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Name: 20050614_Tue_Alex
Air Date: June 14, 2005
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
It is Tuesday, the 14th day of June, 2005.
And we're going to be live for the next three hours.
Daniel Estelan, the award-winning investigative journalist based in Spain, who was on with us about three weeks ago, will be back on with us today to get more into his investigation into the Bilderberg Group.
And what their agenda for the next few years is.
Very scary stuff came out last time from their sources inside the Bilderberg Group.
That oil prices will double in the next year.
That's what the Bilderberg Group is saying.
And they are rarely wrong in the past.
What they want is what they get.
The move to target Christian conservative patriots in America with disinfo or outright physical aggression.
And just a lot of other key issues.
Well, from his sources, he's learned even more now.
And he's put out, a few days ago, Part 2 of his detailed report.
Much of it mirrors what Jim Tucker also has gotten, but in some cases, Mr. Estolán has even gotten more.
So, Daniel Estillon will be joining us in the next hour.
Coming up in about 28 minutes, we're going to have the gentleman on who got arrested for protesting the police state at the airport.
He'll be joining us for a brief mini-interview.
Very, very important information.
In the meantime, I'm not going to take any calls.
I may take calls in the third hour today, because what happens is, is that I load the phones up, then I try to hurry to calls,
And then I don't give you enough time and you don't like it.
So we just won't take calls.
Now, some days I will take nothing but calls.
And then other days I'm just not going to cramp our guest.
I'm not going to cramp the news.
I just won't take calls.
I'll kind of do what Rents does or Coast to Coast AM does.
You know, many days they don't even take calls until the third or fourth hour.
And I guess that really makes sense because I listen to rebroadcasts of this show sometimes and I can hear the frustration in my voice.
I want to get you all on air.
I want to give you a chance to talk.
But then some of you don't seem to like it.
That I'm taking a bunch of calls and others don't like it that you're going to hold too long.
So we just won't take calls.
I'm sorry.
I think we're going to be cutting back on calls here in the future.
Just because I'm not covering the news that needs to be covered.
I'm not getting all the facts that need to be documented.
I'm not getting all the information out of my guests.
I frankly cancel guests a lot of times because I like taking your calls.
I like the directions you take us in.
I like adding my own points.
I will not have some hillbilly on for 20 minutes to run their mouth, though.
I just won't do it.
And so, if people don't like that, they should find another radio broadcast.
And if people don't like the fact that I had that CFR member on last Friday, and that I thumped him soundly and didn't let him run on at the mouth, number one, he was only on for one segment.
That was all he agreed to come on for.
Number two, everything he was saying was a manifest falsehood.
And so it was very frustrating for me to hear them calling for global government, but saying it's not global government.
So some of you might be able to put up with that, and some of you might be able to be armchair quarterbacks.
Well, I suggest, on your own radio shows, you get people like that on and let them run on at the mouth until they hang up on you.
Masses of news and information on the other side of this quick break.
We'll have plenty of time to cover all the news.
And we've got two guests coming on.
And yes, I've got a sneaking suspicion that we'll be able to take calls with Daniel Eskalon.
But, we may be limited in time.
Alright, we'll be right back.
The websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be right back.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
And the behavior of our police is a reflection of our government.
One look in the mirror and we know our country is entering a high-tech police state.
Here's just a sample from my documentary film, Police State 2 The Takeover.
In downtown Seattle today, the First Amendment ended.
A civil emergency was created by the police.
Riot police attack people on the streets indiscriminately.
The medical bills are going to be enormous for me.
You see them here with their hands cupped behind their backs.
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The number to order to take over again is 888-253-3139.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
So what's in your shampoo, bath soap, and dish soap?
Chlorides, dyes, ethanol, sulfates, sodiums, formaldehydes, etc.?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up on this Tuesday, June 14, 2005, Tuesday edition, we're going to have a gentleman on,
Who protested the searches, the ID card checking, the papers police, and was arrested and charged and is pled guilty to his thought crime.
And then coming up, the expert on the Bilderberg Group, Daniel Estillan, with even more revelations from this year's Bilderberg Group.
That's coming up in the next hour.
Ron Paul has put out a very interesting legislative update this week, and later in the broadcast, we'll be airing that for you.
Neocon Global Government.
This week Congress will vote on a bill to expand the power of the United Nations beyond the dreams of even the most ardent left-wing, one-world globalist.
But this time the U.N.
power grabbers aren't European liberals, they are the American neoconservatives who plan to use the U.N.
to implement their own brand of world government.
Now that's Congressman Ron Paul, and that's what's happening, that's what's going on.
And I tell you what we're going to do.
John, instant message Ryan at my office and tell him to call and record this, right now please,
And post it on PrisonPlanet.com.
This needs to be seen.
But do you think we ought to just go ahead and play Ron Paul's comments now?
Yeah, perhaps we should.
Yeah, we'll dial that in a second.
Go ahead and play this now.
But we'll also go ahead and post it on PrisonPlanet.com.
Ron Paul's office number's been getting so many phone calls that it's been a little bit jammed up.
This is Ron Paul with the weekly update for Monday, June 13th.
This week, Congress will vote on a bill to extend the power of the United Nations beyond the dreams of even the most ardent left-wing one-world globalist.
But this time, the UN power grabbers aren't European liberals, they are American neoconservatives who plan to use the UN to implement their own brand of world government.
The United Nations Reform Act of 2005 masquerades as a bill that will cut U.S.
dues to the United Nations by 50% if that organization does not complete a list of 39 reforms.
On the surface, any measure that threatens to cut funding to the United Nations seems very attractive, but do not be fooled.
In this case, reform success will be worse than failure.
The problem is in the supposed reforms themselves, specifically
In the policy changes this bill mandates.
The proposed legislation opens the door for the United Nations to routinely become involved in matters that have never been part of its charter.
Specifically, the legislation redefines terrorism very broadly for the UN's official purposes and charges it to take action on behalf of both governments and international organizations.
What does this mean?
The official adoption of this definition by the United Nations would have the effect of making resistance to any government or any international organization an international crime.
It would make any attempt to overthrow a government an international accosted ally for UN military action.
Until this point, a sovereign government retained the legal right to defend against or defeat any rebellion within its own territory.
Now, any such activity would constitute justification for United Nations actions inside that country.
This could be whenever any smaller group decides to resist any regime, regardless of the nature of that regime.
What if this were in place when the Cossacks were fighting against the Marxist regime in Nicaragua?
Or when the Afghan Mujahideen was fighting against the Soviet-installed government in the 1980s, but during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising?
The new message is clear.
Resistance, even resistance to the UN itself, is futile.
Why does every incumbent government, no matter how bad, deserve UN military assistance to quell domestic unrest?
This new policy is given peace by creating a Peace Building Commission, which will serve as the implementing force for the internationalization of what were formerly internal affairs of sovereign nations.
This commission will bring together U.N.
Security Council members, major donors, major troops, contributing countries, appropriate United Nations organizations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, among others.
This new commission will create the beginning of a global U.N.
It will claim the right to intervene in any conflict anywhere on the globe, bringing the World Bank and the IMF formally into the picture as well.
It is a complete new world order undertaken with the enthusiastic support of many of those who consider themselves among the most strident U.N.
Conservatives who have been critical of the U.N.
in the past have enthusiastically embraced this bill and the concept of U.N.
But what is the desired end of U.N.
The U.N.
is an organization that was designed to undermine sovereignty and representative government.
It is unelected and unaccountable to citizens by its very design.
Will U.N.
reform change anything about the fact that its core mission is objectionable?
Do honest U.N.
critics really want an expanded U.N.
that functions better and more efficiently?
The real question is whether we should redouble our efforts to save a sales system or admit its failure, as this legislation does, and recognize that the only reasonable option is to seek participation without further cost to the United States in blood, money, and sovereignty.
Do not be fooled.
It is impossible to be against the United Nations and to support reform of the United Nations.
The only true reform of the United Nations is for the U.S.
to withdraw immediately.
Thanks for calling this update at 888-322-1414.
I record a new message every Monday, the text of which can be found at www.house.gov under the heading and title, Texas Straight Talk.
Thanks for calling.
And for about five years we have played those Texas Great Talks at least once a week at the beginning of our feed of Derry Brownfield.
And, you know, Ron Paul just gets on his computerized phone system and records that each week.
Some weeks it's great audio, other weeks it sounds like hammered, you know, garbage, like it did this week.
But the information is pure gold.
So, thanks for bearing with us during that really low audio.
We tried to boost it up for you, but you can read the text of Neocon Global Government at PrisonPlanet.com, Ron Paul's June 13th weekly update that he put out yesterday.
Again, it is June 14th, it is Tuesday.
But, the most powerful little speech he's ever given is about 45 minutes long, and it's titled, Neocon.
And I am trying to make a new film right now, and I am putting some clips of that neocon speech in it, but where he lays out who they really are, what they're really doing.
And it's so hard for the average person to admit that we have these criminals running our government and that they're not conservative.
Meanwhile, the left wants to run around criticizing Bush, but only in words, only in rhetoric, not in actions.
I tell the left out there listening, if you truly loved Bill Clinton, and you loved his policies, then you should love George Bush, because it's more of the same.
Stop being fooled by this ruse.
Mussolini said that fascism was an improper term, being over a hundred years old when he was using it.
The true name should be corporatism.
And he's absolutely right.
They do not operate through a free market system.
They operate as organized crime cartels controlled by the international crime families.
They act in a predatory fashion.
They control governments.
They manipulate societies.
They create socialism to pool the middle class wealth, to get control of the population, and to transfer the wealth into their coffers through corporate welfare.
The left thinks you defeat the corrupt corporations by having a big government.
The so-called conservatives think corporations are as pure as the German snow, give them unlimited power and authority.
When in truth, both of those recipes give you disaster.
We need to get back to a true free market constitutional republic.
And that is not what we're following, my friends.
New bill could make Bush president for life.
It's been reintroduced by good old Simpson-Brenner.
A House bill has been introduced that would change the 22nd Amendment, enable George Bush to remain president for the rest of his political life.
This bill would repeal limitations of the President holding office for a maximum of two terms or eight years.
An even darker scenario, Arnold Schwarzenegger is elected as President in 08 or 012, and shortly after, the 22nd Amendment is abolished, making the Hitler-admirer our permanent leader.
This is the modern-day version of the Enabling Act, which allowed Hitler to officially declare himself dictator.
This bill, which can be found on the Library of Congress website here, we have a link to it, reads as the following.
And then we have H.J.
Rez 24, introduced in this current Congress by Mr. Simpson Brenner.
So, classic operation that we see here.
By the way, Jones supports withdrawal legislation.
Representative Walter Jones, the congressman who coined the term Freedom Fries, is a show of support for the war in Iraq.
Since Sunday, he will be among the congressmen introducing legislation this week, calling for a timetable for the withdrawal of American troops.
Jones, the Republican who made sure Capitol Hill cafeterias retooled their menus to advertise Freedom Fries instead of French Fries to protest France's opposition to the Iraq War, said on ABC's TV this week, the reason for invading Iraq, weapons of mass destruction, has proven false.
When I look at the number of men and women who have been killed, it's almost 100, 1,700 now, in addition to close to 12,000 who have been severely wounded, and I just feel the reason for going in for weapons of mass destruction, the ability of the Iraqis to make a nuclear weapon, that's all been proven, that it was never there, said Jones, who voted for the war.
A bunch of other key news straight ahead, stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
If this weren't a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.
Good old Sensenbrenner introducing that bill.
And then, in the past few years when they introduced this legislation, I remember they did it with Bill Clinton, you talk about it and people like Rush Limbaugh call you a conspiracy theorist.
It's like Bush saying there is no amnesty plan when it's the biggest amnesty ever that they're proposing and have introduced legislation to pass.
We had that CFR guy on last week and he just said there's no legislation.
What are you talking about?
I mean it just never ends with these people.
And now they're merging America into the one world government while putting out lots of hype and lots of hot air about how there's this fight between America
And the evil United Nations.
Meanwhile, this other congressman from California gets up yesterday on TV and he holds up a plate with a banana and some dressing and some chicken and says, look at the succulent meals they get at Cap X-Ray.
Why, they're doing better than most Americans!
I was expecting him to
Start claiming that they've got hot tubs and color TVs.
And that they're living in some type of, you know, club fed.
Like a Hollywood Hilton.
You know, by the way, that's the same propaganda you hear about prisons.
Most prisons in America are horrible, dirty cesspits filled with tuberculosis.
Built on to private factories.
Where you work 10 to 12 hours a day for 20 cents an hour.
And you know what I love to talk about, because no one points this out, all these idiots say, make them criminals work, ha ha ha, as they sit there on an unemployment line, wondering why they don't have a job.
You cannot compete against 20 cents an hour.
Do you understand that?
But, and these are also government subsidized private factories.
So, I mean, it's such a nightmare.
But, uh, what does that have to do with a plate of food?
This congressman, what's his name, Hunter?
He gets up there with a plate of food.
And they know that's something simple, something people can grasp.
Oh, that food looks really tasty, those dirty terrors, they're getting it.
He doesn't mention that the head of the camp quit two years ago, refusing to torture people, Brigadier General Rick Baucus.
He doesn't mention all the different... There's over 15 of them.
Army reports admitting torture there and in Iraq.
He doesn't mention Alberto Gonzalez saying we can torture people to death.
The Attorney General admits that this is how he advised the military and the President.
Torture them to death!
Kill them!
Beat them to death!
Ground them!
Pull their fingernails out!
Desecrate Korans!
There's like four army reports about desecrating Korans right now.
But everybody focuses on the Newsweek retraction where some small thing was mistranslated.
No, we didn't flush it down the toilet.
No, we just put it in the toilet.
And so then we all focus on that.
This is how dumb they think we are.
Up there with this plate of food.
Why, we're so nice, we even feed them!
We're so nice, we feed them!
When the Army's own report admits that starvation is one of the things they use against them.
Well, they don't deserve no food!
Well, the Pentagon's own reports say that no one there is real Taliban or Al Qaeda.
Times reported that almost three years ago.
So, just ignore the facts.
Ignore the facts that this is nothing but a gulag archipelago.
That is, a whole string of gulags being built all over the world.
But people like Congressman Jones get up there and call things Freedom Fries and we all snicker.
Or they call people Chemical Ali or Torture Sally.
You know, all these simple-minded carnival names.
You know, these stupid terms.
These comic book terms.
That we're all supposed to grasp and talk about.
They treat us like children.
They use child-like terms.
They simplify everything.
Well, we don't do that here.
We think you're smart enough, we know you're smart enough, to grasp the big picture.
Even people that have never been turned on to real politics in the real world, once you start giving them the truth, and real complexity, they get a taste for it.
And rapidly, the growth curve, the awakening curve, is dramatic.
So, we've got the facts in their own admissions, but they've got plates of food!
Look at the plates of food they get!
Why, they're greedy!
They're in hot tubs with color TV!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen,
We've got a very special guest coming up here in just a minute or two, and then another powerful guest, Daniel Escalon, for part two on his expose on what occurred just a few months ago at the Bilderberg Group meeting in Germany.
Some really important developments and information there on, well, their frustrations, their anger at the Patriot movement in America.
were almost single-handedly sabotaging their operations.
They also saw in the tea leaves that they were going to be losing their EU expansion referendum and to bring in the EU constitution that set up open dictatorship.
So, they're having a lot of problems.
They're also trying to get a tax on oil at the wellhead, a tax on money transfers, a tax on airline, international airline tickets,
And if they get any of these transportation taxes, or energy taxes, or banking taxes in, it'll be from, you know, half a percent to five percent in a couple years, to twenty percent, and we'll have our full-blown world government.
As you heard Congressman Ron Paul talk about in the second segment a few minutes ago.
Before we go to our guest, my friends, if you live in central Texas or surrounding areas,
I am having a total of five showings of Martial Law, 9-1-1, Rise of the Police State.
We had two showings a few weeks ago, and they sold out.
We had another showing last week, it sold out a week beforehand.
We have another showing coming up Thursday night, and I'll be there giving a speech and having a question and answer, then I'll leave there at about 10-30 at night, and I'll
Go and do Coast to Coast AM for four hours.
That'll be a big day.
And then we're having, I believe it's the last showing.
We might add another, I really doubt it.
The next week.
This week's has already sold out as of last week.
Next week hasn't sold out yet.
About half the tickets have sold.
And that's next week, the 23rd, on Thursday.
At 8 o'clock at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
And I tell you folks, it is a beautiful theater.
Huge screens.
We're in the biggest theater they've got.
It is stadium seating.
It is so nice.
You know, chocolate sundaes.
Right there at your table.
You all have your own tables.
Your own waitresses and people.
Wait staff.
It's really nice and this is where I'm going to show them in the future.
It's a lot nicer than Alamo downtown.
I'm not knocking Alamo downtown.
You know, that's where the
All the big directors come in to show their films, but I like the Alamo South Lamar.
And so we've got one more showing next week.
You can still get tickets by going to Infowars.com and linking through via the Safe Secure online shopping cart over to the Alamo Draft House and get your tickets.
Or you can pull up and buy them at the door if you live in South Austin.
But if you're planning to come to this showing next week, and you live outside town, better get your tickets now, or call them, reserve them, whatever you gotta do.
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I mean, what is that a month?
Like 50-60 hours of my show?
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Didn't mean to belabor that for six and a half minutes, but it's really important because this is powerful information first and foremost.
Secondarily, it supports this network that is doing such a great job.
Alright, now we're going to our guest who I appreciate holding.
Headline, Libertarian arrested at airport.
He tried to board an airplane without ID.
A Keyan Libertarian who tried to board a flight carrying nothing but a Bible and a copy of the Declaration of Independence was arrested yesterday at Manchester Airport.
Russell Canning, 35, was arrested after refusing to comply with security screening procedures and refusing to leave the screening area.
According to Rockingham County Sheriff's Department, he was charged with criminal trespassing and was being held at the Rockingham County Jail.
Now, Canning's wife, Kat Dillon, said her husband had refused to have his bail posted and will remain in jail until his arraignment tomorrow.
He's now out of jail and joining us.
And Mr. Canning, thank you for coming on.
I appreciate you holding through that diatribe.
I mean, people are so conditioned, they think showing their papers at checkpoints or airports is normal.
The only people, though, that don't have to show their papers are the illegal aliens.
Why did you decide to take this step, and then tell us what happened?
Well, yeah, I'm with all of you guys that think that the ID has gone too far and is just part of the growing police state.
So, recently I decided, especially with the passage of the Real ID,
I was thinking, how can I try to make a point about whether or not we need to have National ID in all of our pockets?
And I thought that the airport would be the best place, because that's kind of one of their first places they started inhibiting us.
So I decided, why don't I just try to get, because I was thinking about, what if I try to fly on a plane this summer for vacation with my family?
Since I don't have a driver's license, I don't use one of those anymore, how am I going to get on a plane?
So I started investigating it and tried it.
I wasn't sure if I was going to get through, because we've learned that you can technically get through without ID, which I guess they don't want any of us to know about that.
But you have to subject yourself to a secondary screening process, is what they call it.
And that's where they do all their, you know, strip search type technique.
And by the way, you were there protesting.
That's why you originally did this, according to the Associated Press, is that you were tired of the pat-downs, the groping.
Yeah, it's the combination, because, well, they can tell, you know, the FBI told me, well, you can get on the plane without ID.
Yeah, but I can't get on without, you know, women can't get on without being groped.
You know, we hear those kinds of stories all the time.
This is not the way a free country should be.
I mean, you go to the airport and you see all those poor people shuffling along with their shoes off and their clothes in their hands.
Is this a free country?
Well, all of this is about... I mean, you're right.
They're beta testing in the airports.
Now they're going to train the police to do this at checkpoints.
It was the TSA that trained for Bush's inauguration or coronation.
They trained the military and the police how to operate.
Now you go to Disney World, or Sea World, or Disneyland, they thumb scan you, they search you.
It's about training you to have somebody in a uniform barking orders.
And we all grew up watching the old black and white films about the Nazis, and the dread of them saying, papers please!
Well the Nazis didn't search you!
Now you've got to let them grope your wife.
Yeah, I got in there and said, you know, they let me through to one level without having any ID, but I told them I want to keep my shoes on, I want to keep my clothes on, and I don't want to be groped.
And I didn't have anything on my person except for a Bible, so it wasn't like it was complicated and it wasn't like I could conceal a bomb or something like that, but they just refused.
It did not take long for them to arrest me.
And since those laws are secret, as I'm sure you know, nobody really can know what their real screening process is.
In fact, whenever they refuse a congressman to fly or anybody, they say, look, it's all under the Patriot Act.
Well, that's right.
We don't have to tell you what we did or why we did it.
And that's probably no coincidence that they didn't charge me on anything related to that.
They charged me just criminal trespass.
They did the smallest thing possible.
Which is funny, you know, traveling, it's quasi-public, private.
But then the guy getting arrested for wearing the Peace on Earth shirt in a shopping mall, well, soon everything's quote, going to be, you know, private.
It's going to be, you have to have permission.
You know, that doesn't make any sense.
We have to have permission to be everywhere.
That's what they want.
Well, now the FBI has said they want checkpoints going into the mall.
Did you see that last year?
Oh yeah, they want to search us and have us take our shoes off at all the malls.
You know, we felt, we got a little feel for the police state this weekend because on Saturday when I took, because I told them ahead of time I was going to do this that way they wouldn't shoot me or something like that when I tried this, tried to make it as peaceful as possible.
The FBI came and interviewed me last Monday before this, and then on Saturday when we took off to the airport, they were staking out our house and followed us in at least two different cars, and they followed us all the way to the airport, which is an hour and a half from here.
And when we got to the airport, I recognized those are the two FBI agents that I talked to, and they never acknowledged that they were, you know, here we are being under surveillance when I've done nothing wrong.
Meanwhile, Los Zetas, which I'm sure you haven't heard about,
Up in your area, but they've killed over a hundred people, they're killing cops, they openly work for the CIA, they're going after their competition, anybody that doesn't pay their cut into the government for narcotics.
It's total badlum, the borders are totally open, the illegal aliens are given carte blanche, sheriffs and police chiefs are ordered to release them en masse, literally sir, but you are going to be treated as a slave.
Well, I used to live outside of LA, so I know what that world is like.
And it does seem silly, the restrictions we have to go through when we don't really have any control over our borders, which is not impossible.
Well, it's simple.
I mean, again, I'll say it again.
They're training us how to live like third-world slaves.
And look, imagine, folks, a year ago, two years ago, five years ago,
The things that are now happening.
Oh, we're going to retina scan all children.
Oh, we're going to issue national ID cards to all of you.
Imagine 20 years ago, we heard this about the Soviet Union.
In fact, it wasn't even this bad in many cases.
Now, first they said it was a privilege to drive.
Well, it's not really a privilege, but once they've got us trained to accept that, then they say it is.
So you've got to jump through all these hoops.
Now they're saying,
It's a privilege to own a gun!
Well, it's not really a privilege, it's a right, but if they get enough of us to accept that, we'll see now it's a privilege to travel!
It's a privilege, Dr. Phil says, it's a privilege to have a child, and the state has more rights than the parent.
Dr. Phil tells us it must be a privilege, Mr. Canning.
Well, that's the, that's the, when I interviewed with the FBI, they looked at me and said, you do not have the right to fly on a plane.
And they don't like it that any one of us would question them.
Hearing you before, the good thing that I hear from you is that you are confident that we can actually fix this.
I hear so many people moan and groan about it, but we have to do.
We have to fix this.
It's gone too far.
We've talked about what are we going to do when they come along with the National ID.
Well, it's here now.
That's what they want to force on us.
We have to stop.
We have to say no to them.
Otherwise, what stops us from being even more controlled than the guys in Communist Russia?
So, when you're talking to them, I mean, are you aware of Homeland Security visiting Rubik's Cube sellers?
I've heard of that kind of stuff.
Yeah, well, I mean, did you say, what are you doing?
I'm a political protester.
I'm demonstrating that my rights are being violated.
Yeah, I was looking at them and I kind of wanted to talk to them because I wanted to assure them that I wasn't going to be dangerous.
But I'm telling you, I get the feeling like you're in charge of my life and you don't acknowledge that you work for me.
That's not the attitude.
And what do these gods say to you, mere mortal?
They look at me and go, they were lecturing me on national security.
They said, this is not fun for me.
You're supposed to be working for me.
And look at what you're doing.
You're trying to lecture me about what I should do.
Ask him why the Bin Ladens didn't have to have IDs to fly out of the country.
And ask the FBI why they escorted them to the planes.
Did you ask them about that?
I've heard some about that, yeah.
It's just, it's unbelievable when you look at all the stuff.
When I went there, the TSA agents were nervous and scared to death.
Once I got past them to the sheriff's deputies, they acted like normal human beings.
But it's like they're so scared that you might reveal, you know, the wizard behind the curtain.
So why did they finally arrest you?
They just said, okay, leave now, you can't fly.
Yeah, because they're saying, I have to go through the secondary screening, otherwise you have to leave.
And I say, well, I don't want to leave.
I want to get on the plane.
And they said, well, I'm going to have to arrest you if you refuse to leave this.
So they were saying it's a privilege for me to be in that, you know, screening area.
And it's a privilege to own a gun, a privilege to own property, and a privilege to have children, and a privilege, and the government, of course, declares immunity for itself.
It is infallible.
It is gone.
Stay with us, sir.
I've got a few other key questions for you.
We're talking to Russell Canning, 35, who was arrested after refusing to comply with security screening procedures and refusing to leave the screening area, according to Rockingham County Sheriff's Department.
And, uh, folks, they're gonna have hardened checkpoints built on all the roads that double as toll roads, and you'll have to put up with this everywhere.
You gonna put up with it?
We'll be right back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, our guest...
Who is a real American patriot putting himself in between us and the machinery of despotism, Russell Canning.
He hit the sweet spot.
He knocked the golf ball about 2,000 yards.
He's absolutely right.
I mean, they're our servants.
They're here to uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
They work for us.
But in all their actions, in all their statements, in everything they're doing, it's clear terrorism, which has been manufactured by these very individuals, is being used as a pretext to enslave us and to build this overarching system with the mechanisms of control.
And I hope you sue them.
For official oppression, I hope you expose the fraud, the color of law, because they are violating your basic right to travel.
You know, your rights, folks, aren't just the right to not have your feelings hurt and the right to not be called a name.
That's not a right, folks.
Your right is to travel, to be able to save money, to live your life, to raise your children.
Mr. Canning, where does this go from here?
Well, this particular one, I'm not sure where we'll go.
Sometimes we try to let things come to us, you know, but it's just kind of the start for me.
You know, I'm just getting started in this willingness to actually disobey them.
What was the final straw?
What tipped you into doing this?
Well, it was the Real ID passing.
When the Senate passed it with 100 to nothing, they're definitely telling us that they're in charge and we're supposed to just do it their way.
You know, a couple years from now, because they're threatening that if the state of New Hampshire doesn't follow along with the program, people from our state, even though they have driver's licenses from the state, won't be able to travel by plane.
I thought this would be a good way for people to see a normal person going up, and you don't have to, like your show exposes, some of your videos expose how many of the conspiracies are true.
Well, sometimes those people can't believe that kind of stuff, but they can see a normal person walking up there and being treated
What about Right to Revolt?
The week before 9-11 I had a bunch of different members of your select men and others on
And members of town councils, the majority of New Hampshire was about to pull out of the union.
It was getting almost no attention and then 9-11 took place.
You guys have Article 10.
Why not have New Hampshire and other states pull out and then recodify the union and expose this District of Columbia corporation for what it is?
That's a good idea.
Are you aware of what was happening three and a half years ago?
I wasn't here in New Hampshire at that time.
I just moved here last year.
But everybody's just forgotten about that, you know?
Well, that's the way things are, yeah.
They scare us into all rallying back to the flag, I guess, huh?
But the flag symbolizes the Bill of Rights.
It doesn't symbolize a black scheme inch.
Yeah, exactly.
But that would be a good thing for us to do, at least inside the power of each one of the states.
To refuse to go along with these things that are obviously, you know, controlling us.
Well, and again, it's not just a federally standardized ID.
It's all the databases, the private stuff you purchase, swiping your card when you buy something.
It's all going into these databases.
And you're a trailblazer, and I salute you.
Anything else, Mr. Canning?
Keep up the good work, Alex.
Any way for folks to get in contact with you in New Hampshire that want to support you?
Some of the guys that amongst us this year, we use a website called nhfree.com.
Keep up with what we're doing.
So if folks are in New England and want to join you in the rebellion against tyranny, they can do that?
Yeah, and we do all of our planning in the open.
The FBI can even track us.
Well good, because we're tracking them.
We're the good guys wearing the white hats.
They've got to hide.
You should have seen the fun my wife had making them have trouble tracking us.
We were laughing our heads off.
They're bumbling.
We're going to beat them.
We're going to win.
We're going to get this country back.
And Mr. Canning, God bless you.
You too.
Alright, we'll be right back with the second hour.
I'll hit a few news items in this first little segment.
Then we've got Daniel Estillon joining us for part two of his Bilderberg Group expose.
The website's PrisonPlanet.tv.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Now into hour number two of this live Tuesday edition, the 14th day of June, 2005.
Daniel Escalon going into his 14th year covering the Bilderberg Group.
Next to Jim Tucker, he's been fighting it the longest and basically in a perpetual fashion in an unabated blitzkrieg against them.
He traveled to the Bilderberg Group this year in Germany.
He was on with us a few weeks ago and told us he'd come back on when his part two of his detailed analysis came out with just bombshell
Revelation after bombshell revelation and he's got some new revelations more than or even in his part two that he just published last Friday.
So Daniel Esfahan joining us from Madrid, Spain coming up here in about five minutes.
And we're going to have him with us for about an hour and a half later in this hour.
We will open the phones up
For those that would like to get involved on air at 1-800-259-9231.
Some of the news that needs to be covered.
There's really an excellent news article on InfoWars.com from the Raw Story.
The Path of War Timeline.
And it is a detailed timeline from public statements by George Bush and his staff even before he was elected President.
Openly laying out how they would lie to us, how they would manipulate us.
So this is very important.
I want to go over some of that with Mr. Estolán later.
Also, Congressman Jones, Walter Jones, who's been worshipping Bush and came up with a ridiculous sophomoric term, Freedom Fries, he now admits he was wrong and that we were all lied to.
A bill has been introduced so Bush can stay in for another four years of the presidency.
Just shows you the dictatorial attitudes of the people in control.
Very, very serious.
And Pentagon gives no excuses for suspects' treatment.
This out of AFP.
Senators aghast, the U.S.
military on Sunday offered no excuses for interrogation techniques used on Saudi terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, saying this questioning followed a detailed plan and the prevention of new attacks justified the means.
So, the Pentagon in open testimony says that they're following the Gonzales Doctrine, which openly calls for tabling, that is grounding,
Pulling fingernails out, beating, starvation, and sexual rape.
But you read the mainstream news, they will not report on what came out in Senate hearings.
They will say it's all lies made up.
And Newsweek, which is a CIA front group, will prance around saying they're wrong, as the military openly in front of TV cameras says they're doing it.
Ha ha!
You gotta love it, folks.
You really gotta love it.
And as the law enforcement magazines call for torturing you at checkpoints.
Yes, major law enforcement magazines going back from before 9-11 and getting worse today.
Call for arresting anyone with an anti-UN sticker.
Calls for using pressure tactics, choking you to answer questions.
Putting bags over your head.
And meanwhile, we have video of them breaking pro-lifers' arms, torturing anti-war activists until they pass out.
We're sitting on a soccer field, peacefully.
And, uh, but, oh, there's no torture, even as the President says there's torture.
So, it's just mass mind control.
Mass mind control.
Iran has been hit by a wave of bombings and says the U.S.
is behind it.
Well, I mean, a year and a half ago, Bush openly... Remember, they had all the bombings and rioting and our government admitted they were funding it?
Can you imagine if Iran was over here blowing stuff up?
To destabilize the country?
And really scary news about internet taxation from the Washington Post.
The cover-up on Mad Cow now unraveling.
Ultra-massive transmission straight ahead.
You don't want to miss Daniel Estillan.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We'll get hooked up with our guest in Madrid, Spain, with the Hairlips the Admiral.
Here sometime in the next thousand years.
Just being sarcastic, folks.
Borders must pay California tax on web sales.
And this is out of the Associated Press and Appleton.
A court ruling against Borders Group Incorporated sets a precedent that could enable California to force some major internet retailers to start paying sales taxes
For books and music and other goods sold online to state residents.
Now, folks, for a hundred years we've had the Sears Roebuck catalog.
And people have ordered stuff out of state and not paid sales taxes.
There's no difference.
But the federal government, state governments are all pushing and driving to start internet sales tax.
And it's already happening.
I mean, if you order an Apple computer
from their home base in Washington State or in Oregon, they will charge you sales tax.
And it's all color of law, it's all just more regulatory hooey, and it's very very scary.
Whether California tax collectors use the precedent to go after not only Borders, but Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and other online retailers remains to be seen.
But independent booksellers and other brick-and-mortar retailers have been cheering, saying the ruling should remove their internet competition's unfair advantage.
There's a lot of online retailers who are watching this intently, said Tom Dressler, a spokesman for the California Attorney General's Office.
Clearly online retailing is growing, so one would think the potential revenue problem is fairly substantial.
Businesses can avoid paying sales taxes to states where they have no physical presence, according to a 1992 U.S.
Supreme Court ruling.
Borders Group Inc.
says it has never collected sales taxes for books and music sold over the Internet to California residents, even though an Ann Arbor, Michigan-based corporate parent operates 129 California stores under the Borders and Walden Books brands.
Well, they should have to pay the sales tax
At those stores, which they do.
As well as 414,000 square foot distribution center in the state.
Now that's where they're losing the court battles.
It's because they got a distribution center in the state, shipping from the state to the rest of the country, and to California residents.
And that's the only argument they've got.
But, the regulators are saying that if they get this ruling, they're going to use it, period.
And they're already trying.
And it's going to hurt one of the few areas where the free market is still growing and still vibrant, and that's the Internet.
Any word on our guest, Daniel Estillon?
Are we able to dial him?
Yeah, you know what we need to do?
Daniel Estillon, I know he's a listener.
Sir, you may just need to have to call us.
I'm really sorry.
But we've had him on before.
And my producer is out playing TiddlyWinks right now, so we can't get a proper number for him.
And sometimes we have problems getting in touch with Spain.
It might just be a phone line problem.
But we've got an hour and 40-something minutes, 47 minutes, until this transmission ends.
So we'll get Daniel Estelan on later today, or we'll get him on tomorrow.
Or we'll go jump in the lake.
Or we'll go fly a kite.
We'll go with something like that.
But continuing with the news here, ladies and gentlemen, Iran hit by wave of bombings blames U.S.
This is out of Iran news.
Iran was struck by a wave of deadly bombings in the rest of southwestern city.
And the Capitol Sunday, when the Islamic regime accused U.S.-backed terrorists of seeking to stabilize the country, just days ahead of presidential elections, according to AFP.
At least eight people were killed and 75 wounded by a series of four blasts outside several public buildings in Ashzaz, on
Ethnic Arab majority city, close to the Iraqi border, that is the capital of Oil-Rish Khuzestan province.
Later Sunday, another blast hit Busy Square in Tehran, the capital of the Islamic Republic, killing two people and seriously wounding at least two others, official media said.
Now I want to stop right here, because we've got our guest, but since I got into Iran and this latest string of bombings, I need to spend a few minutes on it, then we'll go to our guest.
Well, I'm very happy to have.
I was looking forward to relishing this interview, because he's a great mind and a great reporter, Daniel Estolan, on the Bilderberg Group and his Part 2 report on this situation with these global kingmakers and controllers.
But back to Iran.
Right after the takeover of Baghdad, and that's all they took over two years ago, our government admitted
That they were funding hundreds of millions of dollars in bombings and shootings and terrorist attacks in Iran to try to overthrow that country.
Attacking police stations, killing cops, blowing stuff up.
Our government admitted it!
Because, you know, they're terrorists in Tehran!
And so I have no doubt that this latest string of bombings and destabilization ahead of the elections there
Is meant to get a hardline regime in.
Our government, our State Department is very upset that a regime that is not hardline is about to get into power.
In fact, the current regime is not hardline compared to the last regime.
And that regime is not hardline compared to the regime before that.
They are reforming.
They are becoming more free market.
They are allowing more freedom.
Our government doesn't like that.
They're allowing the French and others and Germans and Russians in to develop the oil.
They don't like that.
They're angry about that.
And so, they do not... Again, these bombings will get a hardline regime in, and they lead right back to the globalists.
Now, understand, and I've got to get these professors on.
Six months ago, I heard an NPR report.
And I'd already read about this and read the U.S.
government documents, but to hear Kermit Roosevelt, that's really his name, not Kermit the Frog, Kermit Roosevelt, to hear him on NPR bragging, I sat there in my car at Home Depot late at night for 30 minutes listening to this report.
And I wrote notes and of course lost the notes and never got the people on.
Kermit Roosevelt's now dead, but they had a recording of him and all these professors on, and they were saying it was good.
And they were talking about Mosaddegh.
Now this guy wore a suit, short hair, had a secular republic, Christians were totally free, Jews were totally free, everything was milk and honey, literally Time Magazine Man of the Year, threw the Soviets out in the north, kicked them out of the country, and then BP, British Petroleum, said, you will give us 100% of your oil.
And he said, no, you will get
We're going to keep some of this and give it to the people.
We're going to give it to private companies that buy shares in it.
We're going to have our own oil company.
And so here was Kermit Roosevelt on the radio who did this in 1953 saying, we hired 2,000 thugs
We hired 2,000 people.
We blew up mosques.
We shot people.
We bombed.
We printed up thousands of flyers saying, up with Mosaddegh.
Up with communism.
The people bought it.
Went absolutely ape.
Mosaddegh was kicked out.
In went the young, you know, 17-year-old Shaw.
Set up the torture squads.
They got all the oil.
And here's Kermit Roosevelt bragging about this.
I've got to
Find that audio file on NPR.
I've got a play clip of that.
Just admitting it.
I've got it.
We blew up Mosque.
We shot people.
We bombed.
And we blamed it on Mosaddegh.
Mosaddegh, folks.
A good guy.
And so do you blame the Iranians for putting the Ayatollah Khomeini in?
Who was much better than the Shaw.
And I don't want to hear about our hostages, folks.
I know the Ayatollah probably had my head cut off in ten seconds.
A pretty evil guy.
I'm not saying he's a good guy.
I'm saying compared to the Shaw, he is.
And of course, our government did this, putting the Shaw in to begin with.
So, again, they don't want free countries.
They don't want free countries.
They want dictatorships in that they own.
All right, Daniel Estolán, thanks for holding during the last five-minute diatribe, but I've already gotten into that.
I look forward to having you through this hour, into the next hour, if you'll stay with us.
Good to have you on, my friend.
Thank you.
What do you think about my Iran comments?
Then we'll go to break and get back into the Bilderberg Group.
Oh, it's actually very, very true.
Kermit Roosevelt, the former CIA agent, he was born in 1916 and died at the age of 84.
And you're right, he was the one who overthrew the
Iran's independently minded Prime Minister, Mohamed Moussadegh, and restored the Shah to what they call the Peacock Throne.
And what's incredible is, why would he get on the radio, in a recording I think they did in the early 70's, why would he get on the radio and brag about killing innocent people and blaming it on somebody?
He's an arrogant bastard!
I mean, I'm not a mind reader, I don't know exactly why he did that.
But who do these people think they are?
I think they're the CIA.
They do that once in a while.
Wow, so you know all about that then?
I do know a few things about the CIA.
They're actually very, very good people on the Patriots.
Quite a few friends there.
They are not the assassins.
There are a few bad guys there, but most of them are good people who joined the CIA to protect the country.
I mean, they love the United States and that's why they joined the force.
Well, let's talk about your latest info.
There's some big, big, big reports.
New developments when we get back with our guest, Daniel Estillon.
Daniel, sorry we got you on late, but you are here with us now, and good job for the crew getting that done.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Daniel Escalon is a Canadian living in Madrid, Spain.
An award-winning journalist.
Been covering Bilderberg Group for coming up on 14 years.
Worked with Jim Tucker and many others.
He'll be with us into the next hour.
We'll also take calls later.
Daniel Escalon, you got more out of this meeting than you've ever gotten out of any other.
You said last time you were with us.
A lot of big new developments.
You've just put out part two of your report.
Tell us all about it.
There's a part three coming out as well in a few weeks.
Well, I'd like to begin with the Virginia Governor, Mark Warner, who was the first time invited to the conference.
Now, he was quite concerned about the U.S.
assuming greater financial responsibility.
Now, I was so curious about the whole thing that he was bludgeoned by several Bilderberg heavyweights, and it remains to be seen if he will change his tune and if he falls in line.
I was curious about his appearance at the Bilderberg meeting, is that literally a month later, according to the June 11th report in the Washington Post,
Warner is forming a federal political action committee and has hired a former top aide to ex-Vice President Gore to advise him on national politics.
Now, her name is Monica Dixon.
She is Gore's former Deputy Chief of Staff.
And Dixon is in charge of helping to set up meetings between Warner and the Democrats across the country as he makes the transition.
From Governor to Private Citizen.
It's just like Bill Clinton in 91 making a trek there, or Tony Blair.
They're the Kingmakers.
According to the Post, the new Political Action Committee, which has not been named, will allow Warner to begin raising money for a possible run at a Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, while he finishes his term in Virginia.
And I still forgive him, I have a bit of a cold, so if I cough once in a while, it's because of that.
Now, Warner is limited, for your listeners' information, to one term as governor, so his options are, one, to move up or to move out.
Now, I think in the present climate of utter mediocrity in American politics, he believes, and not without reason, to be able to take the White House.
And if you can get David Rockefeller and company behind him, so much the better.
Now, I've been told by the Secret Service agents since the end of the Bilderberg Conference that Warner was informally invited to Rockefeller Estate shortly after the Bilderberg Conference.
Now, that isn't to say that he and Rockefeller have met, but that the standing invitation is there.
Now, that's a big step forward for Virginia government.
Now, I haven't personally been invited to Rockefeller's house, and I have a feeling you, Alex, have not been either.
So definitely they're positioning him as a possible golden boy, but last time you got into your intel about your sources inside, they're very upset about patriots, conservatives, and the movement against what's happening.
Also the movement in Europe against the Euro.
Can you recap that for us, and then I want to get into the new developments.
Okay, I got off the phone about ten minutes before you guys called.
As a matter of fact, I thought it was you calling.
I have to be very careful how I phrase this.
Because this person's job and definitely their life could be in danger.
Now this person is someone who works in the administrative staff of one of American Bilderbergers who may not necessarily have attended this year's conference, who was speaking to another American Bilderberger who did attend this year's conference.
And according to the conversation, what this person was able to get from listening to one end of it,
These people are very, very unhappy about the development.
Now they're saying if such a small group of patriots can create such a groundswell of support on the ground level of the United States, and if they're using this as a litmus test, now imagine when the time comes to fight them against us, what we can expect or what they can expect.
So they're definitely very upset about that development.
So, I mean, let me get this right.
They're planning a big move in the future, but they're worried that we're willing to go up against them and we have power?
I think we've always known that there's going to be a big move against us, but I think they've never realized just how much support is out there.
And I think this patriot movement in America, especially in the southern United States, the people who are guarding
No, no, no.
On a minute level in the United States, they are using this as a litmus test.
Now, if this thing had failed, they would not have been as upset, but because of all the trouble they're getting in Europe, because England and several other nations in Europe are postponing indefinitely the constitutional referendum, because of all the movement in the United States, the Patriot Movement and the Amendment Movement, and because Canada is still free, these people are not very happy.
Now, you told us that you got this from sources inside the Bilderberg Group meeting.
Is this new development from one of the participants outside the meeting?
This new development was from one of the administrative staff who works for one of the American Bilderbergers.
So this is a separate new confirmation.
This is a new development.
I literally got the telephone about 10 minutes ago when I received the phone call.
I thought it was you guys calling me from the Alex Jones Show and it was this person calling me from home.
He just got back.
So this is another person because Tucker and you have said you've got two other people inside saying it.
This would be a third.
We'll be right back.
Daniel Estolano, this is amazing.
Stay with us.
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Folks, I know sometimes I sound frantic on the air,
I get irritable, I get angry.
I mean, think about what we're facing here.
Criminals, sworn to dissolve our borders, set up world taxation, world regulation, they're openly announcing it on national TV, they're issuing national ID cards, they're militarizing the police against us, transponders for all the vehicles, they're openly announcing it.
They're lying about weapons of mass destruction, the globalists are clearly behind the terror attacks.
They're putting cancer viruses in vaccines.
They're a bunch of eugenics, Nazis, trash.
And I love my family, and I'm sick and tired of it.
And I remember ten years ago talking about the Bilderberg Grip and being called an idiot.
It doesn't exist, I'm insane.
Three years ago in the New York Times, it doesn't exist, I'm insane.
All we're doing is talking about real things.
And a lot of you are in denial.
You don't want to admit that everything isn't hunky-dory, that it isn't some fairytale land, you know, that you're not a five-year-old child anymore.
You have been lied to.
You are being lied to.
Corrupt, evil people are in control.
They're not in control of everything, though, and we gotta stop them.
Now Daniel Estillon, please, blow by blow, go through, because I got this from Tucker, I got this from you, I got this from others who have sources inside, but you and Tucker are preeminent.
You've been covering it, you know, as long as he has, he's been doing it for 27 years, but you've been doing it for almost 14.
This is the MO I'm getting.
Angry, throwing fits, arguing with each other.
They know they're having major problems.
They've got a tiger by the tail.
They're trying to balance, you know, a hundred plates in their hands.
And it's about to topple.
They're behind schedule, so they're having to accelerate their program.
They openly want world government.
They admit they're behind schedule.
So, they're frustrated.
Now, from two sources inside, now from another source, you're getting it,
Let's go over it.
Please detail this more for us.
Which part?
More about how they're frustrated about the Patriot Movement in America, then I want to get into oil prices doubling, and then all the other new developments.
Okay, well, the Patriot Movement is definitely causing them a lot of grief.
They are way behind schedule.
The military movement in America is causing a lot of problems.
They want to disarm the United States.
They've been after them for so long, and they still haven't been able to do this.
And again, as I said to you in the last interview I had with you a couple of weeks ago, we are free in Europe because the United States Patriots still have control of their guns.
And the Minutemen Movement is, that's a very, very important development.
And again, I just received a phone call from somebody who's not a Bilderberger, who works for someone who is a member of the Bilderbergers.
And this person, from listening to the conversation, overheard enough to put two and two together, and to tell me basically to relay the information.
And from what I know, what I've been told, I can basically tell that they're very, very unhappy about the developments in the United States.
Now, to be clear, you got a lot of the same info from people that were at the conference when you were outside the gates.
Now, let's be clear on this.
They openly have said in the past they want gun control, they want open borders, they want euro taxation.
Yes, I'm here.
Okay, good.
I heard a beep.
This is on the agenda.
Specifically this time, with these three sources, did they specifically bring up the Second Amendment?
I don't have that information as of yet.
I will try to see what I can get, but I don't have that.
I haven't been told that the Second Amendment was on the agenda.
In any case, things like the Second Amendment would not be brought up in formal discussions.
They would be brought up more in informal cocktail discussions.
Yeah, we know it's been brought up in the past, but the point is, is that... Okay, then specifically, exactly what did they say?
Just that we're giving them problems.
That they're having a lot of problems, that they're very concerned about the Patriot Movement, and they're very concerned about the developments inside the United States with the Middleman Movement.
Because again, if they're using this, and the information that I got from my source, who I just spoke to a couple of, half an hour ago, is if this is a litmus test, and they're getting so much heat, and so much ground support, and such ground swell of emotions from people in the United States supporting the movement, if when the time comes to fight and to take sides, they can expect a lot worse problems.
Despite all their full court press demonization of the Minutemen, major polls, 80% of Americans are for them.
So they know that their propaganda, people are becoming immune to it.
Do you agree with that statement, Daniel?
I think it's simple.
I think when you don't have enough to eat and your children are starving to death, you basically do support the Patriot Movement.
And the economy is in shambles, despite what they say.
Economically, the world taxation, the increase in oil prices, what did you get from your sources this year?
Basically, I didn't get anything new other than what I told you in the last interview.
This is, of course, one of their favorite subjects on the agenda, taxing of the world head.
And they're putting this through the United Nations tax.
They're trying to put it through.
Of course, it's going to take a little bit of time.
Now, as I said in the report, I'm trying to remember the exact words.
I can't remember what they were.
What about this new airline tax?
They want an international tax on airline tickets.
Well, I'm actually investigating that.
If you will give me a couple of weeks, I'll have more information on that.
But, again, they're very worried about the U.S.
They're concerned
About the oil, we'll get to the oil in a minute.
But they're very, very concerned about the developments in the United States in the oil sector and the airline sector.
The economy, as you said, is in shambles, and they're definitely getting a lot of heat from the people in the United States about all the developments inside the United States with the militia movement, the Patriot movement, and throughout the United States with the Patriot movement.
Now, as I said to you, as far as the UN taxes,
Now, they're trying to sell this.
Here it is.
They were discussing it at the deliver conference, and they were trying to find the best way to present it as a seller to the American public.
Now, as I said in the report, one European commissioner suggested using the rhetoric of helping countries build peaceful societies when conflict subsides.
And that's exactly what they're saying with this new travel tax, this new airline tax.
At the battery, not exactly.
And we got as much information when it was confirmed a posteriori, when Denmark's foreign minister, Moller, during a debate, I believe it was on the 26th or the 25th of May at the United Nations, stated on the record that, and I quote, if the international community is not able to act swiftly, the fragile peace is at risk with loss of more lives as a consequence.
And again, Denmark right now holds the Presidency, Council Presidency.
And as of July 1st, it will be replaced by Britain.
But even in that point, the Builder Brothers were arguing as to the best way of doing it.
Meanwhile, the U.S.
and England have pulled out all the stops selling all these weapons, the third world dictatorships, and they're trying to fund wars everywhere.
Then they'll come in and swoop in to fix the global crisis with a global tax.
As you said before I went on, the wars are great uniters.
So if you want the worst regime possible for the world in Iran, that's what you do.
You start a war.
Yeah, they want radical governments in, so then they have somebody to be an enemy.
Getting into the oil, now I got this too from Tucker, who is always spot on, and this scares me.
They're predicting.
Now, sometimes they're wrong, but very rarely.
Kissinger and others, from your sources, tell us what they're predicting with oil.
Well, I've got a lot of additional information.
If you give me a couple of minutes, I'll just go over that.
Step by step.
Natural gas and oil.
First of all,
Again, I got this since you and I talked, and since I published the second part of the Bilderberg Report.
On a daily basis, I'm getting a lot of fresh information from people who are seeing my reports and who are coming forward with a lot of great stuff.
So, first of all, almost all of Europe, even perhaps Ireland, is going to become dependent on Russian natural gas to stay warm.
Now, Britain has just become a net gas importer in the face of North Sea decline.
Second of all, Russia has much less natural gas than the economists and bookkeepers have predicted.
Molière Herre, who is a legendary French energy expert with his renowned calculations, recently concluded that natural gas demand in Europe was going to grow at 6.4% per year into the future.
Now, the global natural gas cliff, based on his calculations, would hit approximately 2030.
And that according to him, there will be zero reserves left by 2050.
Now, he calmly announced recently that as far as Russian gas reserves went, there was a 50% difference between the technical data on Russian gas and what he called the political data.
Now, as far as the oil, for the record, Gawar, which is Saudi Arabia's most important oil field, according to the ultimate recoverable reserves in 1975, were estimated at 60 billion barrels by ExxonMobil, Texaco and Chevron.
It has produced 55 billion barrels up to the end of 2003 and is still producing about 1.8 billion per year.
Now, that more or less shows you that it's very, very close
We're good.
I was recently at a conference and this man was speaking.
He was saying that supply is sufficient to satisfy growth until 2020.
But he also admitted that the current decline was at 4-6% per year.
Now economic growth, as you know, is not possible without increased energy production.
When someone asked where ExxonMobil was working feverishly to find new reserves, this Johnson character rattled off a list of countries and regions
Already well familiar to anyone following the energy crisis, West Africa, the Middle East, South America, not one of those well explored regions has anything near the 2-3 Gawar fields that we in the world need to find immediately to avert a crisis.
Now, assuming that sufficient oil was found, how much money would be needed to develop it and bring it to the market?
Now, according to ExxonMobil's spokesman, he indicated that the global annual investment of $530 billion
Would be required.
Again, we're talking about some very, very big numbers.
People, we consume about 80 million barrels a day.
But for every 10 barrels of conventional oil consumed, only 4 new barrels are discovered.
Now another recent development discussed at the Bilderberg meeting in Rotterheggen in Germany is declining oil production from entire countries as opposed to individual fields.
So this is something new that I've gotten over the last couple of days.
Until the 1990s, only two countries
I'm sorry, we're in decline, including the United States, where production peaked in 1971.
By the late 1990s, the BP British Petroleum Statistics show at least 10 significant producers in decline, and two more were added each year from 1999 to 2001.
Now, we're talking about Gabon, we're talking about Australia, we're talking about the United Kingdom.
We're good to go!
So what does the future hold, basically, for us, Alex?
I think for one thing, there will be an oil crisis very, very soon.
Whether this means that it has already begun or won't happen until later in the decade, or sometimes in the next decade, I really don't know.
But in my view, the numbers are not dependable enough for us to say.
However, what I can tell you, and I think this is very, very important, again, I'm not a mind reader, Alex,
I have no idea what these people were thinking of while they were in Guadalajara, but I can tell you from watching them for years that they were not playing to and for the gallery.
For the first time in the 13 years that I've been following them, these people, I saw them scared.
And when the Bilderbergers get nervous, we should be trembling from fear.
I mean, he had half-president of the Council on Foreign Relations arguing with Peter Sutherland, the chairman of Goldman Sachs and BP,
Arguing with Jerome Van Der Veer, Chairman of Shell, Royal Dutch Shell.
I have a couple of pictures where I actually see them arguing.
Kissinger was told off by several prominent Bilderbergers.
Now, Iraq in the past was a great uniter of European Bilderbergers against the U.S.
But this is very, very different.
And from what I can see, for the first time, they are at a loss as to what to do.
Because you know, when the dirty masses rise up, because their children are hungry,
No amount of guns will be able to stop us from storming the barricades.
Now, Daniel Escalante, I've been reading your reporting for years, and it's excellent, and I know that from this meeting you got Kissinger talking about a doubling in oil prices by when?
Yes, sir.
Henry Kissinger, now we had Tucker on and he talked about this as well, but what info did you get on Henry Kissinger, specifically on oil?
How much did he say it would go up to?
Well, the initial information was $150 a barrel, but as a matter of fact, I'm getting information right now, there were other talks at the conference where people were talking about $180 and even $300 a barrel.
Again, we don't really know.
Yeah, Tucker said his sources that were right there in the meetings were saying 150.
Well, we actually coincided on that.
No, no, I understand.
I understand you guys have the same witnesses, but now you're hearing as high as 300 a barrel?
Well, what's curious about this is that Jim's sources and my sources are different.
And the information that I got from his source and the information I got from mine, we sat down and I said, okay, write it down on a piece of paper and I'm going to do the same.
So we wrote it down on a piece of paper and I said, give me yours and I'll give you mine.
I gave him my piece of paper and he passed me his.
And I looked at the piece of paper and the same number that I had written down, he had written down on his.
And regardless, folks, oil is at $56 a barrel today.
Can you imagine what it would be at $150 a barrel?
Can you imagine it being at $300?
Well, let's go over this for a second, because I've been studying artificial scarcity.
And I know that from your sources at Bilderberg, they're saying this, they're discussing this, other big oil company people are saying this.
I understand what you're getting into with peak oil, but let's be specific here.
They're masters at saying there's no water, and then doubling and tripling prices.
That's in IMF documents.
They're masters at saying that diamonds are precious when they're hardly even semi-precious through a monopoly that they gouge us.
I know that a lot of oil fields are in decline.
I know they found a lot of new oil, and it will be a big investment to get to that oil.
And I know that they've suppressed for 30 years alternative technologies that will now take decades to implement
I believe they're going to let us have this oil crisis, regardless of whether it's real or manufactured, I think it's a little of both, to then watch all the wealth in the world that they don't control capitalize into their coffers via a grid, a system built according to oil.
You know, total dependency on it.
So, you know, when I hear Kissinger and these guys shooting their mouths off about this, don't they want extremely high oil prices to be able to profit off of us?
Maybe so, but again, I'm not a mind reader.
I couldn't tell you what these people were thinking, but I can tell you.
Well, we have Exxon and Mobil and BP and all of them posting the biggest profits in history.
It's true, but again, for example, Royal Dutch Shell a couple of years ago had to revise and revise again and revise for the fourth time.
I'm not a mind reader, I couldn't tell you, but I saw them scared, Alex, and that makes me very, very worried.
What are they scared of?
What specifically, out of the whole spectrum of fear, what are they most afraid of?
Stay there.
After this break, we'll get this answer from Daniel Esdalon.
We'll also give you some of the websites where you can read his amazing reportage and see the articles, his past articles, and look at all the photos he and others have taken.
Just a great reporting from Daniel Esdalon, regardless of what the
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Exposing Bilderberg.
One of them is Bilderberg.org and a lot of Daniel Esselstam's stuff is posted there.
American Free Press, he writes for them.
There's a lot of online news journals.
We also posted at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and he's been out there again for over 13 years exposing Bilderberg, writing about it, covering it.
Later in the next hour, I want to get into how Mr. Escalon, Jim Tucker, others actually get grabbed by the secret police, you get followed, you get harassed.
You know, we've talked about Bilderberg itself, but I want to talk about the things they do to the people that are exposing it.
But first off, I want to take some calls when we get into the next hour, Mike in Arizona and others.
The toll-free number is 1-800-259-9231.
And before the break,
We were getting into what they really fear, what they're most afraid of.
And Mr. Estolano, out of all the things they're afraid of, what is scaring them the most right now?
I'm glad I had a couple of minutes to think about it.
Whether peak oil, Alex, is true or not is ultimately, I think, irrelevant.
The energy crash and the economic chaos
It causes, have been on the agenda of the Bilderbergers and organizations such as Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission for some time.
Well yeah, they burst these bubbles on purpose to consolidate.
Exactly, it's a necessary step to redrawing the political lines of power across the globe.
We got the IMF documents, Greg Powell's got them three years ago, and they actually say, we want to create riots, we want to create problems, but now it seems like they've made such a big crisis that they're worried that it may blow up even bigger than they thought, and they can't
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, they need to do that because any kind of blood will more accurately reflect the one world police state of human design.
Now, I think we have reached the point where human consciousness will no longer tolerate authoritarian control of its destiny.
And the billboarders, they know this and plan to break the spirit with a harvest of blood, war, famine, and misery.
Which is why as soon as one war ends, be it Afghanistan, the cry goes up, who's next?
Be it Iraq, the cry goes up, who's next?
And, you know, the turn is for the next wars of Iran.
Now, something very, very interesting as far as what you just asked me.
On June the 1st, Henry Kissinger, the former U.S.
Secretary of State, in the Financial Times warned that a global battle for control of energy resources could become the modern equivalent of the 19th century Great Game, as he called it, the conflict between the United Kingdom and the Tsarist Russia.
And that's exactly what Brzezinski said in 1997.
And you know, Kissinger is saying this, this is again, this is all coming out of the Billenberg meeting, and all this information, Mark Warren, the Democratic Virginia Governor, Kissinger talking about the energy crisis, we'll get to the elections in Germany where Angela Merkel, the boy... So, energy, energy, energy, they're most concerned about energy.
I think it's one of the key points.
I think it's always been one of the key areas of the agenda.
And again, I have no idea what these people really are thinking.
But why are they panicking so much this year?
Because I've gotten that from all our sources, that they really are concerned.
Well, because we may very well be coming to an end, to the recoil point, again, according to information.
We're getting, there's only about 35 years of energy supply, of oil supply left in the world, if you follow the Hubbard curve.
But they've always wanted population control, and they've got their own minions out there promoting this as the pretext for population reduction.
Well, exactly.
Again, when the price of oil goes up to $300 a barrel, a lot of people, they won't need to kill anyone.
A lot of people will be dying on their own, when the oil is so expensive, and you can't heat your home, the poor will be the first ones to die.
So again, it's one of the great ways to get rid of population surplus.
Yeah, I think they've been engineering this thing from the start and we saw this coming years ago.
Stay there, Daniel Estolano.
We're going to have him with us for the entire next hour despite his cold.
We appreciate him joining us.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, we're now into this third and final hour of this June 14, 2005 edition.
Daniel Estelan, a Canadian living in Madrid, Spain and covering the Bilderberg Group for 13 years with Jim Tucker and others.
His articles can be read at AmericanFreePress.net.
They can also be seen at Bilderberg.org, Infowars.com, OnlineJournal.com, you name it.
Just type in Daniel Estelan and you'll get hundreds and hundreds of great sites getting the truth out.
We have a big fat link to a bunch of his stories and his bio right now on InfoWars.com.
We've been talking about what's on the Bilderberg Group agenda in the last 40 minutes with our guest.
He'll be with us for this hour.
We'll get more into that agenda.
They're very upset this year.
Things are out of control for them.
Many levels.
And I want to talk about the personal experiences of Daniel Estolano and his other colleagues being harassed by Bilderberg, and get into some of the personal mentality of these elitists.
So we'll get into that as well, but first your calls at 1-800
2-5-9-9-2-3-1 1-800-2-5-9-9-2-3-1 if you want to get involved on air.
Mike in Arizona, thanks for holding.
You're on the air with Daniel Estolano.
Yeah, hi Alex, Daniel.
I don't mean to diminish in any way what information Daniel's brought, but I think he needs a little guidance here on this so-called oil crisis.
I'm afraid this is an example of life imitating art.
I don't know if you remember the old Robert Redford movie, Three Days of the Condor, where Cliff Robertson, towards the end of the movie, is explaining the way of the world to Redford.
He says, you know, when the American people don't have their heating oil and what have you, they're not going to ask.
They just want us to get it for them.
And I'm afraid this just sounds a little too convenient for the globalists.
In my experience, I cut my teeth in oil and gas exploration with Texaco.
I worked for them for about five and a half years and went straight out of college.
It was very unsatisfying.
They were in no big hurry to develop fields.
You'd work up prospects and present it to management.
And they'd say, yeah, that's wonderful, good job.
There are capped wells that oil shoots out of the ground under pressure all over Texas, Oklahoma, Illinois.
In one field in Alaska, there's enough to run this country for 100 years.
But that's the fact.
They are not developing a lot of new fields.
I've got their documents where they say we're going to create artificial scarcity in water and things like that, so I'm not saying the crisis isn't real, because they're going to make it real, but Daniel Estalon, what do you say to Mike?
I didn't hear the question.
You're unable to hear him?
No, I heard him, but I didn't hear the question.
I wasn't able to pick up the question and all that.
Well, I mean, I think he's just... I think he's asking you...
Don't you think they're manufacturing this crisis?
Again, I don't know, Alex.
I mean, I couldn't tell you.
I can just tell you what I've... you know, the information that I got from people who... who work on the inside with the Dollar Burgers.
And the information I'm getting is people are nervous and they're worried.
Now, this is a manufacturing crisis and all, I couldn't really tell you.
But I can tell you from all the information that I'm getting and all the things that we're seeing, it may very well be a manufacturing crisis.
But the end result is there's going to be an oil crisis over the next couple of years.
Well, I'll give you an example.
There's going to be an internet crisis
Because they're not building the new hubs, and they're shifting stuff over to trusted computing and internet too, to then regulate it.
So yeah, if they don't explore, and they don't open up ANWR, and they don't open up all these places, there will be an oil shortage.
Go ahead, Esteban.
No, what I was saying is that I really don't know, but what I do know is that over the next couple of years, probably towards 2007, there's going to be a major crisis in the world.
Bottom line, Kissinger said $150 a barrel.
Correct, Daniel?
So, Mike, I mean, what's your take on that?
Well, you know, even if the worst predictions are accurate, I mean, there's no reason that we can't develop nuclear power.
There's no reason that we can't resort back to coal.
We've got more than enough coal for hundreds of years.
No, I agree with you.
So, this is a tempest in a teapot and, you know, usual game by these guys.
Anything else, Mike?
All right.
No, sir.
Thank you for the call.
Straight ahead with Daniel Ostelon.
What Bilderberg Group is up to, what they're thinking, what they're doing.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, recapping politically what we know.
The Bilderberg Group wants a tax on energy at the wellhead, a tax on money transfers, a tax, the GH now calling for airline tickets, on transportation, really another energy tax.
We know they're upset about the Patriot movement in America, the Minutemen, the polls showing that the vast majority of Americans are against globalization.
They foresaw that Europe wasn't going to be going along with the expansion of the EU and giving up the last vestiges of their liberty.
As they get into their endgame, more and more people realize what's happening and start resisting.
Now we're going to go back to your calls, Don, Johnny, Brian, many others, toll-free number to join us for our guest, award-winning investigative journalist, Daniel Estelan, for over a decade, who's been covering the Bilderberg Group.
He joins us from Madrid, Spain.
We'll also get into some of, again, the experiences he's had himself with Bilderberg and some of the adventures there, just to give you the flavor and the idea of the type of individuals we're dealing with.
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One last showing.
This really should be the last showing because we just had so many requests and when we have showings they sell out a week before we even, you know, have the film on.
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Daniel Estolano, we're about to go to Don and Johnny and Brian and Kevin and everybody else that's holding, but I know you've got a book coming out on Bilderberg.
When can we expect that to be out?
It was published in Spain in September and right now we're looking for an American publisher.
It will most likely come out in the entire world in 2006.
Well, I can't wait to see it, and I want to have you up when that happens.
Let's go to Don in North Carolina.
Alex, could I just answer the other man's question?
Oh, sure.
Let's put Don on hold.
Go ahead, Daniel.
Can I, for a second?
Yeah, go ahead.
Okay, just putting the whole thing in perspective, the United States, the oil, the energy crisis, the Billingberg meeting, I think there's a misconception about the United States needing to invade Iraq, Iran,
Afghanistan to steal their oil.
That's not true.
The United States does not need to steal anyone's oil.
Current international arrangements give the United States access to exorbitant quantities of oil at cut-rate prices.
Now the U.S.
payments for oil, given the U.S.
ability to export its prices through petrodollars recycling, are already so low in their net impact on the American economy
That the oil is virtually an imperial tribute.
So there is no nation that will refuse, first of all, to sell oil to the United States.
Because first of all, it's the biggest consumer and the biggest market in the world.
Another misconception is that the war...
In Iraq, is to protect the dollar denomination of oil from the Euro challenge.
But as long as Europe itself is unwilling to sell the dollar short, thereby wiping out billions of dollars of monetary value in their own currency reserves, which is one of the things I was saying in the Bilderberg Report 2 about the Chinese, then the Euro can never be more than a satellite currency.
Uh, no control over the largest patch of oil, on the other hand, is leverage against all competitors who rely on imported oil.
That was always Europe and Japan.
And since the 1980s, it's increasing to China.
Military power is the only card the United States right now has to play in this new great game.
Now forgive
Let me comment on this.
I mean, whether we're running out of oil or not, the evidence is there's a lot of oil.
They're just not developing it because they want to create the crises to be able to have an energy crisis to then funnel any independent wealth through their coffers.
But regardless, Daniel, you and Tucker and others got the same info from different sources.
They are worried about it.
It is a crisis regardless of what the exact nature of that crisis is.
And then I would expand on that.
You're right.
Through OPEC, which is a puppet cartel of the Anglo-American establishment, the Arabs don't run it,
They get the lowest prices.
They set and manage and manipulate the prices.
And you're right.
PNAC says Iraq is about a military base.
To project power into the rest of the world and to have global hemispheric dominance in a monopolar world.
So I agree, it's about a military base.
I just think that when we have folks calling in who work for oil companies, they know how many wells are capped and how many areas haven't even been explored or exploited.
Now let's go to Don in North Carolina.
Don, go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Hello sir.
Hi Danny, this is Don.
I've emailed you some information on the airlines.
Go ahead and speak up sir, I'm having trouble hearing you Don.
Yeah, this is Don, I just wanted to let Danny know I had emailed him some information on the airlines and I sent some more information today, but I wanted to make these points since we're talking about oil.
You know, before September 11th and August, UNICAO's vice chairman
Yeah, John Creighton became CEO of United Airlines, and about a year later, he retired.
He went back to UniCal, and the new CEO at United today is Glenn Tilton.
He was the former CEO and Chairman of Chevron Taxi Co.
And this Glenn Tilton is affiliated with another individual.
His name is Gerald Rolfe.
Yeah, they're all interconnected.
It's a couple hundred people running everything.
And of course, Mohammed Karzai was a UNICAL executive, and now he's the dictator of Afghanistan.
But UNICAL was tied to the Taliban and their meetings in Texas.
And now there's explosive record levels of opium pouring out.
But anyway, this
Gerald Rosenfeld, who's affiliated with Glenn Tilton from the 1980s when Texaco first saw bankruptcy.
He's the chairman at Rothschild North America.
And here at U.S.
Airways, where I work, I'm retired now, we have two Rothschild people sitting on the board.
One of them just recently left.
Well, it's like when they arrested
Uh, that big oil tycoon in Russia, it turned out he was a front man and Lord Rothschild and Jacob Rothschild held all the receipts.
Uh, Daniel?
Yeah, we're talking about, uh, Khadarkovsky.
But anyway, one other thing I wanted to mention real quick was also the Sebi Bezi Krongard.
One of the ladies that's on the board at U.S.
Airways is married to Buzzy Krongaard.
Her name is Cheryl Kroongaard.
Yeah, I mean, it's one happy NASA people.
Yeah, pretty much what they're doing is they're moving from boardroom to boardroom, trying to cover their tracks.
And if you just look at the boards of these companies, and you just do a little research, you know, one thing leads to another, and you start finding out that they're... You'll find them crossing paths on other boards, like at the Brookings Institute or the CFR.
Yeah, no, it's a nest of managers and people and it's not free market.
They give all their government contracts to each other and a revolving door policy.
We'll be right back with our guest Daniel Estolano.
We'll go to Johnny, Brian and many others.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
I'm good.
The globalist power system is best described as a pyramid.
You've got a few hundred global owners, not even that many, maybe 30 or 40, who predominantly have a controlling stock in major companies and have their people installed over governments.
And then you have a couple hundred of their millions that serve them, and then they have the policy boards that implement their policy and come up with plans and stratagem.
And that's your world government.
It runs like a mafia organization.
Let's go to Johnny in Texas.
Johnny, you're on the air with our guest Daniel Estolano.
Go ahead.
Hi, Daniel.
Hi, Alex.
Alex, I just wanted to let you know I just purchased your Martial Law DVD, and it's absolutely superb.
I encourage all of your listeners
To get it and to share with other people.
It's been absolutely brilliant.
I mean, it's just absolutely wonderful.
Well, thank you.
And I also, um, I, I, I, I agree with what Daniel observed at the Bilderberg about the, um, concern of Pete Goyle.
I think one of the things that, um, I, what attracts me to what Daniel saw and the reason why I'm calling it and
Why I'm such a researcher, and with different information in regards to these energy wars, I really believe that both you, Alex, and individuals like Daniel, and including Michael Rupert from the wilderness, have got pieces of the puzzle which are indicating that the oil and gas reserves are a finite and scarce item.
And just like M. King Hubert, back in the late fifties, when he was working with Shell, predicted that
America would reach its global peak production in 1970.
He was considered a loon.
He was absolutely considered, you're crazy, that will never happen.
But sir, listen, my family's in the oil business.
Do you understand that there's oil and natural gas all over the place and they don't even drill for it?
Now, absolutely.
And now let me share this with you.
Today, well actually, June 11th, in IndiaDaily.com.
You just passed over what I just said.
No, no, no, no.
I understand that.
And this is my response.
Then I would like for you to explain how two major countries, India and China, have come together to get the oil and natural gas resources worldwide.
They are in IndiaDaily.com.
Because it's a valuable resource, why would they not want to have it?
Well, I mean, China's funding, it's got their people all over Africa, all over.
They need an oil supply, because their industry is already bigger than ours, and it's going to be much bigger in the next ten years, so they need oil.
Well, the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas, ASPO, at peakoil.net... Yeah, that's the people that have the peak oil view.
...that they concur that peak oil will happen in 2006.
Now, I've been
Keeping an ear out on the media for when is it going to be announced.
And the only time... Sir, do you believe diamonds are precious?
And you believe that that's natural?
Do you think that's artificial?
I believe that's natural.
Diamonds are not even semi-precious.
They're on a lower grade of semi-precious.
About as valuable as agates.
Do you know diamonds are literally laying on the ground in Africa?
So a family controls 90 plus percent of its production.
They will kill you if you try to mine them yourself.
They're the Oppenheimers.
They control De Beers set up by Cecil Rhodes.
And diamonds are not scarce.
They create artificial scarcity.
Where you will pay $6,000 to $10,000 when you don't have any money because your woman demands it.
And so what I'm telling you is, I'm not saying they haven't explored more oil.
I know they haven't built new refineries.
And new tankers, either.
So they're planning to create an oil crisis, but I'm telling you, sir, I'm telling you that in one field in Alaska, there's a hundred year oil supply.
Do you know what's off the coast of Louisiana?
Masses of oil.
But not for the global consumption, though.
Because India and China are becoming more industrial than ever.
Again, we're talking about what the Bilderberg Group is discussing, okay?
They've always said they want to take our resources.
They said 50 years ago they wanted to engineer the destruction of the middle class through artificial scarcity and get us basically all on these plantations.
And to tell us that there's no natural resources.
The IMF documents talk about creating artificial scarcity of water and power, sir!
They did it in Argentina, when they got plenty of energy in Argentina.
Because if they tell you that there's no water or oil, and then jock up prices, you'll accept it.
And King Hubert's prediction of peak oil, and his scenario for that for the 70s in America?
Yeah, of course we've hit peak production in the 70s, because they don't do exploration!
I mean, again, sir, I just can't get... They're gonna rape the hell out of you, and you're gonna love it!
Thanks for the call.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I just get frustrated because we got all these callers and I got all this stuff I want to talk about with Daniel Estillan and
We're getting close to the end of the broadcast.
And so, I mean, you know, we spent five minutes last segment arguing about that, and then Daniel wasn't even able to comment on it.
And, you know, I said to the caller, I said, do you know about diamonds?
Do you think they're really precious?
He didn't know about that.
You know, I was screaming ten years ago about how they plan to create artificial scarcity in water, in food, in everything.
And that's what they're doing.
And they're going to sell you on it.
Now, I'm not saying that they haven't built new refineries.
I'm not saying that they haven't explored new oil or developed it.
They haven't done that.
They are creating a crisis.
And they may run around at the Bilderberg Group trying to scare the other minions that are there.
Let's say you've got 50 controllers out of 150 people there, and you know 100 of them are minions.
They may even be putting an act on for their people.
But I'm telling you folks, I've seen the oil company reports on oil fields all around the world that they're not developing, that can quickly be extracted.
I don't mean something in Afghanistan or Uzbekistan.
I mean stuff right up
Close to areas where it can easily be extracted.
Okay, this is their move for global domination, where they grab the oil, and then sit on it, and then tell you there's no oil.
And then make you pay exorbitant prices for it.
Now that's in their interest.
And every time I argue with these peak oil people, they don't even know about diamond scams.
Now, I know Daniel Estillan does know about artificial scarcity, and I know he does know about the IMF riot, and the IMF reports, and Joseph Stiglitz going public, but I want to take a few final calls, then I want to get into the stuff Daniel's been through covering Bilderberg, but if you've got anything else to say on peak oil, go ahead and say it, Daniel.
No, I think we've said enough.
Yeah, kind of a rabbit trail, but I will have people on about this subject, folks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brian in New Jersey.
Go ahead, Brian.
Hey, Alex.
So awesome to talk to you.
You're one of my heroes.
I absolutely respect everything that you do and agree with everything that you say.
You don't have to preface that.
I'm just saying, I think you might come off a little hard sometimes and that's why a lot of people don't listen to InfoWars.com, but I had a question.
I absolutely believe that 9-11 was obviously
I don't know.
Well, I have Larry Silverstein saying that... Oh, no, on the PBS documentary.
I mean, I absolutely agree.
I just want to know how he got that information.
Where is that link?
Well, I mean, sir, Marvin Bush ran security on the buildings.
Oh, well then... You haven't seen the film, have you?
Uh, which film are you speaking of?
Martial Law.
Uh, so many times, and I've watched too many other things, and it just passed my mind.
No, I didn't even realize.
So Marvin Bush runs security on the buildings, huh?
Yes, and Building 7 had the CIA, FBI, Securities and Exchange Commission, the Port Authority, the Defense Intelligence.
I mean, literally, they built the command bunker there in 99, a $35 million command bunker, and I believe, clearly from the evidence, they ran the attacks out of that command bunker.
Inside the building.
They already moved their main emergency office to Tripod 2 down the street.
So they already moved Giuliani out two days before.
I shouldn't laugh about it.
It's pretty sick.
No, it is sick.
And that Marvin Bush thing puts together a lot.
There are about a hundred other connections.
Let's just say Silverstein's connected to a lot of shadowy underworld people.
Of course.
And goodies that come out of Afghanistan.
Uh, can you name specifically what goodies that come out of that can of sand?
Well, sir, I'm just telling you goodies.
So, listen, sir, there's so much evidence it'll blow your mind.
Oh, no, I know, I know.
The biggest one, the biggest one is the guy says he blew it up.
So, I don't know.
And, uh, and Jimmy Walters ran
I was wrong.
It wasn't a million and a half.
It was 2.5 million dollars worth of ads in New York saying, Larry Silverstein, you said you blew it up.
Will you answer questions?
I've called him dozens of times.
He will not answer questions.
He refuses to comment.
Yeah, I read that too.
I mean, like I said, I absolutely agree.
I just wanted to know how he felt about it.
Well, I don't want you to agree with me.
I mean, I want you to know the facts.
Listen, it's a good question, and I'm glad you brought it up.
Do you have any questions about Bilderberg?
Uh, the Bilderberg Group, yeah.
I mean, how do we know, because obviously these meetings are secret, and I know you snuck into Bohemian Grove and it's kind of connected to that.
I mean, what are they talking about in these meetings?
Okay, to break this down, Tucker's gone over this a hundred times, but this is how they do it, and then we'll, and thanks for the call, Brian, we'll let Daniel comment on this as he holds there patiently.
Here's the deal.
You go to the hotel a week before the Bilderberg show up, the five-star hotel, before they kick everybody else out.
And you go to them, and you say to the waitresses and the bellhops, some really evil people are coming, and they're going to be talking about world government, and when they're rude and mean to you, just remember, I'm going to be at this bar every night at 10 o'clock, and I know they're going to threaten you with being fired or worse if you tell us anything, but come by and tell us what you know.
And they say, no way!
But then when the Bilderbergers are so rude and so evil, and they hear this stuff, the people come and tell them.
Then there's Secret Service, there's military, there's security people that are also sources who hear this evil stuff and leak it.
And let me tell you, Jim Tucker is very accurate.
So is Estillon.
What Jim Tucker, every year he says, this is what he says on the agenda, this is what's going to happen.
And then it happens.
I mean, he predicted the fall of Erland Wall a year before.
He predicted, no, we're not going into Iraq in 2002, we're going in in March of 2003.
You know, it just... Daniel Estolán, this is a good question.
Comment on it, please.
Well, it's absolutely true.
Most of the information I get is...
from the Secret Service.
The disadvantage I have in relation to Jim Tucker is that he's a 69-year-old man, so he has a lot more credibility as far as approaching waitresses.
They don't take to me as kindly as they do to him.
So most of my sources are Secret Service agents who work for the American Bilderbergers, who protect the American administration.
Again, they think a younger man, you know, I mean, you look like you're under 40, they think you're hitting on them.
I'm 38.
That's exactly it.
But in any case, we do have excellent intelligence.
And as far as the Bilderbergers are concerned, if they want to keep their meeting secret in the future, and their agenda secret, they'll have to meet underground, bring their own frying pan, and speak in Mandinko Mandarin, because anything else will get the information in real time.
And I've talked to Jim, I've been interviewing him for a decade, every time he gets back, and it's always the same.
They go, no way I'm going to talk to you.
But then when they see how evil these men and women are, they are just ready to help you.
They get documents, they get everything.
It's amazing.
Why do the intelligence people talk to you, Daniel?
Let's say this is the first line of defense for the Bilderbergers, and they're the first ones there to protect them, and they're also the ones who really hear all the conversations.
You know, something just came to me.
I wish all these normal FBI agents and normal Secret Service that deal with bank robberies and stuff, I wish the average cop out there could be in one of these meetings
And actually hear who they're working for, because your experience, and Tucker's, is when these guys actually have a chance to hear who they work for, they instantly come over to our side, don't they?
Well they do, because most people have families, have children, they understand what's at stake, and they know that when people start dying, they'll be the first ones to go as well.
So, what do these intelligence agencies, individuals, tell you when they talk to you?
I mean, give me a run-of-the-mill example of how they contact you, what they say to you.
Well, again, I have to be very careful how I explain this, because if somebody, if one of the Bilderbergers, or a few of them, are listening to our interview, I do not want to give them any clues, and I definitely do not want to compromise their intelligence.
We've worked over the years, have taken almost eight years to build the trust up with the RCMP, the Royal Canadian Mountain Police.
The CIA has taken a little bit shorter.
The Military Intelligence Six, which is MI6 in England, has taken about five or six years as well.
But once these people know that they can trust you, they come to you.
And then once people in the intelligence community know who you are and what you are, that you're not,
I mean, reading these accounts without going into too much detail, they're pretty freaked out, aren't they?
Oh, absolutely.
Again, the stuff you saw in the second Bilderberg report is phrase by phrase what was discussed at the Bilderberg meeting and in some cases we have to keep the names out because, again, in some cases certain people, certain members of the intelligence community were present and others were not.
Yeah, I mean, if you've got ten guys around a card table, ten mobsters, and there's their ten security guys there, they're going to know that it's one of those ten people.
Well, it may be so, but again, a couple of the mobsters who work for the Bilderbergers are also our sources.
That is to say, what you said before was true, that not all 120, 125 Bilderbergers that meet annually are bad guys.
There are some good guys who are simply invited and they don't really understand the entire agenda.
Ah, so you've got leakers that are Bilderberg attendees themselves?
Exactly, we do.
Oh, that's got to really make them mad.
Well, they do.
They are.
They've been trying to figure out for years who these people are.
In one meeting several years ago, I was approached by two people who are emissaries of the Billenbergers, and they tried to buy me off.
Again, I talk about all that in my book, The Billenberg Stories.
Well, we got footage of Tucker being harassed and he's been kidnapped many times.
They really don't like you, Mr. Estolano.
No, they despise me.
As a matter of fact, they despise me.
Well, real fast, tell people what happens to you every year when you... Well, the routine is quite the same.
It's quite predictable.
They pulled me off the plane at the head company.
They questioned me.
They warned me not to jaywalk.
They harassed me.
They follow me throughout the five or six or seven days that I'm there.
They usually lodge in the same hotel as I do.
For example, this year's conference in Wattenheggen in Bavaria in Munich in Germany, which is a two-hour, twenty-minute flight from Madrid, took me twelve hours and a half.
To get to Munich because the plane was stopped in Italy.
There was a stopover.
I was pulled off the plane before anyone else was.
I was questioned for two and a half hours.
I missed my connecting flight.
Then I had a couple of seconds and I was able to call friends, Italian journalists.
Who called the other friends of theirs and the whole group of them called the German Foreign Ministry to publicly come out and make a public statement saying that they didn't know who I was and obviously they weren't going to arrest someone who didn't know who that person was.
Once I got to Munich, the whole thing happened all over again.
Again, I was pulled off the plane, I was handcuffed, I was questioned, I was harassed, I was warned not to jaywalk, I was asked why I was there.
Last year in Italy, as soon as I got off the plane,
And security guards approached me with two anti-drug people.
They also kidnapped Jim Tucker in Italy.
They kidnapped Jim last year as well.
They retained me for three and a half hours in Italy.
Now again, you guys write for major newspapers, you get picked up by hundreds of publications, you're their accredited reporters, and over and over again they literally grab you and threaten you and harass you.
I mean, that's who we're dealing with here, folks.
But I wonder what those police taking those orders... They'll never be in the inner rooms of the Bilderbergs.
They'll never hear what the Secret Service is telling you.
They'll never know who they're protecting.
Alex, I think it's very important that you understand and the listeners understand that most of the people who are protecting these conferences have absolutely no idea what the Bill of Burgers are.
As a matter of fact, at this year's conference you saw some of the photographs of the Secret Service.
The people were asking me what the B stood for in the window of the Mercedes-Benz.
So you had Secret Service asking you what was going on?
Exactly, but the German Secret Service, the U.S.
Secret Service in Germany this year, any U.S.
Secret Service on foreign land, foreign territories, protecting the United States delegation, they know what the Bildenberg is.
They may not know the general scheme, what these people are planning to do to us, but they know why they're there, and they know it's a very important... Now, the Bildenberg guys, you know, say when the royal family's there, do they normally have their own protection detail along with the Secret Service?
Usually MI6 protects the British delegation.
The CIA and the Special Army Units protect the American delegation.
The Mossad protects the Israelis in this case.
The two representatives of the Mossad.
And then the rest of them are protected by the Secret Service.
In this case, Germany last year, Italian Secret Service, depending on where they are.
Well, when these cops have got you kidnapped, do you ever say to them, hey, do you know what you're doing?
Do you know that you're harassing a journalist?
Most of the people know who I am.
As a matter of fact, last year while I was being interrogated, I saw on the desk my photograph, my ID card's photograph, which means someone in the Ministry of the Interior in Spain had provided that photograph to the people in the Italian Secret Service.
Okay, first of all, that's illegal because I've never done anything wrong and I've never been arrested, or I have been arrested, but I will never be charged with any crime and I'm not a criminal.
But the fact that these people in Italy, last year in Stressa, or in Milan,
I had my photograph from my ID card, and again, you know what your ID card looks like, and it's the only photo I have that looks like that.
It just goes to show you to what lengths these people will go to make sure that you don't, to discourage you from covering this.
Well, under this global government soon, they'll just say you're a terrorist, you won't be able to fly, period.
Let's go ahead and talk to Thomas in Missouri.
Thomas, you're on the air, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
You know, I've been listening to this and, of course, you basically confirmed what I was saying.
What I was thinking about the so-called peak.
Well, it doesn't matter whether there is or there isn't.
It's no peck.
They could be lying.
They just want the mindset to be there.
And I noticed that you guys get this stuff out there.
You're apart from the mainstream.
And you, of course, Alex, you know, you've said yourself you've even turned down a $1,000,000 contract because
They wanted you to toe the line.
And for those of people who think that you're all about the money, when that very well is not true, put into perspective for them, your current contract with GCN, how does that compare with that $1 million offer?
Well, I get insurance, and that's really about it.
But regardless of
All of this, it isn't about Alex Jones.
It's about the news, it's about the bills, it's about the legislation, it's about the New World Order, and thanks for the call, Thomas.
It's about losing our liberties and our freedoms.
And, you know, the New York Times and others have attacked me and said, how dare Alex Jones sell videos, as if
It's bad that I sell videos.
I mean, I tell people to make copies of them because I want to get the word out, and I'm still evil.
And quite frankly, I need more money.
I've got four employees.
I need a bigger office.
We're looking at one right now so we can do more.
I have bandwidth bills.
I have all this stuff.
So, I've never really asked for this, but I would like people to send me donations.
I mean, because we could do so much more.
We could affect so much more change.
We could pay our $10,000 a month shortwave bill if you'd send me money.
So, I've been criticized for selling videos.
I'll just go all the way.
Send me money.
Because I take every red cent
of the money that comes into this ministry, and I fight the New World Order.
And I have people on like Daniel Escalon, who puts everything he's got on the line, and risks his life.
And I bring on the Minutemen and say, support them, send them money.
And I bring on all these groups, the Jews, the Preservation of Farms, Ownership.
GOA, Governors of America.
And I say send them money.
Well, send me money.
Because we want to expand.
We want to fight the New World Order.
We want to do a better job.
And quite frankly, in this messed up economy, things have been tight.
So, uh, we need your support.
We need your capital.
We need to fight the New World Order.
We'll be right back with our final segment with Daniel Estolano.
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Yeah, quite frankly, I want to buy this high-definition camera that'll
Shoot even better video, and I want to get an even better video editing system so we can do more and put more videos on the web and do things like that.
And, uh, I don't have the capital to do it.
Four employees is expensive.
So, yes, if you want to donate, uh, towards us getting this camera and towards getting this computer system to fight the New World Order and do a better job, I've always said just get my videos.
But if that's evil, selling videos, just send me money directly.
Because I know we're fighting the New World Order.
But regardless, if Alex Jones was an evil hobgoblin from the Ninth Circle of Hell, the New World Order is setting up global tax.
The New World Order is doing bad things to you.
The New World Order is there.
I'm exposing it.
That's important.
I'd put my life on the line to do this.
And a lot of people want to get focused off onto Alex Jones and the government disinfo operations.
That doesn't matter.
What matters is, is what the New World Order is up to.
I mean, if you don't know I'm the real McCoy, and that I'm some mean redneck from Texas that wants my freedom, if you haven't, I mean, I don't even put acts on with people.
The listeners, the guests, nobody.
I respect you enough to be straight up front with you.
So I'm tired of hearing garbage and propagandas and government operatives asking for money to run their disinfo campaigns.
So I will now officially ask you for money.
I'm not going to do it very often, but frankly, we need some things around here.
So, write to me at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And send me a check to Alex Jones.
A-L-E-X-J-O-N-E-S, baby.
And Daniel Estolán, in closing, how do people support folks like Daniel Estolán?
Again, you've got your book in Spain.
I mean, if you had your book in the U.S., I'd be plugging it right now.
How do I support you?
By interviewing me once in a while and making sure that people know that I'm there.
Alex, I'd like to finish off with something very, very interesting that I've just come across today.
If I may, how much time do I have?
You've got about three minutes.
Any other key news for us?
First of all, in one of the briefs, you told me about strange noises emanating from my telephone.
My telephone has been tapped for the last couple of years.
So again, at this point in time, I'd like to welcome all the Secret Service agents from around the world who are listening to Alex Jones.
Yes, we are.
I'm going to, someone told me about this earlier this morning, tomorrow I'm going to go down with my video camera and my camera, I'm going to take a picture of it, I'm going to send it to you guys so you can put it up on the net so everybody can see it.
Now we've been predicting this.
Daniel, you are a total sweetheart and we'll give you all the credit.
So now they're not just chipping nightclubbers, now the big telephone chain is promoting microchips.
It is the biggest telephone chain and the announcement says, get chipped.
Now, Telefonica has never attended a Bilderberg conference, but their board of directors, which is interlocked with all the Bilderberger heavyweights,
Well, get chipped is an applied digital trademark term.
Well, it's actually a translation from Spanish, transliteration.
So I'll send you the photograph tomorrow, and it's amazing.
It's, again, and when Telefonica begins plugging this, this is definitely the beginning of the end.
But let's not worry about a move to make us take microchips.
Let's worry if Daniel Estelan sells a book so he can pay for the plane ticket to go get arrested.
How dare you, Daniel?
How dare you feed yourself?
You know, we should... I mean, the globalists, they can make all the money they want directly taxes to enslave us, but you're bad because you sell a book.
That's right, sir.
And just to end, I think we are at the crossroads and the road we take will now determine the very future of humanity and whether we will go into the next century as electronic global police state or as free human beings as a result of massive awakening taking place in America and the rest of the free world to the criminal activities of the global elite.
Well, God bless you, sir, and I look forward to having you back on to talk about some more solutions in the future.
And we're all blessed to have you out there, Daniel, and I think you're doing a wonderful job.
And I hope folks will get your book that are listening in Spain and take care.
Take care.
All right, we're out of time, ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah, scantily clad women who've gotten their microchips, get yours, you'll be cool.
Yeah, never mind that.
Let's worry about Alex Jones.
Buy my video, folks!
Get it and get it out to people!
Take care!