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Name: 20050602_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 2, 2005
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello ladies and gentlemen.
Here we are on this live Thursday edition.
It is the second day of June 2005.
We're going to be live for the next three hours.
We have one of the leading experts on genetically engineered foods and the testing of those foods, those crops, coming up in about 30 minutes, joining us from England.
He worked for the government.
He worked for the industry.
He was pro-GM food when he found out that it was killing the rats.
He got in a lot of trouble, and they tried to tell him to shut his mouth, but he has refused to, and six years later, he has been totally vindicated by a mass of other studies.
So, that's coming up a little bit later in this hour, in about 30 minutes.
We're also going to have wide open phones, whatever issue, whatever news item, whatever you'd like to discuss, you're welcome to join us.
1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 and we will get you up and on the air.
Some stories that I mentioned yesterday but didn't get into in enough detail I want to go back over these today.
Bush says amnesty criticism is absurd
That Amnesty International, why, how dare them?
There's never been any evidence of torture anywhere!
And we have all their own reports, the government admissions, the photographs, Alberto Gonzales, the Attorney General's own memos when he was Chief White House Counsel.
And I want to get into fake news, not just Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch and hundreds of millions in fake newscasts and propaganda placement, but this San Francisco Chronicle article crew destroys road
For Schwarzenegger staged event.
Crew destroys road for fake Schwarzenegger staged event.
And they went and jackhammered up an entire side of a road, not just so he could fill the pothole, but so he could say, see?
You really need toll roads.
Look at how screwed up it is.
I'm going to fix it.
I've now seen the video online.
The San Francisco Chronicle has photos of him doing it in his comments.
I mean, they never stop!
They never stop!
So I want to go over that a little bit more, and even more important than all of this, is law enforcement wants registration of political dissidents.
They're very close to passing this law in California.
The ADL and the Sheriff there in LA are some of the chief
Peddlers of this, and man, you do anything political, you are going to get arrested and taken in for questioning and fingerprinted and put in a register.
Can't get any more Nazi than that.
It's unbelievable.
So that's some of the other news.
And we've talked a lot about this over the last few years, but here it is in the Associated Press.
Gitmo detainees say they were sold.
Totally innocent.
And we have the evidence.
They talked to a top CIA guy.
He says, yeah, it's true.
Yeah, that's what we did.
So, we'll go over that as well.
Amnesty leadership aided Kerry, though, we're hearing.
It's just a partisan attack.
If you're against torture, you're for Kerry.
Well, I thought Kerry was for the war and all that.
And they have another article here.
North Korea lashes out at Cheney.
And see?
Now if you're against torture, you're for North Korea.
Dictators and corrupt politicians prop each other up because they can point the finger at each other and make themselves look good.
They're both bad.
So that's the psychology there.
There's just a ton of news.
It's all coming up on the other side of this quick break.
So please stay with us.
Powerful broadcast lined up for you today.
Infowars.com, Infowars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're about to plunge into the news on this live Thursday, 2nd day of June, 2005 edition.
We're about to plunge into the news and information and we have the expert on genetic engineered foods who was a supporter of it until he did studies and found out how dangerous it was and what it was doing to rodents, which are very similar in their metabolic systems to humans.
And then all the studies now on humans, and six years later he's been totally vindicated, so one of the preeminent, really recognized as one of the top five world experts on genetically engineered food crops, will be joining us in about 25 minutes.
I got some good news and some bad news, so I guess I'll give you the good news up front.
We've turned away 200 people before at a showing at a 300-plus seat theater in Houston when I showed Road to Tyranny.
I didn't like doing that.
And then the next time, it barely filled up in Houston.
So I thought, well, here in Austin, we've sold out every time.
and overflowed about 50 people each time with almost no promotion so I'll have it at three different screenings two at the downtown theater and one at their big South Austin theater you know where they have two hundred and sixty something seat theaters and these are really big theaters because you have your own table folks when you're watching the movie well the next Wednesday is on the verge of being sold out and the
The first showing tonight is sold out and the other one at 10 o'clock is almost sold out.
And it was sold out... I just found out that a couple days ago the 7 o'clock showing was sold out and no one told me and so I called to check this morning and learned of this and I had like 15 people on my guest list and guess they're gonna have to sit on somebody's shoulders or
So I have to call up my friends and guests and maybe ask them to go to the 10 o'clock and we're trying to reserve 10 or 15 seats for them.
So, again, victims of our own success.
I'm on the verge of... They're already booked up next week after Wednesday, but I'm on the verge of having a late night showing.
We're having one at 8 o'clock.
I'm just having a new showing at 10, 30, 11 o'clock at night next Wednesday.
So, for all of you that aren't online or didn't get tickets, you can go to it.
I really should have just had this in all the Alamo Draft House theaters in Texas and had it in theaters for like two weeks.
We probably would have sold all those out.
It's just very, very annoying.
But next time we do it, we'll know.
But I don't want to turn you away because a lot of times people buy tickets and then don't go.
So there's a good chance that for the first people that line up after, you know, there, right before the film starts, that you'll be able to get in.
And I know you can still get tickets for tonight's 10 o'clock show, though there's not many left.
They said 20, 30 tickets left.
So, I'm trying to get all the exact numbers right now, and I'll let you know by the end of the broadcast, and we'll post it on the website today.
I mean, I don't want people to then not come and then there be a few extra seats that don't get filled, but you can also, if you don't have a computer and you live in Austin, Texas, you can go down to the Alamo Draft House downtown and buy tickets there at the door early for tomorrow night.
You can also do the thing on South Lamar at that location if you don't have a computer.
So, who knows what is going to happen, but I'm going to talk to the theater, too, and
See about letting folks go into their big foyer and at least check out the documentary films and talk to the crowd and do stuff like that.
I mean, it is frustrating.
So we're going to have to get more showings next time.
Alright, I don't want to spend this whole first segment talking about this, but if I was you, I would get to InfoWars.com right now and link through to the Alamo Draft House and buy your tickets for the 10 o'clock or buy your tickets for next Wednesday.
And don't say you weren't warned, but I think I'm going to be able to probably have another showing Wednesday night, a double showing there.
And then that way, everybody that didn't get a chance to go to these other three showings will be able to do that.
Alamo Draftowels, though, is a really fast-growing company.
They're all over Texas now.
They started here in Austin.
It's a small crew running it all, and a restaurant to boot on top of it, so they're a little frazzled like I am.
Just too many irons in the fire.
But this is shaping up to be such a success, I don't know, in a month or so, I might just have it at a couple of their theaters for a week, and then that way everybody can go see it and enjoy themselves and not battle the crowds to get to it.
Enough said on that subject, but it actually chaps my hide to have this going on.
I wish somebody would have called me.
I mean, now I got people on my guest list, and I mean, again, I guess they're going to have to sit on my shoulders.
I remember one time we put out all these folding chairs, and they could only sell so many tickets, but still, I got them to let about 50 extra people in.
Because I can't stand turning people away.
And again, 200 people turned away at a showing in Houston.
And that's a big theater, 360-something.
I mean, a massive theater.
Because again, these aren't little crammed seats in, crammed in next to each other.
You've got your own table and your own little lights so you can read your menu.
I don't know, I'm a movie-going guy, so I like going to watch my own video and eating a cheeseburger.
Alright, let's get into serious news and information here, ladies and gentlemen.
On this live Thursday edition,
Lord Bush is saying the amnesty criticism is absurd.
He said it two days ago.
He said it yesterday.
Dick Cheney's been saying it all over TV.
They've been giving press conferences saying this.
It's just absurd.
It's an absurd allegation, an absurd insinuation.
He said the same thing a couple years ago at a press conference.
He said, what about all this news of you having prior knowledge?
You know, all the documents are public.
Well, that's an absurd insinuation.
Well, you said there were weapons of mass destruction.
No, I didn't.
That's an absurd insinuation.
Well, they said that the sun came up in the morning, President Bush.
That's an absurd insinuation.
Well, they say the moon orbits the earth, Mr. President.
That's an absurd insinuation.
So they knew these reports were coming out.
They knew there was a new wave of this coming out.
So they had Newsweek go, well, maybe we didn't properly question one of our sources and it might not all be true.
Oh, a retraction!
You've retracted it!
You've done... Oh, see, all the torture, none of it's true!
I'll run down it again.
Brigadier General Rick Baucus quit two and a half years ago, the head of Guantanamo Bay, refusing to torture people, saying they were all innocent.
A month ago, one of the chief interrogators quit and said these people are totally innocent and he's not going to torture them anymore.
All over the British news, U.S.
Army officer, never in our news.
There are now at least ten different army reports about torture, beating people to death, bodily fluids on Korans, prostitutes raping them, because that really freaks out those Muslim men, and I can't say what else the prostitutes do, but it's not pretty.
And then Dick Cheney's answer, they're trained by Al-Qaeda to lie!
Brigadier General Rick Baucus is trained by Al-Qaeda to lie?
The Army Interrogator, he did dig that article out, it's here on the stack.
I forget his name.
He's evil.
The Interpreters, oh I forgot about them that have gone public in the Army and the Marine Corps.
What about Alberto Gonzalez?
Does he work for Al-Qaeda?
Well, I guess he does work for the U.S.
Government, so he is in the inner circle.
I guess, no, they kind of work for him.
I'm being serious now.
I mean, that's how crazy all this is.
Does he work for Al Qaeda?
Was he trained to lie?
When he wrote memos over to the Army and the Joint Chiefs going, the President is above the law.
He is the law.
You can pressure them until they die.
And if you don't kill them on purpose, then it's not torture!
Now stop mincing words.
Stop playing games.
Stop being afraid to get your hands dirty.
He said hands dirty in memos.
That's the same thing Rumsfeld said.
Stop being afraid to get your hands dirty.
And so they said, all right, we're going to go in there and work on them.
And they beat a lot of people to death.
Well, they're Al-Qaeda.
They deserve it.
Uh, nope.
We already knew this.
It's in two of my films years ago, but here it is in the AP.
The U.S.
government was paying upwards of $25,000 per Taliban or Al-Qaeda fighter.
The actual Taliban would go across, I shouldn't laugh, this is so sick, would go across the Pakistani border and grab goat herders, it's right here, and take these poor people and sell them to the U.S.
And again, the media has interviewed these people, they don't even know where the U.S.
is on a map, folks.
A lot of them have never even been to a big village.
They live up on the sides of these mountains with their goats.
And they go to the little village and sell their goats.
That's it.
They don't, I mean literally folks, it's as primitive as some
Tribe 50, 60 years ago in New Guinea.
I mean, we're talking minus the bones in the noses.
These guys, all they know is a bunch of Arab fighters showed up, put guns to their heads, those that really were fighting, and started getting the front lines.
Then they watched as those Arab fighters jumped on U.S.
aircraft and were flown to safety, and the U.S.
military swooped in, because they weren't part of the conspiracy.
We're told, here's the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Grab them and put them in a camp.
And so now we torture a bunch of innocent nobodies.
But that wasn't enough!
$25,000 bounty!
Yeah, right, that was the payoff to the warlords.
And they just start going and grabbing.
I mean, the reports of a father with his two sons up there and up drives an armored vehicle and they just grab him and the children are crying and, oh, 11-year-old kids, we'll take them too.
We'll send them to get Moe.
So daddy and the sons are thrown in.
Drug off, and suddenly they're on C-130 strapped down naked for twenty-something hour flights.
Then they're landing, uh, and they're being tortured, and they're, Allah save us!
Oh, they are devils!
Oh, no, please!
No, please, stop them, no!
And then our government, on purpose, releases them to go tell their stories to create enraged people in the Middle East and Central Asia.
That's the official government plan, P-2-O-G.
They were devils, they sent their women in to do things to us.
I mean literally, folks.
Giving us a bad name.
That's what the globalists are meaning to do here.
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Alright, I know we've got Alan and David and Jeff and Alex and Vinnie holding, but I just need to continue with the news right now.
We will get to your calls.
They play this game of just saying it's ridiculous.
No one has been tortured.
You know, Al Qaeda trains people to lie like this.
When the Attorney General was ordering people, when he was the White House Chief Advisor, Chief Lawyer, to go ahead and torture.
It's public.
And it's all part of just getting our military used to torturing people.
They train the death squads to do it.
In Latin America, now they've hired those death squad commandos.
To go to Iraq and torture and control and kill.
And now Los Zetas, the big Mexican paramilitary troops, trained by the U.S.
We had the former head of the DEA for all Latin American operations on yesterday telling you Los Zetas is clearly run by the CIA in South Texas training.
Right now they're going after rival drug gangs that aren't paying into the CIA and they're killing cops.
They're killing DEA.
They're killing Border Patrol.
They're killing citizens.
Over a hundred murders.
This is massive!
What is going on right now is huge.
Absolutely gigantic scandal.
See, they're not just going to torture people down in Latin America.
They're not just going to torture them in Iraq.
They are creating the Cadres, the forces, the evil crews, as they're called, like a gangs of pirates that have been vetted and given a taste of blood for here in America.
And then they're preparing your psychology, your palate.
Your taste for this, with Threat Matrix and 24, every episode, torturing people.
And they always deserve it.
They're always bad.
It's always the right thing to do.
And NYPD Blue in their last episode, and all those other shows, and L.A.
Law, and Boston Legal.
We play those clips here.
Torture is the American virtue.
Our own Attorney General says torture is good.
Torture is good.
They even talk about real cases on TV.
But it's for you!
And then see, the cops are never going to find any real terrorists unless it's Los Zetas killing them for the CIA, and they'll think, they'll go, thank you, kill me, Bush!
Have your CIA forces kill me!
I love you, I'll turn my guns in, I'm so conservative!
You know, real stuff like that's going on, but that'll all be ignored, just in regional newspapers, never nightly news, car bombs going off in Dallas, machine gunning death.
Average person outside of the border states has no idea.
Total dead tourism on the border.
Massive shutdowns in the economy.
Seriously, I've got the newscast from the website, from Fox News down the border, but never nationally on the news.
No, no, no.
It's a cop in Tampa.
A guy's gone and checked himself in the hospital.
He goes, yeah, I took cocaine, yeah, I'm overdosing.
Well, get a urine sample.
Well, I can't.
So they strapped him down, catheterized him, he still won't, which the cop should have known he couldn't hold back.
And the cop tasers him again.
Of course the cop got fired, but he thought, you know he watched the TV shows, he thought this is what you do.
They give them this pressure training, where they choke protesters, make them pass out.
When they wake up, they go, get up!
When they won't, they'll choke them again.
I have that video on my website.
I have them breaking pro-lifers' arms, peacefully sitting on the side of the sidewalk.
They'll lose right in front of cameras.
Arngles, compound fracture.
Bone pops out.
Cops all get excited.
Pull out their billy clubs, stand around the person like they're going to beat them some more.
You know, Catholic priests, people like that.
And then the federal judge, we've got it, it's in my documentary by the way, it's in martial law, the federal judge just says, hey, we're allowed to do this.
So you think it's just for them A-Rabs?
And I was on Mankow's huge syndicated radio broadcast out of Chicago, I was on there with
What's Alec Baldwin's, one of his twit brothers, Stephen Baldwin, the so-called born-again Christian this morning, and I've said, well you think Bush is so Christian, you're so Christian now, Bush is, goes to Bohemian Grove, Bush is involved in all this stuff, Bush worships at Shinto shrines and prays to Allah, and all Stephen Baldwin could do was laugh at me.
You know, he couldn't even argue with me.
Then I got booted off the show because Russell Crowe came on.
Man, that show's incredible.
I've been on there two days in a row.
And it's ridiculous.
I'm on there and it's like William Shatner.
Or it's, you know, Evander Holyfield.
Or next, it's Alex, you got anything to say to Bill Murray?
I'm sitting there.
And again, I'm not sitting here dropping names of Hollywood people.
The point is, I'm on this show being able to argue with people.
Or just throw little things out at him.
It's just so many good Christian conservatives, like Stephen Baldwin.
I'm sure he's a good guy.
And I certainly don't agree with his brother, Alec Baldwin, but they're both... Both of them are wrong.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, we're back live and while we're connecting to our guest in England, I wanted to cover a few more news items and then we'll of course get to all of your calls as well.
But there is just so much news here
So much different things that are happening and it just frustrates me if the American people would just read the government documents, read the legislation, would find out what is in Patriot Act 2.5, then they'd know what liars these politicians are!
But you know, the American people know who the liars are.
The American people really know what's going on.
I mean, you all know they said weapons of mass destruction.
You all know that they said that they were never going to use Social Security as an ID number.
You know the thousands of things that they lied to you about.
And you just decide to accept the lie.
Well, that's what they all do.
Let's give a group of people unlimited amounts of money, the printing presses to print it, let's give them secret police, let's give them hundreds of millions of dollars of secret intelligence agencies, and let's just let them lie to us, and everything will be alright.
Things won't get corrupt, we won't get tyranny, no!
And if you run into a bunker full of TNT and stick a flamethrower to it, it's not going to blow up either.
You know, if you stick a dynamite in your mouth and light it, you're going to be just fine.
I mean, this is... I don't even have to argue about this anymore.
What is the point?
Stop being in denial.
What was that, Scott?
Oh, good.
You know, I want to play a nice song for you guys.
We'll get our guest on.
So here it is.
From Nazareth he came with a ragtag band to bring a revolution.
Some would make him king, others couldn't stand the net.
The cross was a solution, but he rose again.
Wise men follow him, and he roams again.
Wise men follow him.
Thank God for the renegade, and the life in need.
For the head of the trade.
Without the renegade, the Lord knows where to go.
When it comes to heroes and renegades of life.
They railed against the crowd with another ragtag band.
Declaring independence They laid their bodies down On a bloody wall A liberty for their descendants Thanks to the renegades We're free today Thanks to the renegades
We're free today.
Thank God for the renegades.
And the lives they lead.
Far ahead of their time.
Without the renegades, Lord knows where we'd be.
What it takes to be heroes, renegades of life.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, Dr.
Arpad Huzai, Ph.D., received his degree in chemical chemistry at Budapest, Hungary and his B.S.
in physiology and Ph.D.
in biochemistry at the University of London in England.
Over his nearly 50-year career, he worked at the universities and research institutes in Budapest, London, Chicago, U.S., Scotland, so many other major research institutes.
He has published close to 300
Thank you.
Reactive proteins, including those transgenetically expressed in GM crop plants on the gastrointestinal tract.
Since his contract was not renewed with Rowet as a result of disagreements, Dr. Pouzai has been lecturing on the GM potato research all over the world and acting as a consultant to groups starting up research into the health effects of GM food.
And here's the headline out of the London Independent.
When GM food is fed to rats, their kidneys and blood counts are affected and their brains are affected.
How would it affect humans?
And he was ostracized really six years ago and demonized, but all his research has turned out to be true.
He was pro-GM crops, working to further them.
He thought it was a great thing and kept finding problems.
Doctor, thank you so much for joining us.
Sorry we got connected a little bit late.
Well, thank you very much for connecting me.
I'm very glad to be able to speak to you.
Well, it's a great honor to have you.
Arpad, am I pronouncing your name right?
Fantastic, you're a sweetheart.
In a nutshell, tell us about the scandal of six years ago.
Well, first, who you are, what you pioneered, your views on GM foods and genetically modified organisms, and then what you discovered studying this.
Well, we were one of those very few groups who tried to do nutrition in a more 21st century manner of looking at what it does to our gastrointestinal tract and what are the consequences of that.
And as such, because of our track record on this field, in 1995 the
The Ministry of Agriculture in Scotland had singled us out and accepted our project to look at the safety of genetically modified crops and food.
And we were to produce a blueprint for the testing of
biological testing of all genetically modified crops and the foods made out of them.
And we got this project, which was about three million dollars worth, against 27 other opposition laboratories.
And just like as you mentioned that we did
We didn't actually believe in the safety on the basis of what we knew about at the time in 1995.
We believed that these things were safe, just we should then set up a program and we started to investigate any potential consequences of growing GM crops and eating
foods made out of them, and we use the genetically modified potatoes as our model for these studies.
Very quickly, I have to tell you that as we went along with the research program, which included about 30 other scientists, and I coordinated the whole program,
We were beginning to get very worrying results.
The results were that we could not correlate gene expression in the potato plant with its protection against pests.
Which was a worrying thing for a conventional biochemist.
From what I've read, a lot of the funding was via the industry itself, so you were not some outside group trying to prove something bad.
You were trying to basically prove that it was good.
Now, if I'm improper in saying that, correct me.
For this work, we didn't get a penny from
The industry, it was all by the British taxpayers.
But I have read that you've done a lot of industry studies though, and you were pro GM.
Oh yes, oh yes, a lot of industry studies.
In fact, we have several international patents as well on this field of
The carbohydrate reactive proteins and their potential use in... I guess my point is this, sir.
You were not some person attacking the industry.
You were their boy.
No, I think that... I mean, I retired officially in 1990 because we have to retire at 60.
And from there on, I financed all my research
Yes, because in this particular project, my funding was from the British taxpayer.
I had to tell them what I found.
And that's where the problem started.
Because we were beginning to find worrying things.
Well Dr. For a layman listening who doesn't understand all of this, in simple childish terms for myself and others, please explain the problems you found.
You know, for example, if you have a more gene
product in the transgenic plant, you ought to have more protection.
And we didn't find this.
But when it came to the actual feeding studies, then we also found that although we strictly compared the GM with the non-GM parent, when we fed it to laboratory animals,
And we found that in the long term, 110 days, we were the first ones to use a long 110 day experiment, which is about 10 years in human terms, roughly.
We found that the young animals were not growing as efficiently as when they were fed
The diet containing the non-GM equivalent potato based diet.
So out of the gate you found that for the same calorie intake versus a natural potato versus the genetically modified potato you were getting stunted growth in the rats?
Yes, it was significant and a number of times people were saying that
But the post-study studies only showed that rats don't like raw potatoes.
I have to tell you that this 110 day study was with fully cooked potatoes.
One hour at 100 degrees.
Fully boiled potatoes.
Well, it doesn't matter because you had one control group.
I've got the study here.
One control group giving the non-GM potato.
They're gobbling that.
They're gobbling the GM potato, but they're not growing.
But that's not all you found, is it?
No, no.
The other thing was that, you see, when you are developing your body, your inside, all the organs inside you are developing as well.
And you can compare the normal development of, let's say, internal organs like liver, lungs, heart, brain, as you mentioned in your introduction.
You can compare the GM fed animal with a non-GM fed animal, which is an equivalent diet.
It contains the same amount of protein, the same energy, the same vitamins, the same everything, except that the GM contains
This genetically expressed protein, very, very, very small amounts.
And we found that the organ development was not comparable.
Some of the organs, like the gut, was growing faster.
Some of the organs were going slower.
So you're talking about expressions of really deformity.
Yes, yes, I think that you can put it that way.
We just prefer to say that there was a statistically significant difference in the development.
You remember, these are young animals.
I'm also reading that it changed their blood counts, it caused bizarre problems in the brain.
Can you specifically speak on that, Doctor?
Yeah, well, you see, it's not just that there were
We did do tests which would be done to you if you went into hospital and they wanted to find out whether your immune system will respond as fast as a normal person and we did this immune responsiveness test as well and we found that the GM fed rats have
Considerably reduced, reduced back to the baseline effect on responsiveness, immune responsiveness, which in practical terms
Means quite simply that if you get an infection or those rats do get an infection, their immune system will only produce antibodies to fight this infection much slower.
And this was probably one of the most
Worrying aspect of our results.
Absolutely unbelievable.
Doctor, I want to keep you as long as possible because I want to get into what happened once you announced this.
How you were demonized and now all these other studies, independent of yours, have mirrored or even shown worse results than you got.
Validating and vindicating you.
Incredible courage.
So please stay with us, Doctor.
This is just amazing.
About half the food on our store shelves in America.
Has this trash in it?
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Waging War on Corruption, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Dr. Ard Pod, who's tie will be staying with us about 30 minutes into the next hour.
Very busy man.
Again, literally in the top five in his field in
Some say the top of this field, numero uno, when it comes to specifically studying what manipulating the genes and the proteins that it gives rise to.
And the key thing he just said, and correct me doctor if I'm wrong here, because again you are the world leading expert on this, and I'm just a layman, but I study this intently.
Number one, genetically altering this particular potato didn't even make it more resistant to disease.
It didn't even do anything.
I don't know.
This was back in the mid-nineties.
Now it's cockroach genes, and salmon genes in your corn, and your tomatoes, and spider goats, and just wild, insane, Island of Dr. Maru type stuff, uncontrolled, going on everywhere, sir!
And they just keep bringing this stuff to market here in the United States, and feeding it to us, and almost all the processed foods are full of it.
This is a crisis!
Well, I think that your own scientists in America ought to be doing much more about it, because it is very difficult to do these experiments.
They are extremely expensive.
But you ought to be putting more pressure on your government to release more money.
But Doctor, we do have the studies.
We have Monsanto's own internal studies.
I have Associated Press in front of me.
They knew this stuff a decade ago, but why would they still sell this?
Well, you have to ask them.
I don't really know.
But what I can tell you, and this is absolutely true, they have actually studied all our work.
And they are trying to imitate it, but they are doing it in such a way that they keep the results confidential.
So they are not releasing the results.
And the only reason why I know about it is because some of the studies which they have done and they submitted to the European Food Safety Agency
Yeah, here's one out of Reuters.
Secret Monsanto research teams show GM maize damage, the health of rats.
That's maize.
And then I've got another report with almost identical headline, Cape Times, the major paper of South Africa.
Secret Monsanto research shows GM maize damage, the health of rats.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
Yeah, well, it is.
Unfortunately, it is true, even though that it is unbelievable.
You see that if you are designing an experiment properly, and they follow the sort of guidance, remember that I had about 30 years of experience with this type of research.
This can be done.
If it is done well enough, then you will be able to find out the true results, the true consequences.
But don't these guys know, these companies, that their daughters and sons are eating this stuff?
Well, I think that they all have to settle this with their own conscience, because people are very good of explaining things to themselves if it is in their interest to... Making excuses.
Yeah, well I think that they are just finding excuses.
Now, look, we don't know what will be the consequences, you know, 20, 30 years down the line.
I think we can't even do experiments in that sort of length of time.
Yeah, stay there, sir.
We'll be right back.
Stay there.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, I literally have
Fifteen different major newspaper and newswire reports that I printed off in the last few days, I've been reading over.
I have the actual synopses of major studies done in Russia, China, Germany, England, Finland, Britain predominantly, and the leakage of secret reports by Monsanto and others here.
They are doing horrible things to the entire food crop line.
They're buying up all the other little seed companies.
All the major studies that come out that have looked at this show massive health effects.
I mean, from what I've seen, to put it in layman's terms, a lot worse than smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.
I mean, your body doesn't absorb this properly.
It screws you up.
But we've got the world expert on, so again, it's like a
Caveman talking to a spaceman here when it comes to this subject.
It makes me so angry.
I've got children.
I've got a family.
And I don't appreciate the fact that we're not like England, where this stuff is controlled and basically banned and where Europe won't let it in.
They are putting this everywhere and they're not even labeling it.
75% of your food can be genetically modified and 25% not and then they'll put a label on it calling it organic.
Stop hurting my family!
I'm getting emotional about this.
It's like everything else these people do.
The depleted uranium.
They know what it does.
It's like the tainted blood from HIV and Hepatitis that shipped all over the world.
Knowing what it had in it.
That's how evil these people are.
Alright, I'm sorry.
We have the good doctor.
Well, I think that for about seven months I was totally gagged because
I had to sign a contract with the Institute where I worked, that I would not be able to say anything without the written permission of my director.
Now, my director actually agreed to me giving this TV interview in 1998, so that was all right.
But then, after that,
When the results started to come in, and the politicians have realized that what I did say, even though it was very mild, what I did say did hurt this huge global industry, the GM biotechnology industry's interest, and as most of the
Countries, particularly America and some countries in Europe, including my own here, have put a great deal of money into the development of these crops, but without first making sure that these crops are safe.
They were beginning to put this huge political pressure on me.
And because of my contract that told me that I cannot speak without my director's permission.
You couldn't defend yourself?
It was a very simple thing to do.
They just told me to shut up and otherwise they will take me to court and ask for an
Uh, specified, uh, uh, uh, damage, uh, to, to damage the reputation of, of, uh, my institute.
Doctor, we've got a quick break, a long segment coming up, so you'll have plenty of time to get it all out.
You were demonized, you were attacked, and then now all these other studies come out, and you were absolutely right.
And you just told the truth.
And, uh, we'll go over what this means to our society.
Corn, maize, potatoes, soybeans.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're talking to Arpand Pouzai, PhD, doctorates in different types of genetic engineering, recognized by the major biotech industry institutions and major universities as the preeminent expert in multiple sub-disciplines of genetic engineering.
He's been doing it for 50 years, and he's worked for most of the large companies, and then in the mid-90s he was doing detailed, long-term studies in rodents, which are one of the closest mammals to our metabolism from what I've read, that and pigs.
And it was, again, retarding their growth.
And we're talking about just a hundred and something day study.
Retarding their growth, making their intestines grow faster, their other organs grow smaller, weird blood counts, brain problems, and even worse stuff.
I mean, I'm here looking at just stacks of articles.
And he was dealing with a potato that had one gene manipulated.
And correct me, Doctor, if any of this is wrong.
Sir, before we get back into how they tried to crucify you, and you've been proven right, now they're just wildly creating transgenetic organisms with three, four organisms in one creature, pigs that almost have entirely human brains, mice with human brain makeup,
Spider goats creating body armor out of their udders, just cockroach genes in tomatoes, salmon genes in corn, live pharmacological corn, protein gene in Texas, 96 locations, corn that grows, live AIDS virus, HIV, and sir, I tell people this as I read medical and scientific journals and they laugh at me, doctor, is this or is this not really going on?
Well, it is going on, unfortunately.
I mean, there are some really extreme examples, but the basic thing about them is always the same.
We can do a lot of things now.
We can transfer a gene from any organism into any other organism.
And once you can do these things, there is no end to it.
There is no control over it.
People will just do it, and if there is any money to be made out of it, then they will get the financial support, and therefore things will be done.
Unfortunately, that's how it is.
It seems to be totally out of control.
Well sir, I've interviewed a lot of your peers and other top scientists who have said, and this is actually a large group in the field listeners, I would say the majority, but they get ostracized and don't get the big funds, that these cross-species creations could give rise to super viruses at any time, could jump into other species, it's already happened with plants.
Am I correct in saying that?
Are they correct?
Well they are correct because you see that when people were talking about the Human Genome Project we were talking about 2.4% of all the genes which 2.4% of all the DNA which is in our genome and the rest we don't know anything about.
Now some of it is coming from
Thank you.
Viruses or bacteria, and they are just sleeping there.
According to the experts that I've interviewed, and I want to get your expertise on this, is it not almost a record of humankind's experiences locked up, and they thought that most of the crystalline structure wasn't even used, but now they're finding that the 4% that they were trying to manipulate, that they thought was the total, actually plugs in to the other crystalline structure, almost like a computer system?
Well, yes, I think that, you see, the Human Genome Project, when they found only 22,400 genes, and when the body does, or the cells do contain up to something like 200,000 proteins, it is impossible for 24,000 genes to produce 200,000 proteins unless
Those genes can be used with the...
Help of these networks of the 96% or 97% of the other so-called junk DNA.
But it's not junk, is it?
No, it isn't junk, but this is how it was regarded for a long time.
So these men thought they were God, and IBM just said, no, it's all junk, and we know how to control it now, but they're not finding that, are they?
No, they don't know how to control it.
They don't even know how it functions.
You see that it is very, very difficult to find out these interconnections.
Can you really imagine that you have a... Well, just with 15 or 20 prime numbers you can give rise to unlimited mathematical calculations above Gulag.
But on top of it, these are not just numbers.
These are, as I say, they are
A sort of history, like you said before, it's human history is being deposited there, and they will be usable, they can be resuscitated, they can be pieces of DNA which is silent now, can be made active again, because we are putting in parasitic elements by this
Transgenic technology to get everything working again.
You can make with these switches, these promoters.
So they are literally playing with the fabric of the life force itself, the face of God, and they don't even know what they've touched.
They don't.
You see, one of the problems with scientists that they
After the time they believe that they are gods.
There is no, you know, in most of the scientists I met, with very few exceptions, there is very little humility in them.
They're very arrogant.
Yes, that's it.
They think that, oh, if I can do this, I must do it.
But that's... you ought to really think now that we have the means of, as I say, transferring one gene from any organism into any other organism.
So, Sarg, have you found with this particularly genetically engineered potato, with one gene being manipulated,
That it then did a bunch of other stuff and caused major health problems in rats.
And now all the other studies are coming out with what other similar things have done.
What must be the consequences of just the wild transgenetic organisms they're creating?
Well, you see, you just imagine that you are shooting in something
A piece of DNA into a very, very complicated network.
Just imagine what would happen if you started shooting at your computer.
You don't know what is going to happen to it.
It is all the printed circuits, all the huge networks of connections.
You can get anything out of it.
When you have these transgenic plants, for example, these are events.
They are, most of the time, not reproducible events.
It is one event.
Yes, yes, but it's a very, very complicated slot machine and the consequences... So you might get a billion different things that happen?
The consequences are totally unpredictable and some of those consequences will...
Definitely come later.
And so what they've done is just wildly done this and brought it to market here in America.
Europe won't touch it.
England's picking it out.
They're smart.
What is wrong with Americans?
Because most Americans are eating this stuff every day.
Why, you see, there is this great American virtue
Which has got a bit out of step with reality.
This is to fix it.
The Americans were always great fixers.
There is a problem, we'll fix it.
But if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Here, there was not a problem to fix.
They fixed something and then they started to look for the problem.
You know, the whole thing is reversed.
And that we're going to suffer the consequences of that.
You see, we can put in the gene, but we cannot take it out.
So now, sir, I've read about... This is going to be an irreversible technology.
It's the first time in our human existence.
Even nuclear power you can switch off.
It will take a long time,
But you can switch off.
With this one, you cannot switch it off.
Let me ask you this question.
To use this analogy so people can get this, it's as if they've released and metastasized all these cancer cells into the global biosphere, and then they'll infect other people's healthy crops that are natural crops, and then claim they own those crops when they're releasing a toxic waste.
Yeah, but I mean, as I say, anything is possible now.
You can...
If at the end of the day, it is controlled by our DNA, our make-up,
We can always somehow interfere with that.
Stay there, Doctor.
This is unbelievable.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Dr. Arpad, who's Thai, has multiple degrees.
Of course, one from the University of London in England in biochemistry, genetic engineering.
He is recognized as one of the top five leading experts in the world
On genetically engineered food crops and particularly on the proteins that are exhibited.
We were just talking during the break.
He's agreed to stay a little bit longer even though he's extremely busy because this is life and death.
During the break, sir, I wish people could have heard what you said.
We were talking about, I said, a lot of scientists are saying that they're just wildly testing this stuff.
It could easily give rise to something that could kill entire biospheres.
And you said it could kill hundreds of millions of people.
And you said we're playing with our lives.
Can you please talk about that?
Yes, I think that what you now have this huge potential
To do good or bad.
To more or less get rid of a lot of things which were not possible to be done, to do in the past.
We have this huge potential to interfere with the genetic makeup of living organisms on Earth.
And as we can do this, it is dependent on how we do it, how well, how consciously we are, and conscientiously we look at the possible consequences of all this.
And if it is no good, then we ought to stop doing it.
Or we should not even start doing it.
But instead, sir, there's no controls, and Dick Cheney says that we should legitimize the use of race-specific bioweapons, which you brought up, and Dick Cheney in a government document says our government's developing this.
But, look, why is it developing?
America already is the only huge, uncontested superpower.
It has got atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, biological weapons.
They can do away with the world population a hundred times over, a thousand times over.
Why do we have to develop
uh... these uh... uh... weapons which will uh... uh... if it gets into the hand of of uh... of the wrong people terrorists and others uh... they can do as much damage to you as to themselves so i don't don't understand why it is that uh... this huge development dollar billions and trillions are poured into
Research of something which is a more effective killing machine.
That's what it is.
And then that causes an arms race and gets the Chinese and the Russians to start doing it.
Yes, but do you see that we thought that at the time that when there was the competition, the arms race between America, the United States and the Soviet Union,
That when that was over, we thought that now is the time when America can use its huge potential and its huge resources and manpower and brainpower to make life better.
So why the hell should we develop
We're good.
It literally mutates and deforms while you eat it, and they put it out there on the store shelves, the maize, the corn, the canola, just all of it, and I mean, I've got the examples of where they plant the genetically modified, say, canola, and suddenly it jumps into weeds, and then an oak tree's got it growing out of the side of it.
I mean, this stuff is like a cancer!
Well, most of the, you know, Canada, which grows a lot of canola, I don't think that you can now really
Find not modified genetically modified... Because it's taken over all the other seed lines!
Yeah, but you see that Europe stopped buying canola oil because it is almost impossible to have one
Which is not containing at least some... 90 plus percent of all crop strains of corn have already been infected.
And these guys, Monsanto owns the courts.
Nobody's there to stop them.
You know, I don't know if you see that your corporate sector is so powerful... We've got a break, sir.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We're talking to Dr. Arpad Mustaib, one of the leading world experts in genetic engineering of food crops.
Worked for the industry, pro-GM, did the major studies then for the British government, found major problems, was told to shut up about it, leaked a little bit of it, got demonized, and now all the other studies are coming out.
Industry studies, internal secret studies, and it's in the other crops the same thing.
In fact, you all heard about Starlink, corn, and all the rest of it.
A lot of these crops have even been banned in this country, but they still grow them and still stick them in your food.
And then all the others, folks, they'll just say, oh, this cockroach gene, this is a true story, it's been going on for ten years, this makes the tomato last longer.
Well, we don't know why we put a cockroach gene in it, but that's okay, and it changes a bunch of other genes by doing that, but we don't know what it'll do, but
We're just going to, uh, enjoy your tomato.
And we're not going to tell you there's a cockroach gene in there.
Why, we're going to put an organic sticker on it because it's only been genetically engineered a little bit.
So it doesn't, I mean, they even got the food labeling changed two years ago.
So you don't know.
And, uh, they're just going crazy.
And now they're talking about putting vaccines, uh, that, that, in pharmacological potatoes and rice and, where you don't have a choice.
And the poor starving Africans, they're smart enough that when this stuff gets delivered, it rots on the dock.
They'd rather starve.
The European farmers have rioted and burned buildings down when they try to ship it in there.
The British are refusing to eat it.
Those genetically modified companies keep trying to ship it in there.
This is what's going on.
But here in America, most of what we eat has the Senate.
All these new health problems.
Cancer doubling every 10 years.
The sperm count down by 80 plus percent.
All these new illnesses.
All these new diseases.
All these new problems.
Massive increases in things like Crohn's disease and digestive tract problems.
Oh, we just don't know why that's happening!
Oh my goodness, folks.
And it's all about monopoly.
A Monsanto executive four years ago, this even showed up in major magazines.
said at a big meeting openly.
Oh yeah, we're taking over the genetics and we love the fact that it's spreading because we own the courts and then we get to go in and say that you have stolen from us when our genetically modified pollen blows into your field, you can prove you bought the seeds and that your plant's just been genetically, basically modified just slightly.
Oh, now we own your crops.
Now we're going to take your property.
So it's about literally infesting and causing problems in the entire genome, then claiming ownership of the life systems itself when they cause the problem.
This will be the equivalent of if I came to your yard and I dumped cyanide in your backyard.
And your children breathed it and died, and then I sued you, saying, well, I have patented cyanide, and even though I dumped it on your property, this is almost literal, folks, you, you are at fault for breathing my cyanide.
And by the way, I own the court in St.
Louis, I'm Monsanto, and so, uh, I'm gonna sue you and take your house, because I killed your kids.
Doctor, I know I'm ranting and raving and I appreciate all the time you've been spending with us, but what are ways to stop this?
The harm, a lot of it's already been done, but with the chimeras and the cross-species and human characteristics and pigs and everything else, what worries you most right now and where do you see this going?
Well, I think that the main problem is that what your show is probably trying to do, to undo, is to get the message out to the ordinary people.
Because, you see, when I said in 1998 that 152nd television interview,
That I wouldn't eat, if I could avoid, I wouldn't eat GM potatoes.
And I also said that we shouldn't use our fellow citizens as human guinea pigs.
Within two months, all the supermarkets removed genetically modified food components from their shelves because people didn't want to buy them.
But we had a very effective way of communicating with the people, the consumers.
The consumers have a huge buying power.
They are holding in their purse more power than the entire GM biotech industry has at its disposal.
Because if we don't buy it,
Then there is no point of producing it.
Do you understand that it is somehow, if it is not stopped from above, then it will have to be stopped from below, because the consequences we cannot compute, we cannot predict, and if it is going to be a bad outcome,
a disastrous outcome, which it is possible that it will be, then we have no means of stopping it because it's an irreversible technology.
We learned how to put in the gene, we don't know how to take it out and how to stop the spreading of it and contaminating the Earth with it.
So, it is at this stage
You must do something.
You must tell the people that there is more to it than just simply profit.
If the Americans want to profit, they can turn their huge talents and energies into other fields where they can do something good, as opposed to this, which is potentially disastrous.
And again, I keep ramming home the message.
You will not be able to stop it once it is fully out.
It's no way to turn the clock back.
Doctor, I want to just give you a few short little examples, anecdotal examples or personal experiences I've had.
I have a family member who is on the fast track to be a bigwig executive at IBM.
Real smart.
And I was having dinner with her a few years ago, and she said, Alex, there's nothing unnatural in genetic mutation.
It's all completely normal.
There should be unlimited testing.
You know, there's no problem with genetically engineered... And I go, is this what they're telling you?
At IBM, who is funding, again, hundreds of different biotech experiments.
They're the biggest folks.
They got all these front companies.
They got their fingers in every pie, you know, in every broth.
You know, they're all over the place just funding all this insanity.
And when I talked to her, she goes, yeah, the executives don't have a problem.
They said there's no problem at all.
There's no danger.
And she said all mutation is natural.
And I was sitting there rolling my eyes at this.
And then, you know, it was almost like she was religious.
We control the genome now.
We know what to do.
And then I've talked to people who are in college right now, who are graduate students, who are in the genetic program at UT, and they're like, oh, it's no big deal.
Oh no, we control it.
Oh, this is going to...
And then I talk to the top scientific experts like yourself, I probably have 20 of you guys on, you're the most senior, and they're going, listen, I work for the big biotech companies, blah blah blah, I've done the studies, it's deadly dangerous, we could kill everyone, we've got to warn the people!
And then I talk to these little corporate people and they laugh at me, sir!
They laugh at me!
They act like this is funny, when just the most basic manipulations are diseasing these rats!
Again, where do these elites and their minions think they live?
What planet do they think this is, sir?
You are quite right that there is a great deal of irresponsibility.
It's driven by the profit motive.
They are irresponsible and they are half knowledgeable.
You know, half knowledge is worse than no knowledge at all.
Because then if you think you know, but you don't, then you can do immense harm.
And the fact of the matter is that this is a technology whose results cannot be predicted.
It's not even a technology.
When you build a bridge, you can calculate all the important factors about it.
And you know what you're designing it for, and you know what it will do.
With this one, we don't.
And if anybody is telling me that we do, then he is simply either an imbecile, or he doesn't know what he is talking about.
We don't know.
Don't know.
And that is the message.
And when you don't know, then you
Take your responsible decision and try not to do it.
Take the precautionary approach.
And this is the only way that you develop step by step.
You know, all the organisms which we have now have taken billions of years to develop.
And here we are developing things within five, ten years, and they don't fit into this environment.
They don't fit into this life.
But doctor, doctor, I mean your own primary research, their internal research is now being leaked.
The most small
Carefully looked at experiments that you and others have done.
In every case we look at when they do the study, it's giving rise to major problems in mammals.
And that's just a small manipulation, as you said.
Again, now it's, let's put four organisms in this rat.
It'll have a human brain, and pig lungs, and it'll have, and we'll have open-air goats.
In upstate New York, I had the CEO on about two years ago,
Yeah, it is.
Unfortunately, we have no control over it.
The only control is
In genetic modification of crops and food is your buying power, your purse.
But for that first you must make absolutely sure that everything is labeled.
Why do you think that the corporations are so dead against labeling?
We fought very hard here in Europe to get the labeling.
What is happening?
America is taking Europe to the WTO to change this because they think that if you see that it is labeled, you might not buy it.
But they do recognize the power of the purse, the power of the money, which is in our pockets.
And if, for example, if I go into the supermarket
I always very carefully check what is there, and it's not an absolute guarantee, but I try to buy organically produced stuff because I know that certainly in Britain, in my country here, there is zero tolerance for GM in
But I've got articles today where they've still been caught shipping it into your country.
And on top of this, Doctor, they passed a law two years ago to change what an organic label is.
It's just got to have 25% organic ingredients.
Yes, but you see that this is again up to the regulatory people.
They all work for the company.
It's a revolving door, as you know.
Yes, but you must insist.
It's a revolving door, but the population is the same.
We may not earn very much, but when you put it together for the 280 or 300 million Americans,
Well, Doctor Gwinney?
These companies will listen!
And he says, genetic engineering is no big deal.
They're a bunch of liars.
This is an almost exact quote.
George Washington Carver genetically engineered plants.
Now the deception there is, even I as a layman know, cross-pollinating two closely related plants in the same family
Is what nature naturally did, and there's no problem in that.
That is totally different than injecting cockroach genes into tomatoes.
One of your great scientists, a US scientist, actually said that by putting a North Atlantic fish gene into tomatoes to make it frost resistant,
It's an impossible situation in normal evolutionary terms because the fish would never mate with a tomato.
This is one of your great scientists who said this.
Well, genetics is so selective that the fish compete with each other, even within the same species, to selectively pass on the genes.
Yes, yes.
And the bigger the fish, the more progeny it has.
But anyway, it's
They try to explain this as that what we have been doing over the three million years or whatever of human existence on Earth is that we have always been doing genetic engineering.
Now what we are doing now is not what we have been doing for three million years.
It's totally and absolutely different and even your scientists at the FDA
I do recognize that the genetic engineering as we do it now is different and it presents us with different problems and different risks.
And therefore they ought to be looked at it differently.
All right, Doctor, I know that people can type in your name, ARPAD, and PUSGTAI.
We have links to articles about your great work at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, but I know you've written over, what is it, 30-something textbooks and hundreds of top papers, but is there any particular book you've written on this subject for a layman?
Well, I haven't actually written anything for the layman, but some of my friends in the United States have written one.
There is, for example, Jeffrey M. Smith, who produced a really beautiful book which is explaining all this.
What's the name of it?
It's called Seeds of Deception.
Seeds of Deception.
Yes, I've heard of it.
But it was actually riding very high on your list of popular authors.
Well, Doctor, I can only salute you for defending humankind and the planet.
And God bless you and thank you for spending so much time with us.
Thank you very much.
Take care.
Thank you.
God bless you too.
You bet.
And again, you know, the scientist talks about three million years, folks.
This is what God designed.
We are... They thought they knew the DNA, they got into it, and it was a billion times a billion more complex than these idiots thought.
We'll be right back.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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Alright, I know I gave the phone number out in the first hour and never took calls, but this is life and death that we were just talking about.
And look, it's more than just these people that are greedy and want power and don't care and think they're God.
They knowingly ship AIDS blood, AIDS-filled HIV and hepatitis blood, and tens of thousands die.
Openly knowing it, you know, it's not even just about the extra 25 cents per liter of blood that they made by not heating it and cleaning it.
They enjoy it!
They enjoy having our troops breed depleted uranium.
They enjoy
All of this.
This is the globalist Henry Kissinger documents, CIA documents, Prince Philip, Ted Turner.
All they talk about is killing 80 plus percent of us.
You understand they love their father the devil.
This is spiritual, folks.
This is death.
Death is being unleashed and the globalists are being told they're going to be protected.
And they are into the occult.
They really do believe in this.
And these stupid environmental groups are out grabbing people's private property, restricting land use, things that don't hurt the environment in any way.
They get private property rights away from us and transfer it to their bosses.
Meanwhile, very few environmental groups even talk about GM.
And most of them don't even know what's going on.
So that's what, I mean, this is the, I'm an environmentalist.
I'm a survivalist.
And by survivalist, I mean this is killing everybody.
This is destroying, this is out of control.
These scientists aren't stupid at the tops of these companies.
These corporate heads aren't dumb.
Plant prote-gene live HIV corn.
Grows live HIV in 96 locations.
Five years ago.
They had a facility 20 miles outside Austin.
Open air, people!
And now there's all kinds of weird plants growing out of the sides of trees and weird stuff happening.
It's mutating and everything.
All this weird stuff's going on.
You heard the scientist.
It's happening.
It's already happening!
They've already done it to us!
Oh, no, the government wouldn't do anything to hurt us.
Let's give our guns up to them.
Let's let them force drug our children.
Let's... Heaven help us.
I mean, we are going into the end times, folks.
I mean, it's gotta be.
But the churches tell us that George Bush is basically Jesus and everything's okay and the world leader will soon be among us and he will be Jesus and we must worship him.
I mean it's twisted folks.
It is totally twisted.
Just a quick program though.
I'm sorry to have to tell you this.
I think there were like 20 seats left as of a couple hours ago online for the 10 o'clock showing of Martial Law.
The other one
It was sold out a while back.
The 7 o'clock.
And I told them, you know, keep 15 seats for guests.
They didn't do that.
That's sold out.
My guests are going to have to go to the 10 o'clock.
It's that or nothing.
Because we can't have people that paid for tickets not be able to get in.
I'm sorry.
And then the next week's show I think's got like 30 tickets left in their big theater.
And that was an hour ago.
And so I'm trying to get another showing after that.
So for people that really wanted to come and people that were going to be coming to town, I warned you.
So, you can still get tickets to next week's if you move fast at InfoWars.com.
If you want to get a hard copy of Martial Law, it's my most powerful film.
It covers the police state, 9-11, who the New World Order is, the cult of death, how they love death, how they love to carry out death.
That's their religion, is death.
They love death.
They love death and were given over to a great delusion, I guess the word says.
Get Martial Law, folks.
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They'd openly kill tens of thousands of people knowingly with age-tainted blood and the government would certify it, but they wouldn't kill 3,000 of you at the World Trade Center for total martial law?
Stop being so naive!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks.
We are into hour number three.
Haven't taken any calls yet because we had a guest off last hour and, uh, twenty-five minutes or so.
A ton of other news, just so much coming up in this hour, but we've been talking about genetically engineered foods, and all the health problems they cause in laboratory animals, and then how all of those problems, the things we're doing now in genetic engineering, in open air, in uncontained areas, dwarfs that.
I mean, it could destroy us.
And it's not like nuclear weapons.
We could have a nuclear war.
No, this has already been released.
There is no telling what it's going to do, but we know it's bad.
It's already doing bad things.
I'm told Chris disagrees, so he goes to the head of the line in front of all these callers who have been holding for a while.
We'll get to you too.
Chris in Texas, is it something substantive?
Well, I just take an exception on a couple of points.
Now, I agree with you when you say the
The borders need to be better patrolled and protected.
As far as illegal immigration is concerned, I agree with you there.
However, I must take exception when you criticize our peace officers.
I have an uncle who was a peace officer.
He was twice elected Sheriff of Lyons, Kansas.
And he was the very first recruit to the Quantico FBI Academy who had never been to college.
And he graduated from there, and he was a law enforcement officer.
So you're using a microcosm example.
I never said that all the police are bad.
I said the system they're carrying out is bad.
Look around you.
May I finish?
You can finish, sir.
Thank you.
I mean, can you tell me your family history?
He was one of the best officers.
He received many commendations, and he never once in his twenty-some-odd years of being a peace officer, he never once used his gun because he believed
In talking to people and reasoning with people.
That sounds great!
Now, I stand up for the law enforcement officers of this country, the people who are out there protecting our rights.
Oh, they are?
I have never had any trouble with the police.
Yes, they are.
They have always been there to help me when I needed help.
Well, I've had police ask to search my car repeatedly.
That's a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
There's nothing in my car.
They don't have any reason to pull me over.
I know people who've been SWAT teamed, and they don't even say they're sorry when they leave and don't find anything.
When my vehicle was stolen.
They helped me to find it.
They located it for me the very same day.
And my vehicle was stolen and they did absolutely nothing to help me.
And they returned it to me the very same day, sir.
And when I thanked them, they said, that's why we're here, son.
They said, we're here to serve you.
Yeah, I know that.
Look, put him on hold.
Put him on hold.
Sir, protect and serve.
Peace officer.
I love peace officers.
I got a lot of family that are police.
I don't like people in black masks who say they're the officials, the authorities, and that we're the civilians.
Did you like what the cops did at Waco?
I'm talking about the bad system, sir.
Go ahead.
Alright, another place that I take exception with you, sir, is when you refer to our Commander-in-Chief as a terrorist and a murderer.
You claim that he knew that 9-11 was going to happen and did nothing to stop it.
You know, I respect your opinion, sir, but I have to highly disagree with you.
Well, what do you disagree with?
I believe that if George Bush knew that 9-11 was going to happen, he would have done everything in his power to stop it.
Oh, that's an actual George Bush quote!
I believe that he would have done that, sir, because really, in my opinion, sir, and this is my opinion, George Bush is a good and decent man.
He's not the best president we've ever had.
And the moon is made of cheese.
If you say so, sir.
No, no.
George Bush is a good man.
Do you believe George Bush goes to Bohemian Grove?
I know nothing about the Bohemian Grove, sir.
I want to stick to the point that I'm trying to be here.
No, you want to say he's a good guy.
I've been there, sir.
They worship the devil.
What does that prove, sir?
Just because in your little world you don't believe that when I say it, it doesn't mean I haven't been there.
I know something you don't.
Hey, why don't you stay there?
You want to go toe-to-toe?
You want to talk about facts, Mac?
Let's do it.
Let's do it, Chris, okay?
I appreciate you calling in.
You gonna stay there with us?
I'll stay here with you, sir.
You stay there.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, loaded phone lines here.
We're going to everybody's calls.
Spend a few more minutes with Chris in Texas.
And Chris, if you called up and said, Alex, you got a date wrong in your documentary, you know, I'd go fix it.
I've done stuff like that.
Or, Alex, you're wrong about this bill number.
Or, Alex, I don't see that interpretation of Section 802 that you see.
Well, here, let's read the subsection and see who's right.
But instead you just go, I don't believe, you have belief, you have faith that George Bush knew anything about 9-11.
Their own memo is public that they knew all the details.
They ordered FBI to stand down.
He signed W199I.
They flew the Bin Ladens out of the country in the days after.
They're in the Carlisle Group.
Jim Bush running security on the buildings.
Bush had the launch orders two days before 9-11 to attack Afghanistan.
44,000 U.S.
troops massing into Zikustan, Uzbekistan.
18,000 British troops.
Two aircraft carriers entered that area one day before.
On and on and on.
NORAD drills that day.
NORAD ordered to stand down drills of flying hijacked jets in the buildings.
Mayor Willie Brown getting a call from behind Lisa Rice told not to fly to New York the night before.
San Francisco Chronicle.
On and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.
I believe so, yes.
Your belief!
Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy?
Yes, sir.
I have looked.
Do you believe in Santa Claus?
Are you finished, sir?
Listen, you're the one that's talking about fairy tales!
You give me some facts!
I'm trying.
Wait, I'm going to say, if you want to make a believer out of me, sir, show me the smoking gun.
I want to see it.
Don't show me your little newspaper articles or magazine articles.
What do you mean, show me?
You show me facts, sir.
Show me a smoking gun.
It's like, show you gravity.
The evidence of gravity is all around you.
See, I've studied all the specifics.
Sir, I've got the smoking guns for prior knowledge.
They knew specifics.
Plans to fly planes into buildings in the next week.
They knew he was giving it in the CIA briefing and Rice lied and said they never got it.
Why don't you take it to a federal grand jury and have them indict him?
Okay, then let me ask you this.
We have called for that, sir.
We have contacted grand juries, state and federal.
We have done whole shows calling for grand juries to investigate.
I had Red Beckman on for two hours doing that two years ago.
I've looked over this evidence that you claim that you have, and I've read it, and it amounts to nothing.
Oh, so you just got the word nothing.
Saying the word nothing doesn't make it nothing.
If you were to take this to a federal grand jury, sir, they would laugh you out of the building.
Sure they would.
Because what you have amounts to nothing.
Now you're talking about laughing.
They would.
You use these buzzwords, sir, they mean nothing.
I am simply trying to tell you, sir, what I believe.
Are you saying Operation Northwoods doesn't exist?
The official government plan to carry out 9-11 style attacks to blame it on a foreign enemy?
Hey, I know nothing of that, sir.
I've not known nothing of that.
Do you know about Operation Gladio that was carried out?
No, sir, I know nothing of it.
Do you know they now admit they blew up the main for the Spanish-American War in 1898 in Havana Harbor?
No, sir, I know nothing of it.
Do you know about Hitler burning his own Reichstag to blame it on his political enemies?
Yes, I know about that.
Do you know about Hitler staging an attack on a radio base on the Polish border and blaming it on the Poles?
I know that Hitler was a madman, yes, sir.
Do you know about the Hegelian dialectic of problem, reaction, solution?
Uh, I can't say that I do.
Do you know about the RAF documents they just released where they were bombing Saddam trying to get him to attack?
No, sir.
Do you know about April Gillespie telling Saddam to go ahead and invade Kuwait?
No, sir.
Well, we've got video of that.
It's been all over national news.
Do you know about... Look, I'm not trying to be mean to you, sir.
This is life and death.
Okay, do you know that Bill Clinton certified blood is wholesome for eight years as non-prison blood and they didn't even test it and they knew it had HIV in it and tens of thousands of people died?
Now, that I wouldn't be surprised of, sir.
You don't like Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton's a surrogate member of the Bush family.
I mean, I've never liked Bill Clinton.
Did you know Terry Reed, CIA, was there watching the cocaine being unloaded?
It's never been challenged?
No, sir.
No, sir.
I know nothing of that.
Well, it must feel real good to know nothing about it.
I'm simply trying to tell you, sir,
I don't believe that George Bush had any prior knowledge of 9-11.
That's now admitted that he had prior knowledge.
There's no proof that he had prior knowledge.
And you can say there's no proof that there's salmon in the Pacific Ocean or the Atlantic Ocean.
He had no proof of the attacks prior knowledge, sir.
You have no proof that he had prior knowledge.
Say it five more times.
He had no proof.
Say it again.
You have no proof.
I said you have no proof, excuse me.
You have no proof, sir, that he had prior knowledge.
Because if he did, he would have done everything in his power to stop it.
Hey, let me ask you a question.
I don't think you're a government agent, but I bet you're a government agent.
No, sir.
I'm just a private citizen, sir.
But I bet you work for the government.
No, I'm just a private citizen.
No, sir.
You have government contracts.
No, I'm a person who simply loves his country, sir.
So, criticizing a corrupt government is bad.
Loving your country is mindlessly going, I don't know, but you have no proof.
Well, if you want to make a believer out of me,
Show me the proof.
And then maybe I'll believe you.
You can keep saying show you the money.
I already showed you the money.
You haven't shown me anything, sir.
Have you seen any of my films?
Yes, sir, I have.
What film is that?
I don't know what the names of them are, but I flip through the channels and I come across your program and I'll sit and I'll watch them.
While I agree with some of the things that you say, I don't agree with all of them, and I certainly do not agree... Let me ask you a question, Chris.
Do you believe that the CIA for client banks controls over 80% of the narcotics brought into this country?
Sir, I have no knowledge of that.
Okay, I have no knowledge of that at all.
You can either confirm or deny, huh?
All I'm trying to say is, as I'm simply saying... Have you heard the LBJ tape released two years ago by the LBJ Presidential Museum and Library in Austin, Texas, what we already knew from the documents, where the Gulf of Tonkin never happened, and was used as a pretext that 58 million Americans died in?
No, sir, I have not heard that.
Do you believe that or do you think I'm just making that up?
Well, I wouldn't know, sir.
I don't know anything about it.
I would need to study it.
Yeah, but you can just SAY I have no proof!
You can just SAY that I don't have a shred of evidence!
The only thing I see you doing, sir, every week is bad-mouthing George Bush, telling everybody how he's a terrorist and a murderer, but you show us no proof!
You kind of remind me of a person who claims to have been kidnapped by aliens.
Ah, use that term!
You tell a real fascinating story, sir, but you can't back it up.
Okay, you can use all the buzzwords you want.
Let's go over something right now you can't even debate.
Probably not.
Did George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld say that they knew Saddam had weapons of mass destruction?
Yes, sir.
And did it turn out that wasn't true?
Well, we haven't found any.
He probably had them shipped to Syria.
No, no, no.
Oh, no, no.
They've officially said they were wrong.
Now the CIA officers have gone public and said they were ordered to lie.
We have the down... Was the Nigerian document for uranium fabricated?
I don't know, sir.
I don't know anything about that.
Was the Pat Tillman case, where they claimed he was killed by Al-Qaeda, it turns out by his own troops, was that fabricated?
I don't believe it was, sir.
I found out about that just the other day and I was very upset about it.
Well, they now admit, sir, that they lied.
Like I said, I was very upset about that because I was- Are you saying the government didn't lie?
Are you saying they did or didn't lie?
I beg your pardon?
Well, in the case of Pat Tillman, they did, sir, yes.
Okay, what about Jessica Lynch?
She cowered and feared as a Hispanic American, took out those Iraqis, but because they wanted to put women in frontline combat, they told those families to shut up, and they gave her credit for something she never did!
Then they beat up the doctors that took care of her and our dad, and made a lie about it, and had Jerry Bruckheimer produce it!
I haven't heard anything of that.
BBC, baby!
And they admit the whole thing was a lie!
Now, as I stated before, sir... Hey, you want me to keep firing these at you for 10 hours as I can?
Sir, you can... You don't know what you're... Hey, let me tell you something.
You can fire them at me if you want to, sir.
You might make me sick.
I'm telling... Well, I'm sorry if I make you sick, sir.
I'm simply a person who loves his country, and I want to stand up... I love my country, too.
And I want to stand up for my president.
Did you hear us talking about genetic engineering in the last hour?
Yes, sir, I did.
You think that's a bunch of bull, too?
I'd have to study it, sir.
That's right.
I don't know.
He must feel really good to not know anything.
Okay, sir, I don't... You just know that you religiously don't believe me.
Sir, do you know what Skull and Bones is?
Sir, I believe some of the things you say, but not all of the things you say.
Sir, do you know what the Fool Society is?
No, sir, I don't know what the Fool Society is.
Sir, do you know what Bohemian Grove is?
No sir, I don't know what bohemian grows.
Well you better find out, because your life depends on it.
I love you, Chris.
Well sir, I... I spend 18 hours a day working.
I'm working so hard, I know what I'm talking about.
Alex, I haven't... And you can sit there and shoot your mouth off and say I don't, but you're dead wrong, brother.
Sounds to me, sir, like you're the only one shooting his mouth off.
No, I'm giving you nothing but facts, and I can keep doing it for 10 hours.
Let me ask you again!
No more buzzwords!
Put him on hold!
Put him on hold!
Put him on hold!
I'm gonna say this again!
I'm gonna say it again!
You say you don't know what Operation Gladio is!
Well, let me tell you!
This isn't some Northwoods plan that wasn't executed!
Gladio was executed!
Over a hundred bombings all over Europe, predominantly targeting children, to be blamed on political enemies of this government!
Can you say D with a capital D, as in Devil?
Can you say declassify?
Can you put it in your pipe?
Can you smoke it?
I don't think you can.
Can you, Chris?
Go ahead.
Sir, I just said if you want to make a believer out of me, then show me the proof.
I'm not a... No, no, no.
Not a believer.
Show me the proof.
You haven't shown me anything yet.
I've shown you constant.
All you show me is these little articles that amount to nothing, sir.
Okay, let me go back to the original question.
You are saying that Bush hasn't gotten anybody killed, isn't a murderer.
On a lie, he sent our troops, over 1700 of them are dead.
Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, a million plus since the sanctions, they are torturing those people under his orders!
They are torturing them to death!
That is murder!
And when a mob boss orders his men to do something wrong, he is more culpable than his street muscle man, his enforcer thug, his soldier that did it!
I'm saying that he did not plan 9-11, sir.
He did not plan that.
Well, you're right.
He's a puppet, but his boss is dead and he was fully aware of it.
No, sir.
He had no knowledge of that at all.
And you have that emotional belief.
Yes, sir.
I do have that belief.
I have a little bit more faith in my country than you do, sir.
I have total faith in this country.
Did you know our founding fathers said, don't trust the government?
It's always pure evil.
I don't agree with everything the government does, sir.
But I like to think that I have faith in my government.
Yeah, I mean, I was in the service myself.
I was in the service myself.
I defended this country.
Oh, really?
Yes, sir.
And, uh... What, in a staged Vietnam War?
It wasn't a staged Vietnam War.
No, sir.
I was in the United States Coast Guard.
Well, I don't know what I can say to you, sir.
Uh, do you believe depleted uranium is nutritious?
Absolutely not, sir.
Well, the Army's own reports say it's deadly, but our troops are breathing it.
They won't give them treatment.
Is that a friendly way to support the troops?
Anyway, Mr. Jones, you have a good day, sir.
I guess I don't support the Tribs because I care about them.
Is that it?
I care about them, too, sir.
Yeah, you care about them enough to suck your thumb.
Bye-bye, baby!
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
All right, David Mast is up next, but he just hung up.
So we got David in Arizona, Gary in Michigan, Alex in New York, and others.
Pull free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
I mean, really, I just get mad at cognitive dissonance, willful ignorance,
I mean, this government is so criminal, is so evil, and they lie.
More often than not, they tell the truth.
You give government unlimited power, you give them unlimited leeway, you give the corporations unlimited power, and you go, I just trust them!
I mean, that is a recipe for enslavement!
David in Arizona, go ahead.
Hey Alex, good afternoon.
What did you think of that last caller?
I think there's no doubt in my mind that he's a government shill.
That was a CIA agent or he works for some government agency and he was trying to discredit you.
I don't think so.
I mean, they'd be slicker than that.
I think he's just some good guy who probably has a government job.
He had that mentality.
And so he thinks the whole government's like him.
He thinks, oh, we're all good and you, you know.
Well, I want to make a point about the, uh, you know, he's talking about peace officers.
We do not have peace officers in America anymore.
They call themselves enforcement officers.
They are police officers and they work for the corporate municipality, which is not servant to the people.
The corporate municipality is a corporation.
It's no longer a public service agency.
We do not have peace officers in America anymore.
They are corporate employees and they serve the corporation.
They do not serve the people.
And that's what that man does not understand.
No, he doesn't understand that they enforce their regulations which are all totally opposed to the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Exactly, and the courts
All the courts in this country are operating under an illegitimate jurisdiction.
They're operating under Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction.
By the way, I used to hear that 10-15 years ago, and now I've got federal court rulings where they're taking some lady's land, and she goes, well, I get to have a court, and I get to go, no, Admiralty.
I mean, I'm talking federal courts in Colorado.
I mean, it's in the documents.
Yes, and the only legitimate jurisdiction is common law, but we've lost our common law.
We have lost our access to the Constitution.
They give a lip service to the Constitution, but we do not have any access to it unless we rescind and revoke our contract with the federal government.
Well, you know, here's where I disagree with you.
There's not even any law now.
They order the Border Patrol to stand down, but we've got to take national ID cards.
The $3 trillion has been stolen from the Pentagon.
There's no investigation.
It's admitted in Congress.
They use all these quote laws for us to follow.
They don't even follow their own laws.
You can rescind anything you want.
You can say whatever you want.
They just do whatever they want.
It's a battle of wills.
It's whoever's got, you know, as Tony Montana says, there's one thing in this world that gives orders, and it's about... Our Founding Fathers said the level of tyranny you will live under is the exact amount you'll put up with.
That is the law of human nature.
I'm familiar with that, yes.
And look, all the judges aren't bad, all the lawyers aren't bad, you still get some good cases, but predominantly they're evil, they're on power trips, and the evil is growing.
I like to tell people the highest caliber of criminal in the United States wears a black robe and sits behind a wooden bench.
No, I agree with you.
I mean, they are practitioners of Roman civil law that is replacing the law given down by the law giver there on the side of Mount Sinai, transferred into the Magna Carta of 1214, transferred into the Declaration of Independence, 1776.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Gary in Michigan.
Go ahead, sir.
Gary, you're on the air.
If you want to talk, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
Yeah, go ahead.
I'd like to get in that ring with that guy, because I'll tell you what, for, oh I don't know, for the last 30 years I've kind of known what's been going on, but what I've been doing for the last two years, I've been researching.
And I'll tell you what, I'm taping your show, I've taped about probably 400 tapes, I've got at least, I'm going on 500 tapes, and I've got reading here that is just curling my hair.
I've consumed so much information, I've got to start giving it out.
What I'm doing is, I'm going tactical.
What you've got to do is, you've got to hit it locally.
You can't cram it down there, bro.
What you have to do is, it's free.
It's information I know, and I've got to hand it out before we're on our way out.
The show that you had, I was taping that.
I thought I was taping it.
Your frequency changed.
I've been in the shortwave now for... since I was 20 years old.
And I've consumed, in 30 years, I've consumed enough information that says we are living the wrong way.
Oh no, I trust my government.
Oh yeah, it's amazing.
It's amazing.
And I'll tell you what, I live in Farmington here.
I'll let you finish up when we get back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
You know, it's like the dam broke.
We're a little town five miles down.
We're about to be under 80 feet of water.
Everybody's gonna die.
Yeah, and I'm in a helicopter, and I saw the dam break.
I know what's gonna happen, and I'm flying over with a bullhorn going, Get out of here!
Do something about it!
People are going, I don't believe that.
I think the men at the dam do a great job.
It's not very nice of you to talk bad about the men at the dam.
I'm like, I'm not talking about the men that work at the dam!
The dam has broken!
Well, my cousin works at the dam.
He's a very nice person.
I don't appreciate you kind of putting my cousin down.
I think police officers are really good people, and I think everything's alright.
I'm not... It's good cops and good firemen and good FBI agents and good congressmen and women that are out there that have been holding all of this back.
And so now we're being bathed in TV shows full of propaganda about torture and secret arrest and
They don't just want to read the books you're reading at the library.
It's for bookstores, too, and all other records, and you can't tell anybody they were there, but the border stays wide open.
I mean, it's a fraud!
Believe me, I wish I was wrong about all this, okay?
Believe me, I wish things hadn't gotten this serious.
And they can't move against all of us.
There's too many of us speaking out.
We are holding a lot of this back, and you better thank your bottom dollar.
Better thank God above that there's so many good listeners and so many good people out there fighting
Chris in Texas that called earlier.
That's what's keeping you a little bit free, holding back just on strings from going into total martial law, which our enemies want.
Tommy Franks has said, next attack, set aside the Constitution for a military government!
You better hope and pray that you will wake up and get involved and join us, brother.
Believe me, I've had so many thousands of calls and emails over the years.
I thought you were crazy.
I thought you were a nut.
I couldn't believe it, but then I experienced it.
I saw it.
Please, we don't have time and the luxury of that learning curve.
You know what you guys are?
You're like people who are put in the bush for the first time and say, Vietnam, Southeast Asia.
That's most of the people that got killed.
You didn't know what was going on.
You were naive.
You didn't have your sixth sense turned on.
You didn't know what was going on.
But our society's full of people like you.
You're rookies to life.
You're naive.
You never lived.
You never saw the underbelly of the world like I saw growing up, okay?
I had experiences that let me really know what was going on.
The sheriff being a drug dealer, later convicted of it.
Uh, devil worshipers, uh, some of the richest families in the country, you know, living in the area where I lived.
And experiencing that, and growing up, and having people try to get me to join their cult.
And you know, being at billionaires' houses.
I mean, I've lived, okay?
By the time I was 15, I've lived more than a lot of adults have out there.
And you guys, you guys just sit there in your naive little world, and you don't know what's going on.
And you, you know in your guts it's true, though.
If you've got any soul, you've got to know.
You've got to know.
You've got to understand.
You know, I do this because I love my family.
I mean, I don't want them living in a place like this.
This is world government, world empire, world tyranny, dehumanization.
I gotta go fast.
Gary in Michigan, just finish up.
Go ahead.
We ain't got much time left.
But I got something in my head.
What I'm going to do is I'm going to associate with you, Joyce and Dave, because I got a short way radio up my... I've told this three or four times, but what else do you want to talk about?
What I got going is I got a way to beat these people.
I really do, and you've got to get the information out.
I've got 400 tapes, I've got books, I've got a book right here, Operation Vampire Killer 2000.
By Jack McClam, Police Against the New World.
Oh yeah, and that's just the basics.
I've taken 20 years of this now, and I've consumed so much.
Good, spread the word!
Keep it up Gary, we've got to move on here.
Alex in New York, Alex go ahead.
Hello, Alex?
Oh, hello!
Wow, you have no idea how excited I am.
A few months ago, a friend of mine gave me your movie, Martial Law 9-11.
And I was totally, like, it's actually changed my life.
A very good friend of mine and his girlfriend thought I was totally crazy until they saw it.
And now they're on board with me.
And, like I said, I live in a suburb of New York.
Uh, and I'm trying to get as many people as I can down with this, so they know what's going on.
And so, when martial law happens, or the next terrorist attack happens, we will not be caught with our pants down.
Let me ask you a question.
Do you have your radio on?
Can you turn it off, please?
I just want to be able to hear what you have to say.
Uh... Go ahead, now.
Oh, thank you.
Um, well, uh, like I said, I'm from a suburb of New York City, and, um,
A friend of mine thought I was totally crazy until I showed him your movie, Martial Law.
And basically we've been spreading this movie out to as many people as we can.
I apologize that we're pirating it.
No, I want to thank you for doing that.
It's not pirating.
I want you to make copies.
It has no effect.
It will have no power.
It won't save anybody unless you make copies and those you give it to make copies.
Yes, thank you.
Oh, wow.
I've been in anticipation for so long.
I'm sorry.
I'm just an average guy you're talking to.
Go ahead and make your points.
Oh, man.
Wow, I'm totally speechless.
But, yeah, me and my friend Jeff, we've been just looking into all this information.
We're going to start a club at our college next year so we can spread all this information to people and get it out there.
What did you think of the guy earlier who thinks everything's honky-dory?
He's a sheep!
He's a sheep.
He's totally...
He's been conditioned by our government for so many years to believe what they've told him, and so now when you're showing him the terrible truth, because honestly, I don't really want to believe this either.
It's terrible that our government is trying to enslave us.
But the facts and the evidence just point to it so, like, unquestionably.
Well, sir, we have our own public white papers where they say they're going to enslave us.
I mean, Brzezinski and the Grand Chess Board calls us slaves, calls us barbarians, says we need terror attacks to unify them.
I don't understand why we have to use terror attacks... This guy has a best-selling book calling us slaves!
These people don't listen to anything!
You're right!
You're totally right!
I mean, Barnett struts around on C-SPAN talking about world government, the military works for global government, and the brass is all clapping, and I mean, then you go, there's world government, Rush Limbaugh goes, there's no world government!
No, Reuters is just saying they're getting rid of our borders!
Well, they're rubbing it in our face, because they know we would be fooled by all of their propaganda and misinformation that we don't know exists.
Well, they know the general public will see a threat and just deny it exists.
They call sticking your head in the sand.
Hey, you keep it up, Alex, and call back again.
Sorry you had to hold so long.
We just had that big guest on.
Mike in Illinois.
Something else, Alex?
No, thank you so much.
Keep fighting the good fight.
Thank you.
Mike in Illinois.
Take care.
Mike, go ahead.
Alex, how are you?
Hey, just some quick points.
Nothing spectacular.
Nothing anybody else didn't notice.
And you mention it in your movie, but I was driving across South Dakota when they lost Payne Stewart's flight.
But when golfer Payne Stewart
for five minutes was unreachable.
They had fighters on it.
We lose planes for 45 minutes?
I mean, there's basic simple questions.
Obvious questions that people have to ask.
Hour and 25 for the first plane, two hours total.
The point is, they're basic simple, they're obvious questions that people need to ask.
And Chris in Texas, if you're listening, I know nobody wants to ask these questions, but don't ignore the obvious.
Don't sit here and just go, well, because my TV told me it was going to rain today and it did, everything else is true.
Because that's what everybody else is doing and you're talking about... You just hit a powerful point.
They'll tell you the truth about sports, about the weather, about how to cook a turkey.
The globalists need to have some truth.
So there's a lot of stuff like that.
And people think, well that's true, or they have what you call spin.
We're putting cameras up because they're good.
No, that's bad.
Then they have stuff that's total lies.
Controlled distraction.
There's all different types of propaganda.
One thing and one question that everybody, everybody, honestly, if you live in this country needs to ask yourself.
Name me, and I put the challenge out and hopefully you'll let me do it.
Call in and name one program that we have given federal, state, or local government to run that they haven't abused it.
Name me one program they haven't corrupted.
Well, I mean, we've caught fish and wildlife in the forestry service, dumping birds, dumping lions, mountain lions to then take people's property.
I don't care where they find it.
Name me one that they haven't abused.
Just one.
It's not a big question.
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And our founding fathers resoundingly said, government's deadly dangerous, slavery's the norm, freedom's so precious, don't trust the government, keep control of it, and nowadays I think you're unpatriotic.
The other thing that I'm doing besides handing out your DVD is I've ordered pocket constitutions from the governmental printing office.
Because I gotta tell you something that disgusts me when I talk to fellow associates that I work with or people that I know who are naturalized citizens who know people from other, just so everybody knows, people from other countries that come over here and go through the naturalization process to become U.S.
And they know more about the Constitution, more about the Bill of Rights, not only because they've lived in other countries where they didn't have it, but because they understand what they're reading.
And you talk to the average American, they couldn't tell you three of the top ten.
Well, they will spend ten pages in a history book about the evil Ku Klux Klan.
They're going to get you to give all your rights up.
It's mindless trivia about movie stars, and they'll spend maybe one paragraph on the Constitution.
If you want to take it and look at it from that route, I watched the History Channel and C-SPAN pretty much solely when I had cable, and I just disconnected it because there's no point.
That's the only two channels I watch.
One of the things that I noticed is when we talk about World War II and we go into the Nazis, we talk about the horrible things they did.
And they did horrible things.
We don't talk about the environment that created that, that allowed that to emerge.
We don't talk about the societal changes that were going on in Germany at the time.
We don't talk about, you know, the economic changes that were occurring in Germany at the time.
We don't talk about what created that environment to allow him to come to power.
We just talk about the horrible things they did.
Now we don't talk about how, just to be buddies with the Russians, we said keep 20,000 US troops who were in Nazi camps, use them for slave labor.
And that's admitted!
Oh, but if you talk about that on Memorial Day, you're against the troops.
Because loving the troops means you don't care about them.
One of the other, and this will be the last thing because I know there's other people, one of the other things, and I got into this argument with somebody the other day, and I said to him, and I'll say it to Chris, Chris, educate yourself.
It's not our job to try and break that little
You know you wouldn't be calling Alex's show, you wouldn't be listening to Alex's show, unless you knew in your heart something wasn't right.
All you have to do is scratch the surface.
They have to keep telling the same lies over and over and over again.
All you have to do is scratch the surface with a fingernail and you can start to see what's underneath all the BS.
Buckets of, yeah, but be ready.
Buckets of pus are going to squirt out on you.
Yeah, it's disgusting.
And if you're not losing sleep at this point in time, you're not an American tuned into what's happening in our own country.
Hey, I appreciate the call.
Mike, you're beautiful.
Thanks for the call.
Look, I'll say this again.
Folks, I go deeper and deeper down this rabbit hole.
I learn more and more every day.
I learned more in a month than I learned in the last five years.
I mean, it's just exponential.
And that's happening with you, too.
And I start really learning the nature of the New World Order.
It can only be described as the devil.
I mean, it is pure destruction and wanton attacks on beauty and innocence and love.
And I see these adults screaming and yelling and losing sleep over their football team losing.
But then I yell and scream about total destruction of America and our freedoms and total lies.
And I'm weird because I'm upset.
And I mean, folks, I am upset.
Everybody that knows me personally, all I do is work.
And just, you know, grab a little time with my children, just here and there.
And there's nothing I'd love better than to just, you know, go on vacations and, you know, hang out and all that stuff and just have a normal business.
I have to do this, folks.
I mean, I put everything on the line.
I know the incredible danger I'm in.
I know what I'm up against.
But the danger of doing nothing is much greater by the 10th power.
My soul is in anguish, folks.
It is... I mean, I can feel the palpable evil.
I can feel it rising and wriggling and reveling.
I can see their plan.
I can read their plan.
God, help us!
Folks, if you only knew what I knew, if you could only see what I see, I can just see the New World Order.
I've been doing this so long and so deep in studying it.
I know a lot of you do see it, and it'll drive a lot of you crazy.
I mean, you've got to just have God as your anchor, and as your keep, as your fortress.
I see the innocence of the adults.
They're childlike.
They're just giggling fools.
They have no idea what they're under, under the black wings of this system.
God strengthen us, God have all of us stand up against this, because bad times are ahead, folks.
I mean, the storm isn't coming, it's already hit us, and it just gets harder and harder.
And a lot of globalists are flinching right now, not just because of us, but they're finally seeing what they've built.
A lot of their own people are finally seeing what's been constructed.
You know, it's been fun having power, it's been fun being decadent, but now they're really learning the nature, and they're scared that they've got to ride this beast
You know, that that somehow protects them when they are in the most danger.
And I speak to the hearts of the evil people out there and those that might still have an inkling of good in them.
God may still be able to touch you.
Give in to God.
Give yourself to God.
Give yourself to Christ.
Don't be afraid of it.
Just give yourself.
Don't be afraid.
The fear will go away.
God will comfort you.
And whatever happens, happens folks.
This life is so transitory, so quick.
Please, please, please, please find out what we're facing.
To boil it down, our own species is a subgroup that are basically parasites, or what you'd call vampires.
Not in the classical sense, I use that figuratively, but they're vampires.
They're parasites.
And the parasite likes his business, and they enjoy it, and they have no conscience.
I'm talking about the controllers.
They do not have souls, folks.
They are blinded.
They are really crippled, diseased anomalies.
And they are trying to have you as their army.
They're trying to get you to go along with them for power and control and dominance and women and all of it.
And you've gotten deep into it now and you know it's bad.
You know you can smell the death.
You're afraid.
Don't burrow deeper.
Don't go deeper into it.
Come out of it.
Come out of her.
Join us.
Join love.
Join truth.
Join beauty.
Join innocence.
Join creativity.
And, join life.
It is your destiny.
It is not to go with the devil and his hordes.
Please, listen to me.
This is real.
The devil is real.
Evil is real.
And the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist.
And, I mean, how the evil is just, you can just see it!
I can see it physically, folks.
Many of you only knew.
It's growing.
Chris in Kentucky, go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
You know, I was like a naive person a few years ago when I first listened to your show.
I did think you were crazy, and it was time to think.
Because I did see a lot of stuff going on around, especially when September 11th happened.
At first I think, well, you know, I didn't think of anything of it.
And then I got more suspicious and got really thinking of waking up because I have seen changes in society.
I've seen the way the police have changed out here in public places.
You know, it's just, it's not freedom out here anymore.
And I'm seeing, oh, by the way, I went to Kroger.
We've got the thumb scanners being installed.
Your freedom is here with a little ID picture camera like thing on it.
I looked at it.
This is real, folks.
And if you want to continue to go on and just
Steve, put your pampers on and go to sleep.
You know, you've got to wake up.
We're not saying that we hate you.
There's a lot of good people in government.
I'm a state worker, and I am waking up big time.
So there, Chris, in Texas, I am a state worker, and I'm waking up, and I'm fed up.
I want my freedom.
Anything else, Chris?
I just wanted to say I ordered your film.
Stay there.
Stay there.
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We're here, my friends.
And... I don't have any more time to get into it.
The nature of the New World Order, the nature of evil.
But, Crescent Kentucky, finish up what you were saying.
I just wanted to say that I've also ordered
Couple of your martial laws are going to be on the way and I'm going to get copies out to people.
You know, worldwide, people in general I just talked to, don't even know about the show or who you are, are talking about this.
I've given information out to people through websites, Infowars.com, George Reilly's, Bush Paul's.
Folks, they're there, but you've got to reach them.
And I'm not fearing anything anymore.
I'm going to keep going with this fight until we get this hard freedom back.
Well, I know this.
If we weren't here doing what we're doing, things would be a lot worse.
Thanks, Chris.
I appreciate you and your support.
Go ahead, Michael.
Michael in Tennessee.
Yes, sir.
Hey, uh, hey, Alec.
First time I've ever called any radio talk show, but guy Chris in Texas just got me kind of fired up.
Well, thanks for calling.
What's on your mind?
Well, I just wanted to tell him I hope he's listening.
If he thinks trusting the government's a good thing, my experience in the military during the Iran affair was being used as a target.
Now when they use your men as a target to try and start a war, it's kind of hard to trust them, you know what I mean?
So they were trying to get you to prance around in front of the Iranians?
They had us prancing around in front of the Iranians.
I would talk about it, but I really don't want to bring them down on me.
Another reason why I never called before.
Now I understand, you signed a non-disclosure national security letter?
Well, I mean, you were obviously there and saw a lot of clandestine things.
Should we just trust the government?
Never trust this government that's running our country.
And people are so asleep these days.
I just can't understand why they can't wake up and see what's in front of them.
Well, you know, taking freedom for granted always leads to horror, and all these poor people who want to suck their thumbs, they're going to squeal like little piglets at the slaughter when their daddy government is beating the daylights out of them.
Oh, I know.
And the way they're programming people, like my niece, I told her about the five-year-old girl getting arrested.
Well, I saw that.
They needed to do something.
She's going to grow up and kill somebody.
And you know, it's the same
Perhaps they spew out on the TV.
I'm like, well, what are you going to do when they arrest your kids?
Well, I'll be down there and get them.
They're not going to arrest my kids.
Double think.
That's double think right there.
That's total mind control when people have two different views on the same issue.
I could do two hours on that.
No, I know.
Well, sir, don't make this your first and only.
I hope you'll call sometime when we've got more time.
I would love to.
And I don't think they've got your voice print.
You can probably talk about some stuff.
I mean, you can give us shadows of it, the edge of it, without going across the line.
Well, I might do that.
The funny thing is, for doing all that, they gave me the same medal that they gave the people they left behind on Wake Island during World War II.
I don't even have it anymore.
That's how much that meant to me.
Well, God bless you and Godspeed.
Take care, Mike.
Sorry to Jeff and Jeff and everybody else that's holding.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, in the last minute of this transmission.
You've heard about Martial Law.
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Folks, this isn't a joke, and it takes courage to admit the facts, but you have to be deaf, dumb, and blind, and have a lobotomy to not see what's around you.
Can't you smell the stench?
Can't you taste it?
It isn't good.
It's real bad.
God bless you all.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order!