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Name: 20050518_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 18, 2005
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it's definitely going to be a blue moon here today, my friends, on this live 18th of May 2005 edition.
This is Wednesday Transmission Against Tyranny.
Jeff Rentsch, nominated for multiple Peabody Awards, listed in the Top 100 Talk Show, hosted American History by Talkers Magazine, will be joining us for the second half of the broadcast in an hour and a half.
To be precise, he'll be joining us for the balance of the broadcast to talk about
Well, a lot of different key issues and subjects.
The war in Iraq, depleted uranium, we'll also talk about who really controls Israel, and we'll get into Member of Parliament George Galloway ripping into this whitewash panel, this witch hunt panel in the Congress.
We'll be playing that clip of his opening remarks as well.
So, big interview with Jeff Rentsch.
Jeff Rentsch does not do interviews.
But I'm a regular guest on his broadcast, and I had requested he come on, and he said, OK, I'll do it.
And so a real treat for everybody with Jeff Rents coming up in an hour and 30 minutes, roughly.
I want to play part of this Galloway clip when we get back, but we'll play all of it when Jeff Rents joins us and let him analyze it and go over it.
More is coming out concerning Newsweek's supposed retraction of the Koran and the toilet story.
And it's not even really a retraction of the information, now we're learning.
It's a retraction just because they were ordered by the White House to do this.
Pretty disgusting.
And I want to go over some of the media propaganda surrounding this.
Now the FBI is saying the grenade at the Bush rally in Georgia, that's Georgia, Eastern Europe, was a live hand grenade.
Just more fear-mongering, more propaganda.
Senate Intelligence Committee set to pass Secret Patriot Act expansion.
We'll go over this important report as well.
And protesters subjected to pretext interviews, FBI memo shows no specific threats.
The protesters are still harassed and their First Amendment viciously violated.
County Jail tags inmates with RFID cracker chips.
Air Force seeks Bush's approval for space weapons programs, a massive expansion of SDI into offensive nature, which we've always known that it was really for.
Now it's just out in the open.
Hostile grackles attack people in Houston.
I'm somewhat of a bird buff.
I don't own any birds, but I got a lot of bird books and when I have time I like looking at birds and knowing different birds and
It's funny, I was just talking to my wife this weekend about how mean grackles are.
They're kind of the New World Order of birds.
They're really horrible creatures.
And like a scene from a horror movie, the birds, large black grackles, which attack people around here, are swooping downtown Houston and attacking people's heads, hair, and backs.
They're getting more aggressive because, well, you basically can't eat in an outside Austin restaurant.
I've had them land in my plate.
And they're large birds, especially the boat-tailed grackled, and they will grab your meal, large portions of it, they'll try to drag off half your steak, and it's pretty ridiculous, but now they're attacking people.
And I have seen them occasionally get mad at someone, and they won't give up their food, and grab on them just a few times, but now they're getting even more aggressive, and they may be working with Al-Qaeda.
It's an interesting story.
I don't want to call myself an ornithologist.
I mean, there's so much to know about birds.
It's just funny.
I was just talking about how horrible grackles are.
Most birds are monogamous and made for life.
Grackles are promiscuous to the extreme.
They kill and eat other species of baby birds.
They kill their own species and eat baby birds.
They attack pets in your backyard.
And they're not that big.
They're smaller than a crow.
Much smaller than a raven, but they are blackbirds.
Very important information today we'll be discussing.
The Grankle.
Now, we won't spend much time on it, but it is a funny story.
The University of Iowa offers a porn class, and a lot more.
It's all coming up after this quick break, so you'll want to stay with us, so keep it locked in.
We shall return.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, again, ladies and gentlemen, second segment, 8 minutes, 30 seconds in.
Jeff Rentsch, nominated three times for a Peabody Award as a news anchor and newsman with a big TV station.
That's one of the biggest alternative news websites on the internet.
Syndicated broadcaster listed in the 100 most influential talk show hosts in history by Talkers Magazine.
Will be joining us.
He never does interviews.
I mean, never.
He'll be joining us for one of the few interviews that he's done over the many years, the decade he's been broadcasting on radio.
For the second half of this broadcast today to talk about the Iraq War, depleted uranium, to talk about this Member of Parliament, Galloway, over in England exposing the neocons, a whole host of subjects for the second half of the broadcast.
I guess you could call it the bottom of the show, the middle of the broadcast in about an hour and twenty minutes.
We will be joined by Jeff Rents of Rents.com.
Really look forward to that.
I'm a routine guest, of course, on his syndicated program that's now the last few months been with the Genesis Network.
Really excited to have him.
And so that is coming up with Jeff Rents.
There is so much news I want to cover, but I want to lead with this.
I spent about five hours in the last two days
And we just added a bunch of photos and documents and hyperlinks to the story that I completed last night.
We just added them this morning.
And I hope you'll spread the word on this article because it has the potential to wake up millions of young people if you will simply email it out to your email list, post it on websites, put it on message boards, post it on blogs.
Darth Vader and the New World Order.
I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this today.
I talked about it yesterday and read part of the article that I hadn't yet completed and it's about eight pages of tiny print long and it's a really important story.
Newsweek and CBS News and USA Today and Japan Today and Variety and
All of them have written articles about the parallels between the Imperial America and how they use manufactured crises to invade and set up a larger empire and enslave their populations.
I mean, I've been talking about the parallels in Episode 1, 2 for years, but nobody else picked up on it.
Now it's been picked up on.
But they're not getting into government-sponsored terror.
And in the film, the government is carrying out terror attacks against itself as a pretext for control.
And young people, I talk to, understand the plot.
Adults don't get it.
There's like some type of blind spot to government-sponsored terror, even in fantasy.
And so many Americans interface with reality through fantasy.
The average American watches three-and-a-half hours.
It's more now.
Those are old numbers of TV.
The average child, four-and-a-half to five hours, depending on what region of the country.
They measure studies per day.
So, most people are living in a fantasy world.
Well, by reaching through that fantasy, we're able to unlock a lot of minds by showing how that fantasy is almost a mirror image of what's really going on.
The article I have written, and almost every statement is backed up with a hyperlink to the documents or other news reports, goes past just the Iraq War and the impending invasion of Iran and Syria.
And George Lucas has said, yes, this parallels what Bush has done with the invasion and the police state in America, and it's scary.
I hope this doesn't happen in America.
It may, I'm afraid.
You know, these are George Lucas quotes.
That he gave a few days ago at the Cannes Film Festival.
He's been giving similar ones in San Francisco and New York at other premieres.
So we have all that in the article, but we go further.
We show the clear plot of a secret satanic society taking control of the Republic and being behind empires, which in reality we really have, minus the lightsabers and levitation.
They do wear black cloaks.
They do engage in devil worship.
They believe it gives them power.
It is a self-centered religion of do as thou wilt, which the Emperor talks about in Episode 3, according to the book I read.
I don't know if that's in the film.
So, Lucas admittedly studied ancient religions, studied archetypes, talked to Joseph Campbell, and, you know, this reoccurring dark lord in the black helmet.
That's in all cultures.
Similar things are in the Bible.
Lord of the Rings.
It's this reoccurring theme throughout history.
And Lucas basically put the Illuminati in his films.
And of course, it's very New Age-y.
You know, the counter to that is the good Jedis with their own little New Age mantra, which is dangerous.
But the point is, this is a way to reach
Millions of young people.
This is going to be a very popular film.
They're saying more popular than the first, because it's as good or better.
The first two were pretty cheesily done, minus having a good plot.
And so, we can use this powerful archetype to wake up a lot of young people who are going to be going to see this film, and a lot of adults who are 45, 50 years old, who were fans of the first Star Wars.
So go to PrisonPlanet.com.
I don't know if Paul has put the latest update.
We updated the article and put more links and more documents this morning.
It just went up on InfoWars.com.
So I think right now the most updated version is on InfoWars.com and it should be updated soon at PrisonPlanet.com but that hasn't already happened.
But it's there and it's up to you if this article is going to get out there to the people.
Here's the article's synopsis.
This story deals not only with parallels between Star Wars Episode 3 and the Iraq invasion, it also details the psychology of government-sponsored terrorism as a tool of empire, and the real secret societies, like the Order of Death, that Darth Vader and the Sith are based on.
Most young people have been fed a false political paradigm and are so bored with history and world events, and so are bored with history and world events.
When they learn the true nature of the global controllers in a Star Wars context, we know they will join the real rebellion.
Learn who the real Dark Lords are in the article below.
So if you're having trouble waking your 15-year-old up to the New World Order, give them a copy of this article.
Put it in their favorites list, and then tell them to read it and check out the links.
And then they'll understand what we're really dealing with.
By the way, I've discovered that at Skull and Bones, they call each other not just Long Devil or Temporary, but also, once they've left college, they're in many cases called Lords.
And even some of the names of the Bohemian Grove camps are called Lord This, Lord That, Lord Death, Lord Devil,
I mean, it's so similar, and that's why over the years I joke and call people Lord Bush, Lord Kerry, because that's what they call each other.
You know, they've got little chants like, you were a thief, you were a pirate, you were a lord, you were a king, you were a dark lord.
So again, it isn't that everybody's imitating Star Wars, and I talk about this in the article, it's Star Wars is imitating the real dark lords.
George Lucas admits he copies the Nazis,
Darth Vader wears a cross between a Japanese samurai helmet and a German officer's helmet, World War I helmet, or a German gunnery sergeant's helmet.
There's nothing fanciful about this.
And, oh yeah, thanks for reminding me.
By the way, this clip is coming up in a few minutes with Galloway, British Member of Parliament George Galloway, tearing in to the
A little committee yesterday, as he promised he would do.
And that's coming up here in a few minutes, so we will be airing that.
But back to the Nazis.
I mean, in my new film, I did tell you, from their own... We got the annals of the Bohemian Grove.
We've got like 50 years of their annals now.
From the turn of the last century, you know, 1900.
We've got it from 1940.
We've got it from 1986 to 1996.
We've got their internal documents.
Some of these were very, very expensive.
Others were given to us.
Others are in libraries.
We've scanned them in, put them on the websites.
And in it, there's correspondence with the German Order of Death and with Bohemian Grove about how skull and bones of Bohemian Grove are all part of the same group.
Then we have German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, a key piece of evidence, in his own autobiography, Men and Powers, a political retrospective where he says, we are the Trilateral Commission, we are the CFR, we are the Bilderberg Group, we are for world government, we control things.
This is all in my new film.
This is at the library.
Men and Powers, a political retrospective, Helmut Schmidt.
He says, and he says, I love the druidic rituals we do in Germany, but my favorite place to do the rituals is in America at Bohemian Grove.
So the black helmets, the black uniforms, the order of death, the evil,
That's what Lucas was, he studied, he studied secret societies, he's admitted this, and he put it in this film.
That's why it resonates subconsciously, or in the spirit.
That's why this film, despite all the cheesiness, is so effective with people, because deep down, folks know this, in many cases, is an image put in a fanciful context, projected onto fantasy, of what's really going on.
I mean, we have the German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt saying they do rituals.
It's not Alex Jones!
These are the people.
And of course, Lucas lives in Northern California.
That's where he's lived most of his life.
And obviously, he knew about this stuff.
And he's put it in these films.
And truth is stranger than fiction.
I mean, they wear black hoods.
They do all of this stuff.
They do these rituals.
I think they get an hour off of it.
I mean, they really are what you could call the Sith.
All of Star Wars is just fantasy with reality projected onto it.
And that's why these archetypal images are so powerful.
And then, of course, there's a clear separation of good and evil.
And the films then show the little guy standing up and rebelling, and that's very alluring.
I'm done talking about it.
I've written the article.
It took me five hours to write.
Two days and two separate days I worked on it.
Put a lot of work into it.
I hope you'll share it with everybody.
Alright, a bunch of news coming up in the Galloway clip as well.
There is just so much coming up.
We're having Alfred Hitchcock type birds attacking people in Houston.
We'll be right back.
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Member of Parliament Galloway delivered scathing remarks when he was on Capitol Hill yesterday.
That's coming up concerning what's really going on with the Iraq war and how they've been trying to target him.
Try to distract attention away from the scams they've been running.
I mean, yeah, the British and the French and the Germans all were involved in oil for food scams.
It was set up by our government so only Dick Cheney and Halliburton could profit.
Only Halliburton was allowed to sell oil-filled equipment for the 12 years plus to Saddam.
They had all these special sweetheart deals.
I mean, they wrote the sanctions to profit just a few companies, and of course Saddam was a criminal.
Our government put him into power.
But they tried to divert attention off about lying about the war and the weapons of mass destruction to Galloway, and that's
He really tore him up, so that's coming up.
Right now, though, Neighborhood Watch, you know, you think they're there to stop criminals breaking into the back of your house, but... Tattletail squads now are, quote, are a man and woman arguing.
Did you smell marijuana?
Did you hear screams?
Are people dumping motor oil in their backyard?
Or is their grass three inches high?
And we've seen this in Austin.
Areas that were formerly rural, I mean out in the country, have been annexed.
And I've been out to the homes, and if you've got three inch grass, and maybe an old car in the back, but in some cases not even an old car, they come and give you $2,000 a day fines.
They love to target 75, 85 year old people.
It seems they've got a database with the hospitals that as soon as somebody's in the hospital with a heart attack, they then come and start putting the notices on the house.
In a month or two, it could be $50,000 or more.
I mean, I've done TV shows on this.
I ought to make a film about that and put all those old TV reports in it.
Then they come and seize the home.
They generally target old people.
Well, this is a case outside Texas.
The zoning laws have been written up by the feds, and the states then and the counties adopt them.
through federal grant money that they get to do this, and they go out into rural areas where people move there so they can have junk cars and sheds, and say, uh-uh, we've changed the law, retroactively, which they shouldn't be able to do, we're going to start fining you, and they have the neighbors tattling and running around and doing this.
So let's play this disgusting, disgusting clip.
Neighborhood Watch reports people for long grass.
Now go ahead and roll it.
Broken down cars, three sheds in the front yard.
That may be the way some neighborhoods in Prince William County used to look, but that is changing.
Yeah, some areas once considered rural are now bustling with new development.
And with those new homes comes some new pressure to keep up with the Joneses.
Peggy Fox shows us how one county is trying to help out.
It doesn't look good.
Michelle Casciato landed what looks like the perfect job.
For $70,000 a year, she walks around neighborhoods in Prince William County taking in the beauty and jotting down the ugly.
You see there's no front license plate.
That tells me it's an inoperable vehicle.
It's not properly registered.
You're not supposed to park cars, trucks, boats, and trailers on your lawn.
You see they've got wires coming in and out.
That's not kosher to have wires coming out.
And if you walk over here,
Now you can see there's a stack of tires in the backyard.
Casciato is Prince William County's Neighborhood Coordinator.
It's a new position to beef up the appearance of neighborhoods in a county that is fast becoming more affluent.
Progress comes everywhere, eventually.
And there are always going to be people who liked it the way it was.
When homeowners have clear violations.
The neighborhood coordinator has no enforcement powers, but she does work in an office with 14 code enforcement inspectors to whom she will hand over the address of properties like this.
When the grass is over a foot high or she finds another violation, she doesn't knock on the door because that can spark a confrontation, but she does write down the address.
The owner of this overgrown lawn, B.J.
Richardson, thinks it's too much like Big Brother.
Lawn mower's been broken.
I'm unemployed, so... They're working on it.
Other homeowners are pleased with the attention and hope more problems can be addressed.
Too many families living in one house.
That's probably my biggest complaint about the neighborhood.
Casiato says through education and outreach, she's trying to make Prince William County a nicer place to live.
Peggy Fox, 9 News.
Well, let me tell you something, scumbag.
If you don't like it, move out of the area.
And let me tell you a story.
My grandparents kept their lawn immaculate.
My grandfather's now dead.
My last grandparent, Benny Hammond, still lives here in Austin.
God bless her soul.
And they had a government creek with a drainage ditch behind their fence over their backyard.
Code enforcement showed up and their yard was immaculate and told them that they would give them $2,000 a day fines.
It's $2,000 a day.
If they didn't, if my grandfather, who was about, I don't know, 75 at the time and not in good health, didn't climb over the fence to clean out their ditch,
Shortly after he had a heart attack and then that led a few years later to a stroke and he's dead now!
And you, I see it as you bastards killed my grandfather!
You, you criminal murdering scum!
You're a bunch of trash!
And uh, I've been to uh, remember the famous case last night, Roland Ellington?
Three inch grass in Austin, it's three inch!
I showed on TV the fines every day, two thousand dollars!
Dying of colon cancer and the police came and arrested him for not paying the fines.
Well, we stood up to him and we thumped him hard.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I'm going to get into national, international news.
Here in a few minutes, and then we'll talk to Greg in Texas, Bill in Wisconsin, and others.
Toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
A rare interview with Jeff Rents, coming up in an hour.
Buck Jobs, and I'm going to talk to you about Jeff Rents.
This zoning issue, this zoning situation, you know, they say, oh, derelict cars, derelict boats, why it's horrible.
And they even admit, they go out in the countryside, all over the country,
And they get counties to pass, it's basically a blank check form, a federally written law, that is they write the, you know, it's like one of those will kits.
Most of the laws that are getting passed in your county, your city, your state, there are these big foundations that are paid for by the big corporations and lobbyists.
That write laws, form laws, like form letters.
Then they bring the laws they've written to your county, your city, your school district, your water district, your environmental district, you know, whatever they call these feudal control mechanisms.
And because the law you see in Wisconsin is identical to the law in Austin, literally, it's just the name will be changed for the county.
Travis County will, you know, have the same name, you know, the same law as Williamson County, Texas, just north of us, or the same as Orange County in California.
We've had a lot of guests on.
I was big on zoning a few years ago because it's one of their most out-of-control things they're doing.
And it's feudalism.
They tell you what you can do with your land, how you can do it.
Then it's how you can paint your house, what you can do.
They slap all these big taxes on you on top of it.
The property taxes are exploding.
And folks, I went to house after house after house.
I probably, when I first got on TV back in 1995, through I'd say 1998, I mean one of the biggest things we talked about was zoning.
And we really stopped Austin and the health department from a massive program of harassment.
And how we did this was, as soon as I started doing newscasts on my TV show, where I'd go out and show the house, three-inch grass, no derelict cars, no nothing, a pile of wood in the back, because the guy was a carpenter and an arborist, and he's sick in the hospital, and his grass gets three inches high, and it turns out a guy living a few doors down is a realtor.
We later learned he'd done the complaint.
This is one case of literally dozens I covered.
Roland Ellingson was one of the most out-of-control, egregious examples.
He lived off of what?
West 37th?
West 38th Street?
And he built his two houses when he got back from the war in World War II.
Never married.
Built two really pretty little houses.
His main income was the house in the front on about a half acre lot right on the corner.
And I mean now, houses, one house over there is going for $400,000.
So I mean one three bedroom on a tiny lot.
Well he had, what, two four bedrooms, one of them two stories.
Really nice homes, freshly painted, kept up very well, but in his yard, because he did a lot of arborist work, was zero scaped.
Mainly English ivy and Asian jasmine, but a few spots up by the street there was some grass.
And we measured it.
It was three inches high.
And a little over three inches high, and he was getting $2,000 a day fines.
So we interviewed him, it went on TV, and the police came out into his backyard and said, uh, you haven't paid the fines, we're arresting you.
And they put this old World War II vet, uh, who literally could hardly walk because of the cancer and the chemotherapy.
Had colon cancer.
They put him in a squad car, took him to jail, and he flopped around and vomited, went through his chemo pains, didn't have his chemo and his painkillers, and flopped around for a couple days in the jail cell.
I mean, vomiting, almost died.
They released him, and some cops got mad about it, and so several different police officers gave me details of city council members' homes.
And one of them was Jackie Goodman.
So we went out to Jackie Goodman, who herself owned two houses in Southwest Austin, in a mid-level, middle-class area.
You know, $300,000 houses.
And all these beautiful homes, immaculate yards.
Her yards had vines growing out of the trees, A's and J's everywhere, and four-foot grass.
A tarp on the roof of one of the houses.
We showed her car, showed her license plate, and we put it on TV.
The outrage was incredible.
But still they kept slapping fines on Roland Ellington.
And then we went over to his house and mowed his yard for him and some volunteers did because the poor guy could hardly walk at the time.
He got better for a while after that.
And good old boy, I tell you.
And then we got a call from the police, our sources, going, have you seen the health department?
We went over there and they had two foot grass, walls falling down.
They were doing construction.
We showed that and it was over.
They dropped the, it was like 50 grand he supposedly owed from a few weeks.
Because then they put leaves on your house to try to force you to take it.
Then that wasn't enough.
They hit him with the IRS.
And then all these other old people started calling us.
And it seemed as soon as they went in for heart attacks, as soon as they went in for cancer, boom, they were getting hit.
And we know the police are tied into these databases, they're tied into the pharmacies, they're tied into everything, you know, they're tied into your power bills, you're using too much power, they raid your house, you must have drugs, but a lot of cops were getting mad about it, so they were, they didn't like this, go arrest this old man!
You know, they're dragging the guy out, he can barely walk, looks like a skeleton, I mean, they didn't like it, so they would report to us the hypocrisy and started watching the city council for us.
And that's the type of stuff that will turn this country around.
And as if that wasn't bad enough, I guess it was then about 97, 98, my grandmother calls me and she goes, Alex, I know you're into politics.
We come look at these letters we're getting.
My dad looked at them too and it was the same stuff.
It was clean out this ditch.
You're required to clean out something like 15 feet off your property line, which is insane.
There's literally a creek
That looks like something out of the Fern Gully.
I mean, when I was a little kid, I'd go there and walk down to the end of it.
There was a big waterfall down into this big gully and all this stuff.
Well, right behind their house, there's drainage dishes that come off the road feeding into it.
And it was full of brush that wasn't even from their property.
And they tell them, we're gonna... I don't remember the details.
I think it was a smaller sign.
For some reason, it was like 500 bucks a day.
And it said, you're going to clean it out.
Well, my grandfather submitted, even before they called me, and he climbed over and drug these huge limbs out at like 75 years of age, drug these big limbs out, did all this stuff, and then they called me because there was still some wood back there, and they said, no, that isn't enough clean at all.
And my grandmother originally called me to say, well, you come clean it up for us.
I mean, it was insane, and then he had a heart attack right after that.
I mean, you people are sick!
Now it's clean out ditches for us that aren't even on people's property.
I mean, it was a concrete drainage ditch, you know, culverts, three of them, feeding in to where this creek started.
And I remember digging fossils out of that creek when I was ten years old, and I come down here to visit them.
It's just so sick, folks.
And I don't mean to rant and rev about this all day, but let's talk to Bill in Wisconsin.
I hear he said he was calling about zoning.
Bill, welcome, sir.
Yeah, thank you, Alex.
You know, a while back I took your advice.
Get involved on a local level.
Now in Wisconsin, what they were coming through with was an Agenda 21 program called Smart Growth.
We got the same thing in Austin.
Right, right.
Well, it was passed in 1999, and now they were beginning to get it passed on county level.
Well, they passed a land use plan for the county.
They passed one for the town, which was included in the county plan.
And for those that don't know, we had Tom Tancredo on about this yesterday.
It's really true.
It's from the UN and UNESCO, to the feds, to the states.
It's a fact.
That's right.
Yeah, it's all there.
Alright, so anyway, I've had health problems over the last two and a half years.
And I was pretty sick last spring.
But then they were going to classify everyone's property out here in the country.
And I went to the meeting.
And I could, you know, barely sit there, but I started speaking out and screaming against what they were doing.
Well, the next step was, you know, they were having hearings on a recodification for the county zoning.
And I went there.
I was the first one called up.
I had no idea how the audience at the high school was going to react.
But I got about two-thirds of the way through, and I'm close.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and how they are taking away our rights.
And then they started to interrupt me and the people started screaming out, let him speak.
So then the next thing I finished and I lambasted them.
Well, the county still passed their recodification.
But then this gives our town one year because there's a window of opportunity
I think.
The people on the local planning commission.
We've got a referendum coming up on the 24th, next Tuesday, to pull out of county zoning.
Are you fighting the federal initiative to put in the electronic CIA voting machines?
Well, we don't even have that at this point.
And that's part of the reason why I
We had a good, clean count.
I thumped the guy that was in there.
No, I know.
I mean, of course, Patriots would win every election.
We have all the popular views, the constitutional views.
Well, see, good job, sir!
And I'm honored.
You're saying, because of this show, you decided to get involved?
Oh, absolutely.
On a local level.
And, Alex, I am passing out videos to people, too.
And, boy, when you've got a commissioner doing that, people pay attention.
Well, I'm board chairman, and I'm having the time of my life.
But isn't town board chairman the equivalent of the commissioner?
Well, you know, there's two other... In the county, we call that the commissioner.
I'm not a county commissioner.
This is a township adjoining, you know, the city here.
Well, you need to stack the deck.
You need to get all your people into the other positions.
Well, that goes without saying, Alex.
That goes without saying.
I'll stack the deck for freedom.
You betcha.
And that's what I ran on.
I'm going to send you some of my campaign literature.
Well, good job!
So, so... People, yeah!
Get go there!
Scream at these meetings!
And then run!
And you'd be surprised.
A lot of people are upset about these things.
Well, unfortunately we don't vote anymore in Austin.
They put in the CIA machines.
Yeah, well, see, we don't have that.
You know, we do mark a paper.
I was at the courthouse.
I could hear it clicking away.
They came out and announced the results and I was more shocked than anybody that I was.
You know, because there's a lot of good ol' boy system and people that have lived here for generations... Yeah, but nobody wants... I mean, folks, let's say you buy 10 acres out in the country, and 20 years later, 5 years later, a year later, or a lot of times you buy it and don't even know, oh, sorry, we retroactively say, you can't even have a barn.
Oh, you can't paint your house.
Oh, you've got 3 inch grass.
Here's a $500 fine.
Usually it's 500 smackers a day.
In Austin, it's two grand!
Right, right.
Well, I'm telling you people, you can do it.
If I can do it, you know, it's broken up and health-wise and everything, then anybody can do it.
Thanks for the call, I appreciate it.
Yeah, it made my grandfather so mad when they were doing that to him in the IRS.
I'm sure that's what caused him to have a heart attack.
I mean, they really do target these people.
It's sick.
I want to air this Galloway clip.
Again, this is a British Member of Parliament, and this is him before this Congressional Committee yesterday, tearing into them.
We're going to air part of this now, all of it when Jeff Rentsch joins us, but he's standing up to them concerning how they're trying to demonize him and others, claiming they're involved in oil for food, when it's our own government running the big fat scams.
So go ahead and roll that clip for me, please.
So there's nothing fanciful about this.
Nothing at all fanciful about it.
The existence of forged documents implicating me in commercial activities with the Iraqi regime is a proven fact.
It's a proven fact that these forged documents existed and were being circulated amongst right-wing newspapers
In Baghdad and around the world in the immediate aftermath of the fall of the Iraqi regime.
Now Senator, I gave my heart and soul to oppose the policy that you promoted.
I gave my political life's blood to try to stop the mass killing of Iraqis by the sanctions on Iraq, which killed a million Iraqis, most of them children.
Most of them died before they even knew that they were Iraqis.
But they died for no other reason other than that they were Iraqis.
With the misfortune to be born at that time.
I gave my heart and soul to stop you committing the disaster that you did commit in invading Iraq.
And I told the world that your case for the war was a pack of lies.
I told the world that Iraq, contrary to your claims, did not have weapons of mass destruction.
I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to Al-Qaeda.
I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to the atrocity on 9-11-2001.
I told the world, contrary to your claims,
That the Iraqi people would resist a British and American invasion of their country, and that the fall of Baghdad would not be the beginning of the end, but merely the end of the beginning.
Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right, and you turned out to be wrong.
And a hundred thousand people have paid with their lives.
Sixteen hundred of them American soldiers, sent to their deaths on a pack of lies.
Fifteen thousand of them wounded, many of them disabled forever, on a pack of lies.
If the world had listened to Kofi Annan, whose dismissal you demanded,
If the world had listened to President Chirac, who you want to paint as some kind of corrupt traitor.
If the world had listened to me and the anti-war movement in Britain, we would not be in the disaster that we're in today.
Senator, this is the mother of all smokescreens.
You are trying to divert attention from the crimes that you supported, from the theft of billions of dollars of Iraq's wealth.
Have a look at the real oil for food scandal.
Have a look at the 14 months you were in charge of Baghdad, the first 14 months, when 8.8 billion dollars of Iraq's wealth went missing on your watch.
Have a look at Halliburton and the other American corporations that stole not only Iraq's money, but the money of the American taxpayer.
Have a look at the oil that you didn't even meter.
That you were shipping out of the country and selling.
The proceeds of which went who knows where.
Have a look at the 800 million dollars you gave to American military commanders to hand out around the country.
Without even counting it.
Alright folks.
We're gonna play that entire clip.
It gets even better.
Oh yes.
When Jeff Rents joins us in the middle of the next hour.
So in about 40 minutes you'll get to hear that whole thing.
What you just heard re-aired and then the second half of it.
It gets incredibly powerful.
The fight for freedom and humanity will continue.
The fight for dignity will continue.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart piece by piece and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
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Alright, we'll have time to cover a bunch of other news items.
We'll take your calls for 30 minutes into the next hour.
I've got Jeff Roots joining us.
We'll get back into the amazing statements of Galloway.
Member of Parliament, British Member of Parliament George Galloway says he is ready to face down the U.S.
Senators who claim he received oil rights from Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
Mr. Galloway denies claims by a Senate committee that he and a former French minister were allowed to sell Iraqi oil to reward their support for the regime.
Which it has been admittedly were false documents.
This is the administration that are masters of this.
I mean, it's just classic.
And this is kind of like the famous film footage I've seen of Howard Hughes before the Senate Committee, when he turned the tables on them.
I mean, it is powerful.
I've seen about ten minutes of it, and we're just going to air a few minutes of it coming up in the next hour, but he tore them into pieces.
He tore them and knew you-know-what.
I mean, he really got them.
And it's true, folks.
I mean, they can point at Europe.
There were people involved in scams of Saddam in Europe.
But then you look at our own government who's pointing the finger.
They're ten times worse!
I mean, of course this stuff's going on.
But Galloway wasn't involved.
Galloway could have probably been Prime Minister if he'd have played ball.
He's been very popular, but now he's been thrown out of the Labor Party.
Because he wouldn't go along with Tony Blair.
I mean, he's paid a major sacrifice for this.
And they try to slander him.
He should sue all these people.
It's unbelievable.
Basically, Defense Intelligence and the CIA and others, the Office of Strategic Information, runs the Iraqi newspapers now and uses them as their propaganda arm and puts out all these lies.
They also produce TV shows where they torture people on TV and have them say that they're guilty of being terrorists every night on Iraqi TV.
I mean, it's like worse than 1984.
As I said, we'll go straight to your calls here in a few minutes when we start the next hour.
Greg and Andy and Michael and many others that are patiently holding.
Before I end this hour, a couple of little tidbits here.
I'm going to be showing my new film, Martial Law, 9-11, Rise of the Police State, the most powerful video I've ever produced, really a mini-series, three parts.
It covers the police state, the latest developments, what really happened on 9-11, and then who the globalists are, how they're involved in these dark cults, involved with the Nazis and Schwarzenegger and Bohemian Grove.
I'm going to be showing it,
At three separate showings.
Two on one night, one on another night.
Friday, June 3rd.
Friday, June 3rd.
Alamo Draft House Cinema.
On Colorado Street.
At 7 and 10 p.m.
Two different showings.
Friday, June 3rd.
And then coming up the next week.
Wednesday, June 8th.
At 8 o'clock.
Wednesday, June 8th.
At 8 o'clock at the Alamo Draft House on South Lamar.
All three of the showings are great.
There isn't one showing that's going to be the best.
We'll have more time to talk and take questions and get a longer speech at the Wednesday, June 8th one at 8 o'clock at the Alamo Draft House in South Lamar.
You can buy tickets online at InfoWars.com.
Just click through to the Alamo Draft House website.
Buy tickets via their SafeSecure server.
And it's going to be a lot of fun.
I hope you go ahead and get your tickets and choose which event you're going to come to.
If not, you can buy them at the door.
And if any of the showings sell out,
Before the event, we'll tell you which showings haven't sold out.
They've sold out in the past, so take action right now.
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Call toll-free.
They can answer all your questions about discounts and specials.
We're offering right now, big discounts, 1-888-253-3139.
Call right now, folks.
It also supports us.
Or you can just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Or order hard copies via the Safe, Secure Shopping Carts at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
You can watch lengthy clips of the films, in some cases half of them.
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So PrisonPlanet.tv can also go there right now and sign up for 50 cents a day and watch all the films right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Second Hour totally jam-packed with your calls and news and Jeff Rents is coming up.
So keep it locked in!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, second hour on this 18th of May 2005 edition of the InfoWar.
It's Real Talk Radio, where we talk about real issues of real significance that actually affect you and your family.
Remember back when I started this radio show with Genesis, about six years ago, the syndication through them, they said, we need to call the Alex Jones Show.
And I said, no.
Let's just call it Real Talk Radio.
And they said, no Alex Jones.
I said, okay, you can have that if you want it.
But really, this is Real Talk Radio.
That's what it's always been.
And that's the issues that we discuss.
Things that actually affect you and your family.
I love the t-shirt I got sent five years ago by a listener in Florida.
I still wear it.
It's got holes in it.
It says, Real Talk Radio.
And that really boils down to what we are.
Not phony left or right garbage.
But Real Talk Radio, ladies and gentlemen.
We get down to the brass tacks.
Does it give you more liberty or less liberty?
We're going to be going to your calls here in just a second.
We talked about Member of Parliament George Galloway just tearing up the whitewash committee that tried to demonize him and tried to create a smoke screen concerning the oil for food program.
We'll play the full clip and have Jeff Rentsch, who never does interviews, this is an ultra-rare occurrence,
That is coming up, joining us in about 30 minutes.
And there's a bunch of other news here too, just a ton of it, that we're going to be going over.
Like the Patriot Act may be smucked back through by a particular committee.
County Jail tags inmates with RFID.
That's all coming up before Jeff joins us.
But right now, Greg in Texas.
Greg, thanks for holding.
Yeah, that was a pretty powerful clip you just played.
I have two quick questions.
Well, I was listening to your show a while back, and I heard you say that you and Paul Watson, that there are actual terror attacks that go on, but they don't fit in with, I guess, the whole script for the downplay.
And I was wondering if you could comment on that.
Well, some of them are real, rogue terrorists that are copycats, that really think that there's really Muslim terrorists attacking.
So they go out and carry out attacks, and because it doesn't play into the script, they're ignored.
Planes are blown up, power plants are bombed.
This is confirmed.
There's also then government terror attacks that are carried out, so the government can tell locales that we're really under a red alert, that's why we're taking all the liberties, follow your orders.
So that's going on too.
Oh, okay.
And one thing, I was running on the Prison Planet website a couple weeks ago, and it was an article that Paul Watson wrote about the grandfather of the 9-11 movement.
And on it he said that you had kind of basically predicted and had to give out the White House number two months before.
And I was trying to go back into the archives and finding the info on that.
Is there anywhere I can find more info on that?
Well, in that article, there's the hyperlink to where I did it on TV, and the archives are out there floating around the web of the two months before Operation Expose the Government Terrorist.
Oh, yeah, okay.
That was the... Alright, that's it, and I keep the good work.
I appreciate the call, Greg.
Good to hear from you, my friend.
Let's talk to Andy in Florida.
Andy, go ahead.
Hey, Alex, I just wanted to ask you if you had read anything about the Illuminati card game back in the early 90s?
Yeah, that's based in Austin, Texas.
The guy that does that and in it, hijackers fly planes in the World Trade Center.
And there's a picture of the Pentagon on one of the cards where it's partially burnt.
And also a picture of... Sir, Tom Clancy, Lone Gunman, Fox News, Philips ads, Philips TV ads on TV where F-16's bombing and then it goes, the way we change your life, bomb the World Trade Center.
They flaunt it everywhere.
It is unbelievable.
I actually own a deck of those cards that I bought in like 1998 that has the Pentagon and the World Trade Center being hit.
Alright, nice talking to you, Alex.
Yeah, we have that somewhere on the website.
The photos, uh, scans of the cars.
Did you see that?
Oh, uh, on your website?
No, I didn't.
Yeah, it was up there years ago, but yeah, it's somewhere.
Oh, okay.
We need to put that in the, uh, Illuminati language hidden in plain sight, uh, section.
Anything else?
No, that's it.
Vaya con Dios.
More calls coming up.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're on the eve of Episode 3, Star Wars Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith, and the mainstream media everywhere is drawing the parallels between this dark empire America's built, using the pretext of a terrorist threat to expand its living space,
And, uh, but what the mainstream media doesn't target is government-sponsored terrorism that Lucas covers, or how secret societies are behind it.
And that's in these films, that's why it resonates with the public.
Well, I've written an entailed eight-page article full of dozens of hyperlinks and photographs and documents, a great way to wake up young people and Star Wars fans, and I hope people will go to PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com and get that story and get it out to everybody.
This is a great way to wake up people who've never been involved in politics or who don't know about the New World Order.
Oh, there is so much to talk about.
Let me cover a few news items and we'll go to your calls.
Call the toll free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
The Iowa News Channel reports University of Iowa offers porn class.
Some universities of Iowa students may be able to get an A in X-rated.
The school will be offering a class on porn this fall semester.
The students slots will have been filled and there's a waiting list to get on.
Grad student Jay Clarkson is teaching the course but he cautioned the students looking for a cheap thrill will be disappointed.
He said no films or other explicit material will be shown in the class
Clarkson said the class will examine the impact on porno on mainstream culture.
That might actually be a real study.
But Iowa House Speaker Chris Radice, that's the nickname of my chihuahua, Radice,
Doesn't like the idea a bit.
The lawmaker said the pornography class isn't something that should be taught with taxpayers' money.
If you're studying the media and marketing, it might be that what I'm against are the porn classes they have all over the country where they show porn and just get off on it, or where they make students go who are in certain, getting certain degrees to transvestite class, or where they make young ladies go work at strip bars if they want their school grades, or where they have a
I don't know.
Class on stripping, or where in major California cities, the state funds Career Day, where they teach young girls that stripping is good, which then leads to prostitution.
So, of course, people aren't mad about that.
They're mad about a class studying it as a phenomenon, which I think is legitimate.
It is a big phenomenon, folks.
It's almost one of the biggest things in the media.
It's like a $20 billion industry or something now.
I mean, it is massive.
Really good looking girls that were from middle class families that went to high school that are in porn now.
And I don't mean Playboy Magazine, ladies and gentlemen.
And I mean this is what they're telling them the new economy is.
Women, you know, in Germany they told a 25, 24 year old woman with a computer engineering six year degree.
They told her, sorry no job for you, you gotta report to the whorehouse, gotta serve ten men a day.
Or we're going to take you off your unemployment.
She said, no, I'll wait tables.
I'll bus tables.
This is mainstream news.
Oh, you gotta go be a whore.
Or you can catch diseases.
Or it destroys your psychology, because we don't make moral judgments in Deutschland.
Well, we're going the same direction, folks.
Moral judgments, moral rules are there because it makes society strong and people happy.
These women are not happy that are topless dancers.
It ruins them.
I've known topless dancers.
I've lived in an apartment next door to one.
I've known girls who got into this and they turned into hard criminals.
There might be an exception out there, but generally there's not.
Now I'm getting off into a rant about society here, but it's unbelievable.
I had a girlfriend in high school who became a topless dancer.
And years later she wanted to date me and I went out with her a few times.
I'm like, no way!
You're like some type of criminal now.
I mean, you're like some kind of a hard person who assesses people.
She was ruined.
Sweetest girl you can imagine.
And real happy making $500,000 a night, but wrecked.
And the last time I saw her was about eight years ago, and she was even worse off.
So, I don't know.
It's just another subject, folks.
LA County Jail tags inmates with Radio Frequency Identification Devices, or RFID for short.
The next fashion accessory for some inmates in Los Angeles County Jail will be Radio Identification Frequency Devices, or bracelets.
And of course, two years ago, Reuters reported that state inmates, they'd signed a contract to implant them with chips, but when it got public attention, it got shot down.
That's Reuters, by the way.
Two Reuters articles where they announced it and where they unannounced it, retracted it.
The county's largest jail system has launched a pilot project with Alan Conn technology to track inmates using the technology.
And of course public schools all over the country are announcing they're putting RFID in tags that children have to wear around their necks, again training them how to be prisoners.
Absolutely amazing to see this happening.
I mentioned this at the very start of the broadcast,
But it's just interesting, so I'm going to cover it.
We don't cover a lot of news of the weird, but this ties into something that's important, so I'll cover it.
What the animal rights activists have done in this country.
Hostile grackles attack people in Houston.
Like a scene from the horror movie, The Birds, by Alfred Hitchcock, large black grackles are swooping down Houston and attacking people's heads, hair, and backs.
Authorities closed off sidewalks after the aggressive birds
Which can have two foot wingspans, more than that, flew from magnolia trees Monday in front of the county administration building.
They were just going crazy!
That Constable Wilbert Jew, who works for the building.
They were attacking everybody that walked by.
The grackles zeroed in on a lawyer who shoot a bird away before he tripped and injured his face.
The lawyer was treated for several cuts.
It appears the birds are protecting their offspring on Monday.
No, grackles don't protect their offspring.
They eat.
Other offspring are horrible birds.
On Monday, a young grackle had fallen out of the nest.
The adult birds attacked people who got too close.
Yeah, a blue jay will do that.
But another one attacked a deputy clerk.
It hit him with a bottle, said Sylvia Vasquez.
We'll be charged for that.
One guy had a rat trying to bite his grandson.
He killed it and they arrested him.
The other birds came by and one attacked
My blouse and my back.
Two women came to her help and fell to the ground and the birds attacked them as well, grabbing their hair as they ran from the building.
And one person fell down the stairs.
I've got a couple articles on this here.
My point is this.
Rackles just five years ago didn't act like this.
Ten years ago they certainly didn't.
You really can't eat in a lot of outside restaurants in Austin because a few years ago it was jump on your table, flap at you, now it's attack you, now it's jump on your plate, grab your food.
There's three different types.
There's the common grackle, the boat-tailed grackle, and there's one other that's in between.
These things are funny to watch.
They puff up and hiss and yell at you.
They're real smart.
They wade into water and grab minnows.
They eat crawfish.
I was just this weekend reading about them in a bird book.
They eat other birds' offspring and eggs.
They eat their own offspring if it's not their offspring.
They're very promiscuous.
They're not monogamous.
They run around in basically giant flocks having orgies.
I mean, you can see it on people's front lawns.
A bunch of grackles going insane.
I mean, they're really funny birds.
Funny is what they are.
But the point here is, is that, let's talk about something serious.
I've talked to people who've lived in Austin 30, 40 years.
The last time Grackles tried this, people would go out there with subsonic .22's that are made for shooting small nuisances.
You know, squirrels in your attic, so it doesn't shoot through your house.
It's like a super short .22, you use a handgun.
I've even used this on rats before at my grandma's.
Or you can use rat shot on them, and people would kill Grackles.
I mean, they're everywhere.
They're like cockroaches.
I mean, you might have 50 of them when you're at a restaurant trying to attack you, and the restaurant's going to come and try to swat them away, and they just hiss at you and puff up.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
But they literally hiss at you.
But take mountain lions.
Every couple months, I read where they grab some toddler and kill him in the backyard, or grab some small woman or small man, or mainly 5-year-old, 10-year-old children.
It's a minor footnote in Texas or California.
It's happening everywhere.
I mean, they're not even endangered anymore, though they try to claim they are.
I see mountain lions all the time at our ranch, family property in East Texas.
They're all over the place.
You see them crossing the road now in Central Texas.
People can't believe it when they see it.
And it's just getting scary.
And some states that are sensible let you hunt them.
Not in Texas and other areas.
They'll come after you.
And we need to kill some of these mountain lions.
We need to scare them so they get back into the wilds.
But under the Wilding Project, Republicans and others are pushing under UNESCO.
They're trying to stop that.
Same thing goes with deer.
These idiots don't want people to hunt deer, but white-tailed deer are like cockroaches.
I mean, people all the time around here hit them.
You can't have any plants in your yard that they like to eat or they'll destroy and they'll jump your fence and eat them.
Nothing stops them.
You see them starving to death all over the place.
And, uh, they'll let you kill one or two during deer season.
You should be able to kill, kill, kill.
Instead, that's natural, folks.
Instead, they'll, some of these towns will hire people and pay them like a thousand bucks per deer they trap.
And they fly them to Mexico and dump them out.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Thousands of dollars per deer.
I've seen some cases of over a thousand smackers.
About twelve hundred bucks in one case.
Right outside Austin to go catch these things.
I mean, it's ridiculous!
And these idiots feed them in their backyards and bring them in.
And look, I don't enjoy killing Bambi.
I get a satisfaction at 600 yards if I'm able to shoot one in the heart, you know, for marksmanship.
And I really get a satisfaction of being out at my aunt's place in Fredericksburg and having to bring out a big old thing, a venison stew, melt in your mouth, fall in apart, cook for a day in the oven.
And I really like the sausage.
I shot a few deer last year.
Actually, that was the year before last.
Time just flies.
I haven't had time to go hunting since then.
But, I mean, people will freak out.
I've had people at a restaurant freaking out that I work with as they eat a hamburger, going, you killed deer!
And I go, well, that cow you just ate had its throat slit and a giant gas-powered hammer knocked its brains out.
I mean, what kind of idiot hypocrite are you?
But it's just they're not in reality, folks.
They're not in reality.
And we need... We've killed all the wolves.
You know, 98% of them.
So, there's nothing there to control the deer population.
But again, you don't want to kill grackles, you don't want to kill wildcats, you don't want to let people hunt deer properly, you're going to have these problems.
Black bears are now attacking people.
Rattlesnakes, they want you to kill rattlesnakes.
Now the numbers of that are exploding.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, to give you the news behind the news, the story behind the story on a massive important issue, a man that never does interviews, a three-time Peabody nominee, and of course listed in the top 100 talkers of all time, the biggest talk show host in the country, Jeff Renz will be joining us coming up with the balance of the broadcast in the next segment.
Bottom of the hour right now, let's go to Robert in Denver, then Sonny and others.
Robert, go ahead.
Good morning, Alexander.
How are you?
Yes, what's on your mind, sir?
There's been a lot of talking news lately about Iran and nuclear reactors and such, and maybe North Korea.
Do you think any of those countries really pose any threat to us at all?
North Korea is a substantive threat.
Many years ago they had at least three hydrogen weapons, maybe some more A-bombs, they developed even before that.
And we know that our government helped them enrich it, and gave them the reactors that could be used for that.
What Iran's doing is totally peaceful, and the IAEA inspectors are there, which again is bad enough, letting their sovereignty be destroyed.
They've already given in to UN control.
Either you let UN global domination be there, or the other side of the fake equation, you know, the evil Anglo-American establishment, it's all run by the same people.
Either that or they'll invade you, even if you submit.
No, Iran's not a threat unless they're attacked.
I mean, you corner
Uh, this, uh, this, uh, creature, it may attack.
Yeah, yeah, well, then how do you see, uh, North Korea playing out there?
I don't know what the global is going to do.
I mean, Kim Jong Il is a complete psychopath.
I mean, he admittedly, he just apologized 15 years after he kidnapped a bunch of starlets who disappeared.
I mean, he kidnaps Asian, South Korean, and Japanese starlets.
And you talk about rape rooms, I mean, the guy has a seven story pleasure palace.
The guy is like Baron Harkonnen or something.
On another subject, have you heard the latest vote from the L.A.
Merrill race?
Do you know who won that?
Yeah, the La Reconquista Macho La Raza member won that.
Oh, so it's a fish and now he definitely did win?
That's what the L.A.
Times is...
Yeah, it's Antonio Villarosa, elected L.A.
Mayor, Councilman Antonio Villarosa, who's openly said on the radio, all whites must leave.
I'm not kidding.
We have that clip.
We've had Glenn Spencer's play it.
Trouts, all of you should just leave if you don't like it.
Mayor James Hahn to become the city's first Hispanic mayor.
Give me a Hispanic mayor if he loves freedom.
Give me a black mayor.
Give me a white mayor.
Just don't give me somebody controlled by the bankers.
Yeah, I know they've had a real low turnout too in L.A., which kind of surprised me.
Well, L.A.
has special Diebold machines.
Yeah, that magically go for Schwarzenegger, but all the other voting systems don't.
Yeah, it's all staged, sir.
I have no doubt if they had a real vote that it'd be a Laurie Conquista.
They may not even have had to stage it.
But, I mean, I played the clip.
That's how he says it.
He's just like, if you don't like it, leave.
Yeah, you need to go back to Europe.
White needs to go back to Europe.
Oh, we need to vote for you!
You're so good!
Well, I'm glad I'm not in California.
Okay Alex, thanks.
Once again, great show.
Alright, thank you for the call.
I mean, you know, imagine if a guy said, I'm a Ku Klux Klan member and all blacks should go back to Africa.
Imagine that!
And then people say, well, we're going to vote for... I mean, that's unacceptable.
I heard some guy on, quote, Patriot Radio yesterday calling black people the most vile names, baboons, you name it.
And I had to call in and confront the guy.
And then I, of course, I was called a fed and a fat hog.
It all makes me sick.
I mean, you know, via Rhodoza makes me sick.
These other people make me sick.
The New World Order just loves it.
It's totally unacceptable.
Patriots should not put up with that.
They shouldn't be calling Jews evil hook noses, and shouldn't be calling blacks just stuff I can't even say, folks.
I mean, the baboon thing was the tip of the iceberg.
And, you know, that's the type of stuff I'll stand up against.
And, you know, it's a badge of honor.
The people that are out there calling black people baboons are calling me a fat hog.
And, you know, a Jew-controlled whatever.
I mean, I just love it.
You just keep it up, all of you people out there.
I mean, and the stuff this guy was saying, I mean, if he's not a provocateur, he fits the M.O.
of it.
I mean, the things the guy was saying, nobody else would get away with this, unless he was, because he was saying stuff about lining up all these leaders with firing squads and all this.
Man, if I said that, if I said a tenth of that, I'd be arrested in seconds.
And I didn't mean to go off into that, it made me sick.
I tried to be nice about it, but the response was even more out of control.
Well, we're going to be exposing Israel coming up in the next segment, because it's run by an organized crime syndicate, not because they're Jews.
Again, I stand up against organized crime, whether it's Adolf Hitler or Ariel Sharon.
And I will expose it.
And I will expose Antonio Villaraigosa, and I will expose the Ku Klux Klan!
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I've been twisting his arm for a long time, probably a year.
We're good to go.
And of course a newsman from TV world and then he started over 10 years ago.
His syndicated broadcast listed as one of the top 100 hosts by the prestigious Talkers Magazine.
He is Jeff Rents and he of course is the founder and the man that is the editor and runs Rents.com, one of the biggest alternative news sites on the web.
And Jeff Rents, it's a real honor to have you on my friend.
For those that don't know who you are, the few that may not, your depth and breadth and understanding
Thank you, Alex.
Except your knowledge makes me seem like a boy scout.
And if you keep producing videos and movies and all the documentaries you do, they're going to have to have a presidential-sized library in another 30 years to contain it all.
Well, that's very kind.
Jeff, you're here to talk about a bunch of important subjects.
In fact, when you agreed to come on last week, you said you wanted to talk about Iraq, DU, what Israel's up to, the police state, the National ID Card, and voila!
We have this Member of Parliament who said, hey, I'm going to turn the tables, kind of like what Howard Hughes did in those famous Senate committees that were televised.
That's right.
That's exactly right.
And that happened yesterday, so fill us in on who Mr. Galloway is.
He's a British Member of Parliament, but more than that, he's a real human being, a real man.
He's a man of integrity, a man of honesty, a very eloquent spokesman for his views, and he came to America yesterday, and in my opinion, one of the greatest, most heroic moments in recent American political history,
It occurred when British MP George Galloway literally destroyed, he shredded Republican Zionist Senator Norm Coleman and the United States Senate.
I think many of you saw the clip on television last night.
I've got it up at the top of Rents.com.
You can click on the link and go right to see it.
It's about four minutes long.
And I have seen a lot of people speak over the years, Alex.
This man did what most of his American contemporaries should be doing.
I thought that his remarks were the most righteous, brilliant, and truly patriotic words, capital P, patriotic words that I may have ever heard spoken in the halls of Congress, and none more so.
You can go back to Howard Hughes, General Douglas MacArthur, there are some great speakers, but this man,
It comes from England.
How pathetic, Alex.
How morbidly sad that these words and the condemnation had to come from a British MP and not from a member of the U.S.
wimpy, whining, corrupted, perverted, immoral, hypocritical, treasonous, lapdog-trembling U.S.
I mean, think about it.
So obsessed.
As it is with destroying the U.S.
Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Here comes George Galloway and puts them all to shame.
There are a couple of exceptions, but I still don't hear anybody speaking like this man did.
When I saw that clip last night, I was rocked back on my heels.
Now, we really can't do justice with it with just the audio.
And again, it's off the web, so it's not the best.
But at Rents.com, at Infowars.com, you can go there and watch it with a video.
I'm going to purchase
When you come on my program on the 23rd, let's plan on doing that.
The fourth Monday of every month I'm on with you, Jeff, and I'm always honored to do that.
It's always very... I always learn something.
Jeff, for those that aren't aware of the oil for food scandal, who was really behind it, how they've tried to smoke screen this, for those that don't know, let's fill people in a little bit about why he came here.
I mean, he could have ignored the, quote, subpoena or the challenge, but no, he said, yes, I will go.
He was condemned in the American media and most of the controlled media of course for an alleged document.
I think you should sue him!
Well, of course.
This particular document had his name on it.
It was a fraud.
Yet another fraudulent piece of paper.
Well, that's surprising!
The neocons creating fake documents?
I know, it is amazing, isn't it?
Let's do this.
Before we do that, I think I'm going to... If we can, I want to make sure we get... How long before the break?
We got about ten minutes.
Okay, you have a different clock than I do.
Alright, let's go ahead and play it.
I want the people to hear this man first, then we'll come back and do that.
There's nothing fanciful about this.
Alright, here it is.
Nothing at all fanciful about it.
The existence of forged documents implicating me in commercial activities with the Iraqi regime
It's a proven fact.
It's a proven fact that these forged documents existed and were being circulated amongst right-wing newspapers in Baghdad and around the world in the immediate aftermath of the fall of the Iraqi regime.
Now Senator, I gave my heart and soul to oppose the policy that you promoted.
I gave my political life's blood to try to stop
The mass killing of Iraqis by the sanctions on Iraq.
Which killed a million Iraqis.
Most of them children.
Most of them died before they even knew that they were Iraqis.
But they died for no other reason other than that they were Iraqis.
With the misfortune to be born at that time.
I gave my heart and soul to stop you committing the disaster
That you did commit in invading Iraq.
And I told the world that your case for the war was a pack of lies.
I told the world that Iraq, contrary to your claims, did not have weapons of mass destruction.
I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to Al-Qaeda.
I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to the atrocity on 9-11-2001.
I told the world, contrary to your claims, that the Iraqi people would resist a British and American invasion of their country, and that the fall of Baghdad would not be the beginning of the end, but merely the end of the beginning.
Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right and you turned out to be wrong.
And a hundred thousand people have paid with their lives.
Sixteen hundred of them American soldiers, sent to their deaths on a pack of lies.
Fifteen thousand of them wounded, many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies.
If the world had listened to Kofi Annan, whose dismissal you demanded,
If the world had listened to President Chirac, who you want to paint as some kind of corrupt traitor.
If the world had listened to me and the anti-war movement in Britain, we would not be in the disaster that we're in today.
Senator, this is the mother of all smokescreens.
You are trying to divert attention from the crimes that you supported, from the theft of billions of dollars of Iraq's wealth.
Have a look at the real oil for food scandal.
Have a look at the 14 months you were in charge of Baghdad, the first 14 months, when 8.8 billion dollars of Iraq's wealth went missing on your watch.
Have a look at Halliburton and the other American corporations that stole not only Iraq's money, but the money of the American taxpayer.
Have a look at the oil that you didn't even meter
That you were shipping out of the country and selling the proceeds of which went who knows where.
Have a look at the 800 million dollars you gave to American military commanders to hand out around the country without even counting it or weighing it.
Have a look at the real scandal breaking in the newspapers today.
Revealed in the earlier testimony in this committee that the biggest sanctions busters were not me
And I believe that's not the entire clip, he... the most powerful part...
And we'll find the entire clip and play it because I was watching it.
The entire clip he goes on to say that basically that America is controlled by these Zionist politicians and by these phony so-called neo-con Christians doing this, Jeff.
I mean, that's in the full clip.
Right, right.
Well, we'll get that pulled out and I look forward to hearing it all next week.
I was only able to see that short segment
And again, I do not recall seeing an American speak with any more conviction or brilliance in the face of such an obvious smear and setup than George Galloway did.
That panel, of course, Coleman's one of several.
Congressional committees investigating the allegations that Hussein, as you heard, manipulated the $64 billion oil-for-food program.
And it's not an allegation.
He did it, and Dick Cheney and Halliburton were some of the biggest people involved.
The point is that Galloway wasn't involved in this, and they try to tag it on him when they're all involved.
Regardless, they lied about all this, and he's right.
This is a smokescreen.
When somebody's done something bad, or they're bad, they'll try to accuse you out of hand.
Same old story.
It's a typical M.O.
It's right out of the textbook on how to smear people and deflect attention projected on other people.
There's a fellow named Sajjad, or Sajjad Ahmad Ali, who has previously claimed to have been involved in forging the list, the fake list,
Which had Galloway's name, and Ali said, we forged, there's a quote now, we forged this list of names and titles of people who got money from the Ministry of Information, the palace, and the oil for food.
We worked for 10 days and then we steamed the papers a bit and then dried them out so that they would look old.
He said, I beg anyone who reads his name, Galloway's, in these papers to ask for the original version and check the date of the writing with carbon dating.
And so, you can go on from there.
The party that Galloway represents is called the Respect Party.
Kind of a novel approach.
Respect anymore?
He said, we know forgeries were being produced, and one is being used in evidence.
We don't have to prove an international conspiracy, nor are we alleging one, but we are saying that there is a forgery here.
And there sure as hell is.
And just another dark moment in international geopolitics.
Well, I mean, we have them producing a 12-year-old, at the time of the invasion, now 14-year-old-plus graduate student document that was written up.
This is the latest MI6 document.
Colin Powell used it.
We know that, at the same time, they produced the fake Niger document on uranium.
That's now admitted to be totally... The Yellow Cake Hoax.
Look, the road is paved with bricks of hoaxes, one after another, fraud after fraud.
It's a highway of fraud to doom and deceit.
It took a man of truth like Galloway from England to remind America of what it is to be an American and to speak the honest truth without fear and cowardice like he did yesterday.
His remarks, and I know you agree with me, would have made our founding fathers stand up and cheer, and they probably were from somewhere.
Well, I'll tell you what, on the BBC Galloway Accepts Washington Call, there's a little press conference he gave, about a three-minute video.
Perhaps we should go to that article and get that and play that sometime in the next hour.
We'll probably have some more clips coming up in the next hour.
I mean, we know the Iraq War was a fraud, but Rumsfeld says he never said that there were weapons of mass destruction despite the fact there's over a hundred video clips and the President's own report that he sent to Congress to get the authorization for the use of force.
We now live in the age of the lie.
They say they never said that, Jeff, and we're conspiracy theorists.
Of course, of course.
We live in an age of utter artifice and deception.
There's no subtlety about it anymore.
They just flat out lie, and the media, of course, disseminates it.
Here's an example on 9-11.
The 9-11 Whitewash Commission, they call independent as appointed by Bush, total oxymoron.
Remember when they appointed Kissinger as the first director of that panel?
And I was surprised that America didn't go into more of an outrage, but they did.
Talk about shoving it in our faces.
Exactly, but then they say that the Tower 1 and 2 had no support columns in the middle, that it was hollow.
And then in their own diagrams they put in the report it shows no support columns, but every university that teaches architecture has it.
It had the biggest support columns of any building ever built.
Of course.
Everything's a lie.
No, they just say those support columns weren't there, Jeff!
That makes it true, doesn't it?
And what happens is the average American who has an interest in truth and reality and what's really going on,
After a point, and it's understandable, unless they listen to you or other folks who are trying to bring them the truth and really focus on it, they give up.
They say, what the hell?
Well, it's like background noise, and you know, we've always had revisionist history, but now, they're like cramming hundreds of years of revisionist history into just a few years.
I can't figure this out.
They're rewriting history as it's happening.
Not only in the past, but they're doing it on the run.
And that's why when anything big happens, the best news usually will appear in the first, well, few hours, and then it begins to be rewritten and spun.
They rewrite it on the run.
It's truly amazing how they do it.
Jeff, I have a question for you.
They claim they've killed Al Zucari three times, captured him four times.
The one-legged cripple?
Yeah, but they never retract the last time they claim they kill him when they kill him again.
I mean, why don't they use somebody new?
Is it like a test to see if we'll notice?
Apparently he still has some tread life left on him and they're going to run with him.
It's just like the alleged 9-11 hijackers.
Seven of them are still alive and yet their names still appear on the list.
I mean, it's just a joke.
It's a joke.
Now, Zarqawi apparently has one leg, if he's still alive at all.
It's just like Bin Laden in his cave with his dialysis machine.
They keep talking about these things.
They beat these things and yet people still, in the mass media, run with them as if they're reality.
And the American public... Well, but then Buzzy Krongard tells the Times of London we don't want to catch him.
And then we get the documents on it, but then they still say they're trying to catch him.
I know.
Well, again, they'll say whatever pleases them, or whatever happens to go into George Bush's earpiece will come out of his mouth, and it's just the same old thing.
Jeff, there's so many issues.
There's too many, and that's another thing they have.
They have going for them is that there are so many issues, Alex.
It takes a genius like you to try to catalog them in your documentaries and brilliant videos and on your program.
They know that.
It's the noise level and it's not just background noise.
It's foreground noise.
It is total noise.
And people overdose and they say, I want to unplug from this madness.
I don't give a damn how crooked it is.
I want out.
And that's why most Americans are not involved in anybody anymore.
Anybody with a brain will not run for public office.
In point of fact, anybody who seeks public office probably ought to be barred from it.
It just goes on and on.
It goes, you know, it's the wrong reason, the wrong attitude, the wrong ethics.
As Patricia Schroeder, the former representative from Colorado, I think it was, said, our congressmen and senators check their spinal columns at the door each day when they report for work.
Jeff Rentsch, syndicated broadcaster, joining us on the other side of this break.
There's just a whole mass of issues we're going to be covering.
He'll be with us for the rest of this broadcast.
Stay with us.
Rentsch.com's the website.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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Really what it is, is it's the government picking which groups it wants to tribalize or make very militant and racist.
And then it's okay for those groups to be that way, and then whatever the majority group is, they're told to be guilty and tame and take it.
And then the Fortune 500 and the big foundations fund it.
And I've played clips here from Antonio Viridoza,
City Councilman, now Mayor of L.A., on radio programs in L.A.
where he says, hey, whites should just leave California.
They don't like it.
They should go back to Europe, where the Pilgrims came from.
And he's a member of Mecha and La Raza, and Mecha openly goes at their parades and has pictures of white people's heads cut off and hands out flyers saying, we're going to kill all whites and for our race, everything, for every other race, nothing.
But why is that acceptable?
And why are they trying to sell Hispanics on joining this bandwagon?
Because it's part of balkanizing this country, and George Bush and the Democrats support it.
And now Antonio Villaraigosa, the Hispanic supremacist, has been elected, and we're going to have the racial state of California
It's absolutely amazing, and coming up the next hour we'll get into depleted uranium, the Iraq War, we'll get into genetically engineered foods, we'll get into what's really happening to the environment with Jeff Rentsch.
Jeff, Antonio Villaraidosa, we played clips of him here before, sang stuff you'd expect to hear the Ku Klux Klan sing.
Agreed, but it's okay.
Perfectly fine, because he's a minority.
Transposition 187 was the death knell of California.
Followed shortly thereafter by the announced obvious statistic that the majority of Californians were now of Latino heritage.
Many of them, of course, illegal.
Prop 187, for those of you who don't know, was voted by, it was the initiative process in California, voted by the majority of Californians to begin to cut off aid to illegal immigrants of all nationalities and races.
It was predictably and tragically kicked up through the court system by lawsuits
And finally got to the California State Supreme Court, which wasted no time at all in chopping it into a hundred pieces and throwing it into the trash can.
Ending Californians' last chance, of all Californians, to really take control of their state.
And now Bush is nationwide going to fund the free health care and welfare more than citizens get.
It's designed to accelerate the flood of third world invaders.
He's inviting them in.
No, it's been an open door policy for a long time.
last week the order to stand down at the Border Patrol now admitted... Please go into that just a tiny bit because a lot of people missed that story.
I pushed it, you did, but for those of you who may have missed it, this is crucial to the understanding.
Well, I had Congressman Tom Tancredo on yesterday for 30 minutes and he said it is for world government, they want to destroy America.
Of course they do.
They have to bring America down to second-rate status.
A strong, independent America remains as a beacon to the world, a light for other countries and peoples who are struggling against oppression, and you can't have that here.
So we're being homogenized into a second- and third-world status to further sublimate this country and reduce its stature on the world stage so no one has any true role model to look to.
That's part of the game.
General MacArthur, I mentioned MacArthur last time in one of his final speeches.
He says, it is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear.
MacArthur said that in 51.
So what has changed?
Except they're better at it.
They've got more technology now than they ever dreamed they'd have.
And we have open borders here.
I've had so many people on, customs agents, border patrol agents, like you have.
We know that these decisions and instructions and orders are coming from the highest level.
The head of the Border Patrol Union told me a year ago that they've already been ordered to stand down.
But, oh, give up all your rights domestically and have a national ID card.
You got it.
It's going to be selectively enforced.
It's a joke!
When the Senate voted unanimously for the Real ID card, Charlotte Isserby called it, uh, unanimous treason, and I completely concur with that.
Well, I want to talk about that Real ID Act as well, and the fight against it, and how they're trying to implement it before Bush has signed it.
In the next hour, with Jeff Rents, his website's rents.com.
Be sure and check out my websites at infowars.com, prisonplanet.com, and prisonplanet.tv, as well as infowars.net.
Be sure and check it out, one of the biggest sites on the web, rents.com.
We'll be back with the third hour.
Keep it locked in.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Time flies when you're fighting tyranny.
Hello, my friends, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Now into the third hour of this worldwide transmission against tyranny.
As we defend liberty and resist the despotism of the neo-feudal worldwide plantation system known as the New World Order.
We're honored for the Balance the Broadcast to have Jeff Rents of Rents.com honored with three Peabody nominations when he was a TV News Investigator and Anchorman.
And of course, listed as one of the top 100 talk show hosts in the country by the prestigious Talkers Magazine.
And Jeff covers it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
He'll be with us for the rest of this broadcast.
Jeff, where should we start?
I mean, we can get into the Real ID Act, or we can get into genetic engineering, depleted uranium, how they're going to keep this war going with the 5,000 plus troops deserting in the last few months, building AWOL,
Recruiting down over 40% despite the fact that they have now even lowered their recruiting target numbers.
Jeff, where should we start in this third hour?
Do we have Jeff there?
Alright, well I'm unable to hear Jeff.
So what we'll do is, we're going to go to break here in a few minutes.
And we'll come back with Jeff.
He may not even have known that I don't do news in the first five minutes.
I do the whole hour live, so we'll come back to that after the break that's coming up here in a few minutes.
And in the last hour, we aired the clip of British Member of Parliament George Galloway.
Who says he was ready to face down the U.S.
Senators who claim he received oil rights from Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
And I tell you what, do we have that clip ready?
I think it might be good to re-air, I know we can't air the whole clip again in these last few minutes of this segment, but it might be good to air that again as he confronted this whitewashing congressional committee.
Do we have that?
Okay, we'll play that after the break then.
I'm kind of out here orbiting the planet right now by myself.
As soon as I get back in touch with Houston, I will let you know about what our operations are doing here, my friends.
It was so good to see him confront them, and I've seen about 10 minutes of it.
I want to get the full testimony, or at least parts of it, and we'll be airing more of that in the next few days, or at least into next week.
Because the truth is Dick Cheney and others were involved in the lion's share of the scams with Saddam even during the 12-13 years of sanctions.
They were the ones doing the lion's share of the bid rigging and the scamming.
And sure, some Europeans did it.
Galloway wasn't involved.
But then they created false documents to try to demonize him.
To try to attack him.
And it was absolutely disgusting.
It was absolutely transparent.
He just stood up to them and threw it back in their face and they look like the proverbial deer in the headlights.
And bottom line, no one can defend this Iraq war.
It was based on a lie.
Now our troops are over there dying by the thousands, being injured by the tens of thousands.
Over 100,000 Iraqis have died since the start of the operation.
And our troops are breathing depleted uranium at many times the levels they were huffing at in the first Gulf War.
And we had tripled the berth of Forman East after the first Gulf War, so they used at least three times as much DU this time.
And in populated areas, what are we going to see?
What is the aftermath going to be, ladies and gentlemen?
Well, we will get into that after this quick break that is coming up.
And don't forget I've written a detailed analysis of the parallels between the new Star Wars movie and reality.
Finally, major publications are writing about this.
It's a really hot issue right now.
And so I wrote an article that will hopefully wake up a lot of young people that read it and see it.
So we'll get a little bit into that as well.
And we'll talk about the new REAL ID Act.
Your new national ID card and what it really means to you and your family after this break.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
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We're talking to Jeff Rents at Rents.com
And now we're just going to plunge into the real issues that Jeff thinks are the most important right now facing society.
And one of those that goes to the mindset, the mentality of the global overlords is depleted uranium.
Jeff, you have for many years been covering this.
As have I, but you in even more detail from all the scientists and doctors and Pentagon former chiefs and the people that have really looked at this and from the admitted government documents.
What are we facing with the three nuclear wars that have been waged in the last 15 years?
Worldwide uranium contamination and mass death and birth defects, not at all
Not at all kept into any kind of geographic boundary.
The world exchanges its entire air supply, so to speak.
The atmosphere turns over about once every 24 to 48 hours.
The dust from uranium, and I don't want to even call it depleted, because it's not.
It's uranium.
The uranium dust in Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, and Iraq is now over here in the United States.
It will continue to come here, albeit in smaller amounts.
But how much is a small amount, and how much do you need to get sick?
It is discussed by some that one nano-sized particulate is enough to do it in many people.
We breathe it.
It goes right into the body.
There's no way to get it out.
This is the most insane use of uranium you can imagine.
The number of bombs, missiles, and warheads, and tank shell rounds used in Iraq so far equal 30,000 Nagasaki bombs.
Think about it.
That's how much is spread all over Iraq.
Those Abrams tank rounds are deadly, but so are all the other weapons and munitions systems that use them.
So we are literally sowing a future of death, suffering, illness, disease.
It's called for illness, but it's now spread literally around the world and will continue to go around the world.
We all know that Gulf War illness was a fraud and a sham, at least in terms of the way the VA tried to handle it.
It is very real.
We have over half a million American men and women who served in the first Gulf War, which actually is just
Stage one.
We're in stage two now.
They have a greater incidence of cancer, triple the birth defects.
The New York Daily News two years ago tested 14 members of Gulf War I. They all had two rims of radiation in them.
Then there's the heavy metal effect.
And for those that don't understand this, let me break it down for them.
How many pounds?
Is it 14 pounds?
How much does one of those sabot rounds fire from an Abrams way?
I forget, but when it goes through the air, it becomes a burning projectile of pure uranium.
As soon as it leaves the tank's barrel.
And then it aerosolizes, as you said, down to nanotech size.
And as soon as it comes out of the tank itself, right out the end of that barrel, it begins to burn and aerosolize.
Now, in Gulf War I, they only used it in the Abrams and in some of the armor-piercing bombs and missiles that planes fired in the Vulcan cannons in the A-10 Warthog.
Now, they've served it out, the small arms to the cannons on Humvees and on Bradley fighting vehicles, and they've used at least triple, according to Dr. Rocky, who headed up the program.
And for those who don't get this, here's an analogy.
You've heard all the fear over a dirty bomb.
Why Al-Qaeda will get a bunch of parts from chest x-ray machines and bundle it up in a big bomb and it'll irradiate a couple city blocks for thousands of years.
This is millions of times more dangerous, millions of times larger, and they bombarded this time not just the desert outskirts, as Jeff has covered many times,
But the Iraqi bases, which our troops then moved into, and in a few big bases where the generals stay, they brought in some sand and dumped it over the blast holes.
Folks, that does absolutely nothing, and now the radiation sickness is exploding, Jeff!
It is.
Depleted uranium, and again, try to get away from the depleted, it's uranium, is in fact the Trojan horse of this war.
It kills indiscriminately.
Our men and women, when they come home, will come home already with death sentences, many of them.
They'll bring the stuff home on their clothes, on their shoes, on their boots.
And they'll spread it around the house.
It's just a fact of the matter.
And the people that claim that they support the troops with those stickers on their cars, they won't care when it's in the back of the paper that thousands of troops are dying, just like last time.
They'll just feel good about themselves.
That's right.
Henry Kissinger said, military men, and we might add women, are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.
End quote, Henry Kissinger.
Says it all, doesn't it?
Now, this is
Let's talk about the mindset, Jeff, because you really broke this down a few weeks ago when I was on your broadcast.
I said, Jeff, what is the mindset of the globalists that they knew this weapon would do it, they've used it in ten locations in the U.S.
I mean, the mindset.
by the times at Proving Grounds, going into water and the air.
They've used it in Puerto Rico, they've used it in proving grounds in England, they've used it in three nations, twice in Iraq, four separate times, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Herzegovina, that region, they've used it twice in Iraq, thirteen years apart, and in Afghanistan!
What's the mindset here?
This is the one question I cannot answer, and it's the most vexing question of all, and that is, why do the globalists continue, not only to do what we're discussing now with uranium weapons, which are going to be horribly destructive from now on out, but they're raping and pillaging the planet's environment.
At a rate that is almost unimaginable, and they're not slowing down any.
Why would somebody kill the golden goose?
Alex, that's the question that bothers me.
I can't figure it out.
They've got this cash cow going, it's called Planet Earth, and yet they're destroying it.
What do they know?
And they run the economy.
Instead they use a phony environmental movement, which I want to talk about, to take private property rights, while doing nothing to stop genetic engineering and all the real threats.
What do they know that we don't know?
There are two things here.
Their greed is so absolutely rampant and psychotic that they don't give a damn about the planet, and they're going to destroy it and just take while they can.
Or, some one of them, some level, some layer, some echelon, some group, knows something.
Something is coming, something is going to happen to the planet,
And so they might as well take it while they can.
Or, the third option, it's kind of like 2B, we've already passed the point of environmental collapse, the point of no return in the mid-80s, it's too late to do anything now, so why even try to stop?
I can't answer the question, Alex, and it really bothers me, because these are smart people.
They're evil, they're black, they're killers, but they're not stupid.
So something's going on.
Well, you said when I asked all the things you just said, you also said that they have more advanced medical systems that are able to extract this.
I think that's obvious.
And then they're using this as a population control mechanism.
Of course.
It's another tool in the population reduction plan.
They do have technology that is probably 20 to 30 years beyond that which the public is allowed to avail itself of.
And I wouldn't be at all surprised if they had a method to take these people who have been contaminated and somehow neutralize it or deal with it.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Well, I tell you, Jeff, I mean, when we look at their mentality, what type of people, when DynCorp... Well, they're psychopaths.
When DynCorp got caught, we have that Cynthia McKinney clip, kidnapping 200,000 women and children for slave brothels in the Middle East, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia.
I mean, even World Net Daily's talked about Bill Clinton and slave cruise ships, you know, and his top people going and enjoying those.
I mean, this is... Where do you come up with the words?
I run out of words.
Evil, dark, black,
It's as evil as it gets, and they're psychopathic about it.
Well, they revel in being evil.
They try to one-up each other.
You were at the Grove out there.
You watch these people.
That's the tip of the iceberg.
This is some of the ritual ceremonies they went through.
They revel in death, destruction, violence, grief, suffering, and agony.
I have no explanation as to why that is or how that came to be.
Their sacrament is death, I wrote in an article.
Their sacrament is death.
Their cathedrals are aircraft carriers and hydrogen bombs.
You got it.
I can't sum it up any better than that, my friend.
They're not humans by my measuring.
But isn't that what the Bible tells us is that they love death and they love to destroy?
Well, they do.
That's exactly right.
But then the so-called Christian churches today say all this death and destruction is good.
The so-called Christian evangelical movement will be the last to know that it has been and is being used and abused by those evil ones who are running the show.
They are lambs to the slaughter.
They're bought into this whole thing and they don't have a clue.
Now I know Christians who do have a clue.
But the evangelicals do not.
They've been formed into some kind of a deadly political movement.
They're being used as foot soldiers, shock troops if you will, to steamroll the rest of the country.
There was an article about the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs where the cadets who are not born-again Christians are being harassed and hassled by the majority, at least the vocal majority, of cadets who are.
They're taking over everywhere.
This is turning into, not the United States of America, but it is a theocracy now.
But again, they're not really Christians.
The people that are running all this are Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove homosexuals.
How can you be a member of Skull and Bones and be a Christian at the same time?
It doesn't work.
It's like trying to be an elephant and an ant at the same time.
Well, these guys call themselves Christians, but even Reuters has got the photos and videos of a lot of the tanks and helicopters with 666 and Beast and Satan and Skulls hanging off.
Well, it's again a question of the lie.
The lie is the way now.
There is no truth.
But you're a Christian if you have 666 on your tank.
I think a lot of that is probably being done by idiots who believe that.
I think it's a lot deeper than that, frankly.
No, I agree with you, Jeff.
And now we're going to have our national ID card, but the borders have been ordered to stand down.
It's unanimous treason, as Charlotte Isherby summed it up very well.
Yeah, the border is wide open and Americans don't see it.
The borders should have been... I think Eisenhower was the last one.
uh... to talk about this when he warned about the uh... the military industrial complex and that's the complex of course that uh... was taken over by neocon zionists and they all really began with the assassination of JFK and it's been a slow but steady roll up to this point but in the last four or five years it began in the light of Clinton years things have accelerated so fast now that it's a blur they just gave up all pretense of subtlety
At the same time, people have to realize, Terry, that doesn't just stand still, it just gets worse.
It's like cancer.
It's a cancer on the planet.
It is a cancer.
We are, as a species, considered a virus on the planet, but now the species itself has been co-opted by an even more deadly and evil virus.
And Spaceship Earth has been hijacked by a bunch of Luciferian devil worshippers in control of the Christian Church.
All too true.
All too easy.
We'll be right back with Jeff Renskin of the National ID Card.
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I think so.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Jeff Rents, the website rents.com.
We have a big fat link to it on the main page of infowars.com for the guest today, in that section, today's guest.
Jeff, I had Tom Tancredo and Ron Paul on, both the Congress from the last week, and they both agreed that the war on terror is a total fraud.
When the Border Patrol's been ordered to stand down, and again that's an old order, but now it's public,
reaffirmed, or back in our face, but then they say you're all going to have to have this national ID card to have jobs, to live, thousands of private databases hooked into it.
When you order a pizza, it'll be scanned through to see if you've got any warrants.
Alex is not exaggerating for any of you newcomers.
This is not a joke.
That was in USA Today, yeah.
But when you order a pizza, it's instantly scanned by the feds, and the pizza places are paid to spy on you.
They'll know everything you eat, buy, purchase, and get rid of.
So how do they
Get away with this, and what's your take on it?
I think get away with it because of the Congress.
Congress surrendered years ago to the tyranny from the executive branch and the courts.
And the threat of blackmail and bribery has never been more rampant.
I suspect that the government has never been more immoral, depraved, and is paying the price.
I think it's very easy to compromise most people.
Not Tancredo.
Not Paul.
Not some others.
Not Cynthia McKinney.
But most people are human.
They have vices.
They have problems.
And the people out to corrupt people in this business and to own them are absolutely wizards at it in most cases.
Yeah, they've already passed, of course, the laws and regulations that we'll need.
A passport to simply cross the border in Vancouver, British Columbia, or go into Tijuana, Mexico.
You go in or out of the country, you'll have to have a valid passport.
This is all predicted by you years and years ago, and it's all coming to pass.
The real ID card is a tragedy for our nation, in my humble opinion.
A total abuse of the U.S.
It's a very neat little package that was passed unanimously.
Well, it annihilates states' rights, and it tells the states what to do.
States' rights are gone.
We won't be able to open a bank account, board a plane, a bus, drive a car, or anything.
They're talking about, Ron Paul said it's in there where they could, but checkpoints on state borders.
Look, they'll put checkpoints anywhere they want.
You're right.
And they haven't even finished, remember this folks, writing up the actual regulations in this new law.
Yeah, they passed a blank check.
That's what they did.
And no one catches that.
They're going to write anything they want in there.
And if we don't have the provision on air, and you have it at Rents.com, it just says, do whatever we want.
That's right, and if they don't get it in this bill for some reason, whatever reason, they'll just pass another, or Bush will, or whoever.
I think it was Thomas Jefferson, to paraphrase, said that the level of tyranny you will live under is the exact level you'll put up with.
I mean, I think that Oregon Bill 742 is a good example.
Download music, life in prison.
Folks, go to Alex's website and look at that Oregon Bill to give you an idea.
I mean, you would ordinarily look at something like this, which was submitted to the Oregon Legislature, and
It didn't pass, but it was certainly given a good look.
This kind of thing, you have to say to yourself, is insane.
It's insanity.
Well, the chairman of the committee brought it forward.
Total madness.
Like 125 reasons to get life in prison?
And it was like downloading music, having a firearm illegal?
No, that's right.
And again, I urge all of you folks listening to go download the article from Alex's website.
And the point is, it shows what they want.
It shows where they're going.
That's what they do.
They'll go three steps ahead, take two steps back.
Each time, ratcheting forward another step.
That's the way they play the game.
And they're playing it out in the open now, with hardly any restraint at all.
This unanimous vote by the Senate shows that they have been, in a way, unanimously dumbed down or made subservient.
You can't look at it any other way.
The majority of our elected officials have never read the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
And even if one mentions that one of those things exists, they don't seem to have time to go study it seriously.
Well, you talked about bribery and blackmail, even more than bribery with the campaign funds, and this has been in the news, this is how they do it.
A really good looking smoking woman, or multiple women, keep showing up at the gym, at your office, hey, let's go to a hotel room.
The one time they do it, that woman says, alright, I work for the CIA, if you don't do what we say, I'm going to your wife.
And then there's others who have a taste in men,
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, I was going to say, they just show you a couple minutes of the videotape they just made of you and this woman, and that's all they need to do.
You don't have to say anything.
And then you're right.
A lot of them have a taste in young boys and men, and we know about the Franklin cover-up.
Again, the levels of depravity in this country, Alex, I don't know how much more deeply they can be plumbed, and I think we only know a small mattering of what's really going on.
But the evidence is profound that there is a level of
utterly inhuman depravity at the highest levels of of the powers in this country and uh... it is being all manipulated and taken advantage of by those who would seek to direct america into the trash can sooner rather than later they revel in a nihilistic
Uh, self-destructive bloodlust.
These aren't, as again, I said, these are not humans by my measure.
I don't know what they are, but they're not human beings.
Let's talk about the globalists and who we're dealing with and who you think makes up the top echelons of the New World Order when we get back with Jeff Rentsch.
Then we'll get into genetic engineering, what's happening with the food, the water, all of it on the other side.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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So watch out what you're doing when you're driving my way.
If you break the law, you'll hear from me.
I know I'm working for the state.
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This is my road, ladies and gentlemen, my broadcast.
For all the stalkers and the rest of you, you're not allowed on this show.
We talk about real issues of real significance to all the paid federal informants and garbage out there that wants to bring this country down, all the parasites.
You can take it from me, you're going down.
Your New World Order and your parasitic rulers are going to fail, and I know the same goes for you from Jeff Rents.
And to all of those that love freedom, I salute you.
Two quick items, we're going back to Jeff Rents, who by the way told me in many, many years, he's only done one other interview,
A very private person.
We're honored to have him, and I've never met him in person, but I count him as a friend, but interviewed by him many times over the last five years.
And his program, his radio program, is on 9 to midnight, right here on this network, Central Standard Time.
We're very proud the last few months, I don't know, it's been four or five months now, to have Jeff Rentsch, part of the GCN Radio family.
It's really exciting.
Now, before we go back to Jeff,
Three showings of my new film, Martial Law, 9-11, Rise of the Police State, at the Alamo Draft House Cinema coming up in June.
Friday, June 3rd at 7 and 10 p.m.
at the Alamo Draft House downtown, the historic theater, and one of their new theaters are popping up all over Texas.
They're so popular, food and everything right at your table.
Coming up Wednesday, June 8th at 8pm at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
Details are at InfoWars.com.
And instead of having to navigate around their huge, Leviathan-sized mammoth site, you can link right through to the sub-page on the calendar where you can buy tickets via their safe, secure shopping cart for any three of those events.
It'd be great for you to come out to the 7 o'clock with the family if you can't make it to the 10 o'clock or the next week for the 8 o'clock Wednesday showing at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
And again, the details and maps are at InfoWars.com.
And at the same time, folks, you can get a hard copy of this new film, My Best Work.
I'm not going to belabor this point, but you really need to get it because it's breaking people up.
90% of those that saw 9-11 or Road to Tyranny woke up.
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And it gets into the police state.
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You'll hear this one.
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My book, Paul Watson's book, 15 cents a day, monthly and yearly subscriptions.
15 cents a day.
Now going back to Jeff Rentsch.
Jeff, tell us about Rentsch.com before we play this clip of Cynthia McKinney grilling Rumsfeld that I haven't aired in a few months.
Tell us about Rentsch.com.
Rentsch.com is a 24-hour news service that pulls in news like you do from around the world.
News that the mainstream media here by and large won't touch.
We try to present honest,
Information for people who still think.
And that's the simplest way I can say that.
And you magnify stories that are mainstream, but that didn't get any attention.
That's right.
And there are many of them.
You have them.
Paul Watson has them.
It's a real honor and a privilege.
As you well know, it's fourteen, sometimes sixteen hours a day, seven days a week, month in, month out.
I don't do vacations, haven't.
It's a great honor and privilege to have the respect and trust of so many people.
You feel the very same way.
It's addictive, isn't it?
Well, it is addictive, but again, I think what we want to try and do as individuals on the planet is find... Love is addictive!
As you said, being kindly, being angry at what's happening.
We want to find our highest and best use for the planet for our kind and contribute
And that certainly involves love as the underlying motive.
Well, parasites have always counted on people like you to hold the system up while they feed on it, but now they've gotten so greedy they're going wild.
They are going wild, it's true.
And at Rents.com we have, I don't know, 100,000 articles up there and news changes all the time.
I do not agree with everything I post, but I try to present a panorama, a true panoply of views, opinions, and issues that can help people
Thank you for watching.
If they are watching the talking heads on the nightly news, it's disgusting.
You were talking about just the depth of evil.
Here she is openly admitting all this evil, and then they can't even deny any of it.
Let's play this clip in the House Armed Services Committee as she grills Rumsfeld and the guy that was the head of the Joint Chiefs at the time and others.
Here's about two and a half minutes of this clip.
Gentlelady from Georgia, Ms.
Oh, thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Secretary, I watched President Bush
Deliver a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003, in which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade.
The President called for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business.
But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children.
While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox nanthrax vaccine, and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program.
Mr. Secretary, is it policy of the U.S.
government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?
That's my first question.
My second question, Mr. Secretary, according to the Comptroller General of the United States, there are serious financial management problems at the Pentagon, to which Mr. Cooper alluded.
Fiscal year 1999, 2.3 trillion missing.
Fiscal year 2000, 1.1 trillion missing.
And D.O.D.
is the number one reason why the government can't balance its checkbook.
The Pentagon has claimed year after year that the reason it can't account for the money is because its computers don't communicate with each other.
My second question, Mr. Secretary, is who has the contract today to make those systems communicate with each other?
How long have they had those contracts?
And how much have the taxpayers paid for them?
Finally, Mr. Secretary, after the last hearing, I thought that my office was promised a written response to my question regarding the four war games on September 11th.
I have not yet received that response, but would like for you to respond to the questions that I've put to you today, and then I do expect the written response to my previous question, hopefully by the end of the week.
Thank you, Representative.
First, the answer to your first question is no.
Absolutely not.
The policy of the United States government is clear, unambiguous, and opposed to the activities that you described.
The second question... Well, how do you explain the fact that DynCorp and its successor companies have received and continue to receive government contracts?
I would have to go and find the facts, but there are laws and rules and regulations with respect to government contracts, and there are times that corporations do things they should not do, in which case they tend to be suspended for some period.
There are times then that under the laws and the rules and regulations passed by the Congress and implemented by the executive branch, that corporations can get off of
We're good to go.
I've forgotten what the second question was.
I think Ms.
Jonas knows it.
Thank you, Ms.
I appreciate your interest in our department's financial condition.
I appreciate the question.
And we are working very hard on that program.
I've just come back recently.
I understand that you're working hard on it, but my question was, who has the contract?
How long have they had that contract?
And how much money have we spent on it?
In general, we spend about $20 billion in the Department of Information Technology Systems.
The accounting systems are part of that.
I can get you the exact number for the record of what we spend on our current... Alright folks, and then she goes on to say that I can't give you that information right now, and McKinney's been asking for it for years, but notice, oh you do this, which is all over the news, DynCorp did this, and you just
You go into a penalty box.
Well, if somebody kidnaps a kid next door, they get life in prison, and they should.
But the point here is, is that DynCorp basically is the CIA.
They've got even more contracts.
They run security in Iraq.
The death squads, they run it.
I mean, this is pure evil, folks.
200,000 women and children.
I want police and government people out there listening to know, you may not be bad people, but this is who you work for.
You see, she mentioned old money.
It's over a trillion missing each year, and the Pentagon just says, we're not going to tell you where it's at.
And then they get into the war games on 9-11, Jeff.
Yeah, yeah.
No, she's a great American, Cynthia McKinney.
We talked about Galloway to begin the program.
He said one little quote about Rumsfeld that's interesting.
He says, I have met, this is George Galloway, MP, I have met Saddam Hussein exactly the same number of times as Donald Rumsfeld met him.
The difference is that Donald Rumsfeld met him to sell him guns and to give him maps to better target those guns.
So, you know, Rumsfeld's history goes back to aspartame, the deadly neurotoxin that is in so many drinks and beverages and products in this country.
When he had the evidence, of course, swept under the rug and got that passed.
He's a long time, old guard member of the corrupt elite that are running this country.
Not a moral bone in his body.
They say whatever they feel they have to say.
It's okay to kidnap, kill, maim, destroy for life 200,000 people.
That's alright.
You go on the penalty box for a few minutes.
You keep getting your government contract.
You come out.
This country is being looted, Alex, as you well know.
It's being raped, pillaged.
It is bankrupt with no hope of rehabilitation financially, probably socially and economically in any way whatsoever.
It's basically time to reassemble it from the ground up.
And that's as far as I want to go with that, I think.
Well, Jeff, now we're talking about this global elite and how psychopathic they are.
Where do you think this is going to go in the future?
I mean, where do you see America in 5-10 years?
I think 15 years ago, 20 years ago, there might have been, and I'm not advocating such, there might have been a reaction from the military to take control of the country and broom out some of the cancer that has ruined it and continues to ruin it.
But the military, as you well know, and others, was cleansed, purged over the years, so that is not something the globalists have to worry about now.
The dollar is king, the media is God, and with technology on their side they have nowhere to go but
Up in their minds, but down in our minds.
Well, they control the Federal Reserve that issues all the funny money, and that's a private corporation.
They literally have the little cotton symbol.
They're not really paper, they're fabric, folks.
They have the machines that buy the world, all because they bought off our government and gave themselves that power.
I mean, they own the world because we accept their garbage and they buy our souls with it.
And the only way to do anything about it is to personally follow the path that you think is best and strongest for you to take.
To try to take that power away.
Don't buy their products.
Don't patronize their entertainment.
Don't buy into their scams.
And start putting more value on family and decency and honor and what's good.
We need to remember.
Morris Berman's book, Twilight of the American Culture, is a classic.
If you haven't read it, Alex, I know you don't have much time, but he's amazing.
He talked about how good people like you and like your listeners and those who still care about this country need to embrace to hold to protect and somehow preserve the values that we had so when our chance comes again and it will because evil consumes itself as sure as night turns today in time and so we can replant it to nurture it to regrow the values of humanity and kindness that this nation used to have and used to be known for.
You're talking about a remnant.
Jeff, we've got about 10 minutes left here.
We're about to break, but we've got a few minutes here before we go to break in the final segment.
Genetic engineering.
You know, the phony environmental movements are controlled by the very same corporations that are polluting and destroying everything.
They then use it to set up feudal surf systems that take property, that have land management use.
It doesn't do anything for the environment.
Genetic manipulation?
That's the real problem.
Yeah, talk about that.
You're an expert on it.
Well, the biotech industry.
We now know how the biotech industry, Monsanto primarily, and others, how they manipulate and how the collusion, the political collusion is carried out.
No sound science is really used anymore.
We know how dangerous genetically engineered foods really are in the daily diet of people.
We know what they can potentially do to people.
We know that company research is rigged, that people are bought off, threatened.
There is now alarming evidence of tremendous health dangers, which is being covered up.
It is being done so under intense political pressure and other kinds of pressure as well.
Scientists have been offered bribes, they've been threatened, evidence stolen, data omitted, distorted, lies used as punctuation in these texts and documents.
Government employees who complained have been harassed, stripped of responsibilities or outright fired.
Laboratory rats fed a genetically modified crop developed stomach lesions.
Seven of the 40 rats died within two weeks.
The crop, of course, was approved without any further tests.
I mean, it goes on and on and on.
This is all about money.
It has nothing to do with our welfare.
It's not a new theme, and it continues.
And they nonchalantly will just, it'll be in the Washington Post, oh yeah, they're putting human genes into a chimpanzee so it's 80% human, but it doesn't have any rights.
And it's in laboratories in Argentina.
Oh yeah, we're putting cockroach and salmon genes in most of the food.
And oh yeah, it could give rise to a super virus.
Oh yeah, protein gene, 96 locations, open air in Texas.
That goes back to what I said earlier.
Live viruses, yeah.
Right, when we talked about, when I talked about, when you've talked about, why are they doing this?
Why are they doing this?
Have we reached and passed the point of no return long ago?
Or is it just the fatal human characteristic of, if we can do it, whatever it is, we're going to do it as a species.
And that seems to be very, very commonly pursued by scientists.
But Jeff, we could do so much.
I mean, we could touch the stars.
We could... We could.
You got it.
That's the operative word.
We could.
But it's being kept right down here in the gutter, and the greed-meisters are feeding on a harvest of human grief and misery and suffering.
Well, Jeff, I'm a Christian, but you look at the Bible, and in Revelation, you look at Genesis, I mean, it's like the devil is this evil creation, this outside creature who wants to keep us down, who wants to destroy us, who doesn't want us to expand.
And then you could use, you know, the whole analogy of, you know, it's like this
This evil entity from space is doing this to us, and a lot of people have said that.
Well, I think we need to look in the mirror, because the enemy is in the mirror, and there's something in humanity, in this Homo sapiens species, that allows this kind of activity.
There's a gene in there, there's some material in there that permits it, and it tends to run rampant once it gets started, and that's what's happening now.
An orgy of pure evil.
It is.
Alright Jeff, we'll wrap up this transmission.
On the other side, we're talking to Jeff Rents of Rents.com.
I'm Alex Jones of InfoWars.com.
The Info War continues!
Stay the course!
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I guess the good news is, I've been doing this for now over ten years, and good years ago almost everybody disagreed with me.
Now I'm my own little broadcast, and many other broadcasts, even where the host is hostile, almost everybody who calls in agrees, and the general public, people are really not trusting.
I mean, the polls have come out, people don't trust the media or the government, but they don't have the specifics.
And they do count on you, as Jeff said earlier, to just tune out.
That's the game.
Raise the noise level to the extent that your ears hurt and you want out.
And we can't lose you folks who are intelligent, who care, who have a heart, and who are kind people.
So don't pull out.
Stay informed.
And help those who want the help.
Don't waste your time trying to convince family members and friends of these issues if they don't want to hear it.
You'll just become frustrated.
You'll lose friends and cause friction.
Find those who are open to it and help them.
And it's good to have like-minded people in your circle.
I think so.
A genius, a master, died in his nineties.
He knew.
The media is the tool.
It's the most vicious weapon ever unleashed on humankind.
That's why they wanted a television in every single household.
The Chinese knew it.
By the end of the year 2001, they did it.
They're controlling their population now.
It's the television.
Well, Jeb, we know, though, we're having an effect, thanks to all those great fighters that are out there standing up for liberty and dignity and doing God's work, because
I mean, I've had Vanity Fair, American Legion, just masses of major publications, Poplar Mechanics, all these publications savaging me, and then all these... I had Michael Rivera of What Really Happened on a few days ago, he said there's all these fake government bloggers out there attacking us now.
There's hundreds if not thousands of full-time
Government agents, big industry agents, globalist agents, it doesn't matter.
And their game, of course, is to establish a quick notoriety on the Internet.
And then if they can't make a big name for themselves, is to attack.
In general, attack the messenger, of course, has always been the game.
When someone brings the truth forward, the powers that be will attack and try to discredit that individual, to defame that individual.
Asians provocateurs on the internet give themselves away very easily.
It's like somebody flipped a switch six months ago.
We're really seeing who people are right now.
Exactly right.
They give themselves away.
But the lies they create out of whole cloth, Jeff, it's almost comical.
You have to laugh at it.
It is absolute no-holds-barred, libel, slander, defamation.
And they know that if you sue them, they win.
They know in any case they win because their game is notoriety.
Their game is to sap the strength.
Of those people who are trying to do good work.
True patriots can agree to disagree and support each other.
True patriots will not attack each other.
Because the enemies, the globalists.
But I tell you, Jeff, whenever I'm... I fight the new world order because I love my family and love humanity and know it's a survival mechanism.
But sometimes my ego isn't as big as it used to be.
I kind of need that a little bit.
And when people attack me, I've been getting up even earlier, feeling even better.
Yeah, it's energizing.
Especially when you know where the attacks are coming from.
I don't even think they... I think when they hear that they don't believe it.
It really is energizing me.
I say, keep it coming!
Yes, and the whole game, of course, is to bring people down to their level, to force them to engage.
And I have always studiously avoided that.
It's the only way to handle it.
And there are thousands of them, part-time, probably hundreds full-time.
They go on boards, on blogs, and they start wars, they incite violence, they insult people, and they spin.
And a lot of them will present good material in the beginning, and then it starts to degrade quickly.
And they spin.
And then it becomes obvious, a tell-tale sign is that a third or more of their materials in the tech base are other Patriots.
You got it.
Other Patriots can't take your house, can't take your car, can't take your children, won't force vaccines on you.
The threat is the New World Order.
Jeff, spell out Rense.com for us.
R-E-N-S-E dot com.
Or just type Jeff Rense in, or sightings into a search engine and you'll get it.
Thanks, Alex.
Hey, I want to thank you for coming on, my friend, today.
I'm very honored that you never do interviews, and you chose to come on this broadcast.
And, uh, God's God, Jeff.
My pleasure.
Thank you.
Keep up your absolutely heroic work, Alex.
No, my friend.
You're doing a better job.
Take care.
All right.
One of the biggest websites on the web, out there reaching tens of millions a month, we salute Jeff Rentsch.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Get out there and take on the New World Order.
God bless you all!