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Name: 20050616_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 16, 2005
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello my friends, it is the 16th day of June 2005.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
We have Pastor Pike
Coming on in the next hour to analyze the draconian federal hate crimes bill that they've given a new name, Local Law Enforcement Assistance.
And you've seen what they've tried to do in Philadelphia.
Christians pray on the street corner.
All of it shot on video.
Peacefully being screamed at and having things thrown at them.
And they were arrested as terrorists
And Bush's Justice Department advised how to put him in jail for 47 years.
It got public attention, blew up in the globalist's faces.
So, this is their goal.
This is not a joke.
The Sheriff of Los Angeles was in the LA Weekly newspaper two weeks ago, saying that if you criticize the open border, you are an anti-immigration group.
They are going to come and arrest you and register you basically as a sex offender for your political views.
And you might bump your head on the way to the police station.
Who knows?
You might resist.
It's like the Nazis.
You've got to take the Jews in for questioning and make sure you're not
And who's behind this?
The Anti-Defamation League.
They're supporting that legislation in California.
So they've had trouble at the federal level.
So all over the country they're trying to pass at the state level.
And now they have a new mega-massive bill coming in at the federal level as well.
Then in the third hour, we're going to be joined by Jack McClam.
Police and Military Against the New World Order.
I talk about an amazing article I heard him covering yesterday.
Just a section out of a book written by a big city police chief who's retired about how corrupt it is, how the scam works, how the fraud operates.
So that's coming up the third hour.
We'll also have open phones throughout this broadcast today at 1-800-259-9231.
Boy, I've got a big day lined up.
I've got this radio show to do.
Then I've got to do research and prepare for my debate tonight on Coast to Coast AM.
It'll go on until 4 or 5 in the morning.
Sometimes George Norrie extends the show out an hour during a debate or roundtable.
In fact, I think the first time in show history they ever did that.
I was on last year with them when they did that.
And I'll be showing my film, Martial Law, 9-1-1 Rise of the Police State, at the Alamo Draft House South Lamar tonight.
And giving a speech at the beginning and taking a question and answer after.
So I'm going to have one of those enjoyable 22 hour days if I go to sleep at 5 in the morning tomorrow.
But I love it and wouldn't have it any other way.
It is exciting to be so in the thick of the fight against the new world odor that literally I don't have enough time in the day to do it all.
But we will take your calls early in this hour at 1-800-259-9231 and the website's freshly updated for you InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.net, and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Now InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, both my webmasters there, Ryan Slickheisen and Paul Watson,
Have done an amazing job on both the sites.
Paul Watson has created whole new 9-11 categories and sections for the debate this evening.
Or I should say tomorrow morning.
In many time zones.
So, definitely want to check out the sites today.
And they'll be going back to their regular news format in about 24 hours, but for now,
We have reformed ourselves purely into instruments to expose 9-11, which is already our primary function.
Transmission continues!
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, 8 minutes 25 seconds into this first hour of this live Thursday transmission, second segment.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and we are here live Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time with a retransmission from 1am until 6am Central Standard Time.
No matter what time zone you're in, you can always basically catch the broadcast.
Alright, there is just so much to cover.
I mentioned in the first segment, but I might as well say it again.
We got Pastor Pike coming on, an expert on hate crime laws.
The globalists are losing the fight for the InfoWars, so if you talk about dignity and love and anti-racism, and if you're anti-Schwarzenegger,
Or if you're anti-gun control, you will be called a Nazi!
Literally, folks!
I mean, these people are incredible!
And Pastor Pike has been exposing this, and he'll be joining us in the next hour.
They're moving like never before, showing themselves, and then, of course, police and military against the New World Order.
Founder and head, my good buddy, Officer Jack McClam,
Who, of course, has been doing what he does for like 25 years or something.
Most highly decorated cop in Phoenix, Arizona history.
Vietnam-era veteran.
And just a great guy all around.
Just a great mind and just a decent fella.
And he's reached tens of millions of police and military in the last quarter century in his fight against the globalists.
And we're just so blessed to have people like Jack McClam out there.
So, Jack McClam is coming up in the third hour, despite the fact that he's finishing his monthly newsletter and about to leave town to go have more cancer work, any cancer work done on his wife, who's had breast cancer, but looks like things are going well there, thanks to all your prayers.
Alright, man, where to start?
We got the Governor of Oregon saying, yeah, we may need a draft.
I mean, so it's Senator Biden last week,
Monday seems like last week.
I've done so much this week.
We've got Rangel running around saying it.
We've got the Selective Service being geared up again.
The draft board is set up again.
I've talked in the last month to two separate individuals that are on draft boards.
I mean, I've been sent the documents and then put them in the shredder because they can get in a lot of trouble for leaking that type of stuff.
But they tell them, you're not allowed to tell anybody this.
It's national security.
Yes, we're putting you on the draft board.
These are patriots, former military people, that went and signed up for these draft boards.
One in Louisiana, one in upstate New York.
That's all I'm going to say.
And it is true!
They have told them the draft is coming, that there's probably going to be another terror attack.
Just as we said, they tell them that.
It's like a script, folks.
It's not hard to guess what their operations are going to be.
We've got these people figured out.
They behave the same over and over again.
But we can't play too much into that because they could change something all of a sudden.
But generally, you know, the same tricks.
Old dogs don't learn new tricks.
Though they could change something up on us rather quickly.
But they told him to keep your mouth shut because people will panic over this.
And it did come out that they did set up the draft boards again, but they're not allowed to talk to the press or the people.
And everything the government does now is supposedly secret.
You know, I mean, I see text dot documents, Department of Transportation here in Texas, where we've got plenty of money, excess billions and billions and excess, you know, six and a half billion over expenditures, but we can't let the people know that.
This is marked, your eyes only, confidential.
Anyone releasing this will be fired, and it comes out in the newspaper.
We've got plenty of money, but we want the toll roads they're going to raise.
Hundreds of millions over the next 20 years.
And I'll be in a store talking about the toll roads, and people will go, well, they need money somewhere.
You know, the one idiot out of a hundred that might be for it.
And I go, excuse me?
I go, how many barrels a day do we use now?
I've been saying 20 million the last few months.
I'm wrong.
It's 21 million barrels a day.
It's now a million more.
21 million barrels a day on average.
Just six years ago, 15 million barrels a day.
Total, the whole world's using about 87 million barrels a day.
And China and India are really increasing their uptake, so it's going to be 100 million barrels a day.
They say in just three years.
But we're using a lot more oil.
You know, we got 30 million new illegal aliens here.
Most of them got vehicles.
No, they're using oil.
There's more revenue than ever.
They're literally bathing in cash.
Bathing in money.
Just grounding in pools of it.
But that's not going to stop them from telling you there's no money.
Why, gas revenues, fuel revenues have gone down.
And they know you're not going to go read the revenues.
I mean, it's just unbelievable how these people lie!
And it came out, what, two weeks ago that Schwarzenegger, you know, in the Upscale neighborhood, he ordered, his people ordered a whole crew of about 20 people to go out there with jackhammers and bulldozers.
They tore up an entire lane of a road!
And then Schwarzenegger got up there and said, look at this road!
Give me more funding!
Look at it!
It's more of a Russian voice, isn't it?
I've got to do a German voice, an Austrian voice.
Ah, yeah, look at this!
It looks horrible!
And, uh, we've got to do something about it!
And then he got out there and he, he, he swept in the, uh, the asphalt and helped pat it down and, see, I'm good!
I mean, this was, he got caught doing this!
He'd go up and jackhammer and bulldoze roads!
They were there the whole day!
Folks, it's all staged!
It's all stage, you understand that?
You know, I went from governor, national draft debate needed out of the Associated Press Salem, Oregon, Ted Kolonsky, I'm not from Oregon, I'm sorry if I mispronounce it, broke ground Tuesday on a project to build a new state war memorial to Oregon soldiers, and said afterward that the nation needs a debate on whether to restore the military draft, and he went on to say we need one.
What does that have to do with secret programs for the toll roads?
Well, the point is, they're doing the toll roads whether you like them or not.
They're doing the draft whether you like it or not.
They start building the toll roads.
They started building the toll roads about nine years ago in Austin.
And by building the toll roads, building the extensions, building the extra lanes, building in the embankments, preparing them, we found the funding mechanisms to start it.
Again, almost a decade ago.
That's the same thing with the, uh, same thing with the draft.
It's the same thing with the cameras.
It's the same thing with the drugging of the children.
It's the same thing with all of it.
And I am sick of it.
So there's, uh, that article, and here's another one.
Schiavo autopsy revealed brain damage was irreversible.
This out of the Washington Post.
Harry Scheibel suffered severe irreversible brain damage that left the organ discolored and scarred, shriveled to have its normal size, and damaged in nearly all its regions, including the one responsible for vision, according to an autopsy report released yesterday.
Although the meticulous post-mortem examination could not determine the mental state of the Florida woman who died on the 31st after a judicial and legislative battle over her right to die, it did establish the permanence of her physical condition.
Alright, now let's just stop right there.
I turned on the TV for literally ten minutes last night before I went down to do my own TV show.
And it was Aruba!
They can't find the girl!
She could be hidden in mineshafts in the water!
And why do they focus in on that?
Because it's the new Michael Jackson thing.
It's the new... It's the new mystery soap opera for you to cover up all the other substantive news.
And then the next thing was how great Toll Roads were, and the next show was how torture's no big deal, and Gitmo's a wonderful place to be, and it's all lies.
And then the next thing was Terri Schiavo.
They have these guys in lab coats, you know, up there.
Yes, she was completely brain damaged and couldn't see and just her brain was almost half its size and... Of course, there's all these other doctors that treated her and nurses and others that said that she was cognizant.
But just ignore all that.
Schiavo wouldn't let a brain scan be done or wouldn't let a brain reading be done.
But after they snuck her body off and wouldn't let the family see her and then took her off and burned her body to get rid of all the evidence, months later, out comes the coroners, who again are going with the government line, defending the state.
I mean, you never find more corruption than you find with coroners.
This is something the globalists really focus on controlling.
But I know a little bit about medical stuff, and I know that anorexics who are anorexic can lose about 25% of their brain mass.
I know that people who have died out in the desert, upwards of half their brain mass is lost.
You can lose upwards of 30% of your body weight.
Even more of your brain.
The brain is 70% water, 30% that isn't water is almost purely
The blood supply being brought to the brain and cholesterol.
The brain is a oil-based computer, basically.
That's why people that are low in fats, certain kinds of fats, brains don't operate at full capacity.
Side issue, the point is, that I remember reading about anorexics, that they could lose upwards of 40 plus percent of their brain.
Just from not, well, no, that's not right.
25 to 30 percent from not eating, and then 45 percent if you didn't drink water.
And then here were the doctors going, she lost half her brain mass.
Almost half her brain mass.
And I was like, wait a minute!
She had been starved for years, she'd been dehydrated three separate times, she'd been dehydrated for 13 and a half days, when she did succumb,
Everybody knows that the organs shrink upwards of 45%.
And I, sure enough, I went downstairs, went to medical journals online, typed in symptoms of anorexia.
There was a 25% number.
Again, that's just not getting food, which she also wasn't getting.
Then I typed in, you know, symptoms of dehydration, brain, massive shrinkage.
It's just another fraud!
Just in your face!
We'll be right back.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in the next segment, we'll go to Paul and Gene and many others that are patiently holding 1-800-259-9231.
We have two really important guests coming up in the second and third hour.
Pastor Pike exposed the draconian hate laws that are really being foisted on us right now at the state and federal and international level.
And then Jack McClam, police and military against the New World Order.
But some really important developments concerning peace officers and law enforcement.
But back to the Terry Shivo Schindler case.
Again folks, you can go online to medical journals, medical fact websites, type in the symptoms of anorexia, massive brain shrinkage.
In some cases over 25%.
I even printed it out here.
Let me get my notes.
And upwards of 45% with extreme dehydration.
People have been found in the desert, their brains shrink, their organs shrink, they get some water back in them, you know, the brain's like a balloon, it pumps back up with only some cellular loss.
And imagine, I couldn't find the medical literature on how bad it is when you die of it.
I was searching for that round of time.
So, isn't it funny?
They're saying her brain was 45% smaller.
45% smaller!
And that's exactly what massive, sustained dehydration does.
But they were in white lab coats and they said, this proves conclusively!
Her brain was almost half its size.
Half the normal size.
Well, yeah, they grab you and strap you down for 14 years and three separate times take your food and water away.
She survived one time, what, 12, 13 days?
Another time, 10 days?
This time, 13 and a half plus.
It was almost 14 days, like four or five hours short of 14 days!
Fourteen days!
Not a bite of food!
Nothing into her feeding tube!
No water!
No nothing!
She'd already survived ten years of not having her teeth brushed!
Ten years of the shutters closed!
No sunlight!
You look at the videos of her ten years ago, smiling, sitting up, propped up in her chair, looking, smiling.
Moaning and smiling at her parents.
And yeah, she got worse and worse.
And yeah, she'd been tortured.
This makes me sick!
But now I've got to have these idiots.
I knew they'd come and I got the emails.
Oh, looks like you were wrong.
Looks like your brain was almost half its size.
Yeah, well you just go type in what lack of food and water does.
It shrinks your brain.
It shrinks the whole body, but especially the brain.
But they just sit there.
The lies are always so shoddy.
The lies are only so easy to disprove.
I mean, I instantly went, wait a minute!
Not drinking water does that to you?
And I go type it in, and voila!
Just as I had remembered.
I guess I'm just cursed with a good memory or something.
Because, I mean, so many other people just, they just, huh, what you talking about?
The doctor, man in a white coat, said it!
Yeah, this has been a big political circus, and they want to make their murder of that woman look legitimate, so they got their pimps out there, their intellectual prostitutes, bearing false witness against her!
I'm surprised she survived all the other dehydrations!
I remember after the last one, he did allow an x-ray of her brain and said, look!
Look, her brain's about 20% smaller!
Right after they dehydrated her, what, two, three years ago?
I remember suddenly they took an x-ray.
Look, her brain's a little smaller.
They didn't want to take it a month later, though, when the brain got hydrated again.
No, they had to take the look, see the brain's smaller.
But this time when they killed her, it was 45% smaller.
Yes, this time you really shrunk her brain.
And then you get to parade it around telling us because it was because she was brain damaged.
And had she had fluid going to the brain out of her spinal column because they left her laying there in that room, never having any physical therapy, never sitting her up?
Had she lost some brain because of that?
Had she gotten worse because of that?
Absolutely, you torture masters!
It just makes me mad.
And by the way,
Politicians and the media tells you don't get angry, shut up, be quiet, don't yell and scream.
That's a bunch of garbage.
It's effective to get angry.
It's effective to let yourself be outraged.
It's effective to show your anger to others.
They're telling you not to get angry like I do because they don't want you to be effective.
Bottom line.
So stop listening to the feds out there that tell you to lay down and be timid.
Get angry about this!
Abortion clinics with people reportedly eating babies and flushing them down toilets with cockroaches everywhere?
You're supposed to get mad at that!
The troops breathing depleted uranium?
You're supposed to get mad about that!
The Killen-Terry-Shibo-Shedler?
You should get mad about that!
We'll be back with some more news in your calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, your calls are coming up here in a moment.
And then I'm going to get into... Oh, how many people watch cable news during their prime time shows?
Well, in a full hour... I've got to make a correction here.
I went off memory last night and said only 280,000 people watch
MSNBC during our primetime show?
I was incorrect.
My memory's been failing me lately because I'm working, I guess, too much or too little, I don't know.
It's 231,000 viewers watch new MSNBC primetime offering with Tucker, Loser, Carlson.
Folks, that's just unspeakable.
But the other so-called top shows, you know, got like 2 million viewers.
I mean, these people are nothing!
Because they got fancy stages and fancy suits, you think they're big.
They make you feel like you're the minority.
Little radio shows, small syndicated broadcasts, have more listeners than this.
My broadcast has more listeners than this.
I mean, they're pathetic!
Fox's Shepard Smith only has 1,563,000 people watching in the entire disgusting liberal program.
Larry King, 1,277,000.
Aaron Browns, 751,000.
Paula Zahn, 718,000.
CNN Anderson Cooper, 618,000.
The old media is in deep trouble.
Folks, I go, CNN plugs my website.
You know, Alex Jones, ArnoldExposed.com.
No response.
I go on some little Christian talk station, 1000 watts in some city, and I get a hundred emails.
By the way, it's not just quantity of listeners, it's quality.
But we have a huge quantity of quality.
I mean, Greg Palast, you know, has a show on Newsnight.
Their top investigative reporter.
He writes for the biggest paper in Europe.
And he says he goes on those talk shows, doesn't get much of a response.
He goes on American talk shows, doesn't get a response.
He goes on this radio show, gets the biggest response ever.
He wrote an article about it.
Without me even asking, he just wrote a story about it.
Because you care, and you are informed, and you are involved!
These people are pathetic!
Tucker Carlson.
231,000 viewers.
Folks, in a three-hour show, and some of our affiliates, a single affiliate of ours has that many people tuning in.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
I know local talk stations, you know, that have the number one talk radio show in the morning.
They got 100,000 people tuning in each hour, you know, listening in the metro area and then all the towns around us.
I know for a fact, KLBJ AM, the local talk station here in Austin has been around for 60 years.
You can hear that thing from Dallas to San Antonio.
If you average all their listeners in, I've looked at the Arbitrons, sometimes they'll have 200,000 listeners in an hour.
One local talk station is bigger, and I'm not on that station by the way, I'm just using it as an example, bigger than MSNBC.
It's a top show.
Does that give you an idea of how pathetic these people are?
Look, tonight I'll be on Coast to Coast AM.
14 million listeners an hour.
Different listeners.
Average that together.
It's old media that still has listeners.
Because it's merged and invited the new media.
And the alternative media.
They know the formula.
It's a joke, folks.
It really is a joke and an illusion.
It truly is a joke and a total illusion.
But we still, all of us, still tune in once a week or something and watch the cable news, and oh, they're the majority!
Look at them!
They're in million dollar studios, wearing fancy ties, they're looking at me right in the camera, the info babe's licking her lips, boy she's good looking!
That couldn't lie to me!
Man, that's the majority!
That's the... No!
Folks, when my little website gets millions and millions of individual visitors each month, frankly a lot more than that, it's pretty scary.
I mean, it is humbling.
I'm like, man, I better do a good job here.
I better do a better job here.
But you know what?
People know I'm just who I am.
I don't have to do the perfect job.
I'm just real.
Keeping it real.
That's what people really want.
And they don't want counterfeit real either.
They want the real deal.
They want people that just show up and fight the New World Order.
So we should all be feeling pretty good right now, but at the same time we still believe the illusion that we are the minority.
We are not the minority.
We are the silent majority.
The sleeping giant.
Start acting like it.
Again, there's a reason the New York Times, and the Washington Post, and CNN, and Fox TV, and the Associated Press, and Vanity Fair, and American Legion, and New American, and Front Page Magazine, and a bunch of others have attacked me in the last six months.
And I'm just, believe me folks, I'm just one guy.
The beautiful part about this alternative media is there are thousands of prominent people who all have their own huge audiences.
And I suggest you get your own website and work diligently and put out good information and build your own audience.
We need more leaders.
You've got to watch out for the Feds out there, the disinfo people.
They've been flooding the web, but they're being instantly identified, instantly recognized, and instantly discredited.
But you've still got to watch out for them.
New people coming along can get fooled by it.
So, they're in deep trouble.
We've really got them on the ropes at many levels, but they've still got the police, they've still got the infrastructure, they've still got the main engines of control in many other areas, financial, you name it.
But they know they're losing control.
Alright, let's go to calls.
I'll get another news in a minute.
Paul in Texas.
You're on the air, Paul.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing, man?
Man, thank you so much.
I just wanted to tell you off the top, your show last night with that Dr. Reynolds inspired me so much.
And everything you just said.
You know, as a Christian, any of us who call ourselves a Christian, we should be more on fire right now than ever.
And what you were just saying leads into
What I was wanting to say briefly, um, this society's sick.
What can go on with, uh, Trauber and the abortion thing.
We have all, you know, that saying about evil only exists when good people do nothing.
It's time the word sacrifice that every one of us take it up a notch and start doing more.
Like you said, we got them on the run.
And everything, the information that was brought out last night, what was so good is somebody on the level that Dr. Reynolds is on, waking up, they can reach people that we can't, you know?
Well, another thing is, more and more prominent people, you know, defense secretaries and high-level members of parliament, and people like Reynolds, I mean, more and more prominent people are going public.
More and more prominent people are taking that step across the line.
And it's geometric.
It's exponential, Paul.
Right on.
Right on.
Well, as Christians, like I said, and I'll close with this, man, us Christians better get on fire.
And I think the change could really come through the church if we start really acting like it.
It always has, but unfortunately, most of the churches are worshiping Bush as an idol.
And they think that he's of the Lord.
I mean, unbelievable.
Thanks for the call.
Or they're sitting there thinking God's going to change everything, you know?
Oh, yes, exactly.
Thanks for the call.
In fact, I hear this, Oh, I'm rejoicing!
You know, these smiley church ladies.
I'm rejoicing, Alex.
The end is near.
They're calling for microchips.
And I'm like, no, it's not good.
You need to warn people.
Oh, I'm not worried, Alex.
I have Jesus.
But aren't you worried about the other people you haven't warned?
Don't you want to warn them?
Oh, Alex.
Well, don't you want to expose George Bush?
Well, but George Bush is involved with Dime Corps, kidnapping hundreds of thousands of women and children.
I have congressional testimony.
Alex, he's of the Lord.
Well, don't you care about the children?
Don't you want to protect them?
Alex, I'm going to be raptured.
You're like, but you better deal with this corruption.
Come on, we've got to fight it.
Ah, I'm up here on my mountain, Alex.
Everything's fine.
Then you wonder why, church lady, your daughter becomes a crackhead.
It ends up becoming a prostitute.
You wonder why your family's falling apart.
You wonder why your husband's cheating on you.
You wonder why you are so afraid deep down inside.
You know what's going on!
But you decided to just make this big joke.
You know, to sit there and just buy the scam.
Dean in Canada.
Dean, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
I just wanted to call in with a little something that the folks out there should know.
The University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, today, it was announced in advance over the news, that Henry Morgenthaler, Dr. Henry Morgenthaler, a well-noted humanist and abortionist, was given an honorary degree for his work in, oh geez, I forget how they worded it in terms of making available safer abortions for women and legalizing it and all that sort of stuff, but
Yeah, the press, they're trying to downplay the opposite point of view.
Those who are against abortion, calling them anti-abortion instead of pro-life, because after all, abortionists are pro-choice.
Yeah, those against should be pro-life too, but we could all see the splint as they're reporting.
However, it was a good thing that they did have, it looked like the Genocide Awareness Project was out there with the big billboards with the aborted fetuses, pictures of them, pardon me,
And there is one good, bright note in that one of the professors there, who could have attended, decided not to.
And in his full dress, with his funny square hat and his gown, stayed with the protesters, who stated his opinion that he was completely against the university granting such an honorary and prestigious degree to somebody who has helped to promote the culture of death.
I hear you, and I appreciate the call, Dean.
Let me comment on that.
You know, again, 80 plus percent of us are against open borders.
The government still does it, both parties.
90 plus percent of us are against these transponder tag and satellite tracker box toll roads.
They still move forward.
Just ten years ago, the federal numbers are out on this.
They've done major studies.
Just ten years ago, the vast majority of young people were for abortion.
Now the numbers have flipped with the vast majority being against abortion.
And the same thing has happened with adults.
Just ten years ago, most adults were for abortion.
Now it's a flipping of the numbers.
But the numbers are even more extreme with young people.
We've only seen about a 10% change in people over 18.
You know, flipping from like 45 to 55.
You know, the numbers flipping there.
But it's almost 70% of young people are now against abortion.
Despite all the propaganda and all the lies and all the... Just deep down, we know that's a baby!
Deep down, you know that's wrong.
Deep down, you know it's selfish.
And, uh... So, life just breaks through, folks.
It just... The lies are not going to work.
And, uh...
The only problem is, the globalists don't need to have the population with them.
They've got the special cadres of secret police, or the black mask, or the machine guns, who they've brainwashed enough, and already our military is, what, 25% foreign.
We had a wrangle on about that on Monday.
Congressman, I mean, folks, that's for real, that pretty soon we're going to have a foreign Hessian army, basically, just like the British had, and it's going to be bad.
So we're headed in for some really rocky times, but no, we have the moral authority, we're on the side of life and decency and God, and they're on the side of social engineering and a bunch of inbred garbage running this country.
Russell in Florida.
Russell, go ahead.
Alex, how are you today?
I called to wish you luck on the radio program tonight and say that my prayers are with you.
I think you're going to do good and this is going to be a
I think an eye-opening experience for a lot of people in this country.
And you've been on coast-to-coast before.
I think this is probably the most important time you're going to be on it.
And we're getting a lot of victories now.
With this UN, this Ron Paul UN resolution passing, and the EU being defeated, and the Minutemen.
We've got a lot of hope.
And you're bringing us more hope.
Yeah, we'll see if that resolution to get us out of the U.N.
will pass the Senate, though.
Well, it probably won't.
But again, you're right.
I mean, the E.U.
falling apart, the Minutemen causing problems for the globalists, Ron Paul getting more and more votes against the U.N.
every time.
I mean, I remember five, six years ago, he'd get like three people to vote with him in the House against the U.N.
Now he's winning votes.
Yeah, well, with my particular congressman locally here, I've met with him on a number of occasions, and originally he used to blow me off as a black helicopter conspiracist until I was able to provide him with enough evidence where he looked at this.
But he's still for all this free trade air in America's garbage, CAFTA.
Even though he's against the U.N.
And again, it's not free trade, it's total regulation, giant highways with cameras and checkpoints all over them, from Chile to Alaska, total control grids.
They're already building the highway.
I mean, I'm so angry about this.
Yes, but it seems like you're absolutely right that they can't put it together.
You know, they're against the U.N.
They say they're against global government, but this Republican Party, with the help of the Democrats, has just done more and more to centralize power and consolidate and create a one-world government.
But there are people waking up, and thanks to you and your tools, we've been winning victories.
And I'm going to say some prayers for you tonight, because I know you're going to destroy them.
You're going to destroy the opposition.
Well, if I get enough time, I mean, with four people on there, and the host,
Let me ask you something.
What do you think about your cohort they picked for you, David Ray Griffin?
I mean, we both have differences in his solutions.
Do you think he's a good partner for this debate?
They asked me who I thought would be good, and I gave them about five or six names, and one of them was David Ray Griffin.
So I don't agree with some of his solutions, but I think his argument is very cogent.
I think he'll be a good counterbalance to my rapid-fire delivery.
Did I ask you who the other ones you picked?
Oh, I don't remember.
I mean, I didn't pick who I was going to have with me.
I just was, they were like a week or two ago, Hey, you got any ideas?
And I was like, Oh, here's this person.
Here's that person.
I think you'd be a good counter.
I think I agree with you there.
I, I wrote George and I said, George, you know, absolutely Alex Jones.
He's the, he's the grandfather of this, but maybe Dave von Kleist.
Dave von Kleist is very passionate about it.
I don't pick who goes on these shows.
I said, who do you think is good?
And I've just rattled off some names.
It really wasn't that even thought out.
It was just a little side issue.
It was just a conversation.
Well, you're going to knock them dead tonight.
The people that stand behind you are going to be paying prayers for you tonight.
I've been looking forward to this for months.
I appreciate your call, Russell.
I really do.
Mark and Derek and others will get to you when we get back after this break.
I think it'll be pretty good.
I have no idea what the debating style of people I'm going to be up against will be.
I've heard one of them on the radio before.
If I have time to dissect the guy, I can do it.
I mean, that's just so ridiculous.
I think after this debate, though, I'm going to have both these guys on against me at the same time on my own show.
We'll have our own debate here.
Because, really, I mean, I'll just walk all over them.
Not because I'm that smart.
I've just got the truth, and that's unstoppable.
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Alright, Mark and Derek and Delilah, Jim, Bart and others.
You know, Delilah's a nice sounding name, but I never got how people name their children the names of bad people from the Bible.
I'm gonna ask Delilah that.
I mean, it's a pretty name.
Maybe that's why.
I know somebody named Cain.
Hey, Cain!
How's it going, Kane?
I mean, Delilah, I guess, isn't that bad.
She is pretty bad.
I don't know.
Side issue.
I apologize.
I was thinking that, and I shouldn't have asked it.
It's rude.
But we'll find out why.
Later, Delilah wants to hold.
In fact, maybe we'll just skip Mark and Derek and go right to Delilah here in a second.
If I have time, we're scheduled to have Pastor Pike coming on to talk about hate laws and then Jack McClam, police against the New World Order.
And I've got a bunch of other news.
There's so much of it.
Very quickly and briefly here, next Thursday, in Austin, Texas, South Lamar, Alamo Draft House, South Lamar, the 23rd of June, 2005, 8 o'clock, Marshall Law, 9-1-1, Rise of the Police State.
This will probably be the last showing.
90% chance.
I don't know, I might add another, but probably not.
This will be probably the last showing for now.
And you can still get tickets by going to InfoWars.com, linking through the Alamo Draft House website, and getting them via their safe, secure shopping cart.
Or you can drop by the door and get them.
Or if you're planning to come from out of town, you might want to go ahead and go online and get the tickets.
We've had folks come from Nebraska, from Ohio, from Florida, from Oklahoma, really from Kansas, from Missouri,
Really exciting getting a chance to meet you and see you, and I was really flattered and honored that you came.
We've got a showing of course tonight, but that was sold out last week.
But yeah, talk about a full day.
This show, getting ready for the show, giving a speech, doing a question and answer, doing all that, then doing Coast to Coast AM, but I'm looking forward to it.
But next Thursday, folks, get your tickets now.
And if you want a hard copy of Martial Law, my newest and most powerful film, it's really a mini-series, three films in one.
Out of the ashes of September 11th tragedy, an arc empire of war and tyranny has risen.
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So don't wait, take action and your purchase makes this broadcast and the websites and all we do possible.
So it is Vykal.
Uh, side issue.
I wasn't making fun of the name of Delilo.
My name is Alexander.
And Alexander was not what I'd call a nice person.
It's a nice sounding name though.
Alejandro, Alexander, whatever you want to call it.
So I was just wondering how parents give their children names that have these connotations.
I think a lot of parents don't think about it.
So we'll be right back.
Now I'm being self-deprecating.
Stay with us!
Big Brother Mainstream Media
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, into hour number two of this Thursday, 16th day of June 2005 edition.
I know we got Mark and Derek and Delilah and
Jim and Tim and Barton, we're going to go to your calls in about twenty minutes or so.
I will get to you in the third segment.
I promise, just be patient, because no matter what issue you bring up, Ted Pike, Pastor Ted Pike, can comment on it.
And Ted Pike has really been fighting these hate laws that can only be described as Nazi-Soviet style.
And they're pushed by socialist groups, liberal groups, government front groups like the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center,
And they're being very public now.
They want, if you read Bible passages, for you to be arrested.
This is public.
Public statements.
Public manuals.
They want, if you criticize open borders, that you be arrested and registered.
That is New York newspapers.
That's major LA Weekly, two weeks ago.
They want laws passed.
Literally, and in Canada they do this, in England they do this now.
I have BBC articles, you know, 100 plus homes raided in H-Suite.
And it said, you know, the midnight raids were made of over 100 homes of people who've been heard to use racial slurs.
Why, I heard you call an Arab a bad name while you're being arrested.
Now, again, I don't want to call Arabs bad names.
I don't call anybody bad names.
I really don't dislike any group of people.
I dislike certain cultures, certain groups.
I don't like the Italian Mafia.
It doesn't mean I don't like Italians.
I don't like the Jewish Mafia.
It doesn't mean I don't like Jews.
I don't like the WASP Mafia that Bush heads up.
It doesn't mean I don't like white people.
And I know Pastor Ted Pike is in the same camp, but when they openly want to arrest us for reading the Bible, and they arrest people for protesting Bush to liberals now, what comes around goes around.
We've got to stand up.
Pastor, good to have you on with us.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
They really played their hand.
I heard you on the radio last night.
I called into a show you were on.
I mean, they played their hand with really coming out with what they want.
They've really shown people that you were right when you warned us ten years ago.
Yes, I have been battling the big federal hate bill, especially for about the last five years, and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, who is the architect of anti-hate legislation worldwide, has been trying desperately again and again and again.
But you've been out there for a decade warning people.
That's right, and they've been trying to get that through Congress, because that will create
Folks, this isn't a joke.
I mean, they're really doing this.
They're saying this.
Law enforcement manuals are saying this.
That's right.
The ADL is basically in control of the federal government's program for teaching FBI agents, Justice Department officials, and even the local police.
In every local police station in America, the local police take sensitivity training seminars from the ADL.
They receive their definitions, their hate crimes, their statistics reporting criteria from the ADL.
What the ADL is doing is sitting in the driver's seat of hate crimes education in America, but what they want to do is establish a huge federal octopus organization coming out of Washington D.C.
which can invade states' rights in law enforcement anytime it wants to.
And they're also a criminal organization.
They've lost a lot of lawsuits.
They've criminally been caught keeping files, paying off police captains.
Oh, absolutely.
In fact, it's just taken for granted by the FBI that if they want information that's not legally obtainable, they just go to the ADL because the ADL has such a vast library of people that they have been snooping on.
And folks, it's no joke.
The ADL is basically an intelligence arm of Mossad and Shin Bet.
Oh, absolutely.
Yes, it is.
That's been well documented.
I mean, that's just public.
It's just a foreign intelligence service like the KGB or anybody else.
So we'll talk about this KGB organization when we get back with Pastor Ted Pike.
And your calls are coming up as well.
And we'll talk about Ted's website when we get back.
So stay with us.
PrisonPlanet.tv is ours.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight.
We're here, my friends.
We're talking to Pastor Ted Pike.
And you can go to their website, truthtellers.org.
Masses of information about the Hate Crimes Act and the rest of it.
And again, I want to be clear about something.
I have been attacked by the Neo-Nazis.
I have been attacked viciously.
I've been sent death threats because I don't think Jews are evil.
I don't think Jews are bad.
I know most Jews are like most Americans, most black people, most white people.
They're ignorant.
They're decadent.
They're part of this society.
They don't even know who their leaders are.
The globalists are masters of controlling every group that's out there.
But the ADL is a savage, vicious organization.
Imagine getting death threats from white supremacist groups.
And at the same time, being attacked by the ADL when I never said a word about any Jewish group.
But that's their bait.
They want me to then attack Jews.
We've got Zionist documents where they say, we want people to attack Jews, then that makes the Jews go under our wings so we can control them.
They had consultations with Hitler, that is the Zionists did, and all these things are public now.
This is really hurting these groups badly.
And you've even got a classism in there.
You've got the Ashkenazi Jews and the other Jews fighting with each other.
You've got the Jews that are, you know, the European Jews, the Khazarian Jews, who literally think they're better than the, what you'd call, real Jews, or, you know, Jews of the Middle East, Jews that look pretty much like Arabs.
It's really sick, folks!
And so, I will fight Mecha, I will fight L'Razza,
Mexican supremacist groups.
I will fight Jewish supremacist groups.
I will fight white supremacist groups.
All of these people play into the New World Order's hands.
And at the top of the New World Order, I've researched it for a long time, they are devil-worshipping Nazis.
And by that, you think the Nazis appeared in the 1930s.
No, folks, they're the fool in Thule society.
They believe in black magic, Luciferianism, and
That's what they're into.
So we're dealing with evil people.
And they masquerade as all these different groups.
So I'm not going to play into their trap.
And neither does Pastor Ted Pike.
He talks about the Jews being God's chosen people.
He talks about how they've been controlled.
He talks about how every major prophet came to rebuke them and to try to reprove their evil.
And the Bolshevik, atheistic, one-world government gun-grabbing Jews in Israel, the ones that run Israel,
They're the group, with their intelligence agency, of the ADL in this country, basically Shin Bet slash Mossad arm, and they've been caught red-handed.
It's admitted.
They went after pastors all over this country for praying on the side of the street against homosexuality.
Whether you're for that or against it, it's their right to do it.
They shouldn't get 47 years in prison.
They believe you should be arrested if you're anti-abortion and protest it.
They went up against Roy Moore, Supreme Court Justice in Alabama.
They lobbied!
They were the leaders of it!
That's classic.
A Jewish document, you know, Mount Sinai.
They want it removed.
Look, stop attacking my faith.
Stop trying to take my rights.
Stop trying to violate my free speech.
Stop spying on people.
They've been caught in LA, San Francisco, all over with thousands of files on people.
They've got their sheriff.
They've got their sheriff.
They're in LA.
This was in the major newspapers two weeks ago.
Openly pushing for a law in the legislature where if you speak out against open borders groups, you will be arrested and registered in the same type system as a sexual predator.
Folks, I mean, this isn't a game.
Peaceful Christians in Philadelphia preyed on a street corner, videotaped it, were attacked by the police, basically taken to jail,
And Bush's Justice Department tried to put him in jail for 47 years.
This isn't a game, folks!
And when you defend your faith and when you defend the First Amendment, they're going to call you anti-Semitic!
They're anti-Semitic!
They're against the Jewish people!
They're against the... Now, I'm going to shut up now.
Pastor Pike, we have massive state laws, massive federal laws.
It's coming down.
They're not playing games.
You've got the floor.
Tell us about it.
Well, it all started...
About 30 years ago, full force, in Canada, the northern branches of the ADL, which is the Nioberith, Canada, and the Canadian Jewish Congress, began to intensely lobby the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa to establish a hate crimes law for the nation.
And they were successful in 1971, passing the Human Rights Act of Canada.
And under Section 319 of that law,
It is illegal now in Canada to criticize homosexuality in specific terms in public.
And that includes on the street corner or on the airwaves.
To even say that there's a higher rate of AIDS among the homosexual community than the general populace, that would be considered a hate crime.
Everything you're saying is true.
I mean, even weirdos like David Icke goes over there and doesn't say a word about Jews, and they try to arrest him saying that talking about space aliens could be code for Jews.
I mean, you're not even allowed to talk about space aliens!
That's right.
That's the Toronto Star!
We're not joking!
That's right.
Now, down here in the United States, in 1989, the ADL held a huge national heat crimes, model anti-heat crimes law competition amongst law students in the United States.
And this was to help formulate a workable heat law that could be used both on the state and the federal level.
And the winner of that competition, Joseph Ribecroft, who was a Jewish law student from Whittier, California, made some astonishing proposals.
He proposed that if some right-wing organization showed a film which was critical of homosexuality, that the leaders of that organization should be indicted as hate criminals, and furthermore, if the members, perhaps even the thousands of members of that right-wing organization,
continue to remain members they should all be all be indicted as hate criminals and the ADL liked that so much they gave him first prize they threw that in the hopper and they created a model anti-hate law for the states and uh... during the nineteen nineties the ADL very very quietly but very insistently persuaded no less than about forty six of the state legislatures in america to adopt some version of their anti-hate law
And this was the anti-hate law which indicted these Christians in Philadelphia this last October 8th.
And so what we have today is we have an Orwellian system of hate laws already established on the local, the state level, which can be activated any time the ADL wants to go after a pastor, or perhaps an anti-abortionist, a doctor, or whatever.
But the big problem, the big prize for the ADL is a federal, big brother, anti-hate law.
And as I mentioned earlier, for about the past five years, they've been trying incessantly to get this law passed.
And I've been pretty much leading the movement against this and raising a ruckus every time they introduce it.
The last time it was introduced was on June 15th when, to my astonishment, no less than 15 Republican Senators went over and voted with the Democrats, 65 to 33, in favor of what was called the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act.
But I was on the radio all summer long on
Dozens of talk shows warning the American people against it, and we were able to defeat that on October 8th.
But the ADL, in tremendous anger and fury and revenge against having lost in the House, they hit back against these 11 Christians in Philadelphia.
Basically they said, if we can't have our federal hate law, and if the Christians will defeat us on the federal level, we're going to hit back hard on the state level.
And so through their
Their district attorney, Lynn Abraham, who is a national executive board member of the ADL, through the head honcho of the ADL, Lynn Abraham authorized the arrest of these 11 Christians that turned out to be the
The biggest mistake the ADL ever made because it backfired on them tremendously.
We got tremendous national and international attention showing how they were attempting basically to begin persecution of Christians in America.
Well, I mean, the laws they were proposing said this in countries like England and Germany and Canada, where they've gotten it passed, they do this.
People didn't want to believe us, but why were Christian leaders
silent when the ADL led the charge against the Ten Commandments.
Well, this is really, really baffling.
I think one of the reasons why the ADL was so bold
in Philadelphia was because despite Christians coming out and going as far as the ballot box and voting down these gay marriage referendums, nevertheless the Christian community has a pretty poor record in the last few years of actually going out there and becoming militant and making signs and standing up for what they believe.
And I think the ADL... Well, that's because the preachers tell them don't do that.
Yeah, the ADL was overconfident.
They thought
The Christians are caving in.
They're too decadent.
They won't stand up.
And I think their assessment is true.
I think the Christian community is unbelievably weak and passive.
But thanks to AM Talk Radio I was able to find
About 45 talk show hosts, like yourself, who were able to put me on the air, and we sounded the alarm, and got millions and millions of people aware, in very practical terms, of the threat of anti-hate laws.
Well, folks, earlier I sped over that David Icke story.
Folks, just type in David Icke detained in Canada.
You'll get mainstream news articles.
He doesn't even talk about any racial groups.
He says, kumbaya, love, love, love.
Kind of a New Age type deal.
He believes in space aliens, basically.
And David Icke shows up and they detain him for like five hours and say, we're going to arrest you.
We know you're anti-semitic.
And he said, excuse me?
Well, don't you mean these space aliens?
Don't you really mean Jews?
I mean, that's how crazy it is where just anything and everything, they just ban speech.
I mean, folks, they're out of control.
This is
A boot stomping on free speech, and I'm not going to put up with it!
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I don't know.
Alright, I know we have callers holding.
You can talk about whatever issue you want, but I'm sure Pastor Pike will have a comment or two on it.
And I've got some other news I want to go over with him, but... Folks, I mean, really, this is the group driving for laws that some states have passed, like Pennsylvania, where you read Bible passages, preachers can be arrested or fined.
Now, again, if we go along with that, we're in the jaws of the Soviet Americas.
If we say no, it'll blow up in their face and they will fail.
But think about it, I mean, trying to get the Ten Commandments out of our buildings?
I mean, that's what the ADL does, basically an arm of Israel.
While our government gives everything to Israel, supports Israel, they're busy trying to basically take our government over.
And that's what governments always try to do.
You know, the Nazis tried it, the Russians tried it, the British have tried it.
And I'm tired of it.
I really am sick and tired of it, and so we'll talk more about this with Pastor Pike.
Let's talk to Derek in Toronto, Canada.
Derek, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Nice to be with you.
I'm a member of Prison Planet TV.
I'd recommend that to anybody out there who's listening.
Well, thank you.
I'd like to bring up a subject not too many people are aware about, and I've been doing a lot of research.
I'm a truth seeker.
Veritas is alive and well.
That's what we have to do.
Affirmative action.
And there was an article about a Bush rape case a couple years back.
And then the woman suddenly died.
She shows up dead in her affidavit two years before the fact.
She said that she was going to be murdered and they were going to make it look like a suicide.
And that actually happened.
Well, Princess Diana, and that was down in Houston, Princess Diana said, Charles has told me he's going to kill me and it's going to look like a fake auto accident.
And then she dies in the auto accident.
All the evidence is they killed her.
I mean, that just takes hours to go over.
But replacing the car, turning the cameras off, the ambulance taking 30 minutes to get there, driving 25 miles an hour.
Any comments on all these assassinations the globalists carry out, Pastor?
Well, as we've been mentioning, the ADL is the American branch of Mossad.
And there is certainly a network which has been well established of
of crime, involvement in crime, involvement in all kinds of covert activity, and there's an interesting document called the Hoaxer Report by Larry Wilcox of the University of Kansas, which
Graphically reveals how the ADL will get into all kinds of illegal activities including the role of agent provocateur, desecrating synagogues, creating hate crimes, creating all this kind of illegal activity in order to create
The illusion of an epidemic of hate or an epidemic of anti-semitism.
You've actually got that report and mainstream articles on your site.
Folks, I mean, just type it in.
You know, Jews caught desecrating synagogues, and blacks have been caught doing this a lot too.
It's all under the same umbrella.
You know, mailing each other mean... They caught them up in Idaho, what, about seven years ago?
They were trying to pass a hate law, and they had the white supremacists out, hail Hitler, down with the Jews, down with the blacks.
All this horrible stuff, and then they found out the guys really worked for a rabbi, and the donations were going back to his address.
Yeah, there's just too many reports, documented accounts of this, actually.
So now it makes sense that I have the white supremacists threatening to kill me, and I have ADL after me.
Yes, the ADL is the unregistered agent of a foreign government Israel of Mossad in the United States.
They are in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1937 which requires people who lobby for a foreign government in the United States to at least register with the federal government.
They are also in violation of the separation of church and state
Because the federal government, under the Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990, which the ADL lobbied and passed, gives the ADL the right, as an adjunct of a religious organization, which is B'nai B'rith International, to teach, as I say, law enforcement in the United States about hate crimes.
It's incredible.
Anything else, Derek?
We're going to come back and go to Delilah and others, but folks, I'm tired of being knocked upside the head by these people.
They prance around, they claim they represent Jews, they don't.
You track back the Zionists, they actually supported Hitler.
I mean, this is a very evil group, Pastor Pike.
Yes, we have a real problem in the world today with
Jewish false leadership, evil leadership, which seems to represent the Jewish people, but in reality is actually fomenting anti-Semitism around the world.
I mean, all of these abuses, and I could include Israel, where we have terrorists,
Who have turned into premiers like Shamir and Begin and... And I have Haratz!
That's the big Jewish newspaper admitting that a lot of these Al-Qaeda attacks over there, it turned out, were fake Mossad operations!
That's right.
And they're bringing a lot of world anger against the Jewish people, where in reality it's the false Jewish leadership that's to blame.
Well that's always been the devil's plan.
Yes it has.
And that's gone clear back, you know, to the Bible, where the Pharisees led the Jewish people into fanaticism and racism, ultimately leading into the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to go back to Pastor Ted Pike here in just a second to tell you about his great website and the work he does, some of the films he's produced, the books he's written, and of course your phone calls to Delilah and Matthew and Steve and others.
And the total free number to join us, by the way, is 800-259-9231, 1-800-259-9231.
But think about how ridiculous this is.
What an insult this is.
America, the home of the free, the land of the brave, of free speech.
You hear about liberals out protesting Bush.
They get federally charged for peacefully standing there.
They tell them you can have 500 Bush supporters, you can't have one person against Bush.
And they get a year in federal prison.
Then it gets cut down to like six months.
Folks, I mean, this is real.
They try to give Christians 47 years in prison.
That's terrorist!
For praying on a street corner.
Thank God the Christians had shot video of all this.
And Bush was there trying to prosecute this.
Bush takes the Attorney General
They're in Alabama that went after Judge Roy Moore and elevates him to a federal judgeship.
He appoints Alberto Gonzalez, pro-abortion, pro-not even 12-year-olds having to tell their parents they're going to have one, anti-gun.
I told the liberals, you really ought to love George Bush.
You know, you're going to love all this stuff when they put a Democratic puppet in.
You're going to lose your rights, we're going to lose our rights.
If we don't all have free speech, folks, none of us have it.
And they're going to have trouble killing the First Amendment.
They're already trying to kill the Second.
Look, I support all the Bill of Rights, and a big tool in shattering the false left-right paradigm that controls us, a key tool in this fight, are my videos and books.
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Again, that's triple 8.
I ate my lunch in about two minutes during the break.
I didn't get some of it down.
Excuse me.
Again, that's triple 8.
Or go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order via the safe, secure online shopping cart.
Or go to PrisonPlanet.tv and watch all the films online right there, right now.
But it is so important to get my videos, it is so important to make copies of the films I produce, and to get them out to people.
We've got to expose who's behind the terrorism, who's trying to destroy our Bill of Rights, who's setting up a police state.
Pastor Pike, tell folks about your website and some of your videos.
Yes, my website is www.truthtellers.org.
That's truthtellers.org.
And I have four major videos I've done, including heat crimes, making criminals of Christians,
This is an 80 minute documentary giving a complete background on the ADL and all the illegal activities.
And if your pastor won't show this, you're in the wrong church.
Yeah, well this is a dynamite to show at your church or your conservative club or whatever.
It's 80 minutes of action.
Well, I think liberals would want to see this too.
I mean, I think the so-called real liberals out there, they don't want to take people's free speech.
Oh no, in fact, I'm very happy to talk to liberal audiences, liberal talk shows, because the liberals really have as much to lose eventually as the rest of us, because if
If they don't keep the hate crimes laws back, they will lose their privilege of criticizing Christians.
And that would be a great loss for the liberals.
But anyway... And we've seen selective enforcement, but they'll still barn a few of the so-called liberals to do that.
That's right.
It's true.
For all practical purposes, these hate laws are anti-Christian laws.
And it'll be quite a while before the liberals feel the brunt of prosecution.
But, uh, this video is a, uh, I go to the ADL, right in front of the ADL headquarters in Seattle, I go in front of the police station in Vancouver, Canada.
This is a complete documentation of the origins and the ambitions of anti-hate laws to bring persecution and an end to free speech.
Alright, how do folks, folks can go to truthtellers.org or they can call a number?
Yes, my home number, if people would like to immediately order that,
It's 5-0-3-6-3-1-3-8-0-8.
They obviously can't call that right now.
Yeah, in a few minutes.
I think I may be on with Jack McClam in a while, but this morning you can call 5-0-3-6-3-1-3-8-0-8 and give me your credit card and I'll be happy to fire one of those off to you.
Yeah, that's right.
I hope to keep you on with a few minutes so you can say hi to Jack when he comes on.
Getting back to this though, because I want to go to these calls here in a minute, I don't think people realize that we have Robin Page, just a mainstream BBC broadcaster, pretty liberal, old guy, for like 12 years, one of the number one shows on BBC, one man and his dog, he walks from town to town with the TV crew, showing the pubs and restaurants and hotels and the lakes and, you know, what's in the town.
They're banning fox hunting and they're banning a lot of different types of farming and stuff in England.
And so about four years ago, actually three and a half years ago, it was right before 9-11, he gets up at a Rural Affairs, and they even had a clip of it on the BBC, and the BBC thought it was wonderful that their guy had been arrested.
They agreed with it, of course.
And he just said, look, we're losing our rights as rural communities.
We deserve the same rights, this is a quote, as homosexuals and Muslims.
Well, the Scotland Yard Diversity Unit came and arrested him the next night, and threatened to charge him with inciting hatred, and he said he was very sorry, so they released him and dropped the charges.
And the head of Scotland Yard Diversity Unit in the BBC, and it was in London Telegraph too, said, well he said the word homosexual.
And we decide if even using that word is hate.
So just talking, just saying the God word, I mean this is almost like you're not allowed to say the word Jehovah, well now this is the God word, we decide if you're allowed to even say this word.
And I had Mr. Page on,
And then later I saw articles, and these are all posted under it, in the old audio archives of PrisonPlanet.com.
Folks, there are hundreds of these cases we know of.
It said 100 plus homes raided in an anti-hate raid.
And then I thought, man, let's hear what this is about.
And it said that almost all of them were people that were heard saying racial slurs.
And I mean, they slam them down, they handcuff them in front of their kids, they take them to jail, and they do it to a bunch of different groups so everybody gets into tattling on each other.
And I mean, this is the Soviet Union, people, and listen,
They're doing this in Canada.
They want to do this here.
And I'm not going to put up with some foreign intelligence agency controlling my government and saying what I can and can't say.
Go ahead.
Yes, we have to remember that all this started with the ADL.
They are the ones, you know, the Wright Brothers invented the airplane.
The ADL invented
Heat crimes laws and heat crimes definitions.
Well, actually, didn't the Soviets 40, 50 years ago have similar things?
Well, but the ADL and the Jewish Bolsheviks go back clear underneath the... No, I understand that.
Yeah, it's all part of this false, this problem of false, evil Jewish leadership, whether it's in Bolshevism, whether it's international banking, the media, Zionism, and so on.
Which does not represent the Jewish people, but is actually a curse to the Jewish people.
There's a very fundamental working definition for hate which is shared not only by the ADL but by the federal government right now and that is hate equals bias against certain federally protected groups such as homosexuals.
Now what that does is... Now they're just using the homosexuals as a front group.
That's right.
They have no great love for the homosexuals, but they are cannon fodder to break down Christian values and Christian civilization.
That's true.
Yeah, that's right.
The ADL is an extremely evil organization, which should be disbanded, and I really do call upon
We're good to go.
Let me ask you a question.
Was Moses anti-semitic when he threw the tablets down and God killed the golden calf worshippers?
I mean, really, that's the same group we're always fighting.
God knows it's the chosen people.
The devil knows that.
So the devil's always trying to target and get control.
It's really simple.
Well, if we look in the Bible, we find all of the prophets... So Moses was anti-Semitic, though?
Because he was against some bad Jews?
Absolutely not!
That is well against... He was against the first... I guess you'd call him Zionist, then.
The duty, the prerogative of all the true prophets of the Bible was to criticize the evil leaders.
I thought Ezekiel was anti-Semitic.
Was he a member of the Ku Klux Klan?
Yeah, but even Jesus Christ... Well, Jesus, he whipped them!
Yeah, he was...
No one has ever exceeded Jesus Christ in his public denunciation of the false leaders of Israel, and I proudly follow in that tradition.
And if they want to call me anti-Semitic, well, I have a lot of good company from the Bible.
Well, I mean, it's insane.
I mean, now it's hurting them, though, because all the documents are coming out of the Soviet archives and the German archives and the U.S.
They've kept them all secret.
And it's top Zionists going, we love Hitler.
We're working with him.
He's going to persecute the Jews and they'll come serve us.
And they were occultists.
Salon Magazine did a report on this big occultist who had this big, weird temple in Nazi Germany and Berlin.
And at the end of the war, Hitler left him alone.
I mean, it's so sick
To watch what the Zionists have done to Jews?
Well, they will do anything, literally anything, including sacrificing their own people in order to obtain the kind of dominance they want.
Well, they say that.
They say it's good to have our people persecuted, because then they'll serve us.
Oh yeah, and they need anti-Semitism.
Historically, rabbinic Judaism and the ADL and all this evil leadership has needed
We're good to go.
But the truth of the matter is that thousands of years ago, God told the Jewish people through Jeremiah that when they were dispersed among the nations, they should try to seek the peace and the good and the welfare of those nations.
And I'd love to see Jews like Rabbi Lappin call the Jewish people to return to that benign and
Well, as Christians, we have to ask ourselves, I mean, is it OK this group wants the Ten Commandments down?
I mean, are we anti-Semitic if we want the Ten Commandments?
Yeah, those are very good questions, and the time has come now, Alex, that we have got to be able to boldly criticize this evil person.
Yes, but as you said, we have directly tracked the white supremacist, it was like the good old boy roundup in 91, 92, burning effigies of blacks, burning effigies of Jews, selling N-word hunting licenses, all these feds together.
Every time we track, now Morris Dease is in trouble, track back to Oklahoma City, and all these people at Elohim City,
Same story!
Every time these horrible, Jew-hating people, you know, calling them all these names, they are actually aiding, in many cases consciously getting a paycheck, to actually aid the Zionists.
Is that not true?
Well, right.
And my intention, I believe as an evangelical Christian, that God does have a covenant with a remnant of Jews who are predestined to be converted to Christ at His second coming.
I believe that I have a duty as a Christian to seek the welfare and the good of the Jewish people and preserve them for God's plan in the ages.
And what I see is the ADL, false leadership, running competition to me as they try to ensnare the Jewish people under the accusation that they are all evil or degenerate or subversive or whatever.
Well, look, I experienced this.
I mean, here I am, you know, five, six years ago, never saying a word about Israel.
And really, and then suddenly I'm being attacked by the ADL because I'm against gun control.
Well, the same thing is true.
I remember back in the early 60's my parents were on the radio here in Portland and they were dedicated anti-communists and knew nothing of any kind of Zionist conspiracy and yet the ADL made a visit to that local radio station demanding that Claude Pike be put off the air and we couldn't believe that just for being anti-communist we were considered anti-semitic at the same time.
Well, I mean, David, Ike's talking about space aliens.
They had him arrested.
I mean, everything's Jewish.
I guess if I have a cup of coffee, I'm killing a Jew when I drink it.
I mean, I'm sick of it, man.
Everything's anti-Semitic.
I'm against land grabbing.
Oh, you're anti-Semitic.
I'm not kidding, Pastor.
Yes, well, the big problem right now, Alex, is we have a new version of the ADL's federal hate bill, which was just introduced on May 26th.
We've got to shoot that down!
Yeah, we've got to do that.
How do we do that?
We've got to get the calls going in there, we've got to... You know, you can stomp on a rattlesnake, but he's not really dead until you cut off his head.
And the ADL is going to bring this bill back in, in various forms, again and again and again.
And we've got to speak out.
Can I just give the toll-free number to Congress?
Yeah, and again, give them that.
Now, they changed the name again.
Give us the bill.
Yeah, the bill is, the important fact is it's H.R.
That's 2662.
And these bills always have the number 6 in them, or multiples of 6, and so on.
By the way, if people don't believe this, type bill number 666 in, and you'll get thousands of old bills, and they're always horrible police state bills.
Yeah, the last one was S-9-6-6, this is 2-6-6-2, and so on.
Anyway... We have bills that are openly called 666!
That's right.
This hate bill, here's a tongue twister, it's called the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005.
But just call your member of Congress, even if you don't know who it is, you call in there to this number I'll give you right now and the lady will take your zip code and put you in direct contact with your member of Congress.
It's 877-762-8762.
Again, that's 877-762-8762.
And here's just a couple things you might say.
Number one, for preaching the gospel, 11 Christians were arrested under Pennsylvania's anti-hate law.
One reason you should say that is it shows to those members of Congress
That hate laws are mean, they're vicious, they're not idealistic, they're out to throw Christians in jail.
So number one, tell them for preaching the gospel, eleven Christians were arrested under Pennsylvania's anti-hate law.
And number two, this proves that hate laws persecute Christians and end free speech.
Number two, this proves that hate laws persecute Christians and end free speech.
And finally, don't approve of
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back my friends.
We got a blast through your calls quickly here.
Thanks for holding.
Delilah in Ohio.
Delilah, welcome.
Hi Alex.
Hi Pastor Pike.
Nice to talk to you guys and thanks for taking my call.
I'd like Pastor Pike to please address the issue of the confusion where a lot of people say that, especially Christians, say that you have to obey the government no matter what and then they use Romans 13 to back that up.
I'd like Pastor Pike to also address
Where the in the book of Acts chapter 5 where they were in front of the high priest and they were told not to preach the name of Christ.
And Peter and the Apostles clearly said we ought to obey God rather than men.
Well, I mean, Romans 13 is taken out of context.
We've done this a hundred times.
And the whole Bible is people standing up against the corrupt governments.
I mean, that's why almost all the disciples had their heads cut off or were crucified or boiled in oil.
And I guess the Founding Fathers were bad and we were bad to fight Hitler because he was the government.
Pastor Pike?
Yes, the Bible never requires us to obey
Anyone, outside of our conscience.
And governments are established among men, according to the Constitution and the Bible, in order to seek the peace and the good of those that they rule over.
And when they become destructive of those aims, it is our right, our duty, to overturn those.
It's as simple as that.
And even the wife, the scripture says, Obey your husband in the Lord, for this is right.
A wife is not obligated to even obey her husband if his laws or his commandments to her are oppressive or deny her dignity.
I think it's about as simple as that.
Well, I mean, Hitler's favorite quote was that, and it's taken out of context.
You read the whole body of it, it's totally clear.
There's a simple common sense solution.
The Bible wants to encourage us to live in peace and be inoffensive among all of the nations and all of the political systems which the church will have to go through during the thousands of years of the church age.
And it doesn't endorse any particular system.
But it does say that we should bend to the best of our ability to government, even when they're not perfect.
But when push comes to shove and the government requires us to do things which are strictly against our conscience, then like Peter and John, we have to stand up and say, we must obey God rather than man.
Yeah, I mean, if your leader says, eat your baby's brain, you don't have to do it, folks.
I mean, it's really simple.
Thanks for the call, Delilah.
Good to hear from you.
Let's talk to Matthew in Texas.
Matthew, go ahead.
Good day, gentlemen.
Alex, this is the same Matthew you met in the last couple of days.
I gave you the videotapes.
Oh, yeah, you brought me one of the old shows I did where I did the impersonation of a SWAT team guy.
That was funny.
Yeah, I just wanted to say that all this stuff that you guys are talking about, it only reinforces my faith.
For a while I was agnostic.
I just found out recently that I actually have Semitic Jewish blood in my family lineage.
I also wanted to bring up Revelation chapter 2, number 9.
I know thy works in tribulation and poverty, and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
It also talks about, in Revelation, about how we're going to be persecuted as Christians.
And it's all coming true.
Everything's just, you know, it's gotten totally out of hand.
The microchips, the world government, the whole thing.
It's only, it all just, you will know them by their fruits.
And it's all coming true.
And I just wanted to tell all the listeners out there that one of the things that can turn this around is
Just call out to the good God and ask Him for help and that's just about it.
Alright, God bless you my friend.
Thanks for the call and thanks for the videos you brought down to the TV studio.
Pastor Pike, comments to what he just said?
Yes, we are in a spiritual warfare and the Bible correctly interpreted does have profound guidance for us in our time.
And, uh, tragically, there have been, uh, interpreters of biblical prophecy, like Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye, who've gotten the church way out of touch with reality.
My design.
We'll be right back.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, we're into the third hour of this live Thursday edition, the 16th of June, 2005.
Tonight I'm going to be showing my film Martial Law at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
Then I'll be debating some folks on 9-11 on George Norrie's show for three or four hours.
So I've got a full day ahead of me.
I'm honored to have Pastor Ted Pike for 10-15 more minutes with us to talk about the federal and state anti-hate law stuff that really is just the end of free speech.
No more Ten Commandments, no more praying, no more reading out of the Old Testament.
I mean, folks, this is official!
We're not joking about this!
And joining us is Jack McClam, police and military against the New World Order, to talk about several issues, but while we've got Pastor Pike with us for 10-15 more minutes, I know you guys are friends, you can say hi to each other.
Jack, your comments on all of this.
You know, one of your peers, the L.A.
County Sheriff, saying, if you criticize the open borders, they're going to come arrest you, register you in a database with sex offenders.
Yes, well, that chief down there is a Aztlan Reconquista guy, and he wants the Southwest to go back under Mexico, so you're going to hear a lot of that out of him.
It's unbelievable.
Anyone, Pastor Pike, good to hear you again.
I've been listening to you all morning long.
Thanks for the great work you and Alex are doing.
Well, thank you, Jack.
It's been a privilege to be on your program.
I've been praying for your wife, Angie, and I hope everything's well.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate it.
Jack, they're really trying to run this through on us.
I mean, it's everywhere, and they're just not stopping.
But do you agree with Pastor Pike that it blew up in their face, trying to give a bunch of Christians 47 years in prison for praying on a street corner?
I believe God gave us that victory, I'm telling you, because that was the worst mistake they could have done, is for just speaking from the Word of God to arrest them and try to get them 47 years was just so ridiculous that everybody in America probably
Sucked in a breath when they even heard that.
But it shows their desire, and I said this last night on air, they want to get us in gulags, they want to stomp our guts out.
That's right, that's right.
And it's coming, if we don't get out of our prayer closets and out of occupying a seat in a pew with our dear heirs and put some feet to our prayers, we're all going to be in the gulags if we let it keep going like this.
So it's time to take a stand.
Pastor Pike, I mean, for those that just joined us, this isn't a joke, is it?
We're not embellishing.
It's far worse than we're saying.
Well, you know, for the last five years, I've been struggling against the, particularly the federal anti-hate bill.
We've done mass mailings to Congress and so on, and I've always encountered this retort that, oh, it can't happen in America because we have the Bill of Rights, we have the First Amendment and so on, and that these federal hate bills are symbolic, largely they are statements, the government taking a stand against hate crimes and so on.
And yet, what happened in Philadelphia on October 10th was it showed in very vivid terms how aggressive and how willing to inveigle Christians into the court system and possible huge fines and imprisonment.
These hate laws are, they are, they have been specifically crafted... Well, look at what they do in other countries.
Pastor Pike, five years ago, I was watching TV, came across MTV, and for two hours, and I tuned out, it was 24 hours long, I later learned, they were scrolling dead people killed in hate crimes.
It was really only about 20 people, but they kept showing their pictures, call Congress, call Congress.
That's how important it is to Sumner Redstone to get our free speech taken away.
He wants to put us in a gulag.
Uh, yes.
Now, we have to remember that all of these so-called, uh, high levels of hate crimes that are occurring in the United States are all smoke and mirrors.
They're an illusion.
The ADL is a master of hate crime statistics distortions.
And maybe I can talk about that a little more when we get back.
Well, yeah, we will.
And another expert on crime statistics is Jack McClam, police and military against the New World Order.
Type that into his search engine, you'll get his website.
We'll be talking to him about some other key issues as well.
We'll do a few more minutes with Pastor Pike, the other side, then get into it with Jack.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Folks, it isn't a joke.
States have passed laws where reading from the Old Testament will get you jail time.
And they arrest people every day in Canada, Germany, and England for the most petty of things.
And they always start out with, well you don't like that Neo-Nazi burning a cross even in his own yard and screaming at black people, let's arrest him!
But see, none of us, I would imagine none of us out there agree with that.
Maybe one out of a thousand listeners, maybe.
So, we say, well, let's take his rights away.
But then, see, it's everybody's.
It's the peace activists, it's the Christian, it's the... This is out of control.
And, folks, this is happening.
The end of the First Amendment.
We're talking to the founder and head of Police and Military Against the New World Order, Officer Jack McClam.
And we've also got Pastor Ted Pycon with us and Truthseeker.org, or no, Truthtellers.org, excuse me.
And Pastor Pike, they're very close to passing this new super federalization bill to create this whole new wonderful bureaucracy of thought crime.
In closing, give us that toll-free number to Congress and tell us what to call and what to do.
Yes, we've had a lot of flak coming against the ADL.
They've been badly bloodied by what happened in Philadelphia.
Losing a bunch of lawsuits.
Excuse me?
Losing lawsuits for slandering people?
Yeah, but they are trying again with an even worse.
Believe it or not, they're wanting now to protect cross-dressers and transvestites and female impersonators.
They have added... That is, if you criticize them, you're going to jail.
They've added gender identity to this latest version of their hate bill, making it even more brazen, even more audacious and incredible than they've ever done before.
And I think the ADL is kind of out of control.
They're not in touch.
With reality, the American people are now against these hate bills.
They're advocating even further, more stringent hate legislation.
Give us that number.
Yes, the toll-free number to call your member of Congress is 877-762-8762.
That's 877-762-8762.
Alright, call them and tell them, shoot down 2662.
We gotta shoot down, what is it, HR?
Yeah, HR 2662.
Yeah, I read this thing about a week ago, parts of it, and folks, it's like Sensenbrenner.
If you don't tattle on your neighbor, five years in prison, million dollar fine.
You know, it's like all this, it's just an avalanche of evil and un-American garbage, and it's gotta be stopped.
Pastor Pike, thank you for coming on with us, and God bless.
Thank you, Alex.
All right, Jack McClam, I'm sorry that ran a bit over, but that was, as you know, important.
Let me tell you, the First Amendment is of prime importance, brother, so it's so important that we take action on that H.R.
I know you love to talk about Romans 13, and I've studied it myself.
You've had a lot of experts on your show.
We had a caller earlier bring that up.
Would you like to comment on Romans 13 and how dangerous the twisting of that is?
Well, that's what woke me up to start studying my Holy Bible.
I've been a Christian since Vietnam, since the war in Vietnam.
But I really would always go to the man we pay money to every week to teach us what's in the Holy Scriptures.
And Alex, it was Romans 13 and the Christians withdrawing and the ministers telling us to obey everything evil government tells us to do because all evil government's of God.
And as a cop, we call that aiding and abetting the commission of a crime.
You know, and so as a cop, when I would see Christians going along with abortion, going along with everything, not taking a stand, not speaking out, and the ministers say, keep your head down, we're leaving here next week, it doesn't matter, God will straighten it out when He gets here.
What I saw, brother, with this misinterpretation of Romans 13 was very, very evil things happening, and I remembered in the Scriptures that God says, a good tree can't give off bad fruit.
And so as I began to, as a Christian, look at how Christians were withdrawing from all the institutions and withdrawing into the church and into their prayer closets to await this rapture that's always coming next week.
Billy Graham's been saying that for 75 years.
And I saw how evil all this was and I thought, there's something wrong
With our interpretation.
So I began to read the Bible myself in Romans 13 and I found that what God always told us to do is stand up against evil in every area, in every part of the world.
And of course, then I saw that the disciples and the prophets that all died at the hands of government.
And I thought, something's wrong with our interpretation of Romans 13.
When everybody that's good, the founding fathers, the lawful government they were under, listed them all as traitors and were out to kill them and hang them.
And so, I woke up to the fact that somebody's lying to us about
Well, the whole Bible, and again for those that are Christians, we're covering this because this is what's controlling society.
This is how the globalists are controlling America, keeping Christians under their control.
So even if you are a Christian, which I think is foolish, don't look at phony Christians and think that's Christianity.
Christians are the people that ended slavery.
Christians are the people that stood up against Hitler and the Soviets and the Communist Chinese.
It's real Christians always on the front line.
We just got it from the Bilderberg Group, from two different sources.
Who themselves had three different sources, that it's Christian patriots that are fighting the New World Order, that the globalists are upset about.
I don't mean these phony people.
So folks, this is why we talk so much about this, because all the prophets did was rebuke the kings, and the lords, and the pharisees, and were killed for it.
And Christ was
That's right.
That's right.
And you know, the Bible says repeatedly, God says repeatedly, if you stand up for me and my laws, you will be persecuted.
It didn't say maybe, possibly, it could happen.
It said you will be persecuted in my name.
So, you know, if those listeners out there listening today are not being persecuted because they're standing up for God's laws, they better check their parameters.
Because all of us should be feeling the persecution today if we're actually following God's law.
But, you know, the persecution helps me get up in the morning.
That's right.
The more I get attacked, the more I... I mean, do you have that same experience?
Amen, brother, that's right.
The harder they come at me, the bolder I stand because I praise God for the persecution because it tells me I'm on target.
If you're not over the target, you're not going to be getting flack.
That's right.
Well, we must be doing some good, because it's intensifying, Officer Jack McClam.
Yeah, and remember all the action words that God used in the Holy Scripture, Alex.
For example, in Psalm 94, he says, Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
He wasn't saying, Hey, I'm coming to get you next week.
Go hide in your prayer closets and go occupy a pew with your derriere.
Until I get back, I'll clean it up.
When I get here, there's nowhere in the Scriptures
That it says that God's people are supposed to get off the battlefield against His enemies.
There's no example of that.
No example.
Just the opposite.
Christ was just saying the things of this world, taxation, junk, baubles, who cares about that?
Let them have their trash.
And they take that and say, oh no, that means worship your government.
Well, they're in for a big surprise, because as I say, Billy Graham has been very disappointed.
He's been telling people God's coming back next week for 75 years, and he's still here.
And also, we might say to all those Christians out there who have been told by their pastors that all we've got to do is keep our head down and just pray about it.
God will clean it up when he gets here, and we're not going to be in the tribulation.
Well, think of the 160 million people who have been slaughtered, and most of those Christians over the last decade.
160 million Christians slaughtered, and guess what?
They didn't get raptured out of here, Alex, you know?
I know.
It's incredible.
I mean, regardless if we were getting raptured next week, we have a responsibility to fight evil.
That's right.
Up until the very moment, and the Holy Scriptures tell us that.
Occupy until my return.
People always tell me, give them all the solutions.
Hey, you know, it's a hard fight.
Well, show me how to win.
Look, all I know is I got a job to stand up against evil.
I'm not going to let a bunch of evil inbred trash run my life.
And I just instinctively stand up against these people.
You know, duty is mine and the consequences are God's.
Amen, brother.
That's right.
That's one of our favorite sayings around our two police and military associations here.
But I mean, we were all doing our job.
We wouldn't be in this position.
If we hadn't abandoned the institutions, you know, just not too long ago, about a hundred years ago, we started believing in this
Doctrine that we should obey everything evil government tells us to do.
If we hadn't abandoned the institutions, brother, we wouldn't have the devil in control today and be going through this persecution.
Well, I read all the FBI files and the manuals and the training systems.
It's all about Christians.
We get intel from inside the Bilderberg.
It's all about Christians.
They know good and well who's going to fight them.
That's right, that's right.
And also, we must remind our fellow Christians that to get along, to go along, as the preachers are teaching today, we call them government preachers because they're under the government.
They're not under God with all their licenses and everything.
And they're also obeying what the government tells them they can preach and what they can't preach.
But you know, there were Christians in the Holy Bible.
God showed us that as long as you were a Christian,
And you would have followed Caesar first, meaning government first.
You got along just fine.
You weren't fed to the lions.
You didn't have persecution.
But God is going to make you pay for that, brother, because he says you can't serve two masters.
Choose this day who you will serve.
But remember, the Christians like we have today, 99.9% of America,
It seems like, anyway, that high percentage are just going along, and so under this Antichrist New World Order, for a time, until they get their heads cut off, they'll do just fine.
They won't be put in the furnaces, they won't be fed to the lions.
We'll be right back.
Jack, I want to get into, shift gears and get into law enforcement, get into this interesting article I heard you reading yesterday on air.
We'll be right back with Jack McClammon, your calls as well.
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We'll take five more calls before this transmission ends in about 35 minutes.
Steve, Dan, Frank, Regina, and Daryl.
But seriously, I'm giving each one of you about 60 seconds when we go to you because we've got a couple issues to cover.
We're talking to Jack McClam, police and military against the New World Order, whether it's 25 or it's even older than that, police and military organization.
There's an article published in a major magazine, hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars are paid out every year to settle lawsuits against police departments.
In this excerpt from Breaking Rank to be published by Nation Books, the former chief of Seattle Police Force explains why it makes better financial sense for a cop to kill you by accident rather than just wound you.
And to try to boil it all down, because Jack basically read the whole chapter on air on his show, and we don't have time, to boil it all down and then to get Jack's take on it, because Jack's talked about this so much on this broadcast, they have a system where instead of punishing bad cops, the lawyers and risk managers say, don't
Punish him, because that would admit guilt, so then that protects bad people, so the cops know they can be totally lawless, driving around like maniac shooting people, then they pay out a lot more money because of it.
Whereas if police chiefs and others could really prosecute people that did it wrong, bad folks would stay out of the ranks, they would self-enforce.
But again, this is what the globalists want, so they've set this up by design, so in the name of stopping liability, they've actually created massive liability, and it's an amazing article, and he gives examples of officers killing a whole family with their car, driving like crazy people, and then they just say, look, we can't fire him, we're not doing anything to him, we're not going to even say we're wrong.
Jack, talk about it.
It's a system, and we're just thanking this police chief who's written this book now.
He's now a former police chief, breaking ranks.
It's Norm Stamper, who was the police chief last in San Diego and Seattle Police Force.
And he says in here, that's the way it works in police work today.
If an officer gets in trouble, violates somebody's rights, or injures somebody, I've seen it in the sixth largest city in the United States, Phoenix Police Department, you're told the officers get together in a big room, who are on the scene, and you write your police reports together.
You lie together, basically, on your police reports to protect the city from suit.
And that's what he's talking about in this article, that he as a police chief was told by the bean counters and his city officials, like the mayor and others, Chief, keep your mouth shut, we're hanging out on this one a mile.
And so he talks about this, of where officers violate people's rights, will seriously injure people and their families through errors and mistakes, and also through meanness and nastiness.
I mean, doing what we call this revenge on people that we believe they deserve it, like Rodney King, for example, and just beat the holy heck out of him.
Well, they say just the chief has to keep his mouth shut, the officers have to keep their mouth shut, and I've been in the police academies, the regional police academy in Phoenix, Arizona, where officers are told that, and they're brainwashed into believing that the citizens are not on their side.
We had a statement in my academy class, Alex, that said,
You are no longer citizens.
You're an entity of government above the citizens to better supervise them for their own good.
And by the way, the citizens won't be there for you.
They won't protect you.
They won't come to your aid if you ever need help.
Only a fellow officer will protect you.
And that's diametrically opposed to what this country really does.
Now let's be clear.
Then the police carry this out, then it does turn the citizens against them.
It actually endangers cops, makes cops become a hated commodity, even when most of them are still good.
And in this incredible article, the police chief, as you said, of San Diego and then Seattle, he retired out of Seattle.
He actually shows how, when they started this 30 years ago, it exponentially exploded the number of claims and bad cops, nothing can be done, good cops are persecuted, good police chiefs are persecuted, and it just compacts the police more and more into basically a cult!
Yes, and it keeps the bad officers on the team, in the system.
And of course then you propound the problems when you keep the bad officers in there if you can't bring them up on charges and you can't expose what they do wrong because the cities are going to lose millions.
Then, of course, that exacerbates the whole situation.
And now you've got a whole crew doing more and more and more bad.
Now you've got a whole crew of police who are trained to lie, and it starts with a little lie, and pretty soon, what are they doing, Chuck?
That's right.
For 24 years, our police and military publication, Eight in a Bed Police Military Newsletter, has been telling officers, don't start down the slippery slope.
If you're asked to lie on a police report,
And then suddenly, over a few years, you get a lawless force generating 20 times the problems.
And the globalists know what they're doing.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks.
Got about 27 minutes left with Jack McClam, a load of phone lines, but we need to continue with this article, and we'll get into some of your calls.
Yeah, the headline is, keep your mouth shut on this one, Chief.
We're hanging.
On it, and we're talking about horrible stuff.
Cops shooting people in the back, running over people with cars, doing it.
And then I guess, Jack, it creates a climate of where you get a bunch of spoiled police who can't ever get in trouble because of the police union.
The chief is afraid of them.
Good cops who got on the force for the right reasons get corrupted overnight.
I mean, I've talked about it.
I've had cops just
Jump out of the bushes, pull out in their car in front of people, almost have huge wrecks.
I've seen them have wrecks.
You ask a cop for directions, they'll rudely ask you why you're asking them.
I mean, again, I remember just a few years ago police weren't like this, Jack.
What is happening to them?
They're being conditioned from the moment they go into the police academy.
I was a certified state police academy instructor for five years.
And the officers are taught that the citizens
Are there to be supervised.
They're there to supervise the citizens.
The system should never be attacked because the system is a humanist type system where cops are taught that the system is kind of like God.
And if the system is attacked, we all suffer.
If the system falls and we'll all be enslaved, we'll lose our freedoms.
So we're there to, we're there officers to protect the system from the people.
And it's just a horrible brainwashing.
99% of these officers out there are good-hearted.
They took the job for the right reason.
They wanted to serve and protect the American people.
But they don't understand what they've been turned into, like I was.
I was there.
It was happening to me.
And all of a sudden I realized, as a Christian, I wasn't sleeping at night, brother.
I mean, some of the things I was doing, because I was commanded to do it for the greater good of society as a whole.
Aren't you a team player, McLamb?
You know, if the system gets attacked, we're all going to suffer.
And I realized I was being conditioned and lied to.
Yeah, you were the most highly decorated police officer in Phoenix history.
I even pulled up those old articles.
And you were injured a lot of duty many times, but when you refused to go along, though, things got bad.
Well, I was the most highly decorated officer, Alex, but I'm also the most fired officer in the history of Phoenix, Arizona, because I began to say, no!
No, I'm not changing my police report.
And if you guys change yours, I'm telling.
Boy, I tell you, that's very unpopular.
The state police gave me the title of traitor from within because I was such a big mouth.
I wouldn't let other officers be convinced that they should lie and cheat and take the witness stand and tell falsehood.
And I was a demon, because I wouldn't allow those around me that I had seen them do things wrong, I wouldn't let them to cover it up.
Well, it's like Terence Yankee at Oklahoma City.
Cop of the Year.
He found out the government did the bombing and they killed him.
That's right.
That's right.
So I know the persecution.
I was put in positions where I would call for a backup.
We worked in the war zone, and I was put on night shift to punish me when I returned to work because they fired me because of my First Amendment exercise.
Had to return me to work.
They put me on a late shift in a very bad part of town by myself, and when I called for a backup, when I was in serious trouble, nobody would come.
I mean, they wanted to kill me.
And so they fired me a second time, and I won my job back another time because it was a vendetta to destroy me and what I was trying to do, what I was saying, my religious beliefs and moral beliefs.
And so I understand what officers go through, like this chief talks about in his article, and it's sad, but this chief, Norm Stamper, didn't write his book until he got out of law enforcement.
How wonderful it would have been if he just stood up while he was in law enforcement and said, heck no!
This officer did this, he's going to take the ride for it.
We feel bad for him, but if he did wrong, then he'll pay the price.
That's good.
Uh, on gangs, and it's the gangs all together, everybody's against each other, we gotta do this for the good of the gang.
It's the same mentality, but he goes over the numbers in this, a police chief in two of the biggest cities in the country, Seattle and San Diego, and he talks about how, how he watched it change by always defending bad cops, by defending mistakes, it makes everybody get more out of control, and then they end up paying out many times more money!
So it isn't even good for the system!
Well, it's good for the system that's being set up, Alex, that is setting the police and military against the people.
And that's so important that we have police and soldiers that will do anything they're told to do against the citizens that may stand up and speak out against the system.
Remember, today the system is God, and the highest authority in the world is those Supremes in the black dresses up there called the Supreme Court, a cop is taught.
And so once you believe that, it is your duty to protect the system from the people, and the government knows you'll do anything you're told to do against a private citizen that is attacking the system.
Standing up like Alex Jones, standing up and speaking out against the system.
But Jack, just from 10 years ago, I would talk to police and they weren't waking up.
Now, I talk not just to you or Colonel Craig Roberts, but a lot of senior police, people that are still in.
I mean, I'll pull up to get my laundry and there's a high-level state police officer, let's just say about as high as it gets,
He calls me outside and says, listen, we know you're right.
We know.
We were brought up that this is what the Soviet Union was like.
We're not stupid.
But then I see the steroid cops downtown bugging their eyes out, going crazy with satanic tattoos around, you know, 20-inch arms.
But, I mean, the good news seems to be that a lot of police are starting to see what's happening.
That's right.
And our numbers show that.
At our two police and military associations here, our numbers are going up with
Personal contact, email and faxes and phone calls from more police and soldiers than ever before.
It is a backlash coming, Alex, because our police and soldiers realize that as they have families, they're not stupid, all of them, some of them are kind of stupid, but a lot of them realize that if they have total control over the citizens,
Their children are going to be slaves!
So they are beginning to wake up as this draconian system descends on our society today.
Well, they're going to own cars, too.
When they're driving their pickup truck after work, they're going to be paying $2,000 a year in road tolls in Austin.
Well, that could be, or they could be given a special chip where they won't be charged for it, you know?
I remember when I was a cop in Phoenix and
Well, 4th of July we would go to the city park to shoot off fireworks or watch fireworks and the cops would be opening the trunk of every car and I'd just roll up, put my badge out, and they'd say, hey brother, just go ahead.
I wouldn't have to open my trunk, so watch out.
They may give some kind of a free pass to these enforcers out there so that they feel very special and it's only for the plebes or the masses out there that these things will be charged to.
Well, yeah.
How about we do make the police get their cars searched?
I mean, that's another thing.
I mean, I ask the police the things they're doing today.
Would you like this to happen to your grandma?
I mean, how about this happen to your wife?
There you go.
Bring it home.
Bring it home.
Well, Jack, I heard you say 99% are good, and I'll say 80% mean well, and then get twisted, some of them.
But I gotta tell you, 20% of these guys, I mean, these guys, I mean, I've seen cops
I've seen them at the gym with their shirts off, in the locker room with swastikas, black power.
I've seen them with shaved heads on steroids, crazed, satanic tattoos.
I won't even hardly go downtown on 6th Street anymore to eat dinner.
The other areas are okay, because I've had Roydhead cops, you know, want to see my girlfriend.
Back when, you know, my wife was my girlfriend's ID.
You know, it's all about intimidation.
I knew punk Roydheads who were bouncers who are now cops.
So, so, I mean, when we protect evil police, doesn't that make criminals start to gravitate towards you?
That's absolutely right, and the problem is, Alex, that the top criminals in law enforcement get promoted.
We saw that in the city of Phoenix.
You know, our police chief was an absolutely evil man, and also he was suspected of a murder, and of course nothing was done to him, but I mean, once you have a system set up
In this humanist system of the end justifies the means political philosophy.
Oh, by the way, this Stafford book, The Big Police Chief, he talks about police chiefs murdering.
Yes, that's right.
And so you have the gravitation of the most evil people to the top because the evil leadership of the nation, this international crime cabal, wants the most evil people at the top because they can trust them to do anything they're told to do.
You know, Jack, I think what's really waking police up is they know now that the government ships in the drugs.
And then when the idiot kids get it, the cops bust them and put them in a private prison, working for 15, 20 cents an hour.
I talk to cops and they know where the drugs come from, Jack.
That's right.
It's beginning to get through to them too, brother.
This is good.
This is a time of awakening right now for the private sector.
And as we've found with our two police military associations, also with our police and military today, a great awakening is happening.
But what do you want to say to those out there, law enforcement, peace officers, what do you want to say to them and any other areas of this great article that you wanted to talk about?
Well, the most important thing that we teach here and preach here at our two police and military associations is that
It is time now to stand up.
Do not start down the slippery slope.
If you've already started, stop.
I started down that slope.
Get along to go along.
I wanted to be a top cop.
So I did the things I was told to do, but I couldn't sleep at night.
So brother, it's time to just say, stand up, say no.
Now, I'll tell you what, it'll make you feel good.
It'll be tough, but then when it gets tough, don't leave the department.
Don't leave the military.
Stay in there and be the salt in the light.
Because many occasions I was on the scene when officers were going to get together and do something wrong to do a attitude adjustment alongside the road or something like that.
Somebody that was a Christian patriot or something said, what's your reason for stopping me?
And I got constitutional rights.
And I was there.
And when they'd see me, they would draw back and they wouldn't do anything to this guy because they knew I'd tell.
And so we need the good cops to stop leaving the departments.
I keep hearing from cops saying, I couldn't take it any longer.
I had to get out.
It's getting so bad.
And I said, brother, you should have stayed in there.
If you don't stay in there, then all we're going to have is the rascals, the scallywags in there.
So, we tell them to stay in there and shove their face in all this immorality and unlawfulness.
Well, Jack, I've always found in business, in life, in the radio business, anywhere, at first when you stand up you get ridiculed and you get persecuted.
But I've always found when you stand up and are the good guy, they secretly respect you and then you actually get allies you didn't expect.
Well, that happened to me, but I didn't have many.
I had very good friends that I thought were very good friends for years that wouldn't even be seen passing me in the hall.
When I'd start down the hall, they'd run into a room someplace because I was so hated because I wouldn't accept any moral and lawful orders anymore.
And would snitch off anybody that would, so it's tough, but after all... Oh yeah, that's gang mentality too.
Never snitch on your gang.
I mean, that's insane, folks.
I wasn't a team player.
Well, it was a good cop in Midland, Texas, when the SWAT teams went in the house, the guys unarmed, the SWAT teams shoot each other, kill one of their own officers, shoot another, shoot the innocent man, they tried to frame him, and one of the cops that responded said, I'm not going to lie about this.
Well stay in those departments and make those officers behave.
They'll hate you, but there will be those behind your back that will respect you tremendously.
I always remind our fellow officers and soldiers that God is watching and taking very good notes.
Well, exactly.
Listen, I don't care if a whole crowd of people is booing me if I know I'm doing the right thing.
I could care less.
I really could care less.
Well, they're going to pay their dues if they're not on the side of righteousness, so I believe in the near future you're going to pay some heavy dues for being on the wrong side.
Well, Jack, you always talk about near future or when you die, and I believe in all that, but my experience in life is, Jack, when I do something wrong, it always comes back many-fold.
That's true.
I mean, I'm afraid to do bad stuff.
I have my conscience, but sometimes I'm thinking about doing something, and I think, man, every time I've done something bad, it always comes back many fold.
Yes, I wish you and I could tell those stories.
I have so many in law enforcement where that very thing happened when an officer did something wrong, and he'd think it was for the greater good or something, boy, would he pay a price for it.
So that is still showing that God's on his throne, and you're not going to get away with these things.
If you're not brought up on this earth and prosecuted for the things you do, or persecuted, or brought down, then you're certainly going to get it later.
Let's go to Steve in Ohio.
Steve, thanks for holding her on the air with Jack McClam.
Yes, Alex, I just wanted to say that I look forward to listening to you on George Norrie tonight.
Thank you.
And, sir?
Yeah, I just wanted to also say, when you debate him, don't forget to mention the controlled demolitions, because that's the crux of the matter.
Everything else is... Sir, I appreciate your call.
Thank you.
Take care, Steve.
Steve, thank you for your advice, but other people have been giving me that advice.
Steve, I've made three films on 9-11.
I've written a book.
I've published a book on it.
And I understand that the controlled demolition is key.
I understand that.
And I'm not going, I know it all on 9-11.
It's just that I believe I need to cover a wide spectrum of data.
Jack McClam?
Yes, I believe you're going to do just fine, brother.
I don't know anybody that knows more about how to handle these vermin that come after you to tear you up than you.
And so, we'll be praying for you, brother, but you're all of our representatives there tonight.
I'm going to do a good job.
You're going to do just fine.
You're going to do fine.
Yeah, I really appreciate it.
No, it's just that, you know, I don't really have to worry because I'm going to be telling the truth.
And I don't have to think about it, I don't have to twist, I don't have to do any of that, Jack.
That's right.
And so I'm not really worried about it.
It is so much easier when you're on the side of righteousness and truth.
Frank, you're on the air from Missouri.
Go ahead, Frank.
First of all, let me say I love you, Alex.
I admire what you do.
I even thought about moving to Texas to kind of work for you in some kind of fashion.
I hope you're around for a thousand years.
With all the truth that you expose to us, and you show us, I have to honestly think about, how is a person that does this still alive?
I mean, I love you, don't get me wrong.
Well, no, I get this question a lot.
Why is Jack still alive?
Look, I've been physically attacked in a parking lot.
I've been death-threatened.
I've had, you know, other things happen.
But I don't worry about that.
I'm always blessed after I'm persecuted.
And there's too many of us now.
They still do kill patriots.
They falsely imprison us.
But there's so... Jack, you can answer that question, can't you?
Well I have so many friends that are in prison and who have been people like me and you Alex but I always just you and I Alex I know how you deal with it you just can't take the time to worry because
You and I are more scared not standing up for what we see coming than standing up.
And God says we should fear God and not man, you know?
So we have to go forward and we can't do that if we're fearful all the time and just believe in the Lord that if He wants us to be successful and do His will, He's going to protect us.
That doesn't mean I don't carry something with me all the time.
I'm out there to protect myself, because I do.
Because I'm not a fool.
But God says, you take care of yourself the best you can, and I'll take care of you, what you can't handle.
Yeah, listen, God is real, Frank.
I really believe in God.
I really believe in Jesus.
And believe me, I've had experiences you wouldn't believe.
So, it's in God's hands.
I mean, that's all I say in my prayers.
God, it's your will.
Do with me what you want.
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Jack McClam, I just wanted to say that I'm always blessed.
I mean that by listening to you.
You're so sincere.
You make such sense.
Such a good guy.
A good friend of mine.
I count you as a friend.
I met you once in person at an expo back in the mid-90s.
But I want to get you into town sometime.
I'm thinking about having some type of event of my own.
But real fast for folks that don't know about your organization, how do they visit you online?
Or how do they write you?
How do they call you?
Yeah, the best thing Alex, the easiest way, a guy held my name captive for years, but finally released it, so now you can just go to jackmccallam.com and you come right to our website.
That's the best way.
Just JackMcLamb, M-C, capital L-A-M-B, dot com, and you'll come to a website and everything you need to know.
Or just type police and military against the new world order into Google and you'll know.
Yeah, that's true.
It's a little bit longer, but you can do that too.
Alright, let's talk to Regina in Pennsylvania.
Regina, go ahead.
Hi Alex, a lot of confusion going on in the house right now.
The United Nations Reform Act of 2005, H.R.
2745, Henry Hyde's bill,
Mike Pence from Indiana is on this bill.
He appears to be against the United Nations.
He sees this as an answer.
But you played Ron Paul's 888-322-1414 showing how peacekeeping troops will be expanded under this bill to be used to take out any government dissenters.
That's right.
So it's very important that we get on this bill and make them know that we want Ron Paul's amendment to the Justice State Appropriations Bill to get us out of the United Nations.
Please defeat the United Nations Reform Act of 2005, H.R.
Call this Mike Pence and your own Congressman, and all of them, and explain to them that we know what the U.N.
is, and we do not like its power.
Yeah, it's another bait and switch.
Oh, we're going to fix it, and they're going to get more power.
Thanks for tuning in.
Thank you.
Darryl in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Darryl.
Yeah, please folks, keep Angela McLam in your prayers, and also you need to get Jack McLam's book, Operation Vampire Killer 2000.
And get all of Alex's police state videos and all the videos he's done on the 9-1-1 attacks.
And God bless you both, gentlemen.
Is that it, Daryl?
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Captain Daryl.
It's good to hear your voice.
God bless you both.
Bye now.
Take care.
Speaking of good news, the EU is falling apart.
There's a lot of other good things happening here in the U.S.
Things are not going well for the globalists.
Our internal sources that are impeccable are telling us the Bilderbergers are pulling their hair out, throwing fits for the first time.
Is that encouraging?
That's encouraging, brother, and I think you're impeculate myself.
Yeah, I like that word.
That's right.
I mean, no, we're in this fight.
I mean, a lot of bad stuff's happening.
I'm not saying we're winning, but at least we're in the fight.
Hey, and I tell you Alex, I keep telling people that God never needed the majority of his people to come back to him before he would save the land.
He never needed the majority.
Only the small minority come back to him and he would save our land.
So, let's keep going.
We're winning this thing.
Hey Jack, you got 30 seconds.
Why don't you take us out of the show and go, remember America, this cop dearly loves you.
Good evening.
Go ahead and take us out.
Okay, brother.
Well, people out there, I'll tell you, there's a lot of good cops and soldiers out there that love God and liberty.
Don't forget that.
And help give them some of Alex's tapes.
Put them in their hands.
And don't forget, Alex and this old cop truly love you, America.
We truly do.
Good day.
All right, folks.
Bye, Jack.
See you later, buddy.
Good having you on.
I'll be back tonight with a retransmission 9 to midnight.
I'll see you at the movie theater and on Coast to Coast AM.
God bless you all!