people that say... I wouldn't dwell on that, because a lot of Americans are very open and willing to reconsider, and I'm one of them.
No, I've met a lot of people that go, I know you're right, I know you're right, but I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to deal with it, I'm on my own mountain,
Somebody actually told me this the other day.
You guys are all down below me.
I only basically care about myself.
You know what it comes down to is the bromide.
If your boat is sinking and you can't bail fast enough, do you bail?
Well, I bail.
In other words, even if you're doomed, you've just got to make the good fight.
Well, a steamer may come over the horizon any minute.
That's true.
You never know that you're doomed.
Well, I like what you said.
I'm coming out with a bumper sticker.
It's just going to say, just show up.
That's a lot better than just do it.
I mean, just show up.
Right, you gotta keep showing up.
People go, tell us the plan to expose us overnight, and now it's too big, and they're too evil, and they'll never... Folks, I just show up.
I mean, I've said that all along.
Just keep exposing, exposing, exposing.
We're right, they're wrong, we're gonna win.
The truth is powerful.
It's like any matter, I mean, to these people.
It blows holes in them.
I mean, what's the French philosopher, I forget the exact quote, but if you cover up and bury the truth, it'll explode with such force as to destroy anybody that opposes it?
Well, I've been ranting and raving here.
I want to go to all these calls, but what do you see in the future?
I mean, do you think these guys are just going to keep getting away with everything?
It seems like they may get away for now with 9-11 because it's too horrible for some to believe or even deal with, but not on Iraq, not on all the other lives.
I think the Iraq situation is key.
People are losing faith in this.
Now we've got statements from military people on the ground.
They're saying there's not a military solution here.
And of course at the top all we hear is progress, progress.
We've almost got it whipped.
Well, Karl Rove told the New York Times, it's almost like magicka, or alchemy, he said, we're an empire now, it doesn't matter what we said last week, we say this this week, we control reality.
That sounds like, you know, the classic, you know, delusional king, I'm God, and then lightning strikes you.
Well, you mentioned hubris.
See, that's the thing that might be the kind of chink in the armor that brings down Goliath here.
They're hubris.
They overplay their hand so badly.
It is imperial hubris.
It makes me so sick, though, sir, to see this beautiful country, all of this happening.
I know.
My stomach is just churning.
I take no pleasure in any of this.
Well, for me, it's about survival.
Look, I mean, I'm already in this.
It's about dealing with reality and not sticking your head down underground.
Well, I want to take some calls.
Really, just my final question that I need to get out there is, you know, you say most people you talk to agree with you.
I mean, just, again, projecting into the future, what do you think is going to happen in the next three or four years?
I really don't know.
It could go either way.
And we still have a degree of freedom here, and we've got to take advantage of it.
Well, we're really talking about childhood's ends.
Being naive, folks, doesn't protect you.
Willfully naive.
And once you can admit the government ever did something wrong, or that evil people ever were in control of a government somewhere on the world, once you... And you all know the government lies.
Just out of hand?
They call it PR.
Stop being naive.
Stop denying what's happening.
Let's blast through these calls.
Denial is so dangerous, folks.
Denial is so evil.
And I'm telling you, if you just look at the evidence and get past your emotions, you're not going to believe what you see.
I mean, I'm sorry.
Look, some people think what they believe is reality.
You know, advertisement people tell you perception is reality.
That's a fraud, folks.
If you're delusional on PCP and think that, you know, you're walking across a bridge and really you're jumping off a cliff,
You're going to die at the bottom of the cliff, folks.
You know, at the bottom of the gorge.
And so, perception really isn't reality.
And a lot of people, Dr. Reynolds, seem to get mad at me, like, even when I finally wake up, well, you ruined my life!
Yes, it's true!
But, you know, I didn't know about this beforehand, and now you've changed my world!
I didn't change their world!
The truth was always there!
Yeah, first step to a solution is to recognize you have a problem, right?
And I never claimed I had a solution!
I mean, I'm sorry if I pointed out the house is on fire.
I didn't set the fire.
You know, it's like, I've talked to firemen where people will come out and they even save them and they're mad.
I lost all my stuff and the fireman's like, at least you're alive.
It's like they get mad at me for telling them their house is on fire.
All right, that's enough.
I'll shut up.
I'm preaching again.
This stuff freaks me out, as I know it does you too, sir.
Again, I love what you're doing and I commend you.
We've got to go real fast through these calls, folks.
Up next here would be Rick in Nevada, then Fred, Charles, Leon, and Michael.
That'll be it for the calls.
Go ahead, Rick.
Doctor and Alex, I thank you both for your work in the 9-11 Truth Movement.
And I hope that you are going to listen to the Coast to Coast AM program Thursday night, Friday morning at 1 AM, Doctor.
It's going to be very interesting and informative and necessary.
Okay, no promises, but thank you.
Yeah, I'm going to be debating some yahoos, but go ahead.
Yes, and Alex, I trust that you and David Ray Griffin will present a united front of refutation and persuasion.
Well, we've had Griffin on, we agree.
And Peter Lance and Mike Levine are extremely dangerous individuals, and I hope you destroy Levine especially.
Let me just tell you right now, they're a piece of cake.
I hope Selly Castillo is listening to the program on Thursday night, Friday morning at 1am.
I hope he tries like heck to get in with his own phone call and help you destroy Mike Levine.
I don't want to hurt him, but I hope to destroy his false arguments.
I mean, it'll be a lot of emotional stuff and a lot of buzzwords, but I'll cut right through that.
Thank you, Rick.
Let's talk.
Any questions for the guest here?
Fred in Arkansas.
Fred, go ahead.
Callers are interesting today, let me tell you.
Alright, Fred, we're going to move on.
Charles in Louisiana.
Charles, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Charles.
When it rains, it pours.
He'll turn his radio down in a minute.
Charles, you there?
We'll come back to Charles in a minute.
Leon in, uh...
North Carolina.
Leon, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Leon.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Or good morning, I should say.
Well, thank you.
First, let me say real quick, thank you for being on my show here in town, because I have some of the best response ever for my show with you.
Well, thank you, sir.
Do you have any questions for the guests?
Yes, I do.
I want to find out some of the original video footage that was taken during the explosions and everything, and some of the original people that were interviewed.
I remember one interview of a gentleman that was
On the floor that the plane actually ended up resting in, he said he came out of the bathroom, come around the building, and there's a plane where his office used to be.
I want to know what happened to the interviews with some of these people and where these people ended up at.
Well, those interviews are all available from the different clip houses.
You just got to go buy them.
And I've called a lot of the people who said they saw bombs going off, and they'll tell you, I've been told to shut up by the government.
Doctor comments?
Well, yeah, there's an awful lot out there.
I still come back to what is hard fact.
Well, we should have some real research.
We should have universities getting all that video and doing studies, but don't look for the government to fund those studies.
Go ahead, Professor, sorry.
Okay, yeah, I don't have a whole lot of comment, except to add that eyewitness testimony is much inferior to forensic evidence.
Do you remember the interview with the gentleman that was in the bathroom, came around and found the plate?
No, I haven't seen that.
Okay, darn it.
Well, I was hoping to find some of these original interviews, because I'd like to pull together some of this evidence myself and show people, because it's so blatant.
There's a lot out there, and for anybody to claim they've reviewed everything is not going to hold up.
Well, exactly.
I mean, the problem here is we have an orgy of evidence.
And what he's saying is, is that stick to Larry Silverstein saying, I blew it up.
Stick to, uh, you know, the motive.
Stick to NORAD.
Stick to, uh, you know, how the buildings fell.
That's to be measured scientifically, and now all their official claims have been shown to be frauds.
But that's exciting, uh, to, uh, hear, Leon, that you're waking folks up in your area.
I do what I can, and, uh, you keep up the good work.
I'll get up here so other people can get on.
God bless you, Leon.
Uh, let's try to go back, uh, was,
Charles is gone?
Okay, well, who's up next then?
Mike in New York.
Mike, you're on the air with our guest, Mr. Reynolds.
Hi Alex, thanks for having me.
Hello Dr. Reynolds.
I applaud you and your efforts.
I have a question for you.
Do you think it is possible that the building was wired for demolition when it was constructed?
I mean, is that even in the realm of possibility?
But I don't have any direct evidence about that, but that is a possible answer to the objection that it would have taken too long, too many people to wire this thing.
You know, I've seen one conjecture that it would have taken six months of 30 man-hours.
That's a two-weeks.
But I mean, look, regardless, we know they blew it up.
And that's the bottom line.
I mean, that Madrid building burned for two days.
100 foot white flames shooting out.
Building 7 has a couple little fires in three floors and magically implodes at the speed of gravity.
I have another question.
Do you think, I see that you're the president of Texas A&M here.
Uh, Mr. Gates has released a statement saying, uh, in regard to you, uh, the American people know what they saw with their own eyes on September 11th.
They suggest any kind of government conspiracy in the events of that day goes beyond the pale.
Well, let me just say this.
We're going to have to hold our guest over five more minutes in to cover this because we're flat out of time here.
But Mr. Gates, former CIA director, they've turned AMN into a giant Nazi camp.
Of training people how to be New World Order stormtroopers.
And I have a lot of family that goes to A&M.
I like A&M.
I like their football team.
I'm not bashing A&M.
But they're turning it into a CIA command bunker.
And with General Magus, they've done the same thing at UT.
And I don't appreciate it.
And I don't appreciate Gates.
You all know what you saw the magician do.
Everybody knows magic's real.
Stay with us for five more minutes, Professor.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're trying to pull up the former CIA Director's comments.
I didn't want Michael in New York to hang up, but he did.
Michael, if you've got that statement, if you can get back in, call back in at 1-800-259-9231 and give us the rest of that statement.
We're trying to find it.
We'll post it on PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Well, we'll get Mr. Gates on and debate 9-11 with him.
But the American people know what they saw, Dr. Reynolds.
Yes, well, yep, lots of eyewitnesses know what they saw, but millions saw the videotapes.
Wasn't that convenient?
You know, these planes are going 782 feet per second, right?
We've got these videos.
Well, it was perfectly timed out where one tower gets hit and thirty minutes later another tower gets hit.
Well, Mr. Gates, apparently from this one report isn't probably going to debate because it's just beyond the pale.
See, that's the secular religion type view.
You know, you're just beyond the pale, not worth debating.
You're not willing to talk about the facts.
But we are willing to talk about facts.
We are willing to talk about them.
That's true.
Was Mike able to get back in or are the phones loaded?
I've got to defend A&M.
I really enjoyed my years at A&M.
Yes, there's a military tradition, but in this country we have a proud military tradition.
I'm just afraid that it's being abused and corrupted currently.
So, it's a mixed bag.
Oh, I would agree.
I mean, I love A&M.
I think it's a great university, but I read the policy reports.
It's got the George Bush Library, and just the stuff coming out of there about setting up a police state in America makes me sick.
Well, yeah, I think there are problems.
But maybe A&M is infallible.
Maybe they can walk on water.
Nobody is infallible.
That's absurd.
But according to some people, maybe they're infallible.
Maybe that's where...
I'm not going to be blasphemous.
I was about to be sarcastic.
Well, let's take one final call, Professor, for you.
Let's talk to Chuck in Texas.
Chuck, go ahead.
Oh, thank you, Alex, for having Dr. Reynolds on.
I had first heard about him.
I'd missed some of your shows, and I'd first heard about him yesterday on a local show down here, Carl Wigglesworth, I'm sure you're familiar with.
Well, what station is Carl on now?
Oh, he's on 1310.
K-A-H-L, I think.
Okay, what did Wigglesworth say about it?
Well, it sounds like he's starting to give in a little bit.
He doesn't really necessarily believe it.
You know, he still kind of poo-poos it, but it sounds like maybe behind the microphone he's starting to give it a little bit of credence.
Yeah, he's starting to think the world may actually be round.
Do you have a question for our guest?
Well, mainly it's just a statement that, you know, keep going on the air and
Get this out and just gig them, Dr. Reynolds.
Thank you.
Gig them.
Oh, boy.
Oh, yeah.
It's amazing.
And they're taking over UT, too.
They're really making a move in Texas.
It's like CIA command bases or something.
I've been to the CFR meetings.
I've covered them here locally and it's one world this, take your rights that, put people in camps this.
I mean, I got it all on video, Dr. Reynolds.
Yeah, that's amazing.
It's scary.
Get a lot of good young people in there believing all that stuff, warping their minds.
Well, Godspeed to you, and even if it brings down the heavens, as you said, the truth is the truth, and it's a lot more dangerous not to expose this than to go along with it.
Okay, take care, Alex.
Well, I want to commend you.
Any particular places we can read your news articles?
Occasional pieces on lewrockwell.com.
Well, I'd like to get a piece for Infowars, too.
Okay, what do you think?
Well, not much.
Okay, Alex.
Hey, thanks a lot for coming on with us.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I really want to thank our guests for coming on with us in the last hour and a half.
And of course he's Morgan Reynolds, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term.
Says the official story about the collapse of the Twin Towers is bogus.
A very interesting, informed gentleman.
We really appreciate his time.
He says he doesn't like having to do this, but he's got to because it's the truth, and he's right.
And now we're going to have open phones and a ton of news in this third hour.
Any issue you want to discuss, any news item,
I got the news here about, they've come and shut the place down and they've got eyewitnesses, this abortion clinic where the guy's gobbling the babies, eating the babies, soft-taying them.
And I believe it folks, it fits the classic MO of these degenerates.
So we'll be getting into that as well.
And I also want to get into just a whole plethora of other news stories.
Charles in Louisiana is now back on the line with us.
Charles, go ahead, sir.
I wanted to ask them, after 9-11, they told our firemen and policemen not to wear, you know, breathing respirators.
And look what happened to them.
They come out of the White House.
Most of them are dying with cancer right now.
That was after 9-11 on the cleanup.
No, you're right.
I mean, the new scientists and a bunch of other publications have done the test on the firemen and their lungs are full of the stuff and they're dying, dead and dying.
Well, that proves to the policemen and firemen how much the government thinks about them, Mr. Jones.
No, I agree.
I know, I know.
Yes, sir.
Do they love being used?
Do they love being abused?
Well, I think they feel there's no way out and they've got to go along and get along.
I feel that.
They can kiss this country goodbye.
They can kiss their pensions goodbye.
They're going to be right just like everybody else.
You know, Mr. Jones, every politician I talk to, they know.
They really figure it out themselves.
They really do.
They just don't have no other side of the fence to jump on, I feel.
And I tell you, we're going to win, and I'd like you to keep plugging your tapes, because I feel this is the only way.
I'm making progress by myself.
Well, you're right.
I didn't promote them last hour, which I've been forgetting to do.
If I don't promote the films each hour, we don't get the films out to people.
That's why I like to remind you, call you, because you get into the news, and these films are very, it's very important.
What effect have the films had in your area?
Well, uh, sometimes I get discouraged and sometimes today I'm hyped up because somebody gave me a film!
You know what I mean?
So... Really?
What happened?
Well, I went to the little store up every day.
I'd go get a little coffee with my wife before she goes to work and all that.
And somebody handed me a film.
And, uh, it was, I think, painful, uh, questions of painful deception.
Now, did they know that you're the guy that's handed out 6,000 videos?
No, sorry.
I never met this lady before.
And so the handing out of videos has gotten so feverish that now you're getting people...
I told her, I said, look, be here tomorrow and I'm going to bring you a film.
I love it!
And so, it's getting around.
They're putting them on cars and police cars.
No, we're going to expose these murdering killers.
They're not getting away with it.
But, Mr. Jones, please, if people would just get off their backs and pass out ten films a week, we could win this thing in a short period of time.
I hear you.
Take care, Charles.
Great job.
Look, I mean, I've thought about it.
If I had more capital,
I could do more.
Because we spend, literally, 85-90% of the money that comes in on staff and employees, and shortwave, and bandwidth, and rent, and... So, notice I didn't plug my videos in the last hour.
And, you know, I don't know why I've always been timid about it.
You know, I'll rapid-fire, about 60 seconds an hour, plug the videos, and, you know, I really should lavish more time on the films.
I mean, I could have ten different products I push, but that's not my goal.
I want to get the films out because that's what really has the biggest effect.
So people ask me every day, we want to support you.
How do we support you?
Buy four or five copies of my videos.
Give them to people.
And if you just want to support us.
If not, buy one copy.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
8 minutes, 25 seconds into this third hour of transmission.
Got 51 minutes left.
Masses of key news and information.
I'll tell you, this former high-level Bush administration official going public is sending shockwaves across the country.
United Press International wrote an article today, published an article today concerning his statements about the towers clearly being blown up with controlled demolition.
We have the owner saying he blew it up.
I mean, it's time to say the emperor has no clothes.
We're just stating the facts here.
Oh look, it's a controlled demolition!
Oh look, that building wasn't even hit by rubble, but it caught on fire!
Oh look, it's imploding perfectly!
Oh, the owner says he blew it up!
Oh, the CIA is basing the building!
On and on and on.
And so now Drudge has a link to Texas A&M's website
Which is loading very slow.
It can't handle the bandwidth.
So we're posting it right now on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We're going to go to David and Michael and many others that are holding here in a moment and then get back into some other news items.
But first off, Scott Hartman, running the show up at the network, up at the mothership in Minneapolis-St.
Paul for the GCN Radio Network, he's got the press release there in front of him.
It's very, very short.
Go ahead, Mr. Hartman, and tell us what it says.
Okay, you got me, Alex?
Yes, sir.
Alright, it is very short.
This is just a quote from Dr. Robert M. Gates, president of Texas A&M.
And that's the former chief spook.
Right, yeah.
It says, the American people know what they saw with their own eyes on September 11, 2001.
To suggest any kind of government conspiracy in the events of that day goes beyond the pale.
And that's all he says.
Just like they said over, and that's on the official A&M website.
Yeah, that's directly off A&M's website.
And for those that don't know, they said it goes beyond the pale.
That's an exact quote of Dick Cheney and George Bush and Karl Rove, because they all read off talking points.
This goes beyond the pale that we lied about weapons of mass destruction.
It goes beyond the pale to say that we ever said there were weapons of mass destruction.
It goes beyond the pale to say that there aren't weapons of mass destruction.
I never said that!
That's a conspiracy theory!
I mean... Bush has gotten up and says, that's beyond the pale.
They love that term.
I have never had any knowledge of flying planes into buildings.
No one ever, ever thought of this!
Oh no, you just ran a drill that very morning.
And one two months before, and two years before, and... Had memos detailing it two weeks before.
Literally, it was all in twos.
I mean, it really makes my head spin.
And I'm sick of it!
And then I guess under it, Scott, it's got some more stuff just saying who this professor is, you know, talking about Mr. Reynolds, former Bush administration official, just kind of lists his info under it.
Yeah, actually, it's right before it, actually.
It says that the following is a statement from Texas A&M University regarding recent news reports about the collapse of the World Trade Center, and then it kind of highlights who Dr. Reynolds is and what his position at A&M was.
And, uh, then basically what, uh, what Gates had to say about that.
You know, what are they going to do when everybody's talking like this?
What are they going to do as more and more people look?
You know, it's like the old movie where somebody stands up and says, we can fight back against the enemy!
And everybody says, no!
You know, movies that are made about historical events cross this line!
And then one person steps across, and then another, and then five, and then twenty, and then a hundred, and then there's one coward that slinks out the back door.
Okay, so, some of us had to hit the barbed wire first, and we did it.
And I was roundly criticized.
But, that's fine.
Look, I'm not going to live under a bunch of murdering bastards!
A bunch of devil-worshipping, drug-dealing scumbags who think I'm their slave!
I'm not afraid of them!
I don't care!
I'm standing up against them!
David in Illinois.
David, go ahead.
This has been happening all day.
I go to these calls, and they just aren't there.
Okay, let's go to another call.
Ron, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
So, Alex?
Yes, sir?
Uh, thanks for taking my call.
Uh, you just made a statement about, uh, it said that everybody knew what they saw, you know, they see this, and I agree, I think the Twin Towers were an implosion by explosive.
But I also, I have a very good friend that he told me, I told him that I wasn't sure what hit the Pentagon.
And, you know, I'm
You know, and I don't know, but he said, oh, it was a 757 because we watched the tape of it.
And I'm going, there is no such tape in here.
Well, just because you can't find it doesn't mean there's one not out there.
And is there a tape out there like that or not?
No, there is a computer rendering.
That's what I thought.
There is a dramatization that I actually have in the intro to Road to Tyranny.
of a jet flying into the Pentagon that the most surveilled place in the world is that piece of land across the Potomac from D.C.
that the Pentagon is located on.
There are not hundreds of cameras.
There are thousands of cameras in a 15 square mile area.
There were dozens.
It was like over 20.
Uh, businesses, hotels, gas stations, uh, restaurants that had cameras facing out onto the Pentagon.
Not to mention hundreds of Pentagon cameras, uh, that, and they came, the FBI did,
They came within minutes.
Within 15 minutes.
Masses of FBI agents.
Within 15 minutes.
As employees at one hotel.
I actually interviewed them.
As employees at a hotel were popping the video in to watch it.
Men in suits busted in and pulled their guns out.
So, so they knew.
I mean, they were like, get those tapes, get them, get them, get them!
And so they grabbed them, and then for like a year and a half, we all said, what hit it, what hit it?
So they released like five frames of some stopgap motion, you know, ancient camera that shows some white thing, a white blur, obviously been manipulated, and then a white hot flash on the building.
And again, this is what intelligence agencies do.
I mean, you heard the doctor last hour.
They put layer of layer of smoke and the fog of war and false flag groups and groups of people cheering on buildings and groups of Arabs and Otago saying, get out of the building.
That way you never track it back exactly what happened.
That way, even if you prove they did it,
There's so many false things when you get down to the nitty-gritty of how they did it, that you can't conclusively prove one of them, so you can't convict.
My point was, though, that some people don't know what they saw.
They just... they heard it on the news, and... And they believe they saw a video, even though they didn't.
That's... I'm just saying that, you know, that some people just heard on the news, and then... and... and it's the truth to them, and... and... you know, it...
It's hard to convince them otherwise, but I do my best.
Well, God bless you.
Thanks again for taking my call.
Thank you, sir.
You keep it up.
And, you know, I have a really good friend who did a lot of consulting work for Microsoft, for Hollywood.
He's a concept guy.
Really smart.
He knows all about the New World Order.
Very concerned about it.
That's why he left Microsoft.
We're talking, I don't know, six, seven figures.
I don't know, what's a million bucks?
I don't know.
I mean, he was making a lot of money.
Point is.
And he left.
I mean, he just said, I don't want it.
And I go, man, I tell you, the good news is I do all these hundreds of interviews and everybody agrees with me on my own show.
They used to disagree and now they agree and everybody's waking up.
And I go, man, everybody must know the truth.
And he said, well, a lot of people probably are waking up, Alex.
And that certainly is happening.
But he goes,
And I went on, but I said, but it's weird.
Then I hear other talk shows, and everybody thinks that the government wasn't involved.
And he said, Alex, that's because a lot of people just hear an authoritative voice, and hear something put semantically in a good package, and they just believe it.
So they just believe you.
Even though you're right, they're not believing you for the right reasons.
Just like when then they hear somebody else who is well-spoken, not that I'm that well-spoken.
Sometimes I am, and I'm not getting too excited.
I'm getting ahead of myself.
So, I mean, he's right.
A lot of it is just people are gullible.
And that scares me.
You know, you shouldn't know something one minute and then know something else the next minute and then know something different another minute.
You should be able to really know what you know.
And I know most of you are smarter than I am, and my audience itself is more informed at many levels than I am, but I'm talking about other talk show audiences.
I never really thought of that.
I was wondering, you know, why does everyone agree with me?
Well, it's because they hear somebody who sounds confident and is laying out some facts that sound good, because it is the truth, and so they just by a leap of faith, well, I choose to believe you.
Do not choose to believe me!
Find out I'm telling you the truth.
Who's up next here?
Clark in Texas!
Clark in Texas, go ahead!
Hi Alex, I would like to discuss like the first events in history that led you to believe that just something wasn't right with our country or maybe ask some of the other people in the audience what events that they studied in history first brought them to the awareness that something was terribly wrong.
Like for me it was studying about World War II and how we did all the horrible chemical warfare things and brought the Nazi doctors and scientists over here and
And then also stating about Vietnams and meeting vets that had run drugs and stuff like that and also, you know, the JFK assassination and the huge weird thing with that.
It just, it led me to believe something was horribly wrong and it's still going on with the events of 9-11.
I just thought we could maybe discuss that for a part of the day and I really appreciate your show.
Well, I appreciate you Clark.
That's a really good question.
I was trying to ask that question to Mr. Reynolds.
Dr. Reynolds, do you want to say anything else?
I would just like to know what events brought different people to that awareness.
And you, I'd like to know when you first had your
Well, I think it's the tapestry of things, but I'll try to answer that when we get back.
Thanks, Clark.
More calls, more news straight ahead.
Stay with us, Prison Plan adopted.
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I think so.
I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we got a load of phone lines, a ton of news here I want to get to, but the caller asked what woke me up, and I tell you, my life really would make a good movie.
Because, growing up, I mean, I knew that the sheriff dealt the cocaine and marijuana.
Sheriff McCorder.
And he done it for years, and then finally, they busted him and he went to jail.
But, I mean, I'd sit there and tell the police, I know you're dealing drugs, and they'd go, nobody will believe you, Jones.
Shut up.
And then I had girlfriends and people I knew, and
You know, my family was just middle class.
My dad was a dentist, but Rockwell's the richest county in Texas.
So I'd go to these parties at these mansions and these houses and... And, you know, you'd have some billionaire heiress tell you she's a devil worshipper.
You'd find out about half the town's devil worshippers.
It was like a Stephen King novel.
So right there I knew the world wasn't what people thought it was.
You know, right there I knew, man, you know, the world, the sheriff deals drugs, and the people are devil worshippers, and, and, uh, ha, ha!
So, you know, years later I had trouble believing Bohemian Grove existed, though, when I first heard about it.
Still, you don't want to believe this stuff.
And, you know, I was somebody who played football, and went out partying, and did all the other stuff, but I also read a lot.
Kind of like a cross between a bookworm and a jock, or whatever, and a hellraiser.
I was pretty bad.
And, uh, but I did read history books.
I liked history.
I guess because there was a lot of them around my house growing up, so I, you know, I'd pick them up and read them.
And it was suffrafugia, manipulation, and backstabbing, and government-sponsored terrorism, and continual this and that.
And I got really into studying World War II, and I read the different history books about the Nazis and the things they did.
You know, mainstream books like Order of the Deathshead, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Scheer's book.
And it was all about secret societies doing this and battling and carrying out terror attacks.
And then I go to college, and the government is good, and we're going to
Have forced inoculations, and drugging, and guns are evil, and we need to have them in, and world government is the answer, and families are bad, and I was just like, what is this?
So I thought, well, the Republicans plan their pro-family and all this, I better go join them and fight this.
And then I thought up, man, this is control.
These guys are, all these Republican leaders in Austin are really Democrats.
Better get out of this!
And then, I'm against the Federal Reserve and the New World Order!
And then, there you go, folks!
That was about 12 years ago.
So, been on air over 10.
I guess it's coming up on 11.
And time's flying.
So, maybe it's longer than 11.
I keep saying 10.
I've been saying 10 for like 2 or 3 years.
But, a long time.
We'll put it to you that way.
So, it's been my own little growing experience.
And I mean,
Really, it's how I was brought up.
My parents were Christian.
But they didn't like the phony preachers, you know, that wanted all your money and acted like they were God.
And I had these corrupt preachers that lived next door to me.
So I got to witness what they were like.
And, uh, it was just so many things.
You know, Anton LaVey
Had a lot, some of the same experiences, but he decided to use the knowledge of ignorant people, and to use the knowledge of how the world really worked, to manipulate and to self-aggrandize himself.
Because I read some of the writings of Anton LaVey, you know, the founder of the Church of Satan.
Just a little front guy.
You know, real powerful Satanists would never write a public book.
Kind of another front guy, or... I don't know what you'd call him...
You know, copycat or fake would be Aleister Crowley.
But, uh, Antonio, they talked about growing up as a carnival worker, and watching how to manipulate, how to con, how stupid the people were in the towns they went to.
Well, see, I saw all that, and I saw the evil, and I thought, this is horrible, I don't like this.
I want to warn people.
But an Anton LaVey, or the people that do as thou wilt, the people that run our government, they go, well if they're a bunch of idiots, that's their problem!
We're better because we know the truth and we'll control and manipulate this scum!
And so Anton LaVey saw all the corruption and all the stuff going on and saw how gullible the population was and he decided to get on the bandwagon of using people.
Whereas, I realize you reap what you sow.
That just comes back on you seven-fold.
God is real.
I've had experiences with God.
I love Jesus.
I love beauty.
I love goodness.
And I know what Satanists are, and occultists, and their Wiccan followers.
They're a bunch of unhappy, power-seeking losers who aren't going to find power.
They're going to find hell!
And every time I track back the people that are attacking me,
They're globalists or they're occultists.
A lot of the so-called alternative media.
You gotta look into them.
Not very hard to find out who they are.
I see you!
I know what you are!
I can see!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, we're going to go to David and Wes and Charlie and Raina and many others here in just a few minutes.
I mentioned this earlier, but I've got to get back into it and some other news I've recalled.
This is not a World Net Daily, it's also in the Kansas City Star.
Abortionist accused of eating fetuses.
Kansas City Clinic closed as grisly house of horrors.
A Kansas City abortionist is about to be out of business, or is out of business, not about to be out of business.
A Kansas City abortionist is out of business after investigators discovered a grisly house of horrors.
But see, people just can't believe this stuff goes on.
See, that's why they are enslaved.
With fetuses kept in styrofoam cups in the refrigerator, and one employee accused him of microwaving one and stirring it into his lunch.
The unsanitary conditions in Krishna Rajana's clinic prompted legislative approval of a new abortion regulations in Kansas, a bill that was vetoed by the Hobgoblin governor.
Rajana's activities have repeatedly been the subject of law enforcement investigations for nearly two years.
And he first came to the attention of police in September 2003 when he called police to investigate
Alleged employee theft.
Detective William Howard of Kansas City Police Department responded.
I thought I had heard and seen every vile, disgusting crime scene, but was in for a new shock.
I'm sorry.
When I started this investigation, I gotta get him on.
I gotta get this officer on.
I thought I had heard and seen every vile, disgusting crime scene, but was I in for a new shock when I started this investigation?
He would later say, Howard turned the matter over to local district attorney and three state agencies, but they love abortion, so nothing happened!
Oh, man.
Topping the list of horrors was an employee's account that she and others witnessed Rajana microwave one of the aborted fetuses and stir it into his lunch, as Howard recalled earlier when the year testifying before a Kansas House Committee.
Rajana denied the accusation, but he did keep fetuses in styrofoam cups in the refrigerator, along with food and drinks.
Dr. Rajana lacked physical hygiene, testified Howard.
His hair was messy, hands dirty, his clothing was wrinkled and stained.
And I bet he's into some other stuff, I'll just tell you.
He put on old used foot booties while we were there.
Howard testified the clinic was dark and dingy.
Well, where do you expect a human sacrifice face to be?
Had poor whiting and smelled musty.
But Lord, I wouldn't live within ten miles of one of those places, folks.
Now, there were dirty dishes in the break room sink, on the table, trash everywhere, and roaches crawling on the countertops in full daylight.
I'm about to puke.
God help us.
Howard was afraid to sit down.
Howard noted that there were no hazardous waste containers anywhere.
An employee later testified that Regina would take home all contaminated medical and biohazard waste for residential trash pickups, who would have to pay for it.
As for the procedure room, Howard's partner spotted dry blood on the floor and said the room looked nasty.
Two dishwashers located next to the staff toilet served as sanitizers.
That's illegal!
Folks, I've worked as a dental assistant for a year.
And I know Texas laws and I know there's federal regulations on it, too.
And different medical associations self-enforce.
They'll yank your license.
I mean, you spray it with chemicals, you clean it, you put it in an autoclave.
Then you put it into this little resonant system inside of pure alcohol.
Really, it's like a pesticide.
It's a chemical.
And then it resonates ultra low frequency to vibrate anything off of it.
Then you put it back in an autoclave with special tape on it that has stripes on it after it's heated up.
And then people come and inspect it, and you get fired if it isn't done exactly correctly.
Before you even touch these instruments to clean them, you spray them down with basically iodine, but it's a different type of iodine.
Even stronger.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
You put them in a washing machine?
That doesn't sterilize anything!
They should be in jail for that alone!
Howard noted there were no hazardous waste containers.
Two dishwashers located next to the staff toilet served as sanitizers according to employee testimony.
Photographs show the toilet was bloody and functioning as a human waste disposal in the literal sense of the babies.
Oh God, help us.
Folks, it goes on for three more pages.
I can't read anymore.
We have children listening.
Abortion is a dirty business.
It's human beings.
You can shoot your mouths off all day about how, It's a right!
It's a woman's tissue!
No, it's not!
And did you know, women, it massively increases your rate of cancer?
You're not supposed to do that.
If the pregnancy needs to be terminated, the body will do it.
Did you know there's people that will pay you hundreds of thousands of dollars
To have that baby and to put it up for adoption.
There are more people wanting babies than there are abortions.
Just slightly.
It is so evil!
And folks, I've talked to people that worked in abortion clinics.
I interviewed a few years ago the beautiful, I forget her name, blonde lady.
She's like 25 now.
She was thrown as a 9 month abortion.
With chemical burns on her, and her legs slashed open, to where she limps to this day, in a trash can!
An abortion, uh, anti-abortion activist got, were looking in the trash can for evidence, and found the dead baby, and today, they raised her in secret, and it, for a few months, and then exposed it, and the lab had to admit it.
That's a famous case, folks!
I mean, these are real, real admissions, just flushing babies down toilets!
And God will forgive you if you've been involved in this.
But, uh, I mean, what do you think the type of people that can do this all day are?
They're very sick.
Folks, can you imagine killing 30, 40 babies a day?
Some of them, 7 pounds.
Oh yeah, they kill thousands and thousands of babies every month, up until a week before they're supposed to be born.
Did they tell the woman you could have a cesarean?
Did they tell the woman just have the baby?
No, they go, oh, we'll take care of that.
You don't want that baby?
Oh, we'll take care of that for you, ma'am.
We'll be more than glad.
Oh, this is a big one here.
We'll sell it for medical parts.
But this guy, his employees are saying, have you heard the cops?
I mean, they've testified.
The place is a cockroach-laden den of blood and squalor.
This guy is allegedly, and I believe it, in there eating these babies!
By the way, it's not an urban legend.
You can buy baby parts in some Chinese health markets in China.
And they admittedly sell the baby fat for collagen to be injected in people's lips in the U.S.
and in other places I won't mention.
Imagine the Hollywood scum and the rest of them having babies fat injected into them.
And there's no telling how they mix all the baby fat together, which we know they do in France, after they buy the raw material from China.
I guarantee you, you're getting diseases from that too.
There's always a price to pay.
You don't have to wait till you go to hell, scum!
You abortionists and the rest of you, your life's a living hell because you're involved in this!
And you just wait until we get this country back.
You just wait!
Until we've exposed the New World Order and gotten our Republic back.
You just wait and see what happens to you!
Your days are numbered!
Murderers of babies!
Now you want to know how I feel, that's how I really feel.
I can't wait till we get this country back.
And I can't wait till you're prosecuted.
And we're going to show everybody what you are.
We're going to show them your maggot-filled bins of dead babies.
You know, they'll arrest people all over this country, and they show pictures of dead babies on the street or on their car.
But it's okay to show the piles of dead Jews that Hitler killed, and you should show those piles of dead bodies!
Oh, I want to see the piles of dead babies!
I don't like looking at it, but I want to see it.
We haven't talked enough about abortion on this broadcast, and I've talked about that in the past.
And if you don't like it, don't carry the program.
If you don't like it, shut this show off!
Shut it off!
Shut it off now!
You need to get out of denial out there.
I don't want to be associated with people that support abortion.
I don't want to be anywhere around you people.
You talk about denial.
You think people are in denial about George Bush and 9-11?
Forget the 3,000 people they killed there.
That was bad enough.
What about those 54 million babies?
God help us!
You don't think the government wouldn't put cancer viruses in your vaccines?
You don't think they wouldn't genetically engineer the food that makes you very sick?
You don't think they wouldn't put sodium fluoride in the water to dumb you down?
These people have killed 50 million babies!
What's wrong with you?
Okay, okay, okay.
I'm not gonna get mad.
I already did get mad.
I just... Just hearing about
Cockroaches and toilets used to flush babies.
I just can't handle it anymore, people.
I'm just so sick of the scum.
And let me just tell all of you, you're going down.
New World Order, you're going down.
God's gonna have his way with you.
And God's gonna use us as vessels and tools and instruments.
And we're bringing you down!
David in Illinois, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
I was hoping that Reynolds would address whether or not he had contacted former government contacts and maybe congresspersons to see where that would go.
But then I have another question for you.
I know that you're beginning to look into peak oil and I've heard you mention that several times.
Peat oil, if true, is very important, but if it's false, the argument between peat oil and abiotic renewable oil is a distraction, and here's why.
Well, there's clearly both oil left over from organisms and oil being produced by the tectonic magma battle lift.
So if it is abiotic, just as you described right there, it's still finite because the Earth is finite.
And all these numbers associated with the oil supply are controlled by the people extracting the oil and discovering the oil, so therefore, you know, it's unknown, really.
No, you're right.
It's all suspect.
I just know this.
I have interviewed the oil field executives, I've interviewed the people that were there.
They have massive fields all over Alaska, all over the Gulf of Mexico, right up near the surface, really good crude.
Yeah, I used to be in the energy business, laying those cross-country pipelines, and I've been in oil fields and gas fields, and I know people still in the business, and they're still capping gas wells that I know of.
But anyway, gas fields.
That whole argument there is a distraction, and here's why.
No, you're right.
One day we're going to run out of fossil fuels, and we've had all these new technologies for enons, so we should start using them.
Well, and there's a more immediate question too.
Besides the intentional disruption of the energy supply system, which would in effect be a peak oil situation,
The real issue here is the energy business model, and as long as that business model is centralized, cartel, monopoly controlled,
The opportunity to manipulate the market with artificial levels of supply is going to be there regardless of the technology that we employ.
So we've got to concentrate on the business model and when you see these people on TV and in the newspapers and everywhere discussing alternatives, if they're a part of the system, they are discussing alternatives that are still
Centralized cartel monopoly control.
Sir, you're an absolute genius.
No, you're absolutely right.
They're giving us false or hybrid systems.
They'll make us pay out the nose for them instead of giving us... Sir, they have solar power now that you don't even see on the car, where the car can go 150 miles an hour.
I mean, they've got... we don't even need this stuff anymore.
And for them to say we're out of oil?
If we were out of oil tomorrow, we've got enough clean-burning coal in two western states to run this country for 500 years!
Well, even the coal, though, is still a centralized distribution... No, I agree, but the point is that these centralized people are now going to claim there's just no more of it to really rape us.
Thanks for the call.
Great points, David.
I'm sorry, I've got to move on and go to the other callers.
And I'm sorry I blew up one to that ramp, but folks, these are babies.
And you yell and scream about the baseball game or about your precious Spurs playing the Pistons, but I'm weird because I get upset about cockroaches and dead babies.
I mean, I just can't handle it anymore.
My guts just, it tears me up.
Charles in Mexico is next.
Wes, go ahead.
Yes, I'm with you all the way on this abortion thing.
Appreciate your ranting.
Earlier though, you mentioned something about a Mike Levine and destroying him.
Well, no.
I mean, somebody I'm going to be debating.
You know, I use the term destroy their argument.
The caller said destroy him.
Okay, well what about, I mean, do you know which Mike Levine they want to destroy?
It's the person I'm going to be debating, sir, on the radio.
And that'll be on the nighttime show?
No, that'll be on a thing called Coast to Coast AM.
Coast to Coast AM.
Is that tonight or tomorrow night?
Tomorrow night.
I'll be there.
All right.
All right.
Thanks much.
Keep it up.
God bless you.
Thank you, Wes.
Thank you.
Yeah, the caller said, I want you to destroy him.
And I just said, well, I'll destroy his arguments.
Charlie and Mass, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, you rant and rave all you want, this country needs to be woken up and fast.
We're scum!
We really are scum.
We're in so much trouble right now.
I mean, I used to think we were in a bad position under Clinton, but I'm looking back and saying, wow, those days were actually comparatively... Don't get me worse with the next guy.
It's just the progression.
These guys are just puppets.
Yeah, it just gets worse and worse and worse each time.
So, I mean, if you think of it that way,
We'll probably be looking back at this administration thinking we had it made.
If we don't turn things around, yeah.
That's a scary thought.
But anyway, I just had a quick question.
You know about the lone gunman and the long kiss goodnight.
You know, these are shows that... All these Hollywood movies and shows where the government wants to blow up the World Trade Centers for Martial Law.
This is all pre-9-11.
There was another one.
I saw it once on a website along with these shows and a few other things.
Like that rap band, you know, on their cover two months before 9-11 showed the towers blowing up.
There was another one.
All of these were on this one website, but there was another one, and I haven't been able to find it since.
I was hoping you might have heard of it.
Well, uh, what was the other one?
Okay, it showed, um, it was about a bomb going off, and this terrorist network was behind it.
And it said that during one of the frames in the movie, the camera quickly panned to the screen of this computer the terrorist was using to set off the bomb.
And as it locked onto the screen, just for that split moment,
It showed the timer ticking down, and it froze just for a second on that timer, showing the time to be 9 hours, 11 minutes, and 0, 1 seconds.
No, I've seen that, and I can't remember what the name of it is, and they do do that in the movie.
Yeah, if you can ever find the name of it.
Well, that's their little inside joke.
Criminals love to brag.
They love to leave their sickles, their signets,
Uh, there.
Thanks for the call.
Okay, thank you.
I really appreciate it.
Uh, yeah, they love to leave their little calling cards.
They enjoy it.
We'll talk to, uh, is it Raina up next?
Okay, I'm sorry.
And we'll take a few calls.
And I didn't plug my videos last hour.
I really should plug them this hour.
And the best video out there is Marshall Law, bar none.
And I hope you'll get my new film.
I hope you'll make copies of it.
I hope you'll get it out to people.
I'll briefly, quickly tell you how to get it on the other side, take a few calls and a few other news items.
And, uh, we'll just, uh, end this transmission.
So, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Imagine, I mean all over our country there are facilities where they kill babies.
People just go into them and sit there and watch their wife or girlfriend go in behind the doors.
And think of the people that can do that for a living.
I mean, even if you agree with abortion, which is just unbelievable denial, imagine being the people in there doing it every day.
I mean, it's intense just doing medical, real medical stuff, period.
Let me tell you.
I've been in and around a lot of it.
Killing lives.
Taking a life?
It's just... No wonder the guy's reportedly eating babies and the police are saying there's cockroaches and blood everywhere.
I mean, you know, that's the type of demons that do this.
You gotta like it!
They like it!
It's been admitted in a lot of major law enforcement studies.
A lot of Satanists have become doctors who run abortions and they enjoy it!
And then look who this guy is.
He likes to live in a dirty office with cockroaches all around him.
That's your power you get from what you do.
You get to live in a cockroach infested cesspit.
I'm sorry.
I can only take one more caller.
Who's next in line?
Risa in Indiana.
Go ahead, Risa.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, with all this information that we have on 9-11, what can we do about it now?
You know, it's great that we have the tapes going out.
Well, if we don't expose the people behind it... What can we do legally?
As far as how do we get the information into court?
Well, I mean, and I'll answer the question if you want.
It's a good question.
Not enough people are woken up.
We have to keep pushing to where we're the majority, which is going to happen soon.
The problem is they still own the courts and people have sued.
People have charged this.
The courts are controlled.
They're throwing it out.
Go ahead.
Are you there?
So, has this already gone, it's already gone through the courts once?
About... over 20 times.
How can they just ignore all this information?
Yeah, how does the media ignore all these?
It's unbelievable.
It's unbelievable.
How does the media ignore all these federal and state cases?
See, that's a whole other story right there.
So how much information do we actually need before
You know, the courts actually do something about it.
Well, the courts aren't going to do anything.
They're bought and paid for.
They were all appointed by the very people that did this.
So how do we get these evil people to be convicted?
We just say, well, number one, we've got to keep them right now from totally enslaving us.
Thanks for the call.
I hope you'll call me back tomorrow.
And that's a great question.
Call me back tomorrow.
I'll go to you first.
We can talk about this more.
We're just trying to keep them from putting transponders in all our cars to tax us down the road.
We're trying to keep them from giving us national ID cards.
We're trying to keep them from passing drafts to make us their slaves.
We're trying to keep them from doing all this, from forced drugging our children.
We're just trying to fight them off right now!
Oh, I'd love to send them to prison!
I'm just trying to get all these cowards out there to admit what we're facing!
If you want to expose them, you want to fight them, get my film, Martial Law.
It's the best video I've ever made.
It's the best 9-11 film out there, bar none.
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You need this video.
You need to make copies of it.
You need to get it out to people, and we need you to get it to support us.
So call right now and get the film, 888-253-3139.
Or go to Infowars.com and order the new film, or any of the great films, off the secure shopping cart.
Or go to PrisonPlanet.TV.
We have monthly and yearly subscriptions.
All my films, weekly TV shows.
A bunch of stuff.
Support us.
We can do even a better job next time.
And great question, man.
Call me back tomorrow.
I get frustrated always in the third hour.
I've been noticing because so much news.
So many calls.
So much information.
And if this stuff isn't affecting you.
If this stuff isn't tearing your guts out.
Something's wrong with you.
So much in life is just showing up.
Well, I showed up.
And I see a bunch of evil bastards.
I'm gonna stand up against them.
I don't care what the outcome is.
I'm gonna fight them!
God bless you all!