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Name: 20050325_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 25, 2005
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Oh, it's Big Friday, GTIF!
Federal agencies probe oil refinery blast in Texas.
Suicide car bomb kills 11 in Iraq, including policemen.
That's just the normal explosion news for the day.
Terri Schiavo Schindler's health wanes as parents appeal.
She's now going into her seventh day without food or water.
The torture continues.
And Schiavo Judge refuses to order feeding tube restored.
Later I want to get into, and we talked about this years ago with the Schindlers when this affidavit first got filed.
We had Bob Schindler and his wife on.
And I wanted to go back over this because it's of course resurfaced again.
Shocking affidavit from Terry's nurse.
Where he, Mr. Schiavo reportedly said, when is that bleeper going to die?
I'm going to be rich.
And of course the nurse, we've talked about this, believed that he was injecting her with insulin.
She could talk.
She'd say, hello, help me, mommy.
She would tell them when she had a bowel movement.
But after a decade of no treatment or no help, she has gotten worse.
So what they're doing is redefining someone who can talk as a vegetable.
And the Governor could stop this.
Look, the Judiciary is the weakest of the three branches of government, according to the Founding Fathers.
The Legislative is the most powerful, then the Executive, then the Judiciary.
Some of the Founding Fathers argued the weakest is the Executive, but certainly the strongest is the Legislative.
Because you have the greatest separation of powers there, you have the largest number of elected public servants,
And so it's harder to get a tyrant or a despotic system.
It's easier with judicial tyranny or executive tyranny.
I think I saw the most amazing C-SPAN clip I've ever watched yesterday and I'm trying to get a VHS or DVD copy of it because I'm working feverishly right now on the Arnold Exposed ads that have come in for the contest.
And with the commercials for TV that I'm producing.
I've also been pitched, probably won't happen, but I'm also working on a national TV show that I might get on a cable network.
Let's just put it to you that way.
So I'm working, I have my little week's vacation.
I'm only working 12-14 hours a day.
I'm back to 18 hours a day right now.
And so I'm begging you, please when this re-airs on C-SPAN today, tape it.
Send me a copy.
I'm going to try to tape it.
It's supposedly going to re-air, but sometimes the C-SPAN schedule changes.
The most amazing thing I've ever seen, and it's on C-SPAN.
Even more amazing than when I got on C-SPAN and detailed how the government carried out 9-11.
And that's coming up in the next segment.
Cynthia McKinney.
We just got back into office there in Atlanta, Georgia.
She had Rumsfeld and General Myers, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and others in front of her.
And she brought up the government-run white slavery rings.
She brought up the trillions missing from the Pentagon.
And she brought up 9-11 war games.
And folks, Rumsfeld, the normally arrogant demon, literally looked like someone had punched him in the stomach.
You can watch the video of this at PrisonPlanet.com.
It's been posted at InfoWars.com as well.
I want to thank the listener that sent us the link to C-SPAN.
But it's, you know, internet video quality.
I want the original... Oh, man.
I mean, I want this video so bad I almost didn't even do the show today just so I could figure out when it's going to re-air and tape it.
We've got two incredible guests coming up.
Remember the 9-11 war games done back in the 70s of men with box cutters hijacking jets to fly them into the World Trade Centers?
We've got the military officer coming on to talk about that.
We also have a serial killer expert.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, it's down to the death watch.
Seven days.
It'll be seven days this afternoon since Terry Shivo Schindler had her feeding tube taken.
And there have been a lot of new developments, the tales of this tragedy, this unfolding tragedy coming up.
One thing's for sure, she's going to be a martyr, and it's going to really expose the pro-death crowd that's promoting euthanasia in this country and worldwide.
I hope something happens here in two minutes to midnight, that the feeding tube can be reinserted.
She went six, seven days, a few years ago, without water and food, and this kills a lot of people.
Coming up in about 15 minutes, Dr. Helen Morrison,
An expert on serial killers who has interviewed and studied such notables as John Wayne Gacy and many, many others who's lived in and around serial killers, studied them like nobody else.
She'll be joining us because I want to pick her brain about elite serial killers.
I want to perhaps even shift her paradigm and look at the mindset of the ruling elite, so that's coming up
Then in the middle of the next hour, ladies and gentlemen, we have Timothy McNiven, who works for the Pentagon, who was part of these wargame scenarios of 9-11 style attacks, and he believes that's clear evidence of government involvement.
This is just a bombshell revelation that is coming up in the middle of the next hour.
This entire broadcast is shaping up to be five-star, so you do not want to miss it.
I'm kind of glad it's a Friday show because we air a lot of our great affiliates throughout the weekend and I hope that if you miss any of it you have a chance to tune in and hear all of it because it's so important.
Please tell your friends and family to join us.
This is kind of a good
Precursor to what I'm about to cover.
New York Times.
Report calls for punishing peacekeepers in sex abuse.
United Nations.
A report on sexual abuse by peacekeepers recommended Thursday that offending soldiers and their commanders be punished by their home countries, that payments made to them be recovered and put into a fund for victims, and that the United Nations make compliance with these measures to condition for taking part in its missions.
Now, again, everywhere the UN goes, they murder, they torture, they kidnap hundreds of thousands, I mean hundreds of thousands, we're talking in the millions total in the last decade.
It is industrialized.
In the Balkans, 200,000 women and children were kidnapped at gunpoint, loaded on C-130s, loaded on jets, flown to Saudi Arabia, flown to Israel, flown to Malaysia,
DynCorp was convicted in civil court of running the operation.
And, I mean, we're talking 200,000.
I mean, do you realize how big this is?
This was admitted.
And you still tell the average person about this, they just can't believe it because it's never really hit our national news.
It's in the foreign news, it's in the back of the newspaper occasionally, here.
I mean, this is stuff so huge, so bad, it's hard to get your mind around.
But last night I refreshed PrisonPlanet.com and Paul Watson had updated it.
A great listener had sent us a link to C-SPAN yesterday, live, with Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, just an incredible individual, just amazing courage.
We have her in my film, The Matrix of Evil, talking about the government-run white slavery rings in 9-11.
But here she has General Myers, the Chairman and Joint Chiefs of Staff.
She has
The Secretary of Defense, Rumsfeld, the arrogant Dark Lord, she has them all up there in front of her, and she hits them with, why are you giving contracts to DynCorp involved in white slavery rigs?
Why are trillions missing from the Pentagon?
And why were there war games on 9-11?
And Rumsfeld literally
Who never loses a step, or misses a beat, literally looks like somebody was punching him in the stomach while poking hot pokers in his eyeballs.
I mean, he literally cringes, starts shaking, and they won't answer any of it.
We're not going to tell you what computer systems have made trillions come up missing, just like Enron folks, but much larger.
Fake computer systems.
He didn't deny the white slavery rings.
He just said, well, I'm not going to get into it.
Then five minutes later, somebody hands him a note and he goes, oh, that was one person.
No, it wasn't.
It was DynCorp.
Caught running this 200,000 folks in one year.
That was in 2000.
They were found criminally negligent in one case in Bosnia in 2002, Sibeli in 2003.
It's admitted.
So he tries to manipulate there, and then on, and they are so freaked out when she's talking about the war games.
And how 9-11 was a national security event, even before it took place.
So here is that clip, and I'm going to air it again in the third hour.
This is just unbelievable.
To see the video, it's ten times stronger.
But here it is, folks.
Stay with us.
Gentlelady from Georgia, Ms.
Oh, thank you Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Secretary, I watched President Bush deliver a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003, in which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade.
The President called for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business.
But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children.
While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program.
Mr. Secretary, is it policy of the U.S.
government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?
That's my first question.
My second question, Mr. Secretary, according to the Comptroller General of the United States, there are serious financial management problems at the Pentagon, to which Mr. Cooper alluded.
Fiscal year 1999, $2.3 trillion missing.
Fiscal year 2000, $1.1 trillion missing.
And DOD is the number one reason why the government can't balance its checkbook.
The Pentagon has claimed year after year
That the reason it can't account for the money is because its computers don't communicate with each other.
My second question, Mr. Secretary, is who has the contract today to make those systems communicate with each other?
How long have they had those contracts?
And how much have the taxpayers paid for them?
Finally, Mr. Secretary, after the last hearing,
I thought that my office was promised a written response to my question regarding the four war games on September 11th.
I have not yet received that response, but would like for you to respond to the questions that I've put to you today, and then I do expect the written response to my previous question, hopefully by the end of the week.
Thank you, Representative.
The answer to your first question is no, absolutely not.
The policy of the United States government is clear, unambiguous, and opposed to the activities that you described.
The second question... Well, how do you explain the fact that DynCorp and its successor companies have received and continue to receive government contracts?
I would have to go and find the facts, but there are laws and rules and regulations with respect to government contracts, and there are times that corporations do things they should not do, in which case they tend to be suspended for some period.
There are times then that under the laws and the rules and regulations passed by the Congress and implemented by the executive branch, that corporations can get off of
Out of the penalty box, if you will, and be permitted to engage in contracts with the government.
They're generally not barred in perpetuity.
This contract, this company, was never in the penalty box.
If you could proceed to my second question, please.
The second question... I've forgotten what the second question was.
I think Ms.
Jonas knows it.
Thank you, Ms.
I understand that you're working hard on it, but my question was who has the contract?
How long have they had that contract?
And how much money have we spent on it?
In general, we spend about $20 billion in the Department of Information Technology Systems.
The accounting systems are part of that.
I can get you the exact number for the record of what we spend on our current, what we call legacy systems, and those that we're moving toward.
And who has the contracts?
There would be a multitude of individuals.
Could you name some, please?
Well, I think off the top of my head, well, I would rather not.
I'd rather provide that for the record.
That's not privileged information, is it?
Look, please.
I'm sure it's not.
We still have time, so please.
I would be glad to provide for the record.
I don't want to talk from the top of my head and be incorrect.
On your first question, I'm advised by Dr. Chu that it was not the corporation that was engaged in the activities you characterized, but I'm told it was an employee of the corporation.
And it was some years ago in the Balkans that that took place.
It's my understanding that it continues to take place and... Is that right?
Well, if you can give me information... I'm sure you are interested in all of the information that I have and I'll be more than happy to provide it to you.
Thank you.
But I would also like to get information from you.
For example, the information that I just requested about who has those contracts.
Let me assure the gentlelady that we'll make sure that this
There's a few more minutes of this.
We'll air it later.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
Folks, I've got BBC, Reuters, AFP.
DynCorp, 200,000 people.
What's one person doing?
It's like Rumsfeld when he said on Face the Nation, I never said there were weapons of mass destruction.
It's an urban legend and they play a clip of him saying it.
This guy is just the biggest, fattest, he makes Bill Clinton look like a choir boy.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns... Alright, welcome to the next hour.
Until 20 minutes into the next hour, we're going to be talking to Dr. Helen Morrison.
And of course she's got the best-selling book, My Life Among the Serial Killers, Inside the Minds of the World's Most Notorious Murderers.
And of course, she's certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, or General Psychiatry, as well as Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
She's also a certified forensic psychiatrist.
Dr. Morrison is the editor-co-author of four academic books, and the author and co-author of over 125 published articles in a professional field, having worked with both United States and international law enforcement.
She has made presentations in over 15 countries, with over 200 presentations in the U.S.
Over the course of 25 years, Dr. Morrison has profiled over 80 serial killers worldwide in her role as consultant to a variety of law enforcement agencies.
She has interviewed and studied such notables as John Wayne Gacy, Ed Gein, and of course Wayne Williams, among many, many others.
And we have a link via Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com to My Life Among the Serial Killers.
And I heard her on Coast to Coast AM with George Dorey and I ended up staying up real late to hear most of the interview.
Very interesting because I, I mean, I am not an expert on serial killers, but I'm an expert on evil people.
The Hitlers, the Stalins of the world, the mass murderers, these mass shooters, they all have this death cult, Hitler, goth obsession.
And just talking to her during the breaks, she's saying, no, no, those are mass murderers.
They're into power, domination, control, you know, usually S&M.
But the serial killer is something completely different.
And so to try to look at this whole mindset and ideology or philosophy or brain structure is Dr. Helen Morrison.
Doctor, thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you for having me, Mr. Jones.
You bet.
Just kind of a thumbnail, tell us how you got into this and kind of describe some of the different levels of the rabbit hole we're about to go down.
Well, first of all, I was in my postgraduate medical school training and I happened to be able to meet an FBI special agent who showed me some photographs of a particularly gruesome murder, asked me what kind of a person could commit crimes like that.
And I said, I really didn't know.
I'd never experienced anything like that.
But if you ever found the serial murderer, I'd like to talk to him.
And about six months later,
I began my work with Richard Masick, who in the Chicago area was known as the Mad Biter.
Basically, when I started the research, there were no differences between how people saw murderers.
They were all murderers, but now we see serial murderers as people who kill, at least in my research project, over seven people over a period of years.
They have absolutely no motive.
They have no emotions.
really do anything except like a rote type murder over time.
Mass murderers, like the Columbine killings and the killings in Minnesota, are people who kill because of rage, anger, and they usually feel that people have somehow disappointed them, kept them from a promotion, kept them from attaining what they think they deserve.
The third type of murderer is just the Hitler type murderer.
Hitler, Stalin,
The people that we know over years who see themselves as God-like figures controlling the world and making the world into their very own image.
So there are very great distinctions between those three types.
But with a classical serial killer, the person that kills, you know, as you said, over seven people in this systematic way, I mean, I've heard of them, I've seen them on TV, a lot of them say it's about power and control, and we see that with Hitler.
Well, we see people saying it's about power and control, but most people who talk about serial murderers have never sat in their cells with them, or in their prisons with them, and talked with them in depth over hundreds of hours to find that
They are basically empty shell people.
They don't have motives.
People say power and control, but it's one way for them to understand the world around them.
If you are tying someone up, you have a very solid evidentiary piece that there is someone or something in front of you.
If you talk to these serial murderers, and I think Ridgway was probably
A wonderful example of this, that he was the Green River Killer.
When he is talking about his victims, and the investigators are getting furious with him because he's really not telling them anything in any way.
And they said to him finally, well what did you think you were doing?
And he said, well it was taking out the garbage.
It was like that.
They have that much emotion.
I mean, you're almost describing like a robot.
Yes, almost robot-like, although they can portray themselves in any role that they need to portray.
Okay, well I want to try to get some of the different distinctions and definitions when we get back.
Stay with us, Doctor.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Coming up later in the next hour, we're going to be talking about 9-11 with an Army whistleblower concerning government prior knowledge, involvement, running drills of the exact same thing happening that did happen.
Also, we'll play that clip from C-SPAN yesterday where Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney grills Secretary of Defense
And Rumsfeld doesn't even deny about DynCorp and the 200,000 women and children kidnapped.
He doesn't deny the trillions missing from the Pentagon.
He doesn't deny war games on the morning of 9-11.
It is the most incredible clip I've ever seen off C-SPAN.
We'll be playing that coming up, but for the next 40-50 minutes, we've got Dr. Helen Morrison.
Before we go back to the doctor and talk about her amazing book, My Life Among the Serial Killers, Inside the Minds of the World's Most Notorious Murderers,
My new film, Martial Law 9-11 Rise of the Police State, is out.
And it details the incredible Orwellian police state that we documented at the RNC in New York.
The hover blimps, the sound weapons, reporters being arrested for absolutely no reason.
Anywhere we tried to interview anybody, we got footage of this.
And then we get into 9-11, then we get into the mindset of the elite.
The Bush-Hitler connection, the Library of Congress, we talked to major reporters, we showed the Arnold connection to these societies, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, and the Nazi death cults.
It's the most powerful film I've ever made, 2 hours 35 minutes long, and the toll-free number to order the new video that's now shipping
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Going back to Dr. Helen Morrison and of course the book, My Life Among Serial Killers, Inside the Minds of the World's Most Notorious Murderers, let me list three different killers.
Or one of them alleged killers, but now he's admitted it.
This scumbag demon in Florida, convicted child molester, grabs a little girl, uses her for two days, kills her.
He's doing it, I guess, for his enjoyment, but being a demonic creature.
Or let's take Dahmer.
Now, I've seen him in interviews, and his doctor,
Saying that he did it basically because he wanted sex slave robots and at the same time he said he didn't know why he did it was also just a compulsion and then we have like a Charlie Manson who's flipping out on LSD and Helter Skelter and killing Sharon Tate and cutting babies out of her you know all of this versus a John Wayne Gacy dressing up like a clown versus
Let's say, so I mean, what is the difference between all these different people?
I mean, how would you characterize them versus a Harris or Kleibel with a Hitler obsession?
I mean, how do you differentiate all these different people?
Well, the easy way to differentiate the serial killer from everyone else is that serial killers don't have motives.
I think the biggest myth that's ever been perpetuated about serial murderers is that they either hated their mothers or their fathers were brutal or
They were people who were mistreated or whatever.
And that's absolutely not true.
If you look at the statistical analysis that we've done, the thing that we see is that the only commonality among a serial killer is that they have no motive.
Sexual predators have sex as a motive.
And the man who killed the little girl in Florida, to him it was just a matter of gratification.
To Dylan and Klebold, who were the Columbine killers, their motive was to get back at everyone that they felt had dissed them, or had been people who didn't recognize their talents as they saw them.
The other people that you speak about, the cult leaders, you know, Jim Jones, who gave everybody the tainted Kool-Aid, Manson, who directed his crew,
to killings and so forth are people who were able to take a group of individuals and turn them into what they wanted them to be.
So would you say that people like Manson and Jim Jones are Hitlers that never made it because they seem to want to have that power?
I mean they wanted to be able to control and manufacture the world to their ideal.
What do you call those then?
Megalomaniacal fanatics?
They're megalomaniacs.
They are people who are, as many cult leaders are, able to find a very vulnerable group of people and turn them into what they wanted them to be.
Okay, so we've got megalomaniacs, and then we've got just the sexual predators, and then we've got serial killers.
And the differences for the first two, the cult leader and the sex predator, is that they have motive, they get gratification, they see themselves as being incredibly talented individuals, but the serial murderer, if you really talk to them, and I'm talking about sitting down with them for hours, hundreds of hours, they are so empty.
They have nothing inside of them.
They've never progressed.
From what we as developmentalists see, past the first year of life, developmentally.
Okay, then, sorry to interrupt, but what do you call a Zodiac Killer, then, or the guy up in Missouri who was taunting the local TV stations?
Well, BTK, or the Bind, Torture, Kill person, is a serial killer.
Okay, well then, where does the taunting come in, then, if it's not about power?
Oh, well, the taunting comes in about intelligence.
It's not about power.
It's about intelligence.
That they are capable... So is it like a hunting game or something?
Like hunting.
Absolutely like hunting.
It would be like putting somebody in the woods and saying, okay, here's your target.
We want you to find it.
And it's a highly manipulative way of being, but at the same time, it has, you know, people think, oh, he must have gotten great fun out of doing this, but he didn't.
Very interesting.
So, well... It takes away the myths that have always been perpetuated about serial killers.
You know, the Hollywood movies, for example, I think the biggest one was Silence of the Lambs, that really put it into the public's knowledge, made them so, made him so human.
It made the serial killer someone who was capable of
Well, in the last movie, the one that came out, I actually saw it.
He's like a good guy at the end.
And you would never in a million years.
In any way, shape or form, if you knew serial killers ever see that scenario happen.
But doesn't that really fit?
Because somebody who really had a conscience, somebody who was really empathizing with people couldn't do this.
It's got to be somebody who's really dead on the inside who can mechanically carry this out.
Who's never been psychologically alive.
You are so right about that.
I mean, can you imagine killing one person after another and just doing it?
I mean, it's a little bit like
I don't think so.
So is it that they're dead inside and they get the adrenaline rush, kind of a hunter's rush, and is that really it?
That these are like blazing white spots in this otherwise dark existence?
That's a beautiful way to put it.
That spark of whatever it is that never stays with them until they repeat it over and over again.
And like an addict, they'll kill for a while and then some will go dry and then some will start again, but they'll need more and more in order to obtain that spark, which never stays with them.
Now, how do they, I mean, is there a M.O.
or a signature or something that is a telltale sign?
I mean, how do these, is there some type of pattern of what develops this type of individual?
No pattern that we know of psychologically beyond the fact that if we study all the theories of development from biology through psychoanalysis, we know that if you're around babies at all,
In that first year of life, in the early life of a child, you could sort of put that kid anywhere and pass him around basically in the supermarket and he won't have a reaction.
But there's a point in that first year of life that a baby who was so easy to go to other people suddenly becomes clingy to his significant other, the person that's taking care of him, his primary caretaker.
And we've
Because we can't talk to babies and find out that the baby is on some level aware of the fact that they have now become a completely separate human being and they're dependent on the world for survival.
The serial killer never goes through that stage of development so equally they never develop a separate psychology.
They can, as I said before, mimic and
They can appear to be whole human beings.
They can function, act.
They can be married.
They can have kids.
But there's absolutely no emotion at all.
At all, ever.
So they're really following rote programs.
There's something instinctual that they are following.
I mean, I'm sure you've looked at MKUltra, Mind Control, Congressional Studies.
Oh, yes.
And it seems like that's what the government was looking for.
Well, in a way, it seems as if they were, but the government also wanted the person to be malleable.
And you can't make someone malleable if they don't have anything to mold.
So, I mean, how does it usually start with the serial killer?
Usually as an adolescent.
It's the first of the killing usually happens when they're 14, 15, 16 years old.
Before that time, these are not kids that are truant or conduct disordered or whatever.
They seem to go through elementary school and the first part of high school all right.
And then something happens and what we're seeing and thinking about is all the new knowledge we have of how the brain develops and how hormones and brain chemicals interact.
That's triggered probably by something genetic that we don't know.
It's certainly not passed down in families.
They're never violent to their families themselves.
And then they start the pattern, and the pattern continues until they're caught.
And so this is how you got somebody living with their wife and children, and then the police find 15 dead bodies in the backyard?
Or 33 under the floorboards.
John Gacy's wife never suspected anything of him.
He killed over a long period of time.
She smelled the bodies decaying, but she believed him when he said it was dead mice.
How many serial killers do you think we have out there right now?
Well, the FBI usually talks about between five to seven touring the country at any one time.
That's a possibility.
Of all the things we know, we don't know how to predict these people.
We have all these profilers.
We have people running around saying, oh, well, this person did that, and this person did this.
But the only thing we've advanced in is the DNA knowledge and being able to connect the victims together.
When I began, we didn't have DNA.
Now, instead of all the shoe leather that these investigators have to do,
We can connect victims by virtue of the DNA.
What about, you said touring the country.
I mean, how do they normally, I mean some of them tour huge areas, some of them like a region?
Yes, and some of them a town.
And basically when I talk about touring, I look at Ed Gein, who was the model for Psycho.
He lived in a small town in Wisconsin.
And there weren't access to lots of automobiles or everything, so it was a very localized killing.
If you look at most of the serial murderers, they're able to get around their neighborhood.
They can drive.
And driving is one of their favorite modes of transportation.
If they have a semi-skilled job, they can miss a day here or there.
Nobody's going to notice.
But they can cover a lot of territory.
Some serial killers travel from Michigan to Texas, or from Florida to Indiana.
What about a Henry Lee Lucas?
Is he a serial killer?
Henry Lee, in the beginning, was a serial killer, but then he so made people just trust anything he said, because he kept increasing the numbers of people that he killed, because he liked the media.
He knew that, and he could go on what people call... What about the railway killer?
Oh, yeah.
He was in Texas.
He went from Illinois through Texas and he basically would kill along the railroad tracks.
And he was an illegal alien and we all have serial killers in other parts of the world.
We have serial killers everywhere and I know people say that it's a cultural, societal thing.
It is not.
We have them in Brazil, in Russia, in Iraq.
We have them everywhere, and it is certainly not cultural.
Are there serial killers in Japan?
There are serial killers in China.
Yes, there are.
There are serial killers in India.
There are serial killers everywhere.
I guess we can go back through history, though, and kind of see the archetypal image of the evil man hiding in the shadows that just wants to kill you.
Absolutely, and part of the book does talk about the history that we've been able to go back to the 13th century.
And take a look at what previously were described as group killings that turned out to be serial killings and through Germany and South Africa and all through the 30s trying to piece together some of these histories that
Uh, were never looked at from the context of serial killings.
Well, there's an undeniable thread with the mass murderers to death cults and Nazis and devil worship and devil horns and, uh, I mean it's just over and over and over again.
But, but in the case of serial killers, I know in some of the cases, in the Hillside Strangler and others, they're into 666.
Do you, do you see this, this occult fascination with serial killers?
Not in all of them, no.
It's a fairly rare occurrence.
If they do get into anything, it's because they have some concrete representation.
See, they're not able to keep in their heads pictures of their victims.
They can keep a souvenir, which will trigger something in their memory.
But it's not like those of us who carry around pictures in our heads
Of loved ones to whom we're attached.
They don't have any of that.
So, literally, they don't have a conscience, they don't have an interface, they're almost just like these reactive... I'd almost say they're not even human.
They are not human.
And that's one of the big things that it is very difficult to try to explain how they got that way.
And that's why we went into the whole issue of biology and developmental theory.
That someone always asks me, are they pure evil?
Well, you know my profession is just beginning to look at the concept of evil.
But if you look at what people need, they need something to hold on to.
They need something that's bigger than they are.
So there's these empty creatures, these vessels that are being filled.
The question is, if they're empty vessels, why are they being filled by evil?
Or perhaps a lot of these empty vessels out there are filled by something else.
Maybe sports or something.
But these guys are filled by evil.
Also, we're talking about female serial killers.
A little bit more rare, but they're out there.
With our guest.
Stay with us.
This is intriguing.
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I think so.
Alright, we've got loaded phone lines coming up in a little bit in the next hour.
We'll take your calls for our guest, Dr. Helen Morrison.
She's the author of the book you can get in all major bookstores or Amazon.com, My Life Among the Serial Killers, Inside the Minds of the World's Most Notorious Murderers.
Doctor, I study governments and I study the elites that serve the larger corporations.
And time and time again I run up against the fact that the people in control of our society and throughout history those that rise to the highest levels of power don't have a conscience.
Or in some cases they're sadistic and it's like a game, they enjoy the power.
We talked about cult leader types and that's the danger with any centralized government.
But then comparing that to just serial killers throughout history
It just brings up more questions, I guess, than it does answers.
Well, it does, and I think one of the things that you keep pointing out is that what most of those individuals are missing is a conscience.
The right and wrong, the feeling guilty when they've done something wrong, or that something's gone bad, and the wish to make things right.
What happens with the serial killer is the conscience is the least of the things that they don't have.
They have no emotion.
They have no human attachments.
They have no motives.
They have no goals.
And that makes them different from the people who are considered the elite who run either governments or programs or schools or whatever.
Because those individuals generally are out for themselves in the context of whether they want to be noticed as being
I don't
Action and it's very hard for us to deal with as human beings.
So it's almost like a theater they just continually replay.
Absolutely and it has that two dimensional sense to it.
When you're in the room with these people
I mean, how many serial killers have you had a chance to interview?
Oh my gosh, over 80 so far around the world.
Do they ever say, Doctor, I'd like to kill you?
They don't even see me as anything other than another two-dimensional whatever object.
They will very frequently, and I do request this, that because we sit for four to six hours at a time, and we are in a prison setting,
What I ask is that they be unshackled and be left to sit as comfortably as they possibly can.
I don't take chances.
I mean, I've been locked in death row with these guys and guards have walked away and whatever.
But I know on some level that prison gives them some kind of a structure.
That they're not going to need to repeat, and very frequently... And so they're not in hunting mode when they're in the cell with... No, not at all.
In fact, in prisons they generally become model prisoners.
They follow the rules, they have the structure to follow, they don't have, and they never have, been violent in prison.
It's only when they're out there, it's when they're not being, I guess I could use the word sheltered or structured, that they act.
Have the brains themselves been studied to see if there's any physical?
We've only been able to get dead brains.
Brains of the dead and executed serial killers.
We've never seen anything and we've had these seen by neuropathologists around the world and America's leading pathologists and they find absolutely nothing on a big level or a small level.
What we want to do is we want to do live brain recordings.
And we're not permitted to do that.
You mean hooking up the electrodes and doing CAT scans and stuff?
And putting in electrodes in the brain that we do with people who have epilepsy.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Hello, folks.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up, 9-11 whistleblower.
Oh, it's going to be powerful.
You don't want to miss it.
In about 30 minutes, right now, my life among the serial killers inside the minds of the world's most notorious murderers.
I'll also give you updates on Terry Shivo Schindler, the latest terrorist developments in Iraq, and a lot more.
We're investigating that explosion in a refinery a few days ago in Texas.
Could be terrorism.
That's all coming up.
Right now we're talking to Dr. Helen Mortison.
I know the phone lines are loaded.
And, uh, specifically we're going to calls right now that are for her.
And we're talking about these individuals that don't have a conscience, that are robotic, that just somehow seems like it gives them a connection to reality to kill.
And I mean, basically from what I've seen of this, it's like some weird hunting instinct, some base level of the brain, where you can look at it spiritually, is that they're demon possessed.
And, you know, it could be the nice man next door, it could be anybody.
Doctor, are you ready to go to some calls?
Okay, let's talk to Mike in Arizona.
Mike, you're on the air with Dr. Morrison.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Doctor, did I hear right?
Are you specially trained in psychiatry?
And neurology.
And neurology, okay.
How did you develop this working relationship with the FBI or do you have an ongoing
No, I don't have one with the FBI.
What I do is I have a very informal network of individuals that will call me about a case.
I try to stay away from formal investigative things because that will impact the research that we're trying to do.
And so very often we will talk to people only after they have finally caught
The individual, the legal things are over, and we can go in.
Dr. Morrison, don't you, I mean, you develop criminology textbooks.
Let me throw you a bit of a curve here.
You say that serial killers are obviously a very, you know, very special case, very limited numbers throughout the world.
What do you think of the idea of screening children
Say, you know, in elementary school or high school for psychological disorders, have a mandatory nationwide screening program to do that?
That's never going to happen.
And the reason that's never going to happen... Well, BUS is trying it right now with New Freedom.
Well, trying it, but it's not going to happen because the issue is, once you start screening people, what are you going to do with them?
You're certainly not going to be able to say to a parent,
Oh, your kid is psychotic and his risk of killing somebody is 85%.
Well, in this country, one of the things that we can still do is not imprison people for potential.
No, I agree with you.
We don't want to get into the department of pre-crime.
And that's what's going to happen.
If we start screening, which also is another federal issue because we have confidentiality laws.
We are not permitted to release any kind of... Well, Doctor, I'm sure you're aware of the fact that they passed it federally, and they're trying to pass it in legions of states right now.
Well, they won't do it.
It's not going to happen.
Once people realize that anything that could be done in a pre-screening for mental illness... Plus, the drug companies have written the guidelines, so... Yeah, right.
You say right now it's not going to happen, and you're right.
These folks work incrementally, and they prepare psychologically, generation to generation, so that what seems unthinkable now, in the future, you'll have databases set up where they'll store away these psychological profiles.
Mike, you sound like a doctor!
Yeah, yeah, I am.
I'm a pathologist.
I deal with other types of disorders.
You deal with pathology, but you also know that on some level, you're not permitted to release that information.
Well, absolutely, but the government isn't under such restrictions.
Not in the Department of Defense, and they're the people that have all the money.
Mike, anything else?
No, Alex, you got into the area that I was interested in, the screening of these globalists.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, it's our final segment with our guest, the author of My Life Among the Serial Killers, Inside the Minds of the World's Most Notorious Martyrs.
He's Dr. Helen Morrison.
Just amazing information we covered in the last hour.
Doctor, before we go back to calls, and others, so many areas that you could enlighten us on, first off, any websites where we can read any of your writings, or any particular things you'd like to plug?
Nope, not at all.
I just do my work and I try to stay under the radar and the book was the culmination of being annoyed that people were getting all the facts wrong and saying things about serial murderers and mass murderers when they'd never talked to them.
That was the reason the book was written.
And to try to clarify a basis of research for ongoing work.
That was the serious part of the book.
Let's go ahead now and talk to John in Tennessee.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Doctor, you mentioned Henry Lucas, who partnered with Otis Toole, who cut the head off Adam Walsh, son of John Walsh, of the America's Most Wanted TV show.
Now, Governor George Bush commuted the death sentence of Lucas.
And Alex, Alex's videotaped Bush performing the mock child sacrifice at Bohemian Grove to a 50-foot tall idol burning altar.
And he's in Skull and Bones, which also has a ritual murder caught on videotape a few years ago.
Now today, Bush... That was on ABC News, by the way.
And today, Bush refused to save the life of Perry Schiavo, and Bush has killed 160,000 innocent people in Iraq.
My question is, is George Bush a serial killer?
I know you've got to stay out of jail and you don't want to have an accident on the way home.
I think she would say that even if you think Bush is those things, he'd be a megalomaniacal maniac.
Right, he wouldn't ever fit the profile of the serial killer.
It has nothing to do with my personal life, whether I'm in jail or the IRS audits me or whatever.
It's that these are research protocols that we follow.
And they're research protocols that have really shown us that people who are true serial killers
Are not humans at all.
Hold on a second John, this is an important point.
For people that just joined us, because you did such a good job of it earlier, give us the difference between a Jim Jones and a Charlie Manson type and a Hitler versus a Jeffrey Dahmer.
The basic bottom line is the three people that you talked about earlier, Jim Jones, are the people who can take a group of individuals
And make them do essentially anything that they see as an ideal world.
Hitler with his Aryans, Jim Jones with his cult-like behaviors, and the serial murderer has absolutely no motive, no goal, and no ideals.
They just do it to do it.
And that's a very hard thing to understand.
It's a very hard thing for us as humans.
But again, you say they do it because they get a thrill.
Not really a thrill, no.
It's just an impulse?
It's an impulse.
They have no emotional reaction to it, which is why people say, oh, come on.
They have to.
They kill, you know, 20, 30, 40 people.
What do you mean they have no feelings about it?
Well, they don't.
What is the clinical classification of a person like Hitler or Stalin who has murdered
Megalomaniacs, essentially.
Grandiose individuals, narcissistic individuals, people who want to see the world reflected in them.
Almost God-like people.
So that's what you're saying George Bush is?
Well, it's all about the exercise of power.
It's like O'Brien tells Winston in 1984, we are the priest of power.
Always pressing on the nerve of power for power's sake.
That's what you get with these, you know, these hardcore sadists who tend to get into positions of power.
And have no compunction about having their people do what they need to do.
Okay, thank you.
Thanks for the call, John.
Let's talk to Todd in Florida.
Todd, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Doctor.
Earlier you mentioned, I guess, passing around a one-year-old baby.
Or under a year old, yes.
From what I understand, it's 24 to 30 months is pretty important in terms of development.
Don't you think the divorce epidemic
has an impact and to some degree... Well, as an example, let's talk about these parents that, or even these foster homes, whatever, where they warehouse the little babies in the cribs and don't give them any attention.
They die.
Thirty-three percent of them die before year one, and that research came out of World War II, when they were moving babies out of London to try to save their lives from the Blitz.
And what happened, and the first child researchers noticed that
If babies were left in their cribs for the first year of life and not touched beyond being fed, 33% of them died.
Development always starts at a zero point.
You can't go from zero to 24 and think there's nothing in between.
Those of us who are child psychiatrists who really study development know that
If you can teach a baby sign language on some level before a year of life, you certainly have something inside that child that is amenable to learning.
And we can't say that if nothing happens in the first year of life, then by the 24th month of life, the child is a newly developed creature.
Divorce has nothing to do with serial killers.
We have many families who are intact.
We have brothers, we have sisters, we have children, and we don't see this as being an effect on the development of a serial murderer.
Yeah, clearly divorce increases drug use and crime.
Yes, but not.
But not a correlation with a serial killer.
In fact, in many cases, don't the serial killers come from whole homes?
Absolutely, and if there was a divorce or something, they still have contact.
Okay, Todd, does that answer your question?
No, it's not an attachment disorder and that's where I really become very annoyed with people who don't know what they're doing in the context of development.
Attachment disorders like autism, developmental disabilities or whatever have absolutely nothing to do with serial murderers.
And I am defending every autistic parent out there.
I am defending every parent of a developmentally disabled child who has somehow been pulled into this absolutely useless controversy that their child who has an attachment disorder
Can be a serial killer.
That is not the case at all.
There's an amount of brain functioning and development in terms of the brain chemistry in the first 24 to 30 months.
That seems inherently... Well, you keep saying 24 to 30 months.
The first four years is all very important.
But that first year is the most important from what I've read.
And I would wonder, I would wonder, when you have this level of divorce and this level of detachment, isn't that also leading to things like Ms.
Hold on just a second.
I'm going to move on to another caller because we're almost out of time with our guest.
I'm just going to say this quickly to you.
She's not arguing, because I've looked at all the numbers too, and she's looked at it more than I have.
Obviously all this causes a social breakdown, causes crime, causes problems.
She's saying specifically these robotic serial killers, different from the mass killers and the rest of it, that that's not the MO.
Is that correct?
Absolutely, that's not correct at all.
Okay, let's take a couple more calls here before we run out of time.
Larry, where are you calling us from?
You're on the air.
Yeah, Larry in Louisiana.
Two quick points.
One is, I read my HIPAA contract and it says that any military commander without my permission can have my medical records without my consent.
That's a HIPAA contract, that's military.
We talked about that earlier.
Okay, point number two.
Now, I don't mean to sound statistic, I'm trying to be nice, but you said that these people have no emotions and they can't tell right from wrong.
No, they have no conscience.
No conscience, no emotions.
Let me put it to you this way.
If I took one, and I had one, you know there are, and I put his hand in a vice and I squeezed him, you reckon he would squeak and get into motion and ask me to stop?
That's physical pain.
That's completely different from emotionality.
Oh, it doesn't hook into his brain.
Okay, well we'll put electrodes in him and get him all cured up.
Thank you.
I don't think that's what she was saying.
Study it.
I think it's separate to say so much what the emotion is versus not having a conscience.
It's like they don't have the normal divides there.
Is that what you're saying?
That's right.
They have no boundaries, no divides, no nothing.
Boy, and let's go ahead.
Who's up next on all these callers?
DJ in Illinois, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, thank you.
Doctor, a couple questions and the callers have brought up
Something else, as I was listening, the last gentleman saying that no restriction on the access of people's records.
Now, I question whether or not there is a project... Okay, let me just stop you.
For those who don't understand what we're talking about, a caller mentioned New Freedom Initiative for psychological testing, and so now we've kind of gone off this rabbit trail, but go ahead.
Uh, whether or not that, uh, the data is being taken by the criminal elitist and in an attempt to create either mass murders or serial killers.
And especially using it as a project to try and lobotomize in some way, shape, or form.
Our various police and our military, because they do seem so robust.
Well, I will say this, they have this training for the military that does try to create rote responses to killing, automatic responses, an unfeeling disconnect.
I've read the Pentagon documents.
Comments, Doctor?
That's a good question.
Well, the comment is that basically, if you have an army of 10,000 people,
And you have an enemy that you're trying to defeat.
You don't want people to think for themselves.
You want them to follow orders.
And that's what the training is about, to follow an order and not think about it.
But if that is continued, and they continue to follow orders, when they are not in that situation, if it is something that is meant to be permanent,
No, it's different than somebody who's been brainwashed or hypnotized.
You know, hypnosis doesn't make you do anything that you wouldn't ordinarily do.
All hypnosis is.
It's a form of intense concentration.
People think that it'll get you to do things.
It's a trigger.
Well, I'll tell you what.
Doctor, this has been an amazing interview.
Can we have you back on sometime?
Yes, anytime.
I would very much enjoy that.
Thank you.
Well, she's the author of My Life Among Serial Killers, and she's Dr. Helen Morrison.
Thanks, Doc, and have a good weekend.
Thank you very much, and you also.
I appreciate it.
Take care.
We'll be back.
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I call it!
Shark Eye!
I actually stole that term from Mark Kornke.
He would describe confronting government officials how they had, like, great white shark eyes.
Didn't matter if their eyes were black, brown, or blue.
When I've confronted Janet Reno, when I've confronted others, it's an emptiness.
They don't have a sparkle in their eye.
And, uh, people that just coldly do these things mechanically, uh, they have that look.
And I've seen serial killers.
Seen it in their eyes.
Now, a magnetic control freak killer, mass killer, is fully animated and knows exactly what they're doing.
I wish we would have had more time with the psychiatrist, she's also a medical doctor, to get into the military because, bottom line, you heard her admit to it, this is what they do.
Look, I'm not going to sit here and attack the military, okay?
But shaving people's heads, having them march around, not letting them sleep, telling them that after you go through all this, you're the best now, you're part of a brotherhood, that is classical cult programming.
I mean, that's what all the cults do.
And it was developed in Germany, well, France really first, but the Germans 250 years ago, in Russia, perfected it, because they had trouble getting their troops up close to kill.
A lot of times you'd have really tough guys, but they just didn't want to sit their bayonet at people, you know, once they were down.
And so now the programming, all of it, I mean, and it's gotten psychopathic.
I mean, the Marine Corps now, and I mean, this has been in the news, folks, has chants about, have the school children gather around, you know, throw the candy on the ground, mow the little bleepers down.
It's bad.
And then the Nazis had the same type of chants.
And it's the same thing.
And they're trying to engineer that thoughtless, mindless, rote response.
And the same computer programs they used to train the military, they're now using on police.
And that's why the cop will instantly, without even thinking, pull their gun and shoot you.
And yes, in a case where somebody's pulling a gun on them, that'll save their lives.
But you see, they're programmed, just like a dog has been programmed, into a fight and flight scenario,
To switch off the thinking process.
And that's all Hitler talked about with his quote, mind powers and mind wars and mind systems.
And their top scientists were hired and brought over to this country.
The system of teaching that has been predominant in public schooling in the last hundred years in this country was developed about 150 years ago in Prussia.
And it was to create military servants.
And this is, by the way, in the encyclopedia.
This isn't my opinion.
And, uh, they would teach the children not to have original thoughts, but to regurgitate.
To be, quote, sponges that absorb information and then, literally, the quote is, regurgitate it in rote.
Uh, and, uh, that's why you get, I'm just following orders, I'm just following orders, this is what I'm doing.
Well, don't take it up with me, I'm just following orders.
I'm just following orders.
That's where you get that, and that's only a shadow of a true serial killer.
And throughout history, the elites, the sadist megalomaniacs, they will have a crew of serial killers.
Stalin did this, and some of his top killers, hitmen, were serial killers out of the Russian prisons.
And they rose to high levels.
And they did not want to go after him.
They worshipped him.
They did what he said.
Because, you know, he let them have blood.
And it's the same thing today.
And so we better take it serious when the police are wearing skull patches and black masks and the trappings of death.
They are taking on the spirit, the mindset, the ideology, the philosophy of their father.
Their dark lord.
And this is real.
Every time I research world government, the New World Order, in real, cogent, documented evidence, I run into devil worship.
Do as thou wilt.
And we run into the sadist.
We run into the sadomasochists, we run into the control freaks, who are creating a society of non-thinking zombies.
And we look at what she was talking about, shifting off the thinking process, shifting out of the conscience.
Every mass shooter, every one of these mass killers we've seen in the last decade, has been on the serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
And they knock out that impulse control, they knock out those normal divides that are in the psyche.
And the government wants a mass of these people.
Also in Russia today, and now they're trying to start it in this country, these little military schools where they take the children young and train them how to beat people up and how to shake people down for taxes and how to SWAT team everybody.
You can take them young and create a trained killer who does not have a conscience.
But it's different than the serial killer.
It's very, very serious and it's real.
And they're creating a dark army that we're going to have to fight in more ways than one.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Timothy McNivet is about to be joining us.
The perfect terrorist plan to level the Twin Towers, created in 1976.
Our own U.S.
Army devised a plan commissioned by Congress to bring down the WTC using commercial airliners and box cutters as weapons.
The tales of this are coming up here in just a few minutes with our very special guest who took part in the plan back in 1976.
But before we do that,
Coming up in the third hour, I'm going to play this entire eight-minute clip, the most amazing C-SPAN clip I've ever seen, of the valiant and brave Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, the truly honorable, really throwing it in Rumsfeld's face.
The video clip of this is on PrisonPlanet.com.
And Rumsfeld really went to pieces.
Here is just the first minute of that, and then we'll air the rest of it the next hour.
But listen to the questions she dropped on him.
Here it is.
Gentlelady from Georgia, Ms.
Oh, thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Secretary, I watched President Bush deliver a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003, in which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade.
The President called for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business.
But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children.
While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines, and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program.
Mr. Secretary, is it policy of the U.S.
government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?
That's my first question.
My second question, Mr. Secretary, according to the Comptroller General of the United States, there are serious financial management problems at the Pentagon, to which Mr. Cooper alluded.
Fiscal year 1999, $2.3 trillion missing.
Fiscal year 2000, $1.1 trillion missing.
And DOD is the number one reason why the government can't balance his checkbook.
The Pentagon has claimed, year after year,
That the reason it can't account for the money is because its computers don't communicate with each other.
My second question, Mr. Secretary, is who has the contracts today to make those systems communicate with each other?
How long have they had those contracts?
And how much have the taxpayers paid for them?
Finally, Mr. Secretary, after the last hearing, I thought that my office was promised a written response to my question regarding the four war games on September 11th.
I have not yet received that response, but would like for you to respond to the questions that I've put to you today, and then I do expect the written response to my previous question.
Alright, right there.
And that's about two and a half minutes of it, and literally, Rumsfeld looked like he'd been punched in the stomach by Mike Tyson
I mean, I could spend 30 minutes on this.
It is so incredible.
Again, trillions missing, just like Enron with the scam computers.
And they go, no, we're not going to give it to you.
And they wouldn't give it to you the last time.
And to give you an idea of the level of fraud going on, folks,
It's just biblical in proportions.
It's almost indescribable.
And the war games, and boy, you ought to hear what's coming up.
And the white slavery rings.
I mean, this stuff's real, folks!
And they don't even deny this when she brings it up.
By the way, we cover the war games.
We cover the drills.
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Alright, we're about to go to our guest.
The perfect terrorist plan to level the Twin Towers, created in 1976.
Our own U.S.
Army devised a plan commissioned by Congress to bring down the WZC using commercial airliners and box cutters as weapons.
The laundry list of terrorist warnings handed to the Bush administration prior to 9-11 makes the President and others look like bumbling idiots or a bunch of conniving criminals responsible for the mass murders at the Twin Towers in Afghanistan and Iraq.
These are the harsh words of Timothy McNiven, a outspoken critic of the President's handling of 9-11 and a 29-year U.S.
Defense Department operative still under contract with the government.
He says not only did the Bush administration purposely ignore Al-Qaeda in the months preceding the WTC attacks, but the situation is even more disturbing.
Considering his military unit way back in 1976 devised a mock terrorist attack of the Twin Towers exactly like what occurred on 9-11, he was told
When he was part of this battalion in Germany to come up with a plan specifically with the towers, with Arab hijackers.
And he came up with the idea of box cutters.
And again, they take these scenarios and use them in the real world as the public story.
We have Operation Northwood, the official U.S.
government plan to carry out 9-11 style attacks.
Which wasn't just a war game, it was an actual scenario they wanted to carry out.
We have Project Gladio, bombings for a decade in Europe, blaming it on enemies.
It goes on and on and on.
And we, we, Mr. McNamara has been part of the Berg suit.
for racketeering against Bush for not just prior knowledge but involvement.
We have his affidavit sworn in federal court.
We have his lie detector test that he passed.
We have the documents and we have links to his website at infowars.com and some of the key documents saved and mirrored at infowars.com.
Without further ado, I want to thank Timothy McNiven for joining us and Timothy was telling me that he still does work with the government and
Of course, he had a massive heart attack, he was telling me, back in 1997, but he's still there fighting and exposing this.
And, Mr. McNiven, good to have you on with us.
Well, I'm glad to be on, Mr. Jones.
Just kind of give us the condensed version, your history, what you did, what you do, and why you went public.
Well, in 1976, when I was stationed in Edoberstein, West Germany,
You know, a brief description of what the scenario was, and that would be the hijacking of an airliner and crashing it into a 100-story building.
And then we were supposed to, you know, think of ways to do this.
And then a couple days later, Lieutenant Teague then said, well, they've had a change that's been brought down, and the
One hundred story building is now going to be the World Trade Center Twin Towers and for the remainder of the study that will be the building of concern as you know he said for the rest of the study and he told us there was no reason
That we were told it was just, you know, a military order and that's the way it is and nothing further was said about it after that.
It was just, you know, we were told it was changed and that was it.
So then, you know, we went through the study and partway through the study I said that, you know, if the security improvements weren't made and we're attacked, then I would do everything I could to tell the American people about this.
And Lieutenant Teague and Sergeant Milton each grabbed me on one arm and dragged me down the hallway and explained, you know, you're in the military and you can't be saying stuff like that.
And I explained, well, I wasn't, you know, condemning the people who were part of the study and trying to, you know, prevent an attack, excuse me, an attack from happening, but people in the government who might not, you know, do
Do the improvements and just, you know, allow it to happen.
And, of course, I got dismissed, you know, on that day after making that outburst.
And then about a week later, I got called back to the office.
And they had Lieutenant Teague stand next to me.
And then one of the people higher up, which I wasn't allowed to see this person, I was shielded from seeing him.
I could hear his voice and he issued me the orders, non-rescindable orders, to bring this information to the American people if, ever, the World Trade Center was attacked in the manner in which we discussed.
Now why were yourself and some of the others suspicious right off the bat with this scenario?
Well, I don't know.
It was just a gut feeling for me.
I was just emotionally involved in, you know, well, the situation itself, you know, trying to take over an airliner and then crash it into, you know, attack America with it is kind of, you know, an upsetting emotional
Situation, I know.
So they had you basically wargaming and brainstorming and then writing reports?
We didn't write any reports.
Well, no.
Like, Lieutenant Teague told me that we weren't supposed to... well, I didn't need to take notes or... Basically, they just took your ideas then?
We did it verbally.
They had, you know, other people there doing the written recording, you know.
So, yeah, we were just all verbal.
For those that don't know, this is what these different government agencies do.
They will have large groups of people all over the place just brainstorming because they found it comes up with more original ideas.
Now, it turned out now, in this scenario, you're in sworn affidavit on this, and I've taken a lot of Tucker and passed it,
This has been in federal court, in this racketeering suit, that the drill got specific, or the scenario got specific, down to Arab terrorist hijacking jets to fly them to the World Trade Center with box cutters, is that correct?
Well, yeah, like, when we were discussing the use, or what weapons to use, you know, I mentioned box cutters because I
Seeing, you know, one of the newer plastic candles and I thought, well, that could get through like a metal detector because it was so thin.
And then Sergeant Middleton said, well, you know, it doesn't even have to go through the metal detector.
It can be put on through the luggage department.
And he stated, you know, he had a relative who worked, you know, at an airport luggage area and he described, you know, the loose security there and then
Uh, like other times in the study, like if they liked your idea, then they would take you and talk to you individually about it.
And so, you know, over the issue of box cutters, they chose Sergeant Middleton's information and idea over mine.
So they, you know, took him aside and questioned him about it.
Now, why have you gotten involved with this racketeering suit?
I mean, when did the,
Lightbulb go off in your head with, I mean, here's the government basically brainstorming over this in 76.
Oh, to be, well, I contacted Mr. Berg after I saw, you know, him on TV.
I saw a little deal about him on TV, you know, filing this lawsuit.
So I looked him up and then contacted him and then, you know, sent my information.
To him and a Mr. Jeff Truman from VRPA.
That's Veterans Equal Rights Protection Advocacy, Inc.
And he was like the research assistant who did the research to verify my information, you know, before it was used in the lawsuit.
So like I
You know, I didn't have any idea, you know, that lawsuits were being filed until I saw this deal on TV.
And so I thought, well, it was, here might be a way to get my information into the public because, like I was, had been writing letters and emails to newspapers, magazines, TV stations.
Well, boil it down for people.
I mean, I'm sure you're aware of Operation Northwoods now.
The official U.S.
government plan to carry out attacks, and they explain why, to blame it on foreign enemies.
But, you know, we have the government saying they never heard of a plan to fly planes into buildings.
Here is the exact, precise M.O.
down to the plastic box cutters, and you've got the government coming up with these plans to, quote, combat it back in 1976.
What do you think happened on 9-11?
Well, I was here in Bellingham.
And I was recovering from another heart attack.
I had a heart attack, a small heart attack in the end of June of 2001.
So like I was totally shocked when it happened.
I kind of went into like a two week period of, you know, not really being able to function totally because I was so shocked by it.
So, you know, I, I can't say
You know, what exactly, you know, the people back on the East Coast did, but, you know, according to what my orders from that study was, that if, you know, the World Trade Center got attacked how we said I was supposed to, you know, bring the study information forward.
So I can't say what was going through, you know, the people's minds back east.
Well, I'll tell you this.
Northwoods got leaked on purpose and then confirmed to be real.
Gladio got leaked.
And time and time again, it could have been somebody back in the seventies in the Pentagon hearing about a future plan to actually do this, and they may have used their wargaming credentials to order this study to create a trail.
I mean, there's really no telling.
Yeah, well, that's true.
You know, I
You know, I just know the information from, you know, what I personally took part in.
And that's, you know, what I've been telling people for the last three years.
You know, the same thing, because that's all the information I have.
But, you know, and I've also been telling them that the people who have, you know, more information are like the sergeants, like Sergeant Riggs, Sergeant Milton, and officers like Lieutenant Teague and Major DiPero and Colonel Morrison.
You know, these were the people, you know, the higher ups of the unit, you know, that always get, you know, the better.
Why was your, why was, before we get back, I want to find out why your unit was chosen for this.
And of course others were chosen as well.
But this is the unit we know about.
This is very important, just one more piece in this huge tapestry that shows this obsession by the government of hijacked jets flying into the World Trade Center.
And America being turned into a police state.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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Alex Jones on the GCN radio network.
What the globalists do is they brainstorm
And they have their people brainstormed, coming up with different scenarios, and they pick from the scenarios.
But then it's on file, not as a terrorist plan of our government, but as a study.
Then they have other documents where they actually call for carrying out the real attacks.
I mean, official plans to carry them out, the government to carry the attacks out, then be blamed on foreign enemies.
But then if they get caught during the operation, they can just say, oh, this was part of a drill.
That's why 9-11 was a national security event.
On that morning, even before the first planes were supposedly hijacked.
That's the cover.
That's the operational control.
That's going to come up with General Myers in the next hour when we play this clip.
And that's a clear MO of what's going on here.
I just want to thank our guests for joining us.
You can read the American Free Press article and the documents and his lie detector test and all of it at Infowars.com.
But Timothy McNevin, give us your website.
www.codenamedgrillfire.com And why is it codenamed grillfire.com?
My codename is grillfire so I just put it together codename grillfire dot com.
Just a few final questions for you and I appreciate your time.
Why do you think they chose your little unit in Germany for this?
Um I don't know.
I you know it seemed kind of unusual but then I thought you know they
Like to get, you know, a lot of different people with a lot of different backgrounds to, you know, to get a whole variety.
Yeah, it's a focus group here.
So, you know, I don't know how many other people took part, but I imagine, you know, they probably did some in the Navy and Marines and Air Force.
Like I contacted this one, it was a retired military officer who had a website and I contacted him with, you know, information.
about the study and he said, well, you know, I'm not all that concerned about just another study.
No, there's been other ones too.
So this officer, you know, explained that the reason he wasn't all that interested in my information is that, you know, there were other studies, you know, concerning air travel security too.
I guess, you know, there's been, you know, more than just this... And it just so happened to be plastic box cutters and Arab terrorists and the World Trade Center.
Yeah, this one happened to be kind of like more specific to what actually happened and probably, you know... Well, bottom line, it shows that the government did know such ideas and plans were out there.
And I really do appreciate you joining us and coming on the show.
And take care, my friend.
Okay, thank you.
Good to have you on.
Very interesting, folks.
And look, again, you have Northwoods.
It isn't just a plan or a study.
It is an operational memorandum.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff want to hijack jets by remote control.
They want to bomb DC.
They want to kill Marines.
They want to blame it on foreign countries.
And then you've got all these other drills and training.
The FBI cooked the bomb, trained the driver in the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993.
That's admitted.
Again, Operation Gladio.
The U.S.
government carried out dozens and dozens and dozens of bombings all over Europe to blame it on leftists.
It's the same story.
Who stands to gain from all this?
And what they do is, with these studies, is they go out and they do all these war games, all these drills, all these scenarios, and they have hundreds of different groups write up plans, and then these big brains pick and choose the most, you know, I guess,
believable story and they use that as a cover story uh... when the globalist really carry out a real operation.
So very interesting.
I know we had callers that have been holding for eons.
We'll get a bunch of calls out of the way.
We'll tell you about the latest with poor dear Terri Schiavo Schindler.
Now coming up on the uh... seventh day of her torture.
Doesn't look like she's long for this world bar a miracle.
We'll be right back.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, now already into the third and final hour of this Friday Worldwide Broadcast Against Tyranny.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We'll give you some of the latest developments again on Terry Schaubo Schindler.
Get into this incredible confrontation or clock cleaning by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of General Myers, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The Dark Lord, Rumsfeld, and others.
Trillions missing from the Pentagon.
Government-run white slavery rings.
9-11 war game drills used to have the government stand down.
And just amazing absconding and evasion.
And you've got to see the video itself.
I've got to find out what it's re-airing on C-SPAN.
It was live yesterday.
We have the video clip online from C-SPAN.
But I've got to get... Somebody's got to actually tape that for me and send it to me.
I'm going to try to catch it.
So busy I might miss it, but it should be re-airing today or tomorrow.
We've got to get this on tape.
You know, crisp quality.
We have the online video.
That's about eight and a half minutes long.
That's coming up later in this hour as well.
It's just... Get your recorders ready for this one.
But I said we'd take calls because we've had folks holding for a long time.
Mark in Nevada, then we'll go to
And we'll go to Michael and Randy and we'll go to Mike and Carl and everybody else.
Who's up first?
Okay, Michael in Mississippi.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, hello Alex.
You're doing a great job.
I just want to commend you.
I'm a former Marine.
Done three deployments in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Fallujah.
One of my big questions is concerning the September 11th Road to Tyranny film that you made.
And, uh, there's, uh, video clips that, with the, uh, President Bush Senior talking about the New World Order.
I noticed that it had a, uh, title on the, uh, screen that said September 11th, 1991.
It appeared to be his, uh, State of the Union address.
And, uh, I went to the, uh, C-SPAN site and found that the dates on were January 29th and March 6th, 1991.
No, and there's four things that are wrong in Road to Tyranny, and I've actually talked about this before on air.
There's four things, little mistakes like that, dates and stuff are a little off, and it is September 11th, 1990.
It's not 1991.
And September 11th, 1990, and again, there's four different State of the Unions there, but regardless, it's a State of the Union, it's George Bush Sr.
talking about the New World Order.
And I went and checked it out, because I was pointed out there, but he did give that 1990, on the eve of the Gulf War.
Okay, yeah, that makes sense, because at the transcripts for the 91 speeches, none of them has the quote, out of these troubled times, our fifth objective, a new world order.
I mean, you're looking at George Bush saying it, I mean, it's a real video clip.
I mean, what do you think it is?
No, no, I definitely believe it is.
I mean, actually, I've already re-edited Road to Tyranny.
I'm just adding more to it, but the four mistakes are fixed.
I was writing on a computer, and it says this is September 11, 1990, and I did go check it.
Unfortunately, I got the year wrong, but again, we have four years of him saying New World Order.
Okay, that was it.
Well, I appreciate it.
Did you catch the other things that are wrong in it?
Well, the other thing was the final jihad.
I've been doing a lot of speeches in public about these subjects, basically the stuff that you elaborate on, and I try to bring it to the local communities, and people are always blowing up in my face about it.
The final jihad?
I'm confused.
Well, it's that book that was written supposedly before the Oklahoma City bombing.
Yeah, it was, but that's not the mistake.
The stuff in it is a little date stuff and stuff like that.
Or I say it's one news article and it's another.
Final Jihad was to the publisher a full year before and came out beforehand.
Then they put out a later edition in 96 and that's where they try to abscond.
That's it.
I appreciate it.
Thank you, sir.
It was September 11th, 1990.
September 11th, 1990.
That's when Bush gave that particular Eve of the Gulf War speech.
Alright, we'll be right back folks.
Stay with us.
What really happened September 11th and who stands to gain?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, eight minutes, twelve seconds into this third hour.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Let's just
Let's go ahead and talk to Randy in Florida.
Randy, go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, well, I'm at the Florida Capitol and it's all quiet here.
Our governor on the local news today said that his powers aren't as expansive as people would like them to be.
He can't go beyond what his powers are and he's not going to do it.
He said that there's a lot of things that go on in society that he doesn't like.
There's 90,000 abortions a year in his state, but he can't do anything about it.
No, he's just going to let her die on the vine.
Well, it's going to be seven days that she hasn't had food and water tonight.
Well, no, it was seven days, about ten minutes ago.
Yeah, and so she, of course they say her skin's starting to crack and she's starting to show sunken eyes and signs of dehydration as of
As of yesterday, in a really bizarre article that I find very suspicious out of the Associated Press, a man tries to steal a gun to rescue Shimo.
A man runs into a gun shop, he could have bought the gun, starts with a box cutter, folks, starts breaking glass, and of course the gun shop owner pulls a gun on him.
He told me if I wasn't on Terry's side, then I wasn't on God's side.
McKenzie told the Associated Press, McKenzie said he then pointed his own gun at Mitchell.
Well, that's just, you know, but, you know, there's thousands of people, you know, there's all those churches down there in the St.
Pete Clearwater area.
All they have to do is just get a human shield and go in there peaceably and surround her and take her out of there to the hospital.
Well, I think if you did that, I think the police would start shooting you.
This is like Tiananmen Square in America now.
They're very afraid of us storming them, like just happened over in the former Eastern Bloc yesterday.
It should be done.
They know they're criminals, and so they're afraid of us.
Well, then the whole world would know just what we have here.
If government will not protect innocent life, then what good is it?
How many people have been arrested trying to go in so far?
Well, I'm not sure what the number is.
I know it's a lot of men, women, children trying to bring her glasses of water.
The police arrest them and throw the book at them.
Well, our gutless wonder governor and his brother, you know, if that's compassionate conservative Christians, I'd just as soon be an atheist.
You know, and if that's what they call pro-life, well, I'm sure Terry would take issue with that.
Well, I appreciate your call.
Take care.
I said I'd go through these calls quickly, but let's just cover Terry right now.
Let's just go ahead and do this now.
Refuses to order feeding tube restored.
A federal judge in Tampa today again refused to order the Terry Shivo's feeding tube be reinserted.
Leaving the parents of the brain-damaged Florida woman with few legal options as they fight to keep her alive.
District Judge James Whitmore ruled that Shivo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, cannot establish a substantial likelihood of success on the merits of their case.
Shivo's parents filed notice that they'll take the case to the federal appeals court in Atlanta that rejected their previous appeal.
Judge denied Florida bid to take custody of Shiloh.
The court denied the governor's request for family and child protective services.
I mean, if they think somebody spanked a child, even though that's not illegal, they'll throw no warrants, no nothing, come grab your child.
But man, when you got a woman with all this evidence of foul play swirling around, a woman who just a few years ago was saying mommy and help me and
And could eat food, and these government neurologists and people they get up there on TV, they go, well, brain damage.
People in vegetative states could eat, and they could say, Mommy.
I mean, it's pretty soon, I guess they'll just say, I'm a vegetable.
You know, I could sit here and talk 90 miles a second, but maybe I'm in a vegetative state.
You know, I mean, in this world of la-la land,
And I've got the shocking affidavit from Terry's nurse, and there's another nurse too, as well.
Before me, the Undersign Authority personally appeared.
Clara, I.R.R.N., who began duty sworn, deposes and says.
And it gets into it.
With Shivo, Michael Shivo, going, when is that bleeper going to die?
I'm going to be rich.
Terry's blood sugar would be fine.
He'd force the nurse out of the room.
He'd go in.
They'd come in.
She'd be crying.
Begging in her way, mumbling, and suddenly her blood sugar would plunge to just levels off the chart.
They'd find puncture wounds.
The nurse believed that Schiavo was injecting her with insulin.
At the same time, he would hang over her and be very intimidating.
She's in sworn testimony saying that he was doing this creeping around the hospital.
And we know the whole story.
I mean, but the mainstream media will not cover this.
Or if they do, they go, oh, it's an allegation.
It's not an allegation.
It's not debatable that he said in the lawsuit that they wanted her malpractice for over a million dollars.
That he wanted to quote, take care of her with the money and rehabilitate her.
He acted all nice to the family.
It'll be simpler if they sign over to him as the executor.
They did it.
They trusted him.
And suddenly, he went, MWA HA HA HA HA!
No more rehabilitation!
No more brushing her teeth!
No more treatment of bed sores!
No more food!
At that time, she's, Mommy!
Help me!
You know, uh, but getting these words out... I mean, she's just paralyzed, folks!
Just look in her eyes!
And then even after a decade of it, she was still... Her mom came in and following her with her eyes.
I mean, you could just see it.
I mean, I've seen vegetables, folks.
They're not doing that.
And so, Shiloh won't let them put electrodes on her head to give you the brainwaves.
And so, we've been over this and over this.
I had the Wall Street Journal writer on yesterday, listing the names of people, begging.
Who, you know, have a broken neck and they're talking, may I please have food and water?
And the court says, you're a vegetable.
I mean, it's going all over the country.
I know of hundreds of cases, it's already that bad.
But see, the general public doesn't know that, so they'll get you warmed up for it with Terry Chivo Schindler.
And then pretty soon you'll be, you could be doing, you know, double back flips or slam dunking basketballs on a, you know, registered court.
And they'll say you're a vegetable.
Pretty soon you could do 5,000 sit-ups and they'll say you're a vegetable.
You know, they say they found weapons of mass destruction a hundred times, then say they never said it.
You're a conspiracy theorist if you say they said it.
I mean, we're in the age of denial.
And it is a minority.
It is a minority.
But they do call this show, they do email me, and George Dorey talked about this last night.
He's gotten it.
I think she should just die!
She's costing us too much money!
And they've already set up this little greedy, yuppie thing in the world of health clubs and tennis and, you know, creaming the skin and getting skin peels and just totally self-centered.
Oh, you don't have a value of life.
It's bioethics.
You know, I'm a libertarian, they call up and say.
And this is socialism paying for her.
I don't like it.
Get rid of her.
They've already got you.
Number one, you've got false economics that the gobblers gave you.
Left, right, it's all false.
The economic model is all false.
You think the pie is one size.
The pie in real economics and human systems is as big as we want to make it.
The levels of service and what we get are what we demand.
And bottom line we've got, we're going to have the oldest population in the world very soon with the baby boomers about to, they're already retiring.
In the next 20 years, you know, all these self-serving little twits
You're going to be in the position, and just like in the Netherlands and Holland where you're going, may I please have food?
Sorry, the bioethics board says that your quality isn't good.
You're a non-entity.
This is officially what they're doing.
Help me!
And your little yuppies of yuppies of yuppies, your children will be all partying and taking their recreational drugs and
You know, doing the virtual reality and got their wire head chip hooked up and, eh, whatever, yeah, Ma just wasn't worth it, Ma's life wasn't worth it.
The point is, is that this is how Hitler started out.
Was getting rid of the retarded and the quadriplegics and the... That's how it always starts, the eugenics, the brave new world.
And just the exercising lies about Terry.
That's why it has to be addressed.
But the media picked this.
They could have made a big deal out of the other people they're killing every week that we learn of.
Who are paralyzed but asking for food and water.
Because, see, they didn't know when they signed the form.
Oh, if I'm ever incapacitated, I don't want any invasive medical procedures.
Well, you didn't check the definition.
That meant invasive medical procedure meant right down to changing your sheets and right down to feeding tube.
So you can talk.
Please, honey, get me some water, please.
I'm sorry, you said you didn't want it.
You're a vegetable.
I mean, that's how mentally ill we are as a culture.
I mean, if you can say babies aren't babies, this is the double thing.
You know, somebody goes out and kills a woman who's seven months pregnant, and then he gets a double murder conviction for killing the baby.
He should.
But then,
We kill 50 something million, what is it, 54 million babies now?
Hundreds of thousands of them, we're talking that could have been adopted.
A woman could have just gone ahead and had a cesarean, or gone ahead and had the child vaginally, and they could have given the child up for adoption.
But they don't do that!
They just kill it!
Use it for body parts!
Hundreds of thousands!
I mean, how much more barbaric and self-centered do you get?
You people are missing out on the most incredible thing in life, is children.
We're a sick culture, folks.
Imagine somebody teleporting themselves into the future from 200 years ago, where we've killed 15 million of our children, and a lot of you've killed your children, and so you can't face it and what you did was wrong, so you are now part of the forces of death.
Heaven help us.
We'll take more calls, get into the other news, stay with us.
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I talked about this on Monday.
We're about to go to your calls, and very quickly, because I've got to play the Cynthia McKinney confrontation and cover some other very important news.
And I really can't belabor this.
We've just got to get the network to change it.
They do a great job.
We have four streams that you can listen to this show on, 11 to 2 during the day, on the internet.
And those four streams are at the top of the page at GCNlive.com.
Two of the streams are linked on InfoWars.com.
One through four during the day can listen to all three hours of my show.
Two of those streams are 16-bit higher quality audio, and because of bandwidth cost, you can only listen for 25 minutes on those, and there's an advertisement to push you over to subscribe to the 32-bit, you know, really high quality stream that helps us pay for the bandwidth.
But it doesn't tell you that there's two streams that are basically unlimited at 8-bit.
Doesn't sound the best, but you know, it's decent.
So people in droves, I mean, I'm getting emails, I'm getting the calls, they just don't think they can listen anymore.
This show's the biggest on the internet, internet-wise, according to Shoutcast and others, and we're still number one, but this week since they've done this, it's dropping.
And people just don't know, and it's kind of a catch-22 because they don't know they can tune in because they're getting kicked off, so they're not hearing this right now.
So, I hope the network figures this out quickly, because I don't have time to deal with it, okay?
I can't do all the logistics on top of it either.
It's not my job.
But at night you can hear me on stream 2 and 4.
2 is the big one, the 8-bit you can all listen on.
So at night you want stream 2.
Stream 4 is 16-bit.
Sounds better, but kicks you off every 25 minutes.
And then you can try to log back on, but usually somebody else has gotten it because it's limited streams.
So at night it's stream 2.
And during the day, you want to go for stream 1.
And one of those other streams is unlimited, too.
Again, just call them.
Not the folks running the show.
They're doing a good job.
It's nobody's fault.
It's just stuff like this has to be, I think, thought out a little bit more.
I don't have time to call my boss up and tell him all this.
All right.
I'll just do it on the air.
End of story.
It's very irritating.
Let's go ahead and please don't email me anymore, folks.
I can't help you.
Let's go ahead and who's up next here?
Michael in Chicago, Illinois.
Go ahead.
How's it going, Alex?
I know you have a lot of callers behind, so I'll try to go through a few issues very quickly.
Major props to Cynthia McKinley.
I watched a clip.
I'm a big fan, big follower.
I'm trying to spread the word regarding her efforts.
If there's anything we could do,
We definitely need to have some sort of groundswell of support behind this woman.
That C-SPAN hearing is supposed to re-air sometime today.
If somebody would tape that for me, it would be great.
I am concerned that she may experience the Wellstone effect.
She needs our support.
I was going to say that.
She is a lot more manly than most men.
Second one, just on C-SPAN a little earlier, running across the networks, they're covering the F-16 sale to Pakistan and India.
So, once again, we're supplying both sides of the conflict.
It's ordered out of chaos.
It has nothing to do with stability.
Instability is the globalist business.
Another quick one.
On your site, there was a link, I can't remember who it was from, but it referred to Rumsfeld's Special Operations Team, because the FBI and CIA can't really help them out domestically.
And the site said that that hit squad, I guess that's the name, they're kind of modeled after the Nazi SS.
Yeah, that was Steve Quayle talking about that, and that hit squad's been in the New York Times.
It's the real deal.
They're all creating their own little private hit squads.
Lastly on the list was this sex offender thing that's rolling through Florida.
Florida seems to be the cornerstone.
Jeb Bush and company.
And it's just a reoccurring theme.
These guys with 23 convictions under their belt.
They continually let these guys out and they commit these crimes and then they want to come out with a whole onslaught of new laws, new legislation.
Meanwhile, the corporations that they support and they give all the big contracts are kidnapping children by the tens of thousands.
Thanks for the call.
Up next here, we will now go to Carl.
Carl, where are you calling us from?
Harrison, Maine.
Thank you.
Yeah, I just wanted to say something interesting about Michael Chertoff, the Homeland Director.
Pastor Pete Peters out of La Porte, Colorado has a newsletter, The Dragon's Flare, and in it he printed an email.
I'll just read it briefly.
Hello, I just wanted to let you know a tidbit about Bush's new Homeland Security nominee.
I was a Russian linguist in the army and continued to study foreign languages.
So when I heard this man's name, my jaw dropped.
It means the devil.
Yeah, was that brought up on your news show at some point?
That's been reported on, yeah.
And Chertoff's cousin writes hit pieces about me, too.
It's real nice.
Yeah, I tried to look it up in a direct dictionary, but I guess they have different letters other than Arabic and so on.
This guy pointed it out.
It's a Bible script anyway.
Anything else?
Just, did you see where in Oxford they're going to study the effects of... How to torture Christians.
It's all coming together all at once.
Well, we've got to torture out of... You know what I mean?
We've got to study how to torture Christians.
It's freedom.
Thanks for the call.
It's freedom, sir.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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All right, I'm going to go quickly to five final callers.
Then I'm going to play the Cynthia McKinney 8-minute clip.
I'm also going to stop it and comment upon it.
And believe me, you don't want to miss this, so stay with us.
Tim in Ohio, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I've spent 11 years in the media and TV news, and this is not to take anything away from all that's going on with the Schiavo case, but I'm sure you've noticed in the past, whenever they have a story that's dominating the airtime the way it is, it's usually that something big is in the works, or something is about to happen, and they're just... Yeah, a free trade area, the Americas, or a big terrorist attack, or just a whole host of issues.
I was wondering if you saw on the American Psychological Association's own website, they were acknowledging a thank you from the Bush administration for keeping New Freedom public.
And if they really think that that has anything to do with freedom, forcibly people to take tests and to take drugs,
They're the ones that are coercing everybody.
You know, if they really want it, they should start with that Bush family.
You know, the twins with their underage drinking, right?
And Jeb's daughter forged prescriptions.
What's going on in their family lives that caused that kind of stuff, you know?
And his wife, didn't Jeb's wife try to smuggle some goods into the country without paying the tariffs?
Look, the whole family is a pack of criminals.
Thanks for the call.
I hear you, Tim.
Well, Marcello's after Mark, actually.
Mark in Nevada.
Go ahead, Mark.
Yes, sir.
I wanted to point out that Bush's own fiscal year 2005 budget request included absolutely no funds for the Iraq War.
So instead what they're doing... That's off-budget.
Yeah, it's all off-budget.
Supplemental appropriations bills and H.R. 1268.
Which passed either March 15th or March 16th.
And now they're putting expansions of national ID cards, amnesty into it.
I mean, Bush says, we should stop these people on their own land with binoculars showing the illegal aliens in Arizona, and I want to legalize the illegal aliens.
I mean, how is that conservative?
How is a budget that's
Eight hundred billion dollars bigger than Bill Clinton's biggest.
How is that conservative?
I don't know, but 168 Democrats in the House voted for it, of course.
Honorable... They're all in it together.
It's incredible.
But it's sitting in the... Of course, Ron Paul was one of, like, two Republicans who voted against it.
Cynthia McKinney, of course, voted against it.
But it's sitting in the Senate Appropriations Committee right now.
And given the lopsided numbers in the House, actually, I think our best hope
Of course, we need 41 Senators to sustain a filibuster.
I don't think we got that, but it's worth a try.
If we all call, or Senators call, my Senator who, of course, supports the war, Harry Reid, the Democratic leader.
If everybody would call his office, tell him to filibuster this bill, because that's how we're going to end this war, by cutting off the funding.
Alright, I appreciate the call, Mark.
Marcello in Canada.
Marcello, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I have a point regarding the Schiavo case.
It may be a silvery point, or it may be interesting with regards to the globalist use of symbolism.
First of all, the proper way to pronounce the name in Italian is Schiavo.
It means slave.
Yeah, that's what I was going to point out.
It means slave.
So, I don't know... That's what my wife says, because she lived in Italy for six years.
And she says Shivo means slave.
Do you think there's any significance to that?
Well, I mean, her name means slave.
I don't know.
I mean, I just don't know, sir.
I really... Yeah, that's it.
Interesting points.
I appreciate that call.
Let's talk to...
Richard in Texas.
Go ahead, Richard.
This is from Austin, Texas.
It seems to me that a judgment is only as good as its enforcement.
So I appeal to a community or communities around this country to offer to hire with better pay and benefits the officers that are guarding Terry.
If that community should decide to... But the police just follow orders, okay?
And if they told the average cop to put babies in incinerators, they'd do it.
Well, you think of that program, huh?
Well, anyway, that's just my suggestion, and that's all I have to say.
No, I hear you.
I appreciate your call.
Terry, this is the second time that she's had water taken for seven days.
But after this, I mean, again, she's somebody just a few years ago saying, Mommy, and help me, and hi.
But they're going to redefine that as a vegetative state.
Because they want to sell the population on government-sponsored eugenics.
Let's talk to Roy in Michigan.
Roy, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
HR 418.
I do have passed the Congress.
It was in the Senate, I understood, a week or so ago.
And I haven't heard nothing more about it.
I wondered if you knew what happened to the bill.
Right now, 418 is ringing a bell.
What is it?
418 was the immigration thing that was actually a national ID.
Oh yeah, we had Ron Paul's office on about that and covered it.
It's part of the major spending package right now.
It looks like it's probably going to pass.
And of course, you already passed the national ID card.
This turns into a Pan-American ID card and helps legalize the illegals.
It actually is a fake note.
It's a total takedown if you look at just what Ron Paul had to say about it.
It's a takedown.
I know that when I've told other people about it, they've been very upset.
I want to air this piece with Cynthia McKinney.
Now again, this video clip is on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
You can watch it when the show ends if you're online.
Please spread this around on the internet.
It's important.
Because all this is admitted, documented stuff.
And listen to the responses and the spin that Rumsfeld and General Myers and others come up with.
She brings up the trillions missing at the Pentagon.
She brings up DynCorp kidnapping all these people.
And I mean, they were caught.
Hundreds of jets.
Hundreds of flights.
Hundreds of thousands.
This is just in one operation over in the Balkans.
And, uh, the globalists operate in these third world and second world countries and old world countries.
You see the type of world they want to build here in America in these countries where they're given a free hand.
DynCorp gets the big security contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Green Zone and other areas.
They get just tons of these contracts.
They've since changed their name.
And they were found guilty of this.
It was systematic.
And Rumsfeld just lies and says, oh, that was one person.
We have all the mainstream news articles posted, it was not!
Then they bring up the war game drills, and Myers, it's just, they look so guilty.
You know, like the cat that's caught with a canary in its mouth.
And Rumsfeld, that arrogant creature, I was about to call him a prison term, that arrogant creature finally faced with the facts,
You see him for what the little ringwraith that he is.
So here's that clip.
I might be pausing it during the clip with my own little comments, but here it is.
Gentlelady from Georgia, Ms.
Oh, thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Secretary, I watched President Bush deliver a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003, in which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade.
The President calls for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business.
But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children.
While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox, manthrax vaccines, and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program.
Mr. Secretary, is it policy of the U.S.
government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?
That's my first question.
My second question, Mr. Secretary, according to the Comptroller General of the United States, there are serious financial management problems at the Pentagon, to which Mr. Cooper alluded.
Fiscal year 1999, 2.3 trillion missing.
Fiscal year 2000, 1.1 trillion missing.
And DOD is the number one reason why the government can't balance its checkbook.
The Pentagon has claimed year after year that the reason it can't account for the money is because its computers don't communicate with each other.
My second question, Mr. Secretary, is who has the contracts today to make those systems communicate with each other?
How long have they had those contracts?
And how much have the taxpayers paid for them?
Finally, Mr. Secretary, after the last hearing,
I thought that my office was promised a written response to my question regarding the four war games on September 11th.
I have not yet received that response, but would like for you to respond to the questions that I've put to you today, and then I do expect the written response to my previous question.
All right, now again, why do they say trillions and trillions are missing?
Because, why do they hire White, who ran the Enron scam with the fake computers that legislators and members of Congress went and saw with the fake energy trading?
Because he's an expert in that.
And this is what they do.
And see, the Pentagon had all these big slush funds and pension funds and investments.
That's why their budget's six hundred and something billion a year.
On budget, a few more hundred billion on the side.
Well, how can you have trillions per year?
Because it's much bigger than that.
And then their answer is, we're not going to let you have any documents.
This has been going on for two years, by the way.
We're not going to let you know who the companies are.
Just shut up.
That right there, number one.
And then listen to Rumsfeld, how he cavalier, in a cavalier fashion, oh well, we put people in the penalty box when they've done stuff like this.
And he just, imagine if somebody else went and kidnapped one child, what would happen to them?
They'd never get out of prison, and they shouldn't.
But oh well, you know, they're bad, and we fixed them, and... Please continue.
Thank you, Representative.
First, the answer to your first question is no, absolutely not.
The policy of the United States government is clear, unambiguous, and opposed to the activities that you described.
The second question,
Well, how do you explain the fact that Dyncor and its successor companies have received and continue to receive government contracts?
I would have to go and find the facts, but there are laws and rules and regulations with respect to government contracts.
And there are times that corporations do things they should not do, in which case they tend to be suspended for some period.
There are times then that under the laws and the rules and regulations passed by the Congress and implemented by the executive branch, that corporations can get off of
Out of the penalty box, if you will, and be permitted to engage in contracts with the government.
They're generally not barred in perpetuity.
This contract, this company, was never in the penalty box.
If you could proceed to my second question, please.
The second question... I've forgotten what the second question was.
I think Ms.
Jonas knows it.
Somebody stood up to you, scumbag!
Thank you, Ms.
I appreciate the question.
I appreciate your interest in our department's financial condition.
And we are working very hard on that program.
I've just come back recently.
I understand that you're working hard on it, but my question was, who has the contract?
How long have they had that contract?
And how much money have we spent on it?
In general, we spend about $20 billion in the Department of Information Technology Systems.
The accounting systems are part of that.
I can get you the exact number for the record of what we spend on our current, what we call legacy systems, and those that we're moving toward.
And who has the contracts?
There would be a multitude of individuals.
Could you name some, please?
Well, I think off the top of my head, well, I would rather not.
I'd rather provide that for the record.
That's not privileged information, is it?
I'm sure it's not.
And we still have time, so please.
I would be glad to provide for the record.
I don't want to talk from the top of my head.
But they won't.
On your first question, I'm advised by Dr. Chu that it was not the corporation that was engaged in the activities you characterized, but I'm told it was an employee of the corporation.
And it was some years ago in the Balkans that that took place.
It's my understanding that it continues to take place.
Is that right?
Well, if you can give me information... I'm sure you are interested in all of the information that I have, and I'll be more than happy to provide it to you.
Thank you.
But I would also like to get information from you.
For example, the information that I just requested about who has those contracts.
Let me assure the gentlelady that we'll make sure that this... The chairman starts running defense.
...information takes place.
And Mr. Secretary, if you could get back with us on the DynCorp story.
We'll get that to the gentlelady.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
We'll get back on both of the first two questions, but the Congresswoman has raised the other question twice now, and I'd like to have General Myers respond, because you mentioned it in the last hearing, and I think it would be helpful to get the answer, even though we're on red, if you don't mind, Mr. Chairman.
General Myers, go right ahead.
But I would like to have the answer in writing as well, as I thought my office was promised.
Okay, I don't know about the promise, Congresswoman, but could you repeat the question?
I'm not sure I'm answering the right question.
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The question was, we had four war games going on on September 11th, and the question that I tried to pose before the Secretary had to go to lunch was whether or not the
Activities of the four war games going on on September 11th actually impaired our ability to respond to the attacks.
The answer to the question is no, did not impair our response.
In fact, General Eberhardt, who was in the commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command, as he testified in front of the 9-11 Commission, I believe,
I believe he told them that it enhanced our ability to respond, given that NORAD didn't have the overall responsibility for responding to the attacks today.
That was an FAA responsibility.
There were two CPXs.
There was one Department of Justice exercise that didn't have anything to do with the other three.
And there was an actual operation ongoing because there was some Russian bomber activity up near Alaska.
Let me ask you this then.
Who was in charge of managing those war games?
Dick Cheney!
And General, why don't you give the best answer you can here in a short period of time.
The gentlelady wants to get a written answer anyway and then we can move on.
The important thing to realize is North American Aerospace Defense Command was responsible
These are command post exercises.
What that means is all the battle positions that are normally not filled are indeed filled.
So it was an easy transition from an exercise into a real-world situation.
It actually enhanced the response.
Otherwise, it would take somewhere between 30 minutes and a couple of hours to fill those positions, those battle spaces, with the right staff officers.
Mr. Chairman, begging your indulgence, was September 11 declared a National Security Special Event Day?
I'd have to look back.
I do not know.
You mean after the fact or before the fact?
Because of the activities going on that had been scheduled at the United Nations that day.
I'd have to go back and check.
I don't know.
Thank you.
I thank the gentlelady.
The chair would ask the gentleman... They all look like, again, Sylvester Cott with a Tweety Bird in the mouth.
I mean, the video is so much more powerful.
Notice how they just glaze over those drills of flying hijacked jets in the World Trade Center and Pentagon at the exact same time it was actually happening.
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I want to put the little eight and a half minute clip you heard from Congress yesterday in some type of perspective or context.
They're just calmly openly talking about trillions missing from the Pentagon.
They're calmly talking about war games on 9-11.
They're calmly talking about hundreds of thousands of people kidnapped and flown to slave brothels all over the world.
I mean, that's what the globalists do when they've got a captured, controlled population.
That's the world they build.
And when they've got their little habitat the way they want it, that's what they do.
Oh, but they wouldn't be involved in 9-11.
Oh no, they just admit they put cancer viruses in many of the vaccines.
And chemicals and hormones and vaccinations to sterilize women, they've been caught.
And we have Henry Kissinger from 1973 ordering the third world to forcibly sterilize half their women or no IMF Oral Bank money.
I mean, the crimes!
The admitted, megalomaniacal, control freak stuff!
And it's just, oh well, I think we put them in the penalty box for that.
But the media will go, oh, one child's been kidnapped, oh, it's horrible!
Which it is, but they know how to have one person as a tragedy, ten thousand as a statistic.
And so this is the globalists, this is our controllers, this is the world they're building.
And we have giant sections on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com with hundreds of mainstream articles where they just come into towns with men with machine guns, take every little girl and every little boy, they put them on jets and they fly them out and they take them to slave brothels.
And they snuff film them, they do everything else.
I'm sorry, it's true, but oh, this is your government.
This is the corporations that get more contracts after they're caught doing this.
So, uh, c'est la vie, huh?
You still trust your government?
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