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Name: 20050509_Mon_Alex
Air Date: May 9, 2005
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
It is Monday, the ninth day of May, 2005.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
We've got a ton of important audio clips we're going to be playing, and, of course, your phone calls as well.
Well, Bush, over the weekend, had a celebration in Russia.
The defeat of the Nazis and
There he is with Vladimir Putin, the other mob boss, the front man for the oligarchs that run Russia, some of the same oligarchs that own and control this country to a greater degree every day.
There is Bush with his red tie and his red rose in front of the marching troops, the modern troops that have put the hammer and sickle and red stars back on their flags and tanks, surrounded by the Kremlin
Chieftains as well as the heads of the military.
And during a press conference, Bush got asked about, well, just several different issues, and he was a bumbling, doddering fool, and kept putting his hand up to his ear, to the obvious internal earpiece.
So we'll be playing the clip of the audio.
It's not as powerful as the video, though.
That's on prisonplanet.com.
Also, to analyze it, we're going to be playing a short CNN clip where they admit that the Bilderberg Group meeting is coming up in Germany, and they even admit that its goal is global government.
I mean, it's just now right out in the open, kind of like last year with the New York Times.
And then, I've never played the audio of this,
And I guess I really should because I've heard other radio shows playing it.
Just a portion of the rant, maybe we'll learn the whole thing, from that film I was in a few years ago, Waking Life.
I think it sums up my attitude about defeating the New World Order and not having fear and having hope.
So, that's coming up as well, and of course, your phone calls later in this hour at 1-800-259-9231.
We'll be going to your calls early in this hour, 1-800-259-9231.
So we'll talk about Bush in Russia.
And it was in ABC News and now it's been picked up by AFP, the Russian Air Force.
There were big storms coming into Moscow.
It's been raining all week.
They blocked the storms with chemical sprays.
You can hire the company that does it, that was once a public part of the Russian government, to guarantee that they'll clear your skies.
But weather control doesn't exist, the government says.
Detroit Mayor seeks fast food tax.
This is from ConsumerAffairs.com.
You knew it was coming.
The federal government's been talking about it for a decade.
Commerce Department and others.
Agriculture Department.
They put out their proposals for a national fat tax.
Well, this is being considered in Detroit.
We'll talk about the real ramifications of it.
Also, Kim Jong-il sends contradictory message to Vladimir Putin, and North Korea says they have six nuclear weapons, which I would say is conservative.
They admittedly had two of them about six years ago.
Captured al-Qaeda kingpin is a case of mistaken identity.
London Times, time and time again, they capture al-Qaeda leaders, and it turns out, oh, it was the wrong guy, or oh, it was a CIA officer, and we were just taking him into custody to protect his anonymity and his identity.
Al-Qaeda is CIA, my friends.
Spain registers almost 70,000 immigrants.
Bush gets more tough questions when he was in Holland about the police state here in America.
Tony Blair is under pressure to resign because of all of his lying.
Award to police in fatal shooting protested.
They killed somebody, clearly in error, and the cops still got an award for it.
Sounds like
Sounds like something out of Ruby Ridge, where you blow a woman's head off with a baby in her arms and get an award.
Washington Post is reporting on anti-terror drills terrorizing the public.
It's all coming up.
Check it out.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
And the behavior of our police is a reflection of our government.
One look in the mirror and we know our country is entering a high-tech police state.
Here's just a sample from my documentary film, Police State 2 The Takeover.
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Riot police attacked people on the street indiscriminately.
The medical bills!
Are going to be enormous for me.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, again it is Monday.
We are 8 minutes and 30 seconds into this Monday broadcast, second segment.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I want to get into Bush and his little Russia visit.
I also want to cover what's happening with oil prices, what's happening with the economy.
I want to get into some of these urban warfare training drills that are heating back up.
They were going on long before 9-11, but they're becoming more severe and frequent, and they're openly, we have the government's own statements, their own documents, they're being done to condition us for total military takeover.
They're drilling to take over cities, counties, states.
So as the globalists clamp down more and more, start taking pension funds, putting in national drafts, installing regional governors, FEMA governors, as that happens, they want to be able to clamp down and have control.
But the good news is, is it's blowing up in their face, literally and figuratively, over and over and over again.
Things didn't go too well for Tony Blair in the last election, there's pressure for him to resign.
Something I've never played on my own broadcast that I've heard other talk shows playing, surprisingly enough, is a little rant I did in a feature film called Waking Life.
And the film is about humanity's hopes and dreams set in the parallel of a dream.
And I make my little big screen debut in this film
And it really, in a nutshell, sums up my beliefs about humanity.
The director, Richard Linkletter, just put me in an old car with a bullhorn and said, drive around, we're going to film you.
Then they rotoscoped it, to give it an otherworld look, and animated it.
And so here is that short little clip, and then we're going to come back with a Bilderberg clip from CNN.
Here it is.
Death and taxes.
Don't talk about politics or religion.
This is all the equivalent of enemy propaganda rolling across the picket line.
Lay down, G.I.
Lay down, G.I.
We saw it all through the 20th century.
And now in the 21st century, it's time to stand up and realize.
I don't know about you, but I'm concerned with what's happening in this world.
I'm concerned with the structure.
I'm concerned with the systems of control.
Those that control my life and those that seek to control it even more!
I want freedom!
That's what I want!
And that's what they should want!
It's up to each and every one of us to turn loose of just some of the greed, the hatred, the envy, and yes, the insecurities.
Because that is the central mode of control.
Make us feel pathetic, small, so we'll willingly give up our sovereignty, our liberty, our destiny.
We have got to realize that we're being conditioned on a mass scale.
Start challenging this corporate slave state.
The 21st century is going to be a new century.
Not the century of slavery, not the century of lies and issues with no significance and classism and statism and all the rest of the modes of control.
It's going to be the age of humankind standing up for something pure and something right.
What a bunch of garbage liberals, democrats, conservatives, republicans.
It's all there to control you.
Two sides of the same coin.
Two management teams getting for control the CEO job of Slavery Incorporated.
The truth is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of lies.
I'm sick of it, and I'm not going to take a bite out of it.
Do you got me?
And that really boils it down
We downloaded that video off the web, so it's not the best audio.
But again, that DVD is available in almost every video store in the country.
And it even occasionally still goes around on the big screen here.
It's become a cult classic.
If you think that was a good anti-New World Order rant, wait until this other movie I'm in comes out.
But I'm not going to talk about that until it's in theaters on the big screen.
Speaking of the big screen, I'm not going to belabor this very long.
But we're going to have three showings of Martial Law, 9-11, Rise of the Police State for those of you that live in Texas and would like to come to it.
Two showings, June 3rd.
Friday, June 3rd at the Alamo Draft House downtown.
You can click through on InfoWars.com online to their secure ticket purchasing system.
And get tickets for the 7 o'clock or the 10 o'clock showing of Martial Law, 9-11, Rise of the Police State, coming up June 3rd.
Or the next week, June 8th, Wednesday, June 8th, 8 o'clock.
And that'll be at the Alamo Draft House, South Lamar.
Their new, even bigger, theater.
And they have food and beverages and all that stuff.
It's really great.
And it's exciting.
We're going to show it on three screens.
Three separate showings, June 3rd and June 8th.
Okay, this next clip, I'm surprised.
This is one of the fairer clips we've seen, well really, ever.
The Bilderberg Group was not discussed until about five years ago, when finally European press, spurred on by the spotlight, now American Free Press, and Jim Tucker has been covering it for 25 years, well really now 26 or 27, over a quarter of a century, basically went to Europe and demanded that they cover it.
They did!
And he's gotten the minutes out of it.
He's gotten their corporate documents.
They openly want world government.
Back in the fifties, with their first meeting, they charted the course for a European and American and Asian Union to merge into a quote, new world order.
Last year during the election, there were two giant articles in the New York Times about how great global government was and how good the Bilderberg Group was and how they were going to give us a loving world government and how this royalty went there.
So now something that didn't exist, they're admitting.
The question is why?
Let's go ahead and roll this next clip.
Hey, we think that within five years we'll be bigger than IBM.
It's a goal, but IBM is still defending it pretty well.
Brian Glick there of Computing Magazine.
Well, up next on World Business Today, you may not have heard of it, but some say Bilderberg is secretly trying to take over the world.
We're trying to find out why some of the biggest names in business and politics are currently meeting very discreetly in Germany.
Conspiracy or Cozy Talking Shop?
The Bilderberg Group is meeting in South Germany this week, at least according to the Financial Times, which says a group of powerful men and women will debate the future of the world.
The paper says the steering committee of Bilderberg includes Deutsche Bank boss Josef Ackermann, Nokia CEO Jorma Olala, Daimler Chrysler's Jürgen Schrampp, and outgoing World Bank president James Wolfensohn.
I asked John Ronson, who has written about Bilderberg, what it really is.
Bilderberg is a meeting of powerful centrists, industrialists and politicians.
They always meet in secret, once a year, in a five-star hotel with golfing facilities.
And they've taken on the image, for conspiracy theorists, of the fabled shadowy cabal that secretly rules the world.
Are they?
Well, yes and no.
I mean, they're a bunch of powerful people.
They meet in secret.
They say we meet in private, which isn't quite the same thing, is it?
It's not quite the same thing.
I do think that, by and large, many members of the Bilderberg Group actually see themselves in much the same way as the conspiracy theorists see them, as this shadowy cabal out to
Um, if not to rule the world, but to influence world events.
What would, what would, what would they see as their purpose then?
I mean, presumably it's a kind of, it's a good get-together of powerful people.
They don't often get a chance to meet away from the glare of the press.
One could understand why they might want to have a private chat.
Yeah, and that's certainly got something to do with it.
They see themselves as wise,
Globalist centrists.
They were set up post the Second World War by people like Dennis Healey, David Rockefeller and various others.
There's a bit of idealism there, isn't there?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You didn't want to go to war again, I mean... Oh, absolutely.
Is that a sinister conspiracy?
Well, I mean, it depends what side of the political spectrum you sit on.
And, you know, many of the anti-Bilderberg conspiracists are right-wiggers who see themselves as
Twigs in a tidal wave of globalization that incites nationalists and they think the idea of a world government, which is what Bilderberg is into by and large, the idea of a one world community, a new world order.
They see themselves as a government as opposed to a group of world leaders or people with influence at a global level who are talking about global issues, do they?
They see themselves as headhunters.
They'll get an up-and-coming politician who they think may be president or prime minister one day, and as globalist, industrialist leaders who believe that politics shouldn't be in the hands of the politicians, they try and influence them with wise words in the corridors outside the sessions.
Should they be more open?
I mean, should they come and sit here and do an interview with me and explain what they're doing or talk after their meeting about what they've decided, even if they don't invite us along as journalists beforehand or during?
Well, Bilderberg's secrecy, I think, harks back specifically to Henry Kissinger, who, you know, in quite a silly way, I think, loves the idea of being this shadowy, secret figure.
And it was Kissinger, the founder-member of Bilderberg, who had this idea to be this kind of secret organisation.
So, folks, there you have a British piece.
They decided to export an heir here in the United States.
John Ronstan wrote that book and spent much of the time demonizing and basically lying about me and attacking me.
And then the New York Times picked up on the book and attacked me lavishly as well.
And I think it's a badge of honor.
I love it.
I love it when people attack me because then they just come to InfoWars.com and find out the truth when we get back.
I want to comment on that piece.
I wrote a few little notes here about it.
And try to decipher the spin, as if you need any help doing that.
Oh yeah, they want world government, but it's no big deal.
And yeah, they meet in secret, but it's not really secret.
And you know, it's just silly.
And yeah, they want world government.
So we'll talk about that when we get back.
Got some other clips as well.
And take your calls.
A ton of news.
Straight ahead.
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Alright, Scott and Jenna and Lenny and John and Jeff and many others, your calls are coming up in the next segment, toll free number to join us 1-800-259-9231 Commenting on that little piece that aired in Europe and here in the United States, it's on PrisonPlanet.com
We need to, I think, write some more comments on that piece if we're going to post it and analyze the propaganda.
But it is one of the fairest pieces I've ever heard.
I mean, they're being somewhat honest, but they're having to be honest.
Again, the same media outlets are basically owned and controlled by Bilderberg Group members.
You've got 125, roughly each year, of the most powerful people in the world.
Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Dutch Royal Family, British Royal Family, Spanish Royal Family,
You'll have the head of the House of Saudi, the House of Saud.
They come to it.
You'll have a little-known governor, before he even announces his run for president, showing up at it.
Bill Clinton.
Tony Blair, little-known labor minion, showing up.
I mean, they are the kingmakers!
And I've heard the neocons, the left, you name it.
I mean, I've been attacked, folks, in major publications, for believing in a group called Bilderberg.
American Legion, Vanity Fair, that's just two that have attacked me.
Mr. Jones believes in a group called Bilderberg.
And the joke is, Bilderberger?
You gonna eat some hamburger?
You know.
But if I hear that one more time, I'm just gonna fall over laughing.
It's amazing.
But now it exists.
Now in the last five years, the CFR is all over TV.
Their meetings were always in the past, quote, private, but they're really secret.
Armed guards.
Well, Bilderberg group has the military guarding it.
They fly them in by helicopter.
You can't get within miles of it.
The police come and arrest people who get anywhere near the five-star estates and hotels.
We've got footage of this.
I've been in documentaries that have aired in England covering it.
The reporters get questioned.
People get arrested.
I mean, this is going on.
So it's not really secret, though.
It's just private.
No, they just tell all the hotel and resort employees, you'll be fired and blacklisted if you tell anybody anything you know.
They make them sign non-disclosure agreements.
The people that serve them and the members, they never talk about it.
They have the military and secret services guarding them, but it's not secret!
Can you imagine if you had 125 top golfers meeting in a 5-star, 4-star estate at a 5-star restaurant with the military guarding them?
It'd be top news!
Paparazzi helicopters flying overhead.
Can you imagine if you had 125 top Hollywood elite meeting in secret?
And having the military guarding them?
Can you imagine if you had 125 bankers?
Well, that's what we have here, basically.
Why has this always been ignored?
Well, the bigger question is, why is it now being covered?
In the last five years, and accelerating, are they coming out with their whole agenda?
I mean, Reuters, three years ago, came out and said, they basically pick who the presidents are, they're for world government, but this is a good thing.
They know best.
They want to stop war.
But when you research history, the founder of it was Prince Bernhard, who was an SS colonel from the Netherlands during the war.
I mean, it's a joke.
They're always financing both sides.
They are the warmongers.
They engineer these wars.
Sometimes they delay the wars until they've got all their ducks in a row, all their ponies in a row.
Everything's shut up on the board like they want it on the chess game that is planet Earth.
They told Bush and Rumsfeld, no, you don't attack in 2002, you attack in March of 2003.
We told you a year before because Jim Tucker had gotten the info, he came on the show and said, no, it won't be this year as the news was saying it would be.
It will be in 2003 in March, and it was!
Incredible intel!
We got it a year beforehand, the supposed fall of the Soviet Union.
That staged event.
Jim Tucker got that.
I mean, this guy's incredible!
That shows how powerful the Bilderberg Group is, is if you get their info, if you get what's going to happen, if you get the people serving wine to steal some of their documents, which happens, because they're so mean to the employees of these places, the employees always refuse to help until they see how mean they are.
And then they always help.
And Tucker's there to get all the info.
So we know they're running things predominantly.
We know they're the most powerful globalist group out there, and the leaders of Bilderberg had and run all the other globalist groups.
So number one, it is secret.
And they go, well, it's not really secret, it's private.
And then number two, they don't stop war, they push war and control.
And number three, they admit they're for world government, and the question is, why are they admitting it now?
Because we've been hurting them so badly as they lied and denied its existence, that they're losing all credibility.
So now they've got to, it's like you pull up to your house and people are walking out with your big screen TV and your computer, and the thieves just act like they're movers.
Oh, we were moving the wrong house, sorry!
Let us get in our car and drive off, bye bye!
They're just acting normal.
Oh, it's no big deal, global government!
You know, all these years we were kooks and crazies to talk about it.
It didn't exist.
Now it exists, and it wants world government, but we're bad because we're against it!
So we're winning more and more victories.
All right, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're good to go.
I think so.
I think.
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Globalism, the NWO, world government, regionalism, sustainability.
All of these are the watchwords for the world government being set up by the private corporations that have bought off and paid or murdered their way into the control systems of our governments.
They're now lowering our defenses, abolishing our Bill of Rights and our Constitution, and other similar laws around the world.
They are militarizing the police and setting up death squads and commando groups to enforce their will.
They are removing the restrictions on rating our pension funds.
They are dismantling our borders while telling the internal populations to give up our liberties and accept total surveillance.
The good news is, their own minions are waking up, their own servants are waking up, their own people are refusing to go along with the ball game.
So the NWO's answer is to come out with squadrons, flotillas, gaggles, armies, legions of TV shows where the hero tortures people and takes citizens' rights.
Where the citizens are secretly arrested, where the population takes microchips, where people are forcibly injected.
You've seen all the shows out there.
And then meanwhile, that is mirrored by the print newspapers telling us how great all of this is, and the law enforcement magazines and publications try to brainwash their readers, and they try to brainwash the children in the schools, and train them that there is no freedom, and there is no free speech, and
Got a thumb scan to get your school lunch.
No cash allowed.
The face scanning cameras go up.
But still, the globalists are failing.
And the more they push, the more people leave their system.
Newspaper readership down?
You may get confused when I go, USA Today readership's down.
Dallas Morning News readership's down.
10% here.
5% there.
20% here.
16% there.
Total, the average, according to the Newspaper Association of America.
They've tried to cover these numbers up, but now they have to admit it.
Newspapers are getting in trouble by state attorney generals and by many others, district attorneys, because they're lying to the advertisers.
They're telling them, oh no, we've only lost 10% in the last five years.
In the last 10 years, folks, it's a 65% loss.
In readership.
And most of that is not people going to the web to read their articles.
It's people leaving mainstream news entirely.
For what you call the blogs.
Well, we were here before the blogs, or people here before I was around.
It's just alternative news.
It's analysis.
It's just basic, real journalism.
And the alternative media on the web runs the gamut from kooks and disinfo artists to good patriots and freedom lovers on the left and the right who are getting past that false information and getting into the real debate of liberty versus slavery.
Which side are you on?
Freedom or tyranny?
Despotism or controlling your own destiny?
And TV isn't faring much better.
Again, I love to harp on these numbers.
New numbers came out, what, six months ago?
37 to 45 percent of the population has left TV.
And I don't mean just broadcast TV.
That was the exodus in the last 15 years to go to cable.
I mean they're leaving cable, too.
Bill O'Reilly brags about the biggest viewership on cable news with
A record of 2.5 million people.
2.5 million people?
This radio show has, conservatively, that many listeners in a week.
There are other big alternative shows that have tens of millions per hour, like George Norrie, who does allow alternative views on his program.
And that's because, folks, I believe George is taking his program in the right direction, and they also know that's where the listeners are.
The listeners are for alternative information, period!
Bill O'Reilly, but the TV still spends all day telling you how big he is.
2.5 mil, on average night he's got about 2 million if he's lucky.
And they're running around, but see they have that prestige.
And people think it's official because it's in a million dollar, multi-million dollar set with someone reading off a teleprompter.
The power of the people taking action can bring wrecking balls to the New World Order.
Take Popular Mechanics.
I don't know how many subscribers they have.
It couldn't be more than a hundred thousand.
Maybe a couple hundred thousand.
I don't know.
One of the biggest magazines in the country.
Oh, they send out plenty of free ones, just like Time Magazine does, with millions of subscribers, but most of them are sent out for free, and most people don't even read it, or if they do, they read it with their eyes peeled, with their minds analyzing, knowing they're being manipulated.
And so they come out and attack us, and then they just send their readers to us, and then their readers
Begin to research what we're saying and they find out it's true.
Or at the bare minimum, they find out we're trying to tell the truth.
We want to defeat tyranny.
We want to do the best jobs we can.
Oh, we're not perfect.
But they, on the other hand, try to manipulate.
Try to spin.
Try to abscond with the facts.
So, we're at a crossroads.
We're at a zenith.
We're at a fulcrum that could go either way.
And that's why we see the web being flooded with disinfo artists, manipulators, those that seek to divide, those that seek to undermine and attack.
And always the watchword, the key to seeing either egomaniacs, which a lot of them are, or actual government agents,
Is they spend at least half their time attacking the alternative press.
Trying to sow seeds of distrust and confusion.
They don't spend their time attacking the NWO.
They don't tell you that you have power and that you can affect change.
There are squadrons of them on the so-called left, trying to keep the people on the left, who are waking up to the reality that there is no left and right, trying to keep them in place, trying to keep them in their dogma, their orthodoxy.
There are squadrons of them on the phony right, trying to control, trying to manipulate, but they're failing!
Because, let me tell you folks, you know you're good in your hearts.
You know that you mean well.
You know that you are understanding the NWO more and more every day.
And you're starting websites.
And you're getting involved.
And you're analyzing legislation.
And you're exposing 9-11.
And I salute you.
I commend you.
But the globalist are at a crossroads.
They are losing control, they are losing credibility, but they're trying to keep their illusion going to make all of us that are really in the majority feel like the minority.
And the question the N.W.O.
has to ask themselves is, are they going to carry out more terror attacks?
And then say, see, we told you, you wouldn't authorize our Patriot Act fast enough, you wouldn't expand it, so Al-Qaeda got us.
And you criticize the government, so it's all your fault.
It's your fault a hundred thousand people died when Al-Cieda detonated the nuke, the mini-nuke.
It's your fault.
And now we're not going to let you do what you've been doing anymore, aiding Al-Qaeda.
We're going to come get you.
But they're going to fail.
At the point they do that, things are going to descend rather rapidly into bedlam, which is the European Union's plan.
Bush has been a set piece all along, meant to bring us into this police state, meant
for the truth to spill out about the truth of his administration meant to be seen by the whole world as a tyrannical dictator and then we can see the EU as our savior and the liberal world order can come save us as the alternative to the evil neocon anglo-american establishment this was their plan but I don't see it coming to fruition I see it falling apart because they give the orders
The central nervous system gives the orders and the people don't follow.
So we're in for a bumpy ride, but at least we're fighting and we're not going along.
Okay, let's go to some calls and then I'm going to get into all this news.
Bush and Russia and so much more.
I've got some clips associated with that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Scott in Michigan.
Scott, go ahead.
Thank you Alex.
I'm at your show.
I'm at the top quickly here because my phone is dying on me.
I called your show like on February 15th back then and you said keep rebelling against the government, you know, stuff like that.
Well, keep rebelling against the illegal authoritarian command and control imposters, the body snatchers.
Then I found my own way of rebelling is that I'm writing a book called The Revolution is Rising.
It's describing why we should revolt against our government and kick Bush and all those guys out of the Capitol on their rear ends and stuff like that, you know?
Well, let me be specific here.
We're not, to be honest, sir, we're not rebelling.
We are restorationists.
A group of criminals have overthrown the central government.
And are now announcing that they're official and we have to do what they say as they go 180 degrees away from the founders and the basic canons of what the society is supposed to be.
So we have a revolutionary terrorist, and they are the ones that terrorize us with terror, terrorist force that controls the Republicans and the Democrats and a peaceful information war is what will bring them down.
Yeah, I understand you.
Plus, too, you said how people are trying to expose 9-11 and stuff like that.
I was talking to my friends about it, and ever since, you know, I brought it up to a couple of kids, and ever since then, they've been making fun of me, and this one girl goes, what'd you see, Scott?
Did you see the, what, the planes were made out of airplanes or whatever?
The planes didn't take down the building?
So, and plus, I told my brother, Patriot Act and stuff like that in my history classes, and my teacher is for it, and I've tried describing how it's, you know, evil and stuff like that, but he's just for it, and
I can't seem to convince anybody else.
Well, I appreciate your call, sir, but pearls before swine.
And by the way, that isn't the only quote.
I mean, that's a fragment of it.
And to paraphrase, don't cast your pearls before swine because they will trample them and trample you and tear your guts out.
So don't do it.
I mean, the minute somebody starts laughing at you, the minute somebody starts giggling, the minute somebody isn't concerned, just move on.
And you're young.
I mean, I should have asked how old you are.
You sound like you're about 14, 15 years old.
Maybe 16.
And people aren't going to respect a young person telling them the truth of the world, though they should.
In the parable it's a three-year-old that tells them that the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes.
The parable of the Emperor's new clothes.
Why don't you type that into a search engine, print it off and bring it to your teacher as a cover sheet over my analysis of Patriot 1 and 2 that won the Project Censored Award in 2004.
Maybe he'll respect that and he can read the subsections himself and then challenge him to go to those subsections and see if it's not true.
Do it in front of the class.
Raise your hand.
Do it properly and respectfully.
And say, I respect you.
I respect you enough to want you to know the truth.
And so I prepared this boulder for you.
And walk it to the front of the class.
And incline your head a few degrees in respectful solace.
And then retreat to your desk and a month later say, did you read that?
Would you like to respond to that?
When he calls on you, don't do it out of order.
Because we want to change their minds.
We want to unlock their minds.
We don't want to drive them away.
Now that's an idea for you.
But I'm sure you can come up with even better ideas yourself.
But if you're on the right path, and if I was you, I would be very proud of myself.
I want to commend you.
Why don't you get Marshall Law?
Download a copy of it.
It's all over the web.
Or go to presentplanet.tv and get one.
Download it and bring it to him.
Or have your parents purchase a copy.
Or you can.
And make copies and give it to your whole class.
And then he'll have dozens of people in the classroom waking him up and getting involved.
Let's go ahead.
Let's go to Jenna in California.
I've got to go quicker here.
Jenna, go ahead.
Morning, Alex.
I wanted to know if you would join me in my boycott, and your listeners.
What are you boycotting?
Wild 94.9 FM Radio in the San Francisco Bay Area.
I get the affiliation of Clear Channel.
They fired the Doghouse Morning Show two weeks ago, and they used the pretense of
Well, it was basically because they offended a bunch of geeky band dorks, okay, is the official reason.
But if you read the article, and you look two weeks prior to that, you'll see that they helped initiate a school walkout in San Jose that led to the schools losing money because they care about people, and they care about kids, and they care about the schools, and they don't want our kids... Oh no, they don't want... Listen, I've worked for big commercial stations.
That we're owned by big corporations and they'll tell you, you're having too big of a political effect.
Stop it!
We had one time at KJFK, we had a good general manager at the time, Mark Keister walked in and he said, look I'm not going to do this, but the LCRA, Lower Colorado River Authority, they got more money than God, owns most of the lakes and rivers, they're on police forces, they're out of control trying to grab property.
They've offered us a bunch of money to sponsor, but they don't want to be on your show.
They'd even be even happier if you weren't on the air, but we're going to keep you.
And then they play games with the money.
And this is what they do.
I mean, it isn't just Bush and the Democrats buying fake newscasts.
Go ahead.
Would you do me the honor of your name on my petition?
Well, I can't do that because I haven't heard the show, I Believe You.
If you sent me a tape of it and I was able to hear it or the article, I might say, yeah, that sounds good.
You know what I do?
I would concentrate everybody on getting those guys on another alternative station, trying to get them even a weekend show if you had to, and trying to support finding them a new home.
But I mean, tell me about the school walkout.
What happened?
Over the programs being closed, shut down, you know, the music programs, whatever they're shutting down because there's never enough money for those programs, there's only enough money to send them off to war.
There's a blank check for that, but there's not enough check to keep the kids educated, you know?
Is this public school or is this high school?
This is public school.
High school?
High school, yes.
Yeah, well what they do is they shut down little programs that people see and then say we don't have any money when the real double book show all these government agencies are overflowing with cash.
So that's just a government tactic to begin with.
Okay, well I'm going to send you a copy of the article.
Will you consider signing after you see it?
Yes, I'd like to see it.
And what email can I send it to you at?
tipsandinfowars.com And you will see it?
Most certainly.
Okay, sir, I appreciate your time.
Thanks so much.
Hey, thank you for the call.
I really can't comment too much on something I don't have any details of.
I've never heard of that radio program.
You know, it's a free market, too.
Stations are allowed to carry what they want.
I mean, stations that carry this broadcast have grown over the years, but they come and go.
And I never really get mad when they turn us off.
I mean, that's their right.
Listeners do, and that's your right to lobby them.
But the best thing to do is to support the sponsors and to tell those stations thank you and tell those sponsors thank you.
But certainly.
In local areas, the government does not want activist talk shows.
The people want it.
I mean, 90 plus percent of Austinites are against these toll roads.
It's the hottest issue.
If you tune into Austin Talk Radio, they're all for the toll roads.
Because they're bought and paid for.
It's despicable.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I always warm up with a scatter shot diatribe.
We'll slowly get to your calls, but coming up we will accelerate through your calls.
Everybody that's patiently holding, toll free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231 and I will get into Bush's little visit over to Russia and another earpiece incident there in a press conference.
We'll also get into a new fat tax coming, different areas of the country, and all the regulatory things that go along with that.
It's not going to end there, believe me, we've got to fight this.
This shows the total control of the nanny state of the social worker state that will be hanging over every single one of us via our national ID cards of these giant databases.
That's all coming up.
But just one quick program note here.
I keep getting emails and calls on and off air.
Alex, I want to buy archives of the show.
Alex, I want to subscribe to the 16 or 32 bit streams on the web.
I don't sell that.
I don't do that.
The network does.
And they do a great job.
And that funds the Genesis Communications radio network.
That does need your support.
The satellites alone are extremely expensive.
If you want 8-bit, it's listenable.
And hundreds of thousands of people a week listen via that.
And we have links to that on InfoWars.com and GCNLive.com.
That's great.
But if you want
16 or 32 bit, or access to the archives that are uploaded within two hours every day of every show, and that takes a full-time employee just to do that alone, so you get really good service.
They've hired the people in the last year to do all this.
Then it's there for you.
Go to GCNlive.com, and if you just want the archives of every show, every day, to listen when you want, then it is $7.95 a month.
And if you want a 16-bit stream, double the quality of what's free, it's $9.95 a month for both of those, the archives and the streams.
And then if you want to upgrade, you can get the 32-bit stream.
It just sounds absolutely fabulous.
It's like you're in studio.
And I want to thank those that have supported the network by doing that, and I'm supporting my network right now by plugging this.
So, GCNLive.com to subscribe.
GCNLive.com to subscribe.
Very easy, very quick way to get that done.
GCNLive.com or you can simply link through via InfoWars.com to GCNLive.com.
But it's a great service and you couldn't be supporting Freedom in a better way than supporting this network that does such a great job.
$7.95 or $9.95 for the archives and the streams.
Or keep listening at 8-bits.
It's just that the big networks out there don't even offer that for free.
We do.
Because we want to get the information out.
But when you start getting $10,000 bills, and myself, I get $5,000-$6,000 internet bills.
But they get even larger than that, so they had to do this.
And people like it, so GCNlive.com.
And the last 50 seconds of this hour, if you want to go to PrisonPlanet.tv, you can watch all my films, my best audio interviews from the radio show, a selection, my weekly TV reports, my book, Paul Watson's book, dozens of other films, 15 cents a day, $4.95 a month, monthly and yearly subscriptions, you get three months for free when you get a yearly subscription, so it's even cheaper, PrisonPlanet.tv, very similar to GCNLive.com, or call toll free to get my new film, Martial Law, Rise of the Police State, one triple eight,
Alright, second hour coming up.
I'll take the next five calls real fast that are in line.
Straight to your calls.
Then I'll get back into the news and then back into your calls.
And we'll leapfrog back and forth for the remainder of this transmission.
Stay with us.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The federal government is federalizing the states, centralizing control just like Vladimir Putin has done with his regional governorships.
We're going to get into Bush and his little Moscow, Red Square, Hammer and Sickle celebration.
banker-funded celebration, oligarch-funded celebration.
Then we'll get into Detroit Mayor seeks fast food tax and that's only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
That's a very small portion of what this will do.
We'll also get into weather control concerning Bush's little Russia visit.
Here it is from AFP.
And North Korea rattling its saber as usual
That's just some of what's coming up in this hour.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Who's up next here in order?
Lenny in Texas, in Tejas.
Welcome, Lenny.
Yo, man.
That Bilderberg piece you played earlier, it reminded me of Northwood.
I was reading up on it on the net.
It said, long believed to reside only in the mind of conspiracy theorists.
This document was recently declassified.
But you know what I'm saying?
It's kind of wild how they spin it.
Yeah, conspiracy, conspiracy theory, but world government's real and the government does like to carry out terror attacks, but still, it's bad to talk about it, so shut up!
Yeah, real quick, one thing I got is another example of what you call a propaganda placement.
Are you familiar with the show House on Fox?
I watch...
I went on a mini-vacation with my family this weekend for two and a half days, and we watched ten minutes of TV for the weather.
I just don't watch it.
I should be watching it.
I read the synopsis that's on the websites of the TV stations, but no.
Well, yeah, it's a doctor's show, and they kind of like, um, these top-notch doctors that, um... Let me guess.
Prozac's good.
We're going to be attacked by bioweapons.
Having quarantines is good.
One of the weird things they do is like, if someone eats something and it makes them sick, they'll go in their house looking for it.
But the one last week, there was this girl, she was like 12, and she was like a diver or something.
And she was sick.
And they figured out what was wrong with her, but they also found out she was pregnant.
And so whatever the treatment was, it was fatal to the fetus.
So the point is, they're kind of pushing the... That's right!
It's medical treatment to kill the babies!
Yeah, the thing was, like, um, so they do it, and she asked him, she's like, do I tell my parents?
And he's like, well, basically, no.
So, yeah, kind of.
There you go!
Just like mirroring the real cases all over the country where they arrest the mother and father because they don't want the 12-year-old to kill the baby.
Well, the real thing, I call it... Sir, everything's propaganda.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
The real reason I called in was about, uh, peak oil.
I've been reading up on it.
The people who, like, say it's real, they're saying that, um,
It says that half of the economically feasible oil is used up.
Total fraud!
They're saying that, um, there's oil fields where there's millions of barrels, but it costs like three barrels to pull up one.
Sir, they only allow limited amounts out of the developed fields in Alaska.
It's about 20% capacity and it's already supplying much of China and Japan and a large portion of our oil.
They could take the restrictions off and we would have no more oil problems.
There's a 600 square mile area locked up since the 50's.
Off the coast of Mississippi, Louisiana, that would end the entire world oil problems.
They found reserves right under the service of Sweet Crude in Venezuela, Nicaragua, all over Africa.
There's more oil than Saudi Arabia in one field alone that they have found outside Baghdad!
Yeah, I thought so, man.
Keep up the good work, man.
I appreciate the call.
I mean, you just gotta have family in the oil business.
I mean, most of my family, roughnecks, plant managers, I mean, geologists.
We got them all in the family.
Fraud, fraud, fraud.
Artificial scarcity.
There's no more fresh water.
We'll have to triple prices.
There's no more oil.
We'll have to double prices.
There's no more land, everything, you'll have to take your property, there's no more nothing, it's all over!
Only global government can save you!
And globalization has caused the problems.
Warrior Call's coming up when we get back.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
The original film was 144 minutes long.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, eight minutes, twenty-seven seconds into this second hour, second segment of this hour.
We're gonna blast through some more of your calls and then get into Bush's little visit with Pootie Poot.
That's his nickname for him.
Can't mention his other nicknames for everyone else.
All has to do with Bush's favorite subject.
And we will get into some weather control news, taxing you if you eat hamburgers or Blue Bell ice cream.
I'll be taxed then, won't I?
It's all coming up.
To manipulate and control your behavior, but that's just the beginning.
Right now, let's blitz through your calls at lightning speed.
John in Ohio, welcome sir!
Alex, I wanted to mention an article I came across on CommonDreams.org last Saturday.
But just by way of introduction, I just want to say that, you know, I'm on the left.
I agree with a lot of what you say.
I really admire and support a lot of what you talk about in the government sponsorship of 9-11, the warmongering of these neocons and police state measures both here and in Iraq by these neocon fascists.
But the areas I disagree with you, I think, are actually working at cross-purposes to those very, I think, very admirable... Hey, John, you're a regular caller.
You call every couple weeks.
Yeah, here's the thing... No, I'm going to say this, please.
Here I am saying I'm going to go to calls quickly, but I have to spend a few minutes with you here.
I could basically record what you say and play it back each time.
Well, I wanted to give a specific article here concerning the immigration situation, which I haven't mentioned before.
This article is by the Capitol Hill correspondent for Free Speech Radio News on CommonDreams.org.
Okay, you plugged that 500 times.
Go ahead.
Yeah, it's kind of a mealy mouth, but at any rate,
He points out that the Minutemen Project, along with the Minutemen supporters and other immigrant activists, flooded Capitol Hill last week to pressure lawmakers to keep the REAL ID Act in the Supplemental Order request.
This ID Act request was going down to defeat.
Even Senator Majority Leader Bill Frist said that he didn't want a part of this military funding.
Because it would kill it.
And now it's passed the House and it's in the Senate.
Ron Paul is joining us on Wednesday.
And the reason it's there is because of the supporters of the Real ID Act and to credit the presence of the Minutemen and their supporters in Washington and all of their lobbying with pushing it through.
So here you have a situation where we've got this fascist leash around our neck now precisely because of this Minutemen project and what I believe is
The xenophobic elements within that movement, which is scapegoating people.
We always have this scapegoating by the fascist perfect elite and the naptypes whenever there's a situation.
John, John, I appreciate your call.
Thank you for the call.
I need to comment on it and move on.
There's too many callers and too much news here.
Let me be very calm and try to be measured and just get the facts out here.
I disagree with Terry Anderson.
I disagree with some of the Minutemen.
I agree with Congressman Ron Paul on this subject.
I do not believe the Minutemen are xenophobic, as you say.
There's a lot of Hispanics, blacks, you name it, members of the groups that want to control our borders.
It's common sense.
Now, is it true that they play this theater out in front of all of us that fools the controlled left and the controlled right?
A couple months ago, they have all the liberal websites come out and say, this will stop our precious little immigrants.
Oh, it's so racist and horrible, we've got to stop the evil Minutemen.
Then the Minutemen, who are wonderful people, hear that.
This is how the globalists operate, on a hundred fronts.
They hear that and think, my goodness, this Real ID Act, which is an expansion of the National ID Card Standardization of Driver's License, signed by Bush December 26, 2004, almost six months ago.
Just nigh of six months.
And so everybody runs out and loads the phones up in Washington and talk radio, and it looks like they're going to get this passed now through the Senate.
And it creates standardization for driver's license for Mexico, Canada, and the U.S.
It gives unlimited authority to the federal government concerning the border to nullify any law they wish.
That will be to, by the way, open the borders up, and I'll explain why in a second.
It does a bunch of other horrible stuff, and Ron Paul's written, what, his Texas Straight Talk?
Three different pieces analyzing.
I've read the bill.
Ron Paul's right.
I wish he wasn't.
We got the congressman who's extremely busy coming on Wednesday, the day the Senate's probably going to pass it.
He's going to be on the plane today and tomorrow, flying around, so we can't get him on today or tomorrow, but it looks like we've got him scheduled for some time during the three hours on Wednesday.
But we already have his analysis, I've already read the bill, and it's changed so many times, now I'm told that all the bad provisions are back in it.
They come out, they go back in, and let's be clear, there's a few things in there that are moderately good.
And the pro-national sovereignty anti-racist crowd, the Minutemen, that are fighting the La Reconquista banker-funded Chicano racist groups, TAM of the Klan groups, so they're out there pushing it because they're against these groups.
It's sophisticated smoke and mirrors.
And I don't even know what the latest version is, it just passed
Today, and I'm trying to analyze it right now.
So, that's where we stand at this point.
And other examples of this, well, let me go back.
I said that there's a provision in there that supposedly deals with the border fence, but lawyers have all looked at it, I've looked at it, and a two-year-old can figure out what it says.
It says to finish the border fence in Mexico, on the Southern California, Northern Mexico border, right there on the coastline,
The Federal Government and Homeland Security and the President can nullify any law, it doesn't even just say border, but any law they wish.
Well that's what Alberto Gonzales, who's a member of MECHA, who by the way supports this bill, has already been saying.
They can nullify any law they want, and that's called dictatorship.
So this has this little clause in there, which of course is totally defunct upon passage,
Because you could write up a document saying you own the Empire States Building when you don't, it doesn't mean you own it.
And they can claim they're God Almighty, it doesn't make them God because they say they are.
The Bill of Rights clearly says anything in violation of the Ninth Amendment is null and void.
Anything in violation of our basic God-given rights is dead on arrival.
The Ninth Amendment is one of the most important, by the way.
And Marbury v. Madison and all the other rulings.
But we have to look at past activities.
They were able to pass the National ID Card Federal Standardization of Driver's License back in December of last year because it had 2,000 Border Patrol in it.
Everything else was horrible, excepting matricular cards to get driver's license.
I mean, yes, it makes illegals show more documents to get a driver's license, but the key document is a matricula.
So it actually makes it to where the states accept their IDs that their governments issue them.
So it's an amnesty.
And the last bill had that in there too.
This is just an expansion.
But without babbling here, it's a very complex issue.
What they do is, as soon as they pass the National ID Card Bill, the foundation of it, Bush then ordered Ridge, who later of course left a few months later, ordered the acting Homeland Security head to take that funding and to put it into airline security.
He said, look, we don't need more Border Patrol.
We're taking that money.
During the passage, he was pushing it.
He was sponsoring it.
People were hailing Bush.
But as soon as they got it passed, he said, no, now we're going to take that funding, which is really illegal.
But according to their regulatory powers, they say they can do it.
So it's going to be the same thing with this.
It's got a few provisions that you could interpret as enforcing some existing immigration laws.
But they already don't enforce
Just scores of laws.
So you're starting to understand how this scam works.
And the poor, bleeding heart left doesn't go read the bill.
They're out there fighting against it because they were told it's against the poor immigrants.
Folks, we have 3 million illegals a year and a million legals.
955,000 legals a year on average.
That's unsustainable by itself.
Three million illegals a year, Fed's own numbers, pouring in!
With whooping cough, drug-resistant or immune TB, again, a plethora, a cornucopia of other nasty third-world diseases.
There's outbreaks and quarantines all over the Southwest, all over Texas, all over L.A.
The nursing homes are shutting down, housing the illegals when they get old.
The hospitals are shutting down.
They are just shutting down their emergency rooms.
That's just one area of it.
And these, a lot of these hard-working, good, peasantry populations, I'm not saying they're bad people, are then being propagandized once they get here by our government, funded programs that, America's Evil, Nickelodeon's out promoting that the Alamo was bad, they were all racist, fighting for slavery, and they have a little Mexican girl saying the U.S.
really belongs to Mexico, ha ha ha.
You know, that's the establishment is pushing this.
And so you then sit there and go, oh, the open borders are good, Bush is evil.
Well, Bush is for what you're for!
And you're never going to wake up on the controlled left, you hardcore lefties, commies, admitted commies, worshippers of, almost at Lucifer, of Stalin and Lenin and others.
I mean, when it comes down to the bottom line, you just don't get it!
Just like neocon followers don't get that Bush is anti-gun, pro-abortion, pro-open border, pro-UN.
On and on and on.
I mean, look, they told you campaign finance reform was going to stop the evil corporations from controlling our government.
And so the rhetoric was, and they had a few ringer conservatives come out against it.
Then they passed it.
Bush signed it.
And it doubled the amount of money corporations can give and cut in half the amount of money you and I can give.
It did the opposite.
Now they're using it to tell websites they gotta register and you can't have free speech.
I mean, you guys are something else.
You really are.
There is no difference.
These globalists vacation together.
They intermarry.
It's one agenda.
It's owned by the same oligarchs that own Russia, own America.
It's a fraud.
Now, do you want to get this country back, or do you want to continue to believe the fables?
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Do you like being conned?
Do you like being manipulated?
I mean, Bush gave speeches during the election.
I'm for the Second Amendment!
Then his Attorney General is a person who says, I strongly believe in my heart we need stronger gun control, not just the assault weapons ban.
Why, my brother's a SWAT team commander.
Well, 98% of police in major studies are against gun control.
But again, not Alberto Gonzales and his brother, his gun-grabbing brother.
And then he's out there pushing for it.
Governor Pataki helping pass laws so they can sue gun manufacturers in New York and shut down the whole industry.
Schwarzenegger banning .50 cals, going after a bunch of other guns, helping ban ammo above .40 cal.
Oh, thank you Arnold, you're so conservative!
Schwarzenegger wants blanket amnesty, but we've got to control the borders!
It's all doublespeak, not their rhetoric, their actions!
Okay, let's go back to calls.
Jeff in mass.
Jeff, go ahead.
Alex, what you're saying is a true statement about the doublespeak, because I have two articles I'm going to share with you, and a comment and an observation.
Two articles.
One is in the Boston Herald, today's Boston Globe, and it talks about New Mexico's terror town host
Attack Training Center.
In other words, they're having war games in New Mexico.
Yeah, that's coming up, and it's helicopters blowing buildings up, terrorizing the public.
This was going on long before 9-11.
Yes, and also, in my neck of the woods, Boston, on the Black Falcon Terminal, in Boston, headline last week, U.S.
Navy declares war in southeast.
The Navy's still driving war games in my state.
And it's all, we have the Pentagon documents, it is for acclamation of the public.
Yes, that's my information section.
My comment section is, I went to the State House last week as a citizen to basically shoot down this bill that would give money for illegal aliens to get in-state tuition.
Happening everywhere, mainly with Republican sponsors.
Well, actually, in this state, it's Democratic.
No, I know, but I'm talking about Utah.
I'm talking about North Carolina.
It's disgusting.
Yes, and it was like a complete joke, because... Give tuition to illegal aliens!
See, it's total legalization!
Yes, and my group was only... Well, there's a law against that!
I'm sorry.
My group was about seven people.
That's the MCIR, which is the Mass Coalition for Immigration Reform.
And, basically,
Our group was about seven, and Governor Healey did a pretty good job talking against the bill, but the bill still passed anyways.
They rammed it through.
Now here is my observation.
Your governor's Mitt Romney, isn't he?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mitt's kind of a limp noodle, but... But I thought you just said governor or something.
No, no, no.
Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey.
Oh, gotcha.
Yeah, yeah.
Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey spoke out against the bill.
He was a shining light, but
I made an observation that most people in my state are nothing but a bunch of sheep that don't care about the news, that don't even listen to the mainstream talk shows.
All that they want to do is eat, drink, be merry, and... But that's because deep down they feel powerless and they're not powerless.
I really appreciate your call.
Great points, Jeff.
And good job for getting down to the Capitol and being involved.
Again, you're a modern-day Paul Revere hero.
I mean that.
It's hard to go down to the Capitol.
It's hard to get involved, but it's also fun once you do it.
Let's talk to Greg in Tennessee.
Go ahead, Greg.
Hey, Alex.
A couple quick questions here.
I know this is not a religious show, but you profess to be a Christian.
Sure, you can talk about whatever you want.
Unless I know you're a government disinfo agent, then I hang up on you, but go ahead.
Okay, that's not me.
Oh, I know.
Go ahead.
But you profess to be a Christian, right?
I'm just trying to figure out
Based on scripture, if you look at all of these things that you've discussed, the New World Order, One World Religion, all of those types of things, do you agree that biblical prophecy bears that these things are going to happen?
I believe that duty is mine, consequences belong to God.
I know that if I see, I mean it could be the end of the world tomorrow, but if I see people robbing my neighbors, I'm going to call the police, I'm going to go out with a firearm and try to apprehend them.
If I see an old lady being mugged by three thugs, even if I'm not armed, I'm going to defend her.
Even if the world was going to end in ten minutes, I will instinctively take action.
And so what I do say is that there's a huge cop-out with people out there
I mean, it's a long story, but... Let me ask you this.
You do agree that there will come a point and a time when what we call this place that we live in now, Earth, will no longer exist because of what is written in Scripture that there will be a one world government?
Doesn't it say that Earth is going to exist forever?
And God's going to rule?
But as we know it, it will not exist.
Oh, I definitely agree.
The world as we know it.
And so, and so, in amongst all of this, what I'm trying to figure out is your slogan is that the empire's on the run.
I don't know that I necessarily agree with that.
Hey, the Antichrist is going to have major problems.
That's why he's going to kill two-thirds of the planet.
It's not going to be a picnic.
Tell you what, stay there.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, here's what I'm going to do, because I've got to get to Nez.
We're going to finish up with Greg, then I'll cover Nez, then we'll go to Eric.
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This is a whole other subject in and of itself.
I could have an entire five day a week, three hour a day radio broadcast just on this subject.
But let me just speak a few minutes on it and we'll go to Greg and then into the news and then back to your calls.
This weekend, the best way to describe this is just tell a story.
This weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I said, you know, I haven't taken off in months and months.
A few times a year, I like to go rent.
They don't really have hotels on the Texas coast.
They have these big condominiums that people own, and then you just go and you rent one for a couple days.
And I'm in this little two-room condominium on the beach with my wife and children, and the whole place is filled with the Left Behind series, and the Bible,
And little tracks in the drawers and you know obviously good Christian people that own that place that we've rented from the management company.
And so I stayed up late at night reading the Bible and found it really as usual enlightening and empowering and comforting.
The Collard mentions Psalms 56 and I read that.
Boy does that fit with what we face today.
But I started reading some of the Left Behind series, and I couldn't speed read, so I read about half a book in about an hour.
When I'm reading for enjoyment, I read very slowly, but I was just scanning it.
And it was just a bunch of garbage.
And I'm sorry, I know millions of you out there own it and love it and think it's the truth and think it's great and think it's all, you know, what's going to happen.
And I'm not going to get into a debate pre-mid, post-rapture.
I'm not going to get into... I'm not your preacher!
I cover the news.
Every time we get into Christianity, everybody starts fighting with each other.
I'm just here to cover what's happening, what's going on.
I'm a radio broadcaster.
I do have pastors on.
Every time I study the New World Order, it leads back to Satanism and the Luciferian cults.
My new film spends an hour on that.
The new three-hour film, the new mini-series.
Martial Law, 9-11 rise, the police state.
But I also spent time, because we don't watch TV,
And I said I watched about ten minutes of TV.
About five of that was the weather, to see if it was going to rain.
And I spent... It wasn't really true what I said.
I hadn't thought properly.
I spent about twenty minutes watching Pastor Hagee, who's from San Antonio, who I think is a powerful preacher.
I mean, I really enjoy listening to him, but it's laced with garbage!
George Bush is not of God!
George Bush is not good!
And that's all I read on these guys' websites, that's all I hear, people that go to local churches, that's all I hear about.
George Bush is a member of Skull and Bones, a member of Bohemian Grove.
George Bush tripled abortion funding while cutting another small program.
Again, it's an illusion.
George Bush prays at a Shinto shrine one day, the next day he's praying to Allah, the next day he's praising Ozzy Osbourne, and I'm not picking a speck out of his eye with a beam in mine.
Uh, but it's once you get the speck out of your eye, THEN you can, see it's always out of context, THEN you can go get the beam out of somebody's eye.
And I got lots of specks and beams and stuff in my eyes, believe me, but I'm trying to pick them out.
And so that's another reason I don't get up here and harp on, on, on, on my beliefs, because, uh, you know, I'm a sinner, folks.
And, you know, sin is, is crimes against God's order.
Crimes against the way life's supposed to operate.
And, and it's just a basic code God gave us, and you will be blessed!
I mean, God wants to empower you.
God does want to take care of you.
God does want to... But you've got to have that courage first.
But look... I mean, I just look for the devil in the world, and man, I find him at church.
And funny, that's exactly what Christ said.
So, I don't make it my business to sit here and bash preachers all day.
There's Pastor Kennedy from Florida, who I think is one of the best, who gets into the NWO, but still doesn't go into Bush.
But I've seen him on TV quite a bit.
My grandmother watches him.
She's always pushing me to watch him.
I think he's good.
I mean, I don't get a bad feeling from him.
I don't, you know, my discernment, which is quite powerful.
And it's a blessing.
Sometimes it feels like a curse.
But just to see all of this.
But I do know Pat Robertson's bad, folks.
Very bad.
I mean, man, my alarm's just looking at him go off.
Then you look at what he actually does.
Uh, and I'm not considering bashing and throwing racehorses and being a mason and, you know, all this stuff, but he's a hypocrite when he says microchips aren't the mark of the beast under the skin and China's doing what it has to do with infanticide and abortion.
I get criticized when I mention what the guy said!
I mean, I'm sorry he said it!
But what's really bad is saying Bush is basically the second coming of Christ.
And, uh,
That's the same crowd out harping that, don't worry, the end's near, nothing evil to stand up against, don't worry about it, because it's, you know, it's all foretold.
When the whole Bible is the prophets going to Israel and saying, you better repent, you better stand up, you better get involved, or you're going to be judged.
I know that God lifts the hedge away from us, and even if you don't believe in God, folks, you do reap what you sow.
What comes around does go around.
It's true.
It's the law of the universe that God set in motion.
I mean, when evil starts growing, none of us are safe.
When we get involved, we can fight it.
We can be given a reprieve.
Do I believe these things are written and are going to happen?
Have I seen so much of the knowledge of the Bible, the stuff that's in there, all coming true?
But I also see people twisting it.
Jack Van Impey and Rux Zillow Van Impey.
I mean, I've watched those guys multiple times over the years.
And it's always twisted.
And they never go deeply into what's behind it.
And look, I've been attacked by some of the biggest so-called Christian talk show hosts in this country.
That I am evil, because I talk about Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove, because I'm bearing false witness against Lord Bush.
Well, I'm not bearing false witness.
You know, I'm bad.
Either Skull and Bones doesn't exist, or Bohemian Grove doesn't exist, or, oh, they're just having fun.
I mean, even their own publications admit they ship in male prostitutes.
Is that good?
Would it be good if they were shipping in the female prostitutes?
And again, I'm not judging them!
But they are up on the podium telling us that these are men of God that should be followed, and they're not!
Their fruits are laden with death and destruction and the stench of lies!
I hear these neocon preachers saying it's a holy war in Iraq.
Our government put them at the stand!
No, it's not!
Our government told them to invade Kuwait!
Our government set this thing up!
Well, is Saddam good then?
Is some demon in the fifth circle of hell good?
But what's worse?
That demon or the devil himself that runs our country?
The creature in the frozen waste of the ninth circle, to use Dante's analogy.
Dante in the Inferno.
Not Dante's Inferno, as it's called.
You know, I just...
It makes my head spin.
And so it's a big cop-out.
I see these church ladies with their pretty hair and nice lapis.
Alex, why aren't you rejoicing that all this is happening?
That means that we don't have to worry.
We can just be happy.
I don't know.
My Bible says, you know, mark it.
Be concerned about it.
Reckon it.
It's Numbers 666.
And it brings hell and death and destruction.
And stand against it.
And speak out against it.
And expose it.
And I look at the prophets marching out and being slaughtered time and time again.
But always after that happens, then the enemy is punished.
But it takes standing up.
When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against it.
But I don't see that happening.
I don't see... I mean... Just meet, eat, and retreat.
Just have a good time.
Go do some business deals at the church.
Stand around and feel good about yourselves.
While your 16-year-old daughter is using drugs and having sex with gangbangers.
While society is unraveling all around you.
You hide out in your churches and you don't do a thing.
So that's where I'm coming from here.
And people always call and go, well, isn't this going to happen though?
Won't you just say it's going to happen?
Well, yeah, yeah, we should all do something, Alex, but isn't it going to happen?
Isn't it going to happen?
You know, they told the Founding Fathers that it was the will of God that England rule us, and don't stand up, some of the so-called Christians.
People thought Hitler was the Antichrist.
Well, there are many Antichrists.
See, they don't read their Bible.
And they said, we better lay down, it's the end of the world, don't do anything.
Stalin's the Antichrist.
And all these people are the Antichrist, so let's not do anything.
Let's just roll over to them.
And I hear this argument that Israel is basically God.
That we've got to support Israel in whatever they do, or we're going to hell.
Because Israel is of the Lord, and Israel is the center of the universe, and Israel is just good, good, good.
Funny, my Bible, Old Testament New, is the prophets telling Israel, you're bad, you're evil, you're doing bad things.
You better repent.
You better stop what you're doing, or you're going to be judged.
God's going to judge you.
You're going to be destroyed.
You don't have a right to exist until Christ returns.
But then I hear the opposite today.
Oh no, Israel has to be there.
And Israel's got to be supported.
The Bible says the opposite.
And Israel's got to, whatever they do, they've got to be supported.
They fly our preachers over there and they get bathed and basted in the atheistic, Zionist propaganda.
It's amazing.
Absolutely amazing!
So, that's what I've seen.
Now I've got tons of news to cover here, and I've been babbling for 10 minutes, but finish up what you were saying, Greg, in Tennessee.
Yeah, well, I agree with what you're saying there.
My concern is, though, is that going by what you said about these things will come to pass at some particular time.
We don't know when they're all going to happen.
Uh, but what my concern is... Well, it's like Jonah went to that city and it got a reprieve for a hundred years!
And we are not prepared... And we have a job to warn people about this!
Listen, if we follow what these neocon preachers say, support Israel no matter what, the Antichrist will sit in Jerusalem and be worshipped because, well, Israel can't be gone against... I mean... I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, that is going to happen.
He is going to be worshipped.
My concern is, once again, is that we are not prepared as Christians to even take on that battle.
So what we end up doing is like you're talking about in a lot of these situations where we do fall under somebody like George Bush and we do look toward him and we do start to follow him or some other president or what have you.
And we lose perspective on what the real issue is there, and that is coming into a relationship with Christ so that we can, so that these things can be revealed to us.
I agree with you, but I always have to preface that because I don't want to send ships into the rocks sending them into these churches.
Thanks for the call.
And I'm not saying there's not good churches out there, but they're hard to find.
And the best congregations you're going to find are, you know, meeting at hotels and motels or in the back of somebody's house.
Or in their, you know, in their machine shop on Sundays.
And, you know, I get past all the Pharisee dogma and the arguments and how many angels can dance on the head of a pen, and I just get down to loving God.
And I get down to loving your family and loving your neighbor.
And it's true.
We need Christ.
I mean, if you don't change yourself within, how are you going to change the world?
Shaving America starts in our hearts.
It starts with spending time with our families.
It starts with loving our wife.
It starts with loving our husbands.
It starts with not holding a grudge against your family.
It starts with a man leading and the woman needing and the man following her needs.
It starts with being leaders and having courage and fearing not.
I just hear all this fear mongering and I'm telling you we got hope.
As long as we follow God's will and stand up for what's right and decent, I mean, it's just common sense.
And you find greater safety fighting the New World Order than you do going along with it.
That doesn't mean you won't get crucified upside down.
That doesn't mean you won't get boiled in oil.
That doesn't mean you won't get tortured to death in some little torture chamber.
But statistically, and just from the facts and the history, fighting it, you're safer.
This system feeds on everyone wholesale.
It's allowed to feed on those that are part of its body.
It's a cancer.
And things get worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse.
I mean, if the Christians will say Bush is basically a prophet, which is what they say,
The so-called Christians, then, what will they think of a world leader?
What will they say of him?
It doesn't say he jumps around in a red pajamas with little plastic horns and a Halloween trident, pitchfork.
He is the Christ!
He is the Antichrist!
He will come as the Christ!
And the people aren't going to know that!
They aren't going to understand it!
They've been set up for it!
Oh, man.
These are important things we're talking about and now every caller is going to be discussing it.
The show will be turned into, my sect has got it right, my church has got it right.
I'm going to get to Bush in Russia here in a few minutes.
There's just so much, but let me cover this first, please.
This is so important.
Detroit Mayor seeks fast food tax.
Now, again, you can't just read this article on its own.
You've got to have the foundation, and the scaffolding, and the superstructure, and to look at the thing piece by piece.
A decade ago, when I began to research the NWO, I realized that they want control of us.
They want us dependent.
They want us in their system.
In the psychiatric system, the criminal justice system, the welfare system, the military system, where we give up our rights, where we sign the contract.
Again, the analogy is of the devil at your door.
Sign the contract.
Give up your rights.
Accept these rules.
Tell me I can come into your life, into your house.
And so we get into this and we don't even see what we're living in.
It's all about control.
And I remember reading, five, six, seven years ago, the Commerce Department documents.
And then three years ago, the Agriculture Department documents, where they said, with your National ID card, your standardized state driver's license, you will swipe it for sales tax.
Graduated sales tax, so it's quote, fair.
And while that's happening, if you've got too much Blue Bell for the week, too much, that's a popular brand of ice cream in Texas, I don't know if you have it in your area, just Dutch chocolate ice cream.
You've got too much hamburger meat, you've got too many T-bones, you've got too many pizza pockets, which is admitted, a lot of it not good for you en masse, but you've got it!
And why, the argument is, you're costing us, you know, with the HMO cost and the insurance and the welfare, all money.
So, you've got to pay into this!
We're just going to charge you a few cents.
And the card will keep a record.
Folks, this is admitted.
This is the official plan.
And here it is in front of me in the newspaper.
And we're going to, because you're allowed to have some Bluebell, why have you buy too much beer?
Heard about the man who wasn't arrested drinking and driving.
He said he drank a six-pack every night.
Said, is this part of my heart palpitations?
50-year-old man, no criminal record, they took his driver's license.
No judge, no jury.
It was in a computer database.
All the prescriptions you get are in a computer database the last three years.
So you bought too much beer, you bought too many T-bones, you bought too much... Well, you went through the drive-thru too much.
And you've got to swipe the card.
It'll start just at the stores themselves.
But they'll decide, that's unfair, this is going to be more fair.
You get your quota of cheeseburgers.
And then it's going to be everything else.
It's like the children thumb scanning to get school lunches.
No cash allowed.
And it's been in the news.
Oh, their money wasn't put in properly.
They're not eating healthily.
We're dispatching a social worker.
Oh, your child's overweight.
We're going to take them from you in six months if they don't lose 25 pounds.
Well, you can't argue against it.
We're an obese country.
But we can't take the twinkie machines out of the schools.
We can't change the school diet.
We're just going to take your child.
Folks, this is the control.
And now it's here.
The legislation is being passed, federally, and at the local level.
We'll get more into this when we get back.
It's so important.
It's big, big.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Let me try to calmly go over these federal and state and local proposals.
I'm sure you know that your water bill, your power bill, automatically is routed through the city water and waste management computers in every major city.
It's been like this for five years.
And instantly, every day, when the SWAT teams and the police and the detectives go in,
In the intelligence department of every city.
They go and the computer automatically flags.
Okay, it says one person lives here.
They're using too much power.
They SWAT team it.
Austin case.
It's an 84-year-old woman who has a degree in studying fish.
And, you know, she's a retired university professor and the 10 saltwater tanks are using too much power.
They kick the door down and then leave a note.
We'll see in the future, and this is admitted by the way,
It'll be.
Well, why are you buying so much beer?
The social worker's dropped by.
Well, I've been having a lot of parties lately at my house.
Well, show proof!
You've got to come in and do a lie detector and we're taking you into custody because there's no probable cause or normal due process in quote the social worker parallel courts they've been setting up.
And this is in the plans!
Or, oh, your children, even if they're 10 pounds overweight, ladies and gentlemen, this is going on in Arkansas right now and a bunch of other states.
They actually come and take your children if they don't lose weight within six months.
It's been in the news.
Just take children taken in Arkansas.
And first it started with kids that were, you know, so fat they look like Shamu and it seems reasonable.
Yeah, that's abusive.
Man, those parents are bad.
But then they pass the laws and, you know, ten pounds over the weight for more than six months.
We say exactly how big you are.
You see, again, instead of having education at a local level, instead of, no, no, no, it's all about control when they're the system that brought in the control.
And so that's what, I mean, there's so many facets to this.
And these are the grand databases, the matrix system.
By the way, why do they call it matrix?
Flaunting it in your face?
It's like the company that the Bin Ladens and the Bushes had up.
Carlisle comes out with a implantable, uh, a trackable chip for your clothing and goods, and they call it the Matrix Chip, and it looks like a swastika.
I mean, it's all these in your face.
Total Information Awareness Network.
A pyramid radiating the earth with its all-seeing eye.
Detroit mayor seeks fast food tax.
It had to happen sooner or later.
That goes on for how wonderful it is.
A fat tax.
With concerns about obesity growing, an independent film supersized me gathering near cult status.
Detroit Mayor, Dwayne Kilpatrick says now, maybe the time to put an extra tax on fast food.
We'll talk about it later and then go to your calls.
There's so much news.
Third hour only a few minutes away in the last minute here.
I don't spend more than a minute and a half on this each hour.
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Forty-something, it's actually three hours, forty-five seconds.
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And about half my films are already up there for free, so if you want to go do that, go watch them as well, download them, give them to people.
Please take action!
Humanity needs to expose the corrupt globalists.
We'll be back with the third hour.
Introducing Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In the first hour, we're already into the third.
Time is really blasting past us.
I played a CNN Europe clip, where they just come right out and admit the Bilderberg group and give all these wonderful excuses for it.
It's about three minutes long.
Had a lot of requests to re-air that, so we will.
As well as that Waking Life clip, where I basically give you my manifesto of what I believe.
I've never aired that before.
My views.
I aired it in the first hour for the first time.
I'll play it one more time for those that missed it and have been requesting it or tuned in during the middle of it.
So much news!
I mean, I was just talking about in Detroit they want to start taxing fast food and all prepared meals.
And the federal government's pushing states to do this.
The feds want to do it with the new national ID card.
You know it as your driver's license.
And I was just going over how this is going to be used to micromanage and control our lives and piggyback on top of these huge databases.
We've got a clip we haven't aired yet of Bush being questioned while he was over in Russia.
And he puts his hand up to his ear and starts bumbling, which is just like every other case.
Where he says, I didn't hear that, say that again.
This is scripted.
You've got to see it to really get the full impact of it.
That's just some of what's coming up.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Eric in California, welcome.
Hi Alex.
I don't know if you've been watching a VH1 classic or anything lately, but there's a band that's definitely one of theirs that we've got to watch out for.
In fact, we should boycott their
Concerts and such and start using their album, maybe even use their albums and discs and stuff for target practice and it's known as Megadeth.
Yes, I'm familiar with Megadeth.
I don't know if you saw their videos years ago but there's even one where they show the Bill of Rights going up in flames.
Well, I'm not going to defend Megadeth.
But I've got to be honest with you.
I've actually seen their t-shirts, seen their videos, and I know it shows somebody dressed up like George Bush, but a skeleton in front of the first George Bush, in front of the UN with a nuclear cloud going up, and I think they're kind of talking about the New World Order, and you might have misinterpreted it.
Well, what did you see?
I haven't seen it in one of those
Music videos in probably 15 years, so... No, just a symphony for destruction.
They show the... For the people, they show the flag on the wall going up in flames.
I mean, I've seen that, and if you want me to be honest, I don't listen to it now because I think it's very destructive mentally, but I actually, I didn't own a bunch of their music, but I hear it occasionally on the radio, and I got the lyrics.
I think it's anti-New World Order.
Oh, okay.
But I can see how you're seeing this and thinking that it's, I mean, I'm not recommending Megadeth, folks.
There is one by Motorhead, though, that has sworn people recently.
They sing about everything you've been talking about for years.
Brave New World.
If you'd like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man!
You win some, lose some, it's all the same to me!
7 or 11, Ace of Spades watching you!
Yeah, I liked Motörhead when I was in high school.
I haven't heard a Motörhead song in about 15, 20 years.
Yeah, well that recent Motörhead video where it shows like the film, um, could have been in an old prison or somewhere.
They started singing about it.
It's more or less a... Fists in pieces sound more or less like a warning.
Well, that's what's trendy and cool to do.
I mean, I don't think that's good music for the soul, I'll tell you right now.
But yeah, I've heard a lot of it.
There was one by Metallica years ago.
They got a little flack.
They actually went off about what's going on now.
No, hey, Metallica songs are all about the New World Order.
Again, people misinterpret that.
Now, you got a band like Slayer, or Dancing, which is clearly Luciferian.
It is devil worship.
He'll be right back.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, music is powerful.
Penn & Collar was just mentioning a band from the 80s and 90s, I guess it's all around Megadeth, meaning million dead or millions dead.
And those groups, Metallica,
That whole genre.
They'll talk about Injustice for All, the New World Order, the World Government.
But, I mean, I can tell when I still hear it coming out of a car next to me or I'm flipping through the stations, I won't let myself listen to it.
Because it's powerful.
It has a powerful hold on me because of my development listening to it.
And I know it's destructive.
And that's really a trick of the NWO.
is that it will present you what the New World Order is and present it in its full spectrum of darkness, which is very powerful and seductive.
So I don't let myself listen to that type of stuff.
So it sounds like it's anti-New World Order, but it's really not.
And I don't even know if those groups you were mentioning are conscious of that.
But I do know that groups like Slayer
and uh... Danzig and uh... Pantera and and and and some of those others are conscious of it and please don't start calling and emailing me about it.
I mean you talk about other propaganda, just propaganda of the New World Order.
I was at a Target because we forgot sunscreen.
Thursday night driving down to the beach.
So I go in there and there's this uh... there's these toys put out by Fisher-Price
And I'm walking through, and it's a dinosaur with a caveman, and obviously cavemen weren't alive when the dinosaurs were, but I thought, oh, that'll be a nice toy to play with on the beach.
So I snatch it, it was like three, four bucks, and I go, you know, get it and pay for it and go through the line, but I just snatched it up, didn't really read it, should have, and I open it up to give it to my son the next day, and it was Imaginext or something?
And it's, you are, in fact I meant to say that, I think we left it at the hotel room.
And it was, imagine a world with dinosaurs and primitive man living alongside each other.
On one side are the econovores.
Not the omnivores, they're inventing new terms.
The, the, the econovores.
They're for the economy.
They fight for the ecological system.
And, um, then there's the carnivores on the other side.
They've trademarked their, their, their Econovore.
I might steal that term.
Yes, you guys are eating up society in the name of the environment.
It's all banker funded.
And it says, and so you must fight against the evil dinosaurs and people to save the Earth!
I mean, everything is, you know, some government quest.
And then kids grow up as that as their heroes.
And you turn on the cartoons every episode, the new Fantastic Four.
They're always helping the UN battle the evil terrorists, or battle the space aliens, or... You open up the comic books, which I'll scan through in a bookstore, and it's always the same M.O.
You know, they're saving... The secret police are saving us from the evil terrorists.
It's just everywhere is propaganda.
You watch the Animal Planet.
I, uh, again, I was flipping through channels this weekend and watched 30 seconds of it.
It was some animal show and then it cuts to an ad.
Animals are abused every day.
Report people who you think may be... And again, it sounds reasonable to, to, to report and save the animals, but wait!
The government is totally legalized.
Torturing dogs to death with all this stuff hooked in their brains.
Monkeys, cows, pigs.
That's going on en masse, but that's a-okay.
But then your neighbor might not be being nice.
Tattle on them.
It has you looking for people to tattle on.
And a whole new economy of tattling.
And it's all hypocritical.
I mean, obviously, if a horse is starving to death at your neighbor's place, first thing you should do is go, hey, what are you doing?
If you don't want that horse, I'll take it.
Or, why don't you slaughter it and sell it for dog food?
If you're going to keep that up, and then if they don't, call the police on them.
But it should be, you know, full-blown obvious cases.
The government isn't pushing this new police state agenda because it cares about the animals, believe me.
Or you, um... I mean, I can't watch a show about lions or alligators or crocodiles or...
Because, you know, the whole thing is, and the environment is dying, and give all your rights up to the government, and blah blah blah.
And then some of the things they're saying are true, but their solution's false!
It's the globalists that are pushing the whole system that does this!
They got solutions that'll take our private property, have global taxes on our fuels and our energy sources, while 160-something countries are exempt, like China.
That'll just accelerate all our jobs there even faster!
When we're already many times cleaner than they are!
See, it's a maze of manipulation.
It's all propaganda.
I mean, standing there at the store, just reading the newspapers in their newspaper boxes, in their newspaper machines.
Just the propaganda.
I mean, here's an example.
It costs $1.8 million every time the aircraft carrier has to leave port because of hurricanes.
Boy, it's a problem.
Wasting our money.
1.8 million is nothing!
But they know you can think in numbers that big, so they don't talk about the trillions missing from the Pentagon.
It's some little petty... I mean, that's the point, man.
When you understand this stuff, it's just everywhere.
Just propaganda, petty issues, mindlessness, in-fighting, garbage.
It's just all over the place.
It blows my mind.
And it's just impossible to try to cover it all.
Alright, we'll go to, uh...
David in California, John in Tennessee, John in Tennessee, Tim in Ohio, Tex in Texas, and many others here in just a moment.
Let me just get through a few more of these articles.
People ask why I get so upset on air.
It's the frustration.
There's no way to cover, or track, or diagram, or detail this stuff.
It's just tidal wave.
It is tectonic.
It is juggernaut.
But, we don't have to keep applying propaganda like the mainstream controlled media.
They have to keep reapplying their twisting, and their spinning, and their lies, and their omissions, and their conditioning.
All we got to do is teach somebody how to fish.
See, they got to keep feeding them their poison fish.
We just got to teach people how to fish.
And once we show somebody how to be in con, once we show them that there is a rabbit hole, they fall down it.
Hey man, I can turn around and keep walking down the street.
I'm Johnny Appleseed.
How you do?
Do you kint?
Do you know what I'm saying to you, my friends?
Do you understand?
That they're turning this entire planet into a prison.
And heaven help us.
It's just mega massive.
It's everywhere.
It is unceasing.
And because their mainstream propaganda is faltering and falling apart,
They're putting more and more of it overtly into the TV, the radio, the print, the fiction, the non-fiction.
I mean, I can hardly buy a fiction book and try to escape for a few hours, once or twice a month, when I sit down to read for a few hours, to steal some time, try to get out of the Matrix.
It's all full of propaganda!
Or it's people fighting the propaganda, and I don't even want to see that sometimes.
I'm so sick of the NWO.
Their business is killing, and their business is good.
Their business is control.
Alright, um... Bush gets seat of honor for V.E.
President Bush gets seat of honor in Red Square, renewing stand, reviewing stand, on anniversary of Nazi surrender.
President Bush gets seat of honor, and has a little photo of him there with Pootie Poot, as he calls him, the man whose soul he looked into, a man he could trust.
Another quote, a man of love.
Two men of love they are!
And they're both the same.
Setting up regional governorships,
Blowing up buildings to blame it on their enemies, shutting up police states, putting out fake newscasts.
If they're all in business together, the whole Cold War was completely staged.
I mean, that's now the Congressional documents.
It's all come out.
It's all true.
And that's a whole other subject.
Cannot detail it in the time we have.
And, uh... Publicly, they'll have these little fake squabbles, but then come back together.
Oh, but he's transferring weapons of mass destruction.
That's okay.
Bush says that's alright.
Why, I do it too.
I helped give the reactors to Donald Rumsfeld in North Korea.
Why, I gave the botulism and anthrax my daddy did to Saddam.
Why, that's okay.
I told him to invade Kuwait.
It's all staged.
They're two different arms of the NWO grabbing up living space, grabbing up sovereign countries.
They've got to have the illusion of the bipolar world so that people think they have a choice within that controlled spectrum of false information.
And the two just love each other.
But a picture tells a thousand words.
These photos we've got on Infowars.com of these two individuals.
And they're sitting there.
And Bush has got the red tie on, he always wears the blue.
He's got the little red flower and there's men marching in front of him with the hammers and sickles and the new tanks, not just the old style World War II uniforms, but the new tanks with the hammer and sickles and all the generals behind him with the hammers and sickles.
And they love you so much and communism is dead and Putin can be trusted and he's a nice person who really does care about us.
And everything's happy.
And Bush is an anti-communist.
I remember back in
1999, they had 50 years of the fall of China and Mao Zedong's great revolution, cultural revolution, great leap forward.
And the Fortune 500 was there in Tiananmen Square as the tanks rolled by and they were there to celebrate and the Fortune 500 hailed communism.
Because communism doesn't exist as we've been told it does.
It's nothing but a small group, a clique, holding the people as slaves in the private factories owned by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
And every time a company gets seized, or a company gets in trouble over in Russia, it turns out that Lord Rothschild owns it.
That's the London Telegraph and BBC.
And it's all fake, it's all staged.
Just totally staged!
I mean, where does all the investment go?
It goes to China!
Why, it's even going to Russia and India!
India, for all intents and purposes, is a socialist, socializing your wealth to assanguate our treasure and transfer it into the globalist hands.
Alright, we'll come back at one more piece of news on Russia and take your calls.
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Thank you for joining us.
That clip where they admit the Bilderberg Group wants world government from CNN Europe is coming on and we're going to play that and then to analyze it, as you requested to hear it again, I'm also going to play that Waking Life clip.
A bunch of news I'm going to have to shotgun through.
I only have time to talk to David, John, John, Tim, and Dave.
That's it for calls.
Up first is David, Michigan.
David, Michigan, go ahead quickly.
Hello, Dave.
Hey, Alex, you've really got to live here in Michigan to really appreciate Juan Miguel Patrick.
Where they want to tax your hamburgers and your coffee, yeah.
Oh yeah, his mother is Carolyn Cheekskill, Patrick.
She's been in Congress for about 20 years.
She has the worst voting record, worst attendance record of anybody in Congress.
And she keeps getting re-elected.
Well, you've had those special voting machines for quite a while.
Well, she doesn't even show up.
But, uh,
Kwame there is doing such a wonderful job of running Detroit into the ground.
It's about ready to go into receivership.
The state's going to take it over.
That's right.
The feds already took over your police department.
Well, they took over Flint about two years ago.
The state did because they were bankrupt.
That's how this was designed.
Oh, yeah.
But he's also on there.
He writes into the Detroit News all the time about the positive influence of gangster rap on American politics.
Sounds like great folks, Dave.
Oh, yeah!
He has orgies at the Governoral Manor down there in Detroit where the police got arrested for beating up prostitutes.
He's just a wonderful, wonderful... He's as good as Mayor Daley, the mom boss.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go ahead and talk to David in California.
Go ahead, David.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
God bless you.
I want to know if you have any information on this.
I think I've seen this on a couple of lists before.
Richard Wagner, Rick Wagner, that is the CEO of General Motors.
He's skull and bones.
From what I understand.
Eight members of Bush's cabinet are, nine including him.
Well, you know, here we've got four... Not cabinet, administration.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, here we have Ford and General Motors that last week, late last week, their bond status was listed as junk.
Isn't globalization great?
Well, what people don't understand is so many of General Motors' cars are built in, it's assembled in Mexico and China.
General Motors has built plants in China.
And Ford's moving to China.
Yeah, and here, yet, in the United States, we're watching these companies, you know, they blame it on the medical insurance that they have to pay for a car, and that, oh my goodness, the competition, you know, the Japanese and the Koreans, all their healthcare is paid for by the state.
But, and so, what they're really trying to do is... Yeah, no, no, that's how we're going to be.
Look, they're going to merge the corporations with the government, and the corporations are going to become the government.
That's privatization, my dear.
Bigger government, more regulation, more control.
Yeah, and then you have people that are skull and bones members running these corporations.
Rick Wagner of General Motors is a perfect example.
Basically what he's doing is essentially what they're doing is running this country or the company.
It's as if the country isn't going to exist soon.
They're running the gas out of the nation.
They're strip mining the society.
They're engaging in looting, cultural looting, financial looting, spiritual looting.
They are using us like a spider, a baby spider would use the first fly it caught
As it sparks a big meal.
Thanks for the call.
We're being sacrificed on the altar of globalism.
Excellent point.
John in Tennessee.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
Yesterday on C-SPAN, a panel of reporters and Gulf War vets were debating the war, torture, and George Bush.
And the audience asked the question, are we headed for a civil war?
And a Gulf War sergeant on the panel said, do you mean a civil war in Iraq?
The audience said, no.
Civil war in the United States of America.
And a change agent on the panel immediately jumped on the answer to spin it.
He said, yes, America was headed for a civil war, but now with the re-election by popular vote of Bush in November, that cured all that.
Of course, ignoring the massive election fraud.
My question is, since Bush bombed the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9-1-1, isn't that by definition that we're already in a civil war?
Yes, a criminal group is using terrorism, according to their own documents, to scare us into submission, and we are inside the New World Order and battling bravely.
Well, it was exciting to see somebody say that at 2 o'clock in the morning on C-SPAN.
At least people were thinking that way, even though they're still behind the 8-ball a little bit, and being, you know, controlled by the media somewhat on C-SPAN.
Excellent points, John.
Speak of the military in Iraq, that's an article I have.
They've lowered their recruitment numbers by about half in the last three years.
So they could, quote, meet their goals, but they just lowered their goals.
And now, even after lowering their goals, they're off by 40-plus percent.
We'll talk about that.
Take a few more calls on the other side.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
We got 26 minutes left.
23 of broadcast.
And I got a couple clips I want to play, a Bush clip we haven't played yet, where he obviously has the earpiece in again.
I've got two more calls I'm going to take and a stack of news.
I was looking at this news.
Real fast, we're honored to have her, is Debbie Morrow of New Millennium Concepts.
We talk about taking control of our lives.
This is made in America.
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If you call and you leave a message, please leave your number twice and really clearly and slowly so I can be sure to get back with you.
And if you want to leave a day or a night number, so that if I have to call later... That's right.
I mean, you're almost always there during business hours, but if the lines get busy, too many calls come in, leave a name and number and Debbie will call you.
Made in America, folks.
They make them.
They're excellent.
And, uh, or go to Berkeywater.com and tell them what free gift you want.
They've got sheltering in place DVD or VHS, potassium iodate to protect you from nuclear attack.
Uh, they've got to the Prudent Places CD with thousands of color maps and diagrams of safe areas in the country.
They have the little, uh, sports bottles.
My sister is going to be going out of the country, Debbie, to the third world this summer for a two week trip with her school and they recommend that they bring some water filtration and they recommend that they bring a little
We're good to go!
I can help them best I can and I can direct them to where they need to go and I look forward to talking to them.
Debbie, thank you for joining us.
Give her a call.
Stop drinking the pesticides, the herbicides, the nickel, the mercury, the arsenic, the dead bacteria, because the chlorine and stuff just kills the bacteria.
You're still drinking bacteria.
Dead ones.
It's the equivalent of drinking little chunks of rotten meat.
Or Berkeywater.com.
We talk a lot about weather control, and they've got shows on the Weather Channel about it.
They've got systems that do this, but still the general public doesn't know that it exists.
Well, this is from AFP.
Last week it was in ABC News, but they were saying, can the Russian government block the huge storms over Moscow?
They have a 100% success rate.
Will they?
Well, they did.
Meteorologists said 90% chance of rain.
They stopped it.
At World War II commemoration, Russian Air Force wins battle against weather.
Specially equipped Russian Air Force planes won a white-knuckle battle with the weather over Moscow on Monday and managed to prevent rain from marring a Red Square military parade attended by more than 50 world leaders.
Beginning at dawn, a fleet of 11, Ilyushin-18 and
Anatov, 12 planes, seeded chemical dispersal agents into bad weather upwind of Moscow, Air Force Colonel Alexander Drebovosky told the state-run ITAR-TAS News Agency.
Until the last minute, it appeared that their efforts, honed with decades of experience at dating back the Soviet era, would fail.
Huge clouds gathered over Moscow on the Red Square Parade ground, where thousands of troops were massing to commemorate victory over Nazi Germany 60 years ago.
Drizzle Force President Vladimir Putin to greet guests outside the Kremlin under umbrellas.
About 15 minutes before the parade, the rain stopped and patches of blue sky appeared, announcing a dry spell that held the duration of the hour-long military extravaganza.
Yeah, they couldn't wheel out the antenna farms they've got that'll totally block it.
Just another example of something that doesn't exist, just like CNN tells you how wonderful the Bilderberg Group is.
Bush gets tough queries from youths in Holland.
This is the LA Times.
I have a question concerning the terrorism.
To the first student to be called on, a young woman, and you made many laws over 9-11, many, many laws and many measures, and I'm wondering, will there be a time when you drop those laws and will you decrease the measures?
Oh no, the war never ends.
Look, Bush replied, look, Bush replied, a free society such as ours, obviously.
I'm going to try to do an imitation.
Must balance the government's most important duty, which is to protect the American people.
By the way, that's not their most important duty.
From harm with the civil liberties of our citizens.
And every law will be passed that was aimed to protect us in this new era, this hundred year era, he said before, of threats from abroad and willingness for people to kill without mercy, like your forces do.
It has been scrutinized and of course balanced by our Constitution.
And oh, balancing it with
Couldn't you control the borders?
Couldn't you arrest all your Al-Qaeda cells?
Oh no, you couldn't arrest your business partners.
Captured Al-Qaeda kingpin is a case of mistaken identity!
London Times!
On PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.net.
You can read it.
The capture of a supposed Al-Qaeda kingpin by Pakistani agents last week was hailed by President George W. Bush as a crucial victory in the war on terror.
Made all the front page news, but you'll never hear the retraction.
According to European intelligence experts, however, Abu Fajr al-Libi was not the terrorist third in command, as claimed, but a middle ranker derided by one source as among the flotsam and jetsam of the organization.
His arrest in Pakistan announced last Wednesday was described in the United States as a major breakthrough in the war and the hunt for Osama bin Laden.
The number three guy at the CIA, Buzzy Cronkite, says they don't want him.
Bush called him a top general and a major facilitator and a chief planner for Al Qaeda.
But now it turns out that it's a mistaken identity.
He may not even be a middle-level person.
Well, the L.A.
Times has reported there's no even mid-level Taliban or Al-Qaeda at Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo.
It's old men and young boys.
But they gotta have a nice little stage for ya.
This is better than the other cases where they arrest them and it comes out a month later that, oh, they were a CIA asset and they staged the arrest to protect their identity.
Oh, yes.
Oh, yes.
Military blues, but not green.
This out of Newsweek.
But they don't need a draft.
Wait till the terror attack.
May 16th issue, in case anyone still doesn't understand that recruiting is now the toughest job in the Army, the service missed its April goal by 42 percent!
It was the third month in a row that this active duty recruiting mission was not accomplished.
Worse, the Pentagon was counting on absorbing a decent share of some of the 27,000 service members of the Air Force and Navy are letting go this year as part of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's grand realignment plan.
Operation Blue to Green
Trading blue service uniforms for Army Green this year was expected to turn 3,500 airmen and sailors into soldiers and help the military adjust to quick deployment land-based warfare.
More than halfway into the fiscal year, which ends September 30th, blue to green has produced 189 soldiers.
So even with Stopgap making people stay in the military, who've already been there for 10, 20 years,
That isn't working.
That's a draft of those that have already signed up and already done their time.
Even with all the break-net recruiting in the third-world economies in our inner cities that are falling apart, they can't get the people they need.
No number of Humvees that have been converted into low-riders playing gangster rap will get the young people caught in their spiderweb anymore.
And so they're having to do this.
And, uh, by the way, about a year ago they lowered their recruitment levels again.
They already lowered them before.
So they keep lowering the standard down to almost nothing, and then falling 40% plus short of that!
And it's the same for the Marines for the first time in history.
They're about, what, 15% behind this year when they already lowered their recruiting standards?
And their recruiting numbers?
Oh my goodness, and our troops are being slaughtered.
Sixty people die here, twenty there, ten here.
Every day, total battle, machine gunning death.
It's all Al Qaeda doing.
Yes, it's them.
They run everything in Iraq.
It's not the Iraqis mad about the Ba'athist all being put back into power.
They're doing it.
And I could spend an hour on this, but we don't have time.
New Mexico plays home to Terror Town USA.
In my film, Police State 2000 and Police State 2 The Takeover, we show black helicopters, foreign troops, police chiefs admitting an attempted bribery, buildings blowing up, firing into all-night restaurants in Miami, helicopters crashing in Houston, police stations on fire.
They don't warn the public, they just swarm in, fire machine guns, blow things up, the police and the military together terrorize the public.
We got RAND Corporation and other documents six, seven years ago that show it's to acclimate and condition us to accept this.
Sheriff's deputies subdued a terrorist on the ground during a training exercise at the Plays Homeland Security Training Center in December.
So now they built all these Homeland Security camps that then go outside into the city, covertly lease buildings, and blow them up to terrorize the public.
With its pristine Spanish-style houses and flowing gardens, this remote town seems an unlikely place to be the most dangerous spot in the United States.
But for the past six months, it has been under siege by terrorists.
Then it goes on.
The attacks are simulations, part of a national training program for emergency personnel such as police.
It goes on.
I feel like I'm in a war, said Trent Johnson, 17, who was born and raised here.
Helicopters fly over in the middle of the night.
Sometimes when he is going to school or running errands, he and his parents must make their way past a maze of ambulances, fire engines, and Humvees.
It's kind of freaky to see people in uniform walking around and down your street with M-14s.
Mercifully, evidence of the attack does not last long.
After each crisis, a cleanup crew arrives, quietly sweeping up shattered glass, replacing smashed doors, patching cracked walls.
Their job is to renew the clock, rewind the clock, returning the town to the way it was before the attack, as if nothing had happened.
The next comes a few quiet days, sometimes a few quiet weeks, then the attacks begin all over again.
And at least this is a town built onto a real town.
At least they own the buildings themselves, but it's built by this other town.
I mean, folks, I've been in San Antonio.
I've been there.
I've been in Kingsville.
Foreign troops screaming in a Slavic tongue.
Blowing buildings.
You know?
Just running around screaming.
You name it.
German troops.
I've been there.
I've got video of it.
Troops march over and ask, what are you doing with a camera?
German troops stand behind them, Eichelbeuf, and I mean, I'm not kidding folks, it's in the films, I mean, it's just insane!
Up in Seattle they've had drills, in Chicago they've had drills with blowing up buses and smoke in the town, right up north of Austin I went up there and they had cars blowing up in downtown, belting, and troops march over and ask, what are you doing with cameras?
Are you the ones that have filmed us on the highway at our checkpoints?
Real checkpoints, pulling people out of vehicles!
I mean, I've got stacks of news!
I've got another one!
Here's one out of Pittsburgh.
One of you had a disaster and nobody panicked and then it gets into the terror training drills and the troops and Homeland Security and the fake explosions and everything else and then... We're not going to have talent if I don't play this now.
Go ahead and roll CNN Europe admitting to Bilderberg Group, but saying it's not secret, it's just private, and yeah, it's for world government.
Go ahead and roll it.
Brian Victor of Computing Magazine.
What up next on World Business Today?
You may not have heard of it, but some say Bilderberg is secretly trying to take over the world.
We're trying to find out why some of the biggest names in business and politics are currently meeting very discreetly in Germany.
Conspiracy or Cozy Talking Shop?
The Bilderberg Group is meeting in South Germany this week, at least according to the Financial Times, which says a group of powerful men and women will debate the future of the world.
The paper says the steering committee of Bilderberg includes Deutsche Bank boss Josef Ackermann, Nokia CEO Jorma Olala, Daimler Chrysler's Jürgen Schrempf, and outgoing World Bank President James Wolfensohn.
I asked John Ronson, who has written about Bilderberg, what it really is.
Bilderberg is a meeting of powerful centrist industrialists and politicians.
They always meet in secret once a year in a five-star hotel with golfing facilities and they've taken on the image for conspiracy theorists of the fabled shadowy cabal that secretly rules the world.
Are they?
Well, yes and no.
I mean, they're a bunch of powerful people.
They meet in secret.
They say we meet in private.
Which isn't quite the same thing, is it?
It's not quite the same thing.
I do think that by and large...
Many members of the Bilderberg Group actually see themselves in much the same way as the conspiracy theorists see them, as this shadowy cabal out to, if not to rule the world, but to influence world events.
What would they see as their purpose then?
I mean, presumably it's a good get-together of powerful people.
They don't often get a chance to meet away from the glare of the press.
One could understand why they might want to have a private chat.
That's got something to do with it.
They see themselves as wise, globalist, centrists.
They were set up post the Second World War by people like Dennis Healy, David Rockefeller and various others.
There's a bit of idealism there, isn't there?
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, absolutely.
Is that a sinister conspiracy?
Well, I mean, it depends what side of the political spectrum you sit on.
And, you know, many of the anti-Bilderberg conspiracists are right-wingers who see themselves as twigs in a tide of way.
And for years, you do not even exist.
They see themselves as nationalists.
And they think the idea of a world government, which is what Bilderberg is into by and large, the idea of a one world community, a new world order.
You know, they see that as a... They see themselves as a government as opposed to a group of world leaders or people with influence at a global level who are talking about global issues, do they?
They see themselves as headhunters.
They'll get an up-and-coming politician who they think may be president or prime minister one day, and as globalist, industrialist leaders who believe that politics shouldn't be in the hands of the politicians, they try and influence them with wise words in the corridors of self-assertion.
And should they be more open?
I mean, should they come and sit here and do an interview with me and explain what they're doing or talk after their meeting about what they've decided, even if they don't invite us along as journalists beforehand or during?
Well, Bilderberg's secrecy, I think, harks back specifically to Henry Kissinger, who, you know, in quite a silly way, I think, loves the idea of being this shadowy secret figure.
And it was Kissinger, the founder member of Bilderberg, who had this idea to be this kind of secret organisation.
In quite a silly way, really.
And I think some members... Lord Owen said to me at one point... He's a former British Foreign Secretary and leader of the Social Democratic Party.
Yeah, and he said he kind of wished Bilderberg didn't quite have this air of secrecy.
Because it gives rise to tremendous conspiracy theories.
John Lonson there, who's written about Bilderberg in a book called...
And John Ronson, who's demonized me in huge hit pieces, and John Ronson, but here they are, oh yeah, it's global government, because the New York Times last year said it's global government, but global government's not bad.
You're weird, though, if you don't like it, and they just want to stop war.
Oh yeah, founded by a Nazi, Prince Bernard, always behind the wars, and running this country predominantly.
Play that quick little clip from Waking Life.
Try to jam some Kohl's in.
We're just flat out of time.
The final segment's straight ahead.
Keep it locked in and be sure and check out the websites.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Crossing at the mouth today to cover all this.
I can't take any more calls.
I'm sorry.
Call me back tonight or back tomorrow 11 to 2 to be precise.
We'll take your calls.
I gotta cover these final news items and play this clip as I said I would.
tourism losing billions because of image.
Because of the police state image.
This is out of the Financial Times of London.
People are afraid to come here.
It's a big brother, not because of the terrorist.
Tail study.
But we're now being told that 666 was the wrong number of prophetic beast.
Newly examined scripture fragment leads credence to the argument at 616.
So as the world government promotes 666, we can trust them.
Folks, we've had professors on, experts in architecture.
666 is the calculation for the sun, or the god of light.
The light bearer.
It's in the obelisk.
It's what the globalists build into their symbols.
It is 666.
This is disinformation.
From World Net Daily.
This makes me sick.
Also, the number is 666, okay?
In the Egyptian text, in all of it, it is their magic number.
Goodness gracious.
But now when you say 666, oh no, that's a good number.
It's 616 that's bad.
That's unbelievable.
I want to play this clip.
We'll go out of the show with this clip where I was in the movie Waking Life, but just briefly.
I've made twelve films.
Martial Law, 9-11, Rise of the Police State.
The twelfth film is out.
It's a miniseries.
Three films in one.
DVD, VHS, three hours long.
Go to PrisonPlanet.tv to watch it in its entirety right now.
PrisonPlanet.tv or call toll free to get a hard copy and it supports this broadcast.
Don't read the synopsis on the website.
You can watch half the film for free.
Download it.
Just get the film, please.
It's so important.
You need this video.
Bunch of big discounts on some other films as well.
And let's go ahead and play this waking life clip.
Here it is.
That's what it sounds like.
Don't talk about politics or religion.
This is all the equivalent of enemy propaganda rolling across the picket line.
Lay down, G.I.
Lay down, G.I.
We saw it all through the 20th century.
And now in the 21st century, it's time to stand up and realize.
That we should not allow ourselves to be crammed into this rat maze.
We should not submit to dehumanization.
I don't know about you, but I'm concerned with what's happening in this world.
I'm concerned with the structure.
I'm concerned with the systems of control.
Those that control my life and those that seek to control it even more!
I want freedom!
That's what I want, and that's what they should want!
It's up to each and every one of us to turn away from just some of the greed, the hatred, the envy, and yes, the insecurities, because that is the central mode of control.
Make us feel pathetic, small, so we'll willingly give up our sovereignty, our liberty, our destiny.
We have got to realize that we're being conditioned on a mass scale.
Start challenging this corporate slave state.
The 21st century is going to be a new century.
Not the century of slavery, not the century of lies and issues with no significance and classism and statism and all the rest of the modes of control.
It's going to be the age of humankind standing up for something pure and something right!
What a bunch of garbage, liberal, democrat, conservative, republican!
It's all there to control you, two sides of the same coin!
Two management teams getting for control the CEO job of Slavery Incorporated!
The truth is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of lies!
I'm sick of it, and I'm not going to take a bite out of it!
Do you got me?
Christmas is not futile!
We're gonna win this thing!
Humankind is too good!
We're not a bunch of underachievers!
We're gonna stand up and we're gonna be human beings!
We're gonna get fired up about the real things!
The things that matter!
And the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit!
Well that's it!
That's all I got to say!
Continue the course!
Alright ladies and gentlemen.
We'll wrap up the broadcast again.
I'm driving around in a car bullhorning in that piece.
Waking Life's the film.
Get Martial Law.
Get it.
Wake people up.
Fight the New World Order.
Expose them.
Back tonight, nine to midnight.
Back tomorrow, eleven to two.
Get out there and take on the New World Order.
God bless you all.