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Name: 20050301_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 1, 2005
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
It is Tuesday.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
Again, thank you so much for joining us.
It's already the first day of March.
We're already into the third month of 2005.
Life is short.
I love that corny bumper sticker, so play hard.
We're going to have open phones because I love hearing from all the listeners.
You bring up so many different issues, so many different topics, so many different news items that I would have never even thought to cover.
And you also have probing questions that, well, tend to give us a finer picture of what the Global Crime Syndicate is up to, what they're doing.
So again, thank you for joining us.
Coming up in the next segment, I'll start early again like I did yesterday, taking your calls interspersed with all the important news.
And we'll get you up and on the air.
FDA okays another brain stimulating implant for the masses.
And it's only a matter of time until it's mandatory, according to the Pentagon.
You think I'm joking?
We'll cover this.
You see, they already forced thousands of people on Ritalin and Prozac-type drugs, the amphetamines and the serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and the government's already discussing why if it'll make you feel better, why not have a brain implant?
You won't be complaining after we're done.
And that's what the Army War College talked about in 2000 in a report picked up by the Federation of American Scientists.
Once we all have our chip, we're going to love our global leader.
And you know I only cover real stuff that's really happening.
Okay, this is real, my friends.
Also, global campaign, we talked about some of this Friday,
And now he's been out stumping for it even harder.
Desmond Tutu, a little communist brat, plans a global campaign to register all children.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu!
So I have some comments about this.
As usual, the globalists kidnap the children, then they want to take our rights to protect the children, the government ships in the drugs,
And then they want to bust down our doors looking for the drugs.
The government carries out the terror attacks and then says we're going to take all your freedoms to stop the terrorists.
It's the same thing.
But to keep the children safe, we need a global registration of them.
Ah yes, so the UN can exterminate them in a more orderly fashion.
By the way, speaking of that, China is rewarding one-child families because they drowned babies and murdered people and executed women and tortured people and the life force is too strong, people are just refusing and still having two children in China and so they're just going to try economic incentives, which they've done here in America to destroy the family unit.
In fact, I think I want to cover that first when we get back.
And just talk about Gloria Steinem and the CIA and modern feminism.
Designed to destroy and enslave women.
Oh yes!
Oh, and we have the documents.
All part of enslaving you.
And fits into all of this with Tutu and China and the rest of it.
We'll be right back after this quick break.
I hope that you will stay with us for the duration of this three hour transmission against tyranny.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
Eight minutes, 35 seconds into this first hour, second segment.
You're joining us for the first time.
I'm not left-wing or right-wing.
I judge politicians and policies and legislation by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Does it give the American people more freedom, more liberty, which then delivers real security?
Or does it give the establishment that is totally reprobate and criminal more power and control over our lives?
And the answer is the Democratic and Republican parties all
Have the same mistresses, play golf together, go on trips together, deal tons of cocaine and heroin together.
Run big, bid-rigging scams and corporate looting together.
They're a society of organized criminals, of carnival hucksters, scamming us, playing good cop, bad cop, and I am sick and tired of it.
And I'm not going along with it.
And I'm going to defend this republic until my last gasping breath.
My last rasping breath.
I am never going to stop.
I am far beyond driven.
I am possessed with the desire for liberty and truth and justice and things that are beautiful and decent and creative.
I will stand against the forces of death and the new world order forever, if that is God's will, and that is certainly my wish that that be God's will, and I know that is God's will.
Where there is liberty, there the Spirit of the Lord dwelleth.
Where the Spirit of the Lord dwelleth, there is liberty.
There, I think that's the proper Bible verse, and I love it.
There's like 50 verses in the Bible that say that.
And it's true!
It's just common sense, ladies and gentlemen.
Give up your liberty and we'll give you security, they say through their muffled ski mask.
Uh, no thank you.
No thank you.
You leave our borders wide open while telling us to give up all our freedoms or the terrorists will guess, Al-Qaeda!
Bin Laden is telling al-Zawahiri to attack us any minute!
And the other poll says it's a real threat bio-attack any minute.
If we don't give up all our rights, they're gonna get us any minute!
Buzzy Krongaard with the insider CIA trading on United American, number three at the CIA!
But wait!
He told Associated Press, Times of London!
A month ago?
Don't worry about Bin Laden.
We don't want to capture him.
And it's come out and it's admitted there's a deal.
They've even paid Pakistan off in the first months after the war to not arrest Bin Laden if you even think he was still alive.
My intel is he died of kidney failure.
They got him on ice.
But we preemptively talked about it so much that they didn't roll him out before the election.
But he did pop up before the election and say, I'm gonna get you.
Vote for John Kerry.
And then Karl Rove told the New York Daily News, thank you Bin Laden for the Christmas present.
That was... It's just common sense.
Who stands to gain?
If Bin Laden really hated Bush, he's not stupid, he wouldn't say, vote for John Kerry.
It's all staged.
But they're not worried about capturing Bush.
You said he's not worried about him.
He's not looking for him.
He doesn't care anymore.
You all saw that on television.
Number three guy says they don't want to capture him.
But now he's going to hit us!
He's going to hit us though!
He's going to hit us and we've got to take your freedoms!
I wanted to briefly talk about feminism before we go to Lee, Norm, Phil, Jason, Tony and others.
Because in the first little launch segment, a lot of stations don't carry it, but I start off right at the start of the hour, a little five minute segment.
I got into Desmond Tutu
uh... the archbishop uh... known communist down there in uh... south africa which is hell hole the earth and uh... this guy when he's not out supporting the murdering death squads down there that stalk and loot the country he came out and said that we need to have a global registration of all the children well the united nations four years ago at a population summit in australia called for a world id card
Two months ago, The Outgoing Ridge was in London, England, addressing their Parliament, and he sent me a global ID card, world standardized biometric ID card, and that's what this is about.
I've got an article here out of the Chicago Tribune today going, going, oh, people see cameras on the street corners as big brother, but cameras are good and they keep us safe from the drug dealers.
What they don't tell you is, the government ships the drugs in to begin with, and the bigger the drug war gets, the more drugs we have on our streets.
That's an admitted fact!
Triple the heroin, double the cocaine in the last ten years.
One million in prison, up to seven plus million in prison.
I mean, that's quite a growth level.
And you're going, what does this have to do with feminism?
Problem, reaction, solution.
It's just at every level.
Just like with the drugs, or education, or any of it.
The psychiatric system takes over, and we have more mentally ill people, more people on drugs, more funding, federalization of schooling, the test scores plummet, they put more money into it because they're actually getting what they paid for.
Dumbing you down.
We have the federal documents on that.
And it's the same thing with the millions of trafficked children and women a year.
We need global ID card and a way to mark these children so
We always know who they are.
And then you look at the country that does nothing about... They think in South Africa that if you rape a child, you get rid of AIDS.
You get rid of your HIV.
And so, child rape, I mean of babies, is in the tens of thousands per year.
They have the highest murder rate in the world now.
Nothing's done about that.
South Africa traffics masses of children out of the country.
In the Balkans, major U.S.
companies have been caught, like Dyncor and others.
200,000 women and children kidnapped in 2000 alone and shipped out around the world.
A million-two women are kidnapped out of Central Europe a year.
Folks, we're talking about millions!
This is unbelievable!
We're talking about numbers of slaves bigger than it ever was with black slaves out of Africa!
But you're not going to hear Jesse Jackson talk about that!
Louis Farrakhan isn't going to stand up for all these white women getting kidnapped, and being taken to Israel, and Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia, and a dozen other countries.
By the way, you think I'm joking?
Just type in, uh, white slavery Israel, you'll get Harots, Jerusalem Post.
And the reason I mention those is it's Israeli newspapers.
That's one of the top traffickers, uh, right there with them is Saudi Arabia.
Where George Bush Sr.
likes to vacation about a month out of the year.
My point is, all this is going on, and the very establishment behind all this is telling us global ID for the children, a global registration of the children, so we'll get into that.
And you go, what does that have to do with feminism?
Well, that leads me into this article.
China rewards one-child families.
United Press International.
China is experimenting with increased cash rewards for single-child families.
The official China Daily reported yesterday, the paper reported the results of a pilot program launched last April in 15 Chinese cities that gave cash rewards to rural couples who were willing to have only one boy or two daughters.
According to the new policy, each of the couples could get at least 600 yen or $72 every year when they are over 60 years old.
The policy provides reassurance to couples in rural areas who worry about their old age.
The paper said in 2004, 4,781 farmers in Chindal benefited from the program receiving rewards of 2.87 million yen or $350,000, it said.
And they say with the new success of the program, they're going to expand it into other cities and towns.
China is the model.
Not only does China reward its families for doing this, for engaging in basically cultural suicide,
But the U.N.
and America and the social architects and engineers reward them.
They get all the rewards.
They get all the U.N.
medals and funding for grabbing babies and grounding them and murdering people and torturing women who have more than one child.
And now you've got like, what, 35 million more men in China than you have women?
When in the natural order you have 49%
Men and 51% women.
That's not the exact numbers.
It's like 49.8% men and 50% something women.
Mammals, it's across the mammalian spectrum, there are always more females than men.
That's just a fact, by the way.
God engineered it that way.
The creatures that create more of the creatures, or vigor of the species, you're going to have more of those.
Ah, women.
What incredible, magical creatures.
But the globalists hate life.
They want to destroy it.
Hitler said, first you get the women, then you've got the children, so follow the men.
Women actually really run things.
Women are the center of the home.
Women are the fulcrum around which all life rotates and orbits.
And so fascistas and commies and all of them, on plantations.
The men were kept in one area, weren't allowed to read and write.
The women were brought in and made the overseers of the slaves.
And it's the same thing today with feminism.
Gloria Steinem, and I own the book, and one of her books, I don't remember the name of that, it's been years since I read it on air, but actually, a listener sent me the book.
One thing I heard Limbaugh actually tell the truth about about ten years ago was this.
He mentioned this, and it's true.
I mean, I own the book.
It was incredible.
She says, yes, I was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency to start Miss Magazine.
And they started it and challenged women.
Don't you be enslaved by that man.
You get out there and work.
And of course, all the time, the government, the documents now show, wanted to break up the families so the state could raise the children and make both parents work and get more taxes.
And so they did this.
And I'll finish up with this story, then we'll go to Lee, Norm, Phil, Jason, Tony, and others.
And just like Hitler targeted the women, so did the globalists.
And they've done a great job.
We are in total shambles.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I'm gonna go to your calls here in a second, but this is important.
Don't be emotional out there, women that are listening.
You know, the government pushes this woman named Gloria Steinem.
She's all over all the TV shows.
She tells you, your men have enslaved you.
They're keeping you as their slaves.
Get out there.
Don't have children.
Don't have a family.
You don't need a man.
Of course, she's gone off and gotten a family and a man.
You go out and be your own person.
Men are against you.
They're controlling you.
And now, look at our society.
You go to the hospital, you talk to these fertility doctors, they have just got masses of women, all these 40-year-old, 45-year-old women, who are just crying, I've gotta have a child, I want it!
Well yeah, you're designed to do that.
You're totally engineered.
We're all engineered.
And we're part of the same species.
We're a union.
Men and women, we're the same creatures, folks.
In fact, the human species is male and female.
We are a union.
We are one creature.
Do you understand that?
You understand that?
There is no separation, and they've tried to separate that.
We both have our roles.
But the government, and again, I mean, I have this Department of Education documents, Department of Health and Human Service documents, I've got Ram Corporation documents, we've got Carnegie documents, I mean, this stuff, some of this stuff is 80 years old.
It's the exact same stuff Hitler did.
First you get the women, then you've got the children, so follow the men.
80% of advertising targets women.
Because they know women make most of the decisions on purchases, do most of the buying.
I know my wife does.
And you're targeted.
And they target you and go, oh you're so smart, oh you're so good, oh your family's keeping you down, or don't have a family.
And then instead you're in corporate America and you get to go play golf now if you want to or whatever and you're totally unhappy.
And I'm not against a woman working or being an executive or whatever she wants to be.
The point is, do what you want to do.
And realize now that it's almost too late to get out of this system because they destroyed the economy so bad that both
Mother and father have to work, sometimes both of them, two jobs.
And that was the real goal all along.
Was to... And now they're talking about extending school up to 7, 8 o'clock at night.
Because we know how busy you are, parents.
And now Dr. Phil says that being a parent's a privilege and a state is really the parent over the children.
I mean, they're actually saying this!
That was the goal.
Get you away from your children, if you do have children, or encourage you not to have children, so the state can raise them.
And now you look at these yuppies, and you look at these hippies grown up, they don't take care of their parents on average, they just warehouse them in these nursing homes.
They're all for euthanasia.
It's totally self-centered.
And they've destroyed the fabric of society.
We've gone from what, about 15% illegitimacy 50 years ago?
to in some communities eighty percent uh... but illegitimacy total in the country's what like forty five percent now uh... seventy to eighty percent depending on what state you're in uh... of of of marriages in in in divorce this is all designed the engineered rebellion into the family dynamic i mean the past folks
Families, most families, healthy families on a farm, or a ranch, or in a city, they were tribal.
It was all about the family, and the husband and the wife stuck up for each other, and they were on a team, and their neighborhood was on a team, and you had this sense of tribe, and everybody was together, and it was strong, and people didn't trust the government, and people stuck up for each other.
Now you look at these families, they don't stick up for each other.
When you see a family that does, it's a beautiful thing.
I mean, there's nothing thicker than blood, folks.
There's nothing more important than blood.
Blood is everything.
And if you don't understand that blood is where it's at, that blood is a beautiful thing, that your family, your flesh, flesh of your flesh, is the center of everything, in God's plan, then you're blind.
The fancy Lexus cars and the big houses, these people are totally unhappy.
I'm not saying those things are bad, but they're way down the hierarchy of needs.
First comes family and friendship, and a mission in life.
And these people are totally unhappy, so they want more, more, more, more, more.
These women!
In Italy, and France, and Japan, they're not having babies, they're not getting married, and they're totally happy and full of themselves, until they hit about 35, and then they disintegrate.
They disintegrate.
They disintegrate.
And this has been the plan!
This has been the plan all along.
My God, women, don't be fooled by this.
And there's another side to that.
The government's destroyed the men as well.
The men are even worse!
Well, come back, take your calls, and I'll talk about men.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, just in closing, what the government scientifically, I mean they have handbooks on this, has done to the men, is in the past a man worked hard, treated his wife and children good, had a coat of honor, passed on the morals and the skills that he was taught by his fathers,
And today, a man struts around and talks about football and acts tough and watches NASCAR.
And sits in front of the television and teaches his son how to watch football games and maybe, if they're really manly, puts a George Bush bumper sticker on their car and goes deer hunting once a year.
That's what real men do today.
I'm telling you, looking at the younger people, a lot of them are really hard working and smart and great, but the majority, pale, sickly, video game playing, dope smoking, little weaklings, who go around acting like they're in 8th grade, giggling and gibbering.
Acting like monkeys.
And the sitcoms and the dramas, watch them.
I mean, back when I used to watch a lot of TV and I still read the synopsis of it and occasionally tune in anytime I see it, it's what I witness.
The male is always ridiculed by his children and his wife.
He's an idiot.
He's a screw-up.
He's dishonest.
It's kind of like the old painted-faced
You know, 1930s movies where it always shows the black male as stupid and an idiot.
The woman keeps him in line.
That was the same policies they had on the plantations.
There were Roman handbooks written 2,000 years ago when they would grab a bunch of German slaves or goth slaves, Gaul slaves, and there were handbooks on it, you know, when they'd bring the slaves in.
If they didn't just kill all the males outright down to age 12, they would have had certain ways of breaking them.
I really ought to talk about this and explain this to people.
It's the same systems that empires and elites learned thousands of years ago is more sophisticated, but what they do is you watch a sitcom or you watch any of these shows, whether it's the Simpsons or
Malcolm in the Middle, or any of this, or, you know, moving on up, any of these shows, the male is bad, the woman is good, the male is somebody who screws around and is an idiot.
It's just incredible.
And you watch this, and this is the role model.
You know, all these beach party movies and stuff that we see on a cyclical basis where the guy that gets all the girls is the person who can hardly talk.
Who acts like a fool, who gets in trouble with the police.
And that may work with 16, 17 year old girls who watch that and think that's what a man's supposed to act like.
But by the time women get to be about 20, that's not what they're really looking for.
But then all the young men, those are social creatures, have watched what so-called leader males do on the movies and on television and they think that's how you get the girls is acting like a fool.
And so the women see that and
They're not interested in it.
And so, it's just scientific to watch.
It is scientific.
In the 1700s, a sugar cane plantation owner took some of the Roman text
And put them back into a newer booklet or manuscript and it was widely sold in several languages, French, Spanish, Portuguese, English.
It was very popular in the South and it would explain how, and in the North at the time, bringing in the slaves,
Into the 1800s, how to bring in the slaves, the coffin ships, the black slaves, and you also had white slaves being brought in, but they were only slaves for seven years, but then they never really got off the farm.
It was called sharecropping later, but that's a whole other subject.
This is so important, though, from the sociological view to understand where we are today and the sciences of control.
And on average, about half the blacks would die coming in on the coffin ships.
And they would land at these slave ports, and they'd bring them in to an area, normally outdoors, they would chain them down, and then they would pick the biggest, strongest, most intelligent, obvious leader of the blacks out, the person, you know, who had the most cunning intelligence in his eyes, and beat the living daylights out of him, sometimes kill him,
Right in front of all the black women.
And they would, you know, have an interpreter there who would explain the infractions that this person engaged in.
Then they would start grabbing some of the black male children who were supposedly being bad and beat them with an inch of their life.
And then they tell the women, you've got to keep the men in line.
Or, we're going to have to beat or kill or hang more of your men.
And so the women, they would then take them at that point and make them the wardens.
And the women, believing they were protecting their males, would, quote, try to dominate them.
And then you end up with the image of the house slave, you know, the woman, you know, dressed nicely, running around, doing the bidding,
We've all seen those 1930s films, and people went to the 50s, going, you know, in that accent, chastising the black male who stoops down, you know, doesn't even walk erect.
He's been taught to bend over and beg to her, and she's got the rolling pin.
And let me tell you something, New World Order, that's wrong what you did to the black men of this country.
And it's wrong what you've done to all of our men, period, now today.
And the Gloria Steinem's and the rest of them with their CIA rolling pins can go right back to the hell holes where they came from.
Gloria Steinem admits she was a CIA officer carrying out a Carnegie Foundation operation to break down the family.
Now in her book she doesn't say that.
She says, oh yes, the CIA was for the goals of feminism.
So they funded Miss Magazine and I was an officer.
And look what you've done.
Look what you've turned us all, basically our young people, about 60-70% of them, into slaves.
And the men are these
Are these dumbed down, uh, gibbering fools, and the women are these, uh, are these unhappy, uh, little queens trying to keep us all in line.
The women are so upset, they're not fulfilled, they're not happy, so it makes them hate men even more!
Look, women, you're not going to be happy until you've got a real man!
You want a real man!
That's what you need!
And you want somebody who's strong!
And you want somebody to be the captain of the ship!
And if you've got a good relationship, that man will serve you at the very time that he's strong and you serve him.
So if you want to be happy, just puke up the poison you've been fed, sober up, dry out, stop trying to dominate men, and men, you need to start being men.
Alright, that's enough.
I promise I'll go to your calls.
I'm out of control today.
Lee in Mississippi.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Man, you're batting a thousand today.
Well, thank you.
How are you doing?
Pretty good.
I have a quick question.
I want you to clarify media law when it comes to articles or documents.
I understand that government documents, I mean, you can't get any more clear than that.
But media law is kind of vague when it comes to journalistic integrity.
And at what point do you draw the line, you know, as far as true, false,
Hidden agenda?
You know what I'm saying?
That is a very important and wide-reaching, overarching question, but... Let me boil it down like this.
Alex, you say the mainstream media lies, but you use their news.
So, I mean, is that what you're saying?
Well, yes and no.
I mean, I believe it because I understand the big picture.
I see how it all plugs in and how it's all pieces of the puzzle.
However, when you're talking to someone who's
I guess, who's plugged in, if you will.
They just have a hard time grasping this whole thing.
Show them articles.
They selectively don't believe media if they don't like what it's saying.
Let me explain this.
You've got thousands of government agents in TV, radio, and mainly print.
Because print feeds TV and radio.
And what they do is they mix disinfo with real news
And so you've got to learn to recognize those classes of news in the big context by reading hundreds of different newspapers around the world.
And then having the base context of the actual Pentagon reports and actual Department of Education reports and actual legislation.
By knowing the legislation,
By reading the Think Tank documents, you then know the big picture.
You then know what the actual program is.
Then you're able to look at news, look at individuals, see what quarter it comes from, see what basic spin and talking point arrangement it has, and then I put it into about four different groups.
You have pure propaganda, Pentagon Office of Strategic Influence.
You have articles like that.
Articles, you know, that you see come out from the Neocon publications saying Saddam does have weapons of mass destruction.
Okay, we know that's a lie.
Then you have other news like, we're putting up face scanning cameras in your town.
It's good for you.
Well, that's a real article.
You know, the cameras are going in.
They are face scanning.
They're saying it's good.
That's the spin.
We come in with a counter-spin and say, no, these are the reasons that these cameras aren't good.
Okay, so you have outright lying.
You then have SPIN and all its manifestations.
You then have good reporting that just reports the facts.
And those are the thousands of AP and Reuters articles and AFP articles that go on the news wires every day that never make it past the CIA editors.
Most of your major editors are CIA officers, that's admitted.
Major town papers.
Never make it past them.
Alright, well I'll ask this and then I'll be done.
How does that play in when, say, someone talks about Bush's family connections with Nazi funding?
Well, I have copies of the Library of Congress documents.
It's admitted.
And, uh, then you see Karl Rover, uh, the grandfather of Karl Rove, Nazi, uh, regional governor.
You see him supporting Arnold.
You see him calling at the homeland, putting the police in black uniforms.
Uh, you see the same M.O.
I mean, it's real, it's true.
Oh, totally.
I mean, I believe it.
But my point is, like, how do, say someone on the other side wants to sue them and say their sources, not maybe on that subject, for instance, but maybe a different subject.
That their sources are, I don't know, deep inside and they don't want to reveal their sources.
How does that come into lawsuits?
Can't reveal sources?
Well, again, it's not sources that can't be revealed on the Nazi stuff.
So, that doesn't fit into the equation.
I was just using that as an example, I'm sorry.
Yeah, no, but look, I mean, life is life.
Thanks for the call.
I mean, when you get in your car, that's the number one cause of death until you get 55 years of age, and it's cancer and heart attacks.
You know, I get in my car every day.
I mean, life is not perfect.
Life is not safe.
If you try to play life where it's going to be safe, that's the most dangerous course.
I mean, seriously.
Sitting there stagnant,
is not where I want to be.
Norm in Denver, Colorado.
Norm, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Norm hung up.
Okay, who's up next?
Phil in Colorado.
Go ahead.
That's all right.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead, sir.
I'm in Colorado Springs, so that's why I thought you'd be talking to me.
You're on the air now, sir.
That's okay.
How you doing?
Yeah, I've been listening to you for quite a while.
As a matter of fact, I talked to you before the war started.
Yes, sir.
A lot of the stuff that you say has, I mean, you're real careful at what you say, and I appreciate that.
I mean, I'm pretty sure most of your listeners do.
You don't really make stupid predictions like some people do.
But, um, I, um, you kind of jumped, kind of went on it a different way today.
Well, that's all right, son.
Whatever subject you want to raise, go ahead.
Oh, okay.
Um, well, I'm, it's kind of tied into what you're talking about.
Especially in the last couple of days about the police state and the national ID cards.
All those laws, the Patriot Act and stuff.
What do you think is the main trigger point for all that stuff?
When they nuke a major city or release a weaponized smallpox, it will begin.
And if we submit to it, it will end within 10 years with an 80% world population reduction.
The more liberty we give up, the more severe the terror attacks will get.
I mean, I'm not trying to say something scary.
From all the evidence, these people killed conservatively 100 million plus people last century, and they're warming up to make that look like tiddlywinks in this century.
So a lot of people that I'm around, they really don't suspect anything's going on.
They just think 9-1-1 was one thing, and they wait for the next thing to happen.
When they finally wake up, don't you think civil war is probable?
Absolutely, and that's why you see the police state being geared up everywhere.
The helicopters with the knockout gas waiting in hangars in every region of the country.
Declassified government documents two years ago.
Microwave guns on top of Humvees.
Soundwave cannons.
Police in black armored outfits.
Uh, y'all know they got horrible stuff planned for us.
So that's why they don't like the militia?
That's why they lie about them and demonize them.
So there's no... I mean, I guess information for the information is
The most important thing, because by then we probably won't have no weapons either.
And the globalists would have already carried out more terror attacks if we hadn't been fighting them.
We're having a lot of victories.
Look, they would already be in Iran and Syria if we hadn't been.
But look, the draft, the police state, all of it comes after the next massive terror attack.
They're going to get up on TV and say, see, we told you to give your rights up.
We could have protected you.
Now we're taking all of your freedoms.
Yeah, and they probably get a lot of their information straight before they set off or whatever they're going to do.
Because the World Trade Centers, their information is still all messed up and they still got through to make everybody believe that those towers collapsed.
I don't think they did.
I think they were demoed, like Tower 7.
But to me, it was an outstanding job by the government.
When the curtain came through and the actors came into play,
They have most of America's food.
And I'm sorry to say, when the news goes off in a major city, I have everybody's food.
What are you saying?
Were you part of an anti-terrorism drill?
Who, me?
In the military.
Yeah, well you were talking about actors.
Well, that's what it was.
That's exactly what it was.
People from the ground controlled the plane.
People from the... They set up the demo.
You know, I mean, those are government people.
I'm pretty sure it was military installations.
People that were part of military teams did that.
That's my belief.
I'm not saying that's what it is.
Well, Phil, excellent points.
Anything else?
No, that's good.
God bless you, my friend.
Call back again.
Tony, Tim, and others, your calls are straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
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Let's go ahead and talk to Tony in Arkansas.
You're on the air.
Yes, welcome.
Okay, hi Alex, an honor to talk to you.
I just wanted to, if I could, toss in a quick Bible verse.
It's Ezekiel 3, 17, and it says, I have appointed you a watchman over my people.
God was saying to Israel, and I kind of see you and Steve Coyle and many others as that, and I thank you for what you do.
We lift you up in prayer and do our best to support you.
Well, thank you for the prayer.
I just wanted to come alongside, in fact, Phil in Colorado just kind of really nailed it.
The announcement about the Bin Laden thing.
Steve Quayle last night was on coast to coast and he didn't go for the bait that this is some announcement of some kind.
He quoted Steve Aguinaldo as saying this is a psy-op.
They're getting ready for the big one.
I have friends both in the military and I called you once before about Las Vegas.
I fear it is a target.
These people are psychopaths but they're occultists.
You've pointed this out and I think you have.
There's a lot of reasons for optimism and a couple points I want to add.
You have pointed out there, we have forced all things.
I really believe they had planned to be well ahead of schedule.
And things with the election, us getting ahead of the loop on Bin Laden already being iced and other things.
It definitely works.
What people are doing is changing the outcome of events.
But as you were the one to blow up Bohemian Grove, these people are occultists.
And if I could just give one real quick
The Fast History Lesson.
Go back to 2003, and you go February 1st, we had the tragedy with the Spatial Columbia.
That is an occult holiday.
And it is known as Olmec or Candlemas, February 1st and the 2nd.
You follow it on, because the occult, it goes way, way back, thousands of years.
9-11, 3-11, they're all dates.
Absolutely, but they follow the occult holidays.
I mean, people in the Wiccan and other things, they honor the solstices.
And you come back and the next date that was critical to the culture was March 20th into 21st.
That's the day they launched the war in Iraq.
The next critical date in 2003 on the yearly calendar... And Mars was the closest to the Earth it had been in hundreds of years.
Thank you for pointing that out.
Absolutely right.
It is so important we pay attention to this in the weeks ahead because they're probably going to pull it and we need to pay attention to these dates.
And the next one was May 1st.
And May 1st ties into communism, but it goes way back to the occult first.
And that's the end of the April Solstice, and they call it Grand Climax.
And that's when Bush landed on the Abraham Lincoln as the sun was setting in the West, and declared, you know, Babylon is basically ours.
I'm sorry, are you coming to a break?
And for those that don't know, I mean, it's admitted mainstream news.
They really believe in this, this is really, I mean, skull and bones, bohemian robe, this is real!
Uh, great points.
Anything else?
Uh, yeah, I had one more statement to make.
Alright, stay there.
We're gonna start the second hour.
We'll let you finish up and then go to Tim and Rita and Don and others.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
We're now into hour number two on this Tuesday, the first day of March 2000.
And five.
Again, thank you so much for joining us.
Alright, in this hour, I want to continue with open phones.
I want to continue taking your phone calls.
Here in just a few days, we're going to have the anniversary
of the, the drug bombing on 3-11.
It was 911 days after 9-11.
Who knows what's going to happen?
I'm not predicting anything, but the last caller we were talking to was talking about the elite and all of the occult symbolism and occult dates they believe in.
And look, it's admitted that the Reagan White House was basically run by an astrologer, and that was in Time Magazine, the cover story.
Astrology in the White House.
But that's child's play compared to the stuff that goes on at Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove.
This is real.
And even if you don't believe in this stuff, don't believe it actually means anything, the elite do believe in it.
Finishing up what you were saying, Tony in Arkansas?
Thank you Alex very much.
Going back to the symbolism of those three events,
I sadly believe that the shuttle wasn't a tragedy.
It was some kind of, something from the HAARP project, a beam hit that craft.
Now that was in the San Francisco Chronicle, that it was photographed, some laser hitting it, and they came and confiscated the photos.
Isn't that awful?
Yeah, the poor guy, instead of getting it up on the net, God bless him, he turned it over to NASA, and you'll never see it again.
Clearly, a purplish or blue bolt hit that, and those seven souls were sacrificed.
You've already busted O'Bohemian Grove.
They really believe in this.
Like you said, the rest of us know we don't.
But they believe in this human sacrifice and cannot mistake it.
It was over Phoenix, going into Texas as all this happened, Palestine, Texas.
It was right on that craft.
But the name of the ship was Columbia.
What's the symbolism there?
Same thing with the towers coming down.
The old world order falling, and now they're building their so-called Freedom Tower, their new Tower of Babylon going up.
And the symbolism was Columbia's going down, all the old Columbia's going down in their mind.
And these people are just horrible, but those seven souls had to be sacrificed before they went and took ancient Babylon.
And we mustn't miss the significance of that.
And then Bush is, the sun is setting.
I mean, you can go all the way back to, you know, Death, I'm a death lover, uh, the stairway to heaven, where, but they'll call this, you know, the sun setting in the west is a significant time.
There was a time, go to Ezekiel,
Where they worshipped a god called Tammuz thousands of years ago, and it was set around these solstices, but the sun setting in the west was when they would weep for Tammuz, okay?
And again, you're talking about when Bush landed on the aircraft carrier on that special day.
Yep, on May 1st.
He could have announced it easily three to four weeks in advance.
Major operations were over.
They picked that day.
So why I point this out is,
They launched the war on the High Holy Day as well, when Mars was the closest to the Earth it had been in hundreds of years.
Yes, sir.
And so in the weeks to come, we need to pay attention to those dates and the 11th.
And for some reason, like you'd point out, the 11th, for some reason, these weirdos
That's a great question.
For the next few weeks, I really believe everybody should be optimistic.
America won't stand for it.
Look at what happened to the Patriot Act.
How many cities and counties said it's illegal?
I really believe there's already New Hampshire in the last few years, and South Carolina had people stand up and say... Well, the globalists do carry out a terror attack.
We've got to go, hey, we notice the border's wide open, but you're telling us we've all got curfews now.
No, we're not going to follow this.
It's a fraud.
We've got to reach as many people as we can of who's behind the terror, so if the Globalists carry it out, they won't get away with it.
Listen, I really do appreciate your call, my friend.
Take care.
When we get back, I'm going to go through some more news, then we'll go to Tim and Rita and Don and Tom and others, but I want to get into FDA OKs and other brain-stimulating implants for the masses.
Also, a global campaign to register old children.
We'll get into ACLU ex-detainees to sue Rumsfeld over torture.
Newsday reporting on the shame of Bush over torture.
Clinton says his wife Hillary would make an excellent first U.S.
female president.
Two Russian reporters challenge Bush.
So much more coming up.
Stay with us.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
ACLU ex-detainees to sue Rumsfeld over abuse.
The men represented in the lawsuit were incarcerated in the U.S.
detention facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Where they were subjected to torture and other cruel and degrading treatment including severe and repeated beatings, cutting with knives, sexual humiliation and assault, mock executions, death threats, restraint in contorted and excruciating positions.
And the Pentagon admits people were beaten to death.
Just random individuals picked up people they've now released and even admitted that they're innocent.
People go, well, in a war, bad things happen.
Well, then it was okay when the North Vietnamese tortured our soldiers, beat them, cut them, would tie their knees up underneath them, and then, you know, make them sit in that position for 24 hours.
Some of the worst forms of torture out there.
And it gets excruciating.
Hanging people by their arms for days.
People have died because you suffocate.
You can't breathe.
It's really like a form of crucifixion because
That's what kills you is suffocation.
Human rights lawyers will file a lawsuit in federal court on Tuesday against Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on behalf of eight men who they say were tortured by U.S.
forces in custody in Iraq and Afghanistan, as far as I'm familiar with the case set.
And you watch, there's hundreds of other cases that have been introduced along similar lines.
The ACLU will go and lose this case on purpose and create bad case law.
It's like the NRA goes into these cases and loses them on purpose to create bad case law.
We've caught them doing it.
ACLU, yep, keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.
And then Newsday is saying the shame on Bush for rights violations.
Well, Alberto Gonzales says Bush is the law, so he is the arbiter of all that is moral.
He speaks from the throne.
An American citizen jailed and maybe tortured, maybe, they admit he's tortured, in Saudi Arabia for 20 months, possibly at the behest of U.S.
government, is the latest outrage in a litany of detention excesses in the war on terror.
Oh, it's just an excess.
The list of shame includes ghost detainees kept off the books by the CIA, captives abused in U.S.-run prisons abroad and prisons designated enemy combatants and
Denied basic due process.
President George W. Bush, to show more respect for the Constitution, ceding the moral high ground on rights will do little to help the war, effort, and much to destroy the nation's standing as a champion of freedom.
Well, that's the point.
Ahmed Omar Abu Ali was arrested June 11, 2003 while taking a final exam at the Islamic University in Medina in Saudi Arabia.
Although charged with no crime there, he was held for 20 months.
His family sued in federal court seeking his return.
The United States, according to the evidence they presented, Abu Ali was held at the behest of U.S.
government and tortured by his captors.
Rather than contest the astounding allegation, the government argued that the U.S.
courts had no jurisdiction.
They had sent C.I.A.
flights of American citizens out of the U.S.
to Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the C.I.A.
section chief, the same one that met with Bin Laden in July of 2001, in November, told the Washington Post, oh yeah,
We're flying people to third-party countries to torture them and their children.
Oh, we just torture people's children.
And why does all this torture, again, have sexual abuse attached to it?
Because they're a bunch of perverts, people.
All serial killers, all psychopaths, always engage in this sexual perverse behavior.
It's the M.O.
You know, a duck quacks and wobbles and swims and the psychopaths are sexual perverts!
Of the most brutal type!
And they hire these former federal prison guards and fly them over there and they got private CIA contractors and they like it!
They like it a lot!
You know, they ought to star in Silence of the Lambs!
Ever seen that first Silence of the Lambs?
How the psychopath likes to
Likes to call the people that's got captured it's.
It rubs the lotion on it's skin!
If you haven't seen it, you won't get it.
But reading real criminology, they never see us as humans.
And they don't like to be personalized.
They'll get real angry.
These are human beings you're torturing.
No, no.
Predominantly, they're totally innocent.
Your own army reports show you're a bunch of scum.
It's not okay.
It's not cool.
You disgrace America.
Your bosses carried 9-11 out.
I mean, I'll never remember... I mean, I'll never forget one of the little torture masters who
He went into court a few months ago and got a slap on the wrist.
And he leaned forward to the news cameras with his black beret and said, Now we're going to find out if I'm the monster everybody says I am.
With his eyes just bugging out of his head.
Just openly psychopathic.
Can't even control himself in front of news cameras.
And he marches in and they go slap, slap on the wrist.
Posing over people they'd beaten to death and they'd ship the bodies out on ice to have their organs taken.
By the way, I found in the foreign press all the photos of the bodies when they're given back to their families, cut open with all their organs out.
It's admitted they... Body Snatchers, folks!
Body Snatchers!
This is so sick!
Imagine a science fiction horror movie where an evil military takes over your country.
Starts killing and torturing you and gutting you, gutting you like hogs.
Oh, but it's the new freedom!
It's like before psychological testing.
They're now trying to implement it for every American.
What does that have to do with terrorism?
Nothing, it's just all sick.
Two Russian reporters challenge Bush, two more now, incensed by U.S.
talk of lack of press freedom, Russia,
Two Russian reporters tried to turn the tables on U.S.
President George W. Bush during his news conference with President Vladimir Putin, his KGB counterpart.
After Bush said he had raised concerns about Russia's democracy in Thursday's talks with Putin and felt reassured, he suddenly found himself on the defensive.
Folks, so we have Bush
And this is how they play the false paradigm.
They give you a choice.
It's like you're in America.
You have the Democratic choice or the Republican choice.
And over there, Putin gets to point at our tyranny and then legitimize his tyranny.
Bush gets to point at Putin's tyranny and legitimize his tyranny.
And reporters go, well, wait a minute.
You're torturing people in your country.
Well, wait a minute.
You're having secret arrests and arresting protesters.
And jailing reporters because they won't give up their sources on government corruption probes.
And then Bush goes, aw shucks, I guess you're right.
And then Bush gets to act like he's fighting with Putin, you know, standing up for liberty!
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
It's amazing.
Tim in Ohio, you're on the air, welcome.
In the front of the scenes, they're all against each other, but in the background, they're mates.
They're all getting along.
Do you know what Bush's nickname for Putin is?
I thought it was Pootie, wasn't it?
Yeah, Pootie Poot.
I mean, that's the Associated Press.
Guess what his nickname for Karl Rove is?
Oh, that's a hard one.
I don't know.
Well, I can't say it on the air.
Oh, darn.
Well, I guess it's not... I'll leave that up to you.
It's your show.
The point is, everyone has a name of excrement.
No, everyone has a feces name.
It's all part of freedom, but it's all part of a pure heart and soul.
Go ahead.
I wanted to talk a little, if we could, about the National ID and the driver's license.
Have they written anything into there?
And I think I've come up with a good way to resist this.
I took a nickel, and I turned my driver's license over, and I scraped that black stripe off of my license.
What's going to happen to me when they try to swipe it?
Is there a law?
This is what's happening.
That's like putting white face on.
Let's say Rosa Parks wants to ride the bus.
They say to her, hey lady, you've been riding in the back your whole life, shut up.
And then she gets arrested.
People say, oh, she lost.
No, she didn't.
It's like when I got arrested refusing the thumb scan.
People said, aha, you got thumbprinted anyways.
It wasn't about me individually getting around it.
It was about exposing the fraud of the biometric system itself.
And so it'd be like, and I'm not saying you're bad for doing this, but scratching off the back of your license would be like Rosa Parks putting white face on and trying to ride the bus.
It doesn't address the overall evil or the overall unfairness.
We have to fight the system itself
And I'm all for at the microscopic level, dealing with it like you've done.
Yeah, good luck scanning that.
But yeah, you know, in the future with the new national sales tax, they'll just say sorry, and then at first they'll have to hand-enter the code, and then they'll complain, and then at a future date, well, now all the licenses are going to have a chip in them, Visa in two years, it's all going to have chips, it's going to be RFID, and they'll still just type in your number.
They'll just type the number in.
Now what about people using UCC 1-207 without prejudice underneath their signature?
Well, you know, all of that does reserve your rights in the legalese, but the globalists don't even follow their own laws, so really all of that is window dressing.
One more thing real quick.
On your website, would it be possible to put, like, a forum or a billboard where people in all the different states can contact each other to try to get together, or is that something you thought about or didn't do?
You know, I've done that before, and it just turns into a gossip column and an infiltration point.
Sorry about that.
We don't want to do that then.
And I encourage everybody to research Erie vs. Tompkins 1938.
A lot of good information.
Just type Erie vs. Tompkins 1938 into a search engine.
And you will not believe the things that come up.
Alex, thank you.
We all love you.
And give me a little wee bitty eye before we go.
I don't know what that means.
Oh, you're talking about... What movie is that?
It's one of Mike Myers' movies.
I forget.
It's before Dr. Evil.
I just remember you do it on Coaster.
Colonel Sanders with his wee-wee eyes!
Take care, Alex.
Alright, take care.
That's right.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, we talk about how Europe and the U.S.
are really on the same globalist team, how Russia is involved in the same system, how Bush and Kerry are cousins and basically have like a fake wrestling match in last year's 0-4 election.
Here's a great illustration of this.
It's out of the Financial Times of London.
Wolfowitz on shortlist for World Bank top post.
Paul Wolfowitz, U.S.
Deputy Secretary of Defense, and architect of the war, one of the chief architects, has emerged as a leading candidate to replace James Wolfdenson.
So I guess your name's gotta have Wolf on it.
As the president of the World Bank, Mr. Wolfowitz is one of a smaller number of people being considered for the U.S.
nomination, Administration Insider said.
The nomination of Mr. Wolfowitz, one of the chief architects of the Iraq war, and a former U.S.
ambassador to Indonesia would likely be highly controversial and could raise new questions about the process by which the World Bank chief is selected.
One administration official said his nomination would have enormous repercussions within the development community.
Now, Joseph Stiklitz, the chief economist for the World Bank, three years ago
went public and released thousands of pages of documents where the World Bank actually in consultation with the IMF.
We have articles about these documents, some of these documents, BBC News articles, we had Greg Pallast on, that's all in a section on InfoWars.com.
Where they said it's about a worldwide police state.
We want the economy to be so bad people riot the third world, tear everything up, and then we can buy everything up for pennies on the dollar that we already don't own.
We've got to buy up all the water, all the oil, first get the countries that signed over to us so we basically get it for free, then turn it off and destroy their economies.
Now I've got IMF documents that were
Written up by the CIA with Henry Kissinger's name on them from 1973.
These are public.
These were declassified in 1992.
And there's hundreds of pages of them, written by Dr. Henry Kissinger, and the World Bank implemented this, saying to the most five populous third world countries, forcibly sterilize half your women or you get no money.
India went around grabbing women by the millions, took them in, sterilized them, Peru did it,
A bunch of other countries did it to get this money.
Nigeria... China... I mean, this is genocide, people!
This is just total evil!
Total corruption!
And... It just shows that it's all run by the same crew.
I mean, Europe and the French act like they're mad.
That was all staged.
It's all staged!
What a nightmare!
What a monster!
Let's talk to Rita in Chicago.
Thanks for holding, Rita.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I think that this is one of those calls where I disagree with you, but, you know, in a good way.
Okay, go ahead.
Okay, Dr. Phil is right.
I think that the state does own your children.
What, do you think that's a good thing?
Oh, absolutely not.
But the reason I'm saying that is that, I don't know, have you ever heard of that Wild Bill Mauldin?
He was a guest several times, well, a couple times that I know of, at least, on Dave & Joyce.
And he says that if you, I have a cold, excuse me, he says that if you register your child at the hospital, he says leave your kid at John Doe until you get him home.
He says that also, if you get married, don't register with the state, don't give it to the
Don't let the priest register it.
He says, rip up that state marriage license.
Well, you're right that they claim more rights and those are contracts.
But even if you don't do those things, they still claim ownership.
And they do not have ownership.
The state does not own us.
They can claim all day they do.
I agree.
Let me finish, just for a second.
They can claim that black people are slaves again, as I always say.
They can claim that women don't have a right to vote.
They can claim that Bush is above the law and is allowed to torture people to death.
As Gonzales said, but that doesn't make it the case, but you're right.
Marriage licenses started for blacks if they wanted to be able to be married.
They had to get a license from the government and then it extended out to everybody else.
Since when does the state get a blood test?
You have to get a license from them.
Go ahead.
Okay, and the other, I was just wondering if maybe you could get Wild Bill Maldonado.
He was a former test sergeant in the Air Force, or if you've even heard of him.
No, I haven't.
He's been a guest on Dave & Joyce, if you get a chance to talk to Dave & Joyce.
The other thing is, is that, did you hear that Putin's going to pay off his entire IMF external debt?
Yes, I heard that.
Yeah, and while we go into that.
And, uh, the other thing that, uh, one more last thing, is in 1980, um, there was a, I remember reading in the Chicago Tribune about Bush Sr.
When he ran against Reagan, his platform was basically the Patriot Act.
Stay there!
Yeah, stay there!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, my friends, we're back live.
Thank you for joining us.
We're going to go back to your calls.
In fact, here in just a moment.
Then, coming up, I want to get more into China's now rewarding people who only have one child because it's not working going around killing people's children or putting them in prison and torturing them.
I also wanted to talk about the FDA okaying another brain-stimulating implant for the masses.
But let's go back to Rita in Chicago.
Rita, go ahead and finish up.
Yeah, Alex, I don't know how it's possible to find it, but I recall back in 1981, I was reading the Chicago Tribune on the day before I was going to work, when Bush ran against Reagan for the nomination.
And there were things in there.
I was like, wow, this guy's really nuts.
Like, how dare him?
Who's going to vote for him?
Sometimes there were things in there like, if you commit any crime,
You lose your license, you lose all your government benefits, you lose your citizenship and stuff, and I'm like, this guy's nuts!
You know?
And I've searched the net up and down, and even when I got better at searching, I still can't find, you know, like, a way to get... Yeah, you've gotta go to the microfilm, the microfiche at the library.
If they still even have that on there.
Oh yeah, they have it.
I mean, they have stuff before about 96.
Alright, and one last thing, and thank you for keeping me this long, is that you say that, I recall you saying that LaRouche does good research, but his solutions are no good, right?
Now, I was just explaining the Hegelian dialectic to a friend of mine, and I put in the Mooney Cult, because he's young, and I put in Mooney Cult, and the first thing that came up was EIR, Executive Intelligence Report, about Moon, that he was a British asset, and that he was synthesized from this
uh... torture by the north koreans and stuff like that and uh... that that mark and hitler uh... were also these these loonies but it was actually a british intelligence plot which is uh... joan beyond says that all these british commonwealth stuff i don't know if you recall her last report no it's it's it's true it's true no i mean i mean they they picked hitler because he was a psychopath gave him power gave him weapons set him up controlled the whole thing
So, okay, so that is reliable then?
And, uh, yeah, and if they lie, you know, the one last thing, I keep saying that, but one last thing, Sunday I was looking at Meet the Press, and they had Tim Russert, and he was gushing with William Safire and this Dowd woman, the New York Times columnist, and they were gushing saying, well, yeah, Bush lied about it, he should have told the truth about going into Iraq and stuff.
But it really turned out very wonderful and stuff, and Tim Rosser was just gushing in his pants and stuff.
The thing is, if anybody could just take that and say, you know, if they will lie about this WMD crap, then they will just... And then tell you they lied.
Listen, thanks for the call.
Let me comment on what you mentioned earlier.
Ronald Reagan hated George Herbert Walker Bush.
They ran against each other, had a vicious campaign.
I have the news articles where Reagan
He said that George Bush wanted to create world government, that he wanted a police state, that he was members of the Trilateral Commission and the CFR.
Reagan actually used that against Bush, and then Reagan was told he was going to have another VP running mate that he was going to announce at the convention.
And he was told, look, you will not be president.
This is on the record.
We've had the eyewitnesses on the show, and it's been in the news.
You will not be president.
If you do not put George Herbert Walker on the ticket with you.
The former CIA director.
The good man.
The good man.
The Christian man.
And, uh, you know, Reagan was a member of Bohemian Grove, too.
But Nixon said he hated it, but he had to go there.
So was Nixon.
For political power.
And I'm not defending Richard Milhouse Nixon, who it's admitted wanted to bomb different political events and blame it on his enemies.
That's public.
I mean, these guys just don't change, but they get worse and worse, and they're getting away with it now, at least for the time being, and it is serious.
But let's take another call.
Let's talk to Tom in Tennessee.
Tom, go ahead.
Welcome, Tom.
You're on the air, sir.
Okay, we'll go to Don in Tennessee.
Don, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Real quick, Alex.
Yesterday, here in East Tennessee, in Knoxville, Tennessee, on WBIR-TV, Channel 10, they were showing illegals up here, the Mexicans that are up here, receiving driving certificates.
And they were interviewing these people, and these people were saying they were here illegally,
And they said here in East Tennessee alone they have approximately 16,000 now that are applying for these driving certificates.
They're not licensed.
Well, that's because they passed that December 17th out of the Senate.
And they say Tennessee is the first state to initiate this in the union and that there would be approximately, well, the others will be following suit shortly.
Well, let me just say this for people that just tuned in.
They told the neocons, I heard like five of their shows, they got on radio and they said, call Congress, tell them to pass this.
It's not a national ID card, it's standardization, it's going to stop the illegals.
And we had Ron Paul on, we had his office on as well.
We had two different members of his office on, we had the congressman on.
He put out the reports, it's actually in there to give them all driver's licenses to make them all legal, it is amnesty.
But the neocons lied, just like they lied about WMD.
And so you're saying on your local news, they just said, oh, here's the new plan, they're issuing driver certificates, huh?
And they were interviewing them right there on television.
I mean, the people are saying, yeah, they're here illegally, but they want to get this driving certificate so they can drive.
And they admitted that under the new law, Tennessee's implementing it.
I've got to get a copy of that.
It's WBIR-TV, channel 10 in Knoxville, Tennessee.
I guess you can do a web search on their 6 o'clock news from yesterday.
Yeah, I bet you can go find that story from yesterday's news and if you email it to tips and info wars dot com or go to prison planet dot com, it says email webmaster.
That's Paul's email.
Email it to both.
We'll post it.
I'll probably forget by the time I get back to the other office.
But yeah, I mean, that's what
This new expansion of the National ID Card that passed the House two weeks ago that's now in the Senate, it gives them even more amnesty!
And says the Feds have unlimited powers, can nullify any law, it says microchips in them, not just face scan and thumb scan that was in the last bill, it says you'll have to have it to have a job, it'll be a Pan-American Union ID Card given to Canadians and Mexicans,
And Ron Paul's new article is, National ID Card Law, Trojan Horse, and he mentions again, so all they've got to do is say the word immigration, actually opens the borders up, and these poor so-called conservatives tune in to the neocon liars, and that's why we're losing this country.
I mean, they actually get on the radio and say, this stops illegals.
Oh, by the way, Larry Pratt's on record.
It also will start registering all gun owners through this system.
So, sounds good, doesn't it?
Yeah, really.
Well, this is all I had for you, Alex.
I just couldn't believe that they were actually showing this right there.
You can sit there in your living room and watch this.
Well, that's how we stop illegals, is we make them all legals.
We stop, we fix the illegal immigration problem by making it all legal, and we tell you that it stops illegals.
And the average person who listens to Neocons will tell you you're a liar, they don't care, they can see that newscast and say, yes, this stops them.
And you'll go, but it makes them legal.
Well, that stops them, yes it does.
But we've got to give up all our rights to stop Al Qaeda.
Well, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
And I got the callers out of order.
Because I'm down here in Austin, Texas.
They're up in Minnesota.
And they tell me who the callers are.
And I got my list out of order here.
Who should I go to next?
Jason in Maryland.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Mr. Jones, I called you yesterday and spoke with you briefly.
I don't think that I gave it due attention.
about perhaps taking the incredible information and knowledge that you've amassed and touching a brand new segment or portion of the public through comparing what you know with the books of Daniel and Revelation.
And there's a fellow who is named Gary Stearman from Prophecy in the News.
I don't know if you've heard of him, but he is pretty much the premier... Is he like Hal Lindsey that tells us the war is good and the Patriot Act is good?
No, sir.
No, he is not.
He is of the truth, he is a true Christian, and he has done articles in his news, I mean in his magazine,
about some of the things that you speak about but uh... not to any not that not even close to the extent that you uh... understand these things and i think that it will look at me let's get something straight i don't have any advanced knowledge i don't read the bill that says it gives illegal aliens amnesty i watch on tv and on the radio as they tell us it stops illegal aliens and then i sit here and try to warn people with my little voice and the neo-conscious giggle
Well, the thing is that everybody that I... all the Christians that I speak with, and I try to tell them about... Well, that's because Applied Digital went on 700 Club and said it's not the mark of the beast, and the head of the 700 Club said, ah, yes, I agree with you.
Tips are good!
I understand, but everybody thinks I'm a kook when I try to tell them that you got the skinny on what's going on.
I mean, the Antichrist isn't just going to pop up his head someday.
There has to be a seed planted and then it takes root and you water it.
Everybody thinks you're a kook.
I mean, you know, it's funny.
One caller calls and says everybody they talk to listens and is waking up.
But then, other callers say most people are waking up.
And then other callers, like you say, you talk to people and no one listens to you.
Well, the thing is that I can't even, if I could just get these people to listen and tune in to your radio... Hold on, hold on, you're trying to talk... What are you?
You're about 23?
You're 34?
I'm 34.
Okay, okay.
I mean, a lot of times if somebody's younger, family and neighbors won't listen to them.
Are you at your church talking to a bunch of people that just eat meat and retreat?
That's about it.
You pretty much hit it.
Or meat, eat and retreat.
Well, I mean, just forget it.
They're dead.
Let the dead bury the dead, okay?
I don't believe that.
I believe that if they could listen to you... Look, look.
Look, I'm telling you.
Most of you, most evil people you're going to find are these little self-satisfied churchgoers, okay?
And the people that like to stand up and pray in public and tell you how pious they are, they don't care.
They love torture.
They love the New World Order.
They're going to worship the devil.
They're going to worship the Antichrist and call him Jesus.
Listen, they've been given over to delusion.
You can't help them.
You're not going to help them.
They're going to take the mark.
They love it.
And they're always going to love it.
They love the lie.
They're of their father.
And I wouldn't waste your time.
Look, so many people are waking up right now that I would just move on.
Do not argue with them.
Do not spend time on them.
Just, you're done.
People call you names.
Move on.
Pearls before swine.
Move on.
If somebody can't feel the palpable evil, you can't smell it,
The stench of death.
If you can't see it all around you, you are already gone.
But sir, it was only two months ago when I got laid off that I thought George Bush was a good man.
And then I started listening to you.
Yeah, but you woke up.
Yes sir.
You see, you're saying you try to talk to them, they don't want to wake up.
And I'm not saying all of them won't wake up.
I'm just saying don't waste your time and be in communion with people that make fun of you.
Yes, sir.
I mean, just fine!
Let them have what they want!
Let them have the New World Order!
They want it?
Take it!
Serve it!
Uh, go to another church, if you believe me, you can find lots of churches that know about this stuff.
These are my family and friends.
Well, see, listen, a salesman will tell you, the hardest people to sell are family and friends.
Knocking on strangers' doors, you'll get a bigger response.
Because people think family and friends, when you tell family and friends something, for some reason nowadays, they think you're trying to one-up them.
They think you're showing off.
You're exactly right.
Oh, they told you that?
Well, you can hear it in their voice.
Just move on, man.
Those people have got demons crawling all over them.
Thanks for the call.
I mean, really, I'm sorry to have to say it.
They'll wake up later.
Fine, give them a video.
Number one, don't try to sit there if you're two months into waking up.
And go after hard cases.
Now, I could corner one of your family members in a room and make them start crying, okay?
But the point is, and that might have some effect on them, if I got over them like a drill sergeant and started screaming at them, What do you think is going to happen to this society when the next terror attack takes place?
Let me go over the evidence with you!
That confidence would move them.
But the point is, don't waste your time.
You need to grow yourself, learn about the New World Order yourself.
You need to have more confidence before you go out and start, because frankly, you didn't sound very confident to me.
And I'm not saying that's bad.
I mean, 12 years ago, I wasn't confident.
I was just learning and waking up.
And then, you know, 10 years ago, getting on the air.
But people will follow leaders.
So you can have the truth, but if you don't have poise when you deliver it, people aren't going to listen.
That's why they put them in $5,000 suits and $300 silk ties, and they read off a teleprompter,
Peter Jennings will read the teleprompter and say, for 50 years, 47 to be precise, NORAD's been, and he'll leak when he says it, to be precise,
It's all scripted, but just that little, for 50 years, 47 to be precise.
I was watching a clip of it the other day.
Saying that, adding to be precise.
See, people want that precision.
It's a fake precision.
People like, you know, Jennings.
He's reading off a teleprompter.
But it's all about looking you right in the eyes.
This leadership model male with the big chin and the
You know, properly medium-sized eyes, with the aquiline nose, with the properly quaffed hair, looking at you with the shoulders just right at a certain angle, shifting them slightly as he talks, no hand movement.
And they go to school for that, they train, they hone, they do all this and that's why they're so convincing.
So, I just
Forget the maneuvers, I go straight at them.
I just use the brute force, brute information, battering, beating people over the head with it.
And I've found that's very effective.
Some people tell you, oh, you've got to start people slow on this stuff.
You've got to, no, we don't have time for that.
That is not the most effective tactic.
The most effective tactic is being confident, knowing your source material, knowing you're in the right,
Cloaking yourself in the feeling of you're defending people, you're warning the tribe.
You literally have to invoke that instinctive drive in people.
We have the Redcoats are coming!
To arms!
To arms!
That's my tactic.
I ring the alarm bell.
I scream from the watchtower that the enemy horde is approaching.
But if you just try to walk to people and go, listen, you've got to know that George Bush is a devil worshipper, the mark of the beast is upon us.
Number one, they don't want to believe that.
They don't want to be scared.
They don't want to think that's going to happen.
They've got the cop out to where they don't have to worry about it.
And even if you're an atheist out there, all these tracking and monitoring systems and control systems, they're being used for bad purposes.
And all of us should be concerned about it.
I don't want to hear it.
I don't want to hear people are calling you a coup.
All I have is people waking up.
I've done 2,000 radio interviews, and no one calls in to disagree now.
I mean, we're winning.
We're smashing the enemy.
It's because you found some fools who don't care.
You move on.
Let the dead bury the dead.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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I'll give them that number, 888-253-3139.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
And look, I'm not trying to be harsh, but we got a government
That openly says they're going to forcibly, psychologically test every American child up to 18, then starting with pregnant women.
We've got a government that's been caught taking our troops and putting them in a chamber and spraying nerve gas on them and killing them, murdering them, and the government says, yeah, we're allowed to do that.
In the U.S.
Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, Paragraph B.
We've got a government that is run by psychopathic criminals.
And our founding fathers said it's our right, our duty, to stand up against that.
We're not slaves of the government.
The government isn't the arbiter of everything and it isn't God, as our new Attorney General says it is.
He actually says it.
And I'm not putting up with it anymore.
I'm not going along with it.
And these people that are living in la-la land,
You know, I was quoting Jesus Christ when I said, pearls before swine, and let the dead bury the dead.
I mean, I'm not, you know, calling your family pigs, and I'm not calling them, you know, the dead.
I mean, those are all figuratively, you know, spoken.
Uh, but, you know, somebody, I mean, I'll be walking through a parking lot every once in a while, somebody will ride by on a motorcycle, and there's some rich yuppie, and go, oh, it's Mr. Black Helicopter!
Or I'll be in a grocery store, and they'll walk by and go, we don't like you.
It's always, you know, some person who thinks they're a member of the elite, but, when I'm in a 7-Eleven, it's cops walking over, oh, Mr. Jones, how you doing?
You know, it's some high-ranking officer, or, you know, number three, or number four, I don't want to give the actual number, and the state police, look, Mr. Jones, we know what's going on, and we're not going to put up with it.
But no, it's always some, had it easy their whole life, knows nothing about the world, you know, just some pampered twit.
And you know what?
In the past, I'd turn and argue with them, but they'd just say something rude and scurry off.
Now, I just, I do not hear you, I do not hear you, I just keep going.
Because I got really wonderful, decent people who are almost crying, shaking my hand in stores and businesses and on the street, and old women, black men, cops,
Firemen, doctors, professors.
And you know, I don't have time to sit and talk to them.
And you know, they've got love in their eyes, and concern, and you can see the fire of truth in their eyes.
And I don't have time to stare at little beady-eyed pigs in the face!
So you want to be stupid?
You want to ignore what's happening?
Some of you out there?
We've tried to warn you!
And the blood of the innocents is on your hands.
Because it's people like you that are bringing this worldwide Antichrist system to fruition, and that's exactly what it is.
Even if you don't believe in God, folks, which I do, and I think you're foolish if you don't, even if you don't believe in God, the globalists do.
And they believe they're building that system.
You understand that?
They're psychopaths who believe they're building that system.
They're using it as a model, as a template.
That's their big delusion that, oh God, Billy isn't real.
The devil's real and we're building this system.
And, uh, you know, we're just using this system.
See, they don't even think that it's real, even as they build the system.
It's... I'm almost out of time.
There's so much news in the third hour.
I'm going to cover news for about 15-20 minutes in the next hour, then I'll go to Tom and
Marlene and all others, Umar and Jerry, everybody else.
Before I end this hour, I'll just come back and take calls in the first little segment and we'll come back and cover news.
Before I end this hour and the last 50 seconds, I've made 11 films.
The 12th film is coming out Thursday.
You can order it via InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
All my other films, a lot of big specials going on right now as well.
I'm going to have taken off the website.
The special is in on Thursday when this new film comes out.
So if you want to get some of my films for $5.95, take advantage of that right now at InfoWars.com.
All the specials are call toll free.
And the first place the video's going Thursday before anybody gets a hard copy is PrisonPlanet.tv for all our members.
So go sign up, 15 cents a day.
PrisonPlanet.tv to see Martial Law 9-1-1 Rise of the Police State by Preeminent Work.
My crowning achievement.
Glory to God.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, into our number three.
I'm going to get into
FDA OK's another brain-stimulating implant for the masses.
Desmond Tutu's planned for a world ID number for all our children to keep them safe.
Clinton's saying that his twit wife would make an excellent first female president.
It's going to be her against Arnold.
The conservatives will go, anything but Hillary, I'm voting for the crowd.
ACLU, ex detainees to sue Rumsfeld over abuse.
And there's just so much more.
I will be going over all of it.
Right now, let's go back to your calls.
Tom in Tennessee!
Welcome, sir.
Can you hear me okay?
Yes, I can.
I just want to say hi to your fans in CrossFit Arkansas, namely Diane.
A shout out to Diane, then.
What else is going on?
I heard you discount somebody last week.
And say, oh, that's not true about them giving troops that suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome ecstasy.
And it's true, man.
I didn't say it wasn't true.
I said I find it hard to believe.
It's hard to believe.
It is hard to believe, man.
But they are doing that.
Well, he said it was on Dallas TV, and I'm sure he sent me the email.
I never saw it, and I'd like to post that.
This is from Reuters.
I am especially proud to be able to announce a new MAPS project that has not previously been mentioned in the MAPS newsletter.
That's the root ingredient of ecstasy, and they're going to use that for post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Well, I'll tell you what.
Email that to me, and I'll get it posted.
Yeah, I figure you should.
I can personally testify to that, because I'm a former trooper from World War I.
Well in World War II, in World War II you did 22 missions in the plains.
You never served more than 11 months in combat on the ground.
Now they've had National Guard who aren't even career soldiers there for two years and they're going to extend it for four with one month of leave a year.
I mean nobody can, I mean one out of a thousand can handle that.
It's great.
So you were a trooper in Gulf War I, what did they push on you?
I actually had a
Um, an elite job.
I was a loadmaster on a C-130, so they didn't push too much on me, but my brothers over there that were, you know, rifle carriers, you know, they, they, they're just guinea pigs.
Just guinea pigs.
And they were giving them drugs?
Oh, yeah.
Well, they admit they hand out the pep pills to the troops, which are pure methamphetamine.
Pure... Absolutely.
Keep them awake.
High grade speed.
Look, that's how Elvis got on speed.
Keep them awake.
Well, the Army...
He was such a nice guy.
He volunteered, folks.
He was such a nice guy that they had him literally doing two or three shows a day sometimes for PR in Germany and in Europe.
And they ordered him.
They said, look, take these.
He's like, man, I can't keep doing this.
And they killed Elvis, folks.
Decades later, you know, he's injecting all that stuff.
I mean, they ordered Elvis Presley on that stuff.
Well, nowadays, just imagine, like I said, Alex, the ecstasy thing is, I've done ecstasy as a rebellious child, and, you know, it makes you feel good, it makes you feel, you know, like you love everybody.
It causes brain bleeding.
Yeah, absolutely.
It causes death.
It'll kill you if you misuse it, but they're gonna prescribe this to veterans coming back.
But then, stop!
Then they'll get addicted, and when they're caught with it in their car, the cop will take them to jail.
Great points, my friend.
God bless.
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Big Brother.
Government Cover-Ups.
Mainstream Media.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Now eight minutes, thirty seconds into the third hour of worldwide transmission.
The last segment I was talking to a caller who was mentioning a Reuters article about the government
Giving ecstasy to troops returning home on leave because of all their depression and stress.
I know for a fact they're giving them drugs even more hardcore than that.
A whole new class of high-tech amnesiacs that will actually be a lot stronger than something like Halcyon that just knocks you out for the period you're on it.
But drugs that will knock out long periods of time before that.
Brain damaging drugs and
Wired Magazine and several others have done reports on this in the last few years.
One of them was the Marshall Plan about the top futurist at the Pentagon.
Looks like Dr. Evil named Dr. Marshall.
He's like 89 years old or something.
He's been at the Pentagon since it was built, they said.
But he goes, in the future, it won't be what our Army's equipment is.
It's what drugs will be on.
You can just look at him, and boy, you can tell he has been putting his hand in the cookie jar.
And that's a big part of this.
The Ninja.
600, 700 years ago, they were a secret society of assassins.
And they'd take a young man, train him, give him drugs, get him addicted to drugs, give him sex.
And it was mind control.
And they would train him that he was part of an elite and he was special and it was part of his religion.
And then he would commit one assassination.
And then kill himself.
With seppuku.
After doing the good job.
Literal mind control.
Dispose of themselves.
And that was just with cultural mind control and telling them that they were the elite and giving them, getting them addicted to some drugs and giving them the finest prostitutes.
So, that's the type of mind control that we're talking about and that we're dealing with.
And, uh, since the 40's, well, Hitler gave his troops steroids.
Anabolic steroids got their big start, uh, under Hitler.
In fact, the first use of anabolic steroids to bulk up and get big was during World War II when the Nazis, uh, sent pills and injections to the front lines.
And to make their troops bigger and meaner and all this other garbage.
But, um, they also gave their troops speed.
And look, that's one thing for Special Forces, if they've been marching for three days, it's an emergency situation, uh, you know, just do or die, yeah, take a, quote, stress pill.
Or a pep pill.
You know, they give the astronauts that.
That's, you know, break in case of emergency.
That's it, though.
No, no, no, no.
Now it's just take these, and it's about control.
And now they're coming out with all these designer drugs, and any statistic will tell you that the military bases are just rampant with illegal drug use.
But the legal drugs,
That the troops are on.
This then... I mean, you'll have basically a zombie, drugged out army.
They said they're giving them amnesia drugs and aggression drugs.
They've also been testing aggression drugs on them.
And they claim that, oh, you know, these four Delta Force operators from one unit, they came home and killed their wives because... because they were on a malaria drug.
Well, it turned out that wasn't the case.
Clearly, they've been part of some test project.
And, uh, you know, they come home and kill their wives!
Four of them!
And children in one case.
But why do four, one unit, in a one wing of Special Combat Applications Group, why come back and kill your wives?
Because they were, this was admitted, testing these aggression drugs on them in Afghanistan, and it's
Very addictive, these designer drugs.
And, you know, they bring some of the goodies home, folks, and well, your wife gets her head blown off or her head cut off in the process.
So, uh... There's already a problem with hardened combat troops killing people around them.
Usually it's somebody at the bar or somebody at the convenience store that smarts off to them.
Because you've already killed a bunch of people, you've gone over that line,
You have evaporated your inhibitions, and it's really weakness.
Our troops in the past didn't behave like this a lot.
They might have killed 50 people, but now they do.
They come home and they go on a bank robbery spree, or they just start shooting people, or they climb up on top of towers and start blasting people.
There have been some cases of that, but now it's getting more prevalent.
Heaven help us man, a bunch of drugged out troops running around and it's been admitted that from our internal sources and mainstream news they go into whole towns folks and they'll take every man down to age 10 and a lot of times they'll just pull off the road line everybody up because somebody from the town of you know small village of 500 shot at a tank with a rifle they'll take every man in the town
Send most of them to the camp, pick out ones they don't like the look of, walk them up to a ditch, and blow all their heads off.
You're like, good!
Kill them Iraqers!
But I thought, I thought we went there to save them.
But we're now, our people getting killed!
Number one, that's going to turn them against us.
Number two, when the Nazis did that to our troops, when the Vietnamese did that to our troops, when the North Koreans did it to our troops, when the British did it to our troops,
Was it okay then?
You know, that's the same attitude at Wounded Knee where you got a couple thousand Native Americans just standing there and our troops just mow them down with a gatling gun and ride them down and kill all the women and children.
Because they're animals anyways!
Bunch of sub-humans!
You know, we've done this before, folks!
Probably eight million Native Americans that were killed by the sword, another five million or so that died from disease over that hundred years.
But, oh, okay, okay, they're subhuman.
Alright, alright.
I'm an evil liberal because I'm against killing Native Americans, so we'll be conservatives.
We'll say they're all subhuman.
What about all the mining towns where you'd have a couple hundred people who'd come in, put their mining claim in with the state of Colorado or Nevada, and they're out there, and these are historical cases.
There's a couple hundred families, and the railroad comes and says, we don't care if you've had a claim on this for two years.
We want this gold field.
And so Pinkerton Security's called in.
They line up the Gatlin guns.
There was stuff like this happening turn of the last century.
Forget, you know, 150 years ago.
And they just came in and they wrote everybody down and killed them and murdered them and burned them and killed every woman and child.
Just Pinkerton Security.
And you know what?
The government's always going to be... Imagine riding on a horse back up to a woman with her baby.
Just cocking your shotgun.
Guts flying everywhere.
Dead babies.
We can do whatever we want!
They found the same type of people today, folks.
And they're putting them in black ski masks.
They're giving them power.
They've got their little secret police training camps all over.
And they're building this army of evil.
This army of darkness.
This army of darkness.
And I'm not going to put up with it.
I'm peacefully trying to fix it, trying to warn people, trying to wake folks up, trying to do something about it.
And by the way, all those guys that went out and killed those women and children, white people, they started out on Native Americans.
And before the New York Times takes us out of context, that Native American is just as valuable as some white settler.
The point is, is that to them, they were better.
They started out on Native American men.
Then they moved on to Native American women and children.
And twenty years later... You know, I got film from the twenties of a peaceful group of people on strike.
And it shows hundreds of police and private security men just open fire on them with Tommy guns!
You know, we had bonus marchers who'd been denied
We've been denied it for World War I. There are bonuses, they were promised.
So they were all homeless, like our troops are now, camping out by the Capitol.
And they sent in Douglas MacArthur and Eisenhower.
That's why both those men got promoted.
And they used tanks and machine guns and rode those men down and killed, I forget, it was dozens.
So don't think for a minute this stuff isn't going to happen.
They're gearing up for all of it again.
Of course, MacArthur had a soul, though.
At the end, he just said, I'm not going to let our troops be defeated.
I want to A-bomb the North Koreans, and I am not going to give my plans to the UN anymore as you can do this to me.
So they kicked him out of there quick.
Eisenhower never, you know, maybe in his last speech he said, beware the military-industrial complex and its undue influence, but he never really did what MacArthur did.
So I can forgive young men like MacArthur and
You know, they fought in World War I on the front lines.
MacArthur, I think, was shot 15 times.
I mean, serious wounds.
That was a tough guy.
What he did was wrong, but later he apologized for it.
Eisenhower never did.
The point is, they don't think anything of you.
And I've got the World Bank documents.
They're going to take you for everything you've got.
And they know you're going to get mad when it happens, and that's part of their plan.
So I hope and I pray people won't go along with this, because I'm just trying to warn people.
You know, the facts are the facts.
You know, if you don't want to believe this, it doesn't change the facts.
Stop living inside your head.
Stop thinking the world is what you see out of your two eyeballs.
The world is bigger than you.
It's bigger than me.
And so many people have this
This total focus is just on the next minute, the next hour, the next week.
It's me, me, me, me, me, me.
And you're so focused on yourself that you're going to lose yourself.
Those who are willing to give up their lives, gain them.
And those that were trying to keep them, lost them.
That is literal.
I used the analogy yesterday of the dogs running at you to bite you.
If you run back at the dog, every dog on the planet will turn and run.
If you have it in your heart, you're going to attack that dog.
Because we're bigger and we're meaner.
And that dog in his gut is afraid of us and knows we're the dominant species.
But if you run from that dog, he's going to tear you up.
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I got a star on my car and one on my chest.
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If I write you out a ticket, then you better drive slow, I'm just a-doin' my job on the highway patrol.
I'm the Highway Patrol, the Highway Patrol.
My hours are long, my pay is low.
But I'll do my best to keep you driving slow.
I'm just doing my job on the Highway Patrol.
There's an easy solution to this problem, okay?
USA Radio Network News, this is Russ Rossman reporting.
The father of missing nine-year-old Jessica Lunsford is pleading for the safe return of his daughter.
Despite massive search efforts involving hundreds of volunteers, there's been no sign of her and police say they begin to scale back search efforts.
Jessica's father, Mark Lunsford, told reporters today authorities will continue to look for his daughter.
Jessica Lunsford was last seen wearing a pink nightgown and white shorts after being put to bed at her home last Wednesday night.
A 59-year-old man police are holding in the BTK serial killings in Wichita, Kansas, could be formally charged this week.
Authorities say they have DNA evidence that links Dennis Rader to at least 10 murders dating back to the 1970s, and they feel their case is solid.
KAKETV anchor Susan Peter says police are taking items out of Rader's back shed.
You see him in the back shed getting evidence after evidence, taking it out of the back shed.
We imagine that's where he kept a lot of the evidence because he hid it all from his wife.
These are victims' driver's licenses, jewelry, all kinds of things that would lead him to the murder victim.
Peter says the BTK killer always kept in touch with the television station.
The killer sent letters to authorities and the media at the time, identifying himself as BTK, which stands for Bine Torture Kill.
This is USA Radio News.
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Yet another winter storm blowing through the Northeast.
Meteorologist Cameron Thomas describes just how much snow has fallen so far.
We're looking at general amounts, about 6 to 12 inches for most areas.
Across North Carolina, Virginia, a lot of snows have fallen already.
Generally about half a foot, some higher amounts, 6 to 8 inches for some areas.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the city is ready for snow with 1,400 plows and thousands of tons of salt.
Public schools throughout Philadelphia dismissed students today early due to the storm.
Washington, D.C.
area commuters are finding some messy driving conditions this afternoon as a winter storm pushes through there.
And this couple was on their way from Baltimore to Raleigh, North Carolina.
It is just wet and miserable and most of the people that we've encountered on the road have been behaving themselves, including the
18 wheelers and everyone else, but we're just hoping to stay ahead of it.
Maryland State Police say their troopers will work overtime if needed to make sure the highways stay safe.
This is USA Radio News.
Hi, I'm Leanne Rimes.
So you want to be a country singer, do you?
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, folks.
We've taken your calls.
And, of course, covering the news, Paul Watson coming up with a two-hour special news report.
We're going to cover just probably 50 different stories in the next two hours.
Coming up, though, I want to get into some of this
Nanotech technology news, nanotech revolutionizing, revolutionizing, I'm inventing words, revolutionary trend in our world today.
I'm as bad as Jesse Jackson now in inventing new words.
But we were talking to Patrick in Maryland, and he was talking about my book, 9-11, The Sentence to Tyranny, not to be confused with 9-11, the film, The Road to Tyranny.
And you were asking about other books.
Patrick, there's so many other great books exposing the Global Crime Syndicate, the New World Order.
Dr. Dennis Cuddy's books are excellent because they're mainly documents.
Charlotte Isserby's book, Deliberate Dumbing Down, about the Department of Education's admitted plan to dumb down our children.
I mean, she was the number two person at the Department of Education during the Reagan administration.
There are just hundreds of books and there's so many different subjects they cover that I really couldn't do justice to all of them, but
I personally, even though I've written a book, and of course Paul Watson's book that I published, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order, if we don't expose that governments carry out terror attacks against themselves and their own populations to scare their people into submission, we're really going to lose this fight.
That's the key.
Problem, reaction, solution.
So obviously my book, Paul Watson's book, there's a lot of other great books out there, but I personally like videos even better.
You can show people all the documents and the video clips,
While at the same time, most people don't read anymore, so they'll watch a video.
Does that answer your question, Patrick?
Sure, that's fine.
Alrighty, well I appreciate your call.
Thank you very much.
Take care, my friend.
By the way, did you see this this week, over the weekend?
I didn't see it.
I was driving in my car, listening to network radio news, and heard a top Russian reporter ask George Bush, the President,
Well, you're talking about Putin taking everybody's freedoms and crackdowns on liberties.
What about America with the Patriot Act and all the things that are happening there?
And Bush said, well, that's just ridiculous.
In America, we have oversight of the people.
If they get up in arms, we have to answer to them.
We have a changing Constitution, which isn't true, by the way.
I mean, it really is hypocritical.
And again, I'm not defending Vladimir Putin either.
You know, they always set this up like, well, we're good and Putin's bad.
No, you're all working for the same people.
You're all working for the same system.
And we're losing liberty whether it's in China, or Cuba, or Russia, or America, or Venezuela, or Nicaragua, or Canada.
I mean, all of Germany.
I mean, it's getting bad.
It's getting real bad.
We live in a country where they went and arrested over a dozen Christians and charged them with terrorism for praying on a street corner.
And thank God they had video of it all.
They didn't even raise their voices.
People go, well if they did they should get in trouble.
No, they could have been able to scream with a bullhorn if they wanted to.
The point is, is that they tried to put them in jail for 47 years.
And the judge finally dropped it.
But the point is, the federal prosecutors advised the city of Philadelphia, they tried it.
They tried to put him in prison.
Anti-war protesters have gotten two years in jail for standing with a sign on a street corner that says, no blood for oil in an unauthorized protest on a street corner next to 500 Bush supporters.
They're allowed to stay.
This is scary.
And the good news is we are defeating a lot of these frivolous actions, but the scary part is they're still trying to do it.
They're still trying to push this on us.
Okay, now let's try to go back to Illinois and see if DJ is now back to the phone or is able to hear us.
DJ, are you there?
Oh yeah, I'm here.
Okay, welcome.
I wouldn't miss that.
Go ahead.
Anyway, I don't know what happened before.
That's alright, go ahead.
I came across a couple of things yesterday and a friend
Came across the, what do you call it, Tim Russert?
Meet the Press.
Yes, Meet the Press.
I don't watch it, but a friend told me about it.
A reporter named Marie Dowd was one of the three on, and they were cutting her off, leaping her out, and then going to commercial.
She had no idea what they were saying.
At the time, you know, they were trying to cut out.
When I came back from commercial, they ignored anything.
I don't think this doubt, whomever she is.
What was the subject?
I did not see it.
I do not know.
That's why I'm asking.
Did anybody else see it?
So how do you know that they were cutting her off if you didn't see it?
That's what my friend told me.
She's usually not wrong.
Well, maybe somebody can call in about it.
Here's another question.
I still haven't had time.
I listened to the NPR show on the media, which airs throughout the weekend on like 700 radio stations or something ridiculous.
I haven't had time to listen to it myself.
They interviewed me about the Popular Mechanics hit piece.
Did anybody hear that?
I haven't heard it.
I was looking for it and I haven't heard it.
I wouldn't like to very much.
Yeah, well, maybe someday I'll get a chance to hear it.
I've been so busy trying to finish Martial Law, which is about a day or two away from being done.
There were two things on the History Channel last night about Hitler.
One was about him being on some pretty nasty drugs by his physician, his personal physician.
And it really sounded like the same M.O.
as Arnold.
And then the other one that I caught was about his supposed second book detailing extreme racial extermination.
And also his plans to invade America or to go to war with America.
Does anybody know about that?
Of course!
Whether the book really exists or whether it was just a shill put out?
Well, I mean, Hitler wrote all kinds of pamphlets.
Thanks for the call.
Of course, Mein Kampf or My Struggle was the big one that helped him rise to power with the help of British and U.S.
Let's now go to Chris in Texas.
Chris, go ahead.
Hey, how are you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
Are you enjoying yourself on this beautiful, awesome, sunny day?
Well, I'm in a little bitty studio, but I'd like to be enjoying it.
It is a perfect ten day.
Is it not?
And so was yesterday.
Oh, yes, sir.
You got that right.
Anyways, I'm not here to talk about the weather.
On 911let'sroll.org, there's a laser on there.
The laser footage, I'm pretty sure you're aware of that.
Have you seen that before, Alex?
I've had the great folks on from that site, and I encourage everybody to look at all the possibilities, but the Pentagon not being hit by a plane, stuff like that, belly bombs, we have talked about it, lasers, all that.
I just don't get into it and really focus on it.
We don't censor.
People can talk about it all they want.
I was just wondering, is there a way that they can track that trajectory from where the laser was coming up from, perhaps?
Well, I mean, again, sir, I just really don't have any comments on it.
What I do have comments on is public officials, Mayor Willie Brown, John Ashcroft, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Source, AP, Times of London, San Francisco Chronicle, MSNBC, being warned not to flood in New York the night before 9-11.
What I do know is CIA insider trading.
Leading back to Bozzi Krongaard, who is now in the Associated Press saying, leave Bin Laden alone.
This top number three man says, don't capture Bin Laden.
What I do know is, is that NORAD stood down, they were running drills, applying hijacked jets to the World Trade Center and Pentagon that morning, and the buildings did have bombs in it.
And all of that cannot be denied, and is absolutely provable and demonstrable.
Larry Silverstein says they blew up Building 7.
And that's the stuff I focus on.
Well, I got you on that.
I got one more comment.
Talking about President Bush, frankly, I think he's a total idiot, to tell you the truth.
I mean, for all we know, he could have been greased in in every facet of his life, from all the way from high school to getting to Yale and to do... I mean, just because we're a family.
Well, it's not for all we know.
Anyone else, sir?
It's not, sir.
It's not all we know.
They admit that anybody else would have flunked out of Yale.
Nick Cheney did twice.
Go ahead.
Yeah, it's just people that come from Yale just don't talk like the way he does.
And that's why I think most Americans kind of come to him and agree with him.
He's not too bright, and that's why I think most Americans say, oh, he's like us, you know?
It's just a really, really sad state.
That's a mind game they play.
This is a mind game.
Oh, a lot of Americans like him because he's an average guy.
He's not fancy.
He'd rather eat a hamburger than, you know, caviar.
And then people go, oh, he's like me because, oh, people like him.
And then we pick up on them saying people like him, and then people believe that.
I mean, look, Bush is a blue blood from Kenneyport, Maine.
He's not a Texan.
That's right.
And he's a total fake.
His fake is a $3 bill.
That's my point, Alex.
I used to watch you in 1997, back during the Clinton era.
Local cable access over here in Austin.
I remember sometimes some guys would just call in and do the chicken... You would just sit there and be really humil... You know, you had so much humility in dealing with a lot of those guys, but you don't get those calls no more, I've noticed.
Listen, I appreciate the call.
Look, five, six years ago... I mean, I love to tell this story because it's really the best indicator I've got for people.
Five, six, and now I guess about seven years ago, on local radio, where I started out.
I started out on cable access, still do the show once a week, it's great.
But I started out on local radio, and the show became number one in its time slot, very quickly.
Started out with a weekend show, got number one ratings, got a weeknight show, got number one ratings, then got syndicated.
But, uh, thanks to Genesis.
But, uh,
I would sit there and they had like ten phone lines in that studio.
That's not true.
They had nine of the ten phone lines hooked up.
Nine phone lines.
And about half the callers disagreed with me.
And I would go to the next call, they'd disagree with me, go to the next call, they'd disagree with me, go to the next call, they'd agree with me.
Today, on my own broadcast, on dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of AM and FM stations, on shortwave, the internet, satellite,
I give the number out.
We don't screen your calls.
You that have called are witnesses of that.
We say, what's your first name?
Where are you calling from?
Sometimes we'll ask how you're listening.
We should ask how you're listening.
I forget to do that.
We forget to do that.
It's always nice to know and occasionally plug some of our affiliates out there.
But today, I do my broadcasting.
People call in and say, you're not hardcore enough because this is about the only disagreement we get.
You're not hardcore enough because you don't think Jews run the New World Order, or you're not hardcore enough because you don't think the Catholics run the New World Order, or you're not hardcore enough because, you know, you don't believe exactly as I believe, or you don't believe in a national sales tax, or, you know, something like that.
Or you don't want to talk about lasers being fired at the Pentagon, or the Capitol, or at the Towers, or whatever.
I believe the New World Order is run by evil, corrupt people, regardless of what group they claim they're with.
Are evil people in control of almost every major group in the world?
That's why they're in the New World Order.
Yes, they are.
They're smart.
They get the positions of power to control the compartmentalized structures, the pyramidal power systems, you know, that hierarchical system.
But it's not just my broadcast, folks.
Every radio interview I do.
I normally do about two interviews a day on average.
Lately I've been refusing a lot of them because I'm trying to finish this film.
But it could be coast-to-coast AM.
Big, you know, second biggest radio show in the world.
It could be a liberal show, a conservative show, a Christian conservative neocon program where the host is attacking me, where they're not real Christians.
And almost, I mean, it's got to be 30 to 1.
I've sat there
This is such good news.
I've sat there doing two hour radio interviews, you know, on AM stations, covering, you know, ten states.
For two hours, and the host takes thirty phone calls.
Just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
And the host is attacking me, you know, on some of these other talk shows.
Four long shows, they're not attacking me like George Norrie doing a great job.
And I'm sitting there, but on, you know, big mainstream shows, I'm sitting there doing the interview, and the host is attacking me on some of these, and they start freaking out.
This has happened dozens of times.
What's wrong with you people?
Is it a full moon?
Why are you all agreeing with this kook?
And they'll just end up hanging up on me.
And I'll sit there.
You know how you'll go one, two, three, four, you know, four little ones, and then you'll, for number five, you'll draw a diagonal line through it.
And I'll sit there, all the callers that agree with me, it'll be like 29, 30 of those with one caller who disagrees with me.
I mean, you talk about a real poll.
I mean, you talk about a serious focus group.
You talk about really seeing what the people think.
I'm amazed by it.
I mean, I'll go on the radio in England, in Germany, in Australia, in Hungary, and none of the callers call in disagreeing with me.
And almost every caller that does call in disagreeing with me will say, I want to kill you, I want to get you in a jail cell and urinate on you, we're going to put you in a camp, I'm glad there's camps.
We've gone to the archives of different shows before and actually grabbed these callers out of it and posted it on the website.
I mean, it's a pathology.
It's a mindset.
When you talk to these people, it's like it's the same person, but it's not.
It's the same spirit, or mindset, or worldview, philosophy.
So, I mean, it's incredible.
That's the experience I've had.
A total shift.
A total shift.
I still get the death threats, and still get the mean emails, and stuff like that, and I still have the mainstream media attacking me like never before.
I mean, I'm getting attacked on a weekly basis by national publications.
But that goes with the territory.
And, you know, every once in a while, some of the criticism is valid.
I'm not perfect.
Unlike George Bush, who, when he's been asked many times if he's done anything wrong, he goes, no.
Oh, I have.
We make mistakes sometimes, not often, and when we do, we point them out, because we're about credibility.
We want you to check out what we say, because when you find out it's real for yourself and tangible, we believe you'll take action and save this country.
I'm doing what I do because the globalists are criminals, folks, and none of us are safe while they're in power, whether it's John Kerry or George Bush, or Hillary Clinton, who Bill Clinton's now out stumping for for El Presidente.
Let's, uh, what a nightmare.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeff in Ohio.
Jeff, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Good, sir.
The Bible says that God will raise up warriors in the final days, and I'm honored to be on the phone with one of them.
I feel that way.
Well, I'm just an average person, just like you, my friend.
I know that's how you feel, but you are a great man.
I had two questions.
You quote a couple of times
About a history channel program that reveals, I guess, Roosevelt's prior knowledge to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
And I was wondering if... Yeah, I think it's called Day of Deceit.
Oh, thank you so much.
Day of Deceit?
Okay, and that's where that information is?
I believe.
I'm going for... I think it's based off a book.
And I've had the Admiral's son on and a bunch of others.
You've spoken of it many times, but you never actually said what it was.
And I've been, I was like, everybody talks about it and I listen intently and you never say exactly.
What I need to do is have those guests back on.
It's been years since I've covered Pearl Harbor in detail.
Hold on for the break, I've got a couple other questions.
Sure, stay there.
We'll be right back on the other side of this transmission.
These important messages.
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Alright, we'll be right back.
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And so when I'm on a talk show, I just tell it like it is.
And a lot of us, you know, it's hard to talk about the New World Order and to say all these horrible things and to talk about all these horrible things happening, but it's the truth.
And so, we're not bad because we're telling the truth.
The truth hurts, it's scary, it's painful, but we have to do it.
It'd be worse to not do it.
Just let this evil, this
This malignant garbage is growing.
We have to tell the truth.
We have to take what looks like the scary course.
Because through that course, we're protected and have a better society.
The course of going along with it is the course of stagnation and degeneration and total enslavement.
We've got to buck up and stand up.
It's like when a big mean dog runs at you.
Run at it!
And 99.99% of the time, even if it's a trained attack dog, it's going to turn, folks.
Because they're not engineered, unless you're dealing with an elephant or something like that.
Certain species are different.
But you charge most of these so-called predator creatures, including our own species, you charge them, many times they'll turn off.
But I know this, if you run from them, they're going to get their blood up.
We need to stop running scared.
Before I go back to Jeff and Scott and Wyatt and others.
Seriously, if you want powerful videos that expose the mainstream media's manipulation, that expose the New World Order, that expose 9-11, that expose the occult activities of world leaders, you need to get my videos.
Whether it's Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, or 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, or The Masters of Terror, or Police State 3, Total Enslavement, you need to have these films.
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I thought one of the most compelling parts of 9-11 was the John O'Neill story.
And, uh, was it Greg Powles that he released W1999-2?
Is that the information that you dispatched?
Yeah, Powles hasn't given out his sources publicly, but, uh, yeah.
Now, is there any, uh, farther peaks into that document than the few JPEGs that have been available on the internet?
Like, is there... No, the FBI ordered the BBC not to release any more of it.
Oh my, yeah, that's wonderful, so...
Well, I don't want to belabor the point.
Well, a month before he died, he said, he told British newspapers, I quit because they're going to let bin Laden attack New York as a pretext to get oil.
I mean, he gave interviews.
Look, he left the FBI, said the government's going to be involved in something, went to New York to try to protect it, and then died in it, supposedly, on 9-11.
Yeah, I watched the Frontline story.
If any of your listeners want to go to the Frontline,
And watch The Man That Knew.
It is a skewed view of what happened, but it does chronicle, if you know the truth.
Oh yeah, it admits all the facts, just puts a disgraceful spin on it.
I've seen it.
Alright, thanks for the call.
Pardon me?
Afraid of watching your martial law film, you're going to have me hiding in the basement.
Oh well, it's coming out.
I hope you get it.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.